Main idea activities 4th grade

Post a Picture, get a Dungeon

2015.02.25 07:08 1TrueScotsman Post a Picture, get a Dungeon

Post a picture and the community will build a story which you can then base an adventure on for your campaign.

2014.11.03 19:23 Art Of The Day!

Artwork of the day - some days.

2008.08.21 21:58 Entrepreneur

A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. Be professional, humble, and open to new ideas. Our community supports side hustles, small businesses, venture-backed startups, lemonade stands, 1-person-grinds, and most forms of revenue generation! However, no one cares about your blog. Please do not come here to self-promote your consulting, book, podcast, MLM, website, dropshipping guide, or $$$ scheme.

2024.06.04 22:49 CrystalGardensWa Wiring up an external shack.

I have a shack that's removed from the house by ~175'. It has a breaker panel installed, with a few 4 120v circuits. I found a minisplit that's 115V 21A. Other than that the main power draws will be LED lighting and a laptop, a residential grade router, and 2 monitors. Feeder will need to be 220V 50A because loss is too high on 120V.
I'm looking for some help running electricity out to it from my home.
2 Pole 50A @ Big House Breaker -> L1, L2, N terminated to bus bars at shack. 1-inch Schedule 40 PVC conduit to safely accommodate all three conductors considering conduit fill requirements. Three 6AWG THWN-2; two for the hot wires, one for the neutral in conduit. What colors would be code industry standard? (L1, L2, N). Is it OK to use THWN-2 for a feeder in conduit? What's something that's price comparable? I don't want to direct bury. One ground 4AWG THWN-2 and 2 8' grounding rods ~12' apart installed at the shack.
What do you think? Is this acceptable?
I'm in WA, Benton County.
submitted by CrystalGardensWa to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:49 data_science_newbie Beta ideas please!

Beta ideas please!
Looking for beta ideas on this climb and also general critique please. Finding this one super tough, taken me about 10 goes to get this far and I couldn’t even start it on my first try! It’s a 6c which is above my onsight grade so my technique is a little worse than usual. I normally hate slopers but trying to work on my weaknesses. The point where I fall I’m really unsure how to place my hands and what my feet should be doing. Projecting on auto belays is tough!
submitted by data_science_newbie to climbergirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:49 Downtown-Cat389 Am I the reason we (30M and 30F) broke up?

Let me preface that I think he was a great partner and right now i feel like i messed a good thing up. I mostly just need some advice and clarity because I don’t know if the reason we broke up was a valid reason or if I’m dumb for thinking this was a good hill to die on or was i just in a comfortable routine of a relationship.
So my partner has always been fully committed to his businesses (he has 2 where he is the leader and another that he is starting up). From the very beginning, he wouldn’t text me often but then i started to understand it really because he was just so into work. Which prompted us to make the decision it move in with each other 4ish months into dating. He was clean, seemed responsible and we would do really fun activities. He is very spontaneous and comes up with the coolest ideas. Which was nice for me because I was a homebody. I swear it felt like we didn’t even fight for the first 2 years of our relationship. He’s very chill and easily brushes things off - which i loved because I was an overthinker. As you can assume, we balanced each other very well.
However, i started to get jealous because when he started to grow his company, meaning he got more people on his team - he would plan events or text them and I would be told very last minute. Here’s an example: He has a team celebration every year and this year he decided to hold it at the rooftop of a hotel. He told me 2 days beforehand which was fine but since it was in an area that was hard to get to, I asked if we could ride together. He said “yes” and set a time. I had to leave work early to meet him in time and when I got home, I waited and no response. The event was about to begin when he called me and said that he was already at the beach with his assistant and friend. He forgot to tell me he couldn’t give me a ride anymore. I would never expect him cheat and believe he’s a faithful partner, but often times i just felt like an afterthought to his business plans. I admit, i was a brat and gave him the silent treatment and it took convincing to get me out of my head. But that was our first huge fight. This relationship helped me learn good communication because of situations like this.
He’s a good communicator in disagreements and conflict (which I’m not, i used to cry all the time), where in plans he wasn’t the best. Another example: we had been planning this huge trip abroad. Since I had work, i couldn’t make it for the full 2 months that he and his friends were going to be there, so i said “just let me know where you’ll be [this date] and I’ll book a ticket.” Again, they are very spontaneous and it we were on different time zones so communication was very unclear. I suggested that I don’t have to come since booking a ticket was getting expensive (I booked it 3-4 days prior i think) and I’m okay if it was just a boys trip. He said “no, I want you there.” and so i took the long 20-30 hour travel to see him. When i got there, he was happy to see me, but we mostly sat in the cafe while he did work. He would often say “i’m glad you’re here” or would show affection, but my mind got the best of me and I would pick a fight and just wonder why i was even there. I don’t make much money so that was really a lingering thought. after that conversation we had a great and memorable trip. During this trip, he spontaneously bought a property in the city we live which meant when we got back we would move there. This property comes back into the story later.
Our relationship has had moments like this, where I just feel like I’m not being communicated to until the last minute which causes me to have to change my plans or use a lot of money because of the lack of planning. I feel like I was only included in plans if it was something he was already doing. Not everything is like that, but I often feel like an after thought. But that’s my feelings, I’m not sure if that’s reality.
A huge conflict we had was household responsibilities. Which leads to the last argument before we broke up. I sold my car because having a car here just isn’t the most ideal, so when i told him he was supportive and said that I could borrow one of his until I found something else. We were about to go on a month long trip and we packed literally everything we owned because he thought we should move out of the place we currently lived because his mortgage was too high (this was the property he spontaneously decided to buy during our trip written earlier). During this move, because he was working and I was on a break, i was tasked with finding new tenants, cleaning, moving all the boxes, all while i was trying sell my car and figure out how I was going to make money for our month long trip. I had money, i just wanted to make sure I was being responsible with my finances. This caused us to fight and me to tell him I felt like an assistant sometimes. It felt like a lot of things I did was to benefit only him. He would leave his clothes on the floor and plates around the house. I’m sure it’s just because my family is full of OCD clean freaks but i also love that about them. He suggested getting a house keeper and dietician (because I was also meal prepping - it was a good deal because he offered to buy the food while I love to cook). I didn’t really think spending money on a house keeper was necessary and I fought back on it but eventually opened up because saw that he was just trying to help how he could. The housekeeper wasn’t showing up so i suggested we clean ourselves until then and when he tasked me with helping him find a new housekeeper, i said we should just clean. He said he just needs that burden off his mind. I said that I understand but i’d appreciate if the space we shared was kept clean. I know that I have a sassiness in my tone so it wasn’t said the best, and i also know that he was trying to help how he could.
But was this something i should’ve let go? a huge reason why i’m conflicted is because i truly want my future partner to be involved in my kids life. I don’t want them to potentially miss their performances or not help me feed my newborn baby while they’re choosing to do work. I love how much he loves work and how much he challenged me. But maybe we were just meant to be boyfriend and girlfriend and nothing more. I want to be at peace and I wish to be in his life, but I also don’t know if i screwed this up or if this is normal.
submitted by Downtown-Cat389 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:47 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty One: Long, Slow Goodbye (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
We left off at TLC 2018, where Finn Balor unseated John Cena as Intercontinental Champion in a tables match, Cena narrowly defeated as a result of the stipulation. However, he seems to have his sights set on a different championship entirely, because, as he was in the last part, he’s motivated to win WWE’s newest World Championship - the Universal Title, which just so happens to be around the waist of his longtime rival, the Beast Incarnate.
Road to Royal Rumble 2019
While naturally upset about losing the Intercontinental Title, John Cena seems pretty upbeat on Raw, back on weekly TV to discuss his desire to reenter the World Title scene after a year and a half completely removed from the scene, and three years without touching the top prize. He says last time he met Brock Lesnar, last time he fought for the Universal Title, Lesnar stole the victory from him and picked the bones of Roman Reigns. Cena knows he can beat Brock - he’s done it before, and if he has the chance, he’ll do it again. He just needs to figure out how to get an opportunity.
Enter Paul Heyman, who’s been beefing with Cena on and off for seven years at this point. Heyman says that Brock won’t be giving away a title match for free, so Cena had better figure out something worth his time. John leans towards Heyman, looming over him as he says “I’ve won two Royal Rumbles. I’ve won in the Elimination Chamber. I’ve successfully defended by WrestleMania main event spot several times. I’ve beaten Brock Lesnar. So let me make something perfectly clear - if Brock doesn’t grant me a title match, I’ll earn one, and I’ll keep being a problem for him, for you, for any of your clients, forever. So how about this? Brock gives me a title match, and if I lose, I’ll never challenge for the Universal Title ever again. If you’ve got confidence in your Beast, he can assure your future forever by beating me.” Heyman ponders for a moment, and then says fine - Brock will put the title up against Cena at the Royal Rumble. Kurt Angle makes the match official, and surprisingly even wishes Cena luck, saying if he wins, he wants a champion like the John Cena who faced him in 2002 - not the John Cena who’s caused trouble since 2016.
The next week, Cena and Brock meet for a contract signing, with Heyman gassing up his client as much as possible. Cena’s calm throughout, saying he’s held titles all over the world, in all sorts of promotions, but Brock now stands in his way of getting the final piece of the puzzle. He’s held the WWE, he’s held the World Heavyweight, hell, he unified the two, but he’s never gotten to lay his hands on the Universal Title. He needs to hold it to prove that he’s in that upper echelon, because it’s the last barrier for entry in the discussion of GOAT - he hasn’t held all there is to hold. Heyman and Lesnar scoff, Heyman declaring there is no discussion for GOAT, because Lesnar’s got it locked down. Brock does the shoulder thing that he does when he’s trying to look big. Cena does the pec thing under his shirt. We’re back. Big fuckin’ graps.
Royal Rumble 2019
Universal Title: John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (c)
These two have met at SummerSlam, WrestleMania, Survivor Series, and now, finally, the Royal Rumble. Cena’s out first, and he’s back in form, wearing a t-shirt and ball cap instead of a robe for the first time in almost three years. From the bell, Lesnar tries to turn it into another massacre, but Cena is having none of it, meeting Brock in the middle of the ring for a slugfest until Lesnar delivers a sickening knee lift into the ribs, driving Cena back into the corner for a series of gut checks before NAILING A RELEASE BELLY TO BELLY, FOLLOWED BY AN F-5! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Cena’s eyes are bugging out of his head as he tries to fight though the pain, but Brock is merciless, delivering an onslaught of German Suplexes before simply LOCKING IN A BEAR HUG! Cena throws elbow after elbow, struggling to get free before finally LAYING INTO BROCK WITH A HEADBUTT FOR THE BREAK! Lesnar is staggered, and now JOHN CLOTHESLINES HIM OVER THE TOP, BOTH MEN TUMBLING TO THE FLOOR! Cena hops onto the apron, leaping off it for a HURRICANRANA, BUT LESNAR HOLDS ONTO HIM AND POWERBOMBS HIM ONTO THE ANNOUNCE DESK! Lesnar sends Cena back in, Brock stepping between the ropes before CENA KICKS HIM IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD! Lesnar is stunned on the apron, and JOHN NAILS A FRANCHISE LARIAT! Brock drops back to the floor, and Cena follows him out for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE FLOOR! MY GOD, IT’S HAPPENING! He sends Brock in again, rallying the crowd for a LEG DROP ACROSS THE BACK OF THE HEAD, AND NOW ANOTHER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Brock is already staggering up to his feet, but Cena refuses to give him any breathing room, FLOORING HIM WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT BEFORE ROLLING OVER FOR A THIRD ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA OVERWHELMS BROCK LESNAR TO CLAIM HIS FIRST UNIVERSAL TITLE!
John Cena def. Brock Lesnar (8:46) to win the Universal Title
Road to Elimination Chamber 2019
Cena gets to celebrate his monumental victory on Raw, but he says he’s sure that the Elimination Chamber awaits him before another WrestleMania main event. He knows there are a lot of guys in the back that want to take this title from him, a lot of people who want to be at the top, a lot of people who just want to take Cena out because they don’t like him, and he welcomes it, because he plans to shut them all down. The next week, Chamber qualifiers begin, and Drew McIntyre is enraged to find out he’s not even in a qualifier. Braun Strowman is the first to qualify, followed by Dean Ambrose, and in the main event, Seth Rollins.
The next week, Kurt Angle is in the ring when DREW MCINTYRE RUNS IN, BLASTING HIM WITH A CLAYMORE! He leans over Angle, shouting that he’s been starved of opportunities, and prepares to hit him with another one when JOHN CENA HITS THE RING! Cena stands across from McIntyre, saying that if he wants a shot, he’s right here. He gets it - he’s wanted to beat Angle up before too, but he speaks from experience when he says fighting the GM goes nowhere. That night, it’s made official - alongside the two final qualifiers, the Universal Title will be on the line as John Cena defends against Drew McIntyre, with the winner entering the Chamber. It’s a hard-fought contest, but, when it seems like Cena has Drew on the ropes, Baron Corbin interferes, causing a disqualification and a beatdown - before KURT ANGLE HIMSELF RUNS IN AND LAYS OUT CORBIN WITH AN ANGLE SLAM!
John Cena def. Drew McIntyre (13:20) by disqualification to retain the Universal Title
The final two Chamber entrants are new Raw roster members Ricochet and Aleister Black, and, in a tremendous match for the go-home show, it’s announced that Cena will team with Kurt Angle to take on Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre. The match is a pretty straightforward one, but Cena gets preoccupied outside the ring by Dean Ambrose, who jumps Cena behind the referee’s back. In the ring, Angle taps out to Drew McIntyre’s Ankle Lock, and Rollins comes down to take out Ambrose, giving Cena the opportunity to stand tall to end the show alongside Kurt, who thankfully shakes his hand.
Drew McIntyre and Baron Corbin def. John Cena and Kurt Angle (10:56)
Elimination Chamber 2019
Elimination Chamber Match for the Universal Title: John Cena (c) vs. Aleister Black vs. Braun Strowman vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Ricochet vs. Seth Rollins
It’s Ambrose and Rollins to start, and it’s a frantic, barbaric exchange of maneuvers to kick us off, both men desperate to eliminate the other before the ring fills up and things become more unpredictable. Cena’s out next, getting to work with two men he’s plenty familiar with, and he goes straight for Ambrose instead of bothering with Rollins. Dean takes the fight to John with an X-Plex on the outside, taking the champ out until Aleister Black enters at number four and starts nailing all variety of strikes, kicking holes in all three men before sitting cross-legged in the middle of the ring, waiting for number five… his tag partner, Ricochet. He gets right up, and the two of them immediately get to work on everybody else, forcing an uneasy alliance between Ambrose and Rollins until Cena gets involved, using his power to keep Ricochet grounded and turn the tides. He goes for an Attitude Adjustment, but Ricochet lands on his feet, superkicking Cena INTO A BLACK MASS, BUT JOHN ROLLS OUT OF THE RING TO AVOID ELIMINATION AS BRAUN STROWMAN ENTERS THE FRAY! Braun bulldozes everybody, flattening Rollins before going for a RUNNING POWERSLAM, BUT SETH SLIPS OFF HIS BACK AND TAKES OUT THE KNEES FOR A STOMP! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT BY BRAUN! Cena re-enters the ring, calling for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT STROWMAN’S RIGHT BACK UP! He’s wobbly, though, and Cena considers another before BRAUN EATS A BLACK MASS FROM ALEISTER, AND NOW A 630 OFF THE POD FROM RICOCHET! ONE! TWO! THREE! STROWMAN’S OUT AFTER A SHOW OF TEAMWORK, AND NOW EVERYONE KNOWS RICOCHET AND BLACK ARE THE PROBLEM!
Seth and Cena try to take out Black and Ricochet as Ambrose keeps his distance, biding his time. John goes for an Attitude Adjustment on Ricochet, but Black leaps in for a BLACK MASS, CENA SWINGING RICOCHET INTO THE WAY! He nails Black with a FRANCHISE LARIAT AS AMBROSE COVERS RICOCHET… ONE! TWO! THREE! ROLLINS WITH A CURB STOMP TO ALEISTER! ONE! TWO! THREE! Ambrose slides in behind Seth as he celebrates getting the pin… SMALL PACKAGE, BUT SETH REVERSES IT! ONE! TWO! THREE! SETH ROLLINS STOLE ONE, AND AMBROSE IS OUT! Dean is apoplectic, charging at Seth after being eliminated, but Cena and Seth work together to take him down before Cena goes for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON SETH, BUT ROLLINS COUNTERS, DROPPING DOWN AND HOOKING THE ARMS FOR A PEDIGREE! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT, BUT ROLLINS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS IT WITH A CURB STOMP! ONE! TWO! THREE! SETH ROLLINS IS THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION AFTER A CASCADE OF PINFALLS IN THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER!
Seth Rollins def. John Cena, Aleister Black, Braun Strowman, Dean Ambrose and Ricochet (30:01) to win the Universal Title
Seth goes on to defend the gold against Dean Ambrose and a returning Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 35, which seems like a good send-off for Ambrose and a good re-introduction for Roman, who doesn’t need to get pinned, and who Seth can feud with instead of Corbin. However, the main concern is Cena, who just looks heartbroken to be once again titleless - he may well be the GOAT, but is he truly incapable of remaining at the top of the mountain once summiting it?
Road to WrestleMania 35
Coming out of Elimination Chamber, Cena’s once again titleless, his eleventh WWE World Title reign cut short, as is tradition. However, it could be worse - he could be retiring. (God, I fucking wish. I WISH that this man was retiring at Mania 35. It’d be so great. I could stop here. I would never have to write another word. This is longer than the Shibata booking now. Let it end.) Anyway, you know who IS retiring? Raw GM Kurt Angle, and after Cena saved him from McIntyre and teamed with him on Raw last week, he’s feeling a lot chummier with the Franchise. He tells Cena that after John debuted against him in 2002, he knew Cena would play a huge role in his career. They’ve had their battles, sure, but he wants Cena to be there to play the biggest role possible - he wants Cena to face off with him in Angle’s last ever match, under the bright lights at WrestleMania 35. John naturally wants to chase after the Universal Title, or the Intercontinental Title, or another WWE Title, but Kurt tells him that every scene’s filled up. The roster is huge, the card is long, and sometimes things just don’t work out, but this can. Finally, Cena accepts the honour, saying he looks forward to paying tribute to Kurt’s legendary career… but that he also looks forward to sending him out on a loss. They both chuckle, and the match is set - Angle vs. Cena, one last time, to send off one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots.
Angle spends the next few weeks on a retirement tour, working singles matches on both Raw and SmackDown against all manner of opponents, while John Cena acts as the special ring enforcer to ensure that Kurt’s not unfairly banged up ahead of WrestleMania. He loses to Samoa Joe pretty violently to kick the tour off, Cena standing toe-to-toe with his forever rival to ensure no more damage is doled out once the match is over. The next week, Chad Gable defeats Angle in a lengthy bout, but Kurt rebounds by defeating Baron Corbin shortly thereafter. On the go-home show, Angle loses to AJ Styles, and Cena and AJ both help him up to his feet before begrudgingly giving one another a nod, Styles exiting the ring to leave Angle and Cena to their final staredown.
WrestleMania 35
John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
This is pretty much what everyone would hope for - a walk down memory lane for two greats, paying tribute to their work together in both WWE and TNA. Of the two, Cena is much more polished in the ring, not having taken huge stretches of time off to slow down, and as a result, takes control pretty early. Angle manages to rally with a few suplexes, the crowd getting behind him as he calls for an Angle Slam, but Cena lands a few stiff elbows to the back of the neck before turning around and SLAPPING ANGLE IN THE FACE, FIRING THE AMERICAN HERO UP - AND ANGLE LANDS ONE IN RETURN BEFORE NAILING A BELLY TO BELLY FOR TWO, FOLLOWED BY AN ANGLE SLAM! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA KICKS OUT! Angle calls for another Angle Slam, Cena managing to roll forward to buck Angle off before BLASTING HIM WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT! He hooks the leg, closing the curtains on a great career as the referee counts ONE! TWO! THRE-ANGLE LIFTS THE SHOULDER UP! Cena’s in disbelief, calling for an Attitude Adjustment, but Kurt manages to slide off his shoulders and PICK THE ANKLE, CINCHING IN THE ANKLE LOCK! Cena desperately grabs at Angle’s legs, trying to uproot him, but ANGLE DROPS TO HIS BACK, TIGHTENING THE HOLD! Forced to use every ounce of his strength, Cena drags himself to the bottom rope, but Angle springs right up for ANOTHER ANGLE SLAM! He looks to the top, the crowd rising to their feet for Perc Angle’s last stand as he scrambles up the ropes… MOONSAULT MISSES! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA RETIRES KURT ANGLE IN A MATCH FITTING FOR THE WRESTLING MACHINE’S LEGACY!
John Cena def. Kurt Angle (11:38)
Cena shakes and raises Angle’s hand, watching tears flow down Kurt’s face before stepping out of the ring, leaving the American Hero to receive his flowers. As he walks up the ramp, the fanfare of retirement ongoing behind him, he seems to have a little pang of some emotion he can’t quite put his finger on, but he can think about it backstage.
Road to 2020
Following his win at WrestleMania, Cena takes a break, saying that retiring Angle has made him think about his future as a competitor after 17 years at the top of the game. He says that as far as WWE is concerned, he’ll probably never be a full-timer again - he’s proven all he needs to prove here, and while he’s sure the need will arise to make his case for GOAT once again, he’s proud of the career he’s had, and he’s fine focusing on whatever comes next.
Soon enough, SummerSlam passes without a hint of Cena. He does some PR work, shoots some movies, Makes some Wishes, but doesn’t appear on WWE TV… but then, shit really hits the fan in the nights following Crown Jewel 2019. Everybody’s stuck in Saudi Arabia, sucking blood money covered dicks, except for the NXT roster. As a result, the show is opened not by a main roster member, but by NXT Champion Adam Cole, who says Triple H and Shawn Michaels have made the decision for him to defend the NXT Title in the main event of the evening. He doesn’t know his opponent, but he knows they’re backstage, so he tells them to come on out - and his heart sinks. Out comes John Cena to a rousing ovation, where he declares that he wants to become the first man to hold the WWE, Universal, World Heavyweight and NXT Titles, which he dubs the “WWE World Title Grand Slam.”
NXT Title: John Cena vs. Adam Cole (c)
Fuck it, we ball. John Cena’s back after seven months off, and he’s fighting a very concerned Adam Cole. However, the second the momentum swings in Cole’s favour with help from Roderick Strong, the concern is swapped for cockiness, the champion targeting Cena’s legs to take away the base of his power. Eventually, Cena manages to rally, nailing the flying shoulder blocks and calling for a Five Knuckle Shuffle, but KOR pulls out his feet, Cole capitalizing with a SUPERKICK RIGHT UNDER THE CHIN! Cole clambers to the middle rope, Cena slowly getting to his feet as the champion eyes his prey, dropping down for a PANAMA SUNRISE, BUT CENA COUNTERS IT INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, ONLY FOR COLE TO LAND ON HIS FEET FOR ANOTHER SUPERKICK! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Cole lowers his kneepad, hoping to put this one to bed with a Last Shot, but Cena ducks it at the last moment before NAILING AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! He doesn’t make the cover, instead rolling through for another one, but Bobby Fish hops up on the apron to hurl verbal abuse. Cena keeps Cole on his shoulders, taunting Fish, but it gives Cole just enough time to recover, swinging his legs around for a CANADIAN DESTROYER! Exhausted, Cole lines it up… LAST SHOT! ONE! TWO! THREE! THE PANAMA CITY PLAYBOY RETAINS, CENA’S CURSE AGAINST NXT CHAMPIONS LIVING ON!
Adam Cole def. John Cena (18:40) to retain the NXT Title
Road to Royal Rumble 2020
With John Cena having come up short against Adam Cole, he goes back into the breeze, appearing intermittently on SmackDown on the road to the Royal Rumble. He declares himself an entrant, saying he wants to take on the Fiend and rid WWE of such an evil entity, leading to Bray discussing Cena in the Firefly Funhouse. He says they’ve never clashed one on one, but Cena, the Face of WWE for so long, was always there to ensure Wyatt wouldn’t succeed. For half a decade, it’s been the same story - it was Bray Wyatt who Cena last dispatched to win his seventeenth career World Title in Boston. It was Bray Wyatt who he refused to tag at Survivor Series 2016, wanting the spotlight to himself. It was Bray Wyatt who he told the Revival to attack at Elimination Chamber 2017, costing Wyatt the WWE Title and the WrestleMania main event. He cost Bray a shot at the Universal Title at Extreme Rules 2017. But now, in the time that John Cena was gone, Bray Wyatt did the unthinkable. He and the Fiend… they’ve made magic. They’ve won the Universal Title. Bray Wyatt’s life work paid off because John Cena wasn’t there, and now that John’s back, Bray is fine letting the Fiend get revenge on his behalf if Cena wins the Royal Rumble.
Royal Rumble 2020
30 Man Royal Rumble Match
The ring is pretty packed as we count down towards Number 30, and the crowd in attendance knows it’ll be the pre-announced John Cena. The field he enters to is a tough one - Edge, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Aleister Black, Samoa Joe and Randy Orton. However, that all goes out the window the moment Cena enters the fray, going on a roll immediately. He lays out Edge with a shoulder block, counters an RKO with a Tiger Suplex, and reverses a Spear with an Attitude Adjustment before taking in the adulation from the crowd for a quick moment… and BEING GRABBED FROM BEHIND AND DUMPED RIGHT OVER THE TOP ROPE BY SAMOA JOE! Cena looks up from the floor in shock, unable to quite process what just happened, and Joe howls with laughter from inside the ring, cackling at the distraught Cena before waving his hand in front of his face with a mocking “You Can’t See Me.” John doesn’t even make it far enough to get to see the finish from ringside, instead walking to the back with his head hung low. In the end, Drew McIntyre wins as he did in real life.
Drew McIntyre wins the 2020 Royal Rumble (1:01:51)
However, he’s not the only one who suffers disappointment, as Daniel Bryan unseats normal Bray Wyatt to win the Universal Title earlier in the night.
Road to WrestleMania 36
Another year, another WrestleMania, and this time, Cena’s once again struggling to find his home on the card. However, much like last year’s, his match comes to him, instead of the other way around. He opens SmackDown a week after the Rumble, and he’s attacked by the Fiend, in Bray’s first appearance since losing the Universal Title. The Fiend lays him out with a Sister Abigail before putting the Franchise out of commission with a Mandible Claw, leading to Firefly Funhouse Bray making an announcement on his show the next week that the Fiend wants to face Cena at WrestleMania. The next month sees COVID ruin fucking everything, and the match is made into a Firefly Funhouse Match, with Cena vowing he’ll be 100% for it. On the Road to WrestleMania, Bray cuts more promos in a similar vein to his first one, discussing Cena’s tendency to rob him of his moments, to hold down the people that fought to stand alongside him at the top of the WWE. He says that Cena may be back to his virtuous ways now, but he knows John isn’t a man of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, and says that at WrestleMania, he’ll tear away every facade the Franchise has put up.
Similarly, Cena cuts a few promos himself, saying that it’s a very different WWE than the one he walked into - when he started in 2010, the biggest threat to the company’s stability was a group of guys with wristbands, and now there’s an unstoppable, invincible monster who can haunt nightmares and carries his own severed head to the ring. He says he’s risen to the occasion before, though. He did it against the Authority, against Brock Lesnar, against anyone who sought to dominate and control the company he called home, and at WrestleMania, he intends to do it once more against “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt. However, Bray responds, simply saying there are men who Cena’s never been able to beat properly - men like Samoa Joe. If a man can stop John Cena, then the Fiend most definitely will, no matter how much he insists that he’ll Never Give Up.
WrestleMania 36
Firefly Funhouse Match: John Cena vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt
I mean, how the fuck do I even write this? It’s a dissection of John Cena. This is what the booking’s all about, and it’s callback central. He enters in the gear he wore to face Kurt Angle in 2002, and Bray ducks his Ruthless Aggression slap before the Vince puppet tells Cena he’s fired. Then, he’s in his TNA attire, trying to grapple with Bray, but the sorcery on display is just something Cena can’t comprehend. He’s lost. It’s dead silent as he struggles to keep up, finally grabbing Wyatt and hitting him with the same move he hit on Mitsuharu Misawa in 2009, but the lights go out as Bray hits the mat… and when they come up, he’s the Fiend, standing above Cena, who’s now clad in a t-shirt and jorts. He goes for an Attitude Adjustment, but nope. Sister Abigail. The Fiend drops to his knees, spreading his arms as Cena’s accolades all appear on the wall behind him - the titles he’s won, the achievements he’s earned. John struggles to stand, reaching out for them, grabbing the ropes and heaving himself to his feet before CHARGING WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT, but the Fiend steps aside, Bray’s voice echoing through the empty, eerie venue as he mockingly repeats “Hustle, Loyalty and Respect,” over and over, taunting his foe.
Children’s voices cry out in support of Cena, calling from the void, but John shakes his head. He doesn’t even know if this is real. He turns around, shouting that against the Fiend, he can’t let it all get to him, he can’t think about fans, he can’t think about morals, he just needs to fight out of this, whatever it takes. Then, he looks down to see his Franchise gear, complete with the robe. Wyatt’s voice rings out, telling John he’s just reminding him who he really is, but Cena won’t have it. He rushes in with another Franchise Lariat, but the Fiend drops back into his creepy spider walk, staring straight through Cena. John can’t take it anymore, but he tears the robe off, saying that’s not him. The Fiend doesn’t know him. He’s willing to do what it takes, but dammit, he’s going to do it right. He steps into the corner of the ring, telling the Fiend to bring it on, to have a fair contest, and Bray’s omnipotent voice simply rings out with a “yes…” as the Fiend moves to the opposite corner. Cena’s gear again transforms into his attire from the present day, and they meet in the middle of the ring, Cena trying for a collar and elbow, but the Fiend drops him with a Uranage. Cena shakes it off, getting back up, and the Fiend goes for a body tackle, but CENA REVERSES INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! He dives into the cover, but as he instinctively motions to hook the leg, he realizes the Fiend has vanished. He looks around, panicked, and Bray says he’s the same as he ever was before THE FIEND PUTS HIM IN THE MANDIBLE CLAW! He holds it until Cena stops moving, the lights flickering before the Fiend vanishes, leaving Cena motionless in the middle of the ring, which is now back on the WrestleMania set.
The Fiend def. John Cena (13:12) by murdering him?
Doctors rush in to check on John as Titus O’Neil says he has no idea what he just saw, but it’s not over for Cena. The Fiend has made his point, Cena’s been ripped to shreds and laid bare before the fans at home, left to suffer in cold, empty silence with nobody to support him - and yet, there’s one more man who wants to rub it in. As more doctors flood the ring, they’re joined by SAMOA JOE, WHO PUSHES THEM ASIDE TO DELIVER A MUSCLE BUSTER TO CENA, AND NOW LOCKS IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! Cena’s completely limp, totally unresponsive, but Joe keeps the hold in, trying to choke the life out of the Cenation Leader completely, only to finally be pried off by a sea of security. He spits on Cena’s lifeless body, telling John he lost for good this time before marching off, the Fiend’s screeching leitmotif playing over the speakers before Cena’s body vanishes completely.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:47 lavender-witch Ears suddenly floppy, 2 year old cat?

Ears suddenly floppy, 2 year old cat?
We took her to the vet for floppy ears/head shaking/scratching her ears a month ago. The vet gave her an antibiotic for an ear infection, and drops for a yeast infection. At her checkup, the vet said she’s recovered well, and her ears look better. But she said she doesn’t know why my cat’s ears are still floppy.
I’m still a little concerned, but I mainly just want to know what could have caused this.
First picture is current, other pictures are from two months ago, before they flopped.
Any ideas?
submitted by lavender-witch to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:47 -FromAd- 27M - Looking for Good, Chill & Engaging Company

Hiya, I'm 27 and from England. My main selling point is my three puppies, which are the cutest. Photos on a selective basis 😋 With working for myself I have more flexible timing, And with the additional free time, I thought it would be great to connect with new people and get to know each other. I am looking for an engaging and relaxed conversation. You can be from anywhere. Be 22-35. Whether it's short or long term, I'm open to both, but a lasting connection would be great 😊
A brief insight into my personality and interests: I love to cook & bake; enjoy exploring various cultures, especially cuisines and find peace in hiking to escape to escape the chaos of daily life. I am great at conversating when I really click with someone, and prioritize maintaining mental and physical health. A good cup of coffee and a cosy cafe are essential for me. I also love design in many things and enjoy activities like writing, caring for plants, and my work amongst other things
If we share common interests or you believe we could have a good conversation, feel free to send me a message introducing yourself. Any messages which are low effort or inappropriate/creepy will result in you being blocked. And to those who read to the end, I hope you are healthy, happy and safe. If you are not, I hope you get there. Keep trying your best! If YOUR best is not good enough for someone, that is not your problem, it is theirs. People will complain no matter what. If the post is up, I am still looking to chat.
submitted by -FromAd- to MakeFriendsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:47 Emergency_Star_5029 [KS] Pretrial Hearing, Increased Hostility

Have a 3-4 year custody battle that finally saw a pretrial hearing. We got our trial date set a couple months from now. This is a two part question I suppose…
Lawyer Withdrawal- Prior to the pretrial hearing my ex-wife’s lawyer filed a motion to withdrawal. When Pretrial came around her lawyer was present and stated she planned on withdrawing her motion to withdrawal. Then after the pretrial hearing, another motion to withdrawal was filed by her lawyer. Does anyone have an idea what would cause a lawyer to withdrawal? Over the years my ex has done some wild stuff and regularly doesn’t followed her lawyer’s recommendations..
Increased Hostility- Since our pretrial hearing my ex has begun to amp up her antics. She started bringing her abusive boyfriend (huge person of contention and the reason she is facing losing custody of the kids due to abuse) to custody exchanges. He spends his time during the exchanges strutting around her car and mean mugging me, nothing too crazy yet. She also began initiating arguments during custody exchanges. We have gone 4 years without arguing in front of our kids, because we use the Our Family Wizard App for all communications, but the last 1.5 months she’s attempted to initiated conversations in person during every custody exchange. Last, she unilaterally signed the kids up for summer activities which conflict with each other and occur during my limited custody time. I’m assuming she is trying to cause an incident that might favor her at trial, because as of now she has no legitimate complaints to bring to court. But
Has anyone experienced any of these or something similar?
submitted by Emergency_Star_5029 to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:47 -FromAd- 27M - Looking for Good, Chill & Engaging Company

Hiya, I'm 27 and from England, UK. My main selling point is my three puppies, which are the cutest. Photos on a selective basis 😋 With working for myself I have more flexible timing, And with the additional free time, I thought it would be great to connect with new people and get to know each other. I am looking for an engaging and relaxed conversation. You can be from anywhere. Be 22-35. Whether it's short or long term, I'm open to both, but a lasting connection would be great 😊
A brief insight into my personality and interests: I love to cook & bake; enjoy exploring various cultures, especially cuisines and find peace in hiking to escape to escape the chaos of daily life. I am great at conversating when I really click with someone, and prioritize maintaining mental and physical health. A good cup of coffee and a cosy cafe are essential for me. I also love design in many things and enjoy activities like writing, caring for plants, and my work amongst other things
If we share common interests or you believe we could have a good conversation, feel free to send me a message introducing yourself. Any messages which are low effort or inappropriate/creepy will result in you being blocked. And to those who read to the end, I hope you are healthy, happy and safe. If you are not, I hope you get there. Keep trying your best! If YOUR best is not good enough for someone, that is not your problem, it is theirs. People will complain no matter what. If the post is up, I am still looking to chat.
submitted by -FromAd- to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:46 user948574 With as little spoilers as possible, what makes attack on titan a good show?

Hopefully this is okay to ask here, but I've only watched the first few episodes and I really want to continue as it's been so far such quality but I'm kinda worried that it still might turn out not to be for me?
This might come off as very ignorant, and I'm sorry for that, I'm very new to anime and I've no clue about like the aspects that are kinda characteristic to anime or the vocabulary or literally anything. I've just been an outside admirer so far before.
Anyway, so like I don't mind controversial topics or violence or problematic stuff and it often can even like make the content so brilliant but my problem is that I really don't like characters being kinda stereotypical tropes if that makes sense? I'm kinda nervous about the mom getting killed as a plot/character booster for the main character.
And like sexism isn't an obstacle for me, there'd really be not much to watch if that were the case :D but like that often is a bit telling of the future character development if that makes sense? And it's just a bit boring and hard to get into when all you can think is like this seems a bit stuck on ideas/arcs I've seen a million times. Not that that's been attack on titan so far.
So I'm wondering if there are like subversions of common tropes or interesting stuff brought up about people and humanity or like class consciousness or anything like that? Or nothing like that but something else? Like are the actors great or the storyline? So like in your opinion what makes it a good show? Why do people enjoy it so much?
And like again, if anyone gets inspired to reply, could you try with as little spoilers as possible? I'd very much appreciate any and all replies!
submitted by user948574 to attackontitan [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:46 Prize_Adagio_5118 Annoying girls on 4th floor

If you’re one of the girls that are cackling and talking at a main reading room level volume on the 4th floor I genuinely hope you fail your finals. You have to have the self-awareness of a cement wall to not think you’re disrupting tf out of what everyone else is doing. If there’s some sort of negative karma I hope it gets you. Thanks😆🙌
submitted by Prize_Adagio_5118 to UCDavis [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:45 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty: Making a Case

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
We left off at Survivor Series 2017, where the first WWE WarGames match took place, resulting in the Shield standing tall over not only Team Cena, but the assembled anti-Cena forces of Finn Balor, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. However, that win was a particularly brutal one, and as a result, Cena’s not seen for quite some time, with the Revival disclosing that his back is a mess as a result of the triple powerbomb onto the steel partition between the rings in WarGames. However, they say he’ll be back better than ever, when the time is right. On Twitter, Cena voices his frustrations at the whole situation - he blames the Shield for the injury, as well as Joe, Styles and Balor, but he also blames Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan for making the match, and forcing him into free agency by “being so uncooperative.”
Road to WrestleMania 34
The Royal Rumble comes and goes without Cena returning, marking the second year in a row he missed the event. However, 2017 saw him return for the Elimination Chamber, so Angle reaches out, as does Daniel Bryan, asking if he’ll be back soon. He says no, and tells them to fuck off. Finally, Bryan snaps, saying that last year, he told Cena he’d fire him if he didn’t come to work. He can’t do that now, as Cena’s a free agent, and he knows he’s injured, but he says the John Cena he knew would fight to rehab faster so he could come back and be the best. He says leading into SummerSlam 2013, he felt like Cena was a parody of wrestling, and Cena proved him wrong by fighting his heart out and passing the torch - but now, Bryan knows he was right. Cena’s just a carny, and now that he’s hurt, he’s acting like a damn coward, refusing to come back and face the people responsible. Cena hangs up the phone, and Daniel looks dejected before we cut back to commercial.
Elimination Chamber passes by without a hint of Cena’s presence, although The Revival say he helped prepare them for their successful Raw Tag Team Title defense at the event. Then it’s Fastlane, and, unsurprisingly, Cena’s nowhere to be seen on the SmackDown-branded event, AJ Styles saying he feels like he got the last laugh as he prepares to face Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania. On the Raw after Fastlane, Kurt Angle has a meeting with the Revival, saying he got a letter from Cena’s doctors clearing him for in-ring competition two weeks ago, and asking where he is. Wilder shrugs, saying Cena’s a free agent, so he calls the shots. Angle sighs, saying that he knows Cena won’t be going to SmackDown because of his beef with Daniel Bryan, so he might as well give it up and come back before he misses the chance to get on the card at WrestleMania. Dawson says he’ll relay the message.
On SmackDown a few days later, Daniel Bryan comes down to the ring with an announcement. He says that he’s been going through rigorous testing since his retirement, itching to get back in the ring. Unlike John Cena, he’s been fighting every day for the opportunity to wrestle again, and today, he got the best news of his life - he’s cleared. He’s fucking back. “YES!” chants ring out in the arena, Daniel Bryan leading them with tears in his eyes before EATING A FRANCHISE LARIAT! The elation turns to disgust as the crowd boo the returning John Cena, who lays into Bryan with a ground and pound before kicking him out of the ring and grabbing the microphone. He declares that like Bryan said he should, he’s back for those responsible, and the biggest culprit is Daniel himself. Shane McMahon rushes down to ringside to check on his GM as Cena leaves, but Bryan pushes Shane aside and shouts after Cena that it’ll take more than that to keep him down - and he wants John one-on-one at WrestleMania, the same venue that Bryan notched the biggest accolade of his career.
WrestleMania 34
John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan
New Orleans is very partial to the Yes Man as he locks up with John Cena, and it’s a technical affair to start despite the tension - Bryan naturally wanting to get the match in his wheelhouse as he works off the ring rust, and Cena wanting to outclass Daniel at his own game. However, once Bryan starts working on Cena’s bad back, John goes into panic mode, the Franchise rejecting the technical matwork in favour of attempting to give Bryan another concussion, preferably as quickly as possible. Bryan swiftly transitions from a Boston Crab to a surfboard, but Cena drops down and ELBOWS BRYAN IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD, NOW SLAMMING HIS SKULL INTO THE MAT LIKE A BASKETBALL! The referee pulls Cena back to check on Bryan, but Bryan struggles to his feet, only for John to deck him with a haymaker before dumping him unceremoniously to the floor. Cena does a few “YES!” chants of his own, the crowd chanting “NO!” in response before he heads to the outside and SWINGS BRYAN INTO THE BARRICADE LIKE A BASEBALL BAT! He rolls him back in and lackadaisically covers for two, following it with a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE, BUT BRYAN KICKS HIM IN THE BRIDGE OF THE NOSE! Furious, Cena leaps into mount and starts raining punches, picking Bryan up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT BRYAN REVERSES IT INTO THE YES LOCK, TRAPPING THE ARM! HE’S GOT IT IN DEEP! Cena crawls towards the ropes, but Bryan kicks the hand, refusing to release the hold as John reaches out. Finally, Cena manages to roll over and shift the weight enough to get a foot on the rope, the referee telling Bryan to break before being met with an “I HAVE TIL FIVE!”
At four, Bryan releases the hold, but he’s a man possessed as he lays in a series of stiff stomps to Cena, following it with a flurry of kicks to the back as Cena gets to his knees. He lets loose with the Yes Kicks, rallying the crowd behind him for a FINAL ONE TO THE SKULL! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Bryan is unrelenting, heading to the corner to go for the Running Knee that beat Cena at SummerSlam five years prior, but CENA TURNS HIM INSIDE OUT WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! HE KICKED OUT! BRYAN IS THE FIRST MAN TO KICK OUT OF THE FRANCHISE LARIAT, AND THE SUPERDOME HAS ERUPTED INTO YES CHANTS! Cena can’t believe it, but he’s ready to hit another one as Bryan struggles to even get to all fours. He heads to the corner, taunting Bryan from afar, and CHARGES WITH ANOTHER FRANCHISE LARIAT, ONLY FOR BRYAN TO DUCK, BOUNCING OFF THE TURNBUCKLES FOR A HUGE CORNER DROPKICK! Cena rolls out of the ring before Bryan can get rolling, but DANIEL BULLDOZES HIM WITH A SUICIDE DIVE! He sends Cena back in, scrambling to the top rope for a MISSILE DROPKICK! HE’S GOT CENA PRONE FOR A RUNNING KNEE… CENA CATCHES THE KNEE FOR A ONE-ARMED POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT, AND NOW BRYAN TRAPS THE ARM FOR A YES LOCK! He struggles to get it locked in, Cena BITING THE FINGERS TO STOP THE HOLD SINKING IN FULLY! Bryan perseveres, but John is able to break free from the hold, muscling Bryan up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT BRYAN SLIPS OFF THE BACK, RUNNING THE ROPES AND BEING DECAPITATED BY ANOTHER FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA TAKES HOME THE WIN AT WRESTLEMANIA, COSTING BRYAN A FEEL-GOOD RETURN!
John Cena def. Daniel Bryan (20:03)
Road to Backlash 2018
Daniel Bryan knows better than anybody that he had Cena dead to rights had he not illegally bitten the fingers, but he’s still frustrated that he couldn’t make his return a triumphant one. Cena, however, says that he’s mostly disappointed he couldn’t end Bryan’s career for good, and says that if Bryan wants to go another round, he’d be fine doing so - and tells Bryan to meet him in the ring in the main event slot. Bryan does so, and he’s confronted by… nobody, Cena deciding to be a petty bastard and waste Bryan’s time. Bryan chuckles, saying he figured Cena’s request for another singles match was a disingenuous one that would end up a trap, but the idea of just not coming out was a new low. However, he says he’s got an ability Cena doesn’t, and that’s to make matches, because he still hasn’t stepped down as GM. In fact, it’s his last night, and he says his last decree as GM is to set one more match between them for Backlash.
Backlash 2018
John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan
Fuck yeah, let’s run it back. Bryan’s fresh off of winning the Greatest Royal Rumble from Number One, because he’s built fucking differently, and he’s not afraid to rub it in Cena’s face by making this match a test of stamina. He outpaces Cena from the start, John trying to slow it down and use his power to neutralize Bryan, but there’s nothing he can do against a newly revitalized Bryan. Bryan kicks the shit out of Cena, rallying whenever Cena manages to turn the tides, and finally gets on a huge roll that culminates in a SUICIDE DIVE, BUT CENA CATCHES HIM! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE OUTSIDE! All of a sudden, it’s a fight for survival for Bryan, Cena battering him with stiff shots and breaking out the deep cuts from his arsenal, including an EMERALD FLOWSION! ONE! TWO! THRE-BRYAN’S FOOT IS UNDER THE ROPE, BUT CENA IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS IT WITH A TIGER SUPLEX THAT SENDS BRYAN TO THE FLOOR! Cena is fine with a countout, chilling in the ring as Bryan struggles to stand, finally breaking the count at the last second before CENA UNCORKS A FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT BRYAN DUCKS IT FOR A SMALL PACKAGE! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Cena rolls back to his knees, but BRYAN NAILS HIM WITH A ROUNDHOUSE TO THE TEMPLE! He frantically scrambles to the corner, a stunned Cena coming to… RUNNING KNEE! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA KICKS OUT, BUT BRYAN STRAIGHT INTO THE YES LOCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! CENA’S GOT NOWHERE TO GO, AND HE STARTS TRYING TO BITE THE FINGERS, BUT BRYAN SIMPLY CLUBS HIM WITH HAMMER FISTS BEFORE CINCHING IT IN HARDER! CENA TAPS OUT! DANIEL BRYAN HAS DONE IT!
Daniel Bryan def. John Cena (18:54)
It seems that the loss at Backlash is a bit of a come-to-Jesus moment for Cena, who is shown on Raw rewatching the tape of him tapping out to the Yes Lock. Nursing his shoulder, he says that he’s lost sight of himself. He’s done what he’s had to do to win, and he doesn’t feel badly about that, but he’s been calling himself the Franchise, the Face of the WWE, and he doesn’t know that he’s been proving it. He lost in WarGames, he lost to Daniel Bryan, he lost to Braun, he lost to Reigns, he didn’t get the last laugh against Styles, he’s never been able to pin Samoa Joe, he hasn’t touched a title in over two years. In fact, the thing that frustrates him most is there are championships on Raw he hasn’t held ever before - both the Universal and Intercontinental Championships. This isn’t a matter of “how can I call myself the Face of WWE if I play dirty to earn my accolades,” it’s a matter of “how can I call myself the Face of WWE if I haven’t won ALL the accolades?”
As a result, he says he’s going to take time to heal up fully. He’s going to train with the Revival every day, he’s going to get into the best shape of his life, and he’s going to return in pursuit of the mountaintops he’s never been able to reach - because it’s time for the man with eighteen World Titles to his name to truly make his case for GOAT. The next few months see sparse mentions of Cena’s progress, the Revival putting over the work he’s putting in and promising he’ll be back on Raw soon, ready to scoop up the championships he hasn’t yet held. Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler’s feud over the Intercontinental Title ends in Rollins coming out on top, and as he enters a program with Finn Balor, Rollins says that Cena’s welcome to try and take the gold from him if he so chooses - he’s got a decent record over John anyway, and if he wants revenge for everything over the years, he knows where to find him. With SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell in the rear view mirror, it’s this that finally gets Cena’s attention, and WWE starts promoting his return to the company for a Raw in Boston.
Cena comes out to open the show to a warm reception, absence having made the heart grow fonder for his fellow Bostonians, and he’s even in a new t-shirt. However, he says it’s because he’s not here for a match (despite looking fucking massive), and that his usual robe would be too gaudy for a promo. He says he’s scheduled to return to the ring at Super Showdown in Australia, where he wants to face off with Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Title, the gold that would bring him the WWE Grand Slam. Rollins, already a Grand Slam winner, comes out to the ring and says he’s on, and extends a hand to Cena to make the match official. Before Cena can decide on whether or not to shake it, they’re interrupted by Finn Balor, who says he’s worked too hard for John Cena to swoop in and be handed a title shot. John shrugs and says he’s fine with Balor being in the match too, so that he can properly make up for WarGames by beating a rep from both the Shield and The Club, and Seth, ever the fighting champion, agrees. Finn still doesn’t seem all that happy about Cena being in the bout, but he seems confident about coming away with the win.
Super Showdown 2018
Intercontinental Title: John Cena vs. Seth Rollins (c) vs. Finn Balor
Eager to show that he’s not too rusty after his time off, Cena is very much involved in the proceedings of this match, all three men duking it out on fairly even footing without any ducking out of the ring to recover. Rollins and Balor naturally work a fast pace as Cena tries to keep a lock on them, but it’s difficult for him to overcome the odds against two guys who have no qualms about ganging up on him. Soon enough, he eats a 1916 for two before falling out to the floor, Seth and Finn having a back and forth exchange before SETH HITS A PEDIGREE ON BALOR! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA WITH THE SAVE! He backs Rollins up into the corner, landing a flurry of punches to the head before nailing a bulldog out of the corner, followed by a shoulder block, and another before CALLING FOR A… FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! HE HITS IT! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Seth is on spaghetti legs as he rises to his feet, Cena measuring his man as he gets him up for an Attitude Adjustment, but Rollins slips off the shoulders and NAILS A SUPERKICK! Cena falls to his knees, Rollins running at him and NAILING HIM WITH AN AVADA KEDAVRA, STRAIGHT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOW BALOR BREAKS UP THE PIN!
Finn nails a Shotgun Dropkick to Rollins, getting him in the landing zone for a Coup de Grace, but Rollins gets out of the way, Finn rolling through and pivoting into a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE, BOTH MEN DOWN! Behind them, Cena gets to a vertical base, pleased with his good fortune as he waits for both men to get up before SCOOPING BALOR AND ROLLINS ONTO HIS SHOULDERS FOR A DOUBLE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! COVER ON SETH! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! COVER ON BALOR! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT! He tosses Seth out of the ring, calling for a FRANCHISE LARIAT ON BALOR, BUT HE’S INTERCEPTED WITH A SLING BLADE! Finn goes up top for a Coup de Grace, but SETH PUSHES HIM OFF THE TURNBUCKLES, STRAIGHT TO THE FLOOR! Rollins clambers up to the top turnbuckle for a PHOENIX SPLASH, BUT CENA MOVES, SETH TURNING AROUND INTO A FRANCHISE LARIAT, BEHEADING THE ARCHITECT! Cena thinks about it for a moment, and now ROLLS OVER SETH, HOISTING HIM UP FOR ANOTHER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA HAS WON THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE, AND CAN NOW CALL HIMSELF A GRAND SLAM WINNER IN THE WWE!
John Cena def. Finn Balor and Seth Rollins (21:07) to win the Intercontinental Title
Road to Survivor Series 2018
Now the Intercontinental Champion, John Cena’s automatically set to face off with US Champion Shinsuke Nakamura at Survivor Series. However, he’s also got to worry about Finn Balor, who wants a match for the gold, and who Kurt Angle says deserves one as he didn’t take the pin at Super Showdown. Despite all the obstacles before him, Cena seems pretty confident, especially as he’s now the first ever man to win a Grand Slam in TNA and WWE. He faces off with Nakamura on SmackDown, Shinsuke communicating that he’s plenty confident too with a simple “come on” to Cena. John smirks, waving his hand in front of his face before going toe-to-toe with the US Champion, Nakamura eventually rolling out of the ring and holding his title high. Cena grabs a microphone, saying he’ll be proving at Survivor Series that he can still outdo anyone and everyone.
On the go-home Raw, Cena is told by Kurt Angle that he’s booked John Cena for a title defense against Finn Balor for that night’s main event. Cena is floored by the impromptu match, but he tries to take it in stride, even if he’s upset with Angle. He says all Kurt is doing is weakening the Intercontinental Champion ahead of a showdown with SmackDown, but Kurt says if Cena’s a real champ, he’ll rise to the occasion. Cena clearly considers walking out, or just hitting Angle, but decides against it, saying he’ll be walking into Survivor Series still the champion.
Intercontinental Title: John Cena (c) vs. Finn Balor
In the main event, Cena and Balor have a back-and-forth bout, Balor working on Cena’s midsection ahead of a COUP DE GRACE, BUT CENA AVOIDS IT! He goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Finn slips off his shoulders to the apron, Cena decking him before heading out to ringside with the challenger. They brawl on the floor, the referee unable to get control as both men lay into one another. Cena gets Finn up for another Attitude Adjustment attempt, this time by the announce table, but FINN ESCAPES AND SHOVES CENA STOMACH-FIRST INTO THE CORNER OF THE DESK! John is gasping for air as Finn calls for a 1916, but CENA DRIVES HIM OVER IT, BOTH MEN TUMBLING INTO THE COMMENTATORS! The referee’s count hits seven, then eight, then nine, then CENA MAKES IT IN, AND ROLLS BACK OUT TO BREAK THE COUNT! The crowd is elated to see the bout continue, Cena wanting to win decisively, but WAIT A MINUTE! SHINSUKE NAKAMURA IS HERE, AND LEVELS CENA WITH A KINSHASA! He escapes as the referee calls for a DQ, Balor looking on as he realizes the title has slipped through his fingers.
John Cena def. Finn Balor (15:32) by disqualification to retain the Intercontinental Title
Incensed, Balor gets up, and HOLD ON! HE’S GRABBING CENA, TOSSING HIM ONTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! BALOR’S LAYING INTO THE CHAMP WITH PUNCH AFTER PUNCH! The referee begs him to stop, but Finn says he wants to make sure that title ends up back with him, climbing up to the top rope for a COUP DE GRACE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! Cena’s left lying as the Revival run out, Balor fleeing as the show goes off the air.
Survivor Series 2018
John Cena vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Cena walks into this match wounded, but he’s fighting all the same, wanting to make up for a dismal Survivor Series record with only one outright win across seven shows. However, Nakamura’s got a target drawn on Cena’s injured midsection, and he’s absolutely merciless in targeting it with his lethal strikes. John’s power manages to keep the US Champion at bay for a while, trying to pick the leg whenever Shinsuke throws a kick to leverage him into some sort of suplex or throw, but Nakamura eventually overwhelms him with a flurry of Muay Thai knees to the body followed by a WHEEL KICK TO THE HEAD! Cena drops like a sack of bricks as Nakamura covers for two, and Shinsuke drags him out towards the apron for a GUILLOTINE KNEE DROP ACROSS THE BACK OF THE HEAD, FOLLOWED BY A SLIDING KNEE TO THE RIBS THAT CRUSHES CENA’S BODY AGAINST THE RING POST! He again covers for two, Cena continuing to fight on, but eventually Nakamura calls for a KINSHASA, ONLY FOR CENA TO HIT A FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! CENA WASN’T ABLE TO GET ALL HIS POWER BEHIND IT, HE COULDN’T GET ANY TORQUE THROUGH HIS BODY!
However, Cena’s in the driver’s seat now, and he takes advantage as best he can with a flurry of suplexes, followed by an attempt at an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT NAKAMURA REVERSES IT INTO A TRIANGLE CHOKE! He keeps one arm on Cena’s head while using the other to throw wild hammer fists to the ribs, but John manages to muscle him up for a HELLACIOUS POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! He calls for the Attitude Adjustment again as Nakamura staggers to his feet, but Shinsuke manages to grab the ropes, holding on for dear life and pulling himself free of the fireman’s carry before slipping behind John for a REVERSE EXPLODER SUPLEX, CENA AVOIDING BREAKING HIS NECK BY A FRACTION OF AN INCH! He’s still completely out of it as Nakamura lines up for a Kinshasa, but he manages to duck the strike for a TIGER SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Both men are down and out, the crowd rising to their feet to rally them onwards, and they slowly get to their knees, slugging it out as they struggle to their feet. They throw punches and forearms in a war of attrition, but Nakamura finally throws a vicious thrust kick to the sternum, Cena doubling over for just long enough for SHINSUKE TO OBLITERATE HIM WITH A KINSHASA! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Shinsuke Nakamura def. John Cena (16:03)
Road to TLC 2018
Coming off a loss at Survivor Series, Cena has a natural desire to chase after the man responsible for the injuries that cost him the bout - Finn Balor. Balor is shown backstage, saying he really loved putting Cena through the commentary table on Raw, and he’ll be fine doing so again if that’s what it takes to finally get the Intercontinental Title around his waist. Flanked by Gallows and Anderson, he says he’ll meet Cena for the gold whenever Cena mans up and takes on the challenge. Kurt Angle makes it official for TLC, but also declares that there’ll be a six man tag bout between Balor Club and the Revival and John Cena next week.
John Cena and The Revival vs. Balor Club (Finn Balor, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson)
All six men put on a show, but Cena’s still licking his wounds from weeks prior as he takes to the ring. He and Balor fight around ringside as The Revival go to work trying to bring home the win against Gallows and Anderson, with the Good Brothers hitting a Magic Killer on Dawson for a nearfall, Wilder saving his partner at the last moment. Eventually, Balor and Cena end up legal, Cena going for an Attitude Adjustment, but Finn reversing it into a 1916! He hooks both legs, but Dawson breaks it up, the Good Brothers charging in and clearing out Dawson before Gallows tags in. Balor goes to work against Dawson on the floor, but Wilder leaps in from behind, giving Cena enough room to reverse a Magic Killer, tossing Anderson out of the ring and NAILING GALLOWS WITH A HUGE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena and The Revival def. Balor Club (14:00)
However, the second he gets the pin, Finn Balor’s back on Cena, refusing to let the battle end. The Good Brothers shake off the Revival for long enough to hit a BOOT OF DOOM ON CENA, FOLLOWED BY A MOCKING TRIPLE POWERBOMB THROUGH THE COMMENTATOR’S TABLE!
The next week, Kurt Angle amends the Intercontinental Title match at TLC, saying it’ll now be a Tables match to fit the theme of Balor continuously putting Cena through them. John isn’t happy about the change, but vows to make it work.
TLC 2018
Tables Match for the Intercontinental Title: John Cena (c) vs. Finn Balor
This is a frantic bout, both men liberally employing weapons and interference in pursuit of the Intercontinental Championship. The Revival and The Good Brothers eventually duke it out up the ramp and into the backstage area, never to be seen again, leaving Cena and Balor to wrestle their hearts out. John gets the upper hand despite his injuries, flooring Finn with a Franchise Lariat before setting up a table at ringside. He hoists Balor up in the ring, getting him into a fireman’s carry for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO THE OUTSIDE, BUT FINN LANDS ON THE APRON TO AVOID DISASTER, CONNECTING WITH A GAMENGIRI! He climbs up to the top… COUP DE GRACE CONNECTS, BUT NOW HE NEEDS TO GET CENA THROUGH A TABLE! He rolls him out of the ring, laying him out on the ringside table before clambering to the high-rent district once again, but CENA MEETS HIM UP THERE WITH A FLURRY OF PUNCHES, REFUSING TO GIVE IN! It’s a very precarious spot for both men, but Cena attempts a SUPERPLEX TO THE FLOOR, ONLY FOR FINN TO DROP TO THE APRON ONCE AGAIN, SIMPLY KICKING OUT CENA’S LEGS! Cena drops to the apron, landing hard on his ribs, and Finn capitalizes with a COUP DE GRACE ONTO THE APRON, ONLY FOR CENA TO AVOID IT! He picks Balor up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE APRON, AND NOW FINN DROPS BACK INTO THE RING FOR A PELE KICK… BUT CENA HOLDS ONTO THE ROPES! Finn lays in a few stiff forearms, lining up for a SHOTGUN DROPKICK, BUT CENA SIDESTEPS! Balor nearly goes through the table, but manages to catch himself in the ropes, Cena attempting a GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE APRON! Balor frantically holds the ropes, and finally CONNECTS WITH A REVERSE HEADBUTT TO THE BRIDGE OF THE NOSE! Cena’s stunned, and Balor drives an elbow into his ribs, Cena collapsing THROUGH THE TABLE! BALOR’S THE CHAMP!
Finn Balor def. John Cena (15:19) to win the Intercontinental Title
Balor’s handed the gold as Cena stares vacantly into middle distance, brushing off offers of medical assistance as he ponders his next move - but his eyes light up slightly as he seems to have his next idea.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:45 ELS314STL The Discovery, Epilogue

Starbase 1, The Vault, The Federated Technocracy of Sol, Sector 4 of Sol Sphere, Venusian Orbit June 4, 5378UC -High Sub-General Alan Turing, Presiding Governor of The E'Torian Dyson Sphere
Alan was going over the yearly reports from E'Tor Sphere, preparing his annual report to MIlitia HQ, when the chime announced a visitor. 'Strange', he thought, 'Not expecting anyone.' He spoke, "Enter," and stood at attention as he saw Grand High Admiral Eryk Shimogawa of The Federated Technocracy Militia when the door misted away.
"At ease, Alan. I'm not here on business," said Eryk as he walked in, waving Alan back down as the door misted back into solid form.
He eyed Eryk as he sat, having just seen him yesterday for their monthly lunch in Paris. He straightened his uniform as he said, "Understood, Boss. Was there something you needed that we didn't discuss yesterday?"
Eryk spoke as he sat, "Yes, but this is something that I wanted to talk to you about. In person with the core you, not your puppet." He held up a hand before Alan could respond, "I know you're one in the same, but for me, as an emotional organic brain in a synthoid body," Alan playfully flipped him off, and Erky chuckled as he continued, "I wanted to speak to you."
Alan could understand that. Even as a full synthoid himself, he knew the value of directly speaking with the "Core Unit" of a being, "Of course. How can I be of service, Sir?"
He'd given up centuries ago trying to have Alan call him Eryk, "Alan, you're the closest thing I have to a child of my own, and I wanted you to be the first to know that I've decided to go through and Convert. I think it's time."
Alan had been expecting this for the last few decades. It was understandable, as Eryk had been born back in 4152, and at over 1200 years old, he was at that stage that a vast majority of Humans reached, wanting to end their physical existence. For a species who thought immortality was a goal, The Cache showed them that a solid millennium is the most tolerable life span. He was thoughtful as he asked, "I've been expecting this, Boss. I dislike admitting that, but it's true. You've never struck me as an adherent of The Novans."
Eryk agreed, never understanding The Novans, a small sect of Humanity that chose immortality and not Converting. Still, Converting was better than nothing, and he surely wasn't an Ender. How they could just let themselves not be saved was astounding to him and the vast majority of Humanity.
After the discovery of The Cache and the full employment of Memory Cores, Humanity had immortality at last, but found it hallow after a while. So, they started multiple projects to ensure no loss of knowledge, as well as mastering time manipulation via wormholes, they were able to map the combined historical knowledge of all of Human History, from each individual who'd ever lived, and store that collective knowledge into The Matrix. Once online, Humans could download themselves into it, or Convert, and join what has come to be known as The Overmind. When Humanity developed true Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Sentience, followed quickly by passing The Synthoid Rights Act, Humans asked their children to join them in The Overmind, whenever they wished. In time, The Novans would allow themselves to be downloaded, about once a century, to ensure to add to the whole while not self-terminating. The Overmind had no say in governance, but It does advise. As the literal combine knowledge of the whole of The Line of The Species, It has views and ideas no one Human could ever hope to have. It has helped guide The Technocracy, and ensured that Humans can grow, develope, and mature as a race in ways they never knew could exist. Housed in a station orbiting Earth, The Overmind keeps watch over The Mother World, and all in The Sphere.
Eryk pulled himself out of his musing, "Yeah, not a Novan. But for me, at this stage, I'm good. I've done it all, and then some. I'll be stepping down and retiring, so that will take about a year or so to get everything in order and train my replacement. And I'm sure they'll wanna throw me a helluva party before I go."
"You deserve no less, Sir. You helped establish The Coalition after The Hive-Imperium War, you guided The D'Luti from an Imperium to a Republic, avoiding another war altogether with the formerly conquered races, to say nothing of your efforts in old Hive Space."
Eryk smiled, "Alan, you will never cease to be my biggest advocate."
"You've been mine since I first applied to The Academy."
"Well, what can one expect from a fresh synth who decided to name themselves after The Father of Synthoids? You came into that campus with fires blazing, and proved us all wrong."
Alan bowed his head, "I'm honored you think so, Sir."
"Well, enough about that. We'll have time to talk the details later. Now, I am curious. How are our wards?"
Alan smirked, "Can't wait for the report?"
Erky had to laugh, "Guilty. But also, I've been keeping a close eye on your reports. especially these last few centuries. Do you really think they're going to break silence after all this time?"
Alan knew the tone, it was full business now. "Well, Sir, after their Shell Colonies started exploding in population, and they weren't confined to their fortress of a homeworld, The Leadership failed to account for societal drift. Even in isolation, the colonies were so spread out that The Leadership couldn't keep tabs on everything at once anymore." He pulled up a holomap of the interior of The E'Tor Sphere, "The Northern Colonies in Quadrant One and Three started actively advocating for independence and self determination. Quadrant Two colonies wanted to fight The Leadership, alongside a majority of The Southern Colonies. The remaining ones were torn between loyalty to The Leadership, or igniting a civil war."
"You said 'were'. What's changed?"
"The Homeworld is stirring. I'm seeing parallels to The Sino-Russo Winter of 2045, old calendar."
Eryk sat back, taking that in. The Sino-Russo Winter of 2045 was a massive shift in Old Earth history, when the old countries of New Soviet Russia and China, officially combined into The Sino-Russo Alliance, saw the full collapse of their government due to overextending themselves in their Lunar and Martian colonial efforts. This lead to said colonies trying new ways to operate in order to survive, which included opening trade with American Union, EuroFed, Afrikan Union, Oceanic, and PanAsian colonies. When families back home found out how little their government was doing to keep their loved one alive, The Sino-Russo Alliance collapsed in a matter of weeks. New UN forces tried to help minimize the disaster, alongside aid from every other nation who could help. Afterward, the government of Taiwan was able to re-establish itself in Beijing, reorganizing the country into The Federation of China. Russia ended up fully collapsing under its own weight. Everything east of The Urals gained independence and joining The Pan-Asian Confederation, while the rump of Russia west of The Ural joined The European Federation. However, beyond governmental and boundaries changing, the whole event of The Sino-Russo Winter directly lead to the formation of The Confederated Republic of Earth twenty years later, the forebearer of The Technocracy.
He asked Alan, "How long before we need to step in and assist?"
"I don't think we have to," replied Alan. "The colonies now exceed The Homeworld in terms of population, and it seems, influence. The Leadership is trying to hold on, as you'd expect. However, there are elements within who are being swayed by the arguments being presented." Alan held up a datapad, "I will be making an official advisement of an estimated contact by new E'Torian leadership within the next few decades, if not a century, at most."
Eryk thought about that. It has been, then, the recommendation of High Admiral Chaaya Shrivastava to establish the sphere and allow The E'Tor the chance to socially evolve in isolation. Ever the socio-anthropologist, she new that a closed system, once "infected" by new ideas, could not stop change from coming. And due to the VERY public failure of The Leadership at the hands of The FedTech, there would be no stopping the change. Chaaya knew that they could only do it in isolation, that the idea of the threat of their former slaves coming for them would only bring extinction for The E'Tor at the combined efforts of the races they abused and the zealot style nationalism that would sweep their society and culture. She argued, passionately, in front of the whole Parliament, that once we rebuilt Hive space, that the newly freed races would mount of war of revenge. And she was right, there was talk about that as the sphere was being built. That alone pushed The FedTech to move the sphere to their space, appointing themselves guardians of The E'Tor. Eryk had pushed back against the revenge idea. He argued as passionately as Chaaya with local representatives that revenge won't solve anything. It never does. And it took time, a lot of species level therapy, and seeing the results of war based on revenge. The FedTech share how they could only sit back, so long ago, and watch a now lost to dust empire fall to their slaves, only to have the slaves fight each other to mutually assured destruction. It took centuries to clean up the mess, and to debate how moral their Prime Directive was, and when it became both unethical and immoral to not act. These lessons, and the gentle hand of The FedTech lead to these races establishing The Allied Confederation of Spheres, with the understanding that moving forward was better than looking back. In time, they and The D'Luti Republic joined The Coalition as friends and allies. The FedTech sat back and watched, but also interacting more and more. But no matter, The E'Tor can never go back. The Confederation made sure of that when The FedTech left them to govern themselves.
He had a mission to finish. Conversion can wait.
"Alan, I will only Convert once The E'Tor are free and self-governing outside of our guardianship. I can wait a century or two."
Alan, somehow, surprisingly expected this, noting he'll have to think about that later. "Of course, Sir. I won't speak of it to anyone."
Eryk laughed, "Oh, no. I'll be alerting Parliament about my intentions and expectations, only after you submit your report." He straightened up in the chair, "Chaaya would want me to see this through to the end, I owe her that much."
Alan smiled gently, acknowledging the understanding between them. Chaaya was missed, having Converted about 400 years ago. "She'll be proud. I'm sure she's somewhere, looking down on us and laughing at the worry."
"Laughing from The Throne of Creation, I'm sure. You know she'd end up running the place!", both laughing at the image. Eryk wiped a tear from his eye, "Oh, I miss her. But, she was right about these people. We owe it to them to see them through this."
"Agreed, Sir," Alan said as he stood and walked over to the wall, "As much as I've enjoyed watching them grow, it will be nice to try something new." The upper two-thirds of the wall vanished, showing a slow turning metallic globe inside of a forcefield. "That said, It's been an honor to serve as their FedTech Governor."
Eryk stood, "Even after all this time, it still amazes me that they're all in there."
Alan nodded, amazed still at the idea of this truly massive construct being shrunk down to be under this level of security. But it made sense, from a Human point of view.
Eryk put a hand on Alan's shoulder, "To work then?"
"To work. Sir."
submitted by ELS314STL to futurehistorystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:45 NeoIsTheChosen1 I don’t know if I (24M) should take back my ex-girlfriend (22F) or not. We were long distance but now we’re close. What should I do?

I’m at a crossroads right now, my head is telling me no but my heart is telling me yes. The story is a bit complicated so I will do my best to explain our relationship so you can understand the full picture.
I’ll start with the way we initially got together. We come from the same country ethnically, but I lived my whole life abroad. When I was 17 I met her in my home country while I was visiting for the summer. We only spent one day together at a family gathering, she was a friend of a friend. Well since that day we became good friends and we started texting for years. Eventually I felt romantic interest in her but she declined because she wasn’t interested at the time. This was 6-7 years ago. Since then we didn’t talk as much. Then about 3 years ago during the summer, I was visiting again and we crossed paths again. It had been like 4 years since we last talked. We had a great conversation and it was as if we never stopped talking. We had extremely good chemistry and we both felt a spark. After that I knew she had interest in me, we kept texting and she sent me a really long paragraph about how she caught feelings for me and she regrets rejecting me in the past, and how she would really love it if I gave her another chance to get to know each other romantically. I felt the same way about her so I decided to give it a shot. Keep in mind I only saw her in person that one time, I left back to my country after just two days. But we were both willing to do long distance because we were extremely attracted to each other and we saw a future together.
So our entire relationship was basically long distance, all of it was over the phone. But our relationship escalated very quickly, she told me it happened like it was straight out of a movie. Eventually she was telling me things like I’m the one and she wants to marry me and she’s never been this sure of anything in her entire life. I felt the same way. It was one of those things where “when you know you know”. I had already know her previously and her personality. Anyways, we didn’t really have a plan to close the distance, but we were willing to stick it out until I could move to her. It would’ve taken 2-3 years. But of course we had to meet each other first and date in person. After a whole year of dating, we planned a trip together to Italy so we could finally spend time with each other for the first time. We waited a long time for this moment. I thought the trip went great and that it solidified our relationship, she told me she had a great time and that the chemistry was still there in person.
Well a few months after that trip, which was last January, she broke up with me. She basically said she couldn’t do the distance anymore even though she thought she could. And that she wasn’t able to see me only once a year, and keep saying “one day” without an actual plan. Which is completely understandable, I don’t blame her at all. It was probably doomed to fail because of that. But afterwards, I was so heartbroken by the breakup that I reacted very emotionally. I wrote her a long letter explaining my feelings and how I couldn’t understand why she would give up after all the promises. Now I completely understand, but at the time I didn’t because I was blinded by my own feelings. I kept pushing her and bothering her for more answers, and eventually she snapped at me. She said a lot of things that were hurtful and disrespectful. She said that she was forcing herself to be comfortable with me on the trip, that it wasn’t the type of comfort it should be with the one, she said that the distance wouldn’t have mattered if it was the right person (which contradicts her previous excuse about distance), she also said that she just didn’t love me anymore, and she didn’t want to settle for someone she has to learn to love, she wants to find a love that comes naturally to her. She also said that she might’ve just loved the idea of me because it felt different on the trip. And that if we had a base together, maybe it would’ve worked. But we never got to know each other physically, we got into a committed relationship for a year without ever seeing each other in person.
So basically, her initial reason was the distance, but after she snapped at me she said that it was because she didn’t love me and that I’m not the right person for her. Even though she believed with all her heart that I was the right person during the relationship. So maybe it was a combination of both reasons, I don’t know. Maybe the extreme distance led her to lose feelings and realize I’m not the right guy for her. Anyways, we ended it in January and we went no contact since then. Not a single text. I was extremely heartbroken for months and very hurt at the things she said to me. I couldn’t understand how she moved on so quickly and discarded me from her life. As if I never meant anything to her. We were planning our future together.
I just want to add that now 4 months after the breakup I completely understand her. I understand why she felt uncomfortable with me. We met each other for one day and then spent an entire year talking over the phone and got into a committed relationship. We never had the opportunity to get to know each other physically. In a normal relationship you would spend time together in person and THEN decide to commit. So over the course of a year we built up an idealized version of each other in our heads. When we met on the vacation, physically we were strangers. I’ll admit, I felt a bit uncomfortable too, and it felt a bit weird, but after a few days I did feel comfortable with her. I figured it was normal since we have to get used to each other. But I was willing to look past it because I loved her. And she is definitely the type of woman that needs to spend a long time with someone before feeling comfortable being intimate with them. Also, it was her first serious relationship and she’d never even had her first kiss before. She’s a very reserved and shy girl. Maybe I rushed things by trying to kiss her too soon, I should’ve went way slower and just focused on getting comfortable with each other. On top of all that, we were also in a strange environment that we’ve never been to before (Italy), with a person that is a stranger physically. Yes we talked for an entire year but physically we were strangers. We spent a year in a committed (digital) relationship, so by the time we met, there was all this expectation built up of how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to immediately behave as committed couples do. When in reality, what we probably should’ve done was get to know each other first. we should’ve probably just talked for a year without actually committing, and then decide if we want to be together after we actually meet. But since we both rushed into it, there was a lot of expectation. So overall it completely makes sense that we were uncomfortable because we never had a base to build off of.
Now it’s been about 4 months since the break up with no contact. A turn of events happened in my life and I ended up moving to my country this month, much sooner than I expected, for a work opportunity. It’s the same country where my ex lives. I wasn’t planning to move there for another 2-3 years, but it just so happened that I ended up moving back just 4 months after we broke up. As soon as I settled in, my ex reached out to me telling me that she heard I moved back to this country. We talked for a bit and we ended up meeting up so we could catch up with each other. She picked me up and we went for a drive, with no expectations to rekindle anything, just to have fun together. And we actually had an amazing time. A short drive turned into a whole day spent with her. We talked, we laughed, and I felt the same chemistry and spark that I felt when we first met. We hung out the next day, and the next day, then on the 4th day, she ended up telling me that she realized she still has feelings for me and wants to get back together. This time, it would be different because we are actually in the same country, there’s no more long distance.
I told her I needed to think about it, and now I’m here typing this. I don’t know if I should take her back or not, mainly because of the things she said to me during the break up. Yes, distance may have played a role in her losing feelings, and I give her the benefit of the doubt. But I can’t forget the things she said to me when she snapped. She told me HERSELF that she just didn’t love me, and that the distance wouldn’t have mattered with the right person. She made the decision to completely give up on me. She moved on so quickly and was completely fine without me in her life. When she broke up she had it in her mind that she wanted to find someone better. How can I forgive that? I tell myself, all of this happened because we could never be close, we never got to start the relationship the proper way. But I also tell myself, if she was the right person, would she have given up on me? I know that “the one” isn’t some magical feeling you only get with one person, and that circumstances sometimes cause relationships to not work out. But even under all these circumstances, maybe the right person would’ve stayed? Maybe the right person would’ve felt comfortable with me on the trip. I mean, a lot of you guys in this sub were nevermets, and there’s so many cases of people never meeting for years, and they still end up working out. Just because we now have a chance to be together now in close proximity, does that mean I should do it? Do I want someone that would only decide to love me if I am close to them? I don’t know if I am being reasonable by questioning these things. Maybe she is the right person but circumstances actually couldn’t let us be together until now. I can’t tell if I should say no because I should find someone that would stick with me through anything, I don’t even know if that person exists. I don’t know if anyone would be able to handle the relationship we had, so maybe it’s unfair to blame her for giving up on me.
I told her all these things and she gave me a huge apology and said she was wrong. She explained why she felt uncomfortable and why she felt like she lost feelings, and it was basically everything I explained before. But she said now she realized she was wrong and that she is comfortable with me and that she made a huge mistake. She said she confused her feelings and thought that I wasn’t the one when I actually was. I told her that she said she was settling for me. And she said she only said that because I made her mad so she snapped, I kept bothering her so she just wanted to push me away, and that she didn’t actually mean it. Now she wants to take everything back but I don’t know if I can believe her. She said she will do anything to prove to me that she’ll be loyal and that this time she will stay. She also said that she hasn’t dated anyone at all since we broke up, so there was no rebound or cheating involved. It was just because she felt like we wouldn’t work out in the long run.
But now, we’re close together, and we have an opportunity to start over and have a wonderful relationship together, the right way. And we had an amazing time together the last few days, we both have intense feelings for each other. I just don’t know if I should take her back after she gave up on me. Let’s say I did take her back, I would always be worried that she’ll do the same thing again. I would have to trust her again. I understand that the relationship was probably doomed to fail, but I never would’ve given up on her in a million years. Maybe women are wired differently. I honestly still have a lot of love for her, and I still want to be with her. But I don’t want to get hurt again. What do you think? Should I give it a chance or am I better off finding someone new?
TL;DR - I'm (24M) torn about getting back with my ex (22F). We had a long-distance relationship, but she broke up with me due to the distance and said some hurtful things. Now that I've moved back to our home country, we've reconnected, and she wants to try again. While the chemistry is still there, I'm unsure if I can trust her after she gave up on us once. Should I give it another shot or move on?
submitted by NeoIsTheChosen1 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 SigmaEntropy TR3-VR's Disciples are Recruiting Guardians

"The Witness approaches The Final Shape".... these words came directly from Queen Mara Sov not too long ago and we now need a response team. A team that is ready for any challenge that The Witness can throw at us and a team that can throw a challenge back at The Witness.
May I introduce....... TR3-VR's Disciples..... We are a new clan looking to recruit guardians of all ranks, levels, experience and taste. We want to show up on The Witness' doorstep not only ready to throw down but ready to look good doing so.
The Witness has his idea of a Final Shape but us disciples know that Trevor will be left standing after all else falls and as his disciples we will be stood there right along side him.....or running away from him as is custom.
We have a discord that is in the works and the current members enjoy streaming from time to time, we enjoy teaching the games core mechanics as well as content like dungeons, raids and seasonal activities.
If you would like to know more about the clan, are interested in joining or just want somewhere chill to wait out The Witness' machinations then drop me a message and we can see if you would be a good fit :)
We look forward to hearing from you soon guardians,
Eyes up and we will see you all star-side.
submitted by SigmaEntropy to Fireteams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 I_Am_Kylo_Ren_AMA JISA & Tutoring - is this a much better investment than private school?

The current average annual fee for private schools in the UK is just over £15k, and looks like it will soon be rising to £18k with VAT. Additionally, equivalent grades from a state school seem to be seen more preferably than from a private school during uni admissions. This leads to the question of whether you can better invest that £18k pa for your child.
My personal thoughts are that you would be better putting £9k pa in a JISA from when they're born to 18, and spending the additional amount on a good tutor. £9k would get you an hour every school day of 1 on 1 tutoring.
If you put the JISA in an index fund like the S&P500, and assume 7% pa return, the child would have £344k when they turn 18. Leave it until they're 25 before giving it to them, and they'd likely have £500k at the point where they've graduated and settled into working, giving them a huge leg up on life.
The tutoring gives them focused attention at a 1:1 teachepupil ratio that they wouldn't even get at a private school. This should help close the grade gap between state & private, while they retain the benefit of being looked upon favourably for having achieved this at a state school.
The main downside of this would be networking, where at a private school your social circle may offer greater opportunities later in life, but I feel this is offset by the JISA investment which provides a certain leg up in adulthood rather than a potential one.
IMO, if you have £18k to spend annually on your child, the JISA + tutoring combo looks like the clear choice. I'm curious if other UKPF users agree or whether I've completely missed something.
submitted by I_Am_Kylo_Ren_AMA to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 forex4all Reviewing Cryptocurrency Conversion Platform Features and Reliability

User-friendly cryptocurrency conversion tool Coinmill is popular among customers who wish to change digital assets quickly. As the cryptocurrency industry expands, platforms like Coinmill must be evaluated for functionality, dependability, and user experience. This analysis examines Coinmill's operation, accuracy, and trustworthiness.

Platform Overview and Features

With its simple UI, lets customers exchange cryptocurrencies. The platform supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and many others.
Real-time conversion rates distinguish Coinmill. The software retrieves current currency rates from various credible sources to provide precise conversion values. Users that need to make quick market-based judgments would appreciate this functionality.
Coinmill has a calculator that lets users enter the amount of cryptocurrency they wish to convert and see the value in another digital asset. The calculator is simple for beginners and experts in cryptocurrencies.
Coinmill also provides a wealth of cryptocurrency information. The platform's news area provides the latest updates and articles from trustworthy sources to keep users informed of market trends, regulatory developments, and other key topics.

Ensure accuracy and reliability

Any bitcoin conversion platform must ensure conversion rate accuracy. Coinmill uses reliable exchanges and data suppliers to ensure rate accuracy. To avoid errors and obsolete information, the site updates its prices often.
Coinmill uses complex algorithms and data validation to reduce mistakes and ensure conversion accuracy. The platform is continuously updated to improve speed and fix bugs.
Coinmill also discloses its data sources and methods. By checking the platform's exchanges and data suppliers, users may verify conversion rates' accuracy.

Community Experience and Feedback

User interface is straightforward to use, and Coinmill has received positive feedback. They like its conversion rate precision. The platform's simple interface and design appeal to bitcoin novices.
Users may easily convert on several devices using the platform's UI. Users who need bitcoin converting tools on the go would appreciate this option.
Coinmill engages in social media and cryptocurrency forums, allowing users to ask questions and share knowledge. The platform's staff responds quickly to user queries and comments, demonstrating its commitment to client happiness and improvement.

Maximum security and privacy

Security and privacy are essential while using a financial internet platform. Coinmill prioritizes user data security and uses industry-standard methods.
The platform uses strong encryption to protect data transit and prevent illegal access. Coinmill keeps user data private by prohibiting third-party access without approval.
Coinmill mainly converts currencies and does not keep users' cryptocurrency money. Users should secure their bitcoin wallets and private keys carefully and according to best standards.

In summary

After extensively testing Coinmill, it is a reliable and easy-to-use cryptocurrency converter. The portal provides a wide range of digital assets, current conversion rates, and a simple interface, making it a helpful resource for cryptocurrency beginners.
The platform's broad data source, regular updates, and active community interaction reflect its commitment to truth, openness, and a good user experience. The emphasis on security and privacy at Coinmill boosts trustworthiness.
Users must be vigilant and secure their bitcoin assets on any internet site. Strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and secure wallets are essential.
Coinmill is a reliable cryptocurrency conversion tool. It is especially handy for fast and accurate digital asset conversions. Through its user-friendly layout, dependable statistics, and security, Coinmill has become a useful resource in the ever-changing cryptocurrency market.
If you have been scammed by this broker, you can contact us for a free consultation. We will provide you with professional guidance and recovery service recommendations to get help in recovering the lost funds.
submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 NeoIsTheChosen1 I don’t know if I should take back my ex-girlfriend or not. We were long distance but now we’re close. What should I do?

I’m at a crossroads right now, my head is telling me no but my heart is telling me yes. The story is a bit complicated so I will do my best to explain our relationship so you can understand the full picture.
I’ll start with the way we initially got together. We come from the same country ethnically, but I lived my whole life abroad. When I was 17 I met her in my home country while I was visiting for the summer. We only spent one day together at a family gathering, she was a friend of a friend. Well since that day we became good friends and we started texting for years. Eventually I felt romantic interest in her but she declined because she wasn’t interested at the time. This was 6-7 years ago. Since then we didn’t talk as much. Then about 3 years ago during the summer, I was visiting again and we crossed paths again. It had been like 4 years since we last talked. We had a great conversation and it was as if we never stopped talking. We had extremely good chemistry and we both felt a spark. After that I knew she had interest in me, we kept texting and she sent me a really long paragraph about how she caught feelings for me and she regrets rejecting me in the past, and how she would really love it if I gave her another chance to get to know each other romantically. I felt the same way about her so I decided to give it a shot. Keep in mind I only saw her in person that one time, I left back to my country after just two days. But we were both willing to do long distance because we were extremely attracted to each other and we saw a future together.
So our entire relationship was basically long distance, all of it was over the phone. But our relationship escalated very quickly, she told me it happened like it was straight out of a movie. Eventually she was telling me things like I’m the one and she wants to marry me and she’s never been this sure of anything in her entire life. I felt the same way. It was one of those things where “when you know you know”. I had already know her previously and her personality. Anyways, we didn’t really have a plan to close the distance, but we were willing to stick it out until I could move to her. It would’ve taken 2-3 years. But of course we had to meet each other first and date in person. After a whole year of dating, we planned a trip together to Italy so we could finally spend time with each other for the first time. We waited a long time for this moment. I thought the trip went great and that it solidified our relationship, she told me she had a great time and that the chemistry was still there in person.
Well a few months after that trip, which was last January, she broke up with me. She basically said she couldn’t do the distance anymore even though she thought she could. And that she wasn’t able to see me only once a year, and keep saying “one day” without an actual plan. Which is completely understandable, I don’t blame her at all. It was probably doomed to fail because of that. But afterwards, I was so heartbroken by the breakup that I reacted very emotionally. I wrote her a long letter explaining my feelings and how I couldn’t understand why she would give up after all the promises. Now I completely understand, but at the time I didn’t because I was blinded by my own feelings. I kept pushing her and bothering her for more answers, and eventually she snapped at me. She said a lot of things that were hurtful and disrespectful. She said that she was forcing herself to be comfortable with me on the trip, that it wasn’t the type of comfort it should be with the one, she said that the distance wouldn’t have mattered if it was the right person (which contradicts her previous excuse about distance), she also said that she just didn’t love me anymore, and she didn’t want to settle for someone she has to learn to love, she wants to find a love that comes naturally to her. She also said that she might’ve just loved the idea of me because it felt different on the trip. And that if we had a base together, maybe it would’ve worked. But we never got to know each other physically, we got into a committed relationship for a year without ever seeing each other in person.
So basically, her initial reason was the distance, but after she snapped at me she said that it was because she didn’t love me and that I’m not the right person for her. Even though she believed with all her heart that I was the right person during the relationship. So maybe it was a combination of both reasons, I don’t know. Maybe the extreme distance led her to lose feelings and realize I’m not the right guy for her. Anyways, we ended it in January and we went no contact since then. Not a single text. I was extremely heartbroken for months and very hurt at the things she said to me. I couldn’t understand how she moved on so quickly and discarded me from her life. As if I never meant anything to her. We were planning our future together.
I just want to add that now 4 months after the breakup I completely understand her. I understand why she felt uncomfortable with me. We met each other for one day and then spent an entire year talking over the phone and got into a committed relationship. We never had the opportunity to get to know each other physically. In a normal relationship you would spend time together in person and THEN decide to commit. So over the course of a year we built up an idealized version of each other in our heads. When we met on the vacation, physically we were strangers. I’ll admit, I felt a bit uncomfortable too, and it felt a bit weird, but after a few days I did feel comfortable with her. I figured it was normal since we have to get used to each other. But I was willing to look past it because I loved her. And she is definitely the type of woman that needs to spend a long time with someone before feeling comfortable being intimate with them. Also, it was her first serious relationship and she’d never even had her first kiss before. She’s a very reserved and shy girl. Maybe I rushed things by trying to kiss her too soon, I should’ve went way slower and just focused on getting comfortable with each other. On top of all that, we were also in a strange environment that we’ve never been to before (Italy), with a person that is a stranger physically. Yes we talked for an entire year but physically we were strangers. We spent a year in a committed (digital) relationship, so by the time we met, there was all this expectation built up of how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to immediately behave as committed couples do. When in reality, what we probably should’ve done was get to know each other first. we should’ve probably just talked for a year without actually committing, and then decide if we want to be together after we actually meet. But since we both rushed into it, there was a lot of expectation. So overall it completely makes sense that we were uncomfortable because we never had a base to build off of.
Now it’s been about 4 months since the break up with no contact. A turn of events happened in my life and I ended up moving to my country this month, much sooner than I expected, for a work opportunity. It’s the same country where my ex lives. I wasn’t planning to move there for another 2-3 years, but it just so happened that I ended up moving back just 4 months after we broke up. As soon as I settled in, my ex reached out to me telling me that she heard I moved back to this country. We talked for a bit and we ended up meeting up so we could catch up with each other. She picked me up and we went for a drive, with no expectations to rekindle anything, just to have fun together. And we actually had an amazing time. A short drive turned into a whole day spent with her. We talked, we laughed, and I felt the same chemistry and spark that I felt when we first met. We hung out the next day, and the next day, then on the 4th day, she ended up telling me that she realized she still has feelings for me and wants to get back together. This time, it would be different because we are actually in the same country, there’s no more long distance.
I told her I needed to think about it, and now I’m here typing this. I don’t know if I should take her back or not, mainly because of the things she said to me during the break up. Yes, distance may have played a role in her losing feelings, and I give her the benefit of the doubt. But I can’t forget the things she said to me when she snapped. She told me HERSELF that she just didn’t love me, and that the distance wouldn’t have mattered with the right person. She made the decision to completely give up on me. She moved on so quickly and was completely fine without me in her life. When she broke up she had it in her mind that she wanted to find someone better. How can I forgive that? I tell myself, all of this happened because we could never be close, we never got to start the relationship the proper way. But I also tell myself, if she was the right person, would she have given up on me? I know that “the one” isn’t some magical feeling you only get with one person, and that circumstances sometimes cause relationships to not work out. But even under all these circumstances, maybe the right person would’ve stayed? Maybe the right person would’ve felt comfortable with me on the trip. I mean, a lot of you guys in this sub were nevermets, and there’s so many cases of people never meeting for years, and they still end up working out. Just because we now have a chance to be together now in close proximity, does that mean I should do it? Do I want someone that would only decide to love me if I am close to them? I don’t know if I am being reasonable by questioning these things. Maybe she is the right person but circumstances actually couldn’t let us be together until now. I can’t tell if I should say no because I should find someone that would stick with me through anything, I don’t even know if that person exists. I don’t know if anyone would be able to handle the relationship we had, so maybe it’s unfair to blame her for giving up on me.
I told her all these things and she gave me a huge apology and said she was wrong. She explained why she felt uncomfortable and why she felt like she lost feelings, and it was basically everything I explained before. But she said now she realized she was wrong and that she is comfortable with me and that she made a huge mistake. She said she confused her feelings and thought that I wasn’t the one when I actually was. I told her that she said she was settling for me. And she said she only said that because I made her mad so she snapped, I kept bothering her so she just wanted to push me away, and that she didn’t actually mean it. Now she wants to take everything back but I don’t know if I can believe her. She said she will do anything to prove to me that she’ll be loyal and that this time she will stay. She also said that she hasn’t dated anyone at all since we broke up, so there was no rebound or cheating involved. It was just because she felt like we wouldn’t work out in the long run.
But now, we’re close together, and we have an opportunity to start over and have a wonderful relationship together, the right way. And we had an amazing time together the last few days, we both have intense feelings for each other. I just don’t know if I should take her back after she gave up on me. Let’s say I did take her back, I would always be worried that she’ll do the same thing again. I would have to trust her again. I understand that the relationship was probably doomed to fail, but I never would’ve given up on her in a million years. Maybe women are wired differently. I honestly still have a lot of love for her, and I still want to be with her. But I don’t want to get hurt again. What do you think? Should I give it a chance or am I better off finding someone new?
TL;DR - I'm (24M) torn about getting back with my ex (22F). We had a long-distance relationship, but she broke up with me due to the distance and said some hurtful things. Now that I've moved back to our home country, we've reconnected, and she wants to try again. While the chemistry is still there, I'm unsure if I can trust her after she gave up on us once. Should I give it another shot or move on?
submitted by NeoIsTheChosen1 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:43 Jaded-Coast-758 41st birthday "party" low key day "trip" vibes for group of 10-15 ish people?

BWT! I love this sub so much and am requesting some help! My birthday is July 5th and it always sucks so I haven't done anything big for it in years and really want to do something fun with a group that isn't crazy expensive for anyone (i.e. renting a bar or something is out of the question).
I'm thinking a day trip to a beach (I've lived here for 20 years and have only really been to the Rockaways or LI, don't judge me! Lol) or a cool non touristy boat cruise and dinner for like 10-15 ish people (give or take). I'd probably plan it for the 6th but everything will still be packed, I'm sure.
Does anyone have any good recs for beaches with good restaurants nearby or a fun boat cruise you've done or just anything cool or fun outdoors ish (doesn't have to be though!) activity that you can think of? That's all I've come up with so far and while that would be fun and great, I think it's worth asking for ideas.
Taking all and any ideas, recommendations for activities and food for a crowd of 30's/40's ish people that hopefully doesn't require a ton of effort or big bucks (lol).
THANK YOU!!! ❤️ ❤️
submitted by Jaded-Coast-758 to NYCbitcheswithtaste [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:43 EstablishmentSuch280 [RevShare] Looking for an artist to collaborate on a two-person project.

About me:
I have been in and out of game dev as a hobby for the past 8 years.
I initially started programming in Unity then moved to GameMaker2 and am now using Godot as my main engine. I am very passionate about Game Design and Programming so those would be my main strengths.
I am currently between jobs so I would have lots of time to dedicate to the project and make it come to life in a relatively short period. I would dedicate about 3-4 hours a day to it.
About the project:
Even though I have plenty of ideas for games I could make, it would be more interesting to come up with something together so that we can both be invested in it. I am down for almost any genre, not NSFW.
The project would probably be made in Godot.
I really want the project to move fast so ideally we keep communication fluid.
About you:
Mainly looking for an artist in either 2D or 3D, depending on the type of project you want to work on.
You can and will have a say on the project, no power dynamics here, always aiming to find common ground. If you have any cool ideas you wanna bring to life we can do that togeather.
Must be fluent in either English or Spanish, this is a must.
Ideally you can dedicate a lot of time to the project, but this is not an excluding qualification.
Extras: I am close friends with a high-quality sound artists and a high-quality writer
If you have any questions feel free to ask below. And if you are interested let me know so we can start chatting.
submitted by EstablishmentSuch280 to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:43 NeoIsTheChosen1 I don’t know if I should take back my ex-girlfriend or not. We were long distance but now we’re close. What should I do?

I’m at a crossroads right now, my head is telling me no but my heart is telling me yes. The story is a bit complicated so I will do my best to explain our relationship so you can understand the full picture.
I’ll start with the way we initially got together. We come from the same country ethnically, but I lived my whole life abroad. When I was 17 I met her in my home country while I was visiting for the summer. We only spent one day together at a family gathering, she was a friend of a friend. Well since that day we became good friends and we started texting for years. Eventually I felt romantic interest in her but she declined because she wasn’t interested at the time. This was 6-7 years ago. Since then we didn’t talk as much. Then about 3 years ago during the summer, I was visiting again and we crossed paths again. It had been like 4 years since we last talked. We had a great conversation and it was as if we never stopped talking. We had extremely good chemistry and we both felt a spark. After that I knew she had interest in me, we kept texting and she sent me a really long paragraph about how she caught feelings for me and she regrets rejecting me in the past, and how she would really love it if I gave her another chance to get to know each other romantically. I felt the same way about her so I decided to give it a shot. Keep in mind I only saw her in person that one time, I left back to my country after just two days. But we were both willing to do long distance because we were extremely attracted to each other and we saw a future together.
So our entire relationship was basically long distance, all of it was over the phone. But our relationship escalated very quickly, she told me it happened like it was straight out of a movie. Eventually she was telling me things like I’m the one and she wants to marry me and she’s never been this sure of anything in her entire life. I felt the same way. It was one of those things where “when you know you know”. I had already know her previously and her personality. Anyways, we didn’t really have a plan to close the distance, but we were willing to stick it out until I could move to her. It would’ve taken 2-3 years. But of course we had to meet each other first and date in person. After a whole year of dating, we planned a trip together to Italy so we could finally spend time with each other for the first time. We waited a long time for this moment. I thought the trip went great and that it solidified our relationship, she told me she had a great time and that the chemistry was still there in person.
Well a few months after that trip, which was last January, she broke up with me. She basically said she couldn’t do the distance anymore even though she thought she could. And that she wasn’t able to see me only once a year, and keep saying “one day” without an actual plan. Which is completely understandable, I don’t blame her at all. It was probably doomed to fail because of that. But afterwards, I was so heartbroken by the breakup that I reacted very emotionally. I wrote her a long letter explaining my feelings and how I couldn’t understand why she would give up after all the promises. Now I completely understand, but at the time I didn’t because I was blinded by my own feelings. I kept pushing her and bothering her for more answers, and eventually she snapped at me. She said a lot of things that were hurtful and disrespectful. She said that she was forcing herself to be comfortable with me on the trip, that it wasn’t the type of comfort it should be with the one, she said that the distance wouldn’t have mattered if it was the right person (which contradicts her previous excuse about distance), she also said that she just didn’t love me anymore, and she didn’t want to settle for someone she has to learn to love, she wants to find a love that comes naturally to her. She also said that she might’ve just loved the idea of me because it felt different on the trip. And that if we had a base together, maybe it would’ve worked. But we never got to know each other physically, we got into a committed relationship for a year without ever seeing each other in person.
So basically, her initial reason was the distance, but after she snapped at me she said that it was because she didn’t love me and that I’m not the right person for her. Even though she believed with all her heart that I was the right person during the relationship. So maybe it was a combination of both reasons, I don’t know. Maybe the extreme distance led her to lose feelings and realize I’m not the right guy for her. Anyways, we ended it in January and we went no contact since then. Not a single text. I was extremely heartbroken for months and very hurt at the things she said to me. I couldn’t understand how she moved on so quickly and discarded me from her life. As if I never meant anything to her. We were planning our future together.
I just want to add that now 4 months after the breakup I completely understand her. I understand why she felt uncomfortable with me. We met each other for one day and then spent an entire year talking over the phone and got into a committed relationship. We never had the opportunity to get to know each other physically. In a normal relationship you would spend time together in person and THEN decide to commit. So over the course of a year we built up an idealized version of each other in our heads. When we met on the vacation, physically we were strangers. I’ll admit, I felt a bit uncomfortable too, and it felt a bit weird, but after a few days I did feel comfortable with her. I figured it was normal since we have to get used to each other. But I was willing to look past it because I loved her. And she is definitely the type of woman that needs to spend a long time with someone before feeling comfortable being intimate with them. Also, it was her first serious relationship and she’d never even had her first kiss before. She’s a very reserved and shy girl. Maybe I rushed things by trying to kiss her too soon, I should’ve went way slower and just focused on getting comfortable with each other. On top of all that, we were also in a strange environment that we’ve never been to before (Italy), with a person that is a stranger physically. Yes we talked for an entire year but physically we were strangers. We spent a year in a committed (digital) relationship, so by the time we met, there was all this expectation built up of how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to immediately behave as committed couples do. When in reality, what we probably should’ve done was get to know each other first. we should’ve probably just talked for a year without actually committing, and then decide if we want to be together after we actually meet. But since we both rushed into it, there was a lot of expectation. So overall it completely makes sense that we were uncomfortable because we never had a base to build off of.
Now it’s been about 4 months since the break up with no contact. A turn of events happened in my life and I ended up moving to my country this month, much sooner than I expected, for a work opportunity. It’s the same country where my ex lives. I wasn’t planning to move there for another 2-3 years, but it just so happened that I ended up moving back just 4 months after we broke up. As soon as I settled in, my ex reached out to me telling me that she heard I moved back to this country. We talked for a bit and we ended up meeting up so we could catch up with each other. She picked me up and we went for a drive, with no expectations to rekindle anything, just to have fun together. And we actually had an amazing time. A short drive turned into a whole day spent with her. We talked, we laughed, and I felt the same chemistry and spark that I felt when we first met. We hung out the next day, and the next day, then on the 4th day, she ended up telling me that she realized she still has feelings for me and wants to get back together. This time, it would be different because we are actually in the same country, there’s no more long distance.
I told her I needed to think about it, and now I’m here typing this. I don’t know if I should take her back or not, mainly because of the things she said to me during the break up. Yes, distance may have played a role in her losing feelings, and I give her the benefit of the doubt. But I can’t forget the things she said to me when she snapped. She told me HERSELF that she just didn’t love me, and that the distance wouldn’t have mattered with the right person. She made the decision to completely give up on me. She moved on so quickly and was completely fine without me in her life. When she broke up she had it in her mind that she wanted to find someone better. How can I forgive that? I tell myself, all of this happened because we could never be close, we never got to start the relationship the proper way. But I also tell myself, if she was the right person, would she have given up on me? I know that “the one” isn’t some magical feeling you only get with one person, and that circumstances sometimes cause relationships to not work out. But even under all these circumstances, maybe the right person would’ve stayed? Maybe the right person would’ve felt comfortable with me on the trip. I mean, a lot of you guys in this sub were nevermets, and there’s so many cases of people never meeting for years, and they still end up working out. Just because we now have a chance to be together now in close proximity, does that mean I should do it? Do I want someone that would only decide to love me if I am close to them? I don’t know if I am being reasonable by questioning these things. Maybe she is the right person but circumstances actually couldn’t let us be together until now. I can’t tell if I should say no because I should find someone that would stick with me through anything, I don’t even know if that person exists. I don’t know if anyone would be able to handle the relationship we had, so maybe it’s unfair to blame her for giving up on me.
I told her all these things and she gave me a huge apology and said she was wrong. She explained why she felt uncomfortable and why she felt like she lost feelings, and it was basically everything I explained before. But she said now she realized she was wrong and that she is comfortable with me and that she made a huge mistake. She said she confused her feelings and thought that I wasn’t the one when I actually was. I told her that she said she was settling for me. And she said she only said that because I made her mad so she snapped, I kept bothering her so she just wanted to push me away, and that she didn’t actually mean it. Now she wants to take everything back but I don’t know if I can believe her. She said she will do anything to prove to me that she’ll be loyal and that this time she will stay. She also said that she hasn’t dated anyone at all since we broke up, so there was no rebound or cheating involved. It was just because she felt like we wouldn’t work out in the long run.
But now, we’re close together, and we have an opportunity to start over and have a wonderful relationship together, the right way. And we had an amazing time together the last few days, we both have intense feelings for each other. I just don’t know if I should take her back after she gave up on me. Let’s say I did take her back, I would always be worried that she’ll do the same thing again. I would have to trust her again. I understand that the relationship was probably doomed to fail, but I never would’ve given up on her in a million years. Maybe women are wired differently. I honestly still have a lot of love for her, and I still want to be with her. But I don’t want to get hurt again. What do you think? Should I give it a chance or am I better off finding someone new?
TL;DR - I'm (24M) torn about getting back with my ex (22F). We had a long-distance relationship, but she broke up with me due to the distance and said some hurtful things. Now that I've moved back to our home country, we've reconnected, and she wants to try again. While the chemistry is still there, I'm unsure if I can trust her after she gave up on us once. Should I give it another shot or move on?
submitted by NeoIsTheChosen1 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:43 diablosauce666 Getting filler today , need idea for 4th spot

Getting filler today , need idea for 4th spot
hello! i am getting filler for my forearm today and wanted some ideas on what to do in this spot , any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!!
submitted by diablosauce666 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:42 NeoIsTheChosen1 I don’t know if I should take back my ex-girlfriend or not. She dumped me and we went no contact for 4 months. What should I do?

I’m at a crossroads right now, my head is telling me no but my heart is telling me yes. The story is a bit complicated so I will do my best to explain our relationship so you can understand the full picture.
I’ll start with the way we initially got together. We come from the same country ethnically, but I lived my whole life abroad. When I was 17 I met her in my home country while I was visiting for the summer. We only spent one day together at a family gathering, she was a friend of a friend. Well since that day we became good friends and we started texting for years. Eventually I felt romantic interest in her but she declined because she wasn’t interested at the time. This was 6-7 years ago. Since then we didn’t talk as much. Then about 3 years ago during the summer, I was visiting again and we crossed paths again. It had been like 4 years since we last talked. We had a great conversation and it was as if we never stopped talking. We had extremely good chemistry and we both felt a spark. After that I knew she had interest in me, we kept texting and she sent me a really long paragraph about how she caught feelings for me and she regrets rejecting me in the past, and how she would really love it if I gave her another chance to get to know each other romantically. I felt the same way about her so I decided to give it a shot. Keep in mind I only saw her in person that one time, I left back to my country after just two days. But we were both willing to do long distance because we were extremely attracted to each other and we saw a future together.
So our entire relationship was basically long distance, all of it was over the phone. But our relationship escalated very quickly, she told me it happened like it was straight out of a movie. Eventually she was telling me things like I’m the one and she wants to marry me and she’s never been this sure of anything in her entire life. I felt the same way. It was one of those things where “when you know you know”. I had already know her previously and her personality. Anyways, we didn’t really have a plan to close the distance, but we were willing to stick it out until I could move to her. It would’ve taken 2-3 years. But of course we had to meet each other first and date in person. After a whole year of dating, we planned a trip together to Italy so we could finally spend time with each other for the first time. We waited a long time for this moment. I thought the trip went great and that it solidified our relationship, she told me she had a great time and that the chemistry was still there in person.
Well a few months after that trip, which was last January, she broke up with me. She basically said she couldn’t do the distance anymore even though she thought she could. And that she wasn’t able to see me only once a year, and keep saying “one day” without an actual plan. Which is completely understandable, I don’t blame her at all. It was probably doomed to fail because of that. But afterwards, I was so heartbroken by the breakup that I reacted very emotionally. I wrote her a long letter explaining my feelings and how I couldn’t understand why she would give up after all the promises. Now I completely understand, but at the time I didn’t because I was blinded by my own feelings. I kept pushing her and bothering her for more answers, and eventually she snapped at me. She said a lot of things that were hurtful and disrespectful. She said that she was forcing herself to be comfortable with me on the trip, that it wasn’t the type of comfort it should be with the one, she said that the distance wouldn’t have mattered if it was the right person (which contradicts her previous excuse about distance), she also said that she just didn’t love me anymore, and she didn’t want to settle for someone she has to learn to love, she wants to find a love that comes naturally to her. She also said that she might’ve just loved the idea of me because it felt different on the trip. And that if we had a base together, maybe it would’ve worked. But we never got to know each other physically, we got into a committed relationship for a year without ever seeing each other in person.
So basically, her initial reason was the distance, but after she snapped at me she said that it was because she didn’t love me and that I’m not the right person for her. Even though she believed with all her heart that I was the right person during the relationship. So maybe it was a combination of both reasons, I don’t know. Maybe the extreme distance led her to lose feelings and realize I’m not the right guy for her. Anyways, we ended it in January and we went no contact since then. Not a single text. I was extremely heartbroken for months and very hurt at the things she said to me. I couldn’t understand how she moved on so quickly and discarded me from her life. As if I never meant anything to her. We were planning our future together.
I just want to add that now 4 months after the breakup I completely understand her. I understand why she felt uncomfortable with me. We met each other for one day and then spent an entire year talking over the phone and got into a committed relationship. We never had the opportunity to get to know each other physically. In a normal relationship you would spend time together in person and THEN decide to commit. So over the course of a year we built up an idealized version of each other in our heads. When we met on the vacation, physically we were strangers. I’ll admit, I felt a bit uncomfortable too, and it felt a bit weird, but after a few days I did feel comfortable with her. I figured it was normal since we have to get used to each other. But I was willing to look past it because I loved her. And she is definitely the type of woman that needs to spend a long time with someone before feeling comfortable being intimate with them. Also, it was her first serious relationship and she’d never even had her first kiss before. She’s a very reserved and shy girl. Maybe I rushed things by trying to kiss her too soon, I should’ve went way slower and just focused on getting comfortable with each other. On top of all that, we were also in a strange environment that we’ve never been to before (Italy), with a person that is a stranger physically. Yes we talked for an entire year but physically we were strangers. We spent a year in a committed (digital) relationship, so by the time we met, there was all this expectation built up of how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to immediately behave as committed couples do. When in reality, what we probably should’ve done was get to know each other first. we should’ve probably just talked for a year without actually committing, and then decide if we want to be together after we actually meet. But since we both rushed into it, there was a lot of expectation. So overall it completely makes sense that we were uncomfortable because we never had a base to build off of.
Now it’s been about 4 months since the break up with no contact. A turn of events happened in my life and I ended up moving to my country this month, much sooner than I expected, for a work opportunity. It’s the same country where my ex lives. I wasn’t planning to move there for another 2-3 years, but it just so happened that I ended up moving back just 4 months after we broke up. As soon as I settled in, my ex reached out to me telling me that she heard I moved back to this country. We talked for a bit and we ended up meeting up so we could catch up with each other. She picked me up and we went for a drive, with no expectations to rekindle anything, just to have fun together. And we actually had an amazing time. A short drive turned into a whole day spent with her. We talked, we laughed, and I felt the same chemistry and spark that I felt when we first met. We hung out the next day, and the next day, then on the 4th day, she ended up telling me that she realized she still has feelings for me and wants to get back together. This time, it would be different because we are actually in the same country, there’s no more long distance.
I told her I needed to think about it, and now I’m here typing this. I don’t know if I should take her back or not, mainly because of the things she said to me during the break up. Yes, distance may have played a role in her losing feelings, and I give her the benefit of the doubt. But I can’t forget the things she said to me when she snapped. She told me HERSELF that she just didn’t love me, and that the distance wouldn’t have mattered with the right person. She made the decision to completely give up on me. She moved on so quickly and was completely fine without me in her life. When she broke up she had it in her mind that she wanted to find someone better. How can I forgive that? I tell myself, all of this happened because we could never be close, we never got to start the relationship the proper way. But I also tell myself, if she was the right person, would she have given up on me? I know that “the one” isn’t some magical feeling you only get with one person, and that circumstances sometimes cause relationships to not work out. But even under all these circumstances, maybe the right person would’ve stayed? Maybe the right person would’ve felt comfortable with me on the trip. I mean, a lot of you guys in this sub were nevermets, and there’s so many cases of people never meeting for years, and they still end up working out. Just because we now have a chance to be together now in close proximity, does that mean I should do it? Do I want someone that would only decide to love me if I am close to them? I don’t know if I am being reasonable by questioning these things. Maybe she is the right person but circumstances actually couldn’t let us be together until now. I can’t tell if I should say no because I should find someone that would stick with me through anything, I don’t even know if that person exists. I don’t know if anyone would be able to handle the relationship we had, so maybe it’s unfair to blame her for giving up on me.
I told her all these things and she gave me a huge apology and said she was wrong. She explained why she felt uncomfortable and why she felt like she lost feelings, and it was basically everything I explained before. But she said now she realized she was wrong and that she is comfortable with me and that she made a huge mistake. She said she confused her feelings and thought that I wasn’t the one when I actually was. I told her that she said she was settling for me. And she said she only said that because I made her mad so she snapped, I kept bothering her so she just wanted to push me away, and that she didn’t actually mean it. Now she wants to take everything back but I don’t know if I can believe her. She said she will do anything to prove to me that she’ll be loyal and that this time she will stay. She also said that she hasn’t dated anyone at all since we broke up, so there was no rebound or cheating involved. It was just because she felt like we wouldn’t work out in the long run.
But now, we’re close together, and we have an opportunity to start over and have a wonderful relationship together, the right way. And we had an amazing time together the last few days, we both have intense feelings for each other. I just don’t know if I should take her back after she gave up on me. Let’s say I did take her back, I would always be worried that she’ll do the same thing again. I would have to trust her again. I understand that the relationship was probably doomed to fail, but I never would’ve given up on her in a million years. Maybe women are wired differently. I honestly still have a lot of love for her, and I still want to be with her. But I don’t want to get hurt again. What do you think? Should I give it a chance or am I better off finding someone new?
TL;DR - I'm (24M) torn about getting back with my ex (22F). We had a long-distance relationship, but she broke up with me due to the distance and said some hurtful things. Now that I've moved back to our home country, we've reconnected, and she wants to try again. While the chemistry is still there, I'm unsure if I can trust her after she gave up on us once. Should I give it another shot or move on?
submitted by NeoIsTheChosen1 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]