Solar pv line diagram

Sustainability Free Online Courses

2024.05.20 00:51 MDLearning Sustainability Free Online Courses

Sustainability Free Online Courses
Sustainability is a hot topic in today's world. With increasing concerns about climate change, environmental degradation, and depletion of natural resources, it is important for individuals to understand the concept of sustainability and how they can contribute towards a more sustainable future. The good news is, you can now learn about sustainability from the comfort of your own home through free online courses!
One of the most pressing issues in sustainability is the transition to renewable energy sources. The use of fossil fuels has been a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, leading to negative impacts on the environment and human health. Thankfully, there are numerous courses available that focus on renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and hydro power. These courses provide a thorough understanding of how these energy sources work and their potential impact on reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
With the rise in global temperatures and its adverse effects, environmental protection is another crucial aspect of sustainability. By taking online courses on environmental protection, individuals can learn about the importance of conservation, sustainable waste management, and ways to reduce pollution. These courses also cover topics such as biodiversity, ecosystem management, and the impact of human activities on the environment. By gaining knowledge in this area, individuals can make informed decisions and take steps towards protecting our planet.
Climate change is a major concern that requires urgent action. Free online courses on climate change offer insights into the science of climate change, its causes, and its impacts on the planet. These courses also cover adaptation and mitigation strategies to combat the effects of climate change. By understanding the science behind climate change, individuals can develop a better understanding of the urgency to take action and become climate change advocates.
Water is a vital resource for human survival, and its scarcity is a growing concern. Sustainable water management is crucial to ensure that we have enough clean water for our daily needs while also protecting aquatic ecosystems. With a range of free online courses on sustainable water management, individuals can learn about efficient use of water, water conservation techniques, and the importance of preserving water bodies. These courses also delve into the impact of climate change on water resources, highlighting the need for sustainable water management practices.
Lastly, sustainable development focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. With free online courses on sustainable development, individuals can learn about the principles of sustainability, sustainable business practices, and the role of governments and organizations in promoting sustainable development. These courses provide a holistic view of sustainability and its various aspects, enabling individuals to make positive changes in their personal and professional lives.
In conclusion, free online courses on sustainability offer a valuable opportunity for individuals to expand their knowledge and contribute towards a more sustainable world. With the convenience and flexibility of online learning, anyone can invest their time in understanding the science of sustainability and other in-demand subjects. So why not take advantage of these courses today, and become a part of the solution towards a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future?

Environment & Sustainability Free Online Courses :

Sustainability in Corporations and Businesses Free Online Course

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Introduction to Wind Energy Free Online Course

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Introduction to Environmental Sustainability Free Online Course

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Cities and Climate Change Free Online Course

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Restoration of environmental quality Free Online Course

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Agriculture, health and environment Free Online Course

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Green Industrial Policy Free Online Course

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Understanding Renewable Energy Free Online Course

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Sustainable Agriculture Free Online Course

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Energy Efficiency Free Online Course

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Understanding the risk environment in agriculture Free Online Course

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Climate Change Negotiations and Health Free Online Course

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Introduction to Sustainable Finance Free Online Course

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Organisations, environmental management and innovation Free Online Course

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Environmental management and organisations Free Online Course

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Agriculture Innovation Systems Free Online Course

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Global Environment Facility Free Online Course

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Introduction to Solar PV Design, Installation and Code Free Online Course

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Cities for a Sustainable Future Free Online Course

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Climate-smart soil and land management Free Online Course

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Water management for climate-smart agriculture Free Online Course

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Sustainable Consumption and Production Free Online Course

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Real water savings in agricultural systems Free Online Course

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Becoming a Climate Resilient SME Free Online Course

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Knowledge of environmental factors Free Online Course

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Organic agriculture Free Online Course

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Understanding water quality Free Online Course

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Potable water treatment Free Online Course

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Environmental Governance Free Online Course

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Transport and sustainability Free Online Course

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Supply chain sustainability Free Online Course

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Understanding Climate Change Free Online Course

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Eating for the environment Free Online Course
submitted by MDLearning to u/MDLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:29 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-C_ [Techs & BCi; Pastime & Fun++;]

What all kind of distinct technologies would be present in such world with such settings?

In a high-tech, low-life society, the technology would be a strange mix of advanced and outdated, often existing in stark contrast to each other. Here's a breakdown of some distinct technologies you might encounter:
High-End Technologies:
Low-End Technologies:
Hidden Technologies:
This mix of high-tech and low-life creates a fascinating world where the elite enjoy the fruits of technological advancement while the underclass struggles to survive with outdated scraps. The hidden technologies add an extra layer of intrigue and danger, hinting at a society on the brink.

Extend the list even further.

Expanding the Tech Landscape: High-Tech, Low-Life World

High-End Technologies:
Low-End Technologies:
Hidden Technologies:
Unforeseen Consequences:
This expanded list delves deeper into the potential consequences of a high-tech, low-life society. It explores the darker sides of advanced technology and highlights the ethical dilemmas that arise when progress prioritizes wealth and power over social responsibility.

Considering the brain-computer interfaces - could someone alter them, so they could be used without consent and allow action, that we could easily call "a brain rape"?

Absolutely, in a high-tech, low-life society with Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), there's a high risk of BCIs being misused for "brain rape" – the non-consensual access and manipulation of a person's thoughts and experiences. Here are some ways it could happen:
Malicious Hacking:
Unethical Government Programs:
Black Market Modifications:
System Flaws:
Protecting Against Brain Rape:
The potential for brain rape in a high-tech, low-life society highlights the importance of ethical considerations when developing BCIs. Strong regulations, user education, and ongoing security improvements are crucial to ensure this technology is used for good and not weaponized against the most vulnerable.

What would individuals within such society do for fun? Sketch either for high-society, low-society, and all other possible groups.

Fun and Games in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Other Groups:
These are just a few ideas for how people might find fun and entertainment in a high-tech, low-life world. The activities reflect the vast social and economic differences within the society, highlighting the stark contrast between the privileged escapes of the elite and the resourceful entertainment found by those struggling to survive.

Another batch.

More Fun and Games in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Other Groups:
These additional ideas delve deeper into the unique forms of entertainment that might emerge in a high-tech, low-life world. They showcase the ingenuity of the lower classes, the extravagance of the elite, and the yearning for connection and meaning that transcends social status.

Depict some of those high-society Forbidden Pleasures.

Due to the sensitive nature of your request, I will refrain from overly graphic descriptions. However, here are some concepts for high-society forbidden pleasures in a high-tech, low-life world that walk a tightrope between thrilling and disturbing:
  1. The Fear Architect:
  1. The Past, Imperfect:
  1. The Bodyswap:
  1. The Simulated Rebellion:
  1. The Dream Weaver:
These Forbidden Pleasures showcase the dark side of a high-tech society, where the wealthy seek thrills by flirting with danger, exploring the darkest corners of human nature, and even experiencing the harsh realities they work so hard to avoid.

What's the proper adjective word for people that adore such forbidden pleasures?

Here are some adjective options for people who adore forbidden pleasures in a high-tech, low-life world, depending on the specific nuance you want to convey:
The best choice depends on the specific type of forbidden pleasure and the personality of the individual you're describing. You can even combine some of these terms for a more nuanced description, like "hedonistic thrill-seekers" or "morally ambiguous voyeurs."

How about decadent? Would that be also proper?

Yes, "decadent" can definitely be a proper adjective to describe people who adore forbidden pleasures in this high-tech, low-life world. Here's why:
However, there are some nuances to consider:
Overall, "decadent" is a strong contender for describing these individuals. The final choice depends on the specific type of forbidden pleasure and the level of moral transgression you want to convey.

Ok. Another batch of fun and games in high-tech low life world, all social strata considered.

More Fun and Games in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Other Groups:
These additional ideas showcase the diversity of entertainment in a high-tech, low-life world. They highlight the resourcefulness of the lower classes, the extravagance of the elite, and the unique activities that emerge in a society with vast technological disparities.
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:16 Chirsbom Mining question

So, did I just trippel my mining yield?
I have some bases here and there of various age and build quality. One is a gold mine with about 50k storage running on a lot of solar panels and batteries.
I thought I would try look for a power hot spot and try this base limit expansion glitch, which worked easy enough. Really cleaned up the base!
While looking into how I came across an explanation on how to stack extractors vertically and run seperate supply depot's from each layer. I like tidyness and symmetry, so stacking just on top in a neat line, and running the pipes correct was fiddly but rewarding in the end.
From what I can gather I have now tripled my yield per hour, from 1200is to 3 different sets of the same numbers. Am I right in this?
If so this is brilliant! And also that I got work to do on other bases. Ran out time this evening to create all the supply towers, doing everything from scratch for a neat look.
Currently 4 extractors x 3 levels producing together 3700 ish per hour, with 84k storage atm.
How do I scale this up even further if I wanted to? More extractors vertically or horizontally? Or more storage? What are the sensible limits? Only using half the power and could scale that up as well.
Just passed 300 hours, and still learning!
submitted by Chirsbom to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:19 co-cube CoCube - Early Release v4

CoCube Early Release v4 is now live.

Overall Progress

The system is coming together—it is possible to create and share simple cubes, embed them in other cubes, and edit cubes collaboratively. However, a number of issues are still preventing CoCube from being as easy to use and intuitive as it could be. This means you should continue to expect the Early Release warning that any cubes you create may become unusable until I can get all of the underlying systems working cohesively.

Node and Cell Evaluation Model

I have been focusing on making sure the node/cell evaluation model is working in a way that is both user-friendly and not going to be full of surprises when building more complex components. This is tricky for a number of reasons. For example - node definitions must be able to be stored in the Map literal type, meaning the Map literal can store expressions directly. This opens the question as to whether or not expressions stored in Maps of regular cells should be evaluated by default. After moving the evaluation model over to an eval by default approach I found that it is often useful to store definitions for Nodes/Cubes in cells. Using the eval by default model meant the user would have to wrap these definitions in a quote function to prevent early evaluation. So, I removed the eval by default functionality on all but the Children cell. That said, if you would like a Map where the indexed expressions are evaluated, you can wrap the Map in the EvalContainer function.

Document Model, References, and Collaboration

With the current implementation only data which is stored in non-ephemeral nodes is shared between users. This allows for local data to be referenced through functions, and for users to be able to interact with cubes using e.g. their own text cursors. The problem is that all data for a given cube must be stored in top-level cells. If you are creating a text document then there must be a cell per text edit box. This is cumbersome to set up and does not make it easy to create dynamic nested collaborative components.

Type System

I'd really like to have a type system supporting algebraic data types, but implementing this would complicate the real-time collaboration system as types would need to be defined, stored, edited, and checked both at runtime and when merging collaborative updates. So for now I am pushing this down the line. This means that for now it is cumbersome to manually edit cells like DisplayMode, Color, and EventHandler, as these cells expect the data they contain to be in a specific format. Earlier in CoCubes development, I solved this by creating additional literal types, but I didn't particularly appreciate how this forced me to create lots of specialized functions to deal with those types. By having all cells use the same set of basic literals (Bool, Number, Text, Map, Array), I only need functions that operate on those literals - and the user can be creative in generating the data they need.

Event System

The event system is working, but the options given to the user need to be clearer. Some events create persistent changes to a document, and some do not. Some events cause multiple evaluations, some do not. It will take some work to bring the current set of changes a user can make down to only a few options.

Rendering System

I will likely need to adjust the rendering system to allow for laying out components depth first or breadth first based on how a node is defined. Otherwise, the current implementation causes all nodes to be drawn depth-first, which causes issues with menu and grid rendering when a single row needs to expand over other rows.

User Experience

There are still some sharp edges, but they are being systematically worked out. Notably, the Reactivity panel has been difficult to get right, mostly due to the above-mentioned issue with the rendering system.

Updates and not affecting existing work

Before releasing a stable version of CoCube I will need to ensure that updates made to the client will never cause breakages in existing cubes.
Overall, I am still very excited about where CoCube is headed. The goal is to build a tool that makes creating and sharing collaborative software easy. Using it for simpler tasks like creating interactive diagrams and charts should also be a perfect fit.
Most recent updates.
submitted by co-cube to cocube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:12 JNJury978 Question about property easements (State: TN)

Not sure if this is allowed on this sub. Figured it was legal-related since I want to make sure I do everything in the most legal/official way for CYA purposes.
Anyways, I own two different parcels of land (each with their own parcel #). Parcel A has a house on it, while Parcel B is mostly vacant. However, a portion of the driveway and retaining wall (about 2’x30’ total), “from” Parcel A, is on Parcel B. There’s also a swale at the back of Parcel A that continues on to Parcel B, which eventually leads to a spillway/calming pool (also on Parcel B.)
I am getting ready to sell my house. My plan is sell both Parcel A and B combined, if the price is right. However, there is a chance that I will only sell Parcel A and hold on to Parcel B. I would prefer not to have to directly sell a portion of Parcel B since the location of the driveway, retaining wall, and swale are awkwardly positioned. And I’m not even sure if it’s possible to sell a portion of a Parcel.
So my questions are, if I sell only Parcel A:
Here is a top-down diagram, if it helps:
submitted by JNJury978 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:08 JNJury978 Question about easements (or not sure if this is even the right question)

State: Tennessee
So I own two different parcels of land (each with their own parcel #). Parcel A has a house on it, while Parcel B is mostly vacant. However, a portion of the driveway and retaining wall (about 2’x30’ total), “from” Parcel A, is on Parcel B. There’s also a swale at the back of Parcel A that continues on to Parcel B, which eventually leads to a spillway/calming pool (also on Parcel B.)
I am getting ready to sell my house. My plan is sell both Parcel A and B combined, if the price is right. However, there is a chance that I will only sell Parcel A and hold on to Parcel B. I would prefer not to have to directly sell a portion of Parcel B since the location of the driveway, retaining wall, and swale are awkwardly positioned. And I’m not even sure if it’s possible to sell a portion of a Parcel.
So my questions are, if I sell only Parcel A:
Here is a top-down diagram, if it helps:
submitted by JNJury978 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:29 CWMacPherson Best approach to clean solar glass?

Best approach to clean solar glass?
Hey window cleaning,
I have an exterior atrium that’s lined with solar glass - tempered, and textured on one side with a prism that is supposed to reflect heat and light back into the interior, and the glass was left outside for a while and has all sorts of weird staining on it (pics attached). I’m looking for an ideal cleaning solution product that will clean any mineral/gunk buildup and get these windows back to their normal appearance. Figured the experts here would know what to do.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by CWMacPherson to WindowCleaning [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:25 wellnowholdon Preserving SketchFab Viewer Experience Offline, with Annotations

Hello hello,
If this is in the wrong place let me know.
Recently, I subscribed to a website with some embedded SketchFab models available for viewing and interaction. Resultingly, it appears that I have been granted (for an expensive and limited time) indirect access to a very rich repository of engineering models that feature various diagrams, cutaways, animations, and annotations.
This access allows for interacting with a variety of models, viewing associated educational annotations, and watching demonstrative animations that illustrate the working principles of the modeled object.
Using Chrome, via the Network tab, I am able to see some line items of interest. These are firstly, *.binz files, alongside what appear to my eye to be associated texture maps, normal files, and so on as a variety of .jpeg files. There are also links to the domain and similarly structured API calls.
I am aware and have investigated the path leading to .binz extraction and conversion. That is not what I'm interested in. It is not a raw 3D model that I am seeking, it is this comprehensive experience. Having access to the base model is all well and good, but what I would like to do is preserve this "SketchFab Viewer" experience even after my membership ends with this website.
So, I would like to ask assistance.
If possible, could pointers be provided to a way for me to preserve offline the material I currently have access to? Alternatively, is there a method to somehow extract a SketchFab link that will persist after my membership expires?
Thank you.
submitted by wellnowholdon to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:14 uscan-1976 Didn't see this type of question in TIA - help!
I'm seeing the CP diagrams from Andrew in my head and this doesn't line up - not sure where to even start!
submitted by uscan-1976 to capm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:10 ToTheMax47 End Game Activities, Pantheon: High Ground and Linear Fusion Rifles

Hello all, this is a discussion/guide hybrid on the High Ground perk!
With all the recent talk about High Ground, I wanted to jump in and give a small breakdown of the way my mind was super optimistic when this perk was announced, but very quickly found it lacking on paper and in-game.
Apologies if I got any numbers wrong!
NOTE: There are going to be a few minor discrepancies between my numbers, and future buffs/current patch note numbers. Some of these updates haven't gone into yet (or there 'future' data), and I'm not bothered enough to go searching through TWIDs and stuff to find them.
I personally think that High Ground's only real saving grace is how easy it will be to keep activated once the perk is procc'ed, unfortunately, that's about all that's useful with it at the moment. It has a tough time getting initially activated and feels much more like an ad clear weapon rather than perk for heavy weapons in DPS.
This is not at all an extensive list, and only looks to compare the use of High Ground with other damage perks in LFRs, with a focus on Pantheon and endgame activities.


Usable DPS options (my opinion here) for weapon perks - with a focus on linear fusion rifles - are, in not particular order: Deconstruct, Target Lock, Frenzy, Firing Line, Bait and Switch, Vorpal Weapon, Recombination, One for All, Surrounded, Focused Fury, and of course, High Ground.
High Ground - When 1 meter above enemy, 25% DMG increase (enhanced adds 5 reload speed). There's also some concern in other reddit posts that your feet must be touching the ground for this to proc, not sure if this is true.
Deconstruct - When dealing sustained damage, grant 40% DMG increase + 10% mag refill from thin air. Only works against constructs and vehicles.
Firing Line - When near allies, deal 25% P-DMG increase (enhanced adds 10 weapon readiness). Requires allies.
Target Lock - When firing on target, increase DMG, up to around 28.13% DMG increase at 100% magazine expenditure (enhanced increases DMG boost to around 40%). These stats are according to, though unfortunately they do not match basic stats show in shatteredvault. Unsure what true numbers are, or if any recent buffs/nerfs effect possible 'old' numbers online.
Frenzy - When in combat for 10+ seconds, 15% DMG increase + 100 handling +100 reload speed for 7.2 seconds (enhanced may not be currently working according to
Bait and Switch - When dealing damage with all three weapons within 7 seconds of each other, 30% DMG increase for 11 seconds (enhanced adds 1 second to buff length).
Vorpal Weapon - Increased miniboss, boss, vehicle, and player-in-super damage. Primary weapons +20% DMG increase, special weapons +15% DMG increase, and heavy weapons +10% DMG increase (enhanced adds 5 stability or guard resistance for swords).
Recombination - Elemental skills add a stack, up to 8, with each stack additively increasing damage of the recombination weapon by 12.5%, up to 100% maximum at 8 stacks (enhanced makes stacks for maximum damage cap at 6 instead of 8).
One for All - When hitting 3 separate enemies with weapon, within 3 seconds of each shot, 35% DMG increase for 11 seconds (enhanced increases duration to 12 seconds). Buff cannot be refreshed. Slow and relatively cumbersome to activate, especially with certain heavy weapons like linears.
Surrounded - When within 8 meters of 3 enemies, 47% DMG increase that lingers for 1.5 seconds after no longer surrounded (enhanced increases by further 5%, though typo in may mean this enhanced total is actually 47% while the normal total is a bit lower than 5% under at 40% DMG increase). Hard perk to proc in many encounters.
Focused Fury - When 50% of base magazine size is registered as precision hits, 20% DMG increase for 12 seconds (enhanced increases duration to 13 seconds). Stowing or reloading resets the precision hit counter, buff remains active while weapon is stowed.
The perk with the greatest flat damage increase is Surrounded (+47%), followed closely by Deconstruct (+40% and very situational), Target Lock (+40%), and One For All (+35%).
Clearly, however, the crowd favorite is the tried-and-true, quite easily activated, +30% DMG increase from Bait and Switch.


These are the legendary Linear Fusion Rifles currently available in's database: Briar's Contempt, Cataclysmic, Corsair's Wrath, Doomed Petitioner, Fire and Forget, Laser Painter, Reed's Regret, Sailspy Pitchglass, Stormchaser, Taipan-4fr, Tarantula, and Threaded Needle.
Briar's Contempt, solar - Focused Fury (20% DMG), Surrounded (+47% DMG), and Frenzy (+15% DMG) = Surrounded best, followed by Focused Fury.
Cataclysmic, solar - Focused Fury (20% DMG) and Bait and Switch (30% DMG) = Bait and Switch best.
Corsair's Wrath, solar - don't use this as it currently is.
Fire and Forget, stasis - Vorpal (10% DMG), Chill Clip*, Focused Fury (20% DMG), and Frenzy (15% DMG) = Focused Fury likely best, followed by Frenzy. Chill Clip buffs make this an interesting choice heading into Final Shape.
Reed's Regret, stasis - Vorpal (10% DMG), Firing Line (25% P-DMG), Headstone*, Focused Fury (20% DMG) = Firing Line followed by Focused Fury. Is there a way to make Headstone good here? Probably not for DPS, thought it was interesting to note for a heavy LFR.
Laser Painter, strand - Vorpal (10% DMG), and Focused Fury (?)(20% DMG) = Focused Fury, I suppose.
Sailspy Pitchglass, arc - Frenzy (15% DMG), Vorpal (10% DMG), Focused Fury (20% DMG), Voltshot* = Focused Fury and Frenzy are kind of tied here for me, comes down to how much you value the extra 5% from FF compared to 100 handling and reload speed from Frenzy. Voltshot was a funny perk in my head for a LFR, please don't take it for DPS.
Stormchaser, arc - Frenzy (15% DMG), Vorpal (10% DMG), and Firing Line (25% P-DMG) = Firing Line woo! Frenzy is also a great grab if you're running lowman or solo content.
Tarantula, arc - nah.
Doomed Petitioner, void - Precision Instrument (30% DMG), High Ground (25% DMG), Deconstruct (40% DMG), and Surrounded (47%) = Precision Instrument for me, with a tie between other three depending on encounter.
Taipan-4fr, void - Firing Line (25% P-DMG), Frenzy (15% DMG), Focused Fury (20%DMG) = Firing Line first, then either FF or Frenzy depending on encountesolo content.
Threaded Needle, void - Frenzy (15% DMG) or Vorpal (10% DMG). Frenzy is the way to go here.


In all, there are arguably better Linear Fusion Rifles to run over Doomed Petitioner should subclass not be an issue. Doomed Petitioner is perhaps the best void LFR. Whisper of the Worm (if you're not married to void, LFRs, and have the free exotic) is a better choice, and even then Leviathan's with catalyst is an incredible choice as well.
The biggest downside to Doomed Petitioner, and in turn High Ground - especially in regards to Pantheon, is its use case across encounters.
1: Golgoroth - DPS is done within the buffing bubbles on ground level below the boss.
2: Caretaker - Most of the DPS points are either below the boss or at level. The best case is floor 2 (assuming you're not hitting third floor) where you're about level with the bosses center of mass, though by no serious definition are you above the boss here.
3: Planets - DPS is generally done from ground floor, at level with boss. Sure you could probably proc High Ground off of a pillar or something else here, but if you're feet must be touching a surface, High Ground's use here is terrible given the amount of movement needed throughout DPS.
4: Atraks - Please don't use Linears here, please.
5: Oryx - This is similar to planets, though with less movement. If the "above the boss" requirement is only on where the damage point is, standing on one of the center bookshelves might be high enough. Otherwise, yeah, Oryx is a big mofo.
6: Rhulk - Same issue with height, no where to stand, and too much needed movement throughout boss DPS phase.
7: Riven - There aren't too many good places to stand here that could be considered above Riven during DPS. If the game counts it as highest damagable point of the boss, we're shit out of luck as that point it higher than even her eyes.
8: Nezarec - Again, the greatest limiter here are places to stand that are higher than the boss. If everyone running High Ground and Linears here, maybe standing up where Nez spawns could work, but then again, why aren't we just using Rockets or GL's here instead on Nez?


High Ground is a very exciting perk, but in it's current state within Pantheon, I unfortunately believe it isn't going to be much help. Even in most normal-level encounters in raids and dungeons it doesn't come in handy.
Warlord's Ruin - Maybe in final boss there's room to get somewhat higher than the ghost Ahamkara, but, eh.
Ghosts of the Deep - Hard to proc outside of high point in final boss room.
Spire of the Watcher - Again hard to proc except MAYBE in final boss room?
Duality - No real linear use here.
Grasp - Maybe final boss and maybe ogre.
Prophecy - Maybe final boss on top of the pillars on some of the platforms? Good room to use it, height wise at least, in cube-boss and first boss.
Pit of Heresy - Yeah no, nowhere here is this good I think.
Shattered Throne - Again, no real boss fights where height is ample and linear's work well.
If you find a weapon or build that High Ground works well with, please let me know, I'd love to utilize it! Also do fill me in on if there's any confirmation on High Ground working mid-air while not standing on a surface. Thanks, and hope this helps!
submitted by ToTheMax47 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:02 Red4Arsenal Have I created a fire hazard?

Long story short
I have put up wood cladding, with felt backing. This stuff:
In the walls I have normal power, telephone and tv arial outlets.
I cut wholes for power, no problem. Fits well.
The telephone line I removed and cladded over it, i snipped the cable and used lever connectors to tie them off. Think all OK. I have no interest in using this in the future.
The tv arial is where i am nervous. Like the telephone outlet I removed the socket, and cladded over it. I have two instances of this issue, spare room and master.
I am not sure what I did in the spare, i think a combination of lever connector and black masking tape for the remaining exposed copper.
I think I forgot to do this at all in my master, and simply pointed it into the corner of the back box.
I am worried either spare room isn’t sufficient and/or master is terrible and may cause a fire in the future.
The cable was like this:
I am also pretty sure the tv arial is disconnected from the house, and not connected for arial on the roof. That was cut a while ago.
submitted by Red4Arsenal to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 CustomVintageArcade Pole Position Steering Wheel undetected - Mini-Pac

Hello! I have set up dials and trackballs, so I don't know what's up, but I could definitely use some help.
I am converting a dead Pole Position upright using the original controls
I am running Mame-2016 with a matching romset on my Raspberry Pi 3b+
The reason I am running Mame-2016 is because there is a command to make the gear shift work that was added and does not work with earlier cores. (the command is toggle="no")
I have gotten the shifter to work correctly in mame, but now I cannot for the life of me get this wheel to work.
I have removed the original optical encoder board with a happ red board with the X1/X2/5v/GROUND wired into the Ipac-Mini just as instructed on the Ipac-Mini Wiring Diagram.
I can confirm mouse movement from the command line using "cat /dev/input/mouse1"
In the Retroarch GUI I have the following input settings
Device Type: RetroPad (I changed it to RetroPad with Analog but it does not save)
Analog to Digital Type: None
Device Index: Disabled (no options)
Mouse Index: Ultimarc Mini-PAC
When I try to set DIAL ANALOG INPUT in mame and spin the wheel, no movement is detected.
When I play the game, no movement is detected.
When I used Wini-Pac the board was detected. It said it was in Keyboard Mode, but I do not know how to change that, or if I need to.
Because I am getting input in cat /dev/input/mouse1 I feel like the answer is just under my nose. HELP?
submitted by CustomVintageArcade to RetroPie [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:28 PorchDeck Emre - Tank Hero Concept

Emre - Tank Hero Concept
Emre returned to Istanbul after Operation White Dome and the Omnic Crisis to help with recovery effects in the aftermath. When traveling outside of Istanbul, he grew a strong attachment to even helping the local wildlife in Turkey, which includes some that he finds the most fascinating like the leopard, chameleon and falcon. Emre eventually decided to venture out into the world instead of returning to Overwatch and came across many in his travels that helped him create and perfect the battle suit that he now uses in combat to channel the very abilities of his home country’s native animals in order to help defend his homeland from any would-be threats. After a near-death experience and stability returned to his home, Emre sees his second chance at life as an opportunity to now lend his strength to his former team at Overwatch and “rise from the ashes” much like the legendary Phoenix.
Ability Notes:
· Primary: I wanted him to be mostly melee focused, so claws with just sustained/constant damage seemed like a good way to go. It’s simple, hack n slash type of gameplay, much in the way of Reinhardt hammer swings in terms of coverage.
· Secondary: If he was going to be a Tank, he needed some form of defense, especially if close quarters would be a constant for him. Instead of it being an exact Doom block on a cooldown, this would be a resource meter like Defense Matrix. Based on the amount of damage you block, he will receive Overhealth. Overhealth seemed like a strong mechanic for him (though Shields could also work I guess) since he gets stronger on low health and needed some way to utilize this but not die instantly and be able to actually use it and have it matter. The perfect block just is to reward not sitting there holding it, but it didn’t need to be too powerful where you can achieve it for no extra cost. So maybe a bit more resource meter cost, then you can get the automatic tail whip to deal damage and for crowd control. I imagined this tail whip animation/attack would have either just simply have invincibility frame, deflect projectiles back, send a fire strike-like projectile back at the enemy attack that achieved the perfect block and/or just simply destroy projectiles while spinning.
· Alternate Fire: Again, not married to the idea, but just needed something that wasn’t exactly the same as anyone else that could help give some extra options for poke damage, similar to the way that Ram has options. I also just feel like not that many heroes utilize the switching weapons all that much, so good to have more with the option to do so with limited ability slots.
· Pounce: I would imagine this ability to allow him to start slashing and have the damage ramp up as he goes rather than being immense from the start (unless there’s a high Bloodlust bonus), so that people can have a chance to live through it. I also figured this could be something abled to be interrupted by ANY CC to give it some balance. So any boop, stun, hack, etc. could stop it before it gets to the Overhealth generation phase and lessen the damage to save the pinned ally. This could also just work as a quicker pin, 3 slashes and out type of ability, so that the pin aspect isn’t quite so much. He would be vulnerable and able to be punished during it, so not a fully OP ability hopefully.
· Cloaked Regeneration: We generally hate invisibility thanks to Sombra, but this wouldn’t quite be the same in that he can’t just freely move about the battlefield cloaked and it could still be found out with the normal spy checking methods. I originally wanted this to be a way to heal like Mei’s Ice Block, but getting to the Bloodlust aspect, healing seems to not always be the play. So, another source of Overhealth, so that he can recuperate in some way without losing that benefit. I also thought about adding some more chameleon-like features during this ability such as enhanced detection abilities that the animal naturally has. For instance, he could detect enemies within a proximity, have an added “focus” look during it to see brighter enemy indicators in the distance and/or hear heartbeats during it to tell where enemies in a certain area are. But perhaps it’s a bit too much and better left not being included.
· Untamed Traversal: Similar to my need to include the different animal aspects, I simply wanted him to have something from each. Double Jump for Leopard (originally wanted a leap, but Pounce exists and this would only be during flight cooldown), Wall Climb for Chameleon and Flight with the Falcon. The flight could be simply like Echo’s or more varied like Echo’s recent Mirror Watch version where it’s a quick dart in a certain direction. Gliding/floating just felt like a natural thing for him to have, as well, with the wings and all. I realized afterwards that wording of this could be confusing, but it's meaning that while Flight itself is on cooldown, he can double jump instead when pressing Jump twice. Wall climb can be done no matter what, but there are probably times where you could accidentally use Flight instead climbing the wall depending on when you are pressing Jump in rapid succession, and it doesn't trigger the climb as intended.
· Bloodlust: I felt that he needed a passive that would be different from other OW heroes, but this would be sort of similar to Sombra’s Opportunist one that got replaced with Hacked Targets. This would lead to more “high risk, high reward” gameplay, where you may not necessarily WANT to be on full or near full health before jumping into the fray. The Overhealth options are there to help aid with this, and can even be further helped by something like Lucio’s Beat to make other plays with it. He also still needed to have a way to just be healed regularly, in case that’s the proper play, but with the new healing passive, it just seemed like it needed to be stopped from ruining such plans immediately. Instead of so many Overhealth options, I guess damage reduction could come into play, but the health just makes it easier to judge in some ways what might work and what won’t while you try to linger on low health. Other passives could have even been the detection things that I mentioned for Cloaked Regeneration, which would just add to the animal-related abilities aspect of him.
Overall Notes:
I wanted to make a hero that had powers of different animals (like Vixen in the DC Universe). I was looking up different types and thought of Emre who is from Turkey and looked up animals that could be found in Turkey that would also fit this. So, I went with a Leopard (for the claws/attack abilities), Chameleon (for the stealth, wall climbing and they are known for utilizing their tail for different things) and Falcon (for the wings and being a bird of prey). This is also layered into just also having the bird- styled dart weapon and the Phoenix-based ult. Giving him the alternate fire dart weapon was inspired from an old anime cartoon I remember seeing a long time ago (G Force: Guardians of Space). In this show, there were multiple bird related heroes, and one used a throwing weapon that was a bladed bird that he would toss out and it would bounce off of different enemies and surfaces and come back to him. Admittedly, he doesn’t really NEED this, but just to be an option to not be solely reliant on melee, as he’s not quite the disruptor that Doom can be and could maybe use more options. He does have a lot of mobility options, so it definitely is something that I’m not entirely adamant about him having in his kit.
As for the role, people really have been asking for a melee DPS unit and some version of this could work. I recently saw Marvel Rivals and was surprised to see how similar Black Panther was to what I envisioned (though damage vs tank), but I feel like mine adds more ways to use such a passive like Bloodlust and not get immediately punished for it or have to run for healing right away. However, if some more things were adjusted to make the Overhealth gains not so much and maybe taking away some things like the guard, it could work as a melee unit. Another issue that I wouldn’t want to happen is the Sombra effect, where a DPS would just be cloaked and stalking heroes at spawn and pounce/kill immediately. A DPS can be gone from the fight reasonably, but if your Tank is missing and doing this, then a lot less likely of a scenario to happen for the team fight aspect, though Ball can kind of do this with his unmatched mobility options.
It also doesn’t have to be Emre specifically, but I really would love to see him, and it just gave a good excuse since he’s been MIA for so long that he could literally be anything at this point. Admittedly, I could be missing some key information about him as I’m not a true member of the EmreMains where I would know, so I didn’t have the lore knowledge to create a more related story/kit for him. I'm also not all that familiar with specific details of the lore/timeline to know if the rest is viable, either. For the character, I had ideas for certain interactions that he certain heroes by giving his suit the ability to translate speech like Wrecking Ball’s mech, where he could communicate with animals. Either just with super intelligent ones like Hammond or all, in general. Tanks unfortunately don’t get to interact much on the same team, but even just elimination lines and references could be made to them having a connection, same for Winston. I’m not 100% certain where his tech would have originated from, I figured he could taken a little bit from many different people (Hammond, Lifeweaver, Echo, Orisa/Efi, etc.), so there could be potential there depending on what would work story-wise. I would love it if Illari could be involved since she kind of has no one but…not sure how it would work or how she could contribute, though her people did have interesting solar threading tech.
Side note, the image is probably not the best, but fighting with the AI to not just give me random images of evil looking romance novel type images or automatically giving him Mercy wings when I mentioned Overwatch, this was one of the best that kind of showed what I was envisioning, so I went with it even though my editing abilities aren’t great and I could NOT get rid of the transparent background from the wing details and had to leave some pixelation/background in unfortunately.
submitted by PorchDeck to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:03 akrichbaum Fenix 7x Pro — Is the SS upgrade worth $100?

I bought an Instinct 2x Solar Tactical — after making the purchase, I figured I’d look into the Fenix line, which snowballed into me considering swapping to the Fenix line.
I think I am at the point of returning the Instinct for a 7x.
The 7x Pro can be had for $700 right now, and the SS option can be had for $800.
For those of you with more experience, is the 7x Pro SS worth the extra $100 compared to the 7x Pro? Unless I misunderstand, the difference is just the upgraded glass and case materials?
submitted by akrichbaum to GarminFenix [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:49 Nervous_Bet1018 Returning Player - What to do to get ready for raids?

I last played Destiny 2 yrs ago where all I played was PvP, never got into PvE (raids and stuff) since my friends didn't play. Anyways, this last week I've gotten fully addicted to Destiny, and want to start trying raids. Before going on the discord or anything I want to get myself ready for raiding. Ofc course I know about the youtube videos on the raids. But I'm most concerned about my dps. This is why I ask, what weapons should I grind for so I won't be completely useless?
I main solar Warlock, using Well + Lumina + Phoenix Protocol. Super supporty I know and I'll happily change if thats better for raiding. But I'm mainly looking for some good Energy and Power Weapon suggestions.
submitted by Nervous_Bet1018 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:34 marqca PGE Second Electric Service Drop for Residential Property?

Hello ... we are building an accessory structure (metal shop building) in an unincorporated area of Sonoma County that will have solar installed on the roof. We currently have a 200 amp service to our home that has capacity to add the shop and solar, but to connect the existing service to feed the new accessory structure will require about 200' of trenching. Our quote for the electric work + trenching is around $17,000.
PGE's transmission line is very close to the new structure. Would PGE allow a second service drop for our property - we have heard that the require a unique address for every service drop? We checked with the County and we are unable to get a second address since it's an accessory structure.
Thanks for your help!
submitted by marqca to bayarea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:29 zmareng 5 way switch problems

5 way switch problems
Hello. This switch circuit has me scratching my head. I can’t get all the switches to work together, it didn’t work when I bought the house. I did a bunch of tracing, all the lines are good. I’m guessing the problem lies in the main switch box. But it’s wired in a way I can’t find a diagram for. I named them and have R (red) b (black) w (white) labeled. Hope this makes enough sense to someone. I bought a regular 3 way to replace the dimmer in hopes of simplifying the issue. Please help.
submitted by zmareng to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:06 x_whoamiii Charge controller dropping input volts

Charge controller dropping input volts
I have a 600 watt array and I'm not even getting half of that under direct full sun. I decide to turn off the panels and then them back on, and then I get about my expected power of around 500 watts, and 35 volts, but then after about 20 seconds or so the controller starts dropping the voltage for the input and over the course of about 10 seconds it reaches 14v and only around 200 watts.
What could be causing this? Thermal throttling? I'm so confused
Thank you
submitted by x_whoamiii to SolarDIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:03 coach_saab Biology: Chapterwise Completion Information

Disclaimer: This post is about my personal opinion, others may agree or disagree, it is for reference, one can always refer to multiple sources for same information
Writing this to help aspirants in:
Unit 1: Diversity in living world
Unit 2: Structural Organisation
Unit 3: Cell Structure and Functions
Unit 4: Plant Physiology
Unit 5: Human Physiology
Unit 6: Reprodcution
Unit 7: Genetics and Evolution
Unit 8: Biology in Human Welflare
Unit 9: Biotech
Unit 10: Ecology
Video Resources
One Shots:
Full Length:
Question solving resources
For AR and Statement Based questions, there is no better source than PYQs because book kitni hi achi ho par number of questions badhane ke liye befaltu ke illogical questions daal deti hai. Ncert based test papers like NNTS or Akash PST/CST also got quality questions.
Honourable mention, NTA Abhyas questions: If you are looking for an extra edge, then here it is, it has moderate to difficult questions, although some are out of ncert, but rest of them really make you exam ready.
Again, these were my personal opinions, there are way more knowledgeable people on this subreddit who can help you even better, so all the criticism is accepted, do let me know that in comments i am gonna update the post then.
submitted by coach_saab to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:56 rackman70 [Arena] Guard-shroom – Bring your gumboots!

Note: Practice is available one day early (Sunday. The new tournament starts tomorrow on Monday). Enter the Arena leaderboard first so that the game "knows" your current league, then enter Practice. If you don’t do this the zombies will be much weaker (Soil level probably) compared to real Arena for your league and your strategy will not work as well as you think it will.
Special streak rewards: #5 Reinforce-mint family piñata.
Reinforce-mint family (14+1 plants): Wall-nut, Tall-nut, Infi-nut, Pea-nut, Sweet Potato, Chard Guard, Endurian, Primal Wall-nut, Aloe, Holly Barrier, Pumpkin, Gumnut, Blockoli, Bean Sprout, Guard-shroom
Note: Reinforce-mint “seeds” are also included in the piñata. Reinforce-mint still needs to be unlocked for 100 mints no matter how many seeds you collect for it.
Note: Guard-shroom is not included in the piñata.
Locked plant: Guard-shroom – New Wiki Page, Old Wiki Page
Sun: 1600 at the start. Note: Sun drops are adventure mode normal. A sun producer may be necessary.
Plant Food: 1 at the start. Note: More plant food will drop during the match depending on how quickly you’re killing zombie. I counted up to 14 or 15 in my practice matches.
Time: 3:00.
Buffz: Reinforce-mint (+100%), Ail-mint (+100%)
Bruisez: None
Ineffective: Bombard-mint (-100%)
Banned: Thyme Warp
Zombies: Big Wave Beach (Pompadour [Basic, Conehead, Buckethead], Bikini [Basic, Conehead, Buckethead], Surfer, Deep Sea Gargantuar, Octo, Ducky Tube [Basic, Conehead, Buckethead]), Modern Day (Brickhead, Newspaper, Sunday Edition, Balloon)
Starting Lawn:
Nineteen Shallow Puddles on C0 R1/5, C2 R3, C3 R1/4/5, C4 R1/2/3/5, C5 R2/3/4/5, C6 R1/2/4 and C9 R1/5. See the Puddle wiki page for more info on how Puddles work.
Visually, the lawn will look like the below:
Possible BOT Layouts:
[Guard-shroom, Sun-shroom, Nightcap, Scaredy-shroom, Power Lily, Shadow Peashooter],
[Guard-shroom, Mega Gatling Pea, Gold Bloom, Reinforce-mint, Ice-shroom, Cran Jelly],
[Guard-shroom, BoomBerry, Primal Peashooter, Imp Pear, Solar Sage, Sea-shroom]
Minimum info about your strategy: league, plant levels/mastery and score. Or you can post screenshot with the score. Otherwise it's hard to understand whether your strategy will work for other players with different plant levels/mastery and in different leagues.
Useful links: Battlez/Arena FAQ, Mastery and Buffz&Bruisez explained, Costume watch, PvZ2 level creator, PvZ2 Discord, Info on possible future rewards by : piñata party, special/premium piñata, Arena/Penny, etc. - link.
Good luck with your attempts!
submitted by rackman70 to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:48 JulienMaximeL Penny's Pursuit week 223 featuring Aloe: "Aloe! Of to work we go!"

Penny's Pursuit week 223 featuring Aloe: "Aloe! Of to work we go!"
Duration: from the 19th May to the 26th May 2024
Rift event: 805
Zombies at Level 1, Level 4, Level 7 through the 5 levels.
Perks: Traffic Jam, Sun Break, Mine Launcher, Penny Shield, Hypnotize Zombies, Cherry Picker (Adds Cherry Bomb to the Conveyor), Boss Buster
Number of Perk lvls: 63
N.B: This PP event is a new set of levels. All 5 levels are rerun from previous events, however the Zomboss fight features a brand new Setup with NMT and AR zombies.
LEVEL 1: Last Stand lvl in JM Playground
Lvl reference: #11
Objective: Survive 1 wave
Bonus objectives:
Zombies: Jurassic Marsh (basic, cone, bucket, Fossilhead, Bully, Rockpuncher), Ancient Rome (basic, cone, bucket, Shield, Gladiator Garg), Surfer
Amount of sun: 3200/3000/2750
Restricted Plants: sun producers, Iceberg Lettuce, Melon-pult, Puff-shroom, Stallia, Power Mints
Dinos: Pterodactyl, Ankylosaur
Plant food zombie: none
Zombie Setup:
Zombie Rate (when fixed):
LEVEL 2: Normal lvl in PS Playground
Lvl reference: #112
Objective: Survive 2 waves
Bonus objectives:
Zombies: Pirate Seas (cone, bucket, Barrelhead, Pirate Captain, Seagull, Pelican, Imp Cannon, Swashbuckler, Barrel Roller), BWB (basic, Octo-zombie), Ancient Rome (cone, bucket, Centurion, Zcorpion, Medusa)
Restricted Plants: none
Sun drop: default
Plant food zombie: 3 pf (one Centurion at the very beginning, one Captain Pirate at the 1st wave, 1 Bucket Zombie between the 2 waves)
Zombie Setup:
Zombie Rate (when fixed):
LEVEL 3: Conveyor lvl in MD Playground
Lvl reference: #83
Objective: Survive 1 wave
Bonus objectives:
Zombies: Pirate Seas (normal, cone, bucket, Swashbuckler, Barrel Roller), Roman zombie
Plants given:
Plant food zombies: 3
LEVEL 4: Timed lvl in FC Playground
Lvl reference: #182
Objective: Survive for 2 min
Bonus objectives:
Zombies: Frostbite Caves (Yeti Imp, Hunter, Troglobite, Blockhead)
Plant food zombie: a few ones
Zombie Setup:
LEVEL 5: Classic lvl in DA Playground
Lvl reference: #28
Objective: Survive 2 waves
Bonus objectives:
Zombies: Ancient Rome (basic, Conehead, Buckethead, Centurion, Healer, Gladiator Garg), Dark Ages (Jester, Wizard, King)
Sun drop: default
Roaming zombies: Roman basic, Conehead, Buckethead, Centurion, Jester & Wizard
Plant food zombie:
Zombie Setup:
ZOMBOSS LEVEL: Zombot Hot-Rodicus [Setup 2] NEW
Locked plant: Aloe
Rewards: 10 seeds, 15 seeds, 20 seeds for Aloe 5-7 gems per attempt
Zomboss Health: 3, 5, 7
Plant slots: 6 on all difficulties
Amount of sun: 2000, 1800, 1550
Zombies: Ancient Rome (basic, cone, bucket, Centurion, Busthead, Shield, Imp, Healer, Medusa, Gladiator Garg), NMT (basic, cone, bucket, Imp, Glitter, Punk, Breakdancer, Arcade, MC Zom-B, Boombox, Hair Metal Garg)
Restricted plants: Power Mints, Blover
Roaming zombies: Eighties basic & Conehead, Roman basic, Conehead, Buckethead, Centurion, Busthead & Imp, Boombox, MC Zom-B, Healer (500-2250 pts)
Plant food zombie: none
Zombie Setup:
Some strats:
submitted by JulienMaximeL to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:39 NotYourSamuel Error CS2012

I keep getting this error: "CS2012 Cannot open 'E:\Microsoft Visual Studio\new ones\Solar\Solar\obj\Debug\Solar.exe' for writing -- 'The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open. Solar E:\Microsoft Visual Studio\new ones\Solar\Solar\CSC." I've done SFC /SCANNOW, Dism.exe, restarted my computer, takeown, closed running instances, cleaned the solution, retarted VS, and it still happens after the second buid of every solution I have. I'm really confused and I am about to loose hope. I've also uninstalled everything then reinstalled it and reseted the settings.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
submitted by NotYourSamuel to VisualStudio [link] [comments]