Ammonium nitrate to make meth

MethAcceptance: Since when are people not addicted to meth, more attractive than those that are.

2014.06.12 19:47 MethAcceptance: Since when are people not addicted to meth, more attractive than those that are.


2016.06.29 17:43 Maleza_podzicheka Instead of harming yourself, why not farming yourself?

For all your self farm images.

2013.08.27 20:27 Aquascaper_Mike A subreddit for the Kings of the Aquarium!

We are here to share our love of the greatest freshwater fish.....THE DISCUS! Please feel free to post pictures & videos, share experiences, ask questions and talk about this amazing fish. Part of owning Discus is showing what you are able to do to make the happiest and healthiest fish that you can so if you have done something amazing please feel free to brag and boast. All it will do is inspire the rest of us!

2024.06.05 20:10 so-pitted-wabam This City Sux, I Now Have AIDS

Just rolled into Asheville for a job I can't stand (night shift laying down behind the hot spot), and wow, this city is a dumpster fire. In two weeks, I’ve sampled the local meth—total disappointment. The fent? Might as well have been powdered sugar. And don’t get me started on the Asian massage parlors—more awkward than a middle school dance.
Thought I’d try the local Chipotle for a quick bite. Big mistake. That burrito gave me the runs faster than you can say “food poisoning.”
Decided to get a stick-n-poke tattoo behind EarthFare. Genius idea, right? Yeah, until I ended up with a tattoo that looks like it was done by a blindfolded toddler and a bonus case of AIDS.
The people? Ruder than a horse that won’t ram u in the butt when u bend over and drop ur drawers in its face. Traffic's a joke—like everyone here learned to drive from bumper cars at the county fair. Try navigating those on/off ramps while tripping on shrooms. Spoiler: You’ll end up in Pigeon Forge wondering how the hell you got there.
So yeah, two weeks in this hellscape and I’m already contemplating a career in interpretive dance just to get out of this mess. Asheville, you suck, and I’m stuck here forever. Cheers to making the worst decisions possible!
submitted by so-pitted-wabam to thehotspot [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:35 Faeriesnbubbles Am I reasonable for asking for no commitment but have each other? (Jail edition)

Back story: “The guy (30M) I’m seeing and I (25F) met 2 years ago while he was on home detention. This meanz he had a bracelet and couldn’t leave the house, but I was introduced by a friend and we just chat, he bought me gifts, that was that. 2 months after we met, he disappeared. He was arrested and was in jail for 9 months. I moved on and didn’t have much thought besides the $ he borrowed from me that he couldn’t pay back while in jail.
The day he got released back to home detention, he contacted me, and I rushed to see him. I considered him a good friend and we had great chats together. No feelings. We ate meals together, I went to his place about 1-2 times a week and usually when it was to talk to him about some work. I lent him a large sum of money (like $30k) and was goin back and forth talking about what he was using it on. I bought him a puppy, and took the dog to all his vet appts so I visited the guy a lot. I could tell he wanted more and liked me and always asked me when I would visit next. In December, I gave in and we slept together. From that day on, I considered myself pretty much his (he’s only the second guy I’ve slept with so I’m loyal and unconsciously act like we are together after sleepin together). I started being at his 3-4 times days a week, sleeping over every time, eating together, helping him clean, he treated me well, we talked a lot, it was really nice. He said good morning to me everyday, we texted everyday, we were basically girlfriend boyfriend except not talked about, and he was still on home detention so we had never gone on a date at that point. It was FWB relationship but I started catch more feelings and so did he. “
2 months ago, he got arrested AGAIN! He’s been in jail waiting for sentencing since then. Here is where my dilemma started.
Ever since he’s been in jail this time, I have told police, corrections, lawyer that I am his partner. This made the process easier to visit him and gather information. He had told all his cell mates I’m his girlfriend. I have been meeting his parents and they also call me his girlfriend and i have been doing girlfriend things. Problems: 1. In the first week when he was in jail, he gave me his phone and password to find something for him. I eventually got curious and came across him messaging prostitutes and girls everyday when I wasn’t with him. He slept with many, including sugar babies. We never said we were exclusive, but I was so hurt and cried for a few days. I never told him how I felt because our phone calls isn’t enough for a serious talk. He was calling prostitutes every week and messaging other girls everyday. I’m the only one favourited in all apps, and through msgs, I know he prioritised me by cancelling them every time I msged , and all my belongings were displayed in his room so they knew of my existence too. Only I didn’t know about them. 2. My friend who worked for him told me he owed all this money. In total, he owes over $500k to people outside (and owes me $30k currently). 3. They also told me he was a meth abuser and I see the evidence now and it all makes sense 4. He has a major gambling problem, losing over $1,5mil in 4-5 months.
I would never know this if I didn’t discover it on his phone that he trusted me with or if his friend didn’t tell me. He talked to me and treated me so well. He calls me multiple times a day from prison, told me he loves me everyday… and making plans for when he’s out with me as his official girlfriend. I don’t know what to say. He is not getting out for probably a year or more. He will get bail again soon on home detention but he could get sentenced to jail after. I don’t want to lose him , I miss him everyday but I can’t commit to him knowing he has all these problems and he can’t give me marriage any time soon and I’m not getting younger. I want to tell him something that says : I don’t want to lose him but I don’t want to official be with him, or be public or commit until he proves he stops meth, gambling and pays off all his debts. I also want him to understand that I don’t want to commit because we have never dated while he has freedom so I don’t know what he’s like when he has options and freedom , off the bracelet. I’m also afraid that his sentence will be many years and there is NO WAY I am willing to wait until I’m 28 or something and he might only want me because I’m the best option for his situation now. I’m not committing years in case he doesn’t truly love me or in case he’s a different person with freedom when he’s released. 0 chance waiting. Even 1 year is pushing it which is the minimum time I suspect the sentencing court needs.
What should I do, without breaking contact with him, but without continuing this girlfriend thing? I don’t mind doing all the girlfriend work and support , but I want to find options and I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to risk my youth if he never fixes his meth and gambling too and I don’t want his debts to affect me. I am very well off in my own right and I’m afraid others will come after me for his debts if they think / know that I am his girlfriend tooo. I also don’t want to lose other guys chasing me right now for a maybe from him. Am I in the wrong for this?
submitted by Faeriesnbubbles to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:27 Purple-Assignment-72 I'm here to apologize

A few weeks ago I made an extremist post on Reddit which had absurd exclamations like "since I'm a half Jew I have an ability in which it is not morally incorrect for me to give an antisemitic statement in regards to the Jewish question". It was in regards to the conflict in the middle east. I said a bunch of things in the post that could come off as hurtful. I'm residing in a halfway house to treat drug addiction. A few days after I made the post there came a new client into the program I'm in, and she's Jewish. It was ironic because it was actually through the scenes that I encountered thanks to drug use that sparked the antisemitism in me (i moved to Texas, meth and Texas coincides with white power movements); but here was this girl who was also a Jewish homeless drug addict. Mind you, the only Jew I really was ever around was my dad and he stopped practicing before I was born. Therefore my experience with Jewish people was limited and therefore biased (I had a terrible relationship with my dad). Meeting this girl made realize not only how stupid the ideology I carried was, but also how much of life is absurd. Anyhow, there was a comment on the post that said that I would now never be claimed as a part of the tribe. I'd be lying if I said that comment didn't feel like a dagger. I grew up in a family in which my dad cut off his family and culture so I never experienced it, and my mom's family lives a thousand miles away. I always felt sort of out of place because of this. I couldn't fit in with anyone. I lowkey wanted for a while to experience Judaism. That comment makes me feel like I can't do that. It's not even that i have the desire to full out participate in the religion, it's that I feel like half of me is completely discredited not only by antisemitism but also by the Jewish people. I guess I'll keep on reading Kabbalah tho, that way I can at least find a way to appreciate my ethnicity.
submitted by Purple-Assignment-72 to Judaism [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:41 Dry_Singer195 Should I leave my church?

This is my first reddit post. This is something that I take seriously and would like some input.
I began attending a church at the start of this year. I am a new believer, and I loved the spirit-filled and welcoming nature of the congregation. However, a few things are making me doubt if I should continue to attend.
Firstly, I recently discovered that a man on the worship team, who is well known and loved by many at the church, is engaged to a Sikh woman, an unbeliever. If he truly believes God’s word (2 Corinthians 6:14) why would he pursue this woman? No one at the church has said anything about it.
Secondly, an unmarried couple that attends the church has just welcomed a baby. I believe all life is precious, but I don’t understand why we are celebrating this child during the services and in the church newsletter. It seems that the couple has no intention of marrying, yet everyone seems to be nothing but joyed for them. (They are among other unmarried couples at church, including members of the worship team.)
Lastly, our church is largely attended by the homeless population, many of whom struggle with substance abuse. I liked that the church seeks to serve everyone. However, one of the members of the worship team is a known meth-addict, and has even been seen to come to Sunday services and other church events high.
I brought up my concerns to one of the pastors, who said he would “have a talk” with the people about which I expressed concern.
The church claims to be “one of the last bible-believing churches” in our town, but I am really doubting if they even take God’s word seriously. I want to be around Christians that share my reverence and respect for the covenant of marriage and God’s word. Am I being overly critical? Are all churches like this? Thoughts?
submitted by Dry_Singer195 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:09 DaRuler192 How to I make the meth,coke,weed go up in the nightclub stock?

How to I make the meth,coke,weed go up in the nightclub stock?
How do I make weed,coke,meth go up in nightclub stock?
submitted by DaRuler192 to GTA5Online [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:04 DescriptionOwn6184 Survivng an abusive and impoverished household. Let's hear some stories. Pull up a stool, grab a beer. Unload.

The creature who spawned me used my name for insurance claims/ healthcare stuff, regularly beat the hell out of me, drank, smoked (cigs, weed, meth). Checked herself into psych wards during Christmas (to make that time about her). Called fuckin' MISS CLEO for Jamaiacan psychic advice. Dragged me to racist towns where being the only brownish kid in a sea of white and black meant near weekly ass-beatings.
Only regular food came from school breakfast and lunches.
LICE. fucking lice was a constant. She'd shave my head with clippers (with no guard) and cut my scalp a few times, sending me to school with that did me no favors.
Any money I made from odd jobs here and there, she'd take. "because you don't pay rent." Never mind that welfare/ food stamps paid for everything. I guess at least I never got molested.
Visited her in '07 after coming back from war. First thing she wanted was for me to sign life insurance papers so when I die she gets a pay day. Haven't talked to her since.
submitted by DescriptionOwn6184 to GrowingUpPoor [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:52 Xethernety St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. : BIG Corporate & Operational Update

SXOOF (ASK @ 0.051)
St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. would like to provide an update on the progress of its battery recycling operations and offer some guidance on the progress of other initiatives.
Battery Operations
Per the terms of the environmental compliance approval issued to EVSX by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the financial assurance required by the Ministry is now in place, having been accepted in the form of an all-cash guarantee.
The Company is now in the process of completing the commissioning of its 4,200 tons per year industrial line at its Thorold, Ontario location, for a final inspection by the pertinent regulatory authorities.
Management is now negotiating the form of the battery allocations with its sponsors and partners. It has also reactivated discussions with suppliers that require recycling credits.
The aim is to use the results obtained in the first three months of battery processing operations to help finance the installation of the first of the larger multi-chemistry lines in storage at the plant.
Entities with large volumes of lithium batteries are soliciting the Company to provide processing capacity. After obtaining an update to its operational and environmental permits, the Company will be better positioned to enter this market segment.
This is expected to occur after accumulating several months of financial and technical data from the operations of its alkaline industrial line.
Management is now planning to use the Thorold plant as its showcase.
All expansion projects outside Thorold are expected to be done via partners, joint ventures, or licensing agreements.
With discussions at different stages, the Company is prioritizing potential partnerships with private and para-public entities with a clear and fast track to permitting and in already established adjacent or complementary operations.
~St-Georges Metallurgy~
Freeing Up Management Resources
EVSX Corp. is the entry point for the Company into the supply of blackmass for St-Georges Metallurgy (SXM), where margins are expected to be significantly more important.
Although industrial operations experience exists within the current management, EVSX should transition from the current management to hired operators in the future.
This move frees up St-Georges management to focus on deploying SXM's blackmass metallurgical processes where expertise is not interchangeable.
Micronutrient and Soil Regeneration Agreement
SXM has entered into an updated agreement with an industrial farming group to process the initial two years of mainly manganese-zinc-potassium hydroxide blackmass that EVSX operations will generate.
The partners expect to create a joint venture following the initial testing period.
The product blend design and the request for government certification will allow the joint venture to sell its high-value micronutrient and soil regenerator blends to big box stores.
Initial research has shown that in some contexts, these products could bring higher profits than the production of ferro-manganese and zinc.
This will provide flexibility to the partners to route the blackmass to the most profitable operations based on market conditions.
U.S. Subsidiary
St-Georges Metallurgy Corp. expects to create a U.S. subsidiary that will allow it to meet some of the requirements for United States Department of Defense Title III grants.
Lithium Technology Licensing Agreement
The Company would also like to disclose that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with LiOH Corp., a corporation created to finance and market SXM lithium technology.
Frank Dumas, an officer of St-Georges, is the company's president, and certain officers, directors, and shareholders of St-Georges have become shareholders of the new entity.
The Intellectual Property license is not transferable and is limited to the processing of mining feedstock exclusively.
Hybrid operations, from battery blackmass, metal recycling, and other mineral sources supplemented by primary mined material, are not part of the license and are still expected to be operated by SXM.
LiOH will pay all cash disbursements required to finance and operate the initial showcase lithium nitrate and lithium hydroxide operations.
The initial budget calls for disbursements of $5m to $8m. No cash commitment from SXM is required. Equipment manufacturers and governments are expected to contribute to portions of the financing.
St-Georges will not have to raise money for this operation, and its contribution is limited to access to its scientists and innovation team.
LiOH will finance any potential IP challenge. A timeline established by the partners requires disseminating a feasibility study and starting the preliminary engineering work for the larger industrial plant by March 31, 2027.
St-Georges will receive 8% of the outstanding shares of LiOH either at the time of a public listing or at the start of the commercial operations that coincide with the start of the regular royalty payments.
LiOH will pay an initial advance royalty fee of $125,000 before year-end and will pay advance royalty fees of $125,000 each year until commercial operations start.
Royalty Calculation
For all its operations, LiOH shall pay SX Royalties as follows:
For the period starting from the date on which LiOH starts to process lithium-bearing material until the date the cumulative operations reached the milestone of 10,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed in connection with the Manufacture of Licensed Product (the "First Royalty") there are no Royalties payable.
For the period starting from the date on which LiOH reaches the initial milestone of 10,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed and for the initial 250,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed annually, the Royalties owed per quarter, shall be equal to three percent (3%) of the Net Sales of Licensed Product Manufactured and sold within the relevant quarter and when payment for the product is received.
For the period starting from the second milestone where LiOH reaches an annual processing production for lithium-bearing material in excess of the initial 250,000 tons annually, the excess production of Licensed Product will be applied (the "Second Royalty"),
Royalty payments shall be calculated and accrued on a quarterly basis and pro-rated, as applicable, per calendar year [(i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31)] and LiOH shall pay to SX all outstanding amounts within thirty (30) days of the reception of payment for the products sold.
LiOH shall deliver a business summary for every quarter that summarizes, among other things, the gross amount billed and calculation of Net Sales for the Licensed Products.
Each payment shall be accompanied by a statement indicating the calculation of the Royalties for each Plant in Operation.
Royalty Buy Back Right on "Second Royalty":
During the Second Royalty Term, at any time after a Plant has reached a processing level of 250,000 tons or more of spodumene in connection with the Manufacture of Licensed Products, LiOH shall have the right (the "Royalty Buy Back Option") to repurchase a portion of SX's right, title and interest in and to the Royalties hereunder in consideration of paying CA $25,000,000 (the "Buy Back Price").
Upon payment of the Buy Back Price, the Royalties shall be reduced from five percent (5%) of the Net Sales to three percent (3%) of the Net Sale. LiOH may exercise the Royalty Buy Back Option by delivering to SX a written notice of exercise (the "Royalty Buy Back Notice") at any moment and the buy back of the second royalty will become effective on the 1st day of the following quarter. Thereafter, the Royalties set out in Section 3.2.1(C) shall be reduced to three percent (3%) for the remainder of the Second Royalty Term.
Demonstration Plant
The Company is working on a US$7.5m financing for which it has received interest and is initiating due diligence with institutions' placees.
Current operations are setting up the demonstration plant in Seoul, South Korea. H2SX is expected to contribute equally to the proposed budget to put the plant into operation with its Korean partner and the South Korean government.
Ownership Dilution
St-Georges expects to have its position diluted by the current financing and might also sell portions of its holding to stay under 20% of the total equity of H2SX.
New Intellectual Property
H2SX expects to receive an exclusive and perpetual license for two new provisional patents covering a newly discovered method to make battery-grade carbon with methane-generated hydrogen as a by-product.
~St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp~
Québec Exploration
A more comprehensive press release that covers the operations at Manicouagan, an update on permits and technical NI 43-101 reports, and 2024 exploration plans will be issued.
It will also include the initial observations on a prospective niobium discovery that is taking shape on the Notre-Dame Niobium Critical Minerals Project.
~Iceland Resources~
IR is completing due diligence with companies that have shown interest in investing directly into its equity prior to its proposed spin off via a plan of arrangement and the listing of its shares in Europe and North America. The Company is also in the process of assembling a team of seasoned directors and executives in preparation for its next phase of development.
~Other Corporate Matters~
Fenix Battery Metals Inc.
The Company is currently negotiating with and expects to finalize a detailed agreement with FeNiX Battery Metals, a company led by Enrico Di Cesare, a director and officer of St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. FeNiX would be responsible for financing all its operations. An equity payment would be received by St-Georges in shares of FeNiX prior to a going public transaction.
FeNiX has developed metallurgical technologies that could significantly improve the bottom line and the environmental record of the iron and steel-making industry.
The developments for ferro nickel and ferro manganese are of strategic interest for the St-Georges ecosystem.
Financing Offering
The Company is expecting to announce a financing offering for $500k to $750k in the form of a convertible debenture with two half warrants per tranche of unit value of $0.10. The conversion mechanism shall be a discount to market at the time of the conversion.
The interest will be paid in shares of the Company on a quarterly basis.
The Company expects to announce the details of the financing in a future press release. The proceeds would be used to launch the operations at its Thorold, Ontario plant and for administrative purposes.
~‘Neha Edah Tally"~ NEHA EDAH TALLY Corporate Secretary of St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
~About St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.~
St-Georges develops new technologies to solve some of the most common environmental problems in the mining sector, including maximizing metal recovery and full-circle battery recycling.
The Company explores for nickel & PGEs on the Manicouagan and Julie Projects on Quebec's North Shore and has multiple exploration projects in Iceland, including the Thor Gold Project.
Headquartered in Montreal, StGeorges' stock is listed on the CSE under the symbol SX and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol 85G1 and as SXOOF on the OTCQB Venture Market for early stage and developing U.S. and international companies.
Companies are current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process. Investors can find Real-Time quotes and market information for the company on
Visit the Company website at For all other inquiries: [](
The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of the contents of this release.
SOURCE: St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
submitted by Xethernety to pennystocks_No_Rules [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:51 Xethernety St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. : BIG Corporate & Operational Update

SXOOF (ASK @ 0.051)
Battery Operations
Per the terms of the environmental compliance approval issued to EVSX by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the financial assurance required by the Ministry is now in place, having been accepted in the form of an all-cash guarantee.
The Company is now in the process of completing the commissioning of its 4,200 tons per year industrial line at its Thorold, Ontario location, for a final inspection by the pertinent regulatory authorities.
Management is now negotiating the form of the battery allocations with its sponsors and partners. It has also reactivated discussions with suppliers that require recycling credits.
The aim is to use the results obtained in the first three months of battery processing operations to help finance the installation of the first of the larger multi-chemistry lines in storage at the plant.
Entities with large volumes of lithium batteries are soliciting the Company to provide processing capacity. After obtaining an update to its operational and environmental permits, the Company will be better positioned to enter this market segment.
This is expected to occur after accumulating several months of financial and technical data from the operations of its alkaline industrial line.
Management is now planning to use the Thorold plant as its showcase.
All expansion projects outside Thorold are expected to be done via partners, joint ventures, or licensing agreements.
With discussions at different stages, the Company is prioritizing potential partnerships with private and para-public entities with a clear and fast track to permitting and in already established adjacent or complementary operations.
~St-Georges Metallurgy~
Freeing Up Management Resources
EVSX Corp. is the entry point for the Company into the supply of blackmass for St-Georges Metallurgy (SXM), where margins are expected to be significantly more important.
Although industrial operations experience exists within the current management, EVSX should transition from the current management to hired operators in the future.
This move frees up St-Georges management to focus on deploying SXM's blackmass metallurgical processes where expertise is not interchangeable.
Micronutrient and Soil Regeneration Agreement
SXM has entered into an updated agreement with an industrial farming group to process the initial two years of mainly manganese-zinc-potassium hydroxide blackmass that EVSX operations will generate.
The partners expect to create a joint venture following the initial testing period.
The product blend design and the request for government certification will allow the joint venture to sell its high-value micronutrient and soil regenerator blends to big box stores.
Initial research has shown that in some contexts, these products could bring higher profits than the production of ferro-manganese and zinc.
This will provide flexibility to the partners to route the blackmass to the most profitable operations based on market conditions.
U.S. Subsidiary
St-Georges Metallurgy Corp. expects to create a U.S. subsidiary that will allow it to meet some of the requirements for United States Department of Defense Title III grants.
Lithium Technology Licensing Agreement
The Company would also like to disclose that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with LiOH Corp., a corporation created to finance and market SXM lithium technology.
Frank Dumas, an officer of St-Georges, is the company's president, and certain officers, directors, and shareholders of St-Georges have become shareholders of the new entity.
The Intellectual Property license is not transferable and is limited to the processing of mining feedstock exclusively.
Hybrid operations, from battery blackmass, metal recycling, and other mineral sources supplemented by primary mined material, are not part of the license and are still expected to be operated by SXM.
LiOH will pay all cash disbursements required to finance and operate the initial showcase lithium nitrate and lithium hydroxide operations.
The initial budget calls for disbursements of $5m to $8m. No cash commitment from SXM is required. Equipment manufacturers and governments are expected to contribute to portions of the financing.
St-Georges will not have to raise money for this operation, and its contribution is limited to access to its scientists and innovation team.
LiOH will finance any potential IP challenge. A timeline established by the partners requires disseminating a feasibility study and starting the preliminary engineering work for the larger industrial plant by March 31, 2027.
St-Georges will receive 8% of the outstanding shares of LiOH either at the time of a public listing or at the start of the commercial operations that coincide with the start of the regular royalty payments.
LiOH will pay an initial advance royalty fee of $125,000 before year-end and will pay advance royalty fees of $125,000 each year until commercial operations start.
Royalty Calculation
For all its operations, LiOH shall pay SX Royalties as follows:
For the period starting from the date on which LiOH starts to process lithium-bearing material until the date the cumulative operations reached the milestone of 10,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed in connection with the Manufacture of Licensed Product (the "First Royalty") there are no Royalties payable.
For the period starting from the date on which LiOH reaches the initial milestone of 10,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed and for the initial 250,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed annually, the Royalties owed per quarter, shall be equal to three percent (3%) of the Net Sales of Licensed Product Manufactured and sold within the relevant quarter and when payment for the product is received.
For the period starting from the second milestone where LiOH reaches an annual processing production for lithium-bearing material in excess of the initial 250,000 tons annually, the excess production of Licensed Product will be applied (the "Second Royalty"),
Royalty payments shall be calculated and accrued on a quarterly basis and pro-rated, as applicable, per calendar year [(i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31)] and LiOH shall pay to SX all outstanding amounts within thirty (30) days of the reception of payment for the products sold.
LiOH shall deliver a business summary for every quarter that summarizes, among other things, the gross amount billed and calculation of Net Sales for the Licensed Products.
Each payment shall be accompanied by a statement indicating the calculation of the Royalties for each Plant in Operation.
Royalty Buy Back Right on "Second Royalty":
During the Second Royalty Term, at any time after a Plant has reached a processing level of 250,000 tons or more of spodumene in connection with the Manufacture of Licensed Products, LiOH shall have the right (the "Royalty Buy Back Option") to repurchase a portion of SX's right, title and interest in and to the Royalties hereunder in consideration of paying CA $25,000,000 (the "Buy Back Price").
Upon payment of the Buy Back Price, the Royalties shall be reduced from five percent (5%) of the Net Sales to three percent (3%) of the Net Sale. LiOH may exercise the Royalty Buy Back Option by delivering to SX a written notice of exercise (the "Royalty Buy Back Notice") at any moment and the buy back of the second royalty will become effective on the 1st day of the following quarter. Thereafter, the Royalties set out in Section 3.2.1(C) shall be reduced to three percent (3%) for the remainder of the Second Royalty Term.
Demonstration Plant
The Company is working on a US$7.5m financing for which it has received interest and is initiating due diligence with institutions' placees.
Current operations are setting up the demonstration plant in Seoul, South Korea. H2SX is expected to contribute equally to the proposed budget to put the plant into operation with its Korean partner and the South Korean government.
Ownership Dilution
St-Georges expects to have its position diluted by the current financing and might also sell portions of its holding to stay under 20% of the total equity of H2SX.
New Intellectual Property
H2SX expects to receive an exclusive and perpetual license for two new provisional patents covering a newly discovered method to make battery-grade carbon with methane-generated hydrogen as a by-product.
~St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp~
Québec Exploration
A more comprehensive press release that covers the operations at Manicouagan, an update on permits and technical NI 43-101 reports, and 2024 exploration plans will be issued.
It will also include the initial observations on a prospective niobium discovery that is taking shape on the Notre-Dame Niobium Critical Minerals Project.
~Iceland Resources~
IR is completing due diligence with companies that have shown interest in investing directly into its equity prior to its proposed spin off via a plan of arrangement and the listing of its shares in Europe and North America. The Company is also in the process of assembling a team of seasoned directors and executives in preparation for its next phase of development.
~Other Corporate Matters~
Fenix Battery Metals Inc.
The Company is currently negotiating with and expects to finalize a detailed agreement with FeNiX Battery Metals, a company led by Enrico Di Cesare, a director and officer of St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. FeNiX would be responsible for financing all its operations. An equity payment would be received by St-Georges in shares of FeNiX prior to a going public transaction.
FeNiX has developed metallurgical technologies that could significantly improve the bottom line and the environmental record of the iron and steel-making industry.
The developments for ferro nickel and ferro manganese are of strategic interest for the St-Georges ecosystem.
Financing Offering
The Company is expecting to announce a financing offering for $500k to $750k in the form of a convertible debenture with two half warrants per tranche of unit value of $0.10. The conversion mechanism shall be a discount to market at the time of the conversion.
The interest will be paid in shares of the Company on a quarterly basis.
The Company expects to announce the details of the financing in a future press release. The proceeds would be used to launch the operations at its Thorold, Ontario plant and for administrative purposes.
~‘Neha Edah Tally"~ NEHA EDAH TALLY Corporate Secretary of St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
~About St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.~
St-Georges develops new technologies to solve some of the most common environmental problems in the mining sector, including maximizing metal recovery and full-circle battery recycling.
The Company explores for nickel & PGEs on the Manicouagan and Julie Projects on Quebec's North Shore and has multiple exploration projects in Iceland, including the Thor Gold Project.
Headquartered in Montreal, StGeorges' stock is listed on the CSE under the symbol SX and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol 85G1 and as SXOOF on the OTCQB Venture Market for early stage and developing U.S. and international companies.
Companies are current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process. Investors can find Real-Time quotes and market information for the company on
Visit the Company website at For all other inquiries: [](
The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of the contents of this release.
SOURCE: St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
submitted by Xethernety to Penny_Stock_USA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:51 Xethernety St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. : BIG Corporate & Operational Update

SX.CN (ASK @ 0.07)
Battery Operations
Per the terms of the environmental compliance approval issued to EVSX by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the financial assurance required by the Ministry is now in place, having been accepted in the form of an all-cash guarantee.
The Company is now in the process of completing the commissioning of its 4,200 tons per year industrial line at its Thorold, Ontario location, for a final inspection by the pertinent regulatory authorities.
Management is now negotiating the form of the battery allocations with its sponsors and partners. It has also reactivated discussions with suppliers that require recycling credits.
The aim is to use the results obtained in the first three months of battery processing operations to help finance the installation of the first of the larger multi-chemistry lines in storage at the plant.
Entities with large volumes of lithium batteries are soliciting the Company to provide processing capacity. After obtaining an update to its operational and environmental permits, the Company will be better positioned to enter this market segment.
This is expected to occur after accumulating several months of financial and technical data from the operations of its alkaline industrial line.
Management is now planning to use the Thorold plant as its showcase.
All expansion projects outside Thorold are expected to be done via partners, joint ventures, or licensing agreements.
With discussions at different stages, the Company is prioritizing potential partnerships with private and para-public entities with a clear and fast track to permitting and in already established adjacent or complementary operations.
~St-Georges Metallurgy~
Freeing Up Management Resources
EVSX Corp. is the entry point for the Company into the supply of blackmass for St-Georges Metallurgy (SXM), where margins are expected to be significantly more important.
Although industrial operations experience exists within the current management, EVSX should transition from the current management to hired operators in the future.
This move frees up St-Georges management to focus on deploying SXM's blackmass metallurgical processes where expertise is not interchangeable.
Micronutrient and Soil Regeneration Agreement
SXM has entered into an updated agreement with an industrial farming group to process the initial two years of mainly manganese-zinc-potassium hydroxide blackmass that EVSX operations will generate.
The partners expect to create a joint venture following the initial testing period.
The product blend design and the request for government certification will allow the joint venture to sell its high-value micronutrient and soil regenerator blends to big box stores.
Initial research has shown that in some contexts, these products could bring higher profits than the production of ferro-manganese and zinc.
This will provide flexibility to the partners to route the blackmass to the most profitable operations based on market conditions.
U.S. Subsidiary
St-Georges Metallurgy Corp. expects to create a U.S. subsidiary that will allow it to meet some of the requirements for United States Department of Defense Title III grants.
Lithium Technology Licensing Agreement
The Company would also like to disclose that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with LiOH Corp., a corporation created to finance and market SXM lithium technology.
Frank Dumas, an officer of St-Georges, is the company's president, and certain officers, directors, and shareholders of St-Georges have become shareholders of the new entity.
The Intellectual Property license is not transferable and is limited to the processing of mining feedstock exclusively.
Hybrid operations, from battery blackmass, metal recycling, and other mineral sources supplemented by primary mined material, are not part of the license and are still expected to be operated by SXM.
LiOH will pay all cash disbursements required to finance and operate the initial showcase lithium nitrate and lithium hydroxide operations.
The initial budget calls for disbursements of $5m to $8m. No cash commitment from SXM is required. Equipment manufacturers and governments are expected to contribute to portions of the financing.
St-Georges will not have to raise money for this operation, and its contribution is limited to access to its scientists and innovation team.
LiOH will finance any potential IP challenge. A timeline established by the partners requires disseminating a feasibility study and starting the preliminary engineering work for the larger industrial plant by March 31, 2027.
St-Georges will receive 8% of the outstanding shares of LiOH either at the time of a public listing or at the start of the commercial operations that coincide with the start of the regular royalty payments.
LiOH will pay an initial advance royalty fee of $125,000 before year-end and will pay advance royalty fees of $125,000 each year until commercial operations start.
Royalty Calculation
For all its operations, LiOH shall pay SX Royalties as follows:
For the period starting from the date on which LiOH starts to process lithium-bearing material until the date the cumulative operations reached the milestone of 10,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed in connection with the Manufacture of Licensed Product (the "First Royalty") there are no Royalties payable.
For the period starting from the date on which LiOH reaches the initial milestone of 10,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed and for the initial 250,000 tons of lithium-bearing material being processed annually, the Royalties owed per quarter, shall be equal to three percent (3%) of the Net Sales of Licensed Product Manufactured and sold within the relevant quarter and when payment for the product is received.
For the period starting from the second milestone where LiOH reaches an annual processing production for lithium-bearing material in excess of the initial 250,000 tons annually, the excess production of Licensed Product will be applied (the "Second Royalty"),
Royalty payments shall be calculated and accrued on a quarterly basis and pro-rated, as applicable, per calendar year [(i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31)] and LiOH shall pay to SX all outstanding amounts within thirty (30) days of the reception of payment for the products sold.
LiOH shall deliver a business summary for every quarter that summarizes, among other things, the gross amount billed and calculation of Net Sales for the Licensed Products.
Each payment shall be accompanied by a statement indicating the calculation of the Royalties for each Plant in Operation.
Royalty Buy Back Right on "Second Royalty":
During the Second Royalty Term, at any time after a Plant has reached a processing level of 250,000 tons or more of spodumene in connection with the Manufacture of Licensed Products, LiOH shall have the right (the "Royalty Buy Back Option") to repurchase a portion of SX's right, title and interest in and to the Royalties hereunder in consideration of paying CA $25,000,000 (the "Buy Back Price").
Upon payment of the Buy Back Price, the Royalties shall be reduced from five percent (5%) of the Net Sales to three percent (3%) of the Net Sale. LiOH may exercise the Royalty Buy Back Option by delivering to SX a written notice of exercise (the "Royalty Buy Back Notice") at any moment and the buy back of the second royalty will become effective on the 1st day of the following quarter. Thereafter, the Royalties set out in Section 3.2.1(C) shall be reduced to three percent (3%) for the remainder of the Second Royalty Term.
Demonstration Plant
The Company is working on a US$7.5m financing for which it has received interest and is initiating due diligence with institutions' placees.
Current operations are setting up the demonstration plant in Seoul, South Korea. H2SX is expected to contribute equally to the proposed budget to put the plant into operation with its Korean partner and the South Korean government.
Ownership Dilution
St-Georges expects to have its position diluted by the current financing and might also sell portions of its holding to stay under 20% of the total equity of H2SX.
New Intellectual Property
H2SX expects to receive an exclusive and perpetual license for two new provisional patents covering a newly discovered method to make battery-grade carbon with methane-generated hydrogen as a by-product.
~St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp~
Québec Exploration
A more comprehensive press release that covers the operations at Manicouagan, an update on permits and technical NI 43-101 reports, and 2024 exploration plans will be issued.
It will also include the initial observations on a prospective niobium discovery that is taking shape on the Notre-Dame Niobium Critical Minerals Project.
~Iceland Resources~
IR is completing due diligence with companies that have shown interest in investing directly into its equity prior to its proposed spin off via a plan of arrangement and the listing of its shares in Europe and North America. The Company is also in the process of assembling a team of seasoned directors and executives in preparation for its next phase of development.
~Other Corporate Matters~
Fenix Battery Metals Inc.
The Company is currently negotiating with and expects to finalize a detailed agreement with FeNiX Battery Metals, a company led by Enrico Di Cesare, a director and officer of St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. FeNiX would be responsible for financing all its operations. An equity payment would be received by St-Georges in shares of FeNiX prior to a going public transaction.
FeNiX has developed metallurgical technologies that could significantly improve the bottom line and the environmental record of the iron and steel-making industry.
The developments for ferro nickel and ferro manganese are of strategic interest for the St-Georges ecosystem.
Financing Offering
The Company is expecting to announce a financing offering for $500k to $750k in the form of a convertible debenture with two half warrants per tranche of unit value of $0.10. The conversion mechanism shall be a discount to market at the time of the conversion.
The interest will be paid in shares of the Company on a quarterly basis.
The Company expects to announce the details of the financing in a future press release. The proceeds would be used to launch the operations at its Thorold, Ontario plant and for administrative purposes.
~‘Neha Edah Tally"~ NEHA EDAH TALLY Corporate Secretary of St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
~About St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.~
St-Georges develops new technologies to solve some of the most common environmental problems in the mining sector, including maximizing metal recovery and full-circle battery recycling.
The Company explores for nickel & PGEs on the Manicouagan and Julie Projects on Quebec's North Shore and has multiple exploration projects in Iceland, including the Thor Gold Project.
Headquartered in Montreal, StGeorges' stock is listed on the CSE under the symbol SX and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol 85G1 and as SXOOF on the OTCQB Venture Market for early stage and developing U.S. and international companies.
Companies are current in their reporting and undergo an annual verification and management certification process. Investors can find Real-Time quotes and market information for the company on
Visit the Company website at For all other inquiries: [](
The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of the contents of this release.
SOURCE: St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.
submitted by Xethernety to Penny_Stocks_Canada [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:48 Thinking_hard_about Storyboard for Mathew 3,1-6

Storyboard for Mathew 3,1-6 submitted by Thinking_hard_about to OpenGospelAnimation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:26 Megumin34 Can we please get rid of ''Final Charge'' as a mechanic?

Look, i'll be honest here. I've taken an extensive break from the game after launch, came back in for Syntax Error, played a bit enjoyed it and only now returned to it for what i hoped would be a longer time, but im already tethering on the edge of uninstalling.
I HATE the Final Charge mechanic, its just artificial difficulty and the triggers for it are so messy. Pickup wrong painting in Surphazhe and you have to deal with it the entire heist, even in others like Cook Off it kicks in far too early.
Why can't we just have it like in PD2 where the waves keep going but strongemore units start appearing, but still allow us about a 20 second reprieve between waves to actually get things done. I despise being rushed to do objectives because of an 'artificial' timer that just goes ''Yeah get out of here now cause we said so'' its a massive punch in the gut.
I understand the idea behind a ''Point of No Return'' mechanic, it happened in Go Bank in PD2, Car Dealership, Birth of Sky (iirc) and others. In those, it occurred and the justification for it even made sense, sending the literal army on you which we obviously want to avoid.
It doesn't actively detract from the experience in PD2. In PD3 if you trigger 'Final Charge'' too early you just get punished for trying to play the game.
Also, can we PLEASE get the bots to revive each other. I can't fathom how that still isnt happening.
Mini rant over.
Edit - Since this got some attention. Fixing the bots so they can revive each other is literaly essential for Solo play. Let me enjoy your game Starbreeze. I don't need them to be terminators, i just need them to be able to stand their ground and contribute.
To add to the Final Charge discussion. I much much prefer PD2s escalating waves, let ME, the player decide when its time to back out because the odds are getting overwhelming or i've achieved what i wanted. If i want to spend an entire day on Cook Off with bots cooking meth, let me have the chance to do so.
Right now it feels like we're being punished for wanting to play the game a certain way, anything that isnt ''Do the objective as fast as possible'' is being completely hindered as a playstyle option.
My favorite thing to do in PD2 was take my time, methodically reposition BETWEEN WAVES and always make progress to the end goal, escaping with as much loot as possible. Having heists where a 'Point of No Return' kicks in is fine, doing it on EVERY heist is just.. im sorry to say, thats bad game design.
Final Charge could work on paper, but the way its implemented makes me want to stop playing whenever the warning for it appears and not bother continuing.
submitted by Megumin34 to paydaytheheist [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:18 yousername543 To all the people that come weekly to this sub asking on how to become better at Draven, I gotchu!

❗STEP 1: It is by insane importance that YOU abuse stimulants! It doesn't matter what kind of stimulant, be it Coke, Amphetamines, Adderall, Meth or research chemicals. Caffeine does NOT count!!
❗STEP 2: Listen to EDM. Here aswell, it does NOT matter which kind of. Be it Hardstyle, Frenchcore, Psy Trance or Schranz. But do NOT listen to House music!!! I repeat: HOUSE IS FORBIDDEN!!!
❗STEP 3: Do NOT be above Honor Level 0. If you have any other Honor Level other than LOCKED, you cannot FULFILL your 1v9 DRAVEN DOMINATOR DUTY!! YOUR HONOR HAS TO BE LOCKED AT LVL 0!!!
❗STEP 4: Be insanely toxic. If YOU want to become TRUE Draven Domination Player YOU have to be toxic!! ANNOUNCE YOUR ARRIVAL IMMEDITAELY WHEN THE LOBBY HAS BEEN FOUND!! If support types start of with something simple and light like ''You are now on my leash I will not allow you to talk''!!! In champ select start QUESTIONING your SUPPORTS PICK!! Flame your support for picking one of these champs:
❗ This Is From Huge Importance. If Your Blood Is Not Boiling Seeing Any Of Those Picked You Cannot 1v9 Dominate. Unless You Are Dead Inside You Are Doing Something Wrong. ❗
❗STEP 5: PINGS are YOUR friends. Spam ping any lane dying, spam ping mistakes your support makes, spam ping anything and everything. YOU NEED TO PING. Otherwise NO Domination is possible. YOU need to be the loudest in the lobby.
❗STEP 7: DRABEN DOES NOT LOSE A GAME. HE SIMPLY REFUSES TO WIN. If your laning phase was subpar and you do not get out of it with 3 BF SWORDS in 6 minutes, the game is now in your HANDS. 🙏YOU dictate the OUTCOME of the game.
submitted by yousername543 to Draven [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:52 nickonreddit123 This show isn't even about meth

It's all about walt's ego. His ego is the ONLY thing that keeps the story and hence, show going.
First of all, the thing that starts it all, walter being financially insecure. It was because he left the company he made just because his ego could not stand his partner being richer than him. And the mf has the audacity to be angry on the fact that his past friends are making cash on his work. Well boohoo bitch! People have the right to make money like they want to (unless it's ILLEGAL), and you could also have your credit, in fact, much more than gretchen and elliot, had you been not so egoistic to leave the company.
Then those past friends of yours not only offer you a good job in your company and pay for your chemo (and they would have surely made you their partner in bussiness) but you were egoistic enough to take the offers.
Then a drug kingpin offers you huge money to cook meth for him with a man he chose. You can have any working hours you desire as long as you cook the amount that is required on a weekly basis, but you chose to have a partner which is not your partner but a boy you can keep under your thumb and isn't and for you, can never be as good as you, which leads to the former chosen partner get killed for no reason because of your ego.
Then your brother in law comes to a wrong conclusion that someone else is heisenberg and is about to close the case but you think how can a person take the credit of it all, so you get your brother deeper into the case why, because of your damn EGO.
And the worst part, you made a boy suffer so much that the boy didn't deserve, even though the boy was no angel
submitted by nickonreddit123 to breakingbad [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:35 thelansis Stable Angina – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033

Stable Angina – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
Stable angina, or typical angina or angina pectoris, is a symptom of myocardial ischemia, characterized by chest discomfort or anginal equivalent triggered by exertion and relieved at rest or with nitroglycerin. This symptom arises from a supply-demand mismatch, where myocardial oxygen demand momentarily surpasses supply, often manifesting symptoms. The primary cause of stable angina is coronary artery stenosis, most frequently experienced during or after exercise, particularly in individuals with atherosclerosis. This condition leads to inadequate blood and oxygen delivery to actively respiring myocardial tissue, causing ischemia without myocardial necrosis, reflected in mostly normal biomarkers in blood. However, cardiac troponin release can aid in risk assessment. Chronic stable angina, recurring at a fixed rate-pressure product, contrasts with unstable and variant angina. Variant angina, or Prinzmetal angina, stems from coronary artery vasospasm, potentially leading to infarction but typically managed with vasodilators. Unstable angina, occurring at rest or waking patients at night, signifies a critical warning of impending myocardial infarction, also known as preinfarction angina. Chronic stable angina worsening with reduced exercise intensity may also indicate instability. In managing chronic stable angina, antianginal therapy continuity is vital perioperatively, with β-blockers maintained until the operation, preferably using long-acting preparations like nadolol or atenolol. Intravenous administration, such as propranolol, metoprolol, or esmolol, may be necessary if oral intake is delayed postoperatively, with a prompt shift back to oral therapy. Patients on long-term calcium channel antagonist treatment often receive oral preparations preoperatively, switching to intravenous or topical nitrates if oral intake is delayed, with intravenous options limited to verapamil and diltiazem.
Thelansis’s “Stable Angina Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033" covers disease overview, epidemiology, drug utilization, prescription share analysis, competitive landscape, clinical practice, regulatory landscape, patient share, market uptake, market forecast, and key market insights under the potential Stable Angina treatment modalities options for eight major markets (USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and China).
KOLs insights of Stable Angina across 8 MM market from the centre of Excellence/ Public/ Private hospitals participated in the study. Insights around current treatment landscape, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, future treatment paradigm, and Unmet needs.
Stable Angina Market Forecast Patient Based Forecast Model (MS. Excel Based Automated Dashboard), which Data Inputs with sourcing, Market Event, and Product Event, Country specific Forecast Model, Market uptake and patient share uptake, Attribute Analysis, Analog Analysis, Disease burden, and pricing scenario, Summary, and Insights.
Thelansis Competitive Intelligence (CI) practice has been established based on a deep understanding of the pharma/biotech business environment to provide an optimized support system to all levels of the decision-making process. It enables business leaders in forward-thinking and proactive decision-making. Thelansis supports scientific and commercial teams in seamless CI support by creating an AI/ ML-based technology-driven platform that manages the data flow from primary and secondary sources.
Read more: Stable Angina – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
submitted by thelansis to u/thelansis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:55 Rare_Construction838 AITAH for kicking my friend out of my house?

My friend of ten years called me up and said he was going through some shit and needed to move out of the town he was in (small population). I had two spare rooms in my house at the time and told him he could move here (Norfolk, VA) and I’ll just charge him $200/month to offset utilities so he can get back on his feet. I am currently in the Navy and I get out in two weeks with an honorable discharge, and I have a security clearance.
First red flag: He called me when going through TSA that he may get arrested because he doesn’t know if he left a meth rock in his bag. I had no idea he was doing any sort of hard drugs. I was aware of some coke use from years back when he was an alcoholic, but he had been sober, from alcohol, for two years. I recently quit drinking and was excited for to have that support in my own sobriety.
2nd: He started smoking weed in my house. I told him he can’t do that since I don’t want to pop positive on any random drug test at work. He said that’s fine, but continued anyway. He also lost a weed pen in my car and told me days later. If I had been randomly searched at the base gate, I would face federal law and be punished and ultimately kicked out of the Navy with none of my benefits from serving four years. I told him that was unacceptable and to never bring anything like that into my vehicle. He agreed and we left it at that. He’s also having his sister mail him weed to my home from Oregon, which I’m also against and told him to stop.
3rd: He’s gay, I have no issue with that, as my spouse and I are both queer. He started sneaking different men from Grindr for hooking up in the middle of the night, as well as buying, selling, and smoking drugs on my front porch. I know this from my four dogs alerting me, my ring camera, and my ADT security system going off. I told him I can’t have rotating strangers I don’t trust in my home. My spouse and I had a traumatic experience during seasonal work with the national park system where a schizophrenic meth-head tried to kill us in employee housing. I worked hard to be where I am and have the sense of security in my own home. It’s a triggering experience when someone I don’t know is in my home without my consent. He’s aware of this. I told him only have your ‘regular’ hookup/s over, give me a heads up so I can put valuables up, and let me introduce them to my dogs so they don’t attack. He agreed to those terms. But continued on with his behavior.
4th: He lost four copies of my house key in the span of the three months this has been going on. I don’t know where they are. I don’t know if he left them at some Grindr dudes place, or if that person knows they’re to my home from coming here, etc. I said that’s unacceptable and he needs to pay for the next copy or find any of the missing ones. He refused to pay for a new copy and never found the others. Now he calls me in the middle of the night (2-4am) to be let in.
5th: He hasn’t paid rent in two months. He works full time at $15/hr, bills total $300/month before rent ($200), goes to the food bank for groceries, etc.
I told him on the 1st that he needs to be gone by July 1st because legally I have to give him 30days notice. He said he’s broke and can’t afford to leave. Also saying a month isn’t a fair amount of time. I told him I’ll pay for his flight home if he just leaves asap. He then demanded I pay him $1000 cash if I wanted him gone before those thirty days. I told him no, and that I don’t trust him in my home.
Am I out of line?? Am I wrong for wanting to cut ties and wash my hands of this? I’m giving up my oldest friendship and he’s making me feel crazy for needing him gone. My spouse and I can’t sleep. One of my dogs has chewed their tail raw from anxiety, and I’m now having to treat that. Should I just pay him the $1000 to gtfo of my house? I want to call narcotics and vice to have them search his room and remove any drugs. I feel like that’s extreme but is it? I feel gaslit and nearing 4months of sobriety and doing everything to cope healthily.
If you read this far, please help.
submitted by Rare_Construction838 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:54 EmergencyAd5046 I’m struggling

My mind is broken. Has been for so many years. Just got out of an incredibly toxic relationship where I was being used financially and mentally and as a step father to her two kids. The worst part is, I knew it from day one. She’s a recovering heroin addict. There were so many red flags it’s a joke. I’m not your typical simp idiot that will settle for whatever lady lets me lay down on top of her (any Norm fans), I’ve known her since high school and always had the HUGEST crush on her. She randomly reconnected with me in my early 30s and I’ve wasted the last 3 years being that typical lonely idiot thinking I could “fix her”. I’m not able to have kids anymore and I’ve always wanted a kid of my own. My gf is high school aborted our child after we agreed to keep it and that has destroyed my self esteem. I graduated 16 years ago and depression has only gotten worse. Over the last few years I grew insanely attached to her two fatherless daughters (one is dead due to a bad crack deal and the other is addicted to meth and heroin). I’ve done so much for those girls and the woman I’ve wanted since I was 16. Then today (I know I shouldn’t have but I knew there was something up) I went through her purse and found more drugs and more messages to guys she used to fool around with for drugs. This isn’t the first time either. I finally ended it, well she did of course. Then I did something really stupid and will probably end up in jail. No, I didn’t assault her in anyway, shape or form. That’s not me. But she told me she was home so I went there and waited for hours just for her mom to tell me she left hours ago and told her she was coming to my house. I’m left shattered. I’m an ugly guy, my teeth are beyond hit, I have fallen out of shape over the last two years, and to top it off I have genital herpes she gave me. Turns out in the years we lost contact she fell into heroin and then fentanyl and was turning tricks at her lowest point. Which I forgave her for because I’ve had drug issues and I get it. I was perfect to her (as much as one can be) and her kids look at me almost as a father which makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. But now I find out she’s back to her old ways. And I know I need to end it. Which I never can. So I did something stupid to make sure it’s ended. Idk why I’m posting this. I have no friends I can talk to and no family left alive. It’s just me. And I can’t take much more of this. Thanatos for taking the time to read this. Please don’t take pity on me. So many people have it worse off. I just don’t want to be alone. I know I need some sort of therapy probably. But I’m not a strong believer in all that. I’m just really close to giving up. I need to know someone cares. And in my personal life, I know that no one really does. I’m breaking down worse than I ever have and am scared of the outcome. I’m sorry for this whiney post.
submitted by EmergencyAd5046 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:45 Emotional_Ad_5926 Can a charge pipe make a weird induction sound due to maybe an air leak?

I have an m135i with an upgraded charge pipe. Before I fitted it I had to make sure I closed off 2 of the optional meth injector holes ( not sure what they’re actually called ). But I’ve noticed recently theres a pretty loud induction noise coming from I think the charge pipe. Maybe it could be the rubber seal needs replacing also? Also noticed a slight loss of power on 3rd gear like it bogs but then comes back on strong.
submitted by Emotional_Ad_5926 to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:45 Emotional_Ad_5926 Can a charge pipe make a weird induction sound due to maybe an air leak?

Can a charge pipe make a weird induction sound due to maybe an air leak?
Can a charge pipe make a weird induction sound due to maybe an air leak?
I have an m135i with an upgraded charge pipe. Before I fitted it I had to make sure I closed off 2 of the optional meth injector holes ( not sure what they’re actually called ). But I’ve noticed recently theres a pretty loud induction noise coming from I think the charge pipe. Maybe it could be the rubber seal needs replacing? Also noticed a slight loss of power on 3rd gear like it bogs but then comes back on strong.
submitted by Emotional_Ad_5926 to u/Emotional_Ad_5926 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:02 Left_Custard_2357 I know it sounds like teenage angst, but I feel like I’m destined to be alone

I’ve only ever had one significant other, and he made me feel better than I ever have, and during a time where I was at my absolute worst. Ever since we broke up any time someone shows any form of what seems like interest in me I get ghosted. It always just makes me feel like I’m not good enough. I feel alone and unlikable so often, that even when I’m around people that care about me I can’t tell if they actually care or if they’re just being nice. Meth fucked with my brain so badly, doing even more damage than was already there, and I just want to stop feeling like this.
submitted by Left_Custard_2357 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:26 eldestreyne0901 "It's time to exact justice, for「THE MOON IS DOWN」and the night is dark."

Stand Name: The Moon Is Down
Name Reference: novel by John Steinbeck
User: Leonidas Ander
Stand Info
Appearance: Artificial Nonhumanoid. The Moon Is Down manifests as a watch-looking device, about two inches wide, made of some silvery white metal. There are two dials on the face, one a timer, the other a compass with no directions. The face is decorated with a full moon. The back has three short barbed spikes. It appears automatically in Leo's left hand, and is invisible to non stand users. Once manifested, it can't be de-manifested.
Ability: TMID, being a small, rather flimsy object, is quite harmless, but its true power lies in its ability to harness explosives. It can be attached (via the spikes) onto any kind of bomb or explosive device (it has to be a prepared device, merely fixing it to a sack of ammonia nitrate won't work. Dynamite sticks count since they have a fuse). Once attached, TMID holds full control over the bomb's power. No matter if the trigger is pressed, or even if the bomb is set on fire, it will not explode until Leo has TMID set it off. TMID can control how fast the bomb combusts (which can effectively make the bomb harmless) and the direction of its power (focusing it entirely downwards would make a very deep hole). It cannot completely cancel out the bomb's power--that breaks physics. TMID can also set a timer for the bomb, independent of any other timers. Any attempt to remove TMID will result in the bomb exploding.
Leonidas only has 30 available units of TMID for every 24 hours, and if destroyed (which is quite possible) he does not get a replacement. He can use multiple at the same time, but not more than one on the same thing.
Power: n/a
Speed: n/a
Range: Infinite.
Precision: B (can focus on a certain point).
Durability: D (It's basically a watch.)
Potential: C (still room in my opinion).
User Info
Leonidas Ander is a 43 year old business man who moonlights as a vigilante. He works in the textile industry, and has often encountered greedy plans implemented by corrupt business people to exploit poor laborers for cheap labor, along with coverups over violations of human rights. Though not physically fit, Leo's The Moon Is Down Allows him to exact justice in his own terms.
Appearance: a dapper, middle aged man, with graying brown hair and whiskers. Usually wearing a plain gray suit and green tie.
Role: a rather minor character in my fanpart.
Notes: I had an idea for this ability the moment I saw the prompt for this week, but it took SO LONG to come up with this. The Moon Is Down is a short novel by famous author John Steinbeck, written in WW2, about the invasion of a small town. It's been written off as propaganda for the Allies, but is nonetheless a good read. The ability was inspired by the dynamite sticks airdropped to the town's citizens.
ARGH and I almost forgot--if I win I'd like next week's theme to be, in honor of The Moon Is Down, Stands named after books and other literature.
submitted by eldestreyne0901 to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:12 muppydesade The whole time I thought she was a beagle mix…

The whole time I thought she was a beagle mix…
Just to find out she is 34% American cocker spaniel and 27% Chihuahua being most of her genetic make up! According to the wisdom panel dna test. Then 11% Pomeranian, 10% Miniature pinscher, 6% Daschund, yada yada yada. She looks and acts like a beagle to me but guess I was wrong!
This is my dog Foot Foot! She is almost 2 years old, and a rescue. She came from a meth house where a couple random litters were taken in by my friend’s animal rescue. She was from a litter of 3, my partner’s mom has her brother who is bigger than her (will include him in the photos). His name is Bootsie!
Foot Foot is the best dog in the world. The only annoying thing about her is that she’s sort of nuisance barker as of several months ago. And she’s more recently developed a feamistrust of random people who come over to the house and will act like a barky guard dog for about 30 seconds and then becomes very submissive and sits on the person’s lap and wants alllll the attention. She’s signed up to do go to doggy training school this month and I think it’ll be great for her!
Lastly, Foot Foot is an aspiring model and actress, so if you know any agencies who want to contract hit us up 😂
submitted by muppydesade to cockerspaniel [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:31 Bird-Bentley My GF (F21) of 4 months cheated on me (M23) with her drug dealer, while I was stuck in jail possibly facing 10 years. Do i just blame the drug addiction and keep us together? Or do you believe she knew exactly what she was doing and didnt care?

I met this girl on tinder (we will call her G1). We talked and what not, but wasn’t anything serious. More or less just fun and games. Long story short, i got arrested and got PR bail to a rehab program. After a few days, I got kicked out of the program with some chick (we will call her G2). (We snuck out and went drinking at the bar). G2 and I lived in hotels for about 2 months until our money ran out due to drugs and alcohol. Well at by this time she was so tweaked out on drugs so badly that she would stay in the bathroom for multiple days pulling her hair out and shooting meth. G1 messaged me and asked if I could get her drugs and I said hell yea. And from that day moving forward we never left each other's side, until I got arrested, again, 4 months later.
This was the first time I was ever shown real love. She opened her home to me, gave me food,drugs,crazy sex, and just complete love and care. G1 even fought to get my stolen bags from G2, as she took them when I stayed overnight at G1s house. This girl barely even knew me, and took me at the lowest part of my life and made all the bad I was running from go away.. Well at least that's how it felt, until it all caught up and gave me the biggest reality check you could imagine…I ended up stealing G2s car for a night, ended up in county jail due to driving without a license with a $1000 bail. G2 came up with $1000 and bailed me out.( Side note this was during covid and everyone was getting crazy amounts of money for unemployment, 800 weekly wasn't uncommon) Three days later the whole squad from a different county that I had warrants in came knocking and there i was sitting in county again this time no bail and charges out of 3 different counties. At this point I was facing a minimum of 5 years on the lower side and 15 on the higher side.
Remember G2 and I have only been together for 4 months at this point… However the love and the effect she had on me emotionally was out of this world. Ive never had someone do what she did for me. Everyone in my life has either left me for someone else and or left because of my heinous addiction and the unbearable person I became while under the influence. For the 11 months I was in there, we stayed intouch, called daily (almost…), wrote eachother letters, and 1 visit due to covid.
Now, here’s where it getscomplicated…. About 3 months being in jail, I was on a phone call with my brother when he informed me G1 changed her Facebook profile picture (it was originally a photo of the both of us, then she changed it to a photo of just her). I could tell from phone calls and the lack of letters that something was off throughout the time i was in however she was in denial and it wasn't worth the argument. I needed someone there to help me mentally and she was still answering phone calls about every other day and kept telling me to keep my head up because she was there for me and was not going anywhere.. I ended up in drug court and was getting out (eventually, it took about 6 months from the time I got accepted to the time I walked out the door) instead of going upstate for a minimum of 5 years. Someone from the streets I knew ended up on my unit and he validated the info I knew just didn't want to accept until I had solid evidence. She was sleeping around with some drug dealer to support her lifestyle. Now before I got locked up I was able to move around enough to support our habits as well as relying on government money to ensure we got the drugs we needed and the rent was paid. Take the rock out of the foundation and it crumbles. That she did quicker than i thought. Now using a needle and making this dumb ass guy her bitch she was able to use drugs and waste her life the way she wanted to. Well not that she wanted to because it was the drugs making the calls at this point. I actually talked to this dude over the phone while in jail and multiple times G1 was with him however she wouldnt say a word protecting her lie she was living. As a drug addict i knew this wqas going to happen i just didnt know to what extent. I stopped calling and writing after i found out most of what was going on from the dude and she was still in denial. Shame, guilt, remorse, and feelings that would take anyone down a dark path if not treated correctly ran her to breaking down and telling me everything. At this point i actually understood why she did what she did and believed her.
This part hurts the worst.. I finally get out and it came to my attention that she was still shooting drugs and still going to see him after she dropping me of at sober living to get her daily fix. One party says its because she begged to go there because she was scared and lonely.. One party says it was just to cop and G1 was in and out no sexual exchanges at this point. ( she also claimed it was only a couple times… However, G1 couldn't explain what they did.. I honestly asked the question of what they did due to the fact that if it really only happened a couple times I feel like anyone would know exactly what they did together sexually. Especially for an exchange of drugs and money) I confronted G1 on this and she denied it. I even had pictures of her going in and out of his house from his security cameras (I know you can edit time and dates so he could have been just playing games, she explained to me many times he would try to act like me, dress like me and so on..) and he was even kind enough to tell me his version of what was still happening. I was sooo done but held on because of a super power called love and the understanding of drug addiction.
After we fought about that she made multiple attempts to go to rehab but always ended up calling me on or around day 5 and I would cave and would go to “save” the love of my life from being stranded wherever she was. No matter what if she said she was leaving she was checked out and didn't care if she had a ride or not. Honestly I think she knew I wouldn't leave her stranded. At one point it got so bad I was stabbing her with a needle to get her right because dealing with a dope sick GF while trying to remain sober and follow all requirements for drug court and the sober house was so stressful i contemplated just going on the run again and going to do my time ( I have a 7 ½-15 suspended for 5 years ) .. It was a rough point for both parties however I couldn't imagine leaving her behind after all the amazing things she did for me in the beginning when I was down at my lowest. Not only that we clicked and vibed perfectly from day 1, we were completely engulfed in each other emotionally and physically; she felt like home.
Now 3 years later we are still together. We hit a couple speed bumps along the way and even broke up for 4 months. But managed to pull ourselves together and are currently living together. I can't say our relationship is perfect however I can't complain much because she still has my back 24/7, is constantly thinking about me and what she can do for me, loves and cares for me, we still connect on every level emotionally and are able to vibe out and enjoy life. Our sex is the only thing that I feel like is affected and that has happened in the last 6 moths after we broke up for a little bit however could be due to many different factors that i will not disclose(side note we would fuck probaly 4-5 times a week while we were broken up and i actually got into a relationship with another girl. It was my way to kinda get back at her.. Kinda fucked up but atleast i broke it off)
My question to reddit is was it really the drugs and did i make the right decision by sticking by her side. Personally I believe it was solely based on addiction because I know where the dark adventures of drugs and alcohol bring you and you don't realize it until it's too late and your balls deep in shit you would never do.
submitted by Bird-Bentley to relationship_advice [link] [comments]