Sore throat irritation smoking

dysphagia and marihuana

2024.05.20 09:02 Sulamiita dysphagia and marihuana

hey everyone, so I been dealing with dysphagia for 2 months now and I think I know where this coming from. So I been smoking a lot of weed for the past 2 years and suddenly after one big bong hit I had panic, because I cant swallow anymore. I felt previous days that something is wrong, eating was slowly, but I was thinking that was because im just high. So 2 months later from then i have my neck and head mrt scan perfect, endoscopy good, nothing warning in throat, except easy reflux. So my doctor told this is coming from depression/anxiety and stress or weed. Im not really stresful person, and also im not depressed, maybe a bit, but thats also coming from my situation right now. So maybe someone looking for answer and been smoking a lot weed previous years, so I think thats the answer..My doctor told I need about half year to go back to my normal health and im not alone whose dysphagia caused by marijuana. Also now my body is hypersensitive, I have heart pulsing in my chest often, i have muscle pain that sometimes feels crazy, but that last for a just few days often. I been in primary healthcare not one or two times.. Also im taking bromazepam at minimal dose right now, to calm my brain. just 1,5mg before sleep and sometimes 1/4=0,75mg tablet at the daytime when i feel stressed or tension. For someone whos in the same situation, dont lose hope, everything is going to be okay, I know thats crazy difficult. stay positive is something that is very hard for us, but thats possible. Try to meditate, go to therapy, go for walks, watch films, read books. dont smoke weed again especialy if its not legal in your country, because the things that are in that green is way worse than natural marijuana. dont kill urself and be glad that you are alive, maybe you cant eat comfortably, but u can make smoothies, pure food, its just needs a bit effort. But thats effort is worth it. Maybe after year we will have healthy and absolutely different life. Let me know if someone is in simillar situation! Maybe we can chat and help eachother suffer this!;D
submitted by Sulamiita to dysphagia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:02 TabexOriginal Effects of Smoking on Dental Health

Smoking has detrimental effects on various aspects of health, including dental health. Understanding the specific impacts on oral hygiene and dental conditions can be a powerful motivator to quit smoking. Here's a detailed look at how smoking affects your dental health.

Negative Impacts of Smoking on Dental Health

1. Tooth Discoloration

2. Gum Disease

3. Increased Build-up of Plaque and Tartar

4. Delayed Healing Processes

5. Oral Cancer

6. Bad Breath

Using Tabex to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is essential to mitigating these dental health risks. Tabex, containing cytisine as an active ingredient, can help by reducing cravings for nicotine, making it easier to stop smoking. With no nicotine in its composition, Tabex aids in breaking the addiction cycle while minimizing withdrawal symptoms.


The effects of smoking on dental health are severe and can lead to both cosmetic issues and serious health complications. By quitting smoking, you not only improve your dental health but also enhance your overall health. Support your journey with Tabex and professional dental care to restore and maintain optimal oral hygiene.
submitted by TabexOriginal to TabexOriginal [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:59 goldenpothos1122 almost a 1 month in

i started using t-gel a month ago! i feel better about my body. i want to eat a lot more than usual and my t-guy friends told me that would happen. my throat is really scratchy already and i feel like i have to cough a lot. i thought i was sick or my micro-T( smoking cigs) but apparently it’s pretty normal. i know it will be awhile before it cracks but i’m pretty excited.
submitted by goldenpothos1122 to TestosteroneKickoff [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:21 shekhawati What Causes Mouth Ulcers and How to Treat Them Effectively

What Causes Mouth Ulcers and How to Treat Them Effectively
Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are a common and often painful condition that affects many people. These small, painful lesions can appear on the inside of the mouth, lips, tongue, or gums, making it difficult to eat, drink, and even speak. While mouth ulcers can be uncomfortable, understanding their causes and effective treatment options can help alleviate the discomfort and prevent recurrence. For those seeking top-notch care for persistent mouth ulcers, consulting with professionals at the best hospital in Jaipur, such as Shekhawati Hospital, can provide comprehensive treatment and relief.
There are several factors that can contribute to the development of mouth ulcers, including:
  1. Injury or trauma to the mouth: Biting the inside of the cheek, dental work, or ill-fitting dentures can cause irritation and lead to mouth ulcers.
  2. Certain foods: Acidic or spicy foods can trigger mouth ulcers in some people.
  3. Stress and fatigue: High levels of stress and fatigue can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to mouth ulcers.
  4. Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormones, such as during menstruation or pregnancy, can contribute to the development of mouth ulcers.
  5. Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies in vitamins B12, C, or iron can increase the risk of mouth ulcers.
  6. Allergic reactions: Some people may develop mouth ulcers as a result of an allergic reaction to certain foods or dental products.

Effective Treatment Options

While mouth ulcers usually heal on their own within a week or two, there are several treatment options that can help alleviate the pain and speed up the healing process:
  1. Over-the-counter pain relievers: Medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  2. Topical ointments: Applying a topical ointment containing ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, triamcinolone, or fluocinonide can help soothe the pain and promote healing.
  3. Saltwater rinses: Rinsing the mouth with a warm saltwater solution can help reduce inflammation and keep the area clean.
  4. Avoiding irritants: Sticking to a soft diet and avoiding acidic, spicy, or crunchy foods can help prevent further irritation and allow the ulcer to heal.
  5. Maintaining good oral hygiene: Brushing gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and using a mild toothpaste can help keep the mouth clean and prevent the development of new ulcers.
If mouth ulcers persist or become severe, it's important to seek medical attention. The expert team at Shekhawati Hospital in Jaipur can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options to help you find relief and prevent recurrence.
Remember, while mouth ulcers can be uncomfortable, they are usually not a cause for serious concern. By understanding the causes and implementing effective treatment strategies, you can manage your symptoms and maintain good oral health.
submitted by shekhawati to u/shekhawati [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:09 _AquarianAvacados VENT IT OUT// I really can't make this ish up. I (slipped-up) messaged my once "friend"/ex of 11 yrs new gf exposing my conartist-esque ex after I had had enough of his games. And not even 2 weeks later....every single thing I attempted to expose - he is working on covering back up far quicker.

There is SO much through those horrible 11 years. But the last 2.5 have truly been the hardest, mostly because I am just EXHAUSTED to the point....I don't even usually bother fighting against a single thing/become comfortable as the door matt.
What did me in, is he owes my grandmother $3k for HIS HALF of unpaid debt to her. They are currently (under my dumb stupid blessing) are letting him rent what is my family's home they are leaving to me when they die for a whooping $600 a month. S I X HUNDRED. 3br 1bth huge fenced back and front yard. 3 porches. Huge attached garage. $600.......
He knew it was only a 6 month agreement. And that either I would be retaking my home, or the rent would be raised to $1000, as i would be taking $600 of it monthly and planned to use it towards a rental of my own. (My family and i truly helped him willingly, so he at least had 6 months to get on his feet.) I on the other hand, was fortunate enough to have my recently divorced bff of 25 years with an open room in her home, badabingbadaboom.
Truthfully, I was basically forced out of my house before I had a say. It wasn't my first choice to leave every bit if furniture/my daughter's bedroom set/ect...THAT I ALONE have purchased throughout the years, to my floppy meatsuit of an ex manchild who's idea of "hard labor" is mowing a lawn..but it was my ONLY choice. (That's another story for another day, lol. This one's long enough)
Anyways the 6 months is up, and it had come time to go forward with what was already previously understood as to happen...I should have seen it coming, given that he suddenly started to attempt far more communication (our child being his perfect excuse to disguise what was really going on....
.....and then THIS MF-ER...MAN.... My grandmother tells me on my way out after stopping by for breakfast, that my ex had told her unless they lower the rent for him, he won't pay the 3k debt from TWO years ago now (he promised as soon as he got his tax return, he would pay it) but now he'd need it to find another rental property......this 33 year old man....telling this to My sweet and kind grandmother, who is the a matriarch to my family mind you, she has basically RAISED this 33 year old brat since his infanthood (since he was 22 years old!). ~His parents were 2.5 hours away, his dad is an attorney in some podunk hillbilly town, and his mom is all the worst parts of the gossipy church women put together. They only cared about his younger sister and her two children, lol. So.~
I was floored. I told her something along the lines of "uhhhh I'm pretty sure that's a form of extortion????"
Anyways. I slept on it, and woke up to choosing violence. By violence, I mean I messaged the only thing I knew he "CARED" about, at least for now, until there's nothing for him to gain. I just wanted to make sure he knew where i stood really, and how careful he should tread with me now after hearing that.
...this girl was the other former bff of MY bff. She HATED me for at least a decade. "Frienmies" if yiu will. I had been told SEVERAL times around 6 years ago (ish) that she told our mutual bestie how she was going to "fuck my boyfriend, and get him to leave me. That he was her dream guy" LOFL ...and had witnessed/heard her myself FLIRT with him heavy and totally disrespectfully in front of me. Up until the day they boinked in secret, this girl followed all my social accounts religiously for allll these years....
You can imagine, I had some STUFF I was dying to let out, but I will say, I refrained from being an absolute c-word. I basically in the most passive aggressive tone, EXPOSED what my exs current game was with my family home and the mistreatment of my grandparents.
I told her to ask about his stomach illness he faked so well, had me so SO sympathetic towards him that I asked if he would just instead making basically double pay for the summer months (school district employee) and not taking take off, an I would just work ot graves or whatever extra I could/did...and then how the DAY BEFORE our child started 1st grade, he pulled the rug out from under by creating a literally pointless 4 hours screaming match.....and leaving me, the house, the dogs, and the bills high and dry. No tummy ache to ever come about again...
Or how he had a disguised app with nudes and texts from women he cheated on me with or had fucked when we were in a slump/split. And how she's also in it.
And to ask the father of the year what his 7 year olds doctors name was...we used her since the 2day infant visit lol.
Or to ask him who's been the provider for our child's education since 3 years of age. Her insurance. Dental. Ect. (Hint: it's not him).
I asked her to ask him why he told me that she "owned her own home and was so independent and worked so hard to be where she is now" as a means to rub salt in my wounds while he forced me out if my/OUR old home in the worst mental depression I'd ever dealt with.....when that is not true because she cheated on her husband with multiple men while he was deployed and lost her Marital home in divorce. She lives with her parents and two younger brothers.
Why he was still.texting me and sending me his unsolicited or answered selfies to me.
I wrapped it up with my point of the information being that for my exs sake, I pleaded she encouraged him to don"the right thing".
I mean....I knew he was putting on a dog and pony show for her from day 1. He's a fraud, I learned that over and over. He will lie/manipulative/step on whatever and whoever without a care in the world, all while making whoever they choose to feel as if they're to blame if any sort of conflicts or grievance against them rose.
So I knew in my exes false reality he was painting for this chick was no doubt of how amazing a father he is, and how shitty of a parent and person I am in turn....
side note: ffs he even lowered his own vocal tone forcefully when j met him 11 yrs ago to disguise his godawful nasal screach
WITHIN 10 DAYS. NOT EVEN 2 WEEKS Of me sending her all this...
First text - him asking for our childs doctor's information for the first time in 5 years. Evidently they had a sore throat in the middle of the night. (Mmmmok)
4 days later - he is asking if we could discuss getting her needed dental work finished up as we've put it off for a while (he literally never cared the first phase lol)
That same day - he is pandering sympathy and attention because he's suddenly having stomach attacks again and he's got a colonoscopy scheduled and blahblahblahhhhhh.
I mean....literally the list of the shit I exposed directly goes on and on.....and he made sure to cover up each one down the line. Like. If that isn't "master manipulation".....what is? There has got to be a word for this oh so insanely predictable behavior lol.
Certainly. I'd hope the chick truly SEES what is happening? That the dude is literally whether subconsciously/uncontrollably covering up his actions because he knows deep down, what was done was wrong all around...or just creating and perfecting his own stage right before our eyes? Lol RIGHT?!
I just have to laugh at it all now. It's just a RL sitcom of disaster at this point. 😑
submitted by _AquarianAvacados to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:05 NovelFishing1940 long until Dani quits, gets fired or calls out? She’s already acting like she can’t breathe, doing breathing treatments (nothing to do with her smoking of course) she “worked her azz off” heavy lifting etc, no breaks and she’s very sore! It’s a “very hard job” need a Bingo card for this!

submitted by NovelFishing1940 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 submissivekitty2828 PSA: We have far more concrete dates than people let on.

At one point I was thinking about the timeline of FNaF, and decided to write out every concrete date we have. The dates we know for certain are:
And doing this made me realize something. With the number of dates we have, a lot of people are just guessing instead of working around them. Most notably, the reuse of certain weekdays/months can help us understand dates that aren't confirmed. For example:
Now that we've covered every possible point from the Clickteam games, let's take this information and form a timeline. Please note that not all of the specifics will be agreed upon, but I believe the general dates are correct.
And that's it. This post took me all day writing out and double-checking to make sure I didn't get anything incorrect, but I'm sure there are a few typos or inconsistencies and that there are pieces of information I've missed. After all, no one knows all the answers about FNaF except Scott himself, and even Scott makes mistakes. But I feel confident in this and hope that it leaves some sort of impact.
submitted by submissivekitty2828 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:53 sheepofwater Itchy dry throat for no reason! Please help!!

Hi, I’m 26F, approx 190lbs. I take minoxidil and spironactone for hair loss and acne. for the past 5 days my throats been so itchy and dry. I’m staying extra hydrated (in the past hour i’ve drank 5 bottles of water) and i’ve literally tried everything. Honey, tea, humidifier, cough drops, throat spray, allergy pills, even cough syrup! i’m literally so frustrated because i cannot fall asleep! and even when i do sleep it’s not very good sleep. It’s just a constant dry tickle that won’t go away. i have no idea what the problem could be, i haven’t been doing anything new to spark this random dry itch. No matter how much water i drink, my throat just stays dry on one side. It’s not even sore, just so dry. i have no other symptoms, im not congested or anything else. No fever. I just have a headache from coughing so much. I’m desperate for relief. Please help, i’m so frustrated! :(
submitted by sheepofwater to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:43 pearldental12 Facts About Dental Implant Recovery Process

The dental implant recovery process varies among individuals, but there are some common factors and stages that most people experience. Here are key facts about the dental implant recovery process:

Initial Recovery Period

  1. Post-Surgery Discomfort: It's normal to experience some pain, swelling, and bruising immediately after the surgery. This typically lasts a few days to a week.
  2. Bleeding: Minor bleeding and oozing are common for the first 24-48 hours. Patients are usually advised to bite down on gauze to control bleeding.
  3. Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen are often recommended. In some cases, dentists may prescribe stronger pain relievers.
  4. Dietary Restrictions: Patients are usually advised to stick to soft foods and avoid hot, spicy, or hard foods that could irritate the surgical site.

Medium-Term Healing

  1. Stitches: If stitches are used, they may either dissolve on their own or need to be removed by the dentist after a week or so.
  2. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling should gradually decrease over the first week, with bruising also fading within a couple of weeks.
  3. Bone Integration: The process of osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the jawbone, begins during this period and is critical for the implant's stability. This can take several months (typically 3-6 months).

Long-Term Healing and Follow-Up

  1. Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor the healing process and ensure the implant is integrating properly.
  2. Temporary Crown: A temporary crown may be placed initially, followed by the permanent crown after the implant has fully integrated.
  3. Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial to prevent infection. Patients should brush gently around the implant site and use an antibacterial mouthwash as recommended.

Potential Complications

  1. Infection: Though rare, infections can occur and may require antibiotics or additional surgical intervention.
  2. Implant Failure: In some cases, the implant may fail to integrate with the bone, necessitating removal and, potentially, a second attempt after further bone grafting.
  3. Nerve Damage: If nerves are affected during surgery, it may cause temporary or permanent numbness or tingling.

Lifestyle and Long-Term Care

  1. Smoking: Smoking can significantly impede the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Patients are often advised to quit smoking.
  2. Diet and Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports faster healing and bone health.
  3. Regular Dental Checkups: Continued dental checkups are essential to ensure the health of the implant and surrounding teeth.
Understanding these aspects can help patients prepare for and navigate the dental implant recovery process more effectively. Always follow the specific advice and guidelines provided by your dental surgeon or specialist.
submitted by pearldental12 to u/pearldental12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:21 TetonHiker Throat Injury after anesthesia intubation. Any thoughts?

I had sinus surgery last week and had to be intubated for the procedure. According to the anesthesiology notes the intubation was smooth, no complications or difficulties. I had propofol and was under about 2.5-3 hours. Immediately when I woke up I knew something had happened to the right side of my throat. The pain was unusual and tremendous in one spot kind of next to my trachea and radiating to my ear. It hurt everytime I swallowed even saliva. My sinuses were fine. I also had full blown acid reflux (I was fine and well-controlled going in) and terrible hiccups for 2-3 days that just struck randomly.
It's now a week later and my throat is still hurting and radiating to my ear. The acid reflux is getting a little better but still an issue. My throat is the issue. This is NOT a sore throat. It is more like a compressed or irritated nerve, maybe? Or some kind of pressure injury? When I eat, it hurts to swallow each bite and the pain grows worse as I take more bites. I tried Prednisone. It might have helped some but the pain is still here. What could be causing this? Hoping some of you have some thoughts. My ENT docs are surprised by this and don't know what is causing it. Thanks!
submitted by TetonHiker to Anesthesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:06 BBarros1111 My Experience Post-Botox (From Day 1 to 5 Weeks Later)

Hey everyone, this sub helped me so much with figuring out about this condition and eventually helping me find a doctor that would give me the botox treatment, so I wanted to give a full detailed account of my experience to help anyone else in the beginning of their journey!
So for some context I am 21F and for as long as I can recall, I’ve never burped. My parents tell me I had no issues burping as a baby, so somewhere in my early life I lost the ability to burp. I can remember having symptoms for many years now, but it’s only been in the last few years of me starting college and getting into my intended career field when this condition started to really affect my life negatively. My biggest symptoms were the gurgling frog noises, painful bloating, and painful hiccups.
I found out about this condition probably a year or two ago, and then finally after one particularly embarrassing experience with the gurgling noises I finally decided to try and start the process of getting the botox procedure. For more context I’m located in the state of Georgia and have Kaiser Health insurance.
So in December 2023 I saw a Primary Care Doctor in order to get a referral to an ENT. Thanks to this subreddit I knew how important it was that I saw an ENT and didn't get referred to a GI doctor. During this appointment I initially didn’t bring up RCPD because I had a feeling my doctor wouldn’t take a self diagnosis seriously. However after discussing my symptoms, (which she had a hilariously confused face when I explained my symptoms and exclaimed “Wow I’ve never had someone come to me with this issue before!”) she said she felt like it was likely a GI issue. So after hearing this I decided to bring up that I had done some online research, which she actually was incredibly receptive to and even encouraged me to share what I had found. I explained to her RCPD and watched her google the condition right in front of me, and after reading some webpages she was in agreement that this is likely what I had, and changed my referral to ENT!
On January 9th 2024 I had my ENT appointment, which was pretty straightforward. My Primary Care Doctor wrote in my referral about RCPD, so the ENT’s I met with had researched the condition before my appointment. They performed an endoscopy on me to make sure I didn’t have any other issues that could be causing my symptoms, but everything came back clean. Since they found no other issues that could be causing my symptoms, they were in agreement that I likely had RCPD. However the Kaiser ENT told me that they don’t perform the Botox procedure through their system of healthcare hospitals/offices, so they’d be writing me a referral to Dr. Andrew Tkaczuk at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA. Even though I already knew about Dr. Tkaczuk through this subreddit, I’m glad I went through these 2 appointments with Kaiser first because it made the process of getting the botox procedure covered by Kaiser Insurance basically automatic.
On February 21st 2024 I had my first appointment at Emory with Dr. Tkaczuk. Once again this was pretty straightforward. I got another endoscopy which once again came back clean. He made sure I didn’t have any issues with acid reflux or heartburn, because in his experience the botox procedure can make those conditions worse. He also let me know that he’s performed this procedure over a hundred times now and never had any complications. I think he mentioned only having to redose maybe 3 patients when their first dose didn’t work. He did warn me that he mostly uses the botox procedure as a cure to bloating issues, as typically most of his patients don't go on to be world class belchers, but instead can burp just enough to relieve their symptoms of bloating and gas build up in the body. After going through all of the risks and potential side effects, I got the greenlight to get the botox procedure.
On April 12th 2024 I got my Botox procedure, and everything was incredibly easy! I showed up to Emory Hospital at 1pm and got taken back to pre-op by 1:30ish. I was not intubated since I am young and the procedure would only take around 30 minutes max, and they made sure to protect my teeth to prevent any damage that the instruments could cause. I underwent general anesthesia (Dr. Tkaczuk explained that he’s more comfortable doing the procedure under GA since the injection site is so close to vocal cords and other things that could be easily damaged if done under local) and was injected with 50 units of botox. I woke up and went home after the procedure with only a very minor sore throat. Dr. Tkaczuk warned me that I might not have any relief of my symptoms until 2 days after the procedure when the botox would likely begin to take effect. For the rest of my procedure day (Day 0) I only had a minor sore throat that eventually had gone away by bedtime.
Day 1 Post Botox Procedure I woke up and immediately drank some Sprite and Dr. Pepper, and luckily had no issues with any slow swallowing. I wasn’t getting my hopes up that I’d have any micro burps since I wasn’t 2 days post-op yet, but turns out I had nothing to worry about! Only a few hours after waking up I had my first micro-burp during a sneeze, and it only got more prevalent throughout the day. I naturally am a bit of a Dr. Pepper addict, so I was consuming fizzy drinks all day. The Dr. Pepper and Sprite gave me some occasional micro-burps, but eventually I drank a fizzy drink called “Guarana Antarctica” (A Brazilian soda similar tasting to Sprite which can be found at Brazilian grocery stores or Publix!) and that drink caused my burps to increase like crazy, so if you’re looking for a drink to induce your burps maybe try that! By night time I was practically micro-burping after every sip of a drink and even let out some quite large and quite nasty tasting burps. I also had at least 3 burps where I could feel acid come up through my nose a bit, which was definitely unpleasant but weirdly nice to experience because it told me that the procedure did its job! However all these burps were 100% uncontrollable. I did find that it was easier to get them out by turning my head to the side, but some just naturally came out while I was talking and I had no control to hold it back (I accidentally burped right in my aunt's face while talking to her!).
Day 3 Post Botox Procedure I started to get some very minor slow swallow side effects. I only experienced it when eating certain foods and luckily not with liquids. It didn’t really make it much harder to eat, I just had to wash down my bites with a drink every so often to make sure food didn’t get stuck in my throat. But otherwise my micro-burps continued as normal, but still were quite involuntary and I still didn’t have much control over them.
2 Weeks Post Botox Procedure not much has changed. I can still burp quite frequently, some sounding like loud real burps but most are just small releases of air. My slow swallow has pretty much gone away, sometimes I still need to chase some large bites of food down with liquid but it's not as bad as it was in the beginning. One thing I’ve noticed that is kind of annoying is I cant drink anything if I’m not sitting up completely straight, and if I lay down too quickly after sipping something the liquid will come right back up! I assume that my esophagus is just kind of always a little open right now which is causing this. The other day I did have what I’d consider a “burp attack” after drinking some Chick Fil A sweet tea. I was in class and literally could not stop burping, which was great for practice but none of these burps offered any release. I’d let out a burp but still feel like there was air trapped in my chest. This only ended after I stopped drinking the tea and drank some soda instead, overall it was pretty weird and so I’m curious if anyone else has experienced something similar. But so far I haven't noticed any painful bloating which has been great! I’ve explained the condition and procedure to all my friends, so whenever I’m hanging out with them they all encourage me with my burps which has been quite funny.
3 Weeks Post Botox Procedure my slow swallow symptoms are completely gone, and I’m experiencing full and natural burps when appropriate instead of small micro burps constantly through the day. I’m pretty sure I’ve learned how to burp at this point, but its hard to say until the botox really wears off. However I recently started experiencing a new and unpleasant side effect, which is throwing up a little bit in my mouth when I bend down too quickly. It’s only happened twice so far, but its very unpleasant, but I’m not super concerned since it’s likely just due to the muscle still being always slightly open. Another side effect is very jarring and painful burps that go up my nose after drinking soda. It’s really hard to describe but I’m sure anyone who has experienced it knows what I’m talking about. I’ve asked my non-RCPD family members if this is a normal thing and they all say that a burp like that happens very rarely, so I’m thinking it’ll go away soon.
5 Weeks Post Botox Procedure and all of my previous side effects have gone away! My burps are natural and happening at normal times still with the occasional burp when I sneeze. No more acid burps with soda, no more minor throwing up in my mouth when bending down. I was supposed to have a follow up appointment with Dr. T this week, but due to some scheduling conflicts I had to cancel it. However I’m pretty sure he would have given me a clean bill of health, and at least in my opinion I can pretty confidently say I’ve been cured of RCP-D! I’m pretty sure it’ll be another month or two before the botox fully wears off, so if something major changes I’ll update this post. But I think at this point it’s safe to say all of my side effects are gone, and my body has stabilized to its new normal!
Overall I am incredibly grateful for how easy this process was for me. I’m so thankful that I never dealt with any doctors not believing in my symptoms or the condition itself, and the fact that the botox kicked in so quickly and I had minimal side effects! Thanks for reading if you made it all the way down here, I hope this helps someone with their experience!
submitted by BBarros1111 to noburp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 Ok_Entertainment_533 I’m lost and possibly suicidal

(Just skip to the last paragraph if you don’t want to read this all.) I just turned 19. My life has been a series of unfortunate events and mistakes, with some very amazing memories/ events mixed in. I grew up in a highly dysfunctional large family, it’s complicated because some weeks were perfect, my parents were awesome sometimes, others it was really rough. My mom displays highly narcissistic tendencies and was mentally abusive when I was a kid. My Dad is a amazing father, but he got into a rodeo accident when he was 18 and snapped his back in half, a saddle bronc horse landed on him and folded him backwards like paper. He’s not paralyzed but has a huge 4ft metal pipe in his back basically holding his spine together, so he has extreme back pain and many many other issues from the accident. So for 4 years from when I was 13-16 he drank alcohol almost constantly and consecutively. He was never mean, physically or verbally abusive, he would just get drunk and pass out in a chair. I remember one time he cut his throat open on a sink trying to install it while he was drunk. Another time I remember having to carry him out to my moms car when I was 14, he was so drunk he had to go to the ER. He also would lie about drinking so we had no idea if he overdosed on pain meds for his back or got drunk. My mom would take me around to mental centers, get me meds, take me to behavioral institutions, and drag me to counselors of hers to basically validate her as being right. Now growing up in a household like this, I obviously did have anger issues and it was a attempt to get attention and love, which never worked and made things worse. So I sucked it up, fixed myself, and got mentally tough as a mf. School was somewhat difficult for me but it was a break from the bullshit. I applied myself to my high school’s marksmanship team and became the best shooter on the team, and my team was best in my state, and best on the west side of America. We got to go to the 2022 National championships and placed 13th out of 1,000 teams, but we shot bad that day, we easily could’ve won it, we weren’t used to the targets they used. I got into smoking weed with my best friend almost every day when I was 16 but quit when I was 17, it wasn’t who I wanted to be.
I went online school when I was 17 and combined my junior and senior years into one year, and graduated early. I would’ve just been graduating high school right now, at 19, if I didn’t do that. I didn’t want to do that so I did what I needed to graduate at 18 years old.
Since I was 15 years I basically have believed that my destiny was to join the military and become a Navy SEAL, and reach a highly elite level within that community. Now I’m 19, and highly disappointed with my life, I don’t know how I got here. I struggle with a extreme degree of apathy, I’m burnt out. I struggle to get out of bed before 2pm, I go to bed at 2 AM-4 AM usually. I’m unable to get a vehicle for job, because my mom refuses to help and my Dad try’s his best but doesn’t have much money because my mom divorced him. He’s self employed and I work with him when I can. Like, I can stick to a routine, I can get up at 6 am when I want to. For the last 6 months I’ve took a cold shower every night, so I can be disciplined, I’m just discouraged about life. I don’t believe becoming a Navy SEAL is possible or realistic now, there’s a lot more to it that I’m not sharing, but I will say I simply do not have the energy to go to the gym everyday or get in shape. Hell, I don’t even have a car, or job. I have no idea what I’m going to do for my career if I don’t become a SEAL.
Lately, I’ve thought about shooting myself to end this all, it’s not a problem if I’m not in the equation. I vividly imagine it, I imagine feeling the barrel on the roof of my mouth, I imagine how my skull would shatter and what the “cleanest” way to do it would be. I’ve thought about laying a towel down under my head so I don’t ruin the carpet, I’ve tried to find a way to shoot myself in the head so I don’t ruin the ceiling. We also live in the state with the highest suicide rate in the country. I imagine my family finding me and my Dad’s pain, because suicide runs in our family, his Dad (my Grandpa) hung himself, his Mom’s sisters and brothers have killed themselves, his cousin, his aunt, shit I don’t want to add to his pain. This is what keeps me from doing it, I’m not selfish, I’m selfless, I can’t be responsible for causing my family more pain, and a part of me still believes I could become a SEAL too. If I didn’t have family I might’ve done it already. Hell, typing this out I realize my reason/ motivation to become a SEAL could be to spare my family from that pain. I don’t know, I’m just over it.
submitted by Ok_Entertainment_533 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:00 rarehipster Panhomonium

I was hoping on some critique on this story before a pursue it further.
Session 14342276897
“Now, with our deliberation concluded”. He said with a sense of exasperation “We will now decide on the fate of man” Like he has done for the past eternity, Abel cast the first vote. And like he has done for the past eternity, he voted to stay.
Abel returned to his dais and watched as the damned cast their ballots in the wrought iron box. In the long ago he marveled at the chamber that sat so many bodies, but he has since grown sick of the white stone benches and marbled walls. He did not hold the same hatred for this room as the one that had flourished in him around the time that David came;he simply had become bored with it.
The body waited until the final vote was cast. As always the final vote was cast by the newest. He was a scrawny boy barely sixteen in age. It had been easy for Abel to introduce him to his new life. Gentiles like him were usually the quickest to acclimate. It was the holy which usually had the hardest time understanding the truth. They would insist that this was the serpent’s work until they inevitably ran out of fight.
The boy deposited his ballot and the room grew silent. The box ignited in a horrible dirty flame. Abel saw the smoke. Black as night and thick as syrup. He cleared his throat and addressed the crowd. “We have spoken”. His voice nearly shook the room with its authority. “We shall remain another day and adjourn in the morrow to decide our salvation”. The crowd made its way towards the antechamber and out into the city. Abel took a moment to enjoy the solitude he so rarely got. There would be another he would need to introduce.
Session 3
“ Would you please stop pestering father,''Abel said with a hint of venom. “ You aren't winning either of us over, can we please just move on to the vote”. He glanced at the old man. He was wearing radiating over the trios state of dress.
“ I’m just saying that he must want to return to a place of paradise like he was born to. He had existed without suffering and can now bless all with that pleasure”.
The old man looked up “In time I will be ready, but I do not yet feel worthy to exist as He does”. He took a long quaking breath and continued “ I must still repent for the world I brought everyone else into”. Cain saw an opportunity and responded like a leopard pouncing on his prey “ You cannot be at fault; you had not yet existed with the concept of lying. You saw two truths and chose the one which was more relevant to you”.
“ Do not defend my actions. I made a choice to betray the only thing that can truly love. We knew what we were doing. Perhaps not completely, but enough to know on some level that we were doing wrong”. The old man was now standing on trembling legs and scorning Cain with his sunken face.
“ Both of you need to calm down. We’re not discussing ideas anymore, we are digging up grievances which can never be reburied.”
The room went silent. Cain took a second to recompose himself. “ Me and father are clearly at an impasse, but you must understand me. We have a chance to save all of humanity that could ever exist. I just need one of you to agree with me”
Abel tensed for a second. “No”.
“What do you mean “No?”
“ I hear what you have to say, but I know you don’t believe a word of it” Abel sat up taller in his chair “ You wish for paradise so you no longer feel guilt over what you have done. I will not let you hide from your actions”.
“But father is avoiding his gui-”
Abel stood on the dais, towering over Cain. “ He feels guilt because he knows he has done wrong. YOU feel guilt because you were CAUGHT”.
Another wave of silence spread through the room. The men looked at each other for a second. Silently, they all cast their votes. All knew the results before the first spark appeared.
submitted by rarehipster to FictionWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:11 Sea_Towel2647 Unexplained elevated troponin?

26F. Super healthy before all of this happened- long distance runner, running 6 times per week. Had the flu at the end of Feb (Covid negative at this time), recovered after 1 week or so then went back to normal. A week or so later I got Covid. Covid was mild- no fever, just sniffles and sore throat. No matter what I tried, I just couldn’t get back to normal after Covid. Running would be okay for a week or two, then would feel like garbage. Then 3 weeks after Covid I started getting dizzy and had blurry vision. Had a MRI and CT which were both clear. Even saw ophthalmology and an optometrist, eyes were totally fine. Was told to just keep on resting and I would feel better. Fast forward to 6 weeks post Covid. Went for a run and had significant heart burn, nausea and dizziness. Went to the ER and found out that my troponin was at 841. Within 48 hours troponin went back to normal (high sensitivity test- was at 52 at discharge). Cardiologist said it was viral myocarditis even though I was negative for COVID and a bunch of other common viruses. Chest MRI and X-ray were both clear- neither showed signs of myocarditis. Vision continues to be blurry and I’m quite tired. My legs are also super achy. Last Covid vaccine was in 2022. Went back to emergency today because of new chest pain. Troponin was at 7. Have any docs seen something like this? Does it sound like viral myocarditis?
submitted by Sea_Towel2647 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:11 c7avenger 21m no past diagnoses, no medications and lightly drink: I am scared what could this be?

Before I start I’m going to a professional in 3 days but I need something to calm my mind in the meantime. Since 2019 I have had this feeling of some bump or obstruction being in my throat around my voicebox or so I didn’t think too much of it but it made me need to clear my throat more. That was until a couple days ago when I went to run and I felt like It grew in size to a point where it feels uncomfortable to talk and constantly sore. I’m guessing it is just laryngitis since a week before I was singing as loud as I could every night as it was the end of the semester. It’s been 3 days since then. But there’s a part of me extremely paranoid it’s throat cancer and that bump I’ve felt has just been growing all this time without me noticing. What could it actually be? Is it more likely just to be laryngitis or could it be something else that isn’t bad bc I don’t want to sit for 3 days terrified of it being cancer when there could be an extreme slight chance of it being so
submitted by c7avenger to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:56 Legalsandwich Chronic fatigue and other symptoms the day after any activity. Ongoing for 12+ years. No dx.

44y/o white female. 5'6" and 288lbs. Only diagnosis is major depression. Was on Zoloft and Welbutrin for years until recently weaned off Zoloft onto Cymbalta. I try to exercise as much as I can, but it's hard with symptoms.
This has been going on for 12+years. Any time I have a busy day, get a lot of activity, spend time outside, etc. The next day I can barely get out of bed. I have body aches, swollen glands, sore throat, horrible fatigue, and just general overall malaise. The muscle aches are all over and aren't the good kind of ache after exercise. I basically feel like I have the flu. The only thing that helps is sleeping all day. It's almost like I have a latent infection or illness that fares up the next day with any kind of physical activity.
For example, yesterday I helped with some yard work outside, worked on my boat, went and saw friends, and did some housework. Today I could barely walk. My throat hurts, my glands are swollen, I feel inflammation everywhere, body aches, and I slept most of the day.
Even if it's not one of these "bad days" where I feel sick, I'm incredibly tired almost every day and could sleep all day if I allowed myself to.
Multiple blood tests over the past 12 years show consistently elevated platelets, white blood cells count, c reactive protein, and sometimes EFR. Everything else is normal. Normal glucose, hemoglobin, a1c, etc.
Ruled out: sleep apnea, RA, MS, lymes (I live in Wisconsin), ruled out all food intolerances, celiacs, allergies...
No medical provider has been able to give me a diagnosis or any idea what's going on. If anyone has any thoughts that might help, I would very much appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
submitted by Legalsandwich to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:54 jessica_j435 Bleeding gums for almost a week now.

My 23 month old daughter got a sore in the corner of her lips/ mouth last Monday night. It sort of looked like a cold sore but also I remember getting sores and dry skin the corner of my mouth when I was younger so wasn’t super concerned but hoping it wasn’t a cold sore since she has never had one and I was irritated she would get this from somewhere/someone, but everything comes home from daycare.
Doc said likely angular chelitis (inflation and small cracks in corner of mouth) and not contagious so I was relieved and she sent us home with a cream. That night while trying to brush her teeth she was hysterical and I noticed her gums were bleeding pretty bad. Also noticed another small sore in the corner of her mouth but inside.
Called back next day and said well maybe it is oral herpes and sent over a prescription for Acyclovir. She’s been taking it since Wednesday night and her gums are still bleeding horribly bad. Sore on her side of lip is still kind of there. I just don’t know what to do at this point. I’m calling back tomorrow as well as making a call to the dentist but I can’t figure out why we haven’t seen relief at this point and wondering if it is something else.
She’s finally eating and no longer fevering but her gums will not stop bleeding. Wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar?
submitted by jessica_j435 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:49 DontDrinkMyYoohoo So upset. Other half has been feeling ill and hasn't been transparent. WTH.

He felt nauseous yesterday and says he's been nauseous today. Now he tells me his throat was a little sore for about an hour yesterday.
I'm an only child and the only caretaker for my mother who has dementia. We are N-95 maskers and are always "very safe," but he's a school teacher and it's been going around significantly. I also have asthma and may now have alpha-gal syndrome, which will make me unable to take certain critical medications due to an allergy to mammalian proteins because of a tick bite I received.
This kinda B.S. happened last year...he felt sick and wasn't honest/wasn't careful and didn't take precautions around me and was upset when I slept in the other room/closed off, just in case.
I've lost my friends and any social/career life due to protecting myself and my mother (and him and his family) by masking. Yesterday marked 8 years together and today he kissed me passionately when he damn well shouldn't have.
I feel he routinely shows me that he has little regard for my safety and wellbeing. If I were possibly sick and he were high risk, I would protect him/distance and make sure he was well.
This makes me so upset. It feels so selfish, on his part.
submitted by DontDrinkMyYoohoo to ZeroCovidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:39 S0ng81rd Hold on, it's going to be okay.

There is someone out there reading this waiting for a message from someone that may be drawing my attention towards because of my topics I write about.
I am a former and currently struggling addict. I'm not perfect, I don't try to be someone I am not. I am blunt, honest, alone.... Mostly alone.... A lot!
I am a human being that has stumbled many upon many times..... I'm doing it again not all or all at once, but I did all in my past.
Let me break the ice and list some of my sins and addictions.
watching inappropriate films of all topics.
In a nice way to list it without the drama story attached to it. I'm guilty of it all.
Don't give in, even though you messed up today. I did too....
Just socializing, I take a drag of a cigarette and then another and then another....
Well, I just smoked and broke my promise again for the millionthteenth time.... So, I'll just smoke for tonight only......
It's 1am now, but I didn't fall asleep yet, so I can smoke until my day actually ends.
F* it, I'll just buy a pack because I'm already smoked yesterday and broke my promise.
You see my demons there!
Yeah, this is current and I'm ashamed and holding myself accountable. I told my person my struggles and allowed them to share their anger towards me for falling back into my old patterns. I still told them and I am working on myself. I am reminding myself where I was and how long I stopped and how far I've come and to not fall back into hurting my body anymore. To love myself more and not harm it because I am not afraid of dying. I need to stop wanting it to happen to me. I need to accept that my life has a purpose and masking my pain won't stop when I am hiding my emotions for a nicotine buzz when I take a break at work.
That is no excuse to pick up the habit. Let your coworkers do it without you. Don't go back to your old habits. Stop it!
That's my Dad yelling at me. I get him interrupting when I free write.
I want you to see that I struggle everyday. I miss smoking every day. I chose the other options to seek a substance over another. I am just like my father. I have an addictive personality and behavior pattern.
I also see where I need to work on myself and I get back in the game. I don't keep with the habit because I fell out of it for a weekend. My Dad won't shut up.
My father died of lung cancer and he never smoked and he is very upset at me for smoking so I could be with him in heaven. He cried next to me as I cried and I gave up singing. I left choir and I had throat problems when I was a senior in college. I didn't get to sing my recital to my father, he passed away before he saw me graduate.
He doesn't want anyone to give in to their addictions. He wishes he followed his dreams of being a service with God by his side. He gave into alcohol and pills. He sees me talking about him on here. I'm letting you see me for who I am and I am not afraid of how you read my story. This is real. This is me. Deal with it or move on.
Sorry about that side tangent. Suz showed up.
She helps me get my throat chakra open so I can share my feelings and stick up for myself. She is well aware of my past and been warning me ever since.
This is about addiction. This is about letting go.
They show up at the worst times, sorry you guys....
I am here to receive and share my story and I fall apart. I am being tested by my enemy and I am sharing my struggles to show my gratitude for awareness. I am more aware to see where I am falling short and work on nurturing those wounds to avoid the old habits of treating it. My inner child, my 20 year old self showed up and what I did back then was miss my Dad and smoke.
I can never fall too far, my Dad shows up and reminds me to write and he helps me get back on track with the topics I write about. It's him taking over my hands and I just start writing.
It's really cool. I miss him and it's weird how he does this, it took me a few tries after becoming very intoxicated with a substance I don't want to trigger you anymore..... Sorry....
I'm not the only one that has this problem. When some of us become intoxicated, we are more intune with spirits. It's not a psychotic break down. It took me a long time to see why my father kept escaping when he had no reason.
He had good reasons, but I wasn't old enough to understand. Until he passed, we are very close, he shares with me many memories and stories of my family I never knew. He taught me how to talk to my Grandmother through music. He lets me know how to handle my mom. He calms me down when I am having a breakdown and my arms hold my body in a hug. I don't move my body, I let my body move on its own. When I allow this to happen, especially when I drank, I saw my father in my memory hugging me tightly. That was when he taught me how to see and communicate with him.
I got used to wanting to be around him more, I kept trying to find how to bring him back, it only happens on special occasions. I don't get to decide how he wants to show up. He just does and I have to be ready to see his signs and feel every moment to enjoy the experience.
He told me today.
"Knock it off! Go write!"
So, here I am. I was wrong. This journey doesn't let me get away with much anymore. I have a purpose why I chose to stray away from God after I went to college and do this stuff.... My adult self is really mad for smoking and drinking so heavily.....
If you are still young, but feel like you did yourself enough damage you don't see the point in stopping......
Just stop.
There's no plan to it, you just do it. It's gonna suck. That part you got to fix is how you think about it once you stop.
This isn't me talking, this is still my Dad teaching me a lesson to not smoke. Because he died a terrible death and he doesn't want me to go the same way. We are working on forgiving each other in giving into our patterns we learned from our family patterns of raising kids. We all have a story. We all came from some form of trauma.
They want to show me how to stop repeating it. I failed this week. It's been a week, not gonna lie and I enjoyed it, but now, I feel regret. Because I do know better.
I know someone out there wants to be serious and stop, but feel alone without someone to show active encouragement.....
Be my cheerleader too!
I need one so I can stop messing up my clean lungs. I worked hard to get them there. I'm gonna get back on track and stop. I hope you are able to get a hold of your addictions too, Whatever it may be.
I feel a little weird about posting this, but they are double dog daring me to do it.
SO, don't judge, but yeah..... Here it is.... Unedited. All me.... Being weird.
submitted by S0ng81rd to u/S0ng81rd [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:35 Expensive_Area9509 Sore Throat + Headaches

Hey y'all, got a question: After (and during) work I always end up getting a really sore throat and a splitting headache. I've been having to take meds when I get home, and I wake up right as rain the next day. Nothing in my life has changed and I'm not sick, and it's not allergies. Any clues if it's something to do with the fumes, etc?
submitted by Expensive_Area9509 to dishwashers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:11 Advanced-Specific601 My throat is so sore

My throat hurts so bad. It’s been like this since Friday and the pain keeps getting worse. It’s so bad i can’t sleep and every time I swallow, eat, drink, or even just not do anything it hurts. This is the worse sore throat I’ve ever had in my entire life. This sucks so much, and nothing relives the pain.
submitted by Advanced-Specific601 to sick [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:49 Key_Story2521 Worried

Hi all, I am very new to sinus issues. About 2 months ago I had a very minor cold where I ended up coughing up green phlegm for weeks after, but the phlegm was definitely coming from post nasal drip. I went to the doctor thinking maybe I have a sinus infection as I was getting headaches as well and she gave me reactin and looked in my nose/throat and told me it didn’t look bacterial so to proceed with antihistamines and netti pot rinses. Then about a week after this appointment, I got a horrible cold again with fever, sore throat, congestion the whole 9 yards. This was 2 weeks ago now, and I’m left with the worst post nasal drip i’ve ever had, horcking up loads of green phlegm and sinus pressure in my forehead and behind my eyes. Not much actual congestion though or any runny nose. Horrible fatigue though. I just got some Xlear nasal spray today and am going to try some oil of oregano steam inhalation in the next few days.. I really want to avoid antibiotics if I can, but how long can I try these natural remedies safely? I’ve heard of infection spreading to your brain and becoming life threatening and i’m terrified. How long can you safely see if you can ride out an infection with at home remedies? Is two weeks after a cold too long? Please help if you have any other advise for flushing this thing out of my system.
submitted by Key_Story2521 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]