When does school start in tampa


2008.02.29 12:06 Architecture

A community for students, professionals, and lovers of architecture.

2019.04.18 07:27 Comrox Life After School

Discuss life after college, high school, university, etc., such as the social, emotional, career, and overall lifestyle transition and challenges after graduation.

2009.07.25 20:50 viper565 antijokes

Jokes that aren’t jokes

2024.06.05 16:48 Numerous_Peace3802 always surrounded by people who speak negatively

I’m 22 and in uni now, have one more year left. I went to a pretty competitive high-achieving high school where getting a B grade was looked down on (I know, really toxic) and the terms ‘if I don’t get an A I will kill myself’ and ‘someone please off me now’ were used so casually that we all became numb to how awful these terms are. However, we were all teens and knew very little, and because we were all in one bubble we all knew that we didn’t mean it seriously. I stopped saying these awful terms because I took it very personally and as I’ve had genuine tendencies of the above I knew the detriment of euphemising this language.
I’ve been through a lot of mental health struggles since the age of 12 - a decade long of anorexia, depression, SH and OCD. I was in and out of mental health facilities for most of my teen years, so i grew distant from school friends, and lost the ability to form deep, honest connections with people. The only way I could connect with people is if we were in the same treatment program, which in those moments were helpful and helped me in my healing but for obvious reasons were not sustainable beyond hospital settings for all our sakes. We were very mindful of our language and conversations were from a place of love and helping each other to develop better inner monologues.
Now I’ve been 2 years out of treatment and I’m finding it really difficult to 1. Form meaningful friendships with people who haven’t struggled with my mental health conditions and 2. Not take it to heart when people say things like ‘i want to off myself because my workload is so much’ etc. I know about the effects of these kinds of things. When I brought it up to someone once and called them out to be a bit more mindful of saying these things I felt like I put a barrier in front of me and people started treating me as if they were treading eggshells or a ticking time bomb. I really don’t want to be seen in this way, but I also feel sad that I can’t tolerate this ‘normal’ language.
What do I do? How do I tell people gently to stop using this kind of language?
Sorry this is a bit disjointed, I just don’t have anyone to confide in in my day to day life about this and I can see it is bothering me a lot… so this is just like a brain dump.
Another thing: I just don’t know how to form meaningful connections with people. I spend hours upon hours wishing I had my ‘person’ who I can confide in, but I just don’t get the output I want. I deeply love, but I have never fully felt that back from anyone, so I just end up spending time alone. Does anyone else feel like this?
submitted by Numerous_Peace3802 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:45 Far_Force_3968 This Is The End

Im a 22y/o male, im not sure when I started to have suicidal thoughts but I can assume what’s led to this, my life has always been pretty rough. Growing up in poverty, being molested several times, ive been bullied in school, & mentally abused by my mother and father, I started to repair my relationship with my mom when I was in 11th grade and I started to have some hope that we’d be that mother son duo that I see in the world. But then she died in September of 2020 right after I graduated high school. I was very shy and smart in school, gpa 3.8 and had scholarships to go to college. Her death hit me so hard I passed on going, the only reason I kept going to high school was because of a conversation we had so I figured if she wasn’t here anymore what’s the point? I never really understood life, I’ve always been a sensitive man & it’s not nice out here for us. But I chose to keep going, I had this illusion that I had a purpose in life but now it’s slowly fading.. September 2023 I was diagnosed with HIV, I suppose you can say that’s when the thoughts started, I remember waking up and frantically crying because I came to the realization that I didn’t wanna live anymore. I’m not looking for sympathy, I just wanna share my story/ road to suicide as I’m sure many can relate. I called the suicide hotline, wasn’t as helpful as I’d hoped but it did get my mind off of swallowing all my HIV meds and downing a cup full of bleach. After that I didn’t really have any prominent thoughts to end my life. But then I got in a relationship. It started off well, but progressively got worse; he came into my life and I completely lost sight on who I wanted to be, I won’t say that’s his fault. I think it stemmed from the diagnosis making me so desperate for love that I was willing to change myself in order to feel accepted.( He does know about my diagnosis), Now let’s skip to now. We hit a rough patch, we’re not as affectionate as we used to be and honestly I feel lonely. My friends growing up they don’t have time to coddle the suicidal friend. My family is distant and I feel like I’m not close to anyone anymore. Granted I haven’t told anyone how I’m feeling besides now on this app because I’m at my breaking point. I’m too pussy to kill myself so I go to work hoping something bad happens to me or I smoke vapes , drink alcohol with my medicine to speed up the process of death. But today I woke up feeling like I might’ve mustered up the courage to do it and thats what scares me. That’s why I’m making this post, but I set the day. The Fourth of July, Independence Day. That will be the day of my death. The day everyone will be so busy they’d forget about me, the perfect day to die , jumping off the Grand Rapids bridge while the fireworks blind those who may have tried to stop me other wise. I hope that you guys find hope and achieve something before you get to this point. I fear it’s too late for me. Goodbye.
submitted by Far_Force_3968 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:26 nodvdhjdj AITA for kind of taking advantage of my friend when he was really drunk. And what do I say to him.

Hello, I’m a 18 year old guy and basically I am gay. I came out to my family and friends when I was 15 and they while my family was supportive my friends were not. They never actually said anything that bad to me just stoped inviting me out and kinda just ignored me at school so I basically had no friends for like two years until I left for sixth form. I started sixth form in 2022 and made decided to not tell anybody that I was gay. It’s pretty easy to hide bc I’m pretty masculine looking and unless I tell you, no one would know. Anyway I made friend with this group of guys and girls and they are pretty nice. There is this one guy in particular who has always been really cool to me since I started and obviously that means that I developed a little crush on him even tho I was pretty certain he was straight so I would never tell him and that was fine with me and was working as became closer to lots of people in the group especially this guy (let’s call him A). In the past couple years me and A really got close, his family is not the best so most nights he crashes at various friends houses including me. Anyway where my problem comes in started a few weeks ago. There was this pub crawl that basically everyone in my year went to celebrate the last night of freedom before we went on study leave for our a-levels and during this A got pretty pissed a long with this other guy and girl that we know. I found all three of them in the men’s bathroom either lying on the floor of throwing up which was really fun to deal with. Anyway me and this other guy helped them up and I offered to drive them back to my parents and put them in my guest rooms bc I only have like two not that strong drinks and was feeling fine. So I got home and carried them in one by one as there where sleeping in the car. I put the girl in one guest room by herself one guy in a guest room by himself and then put A in my bed. Ok so what I did may not have been that great and I discussed this with my sisters and they said I am definitely a bad person for this bc A was lying in my bed completely knocked out so I really quickly gave him a kiss on his lips while he was sleeping. I wasn’t going to go any further I’m not crazy I just thought I could give him a quick kiss. Anyway he woke up a little and kinda leaned into it so I thought he maybe was down. So I started like groping under his shirt (sorry for being a little graphic) anyway this lasted for like 10 minutes I think before he pulled away rolled over and went to sleep so I went to sleep on the sofa.
Next morning all four of us woke up and got breakfast like normal and A was acting completely normal and everything was ok. But when I texted him he left me on read and as we are on study leave I didn’t see him for like a week and when he texted me he was like “I’m focussing on school I have revision etc etc” which in all honesty is not even unlike him bc he does do well in school and these are a-levels so idk. Anyway things where really weird so I texted him recently saying “are you ok why are ignoring me” something along those lines and after we kind of danced around the topic and argued a little he said something along the lines of “next time u kiss someone ask first” to which I apologised to and he said ok and we haven’t spoken since. Until this morning he texted me and asked me if he could come over on Friday so obviously I said yes.
What I’m asking is how can I like spin this to keep him from finding out I’m gay and I like him and how do I make it seem that I’m not such a complete ass for basically assaulting him when he was drunk bc I admit if he didn’t stop me I would have gone further and also am I a really bad person for wanting to have sex w him and doing that when I know bc he was in that state he would have said yes to anything (my sisters say I am a massive dick and there the only ppl I have told) and I think I am a complete asshole bc even tho he seemed to like it I defo took advantage and that was wrong and I have apologised but what else do I do.
submitted by nodvdhjdj to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:25 nodvdhjdj AITA for kind of taking advantage of my friend when he was really drunk. And what do I say to him.

Hello, I’m a 18 year old guy and basically I am gay. I came out to my family and friends when I was 15 and they while my family was supportive my friends were not. They never actually said anything that bad to me just stoped inviting me out and kinda just ignored me at school so I basically had no friends for like two years until I left for sixth form. I started sixth form in 2022 and made decided to not tell anybody that I was gay. It’s pretty easy to hide bc I’m pretty masculine looking and unless I tell you, no one would know. Anyway I made friend with this group of guys and girls and they are pretty nice. There is this one guy in particular who has always been really cool to me since I started and obviously that means that I developed a little crush on him even tho I was pretty certain he was straight so I would never tell him and that was fine with me and was working as became closer to lots of people in the group especially this guy (let’s call him A). In the past couple years me and A really got close, his family is not the best so most nights he crashes at various friends houses including me. Anyway where my problem comes in started a few weeks ago. There was this pub crawl that basically everyone in my year went to celebrate the last night of freedom before we went on study leave for our a-levels and during this A got pretty pissed a long with this other guy and girl that we know. I found all three of them in the men’s bathroom either lying on the floor of throwing up which was really fun to deal with. Anyway me and this other guy helped them up and I offered to drive them back to my parents and put them in my guest rooms bc I only have like two not that strong drinks and was feeling fine. So I got home and carried them in one by one as there where sleeping in the car. I put the girl in one guest room by herself one guy in a guest room by himself and then put A in my bed. Ok so what I did may not have been that great and I discussed this with my sisters and they said I am definitely a bad person for this bc A was lying in my bed completely knocked out so I really quickly gave him a kiss on his lips while he was sleeping. I wasn’t going to go any further I’m not crazy I just thought I could give him a quick kiss. Anyway he woke up a little and kinda leaned into it so I thought he maybe was down. So I started like groping under his shirt (sorry for being a little graphic) anyway this lasted for like 10 minutes I think before he pulled away rolled over and went to sleep so I went to sleep on the sofa.
Next morning all four of us woke up and got breakfast like normal and A was acting completely normal and everything was ok. But when I texted him he left me on read and as we are on study leave I didn’t see him for like a week and when he texted me he was like “I’m focussing on school I have revision etc etc” which in all honesty is not even unlike him bc he does do well in school and these are a-levels so idk. Anyway things where really weird so I texted him recently saying “are you ok why are ignoring me” something along those lines and after we kind of danced around the topic and argued a little he said something along the lines of “next time u kiss someone ask first” to which I apologised to and he said ok and we haven’t spoken since. Until this morning he texted me and asked me if he could come over on Friday so obviously I said yes.
What I’m asking is how can I like spin this to keep him from finding out I’m gay and I like him and how do I make it seem that I’m not such a complete ass for basically assaulting him when he was drunk bc I admit if he didn’t stop me I would have gone further and also am I a really bad person for wanting to have sex w him and doing that when I know bc he was in that state he would have said yes to anything (my sisters say I am a massive dick and there the only ppl I have told) and I think I am a complete asshole bc even tho he seemed to like it I defo took advantage and that was wrong and I have apologised but what else do I do.
submitted by nodvdhjdj to whatdoIdo [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:25 Scary_Extension_4989 Alpha: flawed, disappointing, and straight-up bad

Initial Experience
So, I was completely thrilled when this product got announced. I’d previously purchased an Alphawrite Neo 2 about 5 years back, and thought it was absolutely incredible – until the back-up battery failed at the same time the main batteries died, and I lost a good chunk of really great work.
The Alpha felt like the answer to my prayers: no more elaborate than the Neo, but with wifi and instant back-up! Internal rechargeable battery! Sweet! Say no more.
First few hours with it were wonderful. I actually think the overall feel and form factor are solid to good. I started churning out some very strong, focused writing sessions.
And then: I switched to a different wifi network. The device froze. Rebooted. Turned back on having completed a factory reset.
All my work was gone. Backups were blank documents.
Troubleshooting, Further Issues
Losing a big chunk of writing was pretty painful, since that was the main reason I was excited about the device. After nosing around, I realized I hadn’t updated the firmware (or that it hadn't updated itself). Okay, putting aside that that's still a pretty egregious bug to launch with, maybe that one was on me. So I tried to manually update:
The Alpha simply would not do it. No matter what. Different wifi, different times of day. Could not find the new firmware – let alone that in theory it should have been doing this automatically.
Eventually I decided to factory reset manually, and after that I was eventually able to update to the latest firmware. I also later found a comment somewhere on this subreddit where one of the founders advised that this process might be necessary. Okay? If this is a known issue, document it on the official website, not buried in some obscure reddit comments section.
Okay, finally off to the races! Smooth sailing from here!
Yet More Problems!
Except (bullet-pointing to save time and wrap this ramble up):
In Summary
Overall, unbelievably disappointed. This isn’t just an unimpressive product – as it is, it’s straight up dysfunctional. Cryptic assurance from the creators that it’s “just a firmware issue” when the firmware updates are (1) slow and (2) not resolving many of the issues does not inspire any confidence in the future of the product either. It really, really feels like there are some legitimate hardware issues that aren’t going to be patched out. And if not: what are the specs? Let us peek under the hood and evaluate for ourselves!
Fortunately, I’m still in the return window. Just posting this here for future folks who are considering buying this thing: approach with, at the very least, a hell of a lot of caution.
submitted by Scary_Extension_4989 to Astrohaus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:24 Periodiclark759 The Premonition of My Future [CW: Mention of Rape]

I am (M) (17). This is not for attention, self-gain, or anything for myself, I am simply making this a public record so that if these things do come to pass, then I can say I saw it coming! I will update this article in the future with appropriate references if these things do in fact come true, up to a certain point (But by that time I won't have access to this!). I believe the order that these dreams/premonitions come in is in fact chronological the way I list them. [Be Advised: Mention of Rape, Violence, etc.]
I will try to answer any questions regarding this article in the comments.
The First Dream / Premonition (Section 1)
(This section of dream isn't really provable) In the first dream, I am in college at [The State I live in] State, and I meet this group of people at a church because I heard there was a gaming club meeting going on. The group consisted of 3 guys and 1 girl. I became friends with all of them, and months later, she asks me out by saying the whole group was going to hang out, but she never told anyone else to come to get me alone. I specifically remember there being really nice green grass and trees and that we took a nice walk. I then agree to date her on the condition we don't have sex. (I'm Christian, for reference)
As college life goes on, we become closer and closer. Towards the end of my college experience, she asks me to marry her, I say yes, but a little later I ask for a prenup and she really fights it. Now, I can't remember if she concedes or I do, but we definitely elope, and do not have a wedding. All this is because she only wants to marry me so she can have sex with me, and the marriage lasts a solid week at most, three days at least.
The First Dream / Premonition (Section 2)
Now during this same time in college, I write a paper for my English Professor that is three pages long instead of the required two, the assignment is to write a story I believe. Anyhow, he beckons me to his office where he says this is one of the greatest paper's he has read, and that my story could be made into a book. So that's exactly what I do, and I write a full book in my free time and publish it, then I become semi-successful and make a little bit of money.
But I guess it was successful enough that after about 4-5 months later, a movie producer wants to pick it up and make a movie out of it. They contact me about it by email specifically, but I make the mistake of saying yes without asking for terms, so they essentially take my book for free. So, I make a video on YouTube about the dangers of just agreeing to things and getting scammed and mention my own story. After I post that, they contact me again and apologize and ask if we can meet in person to discuss terms, I say as long as I bring my lawyer it will be okay. Once everything gets settled out, I end up with a certain percentage of all profits made by the movie, and even get to direct some important scenes. The movie doesn't really do too well.
Book - [Insert Book Reference Here]
Movie - [Insert Movie Reference Here]
The Second Dream / Premonition (Section 1)
In this second dream, after I get divorced, I go on a dating app, Bumble I think, I remember it being yellow, to find someone to date. I find someone, and after a couple of dates she invites me to her place for dinner, and as we are eating, she either drugs the wine or the food, or both. Of course I don't notice it. I try to leave but she convinces me to stay. Then I attempt to use her couch to sleep, but she refuses and says we can sleep on her bed but with our clothes on. I think you all know where this is going.
Then things get out of control, really fast, because she tries to make a move, but I refuse to do anything and try to leave. She then has to inject me with some drug 3 times to get me to stop putting up a physical fight and get me in a state where I am still conscious and can still have sex with me. She may bind me up with a belt, but it might just be my own belt getting in the way. I think she does tie me to the bed somewhere along the line to get me to stay.
During the night, I get a visit from my sleep paralysis demon, whom I have to just sit through. The odd thing about this encounter is that he looks like what a demon would look like, if that makes sense. The whole time I'm just there, and he mocks me and speaks evil things, essentially telling me I'll never get better from ... things I won't mention here. After that, I somehow get out of bed in the morning, bindings and all, and out of her apartment as fast as I can without waking her up, but I hesitate to call the police as I was confused by love.
She then walks down to my car, and I let her in. We talk for a bit, and then I decide to just take her to the police station, but she then pulls out a gun and says we are going to the forest so she can shoot me there. As I start driving, we eventually come up on a church, I then ask if I can make peace with God before I die, she lets me, holding me at gunpoint all the while. I make peace and know what I have to do. Once we get back in the car and on the road, I just go to the police station. Somehow, I distract her and ask a policeman coming out of the building to come over to the car. (The policeman is white and male, he also has a bodycam)
Once he comes over to the car, I roll the window slightly and yell, "Duck, she's got a gun!" And she then tries to shoot him, but luckily, he dodges it and hides behind the door of a nearby vehicle. During this standoff moment, she shoots me, in such a specific way that it goes through my shoulder and takes a chunk out of my ear. I may have tried to grab the gun from her hands. After that escapade, she tries to manipulate me not to press charges or drag her to court, but my logical side does come out here and I do the right thing. She will go to jail for an amount of time not specified by my dream.
Bodycam - [Insert Bodycam Here]
Article - [Insert Article Here]
The Second Dream / Premonition (Section 2)
In this half of my dream, I get invited on this talk show of sorts, it is a Youtuber with ~50,000,000 subscribers. The only reason I was invited on was because I was raped. During the conversation, we eventually stumble upon something that causes me to get progressively angrier with everything that this host says, and there is a heater above my head, causing me to sweat profusely.
Now about the host, he is a white, male Youtuber, and his content is mostly livestreams where people would usually talk about issues or themselves, but it pretty much always devolves into anger and sometimes shouting. An "Alpha Male" Youtuber. I also remember lots of red. Back to the dream.
At this point, I ask the man if I can take a short break from the conversation after he asks me a couple of tough questions, he obliges to this. In my chair, I pray for like a solid 45 seconds - 1 minute, and I then respond with the most faithful and confident responses I've ever heard myself speak. I respond so well in fact, that he feels like I've embarrassed him and refuses to speak to me for the duration of the show. When it gets over, he loses about 2-20 million subscribers (Short range I know!). Because of this, he tries to sue me, but either drops the case or loses, but regardless fails because I was completely in the right the whole time.
After this whole ordeal, I do two livestreams of just me answering questions as a normal guy, and it gets some good traction, but I never return to the YouTube Scene.
YouTuber's Show (If not taken down by host) - [Insert YouTuber's Show Here]
My Livestreams - [Insert My Livestreams Here]
The Third Dream / Premonition
(This section of dream isn't really provable either) Here in this dream, the summer after college ends for me, I set up a reunion for everyone in my high school class, during either late June or early July. During that reunion many things happen; I see my first Ex and I think I let her current boyfriend know my full experience (This will result in a legal altercation afterword when he breaks up with her, I win by the way); Someone shows up uninvited; And most importantly, I ask a girl that was in my class there to go on a date with me. Bear in mind, this is a girl with which I would not even consider going out with right now. In fact, I only consider her my friend, really the only thing we have in common is that we are both Christian. Her name is ******* [Movie Released in 2021].
After some months of dating, maybe just a single month of dating, I propose to her and give her a long time to decide, she doesn't decide immediately, later she talks to me because she wants to be a fully-fledged dentist and focus on her career, but I swallow my pride and my career ambitions and say I'll be a stay-at-home husband. We get married, and certain things happen that I wouldn't share then, so I won't share now, and after some time we have children, either twin girls or a twin girl and a twin boy, but not twin boys.
Final Thoughts
Now, there is more that I will add later when I have time, and it would have some very ... dark ... visions of the future if they are true, but I cannot post everything that I may have seen here because if I do, it may very well result in me being in danger in the future, like way in the future. Have a great day everyone!
submitted by Periodiclark759 to Premonition [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:20 Vast_Ad_7757 Does my crush like me back?

So i have a crush on a guy at my school, we don’t talk and he’s also in a different grade. He does hangout with people who are ex classmates or classmates of mine. My crush has been staring at me for months. Sometimes he breaks eyecontact, most of the times i break eye contact bc i’m shy. I’ve also noticed that when i pass him in the hallways his body is turned towards me and he stands/walks next to me. One time he stood really close to me at a traffic light, but he didn’t look or talked to me. My sister caught him smiling at me when i passed him one time. Another time his friend group told him to make a move on a girl, and all of them were staring at me while passing me. Sometimes he acts as if he didn’t see me. For the past few months my feelings for him became stronger, last week he was looking at me up and down. He also becomes smiley when i’m near him. But doesn’t really smile when i look at him. I’ve also caught him staring at me when he was talking to girls. But for the past 2 days he has been ignoring me, he doesn’t look at me anymore. some of his friends still look at me though. I really like him, and i was wondering if he does like me back or if i should move on. I want to start talking to him, when he’s at his work for an example. But i just can’t really tell if he actually likes me.
submitted by Vast_Ad_7757 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:14 daniel446 My sincere thoughts on Ayanokoji life as a student of Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School.

Getting to a conclusion based only on Ayanokoji thoughts we would inevitably think that he is some evil person that cares about no one and uses people and any means needed to accomplish his goals (maybe he is), but lets think a little bit deeper about this highly complex and paradoxical character.
Here is a quote from Niccolo Machiavelli
The end justifies the means.
Here he wants to say that if your goal is good, any means you choose to get there is justifiable, even if it looks evil, in the end you have good intentions.
There's no need for anyone to point that this way of thinking is very disturbing and has the potential to lead to the worst in human nature. Indeed probably many genocides throughout history had started with similar line of thinking.
We then get to the conclusion that the end doesn't justify the means.
But when we are talking about Ayanokoji, he makes a mess with this all. We could think that he would agree with Machiavelli, but by analyzing his actions and more importantly, his results, I needed to ask myself: does the means justify the ends?
Ok this doesn't make so much sense, so let's rephrase it a little: If I have a selfish goal, but my actions to get there benefits people, does it makes my goal altruistic? Does it makes me a good person?
Ayanokoji doings has helped and is still helping a great number of people in a very intense way. He is changing people lives, he is making people mentally and emotionally stronger and mature. This is very interesting because he shows almost no emotions, he shows to care not even a little bit about people, but he is doing more good to people than anyone in that school and almost anyone that I know in real life. He breaks people in the right time, but then helps them reborn better and stronger. He thinks about his classmates and he understands them. I risk saying that he probably helped people in a more meaningful ways than the angel Ichinose.
For me the most reliable way to analyze someone's life is by taking a look on his results, and doing so I can say that Ayanokoji is a good person, better than me and most of the people I know.
If you, like me, thinks that Ayanokoji is a very interesting character and wants to learn from him this is what I say to you:
Even tho he is a super human that lacks only in presence, this are things that we all can learn and do. And this are the characteristics that differentiates Ayanokoji Kiyotaka from that man, his father. You don't need to be altruistic to help people, you just need to be a smart selfish weirdo like Kiyotaka.
Post scripts: (got the reference?) Thank you for reading, let me see what you think about this. I just finished reading the light novel volume 8 of 2º year and wanted to share my thoughts with someone.
submitted by daniel446 to ClassroomOfTheElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:09 stressywessy what's it like as a woman in uwaterloo? do u feel safe and have u had any unsavoury experiences?

hi! so im considering studying in uwaterloo, and id like to just ask whats ur experience like as a woman in uwaterloo.
is it difficult to make lasting friendships (be it w men, women or anyone of any other gender?) and do u feel safe on campus accommodations, or in school in general? or even during ur coops? would u choose waterloo again if u had another decent (and similar choice)? or is the only reason why ur in waterloo is for the coop, and if it werent for the coop, waterloo wouldnt be worth it?
(im honeslty most worried about this)>
Sexual assault joining a club and uwaterloo not doing anything about it, https://www.reddit.com/uwaterloo/comments/1d78ocy/if_youre_joining_a_club_please_be_careful_tw/
& if u read that thread its not just that club + other women were raped on campus
generally how careful are u when befriending men in uwaterloo? is it easy to spot the misogynists etc, or do u usually end up geting close to them, and only when their drunk or close to u, they start revealing themselves? like ive read & heard about so many stories about the misogyny among a lot of the students in uwaterloo, but im not sure how bad it really is?
i ofc know that not all men at uwaterloo fall in this category, but overall, are there enough misogynists to make u feel uncomfy, or is thaat just blown outta proportion?
also, i selected campus accoms as my first choice (altho ngl im kinda regretting not selecting a residential college). how's the social life there, and do u feel safe there? i'll most prob end up in either V1 or REV.
i got another offer from another decent uni, but it's in vancouver and im unable to secure housing so im gonna have to commute which would affect my social life a lot. ultimately i do want a fun uni & social experience, but also a safe one. living in a college town would be kinda cool, but i also dont want to have to be super paranoid all the time. and i definitely want to join all the hobby clubs i wanna join to meet likeminded people.
here are some other posts ive read that are kinda scaring me into going to waterloo:
apparently there's q a lot of misogynists? or is that just reddit blowing this up? look at the last image.
some of these stories are kinda scary ngl https://www.reddit.com/uwaterloo/comments/bdalxj/women_of_ruwaterloo_what_are_your_campus_askout/
sexual harrassment in coop and waterloo didnt do anything
men overstepping boundaries in union college and not getting any repercussions because 'boys are boys'
this kinda sucks:
i've also watched some YT videos, and again, the topic of misogyny was kinda brought up again (but more casually, eg the YTber staying in the dorm mentioned that in her floor she could hear a lot of her hosuemates shouting misogynistic or homophobic things to one another.)
on that note, if i were to still choose uwaterloo, do u have any recs on more women-friendly clubs i can join to meet people?
submitted by stressywessy to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:03 au_fait_bromate Insects Create Disgusting Smell, Unsure What Bacteria

A quick backstory:
As a child in the southern US, we had paper wasp colonies around our property during the fall. My family and I went on vacation during this time, and upon returning, found about 30 wasps in my upstairs room due to a small hole in the window. I killed said wasps with some sort of spray, I cannot recall what, and being a young boy, I decided to put them in a few plastic water bottles with some water.
Some time passed, and I realized a noxious odor coming from said bottles. They was extremely rigid, with whatever was in it causing immense pressurization. I twisted the cap of one to take it off, the cap popping upward due to the pressure, and the most foul smell I have ever smelt in my life washed over me. I was upstairs, yet within half a minute my father downstairs was calling to me asking, "OP, do you smell that? WTF is going on??" We ended up having to open all the windows and vacating the house for a few hours.
I brought one bottle to school to show a friend of mine how horrid of a smell I had concocted, and I stupidly decided to open one up in the bathroom to let him bear witness. My friend almost immediately started dry heaving and rushed out of the bathroom. I threw the bottle into a trashcan and raced after him. We both left to class on the other side of the school, thinking nothing of it. After class, we walked back towards said bathroom, as our lockers were located nearby, and started smelling the atrocious odor a few hallways before. We were greeted to two hallways around the bathroom being closed off and personnel that appeared to be plumbers entering and exiting the bathroom with tools. This went on for the rest of the day, with us finding out that much of the bathroom was dismantled to try and detect a leak of some kind.
What could have caused such a foul odor? When I say it was foul, I mean it was the most foul thing I could imagine to smell. I work in healthcare and am fully aware of the many terrible smells that come with, such as GI bleeds, rotting flesh, c-diff, regular old poop, etc, and none of them hold a candle to what I created in high school. I have sealed many things in a bottle to try and recreate such an abomination, but so far none come close. I have tried eggs, meat, whey protein, lard, potatoes, numerous things. I bought 30 crickets from a pet store, thinking they're an insect same as the wasp, so maybe it would work, but nothing came of it, not even pressurization of the bottle. The closest I got was mixing whey protein with an egg and a bit of feces (gross, I know, but the thinking was maybe the intestinal bacteria have something to do with it). This was rank, no doubt, but was not the "We need to GTFO of here as fast as humanly possible" rank. I have searched if buying paper wasps is an option, but thus far have found no luck.
With all that being said, does anyone have any insight as to what in my original formulation could have caused such a smell? From the research I’ve done on this subreddit, the bacteria that seems to match the profile the most is the anaerobic is C. perfringens, but I’m unsure of how to get this culture to a bottle. Thank you in advance.
Edit: now that I’m thinking about it, I believe I made a couple bottles from local grasshoppers and they seemed to “work” just as well, which is strange considering the crickets I bought produced nothing.
submitted by au_fait_bromate to microbiology [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:00 LeoLittlebook6 The mermaid diet: cheap, low-calorie longevity

The mermaid diet: cheap, low-calorie longevity
For a version with navigable table of contents, see here.


Japanese women live the longest; traditional "ama" divers catch crustaceans by hand.
This inspired my chicken soup of the sea: rice, shrimp and mackerel.
Can you guess which causes the longevity?
Overcooking destroys micronutrients


Ama (海女, "sea women") are Japanese divers famous for collecting pearls, though traditionally their main catch is seafood.[1] The vast majority of ama are women. – Ama (diving) Wikipedia)
An optimal diet should imitate the diet of the world's longest-lived people: Japanese women. What sets Japan apart from runners-up such as South Korea is high shrimp consumption.
Longevity is sexy:
I cut the seafood-rice diet down to the absolute minimum:
An elimination diet, also known as exclusion diet, is a diagnostic procedure used to identify foods that an individual cannot consume without adverse effects. – Elimination diet Wikipedia
An optimal elimination diet follows the pattern of recovering from an upset stomach:
  1. For fluid, drink hot water with a pinch of sea salt "tea".
  2. For fuel, start with white rice congee. After #4 add brown rice, pre-soaked.
  3. For fresh, have 50g frozen sea meat (shrimp) per day. The rest can be canned.
  4. For fat, have 200g saltwater fish (mackerel) per day. Watch the mercury.
This is like a healthier version of chicken soup: Both are high in methionine, salt and rice.
Methionine stops hunger. Eating less extends lifespan dramatically:
The exact manner by which calories are reduced changes across studies, but the animals’ calorie intakes are generally reduced by as much as half their normal levels. Depending on the species, the most promising results have shown lifespan extensions between 50 and 300%. – Can Calorie Restriction Extend Your Lifespan? Harvard
This diet can probably cut your calorie intake in half without trying, and your food budget as well.
A strong baseline makes it easy to detect harmful foods. You can thrive on #1-4, but why limit yourself? Establish a performance baseline, then introduce a new ingredient.


When I was a young man, I regarded cooking as a chore and simply wanted to eat healthy to gain muscle without wasting time. As a result, I ate a lot of Campbell's Chunky Soup and crackers. Not great for my sodium intake.
I sympathize with those who insist that a "minimum viable diet" should mean something simple and repeatable such as beef, potatoes and greens. Sounds great! If you're looking for lazy cooking, just learn some simple pressure cooker recipes. It does get more complicated than "throw tasty things in pot".
I might've continued as a culinary barbarian, had I not made some bad life choices, chief among which was taking a light course of Accutane, which is proven to cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease by aging epithelial stem cells. This caused my gut lining to gradually age, until I must now eat mush like an old man.
The struggle to find foods that didn't incapacitate me lead me to elimination diets and a journey into true minimalism, the meaning of which I hadn't appreciated before: not minimum cooking effort, but minimum digestive difficulty.
My eventual solution happened to align with the diet of the longest-lived people in the world – the Japanese. (Well, the women are longest-lived. The men work and drink themselves to death.) Apparently, the secret to their longevity is eating a lot of shrimp and rice. White rice is considered hypoallergenic, and shrimp induces satiety via methionine, permitting calorie restriction.
Doctors have been unable to label my condition with any specific diagnosis, despite extensive tests and endoscopy. So I believe my solution is generalizable to those without specific problems, who nonetheless find themselves plagued with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
The less energy the gut must spend on digestion, the more energy the brain has to focus productively. Ancestral hunter gatherers could afford to lie around after a big meal; office workers not so much.
Even healthy people may be interested in the productivity benefits of easy digestion. Soylent is popular for this reason. The mermaid diet is healthier, easier to digest, and much cheaper.
Soylent costs about $225 per month. In a typical day I eat:
  • for fuel, 6 handfuls of unenriched rice = 43g * 6 = 260g = 338 calories = .75 USD
  • for fresh, handful of frozen organic shrimp = 52g = 52 calories = 7.70 RMB = 1.06 USD
  • for fat, 200g canned mackerel = 312 calories = 6.5 RMB = .9 USD
  • total calories = 702 per day
  • $total = 2.71 USD daily * 30.4 days = $82 per month
I'm sedentary right now (computer); with exercise it would be higher. If I were lifting, I'd maybe double the fish and shrimp; it's hard to increase the rice. That'd add another $25-50 to the monthly budget.
Thus Soylent costs about 2-3x more than the mermaid diet. It's tastier too.
Most people don't want to eat minimally, and that's fine. However, those who hate cooking can keep the minimal ingredients at home, then indulge at restaurants.

Fluid, Fuel, Fresh and Fat


Humans are omnivores. Thus a proper minimal diet will consume both plants and animals. Among mammals, even herbivores are usually opportunistic carnivores. Compensating for pure vegetarianism or carnivory complicates things considerably, as icebound Eskimos and smooth-brained koala vegans demonstrate.
Given omnivory, a minimal diet has three major requirements:
  1. Fuel: either eat enough carbs and fat, or burn your own fat.
  2. Fresh: for volatile water-soluble vitamins and animal protein.
  3. Fat: for fat-soluble vitamins and well-being.
These are listed in order of priority.

1 Fluid

The Romans paid legionnaires in sea salt, leading to the expression, "Worth his salt". Without sea salt, humans develop goiters.
During a severe IBS episode, you often stop eating. That is fine, humans can fast for weeks. Just drink sea salt "tea" until your gut calms.
This staves off dehydration, but gets quite hungry. When ready to rise and cook, proceed to the next step. Until then, have a toothpick and relax.

2 Fuel

The first step of recovery is to have some bland white rice congee. It is usually the easiest thing to digest. (If not, try soaking or pick another grain.) Starch fuel prevents starvation, conserving body fat on skinny chronic IBS sufferers. You need enough calories to stay active.
Put a 1-2 handfuls of rice and generous water into the pressure cooker, then cook until congee.
Plain white rice does get boring. So alternate white with brown rice. Brown rice has insoluble fiber, which is hardest to digest. So start with just a pinch of brown rice in white, which will change the flavor of the pot enough to fool your brain. If you can tolerate insoluble fiber, then increase the ratio. Gas is a key sign you can't.
If you're constipated, increase the ratio of brown rice. Fiber keeps you regular.

3 Fresh

The next step is to consume healthy fresh meat. The healthiest sea meat is shrimp. Just a handful will induce satiety via methionine. Briefly autoheat them in the pressure cooker until they curl into a c-shape, not o. This is safe, because saltwater shrimp parasites can't transfer to freshwater hosts. Eat the shrimp before cooling, and save the broth for the next rice pot.
Wild meat is healthier than farmed, and saltwater is healthier than terrestrial. Humans are primarily a littoral species, even today. Our hairlessness is an aquatic adaptation (hippos, elephants); chimps can't swim.
Water-soluble vitamins are present in all living plants and animals, but they degrade quickly. "Fresh" here just means the vitamins haven't degraded yet. The practical way to get "fresh" meat to your table is to freeze it. All but gourmet seafood is frozen; this doesn't hurt the vitamin content.
The vitamins in fresh meat are much more bioavailable than those in plants. Attempts to cure scurvy with lemons and limes failed, whereas eating fresh meat succeeded. If you want to play it safe, eat some fresh shellfish in addition to the shrimp.
You can survive on just shrimp and white rice for quite a while, possibly indefinitely. It's a thin existence, in more ways than one, but doable, as I've done it. Great way to lose weight. Difficult to get enough calories due to the methionine, so expect to be sedentary.
But you shouldn't! Once your gut stabilizes for a day or two, just eat your fat. Nobody wants to live like that, and there's no benefit.

4 Fat

Fat is the second hardest to digest, but the most rewarding. It's what puts a smile on your face and heat in your extremities. Fat soluble vitamins degrade slowly, so canned food is fine. Mackerel is incredibly cheap and delicious. At 13% fat, it is sufficient but not overwhelming to weak guts. The bones are easy to eat around. Save the broth for the next rice pot.
Watch the toxin accumulation. Maximum is 200g mackerel per day, due to arsenic. Try alternating with other fish, such as tuna and sardines.
If you have fat malabsorption, try putting cholestyramine powder in the rice pot preceding the fatty meal, and look into UDCA. Eating fat is essential to enjoy life. Hence the expression, "Fat and happy."

5 Free

Congratulations, you've completed the mermaid diet! Now you can add whatever works for you.
Having a strong baseline means it's easy to tell when something makes you feel worse. Similarly, being malnourished makes it easy to tell when you eat something that was previously missing. Malnourishment is not a pleasant baseline, so I recommend the former!
For your first trial, I suggest seaweed sheets. They add a crunch to the mush. Then try soaking a handful of mixed tree nuts overnight in the cold pot. That should solve the snacking urge.
I'm sure you're eager to get to the steak and potatoes. The Weston Price Foundation has many more great ideas for healthy indulgence.



  1. handful of unenriched white rice, pressure cooked to congee, eaten before cooling to avoid resistant starch
  2. clean pot and dish
  3. 200g of wild-caught organic canned fish (no additives)
  4. in leftover broth, pressure cook longer a handful of white rice with pinch of organic tricolor brown rice (to fool blandness perception)
  5. clean pot and dish

Between meals:

  • toothpick
  • pinch of sea salt in hot water


  1. handful of unenriched white rice, pressure cooked to congee, eaten before cooling to avoid resistant starch
  2. clean pot and dish
  3. handful of wild-caught saltwater shelled shrimp (no additives) auto-heated to c-shape, not o-shape (that's overdone)
  4. in leftover broth, pressure cook longer a handful of white rice with pinch of organic tricolor brown rice (to fool blandness perception)
  5. clean pot and dish
The shrimp induces satiety for intermittent fasting.


Cutting and cheating

Cut gradually, discarding in order of least healthy, until you reach the minimal diet.
If you cheat and find it difficult to go back, binging until sick can convince your body that a bland diet is the better option. Tim Ferriss uses cheat days for this purpose.



Why not just use olive oil
Fat is harder to digest and carries fat-soluble toxins. Concentrated plant fats were not part of the ancestral diet. By contrast, storing carbs for winter is something even squirrels do. Acorns are half starch.


  1. Fish
    • canned tuna is lean with elevated mercury (max 3/week)
    • sardines, mackerel and salmon have low mercury (max 1/day)
    • avoid additives such as oil, salt etc.



Japan has the highest life expectancy of any country that's not a rich city state. This despite a culture of overwork and drinking that shortens male life expectancy by 6 years (in the top 10, only French men are slightly worse). Jap women live 1 year longer than Korean women, by far the largest gap in the top 10. That is total domination.
The Japanese secret, I contend, is a diet heavy in rice, seaweed, fish and shrimp:
The Highest Shrimp-Consuming Country in the World: Japan Jala.tech
Japan is only #13 in seafood consumption per capita. Other rice-based countries such as South Korea eat more. What sets Japan apart is shrimp, a low-toxin, low-fat superfood.
Is Shrimp Healthy? Nutrition, Calories, and More HealthLine



Or just eat beef? Way simpler and very few people are allergic to it. On the overeating part, you won’t over eat beef as long as you eat the right fat/protein ratios. Fat makes you full more than protein.
Yes, I ate beef for years until it stopped working for me. It was always an inferior solution.
  • fresh: Beef requires organ meat to prevent vitamin deficiency.
  • fat: Grain-fed CAFO beef fat is noticeably unhealthy and inferior to grass fed, which is expensive.
  • prep: Beef is much harder to cook than seafood and still retain both flavor and vitamins, but no gut-irritating char or fry.
  • satiety: Beef is less satiating than sea meat; it tastes delicious but "emptier" so one eats more.
Beef is not "way simpler".
  • It takes up a lot of freezer or fridge space. It's a bigger disease hazard, because terrestrial.
  • It cooks far slower than shrimp, which takes 5-10 minutes.
  • It's less portable than canned fish. I never found a good canned beef, but maybe didn't look hard.
Beef is great for comfort food and bulking up when lifting. It's just not specialized for minimalist IBS nutrition.

Non-seafood version

Got a version of this that doesn't use seafood? I know it's healthy but i'm not a fan. I don't think I could bring myself to eat shrimp.
For a terrestrial version of the mermaid diet, try organic chicken and eggs, which are high in methionine to discourage overeating. (Much of the benefits come from moderation.) You will need to cook the chicken much longer, but otherwise the same template should work.
Food Science: Methionine ScienceDirect
submitted by LeoLittlebook6 to 1500isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:58 Dream-Weaver345 My girlfriend keeps having these dreams, part 2

Part 1
The walk to school was only about 20 minutes or so away from my house, so it’s good to get my steps in, I guess. I do enjoy the fall days, though. October is my favorite month, with the leaves changing, every morning being filled with the cool air, it all comes together to make the perfect season. As I’m taking in the same scenery I’ve seen almost my whole life, the silence is broken by the one person who does it best.
“Hey, loser, wait up!”
“And a good morning to you too, Ray.”
“How’s my favorite wimpy little virgin doing?”
“Oh, I know you’re not one to talk. You’re right there along with me.”
“Really? Says who?”
“Please, Kenzie is the only girl who can stand you. And I know you haven’t done anything with her cuz she tells my girlfriend things and my girlfriend tells me those things.”
“Wow, such betrayal. I thought I knew her.” I could hear him chuckling, faking a voice of pain and despair.
Ray has been my best friend since fourth grade, as do all cliche duos do for some reason. I was a pretty wimpy kid, what elementary schooler wasn’t? One thing he often did to “toughen me up” was this thing he called “training”. It normally involved just me running at him and trying to attack him with everything I had, and he won every single time. But it did teach me not be afraid or hold back, so I guess that’s something. We both grew up without brothers, so we really only had each other. I knew I could always count on him, even with his nonstop blabbermouth.
“Everything good, man? You kinda look like you wanna crawl under a rock and die.”
I guess I couldn’t hide the way my face couldn’t even attempt to fake a smile. I was still a bit shook from what happened last night, and how it correlated with Nikki’s dreams. I decided to keep the scary bit to myself.
“Eh, it’s just some problems with Nikki.”
“Oof, you guys having some trouble in paradise? ‘Cause if you guys break up, then I know there’s no hope for me and Kenzie.”
“No, it’s nothing like that. It’s just that she keeps having these freaky dreams about this whole other world and she feels like people are watching her and following her. It’s really stressing her out, and now that stress is gonna trickle down to me. So yeah, everything is just peachy.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound normal. You try looking it up?”
“Yes, obviously. That’s the first thing I tried, that’s the first thing everyone in our generation always tries.”
“Hey, screw you, I’m just trying to help.”
He looked down and thought for a second. When he looked back at me, his face read that he had and an idea that was bound to sound insane.
“Ok, listen. This whole situation sounds really freaky and oddly specific. I know this forum on the deep web that might house some people who could have the answer to something like this.”
“You want me to ask for advice from strangers on the dark web? Are you out of your mind?”
“No, it’s the deep web, not the dark web. There’s a difference. The deep web will get you past all those surface level answers. The dark web is where you go to see some really messed up stuff. Like if you wanted to see experiments on corpses, or you wanna see some girl’s head chopped off- whatever, I’m getting off track. The point is, this might help more than whatever you find on page one of Google.”
“How’d you find said forum, anyway? How do you even know what people say there works?”
“Remember all that Xanax I took freshman year? Where’d you think I found out where to get it?”
I do remember well. He kept it a secret for so long but I remember he got so scared he threw it all up within the hour.
I put my tongue in my cheek. “I feel like I might regret listening to you, but I guess it’s worth a try.”
Ray gave me the link to the forum amongst the deep web, and for privacy reasons I obviously can’t share it. The only plan I had was to submit this problem and wait for a response. I would have to do it during a free period so I could at least work out what I would say.
We arrived at school a good fifteen minutes before the bell, getting to absorb all the school spirit around us. Our class was getting ready for the Fall Blueblossom Dance, it’s like prom, except our school rebranded the whole thing. I’ve said it probably a thousand times but it’s the dumbest names for a dance. Nikki’s really excited for it, though, she’s been looking forward to it for years. Ever since we started dating, she wouldn’t stop talking about it. I’m not too much of a “dance” guy, but as long as I get to spend time with her, I’m sure we can make it a fun night. Hopefully we can get this whole scary dream situation out of the way by then.
After first period, Kenzie and Nikki are sitting by the window a few feet away. Ray and I went to meet them and Kenzie is the first to notice us. Kenzie was the latest one of our friend group, she started dating Ray about a year ago and naturally clicked with us. She had got dirty blonde hair that she always wore in a braid, and blue eyes like Nikki. It was nice to have a girlfriend at the same time as my best friend, sometimes we went on double dates and other times we’d just hang out with nothing better to do.
“Hey guys, you heard about the hurricane that might hit us next week?”
Nikki scrunched up her face. “Don’t even bring that up. I swear if that thing comes and ruins the dance-“
I tried to calm her. “It won’t. It’s probably gonna be a level 2 at most, if it even comes our way.”
Ray chimed in. “Yeah, and if it does, it’s not like the whole dance being canceled would be the worst thing ever.”
Kenzie elbowed her boyfriend to check him for the discouraging comment. He raised his hands up in defense.
“Kidding. I’m kidding. Don’t stress, Nic. We all promised we’d go together, and we will.”
“I really hope so.” Nikki yawned while rubbing the edges of her eyes.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” Kenzie noticed her drowsy behavior. “I know you said you were fine earlier, but you haven’t stopped yawning since first period.”
Nikki defended herself. “I’m fine, really. I just haven’t been getting that much sleep recently.” She then gave me a quick side eye, clearly wanting me to keep her unique situation to myself.
I was about to interject anyway, regardless of how much she wanted to keep it to herself, until I was interrupted by the next bell. Our group split up for the day until lunch, meaning I finally had time to write something down in that forum. I figured it’d be best to use my free period, more time to think. I maneuvered my way through chatty students and obnoxious teachers until I reached the library, where I took a seat and pulled out my laptop and pulled up the link Ray gave me. If I was going to the deep web, I might as well do it professionally. Stupidly enough, I had to make a whole account to leave a comment. I couldn’t think of any clever name so I just chose “NeedanAnswer32”. Pretty boring, I know, but I wasn’t here to sound cool. I scrolled through different questions and confessions so many random strangers were bold enough to share online, protected by the barrier of anonymity. “How to bring my dog back to life”, “How to sell on the black market”, or my personal favorite, “How to get a ghost to haunt your enemies”. It was a field of crazy people wanting to know crazy things, and I guess now I was one of them. I finally found one specific chat room, “Peculiar Happenings, Visions, and Experiences”. Good enough, I guess. I pondered for a good few minutes to explain my situation, trying to remember the details of Nikki’s dream, and came up with this:
Hello everyone, I'm reaching out because I've been experiencing a recurring nightmare about this Other World. I know this might sound crazy, but it's a desolate and unsettling landscape with ruined cities, and it has dark twisted trees reaching past a crimson sky and I always feel like something is watching me.
The strange part is, I can't find any information about this Other World anywhere, or even what it means. It's like it doesn't exist outside of my dreams. Has anyone else encountered something similar or knows what this might mean? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated.
When I was finally satisfied, I hit submit. Now all I had to do was wait for a response.
“Hey, whatcha writing?”
Nikki was peering over my shoulder, I nearly jumped out of my skin before slamming my laptop shut.
“Nikki, hey! Don’t you have Stats, like, right now?”
“Yeah, we weren’t doing much today and I already finished all the class work I had so Mr. Robinson said I could leave early. Perks of being a senior, remember?”
“Oh right, yeah. Makes sense. You do understand math faster than anyone I know.”
“So, are you gonna answer my question?”
“Question- oh, right. No, I was just, uh, looking up something to help with my English paper.”
“Well, I can help you if you want.”
“No it’s fine, you’ve practically carried me this whole year. Might as well try to figure this one out on my own.”
I don’t exactly know why I lied to her. Maybe I just didn’t want to worry her or maybe I didn’t want to give her false hope if I actually didn’t get an answer. Maybe I wanted to sure of what I knew before I stirred anything up. I honestly couldn’t give you any straight answer, it was almost immediate. Not to mention I might have seen something similar to her dream and now it might literally be affecting me too. The last thing I wanna do is make her feel bad for me as well.
The next couple of days were nothing special, except now Nikki was having those dreams every time she dozed off. She described it as seeing flashes of it in her daydreams, and a full on nightmare when she tries to fall asleep. I can tell she’s losing a lot of sleep over it, but she insists she can manage it. I wish I believed her. I sat at my desk, rubbing my temples, the only thing on my mind was Nikki’s well being. It hurts, seeing someone I love going through something destructive and exhausting, and not being able to do a thing about it. I felt so helpless, like a bystander to a horrible tragedy. Could I help, or would I just make it worse?
I was interrupted by a notification on my laptop. I looked up in the top right corner of my screen, and there it was.
It was a response. Someone had answered me.
I rapidly clicked on the notification, automatically opening back up the tab the forum was in. My response came from TG3TheSeeker77. His message was straight to the point.
I need you to be 100 percent honest. Is this for real? Are you seriously experiencing this exact dream? Down to the cities, the trees, and the sky?
He seemed oddly serious, but I really needed whatever answers he could provide. I wrote back:
Yeah. Well, technically my girlfriend is having these dreams. But it’s really stressing her out and wearing her down. I just need some insight. I can’t find anything online about this type of dream or what it means. Do you have any idea?
I stared at those three blinking dots for what felt like forever.
The reason you can’t find anything on it is because it doesn’t exist. Not in this world.
What do you mean “not in this world”?
I’m sorry, but this is something I can’t fully explain over a chat room. I can help you, but it’s imperative that we meet. Do you live near the town of Helenium Valley, Oregon?
I actually live right in the middle.
Perfect, I do too. That makes this much easier. Look, I know we’ve never met, but I swear to you this is not just some dream. There is so much more to this, you have no idea. I can talk to you more about it in detail, we can meet in a mutual spot if it makes you feel safer, but it has to be ASAP.
I almost declined the offer to meet, but then flashes of Nikki popped in my mind. How her smile was fading, her eyes looked more and more exhausted after every night. Whatever this dream was, it was taking a toll on her. I couldn’t just sit by and let that happen. Plus if I was truly awake and what I saw that same night she told me, then I need answers before I go crazy myself.
You know the Maple Leaf Diner on Red Road? The one by the movie theater?
Yes I know it. I can meet you there tomorrow evening at 6. Sound good?
*Yeah. I’ll see you then. *
I close my laptop, and turn to the claw marks engraved into my window, a chilling reminder of whatever horror just creeped into my life.
submitted by Dream-Weaver345 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:58 Lil_Brown_Bat It's Pride Month! We don't want you around.

CW: Transphobia
Some backstory is required to understand the story here. I (NB) have been with my SO (M) for 13 years, married 9. He is divorced and we share custody of his kid (teenager, F) with his ex. They divorced when the kid was 2. I worked with him while he was married, but we did not start dating until after he was separated. They separated and then divorced because his ex cheated on him.
MIL, when we started dating, did not act like a responsible parent does when their child gets divorced. Instead, she acted like the divorced child. She blamed her own child for ruining it, saying that he did not try hard enough, and did everything she could to keep on the ex's good side, still adoring her. She blamed me for getting in between them. To her I represented the finality of her son's first marriage. At one point she even asked if it was her fault they divorced.
Fast forward a few years, and SO and I get married. All the pictures of his mom in our wedding photos she is frowning as hard as she can.
A few years ago, once the pandemic gave me time to think, I came out as NB. Me coming out was a stressful time in our marriage, but we both worked through it and we are closer than ever for it. There's nothing but love, attraction, and respect here.
About a year ago, we introduce the concept to his parents, asking them to use the proper pronouns (they/them) for me. FIL was just confused, and still has a hard time remembering, but he's harmless and will take corrections in stride (but still forget the next time, whatever. Old boomers.) MIL on the other hand, flipped out. At one point she even asked SO why he's even still married me in the first place (this conversation is all happening in front of me and the kid). SO very rightfully stopped that conversation, explained that if there's any more talk like that, we go NC. He loves me and that's that. At this point, MIL is still uncomfortable with it, but does make an effort to use the proper pronouns.
Well yesterday, we get a call from MIL. We were planning on going to visit them for father's day weekend. She asks if I can not go, and if it can be just SO and the kid. SO asks why and MIL explains that having to stress about the pronouns is too stressful for her and she's busy stressing about other things. SO digs harder and it turns out SIL (SO's sister, MIL's daughter) is getting separated, so she's stressed about that. Repeating the same mistakes she made when her son got separated, blaming everyone, taking anger out on everyone, including her daughter.
Now, SO and I agree that when our parents need support, we have no problem going to visit them without the other. That's totally fine. But 1) this is not an appropriate time to bring the kid for a visit because MIL is going to want to gossip and get upset and stress everyone out. MIL still wanted kid to come, just not me. Because of who I am. 2.) When our parents ask for support, they should be asking for us to visit. The spouse coming is usually optional. It's implied that they are always welcome, of course, but not necessary. The spouse should NEVER be uninvited. SO is going to go alone this weekend to support her, and also take the time to explain that you can't just uninvite me and still expect the kid to come. We are a family unit.
Anyway, it really upset me yesterday. I was bullied throughout school for being the weird kid no one wanted to be around (I'm on the spectrum too, which doesn't help), and then I get excluded again just because I'm me. It hurt a lot, and I'm not even out to my own Boomer parents for fear of this same thing happening. I couldn't handle it if they also acted this way. So I was upset yesterday for this attack on me, and that I couldn't even talk to my parents about feeling upset for it. SO was great, and available for extra hugs and cuddles and talks, but sometimes you just want to cry to your own parents, you know?
Anyway, happy Pride.
submitted by Lil_Brown_Bat to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:53 PLUTO_HAS_COME_BACK Vibhajjavada and Sarvāstivāda—Part 14

Vibhajjavada and Sarvāstivāda: Analysing the Heart Sutra from Theravadin Perspective—Part 14

5.1.15. Amata

The Vedas were readily available to Prince Siddhatta. The sages of Kapilavattu were the Vedic experts. They did not find amata (deathlessness) in the Vedas. However, they believed the prince would find it, so they left the palace and waited the prince for several years in the jungle. When he joined them, they supported him as he sought amata.
Pali and Sanskrit see amata differently:
[Pali] amata : (nt.) ambrosia; the deathless state.
[Sanskrit] Amata (अमत). 1. Sickness, disease. 2. Death. 3. Time.
The Buddha explains His finding to Tapussa in Tapussa Sutta AN 9.41:
With the complete transcending of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, I entered & remained in the cessation of perception & feeling. And as I saw with discernment, the mental fermentations went to their total end. [Alaya-vijnana: The Storehouse Consciousness: The Subconscious Source of All Experience (Barbara O'Brien)]
Mahayanists call the Buddha's achieve as Hinayana. But they do not get a say. Only the Buddha get a say what His sasana is or is not.
Amata Sutta (SN 47:41)
Monks, remain with your minds well-established in the four [satipatthana]. Don’t let the deathless be lost for you.

The Path to Amata

The path is old. It has existed since the first Buddha rose out of the muddy water at the dawn of time. Sakyamuni Buddha gave us the formular to reach amata as follow:
right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration [Access to Insight]

Samudaya Sacca

Avijja-paccaya sankhara: general activities are based on ignorance:
All beings are covered or spread over by and caught in the net of ditthi, the wrong belief. They are drifting in the current of ditthi. As such, seeing, for having perceived, in the hearts of Buddhas, towards beings, Great Compassion with pity has arisen.
The current of tanha, as has been stated, is generally flowing into the realm of four Apayas. Therefore, all those beings who are not yet liberated from the bonds of tanha and ditthi are immensely suffering after descending to the four nether worlds. Having clearly perceived this miserable condition of life, Buddha was moved to have pity towards all living beings. Emulating the example as shown by the Buddha, our male and female benefactors and all those who desire to follow His exemplary conduct can also try to develop karuna. [Caught in the net of Dittha, and drifting in the current of Ditthi (Mahasi Sayadaw)]
Like glue, tanha (craving) sticks us to the round of pain (dukkha samsara). Natural worldview is designed with the three cravings: sense-pleasure, existence and nonexistence (kama, bhava, vibhava). One wants nonexistence only when realises deep suffering without knowing whether it exists or not. Thus, natural worldview is ignorance (avijja).

5.1.16. Sammuti and Paramattha 1

Conventional Truth (Samutti Sacca) and Ultimate Truth (Paramattha Sacca)—Various traditions employ two concepts of truth without agreeing what is true.
Paramattha are citta, cetasika, rūpa (khandhas) and Nibbana. Generally, they are unknown or misunderstood if not explained by an ariya-puggala.
Sammuti Sacca is paññatti or concepts (names: nouns and pronouns) and conventions, which we employ for convenience. Samuti and our collective ego/need force us to conform and understand things according to them. Our mental and physical existences evolve in samuti.


Before converting to Mahayana and became a cofounder of Yogacara school (also Vijnanavada), Vasubandhu wrote Abhidharmakośa (Sarvāstivādi abhidharma), in which he presents Sarvāstivādi conventional truth (māyā) and ultimate truth (vijñāna, nirvana, space). The Mahayanists regard him as a second Buddha. Vasubandhu:
An entity, the cognition of which does not arise when it is destroyed and, mentally divided, is conventionally existent like a pot and water. Ultimate existence is otherwise.” [...] A pot and water are designated as conventionally existent therefore conventionally real for the concept “pot” ceases to exist when it is destroyed physically, and the concept “water” no longer arises when we conceptually exclude from it its shape, colour etc. [...]
(i) ultimate reality is both physically and logically irreducible, as it does not disintegrate when it is subjected to physical destruction and that its identity does not disappear when its parts are separated from it under logical analysis; [The Theory of Two Truths in India (Sonam Thakchoe)]
Some recluses and brahmans, so called, Are deeply attached to their own views; People who only see one side of things Engage in quarrels and disputes.—Sakyamuni Buddha
If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend—Bruce Lee.

5.1.17. Rūpa Svabhāva

[Vasbandhu (Thakchoe):] (ii) ultimate reality does not borrow its nature from other things including its parts. Rather it exists independently in virtue of its intrinsic reality (svabhāva)
That is Sarvāstivādi Vasbandhu's position, which might violate Sarvāstivādi māyāvāda. Vijñaptimātra means the imaginations of the mind do not have svabhāva.
Is svabhāva (sabhāva) conventional or ultimate reality?
The sabhāva of the ultimate realities is ultimate reality.
The sabhāva of saṅkhāra is saṅkhāra.
Sabhāva and Asabhāva Rūpa
[A Survey of Paramattha Dhammas: Chapter 4 - Exposition Of Paramattha Dhammas II: Rupa (Sujin Boriharnwanaket):]
[4]: Sabhāva rupa is a rupa with its own distinct nature. Sa in Pali means with, and bhāva means nature. There are also asabhāva rupas which, though classified among the 28 kinds of rupa, are not separate rupas with their own nature, but special qualities connected with other rupas. They will be explained later on.
The rupa which is space, ākāsa rupa, has the function of limiting or separating all the different groups or kalāpas of rupas. Space in this context is not outer space, but the infinitesimal space surrounding each kalāpa. After its function it is also called pariccheda rupa (pariccheda meaning limit or boundary) [...] Because of pariccheda rupa which surrounds each kalāpa, even large matter can be broken up into infinitely tiny particles; it can be broken up only at those points where there is space\9])
Satipatthana is to understand the paramatthas:
[Pubbabhaga Magga:] Nama and rupa sabhava can be known only when you note at the moment of arising. [On the Path to Freedom: CHAPTER 6 TRAINING (Sayadaw U Pandita)]
It only has the sabhāva dhamma of rūpa lakkhaṇa, and seeing its nature. I am not seeing the cittasaṅkhāra such as woman, dog, etc. The visual form, sound, smell etc. are only sabhāva nature. Fragrance, smelly, sweet, sour, etc. (taste and smell cittasaṅkhāra are ceasing.) [...] If from the eye seeing woman, man, etc. sīla not stable. Sotāpanna sees the one Dhamma (eka-dhamma) of rūpa sabhāva, nāma sabhāva or seeing one sabhāva dhamma. The noblest knowing is this one sabhāva of knowing.
There are 40 samatha practices, practice with one of them as one’s preference. Knowledge comes from the doors of the six senses and their corresponding objects as the noblest knowing. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and knowing are dhammas. Seeing is visual paramatā, hearing is sound paramatā … knowing is dhamma paramatā. Some thought that seeing was a concept. NO, seeing is paramatā. [The Way of a Stream Enterer (Dhamma Talks by Sayadaw U Ukkaṭṭha)]
As instructed by the samanera, Thera Potthila kept his mind firmly fixed on the true nature of the body; he was very ardent and vigilant in his meditation.
What the young Arahat suggested was for Potthila not to allow //javana// merely to hang on to the five sense-doors of eye, ear, nose, tongue, and touch, but to shut them up and note only the mind-door so that impulsion could lead him on to insight-meditation. This gave the learned monk a clue to the method of vipassana-practice. When one sees, one must stop at the thought-moment of //votthapana// and note all phenomena with mindfulness. It is the same as saying: When you see, you just see it. Having practised meditation as suggested, Potthila attained Arahatship. [POTTHILA THERA (A Discourse on MALUKYAPUTTA SUTTA Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw)]
[visuddhi:] "Whosoever has cultivated, developed, and frequently practised 'equanimity regarding all formations' in him arises very strong faith known as determination (adhimokkha-saddhā) and his energy is better exerted, his mindfulness better established, his mind better concentrated, and a still stronger 'equanimity regarding the formations' arises. 'Now the path will reveal itself', thus thinking, the meditator contemplates with his equanimity-knowledge all formations as impermanent, etc., and thereafter that knowledge sinks into the subconscious stream of existence (s. bhavanga-sotā). Immediately afterwards there arises advertence at the mind-door (s. viññāna-kicca). And just like equanimity-knowledge, the adaptation-knowledge, too, takes as its object the formations, regarding them as something impermanent, miserable and impersonal. Thereupon, while continuing the uninterrupted continuity of consciousness (citta-santati), there arises the 1st impulsive moment (javana, q.v.), called 'preparation' (parikamma), taking the same formations as object. Immediately thereafter, with the same formations as object, there arises the 2nd impulsive moment, known as 'access' (upacāra). And again immediately after that, there arises the impulsive moment called 'adaptation' (anuloma)."
(VII) Purification of knowledge and vision (ñānadassana-visuddhi) is the knowledge associated with any of the 4 kinds of supermundane path-consciousness (s. ariyapuggala). [See Path of Purification, by Buddhaghosa, tr. by Ñyanamoli (BPS); Path of Freedom, by Upatissa (BPS)]

5.1.18. Sarvastivādi Māyāvāda and Citta-mātratā


Bhāvavevika is the originator of Sarvastivādi māyāvāda. He founded the two Svātantrika Madhyamaka schools (Sautrāntika and Yogācāra). They follow his Sarvastivādi māyāvādi two truths: the ultimate emptiness reality (bhagwan brahma) and the ultimate emptiness of reality (māyā).
[Bhāvavevika:] nonself or emptiness alone is the ultimate reality, and the rest—the entire range of dharmas—are ultimately empty of any intrinsic reality. [...] says Bhāvavevika because “The Lord (bhāgvan / bcom ldan ldas) has taught the two truths. [Thakchoe]
Sanskrit: {MSA} buddha ... bhagavat Comment: The term bcom ldan 'das is translated in accordance with the etymology favored in Tibet, where it is recognized that bhagavan also can be etymologized as one who possesses the six goodnesses (legs pa drug dang ldan pa), which seems to fit the more widely used translation as Blessed One.

The Trisvabhavanirdesha Verses

[Kaz Tanahashi:]
Scholars believe that this short treatise, it’s only 38 verses long, is Vasubandhu’s last and most mature writing.
Vasubandhu's addenda to the Sarvastivādi māyāvāda are his final verses, which deal with three natures (svābhāva), including the Imagined Nature (māyā), the OtherDependent Nature, and the Consummate Nature.
1) The first nature is the Imagined Nature, which is the everyday world as we understand it.
[imagining nature] 2) The second nature is the Other–Dependent Nature, which Vasubandhu defines as the “causal” process of the thing’s fabrication, the causal story that brings about the imagined thing’s apparent nature—its middle way arising. This is the “how to; it couples natures one and two and emphasizes that both are simply imagined.
3) The third nature, the Consummate Nature, is the lack of duality. It is a singularity—the fact that the Imagined Nature and the Other-Dependent Natures do not exist as they appear, but rather exist in “as things are,” with no subject/object distinction.

Citta-mātratā (Only mind is reality)

[Kaz Tanahashi continues:]
Vasubandhu’s magician uses a mantra to make everyone see “the elephant.” So, (1) the mantra is compared to the store-consciousness; (2) Suchness–emptiness, or the consummate–or underlying non-dual is analogous to the wood; discriminating (3) is compared to discrete entities of the elephant’s appearance; and (4) duality is compared to the elephant itself.
[verse 27:] Like an elephant [māyā] that appears Through the power of a magician’s mantra [Ālayavijñāna/memory]—Only the percept appears, The elephant is completely nonexistent.
Mantra = storehouse consciousness [Ālayavijñāna]; Wood = consummate nature [the unification]; Elephant = duality [māyā]; Magician = our mind [brahmā];
The alaya-vijnana is the foundation or basis of all consciousness, and it contains impressions of all of our past actions*. These impressions, sankhara, form bija, or "seeds," and from these seeds, our thoughts, opinions, desires, and attachments grow. The alaya-vijnana forms the basis of our personalities as well.* [Alaya-vijnana: The Storehouse Consciousness (Barbara O'Brien)]
That is Sarvastivādi māyāvāda and the notion of citta-mātratā.

5.1.19. Reunion with the Super Self

[Sarvastivadi] authors almost unanimously accept vijñapti-mātratā or prajñapti-mātratā or citta-mātratā as the Yogācārin’s description of the absolute, undefiled, undifferentiated, non-dual, transcendent, pure, ultimate, permanent, unchanging, eternal, supra-mundane, unthinkable, Reality, which, according to them, is the same as Parniṣpanna-svabhāva, or Nirvāṇa, or Pure Consciousness, or Dharma-dhātu, or Dharma-kāya, or the Absolute Idea of Hegel, or the Brahman of Vedānta. [Vasubandhu: 5. Controversy over Vasubandhu as “Idealist” (Jonathan C. Gold)]
[Lanka Chapter 2:] Even Nirvana and Samsara's world of life and death are aspects of the same thing, for there is no Nirvana except where is Samsara, and Samsara except where is Nirvana.
[Advaita Vedanta:] The world has no separate existence apart from Brahman.
[Britannica:] Brahma, one of the major gods of Hinduism from about 500 BCE to 500 CE, who was gradually eclipsed by Vishnu, Shiva, and the great Goddess (in her multiple aspects).
Bhakti, in Hinduism, a movement emphasizing the mutual intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee toward a personal god and of the god for the devotee. According to the Bhagavadgita, a Hindu religious text, the path of bhakti, or bhakti-marga, is superior to the two other religious approaches, the path of knowledge (jnana) and the path of ritual and good works (karma). [...] Many, but not all, bhakti movements were open to people of both genders and all castes. Devotional practices included reciting the name of the god or goddess, singing hymns in praise of the deity, wearing or carrying identifying emblems, and undertaking pilgrimages to sacred places associated with the deity. [Bhakti Hinduism, Devotion & Rituals - Britannica]
if Arjuna fights remembering Kṛṣṇa, then he will be able to remember Kṛṣṇa at the time of death. But one must be completely surrendered in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. [Transcendental loving service and surrender]

After Completed Surrender

[Heart (Thich)] Avalokiteshvara [...] suddenly discovered that all of the five Skandhas are equally empty, and with this realisation he overcame all Ill-being.
[Lanka Chapter 6:] When [...] the twofold egolessness is fully understood, and the inconceivable transformation death of the Bodhisattva is attained - that which remains is the self-nature of the Tathagatas [...] which is realized in their deepest consciousness is their own Buddha-nature revealed as Tathagata.
Prajña (ध्यान, “wisdom”): the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 110) states that the Pali literature also informs us with these prajñā (panna (Pali): śruta-mayī (suta-maya panna), cintā-mayī (cinta-maya panna), bhāvanā-mayī (bhavana-maya panna). Prajña (Sanskrit) is paññā (Pali): Vipassanā-paññā, for example. But these are unrelated to Noble Wisdom [āryajñāna] or anuttarasamyaksambodhi.
Bhakti is the seeking of men’s own true self. Nārada defines Bhakti as the extreme one to God. Śāṇḍilya defines it as extreme ‘attachment to God’. Śaṅkara’s definition of Bhakti is on Advaitic point of view. He blends Bhakti and Jñāna. He does this in ‘Brahmasūtrabhaṣya and in Gītabhaṣya’. [Śaṅkara’s Definition of Bhakti (Lathika M. P.)]
Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu [Krishna] said, “I am a Māyāvādī in the renounced order of life, and I do not even know what transcendental loving service to the Lord is. I simply float in the ocean of Māyāvāda philosophy. [CC Madhya 8.124]
[Dhammapada] Verse 396 - What is a Brāhman? He is no brahmin by mere lineage. Dispossessed, unattached, he is indeed the true brahmin.

Prajña an Amitabha God:

Ratvata (in) — the fifth Manu, during his epoch were Devabahu and six other sages, Gods named “Abhutarajasas. Vibhu was Indra, Amitabha and other three ganas of gods each 14 in number, Hiranyaroma and other SIX formed the saptarsis, Balabandhu and others were his sons, of the Priyavrata line. [THE PURANA INDEX VOLUME 3, page 100]
Sadhguru: In the yogic lore, the ganas are all Shiva’s friends. They were the ones who were always around him. Though he had disciples, a wife and many other admirers, his private company was always ganas.

5.1.20. Was māyā a discovery?

[Heart (Thich)] Avalokiteshvara [...] suddenly discovered that all of the five Skandhas are equally empty, and with this realisation he overcame all Ill-being [...] Whoever can see this no longer needs anything to attain.
[Heart (Wiki):] 1.­11 “There is no suffering, no origin of suffering, no cessation of suffering, no path, no wisdom, no attainment, and no nonattainment.
[Heart (Red, page 132-133):] Here, the bodhisattva's refuge is in wisdom alone [...] Thus, bodhisattvas know that all dharmas are marked with emptiness and that there is nothing to attain or not to attain. And realizing there is nothing to attain or not to attain, they take refuge in this realization.
The historical fact is the Mahayanist māyāvāda was originated by Vasubandhu and the Sarvastivādis. That is why he is considered as a second Buddha. Māyāvāda was considered special because it was a revolutionary Buddhist philosophy, although it contains no Buddhism (the Dhamma-Vinaya). Avalokiteśvara could only discover māyā (svabhāva-śūnya) and brāhma (gotra-svabhāva). There is nothing else to find.
[Ethan Mills:] some contemporary interpreters fail to understand how thoroughly revisionary and revolutionary Vasubandhu’s philosophy is
Vasubandhu rediscovered māyā (svabhāva-śūnya) in the Vedas and wrote about it until it became Sarvastivādi Māyāvāda. His final work the Trisvabhavanirdesha comprises three natures: māyā, imagination and reunion. He did however make them very complicated and indecipherable.

Self-Nature vs Sakkayaditthi

atta-vādupādāna: 'attachment to the ego-belief', is one of the 4 kinds of clinging (upādāna, q.v.).
The Five Khandhas being ungovernable, are not Atta. Finding it ungovernable and unresponsive to one's own wish while contemplating and noting, and realising it as 'Non-Self', is Anattanupassana-nana. [Mahasi Sayadaw - Part 4]
[For Vasubandhu,] the “self” is made up of constantly-changing sensory organs, sensory impressions, ideas, and mental events. These separate, momentary elements are real, but their imagined unity—as an enduring “I”—is a false projection [...] Close philosophical and introspective attention reveals that what seemed like a solid, coherent whole is in fact a false mental construction based upon a failure to notice its countless, fluctuating parts. [2.1 Disproof of the Self (Jonathan C. Gold)]
Yogacara (Yogachara / Vijnanavada / Vajrayana)
The Yogachara (or Vijnanavada) school was founded, according to tradition, by the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu (4th/5th century CE) and by Sthiramati (6th century), who systematized doctrines found in the Lankavatara-sutra and the Mahayana-shraddhotpada-shastra (attributed to Ashvaghosha but probably written in Central Asia or in China). Later Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism include doctrines that were to be influenced by Yogachara teaching.
Self is imagined, a construct (saṅkhāra) and a mistake.
To think with loving attachment, considering oneself as a living being, or an atta, individual or 'Self', in spite of the fact that in the personalities of themselves there exists only a continual phenomenal process of rupa and nama, is mere attaditthi. It is also called sakkayaditthi. "Sakkaya" means an aggregate of rupas and namas which obviously exists in the so-called body. To think of these aggregates of rupas and namas as a living being, or an atta - being, or "I" or "Self', is nothing but ditthi. It is known as sakkayaditthi, because of an erroneous conception or false belief in this aggregate of rupa-nama. [Mahasi Sayadaw - Part 6 of Brahmavihara Dhamma]
L. Ron Hubbard (Author of Battlefield Earth) also founded a religion called Scientology. You don't get to know what it is without spending a significant amount of money. They focus on religion like a business.
You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion—L. Ron Hubbard

The Mahayanist Attavada:

[Lanka Chapter 6:] this Buddha-nature immanent in everyone is eternal, unchanging, auspicious.
[Upanishads:] Atman is non-duality, all-pervading, the same in all creatures, pure, attributeless, beyond prakriti, and free from the changes of birth and growth.
[ Satyajit—A:] there is no difference between Dhamma and intrinsic nature (Sabhāva) [...] Visuddhimagga mentions that ‘Dhamma means but intrinsic nature.’ [...] Therefore, intrinsic nature is not supposed to exist independently. [...] (attano sabhâvaṃ dhâretiti dhammo’ DhsA.121-122)” [:] Dhamma is the bearer and sabhāva is that which is born by the Dhamma. [Then] Dhamma becomes the agent (atta) of sabhāva and that is against [Vibhajjavadi] Buddhism. Duality between Dhamma and Sabhâva is only an attribution made for the convenience of definition. For in actual sense Dhamma and Sabhāva denote the same actuality [...] the terms Dhamma and Sabhāva [are] interchangeably.
submitted by PLUTO_HAS_COME_BACK to Theravadan [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:52 Lowkey_Sus_Ngl TIFU by putting a silly song on my workout playlist

So, funny story. My workout playlist is your typical workout playlist, mostly rock, and I've had it for years. For whatever reason, it has a few hundred saves on Spotify, not entirely sure why, but it does. To be funny haha silly, I put the Barbie song in my playlist because I thought it'd be funny to hear mid workout and it'd get a laugh out of me.
Well, I workout at my school gym. There's this sort of camp ordeal during the summers where mostly football guys but alumni can also come up to the weight room and get in a good lift. It has a pretty good attendance rate, the whole room being full, and they always play music. Now, for the past few years, this one guy has had control over the aux, and he just moved away [to the relief of us all, I think if I heard Hallie's Song by Eminem one more time I was gonna tear my hair out]. Now, I think one of the coaches has aux. Usually, the aux guy has his phone sitting under the workout board in case he wants to skip a song or something.
The camp started on Monday, and I realized the music that was playing was much more like what I regularly listen to, which I was glad about. Yesterday, when I was looking at the board, I noticed the aux guy was playing My playlist. I had to triple check, and I was like, what are the chances that this guy picked My workout playlist of all things? After that, and bragging to a few of my friends, I didn't think twice about it. Until today.
Today I was mid workout. Music was bumping, people were busy, rocking out to Sweet Child O' Mine, and then the song changed. And I remembered what I had done.
The Barbie song started BLASTING in this packed ass gym full of dude bros. And I was like. Oh. Oh No.
Weird looks were exchanged across the room and someone went and skipped it a few seconds in, but damn. I heard some of the guys talking about it for the rest of the workout, and one of my friends commented on it. I was so torn between finding it hilarious and embarrassing lmao, but nobody other than my friends knows it's my playlist.
I'm debating on whether or not I should keep it on there for gits and shiggles.
TL;DR: I put a goofy ass song on my public workout playlist, which by some miracle the aux guy chose, resulting in the Barbie song blaring in the middle of our workout. The only true consequence was my shame.
submitted by Lowkey_Sus_Ngl to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:49 nodvdhjdj AITA for kind of taking advantage of my friend when he was really drunk. And what do I say to him.

Hello, I’m a 18 year old guy and basically I am gay. I came out to my family and friends when I was 15 and they while my family was supportive my friends were not. They never actually said anything that bad to me just stoped inviting me out and kinda just ignored me at school so I basically had no friends for like two years until I left for sixth form. I started sixth form in 2022 and made decided to not tell anybody that I was gay. It’s pretty easy to hide bc I’m pretty masculine looking and unless I tell you, no one would know. Anyway I made friend with this group of guys and girls and they are pretty nice. There is this one guy in particular who has always been really cool to me since I started and obviously that means that I developed a little crush on him even tho I was pretty certain he was straight so I would never tell him and that was fine with me and was working as became closer to lots of people in the group especially this guy (let’s call him A). In the past couple years me and A really got close, his family is not the best so most nights he crashes at various friends houses including me. Anyway where my problem comes in started a few weeks ago. There was this pub crawl that basically everyone in my year went to celebrate the last night of freedom before we went on study leave for our a-levels and during this A got pretty pissed a long with this other guy and girl that we know. I found all three of them in the men’s bathroom either lying on the floor of throwing up which was really fun to deal with. Anyway me and this other guy helped them up and I offered to drive them back to my parents and put them in my guest rooms bc I only have like two not that strong drinks and was feeling fine. So I got home and carried them in one by one as there where sleeping in the car. I put the girl in one guest room by herself one guy in a guest room by himself and then put A in my bed. Ok so what I did may not have been that great and I discussed this with my sisters and they said I am definitely a bad person for this bc A was lying in my bed completely knocked out so I really quickly gave him a kiss on his lips while he was sleeping. I wasn’t going to go any further I’m not crazy I just thought I could give him a quick kiss. Anyway he woke up a little and kinda leaned into it so I thought he maybe was down. So I started like groping under his shirt (sorry for being a little graphic) anyway this lasted for like 10 minutes I think before he pulled away rolled over and went to sleep so I went to sleep on the sofa.
Next morning all four of us woke up and got breakfast like normal and A was acting completely normal and everything was ok. But when I texted him he left me on read and as we are on study leave I didn’t see him for like a week and when he texted me he was like “I’m focussing on school I have revision etc etc” which in all honesty is not even unlike him bc he does do well in school and these are a-levels so idk. Anyway things where really weird so I texted him recently saying “are you ok why are ignoring me” something along those lines and after we kind of danced around the topic and argued a little he said something along the lines of “next time u kiss someone ask first” to which I apologised to and he said ok and we haven’t spoken since. Until this morning he texted me and asked me if he could come over on Friday so obviously I said yes.
What I’m asking is how can I like spin this to keep him from finding out I’m gay and I like him and how do I make it seem that I’m not such a complete ass for basically assaulting him when he was drunk bc I admit if he didn’t stop me I would have gone further and also am I a really bad person for wanting to have sex w him and doing that when I know bc he was in that state he would have said yes to anything (my sisters say I am a massive dick and there the only ppl I have told) and I think I am a complete asshole bc even tho he seemed to like it I defo took advantage and that was wrong and I have apologised but what else do I do.
submitted by nodvdhjdj to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:44 pistachio_polar_bear Hall Boarding Scheme: Loophole For Semi-Legal, Regulated, Safer Subletting (long post)

After being waitlisted for hall, I have been desperately looking for some way to continue staying on campus. This has also prompted me to further research alternative options such as the Hall Boarding Scheme. Now that I read it, it seems like a pretty glaring loophole that basically allows subletting, with only a few minor hurdles.
But I think this is not necessarily a bad thing! I made this writeup because to me, the subletting market is not going to go away, and doing it under this scheme minimises a lot of the risk for both owners and tenants. (I have no respect for people who rent out their rooms but still want to convince them of this point because it might help tenants, so I am including benefits to them). I will be quoting NTU's Hall Boarding Scheme document.
Brief overview of Hall Boarding Scheme
The Hall Boarding Scheme enables senior full-time students who are unsuccessful in getting a hall place to partner with a friend who is an existing hall resident, if they only need to use their hall place a few days per week for the semester. The boarder may live on campus for part of the week, and participate in residential education and other hall activities.
The Boarding arrangement is subject to both host residents and boarders’ mutual agreement, and prior approval from the Office of Campus Housing (OCH). Please note that this Scheme is only available to students who have a Singapore residential address and who are on the hall waitlist at the time of application for the Boarding Scheme.
So another student who's lucky enough to have gotten hall, might be willing to let me stay in their place for "a few days per week". And NTU is fine and even supportive, giving me basically the priveleges of a normal hall resident.
If I understand this right: Under this scheme, I can find someone who has applied for hall and gotten it despite not needing it, who is willing to make a (monetary) "arrangement" with me to let me stay in their room, then get OCH's approval to ensure it's all perfectly legal, so we don't get in trouble for all the subletting that's being cracked down on.
Rules, Regulations and Loopholes
These are the requirements for participating in the scheme for a single room (double room is similar but requires consent from both roommates):
Host Resident and Boarder each have a Singapore residential address.
This is the probably the school's way of trying to ensure the scheme is used for its intended purpose; i.e. help students staying further away to easily attend classes and not be used for subletting. I didn't see it being needed on the application, but I think this can easily be bypassed by international student tenants simply by borrowing an address from a buddy staying outside hall.
Host Resident must consent to the Boarder sharing the hall room.
They already do that for subletting to work.
The Boarder must:
not currently be a resident of any NTU Hall of Residence.
not currently be barred from hall accommodation.
not currently be on Leave of Absence, overseas exchange, overseas internship, or on any overseas academic programme.
not have any overdue accommodation fees from any previous hall stay period.
These are basically the same rules that someone who is accepted into hall would face. NTU is treating you as a hall resident and so is applying the same regulations onto you.
Furthermore, there are also additional fees to be paid to NTU:
Boarding fees for Academic Year 2022/23 will be $90 per month, regardless of single or double room.
A one-time admin fee of $5 (subject to GST) will be levied for each successful registration.
A Hall Council Subscription Fee of $10 (subject to GST) is applicable to all students living in on-campus accommodation. If the Boarder changes his/her sharing arrangement to a different hall, a separate Hall Council Subscription Fee will be levied for the new hall.
Host Residents shall continue to pay the prevailing hall rental rate for their hall room.
The housing market must be getting to me, but I actually don't mind paying these additional fees so long as I get to stay in a room in some official capacity. I'm officially supposed to be there so it drastically reduces the risk of OCH getting suspicious and me suddenly losing a place to stay, which is great for my peace of mind. It could also prevent me from being scammed through the following:
Each hall room can only have one registered Boarder. Boarders cannot be registered in more than one hall room at any time. Host Resident(s) must apply for Boarding on behalf of the Boarder, to show that a mutual agreement has been reached between the Host Resident(s) and Boarder.
The renter will be submitting the application, and the room sharing only starts when it's approved. By doing this, both can confirm that the renter has a room and actually wants to rent it out, and that the rentee is serious about renting, since their details will be submitted to the school.
Each Boarding arrangement is subject to approval from the Office of Campus Housing. To ensure the overall safety and security of the Hall, the number of Boarders shall be capped at 20% of each hall’s occupant capacity.
This is basically regulation on the hall population, but I wonder if NTU is actually aware that the scheme could be exploited and is trying to regulate that too. If the arrangement gets rejected, nothing's stopping either party from simply going back to normal subletting.
Host Residents and Boarders are required to self-regulate and arrange among themselves who will be the room occupant(s) for the night. There shall be no more than one authorised occupant (i.e., Host Resident or Boarder) in a single-room, and no more than two authorised occupants in a double-room (i.e., Host Resident(s) and/or Boarder) after visiting hours.
This rule is perfectly consistent with the arrangement where the owner stays 0 days per week in the room while the tenant stays 7 days per week.
Admission into the Boarding Scheme does not give boarders priority over other waitlisted applicants for a hall placement. Hall allocation is based strictly on the Hall Admission Scheme, and subject to availability of rooms.
If subsequently offered a hall placement, the Boarder may choose to accept or remain in the Boarding Scheme for the rest of the academic year. Choosing the latter means that the Boarder rejects the hall offer, and his/her place on the waitlist will be forfeited. The Boarder remains subject to the terms and conditions of the Boarding arrangement, as specified in the next section below.​​​​​​​
This is basically the same situation to tenants and owners as when subletting.
The Boarding arrangement will end under one of the following situations:
When the Boarder accepts a hall place, if subsequently offered during the academic year.
When a Host Resident withdraws from the hall (including eviction).
When the Host Resident(s) and/or Boarder no longer consent to the Boarding arrangement.
When the Host Resident(s) is/are no longer eligible for hall stay, e.g. on LOA, overseas exchange, overseas internship, or overseas academic programme.
On the first Friday after the end of Semester 2 exams each academic year.
This is basically the same situation to tenants and owners as when subletting, with the exception of the last two points. But if you weren't eligible for hall, you would go back to normal subletting anyway.
The last point is fine for Singaporeans, but might be the hardest for non-Y4 international students to deal with. I don't have good answers except maybe returning to their home countries or crashing at someone's place for a while. Alternatively they can just continue to stay on illegally, since that's basically what people already do when they sublet normally right now. The owner won't have to pay as much in fines if they get caught either since the tenant was staying officially in the room for the majority of the time.
While this is probably not NTU's intended purpose (and if it catches on they might need to curb it), the Hall Boarding Scheme is probably the most safe and legal way to sublet a room on campus right now. It basically legalizes the relationship between owners and tenants, so long as they keep the money stuff private. I think it's a good idea for tenants and owners to discuss this arrangement for their mutual benefit. Subletting is here to stay, there will always be desperate tenants and greedy landlords so let's make the most out of this.
submitted by pistachio_polar_bear to NTU [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Things to Do With Houston Kids Over Spring Break 2022

15 Things to Do With Houston Kids Over Spring Break 2022
15 Things to Do With Houston Kids Over Spring Break 2022 Are you searching for the perfect way to keep your kids entertained during Spring Break 2022 in Houston? Look no further! In this article, we will take you on a journey through 15 exciting activities that will ensure your children have a blast during their time off from school.From the thrill of the Houston Rodeo to the wonders of the Houston Children's Museum, there is something for every interest.But that's not all, we have a few surprises up our sleeve that will leave you and your kids begging for more.So, get ready to embark on an unforgettable Spring Break adventure with your little ones!Key TakeawaysHouston Rodeo is an annual event during Spring Break, with an indoor playground option in case of rain.There are various indoor play spaces in Houston for climbing, swinging, jumping, and having fun.The Houston Children's Museum offers a special Spring Break Destination Celebration with activities like bungee trampolines and a shaving cream pie fight.Families can visit the Space Center Houston to learn about upcoming missions, and there are special appearances from Black Panther characters and Jurassic Park dinosaurs.Houston RodeoAre you ready for some rodeo fun? Let's saddle up and explore the exciting world of the Houston Rodeo!The Houston Rodeo is an annual event that takes place during Spring Break, and it's a must-visit for families looking for a wild time.One of the highlights of the Houston Rodeo is the carnival games. You'll find a wide variety of games that are sure to challenge and entertain everyone in the family. From ring toss to balloon darts, there's something for everyone to enjoy.And let's not forget about the live music performances! The Houston Rodeo attracts some of the biggest names in the music industry, with artists like Garth Brooks, Taylor Swift, and Cardi B gracing the stage. The energy and excitement of the performances are infectious, and you'll find yourself singing and dancing along with the crowd.Of course, the Houston Rodeo wouldn't be complete without the rodeo competitions. Watch as cowboys and cowgirls showcase their skills in events like bull riding, barrel racing, and calf roping. It's a thrilling display of talent and bravery.And when hunger strikes, you'll be happy to know that there are plenty of food vendors at the Houston Rodeo. From classic rodeo fare like funnel cakes and corn dogs to exotic options like deep-fried Oreos and alligator on a stick, there's something to satisfy every craving.Indoor Play SpacesWhen you're looking for a fun and exciting way to keep the kids entertained during Spring Break, look no further than the indoor play spaces in Houston. These Houston playgrounds and indoor fun centers offer a variety of activities that will keep kids climbing, swinging, jumping, and giggling for hours. Check out the table below for a selection of some of the best indoor play spaces in Houston:Indoor Play SpacesLocationFeaturesUrban Air Trampoline and Adventure ParkMultiple locations in HoustonTrampolines, climbing walls, obstacle courses, and moreThe Little GymMultiple locations in HoustonGymnastics, sports skills, and imaginative playMonkey Joe'sMultiple locations in HoustonInflatable slides, obstacle courses, and arcade gamesThe Woodlands Children's MuseumThe WoodlandsInteractive exhibits, art activities, and a pretend grocery storePump It UpMultiple locations in HoustonInflatable slides, obstacle courses, and bounce housesThese indoor play spaces provide a safe and exciting environment for kids to burn off energy and engage in imaginative play. Whether your child enjoys bouncing on trampolines, exploring obstacle courses, or getting creative with art activities, there is something for everyone at these Houston indoor fun centers. So, when the weather isn't cooperating or you just want a break from outdoor activities, head to one of these indoor play spaces and let the fun begin!Kids TV ShowsKids TV Shows offer a delightful and entertaining way for children to engage with their favorite characters and stories. Whether they're learning valuable lessons from educational shows or enjoying the revival of classic cartoons, there's something for every young viewer to enjoy.Here are three reasons why Kids TV Shows are a great option for Spring Break entertainment:Best educational shows: Many Kids TV Shows are designed to be both entertaining and educational. They cover a wide range of subjects, from science and history to math and language skills. These shows can help children learn new concepts and reinforce what they're learning in school. Some popular educational shows include 'Sesame Street,' 'Dora the Explorer,' and 'The Magic School Bus.'Classic cartoons revival: Kids TV Shows are also a great way to introduce children to classic cartoons from the past. Many networks are now airing reruns of beloved shows such as 'Tom and Jerry,' 'Looney Tunes,' and 'The Flintstones.' These timeless cartoons offer nostalgia for parents and a chance for children to appreciate the humor and storytelling of a bygone era.Family bonding time: Watching Kids TV Shows together as a family can be a special bonding experience. Make it a cozy event by preparing popcorn or candy and snuggling up with a furry blanket. This shared activity can create lasting memories and provide opportunities for discussion and laughter.Houston Children's MuseumThe Houston Children's Museum offers a vibrant and interactive experience for families to explore and engage in a world of fun and learning. With 90,000 square feet of space, there's no shortage of exciting exhibits and educational workshops to enjoy. Let's take a look at what the museum has to offer:Interactive ExhibitsEducational WorkshopsBungee TrampolinesScience ExplorationsShaving Cream Pie FightArt AdventuresHuman Hamster BallsMath ManiaThe interactive exhibits at the Houston Children's Museum are designed to spark curiosity and creativity in children of all ages. From bouncing on bungee trampolines to participating in a shaving cream pie fight, there's never a dull moment. Kids can also experience the thrill of rolling in human hamster balls, providing a unique and exhilarating adventure.In addition to the interactive exhibits, the museum offers educational workshops that allow children to dive deeper into various subjects. Science Explorations workshops delve into the fascinating world of science, while Art Adventures workshops encourage artistic expression and creativity. Math Mania workshops make learning math fun and engaging, helping children develop their problem-solving skills.At the Houston Children's Museum, children are encouraged to explore, discover, and learn in a hands-on and interactive environment. Whether they're bouncing, creating, or problem-solving, the museum provides a perfect blend of entertainment and education. So, bring your family to the Houston Children's Museum this spring break and embark on an unforgettable adventure of fun and learning.Comic Con in ConroeComic Con in Conroe brings the exciting world of comics to life for fans of all ages. This event, located just north of Houston, is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of superheroes, villains, and everything in between. Here are three reasons why you should check out Comic Con in Conroe:Conroe Cosplay: Get ready to show off your cosplay skills and dress up as your favorite comic book characters. From Spider-Man to Wonder Woman, you'll see a wide variety of creative costumes at Comic Con in Conroe. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture all the amazing outfits and maybe even get some inspiration for your next cosplay creation.Houston Comic Artists: Comic Con in Conroe is a great opportunity to meet and support local Houston comic artists. These talented individuals showcase their artwork and comics at the event, allowing you to discover new stories and characters. You might even have the chance to chat with the artists, learn about their creative process, and purchase some unique artwork to take home.Panels and Workshops: Comic Con in Conroe offers a range of panels and workshops that cover various aspects of the comic book world. Whether you're interested in learning about the history of comics, honing your drawing skills, or exploring the storytelling techniques behind your favorite graphic novels, there's something for everyone. These interactive sessions provide a chance to engage with experts in the field and gain insights into the comic book industry.Comic Con in Conroe is a must-visit event for comic book enthusiasts and families looking for a fun and immersive experience. So grab your capes, masks, and enthusiasm, and get ready to dive into the world of comics at this exciting convention.King Tut's Tomb Discovery ExperienceAfter immersing ourselves in the exciting world of comics at Comic Con in Conroe, it's time to embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the wonders of ancient Egypt with the King Tut's Tomb Discovery Experience.Step into the Houston Museum of Natural Science and prepare to be transported back in time to the land of pharaohs and pyramids.The King Tut's Tomb Discovery Experience offers a fascinating journey into Egyptian history. Get up close and personal with ancient artifacts and delve into the mysteries of mummy preservation. The interactive exhibits bring the past to life, allowing you to uncover archaeological discoveries and unravel the secrets of the tombs.As you wander through the exhibit, you'll be captivated by the rich history and cultural significance of ancient Egypt. Learn about the rituals and beliefs surrounding death and the afterlife. Marvel at the intricate craftsmanship of the artifacts and gain a deeper understanding of the civilization that shaped the world we live in today.The King Tut's Tomb Discovery Experience is an educational and immersive experience for the whole family. Children will be enthralled by the mummy mysteries and the chance to explore the exhibits in a hands-on way. From deciphering hieroglyphics to examining replicas of ancient treasures, there's something for everyone to discover.Space Center HoustonGet ready to blast off into an out-of-this-world adventure at Space Center Houston! The Space Center Houston is an incredible place for families to explore and learn about the wonders of space. Here are three reasons why you should visit:Explore the Universe: At Space Center Houston, you can learn about upcoming missions to the moon and Mars. Discover the latest advancements in space exploration and get a glimpse into the future of space travel. From interactive exhibits to immersive simulations, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Special Appearances: Imagine meeting your favorite characters from Black Panther and Jurassic Park! Space Center Houston often hosts special appearances from beloved movie characters, adding an extra layer of excitement to your visit. You never know who you might run into during your space adventure.Roller Rink Fun: Lace up your skates and hit the roller rink at Space Center Houston. Glide and twirl as you enjoy the music and atmosphere of this unique attraction. It's a great way to have some active fun and create lasting memories with your family.Space Center Houston offers an unforgettable experience for kids and adults alike. With its interactive exhibits, special appearances, and roller rink, there's no shortage of excitement and educational opportunities.Discovery Green Spring BreakSpring Break at Discovery Green is a must-visit for families looking for a fun and exciting getaway. There are special activities happening at Discovery Green that will keep the whole family entertained. One of the highlights is the roller rink, where you can lace up your skates and glide around the rink with freedom. It's a great way to get some exercise and have a blast at the same time.In addition to the roller rink activities, there are also appearances from Black Panther characters and Jurassic Park dinosaurs. Imagine the excitement on your kids' faces when they see their favorite superheroes come to life right before their eyes. They can take pictures, get autographs, and even participate in interactive activities with these beloved characters.To give you a better idea of what to expect at Discovery Green Spring Break, here's a table highlighting the main attractions:ActivitiesRoller RinkBlack Panther Character AppearancesJurassic Park DinosaursDatesThroughout Spring BreakCheck schedule for specific timesCheck schedule for specific timesDescriptionSkate, dance, and have fun on the roller rinkMeet Black Panther characters and participate in activitiesEncounter life-sized animatronic dinosaursAge RangeAll agesAll agesAll agesCostVariesFreeFreeAs you can see, there is something for everyone at Discovery Green Spring Break. Whether you're a roller skating enthusiast, a superhero fan, or a dinosaur lover, this event has it all. So pack up the family, put on your skates, and get ready for an unforgettable Spring Break adventure at Discovery Green.Blessington FarmsWhen planning a family-friendly Spring Break adventure, don't miss out on the delightful experience awaiting you at Blessington Farms. This charming farm offers a wide range of activities that are sure to keep the whole family entertained.Here are three reasons why Blessington Farms should be at the top of your Spring Break itinerary:Petting Zoo: Get up close and personal with adorable animals at Blessington Farms' petting zoo. From fluffy bunnies to friendly goats, your little ones will have the opportunity to interact with a variety of farm animals. They can feed them, pet them, and even learn fun facts about each animal. It's a hands-on experience that's both educational and exciting.Farm Activities: At Blessington Farms, there's no shortage of fun farm activities to enjoy. Take a tractor ride around the farm and soak in the scenic views. Let your kids loose on the giant slides and jumping pillows, where they can bounce and play to their heart's content. And don't forget about the gem-mining, where little adventurers can sift through sand to uncover hidden treasures. There's something for everyone to enjoy.Outdoor Adventures: Blessington Farms is the perfect place to embrace the great outdoors. Take a leisurely stroll through their beautiful grounds, enjoying the fresh air and natural beauty. Let your kids run free in the wide-open spaces, playing games and enjoying the freedom of being outside. With plenty of picnic areas, it's the ideal spot to relax and have a family lunch surrounded by nature.At Blessington Farms, you'll find a petting zoo, a wide range of farm activities, and outdoor adventures that are sure to make your Spring Break unforgettable. So pack your bags, round up the family, and get ready for a fantastic time at this fantastic farm.Lone Star Flight MuseumThe Lone Star Flight Museum offers an exciting and educational experience for families looking to explore the world of aviation. With its historical aircraft display and flight simulators, there's something for everyone to enjoy.As soon as you step into the museum, you'll be greeted by a stunning collection of aircraft from different eras. From iconic World War II planes to modern jets, the museum showcases the evolution of flight in a captivating way.But the excitement doesn't end there. The Lone Star Flight Museum also offers flight simulators, where you can experience the thrill of piloting a plane firsthand. Strap into the cockpit and take control as you soar through the virtual skies. It's an exhilarating experience that will leave you feeling like a true aviator.In addition to the historical aircraft and flight simulators, the museum also hosts special events during Spring Break. Imagine attending an indoor R/C air show or getting the chance to sit in helicopters and planes. These unique opportunities add an extra layer of excitement and make for an unforgettable family outing.Kid-Friendly Hiking Trails in HoustonLet's hit the trails and explore the kid-friendly hiking options in Houston. There are so many nature exploration and outdoor adventure opportunities waiting for us! Here are some exciting options to consider:Houston Arboretum and Nature Center: This beautiful oasis is perfect for a family hike. We can spot animals, collect leaves, and even have running races along the trails. Don't forget to complete the Forest Detective Wildlife Checklist for a fun and educational experience.Memorial Park: With over 30 miles of trails, Memorial Park offers plenty of options for different hiking levels. We can immerse ourselves in nature, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the serene surroundings. Keep an eye out for the park's resident wildlife!Buffalo Bayou Park: This urban park is a great place to explore with the kids. We can take a leisurely stroll along the trails, admire the stunning views of the bayou, and even have a picnic by the water. Don't forget to stop by the nature play area for some extra fun.Whether we choose to hike through the peaceful Houston Arboretum and Nature Center, venture into the vast Memorial Park, or explore the urban oasis of Buffalo Bayou Park, our family is sure to have an amazing time in nature.Forest Detective Wildlife ChecklistAs we continue our outdoor adventure in Houston, let's now turn our attention to the Forest Detective Wildlife Checklist, a fun and interactive activity that will bring us closer to the fascinating wildlife that calls Houston's nature preserves home. Nature exploration and wildlife observation are at the heart of this exciting experience. By completing the checklist, we can learn about the different species that inhabit the forests and gain a better understanding of their habitats and behaviors.To help you get started on your Forest Detective Wildlife Checklist, here's a handy table showcasing some of the incredible creatures you might encounter during your nature exploration:Animal NameInteresting FactWhite-tailed DeerThe most common large mammal in Houston's forestsRed-tailed HawkKnown for its distinctive reddish-brown tail feathersEastern Gray SquirrelRecognizable by its bushy tail and gray furAmerican AlligatorCan be found in wetland areas and is a powerful swimmerGreat Blue HeronOften seen near bodies of water, hunting for fishGreen AnoleA small lizard known for its ability to change colorAs we venture into the forest, we can check off each animal we spot and learn more about their unique characteristics. It's like becoming real-life detectives, uncovering the secrets of the natural world around us. Don't forget to bring a pair of binoculars and a camera to capture any memorable wildlife encounters.Rock Climbing Gyms and WallsRock climbing enthusiasts of all ages can find excitement and adventure at the various rock climbing gyms and walls scattered throughout Houston. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned climber, these indoor climbing facilities offer a safe and thrilling experience for the whole family.Here are three reasons why you should consider trying rock climbing during your spring break in Houston:Indoor Climbing Techniques: Rock climbing gyms provide a controlled environment where you can learn and practice indoor climbing techniques. From bouldering walls to top-rope and lead climbing routes, these facilities offer a variety of challenges for climbers of all skill levels. You can improve your balance, strength, and problem-solving skills while having a blast.Safety Measures for Rock Climbing: Safety is a top priority in rock climbing gyms. Trained staff members are always on hand to provide guidance and ensure that climbers follow proper safety protocols. They'll teach you how to properly use climbing equipment, including harnesses, ropes, and carabiners. With their expert guidance, you can enjoy the thrill of climbing while feeling confident and secure.Fun for the Whole Family: Rock climbing is a great activity for families to enjoy together. Kids can develop their coordination and confidence as they navigate the climbing walls, while parents can challenge themselves and stay active. Many gyms offer designated areas for children, so even the little ones can safely join in on the fun.St. Patrick's Day ParadeThe St. Patrick's Day Parade in Houston is a fantastic family-friendly event that celebrates all things Irish and brings the community together in a colorful and festive procession. It's a must-attend event for families looking to embrace the Irish spirit and enjoy a day of fun and excitement.One of the highlights of the St. Patrick's Day Parade are the parade floats. These beautifully decorated floats showcase the creativity and talent of local organizations and businesses. From elaborate designs to vibrant colors, the floats add a touch of magic to the parade as they make their way through the streets of Houston.As you walk along the parade route, you'll be treated to the sounds of traditional Irish music. The lively tunes and infectious rhythms will have everyone tapping their feet and clapping their hands. It's a joyous atmosphere that will lift your spirits and create lasting memories for your family.In addition to the parade floats and Irish music, there are plenty of other activities to enjoy during the St. Patrick's Day Parade. You can indulge in delicious food from local vendors, participate in interactive games and activities, and even meet some of the parade participants. It's a day filled with laughter, joy, and a sense of community.Mercer Botanic GardensAfter enjoying the festive and lively atmosphere of the St. Patrick's Day Parade, we can continue our family adventure by exploring the natural beauty and tranquility of Mercer Botanic Gardens. This hidden gem in Humble is the perfect place to soak in the sights and sounds of spring.Here's what you can expect at Mercer Botanic Gardens:Spring Flowers: As we wander through the gardens, we'll be greeted by a vibrant display of colorful blooms. From daffodils and tulips to azaleas and bluebonnets, the gardens come alive with the beauty of the season. It's a great opportunity to teach the little ones about different types of flowers and their unique characteristics.Sculpture Walks: As we stroll along the winding paths, we'll discover captivating sculptures nestled among the foliage. These artistic creations add a touch of whimsy and creativity to the natural surroundings. We can engage in a fun game of 'spot the sculpture' and see who can find the most hidden treasures.Playground Fun and Walking Trails: Mercer Botanic Gardens not only offers stunning flora and fauna, but also provides plenty of recreational activities for the whole family. The arboretum boasts playgrounds where the kids can climb, slide, and swing to their heart's content. And for those who prefer a leisurely walk, the gardens feature well-maintained trails that wind through the lush greenery, providing a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.Mercer Botanic Gardens truly offers something for everyone. Whether we're marveling at the breathtaking spring flowers, embarking on a sculpture scavenger hunt, or enjoying some outdoor playtime, this natural oasis is sure to delight both young and old.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Age Restrictions for the Houston Rodeo?Age restrictions for the Houston Rodeo vary depending on the event. Some events may have specific age limits, while others are open to all ages. It's best to check the official website or contact the organizers for detailed information about age restrictions and ticket prices.The Houston Rodeo offers a wide range of activities and entertainment for the whole family to enjoy, so everyone can have a great time.What Are Some Popular TV Shows for Kids to Watch During Spring Break?During spring break, there are plenty of popular TV shows for kids to watch and enjoy. From animated adventures to educational series, there's something for every young viewer.These shows can be a fun way to relax and unwind during the break, whether it's with a cozy blanket and a bowl of popcorn or a special treat like candy.How Much Does It Cost to Visit the Houston Children's Museum?Visiting the Houston Children's Museum is definitely worth the price!Compared to other children's museums in the area, it offers a whopping 90,000 square feet of fun. From bungee trampolines to shaving cream pie fights, there's something for everyone. You can even roll around in human hamster balls!It's a special Spring Break Destination Celebration that your kids will love. So, grab your family and get ready for a day of laughter and excitement at the Houston Children's Museum.Can Adults Attend Comic Con in Conroe Without Children?Yes, adults can attend Comic Con in Conroe without children. It's a fantastic opportunity for all comic book enthusiasts to come together, geek out, and enjoy the festivities.From cosplaying to meeting your favorite artists and creators, there's something for everyone.Are There Any Admission Fees for Visiting Mercer Botanic Gardens?There are no admission fees for visiting Mercer Botanic Gardens, making it a great option for a family outing during Spring Break. Mercer Botanic Gardens offers a beautiful outdoor space with playgrounds, picnic areas, and walking trails, perfect for a day of exploring nature.As for the Houston Rodeo, there are no age restrictions, so everyone can enjoy the festivities. It's always nice to find activities that are affordable and accessible for the whole family.ConclusionIn conclusion, Spring Break 2022 in Houston offers an abundance of exciting activities for families to enjoy together. From the thrilling rides and delicious fair food at the Houston Rodeo to the interactive exhibits at the Houston Children's Museum, there's something for everyone.Whether you're exploring the mysteries of ancient Egypt or embarking on a journey to outer space, this Spring Break promises laughter, learning, and unforgettable moments with your Houston kids.So don't miss out on the fun and make this vacation a truly memorable one! As they say, 'The family that plays together, stays together.'
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:38 DinoSpumoni10796 My almost 2 yr old keeps biting other kids at daycare

My toddler keeps biting other kids at daycare and we don’t know how to get her to stop. She’s bitten 3 different kids in 3 days. Sometimes it’s when she wants a toy, other times it’s unprovoked. We’ve tried sending her with a teething necklace, or even a pacifier to help prevent the urge, but she just takes the necklace off and she tends to put the entire pacifier in her mouth, creating a choking hazard.
Daycare wants us to brainstorm ideas to get her to stop but we have no idea what else to do. She doesn’t really do this behavior at home, mostly at daycare. There have been only a few incidents at home where she’s tried to bite her brother but we always intervene and redirect her and tell her it’s not okay to bite. Neither of her older siblings ever did this, so we have no experience dealing with biters. She never used to bite until one day another kid bit her at school and since then she’s been doing it regularly. It stopped for a while but for some reason she’s started again.
I even talked to her this morning and said “no biting today right?” And she repeated “no biting!” But she’s barely 2, so I know she doesn’t fully understand.
Does anybody have tips for how to eliminate the biting?
submitted by DinoSpumoni10796 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:37 Beingmarkh Wii or Switch?

So school lets out today, and I was planning on getting a Wii so that I and my 5 year-old son could play games together...physical games, like the ones I remember from lo these many years ago (archery, bowling, tennis, that beach sword-fighting game, etc.).
But we've also got a long road trip this summer, so I started having doubts as to whether or not I should go with the Switch. What I'm not sure about is whether or not the Switch has that family-friendly let's-all-play-something-together-in-the-living room kind of set-up in addition to its hand-held aspect.
Does the Switch do both? Can I have that living room experience with the Switch, or should I just get a Wii?
I'm a total Nintendo noob, by the way. My last experience with these consoles was way back when the Wii was new, so be gentle.
submitted by Beingmarkh to wii [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:32 TigBiddies1017 How to stay consistent and motivated with workout routine and healthy eating??

Im a 25F, am 5'5, and climbing to 190lbs. As soon as I quit my restaurant job for a desk job, I gained over 25lbs quicker than I could count to 10. Im starting to not like what I see in the mirror. Im becoming more insecure and have resorted to buying oversized clothes to hide the tummy fat that I fail to suck in. Ive tried working out at home in the past, doing sets of tummy exercises and stretches, but after about a week or two I lose the motivation. It's like I give up before I even give myself the chance to see any results. I have bad eating habits that ive been working on fixing, but my best friend is my roommate and her eating habits are worse than mine, she has zero self control, and we tend to feed into each others bad habits. Im not putting my failure on my roommate, but she has definitely made it difficult for me to stay consistent, especially knowing theres always junk food in the house. Shes also not encouraging or supportive when it comes to me trying to work out or when I need extra encouragement to stay on track and not give up. This isnt about me bashing my friend for not holding my hand, im just explaining my situation lol. Anyway, I cant afford a gym membership (and healthy foods seem to get more and more expensive), and besides my roommate (who has no interest in exercise) I dont have any friends to work out with or even walk around the neighborhood with. I have two jobs and go to school part time, so when I have free time all I want to do is lay in bed like a slug. I tried downloading an app to keep track of my meals and calories as well as my exercises, and set daily reminders in my phone, and it eventually turned into silencing the reminders until I finally deleted them from my phone and I havent touched that app in months. I also have ADHD, so my medication already significantly curbs my appetite, so Im not constantly eating all the time, but I cant fast cuz I get terrible acid reflux, even cutting meal portions or even certain foods can result in it. Im afraid I will eventually become content with my lifestyle and appearance, if im not already... Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can stay motivated and consistent in a workout routine and eating healthier, I guess without moral support or money?
submitted by TigBiddies1017 to Workingout [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:23 Sufficient-Cause-875 Should i make my boyfriend choose between me and his friend

I am black my bf (D) is white. my bf and i are in the same friendgroup which includes his childhood best friend (E) and it is mostly white people in the friendgroup except me and another mutual friend (black too). me and E were in the same class at a point which is how we met and he was pretty nice, he even was the one to introduce me to D. Like 2 months after me and E met (before i started dating D), he started being pretty rude to me. It was mostly backhanded comments. For example, we took drama together and i had a music number for one of the shows, during rehearsal, he told me “wow, OP, you did surprisingly good, i genuinely thought you would suck” I did not respond to that and i brushed it off.
Later (after i had started dating D), the comments turned racial. He had made several black people jokes both in general and towards me Just a few examples of the ones he made towards me,
Once i wore a mini skirt to school because it was really hot. He stared me down and i ignored him and continued talking to D like i was initially then he cuts me off and says “OP, you wanna know what you look like?” I was genuinely scared he was gonna sl*tshame me but he goes on and on about how I look burnt and look like i had been “cooked too long” I was baffled and told him he wasnt funny and what he said was really dumb and he flat out ignored me
Another thing he always does is compare D and i’s relationship to slavery.
The one he did that set me off was when he asked me if I drank water in africa and he learnt that “Africa does not have enough water” And i got super mad and i cursed him out and he didnt even apologize he just defended himself. There are many other instances of him doing this kind of crap.
During his little crap talking, bf is almost always there but doesnt say much because they are childhood friends and E “stood up for him” when they were kids so he feels bad to confront him. Bf always tried to make me feel better but i would genuinely prefer he confronted him.
He did confront him once, and E said “why should i stop its funny” to which D ignored. When D told me this i was mad. I am kind of rethinking this relationship a little bit and idk if i wanna make him choose but i cant take this anymore its driving me crazy. What should i do?
submitted by Sufficient-Cause-875 to Advice [link] [comments]
