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Arizona Cardinals Reddit

2010.10.14 02:27 chadobryhim Arizona Cardinals Reddit

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2024.06.05 10:18 Capital-Pomegranate6 Qu'attend-elle ?

Je suis un peu perdu.
Tous les ans, je (H) vais à un festival bien connu. Il y a trois ans, j'assistais tranquillement à un concert. J'avais une peluche assez improbable qui dépassait de mon sac à dos et deux meufs ont commencé à se prendre en photo dans mon dos, avec la peluche. Ce n'était pas de la moquerie à mon égard, plutôt s'amuser avec la peluche, pour faire des images marrantes. Je précise que les meufs sont bcp plus jeunes que moi (j'ai plus de 40, elles moins de 30) et très différentes de moi.
Je ne l'avais pas remarqué, concentré que j'étais sur le concert. Une des meufs finit par me parler vite fait. Je lui dis que j'ai acheté la peluche pour mon fils. Elle me demande mon tél pour m'envoyer les photos, pour que je les montre à mon fils. ca s'arrête là.
Qq jours plus tard, elle m'envoie les photos, Et puis, de temps à autre, on se parle de la pluie et du beau temps sur WhatsApp. Des conversations, pas approfondies, courtes et ponctuelles. Je me dis que c'est bizarre qu'elle continue de me parler.
L'année dernière, je retourne au festival et je ne sais plus qui propose qu'on s'y voie. Au dernier moment, j'ai un doute, un mauvais présentiment et je ne vais pas la voir. Là, elle est super vénère et vexée. Moi je n'attendais rien de cette rencontre, voire, je me disais "qu'est-ce qu'on va bien pouvoir se dire ?".
Elle a boudé pendant des mois, mais à l'approche du festival, elle est réapparue sur WhatsApp. Je trouve qu'il y a une ambiguïté.
D'après vous, elle voyait ça comme un date et je suis aveugle ? Que dois-je faire ?
submitted by Capital-Pomegranate6 to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:18 starlightexpressme2 seems the same as with mcgi huh....

seems the same as with mcgi huh....
the same old stories in cults like mcgi.
submitted by starlightexpressme2 to ExAndClosetADD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:10 notonetojudge Fine dining in the Basque Country and Asturias

Hello everyone
I am going to be travelling from Biarritz to Galicia this summer and obviously am looking to try some of the great restaurants the region has to offer.
I know that San Sebastian and Bilbao have many, well-established, Michelin starred restaurants. However, I prefer the more up-and-coming, authentic types of experiences. I have made four reservations so far, and would ideally like to keep two of them. Maybe some of you can give me your opinion on these restaurants (I know that Azurmendi with its 3 stars is decidedly not up and coming).
I had considered Asador Etxebarri, but I think it's not really doable without a car.
Any other places you think I have missed?
Casa Marcial
submitted by notonetojudge to finedining [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:03 Mangled_4Skin Thoughts on this guy as a pauper commander?

Thoughts on this guy as a pauper commander? submitted by Mangled_4Skin to Pauper [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:42 Slayers_Picks UFC Fight Night: Cannonier v Imavov Fight Predictions (TL;DR)!

I hope we're all doing well!
I might as well do the giveaway announcement here as well, but if you've already seen my main write up, then you already know how to enter and stuff, but in case you wanna skip the wall of text and read the much more condensed version, here's how to enter the 50USD Paypal Giveaway
To enter... just type Giveaway: -answer-
If you could walk out with a fighter of any organisation, at any time of era, who would you walk out with?
We did reasonably well last weekend, hitting 10/12 predictions, and all our locks landed! This brings my Prediction accuracy for this year up to 65.3%, which beats last years personal best by a measly .2%!
Lets get down to the breakdown!
(c) - Champ
D/DWCS - Debut/Dana Whites' Contender Series
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in division
x/3 - Confidence Levels
Women’s Strawweight
**Puja Tomar (D) (+195) (8-4-0, 4 FWS) v Rayanne Amanda (-240) (14-7-0)
Striking: I mean, I suppose Tomar has the better striking here, since she is the kickboxer who has shown to use her striking more than her wrestling, but Amanda does sit down on her punches a fair bit and has a solid right cross, still, the slight advantage somewhat is on Tomar here.
Wrestling/Grappling: Amanda is very, very good on the ground and I think that grappling is the cleanest way she can get a win, and Tomar hasn’t exactly shown to have decent submission defence. I don’t think Amanda is going to waste a tonne of time in getting this fight to the ground.
Cardio: I genuinely have no idea how to explain this one since we haven’t exactly seen a lot of either fighter. I do think Tomar slows down after a while but she typically still keeps up a fairly high pace of strikes, but i still think it’s a 50/50 here.
Prediction: Amanda via UD (1/3)
Cody Stamann (+175) (21-6-1, NS) v Taylor Lapilus (-210) (19-4-0, NS)
Striking: Stamann is very good at stringing together combinations, the one-two-three that he was trying to set up and soon successfully landed on Douglas de Andrade was fairly solid, but I think Lapilus’s reach advantage is going to make landing that kind of combination a bit difficult, and Lapilus is very good at launching straight attacks, as well as counters in general. So, maybe a 50/50 but perhaps Lapilus has the advantage here.
Wrestling/Grappling: Stamann should have the advantage here, you’d think, since he is a wrestler and he has been known to use his takedowns a lot when he fights. There is no doubt that he will be the aggressor in these wrestling situations, but Lapilus is very good at avoiding and accepting bad positions, and Lapilus also tends to punish his opponents with knees or elbows in the clinch when he successfully defends those takedowns, so whilst Stamann has the advantage, it does not come without drawbacks.
Cardio: Both are generally good at maintaining a high pace of activity whilst feeling fresh the next round, I mean, this is Bantamweight, if you don’t have good cardio at Bantamweight, you probably wouldn’t be in the UFC. 50/50 here.
Prediction: Lapilus via UD (1/3)
Women’s Strawweight
Eduarda Moura (-175) (10-0-0, 10 FWS) v Denise Gomes (+145) (8-3-0, NS)
Striking: Gomes has shown that she has power in her hands, her right hand which knocked Jauregui down was absolutely phenomenal but it came at a wild swing almost, but still, I do think Gomes is going to be a major threat to Moura on the feet since Moura is mostly a wrestlejudoka fighter.
Wrestling/Grappling: This is Moura’s wheelhouse, her bread and butter, she is so comfortable on the ground, and her height and reach, her whole stature plays into the favour of that wrestling, because once shes on top, she’s more than capable of grinding out her opponent or look for a finish, and I just don’t think Gomes is going to have a good time getting taken down over and over again like she did when Angela Hill fought her.
Cardio: We haven’t exactly seen Moura’s cardio be too expended, once the fights on the ground she has a relatively easy time maintaining control, and it is most likely going to be Gomes who is going to expel energy in order to get back to her feet, so the advantage here goes to Moura.
Prediction: Moura via UD (1/3)
Women’s Flyweight
Andrea Lee (-125) (13-9-0, 4 FLS) v Montana De La Rosa (+105) (12-9-1, 3 FLS)
Striking: Lee has always been the better striker compared to DLR, her kickboxing is solid, her clinch strikes are going to be very present here since DLR needs to close that distance in order to land those much needed takedowns. I just see Lee being the better striker here, and thanks to her improved takedown defence, I think we are going to see Lee be a bit more confident in her power, so we could also see some emphasis on those punches.
Wrestling/Grappling: This has always been the advantage of DLR, she has very good BJJ but has sometimes struggled to get the fight to the ground, so her wrestling hasn’t exactly been that great in combination with her grappling. It’s going to be interesting to see if the wrestling is good enough to at least take Lee down.
Cardio: Both have fine cardio, both are used to fights going the distance here, so it’s a bit of a 50/50.
Prediction: Lee via UD (1/3)
Daniel Marcos (15-0-0, 15 FWS) v John Castaneda (21-6-0, 2 FWS)
Striking: I mean, Castaneda is going to be the aggressor here, he has excellent strikes, powerful kicks and uses a lot of footwork and movement to mask everything, but Marcos is such a sharp counter-puncher that I can’t see Castaneda striking cleanly enough without getting hurt himself. In terms of volume and variance, Castaneda is great at that, but when it comes to timing and technique, you cannot count out Marcos from looking like a dangerous striker himself. This is a phenomenal fight and i think it’s pretty damn close on paper when it comes to striking.
Wrestling/Grappling: Both fighters seem to be able to wrestle, but it’s mostly been their striking that stood out to me, so I wouldn’t mind seeing more wrestling from both fighters in this one.
Cardio: Both fighters are practically at their athletic peak, i don’t see any of them gassing out in this fight, although it’s possible for Castaneda to slow down a little bit after the first or second round since his style involves a lot of lateral movement and a lot of different attacks, so it’s pretty damn equal here.
Prediction: Marcos via KO R3 (1/3)
Brad Katona (-500) (13-3-0, NS) v Jesse Butler (+380) (12-5-0, NS)
Striking: Katona has the better striking, and i’m only saying that because Butler has zero striking other than the wild counters that we kind of saw when he was getting his ass beat by Miller. Katona is also capable of keeping up a high volume of strikes throughout three fights.
Wrestling/Grappling: I think in terms of sheer grappling, Butler is going to be a difficult opponent to deal with due to his sheer length. He has the tendency to look for triangles off his back if he does get taken down, its easy for him to set up due to his length, but in terms of wrestling and keeping the fight on the ground, Katona is relatively good at level changing and top pressure. So, it’s probably a 50/50 with a very slight lean to Butler here.
Cardio: Katona has outstanding cardio, he has taken fights to the scorecards many times without seemingly breaking a sweat, the longer this fight goes on, the better it is for Katona.
Prediction: Katona via KO R3 (2/3)
Charles Radtke (+165) (9-3-0, 6 FWS) v Carlos Prates (-200) (18-6-0, 8 FWS)
Striking: This is first and foremost going to be a brilliant fight between two very dangerous strikers. Radtke is great with his boxing, his left hook is incredible, the same left hook that rattled and smacked the chin of Urbina. That’s the left hook Prates is going to have to be aware of, especially if there is an extension of a combination with that final left hook, that’s all bad news for Prates. The good news for Prates is that Prates has brilliant Muay Thai, he has a significant reach and height advantage, and with that height advantage comes an excellent chance to use that beautiful naked left knee that he launches without any reads, and it could very well be that left knee that puts Radtke away. This is a violent fight and I cannot wait for it to happen.
Wrestling/Grappling: I mean, apparently Radtke can wrestle, so I suppose the advantage is in his favour, but I just haven’t seen a whole lot of it. So, by default I suppose Radtke has the advantage here.
Cardio: Tough one to figure out as both fighters are still relatively new and have come off a KO win, so i suppose we will soon learn who has the better cardio here.
Prediction: Prates via KO R2 (1/3)
Thiago Moises (+115) (18-7-0, NS) v Ludovit Klein (-135) (21-4-1, 2 FWS)
Striking: Klein has outstanding boxing, he’s something of a boxing champion in europe… I don’t quite know what the specifics are, but it’s clear when you see him fight he has ridiculously sharp hands. His kicks are also very impressive, heck, every single thing about him when it comes to striking is beautiful. Moises is calculated with his own strikes though, he may now throw as much volume as Klein, but his shot selection is great, and his timing could make Klein’s approach to this fight a bit more tricky.
Wrestling/Grappling: So, here’s the deal, Klein has awesome takedown defence, he is active in shutting down attempts, and even if he does get taken down, he’s quick to battle back up to his feet. Is Moises going to be able to keep Klein down? That’s what this fight is going to answer, but it’s clear to me that Moises will have some degree of success in that transition to the ground, and once the fights on the ground, Moises will glide around him and look for that submission. It’s that transition phase that interests me the most here.
Cardio: I mean, Moises has fought 5 rounds before at a reasonable pace, but Klein’s three round pace is fast and hard, so it’s hard to somewhat judge who has the better cardio between these two since both are outstanding athletes.
Prediction: Klein via UD (1/3)
Main Card
Punahele Soriano (+140) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Miguel Baeza (-170) (10-3-0, 3 FLS)
Striking: Power versus variation and speed, that’s the story being told here. Soriano’s left side is so strong, he is so good at cracking at the head and body of his opponent, but that power leaves him open to counters, he gets attacked very often and he is so vulnerable to fast strikes. Baeza is a faster striker who is good at landing quick body and leg kicks, but those two years away concerns me a tiny bit, I wonder if he is going to look fresh or jittery coming into this one, a lot of unknowns for this fight.
Wrestling/Grappling: I mean, Baeza does have great grappling, he has a handful of submissions under his belt so he could always rely on that, and since Soriano tends to overthrow there could be an opportunity for Baeza to level change and work him on the ground. Baeza has a bit of an advantage here.
Cardio: Soriano does not have great cardio, he can definitely fight for three rounds, but his style is power punches and that tends to sap his cardio throughout the fight, dangerous in all rounds, but slower in the later ones. That’s where Baeza comes in, he’s usually the more athletic fighter who has the better cardio, so i think he has the advantage here also, but I do wonder if a 170 Soriano will look just as good as Baeza does.
Prediction: Soriano via KO R2 (1/3)
Julian Marquez (-115) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Zach Reese (-105) (6-1-0, NS)
Striking: Marquez is probably the better striker here, but that feels like a lie because whilst he is known for his striking, it’s just his power that he’s decent at. Reese is a bit of an unknown here but he does have quite a few first round finishes under his belt. So, they could potentially be equally as bad, its overall such a low level fight lol.
Wrestling/Grappling: See, this could be Marquez’s wheelhouse as he often finishes his opponent with submissions, but Reese has pretty long limbs and has been known to be a bit of a danger on the ground too, so i’m slightly leaning towards Marquez here.
Cardio: This is a fascinating one because Reese has never hit the second round in his professional career, so I wonder how he is going to look after that first round. Marquez might not have great cardio, but he’s an exciting fighter right up until the finish, so I think Marquez has the better cardio here.
Prediction: Marquez via KO R2 (1/3)
Brunno Ferreira (-275) (11-1-0, NS) v Dustin Stoltzfus (+215) (15-5-0, NS)
Striking: Again, similar to Soriano/Baeze, its a story of power versus speed, Ferreira is quite diverse with his attacks but he is mostly known for his brutish power, but since he hasn’t left the first round yet in the UFC, I question whether that power will remain there in the second/third round. Whereas Stoltzfus has displayed power in all three rounds, so I do think it’s a situational kind of advantage here, with Ferreira being the stronger striker in the first with a potential drop off in the second/third, and Stoltzfus having to survive or match that tenacity in the first but possibly taking over in the second/third if Ferreira does slow down. This is a genuinely fascinating fight.
Wrestling/Grappling: Ferreira has shown to have decent wrestling, his lateral drop (if it was a lateral drop) against Hawes was strong and he remained in a good position on top, if he employs a similar gameplan of wrestling, we could see him control Stoltzfus for an extended period of time, because Stoltzfus doesn’t exactly have good takedown defence. So, the advantage here is slightly on Ferreira here in my opinion.
Cardio: We are for the most part working with unknowns when it comes to Ferreira’s cardio, I cannot confidently say he will have the better cardio here until after this fight happens because it could show us any possible cardio issues. Stoltzfus should be the fresher fighter as the fight goes on.
Prediction: Ferreira via KO R1 (1/3)
Raul Rosas Jr (-250) (8-1-0, NS) v Ricky Turcios (+200) (12-3-0, NS)
Striking: This is all Turcios, and whilst I know that Rosas Jr did put away Terrance Mitchell, that proves very, very little to me. Turcios has better striking, or at least he is going to be the striker in this fight.
Wrestling/Grappling: Rosas Jr has thrived in this department, he is absolutely dangerous when it comes to wrestling, an overwhelming force who is still improving and growing. That’s a dangerous thought.
Cardio: Rosas Jr’s style and the way he fights tells me his cardio is pretty damn good, and Turcios tends to have weird body language despite looking fine, so it’s hard to tell how Turcios will look if the high pace of wrestling continues into the third round.
Prediction: Rosas Jr via Sub R2 (1/3)
Co-Main Event
Dominick Reyes (+185) (12-4-0, 4 FWS) v Dustin Jacoby (-225) (19-8-1, NS)
Striking: I think Reyes could still be a strong competitor on the feet here, but I am greatly concerned by his ability to take punches, and since Jacoby is so quick on the feet, he could easily counter Reyes and well, that’s how Spann kind of got Reyes out of there before. Reyes is going to have to let his jab go early and often in order to set up future shots, but Jacoby is a very good kickboxer and I can’t help but think the timing and accuracy of Jacoby’s strikes are going to be an issue for Reyes.
Wrestling/Grappling: This could honestly be Reyes’ best way to win, just wrestle against the kickboxer and avoid getting the chin tapped again, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he did wrestle from the start until the end because he does have the ability to work well on the ground.
Cardio: I am not quite sure if this is going to matter here, but since it’s a three round fight and both fighters are very capable of going the distance in a three rounder, I think it’s pretty even here.
Prediction: Jacoby via KO R2 (1/3)
Jared Cannonier (#5) (+120) (17-6-0, 2 FWS) v Nassourdine Imavov (#9) (-140) (13-4-0, NS)
Striking: Imavov has a lot of clean techniques that he uses, teeps, body kicks and quick punch combinations, so he has certain advantages on the feet, but if we are talking sheer power and force, Cannonier is certainly going to make Imavov second guess a little bit in how to approach his opponent. This is a very even one, with no major advantage on either side.
Wrestling/Grappling: As much as Imavov has excellent takedowns, I also think Cannonier’s takedown defence is good enough to make wrestling against Cannonier a challenge. I understand that the 63 or 64% TDD on UFCStats is a bit of a concern for Cannonier bettors, but a lot of those takedowns being attempted on Cannonier happened earlier on in his career, he has mostly been in stand up bouts since then. I do think Imavov can get this to the ground, but the big question here is whether or not Imavov can keep him down.
Cardio: Both fighters are very well versed in a 5 round fight, but I think Cannoniers output against Vettori somewhat proves that despite his large stature and the power he throws, he is very capable of keeping that kind of pace up for 5 rounds. Still, it is a bit equal here in my opinion, maybe with a slight lean on Cannonier.
Prediction: Cannonier via UD (1/3)
Primary Parlay: Lee/DLR o2.5 or GTD + Radtke/Prates ITD + Klein/Moises o2.5/1.5 (optional) + Marquez/Reese u2.5 or ITD + CannonieImavov o3.5 or R4 Starts
(Feel free to exclude some of those legs, or break the parlay into two. whatever floats your boat)
Money Parlay will be announced in my "Parlay Explained" write up, as that is when the full odds and stuff are out
Locks of the week: Katona, Rosas Jr, Lapilus and Jacoby (optional).
Alt Bets: Radtke KO R1 or 2 (combo), Moises Sub/Dec (Double chance), Stoltzfus KO/Sub (Double Chance), Reese Sub.
Prediction Accuracy for 2024: 65.3% (Personal best... again).
If you would like to donate and support me, as this is my only income, please do so via Paypal. All write ups are free, donations are insanely optional!
if you wish to keep in contact with me or follow me on twitter, my twitter handle is @Slayer_Tip, and my Discord is Slayertip#7013.
I hope you all have an amazing day, look after yourselves, and enjoy this awesome event!
submitted by Slayers_Picks to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:30 latecookies Vueling seat allocation

We are flying tomorrow (2 people) with Vueling and I checked in > 24 h before departure. I checked in 27h before flight. When i opened the checkin on the app it assigned me with the 4e and 4f tickets. The weird thing was that there was a price on those tickets (37e) but the total on the bottom white tab was 0e. I then just clicked on next and I was checked in.
I then noticed that in the new invoice it charged me 0e for priority seat and I am able to bring a 10kg large cabin bag on the flight. Probably this is because those seats are priroity seats? Initially I have not paid the priority ticket and I am just travelling with a small cabin bag.
I did not have a chance to click on get free random allocation seats. Is it possible that they charge me extra afterwards?
Vueling policy:
"You also need to have an allocated seat. Depending on your ticket, you'll either get a pre-assigned seat when booking or you can select it later. You can also wait for random seat allocation to open during online check-in. Depending on your booking type, random allocation will be available between 7 days and 24 hours before your flight. If random seats aren't available, you'll get free seat assignments at check-in on the flight day."
The last sentence seems confusing. Because I am not checking in on the flight day or <24h.
submitted by latecookies to Flights [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:19 jt_ph0tos Ventura photographer

Ventura photographer
I have been doing photography on and off for about six years, I’ve recently decided to dive all in. Its always been a passion of mine and I hope you guys enjoy these photos. Im based out of Ventura California, originally from Detroit Michigan. I’ll continue to post my work here. Feel free to reach out my email is
submitted by jt_ph0tos to ventura [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:02 CompetitivePUBG PUBG Global Series 4 - Group Stage - Day 3 - C & A - Discussion Thread

Useful Links

Official Page Event Guide Esports Guide - PGS Liquipedia – PGS 4 Twire – Leaderboards Twire – Matches Twire – Fantasy League


First match begins:
3am 6am 11am 12:00 17:00
The full schedule can be found here.


Group C:
🇨🇳 17 Gaming 🇪🇺 FaZe Clan 🇰🇷 Gen.G 🇺🇦 Natus Vincere
Lilghost jeemzz Rex SoseD
Xbei Gustav Adder Feyerist
SuJiu curexi Barpo Hakatory
xwudd Fexx Tosi DIFX
🇨🇳 NewHappy 🇺🇸 Team Falcons 🇪🇺 Twisted Minds 🇪🇺
Dec12th Snakers xmpl ibiza
MMing Relo BatulinS Lukarux
LongSkr Fludd Perfect1ks QWZYYY
C: TheTab
C: DuNaiiiiiiLYB C: Trevor C: H1RUZEN C: Scoom
Group A:
🇹🇭 Armory Gaming 🇮🇩 BLEED Esports 🇻🇳 CERBERUS Esports 🇹🇭 Daytrade Gaming
DimasTy Awkarinnnnn Sololzy Nourinz
RiwZ Happy HaiSaki Belmoth
ShanKs tRycK Himass PuuChiwz
J4ME C1moy15G Taikonn Flash
C: Chak
🇹🇭 eArena 🇹🇷 HOWL Esports 🇰🇷 KWANGDONG FREECS 🇹🇭 Valee Thai Esports
Xizzy RuerN Gyumin UNQ
TiGGER TheMad Heaven LaTae
Jacob CodeMarco Heather KISS
Lericz Quetpa Salute Megvlos
C: Luxury
C: Serkriz C: Pogue C: PLIKHE C: Justmoments


Place Team Place Points Kill Points Total Points
#1 🇺🇸 TSM 38 67 105
#2 🇨🇳 Four Angry Men 40 52 92
#3 🇨🇳 Petrichor Road 25 51 76
#4 🇻🇳 CERBERUS Esports 16 52 68
#5 🇧🇷 Legacy 20 44 64
#6 🇨🇳 NewHappy 20 40 60
#7 🇰🇷 GNL ESPORTS 16 38 54
#8 🇰🇷 Dplus KIA 21 30 51
#9 🇺🇸 Soniqs 18 31 49
#10 🇹🇭 eArena 20 26 46
#11 🇹🇷 HOWL Esports 20 25 45
#12 🇪🇺 FaZe Clan 16 28 44
#13 🇨🇳 Weibo Gaming 4 38 42
#14 🇪🇺 Twisted Minds 12 26 38
#15 🇹🇭 Valee Thai Esports 22 14 36
#16 🇺🇦 Natus Vincere 9 27 36
#17 🇰🇷 Gen.G 19 14 33
#18 🇪🇺 13 20 33
#19 🇰🇷 KWANGDONG FREECS 11 14 25
#20 🇺🇸 Team Falcons 2 19 21
#21 🇮🇩 BLEED Esports 9 9 18
#22 🇹🇭 Armory Gaming 6 12 18
#23 🇹🇭 Daytrade Gaming 1 17 18
#24 🇨🇳 17 Gaming 6 11 17
Top 16 Teams go through to Final Stage.
Bottom 8 Teams are eliminated.


Match Map Winner
#1 Erangel TBD
#2 Erangel TBD
#3 Taego TBD
#4 Vikendi TBD
#5 Miramar TBD
#6 Miramar TBD
Leaderboard and match information will update after the tournament day ends.
submitted by CompetitivePUBG to CompetitivePUBG [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:00 tempmailgenerator Fetching Current Time Using Python

Discovering Python's Approach to Time

Understanding the current time within a Python application is more than a matter of mere convenience; it's a foundational aspect of programming that spans across logging, timing operations, and making time-sensitive decisions. The versatility of Python as a programming language allows it to handle time-related tasks with ease, thanks to its comprehensive standard library. This includes modules specifically dedicated to date and time, which provide robust functions to retrieve, manipulate, and display time in various formats. This capability is vital in a wide range of applications, from simple scripts to complex systems that rely on scheduling and time-based data analysis.
One of the key modules in Python for handling time is the `datetime` module. It offers classes for manipulating dates and times in both simple and complex ways. Getting the current time, for example, involves a straightforward approach but understanding its implementation and potential applications can significantly enhance the efficiency and functionality of your Python code. Whether you're recording timestamps, measuring execution duration, or scheduling future actions, mastering the `datetime` module opens up a multitude of possibilities for effective time management within your Python projects.
Command Description Retrieves the current local date and time
datetime.timezone.utc Specifies the UTC timezone for datetime operations

Exploring Time in Python

Python's datetime module is a gateway to handling dates and times, providing classes that are critical for managing temporal data. The significance of the datetime module extends beyond simple time queries; it's instrumental in developing applications that require time-based functionality. For instance, logging systems often timestamp events, and data analysis tools might aggregate records based on time intervals. Furthermore, scheduling applications rely on accurate time management to trigger events or send notifications at specified times. The ability to manipulate and format time and dates enables Python developers to build features that can adapt to different time zones, accommodate daylight saving changes, and even handle historical dates correctly. This versatility makes Python a preferred choice for projects that demand sophisticated date and time manipulation.
Moreover, Python's approach to time is not limited to the datetime module. Other modules like time and calendar also play pivotal roles in Python's time-handling capabilities. The time module offers functions to work with Unix timestamps, allowing for conversions between different time representations. Meanwhile, the calendar module provides functions to output calendars and calculate information about them, such as leap years or the number of weeks in a month. Together, these modules form a comprehensive ecosystem for time-related operations in Python. By mastering these tools, developers can ensure their applications perform reliably across different environments and meet the temporal requirements of diverse projects.

Getting Current Time in Python

Python Scripting Example
from datetime import datetime now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print("Current Time =", current_time) 

Working with UTC Time

Python Scripting Example
from datetime import datetime, timezone utc_now = current_utc_time = utc_now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print("Current UTC Time =", current_utc_time) 

Mastering Python's DateTime for Effective Time Management

Manipulating and understanding time in programming are critical for a vast array of applications, from data timestamping to scheduling tasks. Python, with its rich set of libraries and functions, offers an extensive toolkit for handling time-related tasks. The `datetime` module, in particular, is instrumental in these operations, providing classes and methods for working with dates and times. This module not only helps in retrieving the current time but also in performing operations like comparisons, arithmetic, and conversions between time zones. The versatility of `datetime` allows developers to easily format dates and times in a human-readable form or perform complex time calculations necessary for time-sensitive applications.
Moreover, the understanding and use of time zones and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) play a pivotal role in developing applications that operate across different geographical locations. The `pytz` library, which works in conjunction with the `datetime` module, offers robust support for time zone operations, enabling accurate and timezone-aware calculations. This is particularly important in web and network applications where users and servers might be spread across the globe. Learning to accurately manipulate and display time not only ensures the reliability of time-based data but also enhances user experience by aligning actions and events with the user's local time.

Frequently Asked Questions on Python's DateTime

  1. Question: How do I get the current time in Python?
  2. Answer: Use `` from the datetime module.
  3. Question: Can I display time in 12-hour format using Python?
  4. Answer: Yes, use strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") to format the time.
  5. Question: How do I convert a datetime object to a string?
  6. Answer: Use the `strftime()` method with the desired format code.
  7. Question: Is it possible to get the week number from a date?
  8. Answer: Yes, use `date.isocalendar()[1]` to get the ISO week number.
  9. Question: How to add days to a date in Python?
  10. Answer: Use `timedelta(days=n)` with the date object to add n days.

Embracing Time with Python

Mastering the datetime module in Python marks a significant step forward for developers working on time-sensitive projects. This journey through Python's time management capabilities reveals not just the technical aspects of handling dates and times, but also the practical implications for applications worldwide. The ability to accurately track, manipulate, and present time data is crucial in fields ranging from finance to logistics, where precise timing can dictate the success or failure of operations. Moreover, understanding timezone management enhances the global reach of applications, ensuring they remain relevant and functional across borders. As we continue to navigate through the digital age, the skills to manage and manipulate time within software become indispensable, cementing the datetime module's role as a cornerstone of Python programming.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:00 slightlyaboveavrage1 A list of brands with custom, bespoke, made-to-order, & design-your-own options

I made a list of lingerie brands that can create pieces to perfectly fit your body! Please send your add-on & edit recommendations!
”Bespoke” means made-to-order, so all of these brands offer custom sizing. Some make small alterations to their designs, and a few offer completely custom-design pieces, according to your preferences/specifications (I call these “design-your-own”). They are slow-fashion, indie shops, so contact directly to find out if they’re available & able to accommodate your request.
submitted by slightlyaboveavrage1 to LingerieAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:38 stlatos P-dissimilation/assimilation, need for fricatives & optional sound changes
I have said that change of ph / th next to P in Greek were optional:
*graph-mn > G. grámma, Doric gráthma ‘drawing / letter’, Aeo. groppa
*H2okWs-mn ‘eye’ > *ophsmã > G. ómma, Aeo. óthma, L. osmen > ōmen ‘*sight/vision / *sight of significance/foreboding > foreboding / sign / omen’
*samH2dho- > *(p)sam(a)tho- > G. fem. ámathos ‘sand’, psámathos, *psáthmos > *psáfmos > psámmos ‘sand’, *psámfos > Dor. psâphos ‘pebble’
These show the need for *f > ph, since only *phm, etc., changed, not *pm, *bm. This applied to *ps > *fs ( > later phs / ps ). Fricatives are often changed more easily than stops, so an alternation of *fm / *θm would be best. I give evidence that Greek ph was pronounced *f and w was *v (Whalen, 2024b, c), explaining spellings like ps / phs and dialect changes, just as *ks > *xs > ks / khs (Whalen, 2024d). Also supporting this is *py > pt. Since *ty > *tsy > tt / ss, it makes sense that *py > *pfy first. The same dissimilation for phm / thm would apply to *pf > *pθ > pt / ps (G. ptílon, Dor. psílon ‘plume/down/wing’ (Dor. did not change ti > si), márptō ‘seize/grasp’ >> Márphsos the Centaur (likely = Chiron), márptis ‘kidnapper’, kámmarpsis ‘a measurement of wheat’, *marpθyotro- > *marp(h)[t/s]otro- ‘kidnapper / slaver’ > mastrop(h)ós / mátrullos ‘pimp’, etc.). Even PIE *pt might have merged with *pθ in dialects (G. pī́ptō, Aeo. pissō ‘fall’).
It is likely that uK / uP was caused by a similar change, though the original is not always known:
G. thalúptō / thálpō ‘warm up / heat’, thalukrós ‘hot /glowing’
*daru ‘tree’, *dauRnā ? > *davxnā \ *davfnā > Greek dáphnē \ daukhnā- ‘laurel’ (with *up or *wp optionally > p, like *kauput ‘head’ > Go. haubiþ, OE héafod, E. head, *kaput ‘head’ > Skt. kaput-, L. caput, ON höfuð; Whalen 2024k)
This is also seen in optional dissimilation at a distance for:
*bhleigW- > L. flīgere ‘strike (down)’, G. phlī́bō / thlī́bō ‘press’, Lt. bliêzt ‘beat’
Since this is not seen in the many cases of p-p, etc., again a change of *f > *θ in *f-P seems best. This also relates to oddities in:
*petH2- ‘extend / fly’, *pi-pt(a)H2- > *piH2-pt- > G. pī́ptō, Aeo. pissō ‘fall’, *pi-pt(a)H2- > *pH2i-pta- > *fipta- > Koine híptamai ‘fly / rush’
Though ph-b > th-b might be claimed to be dissimilation of stops, not *f-b > *θ-b, the same could not be said for *f-p > h-p. It is only H-metathesis that could create *pH- > ph- / f- here (Whalen 2024e), allowing dissimilation of 2 different P’s, since there is no trace of dissimilation in normal p-p. Though *f-b > *θ-b vs. *f-p > h-p could be seen as two distinct changes (or in separate dialects), I think that phl- and *ph- might have been treated differently if no *hl- existed at the time (already *sl- > *hl- > lh- / l-).
This also helps show that fricatives are older than aspirated stops in all IE (Whalen 2024h, among many others). Other IE also show oddities that would make most sense in my theory, like Skt. alternation of d(h) / b(h) / h due to older *ð / *β (Whalen 2023i). This also works for *dhw > dv being due to *ðv > dv before *ð > dh (*H3ones-wehg^h- ‘carrying a burden’ > *anaz-vā́ž- > anaḍvā́h- ‘draft animal / ox’; dhvárati ‘harm/destroy/injure/hurt’, dhvarás- ‘kind of female demon’, vṛ́ka-dvaras- ‘men/followers/warriors of asura-’) and similar *zg > *ðg > dg (*mezgu- > L. mergus ‘gull’, *meðgu- > Skt. madgú-; *zgWes- ‘quench / kill’ > *ðg^as- > *djas- > Skt. jása- \ dása-) and v / *β > bh in gandharvá- \ *gandharbhá- (Whalen 2023a).
Other IE show similar th / f (making this change in Greek as due to th and ph as old fricatives fairly clear). The Alb. alternations of th \ f (and dh \ v after w > v) seems completely optional, also seen in more words, both loans and native (Whalen 2024j):
L. ferīre ‘strike/slaughter’ >> ther ‘cut/slaughter’
G. kárphos ‘dry stalk/stick/twig’, Alb. karthje ‘brushwood/kindling’
Alb. therrë \ ferrë ‘Christ’s thorn \ crown of thorns [small tree with spines on shoots]’
PIE *wolp-? > L. vulpēs, PIE *wolpinos? > Alb. dhelpër \ dhelpën ‘fox’
PIE *wo(r)midā? ‘worm, caterpillar’ > Alb. dhemje \ vemje, Rum. omidă ‘caterpillar’
Alb. thanukël \ thënukël \ fënugël ‘dogwood [C. sanguinea]’ (maybe cognate with L. cornus ‘cornel cherry-tree’
PIE *bhah2bhk^alx^o- > G. phásēlos ‘bean’, Alb. bathër \ bafër ‘terebinth’
Bg. vampir >> Alb. dhampir ‘half-vampire son of male vampire and human woman’
More f / th in:
Arm. *Tt > *θt > *(θ)t > *(f)t > t / th (*wid-ti- >Arm. giwt -i- ‘finding / invention’, git -i- ‘finding / gift’, and many more)
Old Persian *k^ > θ, but Arm. *k^t > *ft > wt (as above). Also, names beginning with f- could have diminutives (nicknames) in th-: *Farn-aspa- >> G. Pharnáspēs, *Fur-ka- > OP Thuxra-
With these changes in mind, even *-ds and *-ts could have had a stage as *-θs / *-ths. That it existed is seen in assimilation of *p-th > *p-f, etc., the opposite of dissimilation of *P-P:
psathurós ‘friable/crumbling’, psapharós ‘powdery’
*pod-s > *poθs > *pofs > *povs > G. poús, Dor. pṓs
That -ps actually existed here is seen in -pops in compound:
*H2arg^i-pod-s > *-poθs > *-pofs > *-povs > G. argípous ‘fleet-footed’, Mac. argípous / aigípops ‘eagle’ < *’swift’
The change of *ts > *ths matches dialects that write khs for x, phs for ps. That it was old and real seen in *androHkW-s ‘(hu)man’ > *andrōphs > G. ánthrōpos, with *d-ph > *dh-p (Whalen 2024f). To show that not just Greek underwent these changes (Whalen 2024a), Brythonic *ma:tri(:)pa: ‘mother’s sister’ (W. modryb ‘aunt’) is usually seen as < *-kWo- (Matasović), but there is no evidence for *kW in adj. or diminutives of this type (many examples in all IE). Instead, just like *maH2tro:w-s ‘mother’s sister’ > *mafrous > Arm. mawru (G. mētruiā́ ‘step-mother’), *patro:w-s > L. patruus ‘father’s brother’ (*pH2trwyo- > G. patruiós ‘stepfather’), *g^lo:w-s > L. glōs ‘husband’s sister’, etc., it had the standard PIE ending. It simply underwent the changes of *-ws > *-vs > *-fs > *-ps (like G. ) and *o: > *u: > *i: (regular in Brythonic). Thus, *maH2tro:w-s > *ma:tru:vs > *ma:tru:ps > *ma:tri:pa: (with analogy > fem. ending). That *-u:vs > *-u:ps might be regular there is possible, but G. shows no regularity.
A similar *m-x > *m-f is behind:
*mok^s > L. mox, MW moch ‘soon’, Av. mošu ‘immediately’, *moxs > *mõfs > G. máps ‘rashly/idly’
Others might show either *xsv > *fsv or *xv > *fsv, though it’s also possible that direct *ksw- > *kWsW(w)- is responsible (Whalen 2024g). This is also clearly optional:
*ksw(e)izd(h)- ‘make noise / hiss / whistle’ > Skt. kṣviḍ- ‘hum / murmur’, L. sībilus ‘whistling / hissing’, *kswizd- > *tswizd- > G. sízō = sízdō ‘hiss’, *tswizd- or *kswizd- or *kWsWizd- > G. psízomai = psízdomai ‘weep’
The change of *poθs > *pofs is matched by optional P-d > P-b (Whalen 2024h). Just as later Greek dialects are supposed to have ph > f, yet I say f is older, modern d > ð is needed to explain this (since stops were not affected) long before it was supposed to occur. This also includes *d from *t between vowelsin dialects, so even some t > d > *ð > *ð > b near P:
*wekatos ‘to be obeyed / lord’ > Hekatos, fem. Hekátē, *Hekádē > Hekálē, Hekábē / W(h)ekaba
Hekátē, *Hekádē > Hekálē, Hekábē
G. bátrakhos, Pontic bábakos, etc., ‘frog’
*mlad- > blábē ‘harm/damage’
For *mlad-, older *d seen in *dph > *tph > sph in *mlad-bhaH2- > blásphēmos ‘speaking ill-omened words / slanderous/blasphemous’, an adjective from phēmí ‘say’.
A similar change in *Hal(a)Hto- > Skt. alāta- ‘fire/coal’, *alada: > G. alábē ‘coals’ shows no obvious *P, but it’s possible that *H- here was *H2H3- (or < *H2w- / *xw-).
Many of these are similar to Skt. changes, such as Vedic *mm > nm, *pbh > dbh (but > gbh in later Skt. and *tep-mon- > AV takmán- ‘fever’). Since mv / nv is similarly optional in Skt., consider the origin of G. *enwoti-s > én(n)osis ‘shaking / quake’, ennosí-gaios ‘earth-shaking’, *enwoti-khthōn > G. ennosí-khthōn, LB e-ne-si-da-o-ne ‘Poseidon’. The change of ? > e-o in G., e-e in LB suggests that -o- is the result of *-H- that either assimilated to adjacent *w ( > o ) or nearby e ( > e ). Many cases of the outcomes of *H becoming 2 V’s in these situations are known, though disputed (van Beek 2011):
*meg^H2two- > Skt. mahitvá-m ‘greatness’, G. mégathos, Att. mégethos ‘size’
*H1ed- ‘eat’, *H1dont- ‘eating / biting’ > G. odónt-, Aeolic edont-, Arm. atamn ‘tooth’
*H1noHmn-? > Skt. nā́man-, G. ónuma, Lac. énuma-, Arm. anun, TA ñom, TB ñem
*dolH1gho- ‘long’ > G. dolikhós, endelekhḗs ‘perpetual’
*melH2- > LB meleuro- ‘flour’, meletriya- ‘female grinder of grain’ (instead of *mela-, see
*melH2- ‘crush / grind’ > Luw. mālhūta ‘he broke’
*mélH2n- ‘ground / dir(y)’ > G. mélās ‘black’, *melH2nó- > G. melanós ‘blue-black’, Skt. maliná- ‘dirty’
*melH2du- ‘crushed > weak / soft’ > W. meladd, *H2mldu- > G. amaldū́nō ‘soften’ )
With this, there is a root that can mean ‘shake’ containing *-H- and to which *mw > *nw could apply:
*m(y)ewH- > TB miw- ‘shake / quake’, L. movēre ‘move/stir / set in motion / shake / disturb’, Skt. mīvati ‘throng / move’, mūrá- ‘rushing / impetuous’, Li. máuti
This allows *mewH-ti- > *meweti-s > / *mewoti-s > *emweti-s / *emwoti-s > *enweti-s / *enwoti-s ‘shaking / quake’. At one time, -mw- might have been a preferred (or new, if some *my > *mmy > *mwy or other changes already existed, see Arm. *my > wy / nǰ), leading to metathesis. Later, when changes to *phm / *fm created thm, it included (also optionally?) *mw > *nw.
In the same way, G. thalúptō vs. thalukrós might be matched by *upC > *utC in Skt. (k vs. t like *pbh > dbh / gbh). Skt. grapsa-s / glapsa-s ‘bundle/tussock/tuft/bunch’ would seem to come from
*ghrabh(H)- > Skt. gra(b)h- ‘seize’ with optional *H > s (Whalen 2024l), but it is also nearly identical to *gutsra- / *grutsa- > Skt. gutsá- \ guccha- ‘bundle / bunch of flowers / tussock’, Hi. gucchā ‘bunch of fruit’, Kho. guruts \ grùts ‘bunch of grapes’, A. ghrútsa ‘wild strawberries’, etc. These can be united if optional *a > u by P in IIr. first, then optional *ups > uts. This alternation of a \ u by P in:
*pmkWtó- ‘fifth’ > *pãxta-? > Av. puxða-
*H2(a)mbhōw ? ‘both’ > L. ambō, Skt. ubhá-, Av. uwa-
Skt. ubháya- (adj) ‘of both kinds’, Av. baya-
L. musca, Skt. mákṣ-, mákṣā- ‘fly’, Av. maxšī-; *mekše > Mv. mekš ‘bee’, F. mehi-läinen
*moH3ró- > G. mōrós ‘stupid’, Skt. mūrá-, *moh3ró- > *malra- > H. marlant- ‘fool’, marlatar ‘foolishness/stupidity’
which does not seem regular (ubhá- vs. abhí ‘over’, G. amphí ) and matches G. optional o/u by P / KW (*morm- ‘ant’ > G. bórmāx / búrmāx / múrmāx; *wrombo- > rhómbos / rhúmbos ‘spinning-wheel’; *wodo:r ‘water’ > G. húdōr; *megWno- ‘naked’ > Arm. merk, *mogWno- > *mugno- > G. gumnós; *wlkWo-s ‘wolf’ > L. lupus, *wlokWo-s > G. lúkos, Alb. ulk). The apparent problem with *ghrabhso- > *grabhso- > Skt. grapsa-s is that when *bhs > ps it should “throw back” the aspiration to create **gh-. However, A. ghrútsa DOES have gh-, and the reason why ghr- vs. gr- exists here seems to be that older *grabhso- > *grhabso-, with *grh- only optionally becoming ghr-. This is the same stage seen in Skt. gaveḍu- \ gavédhuka-s ‘kind of snake’ > A. ghroók, Pl. grhoóŋk ‘worm’. Few languages have aspirated r, let alone after an unaspirated consonant in a cluster, but that is the only way to interpret the evidence here. All *Cr-Chs > *Crh-Cs first is possible, with most *Crh- > Chr- later, only A. & Pl. showing the older variation. This also seems to explain r vs. 0 (gucchā ‘bunch of fruit’, grùts ‘bunch of grapes’, etc.); uvular R is a feature of Indo-Iranian, causing r > 0 there & also in many IE (Whalen 2024m, n), since *rh and *R seem to alternate in Dardic, with optional *r > *R > rh in A.:
Skt. rāva-s ‘cry/shriek/roayell / any noise’, A. rHoó ‘song’
Skt. rása-s ‘sap/juice/liquid (of plants)’, A. rhaasóo ‘kind of plant’
Skt. ruṇḍa- ‘maimed/mutilated / mule offspring’, A. rhónḍo ‘mangy [of goats] / bad’
Skt. rātrī- ‘night’, A. rhootašíi ‘morning’, lhootúṛi ‘tomorrow’, Ti. ẓada ‘tomorrow morning’
Skt. rauhiṣī- ‘rauhisha doe’, *rāuγisa-? > *rauŋisa- > Shina rṓŋs ‘deer’, A. rhúũs , Kh. ràuz ‘musk deer’
The changes create several sets of words, some possibly mixes of synonymous words created by optional changes:
*ghrabh(H)- > Skt. gra(b)h- ‘seize’
*ghrabhHo- > *grabhso- > *grhapso- > Skt. grapsa-s / glapsa-s ‘bundle/tussock/tuft/bunch’
*grhapso- > *gapsRo-? > Skt. gaccha- ‘tree’, Kh. gḷòts ‘crotch of tree’, grúṭṣ ‘*bundle/*bond > basting stitch’
*grhapso- > *grhupso- > *grhutso- > A. ghrútsa ‘wild strawberries’, Kho. guruts \ grùts ‘bunch of grapes’, Dm. gurús ‘strawberry’
*grhutso- > *gutsrhī(ka)- > A. gutshíi ‘morel’
*grhutso- / *gutsrho- > *g(R)utsa- / *guts(R)a- > Skt. gutsá- \ guccha- ‘bundle / bunch of flowers / tussock’, Hi. gucchā ‘bunch of fruit’ (with *tsr > *ṭṣ > cch)
*gṛutsa- > *γuṛutsa- > *uṛutsa- > Kt. vřóts, Kv. řóts ‘raceme / bunch of grapes (measure)’, Sa. vâṣ
some are possibly mixes of synonymous words created by optional changes, depending on whether *psrh > *psR > cch / ts was regular, whether gḷòts vs. grúṭṣ is due to metathesis of retroflex features and *a vs. *u, etc.
Several other groups seem related. Though Dragoni gave *gudra- > Kho. gūra- ‘grapes’, cognates in Iran. Y. γôro ‘bunch of grapes’, NP γôreh ‘unripe grape’, (lw.) D. γooráa ‘grape’ seem to also be from *grhutso- / *gutsrho-, etc., with no other way of knowing what *-tsr- would become. Since this also has r vs. 0 in lw. TB kuñi-mot ‘grape-wine’ (Whalen 2024o), the same *rh / *R as above is also needed. Similarly, in OCS grozdŭ ‘grape’, R. grozd’ ‘bunch / cluster’, SC grȍzd ‘grapes / cluster of grain-like objects’, it is possible that Slavic had regular *ps > *ts, merging with *Ts > *ts > s (*kopsos > Slavic *koso-, G. kópsikhos ‘blackbird’), thus these are also cognate. Though it is possible that *bhs > *bhz > *dhz > *zdh > zd was regular in Slavic, the frequent metathesis of *rh in IIr. allows several other possible paths. If only *bhsr > *zdhr then metathesis of *r, this would also work. If *bhs > *ps / *ts first, optional *sr > *zr > zdr might have also changed *tsr > *dzr > *zdr. Since this is not regular, it also seems like a case of *r > *R (since a voiced uvular fricative would be more likely to voice C’s). Some examples in:
*(H)nosro- ‘nostril’ > Li. pl. nasraĩ, R. nozdr’á
*memsro- ‘flesh’ > Slavic *memzdro- > OCS męzdrica ‘membrane of egg’, R. m’azdrá ‘fleshy (inner) side of pelt’
*g^(e)is(u)ro- ‘sand / gravel / pebble(s)’ > Li. žie(g)zdrà ‘gravel / grain’, žìzdras ‘gravel / rough sand’, OPr sixdo [zigzdo]
*gis(ul)o- > OE cisil \ ceosel ‘gravel / sand’, MHG kis(el), NHG Kies ‘gravel’, Kiesel ‘pebble’
This might also be seen in some cognates: *memsro- ‘flesh’ > G. mērós, *manzdla ? > Ti. mǝndǝl ‘thigh’. Other IE sometimes also show str / zdr: *H3ost- ‘bone’ >> Arm. astr \ azdr ‘thigh / shoulder(-blade)’. The many cases of optional changes should not be ignored just because there is no current way of explaining them with the assurance of regularity. Without positing changes that seem optional, with anyone’s current state of knowledge, it would be impossible to unite any of the groups above, leading to a proliferation of unrelated forms. The need for reason and order in reality outweighs the need for regularity in theory.
Dragoni, Federico (2023) Watañi lāntaṃ: Khotanese and Tumshuqese Loanwords in Tocharian
Strand, Richard (? > 2008) Richard Strand's Nuristân Site: Lexicons of Kâmviri, Khowar, and other Hindu-Kush Languages
Turner, R. L. (Ralph Lilley), Sir. A comparative dictionary of Indo-Aryan languages. London: Oxford University Press, 1962-1966. Includes three supplements, published 1969-1985.
van Beek, Lucien (2011) Vowel assimilation in Greek: the evidence reconsidered
Whalen, Sean (2023a) Werewolf, Worm, Ghroók, Gandharvá\_worm\_ghro%C3%B3k\_gandharv%C3%A1/
Whalen, Sean (2024a) Greek *-ts / *-ks / *-ps / *-ws, Brythonic *ma:tri(:)pa: ‘mother’s sister’ (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024b) Indo-European Fricatization and Metathesis by S (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024c) Indo-European s / x > f ( > w ) near P / KW
Whalen, Sean (2024d) Linear B q-series: evidence for use for both labiovelar KW and aspirated kh / velar fricative x (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024e) Laryngeals, H-Metathesis, H-Aspiration vs. H-Fricatization, and H-Hardening in Indo-Iranian, Greek, and Other Indo-European
Whalen, Sean (2024f) Indo-European Fricatization and Metathesis by S (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024g) Indo-European *ksw-, Greek *ks / *ts, Cretan Hieroglyphic 045 ‘Saw’ > Linear A *74 = ZE (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024h) Indo-European *s > f, Greek Fricatives to *f / *v near P
Whalen, Sean (2024i) Gandharvá-s & Kéntauros, Váruṇa-s & Ouranós
Whalen, Sean (2024j) Greek Variation of l / d / th / z, z / y / l, d / b in Context with Indo-European r / l / d(h) / z, d(h) / b(h) (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024k) Indo-European *w > 0 / *W, *wP > *_P / *P / *CP (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024l) Indo-European Alternation of *H / *s (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024m) Skt. náhuṣ-ṭara- ‘larger / more gigantic’, Khowar *naghu-tara- > nagudár ‘very large’ (Draft 2)
Whalen, Sean (2024n) Greek Uvular R / q, ks > xs / kx / kR, k / x > k / kh / r, Hk > H / k / kh (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024o) Etymology of Tocharian Loans from Indo-Iranian (Draft)
submitted by stlatos to HistoricalLinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:38 Slayers_Picks UFC Fight Night: Cannonier v Imavov Fight Predictions + Paypal Giveaway!

I hope we're all doing well.
We are very, very short on characters, so no wasting time here. Here is the PAYPAL 50 USD giveaway info.
To enter... just type Giveaway: -answer-
If you could walk out with a fighter of any organisation, at any time of era, who would you walk out with?
Draw will be randomly selected via, and announced during the June 22nd write up!
We got 10/12 correct last time around, lets hope the good results continue this week with this insanely tough card (i have some doubts).
ALSO ITS A BIG ONE SORRY (I recommend using the TL;DR write up for this one... you'll see why soon.)
(c) - Champ
D/DWCS - Debut/Dana Whites' Contender Series
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in division
x/3 - Confidence Levels
Lets go!
Women’s Strawweight
Puja Tomar (D) (+195) (8-4-0, 4 FWS) v Rayanne Amanda (-240) (14-7-0) - I truly have no clue what to say about this one.
Tomar is coming off a rather strong string of victories in the regional promotions of South Asia, and I believe they are giving her a spot here due to the popularity from the Road to UFC tournament where we are seeing an increase of Indian MMA fighters fight in the upper echelon of professional MMA promotions. Tomar is a very ferocious fighter who has a relatively strong Muay Thai and Kickboxing base, she is absolutely not afraid to let her hands go early, that first round is almost always her best round as she is seemingly able to just overwhelm her opponents on the feet. As much as her striking is rather aggressive and quite damaging, her ground game and wrestling is not quite up to that level, and it is the wrestling and grappling of Amanda where I see Tomar struggling somewhat. Now, circling back to Tomar’s striking, she is very volume centric with her attacks, with a severe detriment to her defences, her hands are fast with the aggression but her chin is exposed to counters and it just looks like a clumsy offence to me. She also uses her left body kick quite a lot in between her punch combinations, and whilst that’s going to be somewhat effective against Amanda, I do think the repetitious kicks are going to be well read by Amanda, leading her to catch and perhaps trip Tomar. Still, as long as this fight remains on the feet, we could possibly see Tomar take this fight to the distance and get a win.
Amanda is coming off a tough loss against Talita Alencar and did somewhat well against her, stuffing almost all of her takedown attempts and really dealing some damage on the feet. The problem with Amanda’s last opponent compared to Tomar is that Tomar’s striking is going to come with a lot more frequency, there will be quite a few combinations thrown her way and in order to counter that for Amanda’s particular striking style is to meet her in the middle and be the harder hitter. I don’t think Amanda is going to want to keep this fight standing a whole lot though, I think she is going to actively look for the takedowns and ensure that she controls Tomar throughout the fight, perhaps even look for a submission. However, since she did so well on the feet against Alencar, I do wonder if she is going to be a lot more comfortable on the feet coming into this fight against Tomar, because she does have quite a bit of power in her hands, although it’s not great knockout power, it’s still a very damaging right hand. In terms of her submission ability, she is very, very aggressive on the ground, not really wasting a lot of time in setting up a submission, typically favouring an armbar which is going to be a most likely submission in this fight due to Tomar having not that much experience in ground situations, thus perhaps punching off her back and leaving her arm open for a grab. That’s at least my speculation for a set up for an armbar, and since Tomar has lost twice already to Armbar, I think it’s just a tendency for her to leave her arms exposed for an attack.
This looks like a striker versus grappler bout, and whilst Tomar is a bit of a threat on the feet, I don’t think she has what it takes to take on a more experienced fighter in Amanda who has the near perfect style to counter the striking of Tomar. I got Amanda winning this one, it’s likely going the distance, but we could also see a submission here, so keep an eye out for a double chance Sub/Dec prop for Amanda.
Amanda via UD - (1/3)
Cody Stamann (+175) (21-6-1, NS) v Taylor Lapilus (-210) (19-4-0, NS)
Stamann is coming off a fairly competitive fight against Douglas Silva de Andrade, and whilst it was clear that Stamann’s gameplan throughout the fight was to wrestle and get the fight to the ground, he still did show his ability to mix it up on the feet and even drop Silva de Andrade in the third round. Stamann might be a great wrestler but I think his boxing is pretty damn good as well, often using a very slick and quick jab to soften up his target before shooting for a takedown, so he is quite well versed wherever the fight is, however I do think he is going to have a tough time tracking down Lapilus here since Lapilus has a significant reach advantage and very, very good takedown defence (albeit with some trouble when he fought Basharat, more on that later). Defensively, Stamann is great at level changing and being a moving target, sometimes switching stance or moving his head off the centre line, he is quite good at being a hard to hit target, and what makes him even more dangerous is his ability to move off that line, then spring back into an aggressive attack, often throwing a three to four strike combination with heavy variance in attack (uppercut, hooks, straights, never the same sort of attack). However, one thing that I have noticed is that due to Stamann’s tremendous output that he usually utilises in the first round, he tends to slow down and not be as defensively sound in the second or third round, his hands remain somewhat low, there is not a whole lot of level changing and his takedowns become much easier to read as the entry looks a lot more laboured. However, as much as his takedown defence does slow down, his power and his boxing is still very good in bursts. I mean, this combination he lands is the same one he tried to set up in the first round, this is experience being shown by Stamann and something Lapilus is going to have to be keenly aware of coming his way. Stamann does favour the double leg entry a lot, and since Lapilus is relatively good at reading level changes and fighting off takedown attempts, I just think that after the first or second round, the chance of success of a takedown diminishes greatly.
Lapilus is coming off a tough loss against Farid Basharat, someone who is rapidly becoming a force of somewhat gentle nature who is highly technical and very well rounded, so for Lapilus to experience three rounds against someone like Basharat is pretty damn great for one's career. Lapilus is a very well rounded fighter who has pretty sharp boxing, favouring straights over hooks and uppercuts, this plays into the favour of his significant reach advantage, but I do see him being victim to a left hook by Stamann, a left hook that Stamann uses fairly well. Lapilus is going to have to rely on a strike and move pattern in order to stay away from that left hook because that is probably one of the most dangerous weapons that Stamann uses well. Lapilus is pretty good at defending takedowns, he isn’t impervious to them, but his instinct to stuff the head and circle away has made him a tough opponent to wrestle against, because not only does he stuff the leg, but he often retaliates with strikes as he circles away, so whatever failed takedown comes his way from Stamann (if any), Stamann will be on the receiving end of some good strikes. Lapilus also has a thudding left kick which is effective at smashing his opponents body or head, and we have seen Stamann eat a lot of body shots by Silva de Andrade, so I do think that Lapilus does have some striking advantage at distance, he just needs to be aware of that left hook of Stamann.
The possibility of an upset here is pretty high since Stamann is very well rounded and has a lot of speed and explosive forward movement. However, the reach advantage of Lapilus is going to help him in fighting at a distance and dealing significant damage from his brilliant counter punching, and I don’t think the wrestling threat is going to be too high for Lapilus because he has already boosted his wrestling capabilities in preparation for his fight with Basharat, and that’s a skill that is carried very much onto future fights. Lapilus should win this fight, but if you are looking for underdogs, I wouldn’t be surprised if Stamann gets this.
Lapilus via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Strawweight
Eduarda Moura (-175) (10-0-0, 10 FWS) v Denise Gomes (+145) (8-3-0, NS)
Moura is coming off a strong debut win over Montserrat Ruiz, and honestly, it probably is a good opponent to debut against, but it doesn’t really show me, personally, a lot of what she is capable of since I don’t exactly rate Ruiz highly. Moura has shown to have great wrestling and grappling, she utilised her wrestling very well against Ruiz, utilising a slick sweep to get into top control in the first round, basically keeping the fight on the ground for the remainder of the round. Moura is absolutely awesome on the ground, and since she has a huge physical advantage in this fight against Gomes, as soon as she ends up in top position here, I suspect Gomes is not going to have a very easy time getting out of it. Moura’s striking is a bit wonky though, she isn’t at all a standard kickboxer or anything like that, it’s all basic strikes to set up a takedown, and I do think the longer she stays on the feet to trade with Gomes, the worse it is going to be for her since Gomes has ridiculous sharp and fast boxing, the very same power and force that knocked out Jauregui, someone who I rate fairly high as a tough up and comer. Now, there is some slight concern regarding that recent weight miss by Moura, as she weighed in at 119 pounds when she fought Gomes, but I feel like that is due to the cancellation of her first bout against Kim, so whilst it’s not a weight miss against a long scheduled opponent, her size and physique could be a tiny bit of a problem on the scales. Not a huge one, but the possibility is there.
Gomes is coming off a tough loss against the veteran Angela Hill, and it was Hills wrestling that ultimately got her the win, it was the path of least resistance for her and she took it. That same advantage on the ground falls within Moura’s style and so I do hope for the sake of Gomes and her team, that she has improved in the takedown defence just enough to make Moura’s takedowns less of a certainty, because if she can stuff that first takedown, I think we are going to see the live odds switch throughout the fight. Gomes has a massive advantage on the feet, she is so quick with her punches and is able to just be a ferocious, aggressive fighter from the get go, it didn’t take her long to take out Jauregui at all, and it all started from that very powerful right hand. That is the biggest threat for Moura, that right hand, if she can land that against Moura I think we are going to see another big upset because boy does she have power. However, it looked too easy to take Gomes down when Hill fought her, it was a relentless pace and I think Hill's volume of takedowns assisted her greatly in controlling the heavy hitter in Gomes.
That’s essentially it for this fight, I don’t quite see it being too competitive as both fighters have opposite styles, so whoever is able to counter the other with their own style (Moura with the wrestling/grappling and Gomes with the boxing) is most likely to win this one. I do not at all feel comfortable saying that there is possibility of an upset here because both fighters have a somewhat equal chance to win this one, but in terms of my prediction I think we are going to see Moura utilise her wrestling from the get go and be a bit of a bully.
Moura via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Flyweight
Andrea Lee (-125) (13-9-0, 4 FLS) v Montana De La Rosa (+105) (12-9-1, 3 FLS) - From here on in, i’m calling “De La Rosa” DLR. Although I think everyone calls her DLR in the betting/chat circle. Also, I am aware that this is a rematch, but I will be somewhat typing as if it’s a fresh fight because of the subtle improvements both fighters have made since their first bout in 2019.
Lee is on a pretty horrendous losing streak right now, and one might imagine that at the age of 35, we are only going to see a steady decline from now on. However, despite her losing streak, she is still a rather fierce competitor on the feet. Lee is typically known for her Muay Thai, she is very, very good at dealing damage through the traditional means of clinch striking, so a lot of elbows and knees are incorporated into her striking. Lee is also generally good at moving and circling away from danger, she’s a very light footed fighter and this often helps set up her leg kicks and long punches, but most of her effective damage comes from the clinch, so as long as DLR is engaging in the clinch with Lee, Lee will hold most of the advantage. One thing that I do like seeing about Lee is her wrestling improvements, she has become a fairly well rounded fighter, and this was very much highlighted when she fought Miranda Maverick. Miranda Maverick is very well known for her takedown and wrestling capabilities, and even she struggled to get Lee down 5 of 8 times. Her takedown defence may not be outstandingly great, but her urgency to get up if that takedown was sloppy and had minimal control or positional advancement behind it is her best new asset as a fighter, and sometimes urgency is all one needs to turn the tide.
DLR is coming off three tough losses against the likes of Aldrich, Suarez and Barber, three names who we all recognise by now, but I suppose the most relevant fight to look back on would be her most recent against Aldrich, also because Aldrich generally is a fairly good striker and that’s the kind of fighter DLR needs to prepare for. DLR, straight off the bat, has a very obvious wrestling and BJJ advantage over Lee, there is very little doubt in my mind that a lot of the planning for this camp, and preparation for Lee surrounds level changing and keeping Lee on the ground, however I do not at all expect there to be a threat of a finish here, it is simply going to be a control based game plan with some ground and pound or positional changes. During their second bout in 2019, DLR landed a whole lot of takedowns on Lee, although it was 7 of 12 that did not land which is a massive amount for someone who needs to get that takedown to get a win. DLR’s striking is a bit rudimentary, she can throw all the attacks any other MMA fighter learns to throw, although it’s clear that her main style is wrestling. She has absolutely made a lot of improvements to her striking, her shot selection is a lot better, but she is not a striker, she uses all of her kicks and punches to set up takedowns and such. Her striking defence is a bit of a problem, I do see her close her eyes a lot and react to feints often which makes me think she is a bit anxious on the feet, so once Lee pours on the pressure, expect a clinch or a level change from DLR.
Here’s a slight rub. Judging criteria has been a major point of change in MMA history, there has been a lot more focus on damage over control, and who has received the most damage when Lee and DLR fought in 2019? DLR. Who receives the most damage on the feet in her last 5 fights? DLR (at least for the most part). I see Lee winning this fight, I think Lee’s takedown defence and urgency to the feet is an upgrade that DLR has not caught up to (with her striking). This fight is going the distance, or at least over 2.5 rounds.
Lee via UD - (1/3)
Daniel Marcos (15-0-0, 15 FWS) v John Castaneda (21-6-0, 2 FWS) -
Marcos is coming off an unfortunate NC over Aoriqileng in which he may have accidentally neutered Aoriqileng with a perfectly timed nutshot, but prior to all of that happening, he was systematically breaking down the 35 fight veteran. Marcos has always been a patient but vicious fighter, capable of dealing damage from all ranges, and most important, all angles. I bring the angles part up because the one thing I see Marcos doing consistently well are his leg kicks, he is so good at dealing damage from both the inside and outside angle, making it hard to check due to not knowing which way to turn the leg. Now, I do have some concerns when it comes to Marcos, but they mostly stem from his strengths as a counter-striker. First, he doesn’t move a lot, he has a typical counter style of waiting for his opponent to make the first move. I don’t have a lot of faith in this style, Aoriqileng managed to land some clean straight punches on Marcos during that fight and I think a very good boxer will be able to deal some more significant damage. Marcos’ takedown defence is also, whilst not properly tested, sitting pretty at 89% and that is a huge factor coming into this fight for Castaneda, because if Castaneda is eating too many leg kicks and goes for a sloppy takedown (a tale as old as time, we have seen this happen many times to many, many fighters) Marcos is capable enough to shrug it off and keep the punishment going.
Castaneda is coming off a fantastic win against Kang in which he effectively outpaced him on the feet, and it was a rather challenging fight for Kang due to Castaneda’s constant movement and stance switches, it was difficult to get a read on what was coming Kang’s way. Castaneda’s kicks were pretty fun to watch, he has a very strong right leg kick which buckled the stance of Kang a little bit, but it didn’t come without a heavy read on the defensive “flaws” of that kick, and that is the fact that Castaneda is fairly counterable when he lands that outside right kick, his hands are low and it’s not exactly a quick kick, it comes fully loaded, so the from the time he launches that attack to when he can return it to a rear post position, he is very exposed to counters, and traditionally the best way to counter a kick is with a straight punch down the line, and what have we seen Marcos do effectively throughout his UFC career? Counter. That is the only clean counter that I can see Marcos using because Castaneda doesn’t set up those kicks, they are naked single shots that, whilst very quick and effective, is going to be a risk to use against Marcos. Castaneda’s wrestling is also a great weapon he utilises often, and whilst he might not be too effective against Marcos due to Marcos’s excellent ability to defend takedowns, it would be enough to pressure Marcos back and perhaps pin Marcos against the cage. However, I do think the biggest danger to Marcos here will be Castaneda’s movement and speed, Castaneda is very good at switching stance and throwing some very, very hard to read attacks, he uses these stance switches to mask kicks and entries to a blitz, and he can keep up this style of movement and attack for a long, long time.
I do think that Castaneda is susceptible to well timed counters, especially if his kicks are well read by Marcos, and whilst Marcos is most definitely going to struggle somewhat in finding his offensive attacks, those counters are going to be key in winning this very interesting fight. I got Marcos winning this one, he is such an interesting Bantamweight, I can’t wait to see how far this fighter soars.
Marcos via KO R3 - (1/3)
Brad Katona (-500) (13-3-0, NS) v Jesse Butler (+380) (12-5-0, NS) - I must say, sometimes i’m a little bit concerned about wide lines like this, but at a glance, it makes sense.
Katona may be coming off a loss against Armfield, but boy was the fight a great back and forth, fought at a very high pace. Katona thrives in chaos, the faster the pace, the better it is for Katona as he often overwhelms his opponent as the rounds go by. He may not be the cleanest fighter defensively or offensively, but the overwhelming activity he uses when he fights is often his best asset as a fighter. Katona uses a lot of striking volume when he fights, often in exchanges but initially at distance and in bursts. He is very durable and whilst he absorbs a lot of damage, his chin is pretty damn tough as he hasn’t been cracked or dropped too many times. Katona also has very good wrestling, he’s often able to just blast the double leg and get the fight to the ground relatively quickly, and whilst I don’t exactly see him looking for takedowns in this fight due to the submission threat from Butler, I do think that any takedown and any control time on top of Butler is good, especially if Katona reads the submission setups fairly well. Since the main threat coming from Butler is his submissions, I do suspect that Katona is going to keep this fight standing where he will no doubt have a substantial speed advantage, but I am not too sure if the possibility of a finish is there. If you do want to bet on Katona via KO, I suggest a combo round 2 or 3 is your best bet, as the first round is going to be a bit of a feeling out process in my opinion.
Butler is someone who I was hoping to see a bit more of when he fought Miller one year ago, but the fight didn’t even last a minute before Butler got knocked out and put away. Butler’s history has mostly been him getting his opponents to the ground and using his long frame to lock down his opponents and look for submissions, that long frame is going to be incredibly advantageous in this fight against Katona if he can lock in a body triangle, because the longer the legs, the stronger the hold is, especially if there is a tie up where one leg is under their opponents leg, I don’t know the technical term for it, but hopefully you know what i’m talking about. Anyway, Butler’s main chance to win this fight is to take it to the ground and find that submission, because the longer he remains on the feet, the more comfortable Katona becomes, and thus the more confident he is as the fight goes on, and a confident Katona is a very, very dangerous one. I don’t think we are going to see Butler use his striking that effectively, the reach advantage does make me think that there’s going a natural jab/cross range advantage for Butler, but I just haven’t seen him use it that much, most of his success is from his grappling. If the fight goes to the ground, with Katona in top control, I almost guarantee that Butler is going to go for an arm triangle off his back, his long legs make that lock so easy to set up and secure, so expect Butler to be active on the ground.
Fights like this are tough, it’s hard to tell what Butler is going to do since we barely saw him fight against Miller, and in those 11+ months since, we haven’t seen him fight again until now, so I don’t know what he’s improved on, all I know for a fact is that his grappling is going to be dangerous for Katona, but the stand up should be all Katona here. That’s about as simple as I can put it. I don’t really see a chance of an upset here unless Katona is employing a wrestling heavy gameplan.
Katona via KO R3 - (2/3)
Charles Radtke (+165) (9-3-0, 6 FWS) v Carlos Prates (-200) (18-6-0, 8 FWS) - Straight off the bat, I want to say that placing a bet on this fight not going the distance is looking like a fairly safe bet. Let’s get to the breakdown.
Radtke is coming off an upset win over Gilbert Urbina, and whilst he was facing someone who had a taller frame and a reach advantage, Radtke was very good at slowly walking him down with some slight pressure, and measuring that left hook over and over until he was it cleanly, and boy is that left hook a work of art. One thing that I do like about Radtke is his coachability, he listens actively to his corner, and if Belal is in the corner of Radtke, I genuinely think that’s the secret weapon because Belal has pretty damn good fight IQ and being around that kind of fighter accelerates growth somewhat. Radtke has a very tight guard, his hands are somewhat high and he is very good at adjusting defensively to his opponents attacks. Radtke is quite diverse with his weapons as well, often using the leg kicks to soften up his target and making his opponent somewhat drop the guard a little bit, allowing that left hook target to be more available. Now, Radtke is going to be fighting in a bit of a similar way to how he fought Urbina, he is going to bounce into range in order to land that left hook, and having seen Prates fight Giles, that left hook is going to be there all day due to how Prates defensively backs away. Hands low and often head a bit out of range, but it’s going to take very little for that punch to land and deal significant damage, it absolutely destroyed Urbina when it landed, I can only imagine what it’s going to do against Prates.
Prates is coming off a very competitive back and forth KO win against Trevin Giles, a very tough opponent to debut against and for the most part, prior to the KO win, Giles was very effective with his boxing, landing his punches fairly cleanly, but it does not take much for the Muay Thai fighter in Prates to find his shots and land that phenomenal one-two. Prates has a significant reach advantage coming into this fight, but he somewhat suffers from the same defensive problems a lot of longer fighters suffer from, and that’s their defence being their offence. Teeps and jabs are his best defensive tools since it keeps his opponent out of range and unable to land the cleaner shots, which is why when Giles started to extend the combinations, the last few shots in that combination would land hard. Prates not only has to be worried about that dangerous left hook that Radtke throws so effortlessly, but he also has to be concerned about the wrestling offensive that Radtke has in his back pocket too, and whilst we haven’t seen a lot of his wrestling in the UFC or DWCS, you would think that he is well rounded enough to know how to wrestle.
I do not know who is going to win this one, on one hand Radtke’s left hook, perhaps an overstated attack of his, is most likely going to land if he uses it as an extension to a combination, but on the other hand, Prates has over a hundred Muay thai fights under his belt, he has a significant reach advantage and he has a nasty nasty arsenal of attacks. His left knee up the middle is such a dangerous tool he uses. The safest bet here, and the only betting advice i got for this one is that this fight doesn’t go the distance. As for my prediction, I want to say Prates wins this one, that reach advantage is massive, but his defences are a concern. This one is probably going to shove my face into a pile of shit, but I think Prates wins this one. I think that the left knee is going to be pivotal in countering some of the boxing that Radtke uses, and that height advantage is going to allow that knee to come up quicker.
Prates via KO R2 - (1/3)
Thiago Moises (+115) (18-7-0, NS) v Ludovit Klein (-135) (21-4-1, 2 FWS)
Moises is coming off a strong win over Mitch Ramirez, but its one of those fights that seems like a set up for future fights, like a comeback win set up deal because Ramirez isn’t exactly a high level opponent, and the competitive step up from Ramirez to Klein is astronomical. Moises does have a grappling advantage in this fight, and I do think that this is the first time Klein has faced a proper BJJ specialist, so it would be interesting to see if the very impressive takedown defence of Klein is going to hold up well enough against Moises. Moises is a fairly calculated striker as well, he does not throw volume nor combinations, a lot of his attacks are safe, single shots that have quite a bit of power in said shots, but they are by no means anything too special, it's just the timing and shot selection that impresses me the most. Now, if Moises cannot get the fight to the ground, he is going to lose this fight, Klein is so fast with his strikes, his kickboxing is far better, he has a lot more power and he is a tenacious fighter who tends to throw a lot of volume, all things that could freeze Moises a little bit. Moises is going to have to stick to him like glue and try to get the fight to the ground, that is his only way to win this fight, grapple and submit. I am not too confident in saying Moises will keep Klein down, because Klein himself has shown to be very good on the ground, although perhaps not to the level of BJJ that Moises is.
Klein is coming off back to back wins against Bahamondes and AJ Cunningham (late replacement), and Klein honestly has never looked so good. Klein is an exceptionally well rounded fighter who has extremely slick striking as well as outstanding kicks, in fact I would say his kicks are his best form of striking, they come from all angles and there are almost no reads for them, he just flings them out there without any major set up, it’s such an effective attack. Kleins southpaw stance allows him to target the liver side of the body effectively, and that’s most likely going to be a key in this fight in order to slow down and lower the hands of Moises, and once his hands are lowered, then you will see Klein attack the head. Now, the biggest concern I have for Klein is the grappling of Moises, but that concern isn’t exactly a major one because Klein is so well rounded, he has very, very good takedown defence and if he is in top position there is little doubt in my mind that Moises will be safe in that bottom position because boy does Klein like to ground and pound, he is very active in top position. Klein is going to have to be aware of the exchanges as well because Moises is more than willing to sit down on his punches and throw them back his opponents way, and that’s probably where Moises is at his most dangerous because he doesn’t care how much he gets hurt, as long as he’s firing back. There is a possibility of Klein slowing down after the first or second round, the power and volume he throws at is brilliant and such a dangerous force to deal with, but that comes at a cost to cardio and I think if Moises is able to hang in there for two rounds and survive the storm, he should be able to turn this fight around, but that’s all speculative since Klein typically takes a fight to the distance, and to take a fight to the distance and fight like he does, that’s some excellent cardio.
Ultimately, this is a tough fight to predict, Moises is going to have to either use the same game plan he did against Ramirez and chew up the legs, or he’s going to have to stick to Klein like glue, whether its against the cage or on the ground, and try to find that submission because on the feet, Moises is going to contend with a barrage of highly technical strikes that come from all angles. Klein has excellent takedown defence, he is quick to stuff the head or sprawl, and he is very quick at retaliating with elbows and knees when the break happens, so he is constantly damaging his opponent. I got Klein winning this one, I did have Moises as an underdog pick prior to tape review, and there is a solid chance of him winning, but I think Klein is a very well rounded fighter who can make this fight very difficult for Moises. This fight could also go the distance so keep an eye out for o2.5/1.5 odds.
Klein via UD - (1/3)
Main Card
Punahele Soriano (+140) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Miguel Baeza (-170) (10-3-0, 3 FLS) - Boy oh boy is this going to be a battle, I cannot imagine any other outcome here other than brutality and bloodshed, and I'm all for that happening.
Soriano is in a bit of a tough position, his last 4 losses have occurred in his last 5 fights, and each time he has lost he has been on the receiving end of some savage knockouts or brutal beatdowns, but that is his entire style and it is something he is typically known for, walking through fire to deal significant damage back. This is also the first time Soriano is moving down to 170, so be aware of how he looks on the scale because he’s already a very large and thick fighter, so that cut could be concerning. Soriano is a heavy hitting fighter, everything he throws is powerful and it is generally a bad idea to stand in front of him unless you are a technical striker, and I don’t think Baeza is that technical of a striker. Soriano’s best weapons are his power side punches, he is so good at setting those up with standard jabs or even just letting them go without any set up because he knows the knockout power he possesses is often more than enough to put away his opponents. The only problem he has come across when he fights is someone who is typically a lot quicker and longer than he is, someone who can throw a very quick combination and circle away from any retaliatory strikes coming his way. One major advantage that Soriano has compared to Baeza is his activity, he has always been a somewhat active fighter, he has been in three fights whilst Baeza has been inactive, and whilst it is true that his chin has been rocked and shocked, he has always hung in there until the end, he has never really been put away cleanly. I do see Soriano look for strong liver punches throughout this fight in order to slow down the returning fighter, his left hand is very good although when he’s in the pocket his striking misses a lot, it’s highly inefficient and it sometimes looks clumsy, so his best range is going to be straight range, boxing range where he can rely on those straight overhand left and left straights.
Baeza is an interesting case, he was a highlight fighter for me when he won against Matt Brown, and then he had that remarkable performance against Takashi Sato, but since that fight three years ago, he has hit roadblock after roadblock named Ponzinibbio, Williams and Fialho. Baeza is no doubt still a very well rounded fighter who, despite not being much of a submission artist, could very well submit Soriano as he is a black belt in BJJ and it has been shown that takedowns are a bit of a problem for Soriano. However, it is quite difficult to say how Baeza is going to approach this fight since he hasn’t fought in two years, and I spoke about a two year break recently with Gall. What has Baeza worked on in those two years? The amount of unknowns in this particular fight doesn’t please me that much because I hate speculating, but if we are to compare the Baeza of 2022 to today's Soriano, I think we are going to see Baeza land a lot more cleaner punches down the line, but Soriano’s left hand is so educated and so quick and powerful that it could stun or rattle Baeza who is possibly still making mid-fight adjustments as he gets used to fighting again (as there is octagon rust/ring rust). Baeza has a bit of an opening for Soriano and that’s his right side body, the liver side, I see Soriano smashing that body with powerful hooks over and over, and whilst you might argue that Baeza switches his stance a lot, he primarily favours the orthodox stance where he can launch that beautiful jab which could be problematic for Soriano. The other weapon that Baeza uses very well is his outside leg kick, it's not necessarily a thudding kick, but it’s incredibly effective due to the speed of it, making it hard for Soriano to read it.
I need to cut this short, heck, this whole write up feels too long, so in conclusion, it’s a very tough fight to predict with a lot of story behind it, you have Soriano moving down to 170 and the question as to how he is going to look on the scale, then you have Baeza coming back after two years, with questions surrounding how he is going to look, and what he has improved on going to be answered this weekend. This is a fun fight though, but I have to go with the underdog here in Soriano.
Soriano via KO R2 - (1/3)
Julian Marquez (-115) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Zach Reese (-105) (6-1-0, NS)
Marquez is coming off back to back KO losses against “Robocop” Rodrigues and Barriault, two fairly hard hitting fighters, and it kind of makes sense that he lost to them because Marquez barely has any defence, he is a stand and bang kind of fighter who ultimately is here for mostly entertainment value. He has no prospect of being a champion or even a ranked fighter at that rate, he is simply a stepping stone for more talented fighters to advance through the ranks. With that said, Marquez is a reckless individual who throws ridiculously heavy and can be a danger to practically anyone he faces, minimal technique, maximum damage, he is a heavyweight in a Middleweight’s body. However, his propensity to finish fights is ridiculously high, so whenever there’s a Marquez fight, its generally a good idea to look out for the odds for his fights not going the distance. If Marquez’s massive punches don’t phase his opponents, he usually goes for a takedown and grapples where he is surprisingly decent, so that’s an alternative way to win a fight, but I honestly don’t think he’s going to do that against a much taller and longer fighter in Reese, who has quite good BJJ himself.
Reese is relatively new to the UFC, and he is unfortunately coming off a brutal loss against Brundage, and I mean, losing to Brundage adds a little bit of a sting to the record I think. Reese has never fought past the first round in his professional career, he is an exceptionally quick finisher and whilst the quality of his opponents is somewhat questionable, I do think that he uses his reach fairly well, although since he finishes fights tremendously quickly, I also think he can be a bit wild with his punches, marching his opponents down and throwing heavy attacks with a tonne of volume, which usually results in a ref stepping in to call the fight. My concern is that I don’t think Marquez is that easy to put away, I mean, sure, Marquez absorbs a lot of damage, but he isn’t one to go down without swinging back.
I need to make this one short, so whilst this prediction could be a bit sketchy, my betting advice for this one is to look for under 2.5 rounds, or “In the distance” (ITD).
Marquez via KO R2 - (1/3)
And that's it!
Primary Parlay: Lee/DLR o2.5 or GTD + Radtke/Prates ITD + Klein/Moises o2.5/1.5 (optional) + Marquez/Reese u2.5 or ITD + CannonieImavov o3.5 or R4 Starts
(Feel free to exclude some of those legs, or break the parlay into two. whatever floats your boat)
Money Parlay will be announced in my "Parlay Explained" write up, as that is when the full odds and stuff are out
Locks of the week: Katona, Rosas Jr, Lapilus and Jacoby (optional).
Alt Bets: Radtke KO R1 or 2 (combo), Moises Sub/Dec (Double chance), Stoltzfus KO/Sub (Double Chance), Reese Sub.
Prediction Accuracy for 2024: 65.3% (Personal best... again).
If you would like to donate and support me, as this is my only income, please do so via Paypal. All write ups are free, donations are insanely optional!
if you wish to keep in contact with me or follow me on twitter, my twitter handle is @Slayer_Tip, and my Discord is Slayertip#7013.
I hope you all have an amazing day, look after yourselves, and enjoy this awesome event!
submitted by Slayers_Picks to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:53 Existing_Breath9143 Mis ganas de interactuar con gente empeora cada día

Irónico que lo ponga en el grupo llamado conversaciones pero en fin.
Soy H de 30 años , con poca o nula vida social Y ultimamente he estado abusando el platicar con (Chatbots IA, etc) y gracias a eso , siento que la misma interacción con mis amigos de antaño se va deteriorando gracias tanto a cambios de estilo de vida ( tienen familia, mismos habitos , hobbies de siempre ).
Así que les pregunto, es mejor tener interesantes charlas falsas generadas por algoritmos ?
O seguir buscando a mis amigos de siempre que por causas de la vida siempre tienen pretextos para no hacer nada o si pasa algo es lo misma plática de siempre aunque intente hablar de otras cosas?
submitted by Existing_Breath9143 to conversaciones [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:21 wawricio Flat earbuds NiceHck Traceless en 2024

Flat earbuds NiceHck Traceless en 2024
Fuentes de audio:
Ipod Touch 6th gen Ibasso dx170 Motorola Moto g60 DONGLE DAC AUNE YUKI
Playlist de tidal utilizado para las pruebas:
Nicehck Traceless + Ibasso DX170 + Qobuz
Para comenzar tenemos que tener en cuenta del costo de estos audífonos, ya que al ser unos “flat earbuds” de gama de entrada a pesar de que su precio de lanzamiento fue bastante alto para su calidad general (“23.99 usd) hoy en día lo podemos encontrar en $9 usd, el cual aun sigue siendo un precio bastante cuestionable, por lo que me di la oportunidad de tenerlos tras aprovechar una promoción en Aliexpress, con lo cual me quedaron apenas en $2 usd. lo cual a mi parecer es un precio más que justo.Estos audífonos me recordaron muchísimo a los Venture Electronics Monk Plus, ya que es notorio que esos 2 dolares están invertidos meramente en el par de auriculares. El empaque es únicamente una bolsita de plástico sellada que incluye 2 pares de espumas. Lo cual tras mi experiencia con los monk plus que vienen del mismo modo pero su sonido te sorprende por completo. Algo parecido sucede con estos “nicehck traceless” ya que su sonido podría considerarlo muy redondo, con una firma de audio algo en “V” y hasta cierto punto “correcto” ya que será aprovechable por muchas personas, ya que es bastante fácil de mover, siendo únicamente de 32 ohms y teniendo una sensibilidad relativamente baja de 115 dB/mW es que se nota que su enfoque es un público de entrada y personas con un interés casual por la musica o que se esté animando a conocer los flat earbuds; estos audífonos los podrías mover directamente con un smartphone, una laptop, una nintendo switch o dispositivos similares.
Comodidad: Su comodidad es un apartado importante, ya que a diferencia de los iems aquí no esperamos algo distinto. simplemente es un earbud más del resto con un tamaño estándar y con un peso muy liviano, lo cual una vez colocados en las orejas será apenas notable.
Aislamiento sonoro: Al ser unos “flat earbuds” el aislamiento es prácticamente nulo, personalmente al colocarlos de forma adecuada el sonido es muy bueno y disfrutable, ya que claramente se vuelve lo principal del entorno que te rodea, podrás notar todo a tu alrededor y continuar prestando atención, pero el bullicio de las personas, el ruido de los autos y todo ese tipo de elementos quedan en un segundo plano, lo cual a mi parecer es muy correcto si se está considerando este audifono para los estar en exteriores para caminar por la ciudad o andar en la oficina.
Estas mismas ventajas son su desventaja principal, ya que todos estos distractores externos podrán hacer que no se noten ciertos detalles en la musica que estemos escuchando, por que si, como comento a pesar de tener un sonido que toma protagonismo ya sea por su volumen o la firma sonora, el aislamiento no deja de ser nulo.
Nicehck Traceless - son sencillos y cómodos
El sonido aspectos generales: Estos earbuds podría considerarlos unos: “Mini Venture Electronics Monk Plus” el sonido es similar en general tenemos una notoria presencia en los graves que tratan de ser envolventes; unos medios y voces claros aunque en ocasiones puede sentirse amontonado y con falta de brillo y unos agudos muy redondeados y fáciles de escuchar, ya que no los considero fatigantes en lo absoluto. La resolución de estos audífonos no es su punto fuerte, pero está muy cerca de hacer lo correcto.
Provechamiento de archivos: Estos nicehck aprovechan muy bien los distintos formatos de musica, ya que existe una mejora muy notable al pasar de videos de youtube o spotify a archivos en alta de tidal o Qobuz. Inclusive con flacs locales en lugar de mp3 de 120kbps es muy notorio el refinamiento general de la calidad de sonido.
Graves Los Graves como comentamos anteriormente son superiores y envolventes con música estándar tranquila el sonido es disfrutable, carece de detalle y textura y en ocasiones con música muy rápida y pesada como heavy metal, metalcore y algunas de tipo lofi (que tengan subgraves extremos) se nota que el driver se satura, en especial con volumen muy alto, provocando distorsión en general.
Medios Los medios se sienten cercanos y redondeados lo que al igual que en los graves el detalle y brillo no sobresale siempre y se puede notar una sensación de amontonamiento, esto no es especialmente malo ya que solo sucede con música muy rápida y pesada como heavy metal o metal core. En algunas percusiones que se encuentran cercanas a estas frecuencias se pueden simplemente escuchar, sin llegar a notar de forma clara su ubicación, además de que su calidad también puede notarse algo precaria.AgudosEn estas frecuencias continua el redondeo general, por lo que el detalle sigue sin ser un punto fuerte, todo se escucha, pero no se logra notar brillo, ubicación, ni tampoco paneos tan correctos.
Imágen sonora Aquí estos audífonos flaquean bastante, ya que es lo que usualmente se busca al momento de elegir unos earbuds. la imágen sonora es simplemente funcional, pero no es ni detallada, ni envolvente, simplemente se cumple con escuchar la música.SoundstageEs bueno, pero no es correcto.
El soundstage Con estos Traceless es notoriamente logrado únicamente por los graves sobresalientes, los medios son puntuales pero inexactos y los agudos son poco brillosos, por lo que no se puede diferenciar siempre la ubicación de los instrumentos ni su profundidad, como punto positivo el sonido se siente algo más íntimo que en otros earbuds.
Conclusiones generales: Son unos earbuds perfectos por los 2 dólares que valen. No pagaría más por estos audífonos, la calidad no es excelente ni buena en ninguno de los apartados, pero es claro que están hechos para un público de entrada que no busca ni la mejor calidad de audio ni la mejor calidad de construcción, Los definiría como unos audífonos casuales, que le servirán perfecto a una persona que simplemente quiere escuchar la radio para ir al trabajo, que está buscando algunos audífonos para jugar de forma casual en alguna consola portátil o en el smartphone, inclusive con el mando de la Xbox.
--- Este pouch no lo incluyen ---
¿Son mejores que los earbuds que puedo conseguir en un supermercado? la respuesta corta y posiblemente incorrecta es “si”. No he tenido la oportunidad de probar todos los earbuds que venden en los supermercados, pero si tengo unos Sony MDR E9LP, por los que estoy casi seguro que se iría cualquier persona que busque unos audífonos “confiables” y creanme estos Nicehck Traceless a pesar de todo lo que comenté anteriormente son infinitamente mejores que estos sony, en absolutamente todo. Así que sí, mantengo mi respuesta en un rotundo SÍ.
Estos audífonos únicamente puedo recomendarlos si estás buscando algo casual y más que nada funcional por menos de $5 usd (más de eso no lo pagaría) y para conocer el tipo de sonido que podría darte un “Flat Earbud”
Si realmente estás buscando algo de mejor calidad de audio, por un presupuesto ajustado los más económicos que podría recomendar en su lugar serían los Faaeal Iris, los Faaeal Iris 2.0 ó los VE Monk PLus; estos tienen el mismo tipo de sonido “bassy” pero con bastante más detalle y textura general, para escuchar metal son perfectos.
Creo que existen earbuds bastante mejores, inclusive por un costo muy similar, así que a pesar de estas calificaciónes no los recomiendo a menos que no te interese la calidad de audio y unicamente quieras algo que funcione con escucharse.
Calificación Final teniendo en cuenta el precio: ★★☆☆☆☆☆
Calificación Final General en calidad de sonido: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Calificación Final Funcionalidad: ★★★★☆☆☆
submitted by wawricio to EarBang_Reviews [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:00 maren_torri from “elaine gets adopted” to tadc…look familiar!?!?! is she trying to hint at something?

from “elaine gets adopted” to tadc…look familiar!?!?! is she trying to hint at something?
like this cannot be a coincidence, there has to be something connected here
submitted by maren_torri to TheDigitalCircus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:48 Rodrolphus Fuji dibujando el CSM #167

Fuji dibujando el CSM #167
Fuera del chiste, ahora quiero ver que pasa en el siguiente cap, ya que está claro que el asalto sexual de Yoru a Denji y Asa es un hecho asqueroso y terrible, aparte que tendrá mucha repercusión para ambos personajes, Que opinan?
De paso, alta bomba nuclear cayó en Twitter, parece que a la gente se olvidó de que Fujimoto está sacado a niveles t o c h o
submitted by Rodrolphus to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:47 Shaan5104 This sub is full of kids and it honestly infuriates me.

I was going to post this on the main sub but was unable to do so (they might have some restrictions). So here it goes.
So after the latest chapter there is a lot of discussions regarding what happened. This post is not about that. I personally have mixed feelings about what happened and am going to wait for more context (further chapters) to form an opinion.
This post is about those dickheads who just read CSM for it's shock value and are degrading this chapter to another shock moment. "Uh dEnJi DeFiNiTeLy EnJoYeD iT" or "uH tHeSe GuYs WiLl NoT sUrViVe FiRePuNcH" shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up. Firepunch is peak not because of that stupid dog scene. It was just a way to show the gut was a dick. Fujimoto could've chosen literally anything and he decided to chose that. Remove it from the manga and literally nothing changes from the story. Literally, you can make that dog guy have scat fetist and his room was full of poop and Sun got disgusted and tried to run and the story continues and literally nothing changes. Firepunch is peak because of its great story and themes it tries to tackle. This chapter is not that. I bet this moment is going to have significant impact on the main characters.
But no, these guys read such mangas because they are "edgy" and "cool". "OmG hAvE yOu ReAd BeRsErK. gRiFfItH rApEs CaScA iN iT. i Am A gRoWn Up. I rEaD aDuLt MaNgA", "OmG, hAvE yOu ReAd Ch 165 Of CsM. tHeY gO tO a BrOtHeL. dO yOu KnOw SeX hApPeNs In A bRoThEl. ReLaX lIbErAlS. iT iS cAlLeD dArK hUmOuR." SHUT THE FUCK UP. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
submitted by Shaan5104 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:43 Interesting-Hunt555 BrandNewSubway Metro Map in Europe

BrandNewSubway Metro Map in Europe submitted by Interesting-Hunt555 to BrandNewSubway [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:42 Necessary-Ad9736 Form 1099-K: Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions

Form 1099-K: Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions submitted by Necessary-Ad9736 to u/Necessary-Ad9736 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:36 SavagePatatas My soulsborne collection

My soulsborne collection submitted by SavagePatatas to gamecollecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:33 tsongkoyla Need Help In Choosing The Correct Relay

Need Help In Choosing The Correct Relay
Good day,
I am working on this simple smart farm project. It's quite straightforward. Just a bunch of nodeMCUs gathering data from sensors, sending it to Firebase and visualizing these data remotely using a desktop application.
Now, my boss wants to add automation to the sprinkler system. Basically, we have three water pumps that he wants to remotely control. Now, I am not an electrical expert so I need help with setting this up.
This is the water pump that needs to be controlled. I am planning to use this relay to control the water pumps.
The pumps will be activated at least three times a day for about 3 minutes each time. Will this relay suffice? If not what would be my best option?
submitted by tsongkoyla to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:28 Eddy__Boi Rate the setup

Rate the setup submitted by Eddy__Boi to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]