Milk with biaxin

Meatless Meal Prep Sunday

2016.02.09 17:21 yellowduckie_21 Meatless Meal Prep Sunday

A place for redditors who meal prep to post their vegan or vegetarian meal prep creations.

2012.11.07 02:49 Snoopy7393 Milk: Best when from a bong

A subreddit for big ole milky Bong rips, not big ole milky....other things........ Merch: Discord: Sister sub to CompetitiveStoners

2011.10.12 19:01 Cheesemaking 101 - Cheesemaking honor roll. All are welcome. Get your hobby on!

A place for people to discuss the world of cheese making. --- Not seeing your post? Message the moderators so we can get it fixed for you.

2021.01.12 20:16 ronindog [NM] Oris Big Crown Pointer Date in Oxblood Dial and Bronze Case (Ref. 01 754 7741 3166) - 100 spots at $12/ea with no spot limit.

Item Name: Oris Big Crown Pointer Date in Oxblood Dial and Bronze Case (Ref. 01 754 7741 3166)
Price: $1,200.00
# of Spots: 100 @ $12.00/Spot
Price Justification: $1,501.50 on 12/16/20
Price Justification: $1,200.00 on 11/20/20
Price Justification: $1,100.00 on 11/12/20
Price Justification: $999.00 on 12/24/20
Call spots? NO
Spot limit per person? No
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? USA/CA/INTL but shipping rules apply
Timestamp/pics: Timestamp + Album
Escrow: Y.....Ronindog for HorologyHour
Description: Up for raffle is an excellent Oris Big Crown Pointer Date with the oxblood dial, original box, papers, and accessories and still under factory Oris Warranty. The watch case was recently cleaned and ready to go to a new home. Shows very light signs of wear throughout. 40mm Case size and wears easily under the cuff. Very nice watch for the price. Good luck everyone!

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 Fistknuckle PAID
2 CliffTheBRD PAID
3 cfoxtrot21 PAID
4 Abedzzz PAID
5 tottenhamnole PAID
6 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
7 Gboogie3 PAID
8 jsk3 PAID
9 aceyprime PAID
10 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
11 tottenhamnole PAID
12 grizz311 PAID
13 clikeness PAID
14 CliffTheBRD PAID
15 cfoxtrot21 PAID
16 terp2010 PAID
17 jsk3 PAID
18 terp2010 PAID
19 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
20 CliffTheBRD PAID
21 clikeness PAID
22 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
23 MarshmellowGolem PAID
24 BiaxinXL PAID
25 mB_Roundhouse PAID
26 triestoohardtoooften PAID
27 BiaxinXL PAID
28 Fistknuckle PAID
29 CliffTheBRD PAID
30 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
31 jt61555 PAID
32 tottenhamnole PAID
33 CliffTheBRD PAID
34 Can_of_Spam PAID
35 cwithersk12s PAID
36 streetreddit PAID
37 darkrom PAID
38 PowerlineTyler PAID
39 BiaxinXL PAID
40 lundexplorer PAID
41 elgallo55 PAID
42 colonelpeanutbutter PAID
43 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
44 Jeffahry PAID
45 cwithersk12s PAID
46 aceyprime PAID
47 PowerlineTyler PAID
48 Doubledeucejasper PAID
49 dangerdog1776 PAID
50 cfoxtrot21 PAID
51 BiaxinXL PAID
52 dangerdog1776 PAID
53 PowerlineTyler PAID
54 harryselfridge PAID
55 elgallo55 PAID
56 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
57 PowerlineTyler PAID
58 cwithersk12s PAID
59 Hey-Watch PAID
60 wecooldog PAID
61 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
62 PowerlineTyler PAID
63 BiaxinXL PAID
64 darkrom PAID
65 BiaxinXL PAID
66 dangerdog1776 PAID
67 PowerlineTyler PAID
68 lundexplorer PAID
69 clikeness PAID
70 dangerdog1776 PAID
71 triestoohardtoooften PAID
72 PowerlineTyler PAID
73 Gboogie3 PAID
74 nighthawkcoupe PAID
75 clikeness PAID
76 jsk3 PAID
77 BiaxinXL PAID
78 remyratatouille84 PAID
79 void_kp PAID
80 FightMilkLLC PAID
81 Jeffahry PAID
82 tottenhamnole PAID
83 tottenhamnole PAID
84 PowerlineTyler PAID
85 cfoxtrot21 PAID
86 aceyprime PAID
87 MarshmellowGolem PAID
88 Besak415 PAID
89 PowerlineTyler PAID
90 lundexplorer PAID
91 BiaxinXL PAID
92 TheDaubernator PAID
93 cfoxtrot21 PAID
94 colonelpeanutbutter PAID
95 harryselfridge PAID
96 Smegma_Sommelier PAID
97 PowerlineTyler PAID
98 TheDaubernator PAID
99 dangerdog1776 PAID
100 Rawrsomesausage PAID

submitted by ronindog to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

2019.02.27 08:51 crackly_b0i Bruh did you know?

Crohn's Complications What Is H. pylori? Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria. These germs can enter your body and live in your digestive tract. After many years, they can cause sores, called ulcers, in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. For some people, an infection can lead to stomach cancer.
Infection with H. pylori is common. About two-thirds of the world’s population has it in their bodies. For most people, it doesn’t cause ulcers or any other symptoms. If you do have problems, there are medicines that can kill the germs and help sores heal.
As more of the world gets access to clean water and sanitation, fewer people than before are getting the bacteria. With good health habits, you can protect yourself and your children from H. pylori.
How H. pylori Makes You Sick For decades, doctors thought people got ulcers from stress, spicy foods, smoking, or other lifestyle habits. But when scientists discovered H. pylori in 1982, they found that the germs were the cause of most stomach ulcers.
After H. pylori enters your body, it attacks the lining of your stomach, which usually protects you from the acid your body uses to digest food. Once the bacteria have done enough damage, acid can get through the lining, which leads to ulcers. These may bleed, cause infections, or keep food from moving through your digestive tract.
You can get H. pylori from food, water, or utensils. It’s more common in countries or communities that lack clean water or good sewage systems. You can also pick up the bacteria through contact with the saliva or other body fluids of infected people.
Many people get H. pylori during childhood, but adults can get it, too. The germs live in the body for years before symptoms start, but most people who have it will never get ulcers. Doctors aren’t sure why only some people get ulcers after an infection.
Symptoms If you have an ulcer, you may feel a dull or burning pain in your belly. It may come and go, but you’ll probably feel it most when your stomach is empty, such as between meals or in the middle of the night. It can last for a few minutes or for hours. You may feel better after you eat, drink milk, or take an antacid.
Other signs of an ulcer include:
Bloating Burping Not feeling hungry Nausea Vomiting Weight loss for no clear reason Ulcers can bleed into your stomach or intestines, which can be dangerous to your health. Get medical help right away if you have any of these symptoms:
Stool that is bloody, dark red, or black Trouble breathing Dizziness or fainting Feeling very tired for no reason Pale skin color Vomit that has blood or looks like coffee grounds Severe, sharp stomach pain
It’s not common, but H. pylori infection can cause stomach cancer. The disease has few symptoms at first, such as heartburn. Over time, you may notice:
Belly pain or swelling Nausea Not feeling hungry Feeling full after you eat just a small amount Vomiting Weight loss for no reason
Getting a Diagnosis If you don’t have symptoms of an ulcer, your doctor probably won’t test you for H. pylori. But if you have them now or have in the past, it’s best to get tested. Medicines like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also damage your stomach lining, so it’s important to find out what’s causing your symptoms so you can get the right treatment.
To start, your doctor will ask you about your medical history, your symptoms, and any medicines you take. Then she’ll give you a physical exam, including pressing on your belly to check for swelling, tenderness, or pain. You may also have:
Tests of your blood and stool, which can help find an infection Urea breath test. You’ll drink a special liquid that has a substance called urea. Then you’ll breathe into a bag, which your doctor will send to a lab for testing. If you have H. pylori, the bacteria will change the urea in your body into carbon dioxide, and lab tests will show that your breath has higher than normal levels of the gas. To look more closely at your ulcers, your doctor may use:
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. In a hospital, a doctor will use a tube with a small camera, called an endoscope, to look down your throat and into your stomach and the upper part of your small intestine. The procedure may also be used to collect a sample that will be examined for the presence of the bacteria. You may be asleep or awake during the procedure, but you’ll get medicine to make you more comfortable. Upper GI tests. In a hospital, you’ll drink a liquid that has a substance called barium, and your doctor will give you an X-ray. The fluid coats your throat and stomach and makes them stand out clearly on the image. Computed tomography (CT) scan. It’s a powerful X-ray that makes detailed pictures of the inside of your body. CONTINUE READING BELOW If you have H. pylori, your doctor may also test you for stomach cancer. This includes:
Physical exam Blood tests to check for anemia, when your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells. It could happen if you have a tumor that bleeds. Fecal occult blood test, which checks your stool for blood that’s not visible to the naked eye Endoscopy Biopsy, when a doctor takes a small piece of tissue from your stomach to look for signs of cancer. Your doctor may do this during an endoscopy. Tests that make detailed pictures of the insides of your body, such as a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Treatment for H. pylori If you have ulcers caused by H. pylori, you’ll need treatment to kill the germs, heal your stomach lining, and keep the sores from coming back. It usually takes 1 to 2 weeks of treatment to get better.
Your doctor will probably tell you to take a few different types of drugs. The options include:
Antibiotics to kill the bacteria in your body, such as amoxicillin, clarithromycin (Biaxin), metronidazole (Flagyl), tetracycline (Sumycin), or tinidazole (Tindamax). You’ll most likely take at least two from this group. Drugs that reduce the amount of acid in your stomach by blocking the tiny pumps that produce it. They include dexlansoprazole (Dexilant), esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec), pantoprazole (Protonix), or rabeprazole (Aciphex). Bismuth subsalicylate, which may also help kill H. pylori along with your antibiotics Medicines that block the chemical histamine, which prompts your stomach to make more acid. These are cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Fluxid, Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid), or ranitidine (Zantac). CONTINUE READING BELOW
Your treatment could mean you’ll take 14 or more pills per day for a few weeks, which seems like a lot of medicine. But it’s really important to take everything that your doctor prescribes and to follow her instructions. If you don’t take antibiotics the right way, bacteria in your body can become resistant to them, which makes infections harder to treat. If your medications bother you, talk to your doctor about your treatment options and how you can handle side effects.
About 1-2 weeks after you finish your treatment, your doctor may test your breath or stool again to make sure the infection is gone.
Prevention You can protect yourself from getting an H. pylori infection with the same steps you take to keep other germs at bay:
Wash your hands after you use the bathroom and before you prepare or eat food. Teach your children to do the same. Avoid food or water that’s not clean. Don’t eat anything that isn’t cooked thoroughly. Avoid food served by people who haven’t washed their hands. Though stress, spicy foods, alcohol, and smoking don’t cause ulcers, they can keep them from healing quickly or make your pain worse. Talk to your doctor about ways to manage your stress, improve your diet, and, if you smoke, how you can get help to quit.
What can I expect after H. pylori infection? Most ulcers caused by H. pylori will heal after a few weeks of treatment. If you’ve had one, you should avoid taking NSAIDs for pain, since these drugs can damage your stomach lining. If you need pain medicine, ask your doctor to recommend some.
Where can I find information or support? You can find information about H. pylori infection and ulcers from the American College of Gastroenterology. For information on stomach cancer, as well as online and local support groups, visit the American Cancer Society.
submitted by crackly_b0i to teenagers [link] [comments]

2018.11.15 03:09 krittykat Pneumonia recovery, what to expect

I'm a 36f, 135lb, caucasian, non-smoker, generally active and healthy. Currently a stay at home mom for two kids (5 years and 10 months). I was wondering what a typical pneumonia recovery looks like for someone like myself.
I had a flu Oct 22 (fever, chills, headaches), that very quickly turned south. I was diagnosed with pneumonia (right lower lobe) on Oct 26. I was put on Biaxin for one week. Though it seemed to immediately cure chest tightness, it was a week from hell. I was horribly nauseous, had zero appetite, dropped 7-10lbs, milk supply dropped, had night sweats and shakes, insomnia, extreme weakness and fatigue while on Biaxin. I had to call on family to help me out for a week or two. But I decided to tough it out to the end, as I was nursing and wanted to minimize babies exposure to antibiotic as well (not to mention myself). I'm not sure if all of those side effects were due to the pneumonia, the antibiotic or both, but it was horrible.
Around the 1week mark, post Biaxin (Nov 8), I started to feel a better better. My energy and appetite returned, milk seems to be coming back. I will be at 3 weeks (since diagnosis) on Nov 16. But I still have a chesty cough (mostly white/clear mucus now), but I still feel run down and tired easily in the day. I normally bounce back without issue from illness, but this has thrown me for a loop.
Any improvements each day are tiny, but compared to a week ago, is noteworthy. Is this the way it normally is? Very small improvements over several weeks? I'm so desperate to just feel healthy and normal again. I just don't know how long that could be. I did another Xray yesterday, but have yet to hear back. I know my Dr could still hear something in there, but just wanted to see if there was any marked improvement, compared to 3 weeks ago.
Generally speaking, am I still looking at a few more weeks/months before I feel back to normal?

submitted by krittykat to AskDocs [link] [comments]