Overstimulated ovaries

Clomid without IUI procedure

2024.05.17 17:55 Zealousideal_Cap7782 Clomid without IUI procedure

I asked my OBGYN office about trying Clomid without doing the actual IUI procedure. This was their response but I don’t quite understand it. Has anyone done Clomid with IUI procedure? How did you ask your OBGYN? Any insight? Thank you!
Good morning, you may trial clomid, however the chances of success may not be very high as IUIs are recommended due to male factor infertility (by trying to bypass the cervis and put the sperm directly where its supposed to go). We would like to prevent any delay of care from trialing options that may not provide success due to the issue being related to sperm. We are able to try 3-6 rounds of clomid here with us before we refer out to a REI specialist for further management. If you would like to proceed with clomid, we also schedule follow up sonograms at certain cycle days since we are stimulating the ovaries for ovulation we provide close management to prevent any overstimulation.
submitted by Zealousideal_Cap7782 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:39 rinyamalom Supplements for ovarian health?

hi all! I’m writing on behalf of my friend who’s currently going through her IVF process. she doesn’t speak english that much, and I’m not very familiar with the process in english, so please excuse my mistakes.
she had her eggs retrieved and fertilised. she’s waiting for the eggs to be transferred back to her. but during stimulations her ovaries got overstimulated (not to the point of OHSS) and now they’re waiting for them to go back to normal. she’ll go back to the clinic at the end of May for a check up and if her ovaries are ok again they’ll transfer the embryos. if not, she has to wait until August for the transfer (clinic is closed in July).
she’s asking if there are any supplements, vitamins or any kind of “boosters” to help her ovaries calm down and go back to their normal healthy state?
thank you in advance! :)
submitted by rinyamalom to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 11:30 Girl678678 Please could I have advice🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

When I (22F) went off birth control two years ago my DHEA spiked to 652 and my skin just started getting so dry that wrinkles are forming. My doctor gave me spirinolactone and I’ve been taking it for three months. I hate the side effects and I still haven’t had my period. They’ve always been perfect cycles.
My mom has PCOS and diabetes so I’m super worried I’m going to end up with all her terrible health problems. My cortisol was almost nonexistent when I had it tested but I’ve been very stressed lately.
I’ve been trying out peat’s diet and it’s helped me lose weight to where I’m actually not overweight for the first time in my life. I’m seeing an endocrinologist soon and I think I want to ask about progesterone because mine was pretty low just after my period it was only 40. But you all say that the synthetic is bad and that the natural kind is good?
What else can I do? I see people saying thyroid supplementation… my TSH and T4 are 2 and 1. Maybe that might make a difference? Sorry for all the numbers but all of this is just so overwhelming to me.
“The inability of ovaries to make progesterone without thyroid function can cause the adrenals to be overstimulated, leading to an increase in DHEA and other androgens, which are known to affect the skin.” Is what I got from peatbot
submitted by Girl678678 to raypeat [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 15:11 Working_Cucumber_437 Getting uncomfortable day 4 stims

Is it too early to be feeling fullness/discomfort sitting on day 4? I wasn’t expecting to feel this way until later in the process and I’m concerned that my ovaries are responding too well to the dose. I don’t go in for my first monitoring appointment until tomorrow which is another 2 shots from now. I don’t have PCOS and I was really hoping for no more than 12-15 eggs. I’m terrified of overstimulation and doing a fresh transfer w/ HCG trigger which I know increases the risk.
I’m probably being paranoid but feeling anxious/lonely in this, even with a supportive partner.
submitted by Working_Cucumber_437 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 04:41 Flimsy_Raccoon_1166 My Experience with Robotic Laparoscopic Myomectomy

I'm 15 days post-op (woohoo!) after a robotic laparoscopic myomectomy to remove a 10 cm intramural fibroid. Reading stories on this sub really helped me to prepare and know what to expect, so I want to pay it forward in hopes my story helps others.
Discovery: My fibroid was discovered during an annual exam. The PA doing my exam could feel it when she touched my belly. My primary symptoms were heavy periods, long periods, and increased urinary frequency. After discussion, she ordered lab work, and ultrasound, and tranexamic acid (TXA). Labs showed that I was anemic. Ultrasound confirmed the fibroid. I was referred for a surgical consult. The surgeon ordered an MRI, scheduled surgery, and ordered another set of labs a month before surgery to make sure my iron was high enough for surgery.
Preparation: I took an iron supplement along with a vitamin C rich food every day. (I had to get my hemoglobin up to at least 10 in order to be eligible for surgery, but I actually managed to get it up to 12.9 by the day of surgery.) I really focused on keeping consistent with my workout routine so I would be in good physical shape for surgery and recovery, and also to deal with anxiety about surgery. I booked a vacation to a national park 2 weeks before surgery, so I could have something to look forward to before surgery, and so I could enjoy being active before heading into surgery and recovery. The biggest thing I did that helped me feel less anxious though, was to get an extra consult meeting with my surgeon. I asked a lot of questions, and getting that information, but also just getting to know my surgeon more and seeing how kind and knowledgeable he was, really helped me feel comfortable with my decision to have surgery. A few days before surgery, I focused on deep-cleaning my home, doing laundry, stocking up on groceries, meal prepping, etc. I moved things I thought I would need to tables or counters--places easy to reach.
The day of surgery, pre-surgery: In the morning, I meditated and listened to music. I got to the hospital 2 hours before surgery as instructed. First I got blood drawn and peed in a cup for a pregnancy test. Then I went to the pre-op unit, where I was asked to use sanitizing wipes all over my body and then to change into a gown and grippy socks. I told the nurse I was on my period, so then she gave me mesh undies and a pad that I was able to wear into the OR. I had high blood pressure (which I never have) and a low-grade fever, both of which I chalk up to my body's stress response plus mild dehydration from fasting. I was given Tylenol and some shot in my belly to prevent clotting. An IV was placed in my hand. The anesthesiologist stopped by to talk and to look in my mouth. My surgeon stopped by to see if I had any last-minute questions. Someone helped me put a cap over my hair, and then I was wheeled into the OR. They asked me to scooch over onto the operating table, and they put a warm blanket on me and asked if I was comfortable. The anesthesiologist put an oxygen mask over my face and said, "Just breathe normally, it's just oxygen," and then I was out. My surgery took a little over 2 hours.
The day of surgery, post-surgery: I woke up in recovery, but I was very sleepy for a while. I do remember someone telling me they were going to remove my catheter, but I don't remember being able to feel it--it definitely didn't hurt. After a couple hours of laying there, I was taken to recovery phase 2, and the nurses helped me sit up. This is when my nausea started. I vomited, they gave me Zofran in my IV, and then I vomited some more, then they took me to the bathroom where I vomited some more. My nurse brought me some crackers and told me that when I felt ready to change into my clothes, I could go home. Altogether I spent about 3 hours in recovery before heading home. I found I couldn't sleep at all my first night after surgery. I had some weird sensations from the anesthesia wearing off--my legs and arms were tingling, and then they felt like they were being squeezed, and then they felt like they were swelling, and those sensations were moving around. It wasn't painful, but it was overstimulating--I remember feeling tired, but also kind of overwhelmed that there were so many weird things going on with my body.
PO Days 1-2: I alternated Tylenol and Ibuprofen every 4 hours as instructed--I set alarms on my phone to stay on schedule. My tummy felt tight and sore, but not really painful. I vomited after eating breakfast on day 1, and felt nauseated off and on. I was still tired. I could get up and down without much trouble, I was just slow. I didn't need any help using the toilet or showering. I was prepared for constipation and gas pains, but I didn't have any trouble with either of those.
PO Days 3-4: My appetite returned on day 3. It felt really good to eat, and I felt more energized. I started going for walks in my neighborhood, but those walks were still short and slow. I slowed down then stopped the painkillers. I still couldn't bend over, but when I needed to reach things I got creative with squatting or picking things up with my toes (lol). I experienced some crackling (like Rice Krispies) in the back of my throat, which I thought was the gas working its way out, and the nurse assured me that was it and that it was normal. It felt like I was carbonated, like a fizzing can of soda. I also asked the nurse about feeling lopsided--the incisions on one side hurt more than the other--and if that was normal or if it meant something was messed up. She assured me that it was normal and that the instruments on one side may have been more active during my surgery, which would lead to more soreness one one side.
PO Days 5-6: I felt better each day. I walked my usual route in my neighborhood which is around 3 miles. My vaginal bleeding (which was light the whole time) ended on day 5.
PO Day 7: This is the first day I was officially cleared to drive and to return to work. I had been planning to work from home my first day back, but I was tired of being at home, so I went to my office. No problems with driving, being in the office, sitting or standing at my desk, etc. I did wear stretchy pants, as I noticed that some of my pants were still tight--I was definitely still swollen, and my incisions still sensitive.
PO Week 2: I worked my usual schedule, and went for a walk every day. I started doing some very slow, gentle yoga, adapting it to keep from straining my incisions. I also got back to cooking when my meal prep ran out.
Things that were helpful during recovery:
Foods: For the first couple days, I mostly consumed crackers, ginger candy, and apple juice boxes. Once I had more appetite, I ate some soups I had meal prepped. I had made a couple lentil soups because I was trying to get lots of protein and fiber for healing and digestion. I also had kombucha, yogurt, and cultured cottage cheese for probiotics. Also, I had bought some disposable bowls, plates, forks, and spoons, so I wouldn't have to worry about dishes during my recovery.
Supplements: My surgeon had recommended a probiotic supplement (to help repopulate my gut microbiome after the antibiotics administered during surgery) and a magnesium supplement at bedtime (to help with pain management and sleep). Since I had no issues with gas pains or constipation, very low pain overall, and no difficulties sleeping after the first night, I like to think the supplements have been helping.
Pillow: I definitely used a pillow to brace my incisions when I moved or coughed or sneezed. I also just felt protected when I had a pillow on my tummy. I'm sure almost any small pillow would do, but I want to highlight this great Etsy shop I bought my pillow from. The shop is focused almost entirely on post-surgery pillows, and the owner sent me the cutest, coziest pillow, with a slot that could be used for a seatbelt in the car, or for a heating pad or ice pack. She also included the sweetest handwritten card wishing me well with my surgery and recovery. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1012331638/support-cushion-hysterectomy-pillow?ref=yr_purchases
Things to do: I got some extra books from the library, bookmarked some podcasts to listen to, and picked a show to binge.
Things I bought but didn't use: stool softener, Smooth Move tea, Gas X, heating pad, extra face wipes so I could give myself a wipedown if I didn't feel up to showering
2-week post-op appointment: My surgeon removed the remaining steri-strips and inspected my incisions. He asked me about my recovery, and he briefly reviewed my surgery and the pathology report. He gave me photos of my surgery from the robot--photos of my uterus before and after, of my ovaries, and of the fibroid. We talked about what activities I can and cannot do at this point. He advised me to avoid HIIT and to avoid lifting more than 10 pounds, but said I can continue easing back into yoga as long as I pay attention to how my core feels and adjust or back off if needed. He said by 4 weeks post-op I should be healed enough to do whatever I want.
The positives, already: I feel great. I don't have to pee as frequently. I'm getting up maybe once per night to pee, and it was 3-4 times per night before. I haven't had a post-op period yet, but my surgeon seems confident that they'll be dramatically lighter than they were. I'm feeling grateful for the care I've received from my medical team, family, and friends.
If you are thinking about surgery or preparing for surgery--please ask me anything. I'm rooting for all of you.

submitted by Flimsy_Raccoon_1166 to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 18:02 curiousEmily14 First time IVF- still only on gonal F

Hi everyone,
I just started my first IVF cycle. I am 27 with an AMH of 4…. We are doing IVF antagonist dual trigger protocol for moderate male factor infertility after 11 failed iuis. It seemed like I have about 8 follicles visible on one ovary and 10 on the other.
My first two days I was told to only inject 150 of Gonal H. I just got a phone call after todays blood work and ultrasound to stay on same dose for upcoming two days.
In all my reading and research I haven’t heard of anyone starting only on Gonal F. Although I don’t mind because I’m super afraid of Menopur and Cetrotide…. I just want to know if anyone has done similar and felt like it wasn’t enough stimulation. I get that perhaps they want to go slow not to overstimulate me because of age, but is there any chance this would lower the amount of potential eggs to be retrieved? Is it more so about pushing growth towards the end of stims? Should I bring this up with my team or trust they know what’s best?
submitted by curiousEmily14 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 16:17 Mountain-Garden9920 TTC

I have been TTC for three years now. I took a couple rounds of Clomid and the stuff gave me TERRIBLE mood swings, and AWFUL pelvic pain. Well, long story short, it turns out that it overstimulated my ovaries and I have a ton of cysts. When I was taking this medicine, my progesterone level the last time I had blood work done was 46.6
My Dr. says I have endo and wants to do lap surgery but I am scared and hoping I can conceive without it, but judging by the amount of pain I have and the number of cysts I had, I probably need it.
I have reaaaaaaaaaally REALLY bad pelvic pain. Like it feels heavy, my tailbone hurts, it hurts really bad after I ovulate, or when I try to go to the bathroom.
I was just wondering what everyone else's experience has been. It seems that I do ovulate on my own, but I was thinking of asking my Dr. to put me on either metformin or Femara. Has anyone had any luck or an experience similar to mine?
submitted by Mountain-Garden9920 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 17:31 Resilient_milSpo I'm in tears! Help! Is it possible to have a mild Autoimmune disease?

I know this will be a lot to read, but I'm so desperate to understand what is happening to me. I will be going to a Rheumatologist next week and I will address all my questions, but every time I go to a new doctor, I feel so crazy. I'm worried that they will think I'm crazy because I have had so much happening. I feel like they think I'm making it up. :( So I thought I'd bring it up all here first to see what others might think is going on so that I could focus my questions to my doctor next week so i don't unload too much.
This will be a lot of information and I understand it might not all be related. But I figure it would be smart to just get it all out there in case there was some form of pattern or relation. So here it goes....
Female, age 39, caucasian
5'9, 180lbs
Synopsis of symptoms off the top of my head:
- Muscle pain in shoulders, neck, back
- Muscle tenderness in forearms and calfs
- Mild Muscle cramps in legs, hands
- mild joint pain
- Migraines
- difficultly concentrating
- early onset degeneretive Arthritis in neck (per doctor)
- Loss of normal lordotic curve with paraspinal spasm posteriorly
- C5-6 central protruding disc without mass effect on cord
- Redness in cheeks and nose area
- Dry eyes
- High Glucose levels at times
- Mild tortuosity distal ICAs bilaterally
- Fingertips turn white when cold
- Frequent complex cysts in ovaries
- Low libido
- Lost gallbladder and when they removed they noted I had small pockets of diverticulitis in my intestines
- chest pain that worsens while lying down
- kidney stones
- skin changes
- hair loss
First, I'll mention that I had adolescent epilepsy. I was diagnosed at age 9 and often had dozens of absent seizures and at least 1 or 2 tonic-clonic seizures each year. After being on medication for 3 years, at age 12, I appeared to grow out of it. I didn't have any problems after that.
Fast forward to 2012 - when I experienced my first bout of chest pain. It was centralized in my chest and seemed to pulsate when lying down as my body shifted into a horizontal position. The pain would throb with my heartbeat, take my breath away, then slowly get better. I did see a doctor who noted some inflammation in my body and at the time (I didn't know any better), I had a positive ANA. They tested my RF factor and it was negative. The pain slowly got better over time, so I thought life was good.
In 2014, I had numbness and tingling in my ring fingers and pinky fingers when I raised my hands above my head. It prevented me from blow-drying my hair and seemed to bring my chest pain back. I thought that everyone experienced this lol, but I was told no. That I likely have Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. After reading into it, it made sense. And can potentially cause chest pain. So, I thought that was that.
I always had ovary issues. Since about 2004 (20 years old), I had terrible cramping pains and heavy periods. I did a laprascopy and they didn't note anything at the time, but as I grew older, I constantly grew complex cysts, had ruptured cysts or abnormal bleeding. A doctor back in 2015 believed I have endometriosis. Still to this day and after two kids, it's worse than ever. I'm on birth control, skipping the sugar pills, to prevent the cysts from growing.
In 2015, age 31, after giving birth to my firstborn, I started having these weird episodes that seemed very similar to absent seizures. Symptoms: lack of focus, dazed, confusion that would last a few minutes. So I went to a neurologist and they did some tests and noted that my epilepsy was back. :( I didn't have them often and it only seemed to happen when I was stressed.
In 2018, I had my 2nd kiddo at age 34. This is when I started experiencing more symptoms. My periods began to get worse and more cysts grew. I started experiencing more numbness in my hands and fingers even just laying down holding a book in bed. I've experienced multiple pinched nerves in my neck, headaches that last for days, so much muscle pain and tension in my upper back, shoulders and between my shoulder blades. Pain/tension in my forearms and calves. The throbbing chest pain returned. Doctors said I had a beautiful heart and said it was probably just stress, but didn't tell me what could explain all my other symptoms. Nothing else was done.
For the numbness in the hands, I saw a doctor at Mayo Clinic and they said they didn't believe I had thoracic outlet syndrome. They said I had cubital tunnel syndrome and that it could be corrected with surgery.
My episodes were getting worse so I went through a rigorous EEG study at Mayo. They said they didn't show ANY signs that I had epilepsy at all and it was likely I was experiencing what is called PNES - Non-epileptic seizures. When I learned about this, I realized when I was overstimulated, that my body starts to shutdown. When it first happened, I panicked because I didn't understand it and sent my body into a panic attack. Now that I understand it, I can calm my body down.
After I learned this, I was really confused and annoyed at my local neurologist. So I asked for all my medical records. In my medical records, I read that they based my epilepsy diagnosis off of a report from a previous doctor and never actually looked at the MRI or EEG. When they did, he said he didn't think I had it either (after I told him about my Mayo visit)!!! So why was on epilepsy medication (and during my 2nd pregnancy)! I was so mad. So I continued to read through all my records and noticed one of the reports in my files from a radiologist technician had noted that on a CT scan when I believed I had a pinched nerve: "Mild tortuosity distal ICAs bilaterally. Findings are nonspecific but can be seen in setting of chronic long-standing hypertension or fibromuscular dysplasia. Clinic correlation is recommended."
My doctor NEVER mentioned this to me. This would likely explain the weird pulsating sound in my ears when I lay on my side.
Fast forward to 2021. We moved to VA. Over the past few years, I've experienced multiple pinched nerves in my neck (maybe?), headaches that last for days, so much muscle pain and tension in my upper back, shoulders and between my shoulder blades. Pain/tension in my forearms and calves. When I try to go for a run outside, sometimes it feels as if I'm landing on the nerves in the bottom of my feet. I feel tingling. I've also experienced Reynauds in my finger tips.
This past October, I experienced Occipital Neuralgia for the first time! OUCH! I had the worst headache that penetrated my whole head from the back of my earlobe, it kept me from eating and sleeping. It took a whole month to go away!
So after all of that, I finally decided to bring this all up to my new doctor here in VA. The first visit, I do believe he thought I was insane. I brought all my paperwork in from past doctors' visits to show the work I've done. He agreed to do a full workup. He didn't want to do any autoimmune workup yet because I truly think he didn't believe me. When bloodwork came back showing inflammation in my body, he took me more serious and referred me to the Rheumo. I asked him to order bloodwork that he knew the Rheumo would order anyway so I could be proactive at my first visit with the Rheumo appt. I've attached all that info below. Another positive ANA, but negative RF. Which leads me to believe I might have something autoimmune going on. When I asked my doctor, he minimized the results and said I had "low markers for the positive ANA, but let's see what the Rheumatologist says."
December brought on my very first COVID case! I managed to evade it for three years. My actual symptoms werent' bad and seemed like a mild flu. The urgent case prescribed me Paxlovid. I was negative starting on January 3rd, but since then, I've experienced wicked chest pain! It feels like someone is crushing my chest. When I lay down, I get that pulsating chest pain again that takes my breath away worse than ever before! And I'm short of breath. I went to ER and they did a work up. They ruled out pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurisy, fluid on my heart (although they said there was a little), and heart attack. They said my x-ray did catch kidney stones on my right side. (Yay - a new problem). They sent me home and told me to follow up with my doctor.

So here I am - home with fatigue, chest pain, mild shortness of breath and can't really do too much. If I do, I will pay for it later.

I know there are really two questions here. One, if this is all related to some form of an autoimmune disease. And 2, am I simply experiencing my latest symptoms as part of long-Covid?
I'm literally in tears over all of this. I try not to even bring up when I'm in pain to my family because I don't want to complain. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Resilient_milSpo to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2023.12.21 14:28 FutureMilf99 Intense menstruation frustration

TLDR: I suffer from very bad physical period symptoms, have tried birth control which led to horrible mental state, I don’t know if there’s anything wrong with my body or if I’m doomed until my menopause.. looking for people who also suffer badly from their period to talk to.
I have used all kids of birth control. They had a horrible effect on my mental state & libido, which had a really bad effect on my relationship as we were getting older. I also did experience cramping, back pain & a LOT of discharge during birth control.. The worst effect was just being very sad, almost depressed, all the time. When I stopped birth control, this went away in a couple of weeks so I’m 100% this is what it caused.
But.. my periode are also horrible. Maybe even more horrible than the birth control because it’s also physically painful. I have to stay at home at least 1, sometimes even 3 days with heavy cramps. I have at least 5 days of heavy bleeding. The week before (which is right now as I’m writing this) I experience some cramps here and there, bad acne and the most intense headaches, to the point where I have to sit with the curtains closed and no sound because it is overstimulating me (which literally is happening right now, the week before my period)
During my period I experience intense cramps, dizziness, extreme emotions, even more acne, tender breasts, mood swings, being very sad suddenly and crying for half an hour, cravings and back pain.. soooo much back pain. I’ve been having this since my first period at the end of 2012 but I feel like after stopping birth control around a year ago it had gotten worse. I had used birth control from around 2017 - 2022.
During my period in November I was sick, probably covid, and I literally fainted because the symptoms combined where too much to handle. Stayed home for multiple days after that.
The worst 3 things about all of this is that 1. I won’t be able to delay my period (I can’t celebrate new years because I’ll probably have to stay at home because of my period) 2. People (boys AND girls) just don’t seem or want to understand. I can’t go to school when I’m feeling like this and when I do go (we do a lot of group work at my study so sometimes I don’t have a choice) I feel like fainting and need to sleep the rest of the day when I get home. 3. My husband also ‘suffers’ from it. He hates seeing me like this because he feels so bad, he’s absolutely the sweetest person you will ever meet. But he works a lot and is tired and wants some alone time, which I fully respect, so this is hard to combine.
Is this normal? Is my body normal?? I don’t think it’s pcos, or could it be? I’ve had an internal checkup of my uterus and ovaries and the doctor told me it all looked perfect. This checkup was because I was experiencing fainting and pain after sex because of my iud, didn’t discuss anything else with them. Got the iud removed shortly after. Should I schedule an appointment at my doctors office?
I just feel like my body is failing me every month. I really am amazed by the female body and I would love to get the chance to form and carry a living human being inside of me, but sometimes I hate being a woman because of all the symptoms I suffer from. I’m frustrated, sad and feel alone in this.
submitted by FutureMilf99 to Periods [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 22:07 starsallover First pill, first post

TL,DT: I took my first stilulant pill the other moring and had things happen, most of which I was told are good and normal for the first time. But some things bothered me quite a bit. I'd appreciate your opinion. Thanks.
Hi, I'm Beth. A midlife mom living with multiple health issues recently diagnosed with ADHD. I took my first concerta 18m (generic, trigen) 2 mornings ago and wrote about it on another forum. Since I like the vibe of this forum, I thought I'd copy it here and see what another group of people think about my experience. The general concensus of the other forum was, "Yay, that's what you're looking for. The first few days might be rough but it'll get better." Hi, and what do you think? Did you have a funky first few days with a stimulant but it got better where you could use it long term, or did it become intolerable and you switched to a new med?
After using the internet for about 25 years, I'm still amazed ad grateful that I can do this sort of thing. Join an online group, post something personal, and get informative responses from likeminded individuals. Mind continues to be in awe.
Okay, here's the stuff:

Quiet mind then insomnia 😔

Note: I was overwhelmed with the reaction I had to my first pill, so this is a little overdramatic…
I took my first pill a little over an hour ago. MY BRAIN IS QUIET!!! What is this magic? I cried for 20 min straight. MY BRAIN IS QUIET? This happens? It keeps getting quieter! This is weird, a good weird. I can't beleive it worked! I know everyday won't be like this and the noise will come back but I'm enjoying it for now 📷
this morning was a breath of fresh air . Once again, I know every day won't be like this but I felt exuberantly peaceful this morning. So grateful.
I have renewed hope now. Sweet Sydney (name for the ADHD symptoms) finally took a nap. I'm noticing the bouncy chatterbox has woken up, but she's playing quietly and just talking occasionally. Not yelling random things about everything, Wrestling with her loud ass freinds, poking me and tinkering with radios.
I WANT to do things and I have confidence in my ability to do them. Imagine that. I've been trying for years and Sweet Sydney dropped a sparkly rubbish heap on top of each goal just as I was getting started. She thought it was hilarious and beautiful. I got tired of sorting through the mess; I just gave up.
So like my ovary eviction and HRT made life with Sylvia (PMDD) much easier, I think medication will in regards to Sweet Sydney (Scatterbrain). Day one accomplished!
(and it was easy to write this. imagine that) 😁
Next day edit: thanks to everyone for the positive replies. I appreciate you all. it seemed like I wanted to shout from the rooftops about how I felt. Thinking about it now, I was overly amped up. I told a few friends in detail how I was feeling, I didn't take a nap that day as I usually do and I went out and did a few things in the evening. It was great because I wanted to get out and do things, be social, but I overstimulated myself and wasn't able to sleep until 4 AM that night. So I'm trying to figure this all out. I didn't take any medication today because I only got about two hours of sleep. All of the people who live with ADHD that I communicated with about it said that The "quiet mind" response that I got was an indicator that the medication was working as it should. But no bueno on insomnia and Sahara mouth. So I am going to communicate with my doctors and give them a very abbreviated version of what happened and what I would like to happen. And go from there. Wish me luck and I welcome your opinions.
TaDa! Thanks for reading!
submitted by starsallover to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2023.12.14 15:37 Scarlett_Queen95 Anyone else have this issue?

I don’t know what to do at this point. I didn’t do an opk bc I didn’t take letrozole this month as to wanting to give my ovaries a rest and not get them overstimulated. I’ve been having PMS symptoms since the 7th of Dec, which would be 10 DPO according to my app.
I tested 9 DPO and got a negative thinking it was too early to tell and gave myself another week. But since then I’ve had tender breasts and nipples (which is a PMS symptom I rarely get), light cramping, bloating, muscle stiffness, and light headedness with occasional nausea. On 4 DPO, according to my app, I had VERY light spotting to the point I thought it was the beginning of my period, and then next morning it was completely gone and I haven’t spotted since.
I tested Tuesday, which was 15 DPO and got a negative again. I don’t know if anyone else experienced this and was still actually pregnant, or my body has decided that it is time to be unregulated again after using Inositol or Letrozole for a little over a year and staying pretty regular.
All I know is that the mental torture is draining me, this will be my first child if I can conceive, and March will be 3 years of negatives.
submitted by Scarlett_Queen95 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 18:29 KatLady84 2WPO Update

Today is two weeks out from my laparoscopic total hysterectomy (left my ovaries), so I'm sharing another update! You can see the last updates on my profile if you’re interested.
Blood clots: I’ve been on blood thinners for a week now, and my calf and hip pain have been gone for a couple of days. I know thinners don’t dissolve the clots, but the doctor thought mine were early on in their formation, so I think thinning everything out helped. And wearing compression socks all day (I was told not to sleep in them)!
Energy: I feel mostly good and clear-headed in the first half of the day, so that’s when I’ve been working. Walking outside makes me feel like I need a nap, and by 5pm I’m exhausted. Usually in bed by 8pm, but those last hours I feel dead and am just lounging in bed. I got exhausted making breakfast the other day, too. Really miss having energy! I’ll also say that I feel overstimulated by the end of the day and cannot tolerate sounds, smells, talking, movement, etc. I think it’s partly exhaustion and partly from being tender or uncomfortable in some way all day long.
Pain + Swelling: I’m only taking Tylenol for headaches from the blood thinners now, but too much movement does make me tender and super swollen. Whew, that swelly belly is somethin’!
Poop: Bowel movements are mostly normal, but I can get the scoots more easily, and anything gas or poop-related can still hurt. Not going, just as things move around. There are some stabbing pains, tenderness, and more urgency.
Sleep: Side sleeping has gotten easier and easier, but I still need a long pillow to hug and also between my knees at night. Sometimes an incision or the area near my incisions hurts or is uncomfortable, but I just roll to the other side.
Sitting: Sitting on the couch or bed is easier now, but I can’t do it for long and definitely can’t sit in normal chairs without some pain and/or discomfort.
Car rides: Only ventured out on car rides to deal with the ER and pharmacy for the blood clots early in the week. Took a pillow and reclined a bit. The only thing that really got me was the vibrations and sudden stops or jolts. I'm guessing I'd be mostly fine now and will go out today or tomorrow.
Stinging: The only other thing that I've had is a stinging sensation in my vagina 11DPO. Not like a UTI, though I felt it when I peed, too. Just a stinging. I don’t think it’s the cuff because it feels lower down, but what do I know?! I’ve also had some clear discharge on and off (though it's about that time I normally would, I guess that could still be a thing?) and cloudy urine one time the next day.
I have my first post-op appointment on Thursday, and she’ll do a pelvic exam. I’m curious to hear how the cuff is healing! I also don’t dissolve stitches usually, so hopefully, everything is progressing alright.
Hugs! 🤗
submitted by KatLady84 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 13:35 Freya_Folkvangr Overstimulated bevor ER - what should I expect?

TL;DR: I'm overstimulated with 45 follicels and free fluid still have some time until retrieval and am worried about my health and embryo quality. Update at the bottom.
Hello, I'm trying to navigate my expectations and have been reading old posts but would really love some opinions or similar experiences!
I'm currently on day 14 of stims (100 IU ovaleap/75 IU meriofert) for my second ER. On day 11 we counted 12 follicels, today we counted a total of 45 (!!!) follicels ranging from 10 to 16 millimeters. I have kissing ovaries and free fluid.
My doctor said that I am overstimulated. Up until now I reponded very slowly to stims (4 eggs, 2 mature and fertilized, 1 blast at last ER, half a dozen IUIs cancelled because no follicel developed).
Lovenox was added to my medication to help with blood flow and I was told to go to the ER or call when I feel worse. Fresh transfer was cancelled, we will do a freeze all. Which I completly understand but devastates me at the same time.
Now I'm trying to manage my expectations I guess. I'm preparing for OHSS, I was always told I'm at risk due to PCOS and I already have free fluid. I was also warned about being at high risk for ovarian tortion.
What worries me is how this will effect egg quality. I can't imagine all of these follicles contain eggs, but how will mature eggs be affected? Will this negativly impact embryo quality?
I'm sheduled for another ultrasound wednesday and hope for retrieval on friday which sounds like a really long time at the moment, as I am in quite some discomfort.
I'm grateful for any insight about my situation, I'm honestly a bit scared for my health and for embryo quality right now.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
UPDATE: I got 29 eggs at my collection, then the doctor stoped because I was in significant pain even with the light anaesthesia. My egg quality was affected my the overstimulation. Of those 29 there were 23 mature, but only 8 were fertilised using ICSI. I was told that zhe others lacked structural integrity. 5 made it to day 5 blasts and are now frozen, which I still am very happy about. I did end up with pretty severe OHSS, the first 3 days were awefull. Then I started getting better again.
submitted by Freya_Folkvangr to IVF [link] [comments]

2023.10.28 04:05 SummerGalexd Have you ever overstimulated you ovaries?

I have been TTC for like 4 years now. I have been doing medicated cycles for like 1.5 years. I take letrozole and three cycles ago I got moved from 5 to 7.5 mg on cycle day 3-7. Has anyone ever overstimulated their ovaries. I did this month. I made like 8 follicles on my left ovary and they are all 13mm. My dr. Told me to abstain from sex or use condoms. She also said all of my follicles may ovulate and it could be painful and I may need to go to the ER. For those that have overstimulated, was it painful? How did it work out for you? Thankful for any responses. I’m worried it will be painful.
submitted by SummerGalexd to PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.07.10 15:57 hermagne Donating eggs - my perspective.

TLDR: I anonymously donated eggs in 2021. Yesterday I met my donor daughter for the first time. She will be 1yo this month. She is beautiful. She looks like me and my youngest child. Her parents are wonderful. I am incredibly happy for them. My donor recipient had a hard time and went through a lot to get her daughter. My youngest child has been begging me for a sister so he sort of got his wish haha.
Long version: I live in Australia so you can't sell your blood, plasma, sperm or eggs. If you donate, you do it altruistically. I've always donated blood and plasma - I hit 75 donations before my doctor told me to give it a rest for a year. In 2021, I watched a doco on Netflix called One More Shot about infertility. I've always wanted to be a mum. I met my husband at uni. After three and a half years, we got married the day after I turned 23yo (husband was 24yo). I had my first son a year anda bit later when I was 24yo and had my second son when I was 27yo. I'm 32yo now. I fell pregnant easily - especially with my second. I fell pregnant the week my Implanon (contraceptive) was taken out. My GP didn't believe it until he checked the dates - he was the one who took the Implanon out. My point is that I am very fertile, I am done having kids and I have plenty of eggs that I don't plan on using so why not donate?
Donating in Australia had a lot of prerequisites: you had to be of a certain age, be relatively healthy, had finished your own family or sign a waiver saying you wouldn't blame the clinic if your fertility was affected by your egg donation(s), etc. You also had to go through a few other hoops like sessions a few months apart with a psychologist. If you were married like me, you need permission from your partner and they too would have to do some psych sessions. Then came the blood work. The forms. Vaginal scans. Medication. Lots of needles. Lots and lots of appointments. As an egg donor, you basically went through the IVF process and stop short of the implantation part. That was all fine with me. Inconvenient but I'm a SAHP so I had a lot of free time. The clinic paid for everything for my donation - apparently some clinics in Australia want you to donate (for free) but also expect you to pay for it too (medications, hospital stay, doctor fees, psych fees, etc.) so I'm guessing that's when you know who your donor will be and the recipient parents would cover that. I'm an anonymous donor so I didn't know who would get my eggs. I could put stipulations and pick recipients who were of a certain age, race, religion, nationality, etc. but I didn't. When I woke up from the egg retrieval surgery, I was handed a gift bag with a note basically saying thank you and that even if my donation did not result in a baby, that at least I gave them a little more hope anyway. I've kept that note and filed it away.
A year later I heard there wasn't many donors, even less than the exisiting dwindling pool of donors, due to covid. So I made another egg donation in 2022 at the same clinic. My ovaries were overstimulated again but this time was much worse than last time. I was sick for longer and had gained a lot of weight and decided not to continue - legally you could donate up to five families. During this second donation, the clinic let slip that my first donation recipient was pregnant. I was glad for them but didn't seek out anymore information at the time.
One day I got an email telling me our donor database was being moved over to a government one and I had to fill out new forms. During this process I found out I had a match, that one of my egg recipients were successful and had a baby girl in 2022 (clinic can release the gender and year of birth of donor children to egg donors). I was so glad for them and didn't want to pry so didn't send that email to the clinic. So I filled out the new forms. I had the choice to not put down any identifying or contact information until the child was 16yo but I put down all my details incase they needed it for whatever reason. Maybe they didn't need my details today but might need it in the future before the kid turns 16yo. When the kid turns 16yo, they could find me whether I liked it or not. I was also fine with never hearing from them ever as well.
Within a week of filling out those new forms, I got an email from my donor recipient. The first embryo implanted worked and she had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. The mum sent me a photo of her and her daughter that day (10mo), plus another photo of her daughter as a newborn. I literally screamed that my kids ran to me. I was so excited and happy for her! I quickly showed my sons and my husband the photos. My youngest who is 4yo has been bugging my husband and I for a sister. My 4yo celebrated and screamed "yay, I have a sister!"
The next few weeks were a mixed bag of feelings. My kids who were extremely happy and excited came home one day saying they don't want to talk about their donor sister and wanted to keep it all a secret. It turned out no one believed them at school and had called them liars. I talked to the teachers and we sorted everything - my kids are fine now. My husband and I had years to talk and process different outcomes of my donations but I forgot that my kids are so young that they would need much more time to sort it all out for themselves. My mum and siblings were excited and a little heart broken but mostly happy. It took almost a year to donated eggs from when I first made an inquiry to the egg retrieval and last blood test. My dad passed away a couple of months before the egg retrieval surgery. He was proud of me, excited, and fascinated by the egg donation. I'm sure my mum would've wanted to talk to him about it.
The day came when I would meet my donor recipient, her partner and her daughter. I was very, very nervous. Mostly thinking that they wouldn't like me. I was worried that my skin would be darker than they expected it to be or that my personality wasn't what they'd imagined. I didn't want to be a disappointment. When we got to their driveway, we saw their amazing vegetable garden - much like ours. I was so, so nervous but I had my two kids, who are also very keen gardeners, running around the garden finding veggies they could identify. We never even got to knock on the door because my husband and I were chasing after our boys. I looked up and there they were - they just appeared out of thin air haha. My donor recipient was holding her daughter who looked very much like my youngest. Her daughter had just woken from a nap and was a little groggy but was excited to see my boys playing in her garden. My boys wanted to give her a hug immediately but my eldest changed his mind said that they both should wait and not scare the baby so they crouched on over and said hello. I noticed that she has my eyes, my eyebrows and the same hair as my boys. She definitely has her father's nose and a few of his features too. Time will tell how much more she will take after me or her father (also biological father) through our shared DNA. I'm sure she'll take after her mother's mannerisms and such too. I'm happy that my donor recipient could carry her child through pregnancy, labour and delivery - I know how much she wanted that. I know my pregnancies made me a little closer to my boys and is genuinely a unique experience.
We eventually went inside. I found out my donor recipient's husband/donor child's biological father is also a long distance runner like myself. My recipient loves gardening like I do. It turns out they are very much my sort of people and I was just so happy for them. I was also relieved that they liked us too. My donor child is so very loved. Her parents had gone through so much. Again, I had my children so easily and young that I never thought about miscarriages, IVF or anything to do with infertility at all. It just never came up in conversations. It was only after I donated that a lot of my friends and family told me about their stories of loss and infertility. My donor recipient had a few miscarriages with some after IVF. I can't imagine the heart break she and her husband endured throughout the years.
I feel a bit goofy typing this but there was this weird amazing feeling when I held my donor child. It was sort of a "hey there you, did you know that your mum went to the moon and back to get you? You magical little thing. I'm so happy you're here" She is the sweetest baby girl. She didn't cry at all throughout our visit. Loved being held by my husband but more so me - I kept bouncing her to make her laugh so that's probably why. Her parents said that she doesn't usually like being held by men at all and that she usually takes a little to warm up to people in general but she came right along with my husband and I. She followed my boys everywhere with her tiny legs - she only learnt how to walk a couple of weeks ago. We talked for a couple hours until my children got overtired and probably overwhelmed. We took some photos to show our both our families (hers overseas and mine out of state). They kept mentioning how grateful they are but I don't really know what to say to that. I'm just really, really happy for them.

Just a couple of notes I want to add in:
  1. There hasn't been enough time for my second donation (2022) to result in a child but I've been told the (19 successfully frozen) eggs have been allocated to a family so I hope they get their little one(s) too even if I don't get to meet them ever.
  2. My husband probably would've donated sperm but because we didn't want to have anymore children, he had a vasectomy in 2019. I watched that documentary in 2021 so it was just too late for him to donate sperm in the typical and inexpensive way.
submitted by hermagne to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2023.07.07 17:25 Tomatinhocherry Pausing letrozole for one cycle??

Hello! I've been searching everywhere and I can't find answers... My OBGYN (who admitted to me she doesn't know much about PCOS, and had to Google things during our 2 consultations) said I should take 2,5mg letrozole and if that didn't work, take 5mg and then don't take anything for the cycle after that, because then I'm risking "ovary overstimulation". Well, I don't ovulate naturally, and didn't ovulate with 2,5mg. But I did with 5mg. And finally I'm having all these luteal symptoms and feeling like I have a chance. And she wants me to stop taking it? It's like wasting 2 full months (irregular cycles). Btw I'm just waiting for a referral to a RE, but who's supposed to refer me is on vacation, so I have to wait 3 weeks. My question is... What's the advantage of taking a month off? Has anyone heard of something similar? Or such a thing as "overstimulation" with 5mg? Thank you all ❤️
submitted by Tomatinhocherry to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.07.01 00:24 adm0707 Those w/ dual trigger shots, when did your bloating get better?

Hello! I had my first egg retrieval a week ago. They retrieved 29 eggs, 19 were mature, so my ovaries were overstimulated. I actually felt great during the stims and did not experience any bloating but the post-retrieval recovery has been rough! I think I had a mild case of OHSS because I was in a lot of pain and I vomited. I started feeling better two days ago and my belly has deflated by maybe 40%, but I was wondering when it should go back to normal? I had a prenyl/lupron trigger shot, which I believe means that my period will be about 2 weeks from the procedure, correct?
submitted by adm0707 to IVF [link] [comments]

2023.06.27 10:24 budgetfertility How to Get Pregnant with PCOS: Treatment options

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that interferes with more than just your fertility; you might first be diagnosed with PCOS when trying to get pregnant. This is because it’s a common and treatable cause of infertility in women.
PCOS doesn't mean that you can never get pregnant; it just means that fertility is a little bit more complicated. With medical treatment and self-care, PCOS symptoms can be controlled so you're more likely to conceive healthy babies.
Our best fertility doctors in Mumbai recommend following these steps to help you get pregnant as a woman with PCOS:
Maintain a Healthy weight
While many (but not all) people with PCOS struggle with obesity, this is because the condition negatively affects how insulin is processed by the body and causes weight gain.
One of the main reasons people with PCOS can’t get pregnant is that they don't ovulate, or if they do it's only irregularly. And because PCOS sufferers who are overweight tend to take longer to shed their pounds than other groups, they might go months between periods while trying for a baby.
Unfortunately, research has shown that losing weight on its own does not improve fertility. However, people who lose weight may have a higher chance of becoming pregnant with infertility treatments than heavier individuals.
Proper Diet and Exercise
People with PCOS face a higher risk of becoming overweight and having trouble metabolizing insulin. So, it’s unsurprising that eating healthily is important for them—but there's no one diet that's perfect for everyone who has the condition.
While some studies have indicated that a low-carb diet is best for PCOS, other research has not found such an advantage. It's important to make sure your diet provides plenty of nutrients and protein—and eliminates sugary junk food.
Exercise has also been shown to help with PCOS symptoms. Whether diet and exercise alone will help you conceive is unclear, but a healthy lifestyle can certainly benefit your fertility treatments and make it easier for you to feel good overall.
Maintain blood sugar levels
Insulin, a hormone that plays an important role in metabolism by moving sugar out of the bloodstream and into cells, becomes less effective as a result of PCOS.
Getting your blood sugar levels under control may improve your chances of getting pregnant. A healthy diet that includes fibre, protein, and unsaturated fats can help you better manage the fluctuations in blood glucose caused by insulin use. Regular exercise can also lower those glucose spikes from happening as often or for as long and it's a good idea to get plenty of strength training while at it!
Medication for PCOS Fertility Treatment
Women with PCOS have high levels of male hormones and female hormones that affect fertility. Medication can be prescribed to balance hormone levels and help you get pregnant.
Medications used for PCOS fertility treatment that help a woman to get pregnant with PCOS include Metformin helps balance insulin levels. Clomiphene citrate (or Clomid) can help balance estrogenic levels and birth control pills are used to regulate hormone production in women before beginning fertility treatment. Fertility medications stimulate the ovaries to release more eggs than normal.
Fertility Procedures
If gonadotropins aren’t successful, IVF (in vitro fertilization) or IVM (in vitro maturation) is the next step. You are likely familiar with IVF: it involves using injectable fertility drugs to stimulate ovaries so they will provide a good number of mature eggs.
One of the risks associated with IVF, especially for people with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), is that their ovaries may be overstimulated. In this case, IVM (intra-mural insemination) can lower the risk of such a problem by providing more control over how many sperm are used during each procedure.
With IVM, you will receive either no fertility drugs or very low doses of them. This allows your eggs to mature in a natural way rather than being forced by high hormone levels.
Key Takeaway
If you have a diagnosis of PCOS, you can get pregnant. It may take some extra time and effort, but it is certainly possible. Our Budget Fertility Centre have a team of the best fertility doctors in Mumbai for personalized advice for PCOS fertility treatment.
To know more information visit us on:
https://budgetwomensclinic.com/ and https://g.page/CS9QtTvq9blvEAI/
submitted by budgetfertility to u/budgetfertility [link] [comments]

2023.05.15 10:04 medfemme What are the potential risks and side effects of IVF treatment?

Like any medical procedure, in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment has potential risks and side effects. Here are some of the most common risks and side effects of IVF treatment:
  1. Multiple pregnancies: One of the most common risks of IVF treatment is the possibility of multiple pregnancies, which can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the babies.
  2. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS): This is a condition that can occur when the ovaries are overstimulated during IVF treatment, causing them to become swollen and painful.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy: IVF treatment can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus.
  4. Bleeding or infection: There is a small risk of bleeding or infection during or after egg retrieval or embryo transfer.
  5. Emotional and psychological effects: IVF treatment can be emotionally and psychologically stressful, particularly if the treatment is not successful.
  6. Medication side effects: The medications used during IVF treatment can have side effects such as headaches, mood swings, and hot flashes.
It's important to note that the risks and side effects of IVF treatment vary depending on individual circumstances, and not all patients will experience these issues. Your doctor will discuss the potential risks and side effects of IVF treatment with you and help you make an informed decision about whether IVF is right for you.
submitted by medfemme to u/medfemme [link] [comments]

2023.04.17 19:14 ColdCanadian999 OHSS Survival Guide (for mild to moderate OHSS)

I'm by no means a medical professional but I did a lot of online research, Reddit thread reading, and got some great tips from my clinic. I wanted to collect the best info in one easy place because this subreddit has been a huge resource to me during this process and I wanted to contribute where I could. Please add any more tips you have in the comments!
Chances of getting OHSS
My experience:
When to seek medical help:
Okay on to the tips!
High Salt, High Protein
Non-Food Related Tips
More Unusual Suggestions (take these as you will)
Hiding it in public
Again, I'm not a medical professional, so consult with your doctor and, if you have any additional tips and tricks, please share!
submitted by ColdCanadian999 to IVF [link] [comments]

2023.02.17 23:04 UnderAnesthiza I’m making an IVF and infertility themed set of crochet dolls— ideas?

Hi friends. I’m currently in a holding stage of IVF, waiting for the green light for round two. I’m making a set of IVF themed crochet dolls to pass time lol. I’m looking for ideas of what IVF items should join the collection.
After my first IVF cycle ended with no usable embryos, I went into a terrible depressive episode. I literally feel like I have very few memories from January because I was in such a fog. For some reason, I got the idea to crochet an anthropomorphic Gonal-F doll. I made it, and it made me laugh and genuinely helped pull me out of my despair.
I have now added a uterus with overstimulated ovaries to the collection.
So— what do y’all think should join the collection next? I’m open to any ideas especially goofy ones. I’m not kidding when I say this hobby is seriously helping me pull through this!
PS: I don’t sell— it’s just for fun!
submitted by UnderAnesthiza to IVF [link] [comments]

2023.01.20 11:44 Natural_Tumbleweed67 Still feeling dazed and almost shocked from yesterday's ER

So I want to start by saying that we got 21 eggs out for which I am extremely grateful. However - I still feel like I am in a state of mild shock from yesterdays retrieval. When I came into the clinic I was in so much pain that they moved me up and took me in as the first person. I was overstimulated and they were worried I would ovulate early (didnt happen fortunately). I was crying from pain just from walking and had a hard time breathing. My threshold for pain is pretty high, and I can generally stand a lot, but I was just hurting so much. In my clinic they do morphine and local anesthesia, which helped with the needle pain, but did absolutely nothing to the pressure of the probe on my ovaries. I was crying, making all sorts of noises and just generally in excruciating pain. After the ER it got better due to the pressure relief, but today I am atill feeling like I was hit by a train, both physically and mentally. Im not sure what I want with this post, maybe just get this out.
submitted by Natural_Tumbleweed67 to IVF [link] [comments]
