The bus stop skit

George Mason University

2009.07.01 19:16 mattbc George Mason University

The unofficial community subreddit for students, faculty, alumni, and friends of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

2009.08.21 04:02 University of Queensland


2018.10.31 03:48 NobleReign's Bus Simulator

The Official Subreddit for NobleReign's (u/noblereign) Bus Simulator, a likely canon fork of the game Bus Stop Simulator, built on Roblox.

2024.06.01 13:48 Impossible_Fig4937 EaseAdo: Your Premier Local Marketing Agency in Mira Road, Mumbai

In the thriving and competitive business landscape of Mira Road, Mumbai, having a robust marketing strategy is essential for success. Local businesses need a partner who understands the intricacies of the market and can deliver tailored solutions that drive results. This is where EaseAdo steps in as your premier local marketing agency. Known for its innovative approach and proven track record, EaseAdo is dedicated to helping businesses in Mira Road achieve their marketing goals. So this is the best Marketing agency Near me.

About EaseAdo

EaseAdo is a leading marketing agency located in the heart of Mira Road, Mumbai. With a mission to empower local businesses through effective marketing strategies, EaseAdo combines creativity, technology, and a deep understanding of the local market to deliver exceptional results. Whether you are a small startup or an established business, EaseAdo offers a range of services designed to enhance your online and offline presence, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

Comprehensive Marketing Services Offered by EaseAdo

  1. Digital Marketing: EaseAdo offers a full suite of digital marketing services, including SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, and content marketing. Their strategies are designed to improve online visibility, engage with your target audience, and drive measurable results.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): With EaseAdo’s SEO services, your business can achieve higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs), driving organic traffic to your website. Their team of experts uses the latest techniques to optimize your site for relevant keywords, ensuring it ranks well in local and national searches.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with customers and building brand loyalty. EaseAdo creates and manages compelling social media campaigns that resonate with your audience, increase engagement, and boost your brand’s presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: For immediate visibility and results, EaseAdo’s PPC advertising services are highly effective. They create targeted ad campaigns on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other platforms to drive traffic and conversions, ensuring you get the best return on investment (ROI).
  5. Content Marketing: Quality content is key to attracting and retaining customers. EaseAdo excels in creating engaging and informative content, from blog posts and articles to videos and infographics, that drives traffic and establishes your brand as an authority in your industry.
  6. Email Marketing: Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and convert them into customers. EaseAdo designs personalized email campaigns that keep your audience informed, engaged, and ready to take action.
  7. Website Design and Development: A professional, user-friendly website is crucial for any business. EaseAdo’s web development team creates responsive, aesthetically pleasing websites that provide an excellent user experience and reflect your brand’s identity.
  8. Branding and Identity: Your brand is your business’s identity. EaseAdo helps you create a strong, memorable brand through logo design, brand messaging, and visual identity that sets you apart from the competition.
  9. Analytics and Reporting: To ensure your marketing efforts are effective, EaseAdo provides detailed analytics and reporting. They track key performance metrics and provide insights into campaign performance, offering data-driven recommendations for continuous improvement.

Why Choose EaseAdo?

1. Local Expertise: As a local agency, EaseAdo has a deep understanding of the Mira Road market and its unique dynamics. This local expertise allows them to create highly targeted and effective marketing strategies that resonate with your audience.
2. Customized Solutions: EaseAdo recognizes that every business is unique. They offer personalized marketing solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring that your marketing efforts are relevant and impactful.
3. Proven Success: EaseAdo has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for its clients. Their portfolio is filled with success stories of businesses that have achieved significant growth and improved visibility through their services.
4. Client-Centric Approach: EaseAdo places a strong emphasis on client satisfaction. They maintain open communication, provide regular updates, and incorporate client feedback to ensure that their strategies align with your business objectives.
5. Innovative Strategies: Staying ahead in the marketing landscape requires innovation. EaseAdo leverages the latest tools, technologies, and marketing trends to create cutting-edge strategies that deliver measurable results.


EaseAdo stands out as the best marketing agency near you in Mira Road, Mumbai, thanks to its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction. Their comprehensive range of services, combined with a client-centric approach and proven success, make them the ideal partner for any business looking to enhance its marketing efforts. Whether you need digital marketing, social media management, PPC advertising, or website development, EaseAdo has the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals. Partner with EaseAdo and watch your business thrive in the competitive market of Mira Road.
Name- Ease-ado marketing agency in Mira-Bhayandar Maharashtra
Address- Sector No.1, Moreshwar Shantinagar CHS Ltd, 103, B -68 BLDG, Near, Railway Sta Rd, opp. TMT Bus Stop, Shanti Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane, Maharashtra 401107
Phone no- 07303044405
submitted by Impossible_Fig4937 to u/Impossible_Fig4937 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 Impossible_Fig4937 EaseAdo: Premier Digital Marketing Services in Mira Road, Mumbai

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape of Mira Road, Mumbai, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of a strong online presence. Navigating this complex and competitive terrain requires expertise, innovation, and a strategic approach. This is where EaseAdo, the leading provider of the best digital marketing services in Mira Road, Mumbai comes into play. Renowned for its comprehensive and customized digital marketing solutions, EaseAdo is dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the digital age.

About EaseAdo

EaseAdo is a top-tier digital marketing agency founded with the mission of empowering businesses through effective online strategies. With a team of seasoned professionals and a client-centric approach, EaseAdo offers a full spectrum of digital marketing services designed to boost online visibility, drive traffic, and generate leads. Whether you are a startup or a well-established enterprise, EaseAdo’s tailored solutions are crafted to meet your unique business needs and goals.

Digital Marketing Services Offered by EaseAdo

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): EaseAdo’s SEO services aim to improve your website’s visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic and enhancing your online presence. Their comprehensive SEO strategies include keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, and local SEO.
  2. Social Media Marketing: In today’s social media-driven world, a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn is crucial. EaseAdo creates engaging social media campaigns that build brand loyalty, increase engagement, and drive conversions.
  3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: For businesses seeking immediate results, EaseAdo’s PPC advertising services offer targeted and cost-effective solutions. Their expertise in managing campaigns on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other platforms ensures maximum ROI.
  4. Content Marketing: Quality content is the cornerstone of effective digital marketing. EaseAdo excels in creating and distributing high-quality content that resonates with your audience and drives traffic. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics.
  5. Email Marketing: Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads and converting them into customers. EaseAdo designs personalized email campaigns that engage your audience and encourage them to take action.
  6. Website Design and Development: A well-designed website is essential for a successful digital marketing strategy. EaseAdo’s web development team creates responsive, user-friendly websites that reflect your brand’s identity and provide an excellent user experience.
  7. Online Reputation Management: Maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial for business success. EaseAdo’s reputation management services help you monitor and manage online reviews, ensuring that your brand maintains a positive image.
  8. Analytics and Reporting: Understanding the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts is key to continuous improvement. EaseAdo provides detailed analytics and reporting, offering insights into campaign performance and making data-driven recommendations.

Why Choose EaseAdo?

1. Expertise and Experience: EaseAdo’s team comprises digital marketing experts with extensive experience across various industries. Their deep understanding of digital marketing trends and best practices ensures that your campaigns are both innovative and effective.
2. Customized Solutions: EaseAdo recognizes that every business is unique. They offer personalized digital marketing strategies tailored to your specific needs and objectives, ensuring that your marketing efforts deliver the best possible results.
3. Proven Success: EaseAdo has a track record of delivering outstanding results for its clients. Their portfolio is filled with success stories of businesses that have achieved significant growth and improved online visibility through their services.
4. Client-Centric Approach: EaseAdo places a strong emphasis on client satisfaction. They maintain open communication, provide regular updates, and incorporate client feedback to ensure that their strategies align with the client’s goals and expectations.
5. Cutting-Edge Technology: Staying ahead in the digital marketing landscape requires the use of the latest tools and technologies. EaseAdo leverages advanced digital marketing platforms and software to optimize campaigns and deliver measurable results.


EaseAdo has firmly established itself as the best provider of digital marketing services in Mira Road, Mumbai, through its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction. Their comprehensive range of services, combined with a proven track record and a client-centric approach, make them the ideal partner for any business looking to enhance its online presence and achieve sustained growth. Whether you need SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, content marketing, or website development, EaseAdo has the expertise and resources to help you succeed. Partner with EaseAdo and take your digital marketing efforts to new heights, ensuring your business thrives in the competitive online marketplace.
Name- Ease-ado marketing agency in Mira-Bhayandar Maharashtra
Address- Sector No.1, Moreshwar Shantinagar CHS Ltd, 103, B -68 BLDG, Near, Railway Sta Rd, opp. TMT Bus Stop, Shanti Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane, Maharashtra 401107
Phone no- 07303044405
submitted by Impossible_Fig4937 to u/Impossible_Fig4937 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:36 Impossible_Fig4937 EaseAdo: The Best SEO Company in Mira Road, Mumbai

In the dynamic and digitally driven suburb of Mira Road, Mumbai, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their online visibility and attract more customers. Among the plethora of digital marketing agencies, EaseAdo has distinguished itself as the premier SEO company, delivering top-notch services that drive significant results. With a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and a commitment to excellence, EaseAdo has become the go-to partner for businesses aiming to dominate search engine results pages (SERPs). So this is the best SEO company in Mira Road ,Mumbai.

About EaseAdo

EaseAdo is a leading digital marketing agency renowned for its expertise in search engine optimization (SEO). Founded with a vision to empower businesses in the digital landscape, EaseAdo offers a comprehensive suite of SEO services designed to improve online visibility, drive organic traffic, and enhance brand authority. Whether you are a startup or an established enterprise, EaseAdo’s tailored SEO strategies ensure that your business stands out in the competitive online market.

SEO Services Offered by EaseAdo

  1. On-Page SEO: EaseAdo’s on-page SEO services focus on optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. This includes keyword research, meta tag optimization, content creation, and ensuring that the website’s structure and layout are search engine friendly.
  2. Off-Page SEO: Off-page SEO is crucial for building a website’s authority and trustworthiness. EaseAdo excels in link-building strategies, social media marketing, and other off-site activities that enhance your website’s reputation and improve its ranking on search engines.
  3. Technical SEO: Technical SEO involves optimizing the backend of your website to improve its overall performance. EaseAdo’s technical SEO services include improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, XML sitemaps, and fixing crawl errors to ensure that search engines can easily index and navigate your site.
  4. Local SEO: For businesses targeting a local audience, local SEO is essential. EaseAdo helps you optimize your online presence for local searches, ensuring that your business appears in local listings, Google My Business, and local search results.
  5. SEO Audits: EaseAdo conducts comprehensive SEO audits to identify issues and opportunities for improvement. Their detailed reports provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance your site’s SEO performance.
  6. Content Optimization: Quality content is at the heart of effective SEO. EaseAdo’s team of content experts creates and optimizes content that is both engaging and SEO-friendly, incorporating targeted keywords and ensuring that it meets the needs of your audience.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Understanding the impact of your SEO efforts is crucial. EaseAdo provides detailed analytics and reporting, tracking key metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates, offering insights to continually refine and improve your SEO strategy.

Why EaseAdo is the Best SEO Company

1. Expertise and Experience: EaseAdo boasts a team of SEO professionals with extensive experience and a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and best practices. Their expertise ensures that your SEO strategies are both innovative and effective.
2. Customized Strategies: EaseAdo recognizes that each business is unique. They offer personalized SEO solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring that your SEO strategy aligns with your business objectives and delivers maximum results.
3. Proven Track Record: EaseAdo has a proven track record of success, with numerous clients achieving significant improvements in their search engine rankings, organic traffic, and overall online presence. Their portfolio of success stories speaks to their ability to deliver outstanding results.
4. Client-Centric Approach: EaseAdo places a strong emphasis on client satisfaction. They maintain open communication, providing regular updates and incorporating client feedback to ensure that the SEO strategy remains aligned with the client’s goals and expectations.
5. Commitment to Excellence: EaseAdo is committed to staying at the forefront of the SEO industry. They continually update their knowledge and techniques to keep pace with the ever-evolving search engine algorithms, ensuring that their clients always receive the best possible service.


EaseAdo has firmly established itself as the best SEO company in Mira Road, Mumbai, through its unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. Their comprehensive range of SEO services, coupled with a client-centric approach and a proven track record, make them the ideal partner for any business looking to enhance its online visibility and achieve sustained growth. Whether you need on-page optimization, link-building strategies, technical SEO improvements, or local SEO enhancements, EaseAdo has the expertise and resources to help you succeed. Partner with EaseAdo and watch your business soar to new heights in the search engine rankings.
Name- Ease-ado marketing agency in Mira-Bhayandar Maharashtra
Address- Sector No.1, Moreshwar Shantinagar CHS Ltd, 103, B -68 BLDG, Near, Railway Sta Rd, opp. TMT Bus Stop, Shanti Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane, Maharashtra 401107
Phone no- 07303044405
submitted by Impossible_Fig4937 to u/Impossible_Fig4937 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 stamsiteminecraftpro Problem with population and amount of passengers

Hello I have built swedens entire rail and tram networks as well as the bus network of my city. My city has about 100k in population. At some stops in the city center it says 50k per station which is obviously wrong plus that there are even fewer people ride everything since this bug started. Does anyone else habe this problem?
submitted by stamsiteminecraftpro to NIMBY_Rails [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:22 Impossible_Fig4937 EaseAdo: The Best Online Marketing Company in Mira Road, Mumbai

In the vibrant and competitive business hub of Mira Road, Mumbai, finding the right online marketing partner can be the key to your business’s success. Among the myriad of choices, one name stands out for its unparalleled expertise, innovative strategies, and proven results: EaseAdo. Recognized as the best online marketing company in Mira Road Mumbai, EaseAdo is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their digital goals through a comprehensive suite of services tailored to their unique needs.

About EaseAdo

EaseAdo is more than just an online marketing agency; it is a dynamic force that drives business growth through cutting-edge digital solutions. Founded with a mission to empower businesses in the digital age, EaseAdo combines creativity, technology, and strategy to deliver exceptional results. Whether you are a small startup or a large corporation, EaseAdo's customized services ensure that your online presence is robust, engaging, and effective.

Comprehensive Services Offered

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): EaseAdo’s SEO services are designed to boost your website’s visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic and increasing your chances of converting visitors into customers. Their team of SEO experts uses the latest techniques and industry best practices to improve your search rankings.
  2. Social Media Marketing: In the age of social media, having a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn is essential. EaseAdo creates and implements effective social media strategies that engage your audience, build brand loyalty, and drive sales.
  3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: For businesses looking for immediate results, EaseAdo’s PPC advertising services offer targeted and cost-effective solutions. By managing campaigns on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other platforms, they ensure maximum return on investment (ROI) with precise targeting and strategic budget management.
  4. Content Marketing: Quality content is crucial for engaging your audience and establishing your brand’s authority. EaseAdo excels in creating compelling content, including blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics, that attracts and retains customers.
  5. Email Marketing: Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and convert them into customers. EaseAdo designs personalized email campaigns that deliver the right message to the right audience, enhancing engagement and driving conversions.
  6. Website Design and Development: A professional and user-friendly website is the cornerstone of any successful online marketing strategy. EaseAdo’s web development team builds responsive, aesthetically pleasing, and functional websites that provide an excellent user experience and reflect your brand’s identity.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Understanding the performance of your online marketing efforts is crucial for continuous improvement. EaseAdo provides detailed analytics and reporting, offering insights into campaign performance and making data-driven recommendations for optimization.

Why Choose EaseAdo?

1. Expertise and Experience: EaseAdo boasts a team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the online marketing industry. Their deep understanding of various digital channels ensures that your marketing strategies are effective and innovative.
2. Customized Solutions: Recognizing that each business has unique needs, EaseAdo offers personalized marketing solutions tailored to your specific goals and challenges, ensuring the highest impact and relevance.
3. Proven Success: EaseAdo’s impressive portfolio of successful campaigns and satisfied clients speaks to their ability to deliver outstanding results. They have consistently helped businesses achieve significant improvements in traffic, engagement, and conversions.
4. Client-Focused Approach: EaseAdo places a strong emphasis on client satisfaction. They maintain open and transparent communication, providing regular updates and incorporating client feedback to refine strategies and achieve desired outcomes.
5. Cutting-Edge Technology: Staying ahead in the digital marketing landscape requires the use of advanced tools and technologies. EaseAdo leverages the latest digital marketing platforms and software to optimize campaigns and deliver measurable results.


EaseAdo has established itself as the best online marketing company in Mira Road, Mumbai, by consistently delivering excellence and innovation. Their comprehensive range of services, combined with a client-centric approach and a proven track record, make them the ideal partner for any business looking to enhance its online presence and achieve sustained growth. Whether you need to improve your SEO, manage a PPC campaign, create engaging content, or develop a new website, EaseAdo has the expertise and resources to help you succeed in the digital world. Partner with EaseAdo and watch your business thrive in the competitive online marketplace.
Name- Ease-ado marketing agency in Mira-Bhayandar Maharashtra
Address- Sector No.1, Moreshwar Shantinagar CHS Ltd, 103, B -68 BLDG, Near, Railway Sta Rd, opp. TMT Bus Stop, Shanti Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane, Maharashtra 401107
Phone no- 07303044405
submitted by Impossible_Fig4937 to u/Impossible_Fig4937 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:12 iamweasel01 Questions about the burner bus

I'm a virgin burner planning on flying to Reno from Hungary. My original plan was to rent a car, stock up on food, water and things i could give away, stop halfway to squeeze a bicycle in and go to the playa, but all of the rental companies are against burning man trips. So i could catch a ride with someone nice and patient enough to go grocery shopping with me, and have room for a bike... or i could take the bus. The problem with the first is that if they cancel the trip or something happens to them, im gonna be standing there with my dick in my hand... the problem with the bus is that i still need to get food and water, and after a long flight, i dont think i will be in the mood of pulling my luggage through wallmart, and then carry another luggage size food and water across the city, and i didnt mention the bike yet. I saw some "water addon" and "bike addon" on the burner bus, but i dont know how much water that is, and is the bike provided or i have to bring my own bike?
Tl;dr: How much water does the water addon on the bus contains, and do i get a bicycle if i get the bike addon, or only a place to store my already existing bike?
submitted by iamweasel01 to BurningMan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:11 Revali993 First visit to Switzerland - any absolute must-see sights or activities under time constraints?

Hey everyone,
I would love to get further advice for my mum's and my first visit to Switzerland during our upcoming European holiday from late June to late July. We managed to fit in Switzerland for four nights (about 3.5 days of exploring) and would love some budget-friendly recommendations for must-see sights and activities (architecture, museums, landmarks, cafes, natural environments, etc.). My mum is fit but on the elderly side with a physical illness, so we need to avoid steep or long walks. We’re completely relying on public transport and ready for long days. Here is our basic round-trip itinerary:
Day 1: I arrive in Basel from Germany in the mid-afternoon and have some time to explore on my own. Any recommendations? My mum will not arrive until later in the evening. Unfortunately, I do not think we will have time to explore Basel together as we plan to leave early in the morning.
Day 2: we head to Lauterbrunnen for the night. Should we stop in Lucerne? It looks beautiful. My original plan is travelling from Basel to Brienz, then taking a ferry from Brienz to Interlaken. If time and weather permit, we may visit Jungfraujoch and stroll around Grindelwald before arriving in Lauterbrunnen, hopefully with a couple of hours of daylight left.
Day 3: we depart Lauterbrunnen early, and head to Lausanne, then Montreux via Bern. Should we spend a few hours in Lausanne or Montreux? Which do you prefer, and what’s good to see in limited time? We will continue to Locarno for the night, traveling through northern Italy via Domodossola. Any must-see stops along this route?
Day 4: again, we likely won’t have much time to explore lovely Locarno. Perhaps breakfast or coffee by the water. Then we head to Lugano, take a bus across northern Italy to Tirano, and catch the Bernina Express to Chur. Anything essential to see in St. Moritz before continuing to Chur? In Chur, we catch a bus to Balzers in Liechtenstein for the night.
Day 5: we will have some time to explore in the morning and early afternoon, maybe Vaduz? We then reconnect to the Swiss railway to Zurich and then Basel for our flight to Ireland at around 18:00. I considered a short hike around the Bad Ragaz Lakes region to see Wildsee, etc. myself, while my mum relaxes or explores a village/local landmarks. Any other short hikes worth it along any part of our route besides Bad Ragaz?
Most accomodation is booked and paid for our journey due to the busy season throughout July, so big alterations might be difficult, but we are open to essential and worthwhile suggestions that are feasible. The extensive travel we think will at least be a great way to see and experience Switzerland’s diverse countryside. If only we had an extra few days, we would have put this toward exploring more within the cities and villages, but 4 days is the best we could do this time.
I hope you think this plan is pretty solid as is, but any hidden tips, recommendations, and time management strategies are appreciated!
submitted by Revali993 to askswitzerland [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:05 DominoDaddy2 Old 90s map of KSC!

Old 90s map of KSC! submitted by DominoDaddy2 to imaginarymaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 OK-Potato0o Bus driver left but engine running

Can someone explain to me why? I’m on the Jongno01 bus line at the Jongno Sauna stop. No one requested this stop and no one got on. The driver wandered off, left the engine running and the passenger door open. I don’t think this is a terminus so I’m confused….
submitted by OK-Potato0o to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 Impossible_Fig4937 EaseAdo: The Best Digital Marketing Company in Mira Road, Mumbai

In the bustling suburb of Mira Road, Mumbai, where businesses of all scales are vying for attention in an increasingly digital world, one company stands out for its innovative approach and proven results in digital marketing: EaseAdo. Renowned for its comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, EaseAdo has quickly become the go-to agency for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and achieve tangible growth. So this is the best digital marketing company in Mira Road, Mumbai.

A Glimpse into EaseAdo

EaseAdo is not just another digital marketing agency; it is a powerhouse of creativity, strategy, and technology. Founded with the vision of empowering businesses through effective online marketing, EaseAdo offers a full spectrum of services that cater to the diverse needs of its clients. From startups to well-established enterprises, the company’s tailored solutions are designed to deliver exceptional results.

Services Offered

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): EaseAdo's SEO services ensure that your business ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs), driving organic traffic to your website. Their team of experts employs the latest techniques and best practices to improve site visibility and search rankings.
  2. Social Media Marketing: In today’s social media-driven world, having a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn is crucial. EaseAdo crafts compelling social media strategies that engage your audience, build brand loyalty, and drive conversions.
  3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: With precise targeting and efficient budget management, EaseAdo’s PPC campaigns deliver immediate results. Their expertise in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other platforms ensures maximum ROI for your advertising spend.
  4. Content Marketing: Content is king, and EaseAdo excels in creating high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your audience. From blog posts and articles to videos and infographics, they ensure your content strategy drives traffic and boosts engagement.
  5. Email Marketing: Effective email marketing campaigns can nurture leads and convert prospects into customers. EaseAdo designs personalized email campaigns that keep your audience informed, engaged, and eager to interact with your brand.
  6. Website Design and Development: A well-designed website is the cornerstone of your online presence. EaseAdo’s web development team creates responsive, user-friendly websites that reflect your brand’s identity and provide a seamless user experience.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Understanding the impact of your digital marketing efforts is crucial. EaseAdo provides detailed analytics and reporting, offering insights into campaign performance and actionable recommendations for continuous improvement.

Why Choose EaseAdo?

1. Expertise and Experience: EaseAdo’s team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the digital marketing industry. Their expertise spans various domains, ensuring that your marketing strategies are not only innovative but also grounded in industry best practices.
2. Customized Solutions: No two businesses are the same, and EaseAdo understands this. They offer customized marketing solutions tailored to the unique needs and goals of each client, ensuring maximum impact and effectiveness.
3. Proven Track Record: EaseAdo has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for its clients. Their portfolio is filled with success stories, showcasing significant improvements in traffic, engagement, and conversions.
4. Client-Centric Approach: At EaseAdo, the client’s success is the top priority. They maintain open lines of communication, providing regular updates and incorporating client feedback to refine strategies and achieve the desired outcomes.
5. Cutting-Edge Technology: Staying ahead in the digital marketing landscape requires the use of the latest tools and technologies. EaseAdo leverages cutting-edge software and platforms to optimize campaigns and deliver data-driven results.


EaseAdo has cemented its position as the best digital marketing company in Mira Road, Mumbai, through its unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. Whether you are looking to improve your search engine rankings, engage with your audience on social media, or develop a stunning website, EaseAdo has the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals. Partner with EaseAdo and take your digital marketing efforts to new heights, ensuring your business thrives in the competitive online landscape.
Name- Ease-ado marketing agency in Mira-Bhayandar Maharashtra
Address- Sector No.1, Moreshwar Shantinagar CHS Ltd, 103, B -68 BLDG, Near, Railway Sta Rd, opp. TMT Bus Stop, Shanti Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane, Maharashtra 401107
Phone no- 07303044405
submitted by Impossible_Fig4937 to u/Impossible_Fig4937 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:56 Dependent_Energy_830 Apt building advice

Know of any good apt buildings? Any I should avoid? Looking in the bushnell park area for a 1b in a nice apartment building. Hoping for a dishwasher and in-unit laundry (will settle for shared laundry if you can vouch for the facility's cleanliness)
Walkability/access to bus stop is also important. Any advice?
submitted by Dependent_Energy_830 to Hartford [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:24 Crazy_Truth4006 2 week solo travel Central Asia

I am planning on doing a +- 14-day trip to Central Asia. As I am relatively limited in time, I will need to limit the countries I visit. I want to visit Kazakhstan at the very least and then I could add one more country to my itinerary. I was thinking about Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan.
I have this abstract itinerary in my mind which is still a concept version and includes Kazakhstan/Kyrygzstan: Day 1 - 3 Astana. Then take train to Almaty. Day 4 - 7 Almaty. I will probably be tired on arrival due to the long train ride, so i'll stay 4 days instead of 3. Take the bus to Bishkek. Day 8 - 11 Do some horse riding and explore the nature. Fly back home.
This would allow me to make a stop somewhere inbetween. If you guys have any additions, suggestions or must see places, please let me know.
submitted by Crazy_Truth4006 to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:56 Sweet-Count2557 Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri Near Me

Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri Near Me
Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri Near Me
When you think of St. Louis Missouri, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of this vibrant city. But did you know that beneath its bustling streets lies a plethora of kid-friendly activities?
From the iconic St. Louis Zoo to the exciting Six Flags amusement park, there are plenty of Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri.
The City Museum is a great place for young minds to be challenged and inspired while Grant’s Farm provides a unique opportunity for children to learn about animals up close.
The Magic House offers endless hours of fun with interactive science exhibits, while the Missouri Botanical Garden provides an incredible outdoor experience perfect for any age group.
With so many family friendly attractions, St. Louis is sure to keep your little ones entertained!
St. Louis Zoo
The St. Louis Zoo is a wild place full of captivating creatures that'll keep 'em entertained! Whether you're exploring wildlife or observing animal habitats, the zoo offers a wide variety of educational experiences for kids of all ages.
From the interactive Children's Zoo to the new Penguin & Puffin Coast exhibit, there is something special around every corner. Take a break from reality and step into the fantasy world of sea dragons at Sea Lion Sound! Here your little ones can marvel at playful otters and graceful sea lions as they explore this underwater habitat. Plus, you'll have an opportunity to learn more about these majestic marine mammals in an educational presentation given by one of the friendly zookeepers.
Afterwards, jump over to Big Cat Country – here your family will be able to observe some of nature's most powerful predators up close and personal. You'll find endangered tigers, lions, jaguars and snow leopards all living in their natural habitats – providing a rare glimpse into their lives in the wild. So grab your camera and get ready for some amazing photo ops!
City Museum
Explore the unique, whimsical world of City Museum and have a blast! Located in downtown St. Louis, Missouri, this interactive playground is full of exploring alternatives and creative activities.
From the giant fish tank to an old-school school bus suspended from the ceiling, there is something for everyone inside this museum. Kids can explore tunnels, caves, and slides while adults can take part in various art installations.
City Museum has plenty of hands-on experiences that make it perfect for kids who love to get their hands dirty. They can create their own artwork in the arts & crafts area or try out some cool science experiments in the lab. There's also a climbing wall with real rocks and an outdoor tree house where they can explore nature at its fullest.
At City Museum, you'll be able to find something fun no matter what your age or interests may be – from swinging on trapezes to playing vintage arcade games. With so much variety, it's no wonder that this museum has been delighting kids (and grown-ups too!) for years!
Come see why City Museum is one of St. Louis' must-visit attractions today!
Grant’s Farm
Discover the unique and captivating history of Grant's Farm, an iconic St. Louis landmark that will mesmerize you with its vast array of attractions!
Nestled in the heart of St. Louis County, this 281-acre estate is a must-see for visitors looking to learn more about the region’s culture and history.
Founded in 1954 by Ulysses S. Grant III, the great grandson of former President Ulysses S. Grant, today it serves as a wildlife refuge and offers visitors multiple animal encounters and educational opportunities.
Visitors to Grant's Farm can start their journey with a tram tour around the picturesque property where they can see many exotic animals such as elephants, camels, zebras and over 900 other creatures from around the globe!
For those looking for a closer look at some of these amazing animals, there are also several petting areas available throughout the grounds which offer fun hands-on experiences with goats, sheep, ducks and more.
Throughout your visit you’ll be able to enjoy live entertainment such as music performances or puppet shows while sipping on local craft beer or wine from one of their many concession stands scattered throughout the park.
Plus don't forget to grab some souvenirs while you're here - they have plenty of options from t-shirts to stuffed animals that make perfect reminders of your adventure at Grant's Farm.
For families who want even more activities during their trip there are also multiple playgrounds located onsite plus mini golf courses designed specifically for kids aged 5 – 9 years old!
Visitors should keep in mind though that most attractions close at 4pm daily so plan accordingly or risk missing out on all that this wonderful attraction has to offer.
No matter what kind of experience you're looking for or what age group you belong too - Grant's Farm promises an unforgettable time that everyone will love!
Six Flags St. Louis
Experience the thrills and excitement of Six Flags St. Louis, an amusement park sure to provide you with a day of unforgettable fun!
Exploring rides such as the Ninja, Superman: Tower of Power, or the Boomerang rollercoaster will get your adrenaline pumping! From kiddie rides like Bugs Bunny's Magic Carousel and Batman The Ride Junior for smaller children, there is something at Six Flags St. Louis for everyone in your family.
Park amenities include food stands serving burgers and hotdogs, funnel cakes, and other carnival treats. Enjoy live entertainment like stunt shows and concerts from top-tier artists during select weekends throughout the year.
For a break from all the excitement, take a leisurely stroll through one of our three themed areas - Mexico City Square, Venice Square or Rue de la Parisienne - each offering plenty of shopping opportunities ranging from souvenirs to apparel.
Six Flags St. Louis also offers group packages including special discounts on admission tickets for groups larger than 15 people. So gather up your friends and family and head down to Six Flags St. Louis together for an unforgettable day full of thrilling rides and delicious snacks!
Magic House
Immerse yourself in the imaginative atmosphere of Magic House, an innovative children's museum that'll keep your little ones entertained for hours! Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the Magic House offers a variety of family-friendly activities to explore and enjoy.
Here are just some of the fun activities you can experience:
Uncover clues on a secret mission during “Spy Games”
Create art with laser technology in the Fab Lab
Enjoy live performances on stage such as puppet shows and skits
The magic continues outside with a 4-story tree house playground surrounded by lush gardens. There are also plenty of hands-on exhibits like a fire truck to climb aboard or an interactive grocery store with real food items!
In addition, there is an exciting outdoor adventure park featuring zip lines, rope ladders, and bridges which makes it perfect for adventurous kids. And don't forget about their special events like story time where toddlers can join their parents for reading adventures!
At Magic House, you can have all the fun your family needs without having to leave town! From creative playtime at the treehouse to thrilling rides at the outdoor adventure park, there is something here for everyone.
With so much to do and see here every visit will be unique and magical - so come out and make memories that will last a lifetime!
Science Center
At the Science Center, you can explore scientific wonders and have a blast learning about the world around you! With over 700 interactive exhibits, visiting the Science Center is an excellent way to encourage your family to learn something new while having fun.
From exploring the physics of roller coasters to discovering how electricity works, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The St. Louis Science Center offers a wide variety of educational programs designed to help kids get hands-on experience with science topics in a fun and engaging way.
The center also hosts various special events like Star Parties, where visitors can view planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies through powerful telescopes. In addition to this, they offer guided tours that delve into some of their most popular exhibits.
No matter what your interests are, you’re sure to find something exciting at the St. Louis Science Center! You can even take part in unique learning activities such as building robots or conducting experiments with different materials – there’s no limit on the possibilities here!
So come join us for a day filled with exploration and discovery – we guarantee it will be an unforgettable experience!
Missouri Botanical Garden
Discover the wonders of nature at the Missouri Botanical Garden, where you can explore its lush landscape and marvel at its diverse flora and fauna - an unforgettable experience!
The 79-acre botanical garden is a perfect destination for families to explore nature together. From beautiful horticulture displays to interactive programs, there are plenty of ways for everyone to learn about plants in a fun way. Take a stroll through the Japanese Garden or visit one of the outdoor sculptures – the possibilities are endless.
The Missouri Botanical Garden also offers educational classes and workshops led by experts on various topics such as gardening, composting, cooking with herbs, beekeeping and more. There's something for every age group here – from children’s story time in their library to special summer activities like yoga in their gardens.
You can even rent out space for private events like birthday parties or weddings! Whether you're looking for an educational day out with your family or just want to appreciate Mother Nature's beauty, make sure to add the Missouri Botanical Garden to your St Louis itinerary.
With so much to do and see, it'll be an experience you won't soon forget.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any free activities for kids in St. Louis?
Are you looking for free activities for kids in St. Louis? You're in luck! There are plenty of fun and educational experiences to be had without breaking the bank.
From outdoor parks to children's museums, there are plenty of kid-friendly places to explore and learn. Whether you're looking to soak up some sun at one of the many outdoor parks or gain an appreciation for culture at a museum, St. Louis has something for everyone.
So, get out and experience all that the city has to offer with your family!
Are there any indoor activities for kids in St. Louis?
We're always looking for fun activities to keep the kids entertained, especially when it's too cold or wet to enjoy the outdoors. Luckily, St. Louis has plenty of indoor activities that are perfect for little ones.
From visiting interesting museums to exploring nature indoors, there are many kid-friendly activities in this city that will keep them both engaged and entertained all year round.
Whether your family enjoys learning about history at the Missouri History Museum or getting up close with animals at the Saint Louis Zoo's living world exhibit, there is something for everyone in St. Louis!
Are there any special events for kids in St. Louis?
We're always looking for special events for kids in St. Louis! From exploring the many museums around the city to taking part in outdoor recreation, there's something fun for everyone.
There are tons of great events in St. Louis that cater to children and families, such as the summer festival at Forest Park or the spring celebration at Tower Grove Park.
The Missouri History Museum also offers a variety of activities throughout the year, including special holiday events.
No matter what time of year it is, you're sure to find something exciting and kid-friendly happening in St. Louis!
Are there any educational activities for kids in St. Louis?
We recently took a trip to St. Louis with our kids and were delighted by the amazing educational activities available in the city!
From exploring nature at its finest, like visiting Forest Park or Tower Grove Park, to learning about history and culture by visiting museums such as The Missouri History Museum or St. Louis Art Museum, there are endless ways for your kids to explore and discover something new in St. Louis.
We especially appreciated that all these activities were kid-friendly and near us; making it easy to plan an exciting day of learning outside the classroom!
Are there any activities that are suitable for kids of all ages in St. Louis?
Are you looking for activities that are suitable for kids of all ages in St. Louis? Look no further! The city has plenty to offer, from amusement parks to zoos and more.
Whether you’re looking for a fun day out with the family or some educational entertainment, there’s something for everyone in St. Louis. Check out popular attractions like Six Flags St. Louis, Grant's Farm, and the Saint Louis Zoo to enjoy a wide variety of kid-friendly experiences.
With so many options available, you’re sure to find something that appeals to kids of all ages!
We've had an amazing time exploring all the kid-friendly things to do in St. Louis, Missouri!
From the incredible animals at the Zoo, to the fascinating museums and thrilling rides at Six Flags, we were absolutely blown away!
We can't believe how much fun we had over just a few days. With so many exciting activities to choose from, there's no way your kids could ever get bored.
Whether you're looking for a relaxing day out or an adrenaline-filled adventure, St. Louis has it all! Trust us — you won't regret visiting this amazing city with your family!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:50 KauaiHiker2 My thoughts on the rail (Skyline)

Last week, I visited Oahu and rode the Skyline rail from West Loch to the stadium, here is my review.
The good:
The bad:
And the ugly:
All that said, I'm not against the rail, I want it to succeed, and I think it will when it goes to Kālia (Ala Moana). But they still need to use common sense when designing and implementing it.
submitted by KauaiHiker2 to Hawaii [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:42 Seratoninn Crows Are Following Me and Screaming

Yesterday, I saw a man being attacked by crows in my neighborhood. I approached him, and he explained that a baby crow had fallen, and the crows couldn't reach it. When his bus arrived, he left, and I stayed with the crows. I watched the baby crow for about 10 minutes, ensuring no stray cats approached (there are many in Turkey). The crows were screaming and circling around me, with other crow families joining in. I was afraid to touch the baby crow, so I went home. The crows followed and screamed at me all the way home. I thought they wanted my help, so I called my brother and we returned to rescue the baby crow. We took the baby crow from where it had fallen and brought it to our house, placing it on our roof, ensuring the crows saw their baby was on our roof then we left the roof. The crows kept screaming for about 10 minutes, then stopped, seeming to reunite with their baby, or so we thought.
This morning, I went to the nearby market, and as soon as I stepped outside, two crows (probably the baby’s parents) started screaming and followed me to the market and back. I felt the need to check on the baby crow, but it was gone when I looked on the roof. The crows are now watching our door, screaming whenever they see me, and following me when I go out.
Throughout this, the crows haven't attacked or tried to attack me. I don’t know what to do. What are the crows trying to tell me?
submitted by Seratoninn to crows [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:57 bluequartz_ No idea what to do now

Since march I’ve been seeing this guy, 100% my type, in in one of my gym classes and I’d felt like he’d been giving me signs he’s interested all this time. Like we would catch eye contact for a few seconds at least once every time we were there, if he wasn’t training he’d sit somewhere but turned in my direction and once when I wanted to come up to him I smiled and he smiled back but didn’t realise I wanted to talk. So last Wednesday I finally approached him. Everything went so great, he was super smiley, he asked me for my instagram after like 5 minutes. He seemed like he really liked me and was happy he could talk to me. Talking with him was nice, although he didn’t ask me nearly as many questions as I did but I guess he might have been nervous and it was easier for him to talk about himself. I also complimented him twice on his body and his teeth and he didn’t say anything back:(. I waited for him after class he said “I was hoping you’d wait”, he said he wanted to talk to me some more, again super super smiley and he walked me to my bus stop and he looked back at me when he was leaving. But now it’s Saturday and he hasn’t messaged me yet. I find it super weird since he literally asked for contact and I’d done the approaching bit, I was sure he’d have texted me by now. Did I not get the signals right? was he just friendly? why would he ask me for my instagram if he didn’t mean to text me? (fyi we both don’t have a lot of followers and only our profile pictures up)
Do I text him first or wait?
TLDR: I approached a guy 4 days ago, he asked for my instagram, seemed super into me but hasn’t texted me yet.
submitted by bluequartz_ to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:55 researcher_st Travel advice from Chennai to Pondicherry

This is the first time I'll be traveling to Pondicherry for my internship starting from 10th June, 2024.
I am looking for recommendations of
fast and safe bus routes
from Chennai international airport terminal 1 to Auroville Bus stop in Pondicherry.
submitted by researcher_st to pondicherry [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:51 East_Inspector_1926 Delicacies in Mangalore : 😋😋

Someone shared this on another group. If You have more recommendations keep adding to the list
100 Must Eat Delicacies in Mangalore : 😋😋
  1. Kingfish, Seerfish Masala Fry. (Giri Manja's, Lower Car street)
  2. Crab Ghee Roast, Kane Masala Fry, Pachile Ghee Roast ( Shetty Lunch Home, Balmatta )
  3. Pomfret Tawa Fry , Fish thali, squid Ghee Roast (Machali, Behind Ocean Pearl)
  4. Gudbud, Parfait, Tiramisu, Chocolate Dad. (Pabbas, Ideal Ice Creams, MG road)
  5. Tender Coconut and Malai Ice cream (Naturals Ice Cream, Mannagudda)
  6. Sizzling Pepper Chicken Sizzler, Chicken Dip Chilli. (Chefs Mannagudda)
  7. Special Andhra Style Biryani, Chicken Leg Roast. Spicy Andhra Meals. (Andhra House. Bejai)
  8. Unlimited Gujarati Meal. (Gujrati hotel. Bhavanti Street)
  9. King Fish Pudi Tawa, Lady fish Fry. (Narayan Hotel. Bunder)
  10. Chinese Bhel Puri, Sev Puri (Outside Swimming Pool)
  11. Mutton Biryani, Chicken Dry Fry, Bheja Fry (Bombay Lucky , Bunder Road)
  12. Goli Baje, Puri Kurma (Hotel Woodlands, Bunts hostel)
  13. Chicken Uruval, Chicken Green roast (Hotel Maya International)
  14. Chicken Kheema Rice, Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Thai Curry Rice (Froth on top, Balmatta)
  15. Chicken Dum Biryani, Tangdi Kabab (Hotel Diners Paradise)
  16. Dragon Rice, Chicken Thai Fry (Rai's Hot dragon Kadri)
  17. Nati Chicken Sukka, (Hotel Ramabhavan , near Mangalore club )
  18. Boiled Charmuri, Sev puri (Seetanna's, Lighthouse hill)
  19. Kori rotti, Nati Kori curry (Kori Rotti, MG road)
  20. Samosa, Bread Sandwich Pakoda ( Juice Junction, Balmatta)
  21. Chicken Kabab, Mutton Boaty (Sundaranna, Mannagudda)
  22. Cheese Sandwich, Plain Sandwich (Opposite Easyday attavar)
  23. Tuppa Dosa, Rotti Chutney, Idli Tove, Filter Coffee (Taj Mahal Cafe, Navbharath circle)
  24. Some like it hot (Chocolate Ice cream with cake). (Cherry square, Balmatta)
  25. Charmuri, Raja Special (Kamath Condiments, Car street)
  26. Spicy Chicken Shwarma (Danish, Light house hill)
  27. Chicken Rottessirie, full grill (Pop Tate's, Balmatta)
  28. Butter Nan, Paneer Butter Masala, Lassi (Bittu da dabha)
  29. Rasam Vada, Spring Onion dosa (Janatha Deluxe, Pathmudi)
  30. Egg Chilli, Egg Omlet, Boiled Charmuri ( Forum Fiza Mall, Entrance)
  31. Masala Pav, Special Soft ice cream (Hangyo saibin complex )
  32. Veg sandwich and cheese sandwich ( saibeen complex basement)
  33. Chicken Satay, Peking chicken dry, Shin Min Rice (Hao Ming)
  34. Triple Schezwan Fried Rice with Bulls eye topping (Amazon, Empire)
  35. Maddur Vada ( Hotel Durgaprasad, Urva Market)
  36. Lady fish(Kane fry) GSB style fish curries ( Opposite CV Nayak Hall, Bunts Hostel)
  37. Bajil, Sajjige. Sheera (Hotel Indrabhavan, Balmatta)
  38. Special Charmuri, Chakkuli Masala (Sukrundo's near School book company, Car street)
  39. Bhel Puri, Chole Samosa, Jelebi (Krishna Bhel Puri, Market road)
  40. Masala Dosa, Bisi Bele bath. Khara bhat (Vasudev Adigas, forum)
  41. Macarons, Ragi biscuits. (City Bakery, Hampankatta)
  42. Biscuit Rotti, Cabbage Bonda, Buns (Balli's, Car street)
  43. Ghee Roast rice, Fusili pasta with Chicken and Mushroom (Liquid Lounge)
  44. Matka Biryani (Biryani Paradise, Near city hospital)
  45. Full Meat Shwarma, Grilled Chicken (Juice romantic)
  46. Prawns/ Bondas Pepper fry (Fooodlands MG road)
  47. Chicken Butter Garlic, Chicken Tawa fry (Wine Gate)
  48. Paneer Ghee Roast, Hara Bara Kabab (Chutney, Deepa comforts)
  49. Chicken Lollypop ,Anjal Puli Munchi with Appam (Simbly South, Balmatta)
50.Set Dosa, Chikku Sheera, Mushroom Biryani (Anmol, Bejai)
  1. Egg cheese toast (Mangalore club)
  2. Bonda Shake (Below guthu restaurant, Falnir)
  3. Paper Masala Dosa, Paneer Pepper, Floating Grape Juice (Dinky Dine)
  4. Sizzling Special Spinach, Oreo shake (Pallkhi)
  5. Kerala Paratha, Chicken wet Gravy. Murgh Lajawab (Chicken Tikka Halal)
  6. Pista and badam Milk (Rajalaxmi chat, Car street)
  7. Grape Jelebi, Mastani Flooda ( hotel ayodhya)
  8. Ladyfish Tawa fry (Hotel Anupam)
  9. Gobi Manchurian, Mix Veg Fried Rice (Nandini Veg fast food, Car street)
  10. Buns, Puri Bhaji (3-5 am) Mobile Canteen (infront of KMC hospital, Jyothi)
  11. Jolada Rotti. Ragi rotti and North Karnataka style curry ( Near Vinayaka book house, mannagudda)
  12. Pahadi Chicken, Chicken Junglee (Cellar Restaurant)
  13. KFC Chicken Burger (Prax, near Arya Samaj Road)
  14. Plain Dosa, Goli Baje, Tea (Vishwa Bhavan, Balmatta)
  15. Omelette Chilli (Coconut Groove)
  16. Chocolate Pizza, Crab meat soup, Lemon Tea (Trattoria)
  17. Mixed Fruit Juice, Watermelon Juice, (Vinay Juice Centre, Near City Centre)
  18. Pure Veg Udupi Veg Meals, (Rama Hotel, Near PVS)
  19. Jain Style Meals without onion and garlic (Jain Restaurant, near state bank bus stop)
  20. Veg Paneer Roll, Champakali (Ramdev sweets, Near City Centre)
  21. Reasonable Veg North Indian Mini Thali (Janath deluxe, Behind Shaan plaza, Near City Centre)
  22. Egg Uruval, Egg Friend Rice (Suvarna, Mannagudda)
  23. Babycorn Deep fry. Fried chillies (Kusum Foods, Lower car street)
  24. Chicken Reshmi Kabab, Hyderabadi Dum Biryani (Spicy) - (Hotel Suraj international, Suratkal)
  25. Egg Omelette (S.R Bhandary, Mannagudda)
  26. Spicy Chicken Special Roll ( Mother's Kitchen, Night home delivery)
  27. Tuppa Dosa, Rimjim 3 layered coffee, (Hotel Karthik, Kottara)
  28. Chocolate Brownie, Red Velvet Cake (Crave ,Balmatta)
  29. Veg Burger, Veg Pizza (Reasonable prices) (Hangyo outlet MG road)
  30. Chicken Tawa fry, Chicken Special Biryani (Red Rock, Suratkal)
  31. Wimto, Lime Soda, Flavoured Soda's (Next to SVT, Car street)
  32. Mini Veg Puffs, Saturday Special (Vignesh Bakery, Mannagudda)
  33. Jalapeño Cheese Balls, Vegetable Sizzler (Sizzler Ranch)
  34. Pancakes, Sunny Side up, Chicken Sausages for breakfast (Diesel Cafe)
  35. Almond Rock, Pista kulfi, Rose Bites (Tiny Delights, Home delivery, Kadri)
  36. Chicken Biryani. Egg curry (Mookambika, Urva Market)
  37. Samosa Chat (Rasadhara, Opposite Canara urva)
  38. Orange and Pineapple Traditional Goli Soda (Ram Stores, Mannagudda)
  39. Double Decker Burger, Xinlai dragon rice, Chicken Kwathiyo and Footlongs (Chefs Xinlai)
  40. Chicken Kalmi Kabab (New Kudla, Urva Market)
  41. Veg Cutlet. Paneer Ghee Roast, Sandwich Combo (Ideal Cafe, Hampankatta)
  42. Mini Jelebi, Murgh/Rogan Ghosth, Mini Punjab's pind.
  43. Hot Crispy Buns, Neer Dosa and chutney (Midnight canteen, Right ahead of Railway station entrance. hampankatta)
  44. Dali Tove. Chicken Ghee Roast, Boiled rice (Hotel Maharaja)
  45. Crispy Chicken, Chicken Lollypop (Kavita Residency)
  46. Veg and Nonveg Kolkata Rolls (Smackie, Near Kottara Flyover)
  47. Ghee Roast, chicken, Prawn, squid , Paneer Anupam Shetty Lunch Home Balmatta )
  48. Garlic Chicken, Chicken Chilli dry (Highwave SLK)
  49. Bun Butter Lays (Railways Station canteen, State bank)
  50. Disco Fish Tawa Fry (New Abhishek, Kottara)
submitted by East_Inspector_1926 to mangalore [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:44 cumberbumbles What happens if I don't pay the bus ticket fine?

I was riding the bus and got stopped by ATAC for not paying the ticket fare and was fined 55 Euro. My flight out of Italy leaves today. What happens if I do not pay the fine? Will I be stopped if I ever return to Italy? They took my driver's license info.
submitted by cumberbumbles to rome [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:40 Worth_Ad_4111 Looking for Fall 2024 Housing

Hello, I’m looking for a place to stay for just the Fall semester, preferably near Chauncey or on Campus, but if not then a bus stop close by that can take me to campus would be nice. I don’t have a strict budget on rent but preferably below $900 excluding utilities. Please message me if you have any availabilities for me!
submitted by Worth_Ad_4111 to PurdueHousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:32 kingaling49 Two middle aged women are arguing over the last seat on the bus.

It gets really heated and they about to come to blows.
The driver stops the bus and tells them the seat has to go to the older of the two.
They look at each other
The seat remains empty.
submitted by kingaling49 to Jokes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:12 Anon16489 I’m terrified I’ll never let it go

It’s so dumb, I never even dated him. Never even came close. Maybe it was because of the ages that I liked him, middle school and half of high school. Those seem like the most developmental years of childhood crushes, and I liked him for all of them. It doesn’t matter anymore, I liked him for a long time and then I chose to move away. I chose to tell him how I felt and I also chose to be a coward and never find out how he felt back. I have to live with that. It’s been two years, I’ll probably never see him again, I’m mourning something that’s been dead for a long time now. I’ll do what I’m starting to do now, try to spend day-to-day life putting it out of my head and when I do remember everything I tell myself there’s no point dwelling on what will never have another outcome. But I can’t stop thinking about it all, all those stupid little things that made me care for him so deeply all those years. So I leave it here. Here is a detailed list of all of the things off the top of my head that made me fall for him:
.I once spent an entire bus ride reading to him because he told me no one read to him since he was a kid
.When I was struggling a lot mentally in 7th grade he compared me to a flower and told me I needed to let the sun in to bloom. I love the Sun now.
.One time my necklace fell off and I couldn’t get it on so I asked him to clasp it for me, he couldn’t. His hands were too shaky.
.He used to promise to save up and buy me headphones cause I’d watch shows with subtitles on.
.He said he hated the people in Yearbook and then paused and said “well, except for one, of course.” and smiled at me. As you might have guessed I was in yearbook.
.I told him I was debated with my friends over what color my eyes were. They said green and I said hazel so he made me take off my glasses and decided on “sage green”.
.I once told him about how I liked to study people’s faces and what features you’d focus on most when you’re drawing them. He made me take off my glasses and said he wanted to see, so we just sat there for a couple minutes in silence just staring at each other, studying the other’s face.
.We had plans to run away to neighboring farms in Peru one day.
.He asked me if everything was okay because I’d been absent for a couple of days and he was worried something had happened to my mom (he knew she had been diagnosed over quarantine).
.The first time I saw my mom’s shaved head after chemo he sat with me because I was scared to open the picture up alone. He helped me respond to her and he told me to add an “I” to “love you” because “it doesn’t mean as much without the I”.
.When I found out he had friends on the bus that he never told me about. So everyday he’d wait until after my stop to move to the back and sit with them.
.The one time he did go sit with them he asked me for permission and even after I said I didn’t mind he texted me the whole time he was back there.
.How he used to put his phone away in his pocket any time I started talking to him.
.The cinnamon gum I bought him that he’d proudly chew every bus ride after, always offering me one too.
.He loved to write. He was amazing at tech and computer stuff but his writing was beautiful.
.That once time he spent an entire bus ride fiddling with a battery, explaining every step to me, giving me random facts along the way.
.When I complimented that sweater of his and he always wore it after that.
.How he’d confuse my drawings for the reference photos.
.That page I have in my sketchbook of the drawings I made with him.
.When I was debating moving and he told me I wouldn’t be happy here, that it was the right thing for me to move.
.When I decided to move and he promised me we’d stay in touch. That he’d still be there when I came back in a semester. I never came back.
.The poem he wrote in his class after I left, the one with the girl who he spoke to through the crack of a bus seat. Her and her unwavering trust.
submitted by Anon16489 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]