Flow diagram solar system

Confused on which device to purchase

2024.06.02 18:16 Impossible_Stranger3 Confused on which device to purchase

Hello all, I could use some opinions/guidance and I feel pretty clueless on where to start. I just bought a house in Mexico by the beach. It will eventually be my full time home, but for the next year or so will be there a month at a time working remotely. It's a tiny town and lots of power outages, even in best of times. I want to purchase a Jackery that is very expandable, solar, etc. The house is not too big, so at first I need something to run a fridge, Power starlink, and laptop for 8-10 hours a day. I can suffer thru no AC ans have a flat roof with easy access for the solar panels. I would also like to be able to grab it and put In the car if I ever needed to go inland for a big storm.
Which Jackery system should I look at to start with, then expand with ?
submitted by Impossible_Stranger3 to Jackery [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:10 Training_War_9436 My engineering notes from undergrad.

My engineering notes from undergrad.
Sad thing with this digital era is that I don't write that much anymore. This got me a lot of extra marks back in the day.
submitted by Training_War_9436 to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 Klokinator The Cryopod to Hell 564: Hardcore Henry

Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 2,197,000+ words long! For more information, check out the link below:
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(Previous Part)
(Part 001)
A few days pass. Unbeknownst to humanity, Unarin decisively dispatches some of his 5th and 6th Level Psions to assist Diablo's goals of planetary conquest. At the same time, he also adds in more than a hundred thousand High Technopath Warriors, frontline combatants outfitted with lethal weaponry embedded into every inch of their bodies. These warriors, unlike mindless automatons, fight with biological intuition and the power of technological supremacy. When the Volgrim combine their forces with that of the demons, they multiply Diablo's planetary capture speed severalfold, allowing him to take new worlds in just a few hours, sometimes even only a single hour.
But humanity doesn't know about this, aside from the Wordsmiths using their special spying methods. Rather, they remain fully focused on the planetary migration efforts.
All across Tarus II, more and more humans, demons, and monsters make key decisions about whether they will immigrate or whether they will remain on Tarus II.
Kiari and Saul pause outside the Northern Immigration Center.
"Nah. None of these." Saul says to his fiance. "I like our cabin just fine. It's in a good spot. It's secluded. And most of the demons and monsters are staying on Tarus II anyway, right?"
Kiari rubs her belly. Already, she's begun to develop the tiniest baby bump.
"Yeah. I don't wanna go anywhere, either. Oh, hey, Beelzebub!"
Kiari waves cheerfully to a certain Demon Emperor nearby. Beelzebub casually walks over and waves back.
"You two moving?" Beelzebub asks, sticking his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
"We decided against that." Saul answers. "How about you?"
"I'm staying. Obviously." Beelzebub says with a shrug. "Where else am I gonna go? Pixiv, with the fairies? They only want humans. Maiura? That's not an option. One of those 'secret' places Jason's been yammering about? Humans and monsters only."
"You could live on Hell Harbor. Or Sharmur!" Kiari chirps cutely with her eyes turning upward into crescent moons. "I hear Diablo's had a few Dukes reconstructing Hell Harbor after the Archangel attack."
Beelzebub waves his hand in a flippant manner. "Pass. I'm good with staying here. Besides, whenever I leave Tarus II, I always feel a bit... weaker. It's as if I'm more powerful when I'm here, but I can't deduce why for the life of me."
He taps his chin thoughtfully. "Could just be my imagination. Who knows."
"Well, I'm glad you're sticking around!" Kiari says. "You've had it rough, and you've done bad things, but I feel you're a good guy at heart."
"It's nice someone believes in me." Beelzebub says with a smile. "If anyone comes to cause trouble here, I'll kick 'em out of the star system myself."
"That's the spirit!" Saul laughs.
Meanwhile, at the Western Immigration Center, other people also congregate together, pondering where they belong.
"Daddy!" Lily Brown exclaims, stomping her feet. "I don't WANNA!"
"We've stayed here long enough." Benjamin Brown says, gently squeezing his daughter's arm. "Tarus II is in a precarious situation. I don't feel this place is safe. We have to return to Hell Harbor now that the Slithering Spire is finished with its reconstruction efforts."
"You can go if you want." Lily says, crossing her arms and turning away from her father defiantly. "I heard Beli is staying here. That means I am too! Besides, I've made lots of friends with the humans. I don't want to go back to Hell Harbor."
"What you want is not up for debate here, young lady." Benjamin Brown says, his face darkening. "I am your father. You will do as I say."
"No, I won't!" Lily shoots back. "I'm already twenty-four years old, daddy! I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions! Or are you really going to treat me like a little girl for the rest of my life?!"
"That's not what I mean, and you know it!" Benjamin barks back. "Dammit, this is for your own good. Stop chasing that succubus and use your head for once! The First Wordsmith is too lackadaisical to lead this planet to any long-lasting good times. You can't trust his judgment."
"Who said anything about the stupid Wordsmith??" Lily asks, bewildered. "I don't care about him. I've never even met him! I only care about Beli and my friends. No matter what you say, I'm staying here. And that's FINAL."
"You... you!" Benjamin roars. "You're just like your mother!"
"What? Strong and independent?" Lily scoffs. "Don't be mad because she left you, daddy. I'm making my own choices. If you try to force me back to Hell Harbor, I'll just sneak away. And if you lock me in a dungeon, you'll be proving what a piece of work you are!"
"I... I don't even know what to say." Benjamin Brown says, dismayed. "Fine. Alright? You want to pull the mother card, be like that. You can stay here. I need to return to Hell Harbor, though. I have too many things that require my attention."
He pauses. He looks around for a moment, frowning.
"You know, Lily. If... if you're not near me, I can't protect you."
"Protect me? Why would I need your protection?" Lily scoffs. "I'm a nobody. There ain't no demons gunning for me."
"That isn't entirely true..." Benjamin mutters, as his thoughts turn to a certain prison warden. "Look, I had a friend make you this necklace. It has a special savior beacon built into it. If you ever need me, activate it. Daddy will come running, no matter where you are in the galaxy. It has trans-dimensional properties so even if you're 90,000 lightyears away, I should be able to track you down."
Lily crinkles her nose. "Be honest. This is just your way of keeping tabs on me, isn't it?"
Benjamin chuckles. "Not by any means. I want to make sure you're safe, sweetheart. Your brothers and sisters are all grown up, off doing their own thing. You're... the only one I have left. The others haven't spoken to me in ages."
Lily's heart softens as she notices the pained look on Benjamin's face.
"Daddy... daddy, don't cry, okay? It's not- I'll keep the necklace, okay? And I'll call you regularly, maybe even pay a visit to Hell Harbor once in a while. I'm just gonna be... living here for the moment. Staying independent!"
Benjamin sighs. "Alright, baby girl. You keep yourself safe then. Don't ever take that necklace off, alright?"
"I won't, daddy. Bye now!"
"Pixiv, is it?" A young man at the Southern Immigration Center asks. "Of course it would be for you, sir. I'm just surprised she's going too."
Lieutenant Samuel Baker glances at the woman standing beside him, Private Ashley Mccarthy. As one of humanity's foremost powerhouses, capable of transforming into an orc at will even without her Power Glove, she has attracted a lot of attention of late, attention she doesn't particularly enjoy.
"I'm hoping the fairies can help me." Ashley says, crossing her arms. "I don't get why I have to transform into a stupid ugly orc. I wanna be able to turn into a cute and dainty fairy, like Lieutenant Baker."
"Hey." Samuel growls at her. "I do NOT look cute and dainty. I look... masculine as hell. Man, if I could trade my crappy fairy transformation with you, I'd be HAPPY to do it."
"Well, even the Wordsmiths can't fix this problem, so I doubt the fairies can." Ashley grouches. "But I've gotta at least try! Plus, I heard there's going to be a special task force assembled when we reach the fairies. Seems they have some sort of mission that will be really beneficial for us. At least that's the word on the grapevine."
"That's what I've heard too." Samuel says. "In any case, who else is coming to Pixiv?"
"Some of the other soldiers." Ashley answers. "Especially ones who've prematurely gained transformations through the Power Glove. I hear the majority of them have signed up for a transfer to Pixiv. The Felorians, too!"
"Even them?" Samuel asks, his eyes shining with surprise. "It seems Pixiv is the destination of choice for magically-enhanced humans. Interesting."
"I hear Mister Yamir is planning to expand his restaurant enterprise to multiple worlds in one go." The young man running the sign-up line says. "He's going to build a restaurant on Sharmur, Hell Harbor, Pixiv, anywhere that will take him. It seems his food is so popular nobody wants to turn him down!"
"That minotaur has some real business acumen." Ashley says, rubbing her chin. "I heard that the goblins have been acting similarly too. They're going to all the different worlds! Seems they don't have any specific attachments to Tarus II."
"So if all these bigshots are going to other worlds, who's staying here?" Samuel asks.
"Lots of allied demons, mostly." Ashley answers. "Plenty of monsters. Not too many humans. There is Miss Hiro, but that much is expected. I heard Hans Wagner is packing up to go to Maiura, actually. His base on Tarus's moon, Kelkin, has been where he does most of his inventing stuff, but it's a pretty inconvenient location. He wants to put his boots on normal planet ground for once."
"General Chadwick is going with Commander Neil to Maiura." The young male recruiter adds. "Oh! And have you heard of the Cybernites? Seems they've been busy helping work on some big tech project alongside Neil's inventors, including Hans Wagner."
"Dang." Samuel mutters. "We're really all splitting up, huh? Everyone's going to different places."
"It's better this way." Ashley says. "Trying to get all these different people to work together was like herding cats. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how everything shakes out in the end."
"You know what?" Samuel asks. "Me too, Ashley. Me too."
Near the Eastern side of the Fortress of Retribution's upper plateau.
At the edge of the city, a notable structure stands tall, a magical privacy field of immense power surrounding it to isolate all the goings-on inside. This building happens to be none other than the Archangel's church, a place where Uriel lives following her bodily transformation back into her original self. Despite still technically possessing the body of a Demon Duke, she now seems identical to her physical form from more than 100,000 years prior to her death during the War in Heaven.
Inside the church, a male human and a pair of female angels stand opposite the four Archangels. Siddhartha Gautama, Cassiel, and Soleil all look at Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel with differing expressions.
"I don't understand." Cassiel says softly. "Why would you want to leave, Raphael?"
The Archangel of Wisdom shakes his head. He looks at the floor with a complicated expression.
"Verily, this decision was not one I wished to make." Raphael says, his words slow and deliberate. "My alliance with the First Wordsmith hath grown tenuous over many a recent day, but not in any recent weeks hath he deigned to speak to me. Meanwhile, my relationship with the Second Wordsmith art still somewhat warm."
"There is no point in our remaining on Tarus II." Michael explains. "We do not wish to reside upon a world primarily populated by monsters and bloodskins. The majority of humanity hath opted to travel to Maiura, and so too shall we go with them."
Gabriel nods. "Humans art our allies. Why stay? Better to migrate where the humans have gone."
Soleil frowns. "That might be true, I suppose. But us having to depart all of a sudden still feels quite abrupt."
"Do not misunderstand." Raphael quickly says. "Cassiel, thou art still the Daughter of Heaven. Thou needeth not walk in our footsteps. T'would be best if Soleil and thee remaineth here while my siblings and I go to Maiura. In this way, we can spread the word of the Creator in two locations at once."
"Oh. I see..." Cassiel says, lowering her eyes. A look of sadness fills her gaze, as well as more than a hint of loneliness. "I... I don't know if I'm strong enough to stay here all by myself."
"Now now," Buddha interjects, "you will not be alone, little one. I'll stay with you, as will Soleil. Additionally, you seem to have made a new acquaintance in that Belial, yes? Perhaps this would be a good time to spread your wings and meet new people."
"Buddha's right!" Soleil says excitedly. "Cass, this is a great chance for you to make lots of new friends!!"
"New friends..." Cassiel says hesitantly. "Y-yes. I suppose... that would be... nice."
Uriel and her brothers exchange a knowing glance. She turns and walks over to Cassiel, squeezing her shoulder lovingly.
"We shalt leave this church to thee, little one. Do with it whatever thou dost desire. It shalt be thy home, and perhaps a meeting place for those who wish to bear witness to thy future rise."
Michael also takes a step forward. "Daughter of Heaven. I consider thyself a sister in spirit, if not in blood. Therefore, what I am about to say, I hope thou doth understand I speak it with only the best of intentions."
He pauses.
"Thou requireth power. Spiritual power. Faith energy. We Archangels cans't truly live well on the energy supplied by that hateful bloodskin, Barbatos, but thy vessel is not the same as ours. As a Lazarite, thou requireth Faith Energy to keep thy spirit burning. I hope thou shalt pursue it in the hopes of elevating thyself to a level where none can oppress thee."
"Thou art the last living hope of our species." Gabriel adds. "We Archangels live on as mere sparks of light, but thou art a burning star with unlimited potential. Please live well in our absence."
Cassiel looks at each of the Archangels in kind. She nods at each one of them, etching their loving words on her heart.
"Very well. Faith Energy. I'll do what I can, brothers, sister. Perhaps, if I have a chance, I'll even come to visit you all on Maiura sometime."
"That would indeed be delightful." Raphael says with a jovial chuckle. "Fare thee well then, little one. We shalt take our leave."
With a nod from each of the four Archangels, they merge back into Uriel's body, and she strides out the church doors, leaving Buddha, Cassiel, and Soleil behind.
As Buddha watches Uriel depart, he narrows his eyes menacingly, but neither of the women notices this subtle action.
"Everyone. Thank you for coming today." Hope Hiro says, as he stands before a throng of people all gathered together inside a massive church-like building. This facility, erected on the planet of Maiura a good distance away from the main cities and towns, stands alone, isolated within the wilderness. Dense trees and foliage would even be visible through the windows if they weren't made of stained glass, depicting images of numerous ancient Heroes of myth.
The people standing before Hope nod in unison. They say nothing, instead waiting for Hope to continue his speech.
Among these people is Henry Cliff. He looks at Hope with reverence and respect that even borders on unbridled idol worship. In his eyes, Hope Hiro is his savior, his one path back to greatness, a chance he cannot afford to miss.
Without Hope, he is nobody. A civilian who will only ever live in the shadow of better men.
"As of today," Hope continues, "the tallies are in. This is it. Those of you who have signed on to be a part of my Parahuman Corps are the only ones who leaped to such a decision. I am truly grateful for your faith in me."
Hope pauses. His gaze sweeps across not only Henry, but all the people present.
"Before I continue, is it just my imagination or are a good number of you not actually service-members? I seem to be seeing quite a few civilians present."
One man in the front row nods nervously. "Y-yes, Commander Hiro, sir. I'm Mikael. I didn't join the military originally, but when I heard about your Parahuman Corps, it really struck a cord with me. If I can become strong enough to protect myself from demons, that would be amazing!"
Hope frowns. "Your motives aren't exactly pure, Mikael. The power I'm about to bestow upon all of you will indeed strengthen your bodies, but without a foundation of military training, do you truly think you'll be able to accomplish much? Not a chance. Expect to endure some grueling military drills tailored to your enhanced physique before I set you loose in the world of ordinary humans."
He returns his eyes to the others. "That goes for all of you. Yes, you will be able to obtain great strength in the easiest manner possible. But allow me to disabuse you all of the notion that this pathway to easy power will make you as strong as a Demon Emperor, or a Duke, or even a Baron. If you have no combat techniques, then you're just a big strong infant waiting to be executed by any remotely competent opponent! A complete pushover!"
The Wordsmith doesn't mince his words. "Submitting to Jepthath's power is a serious rite of passage. If your hearts are impure, he will reject you! You will have to head out and join the common folks on Maiura, hanging your head in shame and knowing you weren't good enough to join the elites!"
He looks around one last time. "With all that said, are any of you here having second thoughts?!"
"Sir, no sir!" The crowd roars, their collective voices momentarily making Hope's ears ring. He mutters a quick Word of Power under his breath to fix that issue, then he motions with his hand and immediately summons the Dominion Rod into his grasp.
"Here is how this is going to work." Hope says. "I shall manifest the image of Jepthath into reality. Look up to him. Pray to him. Accept him in your heart. When you hear his words in your mind, you will have the option to accept or deny his offer. Those who accept will become Jepthath's Chosen, the Illuminators of the future, Parahumans who tower above their fellow man! But as for those who are unworthy? You will remain with the common rabble."
Seeing decisive looks on everyone's faces, Hope smiles. "Alright then. Let us begin."
He holds up the Shepherd's Staff, and the gem in the center of its upper crook immediately begins to glow a bright white. At that moment, a phantasmal figure materializes in the air, his massive image towering thirty feet high. The top of his head seemingly scrapes the ceiling of the makeshift church, making everyone present gasp in amazement.
"My children." Jepthath says, holding out his hands in a welcoming gesture. He smiles like a kind old grandfather at them. "Hear me now. I am the First Hero. I am the Illuminator. I light the path for those to follow. To those who are attuned to my strength, greater benefits will be available. Perhaps, among you, there may even be a special soul possessing the highest affinity to my power. If so, he may be capable of mimicking my full power without reservation! But, doubtless, there will be those among you lacking in affinity entirely."
He sighs. "That is unfortunate, but it is how things are. Now, pray to me. Reach out with your heart, mind, and soul. Feel the touch of my Light..."
A warm aura spreads out of Jepthath's towering form. It washes across the massed crowd, making many of them feel snug and cozy. They close their eyes and pray earnestly to the Illuminator, sometimes opening their eyes to look up at him as they feel Jepthath's power surge into their bodies.
"I feel it!" One woman cries out. "The strength! The power! Uwaaaa!!"
Her muscles bulge dramatically. Her shirt rips in several places, and her height increases by half a foot. She roars mightily to the heavens as a large fraction of Jepthath's power enters her body and Mind Realm.
"I feel it too!" Another man cries. "Power! Overwhelming! Aaaaahh!!"
He, and many others like him, roar in ecstasy as Jepthath's power begins rapidly bolstering one person after another.
Strangely, Henry Cliff doesn't feel anything at first. But when the power starts to trickle into his bloodstream, a voice speaks in his head.
[There you are, boy. Lord Henry of the Illuminators. I have been expecting you for a while, young one.]
Henry blinks. The world around him slows to a stop as he looks up at Jepthath in shock.
[You... know my name?] Henry asks.
[Indeed I do.] Jepthath says with a smile. [Not long ago, Hope performed a ritual that allowed me to make initial contact with all of humanity. However, my power could not flow through them until they agreed to this ritual. It was then that I felt your strength for the first time. You are more formidable than you believe, my child.]
Henry looks down in shame. [You must be thinking of someone else, Great Illuminator. I am nothing at all. A mere nobody. A sinner.]
[You call yourself a sinner? Silly child. I am friends with the Greatest Sinner.] Jepthath chides gently. [King Arthur committed a crime far worse than you could imagine, yet he is still remembered as a legend. In the future, so too shall you join him among humanity's greats.]
Henry looks up again. [I... will?]
[Your compatibility with my power... is perfect.] Jepthath answers, visibly satisfied. [Look! Your body has not swelled up at all! Unlike the others who balloon in strength because their souls are impure, your willpower is formidable enough to reject the corruption of my nascent soul. It is for this reason that I have decided to name you... My Champion.]
A massive detonation of energy explodes inside Henry's body. He staggers in surprise, as instead of great pain, waves of ecstasy flood his vessel. He can't help but release a moan of pleasure as his mind seemingly unlocks its full potential, his muscles pulsate with a strength greater than he ever could have imagined, and his soul condenses into its purest form.
[Power!] Henry exclaims. [I feel it! I feel... so much power!]
"Uaaaaahh!!" Henry roars as he tilts his head up to the ceiling. "I am a mortal no more! I am your champion, Jepthath!"
Hope's eyes sparkle as he looks at the previously ordinary-seeming young man. He looks up at Jepthath, who smiles back at him, answering his unspoken question with a single gaze.
But suddenly, in the midst of this joyous occasion, Jepthath's image changes color from a loving and calm blue to a dangerous shade of red. His eyes narrow as he snaps his gaze around the room.
"WHERE?!" Jepthath roars, his piercing eyes jumping from one human to another. "YOU! It's YOU!!" Jepthath snarls, stabbing a finger toward a random woman in the crowd.
That woman freezes in place, like a deer in the headlights. Hope looks at her. All the other humans do too, everyone turning in unison as they feel a deep, nauseating rejection from her entirety.
"Human... she's not HUMAN!" Henry growls, balling his hands into fists. "She's not one of us! She's a CHANGELING!!"
Panicked, the woman starts to push through the crowd, but in an instant, tens of hands latch onto her from every angle, grabbing her arms, shirt, hair, and neck. They pin her in place while Henry walks through the crowd with eyes full of bloodlust. He grins wickedly and nods his head as he stomps toward the woman.
"Trying to sell us out, you filthy infiltrator?! TOO BAD! This is where your story ends!!"
In an instant, he lunges forward and punches his fist at the woman's stomach.
He rams his arm through her gut and blasts her entrails backward, spraying off-colored blood on the Parahumans behind her. The woman's mouth opens reflexively, and she vomits blood, unable to stop herself.
"N-no! Guhuk! Mis-misunderstanding! We- COUGH!!"
"Spare us your pitiful begging." Henry sneers, before sweeping his arm upward, tearing through her body with ease.
A sickening series of snapping bones sounds off in the room like a series of firecrackers. A second later, the woman sags lifelessly in the grasp of those present. They release her, and allow her to collapse into a puddle of blood at her feet.
Just when it seems the madness is over, Henry slowly turns around to look at another person in the crowd behind him.
"Heh heh heh. You stupid bastard. Did you think I missed you, too?"
"Wait!" The man screams. "This isn't what you think! We're just supposed to observe-"
He doesn't get to finish his sentence. Henry snaps toward him, rears his fist back, and sends it flying at the Changeling's head. So unfathomable is his strength that he blasts apart the man's head like a watermelon, showering the people behind him with bits of blood, bone, and brain matter.
Hope watches, silently, as Henry performs these acts. He nods with approval, even directing a small smile Henry's way.
"Hardcore, Henry."
Before the ceremony fully comes to an end, Henry kills another three Changelings, ensuring that not a single one manages to make it out alive and report news of what happened to the Founders.
It will be some time before they come to realize the significance of the events that transpired on this day...
submitted by Klokinator to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:04 Klokinator Cryopod Refresh 564: Hardcore Henry

A few days pass. Unbeknownst to humanity, Unarin decisively dispatches some of his 5th and 6th Level Psions to assist Diablo's goals of planetary conquest. At the same time, he also adds in more than a hundred thousand High Technopath Warriors, frontline combatants outfitted with lethal weaponry embedded into every inch of their bodies. These warriors, unlike mindless automatons, fight with biological intuition and the power of technological supremacy. When the Volgrim combine their forces with that of the demons, they multiply Diablo's planetary capture speed severalfold, allowing him to take new worlds in just a few hours, sometimes even only a single hour.
But humanity doesn't know about this, aside from the Wordsmiths using their special spying methods. Rather, they remain fully focused on the planetary migration efforts.
All across Tarus II, more and more humans, demons, and monsters make key decisions about whether they will immigrate or whether they will remain on Tarus II.
Kiari and Saul pause outside the Northern Immigration Center.
"Nah. None of these." Saul says to his fiance. "I like our cabin just fine. It's in a good spot. It's secluded. And most of the demons and monsters are staying on Tarus II anyway, right?"
Kiari rubs her belly. Already, she's begun to develop the tiniest baby bump.
"Yeah. I don't wanna go anywhere, either. Oh, hey, Beelzebub!"
Kiari waves cheerfully to a certain Demon Emperor nearby. Beelzebub casually walks over and waves back.
"You two moving?" Beelzebub asks, sticking his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
"We decided against that." Saul answers. "How about you?"
"I'm staying. Obviously." Beelzebub says with a shrug. "Where else am I gonna go? Pixiv, with the fairies? They only want humans. Maiura? That's not an option. One of those 'secret' places Jason's been yammering about? Humans and monsters only."
"You could live on Hell Harbor. Or Sharmur!" Kiari chirps cutely with her eyes turning upward into crescent moons. "I hear Diablo's had a few Dukes reconstructing Hell Harbor after the Archangel attack."
Beelzebub waves his hand in a flippant manner. "Pass. I'm good with staying here. Besides, whenever I leave Tarus II, I always feel a bit... weaker. It's as if I'm more powerful when I'm here, but I can't deduce why for the life of me."
He taps his chin thoughtfully. "Could just be my imagination. Who knows."
"Well, I'm glad you're sticking around!" Kiari says. "You've had it rough, and you've done bad things, but I feel you're a good guy at heart."
"It's nice someone believes in me." Beelzebub says with a smile. "If anyone comes to cause trouble here, I'll kick 'em out of the star system myself."
"That's the spirit!" Saul laughs.
Meanwhile, at the Western Immigration Center, other people also congregate together, pondering where they belong.
"Daddy!" Lily Brown exclaims, stomping her feet. "I don't WANNA!"
"We've stayed here long enough." Benjamin Brown says, gently squeezing his daughter's arm. "Tarus II is in a precarious situation. I don't feel this place is safe. We have to return to Hell Harbor now that the Slithering Spire is finished with its reconstruction efforts."
"You can go if you want." Lily says, crossing her arms and turning away from her father defiantly. "I heard Beli is staying here. That means I am too! Besides, I've made lots of friends with the humans. I don't want to go back to Hell Harbor."
"What you want is not up for debate here, young lady." Benjamin Brown says, his face darkening. "I am your father. You will do as I say."
"No, I won't!" Lily shoots back. "I'm already twenty-four years old, daddy! I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions! Or are you really going to treat me like a little girl for the rest of my life?!"
"That's not what I mean, and you know it!" Benjamin barks back. "Dammit, this is for your own good. Stop chasing that succubus and use your head for once! The First Wordsmith is too lackadaisical to lead this planet to any long-lasting good times. You can't trust his judgment."
"Who said anything about the stupid Wordsmith??" Lily asks, bewildered. "I don't care about him. I've never even met him! I only care about Beli and my friends. No matter what you say, I'm staying here. And that's FINAL."
"You... you!" Benjamin roars. "You're just like your mother!"
"What? Strong and independent?" Lily scoffs. "Don't be mad because she left you, daddy. I'm making my own choices. If you try to force me back to Hell Harbor, I'll just sneak away. And if you lock me in a dungeon, you'll be proving what a piece of work you are!"
"I... I don't even know what to say." Benjamin Brown says, dismayed. "Fine. Alright? You want to pull the mother card, be like that. You can stay here. I need to return to Hell Harbor, though. I have too many things that require my attention."
He pauses. He looks around for a moment, frowning.
"You know, Lily. If... if you're not near me, I can't protect you."
"Protect me? Why would I need your protection?" Lily scoffs. "I'm a nobody. There ain't no demons gunning for me."
"That isn't entirely true..." Benjamin mutters, as his thoughts turn to a certain prison warden. "Look, I had a friend make you this necklace. It has a special savior beacon built into it. If you ever need me, activate it. Daddy will come running, no matter where you are in the galaxy. It has trans-dimensional properties so even if you're 90,000 lightyears away, I should be able to track you down."
Lily crinkles her nose. "Be honest. This is just your way of keeping tabs on me, isn't it?"
Benjamin chuckles. "Not by any means. I want to make sure you're safe, sweetheart. Your brothers and sisters are all grown up, off doing their own thing. You're... the only one I have left. The others haven't spoken to me in ages."
Lily's heart softens as she notices the pained look on Benjamin's face.
"Daddy... daddy, don't cry, okay? It's not- I'll keep the necklace, okay? And I'll call you regularly, maybe even pay a visit to Hell Harbor once in a while. I'm just gonna be... living here for the moment. Staying independent!"
Benjamin sighs. "Alright, baby girl. You keep yourself safe then. Don't ever take that necklace off, alright?"
"I won't, daddy. Bye now!"
"Pixiv, is it?" A young man at the Southern Immigration Center asks. "Of course it would be for you, sir. I'm just surprised she's going too."
Lieutenant Samuel Baker glances at the woman standing beside him, Private Ashley Mccarthy. As one of humanity's foremost powerhouses, capable of transforming into an orc at will even without her Power Glove, she has attracted a lot of attention of late, attention she doesn't particularly enjoy.
"I'm hoping the fairies can help me." Ashley says, crossing her arms. "I don't get why I have to transform into a stupid ugly orc. I wanna be able to turn into a cute and dainty fairy, like Lieutenant Baker."
"Hey." Samuel growls at her. "I do NOT look cute and dainty. I look... masculine as hell. Man, if I could trade my crappy fairy transformation with you, I'd be HAPPY to do it."
"Well, even the Wordsmiths can't fix this problem, so I doubt the fairies can." Ashley grouches. "But I've gotta at least try! Plus, I heard there's going to be a special task force assembled when we reach the fairies. Seems they have some sort of mission that will be really beneficial for us. At least that's the word on the grapevine."
"That's what I've heard too." Samuel says. "In any case, who else is coming to Pixiv?"
"Some of the other soldiers." Ashley answers. "Especially ones who've prematurely gained transformations through the Power Glove. I hear the majority of them have signed up for a transfer to Pixiv. The Felorians, too!"
"Even them?" Samuel asks, his eyes shining with surprise. "It seems Pixiv is the destination of choice for magically-enhanced humans. Interesting."
"I hear Mister Yamir is planning to expand his restaurant enterprise to multiple worlds in one go." The young man running the sign-up line says. "He's going to build a restaurant on Sharmur, Hell Harbor, Pixiv, anywhere that will take him. It seems his food is so popular nobody wants to turn him down!"
"That minotaur has some real business acumen." Ashley says, rubbing her chin. "I heard that the goblins have been acting similarly too. They're going to all the different worlds! Seems they don't have any specific attachments to Tarus II."
"So if all these bigshots are going to other worlds, who's staying here?" Samuel asks.
"Lots of allied demons, mostly." Ashley answers. "Plenty of monsters. Not too many humans. There is Miss Hiro, but that much is expected. I heard Hans Wagner is packing up to go to Maiura, actually. His base on Tarus's moon, Kelkin, has been where he does most of his inventing stuff, but it's a pretty inconvenient location. He wants to put his boots on normal planet ground for once."
"General Chadwick is going with Commander Neil to Maiura." The young male recruiter adds. "Oh! And have you heard of the Cybernites? Seems they've been busy helping work on some big tech project alongside Neil's inventors, including Hans Wagner."
"Dang." Samuel mutters. "We're really all splitting up, huh? Everyone's going to different places."
"It's better this way." Ashley says. "Trying to get all these different people to work together was like herding cats. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how everything shakes out in the end."
"You know what?" Samuel asks. "Me too, Ashley. Me too."
Near the Eastern side of the Fortress of Retribution's upper plateau.
At the edge of the city, a notable structure stands tall, a magical privacy field of immense power surrounding it to isolate all the goings-on inside. This building happens to be none other than the Archangel's church, a place where Uriel lives following her bodily transformation back into her original self. Despite still technically possessing the body of a Demon Duke, she now seems identical to her physical form from more than 100,000 years prior to her death during the War in Heaven.
Inside the church, a male human and a pair of female angels stand opposite the four Archangels. Siddhartha Gautama, Cassiel, and Soleil all look at Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel with differing expressions.
"I don't understand." Cassiel says softly. "Why would you want to leave, Raphael?"
The Archangel of Wisdom shakes his head. He looks at the floor with a complicated expression.
"Verily, this decision was not one I wished to make." Raphael says, his words slow and deliberate. "My alliance with the First Wordsmith hath grown tenuous over many a recent day, but not in any recent weeks hath he deigned to speak to me. Meanwhile, my relationship with the Second Wordsmith art still somewhat warm."
"There is no point in our remaining on Tarus II." Michael explains. "We do not wish to reside upon a world primarily populated by monsters and bloodskins. The majority of humanity hath opted to travel to Maiura, and so too shall we go with them."
Gabriel nods. "Humans art our allies. Why stay? Better to migrate where the humans have gone."
Soleil frowns. "That might be true, I suppose. But us having to depart all of a sudden still feels quite abrupt."
"Do not misunderstand." Raphael quickly says. "Cassiel, thou art still the Daughter of Heaven. Thou needeth not walk in our footsteps. T'would be best if Soleil and thee remaineth here while my siblings and I go to Maiura. In this way, we can spread the word of the Creator in two locations at once."
"Oh. I see..." Cassiel says, lowering her eyes. A look of sadness fills her gaze, as well as more than a hint of loneliness. "I... I don't know if I'm strong enough to stay here all by myself."
"Now now," Buddha interjects, "you will not be alone, little one. I'll stay with you, as will Soleil. Additionally, you seem to have made a new acquaintance in that Belial, yes? Perhaps this would be a good time to spread your wings and meet new people."
"Buddha's right!" Soleil says excitedly. "Cass, this is a great chance for you to make lots of new friends!!"
"New friends..." Cassiel says hesitantly. "Y-yes. I suppose... that would be... nice."
Uriel and her brothers exchange a knowing glance. She turns and walks over to Cassiel, squeezing her shoulder lovingly.
"We shalt leave this church to thee, little one. Do with it whatever thou dost desire. It shalt be thy home, and perhaps a meeting place for those who wish to bear witness to thy future rise."
Michael also takes a step forward. "Daughter of Heaven. I consider thyself a sister in spirit, if not in blood. Therefore, what I am about to say, I hope thou doth understand I speak it with only the best of intentions."
He pauses.
"Thou requireth power. Spiritual power. Faith energy. We Archangels cans't truly live well on the energy supplied by that hateful bloodskin, Barbatos, but thy vessel is not the same as ours. As a Lazarite, thou requireth Faith Energy to keep thy spirit burning. I hope thou shalt pursue it in the hopes of elevating thyself to a level where none can oppress thee."
"Thou art the last living hope of our species." Gabriel adds. "We Archangels live on as mere sparks of light, but thou art a burning star with unlimited potential. Please live well in our absence."
Cassiel looks at each of the Archangels in kind. She nods at each one of them, etching their loving words on her heart.
"Very well. Faith Energy. I'll do what I can, brothers, sister. Perhaps, if I have a chance, I'll even come to visit you all on Maiura sometime."
"That would indeed be delightful." Raphael says with a jovial chuckle. "Fare thee well then, little one. We shalt take our leave."
With a nod from each of the four Archangels, they merge back into Uriel's body, and she strides out the church doors, leaving Buddha, Cassiel, and Soleil behind.
As Buddha watches Uriel depart, he narrows his eyes menacingly, but neither of the women notices this subtle action.
"Everyone. Thank you for coming today." Hope Hiro says, as he stands before a throng of people all gathered together inside a massive church-like building. This facility, erected on the planet of Maiura a good distance away from the main cities and towns, stands alone, isolated within the wilderness. Dense trees and foliage would even be visible through the windows if they weren't made of stained glass, depicting images of numerous ancient Heroes of myth.
The people standing before Hope nod in unison. They say nothing, instead waiting for Hope to continue his speech.
Among these people is Henry Cliff. He looks at Hope with reverence and respect that even borders on unbridled idol worship. In his eyes, Hope Hiro is his savior, his one path back to greatness, a chance he cannot afford to miss.
Without Hope, he is nobody. A civilian who will only ever live in the shadow of better men.
"As of today," Hope continues, "the tallies are in. This is it. Those of you who have signed on to be a part of my Parahuman Corps are the only ones who leaped to such a decision. I am truly grateful for your faith in me."
Hope pauses. His gaze sweeps across not only Henry, but all the people present.
"Before I continue, is it just my imagination or are a good number of you not actually service-members? I seem to be seeing quite a few civilians present."
One man in the front row nods nervously. "Y-yes, Commander Hiro, sir. I'm Mikael. I didn't join the military originally, but when I heard about your Parahuman Corps, it really struck a cord with me. If I can become strong enough to protect myself from demons, that would be amazing!"
Hope frowns. "Your motives aren't exactly pure, Mikael. The power I'm about to bestow upon all of you will indeed strengthen your bodies, but without a foundation of military training, do you truly think you'll be able to accomplish much? Not a chance. Expect to endure some grueling military drills tailored to your enhanced physique before I set you loose in the world of ordinary humans."
He returns his eyes to the others. "That goes for all of you. Yes, you will be able to obtain great strength in the easiest manner possible. But allow me to disabuse you all of the notion that this pathway to easy power will make you as strong as a Demon Emperor, or a Duke, or even a Baron. If you have no combat techniques, then you're just a big strong infant waiting to be executed by any remotely competent opponent! A complete pushover!"
The Wordsmith doesn't mince his words. "Submitting to Jepthath's power is a serious rite of passage. If your hearts are impure, he will reject you! You will have to head out and join the common folks on Maiura, hanging your head in shame and knowing you weren't good enough to join the elites!"
He looks around one last time. "With all that said, are any of you here having second thoughts?!"
"Sir, no sir!" The crowd roars, their collective voices momentarily making Hope's ears ring. He mutters a quick Word of Power under his breath to fix that issue, then he motions with his hand and immediately summons the Dominion Rod into his grasp.
"Here is how this is going to work." Hope says. "I shall manifest the image of Jepthath into reality. Look up to him. Pray to him. Accept him in your heart. When you hear his words in your mind, you will have the option to accept or deny his offer. Those who accept will become Jepthath's Chosen, the Illuminators of the future, Parahumans who tower above their fellow man! But as for those who are unworthy? You will remain with the common rabble."
Seeing decisive looks on everyone's faces, Hope smiles. "Alright then. Let us begin."
He holds up the Shepherd's Staff, and the gem in the center of its upper crook immediately begins to glow a bright white. At that moment, a phantasmal figure materializes in the air, his massive image towering thirty feet high. The top of his head seemingly scrapes the ceiling of the makeshift church, making everyone present gasp in amazement.
"My children." Jepthath says, holding out his hands in a welcoming gesture. He smiles like a kind old grandfather at them. "Hear me now. I am the First Hero. I am the Illuminator. I light the path for those to follow. To those who are attuned to my strength, greater benefits will be available. Perhaps, among you, there may even be a special soul possessing the highest affinity to my power. If so, he may be capable of mimicking my full power without reservation! But, doubtless, there will be those among you lacking in affinity entirely."
He sighs. "That is unfortunate, but it is how things are. Now, pray to me. Reach out with your heart, mind, and soul. Feel the touch of my Light..."
A warm aura spreads out of Jepthath's towering form. It washes across the massed crowd, making many of them feel snug and cozy. They close their eyes and pray earnestly to the Illuminator, sometimes opening their eyes to look up at him as they feel Jepthath's power surge into their bodies.
"I feel it!" One woman cries out. "The strength! The power! Uwaaaa!!"
Her muscles bulge dramatically. Her shirt rips in several places, and her height increases by half a foot. She roars mightily to the heavens as a large fraction of Jepthath's power enters her body and Mind Realm.
"I feel it too!" Another man cries. "Power! Overwhelming! Aaaaahh!!"
He, and many others like him, roar in ecstasy as Jepthath's power begins rapidly bolstering one person after another.
Strangely, Henry Cliff doesn't feel anything at first. But when the power starts to trickle into his bloodstream, a voice speaks in his head.
[There you are, boy. Lord Henry of the Illuminators. I have been expecting you for a while, young one.]
Henry blinks. The world around him slows to a stop as he looks up at Jepthath in shock.
[You... know my name?] Henry asks.
[Indeed I do.] Jepthath says with a smile. [Not long ago, Hope performed a ritual that allowed me to make initial contact with all of humanity. However, my power could not flow through them until they agreed to this ritual. It was then that I felt your strength for the first time. You are more formidable than you believe, my child.]
Henry looks down in shame. [You must be thinking of someone else, Great Illuminator. I am nothing at all. A mere nobody. A sinner.]
[You call yourself a sinner? Silly child. I am friends with the Greatest Sinner.] Jepthath chides gently. [King Arthur committed a crime far worse than you could imagine, yet he is still remembered as a legend. In the future, so too shall you join him among humanity's greats.]
Henry looks up again. [I... will?]
[Your compatibility with my power... is perfect.] Jepthath answers, visibly satisfied. [Look! Your body has not swelled up at all! Unlike the others who balloon in strength because their souls are impure, your willpower is formidable enough to reject the corruption of my nascent soul. It is for this reason that I have decided to name you... My Champion.]
A massive detonation of energy explodes inside Henry's body. He staggers in surprise, as instead of great pain, waves of ecstasy flood his vessel. He can't help but release a moan of pleasure as his mind seemingly unlocks its full potential, his muscles pulsate with a strength greater than he ever could have imagined, and his soul condenses into its purest form.
[Power!] Henry exclaims. [I feel it! I feel... so much power!]
"Uaaaaahh!!" Henry roars as he tilts his head up to the ceiling. "I am a mortal no more! I am your champion, Jepthath!"
Hope's eyes sparkle as he looks at the previously ordinary-seeming young man. He looks up at Jepthath, who smiles back at him, answering his unspoken question with a single gaze.
But suddenly, in the midst of this joyous occasion, Jepthath's image changes color from a loving and calm blue to a dangerous shade of red. His eyes narrow as he snaps his gaze around the room.
"WHERE?!" Jepthath roars, his piercing eyes jumping from one human to another. "YOU! It's YOU!!" Jepthath snarls, stabbing a finger toward a random woman in the crowd.
That woman freezes in place, like a deer in the headlights. Hope looks at her. All the other humans do too, everyone turning in unison as they feel a deep, nauseating rejection from her entirety.
"Human... she's not HUMAN!" Henry growls, balling his hands into fists. "She's not one of us! She's a CHANGELING!!"
Panicked, the woman starts to push through the crowd, but in an instant, tens of hands latch onto her from every angle, grabbing her arms, shirt, hair, and neck. They pin her in place while Henry walks through the crowd with eyes full of bloodlust. He grins wickedly and nods his head as he stomps toward the woman.
"Trying to sell us out, you filthy infiltrator?! TOO BAD! This is where your story ends!!"
In an instant, he lunges forward and punches his fist at the woman's stomach.
He rams his arm through her gut and blasts her entrails backward, spraying off-colored blood on the Parahumans behind her. The woman's mouth opens reflexively, and she vomits blood, unable to stop herself.
"N-no! Guhuk! Mis-misunderstanding! We- COUGH!!"
"Spare us your pitiful begging." Henry sneers, before sweeping his arm upward, tearing through her body with ease.
A sickening series of snapping bones sounds off in the room like a series of firecrackers. A second later, the woman sags lifelessly in the grasp of those present. They release her, and allow her to collapse into a puddle of blood at her feet.
Just when it seems the madness is over, Henry slowly turns around to look at another person in the crowd behind him.
"Heh heh heh. You stupid bastard. Did you think I missed you, too?"
"Wait!" The man screams. "This isn't what you think! We're just supposed to observe-"
He doesn't get to finish his sentence. Henry snaps toward him, rears his fist back, and sends it flying at the Changeling's head. So unfathomable is his strength that he blasts apart the man's head like a watermelon, showering the people behind him with bits of blood, bone, and brain matter.
Hope watches, silently, as Henry performs these acts. He nods with approval, even directing a small smile Henry's way.
"Hardcore, Henry."
Before the ceremony fully comes to an end, Henry kills another three Changelings, ensuring that not a single one manages to make it out alive and report news of what happened to the Founders.
It will be some time before they come to realize the significance of the events that transpired on this day...
submitted by Klokinator to TheCryopodToHell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:50 TSHRED56 Only smaller batteries in the USA?

Only smaller batteries in the USA?
Looking at the Pathlite ON 5 here in the United States and it comes with 625Wh battery instead of the 750Wh battery as offered outside of this country.
What the reason for this?
submitted by TSHRED56 to CanyonBikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:36 ParticularKitchen739 Solar Scam - Texas (Fort Worth)

I come here seeking help, we have been for the last year attempting to find a suitable lawyer to bring a suit against our solar installers for a number of issues, including breach of contract and deceptive trade practice. We have all the proof and data to do this, but the lawyers we’ve consulted with have been less than impressive. We need someone who does this kind of work well, but they seem to be hard as hell to find. Any advice (do not say the Texas bar referral system because we’ve gotten nothing but less than stellar candidates from there) on where to look or perhaps some names would be great.
submitted by ParticularKitchen739 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:34 LeSuicidalSheep Bad Stuttering and 1% lows

Computer Type: Desktop
GPU: XFX Speedster RX 6800
CPU: Ryzen 5700X
Motherboard: MSI B550 PRO-VDH WIFI
BIOS Version: 7C95v2K
Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 11 EDUCATION 2261
GPU Drivers: 31.0.24033.1003
Chipset Drivers: 10.0.22621.3527
Posted about this before, but i need some new advice on what steps to take
Description of Original Problem: I just built my first gaming pc, and was very excited that it works. But now that i started playing games and running benchmarks i realized that my 1% lows and 0.1% lows are incredible low (drops to 1-30 and back to normal (200-400fps in most games)
Things I have tried:
At this point im super done with this. Thinking about sending parts back one at a time. Does anyone have any more things to try or is there any diagnostic software i could use to see what hardware might be the problem?
submitted by LeSuicidalSheep to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:32 LeSuicidalSheep Bad Stuttering and 1% lows in any game

Computer Type: Desktop
GPU: XFX Speedster RX 6800
CPU: Ryzen 5700X
Motherboard: MSI B550 PRO-VDH WIFI
BIOS Version: 7C95v2K
Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 11 EDUCATION 2261
GPU Drivers: 31.0.24033.1003
Chipset Drivers: 10.0.22621.3527
Posted about this before, but i need some new advice on what steps to take
Description of Original Problem: I just built my first gaming pc, and was very excited that it works. But now that i started playing games and running benchmarks i realized that my 1% lows and 0.1% lows are incredible low (drops to 1-30 and back to normal (200-400fps in most games)
Things I have tried:
At this point im super done with this. Thinking about sending parts back one at a time. Does anyone have any more things to try or is there any diagnostic software i could use to see what hardware might be the problem?
submitted by LeSuicidalSheep to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 MetroTechP Solar panels

Couple people stopped by my house on Friday to try and get me to do a consultation with their solar panel company Trinity solar. I personally don’t like door to door sales people. But my wife wanted to listen since we have lost power 2x since living here and have been discussing a generator or in this case a power wall type system. Has anyone done solar recently? Any gotchas? I been reading stuff on Google but seems all over the place and based on different companies
submitted by MetroTechP to bergencounty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:26 Its-Castle But you don't need to "boil" your "bottled water"

But you don't need to submitted by Its-Castle to UnnecessaryQuotes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:26 ForzaFerrari7 Invested 2 Lakhs for solar connection in February but electricity metres are not available with REC.

Invested 2 Lakhs for solar connection in February but electricity metres are not available with REC.
This scheme looked so promising but there is no accountability if there is a delay.
I have called local DISCOM they have told me call REC Hyderabad but REC people never responded positively.
To whomever want to apply for this scheme in TG please don't, it's so much pain the a**.
submitted by ForzaFerrari7 to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:24 TheLotStore What to Consider When Searching for Land for Sale Near Me by Owner

What to Consider When Searching for Land for Sale Near Me by Owner
What to Consider When Searching for Land for Sale Near Me by Owner
Considering Buying Land for Sale Nearby Offered by the OwnerA range of elements must be taken into account when procuring land. Whether hunting for a plot to construct your ideal residence, begin an agricultural venture, or invest in real estate, purchasing land entails a significant decision and necessitates thoughtful contemplation. One pathway that many individuals explore is scouring for land for sale near me by the owner. This method can serve as a means to locate budget-friendly properties and engage in direct negotiations with the seller. Nevertheless, pivotal factors demand consideration when embarking on this course of action. This essay will delve into the pivotal considerations when seeking land for sale near me by the owner.1. Location Holds the Greatest SignificanceThe foremost and most pivotal factor to mull over when seeking land for sale near me by the owner is the property's location. The locale will profoundly affect the land's potential utilization, resale value, and overall suitability for your objectives. When assessing a location, bear in mind the proximity to amenities like schools, shopping centers, and healthcare facilities. Equally imperative are local zoning regulations, environmental influences, and accessibility to roads and highways. If the land is situated in a distant area, contemplate the availability of utilities such as water, electricity, and waste disposal. Additionally, gauge the area's potential for future expansion or advancement. Each of these aspects will sway the land's desirability and potential worth.2. Dimensions and Contour of the LandmassThe expanse and contour of the land also wield significance. The area will dictate its potential applications and may also impact the expense. If contemplating utilizing the land for agriculture or farming, ensure it is capacious enough to accommodate your requisites. Conversely, if seeking a more compact parcel for a residential construction endeavor, the dimensions should also align with the type of dwelling you aspire to erect. The configuration of the land is equally critical, as oddly shaped allotments may pose hindrances for development or use. Additionally, ponder the topography of the land, as rugged or uneven terrain might necessitate supplementary expenses for site preparation or construction.3. Entry and FacilitiesEntry to the land and the availability of services constitute crucial facets when scouting for land for sale near me by the owner. Deliberate on the accessibility of the property and whether it is effortlessly reachable via a thoroughfare. If the land is situated in a remote expanse, deliberate the expense and feasibility of erecting a road or driveway to the premises. Additionally, factor in the accessibility of services like water, electricity, and gas. Some rural zones may lack access to these fundamental amenities, entailing an appraisal of the cost of installing a well, septic system, or solar panels. These variables are essential for discerning the comprehensive cost and feasibility of the land for your envisioned deployment.4. Environmental Variables and Zoning StipulationsWhen seeking land for sale near me by the owner, it is paramount to ponder environmental influences and zoning regulations. Environmental aspects like soil quality, water sources, and potential hazards ought to be appraised to ascertain the suitability of the land for your designated utilization. Deem it worthwhile to undertake a soil examination to assess the fertility and drainage of the land, in addition to a water analysis to gauge the quality and availability of water sources. Additionally, research the zoning statutes in the vicinity to comprehend the allowable applications of the land, setbacks, building codes, and any limitations that might impact your intentions for the property. This will furnish lucidity on what can and cannot be executed on the land, and will help forestall potential legal or regulatory predicaments in the future.5. Market Worth and Prospects for EscalationWhen pursuing land for sale near me by the owner, it is critical to ponder the market value and potential for escalation of the land's worth. Investigate recent sales of akin parcels in the vicinity to garner an impression of the land's market worth. Reflect on the potential for prospective expansion, advancement, or infrastructure enhancements in the area, as these factors can influence the elevation of the land's worth. Contemplate as well the local economic circumstances, occupation opportunities, and populace growth to gauge the potential demand for land in the area. Gaining insight into the land's market worth and potential appreciation is pivotal for making well-informed decisions and circumventing overpayment for the property.6. Legal and Financial AspectsLastly, it is vital to reflect on the legal and financial facets of procuring land for sale near me by the owner. Collaborate with a real estate attorney to scrutinize the legal documents, such as the deed, title insurance, and any extant easements or encumbrances on the property. Additionally, if you are financing the acquisition of the land, you should consider the financial options at your disposal and evaluate the costs and terms of the loan. It is imperative to obtain a lucid comprehension of the legal and financial dimensions of the purchase to circumvent potential disputes or financial quandaries in the future.In conclusion, embarking on a quest for land for sale near me by the owner can serve as an avenue for identifying budget-friendly properties and engaging in direct negotiations with the seller. Be that as it may, several pivotal factors necessitate contemplation when charting this course. It is indispensable to meticulously assess the location, dimensions, entry, utilities, environmental influences, zoning statutes, market worth, and legal and financial aspects to make informed decisions and ascertain that the land is suitable for your intents and purposes. By factoring in these elements, you can fashion astute decisions when pursuing land for sale near me by the owner.
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Additional Information: https://thelotstore.com/what-to-consider-when-searching-for-land-for-sale-near-me-by-owne?feed_id=12942
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:23 herlily Abortion experience Germany

It's been a month since I took my MA pills and was meaning to make a post with my experience. I'm a 22F foreigner working in Germany and found out 6weeks into my pregnancy, just after I missed my period and had pregnancy symptoms of blocked nose/pregnancy rhinitis until I took my abortion pills. Surprisingly I never had any nausea.
My pregnancy was unexpected but still I wasn't shocked because I've been having unprotected sex for a while now, I've relied on the most unreliable method of pullout and did okay until this incident. The father is my friend and was the only person I could tell this news to and none of my friends. He lived in another country than me and couldn't visit. So, I felt alone and scared when I found about the pregnancy. He was supportive virtually as much as possible. But, the emotional turmoil during the pregnancy and abortion and to have someone for in person comfort is something I wish I had.
The abortion system in Germany is fucking expensive as an employed person earning above 1.2k netto. It ranges from 400€-600€ for medical pills! Only the hospital consultation charges are covered by the statutory medical insurance. Fortunately, in the part of Germany I live, abortion isn't stigmatised and I was able to find a gynaecologist relatively easily and book an appointment. But Germany mandates you to go for a pregnancy counselling to really reconsider your pregnancy decision and the doctor can only prescribe you pills 3 days after you get a letter from the pregnancy counselor. The pregnancy counselor only wanted to know my situation and wanted to suggest pros and cons according to my good. I told her that I cannot have a baby at this stage in my life and she understood and gave me the letter. It went smoothly.
I brought my pills home, scared about the whole pain that might cripple me for the next days. Took break from work and the doctor even wrote me a sick note for it. After the first pill, I didn't feel anything much, mild discomfort in my stomach sometimes and saw spotting a bit in the morning of the next day. After the 2nd pill vaginally 48hrs later, I was waiting for the pain to kick in and got comfy with my favourite snacks and movie. But, soon got bored, so went about my day and even went to a friend's house to chill. I had period like cramps after 3hrs and then around 5hrs mark, passed a huge clot the size of my fist. I saw the clot and recognised it's probably the embryo and that kinda made it sink it about the act I'm doing. Actually flushing down a potential baby. I felt emotional a bit, but talked to the baby's father for a while and was rationally happy with my decision at this time in my life. After passing the huge clot, all period related pain completely vanished and I felt totally relieved. I'd expected the worst!
The next 2-3days I had worse cramps and one day even had cramps that didn't help me focus on work. So, only that time I took paracetamol to deal with the pain. And after that, it was just changing pads regularly as the flow reduced over the days and no cramps after 5days. I bled for 2 weeks. And then started spotting again a week later and now I think I might have gotten my next period. The annoying part about all this was the excessive underwear laundry after the cramps went away. Also, usually I use menstrual cups, and couldn't use that. I tried after 5days, but my cervix wasn't normally situated and the cup stressed my cervix and caused immense pain. After that I decided no more cup usage until the end of this fiasco. I used only pads and bled normally.
It's not as scary I thought it'll be and definitely not the end of the world. I was sure about the abortion decision because if I'm ever having a baby, I want to be able to provide a good life and take care of the baby well. Now is not the time and I wasn't emotionally affected much by my decision throughout and I'm relieved how it all turned out. Yes, I'm taking contraceptive pills now on a serious note and not being so careless.
submitted by herlily to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:23 Joshh170 New Steam FPS Game is Getting Rave Reviews

New Steam FPS Game is Getting Rave Reviews
Selaco, a DOOM-inspired FPS, is being hailed as the best retro shooter on Steam by fans, despite being in early access. May was an exciting month for fans of classic shooters with the release of two acclaimed games: Mullet Mad Jack and Solar Shock. Now, Selaco appears to be the latest gem among nostalgia-driven first-person shooters on Steam to evoke the same gunfight thrill as the original DOOM games.
From the indie team at Altered Orbit Studios, Selaco started as a Total Conversion DOOM mod. However, the developers soon saw its potential as a standalone game and decided to expand the project. With the addition of a writer to create an original story, Selaco was transformed into a unique shooter inspired by DOOM, F.E.A.R, and Quake. A blend of classic influences that’s winning gamers’ hearts on Steam.
Selaco is receiving rave reviews for its intense and immersive gameplay, featuring exceptional destructibility, impressive visuals, and a challenging AI that's comparable to that of the hardest FPS games ever made. Currently crowned with Steam’s “Very Positive” review status, Selaco seems to be the latest indie FPS to garner players’ attention. The game was released in early access on May 31, and the developers promised to set it up for a final release as soon as possible.
Since Selaco was made with the GZDOOM engine, it already looks like a visual nod to the DOOM series. However, fans should not mistake this FPS for a soulless DOOM impersonator. Altered Orbit Studios has done a great job of giving their first title a unique identity while honoring their inspiration sources, DOOM, F.E.A.R, and Quake. OF course, Selaco is not flawless, and the early access version has been criticized for performance issues and missing quality-of-life features such as an objective marker. But considering the game’s successful demo and its hundreds of positive reviews within the first few days of the early-access launch, the future of Selaco looks as bright as recent successful retro-style shooter games like Mullet Mad Jack.
Selaco’s Recommended System Requirements and Pricing
OS: Windows 10 (64-Bit) CPU: Intel i5-3570k Memory: 8 GB RAM GPU: 4 GB of VRAM with OpenGL 3.3 (GeForce GTX970 or higher) Storage: 900 MB
Players can grab Selaco on Steam for about $23, thanks to a 10% discount. However, for $25, they can purchase the Mullet and Bullet bundle on Steam, which includes both Selaco and the Mullet Mad Jack, one of the best modern Boomer Shooters of 2024. It’s also worth noting that Selaco’s early access includes the game’s first Chapter with several maps to explore. (The official launch is estimated to happen in late 2026 and will have three Chapters.)
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:15 FreeGame444 Advice on Refrigeration Setup for Medicine

I am reliant on medicine that requires refrigeration, it's very small so it does not require much space at all. I'm trying to keep it from spoiling during power outages/hurricanes. I also have a bunch of gel packs ready to fill the empty space in the refrigerator to make it more efficient.
What I have so far is a 100 watt solar panel (plan on getting another to produce up to 200 watts) as well as my car to generate a reliable source of power for cloudy/rainy days.
Is there a better (cheaper) setup or product than what I have researched below?
With this setup, I can keep the fridge running constantly for about 3 days before the battery is fully drained. Thanks for any help :)
submitted by FreeGame444 to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:12 BrokilonDryad [discussion] Yet another question: Why did they just wait for the beast to come to them?

The Mithraeum is a ship, is it not? Why not move the ship, or take it through the River to the opposite side of the universe?
Why was the beast advancing on the ship if Jod had spent the last 80 years on Erebos, and the beasts are attuned to his location? Would it not have tried to track the Erebos, where John was?
It seems Number Seven is honed in on the Mithraeum rather than Jod. Which means he could’ve easily gone to Canaan House without consequence. Like there isn’t even a mention of a beast honing in on Erebos at the edge of our solar system, so why the fuss?
It’s just not adding up for me.
submitted by BrokilonDryad to TheNinthHouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:08 Independent-Cover-27 Nest e issue

Hey, I have a nest e, but I have a 2 stage cooling system with a heat pump, so I can't connect y2 to o/b and reprogram it. Here is a photo of my current thermostat wiring. Can I jumper y1 and y2 so that both stages are on all the time, or what? I dont really want to get a new thermostat, this was part of a intro solar box we got from a family friend so the thermostat was free
submitted by Independent-Cover-27 to Nest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:01 fark13 Machine Learning Engineer (Sports Analytics) - Singularrecruitment - United kingdom

Machine Learning Engineer (Sports Analytics) - Singularrecruitment - United kingdom
Machine Learning Engineer (Sports Analytics) 1 week ago Be among the first 25 applicants This range is provided by Singular Recruitment. Your actual pay will be based on your skills and experience — talk with your recruiter to learn more. Base pay range Direct message the job poster from Singular Recruitment Senior Recruitment Consultant at Singular Recruitment Machine Learning Engineer (one day a week in the central London office) This role is a unique opportunity to combine technical challenges with creativity in a collaborative, high-standard work environment. By joining this company, you'll not only be part of a creative and open work culture focused on innovation and excellence but also have the chance to work with and collaborate with some of the most well-known footballers in the industry. This position offers significant opportunities for professional growth within sports analytics and the potential to impact sports performance through advanced technology, making it an ideal setting for those passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technology to make meaningful contributions in the world of sports analytics. Ideal for those eager to blend their passion for sports with cutting-edge technology, aiming to make significant contributions in sports analytics. If you're a detail-oriented innovator and team player, we're excited to hear from you. Responsibilities for the role of Machine Learning Engineer will include: * Develop and deploy machine learning algorithms using Python, addressing complex sports analytics problems. - Integrate ML systems into existing infrastructure, leveraging cloud services, Docker and Kubernetes. - Maintain and improve ML models, employing frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow. - Follow Agile methodologies, ensuring best practices in software development and CI/CD pipelines. As the selected Machine Learning Engineer, your background will include: * A minimum of fours years industry experience in machine learning. - Familiarity with cloud computing, data pipelines, and distributed ML technologies. - Strong programming skills in Python, and experience with ML frameworks. - Knowledge in Agile methodologies, CI/CD tools (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins). Please note: even if you don't have exactly the background indicated, do contact us now if this type of job is of interest - we may well have similar opportunities that you would be suited to. And of course, we always get your permission before submitting your CV to a company. Seniority level * Seniority level Mid-Senior level Employment type * Employment type Full-time Job function * Job function Engineering, Science, and Information Technology - Industries Software Development Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Singular Recruitment by 2x Get notified about new Machine Learning Engineer jobs in London Area, United Kingdom . London, England, United Kingdom 6 months ago London, England, United Kingdom 1 month ago London, England, United Kingdom 1 week ago London, England, United Kingdom 1 month ago London, England, United Kingdom 1 week ago London, England, United Kingdom 1 week ago London, England, United Kingdom 4 months ago London, England, United Kingdom 1 month ago London, England, United Kingdom 1 month ago London, England, United Kingdom 3 weeks ago London, England, United Kingdom 7 months ago London, England, United Kingdom 2 months ago We’re unlocking community knowledge in a new way. Experts add insights directly into each article, started with the help of AI. #J-18808-Ljbffr
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:01 jossmilan7412 Genesis from the end to the beginning (chapters 50 to 1) and Revelation from the beginning to the end (chapters 1 to 22) match perfectly.

If you pay attention and you take Genesis from the end to the beginning (chapters 50 to 1) and Revelation from the beginning to the end (chapters 1 to 22) they match perfectly.
In Genesis the world starts with God creating the earth and heaven and the man free of sin, humans become wicked and God destroyed the whole world with the flood (Genesis 7 and 8), the city of Babel (after which comes, Babylon –which conquered Israel in the times of the prophet Daniel- and Babylon the great, which is a city, a religious system –the catholic church- and a deity, in this case Mary) was created, in this days the world only talked one language and they were building a "tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and the world" and the world suffered famines, earthquakes, (as the world was divided after the flood, as seen in 1 Chronicles 1:19, which ties Genesis 11:16, which happened after the flood and the confusion of languages in Babel) and wars and in the book of Revelation the world is going to suffer famines, earthquakes and wars (Matthew 24:7), there is going to be a nation that is going to make the whole world rich, that is going to be the mother of all abominations (Revelation 17:5), just like USA (biggest producer of porn, drugs are legal now, abortions are legal now, guns are everywhere, all TV shows feature as many blasphemies as possible, allow procedures that "change" the sex of kids, the whole country is build around money and we cannot follow God and money at the same time, as we are going to value one more than the other -Matthew 6:24-) that is going to kill many saints (just like the catholic church has been doing –and will do- across the story) that sits over 7 mountains (Revelation 17:9) just like Rome, city in which is located the Vatican, she "was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries" (Revelation 17:4) just like the deity of Mary is portrayed in many paintings and statues about her, she is also described as a great prostitute, just like the deity of Mary, because when Israel was following other gods, they were, according to God, prostituting themselves with these gods (an example of this can been in Judges 2:16-19.
16 Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders. 17 Yet they would not listen to their judges but prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them. They quickly turned from the ways of their ancestors, who had been obedient to the Lord’s commands. 18 Whenever the Lord raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the Lord relented because of their groaning under those who oppressed and afflicted them. 19 But when the judge died, the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of their ancestors, following other gods and serving and worshiping them. They refused to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.
Something similar can be seen in the book of Hosea, when God said to Hosea to go and marry a promiscuous woman and to have kids with her and to even love her when she commit adultery against Hosea, just like God was going to do with Israel even after they turned to other gods, as seen in Hosea 3:1-3) and is a city that is going to rule over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18), just like USA does now and how Babylon did when they conquered Israel when the Israelites forgot about God and the Israelites were sent to exile. This kingdom of Babylon was this big that when Daniel interpreted a dream of his king Nebuchadnezzar he said in Daniel 2:37-38
37 Your Majesty, you are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; 38 in your hands he has placed all mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds in the sky. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all. You are that head of gold.
USA is the country of the skyscrapers (just like the tower of Babel, which was trying to reach the heavens) they have a language that is the universal language, English, and once that every one talk it, they are going to follow the steps of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). Babylon the Great is going to die, as fire coming from heaven is going to destroy it, as seen in Revelation 18:8 (just like it happened in Genesis 19 in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah).
Later, Jesus is going to come back and is going to execute judgment over the world and all the wicked ones are going to die, as seen in Revelation 19:11-21 (just like it happened in Genesis 7 and 8 during the flood) and finally, the world is going to be reunited with God, all the saints, free of sin, after accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our LORD are going to take possession of the world, and all of us, the saved, are going to be reunited with the LORD once again for 1000 years, as seen in Revelation 20:1-6 and in Genesis 2:7-25 when God rested in the 7 day:
2 Peter 3:8
8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
After that, Satan is going to be freed from his prison and is going to fool the nations, as seen in Revelation 20:7-10 when Satan was freed and in Genesis 3 when Satan tempted Eve to sin against God and finally, the whole heaven and earth are going to disappear, as seen in Revelation 20:11, and a new heaven and earth are going to be created, as seen in Revelation 21:1 and in Genesis 1:1 when God created the heavens and earth and The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters In Genesis 1:2, and the waters represent peoples, multitudes, nations and languages, letting us that the people sealed with the Holy Spirit of God are going to be the ones possessing the new earth and heaven that is going to be created, as seen in Revelation 17:15
The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.
Also, the river of the water of life and the tree of life are going to be present in the New Jerusalem that is going to come down from heaven and are going be located in the middle of the great street of the city (Revelation 22:1-2), just like the tree of life was located in the middle of the garden of Eden and "A river watering the garden flowed from Eden" was also present there, as seen in Genesis 2:9-14.
Isaiah 45:20-21
20 “Gather together and come; assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save. 21 Declare what is to be, present it— let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.
What do you think?
submitted by jossmilan7412 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:00 jossmilan7412 Genesis from the end to the beginning (chapters 50 to 1) and Revelation from the beginning to the end (chapters 1 to 22) match perfectly.

If you pay attention and you take Genesis from the end to the beginning (chapters 50 to 1) and Revelation from the beginning to the end (chapters 1 to 22) they match perfectly.
In Genesis the world starts with God creating the earth and heaven and the man free of sin, humans become wicked and God destroyed the whole world with the flood (Genesis 7 and 8), the city of Babel (after which comes, Babylon –which conquered Israel in the times of the prophet Daniel- and Babylon the great, which is a city, a religious system –the catholic church- and a deity, in this case Mary) was created, in this days the world only talked one language and they were building a "tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and the world" and the world suffered famines, earthquakes, (as the world was divided after the flood, as seen in 1 Chronicles 1:19, which ties Genesis 11:16, which happened after the flood and the confusion of languages in Babel) and wars and in the book of Revelation the world is going to suffer famines, earthquakes and wars (Matthew 24:7), there is going to be a nation that is going to make the whole world rich, that is going to be the mother of all abominations (Revelation 17:5), just like USA (biggest producer of porn, drugs are legal now, abortions are legal now, guns are everywhere, all TV shows feature as many blasphemies as possible, allow procedures that "change" the sex of kids, the whole country is build around money and we cannot follow God and money at the same time, as we are going to value one more than the other -Matthew 6:24-) that is going to kill many saints (just like the catholic church has been doing –and will do- across the story) that sits over 7 mountains (Revelation 17:9) just like Rome, city in which is located the Vatican, she "was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries" (Revelation 17:4) just like the deity of Mary is portrayed in many paintings and statues about her, she is also described as a great prostitute, just like the deity of Mary, because when Israel was following other gods, they were, according to God, prostituting themselves with these gods (an example of this can been in Judges 2:16-19.
16 Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders. 17 Yet they would not listen to their judges but prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them. They quickly turned from the ways of their ancestors, who had been obedient to the Lord’s commands. 18 Whenever the Lord raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the Lord relented because of their groaning under those who oppressed and afflicted them. 19 But when the judge died, the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of their ancestors, following other gods and serving and worshiping them. They refused to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.
Something similar can be seen in the book of Hosea, when God said to Hosea to go and marry a promiscuous woman and to have kids with her and to even love her when she commit adultery against Hosea, just like God was going to do with Israel even after they turned to other gods, as seen in Hosea 3:1-3) and is a city that is going to rule over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18), just like USA does now and how Babylon did when they conquered Israel when the Israelites forgot about God and the Israelites were sent to exile. This kingdom of Babylon was this big that when Daniel interpreted a dream of his king Nebuchadnezzar he said in Daniel 2:37-38
37 Your Majesty, you are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; 38 in your hands he has placed all mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds in the sky. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all. You are that head of gold.
USA is the country of the skyscrapers (just like the tower of Babel, which was trying to reach the heavens) they have a language that is the universal language, English, and once that every one talk it, they are going to follow the steps of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). Babylon the Great is going to die, as fire coming from heaven is going to destroy it, as seen in Revelation 18:8 (just like it happened in Genesis 19 in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah).
Later, Jesus is going to come back and is going to execute judgment over the world and all the wicked ones are going to die, as seen in Revelation 19:11-21 (just like it happened in Genesis 7 and 8 during the flood) and finally, the world is going to be reunited with God, all the saints, free of sin, after accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our LORD are going to take possession of the world, and all of us, the saved, are going to be reunited with the LORD once again for 1000 years, as seen in Revelation 20:1-6 and in Genesis 2:7-25 when God rested in the 7 day:
2 Peter 3:8
8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
After that, Satan is going to be freed from his prison and is going to fool the nations, as seen in Revelation 20:7-10 when Satan was freed and in Genesis 3 when Satan tempted Eve to sin against God and finally, the whole heaven and earth are going to disappear, as seen in Revelation 20:11, and a new heaven and earth are going to be created, as seen in Revelation 21:1 and in Genesis 1:1 when God created the heavens and earth and The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters In Genesis 1:2, and the waters represent peoples, multitudes, nations and languages, letting us that the people sealed with the Holy Spirit of God are going to be the ones possessing the new earth and heaven that is going to be created, as seen in Revelation 17:15
The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.
Also, the river of the water of life and the tree of life are going to be present in the New Jerusalem that is going to come down from heaven and are going be located in the middle of the great street of the city (Revelation 22:1-2), just like the tree of life was located in the middle of the garden of Eden and "A river watering the garden flowed from Eden" was also present there, as seen in Genesis 2:9-14.
Isaiah 45:20-21
20 “Gather together and come; assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save. 21 Declare what is to be, present it— let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.
What do you think?
submitted by jossmilan7412 to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:59 jossmilan7412 Genesis from the end to the beginning (chapters 50 to 1) and Revelation from the beginning to the end (chapters 1 to 22) match perfectly.

If you pay attention and you take Genesis from the end to the beginning (chapters 50 to 1) and Revelation from the beginning to the end (chapters 1 to 22) they match perfectly.
In Genesis the world starts with God creating the earth and heaven and the man free of sin, humans become wicked and God destroyed the whole world with the flood (Genesis 7 and 8), the city of Babel (after which comes, Babylon –which conquered Israel in the times of the prophet Daniel- and Babylon the great, which is a city, a religious system –the catholic church- and a deity, in this case Mary) was created, in this days the world only talked one language and they were building a "tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and the world" and the world suffered famines, earthquakes, (as the world was divided after the flood, as seen in 1 Chronicles 1:19, which ties Genesis 11:16, which happened after the flood and the confusion of languages in Babel) and wars and in the book of Revelation the world is going to suffer famines, earthquakes and wars (Matthew 24:7), there is going to be a nation that is going to make the whole world rich, that is going to be the mother of all abominations (Revelation 17:5), just like USA (biggest producer of porn, drugs are legal now, abortions are legal now, guns are everywhere, all TV shows feature as many blasphemies as possible, allow procedures that "change" the sex of kids, the whole country is build around money and we cannot follow God and money at the same time, as we are going to value one more than the other -Matthew 6:24-) that is going to kill many saints (just like the catholic church has been doing –and will do- across the story) that sits over 7 mountains (Revelation 17:9) just like Rome, city in which is located the Vatican, she "was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries" (Revelation 17:4) just like the deity of Mary is portrayed in many paintings and statues about her, she is also described as a great prostitute, just like the deity of Mary, because when Israel was following other gods, they were, according to God, prostituting themselves with these gods (an example of this can been in Judges 2:16-19.
16 Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders. 17 Yet they would not listen to their judges but prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them. They quickly turned from the ways of their ancestors, who had been obedient to the Lord’s commands. 18 Whenever the Lord raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the Lord relented because of their groaning under those who oppressed and afflicted them. 19 But when the judge died, the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of their ancestors, following other gods and serving and worshiping them. They refused to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.
Something similar can be seen in the book of Hosea, when God said to Hosea to go and marry a promiscuous woman and to have kids with her and to even love her when she commit adultery against Hosea, just like God was going to do with Israel even after they turned to other gods, as seen in Hosea 3:1-3) and is a city that is going to rule over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18), just like USA does now and how Babylon did when they conquered Israel when the Israelites forgot about God and the Israelites were sent to exile. This kingdom of Babylon was this big that when Daniel interpreted a dream of his king Nebuchadnezzar he said in Daniel 2:37-38
37 Your Majesty, you are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory; 38 in your hands he has placed all mankind and the beasts of the field and the birds in the sky. Wherever they live, he has made you ruler over them all. You are that head of gold.
USA is the country of the skyscrapers (just like the tower of Babel, which was trying to reach the heavens) they have a language that is the universal language, English, and once that every one talk it, they are going to follow the steps of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). Babylon the Great is going to die, as fire coming from heaven is going to destroy it, as seen in Revelation 18:8 (just like it happened in Genesis 19 in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah).
Later, Jesus is going to come back and is going to execute judgment over the world and all the wicked ones are going to die, as seen in Revelation 19:11-21 (just like it happened in Genesis 7 and 8 during the flood) and finally, the world is going to be reunited with God, all the saints, free of sin, after accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our LORD are going to take possession of the world, and all of us, the saved, are going to be reunited with the LORD once again for 1000 years, as seen in Revelation 20:1-6 and in Genesis 2:7-25 when God rested in the 7 day:
2 Peter 3:8
8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
After that, Satan is going to be freed from his prison and is going to fool the nations, as seen in Revelation 20:7-10 when Satan was freed and in Genesis 3 when Satan tempted Eve to sin against God and finally, the whole heaven and earth are going to disappear, as seen in Revelation 20:11, and a new heaven and earth are going to be created, as seen in Revelation 21:1 and in Genesis 1:1 when God created the heavens and earth and The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters In Genesis 1:2, and the waters represent peoples, multitudes, nations and languages, letting us that the people sealed with the Holy Spirit of God are going to be the ones possessing the new earth and heaven that is going to be created, as seen in Revelation 17:15
The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.
Also, the river of the water of life and the tree of life are going to be present in the New Jerusalem that is going to come down from heaven and are going be located in the middle of the great street of the city (Revelation 22:1-2), just like the tree of life was located in the middle of the garden of Eden and "A river watering the garden flowed from Eden" was also present there, as seen in Genesis 2:9-14.
Isaiah 45:20-21
20 “Gather together and come; assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save. 21 Declare what is to be, present it— let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.
What do you think?
submitted by jossmilan7412 to Bible [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:58 MoreMotivation Elon's definitely seething after reading this

Elon's definitely seething after reading this submitted by MoreMotivation to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]
