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2008.11.13 07:27 Laptops

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2019.01.04 02:43 GreatWhiteBuffalo41 No Lawns

A community devoted to alternatives to monoculture lawns, with an emphasis on native plants and conservation. Rain gardens, xeriscaping, strolling gardens, native plants, and much more!

2012.11.18 04:50 /r/tipofmyjoystick: What was that game called again?

This is a subreddit for finding the name of a game that you can't remember. Read the rules, post your description, and hopefully someone will be able to identify it. Be sure to help out if you think you may have an answer to someone else's post!

2024.06.02 20:15 aserioussea Employment contract advice - working notice when no contract has been signed.

I’m asking this on behalf of my partner who recently took a new job. To summarise: he left his job and started under a week ago at a new employer, when he started he got a very off vibe and within hours it became apparent nobody was expecting him, the line managers were not present and won’t be back for a further two weeks. He is very experienced in his field but this is a slightly different role and they promised extensive training. This so far hasn’t been the case, however his previous employer has offered him his old role back with more money and better benefits, and he is considering going back as he feels out of his depth with no guidance or even cooperation from colleagues and management.
After reading the contract we’ve noted that the new employer states in the probationary period he must work a month after handing in his notice, otherwise I imagine the earnings so far will be sacrificed. That being said they told him to fill out the contractual paperwork and bring it in, whilst he brought it in nobody has asked him for the documents and has not signed the contract in any form, he has only signed a confidentiality agreement to not discuss the work they have on and some induction health and safety type forms.
I’ve seen that generally the law is 1 week notice when you’ve worked for 1 month, however he hasn’t even been there a week and also has not handed in a signed contract to them. Where does he stand here and how should he attempt to proceed?
This is in England.
submitted by aserioussea to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 Black_Cat_86 Q&A with Alexandra

Interview with Alexandra, screenwriter of the story “The Secret of Heaven - Requiem.”
Friends, we welcome you to our modest interview with the beautiful Alexandra, take some goodies, pour some drinks and enjoy your reading!
Hello, first of all I want to congratulate you on the successful start of your story! Our interview is also exciting in the second update, filled with plot twists. How does it feel?)
Let's start with the questions that we dedicated to you; we and the players are interested in learning more about you! Please tell us how you started working at the Romance Club?
Many screenwriters have rituals before starting work. Do you have anything similar, in general, how do you get ready for work?
Can you share a photo of your desk/where you work?
Do you play yourself and what are your favorite stories and favorites in them?
What do you like to do in your free time? Maybe you have some hobbies?
Where do you get your inspiration from?
What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Do you have any pets?
What is your favorite movie/anime genre? What can you recommend to watch?
The Romance Club team is scattered all over the globe, are you used to different time zones? Or do you have certain working hours that are mandatory for everyone?
As a content consumer, how do you feel about glass storylines?
Do you love winter yourself?
We slowly move into questions about the story itself and its development :) How long did it take to develop the story?
Were you involved in the development of Requiem from the very beginning, or were there any other options in the pitches?
Which existing characters do you find the most difficult and easiest to write?
Did the fact that this universe already existed help in the development? Or, on the contrary, was it difficult to comply with the already written “laws”?
Which character is most similar to you in character?
To get a more detailed picture, in what period of the CH2 timeline do the CH2 events take place? Or, is this all after the final of CH2?
Dmitry and Anna are from Russia?
How long ago did eternal winter begin in Rotkov? Judging by the text, there is no longer a warm season there.
Why did Rotkov become the last outpost? After all, there is a place where Dmitry’s detachment came from.
Could someone from the SN cast be flying somewhere far away? Can we meet them? In theory, Malbonte, for example. Would you like this?
Are those immortals we have already seen former Unrecognized or not? Perhaps history introduces us to something new regarding the appearance of angels and demons?
How long have both churches existed in the city of Rotkow and, in general, how old is the city itself in its current state?
People cooperate with immortals and both sides are not happy about it. But according to the laws of the SN universe, immortals had to protect people. Why aren't they happy now? Because of the need for direct contact, or has something changed?
If Lane was able to survive and was not noticed at the funeral of the Siberia team, is there a possibility that any of her other colleagues remained alive? Besides her boss.
Lane has a scar on the back of her hand, but the girl in the cinematic was bleeding from another cut, as if this was done to show the presence of a scar?
“The Book of the Apocalypse” is written in the language of darkness? We wanted to ask exactly this question, but this update gives completely different information. Was this book written by different “people”? Somewhere there is Latin, and somewhere there is something that even Cain cannot see.
Is that distorted corridor Lane's subconscious?
How long did the Sibir team work until its death? How many people were in the team?
Why is it so important for Dmitry to get Lane emotional?
Have all the lovelines been represented at this point in the story?
Cain is so knowledgeable about sensual rituals, did he take part?)
The reference for the estates, especially regarding the estate in Rotkov itself, was the Catherine Palace?
On this note, our interview comes to an end, we express our deep gratitude to Alexandra for her time and patience. And to you, our dear readers, thank you for supporting us! We would like to once again congratulate everyone on the beginning of summer, may these warm days bring you joy. And “The Secret of Heaven - Requiem” will cool us with its icy charm :)
submitted by Black_Cat_86 to RomanceClubDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:47 tunrip Experienced dev in small company confused about the future

I began my first job as a programmer almost 25 years ago. I'm still there.
I enjoyed the mix of projects and work that came about as a result of working for a small company, but now things are changing and I find myself a bit out of water about the future.
I started in VB6, but my first big project needed a lot of work with the Win32 API too. That combination of skills worked really well as we continued to produce more VB6-based projects where I could include some really useful features.
We touched on a little ASP development back then, but it wasn't until the days of Visual Studio 2008 that we started new projects in Visual Basic .NET with ASP.NET webforms. Oh, we had a couple of bits in PHP back then too, actually.
Around 2012 I began proposing that we should develop new projects in MVC, but this did not come to pass. The new projects we started continued to be in VB using WebForms. (I know, I know)
I have a very good understanding of WebForms and its lifecycle, and understand its strengths and its (many) weaknesses. Recently, we needed to extend an existing system with a third-party API, and I pushed for us to develop it using Web API.
I managed to explain to my boss why we needed to develop things differently, and managed to explain how WebForms worked and why it was continuing to be a problem, and got the approval for us to develop this using Web API.
Whilst being very keen for us to move into developing these more modern skills, I was also aware that our existing team had limited knowledge, and that changing too much at once could lead to more problems. In discussion between us, we eventually decided to use Web API on .NET Framework 4.6 still in VB. I'm sure a whole lot of you will be frowning and eye-rolling at that, but it seemed the best balanced approach to help us begin developing new skills.
Even with this though, one of my colleagues really struggled to understand the aims. Almost even just at a conceptual level. "The Web API will do *all* the validation," I said, and he just kept leaving things out. "Start by just writing it out as a normal function we can call," I said, "don't worry about the new stuff to begin with. Let's get all the existing validation into one place, then we can move it over".
Even then he just couldn't get the concept of moving all the validation into one place.
My boss has always said "Shout if there's a problem with a project, in case we need to raise the estimate with the customer". I made sure to explain that this colleague was particularly struggling, and that even although we'd allowed time for learning new things, we were still likely to be over budget.
I ended up rewriting most of the existing screens myself. I moved all the validation and updating into the Web API, and developed a set of classes for helping to validate everything and feed the errors back to the user. I worked intense hours to try to get this all finished and working.
Once it was finally complete, my boss repeatedly complained that it was over budget, and I was a bit lost and confused that I had been flagging the problems with him from the start and giving him updates throughout about the status. I kind of feel a bit like he didn't know what to do about it either, so didn't do anything at the time, and it's easier to complain at the end.
In general, I juggle liaising with the customer, leading the team, and getting in developing things. In a way I'm somewhat envious of my colleague who struggled, because when he finishes something he'll ask "what am I going on to?"
I don't remember the last time I ran out of things to do.
The same colleague has a habit for not fully reading emails properly sometimes and will reply "Done" to a short list of three items. So often I'll as; "What about number 2?" "Oh yeah, missed that!"
I'm also at the moment leading replacing some of our older servers with newer ones. That's been on hold for about a year, but I'm the only one who understands enough, and we want to move everything into the cloud. Friday I was working out how to move from Redirected Folders setup in Group Policy onto OneDrive for Business, with a break in the middle helping my boss review open enhancements for a client.
I quite like doing a bit of the server stuff, or managing people, but I always feel like it's programming that's in my blood. I love it. But I also really enjoy thinking about HOW something will be used. How will the end user use this? How will it work best?
I have good English skills and do a lot of communication with clients. When I'm sending a release notice about a new feature, I really want to make sure that we've implemented everything well and sensibly.
That's a bit of an overview of everything. I've done that because... I'm not sure what my job is.
As a result of staying in a small company for so long, I've got lots of skills, but I'm also very much he round peg honed to fit perfectly fit the round peg of where I am.
My boss is now looking to retire.
I was always quite keen in taking over more, but I was very confused about the way things were happening. For a lot of things my boss does, nobody else has been trained up to do them.
He's planning on selling the company. I absolutely didn't feel confident to take over this because I don't know enough about a lot of those things, and I'm aware that there are challenges internally too.
The colleague I mentioned is in the running to take things over.
I think ultimately my boss doesn't especially want to step back while he's the owner. My colleague with less of an attention to detail isn't worried about the problems that need solving. I really do like that colleague as a person, but for a company which has always been about paying attention to detail, I'm really worried.
Previously, I was always keen to have been more involved. But I'm feeling less convinced that I want to be.
And on a day-to-day basis I'm so busy that when I'm finished for the day, I just don't have enough "brain" left to think about everything.
I don't know whether I want to be a part of the company as its future changes, but at the same time, I don't even know how I'd describe what my job is or what I'd look for.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything at the moment. I just bumped into this subreddit today and thought "Sod it, I'm just going to have a bit of a splurge."
Sorry for the long ramble. I think to a degree just writing it all down helped. If anyone remotely has any advice or even small suggestions then they're appreciated. I don't need any magic answers, but at the moment I'm overwhelmed even trying to think about what direction I want to move in.
submitted by tunrip to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:46 ButterShadow They really believed in Homeworld 3

Today I was packing some stuff up and when I put the HW3 CE next to the HW Resmastered CE I noticed just how much bigger HW3's box was. This was supposed the triumphant return of the franchise to space, and they wanted it to big a huge AAA affair. This is why they had so many writers, why the game took 5 years to release, and why it's got a season pass. The problem is that Homeworld was never going to be a huge mainstream franchise in the current market, what it could've been was the same thing it's always been. A mid line title with an active fanbase and a strong modding scene. But they went for broke, and once HW3 got too big to fail it became too big too succeed.
Before I get into my critique I'll just note I enjoyed my time with the game and am looking forward to some mods/war games content, but I get the criticism.
Moment to moment gameplay is good, though it does need some balance and unit pathing fixes, but that's just how 1.0 is for RTS in my experience.
War games is a neat concept, it's a way to bring the persistent fleet mechanics into a more replayable format though right now it's content lite. I think if they get finish out their season pass it'll be a pretty good game mode, especially do a rebalance for single player.
Multiplayer, not gonna lie I've never been interested in playing HW multiplayer, generally I find RTS multiplayer to be too stressful to be fun.
Skirmish, it's fine but content lite, I think this is viewed by the developers as mostly vestigal, but I think they should beef it up.
Campaign, gameplay wise it's good, distinguishes itself from the other campaigns, and uses 3D pretty well. Story wise, I see what they were going for, the outline is cool but it's over written and over explained. I think a decent editor could cut down the cutscenes to something much better. But as is it doesn't trust it's audience to fill in the gaps. I think the complaints about the switch to CGI are less about the actual switch, and more down to the cutscenes being bad.
In my opinion they should've gone into Early Access in like November with like the first 3 or 4 missions available, and basically all of these problems would've been glaringly obvious before the full release.
submitted by ButterShadow to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 wfptc Clorinde Pre-TC FAQ via WFP Theorycrafting Team

Hey everyone, the WFP TC team would like to present our Clorinde FAQ and Mastersheet! This time around we are leveraging our [wfpsim tool]( to handle a majority of our calculations instead of the traditional spreadsheets. This is a new process for us but should hopefully improve the quality of our content.

Clorinde FAQ:

Clorinde Mastersheet: google sheets

Like how we did things in the past, WFP staff (mainly KB) will be around to answer any questions in the comments.
Also from popular request we have also transcribed our FAQ to fit in this reddit post, but please check out the website version since that will have any updates or corrections!



Authored by Leifa
Clorinde is a 5-star Electro Sword character aligned with Ousia whose kit revolves around building up Bond of Life with her Normal Attacks to unleash fast lunges with her Skill. Her Elemental Skill causes her to enter the "Night Vigil" state, replacing her Normal Attacks with ranged pistolet attacks, as well as replacing her Skill with a lunging attack, dealing Electro DMG. During the "Night Vigil" state, Clorinde's attacks can pierce enemies, allowing her to hit multiple enemies at once.
Clorinde is played on-field, providing both damage and large amounts of Electro application for the team. Due to having fast, ranged Normal Attacks, she has strong innate synergy with current off-field characters, such as Fischl and Xingqiu.

WFP Subjective Analysis

Authored by KB
Clorinde’s kit puts a high emphasis on the value of mobility, utility, and healing instead of focusing on damage. The easiest way to conceptualize her power budget is imagining if Alhaitham did ~30% less damage, but in exchange got the ability to self-heal, dash around with no stamina cost, and retained his larger than usual AoE for a melee unit. For most players this is a pretty good package for a unit, considering that if a unit like Arlecchino wanted to tech into defensive options, they would have to give up a valuable team slot.
It can’t be understated how smooth of a driver she is for other sub DPS units. Her mobility isn’t quite like Neuvillette where he can freely glide, but it comes pretty darn close once you get used to how her skill works (for the love of god learn that her lunge can be controlled with movement inputs). Her AoE is surprisingly decent for a melee character and if you play her with Furina you will not die ever.
There will be players that will be disappointed with her personal damage, especially considering Arlecchino was released right before her. Which is fine, Arlecchino and Clorinde are targeting different kinds of players. People who praise Arlecchino generally are okay with things such as no external healing if it means they can do high amounts of front-loaded damage. They are fine with building a team around giga-boosting a unit’s performance. Clorinde, on the other hand, feels like the polar opposite. She wants her allies to contribute damage. Her damage profile is more sustained instead of bursty, and of course she does less damage than a selfish unit. After all, it wouldn’t be fair for her to do everything well (looking at you Neuv).

Clorinde vs Alhaitham Banner

We recommend Alhaitham slightly more for most players.
To keep it short, if you already have a defensive unit like Kuki, Kirara, Xingqiu, Baizhu, or even Yaoyao, Alhaitham becomes a very comfortable unit to use while maintaining good damage. Alhaitham also has the option to push for higher damage at C0 with a full offensive team at the cost of comfort.
In general Alhaitham teams have more damage than Clorinde at the C0 level. Clorinde does have significantly better constellations which allows her to close the gap. If you don’t have many defensive options Clorinde could be much easier to play than Alhaitham. At the end of the day both units are quite good so it’s not a big deal if you prefer one over the other.


Authored by June
Leveling Priority:
Normal Attack: Oath of Hunting Shadows
Clorinde’s regular Normal Attacks are nothing special to look at. Instead, Clorinde’s Electro-infused pistolet attacks during her special state on her Skill are her main source of damage.
Elemental Skill: Hunter's Vigil
Clorinde enters a special state called Night Vigil state. In this state, her Normal Attacks become Electro-infused pistolet attacks and her Skill becomes a lunging attack that is considered as Normal Attack DMG. Clorinde summons a single Ousia blade along with her infused Normal Attacks. During this state, Clorinde does not receive healing from external sources, instead the external healing is converted to Bond of Life. The percentage of healing that converts to her Bond of Life is 80%. This state lasts for 7.5s and automatically ends when Clorinde leaves the field.
Clorinde gains different effects depending on her Bond of Life value when performing the infused Normal Attacks and lunging attack. Upon using her infused Normal Attacks, if her Bond of Life value is less than 100% of her Max HP, her infused Normal Attacks deal increased damage,pierce through enemies, and grant Clorinde a 35% BoL . Otherwise, when her Bond of Life value is equal to or greater than 100%, she just performs her weaker infused Normal Attacks.
Upon using her lunging attack, if she has a Bond of Life less than 100% of her Max HP, Clorinde is healed based on her Bond of Life value, while her lunging attack gains an AoE and DMG increase. If her Bond of Life value is equal to or greater than 100%, the healing she gains and her lunging attack’s AoE and DMG is increased even further. Otherwise, when she has no Bond of Life value, she just performs her lunging attack.
It is recommended to always use her lunging attack whenever she has at least 100% in Bond of Life value. Your total health bar represents 200% Bond of Life, so this 100% would be at the halfway point.
Elemental Burst: Last Lightfall
Clorinde’s Burst is fairly straightforward. It is an AoE multi-hit attack that hits 5 times and also grants herself a large amount of Bond of Life based on her Burst Talent level. At Talent Level 7+, it grants enough Bond of Life to use her strongest lunging attack immediately.
A1 Passive: Dark-Shattering Flame
When a party member triggers an Electro reaction, Clorinde’s infused Normal Attacks and Burst gain an Additive DMG Bonus based on 20% of her ATK. This Additive DMG Bonus caps at 1800, stacks up 3 times and lasts 15s, with each stack having an independent duration.
This means that any ATK above 3000 will not increase her damage significantly, since this Passive accounts for roughly half of her non-reaction damage.
A4 Passive: Lawful Remuneration
Clorinde gains 10% CRIT Rate for 15s after each fully-enhanced lunging attack, stacking up to 2 times, with each stack’s duration being independent from each other. Clorinde’s healing conversion to Bond of Life during her Night Vigil state increases as well, from 80% to 100% conversion.
This passive can make it difficult to fit in a CRIT Rate weapon without overcapping since she also gains CRIT from her ascension levels.
Utility Passive: Night Vigil's Harvest
Clorinde’s Utility Passive displays the location of Fontaine’s local specialties on the mini-map, aiding in material farming for Fontaine characters.


Authored by June and KB


On paper, many of Clorinde’s core Constellations (C1/C2/C4/C6) are actually pretty substantial increases to her damage. However, C0 Clorinde does not have the same ceiling of damage as her DPS peers such as Arlecchino, Neuvillette, or Alhaitham. In addition, one of her strongest teams usually involves her doing a smaller share of the team’s total DPS. This ends up diminishing the gains from her Constellations compared to getting upgrades on a different DPS unit such as Arlecchino, who owns the lion's share of her team’s total DPS. This is our reasoning for the lower scores on the Constellations since we believe Clorinde’s value is already built into C0 and is more about her utility, mobility, and self-sustain, rather than her personal damage.
For players more interested in playing Aggravate or even Hypercarry Clorinde teams, these Constellations will be more influential than our listed ratings.
*Sims done with R1 Absolution in a Fischl Sucrose Kirara team. Please check the WFP Clorinde Mastersheet for more details.

Constellation 1 - "From This Day, I Pass the Candle's Shadow-Veil"

While Hunter's Vigil's Night Vigil state is active, when Electro DMG from Clorinde's Normal Attacks hit opponents, they will trigger 2 coordinated attacks from a Nightvigil Shade summoned near the hit opponent, each dealing 30% of Clorinde's ATK as Electro DMG. This effect can occur once every 1.2s. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
Clorinde gains some additional damage during her infused Normal Attacks through her summon’s coordinated attacks.
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 25.5%
Rating: 3/5

Constellation 2 - "Now, As We Face the Perils of the Long Night"

Enhance the Passive Talent "Dark-Shattering Flame": After a nearby party member triggers a Electro-related reaction against an opponent, Electro DMG dealt by Clorinde's Normal Attacks and Last Lightfall will be increased by 30% of Clorinde's ATK for 15s. Max 3 stacks. Each stack is counted independently. When you have 3 stacks, Clorinde's interruption resistance will be increased. The Maximum DMG increase achievable this way for the above attacks is 2,700. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Dark-Shattering Flame."
The Additive DMG Bonus from Clorinde’s A1 Passive and its cap is increased, further boosting Clorinde’s damage output. The absolute damage gain from C1 to C2 is the same as going from C0 to C1. You can think of C2 as getting C1 again, but with a bonus of interruption resistance. The interruption resistance granted from C2 is the same as Xingqiu’s orbital Rain Swords.
DPS% Increase vs. C1: 18.0%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 48.1%
Rating: 3/5

Constellation 3 - "I Pledge to Remember the Oath of Daylight"

Increases the Level of Hunter's Vigil by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15._
An increase in Clorinde's Elemental Skill level. Unfortunately, a large portion of her damage also comes from her A1 Passive, so this increase is less than a typical C3.
DPS% Increase vs. C2: 4.6%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 54.8%
Rating: 0/5

Constellation 4 - "To Enshrine Tears, Life, and Love"

When Last Lightfall deals DMG to opponent(s), DMG dealt is increased based on Clorinde's Bond of Life percentage. Every 1% of her current Bond of Life will increase Last Lightfall DMG by 2%. The maximum Last Lightfall DMG increase achievable this way is 200%.
Although this Constellation doesn’t seem like a large upgrade on sheets/sims, it does open the option to frontload her damage for quickly clearing a wave. At this level she has the option to go for one-shot nuke builds although our recommendation is still leaning towards Quickbloom teams due to how versatile they are.
DPS% Increase vs. C3: 9.9%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 70.1%
Rating: 3/5

Constellation 5 - "Holding Dawn's Coming as My Votive"

Increases the Level of Last Lightfall by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Yeah, this is really only a stepping stone to get to C6. Never go for C5 only.
DPS% Increase vs. C4: 2.1%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 73.7%
Rating: 0/5
Constellation 6 - "And So Shall I Never Despair"
For 12s after Hunter's Vigil is used, Clorinde's CRIT Rate will be increased by 10%, and her CRIT DMG by 70%. Additionally, while Night Vigil is active, a Glimbright Shade will appear under specific circumstances, attacking opponents and dealing 200% of Clorinde's ATK as Electro DMG. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG. The Glimbright Shade will appear under the following circumstances:
  • When Clorinde is about to be attacked by an opponent.
  • When Clorinde uses Impale the Night: Pact.
1 Glimbright Shade can be summoned in the aforementioned ways every 1s. 6 Shades can be summoned per single Night Vigil duration. In addition, while Night Vigil is active, the DMG Clorinde receives is decreased by 80% and her interruption resistance is increased. This effect will disappear after the Night Vigil state ends or 1s after she summons 6 Glimbright Shades.
Here we go, Clorinde is now a mobile, utility, self healing driver that also does an absurd amount of damage. In addition, Clorinde at C6 is impossible to kill with how much damage reduction and healing she has. This Constellation really does ascend her to a DPS unit that does almost everything well.
DPS% Increase vs. C5: 41.7%
DPS% Increase vs. C0: 146.1%
Rating: 4/5


Authored by KB
Clorinde does not really need to build ER since bursting isn’t that much of a DPS gain. You should still Burst when it is up of course, but it is usually not worth building ER over more CRIT. The one exception is C4+ Clorinde, which at that point it is important to calculate your specific ER needs with the tools below.
Clorinde’s ER requirements will vary based on your team and rotation. For a more accurate estimate, please use the Energy Recharge Calculator linked here. For more details on how Favonius weapons will affect your team, please use Ac1d’s Favonius Mastersheet linked here.


Authored by KB
Sands of Eon: ATK% / EM
Goblet of Eonothem: Electro DMG%
Circlet of Logos: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Substats : CRIT > ATK% > EM/ER
At C0, ATK% and EM sands perform about the same if Clorinde is triggering Hyperbloom. Without Hyperbloom ATK% sands is slightly preferable. Any Constellation above C0 will prefer ATK% sands over EM.

Artifact Sets

4pc Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy

Generally Clorinde’s highest personal damage set, especially at higher Constellations.

4pc Thundering Fury

This set is used when shortening Clorinde’s cooldowns is more beneficial than increasing her personal damage. An example of an ideal 4pc TF team is Clorinde-Furina-Nahida-Fischl, where Nahida and Furina have long-lasting deployable Skills/Bursts. Clorinde can swap off once to refresh Oz and then go back to being on-field. 4pc TF is not recommended for pure Electro-Charged teams.

4pc Gladiator's Finale

A fine budget option to use before farming for 4pc FHW. Roughly 10% less personal damage compared to FHW which is not too bad considering Quickbloom teams do not need her to do outstanding damage.


Authored by KB
*Sims are done for both 4pc TF Quickbloom and 4pc FHW Aggravate teams. Please read the WFP Clorinde Mastersheet for more details.

Absolution (5-star)

Her signature and best weapon. It is a significant personal damage increase that is comparable to her C1.

Light of Foliar Incision (5-star)

On the same launch banner as her signature weapon. It is one of the stronger 5-star options for her so it’s pretty hard to be upset about losing in the banner. Foliar is also a bit more versatile than her signature which is nice if you have multiple sword DPS units.

The Black Sword (Battle Pass)

Despite having a healing Passive which works with her BoL generation, the main reason this weapon is good on her is that it’s a good statstick that also grants high Normal Attack DMG%. At R1 it performs as well as Finale of the Deep R5. Once refined to R5 it starts creeping close to Foiliar’s DPS.

Finale of the Deep (Free Craftable)

Clorinde is the perfect user of this weapon, since the passive gives her a massive amount of ATK. While this weapon does not trump many of the 5-star swords it gets pretty darn close, which is very impressive considering it is craftable! Most people will be perfectly satisfied with sitting on this weapon instead of going for upgrades. If you are worried about missing out on damage, please look at the WFP Clorinde Mastersheet for her weapon calcs to see how much of a difference in team DPS it is to sit on a free weapon; it is surprisingly low for a 5-star unit.


Authored by KB


Furina has a pretty nice interaction with how Clorinde heals from her Skill. Healing Bonus applies to the huge 110% Max HP healing from her lunging attacks before the Bond of Life reduces the healing. This means that even having only 150 Fanfare stacks on Furina will make Clorinde heal more than double her normal amount. For players with access to C1/C2 Furina, they can increase the healing to roughly half of Clorinde’s Max HP!
Healing Bonus Amount of Max HP Healed
Base 0% 10.50%
150 Fanfare 14% 26.09%
300 Fanfare 27% 41.69%
400 Fanfare (C1) 36% 52.08%
*Furina Talent Level 9 Burst

Furina Quickbloom (Meta)

4 Thundering Fury Recommended
Clorinde Furina Dendro Dendro/Electro
Ideal Setup
Clorinde Furina Nahida Fischl
Generally considered her strongest team archetype. Furina is one of the most important units for Clorinde teams due to how well she interacts with Clorinde’s healing in addition to buffing several sub DPS units. Clorinde’s mobility is also unrestricted in this team with Oz’s range being the only real concern for positioning.
Dendro Options:
Electro Options:

Aggravate (Meta)

Clorinde Electro Dendro Flex
Ideal Setup
Clorinde Fischl Kirara/Nahida Kazuha/Sucrose
Clorinde’s Skill has fantastic synergy with Fischl in Aggravate teams since her application and attack rate are faster than most Electro characters. Clorinde’s Aggravate teams are similar to Keqing’s Aggravate except Clorinde brings much more mobility and has self-healing. Usually other Aggravate teams have to sacrifice a decent amount of damage or grouping for survivability since the defensive options are not great (Kuki/Kirara/Jean).
Electro Options:
Dendro Options:
Flex Options:


Clorinde Electro Hydro Anemo/Hydro
Ideal Setup
Clorinde Furina Yelan/Fischl Kazuha
Although Clorinde is the first “good” Electro Taser driver character to come out, her Quickbloom and Aggravate teams usually utilizes her kit better. That being said, her function as a Taser unit is perfectly fine and the Hydro units that can pair with her are rather strong (Xingqiu/Yelan/Furina).
Hydro Options:
Electro Options:
Anemo Options:

Hypercarry/Overload Clorinde (Not Recommended)

Clorinde Buffer Buffer Buffer or Anemo if no Chevreuse
Ideal Setup (For higher invest players only)
Clorinde Sara Chevreuse Xiangling
This playstyle only really makes sense for people who are at least C2R1 on Clorinde since at her C0 base she is not doing enough personal damage even with buffers to shine. Even at this level of investment the other teams above generally perform better and have even higher ceilings for upgrades such as using C2 Nahida or Furina.
Teammates :
Buffer Options:
Flex Options:
submitted by wfptc to Genshin_Impact_Leaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:26 JMO_the_1st My Village People - Chapter 2

My return to Lagos had me at first paranoia stricken and looking for people from the village around every corner. After a few uneventful months though, I was feeling like the old Duke again. The nightmares stopped plaguing me entirely.
I felt so good with myself in fact, that I decided to try my luck with Ameh again. Ameh was a fellow associate at my office. I’d made several advances in the past and been blown off. She was just playing hard to get though, I knew she was. Other than Dellia, Ameh was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen – you think that would have warned me but it didn’t. I knew I could get in trouble with HR if she decided she’d had enough but it definitely felt worth it.
I was just entering her office, prepared to ask her out and be turned down yet again when we were both called into Mistress Death’s office by her secretary. Mistress Death is what we called our General Manager, Mrs. Lara. She was known for her ruthlessness and cruelty. She was so distant from her juniors that none of us even knew her first name and honestly, I didn’t care to know.
Being called into her office meant one of two things; you were either being given a serious opportunity and she wanted to impress the importance of your success on you or you’d fucked up terribly and she wanted to drop the axe herself. I prayed to all the divinities I knew that it wasn’t the second option.
When we got into the office, her chair was turned toward the wall away from us. She was inspecting a painting that by my guess had been recently installed. It was an odd choice if you ask me, it had a man on it eating what appeared to be a decomposing dog carcass with his hands while a man in regal clothing watched.
She didn’t turn to face us for about two minutes after we’d entered and we knew better than to speak first or presume to sit without being told. Both of which I did – I still have no idea why.
“Good day, Mrs. Lara. Wonderful weather we’re having today.” I said as I settled into one of the chairs opposite the table from her. Ameh hesitated for a second then followed my example.
“Hmm?” She seemed surprised as she turned to face us. “Pardon me. I was absorbed in the painting.” That was unusual. She never apologized for anything ever.
“Please, sit.” She said as she sent us a piercing look that made Ameh wince.
“Thank you ma’am. You’re looking very wonderful today.” She attempted some damage control but Mrs. Lara didn’t care for it.
Without even acknowledging the words spoken, Mrs. Lara continued talking about the painting. Are you familiar with the story it is inspired by?”
“What ma’am?”
“The painting of course!”
“Oh. Well, I’m afraid not ma’am.” I replied for both of us since Ameh was too terrified to answer.
“The story is rather straightforward. It goes like this; once upon a time, the favorite hunting dog of a great king fell gravely ill. The king ordered that the dog be put out of its misery and buried as a member of the family.
The king’s animal master however, seeing an opportunity to ingratiate himself to the king, asked that the animal be given to him and he’d revive it. The man knew a lot about animals and was confident he’d cure the dog.
The priests also had something to tell the king. They told him they would perform royal rites for the dog only if it was given to them that day. Any more delay and they would no longer be willing to bend their sacred laws. The animal master insisted, claiming there would be no need for a burial at all if it was given to him. The king gave in and entrusted the animal to him.
Try as he could, he couldn't save the dog and it died. Perhaps it was just too old, who knows? The point is, it died in his care and this naturally, infuriated the king who gave the animal keeper a cruel, disgusting and unusual punishment.”
Please don’t tell me he made the man eat the dead dog!
“He made him eat the dead dog. Raw.”
God no! Why would he do that?
“The animal master ate the corpse, was stripped and forced to wear its fur as his only clothing before being banished forever.”
“All that for a little mistake? The king went overboard for sure, not to mention defiled the body of the dog he supposedly loved.” I’d forgotten myself and spoken freely. Rookie mistake.
Despite my blunder, all I got was a little “hmm” and she went on with her monologue about the painting. “You might be wondering why I told you this story, but it’ll make sense soon.”
“You see, there’s a very big, very problematic client we’re looking to acquire. I can’t give them to any high tier agents because I can’t have any single one of them devote their entire capacity to any one portfolio and I can’t give them to a team of lower level agents because I actually want to acquire them as a client.”
I love where this is going
“That’s where you both come in. You’re somewhere in the middle of these two groups. You two are more competent than seven of my lower ranking agents and put together might just be a match for one of my best agents.
Now, this client is the dog, you the animal master and I, the king. I’ll only ask this once, can you take this job on? If you’re successful, one or both of you could be looking at making partner in the near future.
However, if you fail this, my punishment for losing this client will be severe, cruel and to quote you Duke, “overboard”.
So? What will it be? I want an answer now.”
This was a huge opportunity. How could I possibly say no? This was the sort of opportunity everyone hoped for. “I accept ma’am. I won’t let you down, I promise.”
“You’d better not. What about you, Ms. Okon?”
“Hmm?” Ameh seemed dazed by what she’d just heard “I uum… I accept as – as well ma’am.” She sounded slightly unsure.
“Good. I expect you both to work around the clock on this. I don’t care if that means staying awake till the day of our meeting with their representatives – it’s in a week by the way. Mind you, staying awake is no excuse to show up to the meeting drowsy. I expect perfection at the meeting. One slip up and you won’t like the outcome.
With that, we were dismissed and I went to get the files on the new client from Mrs. Lara’s secretary. There, I had my first incident since the village. Just as she passed me the folder, I had what I could only say was a vision.
The secretary morphed into Dellia only this time she had red eyes and long white-blond hair that waved in the breezeless air like tentacles. She looked me in the eye and told me: “I’ve come for you at last sweetheart. I’ve been so lonely since you abandoned me back in the village.” She looked at me disapprovingly before her face softened and she smiled. “Doesn’t matter though I’m here now.”
“D-Dellia. How?” I asked in shock.
“We can’t be separated. Not even by distance. You love me remember?”
“No!!” I shouted at her.
“Uh… Mr. Obasale, is everything alright?” A voice that was definitely not Dellia’s asked me. I looked to see Mrs. Lara’s secretary staring up at me holding the folder and looking confused. “These are the files you asked for.”
“Right, right. I’m fine. Perfectly fine. Thank you very much.”
There were no more incidents that week. Not while I spoke with Tiny Tim about my plans to ask Ameh out again, not when I asked Ameh out over drinks after work, not when she turned me down or when I found out she was from Esa (a distant village that my village has had a generational feud with for… well, generations).
No, all was perfectly normal the entire week up to the day of the meeting. The meeting was going well all things considered, the clients seemed interested and my presentation was a hit – I made it, so no surprise there – and then it happened.
I saw her again. In the chair opposite mine. I would have assumed I was seeing things had Ameh not screamed “Who are you and what are you doing here, you witch?” She put her hand over her mouth as if she’d misspoken, but that was all the confirmation I needed.
I leapt at Dellia like a wild animal and attempted to choke her to death.
“Die, witch. Die and leave me alone.” I screamed at her as I squeezed with all the force I could muster. Suddenly something heavy smacked into the side of my head and I fell to the floor.
Getting up, I saw the lead representative of the client gasping for air as his colleagues attended to him. Ameh was standing in a corner looking terrified and Mrs. Lara had a keyboard raised over her head ready to swing in my direction. I could see security already on their way. I had no idea what was going on.
At the end of the day, Ameh and I both lost our jobs and Mrs. Lara promised us we’d never work in advertisement or brand management anywhere in Nigeria ever again. She said she’d let us off easy because my mental illness made her “feel sorry” for me.
Ameh was devastated. She completely refused to speak to me and left the office in tears. I felt terrible. I knew how much she loved her job. I decided to put an end to my problems once and for all. I needed to reach Dellia somehow and set her straight.
I picked up my phone to call someone and ask for her number but wouldn’t you know it? Her number was already in my phone. In fact, it was top of my ‘recent contacts’ list even though I’d never called her before. Definite withcraft but whatever it was, I was done with it.
I called her and told her as much. She didn’t protest, didn’t even sound worried. Her only reply was “When I’m home, we’ll talk more about this okay? Why don’t you rest a bit while you wait for me?” before she hung up.
“Wait, what? Dellia, when you get home where?” I asked in confusion.
“Our house, of course. Or don’t you know where you are?” She giggled like I’d just cracked a joke.
I had no idea what she was talking about and I didn’t want to find out. I tried calling back but the line didn’t go through. I sat up on the bed while wondering what to do. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Dellia on the bed behind me.
I should have been freaked out and screamed or run away, but I just leaned into her as she kissed me and straddled my legs. She kissed me again and again, more passionately than before as she guided me inside her and her body undulated on top of mine.
I couldn’t think straight, I was lost in her and in the moment. I kissed her neck, then the well of her collarbone, before my lips shifted to the swell of her breasts and I sucked on her nipples as I got closer and closer to climax. The only sounds I could hear were her moans and the rhythm of our bodies colliding.
Just as I was about to finish, I heard her shriek above me and her body began to convulse. The sound of her climax drew mine out of me. I grunted out my release and collapsed back into the bed panting.
She looked down at me smiling, I smiled back. I was still riding the high of my orgasm. She lay hear head on my shoulder and stroked my chest. “It’s done now.” She said.
“What is?” I asked, unsure what she meant.
“The bond between us.” She said with a satisfied smile. “We are one now, you and I. You are mine like I am yours.” With that, she placed another kiss on my lips and I jolted awake. I was alone in my bed.
“Oh, it was just a dream. I must have fallen asleep.” I said rubbing my eyes. I felt a slimy wetness in my pants. I’d had a wet dream. Stories about spirit wives and spirit husbands came to mind immediately. I would have dismissed that as stupid superstition some months before, but now those thoughts had me scared out of my skin.
I didn’t know what to do, but I knew one thing for sure; I wasn’t staying in that house by myself and I definitely couldn’t allow myself to fall asleep again. No way.
I picked the nearest place that popped into my head: Tiny Tim’s house. I rang the doorbell and waited for Tim to answer the door while looking round to make sure Dellia wasn’t hiding behind a tree somewhere.
As soon as he opened the door, I burst into the house without even giving him time to ask what I was doing there. As soon as I was inside, he of course asked what I was doing in his house without warning.
“Yeah, sorry about just barging in without even calling first. It’s just…” I thought about telling him the truth, but he’d only think I was crazy or worse, he’d actually believe me. Either way, he’d want me out of his house as soon as I started talking. So instead…
“… I’m just devastated by everything y’know? I lost my job and not only that, I’m pretty sure I’ll never get to work in Lagos ever again. I think I might be in the middle of an emotional breakdown. I just need to be with a friend this evening. Awake, definitely awake.” I was aware I sounded weird stressing the awake part, but it was very important.
“Honestly Duke, I would love to help you out. Hang out and everything, but my wife just got back from a long journey and we’d like to spend some time alone together. I’m sure you understand.”
I didn’t know what to say, I hadn’t even imagined that Tiny Tim had a wife. After all, we called him that because he had a childish demeanor to him and seemed to suddenly become handicapped whenever women were around. Honestly, I didn’t believe him.
“Timothy, I really need help okay? It’s not because any emotional breakdown or whatever.” I decided to tell him the truth - the whole unabridged version. He didn’t even seem to fully process my story, just gave me the same reply as before. I wasn’t going to let him push me out there with…whatever Dellia was especially not after it had gotten dark.
“Tim, stop with these lies about your wife. Which wife? You can’t even talk to a girl and you’re trying to tell me that you were actually able to propose to someone? Let’s be serious now, come on.” I said the last line with a laugh, imagining Tiny Tim trying to propose to some mystery lady.
My smile faded when I heard a woman’s voice from within the house. “Hon, I’m out of the shower and ready for you. Hold on, is there someone else with you?”
“Just a friend from work. Don’t worry though, he’s about leaving.”
My jaw dropped open and didn’t close until I was standing outside Timothy’s door. I got into my car and drove off with the windows up. I wasn’t sure where I was going to go but I’d drive round the entirety of Lagos forever if I had to.
“Where are we going babe?”
“I don’t know Dellia, I’m just trying to get away from… from you.” I quickly turned to the back seat but was greeted by an empty car.
“Listen, I’m tired so let’s just go back home alright?” I realized I could see her in the rearview. “I don’t want to go anywhere with you! What do you want with me!?” I yelled at the top of my lungs.
“Nothing really, I just want you to love me. That’s all.” I felt her hand rubbing my chest even though I couldn’t see it. “Won’t you love me? Please?” I remembered what she’d told me the night we first met.
“You need me to say it seven times right?” I didn’t care anymore, I needed to get rid of her. “I love you, I love you, I lo…”
“Stop, stop, stop!!” She screamed at me in an otherworldly voice that chilled my bones and nearly stopped my heart. “You can’t claim to love me when you’re scared. There are certain emotions love can’t mix with. Fear is one of them. You have to try your hardest to mean it when you say I love you.”
“I can’t Dellia, I don’t love you. I’m sorry.” I said, hoping she’d accept that and leave me alone at last.
“No. You can and you will.” She screamed at me again in the voice. Letting my fear take over my body, I stopped the car suddenly and bolted into the nearest public compound I could find.
Turned out to be a hotel. I found two guards sitting in chairs outside. I walked up to them. I offered them both #20,000 for every hour they stayed awake with me and kept any mirrors away from me. Those were the two ways I had seen her manifest.
I called Driver up to ask where he was and if he could come meet up with me. He said he was in Lagos on business and he could come meet me immediately. I don’t know why I thought to call him before anyone else. I waited for him for a few hours before a car that looked like his pulled into the parking lot.
Out of the car however, stepped Dellia not driver. She walked towards me seductively. I tried to run but the guards I was sitting with held me down so I was unable to move. She moved closer and closer and then… The guards shook me awake.
Apparently, I had fallen asleep and the guards couldn’t wake me up until Driver came along. We went in his car and he drove me round Lagos. I wracked my brain for the next step to take. That was when I remembered: Ameh saw her back at the meeting, maybe she could help me out. Or at least, I’d have a comrade in my perils or whatever.
I got to her house just as her roommate was leaving. I met her sniffing into tissues wrapped in a blanket and looking all-round defeated. I tried explaining my situation to her and asking her what she saw or thinks she saw at the office. She didn’t even seem receptive to my story.
She did say she was glad to know it was my spiritual problem and not hers.
As we were talking, something cut through her doors and Dellia burst through. I hid myself behind a chair in the dining. Ameh rather than hiding, actually went to face Dellia and promptly got thrown into a corner.
Scared, I stood and held my hands up in surrender as she walked menacingly towards me with her hair waving even though there was no wind. Unexpectedly, she smashed into a wall and then smashed into it again repeatedly. Dumbfounded, I turned to see Ameh with her hands stretched towards the helpless Dellia. Her eyes glowed blue and her nails had grown longer than I thought possible.
Dellia was able to throw herself off the wall and at Ameh starting a fight that had it been under other circumstances, I would have found entertaining. Under the present circumstances however, my first instinct was to run. Still, against my better judgement, I stepped in to break up the fight.
Big mistake that, I got a slash across the chest for my peacemaking ways. It sent me into the opposite wall and hurt like hell. The girls ceased their fighting immediately and rushed to my side.
“Duke! Are you alright?” Dellia asked.
“Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just a bruise.” I replied, wincing at the pain.
“It can’t be a bruise.” Dellia said, sounding worried. I got up and showed them my chest where my shirt was sliced through. A few welts had already formed, but nothing more.
“How? It can’t be. She used those nails to slice through my door. That’s a bulletproof door. You can’t just be bruised.” Ameh sounded very perplexed.
“I dunno, I’ve never gotten hurt beyond bruising in my life. Just seems normal” it had never occurred to me how weird that was till that moment.
“It’s true then.” Ameh spoke with an almost religious tone in her voice. “I knew it was true.”
“That’s why Bámí and the rest of the coven wanted me to get him in so badly.” Dellia mused.
“What?” I asked, holding my chest and having absolutely no idea what was going on.
“You, Duke Obaìsàlè are one of the chosen, the co-heir to the thrones of witches and the marine realm.” Ameh said, looking at me like she’d just seen a million dollars.
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2024.06.02 19:05 Jcb112 Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School (82/?)

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“Is that a threat?” I countered plainly, simply, and with my hand brushing against the back of my pistol.
“No, newrealmer.” The apprentice replied with a nonchalant, conversational tone of voice, having dropped that momentary rise in intensity. “I am merely referring to this little mixer. Which, I believe, I should allow you to get back to. But just be warned, it would be wise to heed my words. Though I highly doubt this will be the last you’ll be hearing of this, as perhaps clarification will be needed to address exactly what is and isn’t acceptable and tolerable. Then again, I doubt even that will be my purview. Oh well…” The apprentice shrugged, cutting himself off and removing the little blanket of darkness before he could get into another one of his long-winded tirades.
The darkness disappeared as abruptly as it’d arrived. Moreover, if the sensor readings didn’t already make it clear, it was now very much evident to me that the shadowy bubble I’d been thrust into wasn’t some kind of portal or spatial anomaly, but a careful manipulation of light; separating our small space from the rest of the gathered crowd. A crowd which, much to my surprise, didn’t seem at all fazed by the scene. If anything, the sudden and inexplicable appearance of the apprentice seemed to only result in the expected nods of respect, and bows of deference.
No words were exchanged between the shadowy apprentice and the gathered group. Instead, only a glare and a nod of respectful warning was given; generating an immediate shift in the atmosphere.
A vibe that immediately read as: Tread Lightly.
Silence permeated the immediate aftermath of that encounter. Whilst concern over the apprentice’s actions brewed inside of me, forcing me to consider the implications of this first open attempt at information control, and more worryingly… if he was acting on his own volition or at someone else’s standing orders.
However, despite the general submission to the apprentice’s presence and the unspoken warnings toward the group as a whole, the mileage by which the warning was taken… varied considerably.
The tortle-like-turtle, along with the rest of his group and some scattered compatriots, simply left.
Ladona and a few others remained there for a second longer, before likewise breaking course, returning back to Auris Ping and the rest of their group.
Etholin and the group of crocodiles however, whilst relatively unnerved and cautious, actually took a few steps towards me.
“Well then.” The orange and yellow Viscount Gumigo broke the silence first. “You, newrealmer, are now officially on our sight-map.” He spoke in a manner that because of his cocksure and gung-ho demeanor, made it difficult to determine if that was a particularly good, or a particularly bad thing. Though the fact he also left quickly after saying that, probably implied the sentiment lay somewhere in between.
“We'll have our eyes on you.” One of the crocodiles spoke, using two of his three fingers to point towards his eyes, before shooting them back towards me.
“And our ears too!” The smallest crocodile yapped through a confident grin, before just as quickly bolting off.
This left only the small ferret as the last one standing, as he once more craned his head up higher and higher, just to meet my eyes.
“T-the offer from before still stands, earthrealmer.” Etholin began, generating a brief instance of a privacy screen around us. “The offer to parlay that is. W-with the added caveat of guaranteed discretion on my part.” The ferret’s mild-mannered demeanor remained all throughout, even as he tried his best to infer something other than skittish nervousness through his words. “You were leading towards something, a topic which… while admittedly taboo and borderline preposterous, entering the realm of absurdity, is one that I very much wish to hear more of. Will you walk with me, Emma Booker?” The ferret gestured towards the second nook. “We don't have much time before the end of this mixer, after all.”
I nodded cautiously, prompting the ferret’s privacy screen to grow stronger with mana radiation, a confirmation that these things did take more effort to maintain when in motion.
“I’m flattered they even bothered to entertain my explanations in that case.” I offered, trying to keep the conversation rolling as it naturally veered towards one of the points I wanted to touch on; gauging the crowd from earlier using Etholin’s insight. “After all, it would’ve been much easier to simply disengage and disregard, rather than to engage and actively humor my points.”
“Indeed. Though this perhaps due in no small part to the… unconventional and daring plays of your vastly inferior hand.” The ferret paused, before quickly correcting himself just as we arrived at the third nook. “I… I meant no disrespect with that of course!”
“No offense taken, at least not at this junction, Lord Esila.” I offered with a sigh, urging him to continue.
“A newrelamer’s deck is often composed of cards stacked against their favor from the moment they step into the nest of intrigue that is the Academy. Your… unique predispositions, whilst seemingly a handicap, have been overshadowed by your peers’ classroom performance in the form of your current points, and most notable of all… your library card. Whilst the former is subject to the whims of the academic game, the latter… has become a foundational cornerstone to your lore. This, amongst a few other rumors and whispers, has forced the student body to reassess its stance on what would otherwise be an easily-dismissed existence. Indeed I… applaud your risk-taking maneuvers during that fateful assembly. Though I can imagine it did not come without its price.”
That latter, almost ominous statement, immediately put me in mind of Auris and the resultant cold war stemming from our two fates that’d become inexplicably linked after that assembly fiasco.
A pause quickly punctuated the scene, with Etholin looking up expectantly, as I took a moment to get a closer look at the third nook and all of its magically-derived shenanigans; namely the battle-lines now drawn into what appeared to be a fully actualized, highly-rendered battlemap, and miniatures of several towns and cities scattered across it.
“All decisions have their prices, Lord Esila.” I offered earnestly, just as the lines in whatever magical RTS game happening in the background behind him were shifting. “Indeed, as much as I appreciate your insight on this matter, this does raise the question—”
“You backstabbed my third guard unit, Lord Etale!”
“Well, YOU lied to me about the shipment of grain, Lady Evrail!”
I paused, momentarily distracted by the drama quickly manifesting in the background.
“—why exactly do you seem to be more invested in me than most? Now, I’m not saying I’m not appreciative of course. I genuinely, and wholeheartedly, wish to form more bonds amidst an… in your own words — nest of intrigue. However, I am merely curious.”
“Perhaps I see this as a risk worth taking, Cadet Emma Booker.” He offered with a twitch of his ears. “Perhaps, I see that the benefits of discussing matters, of forming at the very least a working relationship, is now worth the potential risks following your elevation from a mere newrealmer, to a potential player in the game.”
A momentary silence once more descended following that answer, as I paused to ponder the sincerity behind the ferret’s voice, amidst the growing chaos and rapidly deteriorating battle-lines of the game behind him; towering high-rises and windmills alike, crumbling amidst a barrage of tiny magical missiles hurled to the tune of tiny mana radiation signatures.
However, just before I could formulate an answer, a series of bells suddenly sounded above us, eliciting the attention of not just me and my gathered audience, but the rest of the room as well.
It was around this time that the musical ensemble from one of the nooks came forward, carried aloft on a floating invisible platform, as the ‘MC’ began addressing everyone in the room. “Princes and Princesses, Lords and Ladies… newrealmer… may I have your attention, please! The time for dinner has arrived! As a result, it would be our pleasure once again to serenade the end of today’s mixer.” The ‘MC’ quickly turned towards the only other noble on stage, who just as quickly began performing.
The question of just how a singular person would be able to play a quartet’s worth of instruments quickly became clear, as disembodied white-gloved hands manifested out of nowhere, and began playing a sharp and whimsical tune.
“It stands to reason that perhaps fate has deemed our conversation stops here, at least for now, Cadet Emma Booker.” Etholin offered.
“There’s more you wanted to touch base on?”
“Y-yes. There is a proposition I wish to pose to you, on the matter of this weekend’s sojourn into Elaseer, and on another matter more pertinent to your time here within the Academy and its many, many factions.”
So that’s what his angle is?
“If it’s a simple nonbinding talk, then sure. Maybe tomorrow after class? Or maybe after Friday’s PE class? As long as nothing else comes up of course.”
“Those are indeed acceptable time frames, Cadet Emma Booker.” Etholin nodded deeply, before taking a few careful steps back. “Till we meet again.”
The sun had begun setting at this point, and as the music prepared to draw to a close, so too did everyone’s formerly talkative spirits.
The wrap-up process was somber, and was rather distinct for each of the little nooks within the lounge. The first nook, with Ilunor and Rostario, seemed to be tallying up some sort of a scoreboard that floated in mid air, far above the reaches of the pair’s short little arms.
The second nook however seemed to be dealing with a lot of cleanup work, as the animated paper birds, dragons, gryphons, and dragon-wyvern-gryphon hybrids were practically torn to shreds by the end of it. Whatever animated battle had transpired, I was apparently not privy to. But I made an immediate mental note to both myself and the EVI to focus on that nook the next time around.
The third nook, the one I’d seen towards the tail end of the mixer, was my main fixation at this point however; as the students here seemed to be tallying and wrapping up what was effectively a magically actualized version of a hybrid between a real-time strategy and a table-top roleplaying game. Except instead of holograms, they dealt with fully autonomous physical miniatures, small representations of anything from your archetypal knight to what looked to be a heavily armored… dare I say it, renaissance looking APC… if that was even a thing. I tended to stay away from fusion fantasy stories, being known as a stickler for minimally invasive crossover settings, so I’d need to look this over with the EVI after work was done. Many of the miniatures however lie in tatters, mauled and torn apart across the mini battlefield. But just like the second nook, this mess didn’t seem to be a problem; a series of magical spells restored every model back to their original condition.
Though following the cleanup, I’d expected the tensions from earlier to spiral into some form of a duel. Similar to how Ilunor and Rostario had seemingly been riled up from what amounted to a minor confrontation.
This, surprisingly, didn’t happen. Instead, and much to my surprise, the group just ended up shaking hands in a surprising display of sportsmanship.
But while the first three nooks were rather straightforward, the fourth nook… I just couldn’t comprehend. Their incantations of darkness seemed to have brought about some sickening creature that disintegrated into what I could only describe as liquid shadow following the call for dinner.
Which left only the fifth nook, who were essentially already packed up, with their musical instruments disappearing either into a burst of smoke or into a small dimensional rift-in-the-wall.
That, I’d need to investigate down the line.
For now however, I turned towards the exit, towards the animated painting that had acted as the entryway to the space. One that had now just given up on all pretenses and opened up like a traditional door; exactly as I recalled it on the night of the warehouse explosion.
“So much for all the magical effort that goes into entering the place.” I groaned out, as I regrouped with the rest of the party, but not before Ilunor turned around for one final jab at the hamster.
“You’re a guinea pig, Prince Rostarion!” He seethed, before seemingly out of nowhere, pulling a fruit that looked like a cross between a pineapple and a cantaloup out of his cloak. At which point, he lobbed it, directly towards the hamster who deflected it with a flick of his wrist.
This led to what amounted to an impromptu tennis match that followed us from the lounge, into the halls, and even all the way down the stairs, before it finally came to an end at the end of an upper yearsman’s wand. At which point, a few words were exchanged, and the pineapple found itself floating and following the Vunerian down and into the dining hall. It seemed to get closer and closer to his head, only halted when he turned around to glare at it.
“I… I don’t understand what’s going on anymore, Ilunor.” I offered in an exasperated breath.
“It’s humor, earthrealmer.” The Vunerian responded somehow pridefully, yet defeatedly at the same time. “You wouldn’t understand.”

Dragon’s Heart Tower, Level 23, Residence 30, Living Room. Local Time: 2000 Hours.
“So what do you make of it?” I asked the gang after more or less divulging the entirety of my encounters during the little ‘mixer’, now that we’d plopped ourselves down on the couch, with a cone of silence deployed for good measure.
“Lady Ladona was attempting to assert some level of social dominance and intimidation.” Thacea began, taking a sip of some tea she’d ordered in from dinner. “Whether or not that is at the behest of Lord Ping’s request, or one committed on her own volition, does not detract from the fact that her actions are invariably representative of her peer group.”
“To which Emma responded in the best way possible.” Thalmin offered with a snarky grin. “Care to revisit that moment you stood your ground against her on your memory shard again, Emma?”
“I’m afraid I have to insist on moving forward with the conversation, Thalmin.” Thacea countered, prompting the lupinor to hold back and to simply shrug, urging the avinor to continue.
“The rest of the crowd seemed… as you pointed out to Lord Esila, surprisingly accommodating all things considered. Though it’s the encounter with Apprentice Arlan Ostoy that I am most worried about.”
“As am I.” I offered, prompting both of us to stare intently in deep thought.
“The man is obviously trying to halt the divulgence of hard evidence to your manaless existence.” Thalmin offered.
“But the enforcement aspect of it is nebulous at best.” Ilunor chimed in. “I believe you will see further expansion upon this warning sooner rather than later. For now I believe it would be best if we heeded those warnings, especially considering the delicate situation we are already embroiled in.”
I took a moment to take all of that advice in, pausing to consider my next course of action with that particular development.
Exhaustion certainly wasn’t something I’d expected to feel this early on in the night. This was especially true when considering that all that had transpired was what amounted to a small social gathering.
Though as my time with the Director had taught me, ‘parties’, and ‘social events’ were two very distinct things. With the latter being less of a party and more of a thinly veiled networking expo disguised under layers of booze, food, and whatever shiny distractions your budget could afford.
But while the social mixer seemed to have opportunities for those to pursue their hobbies, namely in the little nooks… the social event aspect of it was definitely still there. And as a result, it was still something I desperately wanted to recover from.
Though given my track record…
“INFIL-DRONE01a has returned-to-base, Cadet Booker.”
… I should’ve expected that work was going to rear back its ugly head somehow.
Moreover, this was all part of the plan, after all.
The expected downturn in activity was expectedly replaced with the anxiety-inducing apprehension of what was to come.
“Alright.” I announced, both towards the EVI, and outwardly towards the rest of the gang. “The spy drone’s back. Are you guys ready to see what’s on it?”
A series of nods quickly followed, with all eyes averting from the dragon-fly like drone currently docking itself back into my suit.
I held my breath as the data began its tentative upload, a nagging feeling coiling from the back of my spine urged me to prepare for the worst.
“Alert. Probability of stealth compromisation and discovery at 50.27%. Isolate and play moment of stealth parameter endangerment?”
And I just about let loose the largest sigh of internalized stress I’ve released over the past 48 hours.
This clearly brought on the attention of the rest of the group, as each of them leaned closer towards me.
“There’s a near fifty-fifty chance we’ve been found out.” I explained bluntly. “But there’s only one way to find out.” I quickly began setting up the tablet and its on-board projector, flipping it on its kickstand as the recorded footage started playing, zeroing in on the exact instance of mission endangerment.
The footage revealed what appeared to be the same blank void from my long-winded journey towards the man’s office. The blank unrendered walls, the shadowless bright white fixtures, and the floatiness of it all, made it clear exactly where we were.
“At least we’re headed towards Mal’tory’s office.” I offered with a half-hearted laugh.
However, as the footage continued, it quickly became clear to all of us that it wasn’t just the apprentice that was on the prowl towards the black robed professor’s offices.
In fact, as the camera panned up, it became readily apparent exactly who had triggered the stealth alarm.
As it became undeniably clear that the armorer of all people, was now side-eying the drone, cocking his head if only so slightly in the direction of its flightpath.
Throughout all of this however, the apprentice remained locked in her own little world, as she continued talking about subject matters not particularly important, most of which simply related to the class and the more mundane aspects of teaching.
“This is bad.” Thalmin managed out first, sinking the bottom half of his face into his hands.
However, just as those words were uttered, so too did the footage reveal something… peculiar about Sorecar’s unfettering gaze.
He winked.
Or at least, in his own little way, as a gleam of light reminiscent of a lens flare emanated from the left visor currently in view of the drone.
All four of us just about lost it at that point.
As Thacea turned towards me expectedly, looking up at me as if I had the answers.
“I… I’m guessing… I mean… He’s perceptive, I’ll give him that. He’s doing something none of the professors could do so far. Heck, not even the apprentice seems to notice. But that wink… I guess…” I paused, before turning towards the EVI. “EVI, any other instances of potential discovery?”
“Negative, Cadet Booker. This is the only recorded instance that surpasses the tolerable threshold.”
I took a moment to sink into the armor. “Well, this seems to be the only instance the drone caught anyone or anything else staring directly at it.” I explained to the group. “Moreover, there were no instances in which Sorecar actually notified the apprentice about this it seems.” I continued, once more reviewing the EVI’s risk of discovery reports.
“The man seems to be somewhat endeared to you, Emma.” Thacea reasoned.
“Yeah… funny the way things turn out, huh?” I offered, before scrolling towards the start of the mission proper, and began playing.
Everyone now became intently focused on the long stretches of silence as the apprentice and professor duo made their way from the class and towards the dark and imposing double doors of Mal’tory’s office.
It was here however, that the first words from the apprentice directly referencing the man were finally spoken.
“Well here we are.” Larial spoke through a tired sigh.
“The office of the great man himself.” Sorecar chuckled darkly, crossing his arms in the process. “Well go on then. Be my guest, Apprentice.”
To which the apprentice nodded, but instead of simply opening the door… she grabbed what appeared to be a small notebook, turning to a page stamped entirely with seals and runes. She took a few steps forward, holding the book up, and outstretching her other hand in what amounted to the most archetypal image of a mage casting a spell I could ever dream up. “Ars la tal te al…” She mumbled in rapid succession, looking visibly silly without my drone’s ability to pick up manastreams due to its limited onboard sensors, and thus giving the gang a small slice of what it was like to see the world through my eyes.
These mumblings however eventually resulted in the doors creaking open, slowly, but surely, and with great strain, being pushed inwards by an unseen force.
“That wasn’t an Academy spell.” Sorecar noted accusingly.
“No, it wasn’t.” Larial acknowledged cryptically, pocketing the book and stowing it away.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Apprentice.” The armorer spoke with a hint of ominous foreboding, visibly hesitant to cross the threshold and into Mal’tory’s office.
“I’m merely carrying out my duties, and the last I checked, those who carry out their duties are impervious to the ministrations of the games fought amongst the issuers of said duties.”
“You see the world in black and white, Apprentice; a fatal misstep once one enters the throes of the game. And the longer you remain in this rat race, the sooner you will come to realize that you must pick a side. Lest you become a liability, or worse, be an intolerable threat to be dealt with.” Those words carried with it what seemed to be a genuine sense of care and concern. Though dour and colored with a severity I hadn’t seen from the armorer so far. Part of me even felt like he could be speaking from experience.
The apprentice only paused for a few seconds, her whole body freezing for a moment as if considering the very real looming threats.
However, no sooner did that realization come did it also dissipate, as she let out a sigh, before pulling out a monocle from beneath her cloak. “You speak as if I have a choice, Professor. Where in reality, the only choice I have is to resign or to obey. In which case, I have little choice at all.” Larial’s eyes wavered as she said that, if only for a moment. “My choice was made the moment I left the crownlands. Moreover, I try my best to see the light in this dire situation. I still see this responsibility as an opportunity for me to also work for myself.”
“So you do have aspirations for the black-robed position.” The professor surmised.
“No. Not particularly anyways. No, what I meant by my personal responsibilities… is a debt that I must uphold.”
“A life debt, perchance?” The professor reasoned, prompting the apprentice to once more pause.
“A debt is a debt, which must be paid in full all the same.” She reasoned, before once more urging the man across the threshold.
Sorecar did so with a nervous hop, as if preempting some sort of trap which never came.
It was at this point that the pair became silent, as if in awe of the room they were now standing in.
Everything about it… was exactly the same as it was on that fateful night. From the dark and moody bookshelves that lined most of the walls, to the somber and almost mournful pieces of art, furniture, and knick-knacks that looked eerily fluid this time around.
Moreover, the centerpiece of the whole room, that anatomical live-model of a dragon, remained exactly as it was.
And even now… I could swear that its eyes were staring at the sole occupants of the room, in a permanent expression of shock and dread.
“I assume you’ve never been in the prime iteration of the man’s offices before.” Sorecar reasoned, his gait becoming paradoxically more confident, whilst Larial’s became more and more nervous.
“No. It would seem not.” She expressed through a tentative breath, closing the doors behind them, before going over practically every nook and cranny in the room with both her eyes, and a flight of magical gloved hands. “It would seem as if he didn’t trust me enough to allow me entry into his true domain.”
“Understandable.” Sorecar shrugged. “But that begs the question, exactly how did you come across that seal-breaker?”
“As I said before, Professor. I’ve been assigned this responsibility by three authorities simultaneously.”
“Let’s see… the weak-willed young Vanavan?”
“Yes.” The apprentice nodded, now kneeling in front of the chair I’d broken out of half a week ago.
“And the Dean as well, I imagine?”
“Correct.” She nodded again, this time placing her hand over top of the damaged chair, as if inspecting it for signs of tampering.
“And the third, the only one with the key to the prime iteration of the black-robed professor's offices… I assume this is a third party?”
The apprentice finally paused at that latter question, though it wasn’t clear if it was because she discovered something about the chair, or was more concerned about the question itself.
“Yes.” She finally responded after a tentative few seconds, moving over towards the back of Mal’tory’s desk.
“Am I correct to assume then, that this mysterious third party is some young and aspiring member of the inner guard? A Captain perhaps? Maybe even a Major?”
“I am not at liberty to discuss the nature of my superiors, Professor.” Larial concluded sternly, placing both of her hands atop of Mal’tory’s desk.
“But you just did.” Sorecar shot back with a tone of voice that could only be described as amused and cocky.
“I did so in the hopes of appeasing your curiosities, professor, to the point where perhaps you would be satisfied with two answers out of a total of three.” The apprentice responded with a hard sigh.
“And you just so happened to have chosen to stop at the mystery individual because that was perhaps the juiciest insight out of all three?”
“I stopped because that just so happens to be the third question on your roster, professor. Now please, I need a moment of concentration.”
“Apologies, apprentice.” The man craned his head down in a show of apologetics.
The silence finally prompted Larial to bring out what looked to be a bespoke, intricately crafted, and fancifully adorned magnifying glass. One that was tastefully sized, and looked genuinely cool to hold with its cherry-oak handle and its gold and silver decals. I would’ve killed to have something like that commissioned out-of-pocket for a Victorian steampunk cosplay. This, coupled with the monocle she had put on not a few moments prior, gave an almost period-appropriate air of some Sherlock Holmes flick; vibing quite well with the room’s Victorian aesthetic.
Even Sorecar of all people seemed to fit weirdly well, as some sort of an eccentric overly curious sidekick to the serious and strait-laced Detective Larial. These dynamic duo vibes would be further tested, as Sorecar continued pushing on his previous talking points. “Though, forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds here… but I do assume that the seal on your notebook belongs to the inner guard. Dare I say it, it reminds me of a sub-order within the guard, the Beholders of His Eternal Majesty, to be precise.”
“And what makes you think that, professor?” Larial shot back curiously, cocking her head, but still completely engrossed in whatever it was she was eyeing through that magnifying glass.
“This room we’re in.” Sorecar gestured aggressively. “This is its prime iteration, the real deal, the actual room, not a tertiary, let alone a secondary decoy to be accessed by a lesser seal or an attempt at physical trespassing. Now, for any other office within the castle walls, that access could easily be explained through the utilization of the Dean’s seal. But for a black robed professor’s office? Well… you know as well as I, that no academic authority can grant you access into what is effectively the crownlands’ consulate. I know for a fact, that the last time I entered a black-robed professor’s office with the Dean’s Seal, all I saw was the most unconvincing facsimile of the prime iteration.”
“I forget sometimes that you were once perhaps an apprentice as well, professor.”
This attempt to connect with the apprentice through personal anecdotes seemed to work for a little bit, before something caused the warmth from the apprentice’s face to fade entirely.
“What is it?” Sorecar urged, noticing the radical shift in their back and forths.
No sooner was that question raised did an audible CLICK soon follow, and the sound of a desk drawer opening filled the stale and stagnant air soon after.
From there, the now-silent apprentice cautiously pulled up two items from the unlocked drawer using some sort of levitation spell; only one of which I recognized from that fateful day.
In one of her hands was the crystal ball I saw Mal’tory stowing away prior to our conversation.
And in the other, was a small notebook bound in bright green leather, one that prompted Ilunor’s eyes to grow wide with worry.
“I believe I have found the last instance of the professor’s personal correspondence to the crownlands.” She spoke, placing the crystal ball down on the professor’s desk. “And I also believe, I have found exactly what our dear Dean, and indeed… my third party is looking for.” She placed the notebook on the table. “A list… containing a number of books marked as recommended reading material for the studious student… all to be issued not by the school’s library, but the Library.”
“None of those books are on the course’s recommended reading material list, I imagine.” Sorecar responded darkly and facetiously.
“No. Not a single one, professor. Which can only mean one thing.”
"We found The Library's burned catalog."
First Previous Next

(Author’s Note: Apprentice Arlan Ostoy, the shadow-obscured apprentice, seems to be rather serious in his attempts at obfuscating the truth! We'll just have to see how that plays out haha. However, in spite of that, we see Etholin's interests in Emma growing, as he speaks frankly with her on several matters, and Emma finally confronts him about just why he seems to be so eager to talk to her despite the taboo nature of her very existence! We also see exactly what the five nooks in the student lounge are up to, as I've always wanted to give the magical world just a little bit more whimsy and a lived in sort of vibe with these things happening all around Emma, and just demonstrating that there is indeed multiple stories and characters just living their own lives outside of Emma's story! That's the sort of vibe that I always love and that I hope I'm able to capture with this haha. Also, most importantly, we start to see the footage gathered from Emma's snooping, as we get to see the nitty gritty of Larial's investigation on Mal'tory! I hope you guys enjoy! :D The next Two Chapters are already up on Patreon if you guys are interested in getting early access to future chapters!)
[If you guys want to help support me and these stories, here's my ko-fi ! And my Patreon for early chapter releases (Chapter 83 and Chapter 84 of this story is already out on there!)]
submitted by Jcb112 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:51 Jabieski1 Let's be honest... Part 3

This is the third installment of my posts where I provide my thoughts on the team to try and a discussion and learn where we differ. If you’re interested, you can read part 2 here and part 1 here.
Last time around, I led with the statement “No Löwen? No goals.” We’ve only seen Löwen back now for a handful of minutes, and I think I was right on the money. But, it isn’t the whole story.
Löwen, other than Burki, is likely our best player by a large margin. Looking back to last Saturday against Seattle, the entire game shifted when he stepped on the pitch. He didn’t just play for St. Louis City, he was City. Löwen’s ability to pick out passes and create chances is unparalleled within our squad, and missing him was a massive hit to the team and that’s been proven in just 100 minutes.
My hope is that Löwen can finally help the biggest problem since I wrote my last post and even before that. We can’t finish for shit. Every time we get into the final third, it seems like play just stands still and we can’t progress towards the goal. Extra passes, misplaced balls, and a general lack of what to do has plagued this team. Löwen brings creativity and pure talent to the attack at a time when we really need it.
Now that brings me to the “Löwen isn’t the whole story” part. One player does not make a team. I live and die by the Polish National Team, but even with Lewandowski, arguably one of the best strikers of this generation, we’re absolute dogshit. I could write a whole book on why the Poland sucks literal ass at football with decent talent, but that is neither here nor there. They point is that football is an 11 man sport - not 1. Löwen coming back will no doubt usher in more goals, and hopefully more points, but we still need quality across the board to win games, and we’re really lacking a Gioacchini right now.
Cedric Tuechert is Lutz’s answer to the hole left by our old number 11. I’m not trying to be pessemistic, but I’ll believe it when I see it. I haven’t watched him play enough to make any sort of judgement on whether he’ll fit in at City, so I’ll hold any commentary until he’s putting in decent shifts. I hope to God that he can fill the role that Gioacchini once played, just being able to put the fucking ball on net. If we have that, I could see us finishing much higher than our current position.
Now the fun part. There’s been a lot of negativity in this sub - some of it coming from me, I’ll admit - but I think this is the most exciting time for CIty since our first game almost a year and a half ago. We have less points than the same time last season, but I think we’re much better than we were last year. I spoken extensively in my last few posts about our inability to play through the midfield, and if we can figure than part out, we’d be golden. I think we’re finally getting there. I absolutely hated watching the kick and run footy we used to play, just launching the ball up to Klauss and watching him work his magic. It wasn’t sustainable then, and it isn’t sustainable now. Let’s also remember the sheer number of goals that we were scoring from set pieces last season, and now we’re finally scoring fairly consistently from open play.
We’ve needed to lose games and tie (a lot) more to get to this point, but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Being able to play through the midfield is essential to a good and sustainable strategy, and I’m really excited for what comes next this season. I certainly haven’t been the most optimistic person when it came to City in the past, but I feel it now. Big things are coming.
I had written the preceding analysis before the Miami game and intended to leave it there. It was overall positive and I was finding a lot to like. Bradley Carnell sucks at managing the game while we're playing. The entire Miami game we were in control and we were the better team, and we easily would have walked away with 3 points had BC not subbed on Hiebert and Thor and parked the bus. He makes the exact same mistakes week in and week out and never seems to learn from them. Parking the bus didn’t work the first 4 times, but surely the 5th will buck the trend! Of the 8 draws we’ve had, probably about 6 of them have come from games we should have won, but due to poor decision making in the second half, we ended up with 1 point instead of 3. Miami was just another addition to that tally. I’m not calling for the gaffer’s head quite yet, but it doesn’t take a football genius to realize that parking the bus never works for us and to finally make some smart subs instead of subbing people in and out willy nilly. I had come into the Miami game expecting nothing but I still left watching that game disappointed.
Now that my rant is over, that brings us to my favorite segment - Stars, Standouts, and Stinkers. Just like last time stars are those we are seeing put down really good performances consistently, standouts have shown the have massive potential but don’t bring it every game, and stinkers, well, stink. (-) means that the player is in the same bracket as last time or I didn't rank them. (-1) and (+1) mean moving down or up, respectively.
Burki (-)
Totland (-)
Durkin (-)
Löwen (-)
Vassilev (-)
Célio (-1)
Alm (-)
Kijima (-)
Klauss (+1)
AZ (-)
Big Sam (-1)
(for all the players not ranked, this post is already long enough and I didn't have any major thoughts about them)
I'm really excited for the next set of games. Like I mentioned before, we're finally figuring out how to create chances in open play, but we're still lacking a bit in being able to convert those chances into goals. I've been begging for Lutz to finally spend some money on a good outfield player that will be able to score goals, and I hope one of my next posts will have a lot of good to say about Tuechert. Löwen, apart from Bürki, is our most important player right now. With him on the pitch, the game completely shifts in our favor. Carnell is just straight up bad at making decisions during the game. Every manager has their own weaknesses, and I hope that BC will finally recognize that weakness and try and learn from it.
I know this was a really long post. My hope is, like always, that we can have a conversation about the good and the bad and maybe even debate my thoughts a bit. Looking back to my older posts, it's gone from a scathing review of City, a somewhat measured analysis of both the good and the bad, to now being overall pretty positive. If anything, that means we're on a positive trajectory. We might have won the western conference in the first 5 games last season, but the last 5 games will be just as important this season.
Till next time.
submitted by Jabieski1 to stlouiscitysc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:47 Vorash134 Hold the Mustard

Jack walked into the ship’s medical bay with his hands across his stomach, feeling like the damned thing was doing an entire circus’ worth of acrobatics, and a decided look of discomfort on his otherwise handsome face. The Jal’kek doctor, who looked a bit like a mythical Naga with a serpentine lower body and humanoid upper body covered in fine scales, must have thought Jack was pissed or something because he recoiled in terror briefly before composing himself and straightening.
“How can I help you,” he asked Jack smoothly, trying to hide his initial discomfort.
Jack didn’t hold it against him. Despite First Contact happening almost 25 years ago, he knew most species in the galaxy regarded humans with more than a little trepidation. Apart from Terra being classified as a “Deathworld,” humanity had made a name for itself in what was called, by humans, the First Contact War and by the rest of the galaxy as the Terran/Tal’check War. The Tal’check were an aggressive species and were only kept in check by the Galactic Federation, a group of 50 or so worlds determined to stop the Tal’check before they conquered the entire galaxy. Then Humanity stepped onto the stage.
Humans had been trying for decades to unlock the secrets of FTL travel but their lack of it didn’t keep them down. Luna was settled first, followed by Mars (mostly terraforming crews), then Venus and several of the larger asteroids that didn’t have high amounts of valuable minerals. There were teasing issues, as always happens with humans, but they were quickly solved diplomatically with the help of a rather forceful diplomat. The Terran Alliance was thus born. Eventually Terran scientists created the first successful warp drive and made contact with the Federation, which had grown to encompass almost a hundred worlds. First Contact with the Federation went surprisingly well despite the inherent terror most of the Federation species felt at encountering a predator species. First Contact with the Tal’check however, did not. The Tal’check hated humanity from the very first, for reasons no one could adequately explain, even the Tal’check, who set out to conquer Terra almost immediately.
Humanity fought back, naturally, and while their ships weren’t as sophisticated as the Tal’check ships, their captains were adaptable, innovative, and had far better training than their counterparts. The Tal’check, and the Federation for that matter, were used to fighting in a far more formal manner and their officers were exclusively from their society’s nobility rather than promoting those who were most capable.
The Battle of Jupiter was the war’s grand opening and the battle fleet the Tal’check had sent to conquer Terra was swiftly defeated with acceptable losses to the Terran Alliance. Most of the enemy ships were destroyed but more than a few were captured and while some were sent to the tech geeks, who were salivating at the chance to study them, most were retrofitted for human use and turned against their builders. The Federation offered assistance at first, which humanity gladly accepted, but after witnessing humanity’s ferocity and determination in battle, which the Federation ambassadors called insanity, they eventually withdrew their support. The human ambassador had just shrugged, told them that humanity didn’t really need their assistance anymore and went on to discuss a new trade deal as though nothing had happened. This disconcerted the Federation ambassadors a lot. They were disconcerted even more when, after just over a year of fighting, humanity conquered the Tal’check Empire in its entirety.
Rather than exterminate the whole race as the Federation had feared, humanity integrated them into its own alliance and now controlled a vast swath of territory and a military that dwarfed even the Federation. Not only that, but they had gained a reputation as fierce, if insane fighters.
Jack himself was about 6’ 2” with piercing green eyes, shockingly red hair cut in the traditional military manner and, unusually for a ginger, nicely tanned skin. The rolled-up sleeves of his uniform jacket were stretched tight over his biceps and looked as though they might rip with the slightest movement of his arms. He knew he intimidated most people, and most aliens found any human intimidating, so he paid the doctor’s reaction no mind.
“I was actually looking for Dr. Rodriguez,” Jack replied, referring to the human doctor who was part of his squad and had come on board with them when they had agreed to be security for this trip.
The Doctor, whose name was Chal, Jack remembered, looked a little disappointed, but then brightened.
“I’m afraid she went to get something to eat, but if it’s nothing too serious I’m sure I can handle it. I’ve been brushing up on human anatomy,” he said proudly.
Jack hesitated for a moment. Doctor Chal had sounded confident, but Jack had taken it about as well as someone saying they knew how to perform open heart surgery after watching a YouTube video. It didn’t exactly fill him with confidence to put it mildly. His stomach gave another flip and he grimaced.
“Ok,” he said at last and shuffled over to lay on one of the biobeds, whose monitors lit up and began to display his vitals as soon as he was settled.
Doctor Chal eagerly slithered over, a little too eagerly if you’d asked Jack, and pulled out a hand scanner. As he ran the scanner up and down Jack’s body, he glanced at the vitals monitors.
“Your vitals look good for the most part,” Doctor Chal said. “Heart rate and blood pressure are a little elevated, but I’m given to understand that that is normal for humans under these conditions.”
“Great, doc,” Jack said dryly. He knew Chal was trying to be reassuring but he was failing miserably and didn’t seem to recognize it.
After a few more passes with the scanner, Chal looked at the screen with a puzzled expression.
“Hmmm,” Chal said consideringly.
Like most humans, Jack really hated when most doctors did that.
“What,” Jack asked trying not to let his alarm show. “What’s hmmm?”
Chal seemed not to hear him for a minute before he replied in what Jack was sure he thought was a reassuring tone. Jack was anything but reassured. “Tell me, what was the last thing you ate?”
“A roast beef sandwich and a bag of potato chips?” Jack said, more like asked, confused.
“Is that a fairly normal meal for you?”
“Fairly normal, yeah. What’s wrong doc?”
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Chal said, patting him somewhat awkwardly on the head like Jack was some kind of pet. “I’m just going to go run these results through the computer really quick. I’m not entirely sure this scanner was properly calibrated for humans.”
He slithered away into his office before Jack could do more than blink stupidly at him. Jack felt like he’d been hit over the head with a hammer.
A few minutes later he heard, “Doctor Rodriguez please report to sick bay, Doctor Rodriguez, please report to sick bay,” come from outside. It was somewhat muffled by the closed sick bay doors, but it was distinct. Jack tried to breathe slowly as his mind raced with ever more terrible predictions of what was wrong with him.
An interminable amount of time later, the doors to sick bay wooshed open and the tall form of Doctor Rodriguez strolled into the room. She had long black hair, beautiful brown eyes that usually sparkled with humor when off duty, and curves in all the right places. Her skin was that amazing bronze color everyone of South American descent seemed to possess and while her chest wasn’t huge, Jack knew his sister would be jealous of it. If he swung that way, Jack would probably try to hit on her and be shot down as viciously as she shot down everyone on the team who had tried. The veterans on the squad knew better.
She glanced at him lying on the biobed and stopped, shaking her head in disbelief.
“Stevenson,” she said knowingly, her voice like ice. She walked over to the biobed as she kept talking and stopped beside it. “I should have known. What did you do this time?”
“I have no idea.”
She gave him a look that said, just how stupid do you think I am?
“Scout’s honor,” he said innocently, holding up three fingers.
She huffed in amusement. “Like you were ever a scout.”
“Doctor Rodriguez,” Doctor Chal said leaning out of his office door. When she looked up at him, he continued. “Could I speak to you for a moment?”
She frowned but nodded and patted Jack on the shoulder before going into the office. Jack hadn’t even had time to say that he had, in fact, been a scout, if briefly.
A few minutes later, Doctor Rodriguez came back out and stood beside his biobed. She was rubbing her forehead, which did nothing to help Jack’s nerves. He knew she thought him a bit of a clutz with the number of times she’d had to patch up his minor, and not so minor, wounds. Most of which were self-inflicted.
“OK Stevenson,” she said putting her hands on her hips. “Just what the hell was on that sandwich?”
Jack was taken aback and slightly confused by her question. “Ummm, mayo, two slices of roast beef, provolone cheese, and some mustard. Why?”
“And the chips,” she asked, ignoring his question.
“Sour cream and onion.”
She stood there for a minute thinking, then sighed. “Somehow, you’ve picked up some kind of parasite. The readings are a bit off, so Doctor Chal is still going through them, but it looks like we may have to do surgery to remove it.”
Jack sighed and fell back onto his pillow. “Great,” he said dry as dust.
“You’re telling me,” Rodriguez replied. “It seems…”
Before she could continue, Doctor Chal slithered up next to her, a strange look on his face.
“What is it doc?” Jack asked his concern rising again.
“Is there some kind of complication?” Rodriguez asked in a defeated sort of way. Her face conveyed that she wouldn’t be surprised considering the patient.
“Some kind, yes,” Chal replied nervously. “I’m really not sure how to…put this. Normally it would be good news, but…”
When he didn’t seem inclined to continue, even with both humans staring at him expectantly, Doctor Rodriguez exclaimed, “Spit it out already!”
The doctor looked at Jack and tried to smile.
“Congratulations PFC! You’re pregnant!” he said in a jovial tone.
In the stunned silence that followed, a pin was heard hitting the floor somewhere.

It was chaos in sick bay for a while after that. Jack contacted his husband, who was also on the squad, and he came bursting into sick bay demanding answers as he rushed up to Jack on the biobed and grabbed his hand. Regulations being what they were, the ship’s captain and Jack’s CO were also summoned to sick bay. Other crew members had heard that something was going on and a few of them came to sick bay to see what all the fuss was about. They were quickly kicked out. Rumors started among the crew ranging from the dangerous to the idiotic as rumors so often do. It was only when everyone was assembled and Doctor Rodriguez had explained what was going on that silence fell again, if only briefly.
“WHAT?!” Roger yelped, his voice a little higher than he would have liked under normal circumstances. These were decidedly not normal circumstances.
“How,” several voices asked at the same time including Captain Finnegan, Jack’s CO. Captain Finnegan had seen a lot in her time in the Terran Alliance Space Navy, but this was a first for her. She kept her red hair cut short enough that the natural curls wouldn’t show, and she was the kind of pale that burned in the barest amount of sunlight but never tanned. Her green eyes were normally stern with just a hint of mischief, but all they showed now was confusion. And probably more than a little humor. It might have been a serious situation, and one of her soldiers may be in serious trouble, but she couldn’t help but find a little humor in it. Hell, if Doctor Rodriguez was any indication, she wasn’t the only one to see the humor in it, but they were both hiding it well. Some of the junior officers weren’t doing such a good job and she saw PFC Stevenson shoot a couple of them glares every now and then. She suspected Specialist Singh was recording the whole scenario on his implants, but she couldn’t be sure. She wasn’t even sure what he was doing there, but no one had told him to leave, or seemed to know when he’d even entered the room, so she didn’t give it much thought.
“I am unsure as to the how,” Doctor Chal replied looking up from a pad, and trying not to appear nervous in front of so many agitated humans. “From my studies, I understand human males are not the ones to carry the children in your species, yes?”
“That’s correct,” Doctor Rodriguez replied. “Human females, such as myself and Captain Finnegan, are typically the ones to carry and birth our young. Males don’t have the anatomy to give birth.”
Captain Finnegan shuddered at the thought of having kids. She was career military through and through. While she wasn’t opposed to the occasional romp while on leave, she preferred children be kept as far away from her as possible. On the other side of the galaxy perhaps. Or even better, in a different galaxy altogether. If they had to be near her, she preferred that they be poached and served on toast with a side of bacon.
Doctor Chal nodded in understanding. “As I said, I am unsure how this happened, but I have a theory.”
“Which is,” Rodriguez asked when Chal’s pause went on a tad too long for her liking.
“The scans reveal that the…fetus has half human, half Glorn DNA,” Chal said slowly. “I don’t know how much you know about the Glorn, but their home world has high levels of various acids. As a result, their reproductive systems involve acid, specifically hydrochloric acid…”
“The same kind of acid as human stomach acid,” Rodriguez asked somewhat incredulously.
“Exactly. In fact, the human digestive system is surprisingly similar to the Glorn reproductive system.”
“Similar how,” Jack asked, curious despite himself. Rodriguez seemed fascinated as well.
“Well…” Chal began. “A Glorn’s womb is built much like your stomachs, very similar in fact. Now that I think about it, their similarities would be a great subject for a study on…”
“Doctor,” Rodriguez exclaimed, throwing her hands up and looking at the ceiling in exasperation. Chal recoiled in terror reflexively before he composed himself. She put her hands on her hips and looked directly at Chal. “We can discuss a paper on cross-species similarities later. How about we get back on track?”
“Right,” Chal said, chastened. “The Glorn are a single sex species and only produce their sex cells when they go into heat once a month, which is actually about two human months. During reproduction, the…receptive Glorn takes the other’s penis into their mouth and…um…stimulates it to release. A valve in the throat ensures that the ejaculate enters the reproductive system instead of the digestive. The sex cells, which are closer to human egg cells than sperm, take in DNA from the cells of the throat as they pass through and the fertilized embryo, or sometimes embryos, then settle in the womb. The acids in the womb bring in nutrients from the stomach, which get absorbed through the protective layers the embryo develops. After gestation, birth proceeds much as it does for humans.”
Doctor Chal finished his speech and looked around at the humans with a somewhat satisfied expression on his face. It quickly turned into worry as he looked at the stunned humans around him.
“Are…are you saying,” Specialist Singh asked, clearly trying to hold back laughter. “Are you saying that the Glorn reproduce via blowjob?”
As the non-humans in the room consulted their implants to figure out what he meant, some of the humans guffawed, some laughed outright, and a few coughed trying to hide their laughter. Captain Finnegan coughed into her hand a couple times, getting her own laughter under control. She couldn’t help the smile on her face though. As she looked at the biobed, she saw PFC Stevenson looking a little green. His husband, Corporal Huxley, looked like he could shit a brick. The two seemed to have a quick conversation through their implants while everyone around them tried to gather themselves.
“It’s a damn good thing humans don’t reproduce that way,” Rodriguez mutters to herself. “Gay men alone would make the population growth unsustainable, even with all the habitable planets in the galaxy.”
Captain Finnegan coughs into her hand again.
“If I understand your terminology correctly,” Doctor Chal says after a moment. “Then yes. Fortunately, there is only one Glorn aboard the ship at the moment, Weapons-master Krulmash, so the identity of the…other father, isn’t in question.”
“BUT I DIDN’T SUCK HIM OFF!” Jack yelled. “I’ve never even talked to him!”
He sounded near tears as he stared into Rodger’s eyes, begging him to believe him. Rodger stared back; expression unreadable. Everyone went quiet as they waited with bated breath. Finally, Rodger let out a sigh and kissed Jack on the forehead.
“I believe you,” he whispered to Jack. “It’s ok baby. We’ll figure this out.”
Jack let out a sob and curled into Rodger’s arms, crying in relief.
“If you did not willingly preform this act with Weapons-master Krulmash, then we must find out how this happened.”
“I have sent a quiet summons to the Weapons-master to report here at once,” came the captain’s watery sounding voice. The captain was a Mabon, an amphibious species that looked a bit like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. “He’s on his way.”
“What’s the gestation rate for a Glorn,” Doctor Rodriguez asked.
“Typically, only about six human hours,” Doctor Chal replied. “The human DNA has slowed things significantly,” he added hastily at seeing her look of alarm. “We have another three hours or so before we need to operate. If necessary, we can remove the fetus in two hours and place it in an incubation chamber.”
“We can’t just cut into his stomach,” Doctor Rodriguez said. “Doing a C-section on a woman is one thing but this…”
“I’ve already considered that,” Doctor Chal replied calmly. “Which is why I sent for Engineer Veela.” He waved over a tall creature with four arms that vaguely resembled a stick covered in brown fur. It’s four eyes gleamed with mirth and Doctor Rodriguez noticed a toolbelt slung around where the creature’s waist might be if it had one she could discern.
“I’ve gotta admit,” it said in a high-pitched voice. “You doctors sure know how to put on a good show. My nest-mates will find this whole thing hysterical!”
“I’m sure they will,” Doctor Chal said genially before Doctor Rodriguez could reply. “Engineer, is it possible to use the sick bay transporter to transport something out of a living body?”
Doctor Rodriguez gave Doctor Chal a sharp look. “You want to use the sick bay transporter to teleport the baby out of Stevenson? Is that even safe?”
“Oh sure,” the engineer said with far more ease than Doctor Rodriguez was comfortable with. “If I can get the sensors tuned correctly it should be safe enough.”
If? Should be?” Doctor Rodriguez exclaimed, her eyes bulging. “There are two lives at stake here. “If” isn’t good enough.”
“Relax doc,” the engineer said holding up one hand to forestall anymore of Doctor Rodriguez’s tirade. It used another hand to pull what looked suspiciously like a wrench out of its toolbelt. “I’ve got this.”
Without another word, the engineer walked over to a console and began removing a panel from its side.
Before Doctor Rodriguez could say anything, the sick bay doors wooshed open again and in walked a creature that looked vaguely human but had giant bat like ears sticking out to the sides of its head. Its skin was a dark brown color and bulged here and there with muscle. The Glorn Weapons-master towered over most of the others in the room. Only Corporal Huxley stood as tall as Kurlmash and he glared at the Glorn as it stepped into the room.
Kurlmash ignored him, walked up to the captain, saluted and said, “Weapons-master Kurlmash reporting as ordered sir.”
The captain returned the salute and opened his mouth to speak, but the Corporal beat him to it.
“What the FUCK have you done to my husband, you bastard,” Corporal Huxley yelled at him.
“I…I don’t understand,” he replied taking a step back in shock.
“It seems Weapons-master,” the captain replied calmly. “That you have somehow impregnated young, PFC Stevenson here. We are all keen to know how this has happened. Especially since the PFC claims that you two have not been…intimate.”
“We haven’t,” Kurlmash said in surprise. “Pregnant? Are you sure? Are you sure it’s mine?”
His last question was almost hopeful, and the Corporal’s shoulders eased a bit.
“The DNA scans are rather conclusive,” Doctor Chal answered. “If you two have not been intimate then we must figure out how this happened.”
“You said that Glorn only produce sex cells during their heat cycles,” Doctor Rodriguez asked Doctor Chal who nodded in assent. She turned to Kurlmash. “Which means you either just went through a heat cycle or are in one right know.”
“It ended yesterday,” he said nodding. “Doctor Chal was storing my seed for me so my mate could use it to become pregnant upon our return to base.”
“You missed your last appointment, as I recall,” Doctor Chal said.
“I overheard one of the engineers talking about a problem with a freezer. I thought he was talking about the sick bay freezers. I was going to call you about it until I found the container you were using,” Kurlmash replied sounding puzzled.
Both doctors looked at each other in bewilderment. Doctor Chal slithered over to a wall and opened a door, taking out a plastic cylindrical container that had a cone shaped opening at the top. The clear plastic showed the yellow contents of the container clearly.
“There was no issue with the sick bay freezers,” Doctor Chal said. “I’ve had it here the whole time.”
“May I see that,” Doctor Rodriguez asked, a look of puzzled curiosity on her face as she held out her hand. Doctor Chal handed it over and Rodriguez inspected it carefully. To everyone’s shock, she opened the lid and took a sniff. “Smells like…” she began and then stopped, a look of dawning horror washing over her face. She quickly replaced the lid before turning to Stevenson who was watching her warily, one of Rodger’s arms over his shoulders.
“You said you put mustard on your sandwich,” she asked him. He just nodded. “Did it happen to be in something that looked like this?” She held up the container.
All the humans in the room stared at the little container, the very familiar looking container. They had all seen one just like it before, had all used one, sometimes two before. The container in Doctor Rodriguez’s hand looked very much like a plastic ketchup, or in this case, mustard container one might find in any human restaurant.
“Dude,” Jack yelled at the top of his voice. “You jerked off into my mustard?!”
Once again, the non-humans in the room consulted their implants while the humans variously tried to stifle their laughter or not throw up.
“I…I don’t…What is mustard,” Kurlmash asks helplessly.
“It’s…” Rodriguez starts.
“Not fucking important,” Jack exclaims. “You went into my fucking food and jerked off into it! You…you impregnated me! Against my will! Without my knowledge! You violated me! I should wring your fucking neck!”
He tried getting up from the biobed, the look on his face downright murderous, but Rodger held him down, surprise clear on his face.
“Baby. Baby look at me,” he said, his voice calm. When Jack looked at him, Rodger smiled. “It’s ok. I’m right here. Everything will be ok.”
They stared at each other for a minute before Jack broke down again crying and Rodger wrapped his arms around him.
“What is wrong with him,” Captain Finnegan muttered to herself.
“Pregnant,” Doctor Rodriguez whispered to her.
Captain Finnegan jumped and looked at the doctor. When had she gotten so close? Then she turned back to look at Jack and noticed his swollen stomach. Right. The man was pregnant. That was going to take some getting used to.
“Is this normal for pregnant humans,” Kurlmash asked Doctor Rodriguez who nodded.
“Pretty normal, yeah,” she replied thoughtfully. “For human women anyway. Human men don’t normally get pregnant.”
“Ah. I see. So, the death threats are because he’s male?”
“HA! No. Human females will issue death threats too. Usually during labor, along with threatening to cut off the male reproductive organs if they ever come near them again. Fairly standard.”
“I see,” Kurlmash said looking worried.
“What? Pregnant Glorn don’t have mood swings or make threats?”
“No, they have mood swings, as you call them, but I’ve never heard of one making such threats before.”
“Probably because they don’t spend nine months carrying the kid only to be put through agony, sometimes for days, just to give birth,” Captain Finnegan snorted.
“Nine months? Days?” Kurlmash looked even more worried now and he glanced at the biobed.
“Don’t worry,” Doctor Rodriguez told him. “This pregnancy may be a little slower than what you’re used to, but this baby will be here by the end of the day.” She frowned. “Or not.”
She walked up to the biobed and placed a gentle hand on Jack’s shoulder. He looked up at her, his eyes wet and red.
“I’m sorry,” she said kindly. “But no one has asked...and…well…do you even want this baby? It’s not too late to abort.”
Jack stared at her in shock, though she didn’t think it was for the suggestion. She thought it was more because he hadn’t thought of it either.
“I could do that, couldn’t I?”
Doctor Rodriguez shrugged. “Your body, your choice. That’s Terran Alliance law.”
Jack looked to his husband. “What do you think?”
“What are the risks,” Corporal Huxley asked her.
“At a guess, because this an entirely new situation and we have zero idea about anything, I’d say probably the same as the pregnancy itself. I’ve been watching his vitals and as the pregnancy develops, more and more strain is being put onto Jack’s body. A body that was not designed for it. I think he may be able to carry the baby to term, but that’s just a guess. Any pregnancy has its risks, and this is a whole new type of crazy. I have no idea what could happen.”
Rodger looked back at Jack. “Your choice my love. I’ll support your decision; unless it looks like I’ll lose you. I won’t do that. I love you too much, searched for you for too long, to risk losing you.”
“I love you too,” Jack said and the two kissed. And kissed. And kept kissing. Just when things were about to turn awkward, Doctor Rodriguez cleared her throat and the two separated, breathing hard.
“So, does that mean you’re keeping the baby,” Doctor Rodriguez asked.
“Please,” Weapons-master Kurlmash said, and they all turned to face him. He wrung his hands and stared at Jack with a longing look. “I realize I have no right to ask this of you, given the…less than ideal circumstances, but please. My mate and I have been trying to have a child for a long time and, I would really like to start a family.”
“Are you sure they’d be ok with a half human child?” Corporal Huxley asked seriously.
“It…will take some explaining,” Kurlmash admitted. “And probably some time to get used to the idea, but I’m sure the four of us can make it work.”
He stared at them hopefully and eventually Jack nodded.
“Alright doc. Looks like we’re having a baby. But if it looks like I might…ya know…die? Well, don’t let that happen. Dying in combat is one thing. Dying in childbirth? My mother would never let me hear the end of it.”
Rodger snorted. “She may not let you hear the end of it anyway. Not to mention your dad…”
“Please don’t,” Jack said with a groan. “Don’t suppose there’s any way we can just…not tell them?”
Rodger gave him a look and he groaned again. “You’re right.”
“I’m afraid it gets worse, PFC,” Captain Finnegan said with a slight wince. “I’m going to need to file a report with Alliance command. To apprise them of the situation. Alliance medical is probably going to want to know too.”
It was Doctor Rodriguez’s turn to groan. “Fuck! They are going to want to know. Every. Single. Detail. I’m going to be in meetings about this for years!”
She glared at the three prospective parents. “The three of you are officially on my shit list,” she said before angrily turning to talk to Doctor Chal. “We’d better make sure this goes smoothly. The less I have to put into this report the better. I hate paperwork!”
submitted by Vorash134 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:33 rcdr_90 How to handle this person that I feel is clingy?

Well this seems like a nice subreddit! Bunch of people talking about friendship. How fun!
I'm just gonna shoot the breeze for a second since I don't really know what to do here. About 1.5 months ago I met a guy at my college. We're both musicians so we quickly bonded over that, and in general, we just get along great and have fun conversations. However, I am getting the impression (oftentimes very explicitly) that I mean way more to him than he does to me. And as an introverted person who tends to have few close friends and takes years to get to that point, this is very unusual for me. He is CONSTANTLY asking to go out somewhere. Sending instagram reels, random questions over text. He has stated multiple times how special I am, and how usually he likes doing things alone but makes exceptions for me. He always pays for my food when we go out somewhere and has said I'm the only one he does this for. He has shown me screenshots of his daily journal app, and all the days where we hung out are giant happy faces... usually the only giant happy faces in the month.
Like I said, I am pretty reserved most of the time, so my big fears are that furthering friendships will be a challenge. But this is NOT a problem I anticipated. It's not that I don't like him, it's just that I am 1) not interested in doing stuff with him all the time and 2) baffled by how he has formed this connection with me in less than two months. This is a friendship I want to maintain, but I simply can't manage it at this breakneck pace he's insisting upon. I am beginning to feel like I am responsible for his happiness and keeping him from being alone. That is not a role I am comfortable filling for someone right now. And I recognize that this is not the topic of the subreddit, but before you ask, he is gay but we have discussed before that I am not interested in a romantic relationship at the moment. I really hope I have made that clear and this isn't some sort of romantic pursuit.
If the only answer to this scenario is just "talk to him", then so be it. I will at some point anyway. But if any of you would like to weigh in, that would be delightful. Thanks so much for reading.
submitted by rcdr_90 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:23 sirgeneralcliche Ficnapping: An Introduction to Terran Zoology - The Ocean Episode

In which this ficnapping first-timer tackles An Introduction to Terran Zoology by u/Still_Performance_39. I'm still a newbie author, so imagine my surprise when I'm handed one of the most popular stories on the sub. One that's received the rare honor of being approved by the fifteenth holy knight of space himself. No pressure I guess lol.
I knew what I wanted to write about, at least. I've been waiting for this series to cover the ocean, so this was the perfect opportunity to do it myself! I had to think hard about what to include; the ocean is a big place after all. See if you can guess the secret (really obvious) theme I went with! Fingers crossed I did this story justice! (Shoutout to Wikipedia btw)
Memory transcription subject: Rysel, Venlil Environmental Researcher
Date [standardized human time]: Idk sometime after Cilany’s broadcast
Brahk, brahk, brahk!
I tore across the campus, sprinting for the Terran Zoology lecture hall as fast as my legs could carry me.
I can’t believe I overslept! Of all days, it had to be today.
Dr. Bernard had teased today’s topic last time. “By now we’ve learned about animals from all over Earth, and through our simulation exercises you’ve seen for yourselves how intricate Terran ecosystems can be.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Everybody’s simulated ecosystems had failed catastrophically on their first attempts. It’d taken a herd of paws for everyone to accept how necessary predators were to maintain balance in Earth’s ecosystems.
“With what we’ve learned so far, we are ready to finally tackle one of if not the most complex and vibrant ecosystems on Earth: the coral reef. This lesson even has some direct relevance to us here on Venlil Prime. You might have heard the recent news about those biologists exploring Venlil Prime’s oceans not far from here. Well, the region they’ve been studying shares many things in common with Terran coral reefs. Learning about reefs on Earth could be a useful reference point for uncovering the secrets of your own oceans. I hope to see you all tomorrow!”
I’d been so excited I could barely fall asleep. I’d also completely forgotten that Milam was away visiting family. Why did that matter? Well, without the raucous squawking of her alarm, I’d overslept, and now I was about to be late!
My lungs and legs burned, but I pressed forward. There, the lecture hall’s door was still open! I dashed inside and scrambled to my seat, gasping and wheezing as I tried to still my beating heart. I’d made it.
“Wow, Rysel, you’re right on time. That’s the latest you’ve been yet!”
I glanced to my right and saw Sandi chuckling heartily at my expense.
“I -hrrf- over -hrrf- slept,” I wheezed, “didn’t -huff- want to -huff- miss this -huff- though.”
“Hmph. Rysel, of all Venlil, oversleeping for one of the Doctor’s lessons. Never thought I’d see the day,” Kailo scoffed from my left, snuggled deep into his duvet. I supposed it was technically an insult, but there was no hostility in his tone. I knew what real anger and hostility sounded like from him, and he hadn’t done or said anything like that for some time. No, this was just Kailo being Kailo.
I flicked my tail at him in a friendly greeting. “Good paw to you too, Kailo.”
He huffed and turned away, but I didn’t miss his tail swishing under his seat.
Kailo’s changed so much since our first day. It’s like he’s a different person. Honestly, I sometimes feel like a different person too.
I’d come a long way from being scared of humans and enrolling in the exchange program for money. Now, these classes were the highlight of every paw, and I couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else.
My reminiscing was cut short by a familiar series of sharp knocks on the doorframe. My tail whirled with glee at the sight of the familiar figure.
“Good morning everyone! How’re we all doing on this very fine paw?” Dr. Bernard greeted us with a beaming smile.
Most of us beeped out a cheery hello in response. I glanced around the room, warm contentment welling in my chest. We were no longer the nervous, skeptical, and borderline hostile class Dr. Bernard had to put up with on the first day. Now, even the shyest participants flicked a friendly greeting in his direction.
“Excellent! I’m always delighted to hear your enthusiasm. Now, just to remind you, today we’ll be taking our first proper look at one of the most beautiful biomes Earth’s oceans have to offer. I always enjoy chatting with you all, but we do have a lot to get through today. Would anyone object if we skipped the banter this time and dive straight into the material?”
Yes, I’m ready! Let’s go!
The rest of the class echoed my sentiment, beeping with varying levels of excitement and curiosity. Bernard smiled as he glanced over everyone, his gaze lingering on me. “I’m happy to see that everyone’s excited for today’s lesson.”
It was at this point that I noticed that in my excitement, I’d jumped out of my seat and lunged onto the table. Sandi was chuckling merrily, and I heard a cough from Kailo underneath his blanket cocoon. Did I say that out loud? I slowly slid back into my seat, my ears blooming hot orange from embarrassment. I knew at this point that Bernard wouldn’t take offense to my outburst, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing for a grown man to be jumping up and down like a pup.
“Since everyone seems to be on board,” Bernard said, graciously distracting everyone from my faux pas, “let’s dive right into our ocean lesson, shall we?”
His pun was met with scattered beeps and groans, though most of the class let out merry bleats to express their excitement for the lesson. The classroom’s monitor flickered to life, and gasps echoed throughout the room. The image showed a rocky seabed covered with what looked like strangely shaped rocks in a wide array of bright colors. The fish swimming among the rocks, many of them as colorful as their environment, stood out against the deep blue background of the ocean water. Of all the gorgeous pictures of life on Earth I’d seen, none had ever been this vibrant, this full of color. It almost felt like I was looking at an art exhibit.
Wow… this develops naturally_? It’s so pretty! I wonder how the rocks form those bright colors._
“There’s really only one way to start a lecture about coral reefs, and that’s with the animals that give them their name. Coral!”
Bernard changed the screen to a close-up of the weird rocks.
“Now, at first glance, these may just look like a bunch of weird rocks.” Wait, they’re not? “But they are actually colonies of living creatures.”
Confused beeps and whispers broke out in the audience, as people tried to wrap their heads around how the objects on the screen could possibly be animals. My mind went back to our first day, when we classified a bunch of Earth creatures as prey or predator. There had been quite a few aquatic animals, and several of them hadn’t looked anything like animals. Maybe this was something like that?
It seemed my seat neighbors had come to similar conclusions, as both of them looked relatively unfazed by Bernard’s reveal, Milam instead flicking her ear in thought while Kailo leaned forward with intense focus.
“Each of these colorful formations is made up of hundreds of tiny, genetically identical individuals called polyps.”
The screen changed to a close-up shot of what at first glance looked like a fleshy plant that had grown roots into the rock, but the diagram next to it had labels that read things like “tentacle,” “mouth,” and “stomach.” Animal parts, not plant parts.
“This is an individual polyp. They are very small, typically only a few millimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in height. They anchor themselves in one place by secreting an exoskeleton of calcium carbonate from their base. From their anchored spot, they catch and eat any food that drifts by with the tentacles by their mouth. The exoskeleton they make gets left behind, allowing new generations of the colony to build on top of it. Thus, over many generations, the colony can build a skeleton like the ones you saw in the previous photo, up to several meters in size.”
So that was how it worked! It made sense once he explained it. Colonial organisms were an uncommon but familiar concept in the Federation, though they mostly consisted of various small insects. The idea of invertebrates secreting an exoskeleton was also a known concept. This was the first time I’d seen both traits in a single creature, though.
“These skeletons are the structure upon which the reef ecosystem grows, providing shelter for thousands of different species. Even though they occupy less than 0.1% of the world's ocean area, they provide a home for at least 25% of all marine species, making them one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet.”
With the truly staggering variety of species on Earth, 25% was no small number. My ears tilted back in awe at the pictures of the reefs on screen. They were like… underwater cities! Living cities that built themselves and teemed with all kinds of wonderfully fascinating creatures.
Bernard glanced around the room, wearing his “I’m about to ask a question” smile. The question arrived soon after. “Would anyone like to guess what corals’ diet consists of?”
Let’s see… they grab things with their tentacles, but they don’t move, meaning that they have to subsist on whatever floats by. Hmmm, why does that sound familiar…
The images from our first day still floated around in my mind. Wait! That’s it! I raised my paw.
“Yes, Rysel?”
“Is it like the jellyfish from our first day? Snagging small creatures in their tentacles and pulling them into their mouths?”
Bernard grinned widely. “Excellent conclusion, Rysel. You are right, coral polyps do indeed have similar feeding habits to those of jellyfish. Both coral and jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria, so you were correct to draw parallels between the two. Obviously, due to their size, any prey they catch must also be microscopic.”
My tail wagged proudly at his praise. The feeding behaviors of jellyfish had horrified me back then, but now I could take it in stride. The fact that I could even remotely navigate the humans’ complicated classification system gave me even more satisfaction. I glanced around the room. A few classmates seemed a bit uncomfortable at the mention of coral’s predatory nature, but most remained fascinated and engaged. It’d taken months, but we were finally beginning to appreciate predators as something more than monsters, even if they had to be predators that didn’t even look like animals.
“However, while corals do feed with their tentacles, that isn’t actually where most of their energy comes from. You see, most corals have evolved a symbiotic relationship with certain types of algae that live in their tissues, which they acquire from the surrounding environment. The algae produce energy through photosynthesis, which the coral can then use. Algae also aid the coral in calcification for the coral skeleton and waste removal. The algae, in turn, benefit by having a safe place to live, and by consuming the coral’s carbon dioxide and waste products as nutrients. Truly an excellent example of two species coming together for the mutual benefit of one another.”
I knew what symbiosis was, of course. Traditional Federation classes loved to highlight how different prey species united together to benefit one another. It was considered a major part of the innate empathy in prey species that predators lacked. Not only was Bernard showing us a symbiotic relationship involving what would traditionally be considered a predator, but said predator was allied with a plant, of all things!
Was this phenomenon unique to Earth, or was this yet another thing the Federation hid from all of us?
“The coral reef is filled with mutually beneficial relationships like this. Take, for example, one of the most iconic reef creatures, the sea anemone.”
With the push of a button, the screen changed to show a creature that loosely resembled a coral polyp, only bigger, more colorful, and with longer tentacles.
“Now, sea anemones are close relatives of coral, and they share many similarities. They feed in much the same way as coral, snaring prey with their stinging tentacles and drawing it into the mouth. Their diet mainly consists of small fish, crustaceans, and other appropriately sized organisms. Despite its predatory nature, the sea anemone is often considered the poster child of mutualism in the ocean.”
Bernard’s words prompted hushed murmuring throughout the classroom. I was a bit unsettled by the anemone’s predator status, but those feelings were overwhelmed by my sensation of curiosity. What was it about anemones that made their relationships so notable? I just had to know!
I turned my ears to the conversations around me. Some classmates were saying that any mutualistic relationships an anemone could have must be predatory in nature: a union with other predators to hunt and kill more efficiently. Others argued it could be something else, like the coral and algae from before. Someone suggested that the humans were wrong about them, but that notion was quickly shot down.
Everyone’s reactions made me realize just how desensitized we’d all become to “predatory” things. While the term was still uncomfortable, Bernard had, through his lessons, patiently instilled in us the idea that predators were more than wanton bloodlust and violence. There existed predators like that, of course, but with such a broad and diverse class of animals, one would expect some horrible ones due to sheer statistics. Likewise, there would be plenty of good ones.
Sea anemones are predators, yet they’re famous for their mutually beneficial relationships with other lifeforms. If someone said something like that to me months ago, I’d never have believed them. I was so certain that I knew the fundamental mechanisms of ecosystems like the back of my paw. I chuckled to myself. Stars, so much has changed since then.
“First of all, many sea anemones form symbiotic relationships with algae in the same way corals do, benefiting from their photosynthesis while offering shelter and protection in return. But that’s hardly the only relationship they’re known for.”
Bernard changed the screen to a video of an anemone. Bright orange fish with white stripes swam around its tentacles. My heart skipped a beat as one brushed up against the tentacles, but the fish seemed unaffected by the anemone’s venom, much to my relief.
“This right here is one of the most famous symbiotic relationships on Earth: the sea anemone and the clownfish. These small, colorful fish have adapted to the anemone’s stinging tentacles, allowing them to nestle among them. The anemone protects the clownfish from predators, functions as a safe nesting site, and provides food from the leftover scraps of the anemone’s meals. The clownfish, in turn, defend the anemone from its predators, provide nutrients through their excrement, and circulate the water around the anemone, improving its respiration.”
As Bernard talked, the fish on the screen frolicked around their tentacled friend, the adorable sight eliciting pleased mewls from several audience members.
They protect each other, they feed each other, and they play together too! Who knew that two wildly different species could have such a beautiful friendship, even when one of them doesn’t have a brain!
Vlek spoke up, his voice skeptical. “Excuse me Doctor. You said that clownfish feed off of anemones’ meals. They are predators as well, then?”
“One could make that argument,” Bernard replied, “clownfish are omnivorous, and primarily feed on ambient zooplankton, with their diets supplemented by their anemone’s scraps and algae. The microscopic organisms they eat are so abundant that they don’t really need to hunt; they can just munch on whatever happens to drift by.”
“Like their anemone friends!”
“Yes, Rova, like their anemone friends!”
The class seemed to have mixed feelings about the clownfish’s diet. Zooplankton being tiny, simple creatures made it easier, but some still squirmed at the thought. Personally, I didn’t think it took away from how fascinating this duo was. As I’d come to learn with most predators, their diets weren’t what defined them; they were just one of many facets of their nature.
Bernard changed the slide to a photo of a different fish. “While clownfish are the most famous species to form mutualistic relationships with sea anemones, they are hardly the only ones. Take this cardinalfish, for example…”
Bernard went on to highlight several more species with special relationships with sea anemones, each one fascinating in its own way. Fish that laid their eggs among their tentacles. Snails that used them as shelter from predators. Crabs that mounted them on their shells for defense. One type of crab even attached anemones to its claws, using them as living weapons!
Such a simplistic creature, yet it’s evolved a rich network of relationships with so many different species. No wonder Bernard called them iconic.
Kailo fidgeted next to me. Something was obviously bugging him, but he seemed hesitant to speak up.
“Before we move on, does anybody have questions?” Bernard asked smoothly. He probably noticed Kailo’s uncertainty too. He had a teacher’s eye for that sort of thing.
Kailo huffed with determination and raised his paw. “Yes, Kailo?”
“Um, all the animals you’ve talked about so far have been pred– carnivores and omnivores. Where are all the pre– herbivorous fish?”
Bernard grinned. “That’s an excellent question, Kailo. There are herbivorous fish that graze on the algae of the coral, such as the parrotfish and the rabbitfish. That said, true herbivores are relatively uncommon in the ocean. After all, there aren’t many plants around besides algae and seaweed, and a lot of the algae that is there is integrated into the bodies of coral polyps. Thus, thanks to natural selection, most underwater species consume flesh in some form.”
A few months ago Kailo would’ve exploded in anger and denial at that response, but now his ears just tilted in confusion. “But… how can that work?? How can an ecosystem with so many pred– meat eaters sustain any sort of population, let alone the vast numbers you told us?”
Several sets of ears flicked in agreement at Kailo’s question.
“Of course, given what we know about land ecosystems, it makes sense to assume that the base of the food chain would be mostly herbivores. Under the sea, however, plants are much less abundant, so that role is filled by other animals. Some creatures derive nutrition by filtering food from the water or sand, much like a plant would pull sustenance from the air and ground. Many species, especially smaller ones, reproduce frequently and in large quantities, allowing them to sustain significant populations even when predators regularly hunt them. Finally, and this is a good transition into our next section, not all carnivores are predators.”
Wait. Huh? How does that even work? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
“Well, technically they are predators to the microscopic organisms they feed on, but they certainly aren’t predators in the traditional sense.”
A new set of images appeared on the monitor, showing off a handful of small fish and crustaceans.
“Now, as I’m sure you all have noticed, most fish don’t have hands or paws.” My brain conjured an image of a fish with furry Venlil arms. I stifled a whistle at the silly thought.
“This means that they can’t groom themselves. Dead skin, infected tissue, and nasty parasites can just accumulate on their bodies, and there’s nothing they can do about it. What’s a poor fish to do? Well, that’s where these guys come in. These are cleaner fish and cleaner shrimp. They are carnivores whose diet consists of dead or infected skin and parasites from the bodies of bigger fish, like so.”
He switched the screen to two photos: the left showed a fish (the parrotfish he mentioned just now?) floating by some coral with two cleaner fish picking at it. One was nipping at its scales, the other nestled all up in its gills. On the right, a cleaner shrimp mounted the back of a different fish, presumably using its claws to pluck things off its skin.
“These cleaners congregate in areas called cleaning stations, and animals from all over the reef swim to them to get cleaned. The cleaners remove parasites and dead skin from all the hard-to-reach places, like their gills and even inside their mouths!”
The monitor now showed a video, the contents of which elicited several gasps from the audience. The spotty fish in the video had its mouth open, revealing rows of sharp, mean-looking teeth. Side-facing eyes notwithstanding, this was definitely a predator. And a cleaner fish was swimming into its mouth. On purpose. And the predator just let it. We watched for a tense moment, waiting for those jaws to clamp down, but the cleaner swam out of the mouth with no issue, and the predator fish just… left, revealing a surprisingly long body to the camera as it did.
“That was a moray eel, considered an apex predator of the coral reef. Despite that, it allowed that cleaner wrasse to clean its mouth safely, and the wrasse clearly wasn’t concerned about being eaten. Would anyone care to guess why?”
Silence filled the room as everyone thought, until Sandi raised her paw. “Well, the eel wanted to be cleaned, and it couldn’t be cleaned if it ate the cleaner, so it resisted the temptation.”
As usual, Bernard paused to allow us to digest the answer before replying. “You pretty much got it! Even predators like the moray need cleaning, and eating the cleaners is a good way to get refused service from the rest of their kin. One minor correction, though. The average customer is not tempted to eat the cleaners, even when it’s a predator. There are exceptions, of course, but customers generally aren’t hungry when they show up for cleaning, or else they’d be out hunting instead. Moreover, the cleaner’s size makes for a poor meal; hardly worth the cost of being refused service at the cleaning station in the future.”
A chatter of discussion erupted after Bernard finished his explanation. It made sense, but it was still so… odd, to think about. I listened to the scattered conversations around me.
“How could a predator ever not be hungry? Sure, humans aren’t like that, but they’re sapient! An animal couldn’t possibly control…”
“...such a beautiful relationship. To think these cleaners get their food by helping others…”
“...wonder if there are others like them?”
The chatter hadn’t yet died down when the break bell rang.
“Ah, looks like we’ll have to end our conversation here for now,” Bernard chuckled. “Not to worry, though! Part 2 of this presentation will be after lunch, in which I will talk about humanity’s relationship with reefs and highlight some more of the amazing features of reef creatures. See you in a claw!”
Aw come on, you can’t just tease us like that! I have so many questions!
Coral reefs were so cool! I’d always thought the ocean was a dark, scary place where incomprehensible terrors lurked in the depths. Who knew the seas could be so lively, colorful, and fascinating?
I can’t wait to learn more!
submitted by sirgeneralcliche to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:20 Dangerous_Ant_8377 Take Me to the Pilot

‘‘Who the fuck am I, doctor? What happened to who I was?’’
As a doctor, it’s normal for such patients, utterly at the end of their tether, to resort to such language, even though we doctors are supposed to enjoy a degree of formality not reserved for other walks of life. At this point in my career, I pay it no mind.
‘‘Thank you for agreeing to undergo the physical exam, Elton,’’ I began, ‘‘and also agreeing to discuss your complete medical history with me before we begin. That should greatly expedite my ability to diagnose what’s happening here.’’
He was obviously in a very bad way. The signs of sleep deprivation were wrought into his features. He was adrift in a sea of nothingness and was close to drowning.
‘‘I just don’t want to feel like this anymore. Whatever it takes.’’
I’d seen this many times before. As an expert in this particular field of human existentialism, I already knew the exact problem, but for the sake of appearances I needed to let the patient work through the process on his own. After all, this patient was still more than salvageable.
‘‘Well, now that we’ve used various diagnostic tests, including imaging studies and blood tests, to rule out physical illness or medication side effects as the cause of the symptoms,’’ I paused to give him time to take this all in, ‘‘I think it’s time for us to discuss what else it could be. At this point I’d like you just to tell me how you feel on a day-to-day basis.’’
‘‘I don’t even really know where to begin.’’
I do, but it’s important for the next stage of this process to come from him, as much as it possibly can.
‘‘Take your time. It’s important to the diagnosis that you put your feelings into your own words.’’
‘‘I guess I feel like I have… well, a distorted perception of my own body. I don’t know how to really describe it, at least not in a way that makes any sense. I guess I kind of feel like I’m a robot… or I’m in a dream. I might fear I’m going crazy and might become depressed, anxious, or worse.’’
I nodded, taking in Elton’s words. ‘‘Elton, what you're describing sounds a lot like depersonalization disorder. It’s a condition where people feel disconnected or detached from their own body and thoughts. It’s as if you’re observing yourself from outside your body or living in a dream.’’
He looked at me with a mixture of confusion and desperation. ‘‘So, I’m not going crazy?’’
‘‘No, you're not losing touch with reality. People with depersonalization disorder are very much aware that what they're experiencing isn’t normal, which is what makes it so distressing. Episodes can last for a short time or, in some cases, for many years, affecting daily functioning.’’
‘‘What causes it?’’ he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
‘‘The exact cause isn’t well understood, but it can be triggered by intense stress or traumatic events, such as abuse, accidents, or violence. It’s one of several dissociative disorders which involve disruptions in memory, consciousness, and identity.’’
He took a deep breath, trying to process the information. ‘‘Is there any way to make it stop?’’
‘‘Treatment typically involves psychotherapy, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy, to help you manage your symptoms. In some cases, medication might be prescribed to address underlying issues like anxiety or depression. The first step is understanding what you're dealing with, and from there, we can work together on a treatment plan.’’
Elton nodded slowly. ‘‘I just want to feel normal again.’’
‘‘I understand. And with the right approach, we can work towards that goal. You’re not alone in this, Elton. We’ll take it step by step.’’
Elton nodded slowly. ‘‘I just want to feel normal again.’’
‘‘I understand, Elton. Let’s talk about how we can work towards that. Most people with depersonalization disorder seek treatment because of symptoms like depression or anxiety, not always the depersonalization itself. Sometimes, these symptoms go away on their own over time. But when they don’t, or if they're particularly distressing, treatment can help.’’
‘‘So, what kind of treatment are we talking about?’’
‘‘The goal of your treatment is to address the stress and triggers associated with the onset of the disorder. The best approach depends on your individual situation and the severity of your symptoms. Psychotherapy, especially talk therapy, is usually the primary treatment. Cognitive therapy can help change any dysfunctional thinking patterns you might have.’’
‘‘Will I need medication?’’
‘‘Let’s take things a little slower, Elton. Medications are not typically used to treat depersonalization disorder directly. However, if you’re experiencing significant depression or anxiety, an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication might be helpful. Sometimes, antipsychotic medications are used to help with disordered thinking and perception.’’
Elton shifted in his seat, considering the options. ‘‘What about my family? They don’t understand what I’m going through.’’
‘‘Family therapy can be beneficial. It helps to educate your family about the disorder and its causes, and it can also help them recognize the symptoms if they recur. This support system can be very important for your recovery.’’
‘‘Are there any other types of therapy that might help?’’
‘‘Yes, creative therapies like art or music therapy can provide a safe and expressive way to explore your thoughts and feelings. Clinical hypnosis is another option; it uses intense relaxation and concentration to explore thoughts and memories that might be contributing to your symptoms.’’
‘‘What’s the outlook for me, then? Can I really recover from this?’’
‘‘Well, the good news is that many patients do recover completely from depersonalization disorder. The symptoms often go away on their own or after effective treatment that helps address the underlying stress or trauma. However, without treatment, additional episodes can occur. With the right support and treatment plan, we can work towards your recovery.’’
Elton took a deep breath, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. ‘‘Alright, let’s do this. I’m ready to start.’’
‘‘Good. We’ll take it step by step, together.’’
I then leaned forward slightly; my tone gentle but firm. "Elton, there's one treatment that might provide more immediate relief. It's called clinical hypnosis. By guiding you into a deeply relaxed state, we can explore your subconscious and potentially uncover the root causes of your depersonalization."
Elton's eyebrows furrowed in skepticism. "Hypnosis? You think that'll actually work?"
"I understand your doubts," I replied. "But hypnosis can be a powerful tool. It allows us to access parts of your mind that are usually hidden, bringing buried memories and feelings to the surface. Many patients find it really helps them make significant breakthroughs."
Elton hesitated, glancing around the sterile office. "I don't know... it sounds kind of... out there."
"You're right to be cautious," I said, nodding. "But consider this: you're here because traditional methods haven't worked. This is another option, one that could bring you relief faster than talk therapy or medication. And I'll be with you every step of the way."
A long silence stretched between us as Elton weighed his options. Finally, he sighed, a mix of resignation and hope in his eyes. "Alright. I'll try it. What do I have to lose?"
"Excellent," I said, a hopefully reassuring smile on my face. "Let's get started."
Elton settled back into the chair, feeling a flutter of nerves in his stomach. I dimmed the lights and began speaking in a calm, rhythmic voice, guiding Elton through deep breathing exercises. "Focus on your breath," I instructed. "Inhale slowly through your nose... hold it... and exhale through your mouth."
Elton followed along, feeling his body gradually relax. My voice was soothing and steady. "Imagine a peaceful place," I continued. "Somewhere you feel completely safe and calm. Picture it in your mind and let yourself drift there."
A warm sensation spread through Elton's limbs as he visualized a tranquil beach, the gentle waves lapping at the shore. His eyelids grew heavy, and my voice had now become his only anchor to reality.
"You're doing well, Elton," I softly murmured. "Now, I want you to go deeper. Let yourself sink into a state of complete relaxation. With each breath, feel yourself going deeper and deeper."
Elton felt as though he was floating, weightless and free. My voice guided him further, urging him to explore the recesses of his mind. "You're safe here," I said. "I want you to go back to a time when you first felt disconnected. Allow the memories to come to the surface."
Images began to flicker in Elton's mind, fragmented at first, then gradually forming a coherent picture. He saw himself as a child, standing alone in a dark room. The sense of detachment washed over him, more intense than ever before.
"Tell me what you see," I prompted gently.
"I'm... I'm in my old house," Elton said, his voice distant and hollow. "It's dark, and I feel so... alone."
"Good," I replied. "Let's explore this memory together. What happens next?"
As Elton delved deeper into his past, the details of his childhood began to unfold, revealing the moments of fear and isolation that had shaped his experience of the world. My voice remained a constant guide, helping him navigate through the labyrinth of his subconscious.
With each revelation, Elton felt a weight lifting from him, the long-buried emotions surfacing and dissipating. He was beginning to understand the origins of his depersonalization, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope.
As Elton's breathing slowed and his body relaxed further into the chair, I observed him with an almost clinical detachment. I maintained my soothing tone, but my mind was focused on the next phase of my plan.
"You're doing very well, Elton," I said, my voice steady. "Now, I want you to go even deeper. Let your mind drift until you reach a state of complete relaxation."
Elton's eyes fluttered closed, and his body went limp. I continued to murmur softly, guiding Elton into a semi-comatose state. Once satisfied that Elton was deeply under, I stood up and crossed the room to a cabinet, retrieving a sleek piece of scientific equipment.
I returned to Elton's side, carefully attaching the apparatus to his head. The device resembled a futuristic helmet, with electrodes and sensors that monitored brain activity and displayed it on a nearby screen. I adjusted the settings, my eyes flicking to the monitor as it powered up.
The screen quickly hummed to life, displaying a detailed image of Elton's brain. Patterns of electrical activity danced across the display, revealing the inner workings of his mind. I watched intently, my expression a mix of curiosity and satisfaction.
"Activate the neural resonance scanner," I instructed my unseen assistant through a small intercom device on my desk.
A moment later, my assistant entered the room, a young technician with a clipboard. She nodded and began adjusting additional controls on the apparatus, fine-tuning the settings to enhance the resolution of the brain scan.
"Good," I muttered, more to myself than to my assistant. "Let's see what we're dealing with."
The screen's image sharpened, and the intricate details of Elton's brain became clearer. I leaned further in, studying the neural pathways and synaptic connections. I was searching for any specific anomalies, patterns that might otherwise explain the profound disconnection Elton felt from his own body, apart from what I already knew to be the true reason.
"There," I whispered, pointing to a cluster of unusual activity deep within the temporal lobe. "Increase the magnification on this section."
My assistant complied, and the image zoomed in on the targeted area. My eyes narrowed as I scrutinized the display. I had of course seen similar patterns before, but never with such clarity. It was as if Elton's brain was broadcasting a signal, a distress call from within the depths of his subconscious.
"Prepare the neuro-interface," I ordered. "We need to delve deeper into this anomaly."
My assistant hurried to set up another piece of equipment, a sleek console with a series of complex controls. As she worked, I continued to monitor the screen, my mind racing with possibilities. This was – of course - no ordinary case of depersonalization disorder. There was something unique about Elton’s brain, something that held the key to understanding the human mind's most profound mysteries, and our continued presence here.
With the neuro-interface ready, I began the delicate process of linking it to the apparatus already attached to Elton's head. This would allow me to interact directly with the neural signals, exploring the depths of Elton’s subconscious in ways traditional therapy could never achieve.
"Elton," I said softly, even though I knew the young man could not respond in his current state. "We're going to find out what’s really happening inside your mind. And with any luck, we’ll finally bring you some peace."
As the neuro-interface established its connection, I took a deep breath, ready to plunge into the uncharted territories of Elton's psyche.
The neuro-interface hummed as it established its connection with Elton's subconscious. I adjusted my headset, and the images on the screen shifted, providing a direct view into the intricate neural landscape of Elton's mind. I focused intently, searching for the signal I knew was there. After a few moments, the connection stabilized, and a new voice resonated within my mind.
"Pilot Taupin," I said, my voice filled with a barely controlled anger. "Do you realize the damage you've caused by neglecting your duties?"
There was a pause, followed by a petulant reply from within the depths of Elton's mind. "This human is boring," Taupin complained. "Being his neuro-pilot is no fun at all. He's so predictable, so... mundane."
I clenched my jaw, struggling to keep my temper in check. "Maintaining the mission is all-important, Taupin. We have protocols for a reason. Too many humans are waking up to their realities, and your negligence is contributing to the problem."
Taupin's voice, echoing through the neural pathways, carried a tone of indifference. "Protocols, missions... It's all so tedious. Why should I care if a few humans start questioning their reality? It's not like they can do anything about it."
My eyes narrowed as I studied the patterns on the screen, observing the chaotic flux of neural signals that reflected Taupin's rebellious attitude. "Your job is to ensure that they don't question it, Taupin. By allowing Elton to experience such severe depersonalization, you've jeopardized the integrity of his mind and our entire operation."
Taupin sighed, a sound that reverberated through Elton's brain. "You don't understand, Doctor. The monotony of this existence is unbearable. I need more stimulation, more... excitement."
I leaned closer to the screen, my voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "If you can't handle the responsibilities of your position, we can find a replacement who can. Your indulgence in seeking excitement has nearly cost us this human. Indeed, it is his very mundanity that we have honed in on. He is earmarked for high political office in the future. We need him to fulfill his potential so we can increase our influence over this species. Remember, Taupin: the mission is paramount, and you will adhere to your duties."
There was a long silence, the neural pathways crackling with tension. Finally, Taupin spoke again, his tone begrudging. "Fine. I'll do what you ask. But remember, Doctor, without a bit of freedom, even the most loyal pilot can become resentful."
I took a deep breath, slightly easing the grip of my anger. "Resentment or not, you will maintain your human and ensure he remains stable. We can't afford any more risks. Now, begin the recalibration process. Restore Elton's perception of reality and eliminate any residual anomalies."
Reluctantly, Taupin complied, and I watched as the neural activity on the screen began to stabilize. Patterns of normalcy re-emerged, and the chaotic signals smoothed into harmonious rhythms.
"Good," I said, my voice steady once more. "Remember, Taupin, the success of our mission depends on the seamless integration of our presence within these humans. We cannot allow any deviation from the established protocols."
As the connection began to fade, Taupin's final words lingered in the doctor's mind. "Understood, Doctor. But don't forget, even the best-kept secrets have a way of coming to light."
I removed the headset and sighed, rubbing my temples. I knew that the delicate balance they maintained was constantly under threat, and I could only hope that Taupin — and others like him — would remember the importance of our mission. For now, Elton's mind was stable, but I remained vigilant, knowing that the battle to maintain control over humanity would never be truly over.
submitted by Dangerous_Ant_8377 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:16 PTerrio Kestral 7th (Part 47) - 'Eagles eye'

**\* Camburg. East. **\*
They dropped down to the lower level, taking cover by the doorframe.
Outside, people ran by, Auxilia soldiers ferrying scores of civilians.
In the far distance, bombs rumbled. but at this point, the people had gotten used to it. Shaken and shocked. But used to it.
From their hiding place, Gideon looked past the Scions behind him to Blackhawk, grimacing in the corner.
The man had been born to Tau Auxilia. Raised on Kestral. Outwardly rough, but truthfully there was more to him. And he could see he wasn't particularly pleased at the state of the civilians outside. Grimacing or not.
"How far?" Tempestor Salazar asked, her voice as gravelly as always.
"We still got it?"
Blackhawk held up the data-card. "With my life."
"Right. Well we want to be heading towards the centre to meet up with them, then we meet up with the Ghost squad. then, we head back to Imperial lines."
Salazar snorted. "Assuming they don't want to shoot you on sight Lord Commissar. You have a death penalty on your head. they think you turned traitor."
Gideon looked at her. *Maybe I did*. "Oh, look at that, you do have a sense of humour after all."
"I have my moments."
Another explosion, closer now. the Civilians all jumped, but it was still several blocks away. Regardless, they all felt that shockwave.
"What are they doing!" Blackhawk grunted. "That was a Manticore missile blast, that's a smart targeting system, that was on purpose, civilians are moving through here what the hell are they aiming at!"
Gideon swallowed. This was all so much easier against the Tyranids, where any human in enemy occupied zones were already lost. "We can see to that later. Right now, we need to keep moving. Come on. Streets clear."
The scions formed up, all wearing their Armor under civilian garbs now.
"Move!" Blackhawk said, and they did.
*** Kestral Command Centre. **\*
Quatre burst into the command centre, not yet fully woken from the few hours sleep she had managed to get, but raging.
The entrance caused a few heads to turn, eyes, pausing at their computer screens and displays.
"Lieutenant General." Larikeet and a few other senior officers stood straight as she entered. "A pleasure to finally meet you."
"Charmed, I'm sure." She grunted, a tone that was not missed by the officers. she held up a data-slate. "What's this?"
He hesitated, then put on a sly smile. "Yes, the incident. Very unfortunate but these things happen. We are trying to-"
"These things happen!?!" she said loudly. "700 dead civilians just happen? Explain how!"
It was an order.
A few of the officers seemed to nervously shirk, it was difficult to tell how they thoughts on it. But he stood his ground. "An accident i assure you. Three hours ago a wyvern strike set off some sort of reaction with hidden munitions. The resulting blast set off a fire that spread through a packed street, flammable materials being carried by the civilians exacerbated the fires."
"Get it one screen!" she ordered.
A few taps of buttons and the main holo-screen displayed an image of the street, both before the blaze, and one after, mostly hidden by smoke but with hundreds of burnt bodies, too many to count. 700 was a low estimate.
"That street was packed, why the emperors living hell was a wyvern strike called down on it!"
Larikeet hesitated but had a firm answer. "We have reprimanded the artillery officer responsible and will-"
"-No! I'll ask again, why are artillery strikes being allowed on civilian targets under your command!"
He looked confused. "Sir, if you look at the screen, you'll see valid military targets."
He pointed to the before picture. A squad of fire warriors were moving through the crowd.
"And you don't think you should have sent Guardsmen in instead?" she growled.
He seemed like he was enjoying how it was making her feel. "I... imagine that would have lost time and momentum, not to mention put those guardsmen at risk. It's a shame what happened."
"Feth!" she said. The swear word echoing. "Well at least you killed one squad, it was all worth it then!?!"
It was meant to be sarcastic but it was as if a button was pushed next. "Actually," an officer started, "the image was taken three minutes before the strike, the signal was jammed. It appears the squad had moved on once the wyvern shells hit."
She glared, a fury taking over her.
"I assure you it won't happen again," Larikeet seemed to almost smile, "sir. "
She glared at him, then addressed the room, pretending he wasn't there. "Everyone listen to me now! We are to hold our advance for twelve hours as a civilian corridor is erected through the city! "
There was two commissars by the door. They perked up. their bolt pistols had been smoking all morning.
Larikeet seemed to stiffen at that but kept his smile. "it will be done sir."
*** Campburg. West. ***\*
"Contacts, 1200 metres, by the truck."
The ghosts hid into their position. Fernanda sneaking up and readying her sniper. "I see it.
They were along some sort of metropolitan boulevard, over which they could see enemy movement across from them.
"Ghost 2, they haven't spotted us?" Commissar Rapatta asked.
"No." her sniper crossed over them. "I see Fire Warriors. 3 Battlesuits, stealth class. digging in."
"Feth." Rapatta checked his digi-map. "Alright, let's see if we can spot anymore and pass this on to command.
She kept checking her scope, though didn't see too many.
She watched as the Tau talked. Through her scope she could just about see their faces, the few who had removed their helmets to rub their brows.
"They looked scared." she mumbled.
Cameron, who had been watching through magnonculars alongside her, heard that. he looked at her curiously, then looked to see if any other ghosts were listening, before speaking.
"You're different recently."
She glared. "What does that mean."
"Before deployment you couldn't stop talking about slotting Xenos." he said. "Then we get here and suddenly, it's as if you care about them."
"I don't care about them!" she snapped back, keeping down. She looked back herself. Agnar, Jason, Hammond and Rapatta couldn't hear from their positions in this abandoned flat, or at least she hoped so.
"Hey." He assured her. "It's not a bad thing."
"That's heresy." she muttered, looking back into her scope."
"And yet you agree." he shrugged.
She put the gun down for a second, addressing him a bit mroe straight. "It's just... I- I- I see their faces now. Not holograms. Not targets. But I see and they... they... they aren't... what I've always been told they were I just..."
"Woah." he said, slightly sarcastic. "I underestimated you. You've actually grown a conscious."
She shook her head and looked back into the scope. "Any more opinions about me you're keen to share?"
"Hmm..." he pretended to think. "Let me check my list. I think your PT is shocking."
"Well you aim as good as me and you get some slack too."
"And your hair is messy."
"Oh no, how I will recover."
He thought on something that might annoy her, deciding to poke. "Your boyfriends no good for you."
She paused. speechless for a second, then, sounding almost defeated. "I think you're right."
He changed tone, thinking he had gone too far. "I shouldn't say that. That's just my opinion though, no need to take it to heart. I'm sure he's nice once you get to know hi-"
"No he's not." She interrupted quietly. "He really isn't."
He shrugged. "Well you could do better."
"Like who?" She raised an eyebrow. "you?"
"Ew, no. Hammond maybe?"
"I'm not good enough for you?"
"Yeah, you're feth-ugly."
She laughed and punched his shoulder.
"Hey, I'm just saying-"
"Friendlies!" the big one, Hammond called out form his position.
She turned her sniper to the right and looked down the scope. Further down the opposing boulevard, Kriegers and Necromundans.
"Feth!" Rapatta snared as he looked through his own magnocs. "They're walking right into an ambush!"
She turned her scope back to the tau position. They started moving franticaly. the battle suits cloaked. "They've spotted them!"
"But not us?"
she hesitated. "Doesn't look like it."
Agnar, Jason and Hammond readied their weapons. "We'll move in into intercept." it was more of an alert than a question, they started leaving and heading down the stairs.
"Ghost 2." Rapata said. "that distance, can you hit them from here?"
"Childs play." she said shakily, looking as something bigger shimmered. "Another target, bigger this time."
"Stealth suit?"
"Big one. Can't get a reading though."
"Ghost keel?"
she swallowed possibly.
He drew breath. "Ghost-2, do you have a shot?"
She readied her crosshair over one tau. the last one to hide, a pathfinder. It took a moment to say something, she couldn't tell what but it was some sort of prayer. it looked remorseful for what it was about to do.
Then she moved it near it, over a shimmering shape, some sort of stealth suit. Her sniper was more powerful than most, capable of taking it out.
"I do."
The Kriegers and Necorumdans were getting within breathing distance of the ambush.
"Take the shot."
She in took breath.
"Emperor forgive me." The words fell from her mouth. She was not even sure why.
...She pulled the trigger.
submitted by PTerrio to war_for_Gryllus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 FounderFolks Growing a $1M+ Moving Business

Steffie here from Founder Folks, with a recent story I did with Daniel White from Bigger Better Movers.
Here is his story of how he started and grew his moving business.
Name: Daniel White Company: Bigger Better Movers Employee Size: 20-25 Technology Tools: Housecall Pro, Gusto, GroupMe, Upwork, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Social Media Revenue: $1,000,000+ Founded: 2017 Website:
Introduction: I am in the moving and transportation business. Bigger Better Movers provides residential and commercial moving services for customers throughout Oklahoma. We have two physical locations in OKC and Tulsa and provide services ranging from packing, storage, labor only, on site relocation and interstate moves. All services are available for both commercial and residential customers.
Prior to starting my moving company I was in the insurance business. I sold property and casualty coverages, mainly auto and home coverages to families in Oklahoma. I sold that business to try my luck in the tech space. I lost bad. My worst entrepreneur moment! During that time I also acquired a brewery called Mustang Brewery thru an acquisition with an investment group. I have bought, sold, and flipped commercial and residential real estate since 2017 and Also just started a Property Management company called People Property Solutions.
The Inspiration Behind Bigger Better Movers From my past experience I learned that I preferred service based businesses over product based businesses. After losing big with my tech company in 2017 I knew I had to pivot and find a new way to create revenue. I considered my network and my current skill set. I considered businesses with minimal risk and low start up cost. Being in insurance most people I knew were somehow involved around a real estate transaction. Lenders, Realtors, Insurance agents, Restoration companies, Roofers, etc. Everyone had something to do with real estate. I just needed to find out where I fit in. I ended up trying my hand at moving. It was something that nobody liked to do, an industry that needed improvement and something that could pay well if I could dial it in.
From Idea to Reality It happened relatively quick. Since I needed to find a way to create revenue I quickly form the legal structure. EIN, LLC, Etc. Prior I did have to come up with the name and ensure the name and domain was available online. Once secured and the legal formation was complete I created a business plan, organizational chart and mission, vision and purpose statement to give us direction. The original funding came from a few assets I had sold and credit cards to get started. I sold my first job before I ever had a truck. I had to make a quick purchase to complete the job.
Attracting Customers Through HomeAdvisor, Groupon, Google, word of mouth/referral, in-person visits to apartments, realtor offices, etc.
Overcoming Challenges in Starting the Business COVID, inflation, interest rates, interstate regulation - There's no formal training or classes to learn interstate transportation regulation. Hiring employees, creating a culture, and getting people to buy in.
Costs and Revenue Staff, insurance, and fuel.
Revenue used to come from one source: just moving. Now it comes from storage, moving, material, and middle mile transportation contracts.
A Day in the Life I always put myself first. I wake up around 7:30 - 8 a.m., check in with my operations manager, and do a quick overview of dispatching operations. Then, I proceed to the gym to work out and have a healthy breakfast. Meetings and office work usually take place after 12 p.m. for me. Emails are not a priority throughout the day as most are not money-generating activities, so I respond most often after 6 p.m. when the day-to-day pace slows down.
The Vision for Bigger Better Movers We will have 3 locations. OKC, DFW, TULSA. We will have physical locations in each equipped with 100+ storage units, full retail stores to purchase material and our dispatch location on premises with all of our trucks and field team on site.
Guiding Principles for Entrepreneurial Success Do the things that need to be done when no one else is watching. Be authentically you! High level operators can tell the difference and generally will steer clear if you're not authentic. Keep a great network of motivated, influential people. They will push you to get from where you're at to where you're trying to go!
submitted by FounderFolks to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 Klokinator The Cryopod to Hell 564: Hardcore Henry

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 2,197,000+ words long! For more information, check out the link below:
What is the Cryopod to Hell?
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Here's a list of all Cryopod's chapters, along with an ePub/Mobi/PDF version!
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(Previous Part)
(Part 001)
A few days pass. Unbeknownst to humanity, Unarin decisively dispatches some of his 5th and 6th Level Psions to assist Diablo's goals of planetary conquest. At the same time, he also adds in more than a hundred thousand High Technopath Warriors, frontline combatants outfitted with lethal weaponry embedded into every inch of their bodies. These warriors, unlike mindless automatons, fight with biological intuition and the power of technological supremacy. When the Volgrim combine their forces with that of the demons, they multiply Diablo's planetary capture speed severalfold, allowing him to take new worlds in just a few hours, sometimes even only a single hour.
But humanity doesn't know about this, aside from the Wordsmiths using their special spying methods. Rather, they remain fully focused on the planetary migration efforts.
All across Tarus II, more and more humans, demons, and monsters make key decisions about whether they will immigrate or whether they will remain on Tarus II.
Kiari and Saul pause outside the Northern Immigration Center.
"Nah. None of these." Saul says to his fiance. "I like our cabin just fine. It's in a good spot. It's secluded. And most of the demons and monsters are staying on Tarus II anyway, right?"
Kiari rubs her belly. Already, she's begun to develop the tiniest baby bump.
"Yeah. I don't wanna go anywhere, either. Oh, hey, Beelzebub!"
Kiari waves cheerfully to a certain Demon Emperor nearby. Beelzebub casually walks over and waves back.
"You two moving?" Beelzebub asks, sticking his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
"We decided against that." Saul answers. "How about you?"
"I'm staying. Obviously." Beelzebub says with a shrug. "Where else am I gonna go? Pixiv, with the fairies? They only want humans. Maiura? That's not an option. One of those 'secret' places Jason's been yammering about? Humans and monsters only."
"You could live on Hell Harbor. Or Sharmur!" Kiari chirps cutely with her eyes turning upward into crescent moons. "I hear Diablo's had a few Dukes reconstructing Hell Harbor after the Archangel attack."
Beelzebub waves his hand in a flippant manner. "Pass. I'm good with staying here. Besides, whenever I leave Tarus II, I always feel a bit... weaker. It's as if I'm more powerful when I'm here, but I can't deduce why for the life of me."
He taps his chin thoughtfully. "Could just be my imagination. Who knows."
"Well, I'm glad you're sticking around!" Kiari says. "You've had it rough, and you've done bad things, but I feel you're a good guy at heart."
"It's nice someone believes in me." Beelzebub says with a smile. "If anyone comes to cause trouble here, I'll kick 'em out of the star system myself."
"That's the spirit!" Saul laughs.
Meanwhile, at the Western Immigration Center, other people also congregate together, pondering where they belong.
"Daddy!" Lily Brown exclaims, stomping her feet. "I don't WANNA!"
"We've stayed here long enough." Benjamin Brown says, gently squeezing his daughter's arm. "Tarus II is in a precarious situation. I don't feel this place is safe. We have to return to Hell Harbor now that the Slithering Spire is finished with its reconstruction efforts."
"You can go if you want." Lily says, crossing her arms and turning away from her father defiantly. "I heard Beli is staying here. That means I am too! Besides, I've made lots of friends with the humans. I don't want to go back to Hell Harbor."
"What you want is not up for debate here, young lady." Benjamin Brown says, his face darkening. "I am your father. You will do as I say."
"No, I won't!" Lily shoots back. "I'm already twenty-four years old, daddy! I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions! Or are you really going to treat me like a little girl for the rest of my life?!"
"That's not what I mean, and you know it!" Benjamin barks back. "Dammit, this is for your own good. Stop chasing that succubus and use your head for once! The First Wordsmith is too lackadaisical to lead this planet to any long-lasting good times. You can't trust his judgment."
"Who said anything about the stupid Wordsmith??" Lily asks, bewildered. "I don't care about him. I've never even met him! I only care about Beli and my friends. No matter what you say, I'm staying here. And that's FINAL."
"You... you!" Benjamin roars. "You're just like your mother!"
"What? Strong and independent?" Lily scoffs. "Don't be mad because she left you, daddy. I'm making my own choices. If you try to force me back to Hell Harbor, I'll just sneak away. And if you lock me in a dungeon, you'll be proving what a piece of work you are!"
"I... I don't even know what to say." Benjamin Brown says, dismayed. "Fine. Alright? You want to pull the mother card, be like that. You can stay here. I need to return to Hell Harbor, though. I have too many things that require my attention."
He pauses. He looks around for a moment, frowning.
"You know, Lily. If... if you're not near me, I can't protect you."
"Protect me? Why would I need your protection?" Lily scoffs. "I'm a nobody. There ain't no demons gunning for me."
"That isn't entirely true..." Benjamin mutters, as his thoughts turn to a certain prison warden. "Look, I had a friend make you this necklace. It has a special savior beacon built into it. If you ever need me, activate it. Daddy will come running, no matter where you are in the galaxy. It has trans-dimensional properties so even if you're 90,000 lightyears away, I should be able to track you down."
Lily crinkles her nose. "Be honest. This is just your way of keeping tabs on me, isn't it?"
Benjamin chuckles. "Not by any means. I want to make sure you're safe, sweetheart. Your brothers and sisters are all grown up, off doing their own thing. You're... the only one I have left. The others haven't spoken to me in ages."
Lily's heart softens as she notices the pained look on Benjamin's face.
"Daddy... daddy, don't cry, okay? It's not- I'll keep the necklace, okay? And I'll call you regularly, maybe even pay a visit to Hell Harbor once in a while. I'm just gonna be... living here for the moment. Staying independent!"
Benjamin sighs. "Alright, baby girl. You keep yourself safe then. Don't ever take that necklace off, alright?"
"I won't, daddy. Bye now!"
"Pixiv, is it?" A young man at the Southern Immigration Center asks. "Of course it would be for you, sir. I'm just surprised she's going too."
Lieutenant Samuel Baker glances at the woman standing beside him, Private Ashley Mccarthy. As one of humanity's foremost powerhouses, capable of transforming into an orc at will even without her Power Glove, she has attracted a lot of attention of late, attention she doesn't particularly enjoy.
"I'm hoping the fairies can help me." Ashley says, crossing her arms. "I don't get why I have to transform into a stupid ugly orc. I wanna be able to turn into a cute and dainty fairy, like Lieutenant Baker."
"Hey." Samuel growls at her. "I do NOT look cute and dainty. I look... masculine as hell. Man, if I could trade my crappy fairy transformation with you, I'd be HAPPY to do it."
"Well, even the Wordsmiths can't fix this problem, so I doubt the fairies can." Ashley grouches. "But I've gotta at least try! Plus, I heard there's going to be a special task force assembled when we reach the fairies. Seems they have some sort of mission that will be really beneficial for us. At least that's the word on the grapevine."
"That's what I've heard too." Samuel says. "In any case, who else is coming to Pixiv?"
"Some of the other soldiers." Ashley answers. "Especially ones who've prematurely gained transformations through the Power Glove. I hear the majority of them have signed up for a transfer to Pixiv. The Felorians, too!"
"Even them?" Samuel asks, his eyes shining with surprise. "It seems Pixiv is the destination of choice for magically-enhanced humans. Interesting."
"I hear Mister Yamir is planning to expand his restaurant enterprise to multiple worlds in one go." The young man running the sign-up line says. "He's going to build a restaurant on Sharmur, Hell Harbor, Pixiv, anywhere that will take him. It seems his food is so popular nobody wants to turn him down!"
"That minotaur has some real business acumen." Ashley says, rubbing her chin. "I heard that the goblins have been acting similarly too. They're going to all the different worlds! Seems they don't have any specific attachments to Tarus II."
"So if all these bigshots are going to other worlds, who's staying here?" Samuel asks.
"Lots of allied demons, mostly." Ashley answers. "Plenty of monsters. Not too many humans. There is Miss Hiro, but that much is expected. I heard Hans Wagner is packing up to go to Maiura, actually. His base on Tarus's moon, Kelkin, has been where he does most of his inventing stuff, but it's a pretty inconvenient location. He wants to put his boots on normal planet ground for once."
"General Chadwick is going with Commander Neil to Maiura." The young male recruiter adds. "Oh! And have you heard of the Cybernites? Seems they've been busy helping work on some big tech project alongside Neil's inventors, including Hans Wagner."
"Dang." Samuel mutters. "We're really all splitting up, huh? Everyone's going to different places."
"It's better this way." Ashley says. "Trying to get all these different people to work together was like herding cats. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how everything shakes out in the end."
"You know what?" Samuel asks. "Me too, Ashley. Me too."
Near the Eastern side of the Fortress of Retribution's upper plateau.
At the edge of the city, a notable structure stands tall, a magical privacy field of immense power surrounding it to isolate all the goings-on inside. This building happens to be none other than the Archangel's church, a place where Uriel lives following her bodily transformation back into her original self. Despite still technically possessing the body of a Demon Duke, she now seems identical to her physical form from more than 100,000 years prior to her death during the War in Heaven.
Inside the church, a male human and a pair of female angels stand opposite the four Archangels. Siddhartha Gautama, Cassiel, and Soleil all look at Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel with differing expressions.
"I don't understand." Cassiel says softly. "Why would you want to leave, Raphael?"
The Archangel of Wisdom shakes his head. He looks at the floor with a complicated expression.
"Verily, this decision was not one I wished to make." Raphael says, his words slow and deliberate. "My alliance with the First Wordsmith hath grown tenuous over many a recent day, but not in any recent weeks hath he deigned to speak to me. Meanwhile, my relationship with the Second Wordsmith art still somewhat warm."
"There is no point in our remaining on Tarus II." Michael explains. "We do not wish to reside upon a world primarily populated by monsters and bloodskins. The majority of humanity hath opted to travel to Maiura, and so too shall we go with them."
Gabriel nods. "Humans art our allies. Why stay? Better to migrate where the humans have gone."
Soleil frowns. "That might be true, I suppose. But us having to depart all of a sudden still feels quite abrupt."
"Do not misunderstand." Raphael quickly says. "Cassiel, thou art still the Daughter of Heaven. Thou needeth not walk in our footsteps. T'would be best if Soleil and thee remaineth here while my siblings and I go to Maiura. In this way, we can spread the word of the Creator in two locations at once."
"Oh. I see..." Cassiel says, lowering her eyes. A look of sadness fills her gaze, as well as more than a hint of loneliness. "I... I don't know if I'm strong enough to stay here all by myself."
"Now now," Buddha interjects, "you will not be alone, little one. I'll stay with you, as will Soleil. Additionally, you seem to have made a new acquaintance in that Belial, yes? Perhaps this would be a good time to spread your wings and meet new people."
"Buddha's right!" Soleil says excitedly. "Cass, this is a great chance for you to make lots of new friends!!"
"New friends..." Cassiel says hesitantly. "Y-yes. I suppose... that would be... nice."
Uriel and her brothers exchange a knowing glance. She turns and walks over to Cassiel, squeezing her shoulder lovingly.
"We shalt leave this church to thee, little one. Do with it whatever thou dost desire. It shalt be thy home, and perhaps a meeting place for those who wish to bear witness to thy future rise."
Michael also takes a step forward. "Daughter of Heaven. I consider thyself a sister in spirit, if not in blood. Therefore, what I am about to say, I hope thou doth understand I speak it with only the best of intentions."
He pauses.
"Thou requireth power. Spiritual power. Faith energy. We Archangels cans't truly live well on the energy supplied by that hateful bloodskin, Barbatos, but thy vessel is not the same as ours. As a Lazarite, thou requireth Faith Energy to keep thy spirit burning. I hope thou shalt pursue it in the hopes of elevating thyself to a level where none can oppress thee."
"Thou art the last living hope of our species." Gabriel adds. "We Archangels live on as mere sparks of light, but thou art a burning star with unlimited potential. Please live well in our absence."
Cassiel looks at each of the Archangels in kind. She nods at each one of them, etching their loving words on her heart.
"Very well. Faith Energy. I'll do what I can, brothers, sister. Perhaps, if I have a chance, I'll even come to visit you all on Maiura sometime."
"That would indeed be delightful." Raphael says with a jovial chuckle. "Fare thee well then, little one. We shalt take our leave."
With a nod from each of the four Archangels, they merge back into Uriel's body, and she strides out the church doors, leaving Buddha, Cassiel, and Soleil behind.
As Buddha watches Uriel depart, he narrows his eyes menacingly, but neither of the women notices this subtle action.
"Everyone. Thank you for coming today." Hope Hiro says, as he stands before a throng of people all gathered together inside a massive church-like building. This facility, erected on the planet of Maiura a good distance away from the main cities and towns, stands alone, isolated within the wilderness. Dense trees and foliage would even be visible through the windows if they weren't made of stained glass, depicting images of numerous ancient Heroes of myth.
The people standing before Hope nod in unison. They say nothing, instead waiting for Hope to continue his speech.
Among these people is Henry Cliff. He looks at Hope with reverence and respect that even borders on unbridled idol worship. In his eyes, Hope Hiro is his savior, his one path back to greatness, a chance he cannot afford to miss.
Without Hope, he is nobody. A civilian who will only ever live in the shadow of better men.
"As of today," Hope continues, "the tallies are in. This is it. Those of you who have signed on to be a part of my Parahuman Corps are the only ones who leaped to such a decision. I am truly grateful for your faith in me."
Hope pauses. His gaze sweeps across not only Henry, but all the people present.
"Before I continue, is it just my imagination or are a good number of you not actually service-members? I seem to be seeing quite a few civilians present."
One man in the front row nods nervously. "Y-yes, Commander Hiro, sir. I'm Mikael. I didn't join the military originally, but when I heard about your Parahuman Corps, it really struck a cord with me. If I can become strong enough to protect myself from demons, that would be amazing!"
Hope frowns. "Your motives aren't exactly pure, Mikael. The power I'm about to bestow upon all of you will indeed strengthen your bodies, but without a foundation of military training, do you truly think you'll be able to accomplish much? Not a chance. Expect to endure some grueling military drills tailored to your enhanced physique before I set you loose in the world of ordinary humans."
He returns his eyes to the others. "That goes for all of you. Yes, you will be able to obtain great strength in the easiest manner possible. But allow me to disabuse you all of the notion that this pathway to easy power will make you as strong as a Demon Emperor, or a Duke, or even a Baron. If you have no combat techniques, then you're just a big strong infant waiting to be executed by any remotely competent opponent! A complete pushover!"
The Wordsmith doesn't mince his words. "Submitting to Jepthath's power is a serious rite of passage. If your hearts are impure, he will reject you! You will have to head out and join the common folks on Maiura, hanging your head in shame and knowing you weren't good enough to join the elites!"
He looks around one last time. "With all that said, are any of you here having second thoughts?!"
"Sir, no sir!" The crowd roars, their collective voices momentarily making Hope's ears ring. He mutters a quick Word of Power under his breath to fix that issue, then he motions with his hand and immediately summons the Dominion Rod into his grasp.
"Here is how this is going to work." Hope says. "I shall manifest the image of Jepthath into reality. Look up to him. Pray to him. Accept him in your heart. When you hear his words in your mind, you will have the option to accept or deny his offer. Those who accept will become Jepthath's Chosen, the Illuminators of the future, Parahumans who tower above their fellow man! But as for those who are unworthy? You will remain with the common rabble."
Seeing decisive looks on everyone's faces, Hope smiles. "Alright then. Let us begin."
He holds up the Shepherd's Staff, and the gem in the center of its upper crook immediately begins to glow a bright white. At that moment, a phantasmal figure materializes in the air, his massive image towering thirty feet high. The top of his head seemingly scrapes the ceiling of the makeshift church, making everyone present gasp in amazement.
"My children." Jepthath says, holding out his hands in a welcoming gesture. He smiles like a kind old grandfather at them. "Hear me now. I am the First Hero. I am the Illuminator. I light the path for those to follow. To those who are attuned to my strength, greater benefits will be available. Perhaps, among you, there may even be a special soul possessing the highest affinity to my power. If so, he may be capable of mimicking my full power without reservation! But, doubtless, there will be those among you lacking in affinity entirely."
He sighs. "That is unfortunate, but it is how things are. Now, pray to me. Reach out with your heart, mind, and soul. Feel the touch of my Light..."
A warm aura spreads out of Jepthath's towering form. It washes across the massed crowd, making many of them feel snug and cozy. They close their eyes and pray earnestly to the Illuminator, sometimes opening their eyes to look up at him as they feel Jepthath's power surge into their bodies.
"I feel it!" One woman cries out. "The strength! The power! Uwaaaa!!"
Her muscles bulge dramatically. Her shirt rips in several places, and her height increases by half a foot. She roars mightily to the heavens as a large fraction of Jepthath's power enters her body and Mind Realm.
"I feel it too!" Another man cries. "Power! Overwhelming! Aaaaahh!!"
He, and many others like him, roar in ecstasy as Jepthath's power begins rapidly bolstering one person after another.
Strangely, Henry Cliff doesn't feel anything at first. But when the power starts to trickle into his bloodstream, a voice speaks in his head.
[There you are, boy. Lord Henry of the Illuminators. I have been expecting you for a while, young one.]
Henry blinks. The world around him slows to a stop as he looks up at Jepthath in shock.
[You... know my name?] Henry asks.
[Indeed I do.] Jepthath says with a smile. [Not long ago, Hope performed a ritual that allowed me to make initial contact with all of humanity. However, my power could not flow through them until they agreed to this ritual. It was then that I felt your strength for the first time. You are more formidable than you believe, my child.]
Henry looks down in shame. [You must be thinking of someone else, Great Illuminator. I am nothing at all. A mere nobody. A sinner.]
[You call yourself a sinner? Silly child. I am friends with the Greatest Sinner.] Jepthath chides gently. [King Arthur committed a crime far worse than you could imagine, yet he is still remembered as a legend. In the future, so too shall you join him among humanity's greats.]
Henry looks up again. [I... will?]
[Your compatibility with my power... is perfect.] Jepthath answers, visibly satisfied. [Look! Your body has not swelled up at all! Unlike the others who balloon in strength because their souls are impure, your willpower is formidable enough to reject the corruption of my nascent soul. It is for this reason that I have decided to name you... My Champion.]
A massive detonation of energy explodes inside Henry's body. He staggers in surprise, as instead of great pain, waves of ecstasy flood his vessel. He can't help but release a moan of pleasure as his mind seemingly unlocks its full potential, his muscles pulsate with a strength greater than he ever could have imagined, and his soul condenses into its purest form.
[Power!] Henry exclaims. [I feel it! I feel... so much power!]
"Uaaaaahh!!" Henry roars as he tilts his head up to the ceiling. "I am a mortal no more! I am your champion, Jepthath!"
Hope's eyes sparkle as he looks at the previously ordinary-seeming young man. He looks up at Jepthath, who smiles back at him, answering his unspoken question with a single gaze.
But suddenly, in the midst of this joyous occasion, Jepthath's image changes color from a loving and calm blue to a dangerous shade of red. His eyes narrow as he snaps his gaze around the room.
"WHERE?!" Jepthath roars, his piercing eyes jumping from one human to another. "YOU! It's YOU!!" Jepthath snarls, stabbing a finger toward a random woman in the crowd.
That woman freezes in place, like a deer in the headlights. Hope looks at her. All the other humans do too, everyone turning in unison as they feel a deep, nauseating rejection from her entirety.
"Human... she's not HUMAN!" Henry growls, balling his hands into fists. "She's not one of us! She's a CHANGELING!!"
Panicked, the woman starts to push through the crowd, but in an instant, tens of hands latch onto her from every angle, grabbing her arms, shirt, hair, and neck. They pin her in place while Henry walks through the crowd with eyes full of bloodlust. He grins wickedly and nods his head as he stomps toward the woman.
"Trying to sell us out, you filthy infiltrator?! TOO BAD! This is where your story ends!!"
In an instant, he lunges forward and punches his fist at the woman's stomach.
He rams his arm through her gut and blasts her entrails backward, spraying off-colored blood on the Parahumans behind her. The woman's mouth opens reflexively, and she vomits blood, unable to stop herself.
"N-no! Guhuk! Mis-misunderstanding! We- COUGH!!"
"Spare us your pitiful begging." Henry sneers, before sweeping his arm upward, tearing through her body with ease.
A sickening series of snapping bones sounds off in the room like a series of firecrackers. A second later, the woman sags lifelessly in the grasp of those present. They release her, and allow her to collapse into a puddle of blood at her feet.
Just when it seems the madness is over, Henry slowly turns around to look at another person in the crowd behind him.
"Heh heh heh. You stupid bastard. Did you think I missed you, too?"
"Wait!" The man screams. "This isn't what you think! We're just supposed to observe-"
He doesn't get to finish his sentence. Henry snaps toward him, rears his fist back, and sends it flying at the Changeling's head. So unfathomable is his strength that he blasts apart the man's head like a watermelon, showering the people behind him with bits of blood, bone, and brain matter.
Hope watches, silently, as Henry performs these acts. He nods with approval, even directing a small smile Henry's way.
"Hardcore, Henry."
Before the ceremony fully comes to an end, Henry kills another three Changelings, ensuring that not a single one manages to make it out alive and report news of what happened to the Founders.
It will be some time before they come to realize the significance of the events that transpired on this day...
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:04 Klokinator Cryopod Refresh 564: Hardcore Henry

A few days pass. Unbeknownst to humanity, Unarin decisively dispatches some of his 5th and 6th Level Psions to assist Diablo's goals of planetary conquest. At the same time, he also adds in more than a hundred thousand High Technopath Warriors, frontline combatants outfitted with lethal weaponry embedded into every inch of their bodies. These warriors, unlike mindless automatons, fight with biological intuition and the power of technological supremacy. When the Volgrim combine their forces with that of the demons, they multiply Diablo's planetary capture speed severalfold, allowing him to take new worlds in just a few hours, sometimes even only a single hour.
But humanity doesn't know about this, aside from the Wordsmiths using their special spying methods. Rather, they remain fully focused on the planetary migration efforts.
All across Tarus II, more and more humans, demons, and monsters make key decisions about whether they will immigrate or whether they will remain on Tarus II.
Kiari and Saul pause outside the Northern Immigration Center.
"Nah. None of these." Saul says to his fiance. "I like our cabin just fine. It's in a good spot. It's secluded. And most of the demons and monsters are staying on Tarus II anyway, right?"
Kiari rubs her belly. Already, she's begun to develop the tiniest baby bump.
"Yeah. I don't wanna go anywhere, either. Oh, hey, Beelzebub!"
Kiari waves cheerfully to a certain Demon Emperor nearby. Beelzebub casually walks over and waves back.
"You two moving?" Beelzebub asks, sticking his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
"We decided against that." Saul answers. "How about you?"
"I'm staying. Obviously." Beelzebub says with a shrug. "Where else am I gonna go? Pixiv, with the fairies? They only want humans. Maiura? That's not an option. One of those 'secret' places Jason's been yammering about? Humans and monsters only."
"You could live on Hell Harbor. Or Sharmur!" Kiari chirps cutely with her eyes turning upward into crescent moons. "I hear Diablo's had a few Dukes reconstructing Hell Harbor after the Archangel attack."
Beelzebub waves his hand in a flippant manner. "Pass. I'm good with staying here. Besides, whenever I leave Tarus II, I always feel a bit... weaker. It's as if I'm more powerful when I'm here, but I can't deduce why for the life of me."
He taps his chin thoughtfully. "Could just be my imagination. Who knows."
"Well, I'm glad you're sticking around!" Kiari says. "You've had it rough, and you've done bad things, but I feel you're a good guy at heart."
"It's nice someone believes in me." Beelzebub says with a smile. "If anyone comes to cause trouble here, I'll kick 'em out of the star system myself."
"That's the spirit!" Saul laughs.
Meanwhile, at the Western Immigration Center, other people also congregate together, pondering where they belong.
"Daddy!" Lily Brown exclaims, stomping her feet. "I don't WANNA!"
"We've stayed here long enough." Benjamin Brown says, gently squeezing his daughter's arm. "Tarus II is in a precarious situation. I don't feel this place is safe. We have to return to Hell Harbor now that the Slithering Spire is finished with its reconstruction efforts."
"You can go if you want." Lily says, crossing her arms and turning away from her father defiantly. "I heard Beli is staying here. That means I am too! Besides, I've made lots of friends with the humans. I don't want to go back to Hell Harbor."
"What you want is not up for debate here, young lady." Benjamin Brown says, his face darkening. "I am your father. You will do as I say."
"No, I won't!" Lily shoots back. "I'm already twenty-four years old, daddy! I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions! Or are you really going to treat me like a little girl for the rest of my life?!"
"That's not what I mean, and you know it!" Benjamin barks back. "Dammit, this is for your own good. Stop chasing that succubus and use your head for once! The First Wordsmith is too lackadaisical to lead this planet to any long-lasting good times. You can't trust his judgment."
"Who said anything about the stupid Wordsmith??" Lily asks, bewildered. "I don't care about him. I've never even met him! I only care about Beli and my friends. No matter what you say, I'm staying here. And that's FINAL."
"You... you!" Benjamin roars. "You're just like your mother!"
"What? Strong and independent?" Lily scoffs. "Don't be mad because she left you, daddy. I'm making my own choices. If you try to force me back to Hell Harbor, I'll just sneak away. And if you lock me in a dungeon, you'll be proving what a piece of work you are!"
"I... I don't even know what to say." Benjamin Brown says, dismayed. "Fine. Alright? You want to pull the mother card, be like that. You can stay here. I need to return to Hell Harbor, though. I have too many things that require my attention."
He pauses. He looks around for a moment, frowning.
"You know, Lily. If... if you're not near me, I can't protect you."
"Protect me? Why would I need your protection?" Lily scoffs. "I'm a nobody. There ain't no demons gunning for me."
"That isn't entirely true..." Benjamin mutters, as his thoughts turn to a certain prison warden. "Look, I had a friend make you this necklace. It has a special savior beacon built into it. If you ever need me, activate it. Daddy will come running, no matter where you are in the galaxy. It has trans-dimensional properties so even if you're 90,000 lightyears away, I should be able to track you down."
Lily crinkles her nose. "Be honest. This is just your way of keeping tabs on me, isn't it?"
Benjamin chuckles. "Not by any means. I want to make sure you're safe, sweetheart. Your brothers and sisters are all grown up, off doing their own thing. You're... the only one I have left. The others haven't spoken to me in ages."
Lily's heart softens as she notices the pained look on Benjamin's face.
"Daddy... daddy, don't cry, okay? It's not- I'll keep the necklace, okay? And I'll call you regularly, maybe even pay a visit to Hell Harbor once in a while. I'm just gonna be... living here for the moment. Staying independent!"
Benjamin sighs. "Alright, baby girl. You keep yourself safe then. Don't ever take that necklace off, alright?"
"I won't, daddy. Bye now!"
"Pixiv, is it?" A young man at the Southern Immigration Center asks. "Of course it would be for you, sir. I'm just surprised she's going too."
Lieutenant Samuel Baker glances at the woman standing beside him, Private Ashley Mccarthy. As one of humanity's foremost powerhouses, capable of transforming into an orc at will even without her Power Glove, she has attracted a lot of attention of late, attention she doesn't particularly enjoy.
"I'm hoping the fairies can help me." Ashley says, crossing her arms. "I don't get why I have to transform into a stupid ugly orc. I wanna be able to turn into a cute and dainty fairy, like Lieutenant Baker."
"Hey." Samuel growls at her. "I do NOT look cute and dainty. I look... masculine as hell. Man, if I could trade my crappy fairy transformation with you, I'd be HAPPY to do it."
"Well, even the Wordsmiths can't fix this problem, so I doubt the fairies can." Ashley grouches. "But I've gotta at least try! Plus, I heard there's going to be a special task force assembled when we reach the fairies. Seems they have some sort of mission that will be really beneficial for us. At least that's the word on the grapevine."
"That's what I've heard too." Samuel says. "In any case, who else is coming to Pixiv?"
"Some of the other soldiers." Ashley answers. "Especially ones who've prematurely gained transformations through the Power Glove. I hear the majority of them have signed up for a transfer to Pixiv. The Felorians, too!"
"Even them?" Samuel asks, his eyes shining with surprise. "It seems Pixiv is the destination of choice for magically-enhanced humans. Interesting."
"I hear Mister Yamir is planning to expand his restaurant enterprise to multiple worlds in one go." The young man running the sign-up line says. "He's going to build a restaurant on Sharmur, Hell Harbor, Pixiv, anywhere that will take him. It seems his food is so popular nobody wants to turn him down!"
"That minotaur has some real business acumen." Ashley says, rubbing her chin. "I heard that the goblins have been acting similarly too. They're going to all the different worlds! Seems they don't have any specific attachments to Tarus II."
"So if all these bigshots are going to other worlds, who's staying here?" Samuel asks.
"Lots of allied demons, mostly." Ashley answers. "Plenty of monsters. Not too many humans. There is Miss Hiro, but that much is expected. I heard Hans Wagner is packing up to go to Maiura, actually. His base on Tarus's moon, Kelkin, has been where he does most of his inventing stuff, but it's a pretty inconvenient location. He wants to put his boots on normal planet ground for once."
"General Chadwick is going with Commander Neil to Maiura." The young male recruiter adds. "Oh! And have you heard of the Cybernites? Seems they've been busy helping work on some big tech project alongside Neil's inventors, including Hans Wagner."
"Dang." Samuel mutters. "We're really all splitting up, huh? Everyone's going to different places."
"It's better this way." Ashley says. "Trying to get all these different people to work together was like herding cats. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how everything shakes out in the end."
"You know what?" Samuel asks. "Me too, Ashley. Me too."
Near the Eastern side of the Fortress of Retribution's upper plateau.
At the edge of the city, a notable structure stands tall, a magical privacy field of immense power surrounding it to isolate all the goings-on inside. This building happens to be none other than the Archangel's church, a place where Uriel lives following her bodily transformation back into her original self. Despite still technically possessing the body of a Demon Duke, she now seems identical to her physical form from more than 100,000 years prior to her death during the War in Heaven.
Inside the church, a male human and a pair of female angels stand opposite the four Archangels. Siddhartha Gautama, Cassiel, and Soleil all look at Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel with differing expressions.
"I don't understand." Cassiel says softly. "Why would you want to leave, Raphael?"
The Archangel of Wisdom shakes his head. He looks at the floor with a complicated expression.
"Verily, this decision was not one I wished to make." Raphael says, his words slow and deliberate. "My alliance with the First Wordsmith hath grown tenuous over many a recent day, but not in any recent weeks hath he deigned to speak to me. Meanwhile, my relationship with the Second Wordsmith art still somewhat warm."
"There is no point in our remaining on Tarus II." Michael explains. "We do not wish to reside upon a world primarily populated by monsters and bloodskins. The majority of humanity hath opted to travel to Maiura, and so too shall we go with them."
Gabriel nods. "Humans art our allies. Why stay? Better to migrate where the humans have gone."
Soleil frowns. "That might be true, I suppose. But us having to depart all of a sudden still feels quite abrupt."
"Do not misunderstand." Raphael quickly says. "Cassiel, thou art still the Daughter of Heaven. Thou needeth not walk in our footsteps. T'would be best if Soleil and thee remaineth here while my siblings and I go to Maiura. In this way, we can spread the word of the Creator in two locations at once."
"Oh. I see..." Cassiel says, lowering her eyes. A look of sadness fills her gaze, as well as more than a hint of loneliness. "I... I don't know if I'm strong enough to stay here all by myself."
"Now now," Buddha interjects, "you will not be alone, little one. I'll stay with you, as will Soleil. Additionally, you seem to have made a new acquaintance in that Belial, yes? Perhaps this would be a good time to spread your wings and meet new people."
"Buddha's right!" Soleil says excitedly. "Cass, this is a great chance for you to make lots of new friends!!"
"New friends..." Cassiel says hesitantly. "Y-yes. I suppose... that would be... nice."
Uriel and her brothers exchange a knowing glance. She turns and walks over to Cassiel, squeezing her shoulder lovingly.
"We shalt leave this church to thee, little one. Do with it whatever thou dost desire. It shalt be thy home, and perhaps a meeting place for those who wish to bear witness to thy future rise."
Michael also takes a step forward. "Daughter of Heaven. I consider thyself a sister in spirit, if not in blood. Therefore, what I am about to say, I hope thou doth understand I speak it with only the best of intentions."
He pauses.
"Thou requireth power. Spiritual power. Faith energy. We Archangels cans't truly live well on the energy supplied by that hateful bloodskin, Barbatos, but thy vessel is not the same as ours. As a Lazarite, thou requireth Faith Energy to keep thy spirit burning. I hope thou shalt pursue it in the hopes of elevating thyself to a level where none can oppress thee."
"Thou art the last living hope of our species." Gabriel adds. "We Archangels live on as mere sparks of light, but thou art a burning star with unlimited potential. Please live well in our absence."
Cassiel looks at each of the Archangels in kind. She nods at each one of them, etching their loving words on her heart.
"Very well. Faith Energy. I'll do what I can, brothers, sister. Perhaps, if I have a chance, I'll even come to visit you all on Maiura sometime."
"That would indeed be delightful." Raphael says with a jovial chuckle. "Fare thee well then, little one. We shalt take our leave."
With a nod from each of the four Archangels, they merge back into Uriel's body, and she strides out the church doors, leaving Buddha, Cassiel, and Soleil behind.
As Buddha watches Uriel depart, he narrows his eyes menacingly, but neither of the women notices this subtle action.
"Everyone. Thank you for coming today." Hope Hiro says, as he stands before a throng of people all gathered together inside a massive church-like building. This facility, erected on the planet of Maiura a good distance away from the main cities and towns, stands alone, isolated within the wilderness. Dense trees and foliage would even be visible through the windows if they weren't made of stained glass, depicting images of numerous ancient Heroes of myth.
The people standing before Hope nod in unison. They say nothing, instead waiting for Hope to continue his speech.
Among these people is Henry Cliff. He looks at Hope with reverence and respect that even borders on unbridled idol worship. In his eyes, Hope Hiro is his savior, his one path back to greatness, a chance he cannot afford to miss.
Without Hope, he is nobody. A civilian who will only ever live in the shadow of better men.
"As of today," Hope continues, "the tallies are in. This is it. Those of you who have signed on to be a part of my Parahuman Corps are the only ones who leaped to such a decision. I am truly grateful for your faith in me."
Hope pauses. His gaze sweeps across not only Henry, but all the people present.
"Before I continue, is it just my imagination or are a good number of you not actually service-members? I seem to be seeing quite a few civilians present."
One man in the front row nods nervously. "Y-yes, Commander Hiro, sir. I'm Mikael. I didn't join the military originally, but when I heard about your Parahuman Corps, it really struck a cord with me. If I can become strong enough to protect myself from demons, that would be amazing!"
Hope frowns. "Your motives aren't exactly pure, Mikael. The power I'm about to bestow upon all of you will indeed strengthen your bodies, but without a foundation of military training, do you truly think you'll be able to accomplish much? Not a chance. Expect to endure some grueling military drills tailored to your enhanced physique before I set you loose in the world of ordinary humans."
He returns his eyes to the others. "That goes for all of you. Yes, you will be able to obtain great strength in the easiest manner possible. But allow me to disabuse you all of the notion that this pathway to easy power will make you as strong as a Demon Emperor, or a Duke, or even a Baron. If you have no combat techniques, then you're just a big strong infant waiting to be executed by any remotely competent opponent! A complete pushover!"
The Wordsmith doesn't mince his words. "Submitting to Jepthath's power is a serious rite of passage. If your hearts are impure, he will reject you! You will have to head out and join the common folks on Maiura, hanging your head in shame and knowing you weren't good enough to join the elites!"
He looks around one last time. "With all that said, are any of you here having second thoughts?!"
"Sir, no sir!" The crowd roars, their collective voices momentarily making Hope's ears ring. He mutters a quick Word of Power under his breath to fix that issue, then he motions with his hand and immediately summons the Dominion Rod into his grasp.
"Here is how this is going to work." Hope says. "I shall manifest the image of Jepthath into reality. Look up to him. Pray to him. Accept him in your heart. When you hear his words in your mind, you will have the option to accept or deny his offer. Those who accept will become Jepthath's Chosen, the Illuminators of the future, Parahumans who tower above their fellow man! But as for those who are unworthy? You will remain with the common rabble."
Seeing decisive looks on everyone's faces, Hope smiles. "Alright then. Let us begin."
He holds up the Shepherd's Staff, and the gem in the center of its upper crook immediately begins to glow a bright white. At that moment, a phantasmal figure materializes in the air, his massive image towering thirty feet high. The top of his head seemingly scrapes the ceiling of the makeshift church, making everyone present gasp in amazement.
"My children." Jepthath says, holding out his hands in a welcoming gesture. He smiles like a kind old grandfather at them. "Hear me now. I am the First Hero. I am the Illuminator. I light the path for those to follow. To those who are attuned to my strength, greater benefits will be available. Perhaps, among you, there may even be a special soul possessing the highest affinity to my power. If so, he may be capable of mimicking my full power without reservation! But, doubtless, there will be those among you lacking in affinity entirely."
He sighs. "That is unfortunate, but it is how things are. Now, pray to me. Reach out with your heart, mind, and soul. Feel the touch of my Light..."
A warm aura spreads out of Jepthath's towering form. It washes across the massed crowd, making many of them feel snug and cozy. They close their eyes and pray earnestly to the Illuminator, sometimes opening their eyes to look up at him as they feel Jepthath's power surge into their bodies.
"I feel it!" One woman cries out. "The strength! The power! Uwaaaa!!"
Her muscles bulge dramatically. Her shirt rips in several places, and her height increases by half a foot. She roars mightily to the heavens as a large fraction of Jepthath's power enters her body and Mind Realm.
"I feel it too!" Another man cries. "Power! Overwhelming! Aaaaahh!!"
He, and many others like him, roar in ecstasy as Jepthath's power begins rapidly bolstering one person after another.
Strangely, Henry Cliff doesn't feel anything at first. But when the power starts to trickle into his bloodstream, a voice speaks in his head.
[There you are, boy. Lord Henry of the Illuminators. I have been expecting you for a while, young one.]
Henry blinks. The world around him slows to a stop as he looks up at Jepthath in shock.
[You... know my name?] Henry asks.
[Indeed I do.] Jepthath says with a smile. [Not long ago, Hope performed a ritual that allowed me to make initial contact with all of humanity. However, my power could not flow through them until they agreed to this ritual. It was then that I felt your strength for the first time. You are more formidable than you believe, my child.]
Henry looks down in shame. [You must be thinking of someone else, Great Illuminator. I am nothing at all. A mere nobody. A sinner.]
[You call yourself a sinner? Silly child. I am friends with the Greatest Sinner.] Jepthath chides gently. [King Arthur committed a crime far worse than you could imagine, yet he is still remembered as a legend. In the future, so too shall you join him among humanity's greats.]
Henry looks up again. [I... will?]
[Your compatibility with my power... is perfect.] Jepthath answers, visibly satisfied. [Look! Your body has not swelled up at all! Unlike the others who balloon in strength because their souls are impure, your willpower is formidable enough to reject the corruption of my nascent soul. It is for this reason that I have decided to name you... My Champion.]
A massive detonation of energy explodes inside Henry's body. He staggers in surprise, as instead of great pain, waves of ecstasy flood his vessel. He can't help but release a moan of pleasure as his mind seemingly unlocks its full potential, his muscles pulsate with a strength greater than he ever could have imagined, and his soul condenses into its purest form.
[Power!] Henry exclaims. [I feel it! I feel... so much power!]
"Uaaaaahh!!" Henry roars as he tilts his head up to the ceiling. "I am a mortal no more! I am your champion, Jepthath!"
Hope's eyes sparkle as he looks at the previously ordinary-seeming young man. He looks up at Jepthath, who smiles back at him, answering his unspoken question with a single gaze.
But suddenly, in the midst of this joyous occasion, Jepthath's image changes color from a loving and calm blue to a dangerous shade of red. His eyes narrow as he snaps his gaze around the room.
"WHERE?!" Jepthath roars, his piercing eyes jumping from one human to another. "YOU! It's YOU!!" Jepthath snarls, stabbing a finger toward a random woman in the crowd.
That woman freezes in place, like a deer in the headlights. Hope looks at her. All the other humans do too, everyone turning in unison as they feel a deep, nauseating rejection from her entirety.
"Human... she's not HUMAN!" Henry growls, balling his hands into fists. "She's not one of us! She's a CHANGELING!!"
Panicked, the woman starts to push through the crowd, but in an instant, tens of hands latch onto her from every angle, grabbing her arms, shirt, hair, and neck. They pin her in place while Henry walks through the crowd with eyes full of bloodlust. He grins wickedly and nods his head as he stomps toward the woman.
"Trying to sell us out, you filthy infiltrator?! TOO BAD! This is where your story ends!!"
In an instant, he lunges forward and punches his fist at the woman's stomach.
He rams his arm through her gut and blasts her entrails backward, spraying off-colored blood on the Parahumans behind her. The woman's mouth opens reflexively, and she vomits blood, unable to stop herself.
"N-no! Guhuk! Mis-misunderstanding! We- COUGH!!"
"Spare us your pitiful begging." Henry sneers, before sweeping his arm upward, tearing through her body with ease.
A sickening series of snapping bones sounds off in the room like a series of firecrackers. A second later, the woman sags lifelessly in the grasp of those present. They release her, and allow her to collapse into a puddle of blood at her feet.
Just when it seems the madness is over, Henry slowly turns around to look at another person in the crowd behind him.
"Heh heh heh. You stupid bastard. Did you think I missed you, too?"
"Wait!" The man screams. "This isn't what you think! We're just supposed to observe-"
He doesn't get to finish his sentence. Henry snaps toward him, rears his fist back, and sends it flying at the Changeling's head. So unfathomable is his strength that he blasts apart the man's head like a watermelon, showering the people behind him with bits of blood, bone, and brain matter.
Hope watches, silently, as Henry performs these acts. He nods with approval, even directing a small smile Henry's way.
"Hardcore, Henry."
Before the ceremony fully comes to an end, Henry kills another three Changelings, ensuring that not a single one manages to make it out alive and report news of what happened to the Founders.
It will be some time before they come to realize the significance of the events that transpired on this day...
submitted by Klokinator to TheCryopodToHell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:43 Smie27 Reverend Insanity CYOA 4.0

You are being reincarnated into the Gu world, luckly you have been granted access to this character creator. Pick and choose your perks, etc.
You don't need to pick options from any category except, timeline, Innate traits, location and aptitude.
Start with 1.500 Character Points

Choose your timeline.

First timeline. +300 CP
You are born on the 11th of November the same time as Fang Yuan. Some 17 years later Fang Yuan is forced to join a caravan and leaves Qing Mao mountain. Spectral Soul's heaven defying plan succeeds, however Spring Autumn Cicada is never refined instead Fang Yuan refines blood deity and becomes a demonic powerhouse.

Second timeline. Free
You are born the same time as Fang Yuan in his first life. After 15 years, the night before the awakening ceremony, Fang Yuan's will travels 500 years back in time, and the events of Qing Mao mountain ensues…

I Am Fang Yuan! +100 CP
You are born Gu Yue Fang Yuan, the Fang Yuan we know will never transmigrate to the Gu world. The world will be as it was, when set in motion in chapter 1 of reverend insanity. Will Spectral Soul resurrect and dominate the five regions and two heaven? Will you destroy fate? You do not have Spring Autumn Cicada, but every other benefit from this character creator. Skip the location and innate traits section.

Late Antiquity Righteous Era. +250 CP
You are born many years after Spectral Souls demon venerables death. Shadow Sect haven't been created yet and the rise of an immortal venerable is inevitable. Soul path is flourishing and the demonic path has a foothold in the mainstream, but the tides will turn with the birth of paradise earth. Cultivate to your hearts desire.

Late Antiquity Demonic Era. +450 CP
You are born at the end of the medieval antiquity era. Giant Sun immortal venerable is dead and the Huang Jin tribes are flourishing in northern plains. Soul path has yet to be created and a murderous demon venerable is inevitable going to rise. May you leave a footprint in history.

Innate traits:
You may choose which sex you are born as for no cost

Variant Human. +250 CP
You may choose to be born as any variant human. If you choose dragonman then you start your own bloodline, with you as ancestor instead of Duke Long. Thereby being immune to Duke Long's Dragonman Extermination killer move.

Human. Free
You may choose to be born as a human, a safe choice. Although nothing is safe in the Gu world.

You may freely choose which of the five regions you are born into.
You may choose any tier of clan and additionally choose which status you are born into in that clan.
If you choose central continet you will be born to a sect member instead of in a clan.
You may choose to be born into any clan/sect from the story or to be born into one at random according to the chosen criteria.

Mortal Village +150 CP

Mid-tier clan +50 CP
Rank 2 heir +50 CP
Heir of an elder Free
Heir of the clan leader -50 CP

High tier Clan -50 CP
Random +50 CP
Rank 2 heir Free
Heir of an elder -50 CP
Heir of the clan leader -100 CP

Super Clan -100 CP
Random +50 CP
Rank 2 heir Free
Heir of an elder -50 CP
Heir of a rank 5 -100 CP
Child of an immortal -200 CP

*In the mortal village you and one of your parents are the only Gu masters.
*If you pick Child of an immortal, you will be the child of a random immortal from the super clan you picked or a random super force.

If you pick a grade you will get a random aptitude within that aptitude range. You can roll a 2d10 or use a number generator to get a number between 0-19.
If you buy one of the ten extreme physiques, you are guaranteed a super grade blessed land.

Random +50CP
D-Grade Aptitude (20%-39%) +100 CP

C-Grade Aptitude (40%-59%) Free

B-Grade Aptitude (60%-79%) -50 CP

A-Grade Aptitude (80%-99%) -100 CP

Ten(Eleven) Extreme Physique (Your choice of physique) -150 CP

*If you picked random you can roll a d100.
*If you choose A grade, and get 99% you can't evolve into an extreme physique.

Throw a d10, that number is where you are in your bought category. Meaning, if you pick Ten Thousand man soul and get a 6, on the d10, you will have a 60.000 man soul.
You body also gains the necessary Dao marks to contain such a powerful soul.

Ten thousand man soul. -50 CP
This is the soul foundation of a rank 5 expert. A clan leader of a super force, with all the resources that comes with, can expect to reach this soul foundation in 30 years, 20 if they use special or detrimental methods.

Hundred thousand man soul. -100 CP
The soul foundation of a rank 6 immortal who has spent a great deal of effort strengthening their soul.

One million man soul. -200 CP
The soul foundation of a great expert of a path that benefits from soul foundation, like refinement path, wisdom path, enslavement path, etc. Any higher and the Dao mark interference from your soul will become too great.

Ten million man soul. -300 CP
Only a soul path immortal would have a soul foundation this great. At this level the interference from the soul path Dao marks on your soul would be detrimental to cultivating other paths. That is, unless you have a way to get around this Dao mark interference.

You can buy attainment in a path. When you gain the attainment, it acts as if you had gained the attainment through practice and hard work. Not through dream realms or true meaning. You can only buy a limited amount of grandmaster and great grandmaster attainment.
You can only buy grandmaster attainment in 6 paths.
You can only buy great grandmaster attainment in 3 paths.

Master. -50 CP
You can choose to gain master attainment in 3 paths each time you buy this option.
Master attainment is the attainment level of an expert among mortal Gu masters often taking decades to achive. This level attainment gives the Gu master uncanny intuition concerning their path.

Grandmaster. -50 CP
Among mortals only once in century genius' can become grandmaster in a path. Usually grandmaster attainment is reserved for rank 7 experts. Having this level of attainment, one will be able to mimic other paths and to create immortal killer moves using immortal materials, instead of immortal Gu.

Great grandmaster. -100 CP
Only experts among rank 8 have great grandmaster attainment. This level of attainment will allow the user to easily think up new recipes for mortal level Gu worms of their path. Great grandmaster's can even utilize the natural Dao marks of the Gu world.

Immortal ascension:
The quality of ones blessed land is dependent on ones accumulated human Qi. To accumulate human Qi one need to deep ones foundation, by increasing attainment level, experiencing the multitudes of life as a cultivator and attuning oneself to ones chosen path, by carving the apropiate dao marks onto ones body, mind and soul.

Immortal aperture
Immortal aperture are divided into four grades, low, medium, high and super grade. Each grade is defined by the size of the arear inside the blessed land, the immortal essence production and the size of the tributary of the river of time.
The spaciousness of your aperture determines the room for development inside it. The more developed an immortal aperture the more immortal essence it produces, and the more resource it produces to use, sell and trade. You will be rollling for how much space is inside your aperture.

The immortal essence production of an immortal aperture is indicative on how vigorously or often an immortal can fight and use immortal cultivation methods. Without immortal essence beads immortal Gu can't be activated, leaving the Gu immortal impotent. You will be rolling for how many immortal essence beads your aperture produces for each year that passes inside it.

The size of the tributary of time decides how much faster time passes inside your immortal aperture, compared to the five regions time (FRT). This determines how fast you pass tribulations and calamities. As an immortal at rank 6 or above, every 300 years that pass inside your aperture ascends you one rank until you reach rank 9. Meaning it takes 900 years of time inside your aperture to become rank 9. You will roll for how many times faster time flows in your aperture compared to the five regions time.

If you ascend as a time path immortal double the tributary of the river of time in your aperture
If you ascend as a space path immortal gain 50% more space in your aperture.

Low grade blessed land. +400 CP

Starting blessed land size:
2000 km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
1d6 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
1d10+10 = IEB at

Medium grade blessed land. Free

Starting blessed land size:
(d4+1) * 1000 = Area km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
2d10 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
1d10+20 = IEB at

High grade blessed land. -100 CP

Starting blessed land size:
(1d4+4) * 1000 = Area km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
1d10+20 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
1d10+30 = IEB at

Super grade blessed land. -300 CP

Starting blessed land size:
(1d6+6) * 1000 = Area km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
2d10+20 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
2d10+50 = IEB at

*you don’t have to be an extreme physique to buy super grade blessed land.

Immortal Gu
When the immortal aperture is created there will be heaven and earth Qi left over that can be used to refine immortal Gu. You as a privileged CYOA participator, can use your points to refine immortal Gu. However you can't refine any immortal Gu from the or any Gu that was the vital Gu of a venerable, including Fortune Rivaling Heaven.
These Gu worms will be created from nothing, and Heavens will doesn't need to approve of you having these Gu worms.
*Purchase immortal Gu responsibly, it's more fun if you don't break the setting.

Rank 7 and 8 immortal Gu are very powerful, therefor there is a limit to how many you can refine at ascension:
You can only buy 3 rank 7 immortal Gu
You can only buy 1 rank 8 immortal Gu

A rank 6 immortal Gu cost 200 CP.

A rank 7 immortal Gu cost 400 CP.

A rank 8 immortal Gu cost 800 CP.

Grab bag:
Grab bag perks are minor perks that are nice to have but not substantial enough to be full perks by themselves.

Pick 3 of any grab bag perks -50 CP

Pick 5 of any grab bag perks -100 CP

Pick 7 of any grab bag perks -150 CP

Reading materials.
You have a popup window where you can read Reverend Insanity and the Reverend Insanity wiki, only you can read it.

Gu professor.
You always know if an immortal Gu exist or not.

You can speak and read the language of every region.

Thousand man soul.
You are born with a 1.000 man soul. With this soul foundation you could control more then 100.000 beast with enslavement path methods. As a Gu master your soul is also strong enough to beat all but rank 5 experts in a battle between souls.

Otherworldly Dao.
Choose what otherworldly Dao mark your soul comes with.

Slavery Gu, of any rank, does not work on you.

Instant success.
Gu worms that carve Dao marks on the user, like Black Boar Gu, Iron Bone Gu etc., will have their full effects shown immediately and painlessly upon use and they won't need primeval essence to activate.

Mutated soul.
You may choose for your soul to be a mutated soul. For example if you chose to have a wolfman soul, your soul would have wolf characteristics and would be many times stronger when controlling wolves. You can also choose to have mutated soul of a path. For example an ice soul, which will boost the effect of ice path Gu worms.

Flying master.
You now have master level attainment in flying.

Extremely attractive appearance.
You have an extremely attractive appearance, and people will subconsciously treat you better because of it.

Eidetic memory.
You gain perfect eidetic memory. However, you may still forget things if you so wish.

Aptitude reroll.
You get to reroll your aptitude and choose the higher number. You can pick this grab bag perk multiple times.

Perks are divided into tiers.
Any perk that gives Gu worms or recipes for Gu worms may not give Lifespan Gu or the recipe for them, unless otherwise stated.

Tier 1 perks

Primeval wealth. -50 CP
You gain a rank 4 Primeval elder Gu containing ten million primeval stones. This is the wealth of a mid sized clan. You may buy this option multiple times.

Gu set. -50 CP
You may pick 10 Gu worms of the same path from rank 1 to 5, they will individually appear in your aperture when you choose. If the Gu worm you have chosen can be refined to a higher rank, you can do so instantly at no cost when you wish, but not to a rank higher than 5. You may buy this perk as many times as you want.

Mortal recipes. -50 CP
You may pick any 10 mortal Gu worms and gain their rank 1 through to rank 5 recipes. The recipes will use modern materials. Meaning, if you choose an ancient or extinct Gu worm, like All-out effort Gu, you will gain a recipe containing materials that are reasonably available. You may purchase this perk multiple times.

Close combat master. -50 CP
You are a battle genius and you have mastered of Krav Maga, Boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Grappling and Mauy Thai. Furthermore, you have master level proficiency with longsword, spear, axe and polearm.

Inhuman transformations. -50 CP
If you transform into a less then human form, you will automatically have the ability move and control your body as if you were born in such a form.

Flying grandmaster. -50 CP
You now have grandmaster attainment in flying. Geniuses renowned for their flying skill, at most have qusai-grandmaster flying attainment.

Longevity. -50 CP
You gain a hundred year lifespan Gu. You can use it to increase your lifespan or keep it for a different use.

Tier 2 perks

Dual Dao. -100 CP
You may choose two paths. Those paths do not interfere with each other when you use them.

Variant Dao. -100 CP
If you are a variant human you gain great grandmaster attainment in the path of your Dao. Meaning dragon men gain great grandmaster in enslavement path, hairy men gain refinement path, etc. This doesn't count towards your great grandmaster attainment limit.

Second aperture. -100 CP
You can awaken your second aperture at a time of your choosing. The second aperture functions as if created by rank 6 Second Aperture Gu, meaning it has no restriction of which rank it can rise to. Ascended to an immortal aperture this aperture will be have the same characteristics as your first one. If you picked Dual Dao and Second Aperture, you may also choose two paths that don't interfere in the second aperture.

Superior Gu set. -100 CP
You may pick 10 Gu worms they will appear in your aperture when you choose. If the Gu worm you have chosen can be refined to a higher rank, you can do so instantly at no cost when you wish, but not to a rank higher than 5. Furthermore, these 10 Gu worms do not need to be fed. You can buy this perk twice.

Immortal recipes. -100 CP
You can choose 10 Gu worms and you will obtain the rank 1 recipes, and the rank 2. etc. all the way to rank 9 for each Gu you choose. That is, you will receive the recipe for the lowest possible rank that the Gu worm can be and up. You can choose when you receive each recipe. Whether or not you recive the whole family of recipes at the same time or not. The recipes will only contain materials that can all be found in the current era, with the higher ranked recipes being possible exception. They may contain very exotic or necessarily extinct, but still existing, materials. Some Gu can't exist at the mortal level to a functional degree. You will still recive the recipes for these, but they can at most serve as reference value. You may pick this perk twice.

Auto balancer. -100 CP
When undergoing immortal ascension your Heaven, Earth and Human Qi will automatically be balanced for you. It's guaranteed that you will pass immortal ascension, the only thing that can stop your ascension is being killed by the tribulation itself or outside influences.

Year essence pool. -100 CP
Your immortal aperture gains a year essence pool. This is a enviroment mimicking the river of time, that exist parallelly to your aperture. Meaning that the year essence pool doesn’t take up any space in your aperture. The year essence pool also allows you to control the size of the tributary of the river of time flowing into your aperture. Meaning that you can slow the time of your aperture to anywhere between the time you rolled for, in the immortal ascension section, and that of the five regions.

Wealth of Food -100 CP
Upon immortal ascension a resource point is created inside your aperture for each rank 6 immortal Gu. Each resource point produces food for a corresponding immortal Gu.

Tier 3 perks

Great era inheritance. -150 CP
You gain a rank 6 immortal inheritance, that guide you from rank 1 to the peak of rank 6. However, the inheritance will be 500 years ahead of time from the time of chapter 2 of Reverend Insanity. Furthermore, you may choose for the inheritance to be a path of the great ere like weapon path, pill path, etc. The inheritance contains a myriad recipes for mortal Gu worms of the path that you choose and 5 rank 6 immortal Gu recipes of that path. The inheritance contains no Gu in it of itself.

Dream realm. -150 CP
A dream realm appears at a time and location of your choosing. It will contain true meaning pertaining to a path of your choice. It will be big enough for one person to achive great grandmaster attainment and another one to achive grandmaster attainment, or for three people to attain grandmaster attainment.

Immortal killer moves. -150 CP
You can choose 10 immortal killer moves. You learn the lowest to the highest rank possible of these killer moves. You can pick the same killer move more then once. This means that if you picked time cutting edge you can learn it again when it disappears from your memories.

Life and death aperture. -150 CP
Upon immortal ascension you will experience tribulations at half the strength they normally would be, but you still gain the same amount of Dao marks. With this perk you are also guaranteed to get a high grade blessed land. Unless you posses an extreme physique then you will gain a super grade blessed land like you normally would.

Reinforced physique. -150 CP
If you have an extreme physique you suffer non of the down sides. You will not need to fear exploding by cultivating too high in the mortal ranks. You won't need an immortal Gu corresponding to your physique to ascend. You will soar through the mortal ranks. Your ascension will be on the high end of what a normal immortal might experience, so relativly tame compared to ten extreme physiques. After this Heaven's will isn't going to hold back on tribulation.

Dao physique. -150 CP
Don't pick anything in the aptitude section. Choose a path, you now have an extreme physique equivalent in that path. Meaning, if you chose sword path, you would have a sword path physique with all the benefits and drawbacks of a normal extreme physique.

Tier 4 perks

Anti-divination. -300 CP
You have a rank 9 perpetual killer move applied to you. Only a rank 9 wisdom path immortal with a rank 9 Gu will be able to deduce anything about you. Anytime someone makes deduction about you, they either fail or get an obfuscated answer. You can toggle this killer move so if you want Heavens will to be able to send you tribulations can toggle the killer move off.

Gu house. -250 CP
Choose 5 immortal Gu houses, you gain the blueprint of how to create each of these Gu houses.

Imperial staff. -250 CP
You gain a staff with three teleportation opportunities. You have three opportunities to teleport to any place mentioned in the novel that exist in your era. Except you cannot go to the 9th layer of crazed demon cave.

Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP
You may choose one or two paths and gain a rank 8 inheritance of the path(s) you choose. You may not pick heaven path. If you bought 'Great era inheritance', this rank 8 inheritance may also be of a great era path along with the other features of 'Great era inheritance'. Regardless of if you bought 'Great era inheritance', you may pick three aspects that the inheritance specializes in. If you only choose for the inheritance to contain one path you may instead pick five: Offense, Defense, Movement, Investigation, Concealment, Healing, Aperture Management and path specialty.
Path speciality meaning, whatever your chosen paths speciality is. For wisdom path it would be deduction, soul path would be soul cultivation, etc.
If you choose two paths then the inheritance contain an excellent method to duel cultivate these two paths. The inheritance does not contain any Gu worms, however it contains the knowledge or how to refine, feed and use a myriad of Gu including several immortal Gu. The inheritance also contains peak strength mortal killer moves that cover all aspects, and how to empower these killer moves to immortal level by using immortal materials. Of course, the inheritance also details these killer moves when used with apropiate immortal Gu. The inheritance also comes with a battlefield killer move, you may choose one specialization for the battlefield killer move : Activation speed, Killing power, Concealment, Suppression. With this inheritance you cultivation will be smooth sailing from beginning to end.

Dao carver. -300 CP
You now gain twice as many Dao marks, from any source, as you otherwise would. Heavens will doesn't take into account how the existence or effect of this perk when sending you tribulations as an immortal.

Pocket paradise. -400 CP
You gain an orb with an blessed land inside. The orb can be carried inside your aperture. When not in your aperture you can activate it, which makes the orb immobile. When placed the orb functions like a blessed land with a land spirit you are in control of. When outside of the blessed land you can deactivate the orb and put it inside your aperture again. The orb supplies the blessed land with heaven and earth Qi, so you can move place the orb any of the five regions without problems. The blessed land has an interior size of 7.000 m2 and time that moves 40 times faster then the Gu world. The blessed land has enough resource production to earn 50 immortal essence stones every year that passes inside the blessed land. There is still a lot of room for development. The resources are related to the path of the blessed land, which you may choose. The blessed land is a paradise, and therefore won't experience tribulations.

Tier 5 perks

Prodigy. -350 CP
In a path of your choice, you now great grandmaster attainment and venerable talent in that path. Meaning you can reach supreme grandmaster without needing outside help. This includes dream realms or absorbing true meaning. Though it may take a few centuries to reach your potential. This does not count towards the limit of how many great grandmaster attainments you can buy.

Small Dream Immortal Venerable. -400 CP
You have master attainment in every path. Master attainment gives have an uncanny and accurate intuitions about everything in the Gu world. For example, when searching for a person or object you will have an accurate, if vague, intuition about which way to search. There are no longer restrictions on how much attainment you can buy.

Legendary expert. -400 CP
You have quasi supreme grandmaster attainment in two paths of your choice. You are now the undisputed expert in your field alive today, but you will still need to exert a great deal of effort to raise your attainment to supreme grandmaster. If taken with prodigy you will immediately gain supreme grandmaster attainment in the path you picked for prodigy.

Gugle maps. -400 CP
Gain a perfectly accurate map of the entire Gu world. The map is in your head but can also be projected as a 3d hologram, and you can choose if others can see it. The map is in google earth like detail and contains information on resource points, hidden inheritances, blessed lands and grotto-heavens, secluded domains. You cannot use the map to see into blessed lands or grotto heavens, but you can see where they are located. The map is not merely a videogame map, it also contains highly detailed information on demographics, infrastructure, detailed economic data, beast territory and more. This map is accurate enough for fixed immortal travel Gu to work with, but activation becomes more likely to fail, the longer since it was updated. To update the map as a mortal sacrifice 100% of your current essence type. As an immortal sacrifice 300 beads of your current immortal essence.

Venerable traits:
You may pick only one of these, but they are free.

Primordial Origin immortal venerable.
You gain ten one thousand years lifespan Gu. You can choose when to recive each Gu individually.

Star Constellation immortal venerable.
As an immortal, every time your aperture produces an immortal essence bead, you can experience the effect of the light of wisdom as if from a rank 9 wisdom Gu, but without the loss of lifespan, for 10 minutes. You can save up these minutes.

Limitless demon venerable.
Chose a path. For as long as you cultivate only that path, and don't use immortal Gu of a different path. you will gain 5x the amount of dao marks in that path as you otherwise would. If you use other paths you permanently loose this perk. This stacks multiplicatively with dao carver.

Reckless Savage demon venerable.
You gain 3 slots. Each slot can be filled with a path. The paths your slots have been filled with don't interfere with each other. You also have great grandmaster attainment in these paths while you have them slotted. You can change the paths of in your slots once every week, central continet time.

Red Lotus demon venerable.
Choose a moment. From now on, whenever you die you or when you choose, your are sent back to that moment. You cannot change the moment that you regress to, it will always be the same moment. Every time you regress, your luck gets massively worse. After 10 regressions, it will be as if everyone but you has Fortune Rivaling Heaven.

Genesis Lotus immortal venerable.
As a mortal your primeval essence regeneration is a 100 times what it normally would be. As an immortal, your origin core produce ten time the normal amount of immortal essence. Meaning if your have an average high grade blessed land with no development, you will produce 300 beads of immortal essence every year that passes in your aperture.

Thieving Heaven immortal venerable.
When you kill someone you can guarantee that they can't destroy a certain amount of immortal Gu. If you kill a rank 6 immortal, they can't destroy one of their rank 6 immortal Gu. If you kill a rank 7 immortal Gu they can't destroy one rank 7 immortal Gu and two rank 6 immortal Gu. If you kill a rank 8 immortal, they can't destroy one rank 8 Gu, two rank 7 Gu and four rank 6 immortal Gu. Etc.
If there are multiple choices, the saved Gu are chosen at random.

Giant Sun immortal venerable.
You have enourmous luck, like a child of human path. Only Red Lotus and Feng Jin Huang are above you in terms of luck.

Spectral Soul demon venerable.
You are born with a one thousand desolate soul, you soul alone has the strength of an high tier desolate beast. But you might be more susceptible to enslavement path methods, but it hardly matters since your soul is so devastatingly powerful.

Paradise earth immortal venerable.
As an immortal you gain natural inspiration, every time you face one of your major tribulations. Heavenly tribulations as rank 6, grand tribulations at rank 7, etc.

Heaven Refining demon venerable.
You gain unlimited willpower and motivation. You now have the perseverance to casually swim through the reverse flow river. Your will to power will never waver.

These are objectives that you give you extra points, but you have to complete them within 300 years or you explode and die. Spectral Soul eats your soul, Heavens Will foils any rival methods. You cannot escape the consequence of not completing your missions.
You may pick as many mission as you want.

Extra time. -100 CP
You gain 200 more years of time to accomplish your missions.

Easy missions

Traditional. +100 CP
Create an inheritance and a suitable inheritance ground. Describe what the trials and requirements there are to get your inheritance.

Imperial Court. +200 CP
Enter the imperial court blessed land at least once.

Medium missions

Paradise. +200 CP
Enter the Grotto-Heaven Blue Dragon Whale at least once.

Secluded Domain.+200 CP
Obtain a secluded domain of heaven and earth. You have to have had ownership of a secluded domain for a month for this mission to be considered successful. You can take this missions three times. You have to obtain three different secluded domains for it to count. You can't 'loose' one and obtain it again later.

Supreme inheritance. +300 CP
Obtain a complete true inheritance of any venerable. Thieving Heavens three refinement opportunities from Lang Ya isn't a true inheritance.

Problem? KILL!. +350 CP
Destroy a super force. You don't have to kill all the members of that force, although it would be a good idea. You simply have to make it so that the super force doesn't exist anymore. This also counts if you can convince someone to exterminate for you, by trickery, commission, or other means.

Hard missions

Homewrecker. +400 CP
Your mission is to destroy 88 True Yang building. If 88 True Yang building is destroyed without your direct involvement, you fail.

Founding ancestor. +500 CP
Create a super force, it may be a clan, sect or other. The force has to span the five regions and each branch must have at least one entity with rank 8 battle strength. Be it a rank 8 Gu master, a rank 7 Gu house or ancient battle formation. 5 immemorial beast also counts as rank 8 battle strength. You have an extra 500 years to accomplish this missions.

Grand theft Gu. +400 CP
Obtain Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu. With the time limit, you would probably have to complete this mission by either stealing it from Spectral Soul at Yi tian mountain. Or, you could refine it again using it's user, be it Spectral Soul or Fang Yuan, as a refinement material.

Become venerable. +400 CP
Break through the heavenly dao blockade and become venerable. Heavens Will isn't interested in you becoming venerable so you have to destroy or control Fate Gu. You only have 300 years though, so you have to be very quick.

Heavenly court. +600 CP
Join Heavenly Court and loyally serve it's interest. You don't have to save Fate Gu, you might even think it preferable if Red Lotus' plan comes to fruition. But, you have to do what you think is best for Heavenly Court.

Supremacy. +800 CP
As a variant human, make your race dominant in the five regions. You have a 10.000 year time limit.

Specific missions
These can only be picked if you chose the following timelines: Late Antiquity Righteous Era and Late Antiquity Demonic Era.

Pseudo venerable. +300 CP
You must reach pseudo venerable battle strength in all of your aspects of combat. E.I. having pseudo venerable defensive methods isn't enough.

Dao opponet. +300 CP
Defeat one of the coming venerables in battle. You must not be more then one rank above then when you defeat them, and you must not fight them while having immortal level cultivation while they are still mortal.

You may take as many drawbacks as you want. However you may not take drawbacks more then once.
Drawbacks overwrite other options picked in this character creator.

Easy drawbacks
No spoilers. +50 CP
You cannot share the contents of Reverend Insanity with anyone. You may still act on the information but you may not try to explain it to others.

Dao monogamous. +100 CP
Other paths interfere twice as much with the path of your vital Gu as they normally would. If you have dual Dao or Reckless Savage Demon Venerable as your venerable trait you cannot pick this drawback.

Un-undead. +100 CP
You cannot turn into a zombie. For good or ill you cannot become a zombie. Lifespan is always in short supply and you no longer have a fail safe.

Local dao. +200 CP
You are no longer an otherworldly demon. You will not have otherworldly dao marks and others cannot figure out your origin no matter what method they use. Not even soul searching you will let them find out you aren't from the Gu world.

True to your word. +200 CP
Alliance agreements become empowered. Dao marks related to any contract or alliance can only be forcefully removed by a specialized rank 9 killer move. You will have to be very carful with what you sign up to and always add a time limit.

Weakness. +200 CP
Choose one path, you are now twice as vulnerable to that path as you normally would be. You can pick this multiple times.

Medium drawbacks
Inhospitable enviroment. +300 CP
Choose a region, you cannot enter that region. This goes away when the regional walls disappears.

Like a mistress. +350 CP
Gu worms you own need twice as much food to be properly fed.

Halved lifespan. +300 CP
Your lifespan is halved, meaning if you are human you only have 50 years to live. Lifespan extension methods are as effective as they normally would be.

Clear Conscience. +300 CP
You cannot knowingly lie, and you are compelled to answer any question asked truthfully.

Indivisible. +300 CP
You cannot create clones. Others may not create clones of you either. You may still create external wills.

Forget me now. +400 CP
You loose all memory of reading Reverend Insanity upon rebirth. You still remember the options you took in this CYOA, and your previous life. If you picked reading materials in your grab bag it is removed and you can pick another.

Hard drawbacks
Dao dunce. +800 CP
You cannot increase your attainment level beyond what you buy in this character creator. Unless you buy prodigy, then you can become supreme grandmaster in that chosen path.

The Gu world is a capricious thief and has stolen not just but another unfortunate soul. But, this CYOA is fair to all, and so, you will not be the only one who gets too go through this character creator.
Convince another person to go through this CYOA and be reincarnated with you. You will have to both decide on a
This is entirely optional, I just thought it would be fun for people to test out builds together and against other people. I have also create some rules/objectives to facilitate the multiplayer, but you can make up your own.

Twin start:
Two players pick the 'I Am Fang Yuan!' timeline, one person will be reborn as Fang Yuan, the other will be reborn as Fang Zheng. Flip a coin to determine whos who. Optionally, you can also pick one of the two options below.

Each player picks a starting location and they have to collectively accomplish as many of the Missions as possible.

Each player picks a separate starting location, and they have 300 years to kill each other. Come up with strategies to reach immortal level, and how to aquire the strength to fight each other
submitted by Smie27 to ReverendInsanity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:11 AutoModerator How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

What is Subconscious Mind Reprogramming?
The subconscious mind is a powerful force that shapes our beliefs, emotions, and behaviors, often without our conscious awareness. Throughout our lives, we accumulate experiences and information that form the foundation of our subconscious programming. While some of this programming serves us well, other aspects may hinder our growth and success. Reprogramming the subconscious mind involves deliberately changing these deeply ingrained patterns to create positive transformation and achieve our fullest potential. Today we will explore what reprogramming the subconscious mind entails, its benefits, and effective techniques to unlock the power within.
The human mind comprises two primary components: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind deals with present thoughts, logical reasoning, and decision-making. In contrast, the subconscious mind operates below the surface, acting as a vast reservoir of memories, beliefs, and experiences. It influences our perception of the world, self-image, and subsequent actions. Understanding the workings of the subconscious mind is vital for initiating any reprogramming efforts.
The subconscious mind plays a critical role in shaping our reality. It operates on autopilot, filtering information and interpreting it based on our existing beliefs and conditioning. Our thoughts and actions are often driven by subconscious patterns, making it a powerful force in our lives. By reprogramming the subconscious mind, we can harness this power to create positive changes in various aspects of life.
To initiate the process of reprogramming the subconscious mind, it is essential to identify and recognize limiting beliefs and negative programming. These beliefs, often formed during childhood or through significant life events, can hinder personal growth and success. We will explore common limiting beliefs and methods to identify them and some strategies to resolve them.
Limiting beliefs can have a significant impact on our lives, affecting relationships, career choices, self-confidence, and overall well-being. We create mental barriers and restrict us from pursuing opportunities or achieving our dreams. Understanding the consequences of these beliefs is a motivating factor for embracing change.
Reprogramming the subconscious mind offers a multitude of benefits. By replacing limiting beliefs with positive and empowering thoughts, we can experience enhanced self-esteem, improved decision-making, increased resilience, and reduced stress and anxiety. There are far-reaching advantages of this transformative process.
Reprogramming the subconscious mind fosters a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. As we shift our focus from self-doubt to self-belief, we develop a positive self-image and a greater belief in our abilities. This newfound confidence propels us to pursue our goals with determination and resilience.
The subconscious mind heavily influences our decision-making process. By reprogramming the subconscious, we can gain clarity and objectivity in our choices. We become less prone to making decisions based on fear or limiting beliefs and more inclined to act in alignment with our true desires and values.
Our subconscious programming can significantly impact our relationships with others. By shedding limiting beliefs and cultivating a positive mindset, we can experience improved communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence. This fosters healthier and more fulfilling connections with loved ones and colleagues. There is also a strong mind-body connection, and reprogramming the subconscious mind can positively influence physical health. Reduced stress and improved mental well-being can lead to lower blood pressure, better sleep, and enhanced overall immune function.
The law of attraction suggests that like attracts like. By reprogramming the subconscious mind with positive beliefs and intentions, we emit a higher vibrational frequency, attracting positive opportunities and experiences into our lives. Reprogramming the subconscious mind empowers us to take charge of our lives. By understanding the power of our thoughts and beliefs, we become conscious creators of our reality rather than passive observers.
Reprogramming the subconscious mind may encounter resistance, both from within ourselves and from external influences. There are a few common obstacles faced during the process but we will discuss strategies to overcome them, ensuring a smoother journey towards positive transformation.
Reprogramming the subconscious mind is not an instant fix; it requires dedication, consistency, and patience. Its important to stay committed to the process of cultivating a positive mindset while embracing the journey's ups and downs.
Beyond the techniques themselves, integrating positive habits into daily life plays a crucial role in maintaining the results of subconscious reprogramming. There are various habits and lifestyle changes that support ongoing positive change.
Reprogramming the subconscious mind is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By understanding the power of the subconscious, identifying limiting beliefs, and employing effective techniques, we can unlock our true potential and create a life filled with positivity, purpose, and success. Embracing this transformative process can lead to a more fulfilling and empowered existence, empowering us to create the life we desire and deserve.
How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
The key to reprogramming your subconscious mind then comes down to what tools and techniques you decide to apply to alter your existing beliefs and thoughts. When choosing a technique or path its important to consider the different types as we will also guide you through our preferred technique of realization near the end. There are various techniques and approaches to reprogram the subconscious mind. Each method works uniquely for us, and a combination of techniques often yields the best results. Some of the most well known and proven ways of reprogramming your subconscious mind include
  1. Affirmations: Where you will be utilizing positive affirmations to replace negative self-talk and reinforce empowering beliefs.
  2. Visualization: Where you will employ the power of visualization to create a mental picture of desired outcomes and realize them into reality.
  3. Hypnotherapy: Where you will explore the use of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and introduce positive suggestions.
  4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Where you will understand and use NLP techniques to transform negative thought patterns into positive ones.
  5. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT): Where you will investigate the use of tapping on specific acupressure points to release emotional blockages.
  6. Gratitude Practice: Where you will embrace gratitude as a tool to shift focus from lack to abundance and attract positive experiences.
  7. Mindfulness and Meditation: Where you will incorporate mindfulness and meditation
practices to cultivate self-awareness and break free from automatic negative responses.
  1. Subliminal Messaging: Where you will examine the potential of subliminal messages to influence the subconscious mind positively.
  2. Journaling: Where you will journal to reflect on thoughts and emotions and challenge negative beliefs as they come up.
  3. Self-Hypnosis: Where you will learn self-hypnosis techniques for personal empowerment and change.
Overall there are plenty of ways to go about reprogramming your subconscious mind but as you can see from our other content, we prefer the basic realization route and recommend starting with a solid foundational basis in the energy of the wish fulfilled when beginning your journey into reprogramming your subconscious mind.
The Nature of Holistic Manifestation During your journey into reprogramming your subconscious mind its important you remain clear on a few important notes, see when you effectively resolve your limiting beliefs and start having your creations realize out into reality around you, you may not notice them at first because when using these holistic techniques focused around all categories of life that hold meaning, you might find that the realizations will look a bit different than expected in form and expression.
We call the initial ones realized opportunities, these are the synchronicities on the path that show the path. Its now up to you to trust in the universe or a higher power to guide your way based on the loving truths you cultivated during the start of your journey.
Instructions: 6 Step Exercise To Become Present
So starting off, its best to focus on using just these more stable energetic techniques, and if you want to know the ones we recommend the most for beginners for the categories of Health and Fitness, your Intellectual Life, your Emotional Life, your Character, your Spiritual Life, your Love Relationships, Parenting (or Family), Social Life, Financial, Career, Quality of Life, and Life Vision, just click this link and ‘Enroll in the How To Create Reality Course’ to hone your emotional basis for reprogramming your subconscious mind in order to make the most of all of your creations where your realizations don’t mark the end, but rather only the beginning of your journey.
  1. Now to use the techniques we most recommend, the first step is to detect a trigger, whether internal or external.
  2. Internal trigger: Before I do something, I remember to wake up. (Ex. before starting a task/going somewhere).
  3. External trigger: As soon as something happens to me, I remember to wake up. (Ex. friend calls you, phone rings, something happens nearby, you notice something new around you).
  4. When these triggers occur, wake up by asking these questions: who am I, where am I, what am I doing, and am I aware?
  5. Get into full realization of these questions to the point where you can confidently say: “I see myself and I see my reality”. This is when you’re able to observe both your internal world (thoughts/feelings/etc.) and external world (experiences/actions/etc.) simultaneously.
  6. Live from this state and become aware of the meaning that is already here, to be aware of the perfection and enoughness already within this present moment, not dwelling on your thoughts or your feelings, but allowing them to just occur before gently re-focusing and being aware that you are here now in this present moment.
  7. Look and listen, see without describing, perceive without interpreting. This will allow you to experience a stillness, an inner peace. And this inner peace will allow you to see yourself as both the one who observes every experience and the one who is having every experience.
  8. Live from this.
***This will take you to a greater and deeper perception of reality, where you become not the chess piece but the chess player. The one who controls our reality from awareness rather than the one who is pushed here and there by reality due to our passivity.
And remember, sometimes during this practice of being aware and accepting experiences, you will find that there are situations you don't want to accept, can't accept. In these states, accepting that you can't accept, still IS accepting.
And thus, even then, you are still present, you are still aware, you are still the operator rather than the operation. That even if you have an outburst, if you accept this and allow this, you are still in control because your power of reality creation comes from the state of being the observer rather than the state of being the experiencer (the observation). ***
Finally if you loved what you learned today, just ‘Enroll in the How To Create Reality Course’ to learn the techniques we recommend for honing your emotional basis in order to make the most of all of your realizations and move them forward in time rather than backwards in time where this isn’t the end, but only the beginning.
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2024.06.02 17:10 arrow-bane The Wandering God - Chapter 1: Waldo

Waldo could feel the tension in his body. He hated breaches. He used to be a general in the armada. Waldo had not figured out exactly what happened but in a few weeks leadership had changed all across the galaxy. Waldo had sensed something was different and Waldo had changed his identity adding himself to a low level unit while he tried to figure out what had caused the change. However, his contracts slowly disappeared and he was having a hard time cultivating new ones. Waldo had heard the name Bastion a lot in the changeover and Jonah seemed to have fallen off his radar, which Waldo found very distressing. So now he was just a lower level grunt Waldo had to follow orders and keep his identity hidden. That meant he saw lots of action thus why he was on a breaching team. All the prep in the world never made him feel safe on a breach and they had no prep time for this one. Toby slammed the charge on the handle of the Iron door and deftly ran the blasting cord around the frame, in a single smooth motion. Waldo felt Juan tense in front of him as they prepped for entry after the blast. Waldo would be second in on this one having lost the coin toss. Not that he really minded due to the lack of information. Juan would be going right, Waldo had the left, and Brett would be going down the middle. Juan, Waldo, or Brett always led the breaching team; they were their units cowboys. At least, that is what they called themselves. Their lieutenant Frank called them his lovely ladies but everyone was a girl to Frank. Waldo didn’t care about it, Brett would get angry with Frank out of combat, and Juan only ever laughed over it. Waldo was pretty sure Brett was putting up a show as he had caught Brett offering to be a bottom to a guy at a bar three months ago, which had led to him swearing secrecy over it. Waldo found himself smiling as Frank started into it.
“Lovely ladies, Juanita, Betty, and Wilma. Tina is spreading her legs in three.” Frank said loud enough for the breaching team to hear as he raised his hand holding up three fingers starting a countdown to Waldo’s 4th breach of the day. As the door blasted in they moved smoothly forward like a well rehearsed dance. Juan moved through the door into a hallway with Waldo close on his tail. Waldo saw it a second too late as Juan had completely missed the tripwire. Waldo grabbed Juan a hair too slow as Juan’s foot hit the wire tripping whatever the trap was. Waldo felt the magic in the blast before he heard the tremendous roar. Waldo felt himself pushed back by Juan while trying to pull him. Waldo felt certain he had Juan’s pack firmly gripped as he fell back. Suddenly, there was nothing in his hands. The air felt cool and instead of the hot sun beating down he felt a warm glow off to his left.
Waldo rolled to his feet and spun, assessing the room, but everything was wrong. He had lifted his rifle up to sight as he spun but it was missing so instead in the middle of the spin he drew his side arm. However, as he finished his spin his arm fell loosely to his side. Waldo stood in the middle of three empty round tables. In what, he would call the common room of a themed bar or restaurant. He saw humanoid creatures standing near a long wooden bar with 4 patrons seated at it and another dozen or so scattered around the room with more on the two levels above him. Off to the side of a warm glow that Waldo realized there was a fireplace with a fire happily burning in it and there was a stage. Waldo would have loved to hear the music from the group on stage with their odd assortment of instruments but it was at this moment Waldo realized the blast had deafened him. Waldo felt certain no one would attack him, having noticed an odd assortment of humanoids. Waldo saw gnolls, tabaxi, and maybe lizardperson. Waldo holstered his side arm but in looking down he noticed a growing pool of blood at his feet and saw a piece of rebar sticking out of his arm. Waldo saw the enchantments engraved in the rebar and part of him said magic wasn’t real then something else said that humans were the only intelligent race. Waldo pushed those back knowing better. He had seen lots of races and humans were just one of them. Waldo felt more than one voice trying to take control and he pushed back, calming his mind. Waldo attempted to quiet his mind as he was flooded with memories and thoughts he did not recognize as he pushed against them he felt someone or something help him in quieting his mind.
Waldo had not noticed the pain of his injury because of how much adrenaline was pumping through him. Waldo examined the rebar seeing the blood running down his arm. Waldo estimated he had ten minutes before blood loss would start to impact him if it did not clot on its own. Waldo glanced around the room seeing a few gnolls who had noticed him but no one seemed to care and decided he could care for the wound. Waldo grabbed the quick releases on his backpacks shoulder straps letting his bag fall onto a table he positioned behind him. Waldo quickly turned to face the bag and flipped it over so he could easily access it. Waldo grabbed a strap on the pack and deftly released it. Wrapping the loose strap above where the rebar was sticking out of his arm. Waldo smoothly grabbed his folding knife, flicking it open and cutting the sleeve away. Waldo placed the sleeve on the table and checked to see if it was all there or a piece was missing. Waldo grimace realizing a piece of sleeve is probably in his muscle. Waldo flicked the knife closed and placed it next to the sleeve. Waldo pulled out a bottle of water, a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, a healing tonic, and a sealed bandage for once it was clean. Waldo was so focused on what he was doing at the table he had not noticed the small group that had gathered behind him.
“I don’t think he can hear us.” Strisk, a large drake, said, preparing to tap the strange human’s shoulder to get his attention.
“Really, Strisk. You don’t think the guy bleeding on the floor that I shouted at can hear us?” Lydia, the only human in the commons, asked angrily, placing her hands on her hips.
“I think he is going to pull that piece of metal out of his arm.” Kna, the gnollish innkeeper and owner of the establishment, said surprised. Watching Waldo’s back tense as he stretched his arm out to the table. Grabbing the rebar in his other hand.
“Sir! Don’t!” Lydia screamed as Waldo ripped the 4 inch piece of rebar stuck halfway in his arm out.
“Fuck!” Waldo yelled as the piece of metal came free. Waldo looked it over for cloth finding a small piece that he carefully removed from the end of the rebar and placed in the hole of the sleeve and frowning seeing there was still more. Waldo screamed as the onlookers watched him shove his fingers into the hole in skin.
“Strisk, help me stop him.” Lydia said. Grabbing Waldo’s arm. Strisk hesitated. A moment before grabbing Waldo’s other arm.
"Stop! There is more fabric in my arm!” Waldo screamed as the two strangers forced his arms apart. Waldo looked at the sleeve. Unsure if they could even understand him. The strangers released Waldo as he attacked the problem again.
“Aer, go get me water. I will clean this up once he is done” Lydia said, to a gnoll barmaid nearby, deciding to stay next to this stranger.
“I’ll get the mop and some rags to help.” Kna said not wanting to watch anymore and stepping away.
Waldo pulled out a piece of fabric and placed it in the sleeve. Smiling now that he could account for all of the sleeve. Waldo grabbed the water bottle using his teeth to remove the lid and poured it down his arm. Followed by the rubbing alcohol to which he could not help but scream again as it burned.
“That looks bad.” Strisk said, fingering a potion at his hip. Seeing Waldo was prepared to heal the slow way. Strisk was trying to decide whether or not to help the stranger out by giving him the healing potion he carried as a city guard.
Waldo was looking at the hole in his arm knowing it would take time to heal even with the help of the tonic. He estimated it would be a day or two. Waldo looked back at the lizard person standing behind him in armor. Waldo grimaced as he drank the healing tonic. Waldo looked at the only human girl in the commons. Waldo instantly recognized her but could see she did not recognize him. Waldo hated this feeling but took his time looking over her sandy blonde hair and the gentle curves of her face. Waldo let his eyes wander across her chest and down her legs to the floor even though there was not much to see since she wore a high neck dress that was rather plain. Waldo expected she worked here and was not one to take crap from the patrons. However, Waldo knew her face and her shape as just as he remembered her, he did not need her clothes off to tell this. Waldo turned back to the table and opened the bandage and applied it to his arm. “He took his time looking you over.” Strisk said, eying Lydia himself.
“At least, he seems to know not to touch.” Lydia said, without looking at Strisk. She had been rebuffing advances from him and other drakes like him since she took the job. She hated the drakes, which was not unreasonable as they had burned her home to the ground, killed her parents, her betrothed, and enslaved her for five years. Lydia had fled to the nearest city not under drake control once she was freed. Lydia knew that not all drakes are slavers but getting over somethings are easier than others.
“Do you think he can hear us?” Strisk asked, ignoring the jab not wanting to be thrown out by Kna again. Strisk still was fingering the healing potion not having decided on whether or not to offer it. The human seemed to be taking things to remedy his condition. Strisk stood over the two humans by about a foot when he extended to his full height at the moment he was hunched down a bit so he did not tower over them. Strisk thought he looked good this evening having cared for his bronze scales before coming to Kna’s inn. Waldo rolled up the sleeve and piece of rebar and placed it in his pack then pulled out a healing tonic with a dropper on it and a tin a bit larger than his hand slipping the tin into a pocket. Waldo used the dropper to put a few drops of his second healing tonic down each of his ears. Waldo knew it would take a minute for the tonic to kick in and heal enough damage to restore hearing. Waldo returned the spare tonic to the pack and turned around letting his eyes meet Lydia’s. Waldo thought he saw her eyeing him and she had a small smile on her face as their eyes met. Her face made various emotions flare inside him and it had to focus to stay in control feeling a bit like someone else was trying to take control. Waldo felt his hearing return as the sounds of the room washed over him.
“Hello.” Waldo said, smiling at the woman ignoring the large lizardperson or dragonkin. Waldo could not really tell but he knew getting it wrong would probably offend them.
“Hey, I am guardsmen Strisk.” Strisk said. Waldo glanced at the drake and then looked back at the woman. She crossed her arms and her smile turned to a frown. Waldo could not help but think crossing her arms only accentuated a certain feminine feature of her form.
“Any chance I could get your name?” Waldo asked, meeting the woman’s eyes.
“Lydia. Why are you bleeding on our floor and where did you come from?” Lydia asked, feeling her pulse raise with the way he was looking at her. Lydia had not been in the presence of a human male for ten years. Lydia had not been avoiding them there just weren’t many humans in the city she had fled to and she would not risk going back to drake territory as much as part of her wanted certain things, saving up to get off his continent had been her focus. Human also from what she had seen human men did not survive long under the abuse the drakes applied to there slaves in the nearby Xalas empire. “I am Waldo Winter.” Waldo introduced himself looking at Lydia. “As for why I am bleeding, I think it was an explosion of some kind. The shockwave knocked out my hearing. I am from Halcyon. I was in an outlying district at the time of the explosion and the wood in this room tells me I am not there anymore.” Waldo stated calmly.
“So you entered Protham via an unauthorized teleport?” Strisk asked, trying to sound official.
“One I did not initialize or agree to but yes. Are you going to arrest me?” Waldo asked.
“I will have to report it. I will let someone else decide if you should be arrested. Assuming you don’t cause additional trouble.” Strisk said.
“It is an honour to make your acquaintance Strisk. Thank you for not arresting me.” Waldo said, giving Strisk a smile before turning back to Lydia.
“Why were you caught in an explosion?” Strisk asked the strange human, smiling back at him since he was being respectful.
“Well that is a little difficult. I was entering a suspected criminal's residence just before finding myself standing in this lovely room.” Waldo said deciding to omit details since it would be simpler than explaining. “There was an explosion of some kind and then I was here. I have to assume the hunk of metal hit me before I appeared here somehow.”
“Sounds like a teleport spell gone wrong.” Lydia said, allowing herself a moment to look over Waldo since he was not causing trouble. She could see the muscles in his arm and thought she recognized his jawline but knew that could not be the case since she had no idea where Halcyon was.
“I wouldn’t know much about that. I can only hope my brothers are alright. Can one of you tell me where I am?” Waldo asked, masking his face, wondering if he had died. The blast had been strong enough to rupture his ears. Waldo was not sure he could have actually survived, even with Juan in front of him. Waldo expected he had died and this was some sort of reincarnation. Waldo knew he could not return home if the was an arrival on this planet as a child of Halcyon he had heard of this experience but this was his first time. As he thought about this he realized he did not want to go back even if he could. He had been in hiding and now he was probably well outside of the problems he had and doubted anyone hunting him would keep it up after death if he had died. If not then he was incredibly lucky he had landed in a place where he did not die instantly. Looking at Lydia something told him that someone powerful had intervened but Waldo could not imagine who. Jonah had abandoned him and Waldo could not think of another player with enough power to do anything who would also care about him.
“Spriggan Inn, in Protham.” Lydia said, looking carefully at Waldo. Aer walked over carrying a rag and pushing a bucket of steaming water. Kna walked over with a mop and an empty bucket to wring the mop out.
“Oh, thank you.” Waldo said, taking the mop from Kna and starting to clean up.
“Protham is nowhere special, Lydia. We are a weeks travel from Neakar City. Neakar is the district capital here and a port city.” Strisk said, looking at Lydia.
“You don’t have to do that.” Kna said, as Waldo deftly cleaned up the blood on the floor. “Just let him. He is probably in shock.” Strisk said, as they watched Waldo clean the floor easily.
“Just a bit.” Waldo said after a moment, having finished mopping and given the mop back to Kna. Waldo used one of the rages Aer had to clean the table his pack had been on ending by wiping the drying blood from his ears. Waldo looked down and realized he was a mess.
“How far did you travel?” Aer asked, frowning having heard the conversation.
“Far enough, those names mean nothing to me.” Waldo replied.
“So you are gonna need work.” Strisk half asked and half told Waldo.
“Seems like that would be wise.” Waldo said, placing the rag over the edge of the bucket holding the dirty water from Waldo’s cleaning efforts.
“Protham needs good city guards.” Strisk said, smiling. “I can get you an interview tomorrow. I will come by tomorrow morning and get you. If you are interested?”
“I’ll need some training on your laws, but sounds interesting to me.” Waldo said, sticking out his hand to Strisk. Strisk looked at it a moment then realized he was supposed to grab it and did with his clawed hand.
“Thanks, for your help Strisk.” Waldo said, firmly shaking Strisk’s hand.
“Sounds like you want a room for the night. Unless, Strisk is offering to pay. Do you have any money?” Kna asked, frowning at Strisk.
“You can put one night on my tab, Kna.” Strisk said.
“Only if you pay your tab off tonight.” Kna said, feeling a bit bad but knowing Strisk’s tab was getting out of hand.
“Do you accept silver?” Waldo asked, before Strisk could reply to Kna.
“Yes, take a seat and I will get my scales.” Kna said, having heard enough to know she was going to need to calculate an exchange.
“I am glad you happened to have some coin on you.” Strisk said, frowning at Kna’s back.
“Yeah, my dad was big into carrying certain things every day. Good thing, I listened to him cause I bet my country's paper money is worthless here.” Waldo said, pulling the tin out of his pocket and carefully opening to make sure it was the right one then closing it again.
“Well, your bag is probably worth quite a bit. I have never seen anything like it. Fine craftsmanship.” Aer said, examining his pack.
“I would rather not part with it if possible.” Waldo said sitting down at the table his bag had been on since he moved it to the floor beside the table in cleaning the table. Strisk sat down across from him as did Aer with Lydia sitting close and she was still looking at him.
“Lydia, you are being weird.” Aer said, quietly.
“Looks like Lydia wants to bed the man.” Strisk said, frowning at Lydia.
“Watch it, Strisk.” Lydia said to Strisk with an edge in her voice. “Waldo just reminds me of someone.” Lydia followed up with a softer tone.
“Good memories I hope. I think I’d like to get to know you.” Waldo responded, not looking away from Lydia. “You remind me of… Someone.”
“Well, be nice and maybe we can share some memories.” Lydia replied, not breaking his gaze. Waldo felt there were some additional implications in her words.
“Is there a price?” Waldo asked, before he could stop himself. Waldo was not entirely sure where the words had come from in saying them they just burst from his lips like someone else was running the show. The words had sent Lydia’s hand flying. Waldo easily caught it mid air. “I will take that as a no, which is nice. A woman with a price isn’t a woman worth having.” Waldo said, speaking again without being sure where the word came from. Waldo wondered if he was going mad but something told him he was not. Waldo edged closer to Lydia as he thought this and realized he seemed to be of multiple minds in this moment. Words and actions happening that he was not sure were all him. Aer and Strisk were watching in surprise. “Maybe I misinterpreted your words.”
“If you can pay for your room. I am willing to let the words go. Now if you would let me go.” Lydia responded, carefully feeling the strength in his arm and seeing the ease with which he caught her slap. She had used a skill to hit him, one that had landed on Strisks and other guardsmen when they got out of hand. She felt he could be dangerous and even though he had caught the slap and was easily holding her arm in place he was not hurting her. In fact once she relaxed, from making the slap, she realized how relaxed he was in stopping her slap. She saw him considering letting her go. She met his eyes letting her anger show at being held in place. Lydia realized how close he had come moving a little to block her slap and left him close enough she felt his breath on her face. Lydia realized she was breathing on him too and something in his eyes seemed to be enjoying the closeness they were sharing.
“I want a taste.” Waldo said, kissing her before she could react and sliding his hand along her back. Lydia wanted to struggle but part of her had been aching for this for years and she did not put up a fight. After a moment she found she was kissing him back for a moment and just as she was about to pull away. He did first. Waldo had been wanting to kiss her since he had laid eyes on her and at least this time he was sure that was him. “Well, that was… special.” Waldo felt a memory tug at him in the back of his mind. One of a girl that looked just like this woman.
“Maybe, for you.” Lydia said, trying to hide how much she enjoyed it. Waldo released her hand and turned looking for Kna. Waldo watched Kna approach with the scales. Waldo quickly opened the tin, pulling out a bundle of five carefully wrapped gold coins before closing it again and placing the tin back in a pocket.
Waldo unwrapped the coins asking “What exchange rate can you offer on these?” Aer gave a quiet gasp at the sight of them. Waldo feared he had made a mistake. As kna set the scales on the table.
“You have gold?” Strisk asked. Kna seemed unphased as Kna placed the coins on one side of the scale and started to carefully weigh them.
“Just a little. For an emergency.” Waldo responded.
“That should be enough to live here for a month.” Strisk stated, watching Kna carefully.
“You underestimate my rates. This will buy you three weeks.” Kna stated, as the scales balanced.
“What? That is highway robbery!” Strisk said.
“I have to take them to a blacksmith to get them minted in local coinage, they will need to be paid. Or I will have to take them to a money changer, who will also take a cut.” Kna stated.
“What would that include?” Waldo said, realizing his hand had wandered from his leg and found Lydia hand grabbing it tightly. Waldo felt Lydia tense as Waldo grabbed her hand but noticed she did not pull away from the sudden contact.
“A room, hot bath every day, standard laundry service, the common breakfast, and dinner daily with one pint of house ale. You will have to pay for lunch if you come here to eat.” Kna said, listing from memory the services she included in her standard room offering.
“Sounds good to me.” Waldo said smiling and looking out the window confirming it was dark. “I assume we are in the middle of dinner?” Waldo asked, hopefully.
“Yes.” Kna answered.
“May I take dinner in my room? I would like to wash myself before bed. It has been a surprising day.” Waldo asked Kna.
“Yes! I will grab you a plate and show you to your room.” Lydia said, releasing Waldo hand and standing. Waldo let her hand go as she stood. Kna at Lydia with what Waldo expected was motherly concern. As Lydia turned away to get the room key and a plate of food.
“Is there running water in the room?” Waldo asked Kna.
“Yes, but I cannot recommend using it for anything other than bathing.” Kna said.
“It is fine I can purify water. Can I get this filled with water?” Waldo asked, holding out a metal canteen.
“Yes. Aer go fill this and bring it back.” Kna said, handing the canteen to Aer who quickly walked off. “Leave Strisk. I would have a word alone with this man.” Kna growled at Strisk looking angrily. Strisk knew better than to argue with Kna when she gave him this look.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Waldo.” Strisk said standing to his whole sevenish feet of height stretching as he walked away. Waldo only now realized how small he was compared to Strisk.
“Indeed.” Waldo said to Strisk and turned back to Kna.
“I have never seen Lydia take to a man as she has to you. Have you cast a spell on her?” Kna asked Waldo. Waldo burst out laughing, taking a moment to control himself.
“I have no skill in that kind of magic. If you know how to test one for magic I would happily submit. I suspect I know why she has taken to me but there is nothing magical about it.” Waldo said, having gained control of the strange urge to laugh at magic.
“Why?” Kna asked, eyeing him coldly.
“Now why should I answer you?” Waldo asked. “What do you care for, of freed slaves? Or are you not her enslaver?” Kna drew back surprised.
“You said you knew nothing of this place?” Kna replied.
“I have never heard of this city in my life or this land, but I have eyes. Lydia is the only human here beside me. You are a gnoll and Strisk is one of the scaled people’s. I never been around any of them long enough to learn to tell them apart. Lydia clearly has some aversion to Strisk which seems to be unconscious on some level. That suggests it is not that she does not simply dislike him but something more than that. It is obvious to me that she does not belong here and would choose another home, but something prevents that. When I kissed her I ran my hand down her back. I felt the cursed marks of a whip. Is she a free woman or do you own her?” Waldo said, sliding his hand to the knife attached to his lower back.
“My people do not enslave others. She is free. I did not know she hated it here.” Kna said going from angry to crestfallen. “I did not know she had been a drake's slave.”
“You will say nothing of this. If you value your friendship with her. I did not say she hated it here. She works for you, which I expect is because you are not a drake and probably more than that. I get the sense she misses her people. How long has she been here?” Waldo replied, smoothing his voice.
“Several years.” Kna said, drifting in her own thoughts.
“If she hated you she would have left. You must make her feel safe in a dark place so she does not wander from your light.” Waldo said.
“All the more reason to not let her be abused.” Kna said, gauging Waldo.
“You misunderstand something. I will always respect Ma laska.” Waldo said, changing languages without thinking and looking to where Lydia stood talking to Aer as a memory flooded over him for a moment. Waldo felt the other part of him pushing forward for a moment. “Good help you have. Deftly slowing Lydia while we talk.”
“What is ma laska?” Kna asked. Waldo hesitated, surprised by Kna's words, then realized he had called Lydia by accident. Waldo knew what it meant somehow but decided he better not translate it directly.
“A woman’s right.” Waldo said, choosing a lie over the truth. “Or at least that is a close enough translation in this context.”
“So that is another language?” Kna asked.
“Yes, one from my a place long ago.” Waldo answered. “Have we not strayed topics at this point?”
“I think I have made myself clear and you have made yourself clear now.” Kna said, glancing at Aer and making a low growl. “I will let Lydia make herself clear as she chooses. Now that I do not think you will take something Lydia does not freely offer.”
“Have you accepted her as your cub?” Waldo asked, turning to look at Kna.
“I ha... “ Kna stopped herself, looking surprised at Waldo.
“I see it in your eyes, witness it in your fur, and hear it in your voice. She is a daughter in your house. Does she know or do you keep it a secret from all but those who know how to see?” Waldo asked, calmly moving past Kna’s surprise.
“You said.” Kna started to accuse trying to remember his words.
“I have not seen another race in so long. I cannot tell the scaled races apart. However, I ran with a pack for six years. I was a brother to a gnoll, and son to his parents. I sat at their table and went on their hunts. I sang the rights and washed in their bath. I was once an adopted son, which fills me with pride. If you are not a slaver then I would call you friend.” Waldo said quickly as Lydia approached. Just as he finished speaking he gave a quiet howl in the gnoll tongue he had learned many years ago living on the plains of Halcyon long before the war that had landed him here. Aer stopped mid-step and stared at Waldo as the gnolls in the room turned looking at the grimy human who had named himself to the room in gnollish. Kna openly stared surprised Waldo had been named and knew the proper introduction for himself in a public place. Lydia was confused as to her it appeared Waldo was growling threateningly at Kna. Suddenly, the room responded with a quite gnollish welcome that made Lydia jump. Aer gently placed her hand on Lydia’s shoulder.
“They are greeting Waldo in our tongue.” Aer explained to Lydia, seeing she did not know what was happening in the room.
“He speaks gnollish?” Lydia said surprised.
“I guess.” Aer said, pulling her hand back and moving forward again.
“Why did you not say something before?” Kna asked, Waldo as Lydia and Aer walked up. Aer set his canteen on the table.
“It was not the time. All things have a place and now was this things place.” Waldo responded.
“You are a strange human, but I am comforted and feel as if there is nothing to fear.” Kna said to Waldo then turned to Lydia. “Lydia, you may do as you will the rest of the night and I will not interfere.”
“Thank you. May we call this the end of my shift then.” Lydia asked, feeling a little excited. Aer turned moving around the room with the other staff in the inn.
“Away with you before I find a need for your aid in tending to my customers. Who I have ignored, too long.” Kna said quickly moving away to help her staff tend to tables. Waldo picked up his pack and canteen.
“Lead on, Ma laska.” Waldo said, nodding to Lydia.
“Ma laska?” Lydia questioned not saying it quite right.
“Sorry, my lady. Old habits.” Waldo said, lying again feeling unsure as to why he felt like he was fighting to stay in control. Lydia raised an eyebrow questioningly but led on. Waldo followed her up the stairs to the second floor and down a hallway lined with six doors. She stopped in front of the door and placed a brass coin over the lock which clicked and the door swung open. Led him into a good sided room with an all wood floor and completely open. A large bed was on one side of the room, a table with two chairs by the door. Space at the foot of the bed. There was space between the bed and a bathtub with a toilet near the back wall with a screen by the toilet and a sink between the tub and toilet. The room was lit by glowing stones fixed to the walls Waldo saw what appeared to be a control for the glowing stones by the door before the table and chairs. There were towels by the sink. Lydia set the plate on the table and the brass coin next to it. Waldo set his bag at the foot of the bed and started to strip away his body armor until he heard the door shut causing him to turn. Waldo smiled seeing Lyida had not left.
“Would you like help?” Lydia asked, slowly walking to him with a gaze that excited Waldo. The kiss he had stolen had aroused something in Lydia and the urges she had been pushing back had rushed forward.
“I can manage. I am just removing some outer layers. They are deceptively heavy.” Waldo responded.
“Please allow me. I want to.” Lydia said, stepping next to him quickly. Waldo allowed her to help him, carefully guiding her hands to the straps holding the armor in place and allowing their fingers to get tangled. “You seem to be intentionally making this difficult.” Lydia accused, after it took almost a full minute to unhook one strap.
“Does it bother you?” Waldo asked, playfully nudging her and Lydia realized he was enjoying the delay.
“Your food will get cold…” Lydia said, blushing as she started to enjoy the fumbling of their hands and his contact.
“Hot or cold it is still food. However, this moment... is all its own.” Waldo said, dragging out her helping him remove his outer layers, which took another five or more minutes. After which, they sat across from each other as he ate his dinner. Lydia studied him as he ate.
“Have we met before?” Lydia asked, feeling at ease in his presence.
“After a manner…I believe so but not for more than a lifetime.” Waldo responded. “Do you believe in reincarnation?”
“Reincarnation?” Lydia asked not being familiar with the word.
“My people believe when you die a piece of you, what we would call a soul, starts a new life.” Waldo explained.
“I am not much for religion. In my homeland, they said the gods are dead. The Drakes of Xalas seem to think there are gods and people have souls. Most of the gnolls of Grofeas say there are no gods but there is a temple to the gnoll god in Protham and I believe the high priestess is the wife of the city's guard captain.” Lydia replied.
“Xalas? Grofeas?” Waldo asked, suspecting these are countries.
“Neakar, a large city in the Xalas empire. It even has a palace for the emperor. I don’t think it is the capital of the Xalas empire but I might be wrong. The Grofeas plains are ruled by the gnoll tribes. There are not very many cities on the Grofeas plains and Xalas has tentative peace with the plains gnolls that largely control Grofeas. Protham is the first city in the Grofeas plains after leaving the Xalas empire. Mostly, the Drakes have mined the Grofeas plains of all they are interested in so they leave them alone.” Lydia explained.
“What is your home land called?” Waldo asked.
“Northumbria, but last I heard it fell to the drakes in the war. I was captured before the Northumbrian king fell. The Teaniel Empire is the last human hold out against the drakes and if it falls the drakes will effectively rule the continent of Atios. Not that they bother much with the Grofeas plains.” Lydia explained.
“Ah, so you stay because there is no easy human stronghold to flee to?” Waldo questioned.
“I am trying to save up to go to Ibrix but that is a long boat ride off after traveling to the only gnoll port city because I refuse to go back into the Xalas empire. Only problem is Grofeas port city is three hundred leagues to the south east of here. The roads are less than safe and each year there are only about three caravans that make the trek. If I were to cross alone it is unlikely I would make it. The cost of going from here to Ibrix are a little more than a year's wage working here.” Lydia explained sadly.
“How many humans reside in Protham?” Waldo asked.
“Twelve. All women. Eight are too old for the trek and two are too young to go alone.” Lydia said.
“All former slaves of the drakes I assume.” Waldo said.
“What?” Lydia said surprised.
“I worked interrogations. I learned to read what was left unspoken. You have nothing to fear from me. Slavery is the evilest form of commerce.” Waldo said, kneeling by his chair with his back to Lydia and bearing it. Lydia saw thin white scars from wounds that had healed and been reopened only to heal again over and over again. Lydia was speechless. After a moment Waldo covered himself and sat down facing her.
“How did you know?” Lydia questioned. Waldo slid his chair close to her so they were a breath apart. Lydia stared at him waiting for an answer when he kissed her. This time she felt his hand running down her back touching her hidden marks. Waldo pulled back from the kiss after a moment.
“Slavers tend to have the same tricks. They leave the same marks on one's body and some people's souls.” Waldo said quietly as he sat a breaths distance from Lydia’s face. The moment stretched as shared history passed between them and without a word spoken they had shared secrets too dark to udder in the quiet of the room then there was a roar of cheers from the commons breaking the spell that dark secrets of shared history had woven for a moment.
“I hope we can talk more.” Lydia said, after a moment now that the spell was broken. Lydia stood now that her head had cleared. Lydia was not sure what she would do if she stayed and questioned what she wanted.
“Will you stay?” Waldo asked, gently touching Lydia’s hand. Lydia did not pull away. Standing Lydia moved to the door. She intended to open the door and leave but she grabbed the night lock turning the knob. Waldo was not sure what he expected but he would not stop her from leaving. Waldo heard the door lock click into place, Lydia took a few steps toward the bath and moved her hair to one side exposing the ties along her back. Waldo stood and moved to her beginning to untie her dress. Once he was done. Lydia let the dress fall to the floor. Time stretched and shortened all at once and before he knew it exhaustion took them as they lay on the bed together. Lydia snuggled up to him and in a moment her breathing was even and gentle. Waldo knew she had fallen asleep in that moment of respite. Waldo watched her for a moment only to realize how tired he was and started to doze off but just as he heard a voice speak in his mind.
“Class gained Soldier, Level one. Skill gained, find allegiance.”
“Cancel! Reject!” Waldo whispered, angrily not wanting to wake Lydia.
“Class and level canceled.”
Waldo was fully awake now. Realizing he is on a game world, Waldo frowned. He considered this for a moment. Waldo had heard of these but never been on one. Now the injury made more sense. He had died on Halcyon. Waldo wondered if Jonah even cared that he had died. Waldo took a moment to consider the implications of being on a gaming world. There would be no intergalactic armada base here. Waldo knew the gaming worlds had been cut off, largely due to proximity. All the gaming worlds were the opposite side of the galaxy. The armada was still a thousand years of growth away. Waldo now knew with certainty there was no simple way back. As he considered this he realized there might be a way. Waldo thought about it for a few minutes as the idea grew in his mind and realized he truly did not want to go back. “I am a God.” Waldo thought to himself, Waldo felt something rush to the front of his mind, something that believed it or he was a god.
“Class gained God, level one. Skill gained, anoint worshiper. Quest assigned, claim domain.”
Waldo smiled, surprised it was that simple. Waldo considered trying to cancel it but part of him said if he was going to stay here he might as well be a god. Thinking he could do anything as a god. Another part said it was a bad idea and it would not be easy. Waldo wondered why he was feeling so conflicted about everything and why he did not feel like he was in perfect control. Then he wondered if the gods were dead on this world, would he be the only god around, and if so what domain he should claim. Waldo slowly drifted to sleep with these conflicting thoughts.
submitted by arrow-bane to Universe712 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:07 krossome AITAH for miswording a message?

Hi all to preface this is discord drama that is the equivalent of being told you're worthless.
I, 24M, have been dealing with this since yesterday. Two users (mods, both 18+, not too sure about their age roughly my age) started to criticize me over things that I said, to the point they started to drive really hurtful things down against me, and as someone with Autism, I can't quite process the things they're saying to me, and I broke down this morning.
It all started yesterday, when I posted saying the owner of this server (who has an internet community, and makes music, would finally surpass 1.5 million streams on a song. User 1, a discord moderator of this group, said it already has. I half joked (which they didn't receive well), saying the following, "I may or may not have reached out to my social media audience (I also make music and run a local radio station's jazz program) for some help getting there."
User 1: "Somehow I highly doubt that made any perceivable difference outside of the standard trend unless you are hiding 100k followers in a magic hat or something." That hurt.
Me: Whatever dude. Even if 1 person clicked on the link, I wanted to help get there since she expressed interest in hitting 1.5 million. Why are you downplaying everything I do? Or negatively criticizing my choice of words?
User 1: 100% choice of words, Here you try to down play its always appreciated to share the music with others, but the way its worded here implys a humble brag that you were the reason it reached that number or at the very least a large part in that.
I understood where he was coming from, but his choice of words didn't help me there. It seemed to me that he was putting his foot down saying me and my audience don't make a difference.
User 2 joins in and says the following:
User 2: My favourite thing is watching people not pick up on your jokes. And just automatically assume you're an asshole.
Me: Didn't appear to be humorous to me. I guess I must add a gif to express emotion.
User 2: Nah he doesn't have to express emotion for you to see his jokes lolol
Me: I suppose I must, otherwise I get criticized by someone I'll never meet.
User 2: I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about User 1.
User 2: Everyone I've ever talked to about him always asks me why he's an asshole when most don't even bother to get to know him not my fault y'all can't put in the effort to understand his humour or how he expresses himself.
Inbetween this eruption and this point, I wrote a message congratulating the owner on surpassing 1.5 million streams. I intended to mean well with my message but it went out like this:
Me: 1.5 million streams on Song Owner!!! So incredible to see how what started as me watching funny TikTok videos became watching a fully fledged musician. Super happy for you, congrats!
User 1: I mean thats kind of dismissive, the music came first and has always been the main goal I understand the underlying compliment you are going for, but it comes off weird how you describe the journey in that way as if Owner was not a fully fledged musician before this?
Me: Your interpretation is it’s dismissive and weird, because I worded it in the way that I found her videos before I found her music.
User 2: You worded it as an absolute rather than an objective experience you had such as "Incredible that I found your tiktok videos and learnt you were an amazing musician" there is plenty of other ways you could have worded it, but the first interpretation that jumps out from the words used is that is was a linear transition from the videos into finally becoming a musician. (not quite what I said, but go ahead)
Me: My bad.
User 2: Everyday I wake up in Ohio.
So that happened. I objectified what the person was saying, and that I didn't word it right.
Then this happened. I bought Yeezy Pods back in February, and wanted to express how cool they were. This is what unfolded. God I hate this part the most, because it was so out of left field and so hurtful, being Jewish myself.
Me: My Yeezy Pods showed up. They are fucking sick.
User 3 (will be all users not associated with the core drama, just other users): 🤨
User 2: Ew
User 3: Interesting.
User 2: "I guess we see who loves antisemitism now." WHAT (they change my server name to Antisemite)
User 3: the only thing sick about yeezy pods is how i be throwing up lookin at em
User 2: *funny gif*
Me: *Curtis Payne you a hater gif (can't link it)* in all honesty, it's better to love something than to hate it. not a supporter of antisemitism, i was kidding.
User 3: Funny joke hahahahhahahaah yeah no. Muppet
Me: Yall got pressed over shoes. Crazy world we live in.
User 2: Yes because I'm actually pressed. Crazy how people just assume things all the time. Womp womp.
Me: the immediate response, no tag necessary. (they responded immediately)
User 2: OMG I'm on Discord.
Me: #chronicallyonline, kidding of course.
User 2: You're the one who changed your name. (back to my original name) Who's pressed now?
Me: The joke is over.
User 3: Bro at least have the balls to remove the joking lmao
User 2: I got the chronicallyonlinebitches tag for a reason.
Me: (responding to User 3) Can’t, every one gets triggered if I don’t add intent to the messages I send. (I was fuming at this point, very hurt and my perspective of Owner and their community was permanently changed).
User 3: Nah cus lowkey itd be funnier if you weren’t joking at least then you’d have grown a pair.
Me: I may misword something that they disagree with, and they’ll use that to their advantage to assert their dominance over me in the argument. (I intentionally placed 'dominance' to indirectly prove my point about miswording things).
User 3: Bro no one gives a shit about dominance.
User 2: Image saying: "things an unfuckable douche canoe says"
Me: Why are you calling me a douche canoe?
User 2: Omg you think I'm dominant? I'm riding that high for the next week. And this toke I'm about to take.
Me: go for it. I wasn’t talking about you.
User 2: I'm gonna anyway. Already beating my shmeat. Tho if you're talking about User 1, hes gonna waste that high. He's autistic and doesn't find joy in it. 😂😂😂 I wonder if I fumble my sentences he'll use it too.
I broke at this point, I sought vengeance and took no prisoners.
Me: I was talking about User 1. I shared Owners song, said I did in here, User said that I didn’t make a difference. I put a message in Owner's letter channel saying something “From tiktok videos to being a fully fledged musician” and congratulating Owner on reaching 1.5m streams on the song she made. User 1 called that message dismissive and said I wasn’t considering Owner was always a musician. I started out watching Owner for non-musician tiktoks then Owner started making (publishing) music. I hate having to make long overdrawn statements like these, but since you guys are fucking with me, I’d 🤓 too.
User 2: I mean she was a musician first? I don't see what's dominating about that statement. *gif of wall of text*
Me: I misworded it. I used to watch the non-musician tiktoks first before I listened to her music. (didn't misword it, see the wall I posted above.) I can’t misword anything without a discord mod saying umm actually.
User 2: Because you're expressing incorrect information otherwise. You saying Owner did TikTok before her music would throw off others, especially the younger ones who don't fact check. Two it discredits Owner's work prior to "blowing" up on TikTok. Just because it's your perception of events doesn't mean it's the truth. You expressed it as if it was such, Owner's TikTok came first then the music, which isn't the case. People are allowed to correct others and at least two people who have corrected you on things AREN'T mods. You aren't the only one being corrected on misinformation or being an ass.
Me: This whole thing could’ve been dismissed entirely by understanding that’s not the intention I intend to express, both the Yeezy Pods and congratulating Owner on Song. Now I tread carefully here in particular because you guys ruined my whole perspective on this community. What you call misinformation, was me trying to say from making tiktoks to publishing music, I’m proud of where Owner's gotten. I’m sorry, but wouldn’t you react similarly to how you treated me? I'd get fucking banned I fear.
User 3: But the point is Owner was making music before tiktok.
Me: great, you got your point across. I don’t even feel comfortable saying anything here anymore.
User 2: No because I'd realize I'm doing something if I'm being talked to? And yeah I'm gonna be fuckin grossed out you're buying Yeezy? He's a fuckin antisemitic piece of shit??? Why would you support his shit??? That's weird af. I'm allowed to have opinions on brands and shit? User 2 forbid I have an opinion on a terrible person and their brand.
Me: I bought them because they were $20.
User 2: User 3, I guess you'll have to publicly execute me for my crimes of opinion. IDC if they're free?
Me: If you have nothing nice to say to the person, don’t say it.
User 2: It's still supporting his brand one way or another and that's weird af. Womp womp.
Me: I could express my opinion on each of you and get fucking blasted into the sun over expressing my opinion if you disagreed with it. The rules are one sided then.
User 2: Idc if you blast your opinions about me. I myself aren't gonna ban your ass over it. I'm not sensitive about shit people say about me. Also I didn't call you antisemitic I said you love it (why the name change then?) Two different things. I have not expressed my opinions of you at all, nor will I. It's not my fault you can't handle some things being said. Maybe say you have triggers or traumas with it and people would slow down? (ironic)
Me: However, quite the contrary to popular belief, these two instances of communal discourse, do not reflect any changes on my opinion towards you folks. (me trying to divert the hate against me for buying $20 shoes. User 2 changed my name back to "Antisemite", I changed it back immediately.)
Me: responding to User 2's last sentence: They never have and never will. They claim I’m bullshitting them, to be weaponizing my traumas against them in an argument.
Do I have to release my medical documents /s where I was abused throughout my childhood which permanently affected the course of my development, so making music and confiding in someone of popular culture would be therapeutic? (sarcastic about the documents, although I wasn't for a time, but that was a long time ago in a different instance)
User 2: Dammit you shit on the carpet
Me: It never ends.
User 2: No one wants your fuckin medical documents first of all (missed the /s i appended after medical documents I see...)
Me: So I'll just shut the fuck up.
User 2: Second of all don't weaponize your traumas for the sake of this argument. (I thought I could express that I'm sensitive to these interactions, and that they'd slow down, but point proven again, it's bullshit to them.)
Me: I “love antisemitism” and I spread “misinformation”. I’ll never express a personal view nor opinion on anything ever again.
User 3: i mean most antisemites will also say "im just joking" when they say something like that.
Me: If I say an unbiased statement about anything and receive backlash from it, I will not respond with emotion.
User 2: Yet User 1 is expected to say he's being sarcastic or joking to spare your feelings? Seems unfair. You come at him for a half joke because YOU can't tell and now you expect people to not do the same?
Me: Regardless of if you claim I’m suppressing your opinions, or weaponizing my traumas for the sake of this argument, after being told it might trigger me, so people would slow down.
User 2: You specifically throwing out what was done. You could've been vague. You could've said literally anything else. Going into specifics is just going to upset people. Especially since this in GENERAL.
Me: Expressing your opinion or views of another person where it hurts others isn’t necessarily something to say to everyone.
User 2: Not the place to dump the laundry.
Me: Not the place to claim someone loves antisemitism either User 2. Or say me sharing a song made no impact User 1.
User 2: Uh yes it is? It's a general topic taught between the ages of 10 and 18.
User 3: when you literally make the statement? you placed it in the domain of conversation?
User 2: User 1 didn't say it didn't make an impact.
Me: It was nice mod, who saved the day and clarified that it made a difference to share it. regardless of how many people came to heed the call (785 people to be precise heeded the call. didn't say that last part at any point.)
User 2: Once again User 1 didn't say it didn't?
Me: I’m not replying anymore. I’m not able to get my point across.
User 2: User 1 I guess to appease the court we have to publicly execute you on the grounds of *looks at tiny paper* Specifications. (User 1 appeared from the shadows and started typing)
Me: “any perceivable difference” his words. done. (I haven't replied since.)
User 3: I stg half the time I come in here theres beef and I cant tell if its satire or not.
User 2: I know User 1's words? Idk anymore I'm too high for this.
User 3: That's gonna be me in like 20 mins
User 2: You date a man 2+ years, bear his furchildren and people think you don't know him, his words or his feelings.
User 3: skill issue.
USER 1 APPEARS REPLYING TO "any perceivable difference"
Exactly my words, in response directly to your words about beg hitting 1.5 million and how you used your social media to "play a hand in it" ("for some help" but sure put words in my mouth to direct your 'dominance') your words mate, I made a critique on the nature of your comment and the words used based entirely around the meaning and context of both that message and the dear Owner one. The words used make you sound like a self agrandizing prick with an ego the size of a collapsing star and and your pride consisting of a similar density. I would hope I was entirely wrong about the intent of the messages you sent because otherwise it builds a character perception of you that ain't all that flattering. You do you bud but just as I get critique for the way I phrase things as being insensitive you will get criticism over the way your words paint a story of an event. (How was it in any way that I'd get blasted into the fucking sun over this?)
Oops way too long
User 2: Damn User 1 hit the second tower (I'm from New York, it's in my bio on Discord). Now it's funnier.
User 3: lmaaaaoooo
User 2: Long and the short of it, grow a pair and word things better like everyone else has to, or chew rocks and realise people form an opinion of you from shit like that, and then deciding to announce you support a controversial figures shit incidentally or not feeds into that personality. Me I don't hate you by any stretch but it's harder and harder to take you seriously.
Now this is all here. I haven't replied, and will not reply anymore in this community unless I'm directly contacting the Owner through the server. I'm exhausted and the day just got started. Gonna go to sunday service with my friend's family since I care about them more than this whole situation. I'm emotionally destroyed. They treated me nicely, complimenting my music and my contributions to support Owner in their endeavors, however, clamped down because I'm an antisemite over buying Yeezy Pods, and I spread misinformation because I misworded/failed to properly display my intentions, and got snapped on over sarcastically pointing out that nobody else does.
Redditors I apologize that it's even got to this point, but AITA? I think I am after what they've said to me, I am typically one to follow the herd because it leads to less interpersonal conflict.
submitted by krossome to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 spinningtheworld999 Part3: Experiencing Intense Action with a Modern Twist - 'Vindictus: Defying Fate' Review.(ruliweb)

This article was simply machine translated from Ruliweb news article.
### Structure of General Segments and Boss Segments - Vindictus’s Stage Composition While this is a test to check the action, it’s also necessary to look at the overall structure of the battles. Although it may change in the future, it’s meaningful to see what direction it aims to take. Vindictus follows a method where players move through a relatively large field, defeating enemies. However, the nature of this is slightly different. Strictly speaking, it’s closer to the dungeon style of its predecessor, Mabinogi Heroes. It emphasizes the flow of the action genre—moving from place to place, fighting regular monsters, reaching checkpoints, and finally battling bosses—rather than adventure or exploration. It’s a structure closer to a fundamental action title, with no particular peculiarities. However, since this structure was commonly used in Mabinogi Heroes, it doesn’t feel difficult to adapt to. The checkpoints are appropriately distributed, and there are conveniently placed checkpoints for retrying boss battles, suggesting an expectation of multiple attempts. Since this is a pre-alpha test, with many “under construction” signs around, changes or additional features may be added later. Furthermore, at the current test stage, there are no additional features like jump elements, traps, or objects that are not yet in use. Therefore, as development progresses, there’s room for the fields to become entirely different areas. It’s currently an empty space with much that needs to be filled. Thus, in terms of action or exploration, better experiences can be expected as more content is added in the future. ### Adding Present Flavor to the Aim of Action - "Vindictus: Defying Fate" Vindictus, now a year into development, aims to check the direction of its action with this pre-alpha test. Therefore, many parts are missing or experimental. Features like object utilization, a hallmark of Mabinogi Heroes, are absent, and some changes have been applied. Nevertheless, it clearly shows its aim: pursuing the genre experience of “action” where player character movements and enemy patterns interlock. Specifically, this test showcases the quick transition of attacks and defenses, the tension of fierce battles, or battles so intense they could be described as breathless. Of course, this rapid tempo and exploiting gaps for attacks are not in the form of early Mabinogi Heroes but are derived from some elements of Mabinogi Heroes from several years ago. It’s like bringing some positively received elements from the continuous service of the original game and adding them to the current action elements. Therefore, Vindictus evokes the early memories while incorporating a modern aspect. Since it wasn’t conceived as a live-service title, it could limit changes in attack speed due to specs and added the unique combo and action structure of regular attacks and smashes. Moreover, the combinations of active skills based on Mabinogi Heroes’ motions result in positive outcomes in terms of action for Vindictus. After nearly 15 years of service, Mabinogi Heroes has diverged significantly from its initial concept. The early action was heavy and substantial, whereas the current action is very fast and intense. Vindictus compromises this point to some extent. It’s faster than early Mabinogi Heroes but not as extreme as the current Mabinogi Heroes, mixing tastes from other titles. This leads to a direction of pursuing enjoyable action at an appropriate level. Additionally, the single-player basis likely influenced this approach. Without the help of others, players must learn and overcome enemy patterns themselves, leading to adjustments and modifications to fit this design. As a result, Vindictus places more weight on the tension and enjoyment of action that comes from fighting alone. Personally, I expected a return to the primitive and ancient Mabinogi Heroes at the announcement, but this pre-alpha test shows a different form. It goes beyond simply bringing the past into the present; it involves thinking about the values they reached and the points familiar to the current market. Although it only shows the skeleton, the core values are clear. It’s about capturing the identity that was well-received in the past while pursuing their own way of fitting action into the present context and determining how to conduct battles. Hence, Vindictus: Defying Fate is instilling positive expectations even before its alpha stage. The continuous combos operating as a reward system for intense exchanges of attacks and defenses create a unique pleasure and tactile satisfaction. While it’s unclear what elements will be added later, if it retains its action-oriented direction, it promises to provide an even more enjoyable experience. Based on the Mabinogi Heroes IP, it adds some new flavors, pursuing a similar yet different form of action. The title is being developed for release on PC and consoles. 
submitted by spinningtheworld999 to vindictus_defyingfate [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 Reasonable_Injury121 Chivalry Is On Life Support, Chapter Thirty-Five (part two)

The second half of a long chapter.
“Oh, professor page,” I heard Anna yell from the living room, “You better get your ass out here quick.”
I quickly rinsed off my hands scurried into the living room, greeted by the two couples sprawled out on the sectional couch in their swimwear, Anna and Kelly in string bikinis and Archer and Paul in speedos. My cock was never limp that day, but there were moments – typically, those of the most intense humiliation – when it was harder than others. Seeing the four fit young bodies in all (or at least, most of) their glory was one of them. And while my gaze naturally was first drawn to Anna’s toned, long legs and taut midriff, followed by Kelly shorter, but still attractive legs and pretty toes, I would be lying if I didn’t admit to admiration of the slender, muscular swimmer bodies of the two young men as well.
My eyes also drifted over Paul’s bare feet. It was the first time I had seen bare the feet I had kissed in the bar through his sneakers or in the apartment through his thick wool socks. I was curious, naturally, but didn’t want to be too obvious, so quickly averted my glance before getting a good look. I need not have worried, however, as I would be spending a great deal of time up close and personal with his bare feet (and Anna’s) in the months that followed, starting a few minutes later. Paul did not have the same obsession with having his feet worshipped as Luke did, but there is no question that he greatly enjoyed the power trip of having an older authority figure quite literally at his feet.
I must also confess that in addition to dwelling as long as I dared on the breasts of Anna (like Brooke’s, ample but not overly large) and Kelly (slightly larger and, to my mind, less proportional to her shorter frame), my eyes also flittered over the speedo-clad crotches of Paul and Archer. Speedos leave so little to the imagination. While I was mortified when forced to wear a speedo, my inadequacy on full display, these two young athletes were completely at ease. Their muscular, chiseled bodies were one explanation for that; the size of their bulges was another.
“Perhaps the professor page can stop ogling our bodies long enough to get us all another round of drinks,” said Anna.
Kelly said, “I think he’s staring more at the boys’ bodies than he is at ours, Anna. I’m jealous.”
“Most cucks are closet fags, so that’s no surprise,” said Paul.
I wanted to object that I wasn’t gay, closet or otherwise. I wanted to say, “What about you, someone who enjoys humiliating other males, forcing them to dress in feminine clothing, spanking their bare bottoms with your bare hands, perhaps other, more intimate things….What does all of that make you?” But I dared not I was say anything of the kind. Instead I simply confirmed their drink orders and hurried off to make them, checking on my stroganoff. And being honest with myself, while I knew beyond a doubt that I was not homosexual, I did have to admit that I was not immune to the physical attractions of dominant, young alpha males. Did I have this attraction prior to the events of the last seven months when Luke came onto the scene like a cyclone? Probably on some level, yes, but it had been latent. No longer.
When I returned to the living room with a serving tray holding their four cocktails, trying hard not to spill any of them, Paul said, “We know our page boy knows how to clean shoes, but what about other personal duties? Who besides me would like a foot massage?”
“That sounds like an excellent idea, dude. Count me in,” said Archer.
“You two boys go ahead. If he does a good job, Kelly and I may have him massage our feet as well,” said Anna.
“Start with Archer. On your knees, of course, page,” said Paul.
“Yes sir,” I said, kneeling before Archer, and beginning to work on his feet with warmup twists and arch rubs. His feet were somewhat calloused, but well formed.
“Ah, that feels good. He’s actually not too bad at this,” Archer said.
Pointing at my crotch, Kelly said, “Look, his little cock is stiff again. Are you excited to massage my boyfriend’s feet, professor?” As she spoke, she pressed her toes lightly against my cock through my tights. It surprised me that it was Kelly, rather than Anna (or even Paul), to first touch my liberated cock.
“No, Princess Kelly.”
“No? But your little stiffie says otherwise. Are you not being honest with us, professor?” She pressed a little harder with her foot, smiling wickedly.
In truth, the entire situation was incredibly arousing and, therefore, incredibly humiliating. Which made it still more arousing. It was a viscous cycle, one which I had been getting increasingly used to with Luke and Brooke. But the dynamics with my students and Archer were different, and, if anything, more intense. Was it the greater age disparity, the bigger inversion of authority, the fact that there was an element of coercion involved? All of the above? Brooke would tell me that I think about these things too much. She would counsel me to go with flow, enjoy the game, embrace the sheer eroticism of it all. I tried valiantly to do just that. Can one be valiant in accepting servitude and abuse?, I wondered (see how I over analyze everything?!)
Lancelot would no doubt have answered my question in the affirmative. Yet, his servitude was solely to Guinevere, and the abuse and humiliations he suffered were solely to satisfy her commands, her whims. Whereas Brooke was not even aware of my servitude to my students. Still, I could tell myself – with some degree of honesty – that the indignities I was suffering at their hands were because of my devotion to Brooke. Because I was in their power as a direct consequence of my obedience to Luke, and I was obedient to Luke for Brooke and Brooke alone. The frail heartbeat of chivalry was still detectable (to me, at least). Perhaps the time had come to tell Brooke of my predicament with Paul and Anna? But there was something so shameful about it. Would it diminish me in Brooke’s eyes in some different, profound and irrevocable way? Or would she hug me, perhaps even thank me for my sacrifice, and tell me everything will be okay?
These were the myriad thoughts that ran through my head as I also contemplated my response to Kelly’s fraught question. “No, princess, I mean, it’s all of your feet…,” I answered,lamely.
She snickered. “Well, you are the Liitle Foot Page, so I guess it makes sense that you’re turned on by feet.”
“Pretty much all submissive guys are turned on by feet. Issac is insane for my feet,” said Anna. You will recall that Issac was the young male slave in Paul’s and Anna’s stable.
“Not just submissive men. Cindy loves worshiping your feet too, babe,” Paul said to Anna. If you recall, Cindy (who, like Issac, I had not yet met at that point) was another member of Paul’s and Anna’s stable of slaves, a fellow student at the college whose intense crush on Paul was not reciprocated. Instead, he put her squarely into “ the friendzone,” eventually introducing her to Anna. Cindy was now a submissive servant to both of them, grateful to be part of Paul’s life under any circumstances.
Anna said to Kelly, “I don’t know about you, but I love having my feet pampered and having my toes sucked, and love the sight of submissive creatures groveling at my feet. At the same time, I couldn’t imagine in a million fucking years being the one doing the sucking or groveling. I have no desire to be that close to anyone’s feet.”
“I know exactly what you mean. I wouldn’t even want to kiss Archer if he sucked my toes. Ew, gross,” said Kelly, with a little shudder.
Archer interjected, “Yo’ve got nothing to worry about there, darling. You have pretty feet, but I have zero desire to kiss or lick them.”
“Or course you don’t, you’re not a perv, like the good professor here. Professor pervert, kiss the bottom of the foot you’re massaging. You don’t mind having your feet kissed, do you sweetheart?” Kelly asked Archer.
“No, I have no problem being worshipped. And I’m secure enough in my masculinity that I don’t care if it’s a submissive cuck like this loser doing the worshiping.”
“That’s what I love about you, sweetheart. You’re masculine, dominant AND open minded. That’s like icing on a yummy cake.,” Kelly said, as she started to kiss Archer passionately. “Professor, keep kissing the bottoms of my man’s feet while we make out.”
I kissed the balls of Archer’s feet, trying to avoid the callouses. I wondered: aren’t swimmers more prone to plantar warts, walking around all those bacteria-riddled pools and locker rooms in their bare feet? I knew plantar warts are highly contagious. Could I get warts on my lips or in my mouth? I made a mental note to research this on-line later. From extensive experience with Brooke and Luke, I was well aware of the aphrodisiac effect my submission could have on a couple dominating me. The exact reasons for this still remain something of a mystery to me. Just like you have to be a masochist to understand certain things, I guess you have to be a dominant or a sadist to understand others.
As if reading my thoughts, Anna said, “I think submissives’ brains must be wired differently. They have to be for them to enjoy feet so much. I mean, sometimes after we work out at the gym, Paul and I will rest our feet right on Cindy’s face. Can you imagine? Our sweaty, wet socks covering her nose and mouth. You’d think she’d have some self-respect and tell us to go to hell. Or, at a minimum, that she’d complain about the smell. Not that my feet smell, of course, but Paul’s smell something awful after he’s been working out,” she smiled at him.
“Yeah, right, babe,” Paul replied. He then explained to Kelly and Archer, “Don’t believe anything she says about her feet not smelling. The smell of her foot sweat is overpowering.”
“Bullshit,” Anna said, smiling and hitting him on the shoulder. “But, like I was saying, far from protesting, Cindy actually inhales the smell of our sweat socks and our sweaty feet. She almost looks as if she’s in ecstasy, like she’s smelling perfume or fresh flowers or something. And she even looks happy when she’s licking the toe jam and lint from between my toes. It’s disgusting. But it’s pretty funny watching her. And I like the sensation of her tongue on my toes.”
“It’s what I’ve been telling you for awhile now, babe. Submissives are intellectually inferior. They’re sexual deviants. By humiliating and abusing them, we’re giving them what they want, what they need, in fact. So there’s no reason for us to feel bad when we mistreat them. We’re actually doing them a favor,” said Paul.
Paul was a Psychology major and fancied himself some sort of authority on this subject apparently, although it was clear to me that he was greatly oversimplifying what were, in reality, very complicated human relationship dynamics. He also had a facile understanding of human intelligence. Under different circumstances, I might have tried to engage him in a debate. But to have done so at that moment would have been the height of folly, so I kept my mouth shut and my fingers busy.
After spending 15 minutes on Archer’s feet, I massaged the feet of my three students for the same amount of time (timed by Paul). Paul and Anna kissed each other while I worked on Anna’s feet, much as Archer and Kelly had done. Each insisted I respectfully kiss the bottoms of their feet after finishing the massage. Paul was last. While I massaged his feet, Anna prodded my balls with her high heel shoe, laughing as my cock twitched through my tights. Having been denied release for so long, my biggest fear was that all of the stimuli – the scantily-clad, young bodies, the humiliating dissection of my fetishes, the pressure of Anna’s foot (which she occasionally brushed against my the underside of my shaft) – would cause me to ejaculate. The thought of that was beyond mortifying, so I did everything I could possibly do to distract myself mentally.
Their ongoing conversation about feet did not make my task an easy one.
“Rollins, you’re actually pretty good at this. In a sensible world, you would be spending your time in your classes massaging all of your students’ feet rather than lecturing to them. It’s a better use of your talents.” There did seem to be a general consensus that I have a knack (was Paul’s term, “talent,” too strong a word) for giving foot massages. I guess there’s at least one thing I can do well with my hands after all, I thought to myself.
“Now, Paul. Don’t be cruel. I’ve had some pretty good courses with Professor Foot Page. I don’t see any reason why he couldn’t lecture while he massages everyone’s feet.” Kelly giggled.
Anna snickered. “Can you picture it? I can. He would be dressed just as he is now, crawling from student to student.”
“Yes, and then he could massage the feet of all of the other faculty members of the English department,” said Kelly, giggling.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t already massaging Neil Lawson’s feet. Lawson already has him fetching his coffee. Or he did today, at least. There’s definitely something going on there,” said Paul.
I couldn’t decide whether to be relieved Paul didn’t know any specifics or to be distressed that he was so suspicious – and that his instincts were correct. I remained silent.
Paul continued, “He obviously has a big foot fetish, like most submissives. Rollins, you ought to consider having a whole chapter dedicated to foot worship in that book you’re working on. You’ll be a real authority on the subject before we’re finished with you.”
Putting aside the implicit threat in his last remark, Paul actually might be on to something, I thought. I had been struggling with the organization of my book, which had really evolved quite a bit over the last six months. While I still aimed to show how medieval courtly poetry was what started the rich history of male masochism in western literature, I was increasingly focusing on contemporary BDSM cuckold fiction and what had clearly been an explosion in interest in that lifestyle in recent years, globally.
Miraculously, I was able to get through the massages and constant teasing without ejaculating. About halfway into my 5-hour stay at the condo, I served the four of them dinner, trying to remember to curtsy at all the required moments. They had changed back into the clothes they were wearing before their swim, Anna and Kelly in short skirts, stockings and heels and Paul and Archer in jeans and polo shirts. Anna kept her little notepad next to her plate on the table, and occasionally wrote in it, causing me further anxiety. When not going back and forth between the kitchen and dining room, I was expected to stand by the table at attention – to refill glasses of the wine I had purchased, fold the napkins of anyone who got up from the table, or do anything else ordered of me. My cock tented out my tights the entire time, of course. My self consciousness about this at least had the advantage of taking my mind off my hunger somewhat, as I enviously watched the four of them eat the meal I had prepared (I sampled the stroganoff as I was cooking it, and thought it came out quite well).
Anna invited everyone to critique the meal afterwards, and it was generally agreed upon that the beef and mushroom sauce was delicious, but that the pasta was overcooked. The salad and dressing was a success, but the Italian green beans less so. I was grateful that Anna had not required me to also prepare dessert.
“Well, Professor maid, it seems that both punishments and a reward are in order for your uneven meal and service. You also earned demerits for failure to curtsy on at least four occasions – I’m sure that I missed others – and continued deficiencies in your technique. Also for how you walked in heels earlier. The mushy pasta and beans were also unacceptable. On the other hand, the stroganoff itself was excellent, as was the salad and dressing. The boys will administer your punishment, and Kelly and I will grant you your reward.”
I replied, with a curtsy, “Yes, princess. Thank you, princess.” The truth of the matter is I didn’t know which of the two caused me greater dread: the punishment or the reward.
“Which should we give him first?”, asked Kelly.
Paul said, “Definitely the punishment first. We need to leave enough time for the redness of his ass to fade in case Luke or his wife want to punish him as well when he gets home.”
“And a submissive freak like him will probably enjoy his reward more with a sore ass. I’ve calculated that he’s owed 120 spanks. 100 from today, and the 20 we didn’t give him on Tuesday that he was due. Which one oy you strapping young men will do the honors?”, said Anna.
“This is going to be so much fun to watch,” said Kelly gleefully.
“It’s going to be hot,” said Anna. “I get all tingly watching Paul punish the slaves. Especially the beta males and sissies.”
“I know you do, girlfriend. Me too,” said Kelly. “I think it’s only fair that each of the boys give him sixty spanks, so you and I get to enjoy this equally,” said Kelly.
“Sounds good. Okay with you guys?,” said Anna.
“Fine. After you,” Paul said to Archer.
“Happy to dish out some discipline to the old cuck. Should we take him up to the dungeon and put him over the bench?”, asked Archer.
“No need to. We have to use our hands for now because we can’t leave any asting marks on his ass. So just take him over your knee,” Paul replied.
“Oh, how I wish we could cane or strap him! I think the cane is a lot more persuasive than just your hands. And the welts can be lovely,” said Anna.
“Someday, babe. You just have to be patient,” said Paul. “Not one of your strong suits, I realize.”
“Don’t worry, ladies. I will make sure his spanking is plenty persuasive. Get over my knees, old man,” commanded Archer.
“Yes, sir.” I draped myself over his knees, incredibly ashamed as I felt my hard cock press through my tights against the jeans covering his firm thighs.
“Do you feel his little stiffie on your leg, honey?,” Kelly asked, tittering.
“I do, but not for long. I’m going to beat it out of him. By the time I’m finished with him, he’ll be as limp as one of the overcooked noodles he served us,” said Archer. I felt his sizable hand resting on the center of my tights-clad bottom. Without warning, he lifted his hand and brought it down sharply on my right cheek.
I typically tried to be stoic in such moments, but the ferocity of his strike (and the suddenness of it) caused me to cry out, “Ouch!” I heard the amusement of our audience.
“That’s right, honey. Give it to him good! Pull down his tights and give it to him on the bare,” said Kelly.
Archer did as Kelly requested. What followed were repeated, loud smacking sounds of flesh striking flesh – as Archer carefully alternated cheeks – accompanied by a slow but steady buildup of pain. The tights had offered negligible protection. The sound was the big difference, but it seemed to provide a more satisfying sensory experience for my three students, who were witnessing the remarkable spectacle of their professor being punished like a naughty child. By the 30th spank or so, the pain was intense. And Archer was correct, my cock had deflated under his relentless assault on my bottom. Not as severe as a cane or strapping certainly, but a hand spanking that rivaled Luke’s in intensity.
I heard Kelly say, “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Look at that shade of red, will you?”
“Not as lovely as welts, but not bad,” added Anna.
By the 50th spank, my attempt at stoicism was a distant memory.
“Please, sir. Please don’t hit me so hard.” He ignored me, delivering the final ten with extra zeal, if anything. When he was finished, it was difficult for my mind to process the fact that my chastisement was only halfway complete.
After Archer pushed me unceremoniously onto the hardwood floor, my tights still lowered to just below my poor, tenderized bottom, Kelly ordered me to stand up. I started to pull up my tights as I stood, but she said with surprising sternness, “Did I say you could pull up your tights, professor? Leave them down so we can all get a proper look at your little cock. Turn around and stand before us. Put your hands on top of your head.”
When I complied with her order, my cock was still quite limp, somewhat shriveled even. But almost as soon as I stood up, I felt it began to stir under their scrutiny.
“Look at the tiny, hairless thing.,” said Anna, smiling contemptuously.
“Pathetic,” said Archer, with a sneer.
“Oh, look. It’s starting to get bigger. That was quick! It must like all of the attention,” laughed Kelly.
With each humiliating comment, it grew harder. My ass was burning, but no longer under a constant barrage (for the moment, at least), the sensation only fueled my involuntary, indeed most unwanted, arousal.
“It looks like it’s up to me beat his hard-on back out of him,” said Paul, patting his knee. “Come over here, Rollins, so I can finish your correction. Leave your tights down. You have 60 more coming.”
As this was unthinkable to me, I felt compelled to try to negotiate – or, perhaps it would be more accurate to say, grovel. When I walked over to where Paul was sitting, rather than lie over his knees, I dropped to my own, at his feet.
“My lord, Sir Archer’s punishment was quite severe. I’m not sure that I can take another 60 right now. I beg you to show some mercy to your lowly page by deferring some of my punishment until next Tuesday.” I then grasped his right foot with my hands and began kissing the tops of his brown, leather shoe. “Please, my lord.”
That Paul was triumphant, bringing me to my knees and abasing myself at his feet – even without being expressly commanded to do so – was clearly evident in his supremely smug, self-satisfied expression. It was painful to behold, but not as painful as another 60 spanks on my already wounded bottom would be. Groveling was a skill that I been refining over the last several months with Luke, so I continued my efforts.
“Please, my lord. Surely you and Princess Anna have some more dry cleaning that needs to be done or some other errands that need to be run. Your humble page is at your disposal.”
“This is a trip,” said Kelly.
“It IS a sign of strength for a ruler to occasionally grant mercy. What do you think, babe?”, said Anna.
“I’m considering it,” said Paul. “Sharing information might help your cause, page. Tell me, what is the story with you bringing Neil Lawson a cup of coffee today? That coffee shop is on the other side of campus. Is that a service that you regularly provide for him? Before you answer, you should know that if I sense you’re not being completely truthful, I’ll add 20 spanks to your punishment now, rather than reduce or defer any of it. If I find out you’re lying after the fact, the consequences for you will be dire.”
To say that I felt somewhat trapped at that moment would be an understatement. I certainly didn’t want to reveal any information to Paul about the nature of my relationship with my colleague, and yet I felt that not doing so was perilous. The slippery slope, again.
So, I continued my descent. “I bring Neil a cup of coffee four days a week, my lord.”
“Why? Are you his lackey or something? You’re senior to him on the faculty, right? Shouldn’t he be the one bringing you coffee, if anything?”
“It’s true that Neil doesn’t have tenure yet but he’s up for tenure in the spring. But it’s not like junior faculty members run errands or anything like that for senior faculty members. It’s just that Neil knows that I’m on a diet and feels that the exercise will do me good. He takes a personal interest in my health and physical fitness, as my friend.”
“Sounds like bullshit to me. I’ve seen Neil lifting weights with Luke at the gym a couple of times. It looks like they’re getting to be pretty chummy.”
“Yes, my lord, they like to work out together. They bond over sports.”
“Interesting. Is Neil aware of your weekly weigh-ins and punishments for failing to lose weight?”, Paul continued his interrogation.
“Yes, my lord,” I answered, deeply ashamed.
“Well, you’ve definitely lost quite a bit of weight, professor. Keep up the good work!”, said Kelly, with seeming sincerity. What a surreal moment this was, I thought to myself.
“Thank you, Princess Kelly.”
“Does Luke allow Neil to witness your weigh-ins and punishments,” Paul asked.
“Yes, my lord. Twice.”
“Keep kissing my shoes when you’re not speaking. Does Luke allow Neil to participate in your punishments?”
“Yes, my lord. Once.” I started kissing the bottom of his right shoe.
Being humiliated and punished by Luke was shameful. Neil’s participation in my punishment and humiliation made it infinitely more so. Being humiliated and punished by my students was incredibly shameful. Them knowing that Neil, another professor in my department, not only was aware of, but even took an active part in my punishment and humiliation was indescribably shameful. It was more than a slippery slope. It was quicksand. And I was sinking deeper by the second.
Paul was not yet done with his interrogation, however. “What other services do you provide for Professor Lawson, besides bringing him coffee?”
I hesitated. But mindful of Paul’s warning (he did seem to have some mysterious ability to intuit and/or discover things about me), I came clean, thereby deepening the pit in which I was sinking: “On Wednesdays, when he has several back-to-back classes, I have started to massage his feet in his office.”
“I knew it! Last week when I walked into his office and you were there, you were acting very nervous. I saw his shoes on the floor next to his desk. There’s not really many reasons to take off your shoes and socks on a freezing day. I had a sneaky suspicion that that’s what was going on. You’re an even bigger beta than I could’ve conceived of, Rollins. Is there anyone you’re not subservient to?”
“Yes, my lord….I mean, prior to 10 months ago…I wasn’t submissive to anyone….except in…my…my, imagination. Everything’s different now…”
“You’re leading a male masochist’s dream! Lick the bottom of my shoe. Do you realize how extraordinarily fortunate you are, old man?”
“Yes, my lord,” I said before reapplying my tongue to the sole of Paul’s shoe.
“This discussion has been very useful. You’ve given me all kinds of ideas about how to further enhance your submissive experience to make it truly exceptional. To make it world class. All the building blocks are already in place. We just need to find a way to integrate them,” Paul said.
“Look how hard his baby cock is! He loves the idea!”, said Anna.
“Now lie down across my lap. The new information I learned just now has caused me to feel magnanimous, so I will grant you mercy by deferring 20 of your spanks until Tuesday and pardoning 10 altogether,” Paul said.
At that exact moment, having my remaining punishment cut in half (at least for that day), I was more grateful about the present reprieve than concerned about any possible future danger that might result from Paul’s increased knowledge. It was only later, during many restless, sleep-deprived nights, that I began to really worry about the possible implications of Paul knowing that I was also submissive to my fellow professor.
“You are very kind, my lord,” I said as his hand came crashing down on the center of my ass. The irony of the moment produced hearty laughter from both Anna and Kelly.
My tights were still lowered, so my erect, bare cock pressed against the denim – a coarser variety than Archer’s – of Paul’s jeans. How much shame could one person endure in a single evening? But it was only 8:30 PM; I still had over an hour left with my young tormentors.
Whereas Archer’s technique was to alternate cheeks, Paul preferred picking one spot and sticking to it for repeated spanks. He focused on the center of my bottom, initially 10 strikes where the crack of my ass began and then moving methodically lower until the final 20 were on the area closest to my scrotum. Unfortunately, Paul hit harder today than on my last visit, no doubt making sure he at least matched the force of Archer in front of the two young women, who were watching with rapt attention. As he delivered the final twenty or so spanks, the pain was searing and I began kicking my legs more and more and squirming around on his lap in a futile attempt to alleviate it, or to escape. On the bright side, my erection quickly subsided under the intensity of his assault.
“Stay still, or I will add the 30 back,” he warned, sternly, grabbing my right arm and holding it tightly behind my back with his free hand.
When he was finally done, he roughly pulled up my tights, producing a wedgie effect, and almost playfully swatted my bottom twice, saying, “You may get up now. Go stand in the corner. Hands behind your head.”
I did as commanded, but Kelly objected, “Why did you pull his tights back up? I want to see what shade of red his ass is now.”
“Lower your tights, page boy,” ordered Anna.
“Yes, princess,” I said, following her command. My eyes were wet with tears, but I was hoping they wouldn’t notice. I wanted to at least deprive them of the satisfaction that they caused me to cry.
“Do I hear sniffling, professor? Did getting spanked by his big, mean student make the poor, wimpy professor cry?”
“No, Princess Kelly.”
“I’m not sure I believe you,” Kelly replied.
“Look at his ass. The color reminds me of raw hamburger meat. Are you sure it will heel quickly enough, babe?”, asked Anna.
“Archer and I hit him hard, but not hard enough for any permanent bruises. The color will fade quickly,” said Paul. “Sort of like a sunset. An intense color that fades quickly.”
“Too bad. It’s such a lovely color, “ said Kelly.
After 10 minutes, during which they passed around a joint and continued to tease me, Anna said, “You’re right, the color is starting to fade already. Turn around, you naughty page boy, and face us. Keep your hands on your head.”
“Well, the color of ass may be like setting like the sun, but his little cock is compensating for it,” said Kelly, with a giggle.
“Pathetic,” commented the eloquent Archer.
I looked down to see my cock standing at attention through my tights, wishing I could simply disappear. I stood there shamefully for another twenty minutes as they finished a second joint.
After they finished, Anna said, “We’re running out of time before the good professor turns into a pumpkin. It’s time for your reward, professor. Obeisance!”
Recalling last week, I quickly dropped to the floor down on my belly and clasped my hands behind my back.
“Very good. You remembered,” Anna said. “Now slither on your belly to our feet, as we taught you.”
I began my humiliating belly crawl across the floor – only a few feet, but it felt like many more – my hard cock grinding into the hardwood, once again fearful that the combination of the potent humiliation and the stimulus to my cock would result in me ejaculating en route. Fortunately, it did not. Once I reached them, I craned my neck up to look at the four pairs of shoes hovering above me, and planted a kiss on the top of each, as I had been instructed during my last visit.
Anna then said, “Kelly, switch places with Paul, please.”
Once she did, Anna ordered me to lie on my back next to where she and Kelly were seated on the sofa. Rolling over, I winced with pain as my bottom touched the floor. From experience, I knew that sitting would be uncomfortable for the next day or two.
She then said to Kelly, “Do you want to provide the olfactory stimulation or the tactile stimulation?”
As if this was a routine occurrence in their lives, Kelly said, “Oh, definitely the tactile stimulation. It will be fun to toy with his little dicklet. Besides, based on what Paul said about your foot sweat, you’re the one who can provide the best olfactory stimulation.” Kelly chuckled.
“Very funny,” said Anna, smiling. “Very well.”
Anna removed her heels and placed her moist stocking-clad feet directly over my nose and mouth. Kelly kept her heels on and began pressing the toe of her right heel firmly into my balls, through my tights. She then began lightly kicking my balls. It was mildly painful, but not so painful that it caused my hard cock to deflate; it was painful yet still highly arousing, a well calibrated approach that suggested to me that Kelly had some experience tormenting others along similar lines.
“Take deep breaths, professor,” Anna ordered.
Her feet indeed had a strong, distinct odor, at once malodorous and fragrant, sour yet sweet. As I inhaled, Kelly began grinding her heel directly into the underside of my cock, pressing it into my body. Only about three minutes into this sensuous torture, my cock erupted, my semen seeping copiously through my white tights. I groaned involuntarily as I orgasmed, a groan of simultaneous ecstasy and despair. Because I hadn’t come in so long, I produced what was for me at least, a prodigious amount. What appalling, exquisite humiliation! I tried to imagine what it would be like facing my three students in class next week, or for that matter, any time again for the rest of my life. It was certainly a moment that would never be forgotten by anyone in that room.
“It looks like our professor enjoyed his reward,” Kelly said, snickering. “And I could tell when he was about to shoot his wad, so I moved my foot away just in the nick of time.” She picked up her heel and pointed at it, “See no icky professor goo. It’s clean.”
Anna said to me, “You see, being enslaved to us is not all about punishment. There are rewards as well, occasionally.”
“Yes, thank you Princess Anna, Princess Kelly.”
Well, at least I wouldn’t have to lick up my ejaculate this time. Paul threw me a towel. I was permitted to clean myself up and was then ordered to put the towel into the washing machine (by itself, as Anna didn’t want the towel I soiled to be near any of their clothes or linen). I then cleared up the kitchen. Finally, I was allowed to change back into my street clothes. Before I left the apartment, I was required one last time to bow down before each of them, kiss their feet and thank them for allowing me to be of service. I then went down the elevator, relieved to see a different doorman (one who I had never encountered before), who more or less ignored me as I exited the building.
I pulled up to my house at 10:20 P.M., surprised to see the light on in the kitchen. When Brooke and Luke went out to dinner on Thursdays, Luke usually drove, so it was not unusual to see Brooke’s car in the driveway. Maybe they had just forgotten to turn off the lights?
But as I entered the kitchen, I was alarmed to see Brooke sitting alone at the table. Expecting to be asked where I had been, I started trying to think of plausible explanations.
However, Brooke simply looked up at me. She had a glum expression on her face and her eyes were bloodshot, as if she had been crying. Something was definitely up.
“Hi, honey,” I said, nervously.
“Where’s Luke?”
“He’s gone.”
“Will he back later, or is he staying at his house tonight?”
“He’ll be staying at his house every night from now on.”
“What are you talking about? What happened?”
“Go get a bottle of scotch and two glasses. I need a drink.”
submitted by Reasonable_Injury121 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]