Letter decline renew lease rent

Boston Tenants

2014.08.12 22:42 wihz Boston Tenants

For discussions, news, and organizing on subjects related to Boston area tenant's rights, issues, and resources.

2024.06.01 13:30 AutoModerator Dangerous legal precedent about to be set if my eviction appeal is not granted

Tens of thousands of South Carolina mobile homeowners manufactured before 1976 & renting the land it sits upon, can be legally evicted without cause if the Appellate court upholds the verdict of my eviction based solely upon the wording of the 30-day notice of the end of the term of their expired lease agreement.
Many, if not most renters of land in a mobile home park, have leases for one year, which likely have never been renewed from year to year, as the law states.
If my case is not dismissed, it will become 'case law', which can then be used by any greedy, unscrupulous landowner who wants to own your home to evict you and take possession of your home, whether there exists no cause or reason for the eviction.
submitted by AutoModerator to SCPoliticalCorruption [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 Rhase The housing crisis.

I am so fucking tired of suffering housing insecurity. I made 70k+ the past 3 years and now clear 6 figures in a new role. I shouldn't be suffering housing insecurity.
I'm not even talking buying; obviously I should be able to afford to buy but low 6 figures gives you no real buying power in this market. Or period in New England.
I'm talking rentals. I've been forced farther and farther from Boston, which okay I guess fair enough but rents went up 50% in less than 2 years. Now you can't even find a place for less than 2k/m without housemates. And even when you FIND an amazing place where you're finally approaching feeling safe with good people, the landlords in MA are such cunts they'll rip the carpet right out from under you (Kelly Ryan Real estate; refused to renew the lease after I asked for a heads up if someone is entering the home after they sent two teenagers over unannounced and I found them rummaging through our stuff. They sure showed me how meaningless I was and how powerful they were. Housemate warned me the family had extreme anger issues. I was too scared of home invaders to remember that.)
If you're not dual income you're fucked. Even if your single income clears most dual income households. I make too much to qualify for any programs to help with housing security, but to little to keep a stable home.
I'm in bed nerves completely raw because the current landlord sold the house with a month and a half notice to fuck off. My current best bet is renting from a guy who is larger than me, a combat veteran with guns. I'm a 130lb woman. I'm scared shitless. I want to believe people are good and that I won't get raped or murdered. But christ I just want a safe home.
My literal logic is it's safer to take this risk than the risk of living in my car where I will be very exposed and explicitly targeted.
I just hate that this housing crisis has been at minimum in development for 10 years, I was frustrated a decade ago by my lack of buying power. I remember using the term housing crisis as early as 6 years ago. Nothing has been done! Even with it being a big political buzzword right now and we'll past boiling over, I do not trust the american government to do anything.
I'm just bone tired exhausted of moving multiple times a year to avoid being evicted or to escape violent situations. I'm just trying to keep rent under a paycheck like grandpa always taught me. That's $1,555, and that's not enough to live safely alone. I also haven't been able to hit that goal for 3 years, WITH housemates (prior to this job 25% was 1k).
I get that so many people have it worse and that I am "fortunate" but it pisses me off so much that the quality of life in America has plummeted to the point my situation is fortunate.
I've worked so hard and I'm still laying in bed right now, chest feeling raw, electric and shot from nerves, because once again I'm being forced to move in a hurry against my will and I'm scared for my safety.
I haven't felt "home" in 4 years, since moving to MA. It has taken a massive toll on my mental health and emotional wellbeing. I don't trust anything to last anymore. I'm exhausted. I can't imagine a world where everything is okay and I'm safe.
submitted by Rhase to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:21 debzz_z My (34F) brain thinks I'm cheating, but I'm not

Hello everyone, first of all English isn't my first language, I'm on mobile, and I tend to ramble, so I'm sorry about that. I (34F) am in a short relationship (4 months) with L (28M), he's very kind and sweet, and I'm still adapting to this whole new relationship thing, for this last sentence I'll give you some background. My last serious relationship lasted for 3,5 years between me (24F at the time) and F (21M at the time). It started after we matched on a dating app and we went on our first date. Our first date was crazy perfect, he picked me up on a garden and we went to a tattoo/piercing shop where we got pierced. We talked for hours until evening, and he invited me to eat pizza at his place with his dad lol. It was super late by then, and I lived far far away, so we slept together just cuddling, nothing else. Since then we would meet each other every day. One time (6 months into the relationship) he rear ended another vehicle while going back home. So I decided to move closer to him, because the commute was getting to us. So I did. One week into the new lease, I had an accident and broke my ankle. So he decided that it was better for me to stay at his place to recover (bigger house, access to vehicles, and accessible in general). Three months and two surgeries after I decided it was time for me to go home, but he would convince me to "postpone just one more week" every time, and I would always oblige (I know the little doormat I sometimes am). And things would go like that until I hit the one year mark into that lease. And I said to him "or I move back home or I move definitely here, there's no middle therm", so I moved into his place. I offered to pay rent but he refused. Until this moment the relationship was perfect, his father also lived at that place, and we would always cook together, sing together, go for short trips, etc. But after a while I started to have symptoms of anxiety and depression. Until one day I had a panic attack by just sitting in front of my computer at work. I started to treat that and the doctors said I would have to stop work for a bit, because it was super serious (I don't want to go into too much details for that). At the beginning he was super supportive, but now I know that to have a relationship with someone w/ depression and anxiety it's super hard, 0/10 not recommend. So he and his friends started to be petty to me, and I noticed. One day me, him and his friend went for dinner and I got catchup for me. His friends started to berate me on how catchup is bad for my health and that I should stop using it. I simple replied that every time I see him he is smoking his cigarettes and I never said nothing. Or one time that his friend started to talk bad about gold digger women and insinuate that I was one, because I wasn't working. Before stopping to work I had a career in IT, while my bf had an assistant warehouse job, and I used to earn way more than him (that was never important to me before, honestly). So I said "I know I'm not working, but as soon as I get better I'll earn 4 times more than my bf, so your argument doesn't apply". Just wanted to point out that I had my savings, and I was living off it, paying for food, and other bills. My bf then was very mean and cold to me too, and at one point I asked "Do you want me to move out?" and he said "yes". "After that will you break up with me?" And he said "yes". So I activated my survival mode, and started to work my way into leaving. Between that, and getting a job, I started to pack my things quietly, and applying for jobs. All that while mourning the relationship. For him, I was doing nothing, but I was actually already in the way of signing a new lease, going to interviews and packing my things (and hiding in the house), I wanted to just disappear, I felt humiliated to not be able to leave in the next day after that talk. One day he went after me for sex, and I said "don't be like that, I feel like a piece of meat", he answered "so I'm going downstairs to get some salt then", and from that moment on, all the good feelings I had were replaced by disgust and disdain. A couple days after he asked me what I was going to do on next weekend, because he would go on a trip and wouldn't be home, and I said "nothing". I actually went to help the landlord to clean and paint the new place, since I wanted it to be ready ASAP. And I could move in next Wednesday. When I broke the news to him, he looked surprised and said "already??". So I kinda moved all out in less than a day. After that he would always go after me. I was 27 by then, and from that moment on the idea of a relationship would always make me sick. So I had the crazy teenager phase (since I always had long relationships before) and decided that I would be alone. I started to draw a plan to move to New Zealand, as far away from my ex possible and the plans didn't go through. But 3 years later I moved to Europe, my ex would always send messages saying he missed me, even when he was on a relationship, and in one of my birthdays he sent me a picture from his wallet with my picture in it. I replied politely, but I felt disdain honestly. We haven't talked in years now, honestly, and I'm alright with that. I was single for 7 years icking the idea of going through all that again. Ok, so now, what's happening? I'm 34 now, and I have my cute sweet new boyfriend, and every time he comes here to sleep with me I dream that I sneak out the bed to sleep with my ex. Even though I would never do that, even if he was in other bed next to us. I always feel guilty and dirty, like I'm cheating. I spend the days thinking that I should tell my bf, but I don't want to hurt him. All I feel for my ex is disdain and ick. But I feel like I'm hiding something. What do I do?
TL;DR!: Every time my bf sleeps over, I dream that I sneak out of the bed to go to sleep with my ex, and my brain thinks I'm cheating.
submitted by debzz_z to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:07 geethankss several cheap rooms opening up in Harlem apartment - looking to sign lease ASAP for august move in

several cheap rooms opening up in Harlem apartment - looking to sign lease ASAP for august move in
2-3 bedrooms are opening up in my apartment around E 116th Harlem area, move in is for AUGUST however we are looking to sign the lease in the NEXT week or 2 (very competitive market/area/pricing means we need to move fast)!!!
about the apartment: - in east harlem (119th bw park/lexington) - 3rd floor walk up - no pets please - 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen + living room - in-unit laundry + 2 dishwashers - 5 min. walk to 4/5/6 trains (we’re in b/w the 116th + 125th stations); 12 min. walk to 1/2/3 trains; + bus access - very short walk to multiple grocery stores, 5 min walk to marcus garvey park, 13 min walk to central park - the area is amazing, full of great food and lots of shops (tjmaxx etc) - Utilities are split equally and usually run each person around $30/40!
about you: - CLEAN (with 5 ppl in one apt, things can get messy quick so we have a chore chart!) - kind/respectful - good income credit or guarantor needed, management will be asking for last 3 paystubs, ss #, employment verification, banking statement. - no pets
here is a link to the building management’s website (Centennial Properties) where they have a virtual tour of the apartment: https://centpropny.com/upper-east-side/apartment-for-rent/113-e-119th-street-3d/6859 - the available rooms are the two with the fire escape and potentially a third room on the right
I’m going to be taking more pics today of the actual rooms, but the current rooms run from 890, 900 and potentially a 690 room is opening up as well. These rooms were divided based on square footage.
I am looking to move FAST. Please dm me!
submitted by geethankss to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:56 TVans14 Gandalf's letter

Gandalf's letter
Differences between the 2014 single-volume (first picture) and 2020 three-volume (2nd picture) editions.
submitted by TVans14 to u/TVans14 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:55 Ok_Raspberry6680 Unlawful detainer filed for rent that has been paid? (CA)

Hi all! First time poster here hoping to get some advice for a suddenly super stressful situation. First of all, my friend and I are both on the lease, but I pay the rent. I am out of the country for work so everything online is me and everything at location is my friend.
Early May we received a 3 day notice to pay or quit on our door listing out 3 months of supposedly unpaid rent (Mar-May 2024). The amounts listed for each month were weird and didn’t reflect what we actually pay. MaApr had the base rent amount, but didn’t include the pet fee I pay for my dog and May was listed at about $200 more than usual.
I immediately sent an email to our property manager detailing the correct amounts, that I have paid those months on time, and attached screenshots of my bank statements. Rent is paid through a website so the name of the site is listed on the statement. I offered to send more proof to clarify, but the screenshots were just the quickest way to get the ball rolling. She never responded and was unreachable by phone or in the office.
I’ll admit, my friend and I are both a bit naive as it’s our first time renting and because I’m away and communication is tricky I didn’t know the notice said we had 3 days. Had I did, I would’ve done more to fix it at the time. A couple days after the notice my friend got a call from someone (not the manager) asking if we wanted to renew our lease that ends in September. He told them we would discuss, but we kind of assumed that meant everything was fine.
Fast forward to last week my friend is handed an Unlawful Detainer suit and complaint with a copy of the original notice attached as ‘Exhibit A.’ I don’t know if this was the right move legally, but I emailed the manager again to which she responded saying that they “did receive payments for those months.” I then asked her if the suit would be dropped. She responded with “I’m so sorry but we have already sent your file to the attorneys there is nothing we can do.”
It seems we’re going to have to go to court anyway? I’m working on filing the answer which is due on Monday. Is there a chance that they could still drop the suit or is it actually too late? Like if I tried to get in contact with the management company or the attorneys? I have my bank statements and email receipts from each month, but is that enough? It would also be very difficult for me to fly home for court and I’m worried for my friend so I wish it could be avoided.
Thank you in advance!!
submitted by Ok_Raspberry6680 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:53 Few-Implement-8983 The scammers are able to emulate Macbook M1/M2/M3 devices and steal access via lock to icloud just with the video of your laptop ,they are using your serial number and do a copy of the signal - Apple Relock Exploit - Never Show Your Serial NUMBER to the Customers or you can LOST ACCES t your MACBOOK

The scammers are able to emulate Macbook M1/M2/M3 devices and steal access via lock to icloud just with the video of your laptop ,they are using your serial number and do a copy of the signal - Apple Relock Exploit - Never Show Your Serial NUMBER to the Customers or you can LOST ACCES t your MACBOOK
Hi , my name is Anton and i became a victim of the scammers
I thought that Apple devises are good protected and in now days there is now way to get access to your devices as only you will open the door yourself
But it is not so , scammers invented a new way for it
Never Show Your Serial NUMBER to the Customers Until you get money for your devices ,
There is a security problem at IDENTIFICATION of Apple devices and SCAMMERS are not sleeping
IF they get your serial number and it will not be protected with your APPLE ID with FMI FMD until the payment so you can Lost access to your device unfortunately same as i and became a victim of the scammers
Please Listen to my story
The scammers are able to emulate Macbook M1/M2/M3 devices and steal access via lock to icloud
I am a simple mac seller , I buy broken laptops from people and repair them to sell
so one day one my customer asked to show him video of 4 my laptops
after he got only video all became iCloud LOCK

Summary - my APPLE case numbers are 102302104385 + Case Number: 102309395011

YES , my story is simple
the customer asked me about video of the Macbook , because as he told me , he was need a confirmation about how are laptops are looks like - scratches or dents and confirmation that they are turning on and good working
I really did not saw any suspicious action at that moment , customer just wanted me to show him the laptop look like online - as I thought
So I did it - just send him video - and that is all - about Laptop
Then he asked to send video about 3 more MacBooks
After it he asked me to push Use Erase All Content and Settings to check that they are completely with any id inside
So i was sure that there will be no problem - because i just replaced the motherboard two weeks ago at the official genius bar (ORIGINAL APPLE SERVICE) (i do have 2 G repair numbers) - so what can be wrong -
i reinstalled my MAC OS via DFU mode with the Restore.ipsw couple of days ago - it was all ok and i activate MacBooks and set up a default USER with easy password AND THERE WAS NO APPLE ID
so when i did it - the Macbook asked if the apple server let him activation and it was DECLINED
Somehow person who get the video about my laptop did a copy of a signal that apple laptop send to apple ID activation server and connected it to his apple id and after it he enabled FMI FMD
But i have video confirmation in my cases that all laptops are without any Apple Id and have new and fresh mac os
so after it i was not able to pass the activation because i was scammed and unknown person connected 4 my laptops to unknown account , so after that i was not able to pass the activation
so in fact they are all bricked now
he asked me to pay 1000 $
i told apple about it and they answer me that it is just my fairy tail and it is not possible
i told them that there is a hole in security and identification of apple devices during enabling FMI FMD but as i see the do not care - i think it must about 100 same cases or 1000 - maybe after it they will take care about it
so now i wonder if there any more victims who have the same problem ?
check here at youtube ServisTT
Also i and apple support did full apple diagnostic about all devices - i want apple to compare mac addresses and other mac information with the signal that was emulated with the scammer to prove my words - because the scammer was at different location and his emulation device was different between my original one - but after it they just stop answering my email - like i was banned
they just want to stay away from the Truth
When i talked to apple support - i told them that i have laptops in my hands + i have original boxes + i have video confirmation that laptops were without any apple id + have documents from the apple genius bar + have video of the conversation with the scammer - but all this is nothing for them

Steps to reproduce

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58AgEcZvrYg&t=98s or check here at youtube ServisTT

Expected results

i want apple to compare mac addresses and other mac information with the signal that was emulated with the scammer to prove my words - because the scammer was at different location and his emulation device was different between my original one
also i find out that maybe scammer used Hardware UUID - so why not to mask it or hide or make enable to see only with the password ?

Actual results

NO ONE TRUST ME AND NO ONE WANT TO HELP ME - I think they even do not have any permission to help me now because they are restricted after they listen to my story
i am already thinking that i was banned with my support managers - because they just do not answer my letters now and do not answer my voice messages , where i praying for help
How do you think is OK ?
IF you are going to be connected to apple stuff - get ready for this !
i also send the same letter to the security apple bounty
so how do you think what do they answer ? - YES - THEY ARE BLIND
Reported on 5/31/24, 3:46 AM
We’re reviewing your report.
We’re unable to identify a security issue in your report.
We reviewed your report and were unable to identify a security issue.
security apple bounty
i can tell only one - If apple confirm about this hole - JUST imagine how many victims will ask for the judgment court to return their money for their devices,
so that is why i was refused
i did not open any links from my laptop or sms - it was not possible because there was a fresh and clean Mac OS - without any APPLE ID and CLEAN FMI FMD
There is no MDM at devices
They all are as ICLOUD LOST devices now
If i will do Restore.ipsw via DFU - not working
submitted by Few-Implement-8983 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 coachbdud Continue to rent or sell ?

Looking for some advice on our current situation. One of our rentals (Michigan) has been being rented for $1300/month, the mortgage is $618 so it has cash flowed well. We have owned this home for 2 years. The tenant notified us that they will be moving out at the end of July when their lease is up. It is an older home and I know there will be some larger ticket repairs needed in the coming year(s) (roof specifically will likely need work soon). If we were to sell it now it would probably sell for 20K more than we purchased it for. So my conundrum is do i just keep renting to a new tenant and deal with the maintenance expenses as they pop up, or do i try to get out now before a major expense pops up and just take the little bit of profit (less the capital gains tax)? Any advice is appreciated. thank you
submitted by coachbdud to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:58 Zealousideal_Fix_254 Why should you invest in real estate at the start of the financial year?

Why should you invest in real estate at the start of the financial year?
There is no denying the fact that real estate investments are wealth creators. Add to it the fact that they can generate regular income via rents and hedge against inflation, every individual should consider investing in property. If you have made up your mind about buying a house, then here are some reasons why you should plan it at the start of the coming financial year.
  1. Tax benefits: When you buy a house by availing of a home loan, you get various tax benefits. These include tax deductions for repaying the principal and interest of the home loan, buying a house under the affordable housing category, and additional deduction of the interest paid on the home loan for first-time homebuyers. Buying a house at the start of the financial year allows you to plan your taxes and get the maximum tax benefits on your loan repayments.
  2. Market conditions: Usually, at the turn of the financial year, markets are favorable for real estate investments. Traditionally, this is a time when the prices are not peaking and buyers have options to choose from. Make sure that you research the market and talk to a professional to assess market conditions before making the purchase.
  3. Planning and budgeting: When you buy a house at the start of the financial year, you get adequate time to budget for the year ahead. April is the month when most people lay out investment and tax-saving goals. Buying a house takes care of both these needs and helps you generate wealth over time.
  4. Availability of loans: In the new financial year, many lending institutions have renewed annual budgets and are looking for borrowers to offer loans to. Hence, it can be a good time to get a home loan at favorable rates and terms.
If you are looking to invest in real estate in Pune, then you will be overwhelmed with the number of options available. Before making your decision, ensure that you research the market and talk to an experienced professional. There are numerous factors that you must consider before buying a house. This includes the quality of construction, location, amenities, and reputation of the developer. In Pune, Sankla Buildcoon is a name synonymous with high-quality and top-class constructions.
To know more continue reading the blog : Why should you invest in real estate at the start of the financial year?
submitted by Zealousideal_Fix_254 to u/Zealousideal_Fix_254 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:55 wtsui Unraveling the Legal Jargon: How AI Legalese Decoder Can Help with Landlord Lease Renewal Emails from Unknown Addresses

submitted by wtsui to legalselfserve [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:51 stainless5 Can I list someone I don't know as missing in order to get help finding them?

So a bit of backstory. My dad owns a 10 metre long fifth wheel Caravan. Now storage in Perth is a bit hard to come by So We rented the van out to this Man who wanted to set it up in the backyard of his house for him and his kids to live in And we'd give him reduced rent. This worked fine for a year, I'd go over and check on the van every once in a while and it would still be there, But recently we wanted to use the van again so Two weeks ago we told him that we'd be coming to collect the vad and we wouldn't be renewing his lease for another year.
Now I went around and looked and the van was still there at that time but when we came around to pick it up two weeks later He's gone And the van is gone All of his family members Say things like "oh we don't have phones so we can't call him" or He dropped his phone in the toilet so we can't ring him. We believe they're lying because they don't want him to be arrested for possession of stolen property.
Now we've already put in a Police report for the stolen Caravan But is it possible to do something else, Such as a missing persons report for him because When we ask the family they don't know where he is, and we don't know where he is.
Either way any ideas or advice would be appreciated.
submitted by stainless5 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:50 Pryetta Debt collectors won’t leave me alone

Hi there,
I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this but I posted /personal finance a while ago about collectors who got into touch with me a about a debt I owed to a company I was not familiar with and due to them having my incorrect date of birth they were unable to go forward with the claim. They got back into touch with me to ask me to amend my date of birth with a copy of ID, but after speaking to citizens advice, who told me it was strange they would ask me this and advised against it, I told them they should have my correct details if I’m the person they’re looking for.
Since then they have continued to contact me only to run into a wall everytime at my date of birth during the security questions. I have told them I’m not the person they’re looking for as a have no debts, I even asked them to cease contact with me which the person on the phone agreed to only for them to continue to contact me, recently I received a letter saying they’ve recommended their client take court action against me for lack of payment, so I called them again and they said they would speak to them.
I did eventually end up looking up the client to find they own the company that own the student accommodation I stayed with in 19/20 but I was let out of my contract after the university offered to pay the rest of my rent for the year, so whether it’s something to do with that I don’t know
I’ve never dealt with anything like this before, so i really don’t know what to do, I know they probably can’t take me to court over this as even if I wanted to pay if this debt was mine I can’t even do that, any advice would really helpful. Thank you
submitted by Pryetta to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:47 billyybong Landlord wants to increase rent from 6.5k to 36k. Need advise.

Hello. This would be a bit of a long post:
Background: No written contract before. My dad only had a verbal agreement with them more than 31yrs ago (my age). That's right. My family has been renting at the same place even before I was born. To add, we shouldered all maintenance expenses including electrical faults from their end. The landlord recently wrote a contract that shows the new rent will be 36k from 6.5k. My mom outright declined it.
I understand that inflation happens and 6.5k is low for the size of our house and its near a prime location in Metro Manila. However, it's too much for a single increase. Don't you agree? It won't be an issue if it's gradual increase for years
Plot twist: it's an open rumor that they don't own the house. Though, they say they pay property tax. The OG landlord (his father, deceased) was the caretaker who took advantage of the owner migrating/losing interest/forgetting. Only they know exactly, but of course they won't admit it.
Not sure if the plot twist matters, but I just want to put that detail there. I initially thought of saving up and offering to buy the house outright from them (even if they don't really own it). With the way things are going, I'm thinking they would overprice the property too much too afford.
I searched online and RA 9653 states a max 7% per annum. Does it apply to our situation wherein there's no written contract? I believe there are hand written receipts proving we are only paying 6.5k ever since.
Thank you for any advise so I know what I need say to the barangays or even courts if they escalate.
submitted by billyybong to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:44 Several-Baker-1834 Young mom needs help

Hi,l never do anything like this but I really am in need of help. I moved out of my grandmothers house the end of January to have more space for me and my daughter as she grows, l've had a good job for months until 2 weeks ago I lost my job due to an change of companies. I start working for United States postal service June 10th.. I just really need help with my rent for June it is $1,300. My WiFi is off too which is $100 but I just need money for my rent please. I asked my landlord if she can extend my time til next Thursday which is June 6th. I'm gonna do Uber eats and doordash to try to make up money but that's barely anything (l'm still gonna do it!) I will pay you back! Just please help me :( I have proof of my letter from the post office with my start date if you want it! Thank you.
submitted by Several-Baker-1834 to PayDayLoanOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:43 Demon- Living in BC and have a question about credit rating while renting 1 year lease

My name is attached to all the rental documents yet the direct withdrawal comes out from my s.o.’s bank account.
If its only dealing through her account will I still have an effected credit rating?
submitted by Demon- to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:43 LowConsideration1052 AITA for wanting to kick out my sibling family with 6 kids?

A little background, i dont have kids it just me, my sister has a husband and 6 kids. My sister and I used to always shop and hangout we never fought. So Almost 4 years ago my sister and her husband with 6 kids got evicted from their apartment for damaging property and not paying rent they were sued in the process. I lived in the same apartment complex with no problem but happened to be leaving too cause I just closed on my home. They were now paying for hotels and even was told they need to buy two hotels cause theyre not allowing a family of 8 to occupy 1 room and my sister told me about their hardships and of course I felt bad she said it wasnt her fault and the apartments lied about damages. I still had 1 month left on my lease while my home was already closed for a week now unoccupied. Feeling sorry I said they can stay at my unoccupied home while I finish my lease.Her husband was working and they would save money instead of paying the hotel they said it would take just maybe two weeks cause they already been speaking with places that will to accept evictions. I gave them the whole month and the idea was that they'll be gone by the time I move in my place. This was possibly the worst mistake in my life. My lease ends I move in they still there and my theres trash in my yard so told them to pick it up. I told them what's the deal and she says can I give them more time maybe a month or a few cause it's harder than they thought, reluctantly I said alright. As time went on her husband was fired,quit or whatever and never got a job afterwards. They put holes in wall within one month and said it was cheap cause she accidentally fell into it. My home become damaged and looked like a zoo within those months. I'm not very confrontational and hate drama so just telling them to be cleaner and not kicking them out seemed better. But my family and friends were all angry cause it was now a year and they felt she was taking advantage of me. They all was excited when I told them I was closing and have a new home and wanted to help with a housewarming and creating gardens etc. I told them it will need to wait cause my situation. But they would ask when my family leaving so everyone who was involved knows the situation and was not happy after so much time has passed. I was very patient and out of nowhere my other sister decided to call my sister that live with me a bum on social media. My sister confronted me saying she needs to mind her own business calling her out her name and saying there's no reason everyone should know her business and I must been yapping about her business.I had to correct her and tell her you mean my business because everyone was invited to my business in regarding my prior to you moving in.she apologized but got mad and ranted on social media about ppl being fake. Her kids started damaging my new appliances that came with the home and I said you all need to be responsible for the cost. They told me if there's damages they will cover. 2 years passes and it just becomes uncomfortable I never moved my furniture back in cause the kids broke them into pieces twice so I decided I'm not bringing it in. They were more destructive to my place as they got older They tore down all my blinds and leave food everywhere and drew on my wall while I was at work. Their parent never can hold a job no more than a few months. Started to ask them to pay a bill cause its been run up to $500 and my bills are ususlly less than $100 and i csnt keep up anymore.they either say dont have noney or thet say okay but dont.It's now been almost 4 years and I practically just live in my room cause it's just uncomfortable now. None of them speak to me and we can go weeks without saying a word. I might been the AH here but I decided to cut my utilities cause when i fell behind it was steady racking up to a few thousands in just 2 months. When I went out of town a few days I got back early morning with the waterhose running so it had to be running overnight and they let kids use it without turning it off overnight.it kept happening despite me telling them to watch their kids while doing this. So yes it was uncomfortable for me to cut it off. But now I'm thinking to just kick them out but like I said I'm non confrontational and they are very confrontational so I don't know how it will go. I feel sorry for my nieces and nephews but its been almost 4 year and I never got to live in my first home.its beyond damaged and is unrecognizable now so I'm thinking of selling it and starting over again. I don't know where everyone else go and I feel bad cause i know we not speak again after this but they don't speak to me now so I wouldn't really lose any relationship that's already broken and just gain my freedom back. It's been overwhelmingly stressful since its just me. Aitha if I throwing my family of 8 out?
submitted by LowConsideration1052 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:35 alexthegrapefruit17 Aquila Rent Raise

I received a notice on my door today regarding a rent increase effective September 1, 2024. I signed a lease in February 2024 for a set amount of rent. Are they allowed to raise the rent mid-lease like this?
submitted by alexthegrapefruit17 to 3roots [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:31 Acrobatic-Usual6789 Should I take an effective pay cut to move to NYC?

I (26M) currently work in consulting in a major Asian city (think Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore) at a fairly well-known international firm. My current base compensation is $100K USD per year with 2-4 months YE bonus. I am not American and have not worked in the US before.
My company has recently offered me an opportunity to relocate to New York City. After much deliberation they were unwilling to give an immediate increase in base comp (I joined on a rather specific talent programme that means my comp is higher than usual for my position rating). This means the top-line comp is matched to what I'm on now.
Pros of moving:
Cons of moving:
At the moment my struggle is in justifying what seems to be material financial costs in the short term to realise a personal dream and potentially much better professional prospects in the medium-to-longer term. Does moving make sense? I appreciate any insights and advice.
submitted by Acrobatic-Usual6789 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:27 ExperiencePersonal99 🇵🇭 Finally, I resigned. Thank you all! What's your best life advice?

🇵🇭 Finally, I resigned. Thank you all! What's your best life advice?
Hi, wonderful individuals! 🤍
I'm from the Philippines 🇵🇭 ✅ Born in the Covenant ✅ Primary: Faith in God Award ✅ Young Women: Personal Progress (4x) ✅ Ward Missionary ✅ Seminary 5 years (Old & New Testament, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, Book of Mormon 2x). ✅ Sunday school teacher ✅ Young Women Secretary (5 years) ✅ Relief Society Activity Coordinator ✅ Family History Service Missionary ✅ Institute (4 years) ✅ Temple ordinances (baptism for the dead, endowment, proxy sealing: husband & wife, parents, family) ❌ Applied for Full-time Mission last 2018. My Bishop asked me to have a "down payment" for my mission fund so that it can be processed right away. I paid $646 (₱37,800). But after a few months, my Stake President received a letter from Salt Lake and told me that I'm not going on a mission... without any explanations why I'm not allowed to serve given that I've done everything since Primary. It broke my heart... and my wallet 🤣 because of course there's no chance of getting a "refund". Yet, I still continued to be "worthy."
For so many years, I've always devoted my life to my family and the Mormon church. I've always had 2 or more callings every year. My family, relatives, friends, classmates, and teachers were all looking up to me as a "good example". My highschool classmates even encouraged me to discuss the "Plan of Salvation" in our classroom's white board. Guess what happened? 🤣 They were all shocked and amazed at how complex it was. They always asked me to pray during school events and competitions. I'm the only "Mormon" in our batch, and still they respected my beliefs.
Last 2022, I declined 2 Stake callings just because I have existing callings already and I'm so occupied with my college thesis. I also resigned to my 2 Ward callings. Then, after my college graduation, I felt lost. I'm burned out. I'm asking myself, "now what?"
Since I was a young woman, I've always observed and said to myself and my family that the Mormon church is an "ORGANIZED RELIGION". I've observed that it has many RULES. It has PATTERNS. It has a "COVENANT PATH" (seminary, institute, endowment, mission, BYU, temple marriage, children, etc). Like, "why is everybody doing things so similar?" 🤔 "How about me? I still don't want to date and get married, I don't even want to have kids. I want to further my studies, have a career, and explore life." I also said to myself, "I DON'T want to be racist and homophobic". 😭 My moral values conflict with the church's doctrines in so many ways.
Then, I decided I want to be an USRN in Utah because there's the Salt Lake City, there's a lot of "Mormons" there, I felt I will be "in" because of the same beliefs, same culture, and same religion. That's when I started to “DEEP DIVE” about sa “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”. I used my COMMON SENSE and CRITICAL THINKING as I did my PERSONAL RESEARCH about the church, its history and teachings. I meditate, pray, write my questions before I sleep, as I sleep my subconscious mind gets to work, approaching the questions from a variety of angles and making connections that may hold the answers. My other questions, observations, and past experiences begin to resurface. When I wake up in the morning, I pray, meditate and do my personal study to find the answers to my questions. I studied from the church resources, gospel library, scriptures, lessons, articles, research findings, news, YouTube, reddit, etc. I analyzed, compared, and connected my findings. I removed my BIASES. After going down a DEEP RABBIT HOLE, finally, I discovered the REAL TRUTH about “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
"Listen to your BODY and the signals it is giving. One of the most overlooked signals of intuition is CONFUSION."
🤯 It took me just one week to do my personal research to find answers for my questions that I've put on my "shelf" (subconscious mind) for so many years. I organized my findings then I made a summarized script and a presentation using a big sketch pad to present it with my family. I asked my parents first for their permission for our family discussion. These were the main topics that I shared with them: • FREE AGENCY • JOSEPH SMITH • CHURCH NAMES • BOOK OF MORMON • TEMPLE • MISSIONARY WORK • LDS LAW FIRM • HIDDEN AGENDA = LD$ business corporation (Money: Tithes, Fast Offering, etc) - City Creek Mall ("Let's Go Shopping!"🤣) - Beneficial Life - Ensign Peak Advisors - Shell companies - Reserve fund: HUNDRED BILLION of dollars $ • CULT "BITE" Model
Gladly, my dear family respected my decision to leave the Mormon church. I sent my resignation letter last May 20, 2024, 5 years after my Temple Endowment (when I said to myself, "Oh shit! Cult!!!). I decided to leave “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” NOT because I wanted to sin and NOT because I'm a lazy learner. I chose to leave “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” because it is NOT true. It is NOT a church, it is a CORPORATION. Joseph Smith and all the so-called “prophets” and “apostles” were not chosen by God. They DO NOT receive any direct revelations from God. They are NOT special chosen people. I chose to leave because they LIED a lot for so many years. They whitewashed church history. They took advantage of many people for POWER, MONEY, and SEX. These people teach damaging doctrines that lead to many people dying.
As a PERSON with PURE INTENTIONS, I CANNOT support any organization who lies, controls, manipulates, discriminates, abuses, and kills so many people. I choose HONESTY. I choose INTEGRITY. I choose LOVE. 🤍
"You don't have to be the victim of your environment. You can also be the ARCHITECT of it. Habits can be easier to change in a NEW ENVIRONMENT."
"Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form because the behavioral patterns that humans repeat become IMPRINTED in brain neural pathways, but it is POSSIBLE to FORM NEW HABITS through REPETITION."
I don't know where I'd be without you, all. Thank you for your help, my new awesome community. 🤍
submitted by ExperiencePersonal99 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:23 Vikashgautam527 130+ Spring Letter Board Quotes to Brighten Your Day

General Spring Quotes -

Certainly! Here are 20 general spring quotes to brighten your day:

Spring Quotes about Renewal and Growth -

Here are 20 spring quotes specifically focusing on renewal and growth:
submitted by Vikashgautam527 to lawofattractionreddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:17 momshometx House lease with reduced rent in exchange for maintenance - how to draw up?

Hello reddit!
I am in the process of leasing my mother's home. Our renter owns a handyman business and we are including a reduction in rent for ongoing services. The advice we received is to have him outline the projects he will do and his full hourly rate for these, then total the cost and split over the 12-month lease to come up with the monthly reduction in rent in exchange for these services.
Does anyone have advice or a good example of how to draw this up properly? In case it helps, we are in Texas. Would this be an additional clause or addendum added onto the lease agreement and reference within? I am having a hard time searching the internet for best practice here as my search results turn up lots of questions around tenants wanting to ask their landlord for a one-time reduction vs an agreement built in.
Thank you!
submitted by momshometx to PropertyManagement [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:10 Thelivelycat Landlord troubles

Asking for my neighbours - landlord came round and changed the locks and didn't leave them a key.
Apparently they signed a commercial lease which means the tenants agreed the replace the kitchen within 4 months of renting the house. I read the lease yesterday and this is buried on page 6 of a 21 page document. So the landlord has changed the locks as they've breached the agreement.
Is this legal?
The house is falling apart structurally - fireplace leaks when it rains, back door doesn't open so not used, toilet coming away from the wall etc.
I was under the impression that all residential tenancies have to be ASTs?
They do not run a business from the house. They and their children live in the house full time. This is their first time renting as they lived with family to save up deposit etc.
I really feel for them and have sign posted them to the Council but this happened late Friday afternoon.
Any suggestions for them?
Edit: Location is Coventry, England.
submitted by Thelivelycat to HousingUK [link] [comments]
