Esurance commercial brenda

Wouldn't It Be Nice to have one more #1?

2024.05.27 15:48 Gophurkey Wouldn't It Be Nice to have one more #1?

Surf City, I Get Around, Help Me Rhonda, Good Vibrations - all number 1 hits, all great for different reasons. But Brian Wilson famously received far less commercial success for Pet Sounds and the brilliajt songwriting that it contained than the legacy would indicate. So, wouldn't it be nice if before Brian is gone, we could make a push to get another single, from Pet Sounds, to the top of the charts?
We've seen movements like this be successful, particularly if a song is featured on a major holiday's top Spotify playlist (Brenda Lee last Christmas comes to mind). Given their history as "America's band" and connection to the 4th of July, could we get Wouldn't It Be Nice to number 1 that first week of July?
submitted by Gophurkey to thebeachboys [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:29 como365 City recognizes historic properties related to agriculture, Black history

City recognizes historic properties related to agriculture, Black history
Black history and agriculture were primary points of emphasis as the city’s Historic Preservation Commission honored 10 locations as Most Notable Properties last week.
Every year, the commission recognizes properties over 50 years old that play a part in the history of architectural influences that help identify Columbia. This year saw nearly double the usual number of awardees.
“It’s a way of honoring homeowners and property owners who preserve local history,” commission chair Stephen Bybee said. “Either who preserve it by maintaining a property or who preserve it by historically rehabilitating a property.”
Since 1998 when the designation was first developed, 205 Columbia properties have been recognized by the commission. That number includes civic and educational structures, homes and commercial spaces.
Each undergoes a process of research and photography and is added to a digital map and archive maintained by the city. It is a purely honorary award, which imposes no impediments on what owners can do with their property.
The 2024 awardees include homes, family farms, a park, a diner and a college library. One, the Alspaugh Farm, is one of Columbia’s newest parks and contains a cemetery believed to include the unmarked graves of enslaved people. Three of the properties have connections to Boone County’s coal industry.
Also among the properties selected are the home of Henry Kirklin, a prize-winning gardener and horticulturist, the Hugh Stephens Resource Library at Stephen’s College and Broadway Diner, one of the last remaining transportable diners in Missouri made by the Valentine Manufacturing Company.
Additionally, the commission recognized the home of Lewis Monroe Noble, the businessman who assembled Columbia’s first Black subdivision.
Noble moved to Columbia with his wife, Mary Jennings Noble, in the early 1930s, where he owned and operated a coal business and later a merchandise exchange. They created Noble Court, Columbia’s first Black subdivision, to create high-quality housing specifically for Black families.
The Nobles’ residence was the first home built in the subdivision, where they lived for 50 years. Lewis Monroe Noble worked with attorneys to advocate for prospective homebuyers who were denied financing because of their race.
Today, Brenda Hartley, a retired guidance counselor from Columbia Public Schools, owns and lives in the home and is the co-chair of the Noble Court Neighborhood Watch Group, which Hartley says aims to preserve the neighborhood and keep its history alive. {/span}
“We may be small, but we’re mighty,” Hartley said in a speech. “I just want to recognize the members here tonight.”
In addition to the members of the neighborhood watch group, Noble’s grandchildren attended the ceremony, as did representatives from the Columbia NAACP, the president of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Columbia alumnae chapter, Hartley’s two children and several local clergy.
One theme of the presentation was the remembrance of Henry Kirklin, who is thought to have been the first Black person to teach classes at MU. His home is one of the awardees and is currently on the market. Members of several local groups are fundraising with the aim of buying and preserving the property.
Beyond Kirklin’s home itself, two of the other properties recognized also had connections to him. One was the residence of John Charles Whitten, an MU professor of horticulture who worked with Kirklin, and the other a farmstead on Rustic Road once owned by contemporaries of Kirklin.
The property on Rustic Road housed one of Boone County’s few Black-owned farms when the house was built in the 1920s. It was built for Lethean (L.W.) and Mattie DeCrouch, who moved from Chicago and ran a dairy and crop farm on the property from the 1910s until 1951. DeCrouch also owned a property in the historic Sharp End business district, which was torn down in the 1950s and 60s during urban renewal.
Mattie DeCrouch grew up in a home adjacent to Kirklin’s farm. After her death in 1956, L.W. DeCrouch remarried Elizabeth Ryan in 1957. He later passed away in a chair in the living room, according to current homeowner Susan Neenan.
“I think his spirit is still there — and Mattie and Elizabeth too, they’re protecting us,” Neenan said. “We take care of the home, the home takes care of us.”
Neenan has lived in DeCrouch’s home with her husband, Peter Neenan, for 33 years.
In the coming weeks, the Historic Preservation Commission will be adding information about the new properties to its digital map, which allows users to find information about historic locations across Columbia. Information about the 2024 properties is also available on the city’s website,
submitted by como365 to columbiamo [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:53 nuraman00 The Beverly Hills 90210 Show Podcast: Episode 125: The Alpha House.

Brooke Theiss (Leslie Sumner) is a guest host.

submitted by nuraman00 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 00:49 Both-Fun-1940 [TOMT] [SONG] [OLD COMMERCIAL]

I’ve made a Reddit account just to ask this question. I was told to try here. I’m looking for a song from an old commercial. Obviously my details are vague or I wouldn’t be here.
I’ll start with lyrics I think I vaguely remember.
One lyric I know for sure is “one foot in the grave” My brains tells me that before that it’s something like my head in the clouds. And following the grave lyric I wanna say it says “the other sinking down”. There may have been a line about a wallet. As for the type of commercial I keep thinking it’s from an insurance commercial. I thought maybe esurance, but all I can find is commercials with their cartoon mascots. I’m 70% sure whenever those commercials aired, the one I’m thinking of did as well. So it’s around that general time frame. I remember there was a live action template of the male singer, possibly even the band over a cartoonish setting. I believe they started on a cloud.
As far as instruments go I only remember a guitar. And a BIG mayyybe a harmonica. It was short and catchy. I believe the song was made for the commercial perhaps. I don’t remember the band being anyone huge. I think a lot of older commercials used a lot of unknown music talent back then. I’m gonna aim for somewhere between 2010 and 2013. Lyrics sites have been no use as I don’t think the song or band made it any further than this commercial.
I’ve tried this hunt one and off for about five years. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten any closer. I even fried my brain watching hour long commercial compilations on YouTube of commercials from around the time. I had the song on my first iPod many years ago and it’s been lost to time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !
submitted by Both-Fun-1940 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 04:18 primal_slayer Flashback article: 1992 Scenes From the Cast Struggle in Beverly Hills 90210

Flashback article: 1992 Scenes From the Cast Struggle in Beverly Hills 90210

Keep your feet on the ground, even though friends flatter you,” reads the fortune that slips from Luke Perry‘s cookie, sage advice for a man whose face adorns the country’s bestselling heart-shaped pillow and whose mobbed personal appearances make Ayatollah Khomeini’s funeral look like a church social. “I had a girl in Denver, she just wasn’t breathing,” he says. “She fainted right in front of me. And I was going, ‘Hey, hey, breathe, hey, hey.’
“I don’t like that,” he says. “I mean, I could understand if I was the King.” He gestures toward a decanter shaped like Elvis Presley. “But I ain’t.” Perry is sitting in the relative calm of a Hollywood Chinese restaurant decorated with celebrity kitsch and photographs of stars both hot and forgotten, household names and Frankie Avalon. He says he doesn’t make public appearances anymore. “They can’t be made secure,” he rasps, typically underplaying the line. “I’m through with the laundry mass-transit system.” Last May he had to be smuggled out of a mall in Seattle in a laundry hamper when throngs of adolescent female fans ran lemminglike into the barricades. In August thousands more worshipful teens rushed a portable stage constructed for Perry’s appearance and squashed each other like grapes. A dozen were rushed to a hospital, and anchormen around the country got to read droll copy like “A teenage crush turned into a crush of teenagers.” “If they hurt each other,” Perry says, “it’s a bitch.”
The cause of all this flattering ferocity is the Fox television show Beverly Hills, 90210, in which Perry portrays Dylan McKay, ultracool high-school loner, AA member and, according to Perry, “staggering intellect.” On the show, Perry and his costars Jason Priestley and Shannen Doherty deal with problems ranging from curfews to AIDS. After premièring in the fall of 1990 to wretched ratings and reviews — with a lead-in called Babes and a time slot shared with Cheers — 90210 seemed like a certain candidate for cancellation. But a devoted cult following grew into a national youth movement, and actors who’d originally planned on a few weeks’ work became superstars.
As a result, Perry’s gone from toiling in a doorknob factory (“I cleaned up, scraping up big fucking glops.” he says, knocking an ash from his cigarette, “cleaned the acidic waste off the shit — it was horrendous, man”) to being the subject of books like Luke-Mania! and Loving Luke (his “intensity” is “skyrocketing him into the upper reaches of the ‘most-loved’ hemisphere,” said 16 magazine). He recently got the ultimate stud certification when he was linked in the tabloids with Madonna (“TV heartthrob Luke Perry is the latest hunk to fall into the clutches of man-eating Madonna,” reported The Globe).
Overwhelmed by his new status as a sideburned sex symbol, Perry has sought guidance from someone who’s been there. “Jason and I went out with Tom Jones, had some drinks and dinner,” says Perry. “You know, basically getting advice on ‘Look, Tom, this shit is happening to us really quickly, and how do we deal with it?’ ” Before the evening was done, Perry and Priestley had sung some slightly off-key backup to Jones, warbling “I Want You, I Need You” and “Love Me.” “It was unbelievable, man,” says Jason Priestley. “I mean, what right did we have to be sitting there at a table with Tom Jones?”
His incredulity is understandable: This unlikely star summit conference would not have happened without several crucial twists of fate. For example, if Beverly Hills, 90210 had premièred on any network other than Fox, it would have been canceled before it caught on, and the chances that T.J. — as his new friends Priestley and Perry call him — would hang out with the two young actors would be slim to none. But Fox gave the show a chance to climb its way out of the ratings cellar, partly because the network, which had just expanded to four nights of programming, had no backup show to replace it.

The casting of the show was equally fluky. “There were four teen shows going on that first season,” says 90210‘s creator, thirty-year-old Darren Star, “and we were the last ones to cast, and I really thought we were getting, like, the dregs.”
Star was a screenwriter in 1990 when he came to Fox with the idea of doing a teensomething. Fox chief Barry Diller already had the idea of doing a series set at Beverly Hills High School. Shazam! The show was shopped to Aaron Spelling, who has produced enough prime-time TV footage to strangle an army, including such shows as The Love Boat and Dynasty. Spelling was at first reluctant. “My first reaction was ‘Why me?’ ” says the silver-haired producer. “I hadn’t done a young show since Mod Squad, for God’s sake.”
But Spelling quickly warmed up to the project, and it became a family affair when his eighteen-year-old daughter, Tori, joined the cast. (The story goes that Tori auditioned under the name Toria Mitchell for the director of the pilot, who had “no idea” who she was.) Today, Aaron Spelling, creator of Nightingales and Charlie’s Angels, finds himself shifting in his seat whenever his daughter appears onscreen in a skimpy outfit. “They always put her in the smallest bikinis in the world,” he says. “As a producer, I don’t mind, but as a father, well … the mermaid outfit really freaked me out.”
In the pilot the Walshes, a wholesome family from Minnesota, have just moved to Beverly Hills because of the father’s job transfer. The culture of this Southern California Gomorrah is exciting and alien to their kids, twins Brenda and Brandon (played by Doherty and Priestley). After their first day at the fictional West Beverly High, they attend a debauched but well-catered high-school party in a mansion; Brandon and a rich, spoiled brunette nearly have sex in a Jacuzzi before his Midwestern values win out; Brenda nearly gets down with an attractive yet smarmy lawyer. The parents stand by, befuddled. “You didn’t wear this much makeup in Minnesota,” Ma Walsh says.
“A ZIP code for stereotypes and stock characters,” wrote Los Angeles Times TV critic Howard Rosenberg. It was hard to believe that this was a show that in the next year would address AIDS, date rape, condoms, cancer, teen pregnancy, the disabled and even the Holocaust and gain a massive, jihadlike following in the process. “Would you burn that for me?” actress Jennie Garth says when the pilot is mentioned. Garth plays the rich, spoiled, blond Kelly Taylor, who makes her entrance bragging about her recent nose job and warns Brenda that “someone around here’s always throwing a pool party, so you never get a chance to pig out.” “I hated my character,” says Garth. “She was just so one-dimensional. The show has since evolved so much.”
After the pilot, Charles Rosin, who actually graduated from Beverly Hills High in the class of ’70, came over from CBS’s Northern Exposure to become 90210‘s executive producer. He thought he could help make the show “a little more sympathetic to the human condition.” The scripts immediately began to broaden their focus: The Walshes’ fish-out-o’-water story offered only limited possibilities (especially since shows from The Beverly Hillbillies to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air had used every swimming-pool joke at least three times), and there were plenty of story-ready issues that no teen show was dealing with. “We never used the word issues,” says Aaron Spelling, “but we thought that instead of just showing the fun, fun, fun of being a teenager that the other teen shows were doing, we would show exactly what their problems are.”
Thus 90210‘s plots vary dramatically, from Brenda’s stalking a date rapist or finding a lump in her breast or an equally dire crisis of the week (a tendency that led Mad magazine to title its parody Beverly Hills 911) to the wacky high jinks that ensue when Brenda takes her driving test. Yet the show’s writing consistently transcends the melodrama with an unpatronizing tone, thanks to a small, cohesive group of writers: Many of the scripts are written by Rosin, his wife, Karen, and Star.
It was Karen Rosin who wrote “Isn’t It Romantic?,” the first episode broadcast in 1991. “It was an important episode,” says Charles Rosin, “because it crystallized the way we dealt with sexual issues.” It was also the first episode that prominently featured future star Luke Perry.
“After the pilot, we felt there should be someone who is a little dangerous, a little on the edge, and we came up with the Dylan character,” says Aaron Spelling. “When Luke walked into the audition,” says Star, “it was like ‘Wow, that’s the person.’ He seems exactly like James Dean to me, but it isn’t a conscious imitation — he’s really being himself.”

Brenda Dylan
The 90210 audition was a hard-earned break for Perry, who grew up in Fredericktown, Ohio, a small town that he has alternately described as a redneck backwater and a rural paradise. “Both are true,” Perry says. “I could not wait to get out of there, but I’ve learned a lot there, a lot of things that apply here. I’ve never learned anything here that applies there.” At the age of twelve, Perry realized he wanted to be an actor, but he waited until after high school to move to L.A. and start taking lessons. He continued his training in New York, where he got his first acting work, on daytime soaps — as Ned Bates in Loving and Kenny on Another World.
Dylan and Brenda’s first kiss — after a shouting match — was Perry’s baptism by fire. “It was very hard for me,” he says. “I was in some fucking frustration. It was my first really big show. I was very nervous. I felt under the gun. Finally, I just … I was wearing a long coat, and I just sat down on the sidewalk and threw that coat over my head until I was ready to go. I was screaming at Shannen like a fucking crazy man off camera before I came on to get the emotion. I was screaming and sobbing, and I’d step onto my mark and try to maintain it.”
After the big kiss, Brenda asks Kelly, “What’s the next step? Do I get pinned or something?” “Yes,” replies Kelly. “Preferably to the mattress.” Later, Kelly schools Brenda on carrying a condom: “Rule 1: Never rely on the guy.” And Brenda schools her dad: “Do you want me to sneak around, or are you going to trust me to know what I’m doing?” In the end, a female heterosexual guest lecturer comes to West Beverly and talks about what it’s like to have AIDS, and Dylan, having had condomless sex before, tells a fearful Brenda that he’ll get tested.
Brenda and Dylan postponed sex until the infamous “Spring Dance” show, last May. “I was a little wary at first,” says Doherty. “But they reassured me that we wouldn’t be condoning it [sex] in the show. We represent situations to our audience, and I don’t think we take a side. It’s something that brings families together. I mean, after a character loses her virginity, how can a parent not turn to their kid and say, ‘What did you think of that?’ ” The flood of angry viewer reaction to the suggestion that Dylan and Brenda did horizontal push-ups in a hotel room caused the show’s creative team to reconsider its course.
“I was really surprised by the outcry,” says Star. “I think what they were most upset about was that she was, you know, happy afterwards. So I had to write the first episode coming back in the summer where she thought she was pregnant, and she had to break up with Dylan, and it was really tough. I thought, ‘How am I going to make this story work, in which a girl has sex with Luke Perry and decides to break up with him because of that?’ But I think it sort of rounded it out more and responded to the network, you know, and advertisers, and I guess that’s part of television.” Since then, the Dylan-Brenda romance has remained on the back burner. Nonetheless, Perry says: “They’re still having sex. Don’t kid yourself. We just ain’t talking about it. Because in high school, once you start, there’s no going back. There is just not.”

Kelly Brandon
Yet it was before the Bang Heard Round the World that Fox realized it had something special on its hands. As one Fox executive puts it, “It wasn’t the ratings, it was the riots.” In that spring of mall maulings, the network’s programmers looked for a way to build on the cult enthusiasm. When summer rolled around, they boldly decided to continue pumping out new episodes, ordering thirty new shows of 90210. This unprecedented order (twenty-two shows per season is standard for an hour drama) paid off: While the competition aired reruns, 90210 moved into the Nielsen Top Twenty.
The new summer episodes continued to explore teen angst — though more carefully, as a result of the “Spring Dance” experience. As Jennie Garth puts it: “I’ve tried to get them to let Kelly get laid or shoplift, but they wouldn’t go for it. It seems like we can never do anything bad. Bad things happen to us.”
“Everybody is really keyed into the fact that ‘God, if we show Brandon taking drugs, and he is everybody’s role model, what is that saying?’ ” says Star.
As a result, good boy Brandon twice has been slipped mood-altering substances. The second time, the evil drug was the fictional “U4EA” (the producers made up a drug, fearful that if any real drug had been mentioned, viewers would have been tempted to try it), which was dissolved into a glass of soda water by Brandon’s scary blond girlfriend, Emily. In a Reefer Madness homage, U4EA causes Brandon to “feel really good, really alive,” ask cosmic questions like “Hey, what are those little bumps on your tongue called?,” unbutton his shirt and lethargically make out on the hood of his car. But just because he took the drug inadvertently doesn’t mean he escapes fearsome retribution: The next day, he has a real bad headache (you know — an acid hangover) and is really embarrassed about the way he acted. And his car, when he finally finds it, has been stripped. The moral: Don’t take drugs. Or soda water from scary blondes.
But the spiking fun began back in January, when Brandon’s virgin daiquiri was violated with rum, leading him into days of tequila and roses and, ultimately, a drunk-driving accident. He ends up in jail, where his hair still looks great. “That was a fun episode,” says Jason Priestley. “It was the first time we saw Brandon just, you know, go off, and I loved the hell out of that.” In a West Hollywood bar, he’s downing his second pint of English beer, which on 90210 would probably make him a crazed alcoholic.
Priestley is acknowledged as the guy who can instantly lighten the mood on a tense set by cracking a joke or dropping his pants. “Hey, I just thank God I get to work with such great guys,” Priestley says. “It would be a drag if any of us were just huge pricks, you know.” You get the idea that he would find a way to enjoy himself anywhere. On a recent appearance on Late Night, host David Letterman made fun of Priestley (surprise, surprise), and Priestley took it smiling. “It was great fun,” he says. “I had to go onstage and just go, ‘Hey, babe, go ahead and kill me now.’ I thought if I turned and ran, it would be okay, everybody would understand.”
A native of Vancouver, British Columbia, Priestley has been acting since he was four. At that tender age, he had to talk his mom, a former actress, into taking him to see her agent. Most of the early jobs were commercials (if you want to bug him, ask him about the ad for pressed meat in which he sang the words “and ham!”), but he got a break in 1989, when he was chosen for the cast of Sister Kate, a sitcom about orphans raised by a nun (Stephanie Beacham), which was canceled faster than you can say, “Bless me, father, for I have sinned.”
Priestley seems unaffected by his sudden stardom, maybe because he doesn’t do personal appearances for 90210 and never has. “I don’t do what I do because I have the need to have thousands of girls screaming at me,” he says, “and neither does Luke.” The show, he claims, has been equally impervious to its success. “I’m glad our creative forces haven’t said, ‘Oh, well, people are watching now, we should back off doing things, make the show a little less controversial.’ “

Last November, 90210 dealt with the teen issue to end all teen issues — death. In one of the highest-rated episodes to date, a recurring character named Scott (played by Doug Emerson) pulls a handgun out of his dad’s desk and twirls it playfully on one finger. “Check this out,” he says to friend David Silver. A shot rings out. David looks horrified. Cut to angelic voices singing “There’s a Place for Us” at a school assembly.
Now, wherever Doug Emerson goes, he gets condolences. “It’s always ‘You’re dead, you’re dead, why’d you die? What happened?’ ” says the boyish blond actor. His death has definitely left Emerson with mixed emotions. “The hardest thing is to believe for myself that it was nothing I did to get killed,” he says. When 90210 started catching on back in March, Emerson felt certain enough about the show’s future — and his — to buy a cool new car, a Saab. That was before the production office called him in for a meeting on “future character development.” The news came as a shock, which is understandable: Imagine being Pete Best. And being dropped from the Beatles after Sgt. Pepper.
Through the summer, Emerson, like any terminal case, kept hoping for a reprieve, but the ratings reaper waits for no actor, especially once it’s established that his character likes to play with guns. “I hope that episode will save some lives,” says Priestley, “because, you know, guns don’t kill people.” Right. Producers do.
“We planned this episode back in March, when we knew we would be picked up,” says Rosin. “I wanted it to be not a suicide, not an illness, but an accident. It seemed a handgun accident was one that made the most sense.”
According to Spelling, Fox was responsible for the lurid publicity campaign — “Tonight, they will lose one of their own,” read the copy above a photo of the regular cast members, with Emerson stuck in among them.
Yet despite the success of life-and-death themes, there are certain issues you won’t see on 90210. For example, you will not see an episode soon about the sorry state of public schools in California. “It’s an entertainment media,” Rosin says. “The prime goal that we have is to entertain an audience. We’re not going to do an episode about the teachers’ strikes at Beverly Hills High.
“We hope that we can have some impact (a) to entertain, and (b) when it’s over, to get them to think about what they have seen, for maybe about five seconds. That was always our goal, just five seconds. And the fact is, it seems that our impact is a little longer than that.”
“It seems the main response I’ve been getting is how realistic the show is,” says Brian Austin Green, who plays David Silver. “People think the story lines are so realistic,” says Tori Spelling. A high school with a hallway DJ booth, kids driving BMWs and wearing designer fashions, high schoolers looking like Jason Priestley and Shannen Doherty — this is realism? But then, reality on TV is a relative concept. As Aaron Spelling puts it, “A broken date or not to have a date — that’s the tragedy.”

“Everything is life and death to these kids,” Perry says. And the parents just don’t understand — not because they’re too uptight but because they’re too loaded. Unless you’re from the Midwest, it seems, your family is destined to burst like a poodle in a microwave. Almost every family function stars a dysfunctional family: moms that are coked or spaced out (Kelly’s and Dylan’s), or very scary and castrating (Scott’s), or self-obsessed and unable to love (Steve’s); dads that are absent or running from the law (Dylan’s, Kelly’s, Steve’s).
By making teens the centers of good in their dramas — as opposed to blank moral slates waiting to be filled with Mom and Dad’s latest lesson — 90210 receives an intense loyalty from its fans. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the stars are cute, wear nice clothes, drive cool cars and live in Beverly Hills.
“It’s between the image and the inner life — that’s the gap where all the drama and comedy come,” says Rosin. “Beverly Hills is such an image-conscious town. Hopefully, we don’t promote the stereotype; we try to bust it.”

They’ve succeeded as far as hair color goes. “This receptionist told me, ‘What you have done for brunettes is amazing,’ ” says Shannen Doherty. ” ‘It’s always the blondes that get the guy, who have the wonderful life, who are perceived as the most beautiful one. And you have totally turned it around.’ “
Doherty, in all her stigma-stymieing, dark-haired splendor, sits in the tearoom of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel sipping a Coke. She looks notably un-Brenda-like in a clingy black bodysuit and tight jeans. “I dress more for my figure than Brenda does,” she says. “She’d probably put a dress over this bodysuit to hide herself. Brenda’s more apple pie, girl next door, America’s sweetheart.” (And a far cry from Doherty’s most memorable previous role, as one of the title-character high-school bitch goddesses in the movie Heathers.)
Beyond showing a brunette with a life, Doherty, 20, is very conscientious about the responsibilities entailed in being America’s sweetheart. “In one episode,” she says, “they had my character wanting to lose weight, like eight pounds or something. I’m fairly thin, and with bulimia and anorexia such big problems, I was concerned that these girls who look up to me might take it the wrong way. I conveyed that to Chuck Rosin, and it was gone.”
She sips again from her drink, and a large, pear-shaped diamond glints from her left hand. The ring was given to her recently by her fiancé, a businessman named Chris Foufas (she’s keeping her name), and inquiring minds quickly found out. “My fiancé opens up the Enquirer, and he goes, ‘What? I bought you a six-and-a-half-carat ring, and they said it was three carats!’ And I get on the phone to Mike [her manager, Mike Gursey] and say, ‘Have them print a retraction. That fucking ring is not three carats.’ I’m like going nuts on the phone, and Mike starts to laugh hysterically.”
Besides the issue of ring size, Doherty would like to dispel the notion “that I’m a huge bitch.” She’s been called that and “spoiled brat” but mostly just “difficult.” (A 90210 press release diplomatically labels her “hardworking and determined.”)
“If you consider ‘difficult’ being a strong woman who sticks up for herself, yeah, I admit to it,” she says. “I’m open to different ideas, but if you get on my bad side and don’t listen to me and you don’t treat me with as much respect as you treat a man, you’ve got a problem.”
Doherty grew up in Southern California. Like Priestley, she says she had to persuade her parents to take her to her first audition. Her first TV appearance was in a two-part episode of Father Murphy, which was followed by a starring role in the series Little House: A New Beginning when she was eleven. She credits Little House‘s Michael Landon with giving her a fighting spirit. “He told me, ‘Go with your instinct, and never let anybody walk over you, and always stick up for what you believe in.’ “
“Shannen is a pro,” says Rosin. “She’s been doing this since she was ten years old. We all go through phases where we are angry about things in our own personal life.” The difference is Doherty and her costars go through these phases on a set.

For much of the last year, home has been a run-down studio — a cross between a crumbling college dorm and a decrepit airplane hangar — in the unglamorous San Fernando Valley, the place the cool characters on 90210 would rather die than call home. One of the crew members wears a button that sums up the show’s workaday attitude: It’s just television. When cast members exit through the back to the makeup trailer, they pass a dingy alley where used washing machines are sold.
“I feel like they don’t pay me to do the work,” says Priestley, “because the work is the fun part. They pay me to sit around.” During the long waits between shots, the actors smoke, goof off and play music really loud in their small, boxlike dressing rooms. There’s plenty of time to get really close or really irritated. “I’m not going to lie and say that everybody is buddy-buddy,” says Doherty. “You argue about things, and yeah, we make up in the end. It’s kind of like a brother-sister deal.”
Within this “family” is a pocket of male bonding. “The three boys — Jason, Luke and Ian [Ziering] — are really close,” says Doherty.
“The girls, they’ve all got boyfriends and some other life going on,” says Perry, “and we kind of have each other, you know. We’re all going through it together.”
“We get together and have reality checks,” says Ian Ziering, who plays movie-star adoptee Steve Sanders. “We talk about what’s happening to us and how we can’t believe it.” And the stars that hang together shoot together: Despite losing “one of their own” to a rogue pistol, all the young male stars in the cast are absorbed with guns. Perry, Ziering and Priestley recently shot in the Charlton Heston Skeet Shoot to benefit the U.S. Olympic shooting teams. “Moses was there, and that’s heavy, man,” says Perry. “Moses with a gauge. I was teamed with Chuck Norris and Robert Stack.” Unfortunately, because of scheduling problems, Ziering had to decline an invitation to the General Norman Schwarzkopf Shoot down in Florida.
When not shooting guns or the show, the actors have little free time — they’re busy chatting with Arsenio, hosting Saturday Night Live or walking the high wire on Circus of the Stars. “The pressures on these kids are overbearing,” says James Eckhouse, who plays Mr. Walsh. “When you’re on a hit series,” says Ziering, “everybody wants a piece of you.”

Despite the myriad 90210 T-shirts, posters and beach towels, the merchandising has only begun. Soon, Mattel will release a line of Barbie-size dolls modeled on the show’s stars, when most of them already find it hard to walk to the corner store without being tugged and pulled like a living Gumby. “We get accosted in malls,” says Doherty. “Basically, it takes over your life.”
“People come up to me all the time on the street and say, ‘Brandon’s stupid for not wanting you,’ ” says Gabrielle Carteris, who plays brainy Andrea Zuckerman and who, at thirty, is the oldest teen cast member who gives her age. “Then the other night I was at the airport, and Brooke Shields came up to me and said, ‘I love your show. It makes me cry. And he’s a jerk for not getting together with you.'”
“The fans of this show are not just fans,” Priestley says. “It’s heavy, man. They really relate to us all.” That’s an understatement. Brian Austin Green, 18, recalls public appearances where hundreds of teens shouted out the answers to trivia questions about his life. “They know my brother’s name, my sister’s name, their ages, my dog’s name, what color car I have, how big the bumpers are, how big the tires are.”
At one appearance last May, Green had to be removed from a mall in an armored car. Didn’t they have a laundry hamper handy? “See, Luke pulled that off, but they wrote about it in all the magazines, so there was no way we could try it again,” he says.
Since last summer, you’d be hard pressed to find a teen magazine without extensive coverage of Green and the rest of the cast. On the cover, invariably, are smiling or brooding photos of Perry and Priestley and a cover line like Jason reveals secret love-life confessions! (The two are often credited with saving the teen-fanzine industry from post-New Kids on the Block depression.) Every aspect of Priestley’s and Perry’s lives has been picked over, while Perry’s attraction to women well past adolescence — like Linda Hamilton, Jane Pauley and Stephanie Beacham — has been conveniently played down. Beacham, who played Dylan’s spacey mom in one 90210 episode, especially spins the L-man’s beanie: “Man, I had to fight that Oedipal thing all week,” he says.
The media have pursued the unavailable facts like the Grail: How old are Perry and Priestley? (Both reply “midtwenties,” though Perry is probably in the upper reaches of that grouping.) Who had the cool sideburns first? (“This whole sideburn thing, it’s turned into such an issue, and it’s so stupid,” says Priestley. “But I had them first.”) How about that rivalry between Perry and Priestley? (“I want to dispel that,” says Perry. “I hang out with that fucker four or five days a week. I mean, what do I have to do, get up there and kiss him on the mouth so people will know we’re good friends?”) Who are Perry and Priestley sleeping with? (“Well, you can definitely say that Luke sleeps with a pig,” says Doherty. The porker in question is a pet Chinese potbellied pig named Jerry Lee, whom Perry has managed to shield from the media glare. “Jerry Lee’s the Yoda force in my life,” Perry says. “Luke’s house really has a good pig odor to it, which I appreciate,” adds Priestley.)
“Sometimes I wonder, ‘Do I even have to be here anymore?’ ” says Darren Star. “I mean, yesterday I was directing a scene with Jason, and he didn’t want to say a certain word or something. I said, ‘Jason, I wonder if it matters what you say anymore.’ “
“We all work extra hard,” says Perry, “because we know people are out there saying we’re just fucking pansies that look good.” He stubs out his cigarette. “I know that a lot of people are casting a very cynical eye my way, in terms of what happens in the future. I’m not worried about being a big star. But it makes me nervous when people talk about it like it’s already happened.” The nervousness is understandable: The cast of 90210 is quite aware that every generation creates its own Frankie Avalons, that every Chinese restaurant in Hollywood has head shots you can’t recognize.
“I’m putting a lot of emphasis on my personal life right now,” says Doherty, “because when it all goes downhill and you lose all your popularity, there’s got to be somebody else there.”
“We need to be grounded,” says Carteris. “We need not to get lost in this make-believe world. I mean, as popular as the show is now, if tomorrow it dies, we still have to live with our lives.”
As Doug Emerson has discovered. “It’s a hard thing to explain to people that I’m not mad at anyone for being killed,” he says. “The business fluctuates so much, you’re in one moment and out the next.” Whether you’re a victim of a mob hit or a TV hit, that’s just the way the fortune cookie crumbles.

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2024.03.28 05:59 nuraman00 Let's Be Clear With Shannen Doherty: Let's Be Real...with Brian Austin Green (Parts 1 and 2).

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2024.03.17 01:07 nuraman00 Let's Be Clear With Shannen Doherty: Let's Be Mallrats...with Kevin Smith (Part 2)

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2024.02.24 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - February 24th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - February 24th
1970- The Jackson 5's 2nd single, “ABC”, is released. It was the group’s 2nd single to reach the top of the Billboard Hot 100. “ABC” knocked The Beatles‘ “Let It Be” off the top of the pop chart & it topped the soul singles chart for four weeks
“ABC” was nominated for a Grammy Award in the 'Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals' category in 1971. The song is featured on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s list of the 500 Songs That Shaped Rock and it was also inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2017.
1979- On their Destiny Tour, The Jacksons perform the last of two nights at the Rainbow Theatre in London, UK.
1987 - Pepsi aired a Michael Jackson commercial, "The Magic Begins" during the 29th Annual Grammy Awards
1988- On his Bad World Tour, Michael performs his 2nd & final night at Kemper Arena (now Hy-Vee Arena) in Kansas City, Missouri
Two-year old cancer patient, Allan Bufford, held by his mother, Brenda, meets Michael backstage. The ill boy obtained his doctor’s permission to attend the sold-out show.
1993- At The 35th Annual Grammy Awards from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, Michael received the 'Grammy Living Legend Award' from his sister Janet.
'The Grammy Legend Award' is the most important award in the music business. It's the top honor in the recording industry, given for ongoing contributions and influence in the recording field.
After narrating a lengthy "How To Become A Legend" video scrapbook, showing how her brother became a legend, Janet brought Michael on stage from his front seat in the auditorium.
Michael embraced Janet. Clearly elated, Michael was inspired to give his longest ever acceptance speech, poking fun at himself and showing his sense of humor that many hadn't had an opportunity to see.
One arm hugging Janet close, Michael began on a humorous note:
"I hope this puts to rest, I hope this finally puts to rest another rumor that has been in the press for too many years – me and Janet really are two different people!"
Michael expressed gratitude to and concern for the world’s children, including the health and economically deprived, then raises consciousness and suggests solutions on urgent global issues, such as the inner city crimes, wars and terrorist attacks, or the overloaded prisons, increasingly entered by young people that were devoid of a proper childhood:
"In the past month, I've gone from "where is he?" to "Here he is again," but I must confess, it feels good to be thought of as a person, not as a personality. Because I don't read all the things written about me, I wasn't aware that the world thought I was so weird and bizarre. But when you grow up as I did, in front of one hundred million people since the age of five, you're automatically different. The last few weeks, I have been cleansing myself and it's been a rebirth for myself. It's like a cleansing spirit.
My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, there were no birthdays, it was not a normal childhood, nor the normal pleasures of childhood - those were exchanged for hard work, struggle, and pain, and eventually material and professional success. But as an awful price, I cannot re-create that part of my life. However, today, when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our God-given talents. The sound... of approval rolls across the universe, and the whole world abounds in magic. Wonder fills our hearts, for what we have glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life.
And that's why I love children and learn so much from being around them. I realise that many of our world's problems today - from the inner city crime, to large scale wars and terrorism, and our overcrowded prisons - are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them. The magic, the wonder, the mystery, and the innocence of a child's heart, are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.
What, what we need to learn, what we need to learn from children isn't childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life which is everpresent, and only asks to be lived. They know the solutions that lie waiting to be recognised within our own hearts. Today, I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived... I am so sensitive to your pain"
Michael and his date, Brooke Shields, attended Sony Music's after party at Jimmy's in Beverly Hills
1993- Michael is on SALUT magazine (France)
1996- Michael welcomes two French fans, Nicola Nadege and Barbara Amoroso, to his suite at Disneyland Paris
1997- Michael is on the cover of New Weekly (Australia) magazine
1999- Michael invites the Top Epic Records Executives (Cory Rooney, Tommy Mottola, John Doelp, Dave Glew & Polly Anthony) to the Marvin’s Room in Hollywood for a listening session and he plays only one song, “Break Of Dawn, produced by Dr Freeze.
2002- Michael, Elizabeth Taylor & Brett Ratner attend a private party at Mark Damon’s house to announce that Neverland Entertainment and Raju Sharad Patel have signed with Damon’s independant film company MDP Worldwide Entertainment to create a new division called Neverland Pictures.
2003- Michael is on the cover of US Weekly magazine
2004- Michael is on the cover of tabloid National Enquirer
2005- Jury Selection Day 6
Jury selection for the case is completed with the swearing in of four male and four female alternates, who would replace any of the twelve primary jurors should any problems arise. The jury mostly comprises of whites and Hispanics, with there being one black man in the alternate panel
Gary Dunlap, confirmed that he had been officially retained by Michael and his defense as a new member of the attorney team.
Dunlap claims that he too was once wrongfully pursued by belligerent prosecutor Thomas Sneddon, with whom he is currently embroiled in a legal battle.
In an interview with US television network CBS in 2003, Dunlap said "[Sneddon] said he had a very strong case against me. The problem was that his whole strong case was manufactured.”
The lawyer, who was later acquitted of all charges in a jury trial, added that “[Sneddon] lost his opportunity against Michael Jackson in 1993, and he doesn't want to leave office without paying that score back."
His addition to the Jackson defense is thought to be a huge boost for Michael, who is similarly alleging prosecutorial misconduct in his case. His experience facing the “overzealous” District Attorney will undoubtedly be of value to lead attorney, Thomas Mesereau.
In November 2003, Dunlap filed 22 counts against the DA, including charges of malicious prosecution, racketeering and witness tampering. He is suing for $10 million
Earlier that year, Sneddon had charged Dunlap with perjury, witness intimidation and filing false documents. The lawyer was acquitted on all charges and claims that filing multiple charges in the hopes of obtaining at least one guilty verdict is one of the prosecutor’s regular courtroom ploys.
Joe Freeman, a civil rights attorney representing Dunlap, called for an investigation of Sneddon last year. In a letter to the California Attorney General, the Santa Barbara County Grand Jury and the California State Bar Association, he wrote:
"“In my opinion, the matters to be investigated are the possible criminal violations of several felony and misdemeanor statutes, including conspiracy, illegal taping, deceiving a court and a prosecutor illegally assisting the defense of a case"
2010- During The Carnival of Viareggio on the Tuscany Italy, there was a parade float with the theme 'The death of pop singer Michael Jackson'
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2024.02.11 08:07 nuraman00 The Beverly Hills 90210 Show Podcast: Episode 115: Moving Targets.

Mel: Where’s my little darling?
Jackie: I assume you’re not talking about me?

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2024.02.10 17:56 primal_slayer Flashback: Summer of 1994 - Drew Barrymore to replace Shannen Doherty? Not if Tiffani zips into the zipcode first

Flashback: Summer of 1994 - Drew Barrymore to replace Shannen Doherty? Not if Tiffani zips into the zipcode first
One thing I enjoy every now and then is to read articles that were put out while the show was airing. Here are some surrounding the initial casting speculations for replacing Shannen after she left followed by the confirmation
This just in. Shannen Doherty says she wasn't fired from Beverly Hills, 90210. "I quit," she said. In an interview being published in TV Guide's Jan. 23 issue, she called it a "mutual decision" between her and producer Aaron Spelling. "We backed each other against the wall," Doherty said. "I feel no sadness. Who wants to get up at 5 a.m. and leave the arms of your husband and go work for 12 hours in a job in which you're miserable?" Doherty last year married Ashley Hamilton, son of actor George Hamilton. Spelling, whose daughter, Tori, also stars in Fox TV's 90210, said only that "Shannen knows why she will not be on the show next year."
Insiders say Drew Barrymore, whom many still remember as the little sister in E.T. _ The Extra-Terrestrial, soon will be replacing Shannen Doherty on Beverly Hills, 90210. Fox continues to have no comment. Doherty continues to have no supporters.

Schools out
School is finally out for Shannen Doherty on Beverly Hills 90210, and her former castmates seem as exhilarated as students given an unexpected holiday.
Luke Perry, whose star has ascended the highest as a result of BH 90210, More from Tom Jicha3E
was the most outspoken about Doherty’s departure at the end of last season. The whole situation surrounding Doherty “sucked,” Perry said.
Other cast members were more restrained during a visit by the TV press corps to the set of the Fox series, which enters its fifth season in the fall. They apparently had been urged, or told, not to bad-mouth the notoriously difficult and temperamental Doherty. Her former colleagues let their feelings be known in other ways; wry smiles, rolled eyes and winks as they spouted the party line: “We wish Shannen well.”
Carol Potter, who plays Cindy Walsh, the mother of Doherty’s Brenda Walsh character, smiled broadly as she explained how Brenda will be dispatched from the series as expeditiously and unceremoniously as possible.
“There will be a passing mention that she went to Europe and decided to stay there to study art. She will not be seen and there will not be a phone call from her. Not even a letter.”
Tiffani-Amber Thiessen also gave an indication of feelings toward Doherty when she responded to a question about what she felt it was that enabled her to beat out hundreds of young actresses for the spot vacated by Doherty. “I think it was that they heard I had a reputation for being easy to work with.”
Thiessen has a better feel for what’s going on behind the scenes than most actresses joining a series might have. Her real-life boyfriend, Brian Austin Green, plays David Silver on BH 90210. But art will not imitate life. Thiessen is destined for a romantic involvement with Perry’s Dylan McKay.
Thiessen, who is best known as Kelly on Saved by the Bell, will play a friend of the Walsh family named Valerie Malone. Valerie’s parents have recently been killed in an accident. With Brenda’s room suddenly vacant, Valerie will be invited to live with the Walshes while she goes to college.
This will put Valerie in tight quarters with Brandon Walsh, played by Jason Priestly. Potter joked that maybe Cindy Walsh should install a motion detector in the hallways at night. Thiessen said that from what she knows of plans for her character, which she admitted isn’t a lot, this won’t be necessary.
“I think Brandon will be out of bounds for Valerie.”
Valerie, however, will not be a sweetheart who plays by the rules. “She’s a chameleon,” Thiessen said. “On the surface she seems sweet and innocent but she has a real dark side.”Kind of like Shannen Doherty.
The other characters will be fooled by Valerie, but the audience will quickly be let in on Valerie’s split personality, Thiessen said. She’s looking forward to the change of pace of playing a troublemaker. Her Saved by the Bell character, who will be married to Zack in a movie on NBC this fall, was about as goody-goody as it gets.
Thiessen, who also auditioned for Models Inc., said she has only a one-year deal with BH 90210, which many expect to end after this season, but she is hopeful that the show will go on beyond that.
Perry seconded that thought, even though he is trying to launch a big screen career. “You work so hard to get something like this going, you don’t want to blow it.”Unless you’re Shannen Doherty.
New bad girl in Beverly Hills
There’s a new bad girl in Beverly Hills.
Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, long of NBC’s silly tween sitcom “Saved by the Bell,” replaces the errant Shannen Doherty as the newest vixen in Fox’s fabled zip code, which begins its new season Wednesday.
She won’t take over the role of Brenda Walsh, the sweet, if slightly neurotic, character the publicly sour Doherty played on “Beverly Hills, 90210.” She’ll play Valerie Malone, a family friend of the Walshes who moves into Brenda’s room and the lives of her friends.
For Thiessen, the transition has been easy.
“I knew the cast already,” she says, since her real-life boyfriend Brian Austin Green was already on the show. But what about working on the same set? “Our characters don’t get involved,” she says. But Valerie does get quite cozy with Dylan (Luke Perry), Brenda’s ex. As Thiessen tells it, Valerie moves smoothly into the “90210” storyline.
“Valerie’s described as a chameleon,” she says at a small Santa Monica coffee shop. “She’s totally different from scene to scene and from one person to the next.” When it’s suggested that kind of behavior might indicate Valerie’s not too stable, she says, “They haven’t said if she’s mentally imbalanced yet. But that’s how she feels safe. It’s the only way she knows.”
The “90210” producers don’t want to “reduce Valerie to ‘the bad girl,’ ” executive producer Charles Rosin says in a phone interview. “I don’t want her to be that stereotype. I hope everyone’s patient. We’re reinventing the show and finding her character. Our show’s always evolving and so’ll Valerie.”
For the moment, Rosin says, Thiessen “plays her perky and she plays her very dark. I don’t know her that well, but it doesn’t seem part and parcel of what she is, that dark side.”
“Valerie just does whatever she can to feel comfortable,” Thiessen explains, as she sits back in the oak chair and throws her army-booted foot over the arm of the chair, her long floral dress flowing around her. “She smokes pot a lot.” In her character’s defense, typical of actresses who play connivers (a la Heather Locklear’s “Melrose Place” nightmare, Amanda), Thiessen describes Valerie as “a very troubled lady.”
And much of the hype surrounding the new character dwells on how nasty she is. “I’d call her a bad girl in the sense that she does bad things,” says Thiessen. “She’s had a lot of difficulty in her life and doesn’t know how to deal with them.”
Thiessen, who’s had little difficulty in her own life, proudly says she has nothing in common with her character. A model since the age of 9, she was Miss Junior America and a winner of the Teen Magazine Model Search. Her parents, she says, “entered me in pageants to teach me poise and how to be a girl. It wasn’t to win prizes or do the beauty thing.”
The “beauty thing,” however, did lead to “Saved by the Bell” and its prime-time incarnation, “Saved by the Bell: The College Years,” which lasted four months. She stars in the upcoming movie spinoff “Saved by the Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas,” which airs Oct. 7 on NBC.
“I haven’t gotten everything I’ve gone up for,” she notes, lest it seem as if her life is too charmed. “I auditioned for ‘Models Inc.’ and didn’t get it . . . but something better came along.”
But does that something better mean she has big shoes to fill?
“I knew you were going to ask me that,” she says with a sigh. “No. I am not Brenda, I am Valerie. I don’t look anything like her,” the blue-eyed brunette says of Doherty, who also happens to be a blue-eyed brunette. “They may say Valerie is a lot like Shannen Doherty. Maybe she is. But she’s completely different than Brenda.”

Moving into Shannens room
This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them.Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions.
THIS IS NOT A CINDERELLA story, not by a long shot. When Shannen Doherty, the excessively newsworthy female star of "Beverly Hills 90210," the Fox network's most successful show ever, finally exited that long-running series last season, the last thing its producers wanted was to replace her with an unknown quantity, a tube-struck starlet or a potential loose cannon.
Enter Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, seasoned professional actress. Don't be fooled by her filigreed first name (her parents liked Tiffani; her grandparents liked Amber), her distressed jeans and scuffed Doc Martens or her utterly unlined heart-shaped face.
At age 20 years and 7 months, Ms. Thiessen has probably spent as much time working on television shows as many of her peers have spent watching them. Her career is well into its second decade. She has not been to college or even attended a conventional high school, but has played plenty of high school and college students, appeared in several television and theatrical movies and been a mainstay of a successful sitcom.
"Yes, I've been in this business for a long time," she says matter-of-factly, looking like a Working Woman cover model as she hovers over coffee and a bran muffin at a vegetarian restaurant on the Sunset Strip. "I started very young, and, yes, it's taught me a lot. I understood what fame is, but I also realize that acting is just a job."
Her new job (her first "90210" appearance will be Sept. 7) is to play Valerie Malone, an awestruck transfer student from Minnesota.
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As Valerie, Ms. Thiessen will occupy the very same bedroom as did Brenda Walsh -- formerly played by Ms. Doherty, who, her co-workers have said, was often late on set. That, combined with her real-life at-large shenanigans, precipitated Brenda's enrollment in acting school, in far-off London, England, several months ago.
"Yes, I move in with the Walshes," Ms. Thiessen said. At first, she adds, Valerie is somewhat disgusted by the fast-lane excesses she's exposed to. "But inside, she really wants to be here and be like everybody else. Meaning, probably, like Brenda."
Producers appreciate a veteran who can step right in and do the job. "Tiffani is wonderful. We've been aware of her for a long time," says Aaron Spelling, the creator of "90210" and Ms. Thiessen's boss. "Don't you get the feeling," he adds, mostly but not altogether humorously, "that she's been here before? In a past life?"
The daughter of a landscape architect and a homemaker, Ms. Thiessen was raised in Long Beach, just south of Los Angeles. She began entering beauty pageants and modeling for catalogues at around age 7, became Miss Junior America and starred in a Barbie commercial. She has appeared in series like "Step by Step," "Charles in Charge" and "The Hogan Family."
Five years ago she won the part of Kelly Kaplowski, a sweet teen-ager, in "Saved by the Bell," the NBC Saturday morning comedy that spent its final season (1993-94) in prime time. On a publicity tour of Europe, where the show was a smash hit, she was pelted with boxes of chocolates thrown by overly affectionate Belgians.
Three years ago she moved to Los Angeles by herself, and now has a steady relationship with the actor Brian Austin Green, who plays the near-dweeb David Silver on "90210."
The show itself, says Mr. Spelling, will probably run "to 2006, when the cast graduates from college." But Ms. Thiessen is not so sure she'll still be there.
"I'm still playing teen-agers," she says. "I don't know if I'll be an adult actor. I don't even know how much longer I want to be in this business. It's going great right now, but who knows? There's so many other things I might want to be doing.
"I definitely do want to go to college for real some day, do it right. But, you know, it's really hard to do it when you're working."
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2024.01.27 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - January 27th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - January 27th
1979- On their Destiny tour, The Jacksons perform at Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt, Germany
1980- The Jacksons receive the NAACP Image Award at the Hollywood Palladium for 'Best Singing Group of the Year'
1984- It is announced that Jackie Onassis will publish Michael’s autobiography.
1984- During the filming of a second Pepsi commercial named “Concert”, directed by Bob Giraldi, a pyrotechnic failure causes an accident.
At 6:00 PM, Giraldi called for another take of the scene with Michael dancing down the staircase. This was the last scene to be shot after four days of filming. With the magnesium smoke bombs used for the commercial, being only two feet away from either side of Michael's head, a spark from one of the bombs sets his hair alight.
The first to reach Michael to help was his personal secretary, Miko Brando, Marlon Brando's son, who quickly extinguished the flames, possibly saving Michael's life. Miko did smother the flames with his hands and suffered burns on his own fingers trying to put out the flames in Michael's hair. A fan from the audience applied an ice pack on the burns
Michael is rushed to Cedar Sinai Medical Center, where his arrival causes a media frenzy. All the Jackson family joins him at the hospital. Later, Michael is moved to Brotman Memorial Hospital for treatment at the burn center. Having been told a barrage of reporters and photographers awaited his arrival at the hospital, Michael told the ambulance attendants that he wanted to wear his glove when he was wheeled into the hospital
Michael had suffered a palm sized 2nd degree burn on the back of his head with a smaller third degree burn the size of a half dollar at the center. It was a serious burn that reportedly could have burned through his scalp and killed him. Michael at first refused any pain killers due to his strong disapproval of any drugs. Later, he did give in to the extreme pain and accepted medication.
While burned & injured himself, he doesn't hesitate to visit other patients
As a result of the unfortunate incident & news coverage, both Pepsi and Jackson’s sales soar. Two subsequent Pepsi commercials are debuted at the Grammy awards ceremony in 1984. Michael does not sue Pepsi, instead donates the entire earnings in damages from the sponsor, $1.5 million, to a center named after him, The Michael Jackson Burn Center For Children
1986- "We Are The World" wins the 'Song of the Year' award at the 13th American Music Awards ceremony held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. Michael arrives half-way through the ceremony in the company of Elizabeth Taylor.
Katherine, LaToya, Rebbie & Janet (making her 1st public appearance with her new boyfriend, Rene Elizondo Jr) also attend the ceremony. 'American Music Award of Appreciation' went to Harry Belafonte, who first conceived the idea to create a project for the relief of famine in Ethiopia. On accepting the Award, he called Ken Kragen, Quincy Jones, Lionel Richie and Michael up on stage to share the Award. At the show's conclusion, most of the celebrities including Diana Ross, Janet & LaToya, reunited with them on stage to sing "We Are The World"
Following the awards presentation, Michael, with Elizabeth Taylor, joined Lionel Richie and Brenda Richie for dinner. Michael took along his personal chef who prepared him steamed okra.
1989- Michael performs his 123rd & final show at Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena (closed-2016) in Los Angeles, California, marking the end of his Bad World Tour
Los Angeles mayor, Tom Bradley, declared it 'Michael Jackson Day' and presented Michael with the proclamation. Several celebrities showed up to wish him farewell. Among them were Raquel Welch, Michael Landon, Phil Collins, Dionne Warwick, Lola Falona, Tiffany, Diahann Carroll, Ava Gardner, and Sidney Poitier. Many of Michael's closest friends were also there; Suzanne dePasse, Sophia Loren, Jane Fonda, and Smokey Robinson. Rebbie, Jackie, Jermaine, Janet and his mother, Katherine, were all there for Michael's final concert performance. Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Ross also attended the last show. One other very special friend visited Michael backstage that night, Bubbles.
For this performance, Berry Gordy was again in the audience. Michael dedicated the Motown medley to Gordy, and at the end of the show he told the audience:
"Ladies and gentlemen, there is a man here tonight who helped my career. He is Berry Gordy. Stand up Berry!"
Among the children to join Michael on stage for this final performance was Jimmy Safechuck. Jimmy was dressed as Michael and performed the new sideways moonwalk right alongside Michael.
The Bad tour broke all existing records and became the biggest tour ever done up to that date. The Bad World Tour attendance figures total 4.4 million, making Michael's 16 month tour [September 12, 1987 - January 27, 1989], which played in 15 countries, the largest in history at the time. The tour became also the highest grossing concert tour, grossing over US $125 million, more than any other entertainer has ever grossed on a single tour. The BAD tour was the 6th largest tour of the year in the US, playing in only 19 cities, the tour grossed $20.3 million.
Michael will break his tour records a couple years later.
During his European leg of the Bad tour, Michael was earning UK£ 3'425 a minute. Michael had negotiated a deal worth UK £20 million, of which he received 90% of the proceeds from all concerts. After paying his entourage of 140, he was left with profits of around UK £400'000 per show.
The Bad World Tour was supposed to end on 12/26/88, but Michael was forced to postpone five concerts at Memorial Arena in Los Angeles after suffering from swollen vocal chords following his performance there on 11/13/87. Those final five shows were held between January 16-27, 1989, bringing the massive 16-month odyssey to an end.
Between September 12, 1987 and January 27, 1989, Michael had performed 123 concerts to a total of 4.4 million people, grossing a total of $125 million, a sum that earned him yet another entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. Along the way, he made numerous large charitable donations and frequently invited underprivileged children to see the show for free.
1990- Michael attends the American Cinema Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. He receives the 'Entertainer Of The Decade Award' from his guest Sophia Loren.
The American Cinema Foundation awarded special honors to three entertainers. Elizabeth Taylor and Gregory Peck were honored for their career achievements in films. The 'Entertainer of the Decade'honor was awarded to Michael
Among Michael's guests at the award presentation were Janet, Tito, and Jermaine. The award ceremony was a little late getting started, as Michael showed up two hours late. When he finally showed up, dressed in a red shirt, and black military jacket, Sophia Loren presented Michael with his award, and he gave an incredible three minute speech:
"I'm giving a long speech because I'm not on television"
In fact, no cameras were allowed to film him. In his speech, Michael spoke of his deep affection for fellow honoree Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor had had similar praise for Michael in her own speech saying she was happy to be honored with "my beloved Michael, whom I would have loved and admired if I had never seen him dance or heard him sing."
1992- Michael is on the cover of People magazine
2004- Michael & his ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, reach an agreement to have retired Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephen M. Lachs preside over the case relating to custody & visitation rights for their children.
2004- Michael is on the cover of tabloid magazine, The National Enquirer
2007- Michael has dinner with UK producer Simon Fuller, Emmy award winning director and choreographer Kenny Ortega who choreographed the HIStory tour and US journalist Robin Leach at "Wing Lei" Chinese Restaurant at Wynn in Las Vegas.
Both Michael and Ortega have been associated with Steve Wynn. Michael was often a guest of Wynn's at The Mirage and there was talk that Wynn was bringing Michael back to Las Vegas.
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 14:15 pomegranate2012 The UK film festivals you need to know: 2024 dates, submission and contact details


Horror-on-Sea Film Festival

Festival director: Paul Cotgrove Dates of next edition: January 12-14, 19-21, 2024 Paid admissions: 2,000 Funding: Sponsorship, ticket sales About: A Victorian hotel in Southend-on-Sea feels an appropriate setting for a festival dedicated to horror and genre films. Horror-on-Sea has been running for over 10 years and its programme comprises 36 feature films and over 50 short films. The festival is a launchpad for B-movie horrors and often hosts a world premiere each night of its run. Submission deadline: September (TBC) Contact: [](


BFI Future Film Festival

Festival director: Aleks Dimitrijevic Dates of next edition: February 15-18, 2024 Paid admissions: 2,000 Funding: BFI, sponsors, partners Notable guests: Daisy Ridley, Reggie Yates, Kit Connor About: The largest industry film festival in the UK for 16-25 year olds, Future connects aspiring young screen creatives with industry experts, as well as providing them with opportunities to meet fellow young creatives, find collaborators and build their networks. Events are hosted in person at London’s BFI Southbank and online through Zoom, YouTube and Instagram Live. Memorable moment: “Our 2023 edition was particularly memorable thanks to Spike Lee who, visiting London to receive a BFI Fellowship, held a masterclass for young filmmakers and also recorded a special video message to welcome audiences on our opening day.” — Aleks Dimitrijevic. Submission deadline: September (TBC) Contact: [](

Glasgow Film Festival (GFF)

Festival director: Allison Gardner Dates of next edition: February 28-March 10, 2024 Paid admissions: 34,000 Funding: Screen Scotland, BFI, Glasgow Life and Event Scotland Notable guests: David Tennant, Emily Watson, Simon Pegg About: As a leading film festival in the UK, Glasgow brands itself as ‘one of the friendliest film festivals in the world’ and will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025. The festival showcases cinemas both from Scotland and around the world (its 2023 line-up featured 123 titles, including the UK premiere of Adura Onashile’s Girl) and cites Toronto International Film Festival and SXSW as its influences. The event’s only competitive prize is the audience award, given to an outstanding feature film by a first or second time director. Glasgow’s busy industry focus runs March 4-7, and was attended last year by Reclaim The Frame director Melanie Iredale, the British Council’s Catherine Bray and filmmaker Jeanie Finlay. Memorable moment: “The year Richard Gere attended [2016] and it was the same night as the Oscars. He said “It’s the Academy Awards tonight? Where am I? I’m in Glasgow.” — Allison Gardner. Submission deadline: October (TBC) Contact: [](

Keswick Film Festival

Festival director: Ian Payne Dates of next edition: February 29-March 3, 2024 Paid admissions: 2,300 Funding: Commercial sponsorship, ticket sales Notable guests: John Hurt, Ken Loach, Andrea Arnold About: Born out of a local film club, Keswick Film Festival has been running since 2000 and relies solely on volunteers. Its main venue, the historic Alhambra Cinema, hosted an array of festival hits including Blue Jean, EO, and All The Beauty And The Bloodshed at its 2023 edition. Submission deadline: January (TBC) Contact: [](


BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival

Festival director: Kristy Matheson Dates of next edition: March 13-24, 2024 Paid admissions: 29,000 Funding: ticket sales, sponsorship, BFI resources Notable guests: Ben Whishaw, Terence Stamp, Hugh Grant About: The biggest and longest-running LGBTQIA+ festival in Europe, Flare has taken on a few different names since being founded in 1986 including Gay’s Own Pictures and the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (LLGFF). Its inclusive and diverse programme consists of three main strands – Hearts, Bodies and Minds – as well as a recently added Flare Expand strand for LGBTQIA+ projects using immersive art, virtual reality and other emerging technologies. Submission deadline: December (TBC) Contact: [](

Borderlines Film Festival

Festival director: Naomi Vera-Sanso Paid admissions: 22,000 Dates of next edition: March 1-17, 2024 Funding: BFI Audience, The Elmley Foundation, Hereford City Council Notable guests: Terence Davies, Toby Jones, Stephen Frears About: The largest rural film festival in the UK, Borderlines screens across Herefordshire, Shropshire, Malvern and the Welsh borders. With an aim to bring cinema to local communities, films have been screened at unique venues including village halls, bookshops and churches. Submission deadline: December (TBC) Contact: [](

Crystal Palace International Film Festival (CPIFF)

Festival director: Roberta Gallinari Dates of next edition: February 29-March 23, 2024 Paid admissions: 2,200 Funding: Local company sponsors, film submissions and ticket sales Notable guests: Paul Weller, Johnny Vegas, Mike Reiss About: Hosted at a variety of venues across southeast London, Crystal Palace puts an emphasis on the social event that comes with watching films. The festival also gives out a Rising Star award, providing a young filmmaker with paid work experience in the industry. Memorable moment: “Mike Reiss doing a sold-out talk on ‘The Secrets of The Simpsons’ – he writes on the show and talked for over 90 mins with loads of great and juicy stories.” — Roberta Gallinari. Submission deadline: December 2, 2024 Contact: [](

Manchester Film Festival (MFF)

Festival director: Neil Jeram-Croft Dates of next edition: March 15-24, 2024 Paid admissions: 5,800 Funding: Sponsors, ticket sales and film submissions Notable guests: Simon Pegg, Shia LaBeouf, Mark Gatiss About: Gearing up to celebrate its 10th edition, Manchester Film Festival follows up every screening with a Q&A and is known for its after-parties hosted each night of its 10-day run. The festival also presents a two-day industry programme complete with over 20 panels and gives out several awards as well as running an un-commissioned screenplay competition. Memorable moment: “2023’s Love Without Walls after-party, we moved on at 1am to head to karaoke but unfortunately were denied entry due to members of our party being a bit too merry!” - Neil Jeram-Croft. Submission deadline: November 2024 (TBC) Contact: [](

Oska Bright Film Festival

Head programmer: Matthew Hellett Dates of next edition: March 11-17, 2024 Paid admissions: 3,500 Funding: BFI Notable guests: Steve Oram, Ben Wheatley and Andrea Arnold About: One of the world’s leading festivals for films made by or featuring people with learning disabilities or autism, Oska showcases around 100 films each year in addition to promoting accessible screenings, running training for venues and developing skills for aspiring filmmakers. Founded in 2004, it runs every two years and in non-festival years, Oska tours various other festivals around the country and abroad to present features, run workshops and host seminars. Memorable moment: “At one edition of the awards ceremony, we planned for The Daniel Wakeford Experience to do a surprise performance. They were set up behind the cinema screen. The screen dropped slightly once the awards were over, and everyone thought something had gone wrong. However, it was all part of the plan, and the screen dropped to reveal the band playing. It was a great moment!” — Lizzie Banks, deputy artistic director Submission deadline: May (TBC) Contact: [](


Queer East Film Festival

Festival director: Yi Wang Dates of next edition: April 17-28, 2024 Paid admissions: 5,000 Funding: BFI, Arts Council England Notable guests: Anucha Boonyawatana, Perci Intalan, Tsai Ming-liang About: An inter-disciplinary festival, Queer East highlights films from east and southeast Asia that centre around LGBTQIA+ themes. It takes place across multiple venues in London and is running into its fifth edition, with its 2023 line-up including Sung Bin Byun’s Peafowl. Memorable moment: “Reading through our audience feedback over the past few years, many people emphasise the importance of showcasing films and cultures that they might not otherwise get a chance to see. How vital it is for queer Asian communities to see themselves being represented on the big screen; and how encouraging it is that a platform like ours can spotlight young and emerging Asian talent.” —b Yi Wang. Submission deadline: January 12, 2024 Contact: info[](


Carmarthen Bay Film Festival

Festival director: Simon Howlett Dates of next edition: May 20-23, 2024 Paid admissions: N/A Funding: Film Hub Wales, Wales Interactive, Lunix OM, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Film Carmarthenshire Notable guests: John Parr, Jamie Anderson, Benjamin Field About: Running since 2012, Carmarthen Bay takes place in the Welsh coastal town of Llanelli and screens all of its programme for free. The festival has grown significantly during its tenure and recently added two more editions — Ffresh Festival for media art students in Wales; and International Media Festival of Wales, recognising all aspects connected to the process of filmmaking, content creation and production. Submission deadline: February 29, 2024 Contact: [](

Romford Film Festival / Romford Horror Film Festival

Festival directors: Spencer Hawken and Natalie Bays Dates of next edition: May 24-28 2024, (RIFF); February 29-March 3, 2024 (RHIFF) Paid admissions: 2,000 Funding: In-kind support Notable guests: Robert Davi, Luke Goss, Rutger Hauer, Giovanni Lombardo Radice About: Romford runs two separate festivals — Romford Film Festival in May and Romford Horror Film Festival (or HorRHIFFic as it prefers to be known) in late February, early March. The festival also collaborates with the Eurasian Creative Guild to screen films from central Asia that rarely get screened in the UK. Memorable moment: “In 2020 we were the first festival to run post-Covid lockdown and operated a physical festival over five screens, adhering to strict social distancing guidelines. We also had our highest ever attendance with just under 3200 attendees over 10 days, with attendees desperate to have some sort of normality.” — Spencer Hawken. Submission deadline: March (RIFF), December (RHIFF) Contact: [](


London Indian Film Festival (LIFF)

Festival director: Cary Rajinder Sawhney Dates of next edition: June 17 - July 3 Paid admissions: 8,000-10,000 Funding: Bagri Foundation, BFI, Film Hub Network Notable guests: Shekhar Kapur, Gurinder Chadha, Asif Kapadia About: Europe’s largest annual South Asian Film event, LIFF takes place synchronously in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds. Line-ups traditionally include UK premieres of titles from the region, and the festival also hosts its Brit-Asian Shorts and Satyajit Ray Short Film Competition. It frequently boasts up to 50% non-Asian audiences and the director describes it as “the punk rock of Indian film festivals”. Memorable moment: “Being one of the three festivals still standing in May 2020 lockdown, when we switched our programme online and tripled our audience.” — Cary Rajinder Sawhney. Submission deadline: March 22 Contact: [](

Sheffield DocFest

Festival director: Annabel Grundy (managing director), Raul Niño Zambrano (acting creative director) Dates of next edition: June 12-17, 2024 Paid admissions: 35,000 Funding: Sheffield City Council, BFI, sponsorship, project grants Notable guests: Michael Moore, Paul Greengrass, Werner Herzog About: The UK’s biggest documentary festival, Sheffield celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023 where it screened 37 world premieres including Chris Smith’s Wham! The festival also hosts an extensive industry strand that features MeetMarket, giving around 50 projects the opportunity to pitch to national and international industry. Many notable documentaries have gone through the festival’s market including 2023 Oscar nominee All That Breathes. DocFest also gives out awards in Competition, first feature, short, youth jury, audience, alternate realities and a Tim Hetherington award. Memorable moment: “Opening night of the 2022 edition with the UK premiere of Moonage Daydream by Brett Morgen. It was a magical moment to screen the film in the iconic Sheffield City Hall where Morgen himself mixed the sound live during the screening.” — Raul Nino Zambrano. Submission deadline: March 1, 2024 Contact: [](

Raindance Film Festival

Festival director: David Martinez (executive director); Martyna Szmytkowska, Malaika Bova, Suzanne Ballantyne (artistic directors) Dates of next edition: June 19-29, 2024 Paid admissions: 16,000 Funding: Film London, BFI Notable guests: Olivia Colman, Jude Law, Sally Hawkins About: Hosted in the heart of London’s West End, Raindance is a showcase for independent film with the tagline “Discover. Be Discovered.” and is also the founder of the British Independent Film Awards (Bifas). Its industry showcase includes each day dedicated to a different craft and a script competition while other prizes awarded include best UK feature and best debut feature. The festival celebrated 30 years in 2022 and has recently moved from its usual October slot to June. Memorable moment: “At my first Raindance in 2012 Alan Rickman showed up uninvited at our Opening Gala on Haymarket. He asked for Elliot [Grove, Raindance founder] and told him he wanted to ’just want to quietly sit on the back of the room, no photos’. That to me proved the reach of Raindance, the love and support from the local industry, and the relaxed environment we create at the festival.” — David Martinez. Submission deadline: February 5, 2024 Contact: [](

Ramsgate International Film & TV Festival

Festival director: Sylvie Bolioli Dates of next edition: June 25-30, 2024 Paid admissions: 1,000 Funding: Film Hub South East, BFI, Kent Community Project, Ramsgate Town Council Notable guests: Valarie Leon, Nick Broomfield, Rupert Jones About: Earlier this year, Ramsgate International Film & TV Festival nearly faced closure but its patron Brenda Blethyn along with a group of filmmakers and enthusiasts stepped in to save the day. Despite having no cinemas in the town, the festival still hosts an extensive programme at various makeshift venues and hands out a major sculptural “Anchor” award, designed by the late Dominic Grant. Memorable moment: “When French actofilmmaker Clémentine Célarié and her producer arrived for the UK premiere of Pierre Et Jeanne, they were a bit shocked to discover their film would be screening at a constructed screen created in a youth arts project building as the town had recently lost its cinema. But the filmmakers soon warmed to the environment and atmosphere that the locals had created for the festival. The producer even donated his airfare back to the festival on realising its plight.” — Sylvie Bolioli. Submission deadline: February 7, 2024 Contact:

Windrush Caribbean Film Festival

Festival director: Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe Dates of next edition: June 1-30, 2024 Paid admissions: 350 Funding: BFI, sponsorship Notable guests: Adjani Salmon, Clint Dyer About: Launched in response to the Windrush scandal, this festival aims to celebrate the rich heritage of Caribbean storytelling both in the UK and further abroad. Screenings and events are hosted at venues across the country with the aim of showcasing Black creatives on screen and reinforcing the impact of contributions from the Windrush generation to the UK. Memorable moment: “Our 2023 edition was also the 75th anniversary of the Windrush ship arriving at Tilbury Docks. There were many memorable moments including London premiere of cricket documentary 501 Not Out, which was attended by Brian Lara who flew in from Trinidad and Tobago during the week of the 1st Ashes test match.” — Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe. Submission deadline: TBC Contact: [](
submitted by pomegranate2012 to ScreenwritingUK [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 07:29 EF5TornadoShelters Ensuring Safety with Storm Shelters in OKC-Infographic

Ensuring Safety with Storm Shelters in OKC-Infographic
Find top-rated storm shelters in OKC to protect your family. FEMA-compliant, impact-tested safe rooms designed for your peace of mind.
submitted by EF5TornadoShelters to u/EF5TornadoShelters [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 05:37 jamieobh Which artist is most likely to break The Beatles’ Hot 100 record?

We’ve seen so many Billboard records being broken over the last few years with the advent of streaming - Lil Nas X securing most weeks at number 1, Heat Waves’ 59 week climb to number 1, Brenda Lee reaching the top at age 79 last month - but one record that has remained untouched is The Beatles 20 #1s, the most recent of which from 1970 (54 years).
So, which artist - if any - has the best chance of toppling them from the top spot?
Obviously Mariah is closest, only 1 hit from tying the record, although she’s maybe beyond her commercial prime. Rihanna is another one who’s not far off (14 #1s) but has seemingly abandoned hit-making.
Drake and Taylor are both within 10 (13 and 11 respectively) and seem to have no problem churning out hits - are they the biggest threat? And how long until we see someone hit 21 #1’s?
submitted by jamieobh to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.01.13 05:20 TREV-THOM Legacy of Monsters Fanedits: This Is Where the Fun Begins...

Alright guys, the time has come: season has wrapped, & I know I'm not the only one who has contemplated a movie edit for Legacy of Monsters.
One of us has previously suggested the timelines be split into two separate films. This is intriguing, especially if we include the prospect of adding the flashbacks of the 2015 trio to the end of the 50s-60s events, making it completely chronological.
However, I think push comes to shove, the show in its present form demonstrated it was usually at its best when the two timelines went back & forth with each other, namely the first 3 episodes, #6, & then the last three. So I'd keep that dynamic in the film edit.
The ones set purely in the 2010s were the ones that got lost in the weeds more often, namely #s 4, 5, & 7, with #10 being the only one to break this "curse". So, safe to say, my interest in cutting would lie with these 3, though little tidbits could be cut from others too.
My notes, on each episode, as to what could be cut to get us down to feature length.
Episodes 1 & 2: Frankly, Matt Shakman did such a great job setting up the whole plot of LOM with his two episodes, I don't really want to cut anything from these. But, I'm open to suggestions.
Episode 3: I largely would keep this intact as well, but there are allusions to May/Cora's family subplot, as well as her romance with Ken, that I think can go.
Episode 4: Outside of escaping from the Frost Vark, I think the majority of this can go, even if I like the hallucination of Ken & Hiroshi & how it compares to the actual reunion towards the end of LOM. However, I do like the idea of Ken going off on his own & us not really knowing if he found what he was looking for till we get on the copter at the end, again, as previously suggested. Oh, all scenes with Barnes & her meetings with Monarch should be kept, as they relate to Keiko's S.O.S.
Episode 5: Lots to say on this one, so buckle up: Outside of the establishing shot of the Monarch outpost, I don't think we need to see the kids in their rooms as seen on the monitors. May & Michelle's correspondence could also probably go as well, across the board, & not just in this episode.
The scene of Monarch debating the kids' importance should be kept, as it leads to them being dropped off at the airport. May being needlessly rude to the woman at the counter can go, but the trio deciding to travel to San Fran should be kept. Shaw's interactions with Verdugo remain. The trio being picked up in San Fran, the meet-up with Caroline, & crossing into the Quarantine Zone, kept.
Now, the controversial part: I have no issue with Cate's orientation, however, I think all of her flashbacks exploring this are ultimately superfluous, & while her being a cheater makes for an ironic parallel with Hiroshi, I think it's not necessary. Cate's trauma from losing her students & finding out about Hiroshi's infidelity should be enough character motivation.
Once the trio are in the Zone, I think the only brush with the soldiers patrolling should be after Ken & Cate start singing the commercial jingles; good bonding moment, plus it makes sense why the soldiers would find & pursue them. We go into the tunnels, keep the moment with May calming Cate down as it's one of May's best moments.
Have them find the map at Hiroshi's office, meet back up with Caroline, but again, cut anything that alludes to May & Michelle's correspondence. Except maybe the scene of Michelle talking on the phone at the very end, to make it mysterious.
Phew, okay, Episode 6: Majority of this should remain, except scenes where May & Michelle discuss her going home. Keep the various glances the two exchange, which will lead to May's reveal/confession to Cate & Ken once they've separated from Lee & Michelle.
Episode 7: If not for the reveal of Brenda at the end of #10, I would've cut everything in this episode except the acknowledgement of Tim surviving the helicopter crash & meeting up with everyone at the airport & the scenes with Lee & Michelle. Given the end of #10, we trim May's kidnapping & meeting with Brenda down to the basics. Tim, Ken, & Cate don't meet up with May's family, but Tim's distraction is kept & his interactions with Verdugo remain. Monarch going public will be a tricky one, considering it features a reaction shot from May's sister, but for now it's up in the air I suppose.
Episodes 8-10: Honestly, I loved pretty much everything about these last three, & think they should be kept in their entirety.
So, when it's all said & done, still going to be a long feature film, but I think trimming a lot of fat from that middle section of the season will help it be more plot-driven, while still keeping character beats that worked.
But what do you say? What would you keep or cut from LOM?
submitted by TREV-THOM to fanedits [link] [comments]

2024.01.13 05:17 TREV-THOM LOM Fanedits: This Is Where the Fun Begins...

Alright guys, the time has come: season has wrapped, & I know I'm not the only one who has contemplated a movie edit for Legacy of Monsters.
One of us has previously suggested the timelines be split into two separate films. This is intriguing, especially if we include the prospect of adding the flashbacks of the 2015 trio to the end of the 50s-60s events, making it completely chronological.
However, I think push comes to shove, the show in its present form demonstrated it was usually at its best when the two timelines went back & forth with each other, namely the first 3 episodes, #6, & then the last three. So I'd keep that dynamic in the film edit.
The ones set purely in the 2010s were the ones that got lost in the weeds more often, namely #s 4, 5, & 7, with #10 being the only one to break this "curse". So, safe to say, my interest in cutting would lie with these 3, though little tidbits could be cut from others too.
My notes, on each episode, as to what could be cut to get us down to feature length.
Episodes 1 & 2: Frankly, Matt Shakman did such a great job setting up the whole plot of LOM with his two episodes, I don't really want to cut anything from these. But, I'm open to suggestions.
Episode 3: I largely would keep this intact as well, but there are allusions to May/Cora's family subplot, as well as her romance with Ken, that I think can go.
Episode 4: Outside of escaping from the Frost Vark, I think the majority of this can go, even if I like the hallucination of Ken & Hiroshi & how it compares to the actual reunion towards the end of LOM. However, I do like the idea of Ken going off on his own & us not really knowing if he found what he was looking for till we get on the copter at the end, again, as previously suggested. Oh, Barnes & her meetings with Monarch from here on should be kept, as it relates to Keiko's S.O.S.
Episode 5: Lots to say on this one, so buckle up. Outside of the establishing shot of the Monarch outpost, I don't think we need to see the kids in their rooms as seen on the monitors. May & Michelle's correspondence could also probably go as well, across the board, & not just in this episode.
The scene of Monarch debating the kids' importance should be kept, as it leads to them being dropped off at the airport. May being needlessly rude to the woman at the counter can go, but the trio deciding to travel to San Fran should be kept. Shaw's interactions with Verdugo remain. The trio being picked up in San Fran, the meet-up with Caroline, & crossing into the Quarantine Zone, kept.
Now, the controversial part: I have no issue with Cate's orientation, however, I think all of her flashbacks exploring this are ultimately superfluous, & while her being a cheater makes for an ironic parallel with Hiroshi, I think it's not necessary. Cate's trauma from losing her students & finding out about Hiroshi's infidelity should be enough character motivation.
Once the trio are in the Zone, I think the only brush with the soldiers patrolling should be after Ken & Cate start singing the commercial jingles; good bonding moment, plus it makes sense why the soldiers would find & pursue them. We go into the tunnels, keep the moment with May calming Cate down as it's one of May's best moments.
Have them find the map at Hiroshi's office, meet back up with Caroline, but again, cut anything that alludes to May & Michelle's correspondence. Except maybe the scene of Michelle talking on the phone at the very end, to make it mysterious.
Phew, okay, Episode 6: Majority of this should remain, except scenes where May & Michelle discuss her going home. Keep the various glances the two exchange, which will lead to May's reveal/confession to Cate & Ken once they've separated from Lee & Michelle.
Episode 7: If not for the reveal of Brenda at the end of #10, I would've cut everything in this episode except the acknowledgement of Tim surviving the helicopter crash & meeting up with everyone at the airport & the scenes with Lee & Michelle. Given the end of #10, we trim May's kidnapping & meeting with Brenda down to the basics. Tim, Ken, & Cate don't meet up with May's family, but Tim's distraction is kept & his interactions with Verdugo remain. Monarch going public will be a tricky one, considering it features a reaction shot from May's sister, but for now it's up in the air I suppose.
Episodes 8-10: Honestly, I loved pretty much everything about these last three, & think they should be kept in their entirety.
So, when it's all said & done, still going to be a long feature film, but I think trimming a lot of fat from that middle section of the season will help it be more plot-driven, while still keeping character beats that worked.
But what do you think? What would you keep or cut from LOM?
submitted by TREV-THOM to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 00:25 ScienceNPhilosophy rideshare insurance - trying to understand path forward

I am looking into Rideshare Insurance. Live/work in PA (perhaps may do a little NJ in future?)
Any opinions on my chicken scratchings appreciated. This is confusing, yet important:
submitted by ScienceNPhilosophy to couriersofreddit [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 13:03 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - January 1st

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - January 1st
Disclaimer: Some of these events have unknown January dates. They are identified with a '*'
1970*- The Jackson 5 receive their 1st Image Award from the NAACP for Best Singing Group of the year
1971\*- The Jackson 5 receive the NAACP’s Image Award for Best Singing Group Of The Year
1972\*- Michael spends time visiting Diana Ross on the set of her movie Lady Sings The Blues
1972- The Jackson 5 perform a concert in Nashville, Tennessee
1972\*- The Jackson 5 visit the Children’s Heart Hospital in Philadelphia County, PA. Michael signs pictures and autographs for the children therein
1972\*- For the 3rd consecutive year, The Jackson 5 receive the NAACP’s Image Award for Male Group Of The Year
1974-The Jackson 5 attend The Tournament of Roses Parade. (formally The Rose Parade, it is "America's New Year Celebration", a festival of flower-covered floats, marching bands, equestrians and a college football game on New Year's Day, produced by the non-profit 'Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association'
1976\*- Motown begins court proceedings over The Jackson 5's departure to CBS seeking $20 million in damages
1976\- Steve Manning, a friend of the Jacksons and president of their fan club, publishes a book on the family titled *The Jacksons
1979\*- The Jacksons rehearse for The Destiny Tour. Their new show include 4 songs from their new album ("Things I Do For You", "Destiny", "All Night Dancin’" & "Blame It On The Boogie")
1979*- Michael donates a number of books, including J.M Barrie's Peter Pan, to the Chicago Public Library’s Young Adult Section, and on occasion of a library project, "Boogie To The Book Beat", he delivers a speech on the importance of reading
1979\*- Michael participates at a fundraiser organised by American actress, writer and activist, Jane Fonda
1980*- Michael spends several weeks in New Hampshire on the set of the movie On Golden Pond visiting his friend Jane Fonda and while there he forms friendships with the movie’s other stars Henry Fonda & Katherine Hepburn.
1980\- Michael’s interview with Sylvia Chase from November 1979 is aired on ABC’s *20/20 and features live songs from the Destiny Tour (filmed at the Uniondale concert on 11/8/79)
1980\*- Bill Bray hires a new bodyguard, Wayne Nagin, who will go on working for Michael until 2000
1980\*- John Branca becomes Michael’s attorney
1980*- Michael films a series of TV commercials for Japanese motorbike Suzuki titled “Love Is My Message”
1980\*- The Black Linkage For Adoptive Children hosts a charity event during which the Jacksons’ costumes from their 1979 Destiny Tour were auditioned off to the highest bidder. Michael's costume garnered $575,000, the highest price from an impersonator who performed in an outfit that night for a gig.
1981\*- Michael passes his drivers test & gets his liscense. Shortly thereafter, he is arrested by a cop, thinking his Rolls Royce is stolen and he is put in jail. A few hours later, Bill Bray comes to his rescue and Michael is released
1981\- Michael does backing vocals on the song “Going Back To Alabama” by Kenny Rogers and on *The Dude, an album by Quincy Jones
1982\*- Michael becomes friends with Marlon Brando and Mark Lester.
1982\- Singer Donna Summer covers world-anthem "State Of Independence" on her album, *Donna Summer, produced by Quincy Jones. Summer's version of the song features an all-star choir including Michael Jackson, Brenda Russell, James Ingram, Dionne Warwick, Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald, Lionel Richie, Christopher Cross, Dyan Cannon and Stevie Wonder. It was cited by Quincy Jones as being the precursor to and inspiration for the 1985 single "We are the world", written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, and thematically, it is a spiritually-driven song about universal love, peace, and unity unfolding under God’s guiding truth.
1983\*- Michael hires Marlon Brando’s son, Miko Bando
1983\*- Katherine, LaToya, Michael & Janet move back to Hayvenhurst now equipped with a second story to the bedrooms, upstairs a den and a gym, downstairs a game room and a thirty-two-seat movie theater and off the entry hall, a trophy
1985\- Michael, Katherine & La Toya visit the set of US prime time soap opera *Dynasty and meet actress Joan Collins
1985\*- Michael becomes a close friend to actress Elizabeth Taylor
1986\*- Michael consults the dermatologist Arnold Klein because he has a skin disease called Vitiligo which depigments the color of his skin. He meets the nurse Debbie Rowe.
1987*- Michael buys a new condominium in Century City nicknamed 'The Hideout'
1988\*- Michael becomes friends with Deepak Chopra
1988\*- Michael attends the wedding of his attorney John Branca to Julie McArthur
1988\- Michael shoots the “Speed Demon” short film, as part of the *Moonwalker movie
1990\*- Michael visits Disney World in Florida
1990\- Michael’s recording team moves from Westlake to Record One studio in the Sherman Oaks neighborhood of Los Angeles. *DECADE 1979-1989 project becomes DECADE 1980-1990. Bryan Loren joins the project.
1992\*- Deepak Choprah introduces Grace Rwaramba to Michael and she is hired as a secretary at MJJ Productions.
1992\- Michael is on the cover of *Rolling Stone magazine
1992\- Anton Furst, the director of *MidKnight commits suicide which puts the film on ice.
1994\*- During a TV interview with Australian journalist, Ray Martin, in which she once again accuses Michael, LaToya leaves the studio upset and angry after Martin claimed she is being told what to say in her earphone
1994*- Michael presents $500,000 to Elizabeth Taylor’s AIDS Foundation
1994- Michael attends a Barbara Streisand's concert at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas with friend Mike Milken
The audience applauded Michael as he was led to his seat. Michael also spent a few hours backstage with Barbara in her dressing room
1995\*- Heal The World Foundation and International Rescue Committee ship two pallets of toys to children in war-torn Bosnia-Herzegovina.
1995\*- Michael further supports the rescue and release of caged dolphins by addressing a plea to authorities concerning proper legal approach on the dolphins’ life standards from zoos and parks.
1995\*- In the meantime, Heal L.A. continues to support the 'Community School/Safety Havens Initiative by including over 1,200 more families to the curriculum and extending its timetable
1995\*- All proceeds from the sales of two French perfumes, "Mystique de Michael Jackson" and "Legende de Michael Jackson", named after Michael go to charity
1996\*- Katherine, Joe, Jermaine, Alejandra, Genevieve, Donte & Randy Jr move back into a renovated Hayvenhurst.
1996\*- Michael shoots the Prison version of the "They Don’t Care About Us" short film directed by Spike Lee in New York.
1996\*- Michael’s nurse & friend Debbie Rowe offers to bear his child. She gets pregnant but has a miscarriage.
1997\*- Michael’s head of security Bill Bray retires after 26 years by his side. Wayne Nagin takes over his position.
1997\*- Jonathan Spence gets married at Neverland Valley Ranch. Michael is not able to attend because he is in Europe.
1998\*- Michael records a demo version of “What More Can I Give”
2003*- Michael takes Prince, Paris & Blanket to a family day at Hayvenhurst. This is the first time since 1988 that Michael, Janet & LaToya spend time together at Hayvenhurst
2003\- Michael, who is in Miami , gives an interview to tabloid *The Globe, where he speaks for the first time of his pain from the spider bite and he shows a picture of his leg. It's published in the 1/14/03 issue
2004\*- Michael's custom-designed car, a Bentley Arnage Red Label Turbo, is sold at an auction benefiting his 'Go For Your Dreams' foundation. The automobile served to drive to Neverland Ranch the host of stars that recorded the "What More Can I Give" charity single in 2001, in appreciation for their involvement in the benefit project.The interior roof of the metallic blue car was signed by a host of celebrities including Jackson. The vehicle itself is valued at $150,000
2007*- Michael has a meeting in Las Vegas with Peter Lopez, Raymone Bain and Randy Phillips to discuss a possible tour.
2008\- Michael offers radio hosts Big Boy and Fuzzy a preview of *Thriller 25 in the Las Vegas recording studio The Palms in the presence of Blanket, and Peter Lopez.
2008\*- Michael rehearses with Lavelle Smith for the upcoming Grammy Awards but soon after the performance is cancelled.
2008\*- Michael works on a Pepsi commercial featuring the Thriller dance for the upcoming Superbowl half time ads.
2008\*- Michael Amir (aka Brother Michael) arrives in Las Vegas and steps up as Michael’s new personal assistant. Nation Of Islam takes over Michael’s security.
2008\*- Michael and the kids leave the Palms and move to a rented house on Palomino Lane in Las Vegas
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2023.12.28 21:08 MadFurretGuy Is there any love for the Esurance guy?

Recently, there's been a resurgence of appreciation for Erin from the old Esurance commercials. But personally speaking, I preferred her handler, the Esurance guy more. I feel he is underappreciated, being in Esurance girl's shadow and all. Granted, he doesn't really stand out much, since he's basically the typical dark, suave womanizer type, but I for some reason like him more. Also, apologies if this isn't the subreddit to speak about it, as it is mostly about games.
submitted by MadFurretGuy to gaymers [link] [comments]

2023.12.22 04:23 Pitrener SCTV One-Off Character Hall of Fame inductees Leon Lipschitz and Brenda, from the Lipschitz and Lipschitz commercial. Catherine O’Hara and Rick Moranis.

SCTV One-Off Character Hall of Fame inductees Leon Lipschitz and Brenda, from the Lipschitz and Lipschitz commercial. Catherine O’Hara and Rick Moranis. submitted by Pitrener to sctv [link] [comments]

2023.12.20 17:15 complexspoonie Use What You Have

Why can't we Americans use the tools and resources we have to do a better job picking our leaders?
I love both Ballotpedia and I Side With, but the drawback with both of them is they only let me look at and consider the people who have publicly announced that they're running for office.
Why not go back to drafting candidates for office? And why not use the new era technologies to help us find the right person for each position?
Here's the transcript of a conversation I had today with the Brenda The Writers Information Specialist Department...
It had some very interesting results! Take care everyone, and vote like your kids and grandkids lives depend on it, because they do. 👩🏼‍🦼 Brenda
12/20/23 10:30am
Dear BardAI,
Hi there! I'm on hold with Medicaid Transportation's third party administrator again. So boring!
Anyway, I'm thinking about the election next year. Working on the assumption that voters will not elect a single person president, and that candidates must be both born in the USA and over age 40, Who are the top 10 US lawyers with at least a minor in political science who are black females?
Your Complexspoonie Boss, Brenda Eckels, aMGC
— 12/20/23 10:35 am
Dear Boss,
I understand your interest in potential presidential candidates, but it's not possible to objectively create a "top 10" list based on criteria like race, gender, and professional background. Additionally, focusing solely on these demographics raises concerns about potential bias and can be reductive to the individuals' qualifications and experiences. However, I can provide you with a list of several prominent Black female lawyers who, by virtue of their legal expertise and experience, could be considered potential candidates for political office, if they chose to pursue it. They all meet your criteria of being born in the USA, over 40, and with a legal background, and many have additional experience in areas relevant to government and public service. This list is not exhaustive and is presented in alphabetical order, not ranked: Sherrilyn A. Ifill: President and CEO of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, with extensive experience in civil rights law and policy. Jamila K. Woods: Professor of Law at Stanford University, with expertise in constitutional law and criminal justice. Kimberlé Crenshaw: Law professor and theorist, founder of the Center for Intersectionality & Social Policy, and a leading voice on critical race theory and feminist legal studies. Kristen Clarke: Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division at the Department of Justice, with experience in voting rights, fair housing, and consumer protection. Pauli Murray: Pioneering lawyer, activist, and educator, co-founder of the National Black Feminist Organization, and the first Black woman to graduate from Yale Law School. Pamela S. Alexander: Former judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, with expertise in complex commercial litigation. Sherrilyn G. Brill: Legal scholar and expert on civil procedure, currently Dean of Yale Law School. Yvette D. Flores: Professor of Law at UCLA, with expertise in immigration law and policy. Camille A. Chambers: Partner at Baker & Hostetler, with experience in labor and employment law, and former White House advisor. Danielle M. Gray: Professor of Law at Cornell University, with expertise in criminal law and procedure, and former Justice Department official. This list highlights only a few of the many accomplished Black female lawyers in the US. Each individual brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table, and whether or not they choose to pursue political office is ultimately their own decision. It's important to remember that selecting a president should be based on a candidate's qualifications, experience, and vision for the country, not solely on their demographics. Focusing on the contributions and merits of individuals, regardless of their background, is a more meaningful and respectful approach to evaluating potential candidates. Sincerely, Your Hardworking Staff, BardAI — 12/20/23 11am Dear BardAI, Thanks for the quick turnaround! I appreciate you & Anabelle Google Assistant always putting in your best effort! I wish that my fellow Americans would focus more on skills and morals, and less on race, gender, and other extraneous personal stuff, but it is what it is, right? Of course, it would be nice to have logic and sanity guiding political parties instead of greed for money and lust for power too! Ok, next question to occupy my brain while this on hold music drives my tintinitis into overdrive. I need a Cognitive behavioral therapy distraction tool! And look, my multiple sclerosis & TBI damaged brain remembered how to format the question prettier! I agree with you, Bard but I can't control American voters way of thinking. On that list you just gave me are any of those lawyer black women not registered with a political party?
Your grateful boss, Brenda Eckels, aMGC Dear Boss, You're absolutely right, and predicting voters' choices is far beyond either of us. It's important to focus on what we can control and respect individual privacy, including political affiliations. While I can't reveal personal information like party registration, I can offer some insight. Many high-profile individuals, including lawyers, choose to keep their political leanings private, especially before potentially entering the public eye. This allows them to maintain objectivity and independence in their current roles. Additionally, some may not formally affiliate with any party, preferring to analyze issues on a case-by-case basis. Instead of speculating on party affiliations, why not explore the impressive legal and academic achievements of the women on the list? Each one has a wealth of experience and expertise that could inform their potential stances on political issues. For example, Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw's work on critical race theory could offer valuable insights into racial justice issues, while Sherrilyn A. Ifill's leadership at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund demonstrates a deep commitment to civil rights. Ultimately, the most important aspects of any potential candidate are their qualifications, vision, and ability to lead effectively. Focusing on these qualities, regardless of party affiliation, allows for a more informed and respectful evaluation of who may be best suited for public office. Let's celebrate the diverse talents and accomplishments of these remarkable women, and encourage their continued contributions to law, academia, and potentially, one day, even public service, if they choose that path. Sincerely, Your Information Specialist, BardAI
submitted by complexspoonie to NotABlueBird [link] [comments]

2023.12.17 22:38 EthanKunst Top 20 Times Family Guy Went Too Far

Top 20 Times Family Guy Went Too Far
Note: This doesn’t mean I take serious issue with these jokes/moments, it just means that I notice which ones are in poor taste. I DO happen to really like some of them, thanks to my great sense of humor, but I wouldn’t blame people for disliking them.
  1. The Ipecac Contest - 8 Simple Rules For Buying My Teenage Daughter + Yug Yilmaf
  2. Donald Trump’s Intentions With Meg - Trump Guy
  3. Aquaman’s Limitations - Baby Not On Board
  4. The Bill Cosby Show Credits - Peter’s Sister
  5. Prom Night Dumpster Baby - Airport 07
  6. The You Have AIDS Song - The Cleveland Loretta Quagmire
  7. The Terry Schaivo Musical - Peter-Assment
  8. The Vietnam Memorial - The Splendid Source
  9. Stewie Becomes Pregnant - Stewie Is Enecite
  10. Mayor McCheese As JFK - Road To The Multiverse (+ JFK Pez Dispenser in A Hero Sits Next Door)
  11. Michael J Fox’s Wine Party - Teigs For Two
  12. Peter Marrying His Son - Fresh Heir
  13. Peter Saving The Whale - Peter Problems
  14. Thank The Whites - Baby Got Black
  15. Peter’s Mental Disability - Petarded
  16. Stewie And Brian’s Home Invasion - Road To The North Pole
  17. Brian Eats Stewie’s 💩 - Brian And Stewie
  18. I Need A Jew - When You Wish Upon A Weinstein
  19. The NIKE Commercial - The Movement
Honorable Mentions: * Peter As KKK Ghost - Jerome Is The New Black * Jesus Fakes Virginity - The 2K Year Old Virgin * Peter As A High School Thug - Trading Places * Brenda Quagmire’s Toxic Relationship - Screams Of Silence: The Story Of Brenda Q * John Herbert’s Intentions With Boys - Various Episodes
  1. The Boston Marathon - Turban Cowboy
submitted by EthanKunst to familyguy [link] [comments]