Composite sink plumbers putty

[MA] [Condo] Plumbing/Water Damage Between Units

2024.06.05 04:58 Severe-Courage-1654 [MA] [Condo] Plumbing/Water Damage Between Units

I bought a third floor unit in a 3 unit condo. Within a month of moving in (May 2021), the downstairs unit owner texted me stating that her tenants were getting water through their smoke detector and that it was “linked to my shower”. She stated that the issue started ten years ago (via text, got screenshot). So I get a recommended licensed and insured plumber out there to cut up her ceiling and see what was going on (pic of ceiling attached). He tells me it’s the grout. So I completely retile and renovate the shower, fixtures, pan, everything. About 6 months later, and after I pay for her ceiling’s plastering, she tells me that the issue persists. Enter plumber #2 who bullshits me and just says it’s the toilet. New wax wring, It happens again randomly months later. Fed up, I tell her to choose the plumber SHE wants and trusts and I will foot the bill. This fool tells me it’s the sink that I never use. Flash forward to last month, the issue is back and raining in. I’m bankrupt and have no interest to pay additional plumbers to look at that ceiling when this issue should’ve been dealt correctly 10 years ago with the prior owner.
I’ve been completely displaced from my house for the past two weeks and living out of duffle bags, as I can’t shower there. I had a lawyer send a letter after reading the docs and there’s been no response from her (she happens to be the only owner on the HOA accounts due to us never meeting). She refuses to use HOA funds for leak detection to settle things once and for all, and continues to demand that this is because of my shower. The lawyer cited condo docs:
“‘Me’ has already paid for repairs that were reasonably linked to her unit, but leaks persist, and they are behind shared common area walls. This owner continues to harass her to pay for the repairs instead of going through the proper channels. Please refer to the trust master deed, section VII: Description of Common Elements (d) and section VIII: Maintenance of Common Area, which state;
The common areas and facilities of the Condominium, hereafter referred to as the “COMMON ELEMENTS,” consists of the entire property designed aforesaid, including all the parts of the building and improvements thereon, but excluding the units as set for the above, and shall include without limitation the following:
d) All conduits, ducts, plumbing, wiring, flues, and other facilities of power, light, air and all sewer and drainage pipes and sewer system, electric wires, electrical units or facilities, water pipes all if owned by Declarant, and if not so owned, the right and easement to use the same to the extent the Declarant can do grant….”
Without a meeting or a vote, she’s already got an insurance adjuster coming out there Saturday, with no details as of why. Just a “mandatory inspection” that only requires entry to the basement and her unit. Sounds like she is trying to use master policy to pay for water damage?
I’m tired, I’m bankrupt and heartbroken due to this place, and I love my condo otherwise and busted my behind for that down payment. My dues are paid; we’ve only met once despite bylaws. Any advice?
When plumber opened up the ceiling
submitted by Severe-Courage-1654 to HOA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:27 Early_Mix_4195 Is The Kitchen Sink Faucet Corroded and Unsafe To Use?

This is an apartment that I'm renting at and I will most likely move out soon due to mold issues. My kitchen sink is disgusting and I didn't clean or maintain it well. I am showing it at the worst condition as of now. It is extremely hot and humid where I am located. Now I didn't clean my kitchen sink in the pictures so you can see how disgusting it is. I haven't taken a stainless steel scrubber to scrub any part of the kitchen sink faucet or handles in a long time but have done it with the sink area though these pictures, I didn't just to show how it looks. There is also mold on the walls as well but if I take water or vinegar to wipe it off, it will go away. I also have mold in my apartment as well.
First off, is it even safe to use water from the sink faucet with how disgusting and corroded the sink faucet and handle is? There is even green spots all over. T he thing is I heard the white spots in some areas is because of high mineral deposits right? Someone had told me before the sink faucet went this disgusting... when it had lot of white spots... it was just calcium spots and this is normal? We have hard water here. Notice how it is disgusting and white and yellow and green spots everywhere including where the kitchen faucet comes from... lot that area is disgusting.
I heard people say put vinegar on paper towel over the kitchen faucet and handle and the surrounding area but this needs replacement right? I have stainless stain scrubber but this is no use for it in this condition? The thing is what about putting vinegar in a ziploc bag and wrapping it around the head of the sink faucet where the water comes out or it is just too bad for that now? The thing is, is it even safe to use the sink water to wash dishes because you can see how even the inside of the sink faucet looks disgusting so it's like contaminated? What are my options here? I assume if you replace the entire sink faucet and handle... the last time this was done was many years ago with a plumber... well it looked new since it was a new one. I recall he replaced the entire sink faucet and handle with just one part. Does this need to be replaced immediately? Are there any health issues with how corroded it is if continuing to use it even to wash dishes? I will most likely move out of this apartment soon due to mold issues on the walls and ceiling but could I could this or not?
submitted by Early_Mix_4195 to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:22 inthepipe_fivebyfive Smelly bathroom sink

Whenever the cold water is running it seems to pull a smell from... somewhere. Thought it MIGHT be a vent issue but makes no sense as No issues with water from neighbouring bath or shower - kitchen sink also fine - no smells at all.
P trap under sink is clear and seems to be holding water with no leaks I can see. We must have thrown 3 or 4 bottles worth of de clogger of various types down along with one of those long flexible metal drain cleaner things. (Both the sink plug hole and the over flow hole). Also tried, vinegar and a few dozen kettles worth of boiling water. Boiling water and bleach seem to work for a day or so then comes back.
It's been around for a few weeks now.
If anyone has any suggestions before I call in a plumber it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by inthepipe_fivebyfive to ukplumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:00 anxgrl The hot water stream of kitchen sink has very low pressure compared to what it was, and compared to the cold one. Do I need a handyman or do I call a plumber?

submitted by anxgrl to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:24 Consistent_Aioli_227 Garbage disposal self repair

Garbage disposal self repair
Leak coming from where my garbage disposal meets the sink. I’m thinking about taking it apart, cleaning all this gunk, putting some plumber putty and teflon tape on the threads and seating it back to see if it fixes the leak.
Can someone tell me if this brown gunk all over it is just putty that was put onto the thread? Is that needed? Not too handy but trying to take on stuff like this to save cash so any help, tips or advice is greatly appreciatedx
submitted by Consistent_Aioli_227 to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:47 Past-Marketing64 Tamiya quick type epoxy sinking problem

Tamiya quick type epoxy sinking problem
Had this gap filled with excess putty to avoid sinking when the putty dries and cures and then sanded down smooth before painting, and a the area still sank down for some reason. Any advice?
submitted by Past-Marketing64 to modelmakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:16 TimMelbourneE Dealing with Clogged House Drain in Etobicoke - Plumber To Your Door (41...
First, try to do it yourself!
Remove the clog by hand. Sometimes, a clog is immediately visible near the surface.
Use a drain snake. (if you have)
Use a plunger. ( you need to have one at your home)
Use a pot of boiling water.
Use a natural drain cleaner.
Remove and clean the drain trap.
When you're looking for reliable plumbers in Etobicoke to locate a clog and clean out your drains, Plumber To Your Door is here to answer your call.
submitted by TimMelbourneE to u/TimMelbourneE [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:53 wolf_smith520 Minecraft mod animation import

Minecraft mod animation import
Most minecraft gun mod use gltf as animation, and when I try to import it into blender, there are a lot of animated points, so how can i convert it to skeleton animation
submitted by wolf_smith520 to blender [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:52 Specialist-Ad7204 Washing machine drain in rental house

Washing machine drain in rental house
Hello everybody. This is the drain for my washing machine in my house. When we first moved in we had to have our sink unclogged by a plumber, and while he was doing that, disgusting rotten food and water was coming up through the washer drain in the garage next to the kitchen. I cleaned it and it didn’t happen again, but I always noticed the garage smelled like hot garbage. Today my wife sent me this. The washer is on and apparently overflowing the drain. Is this against codes? This seems like a poor design. Do I even have a complaint to my landlord here?
submitted by Specialist-Ad7204 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:15 seqpipeworks Why Your Drains Get Blocked and How to Fix Them in Gold Coast?

Blocked drains are a common household issue that can lead to significant inconvenience and potential damage if not addressed promptly. Understanding why your drains get blocked and knowing how to fix them can save you time, money, and stress. This guide focuses on the causes of blocked drains in Gold Coast and provides effective solutions to keep your plumbing system running smoothly

1. Common Causes of Blocked Drains in Gold Coast

Blocked drains can occur for various reasons, and identifying the cause is the first step in fixing the problem. Here are some of the most common causes in Gold Coast:
1.1 Hair and Soap Scum
Hair and soap scum are common offenders in restrooms. Hair can bind with soap residue and other debris to form clogs in pipes.
1.2 Grease and Fat
In kitchens, grease and fat from cooking can accumulate inside pipes. When these substances cool, they solidify and create blockages.
1.3 Foreign Objects
Items like sanitary products, wipes, and children’s toys can accidentally end up in toilets and drains, leading to blockages.
1.4 Tree Roots
Tree roots are attracted to the moisture in pipes and can infiltrate them through tiny cracks. As the roots grow, they can cause severe blockages and even damage the pipes.
1.5 Mineral Build-up
Hard water can lead to mineral deposits inside pipes, gradually narrowing the passage and causing blockages.
1.6 Heavy Rains and Storms
Gold Coast experiences heavy rains and storms, which can overwhelm drainage systems. Debris like leaves, dirt, and sand can enter the drains and cause blockages.

2. Signs of a Blocked Drain

Recognizing the early signs of a blocked drain can help you address the issue before it becomes a major problem. Common signs include:
Slow Draining Water: Water takes longer to drain from sinks, baths, and showers.
Gurgling Sounds: Unusual noises from your drains can indicate air trapped in the pipes due to a blockage.
Bad Odors: Bad odors coming from your drains might indicate that food, oil, or other material has become stuck.
Water Backing Up: Water backing up into sinks, bathtubs, or toilets is a clear sign of a blockage.
Multiple Clogged Fixtures: If more than one fixture is draining slowly, the blockage could be in the main sewer line.

3. How to Fix Blocked Drains

Once you’ve identified a blockage, there are several methods you can use to fix it, ranging from DIY solutions to professional help.
3.1 DIY Methods
3.1.1 Plunging
A plunger can be very effective for minor blockages. Make sure to use the correct type of plunger for your sink or toilet. Make a forceful plunge to generate suction and remove the obstruction.
3.1.2 Baking Soda and Vinegar
A natural and effective solution is to pour baking soda followed by vinegar down the drain. After letting the mixture soak for around half an hour, rinse with hot water. This method works well for grease and minor clogs.
3.1.3 Boiling Water
Boiling water down the drain can aid in the dissolution of soap scum and grease. This is particularly effective in kitchen sinks
3.1.4 Drain Snake
A drain snake, or plumber’s auger, is a handy tool for breaking up and removing blockages. Insert the snake into the drain and twist to capture the clog, then pull it out.
3.2 Professional Solutions
For stubborn or severe blockages, it’s best to call a professional plumber. Here are some advanced techniques used by professionals in Gold Coast:
3.2.1 Hydro Jetting
Hydrojetting uses high-pressure water to clear blockages and clean the inside of pipes. It is highly effective for removing grease, mineral build-up, and tree roots.
3.2.2 CCTV Drain Inspection
A CCTV camera inspection allows plumbers to see inside the pipes and identify the exact location and cause of the blockage. This is very helpful for figuring out difficult problems.
3.2.3 Pipe Relining
If tree roots have damaged your pipes, pipe relining is a non-invasive solution. It involves inserting a resin-coated tube into the damaged pipe, which hardens to form a new pipe within the old one.
3.2.4 Excavation and Replacement
In severe cases where pipes are heavily damaged, excavation and replacement may be necessary. This involves digging up and replacing the affected sections of the pipe.

4. Preventing Future Blockages

Preventing blockages is easier and more cost-effective than dealing with them. Here are some preventive measures:
4.1 Regular Maintenance
Schedule regular plumbing inspections to identify and fix potential issues before they become major problems.
4.2 Proper Disposal
Avoid disposing of grease, fat, and food scraps down the kitchen sink. Use a sink strainer to catch hair and debris in the bathroom.
4.3 Educating Household Members
Inform everyone in your household about what can and cannot go down the drain. This includes avoiding flushing sanitary products, wipes, and other foreign objects.
4.4 Install Water Softeners
If you have hard water, consider installing a water softener to reduce mineral build-up in your pipes.
4.5 Regular Cleaning
Use natural cleaning solutions like baking soda and vinegar regularly to keep your drains clear.


Blocked drains are a common issue in Gold Coast, but understanding the causes and knowing how to fix them can help you maintain a healthy plumbing system. From DIY methods to professional services, there are various solutions available to address blockages effectively. Additionally, taking preventive measures can help you avoid future problems and ensure that your drains remain free-flowing and efficient. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can protect your home from the inconvenience and damage caused by blocked drains.
submitted by seqpipeworks to u/seqpipeworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:11 tab_rick How to Clean Corian Sink Without Effort

How to Clean Corian Sink Without Effort
Sinks are important house components that offer numerous functions. If located in the kitchen, they can be used for doing dishes or washing food items. If located in the bathroom, the sink can be used for grooming.
Like every other sink material, Corian sinks require proper maintenance to preserve their beautiful features, or else they easily damage. This article will guide Corian sink users or ‘to be owners’ on how to clean a Corian sink.

Understanding of Corian Sinks

Corian sinks can be very beautiful and add some exquisite touch to kitchens or any countertop they are fitted on.
Now let us go deep into the material compositions and features of Corian sinks below.

The Material Composition of Corian Sinks

Most Corian sinks are made up of acrylic resin, inert fillers, minerals, and pigment for coloring. The inert fillers such as aluminum trihydrate used in producing Corian sinks give the solid surface its overall strength and resistance.
Also, Corian sinks contain an acrylic resin which serves as the binding agent of the solid surface. It holds together all other materials used on the solid surface while providing a non-porous surface.
Solid Surface Sink

Features of Corian Sinks

Corian sinks possess numerous features that make them a valuable preference for realtors, new homeowners, or remodelers. The features include durability, stain resistance, and antibacterial properties.
The stain-resistant, and water-resistant nature of corian sinks will make them more durable than cast iron sinks or any other sink that is affected by moisture.
Also, Corian sinks are designed to provide some level of resistance to impact and shock, and also some light chemicals or alkalis they can come in contact with. This feature has made it a staple sink choice for many households and commercial places where they can be exposed to all kinds of uses.
Antibacterial Property
Although Corian sinks are not inherently antibacterial, they possess features that make them hygienic and free of microbial growth. Corian sinks are made of solid, non-porous materials that are not suitable for breeding bacteria.

Common Problems Faced While Cleaning Corian Sinks

It is important to learn how to clean Corian sink stains. This will help keep the sink in good shape even after years of usage.

Stain Residue

One of the common problems corian sink owners and users are likely to face while cleaning is noticing stain residues on their sink. Although corian sinks have stain resistance, some stains probably won’t go if they are not cleaned the right way.
Residual stains can be caused by different factors which include the hardness of water, water leaks, condensation, and spills.

Water Spots and Soap Scum

Water spots and soap scum are common problems encountered while cleaning Corian sink.
The water spots noticed on the sink after washing can be the residue of the water used in rinsing the sink that has not properly dried or mineral deposits on the sink. While soap scums are evidence of a buildup of soap residue that has not been washed off.
To remove water spots, wet a soft cloth with a water-vinegar mixture and gently scrub the affected area. Rinse with warm, clean water to remove any residue. For soap scums, use a non-abrasive cleaner with a soft wipe cloth and gently scrub the affected area. Rinse with water to wash off any residue.

Scratches and Scuffs

Using metals on Corian sinks will create tiny cracks, scratches, and scuffs that give room for further damage.
To prevent further scratches on the Corian sinks, avoid using sharp objects, metallic sponges, or abrasive cleaners. Rather opt for a cutting board during cooking and use soft cotton wipe clothes and non-abrasive cleaners during cleaning.

How to Clean Corian Sink Step by Step

Although other kinds of sinks are simple to clean, Corian sinks are a little different. Here are several tips on how to clean the Corian sink.

Prepare the Supplies

Before cleaning, prepare the necessary cleaning supplies you may need. These supplies include mild detergent, sponge, paper towels, non-abrasive cleanser, soft wipe clothes, and ammonia-based cleanser. The supplies should not be hard enough to damage the surface of the sink.
Preparing the supplies and keeping them within arm’s length allows you to fully focus on the cleaning without diverting.

Rinse the Sink

Some dirt might have stuck to the sink and dried. If they are washed immediately, it can lead to scratches and scuffs. Because of this reason, the first thing to do after preparing the supplies is to rinse the sink with warm water. And leave for a few minutes.
This will allow the sticky and dried dirt on the sink to be softened and easily removed.

Clean the Sink Surface

After rinsing the sink, it’s time for a proper cleaning.
Clean the sink surface and every exposed part with wipes or soft clothing materials. A regular cleaning agent can be used to clean the sink surface. It will take out the dust, dirt, and stains that are not so stubborn.

Deal with Stubborn Stains

If there are stubborn stains, use baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide as a substitute for bleach. These two ingredients should be combined to create a paste. Apply the paste to the sink stains, cover it with a dry rag, and let it sit for a few hours. Then, rinse with warm water and wipe dry.
Alternatively, you can use dish soap and baking soda. To prevent baking soda from dissolving on a wet sink, first, make sure your Corian sink has been well-dried. Then sprinkle a small amount of the powder in the sink, add a few drops of dish soap, and then scrub the spots thoroughly with an abrasive scouring pad.

Buff Out Scratches

Sandpapers are helpful for blurring out scratches from the surface of the sink. After buffing out the scratches with sandpaper, colored pigment suitable for the Corian sink can be used to refill the affected area.
This process will make it look like there has never been a scratch on that surface.

Rinse and Dry

Clean water should be sufficiently used to rinse off the soap residue, while a neat cotton clothing material should be used to absorb the residue water. In addition, a moist clothing material should also be used to apply cream cleanser on the corian sink to keep it sparkling.

Customize Easy-to-Clean Solid Surface Sinks

KKR is a very reliable solid surface manufacturer. We manufacture non-porous and beautiful customizable solid surface countertops, washbasins, bathtubs, acrylic solid surface sheets, and other finished goods on demand.
KKR is ISO 9001:2015 certified and also adheres to worldwide standards in the manufacturing of sinks. We offer the following:

Non-Porous Material for Sinks

KKR produces non-porous, solid surface and finished products. We do this with the aid of our sizable dust-removal machines that ensure that all KKR sinks are of the highest quality. This guarantees our users of durable sinks that will last for a long time, allowing everyone to get value for their money.

Color Fastness

Our wash basins and sinks are made using only the finest resins, which ensures their durability and enduring beauty. We’ve put in work to give our products exceptional finishes that will prevent them from degradation and make them beautiful all year round.
When you purchase your products from KKR, you do not have to worry about fading and yellowing of your Corian sinks.


Following the right steps on how to clean a Corian sink is the right way to get the best from the sink and prolong its lifespan. Cleaning the wrong way will expose your sink to stain residues, water spots, and even scratches.
KKR offers the best available solid surfaces, sinks and basins, bathtubs and accessories, countertops and vanity tops, and solid surface sheets. In addition, we offer customization services to offer you the exact product you need.
Get in contact with a KKR representative today!
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:01 questions_are_fun Turning on shower drops pressure for a second?

Just did a whole supply repipe of the house with a bonded and licensed plumber as the old pipes needed to go. During that time also installed tankless water heater, softener and filter.
Now whenever someone is using the sink for a while, and turns on the shower, the pressure drops in both, almost to a trickle, but only for 1-2 seconds before returning back to full pressure.
Is this normal? Almost as if the system has to adjust to more water being required?
Asked the plumber that did the repipe he said it's the tankless water heater having to move more water but wanted to have a second opinion.
Thank you!
submitted by questions_are_fun to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:46 questions_are_fun Complete repipe, shower pressure drops sink pressure for a few seconds?

Just did a whole supply repipe of the house with a bonded and licensed plumber as the old pipes needed to go. During that time also installed tankless water heater, softener and filter.
Now whenever someone is using the sink for a while, and turns on the shower, the pressure drops in both, almost to a trickle, but only for 1-2 seconds before returning back to full pressure.
Is this normal? Almost as if the system has to adjust to more water being required?
Asked the plumber that did the repipe he said it's the tankless water heater having to move more water but wanted to have a second opinion.
Thank you!
submitted by questions_are_fun to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:08 King_Fried_Chicken Seal around tub draon

Seal around tub draon
Hi all, I noticed today that the seal around my tub drain has partially come undone (see beige ring in picture). It looks like it's some sort of silicone or putty that was used to seal a gap between the tub and drain. I tried Googling this and found mixed opinions on whether this is just cosmetic or a possible leak issue.
Hoping you can help me figure out if this is a non-issue (ex. just some putty that spilled over) or if I need to remove the drain and re-seal using silicone or plumbers putty (and how to do so, if possible). Thanks.
submitted by King_Fried_Chicken to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:53 Deviljhosbizarreacc Composite DIO Vs Reverse Flash isn’t as great as you think it is: A Matchup Critique.

Ah, Reverse Flash Vs Composite DIO, probably the most popular, and generally regarded as the best for Comp DIO, only ever being competed with by Beatrice during that matchup’s absolute peak of popularity, and one of, if not the best for Reverse Flash(at least from my knowledge). However I feel as if this matchup has had a bit to long of a run, without anyone talking about the problems with it, at least in its current state. This critique will be mainly focused from the DIO side of things as frankly I do not consider myself at all knowledgeable enough to address any possible issues with Reverse Flash’s side of things, but if anyone who is familiar with the character do see issue in the connections I’ll be listed, or issues or misconceptions I have within my own debunk please do let me know.
I’ll be laying out my 3 primary problems with this matchup from the start. Along with a TLDR at the end of every segment. These problems are:
1: Flawed connections which misrepresent DIO, his character, and the events of his story
2: Doesn’t use what a “Composite” DIO should be within the connections
3: A completely unoriginal and already seen before animation potential which doesn’t even use DIO’s abilities well.
So, with this outlined, let’s begin this critique, shall we?
Part 1: Phantom Connections
Both are the more egotistical, violent and yellow clad counterparts of already iconic heroes (Jotaro Kujo or Jonathan Joestar, take your pick/Barry Allen) from opposing countries.
This is generally fine, DIO does act as the antagonistic force for Jotaro and Jonathan, but to comparing that to how hard RF focuses on Barry is insane to me. Especially when DIO’s true counterpart is the joestar bloodline as a whole(at least parts 1-6)
Both are known to be the biggest trolls in history who are known for their arrogance and massive egos, which has costed them the win multiple times where they can actually act extremely peaceful, theatrical and playful to their enemies when needed but can quickly just flip on a switch to being a complete maniacs on a dime when the rush of their goals are about to happen while also being very manipulative, pretty much screwing with everyone the heads of everyone around them just to fulfil their own goals (which mainly gets shown through Engrish or broken language), mocking those who they see as inferior to them, even when it comes to gaslighting, a lot and I mean a lot of gaslighting.
So, while this is true for DIO, he is able to swap from a calm, alluring, almost seductive aura, to a absolute psycho, and manipulates everyone around him, I have a major issue with one line, which is a major reason why this matchup is so beloved to my knowledge, and while I don’t think the MU started this, has help popularize this misconception about DIO: DIO being a ‘troll’ and ‘hater’
Now I will admit this part of my critique will just be me yapping off about DIO and while I do think it’s important to the problems with this MU, to me at least, but if you want to skip through this yap session, fine by me, I’d at least recommend reading over the final line which I’ll be leaving in bold, which will basically summarize my problems with this.
The major instance of DIO being a ‘troll’ I’ve seen people sight is the polnareff stair scene which by taking it at this “he’s trolling polnareff by stopping time” completely degrades what araki was trying to achieve in this scene, and what DIO was attempting to do here.
We opened with polnareff fixing up his leg after the vanilla ice fight, witnessing first hand the sheer power of just one DIO’s minions turned into a vampire, not even the man himself. But polnareff keeps his resolve to head on, only to be greeted by DIO just like he was when he started trying to look for his sister’s killer. DIO offers him a chance at redemption in the vampires eyes, descend and he’ll be allowed to rejoin his forces, ascend the stairs, and he has chosen death. Polnareff restates his new resolve to overcome DIO, that he isn’t the man he was when he got originally tricked by the vampire into servitude. DIO responds to this by edging on polnareff to ascend then, which he does. But then, bam, he’s back where he was. Polnareff is rightfully freaked out by this, DIO then says back that his body might’ve instinctively moved back. Continuing to try to persuade polnareff as the Frenchman hopelessly tries to ascend the stairs. But DIO continues to halt him from his ascent with his stand, for one final time he tries to break down polnareff’s steadfast resolve with explaining his idea of what ‘heaven’ or ‘happiness’ is, trying to tell polnareff that he is simply giving him the quickest possible route to happiness if he submits to DIO. However, polnareff stays strong, showing his true growth throughout part 3, no longer held back like a bull seeing red by his desire to avenge his sister. DIO finally recognizes his attempts will not work and prepares to go on the attack, before being interrupted.
By trying to just simplify this all down into “DIO does a funny on the stairs” you are essentially missing the point on why DIO is such a great villain, and the amazing attention to detail araki is able to show in his stories. Saying DIO is a troll is essentially saying you don’t view him as anything more than some Saturday morning overly, cartoonishly evil villain, and not one of Araki’s best written characters, and arguably one of the best villains in anime history.
Next up, the “hater” allegations. Now, to be fair, there is a lot of merit to this one actually, and not just blatantly turning your brain off while watching JoJo. It’s very clear to see that within the start of Phantom Blood, DIO absolutely was hating Jonathan and everything the boy stood for. However, so say DIO is a “hater” past this point is basically admitting you didn’t pay attention what happened to the story post episodes 1-3. Once we finally fight DIO again, properly, he loses, the man gets humbled. He only remains as a head, but he gets enlightened through this. Finding that hatred he once held for Jonathan now being replaced with a form of respect for the man: ”That’s because I underestimated you, now, I admire you! Your courage! Your spirit! Your power! I respect you, because I realized…
Jojo, without you, I, Dio, would not have gained the power of the stone mask…But because of you, the world isn’t mine yet. If god exists, and is controlling, there’s never been a relationship as cultivated as ours!
The two of us… are two that make one basically! I will take the body of the one man I admire, and live gorgeously forever! That is Dio’s destiny! I won’t make you suffer! That is my finally courtesy to my one and only rival!
When one of his minions tries to insult Jonathan, he even tells them to knock it off and show him the same respect as he does to Dio himself.
Then DIO spends 100 years underwater and a few more traveling the world, discovering stands, thinking more about what true happiness is, how to obtain more power, and through this he becomes concrete in his beliefs of fate, creating the heaven plan. Now viewing Jonathan’s descendants as nothing but a hurdle put by fate on DIO’s path to ascension. As remember; DIO didn’t plan on losing in part 3, What pucci did wasn’t even implied at all to be what DIO was gonna do, Pucci essentially picking up the puzzle pieces and trying to figure out how to fulfill DIO’s plans with what little information he had from his own experiences and Jotaro’s memory disk.
To say DIO is a hater and troll is to basically ignore any of his growth or character from even within phantom blood and not even talking about Stardust Crusaders, and especially to compare that to a man so petty and specifically targeting in his evil as Reverse Flash is a absolute disservice to DIO’s character in my opinion.
Now that mini rant inside of another rant is over, we may continue.
Both were born in unfortunate places and situations, with them not feeling acknowledged by their family, people and having a deep hatred for them but were "adopted“ by their future arch nemesis (DIO got adopted by the Joestar Family/Thawne adopted the Flash‘s name) where they seem to be good hearted people and generally a good fella for the folks, were actually still terrible people beneath it all seen by them sabotaging their way into their families‘s name (DIO poisoned his father so that George could adopt him, and then poisoned him so that he could inherit the wealth and poweThawne actually caused the crime scenes to happen in the first place so that he can be seen as a hero by the people) and still killed the past family members of them including the parents of their nemesis (George/Nora) which then resulted into them getting the absolute shit beaten out of them by their respective heroes when they finally found out the truth behind their actions (Jonathan JoestaBarry Allen). After getting beaten hell and back, would they crawl away first after being shocked that they were beaten so badly which would result into them finding their path into villainy by sheer accident and coincidence, as if it was "fate“ (DIO testing the Stone Mask and seeing how it turns people into Vampires/Thawne finding out he would become the biggest villain of the Flash Family, the Reverse Flash).
So, we have a few issues here for one: DIO got literally adopted into the joestar family, to my knowledge, while they are referred to as the “flash family”, none of the flashes actually hold any of the same blood, nor act much like a family(accept Barry and Wally to my knowledge) and only have the speedforce tying them together. Second: we start off with saying they were sabotaging their own ‘family’, but while DIO was literally killing the man who adopted him…reverse flash was just…being a fraud of a hero? Then we flash forward to DIO and Thawne getting their asses whooped…which from the context of this entire connections segment leads me to believe it’s referring to this scene in PB? Which happened years before DIO began to poison George, DIO was about to go to law school by the time george was dying of the poison…but then you tie it back Dio finding the stone mask and saying that’s where he found the idea of fate…when it wasn’t? This entire part of the connections feels like it’s off by about 5 years in PB’s timeline. Also comparing the two reveals seems…bit weird in my opinion but I can’t place a exact reasoning on it so I’ll say that’s a purely personal thing.
After finally competing their ways, would they truly become pure evil and disgusting villains, often trying their best to ruin their nemesis‘s lives and family, and even screw over other people for the sake of reaching their goal to murder their nemesis or for the laughs which caused them to be extremely sore losers, not accepting that anyone can truly defeat them when it happens, which in combination with their ego, it can lead to some truly cathartic scenes (Such as Jonathan and Jotaro beating the crap out of DIO after a lot of his tomfoolery/Thawne getting the crap beaten out of him by Barry, Wally and literally anyone else after his tomfoolery). But in their final battle against their hero, would they be beaten once and for all, seeming to be dead while their nemesis felt a big guilt for letting them sink into villainy and being a big reason why it all happened but actually, they survived, and became even more powerful thanks to them "dying“ (End of Part 1/Flashpoint). They would later on still torment their families, letting their deep hatred for them flow while committing multiple atrocities, even to the youngest members of the family and the heros’ successor (Jotaro Kujo/Wally West) who are also noted to be similar to them via looks and powers such as their signature power which they created and they are connected to which gives them their insanely OP powers like their iconic ability to manipulate time itself (The World as well as The World Over Heaven which is identical to Star Platinum as well as Star Platinum over Heaven/Negative Speed-Force which is an alternate version of the regular Speed Force).
A lot of this is fine… outside of two things, one: DIO was literally always evil, Speedwagon says that outright and… referring to all of the shit DIO, and RV has done as tomfoolery?! Ah yes, DIO, sexually assaults girls and burning dogs at 11, killing people, ripping them apart and twisting them into chimeras, and fucking feeding a baby to their own mother when grown up all of that…as a FUCKING JOKE?! and talking about all the actions they did, and fights they had with their enemies like it was a fucking Saturday morning cartoon once again proves my major thesis with this segment: these connections and this matchup doesn’t take DIO seriously as a character! This sort of reoccurring, comic villain comparison makes sense for reverse flash obviously, but JoJo, and to a lesser extent the entire way manga is done overall doesn’t operate like how Western comics we’re done, and still majorly done to this day!
They also would control and take over the bodies of their nemesis, with them later getting kicked out of it by the family members but still they have an obsession with tormenting and ending the bloodline , and also successfully killed their nemesis’s family members (In JoJo: EOH and in canon, DIO managed to kill his ancestors and all the Joestars with Pucci/Thawne killed Barry’s mother Nora Allen and once killed Iris).
This first part was fine, the obsession is a bit debatable on DIO’s side as it was more with fate than the joestar bloodline itself…but that last part is just…so weird? No, DIO didn’t get to finish off all the Joestars, he took out Jonathan, by after affects George II, but Joseph was revived? They also didn’t “kick out” DIO from Jonathan’s body, they were essentially killing DIO while also putting Jonathan to rest, and end DIO’s reign of terror, which while this doesn’t pan out…the other way you can interpret this, being Pucci taking out the Stone Ocean crew is just blatantly misunderstanding the ending of stone ocean. Pucci didn’t win, the jolyne, Jotaro, and the others survived into the final reset, but with new better lives. The EoH part of this works fine.
Both also have an apprentice who always looks up to them and will always vow their loyalty no matter what (Enrico Pucci/Hunter Zolomon).
Congrats! The first connection in this I have no issues with! Whoopie!
Despite everything, both still hate their arch nemesis but also admire them due of them being big heroic figures and people who can take anything the world has to offer to them but in the ultimate end, no matter how times they fail, die or worse, they are ultimately fated to be the ultimate villains of their families, no matter what, in any form or life, as long as the family lives and breathes, so will they but however in truth, both are alot more layered than more than meets the eye and their desires of everything they did to our protagonists being more complex yet still petty (DIO’s hating Jonathan due to inheriting everything he had ever got and thinks no one should have such an easy life/Thawne just wanting Barry to remember and acknowledge him so that he can actually feel like he is cared for).
The first part is fine, actually analyzing DIO with some respect and intelligence here for once..but that last part throws me off, with what I’ve already talked about and established, DIO lost that hatred for Jonathan by the end of Phantom Blood and gained respect for him.
After a gigantic climatic fight against their arch nemesis, would the hero finally have the powers and will necessary to end this nightmare via big time screwing that would reset their timelines while undoing anything they have done before it could have been way wrong.
There was no explanation on this, so I’m left to interpret this connection myself, I’ll look at it in two ways:
1: This is talking about Eyes Of Heaven and Jotaro in that game gaining full control of Over Heaven: If so, this is factual and correct, however if it’s the latter:
2: Stone Ocean’s ending and Pucci’s universe reset being halted: If this is the case, this is once again misunderstanding Stone Ocean’s ending. The events between parts 1-5 did still happen in the Ireneverse, but Pucci was not there, leading to no backup plan for DIO, and none of the stone ocean crew ending up in prison, and Jolyne being free from the Joestar curse, now as Irene. Parts 1-5 did happen, but 6 didn’t.
Finally, both have extremely similar scenes and memes where they boast about their victory over their rival involving their girlfriend (“But it was I, DIO”/“It was me Barry!”).
Nice meme connection, I’ll give you that.
So, to for the TLDR: These connections only look at DIO on a barely surface level, heavily misrepresenting events and his character, not even going into the proper reasoning and methodology of the heaven plan, and treat DIO like a Skeletor or Rita Repulsa style villain/figure when he is absolutely not, and consider the horrendous and cruel actions he’s done to so many innocent people as just some trolling, being a little silly, even.
Part 2: Composite Tendency:
Now, with the connections done with, did you…notice anything? Perhaps a certain lack of…DIO versions? Despite being a “Composite” matchup, the only other version of DIO ever brought up here was Eyes Of Heaven once, possibly twice, and even then it wasn’t even touching on Over Heaven DIO outside of “he did what his mainline version couldn’t”, no The World Over Heaven, or the actual events of Eyes Of Heaven, or even the design and character philosophy behind Over Heaven DIO which I think all of his matchups sleep on but that’s besides the point
This isn’t even bringing up the absolute shame that none of the other DIO’s appeared here at all, no Jump Force, or Jorge Joestar. Just Eyes Of Heaven and Mainline, which sucks because Jorge Joestar DIO is actually fairly different from any of the other DIO’s and deserves to be represented more and you should READ JORGE JOESTAR FOR FUCKS SAKE DBM BEFORE YOU MAKE MUS WITH IT’S CHARACTERS-
I’m getting off track, for the TLDR: This matchup could be renamed and branded as “DIO Over Heaven Vs Reverse Flash” and it would be identical, which is a major problem a majority of Comp DIO matchups suffer from, and I’m not excluding my own matchups from that. The only reason why this is “Composite” is to be more debatable and adds no actual substance to the connections or fight potential, speaking of which, we should probably move into that, as I believe I’ve made my point here pretty clear READ JORGE JOESTAR ITS FUCKING FREE TO LISTEN TO ON YOUTUBE OR TRANSLATIONS CAN BE EASILY FOUND BY SEARCHING
Part 3: Stardust Fights:
Now, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it: Reverse Flash literally hard counters everything DIO has until he brings out Beyond, which then RF has no real way to play off something like Beyond’s Plot Manipulation, and either just fucking dies because it’s beyond, or somehow wins because speedforce. This matchups dynamic just watching DIO do absolutely nothing to Reverse Flash while RF just lols and lmaos.
Timestop? Reverse Flash is easily bypasses that by have so many damn bare minimum immeasurable speed feats.
Reality Overwrite? DIO would realistically never land a hit on RF, and even then the living paradox BS prevents DIO from even erasing him, even if we were to be generous and basically give him the completed version of Over Heaven which Jotaro had, which affects the entire JJBA Multiverse, still wouldn’t wipe out RF.
The World Ultimate’s Time Travel? Living paradox baby! Can’t do shit to RF and basically just redoes that same exact scene from RF Vs Goku Black!
The Passion? Won’t help when DIO’s being completely blitzed, and RF’s nature as a living paradox could possibly just negate the affects of The Passion due to RF just not existing within the bounds of fate.
Made In Heaven Ultimate Requiem? Still doesn’t affect RF with its fate manipulation, and it won’t help DIO catch up to RF in the speed category.
Beyond? Well…I’m actually not sure on this one if Reverse Flash properly has every fought something like this, but even then, if he can’t, he can’t really play off it either. None of his speedforce abilities should stop beyond to my knowledge, but he has survived being erased by Dr Manhattan due to his paradoxical nature. So he either just outstats due to DC cosmology here and just outright ignores beyond, or beyond has quite the amount of writing and asspulls it needs to do to make DIO win. Even then, Reverse Flash can’t properly play off it as I’ve described. For as many problems as the matchup has, at least Beatrice’s various Red and Gold truths, along with Gameboard master powers classes off Beyond perfectly
Bringing minions/ army battle doesn’t even work because all of DIO’s lackey’s, even if you include mindcontroled joestars are so, so much weaker than he or RF are that either the other versions of RF, or Zoom are just going to steamroll right through them not even making for that much of a spectacle.
So, for the TLDR: The fight dynamic here is basically Reverse Flash Vs Goku Black but worse, all of DIO’s known and iconic abilities get hard countered, any potential minions he could bring are just such fodder compared to the two that they get easily swept away not even allowing for any cool army fight moments, and Reverse Flash either just magically dies to Beyond or once again hard counters and continues to make DIO just look like a fool throughout the entire fight.
And there it is, all my problems with the matchup outlined, if you still enjoy it despite the issues, fine by me. But I hope at least you can reconsider and maybe look at the matchup more critically like I have. To sum it up in a few sentences for the truly lazy out there: The connections misrepresents DIO, it barely uses the composite aspect of the matchup and DIO, and the animation potential is just Reverse Flash hard countering DIO’s entire kit and making him look like a utter fool
I hope you’ve enjoyed the read, and maybe decided to look into DIO’s other options, composite or not, as I think he has a lot of great MUs which get overshadows by stuff like this and DIOtrice.
submitted by Deviljhosbizarreacc to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:52 Genoblade1394 Broke my main. Now what?

Broke my main. Now what?
So I had my teenager son do my lawn and for the first time use the string trimmer, looks like he ran it against the main trying to clear the grass behind it and actually filed the copper pipe and now I have a leak. I have no clue how to fix this because:
  • The shut off valve is above the slit
  • Even if I close the main at street level and open all my faucets the water won’t drain for maybe 20hrs of that section of the pipe.
  • I thought about getting a torch and soldering but the slit is too close to the PVC Joint
Thought about ordering plumbers putty or UV curing resin but don’t want to cake it up with something that would make it hard or impossible to fix down the line if the water prevents it from sealing or curing properly.
Just a regular dude trying to fix his main lol be nice
submitted by Genoblade1394 to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:14 Noorfk HELP NEEDED! Leak near exterior wall / kitchen sink
Shared the link with some photos and video. I had a plumber come out to take a look after a pest inspection last week noticed this water damage and activity. Video is from when the kitchen sink is on. This downspout piping is also hosting the dishwasher and possibly the washing machine. I have some quotes for repair but hesitant to take the next step incase more work is needed
location shown is exterior wall over crawlspace - utilities are nearby as well as sewer clean out pipe (near the ground)
submitted by Noorfk to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:26 roadnotaken Civil War Conundrum

My parent's home was built in the 1860s. I walked through before they bought it and told them they were totally crazy. I did not see it, but the blood, sweat, and tears they have poured into restoring this place over the last 15 years has made it an amazing gem (so much paint stripping)! However, they've just experienced a problem that has really just got them totally deflated and feeling defeated. I'm here, hoping desperately for help on their behalf.
The Conundrum
The second flood bath is piped down to the basement where it connects to the main drain pipe. Thankfully, the bath is the only thing connected - the sink and toilet are not connected to this pipe. The basement end had rusted and started to leak, upon trying to fix the basement end, the top end came off as well, inside the walls(!), likely rusted off too. This is about 11ft of pipe, and the basement is barely 7ft tall (more of an old dug out crawlspace that has been cleaned up now). My dad is just beside himself. He has done so much work, and can't imagine tearing up the dining room wall and the upper bedroom wall to get at this plumbing mess. He said it's a 1.5" pipe, but he can't use sections of pipe because the fittings to connect pipes won't fit through the existing space of the current pipe (even he could figure out where it broke off). I am not a plumber, so I apologize if this there is more info needed, and I don't have pictures (but possibly could get some). Just hoping against hope that there may be a solution that is less... destructive. They would be forever grateful!
submitted by roadnotaken to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:21 Dc1293 Kitchen sink clogged and then drained after flushing upstairs toilet

Can anyone explain this one to me? New house, about 3 years old. Randomly, went to wash dishes and sink was backed up. Hadn’t used the sink in maybe 8 hours. Thought we had to call a plumber then went to use the bathroom upstairs, flushed the toilet and the sink drained. What caused this? Partial main block? Air bubble? TIA!
submitted by Dc1293 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:31 jhkayejr Intermittent leak of undetermined origin

For the past week, a small amount of water has leaked underneath my bottom floor bathroom sink. On the other side of the wall is a closet, and a small amount of water has seeped into the carpet, too. In total, I'm guessing this is maybe 12 oz of water (maybe more, but we're not talking about more than 24 oz) - not a lot, but definitely noticeable. We have a plumber coming, but I'm trying to make sense of this.
This has been going on for one week (8 days, technically). It's not tied to any one thing we do - we've tested via observation the shower, washer, dishwasher, toilets, etc. - used them all and saw no leak for hours. We were gone one full day, used no water, and it still leaked (again, just about a cup of water). It seems to occur between 4PM and 8PM on most days - one day it didn't leak at all. We have an app that tacks our water usage, and it reads like we would expect it to - it reports no leaks, and we only see water usage reflected when we would expect (in amounts we would expect).
My guess is something to do with the hot water heater (which is above this bathroom) or an AC condensate thing? The water appears to be travelling downward, though at a very slow rate, and, FWIW, the water is not hot (it's room temp). Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
submitted by jhkayejr to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:50 Porksword69 Boiler firing when cold tap turned off

Recently had some work done in the house including:
However since having the work done the boiler has been turning on when closing any cold tap and it seems to be firing/cycling a lot more than it did previously.
I’ve contacted the plumber and he said it sounds like air in the system and arranged to come resolve. He’s since cancelled that and has been ghosting me since.
How do I get this air out of the system please?
submitted by Porksword69 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:48 nyr351 Did plumber cement my P trap cleanout cap?

Did plumber cement my P trap cleanout cap?
Wife dropped an earring into her sink drain and I'm attempting to recover it. Channel locks are getting me nowhere (pretty obvious from the damage I've done). Did the plumber who set this cement the cap into place or am I doing something wrong?
Before anyone asks, yes I am turning the correct way.
submitted by nyr351 to Plumbing [link] [comments]