How to make karaoke divix

How To Make Money Fast Ideas

2016.12.22 23:47 jessestone09 How To Make Money Fast Ideas

How to make money fast ideas that you can use starting today! Need to make quick cash? Need a work from home business idea? Than this subreddit is the place to find them all! Just remember there is no such thing as free money, and beware those that tell you otherwise.

2013.08.30 19:01 CJK_ExStream How to make items for your backyard, office, room, entertainment, etc.

A place to share how to make items. Ask how to make something or help others by answering their questions. Show everyone your way to make a pencil holder. Show everyone your way to make a chair. Show everyone how to make a boat even! Show us how to make a good impressions on a job interview. All on /HowToMake

2016.09.20 01:40 How To Make Money Online

This subreddit is for guides that teach people how to make money online. We only want working guides here. Nothing black-hat or illegal. Only straight forward step by step guides on making money through the internet.

2024.06.02 16:40 _momocakes_ 24m caught me 26F off guard with a kiss, what do i tell him?

Something happened the other day and ive already talked about it a lot with friends but it stays on my mind so id like to see what people with more life experience have to say about it
First things first, i (26F) am autistic, i can hide it quite well (i think) but i often struggle with social stuff, so it is very well possible ive given green signs when i didnt realise I also have never had a relationship and zero experience with romance or crushes
So, now for what happened, the other day, i met up with a guy (24M) after chatting online for a while, he wanted to pay for everything but since im a Dutch girl in Japan and he is a Japanese guy, i thought it might be cultural differences or something idk what i thought This was may 12th, and he found out my bday was 2 days away, so he asked if i had anything to do, i said no and he in response asked if i wanted to celebrate with him. And sure, why not, i didnt have anything to do and i had a lot of fun hanging out with him So may 14th we go to dinner and all goes well, it was fun and he finds out i am moving next week, so he suggested to help. I told him many times id appreciate it but only if he wanted to and i didnt wanna pressure him or anything, but he helped. The move was may 20th, and this time i nade sure to pay for dinner, as a thank you for helping me move During this dinner he found out i had never done karaoke, so he convinced me to go with him This was later that week, i think the 23rd I am way to shy for karaoke but we had fun, towards the end he grabbed my hands and noticed a new ring i bought, he wrapped his arm around me and swayed back and forth a bit and in my autistic mind this was all part of karaoke, idk he did chose love songs, but i thought cuz he thought we would both know them Then out of nowhere he kissed me on the cheek, it took me a moment to process and in this moment he wants to actually kiss me, he caught me completely off guard and i pulled away making things SUPER awkward But he recovered fast and on our way to the subway everything was basically normal
Ive been wanting to talk to him about it since, to tell him i am autistic and what that means for me and possibly for him, so he can make his choice if he still likes me, but he has cancelled for being sick twice now, he does still say he really wants to meet me but idk Maybe i am over thinking this and he is actually sick, or maybe i did something wrong
I also have no idea how i feel, or what i am even supposed to feel, i have never liked anyone beyond platonically and even though it does make me happy whem he texts, so does when my bestie texts, so i have no idea I have never been in a relationship or even had feelings, to the point ive started to identify as asexual
So basically, i guess what im asking, did i do anything wrong since he cancelled twice now. And once i do get to talk to him, what do i say, i kinda have a general idea, but advice on this would be nice
TLDR: guy tried to kiss me and now im confused about everything, asking for advice on what to tell him
submitted by _momocakes_ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:54 Cute_E_Pi Lyrics Video

Lyrics Video
Hi Music World
Does anyone know how to make a lyrics video free? I want to make one for listeners to follow along my songs on YouTube. Also after making and uploading the lyrics video to YouTube, could that be used for karaoke? I appreciate any suggestions and feedback.
submitted by Cute_E_Pi to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:35 Cute_E_Pi Lyrics Videos

Lyrics Videos
Hey music lovers, does anyone know how to make lyrics videos for free? I want to make one for YouTube so people could sing along. Also would that lyrics video be used for karaoke?
submitted by Cute_E_Pi to PromoteYourMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:20 TangerineCat123 I thought I wanted a small wedding but now I’m having wedding envy

Long rant incoming. I never really dreamed about my wedding growing up, so getting engaged was the first time I started putting serious thought into what I actually want. However I am an incredibly anxious person who also is very indecisive & a people pleaser and this hasn’t been a good combination for planning at all. I know for a fact that the one constant is I want great photos to keep & look back at. Everything else has been sort of stressful to figure out though. At first I didn’t want to spend too much money so my fiancé and I talked about a courthouse ceremony. Then parents wanted to be involved, from there a few extended family members wanted to be involved, and the original plan turned into a micro wedding with 20 guests (closest family and friends) with a ceremony in a greenhouse followed by dinner.
Now our micro wedding is only 2.5 months away. We have a ceremony venue and a restaurant booked. The restaurant isn’t really the one we originally wanted since the date didn’t work out for our top choice. So I’m not super excited about the restaurant but we already paid a deposit too. The park is only open for ceremonies starting at 4pm and the restaurant closes at 9 pm, so it will also generally be a narrow window for things.
We are trying to book a photographer now, and looking through their portfolio honestly gives me wedding envy and second thoughts. All the big weddings with dance floors & lots of people look so fun. Photoshoots of intimate elopements & walking around the streets also look super fun. I’m already talking to my fiancé about “what if we planned a bigger reception next year.” I feel bad about booking a small wedding and knowing that not all our friends can be there.
We started discussing a separate party that would include our friends who can’t make it to the main thing. The tentative list for that could reach 100+ guests. We also discussed the idea with a few of our friends. Some friends want us to have the big reception next year, others want us to do a destination wedding to my home country so they can travel too. A destination reception would exclude other friends I’d want that day, but having a big reception where we live would exclude my grandparents who can’t travel (and already can’t make it to the small ceremony). At the same time I still can’t justify spending so much money on a large reception when we just bought a house & owe so much on it. My mom wants us to have a big wedding in my home country, my dad says we should just do a small dinner there so grandparents feel involved & nothing more. My mom is even messaging me privately to ask me to convince my dad lol. I feel like I’m being pulled in all sorts of directions.
I know the usual answer is “you are the bride & groom, do what you want” but the problem is I don’t know what I want, and it’s been frustrating & causing lots of stress for some reason. I can feel my fiancé is also frustrated because of the flip flopping ideas & me sharing all these thoughts with him but he plays it cool and says “I just want to finally be married to you, doesn’t matter how”. While he says this, he also prefers to keep things small and is generally not a fan of the big reception idea, unless we make it non-traditional by renting out a karaoke bar or a themed party boat, for example.
submitted by TangerineCat123 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:55 mansplanar The 11 Best Bumble Prompts and How to Answer Them to Strategically Meet Your Match

Somewhere between 90 and 95% of openers I get are either "hi" or "hey." So literally anything else puts you sonewhere in the top 10%. Even "HEY ASSHOLE! would at least be memorable. So I wouldn't sweat it too much; the bar is set really low.
If you're really insistent, though, it's thd same sort of stuff women want in an opener, just with waaaayyyy less competition. And if you can somehow prove you're not a scammer while you're at it, even better.
The opener I start with is usually something easy to answer and invites a thoughtful response. Such as, "What is your go to karaoke song?" or "What's your favorite thing about living [insert city]"? or "What's your favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?"
I usually get the conversation started and then if he doesn't match my energy, I unmatch.
One of my favorite opening lines I got from a guy was “Hi there! Let me know what you think of the following:
A white picket fence house, a couple dogs, some nice cars, maybe a boat for weekend trips to the lake, and we can do that for about 5 years until you get sick of me. After that we divorce, I let you keep everything, and we’ll call it a good time!”
Made me laugh and for being an introvert who struggles immensely with conversation this helped relax me instantly.
The online dating world is vast, with a plethora of apps to choose from. However, according to a study by Statista, one outranks them all when it comes to finding love: Bumble. The app, known for letting women make the first move, has since expanded into a networking platform for building both friendships and professional connections. But if you’re still interested in using Bumble for its original intent, you might be wondering how to go about answering all those Bumble prompts, of which there are over 40 to choose from. Here, we’ve rounded up ten of the best Bumble prompts, plus example answers. So fill out that profile, pick your preferred zodiac sign to date (it’s Pisces, right?) and watch the notifications roll in—before you know it, you’ll be needing a spreadsheet to track all those dates.
How Do You Write a Good Bumble Prompt?
The best way to write a good Bumble prompt response is to be honest, specific and positive, according to experts. If you leave your profile generic (or worse, empty), you’re not giving dates enough information to work with so that they can start a conversation. So, focus on being clear about what you want (without being a negative nelly) and don’t be afraid to throw a little humor in there, too. After all, laugher is proven to help us relax, and when we feel at ease, we’re more comfortable sharing about ourselves and learning about others.
The Best Bumble Prompts and How to Answer Them
  1. Perfect First Date...
This Bumble prompt is a great way to let potential matches know what you’re expecting, so be specific. “Drinks” is not going to cut it. Instead, write out a little itinerary—it doesn’t have to be incredibly detailed, but it should give someone an idea of what you enjoy. Maybe it’s a picnic in a park. Perhaps you lean towards the classic dinner and a movie, or you love art museums, comedy clubs and bookstores.
What you can say:
Catching a flick (sci-fi or rom-com) followed by dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant in Los Angeles. If the sky is clear, we’d drive up to Griffith Park and have a little La La Land moment.
Picnic in Central Park and then a ride in a rowboat—you’re doing the rowing, of course. We’d top it off with ice cream and maybe a bookstore jaunt.
We’d eat our way through Smorgasburg in Brooklyn and then sit on the pier looking at the Manhattan skyline as the sun sets.
  1. I Get Way too Excited About...
Behavioral scientist and author Logan Ury advises that a successful dating profile makes it easy for someone to start a conversation with you. Use this prompt to talk about something you’re passionate about. Restaurant openings, golf, Bluey, painting, opera, rock climbing, cooking, Paris, Marvel...whatever you can’t stop talking about goes right here. Don’t worry about appealing to the masses—the right person, who might also love these things (or just love how much you love them), will come.
What you can say:
Paris in the springtime. I took a gap year there and love going every April to see the cherry blossoms, and one day I’d love to do a tour through Provence to see the lavender, too.
Rock climbing. I’m at the climbing gym at least twice a week and love going bouldering once a month with my club. If you haven’t seen Free Solo, you’re missing out.
Broadway shows. Every year, my dad and I spend a weekend in NYC marathoning every single musical we can get tickets for. I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera five times and yes, I’m crushed that it’s closing.
  1. A Pro and Con of Dating Me...
Stay away from the “beige flags” here. Ury has previously explained that beige flags are clichés, and the whole goal here is to stand out. So be honest and own both your pros and cons, all while finding a way to keep it lighthearted. Debbie-downers aren’t good first impressions.
What you can say:
Pro: I’m a great baker, so you’ll always have fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. Con: I’m definitely a planner and being spontaneous can be hard, but I’m working on embracing last-minute adventure.
Pro: I’m on the pulse of the restaurant scene and always have great recs. Con: I can’t stand the MCU. (But I’ll make an occasional concession.)
Pro: I’ll never ask you to TikTok dance with me. Con: I can be slow replying to texts—but I’m working on it!
  1. A Non-Negotiable...
This Bumble prompt is important because it can be your deal breaker, however, avoid being super negative. We all have our icks, but as dating coach Lindsay O’Brien has told us, you don’t want to spiral on a list of things you don’t want, because it can imply emotional baggage. (That’s not a bad thing and a lot of us have it—it’s just not something you might want to spill in the “handshake” phase of dating.) Use this prompt to reveal qualities, values and even shared dreams/goals you’d like the person to have.
What you can say:
Great communicator.
You like and are conversational about art, books and travel.
You think living abroad for a few years sounds like an ultimate bucket-list adventure.
  1. My Real-Life Superpower Is...
This one can be a lighthearted icebreaker or a lean more serious. Whether it’s a quirky talent or your favorite quality about yourself, share it. Just, as noted above, stay away from the clichés.
What you can say:
Making conversation with strangers and putting them at ease.
Cooking for a crowd.
Somehow always managing to win the Broadway lottery.
  1. After Work You Can Find Me...
Here’s another Bumble prompt that can show not just your interests but how you spend your time. If you’re a budding cocktail connoisseur, maybe your future date will find you at the latest trendy opening in the city. If you love art, you might be taking advantage of museums’ free admissions nights before heading home. Tell potential matches how you want to spend your time, so you don’t waste time getting to know people who aren’t interested in those things.
What you can say:
Curled in bed with a book—I live for murder mysteries, Jane Austen and fantasy novels.
At a concert; I’m obsessed with alternative rock and country music.
Baking cookies while watching the latest season of The Bachelorette.
  1. I Promise I Won’t Judge You If...
Now is not quite the time to get serious with a heavy hitter, so use this prompt to get silly and show your sense of humor, while potentially revealing your own eccentricities in the process.
You totally trip over nothing on the sidewalk, because I do that at least three times a week.
You haven’t read Pride and Prejudice, as long as you promise to watch the Kiera Knightley version with me.
You have zero sense of direction. Me too.
  1. Favorite Quality in a Person...
Here’s a chance to cast a reel for the good traits you're looking for. Again, diving deep is key, so try to avoid things like “nice.” A lot of people and things are nice. Elaborate on what you want to see in a nice person.
What you can say:
The way he/she makes eye contact with the people they speak to, making them feel seen and heard.
Remembering important dates—birthdays, anniversaries—and celebrating them.
Prioritizing others’ needs first, while still having healthy boundaries.
  1. I’m a Great Plus One Because...
A lot of your answers to Bumble prompts will be serious. This one is a chance to be less so. Flaunt your funnier side and tell them why taking you to a company party, wedding, family or other social event will be a good time.
What you can say:
I’ll totally stick by you if you’re the wallflower.
I can talk about literally any subject.
My dance moves can’t be beat.
  1. A Review from a Friend...
We want to know what other people think, so now’s the time to reel in a friend and have them give you a review. It’s always interesting to see how we are perceived by others, and as your profile is filled with prompts that you’ve answered from your own perspective, calling in a review will give potential matches a look into who you are that highlights qualities you may have glossed over.
What you can ask your friend to talk about:
Your personality traits that they like.
A favorite memory together.
Five reasons they would date you.
  1. My Favorite Quality in a Person...
Time to pull out your dream list of a person’s best qualities and...ask for them. (Gasp!) As dating coach Lindsay O’Brien has previously told PureWow, it pays to be clear up front so that the right people can find you. Just make sure to keep it positive, because listing the negatives (ex. Someone who doesn’t [insert quality here]) can suggest relationship baggage. “For example,” she says, “If you don’t want someone who is sarcastic or critical, you can say, ‘A sweet guy makes my heart melt.’”
What you can say:
A sense of humor.
Planner extraordinaire.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 Mammoth-Table-5253 If you believe in a higher power, or coincidence, got me out of my relationship.

One day I went to our local bar and it was karaoke. I just dropped the kids off and went to have fun. Husband was late from work and I wanted to get a drink and unwind. That night I met a sweet girl who told me about her abusive ex. They lived in my old home town in Florida and I couldn’t believe someone was from there that I met randomly. It got me thinking.
I finished a reality show and went to watch the prequel reality show to find something new to watch. One of the women had my same name and they were rich but her husband was abusing her. It got me thinking.
Every time I typed how my husband was talking to me or treating me into google the domestic violence hotline pops up at the top. It got me thinking.
My husband beat me profusely and choked me over being upset that I wanted to leave a bar because I saw a woman he flirted with at the bar who happened to have my same name. It got me thinking.
Months later he threw something at me and slapped my son in the face and I called my dad late in the evening to help. He just happened to pick up the phone and come to help me. It got me thinking.
All of this could be higher power, or coincidence or just dumb luck. But it’s how I escaped my abuser with my kids. I don’t look for signs in my everyday life but when I reflect I realize how many coincidences have led me to make major changes in my life. To help me save myself and my two kids. I’m still in the process of fully getting out of my house and getting my dogs and such in order but it got me going in the right direction and I implore anyone who has a gut feeling to get out now before it is too late. You don’t deserve it. They don’t change. It’s not worth your life.
I had a friend die at the hands of her boyfriend, he choked her and accidentally killed her and hid her body. He might not be “trying” to kill you but it can happen, and quickly. Nothing is worth your life.
submitted by Mammoth-Table-5253 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:02 Octagonenotforgotten Octagone [1372] First chapter Mystery Thriller

Hi! I am new to writing, so any feedback is needed please!
Scarlett is still full of excitement after her sleepover with her best friend. “Have you ever sung karaoke?” she asks her sister, who has just picked her up to walk her home. Jolene, engrossed in her phone, doesn't even hear the question. “No,” she replies bluntly. “Well, you should. It's amazing!” Scarlett beams. “You know, I always thought I should be famous, but now I know it.”
Jolene can't help but scoff at this notion. “Yeah? What makes you so special?”
“Uh,” Scarlett scrunches her brow in confusion. “Everything...”
Jolene rolls her eyes and continues typing vigorously on her Blackberry. Scarlett sighs, knowing she can't compete with her sister's phone. I'm just going to wait until we’re home, Scarlett thinks, moving her little legs faster to keep up with Jolene’s pace. Mom will want to hear why I should be famous. I’ll probably have an agent by next week, then BOOM, I’m the next international pop star. Scarlett begins to strut down the street with her hands on her hips, periodically waving and blowing kisses to the imaginary photographers that line the street.
“Stop being a weirdo; Mom is expecting us back in 20 minutes.” Jolene always has a way of taking the fun out of, well, everything. Scarlett sticks her tongue out at her sister, adding a fart noise to punctuate her annoyance. Jolene’s phone buzzes once again, gaining her full attention. The girls continue their walk when Scarlett spots “Scoops,” her favorite ice cream shop.
“You know, Jo, we’re not that far away,” Scarlett stops abruptly, making her sister stop in her tracks. “I know for a fact we can get home in 10 minutes from this ice cream shop!” Scarlett casually points to the store next to her, just like she planned. Jolene rolls her eyes and glares at her sister. “You would know that.”
“I just so happen to have a five in my pocket; we have twenty minutes to get home… AND it’s only going to take ten minutes to get home, so….”
“We have ten minutes to get ice cream,” the girls say in unison. Scarlett with excitement, Jolene with disdain. Jolene lets out a big sigh, rolling her eyes. “Fine, I have a phone call I need to make anyway. But I swear to God, Scar, if we are late, you are taking the blame.” She continues to type on her phone as she takes a seat at one of the tables.
“Deal!” Scarlett smiles as she reaches for the handle of the door to the ice cream shop. “Do you want anything?”
“No, I’m fine.”
Scarlett makes her way into the shop, smiling at Sam, her favorite ice cream scooper. Sam is always kind and cheerful, and her scoops are noticeably bigger than Dave's. “Hi Scar!” Sam says with a giggle. “What can I get my best customer today? The usual?”
“Yes, please, and you know what,” she says, raising an eyebrow and flashing her $5 bill, “make it a double scoop!”
“Woah, big spender today. Where did you get that kind of money?” Sam’s eyes widen as she grabs a cone off of a tall stack.
“It was my birthday last week!” Scarlett excitedly bounces on her toes, remembering the celebration. “We had a party with all of my friends, and I got so many presents. I almost didn’t have time to open all of them. And then we had a bounce house. And then we had a dance party, and everyone chanted my name because I should be famous. And then I blew out the candles and made a wish. And then Danny threw up because he had too much cake. And then Mom decided that’s enough fun for the day.”
“Wow! That sounds like a great birthday,” Sam says, generously filling her scoop with mint chocolate chip and placing it on the cone. “How old are you now?”
“Eight,” Scarlett beams, mouth watering as she focuses her attention on the overflowing cone.
Sam nods. “Ah, makes sense. Only big kids get to walk to the ice cream shop by themselves.”
Scarlett furrows her brow in confusion. “No, I don’t. Jolene is just...” Scarlett points out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the front of the shop. She can see the tables and chairs on the sidewalk, she can see a car pass by on the road. She can even see a couple walking on the other side of the street, but she can’t see Jolene. “Uh, my sister was just outside…”
A sinking feeling starts to take over Scarlett’s stomach, her mind racing with the possibilities. Did she go home without me? I’ve only been in here a few minutes… and Mom would be mad she left me. Maybe she is hiding so she can scare me? Wouldn’t be the first time… maybe she saw one of her friends and they…
“Are you ok?” Sam’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. She turns back to Sam, seeing the reflection of her worry in Sam’s face.
“Um… I don’t know,” Scarlett says cautiously, unsure of what to do.
Sam takes a deep breath and sets the cone down, making her way to the front of the store to look out the door. Scarlett follows closely behind, using Sam as her shield. They both scan the area looking for any signs of Jolene. Sam takes a few steps onto the sidewalk, accidentally kicking a small object. “What’s this?” Sam asks as she bends over to pick it up. Scarlett's stomach turns to knots as she looks at the Blackberry in Sam’s hand. Jolene got that phone for her last birthday, and Scarlett hasn’t seen her without it since. She knows there is no way Jolene would have left without it, at least, not willingly. Scarlett's eyes welled up with tears at the thought.
Sam recognizes her fear and kneels down to be face to face with Scarlett. “Is this her phone?” Sam asks nervously. Scarlett warily nods as the tears begin to stream down her face. Sam’s face falls, understanding what Scarlett is thinking. She gently puts her hand on Scarlett's arm. “Let’s call your mom, ok?,” she says as she leads Scarlett back inside. Sam fiddles with Jolene’s phone, finding the contact “mom”, and lifts the phone up to her ear. As the phone rings Sam can see the fear in Scarlett’s eyes, fear that not even ice cream can fix. “Everything is going to be ok!” Sam says, not knowing how wrong she is. “Hello? Um, is this Scarlett’s mom?”
Sam’s conversation falls into the background as Scarlett holds back tears. She stares out the window where Jolene once stood hoping she will magically return. Maybe if I close my eyes. She squeezes her eyes closed making the built up tears overflow. Please, please, please. She opens her eyes to see the barren sidewalk, slumping back into the chair letting her fear set in and her tears pour out.
Sam hangs up the phone and turns to Scarlett. “Your mom is on her way, and she is calling the police now.” she kneels down to the overwhelmed little girl, having no clue how to make anything better. “Did you still want that ice cream?” Sam asks as she goes to retrieve the melting cone. With no answer she tips the ice cream into a bowl, grabs a spoon, and rushes it back to Scarlett. “On the house” Sam insists pushing it toward Scarlett, feeling helpless and fearing the little girl's smile would never return. With tears running down her face, Scarlett takes a big spoonful of the ice cream, and lifts it up just to plop it back down, slumping into her chair. Trying anything to help, Sam has a new idea. “Why don’t we distract ourselves until she gets here?” Sam asks, receiving a nod. “How about we count the cars going by. I bet she will be here by the time 15 cars go by, oh look, there’s one”
“Two” Scarlett whispers as a silver car goes by. “Three” Sam says, taking a seat on the floor next to the occupied chair.
“Eight” Scarlett screams recognizing the car that had driven her all around town. “Mom!”
submitted by Octagonenotforgotten to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:47 Octagonenotforgotten First Chapter Critique Book- Octagone

Hi!! I am new to writing, and I've got a great idea for a mystery/thriller. This is one of the first drafts of the first chapter, and I would love any feedback or critiques you have! I'm just looking to improve.
Scarlett is still full of excitement after her sleepover with her best friend. “Have you ever sung karaoke?” she asks her sister, who has just picked her up to walk her home. Jolene, engrossed in her phone, doesn't even hear the question. “No,” she replies bluntly. “Well, you should. It's amazing!” Scarlett beams. “You know, I always thought I should be famous, but now I know it.”
Jolene can't help but scoff at this notion. “Yeah? What makes you so special?”
“Uh,” Scarlett scrunches her brow in confusion. “Everything...”
Jolene rolls her eyes and continues typing vigorously on her Blackberry. Scarlett sighs, knowing she can't compete with her sister's phone. I'm just going to wait until we’re home, Scarlett thinks, moving her little legs faster to keep up with Jolene’s pace. Mom will want to hear why I should be famous. I’ll probably have an agent by next week, then BOOM, I’m the next international pop star. Scarlett begins to strut down the street with her hands on her hips, periodically waving and blowing kisses to the imaginary photographers that line the street.
“Stop being a weirdo; Mom is expecting us back in 20 minutes.” Jolene always has a way of taking the fun out of, well, everything. Scarlett sticks her tongue out at her sister, adding a fart noise to punctuate her annoyance. Jolene’s phone buzzes once again, gaining her full attention. The girls continue their walk when Scarlett spots “Scoops,” her favorite ice cream shop.
“You know, Jo, we’re not that far away,” Scarlett stops abruptly, making her sister stop in her tracks. “I know for a fact we can get home in 10 minutes from this ice cream shop!” Scarlett casually points to the store next to her, just like she planned. Jolene rolls her eyes and glares at her sister. “You would know that.”
“I just so happen to have a five in my pocket; we have twenty minutes to get home… AND it’s only going to take ten minutes to get home, so….”
“We have ten minutes to get ice cream,” the girls say in unison. Scarlett with excitement, Jolene with disdain. Jolene lets out a big sigh, rolling her eyes. “Fine, I have a phone call I need to make anyway. But I swear to God, Scar, if we are late, you are taking the blame.” She continues to type on her phone as she takes a seat at one of the tables.
“Deal!” Scarlett smiles as she reaches for the handle of the door to the ice cream shop. “Do you want anything?”
“No, I’m fine.”
Scarlett makes her way into the shop, smiling at Sam, her favorite ice cream scooper. Sam is always kind and cheerful, and her scoops are noticeably bigger than Dave's. “Hi Scar!” Sam says with a giggle. “What can I get my best customer today? The usual?”
“Yes, please, and you know what,” she says, raising an eyebrow and flashing her $5 bill, “make it a double scoop!”
“Woah, big spender today. Where did you get that kind of money?” Sam’s eyes widen as she grabs a cone off of a tall stack.
“It was my birthday last week!” Scarlett excitedly bounces on her toes, remembering the celebration. “We had a party with all of my friends, and I got so many presents. I almost didn’t have time to open all of them. And then we had a bounce house. And then we had a dance party, and everyone chanted my name because I should be famous. And then I blew out the candles and made a wish. And then Danny threw up because he had too much cake. And then Mom decided that’s enough fun for the day.”
“Wow! That sounds like a great birthday,” Sam says, generously filling her scoop with mint chocolate chip and placing it on the cone. “How old are you now?”
“Eight,” Scarlett beams, mouth watering as she focuses her attention on the overflowing cone.
Sam nods. “Ah, makes sense. Only big kids get to walk to the ice cream shop by themselves.”
Scarlett furrows her brow in confusion. “No, I don’t. Jolene is just...” Scarlett points out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the front of the shop. She can see the tables and chairs on the sidewalk, she can see a car pass by on the road. She can even see a couple walking on the other side of the street, but she can’t see Jolene. “Uh, my sister was just outside…”
A sinking feeling starts to take over Scarlett’s stomach, her mind racing with the possibilities. Did she go home without me? I’ve only been in here a few minutes… and Mom would be mad she left me. Maybe she is hiding so she can scare me? Wouldn’t be the first time… maybe she saw one of her friends and they…
“Are you ok?” Sam’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. She turns back to Sam, seeing the reflection of her worry in Sam’s face.
“Um… I don’t know,” Scarlett says cautiously, unsure of what to do.
Sam takes a deep breath and sets the cone down, making her way to the front of the store to look out the door. Scarlett follows closely behind, using Sam as her shield. They both scan the area looking for any signs of Jolene. Sam takes a few steps onto the sidewalk, accidentally kicking a small object. “What’s this?” Sam asks as she bends over to pick it up. Scarlett's stomach turns to knots as she looks at the Blackberry in Sam’s hand. Jolene got that phone for her last birthday, and Scarlett hasn’t seen her without it since. She knows there is no way Jolene would have left without it, at least, not willingly. Scarlett's eyes welled up with tears at the thought.
Sam recognizes her fear and kneels down to be face to face with Scarlett. “Is this her phone?” Sam asks nervously. Scarlett warily nods as the tears begin to stream down her face. Sam’s face falls, understanding what Scarlett is thinking. She gently puts her hand on Scarlett's arm. “Let’s call your mom, ok?,” she says as she leads Scarlett back inside. Sam fiddles with Jolene’s phone, finding the contact “mom”, and lifts the phone up to her ear. As the phone rings Sam can see the fear in Scarlett’s eyes, fear that not even ice cream can fix. “Everything is going to be ok!” Sam says, not knowing how wrong she is. “Hello? Um, is this Scarlett’s mom?”
Sam’s conversation falls into the background as Scarlett holds back tears. She stares out the window where Jolene once stood hoping she will magically return. Maybe if I close my eyes. She squeezes her eyes closed making the built up tears overflow. Please, please, please. She opens her eyes to see the barren sidewalk, slumping back into the chair letting her fear set in and her tears pour out.
Sam hangs up the phone and turns to Scarlett. “Your mom is on her way, and she is calling the police now.” she kneels down to the overwhelmed little girl, having no clue how to make anything better. “Did you still want that ice cream?” Sam asks as she goes to retrieve the melting cone. With no answer she tips the ice cream into a bowl, grabs a spoon, and rushes it back to Scarlett. “On the house” Sam insists pushing it toward Scarlett, feeling helpless and fearing the little girl's smile would never return. With tears running down her face, Scarlett takes a big spoonful of the ice cream, and lifts it up just to plop it back down, slumping into her chair. Trying anything to help, Sam has a new idea. “Why don’t we distract ourselves until she gets here?” Sam asks, receiving a nod. “How about we count the cars going by. I bet she will be here by the time 15 cars go by, oh look, there’s one”
“Two” Scarlett whispers as a silver car goes by. “Three” Sam says, taking a seat on the floor next to the occupied chair.
“Eight” Scarlett screams recognizing the car that had driven her all around town. “Mom!”
submitted by Octagonenotforgotten to writers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:46 shitepool666 Hooked up with coworker. Not sure how to proceed.

28m. There’s a really cute girl that works for the same company as me but under a different branch and management. As a result I never see her and we won’t ever work together but we’ve run into each other in passing once or twice at the office. She’s came up to make small talk with me on those occasions.
Last night my company did a small outing at bar and invited employees out for drinks. This girl happened to be there and approached me while I was alone at the bar ordering a drink. We got to talking and agreed to hang out sometime.
The night goes on, everyone is drinking and having fun, she and I are talking more, and eventually everyone gets the idea to go to a local karaoke bar.
Once we’re there, everyone is having a really good time together. She and I keep talking more and more and eventually we’re flirting really heavy, one thing leads to another and we start kissing eachother.
We’re really drawn to eachother and vibing really hard. Shes telling me how cute she always thought I was when she first saw me and had a low key crush and stuff and at one point in time I’m holding her pretty close after kissing her and she goes “So I need to make this transparent. I don’t really want a FWB or a situationship or anything like that.” And I ask if she wants a boyfriend and she says she does. And I tell her I like her and we should just spend time together and see what happens and she kisses me again.
At some point during the night I put my number in her phone while we were chatting with others. I was going to take hers but my phone was dead so I couldn’t.
Night goes on and eventually we leave together and we go back to my place. We slept together a couple times and she spent the night. Had sex again that morning and she had to leave to get to work and she pulled me into kiss me before she left.
After she left I remembered that I don’t have her phone number and I hardly remembered giving her mine and I doubt she remembers either.
I like her and think she’s really fun. However I don’t have her number and I rarely ever see her at work. Part of me wants to reach out and send her a private message on our company app and just say “Hey I can’t remember if I gave you my number or not, ####” but I don’t know if this is weird or too pushy. Ideally I’d like to wait and see if she reaches out but she might not even remember me giving her my number. I also like the idea of taking initiative.
Should I message her on the app and give her my number? Or should I just let it be and see if she reaches out or if I run into her by chance? I asked my friend and his wife about this and they suggested reaching out, and said she seems interested and might feel like a booty call if I don’t try and get ahold of her or take any initiative.
I don’t know what to do.
submitted by shitepool666 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:18 Embarrassed_Mall_730 Lala, LVP, Scheana and the Tom’s audacity and hypocrisy

The hypocrisy AND audacity of Lauren from Utah is on the same level if not even more than Tom! Tom is a psychopath/sociopath by pretty much most definitions. You look at the symptoms or markers and it’s insane how many fit him, Scheana and Lauren from Utah!!!! The reunion right after Ariana found out (and called production to come back and film) was about 6 days after she found out her life was blown to pieces! She had to sit in a room with both Rachel and Tom professing their love for one another. Can you even imagine what that must of felt like? Knowing it was all going to air on national television? Ariana had zero clue how people would react because she had just found out. Tom had always been a favorite and definitely LVP favored (still does) these grown men who behave like children. There’s zero way LFU would’ve come to a reunion like that! Or Scheana! Ariana gave every bit of her privacy and more to this show. Neither of the pick me twins can say the same. The fact that Scheana makes these snide comments about Ariana being her back up dancer when in reality, Ariana went to a college for performing arts and actually can act, sing and dance must kill the likes of her and especially Tom! Tom made her so small in their relationship. I would see clips of her doing these incredibly hard to sing songs at karaoke with friends and her voice was incredible! I never understood why Tom had the band or Scheana “made” music when the talent was and has always been Ariana. Yet she supported them 110% for the last ten years!!! Even when Ariana wanted to do something on her own like Tom was doing the bars, by writing a cocktail book he flipped out about her not wanting to do it with him!!! She could never ever have something of her own whereas Tom always could and was a prick if he couldn’t have his own bars, his crappy band, etc. Tom and Tom got the offer with Lisa to join in on a restaurant when the truth was Katie grew up in that business and had more experience than anyone. Schwartz couldn’t even last one day behind a bar bartending at pump because he was overwhelmed! Ariana was as if not more talented behind the bar than Sandoval but still him and Schwartz were the people LVP wanted to do business with? Two grown lost boys with Peter Pan syndrome? LVP always stuck up for the men in VPR more than the women no matter what the reasoning. Jax included. She would make excuses for their multiple mistakes and yet with the women she wouldn’t deal with half of what the guys did. Internal misogyny like no one else. It also hasn’t helped that Andy thinks (still) that the Tom’s are funny and endearing when they act like jackholes. Whenever there were actually women of substance on they rarely would get to become a full cast member. There’s been a few I would’ve loved to have seen become full time. Dayna, Charli and a few more. I can list tons of storylines Ariana has been a part of or brought into the show. Some were really important to. Lauren from Utah? Seriously, what true storyline has she brought in? Scheana was always a pick me and we saw that for years. She at least kinda tried. LFU wanted to take on this hood like persona which was gross for many reasons. She didn’t share anything about her life till Rand came on for one season and she could pretend how rich they were! 🙄🙄🙄 I’m sorry but I think the Toms, Scheana and LFU need to get off our TV’s for good!!!!! I would love to see a show about Something about her and James’ DJ career! Let’s have a show with their real friends on it and there’s less vitriol. I enjoy seeing other women succeed! Or people like James who’s really worked hard and for years to get where he is!!!! There will always be drama but I don’t want to see the kind the others bring to the table anymore. Sorry not sorry!
submitted by Embarrassed_Mall_730 to Vanderpumpaholics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:47 ManoloS Breakaway Experience

So to start, they cancelled one of our ports of call, Tortola. Wasn’t upset at first until I read that it was a known cancellation at our time of booking per this article
Second, we paid the up charge for priority access. We like breakfast in our room so we figured that since the fee for breakfast room service was waived, it was worth while. First day, food was an hour late. We had to follow up 3 times before it was finally delivered and of course it was cold and to top it off, it was the wrong order. Second day, cold again. Third day we just had breakfast in the buffet. Fourth day it was cold again, missing basics like butter salt and pepper and even the orange juice was split from how long it had been sitting. 5th 6th and 7th day we didn’t even bother. Went to guest services and they gave us a bullshit run around about that’s room service not us, well they say here they followed up everyday (complete lie, they followed up once) etc etc.
Third, (and this is more on us) the ship is SLAMMED. I get it, I chose to cruise on a major federal holiday (Memorial Day) but the ship just isn’t large enough for the near 4k guests. Lines EVERYWHERE. Every single restaurant both, complimentary and specialty, were at capacity, extremely slow bar service (I’ve been on Norwegian a couple of times. I know bars are always busy cause of the included booze but this was over the top), most of the bars were constantly dirty and sticky (again I know it’s busy but wiping down a bar top a couple times an hour is not complicated.) also, American diner is never open. What’s the deal with that?
Fourth, ship maintenance is not there. All the chairs are very obviously worn down, paint chipping and rust very common on the exteriors, double pane windows had lost their seal all over the ship so the void between the 2 panes of glass were filled with either moisture, salt deposits, water or algae of some sort (or a combination of all 4)
Fifth, the non show entertainment options were meh at best. They did a stupid prom party and a bunch of other events in syd Norman’s which catered to a much older crowd reliving their glory days. They had 2 comedians, Stephanie Blum and Tom Simmons. Tom was a RIOT for both the family show and the 18+ show. Only saw Stephanie’s 18+ show and it was terrible. Completely disjointed, no segues between jokes and overall not funny. I would have loved to see nightly karaoke available since that’s always a lot of fun and is always at capacity. The dueling pianos thing is dated in my opinion and they should just get rid of it as scheduled entertainment. Piano singers at the bars and lounges are more than enough piano.
Sixth, the food has gotten much better from our last NCL cruise but they still make really stranger choices. There were so many turkey options on this cruise. Breaded turkey, turkey scallopini, etc. There were stand out dishes that were awesome like the asparagus and artichoke risotto appetizer and the bacon wrapped Cajun Shrimp and Grits (this was the stand out dish by FAR. I spent 4 years serving at and managing an award winning southern restaurant. This was damn near close to that level). Caribbean night and the Indian options always hit the spot.
Seventh, spa was amazing. I HIGHLY recommend the thermal spa cruise pass. Very serene, with hot tub, sauna and therapy pools. That was multiple hours a day there and worth every cent.
Overall, I didn’t find the value mainly due to lines and the ship feeling overcrowded but I will still sail NCL again, just during low season and will likely shell out for haven accommodations moving forward, even if it means cruising less often.
submitted by ManoloS to NCL [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:12 CrazyVeterinarian592 I broke up with my boyfriend and I’m doing alright!!!

I’ve been coming to terms that my boyfriend and I haven’t been on the same page for a few weeks, if not 2 months by now. It came to head this past week when he voluntarily chose to extend his work trip over coming home after over 3 weeks out and us not seeing each other. He has/had a fear that the moment we saw each other in person I’d break up with him. He kept his location on and answered me with “my love, im sorry i could’ve come home” so I know he was just avoiding but that was my breaking point. I’ve done too much work on myself to allow myself to be in a situation where I’m carrying the majority of the burden to fix emotional problems. He wasn’t being honest that my new job promotion which required FT travel bothered him, and it changed how he treated me which sent me into a downward spiral. I was being meaneout of character in a way I haven’t been for years, even before we met, because I could tell he wasn’t telling me full stories. I wanted to apologize the night he ignored my call. If we talked about it, that night he did that, he would’ve known I had another promotion which stabilized my travel to 2 cities (one i live in, one 2 hours away). We were making leeway while being LD (we both travel for work but live in the same city) but he’s on a drinking binge and I’m done. Instead of crying, I’ve gone out. To karaoke one night, the beach & then the club today. I’m talking to my friends about it. I’ve cried on my roommates shoulder instead of calling him. I smoke a strong indica joint and sleep over crying myself to sleep. I did cry for like 2 hours today after I found his shirt which smelled of his cologne but I’m good overall… it’s over and I’m accepting it. That the man I’d marry if he let me is choosing alcohol & drugs over us, or even himself considering I can see how it’s hurting his body visually. People will not always choose us, and I have to accept that over and over these coming weeks/months, but my friends are showing me that I have enough people choosing me to be okay longterm.
submitted by CrazyVeterinarian592 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:21 Weiseowl Spilling my gatekept hotspots since I'm graduating

Wanted to shoutout a few of my favorite SD places since I'm leaving and they all deserve the hype tbh:
Cafe Vahik- this is a little cafe down in Windansea. The owner is Vahik and every time I stop by, he's there. He knows everyone's name and their favorite orders and is so nice. He tells people stories about food from Iran and how it inspired him to make his menu. Literally the most humble guy and a total gem. The food is amazing btw and really affordable. Their chai actually tastes like chai and everything is made to order.
Havana Grill off Clairemont Mesa - went here on a whim once and now it's a go-to. Their sandwiches are super good but the star of the place is their plantains (in any form) and their guava cheese pastries. Literally to die for and the portion sizes are hugee.
Hot Spot in Liberty Station- if you're looking for more activities to do that won't break the bank, this is the place. It's like a local color-me-mine inside Liberty Station. Their prices for their ceramics aren't crazy and they have great variety. You can also stay as long as you like so if you get hungry, you can grab some food from the market and come back. It fills up sometimes but they've let us bring blankets out on the lawn and paint outside too. Super fast turnaround time for the glaze too.
Libraries- if you're like me and love third spaces but hate how much Geisel smells like feet, try going off campus to some of the public libraries! North University Community library is pretty close to campus over by UTC and is a good go-to. It's quiet and there are outlets available. I also really enjoy the ones in La Mesa and Del Mar (it's literally the most beautiful little library I've been in). You can also pick up a library card to either the city or county libraries (or both!) which lets you use Libby for ebooks or checking out books through the system.
The Hole in the Wall Bar- this one's in Midway near Liberty Station and is so worth checking out, especially if you're in the LGBTQ scene. I'm not a huge clubbing fan and Hillcrest is super overstimulating which is why I love this place so much. It's an indoooutdoor venue with a sunken garden area in the front with karaoke and sometimes a popup small business. The central bar area is inside and has a pool table. People are always mingling around in the front and back and chatting with others. We go on Thursdays and I've never seen so many queer women in one place it is really a great community. They have other event days and the rest of the week is more in the coed-scene. I've actually made a lot of friends there and highly recommend it for college-age nightlife.
If you want to learn new things but craft centerec class prices are too crazy: check out the San Diego community center classes! They're usually taught by other members of the community so the prices are more affordable and they have all sorts of different offerings. It's a great way to meet people outside of the UCSD bubble and to learn something cool!
submitted by Weiseowl to UCSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:28 dymoure A man in his 20s: My romantic experiences on dating apps and beyond

Let me preface this by saying I’m a pretty "glass half-full" kinda guy. And I genuinely want to share my romantic experiences to help everyone! 😁
So… I got dating apps in early 2021, after moving back home after my undergraduate years. It was an ideal way to put yourself out there as an elegible bachelor during the pandemic. But how were the results? I honestly think I’m an average-looking guy. Maybe a little above-average, but I know I’m not a stud, and I’m not ugly. Here were my experiences on all the apps I got:
OKCupid: Great on paper, but no matches.
Bumble: One single match. Some girl sent me a Google survey titled "Are You Boyfriend Material?" I took it. She ghosted me. I asked her, "I’m guessing I didn’t get an A?" She continued to ghost me.
Boo: Nothing. Also great on paper, but not enough people use it to find anything valuable.
Tinder: I never got it because I’m not interested in hookups. I think I’ve always been looking for a friend first that naturally progresses, turning into a girlfriend.
Hinge: Easily the least-bad of the bunch. I got about 12 total matches in Hinge over the course of a year and a half, and I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t even find all of them attractive. I just talked to some of the girls because it was better than nothing. I got two of the girls' numbers that I thought were actually pretty. One of them eventually told me she needed some more emotional healing before she started dating again, and although that was the end of it, it actually ended pretty well. The other girl was the only one I ever went out with, while I was living in New York, which is another thing. Location matters too. I’d say dating apps are much more worth it if you’re alone in a big city, but even then, quality results are scarce.
More on the date, she didn’t really speak English too well, and despite bonding because of our Catholicism, we were actually very different people. I can tell she liked me, but I didn’t really like her. But again, better than nothing… right? This date actually ended up as a good thing, but not because of her. It was because I went on a walk with a resident advisor from my building on the way there, during a little community event my building offered. We were walking the High Line, and my date with the Hinge girl was at Chelsea Market. I told my resident advisor about the date, and how I was a bit nervous because I thought I was going to have to friend-zone her. I know what it’s like to be rejected, so I wanted to make sure I did it in a nice way. My RA actually opened up with me a lot, telling me how when she's had to reject guys, it's not fun. It makes you feel bad in a different way than being rejected, because you feel a lot of pressure on you. We hung out around Chelsea Market before my date. She showed me her favorite brownie shop, and we went to the Starbucks Reserve after. She actually waited until my date got there until she said goodbye; she wished me luck before I blushed my way into Chelsea Market. The entire date, I just kept wishing I was with my building's RA. My date from Hinge told me about how she had considered being a nun before. That’s beautiful to hear as a practicing Catholic, but it’s definitely a turn-off in terms of romantic attraction. 😅 It made me feel a little bad that I was probably this girl's main option, but I finally had something else. I was finally in the unrequited position every girl I had previously liked had been in. I was nice to her, though, and I even offered to keep in touch. She never reached out to me again though, I think she knew from our date that I didn’t really like her as much as she liked me, which was ok.
I ended up becoming best friends with that RA for a while. Even though she had a boyfriend, while I lived in New York, we'd constantly talk about our love lives, friendship drama, job drama, and other deep things. Now that I’m back home, we don’t talk much anymore. But it was a great friendship while it lasted. It taught me a lot of things. Mostly, it taught me how to be more extroverted. She was very pretty, and I’d be nervous a lot of the first few times I’d go and talk to her. But I just talked to her anyway, and I got over that timid Peter Parker "oh no, it’s a pretty girl" feeling. It was a great maturing experience for me. SO much better than any experience on any dating app. And we weren’t even dating.
In conclusion, I think all the apps pretty bad. That’s why I say Hinge is the "least-bad," but they’re all bad. The thing that makes most people want to be on a dating app is a mentality of, "well, I’m making myself marketable without too much work. And I know I'll at least get a few matches. And it’s better than not being on the apps." Let me tell you right now. It’s not true. At the end of the day, every algorithm on every app will find people perfect for you, but you’ll have to pay to get there, if not with money, then with time, and if not with time, then by draining your happiness. The algorithm will eventually know who you want, and make it as hard as possible to find them, which is so messed up. Even Hinge, which is "made to be deleted" suffers from this.
This is said a lot, but I can’t talk about dating apps and not mention it… Men make up over 75% of the dating app population. It’s an insanely imbalanced structure. I think it’s easier to go from an introvert to an extrovert in-person than find luck as a man on any dating app. Because that’s really all it is. Luck. Women have an overwhelming amount of options. On paper, it’s obviously a better problem to have than not having any matches, but let me assure you, if you have a soul, rejecting people is never fun either. There’s more pressure on girls to look perfect, be communicative, and respect people's time. More men see women than women see men. It’s just a fact. That’s nerve-wracking, man. Us guys may be lonely, but we also have more privacy. Women on average may be more entitled, but it makes men on average unrealistically cynical. So yeah, there are pros and cons for both men and women who want something serious on dating apps. We have opposite problems, but they’re problems nonetheless. We shouldn’t really compare which is worse. Bad is bad.
I deleted my dating apps at the end of 2022. Since then, I’ve never redownloaded anything. And guess what? I’ve been on more dates than ever. I’m MUCH more confident when socializing with people I’m attracted to. It’s actually easier than it’s ever been to date. People on apps are just so nervous, too comfortable, and take every result so catastrophically. It results in people in their 20s being such pessimists, saying things like, "our generation is done for." I can’t believe I need to say this, but that’s not true. And that kind of thinking is only going to make you worse. Worse socially, worse mentally, and actually… worse physically too. People think they’re being "realistic" when they say stuff like that, but to be drained of all hope doesn’t make you a realist. It makes you a pessimist. It took me an in-person walking event to realize it’s not only that I don’t need dating apps, they are in-fact actually damaging to everyone.
You need to focus on this advice:
A) Be yourself. 😊 Duh. Don’t lie just to pretend to be someone's type. Because then you’ll be living a lie. B) Be cool. 😎 Be more confident. Yes, it’s possible to be yourself and make yourself presentable. When you’re a cooler version of yourself, you’re still yourself. A lot of people think being cool or being funny isn’t being yourself. But you joke around when you with your friends, I’m sure of it. In short, just don’t take things too seriously. Take some pressure off yourself. Harness some confidence! Everyone has good qualities. If you focus on those, you’ll become the best and coolest version of yourself. C) To put yourself out there! 🏃 Being extroverted as an introvert is actually a LOT easier than it sounds. Nobody is really a pure introvert or extrovert. It’s a scale that balances depending on our social battery. I was a textbook introvert in high school. I eventually got a job in New York as an RA after being inspired by my friend. Different building, so we didn’t work together, but same company. And I made so many friends there. That made me much more extroverted after being forced to make plans for a bunch of younger students. After moving back home, I’ve become a healthy ambivert. I’m working out, going to more events for people my age, and I’m overall a lot happier than I was while on the apps. D) To be the one who makes plans!💡Don’t ever be ashamed if you’re the one who plans everything, even if just among your friends. Just be considerate and empathetic. Put yourself in the shoes of others and truly ask yourself if you’d have a good time! Be creative with your plans. There’s so much to do that doesn’t involve drinking and/or clubbing. Go bowling! Have a picnic! Find a karaoke place! Go to a trivia night at a pub! Go walk in a park and hit a cafe after! E) Consciously avoid objectifying whatever gender you’re attracted to. 🙅‍♀️ Stop watching porn, if you do. It actually makes you pedestalize crushes on a physical level, which only makes things much worse when you socialize with their personality. F) Communicate, and communicate well. 👩‍❤️‍👨 Match the person you’re communicating with. This is something you’ll struggle with early on no matter what. Nobody in the world is ever going to have the exact same mood as you. Nobody will ever want the same amount of frequency as you. Sometimes you’ll be underwhelmed. Sometimes you’ll be overwhelmed. Do your best to mirror the frequency of the person you’re talking to. For guys, I’d say don’t show overwhelming interest. For girls, I’d say don’t show underwhelming interest. To all, I say show interest! Do it in a healthy way. Early on, it’s probably better if you text just to make plans. Get to know each other in person first and foremost.
I guess I’m a bit of an over-sharer sometimes, but I think of this advice and my experiences a lot. So many men and women need to hear it, especially people in that taboo stage in the mid to late 20s who feel alone or lost. Really hope this helps! :D
submitted by dymoure to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:42 kawaiixxx 2024-06-15 (Sat) Hong Kong GRMD

Wow. It’s been 5 years since the last GRMD. Every year we try to get as many people in the /hongkong community to show up and meet each other in person. This year Reddit admin changed things a bit and turn it into GRMW to give some flexibility. We decided on June 15th (Saturday).
I’d toyed with the idea of just doing a big /hongkong meetup like previous years even without any Reddit endorsement like the Xmas party of 2017 and 2018, but venue prices have gone way up since pre-COVID. So we’d managed to arrange something to keep prices as affordable as possible.
Time: 19:00 -00:00
This time we will host at DMZ, a gaming venue run by kwuhkc and pyrosas. We will have video games, board games, and karaoke available. If anyone have games they want to play, feel free to bring them along.
Map Link
Unit A1, 7/F, Chuan Yuan Factory Building, 342-344 Kwun Tong Rd, Ngau Tau Kok
From Ngau Tau Kok MTR station, exit B5. Cross Lai yYp Street following Kwun Tong Road until you reach Yan Yip Street. Follow the Yan Yip Street to the first building entrance to the right, this will be Chuan Yuan Factory Building. Take any elevator to the 7th floor, and you have arrived!
Ranging from Card Against Humanity to Hero Quest, 3 TV setups available for karaoke, Nintendo switch and steam deck hookups, bring your consoles people! Jackbox is available as well.
While the games are fun and all, the important part of GRMD is for people to come out and meet each other and make new friends.
The venue will have a lot of space for people to fan out and hang out, so regardless of if you are new to the scene or a long time veteran/lurker, come on by and make some buddies!
Buffet style, but not unlimited. If we run out of food and there are still hungry people we can call for take out.
There will be non alcoholic drinks available.
Alcoholic drinks will be BYOB, please bring to share. (Also, I like stouts.)
Group photo:
I plan on having the group photo at around 8:30 or so. I will also be leaving my old cameras around the venue so feel free to pick them up and shoot away. I'd appreciate it if other people take some candid pictures of the event.
HK$300 per person flat fee if you prepay by the deadline (June 9th 23:59), HK$350 after the deadline or at the door. This will cover drinks and food.
Why prepay?
This is necessary due to logistic and budget reasons, and more importantly we need to know how much food to order from the catering company (the amount of money we collect by the deadline will determine what and how much we order). Please help us out by pre-paying ASAP!
How to pay:
Please do a FPS/PayMe transfer to 96332968 (WONG H** S** S**** ) $300 (for each person). Send a WhatsApp to +852-96332968 with following info:
Once I confirmed received payment we will put you into the Super Secret Elite WhatsApp group for cool Redditors. Again, past the 6/9 deadline the cost goes up to $350.
And before anyone ask I will not be doing any tiered pricing. Please don't ask if you can just come and play and not eat and pay less money, or if you are going to be late, or if you are going to leave early. It just make things more complicated for us and math is hard. Also, no exception for anyone on paying past the deadline.
If for some reason you do not have FPS/Payme, PM me and we will see if we can arrange something. I will try to do a pub crawl the weekend before and you can try to meet me and pay me in person.
submitted by kawaiixxx to HongKong [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:15 phineas3dp A week after the date (Fanfic) part 28

A week after the date (Fanfic) part 28
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27
Chizuru had been hiding in the bathroom, paying attention to the situation outside. Now that the time was right, she finally came out and walked over to Kazuya and Ruka.
Chizuru: Ruka, are you feeling unwell?
Ruka: Thank you, I'm fine.
Chizuru: Why did you suddenly fall asleep? Did you not sleep well last night?
Ruka: Actually, I think I fainted, not fell asleep.
Chizuru and Kazuya were very concerned, but Kazuya didn't want to show too much care for Ruka in front of Chizuru, so Chizuru spoke first.
Chizuru: Fainted? Are you sure you're okay? Do you need to go to the hospital for a check-up?
Ruka: There's no need to worry, it's just a minor issue. I've been like this since I was a child and I'm used to it!
Chizuru nudged Kazuya with her elbow, seemingly asking if he knew what had happened to Ruka. Kazuya, knowing nothing, could only shake his head.
Ruka: Alright, I'll tell you both! I've never shared this with you before. Since I was a child, I've had an irregular heartbeat. Whenever I get slightly nervous, my heart starts to beat erratically, causing me to faint.
Chizuru: But after spending time with you, I never noticed anything.
Ruka: It's because I've grown up and undergone long-term treatment. It's under control now, and I can live like a normal person.
Ruka took out her phone and opened the heart rate monitoring app.
Ruka: All the trouble I've caused stems from this app.
Chizuru and Kazuya looked curious!
Ruka: Since childhood, my parents did everything to avoid stressing me out, so they indulged and spoiled me. I also got used to not letting my emotions fluctuate. Later, as my condition improved, the doctor told me I could live like a normal person. But I had already grown accustomed to viewing everything indifferently.
I gradually felt that this was abnormal, that I was living like an emotionless robot. I really wanted to feel my heart race. Friends said that dating always makes one's heart flutter, and I wanted to try it. So, I became a rental girlfriend for a while. But rental dates are just work, without any love, so I didn't feel excited at all. Until I met Kuri.
Kazuya: Kuri?
Ruka: Kuri told me your story, and suddenly I felt my heart race a bit. I thought to myself, "If only I were the heroine." Later, Kuri suggested that the four of us go on a double date, and I was so eager to meet you that I agreed immediately.
But Kuri always described you, Kazuya, as someone terrible, not attractive to girls at all. I was really curious why someone like you would have such a perfect girlfriend. So I looked up Chizuru-san's name and discovered that you were also a rental girlfriend. I felt disappointed and wanted to mess with you both.
Kazuya thought: That's ridiculous, how does Kuri describe me?
Ruka: You probably remember the rock climbing date! Chizuru-san might not know this, but later, Kazuya followed me for a long time, asking me not to reveal your secret, especially Chizuru-san's job. He followed me until we reached a pedestrian bridge, where I accidentally slipped and fell down the stairs. Fortunately, Kazuya protected me in time, preventing serious injury. At that moment, my heart broke records. I had never felt like that before.
Kazuya: At that time, I just didn't want Kuri's girlfriend to get hurt.
Ruka: I thought that was what it felt like to like Kazuya, and I also didn't believe that a beautiful girl like Chizuru-san would like Kazuya. I thought Kazuya needed a real girlfriend. That's what I genuinely thought back then.
Chizuru: Ruka, isn't that a bit contradictory? You're also a very beautiful girl!
Ruka: Thank you for the compliment. Maybe it's because he risked his life to save me that I admired his character.
Chizuru: He also jumped into the sea to save me before.
Kazuya: No, that time you saved me, otherwise, I would have died.
Ruka: I did overlook that, maybe that's why Chizuru-san had feelings for Kazuya early on. But I only knew that Kazuya saved Chizuru-san, how did it turn into Chizuru-san saving Kazuya?
Kazuya and Chizuru blushed and lowered their heads, remaining silent.
Ruka: Later, to get closer to Kazuya, I started working at the karaoke place where he had a part-time job. But I found that the more I saw him, the less I felt my heart race. Except for certain moments.
Kazuya and Chizuru were very curious about what those moments were.
To be continuous .....
If you like this fanfic, please don't forget to give me an encouraging upvote.
submitted by phineas3dp to KanojoOkarishimasu [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:01 ShOtErSaN Is It Just Me, or Are We on the Brink of World War III? Also, What's With the Random Soviet Karaoke?

Lately, I've been feeling like we're on the brink of World War III. In my country, the debates about bringing back conscription are hotter than a jalapeño in a sauna. And British Army ads are everywhere—like dandelions on my lawn, except even more annoying. It's all got me thinking that something big is brewing. Bigger than my neighbor's conspiracy theories about 5G towers.
So, there I was, sauntering down the main street, surrounded by a vibrant mix of people from every corner of the globe, when suddenly, I hear Russian songs. Not the catchy pop kind, but the ones that sound like they’re straight out of a Soviet funeral playlist. And who’s performing this unexpected concert? A middle-aged Russian woman, singing like she’s trying to resurrect the USSR with sheer vocal power.
I couldn’t help but wonder, “How is this happening in a country with top-notch defense systems? Did she just waltz past security with her Soviet karaoke machine?” It felt like a scene from a Cold War spy movie, and I half-expected James Bond to pop out and start a duet. Was she planted there? By whom? The KGB? MI6? The Freemasons? And more importantly, why? To serenade us into submission? To make us nostalgic for Cold War-era politics?
It's like the world has become one big, bizarre reality show, and I’m just waiting for the hidden cameras to be revealed. Maybe this is all part of some grand scheme—today a Russian singer, tomorrow a full-scale reenactment of the Cuban Missile Crisis in my living room. Or maybe it's a distraction while the reptilian overlords finalize their takeover. Either way, I’m stocking up on popcorn and tinfoil hats.
submitted by ShOtErSaN to Zillennials [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:21 Friendly_Steak_841 Starting a singing YouTube channel; want to do covers (to start), but don't want video(s) to be taken down or copyright striked? Please help?

I've looked all online, especially youtube, and there it all just seems to be really gray area big time, so I'm totally lost! I've seen videos galore on this and from what I've gathered, due to an agreement between YouTube and the music companies (not sure which ones?), you can post a cover to YouTube without a mechanical or sync license (from those websites like We Are The Hits or MLC/Harry Fox Agency), with the only catch being it'll get copyright claimed, but not copyright striked, or taken down. And for right now just starting off that's fine, I'm okay with the video getting claimed as long as it doesn't get striked and/or taken down. I just want to upload to YouTube first and foremost, and then promote my content (mostly re-posting snippets from my YT videos) on social media like Twitter, IG, TikTok, Snaphat, Facebook, etc (and are the rules different for those platforms?)
But then I've heard of people getting their cover videos taken down or even copyright striked INSTANTLY, and I've even seen some where they say they did the whole instrumental themselves and it still happened, and I'm not even planning on doing that! I was just gonna find some sort of royalty-free instrumental/karaoke version and put that in my video.
I don't know what to do, or what the right answer is. Will my videos(s) get taken down or will they just be claimed and that's it? And in one video I saw the way interpolation is described sounds like what I wanna do since I can't change the genre of the song since I don't know how to play any instruments and would probably only find a (royalty-free?) instrumental/karaoke version in the original genre. I already know I definetly can't use the original instrumental since that would be a sample (right?) but would what I'm planning on doing still count as interpolation (which according the video I saw you need a license for)?
TL;DR: Just want to upload song covers using my voice and whatever (royalty-free I think?) instrumental/karaoke backing-track I can find to use, but afraid of getting my video(s) copyright striked or taken down, but okay for now getting the video(s) copyright claimed as I'm just starting out and not looking to make money right now, just post and get exposure. Any insight or help would be so appreciated!
submitted by Friendly_Steak_841 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:52 3CrownKings I (30M) and my girlfriend (30F) had plans to go out with a few of her friends and now I’m being pushed out of the plans and told I can’t go. What are your thoughts on this?

I’m a 30M and have been with my gf 30F for one year. We’ve known eachother Since we were kids. We spend a lot of time together after work and are pretty close but haven’t gotten to go out lately. Yesterday she told me she wanted to go out to some bars and have drinks and karaoke and she was inviting a few friends.. I was like yeah I’m down, sounds like fun. We haven’t gone out in a couple weeks, mainly been staying home. Well now it’s Friday and a few hours before we’re supposed to go out and she says that one of her friends isn’t bringing her man and no boys are allowed. Mind you one of the ladies bfs is almost certainly going to be there. Also she just had a girls night out night before last. I told her it was kinda wack we had plans and now I’m getting pushed out of them after being excited to go out. Now she’s saying sorry I let you down once again and telling me I just get mad when she goes out with friends. Which I dont. I tell her I want her to have fun with her friends, there have only been a couple people in a year of dating that I said I’m not a fan of for very valid reasons. I get having girls nights out, I get needing time with friends, I’m not trying to be controlling or anything.. I was just looking forward to going out with her and having fun and now since I didn’t make other plans I’m going to be sitting at the house by myself. I just feel kinda shitty about it and feel ditched. She told me sorry for not obeying and I take everything personally when literally all I’ve really said is alright that’s kinda wack I was invited and now told I can’t come out. Just kinda makes me feel unwanted and pushed away. I just feel like she wants to call the shots and doesn’t really care how it makes me feel. What are your thoughts?
TL;DR - Gf and I had plans to go out and she invited some friends, now I’m being pushed out of the plan saying no boys allowed when one of the ladies bf is almost certainly going to be there. I feel kinda hurt and pushed away by her snide comments of sorry for not obeying and stuff when that has nothing to do with the situation.. also comments like if i can be possessive and complain that i will. It feels like im being gaslit rn, im a pretty chill guy and really haven’t even made this a big deal to her. What are your thoughts?
submitted by 3CrownKings to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:48 MercuryMewMew [Request][Steam] Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Hello GoG,
I would like to take this opportunity to request Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth!
If there are 3 things the Yakuza/Like a Dragon developers know how to do:
  • 1) It's how to make a compelling narrative.
  • 2) Make an astonishing amount of mini-games and silly side-content.
  • 3) Somehow manage to refine their combat system even further.
My history with the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series:
Of course, I did have a fantastic time with Yakuza 0 a few years back. I grew to love the Kamurocho district. It's a densely packed and pleasantly detailed location. So, Hawaii will be an entirely new experience.
Having experience with Yakuza 0 and watching multiple playthroughs of Like a Dragon, you can easily tell there is a tremendous amount of heart and care put into these titles. It did take a little bit to adjust to Ichiban as the new protagonist going forward, but with the change in story direction, the new turn-based combat style and even the location, I found the Like a Dragon series to be heading in a very promising direction.
What's new, what's exciting, and what's interesting:
This time we're going to Hawaii! Expanding to a much larger map and having a plethora of new and old mini-games that we all love and adore. There's blackjack, card games, mahjong, uber eats delivery service (?), sujimon manager simulator, (Totally not Pokemon with real people, I swear.) dating adventures, photography, a whole island management game that is basically Animal Crossing. I haven't even scratched the surface, there is a tremendous amount of content and I don't think the human body can sustain that much sensory stimulation. That's a good thing. Like a Dragon is a marathon, not a sprint, and it is meant to be enjoyed.
Ichiban is a delightful new protagonist and serves as a great foil to Kiryu. They have their common ground, but their personalities create room for interesting interactions with other characters. I'm very fond of Ichiban's sincerity and passion. He is the heart of the party, I love him!
I know Kiryu is the face of the Yakuza series, but passing the torch to Ichiban in Like a Dragon opened up so much more room to experiment with different character archetypes. Like a Dragon took a different approach to the beat-em-up combat in favor of a surprisingly good turn-based combat system that still feels visceral and interesting. It's also a visual treat since everything is so well-animated while also being hilarious and brutal, depending on your actions.
I very much appreciate having an older cast of characters for the main party. It's a nice break to have characters who have a solid grasp on their own identity while grappling with deep-seated flaws from their sheer life experience.
My personal thoughts:
The entire Ichiban crew is odd and interesting. Saeko is a particular favorite of mine. (Don't mess with the bartender.)
The "job" system is great for combat and comedy, and I'm really curious about the direction of the plot. The Yakuza/Like a Dragon series always managed to balance the line between serious, interpersonal crime drama and the absurd shenanigans in the side quests. It's a great palette cleanser if you're in the mood for drama, heartfelt side stories, or silly antics.
I really hope they kept the "summoning" system in the sequel because it equates to you phoning up a friend to call them into battle. It seems like they did! Because I miss that crawfish, Nancy, she's great.
The characters are the heart of the story:
The characters in the party really make up the heart of the story. I can't think of a single character that I didn't like in Like a Dragon. So, I'm really curious to see any new additions and how everyone interacts with one another.
I mean, the established crew is delightful:
  • Ichiban is NUMBER ONE! No, seriously, it's in his name. Our delusional protagonist with the biggest heart is the most versatile character. Sure, everyone in the party can have their jobs changed, but it feels fitting that Ichiban can fulfill any role as he discovers more about himself in his personal journey. Or, at least, that's my interpretation.
  • Nanba is your cynical homeless best friend who can wield the power of pigeons. He's basically the healer or wizard of the party.
  • Adachi is the voice of reason. Your connection to reality and the gruff dad of the team. He fulfills the role of the tank by getting way too hands-on with his riot gear.
  • Saeko (MY FAVORITE!) is the no-nonsense, sane person who happens to be a heavy-drinker. (Around this group, can you blame her?) She gets annoyed easily, but she's probably the most "normal" individual here. She's the debuffer by being an excellent barmaid in combat, or she makes a great healer with the power of...cheer and motivation...through the Idol job?
  • Joongi Han. Well, I can't say too much about him. But he's cool and the assassin of the party.
  • Zhao is a mysterious one. Principled, but a schemer. I'd say he would be the fighter of the party.
  • Eri! Our special secret party member. She's an office lady who uses office supplies like a ninja. No, seriously, she'll strangle you with a lanyard, use thumbtacks as floor spikes, or she can cloak herself by stomping on a bag of flour to create a smokescreen. It's ridiculous, she's great!
Last thoughts:
Like a Dragon had a great soundtrack and a fantastic performance from the cast, both motion capture and vocal work. I was certainly invested, and I'm definitely curious to see where Infinite Wealth goes!
In terms of content, it's enormous, which is a delight in a single-player game. So, you certainly won't be wasting your time if you want to get invested in that world.
I'm really curious to see where it goes from here. So much happened in the prior game to establish the origins of the new cast and introduce their own development over the course of the game. So, I'm very interested to see how they develop and grow from this point forward.
As you can tell, I'm very much in it for the narrative. As serious, thrilling and silly as it can be.
It really is the complete package.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Store Page
Steam Profile
submitted by MercuryMewMew to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:18 Bricked_Save 33[M4F] Charlotte, NC - Looking for My Active Partner

33[M4F] Charlotte, NC - Looking for My Active Partner
I’m an avid runner,, board game enthusiast, and big ole’ goofball looking for my fit and active partner. —-------------------
Hello r4r,
I am Truett, 33M living in Charlotte, NC. I’m a bit of a nerd and goofball. Weird faces for photos, whimsical arguments about how to deal with dopple-gangers, talking in terrible accents, that's my jam.
I’m also an avid runner, anything from 5ks to 50ks, trails preferred, but nothing like a road race to make you feel fast! Some of the other ways I stay active when I’m not running include whitewater kayaking, yoga, strength training,
When I’m letting my body recover I do enjoy good board games with friends. Recently I’ve been addicted to Crokinole. An amazingly fun dexterity based flicking game! It can be brought to a pub or brewery with a bit of table space. I do have plenty of other interests and I could ramble on about how Karaoke with me is a treat, or why my friends love me on the dance floor, but I digress.
A few additional bullet points about me:
  • What I’m looking for from this: Flirtatious connection that could develop into more.
  • I would prefer to meet in person once we are comfortable with the notion. Sooner rather than later.
  • I’m 5’11”, but if you're anywhere between 4’ to 8’ tall I don’t care one way or the other.
  • A bit of distance is ok, but if it’s not drivable for a weekend, it would probably be too far to truly get things going.
  • No kids and no plans for ‘em
Are you a runner? If you have a good spirit, I’d love to have you join me if we jibe. We are all about casual fun running, and we’re turtle themed! Our motto, “Start slow and taper off” might not describe all of our runners, but definitely our mindset.
Not a runner? That’s fine! I am looking for someone who regularly exercises and has similar outlooks on fitness. Lifestyle compatibility is an important factor to me.
Beyond that, I try not to have many specific filters. I’ve had a few wonderful correspondences from here in the past, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Bricked_Save to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:52 DrunkenMagicBardElf Update

Good morning everyone - I was the chick (f34) that was complaining about my bf (m50s) who got angry that I "choose dnd over" him.
For those who messaged me concerned for my safety, its not been that sort of situation. I am safe and okay and we do not live together at all. I have my own place, a great Dane, a Rottweiler, a Labrador, and very close friends who are protective of me.
But at karaoke, "Adam" asked me soon after my post if I considered how I would make it up to him. I was fortunately very calm and explained to him that this is a job that pays some of my bills and something I really enjoy as well. I said I was a lucky woman to have something I enjoy pay me and that I would not give that up.
He argued that I was being unreasonable and that relationships take work and I am being lazy - he then said anyone would agree with him. So I showed him my last post as my song came on and went up to sing it. When I came back to our table, he wasn't there. He had taken his stuff and left.
I took that as the answer it was and didn't bother to reach out. A few days later he left me a voice mail stating that I did not even try to reach out to him and he needs someone who cares. He called me heartless and a stuck up witch (with a b).
I was confused by this but didn't respond other than an "okay". I figured that would be the end of it. We tried out dating and it didn't work so...?
But the next time I was at our mutual bar, my best friend who is the lead bartender said he was there hours before drunk and complaining about me and said I cheated on him and then forced myself on him saying no can have him byt me once when i was drunk. This never happened. I explained what happened and showed her my post and she has been helping clarify with people at the bar but it was quite an accusation so I asked a friend of his at the bar. He showed me a text where Adam said he would try to ruin my life by asserting I was abusive. It wasn't in that wording but that was the idea of it. His friend sent me the screenshots and apologized to me saying he never thought Adam would go that far.
I didn't do anything for a few day and soon after it was karaoke night again and I showed up. Adam arrived about an hour after and came up to me and asked me if I had reconsidered my treatment of him. I barely looked at him and said I wasn't here for drama. He was clearly already drunk looking for apologies. So I just hung with my friends and ignored him. He started screaming every time I went up "There's a cheater." Or "look out boys, she's a lying whre", or "that's my gf but she'll fck you anyway apparently" etc. He ended up being kicked out for the day and given a 90 day ban.
I've blocked him on everything and been told by management that they are in my corner so I guess that's that. It's the weirdest dating experience of my life but I suppose you gotta have some crazy eventually. In any case my bisexuality definitely took a hard gay turn for a bit lmao.
submitted by DrunkenMagicBardElf to AITAH [link] [comments]