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2024.05.14 18:35 Mean_Skill9638 open doors day, for your enjoyment

SABOTAGE?! And it all started out as such a nice idea… A cliche as tall as my ex-roommate’s erection live-blending Kelly Bundy Mike Kelley and Ted Bundy parafernalia wearing blondes to the sound of gekko’s mating in the Amazon. Cut the bullshit! There’s no such thing as a nice idea getting detourné by some smart art postpostsituationist pranker or right-wing gaswhitey flexfrat, no, my dear well-meaning peace dove friends, if an idea can gets turned into its opposite during its execution, it probably was flawed from the start! Sometimes people use Woodstock 99 - the limp dickshit rape and pillage slash and burn disaster edition - as an example of how a great, positive, wonderful, hell, holy idea can turn into the worst kind of evil in the hands of the wrong people. Well, dear naivopino’s, let me inform you: bull-shit! The whole idea of Woodstock, be it ’99, ’94, ’69 or 2219, is just batshit dumbwhat asking for the baddest kind of trouble right from the bat. Or, what? Do you honest-to-dogly think that during the original (I retrovulsely puke into my stomach even using that wretched word) edition of 1969 nothing was burned, stolen, no women were raped? What, just because there were no sperm dna tests, nigh to none options for women to speak up against sexual violence let alone the fact that speaking up against rape during that whole shitshebang of a weak acid trip’s campfire get-together was near to blasphemy in the hippie community means that no women were raped? Because men all of a sudden turned into meek little dickies lambs for three years from 1968 to ’71? Fuck that shit. Please. I don’t even want to spend a single move of a single digit of my old hands having to make anything about that largest circle jerk-off in history clear to you. Read your books. Do your homework. Anyway, that’s what I was thinking about when a friend told me recently about another of those so-called great ideas gone hilariously wrong in a little map smudge of a town in of all fucking places Belgium for chrissakes. Let me admit to you, right here and now, no smirk no smile on my face: I laughed so hard when I heard it I shat my new Calvins. Framed them afterwards, too, in a nice little Nielsen A2 birch. It’s sitting there, stinking the fuck out of my storage, waiting for a good stock market crash to come. Never underestimate the potential of the future art market gold rushes. My shit, my gold, bruv. So, these two clowns of artists in Belgium (are there any other there? don’t get me started on rené ma bite or marcel bread arse here!) had the ammazing idea to get themselves funded by the local government in this hamlet of three houses called Watou which apparently would be part of - ok, stop me here. Not in the history of mankind has ever ended a sentence well which tried to explain any aspect of Belgian politics, topography or whatever the call the thing there where a man rides a horse stark naked and bites the neck of living goose hanging from a tree? (See, that sentence didn’t end well either, did it, what’d I tell you? Cursed stuff!) Let’s try that again: two artists in the Belgian town of Watou had the splendid idea to organize a festive event, in the middle of summer, whereby all the people of this little village (if you’re thinking of blue skinned vikings charging Roman legionnaires in a berry-induced bad trip frenzy, well, so am I) for one day left their houses, dropped the key of their house in a transparant bowl on the town square and all went to the field adjacent to their village to well be (as in: not fornicate) together and thereby, if I had a press release I’d quote this from it: practiced a performative experiment in hospitality and neighborship where no fixed rules are applied. I’m guessing if you’re sensitive like I am to the finer things a life, you might as well start looking for your nearest Nielsen frame too by now, but hey: we haven’t even gotten to the joke yet! This was all the serious stuff. Let me summarise it even more briefly for you, just to get it out of my haemorrhoidical system: Imagine a village. Everyone leaves their house at the same time. Leaves their front door open. Drops the key to said door in a large bowl. Drifts into a field somewhere off to do fripp knows what (no rules applied, but probably: no fornication whatsoever.) Got the mental image? Good. Now get the fuck out of that dream and imagine any sad little teardrop of a town you know. Imagine who lives there. Imagine all the people you know who live in a town, or rather, fuck that, imagine all the people you know. Now imagine that some dogoodydoodydoobywah wants to “bring the people together again” and “mend the social bonds which had been broken by” yaddah yaddah yaddah. Okay? Now imagine the fucking assholes - they might even be you - who get they absolute mostest pleasure out of ruining the naive, well-intentioned ideas of others? You see what I see? The doodygoodoo is a bit all alone on his white ivory hilltowertop, right? All the others apparently prefer to start mayhem, to jinx other people’s efforts, to laugh - loud! - at their friends tripping over their own feet. No? You think in your ‘reality’ people are ‘decent’ and ‘rough diamonds’ or ‘deeper than you’d think they are’? Well, my dear, that paradisiacal odor you’re smelling all around you is the smell of your own shit cause you got your head up your ass! Listen and suffer! Because what happened in our not-just-proverbial Belgian village on that sunny morning in July… a couple of the townspeople - we’ll never know how many but I’m guessing almost everyone except for the government-funded, from-the-city hippie artists was in on the joke - had invited some acquaintances from the town next door to quietly enter the village while everyone was not-fornicating on the idyllic field, to take all the keys from the bowl, lay them on the train tracks which run along the town, flattening them to perfectly unusable little steel flabs and placing them back in the bowl. So when our supposedly resocialised townspeople entered their village that afternoon, ready to get their key, run to their house and close their door for at least the next 364 days, the immediately realised they couldn’t close their doors anymore. Total mayhem ensued. Men started chasing women, people pillaged their neighbours houses, children and adults alike pooped on all toothbrushes they could find, underwear was thrown into compost heaps, compost heaps were thrown into unlawful indoor spas, hundred thousands of untaxed euro piles were find inside old televisions and grandmas paintings. There was no stopping them. Housewifes hung themselves after their portrait, tits out and all, was found hanging above at least three beds in different houses. It was bad. Real bad. By the time news of this feast of anarchy and murder had spread to the nearest villages and the police arrived, the artists had of course long disappeared, no doubt to narrativise their failure into a story of experiment and learning and cash in a couple of fat pay checks.
And you know what the name was the artists had given their beautiful day of harmony and collective connecting: Open Doors Day. They sure got it, their open doors day, they sure got it. Serves them right. Serves them damn right.
peace - out!
submitted by Mean_Skill9638 to DumbSocialExperiment [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:53 IUsedToBeRasAlGhul Unpopular Opinion: Godzilla Earth isn’t actually good or just wasted, he sucks as much as the rest of the anime trilogy

Unpopular Opinion: Godzilla Earth isn’t actually good or just wasted, he sucks as much as the rest of the anime trilogy
A lot of the time when the anime movies come up, I’ll usually see people praising its incarnation of Godzilla, even those that shit on the rest of the movies. Now I can get behind hyping up Big G in all his appearances, because it’s motherfucking Godzilla. Bro’s a giant dinosaur that fucks shit up with his atomic breath, and will either be delivering the most soul-crushing terror you’ve ever felt or having you cheer on as he supplexes another giant creature. But I’ve decided I’m done toeing the line, and I’m just gonna come out and say it: Godzilla Earth isn’t a standout of the anime trilogy to me. He’s not one of the better parts of the movies, he’s not being wasted in the films (at least as he is), he’s not a cool new idea for a version of Godzilla, he’s just as much absolute garbage as the rest of his source material.
Let’s start with a basic summary: Godzilla Earth is the main version of Godzilla that features in the Netflix/Polygon Pictures anime trilogy of films. This Godzilla has a unique origin as being a plant-like organism, the “end result of natural selection on Earth” that has adapted the best traits of many other creatures on Earth through horizontal gene transfer. To put it another way: he’s like Ultimate Lifeform Kars from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, but just naturally came out that way, is a kaiju instead of a human looking dude, and has no effective representation of that.
Godzilla first appeared in-universe in 2030, after humanity had been dealing with decades of kaiju attacks. Godzilla, as Godzilla is wont to do, quickly established himself as the baddest bitch around by systematically annihilating all life he came across, from humanity to the other kaiju. Nothing that anyone threw at him, even when the aliens showed up to try and fail with MechaGodzilla, did anything at all. By 2045, Godzilla had so thoroughly dominated the planet that the United Earth organization (composed of humanity and the two shitty, weirdly human alien species that showed up) could only try to launch a space colonization project and abandon Earth to Godzilla to survive. Godzilla reigned supreme, and spent the next 20,000 years terraforming Earth to become his domain, which included growing to be 300 meters tall, having a random mini-clone be created from cells of his that split off in the form of Godzilla Fillius, and then other small creatures known as Servum.
Now that we’ve covered the basic history of Godzilla Earth, let’s address the elephant in the room: from top to bottom, he’s a total fucking loser. Zilla arguably has more going for him than this guy, and I don’t mean the thundercock gigachad animated son there, I’m talking about the shitty CGI one from the movie.
First off, there’s the design. Godzilla Earth has a new origin unlike any other Godzilla, as stated above, by being an entirely natural plant-based organism that has evolved to represent the pinnacle of life on Earth. Sounds pretty cool, right? You would imagine then, that this Godzilla would have a new, creative design that reflects this origin well, while still being recognizably Godzilla, right? Nope, it’s just a crappy reskin of Monsterverse Godzilla. You could tell me that the anime’s design came from one of those achievement award skins in a video game based off the Monsterverse, and I would genuinely believe you. At best, the spines more closely resemble leaves then the irregular dorsal patterns, but man, that shit is weak. What’s worse is that the film’s concept art shows the designers played around with Godzilla’s features to represent different animals as the endpoint of Earth-based life, but decided to go with the most boring option possible. The models from the art style of the trilogy certainly didn’t do this guy any favors either…
It’s insane to me how badly this bungles what should be an easy layup. In the medium of animation, where the sky's the limit on what you can be doing, and in a story that gives care blanche to work with, Godzilla Earth somehow comes out as the most soulless and bland version of itself it can possibly be. Nothing about this design meaningfully expresses to me what this version of the G-Man is about whatsoever. Look at the other Reiwa’s: Monsterverse Godzilla looks like what it’s supposed to be, a version of Godzilla that naturally existed as a giant prehistoric animal. Shin Godzilla looks like what it’s supposed to be, a reinvention of the original’s concept of a creature terribly burned by radiation. Minus One Godzilla looks like what it’s supposed to be, a dinosaur that has been forcibly mutated by the atomic bomb and modern update to the iconic Showa/Heisei design. What’s the takeaway from Godzilla Earth? That you shouldn’t expect creativity or anything compelling from these movies?
What really gets me here is that while not the exact same, the creators of the trilogy did have a possible inspiration that was sitting right there for them to use: Biollante, one of the most popular kaiju of the franchise. On a visual level, Biollante’s two forms almost perfectly represent the origins of this creature and the themes behind it: a rose that has been mutated by Godzilla’s cells that has become a monstrous creature in its own right, a cautionary tale of what genetic engineering could lead to just as Godzilla himself was a metaphor for the atomic bomb. Obviously, it would be foolish to just try to replicate Biollante, but the point is that we’ve already seen how well a plant kaiju can potentially work out in this very franchise. Yet apparently, that’s too tall of an order for the anime trilogy, I guess.
Then there’s how Godzilla Earth actually interacts with the world around it. Again, in the medium of animation, many of the normal potential issues with making a movie or series with Godzilla go away: you don’t need to worry about the stilted or artificial nature of suit movement, nor do you need to worry about how the CGI will come out in live-action. The balls have been removed from your jaws to go to your court for you to dunk as you please. But as usual, the anime trilogy goes down the most painful route possible by having Godzilla Earth…just fucking stand there the whole time.
I’m not fucking around here, the Spongebob meme is entirely an accurate description of the range of Godzilla Earth’s movement. This bitch spends almost all of his screen time just sitting on his ass, barely moving around with the slightest waddle whenever the film decides there should be a paltry effort at action or to break up the terrible plot. I have seen newborn infants with more well-defined and fast-paced ranges of motion than this colossal tub of dirt. Godzilla Earth could never touch any version of Kong solely by how they’d be tapdancing around him like nobody’s business and take all the time they’d like climbing on him and taking potshots without fear of reprisal. It’s most blatant when the final film is insulting the collective intelligence of the audience by pretending Godzilla and Ghidorah are “fighting” when Ghidorah’s wormy little heads are biting Godzilla, and Big G is just floating in the air like he’s a stiff action figure being held up by a toddler while releasing the mild groans of discomfort of a middle-aged father on the verge of developing IBS.
I’m not saying the guy needs to have the acrobatic agility of the Showa era or the power walk of Heisei’s, but come the fuck on. Give us something to work with here. To again give comparisons: MV Godzilla’s movements are based upon how actual animals like bears fight (and as of GxK, wrestlers), reflecting its origins as a gigantic animal that’s part of the ecosystem of the world like any other. Shin Godzilla is awkwardly shuffling around and colliding with shit in its path (still more dynamic than Earth btw), because it’s a creature in a state of constant mutation and pain with no real awareness of the world around it. -1 Godzilla is deliberately seeking to cause as much damage to humans, and forced to be much more stiff from its radioactive burns compared to the natural movements we saw on Odo Island. But Godzilla Earth clearly was made on a shoestring budget by digital artists suffering under the cruel hand of Ellen Degeneres-esque directors.
It also doesn’t help that this dude has pretty much nothing going for him in terms of actual showings. Now sure, a lot of the abilities Godzilla Earth has sounds impressive on-paper: being the tallest Godzilla by far. Basically having his own A.T-Field with some electromagnetism thing. An incredibly powerful and precise Atomic Breath that can punch through the atmosphere. Charging up a roar that can generate a massive shockwave cone. Creating a plasma shockwave simply by moving his tail at MACH 3-4 speed with a 600 meter range. Even his own self-generated Burning Mode, that can go up to 3000 degrees Celsius. All of that sounds pretty cool, right?
But from the combination of how utterly immobile Godzilla Earth himself is, the lack of any compelling action sequences, and the exceptionally poor writing of the trilogy, all of that goes to waste. Godzilla Earth spends the majority of his screen time doing absolutely nothing at all, and otherwise performing what abilities he has that require him to be non-sedentary (hint: not many) at a glacial speed. It’s not like that glacial speed is one of the examples of giving the kaiju a sense of scale and weight either, the fucker is just a goddamn steamroller.
Nothing Godzilla Earth does feels like it has any real weight or power behind it, both because the story is so weak and the kaiju himself just is doing buttfuck all. Look at how Godzilla moves around Japan in the original movie, Shin or Minus, and how terrifying and awesome all of the destruction is. Because even if those are much smaller Godzillas that are constrained by the live-action medium for their time, they still feel much more powerful and dynamic because the movie actually lets them be doing shit. Or in Heisei, Millenium, and Monsterverse, where Godzilla is beating the shit out of other monsters-again, much smaller and limited by their medium, but they feel far more powerful because they’re in a movie that was made to actually give them a sense of power and might.
The closest Godzilla Earth gets to any kind of real display of power like its other incarnations is at the end of the first movie, where the humans are realizing Godzilla Fillius was just a branch off from the original. Here, we see him decimating the surviving forces as they try to escape, displaying an incredible degree of power in his destruction as the biggest Godzilla yet, with Haruo impotently screaming like the little bitch he is. Yet even that barely compares to any other action sequence in the franchise, because A.) nobody gives a single fuck about these characters to feel anything for them being attacked, B.) Godzilla Earth himself basically came out of nowhere with little to no real foreshadowing as the movie has framed Godzilla Fillius as the “true” Godzilla the whole time, C.) the setting is just a bunch of fauna that Big G is towering over which limits the ability to convey the power behind his actions compared to cities, and D.) all of the above points regarding how lame Godzilla Earth is I’ve been talking about. Then you remember this is the best showing the guy gets in this nihilistic edgepiece of a trilogy, and you realize it’s all just a deeper and deeper wellspring of shit. Doesn’t help that this scene just has some wannabe-Death Note choral music instead of the proper Godzilla theme.
So yeah, Godzilla Earth is a total loser from the perspective of being a Godzilla, or just a kaiju in general. Now let’s talk about why he sucks in the story.
In the hilariously bleak plot of the anime trilogy, Godzilla is framed as a sort of “natural punishment” for humanity, as a natural blowback to all of the shitty things humans have done to the planet and each other. It’s suggested that this happens to all civilizations one way or another, with the albino-human-aliens having Ghidorah as their version, and the dark-skinned-human-aliens having…well it’s never actually said, since the films are totally uninterested in them in any meaningful way, but MechaGodzilla seems to be their current one. The only way to survive in the face of these destroyers is to basically give up and accept it, and begin worshiping giant moth eggs.
Now, there’s a lot of pretty blatant problems with this, but let’s focus on Godzilla Earth for a moment. If we follow the thematic idea of him as a form of punishment from the Earth itself towards humanity, it stands to reason then there would be a starting point, right? That this character, who originated as a symbol of the horrors of nuclear weaponry that Japan faced, and since evolved to represent different aspects of the darkness that humanity holds, would have an equivalent origin or starting point to his rampage?
Well fuck you if your answer to the above was “yes”, because that’s not what happens. Godzilla Earth, for all intents and purposes of the anime trilogy, is just a random plant that grew up to teabag humanity and take over the world. There’s no actual origin given for how Godzilla Earth became what it did that actually connects it to being the end result of the waste and folly of humanity that emerged as part of the natural order of things. Godzilla is just a really fucking big plant in this continuity, and not, you know a terrible victim of humans destructive tendencies like say, a nuke getting dropped on him. I guess because that would be thematically coherent and fit into the lore of the franchise.
Within the trilogy itself, Godzilla serves as pretty much nothing but a plot device for the story to move on at certain points. While you could argue that this has been a common role for Godzilla in previous films if you want to use whataboutism, Earth goes the extra step of blatantly existing only for that given how little he does in the story.
The most action Godzilla Earth performs in his story-appearing amid other kaiju and slowly overwhelming them and humanity-happens in the prologue of the first movie as the setup for the trilogy. What could have been a trilogy in its own right (that almost certainly would actually have something to do) is relegated to the starting point of the series and never comes even close to doing anything comparable. The entire first movie is centered around the humans being focused on his off-spring, with no real foreshadowing of Earth himself being around until right before his reveal.
The next two movies just have him, again, passively standing around and occasionally lumbering a bit when the movies want to pretend there’s action going on. The dude literally just waits for when the plot needs him to be doing something. If the human characters actually had anything resembling a good story, or there were other monsters around for them to fight in the interim that acted as other offshoots of Godzilla Earth, this might not be such an issue. But as it is? Absolute fucking L of a Godzilla. You can point to shit like 98 and All Monsters Attack as some of the worst showings for Godzilla there is, and they’re still better than Earth by virtue of actually fucking doing stuff.
Taking it a step further, the thematic narrative around this Godzilla actively falls apart when we properly look at the story of the anime trilogy. Godzilla Earth isn’t just some neutral force like in the Monsterverse that’s just doing his own thing without giving a fuck about if the ants below him decide to start shit that ends with them accidentally getting stomped on. The literal premise of the trilogy is that this version of Godzilla already systematically eradicated all of human civilization and every other kaiju around, including benevolent ones like Mothra. He’s only chill in the movies because he succeeded in annihilating nearly all other forms of life a while back.
This is an actively malevolent force that succeeded in destroying everything around it and terraformed the planet so that it was the source of all life. Even the Mothra tribe has to just hide out, and can never actually advance or grow as a civilization beyond being a vaguely orientalist stereotype of cave dwellers whose women still are conventionally attractive waifu even after 20,000 years of evolving to be moth hybrids, without risking Godzilla Earth killing them. Yet I’m supposed to believe that the humans wanting to come back and live on Earth again are in the wrong?
Now sure, Haruo being in the wrong I can buy, because he’s a selfish douchebag obsessed with himself and completely unable to move on from anything at all. But the rest of humanity? They can’t actually want to come back to the home planet that many of them spent most of their lives on, want to get revenge and kill the creature that forced them away as it destroyed everything, or even just want to use technology instead of worshiping Moth? You can’t simultaneously have Godzilla having completely destroyed humanity and all life on the planet that’s not him and is willing to do so again, have him be taking care of planet-wiping threats as the humans reluctantly assist him, and then be this neutral force representing the Earth itself as it changes and evolves. To quote a guy I know, who basically summarized the plot of the movies:
I think the Godzilla Earth movies kind of play out like a movie deep in the texan wilderness where a fat redneck with an enormous shotgun has shot up a whole town and the survivors came back to avenge their parents, but then they have to fight sillicon valleys people looking to demolish the town to build like a big swimming pool, and then religious extremists, and they need to save the redneck so that he can do it
I can’t think of any other Godzilla movie that has actively encouraged the audience to think humanity is wrong to not want to be destroyed by a giant radioactive dinosaur or live in fear of it. Even in the films that most directly paint Godzilla as the consequences of the actions of humans, the message is always one of self-awareness and learning to be better, not just rolling over to get destroyed or giving up on all of civilization as you know it to live in caves. Why the hell should I give a shit about what’s going on here, exactly?
To sum it up, Godzilla Earth is just as much of a dumpster fire as the movies he’s in. His design sucks ass. His movement and sense of scale are as lifeless as possible. His powers are presented in the most boring way imaginable and his size is validation for people who think Godzilla should only be around 50-80 meters at max. Any thematic value or message he’s supposed to have is completely at whack with the story he’s given and placed in. This dude isn’t the bright spot or redeeming feature, he’s just as much of a disappointing piece of trash as everything around him.
TL;DR: Zilla might have lost the battle for live-action Godzilla’s, but his son won the war in the animation front of the franchise, holy shit.
submitted by IUsedToBeRasAlGhul to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:48 IUsedToBeRasAlGhul [Netflix Anime] Godzilla Earth sucks as much ass as the rest of the anime trilogy

A lot of the time when the anime movies come up, I’ll usually see people praising its incarnation of Godzilla, even those that shit on the rest of the movies. Now I can get behind hyping up Big G in all his appearances, because it’s motherfucking Godzilla. Bro’s a giant dinosaur that fucks shit up with his atomic breath, and will either be delivering the most soul-crushing terror you’ve ever felt or having you cheer on as he supplexes another giant creature. But I’ve decided I’m done toeing the line, and I’m just gonna come out and say it: Godzilla Earth isn’t a standout of the anime trilogy to me. He’s not one of the better parts of the movies, he’s not being wasted in the films (at least as he is), he’s not a cool new idea for a version of Godzilla, he’s just as much absolute garbage as the rest of his source material.
Let’s start with a basic summary: Godzilla Earth is the main version of Godzilla that features in the Netflix/Polygon Pictures anime trilogy of films. This Godzilla has a unique origin as being a plant-like organism, the “end result of natural selection on Earth” that has adapted the best traits of many other creatures on Earth through horizontal gene transfer. To put it another way: he’s like Ultimate Lifeform Kars from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, but just naturally came out that way, is a kaiju instead of a human looking dude, and has no effective representation of that.
Godzilla first appeared in-universe in 2030, after humanity had been dealing with decades of kaiju attacks. Godzilla, as Godzilla is wont to do, quickly established himself as the baddest bitch around by systematically annihilating all life he came across, from humanity to the other kaiju. Nothing that anyone threw at him, even when the aliens showed up to try and fail with MechaGodzilla, did anything at all. By 2045, Godzilla had so thoroughly dominated the planet that the United Earth organization (composed of humanity and the two shitty, weirdly human alien species that showed up) could only try to launch a space colonization project and abandon Earth to Godzilla to survive. Godzilla reigned supreme, and spent the next 20,000 years terraforming Earth to become his domain, which included growing to be 300 meters tall, having a random mini-clone be created from cells of his that split off in the form of Godzilla Fillius, and then other small creatures known as Servum.
Now that we’ve covered the basic history of Godzilla Earth, let’s address the elephant in the room: from top to bottom, he’s a total fucking loser. Zilla arguably has more going for him than this guy, and I don’t mean the thundercock gigachad animated son there, I’m talking about the shitty CGI one from the movie.
First off, there’s the design. Godzilla Earth has a new origin unlike any other Godzilla, as stated above, by being an entirely natural plant-based organism that has evolved to represent the pinnacle of life on Earth. Sounds pretty cool, right? You would imagine then, that this Godzilla would have a new, creative design that reflects this origin well, while still being recognizably Godzilla, right? Nope, it’s just a crappy reskin of Monsterverse Godzilla. You could tell me that the anime’s design came from one of those achievement award skins in a video game based off the Monsterverse, and I would genuinely believe you. At best, the spines more closely resemble leaves then the irregular dorsal patterns, but man, that shit is weak. What’s worse is that the film’s concept art shows the designers played around with Godzilla’s features to represent different animals as the endpoint of Earth-based life, but decided to go with the most boring option possible. The models from the art style of the trilogy certainly didn’t do this guy any favors either…
It’s insane to me how badly this bungles what should be an easy layup. In the medium of animation, where the sky's the limit on what you can be doing, and in a story that gives care blanche to work with, Godzilla Earth somehow comes out as the most soulless and bland version of itself it can possibly be. Nothing about this design meaningfully expresses to me what this version of the G-Man is about whatsoever. Look at the other Reiwa’s: Monsterverse Godzilla looks like what it’s supposed to be, a version of Godzilla that naturally existed as a giant prehistoric animal. Shin Godzilla looks like what it’s supposed to be, a reinvention of the original’s concept of a creature terribly burned by radiation. Minus One Godzilla looks like what it’s supposed to be, a dinosaur that has been forcibly mutated by the atomic bomb and modern update to the iconic Showa/Heisei design. What’s the takeaway from Godzilla Earth? That you shouldn’t expect creativity or anything compelling from these movies?
What really gets me here is that while not the exact same, the creators of the trilogy did have a possible inspiration that was sitting right there for them to use: Biollante, one of the most popular kaiju of the franchise. On a visual level, Biollante’s two forms almost perfectly represent the origins of this creature and the themes behind it: a rose that has been mutated by Godzilla’s cells that has become a monstrous creature in its own right, a cautionary tale of what genetic engineering could lead to just as Godzilla himself was a metaphor for the atomic bomb. Obviously, it would be foolish to just try to replicate Biollante, but the point is that we’ve already seen how well a plant kaiju can potentially work out in this very franchise. Yet apparently, that’s too tall of an order for the anime trilogy, I guess.
Then there’s how Godzilla Earth actually interacts with the world around it. Again, in the medium of animation, many of the normal potential issues with making a movie or series with Godzilla go away: you don’t need to worry about the stilted or artificial nature of suit movement, nor do you need to worry about how the CGI will come out in live-action. The balls have been removed from your jaws to go to your court for you to dunk as you please. But as usual, the anime trilogy goes down the most painful route possible by having Godzilla Earth…just fucking stand there the whole time.
I’m not fucking around here, the Spongebob meme is entirely an accurate description of the range of Godzilla Earth’s movement. This bitch spends almost all of his screen time just sitting on his ass, barely moving around with the slightest waddle whenever the film decides there should be a paltry effort at action or to break up the terrible plot. I have seen newborn infants with more well-defined and fast-paced ranges of motion than this colossal tub of dirt. Godzilla Earth could never touch any version of Kong solely by how they’d be tapdancing around him like nobody’s business and take all the time they’d like climbing on him and taking potshots without fear of reprisal. It’s most blatant when the final film is insulting the collective intelligence of the audience by pretending Godzilla and Ghidorah are “fighting” when Ghidorah’s wormy little heads are biting Godzilla, and Big G is just floating in the air like he’s a stiff action figure being held up by a toddler while releasing the mild groans of discomfort of a middle-aged father on the verge of developing IBS.
I’m not saying the guy needs to have the acrobatic agility of the Showa era or the power walk of Heisei’s, but come the fuck on. Give us something to work with here. To again give comparisons: MV Godzilla’s movements are based upon how actual animals like bears fight (and as of GxK, wrestlers), reflecting its origins as a gigantic animal that’s part of the ecosystem of the world like any other. Shin Godzilla is awkwardly shuffling around and colliding with shit in its path (still more dynamic than Earth btw), because it’s a creature in a state of constant mutation and pain with no real awareness of the world around it. -1 Godzilla is deliberately seeking to cause as much damage to humans, and forced to be much more stiff from its radioactive burns compared to the natural movements we saw on Odo Island. But Godzilla Earth clearly was made on a shoestring budget by digital artists suffering under the cruel hand of Ellen Degeneres-esque directors.
It also doesn’t help that this dude has pretty much nothing going for him in terms of actual showings. Now sure, a lot of the abilities Godzilla Earth has sounds impressive on-paper: being the tallest Godzilla by far. Basically having his own A.T-Field with some electromagnetism thing. An incredibly powerful and precise Atomic Breath that can punch through the atmosphere. Charging up a roar that can generate a massive shockwave cone. Creating a plasma shockwave simply by moving his tail at MACH 3-4 speed with a 600 meter range. Even his own self-generated Burning Mode, that can go up to 3000 degrees Celsius. All of that sounds pretty cool, right?
But from the combination of how utterly immobile Godzilla Earth himself is, the lack of any compelling action sequences, and the exceptionally poor writing of the trilogy, all of that goes to waste. Godzilla Earth spends the majority of his screen time doing absolutely nothing at all, and otherwise performing what abilities he has that require him to be non-sedentary (hint: not many) at a glacial speed. It’s not like that glacial speed is one of the examples of giving the kaiju a sense of scale and weight either, the fucker is just a goddamn steamroller.
Nothing Godzilla Earth does feels like it has any real weight or power behind it, both because the story is so weak and the kaiju himself just is doing buttfuck all. Look at how Godzilla moves around Japan in the original movie, Shin or Minus, and how terrifying and awesome all of the destruction is. Because even if those are much smaller Godzillas that are constrained by the live-action medium for their time, they still feel much more powerful and dynamic because the movie actually lets them be doing shit. Or in Heisei, Millenium, and Monsterverse, where Godzilla is beating the shit out of other monsters-again, much smaller and limited by their medium, but they feel far more powerful because they’re in a movie that was made to actually give them a sense of power and might.
The closest Godzilla Earth gets to any kind of real display of power like its other incarnations is at the end of the first movie, where the humans are realizing Godzilla Fillius was just a branch off from the original. Here, we see him decimating the surviving forces as they try to escape, displaying an incredible degree of power in his destruction as the biggest Godzilla yet, with Haruo impotently screaming like the little bitch he is. Yet even that barely compares to any other action sequence in the franchise, because A.) nobody gives a single fuck about these characters to feel anything for them being attacked, B.) Godzilla Earth himself basically came out of nowhere with little to no real foreshadowing as the movie has framed Godzilla Fillius as the “true” Godzilla the whole time, C.) the setting is just a bunch of fauna that Big G is towering over which limits the ability to convey the power behind his actions compared to cities, and D.) all of the above points regarding how lame Godzilla Earth is I’ve been talking about. Then you remember this is the best showing the guy gets in this nihilistic edgepiece of a trilogy, and you realize it’s all just a deeper and deeper wellspring of shit. Doesn’t help that this scene just has some wannabe-Death Note choral music instead of the proper Godzilla theme.
So yeah, Godzilla Earth is a total loser from the perspective of being a Godzilla, or just a kaiju in general. Now let’s talk about why he sucks in the story.
In the hilariously bleak plot of the anime trilogy, Godzilla is framed as a sort of “natural punishment” for humanity, as a natural blowback to all of the shitty things humans have done to the planet and each other. It’s suggested that this happens to all civilizations one way or another, with the albino-human-aliens having Ghidorah as their version, and the dark-skinned-human-aliens having…well it’s never actually said, since the films are totally uninterested in them in any meaningful way, but MechaGodzilla seems to be their current one. The only way to survive in the face of these destroyers is to basically give up and accept it, and begin worshiping giant moth eggs.
Now, there’s a lot of pretty blatant problems with this, but let’s focus on Godzilla Earth for a moment. If we follow the thematic idea of him as a form of punishment from the Earth itself towards humanity, it stands to reason then there would be a starting point, right? That this character, who originated as a symbol of the horrors of nuclear weaponry that Japan faced, and since evolved to represent different aspects of the darkness that humanity holds, would have an equivalent origin or starting point to his rampage?
Well fuck you if your answer to the above was “yes”, because that’s not what happens. Godzilla Earth, for all intents and purposes of the anime trilogy, is just a random plant that grew up to teabag humanity and take over the world. There’s no actual origin given for how Godzilla Earth became what it did that actually connects it to being the end result of the waste and folly of humanity that emerged as part of the natural order of things. Godzilla is just a really fucking big plant in this continuity, and not, you know a terrible victim of humans destructive tendencies like say, a nuke getting dropped on him. I guess because that would be thematically coherent and fit into the lore of the franchise.
Within the trilogy itself, Godzilla serves as pretty much nothing but a plot device for the story to move on at certain points. While you could argue that this has been a common role for Godzilla in previous films if you want to use whataboutism, Earth goes the extra step of blatantly existing only for that given how little he does in the story.
The most action Godzilla Earth performs in his story-appearing amid other kaiju and slowly overwhelming them and humanity-happens in the prologue of the first movie as the setup for the trilogy. What could have been a trilogy in its own right (that almost certainly would actually have something to do) is relegated to the starting point of the series and never comes even close to doing anything comparable. The entire first movie is centered around the humans being focused on his off-spring, with no real foreshadowing of Earth himself being around until right before his reveal.
The next two movies just have him, again, passively standing around and occasionally lumbering a bit when the movies want to pretend there’s action going on. The dude literally just waits for when the plot needs him to be doing something. If the human characters actually had anything resembling a good story, or there were other monsters around for them to fight in the interim that acted as other offshoots of Godzilla Earth, this might not be such an issue. But as it is? Absolute fucking L of a Godzilla. You can point to shit like 98 and All Monsters Attack as some of the worst showings for Godzilla there is, and they’re still better than Earth by virtue of actually fucking doing stuff.
Taking it a step further, the thematic narrative around this Godzilla actively falls apart when we properly look at the story of the anime trilogy. Godzilla Earth isn’t just some neutral force like in the Monsterverse that’s just doing his own thing without giving a fuck about if the ants below him decide to start shit that ends with them accidentally getting stomped on. The literal premise of the trilogy is that this version of Godzilla already systematically eradicated all of human civilization and every other kaiju around, including benevolent ones like Mothra. He’s only chill in the movies because he succeeded in annihilating nearly all other forms of life a while back.
This is an actively malevolent force that succeeded in destroying everything around it and terraformed the planet so that it was the source of all life. Even the Mothra tribe has to just hide out, and can never actually advance or grow as a civilization beyond being a vaguely orientalist stereotype of cave dwellers whose women still are conventionally attractive waifu even after 20,000 years of evolving to be moth hybrids, without risking Godzilla Earth killing them. Yet I’m supposed to believe that the humans wanting to come back and live on Earth again are in the wrong?
Now sure, Haruo being in the wrong I can buy, because he’s a selfish douchebag obsessed with himself and completely unable to move on from anything at all. But the rest of humanity? They can’t actually want to come back to the home planet that many of them spent most of their lives on, want to get revenge and kill the creature that forced them away as it destroyed everything, or even just want to use technology instead of worshiping Moth? You can’t simultaneously have Godzilla having completely destroyed humanity and all life on the planet that’s not him and is willing to do so again, have him be taking care of planet-wiping threats as the humans reluctantly assist him, and then be this neutral force representing the Earth itself as it changes and evolves. To quote a guy I know, who basically summarized the plot of the movies:
I think the Godzilla Earth movies kind of play out like a movie deep in the texan wilderness where a fat redneck with an enormous shotgun has shot up a whole town and the survivors came back to avenge their parents, but then they have to fight sillicon valleys people looking to demolish the town to build like a big swimming pool, and then religious extremists, and they need to save the redneck so that he can do it
I can’t think of any other Godzilla movie that has actively encouraged the audience to think humanity is wrong to not want to be destroyed by a giant radioactive dinosaur or live in fear of it. Even in the films that most directly paint Godzilla as the consequences of the actions of humans, the message is always one of self-awareness and learning to be better, not just rolling over to get destroyed or giving up on all of civilization as you know it to live in caves. Why the hell should I give a shit about what’s going on here, exactly?
To sum it up, Godzilla Earth is just as much of a dumpster fire as the movies he’s in. His design sucks ass. His movement and sense of scale are as lifeless as possible. His powers are presented in the most boring way imaginable and his size is validation for people who think Godzilla should only be around 50-80 meters at max. Any thematic value or message he’s supposed to have is completely at whack with the story he’s given and placed in. This dude isn’t the bright spot or redeeming feature, he’s just as much of a disappointing piece of trash as everything around him.
TL;DR: Zilla might have lost the battle for live-action Godzilla’s, but his son won the war in the animation front of the franchise, holy shit.
submitted by IUsedToBeRasAlGhul to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:40 AdrianisAnxious Carti mfs theorizing that Carti and Uzi secretly dated

Carti mfs theorizing that Carti and Uzi secretly dated submitted by AdrianisAnxious to YoungThug [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:23 Mean_Skill9638 open doors day, for your enjoyment

SABOTAGE?! And it all started out as such a nice idea… A cliche as tall as my ex-roommate’s erection live-blending Kelly Bundy Mike Kelley and Ted Bundy parafernalia wearing blondes to the sound of gekko’s mating in the Amazon. Cut the bullshit! There’s no such thing as a nice idea getting detourné by some smart art postpostsituationist pranker or right-wing gaswhitey flexfrat, no, my dear well-meaning peace dove friends, if an idea can gets turned into its opposite during its execution, it probably was flawed from the start! Sometimes people use Woodstock 99 - the limp dickshit rape and pillage slash and burn disaster edition - as an example of how a great, positive, wonderful, hell, holy idea can turn into the worst kind of evil in the hands of the wrong people. Well, dear naivopino’s, let me inform you: bull-shit! The whole idea of Woodstock, be it ’99, ’94, ’69 or 2219, is just batshit dumbwhat asking for the baddest kind of trouble right from the bat. Or, what? Do you honest-to-dogly think that during the original (I retrovulsely puke into my stomach even using that wretched word) edition of 1969 nothing was burned, stolen, no women were raped? What, just because there were no sperm dna tests, nigh to none options for women to speak up against sexual violence let alone the fact that speaking up against rape during that whole shitshebang of a weak acid trip’s campfire get-together was near to blasphemy in the hippie community means that no women were raped? Because men all of a sudden turned into meek little dickies lambs for three years from 1968 to ’71? Fuck that shit. Please. I don’t even want to spend a single move of a single digit of my old hands having to make anything about that largest circle jerk-off in history clear to you. Read your books. Do your homework. Anyway, that’s what I was thinking about when a friend told me recently about another of those so-called great ideas gone hilariously wrong in a little map smudge of a town in of all fucking places Belgium for chrissakes. Let me admit to you, right here and now, no smirk no smile on my face: I laughed so hard when I heard it I shat my new Calvins. Framed them afterwards, too, in a nice little Nielsen A2 birch. It’s sitting there, stinking the fuck out of my storage, waiting for a good stock market crash to come. Never underestimate the potential of the future art market gold rushes. My shit, my gold, bruv. So, these two clowns of artists in Belgium (are there any other there? don’t get me started on rené ma bite or marcel bread arse here!) had the ammazing idea to get themselves funded by the local government in this hamlet of three houses called Moortebeek which apparently would be part of - ok, stop me here. Not in the history of mankind has ever ended a sentence well which tried to explain any aspect of Belgian politics, topography or whatever the call the thing there where a man rides a horse stark naked and bites the neck of living goose hanging from a tree? (See, that sentence didn’t end well either, did it, what’d I tell you? Cursed stuff!) Let’s try that again: two artists in the Belgian town of Moortebeek had the splendid idea to organize a festive event, in the middle of summer, whereby all the people of this little village (if you’re thinking of blue skinned vikings charging Roman legionnaires in a berry-induced bad trip frenzy, well, so am I) for one day left their houses, dropped the key of their house in a transparant bowl on the town square and all went to the field adjacent to their village to well be (as in: not fornicate) together and thereby, if I had a press release I’d quote this from it: practiced a performative experiment in hospitality and neighborship where no fixed rules are applied. I’m guessing if you’re sensitive like I am to the finer things a life, you might as well start looking for your nearest Nielsen frame too by now, but hey: we haven’t even gotten to the joke yet! This was all the serious stuff. Let me summarise it even more briefly for you, just to get it out of my haemorrhoidical system: Imagine a village. Everyone leaves their house at the same time. Leaves their front door open. Drops the key to said door in a large bowl. Drifts into a field somewhere off to do fripp knows what (no rules applied, but probably: no fornication whatsoever.) Got the mental image? Good. Now get the fuck out of that dream and imagine any sad little teardrop of a town you know. Imagine who lives there. Imagine all the people you know who live in a town, or rather, fuck that, imagine all the people you know. Now imagine that some dogoodydoodydoobywah wants to “bring the people together again” and “mend the social bonds which had been broken by” yaddah yaddah yaddah. Okay? Now imagine the fucking assholes - they might even be you - who get they absolute mostest pleasure out of ruining the naive, well-intentioned ideas of others? You see what I see? The doodygoodoo is a bit all alone on his white ivory hilltowertop, right? All the others apparently prefer to start mayhem, to jinx other people’s efforts, to laugh - loud! - at their friends tripping over their own feet. No? You think in your ‘reality’ people are ‘decent’ and ‘rough diamonds’ or ‘deeper than you’d think they are’? Well, my dear, that paradisiacal odor you’re smelling all around you is the smell of your own shit cause you got your head up your ass! Listen and suffer! Because what happened in our not-just-proverbial Belgian village on that sunny morning in July… a couple of the townspeople - we’ll never know how many but I’m guessing almost everyone except for the government-funded, from-the-city hippie artists was in on the joke - had invited some acquaintances from the town next door to quietly enter the village while everyone was not-fornicating on the idyllic field, to take all the keys from the bowl, lay them on the train tracks which run along the town, flattening them to perfectly unusable little steel flabs and placing them back in the bowl. So when our supposedly resocialised townspeople entered their village that afternoon, ready to get their key, run to their house and close their door for at least the next 364 days, the immediately realised they couldn’t close their doors anymore. Total mayhem ensued. Men started chasing women, people pillaged their neighbours houses, children and adults alike pooped on all toothbrushes they could find, underwear was thrown into compost heaps, compost heaps were thrown into unlawful indoor spas, hundred thousands of untaxed euro piles were find inside old televisions and grandmas paintings. There was no stopping them. Housewifes hung themselves after their portrait, tits out and all, was found hanging above at least three beds in different houses. It was bad. Real bad. By the time news of this feast of anarchy and murder had spread to the nearest villages and the police arrived, the artists had of course long disappeared, no doubt to narrativise their failure into a story of experiment and learning and cash in a couple of fat pay checks.
And you know what the name was the artists had given their beautiful day of harmony and collective connecting: Open Doors Day. They sure got it, their open doors day, they sure got it. Serves them right. Serves them damn right.
submitted by Mean_Skill9638 to DumbSocialExperiment [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 18:53 shiju333 Internet censorship makes me want to kermit sewerslide and s3lf h4rm.

If I wasn't being facetious, I would use the proper terms; there shouldn't be a taboo on words: Voldemort aka You Know Who or He Who Must Not Be Named.
I was reading a silly Harry Potter themed meme and came across words like: murder, death, died, and corpse, etc. being censored. Who was the aggregator of these memes protecting? People who had already read the Harry Potter books, rife with themes of war, death, and grief?
The internet, the vast depth of human communication, isn't meant to be kid friendly. Even safer places like YouTube kids ought to be monitored by parents. It would be akin to going out in public and expecting nothing untoward to ever happen to children. It's a nice ideal, but not realistic.
From experience, traditional ‘safe' places to discuss mental health are censored in the name of preventing triggers, rather than teaching clients how to overcome stressful situations.
On that note, pushing subjects like mental health, self harm, and suicide (and many other things I'm glossing over) underground on the internet to trick censors isn't solving any sort mental health crisis.
We are creating a disconnect between struggling youth and mental health professionals. I had to explain to my most recent therapist that when I, most people my age, and both generation z and gen alpha, consider the term self harm as Non Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI), whilst the mental health field assumes suicidal intent.
Frankly, they're equating people with an unhealthy coping mechanism, one less socially accepted than smoking, drinking, or recreational pot use, in the same vein as a suicide or homicide attempt–that is a crime of insanity in the United States.
All due to semantics in colloquialisms versus psychology jargon. Did you know you can find porn easily on most websites, but someone in duress making a cry-for-help post will be shut down and censored? Maybe given a link to the suicide or crisis lines. Hopefully they're not put on hold or talked off the line. Hopefully they're even in a country with mental health resources.
I had to explain to my second most recent therapist the secret coded language that is starting to proliferate websites that censor phrases deemed ‘unsafe’. Sewerslide was one of the obfuscated terms used, but it's fairly Google-able; it's a cutsie phrase used for the term suicide.
If the mental health professionals cannot grasp self harm means self injury, how will they ever know a patient is in crisis if they happen to use the phrase: “sewered the slide”? That is a direct quote, luckily not to a professional, but in a fanfiction on the internet.
Turn the clock back two decades: a fanfiction taught me the concept of cutting. Before the internet is villainized: I can recount two TV shows aired before the watershed line that influenced me as well.
It is important to note I was engaging in NSSI before I had internet access. In fact, I guess the goddamn boob tube was to blame. I wonder if the generations prior blamed the radio? Perhaps it was the decline from Latin in the holy texts?
Tiktok, TwitteX, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, MySpace, Xanga, Livejournal, individual forums, BBS boards, fanzines, magazine culture, television, radio, the printing press, written text: there has always been a form of communication, and villagers with their metaphoric pitchforks to riot and suppress language.
Haven't we as a species progressed yet?
Clearly not.
submitted by shiju333 to MadeOfStyrofoam [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 04:45 vyncenty Some thinking at 3.30 am

Hello from France, paris, it's like 3.30 am here😁
I was listening to music on my balcony with a coffee and cig (yeah the cliché of Parisian 😂😂😂, smoking bad 😡)
When smash mouth - all star kick in my ears and have a little smile because the lyrics touch me ☺️
I know some of you feel like trap in a pit 😔😔😔
I experienced it because because I was cast out and feel like a broken piece who don't fit anywhere, people only reached because I had money due to hardworking or demande some service and I clearly begin to hate the world or the people ... you're deceived and deceived and deceived to the point you don't want to see or meet the world...
Like some said '' when the world turn his back on you, you turn back on the world'' 😆
But you know what made me continue to fight and wanted to see the good side of people ?
Just some quotes from a fictionnal character, I love (if anyone recognize be my guess to shoot it, in the comment 😁)
''while it is always best to believe in one self, a little help from other can be a great blessing''
''sometimes, the best way to solve your own problems, is to help someone else''
Yep, and it have many quotes that touched me at the time and continue to touch me ☺️
But, I didn't have this ''someone else'' so one day, like that I decided to be that person 😅😅😅
and ironically, it was helping other that begin to make me feel better, it's not obligatory a big thing I do, sometimes just lifting a luggage on stairs or hold a door with a smile help ☺️
But I will not lie, sometimes, it's going well, sometimes it's not, it's a bet unfortunately
But I'm always willing to do it, because I met more people who were grateful that I help them, some, even when they are in a baddest situation than me tried ''to send me back the lift'' 😉
I will conclude by Don't feel ashamed to contact me if you're willing too, it's okay to seek for help when you're in desperate state ☺️
you can vent or seeking casual chat, I will be here with pictures of sunrise and sunset to make you smile, or some meme ready to send and of course my broken humor (just a warning 😂😂😂)
Hoping you're all good and take care of yourself
🙏🙏🙏I'm really grateful and Thank you, if you read all🙏🙏🙏
submitted by vyncenty to alone [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 03:30 vyncenty Some thinking at 3.30 am

Hello from France, paris, it's like 3.30 am here😁
I was listening to music on my balcony with a coffee and cig (yeah the cliché of Parisian 😂😂😂, smoking bad 😡)
When smash mouth - all star kick in my ears and have a little smile because the lyrics touch me ☺️
I know some of you feel like trap in a pit 😔😔😔
I experienced it because because I was cast out and feel like a broken piece who don't fit anywhere, people only reached because I had money due to hardworking or demande some service and I clearly begin to hate the world or the people ... you're deceived and deceived and deceived to the point you don't want to see or meet the world...
Like some said '' when the world turn his back on you, you turn back on the world'' 😆
But you know what made me continue to fight and wanted to see the good side of people ?
Just some quotes from a fictionnal character, I love (if anyone recognize be my guess to shoot it, in the comment 😁)
''while it is always best to believe in one self, a little help from other can be a great blessing''
''sometimes, the best way to solve your own problems, is to help someone else''
Yep, and it have many quotes that touched me at the time and continue to touch me ☺️
But, I didn't have this ''someone else'' so one day, like that I decided to be that person 😅😅😅
and ironically, it was helping other that begin to make me feel better, it's not obligatory a big thing I do, sometimes just lifting a luggage on stairs or hold a door with a smile help ☺️
But I will not lie, sometimes, it's going well, sometimes it's not, it's a bet unfortunately
But I'm always willing to do it, because I met more people who were grateful that I help them, some, even when they are in a baddest situation than me tried ''to send me back the lift'' 😉
I will conclude by Don't feel ashamed to contact me if you're willing too, it's okay to seek for help when you're in desperate state ☺️
you can vent or seeking casual chat, I will be here with pictures of sunrise and sunset to make you smile, or some meme ready to send and of course my broken humor (just a warning 😂😂😂)
Hoping you're all good and take care of yourself
🙏🙏🙏I'm really grateful and Thank you, if you read all🙏🙏🙏
submitted by vyncenty to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 21:10 KitWalkerXXVII The last week or two of movies have highlighted out boring Alex Jones is now

I have been the movie theater five times in the last ten days. A Pre-Trump, Pre-Sandy Hook Alex Jones would have had a field day with just the megablockbusters that have opened recently. We've got Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, minor spoilers to follow:
Like, I know all that's just some weird coincidences built on the cultural zeitgeist and the fact that turn-of-the-last-century whacko beliefs are fun to think about. But classic Jones could get a whole episode out of that shit, breaking down what it means about the elite's beliefs and the predictive programming and whatnot.
Then lets add in the two horror films that have also been playing and generating buzz:
If you presented that to late 00s/early 10s Alex Jones, the man would be fucking delighted. You think he milked the hell out of analyzing Watchmen and Oblivion? You ain't seen nothing yet! But now? The Right Wing memes on Immaculate I've seen are about how Sydney Sweeney being a busty blonde is the death of wokeism. Their take on Godzilla is that making his nuclear aura pink in this one is part of the emasculation agenda. Late Night With The Devil is beneath their notice and Ghostbusters has just enough focus on the original cast to avoid their ire (so far as I can tell). And all Alex's takes come from regurgitating memes. His show is a Twitter feed for the computer illiterate.
To quote from Jackie Brown: What the fuck happened to you, man? Your ass used to be beautiful.
submitted by KitWalkerXXVII to KnowledgeFight [link] [comments]

2024.02.25 17:46 mcm8279 [Star Trek Comics] BOLD, BLOODY, EDGY, GRITTY - IDW's new line of Star Trek titles push the envelope for the franchise, and editor Heather Antos reveals Paramount Pictures is totally supportive: "I'm Constantly Waiting For Them To Say That's Too Far" (ScreenRant)

"IDW's Star Trek comics push the limits of the franchise, led by a bold, bloody, and brutal new series, earning critical praise. A collaborative relationship with Paramount supports edgy storylines like a Klingon uprising, a mounting Tzenkethi presence, and space gods. Star Trek comics honor the franchise while expanding its horizons, promising more gritty adventures with Paramount's approval."
"IDW’s new line of Star Trek comics has set the bar high for future entries. The one-shot Star Trek #400 featured the opening salvo in the franchise-spanning “god war,” culminating in the crossover event Day of Blood. The Klingon Emperor Kahless launches a bloody crusade against the universe’s god-like beings, fashioning a weapon capable of slaughtering them. Ben Sisko was sent back to stop Kahless, who led an uprising on the Klingon homeworld. Day of Blood was violent and gory, which may seem to fly in the face of Trek’s principles, but Antos has said Paramount has been all in:

Everything that we send to Paramount, I'm just constantly waiting for them to be like, 'That's too far you guys. Absolutely not, you can't do that. Are you kidding me? Like, absolutely not, we're not gonna let you touch that. We don't want to set that precedent,' right? IPs usually can be very cautious of letting comic books set precedents, or show the first, last, biggest, baddest, any of those.
And Paramount is just so supportive of everything we're doing with these comics, that we're really getting to just--again, no pun intended--go boldly with the stories we're telling.


You know, for a franchise that is about ideals and the best that humans can be, we're going to have a very violent Klingon coup. They even let us have a cover from Daniel Warren Johnson with a decapitated head on it, you know. So it's been a dream come true to do these books, and to have the partnership and collaboration of Paramount, and to have them be received so well by the fandom. To get two Eisner nominations in our first year. It's been surreal.
Yet the creative teams behind Star Trek and its sister title Star Trek: Defiant have expanded their canvas even further, beyond Day of Blood and a Klingon insurrection to great results. The often-mentioned but never seen Tzenkethi have been featured in Star Trek’s current storyline. Just like Day of Blood, the arc has seen its share of violence and brutality. While not on the same level as Day of Blood, the story nevertheless shows the Star Trek universe is not always a friendly place. Likewise, Defiant is treading murky moral ground, as Worf and company become bounty hunters.
These types of storylines, that expand the horizons of what Star Trek can accomplish, are part of what has made these books so successful and beloved by fans. Future storylines promise further developments with the universe’s gods as well as a body-horror take on a classic Next Generation episode in the pages of Defiant. Beyond being fan service, these stories feature the same spirit of adventure that has been a Trek trademark.
The creative teams behind these books are taking Star Trek comics to new and exciting places, and they are doing it with the blessing of Paramount."
Shaun Corley (ScreenRant)
submitted by mcm8279 to Star_Trek_ [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 21:41 mcm8279 [Star Trek Comics] BOLD, BLOODY, GRITTY - IDW's new line of Star Trek titles push the envelope for the franchise, and editor Heather Antos reveals Paramount Pictures is totally supportive: "I'm Constantly Waiting For Them To Say That's Too Far" (ScreenRant)

"IDW's Star Trek comics push the limits of the franchise, led by a bold, bloody, and brutal new series, earning critical praise. A collaborative relationship with Paramount supports edgy storylines like a Klingon uprising, a mounting Tzenkethi presence, and space gods. Star Trek comics honor the franchise while expanding its horizons, promising more gritty adventures with Paramount's approval."
"IDW’s new line of Star Trek comics has set the bar high for future entries. The one-shot Star Trek #400 featured the opening salvo in the franchise-spanning “god war,” culminating in the crossover event Day of Blood. The Klingon Emperor Kahless launches a bloody crusade against the universe’s god-like beings, fashioning a weapon capable of slaughtering them. Ben Sisko was sent back to stop Kahless, who led an uprising on the Klingon homeworld. Day of Blood was violent and gory, which may seem to fly in the face of Trek’s principles, but Antos has said Paramount has been all in:
Everything that we send to Paramount, I'm just constantly waiting for them to be like, 'That's too far you guys. Absolutely not, you can't do that. Are you kidding me? Like, absolutely not, we're not gonna let you touch that. We don't want to set that precedent,' right? IPs usually can be very cautious of letting comic books set precedents, or show the first, last, biggest, baddest, any of those.
And Paramount is just so supportive of everything we're doing with these comics, that we're really getting to just--again, no pun intended--go boldly with the stories we're telling.
You know, for a franchise that is about ideals and the best that humans can be, we're going to have a very violent Klingon coup. They even let us have a cover from Daniel Warren Johnson with a decapitated head on it, you know. So it's been a dream come true to do these books, and to have the partnership and collaboration of Paramount, and to have them be received so well by the fandom. To get two Eisner nominations in our first year. It's been surreal.
Yet the creative teams behind Star Trek and its sister title Star Trek: Defiant have expanded their canvas even further, beyond Day of Blood and a Klingon insurrection to great results. The often-mentioned but never seen Tzenkethi have been featured in Star Trek’s current storyline. Just like Day of Blood, the arc has seen its share of violence and brutality. While not on the same level as Day of Blood, the story nevertheless shows the Star Trek universe is not always a friendly place. Likewise, Defiant is treading murky moral ground, as Worf and company become bounty hunters.
These types of storylines, that expand the horizons of what Star Trek can accomplish, are part of what has made these books so successful and beloved by fans. Future storylines promise further developments with the universe’s gods as well as a body-horror take on a classic Next Generation episode in the pages of Defiant. Beyond being fan service, these stories feature the same spirit of adventure that has been a Trek trademark.
The creative teams behind these books are taking Star Trek comics to new and exciting places, and they are doing it with the blessing of Paramount."
Shaun Corley (ScreenRant)
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 02:43 Accomplished_Long487 Opinions on all the Total Drama Couples: Ranked Worst to Best

I apologize if this is getting repetitive but I really wanted to share my views!!!
20th: Prileb
Okay, I guess it was a good choice pairing Caleb up with somebody this way, but Priya? PRIYA??? What she needed was an arc of realizing how evil her parents were, and her faults started as soon as she won the first season, but we can talk about that another time. This couple started off okay, with generic Total Drama stuff, but as soon as episode 10 dropped, I was so ready to see Priya go home. However, they do the stupid Julia and Caleb thing and drag on the plot even more. With each passing moment Priya gets more and more toxic to the point that she scares Caleb and threatens him into doing stuff he doesn't want to, not to mention the scene where they both exit their fear boxes at the same time in episode 12, Priya yells at Caleb for not letting her win immunity, which is really selfish and downright immature. Caleb doesn't want to hear Priya anymore so he hooks her along with Julia. At the end, all Priya cares about is stopping Julia, not even her boyfriend, which makes us wonder why the writers even wanted us to like Prileb in the first place.

19th: Gwuncan
\"When he kissed me on the plane after the London challenge, I felt fireworks. This time, it was like being kissed by a shoe.\"
What else did you expect? Gwuncan was executed horribly overall. The only positive thing I can say about it was that it spiced up World Tour a lot. But, that's pretty much it. I get it was a network request (but why???) and the writers had to do it, but could they make it any worse??? After the third season, they suddenly both become obsessed with Courtney even though Duncan hated her guts last time and Gwen's last words before elimination was "Suck it Courtney!" And it's not even after Duncan starts liking Courtney again that Gwen doesn't like Duncan anymore. She openly didn't care about him and spent all her time worrying about Courtney.

18th: Ryphanie
Seriously?! You're giving me the silent treatment? Oh, two could play that game! I'm the QUEEN of silent treatment. I've got a whole bag of quiet to drop on you. You just wait mister, YOU'RE ABOUT TO HEAR PINS DROPPING! IT'S GONNA BE A LIBRARY UP IN HERE! YOU'LL BE SO-\" \"STILL. TALKING.\"
They are so hilarious and this line is one of my absolute favorites. But Stephanie is so annoying and insufferable. They argued so much it wasn't even funny, and every single time Ryan was also in the right. I'm glad he was able to branch out with people like Carrie though. Overall, hilarious pairing, horrible couple.
17th: Chemma
\"I could do that. No problem. I already forgot that he's here. Who's here? I don't know. Oop, huh! Seems so easy. I'm talking about Chase.\"
Okay, they are really funny and pull off the influencer couple perfectly in Island 2023, but in the next season, they should've grown apart from each other, mostly Emma. The breakup was a perfect way for her to branch out to others and restore her relationship with Bowie. The second episode made me so excited because that meant Emma would have a more major role, right? Wrong, all Emma got after was an episode where she got laughed at and eventually eliminated. These two could do nothing but be stuck to each other. At least nothing happened in the finale between them.

16th: Scottney
\"Courtney, I'm your girlfriend!!!\"
Okay, don't get me wrong, the buildup for this couple was really great, I do like the idea of Scott and Courtney being a villain couple, and with Scott's new goofy personality, it worked less, but still worked well. I would personally prefer Scott serving as a distraction to Courtney for the love triangle, and someone she can really let herself go with due to Scott's messiness. What I don't like, is their weird/unclear on again off again relationship due to Cameron and Courtney saying that they're back together. Finally, Courtney seemingly CANNOT learn from her mistakes and draws a chart, with Scott having a rat tail. THEY BROKE UP OVER A RAT TAIL. This would've been so much higher if Courtney held it together this time.

15th: Ripaxel
\"Wow, you're not smart. That's hot.\" *makes out with Ripper agressively*
First time watching the season, I loved this ship so much and it was honestly my OTP with Ripper also being my favorite character and season 6.2 winner pick. However, looking back, I overhyped it way to much and it was really rushed. Not to mention all they did was make out for the last three episodes of their stay. It really sucks to see them turn into simply comic relief and they should've actually gotten together around episode 6, with the poem only being a used as buildup to their eventual relationship. At least they seem to be happy now.

14th: Derrie
\"Carrie?\" \"Yes?\" \"I love u...nibrows.\"
I get that this couple dragged on for too long, but they managed to make it entertaining while it lasted. Having Devin be with Shelly at first followed by the seven stages of heartbreak, and then Carrie getting over Devin while Devin falls in love with Carrie is a nice layout for their arc, but they just drag each individual segment for too long. It was so obvious they were gonna get together and the plot lasting twenty-four episodes was crazy.

13th: Crimsennui
\"I'm so happy I could pee myself.\" \"You just did.\"
These two were a joy to see, I loved where they slowly began showing more emotion until their makeup melted off in Finland. I did also like where they finally learned to accept themselves for who they are. However, I would've liked it more if they stayed that way for the rest of the competition, but it was okay that they didn't. I didn't like though, how they were nonchalant for every joke they were in and were a reletivly tame and uneventful couple despite some exceptions. I like this couple, but there are better ones.

12th: Duncney
\"I hate that gross hairy creature... and his pet spider too!\"
Well, there is so much to say about this couple I can't fit all of my thoughts in here, so I'll condense it, which somehow also manages to be very long. This couple was honestly so well done in Island 2007 but was so bad in all the other ones. From the very start of TDI, they had the perfect buildup, to the perfect ending and the perfect excecution after all, I'm sure no one would dissagree with me. However, that all changed in the Total Drama Island special where Courtney left Duncan if it meant she would win the money. Courtney began being super competitive and wanting everything to go her way, which meant the chart which meant Gwuncan which meant ruining both of them + Gwen. This is all very realistic for both of them up until season 5.1 besides one complaint. Courtney never learns from her mistakes. Time and time again, she lets some stupid mistake dictate her elimination. She becomes a very disliked character and only having one friend, and that's because she never saw what she was like in the later seasons past her debut. In TDAS, Duncan miraculously starts liking Courtney again and was just using Gwen to make her jealous, this is horrible for Duncan's character and it goes nowhere. Courtney is also a massive jerk and this entire plot becomes messy. Very, very, messy. Which I guess sums up this entire couple, messy.

11th: Ozzy
\"Wait, but we're not making out.\" *pause* \"Wanna make out?\"
This couple overall is very sweet, it just takes some unecessary turns sometimes. Like how Izzy randomly started hurting Owen, and how that lead to there breakup which just felt like there was no reason behind it and the writers did it just because they could. I think Izzy simply lacked empathy for Owen and they weren't a good fit. Oh well, they were fun while they lasted, and Owen's song about Izzy was sweet.

10th: Leharold
\"Harold, you are the funkiest, baddest, strangest white boy I've ever met.\"
This couple was really sweet, but I tend to forget they were only on screen as a couple for the last minute of season 1 episode 13 and four minutes into the 27th episode of the same season, which means they were only on screen for five minutes💀. Anyway, this pairing is really strange, in a good way, the love note was also cool, but I would've liked it if they had consistent interaction throughout the season so it was less random, but the shock factor was also good, so I wouldn't mind it if it was there or not. They are revealed to be attracted to each other yet not dating as of now which kind of confuses me. Whatever, I'd like to headcanon them to be dating now, though.

9th: Nemma
\"Wow, they even have dollar stores!\" *starts laughing profusely* \"I have no idea what he meant.\"
This is a nice couple over here. Noah actually had a lot of character development and changed into a nicer and warmer person. Emma also got to let loose and take a break whenever she's with Noah. However, Emma was a little bit controlling at times whenever she insisted that she was the one going to win and Noah was not. I would've liked it if she stuck with that initially but then got out before Noah and Owen, by this point, she wouldn't care because she has Noah, and Noah promises he'll win for her.

8th: Gigette
They're too busy making out for me to quote them.
Gigette is a couple that I really enjoy. Starting off with Total Drama Island, they had a funny buildup and nice chemistry. Especially in episode 8 where Geoff gives Bridgette a homemade gift. Bridgette doesn't like it at first but eventually appreciates that behind the gift is love. Afterwards, this couple gets much more spotlight in the second season where they become hosts of the Aftermath! Somehow, they manage to do a couple's second season better than it's first. Geoff and Bridgette's arc this time around was both entertaining and realistic. Although they weren't as great as they were in the second season as Blaineley took some of the Aftermath spotlight, they still overall were very healthy and were a great couple overall. Unforntunatley, they ended up having a reputation of being two halves of Gigette by the end of the series, which is sad as they were both so much more.

7th: Lyler
\"Wait, somethings itching in my brain! Someone's back in the game! My former flame! And Tyler's your name! You're Tyler just the same old Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler back you came!\"
Again this couple is sweet, but doesn't get a lot of spotlight. They are just alright in Island 2007, being two dumbies but hilarious. Sadly, we don't get to see them together in Action, because Tyler isn't here. Finally, in World Tour, they get nine whole episodes of them, woohoo!!! These nine episodes were really great for their development as a couple. I'm happy Lindsay got to remember Tyler and didn't go the route where Alejandro tricked her and instead she lost fair (???) and square. The arc of Lindsay forgetting Tyler but eventually remebering him again is very nice, I just wished there could've been something Tyler would've done to get Lindsay to remember him, but this works okay too. Finally, it's also sweet that Tyler refused to cheat on Lindsay when Courtney flirted with him.

6th: Gwent
\"Say you'll go out with me, come on, say it!\" \"Okay, okay I'll go out with you!\"
Although most say this couple was boring, I think it was the second best in Island 2007. Yes, it was very predictable, and that's somewhat why it was brought down, Gwent was a joy to watch all the way through. Their bond in episodes 1-14 was nice, with them getting moments where Gwen really got to warm up as a person with Trent and ultimately, with everyone else around her, up until she was suddenly mad at Trent for leaving her behind in the challenge of episode 7. It was really confusing as they were seen together having good times without an issue post episode 7, pre episode 15. But honestly, that was my only shortcoming with the plot the whole season. Trent holding the rock for Gwen showed that he really cared for Gwen and Gwen really liked him in return. The image I used is one of my favorites ever, it showed that Gwen and Trent were really in love, and nothing could get between them, for now. Another reason why this couple was brought down was obviously TDA, it ruined them blah blah blah Duncan got in the way blah blah blah you know why, but the breakup was realistic and at least they're still friends.

5th: Zoke
'I will, I swear, just give me a little more time! Say, 10 years?\"
Amazing main couple in Revenge of the Island, not so much in All-Stars. Mike keeping a secret of his multiple personality disorder from Zoey is probably the main wedge between these two, but what Mike thought the wedge was (him having DID), was the opposite of what it really was (Zoey thinking it wasn't DID and he was using acting as a way of flirting with Anne Maria). Zoey being so supportive was great and the buildup wasn't bad either considering it was only nine episodes. In the first half of the fifth season though, things weren't as great as they were before. Considering Mal was in control for the majority of season 5.1, Mike and Zoey didn't get a lot of time together and therefore couldn't interact in episodes 7-12 entirely. However the part where Mike tells Zoey he doesn't know what's going on, but he feels better when he's with her was very sweet, and also Zoey crying over the fact that Mike may never return just shows how deeply they love each other. Unlike other couples, no one is controlling over the other.

4th: Samkota
\"Wow, we have a lot in common!\" \"How could you say that about me?!\"
This right here is widely regarded as the best generation two ship and I agree. At first, they are polar opposites who don't seem like they'd want anything to do with each other. Then, they slowly become more used to each other and appreciate each other's company. Dakota getting eliminated second definitley left a weird feeling in my stomach the first time watching, but I'm glad they did a creative spin on the elimination order by making her return as in intern to further develop her relationship with Sam. Although Dakota turning into a mutant monster in the end wasn't favorable, Sam loved her even more for it and they lived happily ever after.

3rd: Shasmine
\"It's sad when a person let's a single, irational fear, control their whole lives.\"
People say this was Pahkitew Island's saving grace, and I do think it was a very good thing, but in my opinion, the other "relationship" was written well too, Shasmine is meant to represent a good healthy couple, while Skave is meant to represent a faliure, and that's something we've never had in Total Drama is where a couple very obviously looks like it's going to happen, then they do a fake-out and ruin the whole thing. I'm honestly all for it as it's something that's never been done before. But this isn't about Dave and Sky, it's about Shawn and Jasmine. Aside from Jasmine getting mad at Shawn for beating her in the challenge, (talk about a sore loser) this hiccup was necessary for Shawn to ultimately save her from zombies as it was his greatest fear. Emphasis on greatest fear as it shows he would die for her, and in turn, Jasmine loves Shawn a lot too. The relationship had one final hiccup as they had different plans for the money, this one was done a lot better as Jasmine could realize how scary it will be when she loses Shawn, and Shawn realizes how hurt she was. This couple was very healthy AND entertaining. Amazing relationship.

2nd: Rajbow
\"IT'S AN ADORABLE SNOWMAN!!!\" \"*sighs* He means abominable.\"
Rajbow definetly shows that if the writers try, they know exactly how to make a good couple. Prileb and Ripaxel l they didn't handle with enough care as the former was toxic and the latter turned both of the characters into simply comic relief. I think they really wanted to nail our first same-sex couple so they put 100% into it, and although it wasn't perfect, it's only issue was not giving them enough screen time, and that in a way shows how good they made it. In my opinion, it's unique because they never really made the main antagonist develop a relationship with another contestant in the same season they were the antagonist. (I know Alejandro developed one with Heather, but it isn't really the same as the path their romance takes is way more untraditional) The creators never really did scemer x innocent as a ship dynamic before, but when they do, I love it!!! Raj has an arc of coming out to Wayne, which let's both of them, comic relief characters, be taken seriously for once, and it also allows Bowie to explore his more innocent side and shows that villains sometimes have hearts. Not to mention their arc in the following half of the season really explores Bowie's morals and also fleshes out Raj as well. I'm so excited for a possible season 7 where they are the main focuses.

1st: Aleheather
\"You better focus, 'cause it is on! I am gonna smoke you for breakfast!\" \"Bring it!\" \"Blah blah blah, guess what I can just turn you off!\" \"Of course you can! You're an expert at turning people off!\"
Words can't explain how much I love this couple and how genius it was. Heather was the big bad of the first generation, up until Alejandro debuted and was an even bigger evil than she was. She vowed to stop him, and they always got in each other's ways. In the end, they faced off in the big bad finale, where Heather got the last laugh and shoved Alejandro off the volcano. This obviously fleshed both of them out as Heather had a new, worse person to defeat, almost making her sound like a hero, which must've made her very happy to hear since being considered good was something she always wanted to hear, but never did. Heather is Alejandro's weakness and finally got his comupance after being kicked off of the volcano. However, feelings between them still lingered and they finally became a relationship in Total Drama All-Stars. I'm glad they ended up this way, as they do deserve each other and seem to be genuinely happy with each other's company, which is something villains rarely show, love.
If you read all of this, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
submitted by Accomplished_Long487 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2023.12.17 06:08 omnikyle Ben 10 vs Liu Kang (Ben 10: Omniverse vs Mortal Kombat 1)

Ben 10 vs Liu Kang (Ben 10: Omniverse vs Mortal Kombat 1)
Hey I'm not really sure how this works (first time ever posting!) I've thrown this match-up around a lot, and you guys may have seen this, and I just wanted to do something I've seen other people do and elaborate on why I really like this particular match up! So without further ado, the Baddest Kid to Ever Save the Day Against the Chosen One
  • In their original timelines they were noble heroes of prophecy that descend from heroic lineages (Max Tennyson and Great Kung Lao)
  • They fought evils such as conquering inter dimensional warlords (Vilgax and Shao Kahn), evil doppelgangers (Albedo and Revenant Liu), dark skull themed sorcerors (Hex and Quan Chi), beings who suck the life out of others (Darkstar and Shang Tsung), organizations of arms dealers (Forever Knights and Black Dragons), mutants who hate their progenitors (Malware and Mileena), mad scientists obsessed with evolving capabilities (Animo and Frost), shapers of time itself (Eon and Kronika), and haunting perversions of former allies (Zs'Skayr and Noob Saibot)
  • Both had a love interest that's an active kombatant (Julie and/or Esther and Kitana)
  • Both were trained by a higher being of their realm for greater things (Paradox and Lord Raiden)
  • Both fought alongside their cousins to stop annihilation (Gwen and Kung Lao)
  • Both were members of peace keeping organizations for the better part of their lives (The Plumbers and White Lotus Society)
  • Both have taken under their wing a young inexperienced fighter who reminds them of themselves (Ben 23 and New Era Raiden)
  • Both were good allies with a high ranking highly skilled law enforcement officer (Rook and Sonya)
  • Both have died and come back to life a handful of times (Charmcaster killing in Ledgerdomain, Chronosapien Time Bomb, Revenant Liu, Midway Zombie Liu)
  • Both have experience being fused with someone else in a typically non standard way (Clockwork/Techno Bubble as well as Upgrade Rex, Fire God Liu Kang is the fusion of Raiden, Young Liu, and Revenant Liu)
  • Both are adept at cunning and trickery even if they prefer a straight fight
  • This would be a solid representation of the Bruce Lee quote "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times" showing the challenge between a single skill vs wide versatility, similarly this would be a good magic vs technology battle with good potential on a lot of fronts.
  • debatably they both scale pretty similarly after MK1
  • Both restarted their universes from the brink for the greater good, while one took that to remake reality with himself as a God, the other put things back as close as possible showing a disconnect in the two perspectives that would fuel a conflict
submitted by omnikyle to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2023.12.10 20:17 OtherMiniarts Perfect Shitstorm (ft. Exchange Online)

Ok folks, got some grade-A shit show from a real live environment here. I'm brand new to actual on-resume Sysadmin, basically uncertified in anything you'd find on the job, and literally only ever used Microsoft Admin center to reset passwords back when the naming schemes somewhat made sense.
So, what do I do when I get the ticket requesting a user's account M365 be deactivated? Well I completely ignore the "Delete User" button that does exactly what I need to and wraps it up in a nice neat bow, and instead disable user sign-in and remove the user's M365 license.
All right, not so bad? A lil unoptimal but it gets the job done for now? Well not when you're an idiot (a.k.a. me) who has no idea that M365 keeps the user data for 30 days after the license is removed. So what do I do?
Assign. A new. Fucking. License.
Check back about 15-30 min later, mailbox usage is at 0.0KB/50GB
Welp, sweep that one under the rug, hope nobody needs access to those!
Two months later: "Hey I'm on the accounting team and need access to those emails. Do you have them on that external backup drive?" Next day I check the drive- lo and behold, a singular PST file! Eureka! No more shitting my pants while updating my resume!
Call the user back and say I can transfer the 150MB pst over and import it in their Outlook app. "No, someone else from IT set it up so those emails are imported on Outlook on the Web. I don't want them imported to my desktop because my computer is already slow as it is." Oh, yeah, sorry about that, I didn't figure in how tremendous of a performance hit 150MB of text files would have on your Windows 10 computer, so sorry about that.
So I go down the nightmare rabbit hole that is Azure AzCopy and pst importing and mapping files and waiting for Microsoft to import and filter for literal hours. While process takes nearly two days to even begin to wrap my head around, along with being first in line for the phone queue.
Update the ticket:
"You should have access to the emails now!"
I don't see them.
Call the user again. "They're not in the dedicated account that the other co-worker set up for me for Outlook on the Web." My bad, didn't know there was literally A DIFFERENT OUTLOOK ACCOUNT. Consult with coworker who set up the account, noted email, then suddenly get pulled away from ticket because anOTHER CUSTOMER GETS HACKED FOR PORT FORWARDED RDP.
Email from first customer: "Where are the emails?"
Ok, fine, re-import, use same mapping file, change destination address.
Update ticket:
"You should have access to the emails now!"
I don't see them.
Turns out the idiot script kiddy that I am didn't realize that "TargetRootFolder" set to "/" in the mapping file (as it is in basically every online guide) maps the imported emails "to the top of the folder archive. If a folder exists in the target mailbox . . . the items in that folder in the PST are merged into the existing folder in the target mailbox," to quote Microsoft support. So this whole time the deleted users emails were being merged into the account user's main mailbox, main sent folder, main calendar, etc.
Don't worry, I'll just change the mapping file to have TargetRootFolder as "/(deleted user's name)." Re-do the AzCopy for the third time, wait for the import to finish for the third time, wait for the filter to finish for the third time, and presto!
Update ticket:
"You should have access to the emails now!"
I don't see them.
Call user. User answers phone: "OP, are there problems accessing the emails?" You know it's good when your caller ID just says "IT Helpdesk" but the user answers you by name. Also good when the user is clearly in the middle of a meeting and it's a highly inconvenient time to speak on the phone.
Remote into user's computer, access the OWA account, and the fresh, new, beautiful imported folder is right there where we want it...
But none of that matters, since the PST file was corrupt to begin with! Only 7 properly imported emails and 1700+ sync errors. Yay! Fun! Damn I'm so glad we backed up this data to a cheap USB portable external hard drive, and not the file server!
Good news is that all M365 installs come with the SCANPST.EXE utility. Bad news is I only found out about that after I hung up the phone and closed the remote screen session. Baddest News, my work computer doesn't have M365 installed, and my account doesn't have a license for anything other than Office on the Web.
Can you install SCANPST.EXE as a standalone app? No. Can you install M365 from Microsoft's website without the specific license? Maybe but my head wasn't clear enough to think of the "historic releases" page.
So I chose to push M365 to my work computer through our RMM agent because I am stupid. Funny part it worked, and SCANPST seemed to do... Something! The repaired PST is about a megabyte bigger than the supposedly corrupt one, so hey, maybe we're lucky!
Can I test immediately? No, of course not, I'm not gonna import client data into my personal work computer (and I don't have a desktop Outlook license anyway) and I just knew any more calls to the user at that date and time will just prove my incompetency. Plus it was like 4 p.m. on a Friday and my mood was shitty.
So, I fired up AzCopy and began the import! Surely nothing can go wrong this time!
Tl;dr: Don't let me anywhere near end user data unless there are 17 backups already dispersed across the globe, including 3 in Antarctica.
Bonus challenge: List everything that went right so far in this story
submitted by OtherMiniarts to ShittySysadmin [link] [comments]

2023.11.18 16:32 HingisFan RHOA - “tweaking” casting starts?

RHOA - “tweaking” casting starts?
Saw this on Twitter (screw you Elon!) and thought it was interesting. Not definitive obviously, but we know there’s been lots of talk about changing up the Atlanta cast in some capacity.
Who do y’all want to see return, get their peach revoked, newbies join?
submitted by HingisFan to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2023.10.21 15:41 Feyfyre1 Humanity’s Awakening – The Parasitic God Arc (Complete) – Chapter 2 (Always Do Your Homework)

First : Previous : Next
--- Terra Multiplanetary Government Building - United Government of Terra - Geneva, Switzerland–---
“Okay, so listen to this,” Drake Bradford said to his colleague as they leaned against a white marble pillar inside the large modern government building’s main lobby. Drake had his tablet practically glued to his face because of the breaking news feed he’d found.
“It says here that… and I quote, ‘In a gesture of goodwill and acknowledgment of Earth’s strides toward world peace, climate crisis mitigation, efforts to reform extremisms, and adherence to strict world government policies; the Ring De’Nari are opening up an entire one hundred mile of newly added section to their world for a human colony. The new colony will allow humans to live, work, and learn hand in hand with our allies above earth. It’ll be up to the United Terran Government to place individuals on a vetting list for both the Ring De’Nari and an independent scientific panel made up from around the world to evaluate and allow entrance into this new exciting opportunity.’ What a wordy f’n sentence but that’s some damned good news!”
“What?! That’s gonna smack some rich guys in the craw right there. Ain’t no way that panel is gonna just let any old money up there. Damn,” commented Bryan Alverez while he took out a handy lint lifter to brush down his new black suit. He also combed his slicked brown hair because he was out to make a solid first impression today with his new boss and especially one high powered Ambassador that he and his friend were going to have to work with soon. He really hoped that Al’Thaoal guy liked sports or something so he could dazzle him with his trivia knowledge.
“YO! It gets better. Here you go. Ahem. ‘The Queen of Mars has finally signed her first colonization treaty with humanity. Although the De’Nari have been working and living on Mars for almost fifteen years, humanity has not yet been considered as a valuable entrant into the Mars economic machine between Mars and the Ring until now. Queen Xalansss, through her ambassador, has signed the first of its kind treaty as of September tenth. The signing was held in private due to the unique nature of the Queen’s rule and hesitation from numerous national governments regarding how human colonists might be treated upon their arrival. With the help of De’Nari Ambassador Shad and Draxian Ambassador Al’Thaoal, the Queen has graciously compromised on mineral rights and some propulsion technology sharing in exchange for advanced agricultural and livestock initiatives which aim to make Mars fully sustainable within two years. The new Lake Draxius of Mars, the massive undertaking by De’Nari and Draxian workers to bring water ice asteroids to Mars is nearing completion. The Queen of Mars indicates that with the De’Nari water reclamation technologies and her advanced materials, the freshwater of Mars could sustain at minimum three hundred years of managed population growth. This managed growth was the last hurdle that humanity and the Draxian Queen finally came to terms with four months ago. In a gesture of good faith, Queen Xalansss has begun construction of human habitable zones within her citadel deep below the surface as well as above ground accommodations that also promise to become a tourist attraction as well as mecca for the amalgamation of world cultures. Wooooaaaahhhh…”
Bryan whistled. “Finally! Do you know how much money people are gonna make out there! Jeez! And if they can ease some populations down here, the skies are the limit! I wonder if I could apply?” he asked as he did his own sprucing with his own grey suit and red power tie. His dark tan and blond hair made for an impressive figure. At least according to himself when he gave himself a pep talk in the bathroom’s mirror earlier.
Drake chided him as he looked around the large government building’s crowded bustling lobby over his friend’s shoulder, “Maybe. You never know, they might need some good treaty or perhaps even contract lawyers at least up on the Ring. The Queen’s a hivemind, so that’s out. She only goes through that one ambassador. Poor sap. I bet we’ll meet that guy here this week sometime. So last piece of worthy news…,” Drake said as he refocused on his news feed.
Drake continued, “A new term has been coined on Earth. ‘Belter.’ These rugged people, both Human and De’Nari have been transporting materials from the nearest asteroids back to Mars, the new moon base known as Luna De Casa Terra One, and Earth. The Ring De’Nari and the Queen of Mars’s workers have almost completed a new human only base that will orbit the Moon as a sign of good faith and respect going forward. The Belters will start using that platform as a new base of operations and leisure hub between contractual six-month missions. The Xallessica Corp’s newest asteroid mining and transport fleet vehicles leased to own by Terra and dedicated first world countries that have been available for five years have been a boon to the trade negotiations. It is estimated that within the next year, both the Terran government and six nations will own and be able to manufacture their own fleet of mining vehicles as the Xallessica corporation shifts its focus onto a new gas and mining extraction platform set to orbit Venus in ten years’ time. That’s… that’s… just unreal.”
Bryan piped up when he saw some delegates from China heading in and over to reception. “Oh yeah! The US, China, Japan, the EU, along with a slew of middle eastern countries are having a full-blown meltdown over having to cede more power over to the Terran government because the future is slapping them in their pocketbooks. Did you hear or read any of that? I’m so glad we got out when we did. It’s funny how the biggest supporters were the countries in Africa and South America. Seemed they just needed some true humanitarian aid to rein in the poverty and ease all the crime rates. The world is really turning these days. Six mining companies with the Draxian and De’Nari are just tearing up the markets and putting Earth mining almost out of business. Good riddance, I say. Best thing to happen would be the new vehicles and environmentally conscious mining technologies to be taken up by new blood companies instead.”
Drake nodded. “Yeah. But it’s all the political crap that makes me mad. Regular people are really taking to the rebalancing of power and economic directions. The protests and stuff are really telling their own governments to their faces that the governments work for them again, not the other way around. I give it, say less than thirty years and we’ll probably be creating our own ring or something because of all the improvements.”
Bryan shrugged and went back to people watching while Drake went back to looking at his new Nari 6 expandable PC for more news and sports scores. “Huh? The colleges are scouting out a De’Nari as a quarterback for one of the new teams this year. I can’t believe they’ll let them play now.”
“Old news. But at least they can’t play basketball or soccer,” Bryan said as he admired the large open glass wall they were in front of.
Drake humphed and then agreed. “Yeah, true, I guess. Just can’t run that long… yet. But tossing crap and tackling, hooo boy. Rugby sure got a whole lot more interesting recently because of them. I just wish the speciests would just go away. Their hatred of the De’Nari is just plain stupid.”
“I agree. But, that’s humans. Need to hate somebody all the time. Stupid,” Bryan said absently as he kept roaming his eyes over the spacious receiving area bustling with activity while they waited for their on-boarding guide to show up. He really liked to people watch, especially here at their new office to be. This was the main embassy and interspecies Terran Government offices in Switzerland. They were both surprised at how both of them got accepted to the open positions together because competition had been fierce for them. They’d heard that they were replacing two others who quit after only two weeks. Their stupidity was their gain, oh well.
The lobby was well lit because of the wall of open windows that let in the early morning sunshine. The décor though reminded Bryan of a slick hotel for the super fancy types. This place was just much bigger and had prettier receptionists. Unfortunately the numerous De’Nari walking around talking with groups of humans didn’t make for much in the way of eye candy. Well, maybe except for perhaps the white wolf lady in a skintight green dress who just came down the steps beside the reception area. Mainly because she dropped a bunch of files that she was carrying and he got an eyeful of her curves as she bent down for them. The body was nice, but the face reminded him too much of his husky he’d left at his parent’s house. “Nope. Not for me.”
“What’s that?” Drake asked, not really paying attention.
“Nothing. Don’t worry…. Whoa… Dude! Now she’s hot!” said Bryan excitedly as spotted a five-foot four-ish redheaded woman in a navy thigh-length skirted business suit walking into the Terran Government building in near four-inch heels. She got stopped by the De’Nari lady who’d dropped her files, was given a few, and it seemed she was a friend because the truly red haired redhead gave that De’Nari gal a big hug. She even did the nuzzle thing with her before heading to the receptionist who waved at her.
“Huh? Where?!” asked Drake who whipped his head around. “Where?!”
“Ssshhhh. Over there by the front desk. She’s talking to the receptionist. “Whooooaaaa… look at those quads and ass. That girl works out!” Bryan commented as he pushed his colleague around to an empty standing table nearby, so it’d look more casual than two new rookie government lawyers gawking at a fine piece of ass.
Drake also eyed the woman up and down as she and the receptionist chatted like they were also buddies and were giggling at something the receptionist said. “That’s an expensive suit too. I bet she’s high up in the chain. I wonder if she’s an executive assistant or something?”
The receptionist also gave her some folder files plus had her sign some official looking document before giggling again at the hot woman. They shook hands and the redhead turned to walk their way.
“Maybe. Wait. Ok, be cool. She’s heading over this way. Awww. She’s got a damn ring on. Crap,” Bryan lamented.
“That’s not a problem around here. Plenty of ladies schmooze with the politicians and lawyers and I’ve even heard there’s an after-hours party scene even if they’re married. Watch this.” Drake straightened his tie one more time and smiled at her as winningly as possible. He pulled his briefcase off the floor and flipped his new badge out, making a show of putting it on for her.
The redhead noticed them and smiled back beautifully. Drake noticed that her chest would provide lots of entertainment and her face was as gorgeous as her legs. She also didn’t seem to have any of those ginger freckles like so many others did. She’s a flippin’ supermodel, he though excitedly.
“Hi! Miss?!”
The redhead stopped short of passing them and politely asked with a southern US accent, “Yes? May I help you?”
Drake nearly choked at how pretty her smile was and her blue eyes stared directly into his without any hesitation.
“Hey. I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Drake Bradford and this is Bryan Alvarez. We’re the new treatise lawyers for Mr. Johansson who works with the Draxian Ambassador.”
“Oh! Wow! Congratulations! It’s nice to meet you both!” she said very excitedly and quite bouncily, for which both Drake and Bryan appreciated.
“Hey, uuuhh,” he quickly glanced down and caught her first name on her badge. Once he had that, he ignored the rest of it in favor of her chest again since the blouse was a bit low-cut and then her blue eyes, “Jessica. We’ll be working on the new Ring De’Nari and Draxian trade agreements with the Terran government starting Monday. We’re supposed to pick up some preliminary case packets to read over this weekend. I was perhaps hoping you might have time to, I don’t know, show us around and maybe give us the lay of the land here?”
She smiled again at them both and held out her hand. They both shook her firm handshake and enjoyed how good she smelled. “Well, I do have a little time before I need to get to the meeting room. I just need to get back to my gals first before they have a hissy fit since I snuck out to get some flowers sent off to Delik’Shad as a birthday surprise. After that, I can show you where you two will be stationed as my office is a few doors down from Martin’s, if you want. Your packets should already be waiting for you in your office by now too, I think. Oh! If I have time still, I can show you two where the tricked-out lounge is if you want!”
Bryan couldn’t believe their luck especially since her voice had a nice husky bedroom tone to it. “Mrs. Jessica. That would be fantastic. Thank you.”
“My pleasure. Please follow me.” Jessica shuffled her handheld briefcase to her other hand and began walking towards the elevators. The two men appreciated the way her skirt jiggled at them as she walked.
However, Bryan and Drake got a little confused when they followed her because they also noticed people tended to have one of two reactions to the hot girl with the nice butt. Either they smiled and waved at her or they got the hell out of her way like she was a plague. They looked at each other and could tell they had the same thought. But she was too close for them to comment.
“Ah, here we are. We’ll head up to eighteen. That’s where your offices should be located.”
A few other people crowded in with them and they had to stand right next to her. Drake was in heaven, being right on her side and she was forced to be just about on top of him. Bryan even more so as he was right behind her staring hard at her ass.
After a few floors, the elevators cleared up and kept clearing until they were on the fourteenth and none were left but the three of them.
When the doors shut, Drake made his move. “Jessica. Hey, we really appreciate this. Maybe after work, you might show us a good place to get a drink. Perhaps you could come along and let us repay you? We’d really like to get to know you.”
“Oh, how sweet. I appreciate the offer, but I don’t go out to bars except my hometown one that has the dance competition every now and then. My husband just isn’t that social and I’m really a homebody at heart too mostly,” she said sweetly over her shoulder before turning back to face the door.
Bryan tried his luck this time. He put his hand on her shoulder and said, “Jessica. We’re new in town and are still staying in the hotel down the street. Come on. Just a couple of drinks, some laughs, and some dinner. We’d really…”
Jessica touched the button that stops the elevator and then tapped the alarm switch to disable it. She did not turn around but spoke to their reflections in the stainless-steel elevator doors.
In the coldest tone that either of these two men had ever heard in their lives, Jessica said vehemently, “DO NOT TOUCH ME!”
Bryan removed his hand quickly. “I’m sorry. But perhaps we can…”
With a calmer voice, Jessica responded, “I don’t like to be touched by anyone except my family and friends. Neither of you are in those two categories.”
Drake cleared his throat and tried his most soothing deep voice to calm the situation down. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re cool. Let us buy you a couple of drinks and dinner and we can be your friends then. How’s that?”
Jessica rolled her neck, then punched a single finger through the stainless-steel elevator wall which made a small reverberating dull ping sound.
More calmly, while she removed her finger to let the two men see the pretty hole she left, Jessica said, “You two made a mistake today. You didn’t ask my full name, nor did you give me any indication that you didn’t know who I was. Now I’m not above thinking that maybe I’m a bit at fault here too. So, in fairness to us all and since you’re new, I’m willing to purge this from my memory the moment we exit this elevator. You would be wise to learn who I am and more importantly, what I am. Don’t touch me ever again. Until either the De’Nari Ambassador Delik’Shad or New Avalon Awakened Ambassador Jared Stockton arrive, I am the baddest motherfucker in this building. Don’t you two forget it!”
“We’re sorry, Jessica…” Bryan tried to recover and be smooth even as he continued to stare at the neat hole in the wall. It didn't work.
“Ambassador Al’Thaoal to you two shits until you learn some manners and grow up. Am I clear?!” she asked even more icily if that were possible.
“Yes, Ambassador Al’Thaoal!” they said loud and clear in near unison as they backed up a little from her to give her the space that they knew now she wanted from them.
Jessica tapped the button to let the elevator proceed on to the eighteenth floor.
Who greeted them on that floor nearly scared the piss out of the two rookie lawyers even worse than Jessica had. Four De’Nari ladies, dressed to kill were there when those doors slid open, and they DID NOT look friendly. Literally, those De’Nari were dressed in black fatigues with metal plating on their faces and on one of the guard’s hands. They were Jessica Al’Thaoal’s personal guards, and they eyed the two men like they could kill them on the spot. One of the De’Nari lady guards with grey fur and red metal on her face, spoke to Jessica quickly, quietly, and didn’t remove her hard glaring eyes off either of them. The other three were snarling silently at them, only a twitch away from shredding them into bloody paste. Jessica patted her primary guard gently on her shoulder before the four guard De’Nari took up positions behind Bryan and Drake. Jessica smiled sweetly at them again and told them to follow her for their tour.
Drake and Bryan kept their mouths shut and their hands to themselves while Jessica did as she said she would. She led them around their new office areas and greeted everyone present. And as she said she would, she introduced the two of them to everyone they came to like nothing had happened within the elevator. She even showed them the spacious and fully outfitted lounge where she also greeted one of the human cleaning ladies and three Ring De’Nari security guards like they were old friends. Even as nice as this was, both Bryan and Drake could feel her personal guards glaring holes in the back of their heads. They’d unknowingly made a stupid mistake and those guards were reinforcing that fact for as long as they were with the ambassador.
Jessica and her guards finally left them at their new office. Jessica even left them with a sweet ‘Goodbye!’ and ‘Good luck!’ as they continued to say as little as possible while they watched five of the most terrifying women they’d ever met walk away.
When they were gone, Bryan shut the door and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then despondency hit him. “Drake. We fucked up big time, didn’t we?”
Drake sat heavily at his desk and dropped his briefcase to the floor. “Yeah, we did. We tried to hit on Ambassador Al’Thaoal. From the rumors about him… shit, her! That woman could’ve literally and easily killed us. And no one would have done a damned thing. Jeeeeeez!”
Bryan headed over to his own desk and sat like a sack of potatoes to put his head on his arms and wished this day hadn’t happened.
Drake picked up a very thick manilla envelope that contained more security clearance documents to work through and their initial caseloads. The first one he saw had him about drop the whole thing to the floor.
“Bryan! Get into your packet and read the first case prep. And I mean now!”
Bryan jolted and did it immediately and as he scanned, he began cussing up a storm. “You’ve gotta be kidding me! We’re working with Jessica and the De’Nari ambassador next week! Wait… we’ve got to help them rewrite new international poaching laws required by the Ring? Shit, it says here that these are for nations to enforce before they’ll even be considered for future agricultural business on the Ring and on Mars. Shhhhiiiiiiiitt!”
“No no no! Dude! This is good! This is really good! Don’t you see!?” Drake stood up like he’d won the lottery.
“No. I see us either getting fired, eaten, or thrown off the top floor by Jessica,” Bryan said puzzled.
“Nuh-huh. This is our ticket. If we bust our assess and get this right, we’re gonna be swimming in recognition and status. Yeah, we may have screwed up on our first day, but if we make it up to the baddest motherfucker in the building with this and show her how good we are at this shit, we’ll be untouchable around here. I mean, I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about the Draxian ambassador but there were a few others that I bet are true too. Her reputation means no one messes with Ambassador Al’Thaoal and those that work for her, man!” Drake said happily.
“You really think so?” Bryan asked with a little hope in his voice.
“Yeah. Don’t you remember?! The story about her blasting a whole section of a building off because she got pissed?! Dude! I just wish someone would’ve actually gotten us a picture or something before today. Well, honestly, that’s our fault too for not doing our homework. Anyhow, let’s go ahead and make this afternoon count and put our heads together tomorrow too. We get some preliminary research, ideas, and language down on our first official day and we should be able show that we mean business and make it up to her.”
“Alright. I can go with that and hope we impress her. But before that, man, let’s go make some friends around here though,” Bryan suggested. “If she’s that friendly with them, we better be as well.”
“Oooooo, good point Slick! Good point. C’mon. Carmella the cleaning lady is down the hall now, might as well get in good with her first since Jessica gave her a box of fucking expensive chocolates.”
submitted by Feyfyre1 to HFY [link] [comments]

2023.10.09 02:42 BurningLariat13 Something About Edwin Starr

When the people of FBE think of Wargames, they think of hate, of anger, of rivalries that couldn’t end under normal circumstances. The kind of rivalries that end with people permanently scarred. Torn flesh. Broken bones. Lacerations. Blood and gore. Missing teeth. But what may go unspoken is the effect it leaves on the competitors' minds.
Few men are able to step into such a match, even fewer are able to say they’re a victor. Those that do are rightfully remembered as legends. Those who lose, they only have the pain to show for it. I can’t think of anything more terrifying than staring across a ring and seeing a man who only wants to cause you harm. It would make weaker men’s knees buckle, send a chill down their spine as they await their fate. And for what? A petty squabble that might ruin all of our careers? I’ve gone to war for worse reasons.
Cactus Mike, Kaze Tanaka, Logan Wright, Code Blue. The self proclaimed heroes of this story. The Ark is a group of men who are undeniably talented, amazing wrestlers. But the thing is, I’m not fighting alongside heroes, and I’m not fighting beside wrestlers. I’m fighting alongside men who aren’t afraid to call themself villains. I’m fighting beside men who are killers. Not a single man on this side of the fight has any qualms about leaving you people a horrible, disfigured mess of men.
Think about it, the cries of your children, Mike. Think about how much they’ll plead as they watch the TV in that trailer you force them to live in. Think about how scared they’ll be as STEEZ cuts you from coast to coast. Think about how they’ll never be able to look at you again without imagining your face crimson red. Is it really worth it?
Kaze Tanaka, how will you react to your allies' screams? To the man you call a brother begging for mercy, when he knows he’ll receive none? Will you scream in anger? Will you cry in fear? Will you close your eyes in reservation to know all you did that night was for nothing? You see when you walked into Wargames the first time, you were facing a group of glorified jobbers called JEM. Here, you face off against the baddest man to represent The City Of Roses. You face off against one of the best to ever lace ‘em up, Ethan Fadely.
Logan Wright, I’ll admit, when you took my title you stole a little piece of me with it. That title was the one thing that had me happy to compete in FBE. I hate you. Which is why the sweetest form of revenge I could ever ask for is watching the UNDISPUTED GREATEST OF ALL TIME serve you a three course meal of your own teeth. Inferno is going to kill you. There's no beating around the bush. You might die. But you’re a doctor, you can handle it.
Code Blue, I took your eye. And I’m so, so happy that every time you look in the mirror you’re unable to forget me. You can quote your bible verses, and you can make your false promises. You can keep chasing the high of finally putting this behind you. But the only thing you’ll find at the end of this tunnel you’re chasing is a motherfucking freight train. I will run you over. I will make you beg. I will take your other eye. I will leave you a blind, hopeless, self loathing, bastard who tells his grandkids that he used to be something. That his name was once spelled in lights! The lights that you’ll see in your dreams, only for them to be snuffed out by ME.
When it all goes down at Vamp Life, none of us are gonna walk out the same men we were beforehand. The difference is I’ll be one of those men who gets his name etched in history, and I will lay you the fuck out.
submitted by BurningLariat13 to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2023.10.06 03:28 Hewholooksskyward Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth - Chapter 60

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Link to the Wiki page, with additional links to Clan information and background Lore.
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Chapter 60: To Blow A Futile Horn
Genvass waited anxiously for some word from Rúna or Samara. “What’s taking them so long?” he asked the Avatars standing by with him.
“We don’t know how big the complex is, or how well it’s defended,” Ess Peon pointed out. “Let’s give them some more time.”
“We should have heard something by now,” the ambassador protested.
“Come on, this is Rúna and Samara we’re talking about,” Alphad joked, “the two baddest bitches ever to storm an enemy fortress. Plus, they’ve got Guardian riding shotgun, don’t forget, not to mention his horde of cognates. If anyone can do the job, it’s them.”
The ambassador bobbed his head, somewhat embarrassed by his uneasiness. “You’re right,” he sighed, “I’m just worried, is all. I’ll just be glad when this is over.”
“We all will,” Raven said gently. “This has been an ordeal for everyone involved.”
He started to reply when Rúna’s face appeared on the monitor. “It’s done,” she said wearily, “the clan leaders are in custody. It’ll take me some time to get back to you. Some of their more diehard lackeys are being stubborn about surrendering.”
“Anything we can do to help?” Genvass asked her.
“Just give me a few minutes, I’m sending you a feed,” she answered. “I figure showing their clan leaders in chains might take the fight out of their followers, especially the ones still battling down on New Terra. I imagine Inaba can use all the help she can get.”
“We’ll retransmit your broadcast,” he assured her. “Anything else?”
There was a long pause.
“... Samara didn’t make it,” she said softly.
When Rúna’s broadcast hit the airwaves, the dominoes started to fall. Inaba and her band of insurgents had hammered the loyalists hard, the ancient city surrounding them now in utter ruins, brought down by the deadly Precursor weapons used by both sides. But with the capture of the clan leaders, many sworn to their cause experienced a sudden change of heart. They laid down arms and surrendered, hoping to cut a better deal for themselves with the victors. There were still a few pockets of resistance scattered across the metropolis, but with the numbers now skewed heavily against them, Inaba’s Valkyries quickly mopped them up.
As word spread that the fighting was over, those who had hunkered down and hid from the loyalists and their minions began emerging from the shadows, cautiously stepping into the light. For a species that had once lost everything, only to suffer centuries of struggle and torment afterward, New Terra had seemed like a beacon of hope. When Inaba added her own images to the broadcast, the shattered cities and bodies of those fallen in battle, a grim resolve slowly began finding purchase among the planet’s citizens. They’d come too damn far and sacrificed too damn much to watch it all go up in flames. Whatever lingering sentiment there was for the clan leaders and their ideology vanished almost immediately, and as the populace watched those gruesome images, a new credo began to take hold.
Never Again.
They herded the surviving loyalists into the same camps they themselves once controlled, while a heated debate raged over their ultimate disposition. A sorting algorithm obviously needed to be adopted, a way to separate those who could be rehabilitated from the serious hard cases who deserved everything that was coming for them. Unfortunately, the sudden and almost complete loss of infrastructure brought about by the clan leaders’ downfall hampered their efforts. The clan leaders themselves were placed in a secure facility and guarded closely, in case someone was tempted to stage a jailbreak. The citizens were at least spared the ravages of famine and disease, thanks to their ancestors and their magical technology, but as the days dragged on, they realized they had a serious problem on their hands; the fact that no one was in charge.
Luckily for them, some of their more savvy luminaries had a few ideas about how to remedy that deficiency.
“... No way. Forget it. I am not doing it,” Genvass sputtered.
Captain’s Aukes and Inaba shared a commiserating look. “It’s only temporary,” Rúna said in placating tones, “just until we can get things up and running again.” Her hand went automatically to the sword on her hip, the same Ixian blade she’d won from the Paygan. It had turned up in a storage depot, finding its way back to her at last and allowing her to return Blye’s blade. The change it brought about was remarkable, already he was seeing a return to the old Rúna. Perhaps not all the way as of yet, but she was definitely on the road to recovery.
“Oh, I’ve heard that one before,” he sneered, “but that ‘Temporary assignment’ always ends up being permanent, because nobody wants to fiddle with it once it’s in place.”
“Someone has to take the reins, Ambassador,” Inaba told him. “Rúna’s right, it’s just until we can get some kind of working document in place and hold free elections.”
“Fine. You do it,” Genvass fired back. “You’re the war hero, Captain, not me. I’m just the putz who got us into this mess in the first place.”
Inaba sighed, shaking her head. “It can’t be me, for a lot of reasons, the biggest one being that I’m military. The armed forces serve the government, they don’t run it. History shows time and again any military that tries ends up as a dictatorship, and we’ve had quite enough of that, thank you very much.” She gave him a somber look. “Besides, the people would never stand for it, and rightly so, not after what they’ve been through. I’m sorry, Ambassador, I truly am, but no one else is qualified to head the Provisional government other than you.”
Genvass started sidling away from the others, looking for an exit, but it quickly became clear they’d expected that. Since retreat was out of the question, he changed tactics and went on the offensive instead. “What about the Grand Master?” he countered. “Yes, he’s a clan leader, but he’s the only one who stood up to the others. People trust and respect him. He’s a far better candidate than I am.”
“Won’t wash,” Rúna answered. “He’s made it very clear that he and the other Knights are far too busy dealing with the casualties of our little war. Even if he could be spared, he informed us that, and I quote, ‘You’re not sticking me with that job even at gunpoint’, unquote.”
“Wait a minute,” he stammered, shaking his head in confusion. “The Grand Master says no, and you’re fine with it, but when I say no, you tell me I don’t have a choice?” He stared at them in disbelief. “Anyone mind explaining to me how that works?”
“I’ll take that,” Alphad said from the monitor. “Ambassador, even though the Grand Master opposed the others from the start, he’s absolutely correct that he can’t be our Chief Executive Pro Tem. Despite his admirable ethical stance, his status still taints him as a clan leader. And, as he has pointed out, his hands are already quite full with the wounded. He simply isn’t a viable candidate. You, on the other hand, as ambassador, have legitimacy, and that is something we desperately need.”
“The Dàifu appointed me,” he countered, “who was, in case you’ve forgotten, a clan leader. You know, the bad guys? How does that give me legitimacy?”
“You’re confusing facts with optics,” the Avatar grinned. “I know, it doesn’t make any sense. But the people have heard about what you’ve done, the risks you took trying to prevent this war, and then trying to end it. You’ve earned their respect, and right now you’re the only senior government official we have who isn’t currently behind bars. So, there it is. It has to be you.”
“Wait, how has anyone heard about what I’ve done?” he demanded. “It hasn’t even been a week yet!”
The two captains shared another look. “We… may have spread it around some,” Rúna admitted. “Folks especially like the part when we flew to Athena’s platform strapped to oxygen cylinders and spare thrusters.”
The Dharmist slumped in resignation. “I thought we were friends,” he pouted.
“We are,” she shrugged, “but the truth is that we need you, Genvass. Our people need you. There’s a lot that needs doing, and you’re the best one to do it. And if that means I’ve got to twist your arm, well…” She spread her hands apologetically.
“I don’t know anything about running a government!” he objected, though it was growing increasingly obvious his arguments were falling on deaf ears.
“Neither does anyone else,” Ess Peon chuckled, “so you’re in good company.”
“Besides, Ambassador, we still have the Grand Alliance to deal with,” Inaba reminded him. “You and Rúna both have built a relationship with the Paygan, and we’re going to need that in the weeks and months ahead. I’m afraid that we have a great deal of fence-mending to do,” she sighed. “If anyone can get him to listen… it’s you.”
Genvass looked at each of their faces in turn, each one bearing the same hopeful, desperate expression. After everything that had happened, he’d hoped to put all this behind him, maybe find some quiet corner somewhere and pen his memoirs. Something peaceful, away from all the insanity.
Only now he was forced to accept those plans might have to be put on hold. The sad truth was that they were desperate, and given how fragile the current situation was, it wouldn’t take much for it to all fall apart. Where would they be then? After everything they’d been through, every loss they’d suffered, he couldn’t just sit by and do nothing, knowing full well his failure to act could be the final nail in New Terra’s coffin.
"Okay," he agreed reluctantly, "but only until the new government is formed," bowing his head in defeat. “I want your word on that.”
“Of course,” Inaba said immediately, her head bobbing in gratitude. “That’s all we ask.”
Maybe it won’t be so bad, he thought to himself. It couldn’t take them that long to hold elections, after all. A few months, perhaps. A year at most.
It’s only temporary, he assured himself. It’ll be fine.
There was so much to do, he scarcely knew where to begin. Thankfully, he had excellent advisors, people he trusted to take some of the load from his shoulders. Many long hours, deep into the night, were spent wrestling with the myriad of issues before them, each one of them clamoring for their attention. They had to prioritize, focus on what needed doing right now, and shove everything else to the back burner. Treat the wounded? Check. The Knights were already on that, though they kept asking for additional supplies. Food and water? Check, thanks to the Precursors. They’d managed to crack that code and get the food dispensers up and running, though the experts still weren’t sure where the food was coming from. But at least it was edible.
There was, however, one monumental task they couldn’t postpone; dealing with the Grand Alliance fleet still parked just outside the system. Many of the ships had departed, limping back home in desperate need of repairs, but the armada’s core hadn’t budged. Genvass wasn’t sure how long they’d sit there, but he knew the longer they waited, the less likely they’d be to listen. It was the last thing in the world he wanted to deal with, but he knew full well he couldn’t just ignore it. Negotiating with the Paygan would not be easy, and he was certain the Ixian had a long list of grievances he wanted addressed. One thing was for certain: he couldn’t show up to a meeting with them empty-handed. He had to give them something, or else it would force humanity to hide behind Athena’s skirts for at least another century.
Arrangements were made. What happened next was anyone’s guess.
The Corsair ship Sigurd docked with the Alliance flagship, while its passengers waited anxiously to learn how they’d be received. The Paygan had assured them safe conduct, but given all that happened, the Terrans were feeling more than a little exposed. Genvass straightened as the airlock door slid open, revealing the same compartment where Rúna had once dueled with her mentor. Hopefully, things go better this time, he thought to himself, as they stepped aboard the alien vessel.
The Paygan and his retinue awaited them, along with a solid phalanx of armed guards. Well, that was to be expected. His own escorts were unarmed as a show of faith, with one notable exception. The Valkyrie beside him wore her sword with pride, a fact that did not go unnoticed.
“I see my sword has found you once more,” the Ixian smiled. “Tell me you slayed the cowardly vandal who pilfered it.”
“I wish I could,” Rúna sighed, “but I’m afraid they’ve made themselves scarce.”
“Hmm. A pity. Still, you may yet locate them and see that they receive all they are due.” He turned his attention to Genvass. “Ambassador, a pleasure, as always. I hope, however, that this meeting ends better than the previous one did.”
“As do I, Paygan,” Genvass agreed, as the Ixian mirrored his own thoughts.
The blue-skinned warrior regarded him for a moment. “So. It seems that we are at an impasse. We cannot enter your system, and you are no longer capable of defeating our combined fleet, even with that accursed ship. How, then, are we to resolve our dispute?”
“I wouldn’t count Peacemaker out just yet,” Genvass countered, “though you raise a valid point. There’s a great deal of mistrust on both sides, suspicions regarding each of our motives that will be difficult to overcome.” Thankfully, Athena’s array was back online, since he hadn’t dared risk meeting them otherwise.
“Indeed,” the Paygan acknowledged with a tilt of his brow. “How do you propose we deal with the issues before us?”
“By making a gesture of good faith, to start,” he replied, as he nodded to Rúna. She bowed to the Ixian and withdrew back to the Terran ship. Moments later, she returned with several others in tow. Four Terrans in manacles, along with a handful of armed guards, one of which was carrying a black box.
“These are the individuals responsible for starting the war,” he explained, “the clan leaders who betrayed the trust of those they swore to protect.” The Dàifu shot him a look of pure venom, which he stoically ignored. “We are turning them over to you for judgment.”
There was a low murmur among the Ixians as they digested that bit of news. The Paygan looked over the prisoners with a calculating eye, before returning his gaze to the ambassador. “Under what conditions are you delivering them to us?” he inquired.
“We ask they receive a fair trial, though we leave the specific venue and judicial system to you,” Genvass explained. “We will accept whatever verdict you render.”
The blue-skinned warrior’s expression grew cold. “And if that verdict requires they pay for their crimes with their lives?” he demanded.
Genvass took a deep breath. “Then we would ask that their deaths be quick and merciful,” he answered.
“Wait a second, you can’t do this!” Admiral Van Aalst shouted.
The ambassador turned his gaze to meet the Corsairs.
“I already have,” he said softly.
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2023.10.01 05:33 micronesiarain Episode 6- "Legendary Duo Makeovers" 💄👯‍♀️ (Part 1)

Episode 6-
the queens return to the workroom after the third elimination and see the placements from the previous challenge displayed on a large monitor
Kami: What just happened.
🏁Kami CF: We're back in the workroom, and we just lost Crystal, right after she won the challenge. I was so certain that it was my time, I had made peace with it, and said my little goodbyes to all the crew, but here we are. I might need five to seven business days to process all that.
Zodya: Can anyone explain to me how that even happens?
Lisbon: I guess it means that the win was just a little too late to keep her safe.
Karte begins to giggle behind her hand
🏁Karte CF: I promise I'm not laughing about that. I just...had a funny thought...yeah! I mean damn, WIN/ELIM.
Lisbon: I do feel very honored that she left me with this little gift of being blocked.
Kami: Literally the last thing I saw from the two of you was that you were hugging and being cordial.
Lisbon: I don't take it personally, but I do know that it was without a doubt, a very personal decision from her.
🏁Lisbon CF: It doesn't make sense to me, not at all. I know I might not have the best track record when it comes to being loyal to allies. However, I meant it with Crystal, and in a time where I needed a friend, I thought we might have been able to do that. Karma got her quick though, thanks girl! high fives the air
Zodya: Three wins right away, I can't say that I don't see where she was coming from.
Lisbon: Three wins, yes. But also, there's always a lot of energy about me not even deserving my wins, so which is it. Am I a threat or no?
🏁Slerna CF: My mama said I was a threat to society because of my beauty...and a few other things.
Karte: Does it matter though if we see you as a threat or not? We're not the ones judging or making the decisions. Believe me, things would be looking much different if that was the case!
Lisbon: If this block ends up being the reason I don't have immunity at the next elimination, so be it. I don't need it anyways.
🏁Karte CF: As an artist, I love Lisbon's drag and what she does with it. But she needs to come back down to earth. If I need to be the one to do that, I'll get it done! I took a shot at Lisbon last week, and Crystal was gone before she could even expose me. I mean, the flavor, so delicious and juicy.
Slerna: Kate, how you feeling?
Karte: Me?
Slerna: No. Little baby over here with the cat head.
Kami: Um, okay. Again, it's Kami, but I am happy to keep reminding you of that! I don't know how I feel right now. I feel guilty to be honest, I feel really bad about how my Snatch Game was received, but I'm happy to still be here.
Slerna: Are you?
Kami: Yeah, I am.
🏁Kami CF: The purpose of being here is to win. So when you feel like there's no chance of that happening, it's hard to stay motivated to be here and to fight. Time and time again, my best is proving to not be good enough.
Slerna: I don't know if I believe that. You seem checked out, like completely.
Kami: Oh...okay.
Zodya: How are you asking about whether or not she wants to be here, meanwhile you can't even bother to learn her name. She's here, and nothing can change that, so get used to it.
🏁Zodya CF: These girls are like sharks sometimes. They smell a drop of blood in the water, and they will stop at nothing to go after them. Kami is way more talented than people are giving her credit for, and it's like they aren't even seeing her.
Slerna: I was just asking a question as a sister, I don't know why you're attacking me right now.
Zodya: I'm sitting ten feet from you, dressed as Jujubee, where I am attacking you.
Slerna: I just...I can't deal with people coming after me. I'm sorry I'm so sickening, I can't help it.
Zodya: Not even touching that one. Not worth it.
🏁Slerna CF: I will weaponize these tears if it's the last thing I do. Whenever I need someone to stop talking to me, I just hit 'em with the waaaa waaaa. Works every time!
Karte: The energy here will feel so different here without Crystal.
Lisbon: I'm sure you're thrilled.
Karte: Thrilled? Oh, quite the contrary. From the start, Crystal was my girl, my sister, my guardian angel. We all know that it was me, Crystal, and Moxie. That really was my unit. And now they're both gone.
Lisbon: Didn't you fight with her less than twenty four hours ago?
Karte: Sisters fight! And Lisbon, you are like family to me, I can't believe you'd question me right now. Crystal, Moxie, you, that's been my group from the start.
🏁Slerna CF: Didn't she just say-
Karte: Crystal, I'll do this for you. Power to the people!!
🏁Zodya CF: I mean, the fakeness. Just at another level.
The Next Day
the queens enter the workroom and pose in the doorway before moving over to the table
🏁Zodya CF: We are officially in the sixth week of competing here, and I have as many wins as I did when I was here three weeks ago. If that doesn't scream winner to you, I don't know what will! Except of course maybe not having one win, a cute two or three would be so pleasing to me and my spirit.
Lisbon: I was able to rest and really think about the whole blockation of the situation.
Kami: And?
Lisbon: I wasn't that mad before, but it actually pisses me off a little! Smiling in my face while getting ready to stab me in the back.
🏁Lisbon CF: Crystal, you better show up to the reunion in your best fighting gear, it's on.
Lisbon: More than anything, it just doesn't make any sense to me. It felt so out of character for her.
Karte: Oh yeah, I was shocked.
🏁Karte CF: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Let's just see. I fought with her, I fought with her some more, I blocked her, I would've blocked her again. And still, she blocks Lisbon. If you give me a game, don't be shocked when I play it and play it well.
Karte: Slerna, pretty glowing critiques last week, how does that feel?
Slerna: Ahmm, it feels frickin' amaziiinnggguhh!
🏁Slerna CF: If I keep doing the character, Micro will have to give me more and more wins, it's as easy as that! I will Lola like nobody has ever Lola'd before.
Slerna: I feel like I've been letting go, and going with the flow. And to be rewarded for that, it honestly is kinda the best feeling ever.
Lisbon: And now that Crystal's gone, you're the only bitch here to be in the top every single week.
Slerna: Am I? Hmm, I never even noticed!
Lisbon: I'm sure you didn't.
🏁Lisbon CF: Slerna has not been called out by anyone as being a threat to their place here. And that's exactly what she wants, I can see through it. She is well aware of being the frontrunner right now, drop the act!
the workroom door swings open and Micro steps in, wearing a black and white suit with the colors split down the middle, and a large Afro
Micro: What's up ladies?! Congratulations on making it through your third elimination, and dare I say it was the most dramatic one yet?
🏁Lisbon CF: Ah, it's like I can still hear the sweet sweet British tears.
Micro: Before moving onto the next challenge, I thought it was about damn time that we put on our dancing shoes, and see what y'all are made of as performers. For your mini challenge this week, I have assigned you three different songs. Each of these songs will call for a different vibe and energy than the others, so be versatile. And in three words, I want you to explain how you would tackle that song. Understanding the vibe of the music you're performing to is the mark of a true legend, so give it your all. And the prize is nothing to scoff at. Good luck ladies!
Mini Challenge
Micro: The songs you will be performing to are:
"Upside Down" by Diana Ross
"Everybody's Gay" by Lizzo (this was filmed pre cancellation, don't attack me!!)
"On My Own" by Patti LaBelle
Micro: Good luck ladies. And first up is Kami!
Kami Lipsync Mini Challenge
Micro: Next up, Karte!
Karte Lipsync Mini Challenge
Micro: Next, Lisbon!
Lisbon Lipsync Mini Challenge
Micro: Next, Slerna!
Slerna Lipsync Mini Challenge
Micro: Finally, Zodya!
Zodya Lipsync Mini Challenge
Micro: Thank you queens! The winner of this mini challenge is...Kami! Congratulations my dear.
🏁Kami CF: Ahh, I'm over the moon right now! In this setting, there is no better feeling than being told that you did the best out of everyone. Even if it's just a mini challenge, I'm taking this victory.
Zodya: Good job!
Kami: Thank you sis!
Micro: As the winner of this mini challenge, you have won a very special prize. You will be able to pick the duos for our next challenge!
Kami: Ooh, alright!
Micro: Go for it!
🏁Kami CF: Duos...doesn't that mean two? And we have five people...
🏁Zodya CF: All that hairspray has finally gotten to Micro's brain. The math is not mathing!
🏁Slerna CF: It checks out to me.
Micro: Oh, how could I forget, there are five of you! Hmm, what can we do about that. Oh! I know exactly what we can do about that. Come on in queens!
the workroom door swings open and Nikky, Yuka, Angolan, Moxie, and Crystal stomp in, looking absolutely plucked and ready for revenge
🏁Crystal CF: Surprise!
🏁Angolan CF: You knew you couldn't get rid of us that easily.
Micro: Please welcome back the eliminated queens!
🏁Lisbon CF: No, no, no. We don't need to welcome them back, what we need is a better lock for that door!
Micro: I've brought all of you back to come together for a makeover like no other. In duos, you will have to work together to emulate a legendary pop culture duo. Like me and Jujubee, duh! And as for that mini challenge prize, the decision is all on Kami.
🏁Kami CF: Just when I thought I was on my way out, I get roped back in, and the wheels get back to turning. This is a huge advantage, and the right pick could be what gets me a win this week.
Micro: Please make the pairings.
Zodya leans over to Kami and whispers in her ear
🏁Zodya CF: This group is lovely, they're fabulous. But in a challenge like this, they are not made equal. Being the closest person to Kami is definitely working in my favor. Crystal or Yuka, come on over!
🏁Kami CF: I want to try and pair people with someone who maybe doesn't compliment their skillset. The only thing I'm stuck on is Zodya. At what point do I have to start being selfish and set myself up instead of doing that for others?
Kami: I will put Angolan with...Lisbon!
Lisbon: I'll take it!
🏁Angolan CF: Lisbon is notorious for being a tad bit difficult to work with. But I have to give it to her, she's crazy talented. This pairing might be the start of my comeback.
Kami: Moxie can go to...Slerna.
a huge smile shows up on Slerna's face as Moxie walks over to her
🏁Moxie CF: I am stubborn as hell, so the chance to come back and cause havoc for a little longer, it's exactly what I want. We've got this.
🏁Slerna CF: Moxie and I are like the same side of two different coins. Similar enough, but not too much. It's the perfect balance. #SlerxieVambles2023
Kami: Yuka, I'll send you over to Karte.
🏁Karte CF: I can work with this. As long as Yuka is willing to put in the work, we're good. The only issue, I don't know if she'll care enough to give it her all.
🏁Yuka CF: Karte and I are both very familiar with the process of designing our own looks. She has an ego, but this will be cute.
Micro: And the next duo?
🏁Zodya CF: When Kami announces that Yuka will be with Karte, all I can think about is why Kami would choose Nikky when she had first pick?
Kami: I...I've gotta take Crystal.
Zodya's expression goes blank as she runs her fingers through her hair
🏁Zodya CF: Girl. Girl. GIRL. I asked for one thing!!
Micro: That means that Nikky will be working with Zodya!
Nikky: Yes gawd!
Zodya reluctantly hugs Nikky as Crystal goes over to Kami
🏁Crystal CF: As far as returning to the competition, this maybe isn't the most optimal outcome for me. But in terms of confidence, you could pick anyone and you want me?! That does not feel too bad, nuh uh!
🏁Kami CF: I wanted to give Zodya someone she could work with. But as I was making the pairings, I saw the options that were left, and I couldn't not pick Crystal. If it means Zodya is mad at me now, it's not something I can control.
Micro: Remember, the theme of this week is to emulate a legendary pop culture duo. Good luck my little ladies, see you soon!
the queens gather around the table to discuss the season
Lisbon: I want to know if any of the eliminated queens are surprised to see the final five be what it is.
Yuka: I'm very surprised.
Lisbon: Is there someone you thought would be gone by now?
Moxie: You.
Lisbon: Got it.
🏁Moxie CF: I'm not sure how long I'll be here for, so I can't miss the opportunity to torment Lisbon a little bit. Teehee!
Angolan: The biggest shock to me was walking in and seeing Crystal as part of our group. You were doing so well before I left. Did you bomb last week enough for things to completely flip?
🏁Karte CF: Seeing people react to this will be so damn funny, it's like I get another Christmas morning!
Crystal: So actually, I sort of won the challenge last week.
Yuka: ...
Nikky: Damn, things really went horribly once I left.
🏁Nikky CF: Micro knew there would be no season without me, so she got crazy. Can you blame her?
Angolan: Back it up, wait a minute. You won the challenge?!
Lisbon: And the lipsync.
🏁Yuka CF: If nothing else, this is at least making me feel like my elimination isn't the most messed up anymore.
Crystal: Won the challenge, won the lipsync, and then I was gone.
Zodya: It was really the craziest thing to see. It was completely silent.
Angolan: What does that mean?
Crystal: It turns out that for those first four weeks where I wasn't getting any wins, I was actually sucking! If our performances accumulate some sort of points, it means that I had done so shit that even winning the challenge isn't enough.
Moxie: Yikes.
🏁Moxie CF: It's taking every bit of me to not burst out laughing right now. I can't even look at Karte, because I know I won't be able to control myself.
Karte: Have you been able to think about it at all?
Crystal: I'd say it's about the only thing I've been able to think about.
🏁Crystal CF: When Micro said I had been eliminated, all I could feel was the shock. But I took the night and thought about it. Didn't get a single bit of sleep. I'm pissed, I'm really really upset. No chance to save myself, nothing I could say or do. It felt like a punch to the face, it's not right.
Lisbon: At least you got to leave on a high note of being petty and weird and blocking me.
Crystal: Oh please. You know exactly why I did that.
🏁Lisbon CF: You're still stuck on XDRVTW? Nine months later, and that's still why you're mad at me?
🏁Karte CF: Actually, I don't know if she does know why! But I do!!
Lisbon: I have too much work to do to give you any more time. So we can go back to being against each other, but it'll be all one sided, it's not getting energy from me.
Crystal: At least I know now who's actually a friend and who just wants to be fake for the sake of the competition.
🏁Crystal CF: If you screw me over, it will get back to me. And I will do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't happen again. Lisbon, you're on your way out.
the queens all move through the workroom in their duos and go over the challenge
Lisbon and Angolan sit around a smaller table and sketch out concepts
🏁Angolan CF: Lisbon is one of the best designers here, so my strategy here is to help out when needed, but let her take control as much as possible.
Lisbon: To start off, how have you been?
Angolan: I've honestly been feeling good, I can't complain.
Lisbon: I'm in a tricky spot this week because I can't win a banjo. But, I still want to win and get you back into the competition. What do you feel comfortable with doing?
Angolan: Just being honest with you, I know that you are a stronger designer than I am.
Lisbon: I appreciate that!
Angolan: I'm worried that anything I touch will be worse and bring you down.
Lisbon: We'll make sure that doesn't happen. What I'm hearing is you want me to take charge with the looks?
Angolan: I think that would be best.
🏁Lisbon CF: Whenever there's a duo challenge, there's usually double the amount of work to be done. Which is fine when both people are working on it. That is...not the case for me here! In order for this to work, I need to kick it into overdrive and make sure we get this done.
Lisbon: Anything I can do to make this week fun for you, don't even worry about it.
Angolan: That really means a lot to me.
🏁Angolan CF: I know Lisbon is less than pleased about having to take on such a big part of this challenge. But she has done everything possible to make sure we succeed. She's been so kind, I feel like I have to tell her about something that happened.
Angolan: I know you talked a little bit about feeling alone here.
Lisbon: I call it Lisbon Island!
Angolan: And I don't think your worries are unwarranted.
Lisbon: I know, they don't like me.
Angolan: After you blocked Moxie, she got all of us together to try and make an alliance. The deal was that whenever possible, we'd block you.
Lisbon: For real?
Angolan: Yes, I'm really sorry.
Lisbon: And everyone was in it?
Angolan: Trust me, some of us weren't wanting to be part of it. But this big group just came together, and I didn't know what to do or say.
🏁Lisbon CF: Moxie feeling the need to get everyone turned against me, really? Just because I blocked you? Life's not fair, get over it. But to be petty like that, it's telling.
Angolan: And I thought maybe that could explain why she blocked you?
Lisbon: It sure seems that way. That's just too much.
Karte and Yuka sit in silence before talking about the challenge
🏁Karte CF: I know that once Yuka starts, she's all the way in it, and ready to work her magic. So I'm coming into this with all these ideas, giving her a bunch of opportunities to make this as special as it can be.
Yuka: Hear me out, Colleen Ballinger and Miranda Sings.
Karte: Hmm, now imma pass on that one! It feels too current and niche.
Yuka: That was all I had.
Karte: When I think of an iconic duo, I'm thinking something more like Thelma and Louise, or Miss Piggy and Kermit.
Yuka: I can do Piggy and Kermit! I think that would be a great chance to do a more masculine look.
Karte: ...yeah!
🏁Karte CF: Yeah, let's look manly on Micro's Drag Race. We all know Micro loves a manly queen...
Karte: Just make sure we're dragging it out, make it extra.
Yuka: Oh I got it. What silhouette would you think?
Karte: Whatever you want to do, I will work around it.
Yuka: Sweet! Gown and suit?
Karte: Works for me.
🏁Yuka CF: I've never felt like Karte and I were all that close. Maybe because I usually only see her in a competitive environment, so she's off in her own world. But she's being very accommodating right now. And with how much I know she loves to win, it means a lot to me that she's willing to let me take control here and trust me. She's not the person I thought she was.
Karte: I think bringing in some really graphic and bold cartoony elements into the accessorizing might be a smart way to keep the looks cohesive.
Yuka: Definitely. I sketched this out, what do we think?
Karte: Love it!
🏁Karte CF: When Yuka shows me her sketch, I don't really see the vision that we had agreed on. But she's into it, and I'm not getting in the way of that. Scrapping whatever I had and starting over.
Slerna and Moxie gossip about the season and work on their looks
🏁Moxie CF: Slerna and I are the perfect team for a challenge like this. I know how to think of things, and she knows how to make the things. Perfect balance, this is our challenge.
Moxie: Are you ready to get crazy? I think you're ready to get crazy.
Slerna: Anything for you!
Moxie: What if we did something completely random, but very us. A bag of trash and a garbage can, Lisbon and homophobia, burgers and fries.
Slerna: Ooh, I see.
🏁Slerna CF: This is a chance for me to go outside of my comfort zone, and show a whole new side of who I am. I want to prove that when I'm just being myself, that it's enough, and equally as amazing as when I'm a fabulous alien. But I don't want to let Moxie down.
Moxie: Do any of those sound good?
Slerna: We could also do something a little more elegant and refined.
Moxie: Elegant and refined, or burger and fries. Which one do you think sounds more like us.
🏁Slerna CF: What I really want to say is that I wish people could see me as both.
Slerna: You're right. Sorry, it was a bad idea anyways. Burger and fries is perfect.
Moxie: Great suggestion, thank you!
Slerna: Blelelele.
Moxie: Exactly, exactly!
🏁Moxie CF: When it comes to finding a theme we both like, we instantly know that we have to go crazy and dumb and fun, that's who we are. We're all in, I can't wait to see how this turns out!
Zodya and Nikky awkwardly come together and go over ideas
🏁Zodya CF: I feel burned by Kami, and it really cut deep. For so long, I thought that even if everyone turned against me, I still had Kami. But as soon as she gets a chance to help me out, I get the weakest queen here. This entire season has just been an uphill battle for me.
Nikky: So...
Zodya: Yeah.
Nikky: Bitch, listen to me right now. This is the sixth challenge, and you've won one time. That is embarrassing. You have been turning it out, you should not still be waiting for your second banjo. And I was the first one eliminated...what the fuck. Micro is very old and very dumb, so we need to make sure that even a dumb bitch like her realizes that we are the baddest bitches in the world.
Zodya: Alright with the motivational speaking!
Nikky: I'm serious.
Zodya: How are we going to make sure that that happens.
Nikky: Easy, we kill everyone else.
Zodya: Ooh, alright! Love the enthusiasm, maybe we don't kill though.
Nikky: Boring! I mean I am the best artist here, so I could try making my own look.
Zodya: Have you done that before?
Nikky: Mhm.
🏁Nikky CF: Well, maybe one or two times. But in my head, I know it cannot be that hard!
Zodya: That might be a good idea.
Nikky: It definitely is, turn that frown upside down!
🏁Zodya CF: In past makeover challenges, I've been worried about not only coming up with a good concept, but also my ability to execute that concept. Coming into this season, I finally felt good about my technical skills. Good enough to keep up with people like Karte or Lisbon. And with the right partner, I could've seen that full potential become realized. But that's not what we got, because of course not.
Nikky: Tell me more, why are you not feeling better. You got the best bitch here!
Zodya: I'm fine, really.
Nikky: No you are most certainly not. I saw your season, I know who you are.
Zodya: Which season?
Nikky: Does it matter, you lost both!
Zodya: You right, you right.
Nikky: But I know that you don't believe in yourself enough. And this challenge is what determines whether or not I get back into the competition, and I need to get back. So you need to become part of the Fox family, and that means believing that you are the only girl in the world.
Zodya: I don't know if I can feel like that right now.
Nikky: You don't need to. Fake it until you make it. Do you think I felt good about going home first? No, but I had to storm off like a bad bitch with a long ass ponytail because that's what I wanted you all to see.
Zodya: You seemed quite sure of yourself.
Nikky: Well, I knew I was giving it fiercely, but it was also a bit of an act. I've seen your looks, so you may need to act a little more than me, but we'll get there.
🏁Nikky CF: Screw a fashion makeover, we need an attitude makeover for Zodya. No matter how she does in the competition, she sees herself as not being enough. I am the queen of being told that I'm not enough of this, or not enough of that. I've gotten used to fighting through it and convincing the world that I am the only fantasy. That's what Zodya needs right now.
Zodya: It's hard for me to see the other queens here doing so well. I feel like I shouldn't be struggling here. I know I'm better now than I was the first two times, but it's not really adding up.
Nikky: It's normal to take a little time to warm up. What matters is knowing that you can warm up, and you will get there, I promise.
Zodya: I guess part of me too just feels like nobody here wants to see me do well, and that thought is closing in on me.
Nikky: I'm about to blow your mind. I don't know what the exact quote is, but something about there being a rainbow behind every mountain. Once you get past that mountain, you will see so much beauty.
Zodya: But what about when I'm the one putting the mountain there?
Nikky: Then maybe you'll need a little help, but we'll climb it together. Metaphorically of course, I'm not going hiking with you.
Zodya laughs as she holds back tears
Zodya: Deal. No hiking!
🏁Zodya CF: Never in a million years did I think I would be sitting with Nikky Fox with tears in my eyes and feeling like she's the most amazing friend. I'd say stranger things have happened, but this really might be the strangest thing possible.
Nikky: Enough of that, we have a challenge to win.
Zodya: Hell yeah!
Nikky: An iconic duo could really be me and anything. You add Nikky, it becomes legendary right away.
Zodya: You've got a point there! But maybe we'd be better off doing something more instantly recognizable.
Nikky: Well if it can't be me, the next best thing would be Britney Spears. We get mistaken for each other all the time anyway.
Zodya: It's the eyes, I see the resemblance, mhm.
Nikky: But if you have another idea, we can do that. I will do anything to make it work, we need to win this so badly. Yuka can be first out, that's fine. But not me!!
🏁Zodya CF: I'm completely shocked by how much Nikky is wanting to do, and the ideas that she's suggesting. Based on the queen she seemed like at the start of this season, I thought having her as a partner was a death sentence. But the more we work on it, we really might have a chance here!
Zodya: Nikky?
Nikky: Yes?
Zodya: I think I may have thought of the perfect idea...
Nikky: Which is?
Zodya: Get ready, because I'm about to shove a nuke up my pussy.
Nikky: No...we are.
Kami and Crystal get to work on cutting out fabric and discussing the season
🏁Crystal CF: I haven't even unpacked yet, so the chance to come back to the competition means everything to me. My mind is still in it, I need this.
Crystal: I was very flattered that you picked me, I can't lie.
Kami: You've always been sweet to me, and the way you went out didn't sit right with me, so I wanted to make sure you had someone dedicated to getting you back in.
Crystal: I love that, thank you! It'll take a long time to get over, but I think we can speed it up if I get back in!
🏁Kami CF: The challenge for me is meeting Crystal's level. She wants this so badly, and I know that a lot of people think that she should be here instead of me right now. I just hope that we can work well enough together to get her back, and to finally get my second win.
Kami: Do you have any ideas that jump out at you?
Crystal: My mind goes to Michelle and Ru, but maybe that's too predictable. And I don't think we need to discuss who would be the Ru, not looking to get cancelled here.
Kami: That's hilarious. I feel like twisting an idea into something it's not would be so cunt.
🏁Crystal CF: Real quick, I can die happy now that I've heard Kami's catchphrase in person!
Crystal: Like a glamour monster.
Kami: Or even a cartoon. Velma and Daphne, but on the yasss pills.
Crystal: Omg...
Kami: No, we don't have to do that, it's alright!
Crystal: No, it was a good omg. That idea is genius! I'm sold on that, I love it.
Kami: Really? Ahh, that makes me happy to hear!
🏁Crystal CF: This is an idea that both of us really connect with, and something we want to do. Part of me is worried that they might not be viewed as a legendary duo, but we're having so much fun with this idea, we're going for it anyways.
Crystal: Sorry if this is random, but I feel like I need to apologize for how I handled the whole elimination thing.
Kami: Oh no, don't feel bad!
Crystal: Any reaction I had, it had nothing to do with you, or feeling like it should've been you instead of me. No matter who I was against there, the outcome would've been the same, but it's so easy for people to just assume that I was upset with you.
Kami: Trust me, nothing you did messed with my mind as much as what I did to myself. The imposter syndrome is real right now, but I'm glad that we both know that the decision was out of our control from the start.
Crystal: Me too. And now we just need to win this challenge, and set our sights on making it to the finale together.
Kami: I like the sound of that!
🏁Kami CF: Feeling like I actually have a friend here has already made this my favorite week yet. We're relaxed, we're having fun, this does not feel normal, but in the best way!
a pale pink glow illuminates the stage as a cloud of fog envelops the entrance, before Micro breaks through and struts down the center
Micro Episode 6 Look
Micro: Welcome back to the runway of Micro's Drag Race: Legends! Oh, this ole thing? Just something I put way too much time into and I will be emotionally shattered if anyone doesn't like it. This week, all ten of our legendary legends were brought back together for a chance at returning to the competition. The challenge was simple! Take an iconic pop culture duo, and present a sickening set of makeover looks. The competition is tight, and these eliminated queens want in, so let's get started!
"Bad Juju" by Jujubee plays
🔎Kami and Crystal (Daphne and Velma) 🔍
Kami and Crystal: Whats new scooby doo? Crystal and Kami are coming after you! In a surprise return, I am here to come back back back back again! Kami my dear has chosen me to work with this week and I am so happy! This week we have decided to embody Velma and Daphne! Kami is serving us a Daphne fantasy with glitter for dayssss! And I am serving you velma who is also serving glitter for dayssss! We wanted to apply our own styles with these looks while still looking cunt and serving a cheasive collection! Beware beitches...I will return
Kami and Crystal Looks
🐷Karte and Yuka (Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog) 🐸
Yuka: One bitch, Two Bitch, green bitch, Pink bitch. We are stomping down this runway with grace and elegance. Wearing outfits inspired by everyone’s favorite iconic Marriage icons, Miss Piggy and Kermit the frog.
Karte: We wanted to stun the panel by showcasing this legendary iconic camp duo of The Muppets. Yuka in full drag king drag and I in something new for me!!! A mermaid gown!!!! With opposing silhouettes, Yuka focusing more on the shoulders and I on the bottom, we wanted to show a sense of high glam and couture in the extreme, silly, absurd and camp. Which I feel like all of those qualities combined is the essence of The Muppets. Shining all over this stage and these bitches cannot STAND it… Cause 4+4 equals what?
Karte: … I actually don’t know I didn’t pass Middle School.
Karte and Yuka Looks
👑Lisbon and Angolan (Princess Daisy and Princess Peach) 👑
Lisbon: We are serving Mushroom Kingdom royalty!!!! So our pop culture duo is Peach and Daisy cause we are #gamergirls and those two are like the definition of cunt. Angolan is Peach and I’m Miss Daisy! We have our sporting equipment on deck and are ready to swing and outdo all the boyssss! These looks were mostly inspired by their sportswear with a glamorous and Y2K twist on it calling back to the GameCube and Wii era! I’m super proud of how me and Angolan have done! We really turned this out and these bitches are gonna know, like why you shocked we bring it every time. We ate! Period!
Angolan: We’re walking down this runway feeling our Mario brothers FANTASY! I am walking down this runway as the mother to end all mothers, miss Peach herself. I feel GORGEOUS serving up some “royalty playing sports while their kingdom burns” realness. The other girls might be counting us out, and that’s certainly a choice!
Lisbon and Angolan Looks
🍔Slerna and Moxie (Burger and French Fries) 🍟
Slerna and Moxie: Slerna and Moxie do not appear at the entrance, and instead at either side at the front of the stage. They walk inwards towards each other, meeting in the middle and circling around the centre. They look ready to duel
Slerna and Moxie: This week we're serving diner classic! Burger and fries, but as a hero vs villain situation! We're ready to save the town, or destroy it, who really knows. But honestly either way, we're better together. We loved working with each other this week. Using our minds to just have fun is nice, rather than having some serious theme, we just decided to do something cute and what we want!
Slerna and Moxie: They realize that they would be a better pair than rivals. They link arms and walk the runway, now threatening the judges and the cameras. They pose together and leave together, looking good and good and good!
Slerna Look
Moxie Look
💣Zodya and Nikky (Oppenheimer and Barbie) 💄
Zodya: Happy Barbenheimer Day, bitches! To kick off our Barbenheimer double feature, I have made over Nikky into this 1940s Oppenheimer fantasy dragified to the MAX! I am covered in pristine tans as I have nukes for titties!!! But that's not the only bitch about to play, as I have some special gifts for Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well! Coupled that with a cigarette, martini, and my American flag, and I can say that I'm stepping right off the Christopher Nolan movie!
Nikky: 1 thing that matters in this world right now is the Barbie film, and truly I made Zodya into a fantasy that everyone LOVES! She’s pinky,kinky,barbiquinky and CUNT! The original barbie ponytail, with different shades of pink and OFC lipstick tatas! I hate drawing, but I’m still better then crystal?
Nikky's Look (by Zodya)
Zodya's Look (by Nikky)
Part 2 is out now!
submitted by micronesiarain to XtinasDragRace [link] [comments]

2023.09.26 07:59 dotdittydoo I’m so happy that you all love this game as much as I do 🥹

I mean obviously since this is a fan subreddit lol. After it was released in 2001, I was over at my friend’s house and she was playing it on her big screen TV. I vividly remember watching the cutscene where Yuna performs the sending in Kilika and I was instantly enamored. Just like what is this gorgeous, wonderful creation - I need to play it. I think I got a copy the next day and have been hooked ever since.
I used to put FFX quotes in my AIM profile and my Xanga was full of fan art. I really wish I could experience the story for the first time again, but also every time I’ve played it over the years, somehow it just gets better. 🫶
submitted by dotdittydoo to finalfantasyx [link] [comments]

2023.08.07 03:01 ThirftyJenkins Monday Night Raw Results (S2-W4)

Raw Results
Roman Reigns and Triple H began the show. In the ring, there was a table set up with what looked like a contract sitting on top of it.
HHH: Ladies and gentlemen, the pinnacle of professional wrestling has arrived. Here before you is the gold standard of WWE, Roman Reigns. Last week, Reigns did what everyone expected him to do and that was prove that he is the top guy in WWE. He defeated the current WWE Universal Champion, Matt Riddle and by that standard, it assures that Roman is next in line for a title shot and I do believe that at Backlash is a better time than any. On this table is a contract drawn up for a Universal Championship Match at Backlash and as an executive and a representative for Roman Reigns, I will be the first to sign.
Hunter then signs the contract.
Reigns: It's high time that the higher ups realize who needs to run this brand without running it into the ground. And at Backlash, I do exactly that. 'Nuff said.
Reigns then signs the contract.
HHH: The only thing that needs to be done is have Riddle come down here and be a man and sign the contract. I know, Matt. It's scary to go up against a guy you literally can't beat, but mark my words, it's worth it in the end. Come on down, man.
Instead of Riddle, Commissioner Hardman came rushing out to the stage.
Hardman: Hello, gentlemen. I know you're on excited, but I have to take care of some things. Did you both just sign that contract?
HHH: Yeah, we signed it. Did you think we'd just leave money on the table like you did when you waited until the 11th pick to select your next world champion?
Hardman: Reigns, did you sign too?
Reigns: You bet your ass I did.
Hardman: Ok...boy, this is about to be awkward...
HHH: What's the matter? Did Riddle drop the title? Hey, I get it. The kid's not ready.
Hardman: No, it's not that...
Reigns: Hey, Commissioner. We ain't got all day. Spit it out.
Hardman: Guys, I don't know how to tell you this, but...that's not the contract for a Universal Championship match at Backlash...
Reigns and Hunter exchanged a look of confusion, then concern.
Hardman: See, I gave Dana the wrong contract to put out and I have the right contract right here.
HHH: Then, what the hell contract did we just sign then, Hardman?
Hardman: Well, there was another contract that was put on my desk and that's the one you signed. Are you familiar with...a modified hold harmless agreement? A contract signed between two parties that holds neither party responsible for any damages or injuries, both prior and otherwise? Well, that's what you both signed.
HHH: You call yourself a leader? We at the top brass would've never made such a mistake. Look, I'll call and we can get this contract voided and clean up your mess.
Hardman: Well... that's gonna be a problem Hunter because if you would've read the states that by you signing long as you are under the management employ of Roman officially relinquish your position as COO of WWE...which would're no longer an executive.
The crowd cheered as Triple H was beside himself.
Reigns: You think you're funny? Just like the last commissioner, huh? What if I just rip the contract up? How about that?
Reigns goes to tear up the contract, but is interrupted again by Commissioner Hardman.
Hardman: Wait, wait, wait! Roman, there's another thing you should know. See...if you would've read the states that should the destroyed in any shape or will not get a Universal Championship long as you are a Raw roster member.
Reigns goes insane and begins tearing up the ring until Triple H stops him.
HHH: Wait a minute. This contract doesn't come into play until the other party signs this. So where's the other party? Huh? Who's the stupid idiot who drew it up in the first place?
Hardman: Well...a couple things. One, if you would've read the would've seen that the other party has already signed the contract. And as for the party's whereabouts...well—
Then, Seth Rollins jumped the barricade with a steel chair in hand and struck Reigns as many times as possible. Triple H tried to stop the assault, but got hit with a Pedigree/Curb Stomp combo for his troubles. Reigns got Hunter out of harm's way as they ran towards the back.
Commercial Break
Backstage, Kayla Braxton attempted to interview Roman Reigns about the contract signing, but Reigns shoved the camera crew down and Triple H was unheard as he shot some very rude comments toward Kayla.
Meanwhile, back in the commissioner's office, Commissioner Hardman and Dana Brooke were talking business.
Brooke: Sir, I am so sorry. I had no idea.
Hardman: Do you see me upset? Do you see me yelling? Dana, you did exactly what you were told. It was my mistake. It's not on you, love.
There was a knock at the door.
Hardman: Come in.
In walked the Universal Champion, Matt Riddle.
Riddle: Dana, how's it going?
Brooke: Ok, I guess.
Riddle: Your boss busy?
Hardman: What's up, champ?
Riddle: So, I'm watching and waiting for you to call me out for the contract signing and my name doesn't get called. You still have the contract for my match.
Hardman: Not exactly. See, the contract that I had was a fake. There was mever a contract for you at Backlash.
Riddle:...are you saying I'm not having a match?
Hardman: I'm saying that until you get some eyes on the screen and some butts in the seats as a champion, then I will not put you out there. To quote one of my most hated TV shows ever, "I'm not puttin' no scrubs. I ain't puttin' no garbage. I'ma put the baddest heffas on the flo'. I'm dead serious. You gotta be consistent and you not." These ratings mean everything to me and until the equation Riddle = Ratings is true, expect to be ignored and stripped in the next few days.
Riddle: Fine. You want ratings? You got it.
The Original Bro left with a purpose.
Hardman: I know you're fired up, but don't you slam my door. Close it softly.
Riddle obliged.
Raw Women's Champion Asuka def. Mia Yim
After the match, Asuka was about to start beating Mia down, but Bianca Belair ran down and stopped her from causing harm. The Eternal Empress rolled out of the ring. Belair then grabbed a mic.
Belair: Hey, Asuka. I hope you know that you can leave that sorry ass translator at home because everybody's gonna understand exactly what you're going through when I take that Raw Women's Championship from you.
Commercial Break
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