Univision 14 exito escolar scholarships

How can I make and/or find money to pay for my university dorm/meal plan as a disabled student? Are student loans my only option?

2024.05.20 09:04 puddlecattabby How can I make and/or find money to pay for my university dorm/meal plan as a disabled student? Are student loans my only option?

For any of this to make sense, I need to give some background info first. I apologize for the wordiness - I'm a creative writing major and I can't really help it. (Also, I apologize for anything I do wrong in this post, including formatting, I literally have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to Reddit.)
I'm a student, I'm almost 21 (turning in June) and I have multiple diagnosed disabilities and several that my doctor and I are still trying to figure out. I just completed my first year of college (...barely) about a week ago. I was (and still am) living at home with my parents, as my hometown is only a 20-30 min drive from the larger town where I go to school. However, while it technically worked, it didn't really work well. Given that some of my disabilities make it impossible and dangerous for me to drive, I relied on my mom to drive me, which mostly worked out since her job isn't far from campus, but she started working at 7 am, meaning I had to wake up by or before 6 and my classes usually didn't start until 9 or later.
Due to this, I lost out on a lot of sleep throughout the year (even when going to bed "early" (which often still wasn't until after midnight due to other disabilities and insomnia keeping me up even with sleep aids/medication) and lost out on a lot of social opportunities as well since I was going home around 4 in the afternoon, when a lot of club meetings and other things are scheduled. Because I was losing so much sleep, I found it hard to stay focused in class (though I didn't miss any, surprisingly) and found it even harder to complete schoolwork on time, if at all, on top of some of my disabilities getting worse and my medications not working. I ended up having to drop three of my four classes last semester (spring semester, not autumn) because it was better than having inevitable fails marked on my transcript.
I planned to move onto campus for the following four or five years (I'm taking fewer credits than most students, 12 vs. the standard 15, but still full-time) since I knew that my maternal grandparents had a college fund set up for me, but since I struggled so much this year due to my disabilities, I'm now deemed "untrustworthy" and they're not allowing me to use it (which is honestly hilarious, given how hypocritical their reasoning is, since my grandmother has been disabled since she was 13, but I digress).
I'm luckily able to get my tuition, some fees and my books/supplies covered through my local Vocational Rehabilitation center, but they can't cover the costs of dorm rooms or the meal plan that my university requires for students in the dorms. I get some financial aid through FAFSA, but not enough to cover those costs.
I'm currently unable to work most entry-level positions (no experience and/or too people-y) or any manual labor jobs (physical disabilities), and will definitely be unable once school starts because I won't have time. Unfortunately, my Social Security benefits application is still in the works. My family members (that aren't hypocritical *insert insulting terms here*) are all broke and can't afford to help me. I haven't yet heard if any of the scholarships I've applied for have awarded me anything.
I need approximately $14,000 by the end of this summer (or rather, $7k by the end of summer, another $7k by mid-January 2025) to cover this. I really don't want to take out student loans, since I may not be able to complete college if my disabilities continue to worsen (crossing my fingers that they don't, though!) and would therefore be unable to pay them off with the job my degree would hopefully open up for me (and my family wouldn't be able to pay them off either, since they're all broke, too).
I'm just at my wit's end... I don't know what to do. If I was able to work (or my grandparents didn't suck...) this wouldn't be that big of a deal, but it seems that I've been dealt the worst possible hand.
I guess what I'm asking is this: are loans are my only option, or am I just completely screwed?
Thanks in advance for any advice y'all have to give :')
submitted by puddlecattabby to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:55 FlirtatiousGemini Should I take calculus 2 at Sinclair despite not feeling confident to avoid OSU 1152?

I am an upcoming Fall 24 Math financial transfer student. I read about how bad the calc series is at OSU and on a spur of the moment impulse joined a summer Calculus 2 at Sinclair Community College to transfer to avoid taking it at OSU.
I have not taken Calculus 1 since spring of 2022. My original plan was to take it at OSU and review my Calculus 1 skills over the summer before to prepare. However, out of fear due to the reputation I joined calculus 2 at Sinclair without any beforehand studying. I am recalling things as I do my work in Calculus 2 work; however, I strongly feel that when I get to sequences and integration that my lack of review will hurt me.
I am currently working to save money (40 hours a week) while taking calculus 2 over the summer but I feel like this is making it worse since it is leaving me too tired to do my work. I plan to quit soon mid-June since they will give me a scholarship for working there however, I feel like this be too late since it might affect my work in class.
My laziness and fear tell me to drop the class while I can and study for the fall. However, my brain tells me to suffer now and avoid the suffering that will be OSU calculus 2. I am looking for opinions to help me make my decision since I have until tomorrow to decide on dropping Calculus 2 without record and full refund.
I can't take Calculus 2 at CSCC for my first semester since you are required to take 14-16 credit hours at OSU your first term. I would have to take 19 credit hours to take it at CSCC my term.
submitted by FlirtatiousGemini to OSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 RichInPitt We have our annual “applied to a bazillion school, got lots of money” article.

There’s one every year. And you don’t get the offered money from schools you don’t attend.

Madison Crowell was accepted into 231 colleges and awarded $14.7 million in scholarships to help fund her college education, according to High Point University (HPU).
“ Getting all of this recognition is very heartwarming. “
And that was the driver, wasn't it? Usually from parents.
her parents began planning her college journey back when she was a young girl.

submitted by RichInPitt to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:04 M4C4BRO Bibliografia Política

Bibliografia Política

-Curso básico de microeconomia - José Carrera-Fernandez
-Macroeconomia para executivos - Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira Schmidt e Fábio Giambiagi
-Opções, futuros e outros derivativos - John C. Hull
-Projeto nacional - Ciro Gomes
-O Estado Empreendedor- Mariana Mazzucato
-This time is different’ (Desta vez é diferente) Carmen Reinhart e Kenneth Rogoff.
Máfia econômica
-Capitalismo de laços - Sérgio G. Lazzarini
-O que os Donos do Poder não Querem que você saiba- Eduardo Moreira
Follow The Money
Gestão Pública
-Administração pública-Augustinho Paludo
-Gestão da regulação - Ivan Antônio Pinheiro
Relações Governamentais
https://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Lobismo&oldid=[59036860](tel:59036860)
https://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php? title=Relações_Governamentais&oldid=[54006172](tel:54006172)
  • Curso de direito do trabalho - Luciano Martinez
-Legislação do SUS - Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde CONASS -Para entender a gestão do SUS - Conass
-Exame de ordem da OAB: Doutrina – Volume único - Coordenação Vauledir Ribeiro Santos
Código Comercial
Lei nº 556, 25.6.1850
Código Civil
Lei nº 10.406, 10.1.2002
Código de Águas
Dec nº 24.643, 10.7.1934
Código de Defesa do Consumidor
Lei nº 8.078, [11.09.1990](tel:11091990)
Código Penal
Del nº 2.848, 7.12.1940
Código de Processo Penal
Del nº 3.689, 3.10.1941
Código Brasileiro de Telecomunicações
Lei nº 4.117, 27.8.1962
Código Florestal
Lei nº 12.651, 25.5.2012
Código Eleitoral
Lei nº 4.737, 15.7.1965
Código Tributário Nacional
Lei nº 5.172, [25.10.1966](tel:25101966)
Código de Processo Penal Militar
Del 1.002, de [21.10.1969](tel:21101969)
Código Penal Militar
Del 1.001, de [21.10.1969](tel:21101969)
Código de Mineração - Código de Minas
Del nº 227, 28.2.1967
Código de Caça - Proteção a Fauna
Lei nº 5.197, 3.1.1967
Código de Processo Civil
Lei nº 13.105, de 2015
Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica
Lei nº 7.565, [19.12.1986](tel:19121986)
Código de Propriedade Industrial
Lei nº 9.279, 14.5.1996
Código de Trânsito Brasileiro
Lei nº 9.503, 23.9.1997
-Análise de Crime para Solucionadores de Problemas Em 60 Pequenos Passos - Ronald V. Clarke & John E. Eck -Crime organizado - Cleber Masson e Vinícius Marçal -A república das milícias-Bruno Paes Manso
Inteligência Financeira -Lavagem de dinheiro - André Luís Callegari e Ariel Barazzetti Weber
Córtex - Seopi https://theintercept.com/2020/09/21/governo-vigilancia-cortex/
Geo-Pr https://theintercept.com/2016/12/05/abin-tem-megabanco-de-dados-sobre-movimentos-sociais/
Defesa Civil - Emergência (Emergency - This book will save your life) - Neil Strauss - FM 21-76 US ARMY SURVIVAL MANUAL - IP 21-80 - SOBREVIVÊNCIA NA SELVA
Bombeiros -Manual básico de Bombeiro Militar CBMERJ
Estratégia -Livro Branco da Defesa -Estratégia Nacional de Defesa -A arte da guerra - Sun Tzu -Da Guerra-CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ -Sobre a guerra - Napoleão Bonaparte -The Influence of Sea Power Upon History [1660 - 1783](tel:16601783) Alfred Thayer Mahan -O Príncipe - Nicolau Maquiavel -As grandes estratégias - John Lewis Gaddis
Gestão e Logística -Relatórios de Gestão - Defesa/EB/MB/FAB
Geopolítica -A vingança da Geografia - Robert D. Kaplan -A desordem mundial - Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira
Jogos de Guerra e Operações
Palavras-chave: Military Decision-Making Process MDMP
Funções de combate: Movimento e Manobra, Inteligência, Comando e Controle, Fogos, Proteção e Logística
-The Complete Wargames Handbook -James F. Dunnigan -Smartbooks Christopher Larsen & Norman M. Wade -FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations -FM 3-0 Operations -FM 3-90 Tácticas ( espanhol) -Gary Grigsbys War in the East (jogo) -Command: Modern Air / Naval Operarions (jogo) - EB60-ME-11.401 Manual de Ensino Dados Médios de Planejamento Escolar - FM 3-24.2 (FM 90-8, FM 7-98) Tactics in Counterinsurgency
Manuais -TC 3-21-76 Ranger Handbook -FM 23-10 Sniper Training -The Ultimate Sniper -EJC-3-218 Manual de instrucción y entrenamiento tiradores de alta precision -In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us Army
Inteligência -Serviços Secretos - André Soares -Doutrina e Método -Escola Superior de Inteligência -Belo Horizonte -Spycraft-Robert Wallace and H. Keith Melton with Henry R. Schlesinger -Fundamentos de metodologia científica - Marina de Andrade Marconi e Eva Maria Lakatos -Pesquisa operacional Para Cursos De Engenharia - Belfiore & Fávero -Data Science do Zero - Joel Grus -Inteligência artificial -Stuart Russell e Peter Norvig -Teoria dos Jogos - Ronaldo Fiani -O segredo judaico de resolução de problemas - Nilton Bonder -Super previsões - Dan Gardner -Método Grumbach de Gestão Estratégica
Defesa Cibernética -Contagem Regressiva ate Zero Day
Abed https://www.instagram.com/abed_defesa/ https://youtube.com/c/ABEDAssocia%C3%A7%C3%A3oBrasileiradeEstudosdeDefesa
📌Mídia Especializada
-Synopsis https://youtube.com/channel/UCcs-LNN1N_n2K-Te0Y6hGYQ
-Canal Arte da Guerra - Robison Farinazzo https://youtube.com/c/ARTEDAGUERRA
-Mahanology Español https://youtube.com/channel/UCB4fkJFzb6y15Vae83w3nWw
-Hablemos de Guerra https://youtube.com/channel/UC5aYhVHQc4FtcUDWsllx0UA
-Base militar vídeo magazine https://youtube.com/c/BASEMILITARV%C3%8DDEOMAGAZINE
-Caiafa Master https://youtube.com/c/caiafamaster
-Forças de Defesa https://youtube.com/c/For%C3%A7asdeDefesa
📌Think Tank
9-Relações Exteriores
-Relações Internacionais - Demetrio Magnoli
-Ordem Mundial - Henry Kissinger
10-Direitos Humanos
-Curso de Direitos Humanos - André de Carvalho Ramos
-International Human Rights - Philip Alston & Ryan Goodman
-The Oxford Handbook of International Human Rights Law - Dinah Shelton
14-Energia e Mineração
Observatório de Mineração https://observatoriodamineracao.com.br/ https://mobile.twitter.com/obsmineracao
16-Saneamento Básico
-Manual de Direito Previdenciário - Carlos Alberto Pereira de Castro e João Batista
18-Agricultura e Pecuária
19-Industria e Comércio
20-Ciência e Tecnologia
-Introdução à engenharia mecânica -Jonathan Wickert
  • Ignition ! - John D. Clark
21-Meio Ambiente
-Os Senhores do Clima - Tim Flannery -CI Geoinformação -Meteorologia E Climatologia - Mário Adelmo Varejão Silva
25-Assistência Social
26-Comunicação Estratégica
-Os Engenheiros do Caos - Giuliano Da Empoli -A guerra na era da informação - Alessandro Visacro -Psicodiagnóstico - Organizadores, Claudio Simon Hutz et al -Gene Egoísta - Richard Dawkins -Análise do discurso - Fabiane Teixeira de Jesus e Guilherme Adorno
-Como Falar em Publico e Encantar as pessoas - Dale Carnegie -Como se defender de ataques verbais - Barbara Berckhan -Oratória-Reilnado Polito -Raciocínio lógico passo a passo - Luiz Cláudio Durão Cabral,Mauro César de Abreu Nunes -Argumentação jurídica - Victor Gabriel Rodriguez -A arte de argumentar-Antônio Suárez Abreu -Negocie como se sua vida dependesse disso - Chris Voss - Como vencer um debate -dialetica eristica -Schopenhauer - Do pensar por si-Schopenhauer -Pense Como um Freak- Steven D. Levitt -As Armas da Persuasão-Robert Cialdini -Manual de Persuasão do FBI-Marvin Karlins, Jack Schafer -Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour -Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus -Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman -A linguagem corporal no trabalho - Allan e Barbara Pease
"O Estado sou eu " - Luis XIV
-Apostila Técnico Judiciário
29-Ciências Políticas
-Como Funciona o Fascismo - Jason Stanley -O Príncipe - Nicolau Maquiavel -Amanhã vai ser maior- Rosana Pinheiro- Machado -Necropolítica - Achille Mbembe
Journal of Democracy https://fundacaofhc.org.biniciativas/publicacoes/journal-of-democracy-em-portugues
-A guerra contra o Brasil - Jessé Souza - "A problem from hell" - Samantha Power - Engenheiros da vitória - Paul Kennedy - Estratégia militar e História - César Campiani Maximiano
📌Dossiês -Tudo o que você desaprendeu para virar um idiota - Meteoro Brasil
📌Línguas -Manual de língua portuguesa do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região -Como dizer tudo em inglês - Ron Martinez -Aprenda idiomas sem complicações: Francês - Jeferson Ferreira
Congresso em foco https://congressoemfoco.uol.com.br/ https://m.facebook.com/congressoemfoco https://mobile.twitter.com/congressoemfoco https://www.instagram.com/congressoemfoco/
Fact checking
Aos Fatos https://www.aosfatos.org/ https://m.facebook.com/aosfatos.org/ https://www.instagram.com/aosfatos/ https://mobile.twitter.com/aosfatos
Comprova https://www.instagram.com/comprova/
Agência Lupa https://www.instagram.com/agencia_lupa/
Lista de vieses cognitivos – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Falácia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Propaganda techniques - Wikipedia
Distorções Cognitivas https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distor%C3%A7%C3%A3o_cognitiva
Meio Ambiente https://www.globalforestwatch.org/
Literatura -A cidade e a cidade - China Miéville
Documentários -Ditadores - Livro de Regras -Generais em guerra-National Geographic -SAS Survival Secrets -The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol)) -COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel -Grandes batallas de tanques (Greatest tank battles ) -Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic -À Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls -No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls -A vida em um milhão de anos-NatGeo
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2024.05.20 00:35 Norrote German Empire in the northern Germany and North German confederation in Czechia

German Empire in the northern Germany and North German confederation in Czechia
I don't know how it happened.
I do not know how it happened. It was one of my first plays in early April. Was browsing through screenshots and saw this. Everything is perfect on this pic: Communist France, a hole inside Austria, Rhineland in France and Alsace in German hands. I remember Austria had three wars against Germany and I was allied to Prussia initially, then it became German Empire without south Germany. You can see that terrible Standard of Living (Idk how to fix it even now). At least, I didnt even manage to complete Tanzimat reforms somehow. I also see Germany taking Tirol very often. Also China exploded
submitted by Norrote to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:53 InternationalRow3133 New laptop for cybersecurity

I’m a Cyber Operations major going into my junior year of college. At the moment I have a ASUS Vivobook pro 14 that I’ve had for the last two years of school. I have a scholarship that will is going to reimburse me for a computer purchase. Was just asking to see if anyone had some good recommendations for some new laptops. I was looking at getting a framework so I could run a Linux OS, but I don’t want to really wait for Q2 to get the laptop.
submitted by InternationalRow3133 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:42 Barragens Trains - Need help

I hope you are all well.
I am in Heidelberg and I need to take the train everyday to go to the university. The month is ending, so buying the 49 eur ticket sounds like a lot, but would I find a cheap way to travel 5 times to university and back before the next month begins? I need to travel 3 stations. 14 km would be too far for a bike ride? I am not necessarily healthy due to the stress of my previous research position. However, I am in a super, super tight budget because the rent eats up 80% of my scholarship. I am eating bread and rice and left my wife in our home country. So, I am making sacrifices. If you have a way to make my life easier, I appreciate the advice.
I also lost my coat, do you know if there is a place people donate clothes they do not longer need?
Thank you
submitted by Barragens to Heidelberg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:13 Norrote German Empire and North German confederation existing at the same time

German Empire and North German confederation existing at the same time
One of my first plays. German Empire in the North Germany and North German Confederation in Czechia.
submitted by Norrote to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:33 tryingtolive338 Fair Rent Split with Friend

Hello, I'm new to Reddit and need some advice.
I am a college student moving into an apartment for the first time with my friend in DC. We have very different financial situations. I attend school on a full academic scholarship, which covers housing costs, while she receives substantial financial support from her well-off parents. I am very low income, and my check for housing doesn’t kick in until mid-September, so I have to pay for the first two months out of pocket. We discussed this when we decided to be roommates that she would take the masters and I would take the secondary bedroom, to help me cut costs. For more context on her living situation this past school year I lived in a dorm, and she lived in an apartment where she was paying 2,400 per month.
We are signing a 6-month lease, as we both plan on studying abroad in the spring (the lease is from August to January). We have found an apartment that fits our budget at $3,100 per month, which is the cheapest we could find and still be close to school. Other apartments we've toured had clear distinctions that the person with the master bedroom (my friend) should pay more due to private amenities like bathrooms or balconies. Which made how to split the rent easier to discus. However, this building doesn’t have those features; the only difference is that her room is slightly larger. My bedroom is 14 x 12, while her bedroom is 18 x 11.
She is very modest about money and even mentioned that having a larger room can be more challenging because it’s more space to manage. She is my friend, and I don’t want to take advantage just because she comes from a wealthy family. Should we split the $3,100 rent down the middle, or should she pay more for the larger room? If she should pay more, how should we determine a fair amount? Also how should I approach this conversation?
submitted by tryingtolive338 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:22 No-Psychology5571 Academic Approach to Proving Abubakar’s Quran

Hey Guys,
So you may be aware that western scholarship has been approaching the topic of the preservation of the Quran in depth. In the 70s, Patricia Crone wrote Hagarism which led to the development of the Revisionist School of Quranic studies. They said that because the Quran mentions vegetation and because Mecca wasn’t as large as a trading hub as Muslim tradition represents, and because the Quran seems to reference such a wide gamut of sources, it was impossible that the Quran was compiled in Arabia, but must have been in Petra or a city with greater links to the wider world, and that it was written by comities over three hundred years after the prophet.
The secondary claim of the academics is that none of the Hadith literature can be trusted. Now, I do believe that some of the Hadith (perhaps more than we assume) may have been corrupted, but I do think academia is far too dismissive of the historicity of the hadith completely. I read the Hadith in precisely the same way that I read the old testament: both contain some Wahi - or revelation - but neither is the word of God verbatim, and if anything in them directly contradicts the Quran or aql, I reject it outright. That being said, I do believe some of it is historical and goes back to the prophet and is therefore part of the Sunnah and is Wahi.
Returning to our discussion: the discovery of the Sanaa’ palimpsest put the revisionist theory to rest as the entire Quran has now been attested to around 650 - Uthman’s Quran. However scholarship has not yet been able to conclude the historicity of Abubakar’s Quran. I have attached my arguments (I have not included the arguments of the person I was discussing with because I do not have his permission to repost).
I was wondering what you think of this argument, or whether any of you are capable of carrying out or redesigning the experiment I outline here to prove the likely historicity of Abubakar’s Quran. Please note, I take on a secular tone in the text because that’s the rules of that forum which I respect, it’s academia not apologetics, not because I believe in the ideology. However, here, I hope to see what you think.
Dr. Van Putten points out there is significant orthographic consistency in Quranic manuscripts, highlighting the way the name Ibrahim is spelled for instance.
Do you believe this could demonstrate elements of the original compilation of the Quran under Abu Bakar ?
My argument is fairly simple:
  1. Uthman’s recension was done to prevent variants and to maintain a uniform authoritative codex.
  2. Given that context, it doesn’t make sense to have variant spellings of proper nouns like names in a standardised text, particularly in verses adjacent to eachother which would be jarring.
  3. This is not due to the fact that orthography wasn’t important, as we see meticulous care to retain the variant orthographical features across manuscripts.
  4. Given the push for uniformity, there must have been a stronger push factor / reason to retain the lack of uniformity in a project whose entire purpose was uniformity.
  5. The most obvious reason is that the original authoritative text that the first compilation (Abu Bakar’s tentatively) was sourced from was fragmentary: ie sourced from different fragments written by several different scribes each of whom had different spellings of proper nouns - the collection of this fragmentary material (written on perishable items according to tradition - led to the first compilation project which retained the variant spellings in the Abubakar Archetype). The Uthmanic recension had access to the Abubakar archetype but the variant spellings were retained because the fragmentary verses held the highest authority. Zaid was said to be in charge of both projects.
  6. Since the original manuscript (Abu Bakar’s) was personal property of the Caliph (and wasn’t copied or in distribution until Uthman) other variants were not destroyed according to the traditional narrative, other stemma could have formed either from companion codexes or from the Uthmanic codex forward (the variants being sourced from other physically attested fragmentary pieces - therefore justifying their inclusion.
  7. The most likely scenario for the text we see in my mind is the tradition: a fragmentary written archetype that was faithfully followed by Zaid ibn Thabit (and variants being included from other fragmentary attestations of the same verses).
So does the orthography suggest the narrative of the original pre-Uthmanic compilation of an authoritative text has legs / should be explored further / is the most cogent explanation of currently available data ?
Dr. Van Putten, I also reference your work in making my argument, so please let me know if I have mischaracterised it, I would also love your thoughts on this theory.
Hey, first thank you for your response. What i was trying to say is that the spelling wasn’t standard and varied both between scribes and a single scribe may spell words differently, thats a given.
My actual point is that while that may generally be true, the fact that the uthmanic text more or less faithfully reproduces the set of variant spellings in copies suggests that the uthmanic committiee did care about the spelling, but chose not to make it uniform - otherwise the locations of the variants wouldnt be relatively consistent in copies. This, to me at least, suggests there was an archetype which had the variant spellings, which was respected as an authoritative source ie an earlier written codex which was likely fragmentary.
It’s just an assumption, you’re right, but was wondering if it has legs.
Another way to get to what i’m asking, does the evidence youve found suggest the existence of an earlier written codex as the tradition attests to ? If not, whats a better explanation for what we see ?
Thank you again for your response, it's really an honour speaking with you.
“If the first codex wasn't a direct copy of anything,” My argument is that the first codex was a copy of written fragmentary verses.
The consistency of the Uthmanic manuscripts with regards to the spelling convention (whatever the distribution of the way a single word is spelled, that's not my focus, my focus is on the consistency with which each spelling appears in its position across manuscripts) - if that consistency is high, that strongly suggests they were aware of the different spellings because they cared enough about the spellings to reproduce them faithfully in their exact positions, but they didn't change them - and the existence of an authoritative written text that was collected from fragmentary sources / scribes (and therefore had varied spellings) would seem to have the most explanatory power for the data we do see.
What I’m inferring is that if we see this consistency in the location of certain spellings in the Uthmanic text type, the story of Abubakar's Quran explains that data best.
For clarity:
My argument actually doesn’t rely on the distribution between various spellings in the text, but rather on the fact that the position of the various spellings are maintained exactly in copies - i.e. the difference in count between the spellings isn’t relevant to this argument.
If we limit ourselves to a single codification, this creates a conundrum: on one hand they seem to care immensely about the position of various spellings (and therefore implicitly care about the spelling), but on the other hand they don’t see the differences in spellings as significant as obvious variation exists in the text - so the position of various spellings in the text is important, but the fact that there are different spellings of the same word between those precise positions is not important (as there are variants).
This is what I reference:
Dr. Van Putten’s findings lit a light bulb off for me: the data makes most sense if the traditional narrative is correct and there were two codifications.
Van Putten: “By examining 14 early Quranic manuscripts, it is shown that this phrase is consistently spelled using only one of the two spellings in the same position in all of these different manuscripts. It is argued that such consistency can only be explained by assuming that all these manuscripts come from a single written archetype, meaning there must have been a codification project sometime in the first century.”
Sidky: “If the first codex wasn't a direct copy of anything, then there is nothing for them to care about.”
But there was something to copy according to the tradition: written fragments that had small chunks of Surahs or just had individual verses. I want to test for that - ie can the orthographic data we have not be random or just chalked up to ancients not caring about spelling, but instead be due to the fact that the verses were transcribed by different scribes. This isn’t a multiple author hypothesis - I don’t think that has credence, it is however an argument that it may be worth testing if the first codex was fragmentary, which would strongly support the traditional narrative.
The first codex wasn’t a written rendition of an oral text according to tradition, it was a compilation of fragmentary verses that were in turn the actual written editions of the oral text. The difference is significant - because if true, and assuming the fragments were small and written by the scribes then the speaker of the oral text would be the prophet himself and the variation would likely be from the prophet or from the scribes mistranscription of what he said - but because they were small fragments, this is less likely.
My theory explains this by the strict adherence to the written fragmentary verses that Zayd collected from scribes that wrote them down. Each had a different approach to orthography, but whatever their approach when the original Abubakar Quran was collected their writing held absolute authority as it was written under the supervision of the prophet, so Zayd would be motivated to retain it exactly (if there was more than one attestations of the same verse, for instance an additional article or the lack of one, Zayd could choose to use one fragment in one codex and another fragment in another codex to preserve both as both meet the same conditions of authority). Each scribe likely had different spelling conventions, and likely applied their preferred spelling conventions with differing consistency.
A scribe that wasn’t consistent could have the same word spelled differently in the same verse, and another scribe that was meticulously consistent could have an entire Surah with completely consistent spelling - depending on what fragments were found from which scribes.
Whatever was on those fragments was likely transcribed exactly (as Zayd, the same person in charge of Uthman’s compilation, was also in charge of the first compilation project, and so likely employed the same standard of exact copying of the written text irrespective of spelling variants).
So if the traditional narrative is correct, if we had the original codex we would expect to see some natural variation in the spelling convention because it was collected from various sources with different spelling conventions - if the Uthmanic text faithfully copied that text, whatever the distribution of variants between the various words in number, we would see their exact position meticulously maintained in copies of the Uthmanic codex because the first codex would have had them and would be authoritative.
  1. The best explanation for why the Uthmanic text maintained orthographic variance is because it copied from an authoritative older written text.
  2. The best explanation for why the older written text has variation in the spelling is that it was transcribed by different scribes who spelled things slightly differently. Those initial scribes would have been dictated to directly by the Prophet so their transcription would outweigh all others, so the variants we see could either be due to their mishearing, or assuming the Prophet was illiterate, he would not have been able to enforce spelling conventions, so scribes would have had creative license to write the name in the spelling convention they were most familiar with. So scribes with a Jewish background would be more likely to spell ‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﺑ‬ ‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﻫ‬ ‫ﻢ‬ and those without would spell ‫ﺍ‬ ‫ﺑ‬ ‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﻫ‬ ‫ﻴ‬ ‫ﻢ‬, but if those spellings appeared next to another word like Nimatullah and we see that both one spelling of Abraham appears every time one spelling of nimatullah appears, and a third word with variant spelling in the quran also appears in only one way when the first two have that form, then we can suggest that it comes from a single fragment that had orthographic consistency, and other fragments of the quran with a similar pattern likely come from the same scribe.
If we have a sufficient number of pairings to analyse we can build confidence that all of the verses that adhere to those pairing were written by a single scribe & confirm the Abubakar hypothesis with a degree of statistical confidence, because the story of fragmentary compilation would match the data we see, .
submitted by No-Psychology5571 to IslamReason [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:57 Comfortable_Corner80 College student, what online business can I start?

Finance student here, I was wondering what a business I can start online?
I want to start an online business/service where I can easily generate sales with high profit margin. I want it to be passive but I can operate it from time to time.
I’m not interested in service work. I have money and time right now that I can invest.
I don’t have any financial barriers when it comes to school. Any money that I get from my internship or scholarship. Just sit in my bank account.
FYI: Yes I do have a Tax-Free Saving Account and invest it. Yes I do have an emergency account.
If I were to start this business I need it to actually work.
I did a snow shovelling side hustle when I was 14, where me and friend shovel people driveway. We made a total of $500.
I created a Fiverr account on selling my editing(colour grading service). Resulted in no sales and I realized I lost interest.
I started a drop-shipping website selling necklace, I created a couple social account. Only made $30.
I started another drop-shipping website selling bathmat specifically cater to seniors. Website was layout properly, I cold email, connect on LinkedIn, call many different people and companies within the senior care industry. I got rejected and ghosted from all.
I realized drop shipping isn’t for me.
I know people saying I need to work on my sales and that true. I’m currently taking a sales program at my university.
But I’m tired of waiting to start a business, I already read many YouTube videos, Ted talk, dive into the internet and people Reddit post about their journey etc. I rather start a business and learn from my failures and go through the journey.
Now is the only time I have access to money, time and resources all around me at the university. Which I won’t get in the future without having to pay a huge price.
I’m trying to make it as a student and milk my student status. I seen so many students starting a passion project and startup.
I do have a passion project for acting. But I want to business one where I can make a lot of money.
Any recommendations or advice?
submitted by Comfortable_Corner80 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:56 happycherrylaughs Graduated Alum Seeking Help To Escape Abusive Household

I am deeply thankful for the opportunities I had during my time during USC, and as I reflect back I am I was deeply appreciative that a university hear me and listened to my pleas to become Independent for financial aid purposes.
As a first generation and low income student, living under immense instability all my life, bouncing between houses, living under different roofs, almost flunking high school, and even struggling to reconcile with my parents after the events that have put me through. My dad left me at a young age, approximately 14 and 15, to move out of the country without telling me. When I was 8, my mom jumped around different states without my consent, to seek job, and literally created her own family with her husband. And, I lived with an external family, and It was so difficult, because I felt so ostracized and confused why I existed if neither my parents nor my external family loved me.
I struggled with mental health issues, which prevented me from achieving my best potential, and it was so difficult to reach out to different organizations or groups during my time at USC, from the inefficient Engemann Student Health services, from crippling clinical depression that made going to class inpossible, and a myraid of issues that prevented me from thriving in all areas of life. By focusing on one area, which were academics, I was able to graduate Phi Beta Kappa, along with the many need-based and merit-based scholarships that made it feasible to attend, but I would continue to struggle postgrad because I have no home, no family, and I no longer had the financial support of USC.
I decided to brave through a part-time job to save enough money, so I can reach out to my estranged mom who abandoned me indirectly, and I saved, saved, saved, saved, and I saved enough to buy a ticket to see her. It pained me as I purchased the air flight ticket, as an environmentalist, to buy that commerical ticket -- when deep inside I have done everything I have done to reduce as much greenhouse emissions.
And, I endured tremendous amounts of verbal and domestic abuse, becuase I wanted to switch from background in the humanities to that of STEM, and day-and-night I would sneak into multiple local libraries, on top of using the local community college tutoring services, where a kind tutor listened to my maudlin life stories, and he told me under his tutelage I would relearn all of mathematics to succeed up to Calculus 2. Under a condensed, accelerated path, I studied endlessly, reviewing every possible resource, so I could succeed. Luckily, putting the tuition under my credit card — credit I built working multiple work study jobs and part-time jobs — I managed to put the several thousands on there. I had to beg for nearby restaurants and dining hall for food to meet the demand that mathematics put me through.
In the mean time, I took on unpaid internships related to technology, and I was able to succeed in this opportunity to study more. I hope to use this opportunity to further my education this summer, as I remain in an ambiguous anticipatory period, whether I will get off the waitlist of this graduate school program, which would foster a strongly trajectory toward a successful career to become self-independent.
I already do so much, and it has been exhausting. I have yet to tap into the Trojan Network, and I am afraid that after enduring so much silent domestic abuse, I don't know where I can live. I know this is not the happy postgrad story you wanted, but I would like help. I know what it is like for students who come from nuclear, stable families, and it follows them for the rest of their life, and I see how happy and successful they are. I have worked hard all my life, and I want to be successful.
I already worked so hard toward completing Calculus 2 and on my way to completing Calculus 3 while strongly committed to pursuing a future in STEM, with a strong opportunity to get off a waitlist. But now I hope that Trojans can please help me out by offering any paid internships/jobs, providing solid advice, or sharing financial tools/strategies/alternative funding to pay for summer classes, and other means to help me get on my feet.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. In the mean time, I am using every free resource under the sun to keep going, keep fighting, because I want to make a life I cannot stop thinking about. And, I understand how difficult it is so share my life story, so I hope you can sympathize.
submitted by happycherrylaughs to USC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:33 tequilaneat4me Just bragging

Got off the phone with my granddaughter earlier. I'm so proud of her. She's 17, will graduate from HS this December. Also taking college classes, so she will like graduate HS with an associates degree.
She's working while going to HS and college. Boss just gave her a raise, from $10/hr to $14/hr. She will manage two wakeboard parks while attending summer school (college) this summer.
Was just awarded a $5k per semester scholarship, for up to $40k.
She's already saved up over $8k. Just opened a new college savings account.
She will be a STEM major when going to college full time. I'm really proud of this girl
She will not work during her 1st full year of college, to give her time to acclimate.
submitted by tequilaneat4me to Money [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:06 Only_Spinach3449 Financial aid letter

Financial aid letter
Financial aid letter from Merrimack. Coming in as a transfer student so I’ll be there for my junior and senior year if I accept. I don’t know whether to get mad at this or not. Additionally, is there any way I can increase my subsidized loans?
submitted by Only_Spinach3449 to FAFSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:43 Old_Feeling_6659 AITA for not giving my daughter full access to her trust fund?

Hi there, first of all i do apologize for the format and incase theres any grammatic mistakes English is not my first (nor my most) speaked language.
For context when I found out I was pregnant my whole family was extremely happy and my mom and her husband (dad 2) and my dad made a retiring fund for 18 years with the intention of paying for my baby's college education, they gave me full control of this investment portfolio and me and my husband made contributions to it with every paycheck.
The investment fund grew more than any of us could imagine, it's enough to pay for her college if she doesn't get an scholarship and after that it still leaves a very big sum of money that would allow her to have a head start in life.
My daughter just turned 18 (the legal adult age in my country) and she has known about this investment fund since she was 14, so now that she's 18 she's asking to ave the fund transfered in her name, but I said no.
My reasoning is she's still a teenager that would find herself with way more money than a teenager should have, I offered to compromise and pay for her education with the fund (as that was the intention) and in case she needed any money from it or wanted to use any money from it we can discuss it and use the money if we see fit.
She called me an ah and accused me of wanting to use her money on other stuff (I don't need that money I earn pretty well or enough to live comfortably), but on my eyes I don't want to give a teenager a full trust fund because I'm scared she will spend it all and not have any money left for after college again it is a very big amount.
My husband, my mom and my dad's are on my side, but there's some other family members (mil and sil) that are calling and telling me I'm an AH for stealing money from my daughter instead of just giving it to her.
I didn't think that I was the AH until my mil and sil told me and now I'm starting to think I was one because the money was for her to use.
Edit because I think my word choice was not very good, again I apologize English is not my first language and I don't even live in the us:
The trust fund is the word I used that I thought it was best, but is an investment fund that was frozen for 18 years meaning I could not even if I wanted to (which I would never) take out money from there for 18 years, the 18 years are up and now I can have access to the full amount.
The fund was set up in my name because at the time I was pregnant and my daughter could not be a part of that fund given that she was not born yet, with that being said.
All the people that contributed were in an agreement that even if the money was on my name it was entirely my daughters money, it has no restrictions on what can be used for, but we all agree that it was for college.
The reason I'm saying legally she can have the fund, is because she's 18, so she is able to have her own bank account and the funds transferred to that account without any issues.
submitted by Old_Feeling_6659 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:15 como365 Republican infighting marked 2024 legislative session

JEFFERSON CITY — The 2024 legislative session that ended Friday seemed more a referendum on Republican Party loyalty than a collective venture toward policy.
Constant infighting among Republicans over priorities and which ones were truly conservative led to days-long filibusters, name calling and the death of many conservative bills, including a top party priority: making it more difficult to amend the Missouri Constitution.
The divisions were so ingrained that the Senate Democrats, holding 10 seats in a 34-person body, delivered the deciding votes on some of the session's most important bills.
The hard-right Freedom Caucus has said their issue with mainstream Republican leaders in the legislature is a lack of dedication to “big red” policies like reducing personal property tax and preventing foreign countries from owning Missouri land.
Looking back at previous sessions, that argument doesn’t quite stack up. In the last several years Republicans have passed one of the nation's most strict abortion bans, limitations on transgender health care and enacted several income tax cuts.
The Freedom Caucus went to great lengths to disrupt Senate procedure and strong-arm leadership in an effort to pass their highest priority, changes to the initiative petition process. The impact was that they were tossed off Senate committees by the Republican leadership and later in the session failed to convince their Republican colleagues to embrace their priorities.
Less than two weeks before the constitutional deadline for the budget and with an important federal health care reimbursement that creates over $4 billion in revenue, Freedom Caucus members filibustered for 41 hours with the demand that leadership first bring up a resolution changing the approval threshold for state constitutional amendments.
Going into the last week of session, initiative petition reform still had not passed.
This week, the Freedom Caucus supported a motion among Republicans to end the Democratic filibuster on the issue through an extraordinary motion — the previous question — that hasn’t been used in the Senate since 2020. But only 16 Republicans would support that plan, which needed 18 votes, so it was never brought before the floor.
With that failure on Wednesday, the resolution was sent back to the House, which refused to budge on Thursday and sent it back to the Senate. On Friday the Senate adjourned without any further action and the effort died.
The failure to pass the resolution making initiative petition changes showed the inability of even a supermajority to act when splintered on such chaotic, disruptive lines.
Senate President Pro Tem. Caleb Rowden, R-Columbia, said that this session showed that more can get done through compromise than confrontation.
"I'm walking out of here as a guy that has basically accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish and I did it in a way that was respectful and collegial," Rowden said in a press conference after adjournment.
Senate Minority Leader John Rizzo, R-Independence, backed up that point saying, "I don't think Democrats won or Republicans lost (the session), I think decorum won."
Fiscal Year 2025 budget
A set of constitutionally mandated bills that fund the state's operations passed just three hours before the May 10 deadline. The final budget is $51.7 billion, $1 billion less than what the governor proposed, and about $2 billion less than last year's budget.
Three things stuck out in this year's budget: Infrastructure continued to be a major focus, spending was reduced to come in line with revenue projects and numerous members on both sides of the aisle were frustrated by the lack of transparency in the process.
Over the last two years, about $3.5 billion has been put into widening I-70 to six lanes statewide and I-44 in the southwestern part of the state. Both projects are about equally funded through debt and general revenue. The budget that was approved is expected to reduce the state surplus to about $1.5 billion.
Up-to-date numbers from the Office of Administration show a more rosy revenue picture than anticipated. So far Fiscal Year 2024 revenue receipts are up 2.7% year over year. That's far higher than the projected .2% growth in revenue used to craft the budget. If that revenue continues at the same pace and with a current general fund balance of over $4 billion there is a chance the state's surplus will hardly be tapped over the next year.
The declining budget also represents a return to normal state budgeting. Since the pandemic, states have received an unprecedented influx of federal COVID relief and infrastructure cash. That has led to record high appropriations that oftentimes don't get spent. In the FY 2023 budget, $10 billion of the $48 billion appropriated was never used. In 2018, only $2 billion of the $28 billion budget was left unspent.
No public comment was taken during the budget process and meetings between the House and Senate where the final budget package was finalized only existed behind closed doors. Senators only had a few minutes to review the bills before voting on them and House members had little time to debate as they passed the budget just hours before the constitutional deadline.
This backdoor process drew criticism from Democrats, Freedom Caucus members and the governor as many felt out of the loop.
Elections and initiative changes Fighting over changes that would make it harder to amend the Missouri Constitution again put the brakes on normal operating procedures on the Senate floor this session.
The Freedom Caucus has more than once sent the Senate into disarray over a piece of legislation that again failed to cross the finish line after years of attempts.
The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, R-Arnold, would have asked voters whether the current threshold to amend the state constitution — a simple majority, or 50% plus one — should be raised to also require a majority vote in at least five of the state’s eight congressional districts.
This year’s proposal included two provisions that led the chamber to several lengthy filibusters totaling more than 100 hours. In addition to the threshold requirement, the provisions would ask voters to bar noncitizens from voting on constitutional amendments and to ban constitutional amendments sponsored by foreign governments.
These provisions are already state law and Democrats made a point of filibustering against those provisions.
Republicans this session also pushed a resolution that would ban ranked-choice voting in Missouri. SJR 78 was passed by the House on Friday. The question will now go to voters to decide.
Ranked-choice voting is a practice where voters rank their preferred candidates on a single ballot until a winner is declared after receiving a majority of the vote. The idea is to give voters more options once their top-ranked choice is eliminated by distributing their vote to their next preferred candidates. Opponents said the practice does the exact opposite by splitting the vote.
While it is not in state law, St. Louis practices a version of ranked-choice voting that will be protected if the ban passes.
Education bill An omnibus education bill, SB 727, raising the minimum teacher salary, allowing charter schools in Boone County and providing private school scholarships to low-income students, has already been signed into law by Gov. Mike Parson. The provisions of the bill, approved by the minimum vote required in the House, are estimated to cost the state $468 million.
The new state minimum salary for teachers is set at $40,000 a year beginning with the next school year and includes additional incentives for teachers with longer careers and those with master’s degrees.
The voucher-like scholarship program for private school students offers up to $6,375 per child for expenses such as tuition, textbooks and transportation. The program is funded by private donors who can claim tax credits.
The size of the bill ballooned from 12 pages to more than 150 because of amendments in the Senate. House leaders blocked amendments so that the bill would not have to be returned for another vote in the Senate out of concern it would die because of filibusters on other topics.
The law requires a public vote to approve any switch to four-day school weeks while providing incentives to schools that stick with five-day weeks.
New crime provisions A major public safety bill that passed during the final House session on Friday made changes to how children are viewed in the court system, increased punishment for various crimes and limited the authority of citizen police review boards, among other items.
The bill tracks legislation passed last year, except for two technical provisions that prompted a veto by Parson. The law increases the age under which children could be considered adults in felony offenses from 12 to 14.
On July 4, 2011, Blair Shanahan Lane was killed by reckless celebratory gunfire. A portion of the bill dubbed "Blair's Law" creates penalties for such activity. After the bill passed on a bipartisan basis Friday, House members rose for a round of applause directed at Blair Lane's mother, who was in attendance.
The bill also creates "Valentine's Law" raising punishments for fleeing a law enforcement stop. It is named for St. Louis County Detective Antonio Valentine, who died in a crash pursuing a person fleeing police.
And there is a provision known as "Max's Law" that increases punishment for injuring or killing law enforcement K-9 dogs.
Sludge regulations House Bill 2134, which would create new regulations for wastewater sludge under the Missouri Clean Water Act, gained bipartisan approval and was signed by Parson.
The bill gained traction as concerns about waste lagoons and land application practices by Arkansas-based Denali Water Solutions have been brought to light. The new law prevents companies like Denali from applying waste as fertilizer without a regulatory process and testing.
Denali was previously forced to cease operations in Missouri after 6,000 gallons of slaughterhouse waste spilled into a field, causing residents to complain about the smell and runoff concerns.
Regulatory Sandbox Act The House Friday gave final approval to SB 894 creating an avenue for new companies offering innovative products to be excused from meeting some state regulations for the first 24 months that they begin offering innovative products to consumers.
Companies would be required to apply and meet certain criteria to participate in the program.
The bill also creates an Office of Entrepreneurship within the Department of Economic Development that will promote policies and initiatives to support the growth of entrepreneurship of Missouri-based businesses with less than ten employees.
Eviction moratorium A bill passed on Friday barred any municipality from enacting an eviction moratorium. The bill, SB 865, comes in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic when cities across the country prevented landlords from evicting tenets. Realtors and apartment associations spoke in favor of the bill as they feel moratoriums violate the rights of property owners.
National Guard deployment Parson signed a bill on May 8 approving additional funding for a Missouri National Guard deployment to the southern border. The governor traveled to Eagle Pass, Texas, to sign House Bill 2016 into law and visit with members who have been deployed since March.
“The battle that we’re fighting down here at the border is keeping it from happening in our own borders, in our own state in Missouri,” Parson said before signing the bill.
Members of the National Guard are assisting with Operation Lone Star after being invited by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Operation Lone Star is a state-level border security effort at the Texas-Mexico border that began in 2021.
The $2.2 million in funding supports the operations of approximately 200 National Guard members and 22 Missouri State Highway Patrol officers for 90 days. Since the start of their mission, only around 50 guardsmen and 22 members of the highway patrol have served in Texas.
Sports wagering moves ahead After years of failed attempts to get legalization through the Missouri General Assembly, sports gambling appears to have found a more promising path.
Early in May, the Winning for Missouri Education committee along with a coaltion of Missouri professional sports teams submitted over 340,000 signatures for a ballot initiative to the Secretary of State's office desk.
If the Secretary of State verifies that enough signatures are genuine, the question would be put to voters in November. Thirty-eight other states have legalized some form of sports wagering.
The petition proposes a 10% tax on wagers to be collected by the Department of Revenue, deposited into the state treasury and credit to the "Gaming Proceeds for Education Fund," raising a projected $35 million.
Approximately $5 million in funds from the sports wagering tax would go into a fund to help compulsive gamblers and the rest would go to public school and higher education programs.
Child tax credits Bipartisan support and a State of the State address plug by Parson helped two bills, SB 742 and HB 1488, which would add provisions allowing for tax credits related to child care services to reach the Senate floor for consideration.
However, opposition from Freedom Caucus members of the Senate stalled action both in an effort to advance bills they felt deserved more priority and out of a general dislike of tax credits. The Senate version is sponsored by Sen. Lauren Arthur, D-Kansas City, while the House bill is sponsored by Rep. Brenda Shields, R-St. Joseph.
Protecting IVF House and Senate bills to protect in vitro fertilization clinics got a flurry of attention but did not advance following an Alabama state court ruling that relied on a state abortion ban to restrict in vitro fertilization clinics.
The Missouri Court of Appeals in St. Louis ruled in 2016 that IVF-created embryos were a matter of “marital property of special order.” This has provided legal protection for doctors and patients in the IVF field.
However, that court ruling cited abortion protection offered by Roe Vs. Wade, which was overturned in 2022. With Missouri having a similar abortion ban to the one in Alabama, leading advocates and lawmakers alike are concerned about what could lie ahead.
Sen. Tracy McCreery, D-Olivette, filed SB 1486 which would specify that Missouri's abortion ban does not have a definition that includes in vitro fertilization embryos that have not been implanted in a body. Rep. Bill Allen, R-Kansas City, filed House Bill 2845 which states that the IVF process is protected under law and no one can be prosecuted for undergoing or administrating IVF.
Here is what happened to other legislative topics that garnered attention during the session but did not pass:
Protections for pesticide maker: HB 2763, sponsored by Rep. Dane Diehl, R-Butler, would have protected pesticide manufacturers from claims that they failed to warn consumers of possible cancer risks in their products as long as the federal Environmental Protection Agency has approved those products.
Much of the debate before the House approved the bill focused on Bayer, the company with U.S. headquarters in St. Louis that purchased Monsanto, the original manufacturer of RoundUp pesticide. According to The Associated Press, the company is seeking to stem a tide of lawsuits claiming that Bayer’s products cause cancer.
Diehl, a farmer, said he drafted the legislation out of fear that Bayer would be forced to pull RoundUp off of the market, harming farmers ability to grow crops. The bill never made it to the Senate floor for consideration.
Presidential primaries: New voting laws passed in 2022 eliminated the presidential primary in Missouri. Following low voter turnout in this year’s Republican presidential caucus, SB 1120 and HB 2618, which would reinstate presidential primaries, passed out of their respective committees. The House bill passed with amendments that would create new residency restrictions for candidates vying for U.S. Congress. Ultimately, neither bill got floor consideration.
The Taylor Swift Act: Bills in both the House and Senate sought to address the impact of problematic images created by artificial intelligence but did not make it into law. While ten states provide some form of retribution for this type of crime, only Minnesota and New York statutes allow for both civil and criminal relief.
The Taylor Swift Act, House Bill 2573, offered by Rep. Adam Schwadron, R-St. Charles, targeted fake pornographic images. The bill was approved by the Special Committee on Innovation and Technology but never received a floor vote. The name of the bill referred to explicit AI-created images of the singer that went viral in January.
A similar bill, Senate Bill 1424, sponsored by Sen. Travis Fitzwater, R-Holts Summit, did not get a hearing.
Media Literacy: Companion bills, House Bill 1513 and Senate Bill 1311, aimed to teach students about media and digital literacy. Neither bill advanced.
Danny's Law: Legislation that sought to protect 911 callers from prosecution when calling to report a hazing incident stalled in the House. The bill was named after former University of Missouri student Danny Santulli, who suffered irreparable brain damage after drinking too much when pledging a fraternity at MU in the fall of 2021.
Danny’s Law was meant to offer exoneration to those involved in hazing incidents if they’re the first to call for emergency help.
“As the mother of three college-age men, I understand this is a major issue,” said Rep. Jo Doll, D-St. Louis, who spoke during a March 7 committee hearing. “It’s really important to give kids the ability to call 911 without being afraid of the consequences to them.”
Protecting major water users: House Bill 2669, which sought to limit information being released to the public about major water users, was approved by a House committee but failed to get a floor vote. The bill was meant to protect the information of Missouri’s family farmers and would keep information about individually identifiable water users from being disclosed to the public.
Highway Commission changes: A bill, House Bill 2568, that would have changed the makeup of the Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission was voted down in a committee in Apri. Two other bills that would have either changed the makeup of the commission or done away with it altogether failed to move forward after being the subject of public hearings in early February.
Nursing restrictions: Missouri is one of only a few states not to allow nurse practitioners to practice independently without the authority of a physician. A House committee passed an amended version of one bill, HB 1773, sponsored by Rep. Chad Perkins, R-Bowling Green, that would allow nurses to practice independently after 6,000 hours of work under a physician's supervision. The bill was never placed on the House calendar, a roadblock which some nurses point to opposition from House Floor Leader Rep. Jonathan Patterson, R-Lee’s Summit.
Dmitry Martirosov, Molly Miller, Aidan Pittman, Grant Green and Madeline Shannon contributed to this story.
Cover image: State Representative Chantelle Nickson-Clark(cq) throws her papers at the end of the legislative session on Friday, May 17, 2024 at the Statehouse in Jefferson City. Nickson-Clark was the first Black woman elected to represent District 67 in St. Louis County in Nov. 2022.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:10 Glum_Corgi909 Primeira redação desde o Enem 2023

O tema é: "Os efeitos do Bullying e Cyberbullying na sociedade brasileira". Nunca fui muito de escrever redações, mas como minha professora passou resolvi praticar. Podem xingar de maneira construtiva. Pfv.
Ps: havia esquecido um pouco de cyberbullying aí tentei encaixar mais pro final.
submitted by Glum_Corgi909 to enem [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:06 Emergency_Turn_4338 Does this mean my summer courses are basically free?

Does this mean my summer courses are basically free? submitted by Emergency_Turn_4338 to berkeley [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:13 henrytbpovid Rising Seniors: Don’t get too obsessed

I applied to 16 colleges when I was a senior (2013-14). It’s been 10 years, but I still remember how obsessed I was.
I went to an elite private school for my last 3 years of high school, and that experience was overall kind of bad for my perspective on education, admissions, and “success.” When I got there, I was initially bombarded with the workload. Then suddenly it was my junior year and I needed to crank out even more schoolwork while building out my thin resume.
My college list kept growing. My stress was horrible. I felt like I didn’t need to focus too much on building community with my high school classmates because I was so close to starting some new amazing life at some elite highly ranked college. I applied to Harvard and Brown but got rejected. That didn’t really bother me because I knew it was a long shot.
But as I started to get scholarship offers from liberal arts colleges, my family realized that private out-of-state colleges were really out of our price range — even with a scholarship. So I went to a large state school an hour away.
Time passes. You get over things. I had a good college experience and wouldn’t trade it for anything.
But I am still that insane high school senior in some ways. My girlfriend and I are talking seriously about getting married and having kids. Already, 20ish years before I’ll have an 18-year-old son or daughter, I’m researching Montessori schools, enrichment, athletics, 529 funding…
I am going to TRY not to become an obsessive helicopter parent. I don’t think it’s inevitable that I’ll become a college admissions psycho all over again. And in any case it’s certainly not something to worry about before I even impregnate anybody
But I’m just saying, this thing can make you a little crazy. I thought that college admissions was basically a way to get sorted into a utopia where I would be surrounded by amazing people who were deeply compatible with me. The reality is that where you attend college is mostly a function of how wealthy your grandparents are. A person with four millionaire grandparents is going to have a lot more options than a similar applicant with modest means
If you have the opportunity to get loans or financial aid, then you have a little wiggle room that I didn’t have when I was applying. Regardless, just don’t get too weird about this process. Don’t let it coarsen you.
submitted by henrytbpovid to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:23 tamtaiduc 100 Cụm Từ Đồng Nghĩa Thường Xuất Hiện Trong Bài Thi IELTS

Tầm quan trọng/Mức độ:
  1. Quan trọng: important = crucial, significant
  2. Phổ biến: common = universal, ubiquitous
  3. Dồi dào: abundant = ample, plentiful
Hành động/Trạng thái:
  1. Gắn với: stick = adhere, cling
  2. Không quan tâm: neglect = ignore
  3. Gần: near = adjacent, adjoin
  4. Theo đuổi: pursue = woo, seek
  5. Chính xác: accurate = precise, exact
  6. Mơ hồ: vague = obscure
  7. Đỉnh: top = peak, summit
Mối quan hệ/Tính cách:
  1. Đối thủ: competitor = rival, opponent
  2. Đổ lỗi: blame = condemn
  3. Quan điểm: opinion = perspective, standpoint
  4. Danh tiếng: fame = prestige, reputation
  5. Xây dựng: build = erect, establish
  6. Xúc phạm: insult = humiliate
  7. Phàn nàn: complain = grumble
Đặc điểm/Tính chất:
  1. Chính: primary = radical, fundamental
  2. Xoa dịu: relieve = alleviate
  3. Bắt ép: force = coerce into, compel
  4. Mở rộng: enlarge = magnify
  5. Phức tạp: complex = intricate
  6. Cô đơn: lonely = solitary
  7. Nhỏ bé: small = minuscule, minute
  8. Ca ngợi: praise = extol, compliment
  9. Chăm chỉ: hard-working = assiduous
  10. Khó khăn: difficult = arduous
  11. Cằn cỗi (đất): poor (soil) = barren, infertile
  12. Dễ tổn thương: fragile = brittle, vulnerable
Hiển thị/Biểu lộ:
  1. Thể hiện: show = demonstrate
  2. To lớn: big = massive, colossal, tremendous
  3. Tránh: avoid = shun
  4. Công bằng: fair = impartial
  5. Tấn công: attack = assault
  6. Không thích: dislike = abhor, loathe
  7. Phá hủy: ruin = devastate
Thời gian/Tần suất:
  1. Luôn luôn: always = invariably
  2. Mãi mãi: forever = perpetual, immutable
  3. Bất ngờ: surprise = startle, astound, astonish
Cảm xúc/Thái độ:
  1. Nhiệt huyết: enthusiasm = zeal, fervency
  2. Bình lặng: quiet = tranquil, serene
  3. Đắt đỏ: expensive = exorbitant
  4. Sang chảnh: luxurious = lavish, sumptuous
  5. Nhàm chán: boring = tedious
  6. Tôn trọng: respect = esteem
  7. Lo lắng: worry = fret
Nhiệt độ/Nguy hiểm:
  1. Lạnh: cold = chilly, icy
  2. Nóng: hot = boiling
  3. Nguy hiểm: dangerous = perilous
Sự khác biệt/Kết quả:
  1. Độc đáo: only = unique, distinctive
  2. Ngừng: stop = cease
  3. Phần: part = component
  4. Kết quả: result = consequence
  5. Hiển nhiên: obvious = apparent, manifest
  6. Dựa trên: based on = derived from
Mức độ/Đánh giá:
  1. Khá: quite = fairly
  2. Thảm hại: pathetic = lamentable
  3. Lĩnh vực: field = domain
  4. Xuất hiện: appear = emerge
  5. Tất cả: whole = entire
(Các nhóm từ khác):
  1. Ẩm ướt: wet = moist, damp, humid
  2. Sai lầm: wrong = erroneous
  3. Khó khăn: difficult = formidable
  4. Biến đổi: change = convert
  5. Điển hình: typical = quintessential
  6. Cẩn thận: careful = cautious, prudent
Năng lực/Tài chính:
  1. Năng lực: ability = capacity, capability
  2. Kỳ lạ: strange = eccentric
  3. Giàu có: rich = affluent
  4. Sử dụng: use = utilize
(Các nhóm từ khác):
  1. Nghi ngờ: dubious = skeptical
  2. Thỏa mãn: satisfy = gratify
  3. Ngắn ngủi: short = fleeting, ephemeral
  4. Học bổng: scholarship = fellowship
  5. Bốc mùi: smelly = malodorous
  6. Xấu xí: ugly = hideous
  7. Thu hút: attractive = appealing, absorbing
  8. Đa dạng: diverse = miscellaneous
  9. Hỗn loạn: disorder = disarray, chaos
  10. Điên rồ: crazily = frantically
  11. Nhanh: rapid = meteoric
  12. Bình thường: ordinary = mundane
  13. Mặc dù: despite = notwithstanding
  14. Tốt nhất: best = optimal
  15. Nghiêm trọng: sharp = acute
  16. Không thể tin được: unbelievable = inconceivable
  17. Bối rối: puzzle = perplex
  18. Phương pháp: method = avenue
  19. Nổi tiếng: famous = distinguished
  20. Cổ xưa: ancient = archaic
  21. Trang trí: decorate = embellish
  22. Có khả năng: possible = feasible
  23. Vì vậy: so = consequently, accordingly
  24. Hiếm: rare = infrequent
  25. Tham lam: greedy = rapacious
  26. Cá nhân: individuals, characters, folks = people, persons
  27. Ngày nay: nowadays = currently
  28. Ít ấn tượng hơn: dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill = be less impressive
  29. Gặt hái thành công: reap huge fruits = get many benefits
  30. Theo ý kiến của tôi: for my part, from my own perspective = in my opinion
submitted by tamtaiduc to u/tamtaiduc [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:44 Big-Result-1176 Am I being dramatic?

I grew up in a dysfunctional family and my parent got separated when I was 14 and divorced when 16. My dad, was the breadwinner of the family so he was rarely present. Growing up my dad always told me that the only thing he could give to me was education, I am Asian so it’s normal in my culture for your parents to pay for your school. Schooling till highschool is free where I am from so I thought he would help me through university as well.
I did get a scholarship in a government university but the economy of the country was tanking and there were bunch of graduates and masters student without jobs. So I planned to go to Canada for university, which required funds. I told my dad about it and he was totally against my decision, he told me I would not succeed there and he won’t help me. So when I left for Canada alone when I was 17 he didn’t even come see me off nor give me a single penny. My mom supported me through that with some loan, I studied hard to get scholarships and worked part time to make some extra pocket money.
Thought out my university he rarely called me or checked on me. Never asked if I was okay in a whole another country alone at the age of 17. But during the final year of my university he started calling me, checking up on me and messaging me almost every week. I was happy to reconnect with him and felt that he cared about me. I got a job offer before graduating and the naive me told my dad about it.
Now I have been working for a year and my dad has been constantly asking me for money. He is emotionally manipulating me and using my sisters to get money off me. It’s started not even a week after I started working and now a year later I have nothing saved, burnt out from a toxic workplace and crying everyday.
I dread his messages, I feel like I am only needed because I have something to give and it’s affecting me mentally. I moved to a new city for the job, no friends or support, overworked at my job (accountant taking CPA) and I am getting sick all the time. I feel so lonely, exhausted and want to end it all.
submitted by Big-Result-1176 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:11 truths33ker75 ASI Vice President, Naman Pandadiya, resigns before vote for removal amid allegations of misconduct, including Improper Use of ASI Funds and Falsification of Legal Documents- Potential Cover-Up for Something Bigger?

Associated Student Inc. Vice President Naman Pandadiya resigned from his position before the vote for his removal during the last Board of Directors.
Board members of ASI drafted a letter of justification for the removal of Naman. This letter was read out loud at the last board of directors meeting and including the following allegations brought forth by BOD members and ASI staff: Improper use of ASI funds, falsification of legal document sent to ASI Staff, excessive unexcused absences, withholding students' opinions and voices from the board, unprofessional and inappropriate behavior in interactions with CPP Students, and failure to perform the duties of his role.
\*Something important to mention is that ASI student government members obtain a Scholarship which come from student fees! Fees that YOU pay are going to this. Please be informed!!**\**
  1. Improper use of ASI funds
    1. During the meeting the following example was shared regarding his unauthorized use of ASI funds which notably comes from student fees: In early March, Naman contacted Michelle Ellis Viorato from CPP’s Office of Government and External Affairs about attending CSU Hill Day in Washington D.C., but was informed that only the ASI President and Secretary of External Affairs were budgeted to attend. Naman then sought travel support from Associate Director James Rocker. On May 21, James learned from Government and External Affairs that Naman could only attend a tour and a reception, which did not justify ASI financial support, and this was communicated to Naman on March 22. On May 14, Teresa Gonzalez from ASI Corporate Finance flagged unauthorized charges on Naman’s ASI procurement card from March 20-21 related to Washington travel, along with additional unauthorized charges on March 27 in Sacramento.
    2. It is important to note that although this was the only example shared, we have no way of knowing if more improper use of ASI funds has occurred, and again, these come from our student fees.
  2. Falsification of legal document sent to ASI Staff
    1. During the meeting the following example was shared regarding his falsification of legal documents: On May 9, ASI staff received a letter from Naman Pandadiya, supposedly from an international law firm, alleging that ASI Board members were linked to individuals who had threatened him, causing his absence from campus and Board meetings. The letter claimed the firm was hired to take legal action outside of campus jurisdiction. On May 10, ASI legal counsel discovered the named attorney was not registered with the California Bar Association and the law firm had no knowledge of the attorney or the issues mentioned in the letter.
    2. Not only is this fraud but it shows the lengths he will go through to cover his tracks.
  3. 3. Excessive unexcused absences
    1. During the meeting the following examples were shared: He had miss a vast majority of committee meetings and BOD meetings, which again, are under his responsibilities as VP. He also failed to communicate with senators and failed to provide the necessary leadership.
    2. The Board also received no communication or explanation for the Vice President's absence from all ASI meetings and activities during the last month and a half of the term. Naman Pandadiya also provided false reasons for his absence to the Board members. ASI Student Government Staff reported having no valid excuse on his behalf, and the University has stated they cannot comment on the matter. Numerous students, staff, and Board members have observed Naman on campus over the past month, raising significant questions and concerns regarding his commitment and integrity.
      1. He had told members of the board that he was out of state and that he had "concerns for his safety." Meaning that his reasons and excuses were false.
    3. It is important to note that the University has mentioned that they cannot comment on the matter therefore, there could potentially be something bigger happening involving Naman.
  4. 4. Withholding students' opinions and voices from the board, unprofessional and inappropriate behavior in interactions with CPP Students, and failure to perform the duties of his role
    1. During Board of Directors (BOD) meetings, Committee meetings, Open Forums, and private meetings, both students and Board members have reported instances of unprofessional and inappropriate behavior by the Vice President. He has made remarks such as "No one wants to be here, let’s end it," "I don’t want to be here," "Let’s get this over with," and "I know we all have better things to be doing." His rushed, impatient, and disengaged demeanor has created an unwelcoming environment, placing undue pressure on attendees. Numerous reports from campus organizations and students indicate his failure to communicate their concerns during BOD meetings. Additionally, as the liaison between the ASI BOD and the ASI Cabinet, the Vice President has consistently failed to share information between the groups, undermining collaboration and transparency. He has also refused to amend the BOD agenda to include discussion items from senators, hindering their ability to voice their concerns as campus leaders.
This letter, according to the Board of Directors, was sent to Naman on May 14 and he had the opportunity to address the board regarding these concerns at yesterday's BOD meeting. What did he do instead? He made a cowardly move and instead resigned right before the meeting. This speaks volumes as he was able to address these allegations and maybe explain himself. His silence and resignation speaks volumes. According to many, he has blocked a vast amount of people from CPP on his Instagram account and it has now been activated.
The president, Ilke Suzer, was also absent during this BOD meeting with no excuse or communication to the board according to the Board of Directors. Notably, in the previous BOD meeting it was accidentally revealed that she was frantically texting members of the board to not talk about Naman or his removal. Again, this raises more questions. Is she trying to protect him? Or is she also involved in his fraudulent activities?
Why is this important?
Our student fees pay the ASI scholarship provided to members of student government. If they do not do their required duties our money is going towards nothing and it is going to waste. Naman Pandadiya may have done more serious fraudulent acts that we may not publicly know of. According to his LinkedIn, he holds various leadership positions in many organizations and clubs on campus which enables him to do more fraudulent acts like the ones mentioned above.
Again, the university has said that they cannot comment on the matter which should raise questions as well if this could potentially be a cover-up for something bigger happening.
submitted by truths33ker75 to CalPolyPomona [link] [comments]
