Scalp pain throat pain

Reddit, what's wrong with me?

2009.02.14 09:10 Reddit, what's wrong with me?

Does your back hurt and you don't know why? Got a bump that you can't identify? Or, on the other hand, do you love scouring the internet about medical information and diagnoses? Then you've come to the right place. Reddit MD is a site for you to crowdsource your medical questions to the rest of the community, and answer others' queries.

2017.10.24 14:13 tresslessone Scalp Micro Pigmentation Discussion and Clinic Reviews

Unaffiliated subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the cosmetic SMP (Scalp Micro Pigmentation) treatment to camouflage hair loss.

2014.03.30 04:39 TheDarkNope For People with a Conversion Disorder

This subreddit is merely for the purpose of gathering people with the rare phenomenon that is conversion disorder. You can ask question, provide links, or just hang out with people in a similar situation. Just have a good time and be polite.

2024.06.01 15:29 Hopeful_Sun_8249 Hand Pain in Dysgraphia

Since 2020, i have been diagnosed with this disorder alongside Dyscalculia. They both got diagnosed that year.
Surprisingly, the report didn't mention much about hand pain and my certainly weird pencil grip at all, despite dealing with it even before diagnosis and after diagnosis to this day. I think there was only one mention about it, but only once and my memory is real iffy.
But, despite that, i have noticed this kind of hand pain. Recently, i think i just grip my pencil too hard or strongly or just not have a correct grip on my pencil. I write a lot and sometimes so fast to the point of missing letters or whole words, but that's very rare.
During those times, my hands get really tired and they hurt very much. I often had to take breaks to deal with it often. And my muscle near my thumb cramps into itself, and it hurts a lot to the point of me having to stop what i'm doing and wait for it to calm down. It also happens whenever i'm not writing sometimes.
The thing is, though, my report didn't really mention it at all. It only spoke about my academic records and how i scored in certain percentiles, scoring low in regards to language or writing and mathematics in general.
I'm very confused about that.
submitted by Hopeful_Sun_8249 to dysgraphia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:29 pizza_medic Moving back in with parents after divorce

I was recently hit with a divorce I don’t want and will have to move home with my parents in a few months. I’m extremely heartbroken and losing my dream house. I’m not taking much decor from the home- too many painful memories. The bedroom I’m moving into will be painted and I got a new bed/duvet for it. What are some things you’ve personally found to make your space cozy/soothing? I know it’s going to be an extremely difficult transition and want the space to be as comforting as possible. Any advice from anyone who’s gone through something similar would be great as well. Thank you!
submitted by pizza_medic to femalelivingspace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:29 Difficult-Tip9057 ER vs URGENT CARE vs GP

So I’ve been having a bad sore throat since the first week of May: it’s been scratchy and forcing me to dry cough. It also affected my ear on one side and it was fully closed at one point. Anyways fast forward it felt fine for like 2 days and then my sore throat came back just not as bad (it feels like it’s the tonsils or something cuz my neck also felt big/swollen) and I have some sort of sore on my tongue that hurts aswell + ear pain is back (coughing is not as bad but when I do cough I feel it in my chest) I’m definitely not as bad as I was 2-3 weeks ago but I still feel like it should not have been going on for this long especially my throat in which I got antibiotics for ( the first time I went to a clinic and he said it’ll pass in a few days, after a week and half went to my family doctor said the same thing but gave me antibiotics)
Now I’m just wondering if I should go check it out or if I should just wait until my family doctor sees me:/ anything is helpful I know I’m bad at deciding
submitted by Difficult-Tip9057 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:29 _pixels_2 AITAH for not giving money to my boyfriend when he needs it the most after years of it and wanting to leave?

This is going to be a long one so bear with me please. I am also giving a lot of backstory and past issues bcz I feel they are relevant to the matter and also I feel like ranting. Also this is in India so the currency is Rupees. Before we start I just want to say that I am not perfect in any way or form and I have done any fair share of mistakes. I(20F) have been in a relationship with my bf Jake(22M)(fake name) for roughly 5.5 yrs now. My family is not rich but we do have a lot of money bcz both my parents are doctors but I did not realise we have this much money until 2yrs ago. (Am not very street smart as U will see in this post). Since after abt 1.5 years of relationship (May 2020)when lockdown started his family fell on hardtimes as his family owns a shop and bcz of the Pandemic they weren't able to run it. At first it was bcz one of his friend got into an accident so he needs money and he told me he will give it back etc (i don't remember if he ever did as it was yrs ago). At the time I had money saved up so I helped out the first few times with my own money. Then when I ran out of money then he said to ask my dad or mom, or steal from my house and give him some. A lil back story here, my mom and dad are separated so they did not used to talk about finances so I would take extra money from my dad than what was actually required and give the rest to jake. For e.g I required 3k for a parcel or smrg then I would ask for 5k, give my mother the 3k(I live with her, my father lives separately) and give the 2k to jake. I also gave him cash many times by essentially stealing from my mother's closet. When I used to say NO he hurled abuses at me and called me every name in the book which a person can imagine, guilt tripped me and pushed me very hard and I gave in almost every time. He told me he will give me back eventually, he has made an investment,etc. Basically all stupid lies to have more time, then one day during an arguement I pressed on when he is gonna return the money and after a lot of time he told me there is no investment and he used the money in his family's shop. After 2.5 year of this in October-Nov of 2022 we both got admissions in universities which were around 2 hours away from each other. Till then this pattern continued and his family was still struggling bcz of his father's brother divided the joint business or something else. Before this when we were at out respective homes he told me he got some operation done for smtg in his abdomen. I gave him 10k from my mother's closet for that and even when I went to meet he had an area bandaged (was very unprofessionally done my dumb self should have understood that it was also fake) one of his friend also confirmed that he had operation done and I was coordinating with him on the said dates when he was supposedly admitted. He also used to frequently tell me that he has suicidal thoughts and he will end himself etc . After we went to our respective colleges once we had a big fight and next day he told me that he tried to end himself by jumping of the balcony but his friend (who he was staying with at the time),Luke, stopped him worrying for him I called Luke later and told him I was worried for Jake and to pls take care of him. He was confused by this and asked me why what happened. I asked him abt last night's attempt, he told me nothing of that sort happened. This opened a can of worms where it was revealed that he was making a fool out of me, guy owned a fucking Iphone and was telling me that his family was on hard times and taking money from me. This is also when I found out that their was no operation. I don't remember what else I found out that night but felt like a huge betrayal and I talked to 3 of his friends that night for quite a few hours where a lot of lies were revealed. I broke it off with him, at this point I had lent a total of Rs.75-80k. He begged me for weeks for forgiveness, at first I laughed in his face but as weeks went by I started to miss us. He came to meet and win me back a few times at my uni. Eventually, a month later I forgave him on some conditions like he wont lie and share everything with me, won't tell me who or who not to be friends with (he did that before a lot). Few months later the cycle started again, I was back to giving him money from the monthly spending amount I used to get(it was a lot at first bcz I was just settling in,now my monthy allowance is wayyy less). He did not like the friend group I was in so I stopped talking to them (bcz they knew abt our situation as I broke down crying in front of them when I found out abt all this so he felt like he lost respect and They didn't respect me etc, admittedly they weren't good and I would have distanced myself eventually anyways maybe cuz the vibe didn't match but that should have been my call I feel) and he still (>1 year later) yells at me if he suspects that I am casually talking to them. My college is in a much smaller city so I go to meet him once to twice a month as he shares a flat with few ppl and the city has more activities to do. Other than the first few times (when we got back together) I pay almost if not all bills like gas (for his 2 wheeler) and food. It's very frustrating at times but I understand that he does not has enough money as his father does not send him enough to cover rent, food and expenses or so he says ( sighs IDK anymore guys what's true and what's not). Jake says his family is still struggling bcz his sister went to UK last year to study and that took a huge chunk of money and they have loans to pay, etc. I can believe this is true. Also he says they have virtually almost no savings left bcz business isn't doing great hence his father sends him rent t food expenses andsays to manage The rest on his own (he does not has a job so guess where the money comes from 🤡). In the Past few months admittedly he has not asked for money frequently but when he does its like a huge chunk. He has also taken loans (with interest) from some of his friends without telling me. He has done this multiple times before after I have repeatedly asked him to stop. (Embarrassingly I admit there are more instances when he has acted like a red curtain but I think I can write a book at this point if I list them all out so let's move on to the latest problem).
Onto The current issue Almost 3 days ago now, Jake called me (we already have been fighting for I don't even remember how many days at that point a week maybe?) and we told me that he was told by his dad that they have been unable to make payments for the loan they took from a person keeping their shop as collateral, they have to pay half the amount (Total amount was 5 lakhs) and interest which was 64k tomorrow to that person, they have arranged most of the money but are short by abt 30k. He asked me can I do something (steal or ask my dad). I refused as there is no money in my mother's closet anyway and I haven't talked to my dad in abt 3 months now. (ofcourse I did not outright refuse and just gave him my reas oning buz I'm a doormat 🥰🤡🤡). I pressed me to pls talk to my father about money and tell him I need it for my tablet (I bought one just a few days prior). I refused and said he won't give me money anyway. He asked what about my mother's bank account, it must have something. One account is linked to UPI ( It's for making online payments in India) and one is not. The one that is linked does not have much money bCz my mother's salary has not been credited in 4 months. The other account has money but as it does not has UPI activated online payments cannot be done.I told him all of this. He asked can I activate the UPI if my mother's asleep and plz transfer him the money (also said to transfer it first to my own account so if she finds out then I can say my friend needed it so I have lent some for a month or two🙂 ) I mean maybe I could if I really wanted to but I have had enough, I do not want to steal. Now his family is potentially loosing the shop and he is blaming me for it. I have repeatedly tried to reason with him and told him that if I had the money in my account I would have given him (My account had 1k and I transferred him that😔). He says his blood relatives (his father's siblings refused to pay even a dime, I mean they and their children all are grown ups and have jobs and if They didn't pay how does he expect me, who does not has never had a job give him money, probably it's my fault I have enabled him enough every down time by giving him money so how he just expects everytime that I'll help bcz I am family).
He is still pressing me to give like 5k now bcz now he wants to go to another city and talk to the lender's brother to pls provide them with some Time. But I do not have the money 😕. He says that 'if I would have really wanted then I could but I did not think of his family as mine ', " U will understand my pain when U will loose something of yours for lesser value Than it really is " (The shop's market valve is 4O lakhs and they lost it for 5 lakhs) Also has called me quite a few names since then. He arranged 1K and said " I'm going today there I'll see what to do after reaching there." Says he wants to breakup ( it's pretty normal to say it's over after fights so I don't really know if he is even serious) for 2 reasons - 1. I did not give him money 2. When he will go to uni he won't have any spending money so he'll expect are to help out, and he knows I won't and he does not want that disappointment.
I mean TBH I wouldn't care if it were a few hundred rupees but it won't be, additionally I will be The one covering The costs as usual when I go to meet him. I won't have any money left for my own. And I really want to start saving up again. I have spent outrageous amounts of money in The past year (go figure the reason) and saved up nothing. Today he was still begging (he used the word) me to pls arrange the money. He said I leave for uni in 2 days after summer vacations so I'll get my allowance, technically I can ask for it in advance and give him. But I don't want to after he has treated me. Everytime I tell myself that this is the last time, I'll leave the next time he does this but I just stay. I know I'm not responsible for him and his family but I still feel really guilty about not giving him the money. I know I should end things but it's just difficult to leave something which you have been attached to for so long, it just feels natural to you. Rn he owes me I don't even know how much but it's maybe around 1 lakh something. Not counting The amount of gifts (some he guilt tripped me into buying 🙄 ) I have bought him and the money I have spent on my trips to visit him. IDK if I'll ever see that money again probably not. Please also give me advice on how should I proceed with the breakup, I don't want him to do anything drastic like come to my house or call my mom to tell him abt our relationship (frowned upon in India).
I know the answer but still need the answer should I give him some money from my allowance and WIBTA if I don't ? (Sorry for any errors in writing, I'm writing on tablet with a stylus)
submitted by _pixels_2 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 Number1toolfool Grandmother was murdered and it changed all of us

My 92 grandmother was murdered last year. She was leaving church and a mentally ill member of the church stabbed her. She died right there. Aside from the obvious trauma it brought us, the family started collapsing.
My mom, who is one of 3 of my grandma's kids was burdened with being the executrix of my grandmother's estate. One brother has passed away and the other brother lives in a different state. The child of the deceased brother, my asshole cousin, decides he's going to try to get a cut of the estate money (there is none). He sued my mom and took her to court so he could try to get my grandmother's house. That extended all of this estate mess by much longer than it needed to. All while talking to the DA about this active case. My mom can't even get the purse my grandma was carrying when she was murdered. It's locked up in a state investigation building, and will probably never be released.
From the criminal side, the individual who murdered my grandmother is not being compliant with her medication so there can't be an actual trial. It's likely that we'll never hear about it. My dad told me he can only hope my sisters and I track her case throughout the years long after they're gone.
It's broken my heart to see my mom go through the loss of her mother like this, and then have to go through this BS. I feel like this has broken her. It broke me. She hasn't been the best mentally throughout her life, and I'm worried that this put her over the edge.
I still can't think about it without wailing, and I've been doing EMDR since it happened. I type this through tears.
I just.... Want to talk about it. It's been too traumatic to talk to anyone out though. I think my therapist has even held back tears when I talk about it. It has hurt to keep this pain in for so long.
submitted by Number1toolfool to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 BrownwaterVertigo Death and black metal tournament! Most upvoted album is eliminated

Death and black metal tournament! Most upvoted album is eliminated
MGLA's copy cat died a painful death
submitted by BrownwaterVertigo to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 Your_janet I need help, I don’t know what to do😭

I'm 24 years old, and my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. The betrayal was devastating, forcing me to leave our shared home and move back in with my mother. Living with her again feels like a step backward and is challenging at this stage in my life. This painful experience has shattered my trust and left me grappling with how to rebuild my life and sense of self. Adjusting to this new reality has been incredibly difficult, but I'm trying to find a way forward.
submitted by Your_janet to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 Conscious1200 Conservative Healing Questions

Hello my fellow sufferers. I just had a couple questions about conservative healing as I feel like I've been getting worse over the last year. I'm not sure when exactly I herniated my L4-L5, because I was having discomfort before I was diagnosed, but it would come and go before. This was after I took a job helping disabled folks find mobility solutions (how ironic), which required a lot of bending, twisting, and sometimes stupidly, lifting people in their wheelchairs to get them positioned correctly to secure them to the floor of minivans. It wasn't until after I did all the heavy lifting on a move to Japan through an airline, a year ago today, that I started noticing tingling in my left foot and some mild dull pain in my left thigh when I sat on my new cheap leather sofa. Shortly after that I was diagnosed with the herniation and put on pain meds with the hope that I would heal eventually by being careful but no PT.
Well I think it was kinda working or I was just distracted by a congenital heart condition I was dealing with (that is fixed now thanks to the brilliant EPs in Japan), but after that something reaggrevated it (last Feb), and it's just been getting worse ever since.
I guess what I'm wondering about is if anyone's found that laying on a sofa is not a good way to relieve this type of injury. Also wondering about toilet seats. We ended up with pretty cheap toilet by Japan's standards, and I want to upgrade the seat. Just wondering if I should look into something padded or not? I tend to feel a bit worse after I sit on our toilet, so I want to make sure I get that right. I also have a 2 year old toddler with tons of energy, and I always try to be careful, but should I not be picking her up at 26lbs? Is it okay to squat down and crawl around with her, or do I really need to be a lame dad for a few months? Like I said, I'm not even sure if the sofa is helping or hurting. Sometimes she likes to jump up on my belly, and I can definitely feel it in my lumbar when she does. I'm starting to think a lot about surgery, because then I would at least have that healing time in a medically approved bed, and feel less guilty about being a lame dad, haha.
Sometimes it's hard to communicate with Japanese doctors, so any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by Conscious1200 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 r4744 Zeroturn recommendations

I was wondering if anyone had some recs for a zero turn. I have about 3 acres that I mow currently with a subcompact that's a bit of a pain because of obstacles and low branches. The area is relatively flat other than 2-3 small but decently steep hills. 2 acres is proper maintained grass and about an acres is a very flat but bumpy hill. Looking for a 4-6k range with preferably a 60 inch deck.
submitted by r4744 to lawnmowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 Alternative-Pie-7295 Numbness on foot after surgery on forearm

Has anyone experienced/ have advise on numbness or pins and needles on ankle after surgery (to take plates out) on forearm? It was my right forearm but the very mild numbness is on the left ankle. It also sometimes gives me a freezing menthol effect. I have had some chest pain as well on both left and right and few ECGs and bloods were normal. They wanted to rule out Cardiac issues and blood clotting. Everything was fine but i keep feeling it. I have no other medical history or allergies. Its really worrying me alot. ☹️ any similar experiences? TIA
submitted by Alternative-Pie-7295 to surgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 OHitsaKO [WP] "You know," he thought absently as he prepared to make the final sacrifice, "I don't actually want to die. I like living, a lot." He looked back at something visible only to him, and gave an amused grin. "I guess they're worth it."

Falsch pressed the switch and the glowing red timer of the Facility Implosion Bomb began counting down.
"It's the only way. The portal has to be destroyed." Falsch reasoned.
"Damn it!" Zysind slammed his fist onto the table, the sound was heard over the communications device.
"..." Schlect stood silent as he stared down onto Falsch tired on the floor, preparing himself to eliminate the anomalies of this world once and for all.
"What is the meaning of this, Falsch?" Duvist, confused, spoke over the infuriated Zysind.
"I had a great time with you all in this base." Falsch reminisced. "Tell Bonas my thanks for pulling me outta that hell, once he wakes up from his coma that is. I got to live a second time because of him. Veru....sorry lass, but Papa has to leave. Be a good girl for me.``
“God damn you Falsch! You can’t do this! Bonas has done so much work for this.” Zysind yelled at the comms.
“God already damned me once Zysind. The Sealing Team should still be at the surface. Project Portal has to be stopped for Humanity’s good. "
Falsch muted the comms. He took a deep breath and drowned himself in thoughts.
Falsch already anticipated that it would come to this, he knew that the reason why the demons kept popping up was because of a sinner’s soul, his soul, that escaped Hell. The demons want to hunt the escaped soul and bring it back to it’s rightful place as sinner in the depths of hell.
Back then, was a lonely agony in the infinite field of darkness. He cannot remember how many years he spent over there. The looming hatred that tortured him, Schlect, was with him in his hell, constantly reminding him of his failures and mistakes in his first life.
The hell portal that emerged in Limbo that Dr. Bonas accidentally created in studying the hell portals through the Helios artifact was nothing short of an absolute miracle. Falsch entered the other side to a different Earth. Though Falsch received Hell as his punishment for his first life's sins, he got to enjoy earthly life once more for 10 years.
The world that Falsch entered was different to his yet so similar. It was like an alternate earth. As someone foreign and potentially hazardous to this world after coming out of a portal, Falsch was quarantined.
Veru was a sweet little kid at the base, a child of Dr Bonas’ sister who lost both of her parents at an early age. Veru was the person that gave Falsch his humanity over the years after decaying in Limbo. She had an innocent curiosity to what is essentially a dead man from hell. Young Veru approached Falsch after his quarantine and gave him something unexpected, something he hasn’t felt from someone for a long time. Kindness, something long forgotten by Falsch, sparked to him when Veru wanted to play with him with a doll named Molly. Ever since that day, Falsch started to feel like a regular human, and not a sinner from hell burdened by his sins. He felt good, and the weight of his regrets started to feel lighter with Veru’s company. Before then, Veru became like a daughter to Falsch, and Falsch was like the missing father to Veru.
Things would’ve been a whole lot better if it weren’t for Schlect being attached to me. But as a sinner sentenced to Limbo, I am to suffer in darkness with nothing but my dark thoughts. Schlect never fails to belittle, insult, or spite me in every single waking moment. But, I persevered and strived to become a better person for everyone here, especially for Veru.
“Sins crawling on your back sinner? Finally realized the cost of your little vacation here in this Earth? Pathetic.” Schlect sneered.
“You’re wrong, Schlect. This is my repentance and it’s for the good of everyone. I do regret that I won’t be there for Veru.”
“You aren’t just a terrible person but also a terrible father. You don’t deserve Veru.” Schlect insulted.
“Don’t put Veru into this conversation.” Falsch eyed Schlect in anger.
“Or what?”
The red emergency lights blared ever since the self-destruction countdown began. The heavy metal doors of the facility lowered down and shut all the available paths to the surface, sealing the Demons invading into their concrete coffin. The Demons screamed in anger and hatred as they tried to futilely scratch the impenetrable doors of the underground facility.
Falsch held the Helios artifact. The artifact which allowed the creation of the Hell Portals after Dr Bonas’ exploits with it. The end result… a sea of demons searching for me. Old man better not die so he could take care of Veru, otherwise i’ll be his demon in hell.
Falsch smiled to himself.
Schlect kneeled down and grinned in malice.
Falsch frowned and stared at Schlect at the sudden gesture.
“You’re still incompetent even at your second. You flipped the switch too quickly, idiot." Schlect implied something Falsch forgot.
Zanya and Tyler.
Falsch went wide-eyed, fear and anxiety coursed through his heart.
Damn it! I forgot about them. I let them do their own thing, while I supposedly did my tasked Implosion mission on the other side of this base, since I couldn’t convince them to not take the Helios artifact. Zanya and Tyler were tasked to a retrieval mission for the research data and artifact. I bloody forgot to inform them.
"You are pathetic and incompetent, Falsch. And you call this your repentance?" Schlect mocked.
Falsch unmuted his device.
"Zanya and Tyler got out right???" Falsch asked in panic at the device.
“You haven’t even informed them yet of your suicide plan???” Duvist asked, astounded from Falsch’s negligence.
"Confirm Zanya and Tyler's signals!" Duvist commanded.
"Putting their audio in speakers right now!" Zysind followed. “
"Retrieval team, do you copy?"
Sounds of something collapsing could be heard. Struggling and bated breaths are heard in the comms.
… Silence
"Retrieval team, I repeat, do you copy?" Duvist
"Fuck! Tyler you good buddy?"
"Arghhh, I sprained my damn foot." Tyler complained in pain.
"Retrieval team, are both of you fine?"
"Yeah, we're fine and the data is with us, but not the damned artifact! We're on the surface and we're leaving here as soon as possible. Why did Falsch already activate the Implosion Bomb? What happened to his team? Are they on the truck already?"
“What the hell? Are those the Sealing Team on the truck?” Tyler asked.
Falsch smiled in relief that both of them are fine. He dropped the device from his ear and pressed it on mute.
"Good... Hehe..." Falsch lightly laughed. "You sick bastard, Schlect. You got me good, you son of a bitch." He continued.
“Laughing even after endangering their lives. Your hands deserve to be stained in blood.”
“Shut it Schlect. We got one more thing to do.”
Falsch moved and climbed into an air vent leading to the giant laboratory where the Hell Portal was located.
He kicked down the vent grate only for it to fall and get crushed violently to the sea of Demons.
“Oh–woah. Hello there!. Looking for me?” Falsch waved at the screaming waves of red muscular and bony beings.
“You should jump to the demons, you Idiot. You sinner. You-”
“One last thing.” Falsch interrupted Schlect’s words and just ignored his continued attempts at malicious conversing.
Falsch configured his communication device to connect to Veru.
The signals clicked and the connection established.
“Papa?” Veru called in sorrow.
“Hey there, little girl. Yes, it’s me Papa.”
Veru cried.
“Schlect, you may be half right about this! But, I want you to know, Veru, that Papa Falsch very much loves you alright?” Falsch joked around. “So don’t forget about me okay?”
“Why do this?”
“I already told you why before, sweetheart. I don’t belong here.”
“B-but, you could just throw the artifact to the portal and come back.”
“I know, but it won’t end up good. The Demons would only come soon after, and I don’t want a world where my Veru would be encumbered by me.”
“...” Veru understood.
“Love you Veru.” Falsch cried.
“I-I-I love you too Papa.”
Falsch disconnected regretfully.
“Goodbye, everyone!” Falsch announced to anyone that could hear.
Falsch jumped into the portal, alongside the Helios Artifact. As he almost fully crossed the portal, the implosion bomb detonated leaving nothing but a giant crater of which the base of Project Portal was constructed.
submitted by OHitsaKO to u/OHitsaKO [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 tanxdamn BETA STORIES!

hello loves!! so i have gathered a GOOD amount of beta stories, idk i like to use the diamond choices in these ( as getting them back is a thrill) just thought i'd share these with anyone who needs it. ( you get your passes back too! )
  1. I'm reading Pregnant by the Greek Millionaire. Check it out:
  2. I'm reading It's A Match!. Check it out:
  3. I'm reading A Royal Pain. Check it out:
  4. I'm reading Maid For Him. Check it out:
  5. I'm reading True Loves Kiss. Check it out:
  6. I'm reading Mistletoe Memories. Check it out:
  7. I'm reading Whoa! Baby!. Check it out:
  8. I'm reading It Started With A Pumpkin. Check it out:
  9. I'm reading Executive Desires. Check it out:
  10. I'm reading Don't Tell Daddy. Check it out:
  11. I'm reading TROUBLEMAKER. Check it out:
  12. I'm reading Size Matters. Check it out:
  13. I'm reading C-lebrity House. Check it out:
  14. I'm reading Good Or Bad. Check it out:
  15. I'm reading Deal with The Devil. Check it out:
now that's all folks!! are these stories any good? MOSTLY NOT. still is it fun to use the gem choices & then get those back? OH HECK YEAHH! so go ahead enjoy loves !! & if you have any that i don't please leave a link ♥️ love xx
submitted by tanxdamn to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 PaleontologistOk260 I (22M) cheated on my girlfriend (21F) a year ago, she only found out recently. How do I win her trust back and make her feel secure again?

A little backstory: I met her Dec 2022, made her my girlfriend March 2023. However, during that period, I was still not over my bad habits of looking at other women. Come June 2023, I had cheated on her by making accounts on dating apps (however I did not meet or talk to anyone), and she had only found out about this recently this March 2024. She broke up with me last January (because of a separate issue) but we have been in constant contact still since then. Recently she has been actively swiping on Tinder for her peace of mind in order to get over the pain and insecurity of being cheated on, and even though I know I deserve it for cheating on her I really love her and I am in a lot of anxiety and pain I just want her to be secure again.
How do I win her back? I want her to trust me again and I want her to feel secure in our relationship like it was when we were innocently in love.
Additional information: She lives about 2 and a half hours away from me, she is especially more busy than I am because she is in a medical course.
submitted by PaleontologistOk260 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:26 Several-Honey-8810 My neighbor from hell-or as I call him--Fuckwad.

I am in a terrible situation. I am on a corner lot and was the first to move in to our development. Fuckwad was the last. The back of my house faces the side of his. I can see everything he does, he cannot see my house.
Since he and his fruitcake wife moved in, they have been a constant pain in the ass.
My city rules are pretty strict. It started out with garbage cans. They cannot be visible from the street or others homes. I told him the rules, and was told to mind my own business. He has a drag race car and would randomly rev it at 10pm with little kids sleeping. Decided to use a pull trailer as storage. After driving it on my yard, I told him it violated 3 city codes-I was told to fuck off. He, of course, had to put up a shed, blocking my view of a duck pond that kids use to skate in the winter. It is also within 25 feet of my firepit. (illegal) He told me to move the pit. I said I did not have to. The city said, since he was negligent and out of code, If I burned his shed down, I would not be liable. (working on it)
He has used my yard to wash an RV trailer (not legal and trespassing) rent out said trailer (trespassing) parking it on my curb for days at a time (against code) spread shit from said trailer all over the neighborhood...called police-he had to rent a street cleaner. Hopefully fined.
Pushed his snow from his driveway with a four wheeler into the street (illegal) then onto mine and others yards (way illegal) When I told them it was illegal-fruitcake started yelling at me and said "What else are we supposed to do with it?" I told her to shove it up her ass. Then "this is not your HOA" No. we do not have an HOA, just strict city codes. I have called the cops on them many time. But I not a fan of being verbally abused for following the law and expecting people to say off my property.
I had to plant a row of trees just beyond the property line to prevent him from driving on my yard. He has now started clipping branches over his property so his fat ass can mow. I was going to do this over the summer, but will now only do my side. He has a right to do it, but is lawfully supposed to ask permission first. And he basically ripped instead of cut.
The kicker here-my wife keeps telling me to hold my tongue. I have tried, but if I fold, they will keep taking. He has no concern for anyone but him. He sucks as a neighbor. Everything he does, I can see. I cannot do anything to defend myself. I have thought about a cease and desist letter.
I am sure he says the same thing about me, but the law is on my side. I
submitted by Several-Honey-8810 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:26 TypePitiful8373 Medical Mystery

Hey everyone, I have been super hesitant posting on the thread about my medical mystery that has been ongoing for about 7 months now, I’m just at a loss and want to know if anyone has had any similar issues or advice.
Back in 2019 I had a hyperextension injury in my lower back, near my SI joint. Long story short, after scans were done, they found out I have spina bifida occulta, they told me that I’d have to live with the pain I was having and sent me on my way. Frustrated, I kept pushing through until the next issues occurred.
November 1, 2023, exactly 7 months ago now, I woke up one morning with a headache. Nothing out of the ordinary for me honestly, I’ve been told I suffer with a type of migraine disorder, but Tylenol always made it go away after a while. Skip ahead to now, June 1, 2024, and this headache is still here, I know it sounds crazy, but every single day I wake up with this headache and go to sleep with this headache, absolutely no medication has helped me, and trust me I’ve tried quite a few.
Along with this headache, I noticed a lot of other symptoms, and honestly so much has changed since then I can’t remember them all, but some include: weight gain, blurry vision (almost like a film over my eyes at times), extreme fatigue, extreme bruising out of nowhere, free bleeding every time I got even the tiniest scratch, not sleeping at night, random weakness and numbness in my hands, random entire body weakness, even more sugar drops than normal (I’m also Hypoglycemic), muscle cramps, dizziness, joint and muscle pain (more than usual), muscle cramps (more than usual), abdominal pain, extreme indigestion and heart burn, extreme bloating, TMJ flares 24/7, a knot on the side of my face located at my temple, major brain to speech delays that have almost made me speak differently now, brain fog, and the list could continue forever I feel like.
After what felt like forever with this headache and all the other issues, I go to my PCP hoping that they can help me somehow. They told me I was getting over a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics for fluid behind my ear, and muscle relaxers for my TMJ flare up which they said caused the knot on my temple as well. I didn’t think this was the issue, but did as told, and took the medications the course I was given, and to no avail, nothing changed. They said that they would refer me to a neurologist and stated that this could take a while and that they would also probably need a head CT for scheduling to accept me. No CT was scheduled and I hadn’t heard back from them in a while.
December 24, 2023, I ended up in my local ER with a debilitating headache, where I gave them my entire sob story over again, because at this point I felt so stupid coming to the ER for this. They done a head CT and gave me some IV meds that took the edge off the slightest, enough to where I could at least function some, but still in pain. They told me that my head CT was normal and that I needed to go to the neurologist after getting an appointment. So a wasted trip in my eyes because I’m still left in pain with absolutely no idea what is going on.
I get in with my now neurologist in the new year and start going to see them. They prescribed me a lot of different medications for a period of time over 3 months to see what would help, news flash, nothing helped, ever, it’s still here to this day. I have also had a brain MRI and a EEG done as well. They thought that maybe with my issues with spina bifida occulta, that I had a Chiari Malformation or some type of seizure disorder that had just made itself known. Guess what, all scans are normal, spectacular even as they all told me, my scans were the picture of health! Then why do I feel so bad every single day.
Fast forward to many appointments and medications and blood panels later. I have an appointment with my neurologist to go over what we should do next. I told them that I was also starting to experience major abdominal pain on my right lower abdomen. They assumed that maybe it was appendicitis, so we done some tests, they assumed that I was fine and sent me downstairs for bloodwork. Now,‘I’ve never had issues with getting bloodwork done, I’m a super nerd about everything medical and have absolutely no weak stomach to anything. I am getting my blood drawn and completely black out. I mean stopped breathing and had compressions started in the middle of the lab. When I finally came to, they checked all of my vitals, all normal, minus my bp was a little bit elevated. Everything else, even sugar, all normal. I was rushed to the ER that is closest to my neurologist, which is 2 and a half hours away from my house. They thought maybe I did have appendicitis and it burst. Or a possible ovarian cyst.
In the ambulance and in the ER waiting for a room, it almost happens a second and third time. I’m terrified at this point. They run an EKG, abdominal CT, bloodwork, urine sample, ultrasounds, the entire works. Guess what, all comes back normal, except they did find that my liver is slightly enlarged? Odd, but okay. I get set up appointments with a cardiologist, a GI specialist, an orthopedist spine specialist, and told to visit my OBGYN for the possible ovarian pain.
Now time for a speed round of these appointments: - OBGYN says my abdominal pain is pelvic floor muscle spasms, no reason why, gave me muscle relaxers, has gone away mostly - Cardiologist says I need a heart monitor to assess my heart palpitations, haven’t gotten that yet, so at a dead end with that for now - Spine specialist done X-rays, confirmed spina bifida occulta, also diagnosed me with degenerative disc disease (runs in my family and I done gymnastics my entire life to make it worse), I have Bilateral sacroiliitis, and Mild lumbar stenosis, sending me to PT and getting dry needling done, just had my first appointment yesterday, so ongoing. - GI specialist does an insane amount of bloodwork (yay finally), and now I’m scheduled for a fibroscan of my liver next month.
However, the following are the current bloodwork results: - High chloride - Low CO2 - Low Bun - High Alpha-1 Antitrypsin - High iron - High Transferrin - High AST - High ALT (almost double the normal amount) - Positive Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) - ANA Titer value 1:80 - ANA Pattern Homogeneous
They also told me that even through I have had all of my hepatitis vaccines throughout my stages of life, that I am NOT protected against Hepatitis B and need to go get another round of the vaccine, however, have no active Hepatitis B infection.
And the little background I have: currently on birth control, Loryna® (Drospirenone and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets, USP) 3 mg/0.02 mg, for oral use, I have been on this since early 2020. And I was on Lexapro 10mg for a little over a year between late 2022 to very early 2024. I am no longer taking Lexapro.
I am stumped and confused and frustrated beyond compare at this point and don’t know where to turn to next. Has anyone had an experience even close to this or any advice for where I should turn next?
submitted by TypePitiful8373 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:25 pauseglitched 5e homebrewed advanced alchemical items, looking for feedback.

I am starting work putting together a DnD 5e campaign for level 5 adventurers that would go up to level 11. The main hook will be Rogue (not the PC class) alchemists and performance drug dealers in conflict with the guilds of the 6 Nation's Unified Guilds and local law enforcement.
With alchemy being a major theme, I brainstormed a bunch of things for more advanced versions of adventuring gear for the guilds or criminals to sell, or the party to loot off their corpses. Elemental resistance and vulnerabilities will play a part in the homebrew enemies.
I am looking for feedback on
•how much to charge for the items. •Any recommendations on changes to damage or DCs. •wording changes for clarity.
(Some Ideas are more thought out than others)
Here we go.
Alchemist's Fire (flask)
This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
War Fire (flask)
This alchemically enhanced adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. A vial held in hand may be thrown up to 20 ft. replacing an attack made as part of the attack action on your turn shattering on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 12 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. Hit or miss, the liquid ignites a square 15 ft on a side of the ground centered on the target. Creatures who enter an ignited area for the first time on a turn or start their turn there take 2d4 fire damage. A square 5 foot section of ignited area can be extinguished as an action.
Dragons breath (Canister) This volatile concoction is illegal to carry into most cities. Typically stored in a magically reinforced container, militaries and criminal master alchemists are the only source, neither of which are likely to give up their secrets. As an action you can speak the command word and throw the canister up to 30 ft where it shatters in a conflagration. Everyone in a 15 ft radius must make a DC 16 Dex save taking 6d4 fire damage on a failure and are ignited. Objects not worn or carried automatically fail this save. Ignited creatures take 6d4 fire damage at the start of each of their turns. A creature may use an action to attempt to put out the fire on themselves or others with a DC 16 Dexterity Check. Creatures who succeed on their saving throw take half damage and are not ignited.
caltrops As an action, you can spread a single bag of caltrops to cover a 5-foot-square area. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the saving throw.
Barbed Caltrops
As with caltrops, but the damage is 1d4 piercing and the caltrops stick to those who fail their saving throw dealing 1 point of piercing damage for every 5 feet of movement spent. The caltrops can be removed as an action and they must be removed before recovering HP in order to regain movement speed.
Footbane caltrop bag
This magic bag contains 20 caltrops. When the command word is spoken, the caltops spring out of the bag to a location within 15 ft of the caster and spread themselves out over a 10-ft square area. They continue to move around that area until another command word is spoken to return them to the bag, an hour passes, or five creatures fail their saving throw against them as they become too spread out to be effective. Any caltrops not returned to the bag within 1 hour become non-magical. The constant movement of the caltrops make them impossible to hide, however, it also means that moving at half speed does not let a creature avoid having to make the save. If caltrops are lost or left behind they can be replaced by filling the bag with 20 non-magical caltrops and leaving them in the bag for 8 hours.
Acid Vial
As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
Elemental vial As with acid Vial, but dealing fire, frost, poison, lightning, or thunder damage.
Clinging acid As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 acid damage. At the end of each of the creatures' turns it takes a number of D6s of acid damage one less than the previous instance. (If it took 3d6 last time it takes 2d6 this time.) A creature may take the use an object action to reduce the next instance of this damage on themselves or an ally within 5 ft by 1d6. A creature proficient with alchemy tools may use the tools as part of the use an object action to reduce the next instance of damage damage by 2d6 instead.
Dragon's Bile [Flavor text] As with clinging acid but the starting damage is 5d6, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration and while taking the ongoing damage, and the action now requires a DC 15 dexterity check to succeed. (alchemy tool proficiency applies)
Holy water
As an action, or replacing an attack as part of the attack action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.
Sacred oil As an action you can apply this oil to a melee or ranged weapon. For 1 minute, attacks made with the weapon are considered magical and deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage to fiends or undead. This oil smells abhorrent to fiends. Once opened, and for one hour after it is applied to a weapon, fiends within 100 feet of the open vial or weapon will not suffer the surprised condition.
Tears of the Saints/Blood of the Martyrs [Flavor text] As an action, you speak a command phrase (usually a prayer of censure) and throw the reliquary up to 30 feet away from you. The souls of the wronged cry out for vengeance and each undead (for tears) or Fiend (for blood) within 30 feet of the target location, that can see or hear, takes 2d6 radiant damage and must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, and its CR is 1 or less it is destroyed (undead) or banished to its home plane (fiends). A creature above CR 1 that fails it's save is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from the target location as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of it. The creature also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Healing potion You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action.
Bloodmush! "For people who don't have enough blood in them, so that they can have more blood in them!" -NoRefunds, wandering kobold trader
"Usually made by those who are not serviced by the guilds and do not have the necessary expertise or available raw materials to make healing potions, satchets of this dark red paste are far more likely to be found in orc, goblinoid, and kobold tribes than civilized areas." Archaic Alchemy of the Six Nations, chapter 7
You regain 1d4+1 hit points when you eat this paste or apply it directly to a wound. This takes an action.
Salve "There has been a great deal of arguments regarding Salve. Some claim it is merely another means of applying a healing potion, but be wary. Salve is not regulated by the guild, so there are no laws protecting its quality. Use at your own risk." -Archaic Alchemy of the Six Nations, chapter 2
As an action, one dose of Salve can be swallowed or applied to the skin. The creature that receives it gains benefits according to the following list.
Fake Salve: pain is relieved, but receive no actual benefits.
Fowl Salve: gain 2d4+2 temporary HP. At the end of 1 minute take 2d4 poison damage and lose any remaining temporary HP.
Mediocre salve: regain 1 HP and 2d4 temp HP. At the end of 1 minute if any temp HP from this salve remains, lose the temp HP and regain the same amount of HP.
Quality salve: regain 2d4+2 HP.
Exquisite salve: regain 2d8 + 2 hit points, cease to be poisoned, and becured of up to one non-magical disease.
Unidentified salve: can be identified by using it, or by a creature proficient in alchemist's supplies making a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Alchemist's tools) check as part of a short rest. When identified, roll a D20 and compare it to the following table. 1 fake Salve 2-3 fowl Salve 4-10 mediocre salve 11-19 quality Salve 20 exquisite Salve
DM note: the range of Salve quality in the setting is worse than indicated by the table. The fact that most sellers will not intentionally sell fake or fowl Salve to the heavily armed, notoriously violent adventurers skews the table in their favor.
submitted by pauseglitched to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:25 FrontHungry459 I’ve worn my martens for about three years now…

…and to this day they are the most painful boots I have ever worn.
I’ve seen all the good things people say about them. Like how they form to your feet and create a perfect fit. So many comments about how after breaking them in they feel like you’re wearing nothing because they are so comfortable.
One half of my friend group says they have had the same experience as me, but still wear them because they look good(like I do). The other half says they have no idea what I’m talking about.
One of my friends has the exact same pair of boots as I do. They got them a little over a week ago, and say they feel light as a feather. But when I wear them, I feel like I’ve got two bricks attached to my feet.
I wore them consistently and frequently to break them in during the first year. But after a day of wearing them, I would have difficulty walking because my feet would hurt so bad. They got me walking like I’m wearing ski boots lol
I’ve worn multiple pairs of thick socks, worn ankle wraps, even bandaged up my feet before wearing them and nothing has helped.
(Once I tried doing all three of these at once and my toes went numb halfway through the night 😅)
Currently beating the shit out of them with a hammer(protected with a towel).
Like I am ✨struggling✨ yall. I love these boots so much, but at the same time I can’t stand them.
Would love to know if anyone else has had the same experience as me and any potential solutions that don’t involve freezing them(I don’t own a freezer large enough to hold them)
submitted by FrontHungry459 to DrMartens [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:25 Mad-Men-2008 Hello Elliot is one of the best conclusion I have ever seen , here are some of my thoughts and interpretation on it.

Hello Elliot is one of the best conclusion I have ever seen , here are some of my thoughts and interpretation on it.
1) first i want to talk about how hello elliot completely changed my view on Darlene's character , at first in series i really didn't liked her character her intersection with elliot (MM) seems a bit wierd to me idk why but her relationship with Elliot didn't really got me and the thing kept that coming in my mind is why she always comes back no matter how much worse is happening no matter how much worse her brother is treating her , she always comes back , i get it he is your brother you both share chidhood truma , but in present your brother is treating you like shit .. ( even she said that in many eps)
Also everybody had a solid motivation for there action , for eg Angela wanted her motherand elliot's father back , changing the world in which she had her loved ones , but you didn't any darlene's motivations .
BUt in hello elliot , the convo between darlene and mastermind was spectacular completely changed my view and made me emotional ,
that she wanted to spent time with her brother wanted to be there for him even if he is gone that she wasn't able to do before and left when elliot needed her the most , but now she is there with him and will always be .
and that's what changing the really means to her , to be there with her brother in good and bad times , it also teaches us the impoertance of family memebers , also explained why her interactions with Elliot was weird beacuse he wasn't really Elliot he was mastermind.
2) Sorry if this thing has been already being pointed but I think Hello Elliot shows how Elliot Percived those peoples around him like -
A) The best and the most Beautiful one being The Krista's conversation with Mastermind how I interpret it like that Elliot's mind formed a fragment of Memory in the form of krista "The Mother" to tell the truth to the mastermind " son" about his birth means a mother telling her son the truth about his birth .
Also a thing that Eliot backstory in the show has been shiown two times 407 and 413 both time it was depicted through the dialouges and those dialouges came from Krista both the times.
B) Tyrell - I really liked how tyrell was shown in this epidsode, I think perfectly showed their dynamic throughout the show Elliot never really cared about tyrell but on other tyrell was the only person ideolised him but for Elliot he was a person who was in his way it was greatly depicted through that scene.
Also a irony in their Dynamic is that The qualities for which Tyrell ideolised the Eillot isn't really the quallities the real Elliot possesed as Mastermind is complely different person then Real Elliot as said by Dom in this episode " This person is nothing like you(MM)".
c) Angela- In hello Elliot complete recontextualisation of the scene in 1x4 that we see it again hello Elliot, in my opinion we get to know wlliot's perception of Angela through thelyrics of th song "Queen- by Perfume genius" playing in background ,
"Don't you know your queen?
Ripped, heaving
Flower bloom at my feet
Don't you know your queen?
Cracked, peeling
Riddled with disease
Don't you know me?"
the lyrics showing Elliot's perception Angela's condition.
Also there is line song" No family is safe When I sashay" describing no matter what what relationship Elliot is gonna not last longer as we see shown Elliot had relationship with three peoples Angela,shyla, Olivia( tho i don't think Elliot loved olivia, he was manipulating her from very starting , tho it is detable)
in the end Angela and Shyla are dead and Elliot leaved Olivia in vulnerable state and becamed her "monster'.
the same can be applied to the other characters appeared in the ep symbolising Elliot percived them.
3) On this intrepretation I might be wrong tho I think that MM conversation moved from one person to another perosn shows the increasing amount of importance of those people in Eilliot's life like his last convo was with darlene so she being the most important person in his life and the last second one being Krista the second most important perosn in his life , the last third convo being with mr robot and him being the most important person in elliot's life imo.
4) symbolism - Hello Elliot magnificiantly wraped up many symbolism and gave rise many other some prominenet one being-
A) Christ Symbolism- as we see throughout the show that Elliot or I would say MM has been symbolised as a "chirst" not going deep to things that symbolised him as " chirst" because that has been already being pointed out ,
what Hello Elliot does is that it provides contrsting nature to this by the dialougue mastermind in his last monologue "i am just a guy trying to play GOD without permission"
contrast that it provide is that symbolisms we sees are the Mastermind applies to himself as he is the one who is in the control of elliot's body on a meta sense he is the narrator of the story so he gets the chance of painting himself as god or saviour but Instead he is not a God he is playing God without permission he is kinda false God ( may not be correct term but kinda yeah)
1 also want to expand a llitle bit on" I am just a guy trying to play GOD without permission"
2 this line tells that mastermind at the end of this series became the one who he was fighting against it is kind of similar to Friedrich Nietzsche Quote that “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
3 it also provides a great resolution on theme of control being illusion that MM had so much control over the Elliot's life that he forgot that he is just a part of elliot not real elliot a sense of illusion of conrol.
B) Jungian Archetypes symbolism - carl Jung Psycology theorised Archetypes of human unconsciousness
!) Self, Persona, Shadow, Anima/Animus.
self - The sum of the conscious and unconscious is what Jung calls the Self, which makes up the total personality of an individual.
that would be Real elliot .
2) Persona - The social mask that we wear in the society
That would be Mastermind the anti-social hacker.
3) shadow- would me mr robot as shadow is consist of our weakness ( for elliot it is father abuse against him) and is layer behind persona , and mr robot is very opposite is very opposite to mastermind and it is where ther dynamic palys in .
4) Anima/Animus - that would be Persecutor
and the child traits representing through child personality .
Now how it Got peaked IN Hello Elliot is with this Shot.
where we all the "Self's" of elliot standing together rsymbolizing of different stages of his life.
C) Door symbolism -"doors" that white rose that talks about to Angela in Season 2 athat doors hids infinite possibilities beyond them .
For Elliot that doors symbolises the truma itself
Truma that keeped him locked in past , the past from which he couldn't move on from, he has to accept his past.
at the end he opens that doors the truma itself, accepting his past now he has infinite possibilities living life and it is accompained by the dialouge "this only works if you let go too"
5) Parralles- I already shared of Elliot and angela but i thought of including it here also it makes this post complete.
writing it more profoundly -
Elliot and angela parrallel .
Angela both have same origin both are the victims of their past
They both didn't accepted their past due to it Elliot got buried under his own subconscious and mm took over , whereas Angela throughout her life didn't accepted her mother's death
They both go on the quest changing the world creating world without their pain , but it leads Angela to complete delusional breakdown destroying many people lives even her own and leads mm to destroying lives many people and even his own life, even in this quest Elliot Even lost his love Angela
And how it beautifully got paralleled in season 4 is that Elliot completed his acceptance whereas Angela didn't,
Their both arc now went different trajectories
Angela even in her last didn't accepted that her mother life cannot come leaving in utter delusion hence leading to her death
Her death is at the extreme starting point of s4
Where's Elliot acceptance is shown at the extreme end of s4 hence at extreme end of hello elliot almost having a rebirth being free from a mental prison of childhood trauma
And how camera in the starting doesn't really focuses Angela
While it completely focuses Elliot in the end
His 2nd parallel is with Tyrell
Tyrell and Elliot both achieved the acceptance stage
But Tyrell acceptance leads to his death where Elliot acceptance leads to his almost rebirth.
There is also irony in thier dynamic is that Tyrell never met real Elliot
The characteristics to which he idolized the Elliot isn't the characteristics of real Elliot at all
As mm is completely different person than who real Elliot.
this are some of the things that i thought of writing .
Thnaks for reading till the end and soory for any typos and spelling mistakes.
Going to end this post with some lines from my favourite monologue from the show .
"We'll always be part of Elliot Alderson, and we'll be the best part. Because we are the part that always showed up. We are the part that stayed. We are the part that changed him. And who wouldn't be proud of that?"
submitted by Mad-Men-2008 to MrRobot [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:25 Papaya025 My graduation cap from last year ❤️

My graduation cap from last year ❤️
My senior quote was also a Technoblade quote, “Stay in school kids, it makes you better at PVP” I miss him a lot but I know he’s not in pain anymore ❤️
submitted by Papaya025 to Technoblade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:25 supermarket6969 I drew airy with no hat

I drew airy with no hat
Is it beautiful or is it stunning 🤩 he a big sad bc like Yk he hasn’t got a hat and he’s gained a bit of weight from the depression but he’s still looking good 😋
submitted by supermarket6969 to HfjONE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:24 raltobalto After going through two pregnancy losses, my wife is forbidding me from seeing friends who just gave birth

This might read more like a relationship advice post, so forgive me if this isn't the appropriate avenue, but I really need insight from people who have experienced this type of grief. This is a little long, so please bear with me.
10 months ago my wife and I (early 30s) lost our baby boy at 21 weeks due to TFMR. He was very much wanted and very much loved. It's been hard on both of us, but obviously my wife has been having a harder time. I've since returned to hobbies and friendships, but she has taken the route of isolation. Now, it feels like just about everyone we know is announcing pregnancies. Of course I'm reminded of what we should have and it makes me sad, but I'm also happy for those people and want to share in their joy. My wife, however, wants nothing to do with any of them. That's totally valid and she can do what she wants, but it does make sad that it feels like she's shut out most people in her life right now.
Just under two months ago, I told her that I was planning on attending my friends' baby shower. I've known these friends for almost 20 years, but she doesn't like them, and I try not to bring them up to her. I didn't expect her to be thrilled about me going, and I would certainly never expect her to go with me, but her reaction was far more explosive than I anticipated. She essentially forbade me from going as it would be too triggering for her and I was expected to know as much. The fact that I even brought it up told her I didn't care about her feelings and that I was putting my friends over her. If I decided to attend, she "would have to seriously think about our marriage". We had a huge fight but ultimately came to a compromise that I could take them to dinner in lieu of attending the shower. It was my understanding that the shower was the main sticking point and that anything after that was fine.
Just a couple days later, we found out we were pregnant again. Unfortunately, that joy was shortlived as we found out the pregnancy was ectopic after only two weeks. Thankfully we caught it early, and my wife's health is okay. The emotional pain isn't as severe as when we lost our son last year, but loss is loss, and the pain is still fresh. The baby shower came and went, and I wasn't in the mood to set up the dinner the time, so it never happened.
Fast forward another several several weeks and my friends have their baby. I inform my wife of the birth since I don't want her to get blindsided about it from somewhere else. She was upset I even told her, so I ask how to better navigate the situation to which she responds that I'm doing my best but she just wants them out of her life, by them "either moving away or dying." We fight again and it's apparently a problem that I got so hung up on her wording.
Almost two weeks later, I tell her I'm planning on visiting them. Again, I didn't expect her to be thrilled, but I thought we agreed everything sans baby shower was fine, and we even visited her sister's newborn shortly after our first loss, so I thought it would be more or less "okay". But her reaction was even more explosive than last time. My ears were ringing from the volume of her voice. More accusations of not giving a shit about her, putting everyone else above her, etc. Apparently during our last argument she said she'd need time after their birth, which is probably true but I'm sure I lost that detail among the heightened emotions. Once again she says she'd seriously rethink our marriage if I'm willing to ignore her feelings and visit them anyway. She says I can't see them until she's felt like she's processed the news of their birth. Not only that, I'm being told I'm not to acknowledge their existence or even text/talk on the phone with them if she's around. Since she's home all the time outside of work, my interactions with them are essentially to be limited to business hours. I ask how long this is supposed to last and she thinks it's unreasonable to ask for a timeframe on her healing, but maybe after we get back from a trip in two months at the earliest (which coincides with the anniversary of losing our son). She feels like she's being generous by even giving me an estimate.
She says she shouldn't be asked to sacrifice the progress she's made, but I feel like I'm the one being asked to make a sacrifice. I recognize that these things are triggering for her but I don't feel like it's my responsibility to help her avoid feeling this way by me not engaging in these big life moments. I've suggested that she get back into therapy but she says she's working through it on her own just fine and it's insulting to suggest that therapy is required to navigate her feelings. I've also suggested we get back into couples counseling but since she doesn't even want to acknowledge these friends and this situation, she says talking about it will only delay her healing.
I feel so lost. And like I'm in a box, with the walls slowly moving inward, crushing me. My friends are important to me and I want to celebrate these big moments in their lives, but I think I will lose my wife if I do so. She says there are other ways to celebrate them without being there in person, and if people who don't live close to each other can still celebrate and maintain friendships, I can too. Except these friends only live 20 minutes away. She says she'd never ask me to cut them out of my life but it feels like the goalposts keep moving closer and closer in that direction. How can I be sure that she won't change her mind about this in two months? Another close friend that I've known for even longer will be going through IVF in August and I'm terrified of how my relationship with them will be impacted if it's successful (at least she likes this friend).
I don't know what to do. We've both gone through something awful, but I'll never know the feeling of losing a child that I was carrying in my body. I know she's grieving (as I am still too), and I'm trying to be empathetic to that grief, but I think too much is being asked of me and I'm becoming resentful. She doesn't care if what she's asking is logical or not, she's my wife and she says I should put her first. I should just do it because she's asking. I want to reiterate that I think it's totally valid to have these feelings and I'm not trying to diminish them or try to get her to not feel them, but these feelings are now affecting me and my friendships. I also realize I'm presenting my biased view of events, but I'll try to answer questions if there are any.
Has anyone been through a similar loss and have any insight to give here? Am I not giving her enough grace during this time of pain?
submitted by raltobalto to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:24 SickAndAfraid advice for upcoming doctors appointment regarding chronic nerve pain

background (feel free to skip):
1 year ago i had top surgery (i’m trans). 2 weeks post op i woke up and my right arm felt like it was on fire. it was a pain i had never felt before. at the same time my right arm and right side of my face felt numb and heavy. i was dumb and just tried to ignore it and as the day went on the pain got slightly better. but i woke up the next day and the pain was back. this persisted for months. the pain is in my right shoulder and feels like a shooting stabbing pain that travels down my arm and recently up into my neck. while i was in the hospital 4 months ago for other reasons they said it was neuralgia and placed a referral to neurology (that needed up being the wrong referral so that went nowhere). the pain was getting better but the past month it’s been getting worse. i’m in daily 7-8/10 pain. i went back to my surgeon to see if maybe the surgery had something to do with it and he said he didn’t think the surgery caused this but recommended i follow up with my family doctor and placed a referral to neurology.
i see my family doctor today and plan on telling him all this plus telling him what i’ve tried (tylenol, advil, naproxen, muscle relaxers, physio, heat, cold).
i’m wondering if there is anything else i should bring up? my pain has severely effects my ability to function to the point where i’m missing 4/5 days of school and can barely do my job. i need some form of pain relief.
submitted by SickAndAfraid to ChronicPain [link] [comments]