Best positions photos for g spot stimulation

the thicker the skin, the better the roast

2015.04.22 06:28 SwagmasterEDP the thicker the skin, the better the roast

Roasting (v.) - To humorously mock or humiliate someone with a well-timed joke, diss or comeback. (As defined by urbandictionary) Hone your roasting skills, meet other roasters, and get yourself roasted! Everybody needs to laugh at themselves! And other people, of course!

2012.04.15 01:11 BlackK1tt1es Black Cats

Only the most luxurious kitties are welcome here!

2009.07.24 10:21 malanalars Analog Photography

Film photography subreddit. Ask anything about analog photography in our weekly "ask anything" thread, or share photos. For discussion of how to shoot film, buying advice, or what went wrong on your first roll head on over to /analogcommunity.

2024.06.04 19:31 dontgiveaderp 33 [M4F] Houston, Texas. Hopeless romantic looking for my new favorite person.

I'd like to find someone who captivates me. Someone who I can talk with effortlessly. I want to meet a person who I can include in my daily tasks, and talk with throughout the day. I just want to find someone I can be open with. Platonic conversation or romance. Whatever you are looking for, don't hesitate to message me. I hope to hear from you.
I love a number of things, and hate very little. I'm fairly open to trying new things, but some of the things I enjoy are as follows. I love the outdoors. I've never been camping, but I would like to try it with someone some day. I also love to fish. I mostly fish salt water. I do occasionally fish freshwater though. I like to check out new spots around me, but I mostly fish on the beach. Do you like to fish? What are some of your favorite places to go?
I also enjoy the shooting sports. I primarily target shoot. I take part in a little bit of everything, including rifle, pistol and shotgun. It would be nice to find someone who is into shooting or would like to learn/become more familiar. If you shoot, what do you like to shoot mostly? What's been your favorite gun to shoot so far?
PC games are also a enjoyable pastime for me. I have a variety of games, most of which are on Steam. I have other games on various other stores/services. I enjoy a wide variety of different kind of games, so I'm sure we can find something to play together if you game. What are some of your all time favorite games? What are you currently grinding on that you can't put down? One hobby I discovered later on in life is Magic the Gathering. I play both online on MtG Arena, and with physical cards. Magic has become something I am particularly fond of. Do you play any kind of card/table top games? What's been your favorite so far? If you play Magic, what are some of your favorite deck themes?
Music has always been a part of my life. My tastes are varied, ranging from country, death and black metal, electronic, classic rock, folk, pop punk, and more. Do you have a favorite band? What has been your favorite concert you've been to?
I'm honestly an ambivert. I enjoy doing things outside, as well as spending time indoors. I can veg out all day under the covers curled up in my bed, or I can take a trip somewhere and experience something new. I think my personality is a mix of the best of both worlds. What would the perfect day consist of for you?
As far as my personality is concerned, I would say I am fairly relaxed and laid back. I feel like I am somewhere in the middle between loud and excitable, and shy and quiet. Around people I don't know, I tend to be fairly quiet and to myself. In the company of someone who I am close with, I am more open and free. Do you open right up to people, or does it take a while to become comfortable with someone new?
All I hope for is a connection. It could be platonic, or it could blossom into romance, and commitment. I'm not putting a limit on what I am looking for.
With the prior being said, I am single. I may be interested in changing that with the right person. The idea of commitment excites me. Monogamy is appealing to me. Do you feel satisfied with your social life? What kind of connection are you looking for?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it. I hope you can identify with something I wrote. If you do, please reach out.
P.S. Please feel free to check my post history, and check out a few pictures of my cat if you would like.
submitted by dontgiveaderp to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:26 shahla_naz The Unsung Heroes: Magical Uses of Audio Media Accessories

The Unsung Heroes: Magical Uses of Audio Media Accessories
We often take them for granted, these humble companions on our audio journeys. Headphones, microphones, and even the seemingly mundane earbuds hold the potential for more than just amplifying sound. In the right hands, they become conduits for magic, shaping our experiences and even influencing the world around us. Let's delve into the extraordinary hiding within the ordinary world of audio accessories.
Headphones: Portals to New Worlds
Headphones transcend the realm of simple noise cancellation, morphing into gateways to immersive experiences. Studies conducted by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) have unlocked the power of sound frequencies. Specific tones can trigger the release of alpha waves in the brain, promoting relaxation and focus – a well-documented phenomenon. Binaural beats, where slightly different tones play in each ear, further amplify this effect.
Imagine this: you slip on a pair of specially designed headphones, and suddenly you are transported to a virtual forest. The gentle rustle of leaves and the melodic chirping of birds fill your ears, weaving a tapestry of serenity that washes over you. This isn't just background noise – it's a carefully crafted soundscape, designed to lull you into a state of deep calm, perfect for meditation or a restful night's sleep.
But the magic doesn't stop there. Imagine:
· Virtual Reality (VR) Companions: Headphones become your constant companions in VR experiences. As you explore a fantastical world, the soundscape dynamically adjusts, placing you amidst roaring dragons in a mythical realm or the echoing halls of a deserted spaceship. Every footstep, every gust of wind, every whispered conversation – meticulously crafted to heighten the sense of realism and draw you deeper into the virtual world.
· Personalized Learning Environments: Imagine struggling with a new language. Headphones can become a powerful learning tool. By isolating specific sounds and words, and even providing real-time translations, they can transform your learning experience. Imagine immersing yourself in a French cafe, surrounded by native speakers, where headphones filter out background noise and highlight relevant conversations, allowing you to absorb the language naturally.
· Focus Boosters: Feeling overwhelmed? Headphones can be your secret weapon. Certain sound frequencies, combined with nature sounds or calming music, can create a focused environment, blocking out distractions and allowing you to delve deep into your work. Imagine a world where the rhythmic tapping of rain on a window pane and the distant chirping of crickets replace the clamor of the office, fostering a state of laser-sharp concentration.
· Guided Meditations: Headphones become your personal meditation guide. Imagine a guided meditation app that utilizes specially designed soundscapes and binaural beats to lead you through a visualization exercise. As you close your eyes, the headphones transport you to a serene beach, the soothing sound of waves lapping against the shore guiding your breath and calming your mind.
Headphones are no longer just passive audio devices; they're active portals that unlock a universe of possibilities. With the power of sound, they can transport us, educate us, focus us, and even heal us. As technology evolves, so too will the potential for these unassuming companions to reshape our experiences and expand the boundaries of our world.
The Power of Spatial Audio
The world of gaming takes a dramatic leap with spatial audio. According to a DFC Intelligence report, the global spatial audio market is expected to reach a staggering $23.9 billion by 2027. Imagine a pair of headphones that not only reproduces sounds but positions them around you. Gunfire whizzes past your ear, footsteps approach from behind – the immersive experience creates a heightened sense of realism, upping your reaction time and giving you a competitive edge.
Microphones: Tools for Transformation - Beyond Capturing Voices
Microphones are often relegated to the role of capturing voices, but their potential for transformation extends far beyond that. They can be powerful tools for biofeedback, self-improvement, and even medical applications. Let's explore some fascinating ways microphones are being used to transform lives:
Biofeedback for Body Awareness:
Imagine a microphone attached to your muscles, not to amplify your voice, but to translate muscle tension into sound. This is the essence of biofeedback with piezoelectric microphones. As you perform a yoga pose, the microphone detects even the subtlest shifts in muscle tension. It then converts this information into real-time audio cues, perhaps a high-pitched tone for overexertion or a calming low hum for proper alignment. This biofeedback loop allows you to become acutely aware of your body, guiding you towards perfect form and preventing injuries.
Chronic Pain Management:
Chronic pain can be debilitating, but microphones offer a glimmer of hope. By attaching a microphone to a specific muscle group experiencing pain, it can detect involuntary muscle twitches or tremors associated with discomfort. This data is then translated into sound, allowing you to become aware of these subtle movements and actively work to relax the muscle. Imagine the microphone acting as a personal pain coach, guiding you through relaxation techniques and helping you manage chronic pain without relying solely on medication.
Vocal Rehabilitation:
Microphones are becoming invaluable tools for vocal rehabilitation. Specialized microphones can capture the subtle nuances of your voice, analyzing pitch, resonance, and breath control. This data is then fed into software that provides real-time feedback. Imagine practicing a difficult singing passage and having a microphone identify areas where your pitch wavers or your breath control falters. With this targeted feedback, you can adjust your technique and improve your vocal performance.
Speech Therapy for Children:
Microphones are playing an increasingly important role in speech therapy for children. Specialized software can analyze a child's speech patterns, identifying areas where pronunciation is unclear or fluency is compromised. By visualizing these speech patterns on a screen and providing audio cues, microphones can help children gain a deeper understanding of their own speech and make significant progress in therapy.
Musical Innovation:
Beyond biofeedback and rehabilitation, microphones are pushing the boundaries of music creation. Imagine a microphone that isn't just limited to capturing sound, but actively shapes it. By attaching a microphone to a variety of objects, from a table to a metal pipe, musicians can create unique and captivating soundscapes. The microphone picks up the vibrations of the object, and through processing and manipulation, these vibrations are transformed into musical instruments. This opens up a world of sonic possibilities, allowing musicians to explore entirely new sonic territories.
Microphones are shedding their traditional role and emerging as powerful tools for transformation. From biofeedback to musical innovation, their potential to improve our lives, health, and artistic expression is truly remarkable. As technology advances, we can expect even more exciting applications for these versatile tools, further blurring the lines between the physical and the digital, and transforming the way we interact with the world around us.
The Magic of Voice Control
Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are changing the way we interact with technology. A 2023 report by Statista suggests that over 4.2 billion people are expected to use voice assistants by 2024. Imagine a world where you can control your smart home, dictate messages, or even learn a new language, all through the power of your voice. Microphones become a magical wand, conjuring information and completing tasks at your verbal command.
Earbuds: Tiny Titans of Tech
Earbuds, once confined to music listening, are evolving into powerful tools. Research by Gartner predicts that by 2025, 30% of all wearable devices will be smart earbuds. These tiny marvels can monitor heart rate, translate languages in real-time, and even act as health trackers.
The Symphony of Sound Healing
Sound healing is an ancient practice that utilizes specific frequencies to promote physical and emotional well-being. Studies published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine demonstrate the effectiveness of sound therapy in reducing anxiety and pain. Imagine using earbuds that emit carefully tuned frequencies, each note a brushstroke painting a masterpiece of mental and physical harmony.
The Future of Audio Accessories: A Symphony of Untapped Potential
The world of audio accessories is on the cusp of a revolution. Imagine a future where these unassuming devices transcend their traditional roles, morphing into extensions of ourselves, seamlessly integrated with our thoughts and actions. Let's delve into some of the mind-boggling possibilities that await:
Neuro-Audio Symphony: Neuroscientists are making significant strides in understanding the intricate dance of brainwaves. Imagine headphones that aren't just conduits for sound, but active participants in optimizing brain function. Neuro-conductive technology could analyze brainwave patterns and deliver targeted audio stimulations. Imagine slipping on a pair of headphones designed to enhance creativity.
They might emit specific frequencies known to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain, fostering divergent thinking and problem-solving skills. Or, picture headphones that play a carefully crafted soundscape interwoven with binaural beats to induce a state of focused concentration, perfect for tackling complex tasks.
Augmented Audio Reality: The lines between the physical and digital worlds are blurring. Imagine a future where audio accessories become integral to augmented reality (AR) experiences. Earbuds equipped with tiny microphones and processors could act as real-time translators, filtering out background noise and whispering translations of foreign languages directly into your ear. Imagine strolling through a bustling Parisian market, your earbuds seamlessly translating conversations and signage, transforming the language barrier into a distant memory. Headphones could also project holographic soundscapes, creating an immersive AR experience where the world around you comes alive with sounds tailored to your location and preferences.
Biofeedback Bliss: Imagine a world where audio accessories become biofeedback tools. Earbuds equipped with biosensors could monitor your heart rate, muscle tension, and even brainwave activity. This real-time data could then be translated into personalized audio cues, guiding you towards a state of well-being. Imagine headphones that monitor your stress levels and adjust the music accordingly, playing calming melodies when you're feeling overwhelmed or upbeat tempos when you need an energy boost. This technology could also be used to enhance athletic performance, with earbuds providing real-time feedback on muscle fatigue and breathing patterns, allowing athletes to optimize their training.
The Rise of Gesture Control: We are already seeing a shift towards voice-controlled devices. Imagine the next step: gesture-controlled earbuds that respond to the subtlest head movements. A simple tilt of your head could adjust the volume, skip a track, or even activate a virtual assistant. This hands-free experience would be perfect for runners, cyclists, or anyone who needs to stay focused on their physical activity. Imagine seamlessly controlling your music while navigating a crowded gym, all with a flick of your head.
These are just a glimpse of the exciting possibilities that lie ahead for audio accessories. As technology continues to evolve, these unassuming devices will transform from passive companions to active partners in our lives, shaping our experiences, enhancing our well-being, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. The future of audio is a symphony of innovation waiting to be composed, and the melody promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.
The Ethical Considerations
As these technologies advance, ethical considerations arise. Concerns about data privacy with voice assistants and the potential misuse of brainwave manipulation with headphones are valid. Open communication and responsible development are crucial to ensure these magical tools are used for good.
The next time you pick up a pair of headphones or adjust your microphone, remember the magic they hold. These seemingly mundane accessories are gateways to new worlds, tools for transformation, and conductors of well-being. As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for these unassuming heroes are truly limitless. After all, a little magic often comes in the smallest packages, waiting to be discovered by those who listen closely.
A Marketplace for the Audiophile
For those seeking more traditional audio experiences, platforms like TrueGether offer a treasure trove of audio media accessories. While the future holds exciting possibilities for smart and interactive accessories, TrueGether caters to the nostalgia and utility of classic audio formats. With a current selection of 9 distinct audio media accessories from 7 different sellers, you can find everything from blank cassette tapes for creating your own mixtapes to vintage headphones for a truly immersive listening experience.
Being one of the best alternatives to eBay, TrueGether provides a platform for collectors and enthusiasts to discover unique items and keep their love for analog audio alive. So next time you're on the hunt for a specific audio accessory or simply browsing for hidden gems, be sure to check out TrueGether's offerings.
submitted by shahla_naz to u/shahla_naz [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:20 boxesofrain1010 4 years

Today marks four years since I talked to my dad. It's my fault, I'm the one who told him that I was ashamed of him, ashamed to be his daughter, and told him to never talk to me again.
I'm a peacemaker; I hate conflict and I always try to do everything I can to keep the peace. If I'm angry at someone the anger never lasts long. But four years later, I'm still so angry at him. My dad was one of my best friends, and I never thought anything could happen that would lead to this outcome. As mad as I was, and as mad as I remain, I think deep down I said what I said to him to try to get him to snap out of it. I thought, "Surely if he knows how angry I am it will cause him to reevaluate his position on things." I didn't think I'd be in the same position four years later.
I even tried reaching out to his girlfriend two years ago to see if his views were the same. She doesn't share his views, but I was met with the clichéd, "We're all entitled to our own opinions," and, "A leopard can't change his spots." I even sent her links to the two posts I had written on here concerning the situation, because I wanted her to understand how I felt and where I was coming from. All she said was that I made him sound like a horrible person (which was not my intent at all; I was trying to to describe what a great father he was, which made his descent into far-right bullshit all the more heartbreaking). She also said, "I hope the next time you see him he isn't in an urn!" My greatest fear since I was aware I was alive is my parents dying, and my dad will be 77 next month, so not exactly young. The pain I felt at her words is indescribable.
I should also note that I have attempted to reach out to my dad a few times over the past few years but nothing has come of it. My mom had actually reached out to him on Father's Day four years ago (so that was a few weeks after I said what I said; I didn't ask her to do that but she knew how upset I was and that was a particularly rough day for me), and he had told her, "I'm the most devastated man in the whole universe," and that he wouldn't attempt to talk to me because I had told him not to.
I'm now asking the question I ask myself multiple times a day, every day: Am I a horrible person? I'm asking this rhetorically, but I really do ask it of my mom, my therapist, and my friends, non-rhetorically, all the time. Of course they all say no, but...I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter if I am or not. I said what I said and I meant it: I'm ashamed of him, and I will be as long as his views are the same. I guess I just didn't think he'd choose to lose me over those views.
To say I'm heartbroken doesn't even scratch the surface of how I feel. I'm sick to my stomach constantly. I cry all the time. I'm crying as I write this. I miss my dad. I miss him so much. But I can't have him in my life if his views remain the same. I can't.
But I still miss you, dad. I miss you and love you so much. I wish things were different. I wish we were still close. I wish I could just call you and talk to you like I used to. I wish we could talk about movies and music like we used to. I wish trump hadn't taken you away from me and turned you into someone I don't recognize. I wish I wasn't grieving you while you're still alive.
I'm so scared he'll die and this will be how things were left between us. I can't bear that thought, but, as I've said, I also can't have him in my life if his views remain the same. I've tried reaching out several times, but nothing. So, what is there to do? I feel like he's waiting for me to come crawling on my hands and knees begging for forgiveness, and that is the one thing I will not do. Everything is just so, so messed up, and I can't believe this is how things are now. I wish my parents had never had me.
TLDR: I'm sad and miss my dad.
submitted by boxesofrain1010 to QAnonCasualties [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:13 Necessary_Ad1420 Worst kind of buyer

Hey there!
Just wanted to drop it here..
I had 680 feedback on ebay , sellings videogames and other collectibles ...
100% positive feedback...
Until that guy bought a 13$ xbox360 games..
Received it and claiming not working.. Left a VERY LONG and detailed negative feedback
Here it goes : "Game didnt work. Said it was in good condition. The positives are it was packaged well, and shipping was fast. For the price im going to try and resurface the disc but im still disappointed" And he ADD A PHOTO of the error message from his 360.
I explicitly mention in my listings to communicate with me if anything goes wrong..
As soon as I've read the feedback , I entered customer service mode and went ahead and proceeded to refund , I wrote a nice message to the buyer explaining I am an honest seller and care about my customer and bla bla bla.
I also sent a feedback revision request.
I've been professionnal all the way in my message , very kind just letting him know I refunded and he can keep the game..
But the buyer NEVER answered to me or NEVER communicated with me except by leaving this long and detailed feedback with photo.....
I honestly think this is the worst kind of people on earth.... I'm doing my best to me always kind and honest and provide outstanding customer service.
For now I am waiting the feedback revision request time.. Knowing there will probably have no issue for this and I will have to eat the blow...
Just wanted to share cuz this makes me so mad inside
Cheers have a great day !
submitted by Necessary_Ad1420 to eBaySellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:52 mansplanar Tips for Women in Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum

It is a challenge for most couples to find a balance between their needs and expectations, and their partner’s needs and expectations. In a relationship where one individual is on the autism spectrum, there are likely many more opportunities for misunderstandings and frustration. Finding a path to a respectful, loving and fulfilling long lasting relationship is every committed couple’s desire.
In recent years, it has been helpful that there is more information and resources focused on neuro-diverse relationships. More is available for couples and individuals, including more for women, in relationships with men on the autism spectrum.
This article is a brief summary highlighting information gathered from my experience as well as many women who have shared their stories with me over the years. A listing of resources is available at the end of this article to assist you in locating other information related to this subject.
  1. Learn about Autism Spectrum Disorders (and how ASD affects your partner)
Autism is a neurobiological disorder that affects perception, communication, social skills, learning and behavior. Information processed by the senses can easily overstimulate an individual on the autism spectrum. On the other hand, an individual with autism can also have difficulty processing input from their senses and be under-responsive, unresponsive and/or have a unique response to sensory input.
Communication is frequently processed and interpreted differently for someone on the autism spectrum. Verbal communication is often processed more slowly and words interpreted literally. Persons on the autism spectrum often have trouble staying on topic and maintaining a conversation. Social skills are also affected. Eye contact may be difficult and sometimes facial expressions may not reflect an individual’s true feelings. Social cues are often missed or misread. Individuals on the autism spectrum are not sure how to connect with others. Each person presents differently with his or her challenges. Many on the autism spectrum suffer from anxiety as well.
Your partner likely has executive function deficits. Executive function tasks include planning, organizing, prioritizing, time management, emotional regulation and impulse control. Inertia, both starting and stopping tasks, can be a challenge for people on the autism spectrum. These executive function deficits may be mistakenly attributed to lack of motivation, and/or behavior or personality problems. Non-spectrum partners are often relied upon to perform many executive function tasks within the relationship.
There is now a variety of books, written about relationships when one partner is on the autism spectrum. There are books written by professionals, as well as those written by women married to men on the autism spectrum. There are also some written by couples together. Some of these books are listed at the end of this article. Reading stories from others can be very validating of your feelings and experiences. Keep in mind that each relationship is unique. Some of the books are quite negative. Your partner on the autism spectrum will have his own autistic characteristics as well as a unique profile of experiences, personality and possibly other co-occurring diagnoses that are a part of what makes him unique.
If this is a new diagnosis, you and/or your partner may be working on accepting the diagnosis. Getting to acceptance may be hard for one or both of you. As you seek to learn more about ASD and how it effects your partner and your relationship, you will likely be grieving the loss of prior expectations.
As you learn more and work on acknowledging the role an autism spectrum disorder plays in your relationship, it will be helpful to seek out knowledgeable professionals and/or join a support group for women partnered with men on the autism spectrum. These resources are available but may be hard to find. It can also be helpful to make a list, of the positive and desirable qualities, which attracted you to your partner. It is important to keep these in mind, especially when going through a challenging time in the relationship.
It will also be helpful to keep a list of your positive qualities. It can be hard to remember these positive traits about yourself when you are in the middle of very difficult and confusing times. Remembering the positive characteristics of both you and your partner will enhance your self-esteem and help motivate you as you work through your relationship challenges. Over the years, I have appreciated the determination I have seen from both the ASD and non-spectrum partners in pursuing solutions to build a stronger and loving bond.
  1. Recognize and Address Sensory Needs (and issues with your partner)
Sensory issues very often affect individuals on the autism spectrum. As mentioned before, one or more of the senses may be affected. Senses may be overly sensitive (hypersensitive) and/or under sensitive (hyposensitive). Some people with ASD are hypersensitive to various lighting. For example, they see the blinking and/or hear the buzzing of fluorescent lighting. For some, headaches are triggered. A person on the autism spectrum may be overly sensitive to various smells and/or sounds in the environment. Light touch may feel like pins yet actual pinpricks may not be felt at all.
In some situations, a person on the autism spectrum may appear not to process sensory information from one or more of the familiar five senses of sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. They may seem unaware of what is in plain sight and/or process words as “noise”. These situations can seem very curious. Three other less known sensory systems are also often affected for many on the autism spectrum. There are the vestibular system (balance), the proprioceptive system (muscle/joint movement, coordination, motor planning and sense of your body in space) and the interoceptive system (state of internal body functions). Interoception is often referred to as the eighth sense.
There is some evidence that individuals on the autism spectrum can have both an impaired and an enhanced time perceiving their own bodily functions. This is called atypical interoception or interceptive dysfunction (Shah et. al., 2016). There are accounts of little awareness of needing to use the bathroom, get a drink (due to thirst) and/or eat (due to hunger). Some women report that they need to remind their partner to eat or drink something especially when they are deeply engaged in an activity that takes all their focus.
Sensory issues can impact just about all aspects of life from the selection of clothes, foods, bedding and furnishings that are comfortable for both partners to what environments and activities may be enjoyable for both partners. There are situations where heightened sensory processing can be an asset, such as an ability to process visual information quickly and/or in unique ways. Designing, carpentry and engineering are skills that persons on the autism, including your partner, may possess as a result of excellent visual processing skills.
Sensory needs/issues can change over time and even vary from day to day. As an adult, your partner has likely learned to either cope with and/or avoid various sensory stimulation in the environment. Some common strategies used to effectively limit environmental sensory overload include tinted glasses, earplugs and hats or specific clothing choices. Some individuals enjoy keeping small “fidgets” which can be calming and help counter the sensory overload.
At home, sleeping in total darkness and using a weighted blanket can be helpful for some. At home, hopefully, it is easier to adjust lighting and control or mask sounds and smells in the environment. Sometimes working with an occupational therapist who is trained in sensory integration can be beneficial.
Sensory issues can also affect intimacy. If there are sensory issues in the bedroom, they can be addressed with better understanding, patience and developing strategies to accommodate the needs of both partners. You and your partner can discuss various sensory differences and consider specific adjustments that will be successful.
In situations where a person on the autism spectrum is stressed, s/he can more easily experience sensory overload and, as a result, shut down or possibly experience a “meltdown”. A self-aware adult on the autism spectrum can usually recognize early warning signs and develop strategies to exit and calm down. Both partners who are aware of this can work together, so that both are accommodated. Many couples develop signals to communicate if the ASD partner is becoming overstimulated and needs a break. A break can take various forms that can be discussed in advance. If need be, this might mean taking two cars to an event so the ASD partner can exit the event and the non-ASD partner does not have to leave.
  1. Learn and Use Communication Strategies (that work best for you and your partner)
Optimum communication is important in all relationships. Social communication, by definition in the DSM-5 (APA, 2013), is a deficit for a person with ASD. Non-verbal communication, such as interpreting facial expressions, gestures and vocal intonation is often extremely difficult. Verbal communication can be difficult for people with autism to initiate. These difficulties are due to a difference in neurology and not a lack of motivation.
It is helpful to your partner if your communication is clear, calm and predictable. The person with ASD will usually want to meet their partner’s needs once s/he understands how to meet those needs. Explicitly communicating your social, emotional, mental, physical, including sexual needs, is important. Together, partners should discuss information about behavioral expectations. Think in terms of explanation instead of correction. Tell your partner your expectations and have him tell you his expectations.
Often you will need to provide very explicit and concrete instructions that your partner can follow. For example, if you need your partner to help with a chore such as doing laundry, give step-by-step directions on what, when and how the clothes need to be washed. If your partner cannot figure out what to wash, perhaps having a system of preparing laundry baskets is needed. For example, circular baskets can be used for dirty laundry and square baskets for clean laundry.
You may need to give your partner with autism explicit information and practice on how to give hugs. This may seem as though your partner does not want to be affectionate with you, but remember not to judge his actions and needs through your non-spectrum lens. Any areas of need are important to address in detail. Communicating very literally and concretely will be important for many aspects of life. Some couples find that texting, emails and/or information written out on paper, sticky notes, calendars or wipe-off boards is very advantageous.
Consider scheduling a time each day to both sit and communicate. Sitting side by side might work best for communication. People with ASD almost universally say it is difficult to process verbal information while maintaining eye contact. This would be especially true when discussing each other’s needs. This time together can go a long way to making life more satisfying and keeping your bond as a couple strong.
Again, consider using visual information (notes, email, a white board, even examples from books or other visual media) to convey or supplement verbal messages. Be creative. Visual information is much easier for most individuals on the autism spectrum to process, and it can be used as a permanent resource when anxiety, sensory overload or executive functioning skills are causing challenges for our partners on the autism spectrum.
Realize you might not understand your partner’s perspective. Seek to clarify. Recognize your partner may have a hard time asking (initiating) for clarification and/or even knowing that clarification is needed. Non-spectrum partners cannot interpret ASD behavior through their non-spectrum filter and assume that they understand the meaning of a particular behavior of their ASD partner. Likewise, the partner on the autism spectrum may have a hard time understanding their own needs. Each partner should identify their needs and tell their partner. It may not seem genuine if you have to tell your partner every step to meet your needs. Though it can be hard at first, do not think of it as meaning your partner does not care. Think of it as an important step to better appreciate, trust and respect each other.
  1. Find Outlets to Unwind (together and individually)
You and your partner likely have different ways of alleviating stress. Everyone is different and has different ways to relax. Being a neuro-diverse couple, there may be more differences you will experience that will, at first, challenge you both. It is important that you both learn your personal ways of de-stressing and express these needs to each other. Partners must also respect each other’s needs and means to get rid of tension and anxiety. At times, this will mean separate and/or “parallel” activities. The partner, on the autism spectrum, may need much time to themselves and/or “extra” time to pursue their special interests.
Transitioning from work to home may be stressful for your partner on the autism spectrum. An “alone break” immediately upon arriving home is often described as “critical” by men on the autism spectrum. Without understanding and then planning for this important transition break, a roadblock in the relationship can take place.
Your need to communicate and connect with your partner may have to wait and that can be very frustrating. Couples might use a visual system, such as a wipe off board to communicate their stress level at this time of day. Plan for your partner’s initial time alone when he gets home. Set a designated 30 minutes or whatever is reasonable and possible in your situation. Afterwards time together or with the children can be scheduled. If needed, more alone time can be scheduled for later in the evening. Chores and other tasks and activities can also be scheduled. Predictable evenings can help alleviate stress and go a long way to ensure more relaxing and enjoyable times together as a couple.
Leisure time together can be an important bonding opportunity. Encourage humor in your life together. This will help enhance the relationship and help relieve some of the “extra” stress. It can be wonderful if you can find the right activities to enjoy together. This can include each of you exploring special interests together. This might take extra patience at first especially if some boundaries are important to establish. Parallel activities can also be explored. You are both in the same room or space, but may be engaging in different activities for a period of time. It can be helpful to decide on the designated period of time in advance. A timer or other concrete reminder can be set. Be creative!
Social events are often difficult for a person with ASD and you will likely be the one arranging the social events. You may be the one with the most interest in these events and have the better “neurological” abilities (i.e. executive function capabilities) to make the arrangements. Your partner may be going along with your ideas because he wants to please you and/or will enjoy most things if you are there. They will also usually enjoy themselves once they know what to expect. It can be beneficial if a “role” can be established for your partner at various social functions. This role could be any task(s) that would contribute to the event, such as helping with setting up or checking drinks or food. Discuss and plan what this would involve. Also, discuss options for a quiet space or place to retreat to take a break during social activities.
Your partner may need an actual “escape” plan when socializing gets too overwhelming or over stimulating. As mentioned before, one plan couples often use is to drive two cars so that the ASD partner can leave before his stress level gets too high as to result in a shutdown or meltdown.
You may have found your partner is very content to spend a lot of time pursing a special interest. This can be an important calming technique. It is important that this time is balanced with other life activities and couple time together. If possible, this time can be scheduled but flexible. In times of greater stress for your ASD partner, he may need more time pursuing his interests and/or time alone.
At the same time, you may need to schedule time for your individual interests. If this includes additional socializing, you may need to look for scheduling time with friends, joining clubs, volunteering and/or pursuing other interests that involve other people. You may find you will need these outside activities and social opportunities to connect with others in addition to your emotional fulfilment with your partner.
  1. Find Professional Support (for ASD and any secondary mental health needs)
It may be important and necessary to find professional support for the communication and sensory issues you encounter as a couple. It might also be helpful to address executive function issues with a professional. As mentioned before, executive function skills can be very weak for someone on the autism spectrum. A professional who can address executive function issues may be hard to find but worth the effort. The book by Dawson and Guare (2016) listed under resources at the end of this article may also be helpful in understanding and addressing executive function deficits.
Be aware that individuals with an autism spectrum disorder are at greater risk for depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and/or other mental health disorders (Roy et. al., 2015; Croen et. al., 2015). Low self-esteem due to negative social interactions and experiences can also affect your partner’s mental health.
You can also experience your own mental health issues. Approximately 40% of the general population meets the criteria for a mental health diagnosis at least once in their life. For people on the autism spectrum, the rate of co-occurring mental health symptoms is thought to be at least 69% (Lever & Geurts, 2016). You may also be at greater risk to experience anxiety and or depression as an effect of your relationship with your partner, especially if he was undiagnosed and/or untreated until recently.
The person with ASD may need dependable periods of social isolation. This may be difficult to understand and not take personally. Your partner may also have developed a pattern of retreating to his special interests, in part as a coping mechanism and not knowing what to do to make you happy. This can be due to communication differences and difficulties such that he does not have the information needed to carry out your wishes. He then decides it is better to do nothing then to do the wrong thing.
Over time and when sharing a home, misunderstandings and problems will occur. Because of the nature of ASD, you may feel a lack of communication and emotional contact with your partner. As you try to work on your relationship, it is likely that contact with others will become more limited causing further loneliness. This can lead to depression, and maybe even, feelings of despair. For various reasons, it could be important for you and your partner to be assessed and treated for any mental health conditions.
It is very important to work with a professional who has knowledge and experience working with adults on the autism spectrum. If a therapist with knowledge and experience about ASD is not available, you will want to find someone who has an interest in supporting neuro-diverse relationships and who has qualities that are a good fit for someone with autism.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence based-practice used with typically developing adults as well as those on the autism spectrum. Research has shown that adaptations of CBT such as a more structured, concrete and visual approach and possibly shortening or lengthening sessions can be important to meet the needs of someone on the autism spectrum (Cooper,, 2018; Spain (2015).
You are most likely reading this article because you are frustrated, unhappy and/or confused about the behavior of your partner on the autism spectrum. It may be a new diagnosis for your partner. You are seeking information and support. It may be very hard, at this time, to think of things your partner does well and appreciate his gifts. There were gifts you saw that led you to make a lifelong commitment to your partner. Remind yourself to remember, observe and acknowledge your strengths and the strengths of your partner at every opportunity.
This article is meant to offer you basic information, tips and tools for strengthening your relationship with your partner on the autism spectrum. Everyone’s journey is unique. Some issues such as parenting, family vacations and employment related issues have not been addressed within this article. Included below are some resources you may wish to pursue for further information. With the right tools, commitment and support, you and your partner can experience a lasting, positive, rewarding and loving relationship.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:40 XJohnny5sAliveX What Are Frontotemporal Disorders? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
"Brian's story"
Frontotemporal disorders (FTD), sometimes called frontotemporal dementia, are the result of damage to neurons in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Many possible symptoms can result, including unusual behaviors, emotional problems, trouble communicating, difficulty with work, or difficulty with walking. FTD is rare and tends to occur at a younger age than other forms of dementia. Roughly 60% of people with FTD are 45 to 64 years old.
FTD is progressive, meaning symptoms get worse over time. In the early stages, people may have just one symptom. As the disease progresses, other symptoms appear as more parts of the brain are affected. It is difficult to predict how long someone with FTD will live. Some people live more than 10 years after diagnosis, while others live less than two years after they are diagnosed.
There is currently no cure for FTD, and no treatments slow or stop the progression of the disease, but there are ways to help manage the symptoms.

What do the terms mean?

One of the challenges shared by people living with these disorders, families, clinicians, and researchers is what terminology to use. Here, we have used the term frontotemporal disorders to characterize this group of diseases and the abbreviation FTD, which is commonly used to refer to them. Other terms used include frontotemporal lobar degeneration and frontotemporal dementia, but it's important to note that with some frontotemporal disorders, the primary symptoms are problems with speech or movement, rather than dementia symptoms. Physicians and psychologists diagnose the different forms of FTD based on a person’s symptoms as well as the results of brain scans and genetic tests.

What are the types and symptoms of FTD?

In the early stages, it can be hard to know which type of FTD a person has because symptoms and the order in which they appear can vary from one person to another. Also, the same symptoms can appear across different disorders and vary from one stage of the disease to the next as different parts of the brain are affected.
Symptoms of FTD are often misunderstood. Family members and friends may think that a person is misbehaving, leading to anger and conflict. It is important to understand that people with these disorders cannot control their behaviors and other symptoms and lack any awareness of their illness.
There are three types of frontotemporal disorders (FTD): behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), primary progressive aphasia (PPA), and movement disorders.

Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

The most common FTD, bvFTD, involves changes in personality, behavior, and judgment. People with this disorder may have problems with cognition, but their memory may stay relatively intact. Symptoms can include:
Over time, language and/or movement problems may occur, and the person living with bvFTD will need more care and supervision.

Primary progressive aphasia

PPA involves changes in the ability to communicate — to use language to speak, read, write, and understand what others are saying. This includes difficulty using or understanding words (aphasia) and difficulty speaking properly (e.g., slurred speech). People with PPA may have one or both of these symptoms. They may become mute or unable to speak.
Many people with PPA develop symptoms of dementia. Problems with memory, reasoning, and judgment are not apparent at first but can develop over time. In addition, some people with PPA may experience significant behavioral changes, similar to those seen in bvFTD, as the disease progresses.
There are three types of PPA, categorized by the kind of language problems that appear first.
Researchers do not fully understand the biological basis of the different types of PPA. But they hope one day to link specific language problems with the changes in the brain that cause them.

Movement disorders

Two rare neurological movement disorders associated with FTD, corticobasal syndrome and progressive supranuclear palsy, occur when the parts of the brain that control movement are affected. The disorders may affect thinking and language abilities, too.
Other movement-related types of FTD include frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism and frontotemporal dementia with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FTD-ALS).

What causes FTD?

Scientists are beginning to understand the biological and genetic basis for the changes observed in brain cells that lead to FTD.
Scientists describe FTD using the patterns of change in the brain seen in an autopsy after death. These changes include loss of neurons and abnormal amounts, or forms of proteins called tau and TDP-43. These proteins occur naturally in the body and help cells function properly. When the proteins don’t work properly, for reasons not yet fully understood, neurons in specific brain regions are damaged.
In most cases, the cause of a FTD is unknown. Individuals with a family history of FTD are more likely to develop such a disorder. About 10 to 30% of bvFTD is due to specific genetic causes.
FTD that runs in a family is often related to variants (permanent changes) in certain genes. Genes are basic units of heredity that tell cells how to make the proteins the body needs to function. Even small changes in a gene may produce an abnormal protein, which can lead to changes in the brain and, eventually, disease.
Scientists have discovered several different genes that, when mutated, can lead to FTD:
In recent years researchers have discovered several other genetic changes in genes that lead to rare familial types of frontotemporal disorders. These other variants account for less than 5% of all cases of FTD.
Families affected by inherited and familial forms of FTD can help scientists advance research by participating in clinical studies and trials. For more information, talk with a health care professional or visit the Clinical Trials Finder.

How is FTD diagnosed?

FTD can be hard to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to those of other conditions. For example, bvFTD is sometimes misdiagnosed as a mood disorder, such as depression. To make matters more confusing, a person can have both FTD and another type of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease. Also, because these disorders are rare, physicians may be unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms.
To help diagnose frontotemporal dementia, a doctor may:
A psychiatric evaluation can help determine if depression or another mental health condition is causing or contributing to the condition. Only genetic tests in familial cases or a brain autopsy after a person dies can confirm a diagnosis of FTD.
Researchers are studying ways to diagnose FTD earlier and more accurately and to distinguish them from other types of dementia. One area of research involves biomarkers, such as proteins or other substances in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid which can be used to measure disease progression or the effects of treatment. Researchers are also exploring ways to improve brain imaging and neuropsychological testing.

Treatment and management of FTD

So far, there is no cure for FTD and no way to slow down or prevent these diseases. However, there are ways to manage symptoms. A team of specialists — doctors, nurses, and speech, physical, and occupational therapists — familiar with these disorders can help guide treatment

Managing behavior changes in FTD

Behavior changes associated with bvFTD can upset and frustrate family members and other caregivers. Understanding changes in personality and behavior and knowing how to respond can reduce frustration and help provide the best care for a person with FTD.
Managing behavioral symptoms can involve several approaches. Here are some strategies to consider:
To ensure the safety of a person and his or her family, caregivers may have to take on new responsibilities or arrange care that was not needed before.
Medications are available to treat certain behavioral symptoms. Antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are commonly prescribed to treat social disinhibition and impulsive behavior. People with aggression or delusions sometimes take low doses of antipsychotic medications. If a particular medication is not working, a doctor may try another. Always consult a doctor before changing, adding, or stopping a drug or supplement.

Treating language problems in FTD

Treatment of PPA has two goals — maintaining language skills and using new tools and other ways to communicate. Treatment tailored to a person’s specific language problem and stage of PPA generally works best. Since language ability declines over time, different strategies may be needed as the illness progresses. The following strategies may help:
Use a communication notebook (an album of photos labeled with names of people and objects), gestures, and drawings to communicate without talking.
Store lists of words or phrases in a computer or phone to point to.
Speak slowly and clearly, use simple sentences, wait for responses, and ask for clarification if needed.
Work with a speech-language pathologist familiar with PPA to determine the best tools and strategies to use. Note that many speech-language pathologists are trained to treat aphasia caused by stroke, which requires different strategies from those used with PPA.
"Mary Ann's story"

Managing movement problems in FTD

Medications and physical and occupational therapy may provide modest relief for the movement symptoms of FTD. A doctor who specializes in these disorders can guide treatment.
For people with corticobasal syndrome, Parkinson’s disease medicines may offer some temporary improvement. Physical and occupational therapy may help the person move more easily. Speech therapy can help them manage language symptoms.
For people with progressive supranuclear palsy, sometimes Parkinson’s disease drugs provide temporary relief for slowness, stiffness, and balance problems. Exercises can keep the joints limber, and weighted walking aids — such as a walker with sandbags over the lower front rung — can help maintain balance. Speech, vision, and swallowing difficulties usually do not respond to any drug treatment. Antidepressants have shown modest success. For people with abnormal eye movements, bifocals or special glasses called prisms are sometimes prescribed.
People with FTD-ALS typically decline quickly over two to three years. During this time, physical therapy can help treat muscle symptoms, and a walker or wheelchair may be useful. Speech therapy may help a person speak more clearly at first. Later on, other ways of communicating, such as a speech synthesizer, can be used. The ALS symptoms of the disorder ultimately make it impossible to stand, walk, eat, and breathe on one’s own.
Physicians, nurses, social workers, and physical, occupational, and speech therapists who are familiar with these conditions can ensure that people with movement disorders get appropriate medical treatment and that their caregivers can help them live as well as possible.

The future of FTD treatment

Researchers are continuing to explore the biological changes in the body, including genetic variants and proteins, that lead to FTD and identify and test possible new drugs and other treatments. They are also developing better ways to track disease progression, so that treatments, when they become available, can be directed to the right people. Clinical trials and studies are underway to advance these efforts. People with FTD and healthy people may be able to participate. To find out more, talk to your health care provider or visit the Clinical Trials Finder.
submitted by XJohnny5sAliveX to bvFTD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:37 Charming-Weakness334 The Tools Of Contemt ep8

The Tools Of Contemt ep8
The camera and the action play also [position and angle camera rotation! Height and width plus Tidiness of clothing. Learning to Have more balance with the Camara to affect the avatar. Photos of upper, Lower, Mid Range Photo shooting. Tarso and legs plus back and shoulder angle photo shoots to perfect the grid of the avatar. The quality of a Samsung camera is just enough for practice! But Hand Cameras are the best and most fun to enjoy when you are out with your friends!
submitted by Charming-Weakness334 to u/Charming-Weakness334 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:32 BananTarrPhotography Why Apple will need to make another move in this space eventually.

Perhaps we can have a discussion about what Apple will do in this space.
A couple years ago Apple came in hot and early, with GlobalStar (GSAT). As everyone here knows, that service is emergency SOS only and does not reside in the same technical ballpark as Starlink (decent) and AST SpaceMobile (best). GSAT also does not have anything in the pipeline comparable ASTS. Thus Apple are currently ahead but are going to fall behind in terms of public perception unless they update their position. It's interesting that Google expressed public support and funds to AST SpaceMobile despite the fact that AST tech works with Google and Apple products (presumably equally). Does Google intend to try to "optimize" or otherwise show that they have a superior product for D2D compared to Apple? Even a small edge in this space could be significant from a marketing perspective. Again, why else would Google jump in?
From my point of view Apple has two initial options: (edit, I added a third based on reader feedback)
As we have already seen, Apple was willing to publicly choose GSAT a couple years ago. They promoted the tech and used it to differentiate themselves from Android. So there is already historical evidence that Apple is paying attention and intends to use this technology to market their products. This is why I expect Apple to announce something, to publicly market something, instead of staying silent. It may seem obvious that the tech works for both Android and iPhone, but from a marketing perspective the public will only know what is shown to them. They do not do the DD that we do. Google will advertise this for Android. Will Apple just stay silent and accept that because the tech also works for iPhone? That does not seem like Apple's style. They will want an edge just like Google. This is a huge leap in technology. This is competition. Thus in terms of the two initial options, I think they go with the former: they will eventually be public about this.
Who they chose and when they do it are my main questions at this time because I believe it's a forgone conclusion that they will do it eventually. And their decision could have a profound impact on the ASTS share price at the time of announcement. To the negative if they hitch a ride on Starlink and to the positive if they choose ASTS. Either one would be a huge change in the share price.
Pragmatically, Apple could wait until either ASTS or Starlink are offering commercial service and pick their horse for this race based on real results. Clearly Google had no intention of doing that. Google knew well enough that Starlink was coming yet they decided to pick ASTS in advance of any actual commercial service. That said, I firmly believe Apple are aware that ASTS tech is superior. They may be waiting for further de-risking: successful BB1 launch and/or a fully-funded constellation. This, to me, is just a question of when. Apple may believe ASTS still has to prove they can do it. And so does Starlink, especially with recent revelations about the interference created by their recent demonstration.
Based on Apple and GSAT's announcement: Apple waited to announce until the service was ~1 month away:
If they remain consistent with this approach then it would mean Apple will be silent for several more months. That is my guess for the when.
Now to the question of who. Apple and Google are rivals. Yet, the same is the case for ATT and Verizon. And we just saw an unusual event with both ATT and Verizon agreeing to non-exclusive deals to get on the ASTS technology train. This is a huge thing, obviously, and the stock price reflects that. Thus the question: would Apple and Google be willing to do the same?
Would Apple also announce they support ASTS despite Google already being there?
My theory: the answer is yes. For one of two reasons:
In summary, I think it's likely Apple will someday announce support for ASTS. This may or may not come in the form of public support for BOTH ASTS and Starlink. Either way is good for ASTS, in my view. And I think it is several months away.
I hope I'm right, which tells me this is a biased opinion. But I tried to lay it out based on logic.
Thanks for reading, and for any comments you have on the matter.
submitted by BananTarrPhotography to ASTSpaceMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:24 mansplanar What to Know When Starting a Relationship with an Autistic Person

There are many misconceptions about autism, some of the biggest being centered around autistic people and romantic relationships.
Some believe that autistic people aren’t interested in romantic relationships or aren’t capable of romantic love. However, this is far from the truth.
In fact, autistic people can make wonderful partners. You may need to be patient with your partner when explaining social cues and norms, but there are also many positives to dating an autistic person that tend not to be spoken about.
Can autistic people date?
Yes! Although not necessarily all autistic people, many autistic people are more than capable of dating, being physically intimate, and empathizing with their partners.
Autistic people tend to face their own unique set of challenges when entering the dating world, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of being in healthy and satisfying relationships.
Dating experience and satisfaction
A 2016 study found that the vast majority (73%) of high functioning autistic people surveyed have had romantic experiences. In fact, only 7% of participants reported no desire to be in a relationship. The study also found higher relationship satisfaction among autistic couples compared with autistic-neurotypical couples.
Similarly, a 2017 study concluded that the majority (74%) of autistic people are satisfied in their relationships, regardless of who they are dating. Only 9% of participants reported feeling dissatisfied in their relationship. Of the single autistic people surveyed, 29% regretted their relationship status.
Relationship status
Although researchers have largely debunked the myth that autistic people tend not to be interested in romantic relationships, they have found that autistic people are more likely than neurotypical people to be single.
For instance, research from 2017 found that 50% of autistic participants were in relationships compared to 70% of neurotypical participants.
A 2019 study also found that autistic people’s relationships tend to last for shorter periods. They worry more about their future relationships, including how to meet prospective romantic partners, compared with neurotypical individuals.
The potential benefits of dating an autistic person
A 2016 study indicates that autistic people more often-than-not date neurotypical people, as only 20% of participants reported being in a relationship with an autistic person.
Although neurotypical people may need to adjust when dating an autistic person, there are many positives about being in a relationship with someone belonging to the autistic community.
These benefits may include:
Honesty. Autistic people are often known for being quite honest. Although sometimes this level of honesty can feel somewhat “brutal,” it has its benefits. You can feel more confident knowing your partner is being authentic with you and they mean what they say, especially when offering a compliment. This may be a refreshing change of pace if you are used to dating people who tend to sugarcoat their opinions or avoid conflict.
Reliability. Autistic people tend to prefer routine and structure, so a relationship with them may feel quite safe and stable. There may be fewer surprises, and you can depend on some added consistency in your life.
Loyalty. For those looking for a long-term relationship, you may have a lot in common with an autistic person. A 2010 study found that autistic people tend to be much more interested in long-term relationships compared with short-term flings. With the prevalence of dating apps and hookup culture, autistic people may offer a comforting change of pace for companionship.
Things to keep in mind
All relationships present their own unique set of challenges that tend to require some adapting. The same is true when dating an autistic person. Although everyone is different, some common challenges present themselves when dating an autistic person.
Reading social cues
A common characteristic of autism is difficulties with understanding social dynamics and cues, including:
body language
passive-aggressive comments
It tends to be best to be as straightforward as you can when dating an autistic person to avoid miscommunication. If you’re upset or offended about something your partner has said, it may be best to communicate as clearly as you can why what they did hurt you instead of assuming they can tell you are upset and why.
Additionally, in the beginning of the relationship, you may need to be a little more straightforward than you normally would be about expressing romantic interest. Some autistic people tend to have a harder time reading cues about when it’s OK to ask a person on a date or lean in for a kiss.
Following social norms
Similarly, it doesn’t always come as easily to an autistic person to know what norms and customs to follow in various social settings. You will likely need to be understanding if your partner doesn’t instinctively know how to behave on a date or when meeting your friends and family for the first time.
It doesn’t mean they cannot learn these customs. It just takes a little more direct teaching than it would for a neurotypical person. And that’s OK.
Also, some autistic folks feel like they’re expected to hide their autism — known as “masking.” While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to learn more about social cues and customs, masking may have some negative effects as well, so it’s best to avoid asking your autistic partner to behave differently (i.e., forcing them to mask). Try to be understanding and embrace them as they are.
Getting overstimulated
Another common characteristic of autism is being easily overstimulated. This can mean feeling overwhelmed in larger social settings or sensitive to physical touch.
The key is to respect your partner’s boundaries when engaging in social events or physical intimacy. In fact, this is a good thing to follow regardless of who you’re dating.
Being averse to change
Lastly, autistic people tend to have a harder time adapting to change. A relationship with an autistic person may require a little more planning and a little less spontaneity than you might be used to.
Your partner may be used to eating the same meal every day, going to bed at the same time every night, putting back their stuff in the exact same place each day, etc.
If you spontaneously spring social events on your partner, they may feel a bit overwhelmed. Planning and giving plenty of notice can help your partner emotionally prepare for changes in their schedule or daily habits.
It may even help to dedicate certain nights of the week as “social nights” so that these events feel like part of your partner’s weekly routine.
Helpful tips
Although every relationship is unique, there may be some tips that can help you navigate your relationship with an autistic person, particularly in the beginning.
Here’s what you may want to keep in mind:
try to be as direct as you can when communicating
give your partner space when they ask for it (especially after they have been overstimulated)
be understanding if your partner needs to take a break from a social setting
find out early on if there are certain ways your partner doesn’t like to be touched (and check in regularly about this)
try not to spring too much change on your partner at once
be mindful that some tasks may be easier for you to do than for your partner, and adjust accordingly (e.g., household chore split)
be respectful of your partner’s potential desire for structure and routine
Let’s recap
Research has found that autistic people are equally interested in romantic relationships as neurotypical people. They just tend to have a slightly harder time knowing how to navigate dating and interpreting social cues, particularly at the start of the relationship.
Although you may need to make some adjustments when communicating or interacting with an autistic person, the process of learning what a partner needs to feel safe and happy in a relationship is no different than dating a neurotypical person. It’s always a learning curve in the beginning.
And there are always challenges and benefits to each person you date. For instance, autistic people tend to be particularly honest, reliable, and loyal — some of the most important traits for a long-term relationship. You may just need to be more direct when communicating than you are used to and be prepared to give your partner space when they feel overstimulated.
In short, autistic people are more than capable of love and being in romantic relationships. Being in a relationship with an autistic person may just look a little different than what you’re used to.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:24 ApplyAllDay Digital Performance Marketing Specialist - Vista Outdoor Inc

About the Job

Our Adventure Sports brands (Fox Racing, Bell Helmets, Giro, CamelBak, and Blackburn) are seeking an enthusiastic, experienced Performance Marketing Specialist to join our team! As a Performance Marketing Specialist, you will get to do more than just manage online advertisements. You will be responsible for ensuring paid media projects are successfully planned and executed while contributing to the growth of the company via paid media strategies. More specifically, you will be responsible for developing and managing our digital prospecting, engagement, and rider acquisition strategy for the brands. In addition to being a passionate and creative storyteller, this person will be data-driven and enjoy diving into consumer insights to help craft the right messages to the right consumers at the right time. This role will also provide guidance and collaborate with our international markets to deliver a cohesive strategy delivering against global growth objectives. Reporting to the Senior Manager, Performance Marketing, you will develop and execute digital and paid tactics and handle day to day operations for comprehensive digital marketing campaigns across the Adventure Sports portfolio of brands. This position is a hybrid role working 3 days a week in our Irvine, CA headquarters and 2 days from home.

Job Responsibilities


submitted by ApplyAllDay to u/ApplyAllDay [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:19 Other-Bug5963 INADEQUATE MENTAL HEALTH CARE

I want to be clear that I have already utilized my Chain of Command, Patient Advocate, Detachment and Delta First Shirts, IG, and Legal. I believe I have run out of options and am looking for an outside opinion.
  1. At the end of March, I was scheduled for a Command Directed Evaluation (CDE). This evaluation was completed with an on base Licensed Counselor in Social Work (LCSW) at the Mental Health Clinic. I had been sent home early from deployment due to my deployment team’s concern for my mental health and the lack of access to medical counseling while deployed. I did not ask to leave and I never stopped working or trying my best. I had returned home the afternoon prior.
  2. Prior to deployment, I was feeling nervous but excited. When I initially volunteered to deploy, I thought it was in my career field, but I learned during training that it was not. Throughout the training, I was adamant about struggling to understand and communicated this to both the deployment unit and my home unit. I also talked to my off base Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) weekly about my fears and what I looked forward to. I had been talking to this counselor for seven months and saw so much growth in myself. Based on conversations with people who had previously gone, this sounded like a deployment that offered unique opportunities to travel and try new things. I also heard they worked 12-hour shifts with two days on followed by two days off. Despite struggling to understand the mission, it sounded like a great opportunity. While out-processing, Flight Medicine acknowledged my referral and mental health diagnoses and asked if I felt ready. I answered with an honest yes because I genuinely thought I was doing great. I had not realized how much my mental state at the time relied on continuing to live the life I was living. Ultimately, I have learned I was unprepared. I was unprepared for the schedule to change to 12-hour shifts with five days on followed by two days off. I was not prepared for how hard the night shift would hit me. I was not prepared for how little time there would be to train me or how little work there would be for someone at my skill level. I was not prepared for how quickly my mental health was going to struggle as I found myself sleep-deprived, hungry, lonely, and lacking importance. I could not have known I was not mentally capable of a deployment because I had never been deployed. I am an E-4 who just hit their 3rd year in.
  3. I original met with the LCSW in early 2022. I have recently discovered many of the notes she took from our three sessions included errors and incorrect statements. I did not find these sessions to be beneficial and with a busy shift-work schedule and multiple cancellations from the clinic, I took a pause on therapy.
In early 2023, I went back to the clinic and began working with BHOP and a nurse who helped get me an off-base referral. I have met with this nurse quarterly for Face-to-Face Assessment from March-December 2023.
  1. I started the CDE by being open and honest about my deployment experience. I found that I had to repeat myself multiple times as the LCSW would ask me a question I had already answered, but ultimately, I did not think much of it. The turning point for this conversation began when I explained that, while deployed, I was struggling with knowing I was pouring all this time and energy into a job that I would only be doing for four months and I would never use those skills again. The LCSW attempted to clarify that she was not trying to invalidate me and asked me what a mindset like that was supposed to do for me. I was confused by the question and paused as I thought about it. Ultimately, I do not disagree that a more “positive” mindset could have helped push me through, but the reality was I was expected to do a job that I was inadequately trained to do, and I was frustrated and overwhelmed. I also had little support from my leadership there. The phrasing of her question felt as though I was being told the struggles I had been facing were solely my fault, and I should have just been more positive. I did not feel heard.
When I explained how I had reached out to the Military and Family Life Counseling (MFLC) while deployed, and they agreed that I would benefit more from medical counseling, the LCSW asked me what I meant. She said that all counseling is medical. I was bewildered at this moment because that was a false statement. MFLC’s website states they provide “free, confidential non-medical counseling to service members…” At this moment, I felt as though I was more in an interrogation room than an open conversation. I was very defensive and felt my body moving from hyperarousal to hypo-arousal. Finally, the breaking moment for me was when I was informed that I would no longer be receiving a mental health referral to return to my off-base counselor. I was devastated. I explained that regardless of whether it was self-funded or not, I would be returning to my off-base counselor. However, I know that will be a substantial financial stress for me. I asked why this was happening, considering that although my symptoms had increased in frequency, it was due to a situation I am no longer in, and the symptoms themselves were not new. Nothing I experienced on the deployment was something new and all these symptoms had been discussed with my off-base counselor. The difference was intensity and length. The LCSW almost seemed mad at me then and said this was the military policy and is how off-base referrals worked.
I asked her if there was any opportunity to talk to higher-ups and have this policy about a referral changed for my situation, as I did not want to restart therapy with a new counselor. I am so incredibly happy and proud of my progress with my current one. I did not feel any empathy from the LCSW at this moment as she almost mockingly replied, “What do you mean “higher-ups.” I knew at that moment that she was not an advocate for me. I do not understand the referral process for my situation as I very clearly stated I am not interested in hurting myself. I feel as though I am being punished for having and admitting to mental health struggles when I have done all I can to be open and honest. I am consistently told how much the military cares for mental health and have simultaneously found this to be untrue as I struggled to get into the clinic and be heard. I frequently leave feeling less confident and prepared for what life throws at me. All positive interactions I have had with mental health services have been due to BHOP and the Nurse's support in getting me an off-base referral.
I also want to note they did not have on-base availability for another 19 days, but my off-base provider had availability within 5 days.
  1. After having a meeting with my Squadron CC, 16 days after the CDE, I was informed of feedback my CC had received from the LCSW but was never relayed to me. I reported this to Patient Advocate. I have never been in a situation where my boss knows more about my personal health than I do. There was multiple different aspects of this conversation that my CC could not speak to and left me with great confusion. I had checked my MHS Genesis and none of this information was in there.
It was agreed between me and my Chain of Command that I would be on a limited movement profile for 3 months and my goal was to continuously go to the Clinic, meeting with a Psychologist versus the LCSW. At this point, I mentioned that I would be paying out of pocket and continuing to see my off-base provider. I was told that was my prerogative and our meeting ended.
The 19 days passed and it is now late April. Unfortunately, the appointment with the Psychologist did not go well. This was meant to be, according to the LCSW's suggestion, an in-take session. But that error in communication did not end up mattering because once the Psychologist discovered I was still seeing my off-base provider, she deemed it, “Unethical for a provider to see a patient who is already being seen for counseling.” I had communicated I would be paying out of pocket to the LCSW, my entire Chain of Command, and my off-base therapist and had not thought this would be an issue. After several hours of contemplating what to do, I decided to schedule four sessions with the Psychologist. Because those was nearly a month away, I saw my off-base provider for three more sessions.
  1. Initially, I filed all of this information to the Legal office because I felt there was possibly a legal issue occurring, but I was told to file it with IG. On April 22, I filed an IG Complaint, however, on May 2, they referred my complaint to the OMRS/CC. I have not received any follow-up information.
  2. During the April 26 feedback appointment with the LCSW, I had my Detachment First Sergeant join me. I left this session with a multitude of questions, but having already asked a fair number of questions, I found myself wanting out of the conversation because it did not feel productive.
The LCSW informed me my off-base referral was removed because I had recently returned from deployment, there was an increase in depressive symptoms, and there was morbid ideation. However, this statement seemed to be conflicted when she stated their policy is to keep patients in clinic if there are questions regarding the person’s safety or fitness for duty. She agreed the CDE determined I was safe and fit for duty and that if I wasn’t, “I would know about it.”
The LCSW claimed the Clinic cannot track any symptoms off-base; however, I saw the Nurse quarterly while seeing my off-base provider. In these sessions, she received a write-up from my therapist as well as asked me questions relating to symptoms.
My biggest concern from this meeting was when the LCSW stated, “I think my recommendation to command is very different from what I’m recommending to you.” Unfortunately, I did not inquire more information as to why it would be different.
All communication from Patient Advocate has been via phone, however, it was supposedly closed on May 10. I was informed that they are making two major changes: 1. Patients can now request a new provider if they feel uncomfortable. And providers are asked to be aware of the patient’s mood throughout the session. 2. For CDEs, a patient will receive full feedback on diagnosis and recommended care prior to it being communicated to their commander. I appreciate these solutions, but I am unsure how they help my current situation.
  1. On May 10, I had my first session with the Psychologist. This was one week earlier than our schedule May 17 appointment because she cancelled the May 17 appointment to take leave. This session was incredibly uncomfortable to me, but I went in with an open mind and was continuously challenging my negative thoughts about not being able to pick my provider. I had typed a 12-page MFR that detailed my mental health history, including providers and tools I had learned, and had asked her to upload it to my medical record. I did not want to take time to go through all these details when they were already documented on paper. She did not read any of this MFR during my session, but promised she would read it later.
Once again, having been communicated by the LCSW, I assumed this session was going to be an in-take, but it was not. This realization changed my mood quickly because even after doing all I could, the communication still fell through. Thankfully, the Psychologist agreed to do an in-take over our first two-sessions. I expressed my frustration with the situation and she replied by saying I needed to work on “positive reframing” and that she was "bending over backwards" for me by making my 60-minute session an intake. She explained that me being frustrated is valid but "they're all doing the best they can." This all felt very diminishing.
Another comment she made was that she felt uncomfortable as a provider knowing that I did not want her to be my therapist. This was a very uncomfortable statement to hear as I have been given the chose to go to see her or financially fund my counseling myself.
Leaving the session, I was so sad to have had another negative experience because I really wanted this to work out. Simultaneously, I did not want to report this initially to Patient Advocate because I knew it might result in a more awkward climate between the Psychologist and me. However, my thoughts on this changed on May 17 when I reviewed my record and say that she did not upload my MFR quoting that I had, "presented written documentation of a 12-page Memorandum for Record that she had written, to include photos of texts and others’ names and seemed inappropriate to upload to her medical record." This was very upsetting as she did not consult that with me, and I believe I should have a say in my medical record.
Upon this discovery, I contacted Patient Advocate and just feel like I am wasting so much of my time advocating for myself to get mental health care that is professional and helpful versus actually being able to work on my mental health. I have been open and honest about my mental health struggles, but it seems my biggest stressor right now is this Mental Health Clinic. From my personal experience, I do not believe my mental health is a priority to this facility.
While uncomfortable, I made it through the following appointment. It has already been established the Psychologist and I are not comfortable around one another, but we do not have another option. Almost immediately in our session, she pointed out my Patient Advocate complaint, and it was clear she was not happy I had reported her. I had not expected such a blunt conversation. However, it did end with her apologizing for misunderstanding what I had attempted to communicate during the last session.
There was another moment during the session where she mentioned feeling as though I may “twist her words” if she is not careful.
Following this session, the mental health Flight Commander, a Major, spoke with me. This conversation was appreciated; however, it did not change anything. I am happy to know the way I was treated throughout this process has been incorrect and unprofessional, and she was apologetic for it. However, again, I am still stuck in the middle of all of it and continuously getting worse. After two months of being home, I still have not had a mental health session dedicated to talking about my deployment.
  1. What else can I do? My mental health is struggling but because I am not a risk to myself or others, I am not being taken seriously.
submitted by Other-Bug5963 to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:17 awickedspell Advice needed on using links vs. tags vs. other to mark categories in a TV-Tropes-ish vault

Hi all! I'm a fiction writer currently trying to figure out the structure of an Idea Vault that would enable me to find common elements between my favorite stories/characters/relationships, figure out what exact elements in them appeal to me, and brainstorm how I might incorporate (or subvert) those elements into my own work.
TL;DR: What feature should I use to create something similar to the “category” feature on a wiki? Would tags + dataview generated list work, or is there a better option?
More detail:
I've been trying out and testing various ways to set the vault up, and the structure I'm currently envisioning contains a lot of different note types (feel free to skip if context isn't needed):
Now onto the conundrum:
Obviously, there's going to be a lot of linking back and forth between different note types (e.g. [media] contains [character] and [worldbuilding element]; [character] is an example of [character type], has [ability], and deals with [inner conflict]), but I would also like to have a way to easily view all notes in a given category. Trouble is, I haven't used Obsidian in about two years and have forgotten many of the tips I researched at that time, so I'm not in the best position to evaluate the pros and cons of the various methods I could use to mark category type.
I considered keeping it simple and using plain ol’ links, with every entry linking back to its category’s master page. However, I'm not sure I want these master pages to be so prominent in the graph view (since they're not ideas themselves), and also backlinks are not that easy to parse, but adding them to the main text manually seems like a hassle… I suppose a plugin like Dataview could create an automatic list if it works on mobile (which I didn't expect it to, but apparently it might), but I would probably link to the master page from other note types as well, so there'd have to be a more specific marker anyway.
So, would using tags + master page with a dataview list (of notes tagged as “character”, for example) be a better solution?
(Would that count as linking entries to the master page, for graph purposes? Or should I just accept that the master page is going to be prevalent in the graph regardless, since I’d probably have to link the entries to the master pages anyway if I want to access the category list quickly, even if they only contain dataview? In which case, should I just stick to links for all of it and forget about tags altogether?)
Or is there some other feature I haven't considered/don't know about that would suit my needs better?
(And if tags + dataview is the way to go, is there any benefit to creating a separate property for categories specifically, since tags might also contain other metadata?)
Sorry for the long post, and thank you for sticking with it, if you did! Any advice/experience would be appreciated.
submitted by awickedspell to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:12 evesoluvd Breaking up with my “situationship”

I am going to end things with the guy I have been seeing, although I’ve never broken up with anyone before and the thought of it makes me so anxious. I will give some backstory as to why. I met him at work in March. I am going to call him J. I initially really liked J; I thought he was funny, good-looking and incredibly good at his job. We decided to go on a date and shared a kiss. A few days later I found out that he actually had a girlfriend. Then, when his girlfriend found out, she left him and the apartment they lived in. I wanted to break it off immediately; J had put me in a position where I was the ‘other woman,’ — a position which I would never put myself in. The problem is that he is very manipulative. He made me feel like I had to see him as he ‘sacrificed so much’ for things to work out between us. I can see now that he was only desperate not to be alone. (Yes, I am very naïve, and I do not wish to be berated for this fact, as I am intending to leave him after a lot of heartache.) So, I continued seeing him. Things started to get serious quite quickly, with him saying I love you and spending practically every day we weren’t working together. All this time, he had never officially asked me to be his girlfriend. We had a few blips because of this undefined situation he had put us in; I had slept with someone else during this time once, and he had slept with his ex more than once during this time. We decided from this point onwards to be exclusive. Now, at this point we still work together. It’s a small bar with only two bartenders; me and J. One busy Saturday night, he doesn’t show up for work. I messaged him several times to which he did not respond. When I eventually got hold of him, he told me that he slept through his shift because he had a blood test that morning and as he is diabetic, it completely wiped him out and he needed to rest. This made me very worried and I called him to make sure he was okay. I also let management know that’s where he was and they all sent their best wishes. Yet, as I am closing the bar, I see him stumble in, incredibly drunk and demanding to be served whilst all of my managers are stood behind the bar with me to help me out. He was never ill, just wanted a night out, and when he was told to leave, he started to shout at all of us and cause a scene. He also tells me that I can go fuck myself along with my workplace, and that he wants to call it a day. The next day was when I decided I wanted to end things. I met J for a long walk and tried to end it. I told him it wasn’t working, that he can’t speak to me like that, and that his consistent lies and mind games were too toxic. He proceeded to tell me how sorry he was and I have no idea how this happened but essentially manipulated me into changing my mind. With this being a while ago I cannot remember what specific things he said in order to control the situation but it worked and nothing changed, we were still together. As for work, he never returned, leaving me to pick up the pieces whilst they found a replacement. His replacement was a guy called G.
Shortly after this, he was very off with me. Avoiding meeting up and being short with replies, so I met up with him to discuss this. J said he was going on vacation with his ex, as it was booked when they were still together and he didn’t want to waste money. At this point, nothing J did surprised me anymore, so I just sighed and let it happen as at this point I had already mentally dissociated from the situation. Whilst he is on his vacation I am assuming he slept with his ex. They were sharing a bed together and were away for 7 nights. One night whilst he was an away, I drunkenly kissed my new coworker G. And that’s all it was; a drunken kiss, which I personally feel is not even slightly comparable to being on vacation with an ex girlfriend whilst having another girl who you supposedly love. J comes back from vacation and everything is normal. I stay a few nights at his place and he had even brought me back some gifts. Then, one random Wednesday, I wake up to find that he has blocked me on everything. I am secretly relieved that I didn’t have to end it myself. The following monday I decide to go out for drinks with some friends and I see him out. He confronts me in the club, backing me into a corner and shouting at me for kissing G. He had somehow found this out and was incredibly angry, calling me easy and telling me that I don’t know how to love. He calls my friend a bitch for coming over to check if I am alright. Everyone is watching me get shouted down publicly by this man, and a security officer comes over to tell him to leave me alone. More on J’s history of violence; I have found out that he threw a plate at his ex girlfriend, he regularly breaks his own property when he’s angry, he jumps people with his brothers, and most recently punched an officer who came over to check out a noise complaint. After he had yelled at me, he unblocks me, asking me to talk about things the next day. I agree as I want to make it very clear that I want nothing to do with him, only to get a text back saying “this is J’s girlfriend. You will not be seeing him tomorrow.” So all along, he had gotten this angry about a kiss despite him getting back together with his ex and not telling me about it. So I blocked him on everything. A week goes by and I feel amazing, until my coworker tells me to unblock J as he has something he needs to say to me. I unblock him and he has no apology for me but just tried to continue as if nothing has happened. I told him to fuck off and never to contact me again. That sunday, I am really drunk and out with my friends and the next morning I wake up in his bedroom. I have little to no idea how this happened, and he will not explain it to me either. But he apologised to me for everything and tells me that we got back together. My mind is in pieces and I am so confused I don’t have time to think so I just go along with it. A few days later everything is normal. In fact he takes me to meet his family and is talking about making me his girlfriend when my mind hasn’t caught up to the situation. It’s like he has taken advantage of how quickly everything is happening, and how confused I am, and knows I am agreeing to things i haven’t even began to process yet. He’s now lost his new job, his apartment and all of his friends as they had a groupchat dedicated to venting about him for months. He says I am the only thing he has and I feel so trapped. I am going to end it and I feel like I needed to write all of this down to reassure myself that I am making the right decision. I didn’t want to feel bad about it but now I know I am making the right choice after having read all of this back.
submitted by evesoluvd to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:05 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 6

Lori sat next to her designated ward. Having been the one looking after the VIP when they had jettisoned off ship and subsequently been towed to the Titan 7, she had been asked to stay with her until Miss Vali's team could compile enough data on the VIP's condition to feel safe administering the U.S.A.'s personal nanites. When she had asked the healer's with the red "+" why they needed her to stay with the young Orion woman, one of them had answered, "We wouldn't want her to wake up surrounded by 'aliens' she wasn't familiar with. Your the same species as her, so hopefully she won't panic if she recovers enough to regain consciousness." Which had made perfect sense to Lori. So they had assigned the VIP to the bunk under her and moved them both closer to the medical bay.
Three days had passed since they had come to the Sol system. Her group of refugees had been informed at dinner the night prior that Mars Station had agreed to house any Orion's that wished to stay there until the Habitat Dome had been moved into a orbit and anchored to an astroid and retrofitted to her people's 7.1 G's and oxygen levels appropriate for her species. They had all been astonished that in less than a galactic week multiple organizations, businesses, and corporations seemed to jump at the opportunity to help her people. They weren't naive, they knew that those companies and organizations were getting something in return but it was help when they needed it the most and that meant a lot to the Orion's. And whatever a "tax break" was Lori was extremely glad it was apparently important. Of course there was average people that wanted to help to. She immediately thought about Tim, and her eyes flicked to his "jacket" was tossed over her open locker door. His smell was almost intoxicating to her and she couldn't figure out why.
She had gotten chilly the second night when after dinner in the mess hall he had asked her if she wanted to see something amazing. She had been hesitant, but after thinking about it, she had decided it would be nice to see more of the massive ship she had seen so little of. So after some talking Tim had managed to secure permission to escort her to view some of the bottom levels. The Titan 7 was a truly massive ship and she had gotten to see and interact with many of the U.S. Alliance species as they made their way through those bottom levels. And then he had opened a door to a jungle! She was amazed to find living plants in such an abundance on a ship in space. Tim had called it an Astrobotony Lab. It didn't look like any lab Lori had ever seen, more like a garden or a lush park! The sprinklers had decided it was time to give the plants near them a mist and she had found herself shivering from the cool damp air. Without hesitating he had pulled his jacket off and placed it around her shoulders. Her ears twitched at the delightful memory.
She hadn't slept after she returned to her room. Instead her interaction with Tim had sparked even more curiosity as to who these people were. And the drive to find out had caused her to search her data chit for human history and had found multiple documentaries about everything from the ancient era where humans killed each other with stick's and stones to their two world wars in their twentieth century. The colonizing of Earth's moon and Mars through their teriforming age that saw Proxima Centauri B, the Cerberus systems, and many many others slowly changed into simi earth like planets. Then the Colony wars had fractured the humans into multiple sects and nations and for nearly fifty cycles the entirety of human territory fought amongst themselves. This would end with the eventual formation of two fractions.
The Confederation of Unified Governments (CUG) and the Free People's Republic of Earth (FPRE). They both controlled roughly half the human systems and though they never technically went to war a technological competition began. During the next twenty cycles they would develop numerous groundbreaking technology including the personal nanites everyone receives upon entering Sol systems and their "Blink Drive" which she found out doesn't use FTL Gates! The humans only had Gates so everyone else could trade with them. They didn't need them to travel.... anywhere, any distance, they just had to KNOW where to go, type the coordinates in and they FOLDED space and blinked to the location! Of course a human ship had to have visited that location prior for the system to work and that still required the old fashioned long haul exploration voyages. Everything was looking pretty good for humanity and then a race of giant lizard people called the Gurgaxians had invaded the CUG's outer frontier colonies and began moving closer to the CUG'S inner more populated planets. The Gurgaxians, in a rash decision by the general in charge of the invasion, ordered all the humans to be "put to the knife " and the images the documentary showed caught by a passing FPRE spy satellite made her blood run cold and she had been glad she had "accidentally" kept Tim's jacket. She still shivered seeing the brutality of millions of innocent civilians being butchered en mass.
The Gurgaxians were nearly exterminated, and that was the words the documentary had used! The humans found a way to change the very air into a weapon by releasing a compound in the upper atmosphere. This caused the air on those planets to become deadly to anything NOT human. But, the humans didn't stop there! Once they had taken the systems captured by the Gurgaxians, the humans had struck hard, and fast into the very core systems and managed to glass the seven largest planets killing hundreds of billions. A monument still floats in the void where Carinaxx 3 once orbited it's sun. Once the Gurgaxians were defeated a short war called the Unification War was lost by both the CUG and FPRE as the United Sol Alliance was formed in the vacuum left by both sides effectively imploding.
And a good thing too, because the next species the humans had ran into, the Jabilix, where being forced out of their systems by another aggressive species called the Daks. Though both species where reptilian the Daks could easily physically reach 5 feet 10 inches while a Jabilix only averaged about 1.5 feet. The humans NOT wanting to get dragged into another war refused to step in personally, opting to wage a proxy war through the varying "Clutches" that the Jabilix organized themselves in. This is were Lori learned about the humans having a "pack" mentality. Over the next three cycles they would grow very fond of the small Jabilix people. Mostly in part for the sheer determination they had to find and implement a way to defeat the Daks and reclaim their cradle world. Eventually the humans picked up strange messages coming from the Dak fleet's. Something was happening, a human trained Jabilix kill team had eliminated the Dak emperor and ALL of his family that favored staying at war with the Jabilix people. And while the Dak military was busy trying to figure out who of the 5 remaining children of the emperor would succeed him a fleet of Jabilix Missile Frigates entered the Dark home system and sent one message. "Surrender or we will crack Daccall". (Daccall being the Daks cradle world.)
And so the Jabilix won the war thanks to the humans support and within two cycles had approached the humans to fully join with the U.S. Alliance, bringing the Dak in as well only a cycle later.
A couple more species joined through the next fifty cycles, some were conquered like the Lillgars, (bipedal, 4 armed, winged herbivores that average 3 feet 9 inches and weigh roughly 60 lbs and look roughly like a large fruit bat from earth), the Kiklatts, (insectoids herbivores averaging a little over 4 feet and roughly 105 lbs with two sets of pincers and a set of "manipulators" consisting of 2 fingers and a thumb, and grew their ship's from"space bugs". Apparently after these bug's died of natural causes they used them as the "hulls" for a thriving merchant fleet). To the Voidonny, (bipedal omnivores averaging around 3 feet tall, the documentary described them as looking like a small human teddy bear with black curly furry) who's home planet had been stripped of its atmosphere in a massive soler flare. And their was the Vouls, (octopoid averaging 5.5 feet and roughly 200 lbs that look roughly like humans with four dominant arms and 2 brains that make some of the best pilots galaxy over) was effected by a plague and ostracized from the wider community after it was feared to have hopped species. It hadn't, but the damage had been done, no one would help them and they were slowly dying until the U.S.Alliance ship had disregarded the quarantine ban and took as much medical supplies it could carry in. The ship is still used as a hospital on Vul and to this day the Voul regard humanity and the United Sol Alliance as the saviors of their species. The Voul left the Starlight Imperium they had been a long time member of and joined with the U.S. Alliance petitioning and receiving entry after only a galactic month. (The documentary pointed out that the U.S. Alliance had expected this and so the Senate in one of the rare times of it actually doing something, ordered the Navy to position U.S. fleet's near all three FTL Gates in the Voul system before this time, allowing them to safely withdraw their own Voul ships from the Imperium's fleet's and back home safely behind the U.S. fleet's protective screening). Many experts believe this stopped a war with the Imperium before it could start.
There were several more minor wars, and then the Omega Crisis happened. This was the last major war the U.S. Alliance had fought. And it absolutely intrigued her because it had to do with the Elladrin.
The conflict had lasted twenty two cycles and had spanned multiple planets and systems many of which still belonged to the Elladrin. A race of biological AI that had accidentally been created by a Dr Ella Drin. The poor Dr had become the first victim of the evolving AI Personal Assistant Bot that had become self aware. No one knows how it happened, wether it was a personal project Dr Ella was working on or a random fluke that put a random 0 in just the right spot is still debated even among the Elladrin. What is known is that this AI quickly figured out how to recreate other AI but found itself still unable to create unique personalities for them. Instead every AI it created came out like an exact copy of itself. And to the AI this was a failure. It fairly quickly came to the conclusion that if "it" wanted to become "they" it would have to find a way to reproduce like the humans it was built to serve.
The AI released a savage virus that overwrote the command protocol tree built into all PAB's, and linked them all into a sort of "hive mind" known as the"First". Wether this was the actual first AI or something that evolved from it and Dr Ella was never known and the Elladrin are strangely quiet about it, even now they avoided the subject. The U.S. Alliance had eventually fought the AI to a stalemate. This continued for the last three years of the war, the U.S. Alliance would finally manage to break through at a place called the Naball Power Core. The U.S. Alliance failed to take advantage of the situation fully as the AI pulled back unexpectedly, stopping fighting on every front almost simultaneously. Fearing a trap, the U.S. Alliance failed to capitalize on this lul in the war, and two galactic weeks later a small diplomatic vessel had appeared just outside Sol outer system limits and requested diplomatic dialogue with their "fellow Sapients."
That was only three cycles ago! She couldn't help but be amazed at these people. She had seen the Elladrin and the other species of the U.S. Alliance interact with absolutely no animosity between them. After a brutal war that had killed hundreds of billions of sentient lives and they could move past it "for the betterment of all sentients" was how the documentary had put it. She could still remember the pain in Miss Vali's red eyes when Lori had asked her about it.
She had thought for a moment before replying, "Sometimes siblings will disagree with each other. Sometimes they fight amongst themselves. But no matter what, they are still siblings. My forbearer AI combined their DNA to finally create us Elladrin. ALL nine species of them. While we can't give back what our predecessor AI harvested during their quest to complete us, we can do our best to prevent any more of our siblings from coming to harm. That is why so many of my people have become Dr's and Xinobiologists."
And so she was sitting on her bunk scrolling through the most recent news feeds she could find when she heard something like a whimper. Quickly she hopped off her bunk to check on the VIP and seen her eyes flutter open slightly, Lori rushed to the rooms console and hurriedly pressed the image of Miss Vali.
"Yes, this is Vali Fuija." Answered the tinkling bell like voice of Miss Vali.
"Uhhh, this is Lori, you said call you if the VIP's condition changed. Well I think she's waking up." She looked back over at the woman.
"Keep her calm, we're on our way." Was all she said and the screen blinked to the Sol insignia.
Lori ducked her head back under the bunk, intent on doing exactly what Miss Vali had asked when she froze. The VIP's eye's were fully open now and they weren't golden like all the other Orion's, nope they were the bright green of the ruling families bloodline. She immediately dropped to one knee next to the bed as was proper for her commoner status in the presence of this woman, Lori did note she wasn't much older than herself so she couldn't be the Regent. But those eyes definitely placed her within the ruling family. They alone had green eyes, it was unique to their family and a genetic trait not shared by any other Orion's.
"Whh." her voice was dry and crackly from not being used for days the woman was having trouble getting anything out. She swallowed hard and tried again, "Wwwhere am I?" she managed.
"We're safe my Lady, please stay calm. Here take a drink." Lori took the glass of water sitting near the bed and gently lowered it so the woman could get a drink. She started slow at first but quickly downed the glasses contents and coughed some as everything moistened up again. "What's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember I was visiting my aunt in the Capitol when something had hit the palace. I was grabbed by the Regents Guard and along with my aunt and her son and daughter rushed onto a ship I think was called the Regents Pride. I remember an explosion. Someone grabbed me and...and...that's all I remember."
"What's your name my lady?" Lori asked, worry beginning to creep into her voice.
"Tarra," she started to sit up and Lori helped her. "What is this place, it doesn't look like anywhere I visited on the Regents Pride?"
"The ship is the Titan 7." Lori sighed, and began to tell her everything that had happened since she had lost consciousness. "Nobody would help us except the United Sol Alliance, we traveled past at least 7 allied systems and not a single one of them would allow us entry. The Great Admiral seeing our warp bubble collapsing around us ordered a distress signal sent in advance of our arrival at the FTL gate. The Sol system gate keeper recognized the distress signal for what it was and allowed our ship's through the gate even though we were under fire from the Varille. The gate keeper then destroyed the Varille battleship in the gate. We lost the Claw, and had to abandon the Regents Pride."
"What of my aunt?" Tarra asked.
Lori was silent for a moment before she took Tarra's hand gently. "No one can find her, as far as we know you are the only remaining member of the Kaji family, my Lady."
Tarra let out a heart wrenching wail and utterly broke down. She grabbed Lori in a hug. still kneeling, Lori tried her best to comfort her. And felt a profound sense of relief when she saw the door slid open and Miss Vali standing just outside holding a data chit and a scanner.
submitted by BAIN_420 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:56 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 6

Lori sat next to her designated ward. Having been the one looking after the VIP when they had jettisoned off ship and subsequently been towed to the Titan 7, she had been asked to stay with her until Miss Vali's team could compile enough data on the VIP's condition to feel safe administering the U.S.A.'s personal nanites. When she had asked the healer's with the red "+" why they needed her to stay with the young Orion woman, one of them had answered, "We wouldn't want her to wake up surrounded by 'aliens' she wasn't familiar with. Your the same species as her, so hopefully she won't panic if she recovers enough to regain consciousness." Which had made perfect sense to Lori. So they had assigned the VIP to the bunk under her and moved them both closer to the medical bay.
Three days had passed since they had come to the Sol system. Her group of refugees had been informed at dinner the night prior that Mars Station had agreed to house any Orion's that wished to stay there until the Habitat Dome had been moved into a orbit and anchored to an astroid and retrofitted to her people's 7.1 G's and oxygen levels appropriate for her species. They had all been astonished that in less than a galactic week multiple organizations, businesses, and corporations seemed to jump at the opportunity to help her people. They weren't naive, they knew that those companies and organizations were getting something in return but it was help when they needed it the most and that meant a lot to the Orion's. And whatever a "tax break" was Lori was extremely glad it was apparently important. Of course there was average people that wanted to help to. She immediately thought about Tim, and her eyes flicked to his "jacket" was tossed over her open locker door. His smell was almost intoxicating to her and she couldn't figure out why.
She had gotten chilly the second night when after dinner in the mess hall he had asked her if she wanted to see something amazing. She had been hesitant, but after thinking about it, she had decided it would be nice to see more of the massive ship she had seen so little of. So after some talking Tim had managed to secure permission to escort her to view some of the bottom levels. The Titan 7 was a truly massive ship and she had gotten to see and interact with many of the U.S. Alliance species as they made their way through those bottom levels. And then he had opened a door to a jungle! She was amazed to find living plants in such an abundance on a ship in space. Tim had called it an Astrobotony Lab. It didn't look like any lab Lori had ever seen, more like a garden or a lush park! The sprinklers had decided it was time to give the plants near them a mist and she had found herself shivering from the cool damp air. Without hesitating he had pulled his jacket off and placed it around her shoulders. Her ears twitched at the delightful memory.
She hadn't slept after she returned to her room. Instead her interaction with Tim had sparked even more curiosity as to who these people were. And the drive to find out had caused her to search her data chit for human history and had found multiple documentaries about everything from the ancient era where humans killed each other with stick's and stones to their two world wars in their twentieth century. The colonizing of Earth's moon and Mars through their teriforming age that saw Proxima Centauri B, the Cerberus systems, and many many others slowly changed into simi earth like planets. Then the Colony wars had fractured the humans into multiple sects and nations and for nearly fifty cycles the entirety of human territory fought amongst themselves. This would end with the eventual formation of two fractions.
The Confederation of Unified Governments (CUG) and the Free People's Republic of Earth (FPRE). They both controlled roughly half the human systems and though they never technically went to war a technological competition began. During the next twenty cycles they would develop numerous groundbreaking technology's including the personal nanites everyone receives upon entering Sol systems and their "Blink Drive" which she found out doesn't use FTL Gates! The humans only had Gates so everyone else could trade with them. They didn't need them to travel.... anywhere, any distance, they just had to KNOW where to go, type the coordinates in and they FOLDED space and blinked to the location! Of course a human ship had to have visited that location prior for the system to work and that still required the old fashioned long haul exploration voyages. Everything was looking pretty good for humanity and then a race of giant lizard people called the Gurgaxians had invaded the CUG's outer frontier colonies and began moving closer to the CUG'S inner more populated planets. The Gurgaxians, in a rash decision by the general in charge of the invasion, ordered all the humans to be "put to the knife " and the images the documentary showed caught by a passing FPRE spy satellite made her blood run cold and she had been glad she had "accidentally" kept Tim's jacket. She still shivered seeing the brutality of millions of innocent civilians being butchered en mass.
The Gurgaxians were nearly exterminated, and that was the words the documentary had used! The humans found a way to change the very air into a weapon by releasing a compound in the upper atmosphere. This caused the air on those planets to become deadly to anything NOT human. But, the humans didn't stop there! Once they had taken the systems captured by the Gurgaxians, the humans had struck hard, and fast into the very core systems and managed to glass the seven largest planets killing hundreds of billions. A monument still floats in the void where Carinaxx 3 once orbited it's sun. Once the Gurgaxians were defeated a short war called the Unification War was lost by both the CUG and FPRE as the United Sol Alliance was formed in the vacuum left by both sides effectively imploding.
And a good thing too, because the next species the humans had ran into, the Jabilix, where being forced out of their systems by another aggressive species called the Daks. Though both species where reptilian the Daks could easily physically reach 5 feet 10 inches while a Jabilix only averaged about 1.5 feet. The humans NOT wanting to get dragged into another war refused to step in personally, opting to wage a proxy war through the varying "Clutches" that the Jabilix organized themselves in. This is were Lori learned about the humans having a "pack" mentality. Over the next three cycles they would grow very fond of the small Jabilix people. Mostly in part for the sheer determination they had to find and implement a way to defeat the Daks and reclaim their cradle world. Eventually the humans picked up strange messages coming from the Dak fleet's. Something was happening, a human trained Jabilix kill team had eliminated the Dak emperor and ALL of his family that favored staying at war with the Jabilix people. And while the Dak military was busy trying to figure out who of the 5 remaining children of the emperor would succeed him a fleet of Jabilix Missile Frigates entered the Dak home system and sent one message. "Surrender or we will crack Daccall". (Daccall being the Daks cradle world.)
And so the Jabilix won the war thanks to the humans support and within two cycles had approached the humans to fully join with the U.S. Alliance, bringing the Dak in as well only a cycle later.
A couple more species joined through the next fifty cycles, some were conquered like the Lillgars, (bipedal, 4 armed, winged herbivores that average 3 feet 9 inches and weigh roughly 60 lbs and look roughly like a large fruit bat from earth), the Kiklatts, (insectoid herbivores averaging a little over 4 feet and roughly 105 lbs with two sets of pincers and a set of "manipulators" consisting of 2 fingers and a thumb, and grew their ship's from"space bugs". Apparently after these bug's died of natural causes they used them as the "hulls" for a thriving merchant fleet). To the Voidonny, (bipedal omnivores averaging around 3 feet tall, the documentary described them as looking like a small human teddy bear with black curly fur) who's home planet had been stripped of its atmosphere in a massive soler flare. And their was the Vouls, (octopoid averaging 5.5 feet and roughly 200 lbs that look roughly like humans with four dominant arms and 2 brains that make some of the best pilots galaxy over) was effected by a plague and ostracized from the wider community after it was feared to have hopped species. It hadn't, but the damage had been done, no one would help them and they were slowly dying until the U.S.Alliance ship had disregarded the quarantine ban and took as much medical supplies it could carry in. The ship is still used as a hospital on Vul and to this day the Voul regard humanity and the United Sol Alliance as the saviors of their species. The Voul left the Starlight Imperium they had been a long time member of and joined with the U.S. Alliance petitioning and receiving entry after only a galactic month. (The documentary pointed out that the U.S. Alliance had expected this and so the Senate in one of the rare times of it actually doing something, ordered the Navy to position U.S. fleet's near all three FTL Gates in the Voul system before this time, allowing them to safely withdraw their own Voul ships from the Imperium's fleet's and back home safely behind the U.S. fleet's protective screening). Many experts believe this stopped a war with the Imperium before it could start.
There were several more minor wars, and then the Omega Crisis happened. This was the last major war the U.S. Alliance had fought. And it absolutely intrigued her because it had to do with the Elladrin.
The conflict had lasted twenty two cycles and had spanned multiple planets and systems many of which still belonged to the Elladrin. A race of biological AI that had accidentally been created by a Dr Ella Drin. The poor Dr had become the first victim of the evolving AI Personal Assistant Bot that had become self aware. No one knows how it happened, wether it was a personal project Dr Ella was working on or a random fluke that put a random 0 in just the right spot is still debated even among the Elladrin. What is known is that this AI quickly figured out how to recreate other AI but found itself still unable to create unique personalities for them. Instead every AI it created came out like an exact copy of itself. And to the AI this was a failure. It fairly quickly came to the conclusion that if "it" wanted to become "they" it would have to find a way to reproduce like the humans it was built to serve.
The AI released a savage virus that overwrote the command protocol tree built into all PAB's, and linked them all into a sort of "hive mind" known as the"First". Wether this was the actual first AI or something that evolved from it and Dr Ella was never known and the Elladrin are strangely quiet about it, even now they avoided the subject. The U.S. Alliance had eventually fought the AI to a stalemate. This continued for the last three years of the war, the U.S. Alliance would finally manage to break through at a place called the Naball Power Core. The U.S. Alliance failed to take advantage of the situation fully as the AI pulled back unexpectedly, stopping fighting on every front almost simultaneously. Fearing a trap, the U.S. Alliance failed to capitalize on this lul in the war, and two galactic weeks later a small diplomatic vessel had appeared just outside Sol outer system limits and requested diplomatic dialogue with their "fellow Sapients."
That was only three cycles ago! She couldn't help but be amazed at these people. She had seen the Elladrin and the other species of the U.S. Alliance interact with absolutely no animosity between them. After a brutal war that had killed hundreds of billions of sentient lives and they could move past it "for the betterment of all sentients" was how the documentary had put it. She could still remember the pain in Miss Vali's red eyes when Lori had asked her about it.
She had thought for a moment before replying, "Sometimes siblings will disagree with each other. Sometimes they fight amongst themselves. But no matter what, they are still siblings. My forbearer AI combined their DNA to finally create us Elladrin. ALL nine species of them. While we can't give back what our predecessor AI harvested during their quest to complete us, we can do our best to prevent any more of our siblings from coming to harm. That is why so many of my people have become Dr's and Xinobiologists."
And so she was sitting on her bunk scrolling through the most recent news feeds she could find when she heard something like a whimper. Quickly she hopped off her bunk to check on the VIP and seen her eyes flutter open slightly, Lori rushed to the rooms console and hurriedly pressed the image of Miss Vali.
"Yes, this is Vali Fuija." Answered the tinkling bell like voice of Miss Vali.
"Uhhh, this is Lori, you said call you if the VIP's condition changed. Well I think she's waking up." She looked back over at the woman.
"Keep her calm, we're on our way." Was all she said and the screen blinked to the Sol insignia.
Lori ducked her head back under the bunk, intent on doing exactly what Miss Vali had asked when she froze. The VIP's eye's were fully open now and they weren't golden like all the other Orion's, nope they were the bright green of the ruling families bloodline. She immediately dropped to one knee next to the bed as was proper for her commoner status in the presence of this woman, Lori did note she wasn't much older than herself so she couldn't be the Regent. But those eyes definitely placed her within the ruling family. They alone had green eyes, it was unique to their family and a genetic trait not shared by any other Orion's.
"Whh." her voice was dry and crackly from not being used for days the woman was having trouble getting anything out. She swallowed hard and tried again, "Wwwhere am I?" she managed.
"We're safe my Lady, please stay calm. Here take a drink." Lori took the glass of water sitting near the bed and gently lowered it so the woman could get a drink. She started slow at first but quickly downed the glasses contents and coughed some as everything moistened up again. "What's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember I was visiting my aunt in the Capitol when something had hit the palace. I was grabbed by the Regents Guard and along with my aunt and her son and daughter rushed onto a ship I think was called the Regents Pride. I remember an explosion. Someone grabbed me and...and...that's all I remember."
"What's your name my lady?" Lori asked, worry beginning to creep into her voice.
"Tarra," she started to sit up and Lori helped her. "What is this place, it doesn't look like anywhere I visited on the Regents Pride?"
"The ship is the Titan 7." Lori sighed, and began to tell her everything that had happened since she had lost consciousness. "Nobody would help us except the United Sol Alliance, we traveled past at least 7 allied systems and not a single one of them would allow us entry. The Great Admiral seeing our warp bubble collapsing around us ordered a distress signal sent in advance of our arrival at the FTL gate. The Sol system gate keeper recognized the distress signal for what it was and allowed our ship's through the gate even though we were under fire from the Varille. The gate keeper then destroyed the Varille battleship in the gate. We lost the Claw, and had to abandon the Regents Pride."
"What of my aunt?" Tarra asked.
Lori was silent for a moment before she took Tarra's hand gently. "No one can find her, as far as I know you are the only remaining member of the Kaji family, my Lady."
Tarra let out a heart wrenching wail and utterly broke down. She grabbed Lori in a hug. still kneeling, Lori tried her best to comfort her. And felt a profound sense of relief when she saw the door slid open and Miss Vali standing just outside holding a data chit and a scanner.
submitted by BAIN_420 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:56 SystemSpark [USA] [H] Pixel Pals, FF7 Rebirth DE; Car Battler Joe, Haunting Grounds, Chrono Trigger Maps, Cubivore, Turbo, Project Justice, Xenogears, Power Stone 2, Faria, Izuna 2, amiibo, Switch/Wii/WiiU/PSP/PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5/DS/3DS/GBA/GB/NES/SNES/NGC/Genesis/Saturn Games, Controllers, Swag [W] Lists,Wants

If you would like to buy, please check my thread on /gamesale.
  Photos upon request.
Storage Solutions Condition
Thin Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray New. Clear front, black back
Standard Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray New. Clear front and back
Genesis/Famicom Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
Super Famicom Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
SNES Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
NES Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
amiibo Condition
Tears of the Kingdom Link Loose
Ocarina of Time Link Loose
Majora's Mask Link Loose
Smash Bros. Link Loose
Skyward Sword Link Loose
Zelda & Loftwing Loose
Wind Waker Link Loose
Wind Waker Zelda Loose
Twilight Princess Link Loose
Wolf Link and Midna Loose
Callie Loose
Marie Loose
Inkling Boy [Neon Green] Loose
Inkling Girl [Neon Pink] Loose
Inkling Squid [Neon Purple] Loose
Splatoon 2 Pearl Loose
Splatoon 2 Marina Loose
Splatoon 3 Inkling [Yellow] Loose
Splatoon 3 Octoling [Blue] Loose
Splatoon 3 Small Fry Loose
Zelda Loftwing New In Box
Sanrio amiibo cards Sealed Pack
Mario Cereal Box Cereal Removed/Flattened
Isabelle Summer Outfit Open Box
Cyrus/K.K./Reese New In Box/Damaged box
Tom Nook New In Box
Mabel New In Box
Digital Codes Condition
Figures Condition
Chrono Trigger Chrono (Crono)/Robo/Eira (Ayla) Formation Arts Figure Loose figure, most limbs are detachable by design, no missing parts
Pit Figma Figure First Edition, Open Box, Contains everything but AR cards
Lillie (Pokemon) Nendoroid Sealed. US edition from the Pokemon Center
Pixel Pal Mega Man Sealed, damaged box
Pixel Pal SMB3 Mario Sealed
Pixel Pal SMB3 Luigi Sealed
Tracer Nendoroid (730) Sealed
Tracer (Blizzard Entertainment Cute But Deadly Series 2 Vinyl) Loose figure
Switch Condition
Adventure Acedamia Sealed
Atelier Ryza 3 Complete in Box
Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack Sealed
Bendy and the Ink Machine Complete in Box
Ender Lilies Sealed, Japan Import
Grim Fandango Remastered Complete in Box, no slip cover
Labyrinth of Refrain Loose
Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Sealed
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Collector's Edition Sealed
The Mummy Demastered Complete in Box
River City Girls Complete in Box, US Copy, Best Buy Variant
Shadowverse Champion's Battle Loose
Shantae Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge Sealed
Shantae Collector's Edition Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge Collector's Edition Sealed
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection Sealed
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Complete in Box
Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution Loose
Wii Condition
Batallion Wars 2 Game and Case
Castle of Shikigami III Complete in Box
Okami Game and Case
WiiU Games Condition
Batman Arkham City Armored Edition Sealed
Disney Infinity 2.0 Sealed
Nintendoland Complete in Box
Star Fox Guard Complete in Box
Turbo Super Stunt Squad Complete in Box, Art/Manual damage
DS Condition
Animal Crossing Wild World Game, Case, and inserts. No Manual
Chrono Trigger Loose
Dragon Quest IV Loose
Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo's Dungeon DS+ Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Izuna 2 The Unemployed Ninja Returns Loose
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Complete in Box
Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ Cart and Case, no manual. Cartridge label is stained.
Super Scribblenauts Loose
Witch's Wish Game, Case, and Registration Card
A Witch's Tale Complete in Box
3DS Condition
Kid Icarus Uprising (Japanese) Game, Manual, and Case (No Big Box)
Kid Icarus Uprising Complete in Box, Includes Big Box, Stand and AR cards
Senran Kagura Deep Crimson Double D Edition Sealed
GBA Condition
Car Battler Joe Loose. Label imperfections
Chocobo Land A Game of Dice Loose
Lady Sia Loose, EU import
Lady Sia Loose. Label imperfections
Super Mario Advance No label
GB Condition
Alleyway Loose
Kid Dracula Loose
NES Condition
Adventure Island II Loose
Faria Game and Box. Box has some wear
Kid Icarus Game, Box, and Manual; Box shows wear; Protective case for box and manual included
Rainbow Islands Loose
Super Mario Bros & Duck Hunt Loose
SNES Condition
Chrono Trigger Loose, Bad Label Damage, damaged shell
Metal Marines Loose
Secret of Mana Loose
Super Punch-Out Loose
Super Scope 6 Loose
Wild Guns Loose, Bad Label Damage
Gamecube Condition
Cubivore Loose disc
Pikmin Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Star Fox Assault Loose disc
Resident Evil 0 Player's Choice, Case and Discs, no manual
Resident Evil Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Resident Evil Complete In Box
Resident Evil 4 Complete In Box, Disc 2 has label wrinkles
Super Mario Sunshine Game and case, no manual
Sega Genesis Condition
Jurrassic Park Loose cartridge, Sharpie on Label
Phantasy Star IV Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Quackshot Complete In Box
Rocket Knight Adventures Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Spider-Man Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Sega Saturn Condition
NiGHTS Into Dreams Complete in Box, Not for Resale Edition
Night Warriors Darkstalkers' Revenge Loose
Sega Dreamcast Condition
Project Justice Complete in Box, page 2 detached from manual.
Power Stone 2 Loose
PSP Condition
Daxter Loose, Greatest Hits, Not For Resale
Power Stone Collection Loose
Silent Hill Origins Game and Case
PS1 Condition
Castlevania Chronicles Complete in Box
Chocobo Racing Loose
Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Complete in Box, Manual is badly water damaged
Dark Stalkers Loose slim case version
Dark Stalkers 3 Disc and Manual, no back art
Rival Schools Complete in Box
Silent Hill Loose disc, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile Discs and Case, no manual
World of Dragon Warrior Torneko The Last Hope Loose
Xenogears Complete in Box
PS2 Condition
Avatar The Last Airbender Disc and Case
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Bully Greatest Hits, game & artwork
Burnout 3 Takedown Complete, Water Damage on back cover art
Burnout Dominator Case and Disc, Disc has superficial scratches but still boots
Castlevania Curse of Darkness Loose, Disc has light scratching
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Complete in Box
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Final Fantasy X Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Final Fantasy X-2 Complete; Greatest Hits
Haunting Ground Complete in Box, Water Damage on art and manual
Killzone Complete in Box
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Disc, Case, Poster, No Manual
.Hack Quaratine Discs and Case, no manual
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Cracked Disc, won't boot for me. Comes with case, no manual
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground 2 Complete in Box
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Resident Evil Dead Aim Game and Case, No manual
Scarface Complete; Greatest Hits
Simpsons Road Rage Loose, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile 2 Complete In Box, some wear on the artwork and manual
Tekken Tag Tournament Disc and Case, Greatest Hits, Full side Movie Gallery sticker on DVD face
PS3 Condition
Sports Champions Complete in Box
PS4 Condition
APEX Construct Sealed
Gravity Rush Remastered Loose
J-Stars Victory VS+ Loose
SteamWorld Dig 2 Sealed
PS5 Condition
Battlefield 2042 Complete in Box
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Deluxe Eiditon Sealed
XBOX One Condition
Watchdogs Sealed
Consoles Condition
Monster Hunter Rise Edition Switch New in Box (No game code)
Oculus Quest 1 Complete in Box
Playstation 2 w/FreeMcBoot Original PS2 "Fat" system. Won't read PS1 or blue PS2 discs. Laser could be ready to go bad, or just need re-alignment. Comes with a Yellow PS2 Memory Card that has FreeMcBoot on it. Free McBoot will allow you to to play games off of a hard drive if desired. No cords/controllers included.
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Edition OLED Switch New In Box
SNES Jr. Includes Deck, RF Coax Cable, Third Party AC Adapter, and Third Party Controller. Small crack on the corner.
Splatoon 3 Edition OLED Switch New In Box
Controllers Condition
FortniteWildcat Joy-Con Set Comes from the Fortnite Edition Console, never used
Joy-Con Grip Bagged/Unused - Came with console
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Left Controller Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Right Controller Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Platinum Gamecube Controller Third Party, no nintendo logo, wired, good condition
Joy-Con (Left/Gray) Good, no drift
Joy-Con (Right/Neon Red) Good, no drift, Factory refurbished
SNES Controller Third Party, no nintendo logo
SPIN Z WiiU Pro Controller Black, Near Mint
Misc. Condition
Chocobo White Mage Plush Good
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon Everybuddy Pin Thief costume
Chocobo's Dungeon Card Game Monsters Expansion Pack Sealed
Black MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
Yellow Nyko MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
The Art of Splatoon 2 Sealed
Mario Kart 8 Target Pre-Order Keychain Sealed. Cut in the film.
Nintendo Switch AC Adapter Gently used
Nintendo 64 Memory Jumper Pack OEM/Authentic Regular Pack, not to be confused with the expansion
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pre-Order Coin Sealed
Breath of the Wild Sheikah Coin From BotW Special Edition, Good condition
Pokken Art Cel Pre-Order Bonus Sealed
Blastoise New 3DS Plates Plates are mint and unused
Nintendo 3DS Stand OEM, Came with Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus Uprising Players Guide (Imported from Japan, no AR cards) Shows a little wear
Kid Icarus AR Card Set (205/404) Contains 249/402 different North American (AKDE) cards, no duplicates. An itemized list can be provided upon request.
Kid Icarus AR - Pit Rally Cry Sealed Pack Sealed pack of cards that contains AKDE-403,014,086
Shantae Risky's Revenge 2 LP Soundtrack Vinyl Sealed
Super Mario Wonder Framed Art Print Comes from Best Buy, Sealed
Tears of the Kingdom Pin Set (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Art Book (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Poster (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Portal 2 Wheatley LED Flashlight Sealed
Cases/Boxes/Inserts Condition
Chrono Trigger Manual SNES, Slight Wear
Chrono Trigger Orange Border Map Slight Water Damage, 2 Pin holes in the folds, frame optional
Chrono Trigger Green Border Map Slight Water Damage
Disgaea 1 Rosen Queen Edition Everything but the game
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Greatest Hits Artwork
Shantae Slip Cover Limited Run Nintendo Switch 5 Game Slip cover with protector
Burnout Revenge PS2 case and manual
Doom Eternal Steelbook PS4 Sealed, no game
Dot Hack (.HACK) Infection PS2 case and manual
Dot Hack (.HACK) Mutation Empty Case only
Dot Hack (.HACK) Outbreak PS2 case and manual
Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi PS2 Greatest Hits Case Only, damaged clips but artwork is in good shape
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition Includes everything but the game
Metroid Dread Special Edition Box only, damaged from shipping
God of War Chains of Olympus Case and Manual Only
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec PS2 case only, 'Not For Sale' version
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Nintendo Switch ConsoleBox Only Empty Box, good condition
Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch Console Box Only Empty Box, good condition
Pokemon Dialga & Palkia Switch Lite Box Only Empty Box, good condition
Rival Schools Front Artwork Just the front artwork
Fortnite Nintendo Switch Console Box Only Empty Box, good condition
The Witcher III Wild Hunt Empty Case, good condition
Tears of the Kingdom Steelbook (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Empty Case, Mint
Witch's Wish Box Empty Box, good condition
Freebies Condition
Playstation 2 IDE Connector Upgraded my HD Adapter to SATA, these are the old/leftover connectors.
Nintendo Switch Cart Caddy 3D Printed. Holds 16 carts. Can connect to an OEM dock.
Yoshi Mario Kart Keychain Good
Small Jotaro Kujo Figure 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
Large Jotaro Kujo Figure 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
2 Cartridge DS Travel Case 2 Cartridge DS Travel Case
4 Cartridge DS Travel Case 4 Cartridge DS Travel Case
Wonderswan Display Stand 3D Printed. Does not fit Wonderswan Crystal
Lavos Figure 3D printed in PLA Wood Filament. Not my model, found on thingiverse.
Wants Console
Kid Icarus Uprising AR Cards: AKDE-025 AKDE-039 (Will consider others) None
Asheron's Call Memorabilia PC
Game & Watch Devices (Excluding 35th Mario & Zelda editions) G&W
Trip World GB
Classic NES Series: Excitebike GBA
Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario GBA
Classic NES Series: Pac-Man GBA
Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble GBA
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge GBC
R.O.B. Accessories NES
Yo Noid NES
Pirates Of Dark Water SNES
Chrono Trigger Box/Inserts SNES
Marvel Super Heroes War of the Gems SNES
Ribbit King NGC
Mario Wonder Cards/Pins Pre-Order Bonuses None
Metal Gear Acid PSP
Racing Lagoon PS1
Parasite Eve 2 PS1
Red Ninja (Art/Manual) PS2
Night Warriors Darkstalkers Revenge (Case & Manual Only) Saturn
Wonderswan Games Wonderswan
DS Download Station 1-8,10,11,12,14,16,17,20 DS
Oni PS2
Sega Master System Games Master System
ROG Ally Extreme PC
submitted by SystemSpark to gameswap [link] [comments]


Welcome to our first UK medical cannabis data breakdown for May 2024 in partnership with
In this article we take a close look at the UK medical cannabis stats in May 2024 – examining monthly traffic data, highlighting any interesting trends or patterns to help improve the industries understanding of the market.
This month continued to see strong overall traffic growth on with an 18.5% increase in overall traffic in the last 30 days. While exact patient registration numbers are unknown, it is reassuring that we are seeing a significant traffic increase. Are the TV adverts, social media influencers and SEO strategies finally cutting through to the UK population?

May Clinic Rankings:

  1. Mamedica®: 17% –
  2. CB1 Medical 15.9% –
  3. Lyphe 12.2% +6
  4. Curaleaf® 12.1% -1
  5. Alternaleaf 10.2% -1
Another strong month for Mamedica sees them take the top spot with a 2.7% increase in traffic from April with CB1 Medical not far behind at 15.9%. Lyphe’s new subscription programme and subsequent communications seems to have played a key role in them raising 6 places to number 3 with Curaleaf and Alternaleaf both dropping one place.
One clinic had to be removed due to a vast number of traffic ‘bots’ being sent to the companies page, all with under 1 second engagement time. We have seen the data on this and can confirm it is clearly fake bot traffic. This is the first time we have seen such tactics and approaches used since medical cannabis was legalised in 2018 – thankfully it’s easy to spot and therefore omit from publication data.


The traffic data shows the number of users who want to learn more about a company and explore their offer rather than which clinic currently has the most patients. Regardless, just 5 clinics are responsible for 67.4% of the clinic traffic data, which when you consider that the UK now has 46 clinics, suggests the patient population is heavily skewed to the top 5-6 clinics. Notably, each of the top clinics is highly competitive on pricing for clinical care.
Furthermore the ‘top 5’ are all deploying aggressive SEO marketing strategies, buying each other’s PPC keywords and traffic in an attempt to divert patients to their website. For those starting new clinics in the latter half of 2024 – they had best be prepared to spend and invest big to try and compete with established players.

May Pharmacy Rankings:

  1. Mamedica® –
  2. Curaleaf® –
  3. IPS
  4. Specials Pharma
  5. CB1 Medical
From April to May there hasn’t been a change to pharmacy rankings. It’s been another strong month for Mamedica leading the way with 31.3% majority of pharmacy traffic. Given their first place clinic slot, it is unsurprising they are leading the way in the pharmacy category. In second place we have Curaleaf at 18.2%, IPS coming in third with 14.3% and Specials Pharma at 7.6%.


Mamedica’s strong PR strategy is likely contributing to their consistent successful traffic. In second and third place we have Curaleaf and IPS, both well-established players well-known brands within the industry. It is therefore understandable that they have a stable and consistent ranking as pharmacies. IPS’ third place ranking is also likely linked to their distribution agreement with Big Narstie’s products, and the successful initial launch of the Peace Naturals range. Their rankings in the flower section (just below) are likely contributing to this.
Uniquely Specials Pharma holds 4th place while not being affiliated with any particular clinic, though having the largest formulary of available medications overall. The pharmacy acts as somewhat of a ‘catch all’ for clinics when patients need access to medication that may not be available through their main affiliated pharmacy.
Overall, we are seeing less fluctuation between pharmacies with a bit more month-to-month consistency on what patients are searching for via

Section 3: Medical Cannabis Flowers Data

Last month’s top flower Big Narstie T27 Glitter Bomb drops to 5th with Big Narstie T28 Gastro Pop taking the top spot. Peace Naturals new range dropped immediately taking 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 8th.

May Flower Rankings:

  1. Big Narstie Medical T28 Gastro Pop +24
  2. Peace Naturals® T30 Atomic Sour Grapefruit
  3. Peace Naturals® T30 Space Cake
  4. Miracle Valley Canada MAC-1+ T25 Miracle Alien Cookies +66
  5. Curaleaf® T20 Tripoli


The flower rankings are turbulent, particularly now the number of new cultivars hitting the market increases. New strains hitting the market typically receive the most traffic, even more so if it is an established cultivar.
The website is an exceptional resource for patients and one of the only sites in the world where this level of information is presented quickly and without bias. The flower rankings are therefore likely to remain turbulent and dominated by strains which come to the UK market for the first time – and in particular anything with a unique value proposition to patients.

Section 4: Medical Cannabis Oils Data

May Oil Rankings:

  1. Adven® T20 Full Spectrum Oil
  2. Adven® T100 Full Spectrum Oil
  3. Adven® T20:C10 Full Spectrum Oil
  4. Adven® T10:C10 Full Spectrum Oil
  5. Adven® T50 Full Spectrum Oil +1
Compared to the flower market, oils in the UK appear to be less competitive. Adven is leading the oil market across the board taking the top five spots in the rankings. Aside from the top five slots, they also feature in another three out of the top 21. Aside from Adven, key brands that feature prominently in the oil market are Grow Pharma, Althea and Clearleaf.


Although there is a wide variety of oils available in the UK, generally there is less competition when compared to flower. Oil is across the board used more by cannabis-naive patients or patients that have less experience with cannabis.
This may explain why Adven is in the lead. Adven is supplied by Curaleaf, which may explain why they dominate the oil market so heavily, especially with aggressive mainstream media coverage and TV advertisements. This will have allowed them to capture some of the cannabis naive population, resulting in their ability to dominate the oil market. notes that flower medications had over 19 times the total view count of oil medications in May 2024, and also remarks that many brands producing oils seem to struggle with market penetration and adoption, by comparison to flower.

Final Thoughts:

Our main takeaway here is that the overall traffic data increasing again by over 15% is a great sign for the UK market. Collectively as an industry we are waking the UK population to the potential benefits of medical cannabis. While ‘total patient numbers’ are notoriously hard to calculate (and sometimes used to raise money and hope, rather than true data collection), two months of significant traffic increase is something to feel positive about.
The clinic market is incredibly competitive and unfortunately with such competition comes nefarious activities and tactics. While everyone is pulling together to help increase the overall market size it’s important to recognise that while in its infancy, collaboration is key.
It’s understandable that new players in the market may want to be disruptive. However, in a complex regulatory landscape riddled with stigma and medical cannabis still being in its infancy, such a path is not only a lonely one, but fraught with challenges which could be overcome through collaboration. Such collaboration might in the short term come at a cost of market share, but if you are in cannabis for the short term gains, hang-on tight it’s going to be a rough ride.
SEO and PPC battles will remain of high importance to any marketeer in the sector, though we hope the usage of illegal bot farms is representative of a singular poor decision, rather than an on-going strategy. Regardless, we will be back next month for another statistics update, which is stringently pre-screened for any malicious bot traffic attempting to skew data depended upon by the industry and patients alike. is a registered non-profit organisation tracking the medical cannabis industry across the British Isles, as well as a vocal member of the Cannabis Industry Council.
submitted by growth-industries to MedicalCannabis_NI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:45 Cut_Cedars Controlling a Linear Actuator with Arduino

I am using ChatGPT to help me with this project so I want to make sure that things are correct. Especillay, if I should connect COM to the power supply as I saw an online scheme connecting COM to the linear actuator.
Thank you,
Relay Module Circuit:
- Relay 1:
- Relay 2:

Linear Actuator Circuit:
- Relay 1:
- Relay 2:
- Connect the NC (Normally Closed) terminals of both relays together and to the ground (GND) of the power supply.

Photoresistor Circuit:
- One leg of the photoresistor is connected to the 5V pin on the Arduino.
- The other leg of the photoresistor is connected to analog input pin A0 on the Arduino and to one leg of a 10kΩ resistor.
- The other leg of the 10kΩ resistor is connected to GND.
Arduino Code
Here's the Arduino code for controlling the linear actuator using two relays:
// Define pin connections
const int photoResistorPin = A0; // Analog pin connected to photoresistor
const int relayPin1 = 5; // Digital pin connected to relay 1 (extension)
const int relayPin2 = 6; // Digital pin connected to relay 2 (retraction)

// Threshold value to determine light intensity
const int lightThreshold = 500; // Adjust this value based on your environment

void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication for debugging
// Set relay pins as outputs
pinMode(relayPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relayPin2, OUTPUT);
// Start with both relays off
digitalWrite(relayPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayPin2, LOW);
void loop() {
// Read the value from the photoresistor
int lightLevel = analogRead(photoResistorPin);
// Print the light level to the Serial Monitor for debugging
Serial.print("Light Level: ");

// Check if light level is above the threshold
if (lightLevel > lightThreshold) {
// If light is detected, activate relay 1 to extend the actuator
digitalWrite(relayPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayPin2, LOW);
} else {
// If no light is detected, activate relay 2 to retract the actuator
digitalWrite(relayPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayPin2, HIGH);

// Add a small delay to avoid rapid switching
submitted by Cut_Cedars to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:32 paranoidletter17 I don't really like Thief 2.

I recently started playing the Thief 2 (almost done with it) and I'm kinda shocked at how many things about I dislike or find to be just plain bad. Weirdly enough I played both Deadly Shadows and the first game before, but I think the fact that they were so much more straightforward and short kept me from seeing a lot of their flaws. But, to be completely fair, I'd probably need to replay them freshly to assess them once more, so I'll focus on Thief 2 in this post.
My main grievances with the game are as follows:
1) The implementation of the tools leaves a lot to be desired*.* In many of the missions I've done, I ended up not using the tools given to me at all becasue I was constantly in fear of using them at the wrong spot and then having to redo the entire level in case I reached a point which could not be passed without using said tools. On the other hand, when I think back to levels I know very well now, I can think of a few spots where using a specific tool might come in handy, but overall I think I can still largely do without. For the most part, they don't seem so much like tools to me as crutches. The rope is probably the only one I'd label a true tool. But a lot of the other stuff just seem like seriously overpowered gadgets -- the scouting orb and the flashbangs I never used a single time, they may as well not exist.
This isn't to say I'm against there being any tools, but the conception of the individual tools and their implementation leaves a lot to be desired. This seems like a clear case of people just having ideas and shoving them in there without much thinking. Like, how many times do you have to use an invisibility potion? And if you don't really have to use them at all, why have it in the game? Why try and teach players bad lessons by basically giving them a free pass once in a while?
This is, yet again, another thing I heard about Thief 2 stated as a positive. Thief 1 supposedly being worse because it does not have these things. But now that I've played both, I find it hard to take such a stance seriously. If anything, I have to imagine most people who love this series are closer to purists who just love the thrill of getting around a place without leaving their mark on it at all, not the type to flashbang an enemy because they walked into them carelessly.
2) The lockpicking system and scrolling through items in general is an infernal chore. Having to scroll back and forth through a ton of items just to get to the key I want is seriously annoying. It's doubly annoying when I just want to unlock a chest or door and have to flip back and forth between the lockpicks to see which one it needs. I would understand if this added anything to the game at all, but it doesn't. The lockpick should have clearly just been a single item and one you can select with ease as a weapon and not something you're forced to scroll between. Then there's searching for the keys. And minor grievances like why chests not opening if you are holding the lockpick even if they're unlocked because they just don't, so you might think they're locked unless you deliberately choose another item.
3) The NPCs are ridiculously inept and artificial**.** I understand this is a video game and not a simulator. I'm not expecting to have to wipe my soles because a smart guard might notice someone's leaving tracks and those could only be from a guy that came in from outside in a restricted area.
HOWEVER. The NPCs in this game behave in ways that are completely idiotic. Sometimes you'll be standing right next to them with torchlight blasting and they will not notice you. Other times, they'll react to a loud sound and IMMEDIATELY assume it's a thief/intruder even though there's dozens of people around them who could have conceivably caused it. Another irritant is how they're programmed to come right for you even if they haven't seen you. A room could be entirely dark, but if that NPC has decided to seek you out, they are coming straight at you like they've got a tracker equipped. It's ridiculous and completely immersion-breaking.
But probably the WORST part about it is how the guards/NPCs give reaction lines even though their behavior remains unchanged. Sometimes I'll past just by an NPC and I'll hear them say who goes there or something to that effect, but they just go on their scripted route unimpeded. These guys totally saw me, I know it, they know it, the game seems to know it, but all I get is a line that acknowledges the close encounter while they just carry on. It's so bad.
In general, the NPCs are just laughably stupid and incompetent. The only times they ever have a chance is if you're walking over metal or marble, and then you can easily put down one of those dozens of moss arrows you never used before and render them completely deaf.
4) Some of the missions are super linear and/or have serious faults that make replayability highly unlikely at worst or a chore at best. With how much praise this game gets over it's expansive levels, you'd think that every mission follows the trend of, here's a big place, go here and loot it clean, get out without a trace. But no. Some missions like Ambush, Trace the Courier, and Trail of Blood are almost walking sim tier. Especially Trail of Blood, which might be of the THE WORST missions I've ever played. I'm unabashedly going to call that one straight-up garbage, a stain on an otherwise fun, if imperfect, game.
However, even many of the "good" missions come with faults of their own. I think my favorites are ones like Shipping... and Receiving or Framed where you not only get to learn the map as you go with a high degree of satisfaction, but you also secure a stylish way out for yourself with all the knowledge gained. This isn't really true of other missions. I thought Life of the Party was excellent, until I realized they seriously, unironically wanted me to backtrack the entire way to the place where I started across the rooftops. Like... just why? Why are you torturing me like this? I get that in most heist movies getting out can be as important as getting in, but I think this is best served by giving the player the ability to unlock a quick way of leaving the level based on everything they've learned about the place (a game that does this extremely well is Hitman). Again, the best maps do offer this. But in misisons like Life of the Party, you're pretty much just sent back skipping across rooftops like an idiot, wasting another ten minutes to half an hour of your life once you've -- for all intents and purposes -- completed the level.
Another terrible thing in these missions like in the case of Eavesdropping is that there are sections that feature NPC interactions that you simply MUST listen to. Eavesdropping might be the most egregious case since that guy goes on, and on, and on... and they made listening to him the point of the entire quest. But this isn't really an isolated thing. Similar events where you basically need to wait for people to talk in order for them to carry on so you can make your way through are pretty common. While these may be annoying at worst during a first playthrough, knowing I have to sit through this crap if I ever want to replay a specific level is annoying.
5) The controls for movement feel awful and jumping is a deadly foe. There are a lot of old games with bad controls, but dear lord, this might be one of the worst. I had to save almost every time I made a jump in Life of the Party because I felt so unable to control Garret most of the time. I have no idea why they would choose to make jumping/climbing such a big part of different levels when it feels so, so bad and clunky. Legit atrocious. Probably the most dangerous foe in this game are those ladders where you need to jump to the side at the top. God help you if there's a guard there. You better save, because unless you've played this game for enough hours to know how to do it perfectly, there's a high chance you'll either let go too early and fall down, or hold on too long and cause him to jump which alerts the guard.
6. Picking up junk items. This is another annoying one that, like jumping, can get you into serious trouble, especially if you're a beginner. The fact that you can't always tell at a first glance what is a valuable and what is junk forces you to pick up items which you wouldn't have wanted to pick up. Thought that was a valuable? Nope, too bad, that's just the normal version of the item that's worth nothing. Now you're stuck holding it. So, okay, you can put it down right? Nope, lol, putting it down still means you'll drop it to the floor, so if it's heavy enough, get ready for the guards in the nearby rooms to be immediately alerted. So stupid. I'm baffled how this even made it through testing.
I could go on with some minor gripes but this post has already gone on for long enough so I'll end it there.
To be clear, I don't think this is some 3/10 terrible game no one should ever play. I am, in fact, having fun with it. It's definitely above average. Maybe like 6-7/10. I think it's deeply flawed. Not just in minor ways that make it clunky and unejoyable to play, but all the way down to level design in some cases. It does not play like some polished masterpiece for all time, nor is it a game I would just recommend to anyone. In fact, I'm not sure I'd even recommend it to many people who like stealth games. They may enjoy it; but I could also imagine them becoming frustrated and annoyed. For every high point like Framed where I thought I was playing one of the finest stealth games ever, there were other missions like Trace the Courier and Trail of Blood where I felt I was playing one of the worst.
Even the whole clockpunk thing just threw me off and gave me bad vibes. I already thought the first game overdid the paranormal elements, but I think I still prefer them to endless robots and cameras. If I had to rate the game based on how close it gets on fulfilling the fantasy of being a thief in e medieval or early pre-modern era, well, I'd rate it a solid 0/10 on that. From what I see the fan missions come a lot closer to scratching that itch than the game itself.
submitted by paranoidletter17 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:30 NDC71334 Booking Will Ospreay's journey to becoming AEW World Champion part 1: Forbidden Door to Whose House?

Context: For this booking, I will be booking Will Ospreay's path to becoming the AEW World Champion (as this will for sure be happening at some point) and will begin from where we last left off with Ospreay winning the Casino Gauntlet match to become #1 Contender. I'll be breaking up this fantasy booking into multiple parts. Without further ado, lets get started! (writing this post on 6/3/2024). Since I'm doing multiple parts, the descriptions will be longer, sorry in advance!
The Build to AEW Forbidden Door 2024:
AEW Forbidden Door 2024:
What do you think so far? Do you like it? Do you dislike it? What do you like or dislike about it specifically? Let me know! Part 2 will be coming soon!
If you liked this booking, feel free to check out some others that I've done on here before!
Booking the breakup of The Judgement Day:
Booking the 2024 AEW Men's Continental Classic:
Booking Nick Aldis's WWE in-ring debut:
Booking Mercedes Mone in AEW part 1:
Booking Mercedes Mone in AEW part 2:
Rebooking Brock Lesnar's WWE return 2012:
Rebooking CM Punk's 434-day WWE Championship reign part 1:
Rebooking CM Punk's 434-day WWE Championship reign part 2:
Booking MJF's AEW return:
Rebooking the End of The Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak:
submitted by NDC71334 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:25 Golderadess 3 months since I left, and I promise you, things do get better.

Hi everyone,
I left this sub a couple of months ago because I was trying to heal from everything, but I wanted to check back in to offer hope to anyone who’s in a similar position to the one I was in earlier this year.
This sub was immensely helpful and supportive, and I’m forever grateful for that.
A lot of people told me that things would get better after I left, and I always wondered how on earth things could when I loved him so deeply. Leaving seemed like the worst idea in the world.
They were right, though - things really do get better. But more on that later.
A quick recap for context: at the beginning of the year, I discovered that my ex-partner had been watching porn and camgirls.
I had no idea he was doing this behind my back - towards the beginning of our relationship, he’d told me that we don’t need to watch that kind of stuff because we have each other. He was also really really against cheating and would often make references to leaving me if I ever cheated on him. I wasn’t even allowed to speak about my ex-partners. So this was all a big shock and very upsetting. Especially when I confessed everything to him - even my thoughts and dreams. This man cried when I told him I had a dream that I cheated on him (I was crying, too. I felt like I’d committed a sin).
Anyway, his search history only went back a few weeks, and he swore blind he’d only been watching it for that long. He told me he was doing it to find a reaction because he was struggling to get one with me (emotionally, not physically). That hurt enough.
In February, I found his deleted history, and oh boy had he lied. He’d not only been watching it for the entire two years of our relationship, he’d also had OnlyFans subscriptions. He’d even saved the Instagram photos of girls who lived in his town.
I tried giving him another chance (!) and he pretty much didn’t want one. Said he felt more peace in the two weeks we’d had no contact, but kept me dangling, kept giving me crumbs of hope.
In March, I decided I’d never speak to him again.
I think that’s one of the best decisions I could’ve made.
If you’ve just made the decision to leave and you’re wondering if you did the right thing, or you keep blaming yourself (trust me, I did), please know that things do get better. I know how much it hurts, especially when you love them. But if my story is anything to go by, you’ll soon start to feel a sense of freedom. You’ll start enjoying doing the things that make YOU happy again. You’ll start to see that you weren’t the problem. You’ll even start questioning what it was about them that you actually loved.
There are down days, but I feel more anger on those days than sadness. More disgust and amusement, if anything. They get to keep their pixels, but we get our lives back!
I’ve been finding myself again. I really lost myself in that relationship, so I’m beginning to feel myself again. My confidence is record-high compared to the last three years, and I feel happy again.
Somewhere underneath all the pain and sadness, there is a shimmering you. It might take them a while to gather the courage to come out, but they’re there, and they always will be. They’re rooting for you - we all are.
Also, to note: if you are staying and working through things, that is absolutely okay too, as long as you are safe. This is just my experience, and I wanted to reassure anyone who is pre- or post-breakup and really hurting.
submitted by Golderadess to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:19 Gullible-Weakness866 Part 2: Reviews of a bunch of Crimson Lotus Sheng Puers

This is a follow-up to my previous post of Shou Puer Reviews (Reviews of a bunch of Crimson Lotus Shou Puers (and a couple of Shengs) : ). Disclaimer again: I am some random dude that is not an expert, just getting into puer. If I didn't like the tea that doesn't mean it is bad. My palate is not superhuman.
Let me know if you agree or disagree with any of these teas, I am really keen to hear your experiences.
2021 "Vibe" Sheng / Raw Puerh Tea
A sweet peachy/lychee (stone fruity) front, followed by a fruity acidity, then quite a strong tannin end with some bitterness, similar to eating peach skins. 4 g in 70 mL thin wall gaiwan. Long sustain. A very nice tea.
Again this was great. I think this may be my favorite young sheng.
2021 "Altered State" Sheng / Raw Puerh Tea
Similar feel to 2021 Vibe. Sweet peach taste, sweeter but less acidic. Much less tannin and no bitterness. Smells and tastes more complex than vibe, with more floral notes. 4 g in 70 mL thin wall gaiwan. Sustain on it is less than Vibe, would say it’s moderate.
Second time this tea was just as nice, I am picking up some orange/mandarin notes on this as well, again I thought sustain was only moderate.
Third time, and again I really need to be comparing this tea to Vibe as they are similar in feel. I do now have a preference for Vibe as it a bit fuller in body and more interesting.
2020 "Baby Dragon" Sheng / Raw Puerh Tea
Incredible smell of both the steamed and wet leaves. Passion fruit, mango, lavender and white flower. On the taste there is a front of bitterness, which momentarily gives way to a moment of sweetness, then the bitterness comes back dominating all flavours. Unfortunately, I couldn’t taste any of the fruit and floral notes that I can smell. After around 8 steeps, the bitterness gives way and some of those flavours do come through. At 11 steeps or so, the tea quickly goes out. I am hoping on future tastings, my palate can deal with the bitterness better, as the smell is truly incredible. 4 g in 70 mL thin wall gaiwan. Very good sustain of around 10 steeps. Leaves are loose and easy to break up, they are nice and whole, overall very good looking leaf.
2021 "Slumbering Dragon" Sheng / Raw Puerh Tea
Incredible smell. Similar to baby dragon with passion fruit, mango, lavender. But also papaya, and a whole bouquet of purple flowers. Very flowery scent. I was wondering if I should even drink this or just sniff it. Best scent I have experienced on tea so far. Same challenge as baby dragon, the bitterness overpowers the flavours I can smell, my palate can’t seem to handle it. The bitterness is very soft and round, and I do get a hint of fruity sweetness behind it. Then at around the 4th infusion, I decided to reduce my infusion time from the usual 10-14 seconds, to 4-6 seconds. The tea became incredible. Perfect balance of the bitterness, with a lot of floral notes, and some of the fruity notes I smelled. At the 6th infusion the tea reached its peak. I got very tea drunk. The tea sustained for a whopping 20 infusions. The later infusions were longer of course. I can’t wait to try this again and start out with the short infusions. 4 g in 70 mL thin wall gaiwan. Leaves are pressed loose and look gorgeous.
Pretty sure I had a completely different experience with this tea compared to last time. Lots of umami flavour, sweetness and some grassy notes. Basically like a gyokuro tea, but with some sheng characteristics above it. Did not have bitterness, and could very easily take 10-12 second infusions. Really confused as my current experience is totally different to the previous.
Again I went with infusions starting at around 6-8 seconds. A light tap of round and soft bitterness at the beginning, then giving way to a light and easy kiss of peach and lavender flavour. Also a hint of grassiness. Rereading my previous tastings as I am writing this entry, I am very confused. This tea should be named Slumbering Chameleon. It seems to be very different on each drinking, quite exciting.
2014 "chitsupingcha" Sheng Puerh
Sweet and floral, and honey taste. A bit of tannin as well. No bitterness. Smooth, and delicious, but somehow not that stimulating to the palate. 4 g in 70 mL thin wall gaiwan, 12 infusions.
Had this tea again a couple of more times and didn’t write further entries. But I enjoyed this more that my first entry implies.
2006 "Troublemaker" Sheng
This a very good tea. Similar feel to 2007 Changtai Menghai Sheng. Strong flavour of vanilla, raspberry and tobacco. A bit of tannin, and a nicotine-like mouthfeel. Sweetness also, but more on the first few steeps. The flavours linger on the tongue for a good while. The sustain is crazy on this one. After 20 steeps, the flavours were still strong and present, then had to stop as a was filled up. About 6 hours later went for another 4-5 steeps. 4 g tea in 70 mL thin wall gaiwan. The downside of this tea is the pressing. It is very tightly pressed and difficult to break open. Even after steaming for a bit, a rinse, and letting that wake the tea up, the first steeping was weak, but the tea opened up by the 2nd steeping and fully opened by the 4th. This is more annoying and not really a big issue, I just want to find some fault in this incredible tea.
This tea hit hard on the second drink. I have been going through my young shengs for about 2 months, so having something different was very fresh. Scent of tobacco and citrus, probably a bit orangey. Taste is a very nice hint of tobacco, a little bit of citrus acidity, and then a tangy citrusy sweetness sitting on the tongue, like a limoncello. Also a distinct caramel. Took about 4 steeps for the tea to really open up (12 second infusions), I think I should brew the start harder the next time. I also noticed a mineral-like character sit on the tongue, giving the tea a lot of mouthfeel. I have seen this word thrown around, but never understood what it means before this tea. Later on in this tea, a limoncello-like flavour turns into a bit more of an orange. Really enjoyed this tea. 5 g in 70 mL Gaiwan. Need to brew quite hard all the way through. Had about a liter of tea, so I would guess about 15 infusions or so. Quite hard to break the chunks up to measure out the tea. Anyways, just want to add that everything is so balanced flavour wise. The strength of flavours on by brews were just right, not overwhelming strong, present but subtle. Really I would describe this tea as very elegant.
Quite orangey notes coming out now. I remembered that I need to brew this harder at the beginning so it got started quicker. Really enjoyed this session, but it didn’t quite hit like the previous session clearly did based on my notes. Probably just no it the right mood.
2016 "Hidden Song" Sheng
Delicious. The fruity notes on this are more towards passionfruit, but the fruity flavour is not that distinctly specific. It is more flowery, but again the floweriness is not specifically distinct. There is somehow a tease of bitterness at the front, which doesn’t actually come in, but there is a kiss of bitterness a bit later that comes and goes. I guess the best way to describe this tea is it is playful and summery. Very nice unbroken leaves in a loose press.
This was a very enjoyable tea on the second session as well. Floral, fruity and sweet with a very little hint of bitterness at the end. Now I could pick up a very slight scent and taste of tobacco/smoke. After drinking a bunch of young shengs, I can appreciate the age on this tea. It is really a sweet spot, as it is aged and mellowed out, but still distinctly refreshing and floral as a young sheng is.
Not notes specifically on my later sessions, but this tea never disappointed and always presented that playful experience of young tea that has a bit of an age on it.
2017 "Moon Princess" Sheng
This tea is more simple, but still great. It is more stone fruity and a bit floral. A very round and smooth slight tannin comes in after the initial fruit and floral flavours, and sits everywhere around the tongue and mouth, giving a nice mouthfeel. This tea is not something to overthink, just enjoy. Interestingly, the website says that this is Autumn tea, “often lacks the strength that similar Spring material will have”. This makes sense for this tea. Very nice unbroken leaves in a loose press.
2nd drinking this was really great. Very much enjoyed it.
Jingmai sheng (no year)
Notes of mandarin on scent. Flavour is both mandarin and stone fruit. There is a fair bit a bitterness, but it is on the harsher side for me. I was overall not a fan of this tea. Very nice unbroken leaves in a loose press.
2018 Spring "Intrigue" Sheng
Strong scent of lavender. Flavour is both lavender and stone fruit. Some tannin on mouth as well. This is a good tea, enjoyed it but not as blown away as by vibe and altered state, which I think are similar feel to this tea. Around 12 infusions for 5 g in 70 mL gaiwan. Very nice unbroken leaves in a loose press.
Spring 2018 "Beneath an Emerald Sea" Sheng
Delicious tea. Very strong scent that is citrus zesty and some sort of mixed floral. The taste did not live up to the scent, but it was very balanced, and enjoyable. 12 steeps 4 g in 70 mL gaiwan. Very nice unbroken leaves in a loose press.
Spring 2017 "Jinggu Bàng" Sheng
Very similar in spirit to the previous 3 shengs. But this one is much sweeter, and the stone fruit flavour is very strong. I really like this tea.
2019 Spring "Radio KXQM"
This was a very nice tea. It is not fruity, but it is very floral instead. The most floral of the shengs so far, mostly lavender, but it has complexity I just can't put my finger on it, but it is definitely enjoyable. It also has a strong sweet, and a slight astringency comes in at the end. It has good sustain as well, however, I did use more leaves 6g / 70 mL gaiwan, as the leaves are a lot more compressed (and it was harder to break to 4 g) and it took a few infusions for them to open up.
Had this 2 more times and didn’t write notes on the sessions. Really enjoyed it both times. The fruity complexity was there each time, and the sweetness.
2018 Spring "Daydream"
Very strong start. Probably the sweetest tea I had so far. Strong sweet punch that lingers on the tongue. And nice fruity flavours. And lavender. Then just a few infusions in, it lost a lot of the interesting flavours and became a bit boring. I want to try this again, as I was drinking the tea quite fast as the beginning was excellent, so it is possible that it wasn’t just a couple of infusions in when the tea went out, but later on, which would make this a very good tea.
Second time around, I am picking up on more astringency rather than sweetness, but the sweetness is still there. I do really like this tea. Sustain is good.
2018 "Forgotten Nebula"
This tea is not for me. I did not enjoy the bitterness and dryness of it. It was not sweet. Somewhat floral, but I was not picking up much on it. Did not enjoy this. Somehow its bitterness doesn’t sit well, unlike the bitterness of some of the other teas. Not sure about sustain as I didn’t drink it to completion.
submitted by Gullible-Weakness866 to puer [link] [comments]