Text message draw


2013.04.10 08:53 TorontoBorn TextMessage

TextMesage serves as a place where redditors can post their text message conversations. These can include anything from funny interaction to text messages that make you go wtf. Above all TextMesage is a place where people can get advice on what to say next.

2009.11.27 03:12 vivalagonzo /r/doodles - Show the world your scribbles!


2011.02.15 01:03 laaabaseball /r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

/texts - The Conversations Subreddit - a subreddit to submit your funny, weird, or random coversations from your mobile or cell phone.

2024.05.20 02:03 Feeling-Soup8737 Am I wrong for ghosting my ex?

Hi all,
My ex and I broke up a few months ago. Since then, we have remained in contact on a semi-regular basis (texting every week, a few phone calls, and popping over to each other’s houses to grab some belongings-One of these occasions I invited to stay for dinner, with no sex taking place). I tried to rekindle the relationship over text back in March but they turned it down.
Afterwards, about 3 weeks later, they wanted to come over for a birthday dinner and so they did. They ended up getting somewhat drunk and spent the night as I didn’t feel comfortable letting them drive. The entire time they were over, they kept alluding to being intimate, which ultimately led to us having a conversation where I told them I didn’t think it was a good idea, but that I would be willing to think about it. We agreed to meet up a month afterwards to discuss it and see where we were.
Well, the day comes and we meet at the park to talk things over. I told them I was not interested and that I would attempt to focus on a friendship and nothing more, to which they agreed. I told them that I am having a hard time wanting to be friends but that I’d be willing to try for their sake.
Since then, I’ve noticed they have been more distant but have not said anything. In the 2 months since then, we have talked on and off, including me reaching out once for advice, and one of these occasions was a phone call from them where they wanted to meet up and hang out. I said sure and we agreed that we’d hang out on a select day in upcoming weekends.
Well the day we’re supposed to meet up approaches and I ask them if we’re still on for that day, and they say no because they had other plans that day. We agree to reschedule for this weekend, but yet again when this weekend approaches I hear nothing from them. I finally get a message from them saying that they’re not able to hang out due to stress and probably won’t hang out with anyone until June.
Part of me wants to cut things off here because I feel like I’m being strung out. The other part of me feels like they sound like they are struggling and give them some grace. I know not everything is about me or even the “friendship” and I also recognize that I have already been wary of being friends, so maybe I am overthinking. Am I wrong for just wanting to ghost them? I don’t want to get hurt by games and dishonesty and feel there’s other things under the surface.
TLDR; I want to ghost my ex due to feeling like our attempt at a friendship is starting to change in a negative way. Am I wrong?
submitted by Feeling-Soup8737 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 Open-Shoe-4268 Unity testing timeline

I know Unity isn’t the most common NIPT screening test but it was helpful for me to read timelines to keep my anxiety down
I had blood drawn Tuesday 5/14 in the afternoon.
Sample received Thursday 5/16- this was when I got my text from Unity with information on how to create and account to track my results.
Received Aneuploidy results today Sunday 5/19 at 7:50pm! I’ve been refreshing all day and just got the text message that they were ready
So overall 5 total days after blood drawn until results were ready. This included two weekend days.
Still waiting on carrier results but from what I know they take a little longer.
submitted by Open-Shoe-4268 to NIPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 Hearing-Consistent Too nice to say no?

I (M28) met this girl at a bar (F21) asked her number and went on date, I think the date went good she responded saying she had a good time. She is extremely pretty and I feel like I was definitely reaching slightly above my scale and I feel like maybe she didn’t completely fall for me but it’s definitely a little early to judge. After our date we texted back and forth about things we talked but conversation naturally stopped. Later I texted her asking if she wanted to do something the following weekend. It took about a day for her to respond saying she is busy but if I “want” and “care” we can do something the following week. (Basically now it’s like a 24 hours pause between messages and I don’t nag her, just wait until she responds to respond back). She mentioned I didn’t pay attention when she told me she had plans for that weekend (joking about it) so I responded saying something along the lines that she was cute and I probably lost track of what she said in the moment. I definitely remember her mentioning “plans” but its was to hang out with her friends and go to church. Anyways I feel like maybe she wants out and she just doesn’t have in her heart to say it (she seemed very sweet and caring). I had other dates when I could clearly tell when a girl liked me, but they were a bit older, and it was easier to tell intentions.
I guess my question: am I overthinking this situation? Are there noticeable signs she wants out? Or do I ask her out again next week?
TLDR: went on a date, slow to text back, busy next weekend, should I try or it’s a lost cause.
submitted by Hearing-Consistent to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 _bluberi Texting a deactivated Instagram account

So idk how but I can still send text messages to deactivated Instagram accounts. What i wanna know is that these sent texts, will the other person be able to see them when they reactivate their account?
submitted by _bluberi to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 LittleMissOhInnocent Page cannot be found

Goal: Insert an ID to search a cyclist, then be able to edit the cyclist. The edit page doesn't load. IDK why.
First razor component (the web page that should load): @ page "/account/mainmenu/cyclistmenu/cyclistdetails/{Id:int}"
@ inherits EditablePageBase
@ inject CyclistService CyclistService


@ if (CyclistData == null)


@ if (@Mode == Mode.Edit)

@ bind-Value="CyclistData.Id"
readonly />


@ if (@Mode == Mode.Edit)


@ code {
private Cyclist CyclistData { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
Pagetitle = $"{Mode.ToString()} Cyclist";
protected async override Task OnParametersSetAsync()
if (Mode == Mode.Edit)
var cyclist = await CyclistService.GetById(Id);
if (cyclist != null)
CyclistData = cyclist;
CyclistData = new Cyclist();
CurrentEditContext = new(CyclistData);
CurrentEditContext.OnValidationRequested += HandleValidationRequested;
MessageStore = new ValidationMessageStore(CurrentEditContext);
private void HandleValidationRequested(object? sender, ValidationRequestedEventArgs args)
// Check that the cyclist doesn't already exist
var exists = CyclistService.ExistsWithIdNotAsStated(CyclistData.FirstName, CyclistData.LastName, CyclistData.Id).Result;
if (exists)
MessageStore.Add(() => CyclistData.FirstName + " " + CyclistData.LastName, "Cyclist with this name already exists!");
public async Task DeleteClicked()
var delete = await JS.Confirm($"Delete Cyclist {CyclistData.Id}?");
if (delete)
await CyclistService.Delete(CyclistData.Id);
public async Task HandleCyclistSubmit()
bool success;
string errorMessage;
if (Mode == Mode.Create)
(success, errorMessage, _) = await CyclistService.Create(CyclistData);
(success, errorMessage) = await CyclistService.Update(CyclistData);
if (success)
await JS.Alert(errorMessage);
Second (page that takes the id): @ page "/account/mainmenu/cyclistmenu/searchcyclist"
@ inherits PageBase
@ inject CyclistService CyclistService
@ inject BikeService BikeService


@ if (FoundCyclist != null)


Cyclist ID First Name Last Name Date of Birth Address Date of Registration Phone Email
@FoundCyclist.Id @FoundCyclist.FirstName @FoundCyclist.LastName @FoundCyclist.DoB @FoundCyclist.Address @FoundCyclist.DoR @FoundCyclist.Phone @FoundCyclist.Email

Associated Bikes:

@ foreach (var bike in Bikes)


Bike ID Model ID Type Brand

@bike.Id @bike.ModelId @bike.Type @bike.Brand

else if (IsSearching)

No Cyclist found with ID: @ Id

@ code {
private int Id { get; set; }
private Cyclist FoundCyclist { get; set; }
private bool IsSearching { get; set; }
private List Bikes { get; set; } = new List();
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
Pagetitle = "Search Cyclist";
IsSearching = true;
FoundCyclist = await CyclistService.GetById(Id);
Bikes = await BikeService.GetByCyclistId(Id);
IsSearching = false;
public string GetEditUrl(int id = 0) => $"/account/mainmenu/cyclistmenu/cyclistdetails/{id}";
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms;
using Beep.Enums;
namespace Beep.Components.Pages
public class EditablePageBase : PageBase
public int Id { get; set; }
public EditContext CurrentEditContext { get; set; }
protected ValidationMessageStore MessageStore { get; set; }
public Mode Mode => Id == 0 ? Mode.Create : Mode.Edit;
submitted by LittleMissOhInnocent to BlazorServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 Previous_Towel_5232 29M pretty confused by end of situationship (with F25). Thoughts?

I downloaded Tinder when I moved in the Nordics. In January I matched with this girl. We chatted for a few weeks and we went out two times in February. I wasn't sure at first if I felt attraction, but I really liked her as a person, we discovered we had some past shared traumas that got us closer and I felt I was incredibly at ease with her, as it rarely happens with people I barely know (I am extremely introverted and she didn't believe I was). Both times we stayed together for 7-8 hours and time flew. We didn't talk about our feelings but we agreed on the fact that we had good vibes. Most of all, I innately felt I could trust her. Then I went to my home country, but we stayed in contact. When I came back she texted me that she wanted to clarify that she had decided she had no romantic intentions but it was nothing personal. She had cancelled Tinder and she just wanted to stay single. I told her that if she meant a long-term relationship I wasn't so sure as well and I just wanted to see how things went without pressure.
We met in March, and while we were talking about wine she interrupted me to make a call. Later, she said that she had talked with her best friend "who obviously knew about me". She added that they had both broken up with their boyfriends in summer, and they had felt terribly. Now her friend was hanging out with a single father in his 30s (so I presumed it was quite a serious thing), and since they had been talking for months of going to some wine tasting event she wanted to tell her that they could finally organise that as a double date. I accepted, but I was a little bit taken aback given her previous message. This made me wonder that maybe there were some expectations, and, since I still wasn't sure about my feelings and I knew what kind of frailties she could have, I went into overthinking mode. I wanted to balance my words and, when in doubt, be on the safe side without promising things lightly. I realise this made me seem cold sometimes. When she asked me if I was interested in sharing an apartment (we both live on our own) in the capital (she wants to move there and I often have to commute there) independently from an eventual romantic relationship, I was quite firm in my no. After 8 hours, she asked me if it was time to have sex, but she wanted to discuss if it really made sense and to uncover our intentions. I said that I liked her but the last thing I wanted was to hurt someone so I didn't want to take commitments. I was maybe realising I was growing feelings for her but I didn't say that. She then decided we needed a solemn deal: if the sexual/romantic vibe was not good this would have not been cause of bitterness between us, we had acknowledged that we liked each other as people so much and this had to stay. I agreed and we went to her place.
There we kissed, then she went to her neighbours to ask for tobacco. When she was back she told me that she was sorry but she had decided she didn't feel like it, but it was 5 am and I could stay. She got out of the bathroom naked apart from a tiny slip, and we went to bed. I turned my back on her trying to think about something else and sleep, but she laughed and told me "Well, we can still have some cuddles". One thing leads to another and while we didn't have proper sex we definitely had more than some cuddles. I remember that at a certain time she said "Oh no, this is definitely not going to end well", and the anguish in her voice freaked me out.
The day after, she texted me "I really enjoyed it but I have this persisting feeling that we would be better as friends", she insisted a lot that it wasn't sugarcoating but she was really convinced that we would have been great friends and we both knew that. I asked her to talk about it the next time in person and she agreed. Two days later she texted me that she was just going to a bar for a couple of hours before a meeting, that she was such in a good mood and asked me to join her (this spontaneity from a Scandinavian sounded super weird to me). I couldn’t join her on time and I still regret that. Then I left the town again, but we kept in contact. This was also when I realised that I was missing her and the feelings I had where a little bit deeper than what I had thought at first. At my return, I noticed that something had changed, but she attributed this to her Master's thesis' deadline. A few more days and she ghosted me, then she texted me a week later "sorry, I was busy. But I should also tell you that I have entered a relationship :) :) :)". I replied that I was sure there was something behind her silence and she didn't feel the need to explain further. She didn't owe me anything, but I expected some better communication, especially with all her worries about the possibility to ruin our personal relationship. After ten days with no communications, I texted her that I was a little disappointed 'cause I thought we had a deal. She asked me "what deal?" and I replied "what? were you drunk that night?" (she wasn’t) and she told me "Indeed I was. In fact I don't remember what happened. And honestly I don't want to know" (which was the thing that hurt me the most). I asked her if she had considered that people have feelings and she told she was going to terminate the conversation and she blocked me on WhatsApp.
That's how it ended. Her relationship hurt me, but it was her choice and I certainly couldn't contest that (I regret a lot that I should have been quicker in grasping and communicating my feelings). But the way she handled the thing felt like a treason in human terms to me and made me wonder if everything else she said was false as well. Thoughts? (I’d like to know if the replies come from men or women, sometimes perspectives are different).
submitted by Previous_Towel_5232 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 LookingForeTheOne I (32M) am confused, is she (31F) being flirty or just cordial?

This is a long one and the details are important to the situation so a TLDR can not possibly do it just but is required for this sub, please read the whole thing if you plan to give advice. Thank you.
TLDR: I’m into a semi-coworker and can’t tell if she’s flirting or being cordial and polite, need help navigating the situation.
I’m (32M) a real estate agent and a few months ago I went into an open house and met a lovely agent (31F) from another company. (Because of the nature of how real estate works, agents know other local people within the field possibly more so than in any other business. Two accountants at two different car companies probably will never cross paths, but two real estate agents at two separate firms almost certainly will, so this is an ever se slight “shitting where you eat” situation. Anyway.) We chit chat a bit and part ways. This happens a few more times until the third time I make a joke off a particular situation that was happening and she started dying of laughter (this was about 2 months ago). I friend requested her on instagram later that day and messaged her a continuation of the joke. We haven’t messaged much but we have liked a few of each other’s posts here and there and we’ve seen each other a few more times for work between then and now, having some banter each time.
Recently (about 10 days ago) I was at an open house she was sitting and when I walked in we greeted each other and she went for a hug. Not one of those polite one arm hugs you give to an acquaintance or that aunt you don’t like, a full double arm wrap around hug. We chit chat and she does it again as I’m leaving. I see her again about a week ago and she does the same thing. We’re chatting a bit and I think of a movie I wanted to recommend to her but couldn’t think of the name but said I would text it to her. A few hours later I go to text her and realize I don’t have her number. I message her on Instagram instead and say “this is the movie I was talking about earlier. I was gonna text you but apparently I don’t have your number.” She responsds “Ahhh, I’m gonna have to watch it!” And then “lol it’s (number) in case you ever need”. I respond “I’ll have to think of a reason… maybe some more movie recs” as a cheeky light flirt. I text her a quick message saying “hey, here’s my number”. The next morning she thumbs up reacts to the text and then 10 minutes later she “likes” the Instagram message from the night before with the standard heart reaction when you like something on instagram.
What I am confused about now is if my light flirting was received well. In my head the like reactions feel cold but I might just be reading way too into it. What are some ways I can further test the waters?
I want to tread carefully with this, as no matter the outcome, we will have to see each other for work. Any advice and insight is greatly appreciated but please keep things positive.
submitted by LookingForeTheOne to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:53 LookingForeTheOne I (32M) am confused, is she (31F) being flirty or just cordial?

This is a long one and the details are important to the situation so there won’t be a TLDR. Let’s get into it:
I’m (32M) a real estate agent and a few months ago I went into an open house and met a lovely agent (31F) from another company. (Because of the nature of how real estate works, agents know other local people within the field possibly more so than in any other business. Two accountants at two different car companies probably will never cross paths, but two real estate agents at two separate firms almost certainly will, so this is an ever se slight “shitting where you eat” situation. Anyway.) We chit chat a bit and part ways. This happens a few more times until the third time I make a joke off a particular situation that was happening and she started dying of laughter (this was about 2 months ago). I friend requested her on instagram later that day and messaged her a continuation of the joke. We haven’t messaged much but we have liked a few of each other’s posts here and there and we’ve seen each other a few more times for work between then and now, having some banter each time.
Recently (about 10 days ago) I was at an open house she was sitting and when I walked in we greeted each other and she went for a hug. Not one of those polite one arm hugs you give to an acquaintance or that aunt you don’t like, a full double arm wrap around hug. We chit chat and she does it again as I’m leaving. I see her again about a week ago and she does the same thing. We’re chatting a bit and I think of a movie I wanted to recommend to her but couldn’t think of the name but said I would text it to her. A few hours later I go to text her and realize I don’t have her number. I message her on Instagram instead and say “this is the movie I was talking about earlier. I was gonna text you but apparently I don’t have your number.” She responsds “Ahhh, I’m gonna have to watch it!” And then “lol it’s (number) in case you ever need”. I respond “I’ll have to think of a reason… maybe some more movie recs” as a cheeky light flirt. I text her a quick message saying “hey, here’s my number”. The next morning she thumbs up reacts to the text and then 10 minutes later she “likes” the Instagram message from the night before with the standard heart reaction when you like something on instagram.
What I am confused about now is if my light flirting was received well. In my head the like reactions feel cold but I might just be reading way too into it. What are some ways I can further test the waters?
I want to tread carefully with this, as no matter the outcome, we will have to see each other for work. Any advice and insight is greatly appreciated but please keep things positive.
submitted by LookingForeTheOne to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:53 MurphysFknLaw I strung them along for about 4hrs, hopefully they come back

I strung them along for about 4hrs, hopefully they come back
The hearse is actually real and the Dairy Queen story minus the dead body
submitted by MurphysFknLaw to scambait [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:52 LookingForeTheOne I (32M) am confused, is she (31F) being flirty or just cordial?

This is a long one and the details are important to the situation so there won’t be a TLDR. Let’s get into it:
I’m (32M) a real estate agent and a few months ago I went into an open house and met a lovely agent (31F) from another company. (Because of the nature of how real estate works, agents know other local people within the field possibly more so than in any other business. Two accountants at two different car companies probably will never cross paths, but two real estate agents at two separate firms almost certainly will, so this is an ever se slight “shitting where you eat” situation. Anyway.) We chit chat a bit and part ways. This happens a few more times until the third time I make a joke off a particular situation that was happening and she started dying of laughter (this was about 2 months ago). I friend requested her on instagram later that day and messaged her a continuation of the joke. We haven’t messaged much but we have liked a few of each other’s posts here and there and we’ve seen each other a few more times for work between then and now, having some banter each time.
Recently (about 10 days ago) I was at an open house she was sitting and when I walked in we greeted each other and she went for a hug. Not one of those polite one arm hugs you give to an acquaintance or that aunt you don’t like, a full double arm wrap around hug. We chit chat and she does it again as I’m leaving. I see her again about a week ago and she does the same thing. We’re chatting a bit and I think of a movie I wanted to recommend to her but couldn’t think of the name but said I would text it to her. A few hours later I go to text her and realize I don’t have her number. I message her on Instagram instead and say “this is the movie I was talking about earlier. I was gonna text you but apparently I don’t have your number.” She responsds “Ahhh, I’m gonna have to watch it!” And then “lol it’s (number) in case you ever need”. I respond “I’ll have to think of a reason… maybe some more movie recs” as a cheeky light flirt. I text her a quick message saying “hey, here’s my number”. The next morning she thumbs up reacts to the text and then 10 minutes later she “likes” the Instagram message from the night before with the standard heart reaction when you like something on instagram.
What I am confused about now is if my light flirting was received well. In my head the like reactions feel cold but I might just be reading way too into it. What are some ways I can further test the waters?
I want to tread carefully with this, as no matter the outcome, we will have to see each other for work. Any advice and insight is greatly appreciated but please keep things positive.
submitted by LookingForeTheOne to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:52 NewsBrilliant938 He removed me and deleted our conversation on both ends just because I didn’t reply for a couple of hours. Why is he behaving like that?

I’ve been talking to this guy for more than a month. We met on a chatting app. I’m 19 and he’s 35. Our relationship was basically a sexual one as we continuously engaged in exchanging pics and vids of sexual and flirtatious nature but I haven’t sent any nudes. He was the first guy to send him my personal pics so I got kinda attached to him. We called for few times. He told me that he has feelings for me and that he feels something different with me. Then he started to get more demanding and gets mad whenever I refuse to send a sexual pic and deletes our conversation and becomes distant and he once insulted me and blocked me for this reason but then apologized..I blocked him once for one day then he sent me a vid of himself talking about how it was tough for him to not talk and that he felt empty.. yesterday he sent me a couple of messages in a row and I haven’t seen them nor I replied to them as I was busy during the evening. When I tried to text him back, I found out he just deleted our conversation..even after we talked about meeting each other. So like why would he behave like this? And was I in the wrong for replying late? Or he’s just mentally unstable?
submitted by NewsBrilliant938 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:52 KrissyKris10 25 dice 🎲 5/19/24

25 dice 🎲 5/19/24
♡•☆•♡•●•°KRISTEN'S HELPFUL HINTS°•●•♡•☆•♡:
☆●•IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CLAIM THE DICE LINKS•●☆ Depending on what the message says, for example, if it says "already claimed," then it has already been claimed. If you're positive that you haven't claimed it yet (sometimes, the link will look MUCH different even though it's the same), try the following: ●Close out the game completely and then try the link again. This happens frequently, and it is a quick fix. ●If it takes you to the app store to download the MonopolyGO app, you should open up the link by holding your finger down on the link text until options pop up. Choose the "open in Safari," "open in browser," or "open in app" option. This is a way to overcome those iPhone shenanigans (happy Android user right here, lol 😁🙌).
I post the new dice links that Scopely releases daily, so make sure to check either the sub or the "posts" section on my profile. You could also follow me to get notified about my new posts, which are mostly just Monopoly Go dice links.
 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 I hope this helps!!! 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 
~😁😉 If you feel like these dice links that I post are useful, throw an upvote on them for visibility so others can more easily see them. 😉😁~
submitted by KrissyKris10 to Monopoly_Go_Linksss [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:51 KrissyKris10 30 dice 🎲 5/19/24

30 dice 🎲 5/19/24
♡•☆•♡•●•°KRISTEN'S HELPFUL HINTS°•●•♡•☆•♡:
☆●•IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CLAIM THE DICE LINKS•●☆ Depending on what the message says, for example, if it says "already claimed," then it has already been claimed. If you're positive that you haven't claimed it yet (sometimes, the link will look MUCH different even though it's the same), try the following: ●Close out the game completely and then try the link again. This happens frequently, and it is a quick fix. ●If it takes you to the app store to download the MonopolyGO app, you should open up the link by holding your finger down on the link text until options pop up. Choose the "open in Safari," "open in browser," or "open in app" option. This is a way to overcome those iPhone shenanigans (happy Android user right here, lol 😁🙌).
I post the new dice links that Scopely releases daily, so make sure to check either the sub or the "posts" section on my profile. You could also follow me to get notified about my new posts, which are mostly just Monopoly Go dice links.
 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 I hope this helps!!! 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 
~😁😉 If you feel like these dice links that I post are useful, throw an upvote on them for visibility so others can more easily see them. 😉😁~
submitted by KrissyKris10 to Monopoly_Go_Linksss [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:51 Sincerely_Stevie HELP! My Calls, Siri, Text to Speech, and Voice Messages wont work!

I have an iPhone 7 plus, ive had it for a few years (I am 15 and got my brothers hand me down) and all of those things just suddenly stopped working. When I call people I cant hear them and they cant hear me and the “Speaker” button is grayed out. My siri wont work she just appears for a second then disappears. I cant do text to speech or voice messages. I have checked the microphone setting, my wifi, service, everything.
submitted by Sincerely_Stevie to iphonehelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:50 Sincerely_Stevie HELP!! My siri, Calls, Text to Speech, Voice messages, and Facetime wont work!!

I have an iPhone 7 plus, ive had it for a few years (I am 15 and got my brothers hand me down) and all of those things just suddenly stopped working. When I call people I cant hear them and they cant hear me and the “Speaker” button is grayed out. My siri wont work she just appears for a second then disappears. I cant do text to speech or voice messages. I have checked the microphone setting, my wifi, service, everything.
Is there a way to fix it or should I just tough it out until I get a new phone?
submitted by Sincerely_Stevie to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:48 bgsunship I just found out my(62F) daughter(44F) Liz is an unfeeling, disrespectful, and self-centered person after a death in my husband's(62M,) family. What should I do? I can't stand her anymore.

My daughter Liz and I have a long history. When she was 15 I was getting divorced, not from her father. This man was very abusive towards me and all my children. He once threatened my life with a firearm, that level of abuse. I had 3 boys with him, and she was their big sister. Well, despite how badly he abused her also, she sided with him and told the court a bunch of very bad lies about me to try to get my boys taken away. Didn't work, and I didn't see her for many years. I always tried to find her, and finally succeeded after I had remarried and had a baby. That was 20 years ago. We reunited as a family. I never confronted her about her behavior because she was so young, and she was loving towards me. She also never apologized, but I let it go. We rebuilt our relationship. There were a few incidents where she displayed huge entitlement and disrespect over the years, but we got through it. I have never confronted her with anything. I try not to fight with people. Fast forward to now. My husband Dave was taking care of his sister with ALS. She suffered for many years. He was her primary caretaker. A few weeks ago she took a turn for the worse. Dave was called night and day by the nursing home. It was a hard time, and I completely forgot one of my son's birthday. I felt bad, so I invited him over one day. He asked if his brother could come too, so I said OK. I wasn't up to hosting a huge event, so it was very low key. Liz got wind of this and sent off an angry, profanity-laced text that she wasn't invited, and how dare I. I didn't see it because SIL passed away, and we were planning her funeral, getting my kids home from college and it was a busy time with lots of messages. I sent many group texts to all my children about SIL's death, when was the visitation, the funeral etc. All my children responded with sympathy except Liz. I tried calling her many times, but no answer. Mother's day came, and I invited all my adult children over. Liz didn't answer when I called several times. I went to send her a text to find out what was up, and I saw her message from before. I responded to tell her that I somehow missed seeing it and was really sorry she felt slighted. I explained it wasn't a big family event, and even apologized for not inviting her when I found out my other son was coming. It was a last-minute thing. I also told her all about how lovely the funeral was and all that. No response. Mother's day comes and no Liz. She did send me a text, but I was pretty upset with her for ignoring SIL's death that I did not respond until the following day. Then she sends another profanity-laced angry message about not being invited for Mother's Day. I simply responded that I was sorry for the miscommunication, but she had been invited. Hey, I can't help it if she doesn't listen to her messages. The next day, another profane, angry text. Dave is really struggling with his sister's death, and we are all grief-stricken. Someone so young was taken from us and suffered horribly for a long time. Liz knew her too. We all live close together, and had a lot of family gatherings over the years. I started getting really upset that she couldn't acknowledge our loss or offer any sympathy. Especially to Dave who has always been kind to her. He's the kind of guy who will help anyone. We are suffering here. I last sent her a message telling her that I can't believe she's still (one month later) attacking me over missing a party when we just lost a family member to a horrible disease. I told her she misjudged the situation with her brother's birthday, and I don't need her permission to invite my son to my house. I explained again about how the (non) event occurred. Asked her why she thinks hurt feelings over missing a party take precedence over a family member's death. I asked her to stop sending profane angry texts and offer us condolences with an apology to Dave for taking so long. I believe this is the first time since she was 15 that I've ever confronted her on anything. She responded with another angry self-righteous message (no profanity at least) I have always forgiven her for her immaturity, but this time it's too much. I see now that she doesn't respect me or care for our family. I think I do not like her anymore. This is not the first time she's behaved like this. I guess since it's such a difficult time, I thought she should put her differences aside temporarily to offer support. I see she will never do that, and I can't think of her as a good person anymore. What should I do? I don't want her kids to feel like they are in the middle, but I don't know how not to. They are 18 and 17 and 9. The older kids come here a lot. Any advice how to handle this where I don't keep being a doormat to her is welcome. Thanks.
submitted by bgsunship to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:47 KrissyKris10 25 dice 🎲 5/19/24

25 dice 🎲 5/19/24
♡•☆•♡•●•°KRISTEN'S HELPFUL HINTS°•●•♡•☆•♡:
☆●•IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CLAIM THE DICE LINKS•●☆ Depending on what the message says, for example, if it says "already claimed," then it has already been claimed. If you're positive that you haven't claimed it yet (sometimes, the link will look MUCH different even though it's the same), try the following: ●Close out the game completely and then try the link again. This happens frequently, and it is a quick fix. ●If it takes you to the app store to download the MonopolyGO app, you should open up the link by holding your finger down on the link text until options pop up. Choose the "open in Safari," "open in browser," or "open in app" option. This is a way to overcome those iPhone shenanigans (happy Android user right here, lol 😁🙌).
I post the new dice links that Scopely releases daily, so make sure to check either the sub or the "posts" section on my profile. You could also follow me to get notified about my new posts, which are mostly just Monopoly Go dice links.
 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 I hope this helps!!! 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 
~😁😉 If you feel like these dice links that I post are useful, throw an upvote on them for visibility so others can more easily see them. 😉😁~
submitted by KrissyKris10 to MonopolyGoDiceLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:46 KrissyKris10 25 dice 🎲 5/19/24

25 dice 🎲 5/19/24
♡•☆•♡•●•°KRISTEN'S HELPFUL HINTS°•●•♡•☆•♡:
☆●•IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CLAIM THE DICE LINKS•●☆ Depending on what the message says, for example, if it says "already claimed," then it has already been claimed. If you're positive that you haven't claimed it yet (sometimes, the link will look MUCH different even though it's the same), try the following: ●Close out the game completely and then try the link again. This happens frequently, and it is a quick fix. ●If it takes you to the app store to download the MonopolyGO app, you should open up the link by holding your finger down on the link text until options pop up. Choose the "open in Safari," "open in browser," or "open in app" option. This is a way to overcome those iPhone shenanigans (happy Android user right here, lol 😁🙌).
I post the new dice links that Scopely releases daily, so make sure to check either the sub or the "posts" section on my profile. You could also follow me to get notified about my new posts, which are mostly just Monopoly Go dice links.
 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 I hope this helps!!! 🎲🎲🎲 😉☺️😁😃🤗🥰🫡 🎲🎲🎲 
~😁😉 If you feel like these dice links that I post are useful, throw an upvote on them for visibility so others can more easily see them. 😉😁~
submitted by KrissyKris10 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:42 Z71pride I wish I would have listened to my gut and ran.. but I instead doubled down.

The past few days have been rough. It's been 4 months since the breakup, we were only together 9 months. I unfollowed my ex on all social media, deleted texts, and messages. One place I didn't though, was instagram. I rarely use it, and never look at the messages other than direct from notifications. So never came to mind.
A few days ago I opened it, and seen her profile picture had changed. It was a new one with her and her former ex. He was somewhat of an issue throughout our relationship, but she always reassured me he wasn't a concern. Plus if she wanted to be with him, she could have, right? I gave her the benefit of the the doubt. They worked together, and she would occasionally bring him up. I also learned I was a rebound a few months in. There were some semi-obvious signs she still wanted him, which she always had a believable story when I would ask her. Plus he seemed to have no interest in her anymore. I'm assuming at this point, they were just playing mind games with each other for months. As soon as she felt there was a chance with him, she jumped ship.
Seeing them back together contradicts everything she had told me regarding him, and her feelings for him. I'm jealous honestly. He won. It sucks, because I'd never met someone with the qualities, and interests she has, that aligned so well with mine, on top of that she was gorgeous. It just seems very unfortunate that I had met her in this situation. Had he not been a coworker, I feel our relationship would have thrived, and been wonderful. Not to mention the bond I was building with her kid was blooming.
Up until then, I was doing well. About two months in I was getting back into my routine, and back into my hobbies. I feel she ended the relationship as soon as she felt he was opening up to giving her another chance. I deleted those messages. Hoping these feelings subside soon. There is this slight hope in the back of my head, she'll come back.. but I know she wont. I miss her, and the damn kid too.
submitted by Z71pride to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:42 gamefan5 Recently acquired a Huawei Watch 4 Pro... for 250$

With my GT4 on the right.
I wish I could say that I'm lying but I'm not. I am still pleasantly surprised to this day 😆.
And yes, this is an authentic watch. Lightly used. Long story short, the previous owner decided to switch to a Oneplus Watch 2. I suppose he didn't know the worth of this watch 😅.
Been playing with it for nearly a week and I am absolutely in love with it. (I will still keep my Stainless Steel GT4 though.) Seems to be a chinese model since there are a few exclusive apps that you will never find on the international model. Surprisingly the ECG app is present and works, despite not being in a country that supports it. (I don't have the arterial stiffness app though).
Since Standard Mode is HarmonyOS skin 4.0 skin on top of Android 12, there are a few notable features aside from the usual Huawei Health/Fitness features:
The battery does last around 4-5 days in its Standard Mode (HarmonyOS Android).
I'm currently testing the Ultra Battery Saving mode and I am impressed: It is indeed a full GT mode (HarmonyOS LiteOS firmware) tucked in, you can still download and load watchfaces under that mode. (The Huawei Watch 3 Pro version was much more basic and limited and wouldn't allow new watchfaces in it.)
A lot of the same features as standard mode are present. But there are a few noticeable things absent.
Here is what YOU CANNOT DO in Ultra Battery Saving Mode, and some of the differences:
  • WIFI and eSIM(LTE) aren't present, obviously
  • You can't reply to notifications with a keyboard, only with preset replies.
  • The weather provider is different, at least in my case. For this mode, it's Accuweather.
  • You can't use apps downloaded from the AppGallery or apps sideloaded from other sources. You have to switch to Standard mode to access them
  • The skin temperature feature isn't working for some reason. I don't know if it's just me or just in general.
Huawei claims 21 days of battery life and to be frankly honest, so far, it seems honestly likely.
I honestly love this thing, it really looks beautiful and I've had people compliment my wrist with it.
The only gripes I have with it, so far:
  • The absence of a proper calendar app. The GT4 includes one that fully syncs your calendar events in it.
  • Sleep Tracking with it is rather iffy. The sensors seem to be much less sensitive. It usually starts tracking an hour or so, later. The GT4 has never failed to properly pick up my sleep/waking up times and napping times.
submitted by gamefan5 to HuaweiWatchGT [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:41 oliverlol69123 Well, I finally did it, I am now part of management and can try to counteract the skimping

submitted by oliverlol69123 to Chipotle [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:40 MrCraftsperson 25 [M4F] USA #Online - Art teacher looking for something real.

Hello everyone! Going to give this a try.
As the title suggests, I'm a 25 M art teacher who just started grad school to earn my master's degree in art education. I generally have an active, busy lifestyle, but I am able to spend a lot of time to myself after work hours. Summer is approaching, too, so I'll have even more time to relax. So, if you're looking for a consistent person, look no further!
Naturally, my main interests happens to be related to art, particularly drawing, painting, and art history. I primarily create abstract artwork, though I'm very versatile with other art media and techniques. I enjoy biking, hiking, jigsaw puzzles, visiting art museums, and have been getting back into reading. I like talking about life and every day things, no matter how mundane. I will talk to you every day if that is something you like.
It helps to be in a similar time zone or the same time zone as myself (Eastern Time). After we exchange a few messages, we can chat on Discord instead of here if you prefer.
Hoping to hear from someone! Thanks for reading!
submitted by MrCraftsperson to r4r [link] [comments]
