Inflatable grinch with max

Landlord wants to increase rent from 6.5k to 36k. Need advise.

2024.06.01 11:47 billyybong Landlord wants to increase rent from 6.5k to 36k. Need advise.

Hello. This would be a bit of a long post:
Background: No written contract before. My dad only had a verbal agreement with them more than 31yrs ago (my age). That's right. My family has been renting at the same place even before I was born. To add, we shouldered all maintenance expenses including electrical faults from their end. The landlord recently wrote a contract that shows the new rent will be 36k from 6.5k. My mom outright declined it.
I understand that inflation happens and 6.5k is low for the size of our house and its near a prime location in Metro Manila. However, it's too much for a single increase. Don't you agree? It won't be an issue if it's gradual increase for years
Plot twist: it's an open rumor that they don't own the house. Though, they say they pay property tax. The OG landlord (his father, deceased) was the caretaker who took advantage of the owner migrating/losing interest/forgetting. Only they know exactly, but of course they won't admit it.
Not sure if the plot twist matters, but I just want to put that detail there. I initially thought of saving up and offering to buy the house outright from them (even if they don't really own it). With the way things are going, I'm thinking they would overprice the property too much too afford.
I searched online and RA 9653 states a max 7% per annum. Does it apply to our situation wherein there's no written contract? I believe there are hand written receipts proving we are only paying 6.5k ever since.
Thank you for any advise so I know what I need say to the barangays or even courts if they escalate.
submitted by billyybong to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:50 Zealousideal-Pea8056 Are they any related?

Are they any related? submitted by Zealousideal-Pea8056 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:43 clark_k3nt Foot Locker (FL): The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from FL's Earnings Call

- May 30, 2024

The Good

The Bad

The Ugly

Earnings Breakdown:

Financial Metrics

Product Metrics

Source: Decode Investing AI Assistant
submitted by clark_k3nt to EarningsCalls [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:55 LoloReadingStuff tandem tributary kayak

I know that most self-bailing inflatable kayaks you end up having water fill your kayak. I think the floor design with the tributary tomcat is intended to prevent that from happening. I found this to be true with the single and am wondering if anyone has used the tandem with the same success? Husband is tall so our total weight is probably close to #390 with gear. #110 less than max but wondering if having more weight in there would sink it so much that it would also fill the kayak despite their floor design. Thoughts?
submitted by LoloReadingStuff to Inflatablekayak [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:26 critical_courtney [Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Nine

[Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Nine
My Discord
Buy me a cup of coffee (if you want)
Previous Chapter
Chapter Ten:
Heat rose from the frying pan as the cooking oil I dropped in slowly spread around the stickproof steel surface. Outside, I heard Billie call out and then the Fates made a few noisy clucks before going silent.
I tossed a popcorn kernel into the pan and put a glass lid on top, waiting for it to pop. Checking my phone, I saw a text from Frankie Dee. But in my phone, she was listed under “Frankie (Pal, Not Colleague).”
She’d written, “On my way.”
But because lesbians are terminally late for every event they attend, I assumed my pal sent that before even having her shoes on. In fact, the exact order of events was probably: send a text, watch a couple of videos on TikTok, remember the event, mad scramble for shoes and a jacket, and then leave the house.
With a quiet little POP, the dry kernel transformed into its yellow and white counterpart, the movie-watcher’s favorite companion. I tossed it into my mouth, only burning my tongue slightly in the process. Then, I poured several more kernels into the hot, oily pan from a glass jar labeled, “Iowa Organic Popcorn.”
These kernels came from a farm in Iowa owned by a butch lesbian couple. Our school took a field trip to their farm in 9th grade for the usual farm fun, a hay maze (or a maize maze, as I jokingly called it), a petting zoo, and crop science lessons.
All the other kids were fussing over the lambs or screaming and laughing from inside the maze. But I just wanted to learn more about the farmers who’d blown my mind. Women. . . can be together. Like — just be together, in love. That realization felt like something so simple and foundational I should’ve learned years earlier. But, of course, my Bible-thumping father and sheltered church-girl life ensured those kinds of “evils” were excluded from my purview.
Looking back, I’m not sure how he missed that we were visiting a farm run by two dykes. Then again, I guess that wasn’t exactly advertised on the permission slip.
I just remember being glued to the hip of Sadie Henshaw all day long as she showed us tractors, different types of soil, and the feed for their animals. Her blonde hair was cut short and styled like any other man’s hair in Linn County. She was a shorter, stout woman who never went a day without overalls and a ball cap. Her wife, Daniela, handled all of the finances and told us a little about things like farm subsidies and corporate farms vs. mom-and-mom operations.
Some kids left the cornfields that day wanting to be farmers. But I left wanting to be another girl’s wife.
The sound of popping kernels brought me back to the present as I picked up the frying pan and shook it back and forth with the lid on.
A knock at my door revealed a certain newspaper editor had arrived safely. And as I poured the steaming popcorn into a large, blue Finding Nemo bowl, I called out, “It’s unlocked. Come in!”
My mind played a brief scene of Frankie Dee walking into, not just mine, but our house and hanging her keys up on the keyring we’d bought while antiquing. She’d get home after a late night covering a library board meeting or some such, and I’d pull a chicken pot pie from the stove and — fuck. I had to stop this dangerous line of thinking.
She walked into the living room and took her shoes off, just as I was bringing in the giant bowl of popcorn.
“I brought a bottle of wine. I hope that’s okay,” she said.
I smiled.
“That’s perfect. I’ll grab some glasses from the kitchen.”
Frankie watched me scoop a handful of popcorn and place it on The Morrigan’s altar. She raised an eyebrow.
“Does the goddess of war and prophecy enjoy a nice salty sacrifice now and then?”
I snorted and returned from the kitchen with a pair of stemless pink wine glasses.
“First, it’s an offering, not a sacrifice. And second, popcorn has been around since 3600 BCE. You can’t tell me she hasn’t tried it and fallen in love,” I said, plopping down on the couch.
Frankie sat down slower and made sure there was a cushion of space between us.
“Does Artemis not get popcorn?”
I shook my head.
“I only leave animal offerings from things I’ve hunted on her shrine.”
“You hunt?”
Nodding, I motioned toward my bedroom.
“Keep a hunting rifle in the gun safe behind my closet door. I head up to camp a few times a year to hunt small things. Rabbits, turkeys, pheasant, sometimes squirrels if I want to make chili.”
Frankie made an incredible laugh and leaned in closer.
“Squirrels for chili? Are you serious?”
“What’s so funny about that?”
Her smile was bright enough to light up the harbor, and I wanted so badly for her to guide my ship into her port. My heart rate kicked up as she teased me.
Wait a second, I thought. Is she teasing ME? When did we switch places?
“Where on earth did you grow up eating squirrel chili?” she asked, crossing her arms.
I stuffed my face with popcorn before answering.
“Iowa,” I said.
She whistled. Was this the first time I’d heard Frankie Dee do that? Holy shit.
“Corn girl,” she said. “And now you’re here, using our phrases like, ‘up to camp,’ without an issue in the world.”
“I’m sorry. Are people From Away not allowed to use any Mainerisms?” I asked, huffing and eating more popcorn.
Frankie reached over and grabbed a handful.
“It’s cute is all,” she said, closing her arms and throwing back the entire mouthful of popcorn.
I sat there blinking.
“Did you just call me cute?”
“Hard tellin’ not knowin’, bub. What’s my witchy lesson for tonight? Why am I sitting on your sofa?” Frankie asked with a dodge only slightly less artful than Neo’s.
Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes. I’d remember her words and circle back around to them later, long after the wine had been poured.
“Your lesson tonight, FeeDee, is to learn the difference between Hollywood’s idea of witchcraft and the actual use of the craft.”
“So. . . movie night?” she asked.
I nodded.
“Double-feature. We’ll start with The Craft and finish with Hocus Pocus,” I said, grabbing my remote and turning on the TV.
“Shit. We’re going ‘90s tonight. I kind of feel like I should have brought over Capris Sun pouches instead of wine,” Frankie said, pouring me a glass.
“Hey, the night is young. It may not be the ‘90s anymore. But just in case you’re nostalgic, we have technological advances like apps that’ll allow an underpaid delivery contractor to rush into Hennie’s and grab us Capris Suns and maybe even Dunkaroos or Fruit Roll-Ups,” I said, elbowing my guest. My pal. My crush. But most definitely not my colleague or girlfriend.
The movie started, and it seemed like half of the wine in my glass was gone before the opening credits finished. Silence filled the couch as I fought to keep my eyes on the TV and not on the beautiful blonde bombshell next to me.
“Holy shit! Is that ​​Neve Campbell?”
“Yes!” I said. “Just seven short months before two guys forever ruined her life with knives, a cheap voice changer, and a ghost mask. That was a great year for the Scream Queen.”
We sat in silence and watched Nancy, Bonnie, and Rochelle meet Sarah Bailey and introduce her to their witchy ways of worshipping Manon.
“Didn’t they make, like, a billion Scream movies?” Frankie asked, turning our conversation back to a different ‘90s film franchise.
“Yeah, and they’re each amazing in their own way, adding layered commentary of horror movies through the decades. The last couple of movies even had lesbians in them.”
Frankie just smiled and looked back at the TV.
“She was my first crush, you know?” I said.
The newspaper editor turned back to me with a sloppy smile that made me want her lips on mine all the more.
“Who was yours?” I asked.
She snorted but didn’t answer, trying to turn back and watch the movie. But I curled my legs up on the couch and smacked her toes lightly with mine.
“Hey! I asked you a very important question, FeeDee. You can’t just ignore it. Come on. Who was your first celebrity crush?”
Scratching the back of her head, Frankie finished her glass of wine and poured herself another. Meanwhile, I was starting to feel my first glass kick in as a warmth slowly washed over me. For good measure, I poked her toes with my feet again.
“I’m still waiting,” I mumbled.
The look she flashed me was hungry for just a moment, and I felt my body tense. I know I wanted to eat more than just popcorn tonight. But did she?
As her cheeks burned, Frankie Dee blurted out, “It was Cassandra Peterson, okay?”
Neither of us was paying attention to the movie anymore as my smile grew wide enough that I could have turned toward the camera with an excited look on my face, that is if my life was the mockumentary I sometimes imagined it to be.
“Elvira?!” I almost screamed. “Mistress of the Dark?”
Frankie rolled her eyes again.
“There’s no need to get overexcited,” she mumbled, crossing her arms.
I scooted a little closer. Three-quarters of a cushion now separated us.
“You’re right. I guess there’s not. It’s just. . . unlike my first crush, yours actually turned out to be a fellow member of the Sappho Syndicate,” I said, finishing my glass of wine and batting my eyelashes at Frankie.
Why are you acting like this? I thought.
That earned me a belly laugh from my movie date.
“Sappho Syndicate? Is that an actual organization you can join?” she asked in between laughs, doubling over almost in tears.
“Sure is,” I said, feeling more of that wine seep into my brain (because that’s how alcohol works). “We meet on Tuesdays in our matching plaid button-downs and hash out the latest edition of The Gay Agenda. Then, when business is done, we all do laps in the parking lot in our Subarus while blasting Girl in Red.”
Frankie finally stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes.
We went back to watching the movie as I explained to my date exactly what we’d missed, about how the girls each cast a spell to get revenge or improve their lives. And right around the time Nancy’s stepfather died, I realized after she’d stopped laughing so hard, that Frankie had moved closer to me. Only half a cushion separated us now.
Did she do that on purpose? I thought, sipping my second glass of wine. No. It’s only an inch or two. If she really wanted to sit closer, she just would.
Unless. . . she’s playing a game? No. Frankie Dee isn’t the type of woman to play games. I tried to focus on the movie again.
But my mind thought, Which is exactly what would make her suddenly choosing to play a game so surprising!
Shit. We gays really did tend to overthink and analyze everything to death, didn’t we?
Show me a homo, and I’ll show you an inflated sense of anxiety and a catalog of thoughts like “Was that on purpose?” And “What exactly did she mean when she said that?”
The rest of the movie went by uneventfully. I even managed to quiet my brain long enough to enjoy seeing Sarah overcome the coven that turned on her.
“That was actually kind of fun in a B-movie cult classic kind of way,” Frankie said, starting her third glass of wine.
“Yeah. It’s always fun to revisit, even if a movie about empowering women through magic only goes so far when it’s directed and written by men.”
I got up to use the bathroom. When I came back, Frankie was checking her emails.
“Working during movie night?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She shrugged.
“I wanted to read Emma’s transcribed interview with a woman running for Cumberland County Sheriff. But I can do that tomorrow.”
“That’s right, you can. Because you have more important things to worry about on date night like the Black Flame Candle being lit and resurrecting three evil witches.”
I waited for the newspaper editor to correct me over calling this “date night,” but she just turned her attention back to the television.
She definitely heard me, I thought. She was looking right at me. Is this also part of her game?
Scanning her face for some kind of smile, I found none and relented, sitting back on the couch as we waited for the film to buffer.
“So. . . Iowa? What brought you to Maine?” Frankie asked in a tone I assumed to be her interview voice. Did all journalists have one of those to fill awkward silences or make easy conversation?
“Fleeing my nutjob church-obsessed father. No offense,” I said, showing my palms and flashing a smile. Truth was, my view of Evangelicals was pretty grim due to my upbringing and the state of this nation over the last several years. But maybe, if I could allow her the space to do so, Frankie might just repair a microscopic piece of my faith in folks who shared her beliefs.
“Ayuh, that’ll do it,” she said and immediately dropped the subject.
Before an awkward silence could grow, the movie started, and our attention was immediately captured by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy.
“So. . . they’re like — evil?” Frankie asked, finishing the popcorn.
Before I could answer, I realized something had changed when I’d gotten up to pee. Our thighs were touching!
Holy shit! I thought. There’s no cushion left between us!
Electricity ran up and down my legs, as I racked my brain to figure out what I should do next.
She wants to play? I thought. Fine. Let’s play. I’ll bet she gets flustered and scoots back over. FeeDee’s more of a chicken than all three of the Fates combined.
“Yeah,” I said, slowly stretching and casually draping my legs over Frankie’s. “But they’re really silly. They drain the life from her and turn that dude into a cat. And then they’re resurrected in the modern day. Hijinx ensue.”
Where I expected Frankie to push my legs off her or at least scowl, she instead called my bluff by reaching behind her and pulling down a white fuzzy blanket I kept on the back of my couch.
I just blinked as she spread the blanket over us. Warmth continued to shoot through me, half driven by the wine, half driven by the pretty girl who just blanketed us. Under the blanket, Frankie settled her hand flat against my thigh, and I fought hard to keep from asking, “Who are you, and what have you done with my FeeDee?!”
Except she wasn’t my FeeDee. She was just Frankie. . . my pal, my home-girl, my rotten soldier. She’s my sweet cheese, my good-time gal. Right?
Okay. Maybe she’s leveled up her game, I thought. Gone is the sheepish coworker. Round two.
I had one more move that was sure to tip the scales my way.
I scooted my shoulder closer, leaned into her, nuzzled my cheek against her neck, and left my head resting there.
Game. Set. Match, I thought.
And to my utter consternation, she leaned her head on top of mine, and the smell of her vanilla cashmere lotion was all I could focus on.
Frankie Dee was suddenly a new class of opponent. This would require lots of analysis and overthinking. But fuck me. . . I was just so tired.
I took in another deep breath of Frankie’s lotion and felt my eyelids slowly drop just as Max, Dani, and Allison wandered into the Sanderson cottage.
The last thing I heard before everything went black was Frankie’s snoring. At least — that’s what I assumed the noise was. It was powerful enough that if Paul Bunyan were still around, he’d wonder who was sawing through trees so quickly.
Morning light streamed in through my living room windows as the autoplay on whatever streaming service we’d used last night (there are like a billion now) had somehow kept playing and eventually settled on a show about a family of four blue cartoon dogs.
Not long after I woke up, I heard Frankie’s breathing change, and she lifted her head from mine and turned to look at me.
A crick in my neck must have grown through the night because a flashing pain stretched from my shoulder up to my jawline. But I didn’t seem to care as I turned to look into Frankie’s honeyed brown eyes. She said nothing, not entirely awake yet.
My phone told me it was 9:17 a.m.
Before I could think better of it, I said, “At least this time you fell asleep on top of me.”
The newspaper editor groaned and mumbled, “Oh, shut up. I should have been at work hours ago.”
We stood and stretched, and I couldn’t stop smiling while thinking about last night.
“Sorry we missed the rest of the movie,” Frankie said, clicking her tongue behind her teeth.
I shrugged.
“Eh, it’s not as good as The Craft. That’s why I had us watch it last. You want coffee first or a shower?”
The newspaper editor rubbed her face and stretched her eyes wide open.
“Coffee would be divine,” she mumbled before surrendering to my suggestion and stumbling into the kitchen.
I followed behind her with an inescapable smile. Closing my eyes, I muttered, “Blessed be.”
submitted by critical_courtney to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:21 EmulationModeHuman Should i focus on taxable account instead of tax deferred (megabackdoor roth, and backdoor roth)?

I'm 40, my wife is 38. I'm self employed and worried that the party will eventually stop with my career. As a result I've been bitten by the fire and accumulation bug in the last few years. I'm hoping for at least 10 years. Thus I want to be capable of fire in 10 years (2034), and I think i could ChubbyFire in 15 (2039) even if things are great.
Current account balances:
Assuming 120k/years savings & 7% avg return: @10yr:4M total. @15yr: 6.5M total. Maybe more with extra contributions from year end profit and possible sale of business
If everything goes according to plan I know we're in a good place. I think we'll be tight on qualifying for ACA credits, once the cliff is reintroduced in 2026, between pension and rental income alone, but who knows what healthcare will be like in 10 years. I'm pretty sure my solo 401k lets me withdrawl at 55 as long as i'm fully retired. So if i can last 10 we just need to float 5. If I last less than 10, I need to pick up another career.
My question is: Should we max out all the tax advantaged contributions? Should we divert from putting money into a brokerage to get my wife to max out her 401k first and have her start to do a backdoor Roth second? Divert some of our other investments to the brokerage? Or Keep things as they are?
Benefits of brokerage investing is pre-fire we could do some tax-gain harvesting, to keep our MAGI low for aca credits and access funds earlier with no drama. Cons are cap gains and tax drag.
If we start a 5 year roth conversion ladder 5 years before we want to fire, the tax rate would all be 35%, which is shitty.
If we take from 401k early, eat the 10% penalty, we could be 24% bracket for everything over pension/rental minus standard deduction up until 190k. that's an effective 34% if i'm right?
I've read a little about the 72t seems rather rigid, and uses a formulaic approach to how much you can take and may have it's own pitfalls like the greater of 5 years or 59.5 years old.
submitted by EmulationModeHuman to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:53 StopAccurate Closing in on J4... AMA!

Without divulging too much information, I'm closing in on J4. TC: $470,000 USD.
Been over-employed for two years now. Two jobs for the first 12 months, then it evolved into three jobs for the last 8 months or so. About to add on a fourth job to bring total comp just shy of $470,000. Currently working 50hrs a week. I'm generally on the computer from 8AM to 5PM every day, Monday through Friday.
Lifestyle creep is SO bad. Bought a new truck a few months ago, new boat, expensive hobbies. I spend probably $2k/month on food and I buy clothes and shoes just about any time I see something I want.
I am maxing 401k and HSA every year, back door Roth IRA, and an additional ~$18k into the stock market for a total of $50k/year invested. Made my first angel investment of $5k, loaned a family friend $10k, and I'm starting a side hustle with a friend for an initial investment of $10-15k. On average I have about $50k cash on hand at all times across checking & savings.
My goal is to have $75k cash saved at EOY + $50k cash on hand, and my boat paid off ($65k) by EOY. I've avoided real estate thus far in the last two years, as it seems like we are in an unprecedented time of inflation of real estate specifically.
Bet advice? Take it one day at a time. At the top level, OE sounds scary and all the "what ifs" will eat you up. I take work one day at a time. I have a note pad where I write down to-do tasks that I need to get done, and I hammer them out as the days go by. I don't think I've ever been double booked in meetings where I've had to participate, so no issues there. Take it all one day at a time.
EDIT: Grammar
submitted by StopAccurate to overemployed [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:32 Hot-Prior2874 How compatible viable do you think draco is

How compatible viable do you think draco is
Personally from the little that I played him he is pretty good especially with his last stand gadget
submitted by Hot-Prior2874 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:59 Usual_Brief_6787 I spent 15 hours studying how Loom went from Chrome extension to a $975M acquisition. Here's what I learned:

In just eight years Loom went from $0 and maxed out credit cards to a $975M exit.
Founders Vinay Hiremath, Shahed Khan, and Joe Thomas, along with their awesome team (more on this later) built Loom around customer obsession and creating the best product for that customer.
The Loommates are on a mission to superpower productivity by challenging the status quo of text and live video calls.
To get here though Loom took a bit of a windy road - with two name changes and a few repositioning. Loom launched in 2015 as Opentest, but it was only in 2016, when the Loom we know today started to take shape, launching a Chrome extension under the product name Openvid.
Good thing they changed the name.
Then in October 2023, after having raised just over $200M up until this point, Loom was acquired for $975M by Atlassian.
Today Loom has 21M users at over 350k companies - including Tesla, Apple, Goldman Sachs, and Amazon
But this isn’t about where Loom is today.
This is the story of how Loom went from Zero to One. Click here for the full deep-dive 🚀

Loom’s Growth

The first iteration of Loom launched back in 2015.
The original idea was to help teams gather feedback through video. It was a one-line code injection to enable you to record your screen, yourself, and your audio, and was called Opentest.
They believed deeply in the power of video but quickly realized that this was not the right angle to approach the problem.
So in June 2016 they repurposed Opentest’s video feature into a Chrome extension and launched it as Openvid on Product Hunt - testing if there was interest in its new use case.
Within the first 24 hours they had 3,000 new users.
More than the previous six months combined.
Safe to say there was interest.
They now had their first users. Users who loved the product. A simple free Chrome extension that allowed you to record and share videos via a link.
No clunky video editing software or huge files. Just a Chrome extension and a link.
Then after speaking to some of their users, Loom learned that video could solve communication issues at the workplace - particularly for remote teams.
And so in 2017, they rebranded to Loom and positioned themselves as the go-to solution to replace the hassles of written communication.
Loom also had one more major shift in positioning and strategy - but more on that later.
Ending 2019, Loom was doing $720k ARR.
From here, growth sped up.
By the end of 2021, Loom was doing $35M ARR. And by October 2023, $50M ARR.
To get here Loom raised a total of $203M over the last seven years. But it hasn’t been without some hiccups.
In May 2021, Loom raised $130M at a $1.5B valuation. But for various reasons, some out of Loom’s control, such as mass ending to WFH policies and economic downturns, Loom took a bit of a valuation hit post-Covid.
Loom was acquired by Atlassian for $975M in October 2023.
This decreased valuation was likely also in part to Loom fundraising during an overinflated market.
However, being acquired for close to $1B is still an insanely impressive feat. I just wanted to mention this to give you the full story and perhaps a precautionary tale on raising in an inflated market.
There are still many lessons to be learned from Loom’s journey. Experiencing rapid growth and reaching over 20M users.

Key Success Factors (KSFs)

There have been many reasons for Loom’s exponential growth. But here are three that stood out to me, particularly early on in Loom’s journey.

🗣️ 1. Action user feedback:

After launching on Product Hunt, Loom (then Openvid) grew to 10k users in three months. Users were giving them feedback and they loved the product.
They had validated that video was filling the need to improve communication.
Instead of relying on sales and marketing teams to drive growth, they went all in on a Product-Led Growth (PLG) strategy. A strategy that relies on using your product as the main vehicle to acquire, activate, and retain customers.
But to maximize their PLG, Loom focused on getting two key things right:

i. Fast or instant time to value ⌛️

Loom met this first piece of the PLG puzzle by delivering value within minutes.
All you had to do was add the Chrome extension to your browser and you could start recording. No commitments. No credit card details.
Straight to the value. In less than five clicks.
But for PLG, you need more. You need loyal customers to spread the word.
How do you do that…

ii. Building the best product focused on users’ needs 👷

Loom became customer-obsessed.
They completely dialled in on their users’ needs. Asking for user feedback, listening to it, and then building for it.
The team built and shipped features every day. But not just any features. They had to fill three criteria:
  1. Fell within Loom’s mission ☄️
  2. Users and the team would find relevant. 📚
  3. Improved Loom’s product. 📈
This is what led to their rebrand to Loom.
The go-to solution to replace the difficulties of written communication.
Loom had started to reflect their customers’ voices in their product. They had built a product their customers actually wanted and needed.
Loom made sure to show their users how their feedback was being incorporated, they responded to every single email, message, and comment - recording personal Looms. The Founders took turns on support shifts and built relationships with early adopters.
Loom was relentless in understanding its users. Tracking every piece of data they could, importantly: why people used Loom, where they dropped off, and why they dropped off.
From this, the Loom team identified multiple features that we know as key parts of the product today, such as notifications when your video is watched, recording your entire desktop, and leaving the video flipped after you record (they figured out this made users more comfortable with how they looked on camera).
During Covid, Loom increased the features on their Free Tier, halved the price of their Pro Plan, extended the length of their free trial, and gave any educational users of Loom (teachers and students) FREE Loom Pro forever (and still do this today).
Through all of this and more, Loom’s users became ambassadors. They wanted to see Loom grow. They wanted to share what they knew.
Their users wanted to share Loom.

🎯 2. Repositioned to find PMF

When Loom first launched on Product Hunt as Openvid, they had already pivoted from a tool using a line of code to gather feedback via video into a Chrome extension to record yourself and your screen - and share it with just a link.
Loom was used to listening to what the market wanted and adapting.
But critically, they weren’t just building new products all the time. They were making tweaks to find better positioning in the market.
Going from Opentest to Openvid, all the team did was repurpose and reposition their built-out features.
Then, an interaction with a long-standing customer, Scott from Hubspot, would change the brand forever.
The team learned that video was an awesome solution to solving communication issues within teams - particularly for remote teams.
And so Loom was born - a rebranded Openvid. Again, a repositioning to get closer to PMF.
They were now the go-to solution to replace all the hassles of written communication. Even though it was still the same tool as it was previously.
Loom then had one last major transition.
They wanted to now attract the biggest companies in the world to use Loom for internal communication.
Their GTM (Go to Market) strategy here was simple. Launch an existing product in a new market - Enterprise teams.
They accompanied this change in positioning with new features such as the beta Loom for Teams and a centralized video library (think repeatable internal messaging like onboarding).
This launch was perfectly timed.
With all companies forced into remote working and needing better tools to communicate.
Their messaging became more focused:
Sometimes to find PMF, you don’t need to change your product. You just need to find the right audience for it.

🕵️ 3. Intentional about hiring and employee retention:

In around 4 years, Loom reached 100 employees.
But it wasn't linear growth. It was slow. And then all at once.
In 2020, went from around 45 employees to reaching the 100 Loommate mark. Hiring 30 employees alone between February and May.
The team at Loom lives and works in over 11 countries, including Portugal, Brazil, and Australia.
This is intentional. Loom wants to structure its team with the goal of being able to work with the most talented people.
Wherever they are.
And they want to build this world-class global organization without anyone feeling like they’re not part of the Headquarters.
They want Loom to reflect the modern world we’re in.
This includes working with organizations such as Techqueria and Women Who Code to create a more inclusive and comprehensive recruitment process.
The Founders were also very intentional about the roles and types of people they hired. Choosing to hire specific skill sets for their team.
This meant looking for the best video engineers instead of the best general software developers. As well as making very specific senior hires, who had experience with very specific skills, for example, Joshua Goldenberg as the VP of Design, who was the previous Head of Design at Slack and Palantir.
Another critical piece of Loom’s growth has been a focus on employee retention.
They were laser-focused on employee happiness and retention as they believed it would be a key lever for growth. So far, they’ve been right.
To do this, Loom focuses on a few things:
They want the best part of working at Loom to be the people.
With the Founders stating the order of the focus of their business as:
  1. People 👯
  2. Product ⚙️
  3. Profit 💰

Actions you can take to replicate Loom’s success

Cherry-pick successes to mimic 🍒

One of Loom’s most successful features has been its “someone has viewed your video” notifications.
Sound familiar?
We’ve all experienced the exact same notifications with LinkedIn: “Sabrina and 8 others viewed your profile.”
And we’ve also all had the exact same reaction of wondering who viewed our profile to only find out we need to pay for LinkedIn Premium…
Loom took this feeling and put it into their product.
They created an anonymized notification to let you know someone had viewed your video.
I can only imagine the excitement (and nerves) if you use Loom for something like sales.
This feature spiked the usage of Loom. Creating a curiosity hit in their users - as well as them seeing it working!
This feature was key in scaling Loom in its early days. And helped create a customer base that was obsessed with using Loom. 🚀
So look around your daily and work life. What are some features or products that you love?
Why do you love them? Do they make you feel excited? Curious? Inspired?
Replicate that feeling with a similar feature. Just like Loom did.
But be careful, you need to make sure this feature fits with your product. You don’t want to force a feature that doesn’t fit or doesn’t help your users.
You also don’t want to start looking like everyone else. So as Author Austin Kleon titled his bestseller, you need to Steal Like an Artist.
Add your own spin to a successful feature. Make it fit your brand.
Cherry-picking features also works both ways.
When you look around your daily life: What are some features or products that you dislike or even hate?
Why do you hate them? Do they make you feel frustrated? Angry? Sad?
Avoid features that bring these emotions out.
Don’t only replicate successful features. Avoid unsuccessful ones.

Give your users instant value ⏰

Loom’s time to value is almost instantaneous.
With the first version of Loom, all you had to do was install the Chrome extension, review the settings, and then you could record.
Less than five clicks.
Users loved this.
Loom was quick to install, learn, and use.
But importantly for the Loom team, this also meant that Loom was quick to share.
Remember, you’re trying to make your product as frictionless as possible.
It’s hard to get someone to add a new tool to their life and their routine.
Don’t make it any harder for them.
Make it as easy as possible for your customers to use your product - like Loom did. They didn’t ask for any commitments. Straight to the value.
First impressions aren’t only important when meeting new people. They are also critical in building trust with your customers.
So use this time to wow them!
If they love their first interaction, you will win their trust.
From there you can earn their loyalty by listening to and building for their needs.
To read all the actions you can replicate to explode your growth (with some cool graphics). Click here.
submitted by Usual_Brief_6787 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:43 Available-Page-2738 A Point About Food and the End of the Whole Gosh-Darn-Diddly World

The reality? First of all, most of the time, things work correctly. What do I mean? Right now, the supermarkets are filled with food. And, even with inflation, when you calculate the "cost" of growing all that food yourself, you are making out like a bandit.
And the roads? Sure, there are potholes. Near where I live, a woman flipped her car onto its side (I still can't figure out how, the other car was barely scratched). By the time I came upon the scene, the EMTs were there, the cops were there, the fire trucks were there, and she was in the back of an ambulance with a wrapped arm, looking mildly annoyed -- a sort of "Sheet! Totaled my damn car. There goes my insurance." But it wasn't something out of Mad Max. It was practically mundane.
When calculating how much food you need to grow to keep your family from starving, you should really be looking at it more like, "How much food do I need so that we can have some nice fresh carrots and celery during the summer? And wouldn't a crisp rhubarb pie with strawberries be nice, too??
My point: You don't need 100 acres. You don't need to be out there toiling from sunup to sundown. For the first 2-to-4 years of a complete collapse, you should have sufficient canned goods. Everything after that should be freeze-dried. Freeze-dried foods retain almost all their nutritional value and have a shelf life of 25 years. And you have, literally, no excuse for not preparing your freeze-dried stuff ahead of the total collapse of every single thing we all know and hold dear!
Between freeze-drying and dehydrating (and, for the more adventurous, smoking, salting, canning, and root-cellaring), you shouldn't have to stare at your crops every year, thinking, "My God, if the corn fails, we're going to have to eat another one of the children. And Timmy. ... He's so stringy!"
submitted by Available-Page-2738 to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:21 donzi39vrz Lock in mortgage?

I was one of the dumb people who listened to the government over covid about the rates and went variable on my first house in 2022. Rate started at 3.x and is now 6.3%.
My mortgage renews in July 2027. I currently am not happy with the house but am making due. I have a plan to be debt free before I sell. I currently have a loan that at my current pace (max I can do right now) will be paid in 3.5-4 years assuming no issues and no raises only inflation at 4%.
I am debating locking in my rate at 5.29% for 4 years to lower my biweekly payment by $85 and put that towards paying the other loan faster as it is a slightly higher rate.
This also means my mortgage will renew right about when I am debt free and I will have more options for my next house. Though I currently could get approved for what I want with my current DTI ratio.
This seems to line up well but with expected rate drops and already getting screwed at the top not sure it makes any sense now. The estimated difference in interest over the next 4 years is just shy of $13k
submitted by donzi39vrz to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:48 MrGerbz Joker suggestions: a decently fun character, worth to get, but... Holy recovery times, Batman

Hey devs and random Redditors,
The biggest problem the Joker has right now is his insanely long recovery times. They make him feel slower than even Iron Giant at times.
Joker is pretty damn powerful, can do some really cool stuff, and overall his kit is interesting. And he's a mage, not a bruiseassassin, so it's to be expected that he isn't the fastest or constantly on the frontline.
One of his most powerful moves, "Let's Shake On It!", is on his neutral special. It's essentially a counter, with serious kill ringout potential. So yes, a decent amount of recovery time is warranted.
However, the window to counter is very small and doesn't instantly activate, so you need to anticipate, which would be fine if opponents were 100% accurate...
But there's been so, so many cases where an opponent misses their attack by a hair's length, which completely screws you over now. This animation lasts so long, the opponent has the time to jump literal circles around you and then hit you with a slow powerful attack, without fear of repercussion.
While the above move is the worst offender, there are other moves with a recovery time too long: his side special "Blastoff!" (his bazooka), his dash attack (not a fun thing to have recovery time on), and even his regular forward attack 3-part melee combo feels slower than need be (though granted, you can switch it up with other moves).
Let's Shake On It!:
Blastoff! and Dash ("Joker, Baby!") and side melee combo ("Everything But The Kitchen Sink!"):
Other notes / suggestions not necessarily pertaining to recovery time:
Brushed and Ready! (down attack):
It's great to have an armor break attack, but vs any character with armor, you need to be too close for comfort to hit this. Yes, you can combo into it, but at that point the opponent usually doesn't have armor. And its damage even at max charge is negligible. I really only tend to use this skill to charge the HaHa meter for the air neutral armor break.
Whats Behind the Curtain? (down special):
I like the concept of this move (making opponent unsure what to expect), but its execution not so much. The cannon is pretty okay, but the Jack-in-the-Box is just a low damage uppercut. If an opponent is in that range, your up attack (Crowbarred!) is faster, does more damage, and knocks back furthehigher.
Oh No Pogo! (air down attack)
Pretty okay, but really, really small hitbox. Several times I've somehow even missed Iron Giant (while right on top of him).
Fire in the Hole! (air down special):
Awkwardly short range, and not a lot of scenario's to use it over other attacks
Runaway Inflation, signature perk for Balloonatic! (up special):
As it currently stands, this perk simply isn't worth it. What isn't mentioned in the text is that after the actual charge, you need to hang on to the balloon until Joker automatically releases it, so no dodging/jumping/etc to release early.
If you don't charge (which on hit does 5 dmg), and/or release early, in all cases your Balloon Ride does 11 dmg (even when you do charge but release early). If you do charge (hit = 10 dmg), and don't release early, Balloon Ride on a regular balloon does 17 dmg, and on a big balloon from the perk, a whopping... 19 dmg. Yeah.
And last but not least, some of his skills are a bit too generic, not very Joker-like (as far as I know, that is). I like his card attack, but I don't remember ever seeing him go full Gambit. This could simply be changed to him throwing random, Joker-like stuff like mechanical teeth. His bazooka and grenade also seem generic / out of character. The latter I already suggested something for, but the bazooka could be made to (for example) shoot rocket-boosted mechanical teeth. Functionally entirely the same, just thematically more fitting.
...This post became a bit longer than intended. If you reached this point without skipping anything, thanks and well done. Wish I had your kind of patience.
submitted by MrGerbz to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:27 Illustrious_Fan9974 Balance changelogs that i wish to be applied ( June 2024 ) vo 2.0

  1. Charging time : 3s-2.5s
  2. Added tank trait
  3. Its GONNA Blow (Sp ) : 10%-15% efficiency
  4. Hp value 10800-11200
( Despite this SHRIMP got huge BUFFS yet still staying on the bottom of the tiers ,is really unideal For that being. This should make him put more pressure and be a little defensive on close range scenario's . Also his sp where he gets his speed buff should be increased as it is only a 10% increaseal )
  1. HP value: 4800-5000
  2. Reload speed increased by 5%
( I tried not to give everyone a DMG change since DMG inflation is continuously rising over time.... Soo tried some alternative options tbh. )
  1. Rebuild ( Gadget ) area coverage: 3x3 -4x4
  1. Both of her spawnables hp from SP increased ---( 2400-3200)---( 3000-3800)---
( Nobody's Talkin about how she fell off in the last few months.
BTY tried a different buff for her. What I've seen is what her spawnables hp from both of her SP is still the same even aftrr the universal stat buff. No wondy why her spawnables are soo fragile RN. )
  1. Attk range: 8.33-9 blocks/tiles
( Hot take but the only thing that i suffer when playing janet is how low her range is.... As a marksman, she just..... Doesn't seem too have enough range, AKA underwhelming ..... Havin that low of attk distance also makes her more fragile, TBH i think this single buff is enough to give her a substantial improvement. )
1.Steel hoops SP : Effect duration 2s-3s
  1. Projectile amount : 5-4 DMG Distribution ==> 480--600 per projectile
  2. Super DMG : 800-1200
( Darrls viability is slowly descending due to better picks and HCS ( OFC ) but instead giving a basic Hp Buff, i thought what about buffing his steel hoops, as now he can be more aggro with his playstyle as he will be alot tankier . Also with the second change, he can do more consistent chip DMG even at max/mid range, which i think is the biggest flaw RN )
  1. Projectiles amount 5-4 ( Main ATTK DMG distribution: 880-1100)
  2. Super dash speed increased by 25%
  3. Hp value : 10000-10400
( As i knew it, as more characters getting HCS including tanks, those ones whos viability is mostly bcuz of HC are getting heavily powercrept... Also dont forget the uni: HC nerf. I tried to make his super just a little less dodgable by making the dash speed higher , aand as same as darrl, reduced his projectile amount soo he can deal more consistent chip DMG at maximum range )
  1. Base healing: 1200-1600
  2. Added tank trait.
  1. FULL Rage gained from receiving DMG : ==>125%- 100% of his base hp
  2. Rage bar now decays 15% slower
( He is also powercrept due to not having a HC as tanks get the most benefit from it and get the most sufferings without it...BUT, recently i am seeing that, as more characters are getting HCs, tanks HCs are also getting powercrept. Those HCS are still Strong tho ...... But i dont think a single HC will make him alot better. This change should let him be more AGGRO tbh )
HIEST SAFE: Base HP increased by 25% Upto ==>(80000-100000 hp)
 2. Now has a Damage cap of 5000 per second 
( Do i need to say somtin?.... HIEST recently has been INSANELY powercrept due to more high DMG dealing characters as well as balance changelogs, this sure is a necessary change RN, also keep in mind that the DMG cap is set to per SEC, not like single 5k burst DMG.... That means any higher DMG than 5k on that specific sec will be cancelled )
  1. movement speed reduced to fast when charging attks ( from very fast)
  2. SCR : 2-2.5 shots
  3. Main attk DMG : 4400-4000
  4. Holding full attk more than 3 attks will slowly revert the attk ( AKA less DMG and SCR )
( Absolute insane marksman RN... The HIGH DMG combined with his insane speed is ridiculous )
  1. Dash range reduced by 25%
  2. SCR from notes cut in HALF.
  3. Interlude ( gadget ) : will now consume all notes (like Ash's chill pill )
  4. notes no longer charges form special targets including heist safe.
5 hp value: 8200-7800
  1. Using super kick in BB will now consume all the supers.
( INSANELY high mobility and Very fast SCR... Considering how easy to hit shots TBH.... Also nobody's giving a Fuck about it... But for some reason, when applying her basic attk, the notes appear literally from her a-- inside..... , Dealing 2760 per attks... Even if all 3 of your notes are charged, u still do insane Dmg with that goffy ahh gimmick. [ 920 from basic attks+ 1840 from the notes ] this substantially increases her Burst DMG value... also once she gets her super... its pretty easy to cycle it with her notes as the notes charge rate is the same as the base SCR, aka 4 hits......Allowing her to do absurd teamwipes . Also the inability to charge notes from special targets will make her an insane Victim of spawners like Nita and Jessie )
  1. HCR : 60%-40% ( 1.66-2.5 supers )
( His HC is incredibly strong AF, As if it wasn't enough..... )
  1. HCR : 60%-50% ( 1.66-2 Supers )
( got overtuned TBH, getting that much 10k hp turrets are just too overwhelming )
  1. Base attk projectile speed: 4000-3700
( Tried different aspect to tune her down. Although she is less viable due to current map rotation, but still she is such a versitile pick in soo many places. This will definitely reduce her consistent DMG value, as she can do really good pressure with the bounce gimmek)
  1. Base healing/DMG: 760-720
( Ok i am sorry, but IMO his Dmg/heal got way overtuned.... I already Kinda doubted that after this change he might need a small Nerf... But at the same time... I think he will still be really Good )
  1. Spiders hp decay increased ( 10%-20%) Upto 10-5s spiders endurance .
  2. Super : victim can now breakthrough the super with its ammo ( each ammo cuts one of five decays from the super , thats means upto -60% super duration if the victim has all the ammo. 5s-2s upto )
• Victims can now reload with 30% less efficiency
  1. Attk unload delay: 500ms-750ms
( IDK how to balance her super TBH. She has to be one of the most unserious character supers I've seen. A fast paced multiplayer game where u always have to be active, Havin a character who literally makes u being idle for a decent period of time.... Like even if the super were 3s, she still will be good... Bcuz of how her super works. her Allie's including herself, gets a huge advantage in many scenarios, because 5s is still enough to do the impossible in ongoin matches, atleast in competitive. Soo increasing the decay again will let her and her allies do less amount of crazy plays and other shit. But if u have any ideas, just let me know how to balance her super properly
but what can i see for now which needs a deserved change is that the spooders gadget Imo is still pretty braindead and strong at the same time.... 10s of endurance if doesn't get damaged helps her soo much for control , this especially helps with single non pierce attkers . This should do the damn job
  1. reload speed reduction : 1300-1450 ms
( She was already pretty underrated without the HC , after the Hc addon for her ,she just easily became insane. But i dont think nerfing her HC will not be that healthy for the HC itself )
Buffs, Debuffs and other changes
  1. first star power is now baseline. it is replaced with THE new SP ( In my sight's)..... Which increases the upper and lower view point by 15% in focused mode...
( IMO her 1st SP is a must for her kit..... So i tried making her 1st sp baseline as I think, she is quiet unviable without it....)
  1. Main Attk DMG: ==( 1280-1400)
  2. SCR : 7-- 6 bells
  3. Poprocks super now have a throwing range similar to other spawners like Nita.
  1. 2 nd sp now reveals enemy's ammo bar and charge rate ( CHARGE RATE bar amplifies like lous freeze bar)
  2. 1 st SP now removes one cap bell attack and cycles between 2-3 bells
(Although OUR Mighty JESTER dosent have any good competitive purposes, he still feels awfull in Ladder as well.... bumping the DMG will make his long range shots more rewarding and reworking his 1st SP will reduce his Burst DMG buuuut, this SP will indeed increase his Consistency over DMG even more...)
  1. after leeching out from an allie, he will gain 33% of his super back
  2. Super duration when leeched on allies 10s-12s
  1. MAIN attk DMG : 2000-1600 ( revert)
--changes ( Reworks )--
1.Power hungry ( SP) : renamed to " Enter context ". When leeched to an allie, his allie will passively Charge its super similar to kit himself, but it will be 20% less effective.
  1. Cardboard box ( gadget) : renamed to "Enter context" will increase leached allies movement speed by 25% for 5s
  2. Overly attached ( SP) : renamed to " Enter context" . Will get 40% DMG when super is applied to opponents and targeted victim will receive 20% more DMG from all source's. The Dmg buff also Includes kits super DMG.
  3. Cheeseburger ( Gadget) : will now heal kit even if he isn't leeched to any allies. But it will be 30% of his max HP. And now has a maximum healing cap of 4000 . ( small Nerf) so no more Kit + Big tank combo.
  4. After leeching out of an Allie, he will gain 25% DMG reduction for 5s
( Tried to make him actually decently supportive rather assassin type. Hot take but kits whole system is just messed up. From gadgets being not supportive enough to SPs being very situational. One thing i also noticed that, supportive characters who has shorter range generally suffers more than the other supports. And not to mention, his super is not that consistent. After leeching out of an Allie, he literally losts his whole damn super and considering he has no other way to fastly charge his super except attacking others opponents, which he suffers again cuz he has short range , low burst and low Hp. So He has to passively charge it most of the time. Which takes a while where 20s to be exact. So i tried to make his super just a little more cyclable and tried making his whole gadget, SP reworked . To make him supportively better. Soo lastly, WDYT? Did i overdo it, or like overbuffed him? Let me know tho. For any improvements)
  1. he can now attank while walking. ( very slow when Attacking , doesn't apply to super )
  2. Main attk Range increased by 0.33 block/ tile . ( 6-6.33 blocks
  3. Super attk range increased by 0.33 block/tile ( 7-7.33 blocks )
--MYTHIC gear--
  1. Will gain 66% of the super back if the previous super gets interrupted
  1. Hp value : 14000-12000
( I .... Genuinely don't know how to make uim viable, where almost EVERY SINGLE damn characters somehow counter him ... But what can i see about this change is that he can now have some sort of mobility when proceeding attks )
  1. Main attk range: 4-4.66 blocks
  1. Base SRR : reduced by 33%
  2. Shredding SP will no longer work when cycling super
( Yup already, although he wont get any changes this month, i just wanted to show y'all about my change to our fav metal star . Soo far what I've experienced pushing draco to R30 is his first form is actually ok.... ish.... Its gud but..... Sometimes feels weak. But talk about his 2nd form and everything literally changes..... He cycle's super faster than mortis, both healing insane hp with 2nd sp and dealing ridiculous DMG. The easiest change that can tune him down is stopping him from cycling supers. Although I'd say, not that OP than melon and angelo, he both needs buffs and nerfs RN. )
  1. Hp value 4600-4800 ( revert)
  1. DMG value: ==>3400-3200
    ( And talk about her DMG, the recent DMG proximity change also for some reason has also increased her maximum DMG area by 0.66 blocks, not sure the exact number, but still i am surely can feel that she is dealing alot more of her maximum DMG in maximum areas . Thats why i think the DMG IMO way overtuned, way too much rewarding when shot hits , needs a balance between like what happened to Nani. )
  1. Ammo amount increased to 2 ( Same delay as Fang )
  1. Vanish ( gadget ) : now has a 1s delay uppn Activation
( Really gets Carried over this gadget, yet soo fragile without it. )
  1. Cant place polls in a HIEST safe ( in a radious of 4 tiles )
  1. Reload speed 2000ms-1800ms
  2. projectile speed 1750-1860
--CHANGES ( small reworks) --
1 .autoaiming outside the polls will no longer place one , instead all poles now need to be placed manually. ( To avoid misssuper )
  1. Reroute gadget will pick up the nearest pole instead of last placed pole. The gadget Will Still pick up poles even if the super is Charged
( Outside heist and few hotzone maps.... He recently started to become outshined by other controllers. His kit is really weird as it only works decently on specific modes and maps. Soo kinda tried to rework some of his base stats .
And this change to his super will let him do more good pole placements soo he can do more controlling attribution for his team.. although WDYT?.
  1. 1st SP is now baseline. it is replaced with ( insert name ) which upon deploying his super, he will gain a 15% DMG reduction for 2s
  2. 2nd SP is now reworked, after launching his super, after 10s, he will instantly charge his super. (Doesn't passively charge bty )
  3. 2nd gadget is now reworked as well to ( insert name ) . It is like sprouts one, when knuckle Busters are on the ground , using this gadget will automatically home in to himself and will deal 1800 DMG
( He is completely dependent on his 1st SP ... IMO making it baseline is important, second of all... Both of his 2nd gadget and SP is Dogshit.... It really need some love... Soo tried this Rework to remove some of Sam's weaknesses. Also. Is the first SP rework good or just made it too strong ?, let me know)
OR, ( Quickfix)
  1. knuckle Busters pickup timing reduced by half .
  2. Hp Value: 10800-11200
  1. Base SCR : 4-3
  1. Disengage gadget will be disabled when proceeding super
  2. Tremors ( SP ) duration : 2s-1s
( A SINGLE CHANGE, singular, not plural .... Just made her literally fall from a skyscraper to below average, and i kinda knew it, a character whos equally consistently dependent on its super and attk , having a same SCR ans SSR is a must have..... Which Maisie had.... Which also maded her consistent. But IMO reverting jt will be a stupid ass idea, soo i tried some other good ways to tone it down. Like the tremors SP, which Imo is one of the biggest reason she was able to cycle supers that much... Like the slow was soo much that she could even even Autoaim most of the time and EZLY get her super back.... And dont get me started when it is combined with that stupid disengage gadget combo, she literally gets like twice the range of her Normal super.... And people barely gets any time to react. )
  1. SRR : 45hits
  2. Super DMG: 2400-2200
  1. Main attk DMG : 2720-2800
  2. Super dash speed: 4000-4500
  1. HCR : 20%-30% -- ( 5-3.33 supers)
(fresh kicks SP has been always a must pick for his kit, and now because of his buffed SCR , this SP just straight makes him to be able to destroy low-mid ladder player matchmakings . Although he is counterable in competitive matches. But knowing the fact that 70% of the whole player base are casuals, i think he actually needs a super Debuff, cuz NOBODY likes to get teamwiped in a matter of seconds. He was already pretty solid IF U PLAYED HIM well enough which most of the people weren't. After his SRR buff, he already became STUPIDITY braindead as it is pretty EZ TO cycle supers.
He's been mid since he got his HC nerfed and MOST importantly, professional players finally realizing how to counter him... And guess how they counter him?, By baiting his super gimmick. Such characters like spawnables easily bait Fangs super with thier spawners, and those who dont have any spawning abilities, but have any sorta CC ( most of them now has some sorta CC ) , EZLY escapes or destroys him with thier reaction speed... Soo in order to make fangs super less dodgable, i increased the speed.
Now i just wanna make him skill based as how he was before sep 2023. The main thing that i noticed was his SRR change is what made him less skill .
Tried to revert it. But also giving him some buffs to balance thing's out.
GUS ( Rework to supportive gimmicks )
  1. spirit heal: 1600-2000
  1. Hitting a Spirit Charged attk on a wall will now spawn a Ghost as well
  2. 2nd gadget: removed HP sacrificial ( 5%-0% ) And next attk upon Activation will spawn 2 spirits
( Really hoping this will make him shine again, tried to make him supportively viable by making the spirits actually useful for healing his Allie's. Keep in mind that the sprits healing buff is an indirect buff to his 1st SP as well. Allowing his allie to heal upto 4000 which is pretty substantial. And adding some kind of CC to him soo he can atleast retreat with THIS but added additional nerf to it for a compensation. )
  1. Projectile speed : 4000- 4200
  2. SCR : 8-7 shots ( without SCR gear )
  1. Hypercharged super insta freeze -70% of the freeze bar will be filled
( Same is COLGATE, not any big problems on his main kit, except his HYPERCHARGE.... Buuut supercell really likes to kill a character whos main issue isn't his base kit. You can still almost insta freeze any enemy with HCed super combined with Cyro Shyrup )
submitted by Illustrious_Fan9974 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:24 DistFunc Roth Explorer says that converting EVERYTHING the first year is likely BETTER than stretching out conversions over 30 years?

I'm about to retire. We're fortunate enough to live off pensions and let retirement savings grow, and can pay Roth conversion taxes from taxable accounts.
It seems as though Roth Explorer insists that converting everything this year is nearly the same as maxxing particular tax brackets over our entire life, projected to end in 2050 ...
Here's the situation ...
Most of our savings are (and will stay) in S&P 500 index type of funds; it's maybe 85% of our holdings, with the rest a mix of individual stocks, cash, etc. If you just call it mostly S&P 500, you won't be far off.
I model Pessimistic, Average, and Optimistic to be 6, 8, and 10%, respectively. Most other assumptions (inflation etc.) are the defaults for NR.
I have three scenarios:
To set the stage: Using Average Returns assumption, maxxing the 24+28 brackets over our entire life just barely takes care of RMDs with only a teeny tiny amount getting to the 33% bracket. But of course under Pessimistic assumptions, it converts more aggressively than needed. And under Optimistic, it's not converting fast enough; there are high RMDs at the end of life (2050).
However, to jump to the chase, I get roughly equivalent end-of-life wealth for all three scenarios above, regardless of assumptions about returns (Pessimist to Optimist). To wit,
Under Pessimistic assumptions, they all result in ~$15M in 2050. The 24+28% approach slightly beats the other two but only by ~$130k (1.8%). Considering that these are 26 year projections, they're all practically the same result.
Under Average assumptions, they all get slightly over $25M. The All-In approach gets ~$400k more than the other two.
Under Optimistic assumptions, the All-In approach does a little better than the others at $41.3M vs worst case 39.6M for the 24+28% approach.
Notice that this is saying that 24+28% wins under Pessimistic assumptions (6% for S&P 500), but All In Now does better for anything more than 6% S&P 500.
A couple weeks ago I was smugly sure that 24+28% was the way to go because it neatly filled the brackets across all years to account for RMDs. But when I goof around I find the above. A couple of little notes:
It's surprising to me that the results are so similar, almost no matter when I convert, as long as I'm committed. I guess a lot of things come out in the wash; six of one, a half dozen of another?
But I can think of at least two instances why we might not want to convert all our pre-tax savings this year (lol):
  1. It's possible that tax brackets could go down in the future, like they did with the TCJA. But it's also entirely possible they'll go up and, even more importantly, they would have to really go down a lot to make much of a difference. (See all the above!) So I'm not going to dwell on future tax-bracket changes... if I assume the worst, I can only be pleasantly surprised.
  2. Of course, stocks will not smoothly do any sort of average, whether 6, 8, or 10%. Markets will go up and down over 26 years, quite a bit. If I convert it all up front, I won't get a chance to try to catch the downs, to do some extra conversions. But I will have converted it all early in the game, which does account for a lot of this in the long run! In fact the big thing here (if I convert most of it up front) is whether I do it on a near-term downswing in the market or not. Still, waiting for a down-turn can be problematic.
Any thoughts, anyone? Are you surprised that it doesn't make much difference if I convert everything this year, or spread it out over 26 years?
Is it just the way the cookie crumbles in a situation like ours? Or could I be missing something, or even be doing NR wrong somehow??
submitted by DistFunc to NewRetirement [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:47 SwanDud Just turned 30, how am I doing?

I just turned 30 earlier this month and I can’t stop consistently thinking about my future finance. It’s literally all my dad would talk about for the last 10 years and now I feel myself only being able to think about it. It’s driving me insane.
Roth 401k balance: 23,330 in vanguard retirement account target date 2055
Acorns Roth IRA balance: 13,616
I consistently keep about 4-5 grand in cash on hand
I also got hired at my local utility company that has a pension when you retire. I know this is rare but it’s a dubbed down pension for what they used to offer pre 2010.
I get close to max out the Roth IRA now by contributing 100 dollars a week and contribute 8% to my 401k with the company match that ends up being 5.4%. My currently salary is 63k that comes with inflation raises and goes up obviously with promotions.
I keep doing this addition game in my head and sometimes I feel okay about it and sometimes I feel guilty for not during more, like it won’t be enough.
I’m currently moving out of an apartment and into my future in laws place for a brief time to save up money for a house in AZ. Which isn’t cheap for something decent. We suspect we need about 80k for the 20% down payment.
submitted by SwanDud to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:31 Poopywoopypants How much should I allocate to my 403b and my Roth 403b?

I'm behind on retirement. I'm 40 and I have 100k in my retirement. I'm currently putting $14,000 per year into my 403b and $3730 per year into my Roth 403b. That's about 12% into 403b and 3% into Roth 403b. Fidelity calculates I'll have about $2.1 million by age 65 at 7% return. I plan on spending $10000 per month when I retire (considering inflation. I am over estimating to be sure.) states that I'll make $5800 per month from SS when I retire at 65, and Fidelity has calculated that i will bring in $7000 per month with the 4% rule. So hopefully i'll be okay. Feel free to judge my math. I plan to put in more yearly after my kids are out of the house. I plan to work until 67 though.
Anyway, is it worthwhile to put into a 403b Roth when I haven't maxed out my yearly 403b? Or should I max that put before even investing in a Roth? I'm just wondering if the tax advantage is more worthwhile then having a few hundred thousand in prepared investments when I retire. Thank you all.
submitted by Poopywoopypants to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:59 r3crac BANGGOOD Deals (31.5.2024)!

BANGGOOD Deals Compilation (31.5.2024)!
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submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:52 upbstock Stock market day - PREPPRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Former President Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 charges of falsifying business records in a hush-money trial, just as the 2024 campaign cycle kicks into high gear. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for July 11, only days before the Republican National Convention, but don't expect any time behind bars. At 77 years old, Trump is a first-time offender and has been convicted of a non-violent crime, while the appeals process is sure to take many months or even years to play out, and won't be resolved before the election.
Quote: "This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt," Trump declared following the decision. "We will fight for our Constitution. This is long from over. The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people. They know what happened, and everyone knows what happened here."
It's just the beginning of several cases that Trump has coming down the pipeline. Separate lawsuits in Georgia and Washington relate to conspiracies to overturn the 2020 election, while another in Florida surrounds mishandling classified documents, but two out of the three are federal charges that could be shut down if he enters office. Trump also recently staved off a $464M civil fraud judgment in a corporate case in New York after an appellate court agreed to a smaller $175M bond while the ruling is appealed. Wall Street and some prominent CEOs are now weighing in on the hush-money trial, but many of the voices are likely to back Trump in the general election.
Tracking movement: Broader market volatility stemming from the verdict is likely to be overstated, but one stock linked to the fortunes of Trump is on the move. Down heavily following the jury decision, Trump Media & Technology Group (NASDAQ:DJT), which owns the social media platform Truth Social, has pared losses to 3% in premarket trading to near $50/share. Note that DJT has been a popular meme stock that has attracted attention without much regard to its fundamentals. Trump owns about 70% of the company's stock, but interestingly, cannot access any of the capital until after the summer due to lockup provisions. (35 comments)
PCE preview Inflation will take the spotlight this morning as markets prepare for personal consumption expenditures price data before the bell. Expectations signal slow progress in the Fed’s inflation fight, with core PCE expected to have risen 2.8% in April, the same level as the prior three months. The data comes a day after the Q1 GDP growth estimate was revised downward to reflect lower consumer spending. SA Investing Group Leader Mott Capital Management believes the PCE report will likely set the course of monetary policy for the next 6-9 months as the Fed wants a few months of favorable data, "and at this rate, that doesn't appear to be coming anytime soon." (2 comments)
Quality control Boeing (BA) has submitted a plan to improve the safety of its products, with CEO Dave Calhoun meeting with FAA Chief Michael Whitaker in Washington, D.C. The agency has capped Boeing's (BA) output of the 737 MAX to address safety issues, which has negatively affected Boeing's (BA) cash flow, a key metric followed by investors to evaluate the company's ability to increase earnings and pay down debt. Whitaker said the restrictions won't be lifted until Boeing shows a "strong and unwavering commitment to quality and safety that endures over time," and pledged to put more safety inspectors in the planemaker’s facilities. (2 comments)
Production cuts Oil prices will be in focus this weekend as the market looks to Sunday's OPEC+ meeting, where the cartel will decide whether to extend output cuts beyond Q2. OPEC+ is working on a complex deal that will allow the group to extend some or all of its deep production cuts into 2025, and some of the voluntary cuts into Q3 or Q4 of 2024. Meanwhile, crude futures fell again Thursday as a bullish draw in U.S. crude stocks was offset by surprise builds in gasoline and diesel inventories, adding to concerns about fuel demand as the summer driving season gets underway. (19 comments)
Today's Markets
In Asia, Japan +1.1%. Hong Kong -0.8%. China -0.2%. India +0.1%. In Europe, at midday, London +0.4%. Paris flat. Frankfurt -0.1%. Futures at 7:00, Dow -0.2%. S&P -0.3%. Nasdaq -0.5%. Crude flat at $77.90. Gold -0.1% to $2,365. Bitcoin +0.6% to $68,256. Ten-year Treasury Yield +1 bps to 4.56%.
Today's Economic Calendar
8:30 Personal Income and Outlays 9:45 Chicago PMI 1:00 PM Baker Hughes Rig Count 3:00 PM Farm Prices 6:15 PM Fed's Bostic Speech
Companies reporting earnings today »
What else is happening...
Nvidia (NVDA) earns over 10% of revenue from mystery customers.
Dell Technologies (DELL) drops after margin guidance disappoints.
Google (GOOG) partners with Magic Leap to explore opportunities.
Tesla (TSLA) pushes for Full Self-Driving software approval in China.
Gap (GPS) rallies as company raises guidance after reviving brand.
Department stunner: Kohl's slides on surprise loss, guidance cut.
Best Buy (BBY) improves profitability despite declining sales.
Aramco (ARMCO) confirms sale that could raise more than $13B.
Report: Skydance Media sweetens offer for Paramount (PARA).
Apple (AAPL) plans major Siri AI update for more control over apps.
submitted by upbstock to Optionmillionaires [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:28 Crazeeeyez 35L Quick Comparison - Aer TP3, CTB35, ULA Dragonfly 36

35L Quick Comparison - Aer TP3, CTB35, ULA Dragonfly 36
After my last post, you'd think it'd be a while before I post again! And I thought so too! But here I am again with a very quick one. I need to decide if I'm keeping the ULA Dragonfly 36 or not. So I decided to put it up against my other 35L bags.
My pack is very similar to the prior post. I did consolidate my plane quick grab items. It's still a 3 (could easily be 5) day work trip:

What I've added on for the additional volume:

Both pairs of shoes are in shoe bags because that's the way I would realistically pack (and no there is no real reason I can think of I would actually pack these both on a trip).
I didn't go for a water bottle this time around because... I forgot. We've seen enough of the water bottle pockets of these bags, though.
So, let's get into it!

Aer Travel Pack 3:
The TP3 did well. I did have to use the secondary compartment as there is useful space available in there. I should've rearranged so the Side Hustle is on top or in the admin panel, but this was what I could do quickly. The main compartment is fairly tall which made it relatively easy to pack shoes in there. I think the TP3 is an admirable bag and holds up well. There is still room if I need to fit anything small in the main compartment (like in between the big items).

Evergoods CTB35:

Y'all order your patches from Alpinehound, right?
Funny story. I grabbed my CTB35, packed it with the previous packing list and got the one pair of On Cloudflyer shoes in. Got it all closed up and wondered if that was really all another 5L should fit. As I went to see how much space I still had available in the front dump and slash pockets, I couldn't find the dump pocket. That's when I realized I had grabbed the CPL28! I was very pleasantly surprised and reminded how spacious the CPL28 is!
Anyways... The CTB35 took some effort to get fully closed up and the laptop compartment was NOT happy. However, with some optimization, I'm sure I could've made this an easier pack. I didn't use the front slash, dump, or the yoke pockets so I had a lot of extra ways to optimize the pack and have some extra room. So, yet another Evergoods bag showing how it exceeds expectations!
Note: I'm really appreciating all the Evergoods bags with their little zipper-pulling-leverage-point-thingies. Even though it was tough to close, it was made so much more easy by having somewhere to hold. I am starting to dislike bags that don't give me a leverage point.
Another note: The cat was all over me today. I think she might take 2-3L - I don't think she'd fit today!
And now, the reason I've gathered you all here today...

ULA Dragonfly 36:
The Dragonfly almost kept up with the other bags. I think the Ghost Whale pouch with the CPAP hoses probably would've fit inside, but I initially forgot to pack it so I threw it in a side mesh pocket (isn't that what those are for?). The Slim Pouch with the power adapters wasn't really fitting inside so I put in the front mesh pocket, which was fine (though bulgy). I didn't hate it but I don't really like using that front mesh pocket. This is the only bag that really didn't have extra room.
So... now what? All the bags fit about the same, we all know they're all great bags, so what do I keep and what do I sell/return?? I think the CTB35 is in the permanent collection (for now). The TP3 can be sold and the Dragonfly 36 could be sold or returned. Lemme know your thoughts in the comments!
submitted by Crazeeeyez to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:55 Mistopto So frickin fed up

As title eludes to, I'm just totally fed up with my life right now (UK, M29) I'm in a shit company on a terrible salary that hasn't increased over the last 2 years despite the huge crippling inflation. I've no chance of progression and I've got a new, inexperienced manager who I really don't like.
Everyone I see on instagram seems to be getting married having had a wonderful decade with travelling and generally living life to the max.
I've got onto a CodingBootcamp for Data Engineering but even just feels so pointless; the job market for tech looks hideous, I feel like I'd be wasting my time doing it. I hate where I'm living (with parents, who criticise and shame me like no mans buisness) but can't really move out if I want to do the bootcamp.
I'm having challengeswith Mental Health; been having therapy but also seen a Psychiatrist who hasprescribed meds, but am waiting on the report to come through before I can assess whether I'll be ready for the bootcamp.
Just so many uncertainties, nothing is going right, my life is just in flux.
submitted by Mistopto to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:08 possibili-teas I have a feeling very soon it may became expensive to buy the Bucket Head avatar.

Look at the sub 1.4 k members and me been watching closely how bucketheads grew since the sub was only having less than 100 members. Until now, it has been mostly slow and steady organic growth so I am quite confident most of the members so far are real people and very little inflated numbers of duplicate alt accounts or bots account around. Most of the members thus far joined even before there were any concept of the buckethead tokens. So there are low percentage of accounts that are optimised to the max for farming too. I think many of the members would want to own at least one bucket head and some who can afford will want more. With all the recent events, the demand is likely to increase. Buckethead is a gen 3 avatar and there are only 848 in supply. Many people that collected avatar during gen 3 have left the avatar scene and is no longer actively looking to sell their avatars. But new members joining the sub may be interested to have one of it. With that prediction that the supply are decreasing and demand increasing for bucket head, this is why I am predicting that bucket head avatar may become expensive to buy.
submitted by possibili-teas to Bucketheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:38 SwanSlot (No spoilers) All Historical Army Sizes of the Regions of Westeros

The North:

Aegon's Conquest: Torrhen Stark raised a host of 30,000 to meet Aegon the Conqueror. (This is likely the max potential of the region at this time because Torrhen spent a year gathering his army).
DOTD: Lord Roderick Dustin led the Winter Wolves, numbering 2,000 strong, south to take part in the war. Lord Cregan Stark followed much later but brought a much larger army.
WOT5K: Robb Stark marches south with a host of 20,000 strong. (The reason for the small host is due to the speed at which the host was raised (1-2 weeks), while Torrhen had a year).
Additional Notes:
The North can raise a force of about 35,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".

The Riverlands:

Aegon's Conquest: During Aegon's Conquest, Aegon marched against the Reach with a host of 11,000, mostly riverlanders. (Aegon's total army was 11,000 - Aegon's original army from Dragonstone was 500-3000= Riverland's army was 8,000-10,500 strong).
DOTD: During the Dance of the Dragons, House Blackwood, House Mallister, House Piper, House Frey, House Bracken, and others raised a host of 6,600 to battle Ser Criston Cole. Ser Addam Velaryon later raised a host of 4,000 from the Riverlands. At the end of the war, Elmo Tully called on all the river lords and raised 6,000 to march against the Baratheons.
WOT5K: Renly Baratheon believes that a host of 20,000 riverlanders has joined Robb Stark, however, the actual number is much less, due to Edmure allowing men to go home and help bring in their harvests
Additional Notes:
The Riverlands can raise a force of about 30,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".

The Westerlands:

Aegon's Conquest: Loren I Lannister, marched with a host of 22,000 from the Westerlands, which he joined with the host of the Reach.
DOTD: Possibly 30-32,000, numbers are unclear.
WOT9PK: 1000 knights and 10,000 men-at-arms from the Westerlands marched to battle in the Stepstones.
Robert's Rebellion: Tywin Lannister commanded 12,000 men during the Sack of King's Landing.
WOT5K: Tywin Lannister quickly raises a host of 35,000 to march on the Tullys, while Stafford Lannister stays behind to raise a second host that has "thousands" of men. Later, Daven Lannister raises a third host that has an unknown number of men.
Additional Notes:
The Westerlands can raise a force of about 45,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".

The Vale:

No information available.
Additional Notes:
The Vale can raise a force of about 35,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".

The Reach:

Aegon's Conquest: Mern Gardener raised a host of 30,000 to march against Aegon. (Although some of his bannerman (like the HighTower) decided not to march with him, and the host was raised quickly).
WOT5K: The numbers for the Reach in this war are all over the place but I'll do my best:
Fuck Renly
Additional Notes:
The Reach can raise a force of about 70,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".

The Stormlands:

DOTD: Borros Baratheon raises a host of 6,000 to fight the Vulture King. Later he marches north with 4,000 men-at-arms and 600 knights (The most likely reason for this army being so small is because Borros decided not to call upon his untrained levies that usually make up the bulk of most armies to quickly intercept the river lords on their way to capture King's Landing.)
WOT5K: After Renly's death, Stannis gains 15,000 men from the storm lords who previously supported Renly (although not all the storm lords' defect to Stannis, these houses declare neutrality: House Penrose, House Tarth, House Connington, House Buckler, etc., it should also be noted that House Tarth is the strongest house in the Stormlands). So, 90,000 total - 70,000 Reachman = 20,000 Stormlanders. 20,000 Renly Stormlanders + x amount that didn't join Renly = total army size of the Stormlands. So now we have to find x amount that didn't join Renly. House Selmy, House Swann, House Dondarrion, House Trant, etc. didn't join Renly. House Dondarrion and Caron were able to field 4,800 against the Vulture King. A rough estimate of these House's strength would be about 7,000. So, 7,000 = x amount that didn't join Renly. So, 20,000 Stormlanders + 7,000 that didn't join Renly = 27,000 total Stormlanders.
Additional Notes:
The Stormlands can raise a force of about 27,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".

The Crownlands:

Aegon's Conquest: Houses Darklyn and Mooton combined raised an army of 3,000 men. Aegon himself raised an army of 500-3,000.
DOTD: Aemond Targaryen raises an army of 4,000 men to march into the Riverlands. Borros Baratheon adds 2,000 men from Kingslanding and additional men from Duskendale, Hayford, Rosby, and Stokeworth to his army.
WOT5K: Tyrion raises a host of 6,050- 7050 soldiers from Kingslanding, House Rosby, House Stokeworth, House Bywater, and House Harte. Stannis raises a host of 5,000 from Dragonstone and her vassals (although some of the 5,000 are sellswords).
Additional Notes:
The Crownlands can raise a force of about 14,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".


2nd Dornish War: Vulture King was able to raise an army of 30,000.
Robert's Rebellion: Dorne sent 10,000 soldiers to the Battle of the Trident.
Additional Notes:
Dorne can raise a force of about 35,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".

The Iron Islands:

No information available.
Additional Notes:
The Iron Islands can raise a force of about 14,000 strong at the start of "A Game of Thrones".
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