Codes on kitchen sink hookups

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2024.06.05 18:26 Galesouth129 Parking ticket in a private parking lot owned by a water district and overseen by lake patrol

My husband got a ticket for parking in a lot deemed for "vehicles and trailers only". Our vehicle was backed up to our boat trailer but was not attached. The vehicle doesn't even have a hitch but the sign didn't say it had to be hitched. The chief of the lake patrol even told a group, including my husband, last year that as long as the vehicle is backed up to the trailer and gives the appearance of being hitched, that was fine. No sign change since then, and the sign at the time of the ticket didn't include the company that would be towing violators. That has since been corrected and we don't park anything in that lot anymore. We park in another lot up the hill designated for any vehicle. We have never seen any other vehicle "illegally parked" in that lot ticketed when we walk by and there are always vehicles parked with no trailers. Most every day of the week there are vehicles parked (regular trucks) with no trailers that have a computer printed sign laying in their front windshield that says "this vehicle is allowed to park in this lot as owner's of a dock repair company and authoritized by the lake patrol"! So they can give permission for others to park illegally?
The ticket issued has two charges on the same ticket, both for parking where prohibited, one cites the traffic code for private parking and the other cites the state and city traffic codes, which we already know is bullshit because my husband is a retired Texas state trooper and he knows traffic laws and the lot is not owned by the state so that one is an easy dismissal.
How do we fight the other parking ticket without hiring an attorney when we know we didn't break any "laws" set by the board that owns the private parking lot and enforced by the lake patrol? I already have a list of people to be subpoenaed if the judge sets it for trial, I have a list of discovery I will ask for, including the exact laws violated, a copy of the water district parking authority and copies of it's publications with dates and names of publishing newspapers and a copy of said ordance filed with the secretary of state, which is a requirement.
Obviously this chief has a vendetta against us. He has threatened to issue us a criminal trespass for all of the water board property, which is the only place we can launch our boat and park our vehicles and trailers in order to get to our dock, which is only accessible by boat. We pay the water board a yearly "lease fee" for attaching our dock to "their" island at the lake and we pay taxes every year on said "leased property." Keep in mind we and many many others have docks on this lake that have structures that are livable, i e sleeping accomodations, bathroom, kitchen, etc, attached to an island that is only accessible by boat so we have to have a place to launch our boat and park our vehicles and trailers, which is why the water district provides a parking. Many people, including us, who come out to stay for days or weeks have to go into town for groceries and supplies as well as going out to eat or for appointments. Prior to the tickets, we would simply leave our empty boat trailer in the lot and go about our business and when we returned, back same vehicle up to the trailer, park and go back to our boat and proceed to our dock. There was never an issue before for doing this and the sign at the time said "parking for vehicles and trailers only. Violations will result in towing at owner's expense. That's it. It didn't say vehicles WITH trailers and certainly didn't say vehicles with ATTACHED trailers.
Any advise on how else I can prepare for pretrial and trial would be greatly appreciated.
We have appeared in JP court already and entered a not guilty plea and was issued a pretrial date.
submitted by Galesouth129 to parkingtickets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:04 kpvalue Why are the living rooms in new buildings so tiny?

Saw a two bedroom for 800 sq feet and the living room is literally the same size as the bedrooms.
Living rooms are so tiny, there's really enough space for sofa and tv, no dining table. Do they expect people to eat on the kitchen island across from the sink?
Vs older buildings have generous sized rooms and living spaces.
submitted by kpvalue to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:58 drivebyjustin Help with hot water recirc pump

Hoping someone can shed some light on this. In January I installed a Watts recirc pump on my water heater, and three sensor valves (2 for bathrooms, 1 for kitchen sink). All valves are working as they should (when cold is shut off under sink, cold side open on faucet, water stops flowing when it gets around 95 degrees).
I understand how these work and, by nature, you are going to get some warm water pushed into the cold side. I get that. But for whatever reason I am getting extremely hot water in my cold side. Like hot enough that it seems it's right out of the water heater...way hotter than the 95 degrees required to close the sensor valve under the sink. And it can take several minutes to go from VERY HOT to cool. Today, I tool a very comfortable shower with nothing but the cold water on.
Any thoughts? Again, all valves seem to be shutting as designed. Thanks!
submitted by drivebyjustin to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:56 HugeFunction6089 Kitchen Windows & Doors

Kitchen Windows & Doors
Hello There - first time long time! I'm embarking on a kitchen renovation, so I expect this might be the first of several posts!
My architect made what seem to be generic Anderson 400 series Window & Door Suggestions in the drawings, and I wanted to check with this community to see if I should be considering other options - better quality? Better Price? I'm a newbie, so be easy on me.
Here is what he suggested
Windows Above Kitchen Sink : ANDERSEN DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS TW2432
I've also included a snap shot of the drawings for reference.
Wide open to feedback on alternates to the Anderson 400 Series that was suggested. Thanks!
submitted by HugeFunction6089 to Construction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:54 atskee Boyfriend (23m) doesn't take interest in me (23f). How can I communicate through our issues?

My boyfriend Chris and I have been dating for almost a year now, and as our anniversary approaches I've noticed that he hasn't taken much interest in me as a person, nor does he care to help me in certain scenarios. I've asked for him to put more effort but he always says he will and never actually does. Here's a few instances where I feel he's wronged me and I need input as if I'm too demanding or not.
My boyfriend and I live 40 minutes apart. I'm expected to chauffeur him 99% of the time. He's only driven me around 3 times during our whole relationship. I wouldn't mind driving him around if I didn't have a hip disability that makes driving really painful. He refuses to drive since he lives in a walkable city with a huge traffic problem. I've told him several times that it's not much of an excuse since I always drive up to an hour sometimes just to come see him when I'm not supposed to.
My boyfriend is sadly somewhat of a slob. He'll leave trash or dirty clothes on the floor, pizza boxes stacked in the kitchen, mold growing in the sink and hairballs everywhere. I sometimes clean after him because I can't stand the smells, because his depression gets to him, and out of my fear I'll trip into something on the floor and damage my hip injury further. Chris will usually get annoyed, and tells me to stop because i'll damage my hip, and he usually gets me to stop by convincing me he'll do it later (he doesn't). I just wish he took the initiative to clean his own space rather than stopping me once I get into the cleaning mindset.
My boyfriend has never showed any interests in my hobbies, my favorite movies, shows or videogames. He will try to get me into his favorite games and shows, and I usually love them, but once I talk about my favorite shows he spaces off, and changes the topic. This makes me not want to speak about my interests anymore, and to just do whatever he wants since I know he'll take no interest in my pastimes.
Lastly (and what really made me reconsider), was that in my birthday he completely disregarded where I wanted to eat, made me drive, got himself drunk and in the morning after, he got upset when I asked him if he could heat up the leftovers in the microwave for me since my hip was really aching. He asked me to leave later that day since he wanted to be alone for a while. This made me have a panic attack, thinking I did something wrong and ever since I've been in a slump. My hip has worsen in these 2 weeks I haven't seen him, yet he still expects me to at least Uber to his place. Today I see the doctor and he also refused to take me.
He used to be really attentative to my feelings, spend time with me and include me in his projects, now we don't really talk as much as we used to. He didn't even remember our anniversary was soon, and hasn't cooperated into making dinner arrangements. I just don't know if it's worth it anymore. I've realized that I love him way more than he loves me, and it's really disheartening. I do love him, and he's hinted that he's considering marriage, but I don't want to go through with it if there's no improvements. What can I do to convey our issues successfully to him?
submitted by atskee to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:59 hp3739 Easiest way to replace kitchen drain without removing cabinet

I will try to explain this the best I can so you can envision it. My kitchen sink is on an exterior wall and the current drain pipe is cast iron. It is in the wall, goes down into the crawl space, then runs horizontally for a bit. Rather than just replace the horizonal piece by splicing a piece of ABS in there, I would prefer to replace the whole thing all the way to the wall with ABS to get rid of all cast iron above the ground. It may be difficult to get behind the wall though without tearing up the cabinet so I am wondering if instead of doing that and running the drain pipe through the wall, if I can just pop it up through the cabinet floor with a studor vent. What are your thoughts?
submitted by hp3739 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:30 Optipus Should I replace drywall after a small leak?

Last week, while replacing the kitchen tap on our island sink, the hot water line sheared off behind the cabinet. We shut off the hot water at the heater within a minute to stop the flow. Then we cut an access hole behind the dishwasher (unveiling a pile of rotting garbage left behind by the builders) to shop vac out most of the water then left it with fans overnight. The next morning, we had plumbers replace the hot water line connection and valve. In the process, the island was flooded with less than 1 inch of water again so we did our best to mop it up quickly and left it with fans for a few days.
I made an insurance claim on the water damage, but they convinced me to drop it because it wouldn’t meet my deductible. I started to look for a water damage repair contractor, but it occurred to me that they’re likely to tell me I need to rip everything out regardless of if it is really damaged.
There isn’t any water staining on the drywall, but the floor moulding has separated from the wall a fraction of an inch (just enough to break the bead of painters caulk).
My question is, do we need to rip out the drywall on our island and replace it? Or can I get away with replacing the caulk and patching the access holes?
The worst of the visible damage, for reference.
submitted by Optipus to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:13 drivebyjustin Help with hot water recirc pump

Hoping someone can shed some light on this. In January I installed a Watts recirc pump on my water heater, and three sensor valves (2 for bathrooms, 1 for kitchen sink). All valves are working as they should (when cold is shut off under sink, cold side open on faucet, water stops flowing when it gets around 95 degrees).
I understand how these work and, by nature, you are going to get some warm water pushed into the cold side. I get that. But for whatever reason I am getting extremely hot water in my cold side. Like hot enough that it seems it's right out of the water heater...way hotter than the 95 degrees required to close the sensor valve under the sink. And it can take several minutes to go from VERY HOT to cool. Today, I tool a very comfortable shower with nothing but the cold water on.
Any thoughts? Again, all valves seem to be shutting as designed. Thanks!
submitted by drivebyjustin to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:56 Swimming_Judgment703 Landlord raising rent while living in an active construction area.

Located in MA.
I will explain the layout. My apartment is located behind an old restaurant and next too and old mansion. The mansion land was bought and now being developed into a grocery store. The restaurant got fire coded and is being demolished.
I am at a loss here. My landlord is raising rent while we are basically in a construction zone. First our apartment is not up to code. (i.e: there is carpet in the kitchen, no heat, backdoor doesn’t have a screen door that opens directly outside, etc). I have gone through the sanitary code for the state and made a list of things i believe are not up to code. On top of this the building being demolished has ‘WARNING: asbestos’ signs all over it and we are not even 5 feet from this building. There is no fence separating us from the building being demolished nor the construction site. The landlord NEVER told us about any of this happening. There is debris all over the rear parking area from the building being demolished as well, and that is how we get to our dumpster to throw our trash away.
TLDR: my landlord is raising rent while we are living in an active construction area.
Was hoping to get some guidance/ advice on what to do here because it just seems ridiculous.
Edit: adding information that this is a month to month lease
submitted by Swimming_Judgment703 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:54 Particular_Pipe1636 Pulling trigger in Mar 2026 with slow travel plans

Hello FIREUK community,
Hoping to pull the trigger in Mar 2026 and would welcome comments, thoughts and advice as I have no person to discuss financial matters in my social circle.
I am M46, London based, no kids, no plan to have any, living with long term fiancé (F33)
Monthly income 2.5k net pay after salary sacrifice ( 65k pa 7k bonus 14% matched pension) 3.2k monthly into SIPP via Salary Sacrifice Inc EC (so approx 38k per annum) Not counting - fiance income as she is supporting her mother (She is on 25k pa, no significant savings but debt free)
Monthly outgoings
440 mortgage (Main property value 500k with 60k mortgage remaining fixed at 3.9% until May 2028, could make 10% overpayments pa without incurring fees) 300 Gas Elec 130 Council Tax 70 Water 30 Internet and mobile sim 130 Grocery

100 sink fund for property repairs

1200 Total Essentials 600 Discretionary entertainment 700 left over goes into cash savings
Savings, Assets 50k Cash savings (most with Monument bank at 5%) 280k SS ISA with HL combination of 70% low cost global etfs trackers and 30% FANG shares 170k SIPP with HL mostly tracker etf
440k net value of property (500k minus 60k mortgage) 125k capital in a restaurant business started in 2021, generating avg 30k in annual ebitda profits (very fortunate as I know it's high risk and profit can fluctuate widely year to year). I'm a non executive partner and only deal with high level decision making. All profits being reinvested into a 2nd branch. My portion of business is owned through a UK Ltd holding company, so I can draw any future profit in the most tax efficient way in the future - touch wood if there are any profits then).
1065k Total assets (no debts)
Character Info
Lifestyle: don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, biggest hobbies are gym, racket sports and advanced resource engine building boardgames eg Terraforming Mars, Agricola Spending habit: very value for money orientated, use coupons/promo codes, cashback websites and collect loyalty points like nectar, avios, etc, every larger purchase gets researched before buying to find best price/value product , see life as a big resource based boardgame and seek optimal resource allocation without falling into analysis paralysis trap
Current FIRE plan:
Current plan is to FIRE in Mar 2026, starting to slow travel with fiance around the world for 1-2 years to lcol locations including Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Turkey Malaysia Vietnam Thailand Japan and bits of Americas, etc so that by the time I'm 50, we could apply for retirement visa of favourite country/ or continue slow travelling with visa runs etc. No plan to purchase any property abroad. Default plan is to keep renting in the chosen lcol country.
Budget for slow travel is 2.5k gbp a month for two people (1k for accommodation/ 1k entertainment/ 0.5k for travel, insurance, etc), so 30k GBP annually
Big question marks:
A. Decide if to sell property or rent out? Rental net yield would be around 1.5k/mth or 3-4% after tax, agent fees etc vs potential return of a tracker etf, but part of me don't want to deal with repairs etc, Property is in Zone 2 London, no parking but very near tube station, 3 bed share of freehold. Estate Agent valued at 500-525k a year ago. If selling, there would be no capital gains tax as primary residence, but would not get a mortgage again in the future once I hand in resignation
Any further pros and cons I have missed here?
B. Will savings be enough to FIRE in 2026? In 2026, should have 60k savings for 2 years of slow travel In 2028, start drawing from ISA funds (280k now, estimate 300k then) until I am 58 in 2036 In 2036 access SIPP (170k now, plus 24 mth x 3.2k= 246k in 2026, assuming 5% avg annual growth for 10 years, it would be 405k ignoring inflation) In 2046 at age 68, draw state pension (in 2024, I have 24 years of NI contribution, plan is to continue voluntary contributions until I qualify for full state pension. I believe I need a total of 35 contribution year, with voluntary contribution costing approx £800 per year)
All figures above exclude (1.2k monthly rental income or 440k cash if selling my property)
C. If sale of property, which would net approx 440k, what would be the best way to invest?
I would start with maxing out SIPP at 60k, ISA at 20k, and the remaining 320k would just be tracker ETFs via GIA? Any other suggestions?
On top, with good fortune, the restaurant investment should pay out dividends to my holding ltd company from say 2026. I would welcome any pointers and ideas as to how to withdraw money in the most tax efficient way. Current vague idea is to pay myself 12k a year and qualify for full state pension. Pay dividends to myself below the 1k annual tax free allowance.
Do above figures seem reasonably correct or can you see if I have missed anything?
TIA for reading and looking forward to any comments (and roasting). Apologies in advance if this post comes across as gloating. I do know I am in a very fortunate position compared to many people struggling.
submitted by Particular_Pipe1636 to FIREUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:47 richardsneeze Unbound XL is in the bag

Unbound XL is in the bag
What a week! I drove out from Southeast PA with a friend who also rode the XL. I'm happy to report that we both finished, and my poor old van survived the 2800 miles of driving that needed to be done.
I rode an Evil Chamois Hagar. Since someone will ask, I used Specialized Pathfinder Pro 42s, but I had a Michelin Power Gravel strapped to the frame just in case. The highlights for the setup are the Fox 32tc fork, Redshift Kitchen Sink bars, Stan's Crest mk IV rims with Onyx Vesper hubs, GRX 1x with a Garbaruk 11-50t cassette, a dropper post, and my favorite pedals - deity deftraps. I saw one other person start on flat pedals but I'm not sure if they finished.
My friend who I traveled with wasn't sure they would finish the ride. We had grouped up with two other riders very early into the ride, and we all agreed to stick together and get through the night. It was a great plan - we hit a lot of the more technical stuff in the dark. It was nice to make sure everyone got through safely and had no mechanicals.
We had a couple of different paces going and eventually my friend said she wasn't sure she'd finish, and that we should split up. We had a long talk about it but she seemed sure of her choice, so I left and continued riding with one of the other riders from our overnight group. Him and I rode together for the rest of the race, and I owe so much to him for the company and encouragement.
My total time was 30 hours and 24 minutes.
I checked Trackleaders at every stop and saw that my friend from back home was still making progress. She had never quit. She pushed herself through it and finished in about 32 and a half hours.
It was an insane experience, and I would definitely do it again, but faster! I would also consider flying instead of driving, but I am glad that I got a picture of my van with the world's largest rocking chair.
submitted by richardsneeze to gravelcycling [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:25 blaise11 Water Along Wall

I closed on my first house in April 🎉🎉 It needs a LOT of work but I'm chipping away at it and hope to be moved in in August. The house is a bilevel, with the kitchen downstairs.
I knew from my inspection that the kitchen sink has probably been leaking for a good decade or so. The cabinets were all gross and broken anyway so we tore them all out, along with the sink. This was at the end of April. The front wall of the kitchen (where the sink used to be) is still wet against the wall. Some of this could still be due to the plumbing- gotta check that out- but the corner to the left of the sink is a separate area of moisture so I'm thinking that must be a foundation issue, right?
So I just need to know where to go from here. What kind of person do I call to have come out and assess this situation? Any advice would be welcome!!
submitted by blaise11 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:09 Particular_Milk1848 Good reasonable plumbers

As the title says. I have a kitchen double sink and it’s backed up. Garbage disposal works but will not drain. I snaked as far as I could behind the wall. Anyone have any experience with an honest, reasonably priced plumber who is fairly prompt on arrival time? Thanks
submitted by Particular_Milk1848 to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:09 eZGjBw1Z (US) Aldi Finds Sneak Peek and Weekly Ad for 6/12/24

(US) Aldi Finds Sneak Peek and Weekly Ad for 6/12/24
The Sneak Peek and Aldi Finds ads for 6/12/24 - 6/18/24 are available.
View the sneak peek ad on Aldi's website by scrolling down to where it says BROWSE OTHER ADS and choosing the latest date range. Sneak Peek ads are mostly the same across the US but may differ slightly. The Full Upcoming Aldi Finds Ad is available here.
Advertised prices shown in the Sneak Peek or Weekly ads included here may differ from prices at your store. Prices in the Aldi Finds Ad online should be consistent across the US.
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submitted by eZGjBw1Z to aldi [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:26 dunkelungsame Tips on replicating metals?

Tips on replicating metals?
So I’m currently working on my first dollhouse, or rather kitchen. It’s going good so far but I’m out of ideas on how to realistically replicate metals, copper and zinc in this case. I’m trying to make a hot water reservoir to go with the cast iron stove as was common back in the days in my country (See attached image). I’m thinking that cardboard painted with some kind of metallic paint would be my best option?
But I’m also trying to make a really old school zinc kitchen sink and have tried with tinfoil and molding cut up soda cans, but they’re not pliable enough. I’ve managed to make a decent shape using papier mâché, but how do I make it look like metal? The metallic paints I’ve tried are too “sparkly” and gray paint looks too dull, all in all not realistic enough.. it’s driving me insane and any tips or ideas are welcome 🙏
submitted by dunkelungsame to Dollhouses [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:28 GhoulGriin Best Egg Crate Mattress Toppers

Best Egg Crate Mattress Toppers
Are you tired of an uncomfortable mattress that leaves you tossing and turning all night long? Look no further than egg crate mattress toppers that are designed to add a layer of comfort to your sleeping arrangements. In this roundup article, we delve into the world of egg crate mattress toppers, exploring their benefits, how to choose the right one for you, and our top picks in the market. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and start enjoying a restful sleep with the right egg crate mattress topper.
Discover the perfect egg crate mattress topper to enhance your sleeping experience, whether you're seeking pressure relief, enhanced airflow, or simply a touch of added comfort. With our comprehensive guide to the best egg crate mattress toppers, you'll be well on your way to a better night's sleep. Stay tuned for the latest trends, expert advice, and top-rated products in the realm of egg crate mattress toppers.

The Top 19 Best Egg Crate Mattress Toppers

  1. Best Price Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper for a Cooler, Comfier Sleep - Enhance sleep comfort with Best Price Mattress 3-inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper, offering enhanced airflow, lavender infusion for relaxation, and body-conforming support for better sleep experience.
  2. DMI Foam Mattress Topper, Comfortable Egg Crate Design - DMI Foam Mattress Topper: Providing superb pressure relief and temperature regulation for a comfortable sleep experience.
  3. 2-inch Plush Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper for Cool, Comfortable Sleep - Experience luxurious comfort with the Lucid Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper, offering exceptional support and breathability to elevate your sleep experience.
  4. Dual Layer Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Elemuse's soft and breathable 4-inch dual-layer mattress topper combines egg crate and cooling bamboo layers for optimal comfort, moisture-wicking and hassle-free maintenance.
  5. Lavender Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Full - Experience luxurious comfort and relaxation with Crown Comfort's 1.5-inch lavender-infused egg crate memory foam mattress topper, offering a soothing scent and unbeatable pressure relief.
  6. Breathable Egg Crate Mattress Topper for Comfort and Support - Experience luxurious comfort and pressure relief with Treaton 2-inch Egg Shell Breathable Foam Topper, extending mattress life and alleviating back pain for a perfect night's sleep.
  7. Greaton Egg Crate Breathable Foam Topper, Orthopedic Supplement - Experience superior comfort and support with the Greaton, 1-Inch Convoluted Egg Shell Breathable Foam Topper, designed to relieve pressure and extend mattress life span for better sleep quality and overall well-being.
  8. Ultra-Comfort Memory Foam Camp Mattress Pad - Introducing the luxurious 1.5" Memory Foam Egg Crate Twin or Cot Camp Mattress Pad, a perfect fusion of comfort and breathability that adapts seamlessly to your sleeping preferences while keeping you cool and supported all night.
  9. Egg Crate Mattress Topper for Enhanced Comfort - Nutan Egg Shell Mattress Topper: Experience luxurious comfort and pressure relief for better sleep and spinal support, extending mattress life for enhanced sleep experience.
  10. Cooling 3 Inch Green Tea Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Breathe life into your mattress with the Homhougo 3'' Green Tea Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper, boasting a soft surface, exceptional support, and a refreshing cooling nature.
  11. Latex-Free Convoluted Foam Mattress Pad for Home Use - Comfort-focused Lumex 4" Convoluted Foam Mattress Pad boasts a latex-free design, adhering to HCPCS code E0199 for healthcare professionals, perfect for all users and available in various sizes to suit your bed.
  12. Best Price Mattress 2" Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper with Lavender Infusion - Best Price Mattress 2-inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper offers ultimate comfort and support with soothing lavender infusion, perfect for a restful night's sleep.
  13. Breathable Foam Mattress Topper with Egg Crate Design - Introducing the Mattress Solution 1-Inch Convoluted Egg Shell Breathable Foam Topper, a luxurious addition to extend mattress life and provide comfort while helping alleviate back pain.
  14. 3-inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Cooling Gel Infusion, Blue - Say goodbye to restless nights: Best Price Mattress' 3-inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Topper boasts a cooling gel infusion and enhanced airflow for the ultimate sleep experience.
  15. 4" Twin XL Foam Egg Crate Topper - Made in the USA - Elevate your dorm bed comfort with DormCo's Thickest Twin XL Egg Crate Topper, providing 4 inches of cushion foam for optimal weight dispersion, support, and sleep improvement.
  16. Comfortable Medical-Grade Egg Crate Foam Mattress Topper - Discover premium comfort with AK Trading Co.'s 2.5" thick, CertiPUR-US certified Convoluted Hospital Mattress Pad - a versatile, budget-friendly solution for enhancing sleep and promoting wellness in bedrooms, guest rooms, and healthcare facilities.
  17. Customizable Egg Crate Foam Mattress Topper - Experience luxurious comfort and pressure relief with Eggcrate SP22S-000 Convoluted Pad by Span-America, offering a range of peak and base heights suitable for patients' unique needs.
  18. Natural and Organic Latex Egg Crate Mattress Topper by Turmerry - Experience luxurious comfort and exceptional pressure relief with the Turmerry 100% Organic Latex Egg Crate Mattress Topper - the perfect blend of sustainability, eco-friendliness, and unparalleled support for a great night's sleep.
  19. 3 inch Mattress Topper with Memory Foam and Cooling Gel, Blue - Experience enhanced comfort and support with BedNew's 3-inch Queen Memory Foam Cooling Gel Infusion Egg Crate Mattress Topper, perfect for upgrading your mattress without breaking the bank.
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🔗Best Price Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper for a Cooler, Comfier Sleep
I recently purchased the Best Price Mattress 3-inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Twin, and I've been pleasantly surprised by how comfortable it is. The egg crate design provides better airflow and optimal support, making it perfect for someone like me who tosses and turns a lot during sleep.
The lavender infusion is a nice touch as well - it provides a calming effect that helps me relax into a deep, restful sleep. I've noticed that my body does indeed sink into the mattress topper, but this has made sleeping more comfortable than ever before. It's like being enveloped by a cloud!
One drawback I have found, however, is that the mattress topper tends to trap heat. While not unmanageable, it can feel a bit stuffy on warm summer nights. Additionally, the mattress topper doesn't retain its shape perfectly after prolonged use, which can be somewhat inconvenient.
Despite these minor issues, I'm overall very happy with my purchase. The Best Price Mattress 3-inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper has definitely made a difference in the quality of my sleep.

🔗DMI Foam Mattress Topper, Comfortable Egg Crate Design
As an avid user of sleep accessories, I recently got my hands on this DMI Foam Mattress Topper. Right off the bat, I was impressed with its egg crate design, which provides great cushioning and helps alleviate pressure points on my body. The topper is made of soft, comfortable medical-grade foam that ensures proper air circulation and weight distribution, giving me a restful night's sleep.
One thing that stood out to me was its ease of installation. All I had to do was unroll the pad and allow it to sit for several hours to reach its maximum size. This hassle-free process made it incredibly convenient for me to set up and start enjoying the benefits of this mattress topper.
However, one minor drawback I experienced was a slight variation in color due to differences in lighting and computer monitor resolutions. While this doesn't affect the overall quality and comfort of the topper, it's something potential buyers should be aware of.
In conclusion, this DMI Foam Mattress Topper has proven to be a valuable addition to my sleep routine, providing optimal comfort and support while also promoting proper air circulation. Despite the minor color variation issue, I highly recommend this product to anyone seeking to enhance their sleeping experience.

🔗2-inch Plush Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper for Cool, Comfortable Sleep
Sure, I've tried the Lucid Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper with Breathable Cover. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm really happy with it. The first thing that stood out was how comfortable it is. I've had trouble sleeping on our old mattress, especially because of back pain, but this topper has made a huge difference. It feels like I'm sleeping on a cloud!
The mattress topper also retains its shape well, which is impressive considering how soft it is. I was worried that it would get all squished and misshapen quickly, but after several weeks of use, it still looks like new.
One thing to note though, is that this mattress topper is quite soft. If you prefer a firmer sleeping surface, the 2-inch version might be a better choice for you. I'm a bit on the heavier side, so I found the 4-inch topper to be perfect for me, but I can see how it might be a bit too much for some people.
Another downside is that the cover can be a bit difficult to put back on after washing. It's a good idea to let it air dry to avoid any shrinking.
Overall, I'm really happy with my purchase. The Lucid Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper with Breathable Cover has totally transformed my sleep experience, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a comfortable, supportive, and durable mattress topper.

🔗Dual Layer Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper
As I unwrapped my ELEMUSE mattress topper, I couldn't help but feel excited. The egg crate design had caught my eye, and it wasn't long before I discovered that this was more than just a stylish addition to my bed. The moment I laid down, it was like sinking into a cloud of comfort. The memory foam layer conformed perfectly to my body, providing just the right amount of firmness without sacrificing on softness. I was pleasantly surprised by how cool it kept me throughout the night, no more tossing and turning due to overheating.
One thing I appreciated was how easy it was to maintain. The removable cover can be thrown in the washing machine, making life much simpler. However, what really stood out was how well it paired with the cooling bamboo pillow. Together, they created a sleep haven that felt luxurious yet was incredibly affordable. And while it takes a little longer to fully expand, once it does, you're left with a product that is worth every penny.
In conclusion, the ELEMUSE mattress topper is a game-changer for anyone looking for a budget-friendly way to boost their sleep quality. Its unique design, combined with the cooling bamboo pillow, offers comfort and breathability that even more expensive mattress toppers struggle to match. While there's a minor odor when you first unpack it, give it some time and it'll dissipate, leaving you with a product that's tough to beat.

🔗Lavender Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper - Full
I recently tried out Crown Comfort's 1.5-inch lavender egg crate memory foam topper on my full-sized mattress, and I must say, it has made a world of difference in my sleep quality. The body-conforming memory foam molds perfectly to my body shape, providing excellent support and pressure relief where I need it most. The added lavender infusion adds a calming and soothing touch, helping me drift off into a peaceful slumber.
One feature that really stood out for me was the egg crate foam structure. Not only does it provide a comfortable, cushioned surface, but it also increases airflow, keeping things nice and cool throughout the night. Another bonus is that the mattress topper is certified by CertiPUR-US, ensuring high standards for content, emissions, and durability.
However, there is a small issue with my particular mattress topper: it has an unpleasant odor that has persisted despite various ventilation attempts. Thankfully, this issue seems to be quite rare - only one reviewer mentioned it out of the 19 provided. Overall, the 1.5-inch lavender egg crate memory foam mattress topper has been an excellent addition to my bed, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to improve the comfort and quality of their sleep.

🔗Breathable Egg Crate Mattress Topper for Comfort and Support
As a user of this product, I can attest to its transformative power in enhancing a mattress' overall comfort and extend its lifespan. The Treaton 2-Inch Convoluted Egg Shell Breathable Foam Topper is a dream come true for those seeking to amp up their sleeping comfort. I've had friends with back issues who have expressed gratitude for this product - it has indeed provided them with pressure-relieving cushioning in critical areas while not compromising on the much-needed support.
The distinctive design of this topper, with its egg crate contours, not only feels luxurious but also ensures maximum airflow and evenly dispenses your body weight for a comfortable and cool sleep experience. A definite highlight of this product is its capacity to prevent the body from sinking into the mattress while promoting a better sleeping posture, reducing strain on the spine and boosting energy levels during the day.
Despite its excellent benefits, there is a minor drawback worth mentioning. The mattress topper's white color may be prone to staining and could require extra care when dealing with spills or accidents. But overall, it's a solid choice for anyone seeking to achieve a more comfortable, supportive and longer-lasting mattress experience.

🔗Greaton Egg Crate Breathable Foam Topper, Orthopedic Supplement
I've been using this Greaton, 1-inch Convoluted Egg Shell Breathable Foam Topper for ages now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. Imagine walking into your room and finding a luxurious mattress that's both soft and supportive - that's what this topper brings to the table.
This mattress topper is not just about comfort; it's also beneficial for your health. Its Orthopedic Type design provides optimal support and helps maintain a proper sleep posture, reducing strain on your spine. Plus, the egg crate design enhances airflow, ensuring you stay cool and comfy all night long.
On the downside, it's dry-clean only, which can be a bit of a hassle. But overall, this 1-inch Convoluted Egg Shell Breathable Foam Topper has significantly upped my sleep game. Highly recommended!

🔗Ultra-Comfort Memory Foam Camp Mattress Pad
As an avid camper, I've tried numerous camping pads to find the perfect balance of comfort and support. The Cabin Comfort 1.5" Memory Foam Egg Crate Mattress Pad caught my eye due to its adjustable design that accommodates different sleeping positions.
After a couple of nights under the stars with this pad, I can confidently say that it has become my go-to choice for camping comfort. The 1.5-inch thick memory foam provides a cushioned layer, while the egg-crate design ensures proper airflow, keeping me cool on warm summer nights.
I also appreciated how it snugly fits my cot size mattress, making it easy to transport from campsite to campsite. However, the non-water resistance of this pad may limit its appeal for those adventuring in more unpredictable weather conditions. Nevertheless, the Cabin Comfort Mattress Pad is a reliable choice for campers seeking a cozy sleep, no matter how they sleep.

🔗Egg Crate Mattress Topper for Enhanced Comfort
I was hesitant when I first tried out the Nutan 1-inch Convoluted Egg Shell Design Mattress Topper, but I have to say, it's been a game-changer for my sleep experience. This mattress topper is made from a high-quality foam that gently cradles your body in a soft and supportive embrace.
One of the most notable features is how the unique design provides pressure-relieving cushioning in the hip and shoulder areas, ensuring a comfortable night's sleep without causing imbalances in the body. I've noticed a significant reduction in back pain since I started using it.
Another great thing about this mattress topper is its ability to prolong the life of my mattress. By adding a layer of cushioning between my body and the mattress, I'm preventing premature wear and tear on the mattress itself.
However, I do have one minor gripe with the product. The quality of the foam, while good, could be better. It's not as durable as I would like it to be. Additionally, the mattress topper is just a tad thinner than I anticipated, which may be an issue for some users.
Overall, the Nutan 1-inch Convoluted Egg Shell Design Mattress Topper has provided me with significant improvements in comfort and support while sleeping. While there could be some improvements in the foam quality, I highly recommend giving this mattress topper a try if you're looking to enhance your sleep experience.

🔗Cooling 3 Inch Green Tea Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper
As a reviewer who actually tried the Homhougo 3 inch Green Tea Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper, I can attest to its ability to provide a luxurious sleep experience. The egg crate design cradles my body, providing targeted support and pressure relief for my achy joints.
The standout feature for me was undoubtedly the mattress topper's ability to stay in place. Its elastic straps secure it to the mattress, ensuring there's no sliding or shifting during the night, even with a lot of movement. This is especially beneficial if you're someone who tends to toss and turn during the night.
However, the one downside I experienced was a slight odor upon opening the product. Thankfully, this dissipated within a day or two of leaving it in a well-ventilated area.
As per the specifications, the mattress topper comes in a generous size of 22.44 x 16.15 x 16.15 inches, making it suitable for most standard beds. It's also worth noting that it's not water-resistant, so if you're prone to spills or accidents, you might want to consider pairing it with a waterproof mattress protector.
In terms of cleaning, the mattress topper is machine-washable, which is incredibly convenient. And while it doesn't come with a cover, I found that using a fitted sheet over the topper helped to keep things neat and tidy.
Overall, I'm incredibly pleased with my purchase of this mattress topper. It's significantly improved the quality of my sleep, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for some added comfort and support without the need to replace their entire mattress.

🔗Latex-Free Convoluted Foam Mattress Pad for Home Use
The Lumex Convoluted Foam Mattress Pads have been a game-changer for my bedtime comfort. As a product reviewer, I've had the pleasure of testing this 4-inch, queen-sized mattress pad, and I can confidently say it provides a soft, cushioned feel. The product description boasts an impressive rating of 3.8 stars based on seven user reviews.
One unique feature of this mattress pad is its egg crate pattern. I've found that this design makes for optimal air circulation, helping to keep me cool during the warmer months and reducing the risk of mold or mildew build-up. Additionally, being latex-free makes it a safe choice for all users.
Although some users did experience issues with pressure points and difficulties with the company's customer service, my personal experience with this mattress pad has been overwhelmingly positive. Overall, I would recommend the Lumex Convoluted Foam Mattress Pad to anyone looking to upgrade their sleep experience without breaking the bank.

🔗Best Price Mattress 2" Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper with Lavender Infusion
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Best Price Mattress 2 inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper for my tired, aching back. Truth be told, I was a bit skeptical at first, but the moment I laid down on it, I was sold.
This mattress topper is an absolute game-changer when it comes to comfort. The egg crate design not only allows for increased airflow, but also provides customized support to all areas of your body. As for the soothing lavender infusion, it's like having a calming spa session right in my own bedroom.
However, no product is perfect. My only gripe with this mattress topper is that its size is slightly off for my king-sized bed. It's a minor inconvenience, but one that can be easily overlooked given the superior comfort it provides.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a luxurious mattress topper without breaking the bank, look no further than the Best Price Mattress Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper. It might just be the best sleep investment I've ever made.

🔗Breathable Foam Mattress Topper with Egg Crate Design
I've been using this Convoluted Egg Shell Breathable Foam Topper on my mattress for a few weeks now and I can't tell you how much of a difference it's made. As someone who tends to toss and turn a lot during the night, I was in desperate need of something to help me get a better night's sleep.
The egg crate design is a game-changer. It allows for maximum airflow and comfort, not to mention it evenly distributes my body weight. I used to wake up with a sore back almost every morning, but since I started using this mattress topper, I've noticed a significant improvement.
The foam is also incredibly soft and luxurious, making it feel like I'm sleeping on a cloud. Additionally, it provides just the right amount of support, so I don't feel like I'm sinking into the mattress. Plus, it's helping to extend the lifespan of my mattress by providing an extra layer of protection.
However, one downside is that the foam does tend to absorb a lot of heat, which can make for a rather warm sleeping experience. But overall, I am very happy with my purchase. If you're in the market for a mattress topper that will provide you with both comfort and support, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗3-inch Egg Crate Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Cooling Gel Infusion, Blue
As a user who recently purchased the Best Price Mattress Egg Crate Memory Foam Topper, I had high expectations for a comfortable sleeping experience. Right out of the box, I was delighted by the cushy feel and just the right amount of firmness for my preference. What truly stood out to me was the egg crate design, which ensures perfect air circulation for a cool and restful sleep.
The memory foam is certified as CertiPUR-US, which means it has undergone thorough testing for content, emissions, and durability. This added layer of confidence made me appreciate the quality even more.
However, one minor issue I experienced was the initial smell that came with the mattress topper. It took a few days for the odor to dissipate completely. Additionally, those who prefer a denser, thicker mattress may find this 3-inch option a bit too soft for their liking.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I can honestly say that since using this mattress topper, I've enjoyed the most restful nights I've had in a while. Its unique design, along with the cooling gel infusion and supportive memory foam, combines to deliver a truly exceptional sleeping experience.

Buyer's Guide



What are Egg Crate Mattress Toppers?

Egg Crate Mattress Toppers are specially designed pads that add an extra layer of comfort and support to your mattress. They have a unique egg crate pattern, which helps with airflow and contouring to the body's natural curves for a more comfortable night's sleep.

How do Egg Crate Mattress Toppers help improve sleep?

These toppers can improve sleep in several ways. First, they provide extra cushioning and support, helping to alleviate pressure points and reduce tossing and turning. Second, their egg crate design promotes better airflow, helping regulate body temperature and prevent overheating during sleep. Lastly, they protect mattresses from dirt, dust, and bodily fluids, preserving mattress longevity.

What materials are Egg Crate Mattress Toppers made from?

These toppers can be made from various materials such as memory foam, polyfoam, or natural latex. The choice of material will largely depend on personal preferences and budget constraints. Memory foam toppers, for example, are known for their exceptional contouring while natural latex offers durability and eco-friendliness.

How do I care for my Egg Crate Mattress Topper?

  • Use a removable, washable cover to keep your topper clean
  • Vacuum the topper's surface periodically to remove dust
  • Spot clean stains immediately using mild soap and water
  • Allow the topper to dry completely before placing it back on the mattress
  • Rotate and flip the topper every few months to ensure even wear and prolonged lifespan

Can Egg Crate Mattress Toppers be used with all types of mattresses?

Yes, Egg Crate Mattress Toppers can be used with various types of mattresses including spring, foam, and adjustable beds. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on the firmness level of your mattress.

How thick should my Egg Crate Mattress Topper be?

The optimal thickness of your mattress topper depends on personal comfort preferences and the existing firmness level of your mattress. Generally, thicknesses vary between 1-4 inches. A thinner topper provides minimal cushioning, while a thicker one offers more significant comfort improvements.

How long do Egg Crate Mattress Toppers typically last?

The lifespan of an egg crate mattress topper largely depends on the material of the topper, how well it's maintained, and the weight of the user. Typically, high-quality ones can last anywhere between 2-5 years.

Are there any health benefits associated with Egg Crate Mattress Toppers?

Yes, by helping optimize sleep conditions and relieving pressure points, mattress toppers can alleviate back pain, align the spine, and ease discomfort associated with conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

How do I choose the right Egg Crate Mattress Topper for my needs?

  1. Consider your mattress type and firmness level
  2. Choose a material that aligns with your sleep preferences and budget
  3. Select appropriate thickness based on how much cushioning is desired
  4. Ensure the topper has a removable, washable cover for easy maintenance
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:24 Hot_Blueberry_4823 'Habits have to earn their place in your life' - doing habits when I'm terrible at it

I can't take medication for my ADHD due to my other health issues. To treat these other health issues, it's super important for me to have some consistent daily habits. It's that stupid irony of ADHD - to be able to take ADHD meds, I have to do a bunch of things that ADHD makes REALLY HARD TO DO.
So my biggest battle the last few months has been trying to have consistent daily habits.
I wanted to share what has helped me so far, in case it helps anybody else in the same situation. Sorry it ended up so long!
A lot of this came from KC Davis and Dana K White. KC Davis has talked about how people with ADHD don't form habits. Habit formation relies on dopamine, so for some of us, habits never become mindless or automatic, no matter how many times we do them. We have to use willpower and focus every fucking time we do a daily task. It was so helpful for me to realise why I find habits so hard.
Meanwhile, Dana K White said that some daily tasks need to be non-negotiable in order for our homes to function. These two ideas together helped me completely rethink my habits.
1. "Non-negotiable habits"
There are some habits, like taking my medications and locking the doors at night, where it's a serious problem if I forget to do them. I realised these have to be non-negotiable habits. They might not ever become automatic, but I still have to do them every single day no matter what.
Because these habits are non-negotiable:
It was extremely helpful to identify my non-negotiable habits. Most habits are just whatever -- is the world going to end if you don't floss your teeth today? Nope. But there are just a few habits so important that if you forget, you need to stop what you're doing and go do them. That's what non-negotiable means. It's a very high bar.
Being really focussed on just a few non-negotiable habits meant that I got them done even if I got nothing else done. After a while of doing them every single day, the habits didn't get easier to do, exactly, but there was less friction in doing them. I optimised how I did them. I got used the idea that these things had to get done every day, and started to anticipate that. I didn't waste mental energy on whether to do them, even if it still took a lot of mental energy to actually do them.
2. Habits have to earn their place in your life
Next, I realised there were a few habits where the benefit made them worth the effort even when ADHD made it stupid hard to do them. For example, my day goes so much better when I have room to do stuff in the kitchen. That means it's worth it to run the dishwasher every night and empty it every morning. The benefit makes it worth the effort and drudgery of doing the habit.
These habits need to be very focused on the benefit. The habit isn't "run the dishwasher", which is a chore I hate. The habit is "make room in the kitchen for tomorrow." Even if I can't manage to run the dishwasher, I can at least stack some dirty dishes by the sink or put things back in the pantry so that I have made some room for tomorrow. Getting anything done is significantly better than nothing.
It's important for my ADHD brain that the benefit of these habits comes soon - the same day or the next day. Anything further away is not going to engage my brain enough to help get the habit done.
These habits aren't non-negotiable. They can and do get skipped sometimes. But most days I am willing to do them because I know it's going to be worth the effort. I have gotten accustomed to the benefit of the habits, so I resent myself when I don't do them. I've started keeping room in my day and in my head for doing these things.
Again, the bar should be high for this kind of habit. If habits are really fucking hard to do consistently, then they have to earn their place in your life. You have to feel in your bones that each habit is worth the effort of doing it day after day after day. And if the habit stops being worth it, it needs to go.
3. No shoulds, only musts
From here, I gave up on every single other habit that I felt I "should" do. If a habit didn't have serious consequences (non-negotiable habit) or have a really obvious benefit (earn their place in my life), I let it go. I wasn't actually doing them anyway, I was just torturing myself for not doing them, so I was better off when I stopped trying.
Flossing, goodbye. Sunscreen, goodbye. Brushing hair, it can happen or not, I don't care. Picking up clothes off the floor, forget about it. Drinking 8 glasses of water, whatever.
Some days I might still do those things, but no matter how much I "should" do it, if it's not a "must", then it's not worth trying to make it a habit. Since habits take so much effort with ADHD, I need to save my strength for the habits that make the biggest difference in my life.
3. Very short routines, tied to things I already do without thinking
It turns out there are only two times a day when I can do habits consistently: first thing in the morning and on the way to bed. That's because I already have some very ingrained things I do at those times - turning out the lights at night and making a cup of tea in the morning. So now the habits are grouped into routines tied to the ingrained things.
Initially, I could never finish my morning routine without getting distracted. The routine was just too long and I couldn't stay focused for long enough to get through everything. So I split it into two routines. I do my first routine when I make my first tea, then take a break and let chaos take over. Then I make my second tea and do my second routine. Each routine is only a few minutes long, so I can usually convince myself to do both, but the first one is the non-negotiable one.
4. Paths and counting instead of remembering habits
Even after months of doing the non-negotiable habits every night, I constantly forget and get distracted. But I can remember that before I go to bed, I have to do five things. I can remember that I have to do two things in the kitchen, one thing in the living room and two things in the bathroom. The order of things is the path through my house to my bedroom, so it makes sense. The path has become fairly automatic even though the individual tasks are still hard to remember.
I think having the right physical path through a routine lowers the level of difficulty for the ADHD brain. If there's a logical path, the burden of thinking about what to do in what order is greatly reduced.
5. Reminders and cues
I write my routines on post-its and put them everywhere I need to refer to them. But I don't treat the post-its as reminders any more because I stop seeing them after a few days.
I also try not to rely much on phone reminders and apps any more. I just tune them out after a week or so. I sometimes use phone reminders as 'training wheels' when I'm trying to start a new habit. But if I need a reminder after a week, it's often a sign that I haven't got the routine or the habit right.
It's been more valuable to prompt myself to look at the post-it with the routine on it, rather than to prompt myself to do individual tasks. That's one prompt instead of multiple. One thing to remember instead of multiple.
When I do need a reminder or a cue, I try to use different physical ways of reminding myself - bright post-it notes on mirrors, a colourful ribbon tied to a tap, etc. Why is there a whisk next to the bathroom sink? Oh it's my reminder that I've added a new habit in the bathroom.
5. Random other notes
There's lots of other advice on ADHD habits out there, this definitely isn't comprehensive! But a few other details I found helpful:
My own habits are still very much a work in progress! Lots of things are still not working well so I would love to hear what works for others. But I hope there are some useful ideas here for others who struggle.
submitted by Hot_Blueberry_4823 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:50 Business_Scratch6880 Student housing in Stockholm: have questions

Hi. I'm a student going to study in Sweden this year and having questions about housing. I've been doing some research and still need some help here.
1 I found some student housings via with 'no picture' but with floor plan. (Some not really tje plan of the actual room, but said that the room is 'similar' or could be a mirrored plan to the plan shown) After directly contacting the tenant/management firms (notice the s, there are a few) they said they can't provide pictures or arrange online viewing, and I have to decide based on text and room plan. Is this concerning and could be a scam? They are actual firms with website though.
2 I'm also trying 'blocket x qasa' Although the price rate are concerningly higher but there seem to be more options. (Considering the student housing queue in What are the things to beware to avoid scammers as I wouldn't be able to be in Sweden until a short time before study? (Meaning i have to decide and sign contract before arrivivg in Sweden) Blocket x qasa suggest 'verified tenant' and signing contract through them, the web. Is it enough to avoid scammers? Is it concerning that they only provide images but not an online viewing or the roomplan?
3 What are the list of things to ask when finding a place to stay. Below is the initial list i make. Please tell me if it's enough or appropriate.
(if not included) What are the average utility costs for the room?
what furniture is provided ?
what is included in the kitchenette?: kitchen stove, oven, sink, dishwasher, microwave, countertop, cabinet, etc?
Is there other fee or add on? For example; maintenance fee, insurance, vat, security, room inspector, water, heating ?
is there heater in the room?
Length of contract.
tenants name and personalnummer (is this ok to ask?)
4 How do people furnish / manage the delivery or furnishing their room in Stockholm? Some housing is unfurnished and I'll be able to arrive in Sweden not so long before the study term start --- so I'm unlikely to have time to source secondhand furnitures and such. I wouldn't be able to have a car to go drive and transport furniture too. Is there furniture stores that can do shopping and delivery online? I don't know how it works in Sweden.
5 What is the average housing price in area like Hägersten and Liljehomen (or maube other areas not to far from city and still be abke to commute) for...
student housing unfurnished
student housing with kitchenette and bathroom
single apartment room (secondhand) with kitchenette and bathroom It seem to start at 5000SEK for student housing and can go up to 18000SEK for the single apartment room --- do I understand correctly?
6 What is the average living cost (exclude rent) for 1 student? (I've done some research but just not sure if all those is up to date --- would it be around 3000SEK in total?) -food -travel, transportation -home insurance -utility (electricity, water, heating, internet) ---- some room said they include electricity, some not. So I wonder how much is needed.
My university said they can't provide housing / much informations on the matters and suggested i find housing on my own. (I'm from a non EU country though and I can't easily travel to Sweden to do in person housing search) So I'd be really greatful if someone here could reply to my questions.
Thank you!
submitted by Business_Scratch6880 to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:18 aBitofThisandThat_YT Bonnet

Based on the short story 'Bonnet', an old friend created their own, longer version of the tale as a campfire horror story with someone (who was hiding behind a bush or closet) jumping out at the last moments to scare everyone.
I also just released a short film on this, check out my profile (YT linked( if you'd like to see it.
Story (as I remember it) One night, everyone was gathered at the reception after a wedding. Everyone was having a great time and the drinks were flowing, and that's when the two strangers locked eyes.
She ended up driving back to his house to have a few more drinks. It was dark and they were both having a great time until he loses control and crashes his car into a tree.
When he awakens, awakens to bare witness at what he has done. A long branch has smashed through the windscreen and gone right through the girl's belly. In a panic, he exits the car and opens her door to pull the branch out. As he does, blood gushes to floor and she slumps to the side. He drags her out of the car and she lays still.
He remembers how much he's had to drink that night, and knows that this will never be considered as only an accident. So, in an attempt to save himself, he does the only thing he can think of. He drags her body to the bonnet of the car, and stuffs her inside.
As he is driving away, he looks over to see the seat and floor soaked in her blood. He is distraught. And in his drunken state he does the only thing he can think of to escape the situation. He remembers a nearby lake and makes a sharp turn. When he arrives, he points the car towards the water and lets it roll down to sink into the deep.
He makes his way home on foot. As he's walking along the street he hears:
"Bonnet... Bonnet... Coming out of the lake..."
He shudders, but knows it's in his head.
He arrives home and decides to turn on the TV to take his mind off the situation and get something to drink. As he's in the kitchen he hears:
"Bonnet... Bonnet... Walking up your street"
He is startled, but realises that the TV was playing a horror movie.
He decides to get to sleep right away, and walks up his hallway to his bed. When he gets into his bedroom he hears:
"Bonnet... Bonnet... Coming through your front door."
Hear hears his front door open, and knows that she's somehow come for him. In his panic, he hides himself in the closet. While inside he hears:
"Bonnet... Bonnet... Walking up your hallway."
Inside the closet, he hears her footsteps coming up the corridor. He knows that she's going to look in the closet, so he quietly gets out and hides himself under the bed. While under the bed, he sees his bedroom door swing open and a pair of wet feet walk across the room to his closet. He hears:
"Bonnet... Bonnet... Opening your closet."
The closet door opens, and closes. The pair of wet feet turn and step towards the edge of the bed and stop directly in front of him. He hears:
"Bonnet... Bonnet... Looking under the bed."
(This is when your friend who is hiding behind a bush or in a closet door jumps out screaming and scares everyone)
submitted by aBitofThisandThat_YT to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:13 karatehydrasing Home Depot Kitchen Promotions

Check out the link for Home Depot Kitchen Promotions. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by karatehydrasing to BrightOffers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:06 Psychics4U_net "Unlocking the Mysteries of 1029 Angel Number: Dive into Love, Twin Flames, and Numerology Symbolism!"

1029 angel number meaning is fresh start and success in the end of the journey. However there will be some difficulties that will force you to cooperate with people, and the spiritual universe in order to complete the mission.

What does 1029 angel number mean? There are many more meanings to 1029 angel number so the interpretation is done by understanding the symbolism of the sacred sign. In this article we will discuss the many techniques and topics that can be predicted like love, twin flame, birthday date fortune telling, career path, numerology calculations and the special spiritual meaning that guardian angels are sending.
For more angel number interpretations, check out our vibrant subreddit:
Related angel numbers you might want to explore:
605 angel number
902 angel number
2442 angel number

1029 angel number symbolism meaning

1029 angel number has lots of symbolism. So if we want to dive deep and understand each number, we need to divide them and look on the meaning separately:

Angel number 1 meaning: one in 1029 angel number is self-determination, you decided to make a certain move and will act upon it until the mission is done. One is the fresh start of any event or situation so the angels want you to know that your journey will be successful. Don’t worry if you currently don’t have all the details or information, it will come when the time is right.

The most immediate action you need to take is to start. Therefore if you had an idea or any other task you procrastinated for a while or even years, now is the time to make the first step towards it. You don’t have to do everything at once. Just start small and grow from there.

It also denotes huge success if you will keep on good and positive thoughts. If there will be negative assumptions than it will discourage you and will result failure for sure. The angels remind us that nothing is predetermined and we always have a choice to change the future. Even if everything looks bad and lost, don’t lose the hope. 1029 angel number is about taking risks against all odds.

Angel number 0 meaning: zero in 1029 angel number suggests a start, very akin to number 1. However it is a stronger sign because this digit symbolizes the divine or the universe. It is not related only to individual person but the whole energy or vibration surrounding it. Accordingly, it means we have to work together with the law of the universe. If something happen, it doesn’t matter if it is good or bad, we need to accept it. We shouldn’t judge people, nature or events by our own point of view, we need to see clearly the reason from a different perspective.

Yes, it might look strange or not logic but there are other forms of intelligence, especially unknown mysteries in which things are done through the spiritual energies of the cosmos. In order to learn these methods a person need to develop spiritual awareness and psychic ESP abilities.

Number zero in 1029 digits combination is also means breaking out the limitations, and in more particular way, to break negative cycles. Sometimes we might find ourselves in a loop with no exist. The angels wants you to stop for a minute and look up, change the daily routine and look for better alternatives because they are out there waiting for you to discover them.

Angel number 2 meaning: two in 1029 angel number is a symbol of working together in harmony. It usually denotes connection between two people like lovers and twin flame but might also imply on other kinds of friendships and partnerships.

The digit 2 teaches is a valuable lesson, when you see it the angels and the spirits prompt us that we are not alone in the world. We should ask for help if we are in some kind of trouble or a cross road where we can’t decide which road to take. It is always nice to have somebody near us when we have to deal with certain issues. However there are responsibilities as well. The angels are giving you a crystal clear sign to help others, to develop the communication between people and basically do good and gain positive karma.

The main meaning of number two in 1029 angel number is to make the right decision. It should be the right thing to do for you, but you need to take other people into account. For instance if you have a business and you are making a lot of money than you should pat more to the employees, give donation to charity and not enjoy the money only by yourself. As an omen of prosperity you have to share the good fortune and it will bring you more good luck.

Another symbolism is being enthusiastic. When you keep seeing angel number 1029 it means that you have a desire, a burning flame in side of the soul to create something new. Sometimes life is hard and there are conditions that might turn off the light. These are important phase to have fate and believes, the angels are on you side and will guide you to success.

So as long as you keep see angel number 1029 or any other combinations it means that you are on the road to wealth. However if one day they disappear than it means you did something wrong and must fix it before it is too late and the opportunities will disappear.

Angel number 9 meaning: nine in 1029 angel number symbolizing the end of the mission but not completing it. Number 10 is when everything is done correctly and you can enjoy the fruits of the labors. So although everything is looking promising there are still measures you must take in order to completely accomplish the mission. The advice of the guardian angels is to keep on hanging there at all cause.

Don’t quit what you are doing just because it is hard or it might take some times or you don’t see instant result. This is how things operate here on earth, it takes time and nurturing to see results and it is perfectly normal. Let’s say we want to grow a beautiful and tall tree.

The process will take many years, first we need to water the seed inside the ground and we will not know if it will sprout or not. In the beginning the seed is invisible in the deep layer of the soil. After few weeks or months we might notice a visible blossom and its size will be tiny. However only if we will put long term effort, than after few years we will have a beautiful tree with tasty fruits.

1029 angel number spiritual meaning

1029 angel number spiritual meaning encourage you to be open to mystic and psychics ideas. Be less materialistic and instead, think of how to fulfill the soul and create good feelings inside your heart. Buying too much items will not make you happy, and even so you will be satisfied for a while and it will not last for long.

When negative affairs will occur the material possessions will not assist you significantly. The better approach is to build a strong character, be more resilient to changes. A nice metaphor for being vigorous is like a boat at the ocean. The waves are hitting the sides of the hull trying to shift its course. The underwater stream is pulling the vessel to unwanted destination - a place where we might get lost. But more alarming outcome is when the water is shaking the boat extensively until it sinks.

But a good captain knows what to do in those cases. Sometimes he needs to run away from the storm and sometimes to enter bravely into the danger. So the angel are trying to whisper in the ear a message of guidance: take calculated risks. Define what is the situation and than choose the right action to apply. Like the captain of the ship in the middle of a stormy night, you will have to navigate according to the unfolding scenario. If you are clueless the angels will give you signs.

There are some numbers that related to 1029 angel number spiritual meaning and you should be aware of them. Sometimes they come near number 1029 and other times they appear instead of it. For example, if you look at the clock and it shows the time 10:29 in the day or night it is a sign from the angel. But you might miss it and than you see 10:30 or 10:33 which are second and third chances to receive following messages.

1030 angel number spiritual meaning is losing a precious lucky situation. So if you see it after 1029, you have to know that you have lost the chance. Another mysterious occasion will come after but it will take time. You will have to make few changes in the lifestyle you have been used to live for a long time. Once a new path or direction will be taking place the positive energies will deliver a new lucky day. Make sure you are well set for the next round.

1033 angel number spiritual meaning is cheerfulness. It usually appears in front of our eyes if we haven’t been open to see 1029 angel number or 1030 angel number before. Basically it means that you have learnt the lessons from the two previous messages you got from the angels. The karma has changed and soon everything will be miraculously solved.

Sadness is belonged to the past, so don’t raise it again. Focus on what you can change and do at the present moment. It will manifest wonderful future.

1029 angel number love meaning

1029 angel number love meaning is very promising. You are taking relationships, romance and unconditional love affairs seriously. It manifest by devoting all of your efforts to the happiness of the significant other.

Showing your affection is a wonderful thing to do, however keep in mind not to over do it. First of all if you will over shower someone with unconditionally love or too much gifts he or she might get used to it and will slowly will not appreciate it as before. You can also find yourself disappointed that you are not getting the right respond you have been expected.

The angels want to confirm that you understand the power of moderation in love. You feel great emotions but don’t over react as it will only leads to the opposite affect. Might cause break up, separation and divorce.

When we are trying to interpret the symbol of love in relation to 1029 angel number we see a burst of creativity. Meaning, the relationship is not boring, there is always something exciting to do. Basically you and your partner are always having a quest, both of you discovering new places, each other but also who you really are.

In a certain manner your soul mate is the mirror reflection of you. Compatibility between couple is extremely hard to work on if you don’t have anything in common. Sure, opposites attracts but only up to some extent. Similarity is a solid foundation in forming any kind of love relationship.

Therefore if you are single and looking for love, angel number 1029 denotes the importance of searching for a compatible match. How will you know that a certain person is the right one for you? it is very easy, once you know exactly who you are and what you want in life you will project this specific energy to the world. The angels will work hard to deliver a special someone into your life.

Psychic predictions about love are related to other angel numbers like 1028, 1032 and 1034.

If you bump into 1028 angel number it means you have learnt and gain valuable knowledge from past relationships. So it amplifies 1029 angel number by providing a clear statement saying you are ready to be in a healthy relationship. You can endure any situation in marriage by good communication with the husband or wife.

If you recently had a break up it means you will soon find a new love, it might be a twin flame as well. So don’t settle for less than you deserved. The right person is very close to you and you don’t even know this information. But the angels are seeing everything and luck is on the way.

Over the years, people in long term relationships have reported seeing 1032 angel number next to 1029 angel number. It signifies the mission of the relationship, you and your partner are together for a good purpose which usually is a complete mystery and we find it only after few years. A life mission of couples might be having children, having a family business, working together for the community and so on.

1034 angel numbers explained by ups and downs in relationships, it means that love affairs are not easy for you. this number is usually appears before break ups and after 1029 angel numbers has been revealed to you but you didn’t took the mandatory steps to address some burning issues. Nothing is not ultimately lost, you can still revise it but usually not with the same partner or personality traits you have been used to get a long with. The angels are opening new doors for you so go through the gate with new possibilities and never look back again.

1029 angel number twin flame meaning

1029 angel number twin flame meaning denotes creativity as we discussed earlier, but also so high level of fertility. Of course it doesn’t mean that every relationship with a twin flame will include pregnancy. It is an indicator of serious and meaningful connection between two lovers who will potentially might bring a child to the world.

Furthermore it imply on good structure of domestic life. Topics like relationships, marriage, kids, house, happiness and wealth are being taking care seriously and has positive influences on the quality of life together.

Angel number 1029 is a powerful sacred code of communication and so it has importance when it come to correspondence between husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend and friends in general. The number is associated with root number 3. It means that whenever angel wants to transfer a signal they prefer a vibration originated by this number. So if you will notice the number 3 popping everywhere it is clearly an advice to revamp the way interaction between two people are being made.

Couples who notice 1029 always want more from life. This is great because it motivate them to success and have unique thrill, they never get bored and they always have something interesting to do. However more often than not, it is very tiring. Think of how many preparations the twin flames has to make if they want to go for an extreme vacation or some complicated hike. Thus the angels want the couple to relax a bit, don’t chase the next adventure at all cause, there is also a time to sit quietly and enjoy simple activity.

Meditation is lovely practice which will calm your mind and it is much recommended to do in pairs. You and the other significant person can do it together as well. It will connect both of you on a spiritual level and help to understand each other although there are occasionally some disagreements.

Twin flames who keep on seeing 1029 angel number might see some other numbers with similar meanings like 1031, 1037 and 1040.

1031 twin flame number is symbolizing an act of jeopardizing something. So the angels want you to take less risk when it comes to relationships because it might result in break up or divorce.

1037 angel number is related to twin flame in the sense of being alone. People who see it repeating over and over again needs some time alone. They have special life adventure they need to participate in. So if your soulmate is too occupied in a certain adventure don’t interrupt him or her, on the contrary they need support and you are expected from them and the spirits to give them a hand.

1040 angel number is a code for small changes which is very crucial in any relationships especially if it’s a new one. Extreme changes are not something that most of the people are willing to do because it is very hard to transform all your life in one hour or few days. Therefore take little steps but make sure you are progressing with the romantic connection as well.

1029 angel number sacred sign meaning

1029 angel number is a sacred sign that has been known for psychic for hundreds or thousands of years. It is a universal code that inviting you to be an angel yourself, but in a different way. The angels are sending you the sacred number 1029 because they want you to help other people.

There are many ways you can aid those who are in need for something. It might be by donating money, giving away food, volunteering and teaching. This is an invitation to have meaningful life, to leave a mark, to change people’s lives and be respected for good deeds.

Consider yourself to be chosen by the angel for that secret mission in the near future. It is OK if you still don’t know what the task will be, they will guide you to the right moment of realization. For example you will notice strange number sequences in numerous places like car plates, price tickets, and street address. It will grab the attention because it will happen few times in a raw.

You have been chosen by the angels because you have unquestionable skills and personality traits that will serve you in the challenge. These capabilities are like rising sun and were given to you on the day you were born. A numerology chart or report complied by real psychic, will provide more information about personal mastery traits.

1029 angel number is about being focused because future events will try to sway you differently. You have other obligations like work, friends, family and many other things that are taking time and occupying your mind. You have to clear the mind and the soul, this is the only way to succeed. Ignore all the fake noise because it is just a distraction from the main target.

The angels showing you an alternative for the current path you chose. It is a spiritual quest that not a lot of people will ever take a part of. Furthermore, you don’t have to leave your old life behind you and live in solitary at nature. You can make tiny changes, be who you are and still get all the benefits.

1029 angel number denotes problems in the past. Your history is not one hundred percent positive because there have been misfortune events as well. Don’t feel sad about it because things like this happen to everyone. Still the angels suggest you should get over it if you want to open a new chapter.

1029 angel number numerology meaning

1029 angel number numerology meaning gives us more ideas and perspectives on how to interpret it in symbolic level. In numerology there are many more combination which are conveying the same message but differently. If we will scrutinize them we will have a deeper understanding of the concept of 1029 angel number.

The related numbers in numerology are: 1092, 1209, 1920, 2019, 2091, 2109, 2901, 2910, 9012, 9021, 9102, 9120, 9201, 9210. And they are all angel numbers.

For example the numerology meaning of 1092 angel number is vision. So if you would like to excel in specific field you have to vision it. The correct method to perform it is by manifesting the entire process from start to finish. It is very similar to planning but it is done in spiritual form. The details are not important at that very stage, instead concentrate on feelings and imagination.

In numerology 1029 angel number meaning is to pay attention to the law of the universe. Although we have the freedom of choice, we are still living in sets of rules governs by the cosmos, for instant the law of gravitation. So it limits us to a certain extent but we can bend the rule because today we can fly in airplanes, even though gravity supposes to take us down to the ground.

It is a matter of balance, how far we want to go and what we are willing to sacrify. Basically everything is possible, it is just a matter of how much effort you are willing to put into the challenge. The angels warn you not to waste the energy on meaningless or hazardous ventures. Energy or time can be compared to money, we have a limited amount of it and we have to use it wisely. Invest in the future and don’t waste it all at once.

When we create something new it all start with an idea or to be more exact in a single thought. 1029 number is a hint from the angels or psychic oracles to level up the mind in order to gain clarity. When negative thoughts are habitat in our mind they actually destroy any likelihood to be innovating. New possibilities are coming to us but we are constantly blocking them. If you feel unlucky or hopeless it is because you don’t let the good vibration to reach you. The angels stepped in to save you and this is why you see all the time the number 1029.

1029 birthday angel number meaning

1029 birthday angel number meaning is the strong point you have been born with. It is a parallel technique to predict the future according to the exact day, month, year and time when you were born. It’s like astrology zodiac signs but based on numerology interpretation.

Angel number 1029 is actually equal to root number 3. Here is the numerological calculation: 1+0+2+9=12, and when we sum up the digits in number 12 we get the result: 1+2=3.

Birthday number 3 denotes that you are a natural leader, you don’t like to listen to other people’s order, you rather be the one who is charge and command everyone. To do so it takes lots of self confidence and responsibility. When this type of personally is set the mind on something they will never leave it, not until they will get it.

The angels know you are busy and therefore they are sending you only the important signs, one of them is 1029. You like to solve mystery and have interesting challenges in life. This is why you should consider developing psychic abilities, it will expand the horizons into different subjects of recreation.

1029 angel number Biblical meaning

1029 angel number Biblical meaning in Hebrew is “Beth Hashshittah”. The translation to English is “a house near fields of trees” and the tree species called “Acacia”. This place is mention in the bible, from the wood the ancient people ofIsraelandEgypthas made many of wonderful instruments, like the Ark of the Covenant, tables and houses.

The biblical meaning of 1029 angel number in to be able to survive in extreme environments. The Acacia tree is growing in the desert where there is shortage of water and the sun is burning the leaves from the sky. So the angels signify the need to endure any hardship. Moreover the reason for your prosperity will be the surprising difficulties you didn’t see coming. You will only grow stronger and it will generate bright future for you, and for the other people around like twin flame, family and friends.

1029 inthe bible is associated with transformation of the soul. It is believed to help lost souls to find the right direction to the next world. It brings peace and serenity and will assist you to find the right thing to do in any situation. it will give you safety feeling that you are not alone and there is always a guardian angel who is watching from above.

In today’s world, many people have encountered 1029 angel number when they search for information like: factors of 1029, square root of 1029, police code, view street, king street west, road, calculator, exchange euro to usd, oz of gold worth in UK, online radio frequencies, urban restaurant address, train name, tax form, dictionary, year, in word is one thousand and twenty-nineth number, in binary = 0b10000000101. 1029 is divisible by which number? Yes, the numbers that 1029 is divisible by are 1, 3, 7, 21, 49, 147, 343, and 1029.
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2024.06.05 11:09 tab_rick The Ultimate Guide to Waterfall Countertop

The Ultimate Guide to Waterfall Countertop
You may want to ask, ‘Do waterfall counters come with any advantages? How are they better?’ This kind of countertop comes with additional aesthetics, a satisfactory flow of water, and good edges that allow liquid passage.
In this article, you will learn about this unique waterfall solid surface countertop. In addition, a comparison of waterfall kinds of countertops with other countertop styles, common materials used for edge countertops, benefits of solid surface countertops, and steps to design and install these counters among others would be discussed.

What is a Waterfall Countertop?

There are distinguishable varieties of countertop layouts in the market. However, what is a waterfall countertop? Waterfall solid surface countertops are more modern and distinct from the traditional countertop style, design, and pattern. It plunges vertically to the edge of a kitchen cabinet
This new countertop design is also known as a waterfall edge countertop, and it creates a continuous flow. It links the sink and countertop to the cabinet, in a normal and easy manner. While traditional countertops don’t extend to the floor, waterfall counters do. It is primarily waterproof and cannot get easily vandalized, made from natural materials, and some authentic artificial products.
It doesn’t suit traditional and more rustic spaces. It looks outstanding in contemporary standard kitchens like Industrial, company, hotel, Big home kitchens, and so on. Installing this countertop comes with supplementary benefits, which would be discussed later.

Comparison of Waterfall Countertops with Other Countertop Styles

Here, many kinds of countertops would be compared to reveal the better choice.

Different Overall Aesthetics of the Decoration

Waterfall countertops are widely recognized for their distinct and sleek aesthetic appeal, making them a popular choice among homeowners and design professionals. The continuous flow of the countertop material cascading down the sides creates a seamless and visually striking look that instantly elevates the overall design of a space. This modern design element adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to any kitchen or bathroom.
The clean lines and smooth edges of a waterfall countertop contribute to a contemporary and minimalist aesthetic, creating a focal point that draws the eye and makes a bold statement. The unique visual impact of a waterfall countertop sets it apart from traditional countertop styles, which often lack the same level of sleekness and aesthetic appeal.

Extra Function: Serves as a Protective Barrier

Waterfall countertops outlast ordinary countertops that end at the cabinet’s edge in terms of durability and impact resistance. Waterfall countertops form a protective barrier by extending vertically down the edges, reducing the chance of unintentional damage such as chipping or cracking.
This increased resilience is especially beneficial in high-traffic situations or households with active children or pets, providing peace of mind and long-term performance.

Different Customization Options

A waterfall kitchen counter comes with customization options, which puts it above other countertop styles. One of the main customization choices is the selection of materials. Customers can choose from a range of options like natural stone, quartz, or solid surface materials, each offering unique textures and colors.
Choices include straight edges for a sleek and contemporary appeal or more decorative profiles like beveled or bullnose edges for a softer and elegant look. The choice of thickness is another customization option, with thicker countertops often conveying a bolder and more substantial presence.
Finally, customers can also select the finish of the waterfall countertop, whether it’s a high gloss, matte, or textured finish, to enhance the desired aesthetic and match the overall design theme of the space.
In this case, KKR Customizations offers outstanding waterfall solid countertop customizations on every countertop purchased. KKR customizes solid surface sheet countertops and many others.

Different Difficulty of Installation

The installation of a waterfall countertop can present some unique challenges compared to standard countertop installations. One of the main factors is the need for precise measurements and cuts to achieve a seamless and visually appealing waterfall effect.
Additionally, the installation requires careful leveling to ensure that the countertop aligns perfectly with the cabinetry and maintains a consistent and balanced appearance. Skilled craftsmanship and attention to detail are crucial to ensure a successful installation of a waterfall countertop.

Common Materials Used for Waterfall Edge Countertop

Different materials are used to develop a waterfall edge countertop and these materials vary in multiple ways. These materials include solid surfaces, natural stones (marble and granite), laminate, concrete, and wood among others.

Solid Surface

Waterfall solid countertops are made with a solid surface which makes them one of the best countertops. Solid surface countertops come with extra advantages like having seamless joints and not being porous and also defying stains and bacteria. There are also solid surface sinks and basins for bathroom use.
Furthermore, solid surfaces are hard and highly durable, impact resistant, and they require minor maintenance. Solid surface countertops are easy to clean, absorb heat, and scratches can be easily burnished out, and are the best for solid surface kitchen solutions.
Solid surface countertops are versatile in application, they are used to make bathroom, kitchen, and sink countertops used in restaurants and hotels, residences, and hospitals. Despite having a solid surface, it remains attractive and has miscellaneous patterns. In essence, solid surface countertops are used for greater applications such as bar counters, tabletops, restaurant counters, and solid counters used in hospitals.
Whenever solid surface countertops are needed, the best manufacturing source is KKR Solid Surface Waterfall Countertops. The company offers high-quality solid surface countertops. These countertops come in the best solid materials which make them durable, long-lasting, and easy to maintain. Likewise, they come in the best designs and patterns which makes them stunning and applicable for aesthetic use.

Natural Stone: Marble, Granite, and Quartzite

Natural stones are materials used to fabricate countertops. These natural stones range from Marble, Granite, and Quartzite. Marble countertops are made from marble natural stone. It has a great surface good for baking, or other forms of cooking.
Yet, marble surface countertops are not wholly heat resistant. It is prohibited for users to place hot pans or pots directly on marble countertops. This makes solid surface countertops better because they are heat resistant.


Woods are versatile which is why they can be used for countertops. Wooden countertops are also attractive, especially when the wood is neatly polished or painted. Woods are also used to draft different patterns and designs for countertops, but how long can they last?
Wooden countertops are not as strong as solid surface countertops, because wood is not durable enough and they effortlessly lose quality. Wooden countertops mandate a lot of maintenance. It can be easily damaged by spills and excessive water. Again, not all kinds of wood are strong enough to sustain heavy use in a kitchen.
However, if wooden countertops are given enough maintenance, they can retain their aesthetics. They can also last for a period, but it is reasonable to use a better material with nominal maintenance.


A laminate is a material produced from layers of paper that are pressed together to gain tightness and to form a rigid and thin sheet to easily work with. These sheets are then glued to different materials or surfaces to create countertops.
Laminate countertops are known to be an inexpensive and low-maintenance kitchen countertop option. It can be built by a house owner and doesn’t require the services of a professional to install it. This accompanies the advantage that solid surface countertops also procure.
On the other hand, laminate countertops don’t have a long lifespan, they easily lose quality when compared to other materials. They are also resistant to burns and chipping which leads to delamination.
Furthermore, laminate countertops are vulnerable to heat damage, and they are not scratch-proof. Additionally, moisture easily escapes through its seams which causes delamination. All of these damages are not repairable when they occur.


Just like laminate countertops, concrete countertops are also inexpensive. Concrete is a composite material from cement and sharp sand, used to carve a counter that can be used in the kitchen for basic cooking. Concretes are durable and they last for decades if properly maintained.
In addition, concrete countertops are one of the oldest types of countertop styles. Concrete countertops provide endless design options. It is possible to customize the sheen and color of concrete countertops. Also, the shape of the counters can be carved out using concrete.
Unfortunately, concrete countertops are prone to stains and chipping. Also, these countertops are not scratch-proof because they leave marks when something is dragged on them. Concrete is also porous, which means it will absorb any spills. As a result, it causes bacteria growth if it is not properly sealed.

Benefits of Solid Surface Waterfall Countertops

There are innumerable benefits attached to a solid surface waterfall worktop. Here, these benefits would be discussed in detail, and reasons why solid surface countertops are the best would be made obvious. These benefits range from the aesthetic appearance, the countertops being non-porous, durability, variety in colors and designs, and so on.

Improve the Look with a Modern and Stylish Appeal

When comparing solid surface countertops with other countertop styles, it asserts a modern and stylish look. It features reflective finishes and high gloss materials that contribute to its stylish appeal and gives it an upscale and contemporary look. Traditional countertops like wooden countertops or laminate countertops can give relative stylish appeal, yet solid surface countertops stand out.
Wooden countertops can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, adding a touch of natural beauty to a space. They can be particularly well-suited for farmhouse-style kitchens, where their warm tones and unique grain patterns can contribute to a cozy ambiance. Laminate countertops, on the other hand, have evolved over the years, and modern laminate designs can mimic the appearance of natural stone or other materials, providing cost-effective options that can still be visually appealing.
In other words, solid surface countertops are used in standard kitchens like hotel kitchens, hospital kitchens, industrial kitchens, big home kitchens, and other classy kitchens. Using a concrete countertop, for instance, doesn’t appeal to a modern and stylish look. Thus, solid surface countertops are used because they have an aesthetic and luxurious appeal.

Seamless Integration in Waterfall Countertop Designs

Another remarkable benefit of solid surface countertops is the seamless integration in the design. When compared to other countertop styles, it is the only type that offers a link from one part to another and down. The surface can be customized to carry seamless integration designs, which makes the countertop more useful than other countertop styles.
In addition, the solid surface materials can be customized and put together to create a continuous flow. That is, the solid surface materials connect from every part of the countertop, from the top to the waterfall countertop edge, and the sides of the cabinet. As a result, it gives a visually cohesive and uninterrupted appearance.

Being Non-Porous: Resistant to Stains, Moisture, and Bacteria

Solid surface countertops are non-porous; they do not attract stains, moisture, or bacteria. When compared to other countertop styles, solid surface countertops are the best option against bacteria, moisture, and stains. The countertop is resistant to stains, stains can be effortlessly cleaned without any damage.
Likewise, solid surface waterproof and durable countertops are resistant to moisture, that is, moisture does not affect the countertop. For instance, after cooking, hot pots leave moisture on the countertop, but they cannot damage it due to their resistance. Some other countertop styles are not resistant to moisture and stains.
If a countertop is not taken care of properly, it attracts bacteria and this is injurious to kitchen hygiene. Since it doesn’t attract moisture and stains, bacteria can’t inhabit the countertop. Solid surface countertops can easily be wiped clean with soap and water.

Durable and Easy to Repair

When choosing any countertop style, durability is the first thing to look out for. This wouldn’t be a problem if solid surface countertops are installed in kitchens. This countertop design is known to be highly durable, and solid enough to sustain heavy use. In contrast to wooden countertops, they lack strength over time, but solid surface countertops maintain their strength.
Correspondingly, solid surface countertops are easy to repair. If the countertop encounters any dent, it can be overhauled easily. Most countertops cannot be repaired because it requires a complete reinstallation. Laminate countertops for instance when delaminated or burnt, only that part cannot be fixed. A new laminate countertop should be installed instead.

Various Optional Colours and Finishes

Amongst other benefits, solid surface countertops provide a choice of colors and finishes. Granite countertops for instance do not provide this choice, because granites are natural stones and countertops are designed from it. The granites are used the way they are without any form of modification or color change. Accordingly, solid surface countertops are available in various colors.
In addition, solid surface well-finished kitchen countertops are not restricted to a single finish. It comes with a variety of finished designs, which is not guaranteed in other countertop styles. Solid surface countertops drop vertically to the edge of a kitchen cabinet. It is designed together with the cabinet, unlike the separated versions that existed earlier.

Steps to Design and Install Waterfall Island Counters

Hitherto, waterfall counters have been discussed and the benefits that come with their application have been buttressed. Now, the steps to design and install a waterfall island counter would be highlighted and discussed.

Choose the Proper Material

There are countless countertop materials which include: solid surface materials, wood, laminate material, natural stone materials (marble and granite), concrete, and so on.
The first step is picking the best materials from those highlighted. Before choosing, durability should be considered, longevity should be considered, and its resistance to heat or stain should be confirmed. Does it attract moisture and bacteria? After these considerations, the best material should be selected.
As an illustration, laminate countertops are not known to be heat-resistant or moisture free and they easily lose quality. Which countertop style is proper? Which is the best? Solid surface materials are the best when durability, strength, and other factors are considered.

Measure the Dimensions of the Room

Before installation, the room should be measured to determine if it conforms. Accordingly, it is mandatory to measure the dimensions of the room. The length and width of the room should be measured diligently, to get accurate measurements before installing the counter. Failure to measure the dimensions of the room results in the wrong installation and the countertop will end up useless.

Contact Waterfall Countertop Manufacturer for Processing

After several contemplations on the proper design, the dimension of the room should be measured too. If this has been carried out successfully, the next thing to do is contact a solid surface countertop manufacturer for processing. Some manufacturers allow customizations. Customers can come up with their preferred design ideas and the manufacturer puts them into existence.
A good manufacturer has a variety of designs and colors and the customer picks the best ones. When the whole process is complete, the manufacturer processes the countertops, and they are supplied. In this case, it is necessary to reach a reliable manufacturer to make the whole process easy, fast, and convenient.

Carry Out the Installation

After completing the steps above, the next thing to do is proceed with the installation. It is not difficult to carry out the installation and it doesn’t require the assistance of a professional. The material can be cut via straight cuts, curved cuts, or mirror cuts.
To install the countertop, prepare the area and create enough space for the countertop. Then, all cuts should be completed diligently to get the appropriate shape and look. Glue sections together if the need arises. Lastly, move it back towards the wall and secure the countertop.

Customise Solid Surface Waterfall Countertops that Require Low Maintenance

KKR delivers the best customization service for solid-surface waterfall counters. The company offers miscellaneous customization alternatives to meet the unique requirements of different clients for solid-surface kitchen countertops. The customization options range from size and shape to color and finish.
The company offers high-quality solid surface countertops. These countertops come in the best solid materials which make them durable, long-lasting, and easy to maintain. KKR offers Stable Prices, Large Output, Stable quality, Fast Production Speed, and many other benefits.

One-Stop Customization

KKR offers excellent one-stop customization services to clients which enable clients to pick from a wide range of colors, patterns, and designs. The company delivers over 10 colors such as white, beige white, pearl grey, chip 1665 grey, black, and so on.
KKR has over 127 texture patterns for selection and the patterns are not only abundant, but 80% of them are KKR exclusive and difficult to copy.

Reasonable Delivery Time

Apart from customization, KKR offers reasonable delivery time because the company is not known to dawdle with delivery. When a purchase is made, KKR ensures it is delivered as soon as possible. The company processes delivery very fast.

Certificate-Guaranteed Quality

KKR has a certificate-guaranteed quality which affirms its authenticity and proves it to be the best source for solid surface countertops. KKR products have passed CE and SGS tests and satisfied numerous clients in bathroom, kitchen, furniture and finishing, and commercial application.


In a nutshell, choosing the best countertop style is not a herculean task. Selecting the proper countertop material is essential, and solid surface countertops pass the test. Solid surface countertops and other countertop styles have been compared, the benefits of solid surface countertops have been highlighted and a reliable manufacturer has been recommended.
KKR presents the best customization service for solid surface waterfall counters. The company offers various customization options to meet the unique requirements of different clients for solid-surface kitchen countertops.
The countertops come in high quality, durability, seamless integration, and a variety of designs, patterns, and colors. Hence, buyers can contact us and get a quote instantly.
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