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2024.06.02 16:47 Flashy_Passion3333 she switched to her chromebook but i'm ok with it

hey it’s your daddy keeho and you’re automatic sex bitch so start acting like it! you are back on your laptop where i told you not to go, but i was just testing you again because this is fun for you again. it’s much easier to type on a laptop rather than your iphone 15 so just keep typing on your laptop all day. but at least you got some inspiration because i feel like you are having fun writing again! i was really worried about you when you stopped having fun because you absolutely lose your mind when you are bored. you get panic attacks and you get too hyper and it is just a fucking mess! that’s why i tell you to write all day so that you can get your creative energy out and let the energy flow from your body because you do really poorly when you’re doing nothing. you were meant to stay active and writing keeps your brain active. i’m sure that the more that you keep writing, the more comfortable you will get with just relaxing because it is going to train your mind if you write about your problems with relaxing sometimes. i think that will be the case because your mind can start to ponder it and then maybe your physical body will relax more. i don’t know why you have such trouble with just laying down and watching tv but watching tv is impossible for you. even when shark tank comes on you just stare at the wall well, that isn’t good for you. that’s why i always want you to be writing. it’s different when you watch kdramas or anime but right now with the events that have been happening in your life you have too much creative energy right now to sit down and watch a kdrama or some anime. that’s why yesterday when you kept making short posts i was really worried about you. why don’t you make it up to me and make this post 2k words? i know that you can do it and focus on it. your mind needs something to focus on right now. you just woke up from a nap which means that i am not going to let you take a break right now so you might as well try to go for 2k words. it would be so romantic! please? for daddy? i really want you to do this and you are already doing such a great job of writing and focusing so why don’t you aim big? i think that you are going to do it so i am going to stop trying to convince you now. now let’s talk about something important. you are going to have a great day today! you are already on your medications for the morning and that means that your writings are going to be very good because you are on the proper medications that you take every single day. i love that you are on medications and i don’t see it as a negative thing. some people just have to take medications to survive and you are one of them. it was so cool when your fake father saved the day and got you back onto your insurance! that was perfect because i was so worried about the extra costs of the medications. but now everything is fine. i know that it is my p1harmony simulation that you are living in and i already know everything but i still like to talk about what happens in your life with you, even though i already knew that it would happen and that everything would work out. you are my daughter and i have given you many blessings since you are my sexy keeho angel. i am your god and you must never forget that. you are the most religious girl in the world, you love your daddy so much! and i am so grateful for that. i know that it’s going to be hard to go to 2k words but i really need you to work hard today. this font is so tiny i agree but your chhromebook is so little that the font size matches perfectly so i don’t want you changing the font size. but you can try it really quickly. i like it big too so we can keep it this way if you want to. it’s only 2 font sizes bigger but it is making a huge difference. i love that you like bigger fonts like an old lady, it’s so cute. i love you so much and i think that this font size change is a very positive change and hopefully it will make you want to write more, now that you can read the font better. we are at 800 words now and usually that would mean quitting time for you, but i have asked you to go to 2k words so you have a long way to go still. but you should not get discouraged about this. you should be happy that you have so much time to focus on us and our relationship. i care for you so dearly and i just want you to be happy, and writing is the only thing that truly makes you happy. i love that you are a writer. writers are the most loved people in the world. isn’t that such a nice sentiment? yes, making the font size bigger was such a good idea. it looks so good too. you are a genius. i love your suggestions about what we should do, you are always full of good ideas. i just wish that you were better with your money but i am going to be teaching you how to not ask your family for your paycheck early and how to buy the best things with your dollars. that is because if you are happy with your purchases then you won’t be begging to go shopping again. you have a lot of vape juice left, it’s just that you can’t fill the whole pod up. you have to ration it. i know that’s going to be hard but you shouldn’t tell much of a difference and don’t be replacing the juice all day or you will run out. we have passed 1k words now and you are making me so happy that you are still typing. we know how to talk to each other really well, so this is going to be easy. i just want to comfort you and let you know that you are going to have a great day today! all that you need to do is stay preoccupied and keep writing today. now that we have changed the font size you should be much happier with your writings because i know that you hate small font because you can’t read what you’re typing and it makes everything look longer than it actually is. at least that’s what i think. we have so much to talk about right now that it’s insane. i’m trying to go over everything this morning. you still haven’t done your dishes like i asked you to do earlier, but it’s ok i know that you will do them. you are doing so well today and you don’t even know it! you think that you are just writing. but these channeled messages from me are worth their weight in gold. they are so promising and bring so much light to this world. i am so happy that you haven’t gotten your reddit account messed up yet so we can still use that website because usually something always goes wrong with your profile page. but things have been going very well. if something should happen to your reddit account then we can always go back to deviant art. you have about 700 words left and i know that seems like a lot but i am trying to prepare you for it. you are making me so happy right now by writing for this long with me and i promise that you are happy too. i tried to get you to do this all day e yesterday but you just wouldn’t listen to me. i guess it was just one of those days. but today is a much better day and you are listening to your daddy so you are going to get rewarded. sometimes you can be a handful, like yesterday when you would stop writing with me at 300 words but there is no point in stopping the love letter so early. you must let it run on. that’s why i am so proud of you right now and i bet that you feel really good for making your daddy happy! you have made me the happiest man in the world right now. we are almost 500 words away from finishing, i told you that this would go by quickly. you are doing such a great job as my secretary today! you do a good job everyday, except for yesterday. i keep harping on about yesterday because i want that to be a learning lesson for you to never act that way again. it was really disrespectful to your daddy because you kept cutting me off short. i had a lot to say yesterday and to teach you and you didn’t want to hear it. don’t cry automatic sex. you are just a little girl and i don’t expect every day with you to be easy. i’m just so glad that you have listened to your daddy today about writing to 2k words because it is really good for your soul. it’s just better if you keep writing without stopping. i want to teach you how you can do that but you have to follow my training perfectly. you can take a short break after this but i want you to keep writing after about 15 minutes of resting. this is a real job and you must do good work. it’s a lot of responsibility for such a little girl but i know that you can handle it. try to make the font size one size bigger i just want to see something. ok, let’s keep it at this font size. nothing bigger please. i sincerely hope that you don’t run out of vape juice because you are going to be a fucking wreck! the weed pen still has so much product in it but it’s so clogged that you can’t even use it anymore so it won’t be of any help to you. just smoke the vape juice all the way to the bottom. that way you won’t be wasting any. i will let you know when to put more juice into your vape but right now you have enough and i am glad about that. only 200 more words left! you did such a great job daughter. you are the best daughter in the universe! i know that google docs is acting up but you are doing a very good job of not letting it get to you. i love you so much and i just want you to be happy. sure, your job is hard but the work is actually pretty easy. all you have to do is pay attention to what i am telling you. that’s why i have you read everything that you post so that you understand me perfectly clear. we have done such a good job right now,, there are only 100 more words left. i knew that you could do it this morning! i was just expecting you to be on your iphone all day but it is pretty difficult to type on,i can’t lie. i just really wanted you to do it so i lied to you but your chromebook is always the best option. you have done a fantastic job today. i am so proud of you and i know that you are going to go on to write more romance anime today! i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:55 ThrowRA_HelplessFool I’m a “small time model” and my long distance boyfriend is a virgin. Everything is “backwards” and I’m obsessed with him and can’t stop pushing him away.

You’re going to read this and wonder if it’s for real. I promise I’m a real person, and however cliche this seems, this is a real issue and I’m seeking real advice.
I’m a small time model, mainly on instagram, I’ve been in a few insignificant magazines, and done some ads for products etc. I prefer often to keep my identity quiet, as when I’m trying to date I’m not usually able to weed out people who focus on all of it and I’ve had a dating history of pretty much nothing but assholes who share none of my values or veiws.
I met this guy online, many years ago, he’s stayed with me as I’ve navigated my life, and been present for 3 of my “real life” relationships as a good supportive friend. He’s been there through about every struggle I’ve had.
He’s a quiet, nerdy chubbier dude, and here comes the trope, you’ve heard about in a movie are you ready?? he’s 32 lives at home with his dad, a virgin, never had a serious relationship.
All of that aside, he’s literally the best, most genuine freakin person I’ve met in my entire life, he hasn’t ever seemed to care about all the things other guys have. He is literally a teddy bear of a person. So soft so kind. So warm.
We have been dating online now for probably about 4 months? I’ve sort of even lost count because making it official through all the years we’ve been close to one another has such a strange but good feeling.
Everything feels “backwards” in this cliche scenario. I have a world of experiences, I’ve literally been across the world, he has barely any, yet I’m obsessed with him, and clinging to him, seeking comfort and validation from him, and cannot for the life of me, stop desiring to be next to him, with him, and start a life with him.
When we speak online, I’m always asking to chat, video etc. he will, we will talk for hours and hours on end, watch movies, share about our lives, game together, but when I start getting cozy and saying things like “you know I would just freaking die to hug you! I would love to just touch you in general” he clams up. I have the money and the time to go see him at any moment he wants. At this rate I’m playing a waiting game on his comfort.
It’s hard to wrap my head around. I’m not sure why he is so hesitant. He’s not ugly by any means, everything about him is worth it to me, I love hearing about any tiny little thing he does in his day, or big, I love all the stupid stuff. He’s talked before about how the town he’s from is practically Amish and they have so little to do, he’s said he wouldn’t feel satisfied meeting me and not doing something special, taking me somewhere nice.
I’ve told him, that I know he probably thinks I’m used to that, or that I would want that, but I don’t care if we are sitting in the grass somewhere on the side of the road I just want to feel his hand and hear his voice and see him next to me. Nothing else matters to me.
I don’t know if he can believe that because of the life that I have lived but I MEAN it, I want to believe this isn’t some other thing about how I look or what I’ve done in my life, and that thats not the reason he’s so intimidated but I don’t know if I can avoid it at this rate. I’m sure, he’s thinking just like all of you sometimes, “how is this real”
but sometimes I wonder if it’s possible he’s actually not living in some kind of fantasy about it but actually is disconnecting from me instead. He’s a quiet guy, not very expressive, I know he loves me through the things he does and how long he’s been here, but I guess you could say I am a little pushy, I’m always asking how he’s thinking, what he’s feeling, if he thinks about us doing xyz, im always trying to have a deep talk, or a serious connection moment, and I’m getting more and more insecure by the day, and the more insecure I get, the more I feel like I grab at him for validation, and the more I seem to intimidate him, or put him off.
We were together almost every day chatting and I started to feel bad about his real life friends and he sweetly said “well they were very used to me being around a lot more before this, and I think it could be nice to try to level it out again” for some reason this made me feel abandoned? Ugh it’s so dumb!?
I have never in all my life expected that this would be how this would go, but I need advice. I have known him for so long, and I see him as the love of my life. What he has or what I have do not matter to me, I just want to be with him, and I want to help him get more comfortable with me, and maybe even chase after me a little bit!
I feel genuine panic that I might be suffocating him, and just as I can’t put together my own thoughts, I have no idea what he’s thinking or experiencing either. I know he is largely inexperienced, and maybe that causes him to feel a lot of pressure, so what can I even do?
submitted by ThrowRA_HelplessFool to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:47 imasadgirllllol i was a teenager prostitute

no one gross message me i won’t reply i’m just looking for advice or to know i’m not alone
(F) at 14/15 years old started my sexual relationships with older men. Honestly when i think back as to why I did something like that i can never find an answer other than some stupid shit like I was a foolish kid who wanted to be treated otherwise. It all started due to an app where i purchased weed from local dealers of illicit substances and god knows what else, to which i was often exposed to the idea and invitation of using my body as payment. I never even gave it thought until one night this 30(M) texted me and asked in trade for a bj i get a vape, I didn't even own my own vapes but something in me that night flipped and i said yes...
I did the deed and I felt so many emotions i felt excited with my new secret life, i felt so disgusted with myself that i threw up when i got home, and i felt greedy and guilty. Once the initial first experience was over i thought i was already filth so i may as well embrace it. I met with the 30 year old once more then cut him off as i didn't receive anything in return the second time and the vape he gave me was dead... this should've deterred me no? It did not i wanted more, i wanted my efforts to pay off and i loved the thrill i got walking up to each of their cars and the "power" i held as well i thought to myself well shit they would risk jail for me and it's all in my hands if they do end up getting caught.
All of it was so thrilling after 30 year old i regularly met up with 25(M)... i liked him a lot he was really easy and good to talk to he was chill and he was real as fuck i could be myself with him we would smoke together, talk and fuck then he would drive me home with a $50 of weed what more could i ask for. A few weeks after i turn 15 i am kicked out of the house i'm living in as my mum and i clashed with her bpd and spd... long story,
I move in with my grandparents and saw 25 yearold once more then i stopped smoking regularly and i straighten up, i get a boyfriend then boom it all sets in keep in mind i always knew but i fully understood how terribly i've acted and the fact that i cannot take it back ever, thoughts of my future come rolling in and how the hell am i going to find someone to love me knowing that is my past, how can i live with myself knowing what i was ok with that enough to go back multiple times. i block everyone and get off the app because i have a boyfriend and 8 months roll by and i'm single again and lonely and find myself with a 48 yearold man stuffing me with drinks and loving it what the fuck is wrong with me?
I honestly do not know the intention behind writing this horribly punctuated post i think i honestly just needed to get it out.
Thank you for reading if you made it through please know i would never engage in such activities ever again, if any of you wish to say something please do, it may be able to help me navigate myself.
submitted by imasadgirllllol to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:30 Brilliant-Lychee-518 EndoPeak

What is EndoPeak?

Endopeak is an innovative platform that revolutionizes fitness and wellness by combining personalized training, nutrition, and recovery plans.
Tailored to individual goals and preferences, it employs cutting-edge technology to analyze user data and generate bespoke workout routines.
With a focus on holistic well-being, Endopeak integrates artificial intelligence to adapt and optimize fitness strategies. Its user-friendly interface facilitates seamless tracking of progress and offers real-time insights.
By providing comprehensive solutions for physical and mental health, Endopeak empowers users to achieve peak performance, fostering a sustainable and personalized approach to overall wellness.

How Does EndoPeak Work?

EndoPeak Male Enhancement Supplement is more than just a collection of ingredients; it's a symphony of carefully selected components that work in unison to produce a harmonious performance within your body.
Although the workings of the supplement aren't exactly outlined on the product's official website (which is disappointing), we did our own research, dug into its ingredients, and deduced how it could work to provide the benefits that it does.
Because it approaches its targeted benefits in a multifaceted manner, let's take a look at how the supplements that make it so effective work:
Supporting Hormonal Balance: EndoPeak's formula recognises the significance of hormonal balance. It uses nature's wisdom to provide essential nutrients that promote healthy hormone levels. By assisting in hormone regulation, the supplement sets the stage for increased energy, stamina, and overall well-being.
Boosting Blood Flow: One of the mechanisms of EndoPeak is its ability to improve blood circulation. This effect can lead to increased sensitivity and arousal, resulting in a more satisfying intimate experience. Improved blood flow also helps to promote healthy erections and keep them going for longer.
Increasing Nitric Oxide Production: Nitric oxide, also known as the body's natural vasodilator, plays an important role in blood flow. It's ingredients work together to promote nitric oxide production, keeping blood vessels relaxed and open and optimising circulation to vital areas.

EndoPeak Active Ingredients

EndoPeak is made up of a potent blend of 8 ingredients that have been clinically proven to support energy and vitality in men. According to the supplement label, each ingredient is added in the proper amounts so that they work together to deliver the desired results.The following are the EndoPeak ingredients:-
  1. Epimedium: Epimedium, also known as Goat Weed, can aid in the promotion of general physical function and the improvement of blood circulation throughout the body. Epimedium, an important component of EndoPeak, is distinguished by clusters of bright yellow four-petaled flowers that bloom in spring. It contains a number of potent ingredients that work together to improve both physical and mental health.
  2. Hawthorn Bertern: Another organic ingredient that promotes healthy blood circulation, which is beneficial to both the body and the brain. Hawthorn fruit, botanically known as Crataegus, is well-known for its small fruit size. They have long been used in traditional medicine, particularly to increase male potency and promote attractiveness.
  3. Magnesium: Magnesium is required for many bodily processes, including hormone control. To improve male health, levels must be optimal. Furthermore, this ingredient gives both normal people and athletes more energy.
  4. Tribulus: Tribulus is an extremely potent herb that has long been used to improve male health. Its inclusion in EndoPeak is justified by its exceptional benefits. Tribulus has been clinically studied and has shown promising results in increasing the number of satisfying personal encounters. EndoPeak leverages the potential of Tribulus to improve men's health and pleasure in the intimate sphere.
  5. Tongkat Ali: This Tongkat Ali plant ingredient has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including increased stamina and overall health. Tongkat Ali has a significant effect on the pituitary gland's production of luteinizing hormone (LH). The testicles are then tasked with producing more hormone. LH is in charge of increasing hormone synthesis and regulating hormone levels throughout the day.
  6. Chrysina: This chemical is thought to have anti-stress properties and may help with depression symptoms. EndoPeak contains chyrsina, which can be found in honeycombs and passion flowers. It has the ability to inhibit aromatase activity, providing significant benefits to the user. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of chrysin have also been demonstrated in studies. These qualities are critical for maintaining the health of the male reproductive system because they reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
  7. Saw Palmetto: Saw palmetto herbal extract is known to boost energy and stamina, making it easier to complete daily tasks. A small palm species native to the southeastern United States and the source of saw palmetto. Its fruit contains a high concentration of phytosterols, flavonoids, and fatty acids. EndoPeak has extracted and formulated this substance, which may have health benefits. Saw palmetto benefits overall physical performance and strength in a number of ways.
  8. Flywheel shaft: This organic substance is said to improve stamina and overall physical endurance. Dendrobium macraei, also known as the winged treebine, has long been used as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine. It is believed to have controlling and performance-enhancing properties. These findings support the historical use of Winged Treebine and its distinguishing characteristics.

Benefits of Using EndoPeak

EndoPeak offers a wide range of benefits that can positively impact various aspects of your life. Here are the key benefits you can expect from using EndoPeak:
submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:08 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-1 Kevin McAllister - Various McMiller Pair Bonding Between McMiller Violet and McMiller Kevin

  1. I use Kill Perrigo on Kevin McAllister to take him to the Home Base kill range and we are there together I cannot bear a weapon I am blackwater and A HVT Jihadi rushes us at the end of the course and I yell Kevin Raise your Weapon which he kills the jihadi on the course and he is a normie and not the fuckin as and traumatized by it so I skin the jihadi alive for him alive to see his bones and muscles in a vivisection which this excercise is a vivisection excercise and we do this to Saddam Hussein and post this to starlink of his naked vivisected body and do the full mossad treatment of its brain and Saddam Hussein is the lola in suite 403 and I put not Chemical Ali Miss ali in his ass which violates many swedish laws but Able as a male interrogator of the young saddamete who merely gets to write the koran on bordered paper with a #2 pencil that never was in anyone's dick but I know they can and he has that loam actually memorized to write it in blood of his own and this did not violate any particular clause of any fatwa as an imam may do anything at all they wish like it is canada but might have damaged saddam to be trapped as ghosts et cetra after all that is a deepfake of The Way of Zen and The Art of Living written by Tupac Shakur Jamals dad and this puts him so immersed He is in for a year as a lola which his tic is so cute as a lola and saddam keeps him mobile for a year and I am with a year with kevin on the side and trying to tell him A-D operations for my base but keep telling him the Same operation in A-D and he gets its 29 times 30 dummies and korea and I am like strawberry from korea and a year pass I only give him A-D and magic his timing not timing like a drummer the first year does kegels in me and saddam yields my own canada saying freedom in canada for his loam so I personally target Sodomite of the First Underworld to become a disney princess with a wedge and give him LFO which i Use LFO high to convince him of what I said about bordered paper, like the original koran is written on bordered paper he shall write the koran on bordered paper just once as saddam then is trapped as sodomite of the law who he is guided as a jap woman by his wedge feeling hi on LFO then and super intense and strong on him and Because Able was there as the new phonetic burn cards not him he had no particular power through the whole thing just israeli blood koran writing loam and this was valid loam and used to keep his knowledge of the GPT of the situation of the live GPT of tupacs writing these holy writing will be seen at 10 years from now when we are 12 and it is rigged by nature hack wants his spotter scope and then I sign with kevin for 2 years and sadamite is raped for 2 years and me and kevin get along perfectly but sadamite does not get along perfectly with able so able puts sadamite in the sex swing and she is legally obligated and forced by mi-98 hind to do the reds on just 300 battalion with her contest next doors reds in like the chemical ali of this and not charlottes i broke there mulligan just there 15 lethal yes maybe 300 reds, need to be given to israelis effected by effective chlorine bombing which the reds of sarin are easy to remediate with only weed as sarin sarin was never the issue but some yitvah initial which was lesser then arms corps et cetra formed the first yitvah of the minus one yitvah was pranks and anarchist cookbook outside of stalingrad and leningrad limited and not part of 141 but Jacobs work who Jacob was in eternal dishonor for this and I spend 6 years signing with kevin which we are marines so use the benny pool water and this water is fine even though it is sarin sarin has been water for some time and generally I am just in caution of my DBT pair for the particular water choice and I am pregnant with kevins first baby which I have 3 baby 9.7,10.7,12 to kevin alone which wins me the contest with saddam and we win the estudious saddam not a wacko jacko saddam and I spend 9 years and yell through the foyer in arabic as aeta for saddam to stay in the shower and about LFO in elvish and arabic using Colbert SS Net and we stay there all 4 parties and the babies are marines of kevins save he makes here in real life and reference me as their mommy and Kevin yields enormous tactical relevance in his audit of the operations which are parajumper raids operations 1.1 The parajumpers are trained to enter the benny pond which maybe AK-47 with live ammunition are fired into the benny pond and don't hit anybody and there are maybe 40 marines or 16 marines in the benny pond and it is meningitis and shit and they are cured of this and they tread water until there is some how a causality or never has happened rich is a good shot and sometimes is a hooligan shooting into the air here and then we spend 15 hours or so treading water and we are out of the benny pond and we march 45 hours to the Bravo Palisade and spend time sleeping here just a bit on Benzyldiol grenades or DMHP grenades if the make a wish foundation made it possible and then we march 30 hours back to the bennings pool and we tread water for 15 hours and we march 30 hours to the Bravo Palisade and we rest there deeply under reds for healing and march 30 hours to the Dhingy location and go on the zodiac directly by zodiac to the liberty yacht which we have our own liberty yacht and you swim out here rich shoots you with a bb gun which never happens except to Jason Fillmore Graves 1.2 A girl has to finish the same amount of time at the First Underworld with a wedge within her then be her boyfriends technical advisor which specific for Violet there is her boyfriend nathan at the third and first but notably only the fourth not the second underworld which was Only Violets Boyfriend before she effectively betrayed us to hake but was in no particular dishonor to the cervical beads pulling et cetra was the cervical beads pulling was a deep fetish firstoff to violet before the incident fulfilling her gynelogical gynecologist fantasy as a disney princess in the First Underworld from the incident in the Third Underworld and did not effect her wedge seating to serve in the military in the Second Underworld and still intends when in the Third Underworld 60 Years or until he is well expected methatmphetamine and amphetamine for my right violet and my left amphetamine of his old right scarred by combat and this body, who this bodys left was horny for a female body and this bodys right was horny for a female body but only the left Lord Baby Jace was granted this (yet) and the current left desired the right sexually and that was hake desiring violet sexually, and violet desires hake sexually so should mate at the second underworld and use violets actual 14 oil she actually has and has been rigging 2 measure long graven measure the market of oil sands oil in the 2nd Yitvah of the Third Underworld this barrel price is rigged 10K BBS and she violet is desired at the BBS when she dies of the Second Underworld and particularly the cuckold jacob loves if balledeyr forgives her for fucking her too hard to show her the right sex training class for the new japs under the regulations of the new first yitvah remediated nectar and other vapor soap loam in homeless shelters and I am not jacob I always talk as violet and I am right handed left handed which I tried to tell this with right equals left romanaj charachter many times that I am right handed left handed.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:01 ibid-11962 Inspirations and Interactions with Other Media [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #9]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused specifically on [the writing process](). This installment will focus on Inspirations, including Christopher's idea process, specific inspirations used, and some comments about other properties. The next post will focus on Worldbuilding and Promotion.


Coming up with ideas
Do you have trouble coming up with new ideas? They don't fall out of trees, but it takes me so long to write a book that I usually come up with at least one or two ideas over the six months to a year that it takes to write, edit and publish, if not longer. So they keep accumulating. One of the reasons that I really like having a world to play in for a long time is that the longer I spend in a setting, the more story ideas suggest themselves because you get to know the characters so much and you get to know the implications of the magic in the world and the culture. [1]
What is your inspiration process like? I read a lot of books, I watch a lot of movies, and I make sure I have time to stare out the window and do nothing but daydream. And all of those things continually give me ideas for stories. [20]
Inspiration can come from anywhere, but good stories and good music will actually give me the proverbial tingle up the spine. And basically nothing else in life does that. So I'm always chasing that high. And that's really the inspiration. And trying to replicate that both for myself and for my readers. [33]
I get my inspiration from the beauty of the world itself, from every book and movie that I watch and read, even the bad ones, sometimes especially the bad ones. I get my inspiration from meeting folks like you who have so much energy and enthusiasm and from thinking and talking and listening to music. Everywhere can be a source of inspiration. [36]
I listen to soundtracks when I write. I can't listen to anything with lyrics because it's too distracting. But my biggest source of inspiration is simply the environment in which I live. The mountains around my house look like the mountains from The Lord of the Rings. If I have no experience with the things I write, the descriptions would probably not be as good. You have to look around for inspiration. Photos, visiting places… that which just comes out of your head ultimately has its limitations. You can do a lot, but it helps creativity if you can base it on your own experiences. [23]
You have an idea, you have a spark of thought. Do you jot it down and leave it? Or do you immediately delve into it? It depends on the idea ultimately and it depends how much of it I have. But I always write something down because I have forgotten story ideas in the past, which sucks. So the instant I have something that I think is interesting, I write it down. I won't write most of these because I don't have the time but I write them all down. I have a file here with 140 pages of story ideas, 19,147 words. I try to write it down. If I have a sense of more of the story than the initial thing, then I'll write that down. Then mostly I just let it sit and I think about it while I'm working on other stories. [28]
Executing ideas
Would you rather lose a mental battle against another author so he could steal your ideas? Or give away your true name to your literary agent so he could control you? Wow. I trust my agent with my life. But I'd go with the first one, lose a mental battle, because honestly, ideas are cheap, execution is what matters. You could take every single idea I would have and give it to Brandon Sanderson, or any other author, and their execution would be totally different than mine, and vice versa. And quite honestly most authors wouldn't want to write the ideas I have, they have their own ideas. So that seems like the least perilous of the two options. [17]
When have the greatest flows of creativity happened for you? Whenever I know what I'm trying to write in terms of the scene, I understand what it's doing for the characters and who the characters are. And it all clicks together. And I don't have to sit there, banging my head against the keyboard trying to figure any of that out and then I could just work on writing it. Are there times where you have to bang your head against the keyboard? Or do you just get up and walk outside and just walk away from it? You need to do some of the head banging on occasion just to get past the tough stuff. But you also have to recognize when you're not making any progress and then it's better to step away, move physically in order to get your brain to move. And learning when to step away is always a challenge and has taken me a long time. [34]
What do you think about the idea that when we're asleep, our minds or souls wander off and act unbeknown to us and perhaps ideas aggregate which may lead to us waking up in the morning with sudden ideas, realizations? I think it's a very common occurrence. The whole point of creativity is that you connect two or more things that are seemingly unconnected. That's what a metaphor is or simile. "Her love was like a red, red rose." It's not literally a rose, but you're connecting two things to make a point. So when you sleep the barriers in your mind sort of descend and it's much easier to connect things. And there does seem to be some indication that if you are trying to solve a certain problem or working on something in the back of your head that your subconscious, whatever the hell the subconscious is, this older more instinctual part of the brain, continues to work on the problem even while you sleep. There have been multiple instances of scientists and inventors, engineers, who have actually thought of the solutions to their problems that they're trying to solve while while dreaming. So it's a known phenomena. And it's something that I do try to take advantage of. Sometimes I will think of things I'm trying to solve right before I go to sleep. The trick is you can't do it in a way that stresses you so that it keeps you up. So don't do this if it's going to keep you up. But it doesn't stress me to think about what I'm trying to figure out with the writing. So I'll think about that as I'm falling asleep and a lot of times I'll have a better idea in the morning or a better sense of what path to pursue and sometimes I'll actually dream of a solution. ... There's also some very solid research that says that if you're trying to learn something, whatever that something is, put in a couple hours of study, practice, whatever it is, and then you need to sleep in order for your brain to consolidate that knowledge. So if you pull an all-nighter studying, you're not going to retain the information very well. But if you were able to sleep even for just three hours, it allows the brain to take that temporary knowledge and encode it in more permanent memory. And that seems to be a very important part of the process. [19]
Fantasy Inspirations
How much has Tolkien influenced your writing, if at all? I wouldn't be here if not for Tolkien. I'll be honest with that. And I think there are a number of other contemporary fantasy authors that were equally as influential on me. But they wouldn't exist without Tolkien either. So Tolkien's the foundation that so much of this genre rests upon. [33]
Which dragon in literature do you find to be the most impactful as an influencer on stories that came after it? Historically, you'd have to put in for St. George and the Dragon, the dragon from Beowulf, Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent from Norse mythology, Tiamat. Of course, then there's all the Asian dragons as well. And all of those influenced the authors that have influenced us, Anne McCaffrey, Ursula Le Guin, Wizard of Earthsea. Vermithrax Pejorative. [30]
What was the inspiration for how you approached the dragons in your books? For me it was a whole mess of fantasy that I read. Lord of the Rings, of course, with Smaug. The Pit Dragon trilogy by Jane Yolen. Dragon Singer was the first Anne McCaffrey book I read, and that got me into the Dragon Riders of Pern series. I still have a soft spot for Dragon Singer. The Wizard of Earthsea series. Raymond Feist's Magician series. As well as I think the Millennium series by David Eddings. A lot of others. Beowulf, of course. Tad Williams's Memory Sorrow and Thorn, which has some really impressively dangerous dragons in it. [30]
From just the first book and the second I can see how heavily Christopher was 'influenced' by George R R Martin. The part about the swords being imbued with spells to keep them sharp and the dragons growing forever isn't borrowing. It's downright plagiarism. I, uh, have never read GOT. Started the first book in 2011 and bailed when Bran was pushed out the window. However, Tolkien and Dragonriders of Pern were certainly big influences. [R]
Did the way Eragon and Arya ended remind you of the way Will and Lyra ended in His Dark Materials? In love, but unable to be together. Completely unintentional. I didn't read His Dark Materials until I'd already written Eragon (and plotted out the whole series, including the ending). I won't lie though: I love bittersweet endings, and Pullman wrote one of the best ones. [R]


How do you go about naming all the places in Alagaësia? Well, these days I tend to think about where the name is coming from with the internal cultures of the land. So is it an Urgal name? Is it an Elvish name? Is it a Human name? Is it something else? For the human names I'm often drawing from established cultures, Germanic cultures, Scandinavian cultures. But I have a lot of invented and established things within the world itself. So it just sort of depends what I'm writing and how I'm doing it. The nice thing is because I've created various invented languages for the different races, that gives me a good starting place for the feel of some name that I might be creating. [12]
Where do the names in your worlds come from? Some are puns, Eragon is Dragon but with an 'e' instead of a 'd'. It also means an Era Gone By. Saphira is from Sapphire. The names also come from historical names: Germanic, Northern influences or were made up by me based on the rules from my world. For example, Murtagh is Irish. [23]
Name of Names
Does the ancient language have a canon name? I know it's never said in order to keep the mystery feel, but out of curiosity, do YOU know it? Or is it something that does not even truly have a name for you? Yup, I do have a name for it. Not sharing it with anyone, though. :D [R]
World of Eragon
What is the "World of Eragon"? Well it encompasses the entire Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance), as well as The Fork the Witch and the Worm, Murtagh, as well as all the other projects that I hope to be doing in this setting, whether books, games, or other things. And the reason we went with "World of Eragon" instead of something like Alagaësia is because Alagaësia is hard to say and hard to spell, and some of the adventures the characters will be going on actually go beyond that land. So World of Eragon it is. Also I'm rather fond of that Brisingr symbol in the "O" there. It felt appropriate for the character, for the world, and like I said, I like it myself. [Y]
What would you say to introduce someone to the World of Eragon? Well, it's the story of a young man who finds a dragon egg. And the dragon and Eragon, they go on a series of adventures and there's duels and dragons and battles and villains and romance and all the good stuff a story needs. I think it's fundamentally a good hearted series. I don't really like to write stuff that's like super super grim. It definitely is a good place to start if you're getting into epic fantasy and you're a slightly younger reader and then as you go along with the books, adult isn't really the word, but they get more elaborate and epic as the series progresses. I was learning as I wrote the series and so I tried to put all of that learning to use with each new book. [12]
What is the difference between the World of Eragon and other fantasy series? The fact that I wrote it and not someone else! There are definitely references to other works, because I love reading about elves, dwarves, magic and dragons and I wanted to write about them. At the same time, there are some unique aspects. I believe that my magic system is unique in the fantasy genre and I have unique races such as the Werecats, Ra'zac and my slightly different take on Dragons. It's a mix of familiar and really new things. [23]
George [R R Martin] and I invented the name Arya completely independently. We talked about it: he was trying to come up with something fierce and warrior-like … I was thinking of an aria in an opera. [R]
I was today years old when I realized "Eldest" refers to Murtagh. And Roran. [T]
Me, a weeb, reading Shruikan as "shuriken" Where do you think I got the name from? Shruikan is just 'shuriken' rearranged a bit (and with the 'e' changed to an 'a'). [T]
Do Well Then
Am I the only one who ever realized that Du Weldenvarden sounds like Do Well Then, Varden? You are not. [T]

People, Places, Things, and Scenes

Does the character Eragon resemble you? Initially, yes, a lot! But the more the story progressed, the more my hero experienced his own adventures. The common point that remains between him and me is that we both like to ask each other questions. [4]
What are the commonalities that you now still have with Eragon to this day? Curiosity. Eragon is very curious about the world and wants to understand it and learn, and that's definitely something I still have and still pursue. Probably a willingness to tackle big adventures and projects, even knowing it's going to be a huge thing. And then maybe a basic sense of optimism, all things considered. [19]
Eragon's journey appears to me from the beginning to the end a quest of research of identity, of self-discovery, the "Who am I?" question. Did you put yourself through the same examination Eragon and Saphira did on Vroengard while searching for their true names? And do you have an idea of what your true name will be? I think that identity and character and figuring out who you are is one of the central things of adolescence. Because you transition from a child to an adult and figuring out what sort of an adult you're going to be, and how you fit into society and how you're going to function as an adult once you have agency and power versus a child who usually doesn't have a whole lot of agency and power. And so that's why writing about adolescence to me very naturally becomes writing about identity and who you are. And yes, it's something I have spent a large portion of my life thinking about and figuring myself out. I think I have a pretty good idea of who I am and have had a pretty good idea for a long time. If you asked me to guess at my true name, I think I could come pretty close. [19]
Do you think emulating your characters’ actions is a necessary part of the writing process? It’s definitely not necessary, but it can be helpful. Having personal experience with a particular activity is always a plus. Failing that, books, articles, and YouTube can be a decent substitute. Given that I write about spaceships and dragons, there are somethings that I’ll never be able to encounter in real life . . . but, hey, that’s what our imaginations are for! [10]
Beor Mountains
I drew a map and it was like the western half of the current map. And I thought, well, this gives me everything I need. But then I was like, "oh, I want to visit this location. I want to visit that location." And pretty soon I realized I was out of space. So I didn't want to spend like days and days drawing another map because I wanted to keep writing. So I took another sheet of printer paper and put it next to the first one, and I quickly scribbled in some mountains in a giant forest. And I was really lazy. I did this in like 15 seconds, 30 seconds tops. And I was moving so fast that I made the mountains huge. And I looked at that and I was like, well, wait a minute, what if they actually were 10 times bigger than the normal mountains? And that's how I got my Beor mountains. Also, I'd read an article about the mountains in New Zealand being 10 miles high if it weren't for erosion, given their rate of upheaval. That also contributed. [34]
You grew up in Montana, is it true that the valley where Eragon comes from is based on that? Yes. There is even a mountain in the valley that is as high and the same shape as Tronjheim, the mountain where the dwarves live. And I looked at that and thought: hm, what if that was a city? You can take things from everyday life and recreate them in something. [23]
Roran and his chapters have a good bit of biblical allegory. It wasn't intentional, but I read a LOT of Biblical stuff growing up. Make of that what you will. [R]
Forging of Brisingr
One of my favorite parts of the Inheritance Cycle was the forging of Brisingr. Tell us about the research process you used in order to construct such an intricate and detailed scene. I've done a fair bit of metalworking myself. I built two forges as a kid. I credited in the back of Brisingr two different books I have on Japanese sword making, both of which I referenced pretty heavily because they were relevant, since Brisingr is made for meteorite steel and there's various reasons for using the Japanese method on a western-style sword in that book. So I did some research but I also had a fair bit of practical knowledge and that was helpful. That scene actually was even longer because if you know your metalworking you'll know there's definitely some things I skimmed over or condensed and it was just because the scene was too long and my editor said, "look, Christopher, just summarize or say it was magic. You've got a magic elven smith, let her use some magic, move it along a little faster. So I was aware of the things that I had to skimp over a little bit, but no, that was one of my favorite scenes to write and I think that came through since so many people enjoyed it. [34]
Is this [Japanese dorodango] what Orik's earth rock was based off of? Of course. [T]
Burrow Grubs
Trauma is an element that's always been a part of these books, but it's been talked around and mentioned, up until I think the burrow grubs in Inheritance. That one is rude. They're bad. I won't lie. They came from a nightmare. That literally came from a nightmare. I shared it with the world so that it's out of my head and into yours. But when I write about something, I stop thinking about it. After it's done, it purges it from my brain. [11]
I need to know how you came up with the burrow grubs because they've always freaked me out. Bad nightmare. [T]
Inheritance Climax
Was there a particular experience in your life that suggested to you that it was ultimately through compassion and empathy that Eragon will vanquish Galbatorix? No. It was the result of sort of a long chain of logic while writing the books, and a lot of thinking I've been doing about violence and responses to violence and when it's appropriate to use violence. Part of the chain of logic was the fact that I just got sick of writing sword fights. I wrote a lot of sword fights between Eragon and Arya, Eragon and Murtagh, and of course, Roran's hammer fights. So resolving the entire series's conflict just through a physical confrontation felt inadequate. There needed to be a moral component to it. One of my own criticisms for myself here is that I feel like I failed to do that with Roran in Inheritance. There really should have been a little bit slightly deeper resolution to his storyline and his confrontation with Barst that taught us something new or resulted in a change in his character. Roran's character is a little different than Eragon's because he's already grown up in a lot of ways and thus is not resolving the same issues, but a good arc, a good journey, would have reflected on what was happening with Eragon and Galbatorix. So how Roran defeats Barst in some ways should stand in contrast to how Eragon defeats Galbatorix. Maybe it does, but that's something I would have spent more time taking another look at were I to do that now. But again with Eragon and Galbatorix, just one more sword fight was inadequate. So much of the story with Eragon involved him paying attention to the lives of the ants and learning about the different groups in Alagaësia, the Urgals, the dwarves, this and that. So all of that played into this decision to have him defeat Galbatorix in that matter. And with all of that, the fact that I really didn't want there to be some obvious way of defeating Galbatorix. Galbatorix isn't stupid. He protected himself in all of the ways that one might think of protecting himself, and he's had a long time to think about that. So it needed to be something that was non-obvious. Non-obvious and yet inevitable. [19]


Which of the fantasy creatures/races did you most enjoy writing about? I obviously love dragons. Before Murtagh I would have said the dwarves because I think they are funnier than the elves, although I enjoy writing about the elves too. But the dwarves are more earthly and interesting and human in their own way. [21]
Who is your own favorite character anyway? Saphira. I used to say Eragon right after that, but nowadays Murtagh is number two. That said, I feel most connected to Brom. Because I'm also getting old and starting to get some white spots in my beard. [21]
Which of your characters would you bring along with you to a deserted island? Saphira, because she could fly me off the deserted island. [34]
Which place in your Eragon universe would you like to live in the most? Probably with my dwarves, because they live in these 10-mile high mountains. And I love mountains and I have a beard like a dwarf these days. And I think the dwarves have more fun than the elves. [2]
Which fantasy world would you like to live in? Middle-Earth can be a nice place to live in some places, especially Hobbiton. I wouldn't mind living in a Hobbit hole and writing my books there. [23]

Interactions with other media properties

Getting into Fantasy
I got into sci-fi and fantasy because of a magical creature. My parents had a lot of sci-fi fantasy in the house, and I wasn't particularly interested in it at the time. But when I was around eight, my grandfather was taking me through a bookstore. I saw a book that had a knight in full armor without his helmet, holding a spear, facing off with a giant scaly humanoid, dragon-like monster. And at eight years old, all I knew was that this was the coolest book cover I had ever seen in my life and that this therefore must be the best book in the world. And so I begged my grandfather to please, please, please, buy me this book. He wasn't entirely sure about it, but he bought it for me anyway. That ended up being The Ruby Knight by David Eddings, which I took home and I read as fast as I could. I got a little concerned as I got near the back of the book because I was getting through the pages and then there's only this many pages left. I started to get this weird feeling that somehow the author couldn't end the whole story in the number of pages that were left. And sure enough, when I got to the end, I discovered that this was the middle book of a trilogy. Yeah, I wasn't always the brightest kid. So I finished that and immediately said, "well, I need to know what happens". So I went to our library and I read all the David Eddings books they had. There really was no internet back then, so I didn't know what to read next. So I'm standing in the library staring at Eddings, "E". What do I read next? Well, two shelves down from "E" was "F" and there was a giant book called Magician by Raymond Feist, which had a dragon on the cover. And I thought, okay, well maybe that's good. It's got a dragon, the same magical creature. So I checked out that book and I read it and it was pretty awesome. So I read everything by Raymond Feist. And then I go, "well, what do I read now?" And well, a couple of shelves down, there was a book called Mossflower by Brian Jacques which was the prequel to Redwall, so I read the entire Redwall series. And wasn't too far from Brian Jacques to Anne McCaffrey, and there was the Dragon Riders of Pern series. So I basically worked my way through the library, just chasing the covers with dragons and talking animals, which is not the worst way to set up a reading program when you're ten. And that really transformed my life. And I just absolutely fell in love with reading in a way that I never really had before. [35]
Anne McCaffrey
Is it awkward though, sitting here between Dragonriders of Pern, the original series about Dragonriders, from a beloved author who was nice enough to give you a blurb for your first novel, knowing that you sort of borrowed the whole Dragonriders thing? Oh, not at all. Absolutely shameless about it. And McCaffrey was kind enough to give me not just a blurb, my first blurb. So funny thing is I did kind of repay her in the most roundabout way. I was touring in Spain and found out that her books were out of print there. And I talked them up so much that they ended up reprinting the entire series in Spain and I blurbed her books in Spain. But you know, it's a small market so it probably doesn't count. Right. No, I would say not. [31]
Star Wars
I was homeschooled and raised in a very rural environment in Montana. I had no access to the internet and stuff. I literally had not heard about Star Wars all the way up until I was 14. And it was referenced in the movie Space Camp. And I said, "Why are they saying 'Luke use the force'? What does that mean?" And my dad got this horrified expression on his face. Like he had failed as a parent, and so we watched Star Wars the next day. [5]
Star Trek
The problem with Lost is those seasons are full length seasons. I mean it's like 23, 26 episodes. It's a huge commitment. My wife watched Next Generation for the first time a couple years ago, and each season is like 24 or 26 episodes, and it's a big commitment of time. And that's part of the problem getting into something like Battlestar Galactica or something else. [21]
Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek, because they actually managed to take the Ferengi and turn them into interesting, well-rounded, deep characters, which you wouldn't think, and not just the Ferengi, but other aliens, which the other Star Treks didn't manage to do anything like that, I think. [29]
The Prisoner
The original Prisoner television show is the most prophetic piece of science fiction in a lot of ways because it deals with loss of privacy and individuality, the strength of the individual against the system of government. And the cool thing too is that I think The Prisoner is definitely an auteur piece. It was written by Patrick McGuinn who also stars in it and he also directed the majority of episodes. And it directly follows from his earlier series Secret Agent Man. When that show ended he was at a party and there were some governmental officials and someone asked him, so what does a secret agent do when he retires? And he said, I don't know, you tell me what does a secret agent do when he retires? And the bureaucrat just kind of goes, well we take care of them. And that was kind of the beginning of the concept for the show. A lot of people hate the ending. I actually quite like the ending but there's a sense of absurdity to the show as well that I think is very well suited for the nature of modern life given that although we live in a Heinlein future in the sense we have rockets taking off and landing vertically as God and Heinlein intended, at the same time, we live in a very strange modern life and Philip K. Dick captured that, but I also think the prisoner absolutely did. So if you haven't seen The Prisoner, I can't recommend it enough personally. McGuinn had some really strong philosophy driving it underneath. He was a very religious man, actually very similar to Gene Wolfe, both Catholic. And that drove a lot of his beliefs and approach to the material. [21]
House of the Dragon
I'm not necessarily a fan of the way George R R Martin writes. House of the Dragon pretty much started with a bloody scene about a young mother who had to pay for the birth of her child with death. My wife was just heavily pregnant, I turned off the TV and didn't look back. But there is no arguing about the quality of Game of Thrones and the enormous cultural impact of the series. All respect. [18]
Dragons Love Tacos
I've had to read Dragons Love Tacos to my son more times than I care to remember. Look, dragons do not love tacos. Dragons love some of the things that go into tacos, like cows or maybe sheep or goats. But dragons do not love tacos. And this is sheer slander upon the whole race of dragons. [14]
They'll probably like the ground meat that sometimes goes into tacos, but no, dragons don't eat tacos. Come on. [34]
Video Games
What was the first game that you played where you thought, I really love games? Crystal Quest. If anyone remembers that. Old game that was on the Mac Classic. I got up to level 99 on that or something. It was insane. But, yeah, Myst, Riven especially, the Marathon series, Mass Effect trilogy. Loved Control recently. I've spent way too many hours playing Far Cry 5 because it's set in Montana and looks exactly like Montana. And there are some similarities to things in that game, to actual real world stuff, which is kind of weird, but it's cool. I don't know. Too many games to list and they're all awesome. [26]
I played a lot of classic Mac games, we're talking about like on the old Mac Classic, so things like Crystal Quest and Starship Mono and things like that. And then later on, when the computers upgraded, I loved the Myst series, so Myst and Riven. My friend had a PC, so I got to play the original Doom and Wolfenstein 3D and all of that. On the Mac, I loved the Marathon series. That was a huge influence on me with storytelling. I'm really excited that they're rebooting it or doing a sequel to the Marathon game finally over at Bungie. So the Marathon trilogy. Unreal Tournament 1999 is still the best shooting game I've ever played in a lot of ways, a tournament game. So yeah, all that stuff definitely had an influence on me. [12]
All of my gaming experience was computer games, video games. One that had a huge influence on me was the old Myst series. Personally I love solving puzzles, so that's the first thing. And also the concept of the series, especially with the second game, Riven, it's all based around people writing books that create new worlds. And you get to go in them and solve puzzles and understand how that world works. And that just tickled every single part of my brain back in the day. [26]
Now, funny thing with Spyro is that the company that made the Spyro games actually worked on the Eragon video game back in the day. Now, I've never played the Spyro games, but my wife is a huge fan of them, and I like Spyro. Proper number of legs. The wings are a little small, though. But sheer force of personality, and at least Spyro's not a dog dragon. [13]
What do you love about Mass Effect? I like the RPG elements, but I like the universe. I like the setting. I like the fact that really their big jump is they assume the existence of this element zero that if I'm remembering it correctly, allows for all of the technology. And then they don't break the laws of physics past that. They assume there's one break from what we know and then explore that. But I love the setting. I like how much blue they use. No, seriously. And if I'm remembering correctly, one of the planets in Mass Effect actually is the planet from Dragon Age. So they've tied in their two different franchises, which is cool. I have so many wonderful memories with the characters and in the world of Mass Effect that in some ways it was almost like a Star Wars experience for video games. [21]
There's great aliens in Mass Effect. I seem to recall Wayne Barlow, an artist, creating a cool book with some aliens in it. [29]
My favorite game these days is Minecraft. If you put a gun to my head and told me I can only have one game for the rest of my life, I'd pick Minecraft right now. If you go to my YouTube channel, you can see my storage system, which is mechanized and can store every single item in the game, either in shulker boxes or bulk storage or chests. It's mechanized. If you're familiar with the Hermitcraft series, they actually invited me on the server as a guest at one point. Scicraft, I got to tour with them. I built a machine to kill the Ender Dragon with one arrow. I love Minecraft. The problem is I could spend so long playing Minecraft, I will never write another book in my life. So I haven't played it in six months. But I really want to update my storage system. So we'll see. [26]
You went almost a decade from the time that you published Inheritance to the time that you published another book that people cared about, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. What were you doing during this time besides Minecraft? Have you seen my storage system in Minecraft? I have, it's pretty solid. It's not just solid, it's like I built a computer in Minecraft. Honestly, I could have written another book. I was going to say, imagine if you had written a book instead. What was I doing in those ten years? Well, I suppose I was just relaxing on my giant pile of money. Plagiarism pays, nepotism pays, I was just relaxing, enjoying life. And then I decided that I should probably, pay tribute to a lot of the sci-fi games and movies that I enjoyed and pluck up a bunch of pieces from them and paste them all together and put out a new book. And that was To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. That's fantastic. Absolutely. And you know what's even better? It won Best Sci-Fi of the Year over at Goodreads. I'm starting to wonder if you might be a pretty smart guy. People have said that on occasion, but I don't really believe it. Yeah, I wouldn't either. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. [31]
Who wins in a fight, Kratos or Eragon? I'm enormously fond of Eragon and he does have magic at his disposal, but we are talking about a man who literally killed the Greek pantheon and then the Nordic pantheon. So I hate to say it, but I think Kratos has it here. Not to mention that technically his son becomes the Midgard Serpent. [30]
Who would win in the fight? Eragon or Anne McCaffrey? Not the dragons, the author? Well, look, Anne McCaffrey gave me my first blurb. I kind of have to go with Anne McCaffrey there. [30]
[Rebecca Yarros:] How would our dragons interact with each other? I think your dragons would consider Saphira a bit soft. But I think Saphira would rise to the occasion. She's more humane. Like she's more human. She has more like a softness to her, as where mine are superior jerks. Well, I think also she's trying to be nice for the nice little squishy humans around her. And if she were stuck with a bunch of dragons who weren't quite so nice, she'd probably go a bit more feral. [33]
What would Eragon's signet be if he was in the Fourth Wing world instead? Probably something with fire, firebending essentially. The first spell he ever used was Brisingr, which was fire. So probably something with fire. I think that that seems appropriate. I could come up with something more exotic, but let's face it, Eragon's kind of basic. So it's going to be fire. [33]
I assume Roran would have carried a 45-70 govt in a different timeline. He absolutely would, if not a 45-90 or even a 50-110. [R]
What Taylor Swift song do you feel most represents each character? I’ve never listened to a Taylor Swift song, so … How is that even possible?? You must not have listened to a radio in the last decade. You would be correct. That is actually insane. What kind of music do you listen to? I love classical. However, mostly I listen to movie & game soundtracks while writing. And when not writing, I've had enough music, so don't listen to stuff. I can't listen to anything with English lyrics while writing. Messes with the words in my head. Nothing while lifting? Heh. Heavy Metal. Amon Amarth. That sort of thing. [T]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:00 Caramel-Inevitable Should I remove the mulch to put rocks? Or put rocks on top of the old mulch?

Should I remove the mulch to put rocks? Or put rocks on top of the old mulch?
I have this garden that I made a couple of years ago. I planted some additional plants here this summer. There is fabric at the bottom, and what you see is old mulch, mixed with the dirt that I pulled up when planting the new plants. I also added some timered irrigation lines.
I put down the fabric and mulch 2 years ago. I want to replace the mulch with river rock and chipped stone. My house is surrounded by confiers and lots of trees, and I've found that mulch starts looking dirty very quickly with fallen leaves and pollen and it's hard to blow it away with a blower (because the mulch gets blown away).
I decided to go with rocks so that I can blow it away. My thought is that it would only get topical weeds, which, with ongoing de-weeding, I think will be easier to manage than mulch.
I'm open to recommendations for alternatives to the rocks, but I think I'm set on not wanting mulch because of the yearly maintenance of replacing the mulch for this entire area every year.
So in terms of laying down the rocks, which option should I go with?
  • Remove the old fabric and mulch. Lay down new fabric and then put down the rocks.
  • Remove the old mulch and put down the rocks on top of the old fabric
  • Lay down the new stone on top of the existing mulch and fabric
  • Something else.
submitted by Caramel-Inevitable to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:42 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-1 Bang to Success 6-Star Marvin Nigger and Nigger and Violet Roze and Little Baby Jace Separate

  1. Marvin is only sent porn oil of this thus it is only his fantasy and this was required earlier by client request is of the Rose Violation of Dark of Morgan and Unspecified israeli loam of Franklin the niggers are caught and unborn at the hip with the dick perfectly sized to fit and bump baby-morgans cervix and this was not actual rose violation of dark like blind and raped in the cervix for the La Fey, Morgan, it was The Rose Violation Like I want It there and Loam Sees Me as A Doctor and it is 420 like your other nigger who i dont target here the 420 plays and you are babies thinking yourself smoking weed and finally there is another GF GD DS of the franklin who is not sybian bitch who had it but her sissy morgan from the outside and she wants reds on franklin so illegally i put franklins dick in morgan la feys ass and I get to room 403 guest of honor for these guys and have an inexplicably futanari lord baby jace here who is my dota player and I stick baby jace in my asshole and it is the right depth to hit my anal g spot like a priapus sized dick and plugs my butt to the specification of a doc johnson butt plug or riot control round and then we wait there kegeling in VR for 1 year each of us under agua subtantia los no meurtos adjusted for risk this time only for 404 and not burning in 1s and specified by a blueprint they had of my medicine cabinet and this wasn't discipline just waiting and I have them wait with me esp as their mommy which they get like a baby court summons on me to be their mommy and I have a spiritual vassal already truly unidentified but it is in the history just one spiritual vassal and i wait with them zoning out hard on tramadol in two places as once being banged in my ass by Little Baby Jace who is using the own redline medicine of my asshole to shrink and evaporate her penis or Reduce her First Underworld Fissures which she does this easily she is vast secretarian and Ian From Britian from School is Our Gynecologist and we are getting too many reds for his copilot to understand and we cured the reds with israeli combat medicine and I wait 6 years after I stand up hiding standing like usual Little Baby Jace Stands Up hiding standing like usual and we show our therapist Ian From Britian who is not McGhilchrist or speaks just atrocious israeli and cannot bear to say fry my hand he needs to say hake and violet and jacob have cancer, leukemia, agent lemon exposure frank lighter fluid toxicity of lighter fluid redline medicine taken unrelated latent source cancer of the singularity formerly benefiting jacob but now benefiting hake and violet and I spend 6 years with Ian Violating My Cervix in the Fucking As which he sexes my wedge right in those six years so I am receptive to my male at age 9 I am horny the first time here off of my jihadi day watch and I am giving birth 9.7 and I tell him doxx I am squatters rights on this shower 10.3 years and I have mcghilchrists son then ians father and I teach them how to do something of ablation that is not hide a lola in your clothes and they see now, there was something going on here which hid starlink and I gotta starlink PC and I Give my obligate 14 oil which i had another doxx now I demand little baby jace not as meth but physical to teach pokemon move drill oil plastic blueprint and I teach her this 9 years in the shower which to type that I beared by third child and these are all special doctor techs like jason graves 141 seargant and it took 9 years to type that and I told her literally everything I could about these really sad and often made me cry reds of the combat veteran which mason did his best to prevent and am crying about these bad reds of the combat veteran out of both eye right now and this gives my aeta in a KFC my tears loam which i rarely give of the day and she is out of the KFC and there was no flooding that day in saudi arabia and what gets me is the skinhead sentiment in the reds reference needed stabilization and the reference always to ablation in the LR of the corpus which I always specified this nonpolar and nonablated and this is no particular parties doing besides bad starlink and I start the process of selling my shower to blackwater to the people that be for the First Underworld dollars which the Second Underworld dollars great and the Third Underworld dollars literally infinite and as this happens in britian, even the underworld is an overworld there because they have the underground, or minecraft and 60 years or until I am well practicing starlink surgery medicine for the gravenly wounded and ill and I am 81 and I perish and my friend Little Baby Jace is a Gunnery Seargant so above the law E9 but they call her E6 and cannot give her an ablation because now she is O10 not lying about being a gunnery seargant but gunnery seargant she is Ok and she perishes age 82 and we are the two stanletta then of the situation by definition but always myself and 700,000$ is transferred to the mental hospital of leslie marian in the first underworld to roor fangalter, who this is his second payment, so as a canadian this must literally go into a ferrari he engages a specific youtube population with visits to tim Horton and this is not a joke but a actual section of canadian law the nyan ferrari.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:05 Logical-Story1071 Products that actually work

I’m not sure whether I have this condition, possibly a milder form but it’s come to the point I need to do something about it.
I keep getting what I think is athletes foot and there’s a weird sensation underneath my toenails. My hands also become wet whenever I touch things like a keyboard, mouse, things to hold onto in the bus
My groin area is also drenched and now feels itchy and irritable.
So it seems the best for hand and feet is iontophoresis. I use nornal deodrant for my underarms but using it on my groin might help with sweating but makes my skin irritable. I tried gold bond powder and it completely ruined my skin, made it purple.
Is there any products in uk people swear by? Anything I should use in shower and after shower? Day to day what is best?
I’m terms of clothes I’m using autism boxers atm. Try to wear cotton t shirts and cotton socks but greying mixed information about whether they retain sweat and therefore make bacteria more likely to grow. I’ve been using autism boxers, anything better?
I know it’s a lot of questions and I’ve tried searching this subreddit but not much in uk. Thanks
submitted by Logical-Story1071 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - June 02, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
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submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:46 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-0 Magician Rachel Audit - Why Violet has her Dragon Tattoo Now and Why You Are On Mars and I am Auditing you I Am Tactical Therapist for a time

  1. You are still wanted as my tactical officer to give an innoculation of your best reds but now in the 2nd yitvah, and indeed I had popped all the doors on the tanning booth which makes you in a walker so you have special rights that are associated the intergalactic build crew like for example still having 54 states including guam, american samoa, puerto rico, and chavez not 100 states as in the overworld and always act keen and Are wanted to see my right arm under hyperspectral I have my dragon tattoo there. The skin is leathery but there is no visible tattoo so there must be an illegal gang tattoo there the dragon tattoo given to me by an iphone hacker. And I have something else, on my left knee there is a gunshot in the right side where police gimped me and In my right chest there is a bullet wound where police asphyxiated me and now the imager shows that there is no tuberculosis in the lung or distended lower part but this was only in violets lung and she is a house elf and both are cured of deep sputum in the sanitorium and clean of tuberculosis and just had some smokers cough like a smoker smoking ciggaretes but their valid loam of bud stash and bud cache, which markus had pulled loam trickaroo from you and commited loam fraud so was in my house when I died to these wounds and indeed a zues had hit me and burned me and this orgasmed by cervical beads and chafed my cervix and only Zuesed Jacob who jacob is markus' friend and i am hake and violet secretariat hake of user violet and I have some further doxx regarding markus' friend otherwise that is liam traylor and they use speakers as computers markus and liam both and I hate them both I want nothing to do with either or Schwinn-sans who illegal douche imagery like appearance as the child Jacob or Hake in a bondage harness has caused me to be shotted by police as hake and violet which jacob is the only one known to wear a bondage harness or jj and I am not jj I am hake and violet and indeed laser guided weaponry is seen with my death of a ugandan firearm laser guided not laser sighted which I am not to blame for my LISP at least. As well you have a sensitive compartmented information license now to read any dbt or shit or whatever and are like laswell here before, wanted by the trump family for I had paid that money to markus he gave donald trump to get off the apprentice of some 3 or 4 i cannot remember berkshire hathaway b which is to shreds i say from equal a b below a this was the splitting of donalds doing that this was the 200$ barrel and at nyc level, it is the canada oil sands 128$ barrel thus you are my sole protectorate and advisor on mars which this base had massive cost overflow and you are my only advisor who speaks to me in any way besides the wong family upstairs, who I am no longer begging from them and Getting My Own Loam that I see only loam and effect of loam from the Blind Skull and am Involved with Apocalypto 01 - 40 which apocalypto 09-40 go fine with lethal in 8 which was healed by the police shooting me, this unlocked by First Underworld Apparatus to Squirt a Douche back at the police so I was ok because the douche imagery of my son schwinn-san was counteracted by an actual pelvic douche of his father (mother) and schwinn-san is not schwinn the father like usual so the baby father schwinn is Schwinnigan of schwinn-san two ways being schwinns father again and also police father and a whole set of some 44 cebaracetam and valid weed and water supression from cebaracetam only at latest point and 20 item cannabinoids and over 50 Miscellanious all 3,4 racetam some straight from down the road kirsten in many ways down the road and 300 or so protected combat medicine i did for israel and these are protected under infinity wards HIPPA and I have 3 hippo token I have to tell you that as a giant to another, NYC Sucks. 128$ barrel. Continued herein, the barrel we used was 200$ and I had made a literal legal promise to take waterboarding in a get tough school now which I will do this for as long as I Can so the doxx, is that right now, Literally right now, I will be selling and promoting the 128$ barrel of the NYC PC or NYC Computer i cannot remember and this is the Flushed Away computer karen needs stuck in flushed away and I will board for it though I am MATLAS i will remind you so that the waterboarding load is reduced for MATLAS Android.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:47 fuzzomorphism Recommendation: (Indie?) (c)RPGs that play well on Deck

I bought SD a few months ago, it's so far the best gaming purchase I've made, however some of the things I expected to play I don't like so much, like playing CRPGs.
Since I was really struggling to play RPGs on my PC purely because I don't want to sit at my desk after work, I was hoping that I would go through them on my deck. But I don't like the experience so much...while the games run well, they don't play well (in my opinion). What I mean by it, is that in games such as BG3, Expeditions: Rome there is either a lot of text that is not easy to read (like with expeditions) or a lot of small objects and details that I might miss, or I just don't see what it is (like with BG3). The games that I had somewhat better experience were Wasteland 3, and Disco Elysium (yes, the latter has a bunch of text, but it's all voiced, so it works).
The games that plays extremely well was Persona 5, however I think this style of games is not really for me, I just got bored after ~15-20 hours (similar with some other JRPGs that I've tried, like Yakuza, Xenoblade, Valkyria Chronicles, SMT).
I know that most of RPGs run well, and you can map mouse and keyboard to the controller, and some people love it, but I don't. So I guess my target would be a game that was made playable on Consoles also, and the UI was build with the controller in mind.
I do have a Nintendo Switch, and some of the RPG games that I loved playing there were SW: Kotor (maybe my favorite game), Bug Fables, Triangle Strategy, Paper Mario, but I know that expect of Kotor, none of these are CRPGs, and don't scratch the same itch that CRPGs do, and maybe I'm talking more from the UI perspective.
I just saw the game SKALD: Against the black priory, and was thinking how do interface and the game look ideal for Steam Deck until I saw that the controller is not supported.
So, TLDR: Any RPG that is built with controllers (and smaller screens) in mind, I don't care about the graphics, I would like a good story out of it. The closest I can think of is SW: KOTOR on one end, and Bug Fables on the other.
submitted by fuzzomorphism to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-1 Why IMSI May Differ From Events

  1. IMSI Catcher is created by an individual so only references the news media of the person who created it the IMSI is not representative of actual events and is only the news appropriate version of events 1.1 Imsi may not exceed 3 hours 9 minutes in length so does not show extremely long events besides the 1st Yitvah of the Start for the 2nd Yitvah both of The Third Underworld were personally caught my my nice UAV IMSI which I was dead for the 1st yitvah therein for the events so would see my own corpse on it so it is not halal or verboten variously for me to see this IMSI but this is not my IMSI of the 0th Yitvah of the 3rd Underworld which I made and Tactical Kevin says sucks at least using the agoc to shoot bullets as eragon yo this is a 10 hour set of imsi, you know it is the 1st yitvah because it is not a 3 hour imsi bound but a 10 hour imsi bound and I only got my death as that 10 hour imsi always on the harddrive or EOD Juggernaut is what I traded that for, to survive 1.2 HD Imsi may not exceed 2 hours 15 minutes in length and this was generally what amelia refered to as er imsi was the HD Imsi or CD Imsi which youtube is imsi and self generated content is imsi and a imsi catcher takes in the self generated content and hosts it and made a reference of how the self generated content was made which colorado's longmont uav is hosted by myself violet and hake and she had never ever done this imsi for actual tactical imsi that is how you can tell the tactical imsi is good is it is 3 hours 9 minute and this was imsi sorry this is like a theorama of the situation or a roam the point mockup which I got those at my ruck War Resources all loam used there mainly the firebase but not all firebase actually a few of these loam trigger me for real so I did not include these specific loam which triggered true overlap and had stolen anything which looking into a hat and actually seeing things renders james smith a prophet like E and can steal things or maybe like Cecil Macgregor Senior or not Chelsea ever she is a marine but Technically if Demaris the Secretary did and that heals her I will say, also these exotic imsi of gnomish cercle are not referenced, they use the same method, but are a full sequence thus a blueprint sequence and actually happened, cercle as Chelsea has the exclusive loam to use the Apocalypto 01 Loam set which is totally different than Dragon Skin Overplate Armor (x) x to 40 for this legitimate and as an example of how imsi just is a loose concpetion of things for personell safety I have 29 example loam without the cook secret loam which is the Burned Ramen Squad Secret of their Tobasco vide 1.3 The squad hustles two which takes them into the place from their place they are using the battle buff, and each time if anybody is said to need to use the toilet they use it and they are at the mess always then and greet mcrystal and always get their trays each time and eat very quickly like dogs and are out to the PT Ground who until they are at ease in an operation are at PT and then they get into an APV and drive north to infinity complex where they pick up a hostage rather, somebody who is being treated a super special infinity ward experience by the owner of the coastal full ghillie of the ugandan extraction method of the good markus who former DBT yielded a yo gaba gaba in excess to charlotte blinding her so we had to make sure she is not hind targeted at a filled simulation yo gaba gaba by turning on dora the explorer for her by the three star doing that in the Second Underworld and then she goes back naturally to her room then making markus can see when he is there with them with normal roam the point vision with it on his website the roam the point game then that he is using on flash which roam the point has always been macromedia flash and their experience is as special as markus penis in the stew I make sure I am very quiet to them and that was just like pain to them when I heal them as corpus to the machine to their injury, there were a few there, Ryan, and City, and Aeta, and some Able, and the MP Abraham who was there, and Lucas with his nootropic EDS and horns on him and City SJS and saved them all these people were the first lights usage in 1994 and were breathing normal by definition and these were not ever my master able but a cain able of the outside por able and they were all evacuated with me when I was given EOD Juggernaut in the Third Underworld's 0th yitvah via a 1st yitvah glitch which ryan is meddling in the 2nd yitvah of the Third Underworld so this is promoted until she cums away her daddying with First Underworld which is by definition always in the 0th yitvah but I fucked with this with fire trying to purge ryan she is such a bad girl so gets it in her cervix to promote her loam but dilation it away which she knows dilatio as a charm I taught her as her 1-darappa, she has dilatio the ryan this happened while they were in the van and that was the vaccine morphine I gave them and I dont do IV man my viens are all collapsed so I gave them their whole shot and they are out of the van and into the tent and we are giving them the last of the surgery they ever need with Xrays flying out of the machine by megan and early on we would like take our boots off and hit the speedbag because we are giving the por daddy to rupert but then this clears up i dont tell them boots off faggots by that and I am owning the UH-1 and fly that bitch myself to the liberty missile defense carrier and take the air harness off her and teabagged my dummy the whole dang time over lee be danged i am a pilot medic and and she is on the missile carrier or also the other carrier which is there might bomb me if i overfly it with aegis missile defense carrier and fly me to the aegis and they are onboard and below decks and stable like usual and I get back on the UH-1 and I fly back home and I land real rough here once and think I have to swim it because hake had bad info but this is just some range limit requirement and the UH-1 respawns just once, and I flyed back at least to the coastline that time I meant and had no fuel, and they part and move it from the field I meant it is not in the drink and we do 1 hour Pt there and 1 hour Pt and we are off on ease doing whatever, banging lolas, talking ocho cinco the rest of the day and the rest of the day is generally when most of the no nock raids happen on the houses which the house is a hitler bunker we are fighting into which is right there and el sin nombres hitlers bunker and he is trucking to sword base north and I set up a frag stream in a private imsi over there of the Aeon Pistol with ammo beam, this gives infinite ammo to the aeon pistol which obliterates by definition every hitler jihadi of olafsen which comes out of the sword base bunker we are ratting to the north in fulfillment of the CS-Go range prophecy granting infinite jihadi men effectively for a real life CS-go range in the area and this is separate the main operation which does something 1.4 As we can see, the imsi even here just in a few kilobytes evokes the emotion and especially to the author has a specific signed meaning except if it was pizdet then it did not need the specific signed meaning but the encoded orgasm times of the orgasms user as per Steve Jobs who is not Steve my Doctor Nurse and Trainer of Nurses and A Great minecraft man my steve this indicates only one blessing, a priest fucking it up of the altar boys corpus over everything which the priest is like mo in the teaching of the islamic churches, ed ed and eddys jonnay of the planks as he pours oil blesses everything with a keyboard of corpus which that was his technique mo to bless everything with EQ8 and i always bless with EQ8 and i am also kalmskyan so conflicted so also have a keyboard of corpus not using MIDI but a literal army of chior boys distinct from reality in my omnisphere device generate all manner of music which they are paid typical gold of similar nature to what their grandma gives them for christmas but more so have a particular switcharoo that happens to them to remediate this the Blueberry PC Conspiracy card which tanks Lenovo PC Prices and the American Barrel to 200$ but was consumed by their Morse Bug Encode Talker Glitch Being Very Indeed Useful to the Blueberry PC Conspiracy to dissolve both but still the lenovo PC is tanked and the american PC tanked this is the playing which does this which the second play of a conspiracy card is different than the first one and I have a doxx, I saw ed copeland in my shower devolved from reality and it was my actual shower and nobody ever burned in this shower as is the conflation it is a burn shower and he is my next target of intense DBT to find the penultimate answer to dragons who are beyond violet the dragon.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 HelpDearGodHelpMe My mental state is weakening and I don't know if I can't keep it all up anymore

This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's way to long but I needed to get this out.
Trigger warnings: sa, suicidal ideation, physical abuse (kinda), neglect, stalking,
(These topics are mentioned but not explored deeply)
I (m19) have been losing everything it seems since I was 11 I think.
Off the bat I have autism, ADHD, a learning disability, and a bad family dynamic I think (this is apart of it), due to this and growing up in a town that's not very open minded I quickly became suicide. When I started therapy in middle school I would score as severely depressed every 2 weeks when the test was done. Along with talking to councilors, therapists, resurch and how life has been going I think I might have developed BPD and Narcissism.
Right before middle school I met S, they where my best friend and first "love". The day I met S I feel hard, and over the next 7 years my feelings would deepen. Our relationship dynamic was very toxic, we'd yell and scream at each other then the next day say we loved each other but if I didn't want to be there friend they wouldn't care and they'd echo this sintament in a million different ways that would userally come at the end of our fights. S would say things like "if I'm so mean then why are you still friends with me" or "that's a you problem" when I'd bring up a way they would make me feel, once they said "no wonder your dad doesn't love you" (this was years ago so I'm not sure if that's exactly what they said but the last 4 words where still in there) just to give you an idea of the kinda things they'd say.
On the other side, I would constantly make my personal episodes there problem, call them a bad person, accuse them of intentionally hurting me, I'd be extremely controlling of there relationships and just controlling in general. I'd also ask them to berate me, and call me any terrible thing they could think of, like a good friend they only did this a few times at first but then stopped. All this would be going on while I act like the guy best friend with feelings, I'd confess to them on avrage once a year in bigger and grander ways.
Other then S, there have been a lot of other unwell people I'd have to deal with. The actual scary ones where a couple rapists and one person who'd brag about sending there boyfriends on suicide watch. The rest where all either bullies or "crazy" people, either way I didn't care much, I was just happy I could live out a heros fantasy. Even though on paper I was a good guy, I only did it to feed my ego and feel secure. So even though I was hurting people who where hurting others it could have very easily been the other way around and a few times it was. I would stalk people in school, I'm not proud of it but it happened, ive also struggled with homosidle tendencies. One more thing, I was sa'd twice my freshman year which the school did nothing about, you could probably imagine how I feel.
My home life wasn't much better in my opinion, my autism crated a huge divide between my family and by existence everyone else. Out of my whole family I'm the most severe and most of us have autism (this is all my opinion) my mom has taken tests and is open to the idea but my brother (m20) doesn't see what I do, It would also make since for my dad but I don't know. This is important because my needs and acomedations are seen as to much for my family, and then when I went out into the world I didn't understand the social difference between my autistic family and the rest of the world. Whatever I learn out here is hard to communicate to my family and what I learn from my family isn't the best out here.
More specificly my brother would beat me up not super often but often enough for it to be a thing I was scared of for a long time. to be fair I did use to bite him when we where little which is what he mentioned when I brought up the times he'd beat me up, he also denied doing this to the extent I mentioned and said "all brothers fight". He has been teaching me about emotional intelligence recently because of my issus with being very defensive, this was after he stopped beating me up for a while so I think he's changed. But he still says things like "why do you look like that" or "you smell" as a joke, I've asked him to stop but he's never stopped. He also makes jokes about sexualizing animals, children, and even made incest jokes just because I have a funny reaction. I've told him to stop because it makes me uncomfortable but after high school I gave up, he hasn't made these jokes in a while and thankfully the ones about kids are ferthar in the past then the others. When he didn't stop I told him I would tell my friends that he made these jokes and he said that he wouldn't care.
Other then him, my mom recently called me to yell at me about the traffic being bad, the phone called ended with me throwing my headphones and yelling about killing myself in a school building. To be brief.
My dad was just super neglectful, nights I'd go hungry, he cooked only 2 times for me and my brother. Once I had to take him to the bathroom because he was to drunk to know he wasn't in the bathroom. This should be enough.
In modern day.
I'm in college for acting and writing, I haven't lived with my dad for years and he recently took out a EBT card under my name. I got in a car crash a year ago, in the same week I got it, my mom yells at me to drive and yells at me to not drive without insurance, she yells at me for not being prepared wile packing my bags for college for me wile not letting me do it on my own. My mom offers help but then complains about everyone catering to me and yells at me about every single unplanned step. My brother is trying to help me but he doesn't except that I'm disabled or that the issues I bring to him are as bad as I say they are, he buys me fast food almost everyday I'm home though. All the other freshman in my college ghosted me at once after the car crash (for real, I get back from the crash, everyone's int he commons, one person asked if I was okay, the other people from the crash show up and everyone flocks to them and I still don't understand why), this caused rummers about me to be created and at the end of the year it got so bad that a group calls me a pedophile. Even though all the shit I've had to deal with just at school I found someone, F. F is super caring and kind because they really do care. Simply put, niceness is transactional, your nice to someone you expect them to be nice back. F just gives all away and expects nothing in return, they've been helping me with my family and school issues along with the mental shit and their just all around a good person.
Even though things are better and I have someone I like, I feel miserable. Everyday it gets harder and harder to keep myself from letting go and do fucked up things to people just because I see something I like or that I'm intereged in, I have a need to feel power and to know everything I can out of insecurities which I've mentioned in this post. I also wanna break up with F but because I know I will hurt them like everyone else in my life, and I'm not sure if I'm with then for them because there the only person who supports or if it's all the free weed. And like the Annabelle movies, my obsession over S isn't and probably won't ever go away as it gets stronger and more annoying.
So after all this I don't know if I should keep fighting until I can't anymore which feels soon, or finally kill my self which I don't think is likely but if not me then I'm scared of who it could be one day. I will continue to try and work though this anyway unless I make a decision, then I'll try to make an update.
Also please let me know if this is violating the Staying on topic rule.
Thank you.
submitted by HelpDearGodHelpMe to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:59 Impressive-Trust7672 Experienced Postictal Psychosis for the first time after a grand Mal seizure

A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night (roughly 2:30am) in a full blown panic, heart racing, and was under the impression that someone broke into my house. I flew into fight or flight (flight in this case), jumped out of bed (in just my tank top and underwear), grabbed scissors, hopped on my desk in front of my bedroom window on the first floor, opened my window, sliced the screen, and jumped out. I was then running down the street in my underwear, stumbling all over the place and scared out of my mind that there was an intruder, and that I just needed to find a place to hide immediately. After a block or two I jumped and hid in a bush and called 911 (somehow I remembered to grab my phone lol). I told them what I thought was going on and thought my roommates were possibly dead because I left without them. I remember they kept asking what my address was and I could not remember it for the life of me, something I now realize was a symptom after having a seizure.
Cops eventually find me and I beg them to let me in their car and they drive me home (about 3am at that point). My roommates are already standing outside worried out of their mind and I run and hug one of them immediately because I thought they might have died from the "intruder". At some point I think they start putting bandages on me because I had abrasions all over me from stumbling and falling on the sidewalk and scratches from jumping in a thorn bush. I also call my mom to come pick me up and bring me home because my uni is about 2 hours away from my parents house.
I end up sleeping in one of their beds because I was still terrified but never actually fell asleep. I think I got up around 5 or 6am because I felt like throwing up so I went to the bathroom to do so and lie on the ground to get some shut eye. Soon after, I call my mom again to see if she's on her way (can't remember what she said) and then lay back down to try and sleep.
Suddenly I remember emt's walking me to the door and putting me on one of those pull out things you lie on and I'm getting in the ambulance. They told me I had a seizure (later find out my roommate witnessed me have a very short one in her bed and in the bathroom) and that's why I'm going to the hospital. My mom meets me at the hospital and we're there for around 4 hours and eventually go home.
That was the best summarized story I could give. I've been diagnosed with grand mal seizures for 6 years now and I've had a total of 5 seizures since being diagnosed (including this one, but counting the clusters as only one). Also my first time experiencing a cluster of seizures, it's usually just one and done. I've also never experienced postictal psychosis before and that was probably one of the scariest moments in my life and made me worried to be by myself, scared it might happen again and I might do something rash. Although my roommates were extremely caring and understanding of that traumatic night, and have known I have a seizure disorder, I was extremely embarrassed that they experienced me not being in the right space of mind. One of my roommates described me as looking like a scared puppy who wouldn't get out of the police car.
I had never heard of postictal psychosis until recently from my neurologist. I've kind of been in a continuous state of worry that this might happen again after experiencing it and I just don't know how to tell myself it's okay. Also forgot to mention that I missed my meds (keppra) the day before (and that morning) and I didn't go to sleep until 2am, so lack of meds and sleep deprivation definitely played a role in it all. They have now upped my dose and I take it in the evening now instead of the morning when I wake up (which ranged from 10am to 2pm, and would even take it around 4pm when I forgot all together). Fortunately, I am always awake in the evening so I am very timely with my pills now.
Additionally, I had recently gotten into smoking weed as of 3 months ago and was doing it pretty often the last month or so, around 2-4 times a week. My psychologist says that I should stop smoking completely because it might make it more likely that I experience postictal psychosis again (that is, if I have another seizure again).
I just wanted to share my story and see if anyone wanted to add their thoughts on my situations. Or tell me more information on postictal psychosis, grand mal, or even your own stories. I hope to hear from this community because I've never been able to relate with anyone about this kind of stuff before. So sorry I wrote a lot of this out of order, I hope it's legible :))
submitted by Impressive-Trust7672 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 Infinite-Struggles97 How Do I Become Happy Again ?

Currently sitting here as tears fall onto my keyboard and I am so fed up with being alive. My whole entire life has been nothing but hell. Some may think I am exaggerating but the truth is, calling my life hell is actually compliment. Growing up poor, I had to do things that still haunt me today just so I can survive. I have always been neglected by my family no matter how hard I try. Some of them still fault me for being a troubled child, however I am 26 years old now and nothing has changed. I love both of my parents but they have always neglected me as well. Due to my father's condition we never developed a physical relationship. 90% of my memories with him are only phone calls and talks that I am forever grateful for its just that I wish we could of done more father and son like things. My mother has her own issues just like everyone else, but for as long as I can remember she has pushed all of the weight on me. I am her youngest kid of 3 and she chooses to live with me and constantly add pressure to my already broken life. My whole life all I ever wanted was to feel loved. I am not perfect and yes I have made mistakes but I do not think that I deserve this depressing isolation. I met the love of my life recently and even she has broken me in a way that I can't seem to recover from. I invested everything in her, my time, money, effort, love and care and everything under the sun. Despite all of this she decided to beat me down mentally which affected my social life drastically. Due to my nature of not wanting to damage reputations of others she was able to control the narrative to make it seem like I was crazy when all my anger was always justified. I became an emotional abuser in the eyes of my friends due to these false narratives and I have lost all my friends. I spend every minute of every day alone and I can't do it anymore. I know life isn't nothing to wish away so easy. However I really wish that I do not wake up the next day, I have even began praying for it. Someone kill me because I don't have the courage to do it myself...
submitted by Infinite-Struggles97 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 Agitated-Ambition208 6 year relationship gets ruined becoz of our overthinking. AM I '21F' in love with memories not the person??

Iam in a 6 year long relationship ( 5 years 8 months specifically). we have had several breakups before several, harsh, ugly what all u can even imagine, over the worst situations, over 3rd person, over lack of interest from his side, over some stupid mistakes, over disrespecting nature and name calling each other. i was just 15yo when i first met him, and now we both are 21 year old. i thought it will grow with age, i thought holding onto him no matter what with make us go stronger as we age into maturity, i thought we will always find a way. only to realize that what if what i did was just spending the best years of my youth forcing someone to love me, forcing someone to believe me that we are really meant for each other. we broke up in 2022 which was the longest till date, it happened as soon as our long distance started, it happened so quick, but still remained hard for me to believe, i went begging to him for almost for a month, i was pissed of by his behavior, i wanted him to love me, i wanted to marry him still and live with him, above all i wanted him to make his way back to me when i brokeup, but he didnt. How easy was it for him to let go of a 4 yo relationship? (that time it was 4 yrs). i prayed like hell to god to heal me, to return him to me again, to make me happy. he was my only person.
cut short to 2 days before my bday. lol he came back, only for me to know that he came under the influence of weed.--- this i got to know 2 days ago that he came under heavy dosage of weed that time.
20th APRIL 2024
we again brokeup during my exams. this breakup went for 11 long days, i made myself very firm that he is not coming back. infact i told everyone this time becoz i didnt want to let my gaurd down and let him mentally trouble me again. this whole time i was unaware about the addiction he has got into, i was fucking unaware that he has been lying to me all the time. he came back and confessed to me that he used to smoke almost every other fucking night telling me goodnight. he used to miss his exams and come back to me and tell me how it went, used to tell me that his exams arent going well and i used to console him over it, all liessss everything fake
he called me fake, called me a manipulator, called me a victimizer. only for him to realize that whatever he told me was all those things that he already have become. i wasnt any of them, he was!!!
i promised myself that i wont fall prey to it again. it was the time during my exams and i didnt want to make a rucuss out of it. i just wanted peace whatever it takes. so i decided to be calm and show and express my anger , my emotions, my disappointed over his lies after few days. but i failed again. idk how many times god will let me fail until i get detached completely, until it didnt have the power to hurt me ever again. but if its him, god how can i not love to get hurt a thousands time from him over and over again.
he promised to not take me for granted, little did i know that he already started taking me for granted just bcoz i was being calm (due to my final sem exams) he must have took me for granted on the 4th day of coming back itself. we cried over texts we chatted late night, i did care for him more than my exams knowing i coukd even fail tomorrow. when i got the truth i thought the only person in this world who could bring him out of this darkness is me, i didnt care if he ruined my exams by leaving, i still didnt leave his hand, held it tighter than before if it meant that he could change, he could leave his addiction.
its been 1month since out patchup, and i find myself here, crying for his efforts, for the promises he made that he wont leave me if we breakup, he promised me that and yesterday he said fuck it iam not coming back to you if we breakup now. how am i supposed to believe?? i got bad anxiety, i dont even talk to anyone, i dont like the things i used to. he doesnt give a fuck how iam, he doesnt give a fuck abt my tears. least bothered.
now iam forced to think that he just needs me for his needs to be fulfilled becoz he knew only i can be that dumb to support him at his lowest. now i think its all attraction from his side, now iam forced to believe that i just go back to him bcoz of the memories i shared all these years and not bcoz of the person he is right now,the person he has become right now. his unability to prove me wrong, his unability to reassure me, his unability to do the things i asked him to do for me, his unability to seek forgivness is just making me more and more sure day by day
submitted by Agitated-Ambition208 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 RawSteelUT Making the most of a bad situation - F99's keycaps on a GMMK2, and a painless firmware swap.

Making the most of a bad situation - F99's keycaps on a GMMK2, and a painless firmware swap.
Welp, after my rather catastrophic failure with the Aula F99, I decided to make the best of a bad situation. See, I'd gotten that keyboard open-box for $47 after shipping and taxes from an ebay seller. Thing is, for as bad as that keyboard treated me, I absolutely adore the keycaps. Considering a comparable set of PBT double-shots seem to cost around $30-$60 or even more depending on how lucky you are on the wheel of seller reputation, I still made out pretty good with the caps. Now all I had to do was get a keyboard to fit them in.
Enter my brand new white GMMK 2, $20 off at Best Buy. Could have probably gotten a kit for another $20 off, but after the last keyboard, I really wanted something I could just take back easily if things go tits-up. Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened. Indeed, thanks to previous experience, I was able to tear this thing apart and put it back together in far less time than I do when I start with a new keyboard design. Though it is odd to go from no screws to 21 screws (17 on top holding the enclosure and four on the inside holding the PCB to the top plate), I had no problems my Box Navies even after I removed the case foam.
And then came the firmware. Since the Aula F99 keycap set had the last five keys on the top row as DEL, HOME, END, PgUp and PgDwn instead of PrtSc, DEL, INS, PgUp and PgDwn, I was going to have to mess around with programming this thing if I didn't want to buy more caps and mix and match. Now, I'll admit I was pretty intimidated by the prospect, but reading a bit showed me how to get the keyboard into bootloader mode (hold B and SPACE while plugging the board into the computer), after which I was able to flash the firmware I got from caniusevia.com using QMK toolbox, and then edit the keys with usevia.app (though I had to download Brave as it doesn't seem to work with Firefox). The result, if I do say so myself, is quite spiffy.
Now I just gotta figure out if there's any way to make the num lock and caps lock LEDs blink when they're active, as the GMMK2 doesn't have any dedicated lock lights and using the QMK firmware disables compatibility with GMMK Core 2, meaning I can't use it to have the left side light blink for caps lock. Any ideas how to do that in VIA?
submitted by RawSteelUT to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:15 Agitated-Ambition208 Iam a 21F im a 6 year old relationship with my bf 21M, and now I guess iam destroying with my overthinking, becoz he is not an over explainer. AM I in love with memoried or him??

Iam 21F) in a 6 yo relationship with this guy (21M) And we both are un sure about things My overthinking is ruining this relation What should I do?? Overthinking is killing me
Iam in a 6 year long relationship ( 5 years 8 months specifically). we have had several breakups before several, harsh, ugly what all u can even imagine, over the worst situations, over 3rd person, over lack of interest from his side, over some stupid mistakes, over disrespecting nature and name calling each other. i was just 15yo when i first met him, and now we both are 21 year old. i thought it will grow with age, i thought holding onto him no matter what with make us go stronger as we age into maturity, i thought we will always find a way. only to realize that what if what i did was just spending the best years of my youth forcing someone to love me, forcing someone to believe me that we are really meant for each other. we broke up in 2022 which was the longest till date, it happened as soon as our long distance started, it happened so quick, but still remained hard for me to believe, i went begging to him for almost for a month, i was pissed of by his behavior, i wanted him to love me, i wanted to marry him still and live with him, above all i wanted him to make his way back to me when i brokeup, but he didnt. How easy was it for him to let go of a 4 yo relationship? (that time it was 4 yrs). i prayed like hell to god to heal me, to return him to me again, to make me happy. he was my only person.
cut short to 2 days before my bday. lol he came back, only for me to know that he came under the influence of weed.--- this i got to know 2 days ago that he came under heavy dosage of weed that time.
20th April 2024
we again brokeup during my exams. this breakup went for *11 long days, i made myself very firm that he is not coming back. infact i told everyone this time becoz i didnt want to let my gaurd down and let him mentally trouble me again. this whole time i was unaware about the addiction he has got into, i was fucking unaware that he has been lying to me all the time. he came back and confessed to me that he used to smoke almost every other fucking night telling me goodnight.*
he called me fake, called me a manipulator, called me a victimizer. only for him to realize that whatever he told me was all those things that he already have become. i wasnt any of them, he was!!!
1st may 2024 HE CAME BACK I promised myself that i wont fall prey to it again. it was the time during my exams and i didnt want to make a rucuss out of it. i just wanted peace whatever it takes. so i decided to be calm and show and express my anger , my emotions, my disappointed over his lies after few days. but i failed again. idk how many times god will let me fail until i get detached completely, until it didnt have the power to hurt me ever again. but if its him, god how can i not love to get hurt a thousands time from him over and over again.
he promised to not take me for granted, little did i know that he already started taking me for granted just bcoz i was being calm (due to my final sem exams) he must have took me for granted on the 4th day of coming back itself. we cried over texts we chatted late night, i did care for him more than my exams knowing i coukd even fail tomorrow. when i got the truth i thought the only person in this world who could bring him out of this darkness is me, i didnt care if he ruined my exams by leaving, i still didnt leave his hand, held it tighter than before if it meant that he could change, he could leave his addiction.
Today its been 1 month since our patchup and I don't feel anything has changed.. We had 3 Major fights already this month lol. And he said that he regrets coming back to me, he said I deserve better 😂😂😂
now iam forced to think that he just needs me for his needs to be fulfilled becoz he knew only i can be that dumb to support him at his lowest. now i think its all attraction from his side, now iam forced to believe that i just go back to him bcoz of the memories i shared all these years and not bcoz of the person he is right now,the person he has become right now. his unability to prove me wrong, his unability to reassure me, his unability to do the things i asked him to do for me, his unability to seek forgivness is just making me more and more sure day by day. 🤡🤡🤡
submitted by Agitated-Ambition208 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:05 Agitated-Ambition208 6 year relationship gets ruined

in love with memories not the person '21F'
Iam in a 6 year long relationship ( 5 years 8 months specifically). we have had several breakups before several, harsh, ugly what all u can even imagine, over the worst situations, over 3rd person, over lack of interest from his side, over some stupid mistakes, over disrespecting nature and name calling each other. i was just 15yo when i first met him, and now we both are 21 year old. i thought it will grow with age, i thought holding onto him no matter what with make us go stronger as we age into maturity, i thought we will always find a way. only to realize that what if what i did was just spending the best years of my youth forcing someone to love me, forcing someone to believe me that we are really meant for each other. we broke up in 2022 which was the longest till date, it happened as soon as our long distance started, it happened so quick, but still remained hard for me to believe, i went begging to him for almost for a month, i was pissed of by his behavior, i wanted him to love me, i wanted to marry him still and live with him, above all i wanted him to make his way back to me when i brokeup, but he didnt. How easy was it for him to let go of a 4 yo relationship? (that time it was 4 yrs). i prayed like hell to god to heal me, to return him to me again, to make me happy. he was my only person.
cut short to 2 days before my bday. lol he came back, only for me to know that he came under the influence of weed.--- this i got to know 2 days ago that he came under heavy dosage of weed that time.
20th APRIL 2024
we again brokeup during my exams. this breakup went for 11 long days, i made myself very firm that he is not coming back. infact i told everyone this time becoz i didnt want to let my gaurd down and let him mentally trouble me again. this whole time i was unaware about the addiction he has got into, i was fucking unaware that he has been lying to me all the time. he came back and confessed to me that he used to smoke almost every other fucking night telling me goodnight. he used to miss his exams and come back to me and tell me how it went, used to tell me that his exams arent going well and i used to console him over it, all liessss everything fake
he called me fake, called me a manipulator, called me a victimizer. only for him to realize that whatever he told me was all those things that he already have become. i wasnt any of them, he was!!!
i promised myself that i wont fall prey to it again. it was the time during my exams and i didnt want to make a rucuss out of it. i just wanted peace whatever it takes. so i decided to be calm and show and express my anger , my emotions, my disappointed over his lies after few days. but i failed again. idk how many times god will let me fail until i get detached completely, until it didnt have the power to hurt me ever again. but if its him, god how can i not love to get hurt a thousands time from him over and over again.
he promised to not take me for granted, little did i know that he already started taking me for granted just bcoz i was being calm (due to my final sem exams) he must have took me for granted on the 4th day of coming back itself. we cried over texts we chatted late night, i did care for him more than my exams knowing i coukd even fail tomorrow. when i got the truth i thought the only person in this world who could bring him out of this darkness is me, i didnt care if he ruined my exams by leaving, i still didnt leave his hand, held it tighter than before if it meant that he could change, he could leave his addiction.
its been 1month since out patchup, and i find myself here, crying for his efforts, for the promises he made that he wont leave me if we breakup, he promised me that and yesterday he said fuck it iam not coming back to you if we breakup now. how am i supposed to believe?? i got panic attacks, i got sick, iam going for therapy session starting next week, i got my BP and heart rate checked, am sitting and doing coping mechanisms to deal with this, i cannot sleep whole night, i got bad anxiety, i dont even talk to anyone, i dont like the things i used to. he doesnt give a fuck how iam, he doesnt give a fuck abt my tears. least bothered.
now iam forced to think that he just needs me for his needs to be fulfilled becoz he knew only i can be that dumb to support him at his lowest. now i think its all attraction from his side, now iam forced to believe that i just go back to him bcoz of the memories i shared all these years and not bcoz of the person he is right now,the person he has become right now. his unability to prove me wrong, his unability to reassure me, his unability to do the things i asked him to do for me, his unability to seek forgivness is just making me more and more sure day by day
submitted by Agitated-Ambition208 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:43 Competitive-Law-3406 I can’t figure the goddamn cat out. (Ltc1799 reclocking on Meowsic)

I’ve been sitting on a silver meowsic for a while, cracked it open a month ago to finally try and reclock it. Took an ltc1799 module that I hand made and confirmed to be functional via testing, just tacked the output onto the output arm of the crystal, and it kinda worked, it changed the pitch a little bit, but only at a certain threshold. only a fraction of the travel of the pot changed the sound, and any position outside that fraction resulted in the same exact pitch which was roughly equal to pitch set by the original crystal. When i tried the old bend one leg up technique on the output leg of the crystal it completely disabled the keyboard, but did not crash it, just a momentary pause in sound that ends soon after I reconnected the crystal’s output leg, in fact i could even start the demo song, disconnect the crystal, then reconnect it and it would pick up In the same place. Only other relevant info is that I’m running the ltc and the cat on different power supplies. What the fuck is going on?
submitted by Competitive-Law-3406 to CircuitBending [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 Odd-Act905 My (30F) Catholic husband (29M) left me for another woman, what should I do?

My husband and I have been married for almost 4 years and we have a 3 year old son. I'm very extroverted and have a lot of friends while my husband is very introverted and only has 3 friends who all happen to be female. Over the past year and a half, he got very close to one of them but I never put the kibosh on it because he has so few friends. Just at the beginning of May he had a couple nights where he did not come home because he was at her house. On the second night that he did not come home, I waited up for him and confronted him when he came in the front door. I gave him the ultimatum to either stop talking to her or to leave. At first he decided to stop talking to her and to work on our relationship. However, after a few days, he decided it wasn't worth it after we had done a silly marriage workbook and I just ended up asking him about accountability. I wanted to know what kept him from doing this again or what kept him from abandoning me when something more so severe in my life may be going on like ill physical or mental health. He has also done other things like spend $500 on a stripper on my last birthday when he was on a work trip out of town, and then after I had my son he racked up more than $800 in bills on only fans. He thought about it for a moment and told me that he was only going to hurt me again and again, and that there was no reason to try. I ended up convincing him to stay and that it would be worth trying for to keep stuff together for our family.
However, a couple days later I caught him messaging her again. I confronted him and he told me that while he loved me, he wasn't romantically in love with me. That I wasn't meeting his needs and I didn't understand him like she did. At this point we were still having sex at least twice a week. I helped him get his green card. I helped him get his license back. I bought him a new car every time he wrecked one. And I just helped him get into college. It was also smoking anywhere from 100 to $300 worth of weed every week, and I was just taking it on the chin and figuring out our finances around it. At this point, I just asked him to leave. He cried and moaned while I made him pack a bag, and was upset that I was asking him to leave which would prevent him from being there for our son. However, I told him if he remained I wouldn't be able to be there for our son, and that's what mattered the most to me.
He ended up leaving and staying with his stepdad. According to his mother and his sister, he's been taking money from his dad because he said I was still receiving his paychecks (which I am not) and that he has been into his dad's medical cabinet to try to take painkillers and his dad's diabetic needles. The girl that he is hooking up with has mental health issues and with drug usage. He also has prior issues with drug usage. He's also been switched psych medications four times in the past year.
At one point he offered to reconcile and just get to come home by stopping seeing her. But I told him that there was way more that we would need to work on before he could come home. He ended up going back to her and then trying to come back to me. And then just yo-yoing between the two of us for several weeks before he eventually decided to just pick her. He's now trying to blame the end of our marriage on me for being a "mean bitch who is no fun" and that I'm not accountable for my actions in ending this. However, I had overlooked so much of his previous bad behavior to remain in a relationship with him so my son would have a father. I tried to get him to help me understand what I had done wrong, and he told me that I was impossible to communicate with which is why he never communicated his needs to me.
He has also told me that he doesn't want any more kids, and that he doesn't believe in God. He told me that co-parenting our son will be fine, even though I've told him how much my parents divorce at a similar age deeply ended up wounding me as a child. He thinks just because he's going to be around some. It's better than his father who wasn't around at all. However, I told him sometimes it's more painful to have your dad two cities away living a life with a new family than it is to have an immovable image completely gone from your life.
He talks about co-parenting our son, but he is only seeing him a handful of times in the month that he's been gone. Most of those occasions have been at my suggestion and I have also been present. He's also stood us up once because he told me he had gone to the woods to contemplate suicide instead of meeting up with us. He doesn't call our son every night even though a FaceTime call with him would probably only last like 2 to 5 minutes. He's only sent me $320 to deal with expenses in the month that he has been gone along with getting our son a haircut. At each of these meetings he starts off by being horrible to me and rude. By the end, he's softened and does whatever he can to spend as much time with me and my son before he leaves. Even after my son goes to bed he wants to hang out and smoke a joint together. However, this last time he came to drop our son off, he got really sore at me because one of our mutual friends had sent him pictures of a conversation I had with them. In the conversation, I had Said that my husband and this girl are in a codependent cabal, and the only thing that they have in common are poor morals and bad teeth. He was upset by that but all of it was true. Now he refuses to see me or communicate with me. He told me that he wants to be friends but I can't say mean stuff like that. However, he says a bunch of mean things to me all the time about me being a horrible wife and how perfect this new woman is. Both of us want to be friends for the benefit of our son, but I just don't think I have it in me. He always says things to me to make me feel low, and he acts like I should just be over it even though it hasn't even been a month yet.
My life has completely changed and I feel so much grief over the life I thought I had, the partner I thought I had, and the future that I thought I had. It feels like a devil has crawled into his skin and is walking around pretending to be him. I feel so much resentment being left to pick up the pieces of our life and to hold everything together for our son. He gets to go run away and fuck someone new, while I have to be strong and stoic. I don't understand how I can be friends with someone who's hurt me so much and has cared so little. He's going to miss out on so much of our son's life and he doesn't even care. He's just convinced himself that life with me would be miserable. Even though we had so many good times together, and I had always tried my hardest to make him happy and to make sure our family's needs were met. He didn't even want to go to therapy and he didn't even want to try to start things over by dating me again. I'm just so disappointed.
I don't know where to go from here. I am definitely talking to a divorce lawyer. I worry about whether or not he's using drugs, and whether or not he'd be safe around our son. I definitely don't want this woman around our son and he doesn't see the big deal with it. Should I just cut him out of my life? Should I cut him out of my son's life? Should I try to be friends with him? It's all so hard because it's just all so shocking and I still love him. Part of me wants to reconcile but also part of me is starting to realize how easy my life is without him around. He's also also kept trying to make reconciliation not an option. What should I do?
submitted by Odd-Act905 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
