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digital business Wealth Freedom Mindset

2024.06.05 10:46 No_Run_5861 digital business Wealth Freedom Mindset

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing
success hinges on expertise, creativity, and a strategic approach. But for many women entrepreneurs in the USA, navigating this complex world can feel daunting. That's where Digital_Boss_Babez emerges as a game-changer.
Who is Digital_Boss_Babez
Digital_Boss_Babez empowers women in the USA to become confident and capable leaders in the digital age. By offering [mention specific services offered, e.g., social media marketing workshops, website design consultations, or one-on-one coaching], Digital_Boss_Babez equips women with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive online.
Why Digital Marketing Matters for Women Entrepreneurs in the USA
The USA boasts a booming landscape for women-owned businesses. However, having a fantastic product or service isn't enough in today's digital age. A strong online presence is crucial for reaching target audiences, building brand awareness,and ultimately, driving sales.
Here's how digital marketing empowers women entrepreneurs in the USA:
Increased Visibility: Digital marketing strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing help businesses get discovered by potential customers online. This increased visibility translates into more website traffic and leads.
Targeted Reach: Unlike traditional marketing methods, digital marketing allows for laser-focused targeting. Women entrepreneurs can connect with their ideal customers based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.
Building Relationships: Social media platforms provide a space for women entrepreneurs to connect with their audience on a personal level. This fosters brand loyalty and encourages customer engagement.
Measurable Results: The beauty of digital marketing lies in its measurability. Through analytics tools, women entrepreneurs can track the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions for optimization.
How Digital_Boss_Babez Can Help You Become a Digital Boss
Digital_Boss_Babez recognizes the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the USA. They provide a supportive community and expert guidance to help women navigate the digital marketing landscape with confidence.
Here are some ways Digital_Boss_Babez can elevate your online presence:
Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy: A well-defined plan is the cornerstone of any successful digital marketing campaign Digital_Boss_Babez can help you identify your target audience, set achievable goals, and choose the right channels to reach them
Content Creation: Creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience is essential for establishing your brand as a thought leader. Digital_Boss_Babez can provide guidance on content strategy, creation, and distribution.
Social Media Management: Mastering the art of social media marketing can be time-consuming. Digital_Boss_Babez can help you develop a winning social media strategy, create engaging content, and manage your online presence effectively.
Building a Strong Online Brand: Your brand is your identity in the digital space. Digital_Boss_Babez can help you develop a brand voice and visual identity that resonates with your target audience.
Empowering Women to Become Digital Bosses
Digital_Boss_Babez is more than just a digital marketing service provider. They are a community of like-minded women entrepreneurs who support and motivate each other. By providing resources, education, and a supportive network,
Digital_Boss_Babez empowers women in the USA to take charge of their online presence and achieve their business goals.
submitted by No_Run_5861 to u/No_Run_5861 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:43 linkbuildingexperts Study Full-time Courses at Oakfields College


Oakfields College, renowned for its practical courses and industry-experienced lecturers, stands out as a leading educational institute in South Africa. With campuses in Pretoria and Johannesburg, we offer a range of full-time courses designed to propel students into their chosen creative careers. This blog explores each of these courses, illustrating why Oakfields College is the go-to destination for aspiring professionals.

Table of Contents:

  1. Diploma in 3D Animation: From Passion to Profession
  2. Acting Mastery: Full-Time Drama Course
  3. Fashion Design Course: Crafting Style and Innovation
  4. TV & Film Production: The Journey of Visual Storytelling
  5. Graphic Design Training: Creativity Meets Technology
  6. Make-Up and Special Effects: Crafting Artistic Illusions
  7. Marketing Management Course: Strategies for Success
  8. Musical Theatre and Dance Diploma: Embrace the Stage
  9. Professional Photography Course: Capturing the World
  10. Sound Engineering Program: Mastering Audio Craftsmanship

1. Full-Time 3D Animation Course

At Oakfields College, we offer a full-time 3D animation diploma that is not just about learning; it's about transforming your passion into a profession. Located in the heart of South Africa's vibrant creative scene, with campuses in Pretoria and Johannesburg, Oakfields College is at the forefront of nurturing the next generation of 3D animation experts.

Crafting Your Creative Portfolio

From the very start of your journey with us, you'll dive into the practical aspects of 3D animation. Our course is designed to let you design and produce a portfolio that reflects your unique abilities and talents. This portfolio serves as a vital tool, showcasing your work to prospective employers and setting the stage for your professional career.

Comprehensive Training for a Dynamic Industry

Our 3D animation courses are crafted to provide comprehensive training for those aspiring to enter the professional animation industry. You'll receive intensive training in all aspects of animation production. This includes mastering the art of illustration and gaining proficiency in 3D production techniques. Our goal is to make you highly marketable in a field that's constantly evolving and always in demand.

Learning from Industry Professionals

At Oakfields College, you'll be taught by industry professionals who bring a wealth of experience and insider knowledge. This ensures that by the time you complete the course, you'll have a deep and thorough understanding of the animation industry. You'll know not just the 'how' but also the 'why' behind successful 3D animation, equipping you with the insight and skills needed to excel as a 3D artist.

Diverse Career Opportunities

Upon completion of the course, you'll be qualified for various roles in the animation and multimedia production industry. Our graduates find careers in 3D digital design, multi-media production, education and television and video production, including roles that focus on digital special effects. The course also opens doors to working in specialist 3D and visual effects production facilities.

Oakfields College stands out as a leader of creative education in South Africa. Our approach to teaching 3D animation is holistic, blending practical skills with theoretical knowledge. Our small class sizes ensure personalised attention, and our curriculum is constantly updated to keep pace with industry trends and technologies.

Apply for our full-time 3D animation course

Register to study full-time 3D animation

2. Drama Course: Spotlight on Performance

At Oakfields College, we take pride in being one of the leading performing arts schools in South Africa. Our full-time drama course is a journey into the heart of acting, a path that leads you to the exciting world of performance arts. With campuses in both Pretoria and Johannesburg, we are ideally positioned to nurture the talents of aspiring actors from across the country.

A Course Designed for Aspiring Actors

The drama course at Oakfields College is more than just learning lines and acting techniques; it's about immersing yourself in the very soul of acting. Here, you will engage in numerous performances and productions, experiences that are vital for building your skills and boosting your confidence. This course is your gateway to the professional world of acting; providing you with the necessary tools to shine in this thrilling field.

Gaining Real-World Experience

Our focus on practical experience sets Oakfields College apart from other performing arts colleges. You will have the chance to partake in live performances, presenting the opportunity to hone your skills in a real theatre environment. These performances are not just exercises; they are your steps towards becoming a professional actor, allowing you to experience the thrill of live theatre.

Learning from Industry Professionals

At Oakfields College, you will learn from seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge from the performing arts industry. Our instructors are not just teachers; they are mentors who have extensive hands-on experience. They will guide you through the intricacies of the acting world, ensuring that you gain the practical skills and theoretical knowledge required to excel.

A Broad Spectrum of Opportunities

Whether you're born with a passion for the theatrical or aspire to develop your skills, our drama course caters to all levels of talent. The course is designed to continuously evolve your abilities, ensuring that by the end of your journey, you will be well-equipped to fit professionally into any role in the performing arts.

Apply for our full-time drama course

Register to study full-time drama course

3. Fashion Design Training: Style and Substance

Oakfields College stands at the forefront of fashion education in South Africa, offering a comprehensive and practical fashion design training course. As a leading institution, we are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of fashion talent. Our course is meticulously designed for those who envision a future in the vibrant and ever-evolving fashion industry.

A Showcase of Talent and Innovation

At the end of your journey as a fashion student at Oakfields College, you will have the unique opportunity to display your creations in a fashion show. This event, attended by industry professionals and peers, is not just a show but a celebration of your hard work and creativity. You will design and craft various garments, including skirts, dresses, shirts, pants, and evening wear; showcasing your individual style and skill.

Embark on a Glamorous Career Path

The fashion industry is dynamic and demands a blend of creativity, commitment, and skill. Whether you aspire to be a designer, fashion buyer, merchandiser, or retail manager, Oakfields College's fashion design training is your first step towards achieving these ambitions. Our course is tailored for those who are driven to excel in this challenging yet exciting field.

Practical Learning for Real-World Success

Our fashion design training is grounded in practical learning. We believe in providing our students with real-world experiences that prepare them for the competitive nature of the fashion industry. Our course is designed to equip you with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to thrive in various fashion-related roles.

A Focus on Conceptualisation and Innovation

Throughout our fashion design training programme, we place a strong emphasis on conceptualisation and innovation. We encourage our students to think creatively and develop unique design perspectives. This approach ensures that our graduates are not just equipped with technical skills but also with the ability to push boundaries and set new trends in the fashion world.

Why Choose Oakfields College for Fashion Design?

Oakfields College is more than an educational institution; it's a place where fashion is nurtured and developed. Our course is a blend of in-depth theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience, set in an environment that fosters creativity and innovation. By choosing Oakfields College, you are not just choosing a course; you are choosing a path that leads to a multitude of career opportunities in the fashion industry.

Apply for our full-time fashion design course

Register to study full-time fashion design

4. TV & Film Production Courses: Behind the Scenes

At Oakfields College, we offer an engaging and comprehensive TV & film production course, perfect for those who are passionate about storytelling through the lens of a camera. Located in the vibrant cities of Pretoria and Johannesburg, our course is designed to nurture the next generation of filmmakers and television producers.

Crafting Visual Stories

In our TV & film production course, you will embark on a journey of creative exploration. Your projects will range from making music videos and documentaries to crafting compelling advertisements and short films. These hands-on experiences are not just assignments; they are stepping stones to building a professional portfolio that reflects your unique vision and skill.

Real-World Experience and Exposure

One of the highlights of our course is the opportunity to participate in filming major events like the annual Oakfields College fashion show, Oakfest music festival and drama productions. These experiences provide you with real-world exposure, adding substantial value to your showreel. This practical experience is vital in showcasing your talent and versatility to prospective employers in the film and TV industry.

Unlocking Your Filmmaking Potential

Our film production course is designed to help you unlock your inner Spielberg. We focus on fostering 'out-of-the-box thinking', encouraging you to push the boundaries of traditional filmmaking. Whether it's through communicating dramatic information or capturing subtle moods and emotions, our course equips you with the skills to convey powerful stories through film and video.

A Pathway to a Career in Film

The TV & film production courses at Oakfields College offer more than just education; they offer a pathway into the exciting world of the film industry. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you gain exposure to all aspects of filmmaking, from pre-production planning to post-production editing. This holistic understanding of the filmmaking process is essential for anyone looking to make a mark in the industry.

Why Choose Oakfields College?

Choosing Oakfields College for your TV & film production education means choosing a path that leads to success in the entertainment industry. Our course is a blend of theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience, set in an environment that fosters creativity and innovation. By enrolling at Oakfields College, you're not just learning how to make films; you're preparing to become a part of the film industry.

Apply for our full-time film, TV & video production course

Register to study full-time Film, TV & video production

5. Graphic Design Courses in South Africa

Welcome to Oakfields College's graphic design course, one of the most comprehensive and creatively stimulating graphic design programs in South Africa. Whether you're in Pretoria or Johannesburg, or anywhere in the country, our course stands as a beacon for aspiring graphic designers.

A Practical Approach to Design

Our graphic design course is all about 'learning by doing'. As a student, you'll engage in a variety of practical projects throughout the year. These projects are designed to cover a broad spectrum of graphic design work, including the creation of advertisements, posters, pamphlets, logos, products, and packaging. This hands-on approach ensures that you build a substantial portfolio; a key tool to showcase your talents to future employers.

Comprehensive Training for a Dynamic Industry

At Oakfields College, we understand that graphic design is a dynamic field, constantly evolving with new trends and technologies. Our course is tailored to provide extensive training that covers both the fundamentals and the advanced aspects of graphic design. By joining our course, you’ll embark on a journey to turn your creative abilities into a lucrative and rewarding career.

State-of-the-Art Software and Tools

We believe in keeping our students ahead in the industry. That's why the software and tools used in our graphic design course are always up-to-date. This forward-thinking approach means that when you start working professionally, you'll be familiar with the latest programmes and techniques, allowing you to work efficiently and effectively from day one.

Developing Professional Skills

Our course starts with the basics of design and technical literacy. But it goes much further - nurturing your growth into a skilled professional capable of excelling in both print and interactive digital media. This comprehensive development is what sets our graduates apart in the competitive field of graphic design in South Africa.

Why Oakfields College?

Choosing Oakfields College for your graphic design education means you're not just choosing a course; you're choosing a pathway to success. We provide an environment that fosters creativity and innovation, ensuring that our students are not just ready for the industry but are also capable of leading it.

Apply for our full-time graphic design course

Register to study full-time graphic design course

6. Make-Up and Special Effects: The Art of Transformation

Oakfields College is proud to present its make-up and special effects course; a programme designed for those passionate about bringing art to life on the stage and screen. Our course, offered in the heart of South Africa's creative hubs in Pretoria and Johannesburg, is a gateway to the fascinating world of make-up artistry and special effects.

Hands-On Experience in Make-Up Artistry

Our course is intensely practical, immersing you in the world of make-up and special effects. Throughout the year, you will embark on projects that challenge your creativity and skill. Imagine creating zombie faces, realistic cut-off fingers, detailed wounds and even designing a full body suit or undertaking a full body painting project. These projects culminate in a display of your work at the prestigious Golden Oak Awards ceremony, showcasing your talents to the industry.

Comprehensive Learning in Make-Up and Special Effects

At Oakfields College, learning goes beyond the traditional. You will delve into all aspects of make-up and special effects. This includes everything from fashion make-up, suited for the glamour of the runway, to the intricate demands of stage and film make-up. Your education will be further enriched with exposure to various hairstyling techniques, ensuring a holistic understanding of the field.

A Journey into Creative Realms

Our course is more than just learning techniques; it's about igniting your creativity. You will learn to conceptualise and innovate, essential skills in a field that constantly pushes the boundaries of reality and fantasy. Our emphasis on hands-on learning ensures that you not only master the technical aspects but also develop a keen eye for artistic detail.

Preparing for a Dynamic Industry

The make-up and special effects industry is highly competitive and ever-evolving. Our programme equips you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This comprehensive approach ensures you are well-prepared to enter this dynamic field; opening up a multitude of career paths and job opportunities.

Choosing Oakfields College for your make-up and special effects training means choosing a pathway that will guide you to success. Our course is designed to nurture your talent and transform it into professional skill. You will be learning in an environment that hones your creativity and innovation; setting you up for a successful career in make-up design.

Apply for our full-time make-up and special effects course

Become a special effects artist

7. Marketing Management: The Art of Influence

At Oakfields College, we offer a unique and comprehensive Marketing Management course, designed to set you apart in the fast-paced world of marketing. Our course is not just about theories and concepts; it's a practical journey into the real world of marketing, offering a blend of creativity, strategy and business acumen.

A Practical Approach to Marketing Education

What makes our marketing management course stand out is its practical nature. Each subject within the course includes a hands-on aspect, ensuring that by the time you graduate, you are not just knowledgeable but also market-ready. You'll be actively involved in marketing all college events, giving you real-life experience in various aspects of marketing and event management.

Kick-Start Your Career in Marketing

For those aspiring to a vibrant and fulfilling career in marketing, Oakfields College is the place to be. Our course is designed to jump-start your journey into the world of marketing, whether your interest lies in the retail, service or industrial sectors. The skills and knowledge you gain here will prepare you for a stimulating and prestigious career in marketing.

Open the Doors to Endless Opportunities

A qualification in marketing management from Oakfields College opens up a world of possibilities. With the comprehensive training provided, you will have the tools to contribute significantly to any business. Our graduates are known for their ability to elevate businesses, taking them to new heights of success.

Personal Attention and Quality Education

At Oakfields College, we believe in the power of personal attention. Our small class sizes ensure that each student receives individual guidance and support. This approach is fundamental to our high educational standards and is key to developing well-rounded, skilled marketing professionals.

Choosing our marketing management course means choosing a path that leads to success in the business world. You will learn in an environment that not only teaches you the fundamentals of marketing but also encourages you to think creatively and strategically. Our course is for those who are serious about making a significant impact in the business world.

Apply for our full-time marketing management course

Learn how to become a marketer in South Africa

8. Musical Theatre and Dance: The Stage Awaits

Oakfields College invites you to step into the world of musical theatre and dance, where passion, talent, and artistic expression converge. Our comprehensive three-year diploma is designed for those who are drawn to the magic of dancing, singing and acting. If the thought of being on stage under the bright lights excites you, our course is your gateway to the thrilling world of performing arts.

A Journey of Artistic Discovery

The musical theatre and dance diploma at Oakfields College is more than just an educational programme; it's a journey of artistic discovery. Whether you're an aspiring actor, dancer or singer, our course offers you the opportunity to hone your skills and nurture your passion. The curriculum covers a wide array of performing art disciplines; providing you with a broad skill set that enhances future work opportunities.

Learning from Industry Professionals

At the heart of our programme are experienced professionals from the performing arts, musical theatre and dance industry. Their guidance and mentorship are invaluable, offering insights into the industry's inner workings. Our course is strongly supported by industry role-players, including producers, agents, choreographers and directors. Many of these professionals attend our productions and conduct workshops, offering students a wealth of practical knowledge and industry insight.

Exposure and Opportunities

Our diploma programme provides a crucial platform for exposure. Throughout your training, you'll have numerous opportunities to perform and showcase your talents. This exposure is key to your development and often leads to our students signing with some of South Africa's top agents. Our graduates find themselves well-prepared for a variety of opportunities, both in South Africa and internationally.

Hands-On Experience in Performing Arts

Oakfields College is committed to providing extensive hands-on experience. This approach ensures that you are not just learning in a classroom but are also getting practical experience that is vital in the performing arts industry. From on-stage performances to real-world experiences, our programme is designed to prepare you for the challenges and opportunities of a career in musical theatre and dance.

Choosing Oakfields College for your musical theatre and dance education means choosing a path that leads to success on stage and beyond. Our course is designed to nurture your talent and transform it into professional skill. You will learn in an environment that celebrates creativity and innovation, setting you up for a successful career in the performing arts.

Apply for our full-time musical theatre and dance course

South Africa's top college for musical theatre & dance

9. Photography Courses in South Africa: Capturing Moments

Oakfields College is proud to offer one of the premier photography courses in South Africa, perfect for those with a passion for capturing the world through a lens. Whether you're in Pretoria or Johannesburg or beyond, our course is designed to quickly elevate your skills, turning you into a professional photographer in no time.

A Journey Through the Lens

Our photography course is an immersive experience that goes beyond the classroom. You will embark on various outings, capturing diverse subjects such as South Africa's rich wildlife, stunning architecture, vibrant people, and tantalising food. These practical sessions are not just about taking photos; they're about experiencing and understanding the world from a photographer's perspective.

Real-World Experience

At Oakfields College, we understand the importance of real-world experience. You'll have the opportunity to photograph college events; providing you with firsthand experience in client interactions and event photography. This practical approach ensures you are well-prepared to meet the demands and expectations of clients in any photography scenario.

Building a Professional Portfolio

A key outcome of our course is the development of your professional portfolio. This portfolio is your visual resumé; showcasing the skills and creativity you've honed during your time at Oakfields College. By the end of the year, you will have a collection of work ready to present to prospective employers or clients; opening doors to numerous opportunities in the photography industry.

Meeting the Demand for Skilled Photographers

The demand for skilled photographers has never been higher. From personal events such as weddings and anniversaries to professional needs like brochures and business documents, quality photography is in high demand. Our course equips you with the skills to meet these demands; offering a pathway to a stimulating and potentially lucrative career.

A Comprehensive Approach to Photography

Our one-year photography course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of both the technical and business aspects of the industry. Through assignments and weekly group discussions, you'll not only develop your technical skills but also your creative vision, preparing you for success in the dynamic world of photography.

Apply for our full-time photography course

Master photography with Oakfields College

10. Sound Engineering: Mastering the Mix

Oakfields College offers a comprehensive sound engineering course designed for those who are passionate about audio production. Our programme is not just about learning the basics; it's a deep dive into the world of sound engineering, where you will learn to edit, mix, and master like a pro. Located in the heart of South Africa's creative hubs in Pretoria and Johannesburg, our course is your ticket to a successful career in sound engineering.

Practical Learning for Real-World Skills

Our sound engineering course is intensely practical. You will engage in projects that mirror real-world scenarios, such as recording advertisements, band sessions, and film audio (foley). This hands-on approach ensures that by the end of the course, you are fully equipped to work in a professional sound studio or even set up your own studio. For those interested in the excitement of live sound, our course provides the perfect foundation.

Learn from Industry Veterans

At Oakfields College, you'll study under seasoned instructors who bring a wealth of industry experience. They know what it takes to succeed in the competitive field of sound engineering and are dedicated to passing that knowledge on to you. Their insights and guidance will be an invaluable part of your learning journey.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Our on-campus recording studios are equipped with the latest technology, providing you with ample opportunity to gain experience and become comfortable in a professional studio environment. Additionally, you'll have access to a professional on campus to assist with your sound engineering training, answer any questions, and provide advice on your projects.

Software Mastery and Versatility

During your time at Oakfields College, you will become proficient in multi-platform software such as Adobe Premiere, Cubase and Pro Tools. This knowledge makes you versatile and adaptable as they are skills highly valued in the sound engineering industry.

A Diverse Curriculum for a Dynamic Career

Our sound engineering course covers a wide range of subjects, giving you the ability and skills in many different aspects of sound engineering. This diversity enables you to pursue and specialise in the area of sound engineering that most aligns with your passions, whether it be studio production, live sound or audio post-production.

Apply for our full-time sound engineering course

Build a career as a sound engineer

Why Study at Oakfields College?

Oakfields College, with its campuses in Pretoria and Johannesburg, is not just a college; it's a launchpad for creative careers. Each course is designed to nurture talent and provide practical experience; making us a standout choice for students across South Africa. Whether you're aspiring to be an animator, actor, designer, filmmaker, marketer or sound engineer, Oakfields College is where your journey begins. Join us and shape your future in the creative industries!Introduction
Oakfields College, renowned for its practical courses and industry-experienced lecturers, stands out as a leading educational institute in South Africa. With campuses in Pretoria and Johannesburg, we offer a range of full-time courses designed to propel students into their chosen creative careers. This blog explores each of these courses, illustrating why Oakfields College is the go-to destination for aspiring professionals.

Table of Contents:

  1. Diploma in 3D Animation: From Passion to Profession
  2. Acting Mastery: Full-Time Drama Course
  3. Fashion Design Course: Crafting Style and Innovation
  4. TV & Film Production: The Journey of Visual Storytelling
  5. Graphic Design Training: Creativity Meets Technology
  6. Make-Up and Special Effects: Crafting Artistic Illusions
  7. Marketing Management Course: Strategies for Success
  8. Musical Theatre and Dance Diploma: Embrace the Stage
  9. Professional Photography Course: Capturing the World
  10. Sound Engineering Program: Mastering Audio Craftsmanship

1. Full-Time 3D Animation Course

At Oakfields College, we offer a full-time 3D animation diploma that is not just about learning; it's about transforming your passion into a profession. Located in the heart of South Africa's vibrant creative scene, with campuses in Pretoria and Johannesburg, Oakfields College is at the forefront of nurturing the next generation of 3D animation experts.

Crafting Your Creative Portfolio

From the very start of your journey with us, you'll dive into the practical aspects of 3D animation. Our course is designed to let you design and produce a portfolio that reflects your unique abilities and talents. This portfolio serves as a vital tool, showcasing your work to prospective employers and setting the stage for your professional career.

Comprehensive Training for a Dynamic Industry

Our 3D animation courses are crafted to provide comprehensive training for those aspiring to enter the professional animation industry. You'll receive intensive training in all aspects of animation production. This includes mastering the art of illustration and gaining proficiency in 3D production techniques. Our goal is to make you highly marketable in a field that's constantly evolving and always in demand.

Learning from Industry Professionals

At Oakfields College, you'll be taught by industry professionals who bring a wealth of experience and insider knowledge. This ensures that by the time you complete the course, you'll have a deep and thorough understanding of the animation industry. You'll know not just the 'how' but also the 'why' behind successful 3D animation, equipping you with the insight and skills needed to excel as a 3D artist.

Diverse Career Opportunities

Upon completion of the course, you'll be qualified for various roles in the animation and multimedia production industry. Our graduates find careers in 3D digital design, multi-media production, education and television and video production, including roles that focus on digital special effects. The course also opens doors to working in specialist 3D and visual effects production facilities.

Oakfields College stands out as a leader of creative education in South Africa. Our approach to teaching 3D animation is holistic, blending practical skills with theoretical knowledge. Our small class sizes ensure personalised attention, and our curriculum is constantly updated to keep pace with industry trends and technologies.

Apply for our full-time 3D animation course

submitted by linkbuildingexperts to u/linkbuildingexperts [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:42 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress Gutenberg tutorial

The Art of WordPress Gutenberg Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide

Key Takeaways


Discover the transformative power of WordPress Gutenberg, the block-based editor revolutionizing website creation. With Gutenberg, crafting posts and pages becomes a breeze, offering an array of features from intuitive design to advanced layout options—all without the need for extensive coding. This tutorial guides you from basic beginnings to mastering advanced techniques, ensuring your WordPress journey is both efficient and enjoyable.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to WordPress Gutenberg
  2. Getting Started with WordPress Gutenberg
  3. Understanding Gutenberg’s Building Blocks
  4. Creating Content with Gutenberg
  5. Customizing the New Blocks
  6. Extending with Plugins and Themes
  7. Troubleshooting Common Issues
  8. Advanced Techniques
  9. FAQ

Introduction to WordPress Gutenberg

What is WordPress Gutenberg?
WordPress Gutenberg is a block-based editor introduced in WordPress 5.0 to replace the Classic Editor, providing a user-friendly interface for designing posts and pages. It’s built on the concept of blocks, versatile elements for creating media-rich content. Key benefits include enhanced flexibility and control, ease of use, the ability to create advanced layouts without additional plugins, the convenience of reusable blocks, and being future-proof as the default editor in WordPress.
Why Use WordPress Gutenberg?

Getting Started with WordPress Gutenberg

Installing and Activating Gutenberg
For WordPress versions 5.0 and upwards, Gutenberg comes pre-installed. If you are using an older version, install the plugin manually:
  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New from the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Type ‘Gutenberg’ into the search bar on the right.
  4. Click on the Install Now button.
  5. Once installed, click Activate.
Navigating the Interface
Understanding the main components of the Gutenberg interface helps in creating and editing content effectively:

Understanding Gutenberg’s Building Blocks

Exploring Block Types
Gutenberg includes a variety of pre-made blocks:
Using Basic Blocks: Text, Image, and Heading
Working with Advanced Blocks: Columns, Media & Text, and Embeds

Creating Content with Gutenberg

Writing Your First Post
  1. Access the Post Creation Page: Click on “Posts” in the left-hand menu, then select “Add New.”
  2. Enter the Title: Type your post title in the provided field.
  3. Write Your Content: Use the block editor to add and format your content.
  4. Preview Your Post: Check for errors or issues with the formatting or user experience.
  5. Publish Your Post: Once satisfied, click the “Publish” button.
Customizing New Blocks

Extending with Plugins and Themes

Enhancing Gutenberg
Extend Gutenberg’s functionality with plugins and themes:

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Dealing with Compatibility Issues

Advanced Techniques

Creating Reusable Patterns
Using Keyboard Shortcuts
Customizing with CSS


Where can I find a comprehensive Gutenberg tutorial for beginners?
How do I create a navigation menu with Gutenberg?
How do I get started with Gutenberg as a beginner?
Does Gutenberg have pre-made templates?
Does Gutenberg affect SEO?
Can I embed Facebook posts using Gutenberg?
What are Gutenberg-friendly themes?
Is Gutenberg included with WordPress or is it a separate plugin?
Can I use both Elementor and Gutenberg together?
What are Gutenberg patterns and how do I use them?
Which plugins work with Gutenberg?
What are the latest Gutenberg features?
What is an open-source website builder?
What are the benefits of using WooCommerce?
Where can I find free site block templates?
What is a WordPress website builder?
What is a drag and drop website builder open source?
What is a WordPress block template?
What are WordPress block themes?
Need a WooCommerce specialist?
Gutenberg Development Blogs
Riad Benguella Channing Ritter Darren Ethier David Gwyer Fabian Kägy Marcus Kazmierczak Carolina Nymark Rich Tabor Ryan Welcher Grzegorz Ziółkowski
CSS-Tricks Gutenberg Times WebDevStudios
YouTube channels
WPTuts Anne McCarthy FSE Hallway Hangouts WPCrafter Gutenberg Times Ryan Welcher
Learn WordPress
Developing for the Block Editor
Gutenberg Times
General Resources
Create Your First Block Gutenberg Handbook Core Editor Slack Channel Make WordPress Core Keeping up with Gutenberg
FSE Resources
Full Site Editing Twenty Twenty-Two Gutenberg – FSE GitHub Issues Core Editor Meeting Notes Core Editor Improvements Block Theme Meeting Notes
By using WordPress Gutenberg, you can create stunning, functional websites without any coding knowledge. These tools empower users to bring their creative visions to life with ease and efficiency.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:36 azasiti Enhance Your ESL Learning with UnSeen English Exam

Hello, fellow Redditors!
Are you an ESL teacher or student looking to improve your English skills? Check out UnSeen English Exam This tool uses ChatGPT to provide reading passages, questions, and detailed feedback.
Give it a try and enhance your English learning experience!
submitted by azasiti to learnEnglishOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:21 Dependent-Ad-8247 Let's Talk Photo Filter Apps: Your Favorites, Recommendations, and Tips!

Hey everyone!

With the abundance of photo filter apps available, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect one for your editing needs. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just love adding a little flair to your snapshots, let's dive into the world of photo filter apps and share our experiences, favorites, and recommendations!
Share Your Favorites
What's your go-to photo filter app and why do you love it?
Have you discovered any hidden gems or lesser-known apps that deserve more attention?
Are there specific features or filters that make your favorite app stand out from the rest?
Recommendations for Different Styles
Do you prefer vintage, retro, or artistic filters? Share your top picks for each style!
Are you a fan of natural and subtle enhancements, or do you prefer bold and dramatic effects?
Let's create a collaborative list of the community's favorite photo filter apps! Upvote your favorites and share your thoughts on others.
Have you tried any apps recommended by fellow Redditors? Share your feedback and experiences.
Whether you're a casual user or a photography enthusiast, everyone's input is valuable in discovering new apps and techniques. Let's ignite some creativity and inspire each other to take our photo editing skills to the next level!

Looking forward to hearing your recommendations and joining the discussion!
submitted by Dependent-Ad-8247 to Technews2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:13 KalpavrikshaAcademyy Online Spoken English Classes in Dehradun

Online Spoken English Classes in Dehradun
English is a globally spoken language, with over 2 billion speakers all around the world. It opens many fields for an individual to explore. A person who is well-versed in spoken English has an advantage over the rest, as it is an in-demand skill. To become an expert in speaking English, you need to learn the necessary skills for which you need to enroll in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun, the capital city of the state of Uttarakhand. With Kalpavriksha Academy, you will learn interpersonal skills that will help you develop an appealing personality that will give you personal and professional success. Moving ahead in this course, you will learn more about a spoken English course.

What are the Benefits of an English Speaking Course?

Speaking in English is something that has become the need of the hour. In whichever field you might be interested in, the most crucial part of that profile asked by almost every employer is whether you are efficient at speaking English.
Here are some benefits of an English Speaking Course that you must know:
  • Great employment opportunities
  • Greater access to information and learning
  • Access to new vocabulary
  • Learning a new language sharpens the brain
  • It helps to build a network
  • Improves your communication skills
  • Enhance your academic performance
  • Develop personal skills

What do you learn from an English Speaking Course in Dehradun?

English speaking course in Dehradun offers you descriptive classes that cover basic and advanced levels to make you an expert in spoken English. To become a well-versed English speaker, you need to be familiar with the basics of pronunciation, phonemic awareness, body language, and more, which you will learn from English Speaking Classes.
Here are some topics that are covered in a spoken English course:
  • Emphasis on learning grammar
  • Covers relevant sections from scratch
  • Practice sessions and tests
  • Learn how to avoid stammering
  • Practice pronunciation and confidence with verbal exercises
  • Improve your shortcomings
  • Sentence framing
  • How to make sentences impressive
  • Listening skills
  • Public speaking

Why Should you Enroll in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun from Kalpavriksha Academy?

At Kalpavriksha Academy, we equip you with all the essential communication skills and help you develop a solid and appealing personality for personal and professional success. Our experts in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun offer you individualized attention, interactive sessions, courses for speaking and writing, and well-arranged study modules.
Here are some of the benefits of our spoken English course that set us apart from others:
  • You get to have online interactive sessions with the instructors, which makes it easier to have open discussions regarding your queries and feedback.
  • There are opportunities for virtual internships where you will get exposure to the real world, improve your skills, and build a resume.
  • With this course, you get career placement support, which helps in creating a resume, improving interview skills, and maintaining employer connections.
  • Take advantage of our review class, where you can understand difficult topics, practice for exams, and review concepts.
  • You get the advantage of accessible resources for your ongoing education and training.

Our Admission Process

At Kalpavriksha Academy, we help individuals reach their full potential and equip them with the necessary skills for success. Our mission is to provide superior education, training, and job placement for a student’s success.
We have a very detailed admission process for our English Speaking Course in Dehradun, which is explained here:
  • Online application process: The first step to enroll in our course is to fill out an application form with your personal and academic information on our website,
  • Webinar attendance: Next, you will be informed about the webinar, where you will be provided with information and insights on the program, environment, and opportunities that you will get.
  • One-on-one counselling: You will get engaged in personalised counselling sessions provided free of charge, where you will figure out your strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations.
  • Interest assessment: Our team will evaluate your interests and potential based on your counselling sessions and recommend suitable programs for you.
  • Admission offer: After a thorough evaluation, eligible candidates will receive official admission offers based on their program requirements.
  • Alternative path guidance: We will provide you with our guidance and support for exploring other career paths if the program is not suitable for you.

How can you connect with us?

In English Speaking Courses, you learn essential communication skills and develop an appealing personality for personal and professional success. To get enrolled in our English Speaking Program at Kalpavriksha Academy, you can get in touch with us
Phone no.: +91 9818703454
Email: [](


With English becoming the primary language all around the world, we are seeing spoken English become a crucial need on the resume. Those who are well-versed in English get an extra edge over the other candidates. To join the group of experts, you need to enroll in an English Speaking Course in Dehradun. At Kalpavriksha Academy, you will learn how to improve your communication skills and have a chance to stand out from the rest. So to become a spoken English expert, join us.
  • What is the duration of your course?
The duration of all our courses is 6 months.
  • Do you offer a job completion certificate?
Yes, we offer our students a course completion certificate at the end of their course.
  • Do you offer job placement support?
Yes, we do offer job placement support to our students after they have completed their course.
submitted by KalpavrikshaAcademyy to u/KalpavrikshaAcademyy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:37 Much_Error_1333 Doubts about Software verification Engineer role

Hello everyone,
I’ve applied for the above role in Israel. I’ll post the job description below.
I’m having doubts about the growth opportunities for this role. I come from a backend software engineering background and I’m confident with low level stuff as well, during my 1.5 years of experience I’ve always been a software engineer, writing features, doing some testing, everything. But when I read this role description again and again I feel like this is just a QA role, the interviewer mentioned I’ll be part of the “installation team”, installing their software to different Linux distros, plus what the job description mentions.
I’m worried that if I stay at this role for 3 years, I’ll become stagnant in my skills, I’ll no longer be a software engineer, but a QA person, and that’s just not my passion. I’m not passionate about QA, I’m a software engineer.
But at the same time, this is NVIDIA and they pay better than what I have now, and the work conditions are better as well.
Any tips, from anyone familiar with this role? Or is working in NVIDIA Israel?
Thanks you.
Job description:
Are you ready to make a significant impact by tackling SW verification challenges? NVIDIA Networking is seeking an exceptional candidate to work with world-class technologies in the domains of High-Speed Communication and Virtualization for our most advanced markets and customers. Our products encompass Ethernet and InfiniBand protocols, delivering a wide range of cutting-edge networking, storage, and security services for cloud, complex compute, and AI workloads. As a Software Verification Engineer, you will play a crucial role in ensuring on-time and high-quality releases. What You’ll Be Doing: Develop and maintain test automation frameworks and scripts using Python Identify, analyze, and report software defects, inconsistencies, and other quality issues. Drive design verification flows and methodologies improvements. Perform functional, integration, and regression of software applications and networking protocols. Work with planning and tracking systems to manage the release progress and build release indicators. Participate in code reviews, provide feedback, and suggest improvements to enhance the quality and maintainability of the software. Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of test processes and methodologies, recommending improvements as necessary. Stay up to date with industry best practices, new technologies, and emerging trends in software verification and QA. Make better product quality by improving tests coverage Take an active part in development, integration and verification with R&D What We Need To See: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent experience). Good background in designing, implementing, and debugging Software 2+ years of experience in writing programs using Python Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to troubleshoot and isolate software defects. Expertise in networking & compute infrastructure (servers, switches, routers) Experience in Linux distributions (Centos/RedHat, Ubuntu, Fedora, SLES) knowledge in Software debugging and problem solving skills. Ability to work effectively both independently and collaboratively within a team environment. Strong attention to detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. Ways to stand out from the crowd: Experience with network equipment (switches, Network Cards) understanding of network protocols (e.g., IP, Ethernet). Background with Networking applications and protocols. Experience with CI methodology & tools (Git, Gerrit, Jenkins etc.). NVIDIA is widely considered to be one of the technology world’s most desirable employers. We have some of the most forward-thinking and hardworking people in the world working for us. If you're creative and autonomous, we want to hear from you! NVIDIA is committed to fostering a diverse work environment and proud to be an equal opportunity employer. As we highly value diversity in our current and future employees, we do not discriminate (including in our hiring and promotion practices) on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status or any other characteristic protected by law.
submitted by Much_Error_1333 to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:26 dhhcompressor-b2b How to Choose the Air Compressor for Laser Engraver?

A good air compressor can significantly impact the performance, efficiency, and longevity of your laser engraver. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the key considerations when selecting an air compressor for your laser engraver, ensuring you make an informed decision that best suits your needs.

Understanding the Role of an Air Compressor in Laser Engraving

What is Laser Engraving?
Laser engraving is a precise method of etching designs, logos, and text onto various materials using a focused laser beam. The process involves vaporizing material to create an image or text on the surface of the workpiece. This method is widely used in industries such as manufacturing, jewelry, electronics, and personalization.
Why is an Air Compressor Important for Laser Engraving?
An air compressor for a laser engraver is essential because it provides a continuous stream of compressed air to the laser cutting head. This stream of air has several critical functions:
Cooling: Helps cool the laser head and the workpiece, preventing overheating.
Debris Removal: Blows away smoke, dust, and other debris generated during the engraving process, ensuring a clear laser path and cleaner cuts.
Improving Quality: Enhances the precision and quality of the engraving by maintaining a clear line of sight for the laser beam.

Key Features to Consider When Choosing an Air Compressor for Laser Engraving

1. Airflow and Pressure Requirements
Determine Your Needs: The first step in selecting the right air compressor is to understand the specific airflow (measured in cubic feet per minute, or CFM) and pressure (measured in pounds per square inch, or PSI) requirements of your laser engraver. Different laser engravers have varying requirements, so check the manufacturer’s specifications for your machine.
2. Compressor Type
Reciprocating Compressors: These are common and cost-effective, using pistons driven by a crankshaft to deliver air at high pressure.
Rotary Screw Compressors: These are more efficient and quieter, using two rotating screws to compress air. They are ideal for continuous use and high-demand applications.
Scroll Compressors: These use a scroll mechanism to compress air and are known for their quiet operation and low maintenance.
3. Tank Size
Capacity Matters: The size of the air tank affects how long the compressor can run before needing to recharge. Larger tanks provide a more stable air supply and reduce the frequency of compressor cycling, which can extend the life of the compressor.
4. Noise Level
Decibel Ratings: Laser engraving often takes place in environments where noise control is important. Look for compressors with low decibel (dB) ratings to minimize noise disruption.
5. Filtration and Air Quality
Clean Air is Crucial: The quality of the compressed air directly impacts the engraving quality. Ensure the compressor has efficient filters to remove moisture, oil, and particulates from the air. Some compressors come with built-in air dryers and multi-stage filtration systems.
6. Duty Cycle
Continuous Operation: The duty cycle indicates how long the compressor can run before needing a rest. A higher duty cycle (e.g., 75% or 100%) is better for continuous operation and high-demand applications.
7. Portability and Size
Space Considerations: Depending on your workspace, you may need a portable or stationary compressor. Ensure the size and weight of the compressor fit your space and mobility needs.
8. Energy Efficiency
Cost Savings: Energy-efficient compressors can save on operating costs and reduce environmental impact. Look for compressors with energy-saving features like variable speed drives (VSD).
9. Maintenance and Durability
Longevity: Choose a compressor known for its durability and ease of maintenance. Features like automatic drain valves and easy-access service points can simplify upkeep.
submitted by dhhcompressor-b2b to lasercutting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:21 DiscoveryHimalaya Embark on the Ultimate Adventure: The Updated Everest Three High Passes Trek for 2024/2025!

Embark on the Ultimate Adventure: The Updated Everest Three High Passes Trek for 2024/2025!
Introduction to the Everest Three High Passes Trek
Adventures heal your body and soul! If you are looking for a high adventure passes trek in Nepal we would highly recommend the Everest Three High Pass Trek. This trek would be a perfect and acceptable trek for adventure enthusiasts. The trek leading to exploring the towering numerous peaks, the rich Sherpa cultural heritage, and the sheer challenge of navigating through the treacherous high-altitude passes have always been a calling for me. That's why I'm thrilled to share with you the updated version of the Everest Three High Passes Trek, which promises to be an unforgettable adventure in 2024/2025.
This iconic trek takes you on a journey through some of the most breathtaking and remote areas of the Himalayas, offering a unique perspective on the world's highest mountain, mount Everest. By conquering the three high passes, you'll not only witness the grandeur of the Everest massif but also immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the Sherpa people, whose resilience and hospitality have long been the hallmark of this region.
What are the Three High Passes?
The Everest Three High Passes Trek is a challenging and rewarding route that takes you over three high-altitude passes: Renjo La (5,340m/17,520ft), Cho La (5,420m/17,782ft), and Kongma La (5,535m/18,159ft). Each of these passes presents its own set of challenges, from steep ascents and treacherous terrain to unpredictable weather conditions.
The Renjo La, the first of the three passes, offers stunning views of the Gokyo Lakes and the Cho Oyu massif. The Cho La, the second pass, is known for its technical difficulty and the risk of encountering glacial conditions. The Kongma La, the final and most challenging of the three, rewards trekkers with breathtaking panoramas of the Khumbu Glacier and the iconic Everest itself.
Why choose the updated version of the trek for 2024/2025?
The Everest Three High Passes Trek has long been a popular challenge for experienced trekkers, but the updated version for 2024/2025 promises to take the experience to new heights. Here's why you should consider this trek:
Improved Itinerary: The updated itinerary has been carefully designed to optimize the trekking experience, allowing for better acclimatization, more time to explore the local communities, and a more gradual ascent to the high passes.
Enhanced Safety Measures: We have worked closely with our local partners to implement enhanced safety protocols, including improved emergency response procedures, better-equipped support teams, and more comprehensive medical supplies.
Sustainable Practices: The updated trek incorporates sustainable tourism practices, such as minimizing environmental impact, supporting local businesses, and promoting responsible waste management.
Exclusive Experiences: The updated trek offers exclusive opportunities, such as cultural immersion activities, specialized photography workshops, and private meetings with Sherpa elders.
Highlights of the updated Everest Three High Passes Trek
The updated Everest Three High Passes Trek is packed with unforgettable experiences and breathtaking scenery. Here are some of the highlights you can expect:
Stunning Vistas of the Everest Massif: As you conquer the three high passes, you'll be rewarded with awe-inspiring views of the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, as well as other iconic peaks like Lhotse, Makalu, Nuptse, Amadablam and Cho Oyu.
Exploration of the Gokyo Lakes: The trek takes you to the stunning Gokyo Lakes, a series of turquoise-colored glacial lakes that offer a unique perspective on the Himalayan landscape.
Cultural Immersion in Sherpa Villages: Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the Sherpa people, visiting their villages, and Buddhist monasteries, and learning about their way of life.
Challenging High-Altitude Trekking: The three high passes – Renjo La, Cho La, and Kongma La – present a thrilling challenge for experienced trekkers, testing your physical and mental endurance.
Unique Wildlife Encounters: The Everest region is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including the elusive Himalayan musk deer, the majestic Himalayan griffon vulture, and the playful Himalayan tahr.
The best time to do the trek in the Everest Region
The best time to embark on the Everest Three High Passes Trek is typically during the spring (April-May) and autumn (October-November) seasons. During these times, the weather is generally more stable, with clear skies, moderate temperatures, and minimal precipitation.
The spring season offers the opportunity to witness the vibrant blooms of rhododendrons and other alpine flowers, while the autumn season is known for its crisp, clear days and stunning mountain vistas. Both seasons provide excellent trekking conditions, with the added benefit of fewer crowds compared to the peak summer months.
Preparing for the trek - physical fitness and equipment
Embarking on the Everest Three High Passes Trek requires a significant level of physical fitness and preparation. It's essential to start your training well in advance, focusing on building endurance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness.
Some key elements of your preparation should include:
Cardiovascular Exercise: Engage in regular cardiovascular activities like hiking, running, or cycling to improve your overall fitness and stamina.
Strength Training: Incorporate strength-building exercises, such as squats, lunges, and core workouts, to prepare your body for the demanding terrain.
Altitude Acclimatization: If possible, consider undertaking a training program that simulates high-altitude conditions, such as using an altitude tent or mask.
In terms of equipment, you'll need to invest in high-quality, durable gear that can withstand the rigors of the trek. This includes:
Renjo La Pass
Trekking boots with good ankle support and grip
Warm, layered clothing (including thermal underwear, fleece, and waterproof jackets)
Trekking poles, a Sleeping bag rated for cold temperatures, a Headlamp or flashlight, Water bottles and a hydration system, First-aid kit and personal medications
It's also essential to pack the necessary permits and documentation, as well as any personal items you might need during the trek.
Permits and fees required for the trek
To embark on the Everest Three High Passes Trek, there are several permits and fees that you'll need to secure. These include: As well, in the Everest region you can use the same permits provided by Sagarmatha National Park and Pasang Lhambu Rural Municipality.
Sagarmatha National Park Permit: This permit grants you access to the Sagarmatha National Park, which encompasses the Everest region.
Trekking Permit: This permit is required for all trekkers in the Everest region and must be obtained from the Nepal Tourism Board.
Pasang Lhamhu Rural Municipality Entrance Fee: This entrance fee is taken and provided by the local Rural Municipality of Pasang Lhaambu. You should pay NPR 2000 per entrance ticket and it will be valid for a month.
Kongma La, Cho La, and Renjo La Permits: These specific permits are required to cross the three high passes on the trek.
It's important to note that the fees for these permits and documentation can vary, and it's best to check with your trekking operator or the Nepal Tourism Board for the most up-to-date information.
Accommodation and food options during the trek
During the Everest Three High Passes Trek, you'll have the opportunity to experience a range of accommodation and dining options that reflect the local culture and traditions.
Local Teahouses: The majority of the trek will be spent in traditional Sherpa teahouses, which offer basic but comfortable lodging, with shared bathroom facilities.
Camping: In some remote areas, you may need to camp, with your trekking crew setting up tents and providing all the necessary equipment.
Lodges: In the more populated areas, you may have the chance to stay in locally-owned lodges, which offer slightly more amenities than the teahouses.
Local Cuisine: The teahouses and lodges along the trek will serve a variety of Nepali and Tibetan-inspired dishes, including momos (dumplings), dal bhat (rice and lentil stew), and various vegetable and meat-based curries.
Snacks and Beverages: You'll have access to a range of snacks, such as energy bars, biscuits, and dried fruits, as well as hot beverages like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.
Special Dietary Requirements: If you have any special dietary needs, be sure to inform your trekking operator in advance, and they will make the necessary arrangements.
The food and accommodation options on the Everest Three High Passes Trek are designed to provide a comfortable and authentic experience, while also supporting the local economy and minimizing environmental impact.
Challenges and Risks of the Everest Three High Passes Trek
While the Everest Three High Passes Trek is an incredible adventure, it's important to be aware of the challenges and risks involved. Some of the key challenges include:
High Altitude: The trek takes you to altitudes of over 5,000 meters (16,400 feet), which can lead to altitude sickness and other health issues if not properly acclimatized.
Rugged Terrain: The trek involves navigating steep, rocky, and sometimes icy trails, which can be physically demanding and require technical skills.
Unpredictable Weather: The Himalayan climate can be unpredictable, with sudden changes in weather conditions that can affect the trek's progress and safety.
Limited Medical Facilities: The remote nature of the trek means that access to medical facilities is limited, and emergency evacuations can be challenging.
Psychological Challenges: The mental and emotional demands of the trek, such as dealing with fatigue, homesickness, and a sense of isolation, can be significant.
Safety measures and precautions
To mitigate the risks and challenges of the Everest Three High Passes Trek, we have implemented a comprehensive safety plan. This includes:
Hire Experienced Local Guides: Our trek is led by highly experienced Sherpa guides, who are trained in first aid, emergency response, and mountain rescue.
Comprehensive Medical Supplies: Our trekking team carries a well-stocked medical kit, including oxygen, medications, and emergency equipment.
Detailed Acclimatization Schedule: Our itinerary includes a gradual ascent and ample time for acclimatization, to help reduce the risk of altitude sickness.
Communication and Evacuation Protocols: We have established reliable communication channels and emergency evacuation procedures in case of a medical emergency.
Environmental Responsibility: We prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly practices, such as proper waste management and the use of eco-friendly equipment.
By taking these measures, we aim to provide a safe and enjoyable trekking experience for all our participants.
Tips for a successful trek
To ensure a successful and memorable Everest Three High Passes Trek, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Train Diligently: Invest the time and effort to prepare your body and mind for the physical and mental demands of the trek.
Pack Wisely: Carefully consider the items you'll need and pack them in a way that ensures easy access and efficient organization.
Embrace the Pace: Resist the temptation to rush through the trek. Maintain a steady, comfortable pace to conserve your energy and allow for proper acclimatization.
Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Drink plenty of water and consume a balanced diet to keep your body fueled and energized throughout the trek.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of altitude sickness or physical discomfort, and don't hesitate to communicate with your guides.
Immerse Yourself in the Culture: Take the time to interact with the local Sherpa people, learn about their traditions, and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the region.
Capture the Moment: Bring a camera (or two!) to document the breathtaking scenery and your personal journey.
By following these tips and embracing the challenges of the trek, you'll be well on your way to an unforgettable adventure in the Everest region.
Conclusion of this travel blog
The Everest Three High Passes Trek is a truly remarkable and transformative experience that combines the thrill of high-altitude trekking with the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the Himalayas. With the updated version of this trek for 2024/2025, we've enhanced the itinerary, safety measures, and sustainable practices to provide you with an unparalleled adventure. In addition, the Everest Three High Passes Trekking routes combine the world's iconic adventure Everest Base Camp trail too.
If you're ready to embark on this once-in-a-lifetime journey, I encourage you to reach out to our team today. We'll work closely with you to ensure that your Everest Three High Passes Trek is tailored to your needs and exceeds your expectations. Together, let's conquer the three high passes and create memories that will last a lifetime.
submitted by DiscoveryHimalaya to u/DiscoveryHimalaya [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:10 Freddy_lang Exploring Alternatives to FPGAs: Flexible Options Beyond CPUs

When it comes to flexible computing solutions, FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) and CPUs (Central Processing Units) often come to mind. However, there are several other alternatives that offer similar flexibility and can be better suited for specific tasks. Here's a look at some notable options.

1. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)

Use Case: GPUs are primarily used for rendering graphics, but their parallel processing capabilities make them excellent for tasks like deep learning, scientific computations, and cryptocurrency mining.
Flexibility: GPUs are highly programmable through frameworks like CUDA and OpenCL, making them versatile for a wide range of parallelizable tasks.
Advantages: They offer massive parallel processing power, making them ideal for tasks that can be broken down into smaller, simultaneous operations.

2. Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)

Use Case: DSPs are specialized for processing real-time data streams like audio and video signals, making them common in mobile phones, audio equipment, and communication systems.
Flexibility: While DSPs are designed for specific tasks, they are programmable to handle various signal processing operations efficiently.
Advantages: Optimized for high-speed numerical processing, DSPs consume less power for signal processing tasks compared to general-purpose processors.

3. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)

Use Case: ASICs are custom-designed for specific applications, providing unparalleled performance and efficiency for those tasks.
Flexibility: Once fabricated, ASICs are not reprogrammable. However, they offer maximum efficiency for the designed application.
Advantages: ASICs deliver high performance and low power consumption for specific tasks, making them ideal for high-volume applications where the design costs can be amortized.

4. System on Chip (SoC)

Use Case: SoCs integrate multiple components, including CPUs, memory, and I/O ports, into a single chip, often used in mobile devices and embedded systems.
Flexibility: SoCs can be customized for specific applications, offering a compact and efficient solution for complex systems.
Advantages: They provide a high level of integration, reducing the overall size and power consumption of the device.

5. General-Purpose CPUs with Specialized Extensions

Use Case: Modern CPUs often include specialized instruction sets (e.g., Intel's AVX) that enhance performance for specific tasks like vector processing.
Flexibility: These extensions allow CPUs to handle specialized tasks more efficiently while maintaining general-purpose capabilities.
Advantages: Versatile and capable of handling a wide range of tasks with added performance for specialized operations.

6. Tensor Processing Units (TPUs)

Use Case: TPUs are designed specifically to accelerate machine learning tasks, particularly those involving neural networks.
Flexibility: Optimized for tensor operations, TPUs are highly efficient for AI workloads.
Advantages: They provide high performance and energy efficiency for machine learning applications, making them a popular choice for AI research and deployment.

7. Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Use Case: MCUs are small computing devices used for control-oriented applications in embedded systems.
Flexibility: Highly customizable for specific control tasks, MCUs are programmable to handle a variety of simple computational tasks.
Advantages: Low cost and low power consumption, MCUs are ideal for small, embedded applications where efficiency is key.


While FPGAs and CPUs are often considered the go-to options for flexible computing, these alternatives provide a range of benefits depending on the specific requirements of the task at hand. From the parallel processing prowess of GPUs to the specialized efficiency of TPUs and ASICs, there's a diverse array of options available for those looking to optimize their computational solutions. Whether you're working on signal processing, machine learning, or embedded systems, exploring these alternatives can lead to significant improvements in performance and efficiency.
submitted by Freddy_lang to vlsi_enthusiast [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:29 Ace_Wellness_ Bank Balance or Mind-Body Balance: Prioritizing Holistic Wellness for Life's Wealth

Bank Balance or Mind-Body Balance: Prioritizing Holistic Wellness for Life's Wealth
In our relentless pursuit of financial security, represented by the elusive 'bank balance', many of us inadvertently sideline an equally critical asset: our mind-body balance. At Ace Wellness, we advocate for a lifestyle that values holistic health as the cornerstone of prosperity. Our specialized services in Yoga, Meditation, Gut Cleansing, and Panchakarma are designed not merely as treatments but as essential practices that foster both personal and financial wellbeing in this fast-paced modern world.
Understanding the Impact of Lifestyle on Mind-Body Balance
Today's lifestyle demands constant connectivity and multitasking, which often leads to chronic stress—a silent adversary of health. Prolonged stress can trigger a series of health issues, including anxiety, hypertension, digestive disorders, and even chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart conditions. These health problems can disturb your life's rhythm and, ironically, your financial stability due to increased medical costs and reduced productivity.
The Integral Role of Gut Health
Emerging research underscores the vital connection between gut health and overall wellness, including mental health. A balanced gut flora aids in the absorption of nutrients, the production of critical hormones, and the regulation of immune response. Disturbances in this delicate ecosystem can lead to numerous physical and mental health issues. At Ace Wellness, our gut cleansing services are designed to restore this balance, ensuring that your digestive system supports rather than detracts from your pursuit of a healthy life.
The Transformative Power of Yoga and Meditation
Our Yoga and Meditation programs go beyond physical fitness. They are structured to restore the mind's clarity and resilience. Regular practice can significantly reduce stress levels, enhance concentration, boost mood, and improve overall energy levels, making daily tasks more manageable and productive.
Panchakarma: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness
Panchakarma, a cornerstone therapy in Ayurveda, offers a systematic and personalized cleansing process that helps eliminate toxins from the body and restore constitutional balance. This rejuvenation technique is particularly beneficial for those leading high-stress lives, acting as a reset button for both body and mind. It not only improves physical health but also enhances mental clarity and emotional stability.
Balancing Bank Balance with Mind-Body Balance
In the quest for financial security, it's crucial to remember that true wealth includes well-being. An investment in your health is an investment in your financial future. Employees who are healthy in body and mind are more engaged, productive, and less likely to incur healthcare costs—factors that directly benefit your financial status.
Lifestyle Tips for Maintaining Balance
Regular Practice: Engage regularly in Yoga and Meditation to manage stress and enhance physical health.
Diet and Nutrition: Opt for a balanced diet that supports gut health. Our nutritionists at Ace Wellness can guide you in creating a diet plan that fits your lifestyle.
Routine Cleanses: Incorporate Panchakarma into your yearly routine to help maintain your body’s optimal functioning and alignment.
Education and Awareness: Participate in our workshops at Ace Wellness to learn more about managing lifestyle stress and enhancing your life quality.
Conclusion: A Call to Action
At Ace Wellness, we believe that maintaining your health is not just about adding years to your life but also life to your years. As you strive for financial success, we invite you to parallelly nurture your greatest asset—your health. Join us to explore how our tailored wellness programs can help you achieve not just a desirable bank balance but a thriving mind-body balance as well.
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2024.06.05 08:16 heileyoffices The Role of Technology in Modern Shared Offices in kochi

The Role of Technology in Modern Shared Offices in kochi


In the dynamic landscape of modern workspaces, technology has become the backbone of efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. Shared offices, also known as coworking spaces, have particularly benefited from technological advancements, making them hubs of innovation and flexibility. This article explores the various ways technology is transforming modern shared offices.

1. High-Speed Internet and Connectivity

Reliable high-speed internet is the lifeline of any shared office. With businesses increasingly relying on cloud services and online collaboration tools, uninterrupted connectivity is essential. Shared offices often invest in robust IT infrastructure, including multiple internet service providers (ISPs) to ensure redundancy and uptime. This setup supports diverse tenant needs, from startups to established enterprises.

2. Cloud Computing and Storage

Cloud technology has revolutionized how businesses operate, particularly in shared office environments. With cloud computing, companies can access files and applications from anywhere, facilitating remote work and flexible office hours. Shared office spaces offer secure cloud storage solutions, ensuring data is accessible yet protected. This flexibility allows teams to collaborate seamlessly, irrespective of their physical location.

3. Smart Office Automation

Smart office technology enhances the efficiency and user experience of shared workspaces. Features like automated lighting, climate control, and smart access systems not only create a comfortable working environment but also contribute to energy savings. IoT (Internet of Things) devices play a pivotal role here, allowing for real-time adjustments based on occupancy and usage patterns.

4. Collaboration Tools and Software

Effective collaboration is a cornerstone of shared office spaces. Technologies such as video conferencing tools (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams), project management software (e.g., Trello, Asana), and instant messaging platforms (e.g., Slack) are integral to modern coworking spaces. These tools enable seamless communication and project tracking, fostering a collaborative community even among disparate teams.

5. Security and Data Protection

With multiple businesses operating under one roof, security is a paramount concern in shared offices. Advanced security measures, including biometric access, surveillance cameras, and cybersecurity protocols, ensure that both physical and digital assets are protected. Shared offices invest in encryption and secure network practices to safeguard sensitive data from breaches.

6. Virtual Office Services

For freelancers and remote workers, virtual office services provided by shared spaces are invaluable. These services include a professional business address, mail handling, and reception services. Technology facilitates these virtual offerings, allowing individuals to maintain a professional presence without a permanent physical office.

7. Networking and Community Platforms

Technology also plays a crucial role in building and maintaining the community within shared offices. Internal social networks and community apps help members connect, collaborate, and share resources. These platforms often include event calendars, discussion forums, and member directories, enhancing the overall coworking experience.

8. Flexible Workspace Management

Shared offices utilize advanced workspace management software to optimize space utilization and member satisfaction. These systems enable online booking of meeting rooms, hot desks, and other facilities, streamlining operations. They also provide analytics on space usage, helping managers make informed decisions about space allocation and amenities.

9. Enhancing Member Experience with AVR

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are emerging technologies that can enhance the coworking experience. Virtual tours of the workspace, AR-assisted navigation within the office, and VR meeting rooms are innovative applications that add value to shared offices. These technologies create immersive experiences that attract tech-savvy professionals.


The integration of technology in modern shared offices is not just a trend but a necessity. As the demand for flexible and efficient workspaces grows, technology will continue to shape the future of coworking. By embracing these advancements, shared offices can offer enhanced productivity, security, and community, ensuring they remain relevant in the ever-evolving business landscape.
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2024.06.05 07:31 bioleaguesseo How Attending a Cardiology Conference Helps Researchers

It is imperative for scientists and researchers to stay on the cutting edge of discovery, and this is especially essential in the specialised field of cardiology. Attending an International Cardiology Conference can be a life-changing opportunity for medical professionals offering heart-related services. These events serve as a wonderful academic and intellectual platform for researchers, scientists, and others alike.
Here are different ways attending a Cardiology Conference in 2024 can help researchers:

Gain knowledge about the latest trends and research.

An International Cardiology Conference 2024 allows researchers to get insights into the latest cardiology trends. These conferences have keynote speakers, presentations, and doubt-clearing sessions. You can gain insights into groundbreaking discoveries, new healing approaches, and advancements in diagnostic techniques.
Researchers can take advantage of a Cardiovascular Conference by learning the latest trends and refine their research. This also helps you gain fresh perspectives and expand your knowledge base.

Find new networking opportunities.

Attending the Upcoming Cardiology Conference 2024 can offer scientists and researchers valuable collaborative opportunities. You can exchange your ideas with fellow Researchers, Cardiologists, and other Attendees. This may help in finding new partnerships among participants and industry peers. All of this helps grow your professional networks for your research work and career in the future.
So, make the most of these events and network with as many people as you can. Recognize opportunities for collaboration on grant proposals, clinical research trials, and publications.

Refine your work by receiving constructive feedback.

Many researchers need expert opinions on their research topics, which helps them improve their findings further. A Cardiology Conference India provides an exclusive international platform for presenting your research findings to the world's influential cardiologists, medical professionals, industry leaders, and other fellow participants.
Based on that, you will get constructive feedback for your work and engage in scholarly discussions with fellow attendees. Accordingly, you can participate in discussions and improve your work to the level demanded by the cardiology industry. This is how a Cardiology Conference can impact your research in the medical community.

Take your expertise to the next better level.

Conferences are a valuable platform to learn new topics from experts and industry leaders. This helps researchers and scientists in gaining expertise. A well-planned International Cardiology Conference typically features specialised workshops for hands-on experience, expertly-crafted seminars, and educational sessions focused on specific cardiology research areas.
Through hands-on training sessions and practical exposure, you can benefit from professional research methodology and grant writing. Moreover, demonstrations provide you with firsthand exposure to the latest technologies in the field of cardiology. You can gain insights into innovative tools by exploring exhibits, attending product demonstrations, and engaging with industry representatives. All of this can give a whole new and right direction to your research projects and clinical practice.

Gain global exposure and recognition for yourself and your work.

Attending Cardiology Conferences 2024 India can boost researchers' careers by increasing their visibility, recognition, and professional reputation. Researchers can present their findings, participate in panel discussions, or deliver speeches related to their topic. This helps them demonstrate their knowledge and establish themselves as leaders in their field. Moreover, networking with influential figures and engaging in scholarly discussions is good exposure for getting invitations to speak at engagements.
On top of that, many journals and publications accept research papers at these conferences. You can submit your work and gain industry recognition. You can also attract many leadership roles within professional societies. 


So, attending a Cardiology Conference is very beneficial for researchers. You can gain new learning, get international exposure, and refine your research. By taking advantage of these opportunities, researchers can enhance their careers and make meaningful contributions to their field.
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2024.06.05 07:19 Sherwalk Please Review my Resume – Recent Bachelor's Graduate in Communications. Looking to break into copywriting/content writing & advertising. I have a background with writing, graphic design, arts, journalism, account management, or anything in that realm, really. I have a general cover letter

submitted by Sherwalk to Resume [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:59 TerribleSell2997 Transmission Coolers Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

~Transmission coolers market~ is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 10.0% during the forecast period. The growth of the market is attributed to factors such as increasing demand for efficient cooling systems in vehicles to enhance performance and prevent overheating. Factors such as rising commercial vehicle sales and increasing consumer awareness about the benefits of transmission coolers are anticipated to fuel the demand for transmission coolers. For instance, in the passenger vehicles segment, the adoption of transmission coolers to improve fuel efficiency and prolong transmission life is expected to drive market growth. For instance, JEGS 60385 is an 18,000 GVW automatic transmission cooler designed to help extend the life of the transmission and improve fuel efficiency and horsepower. JEGS high-performance transmission coolers are ultrasonically soldered, electrostatically powder-coated, and 100% pressure tested at 150 PSI for reliability. JEGS 53501 is a transmission cooler and cooling fan mount kit that fits JEGS 555-60370 to 555-60376 coolers. JEGS Auto Trans Oil Cooler is a high-performance transmission cooler with a 26,000 GVW rating that includes 4 ft. of 3/8 in. Hose and two 9/16 in fittings.
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The global transmission coolers market is further segmented based on geography, including North America (the US and Canada), Europe (Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and others), Asia-Pacific (India, China, Japan, South Korea, and others), and the Rest of the World (the Middle East & Africa and Latin America). The market can be analysed for a particular region or country level as per the requirement. Among these, the North America region is anticipated to hold a prominent share in the transmission coolers market during the forecast period. The growth of the market in North America is primarily driven by factors such as the presence of a large number of commercial vehicles and the demand for efficient cooling systems in passenger vehicles.
full report of Transmission Coolers Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Transmission Coolers Market by Type
o Fan Cooling
o Water Cooling
Global Transmission Coolers Market by Application
o Commercial Vehicles
o Passenger Vehicles
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
Company Profiles
o Behr-Hella Thermocontrol GmbH
o BorgWarner Inc.
o Delphi
o Denso Corp.
o G&M Radiator
o Magna International Inc.
o Marelli Holdings Co., Ltd.
o Mechatronics Group Pty Ltd.
o Modine Manufacturing Co.
o Nissens
o RPM International Inc.
o Rugged Ridge
o Spectra Premium Mobility Solutions
o Transmission Cooler Guide
o Valeo Powertrain GmbH
o Visteon Corp.
o ZF Friedrichshafen AG
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
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Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:27 Sledge169 IRL class?

If you could choose any 5th edition class (with subclass) to have the abilities and proficiencies of in real life, what would you choose? You'd start at level 1, and level up based off of doing things related to the class (e.g. fighter = fighting, bard = performing, etc.) 5e rules, as written.
submitted by Sledge169 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:08 ImpatientDelta 10 Best ABC Game Apps for iPhone

10 Best ABC Game Apps for iPhone
ABC game apps offer an engaging way for users to enhance their vocabulary, spelling, and cognitive skills while having fun. These apps typically feature a variety of games and activities designed to challenge players to think quickly and strategically. From word puzzles and anagrams to trivia quizzes and spelling bees, ABC game apps cater to users of all ages and skill levels. With colorful graphics, intuitive interfaces, and customizable features, these apps provide an immersive learning experience that keeps players coming back for more. Whether you're a student looking to improve your language skills or an adult seeking a brain-teasing challenge, ABC game apps offer something for everyone.

1. Endless Alphabet
Endless Alphabet is an engaging and immersive educational app designed to introduce children to vocabulary and letter recognition. With its colorful and vibrant animations, this app makes learning fun and interactive for young learners. Endless Alphabet offers over 100 words to explore, each accompanied by delightful animations and interactive puzzles that reinforce word meanings and spelling. From "angry" to "zeppelin," children can discover new words and their definitions while enjoying playful interactions with the lovable animated monsters.

2. Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen
Dive into the culinary world of Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen, where learning the alphabet becomes a delicious adventure. With familiar Sesame Street characters guiding the way, children can explore letters, build words, and create tasty treats in a fun and interactive kitchen setting. Through cooking-themed activities and engaging games, Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen provides a delightful way for children to learn about letters, words, and early literacy skills while having fun with their favorite characters from the show.

3. Interactive Alphabet ABC's
Interactive Alphabet ABC's offers a dynamic and interactive learning experience for children to explore the alphabet. Through engaging games, puzzles, and activities, children can practice letter recognition, phonics, and early literacy skills in a fun and entertaining way. With colorful visuals and playful interactions, this app provides an immersive digital environment where children can learn and play with letters and words.

4. Elmo Loves ABCs
Join Elmo and his friends from Sesame Street in Elmo Loves ABCs, an educational app filled with interactive games, songs, and videos to teach children about letters and letter sounds. With Elmo as their guide, children embark on a fun-filled learning journey through the alphabet. From singing alphabet songs to playing interactive games, Elmo Loves ABCs provides a joyful and engaging way for children to learn about letters and early literacy skills.

5. LetterSchool - Block Letters
LetterSchool - Block Letters is a captivating educational app designed to help children learn to write uppercase and lowercase letters. Through interactive tracing exercises and playful animations, children can practice proper letter formation and develop handwriting skills while exploring the alphabet in a fun and engaging way. With its intuitive interface and colorful graphics, LetterSchool - Block Letters provides an immersive learning experience that keeps children motivated and excited to learn.

6. Talking ABC…
Talking ABC brings the alphabet to life with lively animations and interactive activities. Children can explore each letter through games, puzzles, and letter tracing exercises, making learning the alphabet an enjoyable and interactive experience. With its charming characters and engaging gameplay, Talking ABC provides a fun and immersive way for children to learn about letters and phonics.

7. Alphablocks, How to Write
Alphablocks, How to Write is an educational app that teaches children how to write letters using the popular Alphablocks characters. With step-by-step guides and interactive exercises, children learn proper letter formation and handwriting skills while having fun with their favorite characters. From A to Z, Alphablocks, How to Write provides a comprehensive and engaging way for children to master the art of handwriting.

8. Bubl ABC
Dive into the world of letters with Bubl ABC, an immersive 3D app that introduces children to the alphabet through bubble popping fun. With its colorful visuals and interactive gameplay, Bubl ABC makes learning letter recognition and phonics an exciting underwater adventure. Children can pop bubbles to reveal letters, listen to letter sounds, and explore the alphabet in a playful and engaging way.

9. Starfall ABCs
Starfall ABCs is an educational app designed to help children learn the alphabet through interactive stories, songs, and games. With engaging activities that reinforce letter recognition and phonics skills, children build a strong foundation for reading and language development. From learning letter sounds to identifying uppercase and lowercase letters, Starfall ABCs provides a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience for young learners.

10. ABC Phonics Kids Reading Games
ABC Phonics Kids Reading Games offers a variety of phonics-based activities and games to help children learn letter sounds and sight words. With its colorful graphics and interactive gameplay, children develop essential reading skills while enjoying fun and educational games. From matching letters to practicing phonics rules, ABC Phonics Kids Reading Games provides a fun and effective way for children to improve their reading abilities.


In conclusion, ABC game apps serve as valuable tools for education, entertainment, and cognitive development. By combining the excitement of gaming with the benefits of language learning, these apps provide a unique and enjoyable experience for users around the world. Whether played solo or with friends and family, ABC game apps offer endless opportunities for growth and exploration. As technology continues to advance, so too will these apps, evolving to meet the changing needs and preferences of users. With their ability to inspire curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking, ABC game apps are sure to remain a staple in the digital landscape for years to come.
submitted by ImpatientDelta to appmania [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:45 adorabletapeworm Orion Pest Control: Crows With Strange Shadows

Previous case
Victor hadn't been kidding when he'd said that the mechanic was going to become more aggressive. The only reason why this week wasn't my last was because I'd had Orion behind me as well as a plethora of precautions in place.
(If you're not familiar with what Orion Pest Control's services are, it may help to start here.)
For example, at Orion, all employees are advised to get lockboxes for their mail rather than regular mailboxes. It would be far too easy for a Neighbor to follow one of us home and fish out a piece of mail to find our names. This is only recommended for people who've had frequent or unpleasant interactions with the Neighbors.
You could also ward off your mailbox with iron. Salt, as always, would work as well, but I'm sure your mailman wouldn't appreciate getting seasoned every time he simply tries to give you your junk mail.
When it comes to monetary transactions, cash or pre-loaded debit cards are the safest, unless you can be certain beyond a reasonable doubt that the person ringing you out is human.
Another precaution that I've taken when it comes to the mechanic is that I've bought a cast iron fire poker from an antique store. Iron is one of the most effective weapons against the Neighbors, though it's best to think of it as an allergy rather than a perfect repellant. Some Neighbors will crumple instantly if they're within a few feet of it while others need direct contact in order to cause anything worse than hive-covered burns.
Given that the mechanic must have frequent exposure to iron during his daytime profession, I have to wonder how effective it is against him. I do see him wearing gloves from time to time, so it must do something, even if it's a minor skin irritation. Either it's a pride thing or he's just that committed to the ‘mechanic’ bit.
I've been keeping the poker in the company truck. Even if it's not lethal to him, I’m sure that getting smacked over the head with it probably wouldn't feel too good. Along with that, I've restocked my salt shells. If the mechanic decides to try anything, he'll have an arsenal waiting for him.
I don't have any delusions about being able to kill him. I think that's something only a true hero could accomplish. I'm talking about legendary individuals like Cú Chullainn, Beowulf, or Māui. People whose deeds are so great that their stories live on to this day. Find someone like that in the modern age. (Though, I would argue that Marc-André Fluery comes close. Flyers fans, don't interact.)
Reyna suggested bathing the hagstone in saltwater to amplify its deterring effects. She also wrapped red thread along the outside of the ring, explaining that it should help enhance its protective properties.
It's a good thing, too. Since my last interaction with the mechanic, promptly at dusk, I would hear the beating of wings outside, and always from the west. I risked a glance out the window one night to find a murder of crows. Ever since I saw that the birds’ shadows move independently of their owners, I don't look at them. I ignore their calls. I know who they serve.
After Reyna's additions, the hagstone vibrates against my chest whenever they're near.
However, in my case, these were only temporary solutions, unless I wanted to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life and fearing death even more than I did before. But in the meantime… raccoons.
A client called about hearing scratching and chattering in her attic. Her uninvited guest also put a hole in her siding. In other words, it was enough of a mess to momentarily distract me from my own problems.
Raccoons are incredibly destructive, chewing up anything that they can get their little hands on. From the client's description, it sounded like we could be dealing with a nest. Mother raccoons can be especially feisty when it comes to protecting their young, so I had Reyna join me in case there were any kits.
At Orion, we are licensed to use humane trapping methods on smaller wildlife, so don't worry, no garbage kitties are being harmed. Though I want yinz to know that raccoons are not to be underestimated. They may not try to take your soul, like some pests out there will, but they can spread a variety of diseases, including rabies and roundworm among others. They also present a major fire hazard when they claw their way into a home since they can chew through wiring like nothing.
The first thing we had to do was identify the garbage kitties’ entry point. Reyna opted to go on the roof while I investigated the attic.
The first thing I noticed was the telltale stench of dried urine. Yup, those were droppings over there in the corner. Delightful. Looking around, I found that the raccoons had torn out a few chunks of the insulation, but nothing that wouldn't be too difficult or expensive to replace. All in all, it seemed like it'd be an easy call.
Then I felt the hagstone begin to tremble. Not long after, Reyna screamed.
I rushed out, my heart surging with panic as I was greeted with the frenzied calls of crows. Shit! They followed me.
She was on the ground, swinging her silver-tipped knife clumsily against the swarm of black feathers swirling around her. I heard her cry out again as I got closer to her, then suddenly, the cloud of feathers dispersed, twisting towards the sky with a cacophony of angered caws. Reyna had managed to get some salt on them before they could gouge her eyes out.
My hand was coated with blood as I guided Reyna towards the house. She'd managed to keep her eyes, but they’d shredded her with their beaks and talons. I could feel her shaking as we retreated from the horde. Reyna tried to hide it, but she was crying, the tears mingling with the blood covering her nose and cheeks like a bandit's mask.
The whole time, the hagstone didn't stop vibrating. I think that was the only thing keeping the horde from coming after us. Their calls were piercing as we took cover in the house.
The client was alarmed when she saw the state Reyna was in, “What psycho ass raccoons do I have?!”
I promised I'd explain later (I honestly don't remember what bullshit story I gave her) then asked her to watch over Reyna as I went out to get the emergency first aid kit we keep in the truck.
Reyna held me in a grip so tight that it left bruises, pleading, “Don't go out there! Please!
Now that we weren't on the run, I could see the injuries on her face more clearly. The deepest one went through her right eyebrow towards the bridge of her nose. The rest were shallow, painful-looking cuts that criss crossed over her skin.
“They can't come near me. And I’ve got something in the truck that’ll make them think twice.” I assured her.
She didn't let go. I couldn't find it in me to pry her fingers off, so instead, I put my hand over hers, hoping that it was comforting.
The client gently pressed a paper towel to the side of Reyna’s face, her voice heart-achingly motherly as she uttered, “It's okay, honey. Everything's going to be alright.”
I'm not sure if it was from pain or something else, but Reyna noticeably stiffened when the client spoke to her in that maternal tone, closing her eyes as if to keep more tears from falling. Her clutch loosened until my wrist was freed, her hand dropping limply to her side.
The fucking birds sounded like they were laughing when I marched out to the truck. The sound grated on me as I snatched the fire poker and the first aid kit.
Laugh at this!” I snapped as I swung the poker at the nearest crow.
It let out a squeal as the poker grazed its wing, hopping as far out of reach as it could afterwards. They didn't cackle after that.
After we cleaned Reyna's injuries up, they didn't look quite as terrible, but just to be safe, I dragged her to the hospital. Thankfully, the client was an absolute angel about the whole thing and understood that one of our employees being injured was going to be a setback. I called up Victor to inform him of the situation as well as the entry points that we’d found; he took over where Reyna and I left off.
On the way to the hospital, Reyna muttered, “So… does my little Alfred Hitchcock moment initiate me as an official Orion employee?”
Wearily, I gave her a small chuckle, “Yeah, you're one of us, now. Lucky you!”
“Hey, I’ll take the murder birds over Psycho Mantis.” She replied with a small smile.
Her nickname for the mechanic. I think it's from a video game. I don't know. Never quite got into them.
It was quiet for a moment. The smile faded away as she distantly said, “I think that's how they do it. They take your eyes, they take you, you know?”
I nodded, feeling a lump in the back of my throat, thinking about how the mechanic can control someone just by meeting their gaze. “I think you might be right about that.”
I couldn't help but wonder if the Hunt had attacked her simply because she's an Orion employee or if they were drawn to her because of something else. Was she grieving over something? I didn't know her well enough at that point to be able to tell. They hadn't hesitated to go for her eyes. If that was the case, that'd make her the most vulnerable of the three of us.
Another thing I want yinz to know when it comes to dealing with the atypical: if you or a loved one has been harmed, one of the best things you can do is to support the victim. And if you need support yourself, ignore that stupid little voice in your head that tells you not to bother anyone and reach out. Isolation will destroy you in more ways than one.
After I got Reyna settled at the hospital, I made a beeline to the river to find another hagstone. Clearly, Reyna was going to need one, too.
Naturally, the stupid birds followed me, causing my hagstone to quiver nonstop. I went into the woods armed with my toolbelt and the iron poker. I opted out of taking the shotgun simply because I was going to need a free hand to look for another hagstone. There was a part of me that hoped that one of them would try something so that I'd have the opportunity to smack the shit out of them.
While I was searching, among the crows’ calls, I heard whispers. They sounded close, like they came from behind some brush about twenty feet away, but I believed the False Egg when it said that the whispering thing likes to confuse its victims. Without listening to what they were saying, I glanced around as the river's cold water rushed around my boots, trying to figure out what was stalking me.
The whispers pretended to move further away. But still, I couldn't see the thing causing them. I clutched the poker tighter. The crows had stopped their chattering. They heard the voices, too. Hold on. What were they all looking at?
Gingerly, I pulled out the hagstone and held it to my eye in the direction of the crows' gazes. At first, it looked like one of the trees, until I was able to make out a triangular head with eyes the size of basketballs. It held up two massive, folded appendages that were lined with sharp spines. It looked to be as tall as a draft horse, yet it was so still that I couldn't even tell if this huge animal was breathing. The whispers were quieter than they'd ever been before.
Those huge eyes were fixed on me. I didn’t dare move.
One of the ‘crows’ glided to the ground near to the whispering thing, passing in front of my field of view. I stifled a shudder when I saw the state of its frail, humanoid body. Its skin clung like molten wax to its ribs and spine. Tattered wings extended from the sides of its torso, the feathers looking as if they were ripped from numerous other avians and fused to the miserable animal's stretched, contorted arms to make it fly. Where the eyes should have been were empty sockets. A curved beak had been forced onto the creature as well, driven into the skull hard enough to leave ridged, fleshy lumps.
Now that I've seen it, I think the crows were human, once. Transformed and disfigured to serve the Wild Hunt.
The crow shuffled a little too close to the whispering thing. Quicker than a blink, the whispering thing's folded appendage shot forward, curving around the crow's midsection, spikes driving into the crow's torso. My mind could barely keep up as the whispering thing then bit the crow's head clean off with a terrible crunch.
The other crows began to frenzy, shrieking as they dove towards the whispering thing. Without having to take a step, it snatched another crow out of the air. Flesh ripped with a wet tearing sound.
Since the animals were all focused on each other, I took the opportunity to dig frantically around for a hagstone, holding my own against my eye in the hopes it would lead me to another one.
There was a low hum that I felt more than heard. Deep within my chest, as if I was standing next to an amp at a concert. This was followed by an enraged screech from one of the crows. Still, I kept looking.
There had to be one. There just had to be!
One circular, black rock stood out among the rest, the water seeming to outline it from the view of my hagstone. There! I plucked it out of the water, looking over my shoulder to see if either the crows or the whispering thing were paying attention to me. They were too engrossed with trying to tear each other apart.
I shoved the black hagstone into my pocket and made a break for it, poker at the ready. One of the crows noticed and let out an ear-splitting cry to alert the others.
As I ran, I checked back to see that three of the crows split off to pursue me. I wasn't worried about them catching me. The whispering thing was another matter. This was only my second time encountering it and I hadn't had enough information to identify it, so I didn't want to find out the hard way if the defenses I had on me would be enough to stop it from tearing me apart like it did the crows.
There was another low hum that rumbled against my ribs as the whispering thing used one of its forelegs to swipe a crow out of its way. It had lost interest in them, its huge amber eyes focused on me once again. I prayed that the crows swarming around it would be enough to slow it down.
As I raced through the trees back to where the company truck waited, the whispers started anew. They became louder and clearer the faster I went, interrupted by the shrill cries of the crows tailing me. I did my best not to listen to any of them. The last thing I needed was to get led astray by any of my pursuers.
A crow swooped close enough for me to smack it with the poker. The sound the bird made when the iron scalded its skin made my teeth clench. The others joined it, bringing me to my knees, my ears ringing. High pitched, grating, like broken glass against a chalkboard. Disoriented, I swung desperately with the iron poker again, not hitting anything.
And among all that, the whispers hadn't stopped. My head rang, ears going numb. I swung again. One of the shrieks stopped as the poker found its mark. Even as the auditory assault continued, I got to my feet, grabbing the trees closest to me to keep myself going. The whispers became even more frantic as its prey got further and further away. The truck was right there.
The two crows tailing me had finally stopped their dreadful screaming and simmered down to furious clicking sounds with their beaks, as if they could think of nothing but stripping the flesh from my bones.
When one tested the limits of the hagstone as I got close to the truck, I swatted at it with the poker, the tip colliding with the creature's skull. The crow’s body crashed against an oak’s trunk, then went still.
As soon as I cleared the treeline, the whispering stopped. I looked over my shoulder. The whispering thing was retreating, only visible for a brief moment before blending in among the trees.
It couldn't leave the forest. That was good to know.
I closed myself into the truck, leaving the furious crows outside. They glared at me from the branches of a nearby oak. After taking a moment to collect myself, I drove back to the hospital, wanting to hand the black hagstone off to Reyna before anything else.
At a stop sign, I got a text from Victor: he had finished setting traps for the client's raccoon infestation and was going to meet me at the hospital.
Reyna was chilling in her hospital bed, face bandaged, wearing a hideous blue hospital gown decorated with faded green and pink squares.
“Guess who got her rabies shots!” She announced with a sleepy grin, holding her hand up in a shaka.
Someone was clearly given the good painkillers.
Victor arrived a few minutes later, wearing a black mask that covered his mouth and nose, smelling strongly of lavender. It made my nose itch.
“Why do you smell like an old lady?” I complained.
The mask intensified his withering stare, voice muffled by the mask, “Lotta blood around here. Probably wouldn't be too good if I smelled it.”
Reyna chimed in, slurring slightly, “If you're gonna eat anyone, go for the receptionist. He was reading Anne Rice, so he'd probably be into it.”
It was Reyna's turn to get The Glare. He said flatly, “You're high as a kite, aren't you?”
Reyna flashed a peace sign.
To summarize Reyna's condition, she's as okay as she can be. They had to close up her eyebrow and cheek, and they gave her a plethora of shots to make sure that she didn't catch any diseases from the crows. The hospital doctor wanted to keep her overnight to make sure that she didn't have an infection, then afterwards, she was going to take some time off of work to recover.
Also, I slipped the black hagstone into her purse so that it wouldn't be misplaced.
After we discussed Reyna's injuries, I decided to address the elephant in the room, “So… what can we do about the mechanic?”
Reyna shrugged, “Grovel and plead for our lives?”
Victor rubbed his eyes. “We might be a bit past that point.”
I asked Victor about the specifics of his deal with the mechanic. I knew that there had to be some sort of condition that had to be fulfilled before the mechanic could take someone, otherwise I probably wouldn't be alive to type this right now. Reyna was equally curious.
The boss seemed reluctant to speak on this matter, at first. I told Victor that he didn't have to share anything if there was any possibility of retaliation. The last thing I wanted was for him to be punished in some horrific manner for trying to help me.
He eventually shrugged a shoulder in resignation, “Whatever happens, I can handle it. It didn't take him long to figure out that I was the one that helped you find the hagstone. That wasn't pleasant, but…” He went quiet for a second, his eyes glazing in a way that reminded me of when I first came home from active duty. He then shrugged again, “I'm willing to risk it if that means getting a chance to hurt him back someday. Lord knows it's been a long time coming.”
He didn't tell us what the consequences had been for assisting me, and neither Reyna nor I pressed the issue. Some mysteries are best left unsolved.
Even though I was nervous to hear the answer, I didn't pull any punches and straight up asked, “Why hasn't the mechanic sent you after me yet?”
Victor considered for a moment, then explained, “I'm not sure on the specifics, since the mechanic doesn’t tell me anything other than what I need to know to get the job done. But from what I can tell, he takes those who are dead, dying, or… ‘dead inside,’ I guess is the best way to put it. Some souls appear to be harder for him to take than others. The hard ones need to be… broken down first. As of right now, he says you're not ready.”
Reyna numbly asked, “So if the birds tried to nab me, does that mean that I am ‘ready’? That they could take me at any moment?”
Victor hesitated before replying, “We won't let that happen. Alright?”
Reyna nodded, eyes low.
I wanted to ask her what was going on. Figure out why she was suffering in a way that made her fair game to the crows. But she'd been through enough for one day. That discussion could wait for another time.
My next question was another one that I dreaded the answer to, “And where do you come into all of this, Vic?”
Regretfully, Victor admitted, “I bring him the ones that are ready if he can't get to them himself.”
He glanced at Reyna, “As of right now, keep that hagstone on at all times. Even wear it when you're sleeping. The mechanic didn't know who you were initially, but I guarantee the fucking Lessers tipped him off. I think he’s more focused on Nessa, at the moment, but if I get sent after you, hit me with iron, salt me, do whatever and don't feel bad about it. Same goes for you, Nessa.”
I hated this. I hated that he was being used like this. I hated that he spoke about someday being sent to drag one of us to meet our fate at the hands of the Wild Hunt as if it was unavoidable.
The air suddenly felt like it was much thinner in the room. Somehow, I got enough oxygen to ask, “What if I learned the mechanic's true name? Would that end this?”
Victor let out a soft scoff, rubbing the bridge of his nose over his mask, “Probably, but good luck with that.”
I had already figured that the mechanic wouldn't dance around a fire singing his true name all willy nilly like Rumpelstiltskin. But I couldn't accept that all of us were screwed. There had to be a way. I had to believe that there was a way.
I announced that I'd be back in the morning. Reyna looked as concerned as her painkillers would allow, while Victor jumped out of his seat.
“What are you going to do?” He demanded.
“I'm going to talk to him.” I replied. “One of us is in the hospital and another one of us is undead-”
“I know it's looking bad right now, but they can easily get worse if whatever you're thinking of doing goes south.” He cautioned.
“I'm just going to see if there's some way I can… I don't know, talk him down? I haven't gotten that far yet, but something needs to be done.”
He didn't look convinced, and with how terrible my argument was, I don't blame him. “I'll go with you.”
I motioned towards Reyna. “And leave her alone?”
Reyna, looking like she was fighting sleep, groggily said, “I got the adder stone and I'm in public. I'll be fine. If you're going to confront Psycho Mantis, you're going to need Vic around more than I will.”
Victor agreed, “Like it or not, you're not handling this alone. Remember what I told you when you got hired in?”
We're not heroes, we're pest control specialists.
You know that thing I said about not isolating yourself? I can be bad about not following my own advice sometimes, especially that one.
Going forward, I do want to note that the decisions that were made on that night were extremely risky and I don't recommend for anyone to repeat them. Believe it or not, we are professionals.
On our way to our destination, we stopped by the 24-hr convenience store. Victor was about to question me until he saw me go for the whipped cream. I also got s'mores supplies, thinking that maybe some bribery would make the mechanic more amiable. I figured that if he rejected them then, hey, I like s'mores, too.
Afterwards, we followed the path to the skull trees.
During our hike, Victor whispered, “That fucker is hubris incarnate, but he's not stupid. If he offers you a deal, know that it's not going to be in your favor. And be careful with the way that he twists words.”
Something noteworthy is that the hagstone doesn't react to Victor. I think it's because he doesn't have the same malicious intentions as his captors. He may have changed after his murder (hell, anyone would) but at his heart, he was still Victor. Meanwhile, as we got closer to the skull tree clearing, I felt the stone gradually begin to quake.
Up ahead, orange light flickered. The mechanic had a small fire going. He lay on a blanket next to it, that cursed banjo on the ground beside him, one arm folded under his head, legs crossed at the ankle. His eyes were closed.
He didn't open them as he greeted us, “I was wondering when you two would show up.”
Keeping my nerves buried beneath the surface, I held up the bag of sugary goodness. “I'm here to negotiate.”
He laughed, still not looking at me. “Are you, now? And what exactly do you think a little thing of cream will get ya?”
“Not much, I imagine.” I said evenly. “But I thought it'd be a good jumping off point.”
Even though I’d originally protested Victor coming with me, I was glad that he was there. I don't think I would've been able to be so level-headed if I'd met with the mechanic alone. It would probably be interpreted as a sign of weakness, but I was counting on that.
As soon as I saw the mechanic begin to crane his neck towards us, I slammed my eyelids shut. He knew way more about me than I'd ever wanted him to know already, and I was afraid of giving him more.
Again, another potential sign of weakness. When it came to trying to get him to back off of Orion a bit, I figured it'd be best if he underestimated me.
I didn't have to see the mechanic to know that he had that wicked grin on his face, “Alrighty. Let's see what you've got.”
A hand that was as cold as the grave gently removed the bag of goodies from my grasp. Victor. Wordlessly, he brought the cavity-inducing offering over to the mechanic. I never realized how quiet his footsteps were until then. He moved like a shadow. He could've been five feet away or five hundred, for all I knew.
There was the rustling of plastic, followed by the trademark sound of whipped cream being sprayed from the nozzle. Sounding slightly less prick-ish, the mechanic told me I had his attention.
I had been trying to find the magic words that would make this whole situation blow over. Nothing that I came up with in my head fit that description.
So I decided to be straight forward, then go from there. “What will it take to de-escalate things between you and Orion?”
The whipped cream wailed once again. A moment later, the mechanic replied, “Why are you asking a question that you already know the answer to?”
“Other than my soul.”
He chuckled softly, the sound too casual and charming for this sinister discussion.
“You know, I’m curious, puppydog,” Fabric rustled. Without looking, I assumed he'd sat up, “Which o’ your parents are you most like?”
Here we fucking go.
I tried to redirect him, “With all due respect, that isn't relevant.”
“Oh, but it is.” His tone of voice brought chills to the back of my neck. “You see, I'd be willing to take a trade. Find a soul as mouth-waterin’ as yours, and all this goes away. Hell, I might even let you rest in peace! You know what choice your father would pick.”
I was hoping that the firelight wouldn't be enough for him to see my face flush and my jaw stiffen. That had touched a nerve, just as he knew it would.
That was also a horrible deal. One that I wouldn't even consider. There was no way that I could condemn someone else to an afterlife of torment. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even that weasel-faced client that I rescued the False Egg from. Not even my father.
Swallowing back the plethora of terrible emotions threatening to bubble up, I suddenly felt Victor subtly squeeze my shoulder supportively. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't hesitate to give anyone who insulted his employees a piece of his mind, but the mechanic was the last Neighbor to mouth off to. That was the best he could do for me, in the moment.
When I informed the mechanic that I wouldn't sacrifice someone else to save my own skin, he laughed again, “If only you knew how many times I heard those exact words! Thing is, I ain't even got started on you, pup. Given enough time, you might find you're more like your old man than you thought.”
I took a deep breath to keep the mixture of dread and anger confined to my chest, then calmly replied, “Sounds like you know exactly how everything will play out. Isn't that boring for you?”
The tension that filled the air after those words left my mouth made my chest feel tight.
The whipped cream can wheezed thoughtfully before the mechanic mildly admitted, “A bit, yeah.”
There it is.
“You already have all of the advantages,” I started, “It’s not much of a hunt if your prey can't even run, is it? There's no challenge in killing something that's already baited and trapped.”
“So, what do you suggest?”
Oh boy. I was about to do one of many things I warned yinz not to do: “The only way I can bring you the excitement you're craving is if I have a fighting chance. And a good one. I'll be searching for your name, but I need to know where to look first.”
His laughter made me suppress a shudder. I remember thinking that I should've known that he'd see through my words like he saw through everything else.
The mechanic then said, “I know what you're trying to do, pup. But the problem is, you're right! It's too easy anymore, especially since y'alls names are just available on the internet for anyone to find. I've been getting kind of soft lately.”
This was his soft side?
The mechanic continued, “You really think you can pull this off, pup? I know you're a fighter and all, but you're not a warrior, not really. Being a soldier ain't the same thing.”
“I may not be Cú Chullainn, but I'm as close as you're going to get in Mercer County. We've got a bit of a warrior shortage around here.”
He snorted, “You seem awfully sure of yourself for someone who can't even look at me.”
“I'm not sure about anything. That's why I'm here, isn't it?”
It was quiet for a moment with only the frogs chirping in the forest able to find their voices. Not even the whipped cream broke up the silence this time. I was tempted to risk peeking through my eyelashes, but managed to resist.
Just as my nerves started getting to me, the mechanic said, “So, you want me to give you a hint. That's a lot to ask, but you knew that already.”
“You want something in return.”
“Hagstone. Smash it.”
No way. It was too valuable. If I gave that up, I was dead. I promptly shook my head.
He sounded amused. “Shoulda known you wouldn't fall for that.”
Looking back, I wondered how many he'd tricked like that. Giving up some form of protection after being misled into thinking the mechanic was going to let them go, only to regret it seconds later. Probably far too many.
He continued, “Alright then, we'll talk for real. I'll give you that hint, but I got some conditions. You get three chances to guess correctly. Each time you guess wrong, you have to give me one of your names starting with your first, middle, then last name. Don't try fucking with me by trying to pass your middle name off as your first.”
That made my throat tighten even more. If I agreed to that, failure wouldn't just spell disaster for me, but for everyone I knew as well. I'd be dragging my mom and anyone else associated down with me. I'd essentially be doing what he already requested: sacrificing others to save my own skin.
I heard Victor faintly, from my right, “Don't!
The mechanic wasn't pleased, “This ain't about you, blue eyes. This is between me and her.”
The stakes were getting way too high. I couldn't do this. But then what? The Hunt wasn't going to wait around for me to find another way, assuming that there even was one. Victor clearly thought it was a terrible idea. For the record, I did, too. I could feel the boss' eyes on me, willing me not to forget what he'd said earlier about dangerous heroics.
Maybe there was another way and I just couldn't see it. But desperation has a way of messing with your head.
“If I agreed to this,” I started, knowing that I was probably digging my grave even deeper. “And I haven't agreed to anything. just to be clear. If I did this, I'd need the assurance that you won't send your crows or hounds or any others that serve the Wild Hunt after those that I care about. That includes my colleagues and me, for that matter. Like you said, this is between us two.”
The mechanic chuckled and I heard him shift again. “You're feeling awfully bold tonight, aren't you?”
I reminded him, “You want this to be interesting, don't you?”
He considered, then with a click of his tongue replied, “You hear that, blue eyes? Means you, as well. On both sides, mind you. Same with that witch doctor. Yeah, I know about her. I keep mine out of it, if you keep yours out. All's fair, right?”
I didn't feel right with any of this, but the alternative was for things to continue as they were. If that happened, we were all screwed anyway.
“And if I agreed, the hint that you provide will have to be both true and helpful. And it'll also be given in easily understandable American English, no riddles or puzzles or any other forms of confusing phrasing. You’d also have to give it to me tonight. The whole thing would begin after that.”
Once again, he laughed, “Shit, you're not messin' around!”
I know how the Neighbors do deals. If I hadn't mentioned it, he probably would've given me the hint in the form of a riddle spoken in backwards Gaelic.
“Alright, pup, I get the picture. You know what you're dealing with. I’ll play nice.”
His voice had a subtle sardonic edge. Nothing about this was going to be nice, if I chose to go this route, but that wasn't news.
“Oh, and one more thing!” The mechanic added a little too cheerfully. “You have until Samhain. I’m sure you know why.”
It's June already; still a good while away from October, but this year feels like it’s flying by fast, like every other year following 2020. He didn't have to explain why: the Wild Hunt are at their most powerful during Samhain, which for those who don't know, was a Celtic holiday that eventually gave birth to Halloween. It's when the veil between the atypical world and ours is thinnest.
In short, it's a busy day for Orion. Looks like it’s going to be even worse this year.
Victor spoke again, “Can I talk to her for a moment?”
“Nope. You don't get a say. Either she takes it or leaves it.” The mechanic answered curtly.
As I deliberated, there were subtle taps on a tree nearby. Hold on. Morse code. M-I-S-S-I-N-G. What was I missing? Maybe it was because I hadn't clearly spelled out what I wanted to happen if I correctly guessed the mechanic's identity.
“If I accept this bet, then if I find your name, you’ll relinquish your claim on my soul, as well as all other Orion employees, whether they're living, dead, or undead. Have I made that clear?”
After a moment, the mechanic answered, the smirk blatant in his voice, “You have now.”
Of course. It was so simple. If I had gone through with the deal without being specific about the outcome, the mechanic wouldn't have been obliged to release any of us. I would've done all the work to identify him for nothing. Tricky bastard.
Thanks, Victor.
With a heavy sigh, I politely asked the mechanic to repeat everything that we'd just discussed to make sure that he wasn't going to conveniently forget something. To my surprise, he did it without comment, though he sounded like he thought the whole thing was funny. He left nothing out.
When I say that agreeing to this deal was one of the hardest things I've ever done, I mean it.
I instantly had second thoughts the moment I heard the mechanic stand up and cheerfully say, “Well, you ready for that hint? You’re gonna wanna open your eyes for this. I can show you better than I can tell you.”
Oh God, I made a mistake! No. I could do this. I had to.
Black cherries. He was in front of me. Steeling myself, I opened my eyes. The mechanic stood as close as the hagstone would allow, a dark silhouette in front of the crackling flames.
“Blue eyes, would you mind holding puppydog’s hagstone for her? Wouldn't want that gettin’ lost, now, would we?”
“Don’t get all frantic, I can’t do shit to you until you get your hint, per our agreement,” The mechanic said dismissively as Victor approached me. “You’ll get it back after.”
Victor looked apologetic as he gently removed the most powerful defense I had. He had an odd glint in his eye. Was that defiance?
I’ll get you out of this, Vic. I promise.
The very moment that he was able to, the mechanic grabbed my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes.
A church surrounded by black water… A great feast of viscera and wildflowers… Black thorns drinking the blood of the unworthy… The great antlered headdress of the White Son of Mist… Pricking his finger on those horns… He signed in blood…
Victor pulled me back, not giving the mechanic even a picosecond to take full advantage of being outside of the hagstone’s influence. If he hadn't been holding me up, I would've been on the ground, still recovering from what I'd just seen.
“You find that ledger, you find me.” The mechanic said coolly.
That church. It reminded me of something. In the morning, I’m going to check our records. For now, I just want to crash. I'll keep yinz updated.
On the bright side, there weren't any crows waiting for me when I got home.
(Here's an index of all the cases I've discussed so far.)
submitted by adorabletapeworm to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:32 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (June 4). Thursday Previews: Bad Boys ($4.54M/$4.59M EA+THU), The Watchers ($1.18M), Inside Out 2 ($8.03M), A Quiet Place: Day One ($3.87M) and Deadpool and Wolverine ($28.50M). LotR re-releases each targeting $4M+ 1st days.

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 31
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Quorum Update (June 3)
Bad Boys: Ride or Die Average Thursday / EA+Thursday comp: $4.54M/$4.59M
The Watchers Average Thursday Comp: $1.18M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Florida comp: $8.03M
The Bikeriders
A Quiet Place: Day One Average Thursday Comp: $3.87M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Dune2+GOTG3 comp: $28.50M
Despicable Me 4
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 23):
Presale Tracking Posts:
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:29 TheRealFetaman Theory post chapter 1115

While reading Arthurs thoughts in library of Ohara I spawned two ideas, that would tie in a couple of things we had previously seen and that would also incorporate historical stuff as Oda usually does as well as our world‘s physics laws.
What if the connection between the ancient kingdom and the lunarians was that there was an offering (e.g. one lunarian every definite time frame) and this lunarian sacrifice would be used as the power source? What if Imu enslaved the lunarians, used about 200 of them as sacrifices in order to use their flames to light up Uranus and shoot some lasers down the ancient kingdom whilst increasing the sea level for 200 m? I could also be misinterpreting it, with ancient kingdom not sacrificing lunarians but using a similar power to their flames, but I am quite certain that Imu „used“ lunarians to power Uranus for the set amount of shots he took with it. That would explain why he didn’t go on shooting Uranus blasts down at some point in history.
Secondly, I think while the blast site of Uranus is a hole in the sea and the sea level rises thereafter, I also think that the red line rises after Uranus is being used. If Uranus were to be comparable to a nuclear blast, in those I had learned there not to be any debris therefore they would not increase sea level. Whereas herr something is pushed down and other stuff is getting up.
Edit: The idea of a sacrifice table was already shown in Skypea arc as well, so it would not be that uncommon for One Piece after all.
submitted by TheRealFetaman to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:55 theonetowalkinthesun My review of Jedi Survivor - Spoiler Free!

I just beat Jedi Survivor on Grand Master difficulty. It was my first time on the hardest difficulty in a game and it really made me work for it, but I'm glad I did. The game was super rewarding and enjoyable and compelled me to write my first video game review ever, so here it is. I'm sure I missed some areas so if you are thinking of anything I didn't touch on, please mention in the comments! I'm looking to improve. Thank you!
Controls/movement: This was absolutely perfect for me. Dashing on the ground or the air, parrying, sprinting were all so satisfying. I love the animations, such as Cal rolling if he falls from a high height or touching the ground with his hand if he falls from a medium height. They really add a sense of realism and immersive to this otherworldly scifi game. And the platforming was amazing: Running on walls, jumping and dashing, grappling and ziplining were all so intuitive. I felt like these controls would be an excellent standard/baseline for action games going forward. 10/10
Combat: Another strong feature. The combat is challenging and skill based, with various difficulty options. The combat from Fallen Order was already great, and then they added different stances (my favorites were Blaster stance and Crossguard) which vary gameplay and widen the skill trees, offering tons of new lightsaber and force tricks. And none of these broke the game, they added tools but they didn't overpower you. The combat is fast paced, much more so than something like Dark Souls or Lies of P and it was a welcome change after playing Lies of P where I had to be more deliberate and patient. Here I was able to play more offensively, though I also had to have a strong defense and good parries are essential on Grand Master difficulty. I found the combat to be very polished, though a tad bit less precise than some other Soulslikes. 9/10
Enemies and Bosses: I love the enemy types in this game. There are so many and with such different attack patterns! From super battle droids blasting and shooting rockets, hitting when you come close to the tough bedlam raiders that you have to wear down to get a hit. There were so many different types of droids, imperials, and Bedlam Raiders that made the world feel bigger and more varied. Some of the enemies were really tough and putting them together made for a real challenge. Different combinations of enemies drastically changed my approaches and offered great variety to the game. There were a few story bosses, some of them against the same person but all the different bosses had varying movesets that you really had to pay attention to in order to get passed them. And beyond the story bosses, there are mini bosses like monsters to fight and bounty hunters. Tons of variety and fun, and very challenging and rewarding. Most of the bosses took me more tries than I care to admit, but they were worth it. I did feel like the bosses could use a bit more spectacle, like larger giant bosses, but this is a small preference I have. Still a 10/10
Level Design: Exceptional. Perfectly paced, Every map seemed huge and then seeing it connect together as I unlocked shortcuts was so satisfying. I felt like I got to know the maps well as I played, and the variations between combat, platforming, and puzzles was perfect to me. There were less puzzles and simpler than Fallen Order, but they still offered a nice change in gameplay and I am not much of a puzzle person - though I am learning - so it was nice to have an easier go with them. But the levels/maps were the real star here; I felt like each one was masterfully crafted and elevated the game. And fast travel was a nice addition 10/10.
Characters and Story: Great for a video game. I haven't played games like The Last of Us and Red Dead Redemption 2, so I'm not sure just what makes for a 10/10 video game story. The story itself was very good, but all the characters were likeable, well acted, and complex and completely enhanced the story experience. The game most definitely had soul, and really, what more can you ask for? At least on the level and possibly better than the best Star Wars movies/TV of the last 30 years. Told well with well placed cutscenes to break up the gameplay while not overstaying their welcome. 9/10
Graphics and performance: This is an area I felt like the game could do better. Don't get me wrong - the graphics are great - but you're exploring all kinds of alien worlds. I think they could've done better than desserts/forests/fortresses/etc. For me, they just don't compare to games like Ghosts of Tsushima or God of War, which more effectively colored. Their maps to make each image a work of art. Still , occasionally stunning set pieces that really make you feel like you’re on a grand and adventure and add a lot to the experience. I played on PC with max settings and after some tinkering I had exceptional framerates and no stutters, though I know this is not the case for everyone. Graphics here are still strong, but definitely this is an area that could be improved. 8.5/10
Overall, I found this to be a masterpiece of a game that was more than the sum of its already exceptional parts. This was the perfect game for me and I am giving it a 10/10 overall. I recommend this game to any action/adventure game fan, Star Wars enthusiast, or Soulslike aficionado out there. Definitely play if you have the means. And, it's free on Game Pass! What a treat!
Edit: I'm realizing that the post is marked as spoilers because I grayed out the spoilers I had of the stances. These are the only spoilers, and there are no spoilers if you don't click that little grey box with my favorite stances.
submitted by theonetowalkinthesun to StarWarsJediSurvivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:40 GameDesignerMan I've been changed by Blind Old Tom

I've put a few hundred hours into SS14, and while it's been great I've found myself falling into a "rut" so to speak. I'll do my job to the best of my ability, then stand around waiting for something to happen. Sometimes I'll get a spark of inspiration and try to set up "Botbay" or renovate the abandoned bar and staff it with the station's animals, but it can be hard finding a new shtick to keep the game entertaining and even harder to get other people interested in it.
But over the past couple of days I've found something. The same kind of energy that the mimes and clowns of the station have been hoarding all this time. And I found it in the form of Blind Old Tom.
Blind Old Tom is a 199 year old Diona with permanent blindness, terrible hearing, onset dementia, and he's opened my eyes (pun intended) to what role play really means. He constantly mistakes inanimate machines for borgs. He climbs on glass tables and wanders into disposal chutes. When he's a doctor he will mistake a toolbox for his doctor's bag and try to take your temperature with a t-ray scanner. Tom is the personification of "stop worrying and have fun."
My favorite part of B.O.T is that it is impossible for other players not to interact with him (in a healthy way, see Tom's rules). When I've tried to engage nukies by shouting "point me at em!" someone will inevitably try to drag Tom out of the fray. If you stand around telling the microwave to "state its laws" someone will eventually tell you that you're talking to a microwave. There has never been an evac where Tom has been left behind because no one can ignore the geriatric Diona that keeps electrocuting himself on the nearest APC. It's refreshing to play Tom because I never have to worry about "winning." That's not what Tom is for.
I don't think you should play a character like Tom and I don't think you should play a quirky character all the time but I do think more people should role play in ways that don't focus on winning. Mimes and clowns have the right idea when they're played well. If you do decide to play such a character, I have a few tips that will help you enhance other peoples' experience instead of pissing them off. For reference, here are Tom's rules. He has a lot of them:
So that's Tom. Say hi to him if you see him on the station.
submitted by GameDesignerMan to ss14 [link] [comments]