Hewbrew tattoo phrases

A Place for all things Nashville, TN USA

2008.06.08 22:43 A Place for all things Nashville, TN USA

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2024.06.01 11:30 Celwyddiau Tattoo phrase and font suggestions, please.

I've got an appointment booked for my first consutation with a very talented tattoo artist next week. I've got the design 3D'd, so we can mess around with that, but I'd like to add some text
Beth dy chî'n meddwl o', "Dawnsio i cân wahanol"? A pwy ffont?
If you've got a similarly sentimented tattoo image, then please post it.
Diolch yn fawr.

submitted by Celwyddiau to Wales [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:01 Depressomancy Dreams about being Death

Hello! So, as title says I've had two dreams in the past few months where I am taking a spot much like death. One where I would cook people a meal based on their life story, and another where people would come to me for a ritual that I would send them to the after life but would be a magical tattoo on someone. I've seen a few things about being dead or dying but I haven't seen anything about being the grim reapedeath. People I cooked for: Older Asian woman wearing black and gold A Black athlete wearing blue and white(baseball player judging by the swinging motions he made) Older Military Man European I believe A young girl wearing a gold and green prom dress Ritual dream had an orc man and a much older goblin woman. The phrase "It's a spiritual tombstone instead of a physical one" was said as her tattoo formed on his face
submitted by Depressomancy to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:51 The-opry-has-sinned My mother is a narcissist nutjob

Had a phone conversation with my mother today. She thinks the genocide in Palestine is all fake. She said they are reusing footage and pictures from other wars and that it's propaganda. She refused to call it a genocide. But in reference to the COVID pandemic she repeatedly called that a genocide. She claims that the aids virus was put into the vaccine to kill people. She repeatedly uses the phrases "vaccine injured" and "turbo cancer" 😂 Whenever she says turbo cancer it's hard for me to not laugh. Out of all the terminology I'm sure there's a better way to say it such as "aggressive" etc. I told her that makes her sound utterly ridiculous. She claims that if anyone in your social circle received the vaccine the "vaccine injury" can spread. She cites that her neighbor's dog died the day after her neighbor got vaccinated as proof. She thinks Biden is a communist. In the past she claimed that the Chinese government is taking over America to spread sharia law. It's so hard being related to her. She doesn't understand why I won't be property with her even if it would help me out financially. Especially when she wants to move to deep red states. She never apologizes for anything and doesn't remember everything she's done over the years. I brought up some of her past actions and behaviors towards me and she claimed that it never happened. It most definitely did. When I got my first tattoo at age 18 I was able to keep it hidden for a while. Eventually she caught a glimpse of it and flipped out. She told me that I wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere not even at taco bell, that no place would hire me! It was a big fight. My tattoo was on my upper arm so that it would still be covered even when wearing a short sleeve shirt. I remember being a smartass and saying, I didn't realize taco bell made their employees work without shirts on. Today she claimed she never said any of these things and that I'm delusional. For the record I've got over a dozen tattoos and have been gainfully employed for over a decade. It's been like this my whole life. She's never wrong about anything and revises history. There's been some serious WTF moments this is just the tip of the iceberg.
submitted by The-opry-has-sinned to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:38 PiecesofMatt I need help lol

I need help lol
I am getting a tattoo on my back but want to split a phrase into rows. I know if I do this, the meaning of certain words and phrases changes. Could you guys assist? Here are the reference photos of placement as well as quote. Thank you all
submitted by PiecesofMatt to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:10 Tiefle Decoding TTPD Spotify Visuals

Decoding TTPD Spotify Visuals
This post will build off of a few key ideas in interpreting TTPD:
  • TTPD is mostly Taylor the person writing about Taylor The Brand (Fortnight MV interpretation). Representations of Taylor are continually doubled, with the double representing the duality between brand & person, or thinking about if her life had gone differently (e.g. she hadn't closeted throughout her career, or if she had come out in 2019 as she first planned to do).
  • Braid Theory: every song has multiple sources of inspiration twined together

Why read this long post?

  • I found 2 new clips of footage from the Fortnight MV
  • I found several interesting connections between Spotify visuals and song interpretations
  • It's weird that SO MANY songs (25) have a Fortnight visual and I think we should talk about why she didn't use a Fortnight visual for all of the songs or fewer of the songs.

Songs where the Spotify visual is from the Fortnight MV (25 / 31 songs)

In her Instagram post about the Fortnight MV, Taylor Swift wrote, "When I was writing the Fortnight music video, I wanted to show you the worlds I saw in my head that served as the backdrop for making this music. Pretty much everything in it is a metaphor or a reference to one corner of the album or another. For me, this video turned out to be the perfect visual representation of this record and the stories I tell in it.'
Accordingly, all but 6 songs have a matching visual from the Fortnight MV.
Many of those visuals are straightforward matches to specific lyrics, sometimes cheeky or overly literal. Eg:
  • Fresh Out The Slammer: Taylor is unlocked from the bedframe. Pretty literal.
  • The Manuscript: Taylor is sitting at the typewriter & typing.
Sometimes the connection is actually a visual rather than the lyrics. E.g.:
  • Clara Bow: closeup on Taylor's face at the start of the MV when her makeup style is very similar to Clara Bow the film star.
  • Down Bad: Taylor sitting on top of the telephone booth the same way that she's sitting during Down Bad performance on the Eras Tour
Most of the visuals serve as further commentary on the theory that TTPD is mostly Taylor Swift writing about Taylor Swift(TM), the music industry, her fame, and her complicity in the perpetuation of her own painful imprisonment.

new Fortnight clips - a missing piece of the narrative?

Two songs show us clips that are clearly from the Destruction sequence of the music video, but those clips do not actually appear in the final cut of the video: So Long, London and Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus.
So Long, London:

Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus:

In this clip, Buttoned Up Taylor snatches a memo out of the air and appears to read it and look upset.
This is strange because one would assume that she's been typing most of these memos, so why would she bother to snatch the memo or read it? And why would she be surprised or upset to read the contents?
Is this a missing piece of the narrative?

reordering the tracklist

If you reorder the tracklist based on the order in which the song's Spotify visual appears in Fortnight music video, some interesting connections jump out. For the sake of readability, I divided commentary into 5 scenes based on the story beats in the Fortnight MV.
Scene 1: Solitary confinement (MV timestamps 0:05 - 1:11)
These are all of the tracks that have a Spotify visual when Taylor is in the white solitary room at the start of the music video.
Track Visual Comments
16. Clara Bow Taylor is locked to the bedframe and FORGET HIM pills are walked in Visual connection - makeup reminiscent of Clara Bow / silent film actresses
7. Fresh Out The Slammer Taylor is unlocked from the bedframe Literal connection - being unlocked. Notable that Taylor isn't really free yet in the music video, though - she's still in solitary confinement. She won't be really free until Scene 5.
19. The Albatross Taylor strolls from the bedframe to the 2 way mirror and looks at herself This validates the theory that Taylor is both the rescuing Albatross and the person in need of rescue. She's in her Albatross dress and completely alone in the room, seemingly trapped.
14. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived Taylor staring in mirror and wiping off makeup to reveal Post Malone's tattoos This is so clearly evidence that TSMWEL is at least partially about Taylor the person's feelings towards herself / regret about continuing to closet for Taylor(TM). Why else would The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived be a picture of HERSELF wiping makeup off? She could have easily focused on Post Malone, the scientists, or simply given the same visual as the lyric video (plain text that is un-redacted to reveal the lyrics).
11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Taylor walks from her solitary confinement room into the working room at the asylum Does "fixing" mean "bringing into conformity with social norms and expectations"? The only person being transformed in this clip is Taylor, who goes from the Albatross dress (wild, barefoot) to a buttoned up mourning gown. Is Taylor the "Him" in this song who is being "fixed"? Once again, Taylor could have easily just used the lyric video visuals, but she didn't.
Scene 2: Working in the Asylum (1:11 - 1:54)
Taylor and Post Malone sit working in the asylum with many other anonymous typists.
Track Visual Comments
31. The Manuscript Taylor at the typewriter, typing, "I love you it's ruining my life" Literal connection - she's typing. Interesting that instead of "the manuscript" (something meaningful and complex), she's typing the same simple phrase over and over. Is she unable to state the full narrative outright for some reason? (fan rejection, dangers of escaping closet.) As long as there's the bland /nonspecific "you" ruining Taylor's life, fans can project that the manuscript is about love story and not Taylor's relationship with fans/herself.
2. The Tortured Poets Department Taylor and Post Malone are typing while the colors from their typewriters start to reach out to each other Literal connection - "you left your typewriter in my apartment." Personally, I think this is a song about a friend/fellow writer and not a romantic song. Gives the same allyship/friendship vibes as Post Malone in the MV
Scene 3: "Love" Story in Nowhere (1:54 - 2:34)
Track Visual Comment
12. loml Pan out from Taylor and Post Malone reading The Story of Us while laying on an outline of Taylor's silhouette This is such a weird visual to choose - there are no obvious lyrical connections to the visual. Are we meant to be thinking about the Style muse for this song based on the visual connection to Style MV?
6. But Daddy I Love Him Taylor runs into Post Malone's arms Acting out the same "moves" she does with her beards (e.g. run to Travis) in a song that's supposedly about Matty Healy? Nah, this is about her own queer identity.
22. So High School Post Malone cradles Taylor's face in his hands Leaning into the camp / bearding interpretation of SHS
1. Fortnight Swirl of papers in the Nowhere - Taylor reaches for Post's hand, but they don't quite touch Interesting that the lyric video visual for Fortnight is the Solitary Confinement room - but empty. We never see this room empty during the Fortnight MV.
Scene 4: Tortured for Art (2:34 - 3:13)
Track Visual Comments
26. The Prophesy Pan out on Taylor in the extraction chair It feels like a foregone conclusion to Taylor that she will continue to be tortured (closeted) to produce art
21. How Did It End? Taylor is trapped in the chair and lyrics are being extracted Taylor's pain being converted into The Manuscript ("I love you, it's ruining my life")
23. I Hate It Here Closeup on Taylor's face while readings are being taken from her head. Her eyes move back and forth between the two doctors, one of whom is cut off by the crop
27. Cassandra Taylor in the chair being electrocuted / in pain
29. The Bolter Explosions are going off - overhead visual of the scene "Bolts" of electricity, but Taylor has not yet run away / been freed
9. Guilty As Sin? Taylor looking up at Post Malone while she's in the chair after he's turned off electricity. His hand is on her (covered) shoulder. Literal? Connects to the lyrics, "this cage was once just fine," and "I dream of cracking locks." She isn't skin-to-skin, but he's touching her clothed shoulder with a bare hand.
Scene 5: Destruction (3:13 - 3:55)
Taylor is BURNING IT DOWN. This phase feels much more fluid and liberated than the rest of the music video not only due to the subject matter (burning the files, breaking free from the asylum), but also through cinematography techniques. Previous scenes had long, lingering shots that contributed to the trapped/stuck feeling. The clips in this portion of the music video are much shorter and bounce around to different Taylors destroying things, chaotic yet cathartic.
Despite being shorter or a similar length as the other scenes (~40 seconds), more songs use clips from this sequence than any other (8 songs).
Track Visual Comments
28. Peter Camera pan out while Taylor is on top of the phone booth and Post Malone is trying to make a call If Post Malone is making the call - is he trying to call Taylor on top of the phone booth? Matches the Peter-is-uncloseted-Taylor theory. If Post Malone is calling someone else - Post Malone and Taylor are both Wendy?
4. Down Bad Camera pan up to Taylor on top of the phone booth Visual connection - Taylor kneels in the same pose during iconic Down Bad tour performance
17. The Black Dog Taylor ripping memo drawers open, then bending over the desk and crying Interesting that Taylor didn't use a scene that would connect to the "rain-soaked body" lyric. Instead, this looks more like "trace the evidence" and "cry over a hat" (Hits Different muse).
10. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? Pan out on Taylor while she's standing in the midst of the burning memos The contrast between Taylor calmly standing in the middle of the burning memos versus the tour performance where she's raging is... chef's kiss
8. Florida!!! Taylor throwing the rolling cart through the two-way mirror in the Solitary Confinement room Fuck me up, Florida (most unhinged Destruction scene)
15. The Alchemy Taylor clasping hands with Post Malone at the end of the MV If The Alchemy is about Taylor's fans and going back on tour, this might mean that Taylor is teaming up with Taylor(TM) one more time to make a boatload of gold/money ("who are we to fight the alchemy?"). This would be a sad interpretation insofar as I want Taylor to come out, but it does leave a sour taste in my mouth that this is the new ending track based on this track order.

Songs with non-Fortnight visuals (6 / 31 songs)

Only six songs don't have a visual from the Fortnight MV. I think this is because these songs don't fit into the main theme of the album (Taylor vs Taylor(TM)).
Four of the songs are the same or very similar to the visuals of the lyric videos.
  • Two songs (imgonnagetyouback and I Look In People's Windows) have a still image that match the Youtube lyric videos.
    • These songs are more likely to actually be love songs; there's less here to interpret as a split between the Taylors.
    • Additionally, it's notable that nothing from the Fortnight MV "love story" was selected for either of these songs. That's because the Fortnight MV is not actually a love story.
  • I Can Do It With A Broken Heart is Eras tour footage, just like the lyric video.
  • Robin has a visual (blades of grass) which is not the same as the lyric video (dandelion close-up), but which is similar enough that I don't have further thoughts.
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys and thanK you aIMee are the outliers here and I'd love thoughts.

image description: slightly blurry footage of Taylor with headphones and a microphone sitting on a couch in front of a window and an indoor plant
This does NOT match the lyric video, but it does appear to match one of her Instagram posts. She's wearing at least 3 different outfits in the photos included on this post (white dress, black tshirt, white tshirt).

image description: April 28th Instagram post that shows Taylor with headphones and a microphone, sitting on a couch in front of a window and houseplant that looks very similar to previous image
The angle is slightly different between the photo and the moving clip on Spotify. Taylor is sitting at a 3/4 pose here but is shown in profile in the Spotify clip.
Is this behind the scenes footage hinting at a documentary?
MBOBHFT seems like it would be pretty easy to match to a Fortnight clip (e.g., anything from the electroshock scene). Is the lack of a Fortnight clip meant to signal to us that the subject of the song is NOT Taylor, but is in fact someone else?
thanK you aIMee
The Spotify visual is Eras tour footage, when Taylor does the heart hands during the Fearless set:
The same footage is used in the ICDIWABH lyric video:
One interpretation - the heart hands are a sassy way of saying, "Thank you. My haters are as valuable as my fans for building my fame."
Another possibility - maybe the subject of thanK you aIMee is someone from the Fearless era. This would also make sense if TYA is a bookend of Mean (Mean was on Speak Now, but the heart hands were common on both tours & it would make sense if Mean was written as a response to something in the Fearless era).
However, the lyric video for TYA shows a simple starry sky:
I don't know anything about astrology, so I'd love others to chime in if they see anything significant in the sky here.
This does remind me of the opening sequence of Peter Pan, but that's likely coincidental. Many films have opened with similar imagery and I don't think the stars match up.
(screenshot source is a fan music video for Peter)


The Spotify visuals Taylor used further support the interpretation that most of the album is about the pain of closeting and the fracture between Taylor the person and Taylor Swift (TM). The Fortnight visuals illuminate additional angles of the lyrics, and there are 2 clips that were not used in the final music video.
The songs that do not fit that theme have Spotify visuals that are NOT from the Fortnight MV and may have more information, especially when compared to the lyric video visuals.
Why did or didn't Taylor choose a Fortnight visual for specific songs? How optimistic should we be about comingoutlor since it seems like Taylor's interested in becoming less knowable?
submitted by Tiefle to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:04 xzeroxd Solo Trip report: Osaka, Shimanami Kaido, Matsuyama, Hiroshima, Hakone, Tokyo

My itinerary may seem relatively empty because i dislike having a packed itinerary, before the trip i only planned about the prefectures i will be visiting and nothing much ahead of it, the free time i just spend either resting or exploring some street or neighborhood, finding some random izakaya/restaurant, and i enjoyed the hella out of it, so anyone insecure about their itinerary being empty, I say don't worry about it and just wing it.
Some other things about me: this is my first solo trip and first trip to japan, and i tend to avoid places with overcrowding with tourists(as much as possible, but kinda unavoidable, but honestly as someone that REALLY hates crowd, was not as bad as i think.) I am also a weeb so this trip consist of a few anime pilgrimages, and a lot of anime shopping so yea, and i am not much of a drinker, especially alone, so I didnt visit any bars(kinda regretting this a little not gonna lie). I canspeak simple conversational Japanese so language barrier was not that big of an issue for me, and this REALLY came in handy outside of tokyo. the further away i went from central japan, the lesser english i saw(mostly in train stations), so best to prepare your google translate and learn some basic japanese phrases if you plan to travel out of cities. This is my 19 days Japan trip with some tips
9/5 - Osaka D1
10/5 - Osaka D2
11/5 - Osaka to Himeji to Onomichi
12/5 Shimanami kaido D1
13/5 Shimanami kaido D2, Matsuyama, Dogo onsen
14/5 Matsuyama D2
15/5 Hiroshima D1
16/5 Hiroshima D2, Miyajima, shukkei-en
18/5 Hakone loop. travel to tokyo, Ginza
19/5 Tokyo D2, Mt fuji Day trip
from here on i had very little planned, just a bucket list of things i want to do, and just went with the flow, coming up with plans either the prev night or the day itself
20/5 Tokyo D3 Shinjuku and Shibuya
21/5 Tokyo D4, hitachi seaside park
22/5 Tokyo D5 Nakano Broadway and Ikebukuro
23/5 Tokyo D6 Round 1
24/5 Tokyo D7 Kamakura and enoshima
25/5 Tokyo D8 Shimokitazawa flea market,
26/5 Tokyo D9 Akihabara arcade
27/5 Flight back
well this post was way longer than what i expected to type, but let me finish off with some tips for Japan:
submitted by xzeroxd to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:20 iamtheblackwizards9 Please verify translation

I want to translate the English phrase "The fire must burn" (from the Hindi phrase "Aag jalni chahiye") into Sanskrit.
The translation I found that I prefer is "अग्निः अवश्यं दह्यते"
Please verify if this translation is correct and please suggest how to pronounce it. I believe the pronounciation is "Agninh avashyam dhastye"
I want the translation to be within 3 words and want to know the right pronunciation as this phrase is an idea for a tattoo.
submitted by iamtheblackwizards9 to sanskrit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:11 1DMod NASA, Kubrick, Apollo, Artemis, Taylor, Louis, Harry, Beyoncé, & Outer Space

NASA, Kubrick, Apollo, Artemis, Taylor, Louis, Harry, Beyoncé, & Outer Space


While laying comatose on the couch with a migraine, mindlessly scrolling TikTok, I stumbled upon an interesting video that suddenly had pieces falling into place within my little GayloLarry/Mass Movement Theory mind. Within Mass Movement Theory, there is an overarching theme of space (as in outer space 👽🛸), specifically represented via references to The Apollo missions (the moon landing), rockets (Rocket Man), and NASA. Additionally, there are many references that cross over and link Outer Space to Greco-Roman mythology as can be seen via repeated references to: Saturn, the moon, Earth, Venus, stars, celestial bodies, Apollo, Artemis, and the zodiac. While these representations are seen in other artists suspected to be involved with The New Romantics, I can only speak to them as they are seen in Taylor and the members of One Direction’s work. If you know of other artists who utilize these motifs, please share in the comments!
I will be approaching this entire piece through the lens of Mass Movement Theory, meaning that I believe there to be a collective of artists working together in some way (likely relevant to industry abuse and forced closeting) and that there are overarching themes in their work that lead those who are listening and looking to deeper meanings within their works - meanings beyond queer analysis. I know many gaylors often hold fixedly onto muse theories such as “Dianna = Artemis/wolves/moon” and “Karlie = the sun/gold/twins”, but I would ask you to hold those separately from what I am sharing. Regardless of if those are motifs Taylor employs to represent past relationships, I am positing that there are alternate ways to read all of those themes. I am not intending to discount their historical readings, but I am attempting to incorporate alternate meanings and readings.

Queerness is Otherworldly

Taylor, Zayn, Louis, and Harry are meant to be in the stars
Let the moon references commence! Taylor and Harry both reference the moon in subtle ways in their songs I Hate It Here and Canyon Moon. The overarching theme is that the moon is a safe space for them, that they are able to be themselves there and it is a place of escape and joy, as opposed to the realities of earth -- again, “it’s hell on earth to be heavenly.” Love is found on the moon, in a place celestial and heavenly. Stevie Nicks also has close associations with both artists. Thanks to u/outfromthevault for providing me with the fan art for I Hate It Here.

Kubrick and Apollo 11

Now that we’ve established a loose framework, I want to introduce you to the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was a hoax. In brief, some individuals believe that the Apollo 11 moon landing was filmed on earth, in a basement, in order to have the USA win the space race they were in against the USSR. The rationale behind this theory is that the US government wanted/needed to boost American morale and they did not believe it would be good for the USA in the eyes of world governments or American citizens if the Soviet Union made it to the moon first.
Here is a tiny snippet of The Apollo 11 moon landing mission, particularly relevant are the dates/times, location, and the rocket, Saturn V.
In 1968, Stanley Kubrick came out with 2001: A Space Odyssey. This film was such advanced science-fiction that it was mind blowing and other worldly - viewers had truly never seen anything like it and many had never imagined anything quite like it. In 1969, the Apollo 11 team landed on the moon and the USA won the space race. Case closed? Incorrect! People were so shocked by the similarities between the actual moon’s surface and the images presented in 2001: A Space Odyssey that a faction of people came to believe that Stanley Kubrick had actually directed and filmed the Apollo 11 mission in a basement in Hollywood, that it was entirely fabricated and was essentially just government propaganda.
Adding to this theory is the fact that I believe there have been declassified or leaked documents showing that there was an effort made to stage the moon landing.
So, we have established:
  1. Stanley Kubrick altered the film industry with his science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey
  2. Some people believe that the Apollo 11 moon landing was staged by Kubrick, that it was a stunt…

The Shining

Stanley Kubrick never explicitly discussed the conspiracy theory, but he made subtle nods to it, such as this image in The Shining. The carpet in The Shining is also the same as the roadways at Cape Canaveral. Supposedly, The Shining is littered with Apollo 11 moon landing references, but I hate The Shining so this is all I’ve got for ya on the topic.
So, we have space images referenced by Kubrick. The overarching concept that the moon landing was staged, that it was propaganda, that the majority of individuals believe the propaganda they were presented by The Government. Some of you are likely 10 steps ahead of me at this point, so slow down and come back to earth for a moment.

Queer as A Clockwork Orange

Moving on from the Apollo 11 Moon Landing and the Space Race, we arrive at A Clockwork Orange. The phrase “queer as clockwork orange” predates the novel and meant being queerer than queer. The film adaptation of the novel was directed by Stanley Kubrick and it was wildly controversial at the time of its release. Two important themes are pyramids and the all seeing eye. The film is deeply uncomfortable and disturbing so I am going to mention the two pieces relevant to this post. In the beginning, while he is in a gang and committing crimes, the main character (Alex) wears heavy eye makeup and fake eyelashes on his right eye. After he is capture for his crimes, he has been in jail for 2 years and is given the “choice” to undergo aversion therapy and recieve an early release. After having his eyes pinned wide open while he is forced to watch images of violence and rape while listening to Beethoven, he is released after 2 weeks when he is found to have not violent responses. Essentially, the core of the film is the moral quandary of what constitutes “good” and if it is moral to stop “immoral” behaviors via aversion therapy. Queer as clockwork orange.
As was pointed out by u/web_gem_taco here, Taylor wears a covert A Clockwork Orange eye in the videos for Bejeweled and Fortnight. I am adding in the eye from her Midnights merch, pointed out by u/outfromthevault. Although in A Clockwork Orange, the aberrant eyemakeup is worn on the right eye, it makes sense for Taylor to wear it on the left eye for several reasons:
  1. Left is traditionally associated with queerness and is slang for being gay
  2. She is making it her own
  3. The left eye is the Eye of Horus and it represents the moon. If it were the right eye of Horus, it would be the Eye of Ra, and it would represent the sun.
Clockwork Orange eye
It has been driving me crazy that One Direction and Taylor have the recurring theme of eyes that spans all 6 artists, similar to an all seeing eye. Thinking of it as related to A Clockwork Orange makes so much sense. Beyoncé also highlights her eye with a golden star, on The Beatles cover she did, as pointed out by u/rott-mom.
Both artists have been caged for deviance and depravity, in gold cages, hostage to their feelings. Louis was photographed within the past few days in this room that is shockingly similar to the LWYMMD video, wearing a black triangle (the Prada logo) and showcasing his finger tattoos. This photo of him is very off brand for him - it’s bright and filled with orange/gold while he is wearing black and white and a black triangle which he has rarely shown so overtly. It reminds me of a gay tortured poet, in a golden cage.
Karma is Real

Eyes Wide Shut

Kubrick’s final film, Eyes Wide Shut, was an exploration of secret societies within “high society” (aka. The .1%) and the ways they operate behind closed doors to control the masses. There is a scene where Tom Cruise (irony, yes) finds himself in such a closed door setting and is confused and disoriented by what is happening, which is something that many celebrities have disclosed happening to them. If you were to consider high level fame and celebrity status to be a kind of “secret society”, then the “controlling of the masses” would be analogous to the ways PR teams/management/agencies/etc. shape and control the images and the narratives of their products — celebrities. Stanley Kubrick died of a heart attack in 1999, prior to the release of the film.
There is a conspiracy theory that he was murdered because his film was attempting to expose some of the darker sides of Hollywood and the “secret societies” that actually exist within it — think about Sean Combs (Puff Daddy) running massive child sex/sex trafficking rings, Dan Schneider, Nickelodeon being operated by people with close ties to Jeffery Epstein, etc. It is believed that film was changed significantly following his death, minimizing the message it was trying to convey and eliminating some of the more controversial content. I remember this being discussed when it happened and it was a talked about and acknowledged thing that was dismissed as conspiracy by some and accepted as reality by others. In light of what has slowly begun to emerge regarding pedophilia and sex trafficking within the industry and among elites thought the world, I’d lean more towards fact than fiction at this point.

1989 + Faith in the Future

I believe 1989 was Taylor’s first real effort to connect with other artists in a collaborative manner regarding closeting and that it was a point when her queer themes evolved significantly to include others who were being forcibly closeted within the industry.
The newspaper article was released the day after the Apollo 11 moon landing. The photo on the right is Louis Tomlinson while in One Direction in either 2014 or 2015. I’m a bad 1DMod, I know. The photo on the right is the cover of 1989, released in October of 2014. Obviously the gulls are gay, but so are both of these people. and it’s an interesting juxtaposition, no? It’s just a picture, you can dismiss it if you’d like…but I’d encourage you to be open.

NASA, Pegasus, and Reaching For the Stars

The Pegasus satellite was designed to protect Apollo and it also protects Artemis. It essentially spread its wings and measured the amount of meteoroids that hit it, allowing NASA to determine how to best keep Apollo safe while in orbit. This is more of a reach, but I am positing that Taylor is seated on Pegasus, and that Pegasus helped her escape her prison on earth and allowed her to enter orbit. Additionally, I think this theme can be seen during Lavender Haze and in Harry and Louis’ work where they climb ladders to ascend into a heavenly space…”it’s hell on earth to be heavenly.” Harry also rode a black horse in the Daylight video that this image is taken from and saw a white horse while doing so - they are siblings, twins, mirrors of one another. Harry and Taylor each have songs called Daylight, as well as several other songs with the same name.

Artemis & Apollo: Twins who glow in the sun

Taylor is Artemis
Contrary to popular belief, I am positing that Taylor herself is Artemis, that she is not just referencing Dianna Agron. As can be seen by her using the left eye for her Clockwork Orange eye, referencing the Egyptian god Horace, who was god of the moon, she is aligning herself with the moon…and the goddess of the moon is Artemis. I am going to explain the below image going from left to right ➡️ ⬇️
As was discussed in another post, Taylor is presenting herself as Artemis in the the Out of the Woods music video, trapped and unable to defend herself, looked down on by her brother Apollo. Next, as was pointed out here, we have Taylor dancing in the Delicate video, with a painting of Artemis in the background. In the Karma video, we get Taylor as Artemis, goddess of the hunt/wilderness/nature/vegetation. During Taylor’s 2019 VMA Lover performance, we see the common theme of Artemis with the moon and constellations - Artemis was associated as the goddess of the moon in later times. Then, we get a series of 3 imagines from 3 music videos of Taylor “finding herself” or rather, finding her twin. When we get to the Anti-Hero video, Taylor has evolved beyond twinship and has accepted the three faces Artemis that are seen in later mythology - Selene (sky/moon), Artemis (earth), and Hecate (the Underworld). Taylor as a mirrorball at Beyoncé’s film premier is also representative of Taylor as the moon.
I did not use this post, but I think it’s worthwhile to consider Taylor as Artemis (the moon) in light of the connection to A Clockwork Orange. As mentioned in this post, the moon is non-binary. Similarly, the Clockwork Orange eye is expressive of non-binaryism and a kind of gender queer identity.
Taylor is Artemis
Harry Styles is Apollo
Let us now consider Harry Styles as Apollo, god of the sun. Harry Styles has an arrow to his precious little laddy-lad parts, an arrow in the form of a Larry (aka. a wreath of Laurel leaves). Now, any of you Larry hating readers, I ask you to stop and actually ask yourselves WHY Taylor can code the shit out of everything and Harry Styles can’t know the very specific meaning to a tattoo framing his junk? Anyways, Apollo wears a laurel wreath to represent his love.
Apollo wore a Larry, a wreath/crown of laurel
Next we have Harry Styles wearing an Apollo 11 shirt with a friend in a 7 shirt - 7 is a significant number in Larry land and it is represented here later on in their coding. Harry posing in a swan (two male swans) shirt designed for his clothing label - swans are an animal strongly associated with Apollo, similar to Artemis’ association with deer. Fashion designer Alessandro Michele calling Harry Apollo. Harry again posing with a swan and a bust of either Apollo or David, but it looks quite similar to the photo below of Harry posing with 2 busts of Apollo. Tchaikovsky, a very famous gay male composer, composed Swan Lake - Louis is wearing a Tchaikovsky jumper, below that is an image of Harry posing with the London ballet ensemble for Swan Lake.

Karma Brings All My Friends to the Summit

Keeping in mind that this is relevant to Mass Movement Theory, I am speculating that these 3 artists are referencing the overarching celestial themes that are kind of layered into this collective. Karma needs no explaining, but I would say that unlike other instances where TayloArtemis is meeting her self, in the Karma video she is meeting Apollo or another player in the game. Gemma is Harry’s sister and she sometimes shares things that are relevant to Harry, that he is unable to share himself - this image of 3 old friends struck me as one of those times, particularly given that it’s atypical of her social media themes. The Celestial Casablanca shirt is one Louis wore on tour, right after Harry did something celestial in his clothing. The arched door is a theme in Harry’s House, with the image beyond being Earth…meaning one side is heavenly. The couple sitting by earth with Saturn‘s rings is Louis’ merch - his entire tour has had a couple moving through time and space. The last image is Harry wearing a ringed earth shirt, sitting with a robot, wishing he could go into outer space to find his love.
Collaborative Space
NASA’s Artemis
This one stuck out to me when I was googling things. This is the path of Artemis and it reminded me of The Man wall, including the vertical path in between the two objects. The Karma orange rocket is Artemis. The last image is from the Satellite video and it’s Stomper (Harry), looking up at Gold Rush and Eagle Drive. As another user pointed out, the hex codes of those street signs are basically Karma orange.

Kubrick, Checker Flags, Eyes, and Masterminds

Thanks to u/rott-mom for being the bestest mother and bringing in Beyoncé and A Clockwork Orange eye. Wearing a Clockwork Orange eye, Beyoncé is in a custom couture dress for the cover of the Cowboy Carter deluxe vinyl. Linking the checker patterns seen between all 4 artists, Beyoncé is flagging something. Additionally, the dress has the Peter Pan Neverland star in the center of it, further hinting at the concept that queerness is otherworldly. This links with the interpretation that one strand of Peter‘s meaning is that Taylor is singing it to Harry Styles.
Additionally, I have this nugget of fuckery to share. The center photo is the movie cover for A Clockwork Orange. The photo on the right is Harry Styles and it was shared by him on the 2023 anniversary or Stonewall. The one on the left is the logo for NASA’s Artemis project and I am only including it because while I can’t believe they intentionally linked it to A Clockwork Orange, it looks weirdly similar given the topic at hand.
As I said last time, in conclusion, there is no conclusion. I am postulating that at least these artists discussed have been deeply inspired by Stanley Kubrick and that they are working together to show a darker side of something that is currently hidden
submitted by 1DMod to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:23 cat_two A very early draft on my first magic system "Reccundi" - A system based off desire, sin and ambition (And the downfall of the God's). If you have any ideas on how to improve this, let me know.

(Early guns exist like muskets, but it is believed true power comes from pride and guns grant no pride in combat, people rather use swords as they are a symbol and believed giver of pride, and those who use guns are shamed. Guns are often expensive as well as there are not many gunsmiths.) This is a modern fantasy world inhabited by humans.
5000 year ago the God’s were all powerful, except Roesa the Goddess of love, the granter of peace who was weak due to her ability to only love. Each God looked after a specific part of the Earth, making the Earth different physically and culturally. These God's lived in the atmosphere of Earth, hovering over their selected regions. The effects of this can sort of still be seen today. They were good God's, kind, just and helpful, often shrinking down to the Earth to party with the Humans. They brought balance.
However their downfall was destructive, it is believed it started when a parasite snuck into the king of the God's, Zlamen, brain via his ear during a party. This parasite travelled via communication, as Zlamen spoke to his fellow God's they all began to feel its symptoms. These symptoms were similar to rabies, the God's slowly became paranoid. And so, they began to theorise. They began to believe if they consumed the Goddess of love, Roesa, they would regain their sanity, and so they forged a plan to lure Roesa to do just that. The plan worked and they lured Roesa into a secluded temple, the temple that housed the tree of love. They partied with Roesa, giving her poisonous drink which eventually caused her to sleep. After this, they consumed her, ripping and tearing every limb while the now poisoned blood dripped down the temple onto the Earth below, landing on the Earth but partically landing on the Balkan nations, forever making it a place where love cannot exist. Unconditional benevolent love on Earth was destroyed and the tree of love shrivelled, the God’s plunged further into madness, now in grief of their actions. The God’s, so demented with grief and power, attacked each other, believing they were next to die, starting “θάνατος συντριβή” (Death Shattering) which caused each region of the world to go to war with each other.
As the war went on, an unknown stronger being came to remove the God’s power. Each God was imprisoned and locked into chambers in different universes one by one. However, the now poisoned blood of Roesa dripped down onto Earth and stained it, creating πρόλογος events which made sure anybody who was becoming perfect would attract negative events and also go mad with newfound power.
The unknown stronger being replanted the tree of love which stopped the world from collappsing and allowed good deeds to be done again, but he couldn't remove the stain of Roesa from the Earth. This unknown stronger being, lets call him Rob, is a mysterious figure, nobody knows if he even exists, this is just one of the many theories of the God's disappearances. Right now, it is believed to be in slumber. Some suggest it may awake, but nothing has happened yet.
Even though Death Shattering was a while ago, Human’s still use this as arguments for war.
Some also still pray to these God’s and beg for their return as they feel it gave them a purpose. Some people even started a religion to try to contact the God’s called “οι θεοί επαφές” (The God Contacters), which house Vigils, the last remaining thing that the God’s left.
Society has rebuilt, yet there are constant wars everywhere as the fight for power the God's once brought continues. Governments are destroyed as fast as they are made. Because of this, many people resort to local gangs to protect their small rural villages from invaders, often being led by a person with a Reccundi.
Magic system: In this world there is a sin meter called krísi. As you commit more good deeds, you attract people who want to kill you but you also attract people who want to love you, but if you commit bad deeds, people become intimidated by your Misó, which leads to less people wanting to kill you and less people wanting to love you, but attracts stronger people who may want to kill you. This was created by Zlamen as a last-ditch effort with the last of his power so people would commit fewer good deeds and fight for him. When you commit more bad deeds it creates energy in your soul called “Misó”, this energy fuels your Malice and as the energy increases so does its power and capacity. It also fuels your ambition further, making you want to follow your deepest desires more. Having negative Misó makes it so you can take Misó from enemy attacks better due to lack of Misó clashing, basically making your health higher.
Misó switches its location between your weapon when it is unsheathed and your body when it is sheathed and can be concentrated into a specific spot onto a weapon to deal more damage. Your soul slowly dies as your Misó increase, making you slowly unable to stop your ambition. It is very hard to use this energy in attacks as if two blades with high Misó, or two people with high Misó, clash it creates a small powerful shockwave. This makes it so every attack must be precise as it still deals a ton of damage. But as you clash more, you get used to this small shockwave and begin to tank it.
Bad deeds increase Misó, good deeds decrease Misó.
Anything below half Misó on your krísi meter is considered negative Misó.
To get a magical ability, you must have to have had committed at least 95% of good deeds in your life. If you are like this and are about to die, a golden sweat drop will drip from your forehead, being granted from the blood of Roesa. This is called a πρόλογος event (Prologue event). The attacker will then be frozen in a state of paralysis and the user will gain the attackers weapon for life. The weapon will not leave the user and becomes encased within the users spine. It can be accessed by doing an unsheathing motion at the top of the users spine. This may seem like a blessing at first, but this means the Earth will never be peaceful and will always be in conflict no matter what due to humanities natural ambition when given power.
This is a newer version of obtaining a Reccundi, the old method was a special fruit the God's would feed people that granted much stronger Malice's and agápi, but those fruits are now exinct as they were required a very specific creation process. Some of these users are still alive and fight over their regions as it also granted them a longer lifespan.
If you have an ability, you are labelled as a “Reccundi”:
There are 3 types of Reccundi:

How to use this magic?:
To use your weapons magic, you must train it to unleash magic when you do a specific motion with it. You first need to enchant your voice.
To enchant your voice, you must have control over your weapon. To show control, all you need to do is win a fair duel against another Reccundi user. This will grant you one non-physical token which when enabled by saying the name of your weapon, enchants your voice for 60s.
When your voice is enchanted, you are granted infinite knowledge, relating to your given Malice, on how you can use the Misó inside you to control your Malice. Then all you need to do is imagine it with your eyes closed the Misó coming out of your weapon, in a form relating to your Malice, when you do a specific motion and say a certain phrase, and boom. When you do that motion again while saying that phrase the Misó will come out the same way. You can learn one move per enchanted voice.
Ineffable Reccundi learn the same way but instead of doing a motion, they do a sound.
Agápi, false and true:
The user's Malice will be shown slightly through their weapon, but the real power resides when they stab their left eye with said weapon, they will go into a short, false version of their agápi form which unlocks the user's imagination and gives the maximum Misó, also transforming them into a figure in which they are completely a being of their ambition. The God's created this so Human's would be more powerful on the battlefield. Another side effect of this is that you cannot leave the enemy's vision. However, after this short version is finished, the user will stumble for a minute then fall into a deep coma and will only awake after consuming the olive of a Greek olive tree, which were planted by the God's to aid in this. After consuming the olive, the user’s left eye will be repaired, and they will awake with no memory of what had happened. Doing this too many times may lead to blindless or dulling of powers. It is a lie created by the God's so those who have a Reccundi believe they must fight to achieve true power.
People think this is the true version of agápi, but it isn’t. It is a lie that most cannot truly comprehend over.
Your true version of your agápi is when you dismiss your deepest desires, overcome your ambition and become one with the blood of love, while also losing your weapon. This version of agápi unlocks your heart and mind, the user becomes invulnerable to harm and unable to give harm which also means they cannot speak as words can be interpellated differently. Because of this, most true agapi users are seen as strange people who lack the basic skills to communicate and due to krisi, it makes most people hate them. This means they are not common in society due to most of them leaving for greater peace. These people usually live humble lives by themselves. False Agápi rites:
When you gain an Agápi, you gain a unique ‘Rite’, This grants the user unique knowledge on how to use that imagination to their advantage. A person can only have one Rite, but you can learn how to utilize it better via consuming Vigils.
As your Misó increases, your soul slowly dies. At this point you have fuelled your Misó so much your soul is crying for help. A forge is a tattoo that is slowly engraved onto your forearm as your Misó increases, it is the words of your soul begging for you to stop.
When these words are spoken, it releases the Misó inside a person, a person can concentrate the energy into a large area or into a very small area and into any form or shape. The concentration is controlled via how fast the forge is spoken, the faster the larger the area and the slower the smaller the area. When the area is smaller, the damage is higher due to higher concentration and vice versa.
Negative Misó can make the area bring in people instead of launching people away.
It can do extra damage due to the clashing of Misó’s. If the concentration is low enough, it can even force an enemy out of their Agápi. Unlike apápi, you will not fall down after it is finished but you will not be able to use your weapon for a while, shorter for more sinful people, longer for less sinful people.
False Agápi and Forge mixing:
Mixing your Agápi and your forge will allow the user to control the area the forge is covering using their imagination. You do this by stabbing your eye as you are reading your Forge.
Τέλος (End Form):
The Τέλος, also known as the end form, is the mixing of a false Agápi, forge and an Ultimate Vigil. It traps the enemy in the users mind where user can control everything, including the enemy's imagination, Misó and knowledge. It starts at only 5 seconds, but consuming more Vigil can increase the time spent here by 5 seconds each Vigil.
The get an End Form, you need to have no soul, and you must have obtained an ultimate vigil.
Once you have done all this you need to stab your eye to activate your false Agápi, read the forge on your arm and stab your heart during a battle with the enemy. It will then activate, and you and the enemy will be transported into your dominion.
People are unable to die in this dominion, as that would remove them from your imagination. As you deal damage and come back into the normal world, the damage stays with the person who was attacked.
If you somehow activate your Τέλος during this, you are transported back to the world facing back to back with each other.
Vigils are integral to gaining power in this universe. They are small blue circular fruits about the size of a raspberry and are believed to be what gave the God’s their power. But as the God’s fought over Earth, they planted them so Humans could gain a small amount of power to win their battles. They used to be common, but as time went on, they became scarcer. The God Contacters took them and housed them in temples as it was the last remaining thing the God’s left. They increase the flow of your Misó, making your more ambitious. When swallowed, they unlock your false Agápi.
There are 5 things you must do to get a Vigil:
After consuming, you gain your false Agápi as well as its Rite. Consuming more will increase your chances of coming across an ineffable reccundi user, increase your ambition and increase your knowledge on how to utilize your false Agápi technique. Information is also revealed on the person who you said you hated the most about their Reccundi and Malice, consuming more reveals more information.
Types of Vigils:
Each temple has a certain type of Vigil which influences a specific part of your false Agápi.
Vigil of Destruction – Increases your knowledge on how to cause more destruction.
Vigil of Protection – Increases your knowledge on how to defend against destruction.
Vigil of Time – Increases time in your Agápi but also increases cooldown time.
Vigil of Pace – Reduces time in your Agápi but makes it so you can use your Agápi more frequently with a shorter cooldown.
Cursed Vigils:
Every Vigil has a unique amount of Misó inside of it, the higher the Misó inside a Vigil the harder it is to consume but it will give you a higher effect depending on what Vigil you consumed.
Ultimate Vigil:
An ultimate Vigil is a very hard thing to obtain, it is a red circular fruit that replaces your heart after eating via dissovling the heart and embedding itself inside your body. It was once used by the God's to kill each other in the Death Shattering. You obtain it by:
Ultimate Vigils are used to obtain your Τέλος (End form)

submitted by cat_two to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:34 Arguably_A_Goose AITA for not being excited about my wife’s tattoo?

So a bit of background; I don’t like tattoos. I find them off-putting and unattractive and I don’t think they look good on anyone, man or woman. It’s entirely 100% a “me” problem.
Intellectually I know that there’s nothing wrong with tattoos, and they’re a great form of self-expression and they can be moving and meaningful and all that jazz. I know that. It’s just a visceral gut reaction I have that causes this particular hang-up.
My wonderful wife of 13 years wants to get a tattoo. She knows I don’t care for them and she asked me what I thought about her getting one. I said tattoos weren’t my favorite but it was her body and her business and I would love her just the same if she got one. Maybe not super well-phrased answer but she grumpily accepted it.
Now she would like me to help her design the tattoo, and/or make it a tattoo in my handwriting maybe? I said I wasn’t sure I was super comfortable with that and that she should do what she wants to do but that I didn’t really want to be involved in the process. She didn’t like that reply.
She is upset now because she says that I’m making her feel like she can’t get a tattoo and she’ll never get one now even though she’s always wanted one. I feel like she wants me to be excited about this and I really want her to do what she wants, but I’m NOT excited about it and I just don’t know if I can pretend to be. That’s not a permanent lie I care to commit to.
submitted by Arguably_A_Goose to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:32 cat-scratches- my sister (25 F) keeps messing around with my family and i’s relationship.

im 22 now, but when i was about 16 or 17 i got removed from my fathers house (he kicked me out) because my older sister, who often hurt me physically and constantly got verbal growing up, found out that i was hanging out with friends calling and texting and that at i was speaking to a guy. she phrased it to him like it was a crime i was committing, like i was out giving myself to people and doing drugs, when that wasnt the case at all. i just wanted to do americanized things..i grew up here afterall. she even lied to my younger siblings claiming i was doing even worse things and refuses to tell them she lied. growing up she abused me along with my parents and had even had a drug problem to the point of living with a dealer at 16, and defiant issues outside of home. she still has all those issues (besides drugs to my knowledge) i lived with my mother. (my parents are divorced) i ended up being abused that whole time in the relationship i had with a guy, he even turned out to be a pedophile and i cut off the friends i had at the time as they were getting into sketchy things and disrespecting me. i then sought therapy and worked a really good job for about 2-3 years and im in a relationship right now with someone new. i have a friend or two but they are busy with academics and internships and dont have time to talk or hangout as much. i feel like i barely matter to anyone because i cant have that emotional support or someone that constantly wants me around the way i do for them. unrelated but it does play a factor. for context, my parents are from a 3rd world country and immigrated to america and there are 6 of us. i experienced abuse growing up, went to trauma therapy and they explained the cultural factors and stuff but that it still isnt okay. i thought i was over it until now..
ive been here for 5 years without problems, a year ago almost now my older sister ended up moving in with us. it has been constant arguing the same way she did growing up. now, my mom does not like that i have relationships with others, but puts up with it considering i work and handle myself. i recently got a license and even bought a 2020 car with saved up money. i quit my job a few months ago though because i have been feeling really depressed and struggling. in exchange i started therapy. i don’t involve her in my personal life but we usually get along. a few days ago my sister had one of her weekly arguments with me, because i said i have interviews and want to work again. my mom constantly would say she is jealous and things because my older sister is a college dropout and has never worked a day in her life really. shes lazy and always combative. all of a sudden, i fought back for once because she constantly does this to me and i am tired. im 22 now, and shes been doing this to me since i was a kid. somehow she played victim, called the cops and made it seem like i was a horrible, vile person. my mother yelled and slapped me. said i was a loser. took credibility for everything ive done and said i wouldnt have done it without her when she never even helped me get any of those things. she scrutinized me for the way i look, tattoos and piercings but theyre very minimal. and said i was dumb to think there is any love or respect for me, i cannot everyone and cant have friends or a relationship. even said it was because of how i look racially (im mixed).
it seems shes turned my father against me at first and now my mom against me now and they say horrible things behind my back in which i can hear from my room. my mom and her are acting like i don’t exist and have conversations and laugh without me. im not included in anything anymore. i sit in my room and hear it all. no one apologizes for the way they’ve been treating me and just is focusing on me standing up for myself after never doing so. i have nowhere to go or a job and i don’t want to be here anymore. there is no point.
TDLR: my older sister ruined my relationship with my father by lying to him about my whereabouts as a teenager causing me to be kicked out. past 5 years i have lived with my mother and things were always good. my big sister, she has constantly been abusing me for years and moved in a year ago & repeated the same behaviors again. i stood up for myself for once but she played victim and they are acting as if i dont exist and insult me.
i dont know what to do and want to get out.
submitted by cat-scratches- to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:02 Federal_Bus3867 Galen Fleets, The Wild Child

Since I made two OC's for the other two Fleet inherited techniques I decided to make the third one.
Name: Galen Fleets Age: 22 Grade: Between 1st and Special Grade History: Galen is the youngest sibling of the three fleets' children. Galen is a very unconventional sorcerer, the way he uses his inherited technique is very different from the past users, so for that reason many of the older retired sorcerers of the Fleets family dislike Galen. His older siblings Aurelia and Jade don't mind this behavior though. Galen is very much a free spirit and he goes and does whatever he wants.
Cursed Technique
Extension Technique
Maximum Technique
Domain Expansion
Heavenly Restriction
Prosthetics: In response to Galen's HR, he was given several cursed prosthetics.
Other Techniques
submitted by Federal_Bus3867 to CTsandbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:27 naptime-connoisseur Make it so knuckle tattoo

I know I saw someone share their make it so knuckle tattoos on here, but I have searched the sub, reddit in general, Pinterest, and google and I can’t find it. I know I saved it to show my partner but ofc it’s lost in the abyss that is my camera roll. If that was you can you share it again? Or maybe you’re someone who knows exactly where to find it or the exact right google phrase? Any help would be deeply appreciated!
submitted by naptime-connoisseur to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:32 ksarlathotep Titles being mistranslated for no damn reason

I've been wondering about this for some time. I get that translation is an ambiguous business, difficult choices have to be made to preserve nuance and meaning and all, but sometimes people will just straight up give up on the original title and come up with something else, and I do not understand why.
The House of the Spirits is called "愛と精霊の家" in Japanese, literally "The House of Spirits and Love". Why? Why would you just randomly fucking add that?
Norwegian Wood by Murakami is called "ノルウェイの森", "Norwegian Wood", in Japanese. And then in German they changed it to "Naokos Lächeln". "Naoko's Smile". Why. These are perfectly good words and they exist in German. Why would you do this.
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is called "Män som hatar kvinnor" in Swedish, which means "Men who hate women". Why. What is the point. Why do this.
Feel free to add your own examples, but I'm mostly interested in reasoning. Maybe someone here works in translation or publishing and can shed some light on that? I just flat out don't understand why these changes are made, who makes those calls, who authorizes that. Clearly none of these examples are ambiguous or anything, this is not the vagaries of translation, people are just randomly changing titles.
ETA: I know that Stieg Larsson is Swedish! I realize I phrased this stupidly, but my point is that translating "Män som hatar kvinnor" as "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is arbitrary and weird and ridiculous.
submitted by ksarlathotep to books [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:27 SeroCloud Japanese > English, need help translating this phrase for a tattoo.

なんて 夢 みたい Friend gave me this to tattoo her arm, I asked her and she said her friend told her something about a dream. Wanted to confirm, don’t want to tattoo something obscene or something. Help is appreciated.
submitted by SeroCloud to translator [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:59 AwwSomeOpossum [English > Japanese] Looking for proverbs to express a certain sentiment

I have been trying to find words or phrases regarding mental health in Japanese, but all I can find are words for different conditions. I'm looking for positive words or phrases regarding battling and overcoming struggle and adversity, particularly as can be related to mental health.
I've found individual words, like 光 and 康福, that I believe are based around happiness, but my Japanese is very rudimentary, so I don't understand the deeper nuances.
I'd also be interested in any relevant short phrases or idioms. I like yojijukugo, but I don't know many of them. On a link from another post here, I found 雲外蒼天, which seemed to fit, but I'm not sure.
To help illustrate the kind of thing I'm looking for, English equivalents would be quotes like "You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh, or "Nothing can dim the light that shines from within." - Maya Angelou.
(For context, yes, this is for tattoo ideas. I know all the reasons kanji tattoos are a bad idea, I've considered them. Here is the reason I would still like one: I have struggled with my mental health all my life, which has made it difficult for me to achieve many things that come easily for some. In the past few years, I've gone from struggling just to stay alive, to finally earning my degree, something I wasn't sure I'd ever accomplish. I've wanted to visit Japan for decades, so in honor of my graduation, my parents got me plane tickets. I am here now, something I never would have thought possible, because of how hard I've worked on my mental health. I want to get a tattoo in an inconspicuous place, to remind myself that happiness is possible through hard work. That's why I like the idea of a yojijukugo, something that says a lot in few words.) the copypasta, I posted this originally in LearnJapanese and was advised to post here.
submitted by AwwSomeOpossum to translator [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:33 MoonLovesNobody Lackadaisy crew + Mordecai as MJ songs

I had a strong Michael Jackson fan phase when I was around 11 years old and I’ve been listening to him a lot again, so I thought, why not assign MJ songs to my favourite anthropomorphic cats?
Warning you, this is going to be a fairly long post. Be ready:
  1. Mitzi May:
    1. Would sound like: You Rock My World. Nice beat, flirty lyrics and an overall charismatic song. No other MJ song's sound could project the personality of my favourite maneater (I wouldn't say this is explicit/entirely canon, but I like to see her that way).
    2. Would have the lyrics of: Hollywood Tonight. The lyrics of Hollywood Tonight reminded me of the conversation she and Zib had in "Vestige". I can see her struggling to have a decent performance/place on the stage to survive, changing her name, her appearance... everything about her just to be appealing to whoever hired hepaid her. Sad story.
    3. Reminds me of: Dirty Diana. Specifically in "Briar-patch".
  2. Rocky Rickaby:
    1. Would sound like: Just Good Friends. The instrumental is fun, and danceable, if you get what I mean. If the story was set in the late 80's, he would be jamming to that 24/7, I just know that.
    2. Would have the lyrics of: Speed Demon. No explanation is needed, honestly.
    3. Reminds me of: Rockin' Robin. That song is the audible representation of what I imagine Rocky would be like as a little boy. Fun, energetic, jumping and playing around.
  3. Ivy Pepper:
    1. Would sound like: Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'. Fast-paced, bright, and fun. You know perfectly well Ivy would dance her little feet off with that song.
    2. Would have the lyrics of: Get on the Floor. Just like Rocky, there is no explanation needed.
    3. Reminds me of: Burn This Disco Out. I think you can already notice a pattern with this character.
  4. Calvin McMurray:
    1. Would sound like: I Just Can't Stop Loving You. It may contrast with his personality when he's got a gun in his hand, but his usually kind and shy demeanour makes this song perfect for him.
    2. Would have the lyrics of: Love Never Felt So Good. I have a soft spot for him, just like the one I have for LNFSG. The song instantly came to my mind when I thought of him. He's such a sweet boy, please.
    3. Reminds me of: Baby Be Mine. This was the song playing in Ivy's head when she saw him. That's it. You can't say no to that.
  5. Viktor Vasko:
    1. Would sound like: Give In to Me. You know how some people say that a modern version of Viktor would have a motorcycle and a bunch of tattoos? Yeah? Well, I agree, and this choice confirms it.
    2. Would have the lyrics of: Scream. That guy is frustrated, let me tell you.
    3. Reminds me of: Behind the Mask. For this one, I really can't explain the reason why. He just reminds me of that song and that's it; no canon scenes, no headcanons, no lyrics can explain why I associate Viktor with Behind The Mask. I just do and you will accept it.
  6. Dorian Zibowski:
    1. Would sound like: In The Closet. There's not a single thing in that song that you could classify as "pure", and that's exactly what I think of that man. He'll be having flings with his bandmates and all and then act like nothing happened during the comic (at least to the extent I have already read). That is a mischievous man we are talking about right now.
    2. Would have the lyrics of: Billie Jean. It is partially because of the feeling I get from listening to that song, but I cannot deny I can see this man having at least one child he doesn't know of 😭.
    3. Reminds me of: Chicago. Same thing I said for Billie Jean.
  7. Mordecai Heller:
    1. Would sound like: Dangerous. Of course, my favourite character was required to have my favourite instrumental. I love that piano in the back of Dangerous, the harmonies, everything about it. Even when it is not the most complex song in Michael's discography, it will remain as my favourite song of his for the rest of my life. Plus, that man is, indeed, dangerous (for anyone involved in his job and for my sanity).
    2. Would have the lyrics of: Smooth Criminal. Maybe not the entire song, since I don't see him just being a criminal because he can, but certain phrases in the intro like "He left the bloodstains on the carpet" and "As he came into the window was the sound of a crescendo" reminded me of specific frames in the comic, like the ones in "Bookkeeper".
    3. Reminds me of: Leave Me Alone. He's an introverted guy with a whole suitcase of trauma to unpack, and I also think he may be tired of doing what he does for a living. Exhausted, frustrated, stressed... everything Leave Me Alone portrays, to my interpretation. I was close to saying P.Y.T. just because I have a crazy cartoon crush on him, but that would be way too delusional and not accurate enough to what he is as a character.
And, well, that is pretty much it for this annoyingly long post. I hope you like it. Have a good day.
submitted by MoonLovesNobody to Lackadaisy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:18 cat_two A very early draft on the magic system "Reccundi". A system based off desire, sin and ambition. If you have any ideas on how to improve this and make it more creative, let me know.

(Early guns exist like muskets, but it is believed true power comes from pride and guns grant no pride in combat, people rather use swords as they are a symbol and believed giver of pride, and those who use guns are shamed. Guns are often expensive as well as there are not many gunsmiths.) This is a modern fantasy world inhabited by humans in the year 1667.
5000 year ago the God’s were all powerful except Roesa the Goddess of love, the granter of peace who was weak due to her ability to only love. Each God was a God of a specific element in life similiar to Greek God's; God of Luck, God of Life, God of the Ocean, etc. They all looked after a specific part of the Earth, shaping the Earth different physically and culturally depending on what the God was the God of. These God's lived in the atmosphere of Earth, hovering over their selected regions. They were good God's, kind, just and helpful, often shrinking down to the Earth to party with the Humans. They brought balance.
However their downfall was destructive, it is believed it started when a parasite snuck into the king of the God's, Zlamen (The God of Knowledge), brain via his ear during a party. This parasite travelled via communication, as Zlamen spoke to his fellow God's they all began to feel its symptoms. These symptoms were similar to rabies, the God's slowly became paranoid, wrathful and started to develop imposter syndrome. And so, they began to theorise. They began to believe if they consumed the Goddess of love, Roesa, they would regain their sanity, and so they forged a plan to lure Roesa to do just that. The plan worked and they lured Roesa into a secluded temple, the temple that housed the tree of love. They partied with Roesa, giving her poisonous drink which eventually caused her to sleep. After this, they consumed her, ripping and tearing every limb while the now poisoned blood dripped down the temple onto the Earth below, landing on the Earth but partically landing on the Balkan region, forever making it a place where love cannot exist. Unconditional benevolent love on Earth was destroyed and the tree of love shrivelled, the God’s plunged further into madness, now in grief of their actions. The God’s, so demented with grief and power, attacked each other, believing they were next to die, starting “θάνατος συντριβή” (Death Shattering) which caused each region of the world to go to war with each other.
As the war went on, an unknown stronger being came to remove the God’s power. Each God was imprisoned and locked into chambers in different universes one by one. However, the now poisoned blood of Roesa dripped down onto Earth and stained it, creating πρόλογος events which made sure anybody who was becoming perfect would attract negative events and also go mad with newfound power.
The unknown stronger being replanted the tree of love which stopped the world from collappsing and allowed good deeds to be done again, but he couldn't remove the stain of Roesa from the Earth. This unknown stronger being, lets call him Rob, is a mysterious figure, nobody knows if he even exists, this is just one of the many theories of the God's disappearances. Right now, it is believed to be in slumber. Some suggest it may awake, but nothing has happened yet.
Even though Death Shattering was a while ago, Human’s still use this as arguments for war.
Some also still pray to these God’s and beg for their return as they feel it gave them a purpose. Some people even started a religion to try to contact the God’s called “οι θεοί επαφές” (The God Contacters), which house Vigils, the last remaining thing that the God’s left.
Society has rebuilt, yet there are constant wars everywhere as the fight for power the God's once brought continues. Governments are destroyed as fast as they are made. Because of this, many people resort to local gangs to protect their small rural villages from invaders, often being led by a person with a Reccundi. 'Countries' are often just the naming of groups of people who live in a certain area who are only a country because they look different.
Magic system: In this world there is a sin meter called krísi. As you commit more good deeds, you attract people who want to kill you but you also attract people who want to love you, but if you commit bad deeds, people become intimidated, which leads to less people wanting to kill you, but attracts stronger people who may want to kill you. This was created by Zlamen as a last-ditch effort with the last of his power so people would commit fewer good deeds and fight for him. When you commit more bad deeds it creates energy in your soul called “Misó”, this energy fuels your Malice and as the energy increases so does its power and capacity. It also fuels your ambition further, making you want to follow your deepest desires more. It switches its location between your weapon when it is unsheathed and your body when it is sheathed and can be concentrated into a specific spot onto a weapon to deal more damage. Your soul slowly dies as your Misó increase, making you slowly unable to stop your ambition. It is very hard to use this energy in attacks as if two blades with high Misó, or two people with high Misó, clash it creates a small powerful shockwave. This makes it so every attack must be precise as it still deals a ton of damage. But as you clash more, you get used to this small shockwave.
To get a magical ability, you must have to have had committed at least 95% of good deeds in your life. If you are like this and are about to die, a golden sweat drop will drip from your forehead, being granted from the blood of Roesa. This is called a πρόλογος event (Prologue event). The attacker will then be frozen in a state of paralysis and the user will gain the attackers weapon for life. The weapon will not leave the user and becomes encased within the users spine. It can be accessed by doing an unsheathing motion at the top of the users spine. This may seem like a blessing at first, but this means the Earth will never be peaceful and will always be in conflict no matter what due to humaninities natural ambition when given power.
This is a newer version of obtaining a Reccundi, the old method was a special fruit the God's would feed people that granted much stronger Malice's and agápi, but those fruits are now exinct as they were required a very specific creation process. Some of these users are still alive and fight over their regions as it also granted them a longer lifespan.
If you have an ability, you are labelled as a “Reccundi”:
There are 3 types of Reccundi:

How do I use this magic?:
To use your weapons magic, you must train it to unleash magic when you do a specific motion with it. You first need to enchant your voice.
To enchant your voice, you must have control over your weapon. To show control, all you need to do is win a duel against another human. This will grant you one non-physical token which when enabled by saying the name of your weapon, enchants your voice for 60s.
When your voice is enchanted, you are granted infinite knowledge, relating to your given Malice, on how you can use the Misó inside you to control your Malice. Then all you need to do is imagine it with your eyes closed the Misó coming out of your weapon, in a form relating to your Malice, when you do a specific motion and say a certain phrase, and boom. When you do that motion again while saying that phrase the Misó will come out the same way. You can learn one move per enchanted voice.
Ineffable Reccundi learn the same way but instead of doing a motion, they do a sound.
Agápi, false and true:
The user's Malice will be shown slightly through their weapon, but the real power resides when they stab their right eye with said weapon, they will go into a short, false version of their agápi form which unlocks the user's imagination, also transforming them into a figure in which they are completely a being of their ambition. The God's created this so Human's would be more powerful on the battlefield. Another side effect of this is that you cannot leave the enemy's vision. However, after this short version is finished, the user will stumble for a minute then fall into a deep coma and will only awake after consuming the olive of a Greek olive tree, which were planted by the God's to aid in this. After consuming the olive, the user’s right eye will be repaired, and they will awake with no memory of what had happened. Doing this too many times may lead to blindless or dulling of powers. It is a lie created by the God's so those who have a Reccundi believe they must fight to achieve true power.
People think this is the true version of agápi, but it isn’t. It is a lie that most cannot truly comprehend over.
Your true version of your agápi is when you dismiss your deepest desires, overcome your ambition and become one with the blood of love, while also losing your weapon. This version of agápi unlocks your heart and mind, the user becomes invulnerable to harm and unable to give harm which also means they cannot speak as words can be interpellated differently. Because of this, most true agapi users are seen as strange people who lack the basic skills to communicate and due to krisi, it makes most people hate them. This means they are not common in society due to most of them leaving for greater peace. These people usually live humble lives by themselves. False Agápi rites:
When you gain an Agápi, you gain a unique ‘Rite’, This grants the user unique knowledge on how to use that imagination to their advantage. A person can only have one Rite, but you can learn how to utilize it better via consuming Vigils.
As your Misó increases, your soul slowly dies. At this point you have fuelled your Misó so much your soul is crying for help. A forge is a tattoo that is slowly engraved onto your forearm as your Misó increases, it is the words of your soul begging for you to stop. When these words are spoken, it releases the Misó inside a person, a person can concentrate the energy into a large area or into a very small area and into any form or shape. The concentration is controlled via how fast the forge is spoken, the faster the larger the area and the slower the smaller the area. When the area is smaller, the damage is higher due to higher concentration and vice versa. It can do extra damage due to the clashing of Misó’s. If the concentration is low enough, it can even force an enemy out of their Agápi. Unlike apápi, you will not fall down after it is finished but you will not be able to use your weapon for a while, shorter for more sinful people, longer for less sinful people.
False Agápi and Forge mixing:
Mixing your Agápi and your forge will allow the user to control the area the forge is covering using their imagination. You do this by stabbing your eye as you are reading your Forge.
Τέλος (End Form):
The Τέλος, also known as the end form, is the mixing of a false Agápi, forge and an Ultimate Vigil. It traps the enemy in the users mind where user can control everything, including the enemy's imagination, Misó and knowledge. It starts at only 5 seconds, but consuming more Vigil can increase the time spent here by 5 seconds each Vigil.
The get an End Form, you need to have no soul, and you must have obtained an ultimate vigil.
Once you have done all this you need to stab your eye to activate your false Agápi, read the forge on your arm and stab your heart during a battle with the enemy. It will then activate, and you and the enemy will be transported into your dominion.
People are unable to die in this dominion, as that would remove them from your imagination. As you deal damage and come back into the normal world, the damage stays with the person who was attacked.
If you somehow activate your Τέλος during this, you are transported back to the world facing back to back with each other.
Vigils are integral to gaining power in this universe. They are small blue circular fruits about the size of a raspberry and are believed to be what gave the God’s their power. But as the God’s fought over Earth, they planted them so Humans could gain a small amount of power to win their battles. They used to be common, but as time went on, they became scarcer. The God Contacters took them and housed them in temples as it was the last remaining thing the God’s left. They increase the flow of your Misó, making your more ambitious. When swallowed, they unlock your false Agápi.
There are 5 things you must do to get a Vigil:
After consuming, you gain your false Agápi as well as its Rite. Consuming more will increase your chances of coming across an ineffable reccundi user, increase your ambition and increase your knowledge on how to utilize your false Agápi technique. Information is also revealed on the person who you said you hated the most about their Reccundi and Malice, consuming more reveals more information.
Ultimate Vigil:
An ultimate Vigil is a very hard thing to obtain, it is a red circular fruit that replaces your heart after eating via dissovling the heart and embedding itself inside your body. It was once used by the God's to kill each other in the Death Shattering, they killed the weaker God's to obtain the fruit which they would then use on the stronger God's. You obtain it by:
Ultimate Vigils are used to obtain your Τέλος (End form)
submitted by cat_two to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:35 drunk-step-dad What does the Buddhist community think of sak yant? What about other tattoos/body mods of Buddhist symbols?

What does the Buddhist community think of sak yant? What about other tattoos/body mods of Buddhist symbols?
So I know some Buddhist look at getting a tattoo or a body mod of anything Buddhist related aw offensive. I was thinking of getting a tattoo/brand of Buddhist symbols but I was wondering exactly how many Buddhist will potentially get offended? I would definitely like to learn Buddhism/meditation/yoga from a teacher, but, one concern that popped up is that they may reject me as a student because of it.
The last question I have is do some Buddhists view sak yant as disrespectful?
submitted by drunk-step-dad to Buddhism [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:16 Krubissi Are flag tattoos cringy?

I was thinking about getting a small tattoo of the Second Spanish Republic's flag, on my arm under my shoulder, like you would a patch, beneath the phrase: "sometimes antisocial, always antifascist".
I was wondering if it's considered cringe to get a flag tattoo, imo the ones that are, are those where they go too over the top with the flag or have the weird, ripped skin style (ykwim?).
I think a tattoo of just the regular flag, just the rectangular flag, is fine, but I wanted to get second opinions.
submitted by Krubissi to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:12 Throwaway_helpmd I (23M) slept with my long time friend (26F) that I have feelings for and she is ignoring me, what should I do now?

Hey to start this off English isn’t my first language and I am well aware of the age difference which is exactly 2.5yrs so its not that serious.
For some background. We started texting on instagram 3 yrs ago. She was with my uni classmate (25F) lets call her Anna at the gym (she also attended the same university but at different faculty) where we saw each other for the first time and then we run to each other few more times, after that she started following me on insta. She was in long term relationship back then and all we talked about was music. Since she is intelligent, beautiful and listens to heavy metal as I do, I was smitten and also loved that we have some common ground.
She is also tattoo artist and pretty good at that I must admit - and I am pretty heavily tattooed gymrat so I hope you get the picture. She aint as active as I am but she has many others hobbies and qualities that I adore. (She draw, paint, she is basically heavily artistic person and I can’t help but admire everything she do) but she goes to gym as well and work really hard but body is one of the last thing I see when I look at her to be honest, even though I never seen someone who would measure to her beauty.
Back then we texted occasionally, she flew to a different country for a 3 months and few weeks after that, she broken up with her then bf and moved out. We met few times at some uni event and at one hockey play between our university vs another one we were with Anna and her bf- he is coincidentally my best friend (I attended just because I knew she would be there and I also think that Anna tried to get us together) we talked for a bit but she didn’t pay much attention to me.
I was disappointed because I thought we had chemistry through the texts and I wanted to explore that a little bit but Anna later told me that she was freshly out of relationship (probably month or two I don’t remember) so she were distant.
The next day she texted me and apologized for her behavior which wasn’t bad or anything she was just distant.
So we agreed on a hike together. She aint as active but she managed to keep up with me - I was pretty surprised, we talked a lot and it was all just easy and fun. Then I invited her to one of the underground concert of one of the metal band we listens to and until then I adored her, I thought about her as one of my close friends even though we actively talked just for a half a year at that point.
But then I saw her at the pit she got a nosebleed because someone pushed her harder and she smiled widely and said that if it aint broken it doesn’t matter. That was the moment - half of her face was covered in blood and she smiled with excitement from the concert and I fell for her… hard. For the rest of the show I protected her with my own body I couldn’t help it.
We gradually spend more and more time together, after a month from the concert I tried to hint that I might have some feelings for her but she pushed it down with “you don’t know me well enough” or that “you will get over it in a few days” she laughed it off and then I learned that it was habit of hers since she turned down a lot of guys with those phrases but I decided to be president. She often joked that I am the hottest men she knows and my future gf is the luckiest (that ofc bothered me endlessly but also gave me hope since I knew she was attracted to me). After a few more moths of spending more and more time together she opened up to me and told me she has a bipolar disorder (she is treated and take medication, she is really responsible with all of that) and she doesn’t think anyone deserves to suffer her existence by being in relationship with her (I don’t have to say I would give everything to take that place)
After a whole year and a half of talkin I decided that she just need some more time and I will definitely be there when she is ready. She hates when someone randomly hugs her or touch her (unless she is tattooing) so she lets other be in her personal space or touch her if she truly feels safe and trust the other person. I think its one of the most adorable things and I love that she is constantly leaning against me and touches me on her own and I of course couldn’t help bur reciprocate.
Neither of us smoke, drink or anything like that but recently Anna celebrated her 25th birthday and we both made an exception. It was really fun night, I wasn’t that drunk that is probably because of my build and she seemed to be tipsy but conscious. We were talking for most of the night and everyone was joking about us getting a room - we weren’t touching or anything but it was obvious that I had a feelings for her - at least to everyone except for her.
She believed that I was over her since I stopped pushing. We drank some more to stay in the right state of mind and when we decided to head to the bed we found out most of the people were asleep or laying in the bed and the only place was fold-out couch, she said she didn’t mind so we laid down still talking about random stuff. We were alone in the room since it was a living room and everyone was upstairs so we didn’t need to shut it. We talked for a few minutes and then decided to get some rest, she automatically snuggled with me and my heartbeat was through the roof, I caressed her hair and it was all so intimate and intense I almost couldn’t breathe.
She kissed me and we ended up sleeping together. I am not sure if it was my long abstinence but I would swear it was the best I ever had. (I asked her several times if she really want to do it and she responded yes every time) I pulled her closer after that and felt asleep, happier than ever, thinking our relationship finally moved.
I woke up alone and Anna told me she - my girl had to leave early since she had some emergency. I felt anxiety all over my body and just from my reaction she asked me what is going on, but I didn’t want anyone to push her or ambush her with unwanted advices and questions. So i brushed her off.
She texted me that night that she needs time to process everything and to give her a time. It’s been a week and I don’t know what to do. We used to text daily and now every passing minute is like a torture, like I was waiting for some trial verdict. I miss her terribly and If I would’ve known it would be like that I wouldn’t touch her. I am lost and I have no one to talk to about it since most of our friends are literally mixed and I really do not want anyone we know into our business. But I really need an advice how to proceed in this situation or what to think about this whole mess. I am feeling absolutely terrible and exhausted in constant anxiety. Everything is so much easier with her by my side that I couldn’t imagine losing her.
TL;DR: I have a strong feeling for my friend for almost 2,5yrs but she is unavailable even though we are extremely close. We slept together for the first time over a week ago at our friends birthday party and she texted me she need time. But I am nervous about her decision and I would like to get some insight and advice what to do
submitted by Throwaway_helpmd to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:40 Throwaway_helpmd I (23M) slept with my long time friend (26F) that I have feelings for and she is ignoring me, what should I do now?

Hey to start this off English isn’t my first language and I am well aware of the age difference which is exactly 2.5yrs so its not that serious.
For some background. We started texting on instagram 3 yrs ago. She was with my uni classmate (25F) lets call her Anna at the gym (she also attended the same university but at different faculty) where we saw each other for the first time and then we run to each other few more times, after that she started following me on insta. She was in long term relationship back then and all we talked about was music. Since she is intelligent, beautiful and listens to heavy metal as I do, I was smitten and also loved that we have some common ground.
She is also tattoo artist and pretty good at that I must admit - and I am pretty heavily tattooed gymrat so I hope you get the picture. She aint as active as I am but she has many others hobbies and qualities that I adore. (She draw, paint, she is basically heavily artistic person and I can’t help but admire everything she do) but she goes to gym as well and work really hard but body is one of the last thing I see when I look at her to be honest, even though I never seen someone who would measure to her beauty.
Back then we texted occasionally, she flew to a different country for a 3 months and few weeks after that, she broken up with her then bf and moved out. We met few times at some uni event and at one hockey play between our university vs another one we were with Anna and her bf- he is coincidentally my best friend (I attended just because I knew she would be there and I also think that Anna tried to get us together) we talked for a bit but she didn’t pay much attention to me.
I was disappointed because I thought we had chemistry through the texts and I wanted to explore that a little bit but Anna later told me that she was freshly out of relationship (probably month or two I don’t remember) so she were distant.
The next day she texted me and apologized for her behavior which wasn’t bad or anything she was just distant.
So we agreed on a hike together. She aint as active but she managed to keep up with me - I was pretty surprised, we talked a lot and it was all just easy and fun. Then I invited her to one of the underground concert of one of the metal band we listens to and until then I adored her, I thought about her as one of my close friends even though we actively talked just for a half a year at that point.
But then I saw her at the pit she got a nosebleed because someone pushed her harder and she smiled widely and said that if it aint broken it doesn’t matter. That was the moment - half of her face was covered in blood and she smiled with excitement from the concert and I fell for her… hard. For the rest of the show I protected her with my own body I couldn’t help it.
We gradually spend more and more time together, after a month from the concert I tried to hint that I might have some feelings for her but she pushed it down with “you don’t know me well enough” or that “you will get over it in a few days” she laughed it off and then I learned that it was habit of hers since she turned down a lot of guys with those phrases but I decided to be president. She often joked that I am the hottest men she knows and my future gf is the luckiest (that ofc bothered me endlessly but also gave me hope since I knew she was attracted to me). After a few more moths of spending more and more time together she opened up to me and told me she has a bipolar disorder (she is treated and take medication, she is really responsible with all of that) and she doesn’t think anyone deserves to suffer her existence by being in relationship with her (I don’t have to say I would give everything to take that place)
After a whole year and a half of talkin I decided that she just need some more time and I will definitely be there when she is ready. She hates when someone randomly hugs her or touch her (unless she is tattooing) so she lets other be in her personal space or touch her if she truly feels safe and trust the other person. I think its one of the most adorable things and I love that she is constantly leaning against me and touches me on her own and I of course couldn’t help bur reciprocate.
Neither of us smoke, drink or anything like that but recently Anna celebrated her 25th birthday and we both made an exception. It was really fun night, I wasn’t that drunk that is probably because of my build and she seemed to be tipsy but conscious. We were talking for most of the night and everyone was joking about us getting a room - we weren’t touching or anything but it was obvious that I had a feelings for her - at least to everyone except for her.
She believed that I was over her since I stopped pushing. We drank some more to stay in the right state of mind and when we decided to head to the bed we found out most of the people were asleep or laying in the bed and the only place was fold-out couch, she said she didn’t mind so we laid down still talking about random stuff. We were alone in the room since it was a living room and everyone was upstairs so we didn’t need to shut it. We talked for a few minutes and then decided to get some rest, she automatically snuggled with me and my heartbeat was through the roof, I caressed her hair and it was all so intimate and intense I almost couldn’t breathe.
She kissed me and we ended up sleeping together. I am not sure if it was my long abstinence but I would swear it was the best I ever had. (I asked her several times if she really want to do it and she responded yes every time) I pulled her closer after that and felt asleep, happier than ever, thinking our relationship finally moved.
I woke up alone and Anna told me she - my girl had to leave early since she had some emergency. I felt anxiety all over my body and just from my reaction she asked me what is going on, but I didn’t want anyone to push her or ambush her with unwanted advices and questions. So i brushed her off.
She texted me that night that she needs time to process everything and to give her a time. It’s been a week and I don’t know what to do. We used to text daily and now every passing minute is like a torture, like I was waiting for some trial verdict. I miss her terribly and If I would’ve known it would be like that I wouldn’t touch her. I am lost and I have no one to talk to about it since most of our friends are literally mixed and I really do not want anyone we know into our business. But I really need an advice how to proceed in this situation or what to think about this whole mess. I am feeling absolutely terrible and exhausted in constant anxiety. Everything is so much easier with her by my side that I couldn’t imagine losing her.
TL;DR: I have a strong feeling for my friend for almost 2,5yrs but she is unavailable even though we are extremely close. We slept together for the first time over a week ago at our friends birthday party and she texted me she need time. But I am nervous about her decision and I would like to get some insight and advice what to do
submitted by Throwaway_helpmd to relationships [link] [comments]
