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Financial Independence/Early Retirement India

2017.03.12 21:44 FaithfulInvestor Financial Independence/Early Retirement India

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2016.03.13 14:02 Blackbird-007 Reddit India Speaks : Bharatam Vadati

Namaskaram, We are a friendly and user-focused community for Redditors from India. It is a one stop destination to discuss all the news, entertainment, science & technology, sports, history & culture, economy and geopolitics related to India. Following the millennia old tradition of India, this forum promotes freedom of speech, plurality and open dialogue. Enjoy, collaborate and discuss. Let the churning of the great ocean begin.

2008.11.27 00:09 Mumbai

Welcome to Mumbai's Reddit Community! A subreddit where everyone can come together and discuss and share everything from posts, news articles, events, activities, pictures, hold meetups & overall general stuff related to the city and its surrounding metropolitan area. Also, if visiting the city and have any queries, feel free to post them!

2024.06.02 16:54 AlanSchezar Tales of Festival 2024 Day 2: Culture Festival Skit

No announcement about the new game was made in the festival.
I finally went to the Tales of Festival again and will try my best to write out what I remember from the special skit (hopefully the replay is posted eventually so everyone can enjoy it).
(I also briefly summarized the Tales of Abyss Yokohama Arena skit here from last time I went)
Since it's from memory, I can't remember all the details (so some details might be a bit off or in the wrong order) and who said what, so I'll just say someone when I don't remember who said it.
There aren't any major plot point spoilers (except for Symphonia) in this post, but there are of course small references to things that have happened in some games, so if you don't want to get spoiled about any detail then please don't read this (or read with caution).
Main Members that appeared in 6/2's festival:
Zelos (Tales of Symphonia) - Main Host
Shionne (Tales of Arise) - Assistant Host
Lloyd, Sheena (Tales of Symphonia)
Luke (Tales of Abyss) - long hair version
Yuri, Rita, Raven (Tales of Vesperia)
Sorey (Tales of Zestiria)
Velvet, Laphicet (Tales of Berseria)
Alphin, Dohalim (Tales of Arise)
Veigue (Tales of Rebirth) - special guest for the festival whose participation wasn't announced in advanced (he jokingly asked the audience to continue to keep it a secret but I'll have to betray his trust here for the greater good)
So the theme for this time's Tales of Festival is the Cultural Festival (the event that Japanese schools hold)), and the main act the party was going to perform at the festival was a play.
First, we started out with the script that Zelos wrote: Tales of Hero Lloyd, a tale about Lloyd defeating the two evils - Yuri (an assassin obsessed with crepes) and Luke (a high ranking bandit). Lloyd swiftly defeats the two with a single Tiger Blade
Lloyd got annoyed with Zelos continuously praising him and making him out to be this great grand hero so rejected his script.
They didn't know what to do without Zelos' script, but then Dohalim entered the stage, excited to participate in the school festival. It turned out Dohalim wasn't included in the actor list for the play in the Cultural Festival so people were worried about what to do, but-
Dohalim: Don't worry, I thought something like this might happen so I prepared my own play in advance
and everyone was like, but we don't have any scripts
Dohalim: Don't worry, I thought something like this might happen so I prepared everyone's script in advance
Dohalim's play was about Shionne's journey to eat a bunch of food, who was determined to carry out her quest even if she had to do it alone (Shionne: actually, I would prefer to carry out this quest alone)
There was a big plate of meat buns, and Alphin offered to help, but Shionne quickly rejected his offer.
Alphin: Okay, you can do it alone, but you at least have to add this hot sauce to the meat buns
Dohalim: And so, the conflict between the two continued... and the only way to resolve their conflict is by... dancing
Alphin and Shionne do a quick dance for the crowd
Shionne: What kind of script is this, why do I have to be a glutton. Rejected.
With another script rejected, the party was once again at a loss, but then Sorey entered the stage.
Sorey: I gathered a bunch of play ideas from the people who couldn't attend today's Tales of Festival
everyone: Great!!
Sorey: First, I have an idea from Mikleo... Tales of... Ruins (as in ruin exploration)! Wow, what a great idea!!! This is so exciting!
Someone: The only two people who would think that's a good idea is you and Mikleo...
Sorey: Okay... Next is an idea from Flynn.
Yuri: Flynn? Yeah, there's no way this idea is going to be good.
Sorey: Tales of... The Imperial Knights!
Yuri: Yeah, just what you would expect.
Sorey: Okay... Next is an idea from Jade.
Luke: Jade? This is going to be trouble
Sorey: Tales of... (some sort of small animal that looks like a tadpole, I forgot). Everyone will dress up as that animal and perform a play like that
Someone: What kind of idea is that, he just wants to see us in those outfits
With all of those scripts rejected, the party was once again at a loss. But then Laphicet enters the stage
Laphicet: How about my idea? Tales of... Velvet!
Velvet enters the stage, and Laphicet goes on about how cool and beautiful Velvet is.
Someone: All I got from that was how cool and beautiful Velvet is.
Laphicet: What?? Really?
The party couldn't agree on anything, and then the "Spirit of Plays" (represented by a statue on the stage) got mad and threatened to collapse Yokohama Arena if they don't come up with a play that can satisfy it. The play they come up with has to include three scenes: a battle scene, an emotional scene, and a cooking scene.
Everyone was at a loss - how could they come up with a play that includes all of those scenes on such short notice?
Someone: Well, I have an idea. How about we just do a play based on the Tales series itself? That would definitely include all three scenes.
Someone else: But that's way too long, how can we perform such a long story?
Someone: Well, we'll just have to condense the story then. And since we don't have all the necessary characters here, some people will just have to perform other roles.
So they began their play of "Super fast" Tales of XXX (as in they summarize the plot and do it super quickly).
First up was, Super Fast Tales of Symphonia
Lloyd played Lloyd, Velvet played Colette, Laphicet played as Genis
(note that when someone plays a role that isn't them, they combined their names. Ex. Colette in Japanese = coretto, Velvet in Japanese = berubetto, combined = Corubeto. Sheena playing as Tear = Shia. But I'll just write their original names for simplicity)
Lloyd: Here are my good friends Colette and Genis, and we're going on an adventure together!
Genis (Laphicet): Yay!!!
Colette (Velvet): *No response\*
Lloyd: Colette... it can't be... you lost your feelings?
Then Zelos comes barging in the stage
Zelos: Okay this plot is progressing way too quickly!!!
Zelos: And why is my role a dog when I actually appear in Tales of Symphonia?!?
Zelos is then on the ground and Colette (Velvet) kicks him away while this plays on the main screen
They banter a bit and then Velvet gets fed up with it and just says she'll just devour anything in her way, daemon or spirit (the pronunciation for spirit and malak are the same in Japanese)
With Velvet fed up with her role, Zelos ends up playing as Colette, and they proceed to do the coffee scene
First part of the coffee scene plays out as normal, and then-
Lloyd: I lied. It's actually hot.
Colette (Zelos): ... Well, hot or cold, doesn't matter to me. All I want is a hot hot time with you Lloyd!!!
Colette (Zelos) then tries to get close and hug Lloyd, who gets flustered and Tiger Blades him away.
Zelos: Ouch!! You would actually use an arte on a friend??
But right after Lloyd uses his combat arte, the statue (spirit of plays) lights up a bit.
Someone: Huh, the spirit is reacting to the arte! So I guess if we keep using combat artes, they'll count towards the combat scene we need to do!
Alphin: Arte? Leave it to me!
*Proceeds to use a mystic arte on Zelos*
Zelos: Okay wait wait no more! I'm actually going to die if this continues on
Alphin: Hmm, okay. How about everyone uses their artes on me then? I can't feel pain anyway.
Shionne: Leave the healing to me!
Yuri, Luke, and Velvet proceed to use their mystic artes on Alphin one by one, and the statue lights up fully, thus qualifying for the play's combat scene.
Someone: Even if you can't feel pain, you can't take that much more damage (Shionne probably said this)
Sheena: Wait... I appeared in Tales of Symphonia right? So why didn't I get any screen time...
And next...
Super fast Tales of Abyss!
Luke plays as Luke, Sheena plays as Tear, Velvet plays as Natalia, Shionne plays as Myuu (who was vocally against it). I forgot who plays as Guy, I think Sorey
They banter a bit and then Luke did something wrong, and the entire party is demanding him to apologize. Shionne (Myuu) was also harshly demanding him to apologize.
Luke: I'm not used to Thing being so harsh with me
Then Raven's arte cut in appears on the main screen (the thumbnail for this vid)
Raven: Wind Cutter!!
And the wind cutter cuts off Luke's hair, making him the short hair version.
Luke: ... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for what happened in Tales of Symphonia. I'm sorry for what happened in Tales of Abyss. I'm sorry for what happened in Tales of Vesperia. I'm sorry for the conflict between Renans and Dahnans...
Someone: You're going to apologize for all of the series? lol
Then the statue lights up
Someone: ... I guess that counts as the emotional scene then
Someone: So all we have to do is the cooking scene then
Yuri cooks up a peach pie (there was a recurring joke throughout about Veigue trying to sell peach pies) and Velvet cooks up a mabo curry within 1 second, which makes the statue light up, thus saving Yokohama Arena from collapse.
The end.
submitted by AlanSchezar to tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:53 ArtemisGirl242020 Being an outsider at home

I grew up in STL. I lived in Ferguson from when I was born until I was 11, after which we moved a little further out and I lived there until I was 22. My parents both worked downtown when I was younger, and my dad still does (since 1998!). His work has a parking garage and my car is registered there so I can come and go as I please. I live about 2 hours from downtown now with my husband and our son.
I get so tired of visiting STL and having my friends and even my husband tease me with “Aren’t you from here?” anytime I don’t know something or have to double check. Yesterday, we went to the Battlehawks game. My husband was questioning why I wasn’t changing lanes on 55 coming up to the exit and I said I was where I needed to be, because I knew the right hand lanes were going to drop off and then I’d be right where I needed to be. He turned on the GPS to double check me. I just let it go. Wouldn’t you know it, I was right! But then when we left the parking garage to head to the Dome, I asked which entrance they wanted to use, and my husband said “well, whichever is closest to our seats” and told me our section number. I said I wasn’t sure because I’m not too familiar with the sections at the Dome and he said “I thought you are from here, shouldn’t you know?” Um, no. The Dome is not a public park, it’s a stadium! I hadn’t been to the Dome for a seated event since I last attended a Rams game, if that tells you anything. I’ve been there at least once a year, minus the pandemic - but for comic cons and other events that take place on the floor.
I promise my husband isn’t as much of a jerk as I’m making him sound, but it’s still annoying that people assume that it’s so clear cut - either you know everything and anything about the city, or clearly you don’t deserve to say you’re from there.
Or, times like last night when we were trying to decide where to get dinner. My friend kept making suggestions and I would say “Okay, that sounds good, but we have to walk there” due to the parking situation and the rest of the group would say “ugh, why?” Um, because this is a city. Restaurants don’t have their own parking lots, and we parked here for free so I’m not paying Lord knows what price to park somewhere we can walk to in 20 minutes or less.
They also all got weirded out when I used a quick loop into IL to avoid traffic when heading to dinner. I was like yeah, sometimes you do that. I guess in fairness, they’re all from towns near Cape Girardeau, where you don’t cross the river into IL unless you’re getting the best fried catfish ever from this sketchy little stand by the river or, when it was open, going to the strip club.
I don’t know - I guess I just hate when people try to invalidate the fact that I call St. Louis home. Because I sure don’t call anywhere else I’ve lived home except the house I currently own, and if I can’t call St. Louis my hometown despite all the great memories I have, then I have nowhere.
submitted by ArtemisGirl242020 to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 PM_ME_YOUR_TITS_MEN Indian queer literature or media you love

So what are some of your favourite Indian literature or shows/series. It doesn't have to be only books you can mention articles and even research paper. Link them below let's share whatever queer media we are aware of.
I want everyone to read "Less Than Gay: A Citizens' Report on the Status of Homosexuality in India" released during 1991 surprisingly ahead of it's time and deconstruct common queerphobic topic points and has stories queer folks during that time.
submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_TITS_MEN to LGBTindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 ATPsynthase12 Failed ABFM board exam

We talk about imposter syndrome and feeling like a fraud on occasion in this profession, but today I am the fraud. I know it’s not the end of the world and all the platitudes of a board exam not defining me as a person, but when our entire education system hyperfixates on board scores it’s hard to not let it shake your self worth.
In clinical practice I am frequently praised for functioning more or less independently in clinic and many attendings have told me I function at the level of an attending. This makes me feel like a fraud because I couldn’t even pass a 98% pass rate test. So now I am rethinking my competency everywhere.
Out of my residency program I’m the only one to consistently pass the ITEs and do well. Never failed a standardized test or had issues with them. Unfortunately I missed the 380 minimum passing threshold by 20 points. I felt the test was hyper focused on a handful of concepts that were either increasingly vague or that I was weak in which did not work in my favor.
My program either doesn’t know or doesn’t care as scores released, and no one bothered to reach out to me or offer guidance. Maybe it’s because I’m a few weeks from graduating.. idk
So I have a few questions:
  1. My attending job has a clause in the contract allowing me to be board eligible for the entire 3 year length of my contract before I MUST show board certification. They have been very open handed and cooperative with me, so what are the odds they back out of the whole deal and break the contract over me just being “Board Eligible”? My wife is more concerned with this than I am, but it does loom in the back of my mind.
  2. How can I avoid getting in my head about this? I’ve spiraled the whole weekend and looked up all the statistics on first time test takers vs. repeat test takers in the US and the pass rate capped at 70% in 2023. So it doesn’t bode well considering I couldn’t pass it when my odds were 98%…
  3. How can I study differently to ensure I at least pass? Last time I did over 1000 of the AAFP board questions and 2 of the 3 last ITEs averaging between 60-70% correct on each. If this wasn’t enough what else can I add? The AAFP self study course? Attend their board prep CME conference in the fall? The FP Comprehensive Q bank?
  4. How can I even find time to adequately study once I start working as an attending? Like how am I gonna balance 1-2 hrs per day plus a full clinic schedule plus family time plus having enough personal time so I don’t burn out immediately with my new job?
  5. How do I cope? How do I look at my coworkers the next few weeks and at residency graduation without feeling like an immense failure or feeling inferior?
submitted by ATPsynthase12 to FamilyMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 Iceler69 The Conflict Between Us: Winterjou Chapter 1

The Conflict Between Us: Winterjou Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Kinkajou POV(Royal Pavilion/Rainforest Kingdom 12:00 pm June 30th)
Kinkajou was hopping through the trees hastily. She had received a message from a fellow rainwing requesting her presence at the newly constructed Raining Pavillion.
Kinkajou was quite annoyed that a fellow rainwing dared to wake her up during her sun time. However, the messenger insisted that it was urgent. And Kinkajou knew better than to disobey Glory's orders. So she casually made her way through the trees like an orangutan.
When she arrived at the Pavillion she noticed the large line of RainWings and Nightwings on the rainforest floor in front of the pavilion. Since Glory requested her presence immediately she skipped the line and directly flew up to the Pavillion.
Queen Glory was sitting on her Rich mahogany throne wearing her signature flower crown.
"Ah Kinkajou you got here sooner than I thought you would," Glory said.
"Your majesty," Kinkajou said, as she bowed formally in front of the Rainwing Queen.
"Quit the formal talk Kinkajou, we've been friends long enough for you to stop bowing," Glory said, as she stood up and walked over to Kinkajou.
Kinkajou laughed and quickly turned out of her bow and walked forward to greet her royal friend.
"So, what can I do for you?" Kinkajou asked the Queen.
"Kinkajou, I have an assignment for you." Glory said.
Kinkajou's eyes lit up. "Of course, what can I do for you?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory sighed and flicked her tail. "I need you to go undercover at the newly constructed Jade Mountain Academy." Glory said.
Kinkajou looked at Glory with interest. Undercover? Why on earth would she need me to do that? Pyrriah's at peace, plus I don't think the other tribes would appreciate a spy at the very controversial multi-tribal school. Kinkajou thought.
"Your Majesty, your request is very odd. I do not understand why you would need me to go undercover there?" Kinkajou asked.
Even though Kinkajou and Glory were good friends, she knew if she was going to question her Queen she had to be as respectful as possible.
Glory started to walk away from Kinkajou. Kinkajou also started walking, so that the Queen and Kinkajou were walking side by side.
"You probably already know that five dragonets from every tribe will be attending the Academy." Glory paused then continued. "I'm concerned about the beef between the Nightwings and Icewings." Glory said, jumping right to the point.
Kinkajou looked with interest. "Beef? What kind of beef?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory sighed. "The feudal kind, the nightwings and icewings have a very bad rivalry between them. I don't know all of the details, but I know it goes back thousands of years." Glory explained.
Kinkajous eyes widened. "Thousands of years?! How can 2 tribes hold a grudge against each other for that long?!" Kinkajou asked, shocked.
Glory sighed. "I don't know, however I've been told the two tribes have always had a 'kill on sight' mindset, so I'm very concerned how they will act around each other." Glory said.
Kinkajou took a deep breath. "So why do you need me to go undercover there? If this is between the Nightwings and Icewings, why does a Rainwing need to go undercover there? " Kinkajou asked.
Glory tilted her head. "Did you forget that I'm also the Queen of the Nightwings?" Glory asked, surprised.
Kinkajou squeaked in surprise. "I actually did for a second there." Kinkajou admitted.
"Well since I'm Queen of the nightwings, it's my priority to keep them safe. And because you have experience with going undercover. That's why I've assigned you to go undercover at the Academy." Glory explained.
Kinkajou sighed. "So what do I do there? Send you letters every week, saying everything is good and dandy?" Kinkajou asked, dipping into sarcasm, at the end of her sentence.
Glory laughed. "Well, yes and keep a special eye on two specific targets." Glory said.
Kinkajou tilted her head. "What targets?" Kinkajou asked, curious.
Glory had a serious look on her face. "About a week ago, I received confirmation that two Icewing Royal members will be attending the academy. At first I thought they were sending members of their royalty to show that they are committed to the school and the overall peace of Pyrrhia. However, then I found out that one of the Royal members they were sending was Princess Icicle." Glory explained.
Kinkajou listened with interest. "So why is This Princess Icicle so Important?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory glared at Kinkajou, telling her to take this seriously.
Kinkajou nodded, understanding Glory's message.
"Princess Icicle was the royal responsible for the invasion of Mudsdale, and the mass execution of Mudsdale." Glory said dimly.
Kinkajou's eyes widened in horror.
"When the Icewings invaded the town of Mudsdale. The Mudwings fought hard to protect the town, but they were ultimately driven out by the Icewings. However, it didn't stop there, a lot of the local townspeople aided the Mudwing soldiers in fighting off the Icewings. Once the Mudwing army was driven back... Icicle ordered a mass execution of the entire town of Mudsdale. Over a hundred innocent lives were lost, due to her ruthlessness." Glory explained.
"And she's my age!?" Kinkajou asked, horrified.
Glory nodded. "Princess Icicle is only a teenager." Glory said.
Kinkajou took a breath. "What about the other Royal?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory relaxed. "The other Royal is Prince Winter, Icicle's brother. From what I've been told he has no military record and is not an extreme threat. However, don't underestimate him, he is still a threat due to his relationship with his sister." Glory said.
Kinkajou rolled her wing joints. Great so I'm going undercover to spy on a psychopath and her brother. What could go wrong? Kinkajou thought to herself.
"Anything else I need to know?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory stopped walking, Kinkajou stopped as well.
"Nothing else, information wise. I just need you to write to me every week, to inform me of your status. You will also have access to military backup, just send a letter regarding it and my troops will be there in 5 hours tops." Glory said.
Kinkajou grinned mischievously.
Glory saw Kinkajous grin and sighed. "Yes, you can do your little behavioral cover." Glory groaned.
Kinkajou looked elated."Thank you!" Kinkajou said, before she hugged the Queen.
When Kinkajou goes undercover, she always acts in a very childish manner to throw off her targets. Since most dragons haven't been around RainWings much, most would assume that this is normal RainWing behavior.
Glory sighed. "I'm regretting this already." Glory groaned.
Kinkajou laughed. "Oh come on, has my act ever failed?" Kinkajou asked jokingly.
"No, but it makes us RainWings look like absolute idiots." Glory groaned.
Kinkajou smirked. "That's the idea, they never expect me to be a spy. They always assume the quiet ones are the spies." Kinkajou said.
Glory sighed. "Just don't blow your cover and I won't have a problem." Glory said.
Kinkajou stood at attention and gave a playful solute.
Glory rolled her eyes. "You will leave in two days tops, I've already informed the Dragonets of Destiny not to interfere." Glory said.
That surprised Kinkajou. "Wait, you told them that I was going undercover? What did they say?" Kinkajou asked, curious.
"Starflight and Clay understood and thought it was a good idea. Sunny disapproved of it, and I had to fight with Tsunami about it; However, in the end I managed to convince her." Glory said, before walking to her throne and sitting down.
Kinkajou walked in front of the throne to face Glory.
The throne was made of dried woven vines. The woven vines were a light brown color, indicating that they were dried and dead. The exterior of the throne was decorated with many different types of flowers.
Glory sighed, as she squirmed in order to get comfortable on her throne. "You are dismissed Kinkajou." Glory said.
Kinkajou bowed to the Queen. She then walked to the edge of the Pavillion before jumping off into a glide to the rainforest floor.
A few RainWings stared at Kinkajou, as she walked at a normal pace, through the Rainforest floor.
Kinkajou sighed. Why do I have a feeling that this mission will go very wrong, Kinkajou thought to herself.
Kinkajou POV (Jade Mountain Academy 7:00 am July 1st)
Kinkajou was flying in the crisp, chilly morning winds as she flew through the Rocky, and jagged cliffs that made up the Jade Mountain Range. Kinkajou was flying with nine other dragonets, four RainWings and five nightwings. They had been flying for a couple of hours, so they were exhausted. 
"How much further?" A Nightwing groaned. The Nightwing's altitude dropped a little.
Kinkajou turned her head to him. "We are about five minutes away. I know you're tired Bigtail." Kinkajou said.
"You have no idea." Bigtail said, as he recovered his altitude.
Kinkajou and the other Dragonets flew for a few more minutes before they came across the biggest mountain they'd seen so far.
"That must be Jade Mountain." Coconut said, eyeing the mountain in awe.
Kinkajou looked at Coconut with amusement. "Wow really? I didn't notice the giant mountain in front of me." Kinkajou said, sarcastically.
Coconut rolled his eyes. "Don't get cocky, just because you're close to the Queen, doesn't give you the right to talk down to the rest of us." Coconut said.
Kinkajou growled at him. "I'm not being cocky, and stop saying that I am." Kinkajou said, glaring at the male Rainwing.
Coconut rolled his eyes as he flew away from Kinkajou.
Kinkajou saw a bright light coming from a cave somewhat halfway up Jade Mountain. She could also see dragons flying in and out of the cave mouth.
"Guys, land there!" Kinkajou yelled to the other dragonets.
The other dragonets heard her call and slowed their speed so they could land in the cave.
Kinkajou also lowered her speed, and descended gracefully onto the cold rocky cave floor.
There were dragons from all the different tribes here. However, there were no Icewings present.
There are no Icewings here yet. Should I be concerned? Kinkajou asked herself, as she walked through the crowd of dragons.
She saw 2 Nightwings with emerald eyes talking to each other. One of them was considerably larger than the other. They also both looked female, mother and daughter perhaps. Kinkajou knew better than to start a conversation that didn't need to be started. So she just continued to walk into the cave mouth.
Kinkajou spotted a familiar Nightwing handing out scrolls to students. The Nightwing looked at Kinkajou, before her eyes narrowed at her. 
It was clear to Kinkajou that she was aware of her current situation.
"Hello Kinkajou." Fatespeaker said awkwardly.
Now it was definitely clear that Fatespeaker knew that she was here to spy for Glory.
Here goes nothing. Kinkajou thought to herself, before giggling like a child.
"Hello! Fatespeaker it's so good to see you again!" Kinkajou said elated.
Fatespeaker laughed. "It's good to see you too, Kinkajou." Fatespeaker said.
Kinkajou laughed. "Were you trying to rhyme there?" Kinkajou asked jokingly.
Fatespeaker laughed. "I didn't realize I did until you told me." Fatespeaker said.
Fatespeaker handed Kinkajou a scroll. Kinkajou opened the scroll, then tilted her head. She then looked up at Fatespeaker with a confused look. "What's this for?" Kinkajou asked, holding the scroll out to her.
Fatespeaker smiled. "It's a map of the whole academy. I circled your winglets cave, so you could find it, take any bed you want." Fatespeaker said.
Kinkajou looked down. "I'm sorry but I can't read well." Kinkajou said, slightly ashamed.
Fatespeaker looked shocked. "What, really? I thought you could read becuase you are a sp- '' Fatespeaker said before Kinkajou used her tail to cover Fatespeaker's mouth.
Kinkajou hugged Fatespeaker with her wings suddenly, causing the Nightwing to squeak. "You almost blew my cover, you baboon." Kinkajou whispered into Fatespeakers ear.
Fatespeaker whined. "I'm sorry," Fatespeaker whispered softly.
"Just please don't let it happen again." Kinkajou whispered before breaking the hug.
Kinkajou faked a laugh. "It's great to see you, Fatespeaker. I hope we can talk again some time." Kinkajou said, trying to cover herself.
Fatespeaker faked a smile. "You too Kinkajou." Fatespeaker said, although less enthusiastic.
Kinkajou walked away from Fatespeaker. She unrolled the scroll, Fatespeaker gave her and tried to interrupt it. Ok, so I have to take a left here, pass by 4 caves and then my cave will be the fifth on the right. Kinkajou thought to herself.
The cave halls were expertly hallowed out so it could accommodate multiple dragons walking side by side. There were torches hanging from the topside of the walls.
Kinkajou walked by a cave mouth that led to an extremely large room with at least a dozen dragons in it. There was a sign, right outside the cave mouth probably telling what this spacious room was.
Kinkajou tried her best to interpret the sign. Goat space? Chicken dungeon? Food center? Oh prey center?! Kinkajou thought to herself.
Kinkajou decided to take a detour and walked into the prey center. She saw many different carcasses of animals and tons of dragons eating said carcasses. However the thing that really caught her eye was the group of Icewings huddled in the corner talking to each other.
Kinkajou looked at Icewings. Icewings! Perfect, one of my targets is bound to be in that group of freezing bodies, should I try and talk to them, or should I keep my distance, they may find it suspicious if a lone Rainwing is staring at them the entire time... I'll just go talk to them, what's the worst that could happen? Kinkajou thought to herself.
Kinkajou approached the group Icewings. A few of them noticed her approach and glared at her.
"Hello! I've never seen Icewings before you guys are so sparkly! Tell me what you guys eat to get that sparkly." Kinkajou said in her elated tone.
By now all of the Icewings were glaring at Kinkajou. Well, they sure have lovely eyes. Kinkajou thought to herself.
One of the Icewings stepped forward and growled at Kinkajou. "Get lost Rainwing!" An Icewing male shouted.
Kinkajou walked closer. "I don't mean any trouble, I simply want to know more about you guys, I've read a lot story's about Icewings, I'm just fascinated, nothing more." Kinkajou said.
Kinkajou continued to walk closer until the male Icewings tackled her to the ground.
"I warned you Rainwing. Now leave before I show you how cool my claws are." The Icewing said.
Kinkajou squeaked. "I don't w-want any trouble sir... I-I was just curious, was it really n-necessary to t-t-tackle me to the ground?" Kinkajou asked, pretending to be scared.
Another Icewing walked over to Kinkajou and the male Icewing on top of her. "Changbai, cease and desist, get off of the Rainwing at once." Another male Icewing called.
The Icewing on top of her turned his head to face the other Icewing. "I don't take orders from you Winter." Changbai said.
Winter as in Prince Winter?! He's my other target. Well I found one, now where's the other? Kinkajou thought to herself.
Another Icewing stepped forward. "You're right, he's not, but I Am. Now get off of the Rainwing." A female Icewing shouted.
Changbai grumbled. "As you wish, princess." Changbai said, as he got off of Kinkajou.
Kinkajou felt the weight of the Icewing recede as he got off of her.
Kinkajou stood up and stretched her wings. "Thank you, so much your majesty!" Kinkajou said, wagging her tail like a hatchling.
Icicle growled. "I didn't do it for you, now keep your voice down before I rip out your vocal cords." Icicle snarled.
Kinkajou nodded fearfully. "Right, sorry I get very carried away sometimes." Kinkajou said.
Icicle rolled her eyes as she turned away from Kinkajou. While turning Icicle hit Kinkajou in the face with her sharp tail. Creating a small cut.
Kinkajou squeaked. "Ow, could you please be careful with your tail, that thing is quite dangerous, it just cut my face." Kinkajou said, rubbing the small amounts of blood off of the wound.
Icicle growled and turned back to Kinkajou with a glare. "You don't tell me what to do Rainwing, now be quiet before I cut off one of your wings." Icicle said.
Kinkajou turned her scales to a dark blue, and began to fake cry. "I-I just wanted, to know more about y-you guys that's it." Kinkajou said, forcing the tears to roll down her face.
Kinkajou hoped that the Icewings would view her as weak, that would give her extra cover from being discovered.
All of the Icewings except Prince Winter looked with disgust. "Is she crying? Are you seriously that pathetic?" A female Icewing asked.
Icicle growled and stepped closer to Kinkajou. "Well, if you want to know something about us, let's start with this. Crying is seen as a sign of weakness in the Ice Kingdom. Icewings also don't associate themselves with inferior tribes such as yourself. Take that into consideration, or don't, I couldn't care less." Icicle said, as she flicked her tail indicating for the other Icewings to follow her.
Winter looked at Kinkajou before turning around and following Icicle.
Kinkajou simply just watched them as they walked out of the prey center. Well, that could not have gone any worse. Kinkajou thought.
Read more here
submitted by Iceler69 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:49 Downtown-Extreme-711 Pending acceptance letter for about 5 month

I applied to uoa about 6 months ago I’m an international student I’ll be going to nz from india.
I applied without any agents it’s common to do that here. I applied to sem 3 quarter 4 for post grads. No acceptance letter yet what should I do? I mailed their people a few times, every time they told me to wait and that there is nothing they can do.
I’m hella stressed because I have to move abroad, apply for loan, get visa, then go in September but it’s June already
submitted by Downtown-Extreme-711 to universityofauckland [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:49 Warm_Finding_6745 bading nga walang social life; a rant

so helo, ako ulit. rant lang ako saglet (minsan lang to) so ayun. I don't know ha if ako lang to but, medyo boring din ba lives niyo?? like I'm not joking and I'm not here to ask forb sympathy kasi I'm a fun person naman to be with and I don't keep myself stagnant- I have hobbies and travel 'pag may time and money. kanina nga we attended the funeral ng relative namin, and it was also my time to travel na rin sa small city malapit dito samin kasi nga lagi lang ako nasa bahay these days, or kaya dun sa isa naming house (but like di ako magala pag nasa province ako ih); also valid naman kasi I have reached the age where minsan nalang or halos wala talagang may nag-aaya lumabas (huhu). anyways, my point is, is your lives mundane like mine? like, are there times din ba na halos wala kayong ka chat? wala masyadong kaibigan na nag-aaya lumabas. walang ganap ganun. Ang frustrating kasi minsan. single na nga ako, 'yung friends ko hindi pa 'yung tipong friends na nag-aaya. like, introvert kami lahat (I mean to an extent). kapag walang nag-aaya wala 'ding ganap. siguro isang reason din kung bakit ganun is magkalayo mga bahay namin (like isang baranggay ang pagitan)
ang boring kasi ng life recently. wala akong ka m.u, walang ganap, walang lahat. minsan lang din gumala, and wala pang may nag-aaya. walang friends ganun. and before you say na "maghanap ka kasi ng work" ganun, I actually have a list of works that I have already applied to and I'm just waiting for a callback (paunahan ganun) tsaka kakatapos ko nga lang work last May 13th so yeah. I mean bawi ko na rin to sa self ko kasi I worked agad after college (para ma distract self ko ganun)
pero yeah, life's boring and mundane. gusto kong lumandi kaso parang di pa ako physically, mentally and emotionally ready to do so. I jogged nga kanina mga around 5:00 pm kasi Sunday and na realize ko na okay lang naman ako mag-isa, ang 'di kolang keri minsan ay yung thoughts na "I could be living the best life right now- partying, meeting new people, having fun, going out; pero why is my life like this? ang plain... ang mundane"
don't get me wrong ha, I love my life. Sometimes, it just aches me to think na what if I lhave lived a different life? what if di ako na heartbroken that bad this time last year? is there an alternate universe where I am living my best life? if there is one, then I'm happy for the me in that universe.
TLDR: rants of a 23-year old gay kid na walang social life :))
submitted by Warm_Finding_6745 to phlgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 Accomplished-Cup5666 I 22M tried going to a psychiatrist to diagnose myself with ADHD

After a long battle with thinking that it's not ADHD it's just I'm not putting effort I finally decided to give a shot at getting diagnosed and went to a psychiatrist I didn't particularly tell him I was thinking I have ADHD for not creating any bias in diagnosis and ended up getting diagnosed with anxiety with a anti depressant and clonampro prescribed to me I wasn't doubting it so I took the 30 days dose and nothing changed with me so I went to psychiatrist to follow up this time I ended up saying I think I had ADHD to which in response he told me to meet a psychologist so I booked and appointment for it ended up talking about my life experiences for about 1 and hour half and she didn't feel like I have much ADHD symptoms and recommended me to get personality test and ended up telling me to continue talking anxiety meds as it takes time to work and shifted me to a Fluoxetine 40mg from 20mg it's been another month and nothing has changed and I don't know what I should do now
These are the symptoms I experience :Feeling lazy and sleepy all the time and procrastinate things till the last minute till the pressure gets me to act
Trouble with personal hygiene even getting normal things done like brushing and bath feels like a task and trying to avoid it which led to me getting a root canal and 4 fillings last year
Avoiding social interaction for a long time going out only twice or thrice during the month
Same with school and college I used to skip a lot because I couldn't find the patience to stay I was enrolled in classes for boards initially I went but then I started skipping those as well.
COVID helped me with college as lecturers were online but I couldn't really pay attention to them cause it would space out and can't rewind stuff in live lectures so I just joined those lectures for attendance then when those lectures recordings were available offline I used to watch them later so I could rewind any part where I spaced out .
Taking impulsive decision and feeling guilty after taking them like spending money on something I don't really need or in game purchases
Hyperactivity and Fidgeting keep moving my legs and pulling hairs when doing something that doesn't interest me with slight active tremors in hands which have not gotten worse since I have no problem with writing and doing daily tasks experiencing for last 5 years that I can remember
Trouble with concentrating and forgetful which leads to silly mistakes repeatedly. Haven't sit still for an hour concentrating on something without getting up or moving legs or making up some kind of excuse just to get up and avoid the task that I was supposed to do
Problem of maintaining eye contact during a conversation and spacing out during a conversation having issues to do both at the same time which sometimes lead to very awkward moments.
submitted by Accomplished-Cup5666 to adhdindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 davtov3 Questions regarding concert etiquette? (Berlin)

Hey, Dives! In a little over a week, I'll be attending IVE's concert in Berlin in Uber Arena (formerly known as Mercedes Benz Arena). I am not German nor do I speak German but it was the closest I could get to my home country and I have travel and shelter all sorted! But the thing is, I have never been to any kind of concert or festival before, I'm not very socially apt and rarely go out, let alone to a big social event like this!
As such, I have a few questions that came up that I would like to ask of those who perhaps have more concert experience or better social skills than I do! For reference, in case this is relevant to my questions: I have a seat ticket.
1, Arrival times How much earlier do I need to be there before the show starts? I have my digital ticket to be scanned but is there any other stuff I might need? Should I show up an hour early, two maybe? On a similar note, I keep seeing videos like these (TikTok link: as an example); where does this take place? Is this where the Idols come into the stadium, is this some kind of VIP perk or is it just a matter of getting there on time and getting in a well enough position to see the girls passing through?
2, Personal Items & Bathrooms I assume you can't bring in food or water for obvious reasons but how about small bags? Am I allowed to bring in small, personal items like a light bag or purse? What are the size limitations to this? (Small backpack, handheld bag, fannypack even, etc.) And how possible it is to go to the bathroom during the concert? My bladder is comically small and I have gone 3 hours without using the restroom before but not often and not without some discomfort, is it possible to slip out into the restroom? If so, do I ever have to be worried about my seat potentially being filched?
3, Dress code & Merchandise I know you need to be dressed reasonably, so shirt and shoes and all that! However, is there some kind of other dresscode rules I should know about? No big jackets or certain kind of shoes, jewelry, etc. not allowed? On that same note, could I get in trouble for wearing non-legitimate merch? I have a bootleg recreation of the jacket the girls wore for Kitsch and a joke shirt design, featuring Rei (Imgur link: the design in question) that I intend on wearing. Could this outfit possibly have consequences because the "merch" was not officially produced by Starship?
4, Fanchants How exactly do fanchants work? I have been aware of their presence since I first got into K-pop years ago but I was never sure when to do it or what the words are, does anyone have any resources they could provide that features a list of fanchants and their timings for IVE performances?
5, For those who have been to Uber Arena before Does the staff speak English and are they patient? As I said before, I don't speak any usable German, I can make out a few words here and there thanks to my primary school education but that's about it! Will the people ticketing me or security guards or any such folk be able to speak English to make myself understood? And, in your experience, have they been kindly and more patient or have they occasionally been rude or even straight-up unpleasant?
6, The Fans I have heard mixed things about the K-pop fans at these events. I've heard that 9/10 people will wanna talk and discuss their faves and so on, but there is also that stereotype that Germans are grumpy and curt with tourists, but I don't want to believe just random outdated stereotypes on the Internet, so I'd love to ask how your experiences have been at IVE concerts or German K-pop concerts in general?
Thank you in advance for your answers and replies!
submitted by davtov3 to IVE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 Automatic_Hold_2994 Anyone Traveling from India to MUN This September for MASc in Safety & Risk Engineering?

I’m reaching out to see if there are any fellow students from India who are also heading to MUN around the same time (September 2024 intake). It would be great to connect with others who are on the same journey, as traveling together and sharing experiences can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable.
If you’re also an incoming student to MUN or know someone who is, please feel free to comment below or send me a direct message. Looking forward to connecting with you!
submitted by Automatic_Hold_2994 to memorialuniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 PalpitationOk5726 Best track

A new NASCAR fan, attended my first ever race last week in Charlotte, wrote about it and despite all of the nonsense had a great time. I am looking for advice from the veterans/experts, what is one track that you enjoyed and would recommend to visit? I was talking to some other fans there, and two couples categorically stated that they did not like Richmond, I heard Atlanta was great and I am actually planning on going to Michigan in July, being in a part of Canada that is around a 4 hour drive from the track.
submitted by PalpitationOk5726 to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 movie_script_ending Progress After Setback

Hey everyone, just wanted to share some hope. I had a baby last December and I knew that having a baby would set back my progress with agoraphobia. Between the hormone changes, sleep deprivation, and then just the fact that getting out of the house with a baby is harder, I knew my progress would slow or regress. And that’s definitely happened. During my pregnancy I was doing things I hadn’t done in years, like going to Disneyland and the beach. But since I had my baby I haven’t gone further than about 15 minutes from my house. During my pregnancy my appointments were 15 or 20 minutes away so I was going that far frequently (with a safe person).
We were invited to a friend’s daughter’s birthday party and it was 30 minutes away. And I’ve been sick over it. I said we would attend but I really didn’t believe I could. In the days leading up to the party I would think about it and want to cry. Yesterday was the day of the party and one of my other friends that was going to go text me and said she couldn’t make it. This combined with feeling so scared made me want to cancel. But I didn’t. I felt sick the whole time getting ready. We got the kids packed up and felt like crying as we got in the car. As I know you guys can understand, I felt like I was going to my own funeral just trying to go to a birthday party. On the drive I kept wanting to say “I can’t do this, turn around.” But I refused to give in. I thought about how good it would feel to see my friends and how good it feels after doing something you thought you couldn’t. My anxiety was saying “you’re doing too much, this time you’re going to lose your mind and also embarrass yourself.” And so I said to myself “okay fine. I’ll get to her house and I’ll panic and call an ambulance. As soon as I can’t take it anymore I’ll just panic.”
And then we walked into the party and the distraction of the party stopped my panic symptoms. Because that’s the thing, I do enjoy being out and with people and if I can push through the fear of being far from home, I can enjoy the actual activity.
So I’m sharing all of that because I was scared that having another baby may have permanently hurt my recovery but it’s not true. You can always start again where you are and make new progress. No matter what happened to cause a setback you can always improve. And your anxiety is a liar. Even if you panic you can survive the panic.
submitted by movie_script_ending to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:36 Alexalenin Seeking Help

So here is the story for you all. A uni student who is feeling burn out completely school is hard ,My GPA is low , family expects more , I expect more.
issues remembering anything that is important yet remembers hundreds of Trivial information. No motivation to do anything. I can spend 4 hours on my laptop doing nothing and never remembering that I have a project to deliver or a class to attend the only thing keeping me in check is my low scores that put me down and make me want to focus but in no hope. A friend recommended me to see a psychiatrist but where I live they are pretty expensive and not sure how I am gonna do it with out a part-time job (A full time student)
What pushed me to start looking for help is the fact that I feel numb about everything around me; I can't laugh , I don't get angry , I don't get stressed. At all. I been pretending these stuff to look normal to the point that I am acting well very well that people never once noticed these feeling except on rare occasions if I break character accidentally. What might be the issue ? A friend told me might be ADHD another said it might be depression and I don't know what to do at this point. I tried to get in contact with my Uni mental help center but they didn't even replied at all which should be really funny that the only people who should reply and be there when you call them on OFFICE HOURS never answer. It been like this for almost 2 years. I need an advice. An honest advice what to do ?
I am really scared at one point I will lose any motivation to leave my room in the morning or to go home sleep at night and start either wondering around as a homeless cuz nothing matters anymore or stay in my room until I get evicted or something. Advice?
submitted by Alexalenin to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:34 iamryan34 What are the genres of each stage?

I’m not familiar with dubstep/electronic music but will be attending FK for the first time this year! Jw if the stages are broken down into different genres or something like that so I can try and find artists I like. Coming from a metal/hardcore background I already know I love Kai Wachi, so was wondering if every set on Cyberian will be the same or if I’ll have to bounce around. Also, seeing everyone on here freakout about F4 and Masquerade conflict. Which should a complete noob choose?! Much love
submitted by iamryan34 to ForbiddenKingdomFest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:33 failurethrowaway8 Please suggest me what should I do? I am s#icidal af this point.

So I am using a throwaway account for obvious reasons. Idk why reddit keeeeps deleting my throwaway accounts. So even if you peeps see my account was deleted again just help me out I will be back with another id.
Coming to the topic- fresher tard. class 12 I got 78 percentage. Jee 60ish percentile in both attempts. And 81 marks in mhtcet. Didn't attend any coaching or anything, just regular school and pw ke lectures dekhta tha kabhi kabad (12th lakshya)
I am general candidate, ps I have gujrati minority quota. still i won't be getting any good college with such marks. It was my dream to get to ict mumbai somehow, because chemE really excited me. After both jee attempts I started preparing for cet again started givings mocks and shit. Highest I managed to score was 128 and lowest was 90ish or something iirc. No tukke offcourse. I really think I had gotten lucky in 128 marks one, because all the other mocks I gave I didn't cross 120. Scores were like in between 110-120. Mene analyse kare mocks, just to find out - my maths is weakest. Legit 50 bhi nahi aate the aur agar mein mocks thode pehle Dena shuru kar deta toh I would have improved a bit. Lekin jitna time tha utna ghisa and got my maths to 60 marks (thanks to ganitank 10 days maths 70 wali video 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲)
On exam day, I managed to fuck up everything. Anxiety itni bekaar ho gayi I couldn't recall one single thing. 20 questions in physics mene dekhe bhi nahi itna bura haal tha 🤡🚬 Rona aa raha tha legit physics and chem ke baad. Maths shuru hua, maths hua nahi mujhse kuch 20 solve kare khud se. Ab maths mein 48 ban rahe hai.
I don't want to take a drop year, 11th 12th has already left an un fixable scar on my mental health. I won't survive another year if I take a drop. Meri didi ne neet ke liye liya tha drop. Literally, woh depressed thi. First drop isi mein waste ho gaya, got herself together after a year. Parents ko convince Kara for another drop and 2nd drop mein she did just really goood. I don't think I have that spirit in me and personally mujhe khud nahi lena drop.
Are there any decent colleges in Pune i can get for chemical engineering? And I am not sure how much percentile I will get, according to ganitanks video my shift my moderate. So suggest any college for me, placement won't matter, kyuki masters karunga. Hopefully iss baar toh ho jaaye iit mein.
I am feeling suicidal because, my parents didn't expect anything from me ever. They just wanted me to land a good college with chemical engineering. But my stupid ass even failed to do that, like even after grinding my ass off, i am here ? Mein jindagi bhar mediocre he bana rahunga. Chutiya hu mein ek number ka. I am from small city and I live with my grandparents, even they are supportive asf. Covid ke time yaha aaya tha aaj bhi yahi hu, parents sent me here kyuki they thought staying away from city would be a good option. I wasn't really sure ki mujhe kya karna hai after 10th, mere dimag mein architecture tha and mene b arch ka exam Diya bhi. Drawing mein 99.1 percentile aayi sahi. lekin maths ne boond mardi meri please don't ask kitni aayi mujhe khud sharam aati hai dekh kar woh. 11th mein bhi yahi admission Kara Diya, theek he chal rahi thi life so didn't say anything and here I am today 🤡. Meri didi AIIMS mein hai won't tell whiche lekin not Delhi. Cousins are over achievers too bas mein reh gaya inke beech. Bc I hate myself for this. Couldn't even land a decent college 😭. IIT ka sapna ab bas gate se pura hoga, yaha pura ragadne ki try karunga.
There are a few personal reasons on why I am opting for chemE also I am really interested in it.
Tldr - chutiya failure hu mein. Cet 81 marks aa rahe hai. Don't want to take a drop. Chemical engineering karni hai, please suggest a few decent colleges in Pune except mit and dyp last mein rakho
I am sorry fkr my English. I am travelling, sitting in back of car typing this.
submitted by failurethrowaway8 to mht_cet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:33 Thin_Opportunity6483 My baby daddy does not appreciate me

Ugh. Sometimes I feel really unappreciated.
I will use this past weekend as an example...
My partner (25M)'s younger sister (12F) was invited to a friend's birthday party which was held at an amusement park. We thought it would be fun to take his other two sisters (15F and 10F and our son (1M); it was fun.
Chaperoning is a tiresome job, it literally takes up my entire mental capacity to give my attention to all the kids e.g. entertain, feed, listen, comfort... I do it all. This was not my first time taking the kids out and is something I am used to doing on a regular basis, the only difference this time around was that I had a semi-strict schedule to stick to (my aunt passed away really recently and we had just collected her ashes to bring home on the same day). I loved this aunty, she was a wonderful person. Usually comfort and support are offered up during these times of need and some will even attend the services with you; mine did not.
Given he had to stay with the kids and drive them to the next location for the party, it was not a problem that he could not make it to the prayer time and distribution.
Now, today was really what got me feeling down about myself.
I spent the entire day (10am - 5pm) making the kids breakfast (the most delicious French toast they have ever had hehe) and the rest of the day was centred around a HUGE house clean up. The clean and decluttering consisted of some major "Feng Shui" techniques (they have a mouse in their house that I was trying to find and release back into the wild but had no such luck), sanitising all table tops, 3 x dishes, 3 x loads of laundry, taking out the trash and recycle, changing bedding, extreme paper organising (documents, school work etc.) Alllll this PLUS my usual bub and mum routine.
This all finished up at around 5pm, meanwhile my partner barely lifted a finger to help unless asked. I was a little agitated but it was something I chose to brush off because I did not need help, I only wanted it. Plus, I was really proud of the work I had done.
Anyway, after all this, he drove bub and I home a little later than my mum had wanted us to be home so naturally she ignored my presence when we arrived home (she does that a lot)... I had told my partner to apologise to her for the delay in getting us home; he gave a half-assed apology and decided to give me major attitude on his way back to the car.
He has been super short with me recently which I do NOT have a liking for one bit.
Am I the asshole for snapping at him after this? Actually, not even a "snap", I simply rolled my eyes and gave him the finger when he left.
Oh and baby? If you are reading this, feel free to comment YOUR side of the story since you found my other post and got mad about it.
As you can see, no lies, no fabrications, yet AGAIN and yes, sometimes I do need reassurance and support from random internet strangers because they make me feel good about myself when you fail to do so.
submitted by Thin_Opportunity6483 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:32 ThanksForStoppingBy Preschooler randomly scared of stairs

I have a 3½ year old who has just randomly started to become scared of physically going up and down the stairs. She's done it a million times before, but now she cries and screams and hesitates and doesn't want to go whether it's on her bum/crawling or walking. I won't carry her down because she'll continue to insist and we won't get any progress. Her preschool she'll be attending in the fall has stairs to enter and exit and I'm not sure how to free her from this anxiety. I can't sit with her for the hours it takes. I have another child to tend to. Is this a phase?
submitted by ThanksForStoppingBy to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:32 oldmanpuzzles Pilot’s drunk and our flight is canceled—how do we raise an appropriate fuss?

Our 2:45 pm flight (DL265 from CDG to JFK) was cancelled and the desk attendant said the pilot could not fly because he was drunk. We said, “Seriously, he’s drunk?” She wrote it in french in a translation app and, yes, he was drunk. They were unable to find another pilot. They have since changed the story and claim the pilot is sick (throwing up) instead.
We are now an hour and a half past our departure time and are still in line for accommodation vouchers. It’s absolutely absurd that a drunken pilot is the cause of this. How do we best hold Delta accountable for costs? We have been put on a flight tomorrow afternoon, but hotel, dinner, breakfast and airport transport remain unknown.
Is there any way to get compensation for other things like a change of clothes (they won’t return checked bags)? Or whatever my PTO time amounts to as I will have to take another day off of work? Would love any help for this from those who have experienced similar cancellations.
submitted by oldmanpuzzles to delta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:32 SparkyJet SparkyJet Reviews MLPFIM: Day 2 - (The Ticket Master and Applebuck Season)

S1E3: The Ticket Master! Slice of life episode that centers on the first rift between the new group of friends. Twilight Sparkle has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala and each of the Mane Six wants to attend. Applejack wishes to drum up business for the farm. Rainbow Dash wants to meet her Wonderbolt heroes. Rarity yearns to find her true love. Fluttershy craves to view the private garden full of fauna and flora. Pinkie Pie hopes to attend as it’s the biggest party in Equestria. All the discord and bickering stresses Twilight out and she can’t determine which friend to take with her.
Rewatchability: 2/10 rank. You can absorb everything in this episode upon the first playthrough There’s no stand out moments that cause a reason to rewatch it past the initial viewing. Also, Rarity’s demeanor irks me in this one. She acts like a total snob to Twilight and it’s a total contrarian to her earlier behavior the past two episodes. Really didn’t like that! Also, it’s odd Twilight asks Spike if he’s been to the gala. Twilight hatched Spike. She should literally know.
Humor: 3/10 rank. There’s not many moments. I did enjoy the Yakety Sax parody when the denizens of Ponyville chase Twilight and Spike and clamor for the extra ticket. That was refreshing. Also, the repeated disgust Spike makes about the Gala. Calling it “girly gala gunk” and “frilly frou-frou nonsense”. Though, the ending when he parades giddily from receiving a ticket to the event was humorous too. Oh, and who could forget “And then I said oatmeal? Are you crazy?” Classic quote of this tremendous show.
Songs: 2/10 rank. Like the previous episode, there’s not many. Only two are included and both were random whimsical ditties from Pinkie Pie. Her “Fantasy Song” when she imagines herself at the Gala is quirky and cute. The effervescent party pony does make some adorable expressions during the song. Both are short quick melodies that fill the time to this episode. Not much to say.
Plotline Enjoyment: 4/10 rank. Granted, it was nice to see an episode that showed disharmony in the Mane Six. This episode did a great job of showcasing their first rift. An extra ticket to an event that all wanted to attend is a very believable real world allegory that friends could quarrel over. However, it was surprising to see the length of the contretemps. Rainbow Dash and Applejack clashed. Rarity acted spoiled and stuck up. Plus, the other five ponies tried earning brownie points to Twilight by doing favors. The friendship lesson Twilight learned at the end about blessings was sweet though.
Would I recommend this episode: No.
Overall: 3/10 rank. A grade of D+ It’s not a terrible episode, per se, but it leaves a lot to be desired and is slightly fillerish. I’d have preferred if there was an immediate follow up episode, similar to the previous two-parter. Twilight should’ve admonished her friends’ behavior a bit. I would’ve liked to see who she ultimately chose to go with her in the end. The Ticket Master does an okay job with its presentation, but the conclusion did feel a tad rushed.
Question: Which pony had the best reason to attend the gala and deserved the extra ticket?
In conclusion, The Ticket Master is an early episode in the series that doesn’t really warrant a viewing. This episode isn’t bad, but falls below an average rank in my opinion. It has some nice moments like the Yakety Sax parody and Spike’s behavior, but those aren’t enough to save it, cementing this episode as one of the bottom of the barrel in my season one rankings. Three episodes down, and two-hundred and eighteen to go.
submitted by SparkyJet to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 Throwmeawayfortoday9 Why am I (25F) always portrayed as a drunk? Maria (25F) was drunk!

I am the aforementioned “professor” in a BORU post about me related to posts in subreddit. I decided to post a response after this event was brought up again with a mutual, Maria. We’re both hanging out as I type this. She and I have both hung out with “boyfriend” (Bob) in group settings and think there are definitely two sides to this story. My main gripe is being portrayed as a drunk and a man-stealer. Below is the original BORU post that I found while browsing one day. Also, someone did find me after reading this post due to how specific it is. I am responding pararaph by paragraph so you do not need to read the original post, feel free to.
The title in BORU is below as I cannot link other subreddits. (Was able to link, after the fact)

Do I (28F) need to worry about my boyfriend's (24M) friendship with his professor (25F)?
My bf (24M) became friends with his former professor (25F), sometime last year - I don't know what to make of it. They seem to be friendly and talk consistently every week, and from what he tells me, it's usually very surface level. Sometime last year after the course ended, my bf, his professor, and some of his male classmates went somewhere to eat together. My bf brought up that he was going to be attending an event (plastic modeling show), and his professsor showed interest and invited herself to the event and asked if she could stay at his airbnb with his friends. My bf and his friends were all OK with it.
I was an instructor for one class/semester that BF (Bob) attended. I have no say or sway at the school and have not taught since then. I taught a class related to my profession. I did not get to know Bob personally until after the class was over. On the last day, he expressed that I was a great instructor and gave me a miniature he built as a show of gratitude. I also made miniatures (a different type though) and was intrigued that someone else was into this hobby. We stayed in touch. Later, I invited a few students for a meal (girls and guys) and the boy students were the only ones who RSVP’d yes. Bob did mention an event. I did not invite myself, I said me and my friend Linda were interested and may go too. Later on, Bob invited me to join their group’s airbnb because I was looking at hotels. A previous event trip fell through for my and Linda’s friend group and I felt bad she couldn’t go on a trip in the USA before she had to go back to her home country. This trip was to replace that experience. Bob invited us to the airbnb and Linda and I shared a room with 2 beds, Maria ended up coming on this trip as well, which the group was also okay with, and stayed in the same room with me and Linda
I unfortunately couldn't attend the event, but from what my bf told me, he and a few of his friends met up at their airbnb. That same day, his professor comes to my bf's airbnb and tagged a few of her girl friends along (I believe they all stayed in the same place). The next day, they go to the event, went to a bar afterwards and got drinks. A lot of them (except my bf) got pretty drunk and my bf took the liberty of being the designated driver for his professor and her friends. His professor won some model kit from the event, and even in her drunken state, asked my bf if he could stay up with her to work on the kit together. From what my bf tells me, nothing else happened that night.
Respectfully, I had one cocktail and then his friend bought everyone a shot. That was the extent of my drinking. I wasn’t drunk, Linda wasn’t drunk, and no one else in the group ended up being drunk., Maria was though. Maria underestimated how strong the drinks were and she was the DD and we did not have enough time to sober up once she felt the alcohol hit her. She couldn’t drive, I didn’t want to drive her dad’s car, and Linda doesn’t have a US driver's license. Bob offered to drive the car with me, Linda, and Maria back to the airbnb. The other car was driven back by his friend who was not drunk and drove sober. At the airbnb, Bob asked what i would do with the model kit I won, I said i am not familiar with this type of miniature and so I would sell it on facebook marketplace. He said it was actually easy to build, he had built that one before, and he could help me build it right then as all their tools for building were still out on the table. I said he didn’t have to but he insisted and I accepted his help. I was also still not drunk. Next to us in the living room, Maria and 2 of the guys were watching Ouran High Scool Host Club and Cowboy bebop. We all stayed up until 2AM building or watching anime. For half of the trip, me and the girls split off and did our own thing. We did not stay with the group the entire tip because our intent was to piggy back a small girls weekend while also seeing the event.
After the event, everyone from that group created a group chat and they continue to plan and talk about future events together. Since then, my bf and his friends had met up with his professor and got to meet his professor's fiance at an anime convention and it sounded like they all got along well. His professor continues to express interest in other events and it sounds like she may be attending another event with my bf and his friends in the near future.
I trust my boyfriend and don't think he is hiding anything from me. Honestly speaking, I think it's hard for me to understand their friendship as it is his professor. I've had a conversation with him on this, and he's let me know that I have nothing to worry about. I would like to hear other's opinions and see what ya'll think of this friendship? Is this something I need to be concerned about or is it really nothing?
Thank you all!
\Edit: the professor was my bf's former professor. She is classified as an adjunct faculty and works as an accountant as her full time job (which explains why she is a young professor).*
\My bf has not graduated college yet and is still a student at his university.*
Bob and his group went to an anime convention. I and my friend group also went because I was not aware there was one near me until Bob mentioned it. My friend group, I thought, got along well with his friends and it was a great first con experience. I and a few of my friends expressed interest in future events. I think she is hung up on this professor titleship but I was an instructor whom students called professor but I was very clear this was a side gig and I was had a career. I was never in any position of power at the school, I was a contract employee used to fill an open course section at an undesirable time. For the majority of the time I knew Bob, we were equals who were only 1 year apart in age and shared a similar hobby.
Relevant Comments:
You should go to one of the events with him:
"I do struggle with social anxiety so it makes me uncomfortable to be sharing a space with a lot of unknown people. I am hoping to go to the next event though since it's local."
Her relationship with students is grossly unprofessional:
"I'm totally with you - I am also quite confused of her choice of "friends". I am not sure why of all places, does she choose to share an airbnb with her former student and to be drunk with them. She is classified as an adjunct faculty, so she is a professor but is part time (she works full time as an accountant). The whole situation feels weird to me."
Commenter: You say “his professor” what is their specific academic connection? She taught him once years ago and now they’re roughly equals and friends? Or she’s his primary support for a PhD? Or what?
OOP: The first option - she taught him last year and now are now friends. He is no longer in a course with her. I totally understand how it's possible for students and their professors to be friendly, but i've never heard or seen of a friendship where you consistently talk and hang out together so casually.
So she's no longer his professor- they are two adults of the same age and power level:
"It kind of gives me the same vibes like if a student graduated HS and is friends with their young teacher (obv not the same thing, but a student-teacher relationship is there). I think as a teacher, you should still uphold that level of professionalism and mentorship, even if you are no longer the student's teacher.
I also want to note that they are technically not "equals" since they're both in relationships. She can't be acting however she wants with former students."
I respect that they view my actions unprofessionally. I did not view it as such since I was no longer an instructor and have not been since. I taught a 4 month course one day a week. I would not be friends with an 18-22 year old I had nothing in common with.
Update: my boyfriend and I had a more heart-to-heart talk regarding his teacher and he recognizes that it crossed some of my boundaries. He believes that she may be behaving the way she does because when she hangs out with her fiance's friends, she gets bored with them (and may possibly be seeking attention from other people?). Several weeks later, my boyfriend had a conversation with his college instructor regarding their friendship and told her how I didn't feel comfortable of their friendship and how he thinks they should keep communication at a minimum. She brought up how she understands because her fiance also had an issue with how she chose to share an airbnb with my bf. She mentions to my boyfriend that she sees him as a brother and that's why she feels really comfortable with him, but that she will try to respect my boyfriend's wishes of keeping conversations at a minimum.
I did not know it had crossed any of their boundaries at the time until the phone call. I treated Bob the same way I treated all of my friends but I do understand and respect that not everyone has the same view of friendship. My friend group went through a period where we would talk about going to stuff and then no one does any work to follow through. The event Linda and our friends were going to attend that never happened is a good example. I didn’t want lazy friends being the reason why I did not experience things. Bob did follow through on going to things. My husband’s concern was that it was a group of guys we had not met yet in person and we were all girls. I told him that if I thought any one of them was giving off weird vibes, we would immediately leave and get a hotel. As for the phone call, he did call to tell me basically the same and my understanding was that we should talk less because she does not like the closeness. At the time, we were messaging every day and I did make an attempt to reduce the frequency to once a week.
Well, even after that talk, she continues to still message my boyfriend weekly on random life updates. And because she is also part of my bf's chat in discord, one of his friends invited her to attend another plastic modeling show (it occurred recently) and dinner. Since she accepted the invitations, I chose to attend as well so that I could personally meet her. The dinner occurred first and it was very uncomfortable because she practically ignored me the entire night. When she joined us at the table, she greeted my bf but didn't say anything to me (even my bf noticed and got annoyed, but then introduced us). She got increasingly drunk throughout the night and was saying random stuff about my bf to his friends like "he could've been the best student in my class but it's cause he missed some assignments" and "[bf's name] gave me a 5 star review on rate my professor!". She ended up not going to the show, but my bf had a chat with his guys and they told him that they want to respect my feelings too and make it a guys' night next time.
I would like to hear other's opinions and see if you also think she is acting suspicious?
One thing left out is that during the phone call between Bob and I, I asked Bob if his GF would want to ever talk to or get to know me, or all 3 of us hang out, and he said he asked her and she said she did not want to do that and she was uncomfortable at the thought of meeting me. I did stop messaging him frequently and only did so once a week to ask how his job search was going and to let him know the status of a big event in my life. I thought that was what was requested, less interaction, not no interaction. Maria and I went to this dinner because everyone from the airbnb trip was going to be there (Linda did not go). What is not mentioned is that Bob and the GF arrived 40 minutes into eating. I nodded in their direction when they came and said hey in their general direction, not specifically at Bob or her. I did not talk to either specifically because (1) GF does not like me and him talking and I was not about to directly talk to Bob in front of her (2) she said she did not want to talk to me or get to know me and never retracted that statement. I learned Bob and GF thought it was a slight against them that I only said hey to Bob but I didn’t direct it to anyone and I was trying to play it safe. Had I known she came to personally meet me, I would have tried to talk to her. After learning why she came, I was surprised she did not talk to me even though she came to meet me. As for the alcohol, except for them, since they arrived late, everyone had 2-3 drinks already because it was happy hour. Me and Maria made friends with the bartender who gave us discounted cocktails. I even bought a drink for GF so she could get the discount and then pay me back. It is true I said those jokes but I said them in jest and these were jokes already made previously. To be fair, she did not try to talk to me at all, nor did she try to talk to Maria. Later that week, Maria called me to catch up and mentioned the dinner. She commented that GF made no effort to get to know us and thought GF went to monitor him and me. In essence, she ignored me and Maria and Maria and I ignored her. I did not go to the show because I had a prior commitment.
Relevant Comment:
She wants to have sex with your boyfriend. She's crossing major boundaries. Has he stopped conversation with her?
"I wouldn't be surprised if that is her intention cause there's def some shady people out there. I agree, she is crossing some professional and personal boundaries, and I think it's quite unusual behavior for any teacher to act like that. Yes, he has stopped communicating with her. She was consistently messaging him until last hopefully she got the memo.
As mentioned in her post, I did view Bob as a brother. He lived similar experiences to me but I felt like he was where I would have been had I not moved out from my parents when I did. I wanted to see him professionally thrive and accomplish his goals of getting a car and moving out as those were things I strived for but had already attained. As for the 5-6 times we met up, it was in group settings and he met all of my friends and my husband as well. This post, to me, makes it seem like I was always hanging on to Bob but there were many instances of me and my friends breaking off to do our own thing. My husband and Linda’s husband were both okay with us going to the airbnb at the time and later on met and got to know Bob too. Each time we met, if I drank, I had 2 drinks and one time I had 3. I am not sure how Bob told these events to his GF so it may just be lost in translation but the only person who ever got drunk at a meet up was Maria and it was once. I do not agree with her stating that I was constantly drunk for each meet up or always asking/inviting myself to things. He invited me to join his airbnb group (i asked if Linda and Maria could join me), I did ask to join his group for another event until my friend group arrived (which included my husband, Linda, and Maria), and his friend invited me to the group dinner (Maria attended). To this day, his GF has never said a word to me or Maria (she did not say hi, only waved to us), nor us her. When I offered to order and bring her cocktail from the bar, I believe Bob was the one who responded to my offer. I only found out about what she was thinking via this BORU post. Linda, Maria, and I haven’t talked to Bob since, this was a cathartic write with Maria as it is very jarring to randomly find a post about yourself and then also have someone find you from that post.
submitted by Throwmeawayfortoday9 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 StrainFew7283 My(23F) ex(22M) keeps checking my Instagram after 4months of breakup and now when I have blocked him, he uses a fake account. He said he wanted to be friends but I still blocked him and now he uses a fake account....what do I do now?

I 23/F started dating my boyfriend 22/M in 2021. For context, the relationship started when he was about the start college and I was about to graduate but we are from the same church so that's where I got to know him. Initial one year everything was great but my boyfriend was going through heavy financial issues at home and from time to time whatever help I could do, I would do. We had started working in the same company and it was a WFH job so we also got lots of time to spend with each other especially due to lockdowns. Fast forward to 2022, I got a promotion at work and the role required me to work from office and things got very rocky as my boyfriend had also gotten a promotion but the role needed him to work from office which he couldn't as he was attending a regular college. He ultimately had to resign and that took a toll on his mental health. The day he lost his job he told me he wanted to breakup, he believes in being the provider in the relationship although I never really asked for anything from him. I believe in making the relationship absolutely 50-50 from planning dates to paying bills and all the sorts. The entire year went very rocky with my boyfriend asking for a breakup multiple times but I tried reasoning things out. Meanwhile even I wasn't doing great in my finances, I made small budget cuts for myself which idk how but made my boyfriend feel incapable (we did not live together, we lived with our own families). Starts 2023, I was in a lot of pressure at work and at home but I tried making ends meet for myself without asking for help from my boyfriend but just keeping him updated on everything. May 2023 we finally broke up when he told me that he's under huge mental pressure and he cannot continue a relationship. I am a hot headed person by nature so in the heat of the moment I broke up. But after the breakup we were in touch, few weeks later he wanted to patchup but I said no and this continued for 3months, even on the day we were supposed to celebrate our anniversary (8th June) we were a broken couple. But at the end of July, I finally accepted his apology as I thought maybe he genuinely wants to come back and will not breakup again but then I saw how casual he was with me as if nothing ever happened and he expected me to also go back to normal as if the breakup just never happened, I didn't spend countless sleepless night, as if I wasn't hurt. Additionally he made me feel like a burden on him. Suppose I told him I wish I could do so and so for my birthday but since I have budget cuts I can't but that's okay... He took it like I was a burden on him, started calling himself useless and he feels pathetic that he is not able to take care of my finances. These things pissed me off and I broke up. I'm not going into details but this time both our situations were bad really... And he tried to mend things so that happened after 3months.while we were broken up, his dad had a heart attack and at the time I helped him with the financial part, his EMIs were due for which I again stepped in, paid that and cleared it off. Fast forward 2024, I am insecure being so I kinda started a teasing fight with my boyfriend and he again got back to breakup, so this time we finally did breakup. Two days later I went back to mend things and have been trying to mend things for the last 3months, but his answer is a no, sometimes he says he has financial issues, sometimes he says that he just doesn't want a relationship anymore. In between all of this, his college fees was due so I took a bank loan and helped him pay that. Even after all of this he says that I have never loved him, I'm delusional. So finally I took the step of blocking him everywhere, he made it clear that he wants to remain good friends, he wants to talk to me but he doesn't want a relationship but I can't handle things that way. I loved the guy for love's sake. It was unconditional so now it's not possible for me that I talk to him casually and know it clearly in my mind that he probably hates me and doesn't want me as a girlfriend or a partner. He's a very sweet and supportive guy. I really do miss him. When things were good they were really good but idk what happened, what clicked and what changed that since 2023 we just couldn't get back on track. I'm sorry for making this read long, there are many details I may have missed as I am still not in a good mental situation. I've got only 3friends in my life and I live all by myself now. I've lost 8kgs weight since my breakup and it's taken a huge toll on my mental health. So guys, am I wrong to block him because I honestly do feel guilty at times, he wanted to be a friend, probably he needed the support but I denied him that and have closed all sorts of possible communication mediums.
In case you want any details, please let me know, I will be updating this. This is not at all well placed, but I hope I could explain the entire issue but yes for updates in order to comes to a decision, do comment and I will post the details.
I noticed my ex is now checking up my Instagram stories from a fake account( I realised it's his account when I saw the followers list was filled with his school time friends and none on the following list). It was 2days before I realised this and the following was happening for over a month now. I kept quiet about it but today I saw him at church, he came mid mass and when he saw me in the choir he turned away and sat along with the congregation (we're both a part of choir). So I sent him a text on his fake account confronting him that I know it's him and to not make things weird like this. Did I do the right thing? I don't know anything anymore. I am just way too confused, I know he's not gonna come back but then why all these actions from his end. Reddit please help me out here. I wanted to unsend the text but I didn't get an option to do that.
submitted by StrainFew7283 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 chaoticcloud15 Need Help Choosing a Program - Urgent

I'm a bit confused about which program to choose. My goal is to attend medical school after undergrad. Which program will give me good research opportunities and allow me to maintain a high gpa as well? I don't have much time until the deadline.
McMaster - Life Sciences
UTM - Life Sciences
U of Guelph - Biomedical Science
Queens - Life Sciences and Biochemistry
U of Ottawa - Health Sciences
submitted by chaoticcloud15 to OntarioUniversities [link] [comments]