Graduation letter to bestfriend

Restaurant called cops on my 18 year old brother after they failed to ID him for root beer (PA)

2024.05.20 01:48 HyenaFit6998 Restaurant called cops on my 18 year old brother after they failed to ID him for root beer (PA)

I have a younger brother (18m) who we recently took out to dinner for his high school graduation. It was me, my husband, my parents, my brothers friend and his girlfriend, and my brother and his girlfriend. While ordering drinks my brother jokingly asked for a beer (no one else at the table asked for any alcoholic beverages), then immediately said “I’m just joking, I’m 18- can I get a root beer”.
We are thinking that the waitress just didn’t hear him and was just rushing to get to the next table, because when she brought our drinks, she brought out real beer. We all immediately told her that he had ordered root beer, and that he is only 18. She got flustered and said she would be right back, but about 10-15 minutes go by, and the cops come up to our table. They said that they had been called for a fake ID and underage drinking. We explain what actually happened, and they go back to the waitress and manager who called. They come back to our table and ask us all to come outside, which we did with no complaints. They check all our IDs, then breathalyzed all the underage members of our group, and tell us that the manager claimed my brother presented a false ID to the waitress and they wanted to see that ID. We obviously had no clue what they were talking about and explained again that no IDs were given.
The manager eventually came over after the cops talked to him again, and when he heard our side of the story he said that wasn’t what the waitress told him- and regardless he wanted us to leave. We asked that he or the police review any videos of the dining room if they had any, to see that we didn’t give any IDs, but he just repeated for us to leave. We left and went somewhere else and thought that was the end of it, but today parents received a letter in the mail that my brother is banned for life from all Chiles or afflicted restaurants. We are worried they will try to get him in trouble for something he didn’t even do. Should we get a lawyer? Is there anything we can do to protect him or is there anything the restaurant can press charges for? We honestly weren’t planning on going back so being banned isn’t the worst thing in the world. We are worried they will try to take him to court for their claim of “presenting a fake ID”. I know we can report them for not checking IDs, but I’m not sure who to make that report too.
Also, if the waitress who lied to just to cover her ass happens to stumble on this post, sincerely fuck you.
submitted by HyenaFit6998 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:25 Maximum-Purpose-1568 Im back with another topic that new investors looking to short squeeze should be aware of to help you all further understand what is going next. I Hope It Helps

Im back with another topic that new investors looking to short squeeze should be aware of to help you all further understand what is going next. I Hope It Helps
Greetings fellow Redditors.
Just like my last post, I want to take a second to help further explain a few things that can be expected to see next week (and the following weeks) based on my experience in 2021 with GME.
The topic covered in this post will be as follows:
  1. My last post, many people were concerned about conflicting information concerning the amount of shares being shorted. Ill provide up-to-date information and clarifications with regards to this, and what it means.
I've decided future posts will cover the following topics if I get enough attention (I hate doing this work and having nobody benefit lol)
  1. I'd like to speak about the media coverage that is likely to be seen over the next few weeks while this stock is continued to be short squeezed. You should also have some guidance as to how best manage it.
  2. The big ticket topic that will be touched upon soon is my most asked question after my last post. "When do I know when to sell" Until you understand when to sell, when to buy, etc. don't do anything crazy.
  3. How long will it take to see returns?
  4. SEC rule 201 and what it means
Disclaimer before we get into it: I'm not an expert. I'm not a professional. Everything I tell you is publicly available and I have no insider information regarding FFIE (or any stock for that matter). My goal is to educate retail investors among the chaos and help you understand what exactly is happening (as I understand). I encourage you to do your research and make your own decisions INDEPENDENT of what I say. I also wont tell anyone how to spend their money. Don't DM me saying "Should i do this, should I do that.
Okay. Lets get into it.
The biggest concern over the information regarding my last post was concerning EXACTLY how much FFIE was being shorted by hedge funds. There is much conflicting information out there and I believe its time to put these rumors to bed. These rumors create fear when not understood. Squeezers ain't got time for fear.
For those who don't even understand what this debate is even over, its simple. Some Redditors are stating that we are not even squeezing anybody because hedge funds have already returned their shares (this would be bad for squeezers).
However, others have stated that they are now 100% shorting, and are being squeezed harder than ever by you nasty fuckers (this would be good for the squeezers).
Confused? I was too. But seeing how we have the internet at our disposal, I skipped my brother's 18th birthday party to bring you the best info I could and not give you whip lash
Ape's decision to get banana should be easy
So amongst this debate, there's ALOT of screaming, tons of CAPS LOCKS ON FOR SOME REASON, and very little information being given. Even some people straight up telling false information. I'm here to help.
The reality is, everyone's posts have hints of truth. So for you, I have written my best version of The truth of short share information/data:
Short share information, I've learned, is ONLY available in full every 2 weeks or so. This is mandated by law via the SEC (SEC = the big bad federal government who oversees a so called "fair" market).
*Notice the different font and bolded letters for the "in full" part? That'll be important later. Try to file it away for now*
For now, lets evaluate the most recent data. It was from 4/30/24, and released in early May. That most recent posting showed a 98% shorted FFIE (VERY GOOD FOR APES). This information can be found:
And just to help you decipher this info:
Not only does it show April 30th being shorted 36 million shares, but it also shows a history of it being shorted at this caliber since the start of 2024 (and maybe even earlier in lower amounts)
Now. Credit where it is due. Many have been SCREAMING that this could mean we have reached the end of our squeeze. After all, that was 20 days ago. How can you know if the shares are being shorted?
Personally, I've questioned them back and said "well if shares are not posted, how do YOU know that they aren't being short squeezed?"
(No intelligent answers typically once they realize the flaw in their logic.)
Well, even though it's annoying, there is some stock (hahaha, stock, get it?) to what they are saying.
Those who are screaming this, are not correct.
However, they also aren't wrong.
I can't confirm the squeezing of FFIE can't be confirmed with 100% certainty due to the date of publication being 20 days ago (technically). However, the squeezing also cant be denied.
So do you all just sit in limbo until Thursday?
No I take care of my lil ape buddies. I can teach you to see as I see. But you are not going to like it so hold onto your bananas.
I think we need to be able to use logic and reasoning to deduce if FFIE is still being shorted. I KNOW I KNOW. Asking APES to think?? How dare I. Here, eat this, then lets think.
Here you go
Well there are a few things that we can use to indicate a short is still happening:
  1. Around 19 days before right now, they were shorting FFIE at high percentages consistently for 5 months. Yes, they might have seen a squeeze coming and gotten out of it. BUT, the squeeze didn't truly begin until May 13th. And when it did start, IT WAS QUICK.
If retail traders were able to skyrocket share price to that high on the 13th, don't you think we would've seen a jump if they returned their shorts between April 30th and May 13th? I mean seriously. If they bought back 36m shares to stop themselves from being squeezed, we would've seen something right? But we saw nothing. not even a little teeny tiny spike. To them, it was business as usual. Why would they have gotten out of their shorts if there was no indication that y'all would squeeze them?
It wasn't until the 13th that some crazy ape decided they wanted to short squeeze them anyways.
  1. As per my previous post, the patterns seen, the "short ladder attack" seen beginning around May 16th indicate that those who are being short squeezed are attempting to break your squeeze by dropping the stock value and making you sell. Why would a stock be attacked like that if a hedge fund had no interest in dropping the price? Because there are likely still active shorts.
  2. The prices changed so much, that SEC rules get involved. Specifically, SEC rule 201 has been raising eyebrows as a way to prevent short sellers from using "short ladders attacks" against us. I'm not entirely sure about the specifics of the rule, but I do know that it is used to protect retail traders from volatility.
See This guy's post.
I actually didn't verify weather that user who posted that is actually educated, but what he says seems accurate enough for the purpose of this post. I WILL DO A rule 201 post in the future once I understand it a little more.
Ill skip my little brother's high school graduation to bring you all that one.
  1. Media coverage from most hedge fund controlled/owned is SUPER ANTI FFIE.
I know it might be a bit tin-foil hat theory, but IMO when a hedge fund controlled media outlet like yahoo news speaks out about a stock they are directly involved with, with intentions of manipulating the masses, they should be PUT IN PRISON for market manipulation.
The reality is, the full information regarding the most recent short availability will be made public on Thursday this week. This will give 100% certainty on whether FFIE is being shorted or not.
Another reality is, the information above all indicates that FFIE is still being shorted, and being shorted by alot.
The questions that need answering are:
  1. How much is still being shorted.
  2. does this mean that squeezers are completely blind right now?
No. Not fully blind. And with the information *that we do have available,\* in addition to some patterns we saw last week, and SEC rule 201 being thrown in there, my theory is that they are still shorting and they are still being squeezed.
Remember the bolded and different font i mentioned a few paragraphs up? Did you see me do it again just now?
Here's why I drew attention to the "that we do have available" part. Because even though a full account of shorting data is not available until Thursday, the FULL SHORTED data is released in smaller amounts by companies who are involved in unbiased trading and loaning of shares. These companies regularly post sample data from a smaller pool of shares to help mirror how much is being shorted.
This would be the equivalent of using a poll to determine the outcome of an election. It can be pretty accurate.
Here is one post illustrating this concept. These companies release the partial shorting information more often then every 2 weeks: CLICK
This post was made by some other person. But this time, I actually looked into, and verified this information myself. Go give them some love for a good job. Get them a banana.
Based on this, It can be seen there have been small changes in the amount of shorted stocks for FFIE over the last few days, however, it very rarely dips below 95% shorted.
Is this a smaller sample size than the total number of shares? YES
Is this likely 100% accurate? NO. I wouldn't use this chart to try to guess an exact number of shares being shorted. However, I personally trust it to depict trends in the market. And the trend seen on there, is that there are still LOTS of shorted shares out there ripe for the squeezing.
You nasty fuckin apes are learning the stocks. Congrats.
Go get em and feel free to DM me with any questions or concerns.
I will not change edit this post unless the conflicting information someone comments 100% checks out with pure legitimacy and accuracy. I'm hoping members of the short selling community can look to one place for information rather than the chaos of the ffie subreddit.
Also, if you DM me about what to invest in, I'm ignoring you.
submitted by Maximum-Purpose-1568 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:48 Exotic_Guest_7042 Do I have a chance at the Ivy’s?

I just recently completed my Master’s in Social Work and I’m like 90% sure I’m going to pursue a PhD. I’ve been looking into sociology, social psychology, social work, and other similar humanities programs. I’d love to go Ivy, but I don’t think that’s very realistic.
All of my schools have been state/public schools with high acceptance rates, like 80%+, in the US. I wasn’t a top student by any means but I was and have always been a very strong student. I never received anything less than a 3.7 for all my degrees (I have 2 associates, a bachelors, and a masters). I worked full-time while going to school full-time, even in grad school when I also had to maintain a part-time internship.
As a part of my day to day job I was also involved in multiple studies for the medical campus/hospital of an R1 institution and am a coauthor on two of them. This was all during my last year of undergrad and my graduate degree.
I’d love to hear from people at Ivy’s and other R1 institutions what you think my chances would be. Also if you have any advice on the application process, rec letters, and/or tips for my resume/cv.
Edited to add more info: I’ve done limited research into PIs that I’d love to work with and the research they’re doing and have identified a few; 2 of them are at the same institution and operate their own labs, another is local to me, and the last is at an Ivy. I feel confident in who I am and that my personal statement is strong, as well as what I can contribute to the field and research. My worry was my grades and prior work for admission to these places.
submitted by Exotic_Guest_7042 to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:45 Raspberry-Zestyclose It gets better just keep working hard :)

Warning this is a very long read without a TLDR
I left this sub and joined the ryerson sub in 2021. Leaving behind my big drive of notes which is what I assume keeps driving these posts talking about grade inflation to my feed. My last few comments were very similar to everyone’s posts as of now - grade inflation, unfair admissions, feeling close to your goals and it being taken away. 3 years later here’s where I came from and what I’m doing now, why it’s not your fault and to offer a bit of hope if it helps. :)
In grade 12 (end of 2021) I had an 89 average, I was rejected from the majority of life sci and health sci programs (if a school had both I applied to both of them) - mac, u of t, queens, western. I got into York psych, health, TMU bio, undeclared arts and psych (waitlist), Laurier health sci and ottawa health sci. (some of my programs might be off if it’s wrong, the overarching field is what I mean). My goal was U of T life sci and to go to medical school. Laurier and Ottawa were off the table after my family and I came to the conclusion that we don’t have the money for me to move away, removing my last two life/sci options. I honestly wasn’t a big fan of York leaving TMU as my last option. I really wanted a life science or health science program because the curriculum after first year was not simply bio, chem, physics so I veered from biology at TMU.
So I ultimately ended up accepting undeclared arts as I was waitlisted for psychology. At the end of June, I got off the waitlist for psychology and accepted that. At the time, I was seriously unhappy with myself I was angry at the fact that people were getting opportunities that I wanted that didn’t deserve them due to inflation and lack of standardization of monitoring of tests during online schooling and just overall how poorly my high school experience ended. I’m talking full breakdowns about how I worked so hard and got nothing in return. I had teachers who genuinely believed that I was one of the best students that they had in years and told me that I would go far. I had a teacher go as far as writing a letter for no reason other than to just say how proud they were of me and how they knew that I would do great - which at the time I truly didn’t believe after not achieving any of the goals that I had set for myself at the beginning of grade 12.
My first year of psychology was online for my first semester where I did decently well I got a 3.0 my second semester, ended up being entirely in person because the online sections of classes were full. At the time I wanted to do medicine this dream quickly got away from me when second semester in person classes left me with a 2.67 gpa for the semester. I had a realization looking upon my peers who were still completely online at TMU or at other universities had much much better GPA than me and I wouldn’t be able to get into medicine with my GPA. So again I felt let down by systems that ultimately led to further inequality in education. I let go of the idea of medicine and had no idea what I wanted to do after my undergrad.
After my first year, I decided to join the course union at my school, which was one of the best decisions I ever made. I met amazing people who encouraged me to do better, peers who were higher years than me and gave me advice when needed and from there, my grades got better. after joining the course union I joined the liberal arts union and from there I worked on about five more different positions over the next two years. TMU is generally not seen as the best school and it’s not necessarily “competitive” but that can work in your favour because there’s so many positions available whereas at other schools where people may be more inclined to take these these positions making them more competitive. Joining these course unions gave me so many opportunities and so many things that are now on my CV that continue to provide more opportunities, for example I was offered a job at the school based on all my experience. My CV is now what I would consider amazing with all the work that I’ve gained that is applicable to the field that I want to work in and because of my experience on my CV I got a research assistant position where I have a great academic relationship with a prof. And I got my gpa up enough it’s not near a 4.00 or anything crazy but it’s good enough for me to get into grad school.
I always knew that I didn’t want to stay in psychology after I graduated so I completed my degree in three years rather than four. I also want to mention you do not need to complete your degree in three years. There’s no need for it. Had I stayed for an extra year I would’ve had so many more opportunities with extracurriculars. It’s just I did not love the psychology curriculum enough to want to stay in it for another year. I had taken summer school courses before coming to this conclusion, and I had so many credits that I didn’t want to switch programs so I fast tracked. All that being said, do not rush your degree unless for example, you don’t like it and have plans to do something unrelated afterwards - for me it was a masters in a different field that the only requirement was a bachelor’s degree so I didn’t see the point in switching. Having gained all of the research experience and extracurricular experience in the field that I want to pursue is what made my degree nonetheless beneficial even though I wasn’t doing what I had originally planned.
As of now, I will be beginning my masters at U of T in the fall (not in psychology). I feel very accomplished and fulfilled with everything I’ve done and I feel like the person that all those teachers said that I was back in high school. While I didn’t go to U of T for life sciences, and become a doctor like I had thought I would I am going to U of T nonetheless for a field I didn’t even know existed. I found and great community and something I genuinely love by continually working hard after feeling like I was ripped off by grade inflation and online school. All of which is so minuscule to everything I’ve gone on to do.
Moral of my story is you might feel ripped off right now, that your hard work went unnoticed and you might feel like you’re never going to accomplish your goals. But the truth is, it's very minuscule to the potential that you have. And as long as you continue to use your work ethic and potential wherever you go, you will be successful. You don't need big fancy school. You can do just as well if not better at schools that are seen as less prestigious or competitive as long as you continue to put in the hard work that you did in high school. So please don't feel like you have lost something but feel that you have gained the potential to do more. If you’re truly uncertain about accepting a program, take the time off think about alternate fields and try applying again, it might be better than toughing it out in a program you don’t really care about. If you’re dead set on going to university this fall, don’t wanna take time off and want to apply again and didn’t get into the one you planned, join extracurriculars meet new people and keep putting in work and it will pay off.
And I’m not saying you’re wrong in anyway for complaining and feeling the way that you feel because I felt the same way. You’re all valid asf. All I’m saying is don’t beat yourself up and don’t feel like you’re the problem because there’s so many opportunities for you so long as you seek them out and take them and you will end up in a much better position in the end.
submitted by Raspberry-Zestyclose to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:39 xendron_1999 OPT consultancy screwed

I applied for the STEM extension and haven't received any updates in a few months. After graduation, I joined a consultancy for OPT and left it in 4.5 months after I found a good company to work for. I didn't pay the consultancy anything. Recently, I heard from my friend who also worked at the same consultancy that they received a Request for Evidence (RfE) from USCIS as the company I worked for got blacklisted. I am very worried that I might get the same letter or be denied reentry. In case I do, what are my options? I had no idea that it was a fraud consultancy but also have no records of my communication with them except a few calls. No email, nothing. Am I screwed?
submitted by xendron_1999 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:38 xendron_1999 OPT consultancy screwed

I applied for the STEM extension and haven't received any updates in a few months. After graduation, I joined a consultancy for OPT and left it in 4.5 months after I found a good company to work for. I didn't pay the consultancy anything. Recently, I heard from my friend who also worked at the same consultancy that they received a Request for Evidence (RfE) from USCIS as the company I worked for got blacklisted. I am very worried that I might get the same letter or be denied reentry. In case I do, what are my options? I had no idea that it was a fraud consultancy but also have no records of my communication with them except a few calls. No email, nothing. Am I screwed?
submitted by xendron_1999 to h1b [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:37 beckybitchh My ex (21M) dumped me (22F) but still says he loves me. Can I get him back?

So my ex and I were together for 2 years and everything was great. From the beginning we were almost everyday together and last year we even sort of lived together in his student room. He is a lovely boy who is always positive, brings a light into the room and made me feel the luckiest girl in the world. I had some bad relationships in the past and he was finally the one who loved me and cared for me in a way I would never imagine.
We both were students when we met and lived the typical student life: partying, drinking, going on vacation, etc. I graduated last June and had a job by the end of September. In the summer vacation we both went on a road trip together for 2 weeks and it was amazing. From the moment I started working, the relationship was not so exciting anymore: I came home, cooked dinner, ate together, we watch tv together or he is gaming with the boys and I’m doing my thing and then we went to sleep. My routine after work was boring if I look back at it, but it was new for me too. In the meantime we did some fun things, but not so often like we used to. I was into the adult life and even considered by moving in together and that kinda stuff.
Everything was fine and even the living together stuff was all fine by him too. We never argued (maybe 2-3 times in 2 years) and he always said “yes” or “fine by me” on everything, even if I asked his opinion 10x. So I thought we were still good. Until a couple weeks ago I came home from work and I noticed there was something wrong. I asked him a couple times and finally he said, out of the blue, that he had doubts about our relationship. I freaked out and cried so we couldn’t talk properly. He went home to his parents and the next day he came back to talk. He said he still wanted to be with me but some things had to change, for example my temper (I have a high temper and can get mad for the smallest and dumbest reasons and lately it did occur often that I got mad really fast). I said that I will work on it because it was true, it gotten worse and it wasn’t pleasant for the both of us, but he had to work on his communication as well. His doubts came for me out of nowhere because he never communicated with me about things that bothered him.
Our relationship went forward and I worked on myself and so did he. I thought it went good until 2 weeks laters the same conversation came up. He said he still have doubts about the relationship. I asked him why and what he wanted to do about it to fix it but everytime I got the answer “I don’t know”. So I suggested that we move on like we did but saw eachother less (like leave 2-3 days in between). So, then we did that because he agreed with the options I gave him to try and work things out.
Again everything went well. Couple weeks ago he was in his student room and I was at home by my parents. I noticed he wasn’t online on any social media and haven’t send me a message in 2 hours or so. Because of my past I panicked and spammed him with messages and phone calls asking what he is doing and where he is. I did this a couple of times and he got mad for my behaviour. After that, I came back to reality and realised that my behaviour is not healthy and apologised. He eventually calmed down too and said it’s okay and I love you. Later that week, we met up and he said “I think we shouldn’t see eachother for a time” and I broke down. The next day he deleted all my pictures on Instagram and removed me from the family groupchat so I was confused because this seems like a breakup instead of a break/pause. He came over and would only say “I made the decision so I stand by it”. So it was done.
Couple days later I went to his student room, where we ‘lived together’ to get my stuff. I made him a long letter which I read for him to say thankyou. After that he comforted me and we cuddled really long. We constantly kept eye contact and he admitted that he still loves me, felt butterflies in his stomach, felt happy, etc. I felt that he really had a hard time of keeping his hands of me and letting me go. At the end, we gave eachother a big goodbye kiss and it was magical. Despite all that, he still says he couldn’t be with me. He also said “maybe in the future” and “not right know” and that kinda stuff. I suggested that we go no contact for 2-3 weeks and then meet up again to see if his feelings have changed.
It’s been 2 weeks and he asked to meet up this tuesday. I want to feel hopeful, but in the meantime he deleted me on Snapchat last tuesday and unfollowed me on Instagram the same evening he asked me to meet up, which was last friday.
I have the feeling he is running away from his true feelings and is scared to get back because he thinks things will get better for 2 weeks and then the same conversation will end up. I am convinced we needed this because now I can truly see what behaviour from me is wrong and I need to get help to fix that for me. I already took the step to go to a psychologist. But he is stubborn and is convinced that it won’t work anymore.
I don’t know what else to do or say to him to get him back. I really love him and he is the man I see a future with. He does get the best out of me and supports me in things to make myself happy. I really think that if we gave this another chance it can work and we can get better out of this if we both work on our communication. How can I convince him that it can work between us and he doesn’t have to run away from his feelings? What do I do or say to him this tuesday? Is there a chance for us? I want my sweet boy back…
submitted by beckybitchh to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:10 InevitableGrowth7958 Help w/ SAP Appeal Letter

Financial aid officers, please look at my letter and let me know if it is appeal acceptance worthy, and what changes I should make that'll benefit my chances. I have placed underscores on specifics for privacy reasons.
SAP Appeal Letter
Dear Student Finance Appeal faculty, staff, and team,
I hope this summer break has been warm and smooth sailing for you. It has come to my attention that I do not meet the “Satisfactory Academic Progress” and I may become ineligible for student financial aid. This would be because of my record of withdrawing or failing classes these past fall and winter semesters, causing my inability to reach the 67% of hours needed to fulfill. In this letter, I plan to openly express my reasons for failing to meet your standards and how I plan to meet and strive to reach even further in hopes of your kindness and consideration.
On ____________ a Friday night, my family and I became victims of a major car accident. Thankfully my family was left with only deep bruises and cuts. However, on my end, I needed major surgery ______ due to having a displaced, femoral shaft fracture. I missed out on almost a month of school, just months before my high school graduation. Two months later, I visited the ______________________'s campus to decide on where to attend university. Initially, I thought that my healing progression would be manageable by the time I started the fall semester, but I was wrong. My physical therapy, which should’ve been a 1-year journey, was cut down to only three months because I decided to participate in ________(Summer Classes in person at school ). Because of the school’s elevated campus, filled with endless stairs and uphill walking, I was left with painful and energy-draining walks to classes for the entirety of my first semester. It came to a point where the pain and mental distress made it extremely difficult to attend my classes, therefore where my decision to drop classes came in.
During winter break, I had a follow-up check-up with my orthopedic doctor, where I discovered that I had refractured my femur due to my physical activity on campus. He advised that I avoid stress on my leg, which was impossible. Again, this led to difficulty in fully attending and focusing on my courses during the winter semester. Some classes were easier to reach than others, such as walks to ______________where the walk is mostly flat, compared to a walk to_______________, where I’d have to walk uphill and go over several sets of stairs, which led to the downfall of my grades. The pressure of being a student abroad while also being someone whom people back home have high expectations of, my performance led to a decline in my mental health.
Due to these reasons, I decided to retake the dropped courses this Summer through ________________ since they are online. I’m also pushing my admission to the nursing program by a semester to catch up on classes and improve my GPA. To further ensure that my academic performance will not be interfered with moving forward, I’ve just recently gotten checked, and now I am 100% healed according to my doctor. This means that I should have no more physical trials holding me back from achieving academic success from now on. I’ve discussed my academic plan with my advisor, and she is quite understanding of my situation and supportive of the way I wish to go through my academic career. As a student studying at ________________ to only achieve a nursing associate, it is difficult to reach a certain number of credits without being a part of the nursing program because of the small number of classes needed. So, I kindly ask for your patience as I gradually increase my credits and improve my academic performance to meet your standard academic progress. My family is still in the process of paying the bills that we’ve been charged with since the accident, so my financial aid is extremely crucial to aiding in our financial situation. I kindly ask you to please consider my appeal.
Along with the appeal form and this letter, I’m providing documentation that proves my integrity and proof of my medical statements.
submitted by InevitableGrowth7958 to financialaid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:59 IdealistCat What M. Arch in western europe would be more suitable for me? What unis could I apply to given my curriculum?

My interests
I have taken some selectives in art. I have a good foundation on structural design and detailing, but I only see them as a way of achieving the stuff that really interests me, because the structure conditions the form, and uderstanding how the building is built can affect the final product. My main interests are public art, sociology, theory and context study. My process is very research oriented, I believe research on history, society, climate, material availability, etc. will give me most answers when designing. Thus, I would like a programme that is heavily focused on that.
Why western europe?
More precisely, western continental europe. Because american and british universities are very expensive, even more so for foreigners. I could pay for my living expenses, but not on top of tuition. The thing that worries me is subsidized universities often care more about grades than portfolios.
Also because the languages I speak are: Spanish (Native), English (C2), German (B1, working on getting to C1).
Some universities that interest me: TU Berlin, Tu Munich, ETH Zurich, UP Catalunya (Preferably Valles), UP Valencia, KTH Stockholm, Aalto University.
Curriculum Vitae:
5 year B. Arch for National Autonomous University of Mexico (Top 1 in my country)
1 year working experience at Taller de Arquitectura X (Famous office in my country). Role: Research, detailing, drafting, modeling.
6 months paid internship at Taller Mauricio Rocha (Famous office in my country). Role: drafting, 3d modeling.
6 months of Social Service (Requirement for graduation at mexican universities) at MUAC (Contemporary art museum). Role: Management, Art installation mounting.
6 months of Social Service (Requirement for graduation at mexican universities) designing social housing. Role: BIM, environment research using grasshopper, design.
Other stuff
Two published papers in my university journal.
88/100 grade point average (I think my weakest point, and it is what worries me the most)
Fairly good portfolio, including some award winning projects
Could get letters of recommendation from my employers or academics from my faculty, but I didn't see it as a prerequisite on many places
submitted by IdealistCat to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:33 Tricky-Score-6244 Guys, need help.

I am a recent graduate and the administration of my Studentenwohnheim keeps asking me for the enrolment letters, I just graduated 2 days ago, so I am formally still enrolled. I have moved in the apartment 4 years ago and my contract with the previous owner is basically endless, but I guess the new owners have a different plan on that. I wanted to ask, how much time do I have after the graduation to leave my apartment by law, and is there a chance I can keep this apartment for the summer, and maybe there are ways to avoid leaving the flat? Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate your help.
submitted by Tricky-Score-6244 to Munich [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:17 i_guess_i_need_one 24yr old, In need of advice

Ever since I was a kid, I've been good at school. Gifted classes a few AP classes here and there. Either way I maded it to a decent school and graduated with a 3.2 GPA, a Bachelor's in Games and Interactive Design, and an Associates' in Computer Information Systems, but I can't seem to get employed anywhere. I've sent out a literal 1000 applications and have been met with either radio silence or rejection letters. I keep getting told to keep at i, and I don't know how much longer I can just sit in place.It'ss been a year since I graduate, and I have nothing to show for it. It's gotten so bad that I'm thinking of giving up on everything entirely and joining the military just to start wiping the debt away and hope it'll get me some of the help I need. It feels that if I join the military, I'll be giving up on the education I have, and it'll all have been a waste of time. I want to work in video games even if it's thankless, and I'm underpaid because it really is my passion. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. My computer's been broken for a few months, and I can feel my skills atrophy with each passing second. I've been rejected from every service work/retail job near me for someone who "more suits the stores needs."
submitted by i_guess_i_need_one to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:24 SpacemanSpiffEsq General Information / FAQ


This subreddit is North American focused. If you would like to provide information from other countries, please leave it in a comment below or contact the moderators.
What is a perfusionist and what do they do?
A perfusionist’s central role is to operate a heart-lung machine during open heart surgeries or other surgeries where blood flow may be impaired or interrupted. Examples of surgeries or devices that may require perfusionists most commonly include:
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
  • Heart Valve Repair or Replacement
  • Congenital Heart Defect Repairs
  • Organ Transplants
  • Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
  • Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD)
  • Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps (IABP)
  • Chemoperfusion
What is the salary and job outlook?
Salaries for perfusionists are generally higher than $150,000 per year. There are a wide variety of pay structures that will affect total compensation packages.
The future of perfusion is unclear, mostly due to concerns of market saturation. A search through /Perfusion will reveal a wide variety of opinions on the matter. The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP) publishes an annual report listing the number of certifications gained and lost. Included in the most current report (2023) is a historical list going back to 2000. Included in the 2022 report is the number of students admitted and graduated in 2021 and 2022.
Professional Organizations and Resources:  

Education and Credentialing

How do I become a perfusionist?
To become a practicing perfusionist in the United States, you must become a Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP). This credential is governed by the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP) and is awarded after passing two board examinations: the Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE) and the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination (CAPE).
Qualification to sit for the board exams is achieved by completing a certified program. The accrediting body for programs is the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and a current list of programs may be found by going to this page, selecting “Profession” and choosing “Perfusion.” Unfortunately, this does not include programs that are defunct or programs that are undergoing the preliminary accreditation process. All schools require an undergraduate degree before entry regardless of outcome: degree or certificate.
The list of schools maintained at and at SpecialtyCare are not current.
Programs currently undergoing preliminary certification include (alphabetical):
Program lengths vary from 18 to 21 months and cost varies from approximately $30,000 to $140,000.

Common Questions About the Application Process

Is it competitive?
The application process is extremely competitive. Schools are typically receiving several hundred applications and most take 20 or fewer students.
When does the application cycle begin?
The application cycle is different for each school, but typically start as early as June 1 for start dates the following year.
That means that for the beginning of the 2025-2026 academic year, applications will begin opening on June 1, 2024.
When do applications close?
Again, each program will be different. Some programs close earlier than others. Some programs have processes that take awhile to complete, so it is advisable to complete your application before the process closes.
Which school should I apply to?
You should apply to every school you're qualified for.
What prerequisites are required for perfusion school?
Each of the programs have different requirements. Contacting each of the programs with program specific questions is going to result in much more accurate answers than asking here. Programs can and do change requirements on an ongoing basis.
Nearly all programs require at least a documented conversation with a perfusionist or shadowing a case as part of the application process.
How do I find a perfusionist to shadow?
LinkedIn is your best resource. You may also post a request for a specific geographical area using the flair “Shadow Request.” You can also try contacting hospitals that do open heart surgery and arranging to shadow a perfusionist.
What kind of work experience is useful when applying to perfusion school?
Perfusion assistant jobs are sometimes referred to as a “golden ticket” for admission to a school. Many schools seem to value healthcare experience, through what type varies from school to school. Traditionally, RNs with critical care or operating room experience and respiratory techs seem to have a high degree of success. Other perfusion / OR adjacent jobs like anesthesia techs also seem to correlate with higher acceptance rates. As the application process becomes more competitive, it may be worth reaching out to current students to see what class make ups look like or Program Directors to see what advice they may give. Unfortunately, the application process is a “black box” and each institution has different qualities, traits, and experience they seem to value.
What are my chances of getting into School X? / Should I apply this year or wait until I have more experience?
No one knows. Your chances of getting into a school that you haven't applied to are zero. Contact the program for specific questions and guidance about your situation. The application process is a "black box" process with only the Program Directors and Admissions Council Members knowing how they work and what they are looking for in the current cohort. If you have specific questions about feedback you have received, feel free to ask them. Generic "what if" questions have a low likelihood of being approved in this subreddit.
Social Media
Look over all your social media accounts. Clean them up. Present yourself well online.
Additional Resources
/prospective_perfusion - subreddit dedicated to the application process and questions
/perfusion_accepted - subreddit dedicated to accepted students
Thanks to ghansie10 for the original thread - if you see this, please DM me!
Please report broken links or incorrect information to the moderators.
Feel free to post questions or information below.
submitted by SpacemanSpiffEsq to Perfusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:02 flomily I worry that i wont ever be able to form a healthy relationship with anyone

I haven’t kept any long term relationships with anyone my entire life. My friendships never last, something always happens. I always end up getting hurt. But because this happens so much to me i start to wonder if im the problem, maybe i have a victim complex? Do i get bored of people and purposely ruin things? I think its the way i react to things. If someone does something that upsets me a flip switches and i now see this person as the worst, i have a bad habit of saying things out of anger even things i dont mean, in my mind i hope i havent lost this person forever, but i do i end up losing them forever. Theres so much wrong with me. All my boyfriends have ended up blocking me and actually hating me. Ive been single for 8 months now and ive gotten worse at making friends and finding a partner. Ive had “talking stages” but its been difficult- for context ive talked to 3 different guys and i keep fucking it up, i wont reply anymore, ill be distant or rude,one guy i kept ghosting and he just apologizes cause he thinks he did something wrong and comes back to me but i feel like i was forcing myself to like him. And i have been honest with these guys, i tell them im battling a lot mentally and im sorry for being this way, but damn if you’re pretty enough a guy doesnt care if you treat him like shit… Anyways i did come to the realization that maybe im just not ready to date anyone and i should stop initiating things im not ready for to avoid hurting people. But now i think ive actually fallen in love with this girl, shes all i think about when i wake up and before i go to sleep, i keep reading the letter she wrote to me, listening to songs that make me think of her, she knows i love her but knows im not ready for anything right now. I cant help but wonder if my brain is playing tricks on me, clearly i cannot trust my own emotions. Am i actually in love or by next week will i find something to dislike about her, or will i convince myself im horrible and deserve nothing and i should just be left alone. But something is telling me this is different, i havent felt this way about a person in so long, it doesnt feel forced its more like i cant help but loving her, but im scared of hurting her. She knows everything about me and i expressed to her how i feel like i would ruin our friendship and i dont ever wanna lose her if we were to get romantically involved and then things get more complicated with me. But i know how patient she is and she would take care of me. She would be so good for me but i cant say i would be good for her. I would love her but im scared of what id do whenever i switch. What do i do? Graduation is coming up for the both of us in 2 weeks. Im hoping by then my mind will be clearer and i can make a decision about wether or not to pursue her. In the meantime its just a lingering feeling between us. Will it always be this hard to love
submitted by flomily to Borderline [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:00 flomily I worry that i wont ever be able to form a healthy relationship with anyone

I haven’t kept any long term relationships with anyone my entire life. My friendships never last, something always happens. I always end up getting hurt. But because this happens so much to me i start to wonder if im the problem, maybe i have a victim complex? Do i get bored of people and purposely ruin things? I think its the way i react to things. If someone does something that upsets me a flip switches and i now see this person as the worst, i have a bad habit of saying things out of anger even things i dont mean, in my mind i hope i havent lost this person forever, but i do i end up losing them forever. Theres so much wrong with me. All my boyfriends have ended up blocking me and actually hating me. Ive been single for 8 months now and ive gotten worse at making friends and finding a partner. Ive had “talking stages” but its been difficult- for context ive talked to 3 different guys and i keep fucking it up, i wont reply anymore, ill be distant or rude,one guy i kept ghosting and he just apologizes cause he thinks he did something wrong and comes back to me but i feel like i was forcing myself to like him. And i have been honest with these guys, i tell them im battling a lot mentally and im sorry for being this way, but damn if you’re pretty enough a guy doesnt care if you treat him like shit… Anyways i did come to the realization that maybe im just not ready to date anyone and i should stop initiating things im not ready for to avoid hurting people. But now i think ive actually fallen in love with this girl, shes all i think about when i wake up and before i go to sleep, i keep reading the letter she wrote to me, listening to songs that make me think of her, she knows i love her but knows im not ready for anything right now. I cant help but wonder if my brain is playing tricks on me, clearly i cannot trust my own emotions. Am i actually in love or by next week will i find something to dislike about her, or will i convince myself im horrible and deserve nothing and i should just be left alone. But something is telling me this is different, i havent felt this way about a person in so long, it doesnt feel forced its more like i cant help but loving her, but im scared of hurting her. She knows everything about me and i expressed to her how i feel like i would ruin our friendship and i dont ever wanna lose her if we were to get romantically involved and then things get more complicated with me. But i know how patient she is and she would take care of me. She would be so good for me but i cant say i would be good for her. I would love her but im scared of what id do whenever i switch. What do i do? Graduation is coming up for the both of us in 2 weeks. Im hoping by then my mind will be clearer and i can make a decision about wether or not to pursue her. In the meantime its just a lingering feeling between us. Will it always be this hard to love
submitted by flomily to BPDsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:38 NotHisGreatestLove I'm not his greatest love.

I am with my husband for a couple years now. Okay naman kame, but sometimes nabobother ako kasi alam kong hindi ako ang greatest love ng husband ko. They've been together for 7yrs. Di sinasadyang nakita ko yung convo ng bf ko at bestfriend ni exgf nung bago pa lang kame. He was supposed to propose to her that year na nagbreak sila. He was asking the friend for help na magkaayos sila. He was saying na hindi naman totoo yung pagfiflirt nya sa ibang mga babae and he was just doing it to get a reaction from her. After that, para akong baliw na chineck yung messages nya. I found out that he tried to get back to her 2months before we became official. He sent flowers to her work, a cake for her birthday, and even a letter just because she blocked him everywhere. I don't know how to feel back then. Pero pinili kong manahimik, mahal ko na eh, ako naman na ang present nya eh. Pinopost ako sa socmed, lagi kameng nagdedate, lagi syang nagbibigay ng flowers, eventually I felt more secured in our relationship and we got married. But sometimes, he would look at lilies and smile, I never got one, it's always roses for me. He still has some shirts from 10yrs. ago, I don't know if these have something to do with her but napalitan na lahat ng nasa wardrobe nya but those shirts are still there. Sometimes when we buy deserts he will look intently at the creme brûlée or matcha flavored anything, or dark chocolate anything but in the end choose something else. Sometimes, while looking for books in a bookstore at mapapadaan sa stationaries section titigil sya sa notebooks and pens, but we don't journal. Hindi ata nya napapansin, at hindi ko din pinopoint out. Ramdam ko namang mahal nya ako, but I know if he is in a room filled with all the girls who had connection with him, I think he'll run to her.
submitted by NotHisGreatestLove to u/NotHisGreatestLove [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:07 Bnic1207 What Did a Christian College Teach You?

I am a former Christian whose entire family apart from my dad are still Christian. My sibling even went to a Christian college for their undergrad and graduate degree. Out of curiosity, I asked my sibling some basic questions (at least I thought they were basic) regarding some biblical scholarship such as “did you know roughly half of Paul’s letters in the Bible are considered written by someone else?” or the “Markain priority”. They didn’t know about anything I asked, so it got me thinking… what exactly do they teach you in Bible college?
submitted by Bnic1207 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:35 halinnn_ Overwhelmed about competency assessment and final examination

Hi everyone! Sending this post to find help, tips, advice & briefly talk about my experience and journey to potentially becoming an RBT. As a little bit of background information, I'm in the process of obtaining my RBT certification through a company I found on Indeed. The company is well-reviewed, the starting pay isn't bad & based on what I saw when conducting my in-person interview, it's a very happy environment and everyone seems to be close to one another, since the clinic is small & tightknit.
Now, onto the important part. I was offered an acceptance letter early May. In the letter, the training process was explained. Complete the 40-hour coursework in 2 weeks, checkoff with BCBA within 3 days after course completion & take the RBT exam within 1 week after BCBA checkoff. If I complete everything by my expected start date (May 30th), I’ll receive a bonus. (I would also like to mention that I was given access to the 40-hour training modules on May 9th….the same day of my college graduation commencement lol)
I will be 100% honest. I am absolutely nervous, overwhelmed and dare I say terrified about the BCBA checkoff and RBT examination. I do not feel prepared at all. I am actually 4 module lessons away from completing the online course work. I have been taken notes & even booked a study session with the BCBA assistant at my potential work clinic, but I do not feel confident about passing the checkoff and RBT exam.
Has anyone else reading this was told to compete the 40 hour course work within 2 weeks? If so, how did you go about preparing yourself for the assessment and exam? Any tips or advice to overcome this feanervousness? I’ll also be open to hearing advice from those who were given more time to complete the coursework. In general, I’ll take advice from anyone, but I’m very curious to hear from those who was given 2-3 weeks to complete all the necessary training and requirements.
Thank you :)
submitted by halinnn_ to ABA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:23 DJBoltWreck Bootcamps Are Ruining My Career

I'm 26, born in Canada, have a diploma and a post-graduate certificate in UX Design, but I can't get a job no matter how hard I try.
I was fresh out of school in April 2022 when I got hired at a company, worked in the industry for close to 2 years with a company that I loved working at, a dream job of sort, but then I was laid off in November 2023.
I'm from further up north in Ontario and I understood that living in Toronto was going to be hard, even with a job, but all I wanted to do was get my foot in the door and get some experience so that I could move to where I wanted outside of the GTA and still be in my career. Now my EI is going all to rent and I'm actually losing more money than I'm saving.
I have 3 years of education specifically in UX, and just under 2 years of experience in the industry. I know I don't have a University degree which a lot of companies want you to have, but bootcamps like Brainstation where you can do a 6 month course and become a UX Designer are essentially forcing me to go back to school, which I don't have the money for.
It is hurting my mental health significantly knowing someone with a degree in some random subject plus a Brainstation or Google UX certificate have higher priority than me for jobs.
I have a portfolio, excellent resume, have worked with a career counsellor, and tailor every cover letter (even paying for subscriptions for LinkedIn Premium and RocketReach to help boost my chances), but I can't afford them anymore and have no hope left to continue trying.
I have no idea what I can do anymore to get a job in my field. I'm not against full-time or part-time work in other fields like retail, restaurants, etc. but I feel like I've spent almost a full decade of my life planning my career path and I've failed.
I'm on the verge of a breakdown.
submitted by DJBoltWreck to torontoJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:10 Useful_Term2503 How do you get through the hard days when they show up years later?

Two years after my divorce, I’ve made a lot of changes to my life. I moved to a new state for law school and started on a new career path, and I’m set to move to a new city after I graduate. I have a lot of new people in my life and I do a lot of new things. Basically, while the memories and hurts of the divorce are always lingering in the background, they no longer affect my day-to-day life.
Still, almost always, I have dreams of my ex and the life we had together. Sometimes my ex is still around. Sometimes it’s the aftermath of the separation and divorce itself. But either way, while I am asleep or in the haze between asleep and awake, I’m taken back to a deeply hurtful place, either by the memories themselves or the later realization that those memories are only memories.
Most days, I forget the dreams fairly quickly after getting up. Other days, the thoughts linger even more potently. Yesterday was one of those days, and I broke my streak of not looking at old pictures, what I could find from my ex’s public social media, etc.
From what I could see, my ex doesn’t seem to miss me or our old life at all (in fact, my ex publicly said as much). Though I know that social media isn’t reflective of reality a lot of the time, it still hurt.
For context, here’s a letter I wrote a few months ago but would never actually send:
submitted by Useful_Term2503 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:09 throw-away-econ-app PhD Profile Evaluation for Econ/Econ adjacent (accounting/finance)

I'm a student graduating from a CSU looking to apply to econ & econ adjacent (accounting/finance) PhD programs. I'm not sure where to aim since I have a weird profile. I'd appreciate anyone's input. I like tax research and asset pricing so I think I'm going to focus on accounting Ph.D.'s since I think my calc grades will be less of an issue and because I have a job lined up at a public accounting firm in the fall.
I plan on working for 1-3 years before applying. I'd really just like an idea of what I can do to improve my profile and where I should be aiming right now. Goal-wise if I went accounting I'd be shooting for an R1 placement and if I went econ I think I'd be shooting for a job as a CSU prof.
I am also looking at econ masters programs. I can attend USC's applied masters program at a deep discount (taxable tuition waiver) because one of my parents is an adjunct there. That seems like it would solve a lot of my problems since it would establish some distance between me and my undergrad grades and they have a masters thesis option which could give me a letter of rec from someone well known. Placing into USC's accounting PhD would be ideal, there are a lot of people there I'd like to work with. My main concern is that it is not intended for PhD prep, so I'm not sure how much I would actually get out of it.
My Profile:
Overall GPA: 3.1
GPA in the last 2 years: 3.65
Econ GPA: 3.9
Math GPA: 3.13
Note: My university does not award A+ grades, an A is a 4.0.
Math Classes in Chronological Order:
Econ Classes in Chronological Order:
Research Experience:
1.5 years as an undergrad research assistant:
Letters of rec:
3 pretty enthusiastic letters, but none of them are well-known economists of course because its a more teaching-oriented school. One is from the professor I was a research assistant under, the other two are from professors who I took an upper-division class with and wrote a class paper for.
My math stats professor, who has a phd in stats & a masters in econ, said he would write a supplemental letter saying that I am well prepared for phd level econometrics if that matters.
Haven't taken it yet, but I have done well on every standardized math test I've taken and this will be the first one I put a lot of effort into. I got a 170 on the quantitative section of the practice test before studying, so I expect I'll be able to get a 167+ by the time I apply. Would a 167 vs 170 make a difference in my case?
If you read this whole thing, thank you so much! I appreciate the time everyone here takes to help each other out.
submitted by throw-away-econ-app to academiceconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:07 Useful_Term2503 How do you get through the hard days when they show up years after the divorce?

Two years after my divorce, I’ve made a lot of changes to my life. I moved to a new state for law school and started on a new career path, and I’m set to move to a new city after I graduate. I have a lot of new people in my life and I do a lot of new things. Basically, while the memories and hurts of the divorce are always lingering in the background, they no longer affect my day-to-day life.
Still, almost always, I have dreams of my ex and the life we had together. Sometimes my ex is still around. Sometimes it’s the aftermath of the separation and divorce itself. But either way, while I am asleep or in the haze between asleep and awake, I’m taken back to a deeply hurtful place, either by the memories themselves or the later realization that those memories are only memories.
Most days, I forget the dreams fairly quickly after getting up. Other days, the thoughts linger even more potently. Yesterday was one of those days, and I broke my streak of not looking at old pictures, what I could find from my ex’s public social media, etc.
From what I could see, my ex doesn’t seem to miss me or our old life at all (in fact, my ex publicly said as much). Though I know that social media isn’t reflective of reality a lot of the time, it still hurt.
For context, here’s a letter I wrote a few months ago but would never actually send:
submitted by Useful_Term2503 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:47 Unique-Roof3965 BLS Spain Manchester

Hi, I’ll be submitting my documents in a few days so I just want to make sure I have everything ready.
  1. I see some information about the place not allowing applicant to bring big bag or technological devices like laptops and earphones. I’m travelling to Manchester so I’m thinking about should I leave or bring my laptop in case they require more docs?
  2. I am under Graduate visa and currently hold no job offer so what should I do under category 5 - No Objection Letter from School or Employee as I am no bound by either of the cases?
Any tips or advice would really be useful 🙌
submitted by Unique-Roof3965 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]