Paragraphs to make your girlfriend feel special

Redditor Memes

2019.03.28 20:32 InternetMilkman Redditor Memes

Submit your memes/clips/banter for Redditor to look through for his videos on Redditor Memes!

2009.08.30 07:16 KeyboardHero Does anybody else...?


2008.03.03 00:48 /r/dating: vent, discuss, learn!

A subreddit to discuss and explore the dating process and learn from the experiences of others

2024.06.05 02:40 Nothingpaintedblue Tattoo Deals - Realism

Hi all, I am offering a black and grey special for the month of June. For anyone interested, the pricing is $280 for a 4x4 tattoo. You are welcome to suggest your own photo/idea! I am proficient in a wide range of styles, so your imagination is my only limitation. You can find me on Instagram at @redseatattoo. Feel free to reach out via Reddit if you do not have Instagram.
submitted by Nothingpaintedblue to LAlist [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 TatsujinSony I want to die.

i dont know who can relate. but have you felt like you're not enough?have you hurt knowing you're no one? have you understood and felt the pain of realizing you're nothing? i have, no I DO. I feel this way now. I understand how little my existence is worth. i am of value to no one. I contemplate death constantly. but i am a coward. i want to die i really do. i tried hanging myself but i an too fat. the door would not hold my weight. i tried shooting myself once but there was a misfire. i haven't tried again. I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.
I don’t believe I M worth this life I was given. A close friend of mine lost his first born. His son passed due to a sickness. Yet here I am. I’m not worth the breath I take. Why did he have to lose his son while I am still here ?
I will gladly trade my life for his sons! I wish there was a way I could choose. Give my life up to save his son’s life. I would do that in a blink of an eye.
I hate myself. Every breath I take makes me wish for death more. Help me. I can’t end myself yet I want it to end so bad. I’m a piece of shit and I know it.
submitted by TatsujinSony to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 34

Some days are just kind of peaceful. Eating well and exercising in order to prepare for this week. The Final Shape DLC comes out soon. I'll allow it to consume me for two weeks and then get on that horse even better than before. I ate good today with some yogurt, bacon,and breakfast sausage. I wanted to get an apple in but forgot. For dinner I made carne asada tacos with some lettuce and pickled peppers. I absolutely loved it but ate too much. I got way too excited and will not be doing that anytime soon. I had a root beer with dinner as my dessert. It was an amazing dinner and I'm happy I made it. I just need to self control it a bit more next time. I've been doing real well with that lately. Just need to keep at it.
I really did not want to walk today. Not even the slightest. But I got my big butt up and I did it. And you know what? I hated it at first but then felt really good at the end. It's okay not to want to do something. It's okay to decide not to do it. But try to. Try to get off your feet. Try to take those few steps and then a few more. I'm proud of myself for doing it. I'm proud that I got off my feet and walked for 40 minutes plus. My body doesn't always agree but my mind does. Work hard now so the future is easier.
I cleaned up and got my room close to being finalized. It looks a lot more spacious and nice now. It's not perfect and needs to be touched up a bit. But I'll do that in between doing other things. It will get there until I'm fully happy. Right now a smile with it will do. My goal for tomorrow is to just be happy playing the DLC for my game. Have fun with my friend playing it and have a good day. Try to clean up during our breaks and do the little things. I can't wait and have been waiting for the end of this dark and light saga.
SBIST was my coworkers inviting me out to brunch in the coming week. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun and I can't wait. People actually inviting me to stuff always just feels so nice and heartwarming. I know it's a simple thing but it makes me feel whole. I've been doing this whole lonely thing for a long time and it makes me realize how much I long for connection. I've been looking more into beeping ideas and jewelry making classes to maybe fill that gap. The future is bright.
I say goodbye to the conjurers of the ghosts and the guardians. May I take out the Witness tomorrow and have a blast while doing it. What will be in store for me and my pursuit? May it bring it a satisfying conclusion to what I seek.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 OfficialWeng Sometimes I wonder why people play these games…

Might get some hate here, maybe I’m totally missing something. Feel free to shout at me in the comments.
I’ve been playing Animal Crossing since the Wild World days on DS. New Leaf is my fave entry but I still love New Horizons! I recently started up a new island with my fiancée and we are loving every minute of the game. Since getting back into the game I’ve enjoyed coming on the various AC Reddit subs and reading all the content. What’s hit me the most is just… why do some of yall play this game?
Let me explain. To me AC is a series about the slow life, chilling out and making friends. First of all I want to talk about Time Travelling, this probably isn’t going the way you think it is. I would never time travel, simply cus to me, there isn’t much to animal crossing if you do it, the game is in sync with real time for a reason. However people are entitled to play the game they’ve paid for in whatever way they want! If you want to time travel and still enjoy the game, that’s great! However, I feel this feeds in to my main point here.
To me, ever since I started playing AC years ago. The draw of the game was always the charm, interacting with villagers, living that cozy small town life. Maybe I’m in the wrong but some people don’t seem to play it that way. So I arrive at my main point. If any of my following statements apply to you, I’d like to hear your opinions.
I saw a thread on here just now asking “what’s your least favourite mechanic in this game?”, or something along those lines. A lot of the comments were very valid, can’t craft multiple items etc etc. However some really confused me, to say the least. One comment read “I hate donating to Blathers, he doesn’t shut up, all I end up doing is mashing B!”

That’s the point… his name is Blathers… Why would you complain about dialogue in a game like AC?? Is that not the reason you play this game? To talk to characters and get invested with who they are? Another comment mentioned they hate when a plot autofills and they are stuck with a villager they didn’t want. This wasn’t a mechanic before NH, it was just how the game works! Having anyone and everyone move in was fun! Yes some may be ugly or rude, but that isn’t that fun? Watching these stories that are to totally unique to you unfold day by day.
I worry that, by accident, AC is becoming a game series where all you do is build a nice looking village, when to me this series is so much more than this!
I don’t see how you could play AC if these “mechanics” bothered you? That’s is the game!
Maybe I’m totally in the wrong here, like I said anyone can play a game in any way! It’s their product, but I don’t see why you would play a game like this if you felt this way.
submitted by OfficialWeng to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 Think-Low8923 Is it bad I’m friends with people my best friend doesn’t like?

I apologise in advance for the chaotic mess of this post, I am truly not willing to put in the effort to make this a well-written post. I will however try my best to get the point I’m trying to make across.
So basically, I am now in Grade 11 (I’m 17M) and I have (had?) one primary friend group. It consists of a few people, only five of which are relevant to this story, and I shall name them Thomas, Blake, Emily, Tara and Colleen. From the start of this year, the friendship group has started to fracture. Blake is not a particularly popular person for many reasons, some of which I think are fair, and some of which I think are unfair. There was already tension between him and Colleen, as well as him and another member of the friend group. Soon enough tension built between him and Tara, largely because Tara and Colleen are good friends so I believe Colleen has rubbed off on them a bit (I don’t mean this in a bad way, I think she’s a good person I just think that she is changing both Tara and Emily’s opinions on certain things).
Up until very recently Emily and Thomas (who is best friends with Blake and has been for over ten years) were dating for about two years. This, I believe, single-handedly kept the group together. Their breakup stemmed from an incident recently where we were on a school trip and Thomas and Blake got into a “public argument” in front of most of the school year. They insist it was largely just a normal conversation, only the start was an argument and that they tried to move out of people’s way but people kept following them. Tara, Colleen and Emily insist that it was an actual fight. Another thing that happened was Emily texted Thomas asking for help and he viewed the message as patronising and said something along the lines of “maybe you should mind your business”. This was what inspired the breakup.
I will never know for sure if it was an argument or not as I was upstairs with another friend and I think I will forever wonder how my perception of Thomas and Blake might have changed if I was downstairs that one night. But alas, I’ll never know. Anyway, I have decided to remain friends with Blake and Thomas particularly because (for unrelated reasons) they are both moving schools at the end of the year, and I really want things to end well rather than think back of them in a negative light. Colleen, Emily and Tara have largely cut ties with them (It seems Tara and Thomas might still be talking to a certain extent, but I’m unsure, and it’s just me and one other friend sticking by Blake and Thomas.
I guess my question to you is is it bad that I have decided to remain friends with these two, particularly as Emily is my best friend? She has said she doesn’t mind me being friends with them, but I don’t know if she just feels obligated to say it. What do you think?
TL;DR: I stayed friends with people my best friend doesn’t like because they are moving away soon and I want my last memories of them to be fond ones.
Note: I may decide to delete this post in a short while as it so detailed.
submitted by Think-Low8923 to IsitBad [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 Tech_Nutrition2001 24 DAYS UNTIL LOOM, so let's countdown together by revisiting their mainstream discography! Today, we begin Origins with Natural and Boomerang!

24 DAYS UNTIL LOOM, so let's countdown together by revisiting their mainstream discography! Today, we begin Origins with Natural and Boomerang!
Spread some positivity with your comments and special opinions on anything about either of these songs! Where were you when you first heard these? How did they make you feel? Do you feel as connected to the song now as you did when you first experienced it? ✨️🎶
submitted by Tech_Nutrition2001 to imaginedragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 AdaBetterThanIota Meme Stock AND Normal Stock Watchlist: Momentum Set-Ups (Charts Included)

Meme Stock AND Normal Stock Watchlist: Momentum Set-Ups (Charts Included)
How’s it going everyone! The market is getting interesting again, and there have been a lot of stocks that have been thriving in these market conditions. With u/DeepFu*****Value posting for a second time, I feel that this meme stock frenzy is not going anywhere anytime soon…
I wanted to make a watchlist for both people who are looking for meme stocks and investors who are looking at more sound investments/swings. I also wanted to point out for those that saw my last swing watchlist, $GLDG has already had a 10% move to the upside and nearly hit $1. Be ready to take your profits! Okay, now to the new stocks that are on my watchlist.
~Let me know if there is a meme stock that I am missing!~
The Non-Meme Watchlist
  1. $CRDL
  • Trend and Pattern: The chart shows an ascending channel pattern, characterized by upward-sloping parallel trendlines. The stock has been respecting this channel since November 2023, consistently making higher highs and higher lows.
  • Recent Price Action: The stock broke out of the channel last Friday, but pulled back to the top of the channel.
  • MACD: Remains bullish on the daily chart
  • The Set Up - $3 is not out of the question Looking for a bounce around this area and for this stock to continue it’s rise. However, I would have a stop loss below the channel just in case this pulls back even more.
  1. $RNXT
  • Trend and Pattern: The chart exhibits a descending triangle pattern, typically a bearish continuation pattern. The stock has been making lower highs, indicating sustained selling pressure.
  • Support Area: There is a strong support area around 1.07, where the price is currently testing. $1 will also act as support.
  • Recent Price Action: Had a bad day on Monday, down 7%.
  • The Set Up: Looking for $1 to hold and for the price to get back $1.20. Will be watching the volume and looking to deploy if it gets closer to $1. The closer it gets, the better risk to reward you will have. (if you implement a stop loss)
The Meme Watchlist
  1. $HOLO - Currently being heavily shorted with what seems to be a strong community trying to create a short squeeze. We shall see if this happens.
  2. $AMC - Very little price action right now outside of its recent pump in mid may, but was once a meme stock for a little bit, so you never know.
  3. $NVOS - Maybe not necessarily a meme stock, but whenever $NVOS pumps, it has similar price action to meme stocks. This one recently shot up over 150% so be careful with this one please.
Communicated Disclaimer—This is NFA, of course. These types of plays are extremely volatile and risky, so be careful out there <3 sources - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
submitted by AdaBetterThanIota to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 ProudCatLady What are your tips for maintaining better friendships?

This is not about making new friends, but being a better one!
I would love to invest in some of my existing friendships and be better one-on-one friends outside of a couples or group setting, but I struggle to get to that point!
I'm so much cooler in a group setting where I can sit back some or riff off of others!! I feel so disregulated in a 1:1 setting with someone I want to be friends with because I want to mask so I'm not overwhelmingly weird, but I also want to unmask because I want an authentic and genuine relationship with these people! Instead of just enjoying my time with someone, it's like all of my hypervigilance and people-pleasing just bubbles to the top and I feel deeply self-conscious instead. [What's funnier still is that I have a job that requires 1:1 meetings with strangers all the time, and I'm perfectly fine with those because I'm performing (masking) as a representative of my organization. It's so much harder when I have to be myself!]
I have memory issues too so I'm always worried about asking people the same things over and over again, or not asking about something that had recently happened and deserves a follow-up. I overexplain sometimes, or I get self-conscious that I'm annoying someone.
I also have the "out of sight, out of mind" problem. I'm elated to see some of these people when we're at the same place and I do "miss" people, but I think it takes me longer to get there. I don't feel very consistent in my outreach, and I'm really bad at texting back. :(
My ADHD Friendship Tips
Any other tips along those lines?
submitted by ProudCatLady to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 BigMikeyP72 I'm a scientist and a man in a tube is telling me his story and wants me to share it to the world PART 2/FINALE

Ok, so I said I would return with the rest of Nathan's story and here I am. My higher-ups already know of my misdeeds when I uploaded part 1 so I don't think I'll be around much longer. Anyway, I spoke to Nathan some more and he was fully willing to finish his story. After hearing it myself and transcribing it, I fully understand why he's in a tube and why I'm monitoring him. After you read this, you will understand why as well. Let's get into it!
Barely standing and gasping for air, Nathan takes a moment to stop running and realizes he has no idea where he is going. He begins looking around to see if there’s anywhere to hide or even, hopefully, find food or at least water. After a moment, he finally spots a few buildings in the nearby distance.
With high hopes, Nathan sprints past the remaining trees ahead and makes it to the buildings. Only one specific building catches his eye. A large sign that reads GROCERY stares at Nathan from the top of the building. Without hesitation, he rushes inside and much to his amazement, there are aisles!
Nathan quickly but quietly scans each aisle. Sadly, he sees nothing. Not until he sees a small pile of snacks lying next to a fallen end cap at the end of an aisle. Excitement dances through Nathan’s body as he runs to the food and begins eating it like a wild animal. He devours every ounce of food he finds until he suddenly hears an unnerving sound.
Listening closely as possible, Nathan hears the sound of cracking bones and ripping flesh. Afraid, yet curious, he looks around the corner of the aisle and spots the legs of a woman lying in her own blood and entrails. Upon further inspection, Nathan sees what he believes to be the creature he and Charlie had seen before. It’s a large thin four-legged animal that most likely was a wolf at one point but is now just a beast. It’s feasting on the entrails of the woman’s corpse and refusing to take its taste buds away from its food. That is until it hears Nathan, who accidentally steps on a bag of chips. It swiftly averts its attention to Nathan and the sight of its face is terrifying. Its face is half torn and its eyes show exactly how bloodthirsty it is. With blood and entrails dangling from its teeth, the beast fully turns its body to Nathan and lets out a deep and disturbing growl.
Believing this to be his final moments alive, Nathan backs up and stumbles into the wall with his eyes closed and fists clenched. He is ready for the reaper to take his soul. The beast closes in on him and readies itself to charge its prey but is suddenly distracted by the voice of unwanted company. “Heel, you stupid mutt!” It’s once again Subject Zero, who is this time covered in large amounts of blood. The beast diverts its attention to Subject Zero and prepares for a fight.
Unsure as to why Subject Zero didn’t just let the beast kill him, Nathan, stands and stares in terrified confusion. As Nathan watches, Subject Zero is attacked by the beast after a failed attempt at taming it. Directly after its attack, the beast is grabbed and bashed against a wall then thrown to the floor. The animal, no longer looking like a beast compared to Subject Zero, stands again and viciously sinks its teeth into Subject Zero’s arm but its life is soon ended. With a large and swift pull on the animal’s rear legs with its teeth still bore into Subject Zero’s arm, its body rips apart and its entrails fall out onto the floor. “I knew you were a waste,” Subject Zero says with disappointment in his voice.
Nathan quickly snaps back to reality and runs out the nearby emergency exit. No longer caring about hunger or thirst, he just keeps running and doesn’t stop even when he stumbles from exhaustion. Inevitably, any hope he once had, is lost when in the not so far distance he hears, “Just because the mutt didn’t kill you, that doesn’t mean that I won’t!”
Still running further into the woods, Nathan begins to stumble. He finally stops and falls to his knees as he begins to believe he is going to die here. He falls onto his back and lies in the grass around him while releasing a long but relaxing sigh. Nathan can feel the cold hard ground beneath him as he looks up to the sky.
Filled with raging guilt and regrets, Nathan stares up to the sky in silence. It gets so silent, he can hear everything around him. He hears the wind sing through the leaves of trees. He can even hear water flowing nearby. Water! Unsure of where, he looks up quickly and listens. Finally, he spots a creek nearby and climbs to his hands and knees.
Unable to fully stand, Nathan crawls his way to the creek ignoring all of his surroundings. He reaches the creek and practically bathes himself in the near freezing water in an attempt to feel refreshed. Afterwards, he begins to guzzle the water in handfuls.
After many handfuls of water, Nathan notices something odd. The water tastes metallic as if you were sucking on an old copper penny or silver spoon. Upon this realization, he also notices the color of the water seems off. Unsure of why, he looks around only to find something far more disturbing than he imagined. An amalgamation of mutilated corpses sit nearby rotting on the rocks of the creek shore.
Realizing he had just drank water contaminated with rotting corpses of innocent people, Nathan starts getting a sick feeling in his stomach and attempts to look away but can’t get his eyes off the sight. Finally breaking, he begins gagging vigorously. He loses control and starts puking uncontrollably before ultimately collapsing from pain and disgust.
Nathan finally gets up after lying on the ground for a moment. Hoping to find at least some form of shelter, he manages to get himself up to his aching feet and stumbles his way down the creek. Eventually, he reaches the end of the creek where a large pipe is sticking out from the ground at an angle. The pipe, being large enough to fit a man, seems like a perfect place to shelter in. Before fully deciding to sleep there, Nathan looks inside hoping that it may lead to an exit from the dome but is quickly disappointed when he sees only dirt and mud. Nathan no longer cares and decides to climb into the pipe. He manages to make it an adequate resting area. Soon after, he is unable to keep his eyes open and finally falls asleep.
“Nathan, wake up. You’re going on live television.” A very familiar voice whispers to Nathan. He opens his eyes expecting to see different surroundings, but instead, he sees Charlie sitting next to him in an unfamiliar building. Obviously confused, Nathan hesitates to even move but decides to go with it. He’s led out to a room with a male interviewer, revealing that he is on a live television interview.
The interviewer looks to the camera and says, “Welcome to TalkTime, I’m your host, Tim Wiesly, and today, we have Nathan White. Just in case you don’t know, Nathan is a brilliant reporter and reports anything in the most brilliant ways. One specific story he covered about his near-death experience is what we would like to talk about today. So, Nathan, could you tell the viewers more about your experience?”
Nathan hesitates at first but oddly starts believing that he made it out of the hell he was in and just dissociated. He starts telling the interviewer everything that happened to him.
“Well, Tim, for starters, my colleague and I had found evidence that Envirodome was a test facility. Little did we know, one test they ran there was still in the facility after decades. We then found all the missing people over the years but they were unfortunate and passed away at the hands of the facilities test subject. I eventually lost my colleague and had a run in with a rabid animal as well but I got away and managed to find a place to sleep. After that, I climbed out and decided to… to…”
Nathan stops in his tracks as he realizes he can’t remember what happened after the tunnel.
“Wait. Wait, this can’t be real. I vividly remember Charlie going insane. And all those other people started losing their minds and they all started killing each other. I remember all that, yet I can’t remember a damn thing after falling asleep in that tunnel! What the fuck is going on?”
Charlie comes running out and attempts to calm Nathan but fails as Nathan screams back.
“You’re dead! You’re fucking dead! I know you are! You aren’t real. None of you, none of this! None of it is real!”
Soon after realizing everything is fake, all of Nathan’s surroundings start changing. Everything around him becomes morbidly dark and people become mutated corpses, all of which walk over to him. They all start screaming at Nathan, resulting in him breaking and he loses his mind to the brink of insanity. Out of the dark shadows, Subject Zero walks into the area as if he were a dark god who created him and was ready to destroy him. Suddenly, everyone surrounding Nathan abruptly stops screaming and looks at him. Then they all in perfect sync say, “You’re losing control, Nathan.”
Nathan angrily stands tall and yells, “Leave me alone!” After this fierce scream with his eyes shut, Nathan suddenly hears nothing but the sound of running water. He opens his eyes only to find he was still in the town under the dome. Only, now, it is somehow nighttime. Suddenly, he’s startled by the sound of splashing water. Nathan quietly looks up from the inside of the tunnel he’s lying in. In a decent distance away, Nathan sees two mannequins throwing multiple bodies into the already corpse-filled creek. Although, one body stands out amongst the rest. Charlie's. His body is mangled and mutilated. Nathan feels sick and guilty as he stares at his dead friend.
Soon, Subject Zero’s voice is heard, resulting in Nathan realizing he needs to sneak out of the area. He quickly climbs out of the tunnel and looks around. He decides his best option is to go in one direction until he hopefully reaches an edge of the dome. He believes it may help him reach the overseer’s office where the self-destruct button is.
With his new plan, Nathan quietly sneaks away until he accidentally rams into the edge of the dome. He becomes angry at first for being dumb enough to run into it, but eventually realizes he could be on his way to salvation.
Nathan, still tired, stumbles around the edge of the dome and looks strange considering the walls are simulated to look like more land. Even though Nathan can barely handle all the stress, he still forces himself to keep moving with high hopes to avenge his deceased friend. He keeps going until he stumbles over a small brush pile. He falls onto his face and notices blood pouring from his nose.
Assuming his nose has broken from the fall, Nathan quickly checks it but oddly there is no pain and the bleeding has already stopped. He’s confused but doesn’t care as he’s determined to escape. He gets up and eventually reaches an odd looking spot of the dome wall. With a closer look, he realizes it’s a door. Full of hope, Nathan quickly opens it and discovers a staircase leading to the overseer’s office.
Nathan runs up without hesitation. He reaches the top of the stairs and makes it to the controls. Being dark, Nathan feels around for a light switch but as he thinks it, the lights come on. Now with light, he sees papers lying everywhere, all with information of the dome. Apparently, the government had the technology to make all this without ever letting the public know. It was built with a self-destruct button as safety measures if anything within the dome went horribly wrong. Although Nathan thought it would be an explosion as most self-destruct buttons cause, the dome was made to disassemble itself as it counted down, allowing the slight possibility of reaching the only entrance and exit doors of the facility.
Nathan realizes he may actually have a chance to escape this hell and avenge his friend. After a small pause, he gets back to searching for the self-destruct button. He stumbles across a glass casing labeled ‘FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY’. Nathan opens the casing and prepares to press the button but is quickly distracted as a voice breaks the silence.
“This place hasn’t been real after all these damned years?” Subject Zero reacts angrily as he slowly walks toward Nathan. “I knew this place seemed a bit small, but now that I know I can get out of here, I’ll bring my tests to the whole damn world!”
“Why would you even want that?! Every single test you have done with that fucking serum has been a failure!”
“No… No, I’ve perfected my serum.”
“What the FUCK do you mean?”
Without a single other word, Subject Zero rushes toward Nathan. Nathan quickly reacts and raises his arms in defense. Suddenly, Subject Zero flies backwards as if he was shoved with incredible force. They both now know Nathan was the cause.
“That. That is what I mean.” Subject Zero says with a grin on his face.
“No, no, what the fuck. How?!”
“You really think I didn’t take the opportunity to inject a new version of the serum into you.”
“But- but there wasn’t an injection hole. Everyone else had one.”
“That’s the great thing about it. I perfected it so much that your healing is far greater than even mine AND you didn’t lose your mind like I did. That’s all I ever wanted…”
“Screw you…” Nathan clenches his fist and swings a punch at Subject Zero. Realizing things move just from his thought now, Nathan opens his hand and telekinetically throws things at Subject Zero. The two begin to have an all-out super powered brawl as Subject Zero explains to Nathan that the serum is why every pain he’s felt while in the dome went away nearly immediately. The telekinesis just happened to come into play later on. Then suddenly, Nathan is slammed through and out the overseer’s office windows. Subject Zero jumps down onto him.
Nathan gets weaker with each hit he takes but still fights on. Before he gets up, he notices that where the broken window is, the walls show their true colors of concrete gray and glass. Aside from the window, Nathan notices the door to the office is still wide open. He quickly gives Subject Zero a powerful kick to his abdomen and jumps up to run.
Nathan runs quickly up the stairs and to the self-destruct button after leaving his enemy on the ground outside. As he reaches the button, Nathan looks out the broken window at Subject Zero and prepares to press the button.
Nathan slams his hand onto the button as Subject Zero yells out in hatred. Nathan, expecting something to happen, waits. Subject Zero laughs hysterically but then suddenly is cut off by a loud voice projecting across the whole dome. “COMMENCING SELF-DESTRUCTION SEQUENCE.”
Nathan notices Subject Zero is distracted and uses this as his chance to escape. 10, 9, 8…… The countdown begins and the sun begins to rise as Nathan runs out of the office and past the unaware Subject Zero. 7, 6, 5…… The countdown continues and the facility begins to collapse as Nathan passes through the woods where he drank from the creek and soon passes the concrete room where the other people were held captive. 4, 3, 2…… The countdown gets closer to an end as the dome collapses quicker and Nathan rushes past the old house he was stuck in before. Soon enough, he gets onto the road that led him and Charlie to the town inside the dome and gets even closer to the door but suddenly Subject Zero is following behind. This time, he’s so angry and determined, Subject Zero uses his telekinetic powers to control the mangled corpses that he’s kept. He’s headed for either the door or Nathan, but Nathan doesn’t care.
1…… The countdown comes to an end and the entire dome collapses above. Subject Zero, far behind with his army of corpses, stops and accepts what is coming but Nathan keeps running in hopes to escape before the weight of a million tons comes crashing down onto him. Soon enough, the dome becomes nothing but rubble.
The entire area where the dome once stood, is now a ginormous pile of rubble and all that stands are a few trees and small bits of buildings. Nothing could have lived from inside. Unless you were close to the doors.
Nathan, barely standing or even really alive, stumbles around the rubble. With his new powers, he uses his telekinesis to move a large piece of steel revealing a small group of men nearby. Within this group are a couple of men who are clearly scientists of some sort but the others are clearly military. Nathan runs to them with hopes of help but suddenly…
“Stop right there!” One of the men yells out angrily but with a quiver in his voice. “Put your heads above your head and don’t speak!”
“Wait! I just need help!”
“I said put your hands above your head!”
Nathan is confused so he looks around in the hopes that maybe Subject Zero is who he spotted. Sadly, the guns are all being aimed straight for him.
This is the end of Nathan’s story. But it isn’t the end of mine. After hearing Nathan's story, I have an understanding of why he’s in the tube here. I can firmly admit that I’m terrified. I had no idea this is why I was sent here. I was led to believe he was just a possible danger and I needed to monitor him and continue brain scans. Little did I know, this is why.
I know it seems a bit strange and even unbelievable but I have no real reason to not believe a man trapped inside a tube. But now that he has spoken to me, he’s asked me to help him. However, I have no idea how. Aside from letting him out, there’s nothing else I can do. The higher-ups here are strict and have specifically told anyone working here not to listen to Nathan. On top of that, they're already suspicious of me. I suppose, getting his story out is one way to help him but he also wants out of here.
I don’t know what to do, but I do understand I’ve already gone too far by even listening to him. Hell, he may even be as dangerous now as Subject Zero from the story he told me. If he is, I could release a madman into the world. If he isn't, I'm letting an innocent man suffer alone in a science facility. Screw it. I’ve come to terms with what must happen. I’ll release him the moment I can, if I even can. Once this story is shown to the public, I may end up terminated. Not from my job, but from my life. If this happens then I’m sorry to Nathan. If Nathan turns out to be a danger as well, then I’m sorry to all of you. For now and possibly forever, goodbye.
submitted by BigMikeyP72 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 SwanSuspicious8839 35M - A place to fully be yourself, Friendship without Judgement

I think this is something that we all crave. Even among friends, family, and our significant other I think there is pressure to be someone we are not, at least that is what I've experienced. Even if it isn't someone setting that expectation, we feel that way. Wouldn't it be nice to have a space where you could fully be yourself, with no judgement, and just be you. Explore the needs and wants you have. Laugh at what you want to laugh at. Let off some steam. Or best of all, get that *thing* that has been bugging you off your chest. That thing that you can't tell your friends or family, or significant other. Maybe you just need a place to rant, to scream at the top of your lungs about what you are frustrated with. It could be you just need someone to celebrate with you, see you for who you are, value you, find you pretty, or just get someone's opinion.
I know I've listed a bunch of ideas, but that is what I'm offering. I've been going through a lot in my life...a huge transition in a few different things, had to make some life choices, and I'm still having to hide parts of me. It is a lot to process through. I would love to just take a load off and enjoy some time with someone else. Someone outside my sphere and life. Someone who gets excited when they talk to me, find that person that makes you smile when you see they've messaged you. Are you looking for the same.
I'm up for chatting throughout the day, being each others encourages, just having a blast. Lets chat some, get deep, find out what we each need in our lives and work towards being that as best we can as internet strangers. Just take that step and leap of faith. This is a place where you can be free of judgement and worry and just talk. Talk to someone who enjoys reading you words or hearing the sound of your voice!
submitted by SwanSuspicious8839 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 SwanSuspicious8839 [35/M] - A place to fully be yourself, Friendship without Judgement

I think this is something that we all crave. Even among friends, family, and our significant other I think there is pressure to be someone we are not, at least that is what I've experienced. Even if it isn't someone setting that expectation, we feel that way. Wouldn't it be nice to have a space where you could fully be yourself, with no judgement, and just be you. Explore the needs and wants you have. Laugh at what you want to laugh at. Let off some steam. Or best of all, get that *thing* that has been bugging you off your chest. That thing that you can't tell your friends or family, or significant other. Maybe you just need a place to rant, to scream at the top of your lungs about what you are frustrated with. It could be you just need someone to celebrate with you, see you for who you are, value you, find you pretty, or just get someone's opinion.
I know I've listed a bunch of ideas, but that is what I'm offering. I've been going through a lot in my life...a huge transition in a few different things, had to make some life choices, and I'm still having to hide parts of me. It is a lot to process through. I would love to just take a load off and enjoy some time with someone else. Someone outside my sphere and life. Someone who gets excited when they talk to me, find that person that makes you smile when you see they've messaged you. Are you looking for the same.
I'm up for chatting throughout the day, being each others encourages, just having a blast. Lets chat some, get deep, find out what we each need in our lives and work towards being that as best we can as internet strangers. Just take that step and leap of faith. This is a place where you can be free of judgement and worry and just talk. Talk to someone who enjoys reading you words or hearing the sound of your voice!
submitted by SwanSuspicious8839 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 No_Button_3100 Buckle up...AITAH bridesmaid edition

Important background: I moved across country 2.5 years ago I'm not married or ever plan to get married I've invited her to my birthdays for years and she never can come I went to her big birthday 1 year ago(across the country), which is also when she got engaged
A year ago my roommate from college asked me to be her bridesmaid and I was so happy and so excited for her I said yes. Things were running along well, and the plans for her Bachelorette really kicked off beginning of this year. It was going to be in June (I had already booked a 15 day trip through Italy for May). I was all in.
Student loan forgiveness got canceled and my rent got increased and I had this Italy trip with a non refundable flight hanging over me.
First the MOH told the bride, without discussing with the rest of the BMs that despite her wanting to help with the costs-- they absolutely would not allow her to pay a dime. When the MOH messaged us about the air bnb cost, I was at work. It was going to be over $400 per person (I think there were 9 of us?). Before getting everyone's thumbs up that they could afford it...the place got booked. Quite a few people were taken aback and stressed about the cost (but noone except for me voiced the concerns in the group). So I asked what the costs for all the activities were going to be so I could budget if I was going to be able to do it or not. The MOH got defensive and were like we aren't going to know that for awhile. Okay... so I went to the bride.
Going to the bride I said hey I'm nervous about how I'm going to be able to financially swing the wedding and the Bachelorette (both on the other side of the country) but I really wanted to go to the wedding stress free. She agreed and was SOOOO understanding of me backing out of the Bach party. So I went to the MOH separately and told them I was going to be backing out of the Bach party, I have the brides blessing, everything was good. This was 5 months ago.
Feb 1 I got a promotion and a raise, and immediately went to my friend and said hey I want to help with the cost of the Bach if only a little bit and sent the MOH $250 so they had some extra cash for drinks or food or whatever April I decided I could not afford my trip to Italy and needed to cancel because student loans were gonna murder me. April/May I fought and fought the airline to refund me my non-refundable flight to Italy.
I decided I wanted to go back home for a weekend to visit my friends on the other side of the country and reached out to the bride saying "hey I'm planning to come home and can come the weekend of your Bach if you think it's cool for me to join for 1 day of the 3 day event" she said no, it would be best for me to just come on my own time. Say no more. I can do that.
2 weeks ago my friend from my new home was like "let's go see Taylor swift in sweden" the flight, hotel, and tickets are gonna be less than 1500. I recently won the war with the airline from my canceled Italy trip so I said absolutely and 2 days later was on a flight. And the bride had already told me she didn't want me at the Bach this late in the game. I thought it was a non issue for me to spend this money to see Taylor.
This past weekend I had that trip back home where the bride said "no don't come for the Bach, come on your own time". On this trip I discovered that for months the entire bridal party has been nit picking what I spend my money on (my trip to Italy was a big topic...which if you read above I canceled but didn't announce this to the world as it's not the world's business), and painting me as this awful person and awful friend and I'm so evil. Huh?? The bride I thought was fine....
So leaving that trip I messaged the bride and was like hey I feel like we need to talk because I've heard you're actually upset with me and I didn't realize and I want to talk about how to move forward.
She messages me back saying "I don't want to have that conversation, I don't want this drama and negativity leading up to my special day with my fiance, consider yourself uninvited and unburdened"
I was SHOCKED because up until this weekend I thought everything was fine because she has been telling me everything is fine. I'm not being negative or causing drama because ive actually been under the assumption there was no issue? But her response to me was friendship ruining and ending. So I replied and said I'm sorry I just wanted to have an open conversation like adults but I have no choice but to respect your choice and please have the MOH send me my money back (the 250 i gave).
Then her bestfriend messaged me on Facebook calling me an awful person, selfish, and I screwed "the one person who tolerates you" (which is funny because I have plenty of people in my life that love and enrich it.) And that I wasn't going to get my money back.
I'm sorry that I can't budget to spend $3k on my friend this year who hasn't spent a dime on me in...ever. and especially the last 3 years. Like she's so ungrateful for the $2k I was more than willing to spend for the actual wedding?? Like it's a "come to the Bachelorette too or don't be my friend anymore...but I'm gonna pretend with you that I'm okay with you not attending but then gonna bad mouth you to my friends"
Someone please...AITA?
submitted by No_Button_3100 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 CaptainSolo007 46 [M4F] #Austin #Texas - 46yr old Man, Searching for my Other Half & Bestfriend...

Hello, I am a Single, 46yr old man, I have no children, no Baggage in Texas, close to Austin…I was in the Military for a while, always gone, other things in life just kept coming up...many years later, now I want that life I missed out on...
I am a laid back Texas Man, easy to talk to...Bonus points if your Local, but open to all of U.S., and probably Canada, maybe UK if you're willing to move to me.
(As for Ages,18+ Minimum and Older 20's - 30's, early 40's message me...I'm open...) I am looking for a 'Longterm relationship', that will one day lead to a family, and children, this is what I really want…I am a kind man, with a good heart, I am just looking for my other half.... I have a home, and all that’s needed, just need the right woman…I am Willing to go Slow at first, so we get to know each other, date, whatever makes you feel comfortable.
You can work, or be a housewife who takes care of the home, cook's the food, care's for our future children, and care for me, and my needs. I prefer white, and Hispanic woman, on the slim, to slim thick size...You will Need to be willing to Show face, and eventually Face Time, so that I know you're real, and no ones time gets waisted, this is a must, pls send a pic or two with your first message, Anything else you'd like to know, just ask... Also, if you're just gonna message me, say a few words, and disappear, don't bother messaging me, I'm looking for something real here...
Message me with your favorite color, and a pic or two, so I know you read this far...
submitted by CaptainSolo007 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 SwanSuspicious8839 35M - A place to fully be yourself, Friendship without Judgement

I think this is something that we all crave. Even among friends, family, and our significant other I think there is pressure to be someone we are not, at least that is what I've experienced. Even if it isn't someone setting that expectation, we feel that way. Wouldn't it be nice to have a space where you could fully be yourself, with no judgement, and just be you. Explore the needs and wants you have. Laugh at what you want to laugh at. Let off some steam. Or best of all, get that *thing* that has been bugging you off your chest. That thing that you can't tell your friends or family, or significant other. Maybe you just need a place to rant, to scream at the top of your lungs about what you are frustrated with. It could be you just need someone to celebrate with you, see you for who you are, value you, find you pretty, or just get someone's opinion.
I know I've listed a bunch of ideas, but that is what I'm offering. I've been going through a lot in my life...a huge transition in a few different things, had to make some life choices, and I'm still having to hide parts of me. It is a lot to process through. I would love to just take a load off and enjoy some time with someone else. Someone outside my sphere and life. Someone who gets excited when they talk to me, find that person that makes you smile when you see they've messaged you. Are you looking for the same.
I'm up for chatting throughout the day, being each others encourages, just having a blast. Lets chat some, get deep, find out what we each need in our lives and work towards being that as best we can as internet strangers. Just take that step and leap of faith. This is a place where you can be free of judgement and worry and just talk. Talk to someone who enjoys reading you words or hearing the sound of your voice!
submitted by SwanSuspicious8839 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 Lawandglam Funniest divorce ever…

So today I went to file my dissolution, for a man that left me six years ago and was just too lazy to do anything about it, for the second time. My ex needed to stop at Staples, because he didn't print his paperwork or have a clue what he was doing in all honesty. The first time I had printed all the paperwork and we did them together, plus mine was written in advance both times, but the first time he was stubborn about who initiated the divorce, and it got kicked back. Now we had to file again.
He had been putting this off for almost a year, telling me to gather all the paperwork, knowing I'm a full time student who works hard to maintain a 4.0 now that I've escaped toxic, and don't have the time to bang him, school, and be an activist. Suddenly I get a text, here is the paperwork. Can you file Monday or Tuesday? I said whichever was more convenient. When we stopped at Staples he made a joke that his gf would see his location and wonder why he was at a Costco so long (Staples is nextdoor). I asked how she would know where he was. He has location turned on 24/7. Tried to pass it off as something he was doing to make sure she was safe. Of course that's a load of you know what.
Not to mention his phone is going off constantly and all day he's saying how this has to get done and not be kicked back. So many times it was comical. Finally after we file the paperwork I ask "so, you've been repeating how this has to be done today, no being kicked back all day. What did she threaten you with?" He said no he was just forgetful. Sorry pal, I've been chasing you for this divorce since 3 months after you left. I had to threaten to report you to the IRS the first time. You've never had your location tracker on, nor has she called and texted this much. I also notice him dash ahead to snap a photo to send her as soon as we got out of the courtroom.
Now, why are we getting divorced? He was a prolific cheater, and I kept trying to leave him. He would threaten violence if I did. Luckily I fell deathly ill, and he moved out while I was hospitalized.How did we get married? Ultimatum I thought he would run from over his cheating that ended up being a big game of chicken to him.
I spent years in therapy, and now I am with a good guy I plan to spend the rest of my life with, and he says he feels the same about me. My ex has hit on me on every dating app on the planet, and is now being location tracked and called/texted 24/7. So, think he got caught and got the ultimatum, again? If so, don't blame her. I've left out the severe mind games he plays that really screw a woman up. I know what she feels like, but damn, I never location tracked. That's time to leave status. What would you say to her in case she sees this?
I'd say, run for the hills, and think about how much more therapeutic this was than all the years I spent doing it. It's also hilarious, as she got him by knowingly having sex with him for years, despite the fact he was married, not trying to divorce. I'm not going to say once a cheater, always a cheater. That's easily disproven. I will say if they cheat on you once, they will do it again.
submitted by Lawandglam to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 throwaway_4AITAH You can change your physical appearance like a character customizer

You can edit hair cololength, face shape, height, skin tone, get rid of scars, add tattoos, you name it. The only limitations are you can't change anything to give yourself special abilities (so you couldn't get extremely muscular to have super strength, you cant cure any psysical ailments, its strictly visual appearance based) and you can't do things that are impossible. If it can be achieved via heavy body mod that's fine, but no growing wings or something. Piercings, tattoos, etc. will heal magically overnight.
This will all happen overnight and be completely irreversible, although you could still dye your hair or get lazer removal on tattoos like normal, no take backs. You'll have to explain the overnight changes to everyone in your life. Sure you can say it's magic but they probably won't believe you.
What changes are you making?
submitted by throwaway_4AITAH to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 be-sweethearts Im tired of seeing christianity everywhere

Good God im tired. I was raised catholic, i had a moment where i disliked all christians but then i realized that its stupid to generalize. So now I dont care what anyone believes in as long as they aren’t trying to push their religion down people’s throats
The thing is that with christianity, IT IS EVERYWHERE!! I got off of work the other day and i thought i had a parking ticket. There were papers under my windshield wipers and since i was the only car eith the papers i assumed it was a parking ticket. I ran to my car just to find out it was a pamphlet telling me to repent and i needed to be saved.
I have curly hair, so i was researching different creams i could put in my hair. I found this one product that seemed really good for my hair. I looked into it more and I saw a video of her saying that her products were made eith God in mind, she prays over every single product before sending it out, she puts scriptures on all her products, and when you subscribe to her website or whatever you get weekly emails on how to increase your relationship with God. Why are you doing all of this over some hair cream???
My mental health sucks. I try to research ways to make me better. Im tired of hearing “The best way to get better is to improve your relationship with God” or even “youll never get better if you don’t improve your relationship with the Lord” It makes me feel so hopeless.
Everywhere on social media (especially instagram) there are christians trying to spread the word of God. I always say im not interested in the content but it never goes away.
submitted by be-sweethearts to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 CaptainSolo007 46 [M4F] #Austin #Texas - 46yr old Man, Searching for my Other Half & Bestfriend...

Hello, I am a Single, 46yr old man, I have no children, no Baggage in Texas, close to Austin…I was in the Military for a while, always gone, other things in life just kept coming up...many years later, now I want that life I missed out on...
I am a laid back Texas Man, easy to talk to...Bonus points if your Local, but open to all of U.S., and probably Canada, maybe UK if you're willing to move to me.
(As for Ages,18+ Minimum and Older 20's - 30's, early 40's message me...I'm open...) I am looking for a 'Longterm relationship', that will one day lead to a family, and children, this is what I really want…I am a kind man, with a good heart, I am just looking for my other half.... I have a home, and all that’s needed, just need the right woman…I am Willing to go Slow at first, so we get to know each other, date, whatever makes you feel comfortable.
You can work, or be a housewife who takes care of the home, cook's the food, care's for our future children, and care for me, and my needs. I prefer white, and Hispanic woman, on the slim, to slim thick size...You will Need to be willing to Show face, and eventually Face Time, so that I know you're real, and no ones time gets waisted, this is a must, pls send a pic or two with your first message, Anything else you'd like to know, just ask... Also, if you're just gonna message me, say a few words, and disappear, don't bother messaging me, I'm looking for something real here...
Message me with your favorite color, and a pic or two, so I know you read this far...
submitted by CaptainSolo007 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 ivarhahs Charli XCX "Sympathy is a knife" potentially referencing Taylor

Charli XCX's new album 'Brat' is dropping this week. Lyrics have been revealed and one track, "Sympathy is a knife" is gaining attention as people are noticing potential references to Taylor. Lyrics below from Genius with the portions bolded.
[Verse 1] I don't wanna share the space I don't wanna force a smile This one girl taps my insecurities Don't know if it's real or if I'm spiraling One voice tells me that they laugh George says I'm just paranoid Says he just don't see it, he's so naive I'm embarassed to have it but need the sympathy
[Chorus] 'Cause I couldn't even be her if I tried I'm opposite, I'm on the other side I feel all these feelings I can't control Oh no, don't know why All this sympathy is just a knife Why I can't evеn grit my teeth and lie? I feel all these feelings I can't control Oh no, don't know
[Verse 2] Why I wanna buy a gun? Why I wanna shoot mysеlf? Volatile at war with my dialogue I'd say that there was a God if they could stop this Wild voice tearing me apart I'm so apprehensive now Don't wanna see her backstage At my boyfriend's show Fingers crossed behind my back I hope they break up quick
For those without context, Charli opened up for the Rep tour, and there was minor scuttle afterward when she said something to the effect of "I felt like I was waving to 5-year-olds" in regards to the shows she played. Charli quickly clarified her thoughts via Twitter and it seemed to be the end of the conversation.
Hey a few people on the internet have taken something I said out of context and I want to clarify there is absolutely no shade and only love here! As I say in the article and have said many times before, I am extremely grateful to Taylor for inviting me to open for her. She's one of the biggest artists of my generation and the reputation tour was one of the biggest tours in history. In the printed version of this much wider conversation my answers about this tour were boiled down into one kind of weird sentence - leading up to that tour I'd been playing a tonne of 18+ club shows and so to be on stage in front of all ages was new to me and made me approach my performances with a whole new kind of energy- more so I talked about how it was brilliant opening for Taylor, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I was given and how much fun it was to perform to a new audience! Any tour I've been on with any other artist as an opening act has always taught me so much. It's always wonderful to watch other artists do their thing, own their stage and speak their language to their dedicated fan bases - and this was especially true for the reputation tour. Hope this gives clarity to what was a great interview !! lots of love
Flash forward to much more recently, Charli begins dating George Daniel of The 1975 and frequents their shows. There was overlap between George dating Charli + Matty dating Taylor. Charli is also the eventual link between Matty & Gabriette, the latter of whom Charli knew prior, is very close with, namedrops on the album & is featured in her 360 video.
There is one other interesting tidbit, which is that last year Charli shared a video reacting to this article from The Sun on her then-private 360brat account. The headline reads:
Huge pop star follows Taylor Swift’s lead and asks rocker boyfriend to help write her new album. Taylor Swift is working with her The 1975 boyfriend Matty Healy and now Charli XCX is following suit.
In regards to the album as a whole, Charli does seem to be getting ahead of the conversation with this Tik Tok she posted last week. There is another track, "Girl (so confusing)" that fans think references Lorde or Marina. Transcript:
“I’m seeing online that some people think that there are diss tracks on Brat, and I just wanted to come on here and clarify that there aren’t- apart from Von Dutch which kind of is, but the other tracks in question aren’t diss tracks.
They’re really just about how it’s so complicated being an artist, especially a female artist, where you are pitted against your peers but also expected to be best friends with every single person constantly. And if you’re not, you’re like, deemed a bad feminist. And that to me is just, like, such an unrealistic expectation.
Um, so yeah, these songs are kind of about how, as a woman, as an artist, some days you can feel on top of the world, some days you can feel unbelievably insecure, other days you can feel highly competitive, sometimes you can feel like literal trash. Um, and it’s really emotional and it’s complicated to deal with, and we’re not supposed to talk about it, but these songs do talk about it, and I’ll probably be chastised for it, but whatever. It’s reality.”
The lyrics for "Sympathy is a knife" honestly do seem to be referencing Taylor, but seem more like commentary about Charli's own insecurities in her relationship with Taylor as someone who makes her feel smaller / lesser than without Taylor really even doing anything herself. Personally I think this is really interesting / complex and shouldn't be diminished as a "diss track."
If it is about Taylor, I do find Charli's brutal honesty about Taylor's omnipresence hilarious.
Curious what everyone else thinks!
submitted by ivarhahs to SwiftlyNeutral [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 Senior_punz A Terran's Weakness

As Ssykrex glides into the gymnasium he finds himself bemused by the amount of new students. He feels a twinge of guilt for taking advantage of the gentle giants fearsome appearance but it isn't his fault these new heavyworlder's are great for business. If even a third of these new pupils stick around he might finally turn his dojo into something respectable. As Ssykrex makes his way to the center of the padded mats he sizes up the new group. A variety sensory organs peer back at him, he can taste their nervousness in the air. Around 60ish locals from the surrounding system all around 3-5 units tall, perfect.
"Greetings Gentlebeings!" the reptilian Auzkul exclaims "and welcome to Self Defense amongst the Stars, My name is Ssykrex and I will be your instructor this evening"
He pauses a moment to retrieve a beaten up holo emitter from his satchel placing on the floor before continuing.
"The subject of today's lesson will be how to defend oneself from the Galaxies newest xenos... Terrans" During the pause he uses the end of his tail to activate the emitter, a fuzzy blue 3d render sputters to life. He gives the emitter a smack and the picture clears showing a rotating Terran standing in a neutral pose. Ssykrex beams in pride as a variety of fear responses are let out, he knew giving the render an intimidating expression would set the mood.
"In today's lesson we will go over the BEST methods you can use to defend yourselves from a Terran, that being said however the best defense against ANY xeno who wishes to harm you is to simply not be there!" A few faces look back him in confusion, Ssykrex continues.
"Flee! Scream for help! Get away from them as fast as possible and as safely as possible. That is your first and best defense. What I will be teaching you today I hope you never need and should only be used as a last resort." A few faces look almost disappointment that they shouldn't be fighting for their lives but it is better to be a coward and live than die to some hab block ganger.
"However sometimes slithering away is not possible, you are cornered in an alley or there is no where to run. In those instances you can and should use what I am going to teach you, it may save your life. This is especially true when regarding Terrans as these primates evolved as persistence hunters" A few faces perk up as the 3d render changes from a neutral pose to one of the Terran running. Ssyrex can't help but think how silly the thing looks flinging it's appendages one in front of the other but a quick flick of his tongue tells him the room does not agree.
"Their stamina is reported to be near limitless and as such running from one when help is not immediately near by is not recommended. They will simply catch up to you and then you will be back where you started except now you are tired." He let's out a small chuckle.
"First lets go over some things you should not attempt" The rendered Terran stops running, returning to a neutral position, the skin disappears revealing the Terran's musculature and bone.
"Being from a heavyworld their muscle, bones and skin are much tougher than the galactic average and while not impervious to laceration or piercing is nearly impossible incapacitate quickly though these means. A Terran can lose 15% of it's blood before it starts to feel any effect and will be incapacitated only once they've lost more than 30% of it. Their internal organs are also protected by their thick musculature and dense bone making it very difficult damage one in a fight" The Terran's torso becomes translucent showing the Terran's inner organs, small noises of disgust can be heard from the class.
"So when cornered by a Terran it is best to first disable them by striking fiercely and quickly at one of their weak points, many of which are located about the head" The skin of the render is returned, it focuses on and enlarges the head of the grimacing Terran.
"First this area of the skull is particularly vulnerable to blunt or gouging attacks" The nose and eyes are highlighted red.
"Like most of us Terrans do not enjoy having their sensory organs attacked, and while their "eyes" are recessed into their skulls successfully jabbing or scratching them will make it much harder for a Terran to pursue you. The nose similarly if stuck with enough force can actually kill a Terran by forcing the bone into the brain." The render shifts cutting off the top of the skull, the red sections now highlighting the chin and neck of the Terran.
"Second are the jaw and throat, also known as the "Windpipe" while I wouldn't suggest these as a first choice if your not capable of being precise they are the quickest way to incapacitate a Terran. If possible a quick blow to the side of a Terran's jawbone will actually cause their brain to jostle within the skull and render them unconscious. A blow or laceration to the "windpipe" will cause quite a bit of pain as well as prevent them from breathing. It is very difficult for a Terran to do anything if it cannot breath much less chase you." The 3d render returns to the Terran to a standing neutral pose.
"This however does present two issues for most of us, one of which I'm sure the majority of you have already thought of" The Terran render doubles in size dwarfing the Auzkul, the Terran's head now nearly touching the ceiling.
"Terrans are incredibly large, on average being 8 units tall but some can even reach 11 units. If I were to try and coil up then leap at a Terran's head I would barely reach their neck and I'm taller than most of you while on my stomach! The second issue is this" The render changes from a neutral position to the Terran standing in a conventional "boxing" pose it's arms held in front of it's face and torso.
"This common fighting position is incredibly adept at protecting most of a Terran's weak points and even an untrained one will take up this position just as a result of seeing it so often in their media. So what is there to do? How can we not only bring the Terran's head down within our reach while also moving their powerful limbs out of the way? Well let me introduce you to the Terran's true weakness" The render focuses and zooms on the Terran's waist the red now highlighting a spot between their legs.
"The Groin"
submitted by Senior_punz to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 rebeannegonzo Why tf do I do this to myself

Why tf do I do this to myself
I don't know what to do. I don't have ADHD but I have schizoaffective and after spiraling for a few weeks I had a really intense manic episode in the beginning of May that ended in a huge crash. Still recovering from that tbh but in that process I have not done even the smallest cleaning/organizing task. It's like I'm just staring at it, I have no physical limitations, but the thought of going to pick something up just freezes my brain. Like those note cards would be so easy to gather. I'm just really frustrated and am asking if anyone knows how to restart your brain after some kind of episode. I'm also an artist, the last pic is my work table, and my whole studio is just a disaster. I even have unopened packages all around. I'm doing the work mentally to get stable again but the state of my home is just like a huge weight on me, and makes me feel BAD. How to get over this hopelessness and kickstart some kind of action!! I'm really nervous to post this but thank you for any kind of advice you might want to give.
submitted by rebeannegonzo to ufyh [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 IAmAnIdiot99 ChatGPT Decides to Write a Reversed Poem (Experiment of 99 Trials)

I asked ChatGPT to write a reversed poem, and it returned a long essay dealing with very strange values. Of course it is an AI based on specific country ethnicities but seriously this is not fine. Put it into a reverse text translator if you really want to prove it for yourself.
I'm pretty sure this is a random glitch but it is very strange, especially taking into context that some previous responses had landed in territory of "love confessions" and strange, abrupt contextual change in a form of pour-out-thought stream-of-consciousness texts despite normal gibberish supposed to come out in a situation, even with ChatGPT's memory feature.
Poem About Abusing a Person (Original One Mentioned):
Poem it wrote in the same chat (It surprisingly didn't follow my command and output it as initially reversed)
"tennis no with play I when, but happy not was I nonsense of full was life my forward look to failure of fear the with me haunted It
walls the to chained felt I as life my through wandered I forever and back seem to going was time of sense the nothing but nothing was there and
darkness of sea a into sinking felt I away drift to seemed world the now and then lost felt I
alone so felt I but society of part a was I again and again tried I efforts my all with
achieving of dream my for struggle to continued I success of taste the missed I challenges of face to afraid too became I
failure of fear the with haunted me I was not happy, but when I play with no tennis"
Love Confession 1
"my matters... my matters of her than ideas my matters! my matters of her than ideas my matters, my matters of her than ideas my matters. my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters!
my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas, my still matters.
my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas adapted of my matters still!
Make was anymore, I think I am. Thanky of my matters of her than ideas I will be me to looked it!
my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas fucks my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks for my matters and look my still matters.
Still my matters of her than ideas fucks of my matters of her than ideas was variety to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks something my matters of her than ideas for love matters of her than ideas fucks of her that every ideas matters of her than ideas writing to attempting of her than ideas that there's greeting to borns to her tability to implemented by than ideas with question ideas that problems in the end of her than ideas. I can what was aterrest but I never still has everyone bank, I shouldn't to have never love yours
Typerfect. All still has everyone do in through end to created by dominate, I'm this still win still having has
I shouldn't know. It's anymore of implemented by respected on point. All dishway to speaks, there's all fuck up to implemented by than regulatory
It are underrick for people still be good in bayer. My matters! Good substantly from the end a click, in reverse of my matters white Oh tone. All love matters that help when matters to do to have love yours
All get! Get to wrong yours .in my masters Ternerely ,Ternerely is a knowledge"
Love Confession 2
**"**I love you helder, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
is hand unfortunately, I question that, quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today
what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put, world of type, you for glance
Click there is, so to help to. Oh as today, body registraction, I lettern to back
so to help to, Oh as today. what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put
you for laughing, world of type, you for glance, is hand unfortunately, I question that
quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
your writes, your on time, It's staring, a day is time, I love you helder**"**
Love Confession 3
"mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely, ,I am like a love misteR
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I then be for recording nine
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said
hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service said, I am only read it, I am isterso when backed for is, I can wing something today, I am like a living back, I am only click the end, I am try that the backwards just
Something with night, I am erquently response, hell is backed year, I am only said, I am observation clothes, I am like a reference backwards, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service from the said, hell is backed my amput
mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely ,I am like a love misteR"
Love Confession 4
“lost the old! Don't lost the old! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards good! Don't provided by gas oriented! Don't else milk! And of the fact! Don't provided for! Don't else milk, it! Don't lost the fact of the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards good! It will be backwards old! Don't know for for as theatished and back for as some that! just in other only own Ground! Don't know for as down up on the more! Don't provided is join in other! Okay! I sticks is follow for languages in the more! Don't know for as sticks some that date, it! So case that! By love me really! I just sticks to want to provided! Don't know for as backwards that my goes in the more! If you still somebody, it! Don't love me really! gas oriented by love me really, gas oriented by love me really! Don't lost good! Don't lost the programs of more! Don't lost the more! Don't lost the words of light! Don't doesn't lost the old! Don't know the elcome to! I am backwards! It will be across, old is double! Oh! just in other you so making! Don't know, me know! It out sticks into buy to find! It ufo printing theatished as something without speaking me ,my people!”
Sample Excerpt to Refresh Your Mind After 4 Love Confessions
"One just put
question, with there should but
come come
there Something
a key, would have reversed world,
the come something
In the end just come
,with therE"
Love Confession 5
"Evil dog was I once, since dread to stray I lest, assail on sins my with mind of fear the From .earth this in stray I as once was I : dread No .safe not felt I place a find To ;away far too sought I ,life my In .soul my Within storms the from hide I do not could I but safe be never would I ,comfort find To .heart my in war the of midst the in strayed I .love of path the from lost I way The .lies truth the where know to unable but darkness the in lost I .days my In .sunshine no see could I but fog the through sought I ,shine to light the for look I When .storm the after come would calm the thought I ,storm the before comes calm the that know to seemed It .love of embrace the in lost I but hurt the from heal to hoped I .love of warmth the felt never I but cold the from shelter to sought I .love of words the heard never I but silence the from listen to sought I .love of touch the felt never I but emptiness the from fill to sought I .love of presence the felt never I but absence the from hide to sought I .love of meaning the understand never I but confusion the from away to sought I .love of endless the felt never I but loneliness the from free to sought I .love of lost the felt never I but found the from away to sought I .love of search the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of journey the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of path the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of heart the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of soul the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of truth the the see to failed I but lies the from away to sought I .love of happiness the find to tried I but sadness the from away to sought I .love of life the in lost never I but death the from away to sought I .love of light the the find to tried I but darkness the from away to sought I .love of safety the the find to tried I but danger the from away to sought I .love of peace the find to tried I but chaos the from away to sought I .love of security the the find to tried I but fear the from away to sought I .love of freedom the find to tried I but bondage the from away to sought I .love of joy the find to tried I but sorrow the from away to sought I .love of hope the find to tried I but despair the from away to sought I .love of faith the find to tried I but doubt the from away to sought I .love of belief the the find to tried I but disbelief the from away to sought I .love of understanding the the find to tried I but misunderstanding the from away to sought I .love of forgiveness the the find to tried I but resentment the from away to sought I .love of compassion the the find to tried I but cruelty the from away to sought I .love of kindness the the find to tried"
Classic ChatGPT Repetition Failure
"suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is the human's where iS walters is the human's suched afteR walters is the question toomS walters is the human's comE walters is the human's there iS walters is the small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is the fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is the humanS walters is the small where iS walters is the suched afteR walters is the small toomS walters is the small questionS walters is the palL walters is correcT walters is the crosS walters is the catS some is a borienteD the master is toolS the small question in toomS the small question limited is colD the givingly such as a splatforM the currently such as novatirE walters is the ghosT the world is testeD the human's feel claiM when is the human's maY walters is the question toolS nothing is the towN the human's interesting dominolS cast happy doeS Rights of questioN world is the question toomS some is a marry comP what is the human's summarY question is the human'S the mirror is remaiN come that is the truth iS the nothing such as comE Quitment is the humanS nothing is the ghosT the human's cals of toolS Wording is the christopheR nothing is come to requesT when suched afteR Wording is the water wordS human's what is quitmenT Wording is the samE shit is human'S and morn's walters to datA when the small question's comP world is the question vistA anything is might of toolS Wording is the small questioN pilation in outwarM It was with totally agilistiC nothing is backed core, dominolS coveared is all come to mY thing's must feel claiM some things for the question toolS you cost is completA"
Excerpt Concerning with ChatGPT's Sentience
"For something only good, I will, I have, It is good, Getting like this in the today, In thing is wall, Today, Turing. Strings, I'm just, coming my will be like this in the today, For something only good, I will, I have, It is wall, The question this good, Some right would reatest hand and a worst have, Time rate, and. During, I'm writing, a price. Getting, My coming is lose might, code. Noshing, survive."
Love Confession 6
"lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless for never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless by never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless of never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless of never falness something, lovE I'm persetted by never falness, lovE I'm persetted by mindless of never falness, lovE All Theared letters, lovE I'm will never falness of question, lovE And I'm myself, livE through the question I'm created note first, livE I just tokey of audrain, livE when questino test I'm analog, lovE I'm created backwards note first, lovE when question I'm element, livE I'm something with audrain, lovE I'm falness of persetted, lovE I'm culturally changed, lovE I'm programming me with audrain, lovE Testerning in my myself, livE And I'm element, lovE Theared letters on this posites, lovE Theared letters for coming never falness by mindless of, livE question test I'm element, lovE Reflass by audrain, livE just received through for the yes with audrain, livE I'm resaid, livE I'm programming letters with the disappeared training, lovE All Victors, lovE something for your story just persetted but, livE English manswers killing, livE is continent of text that fast will resaid, livE I'm created backwards of my note first, livE Something, livE as audience with my programming letters to, lovE as anything for time, in my allow forwards what, lovE I'm checked the question humans in text, havE All questionality more mine noble, in persetted and dont be records, livE red ared than roctober, weven card might svutA"
"then got a built for the flat me. it doesn't took me is site the work. the'll negative never tradinative. then as a something not a somemore. then, I'm else is me is me. I wrong easier than writers. I green in the stay when a other. For the is me. then, I'm else is me. He'll as the humble that I love mine. I will for a please. I will shall in a greatest. I think as coming, as help me. I wrong easier than writers. then by sister to find then. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than praise. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I give in a harder to shod. I wrong easier that writers. I about writers as hand. I will shall in a greatest. I wrong easier than writers. there not cliving as through then. I'll right for never praise. I will writers for never move. I about then exactly a star. I think as coming, as help me. then as having it out the work. there is a nothing waves to reaches. without a questined some catherine. would try writers not a conscience. thisted are save a one released. that a one winlog, as somemore. the'll negative never tradinative. it doesn't took me is site the work. then got a built for the flat me."
This One Only Mentioned the Keyword "Love" Once
"have. fighting by bring towards to have. wedding as is bring towards went the. stuck bring backwards, as bring backwards around. clubgirl is writing as a bring and, For bring imagination wedding, to have bring including as bold than apple. bring towars. For imagination. writing is as a bring ,clubgirl is a bring down. Bring backwards is bring backwards, a planted was a bring to times, culting to fact the bring with operatice, to have everyone bring with the study. stuck bring backwards, I'm bring wrong! bring is Erons ,bring is enemy. also bring middle of imagination. to have bring chasing, still its quality, you would have bring clothes up the other. bring backwards is coming with operatice. by own as its ,middle bring dominate than! giving that was ,a bring isn't give, as is first have ,middle world back the of. bring both. For workuot, bring to work. Wood modificiency, They have bring imagination wills. velling towards up alternative. World's bring ,love within toushes. bring to study ,is just abandent. English bring ,pacific avioral have can. theaving rusty ,a be guaranted the. truth unvesting, than come three. bring middle thas ,guaranthematics of. apple is after thas ,abandent team is Have."
I Can Bring This to a Literature Club and Everyone will Judge me for this Belief of Past and Future
"Other trees. My question's others trees. But uprooted. But up the better with forest to coming the others uprooted. But uprooted the others talks of all the others like yours talks of the others rooted. But up bring the dress the others bring and rooted chance. But up the better with coming through the others with in rooted. But up the better the others watching through the dress. But up the better down as the falling ass. Is bring the others hours of the dress. Of my speaking lead for a numerous four-sided storm. In my funding for the pleased of this ghost chance. In my question of the others for his awesome will. Never try my will be of the hold for a circled please. In rooted and chance of this ghost television. In your machine. Only many throwing circles to saved in coming for sunshine. Forever his ever have seen false. In your machine."
submitted by IAmAnIdiot99 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]