How long before bacitracin expires


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2011.11.11 18:42 Zlor For gamers behind the times

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2013.01.30 07:21 IIHURRlCANEII For .gifs that provide knowledge!

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2024.06.01 15:11 Jazzlike_Owl1916 Anyone know the answer to this?

So I recently moved to Colorado from Florida. About a month ago I changed my insurance policy for my car to Colorado (since that’s where I’m driving it) and was going to wait until July to do my license change and registration since both expire then. Well apparently got a letter in the mail from Florida my license is suspended because I “don’t” have Florida insurance. When I changed my insurance they cancelled my old policy and gave me a new one. On my sanction letter it shows my old policy number and says it’s inactive (duh bc I canceled). I’m assuming progressive never told Florida I changed my policy…. Called progressive and they said they sent the info to Florida. How long should I expect it to take before they reinstate my license? I can change my policy right? Because insurance is nationwide but you pick a state the vehicle is going to be driven in for different coverages and rates?
submitted by Jazzlike_Owl1916 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 CarlosdosMaias Meridia amazing moment, ruined by gameplay

Hey fellow Helldivers! I just wanted to share some thoughts.
This MO is supposed to be a big deal in the narrative.
We, together as a community, established the TCS Towers on Meridia, back when it was a normal planet, a beautiful lush jungle, uncorropted by the Terminid menace. It used to be a beacon of Liberty.
Dropping down on this new Meridia, this Meridia corrupted by the Terminids, felt like a whole new experience! The vile Terminids fiercer than ever before, defending this new Kepler Prime of theirs! Meridia´s whole atmosphere is amazing! A truly epic and cinematic moment!
You can tell the mission itself wasnt ready at all. Overall I´d say we have 2 big problems with the MO´s mission:
1- Bugs spawning/used to spawn ON the Dark Fluid Drills, destroying them effortlessly.
2- Second objetive not activating at all. You get little to no EXP per mission, since the mission is incomplete, and EXP is translated to Lib %. The fact that this mission came out broken, hurts our efforts.
The Shriekers at the end, I honestly like. To me they arent a problem....this is the Super Colony reacting to us. But it should have 100% been handled differently.
This should have been, from the start a suicide mission. You go in, deploy the Dark Fluid, and you have no option to extract. Once the mission is completed, Super Earth thanks you for your service and abandons you (as if the mission timer had expired, you have no reinforcements left) all you can do now is survive as long as you can (translates to rewards).
I feel like how Meridia came out gameplay wise..... ruined the Meridia experience.
submitted by CarlosdosMaias to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:35 barefootinjandals [UK] Upward Bullying and Grievance

Hi, I wanted to know what my rights are and what options I have available to me for the below situation. I've only been in this job for 6 months and am currently off work with stress (my GP has signed me off for a month).
I started a new job in January this year. Before I started I was made aware that one of my direct reports. let's call them Bob, had unsuccessfully applied for my role and would I be happy to coach them to help them should any other senior roles became available. Which I was and did! Bob didn't want to be coached by me.
My second day in my new job and Bob is notably not happy. There's atmosphere but I don't feel it's directed towards me as they are also cold towards others. In contrast, they happily chat away to two of their colleagues, who I later discovered are a clique.
We have our first team meeting, during which I wanted to discuss how the team work so I can get a feeling of the team culture. One of the questions I ask is how do they inform each other their location; working from home, in the office, sick, holiday, training, etc, is there a team calendar? I'm told they don't, so I show them a location tracker that was used in my previous job. Bob speaks up and says they think I am a micromanager and it's no business of mine where the team are. My response is that I'm sorry Bob feels that way but as a manager I do need know where my team are. Bob continues on this 'micromanaging' trajectory and says the person they will inform is Sue because Sue won't come into the office if Bob is not there. I ask the rest for their opinions, they all put their heads down and say nothing; Bob says they're speaking for the team. I assertively interrupt Bob and move on to a different subject, which is also heavily criticised by Bob.
I was shaken by Bob's behaviour during the team meeting but I thought it through and decided that perhaps it was the way I approached the subject. I set-up in-person 1:2:1s with my team, and mention to Bob that I would discuss what happen during the team meeting to gain an understanding of how they felt it went and to discuss their ideas. Bob refuses to meet with me, to which I remind them that it is important that we have 1:2:1s and that we discuss what happened in the team meeting as from a new manager's perspective I want to learn if I could have handled the subject better; if it made Bob feel comfortable we could have the meeting away from the workplace, in a nearby cafe. Bob replies that I am harassing them, could I please leave them alone. I eventually convince Bob to talk to me, but it's on-line only (I'm in a private meeting room, Bob's at home). Bob denies they called me a micromanager, however, when pressed they suddenly remember that I am a micromanager and call me some unsavoury names. Before I have a chance to retort, Bob says they want to move on from all this and could we start again. I agree to. I don't want this hassle during my first week.
Shortly after my meeting with Bob, my manager asks if everything is okay. When I say everything is, they say that's not what they've heard, could we have a private chat. I tell them about the micromanaging accusations and the name calling. They're appalled and state that they have also had similar problems with Bob, as has others, so it's off to HR we go. HR's advice is not to take formal action but to keep a diary of events, which I start doing.
Bob's behaviour doesn't improve, they don't follow my instructions and everything I say is because I'm out to get them. There was one incident whereby Bob wanted to take time off just before a big project deadline was due. I ask how they were getting on with the project and were they on track to meet the deadline. I get no response. I state that I can't approve any leave until I'm satisfied that the deadline will be met because the deadline cannot be moved. Bob says that our dept director approved their leave. I say, that's fine and I will speak to the director. No response from Bob. I instead speak to my line manager who agrees, no leave until they can prove that they are on track with the deadline ahead of schedule. I report this back to Bob, no response.
The next day I'm called into HR, Bob has raised a formal complaint against me. HR have told Bob that they have no grounds to raise a formal grievance as I am within my right to decline leave for the reason I gave but recognise there are issues with our working relationship therefore they would like explore mediation. Bob initially refuses the mediation. In the meantime, I discover that Bob has been having regular meetings with my line manager to gain clarification on my instructions and to complain about me. They started to going HR when my manager refused to take their complaints further. Not once did Bob ask me to clarify anything nor did they raise any issues with me.
We eventually have the mediation, during which Bob reads out a statement which was an attack on my personality and there was very little about our working relationship. During the statement Bob states that no-one in the organisation likes me as they see me as problematic and I have created an unsafe environment for all to work in (there are 1000+ staff - so I know this isn't true). I'm a liar and I'm not to be trusted. Bob is scared of me because they've seen what I am capable of and are scared I will turn violent. Bob has had to take over management of the team because of my actions. Again, not true.
I leave the mediation visibly upset, my colleagues show concern and my manager clears their calendar for the afternoon. I'm sent home and HR contacts me as my manager has said I may want to raise a grievance. HR advise I can't raise anything based on the mediation nor can I discuss what happened in the mediation with anyone, including my line manager (which I already have but they kindly chose to ignore this), but I can regarding the alleged malicious complaints and upward bullying. So, I do.
Bob raises a counter grievance, which I expect they would. In their grievance, Bob included what I allegedly said in the mediation, what others (their clique) has said about me, and also raises my health issues. Bob says I only disclosed my health issues because I wanted to gaslight and control the team. My health issues are/were; I'm going through the peri-menopause and was experiencing adverse side-effects with the HRT I was prescribed; I experienced heavy bleeding to the point I couldn't leave my home. Just as I was starting this job, my GP changed my prescription which would eventually stop the heavy bleeding but it brought on vertigo attacks. As a result I needed to work from home most days and thought it was best to explain to my team why. Prior to doing so, I referred to company policy, spoke to my line manager, and referred to ACAS's advice on disclosing menopause to staff. I'm now fine, the side-effects are no more.
It's this counter-grievance which is worrying me, why is Bob able to use:
Following the union's advice I have pushed back on point one with HR. HR have said they would add my concerns to the grievance. Please note that the union are unable to formally help me because my membership started after the first complaint which lead to the grievances.
I'm also worried about my sick leave, a month is a long time and I am still my probation. But I can't work, I'm paranoid that people do hate me plus if I do go to work that Bob will find more things to complain about - honestly, I get a new complaint every week, even when I was holiday I offended Bob. I can't deal with the constant complaints, they've taken over my working life. I've spoken the Occupational Health nurse and they've reassured me that the best place for me is home to recover, at this time they wouldn't agree for me to return to work before the sick note expires.
While I'm awaiting the outcome of both grievances, what should I be considering? I know that in the UK I have limit rights as I've only been in the job for 5 months, but is there something I can consider? Or should I just wait for the outcome and deal with it then?
Thank you
submitted by barefootinjandals to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:04 IGotSpooled FFIE GOT ME BUGGIN HARD

I just realized at 2 in the morning that the stock market is closed tomorrow. What the heck. Also, apologies for the $100 prediction for last week. Be careful with your money or you’ll be 98% down on your calls like me, selling them for pocket change before they expire.
Shares. Long term. You should probably invest the same amount in this as you would into other “shitcoin/shitstonks” a lot of us are like Theo Von who said he couldn’t handle his crypto investments because he wants to know how much money he has, not see the money go up and down. You’ve got to get past that mindset and for some it takes a long long time. Go long term. I don’t care if it’s $FFIE and “FFIE will go to the moon though”. If you keep investing too much eventually you will lose too much. The rich can afford to risk that shit all day because they already have enough money and maybe even multiple properties. The 10X’s from the other shitvestments will pay for the loss if FFIE were to fail. If you bought above $1.00 like me, you already went full degen. Especially if you put more than 10% of your investment portfolio into this (at really any price.) (doesn’t matter if you got lucky with a 20x and now you’re riding profit) You don’t see the rich putting in $200,000 into ANY <$1B market cap company, just because they have 2 million dollars laying around. Because soon they’d have thousands instead of millions. Time is money.
I’m saying this because of all the posts I saw this past week about putting everything in to pay all sorts of debts, medical bills and rent payments included. If these people were serious, then there is a decent amount of people out here that will soon be out on the streets or literally die soon from health issues because well the stock was over a dollar when I read most of those posts. This is a road you do not want to take. I’ve passed up probably millions of dollars while working at shit jobs all because of trying to do quick investments and technically gambling on stocks. Throughout my years, had I just bought a little bit of most of all the stocks I’ve ever traded (I’m talking broke boy $20-50 buys at a time), maybe I would already be able to retire. .
submitted by IGotSpooled to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:03 Electrical-Ad1820 Guide to Willo: Part 1

Willo has recently experienced a boost in its player base. However, this increase isn't up to the standards of one of my mates, who plays Willo excessively. Fair enough, it’s quite frustrating when you manage to save Willo, and the person you give her to is running Scorn and dies before their Deadzone expires. So, he's convinced me to help him make this and post it here. This will be divided into multiple parts because reading long posts is daunting, and writing them is even worse.

Willo Overview

Willo is a damage champion who excels at crowd suppression, area denial, point control, and healing denial. This might seem like a lot, but much of it combines how one will engage with Willo’s kit, which is more or less built around controlling the capabilities of the enemy support and point tank. Most backline/hybrid-agro DPS do this via suppressive levels of damage output. However, Willo’s damage is shallow, but unlike her peers (specifically Betty), she can shut down healing numbers altogether via Deadzone, which I will specifically talk about when I get to that part of Willo’s kit.
Willo’s capabilities will be spread across some arbitrary stats that mean nothing outside of the context of Willo. Still, they do help convey something in a future post about her talents; for now, they function as a baseline, a “default” Willo.
Willo’s damage is rather low, with her primary fire doing 500 damage per shot every 0.75 seconds, with a DPS of 666.6666 (ad nauseam). Her most impressive damage comes from Seedlings*, with a total of 2000 damage. Her Deadzone outright does only 100 damage, so Willo is quite lacking
*Seedlings are both subject to fall-off, and their fuse time is 2 seconds once they land, giving anyone nearby plenty of time to evade the damage. However, this damage is more than consistent, considering the explosive radius (at 14 units in diameter) is only beaten by Ash’s burst cannon (17 units) and Dredge’s howitzer (15 units).
Sustain Willo’s sustain for the damage role is rather middling, as it’s mostly made up of her mobility and glide, which does provide her a step up compared to the likes of Vivian and Viktor, whose mobility is either non-existent and forces them to rely on other parts of their kit, or prevents the use of their offensive capabilities. However, this doesn’t make up for her frailty, which combines with her poor damage to make engaging in duels rather painful. The only benefit is that you are a slightly smaller size than Willo.
As previously mentioned, Willo’s mobility is rather impressive compared to most of the cast, which I guess is a common trend among the blasters now, except Dredge*. This is because of Willo’s Flutter and Glide, giving Willo immense mobility. *Yes, Crow’s Nest exists.
Area Denial
I believe that of the strengths Willo has, her ability to deny space and punish people for trying to push a locked down area is unrivalled. Short of an Omen ult and its crushing levels of damage, no one is outcompeting Willo regarding area denial, even Broadsides have plenty of counterplay, this is because of the potent tool that is Deadzone. While outright it’s not going to kill someone once it's placed, it's also not going to be destroyed or otherwise stopped, the consistent damage that Willo outputs within its radius, combined with seedlings and any support from her team, makes Willo's area denial unrivaled.
Willo’s utility is pretty good for a Damage Champion, the ability to stop healing outright, is impressive. The provided area denial makes it so Willo is no slouch in terms of utility for her team. However, like most of the damage role, she lacks hard Crowd Control, and more damningly and unique for her, she lacks power against shields and most deployables mean she has to invest in the likes of Wrecker to keep up her suppressive damage and have some value outside of her deadzone.

Willo’s Kit

Now onto the less arbitrary and made up stats, and to the more tangible: Willo’s actual kit. I will explain what the abilities do with the maximum level of depth possible and how best to use them, or I will add other comments. I intend to first mention the parts of Willo’s kit that I feel are most important to explain in depth.
Class: Damage (gains 100% more credits for dealing damage)
Starting Health: 2200 Base Movement Speed: 375 or 23.08 units per second
Movement Type: Standard (she has no slow fall, momentum, or otherwise unusual modifiers to her walk)

Passive: Glide

Willo has a glide, which I feel shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s played with/against/as Willo, since the feel of the champion has changed dramatically because of the change.
Willo’s glide has a few attributes:
Willo’s Glide is a powerful tool, but it does have certain weaknesses. Specifically, its susceptibility to knockbacks can easily force Willo off course if she doesn’t have Flutter available. To avoid being put somewhere you don’t want to be as Willo, you’ll have to land on the ground or use Flutter.
Unlike Androxus’s Drift, Willo’s Flutter is not affected by her movement speed, except for when changing direction, which instead acts similarly to Buck’s jump in that her air control is near flawless and speed is only reduced by trying to push against where your momentum is pushing you. This introduces the first real part of the Glide: because of how the Glide works on momentum, with your foot speed only modifying direction, this means that if you wish to go back where you started as Willo while gliding without slowing down, you’ll need to do a drift (not to be confused with Androxus’ passive “Drift”). You’ll find this easier on a gamepad/controller since your inputs are on a 360-degree plane. Still, on a keyboard, you’ll be able to control your trajectory regardless of Glide.
You can make sharper turns left or right without delay; however, this does sacrifice some speed based on the mathematics of momentum.

These instructions assume you’re on a keyboard going forward and want to do a 180 and use the standard WASD control scheme.

Step #1) You’ll want to start leaning forward just for a split second before step 2.
Step #2) Then diagonally with either strafe keys (we’ll go to the right), you’ll want to hold this until you begin to turn before
Step #3) Then just strafing until you stop going forward altogether. D
Step #4) Start using your back key to begin the transfer backward. You want to hold this slightly longer to make sure you’re beginning to properly turn since normally backpedalling is slower.
Step #5) You’ll want to stop strafing and lean back.

These instructions assume you’re on a gamepad/controller and are going forward and want to do a 180.

You’ll want to do a half-circle motion with a gamepad or controller. Once halfway through said motion, you’ll want to make the rest of the turn slower since the foot speed of all champions is slightly slower backward compared to going forward.
Willo can maintain her momentum by hitting herself with her primary attack, where she sacrifices her health and ammo to maintain her low-flying airtime and momentum, giving her the ability to roll out. That also combines well with certain high-ground positions to preserve Flutter for future use; as well, as carry and even enhance the momentum provided by Flutter. This again comes at the risk of leaving yourself more vulnerable in combat since you’re at lower health and less Ammo.
You can also skip most of this if you don’t care about facing the same direction, by using your mouse or the stick you aim with in conjunction with your forward and strafe inputs to get similar results, with less work though you are lacking the ability to face the same direction.
I mentioned earlier that the Glide has momentum both horizontally and vertically, and that can be quite the detriment since unlike Andro who’s a flat fall rate, and Drogoz which has an upward lifting force Glide has neither so if you start falling you’re not likely to slow down your descent, which makes the passive rather committal.

Primary Fire

“Wand of Overgrowth” (from here shall be generally referred to as WoO or simply primary fire) is a relatively larger but also relatively weaker AoE attack, compared to Drogoz’s Rocket Launcher and Evie’s Ice staff, in return for the weaker per shot damage, WoO is slightly faster, the firing speed more comparable to Dredge’s Howitzer and Bomb King’s Sticky Bombs.
Stats of Wand of Overgrowth
Willo’s Primary has some decent capabilities in terms of landing hits and applying Cauterize (you have no idea how much I want to spell it Cauterise), with a decent speed projectile and large AoE, and a fairly fast fire rate on direct impact, the AoE’s damage falloff and tiny effective range means that to do any meaningful damage as Willo you have to land direct hits. And to try not to get too close to your target, you don’t need to give them an extra 100 damage every shot in your fight. There are however times to consider using consistent damage over prioritizing maximised damage, this is especially true if dealing with crowds, chokepoints, or targets that may be a bit too mobile to consistently land shots on, this is why optimised splash damage is much more important than inconsistent direct hits, of course, it’s still paramount that you do try to make your damage as close to target as possible otherwise you risk doing 125 damage per shot from being lazy.


Deadzone is Willo’s key ability, and most potent tool, which is kind of odd, considering that I thought to talk about her Glide and Primary first, and that’s because for the most part deadzone works like how you’d expect, there’s very little that’s too surprising about how it works, I guess anything that would make it surprising just makes it easier to use at full effect, nothing too crazy. Still, it’s incredibly powerful and it’s the reason why Willo’s area denial is so good, since the threat it has is deceptively lethal, and it

It’s not surprising how deadzone works if you’ve played Willo, the biggest thing to remember is that line of sight does matter, and that if you’re hoping to deny healing is that you’ll have to remember to shoot around corners.
There are three main thought processes with Deadzone use cases you want to stop people from going somewhere
1)Area Denial
For the most part, your enemies don’t want to stand in the spot where they can’t get healed and likely these spots can be certain chokepoints, flank routes, or even the point
2)Crowd Control
Very similar to area denial though more proactive, this is aiming to where the people are, often in groups but also at points you want people to leave, this is usually done in conjunction with your Primary attack.
3)Heal Denial 
Sometimes you want to ensure someone is dead, and that you want to stop their team -short of a Rei Rivivify- from changing that, this is especially good against Ying, and Grover’s ultimates as the duration after can lead to them getting killed even if they leave the zone.
Deadzone has an incredibly long cooldown of 16 seconds to balance out its impressive power, especially in the damage role only outdone by Drogoz’s Salvo (20 seconds) and Octavia’s Distortion Field (18 seconds) so one has to be judicious with how they choose to utilize Deadzone, often its more important to prioritize the Area Denial, and Crowd control aspects over the Value that might be found in heal denial, especially since in her base kit Willo isn’t the greatest at confirming these kills herself and without coordination might not be possible to otherwise confirm the kills making the use of deadzone in these situations potentially wasteful.


Flutter more or less combines with the Glide otherwise acts as how you’d expect it to, with the small quirk that depending on how you angle it you keep some momentum once the ability is done done, with the further you aim up the less momentum and the more downwards you aim the more momentum you gain, though this momentum is best utilized with Glide at a somewhat forward facing angle up or down depending on if you need verticality or horizontal clearance, however, it comes with a need for one’s best judgement.
Oh, like most channeled movement abilities Willo is immune to knockbacks during the time.

Fae Flight

Fae Flight is more or less what you’d know from playing the game and seeing it at work or reading its description though some use cases aren’t immediately clear.
The ultimate gives you infinite ammo which allows Willo if in a good position to lay continuous fire on enemies, or even use it aggressively, using superior movement and crowd control immunity to overwhelm your enemies by chasing them down since you still are remarkably fast however do not get overzealous since there's seldom cover for Willo in the air and matchups can turn sour quickly if you’re not able to be reached by your team.


Overall Willo in the base kit is frail to being dived, and her DPS isn’t all that impressive but has some of the most lethal area denials in the game, however, as many of you are quite aware Willo has plenty more in store to make up soon I’ll be posting follow ups guides to further aid those interesting in learning Willo in more depth.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:22 yudifuta ✾(TRUSTED) Free Monopoly GO Dice Links for Today [2024] [ biKmML]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
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submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:20 yudifuta ✾(TRUSTED) Free Monopoly GO Dice Links for Today [2024] [ ahJlLK]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! f ertyhr6t8ug5b56gu67i57hurf5hu6r
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:19 yudifuta ✾(TRUSTED) Free Monopoly GO Dice Links for Today [2024] [ zgIkKJ]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips!
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:18 yudifuta ✾(TRUSTED) Free Monopoly GO Dice Links for Today [2024] [ yfHjJI]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! tu567hb7uy56h746g5567h5rg5h75g5
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:16 yudifuta 》Monopoly Go Free Dice Links Today Click Now to Begin Your Winning Streak! [ iIRi]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! 5uh89h67nuyghe7g57yrfg5efg
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:14 yudifuta 》Monopoly Go Free Dice Links Today Click Now to Begin Your Winning Streak! [ hHQh]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! rtuj6786hr7765gtr6uh76r7h6rugthytgu5
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:14 yudifuta 》Monopoly Go Free Dice Links Today Click Now to Begin Your Winning Streak! [ gGPg]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! f retyh68htdrth65hgbyhe687gb5eyr
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:12 yudifuta 》Monopoly Go Free Dice Links Today Click Now to Begin Your Winning Streak! [ gGPg]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! tygujtyih67ru6rgu6hu5fgy45
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:12 yudifuta 》Monopoly Go Free Dice Links Today Click Now to Begin Your Winning Streak! [ fFOf]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! 456h4578g575f5rg67gr57t57654t75
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGO_TRADING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:09 yudifuta [Fresh & Updatee] Monopoly GO Free Dice Links 2024 [ m1ep]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! rdtuhj7y8ht67856g786tuthyujyggtty
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGotradinghub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:08 yudifuta [Fresh & Updater] Monopoly GO Free Dice Links 2024 [ l0do]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! 6r78j955rthryfrg4e5rfr5
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGotradinghub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:07 Front_Ad_8752 Nmom didn’t want to help me in getting my permit/license because of selfishness?

I’m just trying to make sense of all of these things but I don’t understand, is it selfishness? I have doubt in the way I perceive things and sometimes I don’t trust myself if it’s true. What was the result of all of this?
So back in 2022 I started perusing my drivers license because I had a desire to learn how to drive, I would try to plan times with my Nmom to have her teach me, help me get the paperwork but she was always at her boyfriend house Constantly. So much so she would completely bail on the days we were supposed to hang even when I told her and reminded her multiple times before hand. I was trying so hard to bond with her and have mother daughter moments but she picked a grown ass man over me. It was disgusting and overly frustrating. The first step in getting a permit in my state is to complete a physical exam by a physician, it was very straightforward, but I don’t have a car so I depended on her to take me. On the day of the scheduled appointment, she did not show. Meaning the day of the appointment I was left in a empty house. No note or message from her to explain what happened and why the hell she isn’t here. I couldn’t have a mother who could just stick to the plan and be dependable, reliable. It was very clear to ME at least she didn’t care to help me out; she didn’t care what was to happen with me and getting this license. That’s when everything started to set in. Since I didn’t have her support it was harder, the process was slow, daunting and it dragged for months on end. I eventually started booking Ubers to places by myself like the clinic for the physical and to the DMV to submit my paperwork and to take the test which I did accomplish all on my own. This entire thing was a hassle in itself but when I started taking myself to all the places I needed to go it was very easy and I got the shit done. This experience with my Nmom really gave me the realization that I hate depending on people bc they only weigh you down. So thanks mom😒
Every time I tried getting her to focus on helping me she could care less. She was way more devoted to seeing her boyfriend more, she was always out and about till 5am the next day god knows where. My ndad enabled my nmoms lack of help despite him knowing this would impact me getting my license. I went to him for help but he’s the deadbeat father who just leeches off my Nmom so he wasn’t any help. He had the recourses to help me with signing me up for lessons but he didn’t want to help me. It felt like he deliberately wanted to see me struggle and not see me succeed or he just simply did not care abt me but continued to defend and enable my nmoms incompetence. She was the one who had a car, not me. I thought my parents would be the ones to help me get my permit and let me practice driving but nope. It bothers me so much because I think this is just a stemming from selfishness by my nmom. My ndad is useless ofc bc he’s my nmoms bitch. Idk what’s worse- having a mother who’s fully capable of helping you but cant seem to multitask in helping their child out and seeing their bf or having a father who straight up won’t do shit for you and leeches off the money. You tell me. I tried going to other family members for help but it didn’t last long cuz my Nmom intertwined herself with it. She was absolutely absent during the entire thing, I spent a whole year, trying to ask her for help which never came so I had to do this on my own! Once news got back to her that I got my permit she popped back in faking that she cared and she’s “proud” of me use me only to use me to get her out of a pickle she put herself in! All those times she could’ve helped me was spent of her driving to her boyfriend house and driving around drunk to which eventually lead to her capture by the police, got arrested, had her license revoked and she can’t drive now. This is the time when I started waking up to everything and seeing things for what it really was. So when I didn’t want to help her out, she started gaslighting me saying I’m supposed to help out my mother because we’re family and all that blah blah blah BS but it’s funny because she never spent any time to help me with getting my permit, and my license.
It’s so fucked up and selfish that it had to take her for her to get arrested and had her license get revoked to actually pay the fuck attention to me. NOW I had her attention. That entire year of 2022 was the straight up decay of a relationship between my Nmom and I. 2023 was spent me not learning anything with a soon to be expired permit I got for no reason.
submitted by Front_Ad_8752 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:07 yudifuta [Fresh & Updates] Monopoly GO Free Dice Links 2024 [ k9cn]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! fgh678j567hudgr7566r8y567i67g
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGotradinghub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:06 yudifuta [Fresh & Updated] Monopoly GO Free Dice Links 2024 [ j8bm]

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! uyt63f7htb475e4hjg689gjy8fog67i578
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGotradinghub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:02 yudifuta Where to Get Monopoly Go Dice Links?

Last Updated: June 2, 2024
Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
November 8, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 7, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 6, 2024: 25 Free Dice, 30 Free Dice November 5, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 4, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 3, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 2, 2024: 25 Free Dice November 1, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 29, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 26, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 24, 2024: 200 Free Rolls (for 3 lucky winners) October 19, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 17, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 16, 2024: 25 Free Dice October 15, 2024: 25 Free Dice How Else Can I Get Free Dice in Monopoly GO?
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! rtfnhtr6ug6ty5fgy45ftrg5y45
submitted by yudifuta to MonopolyGotradinghub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:07 sunice7728 I feel like I need to vent here before I go insane

And it's going to be hard to without incriminating myself if anyone from my store know who this is from. So I'll try sparing details as much as possible but we'll see.
Every waking night now at my store I feel like there's a a cloud looming over me that at any moment, I could be fired. Already I'm at a red warning for an otherwise not-so-serious occurrence whereas a month and a half prior, I was already handed an orange warning. So my store is that kind of store where they hand out warnings like candy and I already had waited an entire year for the yellow to expire. Yet, I'm somehow still close to being fired? The disciplinary policy is seriously broken by this alone.
And before anyone says or suggests, yes I've been trying to fight this but the problem is getting ahold of my SM who takes time off when you need her but when you don't, she's around.
I'll admit, I do have a bit of emotional issues, but not the kind where you look at me wrong and I'm thinking of ways to harm you. More like, you have to chip at and work at me to get me frustrated and that's what this store is unfortunately very good at. We hire more incompetent workers than we do decent ones and I am forced to deal with these kinds of people for weeks on end.
Taking their time at the baler, irresponsibly leaving ladder-carts stuffed with products and trash, taking things when I need them to do my job with, making top stock incomprehensibly challenging to where it's time wasting to sort and work with. Constantly plugging wrong products in where other products should be, even including seeing unopened boxes of product in the shelving! How can you be this careless?!
It's like these mistakes are too frequent to be like "oh sorry about that" "oh sorry about that" "oh sorry about that". I don't think you're sorry, I think you're careless and clumsy.
All of these and so much more, have been chipping at me for such a long time now and it's growing to a point where I am just so over and done with my store, yet I now cannot leave it via store transfer because of TLs finding tiny excuses to write me up for.
They keep doing this flip-flopping thing with me, where they'll advise me to do something unconventionally that isn't a problem to do so, but suddenly becomes a problem the next time. For example, I've been advised to take things that couldn't be top stocked by any means to the back to dump into the blue bins of returns. But at somepoint after, I'm finding myself lectured for doing the same thing that I was once advised to do.
This back and forth shit to me is just another system of theirs, to trip me up and make me uncoordinated with what I'm to do with my job.
And yet I am one of their more decent workers but because of this store's sheer unwillingness to get it's shit together, it's been fluctuating my productivity to where it's glaringly noticeable. Meanwhile, workers who're constantly chatting through their bluetooth earbuds, taking all shift to do 2 pallets of freight, getting into bouts of chatter with the nearest person. Yeah, these people somehow are still around but fuck the dude who simply just wants to clock in, do their shit and leave.
It really fucks with me how I'm praised for what I've done and getting all of these compliments from TLs and management for the work I do. But how quickly they are to tear me apart over some of the stupidest reasons they can imagine doing to someone. I'm almost at a point where I think that if I don't say "good morning" to someone I might get fired over it, it's that bad. That's how prissy and petty the overall store has gotten.
And I'm really between life and death here where if I lose this job, I mind as well commit suicide because this job is really the only thing holding things together for me. There are other places around me, yes, but their schedules don't work with me and their benefits aren't as appealing to me as Wal-Mart's is.
The only way to relieve some of this pressure is to meet with my SM. My store lead and I are on shaky ground and I was hoping so hard to not have to meet with her because her attitude is stern, dry and unmoving. Whereas my SM is more understanding, firm, lenient and fair.
submitted by sunice7728 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:44 Kayoz_Hydra Alternate Really Acolytes: Introduction

Alternate Really Acolytes: Introduction
Ancient legends from thousands of years’ past once told of a magical portal that resided in a forest in the north. A tale that a portal as black as night which bore three rings on its frame would sing a song of chaos before unleashing forces of calamity upon the world. While this portal was easily found, every attempt to destroy the ruinous portal was left unsuccessful. Heroes’ swords would shatter upon its cold, metallic frame. Dwarven forged magma would cool instantly upon contact. No form of magic could move, much less scratch it. In the end, instead of attempting to destroy the device, researchers studied it in an attempt to reduce the damage of whatever could come from the other side.
Countless centuries had passed. The building that surrounded the portal had changed several times, from a temple of worship, to an altar to appease the unknown gods beyond, to a facility of study. Scholars, researchers, and the top scientists have come and gone. Even to this day, nothing could be figured out about the device. Its metal was stronger than any alloy ever known and its makeup couldn’t even be determined. The runes on its rings were never translated, for no correlation could be found from any written language. As time went by, people gave up and soon after, the legend fell into obscurity, the protection spells cast upon and around the portal had expired long ago, and the world forgot about the calamity that was supposed to come. The facility that now housed the ruins had fallen into disarray long ago. The only thing that remained the same was the black sheen of the portal’s rings, unmoved, untouched, and unchanged.
One day, a group of juvenile kids broke through the rusted doors of the facility, “You sure you know where we are going?” one of the kids, a teenage human boy, asked, “You said we’d find an ancient artifact, but all I’ve seen so far is a bunch of junk machinery.”
“Quit complaining,” a young elf boy replied, “I’ve been exploring this place for about a century and the building has been abandoned for longer. The artifact can’t be moved at all, so it’s not like it’s going to have gone anywhere.”
“So, what are we going to do with it that hundreds of adults haven’t done?” a tiefling girl questioned, “It’s not like we’ve got the ability to do much, Jaz. Seriously, only one of us is from a sorcerer bloodline, and he’s the youngest of us three.”
“That’s exactly why I brought him with us Tal,” Jaz brushed the comment aside as he shoved a sliding door back into its socket, “Erick isn’t just from any old sorcerer bloodline, but from a wild magic bloodline. While most people claim that there’s only a select amount of reactions that could happen when magic goes wild, my grandfather claims that to be untrue, so we’re going to test that theory tonight.”
The three trekked through the ruins of the derelict testing site, passing by multiple research halls and storage facilities holding ancient machines, artifacts, and constructs from generations’ past. Along the way, Erick spoke up, “Even if we do manage to activate the portal, what do you expect to happen? Wasn’t there an old tale of the portal bringing calamity?”
“Oh please,” Jaz waved Erick’s concerns aside, “That crummy old legend is so long overdue. If the portal was to bring the end times, it would have been done by now. I’m sure whatever that was supposed to come about had already done so before the legend was even created.”
“So, we’re opening a portal to a realm where an old disaster came from. I highly doubt anything would go wrong with that idea,” Tal mocked sarcastically.
“Sheesh, no one here has that spirit of adventure that we had five years ago, I see,” Jaz huffed to himself.
Eventually, after passing through expansive corridors, the three made it to the center of the building, coming across a pair of bunker doors, “Oh, wow. Looks like a portal, alright,” Tal deadpanned.
“Jeeze, no need to be an ass about it. I saw the portal frame beyond these doors by looking through reinforced glass on the sides of the room,” Jaz retorted.
“So why aren’t we going through those rooms instead of trying to bust our way through a heavy set of doors?” Tal asked.
“Because those pathways are nothing but catwalks above a pit I can’t even see the bottom of. And if I recall correctly, explosions tend to not be good on catwalks, and none of us can fly.”
“So we are getting through this door… how?”
Jaz smirked, “That’s where you come in. You know how your infernal powers are extremely potent? Strong enough to melt that old bunker tank we found a few months ago with ease?” Tal thought back to that moment and recalled how she melted a tank in several seconds while her other tiefling friends struggled to even warp the plating. “Well, if it’s strong enough to melt a tank, I’m sure it’s strong enough to melt a door. So give it a crack.”
“Fine, I’m not sure how well this will go, but I’ll give it a shot.” Tal passed by Erick and Jaz before stopping in front of the right bunker door. She rubbed her hands together before placing them on the metal front of the door, focusing on channeling her innate magic through her hands. Slowly, the area of metal she was pressing against started to give off heat, even turning red before Tal began to sweat from straining herself. With a gasp, she let go of the door, a faint pair of handprints barely indented the door, “That’s all I got. We ain’t getting through.”
“Seriously, Taffy? That’s all you got?” Jaz blurted out.
“Hey! Don’t call me Taffy! You know I hate that name!” Tal shot back.
“Oh, yeah? What are you going to do? Taffy!” Jaz mocked, “Ta-” he was interrupted by a fireball flying at him. Jaz barely ducked out of the way, singing his hair almost to the roots, leaving a giant hole in his hair and a large scorch mark behind him. “Oh it’s on.”
The two got in each other's faces, looking like they were about to trade blows. Meanwhile Erick simply studied the doors, tracing the exterior until he found a subtle mark in the corner. He gave it a closer look and found that it was actually a welding indent, probably hiding the wires that powered the giant doors. He traced them back several rooms to find an electrical panel. Upon opening it, he found that the fuses were all corroded heavily. Tossing the ruined material away, Erick found a set of wires that didn’t seem to have weathered much decay. Taking a deep breath, he focused his magic in his best attempt to keep it from going wild, stuck his hand into the panel, and cast his magic, causing a large surge of electricity to go through the wires. Red emergency lights turned on as a siren began to blare. Returning to the room in front of the doors, he found that the two had actually come to blows while he was gone. Jaz was in a half nelson grapple while trying to space himself by holding Tal at arm’s length by the chin, he had a large bruise on his cheek while Tal had a small chipping on one of her horns. The two apparently stopped when the doors were activated. When the doors stopped and the sirens returned to silence, Jaz and Tal turned towards Erick with their mouths agape, “There, solved the problem,” Erick said nonchalantly, passing by his friends and into the room ahead, “Now c’mon, we have a portal to activate, don’t we?”
Jaz and Tal shook their heads as they got off each other and caught up with Erick, only to find him at the top of a set of stairs with his mouth agape this time. They followed his gaze and reacted the same when they realized that the portal they’ve been after this whole time, was glowing, “That wasn’t how it looked like a week ago,” Jaz confirmed.
The glow quickly became an afterthought when the portal rumbled as the rings began to move for the first time in centuries. They slowly accelerated until the runes became impossible to track. Once the rings reached their apex speed, the droning sound of what sounded like chants were heard coming from the portal. The droning died out quickly as the rings quickly stopped, before turning the opposite direction and the droning began again. This became a pattern as more sounds followed in suit: ticking, clicking, scraping, hissing, chirping, and an eerie whistle all followed in a somehow harmonious tune, all following the chant of the portal.
“A portal that would sing a song of ruin before releasing disaster upon the world,” Jaz whispered.
“What do we do now?” Erick asked, “Should we get someone? Wasn’t this supposed to be a dangerous artifact?”
“I don’t know,” Tal breathed through clenched teeth, “Would anyone be able to react fast enough? Should we contact the magic council? I mean, we aren’t supposed to be here. What do you think, Jaz? Jaz?!” she turned to find that Jaz had turned tail and fled the scene not too long ago, “Jaz!” she called again. No response.
Not soon after, the portal’s rings froze in place suddenly, a moment of pure silence filled the room as the rings suddenly burst into its segments, all floating in orbit around its center. From each segment, a beam of energy emerged from it and coalesced into an orb of plasma at the center, slowly growing wider until it filled the original empty space the portal had. From within the ball of plasma, two beings emerged from its core. A man with jet black hair, tanned skin, and dark jade green eyes emerged first. His clothing looked like he came right from an apocalypse. He looked around the room before turning back around and reached back into the portal, pulling a woman out from the core. The woman had white hair, pale skin, and radiant purple eyes. Her clothing looked like it was in an even worse state, her black robes were completely tattered. She looked around as well before turning back to the man. The language she spoke was completely foreign to the two young teens. The man conversed in the same unknown language before turning back to the area around them. Eventually, the two beings found Erick and Tal. The kids were paralyzed by both fear and awe at what just happened, both holding their breath in hope that the two beings from beyond ignore them.
Alas, that hope was squandered as the two approached them. The man and woman approached the two, Erick locked eyes with the man as he stared through the kid. Irregular eyes was the first thing Erick noticed, his left being rectangular like an octopus, while his right was sharp like a lizard’s. The woman stared in turn at Tal, her purple eyes faintly glowed and revealed a sense of curiosity, the only emotion Tal could find on the woman’s face. With a breath, the man spoke, “Ahf' ye'bthnk ymg' ah ai, gof'n?”
Erick was stunned, he was expecting a language that would pierce the fabric of reality, or make his head explode. Instead, it was simply a sentence that he just didn’t know or understand, “Uh… um… I don’t know what you said, sir…” he wasn’t even sure if the beings were male and female at the time, or if they had a concept of gender where they were from, but he spoke on pure instinct, worried any word he uttered would result in the being to become enraged and turn him inside out. Tal eyed Erick with baited breath, hoping this encounter with the unknown wouldn’t result in either of their demise.
The result was a rather tame one compared to their wildest expectations. Instead, the male being studied Erick before clearing his throat, “Apologies, it’s been a few centuries since I spoke in this language. I didn’t expect the first people we would meet to be so young.”
“There’s a third, running away from here,” the woman pointed in a direction between the facility and the village the three kids were from, her eyes glowed brighter for a brief moment, “Older, age-wise, but still young physically and mentally,” her voice was monotone, like someone who couldn’t portray emotion.
The male nodded before turning back to Erick and Tal, “What’s this world like? Does magic exist here? Creatures of legend and beings as old as time?”
“T-there’s plenty of magic around,” Tal explained, “Almost every living thing has at least some magic within them.”
“And there have been times where the gods have roamed the land,” Erick added, “It’s not often they are seen though, mostly within or around the wizard council.”
The male hummed, seeming pleased with the answer, “It seems our hunch was right. I think we’ll be around for a while, Sister.”
“Very well,” the woman replied, “Let’s get settled, then.” The two proceeded to pass by Erick and Tal, heading towards the facility’s entrance.
“W-wait!” Erick blurted out, causing the two to stop and turn back towards the kids. As Tal looked like she was about to have a heart attack, Erick summoned the courage to ask, “There was an old prophecy, or I guess a legend about that portal,” he pointed back to the portal, which had now converted back to it’s original position, no trace it was active at all once more, “The stories tell that beings of calamity would come through and destroy this world. Are you two those beings of calamity?”
The two stared at each other before returning back to the kids, both speaking in unison, “We can be,” before turning back to the entrance and continuing onward.
Erick and Tal watched the two leave their sight before looking at each other with both confusion and dread. After several minutes, the rundown atmosphere started to get to the kids and they hastily took their leave. Upon returning to the village, they were promptly scolded by family members for being out so late, but both refused to tell any details regarding their adventure. They met up with Jaz the following morning and after a verbal beatdown for chickening out despite being the one to bring up the idea of going to the facility, Jaz confirmed that he didn’t tell anyone about what happened the prior day either. The three swore to not speak of the incident unless the world was about to end, for fear that they would be not believed at least, or ostracized for their actions at most.
Decades later, none of them spoke a word of that fateful day, but all three wonder what happened to the two that came from the portal, or where they could now be.
“Brother, I miss Glo, can I bring her here?”
The elder brother sighed, “Be thankful that your fire skeleton incident caused me to promptly fireproof my home. I’m sure a salamander wouldn’t burn this house down, but it makes me more at ease that your lover won’t cause me any financial pain. Sure, Aurora, you can bring Glo over here from now on. Just make sure she doesn’t damage the electrical plant.”
Aurora’s eyes beamed with joy, “Yay!” she threw her hands into the air, symbolizing the excitement her voice couldn’t portray, “Thank you, Arcturus.”
“Yeah, yeah, just don’t cause a mess.” Arcturus groaned as the doorbell rang. He got up from his sofa and approached the door, opening it to find a young man in a delivery uniform, “Grubber Eats order for… Arcturus?”
“Yep, that’s me…” he looked at the nametag on the guy’s uniform, “Erick? With a C and K?”
Erick sighed, “Yeah, the parents back in our home village had a weird tradition for giving their kids weird names, like Eric with a second letter that makes the same sound, a name that’s been long ago shortened to either a C or K mind you, or Taffy for my fiance’s name, but don’t tell her I called her that, she’s hated that name since our childhood.”
“Fiance eh?” Arcturus asked as he accepted the food, “This your primary job?”
Erick shook his head, “No, I have another as the village’s local sorcerer. Being the only one in my family to actually be able to control their magic tends to open a lot of jobs when most people there aren’t as magically gifted compared to other towns. This is just a second job for us to pay for a new house.”
“Well that’s cool. Good luck with your future endeavors.” Arcturus studied the man’s appearance, recognizing some features from someone long ago, “Say, any chance your girl is a tiefling?”
Erick looked stunned, “Why, yes… how did you-” he made a double take upon see Arcturus’ jade green eyes, “Are… are you that man that came from the portal a few decades ago?”
Arcturus laughed, “Yes, that was me, and my sister, Aurora. Nice to formally meet you, the name’s Arcturus Maestas, my sister still has the same last name, too.” Arcturus held out his hand.
Erick nervously shook his hand in return, “Nice to meet you too… You aren’t going to destroy this world any time soon, are you?” he asked, “Or your sister, or anyone you guys know?”
“No, nothing like that for a while,” Arcturus shook his head, “Our patron hasn’t scheduled any formal chaos within this universe from our end for the next…” he pulled out a parchment that looked both in and out of tune with the visuals of their current world, “collapse and reformation of the universe, plus one point seven trillion years. So basically around a similar time after this universe has reset itself.” The parchment disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.
“I… I see,” Erick laughed sheepishly, “Well, it’s nice to meet you again, Mr. Maestas. I should get going now,” Erick turned heel as he prepared to leave.
At that moment, Arcturus noticed something only he could see. After a bit of hesitation, he decided to follow through with it, “One moment, Erick,” Arcturus called out, causing the human to freeze and turn back around, “How are things going financially? You expect to pay off that house in a reasonable time?”
Erick paused for a moment, considering if he should answer honestly, “To be frank, no, things aren’t reasonable right now. Even with the payment from both of my jobs, Tal had to get herself some as well to keep up with expenses. Even then, our average profit is about a dozen gold per month. And we bought a house without a down payment for about thirty thousand…”
“Sounds a bit out of reach for someone like you two,” Arcturus admitted.
“It is, but it was the only one we could get within reason. Despite being of use to our village, my family has a reputation for its debt due to wild magic incidents. My parents both died recently, so the village placed the debt upon me. Fortunately, things could be even worse. I heard that small towns can still often find scorn against infernal beings like tieflings, so going beyond our village isn’t really an option for better housing of reasonable size. This is the best we can do without working ourselves to death or traveling farther than what we are comfortable with,” Erick lamented.
Arcturus thought for a bit before asking Erick to wait a moment. He ventured into his basement and pulled out a small bag of coins. Upon returning to the door, he tossed the bag to Erick, “Here’s a tip, twenty platinum should suffice,”
“Are… are you sure I can have this?” Erick asked as he counted the coin, to which Arcturus nodded, “T-thank you. How can I repay you for such generosity?”
“Like I said, it’s a tip, so that’s already paid for in just,” Arcturus explained, “However, I can offer more if you so desire. The only cost is you help me and my sister with some basic endeavors. You said you have been learning to control your magic?” Erick nodded, “Good, then you can help us with some things. We can pay you much more for much less than what your current jobs will force you through. Think it over. Come knocking again if you ever consider. There will be a bit of danger, so the pay will be well beyond reasonable if accidents do occur. I will ensure you’re not in mortal peril, though.”
“Really? Thank you. I’ll discuss this with my fiance. I hope to see you again, Mr. Maestas. Have a good rest of your day.”
“You too, Erick.” Arcturus waved the young man off before closing the door and placing his order on the table, “Food.”
Aurora stared at her brother, “Don’t incite the one word incantation, Arc. We don’t need him here right now.” Nonetheless, she got up from the couch and opened her share of the meal. “Who was that? I’ve never seen you give a courier such a generous tip before.”
“An old acquaintance from our early years here. He performed a favor for us greater than he even knows, I’m just simply offering to repay such generosity. I doubt he would have accepted the payment in full outright if I didn’t give him a job. The favor would be miniscule to him from an outside perspective after all.” Arcturus winked as three draconic eyes and a crown of jagged horns warped into the fabric of reality around him, giving Aurora a clear message of what he meant.
“I see. If we shall repay him, then we shall do so to what he would consider acceptable.”
And with that, their conversation ended. The two sat in silence as they ate while a couple of towns over, a recently engaged couple would soon discuss what fortune had been offered to them. Little did the latter half know what this fortune would truly entail, and that a lifetime’s worth of adventures would soon follow. Meanwhile in the forest of the north, the frame of the portal flickered to life once more, causing an eerie drone to echo throughout the facility.
submitted by Kayoz_Hydra to wizardposting [link] [comments]