How to draw a halo spartan online

Halo Online

2015.03.26 01:16 CantUseApostrophes Halo Online

Halo Online was a cancelled free-to-play multiplayer shooter developed by Saber Interactive and published by Innova Systems. The game was only released in Russia, but can be played without region restrictions using ElDewrito. ElDewrito allows the game to be played in player-hosted servers and aims to restore removed features, fix bugs and glitches, and add mod support.

2011.04.08 06:30 Mutki Sketchdaily: Your daily sketch!

Daily drawing prompts

2011.11.26 03:58 lorenlogan Tattoo Designs

This sub is for sharing and discussing tattoo designs, whether it's your own tattoo, work you've done, or asking for opinions about a tattoo you want to get. All tattoos must be by a professional unless you're asking how to cover up a past mistake, scratching/unprofessional tattoos aren't welcome here.

2024.06.01 16:00 AutoModerator Monthly Feature Nominations Now Open!

Got a favourite fic and think it deserves a little extra recognition? Now's your chance to nominate it! Nominations will be open for 3 days, at which point a winner will be randomly selected (using an online draw selector).
Modmail is open for you to submit nominations anonymously if you prefer!
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submitted by AutoModerator to LITGFanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 RiftWard Friend threatens to quit game if I use AI art

Hey y’all, came here hoping to get some advice. I have a private game amongst friends that’s sci-if / space themed. In the past we primarily use Pinterest for 99% of the art we use for characters or game references. But for this game, since there’s so little good sci-fi artwork on Pinterest that I can find to depict what I’m trying to describe, I’ve resorted to using AI for some things.
To me the idea of using AI to generate a picture is morally equivalent to using Pinterest to find a picture. Either way artists are having their work stolen. Just in one case, it’s directly stealing from them and relying on dubious/unenforced copyright laws to get away with it. And with the other it’s taking the essence of it and making something heavily inspired by it but slightly different (sometimes falling in the category of breaking copyright law but either way unenforceable). If this was a streamed or public game that’d be one thing but it’s an at home private game with friends..
A good friend of mine is incredibly against all this AI art thing. Their stance seems to be that there’s nothing good coming from AI and it should be boycotted. When I started using AI art they were super against it. And they told me that if I keep using AI art they’re gonna quit the game. I respect their opinions and I don’t want to do something that makes them uncomfortable. But I’m not using AI for the sake of it, there’s literally nothing I can find online that depicts what I’m trying to convey - there’s so much fantasy artwork out there to use but probably 5% as much sci-fi artwork.
I know this sub is quite anti-AI so I was hoping y’all could help explain this to me / give me some advice on how I should handle this. I don’t think I could afford to pay real artists to draw everything I’m looking for. I mean I don’t know what to do here. Should I resort to continuing to steal from artists through Pinterest and maybe just occasionally drawing a crappy napkin sketch of everything else?
submitted by RiftWard to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 LovecraftianKing I've read everything I could find. Everything. I need some new recommendations, please!

Below, I am posting the list of everything I've read in the last few years, organized by author. Please, help me find something new. An author I don't know, a fresh take on an established subgenre, an exceptionally well written piece, something I just missed somehow, or a unique story/perspective I haven't seen yet. I've been on a bit of a sci fi kick lately and want to come back to horror. I'm currently reading Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons and Fairy Tale by Stephen King. Should be done with both pretty soon. Your recommendations will be added to my queue! Thank you in advance!
Author Title
Agustina Bazterrica Tender is the Flesh
Alex White Alien: The Cold Forge
Andrew Shanahan Before and After
Ania Ahlborn Seed
Anne Rice Interview with the Vampire
Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand The Fountainhead
Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Bram Stoker Dracula
Bret Easton Ellis American Psycho
Brian Hodge The Immaculate Void
Brian Hodge I’ll Bring You the Birds From Out of the Sky
Brian Hodge Skidding Into Oblivion
Brian Hodge The Darker Saints
C. S. Humble All These Subtle Deceits
C. S. Humble The Crusade of the Black Cross
C.S. Lewis The Magician’s Nephew
C.S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis The Horse and His Boy
C.S. Lewis Prince Caspian
C.S. Lewis The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis The Silver Chair
C.S. Lewis The Last Battle
Carlton Mellick III The Big Meat
Carson McCullers The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Cassandra Khaw Nothing But Blackened Teeth
Catriona Ward The Last House on Needless Street
Charles Bukowski A .45 to Pay the Rent
Christopher Buehlman Between Two Fires
Christopher Buehlman The Lesser Dead
Christopher Buehlman The Suicide Motor Club
Christopher Buehlman Those Across the River
Christopher Covello HowExpert: Guide to Obstacle Course Racing
Christopher Golden Ararat
Christopher Priest The Prestige
Chuck Palahniuk Fight Club
Chuck Palahniuk Lullaby
Cixin Liu The Three-Body Problem
Cixin Liu The Dark Forest
Cixin Liu Death’s End
Clay McLeod Chapman Whisper Down the Lane
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 1 to 3
Clive Barker Imajica
Clive Barker The Damnation Gam
Clive Barker The Hellhound Heart
Clive Barker The Thief of Always
Clive Barker Weaveworld
Clive Barker Coldheart Canyon
Clive Barker The Scarlet Gospels
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 4: The Inhuman Condition
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 5: In the Flesh
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 6: Lord of Illusion
Clive Barker Mister B. Gone
Cormac McCarthy No Country for Old Men
Cormac McCarthy The Road
Dan Simmons A Winter Haunting
Dan Simmons The Terror
Dan Simmons Summer of Night
Danielle Vega The Merciless
Dave Pelzer A Child Called “It”
David Duchovny The Reservoir
David Foster Wallace Infinite Jest
David Goggins Can’t Hurt Me
David Goggins Never Finished
David J. Lieberman You Can Read Anyone
David Seltzer The Omen
Dean Koontz Darkfall
Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Edgar Allan Poe The Raven
Edward Lee Teratologist
Elan Gale You’re Not That Great
Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights
Erich Maria Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front
Ernest Cline Armada
Ernest Cline Ready Player One
Ernest Cline Ready Player Two
Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls
F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby
Franz Kafka The Metamorphosis
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Crime and Punishment
George Orwell 1984
George Orwell Animal Farm
Gerald Brom Lost Gods
Glenn Beck Common Sense
Grady Hendrix My Best Friend’s Exorcism
Grady Hendrix We Sold Our Souls
Grady Hendrix Horrorstör
Grady Hendrix The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires
Gus Moreno This Thing Between Us
H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds
H.G. Wells The Invisible Man
H.P. Lovecraft The Alchemist
H.P. Lovecraft At the Mountains of Madness
H.P. Lovecraft Azathoth
H.P. Lovecraft The Beast in the Cave
H.P. Lovecraft Beyond the Wall of Sleep
H.P. Lovecraft The Book
H.P. Lovecraft The Call of Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
H.P. Lovecraft The Cats of Ulthar
H.P. Lovecraft Celephaïs
H.P. Lovecraft The Colour Out of Space
H.P. Lovecraft Cool Air
H.P. Lovecraft Dagon
H.P. Lovecraft The Dunwich Horror
Herman Raucher Maynard’s House
Hideaki Sena Parasite Eve
Hunter S. Thompson Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
J. M. Barlog God of War
J. Sheridan Le Fanu Carmilla: A Vampyre Tale
Jack Ketchum Off Season
Jack London The Call of the Wild
Jason Arnopp The Last Days of Jack Sparks
Jay Anson The Amityville Horror
Joe De Sena The Spartan Way
John Grisham The Firm
John Langan The Fisherman
Jon Robson The Psychopath Test
Jonathan Janz Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz Exorcist Falls
Jules Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 0.5: The Hospital
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 2: Safari
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 3: Hellifax
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 4: Well Fed
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 5: Make Me King
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 6: Mindless
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man: Prequel
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man: 2nd Prequel
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 7: Skull Road
Keith R. A. DeCandido Alien: Isolation
Kristina Streva The Inked
Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterhouse-Five
L.I. Albemont A Haunting: The Horror on Rue Lane
Lauren Beukes Ungirls
Lee Mountford The Demonic
Lee Mountford The Mark
Lee Mountford Forest of the Damned
Leo Tolstoy The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow
Mary Doria Russell Children of God
Mary Higgins Clark I’ve Got My Eyes On You
Mary Shelley Frankenstein
Michael McDowell Cold Moon Over Babylon
Michael McDowell The Elementals
Mitch Albom Tuesdays with Morrie
Neil Gaiman American Gods
Neil Gaiman The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Neil Gaiman Coraline
Nick Cutter The Troop
Nick Cutter The Deep
Nick Roberts The Exorcist’s House
Patrick McGrath Asylum
Paul Tremblay A Head Full of Ghosts
Peter Straub Ghost Story
R. L. Stine Red Rain
Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451
Rex Stout The Golden Spiders
Richard Laymon The Traveling Vampire Show
Richard Matheson A Stir of Echoes
Rick Poldark Primordial Island
Rick Poldark Return to Primordial Island
Rick Poldark Cryptid Slayer
Robert Browning Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
Robert Louis Stevenson Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Robert Masello The Night Crossing
Ronald Malfi Black Mouth
Ronald Malfi The Night Parade
Ronald Malfi Come With Me
Ryan James Girdusky They’re Not Listening
Ryu Murakami Audition
S. E. England Father of Lies
Sara Gran Come Closer
Scott Kenemore The Grand Hotel
Shirley Jackson The Haunting of Hill House
Silvia Moreno-Garcia Mexican Gothic
Stephen Graham Jones The Only Good Indians
Stephen J. Dubner Freakonomics
Stephen King The Shining
Stephen King Doctor Sleep
Stephen King It
Stephen King Everything’s Eventual
Stephen King The Stand: Complete and Uncut Edition
Stephen King On Writing
Stephen King Hearts in Atlantis
Stephen King Salem’s Lot
Stephen King The Mist
Stephen King The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger
Stephen King The Dark Tower 2: The Drawing of the Three
Stephen King The Dark Tower 3: The Waste Lands
Stephen King The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass
Stephen King The Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla
Stephen King The Dark Tower 6: Song of Susannah
Stephen King Insomnia
Stephen King The Talisman
Stephen King Black House
Stephen King The Dark Tower 7: The Dark Tower
Stephen King The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole
Stephen King Pet Sematary
Stephen King Quitters, Inc.
Stephen King In the Tall Grass
Stephen King The Dark Half
Stephen King 11/22/63
Stephen King Under the Dome
Stephen King Rage
Steven Pressfield Gates of Fire
Sun Tzu The Art of War
Susan Hill Dolly: A Ghost Story
T. Kingfisher The Hollow Places
T. Kingfisher The Twisted Ones
Tess Gerritsen Vanish
Theodore Sturgeon Some of Your Blood
Thomas F. Moneleone The Resurrectionist
Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native
Thomas Harris The Silence of the Lambs
Thomas Harris Hannibal
Thomas Harris Red Dragon
Thomas Harris Hannibal Rising
Thomas Olde Heuvelt HEX
Tom Wolfe The Bonfire of the Vanities
Truman Capote Breakfast at Tiffany’s
V. Castro Goddess of Filth
Vladimir Nabokov Lolita
Walter Tevis The Queen’s Gambit
Washington Irving The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
William Peter Blatty The Exorcist
William Peter Blatty Legion
William Shakespeare King Lear
submitted by LovecraftianKing to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:23 Medical_Work1712 How to Plan Your Bedroom Layout Like a Pro!

How to Plan Your Bedroom Layout Like a Pro!
Are you planning to design your room? Room layout is one of the major roles in the creation of design; it’s not only about looks but a lot more than that. The bedroom layout works a lot more than just a creation; it’s about designing something unique and comfortable from starting to scratch. HSAA~ the interior design firm in Delhi, always works on practical and authentic creation to provide you with the right layout that can be versatile, affordable, and convenient.
From figuring out the right placement to drawing a complete bedroom layout in advance, our experts offer one kind of solution: turning your boring bedroom layout into an aesthetic one!
In this blog, you will explore the best bedroom layout ideas that work for you and your lifestyle. Make the best use of space, whether it’s small or big. Here are the top tips to guide you in this journey of bedroom decor layout with our professional designer.

Concept to plan a bedroom layout

When you plan a bedroom layout, the function of the room is the major aspect. So, before you introduce new items like furniture, cabinets, dressing, and more, you have to get a clear idea of how to incorporate everything and how to plan the adjustment of your essentials. Whether you have smaller rooms or likely open large rooms, it’s very important to create different zones.
  • What’s the size? Begin with the size of your bedroom, as no layout is possible without getting the exact size. The ideal bedroom layout for a smaller bedroom can have a full or queen-sized bed along the wall, embellished with bedside tables. In a smaller bedroom, you can go with smaller nightstands with hanging pieces, which make it seem larger and give you more space for your books and personal items. On the other hand, a large bedroom size will have larger nightstands along with one wall to create the look of a sleeping area and plan a seating space near a window or cosy corner. The shape and structure of the room matter the most; you can easily create a layout.
  • How to use the layout: Before beginning with the layout, it’s important to know how you can utilize your bedroom. The key is to design a top-notch layout, and with HSSA, the interior design firm in Delhi, you get the best services for bedroom layout from start to finish. The best use of the layout method is to draw it out to visualize what your new bedroom layout looks like! Start measuring your bedroom layouts, including room and furniture pieces like benches, desks, chairs, dressers, and nightstands.
To use in the best possible way, sketch the complete bedroom layout to make sure everything looks perfect and fine. The basic idea of sketching will give you an estimation of the distance between your bed and other decor items.
Remember not to overstuff your bedroom with accessories. If sketching is not your preference. HSAA~ the interior design firm in Delhi, will help you create floor plans and 3D room layouts according to your needs.
  • Formation: Formation is very important, including the factors of spacing, scale, and symmetry; if you have too much space in the room, it won’t function properly, and alternatively, if the space is too little, then it will feel like a crowded place. So, it is time to do the correct formation when you have to consider the space rule.
* walkways usually in between 36–48’
* coffee tables and other items usually are within 1–5” of sofa seat height.
* The seat height of all assembled pieces should be similar ( within 1–2”)
* The depth of the chair needs to be plus 24” around a table for ease of getting in and out.
* The bench at the end of the bed should not be higher than the box.
* Nightstands are within 1–2” of bed height.
* The chairs set at the end of the bed are inside 4” of the height of the mattress.
* Coffee tables ought to be ½–⅔ the length of your sofa. No less than ½. Ever.
  • The wall art must be hung above 4–6”.
  • Building design elements: The bedroom layout should include windows, an integrated bathroom, a door, and a closet. Other than that, don’t forget to add ceiling elements like beams and vaulted ceilings to make your room look functional. The most important thing is to clean out before you start moving with your furniture and other decor pieces, such as indoor plants, lamps, rugs, and more. Moving furniture is less complicated after your shelves and cabinets are empty.
  • How does the view look? Visualizing the complete view of the bedroom is similarly important as the layout; however, it is possible through a 3D functional layout. Our advanced 3D room layout allows you to provide the perfect space online with our professional interior designer. With a 3D room operation, you can visualize each design in detail and easily make changes to ensure everything fits together smoothly and perfectly. It also allows you to see virtually and avoid mistakes.
  • How to set out the furniture: The good rule for setting up furniture in a bedroom is to keep it simple and uncomplicated, which means no unnecessary furniture items. Make a proper list of what you need in furniture, such as cabinets, dressers, mattresses, vanity, etc. Whether the room is large or small, the best way is to zone it out, start creating the bedroom design in terms of zones, and then furnish it according to your needs and requirements. HSAA’s home experts and professional interior designers will assist you in organizing the furniture.

How Bedroom Layout Meets Innovation

A good bedroom layout is not just created and designed in an instant but requires a lot of patience, creativity, and a nice layout plan. It’s crucial to consider all the features of design when creating the room. It not only considers the living room but also the height of the ceiling, including light, colors, and patterns that enhance serenity and calmness.
HSAA guides you in brightening up your living room. Our designs have unique magic that brings imagination to life from floor to ceiling.
Here are some tips for designing a good bedroom layout that tells a story:
  • Add a sofa or chair: To make your room look stylish and graceful, add sophisticated furniture items like a chair and sofa; this will not only make the room aesthetic but give you a comfortable place to sit and relax.
  • The multi-tasking nightstand: A nightstand is nothing but an extra surface for holding a lamp, books, medications, and other essentials. It comes in different designs, patterns, styles, and colors, so you can pick one that complements your room decor. Enhance your nightstand with the pretty vase, decorative indoor plant, lidded baskets with your favorite books and items, or a cordless to make your room more enhancing.
  • Make use of an ottoman: An ottoman is a piece of furniture that stores blankets and pillows. It can also prevent you from filling the bedroom with unnecessary items, freeing up space and making the room more meaningful.
  • Get organized with TV space: Enhance your room’s appearance with a great, comfortable, and space-saving TV. A TV in the room makes it more convenient to relax and lay out after a long, hectic day. Whether you want to catch up on news highlights, your favorite series, or a movie night, Having a TV in a room brings enjoyment and entertainment.
  • Magnify space with a full-length mirror: To make the space look more attractive, hang a full-length mirror that gives the room a fuller look. At the same time, it also adds a decorative touch and even has psychological benefits.

submitted by Medical_Work1712 to u/Medical_Work1712 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:02 Llamallamacallurmama Join the June Book Club Discord - The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches

Join the June Book Club Discord - The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches
June Book Club Pick - The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna
One final reminder that June's book club pick is {The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna}! The discord book club chat is now up and running.
The book available as ebook and audiobook on Libby (library services) or you can buy a copy from your favorite ebook retailer (as well as widely available cheap used physical copies)!
Blurb from Good Reads -
As one of the few witches in Britain, Mika Moon knows she has to hide her magic, keep her head down, and stay away from other witches so their powers don't mingle and draw attention. And as an orphan who lost her parents at a young age and was raised by strangers, she's used to being alone and she follows the rules...with one exception: an online account, where she posts videos pretending to be a witch. She thinks no one will take it seriously.But someone does. An unexpected message arrives, begging her to travel to the remote and mysterious Nowhere House to teach three young witches how to control their magic. It breaks all of the rules, but Mika goes anyway, and is immediately tangled up in the lives and secrets of not only her three charges, but also an absent archaeologist, a retired actor, two long-suffering caretakers, and...Jamie. The handsome and prickly librarian of Nowhere House would do anything to protect the children, and as far as he's concerned, a stranger like Mika is a threat. An irritatingly appealing threat.As Mika begins to find her place at Nowhere House, the thought of belonging somewhere begins to feel like a real possibility. But magic isn't the only danger in the world, and when a threat comes knocking at their door, Mika will need to decide whether to risk everything to protect a found family she didn't know she was looking for...
Follow the Book Club Collection to get notified whenever there's a new Book Club-related post. (This link does not work on the Reddit app for Android. You can follow on a different device and you will get notifications on your Android device.)
Hope to see you there!
submitted by Llamallamacallurmama to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:39 FunnyRecognition1817 [+[!STREAMs!]$] UFC 302 LIVE Coverage ON TV Channel

[+[!STREAMs!]$] UFC 302 LIVE Coverage ON TV Channel. The UFC 302 event, featuring the highly anticipated bout between Islam Makhachev and Dustin Poirier, is set to be a blockbuster. Taking place at the iconic Prudential Center on Saturday, June 1, 2024, this fight is expected to draw significant attention from MMA fans around the world. Whether you're a seasoned UFC follower or a newcomer, this guide will provide all the essential information you need to enjoy the event.
🔴Watch Now: UFC 302 Live Free
🔴Watch Now: UFC 302 Streams
UFC 302 Event Overview
When and Where
Date: Saturday, June 1, 2024
Time: 10 p.m. ET
Location: Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey
Main Event: Islam Makhachev vs. Dustin Poirier
The Prudential Center, known for hosting some of the most thrilling sports events, will once again be the venue for an epic UFC night. Fans can expect an electrifying atmosphere as two of the best fighters in the lightweight division face off.
Fight Card Highlights
Main Event: Islam Makhachev vs. Dustin Poirier
Co-Main Event: Amanda Nunes vs. Julianna Peña
Featured Bout: Robert Whittaker vs. Marvin Vettori
Prelims: Up-and-coming fighters showcasing their skills
Main Event: Makhachev vs. Poirier
Fighter Profiles
Islam Makhachev
Islam Makhachev, known for his exceptional grappling and wrestling, has been on a meteoric rise in the lightweight division. Trained by the legendary Khabib Nurmagomedov, Makhachev has demonstrated a blend of technical prowess and physical strength that makes him a formidable opponent.
Record: 23-1-0
Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight: 155 lbs (70 kg)
Reach: 70.5" (179 cm)
Dustin Poirier
Dustin "The Diamond" Poirier is a seasoned fighter with a reputation for resilience and striking power. Poirier's journey through the UFC has been marked by memorable fights and notable victories, making him a fan favorite and a tough competitor.
Record: 29-7-0 (1 NC)
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight: 155 lbs (70 kg)
Reach: 72" (183 cm)
How to Watch UFC 302 Live
Broadcast Details
For fans eager to catch the live action, there are several ways to watch UFC 302:
Pay-Per-View (PPV)
The main card, including the Makhachev vs. Poirier fight, will be available on pay-per-view. Check with your local cable or satellite provider for PPV options and pricing.
Online Streaming
Various streaming services will broadcast the event live. Popular platforms include:
ESPN+ (USA): Exclusive streaming partner for UFC events in the United States.
BT Sport (UK): Available for viewers in the United Kingdom.
DAZN (Canada, Germany, Japan): A versatile option for international viewers.
Mobile Apps
Many broadcasters offer mobile apps that allow you to watch the fight on your smartphone or tablet. Ensure you have a stable internet connection for the best viewing experience.
Start Time
The main card is scheduled to start at 10:00 PM ET (Eastern Time). However, the preliminary bouts will begin earlier, typically around 6:00 PM ET. It's advisable to tune in early to catch all the exciting fights leading up to the main event.
submitted by FunnyRecognition1817 to ufc302Redit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:15 thatoneguy79134 Splinter- 3rd darkness subclass fanconcept

Splinter is inspired by the slicing and mirror powers that the witness uses during the lightfall and tfs trailer. This is basically just a fun idea as to what a 'witness subclass' would look like.
Visuals: The splinter subclass would have its designs consist of broken glass and reflecting mirrors. Its energy would be a pale red with bright white streaks. Enemies killed by a splinter debuff would have look as if they were sliced into red segments before disappearing. Lore: If stasis is control and strand is going with the flow, splinter is ignorance. Rather than controlling or flowing with the universe, you have to actively deny its rules to use splinter. The witness carved a hole in the traveller by ignoring the strength of its shell.
Cut - enemys hit by cut take a small amount of damage and are given one stack of cut. If they receive 100 stacks, they will be hit by dismantle.
Visual: Cut would look like a small red slice going across the enemy's body
Dismantle - when an enemy is 'dismantled' they will receive a moderate amount of damage over the course of 1.5 seconds. Other enemies hit by dismantle will be given a varying amount of cut stacks, depending for how long they were in the aoe. Cut and dismantle would be your bread and butter for general ad clear. Dismantle would also stun overloads.
Visual: Where cut is one single slice, dismantle is a flurry of these slices going across the inflicted targets body, as if they're being diced.
Displacement - enemies affected by displacement are initially slowed by 60%, before going back to normal speed over the course of 3 seconds. Projectiles slowed by displacement are permanently slowed by 50%, and their damage decreased by 15%.
In pvp: Displacement would slow players by 30% and gradually return them to normal over 3 seconds.
Visual: Normal enemies that have been displaced would look like segment of their body have been cut offer and separated. These pieces eventually fuse back together as the slow effect decreases. Boss enemies would simply have a red hue to show they have been affected by displacement.
Rend - A high power single tick of damage in a small radius. This would be more helpful for taking care of healthier targets quickly. Hitting a barrier champion while they are shielded stuns them.
Visual: Rend would appear like a gash in the air, as if the universe itself was cut open. This gash would stay for half a second after a rend attack. This gash would look similar to the portals made by vergil in dmc5 (although more red instead of blue)
Guard points (splinter's main gimmick) When using a splinter powered melee, the first 0.3 seconds of the attack while have a guard point. If an enemy hits while the guard point is up, you will receive 60% reduced damage and be immune to one shots. It will also boost the damage of the melee by 50%. Projectiles will also proc the guard point depending on the overall damage of the projectile. Enemies hit by a guard point empowered melee are briefly flinched.
Visual/audio: When in the 'guard point stance' your guardian will radiate red splinter energy with white streaks. When hitting the guard point, the white streaks will turn black and make it resemble an impact frame.
The audio and animation of the melee would also change to make the attack feel more impactful.
Reflective plating - while reflectjve plating is active, gain 20% dr and empower your guard points to be more effective. Guard points with reflecting plate now active in the first 0.7 seconds of the melee rather 0.3, and will increase the damage resistance to 90%. Lastly, projectiles that hit the guardian while guard point is active will reflect back to the enemy (although for reduced damage)
In pvp: The only difference with pvp is that your head hit box will not be immune to one shots.
Visual: Reflective plating will look similar to guard point, the energy will just be much less intense.
Rupert drop (probably not what it would be in game but bubbles already taken) - Rupert drops are the splinter subclass pickups (even though you don't actually pick them up). Rupert drops are a hybrid between stasis crystals and tangles. They can be for either cover or they can be shot to pop into a small cutting explosion. When shot by their creator or allies, rupert drops will move away from where they were hit, the bigger tha damage, the faster it moves. Ruperts drop would have a 15 second cool down and be generated by killing enemies with rend.
Visual: Rupert drops would look like giant bubbles roughly the size of a guardian. when taking damage, they slow crystallize before exploding into shards of glass.
When spawning in. The rupert's drop would look as if its slowly being formed by pieces of glass coming out of the gash made by the rend.
Shred grenade - explodes on impact to create a moderately sized explosion (slightly larger than a scatter grenade) that would deal a total of 110 stack of cut over the course of 0.75 seconds.
Cleave grenade - sticks to target before exploding into a small radius rend attack.
Dispersing grenade - explodes into a field of displacement that slowly implodes to create a small displacement explosion. The initial field would act similarly to a dusk field grenade, while the implosion would be similar to a snare bomb in damage.
Each of the subclasses would mirror the arc subclasses in a way, Since splinter would be the darkness antithesis to arc (like solastasis, void/strand)
Ronin - hunter subclass Where arcstriders use their hand to hand prowess and expertise with the pole arm, Ronin use their skill with the blade to fell even the largest of does with a single slash.
Ronins are inspired primarily by heroes from old samurai movies. Wandering swordsman who could defeat armies with nothing but their trusted sword.
The gameplay fantasy of ronin would consist of well timed guard points and high power single target damage using rending attacks. The subclass would have a higher skill ceiling than most, rewarding knowledge of enemy attack patterns with high damage attacks.
Melee - Unsheathing strike (2 charges) Striking enemies with your katana inflicts them with 30 stacks of cut. Standing still before attacking will increase the damage of the strike by 15%. When empowered by a guard point, the strike will deal 60 stacks of cut in a large radius.
Visual: The splinter katana's is made up of various uneven panes of broken glass. When empowered, the katana's blade goes from red and white to pure black.
Super - shimmering blade (roaming/one off) The Ronin unsheathes their blade when beginning the super. While in super, there are 2 attacks. Light attack - fast slashes that each deal 40 stacks of cut. Heavy attack - quickly sheathe the blade and become immobile. Releasing the attack button has the Ronin slash the air and rend every enemy in a large radius. This attack ends the super immediately.
Holding the attack for a longer period of time increases the damage of the rends, fully maxxing out at an 80% boost.
During the release of the attack, a guard point is active for 0.3 seconds (0.7 when reflective plating is active). Hitting the guard point immediately increases the attack damage to 80%, while also further boosting the range and damage by 15%.
Aspect 1 - crossguard slash After a successful guard point, follow up with a second slash that rends the opponent. Killing an enemy with slash regenerates 50% of your melee charge.
Aspect 2 - quickdraw sheathe Gives hunter a guard point during initial activation. Successful guard points now boost class a ability regeneration by 150% for 4 seconds.
Blastmarine - Titan subclass Blastmarines mirror arc strikers as both are 'soldier' subclasses. Where strikers are frontline fighters, blastmarines are the 'heavy artillery' weapons experts of their fireteam.
Where ronin are calm, collected samurai, Blast marines are loud, explosive 80s action heroes. Big guys with bigger guns.
The blastmarine gameplay fantasy consist of being the heavy weapons guy, battling the hordes of their enemies with their cutting and dismantling projectiles.
Melee - Knucklebuster Raise your left arm briefly (this is when the guard point is active) before cocking back their right arm's wrist cannon. Hitting enemies with this inflicts them with 50 stacks of cut. When empowered, the radius of the blast is increased and inflicts 80 stacks of cut
Visual: The guard point would resemble a boxer blocking a punch before counter attacking with a jab. The wrist cannon would resemble the red arm punch from ultrakill. The attack would also end with the blastmarine pumping their arm like a shotgun (cus it would look cool)
Super - devastator cannon (one off) The blastmarine would ready the cannon onto their shoulder (similarly to a scorch cannon). The cannon would need to be charged fo a short period before firing. The initial blast would deal high single target damage before imploding into this cloud large cloud of dismantling slashes. This cloud would last front seconds before disappearing.
Visual: the devastator cannon would look similar to a halo spartan laser, just much bigger and with a much bigger blast radius.
Aspect 1 - coverfire blaster Rally barricades now spawn in a heavy cannon for the blastmarine and their allies to pickup. This cannon fires at 300 rpm and has a total 25 rounds that it can fire before disappearing. These shots have a small aoe effect and each deal 20 stacks of cut. Continuous damage with the turret Grant's reflective plating. This aspect would act similarly to a gauss cannon from halo.
Aspect 2 - ballistic bombard
Enhance the functionally of your splinter grenades.
Shred grenade - improved radius and total damage and duration (now deals 170 stacks of cut over 1.5 seconds) Cleave grenade - can now be charged to skip across the ground up to 3 times. Each bounce creates a rend.
Dispersing grenade - increased radius of initial field and increased damage of implosion. Initial field now pulls in enemies and flinches them.
Glassformer - warlock subclass (name tbd) Where stormcaller is harmony within, the glassformer embraces the chaos of splinter to conquer the battlefield.
glassformers are inspired from crackpot scientists from monster movie. Creating inconceivable creations.
The gameplay of glassformers revolves around using rupert drops and creating unpredictable combinations.
Melee - broken flurry (2 charges) The glassformer sends a burst of 8 panes of splinter. Each pane inflicts 6 stacks of cut. When empowered, the total amount of panes increases from 8 to 12, they also can increased tracking to targets.
Visual: Each of the panes would shoot off from the glassformer's fingertips. When empowered, the panes turn black.
Super - razing burst (one off) The glassformer raises a giant ruperts drop infront of them, before slashing it with their splinter infused hand and rending it, this creates a large ape explosions that dismantle enemies in its radius. Enemies near the giant gashes are slowly pulled in.
Visual: Razing burst is essentially a large spherical blender that would pull in enemies not originally caught in its blast.
Aspect 1 - fracturing chasm Rends now linger for a longer duration and suck in enemies in radius of it. Killing enemies that are pulled grants reflective plating.
Aspect 2 - chromatic concoction Inflicting ruperts drops with elemntal verbs gives the explosion that property. (For example, applying jolt to the rupert's drop gives the explosion jolt.) A singular bubble can hold up to 3 new verbs.
Visual: When a verb is given to the ruperts drop, the respective subclass energy will begin swirling around the inside of the drop. The more verbs, the more colours swirling around.
Fragments: Fragments would be obtained similarly to strand, killing enemies with splinter will have a chance to give a 'shard of splinter'
Killing targets with rend reduces rupert's drop cooldown (0.5 seconds per enemy)
Apply more cut stacks
Picking up orbs of power grants reflective plating
Rapid finale blows with dismantle grant grenade energy
Precision finale blows against displaced enemies creates a displacing explosion
Super finale blows create cutting explosions.
Conclusion: I'm ngl this post is wayyyy longer than I thought it'd be. I wanted to just spitball an idea I had the other day for a new subclass
submitted by thatoneguy79134 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 jonic48 Some help with this sketch? (Cylindrical part with pockets)

Some help with this sketch? (Cylindrical part with pockets)
Hey all!
I'm not someone who relies asking for help online (I usually search untill i get a solution) but this one is taking me ages....
I'm trying to get some drawings out of a cylindrical handguard for airsoft, but as you can see in the images, the pockets on the part are quite complex, different angles etc. Once I select the faces, I can't select most of the profiles as they are not headed flat to the profile... and I don't know how to manage this.... I need to send them to a machinist and don't know how to make it....
Any ideas? I'm a complete amateur at cad, and I'm just getting started with drawings...
submitted by jonic48 to Fusion360 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 jjdewit Review: Overview of and its Features is a popular online platform that provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for traders, investors, and analysts to analyze and trade financial markets. In this chapter, we will provide an overview of, its features, and its benefits, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the platform's capabilities in subsequent chapters.

What is is a cloud-based platform that enables users to analyze and trade financial markets, including stocks, forex, futures, and cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2011, has grown to become one of the largest and most popular trading communities in the world, with over 10 million registered users.

Key Features of offers a wide range of features that make it an attractive platform for traders and analysts. Some of the key features include:
1. Charting and Technical Analysis: provides a powerful charting platform that allows users to create custom charts with various indicators, drawing tools, and annotations. Users can also access a vast library of pre-built indicators and templates.
2. Backtesting and Paper Trading: allows users to backtest and paper trade their strategies using historical data, enabling them to refine their trading ideas and test their performance.
3. Community and Social Trading: has a large and active community of users who share their ideas, strategies, and insights. Users can follow other traders, participate in discussions, and share their own ideas and insights.
4. Alerts and Notifications: provides a robust alert system that allows users to set custom alerts based on market conditions, technical indicators, and other criteria.
5. Data Feeds: offers a range of data feeds, including real-time and historical data, for various markets and instruments.
6. Scripting and Automation:'s PineScript language allows users to create custom indicators, strategies, and automated trading systems.
7. Mobile Apps: offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling users to access the platform on-the-go.

Benefits of Using offers several benefits to its users, including:
1. Improved Trading Decisions:'s charting and analysis tools enable users to make more informed trading decisions.
2. Access to a Large Community:'s community provides users with access to a vast network of traders, analysts, and experts.
3. Customization and Automation:'s scripting and automation capabilities allow users to create custom strategies and automate their trading.
4. Real-time Data and Alerts:'s real-time data and alert system enable users to stay up-to-date with market movements and react quickly to market changes.
5. Cost-Effective: offers a range of pricing plans, including a free version, making it an accessible platform for traders and analysts.


In this chapter, we have provided an overview of, its features, and its benefits. is a powerful platform that offers a range of tools and resources for traders, analysts, and investors. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out, provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help you analyze and trade financial markets. In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into the charting and technical analysis capabilities of

Chapter 2: Creating an Account and Setting Up Your Profile

As a new user, creating an account and setting up your profile is the first step in exploring the world of [Platform/Service]. In this chapter, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to create an account and set up your profile, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Section 1: Creating an Account

To create an account, follow these steps:
1. Visit the Sign-up Page: Go to the [Platform/Service] website and click on the "Sign Up" or "Create an Account" button. This will take you to the sign-up page.
2. Enter Your Email Address: Enter a valid email address to serve as your login credentials. Make sure to use a unique and memorable email address, as it will be used to reset your password if needed.
3. Choose a Username: Choose a unique and memorable username that will be used to identify you on the platform. This can be your real name, a nickname, or a combination of letters and numbers.
4. Create a Password: Create a strong and unique password for your account. A strong password should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
5. Confirm Your Password: Re-enter your password to confirm it. This ensures that you have entered the correct password.
6. Verify Your Account: Click on the "Create Account" button to create your account. You will receive an email verification link to verify your email address.

Section 2: Setting Up Your Profile

Once you have created your account, it's time to set up your profile. Follow these steps:
1. Fill Out Your Profile Information: Fill out your profile information, including your name, birthday, and location. This information will be used to personalize your experience and connect with other users.
2. Add a Profile Picture: Upload a profile picture that represents you. This can be a photo of yourself, a logo, or an avatar.
3. Add a Bio: Write a brief bio that describes yourself, your interests, or your expertise. This will help others get to know you better and find common ground.
4. Customize Your Profile Settings: Customize your profile settings to control what information is visible to others and what notifications you receive.
5. Connect with Others: Start connecting with other users by sending friend requests or joining groups related to your interests.

Tips and Best Practices

· Use a strong and unique password for your account.
· Keep your profile information up-to-date and accurate.
· Be cautious when sharing personal information or connecting with strangers.
· Use the platform's built-in features to block or report suspicious or inappropriate behavior.
· Respect other users' privacy and boundaries.


Congratulations! You have successfully created an account and set up your profile. You are now ready to explore the world of [Platform/Service] and start connecting with others. Remember to keep your account information secure, be respectful of others, and have fun exploring the platform. In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into the features and functionality of [Platform/Service].

Chapter 3: Navigating the


As a trader or investor, it's essential to understand the interface to get the most out of this powerful platform. In this chapter, we'll take a comprehensive tour of the interface and its various components. By the end of this chapter, you'll be well-versed in navigating the platform and ready to start exploring its features.

Section 1: The


The dashboard is the main hub of the platform, providing an overview of your account, market data, and other essential features. Let's break down the key components of the dashboard:
1. Header Bar: The header bar at the top of the screen displays your username, account balance, and other account information.
2. Navigation Menu: The navigation menu allows you to access various sections of the platform, including your watchlists, charts, and settings.
3. Market Data: The market data section provides real-time quotes for various assets, including stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies.
4. Alerts: The alerts section allows you to set custom alerts for specific market conditions, such as price movements or news events.
5. Watchlists: The watchlists section enables you to create and manage custom lists of symbols, making it easy to track your favorite assets.

Section 2: Charting and Analysis is renowned for its powerful charting capabilities, allowing you to create custom charts with various indicators, studies, and drawing tools. Let's explore the key features of the charting interface:
1. Chart Types: offers a range of chart types, including line charts, candlestick charts, and Renko charts.
2. Indicators: The platform comes with a vast library of built-in indicators, including moving averages, RSI, and Bollinger Bands.
3. Drawing Tools: The drawing tools allow you to annotate your charts with lines, shapes, and text.
4. Studies: Studies are custom indicators created by the community, offering a wide range of trading strategies and techniques.
5. PineScript: PineScript is a programming language used to create custom indicators and strategies.

Section 3: Community and Social Trading is more than just a trading platform – it's a community-driven platform where traders and investors share ideas, strategies, and insights. Let's explore the community features:
1. PineCoders: PineCoders is a community of developers who create custom indicators and strategies using PineScript.
2. Blog: The blog features articles, analysis, and insights from experienced traders and investors.
3. Forum: The forum is a hub for discussion, debate, and learning, where traders and investors share their experiences and ask questions.
4. Watchlists: Watchlists allow you to share your favorite symbols with others, making it easy to collaborate and learn from each other.
5. PineScript Challenges: PineScript challenges are community-driven initiatives where developers create custom indicators and strategies, and the community votes on the best submissions.

Section 4: Customization and Settings

As you become more comfortable with the interface, you'll want to customize your experience to suit your needs. Let's explore the customization options:
1. Theme: offers a range of themes, allowing you to personalize the look and feel of the platform.
2. Layout: The layout options enable you to customize the arrangement of the platform's components, such as the chart, indicators, and alerts.
3. Notifications: The notification settings allow you to customize the types of notifications you receive, including market data updates and alert notifications.
4. Security: The security settings enable you to set up two-factor authentication, password recovery, and other security measures to protect your account.


Navigating the interface is an essential step in unlocking the full potential of this powerful platform. By understanding the various components of the dashboard, charting and analysis tools, community features, and customization options, you'll be well-equipped to start exploring the platform and developing your trading skills. In the next chapter, we'll dive deeper into the world of PineScript, exploring the programming language and its applications in trading and investing.

Chapter 4: Understanding Charts and Time Frames

In this chapter, we will delve into the world of charts and time frames, a fundamental concept in technical analysis. We will explore the different types of charts, time frames, and how to use them effectively on By the end of this chapter, you will have a solid understanding of how to use charts and time frames to analyze and trade the markets.

What are Charts and Time Frames?

Charts and time frames are the foundation of technical analysis. A chart is a graphical representation of a security's price action over a specific period. Time frames, on the other hand, refer to the duration of the data displayed on the chart. In other words, time frames determine how much data is displayed on the chart and how often the data is updated.

Types of Charts

There are several types of charts, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common types of charts are:
1. Line Chart: A line chart connects the closing prices of a security over a specific period, creating a continuous line. This chart is useful for identifying trends and patterns.
2. Candlestick Chart: A candlestick chart displays the high, low, open, and close prices of a security over a specific period. Each candle represents a specific time period, and the color of the candle indicates whether the price closed higher or lower than the previous day's close.
3. Bar Chart: A bar chart is similar to a candlestick chart but does not display the open and close prices. Instead, it shows the high and low prices, as well as the open and close prices.
4. Renko Chart: A Renko chart is a type of chart that uses a unique algorithm to create a chart that is not based on time. Instead, it uses price movements to create a chart that is more focused on the price action.

Time Frames

Time frames determine the duration of the data displayed on the chart. Common time frames include:
1. 1-minute: A 1-minute chart displays the price action over a 1-minute period.
2. 5-minute: A 5-minute chart displays the price action over a 5-minute period.
3. 15-minute A 15-minute chart displays the price action over a 15-minute period.
4. 30-minute: A 30-minute chart displays the price action over a 30-minute period.
5. 1-hour: A 1-hour chart displays the price action over a 1-hour period.
6. 4-hour: A 4-hour chart displays the price action over a 4-hour period.
7. Daily: A daily chart displays the price action over a 1-day period.
8. Weekly: A weekly chart displays the price action over a 1-week period.
9. Monthly: A monthly chart displays the price action over a 1-month period.

Using Charts and Time Frames on is a popular platform for charting and analyzing financial markets. Here's how to use charts and time frames on
1. Creating a Chart: To create a chart on, go to the "Charts" tab and select the security you want to chart. Choose the chart type and time frame you want to use.
2. Customizing the Chart: Once you have created a chart, you can customize it by adding indicators, drawing tools, and other features.
3. Switching Time Frames: To switch time frames on, click on the "Time Frame" dropdown menu and select the desired time frame.
4. Zooming In and Out: To zoom in and out of a chart on, use the mouse wheel or the "Zoom" button.


In this chapter, we have covered the basics of charts and time frames, including the different types of charts and time frames. We have also explored how to use charts and time frames on By mastering charts and time frames, you will be able to analyze and trade the markets more effectively. In the next chapter, we will explore the importance of indicators and how to use them to make informed trading decisions.

Chapter 5: Technical Indicators and Studies

In this chapter, we will delve into the world of technical indicators and studies available on As a trader, it is essential to understand the various indicators and studies that can be used to analyze and predict market movements. This chapter will provide an overview of the different types of technical indicators and studies available on, their uses, and how to apply them in your trading strategy.

What are Technical Indicators and Studies?

Technical indicators and studies are mathematical calculations based on historical price data that help traders identify trends, patterns, and potential trading opportunities. These indicators and studies can be used to analyze and predict market movements, making it easier to make informed trading decisions.

Types of Technical Indicators and Studies

There are numerous types of technical indicators and studies available on, including:
1. Trend Indicators: These indicators help identify trends and potential trading opportunities. Examples include the Moving Average, Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands.
2. Momentum Indicators: These indicators measure the rate of change of an asset's price over a given period. Examples include the RSI, Stochastic Oscillator, and Momentum Indicator.
3. Volatility Indicators: These indicators measure the degree of price movement or volatility. Examples include the Average True Range (ATR) and Bollinger Bands.
4. Pattern Recognition Indicators: These indicators help identify specific chart patterns, such as head and shoulders or triangles. Examples include the Ichimoku Cloud and the Keltner Channel.
5. Statistical Indicators: These indicators use statistical methods to analyze market data. Examples include the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the Simple Moving Average (SMA).

Popular Technical Indicators and Studies on

Some of the most popular technical indicators and studies available on include:
1. Moving Average: A simple moving average calculates the average price of an asset over a given period.
2. Relative Strength Index (RSI): The RSI measures the magnitude of recent price changes to determine overbought or oversold conditions.
3. Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands consist of a moving average and two standard deviations plotted above and below the average.
4. Stochastic Oscillator: The stochastic oscillator compares the closing price of an asset to its price range over a given period.
5. Ichimoku Cloud: The Ichimoku Cloud is a comprehensive technical analysis system that inclues multiple indicators, including the Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, and Senkou Span.
6. Keltner Channel: The Keltner Channel is a volatility-based indicator that plots two lines above and below a moving average.
7. Average True Range (ATR): The ATR measures the average true range of an asset over a given period.
8. Exponential Moving Average (EMA): The EMA is a type of moving average that gives more weight to recent price data.
9. Simple Moving Average (SMA): The SMA is a type of moving average that calculates the average price of an asset over a given period.
10. Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI): The SMI is a momentum indicator that measures the rate of change of an aset's price over a given period.

How to Use Technical Indicators and Studies

To get the most out of technical indicators and studies, it is essential to understand how to use them effectively. Here are some tips:
1. Combine Indicators: Combining multiple indicators can help confirm trading signals and reduce false positives.
2. Use Multiple Time Frames: Analyzing multiple time frames can help identify trends and patterns that may not be visible on a single time frame.
3. Adjust Parameters: Adjusting the parameters of an indicator can help tailor it to your specific trading strategy.
4. Use Indicators in Conjunction with Fundamental Analysis: Combining technical indicators with fundamental analysis can help provide a more comprehensive view of the market.
5. Backtest Indicators: Backtesting indicators can help evaluate their performance and identify potential biases.


Technical indicators and studies are powerful tools that can help traders analyze and predict market movements. By understanding the different types of indicators and studies available on, traders can develop a comprehensive trading strategy that incorporates multiple indicators and studies. Remember to combine indicators, use multiple time frames, adjust parameters, and backtest indicators to get the most out of technical indicators and studies.

Chapter 6: Creating and Customizing Charts

As a trader, having the right tools and information is crucial for making informed decisions. Charts are an essential component of any trading strategy, providing valuable insights into market trends and patterns. In this chapter, we will explore the process of creating and customizing charts on, a popular platform for traders and analysts.

Creating a Chart on

Creating a chart on is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few steps.
1. Log in to Your Account: Start by logging in to your account. If you don't have an account, you can create one by signing up on the website.
2. Select the Symbol: Once logged in, navigate to the "Symbols" tab and select the symbol you want to chart. You can search for symbols by typing in the symbol name or by using the "Search" function.
3. Create a New Chart: Click on the "Create a New Chart" button to create a new chart. You can also create a new chart by clicking on the "New Chart" button in the top-right corner of the window.
4. Select the Chart Type: Choose the type of chart you want to create. offers a variety of chart types, including line charts, candlestick charts, and more.
5. Customize the Chart Settings: Customize the chart settings to suit your needs. You can adjust the chart size, grid lines, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.

Customizing Charts on

Customizing charts on is an essential step in creating a chart that meets your specific needs. Here are some tips for customizing your charts:
1. Add Indicators: Add indicators to your chart to gain insights into market trends and patterns. offers a wide range of indicators, including moving averages, RSI, and more.
2. Add Drawings: Add drawings to your chart to highlight specific patterns or trends. You can add lines, shapes, and other drawings to your chart to create a visual representation of your analysis.
3. Add Alerts: Set up alerts on your chart to notify you of specific market events or price movements. You can set up alerts based on price movements, volume, and other market indicators.
4. Customize the Chart Grid: Customize the chart grid to suit your needs. You can adjust the grid lines, grid spacing, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.
5. Save and Share Your Chart: Save and share your chart with others. You can save your chart as a template or share it with other traders and analysts.

Advanced Chart Customization

In addition to the basic customization options, offers advanced customization options that allow you to create complex charts and indicators. Here are some tips for advanced chart customization:
1. Create Custom Indicators: Create custom indicators using the PineScript programming language. You can create custom indicators that meet your specific needs.
2. Use Custom Drawings: Use custom drawings to create complex patterns and shapes on your chart. You can create custom drawings using the drawing tools.
3. Customize the Chart Layout: Customize the chart layout to suit your needs. You can adjust the chart size, grid lines, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.
4. Use Advanced Chart Settings: Use advanced chart settings to customize your chart further. You can adjust the chart settings to suit your specific needs.


Creating and customizing charts on is a powerful way to gain insights into market trends and patterns. By following the steps outlined in this chapter, you can create complex charts and indicators that meet your specific needs. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a beginner, offers a range of tools and features that can help you create charts that meet your specific needs.
Chapter 7:

Introduction to Trading Strategies

As a trader, having a solid understanding of various trading strategies is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing profits. In this chapter, we will explore popular trading strategies, their underlying principles, and how to implement them on By the end of this chapter, you will have a comprehensive understanding of various trading strategies and how to apply them using's powerful platform.

Introduction to Trading Strategies

Trading strategies are pre-defined rules or methods used to make trading decisions. These strategies are designed to help traders navigate the markets, identify profitable opportunities, and minimize losses. Trading strategies can be categorized into several types, including:
· Trend following strategies: These strategies aim to identify and ride the trend, whether it's an uptrend or a downtrend.
· Range trading strategies: These strategies focus on identifying and trading within a specific price range.
· Mean reversion strategies: These strategies rely on the idea that prices will revert to their historical means.
· Statistical arbitrage strategies: These strategies involve identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.

Popular Trading Strategies

2.1 Trend Following Strategies
Trend following strategies are designed to identify and ride the trend. These strategies involve identifying the direction of the market and trading in that direction. Some popular trend following strategies include:
· Moving Average Crossover (MAC): This strategy involves identifying the crossover of two moving averages to determine the direction of the trend.
· Relative Strength Index (RSI): This strategy involves identifying overbought or oversold conditions using the RSI indicator.
· Bollinger Bands: This strategy involves identifying breakouts above or below the bands to determine the direction of the trend.
2.2 Range Trading Strategies
Range trading strategies focus on identifying and trading within a specific price range. These strategies involve identifying support and resistance levels and trading within the range. Some popular range trading strategies include:
· Support and Resistance Trading: This strategy involves identifying key support and resistance levels and trading within the range.
· Channel Trading: This strategy involves identifying and trading within a specific price channel.
2.3 Mean Reversion Strategies
Mean reversion strategies rely on the idea that prices will revert to their historical means. These strategies involve identifying overbought or oversold conditions and trading in the opposite direction. Some popular mean reversion strategies include:
· Mean Reversion Trading: This strategy involves identifying overbought or oversold conditions and trading in the opposite direction.
· Statistical Arbitrage: This strategy involves identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.
2.4 Statistical Arbitrage Strategies
Statistical arbitrage strategies involve identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them. These strategies involve analyzing historical data and identifying statistical anomalies. Some popular statistical arbitrage strategies include:
· Statistical Arbitrage: This strategy involves identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.
· Event-Driven Trading: This strategy involves identifying and trading on specific events, such as earnings announcements or mergers and acquisitions.


Implementing Trading Strategies on is a powerful platform that allows traders to implement and backtest various trading strategies. Here are some steps to follow when implementing trading strategies on
1. Create a new chart: Open a new chart on and select the asset you want to trade.
2. Add indicators: Add the indicators you want to use for your trading strategy. For example, you may want to add a moving average crossover indicator.
3. Set parameters: Set the parameters for your indicators. For example, you may want to set the period for your moving average crossover indicator.
4. Backtest the strategy: Backtest your strategy by running a backtest on This will allow you to evaluate the performance of your strategy.
5. Refine the strategy: Refine your strategy by adjusting the parameters and testing different scenarios.


In this chapter, we have explored popular trading strategies and how to implement them on By understanding various trading strategies and how to apply them using, you can make informed trading decisions and maximize your profits. Remember to always backtest and refine your strategies to ensure optimal performance. In the next chapter, we will explore advanced trading strategies and how to use them to improve your trading performance.

Chapter 8:

Backtesting and Evaluating Trading Ideas

As a trader, it's essential to test and refine your trading ideas before implementing them in live markets. Backtesting and evaluating your trading ideas can help you identify potential flaws, optimize your strategy, and increase your chances of success. In this chapter, we'll explore the process of backtesting and evaluating trading ideas using, a popular platform for charting and backtesting trading strategies.

What is Backtesting?

Backtesting is the process of applying a trading strategy to historical market data to evaluate its performance. It allows you to test your trading idea on past data to see how it would have performed in real-time. By backtesting your strategy, you can:
1. Identify potential flaws in your strategy
2. Optimize your strategy for better performance
3. Refine your strategy to improve its accuracy
4. Evaluate the strategy's risk-reward ratio

Why Backtest?

Backtesting is crucial for several reasons:
1. Risk management: Backtesting helps you identify potential risks associated with your trading strategy.
2. Strategy optimization: Backtesting allows you to refine your strategy to improve its performance.
3. Performance evaluation: Backtesting enables you to evaluate the performance of your strategy and make data-driven decisions.
4. Confidence booster: Backtesting gives you confidence in your strategy, reducing the risk of emotional trading decisions.

How to Backtest on offers a range of tools and features for backtesting trading ideas. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Create a new chart: Open and create a new chart for the asset you want to backtest.
2. Select the data range: Choose the time period for which you want to backtest your strategy. You can select a specific date range or use the default settings.
3. Add the strategy: Click on the "Indicators" tab and add the strategy you want to backtest. You can use built-in indicators or create your own custom indicators.
4. Set the parameters: Configure the strategy's parameters, such as the number of bars to look back, the number of trades to take, and the stop-loss levels.
5. Run the backtest: Click the "Run" button to start the backtest. will apply your strategy to the selected data range and provide performance metrics.
6. Analyze the results: Review the backtest results, including the strategy's profit/loss, drawdown, and other performance metrics.

Evaluating Trading Ideas

Evaluating your trading idea is a crucial step in the backtesting process. Here are some key metrics to consider:
1. Profit/Loss: Calculate the total profit or loss generated by your strategy.
2. Drawdown: Measure the maximum loss experienced by your strategy.
3. Sharpe Ratio: Calculate the Sharpe Ratio to evaluate the strategy's risk-adjusted performance.
4. Sortino Ratio: Use the Sortino Ratio to evaluate the strategy's risk-adjusted performance, focusing on the maximum drawdown.
5. Information Coefficient: Calculate the Information Coefficient to evaluate the strategy's ability to generate profits.

Best Practices for Backtesting

To get the most out of backtesting, follow these best practices:
1. Use a robust data set: Ensure your data is accurate and free from errors.
2. Test multiple scenarios: Test your strategy on different time frames, assets, and market conditions.
3. Monitor performance metrics: Keep track of your strategy's performance metrics and adjust as needed.
4. Refine your strategy: Continuously refine your strategy to improve its performance.
5. Avoid overfitting: Be cautious of overfitting, where your strategy performs well on the training data but poorly on new data.


Backtesting and evaluating trading ideas is a crucial step in the trading process. By using and following best practices, you can refine your trading strategy, optimize its performance, and increase your chances of success. Remember to evaluate your strategy's performance using relevant metrics and refine it continuously to improve its performance. With practice and patience, you'll develop a robust trading strategy that can withstand the challenges of the markets.
submitted by jjdewit to beststockbrokers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:52 NectarineGlad6189 2800 EUR per month for apartment for 6 people in Leiden reasonable?

Greetings from Singapore. My daughter will be going to study in Leiden university in August this year. She told me that she and 5 other friends have just viewed an apartment online. The cost is about 2800 EUR per month. The person in charge told them that he will draw up the contract. Is the rental fees per month reasonable? I am worried that this may be a scam. Any tips on how to check whether this is a scam?
submitted by NectarineGlad6189 to StudyInTheNetherlands [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 TFVooDoo A Note About Strength Training

Given the recent discussion of Shut Up And Ruck’s strength programming, I thought it might be appropriate to address a few lingering comments.
First, we’re not immune to criticism. It is perfectly reasonable to criticize whenever and whoever you want, even me. Clearly, the anonymity of the internet provides ample license to do so. I’m not infallible and I make at least one mistake every fiscal year. I get downvoted all the time and I recognize that many things that I say are taken as gospel based on my years of providing accurate information. I don’t take this leniency lightly. I’ve earned this gift and I don’t look gift horses in the mouth. I certainly don’t shy away from criticizing others, but I always seek to do so from a position of best intentions of the outcome. But if you think that it’s appropriate to draw conclusions like “He definitely doesn’t know what he’s talking about”, “It violates basic principles”, or my favorite “It looks like he stole this from X, Y, or Z” and you’re basing that on one tiny screenshot of one sample day of one singular domain absent of context of the entirety of the programming then you must be special. I wish I had that sort of clairvoyance.
Second, our programming is not a mistake. Is it aggressive? Absolutely. Is it wrong? Absolutely not. It is deliberate and intentional. A few points to consider:
-The higher percentages and rep ranges occur at the end of each cycle. You don’t start off at the high end, you finish there. The passage cited is 9 weeks post 1RM testing. At a minimum the higher % come 5 weeks after testing. You get stronger and the programming reflects that.
-Just because you’ve never done anything like this doesn’t mean much. We follow the evidence, and the literature clearly indicates that our recommendations are appropriate. Aggressive, but appropriate. Here are 6 sources, including some meta-analyses that bring the body of knowledge to several hundred; there are many more.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Your experience not withstanding, our programming is entirely valid. This is especially true given the other variables. 1) we prioritize intensity and we manifest that through heavy weights 2) you only lift each exercise 2 times in every 5 day cycle - plenty of time for macro recovery 3) you are resting up to 4 minutes between sets - plenty of time for micro recovery 4) you are only doing 3 lifts in a day and only one for that domain - you aren’t doing 3 sets of barbell bench, then 3 sets of incline, then 3 sets of decline, then some cable cross-overs, then some dumbbell flys, then finishing with some drop sets on the Smith machine. 1 exercise, at maximal intensity. No need to pace yourself. 5) we are seeking to balance strength and endurance. It’s impossible to fully address both simultaneously. There will inevitably be friction. 6) we are seeking to challenge you, not accommodate you. 7) we emphasize self-reflection, data analysis, and agency. If you are struggling to meet the listed criteria then we encourage you to program accordingly. It’s foundational to our approach.
But allow me to let you in on a little secret. Even though we cite no small amount of literature, you can find lots of literature that argues against our programming. In fact, there is so much ‘literature’ out there that you can find supporting information for damn near everything and anything. So, back to my first point, you are welcome to criticize. But you should at least provide some counter-evidence beyond “in my experience”. In the Taxonomy of Information, anecdotal testimony is the least rigorous. We have presented our arguments, you are invited to present yours. Or be a little more graceful in your criticism.
We are well aware of Prilepin’s optimal reps (for powerlifting), and the NASM 5 Phase Optimum Performance Training Model (which we follow) and the NSCA Performance Pyramid (which we follow). We don’t disagree that they are to be well considered. We did a full and complete survey of the information environment. But we stated in our introduction and made available for free our philosophy…we have no interest in preserving the credentialed protectorate of the fitness industry. SFAS is different, so shall the programming be.
Third, we didn’t “steal” another program and stack it on top of our own stuff. That’s not how this works. If you survey all of the programs and methodology out there, you will find a ton of overlap. If you follow established principles and seek consensus, then you end up looking a lot like the other stuff. Did we look at other programs? Yes, dozens of them. Did we steal them? No. The fact that we favor a more intense program that most programs don’t should make this argument moot. This is a serious accusation and should be reserved for the most egregious circumstances. You might not have experience with this type of programming, you might not be familiar with recent literature, and you are only seeing a very minuscule event absent of any of the other programming and ancillary elements.
Fourth, and finally, I want to address the unhinged discussion of cost. We’re particularly sensitive to this topic because we know that our target population skews younger and likely less affluent, so cost matters. And I don’t like calling guys out necessarily, but u/Certain-Exam-2577 and u/Potential_Presence67 ? You two can go fuck yourselves. You anonymous peices of shit decided from your castles on top of Mount Holy that we are looking for a “money grab”? I could have charged hundreds, I could put all of my content behind a paywall, and I could simply pump and dump and walk away to stack cash. But that’s not the case.
What do you two fucking genius economists think would be appropriate for 8 months of daily programming for strength, conditioning, rucking, mental prep, mobility, skills, recovery and much more? We charge 60 dollars. Let’s take a very small survey the prep environment and see where we stack up:
Evoke - 3 months, requires additional programming prerequisites, $65
Performance First - 3 months, $90
18A Fitness - 4 months, $179
Gritty Soldier - 3 months, $30
Mountain Tactical - 12 months, $329
Blue/Green Training - 11 weeks, $129
We’re looking pretty competitive given these numbers. And these are the better programs. We mostly like them (and others) and we have tremendous respect for their creators and coaches. We don’t think they are as good as ours, especially our ruck programming, but they’re in the ballpark. Many guys in this sub have used them and speak highly of them. There are also near endless shit programs out there. AI generated, generic, point-of-sale trash with slick marketing and zero support.
We are a complete program that covers every single domain, and we have well established our expertise for SFAS. But we don’t rely on reputation, we deliver. We research, analyze, synthesize, and present the most comprehensive program out there. For just 60 bucks. Hell, you’ll spend over half that on a blank journal…we’ve recommended this excellent journal many times. But that’s just a cool journal. Zero programming. So we think we’re not “grabbing” too much.
Our resident pricks go on to say that RUSU wasn’t worth $50. Good thing we only charge $40. And perhaps you’d prefer the 15+ year old, lack-luster competition? They’re in the same price range. They even take a cheap shot at our Muster events as just a ‘wAlK iN tHe wOoDs tHaT yOu cOuLd do for FrEe’ or ‘info you could probably find online’. Our “competition” is $750 and one of the programs isn’t even taught by a military guy, much less a Green Beret. You two retarded laureates haven’t even attended an event, so your opinion is irrelevant.
And I should put a pin in all of this money grab, predatory, grifter talk by reminding them that this is all voluntary. You don’t have to spend a single dime if you don’t want to. Lots of guys don’t do anything extra and they get Selected all the time. But if a guy wants to be compensated for his hard work and another guy wants to allocate the cost of a night out drinking, then maybe your keen criticism could be stymied a bit. I offer plenty of free advice and commentary every day. I note that neither of you provide anything of value.
So, that’s my assessment of the situation. You don’t have to be a part of the conversation, but I thought that I should let you know how I see it. I endlessly tell you about the importance of foot care, so it’s only fair that I weigh in on this important topic. I should note that there was also some very reasoned comments and lots of guys understanding the intent of the programming AND of the program. And the OP reached out via DM and we had a very reasonable and productive discussion. He gets it. And the number of guys commenting is <1% of the number of guys reading the actual full program. I like that guys are passionate about this stuff. If you get 10 Green Berets in a room you’ll get 11 different opinions on damn near every topic. You know what they say about opinions…
submitted by TFVooDoo to greenberets [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Gloomy-Beginning-218 Wizard tries to murder another party member in their sleep, fails, apologizes, then creates a new character and then attempts the same thing again.

Context: This was one of my first online games as a DM. I ran a campaign with the typical "necromancy magic is seen as bad" trope due to massive events in the campaign world (that led to the first Lich being created and using the war between 3 nations to fuel his undead army, until all 3 nations realized the threat and banded together to defeat the army of the dead and supposedly destroyed the Lich). With that knowledge in mind, one player asked to create a school of necromancy wizard (tiefling). I said sure, but let them know that if they were to use necromancy within a village, town or captial city that it would draw attention to them and most likely result in their character being arrested, or even attacked. The player said they were fine with that, but asked if they could be Lawful Evil. Now, this should have been the first red flag for this player, but I said that I would allow it but only if their actions didn't directly target or effect the other player characters. They agreed.
Now to give some more context, the other players character's consisted of:
I mentioned to the Wizard player that the paladins might not be pleased with their character if they witness them using necromancy, again, to which the wizard player said that would be fine. The second red flag was the wizard's backstory. One of the major NPC's in this campaign was a High Elf Prince, who was a powerful Archmage and a hero to the elves (inspired by Teclis from Warhammer), and the player wanted to include this NPC in their backstory, but frame the elf prince as a villian, having him mysteriously kill off the tiefling's adopted father. Now, I should have suggested perhaps another NPC of less significance to the world to take his place, but I thought, "what the hell??", I could throw an interesting twist on it and have the wizard's foster father actually be a bad guy. So, I let it be.
Onto the story: The party were in the Elven captial city when the wizard asks me as one of their "errands" that they want to visit the slums of the city. So they travel there and the wizard sees a bunch of dirty kids playing together. The wizard then walks over to a halfling girl, and begins to mesmerize her with prestidigitation effects. He asked about her quality of life (I thought he was going to give her some money or something like that), so she shares with him that she is an orphan and lives on the street. The wizard offers her food and says that if she comes with him, he will give her a better life and teach her how to use magic. Now at the time, I wasn't sure what his intentions were, so I was being very cautious in this moment, so I asked him to roll an insight check as she was looking at him with doubt in her mind. He succeeds and I share that she has doubts about his sincerity. I ask him to roll a persuasion check with a 20 DC and he makes it with a high roll. So, she agrees to go with him on the promise that he teaches her magic. When the wizard returned to the party, they were surprised and not very keen on having a young girl accompany them for their next adventure, but they allowed it after they made the wizard promise to keep her well out of harms way when danger arises.
The party arrive at the entrance to a long, and fairly dangerous dungeon crawl. In the first battle encounter, the wizard tells his "apprentice" to attack the nearest enemy instead of running away, like the party had agreed on. Now the "apprentice" isn't able to do much (as a lvl 1 wizard), and is subsequently attacked and falls unconcious and the party began to panic. The party were able to swiftly defeat the remaining enemies and heal the halfling girl. Now, when she came to, she was terrified and had a full on panic attack and wanted to leave after almost dying. The party agreed that she should not be with the party and should return to her home. This angered the wizard (and the player), who was not pleased when the party all voted to send her home. They were able to do so as another NPC was accompanying the party, and they escorted the girl back.
Now comes the kicker. The wizard player dm's me and says that he is not happy with what happened. I tell him that I had already spoken to him about the other player characters possibly not agreeing with his decision, and that the wizard was "okay with that". The wizard player doesn't reply. So I thought that the matter has been resolved. NOPE!!! Out of nowhere, the wizard states that during the night whilst on his "watch", he casts mold earth multiple times during the night and burries the oath of ancients paladin alive (as he was the voice of reason that was consistantly raising the fact that the halfling girl would not be safe). Now by this point in the session, the majority of the players as well as myself were quite frustrated with this player, as he had tried to meta before and say things like, "it would work in real life" when he attempted to turn events in his favor over and over again.
I told the group that we're going to take a 10 minute break before anything else happened. I spoke with the oath of ancients paladin player and asked him what his opinion is on the matter was and if what he thought I should do/should I even allow the wizard to attempt it? The oath of ancients player says that he was happy for me to let the wizard try as if they failed and the paladin would quickly "solve" the issue.
So I messaged the wizard player and confirmed that they're certain that they want to still try it. They agreed confidently and stated that mold earth was "a somatic only cantrip" and that the paladin "won't even know that I'm casting it until their suffocating under the ground".
I messaged the group and asked them to come back to the discord chat and we jumped back in. I asked the paladin to roll a perception check, setting the DC at 10, as I reasoned that the paladin would still feel the earth being molded over and around them. The paladin rolls a natural 20. So the paladin awakens, and sees that the wizard is trying to smother them. The paladin player attempts to intimidate with the wizard and convince them not to "test his patience", but the wizard player was furious and was trying to make up more excuses on how the perception roll should have been at disadvantage.
I stated that my ruling stood, and asked them what they want to do, to which the wizard left and never returned.
I had a long conversation with the wizard player after the session and explained that I did warn them in advance that the other player characters might not agree with their actions. The player seemed strangely calm and collected and asked if they could create another character to replace the tiefling wizard (this should have been the 3rd red flag). I agreed but specified this time that necromancer and evil alignment was off the table this time. The player agreed and then createed a high elf blade-singer wizard (and min maxed it as much as they could). They gave this new character a compelling backstory and I was pleased with it. So the next session, I introduced their character to the party (the party had left the dungeon to find safety and heal the halfling girl before sending her home), and the first thing the player does was declared that they moved to attack the oath of ancients paladin, as soon as they saw him.
Dumbfounded, I ask him why? He respond with, "the paladin threatened (name of the tiefling character) and I take threats deadly seriously".
IMPORTANT NOTE: This was not in the backstory that they provided me with! And I mean, not even the slightest hint, nor was it eluded to!
I pause the game and ask the wizard player to join me in a seperate chat, and asked them how could their new character possibly know who the paladin was and how they would know the tiefling, as the two characters had never met. He said that they would have passed each other and he would have shared it with this stranger. To which I said, yeah no that's not what you sent me and you're not just gonna change your backstory on the fly just so you can attempt to kill the paladin. He got incredibly angry and started yelling about me not letting him play his character how he wants to play them.
The conclusion: So to wrap up this long post. The player apologised to the group, asked for one more chance as he like the group. I asked the others individually what their thoughts on it were, they agreed to give him one more chance, so I did. And then 3 sessions later, that same player attempted to attack the ranger because he made a funny comment about the tielfing wizard (all in character). After that final straw, the player was subsquently removed from the campaign.
On a happier note: This campaign has been running for almost 5 years now and is beginning to come to a close as the players are level 19 (soon to be 20) and have accomplished incredible feats in the world.
submitted by Gloomy-Beginning-218 to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:42 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 1911 Laser Grips

Best 1911 Laser Grips
Welcome to our article highlighting the top 1911 laser grips available on the market today. Whether you're a seasoned gun enthusiast or just starting your journey, these grips will enhance your shooting experience and provide an added layer of safety. In this roundup, we've curated a selection of the finest laser grips for the 1911 pistol, ensuring that you'll find the perfect addition to your arsenal.

The Top 9 Best 1911 Laser Grips

  1. Fab Def Gradus Grip - Reinforced Polymer Core with Textured Rubber Overmold for Enhanced Comfort and Precision Shooting - The Gradus Grip from Hi Point C9 combines comfort and accuracy with its reinforced polymer core, textured rubber overmold, and ergonomic design, offering a superior grip for precision shooting and close-quarters combat scenarios.
  2. Ergonomic AK Bakelite Orange Pistol Grip by US Palm - Experience enhanced grip control and unmatched comfort with the US Palm AK Bakelite Orange Pistol Grip, highly rated at 5.0 by discerning customers who know their Jericho 941 Grips.
  3. Premium Cocobolo Wood 1911 Govt. Grip - Experience the ultimate style and strength with Ed Brown Grips 1911 Govt. Double Diamond Cocobolo, featuring highly prized Cocobolo wood for unparalleled beauty and durability.
  4. Hogue Ultra Thin 1911 Grips in Slate Gray with Finger Grooves - Experience superior grip and control with the Hogue 1911 Government Panels w/Finger Grooves Ruber Slate Grey, featuring ultra-thin OverMolded rubber grips and a Cobblestone textured surface.
  5. Comfortable 1911 Laser Grip Add-On with Finger Grooves - Upgrade your 1911 Government Full Size Gun with Pearce Finger Groove Add-On for improved comfort, handling, and versatility in grip choices.
  6. 1911 Laser Grips Slate Gray with Finger Grooves - Upgrade your 1911 Officer's grip with the Hogue 43002 Rubber Slate Grey Grips, featuring overmolded rubber, finger grooves, and a cobblestone texture for optimal control.
  7. Ultra-Thin 1911 Grips for Commander & Other Handguns - The 1911 Operator II G10 Grips offer a sleek and secure grip solution for your 1911 pistol, made from durable G-10 material and featuring an ergonomic ambidextrous safety cut design.
  8. 1911 Blued Beavertail Memory Grove Safety Grip - Expertly crafted, this 1911 Machined Memory Grove Beavertail Safety boasts a stunning blue S80 finish, perfect for those seeking a reliable and durable firearm accessory.
  9. High-Ride 1911 Style Stainless Steel Laser Grip for Enhanced Comfort and Precision - Improve the comfort and control of your 1911 Auto with the High Ride Beavertail Grip Safety, featuring the raised Pisi-Release tab for positive grip safety disengagement and grip memory point.
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🔗Fab Def Gradus Grip - Reinforced Polymer Core with Textured Rubber Overmold for Enhanced Comfort and Precision Shooting
The Gradus pistol grip from FAB Defense has been a staple in my daily carry-on gun. I've found that its reinforced polymer core with a textured rubber overmold provides a comfortable yet secure grip. The 15-degree reduced grip angle is perfect for those precision shots, especially during CQB scenarios.
I also appreciate the slim ergonomic design and curved back strap, which makes for a more enjoyable and comfortable grip. The AR-style beaver tail adds a touch of ruggedness and makes it easy to attach to any compatible firearm. Plus, it comes in a beautiful Flat Dark Earth color, which adds a touch of style without being overbearing.
While it's not the cheapest grip on the market, I'm willing to pay a bit extra for the quality that FAB Defense provides. However, my only complaint is that it doesn't come with a mounting screw, which might be a hassle for some users. All in all, it's a top-notch grip that's worth considering for your next firearm purchase.

🔗Ergonomic AK Bakelite Orange Pistol Grip by US Palm
I've been using the US Palm AK Bakelite Orange Pistol Grip, also known as the Jericho 941 Grips, in my daily life for a while now, and let me tell you, it's truly a game-changer. The ergonomic design of the grip makes it incredibly comfortable to hold, providing more control and reducing hand fatigue during extended use. The bright orange color adds a touch of style, making it stand out from other grips on the market.
One aspect I particularly love about this grip is the level of customization it offers. The texture is perfect, offering enough grip without being too abrasive, and it has a slightly cushioned feel that's both comfortable and reliable. However, one small downside is that the grip is slightly heavier than other options on the market, weighing in at 0.38 oz. This might not be a major concern for most users, but it's something to consider if you're looking for a lightweight grip.
In conclusion, the US Palm AK Bakelite Orange Pistol Grip is an ergonomic, stylish, and reliable choice for anyone looking to upgrade their grip. Despite its slight weight, the pros definitely outweigh the cons in this case, making it a top contender in the market for sure-shot accuracy and comfort.

🔗Premium Cocobolo Wood 1911 Govt. Grip
You know that feeling of getting your hands on a perfectly crafted piece, where every detail is meticulously done? Well, that's exactly what using these Ed Brown Grips feels like. They may look like just another set of handgun grips, but take one in your hand and it's game over.
What really stood out for me was the Cocobolo wood - not just because it boasts a striking appearance, but because it's the densest and strongest of all the rosewoods. It's the perfect choice for high-quality grips like these.
However, there's a tiny downside - they're not cut for an ambi safety. But hey, perfection isn't perfect, right?
These grips have a certain charm about them that makes holding your Taurus revolver feel like a luxury experience. And when you're working with a tool as important as a firearm, feel really matters. So, while they might seem like just another part to some, to me, they're the difference between a good day and a fantastic one.

🔗Hogue Ultra Thin 1911 Grips in Slate Gray with Finger Grooves
These Hogue 1911 Government Panels, with their unique Slate Grey Rubber finish, have become an essential part of my daily carry. The finger grooves made of Cobblestone Texture provide a comfortable grip, allowing me to hold the pistol securely without sacrificing my ability to quickly draw it when needed.
The OverMolded grips add a touch of elegance, and I appreciate the subtle Ultra Thin design that doesn't compromise functionality. While the texture might be a bit more noticeable than I would prefer, so far, I haven't experienced any issues, and the grips have held up well under the stress of regular use. Overall, these Hogue 1911 grips have proved to be a reliable addition to my arsenal, and I'll continue to trust them on important outings.

🔗Comfortable 1911 Laser Grip Add-On with Finger Grooves
In my daily life, I've had the pleasure of using this Pearce Finger Groove Add On for my 1911 Government full-size pistol. The first thing that stood out to me was how effortlessly it slipped under the existing grips, making no compromises in the gun's aesthetic. The side portion of these grips is incredibly slim, ensuring that the overall width of my firearm remained unaffected. With the added rubber finger grooves, I experienced enhanced comfort and improved handling, which made a noticeable difference during recoil.
One of the best aspects of this add-on is its compatibility with various types of side panel grips, such as wood, simulated ivory, and pearlite. This feature allowed me to continue using my preferred grip without having to sacrifice comfort for the sake of finger grooves. Installation was a breeze, and I appreciated that no trimming was required. Overall, the Pearce Finger Groove Add On is an excellent investment for any 1911 owner who desires both a functional and visually appealing grip solution.

🔗1911 Laser Grips Slate Gray with Finger Grooves
During my time in the shooting range, I've had the opportunity to put my hands on several different gun grips. Some were uncomfortable, some slippery, and others seemed to disappear as I struggled to maintain a solid grip. That was until I tried the Hogue Rubber Officer's - a slate grey wonder to behold.
Slipping this beauty onto my 1911 Officer 43002, I instantly felt the cobblestone texture that filled my hands with a renewed sense of confidence. The rubber compound, sturdy and durable, left me feeling protected and secure from any potential recoil. The slate grey color was a cool and calming contrast to the fire and smoke that surrounded me.
However, the story doesn't end with all praise. The finger grooves, despite being a nice touch, felt slightly awkward and intrusive. I found myself wishing for a smooth, continuous surface that wouldn't impede my grip. Additionally, while the rubber material made for a solid base, it was also a bit too friction-driven. In extremely humid conditions, I experienced a slight difficulty sliding the grip back into its natural position. But after using it for a few weeks, I felt more comfortable and found those quirks to be minimal.
All in all, the Hogue Rubber Officer's is a worthy companion to my trusty firearm. The balance of practical design and aesthetic appeal makes it a valuable asset in any firearms enthusiast's arsenal. Though it's not a perfect product, it's certainly a step in the right direction.

🔗Ultra-Thin 1911 Grips for Commander & Other Handguns
I've recently taken these 1911 Operator II G10 Grips out for a spin, and let me tell you, they're a game-changer. These grips are ambidextrous and feature an easy-to-use safety cut, so regardless of your preference, they'll suit you perfectly. The Predator Green color really sets them apart from other grips on the market, and their sleek G10 material ensures a reliable grip without adding any bulk.
I particularly appreciate their ultra-thin design, which allows for smooth handling, and the textured surface provides excellent traction. However, I have noticed that they aren't compatible with specific 1911 or Commander models, so make sure your gun model matches. Overall, these grips have made a noticeable difference in my shooting experience, and I highly recommend them for any 1911 enthusiast.

🔗1911 Blued Beavertail Memory Grove Safety Grip
I recently had the chance to try out the Blue S80 1911 Machined Memory Grove BeaverTail Safety. This sleek, sturdy firearm safety is a perfect blend of style and functionality. The blued finish gives it a unique and elegant look, while the beavertail cut provides a comfortable grip that's easy to hold onto.
One of the standout features of this safety is the grooved design. It's not only a great aesthetic touch but also provides a practical benefit by giving users a better grip. However, the Blue S80 does have a few drawbacks. For instance, its slim profile can make it difficult for some users to find a comfortable position. Nevertheless, overall, it's a solid choice for those looking for a stylish and effective firearm safety.

🔗High-Ride 1911 Style Stainless Steel Laser Grip for Enhanced Comfort and Precision
I recently got my hands on the Wilson Combat 298S BeaverTail Grip Safety, and I must say, it's a game-changer for my 1911 Auto. I used it for an entire day at the range, and the high-ride design allowed me to hold the gun more comfortably and with better control. The raised Pisi-Release tab also made disengaging the safety a breeze.
However, I did notice some minor hiccups. For one, the product came with a barrel bushing instead of the grip safety I ordered, which left me quite disappointed. Additionally, I encountered a few issues with fitment and had to do some custom work to make it work with my firearm.
Overall, the Wilson Combat 298S BeaverTail Grip Safety improved my experience with my 1911 Auto significantly, but it did come with a few unexpected challenges.

Buyer's Guide
Choosing the right 1911 laser grip can be a daunting task with so many options available on the market. In this buyer's guide, we will outline important features, considerations, and general advice for purchasing the best 1911 laser grip to suit your needs.

Important Features

  1. Compatibility: Make sure the laser grip you choose is compatible with your 1911 handgun model and caliber. Some laser grips are designed for specific models, while others are universal.
  2. Brightness: Choose a laser grip with an adjustable brightness setting. This will allow you to customize the intensity of the laser beam as per your comfort and shooting conditions.
  3. Runtime: The runtime of the laser grip's battery should be long enough to last through a typical day of shooting or practice. Consider choosing a grip with a rechargeable battery to minimize the need for constant replacements.
  4. Durability: A high-quality laser grip should be made of durable materials to withstand the rigors of daily use, especially in harsh environments or during competitions.


  1. Price: While it's tempting to look for the cheapest option, investing in a higher-quality laser grip will ensure better performance and durability in the long run.
  2. Size and Ergonomics: The laser grip should fit comfortably in your hand and not interfere with your shooting grip. Measure the diameter of your handgun's grip and compare it with the dimensions of the laser grip.
  3. User Feedback: Check online reviews and ratings from other users to understand the pros and cons of different laser grip models. This can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of the product.

General Advice
  1. Practice with the laser grip: Familiarize yourself with the laser grip and its functions to ensure you are comfortable using it before relying on it during a critical situation.
  2. Keep the laser grip clean: Regularly clean and maintain your laser grip to ensure proper function and longevity. Make sure to keep the battery or replace it when needed.
By considering these essential features, taking note of the product's compatibility, and keeping the laser grip clean, you can find the ideal 1911 laser grip to suit your needs.


What are 1911 laser grips?

1911 laser grips are specialized grips that have built-in laser sights designed for use with 1911-style handguns. These grips provide a convenient and integrated laser sight solution for shooters looking to improve their accuracy and aim.

What are the benefits of using 1911 laser grips?

1911 laser grips offer several advantages:
  • Integrated laser sight: The laser is built right into the grip, eliminating the need for separate accessories.
  • Increased accuracy: The laser helps to aim the handgun more accurately, especially in low-light conditions or quickly during dynamic shooting situations.
  • Easy to use: The laser sight activates with a press of the shooter's thumb against the grip, allowing for easy on/off functionality under stress.

Do all 1911 laser grips work with all 1911 handguns?

No, not all 1911 laser grips are compatible with every 1911 handgun. Some brands and models are specifically designed for certain frame sizes or styles, so it's essential to check compatibility before purchasing.

How do I choose the best 1911 laser grip for my needs?

When selecting a 1911 laser grip, consider the following factors:
  • Frame compatibility: Ensure that the grip will fit with your specific 1911 handgun.
  • Laser visibility: Look for a grip with a laser that is clear, bright, and easy to see in various lighting conditions.
  • Adjustability: Some grips offer adjustable laser sights, allowing you to fine-tune the sight for your preferences.
  • Price: Determine your budget and prioritize the features that matter most to you.

Are 1911 laser grips safe to use?

As long as you handle and store your 1911 laser grip and handgun responsibly, they can be safe to use. Always follow proper handling and storage guidelines, and be aware of your surroundings when using a laser in any capacity.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:28 Real_Promotion_6433 Looking for a halo rp partner

Step into the expansive universe of Halo with "Halo: Chronicles of New Dawn," where your original character takes center stage in an evolving saga filled with heroism, intrigue, and epic battles.
The year is 2560, and the galaxy stands at a crossroads. The Human-Covenant War has ended, but peace remains elusive. The UNSC is on a mission to rebuild and defend against new threats, while remnants of the Covenant clash over their fractured empire. As ancient Forerunner artifacts emerge, secrets long buried begin to surface, sparking new conflicts and alliances.
What I Offer:
  • Original Character Development: Work together to create and develop your unique character, whether they're a Spartan-IV, an elite Sangheili warrior, an intrepid ODST, or a resourceful engineer. Your character's story is yours to tell.
  • Immersive Storylines: Engage in plotlines that respect Halo's rich lore while exploring uncharted territories. Unearth Forerunner relics, partake in covert operations, or lead a rebellion.
  • Evolving World: Your actions shape the narrative. Choices have consequences, and the world evolves with every decision you make.
  • Collaborative Adventures: Forge alliances, rivalries, and friendships within the story. We'll work together to create epic story arcs and unforgettable moments.
  • Dedicated Experience: As your personal Game Master, I'll ensure a tailored and immersive roleplaying experience focused entirely on your character's journey.
How to Join:
  1. Create Your Character: We'll craft a detailed background, define skills, and set motivations for your original character.
  2. Choose a Faction: Align with one of our established factions or create your own.
  3. Engage in Roleplay: Dive into the story, with dynamic narratives and evolving plotlines shaped by your choices.
Get Started:
Message me directly to begin your journey. Whether you’re a veteran role-player or new to the Halo universe, all are welcome. Bring your creativity, your passion, and your tactical mind. The galaxy is waiting for your story.
Halo: Chronicles of New Dawn - Your legend begins now.
submitted by Real_Promotion_6433 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:16 MapMapCanvas Create your own interactive maps

One of the things I have sometimes struggled when reading large fantasy series such as the Wheel of Time, Malazan Book of the Fallen, Song of Fire and Ice or the First Law was to put in perspective all of the locations visited by the characters, the distances they have traveled and where they are relative to each other at different times. To address this, I started searching for fantasy world maps online and found some great maps both static and interactive. One thing I felt I was unable to do was to add my own notes and markers on the great static maps that I found. At the same time, I always had an interest in amateur web development as a hobby. So in a way I combined my interests, and set on a journey to create an application that allows the users to upload different map images and enhance them with polygons, markers and notes.
The result of my journey is it is an amateur creation but one done with a lot of love. MapMapCanvas is a tool that allows users to upload images of maps and enhance them by drawing polygons and adding markers. Users can also write and connect notes to these polygons and markers, and share them for other users to explore. I am currently working on a visualization of the journeys of characters like Ganoes Paran and Kalam Mekhar and will share these when ready.
It is completely non-commercial, there are no ads or payments or anything of the sort involved. It only asks for email when registering an account but apart from the confirmation email, there will be none of the annoying promotional spam.
I see that there are a fair number of map related posts in the Malazan reddit and I really feel the application can be of help for some readers who might need some visualization in order to experience the series better. It can also be an interesting contribution to the community. So I am keen to share my creation for people to use and give their feedback. Any feedback or suggestions for how to make the tool better and improve the user experience are welcome. So maybe give it a go and comment on how it can be made better:
submitted by MapMapCanvas to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:41 Recent_Scar_6991 Assigning digital hw or paper ? Secondary school and up

What do you prefer to assign? Lately I've been working fully online (hopefully temporary) and I've been assigning only digital work of course but I remember as a student using paper too and in my first year teaching in person struggling with paper hw (student's loosing the worksheet, carrying a lot of paper around ) so now I'm thinking that maybe when o I go back to a classroom I could stick to asking for a pic of their worksheet or letting them use whatever tools they want to edit the file.
I think it really is more convenient for everyone, I'm grading papers on an ipad which make it way faster and more convenient for me as I can do it on short bus rides or while waiting for my coffee idk.
what's your opinion on going fully digital for HW and how do you do it? What apps do you use? I've been using telegram as it allows you to draw and annotate over the picture and send it immediately to the same number you got it from, you can't have WhatsApp on an ipad and I think google classroom is more inconvenient for kids this age. Lmk your thoughts! I'm a little scared of being back in a real classroom and the mess of papers flying around
submitted by Recent_Scar_6991 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:34 TopAcanthocephala106 Ultimate Guide for Claw Games

Ultimate Guide for Claw Games
I spend a lot of time and money on claws and would love to share my experience. I usually win between 15 - 50 prizes a week, mostly cinnamoroll. This discussion centers around toreba and how toreba compares with others
First let's go over all the vendors:
  • Tokyo Catch: this is not worth as its games are too hard to win and you can be down 100 bucks with 0 prize. The selection is also really bad
  • : This is an ok option. They do ship to US and require you to purchase 5,000 yen of coins in one shot to get free shipping. This equates to 33 USD. Their games are hard to win, but if you lose too much, they will assist you after you spent around 5,000 yen. Assist depends on whether the worker is around or not. Claw jp also has an option for 1 hit win, which is a machine that auto win for 15 dollars. I usually use it for that exclusively. The prizes overlap with toreba and taito so there isn't much of a reason to use it except for the 1 shot win.
  • Toreba: by far one of the cheapest options out there due to free shipping. If you know what you are doing (play the games that are progressive and guarantee to win ( pin pong ) , you can get a prize at 40,000 tp. This means each prize is 40 dollars. Occasionally they will have 1 hit machine that auto win with 15 - 20k tp. If you see auto win machines like that and you like the prize , it is always a good option to grab. Most of the non-progressive machines are unwinnable and I never spend money on it. If you see a prize that is about to fall, assume there is a magnet in it. When you are playing ping pong games (progressive game) , count the number of balls and the cost per ball to calculate the prize cost. You should also look at how the claws behave. Some claws drop too low and flicks the ping pong , making it very difficult to get it. It is best to skip the game when the claws are messed up. It is annoying that Toreba is very slow to load and it's very difficult to search or be notified when new prizes appear. Toreba machine are tuned in a way that you will almost always need to get every single ping pong ball to win. The trick to toreba is knowing which machines are unwinnable as 90+% of their machines are unwinnable and are meant to just gobble up your free tickets. Although Toreba has free shipping, their shipping time is between 2 to 3 months depend on what batch your items ship out at. Toreba ships everything out once a month and then takes 2 months after shipping to get it. Toreba has a larger selection than Taito does for specific genra ( like cinnamoroll ), but overall I would say Taito has a greater variety than Toreba does. Their prize pool do not overlap that much. I love it when Toreba brings out odd prizes you cannot get anywhere else.
many of the prizes here are unique to Toreba
machine will always place ball as far away from the red circle as possible
it is progressive as you will win eventually when it runs out of balls ( it uses all balls 95% of the time)
  • Taito ( : Inside Japan, Taito is by far the best option to play claw machine. Most people don't know that you can still play taito online outside of japan. They have the best rate and have exlcusive prizes that updates daily. Yen exchange rate also means that you are getting 30% off when playing with taito. Taito's machines are fair and easy to win. Unlike Toreba, all 100% of taito's machines are winnable. If you lose more than 33 dollars (5k yen) , the progress bar will fill up and you will auto win the prize. The machines are not rigged like Toreba and you will be able to win prizes most of the time under 25 dollars. Taito only ships to japanese Address so you will need to get a japanese address from either tenso or tensojapan. (they are different companies) i've tested both and both works. TensoJapan is slightly cheaper than tenso, but their service is bad due to frequent site outages and crashes. After you register with tenso or tenso japan, they will give you a japanese address to enter at Taito. Everytime when a prize comes, tenso will request a forwarding fee to forward package to your international address. I use tensoJapan exclusively to save cost as I can have the patience to sit through page crashes to pay forwarding fees. It is best to ship around 5 items at a time to reduce cost. Shipping 1 item at a time will cost you a lot more. If you ship 5 items at a time, expect to pay around 15 dollars per prize (1 week shipping) or 6 dollar per prize (3 month shipping). You can do the calculation yourself, but if the prize is bulkier, Taito will cost more than Toreba due to shipping. Also if you are bad at playing , Taito will also cost more ( 33 dollars for pity prize + 15 dollar shipping ). You will need to install google translate extension to play Taito. Google translate can translate the entire page for you without intervention. Taito also has Kuji ( lottery ) and the prizes are pretty good. Taito also has daily happy hour to get rid of less desirable prizes at 30-50% discount. Toreba and Taito prizes overlap only about 20% of the time, so I spend money on both platform to get prizes as they do offer different variety of prizes.
google translate makes site usable
kuji lottery for 5 dollar per draw
machines at Taito are fair and you can win in just 1 try ( 3 tries here )
on average it takes this many balls to win ( straight forward probability problem)
  • Other ones: I played about 5-10 other platforms, and their rates are either extremely bad or their prize selections are awful. I uninstall all of those after trying for a little bit.
submitted by TopAcanthocephala106 to Toreba [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:04 Sea-Barracuda-1688 What is needed to start modding

Hello fellow starborn
I want to get into modding, nothing to fancy like scripting or anything like that (unless I learn that coding is something I’m tits at)
But I want to make my own custom outfits and maybe learn to port other assets from other games into starfield, there’s a mass effect armor mod and halo armor mod I can’t live without
But im also really picky about my aesthetic choices and what armors and stuff I’ll use
Anyways anyways anyways
I want to learn to make custom outfits like for instance I love the chest armor from the uc navy space suit the tank the body armor it’s sick, but I hate the rest of it, I want to be able to go into a program and mishmash armors together
And also how to rip and port things into starfield
Anyways what programs do I need to accomplish all this and is there any tutorials online that will help me teach myself
submitted by Sea-Barracuda-1688 to starfieldmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:46 forex4all Review: Red Flags and Warning Signs

Amidst the endless sea of websites vying for visibility and traffic, stands out as both a mystery and an attraction. Many have been intrigued by this website—with its enigmatic name and evasive online presence—and have wondered what it really is and what secrets it conceals. This post will explore Uniwex in detail, trying to explain its features, user experience, and possible consequences so that you may join the conversation.

What Draws People to Ambiguity

This is clearly not your average website the second you get on Uniwex. The landing page creates an air of mystery and intrigue right from the bat thanks to its spare style and absence of obvious branding or purpose. A sense of intrigue surrounds Uniwex since it lacks the usual suspects—a navigation menu, descriptive text, and any indication of the site's intended purpose.
In their pursuit of answers, inquisitive site users encounter a maze of mysterious pages and material. Deliberately constructed to elude obvious interpretation, the sparse prose is often delivered in incomplete sentences or abstract expressions. The employment of nontraditional codes, symbols, and images heightens the feeling of mystery, leaving guests with more questions than answers.

The Mystery of the User's Path

Trying to find your way around Uniwex is like setting out on a confusing adventure into the unknown. On purpose, the user interface is not transparent, leaving it up to the visitor to figure out what the point of each click and interaction is.
Strange graphics, mysterious questions, and cryptic messages await you when you click on apparently random links. Users are left to their own devices to decipher the site's arcane information in the lack of clear directions or explanations, creating an even more disorienting experience.
It seems like Uniwex has a non-linear and unusual navigation structure, which is rather interesting. A more fluid and unexpected user experience is prioritized above traditional website hierarchies and logical page progressions. The feeling of mystery is intensified by this method, as visitors are led astray in a digital maze, uncertain of their ultimate goal or the relevance of their activities.
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The Group of Speculators

Despite Uniwex's obtuse design and lack of clear goal, it has attracted a devoted user base that loves to speculate and unravel the mystery. This group of people, who call themselves "Uniwex seekers," is quite active on the site; they discuss possible explanations, look for hints, and work together to solve the mystery of Uniwex.
Uniwex investigators assemble in online forums and message boards to speculate about the site's real nature, share what they've found, and bounce ideas off of one other. Users have developed a strong feeling of community and shared purpose as they work together to decipher the enigmatic text on Uniwex.
To further emphasize the feeling of exclusivity and belonging, the Uniwex group has even created its own language and inside jokes. In this one-of-a-kind subculture, members prioritize the excitement of conjecture and the quest for knowledge above more typical forms of online communication as they work together to unravel the secrets of the site.

Possible Context and Hypotheses

Theories and suspicions about the possible ramifications of Uniwex continue as long as the mystery surrounding it does. Some have speculated that the site is an elaborate artistic endeavor that probes questions of perception, ambiguity, and the dynamics of internet discourse. The unique user experience and opaque material might be seen as a critique of the internet's growing disjointed and esoteric character.
Some have speculated that Uniwex is really a means of secret communication or data exchange among a chosen few. Hidden from the uninitiated, the site's cryptic messages and codes may be a way of sending sensitive or secret information.
Multiple hypotheses have been advanced that tie Uniwex to a greater interactive fiction story or alternative reality game (ARG). The mysterious prompts and cryptic hints dispersed over the site may be pieces of an immersive narrative experience, just waiting to be solved by committed players.
Whatever its actual goal may have been, Uniwex has certainly captivated its audience, leading to conversations around the limits of online experiences and the significance of mystery in this day of information overload. The site's captivating nature begs the issue of how ambiguity will play a larger part in attracting audiences in the future, given that it does not provide any clear substance or purpose.

In summary

Uniwex stands out in the wide online environment as an unusual and confusing entity. Its mystique has persisted in captivating and perplexing people due to its opaque character, mysterious user experience, and devoted community of searchers.
We are reminded of the boundless potential and unexplored realms inside the digital domain as we try to understand Uniwex. The very presence of the site makes us reevaluate our assumptions about the nature and purpose of websites, prompting us to think critically about the limits of our online interactions and the place of mystery in a world where everything is becoming more and more visible.
Although Uniwex's actual goal and consequences are still unclear, one thing is clear: the website has managed to captivate interest and intrigue like no other. Who knows what surprises are in store for the ever-expanding Uniwex community as rumors and conjecture reach fever pitch.
In a world where people frequently want immediate satisfaction and simple solutions, Uniwex acts as a gentle reminder of the importance of intrigue, the charm of the unfamiliar, and the collective potential of discovery. We are invited to embrace the mysterious and the inexplicable by, which has unquestionably made its impact on the digital scene, whether it is an art project, a communication tool, or something else completely.
submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:40 smoke2snack Discover the Pinnacle of Vaping: Best Disposable Vapes in Canada for Discerning Enthusiasts

Discover the Pinnacle of Vaping: Best Disposable Vapes in Canada for Discerning Enthusiasts
The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Best Disposable Vape in Canada Are you on the hunt for the ideal disposable vape to satisfy your cravings? Your search ends here! This detailed guide will introduce you to some of the best disposable vape brands and models available in Canada, ensuring you make a well-informed choice that meets your preferences and needs.
What Are Disposable Vapes? In recent years, disposable vapes have surged in popularity due to their convenience and simplicity. These single-use devices are pre-filled with e-liquid and come with a fully charged battery, so you don’t need to worry about refilling or recharging. Whether you’re a beginner looking to switch from smoking or an experienced vaper wanting a hassle-free option, disposable vapes provide an easy solution for enjoying nicotine on the go.
Best Disposable Vape Brands and Models
1. Flavour Beast Chillin Coffee Iced
Buy Flavour Beast Chillin Coffee Iced Disposable Vape online in Canada and enjoy the invigorating taste of chilled coffee with an icy twist! Flavour Beast Disposables offer up to 800 puffs with no need for recharging. Featuring a 500mAh battery, a 1.1ohm mesh coil, and 2mL e-liquid volume, it provides a satisfying vaping experience. Designed with leak and spit-back resistance, this compact device ensures hassle-free enjoyment.
2. Draggg Watermelon Ice
Discover Draggg Watermelon Ice 800 Puffs, the hassle-free disposable vape with impressive features. Powered by a 300mAh battery, this ready-to-use device delivers up to 800 puffs and contains 20mg of nicotine. Perfect for on-the-go vaping, it offers a satisfying flavor experience with a 2ml e-liquid volume. Designed for convenience, Draggg Disposable operates on draw activation and is non-rechargeable. Enjoy the ease and performance of Draggg Watermelon Ice 800 Puffs from Smoke2Snack, your trusted vape shop in Canada.
3. Vice Tropical Blast Ice
Indulge in the refreshing Tropical Blast Ice Vice 2500 Disposable Vape, perfect for summer with its ice-cold fruit punch flavour. This single-use device offers up to 2500 juicy puffs with a 1.2ohm mesh coil and 6.5mL e-liquid capacity. With a nicotine strength of 20mg, it ensures a satisfying vaping experience. Get your Tropical Blast Ice Vice 2500 Disposable Vape at Smoke2Snack, the best vape shop in Canada, and elevate your vaping satisfaction today.
How to Choose the Best Disposable Vape
When it comes to selecting the best disposable vape, here are the key factors to keep in mind:
Flavour Selection: Choose a brand that offers a variety of flavours to satisfy your taste buds.
Nicotine Levels: Ensure the nicotine strength aligns with your tolerance for an enjoyable experience.
Battery Duration: Select a disposable vape with a durable battery to enjoy longer vaping sessions without interruption.
Cost: Evaluate the price and overall value of each brand to find an option that fits your budget.
Consumer Feedback: Check out reviews from other users to gauge the performance and reliability of different vapes.
Considering these aspects will help you find the ideal disposable vape that meets your needs.
Disposable vapes have revolutionised the vaping industry by offering a hassle-free and convenient alternative to traditional devices. With a wide range of flavours, sleek designs, and extended battery life, top brands.Whether you’re new to vaping or a seasoned enthusiast, there’s a disposable vape out there that’s perfect for your lifestyle and preferences.
submitted by smoke2snack to u/smoke2snack [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 Lucky-Program7456 +918769142117 Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi Love is a complex and cherished emotion that we all desire to feel and experience. However, relationships can be challenging, and they come with their own set of problems. If you are facing love problems, you are not alone. Many people in Delhi and around the world are trying to navigate their love life and find a way to overcome love problems. In this blog post, we have the pleasure of speaking with Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned expert on love and relationships.
He will share his insights on love problems faced by people in Delhi and how astrology can help you understand and solve them. From communication issues, trust problems, to compatibility concerns, read on to discover how you can improve your love life and find the happiness you deserve.

Introduction to Love Problems in Delhi

Delhi, a vibrant and bustling city, is not only the capital of India but also a melting pot of cultures, traditions, and beliefs. In the midst of its fast-paced lifestyle and modern outlook, love problems often find their way into the lives of its residents. From matters of the heart to relationship dilemmas, navigating the complexities of love in Delhi can be a daunting task for many.
In this dynamic city where ancient customs coexist with contemporary values, individuals often seek guidance and solace in astrology to unravel the mysteries of love. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned figure in the realm of astrology, offers unique insights and remedies to those grappling with love issues in Delhi.
From broken hearts to star-crossed lovers, the journey of love in Delhi is as diverse as the city itself. The pressures of societal norms, family expectations, and personal aspirations can create a web of challenges for individuals seeking love and companionship. Understanding the nuances of love problems in Delhi is essential to addressing them effectively and finding harmony in relationships.
Through the lens of Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom and expertise, this blog aims to explore the intricacies of love in the bustling metropolis of Delhi and provide valuable insights into navigating love problems with grace and wisdom. Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the realm of love, relationships, and the mystical world of astrology in the vibrant tapestry of Delhi’s love stories. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Meet Astrologer Abdullah Khadim: Background and Expertise

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim is a renowned figure in the field of astrology in Delhi, known for his exceptional insights and expertise in navigating love problems. With a background steeped in traditional astrological practices passed down through generations, Abdullah Khadim brings a unique perspective to the realm of relationship astrology.
Having honed his skills over many years of dedicated study and practice, Abdullah Khadim has earned a reputation for his accurate predictions and insightful guidance in matters of the heart. His deep understanding of astrological charts and planetary influences allows him to provide clients with valuable insights into their love lives and relationships.
Whether you are facing challenges in your current relationship, seeking clarity on romantic prospects, or looking to enhance the harmony and connection with your partner, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim offers personalized consultations and remedies tailored to your specific needs. His compassionate approach and profound wisdom make him a trusted advisor for those navigating love problems in Delhi and beyond. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Common Love Issues Faced by Delhi Residents

Delhi, a city pulsating with life and energy, also holds within its heart a myriad of love issues that its residents often grapple with. From the bustling streets of Chandni Chowk to the serene gardens of Lodhi, love takes on various forms and faces numerous challenges in the capital city.
One common love woe faced by Delhi residents is the clash of traditional values with modern aspirations. The city’s rich cultural heritage often intertwines with contemporary lifestyles, leading to conflicts in relationships rooted in differing belief systems and expectations.
Another prevalent issue is the struggle for privacy and personal space in a city teeming with people and bustling with activity. Finding moments of intimacy and solitude can be a challenge, impacting the dynamics of relationships and creating tensions between partners. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Moreover, the fast-paced life in Delhi, characterized by long working hours and hectic schedules, can strain relationships, leaving little time for meaningful connections and nurturing love bonds. The constant rush and pressure to succeed can take a toll on emotional well-being, leading to misunderstandings and distance between partners.
In the midst of these common love issues faced by Delhi residents, seeking guidance and insights from experts like Astrologer Abdullah Khadim can offer a fresh perspective and valuable solutions to navigate the complexities of love in the vibrant city of Delhi.

Insights and Solutions Provided by Astrologer Abdullah Khadim

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned expert in the field of astrology, offers a wealth of insights and solutions to navigate love problems in Delhi. With his profound knowledge and experience, he delves deep into the complexities of relationships, providing valuable guidance to those seeking clarity and resolution.
One of the key insights provided by Astrologer Abdullah Khadim is the importance of understanding the cosmic influences on love and relationships. By analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth, he uncovers hidden patterns and energies that impact one’s romantic life. Through this astrological lens, he offers personalized solutions to address specific challenges and enhance harmony in relationships.
Moreover, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim emphasizes the significance of communication and emotional compatibility in fostering lasting love. His guidance encourages individuals to engage in open and honest dialogue with their partners, facilitating mutual understanding and trust. By acknowledging and addressing underlying issues, couples can strengthen their bond and overcome obstacles together. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
In addition to insights on individual relationships, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim also provides remedies and rituals to attract love, resolve conflicts, and promote harmony in romantic connections. His holistic approach combines astrological wisdom with practical advice, offering a comprehensive toolkit for navigating love problems with confidence and optimism.
Overall, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s insights and solutions serve as a beacon of hope for those facing challenges in their love lives. With his expertise and compassionate guidance, individuals in Delhi can find clarity, healing, and transformation in their relationships, paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling romantic future.

Case Studies: Real-life Examples of Love Problems Solved

In this section, we delve into real-life case studies showcasing how Astrologer Abdullah Khadim has successfully navigated and resolved love problems for individuals in Delhi. These stories serve as powerful illustrations of the impact and effectiveness of astrology in addressing complex relationship issues.
Case Study 1: Reuniting Lost Love One client approached Astrologer Abdullah Khadim with a heart-wrenching tale of lost love. Despite facing insurmountable obstacles and misunderstandings, the client was determined to reunite with their soulmate. Through a detailed analysis of planetary positions and personalized guidance, Abdullah Khadim provided a roadmap for reconciliation. With patience and faith in the astrological remedies suggested, the couple eventually found their way back to each other, stronger and more committed than ever.
Case Study 2: Overcoming Family Opposition Another individual sought Abdullah Khadim’s assistance when faced with staunch opposition from family members regarding their choice of partner. Cultural differences and familial expectations seemed to create an unbridgeable divide between the couple. Drawing upon his astrological expertise and deep understanding of human relationships, Abdullah Khadim offered tailored solutions to address the underlying issues. Gradually, the family’s resistance softened, paving the way for a harmonious union that honored both love and tradition.
These case studies exemplify the transformative power of astrology in resolving love problems and fostering enduring connections. By sharing these real-life examples, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim not only provides hope and guidance to those grappling with similar challenges but also underscores the profound impact of cosmic insights on matters of the heart.

Testimonials from Satisfied Clients

Testimonials from satisfied clients play a crucial role in establishing credibility and trust in any service, especially when it comes to navigating love problems through astrology. Hearing about the positive experiences of others can provide reassurance and encouragement to those seeking guidance in matters of the heart.
Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s clients have shared heartfelt testimonials highlighting the accuracy and effectiveness of his readings and remedies. Many have expressed gratitude for his insightful advice, which has helped them navigate through challenging relationship situations with clarity and confidence.
One client, Priya, shared, “I was skeptical at first, but after consulting with Abdullah Khadim, I was amazed at the accuracy of his predictions. His guidance helped me understand my relationship dynamics better and make informed decisions for a brighter future.” Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Another client, Rajesh, mentioned, “I was going through a tough time in my relationship, but Abdullah Khadim’s remedies and counseling truly made a positive difference. I am grateful for his support and wisdom.”
Such testimonials serve as a testament to Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s expertise and the positive impact he has had on his clients’ lives. By sharing these success stories, others seeking guidance for their love problems can gain confidence in his services and approach with hope and optimism.

How Astrology Can Help Navigate Love Challenges

Astrology has been a guiding force for centuries, offering insights and solutions to the complexities of love and relationships. In a bustling city like Delhi, where modernity blends with tradition, seeking guidance from an experienced astrologer like Abdullah Khadim can provide a unique perspective on navigating love challenges.
Astrology delves into the cosmic energies that influence our lives, including matters of the heart. By analyzing planetary positions at the time of birth, astrologers can uncover patterns and tendencies that shape our romantic relationships. Whether you’re facing communication issues, trust issues, or compatibility concerns, astrology offers a lens through which to understand the dynamics at play.
Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s expertise in love astrology can help individuals gain clarity on their romantic journey. By examining the positions of Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of passion, astrologers can offer valuable insights into relationship dynamics and potential challenges.
Through personalized consultations, astrologer Abdullah Khadim can provide guidance on enhancing communication, strengthening emotional bonds, and fostering harmony in relationships. By aligning with the cosmic energies that govern love and romance, individuals in Delhi can navigate their love challenges with a deeper understanding and a renewed sense of direction.

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Relationships in Delhi

Maintaining healthy relationships in a bustling city like Delhi can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is definitely achievable. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim shares some valuable tips to help navigate love problems and foster strong and lasting relationships in the city. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
  1. Communication is Key: Open and honest communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. In a city as fast-paced as Delhi, it’s crucial to make time for meaningful conversations with your partner to ensure mutual understanding and harmony.
  2. Respect Each Other’s Space: Delhi can be overwhelming with its hectic lifestyle and traffic jams. It’s essential to respect each other’s personal space and boundaries. Encourage individual growth and interests while also cherishing shared moments together.
  3. Quality Time Matters: Amidst the chaos of city life, make sure to carve out quality time for your partner. Plan date nights, weekend getaways, or simply enjoy a quiet evening together to strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.
  4. Embrace Differences: Delhi is a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and personalities. Embrace and celebrate the differences between you and your partner. Learn from each other’s perspectives and grow together as a couple.
  5. Seek Guidance When Needed: Love problems can arise in any relationship, and it’s okay to seek guidance when things get tough. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim suggests keeping an open mind and being willing to explore different perspectives to overcome challenges and nurture a healthy relationship.
By following these tips and embracing the advice of experts like Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, couples in Delhi can navigate love problems with wisdom and grace, fostering strong and fulfilling relationships in the vibrant city.

Consultation Process with Astrologer Abdullah Khadim

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s consultation process is a deeply personalized and insightful experience that aims to provide clarity and guidance on matters of the heart. From the moment you reach out to schedule a consultation, you will be met with a warm and welcoming approach that sets the tone for the entire session.
During the consultation, Abdullah Khadim takes the time to listen attentively to your concerns and questions, creating a safe and open space for you to share your thoughts and feelings. His empathetic nature and deep understanding of astrological principles allow him to analyze your situation with precision and offer valuable insights that can help you navigate through your love problems. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Using a combination of astrological charts, planetary positions, and his intuitive abilities, Abdullah Khadim provides a detailed analysis of your current circumstances and offers practical advice on how to address any challenges you may be facing in your relationships. Whether you are seeking answers about love compatibility, marriage prospects, or overcoming obstacles in your romantic life, his consultation process is designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions.
By the end of the session, you will walk away feeling enlightened, inspired, and equipped with the tools needed to approach your love problems with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s consultation process is not just about predicting the future but also about empowering you to create the love life you truly desire.

Conclusion: Empowering Delhi Residents to Overcome Love Problems

In conclusion, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim provides valuable insights and guidance for Delhi residents facing love problems. His expertise and deep understanding of astrology offer a unique perspective on navigating relationships and overcoming challenges in matters of the heart. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
By seeking the advice of a skilled astrologer like Abdullah Khadim, individuals can empower themselves with the knowledge and tools to address their love problems effectively. Whether it’s issues related to compatibility, communication, trust, or any other aspect of a relationship, astrology can provide valuable insights and solutions.
Delhi residents can benefit from Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom and guidance to gain clarity and direction in their love lives. Through his guidance, individuals can make informed decisions, cultivate stronger relationships, and ultimately find happiness and fulfillment in their romantic pursuits.
Navigating love problems in Delhi may seem daunting, but with the support of an experienced astrologer like Abdullah Khadim, individuals can approach their challenges with confidence and optimism. By embracing the insights and advice offered, Delhi residents can overcome love problems and create a more harmonious and fulfilling love life.
In the bustling city of Delhi, matters of the heart can often be complex and challenging. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim shares valuable insights on navigating love problems, offering guidance rooted in ancient wisdom and celestial observations. Through his expertise, readers gain a deeper understanding of how astrology can illuminate paths to resolution and harmony in relationships. As you navigate the intricate terrain of love in Delhi, may Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom serve as a guiding light, illuminating the way towards love’s true essence and fulfillment.


What are common love problems people face in Delhi? Common love problems in Delhi include misunderstandings, lack of communication, interference from family or society, trust issues, long-distance relationships, and compatibility issues.
How can I find a reliable love problem solution in Delhi? Look for experienced and reputed astrologers, relationship counselors, or therapists who specialize in resolving love-related issues. You can ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have used such services before.
What methods are used for love problem solutions in Delhi? Love problem solutions in Delhi may involve astrology, tarot card readings, counseling sessions, meditation, mantra chanting, and various rituals aimed at strengthening relationships and resolving conflicts.
Is it possible to solve love problems through astrology? Astrology is believed to provide insights into relationship dynamics and compatibility. Astrologers analyze birth charts to identify potential challenges and offer remedies such as gemstone recommendations, poojas (rituals), and mantras to improve the relationship.
How long does it take to solve love problems through counseling? The duration of counseling sessions depends on the complexity of the issues and the willingness of both partners to work on the relationship. Some problems may be resolved in a few sessions, while others may require ongoing therapy.
Can love problems be solved without the consent of both partners? While it’s ideal for both partners to participate in the problem-solving process, it’s possible to work on individual issues through self-reflection, therapy, and personal growth. However, the effectiveness of the solution may vary depending on the nature of the problem and the level of cooperation from both parties.
Are love problem solutions in Delhi guaranteed? No, love problem solutions cannot be guaranteed as they depend on various factors such as the willingness of both partners to work on the relationship, the severity of the issues, and external influences. However, seeking help from professionals can increase the chances of resolving conflicts and improving the relationship.
How much does it cost to avail love problem solutions in Delhi? The cost of love problem solutions varies depending on the service provider, the duration of the sessions, and the complexity of the issues. It’s advisable to inquire about the fees upfront and discuss any payment plans or packages available.
Are there any online options available for love problem solutions in Delhi? Yes, many astrologers, counselors, and therapists in Delhi offer online consultations for love problem solutions. This allows individuals to seek help from the comfort of their homes and access services from professionals located in different areas.
What should I consider before choosing a love problem solution provider in Delhi? Before choosing a love problem solution provider, consider factors such as their experience, reputation, approach to problem-solving, confidentiality policies, and cost. It’s alsov read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the effectiveness of their services.
submitted by Lucky-Program7456 to u/Lucky-Program7456 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:48 MADPIRATEDOG Sharing resources for creating assets for noobs

Hi! So, first of all, I'm from Italy, so sorry in advance for my bad english. And secondly, sorry for the reaaaally long post.
Anyway, I've finally found the courage to try to approach game developing, something I've been wanting to do for years. It will be in my spare time since I've gotta work, but hey I gotta try it now before it's too late for my small brain to learn something new. I don't have the money or time to enter a school, so I'll try to learn as much as possible on my own, following online courses ecc. For the kind of game I have in mind I think I'll go with game maker. I used rpg maker and other "light" softwares many many years ago, completely forgot how to use them, but they wouldn't be flexible enough for my project anyway. So, as far as the game developing software goes, either I learn how to use it or I don't and the project dies right at the start. Fortunately, the gameplay ideas ar not too complicated to realize, but the real obstacle on my path, about which I'm asking for help in this post, is the creation of assets. I'm learning to draw (actually re-learning, I could produce something not too horryfing to look at when I was much younger, then I stopped drawing and now I've got to start over) so that I can create my own assets, since everything will be in 2d and in a kind of hand-drawn style. But still, I'll be real, I know for a fact that I won't be able to make great art, it would be a miracle to make something passable. That's why I'm researching some tools to help me achieve a better look for my future assets and to compensate my lack of skill (and yes, patience too). I know you can buy pre-made assets, but I want to at least try to make my own if I can. We're living in a time where each day there's a massive technological leap that makes a lot easier to achieve things that once were extremely difficult to do, especially with AIs. I studied cinema, so I know some softwares in the video editing field, but I know very little in the game development one, so I'd like to know which softwares could help me in this task. Example: I need to draw the face of a character to show during a dialogue. Even if stylized, I have (and fear I'll always have) difficulties drawing a face from scratch, like actually imagining it in my head. With ai tools I can generate some faces based on facial features and decorations given by me in the prompt, pick some pieces here and there from different results, toy with them in photoshop (I'm pretty skilled with ph) and drawing over the final result, adding my own ideas to it. It would also be useful to find a software that, starting from a "plain" expression makes other expressions (you can somewhat do that in photoshop too). Obviously I'd redraw every change, but it would be a starting point. Other example: I found this software that offers a massive help in creating a sprite sheet starting from a single drawing. Yes, you still have do make some corrections, that I can do, while animating it from scratch it's a different story
I've been ranting for too much, let's wrap this up by describing briefly what kind of game I'm designing, so that you know what kind of tools could be useful. But generally speaking I'm open to any tool that you might find useful, you never know what I could need for future projects. Anyway, the best way to put it would be an extremely story-driven game like To the moon (with a hand-drawn style, not in pixel art), but with a lot of dialogue options and some "actual" (not in an offensive way, I love Too the moon lol) gameplay, not only puzzles. It would be visualized from a semi top-down view, so I'll need to think about everything from that perspective, other than cut-scenes and dialogues. As for the cut-scenes I think I'll just have to draw the single moments and cross-fade them; as for the dialogues there will always be a small portrait of the face of the character who's speaking.
I hope it's clear what I'm looking for. Aaaaand now let's see what you come up with :)
P.S. I know that AIs are a sticky subject and I couldn't summarize in this post what I think of them. Let's just say that I think that for a small, self-published project their use is justified as long as the raw asset produced by them is reworked so much by the artist to the point that he/she made it their own. Artists have always used collages and references to help create original artwork, so I see them as a starting point, especially for unskilled individuals like me, not as a final product, at least if you're profiting out of your project. If your project is completely free, eh, you could get a pass depending on the circumstances. If you're a big company and you're using AIs to avoid paying an actual artist, well you can go f yourself :) But this is not the point of my post
submitted by MADPIRATEDOG to GameDevelopment [link] [comments]