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[0 YoE] Mechanical engineering graduate, read the wiki, not even getting any interviews, what are my next steps?

2024.06.04 21:30 Anonymous_299912 [0 YoE] Mechanical engineering graduate, read the wiki, not even getting any interviews, what are my next steps?

[0 YoE] Mechanical engineering graduate, read the wiki, not even getting any interviews, what are my next steps?
Hello everyone.
  • The general rule is that if you are applying to a lot of places and you aren't getting interviews, then the issue is mostly your resume. The thing is, I showed my friends and family my resume (some of whom are working in the field) and they didn't say anything bad about it. I applied to 28 positions that were tailored to each role, and no response. At least I should be getting interviews, no? Yeah, I know I don't have an internship, but I tried to get it before graduating, and it didn't happen. So I don't know what to do next other than work on some CAD modeling projects and apply to every entry-level position. Seems like I am going nowhere and need guidance.
  • I would prefer a design role or something similar. I am not trying to limit my options, however.
  • I am located in Canada, applying country-wide.
  • I am willing to relocate, without assistance
  • I am currently 'working' with this tutoring company, as an 'independent contractor'. It's not part-time or full-time, it's like a gig essentially. Technically I am not unemployed, but I feel like I am.
  • I have been around the sub for some time, and I think I got the general look and formatting thing down. Maybe the bullet points can be stated better so I would like some feedback on that as well. But I think I am just not a good candidate, straight-up. I have been going through Solidworks tutorials, but again it doesn't seem like I am making progress. I guess I need some direction towards my goals because I don't feel confident the path I am taking is getting me where I want to be.
  • I am a Canadian citizen so it shouldn't be an issue for positions in Canada. But I think there might be an issue if I apply for US positions as well. Should I be doing that as well? I can't imagine bringing someone from another country when there are plenty of fish around you.
submitted by Anonymous_299912 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:47 Acceptable_Scheme_66 Help improving current resume

Help improving current resume submitted by Acceptable_Scheme_66 to MechanicalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:55 ChercheurDeTodo Dark Souls, influenced from Ancient Greek/Roman gods tells a story about the inevitable demise of the Roman Empire.

I have been learning about greek and roman history and can't help but see the inspirations Dark Souls took from the Romans. Just as Roman history is confusing and extensive, so is the story of dark souls. I believe major components of it's story are inspired from it. To me, seems the story dark souls tells contains a beautiful, twisted mix of roman/greek mythology and the story of the fall of the Roman Empire.
Note: only be touching upon DS1 and DS3. Excuse poor Eng. Gracias :)
1) The easiest parallels we can see: Visuals. The world of Dark Souls 1 has HEAVY parrelels to the lands occupied by the Romans. Classical Roman Architecture, Roman Catholicism, and other general romanesque ruins.
Here is Lordran, Lordran as symbolic of both Rome and the Roman Empire. Notice it's architecture, great walls and aquaduct like buildings.:
Roman Gates:
roman aqueducts:
Dark Souls, another angle of the walls:$screen$
Walls of Rome:
Kiln of the first flame, DS1:
Colosseum, Rome:
Kaunos, Ancient City (located in Anatolia):
Take a look at these DS1 locations and tell me you can't see the resemblence:
Firelink Shrine:
Roman ruins, Hispania (Spain):
Oolacile township:
(parallel how both were buried)
Undead Parish, notice the columns, concrete:
Citadel of Rome:
More DS1:
more roman ruins:
This goes on and on and I think you get the point. Just look anywhere in Lordran and you find the clear parallels. here one more to hammer it home :
2) The Gods and back story of Dark Souls. Parallels. The Gods of dark souls take clear inspirtation and have some parralels to roman(greek) mythology. Although obisouly not a direct rip (for the most part).
In Dark Souls the Gods encompass the seat of both greek/roman mythology and act as rulers of the land like the Emperors of Rome.
(From strongest correlation to weakest)
Gwyn is Zues/Jupiter. Too perfect of a comparison, I mean Jupiter was known as god of thunder and the sky. He was Chief Diety. Resided in Rome. Has relations to the daylight (sunlight, first flame, you get the gist).
First Born is Ares/Mars:
Once again, such a good comparison. Ares was the son of Zues, Mars the son of Jupiter. In roman/greek mythology he was a god of war (wow!). What is extremely interesting is that in Roman mythology he is praised and had many cults. In Greek mythology, he is seem as "bloodstained, a savage, and even cowardous". Is this not how the first born we see in the souls series? He is banished for betrayel by siding with the dragons. This can be seen as a savegary act and "staining" the Gods. And at the same time, he still has a following with the sunlight warriors and his knights.
Gwynevere is akin to Hera/Juno. " goddess of marriage, women, and family, and the protector of women during childbirth". Roman/Greek mythology differs as she is the wife of Zues/Jupiter, not a daughter. In Dark Souls, gwynevere is daughter of Gwyn.
Gwyndolin is extremely interesting cause it seems he can represent both Artemis and Apollo.
In Greek mythology, Artemis and Apollo are twins, one male one female. Gwyndolin is a male but represents femininity.
Both Apollo and Artemis wield a bow, like gwyndolin.
Apollo is associated with sun and light. I mean read and look at this: as Apollo Helios he became identified among Greeks with Helios, the personification of the Sun
depiction of helios:
On the other hand, Artemis was associated with the moon. She is the personifaction of the moon and her symbole is the crescent moon. She was worshipped in Rome her self. Gwyndolin is found in Anor Londo.
Oh yeah, did I mention both Apollo and Artemis have serpents as symbols?
Andre and Hephaestus.
Did you know Andre was to be related to Gwyn? tsuka: Are there any characters whose role changed dramatically as development progressed? Miyazaki: Oh, there are many, for example Andre of Astora. Originally he played a far more important role in the story. Satake: Andre is no longer related to Gwyn, is he? Miyazaki: Yes, we took that out.
"Hephaestus the greek god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes.\1]) In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was either the son of Zaus and Hera or he was Hera's parthenogneius child" Hephaestus's Roman counterpart is Vulcan who is often depicted with a blacksmith's hammer.
parthenogneius meaning we don't really know if he is related to Zues... kinda like Andre's relation to Gwyn now.
The furtive pygmy and humanity symbolic of Promethius?
Read this and tell me if this reminds you of the story of humanity and the undead curse.
"Prometheus is best known for defying the Olympian gods by stealing fire from them and giving it to humanity in the form of technology, knowledge and, more generally, civilization ... The punishment of Prometheus for stealing fire) from Olympus and giving it to humans is a subject of both ancient and modern culture. Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, condemned Prometheus to eternal torment for his transgression. Prometheus was bound to a rock, and an eagle—the emblem of Zeus—was sent to eat his liver (in ancient Greece, the liver was thought to be the seat of human emotions). His liver would then grow back overnight, only to be eaten again the next day in an ongoing cycle."
Chosen Undead - Hurcules?
Again, more symbolic than anything, not a direct parallel.
-Hercules frees promethius from his punishment (age of dark ending, lifting undead curse)
-In Roman mythology, although Hercules was seen as the champion of the weak and a great protector
-Hercules dies through an act of deception (linking of the flame) and burns in flames.
"In Greek mythology, Hercules (Heracles in Greek) died a rather tragic death. After completing his famous Twelve Labors, Hercules was poisoned by a centaur named Nessus. Nessus had been killed by Hercules, and as he lay dying, he tricked Hercules' wife, Deianira, into believing that his blood was a love potion that would ensure Hercules' fidelity.
Deianira, in an attempt to secure Hercules' love, soaked a garment in Nessus' blood and sent it to him. However, the blood was actually poisonous, and when Hercules put on the garment, it caused him excruciating pain. Realizing what she had done, Deianira took her own life in remorse.
Hercules, in unbearable agony, built a funeral pyre and climbed on top of it, asking for someone to light it. As the flames consumed him, Hercules died a painful death. After his death, Hercules was granted immortality and was taken to Mount Olympus to live among the gods. (becoming a lord of cinder, = becoming associated with the Gwyn)"
My speculative story. (assuming you already know a lot of the lore):
Fully speculative, just noticed a few key parallels I wanted to point out:
DS1 is set during the Early Middle Ages (after the fall of the Western Roman Empire) and cumilates with DS3 as Early Modern Period (Fall of the Holy Roman Empire)
Before you say anything, yes I know the Holy Roman Empire is NOT the Roman Empire but once again bear with me.
Alright, so what I have established that the Age of Fire is the Roman Empire, Lordran, Anor Londo is Rome and the Gods are essentially the emperors.
In Dark Souls 1, we play in a world akin to the time period after the fall of the western roman empire. Linking the flame is akin to trying to restore the roman empire. Flame is waining, like the western empire is waining and gwyn in a last attempt links the flame (restoring balance the empire). This can be seen as Justinians conquest of a majority of the lost western territories. He succeeds, but only for so long as disease and famine strikes and the west is once again falls. Like how Gwyns relinking of the flame only worked for so long.
Starting with the chosen undead, the relinking of the flame is like that of the founding of the Holy Roman Empire. A mess, amalgamation of an empire with no true lineage connection to the Roman Empire other than by name.Although a mess, incredibly powerful at first.
In real life, a reason of the Holy Roman Empire was founding was through an allegiance with the Roman Catholic Church. Like how the Frampt, Way of White, story Legend of chosen undead and cover up of humanity are an attempt to keep order and the Gods in power. The Holy Roman Empire was founded to keep power in the hands of the church. The "Holy Roman Empire" was not ruled by Romans or rule over romans like how us linking the flame as humans is ridiculous. The HRE preserved and protected the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. Everytime we link the fire it does less and less and people begin to question the act more and more. Like how the holy roman empire and the chiurch slowly grew weaker and weaker and became more and more disorganized. The church grew weaker as more people began to question it. "The papal coronation of the Frankish king Charlemagne as Roman Emperor in 800 marked a new imperial line that would evolve into the Holy Roman Empire, which presented a revival of the Imperial title in Western Europe but was in no meaningful sense an extension of Roman traditions or institutions."
By DS3, everyone seems to be question the linking of the flame. (protestant reformation, etc.) the church grows even more divided and weakens the power of the HRE and weakens the roman catholic church. Look at the envirenment in DS3, not the romanesque environment we see in DS1. Design and architecture is more germanic inspired. Yet we are still told that linking the fire is the right thing. The HRE is still operating despite having no land near rome or italy and is all germanic land. We see worsening conditions in the land of souls with slums (undead settlement) rotting of people (man of pus) famine, division, inteernal conflict (Pontiff Sulyvahn Usurping). It's a mess and everyone has their own goals. Lothric is a shit hole and we see the last king of Lothirc (Lothirc) give up as heir and finally let the age of fire end.
In real life, the Holy Roman Empire came to a fall through revolutionary france which dramatically changed the ideals of europe. " Emperor Francis II abdicated and formally dissolved the empire following the creation – the month before, by French emperor Napoleon – of the Confederation of the Rhine " (Lothirc Civil War, Defiance of Lothric and Lorian parallels) Brining the end of so called "Rome" over a thousand years after the Roman Empire should of really fallen and been forgotten.
Ironically, the true successors of Rome would be ignored by the west. The "Eastern half of the Roman Empire (known and the Byzantine Empire) stood strong after the fall of the West and stood strong for another thousand years. And funnily enough, you can find the last true God in Dark Souls 3, the Nameless King, Gwyns firstborn in a place heavily inspired by Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire and last true city of the Roman Empire to fall.
Arch Dragon peak side by side to the Hagia Sophia, Constantinople :
Not saying it's a 1-1 inspiration, oh no. But certainly some connections here. I can definitely add more on to this and tweak the story connection. Just wanted to put this out there
submitted by ChercheurDeTodo to darksouls [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:25 SlaySlaya Tech Electives for Learning Programs

I'm looking through some tech electives for EE and I want to take something that I can learn some new programs. Has anybody taken a TE like that for EE? The main programs I want to learn are AutoCAD, LabVIEW, and MATLAB.
submitted by SlaySlaya to UCFEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:28 ThrowAway_eng1331 Please help me improve my resume

submitted by ThrowAway_eng1331 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:08 AOD_Arrow5379 June 3, 2024 - PTS Update

June 3, 2024 - PTS Update
Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies:
This Public Test release marks a major update to the Sunderer. This is the most significant change to the vehicle since the release of the game over 11 years ago. The primary purpose of the update is to make the Sunderer a more interesting, dynamic, and flexible vehicle, but we hope in the process that some more general issues will be helped by the changes (even if it may not fully solve them).
More specifically, our general goals are that:
  • The overall survivability of the Sunderer, particularly when deployed, is significantly increased
  • The loadout choices of players are interesting and meaningful, with each cert being relevant compared to other in the same slot
  • The Sunderer has a greater tactical impact (both breadth and depth) in its support role

What has changed?

The sunder's certifications have been completely revamped, including renaming the slots. Many of the effects of the older certs which weren't impactful enough to justify taking, have been combined, some of the existing certifications (like the deploy shield) have been reworked to be more powerful, and there are also some that are completely new. The Passive S-AMS when deployed, being core the the concept, remains unchanged.
The new slots and certifications are: Slot Certifications Deployment Deploy Dome Vehicle Stealth Point Defense Armor Enhanced Plating Nanite Armor Reactive Armor Cargo Repair Station Ammo Tower Proximity Radar Shield Disruptor
More details on each below.
In addition to the certifications, a few other changes have been made to the vehicle.
  • The Sunderer deployment exclusion zone has been reduced by 20%, primarily to increase the utility of the Point Defense certification, giving it the ability to cover other Sunderers more easily.
  • With the removal of the Performance slot, the bonuses the certifications would have otherwise given have been rolled into the vehicle's base stats, at about half of the maximum bonus each.
All Certs have had their cost lowered to 1 cert for testing purposes.

What to look out for

All constructive feedback is welcomed, but there are a few things we'd like everyone to especially pay attention to.
The first and most obvious is anything not working correctly, or not working as described in the certification. Unexpected or unclear descriptions are part of this.
When it comes to game balance, there are primarily 2 avenues we want to evaluate;
  • Is this the certification good and useful but the current stats are too good/bad making it oveunderpowered?
  • Is this certification a reasonable alternative to other options in this slot? Although if something else can be better, does its core functionality not serve a purpose that is worth pursuing in any likely circumstance? Is so, what are alternatives or additional functionality that would help it fulfill its intended purpose?

New Certification details

This outlines, roughly, how the new certifications work and what role we envision them having in PlanetSide 2. The role this should particularly fulfill is important when providing some forms of feedback.
The deployment slot is for certs that are only active when the Sunderer is deployed.
The Deploy Dome replaces what was once the Deploy Shield. It behaves like a mini-citadel shield that blocks incoming fire, covering whatever is inside the shield. The shield itself has a resist profile similar to the base Sunderer, except is has no vulnerabilities and 95% resistance to small arms fire instead of immunity. The shield health regens at a constant rate, even while under fire, making it particularly resilient and requiring more sustained DPS to take down. As a consequence however, when it does go down, it takes much longer to come back online making the Sunderer particularly vulnerable during this period. We still expect the Deploy Dome to be the primary certification for this slot, defense is simply too useful, however it is our hope that the other certifications are still valuable enough to take for support roles.
Vehicle Stealth remains almost entirely as-is, with the exception being that the cloak is now available immediately. We expect this certification to fulfill the same role as before.
Point Defense increases the firepower of the Sunderer at the cost of defense and range, as well as the need to man the weapons. The hope is that it will be primarily used to actively cover other important positions (Sunderers, Cargo, choke points) from would be fly-byers and suicide attackers.
The armor slot covers the primary defensive certifications, with the goal of each certification being most useful against different threats for different situations.
Enhanced Plating is the most basic armor certification. It provides a flat mitigation bonus against damage types (listed in the description) the Sunderer is vulnerable to. This certification is most useful when the Sunderer will be actively healed, particularly from multiple sources, since it increases the effective healing from all sources.
Nanite Armor combines the Fire Suppression System and Nanite Auto Repair System into a single certification with a little boost in overall power. It provides passive, constant, healing *that does not stop* when damage is taken. In an emergency this passive effect can be traded for a burst of healing, potentially saving the Sunderer but also requiring time for the health regen to come back online. Nanite Armor should be most useful when the driver expects consistent amounts of low damage and doesn't have a ready source of healing, such as while driving.
Reactive Armor is an entirely new cert designed specifically to counter burst damage. With reactive armor the Sunderer will gain a set of energy shields, one for each face, that completely negates all damage from a single source while being consumed in the process. Each reactive plate operates independently, with its own cooldown. Each reactive plate operates on a relatively long cooldown, however, this cooldown can be shortened by actively “over-healing” the Sunderer. Any healing done to the Sunderer while it is at full health will be diverted to the reactive armor, lowering the cooldown of any inactive plates. This cooldown reduction will be applied to plates one at a time in the following order; Front -> Left -> Right -> Rear -> Top. At the moment, 1 second of healing roughly correlates to 1 second of cooldown reduction.
The cargo slot is the largest change to the Sunderer. Its goal is to give the Sunderer a significant boost in support presence at the tactical level by allowing the deployment of a secondary device with abilities that normally required the vehicle's immediate presence. Since its role as a spawn point is so crucial, the support aspects were almost always sidelined as a consequence (armored column heal bus being the notable exception). We don't want the need to have a defensible spawn point to completely negate the Sunderer's other abilities. Offloading these, sometimes extremely powerful, effects to a secondary object also provides us with many more levers to balance them with.
The Ammo Tower replaces the Vehicle Ammo Dispenser, providing ammunition in a radius around itself.
The Proximity Repair System has been replaced by the Repair Station, which heals for a similar amount in a similar area.
The Proximity Radar has been updated to be a deployable and now functions as a Scout Radar, providing increased tactical information and support to nearby infantry.
Finally the Gate Shield Diffuser will no longer be available, instead players will be able bypass the same types of shields using the Shield Disruptor, which not only allows the Sunderer to slip by them but now disrupts the shield entirely allowing other vehicles to pass.
The Cargo Deployables have their health and defensive stats. There is a trade off between frequency, toughness, and power that will have to be carefully evaluated. At the moment they lean towards frequent use over staying power, finding the right balance will be an ongoing process likely even after full release.

Known Issues

  • Balance! Balance is certainly off at the moment, particularly in larger battles. We know this and are eagerly looking forward to your feedback.
  • With the removal of the gate diffuser utility, the Sunderer is no longer able to sink on Oshur. We are still going over ways to grant this ability to the Sunderer by default in a way that is easier to use and flexible
  • The names of the slots in the UI have not yet been changed, at the moment the mapping is:
    • Utility -> Deployment
    • Defense -> Armor
    • Performance -> Cargo
  • Currently the Reactive Armor may not reliably block multiple simultaneous instances of damage that happen closely (such as multiple C4 charges)
Patch Notes:
submitted by AOD_Arrow5379 to Planetside [link] [comments]

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  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
If you are unable to Handle your Online Exam, Assignments, Homework and any other coursework tasks,get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
You can get help for full online course where our expert will do complete course on your behalf!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
submitted by SpareDifficult5353 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:31 Next_Research_186 Nursing CCT exam help Reddit Pay someone to take my CCT Exam Reddit do my CCT Exam Class Course Lab Homework Assignment Test Quiz Reddit Online Exam helper for CCT Cert Test Help Reddit Nursing Exam Assistance and Support from Hiraedu Reddit CCT Lab class Help Reddit Exam Taker Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam.
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
  • Homework Assignments
  • Exams Quizzes Tests
  • Excel Projects
  • Discussion Forum Posts
  • Research Papers Term Papers Essays
  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
  • I firmly believe that I have many attributes and skills that set me apart from other tutors. Below is a list of qualities that makes me an ideal fit to help you master your coursework:
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I have multiple paid subscriptions to a wide range of academic tutoring resources, including Chegg, Quizlet, CourseHero, Brainly, Grammarly, Study. com, Bartleby, Slader, Transtutors, Slideshare, StudocU, Turnitin, Academia, SymboLab, WolframAlpha, and Scribd to help guide to solve exam & homework questions that I may not immediately know.
  • However, I am smart enough not to blatantly plagiarize solutions online but instead write them in my own unique words, formatting, & mathematical terminology.
  • I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  • I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.
  • Depending on my availability, I can accommodate immediate tutoring requests, 1-24 hour, and 1-30-day deadlines.
  • I can schedule live real-time online sessions and meet deadlines in an impressively timely fashion.
  • I can provide quick notifications and updates of progress made in the student's class via email text phone calls.
  • I can also be available to tutor students for Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 semesters.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam.
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I take my work as a tutor very seriously, and I always aim to do my best to help my students excel in school. I have a solid and sincere passion for academic achievement, and with my help, I am positive that I can help students obtain very high grades with minimal stress and effort.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in my services and would like to learn more. I'm available 24/7 via phone call, email, and text. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit tutoring ad, and I hope to hear from you soon!
If you are unable to pass your Nursing Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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What are your Thoughts! Write in comments and ask for help if needed
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submitted by Next_Research_186 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:44 Large_Scene3565 AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) Exam Help from Online Helper Reddit Online Exam Takers for all AWS Certifications Reddit IT Exam Help Experts available for Hire Reddit Take my AWS Cert Exam Reddit Pay someone to do my AWS Exam Project Assignment Test quiz Help Reddit

If you are unable to Pass your AWS Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
  • Homework Assignments
  • Exams Quizzes Tests
  • Excel Projects
  • Discussion Forum Posts
  • Research Papers Term Papers Essays
  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I firmly believe that I have many attributes and skills that set me apart from other tutors. Below is a list of qualities that makes me an ideal fit to help you master your coursework:
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I have multiple paid subscriptions to a wide range of academic tutoring resources, including Chegg, Quizlet, CourseHero, Brainly, Grammarly, Study. com, Bartleby, Slader, Transtutors, Slideshare, StudocU, Turnitin, Academia, SymboLab, WolframAlpha, and Scribd to help guide to solve exam & homework questions that I may not immediately know.
  • However, I am smart enough not to blatantly plagiarize solutions online but instead write them in my own unique words, formatting, & mathematical terminology.
  • I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  • I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.
  • Depending on my availability, I can accommodate immediate tutoring requests, 1-24 hour, and 1-30-day deadlines.
  • I can schedule live real-time online sessions and meet deadlines in an impressively timely fashion.
  • I can provide quick notifications and updates of progress made in the student's class via email text phone calls.
  • I can also be available to tutor students for Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 semesters.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I take my work as a tutor very seriously, and I always aim to do my best to help my students excel in school. I have a solid and sincere passion for academic achievement, and with my help, I am positive that I can help students obtain very high grades with minimal stress and effort.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in my services and would like to learn more. I'm available 24/7 via phone call, email, and text. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit tutoring ad, and I hope to hear from you soon!
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by Large_Scene3565 to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:40 stereomatch The auto-immune connection between tinnitus and visual snow

Tinnitus is a well known side-effect of auto-immune disease:
Audiovestibular Symptoms in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases
And practicallly auto-immune sufferers often report tinnitus as a common thread - and this tinnitus can also be episodic (i.e. stronger when wake up - stronger when other signs of auto-immune disease are being felt - for example the "inner vibrations" or buzz in stomach area often reported by auto-immune sufferers on waking up - hearing heart beat or feeling pulsing of blood flow is also another reported symptom)
So the occurrence and severity seems to be correlated from anecdotal reports
Tinnitus also seems to occur in auto-immune issues that follow muscle injury, polymyalgia rheumatica or rheumatoid arthritis
Visual snow being rarer - perhaps may not have the same consensus
But it may appear to be the case
Which would account for why both visual snow and tinnitus are often reported together on this sub-reddit
My question is - how well established is the awareness among doctors that visual snow is a real condition - and that it may have something to do with auto-immune issues?
Do visual snow patients experience visual snow 24/7 - or is it often episodic i.e. short episode happening after many days?
submitted by stereomatch to visualsnow [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:33 SomewhatSalvation [0 YoE] Electrical & Computer Engineering Major with some intern experience looking to do something with computers

[0 YoE] Electrical & Computer Engineering Major with some intern experience looking to do something with computers
I need some help elevating my resume. I came from resumes and I am looking for some technical advice. I am trying to take a computer engineering route and I am hearing back from some companies but not the ones I want to go to. Maybe I should pursue my master's to make myself look more desirable.
submitted by SomewhatSalvation to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:35 Broad_Masterpiece390 Laptop for electrical/mechanical engineering (Canada)

  • Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. Please do not use USD unless purchasing in the US: ~$2000 CAD, little here and there is fine
  • Are you open to refurbs/used? No
  • How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life? I am leaning towards a laptop or gaming laptop which is NOT a 2 in 1 (don't need the touchscreen), with good build quality and hardware, preferably not the budget, entry model laptops as I currently have one (Inspiron). Battery life should be sufficient to run the whole day in lectures (~5-6+ hours).
  • How important is weight and thinness to you? Slightly important, but should not be too heavy. As long as it can properly run my desired programs, it's fine.
  • Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A. 15-16 inch.
  • Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run. Yes, in engineering I will likely use AutoCAD, MATLAB, SolidWorks, etc, and I do want to pla y games such as GTA V, FN, MSFS, etc..
  • If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want? Seen above. As long as FPS is above 60 it's fine.
  • Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)? From what my university recommends, an i7/R7, 16+ GB RAM, 512GB SSD, and a dedicated GPU. Preferably with many ports such as USB, USB-C and Ethernet. Fingerprint reader, touchscreen, optical drive, camera do not matter.
  • Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion. I am leaning more towards Dell and ASUS, but am open to any other brand other than HP, Lenovo or Acer (bad experience in the past). Feel free to add any other important info that could be useful for an engineering laptop.
submitted by Broad_Masterpiece390 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:04 Chameleonizard Decided to do the 40q questionnaire to hopefully resolve any lingering doubts about my type

So I made a post yesterday where I only compared the two types I was considering the most which received a lot of helpful answers but also a couple of suggestions to do a questionnaire so here's me doing just that with the hopes of giving a more comprehensive view of myself and reaching a resolution.
Section 1
  1. How do you work? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters that determine whether you can do work or not? What are they?
There’s no consistent rhythm to my work, I’m just interested in getting whatever needs to be done regardless of the means. Maybe there are some patterns to my work style like excessively validating what I do but even that depends on the situation. I’m also inclined to take advantage of what I’d like to call reasonable delay where I’m happy to wait to do something or even submit something I’ve already done to make some free time for myself, especially working from home.
People go to work because it’s basically like a necessary stage of life for those who aren’t privileged enough to avoid it. It’s a means for them to obtain the things they actually want. Although ironically this endeavour also robs people of a lot of the time they can spend on that.
Well, I suppose job interviews are one way of determining the suitability of a person to do the work or not. Beyond that, their continued performance in the role. Of course there may also be factors involved not even related to the work such as politics and office dynamics.
  1. How do you determine the quality of work? How do you determine the quality of a purchase? Do you pay any attention to it?
I mostly determine the quality of work based on the results and how well it reflects the process. For example, there’s a difference between a hastily submitted report clearly done at the last minute without much thought and a comprehensive one covering all the relevant bases in a way that’s formatted perfectly. I determine the quality of a purchase by how fulfilling it is. I only consider objective parameters like price when comparing similar items and am willing to overspend for something I desire.
  1. There is a professional next to you. How do you know they are a professional? How do you evaluate their skill?
By how they’re working. There’s a certain self-assuredness and confidence that often characterises a professional. You can tell they have a lot of experience in that role and are almost working on auto-pilot. Of course there are also more obvious indicators like their job title.
  1. If you struggle to do something, how do you fix that? Do you know if your performance is better or worse than others?
I try to get to the root of the issue first which might require some tests or trial and error sessions. That’s honestly the most important part because there are times when there isn’t really something to fix but a thing that was overlooked and which is affecting the whole process.
  1. How do you measure the success of a job? What standard do you use? Do you pay attention to it? When should you deviate from this standard?
Not particularly different from how I look at quality of work or a professional. But I suppose the success of a job from a personal perspective can be measured by how well it’s enabling you to live your life. To me a job is a way to either survive or get the resources you need to invest in things you value. If a job is making me feel miserable while also not doing anything to improve my conditions, it is not a successful job.
Section 2
  1. What is a whole? Can you identify its parts? Are the parts equivalent to the whole?
A whole is something in its entirety. Like a big circle of everything it encompasses. You can identify its parts by diving deeper. A part can be equivalent to the hole depending on how influential it is to that system and especially in comparison to the others.
  1. What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view? How do you know you are being logical?
Forgive the obvious answer but logical is simply what makes sense, particularly in terms of cause and effect. In a way it’s about identifying the truth of what happens or what’s the consequence of any action. If I decide to bang my head against a wall, it’s logical if my desire was to feel pain or express my frustration without any concern for my physical well-being.
  1. What is hierarchy? Give examples of hierarchies. Do you need to follow it? Why or why not? Explain how hierarchy is used in a system you are familiar with.
A hierarchy is basically an arrangement of people or things based on their perceived importance, status, influence, etc. A very obvious hierarchy is a corporation structure but there are also hierarchies that are not so well-defined but more implicit that usually concern social status or even a friend group. I think a lot of people are maintaining some kind of hierarchy in their heads or at least a ranking which could conceivably work as one. There are some obviously problematic hierarchies but I don’t think they are inherently as such. It’s basically you arranging your priorities or values.
  1. What is classification? How does classification work? Why is it needed and where is it applied? Give examples.
Classification is organising people or things into groups based on shared characteristics or their significance to some common theme. Classifications are a way of facilitating how we understand the world. We create neat little boxes and sort whatever we experience into one or more of them. Like with hierarchies, there are definitely bad approaches to classification, really any way of rationalising how we see the world can be used for nefarious means. Socionics itself is a good example of classification.
  1. Are your ideas consistent? How do you know they are consistent? How do you spot inconsistency in others' ideas?
I don’t particularly concern myself with the consistency of my ideas. I just believe in what I think to be true and if there are contradictions arising between two things I happen to value, so be it. People are complex and it’s often those who have neatly packaged all their ideas and beliefs to deliberately be in accordance with a general agenda they seek to convey that I find to be suspect. Although, I do value consistency in an idea if it concerns the same subject and don’t like hypocrisy. For example, if someone has certain standards for evaluating one person but different for another, I dislike that.
Section 3
  1. Can you press people? What methods do you use? How does it happen?
Not really, I’ve always been lacking in this department. I’m not a pushover but I’m not capable of pushing people, even the idea of politely urging them to do something can occasionally be difficult. This doesn’t mean I don’t try it when there’s an urgent situation or when I’m not in a good mood though. But even then my approach is more passive-aggressive where I almost try to appeal to their guilt for not doing something I’d asked or wanted. Or perhaps I’ll come up with sound rational reasons for doing it.
  1. How do you get what you want? What do you do if you have to work to get what you want?
Depends on what it is that I want to get and what’s the best way to get it. I typically don’t like to have to work or do something I don’t like doing to obtain something that I do desire, but obviously that can depend on how much I value the thing I want. But generally I avoid engaging in any process I know I won’t enjoy.
  1. How do you deal with opposition? What methods do you use to defend your interests?
I think I’m fairly stubborn and capable of holding on to my interests. I’m not aggressive but it’s hard for someone to make me budge on something especially if I really value it. I can often be a rock.
  1. When do you think it's ok to occupy someone's space? Do you recognize it?
When you’re absolutely sure they’re comfortable with it. I think I have a good understanding of boundaries and recognise when someone needs their space but I also have a general reluctance to invade space where it takes a lot more to convince me to do it even if I’ve been invited.
  1. Do others think you are a strong-willed person? Do you think you have a strong will?
I don’t think so. I probably appear as someone who’s rather passive and unclear on what they want to do, which I won’t disagree with. My goals and interests feel like they’re heavily obscured by some mental fog and I’m often just going through the motions or in pursuit of whatever fancy I happen to have at the time. Even when I feel passionately about something, I have trouble communicating or manifesting it unless my actions subconsciously betray it.
Section 4
  1. How do you satisfy your physical senses? What examples can you give? What physical experiences are you drawn to?
Conventionally, I suppose. I don’t particularly seek out physical experiences for them alone. There’s always some other goal in mind. I eat according to what I think would keep me fit, I drink to eradicate my anxiety, etc. I don’t mind having a suboptimal experience if it has a positive effect on what I want to do. A good example is when I’m travelling with a group and they stop to admire some view. I sort of just take the atmosphere in for a moment and then I’m already ready to move on lol. Travelling itself is not really something I’m interested in as something contributing to my record of exciting physical experiences but a possible avenue for improving my mental health or as a social activity.
  1. How do you find harmony with your environment? How do you build a harmonious environment? What happens if this harmony is disturbed?
By having a comfortable space where I have whatever I need. Something that allows my mental state to be in the optimal condition and helps me think clearly. Often just being alone and left to my devices might be enough.
  1. What does comfort mean to you? How do you create it?
I sort of addressed it in the previous question. Comfort to me is basically the elimination of discomfort, unease, and anxiety. Anything that keeps the unwanted thoughts anyway, nourishes my mind, and gives me the autonomy to be myself. I have a good idea of what spaces I’d like to avoid and which ones I’m drawn to.
  1. How do you express yourself in your hobbies? How do you engage yourself with those things?
I like expressing my creativity in my hobbies if they’re of that sort. In public I also like it as a way of letting people know me and what I’m about. For example, I can be particular about what book I want to read or what movie I want to watch, even if no one’s actually looking. I also like feeling as if what I’m engaging in is having a salubrious or intellectual effect on my psyche.
  1. Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself, or trust someone else to do it? Why?
I’m not sure I would care too much. I’d just trust someone else to do it. Maybe give them a theme to work with without going into the aesthetics.
Section 5
  1. Is it acceptable to express emotions in public? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
Yes, maybe not if they’re incongruent with the atmosphere, unless the message they want to convey is quite urgent or important and specifically with the intention of changing the emotional state of the room. It’s only inappropriate if it’s harmful and with bad intent, or oblivious in a way that’s detrimental. An obvious example of an inappropriate expression of emotions would be someone maybe chortling at a joke during a funeral.
  1. How do you express your emotions? Can you tell how your expressions affect others in a positive or negative way?
I’m not really an expressive person and am actually quite stoic most of the time, but I think my social anxiety plays some part in that. I have insecurities because of which I have a certain reluctance to emote or express myself. People say I rarely if ever smile for example although that’s not necessarily because of how I feel. That said, I do have other ways of expressing myself, usually to convey some sort of frustration lol. I think I’m too self-absorbed to really tell how my expressions affect others to be honest. Too preoccupied with how I’m feeling and the anxiety of not offending others.
  1. Are you able to change your demeanor in order to interact with your environment in a more or less suitable way? How do you determine what is suitable?
I can do that to a degree but again, the confidence issues I have sort of limit the full spectrum of what I can do. Generally I know what mask should be worn for what situation and I’m able to recognise the right way of conducting myself even if I can’t do it. A lot of my internal tension actually comes from knowing I have to act a certain way but not being able to do it or not wanting to do it. I can tell what is suitable by observing other people and just having a general knowledge of what’s the norm from my experiences.
  1. In what situations do you feel others' feelings? Can you give examples of when you wanted to improve the mood of others?
I can feel them almost always. Don’t think there’s a particular trigger that activates this sense. I can feel compelled to improve the moods of others when, for lack of a better team, I can clearly sense the bad vibes in the room. However, I’m often inclined to just leave the room if I can see the situation devolving into something messy. I don’t take the initiative to lift the spirits by default because of my tendency to shy away from attention.
  1. How do others' emotions affect you? How does your internal emotional state correlate or contrast with what you express?
Depends on the nature of the emotion and also my internal state at the time. In real-life social situations I tend to just process them quietly without necessarily reciprocating them. I’d react or judge in my head. Online or anonymously I suppose I’m more capable of matching the wavelength of that emotion and further offering my response to it. My internal state is often at odds with what I’m expressing, or rather, the lack of expression. I’m often just commenting on things in silence and running an inner monologue.
Section 6
  1. How can you tell how much emotional space there is between yourself and others?
It’s just evident to me, there’s no deliberate measures I take to identify the emotional space between myself and others. I’m subconsciously aware of it based on what I’ve observed about people.
  1. How can you affect this space?
By considering how I feel about this person, although it rarely goes beyond that. I’m rather passive in this regard and my approach is often more about changing things about myself and hoping they notice rather than directly entering this space.
  1. How do you determine how much you like or dislike someone else? How does this affect your relationships?
Again, I don’t have some objective parameters to determine this, it’s something I’m just aware of innately. I don’t necessarily have rational reasons to like or dislike someone and a lot of it is based on vibes. Although I suppose a major factor in making me decide whether I like or dislike someone is what they’re saying and how they’re saying it, particularly in relation to what I value. I don’t actively let my thoughts about a person manifest in my relationships but I probably have tells which betray my feelings and the most obvious way to determine them is in the amount of time I choose to spend with them.
  1. How do you move from a distant relationship to a close one? What are the distinguishing characteristics of a close relationship?
To be honest, I haven’t really had a close relationship so this is difficult to answer, but maybe that fact is sort of an answer. Part of it is probably because I’m a rather avoidant person who unconsciously tries to maintain an emotional distance from other people. A somewhat peculiar characteristic of mine is that although I’m an introvert, I prefer to be in a group setting to hanging out with someone. I think a close relationship is one where two people are comfortable sharing their undesirable aspects or vulnerabilities with each other, comfortable in the knowledge that they won’t be judged harshly for what they reveal, and basically fully accepting of each other. A close relationship can develop organically and gradually through little gestures and signals of wanting something more than what's currently on the surface, often it's simply just time bringing people closer.
  1. How do you know that you are a moral person? Where do you draw your morality from? Do you believe others should share your beliefs on what's moral? Why?
I’d say no one truly knows whether they’re a moral person because we’re all heavily influenced by our own perspectives and beliefs but one can definitely consider themselves to be a moral person for having them, regardless of how they’re perceived or even any actual thought given to the morality of what they believe. You can gaslight yourself to think you’re doing the right thing. That’s an important distinction. For me, what’s moral is linked to empathy and believing in things that benefit humanity, and not in the utilitarian sense often used to justify despicable actions. For me, morality does not exclude caring about the well-being of people. Obviously this empathy and kindness doesn’t have to extend to people who are clearly harming other people for no good reason other than their own satisfaction or ego. I’m not advocating for being considerate to people regardless of what they do, for example I’m fine with murderers and sexual abusers receiving the most severe punishment.
I don’t draw my morality from an external source and one of my beliefs is that if you can’t find it within yourself to come up with a set of moral beliefs your foundation is suspect. I don’t necessarily believe others have to share my strict beliefs on morality as long as whatever they’re doing is motivated by empathy and consideration. People who don’t care about anything that doesn’t concern them in a moral sense are a turn-off for me.
  1. Someone you care about is acting distant to you. How do you know when this attitude is a reflection of your relationship?
This can be hard for me to parse because I’m naturally inclined to blame myself for a lot of things or feel like a bad external situation is possibly a result of my doing. But I think eventually you get a sense of what’s really happening by observing them over a longer period, whether their bad attitude is specifically tied to something you might have done. It’s easy to fall into the misconception of believing that a person’s disagreeable expression has to be pertinent to something you might have done.
Section 7
  1. How can you tell someone has the potential to be a successful person? What qualities make a successful person and why?
By looking at their process. How often they’re making the right moves, how they’re reacting and adapting to situations, what initiatives they’re taking, and even their aura. You definitely get a particular impression from such people. They’re just built different, I guess you could say.
  1. Where would you start when looking for a new hobby? How do you find new opportunities and how do you choose which would be best?
I don’t actively look for new hobbies but when I feel like I should have a new hobby, I think about what I want to create or what I’d like to learn more about. Perhaps think about the activities I enjoyed in the past but gave up for whatever reason. I also consider whether the hobby would help me develop as a person or open up opportunities.
  1. How do you interpret the following statement: "Ideas don't need to be feasible in order to be worthwhile." Do you agree or disagree, and why?
Depends on what domain that idea concerns. Every idea is worthwhile in art but in a business or social event scenario there would evidently be ideas that would be discarded for not being useful, although maybe they can be stored for possible use in the future where there might be tools to implement them.
  1. Describe your thought process when relating the following ideas: swimming, chicken, sciences. Do you think that others would draw the same or different connections?
For some reason I thought of progress after a while which makes sense for swimming and sciences but no so much for chicken. I can think of a way a chicken might change but not sure if that would be described as progress at least from their perspective. I’m sure others would draw different connections as there’s no obvious relationship between the three ideas, meaning there’s a lot of room for creativity.
  1. How would you summarize the qualities that are essential to who you are? What kind of potential in you has yet to be actualized and why?
I’m not sure what I am essentially. I think I’m just an amalgamation of my experiences and beliefs. The things I’ve decided to focus on shape who I am. My unrealised potential is not doing anything. I am mainly consumed by a lethargy that makes me miss out on a vast majority of what the world has to offer, and a relative inability to make things happen. At full potential I’m an active participant out there and actually feeling like I exist.
Section 8
  1. How do people change? Can you describe how various events change people? Can others see those changes?
Mostly because of time and the beliefs, expectations, and experiences they accumulate over that time. Sometimes a person might change simply because they reflect on the time they have remaining or the time they have wasted. External factors also drive them. Sudden change mostly happens because of an extremely significant situation that forces the person to reevaluate their whole belief system. Obviously people can quickly change in various small ways such as what food they dislike or how they feel about a sports team but real change of someone’s personality or character is a slow process unless prompted by the aforementioned agent. I think whether other people can see these changes depend primarily on the degree to which the change manifests outwardly but also the relationships of the people involved. Someone close would not take as much time to notice a change in someone as a relative stranger or acquaintance. That said, even if the change is mostly internal, eventually someone’s actions would betray their nature to anyone interested in noticing them.
  1. How do you feel and experience time? Can time be wasted? How?
I feel and experience it almost all the time, and it largely informs my actions. Nothing I do is independent of some consideration given to the space it occupies in time and even when I do something without worrying about time, it’s because I might have already accounted for it.
Time can certainly be wasted by spending it on doing things you don’t value and which don’t benefit you in any way. You’re wasting time if you’re doing something you don’t enjoy and the end result doesn’t give you any satisfaction either. I believe you can deliberately spend some time doing nothing in particular but not consider it to be wasted because you simply need to relax or prepare yourself for something that’s actually quite worth the time spent.
  1. Is there anything that cannot be described with words? What is it? If so, how can we understand what it is if language does not work?
I think a lot of things you innately experience or feel cannot be at least adequately described with words, either because they don’t capture the significance of them or diminish their value. For example, I’ve found that while journaling could help me organise my thoughts, the activity doesn’t really satisfy me in terms of translating the emotional or intellectual depth of the subject. Some things are meant to be experienced or seen. You don’t need to necessarily understand it either, but simply digest what it means to you.
  1. How do you anticipate events unfolding? How can you observe such unfoldments in your environment?
I do it instinctively through a combination of the experiences I’ve accumulated and the intuition to process how they vary with different contexts. It’s just a default part of my thought process. Not sure what is meant by the second question, I just observe them as they happen.
  1. In what situations is timing important? How do you know the time is right to act? How do you feel about waiting for the right moment?
Mostly when you need something to happen or be done within clear constraints relating to time, or when something you need to do requires some strict synchronization with a particular moment. I know the right time to act by basically considering how an event would turn out depending on when I decide to act. I also take into consideration whether I feel ready in the moment or my mood at the time. I attribute my passive nature to often waiting for the right moment to act and even getting lost in pondering what the right moment is. I’m happy to wait for things to develop before participating, with the exception being high-stress situations suddenly caused by external factors where I can occasionally panic as I hadn’t prepared for them or was already in a particular state of mind where I had ruled out their possibility.
submitted by Chameleonizard to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:49 dahnyel99 Can You Help a Recent Graduate Review Their Resume and Provide Job Application Advice?

Hello everyone,
I'm a recent graduate in need of help reviewing my resume. I'm open to any advice or improvements. I've been applying to jobs but haven't received any calls or interview offers yet. I'm also applying outside my province and am open to relocating.
Some specific areas that I need input on and can also help you review my resume include:
  • Is my resume too vague? should i include more content/information?
  • Is there anything missing form my resume? what should i change?
  • I was involved in other personal and group engineering projects not included in my resume, should I add them?
  • Would this pass the ATS system?
  • Resume design, how do you feel about it? is it too childish or too professional? is the font size easy to read, and is the flow okay?
  • Should my resume be tailored to the engineering position/field i want to work in (R & D) or should i leave it as is to have my options to at least begin my engineering career.
  • If you were a recruiter looking at this resume, what impressions would come to mind?
  • I have a cover letter that complements my resume as well. If you want to see what my cover letter looks like for one of the Jobs I applied too, I would be happy to share.
Please feel free to ask any questions or request clarification on anything. I would also appreciate any referrals.
Thank you!
Note: I graduate on June 5th, 2024.
submitted by dahnyel99 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:36 Broad_Masterpiece390 Laptop suggestions for incoming engineering student (Electrical or Mechanical)

Title. I am currently using a 2020 Dell Inspiron with i5, 8GB, 512GB SSD. From what my university recommends and from what I heard, I am looking for a laptop with minimum i7/Ryzen 7, 1TB SSD, 16GB RAM, and a dedicated GPU such as NVIDIA RTX 4050, 4060, etc. I heard of some good options like Dell XPS, Alienware, ASUS ROG, etc. I also want to stay away from HP and Lenovo (sub-par experience). I am wondering of any other good options for a laptop. Budget is around 2000 CAD ($1500 USD), a little here and there in price is fine if there is something special/amazing about the laptop.
A few questions:
  1. Should I buy a gaming laptop, or a "regular" one?
  2. Would Intel or AMD be more reliable/last longer? I am aware that both are similar in performance.
  3. I do play video games, and for engineering, would an entry level GPU like a 4050 be enough, or should I get a 4060+ especially for demanding programs like MATLAB, Solidworks, AutoCAD, etc.
submitted by Broad_Masterpiece390 to laptops [link] [comments]

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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I firmly believe that I have many attributes and skills that set me apart from other tutors. Below is a list of qualities that makes me an ideal fit to help you master your coursework:
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I have multiple paid subscriptions to a wide range of academic tutoring resources, including Chegg, Quizlet, CourseHero, Brainly, Grammarly, Study. com, Bartleby, Slader, Transtutors, Slideshare, StudocU, Turnitin, Academia, SymboLab, WolframAlpha, and Scribd to help guide to solve exam & homework questions that I may not immediately know.
  • However, I am smart enough not to blatantly plagiarize solutions online but instead write them in my own unique words, formatting, & mathematical terminology.
  • I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  • I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.
  • Depending on my availability, I can accommodate immediate tutoring requests, 1-24 hour, and 1-30-day deadlines.
  • I can schedule live real-time online sessions and meet deadlines in an impressively timely fashion.
  • I can provide quick notifications and updates of progress made in the student's class via email text phone calls.
  • I can also be available to tutor students for Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 semesters.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I take my work as a tutor very seriously, and I always aim to do my best to help my students excel in school. I have a solid and sincere passion for academic achievement, and with my help, I am positive that I can help students obtain very high grades with minimal stress and effort.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in my services and would like to learn more. I'm available 24/7 via phone call, email, and text. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit tutoring ad, and I hope to hear from you soon!
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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If you are unable to Handle your Online Exam, Assignments, Homework and any other coursework tasks,get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
You can get help for full online course where our expert will do complete course on your behalf!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
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Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
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  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
If you are unable to Handle your Online Exam, Assignments, Homework and any other coursework tasks,get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
You can get help for full online course where our expert will do complete course on your behalf!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
submitted by tbrowndolly to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:13 zaq64 Any ideas

Drove the car to the store the other day rode just fine nothing abnormal parked the car. When I came back and turned it on it idled very weird and kinda had a shake to it and the yellow wrench light was on so I turned the car off and sit for 2 mins turned it back on weird idle was gone and light was off but I still pulled the codes and these showed up. 2010 ford explorer sport trac
submitted by zaq64 to SportTrac [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 uninspiredgnome Please be brutally honest on what changes I have to make

submitted by uninspiredgnome to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:15 Valuable-Sky-8657 Galaxy book 3 ultra or book 4 pro 14"?

I have both option between both, i need them for programs such as solid works and AutoCAD and MATLAB and a lot of other engineering programs. I prefer the smaller size of the book4 pro because of portability but i am worried about performance on these programs and durability and it lasting for more than 5 or 6 years. Also i do the occasional gaming on the laptop but it is not a necessity
submitted by Valuable-Sky-8657 to GalaxyBook [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:28 Fantastic-Trouble295 Do we have access to MATLAB or autoCAD as online students?

As the title suggested, do we have access as online students to student resources or are they limited to on campus students?
submitted by Fantastic-Trouble295 to OMSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:33 sriharsha-sv Roast my Resume please

I am planning to move back to an ML role after working as an SDE (without any ML contributions) for a little less than 2 years. That's why I thought it might make sense to keep the education section at the top to highlight my relevant education.
submitted by sriharsha-sv to resumes [link] [comments]