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2024.06.05 02:24 Nemo__404 Deathworlders Should Not Be Allowed To Date! [Ch. 37/??]

Luna VI query: Set the source to the leaked files of the first reconnaissance operation of Irisa.
As you wish!
Luna VI query: Narrate Nathans’s evening after saving Amara.
Taking a moment to stare at his trembling hands, Nathan tried—and failed—to remember a single moment in his life when he was in such a perilous situation.
There was that time in the Amazon Rainforest when his parents had called him worried from the other side of the world after seeing the news of flooding. But in that instance, he was well sheltered in a rough hut and getting food delivered to him by air.
Currently, however, he found himself fleeing from a war in an alien world. After hours of relentless running while carrying an injured princess, he now sat against a cold, oddly-shaped rock. The rock overhung to one side, sheltering half of his body, while his legs were left exposed with no ceiling above them.
This was especially bad because it had been raining nonstop for the past two hours.
Having water to drink and to clean Amara's wounds was more than enough to offset the discomfort caused by the freezing wetness afflicting his legs, and this would have been worse had he not rolled up his pants. But at this rate, even the unconscious princess occupying the best part of this natural shelter would eventually be affected by it, as little droplets were constantly finding their path to her with the help of the wind.
Unlike him, who had half his body exposed to the elements, Amara lay perpendicular to him, with her head resting near his waist; the rest of her body followed the somewhat straight line of the rock. So far, aside from a few droplets here and there, this natural shelter had not failed to keep her dry.
Of course, it was Nathan who had arranged her in this manner. He had removed his boots and covered them with what remained of his jacket, which he then folded into a pillow to ensure her head remained comfortably supported.
After that there were only three activities he performed, he drank water from the rain, he cleaned Amara's wounds, and not a single minute passed without him checking her breathing by placing his hand in front of her nostrils.
The only reason he refrained from attempting to check her temperature or her heartbeat was because whatever he found would be meaningless, fueling his bad thoughts as he would pointlessly try to interpret something he couldn’t decipher. Just as he was already doing with the patterns on her skin, which would change from time to time—sometimes the tiny black spots would be everywhere, and other times they would become scarce as if she were just blue.
Did that mean she was in pain? Was she uncomfortable? Maybe cold?
Even if one of his guesses were correct, there wouldn't be much he could do to help. This realization didn't make him feel any better; if anything, it left him distraught.
Still, when she began to toss and turn relentlessly, Nathan found himself unable to continue doing nothing. He pressed down on her below her neck, his other hand joining the side of her face for additional support to keep her in place.
At that moment, he saw her eyelids flutter and leaned in closer, looking for movement on her face. "Amara? Can you hear me?"
Her eyes snapped open, and for a moment he thought she would attack him. But she did nothing more than move her hands toward the wound on her forehead, which prompted him to grab her hand and stop her.
"Oh, no. Not allowed." Nathan said firmly. "The bleeding stopped minutes ago, you don't wanna start it again trust me."
The cut on her forehead was as big as his thumb, and before Nathan cleaned it, it had bled enough to soak chunks of her shoulder-length hair in red, as well as her face below.
Amara didn't try to resist and just took his advice, but moments later she started moving her head around, predictably wanting to know where she was.
He let go of her hand and stopped her head from moving, "Don't move too much, the height you fell from is no joke. This place is the best shelter I found when I stopped running because of the rain, but I'm sure I took us close to the valleys like you told me."
She closed her eyes again, raising the level of concern about her health, yet she didn't go back to sleep and said, "Your hands feel cold."
Nathan was holding her head from both sides, and he was not surprised she found them cold. He had been using them to get water from the rain most of the time he was in there after all.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"My ears are ringing, my head hurts, and my bones..." Her hand moved very gently toward her wound and Nathan let her touch it this time. This happened at the same time that her tail pressed against her chest, which soon shifted to her trying to raise her legs. "I presume no bone is broken. How far away are we from the tree I jumped? Did you cover your footsteps on the way here?"
Nathan was caught unprepared for her questions. During the two hours he was there, not even once it occurred to him that covering his footsteps was important. He hadn't considered how far he had run either. Amara, on the other hand, thought about those questions soon after she came to. How could she go through so much so fast and not be affected?
"I was too busy to erase my steps," Nathan spoke defensively, ignoring her other question. "I was carrying you and all I could think of was not shaking your head too much. Even when I took a break all I could do was to look behind to check if we were not being followed."
He was mentally prepared to be scolded, but Amara only listened and said nothing for a few long seconds.
"The rain must have erased your trail." When she broke the silence, the blue on her skin had transitioned to gray. "You must regret taking me with you. I missed the shots, lost your gun, and you had to count on luck when you needed my assistance the most."
"To hell with that. I recovered the gun and I wouldn't have ever considered deceiving those guys without you." His reply was instant, but he lowered his tone when he realized he was about to touch a dangerous subject. "We're not perfect, but we make a good team. It's a pity we can never..."
Nathan didn't finish his sentence, leaving only the sound of the rain to complete it for him.
He was ready to be called a coward again, but Amara reacted differently. Instead of displaying any hint of anger or sadness, her tail wrapped around his wrist, and the only thing she did was pull his hand toward her cheek and rub her face against it just once. "Still holding that view, I see."
He tried to get a hint of her emotions, but Amara's skin had returned to blue. Right now, he had no idea what was going on in her mind, but for some reason, the vibe he was getting from her was not one of acceptance.
She let go of her arm, and she slowly shifted to a sitting position. Her movements were slow and they showed that she was feeling some pain. And yet she powered through it and placed his boots to the side, returning his jacket as she sat cross-legged on the ground.
"Wear your jacket and take a sit by my side, my dear friend."
He took a suspicious glance at her because of the unusual way she referred to him, but he still followed her suggestion, leaving the rain and joining her in the better half of the natural shelter.
Nathan feared she would try something, but Amara steered the focus of their conversation in a different direction. "We were pressed for time earlier, but now I want to share all the details of my plan with you. Though first, you need to tell me how much time has passed and how far away you took me."
"Huh, it's been a little over five hours since you fell from the tree. As for the distance..." The brain IO interface captured his intention and an extrapolation of the distance he ran appeared. "I ran no less than twenty-five kilometers down the mountain."
"This much should be more than enough for my brother to not even consider searching for us in this area." Amara's fingers were interlocked as her hands rested on her lap, giving Nathan the impression she was plotting something. "At least not until tomorrow morning, when we will have long since headed to the valleys."
"You want to travel at night?" He didn't know what to expect from this journey, except that it would be dangerous.
"All night and plenty more!"
"What?" He was shocked. "How far into the valleys do you want to go?"
"All the way through!" She showed a hint of yellow. "There is a weather station two mountains ahead. If we can get there, I will borrow their comms and contact the elders to arrange a ship for us."
"This would truly save us." He smiled but still asked an important question. "But how long do you think it will take for us to get there?"
She took her time thinking. "I have discussed this with my commanders before. The whole group would have taken fourteen days to get there through the dark forest. If we advance in a straight line through the valleys, and if we are alone, it should be no more than six days of traveling."
"Six days?" Only now did Nathan comprehend how crazy her plan was. "I mean, finding food and water might not be too hard with my drones, but six days is plenty of time to be spotted in an open space. And besides, didn't you say yourself that the valleys are dangerous?"
"There are three things that make the valleys dangerous: the direct radiation from above the lifeline, the vast herds of Oczoils, and the poisonous plants." She looked him in the eye. "Should we travel at night we reduce the chance of being spotted and avoid the radiation. I suppose your drones are capable of identifying dangerous plants. And the Oczoils... they are big and loud, we should be able to not cross paths with them if we are careful."
Amara's description made her plan sound doable—even including his drones, which she barely knew the depth of their capabilities—but Nathan did not doubt that six days of travel in such a dangerous place would never go according to the plan. Still, what other options did they have? Climb back the mountains and fight the army of hostile Irisians? That scared him much more than some plants, Oczoils, and a little bit of radiation.
"Alright, that sounds better than staying here and waiting for a miracle." He touched his chin and grumbled, "But I don't know if can walk the whole night. I'm tired already."
Her tail was swaying from side to side as her eyes wandered, seemingly paying little attention to him. "There should be some time before nightfall, and we will wait for the rain to cease. You should rest now, my dearest friend."
His eyes widened at being called a friend a second time in such a short time. This was unlike her.
Had she truly seen reason and given up pursuing a romantic relationship?
Or was she just playing hard to get in the hope that he would change his mind?
Nathan observed her for a while as she ignored him and went about some tasks. She drank water from the rain, then tried to see the reflection of her wound in a puddle.
After finishing her tasks, she returned to his side and wrapped her tail around his arm as if this was the most normal thing in the world, leaning against him as she asked, "Do you think Ryo and Elysira look good together?"
He raised an eyebrow, puzzled by her behavior and not by her question. This didn't look like she playing hard to get, nor did it look like she had given up. But what exactly was she doing?
It felt as if they were playing a game of chess and she had just made a move that he couldn't quite grasp, but it still raised his suspicion like a vague aura of purpose that was too elusive to pinpoint.
"They don't look bad or anything." Nathan struggled for words. "It's just hard to believe a guy like him would... do what he did, you know."
"I see, you are even afraid of using the proper word," Amara added in a playful tone. "Truly a coward."
Even though she had said the same thing as the previous night, her vibe was completely different, making him struggle for a reply.
"What about you, Amara?" In the absence of a comeback, Nathan tried to stir the focus of their conversation to her instead. "What did you think of seeing your former friend like that?"
"It was odd." The pacing of her speech slowed down. "Elysira used to be afraid of males. I fail to see how someone can change more in twenty days than in the entirety of the past twenty harvests."
That would be nearly ten years, and Nathan could see her point. But even though he could empathize with her, he was there when she had attacked Elysira in her ship, and he could see how such an event could change someone so deeply.
"Are you still angry at her?" He spoke his mind.
Amara glanced at his face, and he felt her grip tightening around his arm. Still, she kept staring at the rain for several seconds before she replied.
"I might forgive her." Her voice was heavy; her skin was gray. "She challenged me to a fight and I could let her win." She spoke fast as if this was something she had been itching to tell him. "This way my allies and my enemies will believe I forgave her because of my hurt ego, and not because I am too weak to punish betrayal."
That was a lot for him to take. And it also made him realize that maybe Amara was not playing any games with him. The truth might be much simpler than he had assumed—maybe she just needed a friend right now and nothing more.
"Why did you take so long to change your mind about her?" He got tired of relying solely on his bones to keep his body straight and leaned against the rock behind him.
She joined him, refusing to let go of his arm. "If I do not forgive her... I fear she might go away with him and never return."
Listening to the rain and seeing how close she was, Nathan had to use all his willpower to not wrap his arm around her, which might have resulted in a misunderstanding.
"She might go with him even if you forgive her."
She agreed, "She might."
With those two words, their conversation about Elysira died down as Amara struggled to find a comfortable position for her head, clumsily leaning either on his arm or the rock.
Nathan remembered when they talked by the bonfire, and for just an instant he felt like their friendship had somehow survived the awful sequence of night and morning, returning to square one as if the last few days had not happened.
"You should rest and regain your energy for the night. I can stay still and keep watch better than you humans." She said those words in a loud voice, but added a few more in a whisper, "Your arm could help me against the cold, or you are so heartless that you will let your friend suffer just because you are afraid of your feelings?"
He was flabbergasted.
"Do you want my jacket? " He asked.
"What do you think?" She focused on his eyes and added, just to soothe his fears, "My friend."
He remorsefully enveloped her with his arm, and her injured head finally found a good spot to rest on his chest.
Nathan had to admit, he was getting scared of this scheming princess. It seemed that she understood him on a much deeper level than he understood her.
He sighed, making up his mind that this was too little of a concern compared to all their troubles.
And it was just like this that several hours of fragmented sleep began with Amara being held in his arms. A feeling that they were closer than ever haunted his heart, which was being poisoned by the fear that this closeness was fated not to last.
This was an account based on Nathans’s evening after saving Amara. The previous narrative is based on the events of the twentieth day of the exploratory mission of Irisa. According to your current settings, no queries will be suggested.
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submitted by Nemo__404 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:20 Sufficient-Day-8535 I walked away from a table I was serving and then refused anymore service

For context, I started working at a small, family-owned sushi restaurant in the city almost a year ago. This isn’t the first time I’ve have a job like this, but this is the first time I’ve had a boss I feel comfortable sharing my concerns about work with. It’s the most peaceful job I’ve ever had, and even so, I’m getting tired of working in service. I hate being a server. I was working FOG on a Friday night ALONE. It was the first nice day of the spring and definitely the busiest day we had all year. Many of my boss’s regulars were dining in and I always feel obligated to be the most attentive to them. Everyone was in a really good mood, so work had been overall very pleasant. Then this couple comes in and asks to sit outside. There were 3 tables left, and I took them to a 4 seater, however, they asked if they could at 6 top patio table. I said yes, because even though it was very busy, we almost never had all of our tables full at once. At this point I was getting a little overwhelmed. As a server at this restaurant, you make cocktails, pour beverages, seat customers, take their order, run their food, run their checks, and bus the tables. So you can imagine how stressful it gets if you are by yourself. My boss eventually came to help me, which she does well obviously and doesn’t take any money from me. However, she has a habit of yapping away with her regulars. So I’m waiting on this couple who seems to be about 30-35, asking if they’d like anything to drink and the girl is sifting through the sake menu saying um um and I ask if I can go help other tables and come back to take her drink order. She doesn’t even look at me or reply. And when I look at the man he’s just staring at her nervously. Then rephrased myself in a sentence rather than a question. The lady quietly said okay as she continued to look at the menu. When I came back she asked for a glass of this very expensive sake that we no longer sold by glass. However, my boss never removed the glass price from the menu. I told her we don’t sell it by glass, hoping she had a second one in mind, but she just pointed to the price with the glass next to it and asked this one right here? And I said yea we aren’t allowed to open bottles of it anymore just to sell a single glass. I offered her a small 300ml bottle which we DO SELL and is about the size of 3-4 glasses of sake. She ignored my response and asked why is the glass price on the menu. And I said because maybe at one point before I worked here they did sell by glass. She was visibly annoyed and scoffed while sifting through the menu again. I apologized and asked if there was any other sake I could get for her and she replied with “well I don’t know, are there any other secrets on this menu I need to know about?” I said that’s not a sake on the list and he husband started laughing. I told her that I had to retrieve beverages for other tables, so if she wanted to tell me what sake she would like me to get, I will retrieve it for her otherwise I’m going to have to come back to take your order. And she ignored me AGAIN and then kept saying well I don’t know and was clearly upset. I ended up walking away and she didn’t even notice until I had come back with the table next to her’s drinks. And she started yelling at me in a very unprofessional saying “hey!” Trying to get my attention. Bc I had spent so much time waiting on her I was getting behind with other tables and this family reservation I got super nervous and just started ignoring their table all together. My boss never checked up on them either. Eventually every table was occupied and a group of 4 walked in asking how long for an outside table. I asked them to give me a minute and I walked over to the table with the couple I had been neglecting. The lady scoffed again and said “finally!” And she opened the menu aggressively then held it in my face and pointed to the sake she wanted while the man said they were ready to order food. I didn’t even try to be professional I just responded with, “get out.” And they both looked at me shocked. I guess it didn’t register bc neither of them said anything. And I got more impatient with how stressed I was over the busy night so I yelled “I said get out.” The lady responded with excuse me and I cut her off saying she had waisted way too much of my time and everyone else eating at this restaurant so she needs to leave. The man gave me a 10 dollar bill for the beer he had been drinking and said sorry then grabbed his partner and tried to drag her out. But she pushed him away and started saying shit to me then I immediately tuned out bc I had to bus the god damn table. And wipe it down with a bleach towel. I let her ramble as I sat the 4 top and gave them menus and water. My boss came over and asked what is the problem and the lady said I had refused service to them and she would file a discrimination report. My boss calmly told her that we are very busy and she was seat them as soon as a table opens up. Then this lady called her STUPID and said they had already been seated but I asked them to leave. Then my boss looked at me a little surprised, and the lady started yelling to be sat now and having their entire meal comped. Her partner said it’s okay we can go somewhere else. And eventually the lady finally left. I told my boss what happened after the rush died down and she said I was very irresponsible for handling the situation in that way. I feel really bad, because at other restaurants and bars I’ve worked at I’ve definitely had worse customers. I still put up with them and pushed through, but for some reason that night, I was trifling. I feel even worse because this boss is actually a very sweet person and does not deserve the scathing review that lady is about to leave for her restaurant. Sorry this isn’t juicy, im just confessing my service sins.
submitted by Sufficient-Day-8535 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:03 xXDan-the-manXx Beginner painting advise

I’m new to war hammer in general and model painting I currently have the ultimate starter set and the starter paint kit as well trying to paint the space marines black Templar but need advise on painting to not make them look so flat and how to get the details to pop. The skull on the terminators are tricky for me as I do one coat white and can still see too much of the base coat that when I do the second pretty much all the details gets lost and advise or what do buy will be appreciate it thanks in advance
submitted by xXDan-the-manXx to BlackTemplars [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:02 Khabarovsk-One-Love What if 1989 Tiananmen Massacre had led to the Second Civil War?

Since 1978, China had started reforms(so called reforms and opening-up), which led to the eventual integration of market economy in China(in OTL, it'll result in a start of the Chinese economic miracle). Although, some students and Chinese intellectuals thaught, that reforms should have gone faster and China also should reform its political system(it's obvious, that they were inspired by the Soviet Perestroika and Glasnost). Also, on April 15th, 1989, Hu Yaobang, main initiator of reform, who was made to resign by Deng Xiaoping back in 1987(Hu Yaobang insisted in "fast reforms"), had died, which triggered student protests. In OTL, Tiananmen protests were crushed on June 4th, 1989, with at least 241 people were killed and 8 people were sentenced to death. But what if Tiananmen Massacre had triggered the Civil War in China? In this alternate June 1989, Tiananmen Massacre had led to the massive protests in almost all major Chinese cities, from Harbin to Kunming. And soon, they escalated into the massive armed rebellion against Chinese authorities and the Second Civil War in China had started So, what's next? How the USSR would have reacted? (the Soviet Union had very long borders with China and it's obvious, that numerous refugees would have tried to flee the USSR, especially in Siberia and Far East. But I'm not sure, the USSR would have wanted to annex Manchuria and Xinjiang. As for another Chinese neighbours, it's obvious, that India, Mongolia, Vietnam and Taiwan would have interfered with annexing some chunks of Chinese lands) How the world's economy would have affected? How many people would have died? (by 1989, China was the most populated country with 1,110 billion people) When the Second Civil War would have ended? And would China had survived or it'd have collapsed?
submitted by Khabarovsk-One-Love to HistoryWhatIf [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:58 Constantly_lost123 Do I have a case to press charges against my wife’s best friend

Trigger warning: self harm, suicide, rape, sex, alcohol
This is going to be a very long story so buckle in for my life struggles. Some information may be unnecessary but I wasn’t sure what would be important and what wasn’t going to be. I suppose I will start from the beginning for context. My wife (25) (we will call Anna) and myself (24f) and I got together in July 2020. It was the best relationship I had ever been in and my super anxious dog loved her so I knew Anna was the person I was going to marry. We got engaged in Europe in mid 2022. A few weeks after we got engaged she volunteered for a deployment in the Middle East. I wasn’t really on board but the benefits were great and I knew how much Anna wanted to go on this deployment. So I agreed. Two months before the deployment she kissed another girl at a training they were doing to get ready for deployment. She couldn’t really tell me anything about it except that they were both drunk and it didn’t go farther than a kiss. I was obviously upset but she had no explanation at all for what happened. I feel this is important to add to give people an idea of the strain the relationship was already under. Despite this we still got married about two months later at the end of 2022 and a month before she deployed.
She deployed in January 2023 and would be gone for a maximum of 13 months. It was really rough on me. I know she had a lot on her plate with the deployment but she had really bad communication and no empathy for what I was going through taking care of everything back home and being alone. I have always struggled with being alone and this was really hard on my mental health. I had numerous medication changes and two therapist to help me through the struggles I was going through. I tried plenty of times to express myself and tell her what I needed from her. It was like talking to a brick wall. Nothing changed the whole time and the only thing keeping me together and out of the hospital was my dogs and the fact I knew she would come home eventually. We also did some couple counseling towards the end of her deployment to help with some of the issues we were having but it’s changed nothing.
Her best friend (29m) (we will call Ben), who was on deployment in the Middle East but somewhere else came home from deployment and we started hanging out. A few things about Ben, he’s a very high ranking person in and military and he was in a combat zone. He was gone for 13 months and came home mid 2023, many months before Anna came home. The first night he was home I meet him at the bar and he was very drunk already and for some reason I brought him to my house. I think it was something about him not wanting to be alone. He tried making out with me and touching me saying Anna would want him to take care of me. I was completely sober and was able to defend myself enough that nothing happened other than some forceful kisses. Of course I was wildly upset and decided I would not let this happen again. Of course a few weeks later we went to the bar together and both got very drunk. After we came home the same thing happened again. But this time I couldn’t stop him. I especially was close to black out and slurring my words but sober enough to remember what happened. We ended up having sex. This really hurt me and I couldn’t comprehend how this happened. I cried for weeks knowing what I had done. I should have learned my lesson but I didn’t. A few weeks later it was the same story. I had picked him up from his apartment (he didn’t have a car at this time) and brought him to my house for a fire. I got drunk and couldn’t drive him home. I wanted to sober up and drive him home in the morning but he talked me into letting him drive himself home in my car and I could stay in his couch at his apartment because he wanted to sleep in his own bed and not on my couch in the living room. So he took my car and drove himself home with me in the passenger seat. Once again I couldn’t say no and we had sex again. However this time I knew it would be the last time I would drink with him around ever again. And it was, for a really long time.
Anna came home before the holidays in 2023 and I thought things would go back to how they were before. I had never been so wrong in my life. Things were worse than ever. I felt like I was not being heard and we had the same arguments over and over. We were having issues communicating and supporting each other. I didn’t know what she had gone through and she didn’t know what I had gone through. I tried to talk about it but she didn’t want to listen or talk about the problems she was having. After a while, a few months, I started to pull back and look at myself and the problems I was having. I knew I was being overly critical and too clingy. I have a very anxious attachment style, this isn’t an excuse, just to give people an idea of what I was like. Anna had a very avoidant attachments style and it was really clashing. Ben was very aware of our relationship struggles.
Ben had broken up with his girlfriend and started staying at our house on the couch. After about 3 weeks of him living at our house I was really struggling at this time and had been self harming for months before he even started living at our house. Finally I ended up in the hospital after an attempt from myself on my life. This was May of 2024. Ben came to the emergency room with Anna. I was in the hospital for a week. Every visit Anna had with me Ben was present. He even came to pick me up from the hospital when I got released with Anna. Anna had asked me on three occasions where I had self harm material hidden and said she would handle it according to the instructions of the social worker. The social worker had also said I was not to do any type of drugs or drink and alcohol which they took very seriously. Ben had been listening in on the phone call with my social worker which I was not happy about.
The first alone time I had with my wife was a week later. We had planned a trip to see a concert she wanted to see. At the concert I wanted a drink but of course was told no by my wife (I don’t blame her for this). In this whole time we never talked about what had happened except three sentences. I said “I really wanted one drink.” Anna said “The choices you made lead you to not being allowed to drink.” Then I said “it’s not a choice when you feel like you have no other options.” Nothing was said after this.
I was asked to dog sit the weekend we came back from our trip. And decided I would. During the 3 day stay at their house Anna went to the bar twice. She has previously refused to go to the bar with me on numerous occasions because she doesn’t like going to the bar but this time she did when I was not able. Of course I was really hurt by this and decided to take an extreme step. I don’t know if I’m right for this but I decided I wanted to take a break. I texted her the night before to give her some prep time that I wanted to talk about what our relationship means to her. I had written a lot about why I wanted this break and what I thought the benefits would be. This was a Monday that I finished dog sitting and we had our talk. It actually went really well and didn’t end in screaming or arguing. But I brought up the break anyway and of course she was upset and she ended up talking me out of it. So we’re not doing the break.
At this point it has been two weeks since I’ve been out of the hospital. And the next day after our talk, so Tuesday, I was looking in my makeup bag and found self harm items. Of course I was pissed because I had been told they were taken care of. However the day progress and by the time my wife got home from work I had forgotten about it. So now on Wednesday she didn’t work. I had something to do that morning and was getting makeup and there were the items again and was pissed again but didn’t have time to deal with it. I go and do my errands and come back home to my wife who was now awake on the couch. Ben is on the adjacent couch still sleeping. I had gotten them both coffee but I walked in and say “I got you both coffee but you definitely don’t deserve it give me 30 seconds and then we’re gonna talk.” I go to the other two places I had hidden stuff and of course the self harm items were there. I tell Ben to wake up we have to talk and it involves him. I walk up to Anna and show her the items and ask if she knew what they were. She said no and I said these are self harm items and she asked where I found them. I said every place that I told you there were. She said I asked you to get them when you got home. This was not true Anna had never asked me to do this. She said she had seen them but thought it was something else. I got the thing she thought they were and they were drastically different and both labeled with what they were. I was so mad I left and went to a bar even though I was not supposed to be drinking. But why had they cared so much about the alcohol when there were objects that could actually kill me in the house that they had supposedly look for and couldn’t find despite being told where they were.
Anyway I get drunk and both Ben and Anna came to pick me up from the bar and have a drink with me and I was already drunk by this point. I knew they felt bad but how could they have been so complacent. On the way home Ben is talking to me about how selfish suicide is and how I have no idea what some people go through and how there are people who are actually hurting. By the time we get home I’m extremely upset and run upstairs to where I start having a panic attack. Both Ben and Anna follow me upstairs but Anna isn’t very good at handling these situations so Ben takes over and gets in the bed with me and is holding and comforting me. It took two hours until I was calm again. A few minutes after I was breathing normally again he starts touching me. I’ll spare the details but he talks me into having sex with him somehow. I really have no idea how it got to that point it. Anna was downstairs the whole time. We are still having sex when we hear footsteps coming up the stairs. He’s able to get himself covered but the only blanket in reach was a weighted blanket and I struggled to get covered. Anna walks in and flips the light on and immediately asks if we were having sex. I panic and say no I was just changing. Ben says he was sleeping and didn’t know I was changing. She must have believed it because she went back down. I am panicking again and Ben says he will handle it. He goes downstairs and a few minutes later I hear laughing. I figured he had handled it. I didn’t want to go downstairs to find out though so I stayed put and went to bed.
At this time it is Thursday and I have to go to work hung over but I make it through the day. When I get home she says to me how I probably should have left the room to change. I laugh and agree.
Currently it’s has been about a week since he forced me to have sex with him and I don’t know what to do. I was compliant but I wasn’t consenting. I am an asshole and should have defended myself. I don’t know if I can tell Anna because it would destroy her. I don’t know if I should report it to the police because was it only kinda rape. I am doing worse than ever and each day has been awful. I know I am not completely innocent but I also feel taken advantage of. Ben is now doing more military training and isn’t staying at our house but I don’t know if he’s coming back. How can I look this man in his face again? Do I ignore the whole thing and hope it doesn’t happen again? How do I potentially destroy another person life if I report it to the police because I didn’t want to have sex with him. Do I even have a case? He has a child and a high ranking military job there’s a chance this won’t go well for me. If my wife divorces me because of this I am absolutely screwed. I have no savings and struggle to pay my part of the bills every month. I can’t work more because of my health conditions and I don’t want to lose the job I love. I wouldn’t be able to care for my dogs and wouldn’t be able to get another apartment. The car I drive isn’t even in my name. I am so lost, devastated and overwhelmed.
Thank you to everyone who made it through this post and I appreciate and feedback and advice. I know I deserve hate but I really need help.
submitted by Constantly_lost123 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:50 VantageKey Standouts on defense

For all the talk about how the Texans' offense should look this season, it was the defense that stood out on the first day of mandatory minicamp.
Whether it was Derek Stingley Jr. breaking up a Stroud pass to Diggs or C.J. Henderson picking off Davis Mills in 7-on-7 drills, the defense got the better of things in a practice that typically favors offensive players.
“Sheesh,” running back Joe Mixon said when asked about the defense. “I ain’t gonna lie. Them guys over there — I’m glad I’m on their team. It’s a lot of young, hungry guys out there flying around. They all run real fast, and they are physical.”
The two best defensive plays were interceptions. Henderson was guarding wide receiver Xavier Hutchinson, who was running a go route. Mills slightly underthrew the ball, and Henderson read it the entire way, getting in perfect position for the pick.
Henderson is battling Jeff Okudah and Kamari Lassiter for a starting outside cornerback spot opposite Stingley.
Lassiter, who was selected No. 42 overall in the second round of this year’s draft, also had a great day. He had two pass deflections and guarded Tank Dell well in 7-on-7 drills.
It would be a surprise if Lassiter didn’t emerge as a starter, either at nickel or outside cornerback, considering the way he’s played recently. He’s definitely a favorite heading into training camp.
The final interception came in team drills at the end of practice. Newly signed linebacker Jacob Phillips stepped in front of a Mills pass and returned it for a pick six.
Side note: Nico, Diggs, Tank, Schultz are looking great but John Metchie is turning a lot of heads and looking explosive. Reports coming out of minicamp are saying he's is looking miles ahead of how he did last season, explosive and consistently beating his coverage.
Stroud: "He’s running some of the best routes I’ve ever seen. His lateral quickness, being able to stop and start. He’s making plays. He’s showing up and showing out."
submitted by VantageKey to Texans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:46 HuckleberryWhich8254 Worried sarcoidosis has moved to heart

I [33/F] was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis in 2022 and believe I am having another flare up. I feel like this time it may be in my heart because for the last six weeks I am experiencing:
  1. Random and sudden left sided chest pain radiating to my left arm and my left shoulder only.
  2. Weird random deep burning sensations in my heart area, left arm and shoulder for no reason that last a second or two.
  3. Daily on/off and sometimes painful palpitations, racing heart, dizziness (even when I'm sitting or lying down).
  4. Headaches at night
  5. What looks like lupus pernio on my nose (which also hurts if I press on it?)
Ive had a chest x-ray and blood work but nothing major seems to flag (slightly raised inflammation markers and beta 2 globuline). I was in the ER twice this week and each time they did an echocardiogram and it was normal (but low 90/50 BP and racing heart).
I am booked in for a chest and abdominal CT scan tomorrow with contrast and hoping to get a answers.
In the meantime however I'm really, really scared. The chest pain is very frightening and I feel like I'm going crazy because nothing of significance seems to be showing in the tests. For those who have cardiac sarcoidosis or are knowledgeable, does this sound like cardiac sarcoidosis?
I also was looking up survival rates for cardiac sarcoidosis and it was pretty shocking. It sounds like a death sentence. Is this true or is it manageable??
submitted by HuckleberryWhich8254 to sarcoidosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:43 Sean52308 FBI Background Sharing & Foreign Travel Immigration Interpol Checks

I apologize if I type something the length of the chapter of a book. At least it may be entertaining for someone to read or possibly even help someone who comes across this discussion. I have never traveled overseas before and have the opportunity later this year. I already purchased a refundable ticket before I ended up down an internet rabbit hole. I read the Southeast Asian country I'm hoping to visit is one of the moral turpitude countries. If the country doesn't ask about criminal history on their visa questions arriving. I'm looking for opinions or theories about what severity of crimes the Interpol database at airport immigration may focus on? I have consulted with over a dozen attorneys where I live about this and their knowledge ends at the state level. This is why I'm just asking for ideas and theories and maybe someone who has personal experience with this. I won't treat anything as concrete but it's still good to read different perspectives and experiences.
So you have full-disclosure. I was convicted 23 years ago of the lowest tier felony in my state for theft. It isn't even punishable by 12 months imprisonment. The state's sentencing guidelines is 5-7 months with 6 obviously being the go-to for judges. I never served a minute behind bars having no prior criminal history. It was easily expunged and I went about my life until currently. I'm even allowed to purchase firearms and pass the NICS background check at authorized firearms dealers. I received my FBI history report today since I have never looked at it or even knew what one looks like. I keep my expungement order in my safe at home and assumed it was fine enough. It's only this one offense and the top reads "CYCLE 001". In all caps it reads THIS CYCLE IS EXPUNGED. A second box and more all caps THIS CHARGE IS EXPUNGED again another box THIS PROSECUTION IS EXPUNGED and last box THIS COURT CASE IS EXPUNGED. It does list the statute/ charge as Theft; Felony.
I have read every Google hit imaginable concerning traveling with convictions, expungements, etc.. I'm aware of possible comments which may be posted to my issue from you should be fine, they'll deny entry, or apply for visa through consulate. The only visa to apply for is 90 days and I will be traveling with a 14 days round ticket. I feel it wouldn't make sense and even look unusual to an immigration officer. I do know if I have the courage to make this trip. I will be the model for a perfect passenger and dressed professionally at entry with no baggy shorts or sweatpants. I will carry a clipboard with pages of everything necessary and extra. My return ticket, a custom typed itinerary for each day of the visit, hotel reservations, personal information of my travel partner greeting me in Manila, itemized list and cash register receipts for customs claiming all the gifts I'm bringing to meet her parents, bank account balance and credit card charging limits, total amounts of cash I am carrying at arrival, my now printed FBI background check with EXPUNGED typed across everything, and even a copy of my expungement order signed by the judge in the jurisdiction. If I'm leaving anything out please let me know? I'll have the biggest smile on my face and everything will be "Good Evening" "Yes Sir or Yes Maam".
I've read where fingerprints are scanned at entry. I'm unsure if this only triggers alerts for highly dangerous travelers (sex offenders, gang members, fugitives, violent offenders) or anything down to almost a parking ticket? But when you read the requirements for long-term visas the burden of proof falls on to the applicant to provide their own home country background check and not the government agency in the country visiting. I feel the FBI database isn't going to be instant for the couple minutes spent with an immigration officer. What I don't have a clue about is this Interpol database immigration officers use and the severity of crimes it may display in seconds. Is it only the most dangerous suspects such as human trafficking, drugs charges, sex crimes, and so on. I read the social media pages for the country's immigration and all the posts are catching fugitives from justice and sex predators at entry. It's not going to click worthy to view a post about check fraud 30 years ago or like myself expunged felony theft charge 23 years ago. I believe I read if you're flagged you will be taken to a secondary location for further interviewing. This would be my opportunity to disclose my FBI documents since they may not have access to them in this moment. Putting hope in seeing "EXPUNGED" listed in multiple places and defined by the justice system to view the charge/ conviction as if it never occurred.
I guess I'm a constant worrier by nature and nothing has even happened yet. I have one of the incurable gastrointestinal disorders so the daily stress for the months ahead should be fun. My main concern is the embarrassment to a woman outside the terminal waiting for me. I never thought I may have to explain this to anyone I meet ever again especially to the public where the event never happened. Secondly, the round-trip ticket is still refundable at this time and I'm sure they could move my return flight up since they're immediately sending me back. It would suck whatever this fine the airline could assess on to you and I imagine it's costly. What happens to my checked bag if I'm detained? Could someone take it? Lastly, we have built an online relationship for a very long time. If she still believes in a future for us means finding a substitute country more understanding for an expunged offense to spend time and somewhere her country will allow her to travel to meet me without off-loading her.
I will keep up with this post and update even to the point of hopefully finding enough facts to go through with it. Who knows she may ghost me after all this time and it might not happen as well. I know finding an attorney or legal expert who could explain foreign point of entry background checks and Interpol database will be impossible. I do have a couple emails sent out to immigration attorneys inside the country for a better perspective but who knows if I'll see a reply. I understand another popular comment will be how the immigration officer I stand before is the gatekeeper and what type of mood or day they're having. I plan on being everything opposite of an entitled Westerner. I will be someone grateful and appreciative to be standing in their country and with them.
Thank you to anyone who reads this and especially to anyone who comments. If anyone is wondering I'm just over 50 years old now and she is almost 40 years old. No marriages or children and has lived with her family her entire life. They live in a province but has a graduate degree and a respectable career.
submitted by Sean52308 to u/Sean52308 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:43 Krixwell Homebrew Outsider: Black Adder

Black Adder (Outsider): The first time the death of a Demon would end the game, you and the Demon swap characters and alignments. You lose this ability if only five players live.
The Black Adder is a child of the Scarlet Woman and the Snake Charmer. It acts as a safety net for the evil team, at the cost of the old Demon likely outing the Minions and other evil team info. Like a snake charming, it's a disadvantageous position for the Minions to be in, but it only happens if the alternative is losing (unless Heretic).
The key to the Black Adder playing nice with other forms of starpassing, game extension beyond Demon death and Demons with multiple players is that the adderpass only ever happens as a last resort. If there's literally any other way the game can go on when the Demon dies, it doesn't proc the Black Adder.
Unlike the Snake Charmer, Minions are not inherently incentivized to kill the Black Adder, but they are incentivized to hide that there is one in play from their Demon. Demons with killing agency can kill themselves to betray their team, if they think a Black Adder will catch it, and have a good shot at victory if they know who the Black Adder is.
The Black Adder themself has much the same choices to make as the Snake Charmer, except if they want to play for good, they don't have the option of gathering info for a few nights and then playing their ability safe while staying alive. The Snake Charmer can be played as a Townsfolk, while the Black Adder is a pure Outsider until death.


Lil' Monsta: If the Black Adder swaps characters with the babysitter, they hold Lil' Monsta tonight. The swap happens before any other on-execution abilities are triggered.
That last sentence clears up some glorious Lil' Monsta nonsense that otherwise rears its head if the Saint, Goblin or Fearmonger target is executed while holding the baby; it means the Saint and Goblin abilities do not trigger at all (because by the time their on-execution abilities would trigger, they are the Black Adder and don't have those abilities), while the Fearmonger target swaps alignments with the Black Adder before their team loses.
Zombuul: When the "dead" Zombuul truly dies, it registers as dying to the Black Adder. If the Black Adder turns into the Zombuul, they "die" the next night.
The first part ensures that the second death of a Zombuul doesn't fail to adderpass because it's already registering as dead and dead players don't die.
The second part ensures that the Black-Adder-turned-Zombuul doesn't have two lives, and is a jinx I think Zombuul should have with the Scarlet Woman.
The usual issue between on-death effects and the Zombuul is already accounted for by the "would end the game" clause of the ability text.
Riot, Leviathan: The Black Adder loses their ability on day [3, 5].
For Riot, this avoids (some) situations where the Black Adder doesn't know their alignment during the climax of the game.
For Leviathan, which doesn't go to final five, it prevents day five from being unwinnable for good due to the adderpass. This is especially important considering good can't afford to execute the Black Adder in advance if they want more than one other shot at the Demon during the game.


¹) Same as you! SAME AS YOU! I throw the ball to the Fang Gu. Guever it is drops the ball and the Gu runs to second. The Gu picks up the ball and throws it to the Heretic, the Heretic throws it to the Scarlet Woman, the Scarlet Woman throws it back to the Black Adder, triple play. A Pit Hag gets up and hits a long fly ball to the Amnesiac. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!
submitted by Krixwell to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:34 MrPoliSciGuy The Roma Rebuild Vol. 6 - "we've rebuilt our squad 6 years running, time is a flat circle" edition

Never has a Roma Rebuild been so difficult! Between FFP constraints and half of our squad leaving on a Free Transfer or End-of-Loan deal, this is quite possibly the rebuild-y-est of rebuilds.
If the goal of the 2022 Rebuild was "Versatility" - finding players who can cover multiple roles, and last year's was "Depth" - strengthening our bench so we don't have to rely on teenagers to form the core of our squad, this year we have somehow managed to get ourself into a position where we need to do both of those things, all of that while seemingly monetizing 30mil (the remaining 30 was raised through the EL and League to my understanding) to comply with our settlement agreement (our last year needing to do so) by the end of the month. No pressure!
SO: our new DS Ghisolfi isn't a miracle worker, my goal here is to a) find value in a market where finding value is increasingly hard, b) give opportunities to players who may have not fit in under JM but may do far better under DDR, and c) find the players that have retained some value and have interest, to then monetize without gutting the squad.
In order to do that, let's review our squad:


Svilar - Now let me toot my own horn because last year, I DID tell you so. That said, Svilar's excellent performances (particularly in the EL) have drawn attention from abroad. For many, even considering a sale of our best keeper since Alisson is an outrage. On some level - I agree, however: if we receive an offer that allows us to pass FFP without selling anyone else... we should probably consider that reality. A 40-50 mil offer would be a game changer for us, but otherwise I say KEEP.
Patricio - This one is easy: Patricio's contract is up, and with it, his hefty salary goes with him. I'd imagine a portion of Patricio's wages will go to give his former understudy a pay increase, so it's not pure FFP profit, but I'd say this is a +3mil saved. RELEASE.
Boer - Boer is on a long term contract with the club, is home-grown which helps with registration, and earns a fraction of his peers. Unless he pushes for a move for first-team football, this is an easy KEEP. We may also need to prepare for the reality that Boer may be our second choice keeper next season - which may be just the opportunity he needs (remember what happened with one Julio Sergio Bertagnoli? Signed to be the reserve keeper, earned a starter spot by season end).
To head off any primavera talks - both Primavera goalkeepers are set for another year in the academy, so any conversation of Vladislavs joining the first-team is likely to be pushed for next year.


Mancini - Named as one of De Rossi's "fateful eight" untouchables, our vice-captain is one of the few certainties we have in the backline.
Smalling - Once again, it pains me to say I told you so: on his day, one of our best defenders, but Father Time is undefeated and Smalling is at an age (and wage) where his time on the injury table is starting to cost us points, games, and euros in our pockets. You may recall I called this problem "Fazio-itis" way back when. If we can get a British club to bite and take him off our hands for a nominal fee, his saved wages might be worth it. If not, I'd rate him a KEEP for one more year, with an eye on releasing him at the end of his contract.
N'Dicka - Class player, and our best CB by a mile this season, HOWEVER - he's also a player with a ton of market value after a disappointing season, putting him in the same camp as Svilar: if the right offer comes in, allowing us to resolve FFP without any other sales... wouldn't it be wise to do that? Without a good offer though, this is an obvious KEEP.
Kumbulla - Where do I begin? It takes a unique skill to be the most disappointing part of the most disappointing season in Sassuolo's history (unless you believe the Agent Marash theories trying to save Ranieri). Having just been relegated, Sassuolo is obviously not picking Kumbulla up next season, meaning he's coming back to base. SO - now what? My judgment of Marash may be harsh here but: he's 24. This is not a young player anymore. Roger Ibañez was a nailed on starter for us at his age and we still crucified him over his mistakes. Any leeway Marash got for being a youngster is gone - he should be entering the prime of his career, and if this is his prime, then he needs to be sold. Transfermarkt rates him a 7.5mil, if someone offers that, take it immediately and cut our losses. SELL. I'm not giving a value here, as I believe he will be sold for literally any value so hard to predict.
Llorente and Huijsen are not included in this list because, well, we don't own them! Although more on one of the two later.


Spinazzola - This has all but been confirmed, but Spinazzola has all but packed his bags at this point as his contract is ending. A world class fullback ruined by one massive injury. C'est la vie - there's also an argument to be made that Leonardo had lost that turn of pace (call it injury or age) that made him so explosive. Without an ability to skip past a man, his move was increasingly to cut inside and whip in a cross which worked sporadically at best. Should also be mentioned that Spina is on big wages, so this can be seen as another +3mil saved.
Zalewski - A huge disappointment in this past season, he's very clearly a wide midfielder turned wingback in a formation that plays 4 at the back. Under DDR he has played both here, and as a winger, and has massively disappointed in both roles. Here's the sticking point: DDR has claimed (rightly!) that Frattesi, Scamacca, Calafiori and other young players that left Rome and went on to grow into decent players sticks in his craw. I get that! But then, what do we do when a player underwhelms like Nicola has? Because the counterargument is: as an academy graduate, for FFP any money made on his sale is pure profit. No amortization arguments, no profit and sustainability, nothing. Pure green. If we decide to sell multiple players and spread the FFP dollars around by selling underperforming players, then Nicola surely has to be candidate number one here. His contract also expires next year and without minutes, there's an argument to be made that he might leave on a free. For those reasons, with a heavy heart I rate him a SELL. +10mil.
Angeliño - from difficult, to simple: the Spanish fullback has just signed with us permanently, and seems like a class replacement for Spinazzola on the left-hand side. Keep. -5mil.
Celik - The fact that Zeki was our best right back this season should be a big flashing red light on how poor we were on this side of the pitch. However, with a move to a back four, Celik is now far better suited to this system, as he is far more capable defensively compared to his colleagues here. I rate him a KEEP, even if just as a backup.
Karsdorp - Easily the most hated player on this team. Rick Karsdorp is one of our longest serving players, so the fact that he's not a "Senatore" of the dressing room should tell you everything you need to know about how the dressing room feels about him. A player that, this season, lost us points on his own - I'd remind you that once upon a time this player was linked with Barcelona (!!!). I rate him in the same category as Kumbulla (SELL), and should be sold for any value.
Kristensen isn't included here, because we don't own him, but on a personal note: the worst fullback I have seen play for this team ever, and I watched Ivan Piris week in and week out. Managed to make Karsdorp look like prime Cafu.

Central Midfield

Cristante - Another of DDR's "fateful eight". One of the few players guaranteed to continue with us one more season.
Paredes - My surprise of the second half of the season for sure. Has become a DDR ride-or-die and was listed as one of the "fateful eight" so is destined to stay.
Aouar - Aouar is a player that divides opinion, but is a prime example of what I mean by finding value in the squad. Houssem has played this season as a deep-lying player, as a Cristante role, but I've seen him be a lot more effective more advanced role (he's scored a few goals with runs into the box), as a replacement for Pellegrini. So - I rate him a KEEP for a simple reason: if we monetize Aouar, can we guarantee to find a player with the same level of quality for less than what we'd make selling Houssem? I don't see it!
Pellegrini - Fairly sure I don't need to explain why this is a KEEP.
Bove - Another disappointing player this season. If I took credit for players whose underperformance I predicted, then I will also take blame for this one: I didn't see Bove's sophomore slump coming at all. DDR seems to love the kid, but then doesn't play him, so what's going on here? My view is that Bove is the closest thing we have in the squad to a box-to-box player, in a team that tactically doesn't use one (at least we didn't over the past six months). I'd imagine, however, that with a pre-season under his belt, Bove will stay on for another season. KEEP.
Renato Sanches is not a player we own, and he didn't play enough to trigger his obligation to buy. It's a shame to label this former wonderkid a flop, but his injury record and wages just do not justify even attempting to keep him.

Attacking Midfielders/Wingers

Dybala - the jewel in Roma's crown. Paulo Dybala has claimed publicly that he wants to stay on for another season, then decide. The good news is, that means he won't have his head turned by clubs this summer. The bad news is that, if we don't get into the Champions League next season, he is for sure leaving on a free transfer. Keep.
Baldanzi - Tommaso showed some quality towards the end of the season, but suffered a lack of a pre-season with DDR. Was ultimately signed to be the understudy to Dybala and I think he's one of the few nailed on KEEPs.
Solbakken - Ola will be returning to home base after an absolutely wasted season. I fully do not understand what happened here, because there was no way shipping Solbakken off to (not) play in the J-League was preferable to keeping him as a rotation option. I'm in the minority of Redditors to rate this guy, as I think he brings in qualities on the left that our starter (SES) lacks, namely off-the-ball movement and an aerial presence. He's been listed in multiple places as a guaranteed player to leave, but I put him in the same camp as Aouar - there's value in this player. KEEP.
Stephan El Shaarawy - Stephan has been listed as one of De Rossi's "fateful eight", recently signed a new contract at a lower wage to stay on until the end of 2025. KEEP.


Abraham - Oh how the turn tables. Abraham's freshman breakout season has turned out to have lasted a single season, as poor form, major injury, and a lack of match sharpness have severely blunted his ability to be decisive. Now I'd be inclined to give him another season purely because I think judging him based on the end of last season seems to be rash and short-sighted decision. He's clearly on the transfer-list, but more for economic reasons than sporting ones. As much as I like him personally, this might be the painful sacrifice we have to make this summer to avoid losing others in the team with more upside (Svilar being the big one). SELL to the Prem - if Chelsea activate their buyback, take to the streets we've been saved! +20mil.
Belotti - Belotti had an up-and-down loan spell at Fiorentina, to cap off an up-and-down stint in the capital. Personally, I like him a lot, and I think he offers tools in the front that other players we've been linked with don't give us. We also shouldn't sneeze at a fairly well established rapport with Dybala. I think we should come to grips with the reality that Andrea Belotti might just be our starting striker next season in the nightmare scenario of an Abraham departure and the loss of other targets.
Shomurodov - Sorry let me rephrase, THIS might be the nightmare scenario. Although, honestly, I do feel bad for Eldor. It's not his fault Roma overpaid for him, and now he's stuck with a price tag nobody will feasibly pay. So we either a) sell him at a huge loss or b) bring him back as a versatile rotation option in the hopes he finds form. I lean towards the latter - the fact that he can play out wide is a great bench option, and I think he will do much better in a DDR system than a Mourinho one.
Not listing Lukaku or Azmoun, as both were on loan and we cannot afford either one (and to be frank, both are too old to fit the profile of the kind of player we should go for).
SO - if we sell the players I have listed to sell (at values that are intentionally conservative), we have raised exactly what we need to beat FFP. If we keep the players at the base that I have listed to keep and lose our loan signings, we will have a squad of only 17 players (YIKES) where we should aim to have one in the high twenties (especially if we plan on competing on three fronts).


Before we talk about who to bring in, we should assess how we play. What we've seen from DDR indicates that he prefers a 4-3-3 that morphs into a 4-2-3-1 in possession. It seems to be a hybrid system between Spalletti's "Three-and-a-half" Roma system and Deschamps' 2018 World Cup winning France team, with a much higher press and the use of at least one inverted fullback.
DDR's four man backline relies on two strong center backs behind a deep-lying playmaker (usually Paredes), with the inverted fullback joining the midfield, and the other fullback roaming up the pitch. This season, the left handed fullback (Spina and Angeliño) came infield, while the right back went upfield to join the attack. Dybala nominally plays on the right but roams in the half space, necessitating both the right back to take up his spot on the wing, and a ball winner behind him (usually Cristante) to cover and counterpress. On the Left, Pellegrini had license to roam high and wide as a mezzala, inverting with the Left Winger who cut into the box to be the second striker. While this worked at first, as the season went on our attack lost its bite as a tight press on Pellegrini and Dybala (easily accomplished with two banks of four in a low block) left us to doing long balls to Lukaku all over again.
There's an acorn of a good system here but due to the nature of our shifting team, a lot of this needs to be reevaluated. Playing off Lukaku isn't an option anymore as he won't be with us, neither will our inverting fullback in Spinazzola. When Dybala isn't on the pitch, Baldanzi was just too isolated to be effective.
Based on what we have, and the tactical problems I identified, this team needs: A starting Right Back, a backup Left back, two Center Backs, a backup Goalkeeper, a backup Central Midfielder, a Starting Right Winger, a backup Right Winger and a Striker - and they need to be brought in for as close to free as possible.
The formation I am eyeing is a 4-2-3-1, but again, versatility is the name of the game.

Mercato - Some Ideas

BACKUP GOALKEEPER - Pietro BOER: That's right - I think we should give Pietro Boer his first minutes as a backup Goalkeeper this coming season. He's young for a goalkeeper, but has been in this squad forever and it solves a few problems in one go: what kind of player is going to sign for us to be a backup goalkeeper and never play? Someone who either a) has nothing to prove, b) is signing purely for the paycheck, or c) both. Signing someone for this role makes no sense provided Boer can step up to the occasion.
BACKUP GOALKEEPER - Manuel ROFFO: If Boer can't cut it, or decides he wants a loan, I'd pickup Manuel Roffo from the Argentinian League. Roffo is the starting keeper for Instituto and a Boca academy product. Has very much impressed since the season started in January (remember South American Leagues go January to December). Roffo first came on my radar for an incredible game he had against River Plate a few months ago. That said, they still haven't renewed his contract set to expire at the end of 2024 meaning could be purchased for a prayer this summer. He's at the right age for a move to Europe, and has a Croatian passport so we avoid registration issues.
CENTER BACK - Nicolas VALENTINI: Here we are fishing in Argentina again and another Boca product. Valentini has broken into the first team with Boca last season, and was a big part of Argentina's Olympic game qualifying. A solid tackler of the ball and has several goals from set pieces, also has an Italian passport which makes signing him a breeze. Valentini's contract, like Roffo's, expires in December. To me, this is an easy pickup - one we will regret letting get away like we did Senesi.
LEFT BACK - Jesus VAZQUEZ: Moving onto Spain, Jesús Vázquez is a Valencia youth product who has clocked 20 appearances in La Liga this season. A very similar player to Angeliño but perhaps more physical (he's taller) and less technically gifted - Vazquez is likely to leave Valencia on loan this summer, and with a contract expiring in 2025, would be an excellent pickup on a loan-with-option/obligation.
RIGHT BACK - Nadir ZORTEA: Spent this season on loan at Frosinone from Atalanta, where, yes, he got relegated, but he was easily their best defender. Of course, this means playing ball with Atalanta, however: Zortea is likely returning to home base where he has not a chance of breaking into the first team. We could leverage Nadir's desire for minutes to bring him to the capital where he's be at the very least a solid rotation option. Zortea is unique in that he is simultaneously a progressive player, but can slot inside to be a third center back if asked - his closest analogue would be Wan-Bissaka at United in my honest opinion, on a fraction of the wages.
CENTRAL MIDFIELD - Wilfried NDIDI: Had a great few months to end the season with Leicester, and even though his contract is expiring, Maresca seemed intent on renewing him... and then he left for Chelsea, leaving Ndidi in contract limbo, without a manager there to sign him on. Their chaos is our gain, because Ndidi is an excellent defensive midfielder, who offers something we lost when Matic left: defensive nouse in the midfield (Paredes is the closest thing, but that wastes his other skills). Ndidi on the pitch allows our other midfielders to better express themselves, this is an easy pickup (especially on a free).
RIGHT WINGER - Anwar EL-GHAZI: Anwar managed to get his contract ripped up in the Bundesliga earlier this season for political comments he made (trying to be as generic as possible here), but he's still a great player who deserves at least one more big club at 29. He's a free agent, he's kept fit, he's rapid and tricky but can also play striker and at CAM when needed. This is that versatility I was talking about before. Easy signing.
STRIKER - Simon BANZA: While a lot has been made about Jonathan David over the past few weeks, hear me out what if I told you there's a striker in Portugal that has scored almost a goal a game this season and doesn't play for the big 3. Simon Banza moved to Braga from Lens in 2022 and has lit up the Primeira Liga since moving there - he has a release clause in his contract so we can pickup without negotiating, and he would command a wage that is a fraction of David's.
AND that's another season - see you next you all next year!
submitted by MrPoliSciGuy to ASRoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:10 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/4 ⚾ Cardinals (28-30) @ Astros (27-34) 8:10 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Cardinals (28-30) @ Astros (27-34)

First Pitch: 8:10 PM at Minute Maid Park
Team Starter TV Radio
Cardinals Andre Pallante (1-1, 3.94 ERA) BSMW KMOX
Astros Spencer Arrighetti (3-5, 5.98 ERA) SCHN KBME, TUDN/KLAT (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - First and second, 2 Outs, Top of the 2nd

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
STL 1 1 3 1 1
HOU 2 2 1 0 1

Box Score

2B Altuve 1 1 1 0 0 0 .291
3B Bregman 0 1 0 0 0 0 .229
LF Alvarez, Y 1 0 0 1 0 0 .286
CF Meyers 1 0 0 1 0 0 .279
SS Peña 0 0 0 0 1 0 .296
DH Diaz, Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 .247
C Caratini 0 0 0 0 0 0 .247
1B Abreu, J 0 0 0 0 0 0 .115
RF Dubón 0 0 0 0 0 0 .298
Arrighetti 1.2 3 1 1 1 3 44-31 5.96
LF Donovan 1 0 0 0 0 1 .240
RF Burleson 1 1 1 1 0 0 .275
1B Goldschmidt 1 0 0 0 0 1 .221
2B Gorman 1 0 1 0 0 0 .235
3B Arenado 1 0 0 0 0 0 .256
DH Carpenter 1 0 1 0 0 0 .204
C Herrera 1 0 0 0 0 0 .267
SS Winn 0 0 0 0 1 0 .297
CF Siani 1 0 0 0 0 1 .204
Pallante 1.0 1 2 2 1 0 22-10 4.76

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T1 Alec Burleson homers (8) on a fly ball to left center field. 0-1
B1 Yordan Alvarez grounds out, first baseman Paul Goldschmidt to pitcher Andre Pallante. Jose Altuve scores. Alex Bregman to 3rd. 1-1
B1 Jake Meyers grounds out, first baseman Paul Goldschmidt to pitcher Andre Pallante. Alex Bregman scores. 2-1


Description Length
Andre Pallante against the Astros 0:07
Bullpen availability for Houston, June 4 vs Cardinals 0:07
Bullpen availability for St. Louis, June 4 vs Astros 0:07
Bench availability for St. Louis, June 4 vs Astros 0:07
Fielding alignment for St. Louis, June 4 vs Astros 0:11
Bench availability for Houston, June 4 vs Cardinals 0:07
Fielding alignment for Houston, June 4 vs Cardinals 0:11
Starting lineups for Cardinals at Astros - June 4, 2024 0:09
Alec Burleson's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
Alec Burleson's solo homer (8) 0:29
Measuring the stats on Alec Burleson's home run 0:13
Yordan Alvarez's RBI groundout 0:20
Jake Meyers' RBI groundout 0:18
Spencer Arrighetti K's Brendan Donovan 0:27
Attendance Weather Wind
73°F, Roof Closed 0 mph, None
HP 1B 2B 3B
Jordan Baker Mark Carlson Mike Muchlinski Stu Scheurwater
Updated at 8:40 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:07 Thin_Acanthisitta386 It's like a reflection of my own love!? 🥺🕊♥️

I wasn't expecting this. THIS SCENE... OMG. I REALLY hope Reddit let's me include the screenshot bc often, it does not. The minute I saw the clouds, I knew I was WRECKED. Yes, it's a heartbreakingly bittersweet scene, but it's SO much deeper for me. I don't open up much, so this will be a one time thing. First, I'll tell you about me & then, I'll get into Theodora. My apologies for how long this is & for any typos. I understand if you don't want to read. It's more like a love letter & "thank you" note to the writers that I felt compelled to write. Sorry. 🕊♥️
You see, the love of my life & I grew up together. We were together for a little over 9 years & it was something much deeper than love. We were beyond finishing each other's sentences. One night, we woke up at the same EXACT moment, soaked in sweat, terrified bc we BOTH had a nightmare. He held onto me so tightly in despair. It was like he was afraid that I'd abandon him or something. It was crazy. IDK how to explain it. Meanwhile, I was sobbing bc of my nightmare. As I got the words out, "I can't believe it, but I just dreamt -," he cut me off & said, "I died." We were both staring at each other STUNNED bc we realized we had the SAME dream. How does THAT happen?! We were terrified bc deep in our souls, we both feared it was a premonition. In the dream, he was falling into a black abyss while reaching for me & I was above him, reaching out to him to try to save him. He then told me he knew he wouldn't live past 30. He was 23 & I was 22 at the time. While we never forgot that shared nightmare/experience, we simply continued on with our lives. We even had a son the following year, so he kept us more than busy! 🥰♥️
It was Christmas Day of 2011 (our son was 5), when I heard the doorbell. As I was walking to answer the door, I had an immediate sense of dread wash over me. My heart began to quicken. I remember feeling like I had to answer it, but didn't want to. It's hard to explain. CJ had picked up a shift to get double pay for working on the holiday bc a few weeks prior, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, so we had PLENTY of bills. Upon opening the door, a man in a suit asked if I was (insert my name here), which I confirmed. The detective said he believed CJ may have slipped somehow on the job (as a lineman), plummeting to his death exactly 3 stories high (30 ft to be exact). I kid you not. The second I heard those words, my entire body felt like I was reliving that nightmare. I felt the panic in his last moments & my heart quickened like how his heart must've raced. I felt him falling as he took on the impossible task of grasping at the air around him, while the wind kissed his cheeks as if to say 'goodbye'. I hoped that somehow it was just that nightmare & I would wake up. The intense sorrow in the detective's face as he looked at me told me how real it was. TBH, I didn't even know I was screaming until my son came running to the door bc he was concerned after hearing my heart shatter into the dark, muddled depths of misery. Seeing his tiny face only intensified my pain (although, now, it's the most comforting reminder of my love with CJ). Our son was staring at me with his daddy's beautiful blue-green eyes & deep set dimples. I was tormented by the sight of his sweet face. It felt like God was mocking me. My legs gave out, but the detective caught me in time. It just DIDN'T feel real. My mom once said that my scream was so vehemently guttural that it flooded her skin with goosebumps & she could feel my agony in the core of her soul. The detective's eyes were brimming with tears as he recognized CJ's features in the proof of our love that is our son. How do I tell our precious baby boy, on Christmas Day, that his daddy is never coming home when I couldn't even accept the truth?
Fast-forward about 5 yrs & I was still grieving deeply, but I DESPERATELY needed something to do for fun that WASN'T kid related. 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ That's when Choices entered. Fast-forward again to Feb. of this year, when I began playing RC. (Maybe all this wasn't necessary to tell you, but I needed you to fully understand where I'm coming from. A part of me also feels good to finally talk about it so openly, even if it's with "strangers.")
Theodora felt like my husband was somehow involved in getting me to read this! TBH, it often feels like he wants me to find my own "Merotal" bc of little signs, but I'm scared to death of moving on, so I've been single ever since. (I haven't even had a proper kiss since Christmas morning of 2011, when CJ left the house.) Like Theodora's last name, our son is named Avery. I don't look like Theodora, but we DO have the same olive/gold skin tone & green eyes. I even went to college to become a writer, which my parents were VERY much against. Although, halfway through, I became a stylist (an even longer story), but lately, I've been wanting to get back into writing. Time will tell. Theodora was supposed to die before Lawrence had Merotal not saved her. As I stated earlier, weeks before CJ passed, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I've often felt that it should've been me to go first, not him.
Reading Theodora, I was shocked when Lawrence entered bc he looks damn near IDENTICAL to my husband!!! 🤯😭 He was so beautiful. The hair (color, cut, & style), eyes (color & shape), face shape, chin, & dimples even!! More like Friedrich, CJ played multiple instruments. In fact, we met at one of his shows & it seemed like everyone in the room was vying for his attention. I'll never understand why he pursued me over anyone else, but I'm glad he did. When this dream/visitation scene happened, I was SOBBING bc all I've ever wished for was to see CJ one more time for one last kiss. I envied this fictional character. I know how painfully consuming grief can be, but over time, I also began to learn that grief is a beautiful gift that can ONLY exist bc love did. Grief is quite literally proof of a profound love that existed. Love is an unbreakable bond shared with another. To love & be loved is the greatest gift of all. Sadly, not everyone experiences it.
I'm immensely grateful to the writers, artists, & all who took part in making such a beautifully, well-written, poetic romance that is Theodora. If CJ was still here, I KNOW he'd make fun of me. 😂 IDC. Never would I have imagined that I'd find a semblance of peace & closure in a game, let alone an app, like I've received from RC. In my heart, it's a beloved masterpiece that I highly recommend. 🥹💖✨️
submitted by Thin_Acanthisitta386 to RomanceClubDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:06 MuhammadFarwa619 🔍 10 ChatGPT Prompts to Find Your Dream Job FASTER 👇

Supercharge your job hunt and land your dream role with these powerful prompts!
Use these 10 essential prompts:
🎯 Resume Summary that Stands Out:
✍️ Prompt: “Craft a concise 2-3 sentence summary of my professional background, emphasizing my [top skills/achievements] and unique selling points for [Target Job Title] roles. Here’s my resume: [Paste Resume].”
🎯 ATS-Friendly Resume:
✍️ Prompt: “Review the job description below and suggest modifications to my resume to improve its ATS compatibility. Job description: [Job Description]. My resume: [Paste Resume].”
🎯 Understanding Company Culture:
✍️ Prompt: “I have an interview scheduled at [Company Name]. Provide insights into the company’s values, work culture, and environment based on employee reviews and public data.”
🎯 Mastering Behavioral Interview Questions:
✍️ Prompt: “I need to prepare for common behavioral interview questions such as ‘Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.’ Conduct a mock interview and provide feedback on my responses.”
🎯 Creating Impactful Career Narratives:
✍️ Prompt: “Help me create compelling career narratives that showcase qualities like [leadership, creativity, resilience]. Provide a story structure and tips to make the narratives engaging and impactful.”
🎯 Job Offer Negotiation Practice:
✍️ Prompt: “I’m anticipating a job offer from [Company Name] for the [Job Title] position. Let’s role-play a negotiation scenario for salary, benefits, start date, etc., where you play the role of the hiring manager. I’d appreciate feedback on my negotiation strategy.”
🎯 Comparing Multiple Job Offers:
✍️ Prompt: “I’ve received job offers from [Company A] for [Role X] and [Company B] for [Role Y]. Assist me in comparing the compensation packages, career growth opportunities, company cultures, and job responsibilities to determine the best fit for my long-term career goals.”
🎯 Post-Interview Thank You Note:
✍️ Prompt: “I had a successful interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] yesterday. Help me draft a thank you note to [Interviewer Name(s)], expressing my gratitude for their time and my continued interest in the role.”
🎯 Tailoring Resume to Specific Job Description:
✍️ Prompt: “I’m applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Help me modify my resume to align with the key requirements and qualifications mentioned in the job description. Here’s job description: [Job Description]. Here’s my resume: [Paste Resume].”
🎯 Building a Professional Network:
✍️ Prompt: “Guide me on how to approach and connect with industry professionals on LinkedIn. Suggest conversation starters and tips to build meaningful relationships that could lead to job opportunities.”

jobsearch #career #hiring #jobhunt #jobseeker #opentowork #careers #jobinterviews #resumetips #linkedintips

👉 Follow me for AI career tips
🔄 REPOST to help other job seekers
Post LinkedIn
submitted by MuhammadFarwa619 to u/MuhammadFarwa619 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:42 RoundEyes_RedPeppers Battery caught on fire after installing starter.

I drive a 2011 Dodge challenger base 3.6L V6.
Last night I attempted at replacing my old starter with a remanufactured one. It was a pain taking the old starter out, but once it was out I went ahead and inspected it a bit and it was covered in grease. I figured that I have an oil leak and that that's what caused my starter to fail to begin with, but regardless I went ahead and installed the remanf starter anyways since I only have one car and my gf relies on me to drive her to work. Once installed, I reconnected the negative battery terminal, waited some 30 seconds, and fired up the car to see if it worked, and it did.
Fast forward to today, about 2 hours ago, I took my gf to work. Car started up normally and worked fine up until I dropped her off. Once I parked, the car shut off on its own and I noticed a faint burning smell coming from the behind the back seats, in the trunk area. I popped open the trunk, removed the trunk cover and I find that the battery was on fire, specifically the negative terminal. After a few minutes I was able to kill the fire before it got really bad, battery negative terminal is melted and useless and a bit of the underside of my trunk cover is burnt but that is all the damage I saw. I was able to remove the battery from the trunk and I spent a good 30 minutes inspecting the car to make sure I didn't miss any rogue fires. Had to leave the car behind so I could get home.
I'm suspecting that the starter I installed might've shorted the battery somehow, since there was a ton of grease where I was installing it, but I'm not entirely sure. Could the starter have caused the battery to catch fire? or might it have been a bad battery? I would like to get a new battery but I can't really afford for it to also catch fire. How should I go about this?
submitted by RoundEyes_RedPeppers to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:38 Cute_Credit_5341 Have any of you survived bed rotting + unemployment in your 20s? Does it get better? How?

I tried posting this on an alt but can't because of the karma thing so yay! The world gets to see this on my main! Cool!
I'm 25 and really just wanted to talk to some women over 30... ideally so I can hear that things might get better for me, because they got better for you. But I don't know. I don't really have any female role models and I have 0 female friends (not by choice).
The short story is that I went $40k into debt for a "Health Education" degree only to have no job prospects. I graduated with honors, because I'm good at "school", I can write papers, I can understand stuff, that's it. No skills that anybody wants. I had an internship my senior year that morphed into a paid internship when I graduated. I did that for 11 months then it was over. My mentor assured me I would be able to get a good job. I've been unemployed for 2 years.
At the tail end of my time working there my health got really bad, and I've been diagnosed with a few things, one of which is an incurable illness that will progress if I don't take it seriously. When I first got this, I was so scared, because I'm really really afraid of dying. I had severe vitamin D deficiency that made my bones hurt, I felt like I had the flu every single day, for weeks. I lose weight super fast, hair fell out, extreme brain fog where I couldn't finish a sentence. I lost the ability to eat most foods, and still can't, a year later. I was given a medication that did lasting damage to me, I had a doctor laugh in my face, I felt traumatized... ugh even just typing it out sounds so... weak and disgusting. "I felt" and "I feel" ... just sounds like excuses of a loser.
I know it doesn't sound like much hardship at all and realistically it isn't, other people go through so much worse. All of the stuff I experienced, it's all first world problems, I know that. All of the physical stuff I am going through wouldn't bother a stronger person.
I saved every cent from my job after college. I was going to use it to get an apartment once I had a good job, but both of those things became pipe dreams and I had to use it to see a doctor who could actually help me and listen to me. She costs $500 a month and that's genuinely one of the better prices. She thinks I might have Lupus or something in addition to everything else, I kind of stopped listening at my last appointment because all I could think was that my life is pretty much over. I pay for so much in supplements that I actually need, affording food that doesn't have ingredients that make me sick, and even though I KNOW it's real and legit, I have an actual disease, but I can't stop feeling like it's all made up and people think I'm just lazy. I'm going to run out of money trying to stay healthy, just so I can have a job, BEFORE I can actually get a job. Does that make sense?
I have lived with my parents since college which I know is sickeningly embarrassing and privileged, trust me I know. I've cut off all my friends in the past 2 years because I can't stand being the unemployed loser. I see all my friends on social media dating, traveling, experiencing once in a lifetime things, while I am applying for jobs, crying, and sleeping. I thought being good at college meant something, but it doesn't. I have 1.5 years of experience as an intern at a nonprofit, then 2 years of nothing. It's not like I was having fun these past 2 years. They have been actual never ending hell. But employers don't care.
Nobody will hire someone with a 2 year stretch of unemployment, not anyone who will pay me enough to actually continue treating my health issues.
I was advised not to mention health issues to an employer, even if just to say "I was sick, that's why there's a 2 year gap on the resume" because people use the term "chronically ill" and "health issues" to mean anything they want nowadays and it's basically synonymous with lazy. That's what my parents told me.
So not only do I have a 2 year gap, IF I ever get an interview, I can't explain it.
My only goal is to somehow make money. If I knew of a career path I should get on, a way to spin my experience, something concrete that would get me MONEY I would do it. I just need to make money. Please god can I find a path to make money. I know it won't be easy but I can't be working retail or as a substitute teacher forever. Nothing matters if I don't have a career making money. They say money can't buy you happiness but it absolutely can. All I want is money. Money is everything to me. I think about money almost every second of every day. The WORD money or job immediately triggers me to get heart palpitations.
Which leads me to my stance on competition. I have never won a single thing, ever. Not even like, a can of coke. If there has ever been a competition, I've lost. I've never competed with other girls to get a guy, and won. I've never competed with other applicants on a job, and won. I have -100 confidence and that's been proven to be the CORRECT way to feel. I spend pretty much all day and night looking for jobs, but it's rare that I see one I'm actually qualified for. I even was willing to do unpaid work but those are highly competitive and have age limits, and the ones that don't, well I already applied and was rejected. I am constantly either not finding anything, or rejected. I ONLY look for the lowest of low jobs, because my experience is basically "I was an intern once, 2 years ago". That's fucking pathetic.
And then sometimes I'm like... why am I trying so hard? Why bother treating this? Why not just let the disease progress. The main reason I was trying to get better was so that I could "live my life" but I'm not living anyway. I can't live if I don't have a good job, and I can't get a good job with my lack of experience, shitty degree, and unemployment. I had this dream of having a clean apartment. Doing yoga, being able to slowly reintroduce foods, getting my weight back up so I'm not wasting away... maybe if I have money, getting a dog to be my companion. Meeting other women and going out for drinks with them, feeling a summer breeze on my face and thinking "Oh my God, I made it!" but that seems so so far away, so unattainable.
I'm just so tired. I get like electric feeling zaps in the base of my skull and in my neck all the time, I get heart palpitations all the time, I'm bleeding money trying to work with a doctor to figure out what is happening to me, I'm staying up all night applying to jobs only to be rejected, I haven't had an interview in a year.
Sometimes my mom says that things will get better, and that I should just look at all the women in their 30s who are thriving. "I bet they struggled in their 20s, but look at them now!" she says. But be honest, some of your peers didn't make it. I bet several of you can think of a girl you know who just... failed, disappeared, got sick, died or ended her shit, idk. There's nothing stopping me from being one of those girls who just doesn't make it, who just fades away quietly but in my case nobody would remember me.
25, unemployed for 2 years. Health is bad, got diagnosed with a bunch of shit and have been paying so much money to get better but idk if I should even bother trying to stop the disease from progressing and fixing my health, because I won't be able to explain the unemployment to employers if I ever get that far, and I'm not contributing to society, I'm not doing anything. Cut off all my friends, I talk to nobody. I have been applying to entry level jobs and even looking at unpaid internships and volunteer things which I can't even get to because I cannot drive (and before you say, just drive! I can't! I was working on this in therapy but there have been bigger issues lately). I want to move to the city where it's walkable. and I'm not even qualified for the unpaid shit. I have 40k in debt, a B.S. degree in public health, 1.5 years of experience, all of which = nothing. No prospects. Genuinely I don't know what to do, I just wake up, look at jobs, apply if it's a good day, cry until I pass out, rinse and repeat. At this point I don't know if I can keep doing it. I'm so sorry for whining, please if I can ask one thing, just try to be chill, I know I'm being annoying, lazy, I know, I just had to put this out there because I can't stop crying.
submitted by Cute_Credit_5341 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:31 firebendingboy After 7 seasons, what questions remain unanswered?

I think, for the most part, that OUAT does a good job of answering the questions it brings up, but some gaps persist. I don’t necessarily mean plot holes, but what questions remain unanswered (besides the obvious "how does Storybrooke get its supplies if it's cut off from the rest of the world?" question)? For me, I can think of a few:
  1. The Dragon’s backstory has a lot of potential, but never really gets explained. Since he has magic, how is he in A Land Without Magic? Is he from the Enchanted Forest? What happened with his daughter? Is he like Maleficent, or something different entirely?
  2. The Neverland arc has some of OUAT’s best episodes in my opinion, but a lot of the backstories feel disjointed. For starters, Hook’s relationship with Pan doesn’t get explored enough. Questions about how Hook escaped Neverland and what Pan thinks of Hook’s revenge crusade could have been answered better. What about Tiger Lily and Tink? As former fairies, you'd think they'd have an interesting relationship (I know Tiger Lily didn't exist until S6, but I'm talking about potential storylines, not necessarily whether the actors would be available).
  3. How did the book first appear for Mary-Margaret? It couldn’t have been the Author because Isaac was imprisoned at the time, so what magic brought the book to her and why her specifically? What about the second time? Obviously she gives the book to Henry which is the catalyst for the whole series, but she herself doesn't seem any more connected to the book than any of the other fairytale characters.
  4. Mulan. Just everything about Mulan. She deserved, at the very least, one proper backstory episode. We never see how she becomes a hero as the earliest story we get from her is when she’s hunting the Yao Guai/Phillip with Belle and she’s already saved her kingdom. And how does she go from working with Robin Hood to when we see her again in S5?
  5. What was Emma like as a mother to Hope? We kind of see what she's like but I'd love to see more of how she and Hook parent. How did Emma decide that she wanted to have another child? And what about Lucy, what would Emma be like as a grandmother?
Can you think of any others? What didn’t the show touch on that you think deserves some screentime?
submitted by firebendingboy to OnceUponATime [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:25 forex4all Scam Broker Review

Amidst the endless sea of websites vying for viewers' attention and functionality, Cofglobol stands out as both fascinating and bewildering. Many have been intrigued by this website—with its enigmatic name and evasive online presence—and have wondered what it really is and what secrets it conceals. The purpose of this in-depth post is to explore Cofglobol in detail, looking for ways to explain its features, user experience, and possible consequences.
An Appeal to Mystery: isn't your average website; that much is clear the second you get on it. The simple style and absence of branding or purpose on the landing page instantly create an air of mystery and intrigue. The air of mystery about Cofglobol is intensified by the fact that it lacks the usual suspects—a navigation menu, descriptive text, and any indication of the website's intended purpose.
In their pursuit of answers, inquisitive site users encounter a maze of mysterious pages and material. Deliberately constructed to elude obvious interpretation, the sparse prose is often delivered in incomplete sentences or abstract expressions. The unusual use of symbols, codes, and iconography adds to the air of mystery, leaving guests with more questions than answers.
Intriguingly, navigating Cofglobol is like setting out on a mysterious quest into uncharted territory. The user interface is designed to be purposely vague, making it difficult for visitors to understand the logic behind every click and interaction.
Strange graphics, mysterious questions, and cryptic messages await you when you click on apparently random links. Even more perplexing is the fact that visitors are left to their own devices to decipher the site's arcane information in the lack of any directions or explanations.
The navigation structure of Cofglobol seems to be non-linear and irregular, which is rather interesting. A more fluid and unexpected user experience is prioritized above traditional website hierarchies and logical page progressions. By taking this route, the feeling of mystery is intensified; users are utterly confused about where they are going and what their activities will accomplish in this digital maze.
There is a devoted group of people that use Cofglobol for the sole purpose of participating in the conjecture and mystery that surrounds the site, despite its obscure design and lack of clear objective. People that use Cofglobol commonly identify to themselves as "Cofglobol seekers," and they're always talking to one other, swapping theories, and trying to figure out what the site is all about.
Many people who are looking for Cofglobol gather on online forums and message boards to talk shop, share what they've found, and speculate about the site's real nature. A feeling of community and common goal has developed among users of Cofglobol as they work together to decipher the site's enigmatic material.
A feeling of exclusivity and belonging has been further enhanced inside the Cofglobol group by the development of its own jargon and inside jokes. In this one-of-a-kind subculture, members prioritize the excitement of conjecture and the quest for knowledge above more typical forms of online communication as they work together to unravel the secrets of the site.
The mystery surrounding Cofglobol has led to several hypotheses and predictions about the domain's possible consequences. The site's ambiguity, perception, and the character of online communication are some of the issues that have led some to speculate that it is an elaborate artistic endeavor. One possible interpretation is that the unusual user interface and cryptic material are a critique of the internet's growing disjointed and obtuse character.
There are some who think that Cofglobol might be used by a small number of people for clandestine communication or information exchange. Hidden from the uninitiated, the site's cryptic messages and codes may be a way of sending sensitive or secret information.
Some have speculated that Cofglobol is part of a bigger interactive fiction story or alternative reality game (ARG). Devoted players may be able to decipher an immersive narrative experience hidden inside the site's cryptic hints and prompts.
Whatever its actual goal may have been, Cofglobol has certainly captivated its audience, leading to conversations around the limits of the internet and the value of mystery in this day of information overload. There is no clear substance or goal on the site, but it manages to attract and hold visitors' attention nevertheless. This makes one wonder about the future of online interaction and the power of ambiguity.
In sum, of all the things on the internet, cofglobol is an unusual and confusing anomaly. An air of intrigue and perplexity has been cast over it by virtue of its obscure character, mysterious user interface, and devoted community of searchers.
The infinite potential and unexplored frontiers of the internet are brought to light as we try to decipher the complexities of Cofglobol. Existence of the site calls into question our assumptions about the nature and purpose of websites, prompting us to think about the limits of our online interactions and the place of mystery in a world where everything is becoming more visible.
Although the real meaning and impact of Cofglobol are still unclear, one thing is clear: it has managed to captivate people and pique their interest like no other website before it. With the ever-expanding Cofglobolmunity and the rampant conjecture, one can only speculate about the future and the mysteries it may hold.
If you’ve fallen victim to’s alleged deceptive practices, there may be hope. Some organizations specialize in assisting victims of scam brokers, helping them recover lost funds and navigate the legal process. Remember, you’re not alone. Don’t hesitate to seek help and fight for your rights.
submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:11 ItsEsmeJones [M4A] Quiet & Gentle Pt.6 [Unhinged Yandere Stalker/Bully Speaker][Nervous Willing Listener][VERY Spicy][Cuddles][L-Bombs][Angst][Reverse Comfort][Comfort][Possessive][Touch-Starved][Confession][SPICY][BFE][Obsessive][Dominant][Honest][CW: Mentions of Murder/Unhinged Behavior][TW: Marking/Biting]

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Context: He's there, every night, and there's nothing you can do, besides love him. And you will love him. Hell, maybe you already do?
Setting: The Listener's apartment - Living Room/Bedroom
Tags:[M4A][Unhinged Yandere StalkeBully Speaker][Nervous Willing Listener][VERY Spicy][Cuddles][L-Bombs][Angst][Reverse Comfort][Comfort][Possessive][Touch-Starved][Confession][Flirting][BFE][Obsessive][Dominant][Honest][CW: Mentions of MurdeUnhinged Behavior][TW: Marking/Biting]
Usage: You may tweak or record this script. Gender flipping is OK! Please credit me if you use this script in any of your projects. If you would like to use this script for a paywalled recording, please note:
Monetization: All forms of monetization are OK with me! YouTube, Patreon, etc. I would appreciate being able to listen to the recording. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Check out the rest of my scripts by using the Script Directory
[Scene opens at home]
[SFX: Repairs being done, VA’s choice/the door being unlocked]
[You stand and talk with the maintenance man while he finishes up some basic repairs. You hear the door begin to open and smile, expecting Jun, who promptly walks in]
“Hoooney, I’m home-... Oh.”
[His smile fades a bit as he sees the maintenance man]
“...Hey, Doug. I didn’t realize there was a maintenance call for this unit. Everything OK?”
“Ohhh, a pipe burst somewhere, I see, I see. Is the water OK or should I book us a short stay in a hotel or something?”
[Pause <3]
[Jun laughs, seeming at ease. ‘Seeming’]
“Haha, sure. No staycation just yet, understood. I’m going to go get changed out of my work clothes, but I’ll be out soon, OK?”
[Pause <3]
[He gently ruffles your hair, all smiles]
“Love you, too, hon bun… Doug, if you gotta go before I’m done, I hope you have a good one, yeah?”
[They shake hands and Jun goes to change. Doug is there another minute before he packs up and heads out]
[Pause - Fill: Movement about the house / Doug packing up his toolbox and heading out/ The door closing]
[You see Doug at, pleased that you had human interaction with such limited anxiety. You’re happy enough that you go to talk to your boyfriend, only to find him towering behind you, shirtless]
[He smiles down at you, but it’s unhinged now]
“Hiii honey… Doug finish up?”
“That’s good… It would have been rude for me to walk out shirtless otherwise, huh? Hmhm… Did you tell him that I was your boyfriend?”
“You did? Good, good… I don’t think he knows it, though…”
[He belts out an equally unhinged laugh]
“Am… I OK????”
[. . . ]
[SFX: The Listener taking a step back]
“...Why are you stepping back, honey…? C’mere, it’s OK… I can fix this real quick, it’s OK…”
[He reaches for you but you take another step, and he stops, smile fading]
“...Honey. I just want to mark you up. I’d never hurt you. You know that, right? Please… We’ve been together for almost two years, now… Don’t you trust me?”
“...Good. Now… Come. Here.”
[You walk into his embrace and he scoops you up, lips, tongue, and teeth marking you across your neck and shoulders while you squirm in his strong grasp]
[SFX: You SFX this however you want, because I cannot fathom the noises a 6’4” half-Irish, half-Korean yandere would make when going into Dom mode]
“Mmah! There we go… Let’s set you down and look at my handwork…”
[SFX: The Listener being set down and admired]
“Mmnh! There… All nice and marked up. Problem solved…”
[He smiles, unhinged]
“Mad at you…? Haha… Why would I be mad at you, sweetheart?... You didn’t enjoy his attention, you didn’t ask for it, so why would I be mad???”
[His smile fades to something closer to shock]
“O-Oh… Oh, Jesus, sweetie, I’m sorry-!”
[SFX: The Listener putting a bit of distance between the two of them, as the VA sees fit]
[He looks at you in dismay as you put a bit of distance between the two of you, not running, but not relenting either]
“Wait! Please don’t-!”
“...OK. I’m… I’m calm… I-I’ll sit on the bed, yeah…”
“...You chose to be with me, despite our past… I know! I know…”
[He struggles for a moment before he puts his head in his hands and outright sobs. You’re taken aback for a moment - you’ve never seen him cry, but you still hug him as he falls apart]
“I-I just don’t want to lose you again…! I need to keep fighting to keep you!”
“I… I know that you got with me because I promised I could prove to you that I can be better… Please, I know I got out of my head for a second, but I swear-!”
“’re really worried about me…?”
[SFX: Feel free to pause/stretch runtime with the bed shifting with their weight/Jun crying between sentences, etc.]
“...I keep thinking back to my mother’s expression when she realized Dad was having an affair… The agony, the betrayal, all while she was trying to hold it together for my brothers and me… Then the son of a bitch had to go and fight for full custody, why, I don’t fucking know… But I never forgot her trying to muffle her crying at night or going without food so we could eat… She’s got a heart like yours… One that deserves appreciation, respect, and love!”
“...She’d love to meet you sometime, yeah… Would you…?”
[Pause <3]
[He smiles, though it’s wary]
“I love you so much… I know I fucked up, but… I just… felt this primal need to make sure others knew that you’re mine… I’ll try and express that in healthier ways next time, I promise.”
[He’s scared]
“...I’ll see a therapist for you, no questions asked… But… What if they find out I’m crazy and try to lock me away from you…? Will you visit me??”
[Pause <3]
“Pinkie promise?”
[Pinkie promise]
[He calms a bit as you snuggle and soothe him. The tension in his shoulders eases until you’re just holding one another in the quiet]
“...Do you believe in soulmates…?”
“It’s OK if you do or don’t… I didn’t.”
“Yeah… ‘Didn’t’.”
[He smiles and kisses you, somewhat derailing your train of thought]
[Pause <3!]
“Mmh… Your lips drive me insane… Cupping the back of your head or nape, feeling that shiver run up your spine every time… I love you so, so, SO much that sometimes I have to ask myself, ‘Am I losing my mind?’. Fortunately, there are other voices happy to say, ‘Nope! Now focus back on your partner’.”
[. . . ]
[He laughs, still a little unhinged]
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! There aren’t THAT many voices. Just the three, but you don’t need to worry about that. You just enjoy getting all of this attention and affection, OK? I like things better when they’re simpler~”.
[. . . ]
[He giggles, relenting at last]
“Fine, fine, no voices… but… therapy couldn’t hurt… Seeing a doctor is probably a good move… And you suggesting those means you want me to stick around.”
[Pause… <3]
[The earnest joy in his voice is just one more wave of confusion for you]
“You WERE talking to someone else with barely any anxious ticks… Oh my gosh, I’m so proud of you!”
[Pause <3]
[You hug him and he holds you happily, tears still spilling free]
“...You’re thanking me for helping… I hope we have an incredible wedding and an amazing family full of people we’ll treasure just as much as we treasure each other, huh? I… really like thinking like that.”
[Pause <3]
“Yeah… Something to work toward… Just like each other.”
[Pause <3]
[SFX: Them cuddling up]
[He brings you to him, nice and tight, in that slightly painful way he does. Callused knuckles run down your cheek and nape and his breath is a touch uneven]
“...Do you think I could mark you up again when these heal up…?
[Pause <3]
"Cool... They look really, really nice on you..."
[SFX: Fade out on a storm brewing outside]
[To be continued?]
submitted by ItsEsmeJones to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:10 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/4 ⚾ Braves (33-24) @ Red Sox (30-30) 7:10 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Braves (33-24) @ Red Sox (30-30)

First Pitch: 7:10 PM at Fenway Park
Team Starter TV Radio
Braves Max Fried (5-2, 2.97 ERA) BSSO 680 AM
Red Sox Kutter Crawford (2-4, 3.29 ERA) NESN WEEI, WCCM (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Bases empty, 0 Outs, Bottom of the 6th

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
ATL 0 2 0 0 1 3 6 5 2 1
BOS 0 0 1 2 0 3 4 2 3

Box Score

CF Duran, Ja 3 0 0 0 0 2 .259
LF Refsnyder 3 0 1 0 0 2 .337
C Wong 2 1 0 0 1 2 .322
3B Devers 2 1 1 0 0 0 .285
2B Westbrook 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
DH Cooper 2 0 0 0 0 1 .202
RF Dalbec 2 0 1 2 0 1 .145
1B Smith, Do 2 1 1 1 0 1 .202
SS Rafaela 2 0 0 0 0 0 .207
Crawford, K 6.0 5 6 4 2 5 87-61 3.51
CF Harris II, M 3 0 0 0 0 0 .257
3B Riley, A 2 1 0 0 1 2 .232
DH Ozuna 2 1 1 0 1 0 .315
1B Olson 3 1 0 0 0 0 .237
2B Albies 3 2 2 3 0 1 .276
RF Duvall 3 0 0 1 0 1 .198
LF Kelenic 3 1 1 0 0 1 .270
C Murphy, S 2 0 1 1 0 0 .190
SS Arcia, Or 2 0 0 0 0 0 .227
Fried 5.0 4 3 2 1 9 77-55 3.01

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T2 Adam Duvall reaches on a missed catch error by first baseman Dominic Smith, assist to second baseman Jamie Westbrook. Matt Olson scores. Ozzie Albies scores. 0-2
B3 Dominic Smith homers (2) on a fly ball to left center field. 1-2
B4 Bobby Dalbec singles on a line drive to right fielder Adam Duvall. Connor Wong scores. Rafael Devers scores. Jamie Westbrook to 3rd. 3-2
T5 Sean Murphy singles on a ground ball to left fielder Rob Refsnyder, deflected by second baseman Jamie Westbrook. Jarred Kelenic scores. 3-3
T6 Ozzie Albies homers (4) on a fly ball to right center field. Austin Riley scores. Marcell Ozuna scores. 3-6


Description Length
Bullpen availability for Boston, June 4 vs Braves 0:07
Bullpen availability for Atlanta, June 4 vs Red Sox 0:07
Bench availability for Boston, June 4 vs Braves 0:07
Fielding alignment for Boston, June 4 vs Braves 0:11
Measuring the stats on Dominic Smith's home run 0:13
Visualizing Dominic Smith's swing using bat tracking technology 0:11
Two Braves score on error 0:29
Dominic Smith's solo homer (2) 0:29
Bobby Dalbec's two-run single 0:29
Sean Murphy's RBI single 0:22
David Ortiz joins the Red Sox booth 11:30
Sean Murphy catches Ceddanne Rafaela stealing 0:08
Ozzie Albies homers (4) on a fly ball to right center field. Austin Riley scores. Marcell Ozuna scores. 0:38
Attendance Weather Wind
72°F, Partly Cloudy 8 mph, R To L
HP 1B 2B 3B
Ramon De Jesus David Rackley Junior Valentine Jeremy Riggs
Updated at 8:40 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:10 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/4 ⚾ Orioles (38-20) @ Blue Jays (28-31) 7:07 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Orioles (38-20) @ Blue Jays (28-31)

First Pitch: 7:07 PM at Rogers Centre
Team Starter TV Radio
Orioles Corbin Burnes (5-2, 2.35 ERA) MASN2 98 Rock
Blue Jays Trevor Richards (1-0, 3.18 ERA) Sportsnet SN590
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Bases empty, 0 Outs, Top of the 6th

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
BAL 0 0 4 0 3 7 6 0 1
TOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4

Box Score

LF Schneider 3 0 1 0 0 1 .247
C Jansen, D 2 0 0 0 0 0 .279
3B Guerrero Jr. 2 0 1 0 0 0 .297
DH Vogelbach 2 0 0 0 0 0 .206
SS Bichette 1 0 0 0 1 1 .235
1B Turner, J 2 0 1 0 0 1 .215
RF Springer 2 0 0 0 0 0 .209
CF Varsho 2 0 0 0 0 0 .213
2B Kiner-Falefa 2 0 0 0 0 0 .264
Richards, T 2.0 0 0 0 0 4 40-28 2.97
Cabrera, G 0.2 1 3 3 1 0 14-5 5.48
Francis 2.1 5 4 4 0 1 42-31 9.53
SS Henderson 2 2 1 0 1 1 .269
DH Rutschman 3 2 2 2 0 0 .306
1B Mountcastle 3 2 2 5 0 1 .289
RF Santander 3 0 0 0 0 1 .220
3B Westburg 3 0 0 0 0 1 .288
LF Hays 2 0 1 0 0 1 .212
CF Cowser 1 1 0 0 0 0 .235
2B Norby 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000
C McCann 2 0 0 0 0 0 .195
Burnes 5.0 3 0 0 1 3 70-47 2.20

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T3 Adley Rutschman singles on a line drive to center fielder Daulton Varsho. Colton Cowser scores. Gunnar Henderson to 3rd. 0-1
T3 Ryan Mountcastle homers (9) on a fly ball to left field. Gunnar Henderson scores. Adley Rutschman scores. 0-4
T5 Adley Rutschman singles on a sharp ground ball to right fielder George Springer. Gunnar Henderson scores. 0-5
T5 Ryan Mountcastle homers (10) on a fly ball to center field. Adley Rutschman scores. 0-7


Description Length
Bullpen availability for Toronto, June 4 vs Orioles 0:07
Bullpen availability for Baltimore, June 4 vs Blue Jays 0:07
Trevor Richards against the Orioles 0:11
Bench availability for Baltimore, June 4 vs Blue Jays 0:07
Fielding alignment for Baltimore, June 4 vs Blue Jays 0:11
Bench availability for Toronto, June 4 vs Orioles 0:07
Fielding alignment for Toronto, June 4 vs Orioles 0:11
Starting lineups for Orioles at Blue Jays - June 4, 2024 0:09
Ryan Mountcastle: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:12
Ryan Mountcastle's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
An animated look at Ryan Mountcastle's home run 0:11
Breaking down Ryan Mountcastle's home run 0:13
Trevor Richards whiffs Gunnar Henderson for a K 0:06
The Orioles combine for a defensive gem 0:24
Adley Rutschman plates Colton Cowser with a single 0:24
Ryan Mountcastle crushes a three-run home run to left 0:21
Corbin Burnes freezes Bo Bichette for a strikeout 0:06
Adley Rutschman ropes an RBI single to right field 0:16
Ryan Mountcastle swats his second homer of the game 0:31
Attendance Weather Wind
69°F, Clear 13 mph, Out To RF
HP 1B 2B 3B
Tony Randazzo Alex Tosi Alex MacKay Phil Cuzzi
Updated at 8:40 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:06 Mr_TFoolery Scout Buyers Beware

If you plan to buy a buy a scout as a “starter bike”. Don’t. Their value folds in half the second it leaves the stealership. I bought a Scout because I was told they hold their value. I wanted something with some pep that looked nice so I settled on a 2023 Scout Bobber Twenty ABS. Out the door with all the BS fees, I paid $16k for a brand new bike. I rode it and got more comfortable.
SIX…MONTHS…LATER, I called Indian and they offered me $8,000!!!!!! The bike has 2,000 miles on it and I added every Indian upgrade you can. Headlight, saddle bag, comfort seat, etc. Even an $1000 exhaust system. I can’t even sell it on the private market because they’re saturated with Scouts. If you want a scout and plan on keeping a scout, you should be okay. Just be willing to take a hell of a hit by the time you decide to sell.
submitted by Mr_TFoolery to IndianMotorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:01 DisapointedVoid Contact Protocol (23)

Y’Lek hoped that the aliens had understood him - he was pretty certain that he had been able to convey the idea of negatives and fighting when he was trying to communicate with the other alien by the command room, and the aliens certainly seemed to have amazing technology when it came to communication. Despite their violent arrival neither of them had been attacked, although they did have a number of disturbingly efficient looking weapons pointed directly at them.
He glanced at N’Dar’s corpse held in K’Rim’s graspers. It had finally gone still but it was probably an unsettling look. At least, he was unsettled by it, even if N’Dar had been Swarm all along. His spiracles fluttered in a sigh. So much bloodshed when they were so close to breaking free of them.
“K’Rim, put N’Dar down - slowly. Then back away towards me.”
There was a slight pause as K’Rim sized up the alien warriors. They were bulky, sure, but none of them were anywhere close to her height and their limbs were incredibly short. Although they were wearing what presumably passed as their warrior’s suits and she was wearing an emergency pressure suit. She clacked her jaws as she made her decision. She steadied N’Dar so he floated motionless above the ground and took several overly slow and exaggerated steps back away from the alien warriors, their weapons tracking her.
There was the sound of booming from one of the aliens before the precise clicks and hisses of Y’Lek’s own voice speaking Language, although malformed in syntax and composition, could be heard “No fight . You Far-Flung-Seed People ?”
Y’Lek clicked in agreement “Yes, we are crew of the Far Flung Seed. We are People.” He decided to keep his sentences short and uncomplicated as he didn’t know how well this was going to get through to the aliens; aside from the words and sounds themselves, who knew what concepts they might have different from those of the People?
The alien which appeared to have spoken previously moved its armoured head in a strange tilting motion, presumably as it deciphered what Y’Lek had said. The booming returned “We all Far-Flung-Seed People .” There was a brief pause. “We fight not Far-Flung-Seed People ?”
Y’Lek could see K’Rim stiffen in confusion as the alien claimed they were all of the same Family, but Y’Lek was quick to subtly motion her to stillness. He was diplomatic enough to understand that it was probably a limitation of the translation and concepts they had so far been able to patch together. With another click he agreed again and carefully raised a grasper to point at N’Dar “This is a not Far Flung Seed - we stop him.”
Y’Lek deliberately paused, hopefully to make it clear that he was making a new statement “We must check Far Flung Seed for damage.”
Again the alien seemed to be trying to work out what he had said. Several of the aliens seemed to twist their heads slightly as if trying to look at each other with their strangely blank helmets, although they didn’t seem to need to twist anywhere near as far as Y’Lek would have thought given their front mounted eyes. One of the aliens even seemed to make a very familiar shrugging motion - clearly they were able to converse between themselves on some kind of radio system.
Finally one made noises which were translated, or rather butchered into some semblance of speech “We no Language to Language . We Far-Flung-Seed People . You Far-Flung-Seed People . No fight .”
Y’Lek puzzled through it and eventually just clacked in agreement. The aliens slowly lowered their weapons and took up slightly less wary postures, although none of them entirely turned away from them.
Y’Lek finally addressed K’Rim again “Ok, we need to make sure that the…” He paused, unsure whether to name what was beyond the door even given the apparent truce they had brokered; there was no telling what might happen if the alien warriors knew only two of the People stood between them and his Family’s past and future “...door is secure.” he finished and swam over to where N’Dar had been trying to break through the security protecting the memory vault.
Stroud watched as the smaller black clad alien moved over to the massive bulkhead while the bigger alien remained watching them. He had no idea if the translation had said everything he meant it to, but the aliens seemed to be happy enough and he was PRETTY sure that they were “the good guys”, despite the big one more or less skewering and ripping apart one of the small purple aliens right in front of him.
He gestured at his fireteam who fanned out to cover some of the incoming tunnels but also keep an eye on the aliens in the chamber with them. When they were in position he glanced at his communications panel to ensure that it wasn’t broadcasting verbally before selecting the temporary channel he had assigned to Jones and Simmonds.
“Jones? Simmonds? You guys doing OK up there?”
“Yeah, we’ve just been relieved and Jones is having a nice lay down in a medical pod. En-route to the field hospital and quarantine now.” reported Simmonds “How about you guys - all OK?”
“Yeah, all OK - we have met up with friendly ET’s. You two get offline and get some treatment.”
“Roger that!” came the tired but enthusiastic reply from Jones before he clicked off the network.
Stroud sighed before stopping himself - he’d been doing far too much of that today. He was alive and so were most of his men. Fucking aliens! Jesus - he never thought he would lose men under his command after he was discharged from the Navy; these deep space mining contracts were as close to peaceful quasi-retirement as you could get for an old provost - who in their right mind was going to take on a ship which would sooner take a small moon apart than try and fly round it? Just the odd bit of agro from a cooped up crewmember or spurned lovers and all the cross training in lucrative technical fields too.
With an effort he pushed the memories of his all too recently deceased squadmates aside to concentrate on the job. He needed to report and get new instructions. With deft movements he opened up a new channel.
“Alpha Actual - go ahead Delta Actual.” The response came through immediately.
Stroud’s lip quirked up for a split second as he heard the crisp tone of Lt Doug “Diggy” Douglas “We’ve met up with what we think are friendly ET’s with the remains of Delta and Echo and our rearguard has been relieved and is on the way to medical. Need further instructions.”
“We have another shuttle arriving in the next few minutes with additional security teams who will be reliving you - Your teams have done amazing work under immense pressure but we need to get you all out of there and taken care of. In the meantime sit tight and don’t make any sudden moves with the ET’s but if they come for you, you be sure as hell to defend yourselves with extreme prejudice, OK?”
“Alpha are in position as your rearguard so we will pass Foxtrot and Gamma down to your position once they are on site.”
“Thanks; I’ve just spoken with Simmonds but did they look OK?”
There was a pause as Diggy apparently considered his words “You guys have had it really rough today but I think they will be OK - you know how it is, right? We were both on the Melpomene when that went sideways - we’ll get through it together.”
“Thanks Diggy. We’ll keep on keeping on down here then.” They exchanged a few more pleasantries before disconnecting. Stroud looked around at the positioning of his men before considering the big ET that seemed to be staring at him without actually being facing him. Those massive multifaceted eyes were damn unsettling.
With a cough he turned to resume his scanning of the tunnels covering his portion of the room.
Rosalind sat in her chair and pored over the reports and footage from her crew on the alien ship - there was still no direct translation on what the name actually meant but the translation matrix was pretty sure they had established either what it was called or that it was alien for “ship”.
She gripped the armrest tightly as she read again the names of the dead - now with another four of her security personnel on top of the engineers and medics who had been ambushed earlier in the day. She might have been tempted to label it a disaster but she knew that by the protocols for both first contact and aiding a ship in distress she had done everything by the book - it was always tempting to ask yourself “but what if” however she knew that way lay madness, especially in the middle of something so extraordinarily out of the ordinary. There was no doubt she would face questions - harsh questions - as and when it came time to review her actions here, but she knew she had done everything as would be expected of her and given the information available to her.
For now it seemed that her crew had managed to aid the aliens in re-securing their ship; her crew had already made tentative contact with several scattered groups or individuals throughout the ship now that it had been pressurised - most of the aliens had remained locked in wherever they had holed up. It wasn’t clear where the alien who had led the initial communication had gone but from the reports it seemed like it and the other larger alien may well have turned up in the tunnels under the giant tree with Delta.
She flipped through several screens to look at the 3D mapping of the interior of the alien ship. It was clear now that it was designed to use centrifugal force to simulate gravity but other than the curved main and utility corridors not much else of the design made sense; there was nothing that even remotely looked like it might be a skip drive, chemical rockets or even cold gas RCS. Large chunks of the ship were simply solid, and a huge amount of the interior was “wasted” with this massive parkland and the tunnels that riddled the walls of the ship underneath it. Even the materials of the ship and the immense solar sails it had unfurled were strange; some kind of crystal that could dynamically channel energy.
There had to be some reason that they dedicated so much of the precious volume of their ship to that garden.
Rosalind just couldn’t figure out what that reason was. They needed a serious talk with those aliens, sooner rather than later.
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