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2024.06.02 17:57 Ok-Chemical-7439 Medication Questions/Dosage Questions

I was diagnosed with adhd early december of last year and have been using vyvanse as my medication (30mg until jan 21 when I was boosted to 50mg).
30mg worked extremely well for me, I felt extremely energized, was motivated to actually work especially on work I usually hated, and I was extremely focused.
I now feel almost none of these things except for the tiny focus boost and the little energy boost, how can I go back to how it was at the start?
I was looking at increasing my dose to 60mg however 50mg sometimes puts me in a shit mood so then I thought about staggering my dose of either 50-60mg, I've also thought about trying adderall ir and just taking multiple a day but I can't find many people talking about how adderall feels for them vs vyvanse or just in general except for someone at my school who said it works really well for her.
Would adderall also help my loss of appetite and weight issue? I'm currently sitting at around 128-130lbs at 5'8-5'9.
Additionally, I've also seen someone on youtube talk about how he takes 40mg of vyvanse and 5mg of ritalin since he said he would lose concentration/motivation to do things in his work he either found uninteresting or difficult with just the vyvanse and that apparently the 5mg of ritalin fixed this issue.
If someone could please help me out I would really appreciate it since this is something that's a bit difficult to navigate and please don't give a response like "speak to your doctor" because I intend on doing that but just wanted some ideas I could pitch to him.
TLDR: vyvanse isnt as good anymore so I want to know if staggring my dose or adding 5mg of ritalin/concerta is good or if switching to adderall is better
submitted by Ok-Chemical-7439 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:56 Ok-Chemical-7439 Medication Questions/Dosage Questions

I was diagnosed with adhd early december of last year and have been using vyvanse as my medication (30mg until jan 21 when I was boosted to 50mg).
30mg worked extremely well for me, I felt extremely energized, was motivated to actually work especially on work I usually hated, and I was extremely focused.
I now feel almost none of these things except for the tiny focus boost and the little energy boost, how can I go back to how it was at the start?
I was looking at increasing my dose to 60mg however 50mg sometimes puts me in a shit mood so then I thought about staggering my dose of either 50-60mg, I've also thought about trying adderall ir and just taking multiple a day but I can't find many people talking about how adderall feels for them vs vyvanse or just in general except for someone at my school who said it works really well for her.
Would adderall also help my loss of appetite and weight issue? I'm currently sitting at around 128-130lbs at 5'8-5'9.
Additionally, I've also seen someone on youtube talk about how he takes 40mg of vyvanse and 5mg of ritalin since he said he would lose concentration/motivation to do things in his work he either found uninteresting or difficult with just the vyvanse and that apparently the 5mg of ritalin fixed this issue.
If someone could please help me out I would really appreciate it since this is something that's a bit difficult to navigate and please don't give a response like "speak to your doctor" because I intend on doing that but just wanted some ideas I could pitch to him.
TLDR: vyvanse isnt as good anymore so I want to know if staggring my dose or adding 5mg of ritalin/concerta is good or if switching to adderall is better
submitted by Ok-Chemical-7439 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:56 Sea_Comfortable_738 AITA for continuously looking through my BFs phone after he broke my trust?

I (f28) have been with my bf (m41) for 6 years and we have a 2 year old. I have depression and most of the time I'm able to maintain enough by trying to make myself feel good and express myself thru art, but sometimes it gets the best of me and I go way down. My bf has always been supportive when I have my downs and he really does make a difference for me. At least, until about 2 months ago. About 2 years ago my mom lived with us for health reasons and to be close to her our newborn son (her first grandchild) it was mutually beneficial at the time but she passed in our kitchen after having a seizure when our son was 6 months old. Needless to say, my mental health suffered and I couldn't stand to always be in the space where I gave her CPR but failed to help her. I desperately needed to leave that house and while looking for a new place an opportunity came up for us to move from NC to FL where the rest of my family is (my friends rental property became available and she offered it to us for a great price). After discussing it we agreed and moved to FL. I loved being around family but my hometown really lacks economic opportunity and we struggled a bit, so after only a year I wanted to leave, bf said he wanted to too, so we moved back to NC two months ago. This is where the issue starts... We live in the same city as before and went back to the same jobs, but since our son isn't in daycare we work opposite shifts so one of us is always home with our 2 year old. I started feeling isolated always being at home or work, not spending quality time with any adult (bf or friends), and was feeling really down. One day we sitting at our table together and his phone goes off so I look over at the screen and it was a FB message from a woman that he blocked in front of me while I was pregnant due to me being uncomfortable with her actions towards him (pinching on his ass and whispering in his ear). He was speaking to the one female I didn't want him to talking to after deleting her in front of me.. he apologized and I I read the messages, there was nothing inappropriate but he deleted her again. I felt bad already and this scenario just made me feel worse. 2-3 weeks after that I felt like we were growing distant from each other. He would be out later then he said he would be (which can be normal sometimes) but he wouldn't let me know at all. When I said something about it he would start getting defensive. This triggered me to lay off of it for a couple days and then go thru his phone.. turned out, he was having an emotional affair (different woman, not the one mentioned before). I was LIVID. When I confronted him about it 2 days later he denied it at first and was trying to gaslight me until I mentioned certain messages. (Side note, the messages were deleted off his phone by then, but I took a recording on my phone when I found them and I still have it). At first he blamed me for him feeling disconnected and when the dust settled he admitted and apologized to his wrong doings and we had amazing conversations about both of us changing.. the thing is, he is STILL DELETING MESSAGES even stupid thing to try to hide it from me, and he is still telling stupid ass lies. I know because since the emotional affair I looked thru his phone damn near everyday without him knowing so I know when things have been deleted suddenly and what he's talking about (just thru messages tho, not phone calls obviously). I noticed that he was ignoring the messages and calls of the woman he was starting to fall for then yesterday she sent "did I do something to piss you off?" And he sent back "no, my phone's just been weird. What's up? I can help you out tomorrow if still needed." I got mad ASF since it was THAT woman, out of all the women he's/we're friends with and know. Her. The next day I asked I see his phone, he gave it to me willingly and BOOM. Deleted. And he has the nerve to get upset about me "not having boundaries" and going thru his phone without his knowledge. Am I really the AH????
submitted by Sea_Comfortable_738 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:56 LilPeridotSprite How do you get the amount of steps you need in a day?

Hi everyone! Right now, I'm lucky if I get 1000 steps.
My goal is to get between 10,000 and 15,000 steps per day. I work from home as a teacher and the space is a little cramped. I do have a foldable treadmill but there's no one good place for it to be and be down all the time. The best place I've found, it's still in the way.
I had the idea to try to get up early and get 30-45 mins of walking done in the mornings, another 20 mins during my lunch, and then another 30-45 minutes after work. My biggest problem is that I don't want to go fast in my work clothes and taking multiple showers per day isnt a good idea either. I also STRUGGLE so hard to get up when my alarm goes off (to the point that I'm sometimes late to work!) But neither do I want to walk 2+ hours in one go after work. Another factor to consider is the folding up and folding down the treadmill multiple times per day. (I got the treadmill so that I could limit my trips to the gym).
I've tried watching tv while I walk, listening to audio books, and listening to music. Music is best for when I'm running. I know the songs well enough to zone out. Audio books are good if I've read the book in print before, so I know what to expect. Tv is ok but its difficult to find stuff I want to watch (I'm picky).
I enjoy running and walking but I also need to incorporate weight training again.
Does this sound sustainable? Any tips for increasing the steps? (FYI, with the school year ending I might have more success but I also need to make sure I'm focusing on the times to develop my routine so that when I return in the fall, the times are approximate).
PS: I don't really live in a walkable area. My driveway is legitimately right on a main street that has no sidewalk. Just a gravel shoulder. So just doing leisure walks through the day isn't an option either.
submitted by LilPeridotSprite to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:55 Neovenatorrex TW Depression and relapse

I had been 99% recovered, weight restored, not depressed anymore and had been so eager to restart a proper life, resume my forestry studies and move on from all that shit. Now all it took was bad weather, loneliness, living alone without family and a couple of lost friends to make me relapse into depression. I compensate the bad feelings either with binging or exercise, often with both. So I guess in soem weird way, the ED is also creeping up on me again. I even started counting calories loosely again but it is getting worse. I have no intention of losing weight but I am just depressed. I want to binge or exercise for that tiny spark of dopamine. I have already lost a year of my studies to those illnesses, I don't want to loose more time and therefor, money. I can't afford this. Does anyone have any advice? I don't want to fully relapse but I have tried to slow it down for months now - it feels inevitable. I can't go on like this.
submitted by Neovenatorrex to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:54 Infinite-Wasabi2292 Anyone had success moving to name brand from others?

Don't mod my post! This is about Ozempic or similar and wondering if anyone has had good results trying it after other off-brands failed to work for them?
My non-ozempic internet order rx for 4-5 months was a total failure, constant nausea, no consequential weight loss. Bundled nausea med created such constipation it wasn't worth it. Was in constant state of nausea that felt like I needed to keep a small amount of food on my stomach, which translated into more snacking and no losses. I'm considering trying Ozempic now.
submitted by Infinite-Wasabi2292 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 No-Scientist-6253 Down 20 Pounds

This is the most I’ve ever seen progress during a weight loss journey and I still enjoy the foods I love, I still cheat every once in a while and I’m still losing. Brought my A1C levels down from a 12.9 to a 6.5 in 7 weeks. I’m so happy to see there are results after 15 years of struggling with diet and pcos, especially the cravings. 1 milestone reached, 4 more to go!
submitted by No-Scientist-6253 to diabetes_t2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 Alternative-Sea-7535 New here and question!

Hi! I got diagnosed w/ iron deficiency anemia due to period blood loss (by family history, pcos). My doctor made me get some lab work done: Glucose, insuline, ferritin, hemoglobine, tsh, lh, fsh and more! Glucose and insuline were within the range, but homa indicated insuline resistance. Since my ferritin was at 4 and hb at 7.3, she decided to treat my anemia first and leave insuline resistance for after anemia iron infusions treatment.
So my iron treatment is finally over. She said she wanted to address my insuline resistance w/ metformine and diet (which I'm all in!), plus constant monitoring. To be honest: I wanted to know if it gets better, I've been dealing w/ my weight for about 3 years now, though none of my previous doctors ever questioned my lack or abundance of my period. Also as a kid, I was diagnosed with eczema and was given topical steroids (made me gain a LOT of weight) and since then my weight gain has been unstable.
If you have pcos and have been able to find the ideal weight for your body or on track to get to that point, did your period improve? I can't handle the idea of going through another iron infusion, my anemia was extremely severe and a horrible experience overall. I'm hoping to hear your experiences!
submitted by Alternative-Sea-7535 to PCOSloseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 journalingsaves Do you have an index of your journals?

Do you have an index of your journals?
I started a database today and made it backwards to 2007 so far. 18 more years to go! This is a project I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I’m using Notion which is so perfect for this giant undertaking. I’m breaking it into “year:volume” instead of starting the count with #1 in 1989. Also including the journal title and date range, eventually a photo of the cover. All ears if anyone has suggestions!
submitted by journalingsaves to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:52 SterlingServices Damn! Heidi Wilke Taylor passed away May 23, 2024 at age 49. Fuck cancer.

Damn! Heidi Wilke Taylor passed away May 23, 2024 at age 49. Radiant with kindness and embracing of the eccentric, Heidi-Ho’s passionate drive to care for others spoke to her sincere selfless nature in all aspects of her life. That drive was so motivating that she changed careers and enrolled in nursing school in 2018 … just in time for COVID. She became an operating room nurse with an elite team here in Charlotte, NC.
Heidi was known as “Slippy” to her namesake trivia team of 15 years, as well as to countless pool players. Her eponymous line of billiards products were emblazoned with her goofiest face, an accidental candid shot so terribly unflattering that there was only one thing to do: share it with the world!
A testament to Heidi’s love of helping others, she was an organ donor. However, like so many plans she had for the future, that was suddenly derailed as a result of cancer. (Fuck cancer!) Struck down in her prime, Heidi’s diagnosis in September of 2022 of stage IV intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma came a day after running 18 miles, as she was training for her next marathon. However, she was able to posthumously “enroll” at the Congdon School of Health Sciences at High Point University, where she’ll help teach a new crop of healthcare workers. Her family encourages those who knew Heidi to become organ- or whole-body donors in her memory.
It should be noted that the family has had another, and more recent, loss. Heidi’s mother, Betty Lutz Wilke, died peacefully May 27, 2024.
As you know first-hand, everyone who met Heidi loved her and her infectious laugh. To celebrate Heidi — and the mutual fortune we all shared by knowing her — you are invited to “HeidiFest” at her house on June 23, 2024. In lieu of “thoughts and prayers,” we’d appreciate it if you joined us to enjoy “stories and smiles.” Please come meet Heidi’s family, and get to know Heidi from different perspectives. That being said, Heidi would never want you to feel like you have to do anything, so suit yourself! Go find all of the details at
In honor of such a wonderful person, we have launched the Heidi Wilke Taylor Nursing Scholarship Fund, a not-for-profit corporation organized in the State of North Carolina. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the Fund or helping to launch it in other ways so we can help fix the nursing shortage, get potential students the tools they need, and fund other creative initiatives that Heidi would want to support. The overall goal is to continue, and to amplify, all of the kindness and goodness that Heidi has brought to the world, at such a scale appropriate for this unique, special person. To participate through donation or action, please visit
There are so many people, hundreds in fact, to thank for all the care, love, support, generosity, kindness, and help we’ve received since September of 2022. There’s no way to list them all here (you’ll get to meet a bunch of ‘em at HeidiFest!). Still, we must thank all of Heidi’s friends with “Run For Your Life” who absolutely knocked it out of the park early on with their amazing kindness and generosity, setting the tone for everything that came afterwards. Heidi’s coworkers at Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute immeasurably showed their love and support for one of their newest teammates. Heidi’s former officemates at Sterling have kept the wheels on the wagon, allowing her spouse unlimited ability to spend time with her. Thank you, Heidi’s teachers at CPCC, for facing the instructional challenges during COVID, allowing Heidi to pursue her discovered-late-in-life dream of becoming a nurse. Frankly not very many family, friends, and neighbors knew of Heidi’s condition; she did not want to burden anyone with the knowledge unnecessarily. If you are just now learning, you now also know why, and thank you. All of the healthcare workers involved in Heidi’s care (lab techs, phlebotomists, sonographers, radiographers, and so on) deserve recognition and have our appreciation.
Thank you, Heidi’s doctors, for dedicating your lives, with great sacrifice, for the benefit of all your patients. Those letters before and after your name were earned, as was the right to be listed here by name. At both Atrium Health and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Heidi had direct care from Drs. Corso, Crane, Fountzilas, Hagen, Haggstrom, Iannitti, Kennard, Krishnamurthy, Nannapaneni, Puzanov, Rodman, Simpson, Tango, and Wynne, plus countless others behind the scenes.
Truly deserving of special recognition, of course, are the nurses and supporters who provided healthcare to Heidi. The known names of “Heidi’s Heroes” are Allison, Bethany, Caitlyn, Carleen, Carolyn, Faith, Genna, Jessica, Kathy, Kayla, Kenya, Kristen, La, La’Terra, Marioly, Marissa, Michelle, Rachel, Sarah, Sophie, Vicky, and Whitney.
To learn more about Heidi, HeidiFest, the Heidi Wilke Taylor Nursing Scholarship Fund, or to get updates on upcoming events, go to Or don’t; Heidi wouldn’t want to tell you what to do!
submitted by SterlingServices to obituaries [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:52 No-Scientist-6253 Down 20 pounds

This is the most I’ve ever seen progress during a weight loss journey and I still enjoy the foods I love, I still cheat every once in a while and I’m still losing. I’m so happy to see there are results after 15 years of struggling with diet and pcos, especially the cravings. 1 milestone reached, 4 more to go!
submitted by No-Scientist-6253 to lowcarb [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 lumsgame Is it a rumour?

Most people I’ve spoke to regarding chronic pancreatitis say that gaining weight is a problem. Weight loss being one of the symptoms, right?
Well I had necrotising pancreatitis December 2023 (coma for 5.5 weeks). Yet since recovering and looking after myself with a healthy diet and exercise- I am not losing any weight
I’ve actually put on a few kilos in the last 7 days and I’ve done nothing but exercise and eating small and healthy meals.
Why is this? Is anybody else the same?
submitted by lumsgame to pancreatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 MeasurementWorking36 Is it actually PCOS?

I’m a 22yr old Indian Female and I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of months ago. To determine I have PCOS my gyno checked my testosterone free and total levels check and my DHEA sulfate levels. My testosterone level came back high at 51 and my testosterone free also came back high at 8.1. My DHEA came back high at 610. The relief I felt after finding out there is a cause to all the symptoms I’ve been having. Even though I was to PCOS is something that couldn’t be directly treated and that there were only ways to help minimizes the symptoms.. I was still excited! Some of my symptoms include weight gain and trouble losing that weight, excess male hair pattern especially on my face, hair loss (my hair pattern also changed as I got older), fatigue all the time, feel lazy/no motivation to do anything, puffy face or moon face, seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp, stress( and I mean I have been feeling like I’m at my all time low sometimes) , and also low vitamin D/iron! I’m sure there’s some other symptoms to that I just can’t think of right at this moment. I also had a pelvic ultrasound done but that came back completely normal. Once I was told by my gyno that it’s PCOS because of my testosterone levels she put me on spironolactone and metformin. She also pushed me to get on birth control several times but I just did feel comfortable to get on it. I also have never taken many medications before so being put on these different medications all at once was not ideal for me. Typically in indian culture we do not believe in medicine being the solution for symptoms unless of course it really is necessary… but this is why I prefer the holistic route instead. Anyways because I was so ready to start feeling better I just decided to start taking Metformin and spironolactone but not birth control. I know lifestyle and diet changes are typically what help the symptoms the most and I didn’t start that until a month after my diagnosis. Now it’s been one month since I have start walking 10k steps everyday which I was not active at all before. I also am trying to eliminate gluten, dairy, sugary foods (literally all junk food that I crave), and I switched from using corn oil to now using olive oil. My weight two months ago was 150-153 and now I’m at 140-143 after about a month.
Recently, I got my mother to check her testosterone levels to see if she has PCOS she has similar symptoms to me such as male hair pattern on the face and weight gain/trouble losing weight. I was also told that typically PCOS is a genetic thing. Her results recently came back as negative.
The reason I am in here writing is because I keep thinking what if it’s not PCOS and it’s something else. I’ve been going down a rabbit hole and I saw that sometimes PCOS can be mistaken with something related to adrenal glands. I just keep having this feeling that it’s still not PCOS and it’s something else. I mean there weren’t any other tests done to rule out other diagnoses. Honestly I don’t know if it’s in my head because of the fact that I don’t want to be taking Metformin for the rest of my life but I truly feel like it could be something else. I mean nobody else that I know of in my family has PCOS. Has anybody else had a misdiagnosis for PCOS?
Sorry for the long post to finally get to my question haha.
submitted by MeasurementWorking36 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 WindBig2044 I feel behind and it hurts...

Hi everyone (TL;DR at the bottom) !
I (27 M) feel a lot behind in life and here's what brought me to feel like this :
Let's say that the moment i've reached Highschool, I did not had any Social Life (despite having a really good one in middle school).
Basically it went like this :
Middle school :
Highschool :
Then near my 18 Years Old, went university time were I was, obviously, socially awkward as i simply was not used AT ALL to hang out with people. And let's say that the feeling of missing on life began there :
While my friends were enjoying themselves, making new friends, having s*x a lot, and basically living a "wild" life, I felt that i was alone in the midst of all. Always looked at and treated as the "kind of weird" guy (which i was).
Fast forward to today (or at least few months ago) i'm here, actually begining my life and also doing everything i did not do back then (don't have driver's license, no car, no real social life before, back in my mom's house, no savings).
I'm learning a lot about social skills and i feel like i'm almost back to being "normal" even if I have work to do, but basically i feel like a huge chunk of my life have been lost and sometimes i'm tempted to do everything I can to "catch up", but i also feel like that now i'm an adult and what i deem to be a "boring" life might just be an "adult" life.
I still got to get my driver's license, a car, some savings and buying my own place.
But i feel like i could have done that sooner while not "wasting" a chunk of life as i call it, if it was jsut for me understanding a bit more social skills and waking my ass sooner...
I know about coumpound effect (i've been working on myself a lot and i know it's going to pay sooner or later) but i cant help but feel like i've wasted a lot of my life... And this feeling makes me sick :(
Please can anybody tell me anything ? Share your experience, share advices, share your thought about my situation and the way i've started my life, i basically want to exchange because i want a better perspective, and also i would like to be able to turn that sadness into something productive to help me move forward (which i'm already doing but you know, whithout this feeling it would be even better !)
TL;DR : I have been socially inadequate since the end of middle school up to today (M 27).
This + some deep treason stuff with narcissist in my family brought me to my knees and it took me a lot of time to get back up. When i'm looking behind, i feel like i've wasted a huge chunk of my life because i'm M 27, no savings, no driver's license, no car, and my lack of social skills just prevented me to live a lot of cool stuff i could have lived which would have helped a lot to build me.
Today I have to build everything (which i'm ok with) but i can't stop looking back and feeling like "men it could have been so much better, i could have been so far ahead right now"... + the feeling of having missed a lot of social situation (girls, friends, activities, having fun and living life basically)
submitted by WindBig2044 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:50 MeasurementWorking36 Is it actually PCOS?

I’m a 22yr old Indian Female and I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of months ago. I lost my period from September-February. To determine I have PCOS my gyno checked my testosterone free and total levels check and my DHEA sulfate levels. My testosterone level came back high at 51 and my testosterone free also came back high at 8.1. My DHEA came back high at 610. The relief I felt after finding out there is a cause to all the symptoms I’ve been having. Even though I was to PCOS is something that couldn’t be directly treated and that there were only ways to help minimizes the symptoms.. I was still excited! Some of my symptoms include weight gain and trouble losing that weight, excess male hair pattern especially on my face, hair loss (my hair pattern also changed as I got older), fatigue all the time, feel lazy/no motivation to do anything, puffy face or moon face, stress( and I mean I have been feeling like I’m at my all time low sometimes) , and also low vitamin D/iron! I’m sure there’s some other symptoms to that I just can’t think of right at this moment. I also had a pelvic ultrasound done but that came back completely normal. Once I was told by my gyno that it’s PCOS because of my testosterone levels she put me on spironolactone and metformin. She also pushed me to get on birth control several times but I just did feel comfortable to get on it. I also have never taken many medications before so being put on these different medications all at once was not ideal for me. Typically in indian culture we do not believe in medicine being the solution for symptoms unless of course it really is necessary… but this is why I prefer the holistic route instead. Anyways because I was so ready to start feeling better I just decided to start taking Metformin and spironolactone but not birth control. I know lifestyle and diet changes are typically what help the symptoms the most and I didn’t start that until a month after my diagnosis. Now it’s been one month since I have start walking 10k steps everyday which I was not active at all before. I also am trying to eliminate gluten, dairy, sugary foods (literally all junk food that I crave), and I switched from using corn oil to now using olive oil. I finally got my period back miraculously after taking metformin which confused me. My weight two months ago was 150-153 and now I’m at 140-143 after about a month.
Recently, I got my mother to check her testosterone levels to see if she has PCOS she has similar symptoms to me such as male hair pattern on the face and weight gain/trouble losing weight. I was also told that typically PCOS is a genetic thing. Her results recently came back as negative.
The reason I am in here writing is because I keep thinking what if it’s not PCOS and it’s something else. I’ve been going down a rabbit hole and I saw that sometimes PCOS can be mistaken with something related to adrenal glands. I just keep having this feeling that it’s still not PCOS and it’s something else. I mean there weren’t any other tests done to rule out other diagnoses. Honestly I don’t know if it’s in my head because of the fact that I don’t want to be taking Metformin for the rest of my life but I truly feel like it could be something else. I mean nobody else that I know of in my family has PCOS. Has anybody else had a misdiagnosis for PCOS?
Sorry for the long post to finally get to my question haha.
submitted by MeasurementWorking36 to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:50 MaryKMcDonald Mr. Enter and the Animation Lover to Incel Pipeline.

Inspired by the Innuendo Studios video How to Radicalize a Normie
Once there was a YouTuber I liked named Mr. Enter and like myself, he is on the Autism Spectrum. I loved his roast of The Little Clowns of Happy Town, and his hate of Autism Speaks I'm Autism video. Then something in him changed when Pixar's Brave came out, he called it an Animation Atrocity rather than contacting women animators and YouTubers like Lillymation and others who would understand this issue better and give him a different perspective. The same thing happened with Turning Red, he kept stonewalling The Little Mermaid and Rings of Power for having a black mermaid or mixed-race elves and dwarfs. Mind you cast members of both movies were attacked violently with vitriol on Twitter to the point cast of the former Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit responded with shirts in Quena that said All Are Welcome Here. What happened?
I wish Saberspark would uncover why so many Animation YouTubers like Mr. Enter and others fall into the Animation Lover to Incel Pipeline now that Mr. Burchum is a thing and South Park and Family Guy are still not canceled or held to account. South Park is not the only reason we have a failure in media literacy, it's many other factors like giving Alt Libertarians a free pass on YouTube when it comes to speech that does harm people like Matt Walsh, Andrew Tate, and the founder of Libs of Tik Toc who would defiantly be a perfect girlfriend for Eric Cartman.
The reason why the Autism Community has the hashtag #nothingaboutuswithoutus is because there are writers, producers, and dictators including in Animation that are bad actors when it comes to issues like diversity, ethnicity, and accommodation. There are many good actors too like Rebeca Sugar and the writers of the recent She Ra and The Owl House who fought bigots and even idiots like Disney CEOs. Neoma won an Academy Award despite its long battles with studios. Issues like this matter in mediums like animation, I even took an animation class so I could bring my comic Struwwelkinder to life because so much of children's media demonizes German-speaking cultures and identities. German Americans are a large minority yet our language and culture are not represented positively or progressively in media for kids. Is it no wonder issues like gender and mental health are not addressed in German American communities?
There is a difference between fighting censorship and fighting hate speech because people can use hate speech to defend censorship like the Nazis did to the Frankfurt am Main School of Sociology when it wrote criticisms about Disney Films. Walt himself busted unions and was a member of the German American Bund which were the first Neo Nazis. All things Abagail Disney was oblivious to until she made her documentary about Disney's long culture of union busting, wage gouging, and mistreatment of workers. When people punish others for having a critical mind and addressing issues in media they are no different than Disney Adults or Christian Fundamentalists who think Dinosaurs lived with humans and that Demons are real.
I congratulate people like Abigail Disney who do deprogram from cult thinking and fandoms that are toxic. Yet more has to be done to address wider issues that do hurt young artists and animators too.
submitted by MaryKMcDonald to Saberspark [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:49 Pictocheat I don't understand how it's possible to have instant chemistry with someone.

This is basically just a vent.
I think I've been screwed over by my parents in this regard. My dad's a judgmental, verbally and emotionally abusive prick, and my mom enabled my dad's abusive behaviors, despite being a nice person otherwise. Your parents are supposed to be the ones who love and care about you the most out of anyone, but since they could do this to me (and claim it wasn't abuse when I confronted them on it as an adult, because they "treated me better than their parents had treated them"), this negatively shaped how I view interpersonal relations in general.
Consequently, I don't understand how people (not just gays) can go on dates with others and feel instant connections with them. Someone can seem like one of the friendliest people in the world, but it doesn't necessarily make them a good person, or prove they have the integrity to make the responsible and/or morally proper choice when the chips are down.
I know I can't truly get to know anyone without spending time with them, but I'm reluctant to take the first step of meeting them and getting to know them as a person. I feel like everyone has their own hidden agenda that would inevitably be revealed after enough time, which would render all that time I'd have spent with them pointless and leave me feeling disappointed or betrayed. It's like I need to be able to trust someone with my life just to consider them a friend, let alone a romantic partner. It's much easier to simply assume everyone is ultimately only out for themselves.
I value my personal comfort and safety much more than companionship, and know my expectations are unrealistically high - yet I feel completely justified in having them. And although I'm curious as to how a therapist would try to "fix" me, I don't think I'd be willing to comply with their suggestions so I'd end up wasting both of our time (and my money). I don't feel "trapped" in the sense that I could lower my walls and change my outlook to be more optimistic at any time if I truly wanted to, but I do feel as if my lived experience has robbed me of all desire to do so. If this counts as having depression, then it's entirely my choice to remain depressed...and alone.
submitted by Pictocheat to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:48 Admirable-Meeting-10 Long read but.. need help

Not sure if this is the right sun but I’m exhausted, exasperated and not sure where else to turn.
My mom is 60 years old and lives alone. Within the past year she has been in the hospital for stroke related symptoms (they’ve never declared an actual stroke?) the worst being in November when she drove herself to work at 9pm instead of 9am and when she went into the hospital (nuerology unit) she stopped speaking for 5 days. When I got to the hospital (I’m in CO she’s in PA) her hands were tied down she had a feeding tube etc.. it was terrifying. Eventually she started to speak to day after my sister and I arrived. Throughout all this… still no diagnosis. Fast forward to last month she took herself to the hospital after falling at home a few times and this particular time she hit her head extremely hard. Anyway.. everyday is a struggle shes beyond depressed and is becoming suicidal saying she doesn’t need to be here anymore etc… Weve had welfare checks done by police the last two days but she refuses to go to the hospital. She’s absolutely having either a psychotic break or she fell or had a stroke or all of them, and she sent my aunt a picture today saying she needs help cleaning and it’s a photo of a small pool of blood. Cops went by again, she refuses to go to the hospital. Spoke to crisis intervention in her county and they said all they can do is call her. I’m at a complete loss, don’t really know where to start. What can I do to convince her to go in? I’m absolutely petrified of her driving anywhere, told the cops this too she’s a hazard but yea I get that their hands are tied. We’re looking at a wicked cocktail of physical and mental health issues. If you took the time to read this, thank you and I appreciate any advice
submitted by Admirable-Meeting-10 to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:46 MeasurementWorking36 Is it actually PCOS?

I’m a 22yr old Indian Female and I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of months ago. To determine I have PCOS my gyno checked my testosterone free and total levels check and my DHEA sulfate levels. My testosterone level came back high at 51 and my testosterone free also came back high at 8.1. My DHEA came back high at 610. The relief I felt after finding out there is a cause to all the symptoms I’ve been having. Even though I was to PCOS is something that couldn’t be directly treated and that there were only ways to help minimizes the symptoms.. I was still excited! Some of my symptoms include weight gain and trouble losing that weight, excess male hair pattern especially on my face, hair loss (my hair pattern also changed as I got older), fatigue all the time, feel lazy/no motivation to do anything, puffy face or moon face, stress( and I mean I have been feeling like I’m at my all time low sometimes) , and also low vitamin D/iron! I’m sure there’s some other symptoms to that I just can’t think of right at this moment. I also had a pelvic ultrasound done but that came back completely normal. Once I was told by my gyno that it’s PCOS because of my testosterone levels she put me on spironolactone and metformin. She also pushed me to get on birth control several times but I just did feel comfortable to get on it. I also have never taken many medications before so being put on these different medications all at once was not ideal for me. Typically in indian culture we do not believe in medicine being the solution for symptoms unless of course it really is necessary… but this is why I prefer the holistic route instead. Anyways because I was so ready to start feeling better I just decided to start taking Metformin and spironolactone but not birth control. I know lifestyle and diet changes are typically what help the symptoms the most and I didn’t start that until a month after my diagnosis. Now it’s been one month since I have start walking 10k steps everyday which I was not active at all before. I also am trying to eliminate gluten, dairy, sugary foods (literally all junk food that I crave), and I switched from using corn oil to now using olive oil. My weight two months ago was 150-153 and now I’m at 140-143 after about a month.
Recently, I got my mother to check her testosterone levels to see if she has PCOS she has similar symptoms to me such as male hair pattern on the face and weight gain/trouble losing weight. I was also told that typically PCOS is a genetic thing. Her results recently came back as negative.
The reason I am in here writing is because I keep thinking what if it’s not PCOS and it’s something else. I’ve been going down a rabbit hole and I saw that sometimes PCOS can be mistaken with something related to adrenal glands. I just keep having this feeling that it’s still not PCOS and it’s something else. I mean there weren’t any other tests done to rule out other diagnoses. Honestly I don’t know if it’s in my head because of the fact that I don’t want to be taking Metformin for the rest of my life but I truly feel like it could be something else. I mean nobody else that I know of in my family has PCOS. Has anybody else had a misdiagnosis for PCOS?
Sorry for the long post to finally get to my question haha.
submitted by MeasurementWorking36 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:46 Crhuk Am I investing time into the wrong person or do I need to tough it out?

TL;DR: my gf is family oriented, I am not, we don’t have much fun together anymore and she wants to move to iowa because her mom is moving there and because it’s green there. My mom is from iowa and moved to Arizona to give me a better life, I’ve been plenty of times, I know there’s nothing there for me. Is she out of line for forcing me to move to iowa for her parent’s sake or am I out of line for thinking about putting my wants over hers?- I did say yes to moving but feel uncomfortable about it.
Full length below:
My 26F gf and I 29M have been together for 4 years now. Our relationship has been quite dry in most manners, I still take her on dates and buy her flowers regularly, we still go on vacations, and day trips, however we’re intimate a couple times a month at most now, and every other attempt is turned down swiftly so I don’t make nearly as many attempts anymore as I was tired of rejection and this has been verbalized to her. We don’t have as much fun together as we used to, the laughs and smiles are farther apart and not as great as they used to be. I’ve told her we basically became roommates and the relationship aspect doesn’t seem to be noticeable to me, and I pointed out it wasn’t just the lack of sex for the past 3 years, it’s the lack of a relationship with one another. She doesn’t work, I get done working and ask what she wants to do or needs done, we get it done, then we’re either watching stuff or playing games either together or separately. Then it’s dinner time so I usually cook and then we go to bed. No cuddles. And I miss cuddles. She likes to lay her head on my lap when she sleeps sometimes and use me as a pillow but I get nothing to hold when she’s that far down. And I don’t like it either in general and yes I’ve said that to her. I’m super transparent.
We don’t fight or argue, she’s not confrontational and I don’t like putting her on the spot with her anxiety so we just talk calmly about things. I’ve heard all she has to say and the closer we get to making this massive decision of moving across the country together the more I wonder if I’m with the right person or not.
HERES THE SITUATION: Gf has no job, she just graduated from college, she wanted to date someone who wasn’t so tied to their family because her ex made her feel like she was dating his family instead of just him. I am not at all close with my family, I see them once a year. We see her family once a week. My mom moved from iowa to Arizona to give us more opportunities and get away from the poor lifestyle that’s available in iowa. Her mom wants to move to iowa to be away from the city and be around nicer people.
Financially, it’s more expensive to live in iowa but houses are cheaper. Minimum wage is 7.25 in iowa, it’s nearly double in az. I make 22 an hour currently.
I don’t want to move to iowa, I’ve been there many times for vacations, it’s not where I want to be. Plus my mom moved away from iowa to give me a better life so going back just sounds ridiculous. She wants to be near her parents, originally they wanted us to move in with them when we move because their daughter moved out for the first time in her life to live with me. I said hell no. I’m an adult, not a child, I’ve moved more times than her whole family has.
And again, I don’t want to go there at all, let alone move in with her parents.
So the ultimatum came in, either I move with them to iowa and we get an apartment or we break up. I compromised with as long as it’s temporary, and she said 10 years, I said that is still temporary. But when I bring up that it’s only temporary she gets upset with me saying “it’s 10 years so it’s not that temporary”. I’ve moved across states multiple times, it requires a whole lot of planning and financial goals, which will be more difficult to do in iowa. Getting out will not be easy and she doesn’t understand that.
There’s no jobs waiting for us, she just wants to be somewhere green and her mom is sold on one of the states I can’t stand to live in and she sold that dream to her daughter so “I’m stuck with it”
So here’s my question: Am I investing energy in the wrong person or am I just unhappy with the cards I’ve been dealt and need to play they hand I was given????
To give a little more context: Our first year together we had sex multiple times every day, but she got on anti depressants that killed her libido- which I completely understand first hand from my own past. She is now no longer on those meds, and her libido never came back…
She was heavily depressed and didn’t want to do anything about it and I’ve learned my lesson from that too many times so I told her she could either get help or I needed to find my peace again alone and so she got on meds. The meds greatly improved her, in comparison her depression now doesn’t affect her nearly as much as it did when we first got together but she didn’t conquer it. Her mom told her to get off her meds, and just had her taper off without any doctor’s assistance on how to taper off. When I tapered off it took about 6 months, my lil brother took over a year to taper off. Her mom is quite controlling and very manipulative. She’s a nice lady when you’re on her good side though, but there is a big difference between being a nice person and being nice for a second…
submitted by Crhuk to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 zaknoobit Theory on New Vegas’ fall

The destruction of Shady Sands and loss at Hoover Dam lead to the NCR failing on all levels. With the wealth and comfort that citizens once enjoyed is completely gone, both California and New Vegas return to square one.
During FNV the courier sides with House, which is why Hank McLean goes to NV at the end of the show. However for House to win, the NCR had to be defeated. Not soon after what could be their greatest military defeat, their capitol is nuked.
With the standard of living decreasing, so did traffic to New Vegas - a luxury that is now unthinkable for most. With the majority of gamblers gone, the caps stopped coming in leading to a financial decline. On top of that, the NCR isn’t not present to protect the Mojave, leading to the Fiends and other raider gangs to ravage the area.
This is backed by Fiends have expanded to Southern California, New Vegas being in ruin, and the low quality of life in what was once one of the most civilized parts of the wasteland.
That or tunnelers.
submitted by zaknoobit to Fotv [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 tragicmagikk Not losing weight on 1350cals, which is a -500 cal deficit from my maintenance - confused and looking for advice?!

*I have been on 1300-1400 calories for the past 2 months and have lost only 1 or 2 pounds🥲 *I have been weighing my food by the grams, eating lots of protein, fiber, and vegetables, and trying to walk for at least 30-1hr everyday...
I am really trying to slim down by September for a special event which is why it's so frustrating and confusing... looking for some feedback on what changes I could implement to help start/ speed up my weight loss?
I am on antidepressants which make it extra difficult to lose weight, so that is another reason why in my experience I need to eat lower than my TDEE to see any changes.
My TDEE is 1550, my maintenance calories are 1850 - 500 calorie deficit is 1350. I eat 1300-1400 calories a day, 50grams of protein minimum, limit refined carbs, trans fats, and added sugar, try to walk at least 5000 steps, and I drink lots of water! I am so confused why it's taking so long to see any changes....I mean I know plateaus are common, but it's been months now and I'm feeling so lost 🫤
Any advice is very much appreciated!! <3
submitted by tragicmagikk to loseit [link] [comments]