Watch cathouse iphone


2008.01.25 06:34 r/iPhone

Reddit’s little corner for iPhone lovers (and some people who just mildly enjoy it…)

2020.06.13 01:21 ElChoquito Clockology

Widgets and Watch Faces for Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch

2010.06.12 16:51 blogbod Apple iOS

iOS - Developed by Apple Inc.

2024.06.01 12:30 topredditbot meirl [r/meirl by u/act__ii]

meirl [meirl by u/act__ii] submitted by topredditbot to topofreddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:28 WiredPeanut Hello Galaxy Tab S9, farewell Apple

Hello Galaxy Tab S9, farewell Apple
Galaxy Tab S9 with the GlideX app mirroring my ASUS Zenbook screen
This post ended up being a lot longer that I intended (it's a product of procrastination from completing a course assignment!)
I'll start by saying that Apple make great products and if their ecosystem works for you then it's a great thing to be part of. At one point in time I was an iPhone, iPad and MacBook user but, as of this week, I no longer own an Apple device (well, except for an Apple TV 4K...)
I became frustrated by the iPhone and its limitations, and with Android offering better customisation and more choice, I switched to a Google Pixel 2 in 2017 (I'm now using a S24 Ultra). For the most part, this worked out fine. I didn't have the tight integration with my other Apple devices, but this really didn't impact my experience as a user, and I found alternative services to sync data between devices from Google, Microsoft, and others.
Earlier this year, it was time to replace my laptop and as much as I still enjoyed using my MacBook, I was keen to look at the competition. I frequently used Windows 11 on my MacBook using Parallels software so was quite comfortable about switching to Windows. I did look at Samsung's laptops but these were over my budget so I bought a 15-inch ASUS Zenbook instead which I'm very impressed with.
I continued to use my iPad but was increasingly feeling that I wanted to be able to do more with my tablet (and once I get an idea in my head, it's difficult to put it to rest!) I started to look at what Android tablets were available, and watched numerous reviews. A lot of these reviews lauded the iPad as being the best tablet out there with Android tablets not coming close in terms of their performance and usability so I wasn’t convinced that it was worth switching.
YouTube and their algorithms offered up various videos on the matter and I watched reviews about Samsung's tablets which piqued my interest. After all, my last few phones have all been Samsung Galaxy devices - I like their design, features and One UI. Most reviews were positive about Samsung's tablet lineup so I initally considered purchasing the Tab S9 FE but after some research decided I would be happier with the Tab S9. It was proving to be an expensive purchase which I couldn't really justify so I shelved the idea.
But, as I said, it's difficult for me to shake off a plan so a couple of weeks later I found myself browsing eBay to see what was available within my budget. Much to my delight I found a listing for a new, unopened Galaxy Tab S9 at a very good price and this arrived a few days ago.
I'm very happy with it. It's fast and can do a whole lot more than my iPad Air could. There are a couple of apps that I miss not having and which aren't available on Android (Apple TV, and an app called TV Launcher which integrates apps for TV channels into the one launcher) but I'm sure I'll adapt. Overall, most apps I need and use are available on the Tab S9. In fact, the way Android displays these apps in their tablet form is actually really impressive and far better than on iPad in my opinion. Hopefully the Tab S9 will have the same longevity and reliability that I had with my iPad.
submitted by WiredPeanut to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:50 Ladnaks Cannot update Apple Watch

Hi folks! I lost my Apple Watch 2 years ago and just found it again yesterday (it was behind the fridge). It was still paired to my old iPhone. I unpaired it and wanted to pair it with my new phone. The watch app on my iPhone tells me, I have to update WatchOS before pairing. Reasonable, because I didn't update since 2 years. However, the update just doesn't work. According to the app the update is 2.5GB big and it will take 3 days to install it. This is strange because the phone is connected to wifi and my internet speed is between 60 and 80 Mbit/s. I started it anyway, it is downloading for 1 hour and then it is pausing the update. The app tells I have to connect my phone to wifi to continue the update. It is connected to wifi, the phone and the watch are lying next to each other and both are conntected to the charger. I tried to reset the watch multiple times, restarted my iPhone and restarted the update at least 10 times. I have no idea what else I can do. Any ideas?
submitted by Ladnaks to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:33 Uvblue420 Skinwalkers In Michigan

Skinwalkers in Rural Michigan
I recently purchased a 10,000 lumen flashlight to illuminate the surrounding woods as I walk my dog in the evenings. I have been hearing some strange noises at night, and I figured it would be nice to see everything that boxes me in as I walk Max, my dog. But boy was I wrong. I should have been afraid of what can't be seen outside the veils of my iphone flashlight. What was to be exhumed by my flashlight terrified me to my core. This happened a week or so ago, November, 2nd 2022, Harrison Michigan. The evenings were approaching abruptly now. It was only 8:30pm when I decided to take my golden retriever on one last shit walk before I got settled in for the night. At this time, in rural Michigan at least, it’s pitch black. I cursed underneath my breath as I opened the door and peered out. Fuck, chilly and dark. God, why haven’t I moved south yet? Max was timid this evening, which was so really unlike him. Very strange. The darkness emanating from outside my house poured in like a disease. It was void of any color. Upset about not replacing my porch light, I pulled out my new amazon special, this week it was a 10,000 lumen flashlight. Feeling its expensive metallic body in my hands felt exonerating, and the excitement to use it overthrew any bad vibes Max was giving. He whimpered as soon as the door opened, he then put his tail between his legs and shivered. I scoffed at his weak tendencies here, this was so unlike him. I turned this ungodly bright flashlight on and showed it forward. “For fuck sake look Max, nothing to be afraid of y-” I was cut off. My mouth gaped at what was in front of me. Shown in the powerful beam of the flashlight was a contorted lanky humanoid figure. It slumped down from a standing position and got on all fours like a person miming a frog. Then it jerked its head up and sniffed the air. Animistically. It turned its head and bored its stare right into my eyes. Then it darted into a bush on the edge of the woods. The edge of the woods that surround my entire house. I heard leaves crackle and watched the skin colored creature dissipate into them. I focused the beam of my light directly onto that bush. It was incredibly bright and the bush appeared like high definition from the immense light, especially in contrast to the oily blackness that surrounded me. The bush shaked ominously, like a predator was inside, shifting around. A familiar feminine voice came from that bush. “Please help me… oh god please help… help… help mee…” And the leaves rustled again. Max whimpered in terror and got between my legs. I grabbed the baseball bat that I kept beside the front door for just such occasions and held it beside my head in a “ready to whoop” gesture, the other hand on my flashlight. I shakily started towards the bush from my door. Max bolted inside, leaving me completely alone. “Helllppppp meee” the voice cooed. The soft feminine coo of the voice crackled a little this time. Yeah, almost as if something was masquerading as a female, and luring me in. I was about 6 feet away by now, I could feel the blood pulsating in my temples. Goosh flesh ran down my body. “Helllpp,” deeper voice “Meeee!” An elongated ashy white arm flung towards me at ankle height. I instinctively stomped down on it. I heard cracking and sloshing from underneath my shoe. I stepped directly onto its wrist. I heard a shriek from inside the depths of that bush and the hand sprung up like a trap being set off. The strength possessed by this creature was unreal, it slung me to the ground and began to reel me into its bush where it resided. I screamed, smacked the arm with the bat as hard as I could and then lost control of the bat. It fell next to me as I was dragged closer to the bush, now my feet were inside the leafy abyss. The voice turned into my mothers voice. The clawed hands grasp on me tightened with tremendous strength and the nails dug into my skin through my pants. “Help me Nathaniel. Your mother needs help. I can't walk.” Yeah alright. I shined my light into the bush. What I saw still makes me tremble. It was my dead mothers face there alright, but atop an ashy white skinned humanoid skeleton with backward joints. The arms bent unnaturally opposite of how they should, the legs were bent like a frogs ready to pounce. The eyes were milky white, but were extremely intelligent and they gazed into my consciousness. With all of my force, I horse kicked my deceased mothers face and heard a massive crunch as my heel connected with her masqueraded nose. A profane yelp of pain blasted into the darkness of this B.F.E. where I lived. The grip on my leg loosened just enough from the blow for me to break free. I shot upright and turned to the door. I dropped my flashlight in this madness and couldn’t give a shit less. It could keep it for all I fucking cared. I bolted towards the door, and as I reached the halfway point I was Illuminated by a blinding bright light from behind. Almost like a spotlight beamed right onto me. My. Fucking. God. That thing had my flashlight and was pointing it directly at me. “Helpp… Nathaniel. Help me son.” The light started to bob up and down. Whatever was holding it was lurking closer and closer to me, and was gaining on me much faster than I was to the door. So much for not being able to walk. I ended up winning the foot race miraculously. I jumped inside my door and slammed it behind me. I heard a loud thump into the door immediately following its closure. My mothers late voice came again, beckoning me. “Son. You know your mother has taught you better than this. Let me in. Please, my son.” The light shone through the window at me, blinding me. Seeing spots and now disoriented, I fumbled myself up and managed to lock the door. Max was at the furthest point possible from the door, glaring at the door trembling in fear. Three solid knocks from the top of the door frame. Then the light was gone and I heard a metallic clunk, the thing must have dropped the flashlight on its retreat. The light now was gleaming off a huge tree. I watched a tall skinny humanoid creature with long contorted ligaments jerkily run towards that tree. His legs bent opposite of how our legs do, and same with the arms. Then it bent down in the same erratic way that it moved, and got onto all fours as it approached the tree. It paused a second and peered up the trunk. His head swiftly snapped to my face. Its now black and sunken eyes stared into my soul. I froze in terror as it climbed that trunk, with its face directly bored into me mind you, like squirrel. Scurrying right up it, never leaving contact with my eyes. The light undoubtedly should be blinding his vision, but the sense of intelligence of it knowing my existence was uncanny. Light didnt hurt it. As it ascended it smiled at me, a predatory grin. It disappeared into a purple dot that was still in my vision from when I was blinded by the flashlight. As I moved my head to try to see the creature, I watched tree leaves russell and saw no more of it. Yet. I locked the doors that night and cleaned up Max’s accidents from not going out. At night as I was asleep, I was awoken by my mothers soft voice from right outside the bedroom window. “Let me in Nathaniel..” Then directly following this motherly imitation came a 10,000 lumen flashlight beamed into my face. I heard the window slowly open, but I was blinded by the light.
submitted by Uvblue420 to DisembodiedVoices666 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:33 Uvblue420 Skinwalkers In Michigan

Skinwalkers in Rural Michigan
I recently purchased a 10,000 lumen flashlight to illuminate the surrounding woods as I walk my dog in the evenings. I have been hearing some strange noises at night, and I figured it would be nice to see everything that boxes me in as I walk Max, my dog. But boy was I wrong. I should have been afraid of what can't be seen outside the veils of my iphone flashlight. What was to be exhumed by my flashlight terrified me to my core. This happened a week or so ago, November, 2nd 2022, Harrison Michigan. The evenings were approaching abruptly now. It was only 8:30pm when I decided to take my golden retriever on one last shit walk before I got settled in for the night. At this time, in rural Michigan at least, it’s pitch black. I cursed underneath my breath as I opened the door and peered out. Fuck, chilly and dark. God, why haven’t I moved south yet? Max was timid this evening, which was so really unlike him. Very strange. The darkness emanating from outside my house poured in like a disease. It was void of any color. Upset about not replacing my porch light, I pulled out my new amazon special, this week it was a 10,000 lumen flashlight. Feeling its expensive metallic body in my hands felt exonerating, and the excitement to use it overthrew any bad vibes Max was giving. He whimpered as soon as the door opened, he then put his tail between his legs and shivered. I scoffed at his weak tendencies here, this was so unlike him. I turned this ungodly bright flashlight on and showed it forward. “For fuck sake look Max, nothing to be afraid of y-” I was cut off. My mouth gaped at what was in front of me. Shown in the powerful beam of the flashlight was a contorted lanky humanoid figure. It slumped down from a standing position and got on all fours like a person miming a frog. Then it jerked its head up and sniffed the air. Animistically. It turned its head and bored its stare right into my eyes. Then it darted into a bush on the edge of the woods. The edge of the woods that surround my entire house. I heard leaves crackle and watched the skin colored creature dissipate into them. I focused the beam of my light directly onto that bush. It was incredibly bright and the bush appeared like high definition from the immense light, especially in contrast to the oily blackness that surrounded me. The bush shaked ominously, like a predator was inside, shifting around. A familiar feminine voice came from that bush. “Please help me… oh god please help… help… help mee…” And the leaves rustled again. Max whimpered in terror and got between my legs. I grabbed the baseball bat that I kept beside the front door for just such occasions and held it beside my head in a “ready to whoop” gesture, the other hand on my flashlight. I shakily started towards the bush from my door. Max bolted inside, leaving me completely alone. “Helllppppp meee” the voice cooed. The soft feminine coo of the voice crackled a little this time. Yeah, almost as if something was masquerading as a female, and luring me in. I was about 6 feet away by now, I could feel the blood pulsating in my temples. Goosh flesh ran down my body. “Helllpp,” deeper voice “Meeee!” An elongated ashy white arm flung towards me at ankle height. I instinctively stomped down on it. I heard cracking and sloshing from underneath my shoe. I stepped directly onto its wrist. I heard a shriek from inside the depths of that bush and the hand sprung up like a trap being set off. The strength possessed by this creature was unreal, it slung me to the ground and began to reel me into its bush where it resided. I screamed, smacked the arm with the bat as hard as I could and then lost control of the bat. It fell next to me as I was dragged closer to the bush, now my feet were inside the leafy abyss. The voice turned into my mothers voice. The clawed hands grasp on me tightened with tremendous strength and the nails dug into my skin through my pants. “Help me Nathaniel. Your mother needs help. I can't walk.” Yeah alright. I shined my light into the bush. What I saw still makes me tremble. It was my dead mothers face there alright, but atop an ashy white skinned humanoid skeleton with backward joints. The arms bent unnaturally opposite of how they should, the legs were bent like a frogs ready to pounce. The eyes were milky white, but were extremely intelligent and they gazed into my consciousness. With all of my force, I horse kicked my deceased mothers face and heard a massive crunch as my heel connected with her masqueraded nose. A profane yelp of pain blasted into the darkness of this B.F.E. where I lived. The grip on my leg loosened just enough from the blow for me to break free. I shot upright and turned to the door. I dropped my flashlight in this madness and couldn’t give a shit less. It could keep it for all I fucking cared. I bolted towards the door, and as I reached the halfway point I was Illuminated by a blinding bright light from behind. Almost like a spotlight beamed right onto me. My. Fucking. God. That thing had my flashlight and was pointing it directly at me. “Helpp… Nathaniel. Help me son.” The light started to bob up and down. Whatever was holding it was lurking closer and closer to me, and was gaining on me much faster than I was to the door. So much for not being able to walk. I ended up winning the foot race miraculously. I jumped inside my door and slammed it behind me. I heard a loud thump into the door immediately following its closure. My mothers late voice came again, beckoning me. “Son. You know your mother has taught you better than this. Let me in. Please, my son.” The light shone through the window at me, blinding me. Seeing spots and now disoriented, I fumbled myself up and managed to lock the door. Max was at the furthest point possible from the door, glaring at the door trembling in fear. Three solid knocks from the top of the door frame. Then the light was gone and I heard a metallic clunk, the thing must have dropped the flashlight on its retreat. The light now was gleaming off a huge tree. I watched a tall skinny humanoid creature with long contorted ligaments jerkily run towards that tree. His legs bent opposite of how our legs do, and same with the arms. Then it bent down in the same erratic way that it moved, and got onto all fours as it approached the tree. It paused a second and peered up the trunk. His head swiftly snapped to my face. Its now black and sunken eyes stared into my soul. I froze in terror as it climbed that trunk, with its face directly bored into me mind you, like squirrel. Scurrying right up it, never leaving contact with my eyes. The light undoubtedly should be blinding his vision, but the sense of intelligence of it knowing my existence was uncanny. Light didnt hurt it. As it ascended it smiled at me, a predatory grin. It disappeared into a purple dot that was still in my vision from when I was blinded by the flashlight. As I moved my head to try to see the creature, I watched tree leaves russell and saw no more of it. Yet. I locked the doors that night and cleaned up Max’s accidents from not going out. At night as I was asleep, I was awoken by my mothers soft voice from right outside the bedroom window. “Let me in Nathaniel..” Then directly following this motherly imitation came a 10,000 lumen flashlight beamed into my face. I heard the window slowly open, but I was blinded by the light.
submitted by Uvblue420 to DisembodiedVoices666 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 Toastyfix10 Switching to android from iPhone. Just need a good daily driver, that can last 2 years. (US)

So as stated, looking for an android phone after being an iPhone user for multiple years. I like to upgrade my phones on two years so software and updates aren’t that much of a concern. However I just want a good overall phone that can watch videos scroll social media take decent pics and it is a smaller form factor than my iPhone 15 plus. Battery life is a concern overall just want a clean software that works well.
Some contenders: Samsung s24 Pixel 8 Motorola Edge 2023 + Oneplus 12r Nothing Phone 2
submitted by Toastyfix10 to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:45 Technoscribbler Every iPhone I've owned/used

Every iPhone I've owned/used
Here's a collection of basically every iPhone that I've owned,used and reviewed over the past few years, dates back from thr iPhone 11 to the most recent iPhone 15 Pro max.
Unlike Android, iPhones in general don't exactly upgrade with flashy designs. From my perspective it has always been hardware/software first, design comes after.
To me, it is the ability the connects everything from Mac to Watch and Airpods, that makes it hard to switch, what's yours?

iPhones #Apple #AppleEcosystem

submitted by Technoscribbler to u/Technoscribbler [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:52 spencerdreams Completed workouts not synching across devices

I’m sorry this has been asked before but I can’t work it out with any generic fix I’ve found. Wondering if there’s something new someone’s come up with?
I had a trial for three months and everything worked great. I have the app on both my iPad and iPhone, mostly watching workouts on the iPad and the Time to Walk etc on iPhone. I don’t have an Apple Watch and never will as they don’t fit me.
This month I started paying for a subscription, and the last few days the workouts I do on the iPad are not synching across to my iPhone (which is the only place that has the move goal and badges). The little white check mark will show up on the image of the work out, but nothing else on the phone indicates I’ve done anything. I made sure everything was up to date, forced closed, restarted devices at the same time.
I’ve only started exercising again after twenty years of chronic pain so the move goal and all the badges are really motivating. I’m also not familiar with anything the instructors are doing so I need to actually see them - not watch on a phone from a metre away.
If anyone has any advice or can help please let me know.
submitted by spencerdreams to AppleFitnessPlus [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:23 pinkknivys torn between iphone 15 and iphone 15 plus

last week i upgraded from the iphone 11 to the 15. it didn’t feel like a huge upgrade though, and the more I read about the battery on the 15 plus the more i was interested. I also thought that the bigger screen would be ideal because i usually watch netflix on my break at work. it seemed like a step up, so i ordered it and set up my regular 15 for return (i need to mail it back in the next few days)
the plus arrived yesterday and it is just so big. my case for it arrived today and that honestly made it even worse. i love the big screen for watching shows but it just feels so heavy in my hand. i also feel like my text messages are on display for the whole world to see lol.
my iphone 11 which i found to be perfect is in-between the sizes of the two phones 😂
it’s just a dilemma and i’m not sure what to do because the regular feels too small, but the plus feels too big. any advice?
submitted by pinkknivys to iphone15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:06 RefrigeratorLumpy459 Garmin Watch for Footballer / Soccer player?

Hi all, I would like some help making a choice on which Garmin watch to get. I am currently torn between the Venu 3 and the FR 255 music.
They're both on sale, and they kind of both offer what I'm looking for. I am not a huge runner, but I do run every single day, due to fitness preparation ahead of the season as well as practicing my sport in general.
I would like a watch that will help me with my lactate threshold, VO2 max, and setting times / looking at times while I run. I am also looking for a watch with music capabilities as I am tired of holding my iPhone in order to have music while I run. Since I'm not a crazy runner, the Venu 3 is appealing as it would be a good every day watch. However, the FR 255M seems to have a lot better measurements, which are nice as well.
If anyone has experience with both watches, I would love to hear your opinion and receive your help on making the right choice for me!
Thank you in advance
submitted by RefrigeratorLumpy459 to GarminWatches [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:56 SnakeDoctor00 Screen mirror from iPhone to iPad or other device

I’m looking to be able to screen mirror from my iPhone (14 Pro or wife’s 15 pro) to another device and would like an excuse to buy an iPad. When we’re in the car the kids like to watch a movie on roadtrips and I can play the sound over Bluetooth (no lag in audio that way) and if I can screen mirror my wife can watch from the front seat and the kids can see from the backseat with a more central mounted screen.
What are my options here? Am I better off trying something else? She’d like to be able to see what they are seeing and they’d like to be able to see what she’s seeing.
A quick google search says you can’t airplay to an iPad but is it possible to use the HDMI adapter for a wired mirroring?
Looking for recommendations since we’ve got some summer trips coming up with a couple road trips.
submitted by SnakeDoctor00 to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:40 RobinhoodSux2 iPhone 15 charging adapter vs iPhone 14 HDMI XR adapter

I just ordered the Viture XR Pro and the ordered the following accessories:
8-bitdo ultimate controller (free) Pro Mobile dock Switch mobile dock mount (free) Viture one neckband
I currently own an iPhone 14 Pro Max, (will upgrade to the 16 in the future)Is there a difference between the adapters? Are they needed even those I got the mobile dock and neckband? Also does the neckband and mobile dock work together or separately?
I’ve other off brand adapters for cheaper such as USB-C to lightning adapter to use with the iPhone 15 Viture adapter, would it work?
Main uses will be entertainment, gaming ps5/switch, watching movies, and light work(emails, browsing, purchasing, documents)
Thanks in advance for the tips on the accessories.
submitted by RobinhoodSux2 to VITURE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:26 Lily_McAllister 👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 30% OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! ESR 25W 3-in-1 Compatible with MagSafe Charger Stand, Made for Apple-Certified Magnetic Wireless Charger, 15W Charging for iPhone 15/14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch/AirPods Pro/3, Phone-Cooling, White

👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 30% OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! ESR 25W 3-in-1 Compatible with MagSafe Charger Stand, Made for Apple-Certified Magnetic Wireless Charger, 15W Charging for iPhone 15/14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch/AirPods Pro/3, Phone-Cooling, White submitted by Lily_McAllister to HomeDealsCa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:26 Lily_McAllister 👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 30% OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! ESR 25W 3-in-1 Compatible with MagSafe Charger Stand, Made for Apple-Certified Magnetic Wireless Charger, 15W Charging for iPhone 15/14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch/AirPods Pro/3, Phone-Cooling, White

👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 30% OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! ESR 25W 3-in-1 Compatible with MagSafe Charger Stand, Made for Apple-Certified Magnetic Wireless Charger, 15W Charging for iPhone 15/14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch/AirPods Pro/3, Phone-Cooling, White submitted by Lily_McAllister to SweetDealsCA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:24 Lily_McAllister 👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $30 OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! MagSafe Charger, Anker 3-in-1 Cube with MagSafe, 15W Max Fast Charging Foldable Wireless Charger, For iPhone 14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch Series 1-8/Ultra, AirPods Pro/3/2 (30W USB-C Charger Included)

👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $30 OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! MagSafe Charger, Anker 3-in-1 Cube with MagSafe, 15W Max Fast Charging Foldable Wireless Charger, For iPhone 14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch Series 1-8/Ultra, AirPods Pro/3/2 (30W USB-C Charger Included) submitted by Lily_McAllister to HomeDealsCa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:24 Lily_McAllister 👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $30 OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! MagSafe Charger, Anker 3-in-1 Cube with MagSafe, 15W Max Fast Charging Foldable Wireless Charger, For iPhone 14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch Series 1-8/Ultra, AirPods Pro/3/2 (30W USB-C Charger Included)

👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $30 OFF WITH COUPON ON SITE! MagSafe Charger, Anker 3-in-1 Cube with MagSafe, 15W Max Fast Charging Foldable Wireless Charger, For iPhone 14/13/12 Series, Apple Watch Series 1-8/Ultra, AirPods Pro/3/2 (30W USB-C Charger Included) submitted by Lily_McAllister to SweetDealsCA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:16 acidmine gay⏰irl

gay⏰irl submitted by acidmine to gay_irl [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:00 A_rf24 I hate my dad

Gonna try to keep it short and simple. So my dad is very narcissistic and he's such a gaslighter. He has many addictions (smoking, drugs, watching porn) honestly I hate him. I hate the way he treated us. He would psychically abuse my mother daily and abuse us too. He would literally beat the shit of us. My parents divorced in 2020-2021 when I was in sixth grade. And honestly it was so confusing for me. Suddenly living in a new house without my dad. But we were better off without him. He would get 26k a month and would spend it all on drugs and drinks and porn sites. While he wouldn't give my mother a single penny. I realised after the divorce, when I went to stay with my dad(had a. How much he "changed" it was weird to say the least. I would suddenly get 200-300 bucks from him a week and we would go out alone, until I realised why he was doing all of this. Inside of him he hated me and my mother and siblings. He just wanted me to stay with him so he could piss off my mom and get info out of me. Which really made me question me everything that was happening. After a while He stopped bribing me with me when he realised I was of no help to him. I would watch him treat my nephew better than me. And were the same age too. He was gonna give him 15k to himself a new car (he's only 14 wtf) and I would see my dad buy him the newest iPhone (while he gave me his old beat samsung (my dad has an iPhone tho) ) I would watching him give my nephew money and he would go out with him while he left me rotting in my grandma's house (that's where I stayed he doesn't have a house) just socks. I kinda wished I was a boy so he would treat me like that. Instead my dad would gossip and tell lies about me while I did nothing wrong. He literally gave me mental illnesses and I started self harming again (the last time I did it was during 2020 cuzco of him) got fucked mentally and physically with my stay at my dad. Really wanted to go back with my mom but i was afraid shouldn't accept me back. I stayed 4 months with him. I lived through he'll honestly all my 40 50 year old aunties and my grandma would talk shit and gossip about me literally with my own father. They ruined my image infront of everyone. And my niece talks shit about me in school and literally told everyone that my dad and mom are divorced. She also said that I was gay. Like what the fuck?!! Honestly don't know why she didn't like me I swore I did nothing wrong to her, my dad always pays her money ( even My nephews talk shit about my brothers) I think my dad payed them to do that. Cheap ass bitches literally would do anything for money (bet ya they're the kind that would kill for money) literally no personalty nor looks and she still thinks she's better than me anyways back to my aunties and grandma's. All 4 months I stayed with em they would talk ahit even though I didn't do a single fucking thing to piss em off. I Wass literally sleeping in my grandma's living room. People would storm on me when I was sleeping (bet ya even they record me ) they record me whenever I don't notice and make a fool out of me. One of my aunties thought was off to school and stormed on my room don't know what her intention was but probably not that great. So my dad talking shit and using while I was living in a make believe world trying to believe everything was perfect when inside I was literally breaking. And no that's not cuz I'm a teen or whatever it just hurts seeing my own father using me and talking shit shout me infront off everyone while they do it too with him. So everything in that house was against me. I would rot in my room cutting myself and crying all day and night never coming out to them . During the finals break my dad left me in my grandma's house and took my nephew to Jordan with em. Fuckkkkkkkk my dad really played with my mentality. Came back to my mom humbled and more woke than before. I stopped being a brat and apologised to her. I realised how bad life was when I left her. She really is everything I needed true she got no money but atheist she showed me real love unlike my dad who only got me fucked up more than before. The story has more details to it, but it's getting to long. Daddy issues still strike me hard whenever I see someone getting treated right by their dad. I hated seeing my friends getting new things travelling everywhere having a good dad. Just made me jealous and I hate that it made me feel this way. I try to stop myself but I can't. It sucks. My heart feel likes it ls gonna rip out of it'd place. Does anybody else feel like that?
submitted by A_rf24 to daddyissuesclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:25 Uvblue420 Skinwalkers In Michigan

Skinwalkers in Rural Michigan
I recently purchased a 10,000 lumen flashlight to illuminate the surrounding woods as I walk my dog in the evenings. I have been hearing some strange noises at night, and I figured it would be nice to see everything that boxes me in as I walk Max, my dog. But boy was I wrong. I should have been afraid of what can't be seen outside the veils of my iphone flashlight. What was to be exhumed by my flashlight terrified me to my core. This happened a week or so ago, November, 2nd 2022, Harrison Michigan. The evenings were approaching abruptly now. It was only 8:30pm when I decided to take my golden retriever on one last shit walk before I got settled in for the night. At this time, in rural Michigan at least, it’s pitch black. I cursed underneath my breath as I opened the door and peered out. Fuck, chilly and dark. God, why haven’t I moved south yet? Max was timid this evening, which was so really unlike him. Very strange. The darkness emanating from outside my house poured in like a disease. It was void of any color. Upset about not replacing my porch light, I pulled out my new amazon special, this week it was a 10,000 lumen flashlight. Feeling its expensive metallic body in my hands felt exonerating, and the excitement to use it overthrew any bad vibes Max was giving. He whimpered as soon as the door opened, he then put his tail between his legs and shivered. I scoffed at his weak tendencies here, this was so unlike him. I turned this ungodly bright flashlight on and showed it forward. “For fuck sake look Max, nothing to be afraid of y-” I was cut off. My mouth gaped at what was in front of me. Shown in the powerful beam of the flashlight was a contorted lanky humanoid figure. It slumped down from a standing position and got on all fours like a person miming a frog. Then it jerked its head up and sniffed the air. Animistically. It turned its head and bored its stare right into my eyes. Then it darted into a bush on the edge of the woods. The edge of the woods that surround my entire house. I heard leaves crackle and watched the skin colored creature dissipate into them. I focused the beam of my light directly onto that bush. It was incredibly bright and the bush appeared like high definition from the immense light, especially in contrast to the oily blackness that surrounded me. The bush shaked ominously, like a predator was inside, shifting around. A familiar feminine voice came from that bush. “Please help me… oh god please help… help… help mee…” And the leaves rustled again. Max whimpered in terror and got between my legs. I grabbed the baseball bat that I kept beside the front door for just such occasions and held it beside my head in a “ready to whoop” gesture, the other hand on my flashlight. I shakily started towards the bush from my door. Max bolted inside, leaving me completely alone. “Helllppppp meee” the voice cooed. The soft feminine coo of the voice crackled a little this time. Yeah, almost as if something was masquerading as a female, and luring me in. I was about 6 feet away by now, I could feel the blood pulsating in my temples. Goosh flesh ran down my body. “Helllpp,” deeper voice “Meeee!” An elongated ashy white arm flung towards me at ankle height. I instinctively stomped down on it. I heard cracking and sloshing from underneath my shoe. I stepped directly onto its wrist. I heard a shriek from inside the depths of that bush and the hand sprung up like a trap being set off. The strength possessed by this creature was unreal, it slung me to the ground and began to reel me into its bush where it resided. I screamed, smacked the arm with the bat as hard as I could and then lost control of the bat. It fell next to me as I was dragged closer to the bush, now my feet were inside the leafy abyss. The voice turned into my mothers voice. The clawed hands grasp on me tightened with tremendous strength and the nails dug into my skin through my pants. “Help me Nathaniel. Your mother needs help. I can't walk.” Yeah alright. I shined my light into the bush. What I saw still makes me tremble. It was my dead mothers face there alright, but atop an ashy white skinned humanoid skeleton with backward joints. The arms bent unnaturally opposite of how they should, the legs were bent like a frogs ready to pounce. The eyes were milky white, but were extremely intelligent and they gazed into my consciousness. With all of my force, I horse kicked my deceased mothers face and heard a massive crunch as my heel connected with her masqueraded nose. A profane yelp of pain blasted into the darkness of this B.F.E. where I lived. The grip on my leg loosened just enough from the blow for me to break free. I shot upright and turned to the door. I dropped my flashlight in this madness and couldn’t give a shit less. It could keep it for all I fucking cared. I bolted towards the door, and as I reached the halfway point I was Illuminated by a blinding bright light from behind. Almost like a spotlight beamed right onto me. My. Fucking. God. That thing had my flashlight and was pointing it directly at me. “Helpp… Nathaniel. Help me son.” The light started to bob up and down. Whatever was holding it was lurking closer and closer to me, and was gaining on me much faster than I was to the door. So much for not being able to walk. I ended up winning the foot race miraculously. I jumped inside my door and slammed it behind me. I heard a loud thump into the door immediately following its closure. My mothers late voice came again, beckoning me. “Son. You know your mother has taught you better than this. Let me in. Please, my son.” The light shone through the window at me, blinding me. Seeing spots and now disoriented, I fumbled myself up and managed to lock the door. Max was at the furthest point possible from the door, glaring at the door trembling in fear. Three solid knocks from the top of the door frame. Then the light was gone and I heard a metallic clunk, the thing must have dropped the flashlight on its retreat. The light now was gleaming off a huge tree. I watched a tall skinny humanoid creature with long contorted ligaments jerkily run towards that tree. His legs bent opposite of how our legs do, and same with the arms. Then it bent down in the same erratic way that it moved, and got onto all fours as it approached the tree. It paused a second and peered up the trunk. His head swiftly snapped to my face. Its now black and sunken eyes stared into my soul. I froze in terror as it climbed that trunk, with its face directly bored into me mind you, like squirrel. Scurrying right up it, never leaving contact with my eyes. The light undoubtedly should be blinding his vision, but the sense of intelligence of it knowing my existence was uncanny. Light didnt hurt it. As it ascended it smiled at me, a predatory grin. It disappeared into a purple dot that was still in my vision from when I was blinded by the flashlight. As I moved my head to try to see the creature, I watched tree leaves russell and saw no more of it. Yet. I locked the doors that night and cleaned up Max’s accidents from not going out. At night as I was asleep, I was awoken by my mothers soft voice from right outside the bedroom window. “Let me in Nathaniel..” Then directly following this motherly imitation came a 10,000 lumen flashlight beamed into my face. I heard the window slowly open, but I was blinded by the light.
submitted by Uvblue420 to DisembodiedVoices666 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:14 Femboy_Lord Happy Pr(ule)ide!

Happy Pr(ule)ide! submitted by Femboy_Lord to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:10 sethie0900 Device Pay Off

Hi yall! I can’t find anywhere where this question might have been answered. I’m currently a Verizon customer and kinda over how much I’m being charged. Tmobile has an interesting deal where they will payoff up to $800 of your phone from your current provider if you switch. Does anyone know if this applies to apple watch and ipad lines? my phone is currently paid off (iphone 13) but i did recently get an apple watch and ive had an ipad for about a year- both through Verizon. will they pay these off if i bring them with me and connect them to t-mobile? TIA!
submitted by sethie0900 to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:02 Ill_Struggle2418 My Apple Haul 🔥🙏🙏

My Apple Haul 🔥🙏🙏
I've just copped an Airpods Pro, an apple watch (ultra 2) and ngl their functions are amazing and especially the airpods considering it has about 20 hours of battery life w/ great ANC blocking out majority of the things and transparency mode with some amazing bass & crisp sound.
The watches on the other hand lasts DAYSSS which makes it amazing for everyday use and has got a lot of apps and features like the actual real deal. The iphone material is top notch & so is the software. It uses android but it's a 1:1 copy and functions nearly the same as the actual ones. I really do love this purchase and I would definitely recommend buying from them again.
submitted by Ill_Struggle2418 to rep [link] [comments]