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2024.05.20 02:23 NotSoSlimShady1001 The Spirit of a Predator - Chapter 25: An Open Door

[ First / Previous ]
Memory Transcription Subject: Hileen, Krakotl Fugitive Recovery Agent
Date [standardized human time]: November 28th, 2136
It'd been a while since I sat in Marlig's office for a talk face-to-face. Given the agency's secluded location at the edge of the downtown region, it was a chore to drop by when it wasn't for business, but I'd deemed the matter at hand to be worth my time.
I passed by Nampi at her desk on my way to the door and she gave me a coy glare as I carried on. Trying to ignore her risible ear waggle, I turned the corner to the door with my boss’s name painted on the glass panel where I could hear the frantic crumpling of paper.
Quietly, I entered Marlig's office without prompt as I knew he hated to be spooked by knocking. My mentor was surprisingly spry for a bird at his age, sorting through papers with one wing and an eye while using his talons with the other to set away the papers he had splayed out.
“Hileen!” he chirped. “Glad you could make it in today. I was just finishing up my paperwork. Take a seat.”
It was always nice to hear him drop the professional motif for a more grandfatherly attitude when speaking in person. I did as he suggested and took a seat while he grumbled to himself over the sorting. My eye caught a few of the old contracts he was rifling through and saw that some dated back to his days as an agent.
Eventually, he left some sitting out as he sequestered the rest back into their files, sorted by a dichotomy that only he and Nampi could comprehend fully. He motioned with a wing for me to peruse and I turned the first one to face me to find it was my first contract, signed by me in a sloppy fashion. “This takes me back a couple of years.”
“Slick bastard thought he could get away on a forklift but you showed him! Certainly more exciting than my first day!”
“Mm-hmm. And it was when I nearly got impaled that you had the idea to commission all of us utility vests.”
He chuckled, “I really should’ve done so sooner. Cuts and scratches were already a risk, but a forklift was a new one!”
I flipped through the pages of each report, finding that Marlig's notes were filled with praises of my work. There were highs and lows, but I was flattered to find that the grizzled krakotl held my performance in such high regard.
Flawless interception!” read one footnote about me catching a runner. “Couldn't have done it better myself!
Marlig waited patiently as I browsed quickly through each page, realizing more and more how the notes also marked improvements in my work. How I found it easier to talk down a rowdy client, or apprehend them in the case that they were beyond helping on my part. Flowery language plastered most pages with him fawning over my work as a doting father would to his prodigal child.
The trend took a sharp turn as the notes became fewer and more critical the closer the dates reached to the present. I brushed the others aside with a wing to peruse the final paper. “And this…”
“Is Tac. Your latest contract. The most recent in a line of declining performance since the interview. This has become a pattern, Hileen, and its consequences are beginning to reach beyond yourself. Paji and Vesek resigned recently for personal reasons, which leaves us even less hands on deck than before. That's four people to cover the entire municipal region, and maybe even beyond, should needs arise. Three, if we include this little probation I have you on.”
“What was I supposed to do? Marlig, these ‘jobs’ you've got us working on overstep the contracts we were signed on with. Our job is to make sure people obey their court-mandated duties, not drag them off to the facilities ourselves!”
“... So the trip we took to the facilities did bother you.”
A sigh clicked in my throat as he reminded me. “Is that what happens to the people we take in, Marlig? Is that what would've happened to your wife?”
His feathers ruffled.
“That's what happens to those who are too dangerous to the general public to be left roaming free. Not everyone we deal with winds up there, but everyone can be subject to it. Miskela sued for her exoneration and proved in court that she was not diseased. I brought you there to show you how it helps the people, but I see now that it was a mistake. I understand why you were so perturbed, really, but it's how things have been for centuries. It's how we've protected ourselves from the dangers out there.”
“You were willing to let Barsul be interned there, too.”
Marlig flinched and sighed as he swept the papers towards himself once I'd signaled I was done. He turned one eye to me while he sorted them.
“There's no room for favoritism, girl. I negotiated for him to be allowed to walk free, and look where that got me. That boy - your neighbor - suffered the consequences of my nepotism. So too would the girl, had nobody intervened.”
“Like Richard.”
“The human, yes. Or you. Or the police. Where does this sudden obsession with humans come from, anyway? I get notifications of you talking about the acceptance of them all the time on forums.”
“Does it even need explaining?”
“Well, I guess not, no, but it's certainly an about-face from the way you used to talk about them with me beforehand.”
“People can change, for better or worse. Which one I fall under remains to be seen.”
Marlig stroked at the plumage on his neck as he finished his sorting. “I hope it's the former, for your sake. Was there any reason you came to talk, or were you just checking that I hadn't gone senile?”
“Well, I was hoping to borrow your secretary for the evening.”
He perked up while his eyes narrowed and he laced his fingers together with curiosity. “You… want to spend an evening with Nampi?”
“It's not what you're insinuating, but yes.”
“I was insinuating nothing,” he warbled coyly. “Go ahead and take her, and make sure to split the bill at dinner.”
“Pain-in-the-ass geezer. I'll keep in touch if your friend causes any more trouble.”
“Keep in touch regardless. Miskela and I get lonely in our old age,” he called back. “Take care.”
I stepped out into the hallway and turned toward the desk where I could hear the secretary's claws tapping furtively at her keyboard. Nampi sat silently with her ears and tail in a relaxed position that implied a bored demeanor. There was barely any response as I stood before her, waiting politely for her acknowledgment that never came.
Hesitantly, I cleared my throat.
An ear raised in acknowledgement, but her focus remained on the screen of her computer. “Mhm?”
“Do you…?”
Her ear rotated toward me, though she still maintained a passive attitude as she continued to glare mindlessly at the monitor.
“Are you free this evening?”
“Well, I'm quite booked, I believe. Why do you ask?”
I was surprised at her curt, dry tone. She hadn't spoken with me like this since we first got to know one another.
“Well,” I started. “I realized something. Every time we went out, whether it was clubbing, or dinner, or even walking around the parks, you always footed the bill. And so…”
Slowly, her other ear perked up and I saw her keystrokes slow down as she listened in.
“I wanted to return the favor?”
Her lips smacked as she opened her mouth, though paused before she spoke. “How could you possibly do that?”
“With a little gesture of friendship.”
Nampi's horizontal pupil turned up toward me and her tail twitched.
I continued, “So that belt you're wearing? It's the same belt you've worn since we first met. And I know you're the pragmatic type who'd never spend a credit more than she needs to, except for all the times you do"- her ears twitched in indignance -"I wanted to see about getting you a little something… extra?”
Her paws raised from the keyboard and she leaned in, resting her snout on her palms. “Go on.”
The bubbly venlil's tail sold out her collected facade as it twitched with anticipation. She was cornered and she didn't even know it yet.
“Well, I found just the place on the other side of town where we can start. It's a place almost as rich and indulgent as yourself.”
“The Platinum Paw? I mean3”
Her ears folded back in embarrassment as she cracked. She wasn't cut out for acting anyway.
“So that's what it's called! Jeez, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was called. Now what do you say? We go over there and find you something nice—”
I hadn’t even finished my thought before Nampi had grabbed her bag and was out the door, giving me a playful tail flick that said come and get me.

The place I suggested was in a shopping center on the opposite side of town, though easily accessible because of its proximity to the transport rails. Nampi had insisted on grabbing something to eat beforehand and so now gleefully bit into a bundle of stalks that had been “grilled” as explained from the food truck we'd stopped at.
Her tail flicked back and forth with her usual enthusiasm as we entered the massive complex of stores. The roofless plan allowed the natural, orange sun to flood the upper levels while artificial lighting illuminated the ground level wherever the light couldn't reach.
The place was built in the last decade by the previous City Magister in a bid for popularity, though ultimately for naught as he would lose the vote following a scandal involving an iftali priestess and a carved bar of soap. I had to say that despite being sick in the head, he sure had a great sense of decor.
Nampi snacked away, joining me in admiring the scenery as we continued to the place I’d planned out for us. Aimless chatter all melded together into a single, thrumming murmur as pedestrians navigated the many levels and stores offered in the place.
A troupe of children passed by us, held in a chain of tails and arms as they were escorted by a pair of venlil who I assumed were students and teachers on a school trip. I caught a whiff of a sweet, aromatic breeze and found it to come from a perfume shop on the same level as us; naturally, venlil were not to be found inside.
We passed a fountain where a couple sat on the edge, their tails twined together as they giggled and flirted. I turned and caught Nampi watching them as well, though she awkwardly returned to sucking the remains of her meal from her claws when we made eye contact. Her ears lifted when I raised a wing to signal to the store we were going to stop at first.
Platinum Paw, The Greatest Fashion Emporium For Everyone!
The title alone was painfully cliche, taken to the tenth power by the brightly lit store taking up three department slots. Despite the flashy exterior, though, it was the best place to shop for belts, brooches, and bracelets alike. Customers who looked like they earned my yearly salary in a week browsed the higher end brands while I brought my friend to the section I wanted to show her.
Her ears were held up as we stood together next to a shelf chock full of fashionable bags and bandoliers of every variety.
“Pick one,” I told her.
Nampi's ears shot to a straight pose in surprise, “Any?”
“Within reason. I've got a few extra credits to blow and I know nobody better to spend it on.”
With an inviting headtilt, I let Nampi peruse the shelves at her leisure. Her lips pursed together and her tail flicked with glee as she fingered at every piece that caught her eye. I chuckled at her outburst of enthusiasm while turning to find my own items to gloss over.
A breeze from outside nipped at my beak while I considered what I’d like to purchase. The place dripped with an atmosphere of faux hospitality, from the bright blue-stained floorboards to the radio prattling off advertisements in a sickeningly sweet tone to the faint, fruity aroma of scented cleaner. It was oppressive as only a fissan-owned company could be to the senses.
What I wouldn’t pay to see how a human would fare in such an environment.
I knew they were social creatures at least, but I had no doubt that the predatory senses of a human, so honed to hunting, would get overstimulated in this center of gaudy indulgence. Knowing I was something of a predator myself made me sympathize provided that even I had to squint to keep the pale lights inside from searing my eyes. I could only imagine how the arboreal eyes of a Terran would fare. I was so lost in thought imagining how lost the Terrans would be that I could almost ignore the obnoxious giggling and metallic rattling coming from behind me.
Risking a peek at the source, into my sight came a pair of venlil, one a male carrying a pair of bags as well as a couple more strapped to his belt. The bored expression in his eyes was not one of a man who was in high spirits. The other venlil was a woman who was the source of the noise.
Her mottled gray pelt was accented by a tasteful belt design, free of almost any practical functions but not flashy or excessive in garnishment either. At least, that’s what I would say, were it not for the braid of beads that dangled on the belt, jingling with each bounce of the lively woman’s stride. It was clear that such a gaudy accessory was intended to draw attention to her, though why was a mystery. Certainly, the shiny braids seemed designed as decoration first and practical second.
She turned about and I faced back to my browsing before she could catch me staring. Nampi was nowhere in sight, though I figured she was somewhere behind the shelf, sifting through every accessory on the section I'd suggested.
Something pelted to my immediate right. I tilted my head to spot a tree nut shell clattering to the floor. Without being able to guess where it came from, I had to wonder what could've launched it over this way. Even with my keen eyesight, nobody in the crowd seemed to be a suspect.
Another shell pelted my vicinity, ricocheting off of the floor and hitting the shelf I was standing next to. I ruffled my feathers in frustration - clearly, someone was trying to get my attention, though I couldn't make out who it was. Out of the corner of my vision, the woman from before eyed me curiously as I looked about, though I wasn't interested in engaging with her.
One more shell came flying and, unfortunately, the aim on this one was true, nailing me on the beak. Irritated, I stormed out of the store to find the source of the instigator. I scanned over the bodies to find anyone who could've been responsible for this indignity, eventually concluding that it came from the dining area across the walkway.
Whoever was responsible was in for an earful and I was already structuring which of the offender's family members would be acceptable as fodder for stray words. As I approached, I found the tables were mostly empty save for one, which made my heart begin to drop as I met eyes with the only occupant. Suddenly, I was much less inclined to hurl insults.
“Oh, hi there!” Qitel called out in a sickly sweet tone. “Come, take a seat! We have much to discuss!”
The Exterminator clutched a bag of tree nuts in his claws, a pile of discarded shells already gathered on the table next to him. He grabbed another as I approached, effortlessly prying the shell in half between two claws and tossed the contents into his mouth. “Good protein, these,” he commented as I sat down.
“Must be for that good arm you've got there,” I mumbled. I caught sight of a couple of bags beneath his chair, seemingly from one of the tech stores contained within the center.
“Bah, it's guesswork. So how are you? I haven't heard from you since we worked together!”
“I was just spending time with a friend, shopping and enjoying my time off.”
“Your time off? Oh, am I interrupting something?”
His snide tone irked me, though now wasn’t the time for interjections. “You are, Qitel,” I replied with no shortage of vitriol in my tone. “But I see no harm in chatting for a bit.”
“Good, because I have some merchandise”- he reached into his belt pocket and deposited a couple of items onto the table -“and you’re just the person to look into it, human sympathizer.”
I drew a terse breath in shock, but my worries were quelled when I considered that if Qitel had the power to do anything about it, he would’ve done so instead of approaching me so discreetly. A glance down at the item on the table showed that he was presenting what looked to be a tracker as well as a personal drive. “Found in the garbage,” he told me.
“The guild resorts to dumpster diving when they already have such a bloated budget now?”
“No, featherbrain, I have decided to keep this for myself. These items were found together, sealed in a plastic pouch, and placed in a garbage bin. The city has bans against electronics being placed into public bins, and so I was curious why this wound up in there. Managed to get my coworker, a techie, to crack it open and…”
Qitel reached into his belt again, glowering at me with the same condescending gaze he’d given me when I first saw his face. He seemed to revel in digging for the item as slowly as possible to waste my time. Finally, he found whatever he was looking for and revealed it as a printed piece of paper, folded into eighths. The snobby yotul threw the unfurled paper on the table and rolled it toward me.
I craned my neck to look at the parchment, though I was immediately perplexed by the text on it; it appeared to be some sort of form, going by the boxes with words on the inside, followed by blank lines. “Found on the drive, here,” Qitel told me, jabbing a claw to the storage. “Translator shows it as Terran writing.”
Drawing my holopad from my satchel, I held it over the paper with the translator to get an understanding. Surely enough, the language on it came up positive as a variant of Terran writing and I was affirmed in it being a form of some sort based on the wording of the text. The boxes seemed like an odd sort of job application, asking for the typical name, contacts, and prior work experiences, but quickly took a strange turn as it began asking for where their home on Earth was prior to arrival, what family they had on Venlil Prime if any, and where they worked, implying that they were seeking individuals who were already employed.
I knew little about human employment methods, but I didn’t imagine that sourcing individuals from other jobs was the most efficient way to gain a workforce. Terran service industries already dotted the planet while many humans also found work in local environments. So what was the angle that the creator of this application was going for?
Most concerningly was that the paper had no insignia, identifying marks, or noted address to return the form to. “And where did you find it again?”
“In the garbage, alongside this intact tracker that was activated at the time of recovery. Y’know, when I was dumpster diving. Text on the document showed it was addressed to one ‘Choctaw Nexus’.”
“A pseudonym of some sort?”
“Clearly. Short sorting through the archives shows the first name traces back to the group out east - perhaps you've heard about them. How the name and the items we have here are connected is beyond my understanding, but-”
“Well, this has been an absolutely riveting discussion about your collection of trash, Qitel,” I told him as I stood up to leave. “But this really sounds like an issue to be resolved by your fellow guildsmen.”
The sound of another shell splitting rang out as I turned away.
“I'm not through talking with you, predator.”
The sting as a piece nailed me in the back of the head prompted me to whirl back around, sticking my beak in the insolent yotul's snout. “Perhaps you've forgotten, little man,” I cooed in an equally bittersweet tone to the one he gave me before. “The krakotl never had a problem with settling issues the old-fashioned way before the interview. Try me and find out why I'm in the line of work I am.”
“Oh, we wouldn't want that in such a"- he waved his paw to a group of passersby who had stopped to gawk at my display -”public forum. Please, contain yourself.”
I had to force the feathers on my back to settle and I raised my head away from him. “What else is it you wanted, then?”
“Well, I'd appreciate if you took this merchandise off my paws,” he told me as he brushed the electronics and printout toward me.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you're closer to the humans than I'd ever care to be, and may be able to find out who this Choctaw Nexus is. Something about the package just feels… off. And I know when to trust my feelings. Besides, we both know that you know where Tac is, don't we?”
“I don't-”
“We have videographic evidence that you conspired with a human - of the aforementioned squatters, no less - and let the kid escape. You're not as sneaky as you think, and if we find this ‘Choctaw Nexus’ turns out to be a bad actor that can be traced back to them - and by extension, you - well, there’d be no talking down my boss from having you dealt with. By helping me find out who this is, you may yet be able to clear your name of any wrongdoing.”
I clenched my beak tightly to maintain a straight face. Qitel stood up with a flourish and discarded the bag he was carrying in a bin.
“See, the krakotl were never special for using threats and bullying to get results. It's because you were good at killing predators,” he jeered. “Now, if you don't mind, this primitive has appointments to attend to… old lady who got trampled courtesy of the humans and all. You stay out of trouble, Hileen, and stay in touch.”
The self-assured marsupial melded into the crowd in a matter of seconds, leaving me with a table containing dumpster trophies and a pile of shells. Reluctantly, I swept the shells into my wing and dumped them into the bin before gathering the other two items he'd left me and stuffing them into my bag. I'd been gone from Nampi long enough and she would notice my absence before long.
Crossing the walkway again, I could spot from where I stood that Nampi was indeed still in the Platinum Paw. I approached, and soon I found that while she didn't seem to have noticed me stepping away, she was definitely in a soured mood based on the sagging of her ears and tail. With my talons clacking on the floorboards, I hustled to her side and her mood chippered up ever so slightly as she heard me approach.
I chimed in, “Find anything?”
“Everything. I want everything, Red, and I can't decide on what I want. They all just look so great!”
From behind, a voice called out, “Nampi!”
We both jumped at the exclamation and turned about to spot the venlil lady I'd seen before spring from behind the shelf. The man poked his head from behind the shelf too, though less enthusiastically and with yet another bag in his clutches. My friend's eyes widened in surprise with her tail and ears perking up in kind. With a light in her eyes, she exclaimed, “Nalek!”
The two embraced with shrill squeals and laughter as Nalek's accompaniment and I traded awkward glances.
“It's been too long!”
“You never stayed in contact!”
The women exchanged giddy greetings and the pompous stranger turned to me, leering over me as though she was sizing me up.
“Who's your friend here?”
“Oh she's actually my-...”
Nampi paused for a moment, looking back to me.
“Yeah, she's a friend.”
“A friend,” Nalek repeated while her eyes flicked between Nampi and I. “Right.”
Somehow, I get the impression that that was judgemental.
“I'm Hileen, by the way,” I chirped, “if names are to be exchanged.”
“Hileen, that's a lovely name! And such plumage to match, it's a wonder you aren't swarmed by suitors!”
Internally, I groaned at the notion. The idea of being approached by someone to state their interest in me made me queasy, to say the least. Thankfully, I never had that issue growing up as most of the other drakes in school were too busy chasing girls who didn't have a lousy pigmentation mutation such as myself.
“I'm flattered,” I told Nalek before turning to the man whose name had yet to be introduced. “May we get your name?”
His response was succinct and tonally flat, though there was a brief silence as I expected him to elaborate. Nalek's beads jingled as she lashed him on the calf with her tail.
“I'm Sask, Nalek's fiancée,” he added, throwing her a look to see if she was satisfied.
Nampi gasped with her paws over her snout. “Fiancée! Nalek, you're getting married and you never even told me!”
“Well, I felt a little guilty since it technically broke our pact we made when we were pups. You remember that?”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I? ‘Let she who bonds through betrothal first be cast out unto the world for all to admonish her!’
Sask and I both gave inquisitive expressions. “You two spoke like that as pups?” Sask asked.
“Well, I'm paraphrasing,” Nampi admitted with a playful ear waggle. “But you get the gist.”
“Indeed, they do, sweet Nampi. Now, may I ask what you're doing bringing your avian friend here into this store on this fine claw?”
“Oh, no no, she's the one treating me! Isn't that right, Red?”
I saw her tail twitch and was sure it took restraint not to tickle my neck with it as we stood before her old friend.
“She's been a good friend,” I explained. “So I wanted to reverse the roles for once and treat her to something myself.”
Nampi skipped over to me and wrapped her arm around me, glancing back to her old friend. “See? We'd all be so lucky to have a… friend like her.”
“So I've witnessed. But perhaps you're a bit stuck, as I've seen you prancing up and down these aisles for a while, no? Maybe you don't know what you want?”
“Nalek, you know I've never been good about making my mind up.”
“Some things never change, you ditz. Tell you what: you and Sask go find us a seat and we can catch up all we'd like when we're not taking up aisle space, yes? So shoo! I'll help Hileen here pick one out for you!”
With a bored grunt, Sask made off with the goods he had strapped to himself, followed by Nampi who gave me one more playful tail flick before dashing off into the crowd. I looked back to the mottled snout of Nalek who watched her friend wander off with a wistful glance.
“She was my first, you know.”
“Your what now.”
“Love. Way back when we were growing from pups into young adults back in private education, we explored much together. We saw each other through a lot, including the less savory parts of finding a mate. When Nampi realized it wasn't the boys she was into, she turned to me, and I offered my hand as her stalwart companion… to a point.”
“You weren't interested in her the same way?”
“I'd grown up seeing her as a sister of sorts, so ultimately, when we split it off, we stayed close as friends and she never seemed to be bothered by it. She struggled to find others in school who had the same interests as herself, but she never fussed about it.”
Nalek's claws browsed over a set of pouched bandoliers made with intricate embroidering. “Have you two… spent the night together? Alone?”
Spiritually, I reeled from the inquiry. The whiplash from that question was equitable to being smacked by a human. “Wha- why? How's that pertinent to the subject at hand?”
“That sounds like a ‘yes’ to me,” she purred with a smug glance my way.
I didn't need to begin to list the different ways such a question was violating to our privacy, and yet this woman was treating it like a game.
“Not really your concern, ma'am.”
Nalek chuckled as she picked out one of the bandoliers and inspected it with her claws. “I'd like to think that she and I still have that old connection, despite everything. And to that end, I know that she's no slag and doesn't trust easy. To see her be so vulnerable around you and to talk so highly of someone who's clearly below her income level as a predator…”
She stretched the bandolier out to appreciate the design in its entirety.
“Well, that's something special. Here"- she foisted the accessory into my wings as I stood gobsmacked -"this just screams her name.”
“This is, like, double my budget.”
“Love don't come cheap, darling. You wanna see good things happen, sometimes you've gotta step out of your comfort zone and grasp for it!”
“I'm being lectured by a rich woman on finances.”
“It's a philosophy that goes beyond money, ‘Red.’ The humans have a saying, in their horrendously predatory nomenclature, that contains a kernel of truth: ‘you miss every shot you don't take’.”
Yep, that's definitely a human phrase.
Nalek's steely braid rattled with every flick of the tail as we proceeded through the checkout.
“You want things to change between you and her?” she continued. “Don't just wait for it to happen.”
She let the conversation rest there as we finished the purchase, possibly to let me recuperate mentally from the damage done to my account. Outside, we found our respective partners sitting at a table with Sask looking up in boredom as Nampi chatted away, though she immediately shut up and turned to me with excited flicks of her tail as she saw what I was carrying.
I held it toward her and she happily shot to her feet, effortlessly removing the tags with her claws and clipping it to her belt. Nalek clapped and waggled her tail as the giddy lady did a whirl about to let us admire the accessory. While I'd have preferred one with pockets to give it a more practical use, I decided to let Nalek have the victory as our mutual friend clearly enjoyed it.
The rest of the paw was a blur as the two friends chatted without end until Sask eventually reminded his betrothed that they had a schedule to attend to. Though Nalek offered to call us a taxi home as a gesture of kindness, I saw through her ruse to determine that she was trying to pull a fast one on me - the clever ear flick she gave as we boarded the automated vehicle sold it for me.
We sat in the seats as the vehicle took the express ride home.
Nampi cleared her throat before she spoke, “Thank you for taking some time to spend with me, I know you've had a lot less free time as of late.”
“It's a prison of my own design, if I must be honest. A feedback loop of working a job that doesn't guarantee a paycheck to pay for rent that keeps going up, and thus needing to work more.”
The venlil giggled and chided me, “You really should've stayed in university.”
“There's a lotta 'should haves’ that've led me to this point. No use wondering what could have been.”
“There's always a use for wondering what could have been, Hileen.”
She wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
“Every decision I make, I always wonder what I could've done differently that it'd have turned out better,” she explained as she waved her free paw to the sky. “It's how you grow as a person, Red.”
Her silky pelt felt heavenly in contrast to the chilly air from outside, making it hard to let her words sink in.
“You rich types seem chock full of philosophy. I wonder if I'll become a brooding orator when I get some cash to my name.”
The cab filled with laughter as we veered around the final corner to my neighborhood, as it was the closest stop. The door popped open accompanied by a chime from the drone, signaling for me to depart.
But before my talons could even hit the pavement, I felt Nampi's scrawny arms wrap around my waist and she let out a pitiful mewl again.
“You don't need to get off here,” she told me with a pouty expression. “We can spend the rest of the paw at my place.”
“I'd love it, but I need to water my plants and get the month's bills sorted before they're due. Again.”
One claw at a time, I plucked her paws from around my waist and the childish venlil conceded, giving me another ear waggle as I departed. “I'll see you tomorrow?” I asked her.
“If you still have eyes by then, then you can bet your ass!”
“I still don't gamble.”
“You'll come around to it eventually.”
I shut the door to the taxi and watched as it carted away the one venlil who I ever truly felt on the same wavelength as. Fiddling with the lock felt like more of a chore than usual at this time as I felt a little voice tugging at the back of my head.
You miss every shot you don't take.”
The lock felt jammed as I began to jiggle it more vigorously with the electric key. Either the RFID or NFC readers were messed up, as the lock refused to accept my key. I looked up and down the street, though Nampi was now long gone for me to rescind my earlier rejection.
Every decision I make, I wonder what I could've done differently.
The door rattled as I grew more and more infuriated with the lock. Qitel's smug expression as he threatened me so boldly in public played back in my head, and I wondered what would've happened had I decided to go through with insulting his mother. Better yet, I wondered what could've been had I not backed down in the face of his unflinching confidence.
Bzzt. The lock rejected my key again.
Raagh! You fucking useless hunk of junk!
I squawked in anger and kicked against the door, careless of the consequences of having Markol back down here to admonish another of his tenants for causing a ruckus. The walls were surprisingly sturdy for how ineffective the venlil architecture looked on the surface and I reeled back in pain as my leg throbbed.
I looked to my left to see that it wasn't my door that came open, but that of the twins. The door cracked open ever so slightly, no doubt nudged by the force of my tirade and I sighed. Nobody was expected to be home at this time, with Vili being away and Luka leaving early to get a head start.
Luka had been given a stern talking-to by the landlord for allowing one of those cats into his apartment through neglect, and I was disappointed that he seemed to have not learned his lesson this time. In fact, it seemed he hadn't even thought to lock the door this time.
I took it upon myself to shut the door for him before turning back to my own apartment door. Grasping the key with one talon, I turned it ever so gently, though the lock still refused to give in.
With a bit more force, the torsion applied to the key felt as though it should've snapped it by now. Markol sure didn't waste any expense for the security for this place, doubtlessly as a result of his history in electronic security, but I wished now that he had provided a way in that didn't rely on privately sourced locks.
Considering my options as I stood trapped outside, I realized that I had never gotten around to paying for a new lock for Tadi. I'd considered contacting her to inform her that Tac had made it out of town safely, but that'd involve also telling her that her son was now in the care of humans, as if that was a better outcome to her.
Stepping out front, I realized that there was one more option I hadn't considered: my window. I usually forgot to lock it after I was through letting air circulate and I was silently grateful to myself for this absentmindedness now more than ever. Sticking a foot on the threshold, I lifted myself in a way that'd allow me to have leverage to force the window open.
The window made me fight for every inch, but I felt a strange satisfaction as it slowly opened up into an entrance that I could squeeze my way through. I let out a sigh as my talons clicked against the cool floor and slid the window shut.
I laid my satchel on the couch and turned back to the door, ready to unleash my fury on the disobedient object. But as I reached for the lock to manually open the door, I noted that the lights on the RFID interface both flashed at once, blinking erratically. Red and green flickered without rhyme or reason, indicating that it was both active and inactive.
As pretty as the colors were, I now knew that Markol's locks were not as reliable as he had touted them about: typically, such would not occur unless the device was damaged deliberately, and yet nothing indicated that I'd had uninvited guests. One could pray that those cats didn't secretly know how to cobble together an ECM jammer, but my personal wager was on faulty equipment.
Settling in, I browsed my favorite soaps on the television. For what was intended to be a day of relaxation and show of affection for a friend, I found myself rather wound up over all the things that added up. Couples threw around flowery words and swooned over one another on screen as I felt the tension diffuse. My holopad rang and I turned it over to spot that Nampi was informing me that she'd arrived home safely.
>>> Feels empty here, all alone.
She made sure to drive the point home with a sticker of a venlil making a pouty expression.
Next time, I thought to myself, I'll get it right for you, Nampi.
[ First / Previous ]
submitted by NotSoSlimShady1001 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:21 EquusMaximus SD card inquiry

Looking at the Galaxy 9FE tablet, and I'm waffling on the OE capacity. I'm leaning towards the 128GB version for the price point, since I know that it's expandable with Micro SD. My question is what MicroSD card capacity works best; I'm obviously an overachiever with tech and was looking at a 1TB card, but for what I'll use it for is mostly streaming and possibly holding movies for when I'm on the go, so I think somewhere in the realm of 400GB would be more than enough.
I know the term "go big or go home" is in my mind, but I'm looking for practical suggestions.
submitted by EquusMaximus to GalaxyTabS9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:21 My_Third_Alt Favorite Line of Each Episode of DBZA: Last Time "Gohan when you've had a man inside of you; you know when he's coming." Won. Today is episode 33

Episode 1: Oh god no, my marijuana patch! (Farmer)
Episode 2:We here at team four star do not condone child violence. We do however find it hilarious.(Kaiser)
Episode 3: Mahogany! (King Yemma)
Episode 4: Alright Maggots listen up! Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order. It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo. (Popo)
Episode 5: DODGE! (Piccolo)
Episode 6: I’ll tell you where they’re not, safe! (Popo)
Episode 7: I’m not a Pokémon! I’m Chiaotzu! CHIAOTZU! (Chiaotzu)
Episode 8: “Vegeta! I can fly” (Nappa)
Episode 9: "9 minutes and 18 seconds" (Vegeta)
Episode 10: “What’s the opposite of Christopher Walken? CHRISTOPHER REEVES!" (Vegeta)
Episode 11: “Yep, this baby gets 10,000 miles to the soul.” (Popo)
Episode 12: "No! What are you:stupid? We are doctors, scientists! Now inject this man with some SCIENCE! Delicious, magical SCIENCE!" (Some Freeza Grunt)
Episode 13: "Could you speak up? I'm not wearing any pants" (Roshi)
Episode 14: "QUACK!" (The Space-Duck)
Episode 15: "Muffin Button" (Goku)
Episode 16: Face down with another man beating your ass. Is it Wednesday already, Zarbon? (Vegeta)
Episode 17: I'm coming Zarbon! Quick, grab my balls!
Episode 18: " I don't know. Maybe you could've bitched at him, how 'bout that? That's all you appear to be good for these days. Huh? Used your bitch-fu on him? Bulma the mistress of bitching, that's what they should call you. Seriously, five ancient sages of bitchdom all gathered together one day on the peaks of Mount Bitch to proclaim your birth. And a hundred years later, when all the bitch stars had aligned, you were born and made everybody's life around you a living hell because you are such a bitch!" (Krillin)
Episode 19: "Son of a gum-chewing funk-monster! Why the fruit does all this funny stuff happen to me?! Forget my life! Always surrounded by miserable failing clods! Like this whole world just likes to *bend* me over and FIND ME IN THE ALPS! Like I'm some sort of shlock receptacle! Well as far as I care, these miserable cows can have a fancy barbecue with a goddamn pig!!" (Vegeta)
Episode 21: I can't believe we came all the way out here and spent a week in the Space Boonies for nothing! Seriously, I'm surprised we didn't hear banjos on the way, because everyone is inbred and LOOKS THE F***ING SAME! Not to mention I lost Dodoria and Zarbon, the latter of whom spent 400 credits making long-distance calls to his girlfriend, WHO I AM CONVINCED IS NAMED CHUCK! (Freeza)
Episode 22: Did you tell him to work the shaft? (Super Kami Guru)
Episode 23: This is easily the 2nd worse hole I’ve ever had in my chest. It’s gonna take like, a million mommy kisses to make it better. (Goku).
Episode 24: "Oh ho ho ho no, don't mind me. By all means, g̶̢͘í̸͖̈̕͝v̶̢̹͠ͅe̸̮͆̋̽ ̷͙͔͙̲̏͛ḿ̸̨̲̦̤͒͑ẹ̴̜͚̰̉̂ ̵̩͈͍̯̠́͂s̷̝͓͍̑o̷̢̲͙̅̍̐̔͠m̷͔̂e̸̪͊̂̐̕͠ͅ ̵̛̱̣̣̱̎̅i̶̍̒͂ͅd̶̡̲̟̔̉̏ȩ̸̙̭̺̑̊̃͠ä̸̧̱́̅s̴̙͚̯̯̩̾." (Freeza)
Episode 25: "Oh good. I'll stop by there on the way home. Pick up some space eggs, some space milk, and BLOW IT THE F*** UP! Oh, I'm sorry, I'm usually far more composed. I'm just a little bit A B S O L U T E L Y L I V I D." (Freeza)
Episode 26: “That’s right, I’m your White Mage, & Nobody fucks with the White Mage” (Little Green)
Episode 27: " Imma deck ya in the schnozz!" (Goku)
Episode 28: “Good Lord I traded Vegeta for this” (Freeza)
Episode 29: Oh, come now. If I'm really as evil as you say I am, then let God strike me down where I stand. *lightning zaps* HA! Nice try, jackass! Next time, give it your A-game! (Freeza),
Episode 30: “I am the hope of the omniverse! I am the light bulb in the darkness! I am the bacon in the fridge for all the living things that cry out in hunger! I am the Alpha and the Amiga! I am the terror that flaps in the night! (starts powering up) I am Son Gokū! and I am a Super (Death beam to forehead) Saiyan” (Goku)
Episode 31: "Why aren't you upstairs sleeping with your girlfriend like everyone else?" (Turtle)
Episode 32: "Gohan when you've had a man inside of you; you know when he's coming." (Krillin)
submitted by My_Third_Alt to TeamFourStar [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:16 Enough_Manager_4073 (-Top-)→Call Girls In Saket Metro Delhi 8377887830 → Escorts Service

(-Top-)→Call Girls In Saket Metro Delhi 8377887830 → Escorts Service
(-Top-)→Call Girls In Saket Metro Delhi 8377887830 → Genuine Escorts Service Good Looking , Full Cooperative Model Best Quality full Educated & Full Cooperative Call Girls Escort Services In New Delhi NCR I Have Extremely Beautiful Broad Minded Cute Sexy & Hot Call Girls and Escorts, We Are Located in 3* 4* 5* Hotels in Delhi. Safe & Secure High Class Services Affordable Rate 100% Satisfaction, Unlimited Enjoyment. Any Time for Model/Teens Escort in Delhi High class luxury and premium Escorts Service Looking, Full Cooperative Model, Russian Models, Punjabi Girls Kashmeri Girls Services etc… We Provide Hottest Female With Safe And Consensual With Most Limits Respected Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed…Service.
Call Me Spacial For Including Incall//outcall Service In New Delhi Indian Russian Escorts Service
submitted by Enough_Manager_4073 to u/Enough_Manager_4073 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:14 Mysterious-Fudge-173 45$✨[premium] New Townhall 14✨Was Maxed townhall 13✨has 3 paid sceneries✨all epic abilities available ✨Canada region 🇨🇦✨62k/76Q/54W/20R✨can be shifted to your Email ✨Check Description For More Information And 450+ Vouches ✨Discord: wavecoc
For more details text me on reddit or Discord me : wavecoc
In addition to this account I've other accounts as well, of all townhall levels and rare accounts and ranked accounts as well, if you want anything specific direct messge me with your budget and requirements: 👉🏻Few of the accounts I've available right now are listed in my discord shop link is in the bio of my reddit profile
👉🏻Services like paid hits/walls farming/ selling of clan capital gold is available as well
IS IT SAFE TO BUY ACCOUNTS FROM ME? you can check below posts for my vouch from the people who have already purchased from me, and refer to them I've currently 400+ vouches
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"Thanks for reading have a good day"
submitted by Mysterious-Fudge-173 to ClashofClansAccounts [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:13 Nesneskiller rehome group!! :) open to new members

Hey y'all! We reopened our fb rehome group for new members if you'd like to join (:
We are trying to make this group extremely safe and secure so there will be some requirements for anyone to join. We are currently accepting a new members! We're trying to incorporate giveaways, contests, trivia, rehomes and try to make it fun-based (:
Facebook profile MUST have a personal picture so we know you're real.
Facebook profile MUST be older than 1 years old.
Fb Rehome Group Link (click)
MUST ANSWER ALL MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS in referral please put 'reddit' thank you!
This is a link to all my feedbacks so you know this is NOT A SCAMMER GROUP and is a genuine group trying to make a safe and comfortable environment for bag lovers <3
submitted by Nesneskiller to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:12 jameswill90 Tire pressure

So, I got a question! Today I rode 10 miles, half mtb terrain, half paved trail. I thought the tires looked a little squishy, but they felt fabulous. Super quick on the paved trail, I was topping out at 24 mph, and manageable on the mtb trail. It was more of an issue of the fact that the tires were slicks, Maxxis refuse 700x40. So, when I got home, I measured the tire pressure, and the front wheel was at 17 and the rear wheel at 14. Like I said, the ride was amazing, especially on pavement. I didn’t purposely lower the psi to that, just havent ridden the bike in a while. Is this normal? Especially, how quick I felt on pavement. The bike really felt alive, like it’s never felt so good. Even on the mtb trail, they rode well, over the rocks, through puddles, over roots, singletrack-y stuff - the mtb section was mostly fucked because we had a rain storm the last two days and the trail was slippery af! I fell over at least three times, i feel with knobbier tires, it probably wouldn’t have happened. But yea, really want people’s thoughts on that super low tire pressure. Is it safe to continue running the tires that low? The bike really felt so good at that preasure. Appreciate any thoughts.
For reference, I’m riding a small Obed Boundary, I weigh 190 lbs, and am 5’9.
Also for reference, the tires themselves didn’t seem flat or anything, they were definitely squishy, but not flat or anything. Just thought I’d add that, bc I couldn’t believe my tire pressure gauge when I measured them. I checked with my pump and the tire pressure gauge was accurate.
submitted by jameswill90 to bikepacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 Soninetz Unbounce vs Squarespace: Ultimate Comparison, The winner is?

Unbounce vs Squarespace: Ultimate Comparison, The winner is?
Did you know that over 90% of online consumers consider website design crucial in deciding the credibility of a business? When it comes to building landing pages and crafting a visually appealing and functional website with responsive design, landing page optimization, and a friendly interface, the choice between Unbounce and Squarespace can be overwhelming. Unbounce offers powerful landing page capabilities, while Squarespace boasts versatile website building tools. In this post, we dive into the features, ease of use, customization options, pricing, landing page optimization, professional website, website speed optimization, and website creation of these platforms to help you make an informed decision for your online presence.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When choosing between Unbounce and Squarespace, consider your specific needs, goals, and options for your website to optimize marketing tools and analytics.
  • Evaluate the design and template options of each platform to ensure they align with your branding and customization requirements.
  • For ecommerce and business use, compare the features, integrations, scalability, and options offered by Unbounce and Squarespace.
  • Leverage the unique features, components, and performance capabilities of each platform to enhance user experience through optimization and achieve your website objectives.
  • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis based on the pricing structures, value-added services, components, and support options for website creation provided by Unbounce and Squarespace.
  • Ultimately, select the platform that best suits your budget, technical expertise, and long-term growth strategy, among the options available, ensuring it provides the necessary support for website creation to emerge as the winner.

Platform Overview

Support Options

Squarespace offers email support, live chat, and a community forum. In contrast, Unbounce provides phone support and live chat.

Plan and Pricing

Squarespace has a range of plans starting from $12 per month, while Unbounce starts at $80 per month.
Unleash your marketing prowess 💥 Get started with Unbounce's Free Trial today! 🌐

Customer Support Score

Users praise Squarespace for its comprehensive help center and community forum. However, Unbounce stands out for its high customer support score.

Design Capabilities

Squarespace excels in design capabilities with stunning templates suitable for various niches. Conversely, Unbounce focuses on creating high-converting landing pages.

Design and Templates

Pre-designed Templates

Squarespace: With its focus on responsive design, professional websites, and support features, Squarespace offers users a diverse selection of over 120 pre-designed templates. These templates cater to various industries, ensuring a wide array of options for website creation with support for features.
Unbounce: On the other hand, Unbounce provides users with a gallery boasting over 100 high-converting templates. While slightly fewer in number compared to Squarespace, these templates are specifically crafted for landing page optimization and building high-converting landing pages.

Customization Options

When it comes to customization, Squarespace shines with its intuitive tools that allow users to personalize their websites with ease. From adjusting layouts to modifying colors and fonts, Squarespace offers extensive customization options, empowering users to create unique online experiences.

Design Functionality

Both platforms excel in offering users the ability to create visually appealing websites. However, Squarespace's emphasis on design functionalities gives it an edge over Unbounce in this aspect. Users can leverage Squarespace's tools for page optimization, ensuring their websites are not only aesthetically pleasing but also optimized for performance.

Ecommerce and Business Use

Payment Processing

Squarespace offers seamless payment processing integration, allowing businesses to accept various payment methods securely. On the contrary, Unbounce lacks native payment processing features, requiring third-party integrations.

User Management

When it comes to user management, Squarespace provides robust tools for managing customer accounts and interactions. In contrast, Unbounce focuses more on landing page creation rather than comprehensive user management capabilities.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Analytics and Conversion Rates

Squarespace excels in providing detailed analytics insights and tools to optimize conversion rates, essential for online stores' success. However, Unbounce falls short in offering in-depth analytics for monitoring user behavior and improving conversions.

Compliance and Customer Access

For businesses requiring strict compliance standards, Squarespace ensures adherence to regulations, safeguarding customer data. Meanwhile, Unbounce may lack certain compliance features crucial for sensitive customer information handling.

Business Websites

Unique Features and Performance

Pricing Plans

Squarespace stands out for its affordable pricing plans, making it a superior choice for budget-conscious users. With a 14-day free trial and a full refund option, it offers a friendly interface and comprehensive set of features.

Optimization and Performance

Unbounce, on the other hand, also provides a 14-day free trial but focuses more on optimization and performance. It caters to the needs of users looking to optimize their websites for unique visitors. Unbounce's emphasis on security measures ensures a secure connection for users.

Variety of Features

When it comes to features, Squarespace offers a wide variety that caters to different user requirements. Its insights help users understand their audience better, while Unbounce's tools enable users to create high-converting landing pages easily.
  • Squarespace: Affordable pricing plans with a 14-day free trial.
  • Unbounce: Focuses on optimization and performance with robust security measures.


You've now explored the key differences between Unbounce and Squarespace. By comparing their platform overview, design, ecommerce capabilities, and unique features, you're equipped to make an informed decision based on your specific needs. Whether you prioritize customizable templates or seamless ecommerce integration, both platforms offer distinct advantages that cater to different requirements.
As you delve deeper into selecting the right platform for your website or online store, consider your priorities and long-term goals. Take into account factors like ease of use, design flexibility, and scalability. By aligning your choice with what matters most to you, you can create a digital presence that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Make the most of these insights to propel your online presence forward.
Elevate your conversion game 🚀 Kickstart with Unbounce's Free Trial! 📊

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between Unbounce and Squarespace?

Unbounce is primarily a landing page builder focused on conversion optimization, while Squarespace is a website builder catering to a broader range of website types, including e-commerce.

Which platform offers better design customization options, Unbounce or Squarespace?

Unbounce provides more flexibility in design customization with its drag-and-drop editor tailored for landing pages. Squarespace offers beautifully designed templates but has limitations in customizing beyond those templates.

Can I sell products online using Unbounce and Squarespace?

While both platforms support e-commerce, Squarespace is better suited for online stores with its built-in features like inventory management and payment processing. Unbounce can integrate with e-commerce platforms but lacks native e-commerce functionalities.

What are some unique features of Unbounce that set it apart from Squarespace?

Unbounce excels in A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and conversion-focused tools like pop-ups and sticky bars. These features are designed to optimize landing pages for higher conversions, which may not be as robustly supported in Squarespace.

In terms of performance, which platform - Unbounce or Squarespace - offers faster loading times?

Unbounce prioritizes speed optimization for landing pages to improve user experience and conversions. On the other hand, Squarespace's loading times may vary based on factors like template complexity and content volume, potentially impacting overall performance.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to McServerAdverts [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 StarSines Just installed some crisp new hardware

Just installed some crisp new hardware submitted by StarSines to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServerTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 SwedishRizzler Minewind Most Cursed Minecraft Server [SMP] {1.20} {No World Resets}

🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
🌍 Minewind is an innovative Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. Join epic boss fights and discover thousands of unique items and weapon combinations. Meet villagers in the wild who sell insane god items for mere emeralds, explore infinite wild worlds and find chests brimming with overpowered gear. Seek out the rarest treasure, but be prepared to face formidable boss monsters guarding them. Beware – they won't hesitate to use everything in their arsenal against you!

🌌 Participate in daily events offering unique powerful rewards, and, at the end of the day, explore the natural beauty of Minecraft's wilderness and build a masterpiece in the perfect spot.

🌄 ► Explore a Vast and Infinite World:
Minewind's world is immense, spanning multiple terabytes, and it never undergoes a reset. This enduring nature lets you wander through years of architectural wonders and ingenious creations left by other players, capturing the rich history and diverse tapestry of the Minewind community. Embark on journeys through landscapes dotted with ancient relics, bustling modern cities, concealed treasures, and beyond. Every masterpiece you create adds to this ever-evolving tapestry.

🔗 ► Explore Item Combinations:
Minewind features a diverse and extensive collection of items, each with unique attributes and the potential for synergistic effects.
Take 2 crossbows for example: - Quick Headshot: Enhances firing speed and boosts damage for headshots. - Exploding Seenk: Fires at a slower rate but produces explosive shots.
Additionally, you can experience weapon combination effects. For example, wielding different crossbows in each hand merges their abilities, allowing you to rapidly fire exploding arrows.
This intricate system of item synergy, whether it involves magic, melee, or ranged weapons, is a defining characteristic of Minewind. With thousands combinations to explore, many of which remain undiscovered, you have the chance to pioneer new strategies and effects.

🛠️ ► Navigate the Server with Ease:
Find helpful UIs like the game menu (/gamemenu) with adjustable difficulty settings and land claiming, allowing you to claim a portion of the land as your own. Players gain more land power for every minute played, ensuring your space is safe from griefing. Need help? The community is welcoming and ready to assist!

🎁 ► Join and Receive Benefits:
I'm promoting Minewind, so join through my referral IP "" for these free rank benefits:

+6 home waypoints
1x Super level-up potion via /daily command
1x Gold coin currency via /daily command
1x Star remnant via /daily command

If you join through my referral IP, I'll earn deggs (Dragon Eggs), the main currency on Minewind, and you'll get a rank with benefits!
👋 See you in the game!!
🔗 Server IP: 
Minewind Website
submitted by SwedishRizzler to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]


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submitted by Capable_Telephone870 to Temudiscounts1392 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:09 Best-Weekend-512 [Tenant, US-OR]

[Tenant, US-OR]
Fair market value rent in Oregon.
Our dwelling was converted from a shop into an ADU around 2010/2011. No permits were filed and all of the conversions made were done illegally by a 40 year licensed contractor (co-owner) and his “helpers”. While they are now in the process of getting the necessary permits they are trying to make us pay above the fair market value for rent. In Oregon the law is pretty clear that a dwelling in our condition is below market value due to all of the problems. My question is does anyone know how to properly calculate the fair market value so we can continue to pay rent but not get screwed over?
Added context: I brought up the issue of habitability and paying above the fair market value back in February and the property management gave us a rent credit for February and March. They still haven’t fixed the major items and are now trying to impose full rent on us before the permit/inspection process has been completed.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by Best-Weekend-512 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 IntegrationHell Is doing CS 456, CS 458, 3x bird courses + 20hr/week job difficult?

Do you think this is doable for my 3B term? Not sure how difficult CS 456 and CS 458 are, especially if taking them in the same term, so any insight would be appreciated.
I'm planning on doing CS 456 (Computer Networks) + CS 458 (Computer Security & Privacy) + 3x bird courses, as well as a 20hweek software dev job (remote / work from home).
submitted by IntegrationHell to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 2)

Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 2)

As Reddit doesn't allow posts to exceed 40,000 characters, Eastwood's edition had to be split into two parts because his whole career cannot be ignored. The first part was posted yesterday.

Million Dollar Baby (2004)¨

"Beyond his silence, there is a past. Beyond her dreams, there is a feeling. Beyond hope, there is a memory. Beyond their journey, there is a love."
His 25th film. Based on stories from the 2000 collection Rope Burns: Stories from the Corner by F.X. Toole, it stars Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman. The film follows Margaret "Maggie" Fitzgerald, an underdog amateur boxer who is helped by an underappreciated boxing trainer to achieve her dream of becoming a professional.
Paul Haggis wrote the script on spec, and it took four years to sell it. The film was stuck in development hell for years before it was shot. Several studios rejected the project even when Eastwood signed on as actor and director. Even Warner Bros., Eastwood's longtime home base, would not agree to a $30 million budget. Eastwood persuaded Lakeshore Entertainment's Tom Rosenberg to put up half the budget (as well as handle foreign distribution), with Warner Bros. contributing the rest.
The film had an incredible run in limited release, breaking many records for Eastwood's career. It eventually earned a fantastic $216 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film ever. It received critical acclaim, and it was named as one of his greatest films. It won four Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (for Swank), and Best Supporting Actor (for Freeman). Eastwood became one of the very few directors to make two films to win both Best Picture and Best Director.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $100,492,203. ($166.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $216,763,646.

Flags of Our Fathers (2006)

"A single shot can end the war."
His 26th film. Based on the book written by James Bradley and Ron Powers, it stars Ryan Phillippe, Jesse Bradford, Adam Beach, John Benjamin Hickey, John Slattery, Paul Walker, Jamie Bell, Barry Pepper, Robert Patrick and Neal McDonough. The film follows the 1945 Battle of Iwo Jima, the five Marines and one Navy corpsman who were involved in raising the flag on Iwo Jima, and the after effects of that event on their lives.
The film received positive reviews, but it bombed at the box office with just $65 million against its huge $90 million budget.
  • Budget: $90,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $33,602,376. ($52.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $65,900,249.

Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)

"The completion of the Iwo Jima saga."
His 27th film. Based on Picture Letters from Commander in Chief by Tadamichi Kuribayashi, it stars Ken Watanabe, Kazunari Ninomiya, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Ryō Kase and Shidō Nakamura. It's a companion film to Flags of Our Fathers, and portrays the Battle of Iwo Jima from the perspective of the Japanese soldiers.
In the process of reading about the Japanese perspective of the war for Flags of Our Fathers, in particular General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, Eastwood decided to film a companion piece with this film, which was shot entirely in Japanese. The film was shot back-to-back, starting filming just one month after Flags of Our Fathers wrapped filming.
Despite being seen as the least accessible of both films, this film was much more successful at the box office than the previous film (including a colossal $42 million in Japan alone). It also received critical acclaim, particularly for how it handed the depiction of good and evil from both sides. It received 4 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director.
  • Budget: $19,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $13,756,082. ($21.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $68,673,228.

Changeling (2008)

"To find her son, she did what no one else dared."
His 28th film. It stars Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich, and is based on real-life events, specifically the 1928 Wineville Chicken Coop murders in Mira Loma, California. It follows a woman united with a boy who she realizes is not her missing son. When she tries to demonstrate that to the police and city authorities, she is vilified as delusional, labeled as an unfit mother and confined to a psychiatric ward.
The film earned $113 million worldwide, barely breaking even at the box office. The film received mixed reviews, but Jolie received praise for her performance. She was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress.
  • Budget: $55,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $35,739,802. ($52 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $113,398,237.

Gran Torino (2008)

"Ever come across somebody you shouldn't have messed with?"
His 29th film. It stars Eastwood, and follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran alienated from his family and angry at the world, whose young neighbor, Thao Vang Lor, is pressured by his cousin into stealing Walt's prized Ford Torino for his initiation into a gang. Walt thwarts the theft and subsequently develops a relationship with the boy and his family.
The film received great reviews, as well as praise from the Hmong community. It ended up becoming a sleeper hit, and it earned $270 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $148,095,302. ($215.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $269,958,228.

Invictus (2009)

"His people needed a leader. He gave them a champion."
His 30th film. It stars Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Following the aftermath of the apartheid, President Nelson Mandela decides to unite his people by supporting a rugby team in their bid to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.
The film earned $122 million worldwide, barely breaking even. It received positive reviews, and Freeman and Damon received Oscar nominations for their performances.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $37,491,364. ($54.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $122,426,792.

Hereafter (2010)

"Touched by death. Changed by life."
His 31st film. It stars Matt Damon, Cécile de France, Bryce Dallas Howard, Lyndsey Marshal, Jay Mohr and Thierry Neuvic. An American with a special connection to the afterlife, a woman with a near-death experience and a young English boy, who lost his loved ones, cross paths in an effort to find closure in their lives.
Despite mixed reviews, it managed to earn $107 million, turning a small profit.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $32,746,941. ($47 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $106,956,330.

J. Edgar (2011)

"The most powerful man in the world."
His 32nd film. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas, and Judi Dench, and follows the career of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, focusing on Hoover's life from the 1919 Palmer Raids onward.
The film received mixed reviews; while DiCaprio received praise, the technical aspects of the film were criticized. It earned $84 million, making it a box office success, but far below what DiCaprio usually makes at the box office.
  • Budget: $35,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $37,306,030. ($52 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $84,920,539.

Jersey Boys (2014)

"Everybody remembers it how they need to."
His 33rd film. Base on the 2004 jukebox musical, it stars John Lloyd Young, Erich Bergen, Michael Lomenda, Vincent Piazza and Christopher Walken, and tells the story of the musical group The Four Seasons.
It received mixed reviews, with praise for the musical numbers but criticism for the narrative and runtime, and failed at the box office.
  • Budget: $40,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $47,047,013. ($62.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $67,647,013.

American Sniper (2014)

"The most lethal sniper in U.S. history."
His 34th film. It is based on the memoir by Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice, and stars Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller. The film follows the life of Kyle, who became the deadliest marksman in U.S. military history with 255 kills from four tours in the Iraq War, 160 of which were officially confirmed by the Department of Defense. While Kyle was celebrated for his military successes, his tours of duty took a heavy toll on his personal and family life.
In 2012, Cooper and Warner Bros. bought the rights to the memoir. Cooper wanted Chris Pratt to star as Kyle, but WB told him they would only greenlight the film if he stars in it. After Kyle's murder in 2013, Steven Spielberg signed to direct. Spielberg had read Kyle's book, though he desired to have a more psychological conflict present in the screenplay so an "enemy sniper" character could serve as the insurgent sharpshooter who was trying to track down and kill Kyle. Spielberg's ideas contributed to the development of a lengthy screenplay approaching 160 pages. Due to Warner Bros.' budget constraints, Spielberg felt he could not bring his vision of the story to the screen. So Eastwood was brought in to direct.
The film attained a solid, but not extraordinary response from critics. It also attracted some controversy over its portrayal of both the Iraq War and Kyle himself.
The box office though?
To say that the film had a fantastic run would be selling it short.
It opened on Christmas Day in 4 theaters, and it earned a huge $633,456 ($158,364 PTA). But the following weekend, it actually increased despite playing at the same amount of theaters, adding $676,909. That translated to a $169,227 PTA, becoming the highest second weekend PTA in history for a live-action film. And on its third weekend, it earned $579,518 ($144,879 PTA), becoming the first film to have three weekends above $100,000 PTA. In the 22 days it played in just 4 theaters, it earned $3,424,778.
On its first wide weekend, the film shook the industry by opening with a colossal $89 million. That was almost as much as the other 2014 blockbusters, and given that the film didn't have 3D pricing, it's very likely it sold far more tickets than them. It broke the January opening weekend record by twice as much, and the second biggest for an R-rated title. With insane word of mouth ("A+" on CinemaScore), this film had the legs. In less than one week, it became Eastwood's highest grossing film domestically. On its second weekend, it dropped just 28% and made $64 million, which was the biggest second weekend for an R-rated film (a record it still maintains) and crossed $200 million domestically. And by March, the film overtook The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 ($334 million) as the highest grossing 2014 film in North America.
After an insane run in theaters, it closed with a gigantic $350 million domestically, which made it the second highest grossing R-rated film in North America. Overseas, it was also very strong, and it made a huge $547 million worldwide. It was easily Eastwood's highest grossing film, even adjusted for inflation. One of the greatest box office runs in recent memory. It received six Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Actor for Cooper, ultimately winning one for Best Sound Editing.
The biggest surprise of the 2010s? Perhaps. Cause let's face it, when 2014, did any of you had this as the top film of the year? Or even in the Top 20? Please.
  • Budget: $59,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $350,159,020. ($463.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $547,659,020.

Sully (2016)

"The untold story behind the miracle on the Hudson."
His 35th film. Based on the autobiography Highest Duty by Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles, it stars Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, Laura Linney, Anna Gunn, Autumn Reeser, Holt McCallany, and Jamey Sheridan. The film follows Sullenberger's 2009 emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River, in which all 155 passengers and crew survived and the subsequent publicity and investigation.
The film received strong reviews, and earned over $240 million worldwide, becoming one of his highest grossing films.
  • Budget: $60,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $125,070,033. ($163.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $243,870,033.

The 15:17 to Paris (2018)

"The real heroes."
His 36th film. Based on the autobiography by Jeffrey E. Stern, Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler, and Alek Skarlatos, it stars Stone, Sadler, and Skarlatos as themselves and follows the trio through life leading up to and including their stopping of the 2015 Thalys train attack.
Despite choosing Kyle Gallner, Jeremie Harris and Alexander Ludwig as the leads, Eastwood decided to cast the heroes to play themselves, which was met with confusion as they lacked acting experience. And that was reflected on the final film; it received negative reviews for its acting, and it bombed at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $36,276,286. ($45.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $57,176,286.

The Mule (2018)

"Nobody runs forever."
His 37th film. Based on the 2014 The New York Times article The Sinaloa Cartel's 90-Year-Old Drug Mule by Sam Dolnick, it stars Eastwood, Bradley Cooper, Laurence Fishburne, Michael Peña, Dianne Wiest, and Andy García. Due to financial issues, horticulturist Earl Stone becomes a courier for a drug cartel. Slowly, he grows closer to his estranged family, but his illegal activities threaten much more than his life.
It received good reviews (although some questioned its story and tone), and earned over $173 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $103,804,407. ($129.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $174,804,407.

Richard Jewell (2019)

"The world will know his name and the truth."
His 38th film. The film stars Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, Kathy Bates, Jon Hamm, and Olivia Wilde. The film depicts the July 27 Centennial Olympic Park bombing and its aftermath, as security guard Richard Jewell finds a bomb during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, and alerts authorities to evacuate, only to later be wrongly accused of having placed the device himself.
The film received positive reviews, but several journalists criticized the critical portrayal of the reporter that first accused Jewell: Kathy Scruggs (specifically for trading sex for stories). The film marked another commercial failure for Eastwood.
  • Budget: $45,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $22,345,542. ($27.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $44,645,542.

Cry Macho (2021)

"A story of being lost and found."
His 39th film. Based on the novel by N. Richard Nash, it stars Eastwood and Dwight Yoakam. Set in 1979, it follows a former rodeo star hired to reunite a young boy in Mexico with his father in the United States.
Nash tried to get this film made all the way since 1970s, but no studio was willing to pick it up. He restructured his films as a novel, was successful and studios were now interested. There were a few candidates for the leading role; Robert Mitchum, Roy Scheider, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Eastwood himself. Arnie was willing to star in the film back in 2003, but put it on hold when he was elected Governor. He was set to star after leaving office, but the project was scrapped after his affair scandal was made known. In 2020, Eastwood signed to return.
The film received mixed reviews, particularly for its writing and acting. It was also a huge flop at the box office, and marked Eastwood's least attended film as leading man. David Zaslav criticized the studio's decision to finance the film. Warner executives allegedly said that although they knew the film was unlikely to turn a profit, they felt indebted to Eastwood for his decades-long relationship with the studio and his consistent ability to deliver films under budget and on time.
  • Budget: $33,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $10,310,734. ($11.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $16,510,734.

The Future

He recently wrapped post-production on his 40th film, Juror No. 2. It stars Nicholas Hoult, Toni Collette, Zoey Deutch, Leslie Bibb, Chris Messina, J. K. Simmons and Kiefer Sutherland, and follows a juror serving on a murder trial who realizes he may be at fault for the victim's death.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 American Sniper 2014 Warner Bros. $350,159,020 $197,500,000 $547,659,020 $59M
2 Gran Torino 2008 Warner Bros. $148,095,302 $121,862,926 $269,958,228 $25M
3 Sully 2016 Warner Bros. $125,070,033 $118,800,000 $243,870,033 $60M
4 Million Dollar Baby 2004 Warner Bros. $100,492,203 $116,271,443 $216,763,646 $30M
5 The Bridges of Madison County 1995 Warner Bros. $71,516,617 $110,500,000 $182,016,617 $22M
6 The Mule 2018 Warner Bros. $103,804,407 $71,000,000 $174,804,407 $50M
7 Unforgiven 1992 Warner Bros. $101,167,799 $58,000,000 $159,167,799 $14.4M
8 Mystic River 2003 Warner Bros. $90,135,191 $66,460,000 $156,595,191 $25M
9 Sudden Impact 1983 Warner Bros. $67,642,693 $83,000,000 $150,642,693 $22M
10 A Perfect World 1993 Warner Bros. $31,130,999 $104,000,000 $135,130,999 $30M
11 Space Cowboys 2000 Warner Bros. $90,464,773 $38,419,359 $128,884,132 $60M
12 Invictus 2009 Warner Bros. $37,491,364 $84,935,428 $122,426,792 $55M
13 Heartbreak Ridge 1986 Warner Bros. $42,724,017 $78,975,983 $121,700,000 $15M
14 Changeling 2008 Universal $35,739,802 $77,658,435 $113,398,237 $55M
15 Hereafter 2010 Warner Bros. $32,746,941 $74,209,389 $106,956,330 $50M
16 Absolute Power 1997 Sony $50,068,310 $42,700,000 $92,768,310 $50M
17 J. Edgar 2011 Warner Bros. $37,306,030 $47,614,509 $84,920,539 $35M
18 Letters from Iwo Jima 2006 Warner Bros. $13,756,082 $54,917,146 $68,673,228 $19M
19 Jersey Boys 2014 Warner Bros. $47,047,013 $20,600,000 $67,647,013 $40M
20 Flags of Our Fathers 2006 Warner Bros. $33,602,376 $32,297,873 $65,900,249 $90M
21 The 15:17 to Paris 2018 Warner Bros. $36,276,286 $20,900,000 $57,176,286 $30M
22 Firefox 1982 Warner Bros. $46,708,276 $0 $46,708,276 $21M
23 Richard Jewell 2019 Warner Bros. $22,345,542 $22,300,000 $44,645,542 $45M
24 Pale Rider 1985 Warner Bros. $41,410,568 $0 $41,410,568 $6.9M
25 The Gauntlet 1977 Warner Bros. $35,400,000 $0 $35,400,000 $5.5M
26 The Outlaw Josey Wales 1976 Warner Bros. $31,800,000 $0 $31,800,000 $3.7M
27 Blood Work 2002 Warner Bros. $26,235,081 $5,559,637 $31,794,718 $50M
28 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 1997 Warner Bros. $25,105,255 $0 $25,105,255 $30M
29 Bronco Billy 1980 Warner Bros. $24,265,659 $0 $24,265,659 $6.5M
30 The Rookie 1990 Warner Bros. $21,633,874 $0 $21,633,874 $30M
31 True Crime 1999 Warner Bros. $16,649,768 $0 $16,649,768 $55M
32 Cry Macho 2021 Warner Bros. $10,310,734 $6,200,000 $16,510,734 $33M
33 High Plains Drifter 1973 Universal $15,700,000 $0 $15,700,000 $5.5M
34 The Eiger Sanction 1975 Universal $14,200,000 $0 $14,200,000 $9M
35 Play Misty for Me 1971 Universal $10,600,000 $0 $10,600,000 $950K
36 Honkytonk Man 1982 Warner Bros. $4,484,991 $0 $4,484,991 $2M
37 White Hunter Black Heart 1990 Warner Bros. $2,319,124 $0 $2,319,124 $24M
38 Bird 1988 Warner Bros. $2,181,286 $0 $2,181,286 $14M
39 Breezy 1973 Universal $200,000 $17,753 $217,753 $750K
Across those 39 films, he has made $3,536,687,297 worldwide. That's $90,684,289 per film.

The Verdict

Insanely profitable.
Even the bombs do not taint this kind of reputation. Eastwood has made all these films under budget and never past its deadline. That's something that has to be treasured for studios, no wonder he's been staying with Warner Bros. since 1976. His ability to get films ready in short notice is impressive; Richard Jewell started filming in June and it was on theaters in December. One of the most impressive actors who transitioned into directors. You can tell that Sergio Leone and Don Siegel taught him well.
Now of course, his method of directing can also have its setbacks: he's often known for not asking for multiple takes and he skips rehearsals. So that means the performances of his actors aren't always the best they could've done. Which is why, despite making some masterpieces or fantastic films, he's also made a few films with weak technical aspects: poor lighting (J. Edgar), questionable logic (Cry Macho), obvious props (the fake baby in American Sniper), and some bad acting (Gran Torino and The 15:17 to Paris). At the same time, it's clear he can also get extraordinary performances through these methods; Gene Hackman, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman won Oscars for starring in his films.
He also proved old age doesn't prevent you from continuing to work. He's turning 94 in a few weeks, and he's still directing films. Manoel de Oliveira directed films until he was 104, so perhaps we still have a few more years with Eastwood behind the camera.
P.S. Ever since I started this series, there's been suggestions that I should do "Actors at the Box Office" multiple times. While the idea is intriguing, that doesn't seem feasible for me. I'd have to categorize whether the actor is leading, supporting, original IP, adaptation, remakes, etc. Besides, with the continuing decline of star power, it's tough to decide what actor is truly moving the needle at the box office. That's why I'm making solely "Directors at the Box Office", because the director is responsible for the production. If the film succeeds, the director will get credit. And if the film flops, the director will be blamed. So this is the closest you'll get to "Actors at the Box Office".
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Robert Zemeckis. One of the biggest falls from grace.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. It had to be a controversial filmmaker. Well, we'll later talk about... Zack Snyder. Oh, BoxOffice chose fuego 🔥
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
May 20-26 Robert Zemeckis Can we get old Zemeckis back?
May 27-June 2 Richard Donner An influential figure of the 70s and 80s.
June 3-9 Ang Lee What happened to Lee?
June 10-16 Zack Snyder RIP Inbox.
Who should be next after Snyder? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 ConditionLopsided Should I break up with my Financial Advisor and Go Solo?

I’m looking for some financial advice and would appreciate any insights anyone could provide. Here’s a quick snapshot of my situation:
Total Investments: ~$260k
Home: Owned with a 2.5% mortgage rate (lucked out during COVID)
Debt: None
Investment Returns: Average of 4-5% over the past 4 years
I initially hired my financial advisor because I lacked the time and financial literacy to manage my investments. He’s been managing my portfolio for the past four years, and while he’s a good guy and I have no major issues with him, I’m starting to question the value I’m getting for the 1% fee.
Many of my financially savvy friends suggest I could potentially achieve better returns by investing in several low-cost index funds myself. I’ve heard that low-cost index funds can be a great option, but I’m still somewhat hesitant because of my past lack of financial literacy and time constraints.
  1. Build a nest egg for my wife and me.
  2. Ensure my child has a solid financial foundation and doesn’t start late like I did.
Additional Info:
I’m at a crossroads and would love to hear your thoughts on whether it’s smarter to continue with my financial advisor or switch to managing my investments through low-cost index funds. What would you do in my situation? Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks for taking the time to read this and any advice shot my way.
submitted by ConditionLopsided to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 BenjiStokman Welp, it finally happened.

Welp, it finally happened. submitted by BenjiStokman to ASU [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:06 Pale_Bookkeeper8580 crafting upgrades

crafting upgrades submitted by Pale_Bookkeeper8580 to fut [link] [comments]

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