Birthday for a lost loved one

For those who have lost a loved one to suicide

2013.04.01 19:25 For those who have lost a loved one to suicide

DO NOT POST ACTIVELY SUICIDAL CONTENT HERE, OR YOU WILL BE PERMANENTLY BANNED. NO EXCEPTIONS. People are here to grieve, be respectful. **This is a supportive space exclusively for those bereaved by suicide. No other contributors are allowed and will be removed**

2010.11.12 03:57 kerrianneta Lost A Loved One

This community is for anyone who has recently or ever lost a loved one. Also, for people who are in the process of losing a loved one. Please share your stories, questions and pictures about someone you've lost or are losing.

2017.08.19 14:12 Lugia3210 Wait, wrong sub

For posting screenshots of people forgetting what sub they're on or people misinterpreting the purpose of the sub they're on.

2024.06.05 02:40 Emotional-Celery4484 cant remember the last time someone said they were proud of me

besides my dad when i went back to college and we gave our relationship (at the expense of my health) a chance.
my mom has always had high standards so she never gives me validation or acknowledges me more than 5 secs.
got into a 400 level art class which is a curatorship. f pre-reqs lol. pretty happy since it applies to one of my career longterm goals creating art afterschool programs for highschool kids.
i also read 237 pages of an introductory criminal justice book. 330 pages in total. it was easy, 75% is explaining the variables affecting justice such as race, socioeconomic status, etc. gets really good after. lightwork since my family was in maw enforcement and currently in medicine.
plus i've moved forward with a hearing against a teacher for sexual harassment, this experience helped me submit a report against my dad whose abusive. first time i had the chance back in 2021 i still lived with him, and i didnt want to get him in trouble because well...he was my dad. and i didnt understand the gravity of the situation. was on meds, and blamed myself not knowing my reality.
my two friends are busy with their lives. One of them is dating a guy now, happy for them. the other moved.
and im here sharing the good news of my progress because it feels good to let it out. im proud of myself, like every time i see my car (even if its not the model i wanted) i find it amazing that i bought it with my sweat and literal tears. i've broken the cycle of generational trauma plaguing my family.
im a great girl. it sucks sometimes when i share my interests and life and im alone in the excitement. i love when people share me their day and good news even if i dont understand it.
but its fine, no one else will understand but me how far i've come. i made it till may, i held on till may like i promised years ago to my best friend when we spoke our truths. our traumas and abuse. i shared myself completely with him, and he did the same with me.
it feels great to have so many good news. that i did so much and that there are people out there helping me lil by lil even though i need a lot of fucking help lol. but i made it this far, i never thought i would see past 18.
so i'll tell myself: im proud of you. keep going.
submitted by Emotional-Celery4484 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 TatsujinSony I want to die.

i dont know who can relate. but have you felt like you're not enough?have you hurt knowing you're no one? have you understood and felt the pain of realizing you're nothing? i have, no I DO. I feel this way now. I understand how little my existence is worth. i am of value to no one. I contemplate death constantly. but i am a coward. i want to die i really do. i tried hanging myself but i an too fat. the door would not hold my weight. i tried shooting myself once but there was a misfire. i haven't tried again. I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.
I don’t believe I M worth this life I was given. A close friend of mine lost his first born. His son passed due to a sickness. Yet here I am. I’m not worth the breath I take. Why did he have to lose his son while I am still here ?
I will gladly trade my life for his sons! I wish there was a way I could choose. Give my life up to save his son’s life. I would do that in a blink of an eye.
I hate myself. Every breath I take makes me wish for death more. Help me. I can’t end myself yet I want it to end so bad. I’m a piece of shit and I know it.
submitted by TatsujinSony to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 DERaqui 21 [m4f] Online/US - Hey. I’m looking for true love. :)

Hello! I’m a loyal, gentle, soft hearted guy, a fluffy dark hair headed nerd, a… dummy with blue eyes and glasses. Life is very precious to me and I don’t want to waste it. I have a tendency to think very positively, keeping my chin up. I like to consider myself pretty chill. :) I don’t care about politics, I like fun. I’m somewhat clingy and might be a bit overly loving… hope that’s okay ;-; mmm I like to play games (only the good ones) and learn/experience new things! :D I enjoy cooking/baking. I can make really good spaghetti and then blueberry muffins for dessert :3 I have a deep passion for art. Good art. Art that can speak volumes, quite important to me.
On to uhh what I’m looking for. :) Currently I’m looking for someone around my age. Someone nice, understanding, chill… a good personality. Personality is what matters to me the most. that’s basically all that matters to me in a relationship. Why is that so hard to find ._. Please be someone like that.
Did I miss something? I don’t know ._. I’m a fully open book so feel free to message me, ask me anything! if you’re interested! Hopefully we can talk soon :3
submitted by DERaqui to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 Call-Me-Ami Im going to be coming out to my mother tonight and im very scared

I just want to start by saying that im very very shy and im not used to writing anything about my experiences and i know im taking a big jump in life by choosing to come out and share what im feeling at the moment.
I’m a 16 year old boy(FTM) and ive been on reddit as a whole for a year (ive been in this and other trans communities for maybe 45 minutes or less) just lurking casually upvoting here and there but i was never really one for making posts and commenting on others out of fear from something that’s happened previously on another platform but i figured out that im a boy while i was on a family vacation back to my home country.
I really dont know how to even bring up the situation to my mom and i told my sister yesterday and she was supportive but with mom it could be another story because where i come from its not the safest place for members of the LGBTQ+ community and some of my family members are extremely homophobic and transphobic and im scared that when i come out im going to get kicked out or sent to those horrible camps or if she’ll send me back home and i become a victim of a hate crime or something.
Im not the best with grammar or punctuation so i just typically dont use them and im sorry of this is hard to read and if there are any mistakes my hands are very sweaty id love input from older people and just any sense of reassurance would be lovely.
Again im sorry if its hard to read
submitted by Call-Me-Ami to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 OfficialWeng Sometimes I wonder why people play these games…

Might get some hate here, maybe I’m totally missing something. Feel free to shout at me in the comments.
I’ve been playing Animal Crossing since the Wild World days on DS. New Leaf is my fave entry but I still love New Horizons! I recently started up a new island with my fiancée and we are loving every minute of the game. Since getting back into the game I’ve enjoyed coming on the various AC Reddit subs and reading all the content. What’s hit me the most is just… why do some of yall play this game?
Let me explain. To me AC is a series about the slow life, chilling out and making friends. First of all I want to talk about Time Travelling, this probably isn’t going the way you think it is. I would never time travel, simply cus to me, there isn’t much to animal crossing if you do it, the game is in sync with real time for a reason. However people are entitled to play the game they’ve paid for in whatever way they want! If you want to time travel and still enjoy the game, that’s great! However, I feel this feeds in to my main point here.
To me, ever since I started playing AC years ago. The draw of the game was always the charm, interacting with villagers, living that cozy small town life. Maybe I’m in the wrong but some people don’t seem to play it that way. So I arrive at my main point. If any of my following statements apply to you, I’d like to hear your opinions.
I saw a thread on here just now asking “what’s your least favourite mechanic in this game?”, or something along those lines. A lot of the comments were very valid, can’t craft multiple items etc etc. However some really confused me, to say the least. One comment read “I hate donating to Blathers, he doesn’t shut up, all I end up doing is mashing B!”

That’s the point… his name is Blathers… Why would you complain about dialogue in a game like AC?? Is that not the reason you play this game? To talk to characters and get invested with who they are? Another comment mentioned they hate when a plot autofills and they are stuck with a villager they didn’t want. This wasn’t a mechanic before NH, it was just how the game works! Having anyone and everyone move in was fun! Yes some may be ugly or rude, but that isn’t that fun? Watching these stories that are to totally unique to you unfold day by day.
I worry that, by accident, AC is becoming a game series where all you do is build a nice looking village, when to me this series is so much more than this!
I don’t see how you could play AC if these “mechanics” bothered you? That’s is the game!
Maybe I’m totally in the wrong here, like I said anyone can play a game in any way! It’s their product, but I don’t see why you would play a game like this if you felt this way.
submitted by OfficialWeng to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 PebbleLavender An argument on buying bettas from large pet stores

So, I noticed another post about this subject and decided to make my argument here. I am on my alt, for the record- don’t bother upvoting or downvoting. I want to offer my opinion EXCLUSIVELY about the practice in terms of large pet stores. By that, I mean chains- Petsmart, Petco, etc. LFS’s may have different rules and costs and whatnot.
1- Why do we all think we have such a large sway over what these stores do?
We are a small margin of people who own bettas and an even smaller margin of people who buy them. I’d say probably less than 10% of betta owners have even seen this sub. The stores aren’t catering to us in the slightest, seeing as inadequate betta kits sit right beside the bettas. We are clearly not a huge target market- I can stand in the lobby of my Petco the entire day and watch and talk to the people looking at bettas, and nearly every single time they have never heard of this sub or proper betta care. They are also probably 95% of the people buying fish there. Keep in mind I live in a city with several large aquarium clubs. The margins are probably even worse in less fish-oriented places.
And to add to this- boycotting requires a LOT of combined action to work. Not just by this sub- by nearly everyone buying fish from that store. And then it needs to be so many people that the profits become so low that stocking the betta shelf becomes more expensive than it is profitable to the store for them to buy bettas…which leads to the next point, and arguably a more important one.
2- Bettas have got to be very, very cheap to stock on a shelf.
Depending on how closely you’ve watched the shelves, you might have noticed this- ever see how few bettas actually make it out of the store? If I had to guess, a very liberal estimate of mine is that maybe 4 get out of my local Petco in a week. The rest appear to, well…die. The same betta stays on the shelf for about a month, then I come in and it’s on its side, dead. Either that or there’s an empty cubby and the fish that was ailing yesterday is missing. 4 out of a shelf of probably 20 bettas in a week. This is of course excluding people randomly buying 20 bettas for a birthday party or whatever- I have high doubts that happens a lot.
Those are not good numbers, right?
So, then the profit of selling one betta must outweigh the cost of buying 20-40 bettas for the shelf. Meaning, the 20-40 bettas are dirt cheap. Look at the costs of other types of fish, too- each individual fish is cheap, and probably even cheaper to get for the store. If I had to guess, the cost of buying a betta as a pet store is less than a dollar. Probably .25-.50 cents. The cheapest betta in my petsmart is 5$, all the way up to the 25$ ones. A profit margin of at least 4 dollars a fish- enough to cover between 8-16 more fish if it all goes back to the bettas.
Thus, putting that and my first point together…bettas are not going to stop being sold. Even if every single one of us stopped buying them. They’re extremely lucrative for the store, only a few need to be sold to cover the entire cost of that shelf…and, of course, we’re a tiny fraction of the people actually buying the fish.
So, in conclusion…
If you actually want to make a difference, instead of just quietly stopping buying them, lobby your local lawmakers and the store to stop selling bettas. Get the word out to everyone, not just this sub, to stop buying them. And, of course, actually stop yourself- but more importantly, STOP OTHERS. A difference is made when many people boycott something, not when you quietly do it on one subreddit.
And, on a smaller note, I really hate the moral superiority thing some people seem to have going about not buying the bettas. The fact that you didn’t buy one or that someone else did ultimately matters very little in the grand scheme of profits. Stop acting like the subreddit will save all the bettas by quietly boycotting them- you need widespread change for that, not just one small group of Reddit people. I would like nothing more than to stop the fish from being sold, but can I do that by whining at someone who brought one? No. You can implement change by actually lobbying the people in power, the lawmakers and stores, not a little cluster of Reddit people.
Either that, or accept that change is stupid hard to implement and buy the damn fish. Don’t steal it, also- that actually makes people trying to stop the fish being sold look worse. Plus, it’s very, very illegal, which…I hope I don’t have to explain why you don’t want to break the law.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. For the record, this is all I need to say- I’m not going to follow this closely from here. Don’t expect me to argue in the comments with you. I’ve made my statement already.
submitted by PebbleLavender to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 ProudCatLady What are your tips for maintaining better friendships?

This is not about making new friends, but being a better one!
I would love to invest in some of my existing friendships and be better one-on-one friends outside of a couples or group setting, but I struggle to get to that point!
I'm so much cooler in a group setting where I can sit back some or riff off of others!! I feel so disregulated in a 1:1 setting with someone I want to be friends with because I want to mask so I'm not overwhelmingly weird, but I also want to unmask because I want an authentic and genuine relationship with these people! Instead of just enjoying my time with someone, it's like all of my hypervigilance and people-pleasing just bubbles to the top and I feel deeply self-conscious instead. [What's funnier still is that I have a job that requires 1:1 meetings with strangers all the time, and I'm perfectly fine with those because I'm performing (masking) as a representative of my organization. It's so much harder when I have to be myself!]
I have memory issues too so I'm always worried about asking people the same things over and over again, or not asking about something that had recently happened and deserves a follow-up. I overexplain sometimes, or I get self-conscious that I'm annoying someone.
I also have the "out of sight, out of mind" problem. I'm elated to see some of these people when we're at the same place and I do "miss" people, but I think it takes me longer to get there. I don't feel very consistent in my outreach, and I'm really bad at texting back. :(
My ADHD Friendship Tips
Any other tips along those lines?
submitted by ProudCatLady to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 Skxawng213 Bad manager?

Employees I wanted your opinion on a situation that happened and how you would react.
Some stores are getting new sleeping bag cubbies. I WAS excited for mine until I learned one of my managers went and emailed the people in charge of sending those out and told them we DID NOT need them. We do already have 3 sets of cubbies but the extras would have been very helpful. She did not tell anyone she did that and both me (the visual lead) and the manager overseeing visual stuff were surprised she didn't ask if we actually wanted them. So now we get no cubbies. I already didn't like her and now I've lost all trust and respect for her. I did email the fixture people but apparently it's too late and "we no longer have the budget to send them out".
submitted by Skxawng213 to REI [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 Ace-of_Space Skin Stealer On Air: The Pilot!

Skin Stealer On Air: The Pilot!
K: Welcome to the first episode of Skin Stealer Podcast, i’m Koailus
P: And i'm Panzaren. In todays episide we will be discussing about...
K: How we did nothing wrong. everyone always likes to say “ you can’t experiment on people” but they consented. how is that a crime?
P: And even if they doesn't consent, does this change anything? They die anyways, does it matter if it's today on the lab table or in a hundred years in their homes?
K: really i’m using their lives for the good of all others, so i should be heralded as a hero!
P: You got me curious, Koalius. Would you mind sharing ehat experiments are you conducting?
K: well i was learning how to preform magic that alters skin, nerves, muscles, and blood.
P: Biomancy is very interesting school of magic, but i prefer artiffice. After all why cure something if you could replace it with something far superior.
Anyways, my experimentation mostly revolve around biomechanics with some genetic engineering and soul manipulation.
K: ah, biomechanics, a truly beautiful school of artiffice, but who said i was curing something? there’s a reason those people don’t have their appendixes, i was making the perfect body
But i must say that sounds truly impressive, studying such different forms of artifice AND soul manipulation? You’ve gotta tell me, how do you do it?
P: Some secrets better stay untold, else i end up with another group of holier-than-thou trying to convince me i'm some sort of villian, and i barely lost the last group.
K: next they’ll say “you shouldn’t use their skin as your own” after we so generously help them. we need SOME compensation, am i right?
P: Absolutely right. I guess after you are done, they don't need that skin anyways, hahaha.
K: hey, what can i say, what corpse needs a body? hahaha
P: But the real shit arises when you mention you also harvest the soul. Suddenly everyone is like "noo, you can't do this, you're taking away their afterlife". Like i care. They won't get the good afterlife anyways.
K: that’s why i harvest souls in hell, no one can say i am doing a bad deed by tor- experimenting on them!
P: Better, you're saving them from torment, you can call yourself a hero.
Unfortunately souls recycled from hell are a bit tainted which affects both the results of my experimentation and quality of soulshard relays i manufacture.
Think of it like trying to forge a sword from clump of rust found in a bog. Theoretically possible but will yeld suboptimal results.
I rely on synthetically created souls i produce from pure souls delivered by, let's say, a local necromancer who wishes to remain unmentioned. But i also sometimes go and harvest some by myself, just to keep my skills in shape.
K: oh, well the solution to the tainting is simple, you put them in the body and rewrite their mind with nerve magic, purifies them in a jiffy
what’s the synthetic souls? no one else would use them! and you are supporting local businesses, anyone who thinks you are just thinks Big Soul is good. Big Soul actually has absurdly high standards for purification and acquisition of souls, they are the true villains here
P: What a pile of fake news. I assure you i don't let the synthetic souls i produce hit the market in amounts enough to meaningfully affect it.
As for the purification suggestion i'll try it, but the simulations i run right now doesn't give promising results. Also it wouldn't be as cost effective as my current methods now that i have the process fine tuned.
K: Well i use the souls for person reasons rather than selling them, so im a lot less picky
but let me ask you, have you any other “Crimes” wink wink that you have committed? i know the sacrifices i make are technically illegal but they signed the forms
Midroll ads
P: Many accuse me of stealing ancient artifacts. I think they miss the whole point.
Like yes, i know that, this particular trinket is a sacred item of that religion, but this cult is gonna fall apart and lose it someday so i, for the sake of preservation of history, take it now, and put in in the museum i have in my demiplane where it's gonna be safe for all eternity.
K: A noble cause! you are doing them a favor, can’t they be thankful?
P: Exactly! And it's not like i forbid them access to it. All they have to do is to fill out some forms, contracts and NDAs and they can see it.
I also fund many expeditions to bring me artifacts that are already lost. Without me memory of first mages would be lost for good and currently the only ones i need to get to complete this particular collection are relics of the first artificer. You know why?
K: why?
P: Because the automaton king is still alive and he doesn't want to trade.
points at the camera
I know you see it Shrax. I'm gonna raid your castle and steal the godking Shrax's body. If not in this millenium then in the next.
K: Well, with that final message, this is Koailus, signing off
P: See you all in the part 2. Panzaren offline.
submitted by Ace-of_Space to T_Witch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 Sassbot_6 Coloring booooook

I want a Bridgerton coloring book. I know there is one, probably several- I've seen them. But they focus on the characters in scenes, and that's not what I want to color.
I want to color the costumes!!!! The rich, incredible, gorgeous gowns in a thousand subtle jewel tones. Please. I love the characters; I want to color their clothing. Forever and ever. Amen. (Same for Game of Thrones and Downton Abbey....LET ME COLOR YOUR COSTUME.)
submitted by Sassbot_6 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 nsfbr11 Ioniq 5 - why’d you pick EV6?

I’m just curious if others here looked at our car’s cousin(s) like I did. Personally, I fell in love with the EV6 - first time in a verrrrry long time (1989 Probe GT in fire engine red tyvm) and then went through the process of convincing my head that it was the best choice, which I think it was. But it was about an emotional connection.
So, what about others. The Ioniq5/6 brothers are close cousins, as is the Genesis something or other. Did you consider one of those? What did it for you if the choice was between the different cars on the same platform?
submitted by nsfbr11 to KiaEV6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 BigMikeyP72 I'm a scientist and a man in a tube is telling me his story and wants me to share it to the world PART 2/FINALE

Ok, so I said I would return with the rest of Nathan's story and here I am. My higher-ups already know of my misdeeds when I uploaded part 1 so I don't think I'll be around much longer. Anyway, I spoke to Nathan some more and he was fully willing to finish his story. After hearing it myself and transcribing it, I fully understand why he's in a tube and why I'm monitoring him. After you read this, you will understand why as well. Let's get into it!
Barely standing and gasping for air, Nathan takes a moment to stop running and realizes he has no idea where he is going. He begins looking around to see if there’s anywhere to hide or even, hopefully, find food or at least water. After a moment, he finally spots a few buildings in the nearby distance.
With high hopes, Nathan sprints past the remaining trees ahead and makes it to the buildings. Only one specific building catches his eye. A large sign that reads GROCERY stares at Nathan from the top of the building. Without hesitation, he rushes inside and much to his amazement, there are aisles!
Nathan quickly but quietly scans each aisle. Sadly, he sees nothing. Not until he sees a small pile of snacks lying next to a fallen end cap at the end of an aisle. Excitement dances through Nathan’s body as he runs to the food and begins eating it like a wild animal. He devours every ounce of food he finds until he suddenly hears an unnerving sound.
Listening closely as possible, Nathan hears the sound of cracking bones and ripping flesh. Afraid, yet curious, he looks around the corner of the aisle and spots the legs of a woman lying in her own blood and entrails. Upon further inspection, Nathan sees what he believes to be the creature he and Charlie had seen before. It’s a large thin four-legged animal that most likely was a wolf at one point but is now just a beast. It’s feasting on the entrails of the woman’s corpse and refusing to take its taste buds away from its food. That is until it hears Nathan, who accidentally steps on a bag of chips. It swiftly averts its attention to Nathan and the sight of its face is terrifying. Its face is half torn and its eyes show exactly how bloodthirsty it is. With blood and entrails dangling from its teeth, the beast fully turns its body to Nathan and lets out a deep and disturbing growl.
Believing this to be his final moments alive, Nathan backs up and stumbles into the wall with his eyes closed and fists clenched. He is ready for the reaper to take his soul. The beast closes in on him and readies itself to charge its prey but is suddenly distracted by the voice of unwanted company. “Heel, you stupid mutt!” It’s once again Subject Zero, who is this time covered in large amounts of blood. The beast diverts its attention to Subject Zero and prepares for a fight.
Unsure as to why Subject Zero didn’t just let the beast kill him, Nathan, stands and stares in terrified confusion. As Nathan watches, Subject Zero is attacked by the beast after a failed attempt at taming it. Directly after its attack, the beast is grabbed and bashed against a wall then thrown to the floor. The animal, no longer looking like a beast compared to Subject Zero, stands again and viciously sinks its teeth into Subject Zero’s arm but its life is soon ended. With a large and swift pull on the animal’s rear legs with its teeth still bore into Subject Zero’s arm, its body rips apart and its entrails fall out onto the floor. “I knew you were a waste,” Subject Zero says with disappointment in his voice.
Nathan quickly snaps back to reality and runs out the nearby emergency exit. No longer caring about hunger or thirst, he just keeps running and doesn’t stop even when he stumbles from exhaustion. Inevitably, any hope he once had, is lost when in the not so far distance he hears, “Just because the mutt didn’t kill you, that doesn’t mean that I won’t!”
Still running further into the woods, Nathan begins to stumble. He finally stops and falls to his knees as he begins to believe he is going to die here. He falls onto his back and lies in the grass around him while releasing a long but relaxing sigh. Nathan can feel the cold hard ground beneath him as he looks up to the sky.
Filled with raging guilt and regrets, Nathan stares up to the sky in silence. It gets so silent, he can hear everything around him. He hears the wind sing through the leaves of trees. He can even hear water flowing nearby. Water! Unsure of where, he looks up quickly and listens. Finally, he spots a creek nearby and climbs to his hands and knees.
Unable to fully stand, Nathan crawls his way to the creek ignoring all of his surroundings. He reaches the creek and practically bathes himself in the near freezing water in an attempt to feel refreshed. Afterwards, he begins to guzzle the water in handfuls.
After many handfuls of water, Nathan notices something odd. The water tastes metallic as if you were sucking on an old copper penny or silver spoon. Upon this realization, he also notices the color of the water seems off. Unsure of why, he looks around only to find something far more disturbing than he imagined. An amalgamation of mutilated corpses sit nearby rotting on the rocks of the creek shore.
Realizing he had just drank water contaminated with rotting corpses of innocent people, Nathan starts getting a sick feeling in his stomach and attempts to look away but can’t get his eyes off the sight. Finally breaking, he begins gagging vigorously. He loses control and starts puking uncontrollably before ultimately collapsing from pain and disgust.
Nathan finally gets up after lying on the ground for a moment. Hoping to find at least some form of shelter, he manages to get himself up to his aching feet and stumbles his way down the creek. Eventually, he reaches the end of the creek where a large pipe is sticking out from the ground at an angle. The pipe, being large enough to fit a man, seems like a perfect place to shelter in. Before fully deciding to sleep there, Nathan looks inside hoping that it may lead to an exit from the dome but is quickly disappointed when he sees only dirt and mud. Nathan no longer cares and decides to climb into the pipe. He manages to make it an adequate resting area. Soon after, he is unable to keep his eyes open and finally falls asleep.
“Nathan, wake up. You’re going on live television.” A very familiar voice whispers to Nathan. He opens his eyes expecting to see different surroundings, but instead, he sees Charlie sitting next to him in an unfamiliar building. Obviously confused, Nathan hesitates to even move but decides to go with it. He’s led out to a room with a male interviewer, revealing that he is on a live television interview.
The interviewer looks to the camera and says, “Welcome to TalkTime, I’m your host, Tim Wiesly, and today, we have Nathan White. Just in case you don’t know, Nathan is a brilliant reporter and reports anything in the most brilliant ways. One specific story he covered about his near-death experience is what we would like to talk about today. So, Nathan, could you tell the viewers more about your experience?”
Nathan hesitates at first but oddly starts believing that he made it out of the hell he was in and just dissociated. He starts telling the interviewer everything that happened to him.
“Well, Tim, for starters, my colleague and I had found evidence that Envirodome was a test facility. Little did we know, one test they ran there was still in the facility after decades. We then found all the missing people over the years but they were unfortunate and passed away at the hands of the facilities test subject. I eventually lost my colleague and had a run in with a rabid animal as well but I got away and managed to find a place to sleep. After that, I climbed out and decided to… to…”
Nathan stops in his tracks as he realizes he can’t remember what happened after the tunnel.
“Wait. Wait, this can’t be real. I vividly remember Charlie going insane. And all those other people started losing their minds and they all started killing each other. I remember all that, yet I can’t remember a damn thing after falling asleep in that tunnel! What the fuck is going on?”
Charlie comes running out and attempts to calm Nathan but fails as Nathan screams back.
“You’re dead! You’re fucking dead! I know you are! You aren’t real. None of you, none of this! None of it is real!”
Soon after realizing everything is fake, all of Nathan’s surroundings start changing. Everything around him becomes morbidly dark and people become mutated corpses, all of which walk over to him. They all start screaming at Nathan, resulting in him breaking and he loses his mind to the brink of insanity. Out of the dark shadows, Subject Zero walks into the area as if he were a dark god who created him and was ready to destroy him. Suddenly, everyone surrounding Nathan abruptly stops screaming and looks at him. Then they all in perfect sync say, “You’re losing control, Nathan.”
Nathan angrily stands tall and yells, “Leave me alone!” After this fierce scream with his eyes shut, Nathan suddenly hears nothing but the sound of running water. He opens his eyes only to find he was still in the town under the dome. Only, now, it is somehow nighttime. Suddenly, he’s startled by the sound of splashing water. Nathan quietly looks up from the inside of the tunnel he’s lying in. In a decent distance away, Nathan sees two mannequins throwing multiple bodies into the already corpse-filled creek. Although, one body stands out amongst the rest. Charlie's. His body is mangled and mutilated. Nathan feels sick and guilty as he stares at his dead friend.
Soon, Subject Zero’s voice is heard, resulting in Nathan realizing he needs to sneak out of the area. He quickly climbs out of the tunnel and looks around. He decides his best option is to go in one direction until he hopefully reaches an edge of the dome. He believes it may help him reach the overseer’s office where the self-destruct button is.
With his new plan, Nathan quietly sneaks away until he accidentally rams into the edge of the dome. He becomes angry at first for being dumb enough to run into it, but eventually realizes he could be on his way to salvation.
Nathan, still tired, stumbles around the edge of the dome and looks strange considering the walls are simulated to look like more land. Even though Nathan can barely handle all the stress, he still forces himself to keep moving with high hopes to avenge his deceased friend. He keeps going until he stumbles over a small brush pile. He falls onto his face and notices blood pouring from his nose.
Assuming his nose has broken from the fall, Nathan quickly checks it but oddly there is no pain and the bleeding has already stopped. He’s confused but doesn’t care as he’s determined to escape. He gets up and eventually reaches an odd looking spot of the dome wall. With a closer look, he realizes it’s a door. Full of hope, Nathan quickly opens it and discovers a staircase leading to the overseer’s office.
Nathan runs up without hesitation. He reaches the top of the stairs and makes it to the controls. Being dark, Nathan feels around for a light switch but as he thinks it, the lights come on. Now with light, he sees papers lying everywhere, all with information of the dome. Apparently, the government had the technology to make all this without ever letting the public know. It was built with a self-destruct button as safety measures if anything within the dome went horribly wrong. Although Nathan thought it would be an explosion as most self-destruct buttons cause, the dome was made to disassemble itself as it counted down, allowing the slight possibility of reaching the only entrance and exit doors of the facility.
Nathan realizes he may actually have a chance to escape this hell and avenge his friend. After a small pause, he gets back to searching for the self-destruct button. He stumbles across a glass casing labeled ‘FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY’. Nathan opens the casing and prepares to press the button but is quickly distracted as a voice breaks the silence.
“This place hasn’t been real after all these damned years?” Subject Zero reacts angrily as he slowly walks toward Nathan. “I knew this place seemed a bit small, but now that I know I can get out of here, I’ll bring my tests to the whole damn world!”
“Why would you even want that?! Every single test you have done with that fucking serum has been a failure!”
“No… No, I’ve perfected my serum.”
“What the FUCK do you mean?”
Without a single other word, Subject Zero rushes toward Nathan. Nathan quickly reacts and raises his arms in defense. Suddenly, Subject Zero flies backwards as if he was shoved with incredible force. They both now know Nathan was the cause.
“That. That is what I mean.” Subject Zero says with a grin on his face.
“No, no, what the fuck. How?!”
“You really think I didn’t take the opportunity to inject a new version of the serum into you.”
“But- but there wasn’t an injection hole. Everyone else had one.”
“That’s the great thing about it. I perfected it so much that your healing is far greater than even mine AND you didn’t lose your mind like I did. That’s all I ever wanted…”
“Screw you…” Nathan clenches his fist and swings a punch at Subject Zero. Realizing things move just from his thought now, Nathan opens his hand and telekinetically throws things at Subject Zero. The two begin to have an all-out super powered brawl as Subject Zero explains to Nathan that the serum is why every pain he’s felt while in the dome went away nearly immediately. The telekinesis just happened to come into play later on. Then suddenly, Nathan is slammed through and out the overseer’s office windows. Subject Zero jumps down onto him.
Nathan gets weaker with each hit he takes but still fights on. Before he gets up, he notices that where the broken window is, the walls show their true colors of concrete gray and glass. Aside from the window, Nathan notices the door to the office is still wide open. He quickly gives Subject Zero a powerful kick to his abdomen and jumps up to run.
Nathan runs quickly up the stairs and to the self-destruct button after leaving his enemy on the ground outside. As he reaches the button, Nathan looks out the broken window at Subject Zero and prepares to press the button.
Nathan slams his hand onto the button as Subject Zero yells out in hatred. Nathan, expecting something to happen, waits. Subject Zero laughs hysterically but then suddenly is cut off by a loud voice projecting across the whole dome. “COMMENCING SELF-DESTRUCTION SEQUENCE.”
Nathan notices Subject Zero is distracted and uses this as his chance to escape. 10, 9, 8…… The countdown begins and the sun begins to rise as Nathan runs out of the office and past the unaware Subject Zero. 7, 6, 5…… The countdown continues and the facility begins to collapse as Nathan passes through the woods where he drank from the creek and soon passes the concrete room where the other people were held captive. 4, 3, 2…… The countdown gets closer to an end as the dome collapses quicker and Nathan rushes past the old house he was stuck in before. Soon enough, he gets onto the road that led him and Charlie to the town inside the dome and gets even closer to the door but suddenly Subject Zero is following behind. This time, he’s so angry and determined, Subject Zero uses his telekinetic powers to control the mangled corpses that he’s kept. He’s headed for either the door or Nathan, but Nathan doesn’t care.
1…… The countdown comes to an end and the entire dome collapses above. Subject Zero, far behind with his army of corpses, stops and accepts what is coming but Nathan keeps running in hopes to escape before the weight of a million tons comes crashing down onto him. Soon enough, the dome becomes nothing but rubble.
The entire area where the dome once stood, is now a ginormous pile of rubble and all that stands are a few trees and small bits of buildings. Nothing could have lived from inside. Unless you were close to the doors.
Nathan, barely standing or even really alive, stumbles around the rubble. With his new powers, he uses his telekinesis to move a large piece of steel revealing a small group of men nearby. Within this group are a couple of men who are clearly scientists of some sort but the others are clearly military. Nathan runs to them with hopes of help but suddenly…
“Stop right there!” One of the men yells out angrily but with a quiver in his voice. “Put your heads above your head and don’t speak!”
“Wait! I just need help!”
“I said put your hands above your head!”
Nathan is confused so he looks around in the hopes that maybe Subject Zero is who he spotted. Sadly, the guns are all being aimed straight for him.
This is the end of Nathan’s story. But it isn’t the end of mine. After hearing Nathan's story, I have an understanding of why he’s in the tube here. I can firmly admit that I’m terrified. I had no idea this is why I was sent here. I was led to believe he was just a possible danger and I needed to monitor him and continue brain scans. Little did I know, this is why.
I know it seems a bit strange and even unbelievable but I have no real reason to not believe a man trapped inside a tube. But now that he has spoken to me, he’s asked me to help him. However, I have no idea how. Aside from letting him out, there’s nothing else I can do. The higher-ups here are strict and have specifically told anyone working here not to listen to Nathan. On top of that, they're already suspicious of me. I suppose, getting his story out is one way to help him but he also wants out of here.
I don’t know what to do, but I do understand I’ve already gone too far by even listening to him. Hell, he may even be as dangerous now as Subject Zero from the story he told me. If he is, I could release a madman into the world. If he isn't, I'm letting an innocent man suffer alone in a science facility. Screw it. I’ve come to terms with what must happen. I’ll release him the moment I can, if I even can. Once this story is shown to the public, I may end up terminated. Not from my job, but from my life. If this happens then I’m sorry to Nathan. If Nathan turns out to be a danger as well, then I’m sorry to all of you. For now and possibly forever, goodbye.
submitted by BigMikeyP72 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 ScaryMan1985 My brother went missing 30 years ago. I just found him in my basement.

When someone you love just disappears, it messes with your entire life. For me it was my 13 year old brother David. I loved my older brother so much. We were living in a small farm town in the Pennsylvania countryside. At that time we were living in one of the oldest houses in town. Our house was built sometime in the late 1700s.
On the night he went missing, I remember my parents weren’t home that night for whatever reason, but back in the 80s it was considered okay to leave your kids home alone. Me and my brother were both sitting on the floor in the living room, listing to the radio broadcast. My brother asked me to fill him a glass of Hawaiian Punch. After I went to the kitchen and poured him a glass, he had completely vanished from the living room.
I remember that exact moment as clear as day. I thought he was playing a trick on me, I played along but when I search every room in that damn house, not a hair was out of place. He couldn’t have gone outside because I was by the front door the whole time, and the windows were sealed shut since by the previous owner. The basement door in the living room was wide open. The only place he could’ve gone. When I left to fill up his drink it was shut. I was horrified of the basement as a kid because there’s no electricity down there and it litterly looked like a dungeon. I yelled his name from the top of the stairs countless times but he never answered. Even though I was 11 that basement still scared me.
I remember that night, sobbing uncontrollably, and when my parents finally pulled into the drive way the next morning, I was still in tears when I told them about David. Mom and dad checked the whole house.
I then told dad about how the basement door was wide open, and when he walked down into the basement. I remember sitting on the couch next to the basement door, hoping my dad would walk back up with David, but when Dad walked up those stairs his face had gone completely pale. In his hands were my brothers clothes from the night before. I can’t describe how horrified I was. He dropped them onto the ground, and walked upstairs to where mom was. I then got on the ground and crawled toward the clothes. Exactly what my brother was wearing before he disappeared. I sorted through them. Everything he wore that night, shirt, pants, underwear, socks. Everything stripped from him.
I could here my parents voices from upstairs. My mother than came sprinting down the stairs and got on the phone with the police. My dad ran outside and into the field.
When the police finally arrived the entire police team thought he must have gone outside and got lost in the near by forest, but I knew for a fact he was in that house. The Police officers spent weeks searching the woods and fields near our house. The police checked the basement, but said there was nothing. They closed the case about a half a year later. The entire town assumed it was a kidnapping. I knew it was something to do with that basement but I could never get myself to go down there.
After his disappearance life continued for our family, we turned David’s bedroom into a guest bedroom. I hated how my parents did that, it felt like they were trying to move on. I was unable too, loosing David was a huge damper over my entire family. Something that would hang over our heads our entire lives. Moms way of copping with the grief was just erasing all memory of him. I hated her guts for that.
Every-time I looked at that basement door growing up, I could feel something behind it. I remember one day when I was 16, I was putting DvDs away in the living room, I was sitting a few feet away from that door and I smelt something familiar. The smell was seeping through the cracks of the door. It was what my brother smelt like. I got up and nearly ripped that door off the hinges. I ran downstairs into the darkness. The entire room smelt like David’s old bedroom. It was pitch black, but I knew he was in there. I started screaming his name, I screamed his name for hours until Dad finally came down. Dad couldn’t smell it. He thought I was insane. I remember I couldn’t talk for weeks after that.
Nowadays the 30 year anniversary of David’s disappearance is rolling around. I can say it’s been along 30 years without him. I’m now living alone an hour or so away from my childhood town. I had to get out of there as soon as possible, when I turned 18 I started looking toward apartments in town, and by my 20th birthday I was out the door. My parents continued to live in that house. My mom developed stage 3 breast cancer about 3 years ago and was forced into a group home closer to the hospital. My father was given the option to move with her and sell the home, but he decided to stay there and continue farming. My Mother and father had a tough relationship ever since I left the house so Dad didn’t mind the quiet.
Later on, my dad fell off his tractor and broke his knee, and is now unable to walk without a cane. He then moved in with mom then sold me the land for free and insisted that I moved back into that house. I wanted nothing to do with that house. I had to pay taxes for that house on top of my own taxes. I then allowed tenants move in. They were young couple, late 20s. Of course my stubborn old man was angry with me for letting a desperate couple live in the vacant house. They’ve been living in that house for almost a year now and they called me up last week complaining about a decaying smell coming from the basement. By that time I had learn to adapt from David’s death. I told them I’d check it out the next morning. That was the biggest mistake of my life. I woke up early the next morning and drove to the house. It felt odd driving back their. Those fields, it all felt so familiar. I tried not to think about how scared I was of that basement growing up. Fortunately my dad finally added electricity down in the basement.
I pulled into the driveway. They were both waiting outside for me. They said it smelt like something was rotting down their. I had everything I’d be needing, asbestos masks, medical gloves, eye protection. I worked as an air duct cleaner a few years ago so I have some background knowledge.
I walked into the house, and headed for the basement door. I never seen what It actually looked like down there until now. I opened the door and could immediately smell it, something was rotting in there. I turned on the light switch. Ahead of me was an empty room. It was small. Looked to be about 15 by 10 feet big. This basement had been haunting me for all these years, seeing it with the lights on felt off. The walls were stone, except for one. One of the walls stood out, it was wood instead of stone. The smell was clearly coming from the wood. The wood was rotting. I walked over and I thought the best idea would be just to tear the whole wall down. I started tearing pieces of rotten wood off the walls. Light started to seep into the other side. There was a secret room in the basement. I stopped and infront of me I saw what looked like human flesh. I couldn’t describe how horrified I was. I would rather go to hell than relive that terrible moment.
I started smashing that wall with all the force in my body until it finally gave in. The creature infront of me, just the sight of it made me want to claw my eyes out. It was in a fetal position The skin wasn’t pale, it was white, and it looked like the flesh had been melted to the bones. The fingernails and toenails stretched halfway across the room. The worst part was that it wasn’t dead, it was breathing. It was alive. “David” I said in a terrified voice. It slowly lifted its head and looked at me. The face looked completely mutated, but those eyes, those eyes were my brothers eyes. It tried to speak. It tried with everything in it. That thing was my brother David. I had so many question’s. How was he alive? what did he eat? How could he breath? What the fuck happened? I kept the questions to myself. That was my brother in that basement. This whole time he’s been in that fucking basement. I didn’t say another word to him. I ran upstairs and out to my car. I opened up my glove box and grabbed my gun. By the time I got downstairs, David had stood up. Dragging his long nails behind him. “Julian” he growled. I then shot him in the head.
At the top of the stairs were the tenants questioning the gun shot. They walked down the stairs to investigate. By the time I heard them scream I was already out the door and backing out of their driveway.
I didn’t shoot David because I was scared of him, I shot him because I of how awful the situation was. That was 2 days ago. I’ve been driving ever since. The only time I stopped was to fill my gas tank. I don’t know where the hell I am, last time I checked it said I was in Kansas. I don’t know what to do. Should I join Davis in the afterlife, or should I try to move on. The most sickening thing is not knowing what happened. “What the fuck happened” I keep asking myself. “What the hell happened”
submitted by ScaryMan1985 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 AceOfSpades_56 Can y'all stop yapping?

I'm sorry if this is controversial, but you clicked on it.
I hate everything about the people who are yapping about the servers. It's annoying. Like just enjoy the game WHEN you can. Give it some time. It's having a LOT of people in it at once since it's a new DLC. Can you blame them? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's YOUR fault for being one of the people overworking the servers. And I hate to see people hating on a game that THEY play. Like just *stop playing it then*. Is it that hard? Don't be an asshole to the devs who gave you the stuff you're trying to enjoy. Just CHILL OUT.
I'll admit, it's quite a shame that the servers are messy right now, but like, just don't get on then :P . If you hate the idea of the price of the game and what they make, just stop playing. Don't hate on them. I LOVED Lightfall.
Seriously, shut the hell up and enjoy what you do have, ungrateful needy players.
submitted by AceOfSpades_56 to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 InSideOutSideSameSid l asked God directly why he essentially fucked me over.

Look, I get that not everyone believes there is a God out, and you know what? That's okay. I don't have a problem with that. But what I do have a problem with is Atheists arrogant ways thinking they 100% know what comes after death and that consciousness and our bodies just came from nothing out of nowhere. I call bullshit on this. First of all, why weren't all of us born 5000 years ago? Why now. And you can say it's genetic factors, fine, but consciousness is where you lost me.
I sort of believe in a higher power, and I feel like he let me suffer on this planet.
One time I prayed to Jesus for me to win the scratch offs. Things got worse.
submitted by InSideOutSideSameSid to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 PaTrIcK5230 Why does everybody leave after one game in quickplay/Elite smash?

Whether I’m playing in elite smash or at 7 million GSP, win or loss, people never rematch. It’s like more than 80% of the time people leave after the first game; even with good connection and a close back and forth game people still leave after the first game.
I understand leaving if the game if it is extremely one sided, or because lag, but I’ll win extremely close games sometimes with great connection against opponents that immediately leave. If I were them I’d be begging for a rematch.
With the exception of a bad connection, I always give people at least a best of 3. The majority of the time it’s not even out of principle; I just want to replay my opponent, whether I won or lost, to see if I can overcome any struggle I had the first game.
submitted by PaTrIcK5230 to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 No_Button_3100 Buckle up...AITAH bridesmaid edition

Important background: I moved across country 2.5 years ago I'm not married or ever plan to get married I've invited her to my birthdays for years and she never can come I went to her big birthday 1 year ago(across the country), which is also when she got engaged
A year ago my roommate from college asked me to be her bridesmaid and I was so happy and so excited for her I said yes. Things were running along well, and the plans for her Bachelorette really kicked off beginning of this year. It was going to be in June (I had already booked a 15 day trip through Italy for May). I was all in.
Student loan forgiveness got canceled and my rent got increased and I had this Italy trip with a non refundable flight hanging over me.
First the MOH told the bride, without discussing with the rest of the BMs that despite her wanting to help with the costs-- they absolutely would not allow her to pay a dime. When the MOH messaged us about the air bnb cost, I was at work. It was going to be over $400 per person (I think there were 9 of us?). Before getting everyone's thumbs up that they could afford it...the place got booked. Quite a few people were taken aback and stressed about the cost (but noone except for me voiced the concerns in the group). So I asked what the costs for all the activities were going to be so I could budget if I was going to be able to do it or not. The MOH got defensive and were like we aren't going to know that for awhile. Okay... so I went to the bride.
Going to the bride I said hey I'm nervous about how I'm going to be able to financially swing the wedding and the Bachelorette (both on the other side of the country) but I really wanted to go to the wedding stress free. She agreed and was SOOOO understanding of me backing out of the Bach party. So I went to the MOH separately and told them I was going to be backing out of the Bach party, I have the brides blessing, everything was good. This was 5 months ago.
Feb 1 I got a promotion and a raise, and immediately went to my friend and said hey I want to help with the cost of the Bach if only a little bit and sent the MOH $250 so they had some extra cash for drinks or food or whatever April I decided I could not afford my trip to Italy and needed to cancel because student loans were gonna murder me. April/May I fought and fought the airline to refund me my non-refundable flight to Italy.
I decided I wanted to go back home for a weekend to visit my friends on the other side of the country and reached out to the bride saying "hey I'm planning to come home and can come the weekend of your Bach if you think it's cool for me to join for 1 day of the 3 day event" she said no, it would be best for me to just come on my own time. Say no more. I can do that.
2 weeks ago my friend from my new home was like "let's go see Taylor swift in sweden" the flight, hotel, and tickets are gonna be less than 1500. I recently won the war with the airline from my canceled Italy trip so I said absolutely and 2 days later was on a flight. And the bride had already told me she didn't want me at the Bach this late in the game. I thought it was a non issue for me to spend this money to see Taylor.
This past weekend I had that trip back home where the bride said "no don't come for the Bach, come on your own time". On this trip I discovered that for months the entire bridal party has been nit picking what I spend my money on (my trip to Italy was a big topic...which if you read above I canceled but didn't announce this to the world as it's not the world's business), and painting me as this awful person and awful friend and I'm so evil. Huh?? The bride I thought was fine....
So leaving that trip I messaged the bride and was like hey I feel like we need to talk because I've heard you're actually upset with me and I didn't realize and I want to talk about how to move forward.
She messages me back saying "I don't want to have that conversation, I don't want this drama and negativity leading up to my special day with my fiance, consider yourself uninvited and unburdened"
I was SHOCKED because up until this weekend I thought everything was fine because she has been telling me everything is fine. I'm not being negative or causing drama because ive actually been under the assumption there was no issue? But her response to me was friendship ruining and ending. So I replied and said I'm sorry I just wanted to have an open conversation like adults but I have no choice but to respect your choice and please have the MOH send me my money back (the 250 i gave).
Then her bestfriend messaged me on Facebook calling me an awful person, selfish, and I screwed "the one person who tolerates you" (which is funny because I have plenty of people in my life that love and enrich it.) And that I wasn't going to get my money back.
I'm sorry that I can't budget to spend $3k on my friend this year who hasn't spent a dime on me in...ever. and especially the last 3 years. Like she's so ungrateful for the $2k I was more than willing to spend for the actual wedding?? Like it's a "come to the Bachelorette too or don't be my friend anymore...but I'm gonna pretend with you that I'm okay with you not attending but then gonna bad mouth you to my friends"
Someone please...AITA?
submitted by No_Button_3100 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 roastedwasabipeas Seeking Book Recommendation’s!

Hello! 24F here :) I am thrilled I found this sub!
I was a big reader when I was younger but found with time I grew farther and father away from it. Being heavily involved in other activities I just found myself with little interest in reaching for a read. I think part of it had to do with my anxiety - I couldn’t really sit still and submerge myself into a book. I also realized everyone in my life who’s big into reading has diffident imaginations than me. I would say I am a very imaginative person, but I just found out I have what’s called “Aphantasia.” Essentially I do not see clear detailed images when I close my eyes and imagine something. For example, if you close your eyes right now and think of an apple, do you see an apple? I unfortunately do not :( at all. I believe it had been another factor to my distance from books in the past - When speaking to my brothers and friends who are all huge readers, they described their experience like watching a movie. I however, see words on paper which make it a bit more difficult for me to feel engaged.
It takes me a specific type of read & story to really be able to emerge myself and get “lost” in a book. The past 3 months I have been getting back into it and LOVING it! I’ve been enjoying very light, easy reads to ease myself back into it. With this being said, I don’t want to fall of my rhythm of reading and am seeking book recommendations as I’m nearing the end of my current read!!
Books I’ve recently read: The Midnight Library Before the coffee gets cold Seneca - Letters from a Stoic
I don’t have a solid definition or grasp of what exact “read” I like. I will say I am open to genres and different styles, however I have never been too keen or interested in Sci Fi.
TIA! Looking forward to seeing what recommendations may arise!
submitted by roastedwasabipeas to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 Djrook44 I have such passion to learn all of it... What do I do?

Hello community! I am here because I love science. I started off my schooling off in the direction of chemistry which is a love of mine since it clicks, YET I find physics beautiful and exciting. I have also been struggling between the two and almost decided to dual major in both of them but I want to pursue further knowledge. On top of this, I want to learn more sciences. Biology and Botany astrophysics. It is almost a physical pain seeing how this might be impossible. I wish I could study it all and I ask you all for advice. I know there will be comments like I cant study it all but is it possible? dialing it back, is there anyone else that has dual majored or even multiple PhD's that could give me some optimism and some ideas/tips that could help?
My passion when I started school was going to space one day, and thats kind of why I also have interest in botany (this I would consider a minor or major), and any other sciences is just the thrill of knowing how things work. Thank you all in advance, I look forward to your suggestions and possible harsh truths. I am on my junior year at this moment in time and now the split into major specifics are here and im looking for some answers for the phys and chem right now if anything.
submitted by Djrook44 to AskScienceDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 honorowntime Wife struggles with working and other daily commitments

I am feeling quite concerned about my wife’s ability to stick with a job once she is done with her degree. She has long struggled with her mental health and has a lot of childhood trauma.
I am really proud of her for nearing the end of school but it has been quite a journey with very flexible and understanding teachers, a lot of support from myself and family, and most of her coursework was stuff she was actually interested in. A job won’t be like that.
She has worked in the past (animal shelter, preschools, nannying, and restaurants). Some during school, mostly before. It seems like when she first started going to therapy, her ability to function got worse. At her lowest, she frequently called out or had to leave early. I think she is a very capable person and her bosses always seem to like her. She struggles with the pressure of others depending on her, and realllllly hates the social anxiety that comes up with coworkers. Her anxiety also manifests itself physically so she is constantly nauseous, or fatigued or has migraines. It’s genuinely hard to picture her leaving the house to work 4-5 days a week.
She has done lots of therapy, but it doesn’t seem too focused on building practical coping skills. Takes lamictal. Did a DBT program once. She has been developing different textile, accessory products to one day start a small business. It would be great if she could work from home doing something she loves like that but realistically, she’ll need to still work part-time at least for a while. Unfortunately, I work in social services and am not a high enough earner to support us both.
Anyone who has struggled with leaving the house, working, etc., have you been able to find anything that’s helped you cope? Any good books or YouTube channels out there? Soothing exercises? Certain medication? Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by honorowntime to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 ivarhahs Charli XCX "Sympathy is a knife" potentially referencing Taylor

Charli XCX's new album 'Brat' is dropping this week. Lyrics have been revealed and one track, "Sympathy is a knife" is gaining attention as people are noticing potential references to Taylor. Lyrics below from Genius with the portions bolded.
[Verse 1] I don't wanna share the space I don't wanna force a smile This one girl taps my insecurities Don't know if it's real or if I'm spiraling One voice tells me that they laugh George says I'm just paranoid Says he just don't see it, he's so naive I'm embarassed to have it but need the sympathy
[Chorus] 'Cause I couldn't even be her if I tried I'm opposite, I'm on the other side I feel all these feelings I can't control Oh no, don't know why All this sympathy is just a knife Why I can't evеn grit my teeth and lie? I feel all these feelings I can't control Oh no, don't know
[Verse 2] Why I wanna buy a gun? Why I wanna shoot mysеlf? Volatile at war with my dialogue I'd say that there was a God if they could stop this Wild voice tearing me apart I'm so apprehensive now Don't wanna see her backstage At my boyfriend's show Fingers crossed behind my back I hope they break up quick
For those without context, Charli opened up for the Rep tour, and there was minor scuttle afterward when she said something to the effect of "I felt like I was waving to 5-year-olds" in regards to the shows she played. Charli quickly clarified her thoughts via Twitter and it seemed to be the end of the conversation.
Hey a few people on the internet have taken something I said out of context and I want to clarify there is absolutely no shade and only love here! As I say in the article and have said many times before, I am extremely grateful to Taylor for inviting me to open for her. She's one of the biggest artists of my generation and the reputation tour was one of the biggest tours in history. In the printed version of this much wider conversation my answers about this tour were boiled down into one kind of weird sentence - leading up to that tour I'd been playing a tonne of 18+ club shows and so to be on stage in front of all ages was new to me and made me approach my performances with a whole new kind of energy- more so I talked about how it was brilliant opening for Taylor, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I was given and how much fun it was to perform to a new audience! Any tour I've been on with any other artist as an opening act has always taught me so much. It's always wonderful to watch other artists do their thing, own their stage and speak their language to their dedicated fan bases - and this was especially true for the reputation tour. Hope this gives clarity to what was a great interview !! lots of love
Flash forward to much more recently, Charli begins dating George Daniel of The 1975 and frequents their shows. There was overlap between George dating Charli + Matty dating Taylor. Charli is also the eventual link between Matty & Gabriette, the latter of whom Charli knew prior, is very close with, namedrops on the album & is featured in her 360 video.
There is one other interesting tidbit, which is that last year Charli shared a video reacting to this article from The Sun on her then-private 360brat account. The headline reads:
Huge pop star follows Taylor Swift’s lead and asks rocker boyfriend to help write her new album. Taylor Swift is working with her The 1975 boyfriend Matty Healy and now Charli XCX is following suit.
In regards to the album as a whole, Charli does seem to be getting ahead of the conversation with this Tik Tok she posted last week. There is another track, "Girl (so confusing)" that fans think references Lorde or Marina. Transcript:
“I’m seeing online that some people think that there are diss tracks on Brat, and I just wanted to come on here and clarify that there aren’t- apart from Von Dutch which kind of is, but the other tracks in question aren’t diss tracks.
They’re really just about how it’s so complicated being an artist, especially a female artist, where you are pitted against your peers but also expected to be best friends with every single person constantly. And if you’re not, you’re like, deemed a bad feminist. And that to me is just, like, such an unrealistic expectation.
Um, so yeah, these songs are kind of about how, as a woman, as an artist, some days you can feel on top of the world, some days you can feel unbelievably insecure, other days you can feel highly competitive, sometimes you can feel like literal trash. Um, and it’s really emotional and it’s complicated to deal with, and we’re not supposed to talk about it, but these songs do talk about it, and I’ll probably be chastised for it, but whatever. It’s reality.”
The lyrics for "Sympathy is a knife" honestly do seem to be referencing Taylor, but seem more like commentary about Charli's own insecurities in her relationship with Taylor as someone who makes her feel smaller / lesser than without Taylor really even doing anything herself. Personally I think this is really interesting / complex and shouldn't be diminished as a "diss track."
If it is about Taylor, I do find Charli's brutal honesty about Taylor's omnipresence hilarious.
Curious what everyone else thinks!
submitted by ivarhahs to SwiftlyNeutral [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 Masterofmachies 🌌Join My D&D Adventure: Seeking 6 Players for My D&D World🏰[PST][18+][5e][homebrew][online]

🌌Join My D&D Adventure: Seeking 6 Players for My D&D World🏰
Greetings, brave adventurers and curious souls alike! 🗡️ Are you ready to step into a realm where imagination knows no bounds and seven years of dedication have shaped a masterpiece of a world? 🌍 Look no further, for I'm seeking intrepid players to venture forth into my meticulously-crafted Dungeons & Dragons universe!
🌌 A Gripping Tale of Grim Dark Fantasy & Realistic Medieval Wonders 🏰
Within the boundaries of my realm, darkness intertwines with splendor, and your decisions hold weight. 🌓 Embrace the intrigue of a grim dark fantasy, where danger lurks around every corner, but also discover the enchanting allure of a realistic medieval setting. 🏰 Unravel the rich tapestry of a world brimming with diverse cultures, kingdoms, and breathtaking landscapes, where swords and sorcery entwine in a mesmerizing dance. 🌠
Teaser:Step into the chilling heart of a dark, forbidden trading continent that has remained veiled in darkness for years. Whispers of kidnapping and vanishing souls haunt the night, leaving the land draped in an eerie and menacing aura. The truth remains elusive, buried beneath layers of secrecy and fear. Will you dare to confront the unknown, unearthing the sinister secrets that have cast this place into perpetual darkness? Or will you become another lost soul, forever trapped in the enigmatic abyss of this ominous continent?
-Players will begin at Level 3.
-Each character starts with one feat of their choice.
-For story purposes, humans are not allowed as playable characters.
[please DM me if you're interested]
submitted by Masterofmachies to lfg [link] [comments]