Always craving chocolate chip pancakes

Help with Smart Chips

2024.06.01 13:57 MssDoc Help with Smart Chips

Hi All--I'm having trouble keeping some of my File Chips as File Chips. I have a column (Column A) with images from my Google Drive. Those are "view" only images. I'm inserting a direct downloadable link in the next column (Column B). I am copying the link from the drop down in Column A. I then edit the link in Column B by replacing "view" with "download". Once the link in Column B is correct, I replace it with a File Chip. I've been doing this for all images (about 2000 so far.) It's working fine....or was. I'm running into a few images (always the same ones) where I do the above process, it looks like it works, holds for a little while. Then when I go back to the sheet, the Smart/File Chip is missing, and what is now in the cell is the text from the Smart/File Chip...and no drop down, no link, just text.
It's always the same images. They download fine from Google Drive. I've re-uploaded those images, shortened the titles, done everything I can think of.
Confused now. Any thoughts?
submitted by MssDoc to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:52 RubinMusic I DID IT! (My story)

I've been smoking on and off since high school. Whenever I drank alcohol, I would inevitably smoke, but in my latest job, where there was nothing to do during breaks except smoke, I ended up smoking up to a pack a day after 2-3 months. I smoked a pack a day for 1-2 months.
It became such a thing that if I didn't smoke after finishing my morning tasks, I would feel VERY tense. My family found out I smoked. They didn't react at all. I even smoked in front of them. Then I started feeling really bad about myself.
While I was living once, I couldn't stand ruining my lungs with this crap. I said myself, I'll quit no matter what. The first three days were really tough. Especially at work in the morning. Then it became quite easy. After a month, I had to fight a lot of willpower not to light up again when I drank alcohol with my friends.(I drink rarely) I didn't.
After a while, one day after my gig at a bar i was drinking with my friends, I wanted to smoke again because everyone around me was smoking. I somehow held myself back, and after that, it became something my body didn't crave, something I could easily withstand, whether I drank alcohol or not.I stopped counting days. I won't smoke for the rest of my life anyway. Whether it's 7 months or 7 years, it doesn't matter to me anymore.
In short, after the first three days, except for two occasions when I drank alcohol, it became much easier to resist. I saw a flavored cigarette that I always wanted to try that my friend was smoking the other day. But I didn't smoke it. It's over for me now. Moreover, my lighter is still in the bathroom and the cigarettes in my drawer are still there. Its presence there and my not taking it out to smoke another one make me feel good. That last pack will always be there, and I won't take it out to smoke. In short, I succeeded guys :)) I hope you'll succeed too. I'm quitting video games and sugar these days. When I looked at their subreddits, this place came to mind. Otherwise, smoking doesn't even cross my mind during the day. It really isn't that hard anymore
submitted by RubinMusic to quittingsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:51 okimborednow Success - Acer Aspire 7 on Sonoma

Took a good while, 2 rebuilds of the EFI and a good amount of troubleshooting, but we got here.
Ryzen 5 5500U with Vega Graphics RTX 3050Ti (disabled) 16GB DDR4 RAM 512GB SK Hynix SSD (disabled, causes a kernel panic) 320GB Seagate HDD of some variation (external through USB, boot drive) Intel AX200 WiFi/BT Sonoma 14.5
WiFi, BT, OS, USB, Battery readouts, graphics acceleration (via NootedRed), HDMI, Dualboot with Windows 11 (time synced correctly too)
Not working:
Internal SSD (incompatible even with NVMEFix), speakers (irrelevant since I always use BT earbuds), iServices, Sleep
Made this hack after doing it on my old HP with a 6th gen Intel chip, and decided doing it to my main laptop would be interesting.
submitted by okimborednow to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:44 redreed1 Ok blood sugar after eating but high in the morning

As the title says i have ok blood sugar after eating, even after eating chocolate or other suits, after 1 hour i am at 120 or slightly above. After 2 hours i am under 140. But thing is my blood sugar remains at around 110 always even in the morning (fasting blood sugar). Is this pre-diabetes? Ps. I had gestational diabetes.
submitted by redreed1 to prediabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 Lucky-Program7456 Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK

Unlocking the Secrets of Love Marriage: Expert Guidance from the Best Astrologer in the UK

Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK Love is in the air, and for many, it’s the most magical and transformative experience of life. But what happens when the spark of romance fades, and the reality of everyday life sets in? The journey to a successful and fulfilling marriage is not always easy, and the road to happiness can be fraught with challenges.
As the saying goes, “opposites attract,” but what happens when the differences in personalities, values, and lifestyles become a source of tension rather than excitement? Astrology has long been revered as a tool for understanding the intricacies of human relationships, and with the guidance of the best astrologer in the UK, we can unlock the secrets of love and marriage. In this post, we’ll delve into the mysteries of the universe and explore the expert insights that can help you navigate the twists and turns of your relationship, and find the path to a lifelong bond of love and commitment.

Understanding the role of astrology in love and marriage

As the ancient art of astrology continues to fascinate and captivate us, it’s no surprise that many of us turn to the stars for guidance on matters of the heart. In the realm of love and marriage, astrology can be a powerful tool for understanding the intricate dynamics of relationships and uncovering the secrets to a harmonious and fulfilling union. From the moment we meet our soulmate to the moment we exchange our vows, astrology can provide us with valuable insights into the energies that shape our love lives.
As the best astrologer in the UK, I have spent years honing my expertise in the complexities of astrology and its applications in the realm of love and marriage. Through my work, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact that astrology can have on our relationships, from the subtle nuances of planetary alignments to the profound shifts that can occur when we align our energies with the cosmos. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
In this blog post, we will delve into the role of astrology in love and marriage, exploring the ways in which the stars can guide us towards a more fulfilling and loving relationship. From the astrological signs that are most compatible with one another to the powerful energies that can shape our emotional responses, we will uncover the secrets of astrology and its role in unlocking the mysteries of love and marriage. Whether you’re seeking guidance on finding your soulmate or navigating the complexities of your current relationship, this post will provide you with the expert insights you need to unlock the secrets of love and marriage.

Expert guidance on the dos and don’ts of a successful marriage

As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless couples who are seeking to strengthen their bond and navigate the challenges that come with building a lifelong partnership. And, trust me, the journey to a successful marriage is not without its obstacles. In fact, it’s often the little things that can make or break a relationship. This is why I’ve dedicated this section to sharing my expert guidance on the dos and don’ts of a successful marriage.
From the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution, to the subtle yet powerful ways that astrological influences can shape our relationships, I’ll be sharing my insider knowledge to help you build a stronger, more loving bond with your partner. Whether you’re still in the early stages of your romance or you’ve been married for many years, these tips and insights will provide you with the tools you need to navigate the ups and downs of married life with confidence and wisdom. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
One of the most critical aspects of a successful marriage is learning to communicate effectively with your partner. This doesn’t just mean talking about the big things, but also being mindful of the little things that can make a big difference. As an astrologer, I’ve seen how the positions of the planets can influence our communication styles, and how understanding these influences can help us to better navigate our relationships. In this section, I’ll be sharing my expert guidance on how to use astrological insights to improve your communication and build a stronger, more loving bond with your partner.

Top 5 astrology signs that make perfect partners

As one of the most renowned astrologers in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of delving into the intricacies of the zodiac and uncovering the secrets of love and relationships. When it comes to determining the perfect partner, astrology can be a powerful tool in predicting compatibility and harmonious matches. In this section, we’ll be exploring the top 5 astrology signs that make perfect partners, and what qualities they bring to the table.
First up, we have the patient and gentle Taurus, who is known for their unwavering commitment and loyalty. Their practical nature and love of stability make them a perfect match for those who value security and long-term relationships. Next, we have the charismatic and adventurous Leo, who brings a spark of excitement and passion to their partnerships. Their natural leadership qualities and confident demeanor make them a magnet for those who crave attention and admiration. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
The empathetic and sensitive Cancer, with their nurturing nature and strong emotional intelligence, are often drawn to partners who share their compassionate and caring qualities. Their strong family ties and desire for a sense of belonging make them an ideal match for those who value close relationships and a sense of community. The intelligent and analytical Virgo, with their attention to detail and love of problem-solving, are often attracted to partners who share their analytical mind and love of learning.
Last but not least, we have the free-spirited and creative Pisces, who bring a touch of magic and imagination to their relationships. Their compassion and understanding nature make them a perfect match for those who value empathy and emotional support. Whether it’s their romantic nature, their adventurous spirit, or their ability to connect on a deep emotional level, these five signs have the potential to make for unforgettable and fulfilling partners.
In this section, we’ll delve deeper into the characteristics of each sign and explore the unique qualities that make them perfect partners. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or simply looking for a deeper understanding of the zodiac, you’ll find valuable insights and expert guidance in this section. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets of love and marriage, from the best astrologer in the UK.

The importance of compatibility in a marriage

As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless couples navigate the complexities of love and marriage. One of the most crucial factors that can make or break a relationship is compatibility. When two individuals are compatible, they share a deep understanding of each other’s needs, desires, and values, which creates a strong foundation for a lifelong bond. On the other hand, when couples are not compatible, they may struggle to communicate effectively, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.
In astrology, compatibility is measured by the planetary positions of the couple, particularly the Sun, Moon, and Venus. When these planets are in harmony, it’s a sign that the couple is destined for a happy and fulfilling marriage. For instance, when the Sun is in a harmonious aspect with the partner’s Venus, it indicates a strong sense of love and affection, which is essential for building a strong and lasting relationship. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
Moreover, an astrologer can also analyze the couple’s birth charts to identify potential areas of conflict and suggest ways to overcome them. By understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, couples can work together to build a stronger and more resilient relationship. As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of compatibility in marriage. By embracing the unique energies and vibrations that each partner brings to the table, couples can create a love marriage that is not only fulfilling but also long-lasting.

How to identify your soulmate using astrological signs

As the ancient art of astrology reveals the mysteries of the universe, the quest to find one’s soulmate has become a profound and intriguing topic. The stars have a way of whispering secrets about our destiny, and in this realm, the identification of our soulmate is a crucial piece of the puzzle. But, how do we decipher the celestial language to uncover the identity of our eternal companion?
In this section, we will delve into the world of astrological signs, where the zodiac wheel holds the key to unlocking the secrets of love and marriage. As we explore the intricacies of each sign, we will discover how the positions of the planets and the position of the sun at the time of our birth have a profound impact on our compatibility with others. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
From the fiery passion of the Leo to the intuitive nature of the Scorpio, each sign brings its unique set of characteristics and traits to the table. By understanding the astrological signs of our potential soulmates, we can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and ultimate compatibility with us.
As the best astrologer in the UK, I will guide you through the process of identifying your soulmate using astrological signs, providing you with a deeper understanding of the cosmic connections that can bring us together. Whether you’re seeking love, seeking guidance, or simply seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe, this section will reveal the secrets of love and marriage that will change your life forever.

The impact of planetary positions on love and marriage

As the planets continue to dance across the celestial sky, their intricate positions can have a profound impact on our most intimate and meaningful relationships. The ancient art of astrology has long recognized the subtle yet powerful influence of planetary alignments on the human experience, particularly when it comes to love and marriage. From the passionate allure of Venus to the fiery intensity of Mars, each planet plays a unique role in shaping our romantic journeys.
In this critical phase of our lives, the positions of the planets can either amplify our love and commitment or create challenges that test our relationships. For instance, a Jupiter-Moon conjunction can bring an influx of emotional support and nourishment, while a Saturn-Neptune opposition can lead to feelings of uncertainty and frustration. The intricate web of planetary relationships can also reveal hidden patterns and tendencies that may be driving our choices and behaviors in the pursuit of love and marriage. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
By understanding the astrological map that governs our lives, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of our relationships, allowing us to make more informed decisions and navigate the complexities of love and marriage with greater ease and confidence. As the best astrologer in the UK, I have spent years studying the ancient art of astrology and have developed a deep understanding of its profound impact on our personal and romantic lives. In this blog post, I will share my expert guidance on how to unlock the secrets of love and marriage, and provide you with the tools and knowledge to create a fulfilling and lasting relationship.
submitted by Lucky-Program7456 to u/Lucky-Program7456 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 07UchihaItachi Enough is enough

I have fapped for almost 2 years, thinking it was just a joke for tomorrow but now it has led me to a place where I don’t want to be, im in a relationship with my girl, but we have no time to spend together, I always craved for the intimacy in porn coz I didn’t get any in real life. But this stops now, from now on im on the path of no fap, I want to improve myself and my mental health. To anyone who is struggling, im with yall let’s overcome this together.
submitted by 07UchihaItachi to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:38 chenabgourmet1 Non-Alkalized Cacao Powder: A Superfood for Skin and Beyond

Non-Alkalized Cacao Powder: A Superfood for Skin and Beyond
In the vast world of superfoods, non-alkalized cacao powder stands out for its remarkable benefits, particularly for skin health. This potent form of cacao retains more of its natural properties due to the absence of the alkalizing process, making it a powerhouse of antioxidants and other health-promoting compounds. In this blog, we'll delve into the numerous advantages of incorporating non-alkalized cacao powder into your daily routine, explore its impact on skin health, and discover how it extends its benefits well beyond just your skin.
A note on Non Alkalised Cacao Powder
Non alkalised cacao powder is the purest form of cocoa powder. It is, simply put the pure crushed powder of the cocoa powder with most of the butter removed. The resultant powder is rich in acidity and has an amazing flavour and aroma profile. Non alkalised cocoa powder is used in making artisanal dark chocolates, hot cocoa and other products.

1. Enhanced Skin Health

Non-alkalized cacao powder is rich in flavonoids, particularly epicatechin, which are potent antioxidants. These antioxidants help combat oxidative stress in skin cells, which can lead to premature aging. Regular consumption can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin elasticity, giving your skin a more youthful, vibrant look.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The anti-inflammatory properties of non-alkalized cacao powder are a boon for those suffering from skin conditions like acne or psoriasis. The antioxidants in cacao help reduce inflammation, which can lead to a decrease in redness and irritation, promoting clearer, healthier-looking skin.

3. Sun Protection

Surprisingly, non-alkalized cacao powder can also contribute to your skin's natural resilience against UV radiation. The flavonoids in cacao enhance blood flow to the skin, improving its ability to protect itself against harmful UV rays and possibly reducing the potential for sunburn.

4. Stress Reduction

Stress is a well-known culprit behind various skin issues, including acne and eczema. Non-alkalized cacao powder contains significant levels of magnesium, which is known for its ability to alleviate stress and anxiety. A calmer mind can often lead to healthier skin.

5. Hormonal Balance

Hormonal imbalances often manifest through the skin. Non-alkalized cacao is rich in magnesium, which plays a key role in regulating hormones. By balancing hormone levels, non-alkalized cacao can help maintain a clearer and more radiant complexion.

Incorporating Non-Alkalized Cacao into Your Diet

Adding non-alkalized cacao powder to your diet is straightforward and delicious. Here are a few ideas:
  • Smoothies: Blend a tablespoon of cacao powder into your morning smoothie for a chocolatey kick.
  • Breakfast Bowls: Sprinkle cacao powder over your oatmeal or yogurt to enhance flavor and nutrition.
  • Baking: Substitute regular cocoa powder with non-alkalized cacao powder in your baking recipes for a healthier option.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the difference between non-alkalized and alkalized cacao powder?

Non-alkalized cacao powder is less processed and does not undergo the Dutch process, which involves treating with alkali. This lack of processing helps retain more antioxidants and natural compounds.

Q2: Can non-alkalized cacao powder help with weight management?

Yes, due to its high fiber content and the presence of theobromine, which can help boost metabolism, non-alkalized cacao can be a useful addition to a weight management diet.

Q3: Is non-alkalized cacao powder suitable for diabetics?

Yes, it is low in sugar and high in fiber, making it suitable for people managing diabetes. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Q4: How often should I consume non-alkalized cacao powder to see benefits?

Moderate daily consumption, such as one to two tablespoons, can be beneficial. However, as with any dietary addition, moderation is key.

Q5: Are there any side effects of consuming non-alkalized cacao powder?

In normal dietary amounts, it is generally safe for most people. Excessive consumption might cause caffeine-related side effects such as restlessness or a fast heartbeat.

How Chenab Gourmet Can Help You with Non-Alkalized Cacao Powder

Chenab Gourmet recognizes the importance of quality and purity in superfoods, which is why they offer premium non-alkalized cacao powder. Whether you're looking to enhance your skin health, balance your hormones, or simply enjoy a rich chocolate flavor in your meals, Chenab Gourmet provides you with the best product to meet your needs. With their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, incorporating the health benefits of non-alkalized cacao into your lifestyle has never been easier.
By understanding the extensive benefits of non-alkalized cacao powder and incorporating it into your daily regimen, you can enjoy not only enhanced skin health but also an overall improvement in your well-being.
Isvaari Non Alkalised Cacao Powder is one of the best cacao powder available in India. Minimally processed, it is rich in all of the cacao beans’ inherent health benefits and is a great ingredient to use in your baking and other preparations. Get onboard the taste express and get your pack of Isvaari Non Alkalised Cacao Powder at today!
submitted by chenabgourmet1 to u/chenabgourmet1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:24 SpiritedBrilliant703 Turning A College Side Hustle into $200 Million

It is a winter night in 2002, Seth Berkowitz's found himself craving something sweet and comforting amid the late-night video game sessions and pizza deliveries. As the snow fell outside, an idea took root – a business that could deliver warm cookies until the late hours of the morning.
So he starts with $150 worth of baking supplies, and spent his summer perfecting classic cookie recipes, enlisting feedback from friends and his wife, who coined the catchy name "Insomnia Cookies."
By junior year, he was ready to bake and deliver from his college house. Adorning dorm halls with flyers and offering flavor samples like Classic Chunk, Mint Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal Raisin, and M&M cookies.
Though initial orders trickled in, a front-page article in the school newspaper sparked a surge, propelling Insomnia Cookies from a mere three orders a night to a staggering 80.
Seth, the sole baker and delivery person, found himself overwhelmed yet exhilarated by the unexpected success, netting $10,000 by the end of the semester.
Therefore he continued refining his operations, establishing a website for orders and eventually relocating production to a commissary kitchen off-campus. Joined by co-founder Jared Barnett, Insomnia Cookies expanded its delivery zones, reaching campuses beyond UPenn's borders.
A proven business model, Seth thought about expanding Insomnia Cookies by strategically opening storefronts outside of Philadelphia near college towns.
With a $10,000 profit from his first semester and funds from angel investors, Seth opens up Insomnia's inaugural storefront in Syracuse, New York, just a week before his college graduation.
From there, more strategic expansion followed, with new locations planted near college campuses.
However, the road to success was paved with challenges. The financial crisis of 2008 nearly derailed Insomnia's trajectory, forcing Seth to downsize and take on multiple roles himself.
Until the advent of the iPhone and the growing appetite for late-night convenience proved to be another strategic cause for Insomnia's meteoric rise. As delivery apps such as DoorDash and GrubHub started to take place in the market.
From 2012 to 2018, the company experienced its fastest growth, opening 125 new stores and establishing a robust corporate team.
In 2018, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts acquired a majority stake in Insomnia for $140 million, a testament to the brand's growing success. Insomnia continued to flourish, raising an additional $4.5 million to fuel its expansion.
From humble beginnings in a college dorm kitchen, Insomnia Cookies now generates over $200 million a year with over 260 locations across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
All from a crave of a late night cookie.
Full article here or case studies
submitted by SpiritedBrilliant703 to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:21 Just_Your_Enemy Coming to a library near you!

Coming to a library near you!
In the meadow, wild and wide, Lived Becki Bison, with quite a stride. But oh, this bison, what a sight, Loved junk food, morning and night!
Chips and soda, candy galore, Becki would munch and always want more. Grazing the fields? Oh, no way! Snacks and sweets made her day.
Friends would say, "Becki, please, How 'bout some grass or leafy greens?" But Becki just laughed, and with a cheer, Opened another root beer.
So if you see a bison, round and stout, With a candy bar hanging out her snout, That's Becki Bison, happy as can be, In her junk food jubilee!
submitted by Just_Your_Enemy to BeckiJones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:18 hoggermite Tell Me It Gets Easier

Been alternating between rage and weeping for the past 48ish hours. My S.O. basically gave me an ultimatum to quit vaping, which I've been doing for about five years. Prior to that I smoked cigarettes since I was 18. I've been hooked on nicotine for nearly 20 years.
I want to believe that the emotions I'm feeling are from withdrawal. I'm scared that I'm going to feel like this forever- maybe these are the emotions good ol’ nicotine has been helping me soothe away. And without nicotine anymore, maybe I'm just going to feel like this always from now on.
Please be gentle guys, only the encouraging words. I feel like a total piece of shit for feeling this way. I feel so weak, because of how hard this is. Im mad at myself for being so dramatic but i feel so overwhelmed.
I literally can't see one positive or upside. My S.O. will (hopefully) lay off? Nag me less? Part of why am crying is just the realization of how little self-respect I have left, and how little respect he must have for me to put me in this position. Please pray for me.
I couldn't sleep last night. I laid down but experienced muscle twitches, the CRAVING, and this constant feeling that still won't abate like I'm low-grade suffocating. Like there's a pillowcase over my head and I can't get enough air. Except it's not air I'm craving, it's nicotine I'm sure. But I sat up all night like that, sweating and breathing heavy trying to feel not terrible. I finally got about 4hrs sleep, went to work, and have felt that same suffocating panicky feeling all day today, in between the rages and the weeping. The thought of food makes me wanna cry.
Everything I read says I'll "feel better" or healthier or whatever once i've kicked the habit but I don't believe that for a second. I just read a list of things that'll improve when you quit. Nothing on that list is a concern of mine. Energy is fine, stairs aren't hard, I don't cough and my skin looks great. The benefits feel like they outweigh the negatives, far as I can tell. Please, someone who's gone through this: convince me that isn't the case! Please convince my pea-brain that there's some "win" to be had here by quitting.
submitted by hoggermite to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:14 DemonOverlord15 Update to Clif Bars

Update to Clif Bars
Made a post on Saturday about deceptive pricing on Clif Bars. Charging $8.69 USD for 5 packs of Clif Bars. Wrote an email and here is the response. Shoutout to u/Brit_Jam for posting their AI generated response.
submitted by DemonOverlord15 to shrinkflation [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:13 Single_Earth_2973 7 and a half months in and…

It’s true what everyone said on this forum, 7 and a half months/8 months really is the huge turning point
It’s funny, I still wake up crying often. But crying has always been something beautiful to me. It’s a sign that things are moving, things are healing.
I’m not frozen in fear. Hypervigilant and having rolling panic attacks for days on end.
PTSD is literally the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. I wish there was some bullshit silver lining in that but there’s not. It’s fucking awful, but I’m so thankful and relieved that we have amazing, powerful therapies like EMDR. We don’t have to suffer in pain for months and decades of our lives. We can heal, we can grow, we can recover.
I’m feeling lighter and happier. I have more perspective. I realize what happened to me is not my fault. My panic attacks have switched from three day long anxiety fests to like an evening after I get triggered, and I’m not done yet.
I’m feeling so hopeful and optimistic about the future. I’m excited for the summer, I’m planning things, I have so much love in my heart for my friends. Small things like hot chocolate and bubble baths and yellow roses make my heart so happy.
I never thought I would get here. I felt stuck and broken. I was terrified I’d be terrified forever. But we can always heal.
“Trauma is a fact of life but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.”
My life has been full of trauma but it’s also been full of growth, healing and self discovery. I work through the pain and I heal myself everyday, I don’t give up on myself, I don’t abandon myself when sometimes all I want to do is not exist (when I’m in the middle of that pain) and if you’re here - neither do you.
And you should be so proud of yourself for that. You are an amazing human being that you are so resilient and you try so hard for yourself when it would be so fucking easy to just give up. Well fuck that coz that’s just what our abusers and perpetrators want us to do. Let’s heal and move forward and leave them to rot in their self-imposed misery and pain.
One thing I’ve been thinking about is I wonder if people with PTSD/CPTSD have more sensitive nervous systems. I believe that “mental illness” is a natural response to awful circumstances and that most people in one way or another have struggles with and anxiety and depression. Because we have been through so much, we suffer more.
Sometimes it is so unfair that we get “stuck” with PTSD and CPTSD after our trauma (with PTSD being statistically unlikely for many) but I also wonder if our sensitivity is also a gift, we feel our pain and our fear more deeply than others but we also feel things like love, joy and gratitude more deeply than others too. We are so sensitive to the world and the beauty in it (as well as all that is awful) because we understand how fragile and vulnerable it is. We know life can be taken in a second. Many people are asleep to that and they never know and realize the preciousness of life and all those little moments until they’re on their deathbed. We’ve already been there in a way. We brushed with death in one form or another and survived. And our life is a tragic gift because of it. And there’s so much bittersweet growth and insight to be found in that. I’d most definitely give it back ;) but there is no back, so what is the lesson? What is the beauty? It’s hard to see where you’re suffering so acutely, but it’s easier to see once you get out onto the other side a little.
I felt so hopeless even a month or two ago but now I’m seeing so much goodness and growth and recovery
Maybe tomorrow I might feel differently. Maybe I’ll want to die again. But maybe I won’t. 😊😉
Keep going 💛
submitted by Single_Earth_2973 to EMDR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:13 SweetPoem7625 You only hold on to things you lack

You hold on to fat because you subconsciously think that you think will run out of food. Instead notice how food (any time of food whether it’s Pepsi, cake, salads… are actually pretty affordable and available at all times)
Your body holds water weight because you forget to drink, so your body thinks you don’t have enough water at all times so you bloat. Instead get into the habit of drinking more daily this way your body knows that you have enough water income and there’s no need to hold water weight.
When you panic or worry about money or SP, your mind knows that money or SP are not there, so naturally reality holds on to the fact that money and SP are not there. So give your body/mind/soul love and abundance this way you are a lot more likely to have your SP and money.
Rich people don’t think about money that much. They just have money.
Loved people don’t worry about the lack of love because they have plenty of it. It is available everywhere at all times.
Full stomachs (and mind because overeating is psychological) don’t crave food all the time. Food is always available everywhere at all times.
You only hold on to things you lack.
submitted by SweetPoem7625 to ALLISMINDCOMMUNITY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Nevada City Ca

Best Pizza in Nevada City Ca
Best Pizza in Nevada City Ca Hungry for the most mouthwatering pizza in Nevada City, CA? Look no further!We've scoured the city to find the absolute best pizzerias, satisfying our own deep love for pizza. From acclaimed restaurants to cozy family-owned joints, we've got it all covered.Whether you crave Detroit-style, New York-style, or wood-fired pizzas, we've found the perfect spots. Plus, these places cater to various dietary preferences.Get ready to indulge in crispy crusts, tasty toppings, and gooey cheese.Join us as we uncover the top pizza places in Nevada City, CA!Key TakeawaysNorthridge Restaurant is a highly acclaimed pizza parlor on Nevada Street, known for its expansive menu with vegetarian-friendly options and tasty food choices for children.The Pizza Joint is a family-owned pizzeria in downtown Nevada City that serves Detroit and New York-style pizzas in a casual setting with indoor and outdoor dining areas.Three Forks Bakery & Brewing Co. is a 7-barrel brewpub and cafe on Commercial Street, offering house-crafted beer, regional wines, wood-fired pizzas, and baked goods with a weekly-changing menu.Lamppost Pizza is a well-renowned dining establishment in Grass Valley, part of a pizza chain in California, known for its vibrant atmosphere, family-friendly setting, hand-tossed pies, and overstuffed sandwiches.Northridge RestaurantOne of the highly acclaimed pizza parlors in Nevada City is Northridge Restaurant, located on Nevada Street. Northridge Restaurant is known for its expansive menu and delicious pizzas. They offer a variety of vegetarian-friendly options, ensuring that everyone can find something to enjoy. In addition to their regular menu, Northridge Restaurant also has weekly changing specials, keeping things exciting and giving customers something new to try. This commitment to variety and accommodating different dietary preferences makes Northridge Restaurant a great choice for those looking for a safe and satisfying pizza experience.The atmosphere at Northridge Restaurant is minimalistic and inviting, with table and booth seating available. The staff is attentive and friendly, ensuring that customers feel welcome and comfortable. The restaurant takes great care in preparing their food, using high-quality ingredients to create flavorful and mouth-watering pizzas.As we transition into the subsequent section about 'the pizza joint,' it's important to note that Northridge Restaurant sets a high standard for quality and variety in the pizza scene in Nevada City. With their vegetarian-friendly options and weekly changing specials, they offer a unique and enjoyable dining experience.However, there are other notable pizza places in town that are worth exploring.The Pizza JointWhat makes The Pizza Joint in downtown Nevada City a popular choice for pizza lovers? The answer lies in their diverse menu, welcoming atmosphere, and commitment to quality.As a family-owned pizzeria, The Pizza Joint offers a unique experience that sets it apart from chain pizzerias.One of the highlights of The Pizza Joint's menu is the option to choose between Detroit style and New York style pizzas. Detroit style pizza is known for its thick, square-shaped crust that's both crispy and chewy. On the other hand, New York style pizza features a thin, foldable crust with a generous amount of toppings. This variety allows customers to satisfy their cravings and experience different styles of pizza.The casual setting of The Pizza Joint adds to its appeal. With both indoor and outdoor dining areas, customers can enjoy their meal in a comfortable and relaxed environment. The accommodating staff ensures that all safety protocols are followed, making it a suitable choice for those who prioritize their well-being.The fact that The Pizza Joint is family-owned adds a personal touch to the dining experience. The owners take pride in their establishment and strive to provide excellent service and high-quality food. This commitment to quality is evident in the delicious pizzas that are made with fresh ingredients and prepared with care.In a city filled with pizza options, The Pizza Joint stands out as a popular choice for pizza lovers. Whether you prefer the hearty and satisfying Detroit style or the classic and foldable New York style, this family-owned pizzeria offers something for everyone.Three Forks Bakery & Brewing CoLocated on Commercial Street, Three Forks Bakery & Brewing Co offers a unique combination of house-crafted beer, regional wines, and wood-fired pizzas. This family-friendly establishment provides a safe and inviting atmosphere for all. With their focus on quality ingredients and artisanal techniques, Three Forks Bakery & Brewing Co ensures a memorable dining experience.One of the highlights at Three Forks Bakery & Brewing Co is their house-crafted beer. Whether you're a beer enthusiast or just looking to try something new, their selection is sure to satisfy. From hoppy IPAs to smooth stouts, there's a beer for every palate. And if beer isn't your drink of choice, they also offer a variety of regional wines to complement your meal.Speaking of meals, the wood-fired pizzas are a must-try at Three Forks Bakery & Brewing Co. The pizzas are cooked in a traditional wood-fired oven, resulting in a crispy crust and perfectly melted cheese. With a weekly changing menu, you'll always find something new and exciting to try. And if you're not in the mood for pizza, they also offer a variety of baked goods that are equally delicious.For those who prefer to dine al fresco, Three Forks Bakery & Brewing Co has a patio for outdoor dining. It's the perfect spot to enjoy your meal while taking in the beautiful surroundings. The patio is spacious and provides a comfortable and safe setting for families and friends to gather.Lamppost PizzaWe definitely recommend checking out Lamppost Pizza for a delicious and satisfying dining experience in Nevada City, CA. Lamppost Pizza is a well-renowned dining establishment in Grass Valley and part of a pizza chain in California.Here are some key features that make Lamppost Pizza a great choice:Signature pizza flavors: At Lamppost Pizza, you can indulge in their hand-tossed pies that are made with high-quality ingredients. They offer a wide selection of signature pizza flavors, ranging from classic options like Margherita and Pepperoni to unique combinations like BBQ Chicken and Pesto Veggie. Whether you prefer traditional or adventurous flavors, Lamppost Pizza has something for everyone.Happy hour specials: Lamppost Pizza is known for its happy hour specials, which are perfect for those looking to enjoy some delicious pizza and drinks at a discounted price. During happy hour, you can take advantage of special deals on both food and beverages. It's a great opportunity to try out different flavors and enjoy a fun and affordable dining experience.Family-friendly setting: Lamppost Pizza provides a vibrant atmosphere with flat-screen televisions, making it a great place to gather with friends and family. The restaurant is designed to accommodate all ages, with spacious seating areas and a welcoming ambiance. The staff at Lamppost Pizza is attentive and friendly, ensuring a safe and enjoyable dining experience for everyone.Papa Murphys Take and Bake PizzaSometimes, my friends and I enjoy ordering Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Pizza for a convenient and delicious meal. Papa Murphy's is a charming pizzeria located in Fowler Center, offering a unique experience with their handmade pizzas. They have a wide variety of flavors to choose from, including classic options, stuffed pizzas, and even keto-friendly choices. One of the benefits of Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Pizza is that you can enjoy the convenience of having a freshly made pizza in the comfort of your own home.Here is a table highlighting some of the unique pizza flavors offered at Papa Murphy's:FlavorsDescriptionCowboy PizzaLoaded with pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms for a hearty and satisfying taste.Thai Chicken PizzaA fusion of Thai and Italian flavors, with grilled chicken, peanut sauce, and fresh veggies.Gourmet VegetarianA flavorful combination of artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes, and a blend of cheeses.Chicken Bacon ArtichokeA mouthwatering combination of grilled chicken, crispy bacon, and tangy artichoke hearts.Aside from the unique flavors, there are several benefits to choosing Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Pizza. First, you have control over the baking process, ensuring that your pizza is cooked to perfection. This can be especially important for those with dietary restrictions or food allergies, as you can closely monitor the ingredients and cooking process. Additionally, take and bake pizza eliminates the need for delivery or dining out, reducing the risk of exposure to external factors.ConclusionAs our pizza journey through Nevada City, CA comes to a close, we're left with a lingering sense of anticipation and satisfaction.The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked crusts, the vibrant colors of flavorful toppings, and the melty perfection of gooey cheese have left an indelible mark on our taste buds.From the rustic charm of Northridge Restaurant to the innovative creations at The Pizza Joint, each pizzeria offered a unique and delightful experience.So, if you find yourself in Nevada City, be sure to embark on your own pizza adventure and discover the mouthwatering magic that awaits you.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:06 Direct-Caterpillar77 My (29F) Boyfriend (29M) keeps getting into fights with a cook at Waffle House

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/ThrowRA_wafflehouse
My (29F) Boyfriend (29M) keeps getting into fights with a cook at Waffle House
Originally posted to relationship_advice
Original Post May 11, 2020
I know this sounds really weird, but here it is:
My BF and I have been together for three years. We met and started dating when we were both in graduate school, but I dropped out to go back to college to pursue a different career. We are both finished now, and live together making a fairly nice combined income.
Our income is relevant because we could afford to eat somewhere nice when we're out and about, but he always wants breakfast food. When he was a child his dad couldn't stand eating breakfast-type food in the afternoon or evenings, so his mom would make him waffles/pancakes, eggs, and bacon in the evening whenever his dad was busy or out of town. It's a wonderful and safe memory for him, and when he goes to his "happy place," he says that's where he always goes.
My BF is an incredibly nice and caring person. He's emotionally tuned in to everyone and recognizes arising issues a long time before they occur. He loves animals, and is kind and gentle with every bug, bird, and pet that he comes across. He's almost always willing to turn the other cheek in social situations where somebody tries to insult him or get aggressive towards him, and usually winds up defusing the situation and having a productive discussion about whatever the issue was. Except at Waffle House.
Anytime we're out he wants to go to the same goddamn Waffle House and get breakfast food. I'm not a big eater, so I used to not really care. I would just drink coffee and read my book while he enjoyed his food. But that became impossible once he and this one cook started chirping at each other every time we went there. BF complained about his eggs one time, because he likes them a little runny and they were served hard. The cook responded by giving him scrambled eggs. When he brought it up again the cook served him two hardboiled eggs. I think it was just part of the cook's schtick, and it was kind of funny tbh, but my BF wasn't able to laugh it off. When we left he was in kind of a bad mood, but we didn't really talk about it.
The next week we were out getting some shopping done, and he wanted to go to Waffle House again. I suggested that we try out a different place, or at least a different Waffle House location, but he only wanted the same Waffle House. We went in and sat down, and once again the same cook served his eggs wrong. My BF sort of snapped at him that he wasn't interested in messing around, and just wanted the correct eggs. The cook then served him a piece of toast with a hole cut out in the middle with a fried egg in it. My BF got really mad and threw the egg toast at the cook, which made the cook come around from behind the bar and throw it back at him. They ended up sort of wrestling/fighting until my BF was like "this is bullshit" and walked out. Nobody got hurt, but the few other people in there were watching and laughing a bit.
This is the crazy part: my BF keeps going back and ordering eggs and getting into fistfights with the same cook. It's almost a ritual at this point. My BF orders runny eggs, the cook serves him some other version of eggs, and then they beat the shit out of each other. I quit going with him after the second fight, but he kept going by himself. They're like Peter and the giant chicken from Family Guy, it's the weirdest thing. They've physically fought like 6 or 7 times over this.
I've tried to talk to him about it a few times, but he keeps saying it's a matter of principle. I've told him to talk to the manager or something like that, but he just waves me off. Apparently that cook hasn't yet made him the correct runny eggs, but it's like he spends the week learning new ways of preparing eggs to piss my boyfriend off.
The thing is, we're getting married this summer. He's accepted a job in a new city and it'll be easy for me to find work after the wedding, so we'll be moving away from his sworn enemy waffle house guy. He hasn't really been out since quarantine started, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the first place he goes when restaurants open back up for sitting customers. But my main worry is this strange vindictive side of him I've never seen before that leads him to fight the same guy every week. The violence itself is an issue for me, but the obsession over it almost bothers me more.
Should I be worried that this side of him will come up later in our marriage? How do I get him to open up about this? Is this type of obsession a choice, or is it indicative of something deeper?
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofNoUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:03 Alarming_Guitar705 Latptop Screen

I do have an ASUZ TUF Gaming Laptop. Its one year old, running Windows 11. The problem is that the display is not working. It works sometimes but not always. When I connect a second screen using HDMI cable, it works all the time. But when I check without HDMI cable, it only work rarely. Even if not working, I can see a black backlight on the screen indicating that power is reaching there. I'm wondering whether this is screen issue or any other controllechip issue. Display driver, Windows etc is the latest. Has anyone faced this before?
submitted by Alarming_Guitar705 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 Alarming_Guitar705 Laptop Screen

I do have an ASUZ TUF Gaming Laptop. Its one year old, running Windows 11. The problem is that the display is not working. It works sometimes but not always. When I connect a second screen using HDMI cable, it works all the time. But when I check without HDMI cable, it only work rarely. Even if not working, I can see a black backlight on the screen indicating that power is reaching there. I'm wondering whether this is screen issue or any other controllechip issue. Display driver, Windows etc is the latest. Has anyone faced this before?
submitted by Alarming_Guitar705 to AskComputerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Newnan Ga

Best Restaurants in Newnan Ga
Best Restaurants in Newnan Ga Welcome to our guide on the best restaurants in Newnan, GA! We're here to take you on a mouthwatering journey through this charming city's vibrant food scene.From the smoky delights of Meat N Greet's barbecue to the sizzling steaks at Texas Roadhouse, we'll explore the menus that will make your taste buds dance.Craving pizza? Fabianos Pizzeria has got you covered. And for those seeking a taste of Asia, Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar will transport you to flavor paradise.So join us as we uncover the culinary treasures of Newnan!Key TakeawaysMeat N Greet offers a unique and diverse menu focused on barbecue and smoked meats, but may have limited options for vegetarians or those with dietary restrictions.Texas Roadhouse is known for its high-quality steaks and family-friendly atmosphere, but wait times can be long during peak hours and the noise level can be high.Fabianos Pizzeria serves authentic Italian-style pizza with fresh ingredients, but the menu may lack variety for those looking for a broader range of Italian dishes and the service can be inconsistent.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar is highly rated and offers a chance to explore Thai cuisine and sushi, making it a popular choice for those looking to try Asian dishes in Newnan.Meat N GreetWe absolutely love the diverse and unique menu at Meat N Greet, focusing on barbecue and smoked meats. Located in downtown Newnan, it's a must-visit for meat lovers. The restaurant offers a wide variety of flavors and options that will surely satisfy any craving.As you step inside Meat N Greet, you're greeted with a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The rustic decor and friendly staff create a charming and laid-back ambiance, making it the perfect place for casual gatherings and family dinners.The menu at Meat N Greet primarily focuses on meat dishes, so vegetarians or those with dietary restrictions may find limited options. However, for those who appreciate the flavors of barbecue and smoked meats, this is the place to be. From mouthwatering brisket and pulled pork to succulent ribs and flavorful sausages, there's something for everyone.One thing to note is that some diners may find the prices on the higher end, especially for larger groups or families. However, the quality and taste of the food make it worth the splurge. Plus, the portion sizes are generous, ensuring you leave satisfied.If you're not sure what to order, we highly recommend trying their jumbo-cut wings, El Diablo craft burger, and signature cocktail drink, Everything Floats. The Moscow Mule is also a crowd favorite.Texas RoadhouseThere are many reasons why we love Texas Roadhouse. One of the standout features of Texas Roadhouse is their commitment to serving high-quality steaks. Their steaks are seasoned and cooked to perfection, ensuring a delicious and tender dining experience. Whether you prefer a juicy ribeye or a mouthwatering steak and shrimp combination, Texas Roadhouse has options to satisfy any steak lover's cravings.In addition to their top-notch steaks, Texas Roadhouse offers a lively and family-friendly atmosphere. The restaurant is known for its vibrant ambiance, complete with occasional entertainment like line dancing. It's the perfect place to gather with friends or bring the whole family for a fun and memorable lunch experience.However, it's important to note that Texas Roadhouse can get quite busy, especially during peak hours. This popularity can result in long wait times, so it's advisable to plan accordingly or make a reservation if possible. Additionally, due to the lively atmosphere, the noise level in the restaurant can be high, which may not be suitable for those seeking a quiet dining experience.Fabianos PizzeriaWhy should we try Fabianos Pizzeria for a delicious Italian-style pizza in Newnan, GA? Here are three reasons why this cozy and casual restaurant is worth a visit:Authentic Italian pizza: Fabianos Pizzeria offers mouthwatering Italian-style pizza that will satisfy any pizza lover's cravings. Their pizzas are made with fresh ingredients and come in a variety of toppings, allowing you to customize your pie to perfection. From the classic Margherita to the specialty Mrs. Fabiano pizza, there's something for everyone's taste buds.Cozy and casual ambiance: Fabianos Pizzeria provides a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, making it the perfect spot for a casual dining experience with friends or family. Whether you choose to dine in or take out, you can enjoy your pizza in a cozy setting that feels like home.Popular dishes to try: In addition to their delicious pizzas, Fabianos Pizzeria offers a selection of other Italian dishes that are worth trying. From the hearty lasagna to the savory calzone, there's a variety of options to satisfy your Italian food cravings. And don't forget to save room for dessert! Aunt Maria's Tiramisu is a popular choice that will leave you wanting more.La Parrilla Mexican RestaurantOne of our favorite Mexican restaurants in Newnan Ga is La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant. La Parrilla offers a wide range of authentic Mexican dishes that are sure to satisfy any craving. From traditional tacos and enchiladas to sizzling fajitas and refreshing margaritas, they have it all. The restaurant has a vibrant and lively atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a meal with friends or family. The staff is friendly and attentive, ensuring a pleasant dining experience.To give you a better idea of the menu options at La Parrilla, here is a table showcasing some popular dishes:DishDescriptionCarne AsadaGrilled marinated steak served with rice, beans, and tortillasPollo con QuesoGrilled chicken breast topped with cheese sauce and served with rice and beansEnchiladas VerdesChicken enchiladas topped with green sauce and served with rice and beansChimichangaDeep-fried burrito filled with your choice of meat and served with rice and beansMargaritasA variety of margaritas available, including classic, flavored, and frozen optionsLa Parrilla Mexican Restaurant is a great choice for Mexican cuisine lovers in Newnan Ga. Whether you're looking for a quick lunch or a leisurely dinner, their menu has something for everyone. So, if you're craving delicious Mexican food in a fun and lively atmosphere, be sure to check out La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi BarAre there any vegetarian options available at Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?Absolutely! This restaurant offers a range of delicious vegetarian dishes that are sure to satisfy any palate.Here are three vegetarian options you can enjoy at Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar:Vegetable Pad Thai: This classic Thai dish features stir-fried rice noodles with a medley of fresh vegetables, including bell peppers, carrots, and bean sprouts. Tossed in a tangy and flavorful sauce, the Vegetable Pad Thai is a crowd favorite.Green Curry with Tofu: If you're in the mood for something spicy, the Green Curry with Tofu is a fantastic choice. This dish combines creamy coconut milk, fragrant Thai basil, and a variety of vegetables, all cooked to perfection. The tofu adds a satisfying protein element to the dish.Avocado Sushi Roll: For sushi lovers, the Avocado Sushi Roll is a must-try. This roll features creamy avocado wrapped in sushi rice and seaweed, creating a delightful combination of textures. It's a refreshing and light option that's perfect for those seeking a vegetarian sushi option.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar offers a diverse menu that caters to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Whether you're in the mood for Thai cuisine or sushi, you can find a variety of flavorful options to choose from. The restaurant's commitment to providing vegetarian choices ensures that everyone can enjoy a satisfying and delicious meal.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Vegetarian Options Available at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?At Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar, the vegetarian options may be limited.While Meat N Greet primarily focuses on meat dishes, they may have limited choices for vegetarians.Texas Roadhouse offers a lively atmosphere but has limited vegetarian options.Fabianos Pizzeria excels in pizza but may lack variety in other Italian dishes.La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant's vegetarian options aren't specified.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar offers a chance to explore Thai cuisine and sushi, which may have vegetarian options.Are Reservations Required at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?Reservations at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar may not be required, but it's recommended to call ahead, especially during busy times.Availability may vary, so it's best to check with each restaurant individually. Keep in mind that popular dining spots tend to have longer wait times, so making a reservation can help ensure a more seamless dining experience.Do Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar Offer Takeout or Delivery Services?Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar all offer takeout or delivery services.You can enjoy the diverse menu and unique flavors of Meat N Greet.Savor high-quality steaks at Texas Roadhouse.Indulge in authentic Italian pizza at Fabianos Pizzeria.Experience the flavors of Mexican cuisine at La Parrilla.Explore Thai cuisine and sushi at Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar, all from the comfort of your own home.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options Available at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?At Meat N Greet, there are limited gluten-free options available. It's important to note that Meat N Greet primarily focuses on meat dishes, so their menu may have limited choices for those with dietary restrictions.Texas Roadhouse offers a variety of steaks, but their gluten-free options may be limited.Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar don't specifically mention gluten-free options on their menus.Are There Any Vegan Options Available at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?At Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar, there may be limited vegan options available. These restaurants primarily focus on meat dishes or have a limited menu variety, which may not cater specifically to vegan diets.However, it's always a good idea to check with the restaurants directly to inquire about any vegan options they may offer.ConclusionIn conclusion, the restaurants in Newnan, GA offer a diverse range of cuisines and dining experiences that are sure to satisfy any palate. Whether you're in the mood for barbecue, steaks, pizza, Mexican food, Thai cuisine, or a sophisticated dining experience, Newnan has it all.So don't wait, grab your fork and knife, and embark on a culinary adventure in this charming city. Bon appétit, y'all!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:47 tgwtg Craving

I had a craving yesterday and along with it came the thought: “Am I really NEVER going to use a mood/mind altering substance again???”
My substances of choice were alcohol and THC. I used alcohol much more often, but I always preferred the high of THC.
I know some people on this sub use THC, and if that works for you, that’s great. But for me they are equally destructive. Neither have truly been about relaxing for many, many years. They are about numbing. They are about “zonking out”. Avoiding life. They pull me from living my life into a kind of life support. And when I start, I don’t know how to stop.
That craving voice Is only thinking about all the time I haven’t used up to now when it says “just this one time”. He’s not thinking about what comes after the “one time”. The craving voice is a child who lacks executive function. He wants what he wants when he wants it. I have to be the responsible adult and say, “No. It’s not safe. One time leads to a second time and a third time and a fourth time…”. I have to tell the craving child I love him, but I know best.
I have to be the responsible adult every day…damnit.
I didn’t use yesterday. I knew I could avoid using for one day. I know that forever is made up of “one day”s. I know I CAN do this. I just need to regroup and replenish my strength now and again. Posting here. Journaling. Talking to friends. Recovery Dharma. These things give me strength.
submitted by tgwtg to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in Hendersonville Nc

Best Breakfast in Hendersonville Nc
Best Breakfast in Hendersonville Nc Are you in search of the best breakfast spots in Hendersonville, NC? Look no further!We've gathered a list of top-notch restaurants that serve mouth-watering morning meals to satisfy all your cravings. From artisan bakeries boasting the sweet scent of roasted coffee and fresh baked goods, to homestyle American diners offering generous portions of delectable favorites, Hendersonville has it all.Join us as we explore the diverse and delicious breakfast options this charming town has to offer.Key TakeawaysFlat Rock Village Bakery and Honey and Salt are two bakeries in Hendersonville, NC known for their mouth-watering pastries and breads.Pops Diner and Dixie Diner are restaurants in Hendersonville, NC that serve comforting homestyle American meals, including dishes like meatloaf, fried chicken, and macaroni and cheese.Honey and Salt is a restaurant in Hendersonville, NC that reinvents homestyle favorites with creative twists, using unexpected ingredients like truffle oil and smoked bacon.Pops Diner and Eggs Up Grill in Hendersonville, NC are known for their donuts and fried chicken, offering a combination of sweet and savory flavors.Bakeries With a Variety of Tempting TreatsWe've heard that Flat Rock Village Bakery in Hendersonville, NC, whips up mouth-watering pastries and breads that are sure to tempt our taste buds. Located in Hendersonville, NC, this bakery is a haven for breakfast and brunch lovers.As soon as you walk through the door, you're greeted by the warm and comforting aroma of freshly baked goods.The bakery offers a wide variety of treats, from flaky croissants to decadent cinnamon rolls. Their pastries are made with the finest ingredients and are always baked to perfection. One bite and you'll be transported to pastry paradise.If you're in the mood for something heartier, Flat Rock Village Bakery also serves up delicious breakfast options. From classic eggs and bacon to fluffy pancakes, their menu has something for everyone. And don't forget to pair your meal with a steaming cup of coffee or a refreshing glass of orange juice.Whether you're looking for a quick bite on the go or a leisurely brunch with friends, Flat Rock Village Bakery is the place to be. Their commitment to quality and their passion for baking shines through in every bite. So next time you're in Hendersonville, make sure to stop by and experience the best breakfast in town.Artisan Bakeries With a Sweet Aroma of Roasted Coffee and Baked GoodsAs we walk into the artisan bakery, the sweet aroma of roasted coffee and baked goods fills the air, enticing us to indulge in their delectable treats. In Hendersonville, NC, there are several artisan bakeries that offer a wide variety of mouth-watering options for breakfast and brunch. These bakeries are known for their commitment to using high-quality ingredients and creating delicious pastries, bread, and other baked goods.One popular choice for breakfast in Hendersonville, NC is the Flat Rock Village Bakery. This bakery not only offers a cozy atmosphere but also provides a range of delectable treats. From freshly baked croissants to flaky pastries, they've something to satisfy every craving. Additionally, their roasted coffee is the perfect accompaniment to their baked goods.Another artisan bakery that's worth a visit is Honey and Salt. This bakery is known for its unique flavor combinations and attention to detail. Their pastries aren't only visually appealing but also bursting with flavor. Whether you're in the mood for a classic cinnamon roll or a more adventurous option like a lavender-infused scone, Honey and Salt has it all.When it comes to finding the best breakfast and brunch options in Hendersonville, NC, these artisan bakeries are the go-to spots. With their sweet aroma of roasted coffee and baked goods, they create an inviting atmosphere that's perfect for starting the day off right. So, if you're in the area, don't miss out on the chance to indulge in these delectable treats.Restaurants With Comforting Homestyle American MealsWhen it comes to finding restaurants with comforting homestyle American meals, there are a few standout options in Hendersonville, NC.Pops Diner and Dixie Diner are known for their classic comfort food options, serving up homestyle favorites like meatloaf, fried chicken, and macaroni and cheese.These restaurants have reinvented traditional dishes to create a nostalgic dining experience that will leave you feeling warm and satisfied.Classic Comfort Food OptionsWe can find a variety of comforting homestyle American meals at Pops Diner and Dixie Diner. These restaurants offer classic dishes that bring back nostalgic memories of home-cooked meals.At Pops Diner, you can enjoy hearty favorites such as meatloaf with mashed potatoes, chicken and dumplings, and macaroni and cheese. The atmosphere is cozy and inviting, with friendly staff ready to serve you.Dixie Diner also serves up delicious homestyle meals, including fried chicken, country fried steak, and chicken pot pie. The portions are generous, and the flavors are rich and satisfying.Whether you're craving a comforting plate of meat and potatoes or a warm bowl of homemade soup, Pops Diner and Dixie Diner are sure to satisfy your cravings for classic American comfort food.Homestyle Favorites ReinventedOur favorite local restaurant, Honey and Salt, has reinvented homestyle favorites with their creative takes on classic American meals. Their innovative approach to traditional dishes has made them a standout in the culinary scene. Here are three reasons why Honey and Salt is a must-try for anyone seeking a unique dining experience:Creative twists: Honey and Salt takes familiar dishes like mac and cheese and transforms them into gourmet delights, adding unexpected ingredients like truffle oil and smoked bacon to elevate the flavors.Locally sourced ingredients: The restaurant prides itself on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients in their dishes. From farm-fresh produce to locally raised meats, Honey and Salt ensures that every bite is bursting with quality and flavor.Cozy atmosphere: The restaurant's warm and inviting atmosphere makes it the perfect place to enjoy a meal with friends and family. The rustic decor and friendly staff create a welcoming ambiance that enhances the overall dining experience.Whether you're a fan of classic American cuisine or looking to try something new, Honey and Salt is sure to impress with their reinvented homestyle favorites.Restaurants Known for Their Donuts and Fried ChickenWhen it comes to restaurants known for their donuts and fried chicken, there are a few notable options in the area.One popular choice is Pops Diner, which offers a delectable combination of crispy fried chicken and fluffy, glazed donuts.Another option is Eggs Up Grill, where you can indulge in their signature donuts alongside their mouth-watering fried chicken.Donut and Chicken PairingsTwo restaurants in Hendersonville, NC are known for their delicious donut and fried chicken pairings. These establishments have perfected the art of combining sweet and savory flavors in a way that leaves customers craving more.Here are three mouthwatering options to consider:The Classic Combo: Start your day off right with a crispy fried chicken thigh sandwiched between a freshly baked glazed donut. The contrasting textures and flavors create a harmonious blend that's sure to satisfy any breakfast or brunch cravings.The Spicy Twist: For those who enjoy a little kick, try the Nashville hot chicken donut sandwich. This fiery combination of spicy fried chicken and a fluffy donut with a hint of sweetness will leave your taste buds tingling with delight.The Sweet and Savory Delight: Indulge in a maple bacon donut paired with a juicy fried chicken breast. The combination of the smoky bacon, sweet maple glaze, and crispy chicken creates a truly irresistible taste sensation.Whether you're a fan of traditional flavors or crave something with a little more excitement, these donut and fried chicken pairings are sure to satisfy your cravings.Famous Fried ChickenWe've heard that three restaurants in Hendersonville are famous for their mouthwatering fried chicken. These establishments have earned a reputation for serving up crispy, flavorful chicken that leaves customers coming back for more.The first restaurant on our list is 'The Southern Kitchen'. This charming eatery offers a variety of Southern favorites, but their fried chicken steals the show. The chicken is perfectly seasoned, with a golden-brown crust that adds a delightful crunch to every bite.Next up is 'Mama's Fried Chicken'. This cozy family-owned restaurant is known for its classic, homestyle cooking, and their fried chicken is no exception. Each piece is cooked to perfection, tender and juicy on the inside, with a crispy exterior that's simply irresistible.Last but not least, we've 'The Chicken Shack'. This casual joint is a local favorite, and it's easy to see why. Their fried chicken is cooked to perfection, with a secret blend of spices that gives it a unique and delicious flavor.Whether you're a fried chicken enthusiast or just looking for a delicious meal, these three restaurants are sure to satisfy your cravings.Unique Donut Flavors?Our favorite restaurant in Hendersonville serves unique donut flavors and mouthwatering fried chicken. The combination of these two delicious options makes it a must-visit spot for food lovers. Here are three reasons why this restaurant stands out:Inventive Donut Flavors: This place takes donuts to the next level with their creative flavors. From maple bacon to matcha green tea, there's a donut for every palate. Each bite is a delightful surprise, and you won't find these unique flavors anywhere else in town.Crispy Fried Chicken: The fried chicken here is simply divine. The golden-brown crust is perfectly seasoned and incredibly crispy, while the meat inside is juicy and tender. It's comfort food at its finest, and you'll find yourself coming back for more.Cozy Atmosphere: The restaurant has a warm and inviting ambiance that makes you feel right at home. Whether you're grabbing a quick bite or enjoying a leisurely meal, the friendly staff and cozy setting add to the overall experience.If you're in Hendersonville, don't miss out on the chance to try these one-of-a-kind donuts and mouthwatering fried chicken at our favorite restaurant. It's a culinary experience you won't soon forget.Restaurants With Mouth-Watering Sandwich CombinationsArabella Breakfast and Lunch offers mouth-watering sandwich combinations that are sure to satisfy our cravings. From the moment you walk in, you're greeted by the enticing aromas of freshly baked bread and sizzling meats. The menu boasts a variety of options, including classics like the BLT and turkey club, as well as unique creations like the avocado and bacon grilled cheese. Each sandwich is made with care, using high-quality ingredients that elevate the flavors to a whole new level.One of the standout features of Arabella Breakfast and Lunch is their attention to detail when it comes to the ingredients. They source locally whenever possible, ensuring that each bite is filled with the freshest flavors. The bread is soft and perfectly toasted, creating a satisfying crunch with every bite. The fillings are generous and well-balanced, creating a harmonious blend of textures and flavors.If you're in the mood for a sandwich that offers a creative twist on a classic, Arabella Breakfast and Lunch is the place to go. But they're not the only ones in town offering unique takes on lunch favorites. Join us in our next section as we explore other restaurants that are known for their creative approaches to classic American dishes.Restaurants Offering Creative Takes on Classic Lunch and American FavoritesThere are several restaurants in town that offer three creative takes on classic lunch and American favorites. These restaurants take familiar dishes and put a unique spin on them, creating a dining experience that's both exciting and satisfying. Here are three of our top picks:Honey and Salt: This restaurant offers a modern twist on classic American favorites. Their menu features dishes like a grilled cheese sandwich with truffle oil and caramelized onions, and a BLT with avocado and sriracha mayo. The combination of flavors and ingredients in their dishes is truly innovative and delicious.Arabella Breakfast and Lunch: At Arabella, you can enjoy creative takes on classic lunch dishes. Their menu includes items like a chicken salad sandwich with cranberries and pecans, and a grilled cheese with fig jam and brie. These unique flavor combinations take familiar dishes to a whole new level.Eggs Up Grill: This restaurant offers a fresh and modern take on traditional American breakfast favorites. Their menu includes dishes like a breakfast burrito with avocado and salsa verde, and a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich on a croissant. The quality of the ingredients and the attention to detail in their dishes make for a truly memorable dining experience.Whether you're in the mood for a creative twist on a classic lunch or a unique take on an American favorite, these restaurants have you covered. Their innovative menus and delicious dishes are sure to satisfy any craving.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options Available at These Restaurants?There are several restaurants in Hendersonville, NC that offer vegetarian or vegan options. Some of these establishments include Flat Rock Village Bakery, Honey and Salt, and City Bakery Cafe. These restaurants provide a variety of delicious plant-based dishes, ranging from pastries and bread to creative takes on classic lunch favorites.Additionally, there are also eateries like Pops Diner and Eggs Up Grill that offer generous servings of delectable vegetarian breakfast options.Do Any of These Establishments Offer Gluten-Free Breakfast Options?Yes, some of these establishments offer gluten-free breakfast options. For those with dietary restrictions, it's important to find places that cater to their needs. Luckily, a few of the restaurants mentioned in our previous discussion have gluten-free options available.They understand the importance of accommodating different dietary preferences and strive to provide a diverse menu that can be enjoyed by all. So if you're looking for a gluten-free breakfast in Hendersonville, you have some great options to choose from.Which of These Places Have Outdoor Seating or a Patio Area?Some of these places have outdoor seating or a patio area. It's always nice to enjoy breakfast outside in the fresh air. We can check out Flat Rock Village Bakery, Honey and Salt, Pops Diner, Arabella Breakfast and Lunch, and Eggs Up Grill. These establishments offer a variety of breakfast options and the added bonus of outdoor seating.Whether you prefer a cozy patio or a sunny outdoor spot, these places have you covered.Are Any of These Restaurants Open for Breakfast Seven Days a Week?Yes, some of these restaurants are open for breakfast seven days a week. We've found that Eggs Up Grill, Pops Diner, and Arabella Breakfast and Lunch all offer delicious breakfast options every day.These establishments are a great choice if you're looking for a satisfying breakfast to start your day, whether it's Monday or Sunday.Do Any of These Places Offer a Kids' Menu or Family-Friendly Options for Breakfast?Yes, some of these places offer a kids' menu or family-friendly options for breakfast.Pops Diner, Eggs Up Grill, and Arabella Breakfast and Lunch are known for their breakfast offerings that cater to families.They've a variety of options that are sure to please both kids and adults. From classic American favorites to creative takes on breakfast dishes, there's something for everyone.Families can enjoy a delicious and satisfying breakfast experience at these establishments.ConclusionIn conclusion, Hendersonville, NC offers a plethora of breakfast options that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate.From the delectable pastries and bread at Flat Rock Village Bakery to the comforting homestyle meals at Pops Diner and Dixie Diner, there's something for everyone.Whether you're in the mood for a classic breakfast plate or a creative twist on a morning favorite, Hendersonville has you covered.So why settle for a mediocre breakfast when you can indulge in the best breakfasts in town?Bon appétit!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:20 prashasti7 I think my kitten may have eaten a very tiny amount of chocolate

I have kept a few chocolates in a drawer which is away from my kitten’s reach because it’s locked, but I think while taking it out for a bite for myself, I may have spilled a very small amount some on the floor, and after a while I saw my kitten licking the floor, which is why I got curious as to what is he licking, only to find a small amount of milk chocolate on the floor. He had licked it for a couple of times only, and it was a very small amount to begin with. I cleaned that up. He seems to be doing fine now but should I worry about it? I am always so cautious about these things because i know sometimes things spill on the floor, but I live somewhere with the ambient temperature of 50 degree Celsius. Everything is melting including me.
submitted by prashasti7 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:13 Suspicious_Shapey Finally living the dream

I started living my dream three months ago.
Bought a nice house for me and my husband (and our three pets) in a small village. The back of my property borders the forest and there are so many animals roaming around (tons of birds (even almost extinct ones), deer, squirrels, trash pandas, snakes...).
It's everything I've ever dreamt of and I just love being in our cozy kitchen, making pancakes and listening to the sound of birds, rain or the wind rustling the leaves.
In good weather we can go for hikes using a path starting next to our house and when it's raining I can sit on my patio with a cup of tea enjoying the fresh air. Already excited to build a snowman in my garden lol.
Other people always complain like "omg your house is sooo far away from the city" or "there are so many bugs" or "you're not even thirty and live like a grandma". Honestly, they can fck right off because I fcking love it!
My dream for this year is to fix up the garden (sadly the pre owner didn't care for it for over 20 years) and build my very own green refuge 💚
submitted by Suspicious_Shapey to simpleliving [link] [comments]