Florida 400 mhz scanner frequency

7800x3d idling at 65-80C, but still remaining at 80C when under full load. Looking for sollutions

2024.05.20 05:12 ReconnectRyan 7800x3d idling at 65-80C, but still remaining at 80C when under full load. Looking for sollutions

7800x3d idling at 65-80C, but still remaining at 80C when under full load. Looking for sollutions
Hey, so I've owned my 7800x3d for quite some time now, but I'm having trouble understanding why my idle temps are so high, My 3080ti sits at a nice chilly 37C while my coolant is running at 41C, when I put my system at full load, my GPU only hits around 78C which is really nice, but my CPU stays at his abnormally high 80C when its idle, and when its under full load. I've yet to crash from any games or notice any performance hitches, but I'm pretty concerned that my idle temps are that high for my CPU.
submitted by ReconnectRyan to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:11 Major_Alarm_9034 B650e Riptide Bios 3.01 CPU VDDCR_SOC 1.323v It's safe?

B650e Riptide Bios 3.01 CPU VDDCR_SOC 1.323v It's safe?
Hi, I updated my B650e riptide from bios 2.02 to latest bios 3.01 AGESA I noticed on Hwinfo that the CPU VDDCR_SOC voltage peaks at 1.323 v, after a few minutes of load or game. Then it immediately returns to 1,240. With the previous Bios it never exceeded the value of 1,240. Is there anything to worry about? I have 7700x CPU, G-Skill f5 cl32 6000 Expo ram. PBO 65w ecomode values, allcore curves -30, +100oc. The system is stable after one hour testing with OCCT. Never had problems with the previous bios with the same configuration. Even now the PC works fine, but I'm worried about that Soc value.
submitted by Major_Alarm_9034 to ASRock [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:10 chop5397 RAM upgrade Timings and frequency issues

RAM upgrade Timings and frequency issues submitted by chop5397 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:33 birbop Chance me for ED Vanderbilt, T20s, and a few others

Demographic: Asian Female, Tennessee
Intended Major: Either Political Science or International Relations, idk yet, I’m a rising senior
Might minor in music or art, I’m pretty indecisive ngl
Academics: GPA- 3.8 UW, 4.1 W APs- 5 (my school has 2 semesters that are 4 periods each) DE- 1
taking 2 more APs and 3 more Dual Enrollment classes senior year
ACT Score- 34
Class rank- around 40 out of 400
Band- played alto sax for marching season, oboe for concert season, piano for jazz band. Was former Media Officer, currently historian and Drum Major. All 4 years of HS
Founded my own club, “Cultural Appreciation Club” , current president, been president ever since I started it in my sophomore year, organized annual event at school which was kind of like a “Culture Fair”
National Beta Club- Joined sophomore year, Vice-President in junior year, competing at nationals in summer
Speech and Debate- probably my weakest. Teacher retired and the only teacher that could teach it did so during Band Period, so I dropped it after sophomore year. Though, I did compete at nationals.
Started nonprofit for healthcare in the Philippines, my home country, but it’s still growing
I’m kind of weak with this part
-2nd in the state for Costume Design
-won multiple competitions for local speeches but i assume they dont count in college apps lol
-Ap Scholar (might go up to honors, took 3 APs this year and I havent failed any from previous years. We’ll find out in July)
(Hopefully with Beta nats in the summer this will improve)
This summer im trying to get an internship and im starting a part-time job in retail next week 😭
Anyways, I’m applying ED to Vanderbilt. That’s my dream school and I really, really want to get in. I’ll apply to the ivies, and some other T20s (I’m aware it’s an unlikely reach lol) and I’m applying to other schools around Tennessee (UTK, MTSU) and also some in Florida (UOF, FSU) where I have family. Chance meeeee
submitted by birbop to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 Jark5455 How to choose correct baud rate for SPI Flash?

Currently, I am trying to use a W25Q16 module with my stm32 through SPI. The datasheet specifies that it supports a clock frequency up to 133 mhz on single SPI mode. However, whenever I see tutorials online using this module. I see that everyone is setting a high prescaler, limiting the clock frequency between 2.5 - 5 mhz. I was wondering if there was a reason for this, or if I should just use the datasheet specified clock frequency?
submitted by Jark5455 to embedded [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:43 Redditto2468 School List Help

Hi, I would love some thoughts on my school list. I’m a 1st time applicant.
NC resident, ORM, woman
cGPA: 3.80
MCAT: 520 (Aug 2023 131/129/132/128)
Undergrad at large public school. Freshman year during Covid. Taking 1 gap year.
240 hours CNA
⁃ Anticipating 240 hours more during gap year
1000+ hours wet lab research
⁃ 1 poster presentation, 1 oral presentation (1st runner-up in competition)
400 hours clinical research
⁃ 2 poster presentations, 1 publication under review
⁃ Anticipating 1000 more hours during gap year
95 hours shadowing across 4 specialties
15 hours non-clinical volunteering ⁃ Peer mentor
2 semesters of anatomy lab TA (70 hours)
Created a position for head learning assistant in undergraduate anatomy labs.
Leadership as DEI chair in a pre-medical fraternity (3 semesters).
Baking business as hobby.
Albert Einstein COM
Boston University
East Carolina
Case Western
Cornell University
Duke University
Emory University*
Florida Atlantic University
George Washington
Indiana University
Medical University of South Carolina
Mount Sinai NY
NSU Florida
Northwestern University*
NYU Grossman
Ohio State University*
Penn State
Quinnipiac University
Rutgers RWJ
Thomas Jefferson University
University of Central Florida
University of Cincinnati*
University of Massachusetts*
University of Miami*
University of Michigan*
University of North Carolina*
University of Pittsburgh*
University of Rochester*
University of Virginia.
USF Health Morsani
Vanderbilt University*
Virginia Commonwealth
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Wayne State
submitted by Redditto2468 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:57 Fit_Machine_2134 GPU is constantly idle.

GPU is constantly idle.
So, i got my Acer Nitro V15 about 2 and a half months ago, and since about the middle of April, my gpu just went idle and refuses to turn back on. I've looked at videos trying to find out how to get it back on, but nothing has worked. I didn't get a laptop with an RTX GPU just to have to always run intel. I would appreciate if someone here could help me.
submitted by Fit_Machine_2134 to AcerNitro [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:43 Appropriate_Ad3481 Please tell me this ships in a PWE 😂

Please tell me this ships in a PWE 😂 submitted by Appropriate_Ad3481 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:37 Old-Distribution3942 Klipper config

I want to put klipper on my ender 5 pro, I want to use a orange pi 5 because that is what I have. I haven't done anything yet because I don't want to make my e5pro a paper weight. I can do all the stuff for klipper but the config file. I found one for the stock e5pro but I have a cr touch that I would like to use. I don't know ow how to edit the config file so if someone could do it for me or walk me through it that would be good. I have a 4.2.2 board but I don't know the processor. This config file is known to work so if it works than configuring it would be good, right? Also i am trying to do endoephin, thats why i want to use klipper, I have to edit the config file any way and I figure now is the time to do klipper. Both of the config files are from this reddit post
How to set up Klipper on stock Ender 5 with 32-bit (4.2.2) board, maybe others.
Here is the config I want to edit.
# This file contains pin mappings for the Creality "v4.2.2" board on Ender 5 Pro. To # use this config, during "make menuconfig" select the STM32F103 with # a "28KiB bootloader" and serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9) communication. # If you prefer a direct serial connection, in "make menuconfig" # select "Enable extra low-level configuration options" and select # serial (on USART3 PB11/PB10), which is broken out on the 10 pin IDC # cable used for the LCD module as follows: # 3: Tx, 4: Rx, 9: GND, 10: VCC # Flash this firmware by copying "out/klipper.bin" to a SD card and # turning on the printer with the card inserted. The firmware # filename must end in ".bin" and must not match the last filename # that was flashed. # See docs/Config_Reference.md for a description of parameters. # YOU MAY NEED TO EXCLUDE OR EDIT THE MCU SECTION DIRECTLY BELOW, # DEPENDING ON YOUR BOARD. [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 restart_method: command [stepper_x] step_pin: PC2 dir_pin: !PB9 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PA5 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50 [stepper_y] step_pin: PB8 dir_pin: !PB7 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PA6 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50 [stepper_z] step_pin: PB6 dir_pin: PB5 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 4 endstop_pin: ^PA7 position_endstop: 0.0 position_max: 250 [extruder] max_extrude_only_distance: 100.0 step_pin: PB4 dir_pin: PB3 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 33.019 nozzle_diameter: 0.400 filament_diameter: 1.750 heater_pin: PA1 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PC5 #control: pid #pid_Kp: 21.527 #pid_Ki: 1.063 #pid_Kd: 108.982 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 250 pressure_advance: 0.090 [heater_bed] heater_pin: PA2 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PC4 #control: pid #pid_Kp: 54.027 #pid_Ki: 0.770 #pid_Kd: 948.182 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 130 [fan] pin: PA0 [printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 300 max_accel: 3500 max_z_velocity: 5 max_z_accel: 100 [input_shaper] shaper_freq_x: 58.1 shaper_freq_y: 38.7 shaper_type: ei [gcode_arcs] resolution: 1.0 [display] # RET6 12864 LCD lcd_type: st7920 cs_pin: PB12 sclk_pin: PB13 sid_pin: PB15 encoder_pins: ^PB14, ^PB10 click_pin: ^!PB2 [output_pin BEEPER_Pin] pin: PC6 pwm: True value: 0 shutdown_value: 0 cycle_time: 0.001 scale: 1 [gcode_macro M300] gcode: {% set S = params.Sdefault(1000)int %} ; S sets the tone frequency {% set P = params.Pdefault(100)int %} ; P sets the tone duration {% set L = 0.5 %} ; L varies the PWM on time, close to 0 or 1 the tone gets a bit quieter. 0.5 is a symmetric waveform {% if S <= 0 %} ; dont divide through zero {% set F = 1 %} {% set L = 0 %} {% elif S >= 10000 %} ;max frequency set to 10kHz {% set F = 0 %} {% else %} {% set F = 1/S %} ;convert frequency to seconds {% endif %} SET_PIN PIN=BEEPER_Pin VALUE={L} CYCLE_TIME={F} ;Play tone G4 P{P} ;tone duration SET_PIN PIN=BEEPER_Pin VALUE=0 #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG -------------------- #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. #*# #*# [extruder] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 24.602 #*# pid_ki = 1.252 #*# pid_kd = 120.859 #*# #*# [heater_bed] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 73.094 #*# pid_ki = 1.646 #*# pid_kd = 811.348 
There is also this code for the micro swiss ng and the cr touch, I do aventurly want to use the micro swiss ng but not now.

*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG --------------------

*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.


*# [extruder]

*# control = pid

*# pid_kp = 28.367

*# pid_ki = 1.930

*# pid_kd = 104.250


*# [heater_bed]

*# control = pid

*# pid_kp = 71.856

*# pid_ki = 1.602

*# pid_kd = 805.680


*# [bltouch]

*# z_offset = 2.096


*# [bed_mesh default]

*# version = 1

*# points =

*# 0.051250, 0.063750, 0.030000, -0.011250, 0.005000, 0.026250, -0.013750, -0.007500, 0.036250, -0.036250

*# 0.050000, 0.056250, 0.026250, -0.016250, -0.001250, 0.022500, -0.012500, -0.007500, 0.033750, -0.048750

*# 0.052500, 0.060000, 0.031250, -0.011250, 0.002500, 0.028750, -0.013750, -0.011250, 0.032500, -0.047500

*# 0.056250, 0.065000, 0.036250, -0.001250, 0.011250, 0.035000, 0.002500, 0.003750, 0.043750, -0.036250

*# 0.056250, 0.058750, 0.028750, -0.012500, 0.002500, 0.030000, -0.003750, 0.000000, 0.042500, -0.032500

*# 0.065000, 0.063750, 0.037500, -0.005000, 0.007500, 0.037500, 0.007500, 0.012500, 0.057500, -0.021250

*# 0.077500, 0.072500, 0.045000, 0.001250, 0.010000, 0.036250, 0.010000, 0.016250, 0.065000, 0.000000

*# 0.085000, 0.087500, 0.058750, 0.016250, 0.025000, 0.060000, 0.027500, 0.033750, 0.085000, 0.020000

*# 0.093750, 0.092500, 0.063750, 0.022500, 0.028750, 0.061250, 0.030000, 0.038750, 0.092500, 0.040000

*# 0.143750, 0.136250, 0.110000, 0.076250, 0.082500, 0.111250, 0.076250, 0.088750, 0.147500, 0.105000

*# tension = 0.2

*# min_x = 35.0

*# algo = lagrange

*# y_count = 10

*# mesh_y_pps = 0

*# min_y = 20.0

*# x_count = 10

*# max_y = 209.99

*# mesh_x_pps = 0

*# max_x = 219.95

submitted by Old-Distribution3942 to ender5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:45 ToonaFisk Amd Gpu tuning issue

Amd Gpu tuning issue
I tuned my card so I could get less stutters in Fortnite ( I have the 7900 xtx ) after I apply nothing happens it doesn’t go to the minimum frequency I set. I don’t get it??
submitted by ToonaFisk to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:44 ToonaFisk Amd Gpu tuning issue

Amd Gpu tuning issue
I tuned my card so I could get less stutters in Fortnite ( I have the 7900 xtx ) after I apply nothing happens it doesn’t go to the minimum frequency I set. I don’t get it??
submitted by ToonaFisk to radeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:41 Arkofter Can someone explain these numbers to me?

Can someone explain these numbers to me?
Looking at a link commented on my recent post. I find these numbers I am trying to make sense of. One picture is the reporting date for shorts. From what I understand, this means we will see an updated outstanding short count by next Friday. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
The second picture is short shares availability. The number drops to zero, then back up yesterday. Is this a delayed reporting of the ladder attack we saw on Friday?
Is there anywhere I can get a tutorial on how to comprehend the fintel website?
submitted by Arkofter to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:20 ApprehensiveMark4786 It’s done,just need windows now

submitted by ApprehensiveMark4786 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:02 rslashbennet Epson F3200 scans on (expired?)Porta 400

Epson F3200 scans on (expired?)Porta 400
First new images I’ve scanned since I got the F3200 a little while ago and I’m really liking the results from such a tiny scanner. I’m starting to think that my roll was expired, I got it off eBay without the box so I couldn’t verify. The images came out well and while Porta is known for its pastel colors, I think some images have a noticeable pastel overcast. The grain is also more noticeable compared to some of my other scans on Portra 400. Anyways I love these early summer colors and I even think that it added to some of the images, let me know what you think👋🏻
submitted by rslashbennet to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:51 GF0003 Does this make it easier or harder to hold until $100??

Does this make it easier or harder to hold until $100?? submitted by GF0003 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:46 SabineRitter [ROUNDUP] UFOs, S.T.U.D.S., and "NORAD leak". Countries:🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇧🇴🇧🇷🇵🇱🇮🇪🇫🇮🇲🇾🇶🇦🇵🇷🇳🇱🇫🇮🇫🇷 Colors seen this week: 🟠, 🔵

Last week's post https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqj7kc/roundup_ufos_anomaly_network_app_countries_colors/
Moon phase waxing crescent, three days before half
Mars Right Ascension 0h 37m 40s
.1 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqjbim/strange_explosions_in_the_sky/ sighting description, no craft, at home, urban area, England the UK 🇬🇧, nighttime, flareup, appeared out of nowhere, explosion, it was like an ourburst, almost like when a coronal mass ejection happens, the explosion went one way, covering half a circle going outwards. , brief duration 1-2 seconds, repeat visitor or second object, two witnesses, Around 5 min later it happened again, this time in another part of the sky., has anyone seen?
.2 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqjmwu/remote_viewing/ discussion of remote viewing, perplexing success, I’ve been playing a remote viewing app for two weeks and want to know how it is working. I keep getting it right.
.3 https://old.reddit.com/StrangeEarth/comments/1cqj2p8/strange_blue_cloud_over_bostonquincy_last_night/ video, nighttime sky, cloud anomaly, blue 🔵, from car, stationary, urban area, near Boston, quincy Massachusetts
.4 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqj6la/a_look_into_the_special_tactical_unit_detachment/ original research, documents, "Special Tactical Unit Detachment" , S.T.U.D.S. within Air Force budget requests
.5 https://old.reddit.com/StrangeEarth/comments/1cqktez/immense_beam_of_light_moving_across_the_moon/ sighting description, moon anomaly, contemporaneous report, has anyone seen?, pale white beam almost imperceptibly across the face of the crescent moon, traversing the face of the moon, vertical orientation
.6 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqltyg/great_basin_experience/ sighting description, Great Basin National Park in eastern Nevada, nighttime, unusual animal activity Western Jay comes out of nowhere and gets mad at my presence. He's sailing around my head, making a racket. Normally I love birds, but this thing is freaking me out. After 5 minutes of this it flies away into the distance., subsequent single light object, ascending from horizon, approach, silent, duration 8 minutes,
.7 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqm8s5/uap/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, very bright, contemporaneous report, northern lights, moving fast, silent, beetle 🪲 shape,
.8 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqz2hb/all_the_relevant_uap_updates_from_may_612/ information, state of disclosure USA https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqd2yw/mexican_and_peruvian_ufo_hearing_roundup_slow/ state of disclosure, Mexico and Peru
.9 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqv3p4/seen_above_my_house/ photos, nighttime sky, single light object, over the witness home, silent, right angle turn, ascending, west coast of scottish highlands near the Island of Mull, Scotland the UK 🇬🇧, contemporaneous report, similar sighting same day in comments https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crqcay/unknown_in_sky/ video, single light object, low over treeline, plane for comparison observed, over Oban,Scotland, downvoted to zero
.10 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqmotu/ufo_in_linekin_bay_boothbay_harbor_maine_847pm/ video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, northern lights, single light object moving slowly, kept moving in short bursts and pausing in one spot. Then moved again. , moving and stationary and moving, subsequent repeat visitor or second object, two witnesses, over water, linekin Bay, Boothbay harbor Maine https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cr1oml/ufo_linekin_bayeast_boothbay_harbor_maine_5112024/ more video, previous night
.11 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqmwax/hoping_this_sub_can_identify_what_i_saw_today/ sighting description, daytime, contemporaneous report, central Illinois, Duration 20 seconds, single dark object, possible manta shape, all black and shaped like a bird, moving fast and straight, disappeared into clouds, silent, similar sighting same day in comments
.12 ➡️ https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i_worked_on_a_team_that_dealt_with_with_nhi/ sighting description, at work, entity, OP is a university professor currently, previous career in aviation, landed craft, crash retrieval, acorn 🌰 shape, shaped like a dreidel without the handle., The shape was directly informed by its purpose. Every shape is custom molded in a metallic material that would revolutionize the way we travel if we had it. , I'll call it crash recovery because that's what colleagues who are planning to come forward will call it, shootdown, the NHI look like the aliens from close encounters. As far as I know, we never had one alive.,NHI know we can track them, and know how to avoid us.,NHI are linked to their craft in a way that borders on biological. Security rule is people that mention the agency name are killed. It's not a question, and it happened during my time. You'll hear more about them as news about the retaliation Dave comes out., If the US comes out directly and says "We have craft, we have bodies", it means we are on the verge of a serious global conflict like we've never seen before. [GOODPOST], removed by mods, "NORAD leak", https://web.archive.org/web/20240513180353/https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i_worked_on_a_team_that_dealt_with_with_nhi/ Archive https://web.archive.org/web/20240514184514/https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i_worked_on_a_team_that_dealt_with_with_nhi/ updated archive https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cvs93o/new_paradigm_media_group_claim_that_an_uap/ hopefully unrelated
.13 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqs35h/what_do_you_think/ photo, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, northern lights, single light object moving fast, wavy trajectory, overhead, 5 second long exposure, Port Coquitlam - about 30 minutes outside of Vancouver Canada 🇨🇦, downvoted to zero
.14 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cr8pcu/what_did_i_catch_in_the_sky/ video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object stationary, just sat up there, duration a couple hours. And then it was gone.., vanished, Newport Oregon, near water pacific ocean, haze, disturbing the air around it, three witnesses , similar sighting in comments
.15 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cr9qj4_strange_lights_moving_back_and_forth_while/ video, nighttime sky, northern lights, Pocatello Idaho, threelights observed, flying in triangle formation, crossing directly in front
.16 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cr1clw/taken_over_a_lake_in_prince_edward_county_ontario/ video, nighttime sky, over water, lake, prince Edward County Ontario Canada 🇨🇦, twolights, appeared out of nowhere, stationary and moving slowly, descended below treeline
.17 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cqreh8/very_bright_in_the_light_polluted_sky/ video, nighttime sky, single object blackwhite, low over rooftop, rockford Illinois, contemporaneous report, possible speed change, seems to maybe decelerate a couple times., very bright observed
.18 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cr6105/possible_uap/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, possible jumpy movement, speed change, seemed to really pick up speed then slow. , during northern lights, Eau Claire Michigan
.19 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cr3ioe/capturing_the_light/ photos, nighttime sky, single light object moving, near water, lake Michigan , irregular shape, elongated, worm 🪱, haze,
.20 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crboq1/ufo_sighting_honolulu_pt1/ video, daytime cloudy sky, fleet, at home, urban area, kakaako neighborhood of Honolulu Hawaii, contemporaneous report, one large orb and several smaller orbs all floating in a formation. , smaller objects accompany it, flying in formation, disappeared into clouds https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crbzky/ufo_sighting_honolulu_pt2/ more video
.21 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crbj6x/summoning_ufos/ discussion of human initiated contact
.22 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1cqu4hw/saw_two_translucent_tailed_orbs_in_the_sky/ sighting description, has anyone seen?, nighttime, contemporaneous report, northern lights, duration 10 seconds, twolights, moving fast, trail, flying in formation, see through head with a long skinny white tail that left a trail of glowy light as they moved. One of them stopped moving, turned around then waited up for the other as it trailed behind and when it caught up they kinda just disappeared., northern Washington state near Canada 🇨🇦
.23 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crdy05/51024_sw_wa/ video, nighttime sky, northern lights, single light object moving, at home, backyard, witness followed it, electronic effects camera battery died, possible speed change, possible trajectory change, disappeared behind rooftops, southwest Washington state, similar sightings same area and day in comments, [GOODPOST]
.24 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cremtj/my_great_uncle_told_me_about_a_crash_retrieval/ sighting description, family story, crash retrieval, military, Salar de Uyuni desert Bolivia 🇧🇴 , USA military response, He described the ship to have flickering lights of several colors and saw the Americans retrieving some pieces from that ship, alongside some organic material that looked like deceased beings
.25 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crgxgt/3_lights_in_sky/ photos, nighttime cloudy sky, threelights, during northern lights, not seen by eye, Columbia South Carolina
.26 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crk806/orb_over_lake_while_watching_the_aurora_lights_in/ video, nighttime sky, over water, Elbow Lake Michigan, during northern lights, three witnesses, single light object, hexagon shape with a circular light in the center. https://old.reddit.com/useDry-Ant3194/comments/1crwmun/screenshots_of_orb_over_lake_2nd_photo_shadow_was/ screenshots , multicolored, haze, cloud of all the colors dancing around it., duration 2 minutes
.27 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crkaw4/some_advice_plz/ sighting description, two witnesses, nighttime, from car, Bourbon County Kansas, single light object stationary, low over treeline, reaction to being observed, approach, flareup, light shining in car, directly in front, went from a fixed position in the trees to nearly in front of my truck while at the same time focusing what I can only describe as the brightest light I'd ever experienced at night before. , jumpy movement, missing time
.28 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crjw5j/extremely_bright_light_flying_towards_my_plane/ sighting description, from airplane, single light object, approach, over water Atlantic Ocean, daytime cloudy sky, light shining in airplane, physical effects paralysis, As I first saw the light my first reaction was that I froze for a few seconds in confusion. , interaction with airplane, flew overhead, witness looked away and looked back, vanished, duration 10-12 seconds,
.29 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crh1go/recreating_something_i_saw_when_i_was_young/ childhood sighting description and reference image, at home, nighttime, witness woke up, threelights, barbell shape, outside window, stationary, duration 10 minutes, audio description loud buzzing., emotion of fear, witness left the area, new Hampshire
.30 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cr8ir4/seen_in_cornwall_uk/ photo, nighttime sky, cloud anomaly, disappeared, possible single object blackwhite, possible camera artifact, not seen by eye, at home, Cornwall the UK 🇬🇧
.31 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crusrv/seeing_strange_things_while_recording_the_arora/ video, nighttime sky, fleet observed, multiple objects, one following another, LOTS of strange glowing round things. They would appear for 20-30 seconds and float across just a small area, and then they would disappear., each duration 20-30 seconds, Chattanooga Tennessee
.32 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1crzbcg/i_need_help_to_try_to_understand_what_i_saw/ sighting description, Sao Paulo Brazil 🇧🇷, nighttime sky, single light object, blinking, stationary, duration 10-15 minutes, The light would turn off and on in a regular interval (around 13 seconds)., repeat visitor, contemporaneous report
.33 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1cr8t6q/am_i_seeing_things_round_2/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, doughnut 🍩 shaped, moving straight
.34 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1crmukh/speaking_owls/ childhood sighting description, sister of OP, at home, nighttime, outside bedroom window, entity, owl, communication, repeat visitor, family history, her eldest son (who was around 7-8 at the time) woke the house up screaming. He was terrified and shaking and she asked him what happened and he told her an owl came and spoke to him “in his head.” , telepathy, emotion of fear
.35 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1crhdyo/my_cousin_and_i_charged_a_shadow_figure_when_we/ childhood experience description, three witnesses, entity, shadow figure, combat, My cousin and I looked back at each other and my cousin just screamed at me “LETS GET HIM!”. Before I could say anything my cousin just bolts at this guy, and I ran right behind him., witness followed it, it was not running fast at all, the way it ran looked super weird, its kind of hard to explain, its limbs moved like a human, but it looked like it was running in slow motion. Its head was slightly tilted back as it was jogging, almost as if it was looking up at the sky. , looked away and looked back, vanished
.36 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1crlbtp/what_do_you_think_of_this_experience_visitation/ experience description, at home, nighttime, inside bedroom, witness woke up, audio description high frequency sound in the room, almost like when something electrical is plugged in and you can just hear it. A neon sign kind of. , approach, very loud, It stops, and I start to hear this rustling coming from behind me, I think, “What the fuck IS that??”, wtf_is_that, communication, I get a flash of a sentence through my head that doesn’t feel like a thought from me but a message from someone else: “Don’t be scared.”
.37 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1crnkz7/cool_dream_about_ufos_in_a_hanga dream description, UFO's being shown to a group of people, it was in a very large hangar, the alien body was probably about 7ft that was lying down and the craft was tiny, maybe the size of a small table., the craft would expand towards the 3 pilots to become much larger, using their minds to do this, it would then mold to their forms to enable a space to pilot it, the material was almost like a moving graphete.
.38 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1crfo0y/did_i_see_a_ufo_anyone_got_a_logical_explanation/ sighting description and reference image, circular shape, at home, nighttime cloudy sky, spinning, The patterns/shapes/geometrics that made up the circle were ones I had never seen before, The Circle was spinning non stop and it was like the outside of the circle would collapse into the centre and then it would come out again to full size, has anyone seen?
.39 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1crs234/was_trying_to_get_a_photo_of_the_northern_lights/ photo, nighttime sky, during northern lights, urban area, Glasgow Scotland the UK 🇬🇧, not seen by eye, fleet or single object multiple lights, green 🟢, hoax
.40 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1cqx075/3_lights_in_the_sky/ photo, nighttime cloudy sky, threelights, red and green 🔴🟢, low over treeline, camping, outback Australia 🇦🇺 , zigzag movements or wavy trajectory, moving from side to side going at some speed but as I took that photo they disappeared., reaction to being filmed, vanishing
.41 https://old.reddit.com/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/1cs2rhi/lost_time_in_western_mass/ experience description, missing time, two witnesses, from car, the McDonalds in Hadley Massachusetts, there’s quite some fog. But that area has fog from time to time. And all the cars except for ours in the lot were gone too, automobile anomaly, old early 2000s suv pulled into the lot with zero noise. No engine sound, I didn’t noticed the light until it pulled over to my right front spot. It kinda seemed it just slide in with no friction or anything. , location anomaly, we somehow got into the lot across the street,,didn’t seem to take longer than half an hour., more than 3 hours just passed.
.42 https://old.reddit.com/astrophotography/comments/1crz21q/an_unknown_red_circles/ photo, nighttime sky, two objects, anomalous to witness, red 🔴, near water, Black Sea, 30 second long exposure
.43 reference ISS https://old.reddit.com/astrophotography/comments/1cru96d/iss/ photo, nighttime sky, international space station
.44 https://old.reddit.com/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/1cro1y6/we_lost_about_4_hours_of_time_in_30_seconds/ experience description, around the Northampton - Luton area the UK 🇬🇧, from car, four witnesses, camping, went through a tunnel, 4 hours had passed in 30 seconds,
.45 https://old.reddit.com/BackwoodsCreepy/comments/1crldxd/sound_from_woods_in_pnw/ audio description, at home, outside, near water, hottub, backyard, pacific northwest, high pitched, smooth who sound. Almost like someone was singing the word “who”. But with a very elongated “ooo” noise. , brief duration 2-3 seconds, physical effects paralysis and goosebumps, repeat visitor, made two passes, has anyone seen?, similar experiences in comments
.46 https://old.reddit.com/BackwoodsCreepy/comments/1crky49/more_in_depth_story_from_northern_alaska/ experience description, northern Alaska, multiple witnesses, nighttime, at home, felt observed, In the willows stood 4-6 small people. They looked like anyone else in the village, but they wore clothes made of skins rather than newer materials brought in. Their eyes glowed and one bared its teeth. Thinking about this just freaks me out., in comments: The navy on Guam has a problem with the little people entering the navy magazine where they store a huge amount of ammo. The marine guards would see them constantly., entities
.47 https://old.reddit.com/StrangeEarth/comments/1crdvlz/petrified_and_floating_out_of_window/ experience description, at home, nighttime, witness woke up, light shining in bedroom window, physical effects paralysis, witness was pulled, I floated out of my bed and towards the bright light in the window and shortly after I have no memory., event amnesia, emotion of fear, eyes teared up, it is the most terrifying feeling I have ever experienced. I’m crying just thinking about it., similar experience in comments
.48 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cs7jje/fast_moving_ufo_seen_in_north_vancouver_051024/ video, nighttime cloudy sky, single light object moving and stationary, jumpy movement, possible trail, North Vancouver British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦, duration 14 seconds, moving erratically observed, during northern lights , OP comments downvoted
.49 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1csc0o6/ufo_spotted_on_flight_to_newark_nj/ sighting description and video, nighttime cloudy sky, from airplane, contemporaneous report, over water Atlantic Ocean, single light object stationary and moving, subsequent threelights, Another light appeared right next to it and was glowing a bit brighter. A third light appeared from the right and went towards to the other two on the left. At this point the second light that randomly appeared on the left disappeared, the other two dimmed a bit and disappeared as well after another minute., dimming, vanishing,
.50 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1css11t/odd_floating_object/ photos and video, daytime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, single light object stationary, Bozeman Montana, duration 30 minutes, weather balloon? looks like a balloon with a nautilus style tail, white in the sun and gray with low cloud cover., weird shit, multiple witnesses
.51 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1csui87/what_is_this_object_suspended_in_air_above_poland/ video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object, elongated, trail, vertical orientation, contrails type, contemporaneous report, Szczecin Poland 🇵🇱, stationary, duration a couple minutes, low over treeline, downvoted to zero
.52 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1cs6rj4/ufo_experience/ childhood sighting description, nighttime, at home, single light object moving and stationary, emitting orbs, Travelling at a slow and smooth pace. Until suddenly it stopped in position and ten seconds later two orbs shot out (or three) and darted across the sky like bees. , emotional reaction awe and wondor
.53 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1csu1ex/saw_something_in_my_apartment/ sighting description, at home, entity, inside home, audio description chain jingling and a buzzing sound., I turn around and am immediately faced with what I'm going to describe as a gray, leaning around the corner with one three fingered hand touching the wall. It looks....insubstantial. Like it's made of smoke or fog., Southern Appalachia
.54 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1csmf1w/strange_message/ experience description, no craft, at home, nighttime, communication, "kaptia kapta kesta", has anyone seen?
.55 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1crpnrw/third_man_facto experience description, remote viewing, training
.56 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1csxiay/was_wondering_if_anyone_had_a_logical_explanation/ video, nighttime sky, single dim object, diffuse, low over rooftop, contemporaneous report, Rhondda Cynon Taff South Wales the UK 🇬🇧 , two witnesses, witness followed it, duration 30 minutes
.57 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1csyfuv/honestly_dont_know_what_to_say/ video, nighttime sky, single light object moving, blackwhite, multicolored, two witnesses, contemporaneous report, subsequent threelights flying in equilateral triangle formation, [GOODPOST], emotion of fear, witness left the area, Ireland 🇮🇪 , physical effects vibration
.58 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1csyob2/purchased_a_flir_unit_online_and_had_an_interest/ sighting, OP is not the witness, witness is a pilot, black triangle 🔺️, from airplane , removed by mods, similar sighting in comments: All Black triangle, no lights, no sound, super low and almost floating (given how slow it flew over). It must have been landing at Joint Base Lewis-McChord https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cszn08/i_purchased_a_flir_unit_online_and_had_an/ reposted , similar sightings in comments, [GOODPOST]
.59 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ctd4qs/new_jersey_ufo/ video, daytime cloudy sky, new jersey, twolights, two dark objects, moving slowly, bird for comparison, metallic sphere observed
.60 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ctb72t/strange_train_line_in_brazil_and_argentina/ video, from home security camera, single light object, elongated, Rio de Janeiro Brazil 🇧🇷, link to similar sightings in comments
.61 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ct569h/unidentified_object_next_to_us_apache_helicopte photo, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, at home, helicopter for comparison, single dark object, manta shape, bird?, downvoted to zero
.62 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ct5imq/ufo_sighting_when_i_was_a_kid_with_witnesses/ childhood sighting description, multiple witnesses, at home, nighttime, trampoline, British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦, fleet, wavy trajectory, red 🔴, Three or four maybe five red lights, orbs, circles, moving like a snake across the sky but then dissappear., vanishing, repeat visitor observed, other witnesses said it came back later.
.63 https://old.reddit.com/aliens/comments/1ct62su/help_i_think_i_saw_some_aliens/ sighting description, three entities, at home, nighttime, animal reaction dogs barking, 3 little blurry things came out of the trees and then suddenly became viewable. There was 3 aliens that were as tall as oompa loompas. They were skinny so skinny almost like walking sticks with a square shaped figure. They had binocular shaped eye ridge and they had yellow eyes that were sunken in and looked slanted., emotion of fear, witness left the area, trying to run but i fell on the ground they stared at me, and did a dance. , dancing, physical effects eyes teared up,
.64 https://old.reddit.com/ufo/comments/1csw5nx/fast_ufo_over_federal_hill/ photo, daytime sky, plane for comparison, single light object, federal hill new jersey, similar sighting with video in comments,
.65 reference Sirius https://old.reddit.com/astrophotography/comments/1ct9qvx/photographed_sirius_again_3rd_time_i_think/ photo, nighttime sky, the star Sirius, single light object
.66 https://old.reddit.com/StrangeEarth/comments/1ct3nhz/looking_for_possible_answers_on_what_this_light/ video, nighttime sky, from home security camera, single light object stationary, low below treeline, appearing and vanishing,
.67 https://old.reddit.com/astrophotography/comments/1csgkde/weird_artifact/ photo, nighttime sky, anomalous to witness, single light object moving fast
.68 https://old.reddit.com/RBI/comments/1cs74p5/what_are_these_stains_on_my_pillowcase_quarte photo of pillowcase, anomalous bloodstains, at home
.69 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ctijey/what_is_in_our_sky/ photo, nighttime cloudy sky, cloud anomaly, contemporaneous report, These "clouds" formed and moved opposite other clouds,
.70 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ctlrfive_literally_just_spotted_this_spherical/ video, daytime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, single dark object, elongated, possible manta shape or metapod, disappeared into clouds, sphere observed, kent the UK 🇬🇧, 51° 16' 47.9964'' N, angled from the horizon , repeat visitors , video shows electronic effects camera glitching or jumpy movement , moving straight, dead weight just travelling farther and farther as though travelling into space. , downvoted to zero in 1 hour, OP comments downvoted
.71 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ct5cdy/bright_orb_crossed_the_whole_sky_in_lancaster_ca/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, multicolored, orange 🟠 observed, near USAF, Edwards air force base, Southern California, three witnesses, during northern lights, very bright, completely silent and weirdly multi-colored / orange orb showed up to the far west over Lancaster and steadily moved eastward, over Edwards and disappeared over the eastern horizon.,
.72 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ctpjk8/what_is_this_object/ video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object, diffuse, low over water, Central Finland 🇫🇮, yellowish, diffuse, moving slowly, looking around, [GOODPOST]
.73 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1ctnntx/i_just_saw_a_uap_for_the_first_time_now_what/ sighting description, daytime, contemporaneous report, fleet, circling each other, weaving, 9 white small dots all irregularly circling around each other at high speeds. The group moved from one end of the sky to the other in the space of about 5 minutes., plane for comparison observed, interaction with airplane, flew over plane, They appeared above the plane and to slow down when the plane passed., speed change, three witnesses, apathy in other witness, polarized sunglasses., possibly metallic, possible haze, urban area, Denver Colorado
.74 https://old.reddit.com/Skydentify/comments/1ctl6au/photo_from_my_hotel_room_in_denver_facing_west/ photo, nighttime sky, single light object, irregular shape, diffuse, angular, orange 🟠, contemporaneous report, no info from OP, urban area, Denver Colorado
.75 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ctqx3k/strange_object_spotted_over_mod_base_raf/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, moving slowly and erratically, started flying around in different directions. , contemporaneous report, near air force base, the UK 🇬🇧, at home
.76 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ctz4s640_res_thermal_uap/ video and drawing, nighttime cloudy sky, through thermal camera, repeat visitor, plane for comparison, contemporaneous report, Southern new jersey, previous sighting description single object elongated, oval-shaped, horizontal orientation, The bottom half of the oval had 3-4 circular heat signatures. It was about 2x bigger then the plane at 3:04 and maybe 2x closer. It was moving slowly., video shows single light object moving fast, moving straight observed https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cuohxo/plasma_like_uap_on_thermal_monocula same OP, different event, twolights, two witnesses, elongated, V-shaped formation, merging, nighttime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, Blue Anchor New Jersey, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy
.77 these were all removed, i guess https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cu67kc/the_vatican_supernatural_phenomenon_summary/ news, Vatican guidelines for supernatural events https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cu8xsc/newsnation_reporting_on_the_vatican_and_ufos/ more coverage https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cu983a/vaticans_new_classifications_of_phenomena/ categories of events https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cu67kc/the_vatican_supernatural_phenomenon_summary/ summary, guidance on how the Church should approach and discern supernatural phenomena, like visions and apparitions.
.78 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cua35x/interesting_lights_in_the_sky_near_san_jose_51424/ photos, near San Jose California, nighttime, not seen by eye, single light object moving, trail, haze, shape change, near water, Calaveras Reservoir
.79 https://old.reddit.com/RBI/comments/1cu4k43/vivid_memory_of_the_sky_exploding_help_me_figure/ childhood sighting description, two witnesses, at home, backyard, daytime, single light object, directly in front, massive ball of flames dead center in the sky. It looked like a big plane had exploded but it was very slowly still moving across the sky. , There were reds, oranges, and very bright yellows 🔴🟠🟡 coming from it, haze. And it was HUGE, like, the size of my palm but in the sky. , emotion of fear, witness left the area, audio description huge booming exploding sound, physical effects vibration, I can feel the sound wave hitting us., Southern Florida, Columbia space shuttle?
.80 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cu64ri/my_girlfriend_saw_a_ring_of_flashing_lights_in/ video, nighttime cloudy sky, fleet, circular formation, diffuse, spotlights type, low over rooftop, urban area, Kuala Lampur Malaysia 🇲🇾, downvoted to zero
.81 https://old.reddit.com/RBI/comments/1cucswq/strange_shuny_spheres_in_the_sky/ childhood sighting description, Canada 🇨🇦, daytime, multiple witnesses, fleet, blackwhite, approach, flew overhead, multiple objects grouped and floating together. They looks like perfect metal spheres about the size of beach balls. , metallic sphere, flying in formation, duration a few minutes
.82 https://old.reddit.com/signalidentification/comments/1cuay5a/144_mhz_weird_mirrored_signal/ signal anomaly, possible twolights
.83 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cue2zz/you_want_disclosure_come_to_brazil/ how-to, self disclosure, Brazil 🇧🇷
.84 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cueec7/think_i_just_had_my_first_ufo_sighting_today/ sighting description, contemporaneous report, daytime, twolights, I noticed in the sky a metal object, then I noticed one behind it, a few meters apart. silent, witness looked away and looked back, vanished, England the UK 🇬🇧, duration 3-4 minutes., cylindrical shape
.85 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cug426/can_anyone_explain_what_this_is/ video, nighttime sky, threelights, close line formation, horizontal orientation, horizontal trajectory, moving fast, low over treeline, from car, powerlines,
.86 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cuhrz9/i_took_this_video_of_ufos_in_the_night_sky_above/ video, nighttime cloudy sky, through infrared scope, near windmills, fleet, diffuse, moving fast and slowly, trajectory change, U-turn, circling, moving and stationary, spotlights type, at home, outside bedroom window, triangle formation,
.87 https://old.reddit.com/space/comments/1cuhsz7/stranger_told_me_knowing_what_is_on_top_of_saturn/ experience description, contemporaneous report, mysterious stranger, the planet Saturn, he asked me "do you know what is there?" I replied "no". He told me to look up "Saturn from the top view" and said that it's going to open my eyes and change my life.
.88 https://old.reddit.com/BackwoodsCreepy/comments/1cufrqh/encounter_with_a_black_wolf_creature_in_the/ dream description, repeat visitor, entity, Tennessee, Around the age of 12 or 13, I started having recurring dreams set in the forest, a place I frequently visited. In these dreams, I encountered a large black wolf with glowing red eyes., During my final dream involving the wolf, a woman's voice accompanied it. I recall her saying, "Do not fear the wolf." As the wolf circled me, I didn't feel fear but rather a deep sense of respect for its ancient power.
.89 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1cuf2co/my_experience_with_nhi/ experience description, had a bout of psychosis that involved/was caused by extended contact with a "non-human intelligence." Left me deeply traumatized and harmed but in a better place in my life than where I started. Don't fuck around and find out.
.90 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cui6zs/satellite_or_ufo/ video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, Qatar 🇶🇦, single light object moving, stars for comparison, trajectory change observed
.91 ➡️ https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cuwnbs/how_many_have_had_the_dream/ childhood dream description, at home, nighttime, eyes outside window, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 , similar dreams in comments, entity, [GOODPOST]
.92 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cuwxug/ufo_or_is_this_just_a_plane_or_satellite/ video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, single light object moving, Gladwyne Pennsylvania near Philadelphia,
.93 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cukdcm/ufo_from_joshua_tree_national_park_522024/ video, nighttime sky, Joshua Tree National Park California, multiple witnesses, camping, single light object, plane for comparison, haze, When the cloudy aura dissipated a bit you could see had just two bright white lights from two ends of it., twolights, vanishing, possible departure upward, rocket launch? , silent
.94 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cunh7l/what_sightingevent_opened_your_mind_to_the/ discussion of sightings
.95 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cuqag5/guys_help_me_identify_this_thing_what_the_heck_is/ video, daytime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, urban area, Los Angeles California, single dark object, elongated, worm 🪱, irregular shape, single flash, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, V-shaped, shape change
.96 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cuxx9l/help_i_think_i_saw_a_ufo/ sighting description, contemporaneous report, nighttime, at home, light shining in bedroom window, single light object, approach, golden, flew over the witness home, emotion of fear, Southern Ontario Canada 🇨🇦, emotional reaction feeling shook, ongoing, I've been having a lot of strange experiences lately.
.97 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cupc7a/ufo_orb_light/ video, daytime sky, single dim object, low over treeline, disappeared behind treeline, moving slowly and fast, possible reaction to being filmed, speed change, Was floating for about 2 min before I started filming. Moved fairly quickly, disappeared behind tree line., duration two minutes, at home, backyard, possible military response helicopter , event amnesia
.98 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cut2f2/strange_sighting_in_netherlands/ sighting description, contemporaneous report, single light object moving, wavy trajectory, vanishing and reappearing or jumpy movement, two witnesses, silent, possible military response jets, After 5 minutes or saw we saw a plane fly in the same direction. Which was followed by another plane and third one which made a u-turn after a flashing light appeared in the direction the light flew in., nighttime, the Netherlands 🇳🇱
.99 https://old.reddit.com/HighStrangeness/comments/1cuvet2/second_moon_uap_in_virginia/ video, nighttime sky, single light object stationary, multicolored, low over treeline, repeat visitor, Virginia, over water, river where the Tye and James river meet, He said that it disappeared for a month or so (he stopped seeing it in the morning) and now it’s back!
.100 https://old.reddit.com/RBI/comments/1cux9gabout_45_years_ago_i_saw_a_black_figure_looking/ sighting description, entity, at home, outside window, animal reaction dog noticed it, black figure the the shape of a person's head looking through the window at me., witness looked away and looked back, vanished
.101 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cv2esis_this_a_ufo/ video, nighttime sky, hard to see, repeat visitor, Victoria British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1ct988m/what_the_hell_is_this/ previous day, video, nighttime cloudy sky, single light object moving erratically, jumpy movement, trail, North Vancouver British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦
.102 https://old.reddit.com/UF0/comments/1cv0xjf/please_telll_me_what_this_is/ video, nighttime cloudy sky, urban area, threelights, triangle formation, low over rooftop, silent, there were a lot of planes going by. wayyyyyy more than usual., at home, similar sighting in comments
.103 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cv7yko/another_shitty_phone_video/ video, daytime cloudy sky, powerlines, single light object, Yucaipa California, first noticed from car, witness stopped the car and got out, reaction to being filmed, ascending, departure,
.104 https://old.reddit.com/UFOs/comments/1cv8xxb/2007_ufo_sighting_in_sf/ sighting description and reference image, family story, 1967 Albany New York state, at home, multiple witnesses, over the witness home, very large, it was huge and covered her house and part of the street., stationary and moving, sudden departure
.105 https://old.reddit.com/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/1cv9qub/the_sky_went_marine_blue_and_looked_like_it_was/ sighting description, no craft, contemporaneous report, nighttime, single flash, blue 🔵, illuminating surroundings, darkness bright as day, the sky went totally bright like it was day. It had a marine blue tint to it and I could see the whole city. , brief duration 1 second, subsequent audio description huge bang sound in the distance,
.106 https://old.reddit.com/AnomalousEvidence/comments/1cv97u8/i_wanted_to_share_with_you_all_a_bit_of/ information, how to evaluate orb reports, [GOODPOST]
.107 https://old.reddit.com/UFObelievers/comments/1cv7hky/ufo_supercharged_my_powerbank_to_151_a_yea sighting, electronic effects camera battery died, but my PowerBank has been stuck at 151% since last year.
submitted by SabineRitter to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:51 Old_Contribution_737 Titan 18 HX dimm slots for dual channel

Titan 18 HX dimm slots for dual channel
I recently got a Titan 18 HX with 2x32GB ram which are rated at 5600Mhz, but is currently running at 4000Mhz. When I checked CPUID, I noticed that the sticks are installed in Slots 1 and 4. I went into the BIOS and saw this, which basically confirms the CPUID reading.
My question is, is Slots 2 and 4 really the correct slots for dual channel? According to this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqtsAQe2GyM&t=182s), that seems to be the case. Will I be able to set it to 5600Mhz with the Dual Channel config?
submitted by Old_Contribution_737 to MSILaptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:49 AxstromVinoven Jumper Axstrom - #28 - The Fountain + Biosphere Supplement

Axstrom's Notes

  1. The list is here: big jump list
  2. The draw (1-5548) is 877, 1520, 4754, 5265, 1478
    1. Drawing 5 so there are backups in case of issues, but the jumper gets to choose among 4
    2. 877 is Earth Final Conflict - A TV show whewre aliens come and uplift Earth but have a hidden agenda
    3. 1520 is Investiture of the Gods - A fantasy tale in Zhou Dynasty
    4. 4754 is Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - a Disney mashup videogame
    5. 5265 is The Fountain - A film about contuinity across time, grief, death, and growth
    6. Jumper chooses The Fountain
      1. Jump Doc
      2. Reddit discussion
    7. Jumper buys access to The Biosphere Supplement
      1. Supplement Doc

Build Notes

  1. Drawbacks - None - Part of the point is that you can't have everything
  2. Companions - None - This is the journey of an individual soul
  3. Origin
    1. Past: Noble - setting the stage for grander thigns
    2. Present: Inventor - striving for progress
    3. Future: Witness - seeing what has become of the world
  4. Perks
    1. Noble Thought - free for Noble, stay connected to the people who are affected by your actions
    2. Noble Deed - free for Noble, your actions have greater impact and are remembered and recorded
    3. Inventor's Vision - free for inventor, studying a problem gives increasing insight in how to improve it
    4. Inventor's Intent - free for inventor, your creations are harder to misuse
    5. Improved POV - free for witness, observe / remember events from multiple perspectives
    6. Bystander - free for witness, events can unfold around you leaving you unharmed
    7. All Together Now - merge all your past origins into a complex mind
    8. 500 Years of Practice (Teaching) - mastery beyond mastery of the chosen skill
    9. Soothing Presence - calm strong emotions and suffering
    10. Absolution - If someone genuinely repents, you can allow them to move
  5. Items
    1. Meditation Garden - self-explanatory warehouse attachment
    2. Biosphere - Full purchase activates the Biosphere Supplement
    3. Tree of Life Sapling - Grows six immortality fruits per decade, which can (over very long time) grow more trees

Jump Notes

  1. I wake up in my room in the warehouse apartments, after shutting myself in without even checking the Benefactor's Lounge the night before
    1. I'm still lingering on the frustration of not cracking the riddle of Allabar, and not being able to solve the problem permanently
    2. But there's no going back, so I commit to facing forward for the rest of the week, and head to the Benefactor room
      1. Once again, there are four envelopes with me, and my big chart of jumps up on the wall, like something from a Kindergarten classroom
      2. As I affix a sticker saying "The Fountain (2006)" to the big chart, a small round outline appears next to it: "Biosphere Supplement available"
    3. On my way to call a team meeting, I catch a surprise outside the apartments
      1. Three of our bard graduates are slowly exploring the area
    4. At the team meeting, I announce my intention to go solo on the next jump
      1. The decision isn't popular, but most of them have waited while I've done gauntlets before, so it's not a big shock
    5. We set up the entertainment room to watch the movie, even though I don't expect that meta knowledge will be much help
      1. For the first time, we don't all fit in the Entertainment room
      2. By count, there are eleven of us (me and ten companions), the Halflings are now up to fifteen after two recent births, and we have nine new bards with us, so we set up a second showing in the evening
    6. Finally, before heading in to the jump, I make one last check of the Benefactor's office to see if there's more information on the biosphere supplement, but though my note has been removed, there is no response, and nothing on the tablet
  2. I awake from a deep sleep in a luxurious bed, it is early morning and the sun is still rising
    1. I can feel the absence of my abilities; I am reduced below even bodymod, to the level of a baseline middle-aged man in a world with primitive medicine
      1. Nevertheless, I can feel a gift reaching back in time to me - and as I accept it, I am calmed, no longer distressed by what I have lost
    2. In this time, I have duties, both in the mundane sense of the tasks those around me expect me to perform, as well as a greater sense in which I must try to make this world better
    3. My new gift becomes invaluable in due time
      1. All manner of petitioners and officers come to me with grievances, and each of them are a storm of emotions - no one comes before their Count to declare how satisfied they are with things
      2. In short time, word of my wisdom spreads, and my council is sought by King Ferdinand
    4. I lobby my King with an eye to improving the lives of all involved
      1. It is the lives of ordinary Spaniards that are the measure of his ability as a King, not the mass of his treasury
      2. Colonialism brings with it dangers beyond the obvious, and responsibilities for ages to come
      3. Allowing the priests to destroy artifacts of other cultures does not increase our glory, but diminishes it
    5. Despite my ability to make my case clearly and seemingly overcome all objections, my guidance is rarely heeded when I leave the room
    6. And before long, it seems I have made enemies of those who stand to gain by plundering the New World
      1. They do not discuss the matter with me, or make their displeasure known by facing me down in violence
      2. But as the breath leaves my lungs over dinner, my last thought is that I have been poisoned by a coward
  3. I awake from a fitful sleep in a large bed, my wife still asleep beside me despite the chirping of my alarm clock
    1. My first throught is of the date - It is September 7, 1999 - the first day of fall semester
      1. This will not be my first time teaching CS 101, but this time will be different, I can feel the power in my body, my mind, and my soul
    2. I arrive at my office early, of course, and make sure everything is in order - the syllabus handouts are ready, my slides are in order and proof-read, and my TAs have confirmed their preparedness
      1. The lecure hall is large - so many students sign up for CS 101 without any prior programming knowledge, just to see what it's like, or convinced that they will be a natural
      2. As the students file in, they sparsely occupy the massive auditorium, afraid to sit near people they don't know, not fully understanding that for the vast majority of them, this is their first class on campus, their first opportunity to get to know eachother
      3. I exhort them to move towards the front so they can hear and see better, and a few oblige
      4. The first lecture flows like a breeze, the students hanging on my words as I understand what each one needs to hear to understand what the rest of this semester will hold
    3. By semester's end, the students and TAs are in awe, the CS department chair has asked for my materials and told me that spring registrations for CS102 are higher than ever, both of the student papers have run articles praising my class, and the dean of Arts and Sciences has interceded to clear my spring schedule to prioritize my research work on the condition that I teach 101 again next year
      1. I appreciate my grad students and TAs, but I don't have a real family in this life, so I head into the warehouse for winter break
  4. I awaken rested and enthusiastic on a beautiful spring day
    1. It is graduation day for the first group of freshman I taught after coming to this jump, nearly four years ago
      1. They have come so far, and I'm fortunate that some of the best have continued to work with me, and three of them will be graduate students working under me starting in the fall
    2. It is also the first day of human trials for the drug, a new anti-inflammatory
      1. We were hoping it would treat chronic inflammatory diseases, but early testing suggests that it may significantly reduce hay fever, which would be great if we can mass produce it cheaply
    3. My reputation at the school has skyrocketed thanks to the combination of my groundbreaking research plus my teaching perks ensuring high instructor reviews as well as students learning and retaining more
      1. My tenure process has been fast-tracked, since the dean is rightly concerned about losing me to another institution
  5. I awaken slowly, and awkwardly, as if from a coma, as a cocktail of drugs is released into my body, still restrained on my cryobed
    1. Our vessel, the Cyllene, is essentially a large asteroid with a hole carved in the middle, stuffed with propellent, equipment, supplies, expansive aquaponics facilities, and a relatively tiny living area
      1. Cyllene was said to have nursed and protected Hermes, as this vessel must nurture and protect us, the first observers, and hopefully, colonists,
    2. As my body and mind resume normal function over the course of 90 minutes, I get a slow trickle of updates on the status of the Cyllene and our mission
      1. The mission clock says it's 202 years since we left Earth, but thanks to time dilation, Earth has experienced 221
      2. Computer Block 5 (of 8) is currently undergoing automated reconstruction as the block with the highest error correction rate at the time the last automated reconstruction completed
      3. 1575 individuals are currently in cryosleep, and 25 (including me) are active, all sufficiently healthy
      4. I am still Dr. John Axstrom, revered teacher and groundbreaking computational pharmacologist, but my consciousness seems to have jumped forward a few hundred years, skipping past the development of miracle cures, life extension medications, and cryogenic preservation of humans
    3. As I realign with my memories and identity, I remember why I'm here
      1. If colonization proceeds, the coming generations are going to need exceptional teachers if they are to learn their place in the universe, and I'm one of the best there ever was
      2. Our mission is expected to take about 750 years from departure to arrival, and though the vast majority of that time is spent in cryosleep, we take shifts being "awake" to ensure systems are functioning and keep eachother mentally and physically healthy
    4. Since the monitoring systems will throw a fit if I straight up disappear from the vessel, I take a long ride out to the external "observation" check, out of the range of most of the sensor systems
      1. There's not really much to observe in deep space - it's like the night sky, as the ancients saw it with no light pollution, but from a different perspective
      2. Here I quickly form a stunt double duplicate, hand over my electronics, and duck into the warehouse
    5. The warehouse clock confirms my suspicions - I'm nearly seven years into the jump
      1. Since it looks like this isn't going to take nearly 1000 years, the team hasn't been going full-stasis mode
      2. The bards have been poring over J-Borg's personal library as well as the impressive collection of the warehouse media room
      3. But the reason I came is the Tablet of the Free - I'm stuck on a large but still confined deep-space vessel until my scheduled return to cryosleep - how is that supposed to entertain the boss?
      4. After confirming nothing interesting is in the warehouse, I head back to the observation deck, and stash the portable door I've been using back into hammer-space before re-merging with my stunt double, and taking the long trip back to the living area
  6. I wake up to an unfamiliar synthetic beep - apparently the Cyllene's version of a doorbell
    1. When I open the door, one of my crewmates tells me that our directional antennas have picked up some unusual RF activity that seems to be coming from our destination system, and they want me (as the on-shift programmer) to help the astronomer, comms, and operations staff to help make sense of it, and ensure we're not about to get nuked by a magnetar or something
    2. Initial findings were sparse and inconclusive - just occasional pulses of a signal that must have been very strong and highly directional at the time of transmission, to reach us so far away
    3. But I had access to diagnostic tools that the astrophysicists and comms staff didn't, for all their training and equipment: a series of perks specifically for teasing out the needles of relevance from the haystack of noise
      1. And as I looked at what we were seeing, and what we weren't, the answer became clear: these radio bursts looked just like a primitive form of RADAR
      2. At first my colleagues on the Cyllene were skeptical, but the evidence kept mounting, with 4 additional series of "pings" being detected in the next six weeks
    4. With the spectre of extraterrestrial intelligence hanging over the Cyllene, our XO followed protocol, and ordered the full complement to be wakened from cryosleep to assist in the work to come
    5. Within six months, we had fabricated and installed a much larger purpose-built directional antenna array on the surface of our asteroid hull, and reports of different signals were coming in almost daily
      1. We needed all the extra hands, even our mining and terraforming experts were lending a hand with signal analysis and attempts to form patterns
      2. The whole crew felt the urgency and wondered at the situation - temporally, it would mean that their early experiments with RADAR and initial RF broadcasts would have happened at about the same time as humans did those things on earth, and if they developed at the same rate as us (a big if), they would likely be more advanced when we arrivedd than humans were when we left (and thus the technology of our vessel), and would almost certainly see us coming
    6. The coming months flew past, each bringing further confirmation of suspicious, but with it frustration, as we had been unable to extract a coherent signal - the broadcasts we could pick up didn't appear to be using either amplitude or frequency modulation
      1. More than once I brought signal samples to the warehouse team, but they were just as stumped as us
      2. Even more "esoteric" means didn't work - we tried every variation of "Tongues" and "Comprehend Language" spells on printed, audioized, and even engraved versions of the RF signals we caught, but they all failed and the representations seemed full of too many discontinuities
    7. I could feel my new Inventor's Vision working on the task of how to decode these signals, and about two years after the first pulse was detected, I had my breakthrough
      1. The signals didn't represent continuous audio (like human radio) or even piece-by-piece visuals (like rasterized video), but something of each, and a little weirder
      2. They were composed of many (from seven to three hundred, and not consistent at all) micro-audio clips
      3. It was like making an ultra-low bitrate recordding of the voice of every singer in a chorus individually, and transmitting fifty milliseconds of one, then fifty milliseconds of the next, and so one, in serial, and then starting back again with the first voice
      4. We couldn't figure out why they did this, but once I was able to identify the break points between each "voice", I could layer them on top of eachother to make a composite audio version
      5. And that composite audio could be played, and was a viable candidate for magic translation
    8. The entire vessel went wild when I demonstrated the isolation and recombination of the signals to produce audio
      1. The sound of the thing was somewhat like the sound of multiple birds, frogs, and crickets in a forest, in very brief clips
      2. Of course, I didn't reveal that I had access to magic translation - I figured the comms and signals staff (and the one cryptographer) should have to earn their pay
    9. The remaining year and a half was spent in intense research, for them, while I mostly slacked off and tried to make conversation with the people doing important work on this front, since my actual mission here was to "observe" as humans of this universe underwent a sort of assymmetrical first contact
  7. I awaken in my weird little pod bed in my weird little capsule room for the last time, perfectly aware of the remaining hours in this jump
    1. After the initial excitement died down, the majority of the colonists were put back into cryosleep, with only the decoding specialists and those "on shift" like me staying active
      1. There has been a lot of anxiety around the Cyllene for the last few months - we are clearly a colony ship and the intelligent inhabitants of that system probably do not want to be colonized, and may well be easily capable of destroying us
      2. There were discussions about trying to reverse course and head back to Earth, but we could do that any time, and the closer we get, the more information we can gather about the system and its inhabitants
    2. It would be cruel to try to skim supplies from this vessel even if there were something I wanted aboard, so I just wait my time out, helping where I can and secretly translating any communications we receive when time permits
      1. So far it has all been rather uninspiring, which makes me even more curious what kind of species would develop radio technology but not transmit any fiction or speeches or poetry
    3. When it's almost time, I once again make the long trek out to the Cyllene's observation deck alone, and split off a Stunt Double, who can at least stay here for a month, while I slip into the warehouse
      1. When I enter, J-Borg greets me and informs me of a message at the Benefactor's lounge
      2. The note on the door says "Supplement Pending - please attend as soon as possible", so I go in to check it out
      3. With the choices all locked in, the door unlocks and I head out to meet with the team
    4. With the memories of my time in Spain finally restored, I realize how I had been trying to communicate with myself all along, but failing
      1. The need for calm communcation and education will never end - among our closest neighbors or with a civilization 300 light years away
    5. We have the traditional group dinner in the commons, and discuss what's going on
      1. The team did end up spending most of the time in stasis, and the formerly-newborn halflings are a little over a year now biologically, learning to speak and walk
      2. When I mention the Biosphere supplement and how I wasn't allowed to consult them, they naturally asked when it would apply, but it hadn't even occurred to me that there were now definitely too many of us to wait out warehouse changes in the entrance hall, so I checked with the central control
    6. Afterward, no one was complaining when the doors finally unlocked and we were able to leave the commons hall, only to find that the door led to an outdoor path with a natural-looking sunset on the horizon
      1. I didn't want to spoil the whole setup yet, so I said we could tour in the morning, and turned off a number of the facilities and systems for the night, to give me some time to understand what options were available before letting my companions go wild with them
      2. Fortunately, the obvious items like the tree of life and factory complex were on other islands, that would be difficult to reach without the transport disks running
    7. And then I went to sleep again, wondering what the next awakening had in store for me

Notes on the Fountain Jump Doc

  1. Honestly this doc has been on my to-try list since I saw it - I really enjoyed the movie and gladly rewatched it again when it came up in my random draw.
  2. The author took some liberties with the source material, which makes sense because of how focused on Thomas the story is, and the extensions largely make sense
  3. There were a few confusing things in the jump, such as how you get essences and what powers you bring with you into each phase of the jump, but a close reading makes them clear enough
  4. The jump has a few really standout purchase
    1. the inventor's intention is the answer to a lot of concers that "do-gooder" jumpers are likely to have in their careers
    2. the full tree of life is an amazing item - the ability to grant perfect health and immunity to aging within a regrowing item solves a lot of problems
    3. 500 years of practice is amazing if you have a particular skill or art in mind - literally centuries better than the "10 years of practice" equivalents that you find din many other jumps, and has a lot of potential to synergize with other perks that scale off your skill in a particular area
    4. Biosphere is super cool if you want your fiat-backed warehouse to grow into something more
    5. The Dagger of the Path is a great example of a conceptual weapon, and something I probably would have picked up if I had a bunch more points
  5. How you're supposed to interleave the three eras is a little unclear, and maybe I'm not a creative enough author to pull it off. I don't believe SJ Chan ever got around to writing a fictionalized account of jumping to it, unfortunately
    1. If anyone else has done a good jump fiction of this jump, please let me know
  6. Overall absolutely a fantastic jump. Obviously a great option for anyone who likes the movie or wants to solve one of the specific problems available
    1. I'd especially recommend it for an early-chain jumper because of the generally low danger level and great variety of rewards

Notes on the Biosphere Supplement Doc

  1. I knew this was something I wanted to pick up when I first read the fountain jumpdoc several months ago
  2. I use the "Personal Reality" warehouse which was co-authored by SJ Chan, and this supplement feels perfectly tailored to supplement that
  3. There are lots of good pickups for people with various interests, or those who just want to keep their options open
    1. Observation Deck seems like the real must-have since a lot of the other buys are controllable through it
  4. The structure of the biosphere was a little confusing at first - I thought that there was an island, a void around the island, and a hard shell, and wasn't sure why you'd want to increase the shell thickness, but further reading cleared that up
  5. On the whole, a good pick up, especially considering it only cost 400 CP in the jump, and normally buying warehouse upgrades with CP has a very unfavorable conversion, but in this case, the biosphere purchases all seemed cheaper than they ought to be.
(Builds to come in a separate post due to length restrictions)
submitted by AxstromVinoven to u/AxstromVinoven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:46 BradTheCanadian 3DMARK - Brand New F17 FX707VU - Does this look right?

3DMARK - Brand New F17 FX707VU - Does this look right?
Hi Folks. New to PC gaming and want to make sure I've followed some tips and tricks in here properly.
Core i7-13620H/1TB SSD/16GB RAM/GeForce RTX 4050(6GB VRAM)
I'm concerned as I've seen people post better scores with what appears to be with a lower level GPU (https://www.reddit.com/Asustuf/comments/18yibt3/is\_this\_good\_score/).
I'm using G-Helper. MyASUS and AC uninstalled. Plugged in. Nothing else running to my knowledge. Mode: Turbo GPU Mode: Standard
Any input would be greatly appreciated :)
submitted by BradTheCanadian to Asustuf [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:24 qqaisarr School List Help! 😮‍💨

Hi guys! Here's my stats:
Here's the school list I ended up making:
  1. University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix
  2. University of Arizona College of Medicine
  3. California Northstate University College of Medicine
  4. Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine
  5. Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
  6. University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
  7. University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine
  8. University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
  9. University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
  10. Mayo Clinic School of Medicine
  11. University of Colorado School of Medicine
  12. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
  13. Duke University School of Medicine
  14. USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
  15. University of Virginia School of Medicine
  16. The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
  17. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
  18. Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
  19. University of lowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
  20. Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  21. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
  22. Ohio State University College of Medicine
  23. Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
  24. University of Florida College of Medicine
  25. University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine
  26. University of Michigan Medical School
  27. Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
  28. Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine
  29. University of South Carolina School of Medicine
  30. University of Utah School of Medicine
Any feedback would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!! 🫶🫶🫶
submitted by qqaisarr to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:19 Dreamunify BIOS

I want to disable secure boot
submitted by Dreamunify to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:24 South_East_1566 Are my temps okay?

Are my temps okay?
Are these temps normal after prime95 test? Should I be worried?
Cooler: Arctic freezer 36 a rgb SOLVED: turns out whoever built this pc didnt put enough thermal paste.
submitted by South_East_1566 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
