Durex performax vs

What happened in digital marketing & social media last week?

2024.05.30 15:32 lazymentors What happened in digital marketing & social media last week?

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

AI 🤨

Reddit & Snapchat

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Credit: The Social Juice Newsletter.
submitted by lazymentors to digital_marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:31 lazymentors What happened in marketing & social media last week?

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

AI 🤨

Reddit & Snapchat

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
submitted by lazymentors to DigitalMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:34 lazymentors What happened in marketing & advertising last week?

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

AI 🤨

Reddit & Snapchat

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. You can find all the sources and other news linked in the archive post.
submitted by lazymentors to Marketingcurated [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:34 lazymentors What happened in marketing & advertising last week?

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

AI 🤨

Reddit & Snapchat

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. You can find all the sources and other news linked in the archive post.
submitted by lazymentors to MarketingResearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:33 lazymentors What happened in marketing & agencies last week?

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

AI 🤨

Reddit & Snapchat

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. You can find all the sources and other news linked in the archive post.
submitted by lazymentors to agency [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:32 lazymentors What happened in marketing & social media last week?

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

AI 🤨

Reddit & Snapchat

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. You can find all the sources and other news linked in the archive post.
submitted by lazymentors to ProductMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 22:04 Burning_Leather "Just found this sub" reply (Arguments against converting)

On another thread someone was wondering what our reasons were for leaving orthodoxy. I promised to provide reasons too but I couldn't post it there, so I'll post it here.
As promised here is one of the arguments fleshed out.
I will provide an argument that in my view, fully suffices to leave the religion. This is obviously not the only argument (maybe one out of 40, but I don’t have time for more now as I am receiving therapy in hospital and have to hide my laptop sometimes). Keep in mind, English is not my native language, but I will do my best. I will happily provide more arguments in other posts, if someone finds these somewhat useful.
Let's start with the simple things:
Orthodoxy boldly claims to be the only religion fully in continuity with the Old Testament/Tanakh, particularly the Torah and the Prophets, with an UNCHANGING eternal church from when Christ founded it and that it could never err.
Let's see if that's true.
Lack of Continuity:
Sex, and sexual relations are held in high regard throughout the Old Testament/Tanakh, and are exalted when they are used both allegorically to convey God’s Love and relationship to Israel, and indirectly through erotic poetry (Song of Solomon, please read it, it gets wild) and proverbs (Proverbs 5:15-19). Sex is also encouraged in the Old Testament (Proverbs 5:18-19).
If you only spent a minute in Orthodoxy you would already know the bizarre, manichean and gnostic view of this Holy gift. Sex is regarded as a tragic symptom of the fall, a defilement (church fathers and saints are unanimous on this) and in some cases even sinful as Gregory Palamas said in his homily On the Annunciation, section 5.
St. Mary thus has to be an ever-virgin and her parents brought her into the world without “passion” as the Eastern Orthodox would have you believe (remember: pleasure = sin. This is gonna be a common theme in this religion. John of Damascus believed in the immaculate conception, as the catholics do. Funny that the orthodox believe in parts of it too, probably without knowing).
“The truth is that in view of the purity of the body of Christ, all sexual intercourse is unclean…”
-Jerome, Adversus Jovinianum 1.20
“…the defilement of mariage is not washed away by the blood of martyrdom…”
Jerome, Aversus Jovinianum 1.26 (we’ll get back to this quote in another thread when I will show that “saint” Jerome actually anathematized himself by saying this, or proved that the church changed)
Now I invite you to do something the orthodox rarely do. Open up your Old Testament and let’s see if these beliefs are in accord with what the jews believed and what God says:
Genesis 4:1:
Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.” (“Help of the Lord”, huh? )
Song of Solomon 4:16:
Awake, O north wind, and come, O south wind! Blow upon my garden, let its spices flow. Let my beloved come to his garden, and eat its choicest fruits.
Proverbs 5:18-19:
Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe.
Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated[a] always in her love. (a monk’s nightmare basically)
Song of Solomon 7:6-10:
How beautiful and pleasant you are, O loved one, with all your delights! Your stature is like a palm tree, and your breasts are like its clusters. I say I will climb the palm tree and lay hold of its fruit. Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine, and the scent of your breath like apples, and your mouth like the best wine. It goes down smoothly for my beloved, gliding over lips and teeth. I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me.
Song of Solomon 7:12:
let us go out early to the vineyards and see whether the vines have budded,
whether the grape blossoms have opened and the pomegranates are in bloom.
There I will give you my love. (“give you my love” surely means a heart-shaped box of candy and by no means anything else)
A common argument by the orthodox is that the allegories (which can be seen both as allegories and literal at the very same time) are merely poetic, and God would never endorse sex or exalt it. However this is impossible because for God to use an allegory or a metaphor about something that is good, the real world referent (sex) must also be good, or else it’s not an allegory/metaphor.
Another thing one might argue is that holding celibacy over sexuality is recorded in the New Testament prior to orthodoxy and thererfore an issue for EVERY Christian regardless of confession, however I doubt this because Paul urging his followers to be single might have been a precautious act knowing the Roman persecutions were near. Another possibility is that Paul didn’t even teach the same Gospel and can thus be dismissed.
As far as St. Mary`s celibacy goes, she indeed conceived Jesus without sex (“And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” – Matthew 1:25), however the purpose of this is likely that Jesus’ Father is Heavenly and God, whereas Joseph is not and not Jesus’ father to begin with. Also God the Father is not married to Mary and has no union with her whatsoever making the Birth of Jesus utterly unique in history. No one knows if Mary had sex after giving birth to Jesus, but regardless of that, this obsession with virginity seems really out of place, pagan, hellenic and completely unbiblical, especially in light of the Old Testament. This view also obviously stems from the false belief that sex and pleasure are sinful and defile people, which goes against the old testament as I’ve shown above.
Proverbs 30:18-19 shows that sex is a wondrous mystery and in no way compatible with the teachings of the orthodox and the consensus of the “holy fathers”. This lack of continuity in understanding something as basic as sex, which is blasphemed by the orthodox religion, should be a warning sign to any one wanting to become orthodox.
If you are orthodox, God shot himself in the foot when he created sex. Genitals were meant to be just a decoration.
The jews (and muslims) rightly critisize the orthodox and catholic obsession and praise of celibacy, monasticism, and hatred of sexuality because it is unheard of in muslim countries and MORE IMPORTANTLY Israel (where we derive our scriptures from!). Additionally it never produced a more chaste society regardless. We will know them by their fruit, so let’s see the rotten fruit of the anti-fertility cult. Let us see how this hatred of God’s creation and gift to mankind worked in the development of societies where sex-hating “orthodoxy” left a mark:
Infidelity rates:
Russia infidelity rate: 53% 7th place overall
Romania infidelity rate: 46% 9th place overall
Divorce rates in 2021 per 1000 people (Dividing the number of divorces in a given year by total population yields the crude divorce rate, divorce and remarriage unless for sexual immorality/porneia is adultery according to Christ, Matthew 19:9, so I am considering it):
Russia divorce rate: 3.9; third place in the world (‼!)
Belarus divorce rate: 3.5; fourth place in the world (‼!)
Moldova: 3; 6th place in the world
Ukraine: 2.9; 7th place in the world
Cyprus: 2.6; 9th place in the world
You get the picture.
Sources: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/infidelity-rates-by-country (this site is accurate on some countries and mistaken on others, compare to other surveys to see what’s true)
(Someone might bring up the fact that some of these countries used to be under communist rule and that secularized and liberalized their relationship to sex however this isn’t true for muslim countries who also had communist dictatorships in place.
This is unheard of in most of the islamic world and yet they DON’T hate sex or view it as something dirty.
Israel also has a high divorce rate, admittedly, however this is more due to the fact that in mosaic law and in jewish law, divorces are easily granted and not seen as degenerate or adulterous (like in Christianity) when sound reason is given.
Israel, unlike orthodox countries, is actually a country with a high fidelity rate.
The best evidence for Jewish fidelity comes from a 2005 survey commissioned by Durex, the contraceptive company. The survey included more than 300,000 people in 41 countries. On a list of possible “sexual experiences you’ve had,” the questionnaire asked respondents whether they’d ever had an “extramarital affair.” Israel came in dead last. Across the 41 countries, the average percentage of respondents who said they’d had an affair was 22. In Israel, it was 7.)
I could also bring up abortion rates, but I don’t want to start WW3 on this thread so…
Here is a map, notice what countries are bright red. Make of that what you will.
Summary of the argument: The fact that orthodoxy abhores sex, while the old testament encourages it shows lack of continuity. The fruit of all this has not been an increase in Chastity among the people, but if anything, the opposite.
I would like to end this topic with this beautiful quote from Titus 1:15:
“To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled.”
My next argument under “Lack of Continuity” would be Monasticism, but it won't fit here. The reason why I go into so much detail is because I passionately want to defend people from joining this false religion.
I think a consistent view of sex throughout time are the mark of a true religion, but this is FAR from the only argument. There are arguably far more devastating arguments that just don’t fit in this post. If my post is somehow useful to anyone, different topics could also be adressed, such as:
Monasticism, mutilation for veneration, how a “saint” anathematized himself, blaspheming marriage, babies dying at the “life-giving” baptismal font, orthodoxy’s effects on mental health (I am actually writing from a hospital), racism/anti-semitism, changes within the church, lack of visible miracles, tollhouses, lack of understanding and clarity of basic doctrine among the majority of adherents (how are you forgiven, faith vs works, contraception, catholic baptism, politically motivated canonization (even of non-orthodox, yes, you heard that right), ascetecism that leads to death and canonization, the “trust the church/trust the Bible” cycle, hatred of women, liturgical changes, incoherent liturgy, contradictory views on hell, Orthodoxy allowing divorce for reasons contrary to Christ’s commandments (love this one) and much more.
submitted by Burning_Leather to exorthodox [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 13:43 Ok_Injury1644 High quality Sportswear in Budget.

Please suggest me the go to brands in budget for shorts(under 1K), trackpants(under 1K), tshirts(under 1K), and other sportsweear I want to buy multiple of these for my summers wardrobe but quality vs price is confusing me a lot. Some brands are there like Performax( Ajio), HRX etc. But they are not for long use ig.
submitted by Ok_Injury1644 to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 11:02 International-Act156 Which one to buy for longer sex? More info below

So guys I had sex Tuesday and what helped me last longer was having her give me head to desensitized my tip then when I started having sex and felt I was close I would go all the way in and stop then repeat I lasted a good while. But the problem was I made her have a big orgasm through oral so she said she was one and done I couldn't make her cum again so I think maybe if I last longer I can. Any help is appreciated also I did above without a condom but I do use condoms to last longer.
submitted by International-Act156 to PrematureEjaculation [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 23:27 Alone_Builder4702 Just wanted to share what I thought was a bizarre order

Just wanted to share what I thought was a bizarre order
What the googles and condoms were for, no clue?
submitted by Alone_Builder4702 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 08:00 APrimitiveMartian FIFA World Cup Qualifiers tonight at 12:30 AM, join us on r/IndianFootball

FIFA World Cup Qualifiers tonight at 12:30 AM, join us on IndianFootball submitted by APrimitiveMartian to india [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 07:05 APrimitiveMartian FIFA WCQ squad against Afghanistan

FIFA WCQ squad against Afghanistan submitted by APrimitiveMartian to IndianFootball [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 18:37 doktriner Kondom ölçüleri ile alakalı bilgiler ve kondom seçimi.

Kondom ölçüleri ile alakalı bilgiler ve kondom seçimi.
Iyi akşamlar KGBTR haklı. Bu gün size cinsel hayatınızda etkili olan bir konudan bahsediceğim.
Kondom seçimi, evet kondom seçimi bu sizin cinsel hayatınızı etkileyecek birşey. Eğer seks yapmış iseniz az çok hangi kondomu alacağınızı biliyorsunuzdur. Bu post kondom bilgisi az olan ve herhangi bir bilgisi olmayan KGBTR halkına.
Bazı yerlerde duymuşsunuzdur. Kondom sıkıyor vs. Kondom yapı gereği çok esnek olsada bu penisiniz için geçerli değildir. Çok dar yada bol olan kondomlar seks zevkini öldürür. Bu nedenle doğru kondom ölçünüzü bulmanız için nominal ölçüm yapmanız gereklidir. Bu ölçüm ise su şekilde yapılır; herhangi bir iple penisinizi sıkmadan ve bol olmadan çevresini ölçün. Ve ikiye bölün. Bu sizin nominal ölçüm sonucunda çıkan penis ölçünüz. Bu veri çok doğru olmasada ortalama kondom ölçünüzü verir. Buna göre kondom seçimi yapabilirsiniz.
Tabiki size kondom ölçülerini vereceğim ama uğraşmayın diye çıkan sonucu ikiye bölmeden paylaşacağım.
Kondom ölçüsü / ilk başta ölçüm yaptığınız ipin uzunluğu
47mm 9,5-10 cm 49mm 10-10,5 cm 52mm 10,5-11cm 54mm 11-12 57mm 12-13.5 cm 60mm 13.5-14.5 cm 64mm 14.5-15.5 cm 69mm 15.5 cm ve daha yukarısı için birde 74 olması gerek onlar direkt keser sapı olarak adlandırıyoruz. Ek bilgi okey klasik kondomları 52mmdir Durex ise 54mm dir
Eğer penisiniz 57mm ise Durex yok ötesi XL 60mm ise Durex yakın Hisset XL kullanabilirsiniz.
Son olarak kondom kullanmak sizi HIV, hepatit B gibi bulaşıcı hastalıklardan korur.
submitted by doktriner to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2023.12.17 14:03 papafreshx Mothership Tier List - Up to 9.6 - To mute or not to mute....

Mothership Tier List - Up to 9.6 - To mute or not to mute....
Here we go with the next update of my mothership ranking for the 9.6 release. Keep in mind, that this ranking is based on (shamelessly plugged from DarkNerdRage):
1. This is for CL. The meta does change as you progress through the leagues. I have played all of them in deep CL and build my opionion based on experimenting and experience.
2. This assumes you have access to good gear. I will list the best builds, which means either doritos being spent on turrets or you wasting potential.
In case you haven't noticed the meta is shifting. Right now Ochokochi starts to loose traction, Ophion is one of, if not the strongest robots, Dagon can kill anything quick, rust weapons and their effect are the current thing to deal with. As with a shifting meta, the motherships also have to be reshuffled, which I am doing here.
Also, why not have a nice quadrant chart to humour the readers. This one shows where each of the higher ranking motherships stand in terms of killing vs. surviving potential and use for solo or squad play.

The tiers:
Paladin (PTC, PTC, SUP)
The best lifesaving ship there is. Paladin deploys an extensive amount of Aegis (375k) which, if not depleted with 8 seconds, converts to health and gray damage repaired with a maximum of 175k healed. Sometimes just waiting in a corner for it to wear out and convert is worth it. Also you can activate the ability anytime, even in the air, and it creates the Aegis instantly which is vastly superior to the ground blast being extorted from Northlight, the next best healing mothership. It can and should also be used on bots close to death.
It utilizes two protection and one support turret, which I find also more useful than the random attack turret on Northlight. Best being fitted with Anti-Jamming, Lifesaver and Durability Extender for maximum gains and protection.
I moved it up one rank as it is the best general purpose ship you can use. With Anti-Jamming you also get Anti-Mute support. It is just glamorous.
Mute (SUP, SUP, ATK)
Mute made an impressive entry into the game. It has a very favourable turret configuration and an unique ability blinding and EMPing the reds in range. The effects lasts very long and blind can only mitigated by the Patron drone, which has completely fallen out of favour, and the Anti-Jamming Support, which does not work while EMP'd.
Mute will therefore cripple the red to being unable to return fire or escape and lets you get your hits and finally kill in. The best turret configuration is two DurEx (short for Durability Extender) and the Lock Down turret to even more cementing the kill. Two durability extenders are very effective, adding 20% to your titans and 30% to your bots each time.
This is personal experience and opinion. When it hits you it is very and absolutely annoying. When a squad uses Mutes in numbers it can be overwhelming. But, playing solo I haven't lost a game to being muted yet.
Also when using Mute myself I don't feel at all overpowered or dominating. 50% of the time I have to Mute some remote red target because there is nothing worthwhile in my vicinity and I want the Durex bonus.
It's good and unique, but not so much that it changes gameplay or induces the need for Patron drone. It may change once everyone has a Mute, but so far I'm good with it being in the game.
Roulette (PTC, SUP, SUP)
The double DurEx (see Mute) is amazing, the Rust and DoT area really makes even Skyros wince. Basically it is an attack mothership with a rust/corrosion area being formed which stays in place for 10 seconds and hits robots inside the bubble with rust and DoT effects. A limitating factor is the range, which only extends up to 600m. Both effects can be very harmful, rust inhibiting healing and DoT removing hitpoints. The damage potential of the bubble is about 110k damage via DoT, if the robots stays in the bubble the whole ten seconds. If you manage to hit a titan in there, this may very well happen. Lifesaver in the remaining protection slot will help you escape tight situations.
Keel (ATK, ATK, PTC)
Keel has unprecedented killing potential during the battle. It cripples any bot with smaller base HP which means Mars, Lynx, Crisis and a lot more. It severely annoys the titans on the field, while not killing them. It has an enormous demoralizing impact, as the three consecutive hits slowly waste away your bot.
And it is so satisfying to aim Keel at a red and attend to other business while you wait for the kill notification to pop up. Still, the turret configuration is not optimal, and only Lifesaver gives your bot an out. But with the advent of the Lock Down Blast Cannon the best configuration is Lock Down / Gravity Amp / Lifesaver.
Sadly the game has shifted away from smaller HP targets and Keel does not much on Ochokochi, so it needed to be ranked down.
Thor (ATK, ATK, PTC)
Thor became viable with the return of Absorber (Ophion) and Aegis (Dagon) shields. Thor is an attack mothership similar to Keel with two attack turrets. It 'thunderstrucks' an area with the capability of delivering up to 120k damage in 8 seconds and disabling all shields in that area. The strike must be timed though if you want to catch Ophions unaware. Good thing is that all blues can now fire at the disabled shields, bad thing is that most blues don't even know the difference of an enabled to a disabled shield and fire indiscriminately. Sigh. Use Lock Down / Gravity Amp / Lifesaver.
Northlight (PTC, SUP, ATK)
The foremost best healer is still nothing to sneeze at. Aurora blasts the ground and heals for up to 150k hp, which is also benevolently given out to allies close to you. If you don't need the healing, it provides for an Aegis with the difference of HPs. It has an activation timer, so you can for example time your descending Aether or other flyer precisely to get the Aegis when you are landing and are most vulnerable. The timer can lead to sudden death though, as the two seconds are sometimes enough to die before receiving the goods.
It features a protection and a support turret, and oddly, an attack turret. Best combination for me would be Lifesaver, Durability Extender and Lock Down for the attack slot.
Orion (ATK, ATK, PTC)
Orion drops an Energy Hole, which slows down enemies by a certain amount and deals continous damage over about 8 seconds. The damage on Titans is increased by more than 200%, which also applies to the turret damage. If you have been blasted while in a Luchador, you can actually feel the pulsing hole. Kind of.
It has two attack and one protection turrets, which should feature a Gravity Amp to lock the enemy in the blast, a Laser Blast Cannon for another 22k damage and Lifesaver. If you want a damage oriented build, add two Laser Blast Cannons, however the 22k damage blasts are delayed and often miss.
Frozen Scorn (PTC, PTC, SUP)
It does cover an area with a freeze effect, amping all incoming damage by 20%, and very moderate damage blast. All the while protecting you with two protection and one support turret. I would have thought that at least one attack turret would be fitting on this one, but alas. Anti-Jamming, Lifesaver and DurEx it is.
Mantis (SUP, PTC)
The entry level healing mothership. It provides for a decent amount of Aegis, some little health boost and can do the same with the support and protection turrets as Northlight, while missing the attack slot. If you have this one and parts to spare, it works as Northlight Light - no pun intended.
Monarch (ATK, PTC)
The beginner attack ship does ok with its damage and DoT effect, and should be used if you not have access to Orion and want to deliver pain instead of soothing healing.
Dreadnought A42 (ATK)
Use it while you have nothing else, stop using it, when you have something else.

References for turrets
submitted by papafreshx to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 23:03 weiyin Fluidmaster PerforMax vs Pro45B noise levels

Fluidmaster PerforMax vs Pro45B noise levels submitted by weiyin to DIY [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 23:01 weiyin Fluidmaster PerforMax vs Pro45B noise levels

Fluidmaster PerforMax vs Pro45B noise levels
Last year I replaced an aging and leaking toilet fill valve with the Fluidmaster PerforMax (blue cap). I worked well but I always thought it was a bit loud when filling.
This weekend I replaced it with a Pro45B (red cap and brass shank) and the noise level went from 68db down to 60db. It’s so much easier on the ears now! And the prices are basically the same. Only downside is that I need to order the Pro45B online instead of just walking into Home Depot.
submitted by weiyin to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2023.09.11 06:14 Moleventions God damn it Simmons!

God damn it Simmons! submitted by Moleventions to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2023.06.25 15:49 mialg Which Durex Product Can Help You Last Longer?

Which Durex Product Can Help You Last Longer?
When it comes to enhancing sexual experiences, Durex has been a trusted name for decades, offering a wide range of products designed to heighten pleasure and intimacy. One common concern many individuals have is how to last longer in bed, leading them to seek out products that can help extend their sexual stamina.
In this article, we will delve into the various Durex products available on the market and explore their features, benefits, and effectiveness in improving endurance during sexual activity. From condoms to lubricants, we'll provide you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision about which Durex product may be best suited for your needs.

Durex Performax Intense Condoms

Durex Performax Intense Condoms are specifically designed to address premature ejaculation concerns and prolong sexual encounters. These condoms feature a special benzocaine-based lubricant on the inside, which slightly numbs the penis, reducing sensitivity and helping to delay climax.
By numbing the nerves responsible for heightened sensation, Performax Intense Condoms can potentially allow users to last longer in bed. It is important to note that while these condoms can be effective for some individuals, they may not offer the same level of effectiveness for everyone. Additionally, it is crucial to follow the instructions and use condoms correctly to ensure maximum safety and pleasure.

Durex Extended Pleasure Condoms

Durex Extended Pleasure Condoms are another option for individuals seeking to prolong their sexual encounters. These condoms contain a special lubricant on the inside called benzocaine, which helps to desensitize the penis and delay ejaculation.
The benzocaine coating numbs the penis, allowing for longer-lasting sexual activity before reaching climax. Similar to Performax Intense Condoms, the effectiveness of Durex Extended Pleasure Condoms can vary from person to person, and it is important to use them correctly and follow the instructions provided.

Durex Play Longer Lubricants

Apart from condoms, Durex offers a range of lubricants that can be used to enhance sexual experiences and potentially prolong intercourse. The Durex Play Longer line includes lubes with special formulas designed to delay climax and increase endurance. These lubricants often contain ingredients such as benzocaine or lidocaine, which work by reducing penile sensitivity.
By applying a small amount of lubricant to the penis before intercourse, the numbing effect can help individuals last longer in bed. It is important to note that these lubricants should be used sparingly and in accordance with the instructions to avoid excessive numbing or discomfort.
Suggested Read: Unlock the key to lasting longer in bed with this incredible secret that has helped countless men overcome severe premature ejaculation.


When it comes to choosing a Durex product that can help you last longer in bed, there are several options available to suit different preferences and needs. Durex Performax Intense Condoms, Durex Extended Pleasure Condoms, and Durex Play Longer Lubricants are all designed to address premature ejaculation concerns and enhance endurance during sexual activity.
While these products can provide temporary relief and assist in prolonging sexual encounters, it is essential to understand that individual experiences may vary.
It is worth noting that there are other strategies and techniques to improve stamina in bed, such as practicing mindfulness, exploring different sexual positions, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Communication with your partner about your desires and concerns is also crucial for a satisfying sexual experience.
submitted by mialg to PENoMore [link] [comments]

2023.06.02 22:18 BreezeAS Durex vs skyn?

What are the pros and cons of skyn vs durex condoms, if anyone has better suggestions for other brands feel free to let me know, thanks.
submitted by BreezeAS to sexeducation [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 06:02 pockettrainer185 but but ANYA WANTED SIBLINGS???

but but ANYA WANTED SIBLINGS??? submitted by pockettrainer185 to okbuddybaka [link] [comments]

2023.05.13 12:48 RomanianDataHoarder Paradox of Choice - studiu de caz Durex

Paradox of Choice - studiu de caz Durex
The Paradox of Choice – Why More Is Less - o carte scrisa de psihologul Barry Schwartz, publicata in 2004 argumentează că eliminând din nenumăratele variante pe care consumatorul le poate alege va duce la reducerea anxietății pentru cumpărători. Cartea analizează comportamentul oamenilor și concluzionează că explozia nenumăratelor variante de a alege un produs devine o problemă și nu e o soluție.
Tind să îi dau dreptate deoarece pe mine personal mă frustrează această aparentă diversitate de produse care 95% sunt defapt identice. Cel mai mult mă frustrează că producătorii nu aduc explicații clare referitoare la diferențele între produse.
Datorită acestui fapt apreciez compania Apple. Au 3-4 modele de telefoane și aia e. Nu fac 20 de modele care nu e clar ce au diferit între ele.
La polul opus stau companii și produse precum pasta de dinți Colgate și prezervativele Durex. Câți dintre voi pot să-mi spună diferența între Colgate Max White, Colgate Max White Ultra, Colgate Total Whitening, Colgate max White white Crystals, Colgate Advance White ? Sunt convins că nici angajații lor nu știu să-mi spună. Sau poate nu e nicio diferență doar cutia și aspectul pastei diferă ?
Too much choice I say.
În studiul de azi am ales să listez toate produsele (prezervative) Durex găsite și să fac un tabel cu ele în încercarea de a găsi totuși o logică.
Am găsit 35 ! de modele de prezervative Durex. Am pus tot ce am găsit pe net într-un tabel dar după cum veți vedea datele nu sunt complete, există multe discrepanțe, chiar la ei pe site apar informații contradictorii. Spre exemplu la Durex Feel Ultra Thin, un diametru nominal de 52mm apare ca NORMAL în schimb la Feel Thin Slim Fit 52,5 mm apare ca îngust ?
Mi se pare absolut exagerat să ai 35 de feluri de prezervative, mai ales că pe cutie nu apar informații pentru a diferenția între acestea.
Punând totul la cap apar o grămadă de întrebări spre exemplu:
- Pentru cele ultra subtiri, care e diferenta intre Feel Thin , Invisible si Fetherlite Ultra Thin Feel ?
- Aparent pentru întârzâierea ejacularii exista cel putin 4 : Durex Performa, Retard, Mutual Pleasure, Mutual Climax . Totusi care e diferenta intre ele daca le vezi toate 4 la raft care il alegi dupa ce criterii ?
- Durex Jeans, Durex Love, Durex Classic, Durex Originals - nu mi-e clar care e diferenta intre ele
De ce cel putin jumatate din ele nu apar pe pagina Durex.ro ?
De ce nu poate sa existe o gama unica in Europa macar si un tabel comparativ de genul facut de mine unde sa poate vedea oricine diferentele intre produse.
Daca e vreun cunoscător care dorește să îmbunătățească tabelul o poate face aici:

submitted by RomanianDataHoarder to Romania [link] [comments]

2023.04.13 21:05 martacious Hand It To Me. Lock eyes. High-five.

Hand It To Me. Lock eyes. High-five.
What a stud.
submitted by martacious to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]
