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2012.01.15 16:44 AndreasBWagner c++ questions and answers

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2010.02.03 15:03 ipit2007 Discussion of nutritious food

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2011.05.13 13:41 Buckaroo2 YAlit: Young Adult & New Adult Literature

Young Adult [YA] and New Adult [NA] Literature

2024.06.02 20:39 _LELEZ Honor Duel! Got stats for you and a nerdy spreadsheet you can clone and use. Feedback appreciated

Honor Duel! Got stats for you and a nerdy spreadsheet you can clone and use. Feedback appreciated
Hi reddit! I'm lelezero and I love honor duel. I am sad to see many many of you hate the mode cause I think it's full of space for experimentation, it's always fresh and it is very funny to play. Yes even against the RNG bullshit you think you're fighting.
I am commited to write a huge guide to help struggling players get their hands on this mode cause it's awesome and it doesn't even require spending real money to be enjoyed. That being said I need more time to complete my guide so if you're interested in that stay tuned!
On with the stats now!
The spreadsheet looks a bit like this (I took a screenshot of a portion)
In the past 2 weeks I played 77 runs (at the time of writing this) and I climbed roughly 600 points. Yes I play a lot I know (I also stream on twitch 5/6 hours a day honor duel gameplay if you're interested, lelezero on twitch is the channel hope to see you there!)
My favorite thing to do with this new tool is at the start of the run when I get to artifact selection I go and look up which one is the best performing for me and I also look at past runs to see when I did good with it what I was running (which heroes with which items and so on). It's so powerful to have your mind already set in the correct direction. Sometimes I still choose to experiment cause I want to see if something works out (so I can add it to the good strategies for next time) or if it doesn't (so next time I see I failed in the past and try to avoid it)
My server is pretty young (S460) I'm still on pre-season so I don't have districts just yet, I am in solid first place at the moment with 500+ elo points advantage over rank 2 but I hope after the merge someone will battle me on the leaderboard. There is people around at 5K points total I know, I'm still enjoying a +1 points on the 5 wins run and later on it will be tougher.
My cold takes (this means things I think everyone knows, but still nice to note):
  • Wilders OP (the last 24 games of 5 Wilders I played I had a 72% round win and gained 19 points per run on average)
  • Maulers suck
  • Graveborns work but only with very specific artifacts (limited amount like 4/5 at best)
  • Lightbearers I still haven't figured out (sorry)
  • Hewynn is OP
latest games with Hewynn playing with 5 Wilders
But if you wanna fight over these I'm all ears cause I'd love to be proved wrong, it would actually mean I still have a huge world of stuff to discover so please tell me you can make Maulers work or
My hot takes (now it gets interesting)
  • Pale Crown is not the strongest artifact, Swifty Book is (for context Pale Crown is "the Silvina" artifact while Swifty Book is the one that teleports the enemy backline in the middle and stuns them)
But I played more Pale Crowns than Swifty Books this might require more testing
  • Tranquil Flask is not as good as you think (the one that heals Wilders after 5s and then every 10s) I hope it's me and one day I'll understand how to make that work
  • Bone Scroll and Breeze Rider are too swingy to feel "good" to pick (Bone Scroll is the one that makes Maulers unkillable for some seconds and Breeze Rider is the one that stops your team from casting ultimates but deals waves of damage at intervals)
when they work you feel OP but many times they just don't want to work
  • The "strongest" hero is Florabelle (and not Silvina, nor Hewynn) My Flora has 18.8 avg points per run against Silvina 15 and Hewynn 13 (but I have to say Hewynn feels so powerful I tried to slot her in practically every team so the stats overall went down a bit, whereas Flora I basically only play in 5 Wilders so she "wins more")
  • Damian is a beast when used properly
latest games with Damian playing with 5 Wilders (had Hewynn too most of them tho)
Other funny things that came up with my spreadsheet giving me the chance to answer my own complicated questions like how good is this item, or is this item only good with this specific hero and stuff like that (I know you can have an idea built up with experience but it's nice to see stats and numbers prove it or disprove it!)
Swifty Book played with 5 Wilders in the last 2 weeks I had 6 games and landed 4 nine winners Illusion censer is on 3 out of 4 aswell In my last 15 nine winners only 1 was a clean 9-0 My average points per run if I DON'T play 5 heroes of the same faction is always a negative number, meaning I should start to never "splash" heroes here and there anymore (the only exception seems to be Immortal Flame in particular, it's the artifact that deals increasing damage every 4 ultimates of your team and I had success "splashing" Lucius and Rowan into 3 Wilders Grannie, Hewynn and Flora or Parisa. Makes sense cause you want to cast tons of ultimates so Rowan for extra energy and Lucius to stall the fight as long as possible) The best items overall seem to be Fire Dance (40g immediate ultimate with +20% damage) Crimson Abyss (ultimate costs 30% max HP cooldown 10s) Grandmaster Crown (+15% stats on Mythic units) and Decaying Ring (+11% of the carrier stats on all the same faction heroes) Grannie Dahnie with Stalwart Helmet is a beast (20g -40% damage dealt and taken)
There are so many more things I discovered these days but it's a nightmare to remember all of them and also take screenshots over and over to compare stats and paste them here. If this post receives attention I might go on and publish more tho!
Now what? You can use the same spreadsheet I am using! I'm sharing this work with you all, feel free to use copy modify and whatnot. Wanna have access to my stats cause you can't play as much as I do but you still want to see results? Wanna play stressless for fun so you don't feel like recording every run? I'll share my own file so you can visit (no modifications) and take a look, it should update every 5 minutes or so, it's almost live!
You should be able to see the spreadsheet, click on file and make a copy to use it on your own! (might require being logged in with google to have an account and a Drive space to clone the spreadsheet to) Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see added, I can't promise anything but I'm happy to help if I can
If you decide to use it read the README sheet first and carefully. To record a run you just need the end of the game screen (accessible in game with the top right button) and you can also use the sheet in a "mini" version where you just input the results and skip all the heroes and items so you are faster. If you play on mobile you can update the sheet when you're on PC later by looking at the battle logs. Chances are you already have your latest 100 games still there recorded if you feel like inserting those to start (all in a bunch it's a bit of a chore I advise against this but if you want the option is there!) Remember the new patch hit on the 10th or so of May so you can filter before and after patch games (cause heroes changed and so on)
unfortunately I cannot make filters editable for you otherwise anyone could mess up all my work
Have some good runs! May your 9s be plenty and close to each other
submitted by _LELEZ to AFKJourney [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:39 LieSouth3518 I'm so confused.

My Awakening only started at the end of last year (mid December). I wasn't even on a spiritual path at the time, so to say I wad shocked by it feels a like a massive understatement. It came on quick and it hit me hard. I actually think half my experiences are those of a Kundalini Awakening. If I try to explain. It all in detail I probably won't finish writing it till next week so will try to break it down to keywords of the main events, roughly in order of occurance. I believe it was actually triggered by meeting my (possibly) twin flame and bring given a deck of Oracle cards.
It started with what I first thought was a pretty violent earthquake (felt like the ground was going to open up n swallow me) But as I was about to say something, I realised it was only me that had experienced it. For the next week I kept hearing conversations, music and footsteps (almost non stop) I thought I had lost the plot of course but then it settled. I started pulling cards from the deck (voice of the souls) which hinted that a change was coming my way.
I relied heavily on the oracle cards in the beginning as they were actually answering every question I had for them. Eerily so in fact. But I think without them I would have admitted myself to hospital. After about a week, I started experiencing involuntary kriyas (body movements) mostly just in my right hand, but occasionally I would go through a whole yoga-like routine. (Which led to me learning of Kundalini awakenings).
Around the same time I would feel pulled to (if that's the right term) check my phone for the time and look up it's spiritual meaning (angel numbers and such) they further helped affirm what I was experiencing. Then things just got weirder and weirder. My hand, with its mind of its own started doing random things like reaching to the sky while in the middle of doing other things, pointing at random things, and even leadingng me around the house at times. All quite odd I thought.
This is where things started to go down hill
I had been writing down angel numbers here n there and decided I'd put them all in one book, and started to write a little introduction for it. I feel like I remember writing it but didn't click that something wasn't right till I signed it with a name other than my own. I had still written an I introduction as such, but it wasn't what I thought I has written down. Sadly I can't find it atm but I'm sure I will again.
I should add that at around this time, everything started going down hill for me. I had a major falling out with the woman I was living with (my possible twin flame), And my family. Till then I was actually feelin better and more positive than I had in a long time. And then all 3 just became so negative toward me. And I ended up becoming homeless as a result. I still don't understand what happened, but maybe what happened next had something to do with it....
Back to the angel numbers intro. When I read back over what I had written it went something like this. The following pages contain a list of the angel numbers and their meanings that D... has been receiving over the last couple of weeks. I am actually quite impressed with how far he has come in such a short time. In only a few weeks he has already reached a point at which could Write this introduction through him. I can't remember if there was more after that, but it was ended with the name Samael, and after googling the name I wasmy sure what to think. I know who it was referring to (I'm pretty sure), but that just confused me even more. I had never heard of him being referred to by that name before.
I'll try n wrap it up a lil quicker now with the part that has troubled me the most since.
Shortly after the random channeling?, I had multiple conversations with Samael. More like q&a times really of which I still have most written down in note books. It started with him telling me he was watching my progression and was impressed with it thus far, and would continue to watch over me.
Oddly enough, it felt more like talking to a friend or someone like that. Then after a little while he started telling me that I needed to remember who I am. Just after he had said that and I thought to myself, who am I? I had Revelations 10-13 pop into my head. Not the bible verse itself (as I've never read it before). I tried to ask him aswell but he said he couldn't tell me and I had to figure that out for myself. I also asked about the bible verses, why they had popped into my head to which he just replied, "I suggest you read them and you may be able to answer that yourself. I did try, but it just ended up distressing me so I couldn't finish it at that time. He only communicated with me a couple of times after that, and made it sound like I had to realise who I am before it's too late. He did seem to be getting a little frustrated, asking why I denied myself. I got a cpl of short msgs from him Since but nothing in the last month or so. In the last one he said something about being glad that Ziekiel and myselfdecided to join him in his fight. And that 'they' couldn't comprehend what will happen if we can't stop them before it's too late.
Up until this point. My life had been he'll for me, ever since the age of 9after a traumatic event left me suffering majordepression and anxiety. I'm 43. The other thing that Maffra my life so hard was actually something my mum had told me around 30yrs ago I'm guessing, that she believed I was here with a grand purpose. That I had something important to do in this lifetime. That thought tormented me well into my teens when I started smoking weed to try and stop the emotional roller-coaster that had been my life.
Maybe that's why it took me so long to wake up?
My mum was quite spiritual being a healer and doing numerology. But sadly I wasn't back then. She passed away back in 2006. If only she was here now. But she did do a numerology report for me before then and that just added to my feeling of not living up to what or who I was meant to be. My life/destiny Number is a 33/6.
And would you believe that I also believe, due to a few synchronicities that I am quite possibly a starseed too? Because, It's kinda leading me back to the belief that maybe I am nuts, but deep down I know im not. It's just too much. It does help explain a few things tho. Like feeling like I wad adopted or something, a sense of not belonging. And my sensitivity to negativity.
Anyway, if there is anyone out there that can help me, in any way, to make sense if it all. To say I'd appreciate it would be an understatement.
Namaste 🙏
submitted by LieSouth3518 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:39 HolyFrijoles89 Issues with record button in speaking feature for Spanish.

I really like this app, it has helped my vocab and pronunciation a lot which is why i use the speaking feature most of the time. However, i run into problems with the record button constantly. I’ll go through many phrases recording fine, then the button will stop working completely and freeze up then i have to restart the application because i cant record my voice in order to answer the question. I have to pray i get through a session without the record button randomly stop working. Is this a known issue for anyone else using the speaking feature? Is there a fix for this? It seems like this has started happening more often recently than before.
submitted by HolyFrijoles89 to clozemaster [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:38 MicroMasta My collection

My collection
Got a few pickups I was happy about recently so I thought I'd share a slightly updated picture of my collection. I have quite a few downloaded from the store as well, but I like to go for physical when possible. If anyone ever wants to play anything or just make their dashboard less lonely my Gamertag is MicroMasta3939.
submitted by MicroMasta to xbox360 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:38 Hairy_Company Some great tips to use the law it may open your mind..

We read Neville books and reddit to understand about law very well but when we have to take action many people don’t do anything or doing technique like magic and feel stuck. we know law deeper by testing the law everyday. since I know the law I learn so much. so here some tips to share with you which I learn in my journey..
1)Thinking intellectually vs thinking experientially : we read books and read from more sources is thinking intellectually but when we test the law we start thinking experientially and both are very far different we develop our skills we use law many ways we getting insight easily how to use law in any type of situation and we get flexibility and its only happen when we use law as thinking experientially so use the law more and more when you understand the law with this then you automatically understand what is right and what is wrong..
2) Deal with 3d : Neville focus on non reactiveness to 3d it means we are human we react to circumstances to certain degree positive or negative which is directly correlation to your thinking experientially and it help us to maintain positive degree of reaction. When we test law everyday we get experience how to deal the 3d in effective manner.
3) Information overload : its a true enemy of law dont bombard with information from more sources Neville lecture and book is enough. only reading help you to gain knowledge and soo much knowledge create mental disability to test the law when negative circumstance arrive find difficult to use law doing diff techniques everyday asking question complicating things reading soo much information makes you blank and create confusion and brain fog that difficult to use the law effectively.
4 ) Dare to Accept circumstances : forgiveness is key to make you lighter and removing your burden. so dont resist 3d. deeply understand his army story when he want discharge. Neville said accept the situation as it is, don’t resist, don’t fight, just allow it and forgive revise and start change in 4d not 3d so when we get betrayal or loss or anything do corrective measure 3d which is right for you. then use revision if certain past memories pop up too much..
5) Technique not its your being manifest: what your current state is you feel being sad then sad bridges of incidence being happy then happy bridges of incidence you feel hurt then hurting bridges of incidence being feel poor being feel hopeless being feel lonely you give energy to it ever day feed like watering plant everyday and more awareness is stick to that state more its grow so focus on positive aspects of everything and success completely depend on how naturally use the law so use law more & more to know that ..
6) True foundation and first step is to understand that you are god : if you don’t have very strong foundation. your faith shaken very easily in very small negative event it affect your soul so much that easy to give up very early then never use law again so takes your times to deeply understand that you are GOD then you get your power back then start test the law.. so repeat with me I AM I AM
7) Focus goes energy flow : where your awareness is focused its came to life. its important to understand that awareness is our true god when we aware and focus on something its start to grow and blossom in 3d with bridges of incidence and it don’t care what you are aware of it materialize it may be positive or negative and then mental diets comes to play important role so focus on positive aspects.
8) Feeling is secret : when we start doing SATS I feel so tedious to focus on vivid image and maintained repeat same scene with vividness like you do some type of effort feel exhausted like focus on specific things again difficult to maintain right state instead just do natural event very short and feel realness of that desire
e.g. holding hands of your ideal wife or counting 100 dollar bill or touching your car and feel it like you experiencing now when you get feeling then catch that feeling and maintain that feeling that’s the law.. feeling precedes imagination and we get feelings first then we generate right images that match those feelings so its important have right feeling. being married being attractive etc. it will manifest just persist that assumption until you no longer want to do it.. then see magic
This one is more important and hit me like aha moment !
9 )More specific more delay and less specific less delay: One more thing if we become too specific then law takes times to manifest and not impossible but difficult for e.g. if your neighbor have Bugatti car and you use law to get neighbor Bugatti car instead of new Bugatti car then you have indirectly attach to neighbor Bugatti car. Using law this way more difficult to create bridges of incidence to manifest that Bugatti car. it may possibility that neighbor donate you his Bugatti car or neighbor gift that car to you in birthday that’s already feel unnatural right or he become bankrupt then he sell his car in very low amount to you etc. that event require more time. But it manifest but again time is important.
another e.g if you want to marry specific girl which you know very well and she is the only girl you chosen and using that law to manifest her its not impossible but its takes times to manifest her because time required to create bridges of incidence to that specific girl have get your feelings or if she is in relationship with 3p that negative event require to happen then realize that you are true love then she come to you that bridges of incidence require tremendous faith and time its depend on your inner man. if we use law for ideal partner with great looking its easy to manifest ideal because we have no attachment and more wide range of partner to select on earth.
another e.g you want money and you restrict yourself to earning money only from stock and using the law to manifest wealth from stocks its takes times to manifest. instead if we manifest wealth and there is no specific channel we decided then we get money from unexpected sources even from stocks too..
law easier to manifest from randomness and takes too much time to manifest specific person or specific thing from specific person so on. don’t decide path or too much specific details its feel like we controlling 3d indirectly only decide outline and we manifest far more easier.
Conclusion: I understand this very early and by testing law and now you may get some insight from my experience sorry for my English and good luck

submitted by Hairy_Company to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:36 whitewolffire get hit with "i'm sorry you see it that way"

This morning, I was trying to explain something to my Ngrandma about a water pitcher that purifies that she had wanted. In the middle of trying to explain, she cut me off and asked how the water tasted, When i said it tasted fine-(which from here I was going to offer some from the same pitcher and bring it to her) she cuts me off again stated I don't need it if it just tastes fine. So, (kinda irritated because cut off) I say okay and stop talking about it.
As, I'm walking out the door to pick up food for her, she starts asking me questions about it again. I tell her to look it up and tell her the name as i walking out. (in a short, kinda irritated tone, I will admit) She proceeds to text me as i'm going to pick up her food about how i can "cancel her order before I even pull out of the driveway." and how "she's not interested and doesn't have an appetite left" I sent her a text back explaining she cut me off before I could explain so of course i was frustrated and then asking as i'm trying to leave. I told her I wasn't cancelling the order because it also had my food with it as well. So she can eat it later
she sent me back "i never expect niceness from you. You're always short and ugly with me and no who wants further information when i ask what the water tastes like and I get it tastes okay. I can eat my food dried up reheated and disgusting. maybe you could want to speak to me nicely without a tone."
(btw I offered to get her food because I was running out to get something to eat before work. she zelle'd me 20$ and after this I just zelle'd her the money back. We have tons of food in the fridge, we had already cooked pork and chicken with stir fry veggies that were made the night before.)
I texted "when i first started talking I was politely bringing it up and let you know it was an option. I was not short. I was not ugly when I first brought it up but youu cut me off it was very rude. That doesn't recieve niceness because you were rude and cut me off. You didn't even let me finish my sentence about how the water tastes before cutting me off. Why would I answer questions if i'm just going to be cut off and talk to like that? no."
It proceeded to descend into me getting frustrated and mad. I don't know how she does it but stuff she does pushes my buttons. this woman raised me, beat me and emotionally destroyed me at points of my life. But i'm still helping her because noone else in the family can stand her. She lost her job after a hip surgery and needs a decent amount of help. I see a therapist and it's helped a lot handling her.
It became about how I needed to get off her back and how I destroyed her appetite and how she can't simply have a nice meal. She refused to acknowledge her being rude to me. I know if i did the same thing to her she would loose her mind, call me names, tell me i'm an ungrateful b*tch etc.
I told her i sent her 20$ back when I got home and put the food in the microwave since she said she didn't want it. She said "i didn't ask for you to send it back" and about how I drug it out so much. I explained to her in calm words about how she refuses to acknowledge what she did wrong. If i had done that to her she would be mad as hell. She tells me "I'm sorry you see it that way for me asking about how the water tastes"
I said it's not about the question its the fact she cut me off multiple times and then after calls me rude.
She also proceeds to make fun of me by doing the side side against her chest(insinuating i'm mental disabled) in loud slurred words mocking me for wanting an apology from there proceeds to jump to "Oh do you want to beat me and maul me?" I just kinda laughed because of the jump in logic. She proceeds to hop up and begin crying about how she can't even have a simple meal without being treated like this. I did say here "you can cry all you want" (when i was a kid her crying would make me feel so bad, now I just kinda feel numb towards it?)
She instantly flips a switch starts yelling at me to leave her alone and she storms into her room. Ranting and raving. She at one point says You better not run your mouth at E(my boyfriend) or he's going to smack you across the mouth. I told her to repeat herself even though i heard her and she said the same thing but added he might smack you if you act like that. (she has on previous occasions told me that my boyfriend and my friends would never like me if they knew the real me)
I told her simply apologizing and acknowledging what she had done would have solved this earlier. She stood in front of me and said "i'm sorry for cutting you off" In a super sarcastic way and I said thank you. I appreciate it and finish eating my food. She said every time I cut her off she's going to make me apologize and I said okay that's fine.
I hear her even know ranting and raving about how I'm evil and how I didn't let her simply eat her food in peace, How I must get off on making her ill and how I've never opened my big trap to apologize to her for worse things. (when I was younger, I would exclusively apologize to try and make life easy but as an adult I have stopped apologizing for thing I know I'm not in the wrong for. I'll apologize for my tone or stuff like that but when she puts hands on me I don't apologize for defending myself like i use too.)
Sorry for the long rant, just needed to get it off my chest. I feel like a loon most of the talking to her. I've talked to my boyfriend about it as well and he's heard her over the phone talking to me. He says she talks to me like i'm a dog. My friends have heard her as well and they always tell me i need to move out and be free. It's just so expensive to move out and some weird string still attaches myself to her. I'm always worried I am being rude or mean because i feel rather numb toward her a lot now. I use to feel so crazy as a kid, that I was a bad child and as an adult sometimes, I still feel bad when I can't find it in myself to care anymore.
submitted by whitewolffire to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:36 EpictetusCubed Considering getting a PS2, have a few questions

My wife and I are considering getting a 2024 PS2- Either Pilot/Plus or Pilot/Plus/Performance, most likely the performance. I'd be grateful for any answers I could get on a few things from those of you that already have a PS2!
For context, in case it is helpful to where I'm coming from, I've been researching the PS2 and other cars quite a bit, and will be test-driving one and perhaps signing a lease here in the next week or so. I've been driving Audi's (currently an S5) for the last 15 years or so, but we fell in love with the Kia EV6 we got a while ago and it's time to get "me" a new car. It's likely going to be a PS2, Genesis GV60/GV70, Ioniq 6, or another EV6. I haven't ever taken a car to the track or done anything other than TSD rally's, but I do enjoy decompressing by taking a day or more to drive out on mountain highways, so a well handling car is something I enjoy. I'll be test driving a PS2 here soon, but I don't want to spend all that time fiddling with the app store or testing CarPlay integration, etc.
(1) In some reviews, I've heard that the Android Automotive system/OS doesn't support multi-tasking or easily switching between running apps. E.G. You can't have Waze running in the background while using another app. I typically have Waze running to alert on hazards, speed traps, etc even when not using it to navigate.
I prefer Google Maps (I know that Google Maps and Apple Maps both integrate with the instrument cluster but Waze does not), and on the EV6 use the built in nav system for various reasons, mostly because it integrates very nicely with the HUD. The review I saw this in was a little old, and I believe the newer OS updates may have resolved this. Can anyone confirm that, and does anyone know of a recent video walkthrough of the infotainment system? The most recent I found was this one.
So as an example - I want to be using the built in Google Maps for navigation, have Waze running in the background to alert on upcoming hazards/speed traps, and use something like Spotify, ABRP, or Plugshare in the foreground.
(2) On our EV6, we use the CarlinKit 5.0 CarPlay adapter and have been very happy with it. Has anyone used it or something similar? Do the USB ports in the back seat work for connecting a CarPlay/AndroidAuto device, or are they charge only? I'd like the wireless CarPlay adapter to be out of the way if possible.
(3) How good are the back seat cupholders at holding a bottle while the car is being driven? I usually have a water bottle and possibly a drink, and if my wife is in the car, we typically will have twice that many. I can probably tolerate having just one main holder and the door pockets (no, I'm not giving up my armrest for any length of time), but as long as I can reach back to the fold down cupholders in the back seat, that may be OK.
(4) How well do the driver profiles work? Does each keyfob/phone automatically change the car to an associated profile? What happens if my wife and I both bring our keys/phones into the car? I presume the profiles support seat/mirror positions, do they also support radio/SiriusXM presets, driver settings, etc?
Thanks very much!
submitted by EpictetusCubed to Polestar [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:33 limabeanquesadilla Questions about an experience I had with a medium

Mods please delete if this type of inquiry is not allowed.
I am on mobile so I apologize in advance for formatting issues.
I visited a medium this past Friday. She is considered one of the best in my state and has over 200 5 ⭐ reviews online. A very good friend saw her after her step dad passed and got a lot of questions answered and received closure and felt her grief was lessened significantly. I, unfortunately, did not have that same experience with the medium, at all. I was hoping to reach out to my mother, who passed away after a very long illness earlier this year. I was somewhat prepared for her passing so I am not in the “wild and crazy unpredictable mood” stage of grief any longer. My mom had lost the ability to speak, besides a handful of words in 2004. The medium I saw knew immediately, correctly that it was my mom I was trying to reach, and said she came through strong. She said my mom’s death was the result of hypertension and this isn’t true. Her precipitating illness nor death were the result of high blood pressure, she never had or was diagnosed with this. She told me to keep an eye on my own blood pressure and I do tend to run high and yes probably need medication for that. My life and career are very stressful. The medium said that my mom is showing her Mickey Mouse, riding on a motorcycle and horses (all during separate times of the one hour reading.) Not one of these mentions, I felt, made any connection to my mother. She didn’t like horses, we never had one, never took lessons, didn’t live on a farm etc. Also were never Mickey Mouse fans aside from my little sisters having Disney VHS tapes. We never went to Disney, or even thought about it. There was nothing Mickey Mouse in her home or the nursing home so was later put in. The only relevant thing, the VHS tapes are now at my grandmother’s house and have been for years and years. The medium said my mom was on a motorcycle with a male relative that died when he was a child. This also didn’t happen in my family. I have a small family and the deceased males are my grandfathers and uncles only, my grandpa was the youngest to die at age 54. I should mention that my sisters and I have a significant age difference- they are 8 and 10 years younger than me. They are incredibly irresponsible and one struggles heavily with an active drug addiction. I haven’t talked to her in almost a year. My other sister wants a specific necklace that was my grandmothers, then my moms and my mom always wanted me to have it. My sister has been asking for this necklace since my mom died, it’s all she wants. I haven’t given it to her bc she loses everything, doesn’t have stable housing and before my mom’s illness she told me it would be mine. It’s a unique gold necklace (no diamonds or gems) so its value is very very sentimental to me, not so much worth $, except being gold. I told the medium my sister has asked for it several times and she cut me off and said “give it to her, what are you doing with it anyway?” Well I’m wearing it and was wearing it during the reading. I would be shocked if my mom actually wanted her to have it honestly. She literally yelled out “WEAR THE EARRINGS, YOUR MOM SAYS WEAR THE EARRINGS DON’T SAVE THEM FOR A SPECIAL OCCASSION!” The problem with this is there aren’t any earrings besides a pair of small hoops my mom got as a Christmas gift after she was sick, she never even wore them, and she was buried in her ruby earrings that she loved. If I had those I would be hesitant to wear them but not the hoops. I just haven’t even really thought of them, I don’t know why my mom would think I wasn’t wearing them because I was saving them for anything. The motorcycle isn’t anything I can correlate either, besides the fact her boyfriend after high school had one. She ended the reading by telling me not to have so much self doubt and asked to hug me saying she doesn’t usually hug her clients. She recommended that I attend her expensive school/classes for intuition and processing life essentially, and gave me a flyer for it. During my reading she mentioned I should read her book, that her second book is out soon, and her work with the FBI. I felt like she was trying to validate herself with me. Did I do something wrong for this reading to be so inconsequential to me? Is she a dud and has fooled others desperately hoping to connect with their loved ones? Any advice is appreciated.
Edited to add that I fully believe and my entire family believes in mediumship and special gifts and always has. My grandmother had what she called a “reader” that she used to visit yearly until that person’s death. I feel I even have heightened intuition.
submitted by limabeanquesadilla to Mediums [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:32 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 31

[First] [Previous] [Next]
The forbidding feeling of something approaching didn’t leave Giovanni even after an entire day. He had gone through the motions of his work, keeping guard in the Seal of Palien while, at the same time, taking care of the many needs of its populace. He was technically a mere deacon, another assistant of the many performing duties before their formal education in the Seminary of the Saints, but he had been calling the shots in Palien’s church for a while now, a little advantage of being a friend of the local family of priests for several generations.

He instructed the older priests on how to properly perform the sacraments, he oversaw the renewal and maintenance of the Seal underneath the church, and he listened to the woes and problems of the general populace with a smile and the wisdom of many lives behind his back.

It was a tiresome duty, but one that Giovanni performed with a satisfied smile on his face
 except for today. Today, he couldn’t shake away the bad feelings, the unnerving sensation of something being deadly wrong in the world.

The dread would follow him even as he finished his occupations and climbed the stairs of one of the church’s towers, right up to his bedroom.

“This climb will kill me one day.” He said, shaking his head slowly. He knew the degenerating process of his body better than most, and he knew for a fact he wouldn’t be able to make that climb once he grew older. “I guess it’s best that I enjoy the view now that I can.”

He was just a pessimistic mess that day! But he was confident that this was nothing that a nice cup of sleepytime tea couldn’t fix.

Once in his bedroom at the top of the tower, Giovanni looked around the place with a smile. There was an electric kettle, an old laptop, some bookshelves, the door to his bathroom and his comfortable, cushy bed. The sight brought a smile to the young man’s face, this had always been the peaceful kind of life he had craved for so long
 Why couldn’t he simply enjoy it?

He carefully sat by the laptop after filling and getting his kettle to work. Checking on the latest news, the world continued to spin in the same way he always knew. News of war in the West brought pain to his heart, especially knowing that he, as a mage, couldn’t really do a thing about it beyond donations and general sympathy. Capitalism was still rampant in most of the world, corruption was even worse, the news of the Sleeper World had always been kind of

But maybe it was better than the absolute lack of motion in the Mage World. The Eclipse was coming soon, an event that would connect the different Layers of Reality far more intensely than ever before in some portions of the world, and that was concerning; the mages of the great Empire of Bisontia were involved in some heated conversations and the word ‘Revolution’ had been thrown out several times.

Alright, so maybe it wasn’t a ‘lack of news’ as much as a ‘lack of GOOD news’.

And then there was MustafĂĄ.

Giovanni sighed, rubbing his temples softly while watching the recordings Blanco had sent him. MustafĂĄ was already showing Tav some powerful magic, so he could only assume the woman was serious about training her. But why? After forsaking the magical world and the Brotherhood, why did she suddenly decide to act?

What did she know that he didn’t

The answer would come to him in the form of a call. Just as the young mage got ready to prepare his tea, his phone started vibrating to the tune of an old poppy, happy song. He wasn’t used to getting calls at this time of the day, but he had promised himself to always be open to help anyone, no matter the time of the day. Big was his surprise to see Mustafá’s name on the caller ID.

He tried to temper his excitement, but he couldn’t help getting a bit giddy. The old alchemist never had anything good to say to him, for the days where they could collaborate and speak to each other on friendly terms were far gone
 and yet he always had a feeling of relief when hearing her voice.

Knowing that she was still out there, doing her thing, was a confidence booster to Giovanni.

Eventually he stopped dilly dallying and finally answered.

“Well hello ther—”

“Be quiet. I don’t have much time.” Mustafá immediately stopped his attempts to make conversation. “The Second Sacrifice is upon us.”

Giovanni paused. Now that was bad news
 he didn’t even bother doubting the woman’s words, mostly because: a) She never made jokes, and b) She must have been real desperate to share this with him.

“...How long do we have?” He finally said. He could have complained, demanded to know for how long she had known and why hadn’t she said anything sooner. But, this wasn’t the time to bicker.

“Months. Not sure how many, but it won’t be beyond this year.” Mustafá was speaking fast. Clearly, she wanted to keep this brief.

“So this is what this feeling was about
” Giovanni closed his eyes. “Starting point? Dobrand again?”

“The North Pole.” She stated, simply.

“Why there of all places?” The young mage sighed, shaking his head slowly. “Fine, I will start investigating this at once.”

“Keep me informed. I have to go.” The alchemist didn’t give time for a retort, she immediately hung up.

With a sigh, the man of the tower looked out his window for a moment, shaking his head. He couldn’t just take a trip to the North Pole all of a sudden, the Seal would be left unguarded and insecure, and he had made a promise that he would never allow such a thing to happen again. It was what he owed the Blair Clan, after all, at least until they reached a breakthrough in their investigation.

And he knew that wouldn’t come for at least two or three more generations.

So, instead of dwelling on possibilities that may never come to fruition, Giovanni decided to do the best he could and simply start moving the pieces he did have at his disposition. He started serving himself a cup of tea, while tapping the numbers on his phone and calling Blanco again.

He knew the old vampire despised phone calls and vastly preferred messaging, but for things this important, Giovanni felt like they had to talk.

Eventually, the call connected.

“Hi G, is this about the whole ‘Second Sacrifice’ thing?” Of course, the vampire had heard everything. Giovanni smiled bitterly, thinking that this at least made explanations easier.

“Yes Blanco. I need you to divert some of the time I commissioned from you into investigating the North Pole, and any North Pole-related stories that you find.” The young priest sighed. “I am sorry I keep loading you with work.”

“It is a little boring but I can do it, no problem.” Blanco sounded upbeat about the whole thing. “So
 the end is nigh?“

“We are actively trying to stop it.” Giovanni frowned.

“Well, not to be a downer, but you don’t exactly have a good record doing that.” The vampire snickered. “Should I start renewing the security in my bunker?”

“As if you weren’t going to do that regardless of the situation!” With another sigh, the priest took a sip from his tea. “Just, please inform me if anything changes
 I have to go to sleep.”

“Have pleasant dreams! As long as you keep paying, I’ll keep you informed of everything!” That was the closest thing the monster had to a code of morals.

“Thanks, Blanco.”


The young man sighed, he sighed like a man several times his own age. Despite the immortality of his soul, Giovanni could feel the years accumulating on his shoulders, weighing him down no matter how young his body was. Maybe he was an old man, as MustafĂĄ said so often.

With the arrival of the night in Palien, the young mage took a seat on his bed, finished his tea, and got ready for a full night of sleep. His speciality was magic of the soul, after all, and there is no point where our souls are more free than during sleep

He had many questions to ask, and very little time
 he could only beg that the visions would be less cryptic this time.

I take fifteen minutes or so cleaning my face, and my thoughts. The feeling of cold water on my face is refreshing and honestly really nice, even if it kind of makes the hairs sticking out more obvious. Maybe I should invest in a better razor or something.

“Shaving is good!”

“It’s kind of useless though, no matter how much you shave, it will just pop out again.”

“Not a reason to not do it though!”

With a sigh, still thinking about so many things at the same time, I walk back into the living room. Mustafá is not here, I assume she must be in the kitchen or something
 so I just shrug and check on my backpack to pull out my meds. Even if this whole ‘trans’ business doesn’t pan out, I really should talk about my psychiatrist about the dosage.

“You should talk to him about many things, like getting you in contact with a therapist

I flinch a little there. I really don’t feel like asking another therapist for help, considering how badly my last session went, but
 maybe you’re right. Maybe I should give it another whirl. I smile a little bit to myself, feeling proud of actually reaching this conclusion, when Mustafá walks out of the kitchen. Her lips are doing that thing again, the high-speed casting, as she guides a line of octarine light from the kitchen and around the living room. I stare as she walks on top of my furniture, tracing the edges of the room.

Soon enough, she walks to the hallway, leaving behind that line of light which, I assume, is a spell. I walk a little closer, squinting, just to see that indeed, the line of light is actually several runes forming a repeating phrase. I don’t see any shapes I recognize there
 so I sigh. This is going to be a hard task, translating things, right?

Mustafá returns from the hallway and then, ignoring me completely, she goes back into the kitchen. I hear a strange sound, like a bell ringing
 and the line of light disappears completely. I assume the spell is now in place.

“The spell is now in place.” The woman confirms, walking out of the kitchen. “Are you ready to go out? We have one final task to take care of before we can actually start your instruction."

“Are we going to the Elysium?” I tentatively ask, tilting my head as my teacher (oh how weird it feels to call her that) walks over to the door and opens it.

“No. You’re taking me to the Department of Motor Vehicles.” She says. “Take Gato’s book too, you will continue to read while we go.”

“... To the DMV.” My old arch nemesis. I still remember when I had to get my driver’s license

“Page 24.” She mentioned, walking off.

With another sigh, I pull the book to read it carefully after I exit and close the door behind me. I really despise having to read while I walk, but fortunately Gato’s book isn’t especially heavy or hard to understand, besides, I can just check it out while we enter the elevator!

I have to wonder though, wouldn’t it be easier to just tell me, instead of ordering me to read the information in a book? I am starting to think Mustafá is quite lazy

submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:32 DARBS95 Trying to reset Mac stuck on find my

Trying to reset Mac stuck on find my

Hi guys, trying to reset my Apple MacBook Pro (2019) but whenever I get to the sign out of find my section it never loads, I’ve signed in with Apple ID and verified etc

It just gets stuck on the circle loading symbol once I put in my password.
I’ve left it like this for over an hour and nothing, anyone got any ideas?
submitted by DARBS95 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:31 w_w_s_muller Discussion about 3D in film as a way attract audience to cinema, pros and cons of technology and feasibility of using 3D in low to mid budget production.

We all know what is happening and we all know it will not change if we will sit and wait, Studios still don’t have Insaf data to make good assessment how to move forward, and cinemas management team see only today and don’t think of tomorrow, so they will milk the audience which still goes to cinema till moviegoers have Insaf and only in cinema will stay cinephiles, so I want to start conversation on possibles avenues on ways theatrical cinema can be more interested for audience. And is funny because I myself don’t rill care much about 3D films, but 3D boom once revigorated cinema. Technology is moving forward we know it can be incentive for moviegoers in big production, the question is 3D can be used in smaller productions. Simple scenario what if horror like “Quiet place” or “Bird box” was made in 3D and put right now in 2024 in cinemas, could it enhance the experience for movie goers and move the needle in box-office up. Is it possible to make low to mid budget film using 3D technology. Or the costs of 3d production are to hey to be feasible. I’m looking for honest opinions and if someone has experience and production knowledge maby a recommendation for book or article regarding 3D film production, because I myself lack of knowledge to answer this question.
submitted by w_w_s_muller to cinematography [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:31 regboi29 Lesson #5: Fresh Takes on Old Tropes (Reedsy)

Lesson #5: Fresh Takes on Old Tropes (Reedsy)
Can you feel your romance novel beginning to take shape? You’ve worked out the details of your sub-genre, sketched out your main protagonists, and you’ve got a rough idea of how you want the flow of your narrative to work.
But even with all those details in place, there still must be more at play than just two characters falling in love. Enter tropes, those fun little plot bunnies that make category romance what it is! Let’s take a closer look.

Great expectations: why tropes matter in romance

As I’ve mentioned before, romance readers are really big on expectations being met. They want a satisfying, happy ending, but along the way, they want certain familiar events to happen. They want to see their favorite tropes at play — old flames reunited, opposites attracting with reckless abandon, an unplanned pregnancy
 it’s all part of the romance experience!
This genre is all about escape. Readers want to be able to slip into the sweet, emotional saga and know it’s going to deliver on exactly what they need — drama, swoon-worthy embraces, and those comforting benchmarks they know will somehow lead to a picture-perfect ending.
In other words, it's not about whether there will be a happy ending, it’s about how the couple will get there... and which of your favorite twists and turns they’ll experience along the way.

A trope with a twist: keeping things interesting

“But Kate,” you might ask, “don’t romance readers get bored after reading the same tired tropes over and over again?”
The short answer is: no, they don’t!
The longer answer is that while romance tropes are pulled from a very particular pool, they aren’t always executed the same way, and that’s what keeps things fresh from story to story.
Take this classic romance trope: an unplanned pregnancy. Figuring out how to best execute the trope so it feels fresh and authentic to your characters all comes down to asking yourself certain questions:
  • What if the heroine doesn’t want children?
  • What if she wants children, but it’s not the right time?
  • What if the hero doesn’t see himself as a father?
  • What if one of them lost a child previously?
The list goes on. And if nothing feels quite right, maybe that particular trope isn’t a good fit for your story, but it’s still helpful to explore the possibilities. Sometimes you will land on something that’s such a good fit for your characters, the story almost writes itself.

Which tropes work best in romance?

I’ll include some helpful links below, but when it comes to tropes that work well in romance, you should focus on those that challenge the characters as individuals, or test the strength of their relationship with each other.
This usually centers around a major life event or some other drastic life change, like:
  • Moving back home after many years away (excellent for a reunion romance)
  • Inheriting a home or business
  • An illness in the family
  • A sudden death that changes the character’s circumstance, either in terms of becoming a widow or widower, or by stepping in as a guardian to a friend or relative’s young child
As I already mentioned, all good romances see the hero and heroine on a journey — both as individuals and as a couple, and a big part of that journey involves coping with change and becoming the person they’re meant to be (alongside the person they’re meant to be with!).
When you’re looking at tropes to include, think about the impact each one might have on your characters and their relationship with each other. If it’s something that ultimately brings them closer together, it’s definitely worth considering.

Key takeaways

  • Romance readers have certain expectations when they dive into a new book. Make sure you’ve included enough classic romance tropes to deliver on those expectations.
  • To keep the tropes you use from feeling stale, question how they might affect your characters specifically. Figure out how to twist old tropes in new ways, offering your reader a fresh take on the familiar.
  • Focus on tropes that challenge your protagonists. Major life changes, especially those involving community and family, are always winners.
The plot of your romance is really coming together now, but those tropes you’ve landed on still need a bit more to carry the story forward and keep things interesting. Tomorrow we’ll discuss the importance of strong conflict in your romance — because happy endings aren’t nearly as rewarding without a few bumps in the road.
— Kate

Recommended Resources

submitted by regboi29 to TheWritersHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:30 smartybrome Financial Accounting: A Comprehensive Guide with E-book

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:29 avawolfs Want to book a reading? Again, take what resonates leave what doesn’t đŸ©·

Hello, i’m a tarot reader! I am now offering paid readings but if you have any follow up questions, feel free to ask me (no charge for this) and no charge for same day delivery. I have so much free time today and the following week so hit me up if you want to book a reading or like clarity in your situation :)
how to book? just dm me your question (question only), please approach me nicely poo and also be kind when conversing. you can ask if you’d like to be read here in reddit or tg or other social media platforms (will send my social media acc. e.g twt, tg, and messenger)
you have to pay first, as soon as i’ve already received the payment will definitely send it immediately since when i saw your questions (ive alr shuffle the cards)
Yes/No Only (No explanation) - ₱10 or $0.17
Yes/No with explanation - ₱50 or $0.85
Special Reading (Love, General, Career) - ₱80 or $1.37
Unlimited Questions for 10-15 minutes - ₱129 or $2.20
Feel free to hit me up! Again, cards aren’t set in stone. It will change over time as you have the power for controlling your future. đŸȘâœš
submitted by avawolfs to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:29 val3_a_pomb_ Battery Problem on MacBook Pro M3 pro

Battery Problem on MacBook Pro M3 pro
hello everyone, a couple of months ago I bought a 14” MacBook Pro m3 pro and I noticed twice that when the battery reached around 20% the computer would shut down reporting the battery charge completely finished.
In the pictures you can see how the battery charge goes from around 25% to 0% in practically no time.
The battery health is at 100%.
I use “ Al Dente” to control the maximum charge to give the battery but it often fails, charging over the limit (usually set at 85%).
Can this be the fault of Al Dente?
I am waiting for answers thanks guys.
submitted by val3_a_pomb_ to macbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:26 zainsayeed786 Does anyone have 2024 FRM Part I and II books for sale?

Please delete if not allowed!
I am planning to register for the November Part 1 and 2 exams and was wondering if anyone here has already taken the exams and has study materials that they are willing to sell? I see that if I register, they include the Part 1 set of four e-books for free, but I am a better learner when I can read the actual page. So if anyone is looking to sell their Part 1 set or books and/or Part 2 books in physical copies, I am interested.
I just don’t want to spend an additional $600 plus tax to get them from GARP and then have them basically be worthless when they release the 2025 edition.
I am New York and will cover shipping costs, etc.
Thank you!
submitted by zainsayeed786 to FRM [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:26 LethalComplexion [Online][Other][LGBTQ+Friendly][Saturdays 1-4 PM CST] Group looking for 1 more Space Cowboy for Orbital Blues!

I've posted her a few times with some luck so I figure I'd give it another try!
I've got a little Saturday group going for an Orbital Blues game, but we unfortunately had someone drop due to picking up a job, such as life goes of course.
We are hosting this game in a LGBTQ+ friendly server that I run multiple games out of.
This particular game will be "An Unchained Melody", which is the quick start that is provided in the main book. If this goes well, we plan on playing more modules for the game itself
The style in which we play this game is a 'Hybrid Play By Post" Think your normal pbp where you write stuff out but with the added bonus of sitting at a live table as a group once a week where you can ask players and the GM direct questions. It's quite a fun way to run a game, and I welcome anyone who is willing to give it a try :)
Ideally, we are only looking for 1 person at this time, but if you have a friend with you, I'd be willing to hear you both out without an issue.
If you are interested, please answer this post and I'll DM you directly with my Discord handle
Thank you! :D
submitted by LethalComplexion to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:26 potatonyo Best way to do it?

Hi. Can anybody tell me if there's a addon that coule automatically recognize an mcq type of questions? I have a lot of mcq type questions from books etc. And wanting to put it on anki using the MCQ NOTETYPE. But the thing is, i have to manually put it one by one to be the type of card where it is multiple choice and when you click the wrong answer it would show red and shows the correct answer at the same time.
Anyone knows of anything that could make it easier?
Im preparing for a local board exam and MCQS are my way of testinf myself. And anki is always been my partner since undergrad. So pleaseee if anybody knows please tell mee..
Thank you
submitted by potatonyo to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:25 val3_a_pomb_ Battery Problem MBP M3 Pro

hello everyone, a couple of months ago I bought a 14” MacBook Pro m3 pro and I noticed twice that when the battery reached around 20% the computer would shut down reporting the battery charge completely finished.
In the pictures you can see how the battery charge goes from around 25% to 0% in practically no time.
The battery health is at 100%.
I use “ Al Dente” to control the maximum charge to give the battery but it often fails, charging over the limit (usually set at 85%).
Can this be the fault of Al Dente?
I am waiting for answers thanks guys.
submitted by val3_a_pomb_ to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:25 WWA1232 Landed in Newark, New Jersey, United States. Apx. flt. time 14 min.

Landed in Newark, New Jersey, United States. Apx. flt. time 14 min. submitted by WWA1232 to TrumpJetTracker [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:24 avawolfs Want to book a reading? Again, take what resonates leave what doesn’t đŸ«¶đŸŒ

Hello, i’m a tarot reader! I am now offering paid readings but if you have any follow up questions, feel free to ask me (no charge for this) and no charge for same day delivery. I have so much free time today and the following week so hit me up if you want to book a reading or like clarity in your situation :)
how to book? just dm me your question (question only), please approach me nicely poo and also be kind when conversing. you can ask if you’d like to be read here in reddit or tg or other social media platforms (will send my social media acc. e.g twt, tg, and messenger)
you have to pay first, as soon as i’ve already received the payment will definitely send it immediately since when i saw your questions (ive alr shuffle the cards)
Yes/No Only (No explanation) - ₱10 or $0.17
Yes/No with explanation - ₱50 or $0.85
Special Reading (Love, General, Career) - ₱80 or $1.37
Unlimited Questions for 10-15 minutes - ₱129 or $2.20
Feel free to hit me up! Again, cards aren’t set in stone. It will change over time as you have the power for controlling your future. đŸȘâœš
submitted by avawolfs to CasualPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:22 Odd-Atmosphere-254 Attorneys’ exam study advice

I passed the F24 attorneys’ exam on first try. I wanted to share how I studied just to show that there are many effective ways, and I don’t think I’ve seen anything on here yet that reflects what I did. Note - I took the UBE four years ago, and so I had already learned how to take a bar exam, which involved a lot of condensing the material from three years of law school. I'm not sure this advice is as relevant for someone who has never taken a bar exam because you still have to go through that process.
I took two months off work (one month paid leave by my employer and one month PTO). Step one was to create an outline. I created the base of my outline from scratch and almost exclusively through the rules I learned from practice essays. First I read Mary Basick’s book almost cover to cover. I would do an essay from that book, read the sample answer, and put the rules I learned onto my outline. (Contrary to what many people on here have said, Mary Basick's book was not enough for me - it was only the starting point.) Next I printed out a chart I found online that listed the date and topic of every former California bar exam essay ( Each day I randomly selected at least a few essays from that chart, aiming for an equal distribution of topics and making sure I did a PR essay every day, and then crossed off the ones I completed. I am a visual learner, and so crossing off the essays on the chart helped me see the progress I was making. I would also add the rules I learned to my outline. Once I got through a bunch of essays, I got an idea of the universe of topics and rules that were out there. Then I started focusing on making sure I knew the concepts well. If I did an essay and didn’t understand the rule that was being tested, I would consult a bunch of different resources I collected to learn it, and I didn’t rely on any individual one. For example, if I didn’t like how smartbar prep wrote a rule, I would see if there was a video of someone explaining it on youtube or if someone on explained it well in their answer. During this process, I would write down every variation of a rule I came across. So, on my outline, I would have like several variations of many of the rules. Over time, I would delete the versions that I liked the least. It was this process of constantly adding to and narrowing down my outline that I started to memorize the rules, even though it didn’t feel like memorization. I did very little actual memorization with flashcards because when you work with the material enough, you start to memorize it without realizing it. I started out with a strict 9-5 schedule to not burn out, but in the last few weeks, I started studying a couple hours more per day because I was convinced that the time I put in now was worth it if I didn’t have to take it again. I also only did about 3 to 4 PTs. I think the most important thing with PTs is to get an idea of how much time you can spend reading the cases (which is very little!) and then to know you are always going to be doing certain things. For example, I knew that if there was a case that went against my argument, I would have to distinguish it. So when I saw that on exam day, I did it almost without thinking, which helps speed things up. Overall, I was lucky to have access to study materials from several major companies, but I did not use any of their plans. I just consulted their materials here and there to find alternative explanations for rules I was having trouble understanding, usually using control F. Understanding how a rule works is more important that memorizing the rule statement word for word. The last thing I want to say is it feels like the material is endless at first, but it really is a closed universe. If you study long enough, you will start to see subjects repeat. That is when you’ve hit a sweet spot. I didn’t end up being able to read all of the CA bar former essays, but I also felt like I didn’t need to because things were getting so repetitive by the very end. My biggest advice is to do what works for you. If something doesn’t feel like it’s working, it’s not. And the flip side is also true. Goodluck!
submitted by Odd-Atmosphere-254 to CABarExam [link] [comments]