Aabb rhyme scheme poem

he boot too big for he gotdamn feet

2016.08.03 07:12 he boot too big for he gotdamn feet

All content to BootTooBig must be at least partially generated by AI! _Remember the robot._ "Roses are red" memes among other things. This is a place to share posts where the title sets up a joke as the first half of a poem and an image delivers the punchline as the second half.

2011.10.09 19:47 The Renaissance never ended, it just left you behind.

The Renaissance never ended, it just left you behind.

2024.06.01 14:11 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Prompt: Choose a setting (real or imaginary) and describe it using detailed sensory imagery. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and textures to create a vivid scene, just like a painter with words.
  2. Metaphor: Prompt: Compare a personal experience to an everyday object or phenomenon in an unexpected way. For example, "My heart is a compass that always points to the north of your laughter."
  3. Simile: Prompt: Write a series of similes to express intense emotions. For instance, "As brave as a lion facing the storm, as fragile as a petal in the wind."
  4. Rhyme: Prompt: Craft a short poem or lyrics with a consistent rhyme scheme. Experiment with different rhyme patterns (ABAB, AABB, etc.) to enhance the musicality of your writing.
  5. Meter: Prompt: Compose a poem with a specific meter, such as iambic pentameter. Pay attention to the syllabic beats in each line to create a rhythmic flow.
  6. Alliteration: Prompt: Create a tongue-twisting line using alliteration. Focus on the repetition of initial consonant sounds to add a playful or musical quality to your writing.
  7. Assonance: Prompt: Write a passage where the vowel sounds within words echo each other. Experiment with different vowel combinations to create a melodic effect.
  8. Personification: Prompt: Choose an inanimate object and personify it. Describe its actions, thoughts, and emotions as if it were a living being.
  9. Symbolism: Prompt: Select an object or element and explore its symbolic meaning. Connect it to broader themes or emotions in your writing.
  10. Enjambment: Prompt: Write a poem where the thoughts flow continuously from one line to the next without a pause. Explore how this technique can create a sense of movement or urgency.
  11. Repetition: Prompt: Repeat a word or phrase throughout a poem for emphasis. Consider how repetition can enhance the overall impact and meaning of your writing.
  12. Free Verse: Prompt: Embrace the freedom of expression by writing a poem without adhering to rhyme or meter. Allow your thoughts to flow organically, exploring the beauty of formless verse.
  13. Stanza: Prompt: Divide your writing into stanzas to create distinct sections with varying themes or tones. Explore how the organization of lines contributes to the overall structure of your work.
  14. Theme: Prompt: Choose a universal theme (love, loss, freedom, etc.) and explore it through your lyrics. Delve into the nuances and perspectives associated with the chosen theme.
  15. Tone: Prompt: Write a poem that conveys contrasting tones. Explore how shifts in tone can evoke different emotions and responses from the reader.
  16. Connotation: Prompt: Select a word with strong connotations and use it in a poem. Explore the emotional baggage and cultural associations tied to the word within the context of your writing.
  17. Irony: Prompt: Craft a poem with elements of irony. Create situations or lines that convey a meaning opposite to the literal interpretation, adding layers of complexity to your writing.
  18. Allusion: Prompt: Reference a well-known song, book, or historical event in your lyrics. Explore how the use of allusion can enrich the depth and meaning of your writing.
  19. Syntax: Prompt: Experiment with sentence structure to create different effects. Play with word order, sentence length, and punctuation to convey specific emotions or rhythms in your writing.
  20. Diction: Prompt: Choose a specific mood or atmosphere you want to convey and carefully select words that evoke that feeling. Pay attention to the impact of your word choices on the overall tone of your writing.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 CrazyCastle101 Petah, I need help with this poem. According to the caption, it has to rhyme with "lose"

Petah, I need help with this poem. According to the caption, it has to rhyme with submitted by CrazyCastle101 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:03 SexxxMelaneexxx Luc Bat

A Luc Bat is a traditional Vietnamese verse form that consists of alternating lines of six and eight syllables. The structure typically follows a pattern where each six-syllable line (short line) is followed by an eight-syllable line (long line). The final short line of the poem rhymes with the preceding long line, creating a rhyme scheme that continues throughout the poem.
The term "Luc Bat" translates to "six-eight" in English, reflecting the alternating line lengths. This form is often used for narrative poetry and has been employed in various Vietnamese literary works.
In the pot, a symphony of flavors brews (6) Simmering broth, a dance that slowly stews (8) Carrots and onions, a colorful blend (6) Aromas rise, a savory trend (8)
Chunks of beef, tender and succulent (6) Herbs and spices, a fragrant testament (8) Potatoes absorb the savory delight (6) Stew's embrace, a comforting night (8)
With ladle in hand, we savor each spoon (6) A hearty concoction, a culinary tune (8) In the warmth of stew, memories accrue (6) A bowl of comfort, a homely view (8)
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:22 Accomplished-Race961 How to Write a Poem Get Essential Tips

How to Write a Poem Get Essential Tips
How to Write a Poem Get Essential Tips
Learning how to write a poem may be a really rewarding experience that gives you the chance to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a fresh and imaginative way. Knowing how to compose a poem will improve your writing and enable you to create beautiful poems, regardless of your level of experience. This post will go over the essential components of poetry, how to get started, and editing advice.

What is Poetry?

Poetry is a type of writing that uses a distinctive and frequently rhythmic style to convey concepts, feelings, and narratives. It employs well chosen words, perhaps with rhymes, to evoke strong emotions and mental images in the reader. It’s crucial to concentrate on your feelings and experiences when learning how to write poems. Poetry can be straightforward or complex, but its ultimate goal is to evoke strong emotions in the reader.

Different Types of Poems

Narrative Poems

Poetry that narrates a tale is known as narrative poetry. They share the same characters, storyline, and setting as a novel or short story. Well-known examples are “The Odyssey” by Homer and “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe.
To begin learning how to create a poem, consider the narrative you wish to convey. Before you start writing, write a summary of your primary points and characters.
To make the story easier for your readers to picture, use straightforward language and powerful imagery. Composing a narrative poem can be an enjoyable way to incorporate poetic devices with storytelling.

Lyric Poems

Lyric poems are a popular choice when learning how to write a poem. These poems, which are frequently melodic in nature, convey intimate emotions and ideas. They are an excellent place for beginners to start because they are often brief and concentrate on a particular feeling or concept.
Sonnets and odes are two well-known instances. If you want to compose a lyric poem, consider a powerful emotion or event in your life, and then use expressive language to capture that sensation. By using your own experiences, you can establish a strong connection with your readers using this writing approach.

Free Verse

Free verse is a kind of poetry that is more adaptable and imaginative because it doesn’t adhere to set rhyme or rhythmic standards. When learning how to write a poem, Free verse is a great way to start writing poetry because it lets you concentrate on expressing your ideas without having to worry about following rules.
Because it allows you to experiment with words and make original patterns, this style is ideal for novices. Free poetry was a tool employed by well-known poets like Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes to evoke strong feelings and striking imagery. Simply let your thoughts flow when writing a free verse poem; don’t worry about adhering to established poetry conventions.


Haiku is a classic style of Japanese poetry that consists of three lines, each of five, seven, and five syllables, to capture a moment in just seventeen words.
A thorough examination of haiku can yield important insights on the craft of poetry writing. Writers are encouraged to use vivid imagery and straightforward language to express complex feelings or insights in this succinct manner.
Haiku writing entails closely observing the natural world or human experiences and condensing them into a small number of well chosen words. Its framework teaches aspiring poets important lessons about how to convey complicated concepts simply by emphasizing brevity and clarity.


They typically have 14 lines and adhere to a particular rhyme scheme. There are several varieties of sonnets, such as the Petrarchan (or Italian) sonnet, which is separated into an octave and a sestet, and the Shakespearean (or English) sonnet, which consists of three quatrains and a final couplet. You may improve your use of meter and rhyme, two crucial elements of good poetry writing, by writing sonnets....Continue reading
submitted by Accomplished-Race961 to u/Accomplished-Race961 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:04 mrnathehuman "There will come soft rains" (First Translation Practice)

So I have been studying Spanish for a while now and wanted to try getting better at translation. I decided to practice by translating an English poem into Spanish. The poem is by Sara Teasdale. Here is the original and my translation. I did my best to preserve the rhymes and the general pacing of the poem. I am looking for constructive criticism on how I can correct any grammatical errors or improve my prose. Any advice on improving written translation skills is appreciated as well since I am just starting out. Thank you!
submitted by mrnathehuman to Spanish [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:48 cleansedbytheblood Anointed prayers to receive healing and deliverance

My Blood Covenant Salvation Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. I believe You love me and sent Your Son to remove the sin which separates me from You. Father, I repent of all sin in my life. Please forgive me and cleanse me by the blood of Jesus Christ. By faith, I receive Your forgiveness and cleansing in Jesus’ name. Your Word says I am brought near to You by the blood of Jesus Christ, through which I enter into blood covenant salvation relationship with You now. Lord Jesus, I invite You to come into my life, and I submit totally to You and to Your Word (John 14:23). I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I believe in my heart God raised Him from the dead. It is with my heart I believe and am justified, and it is with my mouth I confess and am saved (Rom.10:9-10). I ask You to be Lord of my spirit, my soul (mind, thoughts, will, intellect, and emotions), and my body (I Thess.5:23). You are faithful to complete the work You have begun in me (Phil 1:6). By faith, I confess sin shall no longer have dominion over me because your Holy Spirit lives in me. I confess I am saved. I am under covenant through Jesus Christ to receive the promises that are for me including salvation, deliverance, healing, renewal, and all God’s promises for His children. I renounce the authority of Satan or any authority other than Jesus Christ over all areas of my life. I renounce every stronghold or influence of the devil, including ungodly soul ties, masonic attachments, ungodly beliefs, bitter root judgments, all personal sin, and everything inherited through the generations. The Word tells me I have a heavenly Father, and I now inherit only from Him. Lord, empower me to live for You. Release the Holy Spirit within me, that He may convict me of sin. I have access to the power of the Holy Spirit and the right to every spiritual gift (1 Cor. 12:4-11). Help me walk daily in the fullness of the Spirit filled life. I open my heart and ask You to fill me now with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit
Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, Your Son, Who has saved me. I repent of my sins and ask You to wash me clean by the Blood of Jesus. Jesus said, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever—the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you.” John 14:16 (AMP) In Mark 1:8, John the Baptist promised that while he baptized with water, You would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. So, Lord, I ask You to baptize me with Your Holy Spirit and fire. I am thankful as I ask for your empowerment and fire, it will refine me into who you have called and created me to be. I know You indwelled me at my salvation (John 20:22; Romans 8:9). Now, I ask You to fill me to overflowing with Your Presence, Your power, and Your joy. You promised in Acts 1:5-8 that Your disciples would receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit would come upon us. You promised to give us power to be Your witnesses even to the ends of the earth. This wonderful promise was fulfilled at the Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem, as described in Acts 2. I pray the Holy Spirit come upon me now. I yield myself to You. I pray you breathe on me a breath of refreshment and empowerment. I receive by faith the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I welcome you, Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus. Thank You for empowering me for Your service. Fill me with boldness and courage to speak Your Word with power. I receive this wonderful empowerment by faith. As promised in John 14:26, send me the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, to teach me all things and remind me of everything You teach in Your Word. I desire spiritual gifts according to Your Word and ask You to grant me Your spiritual giftings according to Your will for my life. I joyfully accept Your gifts for me, in Jesus’ Name.
Prayer to Break Generational Curses and Sins of the Bloodlines:
Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you that the blood of Jesus is able to take away all sin. I believe this and receive it now in Jesus’ name. I pray forgiveness for the sins of my father, of that bloodline for all generations back, and I ask You to wash me clean now, by the blood of the Lamb. I pray forgiveness for the sins of my mother, of that bloodline for all generations back, and I ask You to wash me clean now, by the blood of the Lamb. I receive Your forgiveness and believe that by Your blood I am cleansed from the sins of all my generational bloodlines. I take the authority I have in my blood covenant with Jesus Christ, and I break all generational curses on my father's side all generations back, broken now, by the blood of the Lamb. I take this same authority and break all generational curses on my mother's side, all generations back, broken now, by the blood of the Lamb. With this same authority I have under the blood covenant of salvation in Jesus, I break any spoken curses on my family bloodline. I break the power of all seals of silence and all vows of secrecy. I take the same authority in the name and the blood of Jesus, and I break all covenants and contracts to satan including blood covenant contracts. I pray forgiveness for the sins of my family line of all those things that happened in darkness, such as any attachment to slavery or any kind of persecution or mistreatment or abuse of any people groups or individuals, and I pray blessings on all descendants of the persecuted groups or individuals. I pray forgiveness for the sin of all idolatries attached to the American Indian bloodline and break all related curses. I break any attachments to family superstitions and idolatries, ungodly beliefs, wives tales, luck charms, and rhyme curses in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Jesus, that Your word says, "Cursed is the one who hangs on the tree." You took our curses, and You took our sins, so that we can have life more abundantly, and we praise you for it. I receive by faith now all generational sins and all generational curses are broken by the blood of the Lamb, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties
Father, in the name of Jesus, I submit my soul, my desires, my will, and my emotions to the Holy Spirit and Your Word. I confess as sin all of my sexual relationships before marriage and any sexual relationships outside of marriage. I confess as sin all ungodly relationships involving any part of me, whether spirit, soul, or body. Father, I thank You for giving me the keys of Your kingdom and the keys of spiritual authority. What I bind is bound, and what I loose is loosed (Matthew 16:19). I ask You to loosen from me all soul ties to past sexual partners and ungodly relationships in Jesus' name. Please uproot all tentacles of sexual bondage, emotional longings, dependencies, vain imaginations, enslaving thoughts, and thought patterns. I bind, renounce, and resist any evil spirits that have been reinforced through those soul ties or may have been transferred to me through ungodly associations or promiscuity. I also repent of the sin of the idolatry attached to my pursuit of perversion. Jeremiah 2:20-25 says that my Heavenly Father's perception of this perversion that I have been pursuing is that I will not serve him, and I love foreign gods, and I must go after them. Therefore, I repent of the sin of this idolatry, and I apply the blood of Jesus to it now. I submit to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His Word that tells me that I must forgive so that I will be forgiven. I repent of the sin of unforgiveness and judgment toward the people who have violated me sexually due to incest, molestation, or rape. I choose to forgive and bless them, and I break any soul tie attachments to these people in Jesus' name. Please cleanse my soul with Your blood, renew my mind, and help me to forget all illicit unions so that I am free to give myself, body, soul, and spirit, totally to You. Father, I receive Your forgiveness for all past sins of ungodly soul ties and unrighteous sexual activity. I believe that by Your grace, I am forgiven. Thank You for remembering my sins no more and for cleansing me from all unrighteousness. I commit myself totally to You. By Your grace, please keep me holy in my spirit, soul, and body, as I choose to renew my mind in Christ (Romans 12:1-2). In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Release of Bitter Root Judgment and Expectancy
Dear Heavenly Father: In the Name of Jesus, I repent for the sin of judging Your creation. I have judged and condemned others, although I am not a righteous judge and have no right to judge anyone. Jesus committed no sin, and was righteous, but He judged no one. Jesus entrusted Himself to You, the One who judges righteously. I now entrust myself to You. Please forgive me for this sin of judging and condemning others. I now bless those who I have judged. I bless those I have accused. I bless those who hate me and have cursed or abused me. I break the power of the spiritual law of sowing and reaping. I forgive, release, and bless them. I ask You to bless them and give them what they need. With this change in me comes a new expectation of reaping blessings, as opposed to reaping curses. When I “sow” differently, I will “reap” differently. I now intend to sow blessings into my life by blessing those people who have despitefully used me, in Jesus’s Name. Thank You, Lord, for forgiving me and helping me to forgive others. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ. SCRIPTURES Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Gal. 6:7 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matt. 7:1-2 See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Heb. 12:15 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Deut. 5:16 Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:37-38 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Romans 2:1 This is what the Lord says-the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands? Isaiah 45:11
Prayer of repentance of personal sin
Dear Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I repent of all personal sin in my life. I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me. Some areas of sin I know; other areas of sin I do not recognize. But Your Word promises You are faithful and just to forgive all our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I ask You to reveal all areas of personal sin, known and unknown, so I may more deeply repent. Your sheep hear Your voice. You will speak to my heart and mind, and I will hear You. If there are areas in which I am perishing for a lack of knowledge, I ask You to reveal Your truth to me. In Jesus’ Name, I will not reject Your truth. I specifically repent of anger, pride, perversion, idolatry, addiction, greed, fear, control, manipulation, judgment, accusation, gossip (here insert area of specific sin or sins, such as fear of lack, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, etc.) Convict me of my sin, O God, so I may see my sin and repent to the depths of my soul. There is no righteousness in me on my own, but I am made righteous by the Blood of Jesus. Your Word promises that as we repent, we step into the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Your mercy is great toward me, and You will freely pardon. As far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed my transgressions from me. By Your Holy Spirit, empower me to overcome personal sin in my life. I confess I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The prayer of a righteous person will avail much. Show me Your ways, that I may know You more and walk in Your ways all the days of my life, in Jesus’ Name.
Prayer to Release and Remove Ungodly Thought Processes, Mindsets, Devices, Defense Mechanisms, and Wrong or Unbiblical Reactions
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I _____________ ask You to forgive me for the sin of failing to cast my cares upon You because I did not know how to cast my cares upon You. There have been times in my life when I suffered from a lack of knowledge of knowing how to handle life's situations, difficulties, decisions, traumas, and not casting my cares upon Jesus as Your Word says to do. I confess I have used ungodly thought processes, mindsets, devices, defense mechanisms, and wrong or unbiblical reactions. I confess that I sought to handle and control my own problems in my own ways. I devised methods and systems for my self-preservation. Now, I choose to ask You, Lord, to gather and remove the devices I have created and used to get through life's difficult circumstances. I repent for the control I used in creating these devices instead of trusting in You. I release all control, anger, revenge, unforgiveness, and judgments, and all altered states of mind into which I entered to handle trauma in my life. I relinquish my self-preservation, and I trust You for my life and choices. I release to You all trauma, known and unknown. I bind and break the power of all soul tie attachments, longings, emotional bondage, enslaving thought patterns, and dependencies in the name of Jesus Christ. I now purpose in my heart not to reenter these altered states of mind, devices, and mindsets that I have become accustomed to using. I pray in the name of Jesus that You give me the renewal of mind to recognize these devices when they reappear due to life's circumstances. I release to You all disappointment, bitterness, and resentment about my past. I choose to renew my mind through the ongoing study of Your Word. I choose Your truth instead of altered states of mind that have caused me to revisit painful feelings or paralyze and distort my response to abuse or other behavior patterns toward me. So, I speak to all altered states of mind, ungodly thought processes, mindsets, defense mechanisms, devices, and conditioned reactions. I command all such devices to align themselves with the Word of God and release their power over me, my mind, my emotions, my personality, and align with my will in the name of Jesus Christ. I desire as the head and not the tail (Deut. 28:13) to have Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit come into me and restore my soul. I forgive, release, and bless everyone who has hurt, abused, or misled me. I repent and ask forgiveness for the sin of carrying any unforgiveness or judgment toward these people. I ask You to bless them and give them what they need. Please bring me into a place where I am fully restored and made whole in spirit, soul, and body. I ask You to renew my mind so that I will not return to these old ways of thinking. I thank You for teaching me to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). I ask You to give me the renewed ability to maintain this fresh way of thinking for my new godly lifestyle. According to James 1, I can ask You, Lord, for wisdom, and You will give generously to all without finding fault. I ask that You give me the wisdom to maintain godly thought processes in this new season of my life and not return to the old, ungodly thought processes. I desire that all of me be able to worship You in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). I desire to worship You with a sound mind, undivided heart, and clarity. I thank You and ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, I take the authority I have received through my blood covenant of salvation by accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I bind and break the power of all spells, curses, and incantations spoken over my life from any source, including my family, church relationships, work relationships, friends, enemies, known demonic sources, strategies of the enemy using any sources, and all word curses from known or unknown sources. I break the power of these curses and declare their functions null and void. I speak the mighty Name of Jesus Christ over these evil words. The Name of Jesus Christ is above every name. His Word is above every word. His power is above every other power or principality. I pray His Word over anyone who has knowingly or unknowingly cursed or abused me. And I pray, heavenly Father, that you bless them and give them what they need, in Jesus’ Name. I thank You, Lord, that You have the ability to hear the curse and turn it into a blessing. Amen.
PRAYER TO BREAK TERRITORIAL STRONGHOLDS ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR MISSIONARIES For Missionaries traveling and entering territorial strongholds in countries such as China, India, the Middle East, or Africa, especially if entering mausoleums, temples, shrines, or other places of heathen worship. Cover yourself with a prayer such as the following:
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I take the authority I have received through my blood covenant of salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I thank You for teaching us our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). I bind and break the power of any influence of territorial strongholds that may attempt to attach themselves to me as I embark on a journey to serve the Most High God. I bind and break the power of any spell, curse, or incantation from the spiritual realm empowered by the idolatrous and vain worship of Buddha, Hindu gods, Krishna, Allah, Mohammed, local deities, ancestor worship, necromancy, animism, voodoo, witchcraft, idols made with hands, or other false gods. I declare the power of all such forces aligned against me to be null & void. I bind and break the power of any influence of territorial strongholds that have become attached to me due to my service in ministry. I bind and break the power of any influence of territorial strongholds over the areas in which I travel, in which I serve in ministry, and in which I reside. From Satan to the Prince of Persia to the least of the territorial spirits, I speak the mighty name of Jesus Christ over them. I bind and break the power and influence of these territorial strongholds, and call their function null and void, in the name of Jesus Christ. I thank You that he who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91). The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). And a curse without cause will not come to rest on me (Proverbs 26:2). I thank You that no weapon formed against me will prosper, and I will refute every tongue that accuses me. I thank You this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is our vindication from You (Isaiah 54:17). Thank you, Jesus, for the power of Your name.
Prayer of Repentance for Prior Involvement in any Other Religion or Spiritual Practice or Teaching
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I come before You. I praise You for making a way for the forgiveness of my sins. I acknowledge that Your Word requires that I repent and ask forgiveness for my sins, in Jesus’ Name. I acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, slain for the remission of my sins and the sins of the world. I acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, suffered and died on the cross, was buried, and rose again. He ascended into heaven, where He sits by His Father. Under my Blood Covenant of Salvation, through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I repent of the sin of believing any teaching that does not line up with the Holy Bible, the Word of God. The Scriptures say Jesus Christ became the Word of God (John 1:14; Revelation 19:13). Therefore, I repent of believing anti-christ teachings and entertaining anti-christ and unbiblical thoughts. With the authority I have in my Blood Covenant of Salvation with Jesus Christ, I break the power of all spoken or written oaths, curses, vows, decrees, chants, blood sacrifices, and rituals. I repent of the sin of receiving or aligning with these anti-christ oaths, curses, vows, or decrees. I repent of the sin of participating in any anti-christ chants, blood sacrifices, or rituals of any description. I repent of the sin of receiving any anti-christ attachments to my mind, intellect, heart, feelings, and emotions. I repent of the sin of receiving and agreeing with unbiblical principles, teachings, and spiritual deceptions. I acknowledge these have caused attacks on my physical body, mental wellbeing, relationships, and finances. I bind and break the power of all of these ungodly attachments in the mighty Name of Jesus. The Word tells me I am to forgive and bless those who persecute or despitefully use me, as Jesus forgave and blessed. (I Peter 2:21-23; Matthew 5:44). I repent of the sins of anger, unforgiveness, and judgment toward anyone who has mislead or misguided me in any way, in the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ. I pray that you bless them and open their eyes to your truth. Thank You, Heavenly Father, that through my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and my acknowledgement that He is the only Way to You, I become an heir to the promises of Abraham (Galatians 3:29). I stand in faith and believe that all Your promises are Yes and Amen, through Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 1:20). Amen.
PRAYER FOR MILITARY (Good for anyone)
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray in the authority I have received through my blood covenant of salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. Lord, I ask for Your mercy & protection as I travel in obedience to orders during my service in the Military. I acknowledge & repent of my sins. I ask You to forgive me & wash away my sin by the shed Blood of Jesus. Your Word says as I confess & repent of my sins, You are faithful & just to forgive me & purify me from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). This causes my prayers to be righteous, powerful, & effective (James 5:16). I bind & break the power of every influence of territorial strongholds that have attached or seek to attach themselves to me as I serve in the Military. I bind & break the power of every influence & assignment from territorial strongholds & other demonic powers as I travel from place to place during training & tours of duty, & embark on every change of assignment & change of residence. I call the function of each of these territorial strongholds & demonic powers to be null & void. In the Name of Jesus, I bind & break the power of the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). I bind & break the power of every such assignment of the devil that would cause or seek to cause physical injury, mental torment, or death to me. I bind & break every assignment of calamity, destruction, sudden death, & suicide by any person. I bind every lying tongue that would persuade a person to commit suicide. I call the function of every such demonic assignment null & void, in the mighty Name of Jesus. I bind & break the power of the enemy to steal the Lord’s call on my life or rob me of the blessings of His covenant promises, including health & a full life span (Exodus 23:25-26). Jesus stated, “The thief comes only to steal & kill & destroy; I have come that they may have life, & have it to the full.” (John 10:10). Thank You, Jesus, for health and a full life span. LORD, (you) are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the LORD, & he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down & sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. (Psalm 3). Lord, You know when I sit & when I rise; You discern my going out & my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways (Psalm 139:2-3). You will never leave or forsake me. (Deut.31:6; Hebrews 13:5) Lord, thank you for teaching us to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). I stand strong in the Lord & Your mighty power. I put on the full armor of God, so I can take my stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggles are not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world & against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore I put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, I may be able to stand my ground, & after I have done everything, to stand. I stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around my waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, & with my feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, I take up the shield of faith, with which I can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. I take the helmet of salvation & the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And I pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers & requests. With this in mind, I am alert & always keep on praying for all of Your people. Thank You, Lord, for teaching me to pray & trust You for protection for my body, soul & spirit (1Thess.5:23). I thank You that no weapon formed against me will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I bind & break the power of every spell, curse, blasphemy, & incantation from the spiritual realm empowered by the idolatrous & vain worship of Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, any Hindu deities, local deities on any continent, ancestor worship, necromancy, animism, voodoo, witchcraft, idols made with hands, or any other false gods. Further, I declare the power of all such spiritual forces aligned against me to be null & void. I declare I will dwell in the shelter of the most High & rest in the shadow of the Almighty. In the mighty Name of Jesus, I declare I will not fear for the terror by night, the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. I will say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and I will make the Most High my dwelling, & no harm will overtake me, no disaster will come near my tent (Psalm 91:1-10). I declare null & void the assignment of post-traumatic stress disorder against me & all military personnel. I declare the threefold cord of feaanxiety & trauma & torment will not destroy us. I bind & break the power of all traumatic & stressful experiences of warfare. In the mighty Name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, I speak His peace, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts & your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7). Lord, I ask You for the continuing ability to cast my daily cares upon You, as You direct me to do: “casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, & all your concerns, once & for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, & watches over you very carefully]” I Peter 5:7 (Amplified). In the Name of Jesus, I declare these attacks will not destroy or harm my body, emotions, mind, or will. The enemy’s schemes for evil, terror, & ongoing torment in my life, I declare to be impotent before the Lord God Almighty in Heaven above. Lord, I stand on Your Word, which promises “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV). I ask these things in the Name of my Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Messiah of Israel.
Prayer to break Masonic Curses and Attachments: https://boblucyministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Prayer-to-Break-Masonic-Curses-and-Attachments-2024.pdf
Prayers courtesy of boblucyministries.org
submitted by cleansedbytheblood to Deliverance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:26 Swimming_Spare_9587 ENFP Poem

Guys i asked ai to write a poem on being enfp. Look what it came up with!!!
A whirlwind heart, a mind ablaze with fire,
The ENFP, a soul with keen desire.
A million paths unfurl, a thrilling quest,
No single answer, ever put to rest.
Ideas spark like embers, catching flight,
Each conversation, a potential ignite.
Words tumble forth, a playful, vibrant stream,
Connecting thoughts, a never-ending scheme.
Brainstorming sessions, fueled by laughter's chime,
ENFPs ignite the spark, transcending time.
They weave a world, where dreams and logic meet,
Possibilities bloom, beneath their dancing feet.
Champions of the underdog, with empathy so deep,
They feel the world's emotions, burdens others keep.
Idealism burns, a beacon ever bright,
Fighting for the good, with all their valiant might.
But shadows lurk, in corners of the mind,
Analysis paralysis, a truth they try to find.
Overthinking whispers, doubts begin to creep,
ENFPs wrestle with them, in their restless sleep.
Yet through the storm, their spirit will not bend,
They rise renewed, a loyal, vibrant friend.
For in their hearts, a boundless wellspring lies,
Of creativity, passion, and a joyful surprise.
So here's to the ENFP, a force that can't be tamed,
Forever chasing dreams, forever unashamed.
May their light continue, to inspire and ignite,
The world's a brighter place, with their effervescent light.
do yall like it?
submitted by Swimming_Spare_9587 to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:38 Shot-Bat-5816 Any particular battle/s or videos na mataas replay value para sayo?

(Yo sorry men repost, bawal pala i-edit yung title bago lang sa redditttt, last na mali na to ichecheck ko muna sa susunod bago magpost)
Follow-up lang 'to sa recent post dito about sa replay value. Shoutouts sayo, pero dito...
Imbis emcees, battles. Doesn't necessarily have to be your "top 3 or 5 or 10 battle/s of all time." Yung for some reason, mga battle na sadyang binabalik-balikan mo lang talaga, ewan, baka dahil napanood mo nang live, or may core memory sa viewing experience mo sa battle na yon, or puwedeng purely dahil sa content ng emcees. Or puwede ring dahil gusto mo i-relive yung hype nung certain battle sa panahong kung pano mo siya naaalala, etc... These may count as some of your favorites pero hindi yun yung punto. Regardless kung oo or hindi, just want to see kung ano-ano at san kayo nakakahanap ng simple pleasures at amusement sa mga battles.
Kasi, etong sakin, yung replay value ng mga battle na 'to parang may pagka safe haven narin yung dating sakin. 'Pag sobrang clouded o disturbed, isa dito hahanapin ko lang at literal na kayang baguhin yung mga pangit at madidilim na views ko sa current situation hahaha, so gameee
1) VITRUM vs SIRDEO -nung sumisigaw si Lanzeta (ata) ng "deymmm" sarcastically dun sa enumeration ng Uprising albums na scheme pati sa ibang predictable lines yet strong conviction ni deo hahahahahahaha -kung totoo nga ang diyos dapat nga siya patayin! -may halo na art mabaho na part hahahahahahahahah
2) SAYADD vs FROOZ -next level endorsment 😅 -550 praning ano target market mo mga mayayaman na gusto magmukhang swkating 🤣 -sheettt ang tanga dibaaaa!
3) M ZHAYT vs DAMSA (old school freestyle) -dito ko immediately naging personal top 5 si M Zhayt, kahit bago pa lang siya neto (up until now, untouchable sa top 5) -babanatan kita ng mabibibilis, time! -boy tango resurgence hahahha -yung lahat ng beat na ginamit ugghjh, nung narinig ko pucha ano to, nakakabaliw, made me fall in love sa liga at culture lalo, lowkey naghikayat sakin mag dig deeper (Real Raw - Dr. Octagon Instrumental) (Back Down - 50 Cent Instrumental)
4) POI4 METRO MANILA -yung halimaw si Shernan sa wildcard cypher TAENA NIYO MGA BADUY MGA PAKSHET -man of steel e bat mukha kang kahoy ahhahaha -yung isa nagreklamo bat daw nag aaway ahahhaa -astig din ni Bogito rito ahhaha laughtrip den, pati si Blonskie ang bata pa -yung mga ibang beat din pala na ginamit (Necro - Underground tsaka Black Helicopters) lalo yung unang-una dikolam title
5) LOONIE vs AKLAS -sinong hindi hahaha
6) VOX SHOX vs MCKOY (beatbox battle) -yung bass ni vox shox walangya tas yung parteng parang may pinipihit siyang volume -'pag naririnig ko rin yung intro ng Grain Assault 4 parang automatically naaalala ko kung pano binodybag ni BLKD si Gin ahhaha tas naaalala ko yung line ni Tipsy na pabara-bara niyang dance moves na nirhyme niya sa gaya-gaya ka palkups, impressive rhyming that time, actually hanggang ngayon maganda pa rin -yung parang timer na tunog ni Mckoy bilang ender tas napa- "ano naman" na gesture si Vox Shox hahaha
7) JIGSAW vs PRINCE RHYME -pag malungkot ako eto lang talaga go-to ko madalas. Sayang din si Jigsaw sobrang trip ko style niya kaso nangibang bansa ata e, basta laughtrip to nung live
8) SAYADD vs JAPORMZ -kahit nag OT tas hindi dapat, ok lang kasi sulit hahahah, entertainment value at its peak puta -ganto sa gapo yung maporma hahahahah -pag sinasapak ni Japormz yung dibdib niya hahaha tas pag binabanggit niya yung nirerep niya na street o lugar ahahha
9) SHERNAN vs HAZKY -trip na trip ko lang talaga yung r3 ni shernan sobrang laughtrip yung uprising-anak scheme, parang yung satisfaction grabe pagtas intayin lahat nung rounds na laughtrip din naman talaga
10) ZAITO vs BATANG REBELDE -pukenginangpukikinangpukikingnginamo -pakyu -sobrang lulutong tas sabay sasabihin ayokong magmura 🤣🤣🤣
11) MHOT vs LANZETA vs CRIPLI vs SIBIL vs DILIM -grabe to nung live, naaalala ko biglang tutok sila Apoc, Loonie, Harlem, (ay judge rin ata sila lahat iirc, kaya pala) etc, basta halatang maraming naexcite, interisado at tumutok after siguro ng mga 5-6 battles, na naspearhead ng flow exhibition at clash nina Jonas at Damsa, ay diko sure kung alin nauna, basta magkasunod yun eh... kita rin sa footage si Illtimate na nahahype sa flow ni Lanzeta hahahah. Narinig ko rin sabe ni Harlem "grabe lakas nung mga bata mo ah" tas sabe ni Nico "diko bata yung mga yun gago" kasi parang rising stars sila Lanz at Invcitus that time eh. -dito ko narealize na mas masasaya yung pitstyle events na mga napuntahan ko compared sa mga big stage -ewe ewe ewan ko sayo -tunog robot sa harap ng fan -taglay mo ang pangangatawan ng isang batugan na pulis hahahaha -google ginugugol (though nagamit na ni Loonie yon sa isang track na featured siya, kaya halatang parang nagraise ng brows) pero parang najustify nung nirhyme ni CripLi sa tooter ginagawang tutor, ang ganda
12) ZAITO vs THIKE -bike nike mike like hahahahahaha -tsaka yung event na to literal na perfect lang talaga from start to finish, rip lil john though
13) TEAM LA vs TEAM CB -very definition ng "classic" na battle, diba? Hahaha ambata ko pa neto tas naaalala kong tawang tawa ko sampu beses daw umiikot yung timbangan
14) APEKZ vs SNATCH -zombie vs plants -pareko pareko ahhahahahahah -since birth miss earth -ginagawa raw lollipop yung johnsons buds ambaboy amputa hahahah
15) ZEND LUKE vs PLAZMA -the fact na naging dikit at dikdikan mas tumaas yung entertainment value, bukod sa trip na trip ko na talaga yung mga concepts at approach nila pareho coming into this battle -naramdaman kong at this point of time, deeply appreciated na yung mga gantong stilo dahil sa reception ng crowd
16) TARGET vs KJAH -just simply stood out kumpara sa mga battle noon nung time nayon dahil sa concept -nung pinahagingan ni Kjah yung malalaking kompanya tas tinawanan ni Batas ng malakas, kasi nasa event ata sila ng isang kompanya hahahah
17) APOC vs SMUGGLAZ -cemented Apoc as my top 5 fave all time, literal na perpekto na battle lang talaga. Yung projection ni Smugg dito tumatagos sa kaluluwa, arguably the best battle i witnessed live
18) TOWPHER vs MARSHALL BONIFACIO -pinaamoy ng utot -yung angle ni MB na lahat ng ginagawa mo kaya gawin ni CripLi trip na trip ko lang
19) FLIPSIDES - TWENG -grabe lang nakakainspire parang ansarap maglayas ahhaha
20 BATAS vs RANGE -ayaw natin sa pdea -epitome ng style clash, hahaha laughtrip at the same time busog
21) ZAITO vs CHARRON -actually eto yung year na hindi talaga ako tutok or ultra updated kaya nung napanood ko 'to literal na tumatak at may phase na halos inaraw-araw ko hahahah
22) PLAZMA vs MHOT -kasi may flowers at props para kina Ejac & Buddahbeads -yung halatang naaappreaciate ni sir Plaz yung mga linya ni Mhot lalo dun sa dikalab at tao sa loob ng ataol -inumpisahan ang reign at tinakeover na ni Mhot ang pleptap hahaha dejoke
23) MAGZ vs MALIXI (beatbox battle) -naaalala ko nung natuto ako magbeatbox ng onti, binabalik-balikan ko yung part na naglabas ng toy gun si Magz tas ginawa niya yung binabaril niya na sound fx tas hindi ko magaya-gaya hahaha tas naconvince ako dati nung bata ako na kaya nagagawa niya lang yun kasi may sungki siya hahaha
24) TEAM SS vs STIELO JAY TEE -hahahahah classic, souljaboy -yung flow ni Smugg sa r1 na nainterrupt ng cheer at pagkamangha ng fans
25) HARLEM vs ZEND LUKE -island hopper na conyo na source hahahah -best battle nung quarantine no doubt
26) KAHIR vs JAPORMZ -matapang kalang kasi may mga militar!!!!
27) J-BLAQUE vs HARLEM -grabe yung angles ni Marshall nakakadurog -andami niyang quotables na ironically hindi ko maalala eh
28) SAYADD / AKLAS vs DAMSA / FLICT-G -tawang-tawa ko kasi lasing si Damsa tas pinapatabi siya ni flict ahahhahaha -barokkk!!!!!!
29) AKT vs SIRDEO -alam kong neurodivergent ako pero ibang spectrum na yan! Hahaha -despite sa mga nangyari, isantabi muna yon, sobrang entertaining lang talaga nito -i-ignore raw sabi ni Nico pagtas nung round pero imposible iignore sa sobrang gago ahhahah humihiga na 🤣🤣🤣 habang nirereference o kinakanta yung: Tunay na Baliw - Konflick ft. Loonie
30) APOC vs TIPSY D -tangina idol Apoc relativityyyy imaginary linessss -last battle sa B-side tangina
31) GORIONG TALAS vs BATANG REBELDE -hahahahah #throwback ano kayo highschool -pati si gorio laughtrip kay br hahahah -speedrap hindi naririnig -rebut ni gorio diko maalala pero basta pambura
32) INVICTUS vs ABRA -mga numerong tumatak: 7'1 at 2-0 hahhah
33) RUFFIAN vs KARISMA -naaalala ko yung drive at gigil nung M Zhayt vs Pistol dito (yung umulan ng rebut). Though dito medyo mas modern na. Basta parang ganon medyo yung feels, mga banggaan ng highly anticipated rookies.
34) ZAITO vs MHOT -pinana sa leeg ahhahaha -best version ni Zaito, lalo material-wise
35) BLKD vs FROOZ -reenactment nung may sinapak si Pricatagg sa lumang video -naaalala ko yung mga comments dito na disappointed kay BLKD pero kung usapang material lang topnotch parin talaga kaya ewan ko sakanila -edi may utang kapa
36) SIRDEO vs K-RAM -reaction nung emcees sa hinihimod mo pa HAHAHAHAHAHH lalo sila Plazma at JDee
37) LIL JOHN vs CRIPLI -wild ng crowd swakto pang opener ng event, naaalala ko inuna pa 'to iupload kahit dipa tapos yung uploads nung isang event bilang tribute
[Ayan 37 lang para may "Clerks (1994)" reference haha]
Once ma-upload yung Empithri vs Kenzer baka maging instant favorite at maulit-ulit ko rin yon.
Sur Henyo vs M Zhayt naman kung outside FlipTop. Grabe yung flow ni Sur sa r1 pero hindi niya kinalimutang sumuntok.
Anw, very simple mechanics nalang siguro ay maglista ng mga 3 - 10 battles in CAPS LOCK (pwede ring isa lang kung yun yung trip mo) at ilista yung rason or mga rason sa baba kungbat. It may be about your favorite moments, schemes, of course at somepoint may naging gusto ka dahil may paboritong kang lines don sa battle. Basta kahit anong description o characteristics nung battle na maireremind mo na puwede ring makapag elicit ng nostalgia sa mga long time fans at maishehsare mo naman dun sa mga hindi pa ganon katagal pero naappreciate parin yung movement ng as much sa mas matatagal na nakasubaybay. Basically anything na mas makakapag-pakulay ng diskusyon at makakapagpa-entertain sa mga magbabasa. Bale nilista ko rin pala yung mga reasons na parang mostly off the top lang, para mas authentic at genuine yung dating kung bat sila nagustuhan, at yung 37 na to ay in no particular order. Feel free rin ulitin yung mga ibang battle na nabanggit ko kung may sarili kang version or actually even kahit kaparehas ng way ng pagka-paborito o pag-appreciate sa mga battle na yon.
Tsaka to add, I mean oo gets, hindi to yung mga maituturing na pinaka dikdikan, pinaka clever, yung iba dito hindi pinaka "pang battle" in terms of material, or siguro para sa iba eh hindi pasok sa any other ideal representation ng battle rap... Pero may mga certain developments lang talaga na unforgettable at mga narrative na mas nakakapaghook sayo eh, at yan yung mga sakin. Pero it doesn't mean na hindi ako attentive at appreciative sa mga vital aspects ng battle rap, and in fact naeenjoy ko parin sila ng todo hanggang ngayon, and siguro I can attest to that by saying napanood ko na literal lahat ng videos ng FlipTop so far hahaahahah ewan ko kung nakakaproud ba dapat yon. Anw, minsan may mga moments lang talaga na mas naging remarkable dahil nakapattern sa mga personal na trip mo, at yun yung mga postive version ng lowbrow escapism ko pagdating sa FlipTop, na bukod sa pag-express at pagbahagi, gusto ko rin sanang makinig at madiskubre sa iba't-ibang perspective.
submitted by Shot-Bat-5816 to FlipTop [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:44 SpamHamJamPanCan The Pink Gorilla

The Pink Gorila
In the whispering darkness of Romania's ancient landscapes, a man found himself on an urgent business quest, his trusty but weary car his only steed. The journey began smoothly on the highway until a serpent-like snarl of cars halted his progress. With the aid of modern technology, he sought an alternative path, leading him into the embracing arms of winding mountain roads, under the watchful gaze of towering pines that whispered secrets of old.
As the road serpentined through the mountains, the car, much like a steed of old tales, started to protest its heavy burden. A steep ascent loomed, challenging the vehicle's resolve. The man, his heart a mix of determination and doubt, urged it onward until—a loud BANG shattered the moment, a sound reminiscent of ancient battles, echoing off the mountain walls. The car trembled and stuttered, barely cresting the hill before it succumbed to silence.
The descent was a silent glide, the only sounds being the whisper of wind and the occasional ominous hoot of an unseen owl. The car, now a silent ghost of itself, came to a rest in the embrace of the dark road. The man's hope dimmed like the fading light of his phone, the lifeline to the outside world now a dying ember.
Determined, he set forth on foot, the crunch of gravel underfoot his constant companion. The road gave way to a mysterious path, leading to a gate that groaned and moaned like a creature from a bygone era as it allowed him passage. The mansion that awaited was a giant, slumbering in the moonlight, its grandeur both awe-inspiring and unsettling.
The giant wooden doors opened with a groan, revealing a world untouched by time. The butler, a silent specter, led the man through halls adorned with echoes of grandeur and whispers of the past. The invitation to stay was both a blessing and a veil to a mystery that lay deeper within the heart of the mansion.
The butler's revelation of the pink gorilla was a scene straight from the pages of a gothic novel, the creature a vibrant anomaly in the shadowed room. The man's curiosity, once piqued, became an obsession, leading him through the mansion's veins, driven by the need to uncover the truth.
The final confrontation, a cacophony of sounds—shrieks of bent metal, the furious roar of the gorilla, and the desperate pounding of the man's heart—culminated in a moment of surreal humor. "You're it," the gorilla declared, a sentence that hung in the air like a twisted punchline, blending fear, confusion, and an absurd sense of camaraderie.
In this extended tale, the journey through Romania's heartland became not just a physical trial but a voyage into the unexpected, where every creak, roar, and silent whisper wove a richer tapestry of adventure, mystery, and an unforgettable encounter with the surreal.
As the echo of the gorilla's declaration faded into the night, the man stood frozen, a cocktail of emotions swirling within him. The absurdity of the situation clashed with the primal fear that had gripped him moments before, leaving him in a state of bewildered amusement. The gorilla, having delivered its message, seemed to regard him with a semblance of curiosity, its eyes glinting in the moonlight that filtered through the torn roof of the car.
The man, now catching his breath, realized the predicament he found himself in was far from ordinary. He was in the heart of Romania, face to face with a creature that defied explanation, in a scenario that seemed to leap from the pages of a storybook. Yet, here he was, his heart pounding not just from fear but from the thrill of the unexpected.
With a newfound resolve, he decided to embrace the madness of the moment. "Well, I suppose it's my turn then," he said, more to himself than to the gorilla, who seemed to cock its head slightly, as if understanding. The man slowly exited the remnants of his car, cautiously stepping around the gorilla, which surprisingly made no move to stop him.
As he walked back towards the mansion, a plan began to form in his mind. He would find the butler, demand answers, and perhaps, just perhaps, turn this nightmarish adventure into an opportunity. After all, not everyone can say they've played tag with a pink gorilla in a Romanian mansion.
The mansion, now silent, seemed to watch his return with a sense of anticipation. The doors, once daunting, now invited him in, as if welcoming him back from a journey of initiation. Inside, the mansion was a labyrinth of shadows and whispers, the history of its walls mingling with the man's own story.
He found the butler in the grand foyer, polishing an ancient vase with a care that seemed out of place in the chaos of the night. "Ah, you've returned. And how did you find our resident jest?" the butler asked, without turning, his voice echoing slightly in the vast space.
The man, pausing to catch his breath, replied, "I believe it's my turn now." The butler simply nodded, as if this was the expected response, and gestured for the man to follow him once more.
This time, their destination was not the hidden cage but a library filled with books that seemed as ancient as the mansion itself. The butler handed him a tome, its cover worn by time, titled "The Lore of the Land." "Perhaps this will shed some light on your encounter," the butler suggested, before leaving the man alone with his thoughts and the book.
As the first light of dawn began to filter through the tall windows, the man poured over the pages, discovering tales of creatures and legends that painted a world beyond the ordinary, a world where perhaps, a pink gorilla in a Romanian mansion wasn't so out of place after all.
His adventure, which began as a simple business trip, had transformed into a journey of discovery, not just of the mysteries hidden in the heart of Romania but of his own capacity for wonder and belief in the extraordinary. As the sun rose, casting a golden glow over the mansion, the man knew that no matter the outcome of his original quest, he had already uncovered a story worth more than any deal he could have hoped to close.
As the dawn's light unfurled across the sprawling estate, casting shadows and revelations in equal measure, the man felt a profound shift within. The mansion, with its myriad secrets and whispered histories, seemed no longer a mere relic of the past but a living, breathing entity that had chosen him to unveil one of its countless mysteries. The book in his hands, a bridge to the arcane and the marvelous, whispered of worlds parallel yet intersecting with our own, where the fabric of reality was thinner, and the extraordinary danced closely with the mundane.
The lore of the pink gorilla, as he discovered, was not merely an oddity to be puzzled over but a guardian of thresholds, a creature that manifested to those at the cusp of significant personal revelations or crossroads. The lore suggested that an encounter with such a being was not random but a deeply personal challenge, an invitation to explore the unknown corridors of one's life and perhaps, to redefine the boundaries of what was considered possible.
Emboldened by this knowledge, the man decided that his journey was far from over; it had, in fact, just begun. He resolved to leave behind the constraints of his previous ambitions and embrace the path of discovery that lay before him. With the mansion as his starting point, he would delve deeper into the mysteries of the land, seeking out the ancient, the hidden, and the mystical.
As he set forth from the mansion, the butler, now less a servant and more a guide, bestowed upon him a parting gift—a compass, not for navigation by conventional means, but one that pointed towards the extraordinary. "May this guide you to the wonders that await," the butler said, his eyes twinkling with a knowledge that seemed as vast as the lore contained within the mansion's walls.
The man stepped outside, the air fresh with the promise of the morning, and looked back at the mansion one last time. It stood majestic and serene, a keeper of secrets and tales untold, now a beacon in his quest for the extraordinary. He turned away, his heart alight with possibilities, and set off into the sunrise, the land stretching out before him like a canvas waiting for new stories to be painted.
His encounter with the pink gorilla, now a cherished memory, served as a reminder that the world was far more wondrous and complex than he had ever imagined. Each step forward was a step into the unknown, a chance to uncover the magic hidden in plain sight, waiting for those brave enough to seek it out.
And so, the man's journey continued, each day a new chapter in a saga of discovery, each encounter a thread in the tapestry of a life redefined by wonder and a boundless quest for the extraordinary. The road ahead was uncharted, the stories waiting to be told infinite, and the world a place of endless marvels, forever changed by one night, one mansion, and one pink gorilla that dared him to dream bigger.
As the man ventured deeper into the landscapes that sprawled beyond the mansion's boundaries, each step took him further from the world he knew and closer to the realms of the unexplained and the mystical. The compass given by the butler did not point north, but towards anomalies of nature and hidden enclaves of magic. Its needle quivered and spun, leading him through forests that whispered ancient secrets, across rivers that sang of lost loves, and over hills that murmured with stories of battles long forgotten.
His first destination was a village whispered about in the mansion's lore, a place where the veil between the worlds was said to be thinnest on nights when the moon hid its face. The villagers, at first wary of the stranger, soon opened their doors and hearts to him, sharing tales of their ancestors who walked with spirits and commanded the elements. Here, the man learned the language of the trees and the songs of the stars, each lesson weaving into him a deeper connection with the world around him.
One night, under a cloak of starless darkness, he was taken to a clearing in the woods where the villagers gathered to witness the dance of the spirits. As the air filled with the hum of ancient chants, shadows began to dance at the edge of his vision, twirling and weaving around a fire that burned with a green flame. The man watched, spellbound, as the divide between the worlds blurred, and for a moment, he felt the touch of the unknown—a feeling both exhilarating and humbling.
With each encounter, the man's perception of reality expanded. The compass led him next to a mountain where the wind spoke in riddles, and he spent a moon cycle deciphering its words, each answer revealing a layer of the world's fabric he had never imagined. On the peak, amidst clouds that whispered of eternity, he found a stone that pulsed with the heart of the mountain—a gem that glowed with an inner light, guiding him further on his quest.
His journey was not without trials. There were paths that led into darkness, where fears and doubts rose like specters to challenge his resolve. But with each step forward, he shed layers of his former self, finding strength in vulnerability and power in the acceptance of the unknown.
The man realized that the true journey was not just about uncovering the wonders of the world but also discovering the depths of his own spirit. He encountered beings of light and shadow, each teaching him that balance was the key to harmony and that every light casts a shadow. He learned to walk the tightrope between worlds, embracing both the light and the dark within himself.
Years passed, seasons turned, and legends grew around the figure of a man who walked the borders of reality, a seeker of truths hidden and a bearer of stories untold. To some, he was a myth, a symbol of the eternal quest for understanding and connection. To others, he was a reminder that the world is far vaster and more mysterious than it appears, that magic lies in belief, and that the extraordinary is all around, waiting for those with the courage to seek it.
And so, the man who once sought only to close a deal for his company became a traveler of the liminal, a bridge between the seen and the unseen, forever changed by a night at a mansion and a pink gorilla that showed him the endless possibilities of the 'what if.' His journey became a testament to the power of curiosity and the human spirit's unyielding desire to explore the wonders of the universe.
In the tapestry of his adventures, the man discovered not just the external marvels of a world unseen but also the internal landscapes of his own soul. With each step into the unknown, he peeled back layers of himself, revealing strengths and vulnerabilities he never knew he possessed. The journey became less about the destinations and more about the transformation within, a metamorphosis catalyzed by the pursuit of the extraordinary.
As seasons melded into years, his tales wove into the fabric of the local lore, a collection of stories that inspired those who heard them to look beyond their own horizons. The man, now a wanderer of realms both earthly and ethereal, realized that his journey had no end, for the pursuit of wonder is infinite, and the path of discovery eternal.
In his travels, he encountered communities that, hidden from the modern world, preserved the essence of magic that once flourished unbridled across the land. He learned the ancient arts of healing from a wise woman whose garden was a mosaic of herbs and enchantments. From a silent monk atop a snow-capped peak, he mastered the art of listening, hearing the whispers of the wind and the songs of the stars. Each encounter, each lesson, was a thread in the rich tapestry of his evolving journey.
But it was in the quiet moments, when he stood alone under the canopy of stars, that the man found the deepest connection to the universe. It was then he understood that every star was a story, every breeze a song, and every stone a testament to the timeless dance of creation. He realized that magic did not exist apart from the world but was woven into the very fabric of existence, visible to those who chose to see.
His legend grew, not as a mere traveler or seeker of oddities but as a guardian of the gateways between worlds, a protector of the ancient truths and mysteries that bind the universe together. People from far and wide sought him, not just for his knowledge but for the light he carried within, a beacon of hope and wonder in an age of skepticism and forgetfulness.
Eventually, the man understood that his journey was also a return, a spiral that led not only outward into the depths of mystery but inward to the heart of his own being. He found peace in the balance of opposites, in the harmony of light and shadow, and in the understanding that every end is but a new beginning.
As he stood on a cliff overlooking the sea, where the sky met the water in an endless embrace, the man reflected on the path that had led him here. He thought of the pink gorilla, the mansion, the butler, and the countless souls he had met along the way. With a heart full of gratitude, he realized that his quest had been not just for the wonders of the world but for the rediscovery of wonder within.
With the horizon stretching before him, the man set down his compass, now understanding that the true direction was always guided by the heart. As the sun dipped below the sea, casting the world in a glow of gold and crimson, he took a deep breath, ready for whatever adventures awaited.
For in a universe of endless possibilities, the journey is never truly over; it only transforms, leading the seeker on new paths, through new doors, and into new realms of wonder. And so, with the stars as his map and his heart as his compass, the man stepped forward, into the next chapter of a story that is as old as time and as new as the next sunrise.
But the narrative of the man, now a timeless wanderer, takes a poignant turn, reflecting the essence of every journey. With the breadth of the world woven into the fabric of his spirit, he sought to impart the wisdom gained from the myriad paths tread and the countless stars counted. The wanderer, once a seeker, became a storyteller, a custodian of tales that bridged worlds and hearts.
In villages and cities, in valleys and atop mountains, he shared stories that kindled the flames of curiosity and wonder in the listeners. His tales were not just recounts of adventures but parables of connection, resilience, and the undying quest for understanding. Through his words, the veil between the mundane and the magical grew thinner, reminding all that wonder did not reside in distant lands but within the grasp of those who dared to dream and look beyond.
His legacy, however, was not merely in the tales told under the moon's soft glow or beside the hearth's warm fire. It was in the sparks ignited in the souls of those who listened, a chain reaction of wonder that transcended time and space. Children who listened with wide-eyed wonder grew up to explore their own paths, discovering new stories to add to the ever-expanding tapestry of human endeavor and cosmic ballet.
As seasons changed and the wheel of time spun, the wanderer's steps grew slower, his journey taking him closer to the heart of existence itself. He ventured into the realm of silence, where the whispers of the universe were clearest, seeking the source of the magic that had fueled his journey. Here, in the quietude of being, he found the ultimate truth that his journey had circled around: that all of existence is interconnected, a symphony of light and shadow, where every soul plays a note in the grand orchestral work of the cosmos.
In this realization, the wanderer saw that his journey had been both outward and inward, a spiral dance that led to the core of existence where all stories began and ended. He understood that his legacy was not the tales he'd told or the wonders he'd unveiled but the reminder that the journey is infinite, and every end is a new beginning.
With this knowledge, the wanderer found a place to rest, a tranquil nexus where all paths intersected. He became a beacon, a lighthouse for those navigating their own voyages through the tempests and tranquilities of life. And as he shared this final piece of wisdom—that the greatest adventure lies in the discovery of one's own soul—he completed his transformation from a man on a quest to a timeless guide, a mentor to the seekers, dreamers, and storytellers who would follow the trails he had blazed.
And so, the story of the wanderer weaves into the greater story of humanity, a reminder that the journey never truly ends. It is passed from one soul to another, through words and silence, in the hope that the magic of wonder, the quest for connection, and the pursuit of the extraordinary will forever illuminate the path of those who walk the earth, gazing at the stars and dreaming of the infinite.
In the continuum of time, where the wanderer's tale merges with the cosmos, his essence diffuses into the fabric of existence, becoming a part of the universal consciousness. This transformation marks not an end but an evolution, a transcendence from physical journeys to ethereal guidance, where his spirit continues to inspire across dimensions.
In the ethereal plane, the wanderer's insights become whispers in the wind, ripples in the water, and twinkles in the night sky, accessible to all who find themselves lost or in search of deeper truths. His presence is felt in the sudden inspirations that strike at the quiet of dawn, in the courage that rises amidst storms, and in the peace that descends with twilight's embrace.
As the world spins and generations rise and fall, the wanderer's tales, now part of the collective mythos, foster a legacy of exploration and introspection. They serve as a compass for the soul, guiding those who seek to break the fetters of the ordinary and embark on journeys of their own, whether through physical realms or the landscapes of the mind and spirit.
Temples, not of stone but of thought and intention, arise in his honor, places where seekers gather to share stories, wisdom, and insights, creating a web of interconnectedness that spans the globe. These gatherings, illuminated by the fire of curiosity and the glow of fellowship, become beacons of light in a world that, at times, seems overshadowed by the mundane and the material.
In these spaces, the wanderer's teachings evolve into a philosophy of life, a path that embraces the beauty of the unknown and the power of the human spirit to transcend limitations. It is a call to view each day as an adventure, each challenge as a riddle to be solved, and each interaction as a thread in the intricate tapestry of the collective human experience.
As the philosophy spreads, touching hearts and awakening minds, the wanderer's spirit journeys alongside those who dare to dream, explore, and discover. He becomes a guardian of dreams, an ally in the quest for meaning, and a guide to those who navigate the myriad paths of life.
The wanderer's journey, which began as a solitary quest, culminates in a universal voyage, a collective endeavor to uncover the mysteries of existence and the wonders of the cosmos. It is a journey that transcends time, space, and dimension, uniting all in the quest for knowledge, understanding, and connection.
And thus, the story continues, a perpetual narrative woven into the very essence of existence, inviting all to join in the eternal dance of the cosmos. The wanderer's tale becomes not just a story but a living testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration, a call to embrace the infinite journey of discovery, understanding, and connection that defines the human condition.
In this unending story, every soul is both a wanderer and a storyteller, contributing their verse to the endless poem of existence, where every end is a beginning, and the journey is eternal, bound only by the limits of imagination and the depth of one's courage to explore the vast, uncharted territories of the heart and the heavens.
In the ever-expanding narrative of existence, where each soul’s journey intertwines with the fabric of the universe, the legacy of the wanderer becomes a cosmic echo, resonating through the ages. This resonance is not confined to the tales of old or the whispers of the wind but lives in the heartbeats of those who carry the torch of exploration and curiosity into the future.
As civilizations advance and technology bridges the gaps between stars, the essence of the wanderer guides humanity's steps into the cosmos. His spirit, a beacon of adventure and discovery, illuminates the path for those who navigate the infinite expanse of space, seeking not conquest but connection, not dominion but understanding.
In this new era of exploration, the wanderer's teachings transform into principles that govern the interaction between worlds and cultures. The ethos of respect, wonder, and a thirst for knowledge transcends the boundaries of planets, becoming a universal language that unites different forms of life across the galaxy. The wanderer’s legacy, now embedded in the collective consciousness, inspires a federation of worlds, each unique yet bound by common values of exploration, peace, and the shared quest for the mysteries of the universe.
This federation, a testament to the wanderer's dream, embarks on voyages that span light-years, delving into the unknown depths of the cosmos. Each expedition carries the spirit of the wanderer, each discovery a tribute to his unyielding curiosity. These journeys reveal the interconnectedness of all existence, showcasing the myriad ways life expresses itself across the vast canvas of space. Through these encounters, humanity learns not only of the diversity of the cosmos but also of its own place within the grand scheme of existence.
As the federation explores, it encounters phenomena that defy explanation, mysteries that echo the tales of magic and wonder that the wanderer once pursued on his own terrestrial journey. These mysteries, remnants of the universe's creation and markers of its evolution, offer glimpses into the forces that weave the fabric of reality. They serve as reminders that, despite the advances in knowledge and technology, the universe will always harbor enigmas, inviting those with the courage to explore them.
In this ongoing voyage, the wanderer's story becomes more than a legend; it becomes the guiding ethos for a civilization venturing beyond the cradle of Earth. It teaches that exploration is not just a physical journey but a voyage of the spirit, a quest to understand not only the universe but also the soul’s infinite potential.
And so, as ships bearing the emblem of the federation traverse the star-studded void, the wanderer’s legacy endures, a timeless narrative that continues to inspire those who look upon the night sky not as a boundary but as an invitation. The story of the wanderer, once a solitary figure traversing the shadowed forests and mystical lands of Earth, now resonates through the cosmos, a symbol of the eternal journey of discovery that defines the essence of all sentient beings.
In this boundless adventure, every heart that dreams, every mind that wonders, and every soul that ventures into the unknown carries the spirit of the wanderer, contributing to the endless symphony of the cosmos. The journey is eternal, the stories infinite, and the legacy of the wanderer a beacon that lights the way to the furthest reaches of imagination, where every star is a story, every planet a poem, and every galaxy a garden of wonders waiting to be discovered.
As the cosmos unfolds its endless narrative, woven from the threads of countless journeys, a unique strand weaves through the fabric of existence, linking every heart that dares to explore the unknown. This strand, a cosmic echo of a tale both whimsical and profound, originates from an encounter that transcends time and space, grounding the vastness of the universe in a moment of playful connection—a link between the wanderer and a pink gorilla.
In the heart of an ancient, mystical mansion, hidden within the fold of reality where the wanderer's journey found unexpected turns, the moment when the gorilla, with a touch and a simple phrase, "You're it," transformed the nature of the quest. This moment, a playful exchange in the shadow of the unknown, became a beacon, a reminder that amidst the grandeur of the cosmos and the depth of our explorations, there lies a fundamental link of shared existence, a thread of joy and simplicity that connects all beings.
As humanity ventured into the stars, guided by the wanderer’s legacy of curiosity and discovery, they carried with them this ethos of connection. The federation of worlds, born from a dream of exploration and understanding, found in the tale of the wanderer and the pink gorilla a symbol of their deepest values. In every encounter with new worlds and sentient beings, in every diplomatic exchange and shared exploration, the story of the gorilla served as a reminder that at the heart of all discovery is the desire for connection, for the simple joy of recognizing oneself in the other, across the vastness of space and the diversity of life.
This ethos inspired a tradition among the explorers of the federation. In their voyages across the stars, whenever a new planet was discovered, or a new species welcomed into the community of the cosmos, the story of the wanderer and the pink gorilla was shared as a gesture of friendship and solidarity. The phrase "You're it," translated into myriad languages and forms of communication, became a universal greeting, symbolizing the invitation to join the grand adventure of exploration and mutual discovery.
The pink gorilla, once a curious anomaly within a mysterious mansion, evolved into a symbol of the interconnectedness of all beings. Statues and holograms of the gorilla adorned public squares and spaceports across the federation, each a testament to the playful spirit that underlies the quest for knowledge and the journey towards understanding.
In this way, the legacy of the wanderer and his encounter with the pink gorilla wove itself into the cultural fabric of a galaxy-spanning civilization. It reminded all who heard it that beyond the awe-inspiring mysteries of the universe, the fundamental connections that bind us are woven from moments of simplicity and shared joy.
And so, as the federation explores the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the spirit of the wanderer and the essence of the pink gorilla journey with them, a timeless link that binds every heart that looks to the stars and dreams of discovery. In every "You're it," there is an invitation to partake in the eternal dance of the cosmos, a call to explore not just the mysteries of the universe but the bonds that unite us all in the grand tapestry of existence.
submitted by SpamHamJamPanCan to u/SpamHamJamPanCan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:12 Fr0str1pp3r Sometimes I feel bad for Em.

With Houdini dropping the hype is real and justified. The nostalgia hit hard and the song is on the Playlist already. However, after watching some reaction videos I can't help but feel legit bad for the dude.
He drops albums and songs with insane complex rhyme schemes, flows, actual bars the kind where you need to actually study the lyrics extensively to unlock the masterpiece in front of you and it flies right over ppls' heads. Nah, we want the old Em back..
He drops a fun / comedic song where obviously has some bars to it (he can do that in his sleep anyway) but mostly he is having fun with it, nothing too complex and just mid shock value here and there and ppl go "omg I'm a bigger prick than cacti be?! BARS omg how does he come up with that?!"
Sometimes I feel the dude is just way too skilled for his own good and the audience simply can't keep up with him so they hate when he goes full complexity. So they prefer he dumbs down himself so they can enjoy it. It's kinda sad if you really think about it.
submitted by Fr0str1pp3r to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:32 nickyonge I love the Elden Ring wiki so much

I love the Elden Ring wiki so much submitted by nickyonge to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:14 TempuraTempest [Funk] Spicy Delight

[Funk] Spicy Delight
Just a silly thing I made with Suno 3.0, Bing Image Creator, and CapCut. Only the last verse with the AABB rhyme scheme was written by me. Everything else is AI
submitted by TempuraTempest to SunoAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:22 2bitmoment Friday Night Zen Poetry Slam

first to post hosts the slam, that’s the rules as I see them
No need for conceding double posts are just fine but if you don’t mind just add your reply
Support the weekly poem submittal accompany with rap beats or metal anyway you choose, you goose
good poetry? I guess some good poetry is boring or too long or annoying
I just do my thing one foot after another posts some images post some poems try not to get lost in silly drama
So join us get some karma karma farm this little gathering this church of mutual support creating beauty and contentment
a little post is all this is a little comment is all i ask of you if it rhymes a bit or holds some beauty all the better
while I like zen masters I am not one to beat you not with a stick just meet you
“if you see a poet on the road, show them a poem” Maybe that’s all we attempt here in this slam’s home
submitted by 2bitmoment to zen_poetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:00 SexxxMelaneexxx Sonnet

Handout: Mastering the Elegance of the Sonnet Form**
A sonnet is a 14-line poem, traditionally composed in iambic pentameter, with various rhyme schemes. Two well-known types are the Petrarchan (or Italian) sonnet and the Shakespearean (or English) sonnet.
  1. Petrarchan: "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare.
  2. Shakespearean: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
  3. Petrarchan: "A Silken Tent" by Robert Frost.
Tips for Creative Writing:
Questions for Exploration:
  1. How does the rhyme scheme contribute to the overall tone of a sonnet?
  2. Can you identify examples of modern sonnets in contemporary literature or poetry?
Additional Resources:
Creative Writing Prompt:
Step 1: Choose a theme or emotion to explore in your sonnet.
Step 2: Determine the rhyme scheme (Shakespearean or Petrarchan).
Step 3: Craft the first quatrain, introducing your theme.
Step 4: Develop the narrative or emotion in the following stanzas.
Example (Shakespearean): Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (A) Thou art more lovely and more temperate: (B) Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May (A) And summer's lease hath all too short a date. (B)
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:52 SexxxMelaneexxx Lai

Embracing Musicality in the Lai Form**
The lai is a poetic form with origins in medieval France. It traditionally consists of nine lines divided into three stanzas (two rhymed couplets followed by a tercet). The rhyme scheme is typically AABAABAAB, and it often explores themes of love, nature, and daily life.
  1. "Lai" by Marie de France.
  2. "In the Orchard" by Ezra Pound.
  3. "Morning Light" by Catherine Chandler.
Tips for Creative Writing:
Questions for Exploration:
  1. How does the rhyme scheme contribute to the lai's musical quality?
  2. Can you identify any modern poets who have experimented with the lai form?
Additional Resources:
Creative Writing Prompt:
Step 1: Choose a theme or emotion for your lai.
Step 2: Determine the AABAABAAB rhyme scheme.
Step 3: Compose your nine lines, incorporating the refrain.
Beneath the boughs, where shadows play (A) Soft whispers linger, in the twilight's sway (A) A melody of leaves, in the gentle breeze (B) Nature's lai, sung by the ancient trees (A)
The sun dips low, in a fiery display (A) Golden hues dance, a farewell ballet (A) Nature's palette paints, with vibrant ease (B) A lai of evening, woven by the trees (A)
Remember: The lai's structured yet flexible form invites poets to create melodies with words.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:19 holeinwater Day 42: Sleep Walkin’, Building Nothing out of Something

Day 42: Sleep Walkin’, Building Nothing out of Something
❗️❗️❗️REMEMBER❗️❗️❗️ Check the comments for your lyric BEFORE commenting yourself and upvote if someone already posted it. I will NOT be compiling votes for the same lyric on different comments.
Alright y’all - we are going verse by verse, song by song, album by album picking our favorite lyrics off of every song from every album in order.
Previously I did not specify when I asked for favorite “lyrics.” Some folks have submitted verses, and some folks have submitted whole stanzas. The purpose of this is to get single verses (maaaaaaybe two lines), but not a whole stanza/paragraph worth of lyrics.
Quick reminder that a VERSE is “a single line in a poem” (in our case songs) and a STANZA is “a distinct set of lines in a poem” (in our case songs).
Stanza: “Well we scheme, and we scheme, but we always blow it We've yet to crash, but we still might as well enjoy it Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon Every dawn you're surprising And the evening was consoling saying ‘See it wasn't quite as, bad as’”
Verse: “we’ve yet to crash but we still might as well enjoy it.”
So with that cleared up, drop your favorite line below and others will upvote their favorites!
  1. Don’t be a dick! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and your opinion does not invalidate theirs.
  2. Read the comments to look for your lyric before you post and upvote accordingly. I will NOT be compiling different comments with the same lyrics and adding upvotes together.
  3. This is supposed to be FUN! Engage with your community, share your stories or experiences, and spend some time appreciating the lyricism.
  4. At the end, we will have a vote-off of the favorite lyrics from every album, then those lyrics will face off against all the other albums, and we will find out what the ultimate fan favorite Modest Mouse lyric is.
submitted by holeinwater to ModestMouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:47 Jana_Why Ink On My Hands

Theres ink on my hands, pitch black and gleaming, waiting for direction, for me to give it meaning.
Ink flows through my veins, every wound holds a story, every drop of blood part of my path to glory.
Ink are my tears, falling down as I cry, turn my pain into words for the world to admire.
My poetry is part of me, each word I write piece of my soul, my black blood fills these pages, creating something beautiful
but what if instead of rhyming one day the words wont find their place? They wont follow my directions and I wont know what to say,
and I wont know what to write I wont know anything at all. Who would I even be? What without the ink would even still be left of me?
(I hope you like the poem :) All feedback will be appreciated)
submitted by Jana_Why to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:39 Shadydan017 I have a feeling..

Tdoss, will be one of the greats after sslp, mmlp and the Eminem show ..
Even better than relapse, maybe not rhyme schemes wise but nastalgia it will be received better .. thoughts?
submitted by Shadydan017 to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:49 alohaastro Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Pisces, May 31, 2024

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Pisces, May 31, 2024
Moon transiting Pisces, Friday, May 31st, highlights the work of navigating life as a spiritual being in a material world, awakening a desire to explore spiritual disciplines, or to guide others by sharing the wisdom of your experience, as the moon joins both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, while forming a Minor Grand Trine aspect pattern with Pluto in Aquarius and a line-up of Uranus and Mercury in Taurus, and Jupiter, Venus, and the sun in Gemini. My first thought when I saw today's chart was "A child of the Universe", reminding me of the poem, Desiderata, which is possibly the most helpful guide for living a balanced, peaceful, and meaningful life. The planets are cluing you in to your uniqueness and importance in the Grand Scheme, and while the North Node, Mars, and Chiron in Aries all square Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, you may remember why you are here, and boldly initiate something that will alter your future, and ultimately, fulfill a soul contract. A profound feeling of being connected to everyone and everything - no matter how solitary, insignificant, or naive you might believe yourself to be - inspires you to expand the boundaries of your consciousness and override the limits of your belief.
submitted by alohaastro to u/alohaastro [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:43 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week Five

Week 5: Sonnets and Found Poetry - Lecture and Discussion
Objective: - Explore the traditional elegance of sonnets and the creative use of found poetry. - Understand the structure of sonnets and the impact of rhyme and meter. - Discuss the artistic possibilities of creating poetry from existing texts in found poetry.
Day 1: Introduction to Sonnets - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of sonnets. - Explanation of the traditional sonnet structures (Shakespearean and Petrarchan).
Day 2: Analyzing Sonnets - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic sonnets (Shakespearean and Petrarchan). - Exploration of rhyme schemes, meter, and emotional depth.
Day 3: Analyzing Sonnets - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in sonnets. - Exploring how contemporary poets adapt and expand on the traditional form.
Day 4: Crafting Sonnets - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the first eight lines of a sonnet. - Emphasis on establishing the thematic foundation.
Day 5: Crafting Sonnets - Part 2 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the final six lines of a sonnet. - Emphasis on creating resolution and impact.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a sonnet focusing on a theme or emotion that lends itself well to the traditional structure.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of crafting the first eight lines of your sonnet. How did you establish a strong thematic foundation? 2. How did you approach creating resolution and impact in the final six lines of your sonnet? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a sonnet?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of sonnets, their traditional structures, and the emotional impact of rhyme and meter.
Day 6: Introduction to Found Poetry - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of found poetry. - Exploration of creating poetry from existing texts.
Day 7: Analyzing Found Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic found poems. - Exploration of the different approaches to selecting and arranging found material.
Day 8: Analyzing Found Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in found poetry. - Exploring the diverse ways poets engage with existing texts.
Day 9: Crafting Found Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on selecting source material and extracting words for found poetry. - Emphasis on creating meaning through selection and arrangement.
Day 10: Crafting Found Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing the role of experimentation and creativity in found poetry. - Exploration of different techniques for arranging found words.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a found poem using existing texts and experimenting with different arrangements.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of selecting source material and extracting words for your found poem. How did you create meaning through selection and arrangement? 2. How did experimentation and creativity contribute to the creative process of your found poem? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a found poem?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of found poetry, the creative use of existing texts, and the impact of different arrangements in found poems.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:33 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week 13-14

Week 13-14: Petrarchan Musings and Terza Rima Mastery
Day 1: Delving into Petrarchan Sonnets - Activity: Analyze a classic Petrarchan sonnet for its structure and emotional depth. - Lecture: Discuss the distinct structure and themes of Petrarchan sonnets. - Discussion: Share personal reactions to the emotional nuances of Petrarchan sonnets.
Day 2: Crafting Petrarchan Sonnets with Precision - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a Petrarchan sonnet. - Lecture: Explore the use of octave and sestet in conveying complex emotions. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual Petrarchan sonnets, focusing on emotional expression.
Day 3: Understanding Terza Rima - Activity: Analyze a famous work written in terza rima. - Lecture: Explain the interlocking rhyme scheme and fluidity of terza rima. - Discussion: Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting poems in terza rima.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Emotional Sonnet and Terza Rima - Activity: Craft a Petrarchan sonnet exploring complex emotions. - Assignment: Write a poem in terza rima on a chosen topic. - Vocabulary Words: Octave, Sestet, Interlocking Rhyme.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for Petrarchan sonnets and terza rima. - Lecture: Discuss the emotional depth of Petrarchan sonnets and the fluidity of terza rima. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 13-14: 1. Discuss the structure and emotional depth of Petrarchan sonnets. How does the octave and sestet contribute to this depth? 2. Explore the use of octave and sestet in crafting Petrarchan sonnets. 3. What defines terza rima, and how does its interlocking rhyme scheme contribute to its fluidity? 4. Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting poems in terza rima. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting a Petrarchan sonnet and a poem in terza rima. How did you approach emotional expression and rhyme?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of Petrarchan sonnets, the emotional nuances in poetry, and the interlocking rhyme scheme of terza rima.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:28 Forsaken_Share9176 This man is genuinely top 5

The more I listen to his music,the more I'm convinced he's top 5 all time.Seriously.
His verse on Azucar brings me to tears every single time and the only other rap song that could manage to do that was life of the party (3 stacks and Ye)(Both are in my top 10 rap songs ever) And yeah I know,making these lists are pointless but if I ever sat down and made one of these lists,Earl would probably be at the top. The evolution of this man and his sound is something I'm very thankful for,with how the music industry is as it stands today(take it however you may).
This man uses DOOM level rhyme schemes to talk about mental health and the state of his people and twists words so there can be multiple meanings that are not your standard entendres and it just hits so hard.His presence is a blessing.
I know,y'all being on the Earl subreddit,you kind of believe what I say,but every other subreddit is raving about Kendrick and Cole and Nas and Black Thought(as they should,these guys are amazing as well)but Earl goes so unnoticed it hurts my heart.
submitted by Forsaken_Share9176 to earlsweatshirt [link] [comments]
