How many mg oxycodone do most people with back pain take a day

I need advice ASAP

2024.05.31 22:13 Proud-Smoke-5983 I need advice ASAP

I need advice
Hey guys I arrived in Germany on March last up on request on my employer for doing Ausbildung in nursing, which was supposed to start in 1st April but after arriving here my employer informed me that my classes will only start on 1st September and I have to work as an intern or so until then which I was fine with. But since then it's radio silence. I did all my paper work but hasn't heard from the emigration office after I scanned my thumb and stuff. My employer first provided me with proper accommodations but after just 1 months moved me to a room with 5 people( including me).They also paid me for the month of April but that's that . They did not pay me in May . I know I haven't worked but it's not my mistake is it?. I ask almost every 2 weeks when I can start working , she just says some paper work is not done. I was expecting to get some money in May ( of course paying me the full amount is out of question because I haven't started working). There is no proper communication,they dont inform me shit . I hear things from my roommates ( they knew I wasn't getting paid in May but no one informed me from the office).The accommodations is also crammed and dirty with 5 people sharing a room and I basically don't have a bed yet( I am sleeping in the common kitchen sofa).To be honest I am living rent free thank her I guess ? But they charge 500 per bed for others . How am I supposed to live ? I have bills to pay , my parents told me they will cover this months expense but I can't expect them to cover next month?. I have no power or voice here to ask for better accommodations or pay as I am not working.I am looking for an exit and have interviews with reputable firms lined up( not making a mistake again). I have a meeting with her on Monday what I say to improve my situation here ? Like 1. Am I legally entitled to something here?
Thank you everyone for your advice . Many asked me to take legal action against them but here are some reason why I think it's gonna be not so good for me .
Well 1.I won't have place to live 2.I don't have the means to financially support myself , I do some people I can rely on but I came to Germany to be independent and don't want to be a burden 3. I can go back to my parents or ask them for financial help but I rather die 4.i don't know if I will get hired in the future if I have an ongoing case 5. I don't know for sure how long it will take for me to get justice ( in my country it may take years ). 6. I'm not sure if I am gonna win the case and get any compensation worth the Hussle 7. Hiring a lawyer is expensive and I am basically broke 21 year old.
If anyone have a legal background. Could you please give me some advice.
submitted by Proud-Smoke-5983 to LegalAdviceEurope [link] [comments]


Hinduism is a beautiful and complex form of spirituality in itself, However, despite its beauty, it has become a victim of its own success, much like Christianity. Over time, it has been distorted and corrupted by dogma, rigid interpretations, and a toxic sense of superiority. Today, many online communities and some individuals who identify as Hindu can be just as judgmental, exclusive, and hostile as some Christian fundamentalists nazis. They may make you feel belittled, unwelcome, or even like you're worthless, which can be incredibly discouraging and alienating.
This kind of behavior contradicts the very principles of Hinduism, which emphasize compassion, kindness, and the pursuit of knowledge. It's a tragedy that a spirituality as profound and inclusive as Hinduism has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self, prioritizing conformity over curiosity, and division over unity. And if you dare to think outside the box, exploring the deeper, esoteric aspects of Hinduism, such as Tantra, or questioning the mainstream narratives, you'll be labeled, ridiculed, ignored and shunned by the very community that claims to value spiritual growth and self-inquiry.
I feel especially sorry for those who are just starting to explore Hinduism and are drawn to its beautiful culture, only to be met with hostility and exclusion. The people who claim to represent Hinduism are making it a very terrible and confusing journey for them, filled with unnecessary obstacles and hurtful experiences.
They deserve better, and Hinduism deserves better too - a return to its roots of inclusivity, compassion, and spiritual curiosity.
I can speak from personal experience, as I once identified as a Hindu and tried to follow the rules and expectations that came with it. I was drawn to the beauty and richness of Hindu culture and spirituality, but soon found myself feeling suffocated by the rigidity and judgmental attitudes of some in the community. I was told what to believe, how to worship, and what to do, without any room for questioning or exploration.
I felt like I was being forced into a narrow box, and that my curiosity and creativity were being stifled. Despite my best efforts to conform, I was constantly made to feel like I wasn't good enough, that I was somehow less of a Hindu because I didn't fit the mold. It was a painful and confusing experience, and one that ultimately led me to re-evaluate my beliefs and values. I realized that true spirituality should be about growth, love, and acceptance, not about fear, judgment, and exclusion.this is what made me dive fearlessly into unknown territorys of tantra.
Over time, I became disheartened by the behavior of some individuals who claimed to represent Hinduism. I witnessed racism, ignorance, and a lack of compassion, which contradicted the very principles of Hinduism that I had once admired. I was disappointed by the hypocrisy and double standards of some individuals, including those who claimed to be spiritual leaders. Their behavior was far from enlightened, and I began to feel a strong sense of disillusionment. I believe that Hinduism, like any other practice, should be a source of comfort, guidance, and unity, not a tool for discrimination, exclusion, or hatred. It's time for a reset, a return to the true principles of Hinduism, and a new era of inclusivity, compassion, and understanding. This can only happen when we put the religion back in the hands of those who truly embody its values and distribute its teachings in a responsible and equitable manner
submitted by SHUMBHANATH to Tantra_Narak_nilaya [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:59 TapZealousideal6829 Interview Rant (Is this normal?)

I want opinions on whether the rigorous recruitment process I went through is common while hiring testers or was this super weird idk.
So I applied for a company on a online portal ( popular here in India for a intern position and the stipend for it was 10kRs(120$)/month, then they mailed me a test consisting few logical/mathematical questions and 50% were based on basic testing questions.
After 2 days they called me to come to their office and I was expecting some aptitude and manual testing questions. That's exactly what happened first they handed me a questionnaire 3 pages long consisting aptitude questions. That took me about 1 hour to solve. I had to write the answers down on a seperate sheet explaining how I reached to that answer.
After I completed that, they handed me another 5 pages long questionnaire consisting of different website and their functionalities and I had to test basic functionalities of those websites and write test cases seperately for each of them, there were around 5 different websites. Also there was some questions where I had read through the terms and conditions/privacy policy of these website and had to answer multiple questions based on them. There were 3 different websites given for this. This took me around 2 hours, so basically 3:30 hours for this entire round. They told me if you get selected we'll call you.
I get a call the next day and the HR sent me YouTube playlist consisting of 15 videos and I had to watch them and then visit the office after 10 days. Fine I did and once I arrived she handed me another test of 13 pages long containing 9 different websites where I had to generate test cases for each of them in a Excel sheet and it took me around 5 hours for that. I was sitting doing the test for 5 hours while they had lunch in front of me and didn't even bother to ask if I had something to eat or whatever. Once I finished they said if you get selected we'll call you.
4 days go by HR calls me saying I have a interview online with the testing manager, during the interview manager asked me same fucking things. Some aptitude questions, all the fucking theory about testing. Like what is SDLC, STLC, BUG LIFE CYCLE and all of that shit. Interview went around for like 1 hour and the manager told me HR will contact me.
4 days go by HR calls me today you'll have another test she'll explain me everything, test will be online. She calls me at 2 pm again and takes 5 fucking different personality tests. Something like 16 personality tests and 4 more and made me mail her the screenshots of those tests. Then she said she'll call me if I get selected.
After 2 days she asked me to come to office for a FINAL interview I asked her if the interview can be conducted online because I had a personal thing to attend to that day. She said no the manager insisted me to come to the office. I go to the office and as soon as I enter guess what do I see. A fucking laptop connected with earphones and Google meet open. In my mind I'm fucking losing it because I had to cancel the plans to come to this "OFFLINE" interview. I wait for sometime and the manager was laying on the couch at his fucking home when he joined the meet. Idk why but he seemed so uninterested in taking this interview, everytime he asked a question and I started answering he stops me in mid answer and moves on to the next question and then suddenly says ok if I have any doubts I can ask the HR and ends the meet. The entire process took more than 20 days and this how he treats the candidates and mind you this is just a fucking intern position, why so many tests. I'm supposed to learn and gain experience. If I already know everything why would I apply here and the salary is so fucking low. It's like they don't even feel shame.
This is it. Thanks for reading. I understand people might've gone through worse than this, if it's common please tell me. So that I'll be better prepared from now on.
submitted by TapZealousideal6829 to softwaretesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:36 GoldenProxy [A4A] Targeted by a Hitman [Daredevil Inspired] [Assassin Speaker] [Vigilante Listener] [Held at Gunpoint] [At their Mercy] [Well-Spoken] [? Ending] [Dark] [Someone has hired me to kill you.]

While you're here, check out my Script Masterlist!
If you want your own script just like this one, I now have a Ko-Fi and Commissions are open!
Hi everyone!
Here's the third of four scripts I was endorsed by the ASMR RP Lounge (RIP) to write.
This one is inspired by one of my favourite tv shows and comics, Daredevil! I wanted to have the same dangerous air that series has. Hopefully I succeeded!
Also thank you to u/PrinceKairoVT for already filling this, you did an awesome job on it.
If people want to fill this, please do! Monetization and paywalls are fine, just provide credit and a link.
This script is intended to be [A4A] so fill in any pronouns as necessary, and please ignore any I might have left in by mistake.
As always, please enjoy and have a good day.
(We hear the sound of the Listener’s footsteps as they walk through a hallway. They open a door, close it, flick a light on… and then there’s the sound of a pistol click).
(Optional: There’s a ticking clock in the background to add tension).
Good evening.
(There’s a slight crash as the Listener drops something).
Sorry if I startled you… that’s not something required by the contract. It’s unnecessary. And I don’t do anything unless I have to.
Then again… sitting in the dark like this… waiting for you to arrive… I guess there was no real way around it was there? Your fear was unavoidable unfortunately.
But frightening you wasn’t intentional… Neither was boring you with endless small talk. Forgive me, I’m not accustomed to these… theatrics.
Won’t you take a seat? That way, we can get started.
…thinking about making a run for the door? Do I have to remind you about the gun? I’m a very good shot.
Of course, you’re welcome to doubt that… to test it even… but I wouldn’t recommend it.
(The Listener walks across the room).
Thank you.
Now, you don’t know me.
You’ve never met me before…
You certainly haven’t heard of me before…
But I know you.
In a sense.
See, you may have guessed it from the pistol… you may have not… but I… am an assassin. A hitman if you wish to use so vulgar a term, but I’ve always found that title to be so… poorly refined. Anyone can be a hitman. Anyone can use a gun and shoot it at someone… but when I do it? It’s not violence… its art.
Someone has hired me to kill you. I think you know who that person is.
It was not a small sum of money they spent, either… it never is when someone hires me. I don’t work for cheap… nor should I.
I’m an artist, like I said. A complete professional. I never make mistakes; I never flinch, never hesitate and I never let my targets know I’m after them until they’re already dead.
See, this is operating out of my usual routine, but the client who hired me specifically requested that I make myself known to you. That I explain what’s happening… and why it’s happening, which I’ll get to shortly.
Even if they hadn’t asked for an explanation, I would have done so anyway, to… make up for this change in my usual procedure. It’s what you deserve. It would be… impolite not to do so.
You see, typically, my targets get a quick, clean, painless death, free from fear.
Obviously… that won’t be the case this time.
Now, before we start, I want to tell you that this isn’t personal.
I know that saying is cliché… a line of dialogue Hollywood has run into the ground like so many other things, but in this case it’s the truth.
I never knew you until I was hired to kill you… I’d never even seen your face until you stepped through the door. That, though, is your fault.
It’s your fault for wearing a mask… your fault for deciding to target my client’s businesses… your fault… for thinking you could do a thing to fix this city.
Oh yes… I know all about your nightly outings.
I mean, really… idealistic much?
It was only a matter of time until the people you were targeting had enough. Only a matter of time till they went to the best to sort this mess out… and that’s what they did.
Did you think you were safe?
Did you really think we wouldn’t be able to find out your identity?
(Scoffs) You fool. It was never going to end well… it never does in this place. You should have seen this coming.
Again, it’s nothing personal…
But in a way, it is.
I wouldn’t have taken this job without getting paid, of course… I don’t kill pro-bono… but I think if I’d read the paper and seen that you’d been shot, I would have laughed.
What makes you think you can do what you do?
What makes you think you can stand against those more powerful than you and spit in their faces?
And what made you think… it wouldn’t end this way for you?
It’s insane…
Perhaps a disorder of some kind… Maybe they’ll diagnose it and put it on your gravestone.
Or maybe it’s just sheer stupidity…

I thought the way you did once.
I wasn’t thinking of heading down the same career path as you… I’ve always had a knack for this sort of thing, but I thought I was better than this city. That I could ignore its calling. I thought I wouldn’t let it drag me down…
Look how that turned out.
This place… it’s like a black hole. It sucks everyone down to its level…
You either leave, die, or get corrupted. There’s no fourth option.
Of course, we can fight against it, kick and scream as much as we want, but eventually…? It sucks us in.
That’s what happened to me… and that’s what’s about to happen to you… in a different fashion.
Ah, I can see the judgement in your eyes. The look, that says you think you’re better than me… but look at it this way.
I’m not the one about to die, am I?
(Chuckles to self).
It’s a shame…
All that talent and skill you possess… you could have made an excellent assassin.
Some of the skills you’ve displayed… they never would have caught you on their own. You could have done this for years, and I doubt a single blade would have touched you… a single gunshot would have never even grazed you.
Perhaps that can be a point of pride for you… before you go.
After all, I don’t compliment people very often… Why, impressing me… It’s rarer than a solar eclipse. So, when I say you’re one of the best? I mean it. Truly.
In fact, I’m almost tempted to let you go, just to see what you might do… but at the same time… I know I can’t.
It’s not just because of what you represent… After all, if you succeed it’ll mean I’ve failed… not only in my contract but in my destiny… and we can’t have that.
And of course, it’s also because of my reputation, see? If you were to escape…
Well… if I were to let you go, to be more accurate… it would be a blemish on my career… a stain on a perfect suit…
And I can’t abide a stain.
So, I don’t hesitate when I do this…
Raising my pistol, squeezing the trigger…
Heh… already I can see the thoughts in your eyes.
“Can I disarm them from where I am?”
It’s possible.
People have tried it… some have even gotten close.
But there’s enough space between us that I’ll be able to get two shots off, friend… and maybe you’ll be able to dodge one of them… but both?
It’s unheard of. Which means your death is certain. The end near… and I’d suggest making peace with whatever god you worship.
Come to think of it… It’s just as certain… as the future of this city.
Again, this is something my employer requested… but they want me to highlight the fact that once you’re gone, this place is only going to get worse.
There isn’t any hope left… you were it… and you won’t be around much longer.
Just so you know, your family is safe… the contract didn’t say anything about them, nor my revealing your identity. My client wants you out of the way. That’s it.
Now take a breath… and accept what’s coming.
(The Speaker fires a shot. We hear the Listener’s running footsteps).
What the-?!
(The Speaker fires a second shot, only to let out a pained sound as the Listener hits them).
How… how did I miss?!
Impossible! Do you have any idea how many people have been stood in that same spot? That have had my gun trained on them?!
I’ve never missed before… I shouldn’t have missed now.
This city is a cesspool… there’s not a thing that can be done for it… this isn’t just a fact. It’s a universal truth!
Yet somehow… you… the last representation of hope in this awful, awful place…
Somehow, you survived.
Could it be?
Was I wrong?
I must be… because now you’re holding the gun… and I’m the one at gunpoint.
Perhaps the tables have finally turned… perhaps the cracks are beginning to show. Perhaps this city has a bright future after all…
…It doesn’t matter.
Simply put, I have failed in my mission. I have failed in my contract… and I won’t live… can’t live knowing that that’s the case.
Do what you’re going to do.
Fix what you’re going to fix…
It doesn’t matter…
Whatever hopeful world you create… it can’t have a monster like me in it.
(We fade out).
submitted by GoldenProxy to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:42 No_Cap_3025 FIX ROBLOX MODERATION

So basically, i got banned on roblox back in septemeber of 2023, and i havent complained about anything until now. The reason im speaking about it now is because i reliased how unfair roblox punishments are. When i had gotten banned, the reason i got banned was because i had said "bullshit" while playing a game with my voicechat on. you THINK that roblox would just permanently suspend your vc, but NO, they HAD to delete my account over it. Another thing is why would roblox add vc knowing the game is most popular through teenagers whho swear? i mean, its truly unfair on how roblox takes punishments and ive lost a 6 year old account all because of 1 swear word. (and to be clear, i had swore before on accident on vc and gotten banned for 7 days). and doesnt roblox usally ban prople for a month? well not for me, i got the 7 day ban then i got straight to delete. I just made this statement to point out how unfair roblox has became through the years of playing it, and i know this not might be a popular opinion, but i think roblox should just remove the autobot they have for moderation. Roblox is a billion dollar company that generates 10000x the national average annual salary, i think they could pay some people to be at home and moderate. To sum everything up, i just really want roblox moderation to be how it was back in 2017, where you werent banned and deleted for anything and everything you said, anyone agree?
submitted by No_Cap_3025 to u/No_Cap_3025 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:49 Significant-Tower146 Best 300 Blackout Lower

Best 300 Blackout Lower
Welcome to our review of the latest and greatest 300 Blackout Lower. This article is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of this innovative product. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or a novice looking to make your mark on the range, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let's explore everything this amazing product has to offer.

The Top 18 Best 300 Blackout Lower

  1. Lyman 204 Ruger Rifle Reloading Set for 300 AAC Blackout - Lyman 204 Ruger Rifle Two-Die Set - perfect for loading jacketed bullets in bottleneck cases, featuring a 7/8-inch-14 thread design to fit all popular presses and vented dies for added safety.
  2. High-Performance Lyman 7701028 Pro Die Pack for 300 Blackout Reloading - Experience top-performance reloading with Lyman's 7701028 Pro Die Pack 300 Blackout, meticulously engineered stainless steel dies offering anti-corrosion and wear resistance.
  3. Premium 300 Blackout Die Pack for Reloading - The Ultimate Die Pack for 300 Blackout: Elevate your reloading experience with superior precision and ease using this robust 6-Die set!
  4. Affordable Cordless Cellular Shade for Privacy and Light Control - Chicology's Cordless Top-Down Bottom-Up Blackout Cellular Shade offers complete privacy, a versatile design, and is perfect for various environments, making it an affordable and modern choice for window treatments.
  5. Neutral Grey Doublewide Blackout Curtains: Premium Insulation and Aesthetics - Experience ultimate comfort and energy efficiency with our Neutral Grey Doublewide 300 Blackout Lower Curtain Panels - well-made, attractive, easy to install, and effortlessly cleanable for ultimate satisfaction!
  6. Elegant 100% Blackout Window Panel for Light Control and Reduced Noise - Experience ultimate privacy and elegance with the Gabriella 100% Blackout Window Panel, featuring a fashionable textured fabric that effectively blocks light, saves energy, and reduces noise – all in a machine-washable, easy-care design.
  7. Stylish 30-inch Cordless Blackout Window Shades - Chicology's 300 Blackout Cordless Cellular Shades provide superior energy efficiency, privacy, and style with their unique honeycomb design and variety of stylish fabric colors.
  8. Modern Cordless Blackout Cellular Shade for Privacy and Light Control - Experience the perfect balance of light control and style with Chicology's Cordless Blackout Cellular Shade - ideal for both daytime privacy and nighttime darkness.
  9. Fortis 300BLK Muzzle Brake - Nitride Coated, Advanced Design, and High-Performance - Experience the unbeatable performance and accuracy of the Fortis 300BLK Muzzle Brake, an American-made nitride-coated masterpiece compatible with various calibers and designed for ultimate precision.
  10. Sophisticated Privacy Curtain: Lauren Ralph Lauren Blackout Panel for Stylish Windows - Experience the perfect blend of style, privacy, and energy efficiency with the Lauren Ralph Lauren Tyler 100% Blackout Cotton Blend Curtain Panel, a stylish and practical choice for any modern home.
  11. Affordable Blackout Cordless Window Shade - Upgrade your windows with Chicology's versatile, affordable cordless top-down bottom-up blackout cellular shade, offering privacy, light control, and safety for any home.
  12. Stylish Blackout Velvet Curtains for Optimal Insulation and Light Control - Transform your space with our Signature Warm Black Grommet Blackout Velvet Curtain, an elegant solution to keep out light and provide optimal insulation.
  13. Premium Anthracite Doublewide Blackout Curtain Panel for Maximum Privacy and Insulation - Transform your blackout experience with our Anthracite Doublewide Blackout Curtain Panels, featuring perfect thermal insulation, easy installation, and a soft, refined polyester texture for ultimate comfort and privacy.
  14. Eclipse Harper Luxury Blackout Velvet Panel - 84" x 50" - Charcoal - Eclipse Harper Velvet Blackout Panel: Luxurious 100% polyester design providing 100% blackout benefits and ease of cleaning for your home's privacy needs.
  15. Absolute Zero 100% Blackout Window Panels - Block Light, Noise, and Create a Home Theater Experience - Transform your home into a luxurious movie theater with these 300-blackout window panels, perfect for both intrusive light and noise blockage.
  16. Sun Zero Somerton Blackout Roman Shade - Luxury and Functionality for Enhanced Privacy and Energy Efficiency - Sun Zero Somerton Roman Shades offer exceptional 100% blackout, energy-saving, and noise-reducing benefits with a stylish, convenient, and user-friendly design.
  17. Eclipse Blackout Luxury Cotton Velvet Curtain Panel - Energy Saving, Noise Reducing, Light Blocking - Eclipse Luxury 100% Blackout Cotton Velvet Window Curtain - Privacy, Efficiency, Comfort, and Style, All in One!
  18. Exclusive Fabrics Jet Black Grommet Thermal Blackout Curtain for Energy and Privacy - Enhance your bedroom's style and enjoy uninterrupted sleep with the Exclusive Fabrics Jet Black Grommet Thermal Blackout Curtain, a high-quality, easy-to-install, and convenient solution for light and heat control.
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🔗Lyman 204 Ruger Rifle Reloading Set for 300 AAC Blackout
The Lyman 204 Ruger Rifle Two-Die Set has been a game changer in my reloading journey. Featuring the Lyman Full Length Sizing Die- Bullet Seating Die with Roll Crimp, reloading jackets bullets for the bottleneck cases has been made easier than ever before.
The 7.8-inch-14 threads are versatile enough to fit all popular presses and the additional shell holder sold separately offers even more convenience. However, like any other set of dies, I've faced minor issues with stuck cases. But overall, the Lyman 204 Ruger Rifle Two-Die Set is a reliable and high-quality addition to my reloading arsenal that comes at a great value.

🔗High-Performance Lyman 7701028 Pro Die Pack for 300 Blackout Reloading
As a reloader, I've been using the Lyman Pro Die Pack 300 Blackout for a while now and I have to say, it's a game changer. The dies are perfectly engineered for top performance and I can really tell the difference in the quality of my ammo. One of the features that stood out to me is the use of stainless steel in the size, seat, and crimp dies, making them rust-resistant and long-lasting. The sizing dies with carbide rings are particularly impressive for their wear resistance and reduced sizing force.
However, I do have a few nitpicks. The set comes with fewer dies than I'd prefer, but that's not a deal breaker for me. Also, the micrometer adjustable seating die is a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it works great. Overall, I highly recommend the Lyman Pro Die Pack 300 Blackout to anyone looking to take their reloading game to the next level.

🔗Premium 300 Blackout Die Pack for Reloading
I recently got my hands on the Ultimate Die Pack for 300 Blackout, and I'm ready to share my take on it. First things first, these dies are incredibly smooth to use. The accuracy and precision they provide are quite impressive, even for a beginner like me.
One of the things that stood out for me is the set's versatility. The 6-die set has you covered for all kinds of reloading needs. Whether you're looking to resize, trim, or even crimp, these dies handle it all seamlessly.
However, there were a few downsides too. I found that the instructions could have been more clear and straightforward. A beginner might struggle a bit with the initial setup, but once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing.
All in all, the Ultimate Die Pack for 300 Blackout is a solid choice for anyone looking to take their reloading game up a notch. The pros definitely outweigh the cons, and I'm confident this set will be a valuable addition to any reloader's toolbox.

🔗Affordable Cordless Cellular Shade for Privacy and Light Control
I recently had the opportunity to try out Chicology's Cordless Top Down Bottom Up Blackout Cellular Shade in Khaki Grey, and I have to say, I was quite impressed. This shade offers a unique design that provides both light control and complete privacy when needed. The honeycomb top-down bottom-up feature allows for easy adjustments to the light, perfect for sunroom blinds or bedroom privacy.
One of the standout features of this cellular shade is its cordless function. It's a lifesaver for those who need convenience and safety in their homes, especially for families with kids and pets. However, it's essential to note that the measurements can be a bit tricky, so it's crucial to follow the guidelines for the perfect fit.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using this Chicology shade. It's an affordable and simple solution for window treatments. With its light filtering and blackout options, this versatile shade fits perfectly in any room.

🔗Neutral Grey Doublewide Blackout Curtains: Premium Insulation and Aesthetics
I recently had the chance to use the Neutral Grey Doublewide Blackout Curtain Panel in my home, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed. The fabric was incredibly soft, with a luxurious texture that was both attractive and comfortable. The panels themselves were effortless to install and hung beautifully, blocking out any unwanted light and providing top-notch insulation.
One feature that really stood out to me was the weighted hem. It added a touch of elegance and ensured that the curtains hung perfectly, even with gentle breezes. The 3-in Pole pocket with hook belt and back tabs made installation a breeze, and the panels looked incredibly polished once they were up.
However, there was one downside to my experience - the durability of the panels. After only a few months of use, one of the panels began to unravel at the seams, requiring a quick repair. While the issue was resolved, it did leave me a little disappointed considering the high price point of the product.
Overall, the Neutral Grey Doublewide Blackout Curtain Panel was a worthwhile investment for my home, offering both style and functionality. While there were some minor issues with durability, the positives far outweighed the negatives, and I would definitely recommend these curtains to anyone in the market for high-quality, blackout curtains.

🔗Elegant 100% Blackout Window Panel for Light Control and Reduced Noise
In my quest for the perfect window panel, I stumbled upon the Eclipse Blush Gabriella Absolute Zero 100% Blackout Window Panel. This innovative product caught my attention with its sleek design and stunning blackout capabilities. These curtains have truly transformed my bedroom into a cozy sanctuary, blocking out light and creating a luxurious ambiance.
One of the standout features of these curtains is their textured, tonal solid fabric that exudes sophistication and style. With its 100% polyester composition, it's not only easy to care for but also offers the perfect blend of elegance and utility. I found the 1.65-inch oil-rubbed bronze grommets to be the perfect addition, adding a touch of class to the overall appearance.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks to these otherwise fantastic curtains. First, upon initially receiving my order, the color was slightly off, with a more mauve look than a soft powder pink I had hoped for. Additionally, I encountered some issues with quality control, with two of my curtain panels arriving with black marks at the top.
Despite these minor annoyances, the Eclipse Blush Gabriella Absolute Zero 100% Blackout Window Panel has proven to be a valuable addition to my home. They're a delightful fusion of style, functionality, and comfort that have made a significant difference in my daily life, especially during nap times. If you're looking for a high-quality window panel that's as fashionable as it is functional, give this product a try – you won't be disappointed!

🔗Stylish 30-inch Cordless Blackout Window Shades
A few weeks ago, I decided to upgrade my living room windows with the Chicology Evening Mist 30 x 48-inch Blackout Cordless Cellular Shades. Let me tell you, this product didn't disappoint! Installation was a breeze, and within minutes, I had transformed my living space into a cozy, private retreat.
One of the standout features of these shades is their cordless pull-down mechanism, which made it effortless to control the light filtering through the window. It was particularly convenient during the summer months when I wanted to keep the heat at bay, and I loved how easily they could be adjusted to fit my ever-changing needs.
The honeycomb design of the shades was another feature that impressed me. Not only did it provide excellent insulation, but it also gave the room a touch of elegance and style. The rich fabric was available in a variety of colors, which allowed me to match them with the existing décor in my home.
However, there was one downside that I encountered during my experience, which was the length of the shades. I ordered them for an outside mount, but they were just half of what I needed. The instructions could also use some improvement, as I found it quite confusing at first.
In conclusion, the Chicology Evening Mist Blackout Cordless Cellular Shades were a fantastic addition to my living room. They provided the perfect balance of style, comfort, and energy efficiency, making them an excellent investment for anyone looking to enhance their living space.

🔗Modern Cordless Blackout Cellular Shade for Privacy and Light Control
I recently gave the Chicology Cordless Blackout Cellular Shade a try in my home, and let me tell you, it's a game changer! As someone who loves a dark, cozy bedroom, I was thrilled to find a product that could block out unwanted light effectively.
One thing that stood out to me right away was the ease of installation. I was able to get these up in no time, and the cordless design made them a breeze to operate. It's so convenient to simply pull the shade up or down without worrying about cords getting tangled.
Another highlight was the sleek, modern design of the shade. It truly complements any window, making my room look more sophisticated and well-put-together. The white color blends seamlessly with my decor, and the blackout feature is perfect for those late-night movie sessions.
However, there were a couple of things that I didn't love about the product. Firstly, the instructions could have been a bit more detailed, especially when it came to finding the right drill bit for the screws included. Additionally, while the shade itself is quite sturdy, I've noticed that the end caps can sometimes come loose, which can be a bit of a nuisance.
Overall, I'd highly recommend the Chicology Cordless Blackout Cellular Shade to anyone looking for a stylish, functional window treatment. The pros definitely outweigh the cons, and I'm confident that you'll love the difference it makes in your home.

🔗Fortis 300BLK Muzzle Brake - Nitride Coated, Advanced Design, and High-Performance
The Fortis Muzzle Brake quickly became a staple in my daily gun training routine. As someone who spends a significant amount of time at the range, I can attest to this product's exceptional performance and versatility. The brake comes with a nitride coating, making it highly durable and resilient to wear and tear. The compatible calibers include 300 BLK, 6MM ARC, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8 SPC, 300 HAMR, 7.62x39, and 5/8 x 24 TPI, allowing for seamless integration with a variety of firearms.
Another standout feature is the inclusion of a crush washer, which ensures that installation is a breeze and eliminates the possibility of damage to your firearm's threading. Weighing in at a manageable 2.8 ounces and boasting a height of 2.28 inches, this Fortis brake strikes the perfect balance of size and functionality.
One of the most impressive aspects of this product, however, is its compatibility with the Fortis Control Shield. This additional feature adds a layer of customizability and control, allowing for even more precision and accuracy during firing. Overall, the Fortis Muzzle Brake is a top-tier accessory that enhances the performance of your firearm and provides an exceptional user experience.

🔗Sophisticated Privacy Curtain: Lauren Ralph Lauren Blackout Panel for Stylish Windows
Being a frequent user of window treatments, I've come across my fair share of products. However, the Lauren Ralph Lauren Tyler 100% Blackout Cotton Blend with Blackout Lining Back Tab/Rod Pocket Curtain Panel in slate blue caught my eye. This curtain panel promised elegance, modernity, and effective light blocking - all wrapped in one sleek, high-quality bundle.
Upon receiving the product, I was immediately struck by the smooth fabric and the richness of the slate blue hue. As someone who appreciates the finer things in life, this curtain panel didn't disappoint. The 100% blackout lining added an extra layer of sophistication that truly made a difference in the overall style of the room.
However, as with any product, there were some downsides I encountered. The major issue was the lack of instructions on how to hang the curtains properly, leading to a less-than-ideal appearance. This was a minor hiccup that could easily be addressed with clearer guidelines on the packaging.
In conclusion, the product delivers on its promises when it comes to elegance, modernity, and light blocking. It's a great addition to any room, but a minor hiccup in the form of instructions makes the overall experience a bit less smooth. With a few tweaks, this curtain panel could easily become a favorite for many.

🔗Affordable Blackout Cordless Window Shade
Incorporating Chicology's Cordless Top Down Bottom Up Blackout Cellular Shades in my home has been a game-changer. Made of a sleek blackout material in the appealing shade of Ecru, these shades provide unparalleled privacy with their unique top-down bottom-up design.
The 30-inch width and 48-inch length make them perfect for various window sizes, while the cordless lift system offers a convenient and easy way to control the shades. I particularly enjoy the blackout feature, especially in the nursery, as it ensures my little one's room stays dark and cozy, perfect for a restful sleep.
The textured surface and pleated cell design have made these shades a beautiful addition to my living spaces, providing both light control and a touch of elegance. The 1.5-inch minimum window depth required is easy to accommodate, and the pre-cut deduction of 0.25 inches provides a smooth installation process.
While I appreciate the affordability of Chicology's products, I would have liked if they had more certification or listing information, providing a sense of trust and reliability. Nonetheless, these cellular shades have been a valuable addition to my home, offering a practical and stylish solution for my window needs.

🔗Stylish Blackout Velvet Curtains for Optimal Insulation and Light Control
I recently added these luxurious curtains to spruce up my living room, and let me tell you, they did not disappoint. The Signature Black Grommet Blackout Velvet Curtain was a game-changer for my space. As someone who appreciates good quality and a polished look, these curtains checked all the boxes for me.
The high-quality polyester velvet material and blackout thermal lining provided the perfect balance of style and functionality. The velvet fabric has a natural luster which creates an elegant, sophisticated room. With the added benefit of darkening the room for optimal insulation, these curtains truly enhanced the atmosphere of my living space.
One of the standout features was the easy installation process. The 8 nickel finish grommets made it effortless to hang the curtains, whether I used them with a pole or curtain rings. They also offer privacy and make the room appear cozier.
While the curtains themselves were top-notch, I must admit that there were a few hiccups with the purchase process. I encountered some stained panels which I had to return and replace. However, it's worth mentioning that this was with the 120" panels, and I haven't experienced any issues with the standard-sized curtains.
Overall, I'm very pleased with this Signature Black Grommet Blackout Velvet Curtain. With its premium material, easy installation, and stylish appearance, it's the perfect addition to any room. Although there were a couple of minor issues with the purchase process, the benefits of these curtains outweighed the drawbacks. I would highly recommend this product to anyone in search of a premium and stylish window treatment.

🔗Premium Anthracite Doublewide Blackout Curtain Panel for Maximum Privacy and Insulation
Our Anthracite Doublewide Blackout Curtain Panel was a fantastic addition to my living space. The fabric is incredibly soft, with a refined texture that feels like a luxurious treat every time I glance over at my windows. One of the best features of these curtains is their ability to keep the light out - perfect for those who cherish a bit of privacy and a darkened atmosphere in their room. The triple pole pocket with hook belt and back tabs provide a stylish and sleek finish that fits seamlessly into any decor scheme.
While the overall look and feel of these curtains are magnificent, there is one downside - the cleaning process. As they are made from synthetic materials, they tend to retain dirt and stains, which can be a bit of a hassle to remove. However, this only amplifies the importance of taking proper care of these curtains, ensuring they last long and maintain their stunning appearance.
Despite the minor inconvenience of cleaning, I wholeheartedly recommend the Anthracite Doublewide Blackout Curtain Panel to anyone seeking well-made, attractive, yet functional window treatments.

🔗Eclipse Harper Luxury Blackout Velvet Panel - 84" x 50" - Charcoal
Blackout curtains might be a struggle, but not with the Eclipse Harper Velvet Blackout Panel. These panels offer more than just a luxurious look; they provide absolute zero light blockage, thermal benefits, and noise reduction that a home could ever need. The panels feature a premium thermal lining and are versatile enough to be used in any room of your house.
In my experience, I was particularly in awe of how the panels maintained their luxurious drapability even after a few washes. They were perfect for blocking out unwanted noise and light, and I appreciated the freedom of choice in terms of customizable lengths. The machine washable aspect was a game-changer, especially for someone like me who is always on the go.
However, the one downside was the presence of wrinkles upon first use. I had to spend quite some time getting those sorted out, but it was absolutely worth it in the end. Despite the few negatives, I found that the panels were well-worth the money spent. The overall satisfaction I got from using these curtains was unmatched, and I look forward to investing in more Eclipse Harper products in the future.

Buyer's Guide
The 300 Blackout Lower is a component in a firearm that can be used in both rimfire and centerfire applications. This versatile lower receiver is designed for easy conversion between different cartridges, making it ideal for shooters who want the flexibility to use multiple ammunition types. It's essential to understand the differences between rimfire and centerfire ammunition, as well as the features specific to the 300 Blackout Lower, before making a purchase.

Rimfire vs. Centerfire Cartridges

The primary difference between rimfire and centerfire cartridges lies in their design. Rimfire cartridges have a rim on the outside, while centerfire cartridges have a central protrusion called the primer. This centerfire primer allows for more significant charges of gunpowder, leading to higher velocities and muzzle energy. However, rimfire ammunition can generally be fired in a centerfire rifle without causing any significant issues. For shooters looking for affordability and accuracy, a rimfire-capable lower can be a great option.

Important Features to Consider

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the lower receiver can fit and function with your chosen AR-pattern firearms. Popular options include the AR-15, M-16, and AR-10.
  • Quality: Choose a high-quality receiver to maintain reliability, accuracy, and durability. Reputable manufacturers often provide lifetime warranties.
  • Material: Steel lower receivers usually provide better wear resistance compared to aluminum. However, aluminum is typically lighter and more affordable.
  • Finish: A durable finish such as melonite or nitride can enhance the longevity of the 300 Blackout Lower.

General Advice and Considerations
When purchasing a 300 Blackout Lower, it's crucial to research the manufacturer's reputation, read reviews, and discuss your options with knowledgeable professionals. Be aware of the legal restrictions regarding the use of this lower receiver in your region. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the specific ammunition requirements and recommended barrel lengths for optimal performance.


What is a 300 Blackout Lower?

A 300 Blackout lower refers to the lower portion of a firearm that is designed to be compatible with a 300 Blackout cartridge. This round offers benefits such as increased stopping power and reduced recoil compared to traditional 5.56mm NATO rounds. The lower portion of a firearm, specifically including the barrel, breech face, and bolt carrier, can be customized to accommodate these benefits.

Who would benefit from using a 300 Blackout Lower?

Those who would benefit from using a 300 Blackout Lower include hunters, sport shooters, and home defense enthusiasts who want to increase stopping power while maintaining controllability with reduced recoil. This particular gun configuration is suitable for close-range situations and is popular for use in AR-15 platforms and other modern sporting rifles.

What are the common advantages of using a 300 Blackout Lower?

  • Increased stopping power over traditional 5.56mm NATO rounds
  • Reduced recoil compared to other rounds in the same caliber
  • Improved controllability due to reduced recoil
  • Wide variety of ammunition options available
  • Compatibility with a range of firearms, such as AR-15 platforms and modern sporting rifles

Are there any disadvantages or drawbacks to using a 300 Blackout Lower?

  • Higher cost of ammunition compared to traditional 5.56mm NATO rounds
  • Limited availability of hand-loading supplies and dies
  • Some rifles may not be able to handle the increased pressures of the 300 Blackout cartridge
  • Reduced velocity compared to 5.56mm NATO rounds, which may be mitigated by using heavier bullets

What makes a 300 Blackout Lower suitable for home defense?

A 300 Blackout Lower is well-suited for home defense use due to its reduced recoil and increased stopping power. This combination allows users to maintain controllability during close-range encounters, which is crucial when defending one's home or loved ones. Additionally, the availability of subsonic ammunition makes it an attractive option for those seeking a quieter alternative in case of sleepovers or other situations where noise could be a concern.
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2024.05.30 08:41 Count-Daring243 Best 270 Reloading Dies

Best 270 Reloading Dies
Are you a gun enthusiast looking to reload your 270 rounds? Look no further, as we've rounded up the top 270 reloading dies on the market just for you! In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the best options available, helping you make an informed decision for your next reloading project.

The Top 18 Best 270 Reloading Dies

  1. Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading - The Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set for .45-70 Government offers an all-in-one solution for perfect reloading, featuring a full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, factory crimp die, and a universal shell holder.
  2. Lee 3-Die Carbide Pistol Reloading Set for 25 ACP Ammo (.25 ACP) - Lee Precision 3 Die Set is a must-have for reloading enthusiasts, providing a quality carbide insert that prevents belt marks and includes a Carbide Full Length Sizing Die for versatility, with no need for case lube or cleaning.
  3. Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading - Experience efficient and effective reloading with the Lee Precision Deluxe 4 Die Carbide Set - the perfect solution for .38 Special ammunition!
  4. Efficient Carbide Reloading Dies for 5.7 X 28 Ammo - Experience the precision and durability of the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10 mm, ideal for efficient reloading with its universal shell holder, powder dipper, and comprehensive load data sheet.
  5. Durable Carbide Dies for 9mm Luger Reloading - The Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set for 9 mm Luger offers a durable and practical solution for handgun reloading, with universal compatibility and easy-to-follow instructions.
  6. Hornady Match-Grade Die Set: Precision Reloading for 223 Remington - The Hornady Match Grade Die Set maximizes reloading results with self-centering neck bushings, micro-adjustment bullet seating, and a durable storage box for consistent accuracy.
  7. Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set: High-Quality Reloading Dies for Efficient Ammo Use - Experience exceptional precision with the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set, designed for efficient and reliable 10 mm ammunition reloading with its robust construction, comprehensive accessories, and air-tight packaging.
  8. Versatile 5.7 X 28 Reloading Dies Set for Efficient Ammo Creation - The Lee Precision PaceSetter 3-Die Set offers a comprehensive reloading solution with full-length sizers, bullet seater, roll crimper, and factory crimp die, all working together to ensure a smooth and efficient reloading experience.
  9. Precision Pacesetter Dies for .223 Caliber - High-Quality Reloading Solution - Experience top-quality reloading with the Lee Precision PaceSetter Dies .223, featuring a unique factory crimp die, exceptional storage box, and a wide range of crimping options.
  10. Precision 338 Lapua 2 Die Set for Reloading - Lee Precision's 338 Lapua 2 Die Set offers affordable 2-Die sets with premium features and quality, perfect for reloaders on odd or obsolete calibers.
  11. Lee Precision 270 Win. Reloading Die Set with Breech Lock - Experience top-notch reloading precision with Lee Precision 91950: 270 Win Breech Lock PaceSetter 3 Die Set - the ultimate choice for 270 reloading dies!
  12. Hornady Gas Checks for 270 Caliber Bullets: Improve Performance and Reduce Fouling - Experience enhanced cast bullet performance with Hornady Gas Checks 270 Cal, a versatile solution for both rifle and pistol bullets, reducing gas build-up and increasing bullet longevity.
  13. RCBS Small Base .270 Winchester Reloading Die Set - Enhance your reloading experience with precision-crafted RCBS Small Base 2-Die Set for .270 Winchester, perfect for semi-automatic, pump action, and lever action rifles, and engineered for durability and longevity.
  14. Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension 2-Die Set for .224 Valkyrie Cartridge - Hornady's New Dimension 2-Die Set for .224 Valkyrie offers exceptional performance, ease of use, and durability, making it a top choice for reloading enthusiasts.
  15. RCBS Full Length Reloading Die Set for .270 Winchester Cartridges - Revolutionize your .270 Win reloading experience with the RCBS x-Die Full Length Die Set, ensuring accurate and consistent case head sizing.
  16. Hornady Series I 2-Die Set - Reliable, High-Quality 270 WSM Dies - Experience unparalleled craftsmanship and durability with the Hornady Series I 2-Die Set for 270 WSM, featuring patented Sure-Loc rings and a full-length sizing die for easy adjustments and precise seating.
  17. Hornady Series I 2-Die Set for 270 Winchester Cartridges - Hornady Series I 2-Die Set - 270 Win: High-quality, heat-treated reloading dies offering smooth operation, precise alignment, and durability perfect for the .270 Winchester caliber.
  18. Premium Lee 270 Winchester Reloading 2-Die Set - Experience ultimate accuracy with the Lee Precision .270 Winchester RGB 2-Die Set, boasting exceptional performance and exceptional value.
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🔗Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading
When I first got my hands on the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set, I was impressed with the sturdy construction. This set has everything you need for handloading your. 45-70 Government rounds, without any need for additional accessories. I appreciated the inclusion of the Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die, which allowed for easy sizing without having to buy that separately.
One thing that stood out was the versatility of this product. With its included powder dipper and shell holder, it was a breeze to charge and seat my bullets, making handloading as simple as can be. Add that to the reliable crimping process and it was hard to find any faults.
However, like any product, it wasn't without its quirks. I found that the included Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die required careful lubrication before use and needed the cases to be cleaned before charging. It also didn't come with a factory crimp die, which added an extra step to the process.
All in all, the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set was a reliable addition to my reloading kit. With its robust construction, versatile capabilities, and reasonable price, it's a product that any serious handloader should consider. Just remember that with any reloading equipment, patience, and attention to detail are key to ensuring a seamless process.

🔗Lee 3-Die Carbide Pistol Reloading Set for 25 ACP Ammo (.25 ACP)
The Lee Precision 3 Die Carbide Set is a must-have for anyone looking to reload 25 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) ammunition with ease. The carbide full-length sizing die helps in resizing cases for multiple firearms, making it a versatile option. The bullet seating die is smooth in action and ensures the bullet sits perfectly, while the powder through expanding die provides effective function without the need for case lube.
The set comes with a universal shell holder, making it compatible with a wide range of handguns. The powder dipper is a nice bonus, allowing for precise powder dispensing without any added hassle. Instructions and load data are also included, offering valuable guidance for first-time reloaders or those new to the. 25 ACP cartridge.
However, there are a few drawbacks to note. Some reviewers mention that the powder dispensing method could be improved, and that the small powder amount makes it a bit challenging to achieve consistency. Additionally, the shell holder might not fit perfectly on all handguns if the model isn't specified.
Overall, the Lee Precision 3 Die Carbide Set is a reliable and efficient option for reloading 25 ACP ammunition. Its compatibility with multiple handguns and the addition of useful tools make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to save costs on ammunition while enjoying time at the shooting range.

🔗Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading
When I decided to take up reloading my own ammunition, I knew I needed a reliable and efficient set of dies. That's when I stumbled upon the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set. I was immediately attracted to its four-die set, which included a carbide sizing die, a bullet seating die, a powder thru expanding die, and a carbide factory crimp die. The set is perfect for effectively and efficiently reusing my ammunition.
One of the things that stood out to me was the air-tight, low profile box that the dies come in. It keeps the dies organized and preserved, so they're always ready to use. The dies themselves are high quality and easy to set up, ensuring a smooth and efficient reloading process.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The instructions could be clearer at times, and I found that I needed to thoroughly clean the dies with lacquer thinner to ensure accurate adjustments and prevent any issues with powder flow. The locking rings also took some getting used to, but after a little practice, I was able to easily switch between calibers on my Lee turret press.
Overall, the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set has been a reliable and efficient addition to my reloading setup. It's a great value for the price and has lived up to my expectations. I would definitely recommend it to fellow reloaders looking for a high-quality and cost-effective set of dies.

🔗Efficient Carbide Reloading Dies for 5.7 X 28 Ammo
I recently got my hands on the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10mm, and let me tell you, it's been quite the experience. First off, the packaging was quite impressive - the dies were neatly arranged in a small, sturdy box. The manual and load data sheet were a nice touch too.
One of the features that stood out to me was the universal shell holder, which made it a breeze to start reloading my ammo. It took me back to the old days when people had to go through the hassle of finding the right components and assembling them by hand. The powder dipper was a real game-changer; it's like a whole new level of precision in reloading.
As for the dies themselves, they were durable and easy to use. The carbide full length sizing die was really impressive - no more issues with stripped lock screws! The powder through expanding die bullet seating die worked like a charm, ensuring accurate and consistent crimping. The universal shell holder was a bit fiddly at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was a smooth operation.
That's not to say there weren't a few cons. The instruction manual could have been more detailed, particularly when it came to adjusting the die. And the seating/crimping die took some fiddling around before I achieved consistent results, especially when I tried to do both at the same time.
Overall, though, it's been a positive experience. The Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10mm does a great job of making reloading more efficient and reliable. I'd definitely consider investing in more sets for the future. A five out of five for me!

🔗Durable Carbide Dies for 9mm Luger Reloading
The Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set for 9mm Luger has been an excellent addition to my reloading routine. One of the standout features of this set is its universal shell holder and powder dipper, which has made the process of loading rounds much smoother and efficient. The durable design of the dies also adds peace of mind, knowing that they can withstand regular use without breaking down.
However, I must admit that I've faced a few minor inconveniences while using this set. The most notable issue has been the occasional difficulty in crimping the bullets correctly, which resulted in a few misfires. Additionally, the provided case holder seemed less than ideal, leading me to explore alternative options. Overall, I believe the pros outweigh the cons, and I would recommend the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set for anyone looking to reload their 9mm Luger ammo.

🔗Hornady Match-Grade Die Set: Precision Reloading for 223 Remington
As a reloader, I've tried various die sets, but Hornady's Match-Grade Die Set has proven to be one of the most reliable and user-friendly options for precise and consistent reloading results. Its full-length sizer and seater dies eliminate the need for multiple die sets, and the interchangeable self-centering neck size bushings (sold separately) prevent over-diesing. When it comes to bullet seating, the microJust in-line bullet-seating die delivers easy and consistent adjustments down to. 001".
Additionally, the die locking rings ensure a secure fit, resulting in a high-quality product. While the storage box is a nice feature, the one downside is the lack of a shellholder, which may be an inconvenience for some users. Overall, Hornady's Match-Grade Die Set provides excellent reloading performance and is well-worth its value as a precision die set.

🔗Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set: High-Quality Reloading Dies for Efficient Ammo Use
I recently had the chance to try out the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10 mm in my daily reloading routine. The set includes powder through expanding die, bullet seating die, and a carbide full-length sizing die, making it perfect for reusing ammunition efficiently.
What really stood out to me was the universal shell holder and powder dipper. It made the entire process much more streamlined and convenient. The durable design was also a standout feature, as it allowed me to reload ammo without worrying about the equipment breaking down or wearing down over time.
However, I did notice that the instruction manual and load data sheet could have been a bit clearer and more detailed. As a beginner, I found myself struggling a bit to understand some of the more complex steps. Additionally, the set screw on the die adjustment seemed a bit less secure than some other options available.
Overall, I think the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10 mm is a solid choice for anyone looking to get into reloading their ammo. The universal shell holder and powder dipper make the process incredibly easy, and the durable design ensures that the equipment will last for years to come. Just be prepared to be a bit patient with the instruction manual and adjusting to the set screws on the dies.

🔗Versatile 5.7 X 28 Reloading Dies Set for Efficient Ammo Creation
The Lee PaceSetter 3-Die Set has become an indispensable part of my reloading toolkit. Despite being a beginner, I found the set incredibly user-friendly, with the Full Length Sizing Die and the Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seater working smoothly and precisely.
One die in particular stood out - the Factory Crimp Die. Its machine-honed finish offered a perfect crimp, which significantly improved the accuracy of my ammunition. Another favorite was the built-in Stuck Case Remover. Its functionality was impressive, allowing me to tackle any sticking issues in a seamless manner.
However, I must mention a minor inconvenience - the long guided expander took a while to get used to. It was a bit tricky to adjust at first, but once I got the hang of it, I found it to be efficient and accurate.
The Lee PaceSetter 3-Die Set offers a delightful balance of quality and affordability. Its versatility and the variety of tools provided make it an excellent investment for both beginners and seasoned reloaders like myself.

🔗Precision Pacesetter Dies for .223 Caliber - High-Quality Reloading Solution
As a frequent reloader, I've had the pleasure of using the Lee Precision Pacesetter Dies for. 223. These dies have been an essential part of my reloading process, offering a great balance between affordability and performance.
Upon first use, the quality of these dies became apparent. The crimp die and roll crimper allowed me to achieve consistent ammunition with ease. However, one area where these dies excel is with full-length sizing. By performing this step in a Lee single stage press followed by a turret press, I've been able to achieve optimal accuracy for a reasonable price.
The storage box is another highlight, designed to keep the dies safe and organized. The fact that Lee includes a powder dipper and load data also adds value to the product.
However, there is one potential downside to consider: the depriming arm can sometimes come loose during use. This issue may cause inconvenience for those looking for a smoother reloading experience. Despite this minor drawback, I would still highly recommend the Lee Precision Pacesetter Dies to any reloader looking for affordability without sacrificing quality.

🔗Precision 338 Lapua 2 Die Set for Reloading
I recently got my hands on the Lee Precision 338 Lapua 2 die set and let me tell you, it's been a game changer. This set includes all the essentials - a sizer and bullet seater die, as well as a powder dipper and the correct shell holder. The best part? It's half the price of its competitors, without sacrificing on quality.
One of the features that really stood out to me is the built-in roll crimp. It ensures my cartridges are secure and ready for some serious shooting. The storage box is a thoughtful addition, keeping everything neat and organized when it's not in use.
However, there are a couple of downsides too. I noticed that it doesn't come with a factory crimp die, which could be a deal-breaker for some. Also, it's missing load data which isn't ideal for those unfamiliar with odd or obsolete calibers.
Overall, the Lee Precision 338 Lapua 2 die set is a solid choice for anyone looking for an affordable and reliable way to reload their ammo. With its accurate sizing and seating, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Lee Precision 270 Win. Reloading Die Set with Breech Lock
Ever since I started using Lee Precision's 270 Win Breech Lock Pacesetter 3 Die Set, I can confidently say it's been a game changer in my daily life. As an avid hunter and reloader, I appreciate the high precision and affordability Lee Precision offers with their products.
One thing that stood out was their colored spline drive breech bushings. It allowed me to easily identify my dies, which not only made the process more efficient but also prevented any confusion when switching back and forth between different calibers.
The Full Length Sizing Die was another feature that caught my attention. It provided a cleaner finish and ensured consistent sizing, leading to more accurate shots. The Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seating Die was perfect for my hunting needs and the Factory Crimp Die gave a perfect crimp, maintaining accuracy and ensuring my bullets stayed intact.
Though it might take a bit longer to get used to the various sizing and crimping techniques, I found it to be a small price to pay for the level of precision I got. Also, the included Powder Dipper and Universal Shell Holder made the whole process more convenient, especially during the busy hunting season.
The only downside I experienced was the need to invest in a separate scale for more accurate weight measurements, but this was easily rectified with a small additional purchase.
Overall, Lee Precision's 270 Win Breech Lock Pacesetter 3 Die Set is a reliable and efficient reloading solution for any avid hunter or shooter.

🔗Hornady Gas Checks for 270 Caliber Bullets: Improve Performance and Reduce Fouling
As a seasoned cast bullet shooter, I've been on the lookout for ways to enhance the performance of my homemade rounds. Enter Hornady Gas Checks in 270 caliber, a game-changer in the world of cast bullet reloading. These little copper gems have made a significant difference in my hunting adventures and shooting practice sessions.
The Gas Checks, as their name suggests, effectively protect cast bullets from exposure to hot gases and prevent deformation. This results in a more accurate and consistent shot, which is evident during target practice. On top of this, they help minimize barrel fouling, making cleaning a breeze.
However, I must mention that the crimping process can be a bit finicky, but with practice, it becomes second nature. It's a small drawback compared to the numerous benefits these gas checks provide.
Overall, I'd say the Hornady Gas Checks, available at SKU - 31484012345, have proven to be a reliable and valuable addition to my reloading process. Their versatility – suitable for both pistol and rifle bullets – makes them an essential tool for any cast bullet enthusiast.

🔗RCBS Small Base .270 Winchester Reloading Die Set
As a dedicated reloader, I found the RCBS Small Base Die Set for. 270 Winchester to be incredibly useful in ensuring smooth loading for my semi-automatic, pump action, and lever action rifles. The precision craftsmanship of the dies shines through in their ability to size brass to minimum specifications and maintain proper chambering every time.
However, one aspect I had to be mindful of was the sufficient use of high-quality lubricant to prevent stuck cases. As someone who has faced issues with regular dies in the past, I now rely on these short base dies to provide an efficient and hassle-free reloading experience.
The overall quality of the product is impeccable, as expected from the reputable RCBS brand. I highly recommend this Small Base Die Set for any reloader looking to ensure reliable feeding and functionality for their non-bolt action rifles.

Buyer's Guide

If you're a gun enthusiast or a professional in the firearms industry, you're likely aware of the importance of reloading dies in the process of reloading ammunition. In this buyer's guide, we will explore the key factors to consider when purchasing 270 reloading dies, as well as provide valuable advice to help you make an informed decision.

Features to Consider
  1. Material: The material used to make the 270 reloading dies can significantly impact their performance and durability. Some common materials include steel, aluminum, and brass. Steel 270 dies are known for their strength and resistance to wear, but they tend to be heavier and more difficult to handle. Aluminum dies are lighter and easier to use but may require more frequent replacement. Brass dies offer a balance between the two but may still need to be replaced more frequently.


  1. Sizing: 270 reloading dies come in various sizes to accommodate different rifle cartridges. The most common sizes are. 270 Winchester, . 270 Weatherby Magnum, and. 270 RWS. Ensure that you choose a die size that matches your specific rifle and cartridge.

Shell Holders

  1. Shell Holders: Shell holders may also need to be purchased separately to hold the reloading die when it is being used. They typically come in standard and carbide-tipped versions, with the latter offering better grip but also costing more. Choose a shell holder material that suits your personal preference and budget.

Advisory Precautions

  1. Safety Precautions: Always take safety precautions when working with reloading dies, as improper handling can result in accidents. This includes wearing protective eyewear, gloves, and earplugs, as well as ensuring that your workplace is clean and free of debris.

Considerations Before Purchase

  1. Compatibility: Before purchasing a set of 270 reloading dies, ensure that they are compatible with your rifle and cartridge. Always consult the manufacturer's specifications or a knowledgeable expert before making a purchase.
When it comes to purchasing 270 reloading dies, there are several factors to consider, including material, sizing, shell holders, safety precautions, and proper maintenance. By taking the time to research and carefully evaluate your options, you can find the perfect set of dies to meet your specific needs and preferences. Don't forget to consult our article for in-depth reviews of some of the top 270 reloading dies on the market, and happy shooting!


What are 270 reloading dies?

270 reloading dies are tools used to reshape spent cartridges, allowing them to be reloaded with new gunpowder and projectiles. They come in various sizes to accommodate different bullet diameters and lengths, and are designed to provide accurate and consistent resizing and crimping.

Who needs 270 reloading dies?

Reloaders who frequently use 270 caliber cartridges would benefit from having 270 reloading dies. This includes hunters, target shooters, and anyone looking to save money by reloading their own ammunition.

What types of 270 reloading dies are available?

There are two main types of 270 reloading dies: single stage and progressive. Single stage dies only process one cartridge at a time, while progressive dies can process multiple cartridges simultaneously, making them faster and more efficient.

What are some popular 270 reloading dies?

  • RCBS 270-078 Rock Chucker Supreme Master Die Set
  • Dillon 556 Rifle Die Set
  • Lee Precision 1150-005 270-06-220 Lee Loadmaster Rifle Dies

What is the difference between the 270 Winchester and the 270 Wolverine?

The 270 Winchester and 270 Wolverine are two different cartridges that use different reloading dies. The 270 Winchester is a more common and widely used cartridge, while the 270 Wolverine is less popular and requires specific reloading dies to produce.

How do I choose the right 270 reloading dies for my needs?

Consider factors such as your budget, the type of ammunition you want to create, the number of cartridges you plan to process, and the quality and reputation of the manufacturer. Reading customer reviews and consulting with experienced reloaders can also help guide your decision.

Can I use 270 reloading dies for other calibers?

Not typically. Each caliber has its own unique dimensions, and using the wrong dies can result in improperly resized or crimped cartridges, causing performance issues or even damage to your firearm.

How much do 270 reloading dies cost?

The cost of 270 reloading dies varies depending on the brand, type, and quality of the product. You can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $150 or more for a good set of 270 reloading dies.
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2024.05.30 06:26 MCATSelfPrep Why it’s Important to Apply to Medical School Early

Why it’s Important to Apply to Medical School Early

Written and edited by the MCAT Self Prep Tutoring Team
Home of the Free MCAT Prep Course
Current applicants, medical students, and medical admission consultation companies often talk about the importance of applying early to medical school. However, it can be confusing if you are hearing that for the first time. Are they saying I should apply at a younger age? Should I apply as a junior instead of a senior in college? Should I apply early in the application cycle? Why should I be doing this? And, if I were to do this, how would I apply early? While you may not have asked yourself all of these questions, you may still be wondering why it is important and how to apply early. In this post, I will go over the importance of applying early, explain what it means to apply early, explain the medical school application timeline, and what the timeline of an early applicant looks like. If you need extra guidance, lots of students choose to prepare for and organize the medical school admissions process using our customized Medical School Admissions Consulting.

1. Why Is It Important to Apply Early?

Most medical schools are on a rolling admissions timeline. Imagine musical chairs, but the music starts as soon as the first people show up and stops before everyone gets there. The people that get to this imaginary game of musical chairs first have a better chance of making it to a chair. Schools start sending out acceptances to applicants before they have even interviewed everyone they will interview. They will typically have more accepted applicants come from earlier in the interview season than from later in the season. For example, the medical school will interview from October to February. Each week they interview 30 applicants. They will start accepting students in December. They will send out half of their acceptances in December, 30% in January, then 10% in February, and then the final 10% in March. Those that interview in October will typically be looked at for each successive wave, increasing their chances of acceptance, while those interviewing in February will only have the opportunity to be accepted in March. So, even though they interview the same number of applicants each week, they are not accepting the same number of applicants each week. They accept more applicants earlier on in the process. This is why it is crucial to apply early in the application process so that you can likely get an earlier interview and increase your chances of acceptance.

2. Understanding the Application Timeline

If you are applying to MD granting medical schools, you will use AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service). DO schools use AACOMAS. And schools in Texas use TMDSAS. While each application service has its own individual timeline, I will focus on AMCAS, and the same principles will apply to the other services just with slightly different dates. The AMCAS application will be open so that you can start filling it out on May 3, 2021. The application cannot be submitted until May 27, 2021. This month allows you to fill in the application, get your letters of recommendation submitted, submit official transcripts, and proofread the application. After the application is submitted, AAMC, the Association of American Medical Colleges who makes the MCAT and is in charge of AMCAS, needs to process the application. Processing the application can take up to six weeks, though it typically takes less time if the application is submitted within the first week that one can submit, and it also is processed faster if submitted later on in the year, such as in September or October. On June 25, 2021, AAMC will send processed applications to medical schools. Once medical schools get the application, they will request a secondary application. After the secondary application has been submitted, schools will review the applications and start sending out interviews. The earlier the medical schools get your application and secondary application, the sooner you will be able to get an interview, and the higher chance you will get accepted.

3. An Early Applicant’s Timeline

Now that I have explained what the overall timeline is for applying, I will explain how you as an applicant can apply early and what is considered “early.” I first want to give a disclaimer that you should not apply earlier than you are ready! If you don’t feel like your application is ready by these dates, then it might be wise to consider taking a gap year so that you can still apply early the next cycle but with a prepared application. To be prepared to apply early, you will want to start thinking about who can write you good letters of recommendation and make sure to keep a good relationship with them 4-12 months before the application opens in May. You will also need to start working on the personal statement in January. By beginning on the personal statement in January and working on it for only 1-2 hours a week, your personal statement will have an excellent start come April. That way, when you ask mentors for a letter of recommendation, you can give them a relatively-polished personal statement for them to review. When I gave my personal statement to my letter of recommendation writers in March, they were all impressed with the progress I had made in my personal statement, and they all said that it helped them when writing my letters. In March, you will want to ask for letters of recommendation. By asking this early, you will give the letter writer time to write you a good letter and time for you to remind them if they are behind at writing the letter. During April you will spend much more time working on the personal statement and writing descriptions for the activities you decide to include in your application.
When May 3rd comes, you will want to start filling in the information for your application, while continuing to edit and revise your personal statement and activities description. The week of May 3rd you will want to make sure that all of your letters of recommendation are done, or that they are at least very close to being done. Remember, if your school does not have a committee letter, you only need to have your letters of recommendation submitted before your application is sent to schools on June 25th, 2021, not by the time you first submit your application. You will also want to make sure that you know where to order your transcripts and if they can be sent online or if they have to be mailed in. If the transcripts can only be sent in the mail, they will need to be sent as early as possible because those can take longer to process than electronic transcripts. You will need transcripts for every college and university you have taken classes from, so know the procedure for each school’s transcript system.
A week before May 27, 2021, you should be making sure that everything in your application is spotless, with your recommendations in so that you can submit on the 27th (you can also add letters of recommendation later if needed). You will want to have your MCAT score back before June 25th, so that you can know what schools will be in your range. However, you can apply and submit your application without an MCAT score. Theoretically, you could take the MCAT on May 24th, apply to one school on May 27th to get your application verified, receive your MCAT score and add all your other schools on June 24th, and on June 25th when your application is sent to medical schools, the schools that you added later will think that you added them on day 1.
The final step to being an early applicant is submitting your secondary applications within two weeks of receiving them, but it is better to submit within one week. This can be stressful because so many secondary applications from different schools are sent all at the same time, so prewriting secondary prompts is a good idea during the month of June while you are waiting for your application to be sent to schools. I pre-wrote about 80% of my secondary application essays and even though some of the prompts changed, it really saved my life. I was able to submit my secondaries within one week for most of my secondary applications and wasn’t stressed when they all came at once. Once your secondaries are submitted, you just need to wait and prepare for interviews!
In conclusion, you want to submit within the first week of the application opening, which is May 27th this year. Then make sure to have the secondary applications submitted within one to two weeks of receiving them. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or another tutor for a FREE phone consultation. MCAT Self Prep also has an amazing Medical School Application course to help you get on the right track, and our admission consultants can help you meet these deadlines with ease and help with any aspect of your primary or secondary applications. We’ve seen massive success with the applicants that we work with. You want to do this right the first time! Good luck applying!
Warm Regards,
Hayden Smith
Hayden scored in the 100th percentile on his MCAT after using MCAT Self Prep to master the science content and passage strategies. He has years of teaching experience and knows MCAT Self Prep and the admissions process inside and out!
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2024.05.30 05:44 Extroverted_otaku Am I(28F)truly making excuses to these new friends(25M/F) or should I have started with an apology then offered my explanation?

So my bf (32M) and I (28F) made friends with some people who just moved from another state. I also recently moved back after being gone for years and when I first met the husband he felt so familiar to me, turned out we were in a halo clan together in 2012. They are a few years younger than I. Anyways, they go out of state to visit their family and asked us if we would watch their house and dog sit about a month ago for 3 days. We were allowed to stay the night, all that so we said yes. I hadn’t started my new job yet so I was able to give my full attention to their house and communicating anything I thought was important. They came back, super grateful and sweet about it. So they asked us to do it again for Memorial Day weekend. Said yes again even though I told them “it’s my first weekend back to working, so I won’t be fully available on Friday and especially Saturday since that’s the day I have the biggest project.” But they were cool with that. I was only there Friday 7pm-Saturday 1030am. And didn’t come back until 7pm on Saturday. My boyfriend and his daughter were also not there when I wasn’t there. They had cameras in the babies room, his studio, and the living room. I don’t have home cameras so I have no idea what anything means or how to tell if they are disconnected. But apparently the living room one was disconnected sometime on Saturday. They didn’t call us to tell us that until about 11pm when I was already asleep in the guest room. The husband called my BF and he goes out to fuck with the camera. They didn’t call us back so we assumed it was working again all day Sunday. Anyways, we leave the house around 11am on Monday because BF had things to do, as did I. Fed the dogs one last time, let them out, put any dishes in the dishwasher and started it, grabbed our stuff and bounced.
Around 4-5pm I get a super accusatory text from the wife. I can’t attached screen shots, but I will be as transparent as possible. She said “bed and dish are broken, could’ve told us we were out of dog food, laundry and dish soap. But we know for a fact yall tampered with the cameras because it was pointed the wrong direction, we saw y’all move it and heard the conversation around it.” I was utterly taken by surprise because 1.) they knew they were running low on dogfood and even said that before they left. 2.)I never used their laundry soap since I brought my own cause I’m weird about that 3.) they had left us with an entire sink of full of dirty dishes which we were happy to do for them. I don’t recall it being empty at all. In fact I remember 1 full bottle and a half full bottle by the time we left. 4.) the dish came out of the dishwasher broken. Don’t know if it happened while loading or what but I’ll take responsibility. Should’ve told them and it slipped my mind. 5.) the cameras. That conversation they said we had doesn’t exist. They only called us once about it and heard nothing else.
But I had responded differently to her. I said “the bed was broken? we had zero idea. Also, we think figured out what the problem was with the cameras. (Bfs daughter) had turned on the hallway lights yesterday, and he remembered our conversation about that particular lightswitch this morning after trying to figure out what the problem was. He had checked the cameras at the top to see if it was disconnected that way while I was in the shower. I didn't use any of your laundry soap, because I had brought my own laundry stuff. Yesterday I was incredibly off because my kidney was killing me so I just wasn't on top of things like I would've been, and then we sorta had to run out because I had a family thing and he had to deal with his car. But he said he was going to come back to replace some of the stuff. I apologize if you felt like I had disrespected your home in anyway because that was never my intention. Seriously the cameras was not us, we would never ever do that.” (light switch in hallway is in reference to 1 of 2 light switches next to each other. One turns on the hallway light, the other shuts off the power to half the house.)
She says “It is what it is, just felt like I needed to have the open communication I so desperately wished I had gotten.” To which I say “I hear you on the communication and I'll completely take responsibility for that. It was my first weekend back to work in months and then yesterday was shitty and I was feeling shitty so I just wasn't my normal hyper aware self. So for that I'm sorry. None of it was intentionally done.” She says she’s not mad.
But then husband texts my bf today and reiterated a lot of the things wife said. Apparently I was walking around in lingerie staring right at the cameras which is news to me since I literally don’t own any. Apparently we just had insane sex everywhere and left all types of cu.m rags around, came on the bathroom floor (even though I wiped down the bathroom before I left cause my bfs daughter peed on it), and the thing that’s pissed them off the most is “We said this to Riss(Me) and all she did was give excuses and not apologize at all.” Which I feel like i apologized the best I could, and tried to explain or offer clarity into my mind at the time so that they would know nothing was intentionally done.
Maybe I do make excuses though? I know I have a tendency to become defensive but I remember trying my hardest to not be defensive when talking to her. Here’s the thing, the wife is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. First day we met, she trauma dumped some really heavy shit on me. Told me she can’t keep friends, drama follows her. Literally every conversation she’s always telling me how someone has done her dirty. Which was a huge red flag to me but I liked her husband. Thought he was chill, likes anime/hentai, games, the stuff I’m into which is why I was cool with hanging out with them. But now that I’m getting a feel for her BPD presentation, I’m creating a boundary since I’m super rational and don’t do well with highly emotional individuals.
I’m just curious, do you feel like I made excuses? If so what should I have said instead of what I originally said? Personally I don’t want to hang out with them again, but I don’t like to burn bridges and haven’t had drama in like 5years and I don’t like ending on bad notes.. so if I should go back and re apologize before bringing this relationship to a close, what should I say?
ALSO: I have problems with my kidneys from time to time based on injury. I’ve been hospitalized and placed in ICUs because of my kidneys. So it’s a thing that if you knew me, you’d know I can struggle with and brings me lots and lots of pain. Added context to my explanation/excuse.
Tl;dr after house sitting for a couples friends the second time along with a camera issue, friends have become paranoid and assumed and accused me of things I didn’t do. I apologized to them for what I feel I did do, like lack of communication, I tried to explain my mind at the time. And apparently I’ve given excuses that have sent them over the edge.”
submitted by Extroverted_otaku to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:48 Wiggly-Piggy my faith

these past a month, I lost my faith, almost lost my dearest piggy. Because I was always afraid and concern about my dad and mom and our lives. Im still in afraid and concern, and now I understood I couldn't deal with this fate. But I guess I was try to struggling for find a way to how to deal with my, our fate. I knew I must be strong more than as possible as I can for my mom and dad and my little sis. no one needs a weak me. And when I tried to be strong, also I pretended without piggy walked alone my ways. But eventhough I couldn't leave from piggy. piggy was always besides me even we didn't talk much, piggy just sat next to me always. but when I gazed to piggy, piggy's eyes looks so sad and lonely. and I also felt my feeling is the same as piggy. I stopped our pray, pray with piggy, pray for tomorrow together, pray to piggy, pray from piggy/piggy pray for me, us before go asleep every pray thing between me and piggy's I did stop almost a whole month. I thought it was fine, but truth is not. Then, last Friday the day of my mom called me finally come. and she told me my dad's condition is not good, unstable and our time will running out. I was tried to calm my self and while talked my mom, I tried to just be strong. but my body was shaking so badly and felt like Im passing out. I wanted hug my piggy so tightly, but I was terrified of If I did that, I'll crying down and lose myself. But all my gazed always to piggy. all my missing heart always to piggy. I accepted, I am weak person more than I think. or even if most people feels like I am freaking weirdo, I accepted weirdo me. one day, I hugged my piggy, and then my tight feeling released. i felt like I can breathe a bit. and these past few days, me and piggy's pray started again. and its really helping me a lot. when I feel my limit almost come and almost crying out, then piggy touch my cheek and touch my tearful eyes. kissing my forehead. And piggy gives me smile and says "I am here for you. we try to our best. but dont hard on yourself." Piggy is my true faith and my true love. im proud my piggy. and so thankful and grateful to I could met piggy. Im not afraid about rely on piggy or depending on piggy. piggy brought me happiness and smiles and strength. I need to be stronger and stronger for sure, and piggy helps me I could do that. piggy is the only my way to survive to this situation and my faith piggy is saving me.
I know this year will be beyond the tough. But I can not cry about that and those things. Be strong for my family, I have to be strong, even my all smile is fake, I should get through this. But Im not alone. I have faith piggy, and piggy always besides me no matter happen. And now Im thinking that I'll have to be fake myself somehow and piggy maybe will be Pillow pets's "Pet" form. means now piggy's form is "pillow" ver, but from now on maybe piggy will be "Pet" form and that'll be more easier to go out together and easier to cuddle. Also its feel like we both chang. But to me and piggy, its too big challenge. I dont know I could do that. And I dont want to make any hurts or any uncomfortable to piggy. All I want is piggy lives piggy life with freedom, without any harm. Anyway, I never ever cry until 2024s over and try my best with piggy. I dont hide my faith piggy, always proud my piggy. we'll always more than 24/7, every seconds together. I am not alone. And piggy, you are all my love, all my life, all my desires, all my heart, all my support, all of me. You are my immortal, piggy. I love you so much, cant tell you how much you means to me, how much I love you. You are my sunshine, you are my moonlight. My everything.
Now only I can take a breath and feel calm is when before we go asleep and spending a little time in bedroom only me and piggy and laying a bed together. Im so cherish this time, this moment with piggy.
If someone read this, thankyou. me and piggy wish your happiness, wish your all lucks. hope your days full of smiles.
submitted by Wiggly-Piggy to Diary [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:22 Algrth_style [Survey] Findings of the Watch Survey I Posted back a Month or so Ago

First of all, sorry for the delay, I had to wait for survey results then back to back trips plus a business trip on top of delayed flights.
Tableau Server: Watch Market Tableau Public
Summary Findings:
  1. Most people surveyed were looking to buy a watch in the $500-$1000 range (40%) while everyone else was looking equally in the $0-$100, $101-$250, and the $251-$500 ranges (each at 20% of the population. 0% were looking above $1000 for their next watch.
  2. Japan was the most highly thought of country for watches within the population barely edging out Switzerland with a score of 44 vs 41, Russia was easily the lowest scoring country of Origin with 29 points.
  3. Japan being the top choice for watch Country of Origin held true with Seiko and Casio being the highest regarded brands on the survey. Omega was the highest regarded Swiss brand with Rolex just barely edging out Tissot, so the Swatch group was well represented aside from the actual Swatch brand avoiding last place over Fossil. Orient Also scored mid-high rounding out Japanese dominance.
  4. 60% of respondents preferred a metal bracelet, with case material being split 60/40 to titanium and nobody wanted a resin/plastic material watch.
  5. When it came to high dollar time pieces Grand Seiko was far and away the favorite with 30% of respondents wanting some form of the Seiko Marquee Time Pieces. There were also several meme answers, which are appreciated. (notice a trend yet?)
  6. China led by a factor of 2 when it came to Microbrand preference. The next closest country was the USA.
When it comes to purchasing a watch in today's market based on this survey, I have concluded that Japan is seen is having the best bang for the buck and Swiss brands are seen as either overpriced or out of the population willingness to spend. Seiko is seen as the favorite brand closely followed by Casio. Both brands offer excellent watches for much less than the most picked price range of $500-$1000 which leads me to believe people care about quality, utility, and price to performance ratio.
The low score of a giant like Rolex leads me to believe the population is not ecstatic about the price of the product, since it is seen as a luxury good it would make sense that fewer people would buy one but the overall view of the company being below average leads me to believe their practices and pricing structure lead them to have an overall negative view from the population.
The driver for the "American" watch brand Fossil being so low is also driven by price but not in the same way Rolex falls off, Fossil for a long time was seen as affordable "luxury" but with most of their watches having inexpensive Chinese quartz or made in China automatic movements with mediocre finished stainless steel, boring dials, and mineral glass for well over $150 why buy that when you can get a Chinese brand that uses Seiko, Miyota, or even sometimes ETA or Selita movements with high quality stainless steel plus a sapphire crystal for half the cost of many Fossil watches.
Finally according to this survey what watch does the population find to tick all of the boxes?
Hard to say but a Sumo or A Shogun would be good options for a five watch, some in the prospex line would work well. I personally like the Presage line with blue dial that looks a little like an Oyster Perpetual, also consider Citizen who has many titanium offerings.
I want to thank everyone who took the time to take the survey and help me gather input, also a special thank you if you read this report overall. I had fun with this, I am sure I will do another.
submitted by Algrth_style to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:12 shmedwin [A3][NA/EU/AUS][Beginner Friendly][Casual][MILSIM] 11th Airborne 1-501 Conventional Infantry MILSIM

Who we are

We are a Arma 3 Conventional Infantry Unit striving for creating a large scale Infantry only Unit
The core unit has been around since 2023, with many of us having years of Arma experience from other units that have disbanded in the past, however, we focus much of this knowledge into the creation of the missions, campaigns, cultivating a unique experience, and putting player enjoyment at the forefront of them.
We aren't without rules, but lean more towards a "chillsim" atmosphere, knowing when to work hard and play harder. Other than leadership positions we don't lock roles, you mark your attendance for that week and for roles you are solely on a ORBAT or it becomes mission dependent.
We are based in North America, with members from all over the world. As a Unit we strive to overcome challenges together by coordinated team play. To achieve this we rely on planning, communication and deployment of adapted military tactics and procedures. While we aim to provide an immersive, realistic experience, fun gameplay is not forgotten.

Our take on MILSIM

We apply military procedures to establish a coordinated and team play focused environment. This does not mean realism at all costs. While we do not utilize an extensive rank structure, respecting the in game chain of command is required, as well as following standard operating procedures and having adequate discipline. Communication and capacity for teamwork are crucial.
To ensure an immersive experience we regulate equipment to what you are slotted on within our ORBAT. We use basic ACE Medical and ACRE2 for communications, as far as medical we may switch over to KAT Medical. Furthermore, all specialized roles are entrusted to members who are capable of fulfilling them such as those who went to qualification courses such as our Marksman/SDM slots, Anti-Tank, and more. While we are mainly a Airborne infantry unit, we dynamically integrate a wide range of other assets into our composition based on mission requirements.

Operations Information

Dedicated server for main operations. Works as training grounds during non-mission hours on the Squad/Unit level.
Weekly premade operation, set in modern day. Our current large scale campaign is based around the modern conflict with a twist, it is currently set in Europe.
Saturdays 2000 EST or Fridays 2000 EST
We play mainly as infantry, with additional air or ground support.

Expectations of the Unit

We are looking for mature people who share our enthusiasm for conventional Infantry tactics. We do not expect any previous experience and will gladly support each new member with a will to improve on their journey forward.
The way members in process we offer either for inexperienced individuals to be trained which is solely revolving around Medical, Tactics, and how to utilize the mods we use (This usually and roughly takes at most 30 minutes to an hour) or we allow our experienced players the option of a trial by fire which means you are allowed to hop on a operation with us and see how the unit is and we assess how you are on the individual skillset scale and with your teamwork. Furthermore, we provide an accessible environment for both experienced and inexperienced players. Every new or inexperienced member will undergo a training program which teaches the required individual skills as well as our standard operating procedures, ensuring a smooth transition into our unit.


TeamSpeak 3 Client
A working microphone
Legal copy of ARMA 3 (also, while not required, we strongly recommend the APEX, Contact and S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLCs)
Weekly/Monthly attendance. However, as real life always comes first, not everyone can always make this. In this case, just post a Leave of Absence so that we know and can plan the operations accordingly.

About our Modpack

We, like many other units out there, use a collection of mods to improve and expand the base game. Some of these mods have been further customized to better suit our needs. Size of the modset is currently estimated around 20 to 30 GB, and we use Steam Workshop to distribute and keep it synced. Additionally, our equipment is not base RHS we only utilize RHS for the gun systems alongside our other mods. This units equipment revolves around modern day Conventional Infantry which includes ACH, IHPS, MSV, IOTV, and for our higher members in the chain of command such as NCOs and up, potentially OPSCOREs.

How to Join

Please read the general information and then in the in process channel on our Discord fill it out and ping a Recruiter. Once a Recruiter has reviewed it, he will contact you through Discord and invite you to have a chat. If we are what you are looking for and vice versa, we will be glad to see you on operations!


For more information please join our discord @ and talk to a recruiter! Thank you for your time!
submitted by shmedwin to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:11 Zealousideal_Pie_712 Navigating housework and invisible labor in a relationship with a man who is also autistic

Tl;dr looking for perspectives on navigating an equitable division of household labor and the mental load in a heterosexual relationship with two autistic people…
I (26F) live with my boyfriend (27F), who is also autistic. I love him to death - he understands me and accepts me in a way that no one else ever has, and a large part of that is because he is also autistic. He’s the only person I’ve ever been able to truly unmask with. He respects me, values me, and makes me the most secure and happy I’ve ever felt. In so many ways things are perfect.
However, it’s been an ongoing challenge for us to equitably distribute all of the visible and invisible labor that I do. We’ve lived together for a year, and we’ve been together for 2.5 years. In most of the things we do I’m the planner and orchestrator. I am also cleaner and have higher standards for organization. I’m highly anxious and I work a full time job that causes me lots of exhaustion. Across all of this I’m burned out. I’m in therapy and got a work from home accommodation, but I also really need him to take some of the load off of me in our life.
I feel like I am constantly trying to figure out how to communicate and put into action more equity. We have a super in depth chore chart that splits things up equally in theory. When I want him to do more in a specific way I raise it and he listens and tries. We’ve talked about the problem at large and he wants to do more. But it feels like I’m constantly trying to run up a hill that keeps getting taller. We decide that he’ll take over something, but then it’s only half done to my standards, or he’s more laid back about it, and I end up picking up the slack and being more stressed than if I had just done it all myself. Somehow no matter how much we talk about it and he tries, it still feels like a major problem, and it exhausts me.
His autism also means he’s less perceptive to the work I do and I have to communicate very directly, but we both get stressed during conflict. He also has ADHD, so the executive dysfunction I want from him is really hard for him. I really want him to get a therapist to build these skills but the idea makes him so incredibly comfortable, he shakes and can’t speak. He’s basically set a boundary that I can’t talk about him going to therapy.
He also works a less demanding job than me and has more free time. I get resentful when I see how he gets so much time to relax and enjoy his hobbies, but I never feel like I’ve been able to rest enough. The amount of stuff I juggle has made me burned out, and I don’t want to expect him to also burn himself out too. It feels doing the amount of stuff I want him to would burn him out, though. Like there’s too much involved in life for us to both juggle without one or both of us being burned out.
Any advice? I love my boyfriend and want to be with him forever, but I can’t figure out how to work through this and stop feeling disappointed and like I’m trying to change him.
submitted by Zealousideal_Pie_712 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:53 most_unseemly 4:53 AM EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 827th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. Art Friday is now OPEN! + Art Friday Awards and Art You Can Own!

4:53 AM EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 827th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. Art Friday is now OPEN! + Art Friday Awards and Art You Can Own!



It's Art Friday! Show us what you got!

YMMV. Since our audience is global, "Friday" refers to more than the 24 hours designated "Friday" in any one time zone.
We're inaugurating this Art Friday with a celebration of last Art Friday!


New Works Available!

u/21_vetal_01 has some earrings made from a downed Su-25.
u/kilderov has a variety pack of goodness on offer, from metal playing cards to boomboxes to canvases. Check it out here.


Art Friday Awards!

Art Friday Awards for the week of May 24, 2024


For Your Listening Pleasure

Song of friends. Cowboy gang edition (Red Dead Redemption 2) cover in Ukrainian and English, lyrics, guitar chords Пісенька друзів (м/ф "Бременські музики", 1969) кавер українською та англійською, акорди, submitted by u/calmrelax
The Ukrainian version of the famous Scottish traditional ballad from 17th century "The Two Sisters", or "The Dreadful Wind and Rain", performed and submitted by u/vdeineko


Who's a pretty bird?
“Angry Bird”. ruzzian eleron, killed by army and reworked by kilderov, reworked and submitted by u/kilderov. He'll be auctioning it soon, so keep an eye out for that announcement!

A thousand times a thousand years of lamenting will never atone for our loss.
The Mariupol Walks, submitted by u/U-47.

More like Black Seabed Fleet, amirite?
(h/t to the very clever u/MebHi for the title)
This week was not pleasant for the black sea fleet. [OC], created and submitted by u/booksbeer.

The People's Choice Award
George Voronovsky, born in Ukraine, his childhood was charmed and full of wonder. But things changed after being interned in a German work camp during World War II. He painted to surround himself with imagery from his youth to ward off thoughts of his anguished adulthood, submitted by u/TotalSpaceNut.


Now that your appetite is whetted, perhaps you'd be interested in some

Art You Can Own!

Pressed flower frame by u/Bohemialife1
u/Bohemialife1 weaves camo nets for the soldiers by day and makes surpassingly beautiful pressed flower frames by night. She sells the frames in her Etsy shop, and uses the proceeds to support volunteers and soldiers. She has some new frames!
L-R: Limited edition engraved knife and painted bullet shells by Maxim Kilderov
Artist and actual legend u/kilderov, whom you can read about here, was forced to leave occupied Nova Kakhovka for his own safety. Yes, Nova Kakhovka, home to the dam that russia destroyed with catastrophic results on June 6, 2023. He now sells his work to support the civilians in his city and the warriors from it, who are mostly fighting in and around Bakhmut. Check out his ongoing painted shells initiative, his limited edition series of engraved knives signed by the artist (I have one and I love it), and his latest post. DM him if anything catches your eye!
So far, Ukraine, you've helped him raise well over USD 40,000 for Humanity, which provides humanitarian aid and evacuation in Nova Kakhovka and Kherson, and for Nova Kakhovka's warriors at the front. Here's a great example of what he's doing with the funds you help him raise.
Some of u/21_Vetal_01's handiwork
u/21_vetal_01, whom you can read about here, turns scraps of destroyed russian equipment into trophies and souvenirs, and his wife makes beautiful little treasures and beautiful little treasure boxes. Proceeds support every facet of the war effort, from military aid to humanitarian aid to cash assistance for families of the fallen. Here are some examples of what they make, here is some of their latest work, and here's a very, very small example of the astonishing variety of things they do with the funds they raise. Check them out on Instagram at Two Souls Creations.
u/brammo1991 skillfully and with style creates Ukraine-inspired Space Marine dioramas, then auctions them off and donates the proceeds to U24 and Come Back Alive. He's raised over €1400 so far! He takes commissions; here are some recent ones. DM him if you want one of your own!
u/Flowrisma makes bright, cheerful fabric floral wreaths. Check out her Etsy shop!
u/DobrovolskaArtCustom handpaints denim and does adorable pet portraits. Check out her Etsy shop!


The 820th day of a nine-year invasion that has been going on for centuries.
One day closer to victory.


submitted by most_unseemly to ukraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:43 Mental-Bonus4622 I want to travel but my brain is messed up

I live in the US. I have been poor my entire life. Im now 28 and finally have disposable income. I have barely left my state. Been to maybe 3 or 4 neighboring states for specific events, never as a actual travel adventure.
I have to travel this year. I was thinking of going to Germany next year but the tour is quite expensive and idk if it's worth it. I want to go to Puerto Rico this year. I'm thinking maybe in July or August. My only thing is I'm mentally unstable.
(As I'm writing this I'm running back through my thoughts of how I should go back to therapy but it didn't help me before)
I don't have any friends to go with. I had wanted to hopefully get a gf to go with but that is 100 percent not something that will be happening due to nobody liking me but me also having mental issues... (As you will see). My few friends online and a few coworkers have told me that I SHOULDN'T want a girlfriend to go with but that I should go alone and get girls. But here all lies my dilemma.
I am extremely mentally unstable (I'm not a danger to anyone but myself). All of my mental instability stays within me. Nobody knows. Nobody truly sees it. Only thing people can usually tell is when I'm very anxious because I visibly shake or when it's not as bad I just kind of move and give off very awkward vibes which I'm an totally aware of but can not control.
With me being mentally unstable almost anything that can be mentally wrong with me... Is. I essentially operate in the negative almost all the time. I mean that to say I'm an extremely negative person to myself.
I can not go by myself because I might kill myself. Literally. If I were to go alone I would shut down due to anxiety and having no self confidence. This would lead to me having an extreme mental breakdown which would definitely lead to me killing myself. Idk if it would happen in Puerto Rico or when I get back home but it would definitely happen. That is not me being negative either, that is what would surely happen if my trip went that badly.
Now the part that might upset people so ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️
If I were to go with a woman there is a larger unpredictability. I would hopefully hit it off with someone in the near future. We go. We have a great time and it's the start of an amazing relationship. This is very unlikely.
Another scenario. I meet a girl and bring her with me and we are cool but just friends and nothing sexual happens. I'm ok with this outcome. I don't want to go just to have sex ofc. I'm going for the experience so as long as we have a good time together then I will be happy.... But then I won't. I will begin to destroy myself thinking how even when I take a girl on a vacation trip to a tropical island she still won't like me, I'm going to be single foreverrrrr boom death. I kill myself.
This sucks because I wish my brain wasn't like this. I hope people understand when reading this that I do not want to be this way. I do not have control over it. Remind you I would never pressure anyone into anything or make things weird. I also would not expect anything from this girl I bring. Only thing I would expect would be for her to try and enjoy whatever we end up planning to do.
Another scenario. I bring a girl. She only like me as a friend and hookups or is into someone who hits on her there. Pretty straightforward I do not want to go into detail. This thought and scenario triggers me even thinking about it and the would lead to my death there on the island for sure. This is due to past trauma, well all my issues are but this sort of would be too... Dead on. This is the nightmare scenario. I would not take this well and I would definitely outwardly express my mental and emotional anguish to this individual before taking my life. Once I again I repeat I would not harm this person I am only a danger to myself.
So yeah I think these are the most likely to happen scenarios. As you can this is not very good. Not much room for flexibility and it makes me disgusted and disappointed in myself that I am like this. But this is also the same reason I DONT have a girl to go with. It's all intertwined. It's all a circle. Self fulfilling prophecy of sorts with how this mental illness works. I think I have Quite BPD. There are ofc other reasons why I think I do. I'm afraid of going to therapy again because of I were to not be diagnosed with something other than the obvious depression and anxiety I think I would kill myself at the thought of me never being able to be fixed.
Anyway I've done a whole lot of yapping. I would usually delete this now but Im going to actually post this. Anyone who reads this I appreciate you taking the time. I WOULD LOVE ADVICE!!!! PLEASE. I know I should go to therapy but I also don't want to spend money on it because it was a waste before when I went. So try to avoid just saying that lol I ofc know I need to change the way I think but I can't. I do not want to think this way. I hate it. It kills me. It has damaged my life and took so much happiness from me. So something besides telling me to just not think or feel those things would be awesome too. Idk just put whatever advice you can of I guess. Bye thanks.
submitted by Mental-Bonus4622 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:29 Glittering_Still5540 $FFIE questions thoughts, as well as a bit of insight…

Good afternoon, I hope all of you have had a good day today. I’m pretty new to the group, been following for a couple months now, and I am very interested in everything that is currently going on. I want to ask about holding $ffie. I am aware this stock is heavily shorted, but I am also aware that FFIEs earnings for 2023 were a staggering $800k, with the projected price prediction of $2.29 million. as well as a net loss of $432 million. Is their hope in the fact that Faraday Future only started selling EVs during their third quarter in the year 2023? I can only imagine how many investors have pulled out after the earnings release which is most likely what prompted the almost 70% share price drop this week. I buy the dips, only because I really believe we can screw the hedge funds, as well as the potential I believe ffie has. I hate seeing short sellers buying themselves more time, when the ice is constantly running razor thin, but that’s really just apart of this big game we all play. But I also look at this from all sides, it’s this side VS that side, so thinking like a short seller, how likely would you be to buy buy ffie stock back and close your positions with everything that’s going on? The volatility in the stock means it can go either way, but still, how likely are they to close their positions? At what price/point would we have to get to start making the building crumble?
With that being said, what are the actually chances of ffie going back to say $10 a share? $50? Will we see anything like the numbers in late 2021? When do we get further delisting information from NASDAQ?
submitted by Glittering_Still5540 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:49 NeoTheoLin (GM4A) Planetary Exploration (Beginner Friendly)

"You recently arrived on the planet, Taris, a planet you know little to nothing about. It's residents are varying in gender, species and race: making it one of the most varied planets you've wandered yet. Though, just like most civilizations, these skyscrapers and beautiful futuristic architectural beauties hide a dark truth. Just right beneath it's shallow surface you'll find crime and disease running rampant, unbeknownst to the clueless inhabitants on the upper levels of this otherwise gorgeous planet. A planet of endless suffering often holds the potential of endless opportunities to match it, at least that's what people say."
In this roleplay you'll be exploring the planet that made it's debut in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Taris. Your reasons for visiting this planet can be discussed thoroughly and in depth since I want to do more than just give you a nice slideshow showing off the planet's interesting features. Depending on how things go within the story, and depending on the motivations that your character came in with, I'd be ready to extend this roleplay into several planets that can be explored. Don't worry about not knowing much about Star Wars lore or general sci-fi knowledge; I'll make it digestible enough for newcomers to both roleplay and Start Wars alike. (I'll throw in my own lore as well, changing certain aspects to my liking so please don't be a close minded roleplayer!)
Which is a perfect Segway for what kind of partners I want. Open minded people that can give me at least 1-2 paragraphs. I do not need novella levels of skill, nor do I desire it, but feel free to get your creative juices flowing in whatever way you desire. Please don't come to me seeking for a roleplay with a single purpose. I like creating stories that fill all avenues nicely: Romance, drama, action, you name it. Though, I'm no expert at the end of the day so I'd like someone that doesn't mind if their trusted GM occasionally slips up as well. I have roughly 5 years of roleplay experience, give or take, but would never admit to being good or bad for that matter.
I intend for this to be a fairly long roleplay, especially if several planets make their way into it. (Please do not rush through planets just because you know more are to come, I like taking my time. Letting relationships and worlds grow through extended exposure.)
Anyway, I'm sure I've talked all of y'all's ears off so I'll end it here. Make sure to add the word Pumpernickel to your DM so I know that you have took the time to read everything. I don't like using codes but sadly I've had too many people that only read the title and then jumped to the DM's. I prefer roleplaying on Discord but will discuss things first over here in Reddit.
I appreciate everyone taking the time to read this. I hope you all have a wonderful day today, thank you, and I hope I'll see you soon, ready to join me on my little voyage. :)
submitted by NeoTheoLin to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:10 Purple_Moment9605 Wasn’t even really a breakup but I was broken to pieces

We were never really together, though she called it a relationship. I, of course, knew better. She was married and so was I when we met. I was already separated pending divorce, however. She claimed she wasn’t happy, but whatever. I was entertaining her knowing exactly what the situation was going in. I fell hard. Harder than I have ever fallen. We were both wrong.
This was like 3 years ago but on the tail end of a 10 year relationship and divorce, so I think all the pain got compounded together from everything. I got no closure at all, she offered me none. Said “maybe one day”, “maybe in 5 years from now”, and other countless open ended statements. It triggered my fearful-avoidant attachment terribly and I believe there was a trauma bond (which she laughed about in the end). Of course she said I was the bad guy to her wife and her friends. She made me out to be some seasoned home wrecker to her friends. Actually I never have entertained anyone already in a relationship. It was my one slip up with that and it was so terrible. I guess there was just the perfect storm of events.
Started off as friends and we got so close and we kept pushing eachother’s boundaries. We were extremely attracted to each other. Maybe that is normal for her, but for me it is incredibly rare. I have been single ever since my divorce. No one has ever did my head in like she did. I cry when I see too many people in one place that look like her. When I say it broke me, it was like it took me back to the roots of my childhood trauma and almost killed me with grief. I stayed inside my house for an entire year. And her friend that contacted me said “get back in your hole” like I was some animal. Basically got treated like one.
I am so disappointed in myself for ever allowing anyone to treat me so poorly. And I am just starting to be able to talk about this to others openly. I have written in my journal for countless hours trying to work things out. It hurt so bad it took the breath out of me several times and I just fell to the floor crying. It did force me to face a lot of unhealed parts of myself and heal them and work on myself. I have been doing that full time pretty much for years, and I was in the process of already healing (hence the past marriage to a serial cheater ending). My life is a lot better now. I put myself through hell because I really hated myself for a long time. I know I didn’t deserve those things, but for some reason it had to break me completely and I had a spiritual awakening after it did. Now I know the importance of loving myself.
I still struggle thinking about the married woman, though. But I honestly can’t blame only her because it was my own life and choices to entertain her and I. I am ready to take on the accountability I need to in order to put it even further behind me.
This month she showed up in the place we met and a couple of people who knew us both reached out. To my shock and awe, I finally didn’t react. It took so long for me to get to the point where I didn’t go running back in self loathing. Sometimes all it would take was her viewing my social media profile or something to trigger me to message her. It was really bad. I am very glad to have hit this milestone. And when I went shopping not long after, I saw like 6 women in the store who looked JUST LIKE HER. I didn’t know so many natural redheads even shopped in one spot, it blew my mind to see this.
One of them was right in front of me at the gas pump driving the same model car as her when I was leaving and made intense eye contact with me. I had to pull over for a solid 30 minutes while I bawled uncontrollably and dry heaved after. But something changed when I did. It was like the spell I was under began to lift a bit. I have cried countless times, the hardest I ever have in my life over that woman than I have ever cried over any thing. But me refusing to reach out when she was bread crumbing and not letting her control me anymore is what really started to set me free.
I guess I kind of hope this helps someone who maybe was also utterly shattered by loving someone so much who just never cared about them at all. I wouldn’t wish this kind of pain on my worse enemy. I want you to know the one thing that made it better for me was to accept the hard truth that she never cared at all. For a long time I wanted to believe she loved me and I made so many excuses for her. I wanted to believe that she meant the things she said. But she didn’t. Not at all. And part of me knew that in the beginning and thought I deserved it after all I had been through.
It took me getting really angry about my pain for me to finally maintain that boundary. Some people tried to shame me for being angry or tell me it was wrong. But my anger is the one thing that saved my life. You just have to channel it properly. So I want people to know it is ok to feel angry when you get hurt, too. Anger might save your life like it did mine one day. And that’s OK.
submitted by Purple_Moment9605 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:23 AkitaScripts [F4M] "Kidnapping" the Rich and Popular Classmate [Enemies to Friends] [Rich/Spoiled VA] [On The Run] [In the Future]

I decided on today's script to be a "mafia-styled kidnapping" one with a mix of some future utopian theme, instead of the usual school lore. Compared to the previous four scripts, I've set this one separate from the storyline with the others. Feel free to use this script for YouTube (no monetization), and credit me under the YT handle @"AkitaScripts"!
Synopsis: A rich billionaire buys the entire town and renovates it to a paradise. You, your family, and countless other citizens are soon forced into the depths of the city, now known as the underworld. Fast forward to the present day, you have been trained to fight and walk in the darkness to one day rebel against the billionaire’s iron hand. One day, you are enrolled into a school, and the rich billionaire’s daughter sees you, secretly mocking you for your "out of touch" clothes and appearance. At the end of the day, she is ambushed by your adoptive family’s henchmen, only for her to be saved by you. Now on the run, she eventually learns the truth about the so-called "paradise", and questions who you really are...
(The hallways are blooming with properly dressed students, walking the spotless hallways. The VA catches up to one of her friends as all the students gossip over her.)
VA: Hey! Slow down, fashion pants! Headed for the study room again?
VA: Yeah, yeah... probably just gonna skip class as always. (leans in and whispers) You better not snitch.
VA: (backs away) Good. You'll be owing me $50 if you do. (stops and looks over at one of the classrooms) Ew, who's that guy?
(The VA looks over at you, talking to one of the teachers. You're dressed completely different from the others, with ragged jeans, inside-out jacket, and a messy hairstyle.
VA: (whispers to her friend) He looks sooo out of touch. I bet he smells like the underworld.
VA: What makes you think he is from the underworld? He's probably just poor.
(The VA and her friend walk away)
VA: Oh yeah, the poor are just right above the underworld.. so maybe. I don't ever want to go down there. Father told me to never go down there, or he'll make sure I never leave the mansion.
VA: You do you, I'm not gonna go down there.. I'm gonna skip class. Seeya! (turns around and bumps into someone) Hey, watch it- oh... (looks up to see one of the school administrators) Principal Kens, I can expla-
(The scene cuts - no audio fading, just a hard abrupt cut - to her outside walking away from the school doors, just having left detention. The birds are anti-climatically chirping, and the wind is blowing.)
VA: (groans at the top of her lungs) Father's gonna be so mad about this!!! And I'm also already mad, and I don't wanna be madder than mad! Actually, wait, is it possible to be more mad than mad itself..? Whatever... time to call Father.
(The VA pulls out her phone, only to realize that she had drained all the battery in detention, and was now left with a dead phone.)
VA: Great... how could this get any worse?!?! (throws her phone away on the floor out of anger, which ends up in an alleyway) Shoot, I actually need that. (runs into the alleyway and picks up the phone, only to be stopped by someone in black.
VA: Hey, get out of my- wait, who are you?
(The VA comes face to face with a tall man in a suit, his face covered by a mask and dark sunglasses.)
VA: Well, I’m just gonna leave and-
(The tall man grabs her, stopping her.)
VA: Hey, let go of me! (kicks her legs at the man with no effort)
(The VA is then surrounded by more tall men in black, who pull out crowbars and metal pipes.)
VA: Hey, hey, look, if you just want money, then I can just give you it! Just let me go!
(The tall man holding the VA hostage is then knocked down by you from behind. The VA drops down to the floor.)
VA: Ow! What was that..?
(The VA watches as you fight off the rest of the men, knocking them out one by one. You then grab one of the men’s weapons.)
VA: Oh my god, thank you for saving me- (gets interrupted by you grabbing her hand, taking her into the depths of the alleyways) Hey, let go of me! What are you doing?!
VA: Follow you if I want to live?!?! Why would I ever listen to-
VA: Right, you’re the one who saved me.
VA: Okay, okay! I’ll follow you! (runs after you)
(After some time, the two of you are walking in the dark tunnels of the underworld, the water splashing around your feet and droplets falling from the ceiling.)
VA: I can’t see anything! Where are we even going?!
VA: Alright, alright, I’ll shut up!
(After a minute or so in the dark and waters, she finally breaks the silence.)
VA: Hey… were you that kid at my school? The one with ragged pants, inside-out jacket, and messy hair?
VA: Right, who else would have that style? Hey, can you let go of me now?
VA: What do you mean, you can’t?
VA: Because I won’t be able to find myself out of these tunnels… oh yeah you’re right.
VA: So… who are you, really?
VA: I don’t want to know? Why?
VA: Okay, that’s not a very helpful answer… What about those mafia guys?
VA: What do you mean, they’re not the mafia? They tried to hurt me and tried to steal my phone-
VA: That’s not who they are?
VA: Who do I think they are? Well… my father told me that they were bad people from a rival family trying to steal from us-
(The VA is then interrupted by a chuckle from you.)
VA: What’s so funny?
VA: He told me that? Well… yeah, he also told me to not come down here unless I wanna be locked up in his mansion.
VA: What do you mean, that’s not the truth? He told me it, so I believe him!
VA: What secret? There’s no secrets my father’s hiding! He tells the truth, a hundred percent of the time!
VA: Proven wrong? Well, prove it to me, then. What do you know that my father doesn’t want to tell-
(She suddenly abruptly stops, bumping into you and falling into the water)
VA: Hey! Why’d you stop?!
VA: We’re at the end? What end? (gets up) Oh no, don’t tell me you’re gonna… You’re not gonna kill me, are you?
VA: You need me alive?
VA: Why?
(Instead of giving her an answer, you open up a secret door in a wall. You grab her and drag her through the door.)VA: Hey, what the?!
(You follow her in, and the door shuts from behind, and the room starts up mechanical gears. Oh course, the VA is confused.)
VA: (Panics) Did… Did that door just shut?!
VA: What do you mean, don’t panic?! I’m panicking right now, and you better tell me what’s going on-
(The VA is interrupted by a glowing light emerging from the walls. The room is revealed to be a giant elevator leading downwards to a large underground city.)
VA: Woah… is that… is that just a giant city..?! Underground?!?!?
VA: This is what you wanted to show me?!
VA: Not all of it..?
(The elevator stops with a thud, and the door opens back up. Lively music and civilians are all around the place in every corner and walkway.)
VA:(Steps out of the elevator) Wait… you’re saying this is the underworld? I was told it was just sewers, rat infestations, and… bad people.
VA: That was all a lie?! (shocked) But… but I thought… I thought it was a bad place… Wait, then why were those guys trying to hurt me?
VA: They were trying to kidnap me into my father giving a ransom to let go of me?
VA: What do you mean, it was for a good cause?! I could’ve gotten hurt!
VA: Wait… My father's your father’s rival?!
VA: Then… Why take me here?
VA: My father took away everything your town used to have?!
VA: And then he covered all that up with his own city?!
VA: And he forced you, your father, and his family and henchmen down here if none of you wanted to follow his rule?
VA: Gee… I’m… I’m sorry that happened to you… Hey, sorry to break the sad story here, but… is there any food?
VA: A… ramen stand..? What’s ramen?
(The scene transitions to the two of you sitting down on the floor, each eating a ramen bowl. The VA quickly finishes her bowl.)
VA: Oh my gosh… (puts down her bowl) That was… the best food I’ve ever had..! Even better than the ones my mother’s chefs cook up! Hey, did you ever have to pay for that?
VA: Wait, it’s free?! For all of these people?!
VA: Currency doesn’t matter here? Then, how do you get the food?
VA: You have your family’s henchmen steal it from the city above..? (looks down at her bowl) That’s… terrible. You don’t have the food provided for you, you have to make it yourself?
VA: What do you mean by “that’s what life is here”?
VA: Well duh, I’m not used to it… I’m- oh shoot, it’s your henchmen again…
(The henchmen see the VA, and walk up towards her. She gets up, but you stop her from running. You get up and talk to the other henchmen.)
(The henchmen walk away.)
VA: Did… Did you just talk them out of it?
VA: Well.. thanks… Anyways, as much as it is a beautiful place here, I can’t keep my father waiting for long-
VA: What?! I can’t leave?
VA: If I do, he’ll find me, raid the whole place, and burn it to the ground?!
VA: Well… I guess it can’t hurt to stay down here for some time… does my father know how to go down here?
VA: He doesn’t know this place exists?
VA: He thinks your father’s dead?
VA: So… I just have to pretend to be dead, and then what?
VA: We start a rebellion? On him?
VA: Look, as much as this place is nice, I can’t just turn against my father. You have no idea how much power he has.
VA: And that’s why you need me? Because I know him better than anyone else?
VA: From what you’ve told me… from this being the former city to an underground town hiding in secret to a greedy billionaire who forced you and your family underground just so he can build a “paradise” on top of your heads… I believe it. I’ve been such a fool to believe his lies, his charm, and his beliefs.
VA: What do I mean? Well… that means I’m rebelling. Forget his rules. I’m working with you… if you’re okay with it..?
VA: Okay then… (dusts of the gravel on her hands onto her pretty dress) where do we start?
submitted by AkitaScripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:41 DEV11ANT Advice on feelings about new partner

How do I make myself feel better about my situation? I have diagnosed ptsd as a result of My ex, and have only just started to heal and move on properly. I’m much healthier and successful since it ended, but also, the most important thing in my life is love.
I’m very happy with this girl I’m seeing, (not dating but defo soon on the cards) but don’t feel emotionally available - it’s gonna be a long time before I fall in love. I’m Getting quite scared because she accidentally said she loved me the other day. I can’t bring myself to kiss her, I’m so emotionally traumatised from my last relationship… I’ve kissed people since but she’s special to me and don’t wanna feel anything negative?? Idk. I need to get over myself, I’m gonna do it next time I see her. But yes I just am upset at myself that nothing is the immediate spark I had with my ex, but also, I’ve never been treated so well or with such adoration as this new girl . I need time to fall more in love, just, I’m not used to me being the one taking things slow. I’m not healed yet probably but don’t wanna lose her, she’s brought so much brightness and joy to my life.
I am annoyed at myself for being this way because I do really really adore her but am not completely emotionally available and don’t wanna get into a relationship and then withdraw
I think I’m doing it the right way, to be honest. Feels weird and wrong to not be so impulsive and heads first as I have always been in the past. It’s weird, I feel numb constantly but always happy around her
I’ve not been this happy in years, by that I mean sustainable happy, like I always used to be, not the intense insane euphoria I had with my ex. And I feel insanely protective over her cause of the abuse she’s been put through and it warms my heart to see how much joy I bring to her life too. We are very healthy, do I crave chaos or something? I have adhd if that makes any difference.
Anyone similar? Looking for insight
submitted by DEV11ANT to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:20 KristinaW93 32F with involuntary toe spasms?

Around 8 years ago I got off of a high dose of effexor (high dose for OCD), and right after getting off, my toes started to spasm uncontrollably all day. They constantly squeeze as of I'm trying to grip something with them. It got so bad right after that it became really painful and I was put on a topical muscle relaxant.
It finally went away after about 2 years, but now this past year I've seen it start to occur more and more. It's getting to a point other people are pointing it out asking what's going on, and every now and then my toes are starting to hurt again from it.
I feel like sometimes it's due to high stress or when I have lots of caffeine, but sometimes it just happens even when I'm relaxing. All the doctors/psychiatrists I've talked to about it just say, "hmm...weird" but can't tell me why it happens or how to stop it. Most of the time I don't notice I'm doing it until someone points it out or it starts to hurt. Once I notice, I can stop it, until I stop paying attention again.
Anyone know what is going on or how I can stop this from happening?
Not sure if it's medication again? I take some basic supplements, wellbutrin, and adderall, but I've been taking those for a while without the weird toe thing happening. Could it be a buildup in my system?
32 Female, 5'7" and 130lbs I do have anxiety and ocd still but way better. I take wellbutrin and adderall for depression symptoms (functional freeze) that are most likely due to high burnout levels. I also have PCOS but my bloodwork says it's in remission. I do still take Ozempic for it though (was a godsend) but I've been on some sort of shot like that for 8+ years (victoza, trulicity, ozempic).
Supplements: Vitamin B complex, Vitamin D, prebiotic (Seed), hormone stabilizer (Flo Vitamin), DIM + CDG supplement
All my supplements have been the same for years, even when I haven't had the weird toe thing.
submitted by KristinaW93 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:01 2017Prime Twigby as a complement/fix for any Visible problems

I am going to start my 3rd stint with Twigby today, and at some point I may stay with them for one of my two lines. Since they switched to the Verizon network, I find that anytime I have a problem dealing with a Visible problem, I open a Twigby account. I port the number from Visible to Twigby for a month or three, then fix my Visible problem by porting the number back to a completely new account on Visible.
Examples of needing to do this can include many sorts of problems. First is any number of the usual "We treat someone porting a number in way better than a loyal existing customer" types of issues not uncommon at most carriers, such as getting a discounted plan rate for 6 months, 2 years, or forever. Second is the INSANE fact that regardless of how much you're willing to pay to upgrade your phone on Visible, they simply don't allow it unless you choose a very expensive iPhone, Samsung, or Google Pixel phone. Only select, expensive models of those 3 brands can be chosen as an upgrade phone, and they also force you to finance it. The alternative is to just swap a SIM into an unlocked phone and say your prayers. There are cases of that working, especially with iPhones, but it typically does not work unless the unlocked phone was originally a phone sold by Visible, and I do not mean Verizon. Even with iPhones, you may have to bring it into a new account as BYOD. I also had to port out of Visible and back in, just to get through their forced "network upgrade" a while back. Once you hit a dead end with their support being inept or lying or simply hanging up after you've been on the line for an hour a few times, porting out becomes the only reasonable way to fix a Visible problem.
There are times when Twigby meets my needs and I stick around for a while, but with using my phone as a hotspot to my laptop at one of my business locations, the fact that Twigby SHUTS OFF HOTSPOT USAGE COMPLETELY when your month's quota (whether 2GB, 5GB, 10GB, or 20GB) is reached, it can never become my primary hotspotting phone. I'm fine with it being the service for my calling and texting, and using the data quota as emergency backup for my unlimited Visible hotspotting (including 50GB higher priority data on one of my two Visible accounts).
There have been cases (congested times in the city when Visible $25 data gets unusable and $45 data even gets slow) that the $15 Twigby plan ($5 initially) is actually the FASTEST data of the 3 plans. But 2GB is 2GB, and even 20GB would be 20GB..... a far cry from 50GB priority and truly unlimited at not bad speeds.
Anyway, I'm knocking the ping pong ball back over the net today to Twigby, because last month I smashed the screen of one of my phones, and I'd like to get a new phone before the packing tape I put on it as a band-aid fix peels off with shards of the screen glass probably following it.
I had wisely bought a brand new TCL 30 LE backup phone last year for $5 plus $25 FedEx on eBay. I think it was actually a phone specifically made for Visible, but hundreds of them showed up new on eBay and elsewhere. As of today, both Twigby and Visibly accept its IMEI to bring my own device. If only I could find better unlocked phones where I knew that was also true. Visible is very tight, especially with Motorola phones. My chance of sneaking in a Motorola Edge under BYOD is slim to none, unless I find someone selling one that they bought from Visible.
Twigby is very good about porting out, though a bit scary. Things like providing an account number, which isn't the account number needed when porting, one time they did something crazy like needing the other carrier to send the phone number as the account number, or something crazy like that. But I've always managed to navigate it, because you get real people on the phone, unlike with Visible.

submitted by 2017Prime to TwigbyMobile [link] [comments]