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2024.06.05 05:12 freifraufischer 2024 German Nationals Preview/Primer on the German Olympic Race (mostly WAG, some Rhythmic, MAG, and Trampoline)

2024 German Nationals Preview/Primer on the German Olympic Race (mostly WAG, some Rhythmic, MAG, and Trampoline)
Die Finals have arrived this week and the German Gymnastics Federation has 8 individual Olympic spots that they will give out between this week and later in June at German Olympic Trials.
I'm going to break this preview up by discipline some of which I know more about than others. But we have non geoblocked streaming and live scoring for all of it.

Rhythmic Gymnastics (Thursday-Friday)

The Germans have two spots to go three top individuals. World Champion Darja Varfolomeev is far ahead of the pack. Margarita Kolosov is safely in second. Anastasia Simakova is likely on the outside looking in. But this is going to be a lovely competition to watch. - RGI and RGG All Around - RGI and RGG Apparatus Finals - Rhythmic Live Scoring

Women's Artistic Gymnastics (Saturday-Sunday)

This is stacking up for one of the most painful Olympic selection races in WAG this year.
  • Elisabeth Seitz - Beloved 3 time Olympic bars finalist trying for one last Olympics.
  • Helen Kevric - Most promising German first year senior since... Elisabeth Seitz.
  • Karina Schönmaier - Dark horse surprise vaulter
  • Emma Malewski - Injured underdog
Sentiment says Seitz, but it may be in the best interest of the German program's future to go with Kevric. But the German selection criteria are without sentiment. The best result per apparatus and in the all-around competition from the two qualification competitions compared with the values in a prediction table.
The full document is here.
If two or more gymnasts on the same apparatus reach the predicted score the gymnast with the higher final score will be selected for nomination. If both gymnasts achieve the same final score, the gymnast with the higher D score will be put forward for nomination. There are a bunch of "if no one meets the predicted scores then" statements but I'd be surprised if none of the first three make it. Malewski might struggle. The coaches don't get discretion to pick unless no one makes any of the score table thresholds or a 51.832.
Here is the DTB's prediction table.
Let's start with ... no one in the German field is going to reach the medal criteria. If Kevric wasn't coming back from a slow recovery from an ankle surgery I could see that 56.332 being possible, but if wishes were horses.
The main contenders:
Eli Seitz is currently competing a 6.1 D bars routine. She has exceeded the event criteria once this year, at Varna with a 14.4. But she also fell and got a 12 at a Bundesliga meet in April.
Helen Kevric is also competing a 6.1 D bars routine. She has not exceeded that event final medal score this year but has several times last year. She was competing at Euros with obvious room for upgrades... but also uncharacteristic errors. She has only been medically cleared to do landings since late march.
This is a 14.950 from October (Club league score so that 8.85 E score is a thing but no reason to think if she doesn't hit like that she can't match Eli's 8.3 from Varna.
Our surprise 3rd player is Karina Schönmaier is a vaulter (who does the AA). She is a 3rd year Senior who has a 5.0/4.8 vault combination. She has me the EF threshold twice this year at Varna.
I suspect she'd need both Seitz and Kevric to crash out but she's in this fight.
Emma Malewski is injured and struggling. She can only compete beam right now because of a shoulder injury and her fundamental problem is that she has never reached the Beam Event Final threshold score. The only time she came within .1 of it was during QF at the 2023 Doha WC.
I'd say this is one of Kevric or Seitz. And I wouldn't bet money on which. - All Around
There are single apparatus streams for the All Around on the weekly round up post. - Event Finals - Live Scoring.

Men's Artistic Gymnastics (Saturday-Sunday)

They qualified a team for the Olympics but I'll be honest I haven't dug into trying to translate the MAG part of the selection document. You can find it in the same PDF that's linked in the women's part of this post. - Event Finals - Live Scoring.

Trampoline Gymnastics (Monday)

I'm not going to pretend to know what is going on here other than that they're already going to be sending the men's trampoline gymnast who won the spot for them.
submitted by freifraufischer to Gymnastics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:14 Various_Oven_7141 The Olympics of Suffering

After seeing the post the other day get way out of hand, I'm kind of frustrated.
It's really obvious that most of the posts about difficulties that are unique, or more exaggerated for men, are not saying "Women don't have it hard and men are eternally BEST VICTIM."
They are just stating, "here are some difficulties I wasn't expecting."
Only by adopting the most bad faith interpretation of these posts could you get to, "I am denying that women suffer."
Especially since many of us have lived a majority of our lives treated like women and know EXACTLY how women suffer.
People don't even pause to understand or read the full post before comments come in to dogpile OP and explain how his experiences or observations are not valid and that he needs to check his privilege (regardless of OPs transition status or life experience).
I feel like a lot of this comes from the fact that many of us want to believe that once we're passing enough we'll be able to reap a lot of the privileges and safety that cis-men have. Or that there is some sort of gender essentialism to privilege that we'll be able to access once we put He/Him in our bio or take our first shot of T.
The sad truth is that as trans men, a majority of us don't have access to that privilege which is exclusive to white cis het guys.
So, even if it is true that these difficulties we see aren't there for cis men, they are true for us, and that's worth being able to validate, discuss and acknowledge within our own community.
This isn't the olympics of suffering. Trans men suffering or having trouble living in a word designed for cis het men does not remove the suffering of women, it doesn't take away the attention needed for equity. It is also NOT BLAMING women.
We all know these troubles are part of the system of patriarchy. I feel that trans men should be allowed to say, "fuck the patriarchy, it's hurting me." and have that not be some horrifically controversial statement that gets us labeled as MRAs.
Some of the reactions here to trans men speaking on their own suffering are starting to sound pretty terfy, and I really don't like it.
submitted by Various_Oven_7141 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:36 femaleathletenetwork WNBA Pride Mega Post - Links, Articles, Quotes, Tidbits, etc....

I wanted to put up a Pride post because there are so many features and articles that have been discussed through the years about the WNBA Pride Initiative, the LGBTQ+ players, stories, etc.
I am sure that I have missed a lot of links, quotes, etc..... so if you have a link, make sure to post it as well.
The league has been celebrating Pride since 2014, which has helped foster unity among players, fans, front offices, sponsors, etc.
These links, facts, quotes, tidbits, etc, will cover the good and the bad.... and in no particular order.....
Bird said she was open with teammates, coaches, family and friends early in her career, and said she didn't experience any negative reactions. However, she said other people, including media and sponsors, often just assumed she was straight. Yet Bird acknowledged it is still harder for some LGBTQ+ players to be accepted as themselves, which Griner said she has always lived with.
submitted by femaleathletenetwork to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:33 thatredditmomentwhen TNA 2008+ Part 1 - Bound for Glrory 2008 Fallout - First 4 weeks and Turning Point PPV preview

TNA 2008+ (Post Bound for Glory 2008) Part 1: First 4 weeks of TV and PPV card
You can find these more digestible to read with graphics for the PPV card here:
Diary Start Date: October 16, 2008, The fall out from TNA Bound for Glory 2008
Note: This diary will not contain any knockouts or womens wrestling as to be perfectly honest I have never cared or connected with womens wrestling at all. I'm sorry if this upsets or offends anyone I just wanted to be honest.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Sting
TNA X-DivisioN Champion: Sheik Abdul Bashier
TNA World Tag Team Champions: Beer Money
Weekly Shows:
TNA Impact! - Thursdays on Spike TV
TNA Xplosion - Fridays on and TNA's Youtube Channel
!!! WEEK 1!!!! !!! TNA IMPACT !!! !!!October 16 2008!!
Segment 1:
Sting cuts a promo celebrating his newly won TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Samoa Joe at Bound For Glory. His promo is interrupted by AJ Styles who says that it's time for TNA to continue to evolve and move forward, he puts over the homegrown TNA talent and the guys who come up and are coming up from the indies. He says that another world title run with a guy like Sting is a step backwards and TNA needs to look forward with the future of this business. Styles says if Joe can't lead them, then it's time for himself to step up. He's cut off by Booker T who mocks AJ for implying he's anywhere near ready for a world championship match when Booker just beat AJ and Christian Cage in a Triple Threat at BFG. AJ and Booker argue back and forth before ultimately deciding for a one on one match in tonight's main event.
Match 1:
TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money (James Storm and Robert Roode) DEF. Eric Young and Shark Boy via pinfall from Roode onto Young at 8 minutes
After the match, Storm and Roode have already exited the ring and headed to the back, Shark Boy is reluctantly headed to the back selling his injuries, Eric Young is just playing into the crowds cheers while they applaud him for his effort while CHRISTOPHER DANIELS jumps the guard rail and slides into the ring and beats down Eric Young and hits Young with the BME as the crowd boos.
Segment 2:
Backstage interview with TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier who cuts a promo on his opponent he defeated at BFG Concequences Creed and Creed's tag team partner Jay Lethal who won the #1 contendership for the X Division title at BFG, issuing the challenge to Jay Lethal for next week
Match 2:
Rhino DEF. Sonjay Dutt via pinfall in a squash match at 4 minutes
Segment 3:
Backstage interview with Scott Steiner who calls Rhino an absolute slob and taunts him for taking 4 minutes to put away someone the likes of Sonjay Dutt
Segment 4:
A video vignette plays that hypes the debut of Brodie Lee who appears to be mysterious yet cocky and likable drifter character he cuts a promo putting all of TNA on notice for his arrival coming soon.
Match 3:
Matt Morgan (w/ Abyss) DEF. Hernandez (w/ Homicide) via pinfall at 8 minutes
After the match, Homicide hops in the ring trying to argue and beef with Morgan while Morgan just smiles and laughs at the much smaller but the brave Homicide, Team 3D come down the ramp with mics in hands and say that there's clearly some tension still there from their 4-Way Tag at BFG but they can't let them get distracted by the real enemies which are Beer Money. They initiate a challenge next week where all 3 teams can resolve their issues with each other while also seeing who is the best team of the 3 when they have a triple threat #1 contenders tag match next week on Impact.
Segment 5:
Christian Cage cuts an in ring promo and goes over what AJ Styles said earlier about guys coming and taking spots from the homefrown guys, he says he felt slightly offended by what AJ said as after everything he and AJ have been through, he still considers them friends. He says that he wants to make one thing clear and that is that no matter how it may look, Christian has never been just "given" a spot in any promotion and he has busted his ass off to become as good as he's become.
He's cut off by Kevin Nash who mocks Cage from the entrance ramp and says that Christian shouldn't worry about something so stupid, he mocks Christian for the way he views the business where Nash clearly just views it as a way to make as much money as possible. The two have a promo battle with Nash just dismissing Christian and shaking his head and walking away, claiming Christian isn't "worth it"
Match 4:
Concequences Creed (w/ Jay Lethal) DEF. Johnny Devine via pinfall at 8 minutes
Segment 5:
We get a run down from Don West and Mike Tenay hyping up next week's episode of TNA Impact with the following matches confirmed:
TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier (c) vs. Jay Lethal 3-Way Tag #1 Contenders Match: Team 3D vs. Matt Morgan and Abyss vs. LAX The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Kaz and Petey Williams
Segment 6:
Another video package for another debut coming soon to TNA Impact, this one showcases Kenny Omega, a young up and comer out of Canada with a bright future and an even brighter personality. Omega clearly shows a goofy side while clips of his matches from other promotions play that show although he's a fun loving guy, he's dangerous in the ring.
Main Event:
AJ Styles DEF. Booker T via DQ after interference at 16 minutes
Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and shockingly, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting surround the ring and swarm in as Steiner and Nash beat down Styles while Kurt Angle, furiously trash Styles while Sting stands there calm and collected with sunglasses on holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder.
The show comes to a close with Angle, Steiner, Nash, Sting and Booker all posing and holding each other's arms up in the ring over a beaten down AJ Styles as the crowd boos.
Week 1 TNA Xplosion October 17 2008
Match 1:
Doug Williams DEF. Volador Jr. at 9 minutes
Match 2:
Lance Rock (w/ Jimmy Rave) DEF. Sylvain Grenier at 5 Minutes
Match 3:
Kaz DEF. Kip James at 12 Minutes
WEEK 2 TNA IMPACT October 23 2008
TNA Impact! October 23 2008
Download Posted Image - Tna Impact Wrestling Logo PNG Image with No Background -
Match 1:
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) fought Kaz and Petey Williams to a contest due to interference at 5 minutes
The 4 X-Division stars are beat down by the same group who ended Impact last week Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Booker T and TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting
Segment 1:
The group cut a promo primarily lead by Kurt Angle and Sting. They introduce their faction as "The Main Event Mafia" and say that they're there to set the record straight in TNA - There is no "future" of TNA without first going through them. They make it adamantly clear that this is all for and all about respect which they feel these "young punks" are not giving in TNA. They say that the TNA originals and new talent that come into TNA should be kissing them at their feet and grateful for everything that they've done for this company. This shocks the crowd especially to see someone like Sting join the likes of this group who goes on to tear down Samoa Joe at BFG several weeks ago. Kevin Nash mentions that there are "some" guys that don't value their own stock the way they should and have gone soft and it gives the main event talent a bad look (obviously referring to Christian Cage's promo last week) - while Scott Steiner then says there are other non TNA originals like Rhino who are not main event level talent and aren't even "has been" levels but are "never was" level talent - Booker T begins to speak his mind in the promo but the group is cut off by AJ Styles.
AJ Styles tries to tear down the group from a distance and is angry they attacked him and beat him down last week and taunts Booker for not being able to get the job done last week on his own, he challenges Booker to a rematch tonight but Booker doesn't agree to it before Christian Cage comes out and joins AJ on his promo and calls out Nash for his comments about him - Christian Cage demands that if Booker is too cowardly for a singles match then maybe tonight's main event should be a tag team match between Christian Cage and AJ Styles against Kevin Nash and Booker T with the match being set.
Match 2:
Brodie Lee DEF. Jimmy Rave (w/ Lance Rock) at 6 minutes in Brodie's debut match
Brodie made a great first showing and was able to showcase his fast paced but heavy hitting fighting style, after the match, Lance Rock steps into the ring and squares up with Brodie before ultimately checking on Rave and picking him up and helping him up to the back.
Segment 2:
We get an in ring promo from Christopher Daniels who recently returned to the company last week and says he's spent nearly a year away forced to be out of TNA while guys like Eric Young and his boyish personality make a mockery of this sport that he loves so much. Daniels puts the entire locker room on notice and says that he's better, faster, and stronger than ever before and he'll stop at nothing to reach the top of the mountain this time in TNA.
Match 3:
Christopher Daniels DEF. Shark Boy at 7 minutes
After the match, Daniels goes to beat down Shark Boy but Eric Young comes running from the back to try and defend his friend Shark Boy but is reversed by Daniels and is once again left laid out by Christopher Daniels
Match 4:
Matt Morgan and Abyss DEF. Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) and LAX (Hernandez and Homicide) in a #1 Contenders 3-Way Tag at 13 Minutes after Matt Morgan pins Homicide
As Morgan and Abyss celebrate in the ring, Beer Money's music hits and the TNA World Tag Team Champions look to make their ring to confront their next challengers but stop dead in their tracks as both LAX and Team 3D stand tall next to Morgan and Abyss and all 6 men just stand there just waiting for the chance to attack Beer Money as Beer Money just scoff and head to the back instead.
Segment 3:
Mick Foley has an in ring promo and verbally attacks the Main Event Mafia and says it's an ignorant and foolish concept for a group, he spends time putting over the TNA homegrown talent but is cut off by Main Event Mafia's Kurt Angle who hits the ring and gets in Foley's face and says that it's because of him that he lost to Jeff Jarrett at Bound For Glory and made him realize how much of a joke this company actually is so if anyone is to blame for the MEM as a group it's Foley, Foley looks to try and defend himself but Angle headbutts Foley instead and knocks Foley out onto his back as Jeff Jarrett's music hits before Angle can cause any more damage but Jarrett comes running into a belly to belly suplex by Kurt Angle who then relentlessly beats down Jarrett to the point TNA security comes to escort and drag Angle away as Jarrett is helped by medical staff and a slightly bloodied forehead Foley is struggling to wobble to the back.
Match 5:
TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier (c) DEF. Jay Lethal (w/ Concequences Creed) at 11 Minutes via lowblow after the ref argues with Creed after Creed tries to stop Sheik from cheating beforehand.
After the match, Creed hits the ring to try and get to Sheik but Sheik makes a run for it up the ramp with the X-Division Championship but is cut off by Jim Cornette at the entrance ramp who tears down Sheik's tactics have now cost 2 X-Division contenders a match and therefore, at the Turning Point PPV Sheik will now have to defend his championship against both Creed and Lethal in a 3-Way while Lethal and Creed smile with Sheik throwing a tantrum.
Segment 4:
We get a backstage interview with TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting being interviewed by Jeremy Borash with Sting doubling down on his new stance as a heel and says he truly believes the Main Event Mafia is a step in the right direction for not just TNA, but for this business as well. When Borash says if that's the case why did Kurt Angle just earlier tonight get dragged out of the ring like a wild animal after beating down two legends in their own right like Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley. Sting says that both men ultimately had it coming and that they just need to trust the process, he's come to terms that Kurt knows what he's doing and will stick by his side.
The Main Event Mafia (Booker T and Kevin Nash) DEF. AJ Styles and Christian Cage at 12 Minutes after Scott Steiner attempted to come to the aid of Booker and Nash, Rhino attacked Steiner from behind and Christian was looking to the outside and was distracted and then turned around to get hit with a big boot and then hit with a jack knife power bomb from Kevin Nash
The show comes to a close with Nash, Booker and Steiner all posing in the ring doing a Main Event Mafia hand sign
Week 2 TNA Xplosion October 24 2008
Match 1: Amazing Red DEF. Lince Dorado at 8 Minutes
Match 2: TNA World Tag Team Champion Robert Roode (w/ James Storm) DEF. Gran Akuma at 4 Minutes
Match 3: The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) DEF. Kaz and Petey Williams at 14 Minutes after Sabin pinned Williams
After the match, all four men shook hands in the ring.
WEEK 3 TNA IMPACT October 30 2008
Segment 1:
The opening segment is an in ring promo where Kurt Angle calls out Jeff Jarrett and says he's not finished with him yet. He says if it wasn't for TNA security he would have done a whole lot worse last week and he wants his rematch from Bound For Glory. He's cut off by Mick Foley who comes down to the entrance ramp and says that Kurt is too ignorant to realize that he doesn't truly want a rematch with Jarrett, because if that was the case he wouldn't have beaten Jarrett down so badly last week to the point he can't be medically cleared. He tears down the rest of the Mafia as well and says this whole "respect" shtick is tired and played out and they all lived through an era where a big stable of a**holes ruined and killed "another company" and Foley won't allow that to happen to TNA. He says that Angle won't get his rematch with Jarrett, but Angle will be getting a match with Foley at Turning Point!
The rest of the Main Event Mafia come out from behind and are slowly approaching and look to beat down Foley but from behind the rest of the Mafia comes down The Motor City Machine Guns, Kaz and Petey Williams! The four men who had their tag match stopped last week due to interference from the Mafia - it looks like there's about to be a massive brawl but TNA GM Jim Cornette appears on screen and calls the brawl off and announces an 8-Man Tag between Kaz/Williams/MCMG vs. The Main Event Mafia and that's gonna start ... right now!
Match 1:
The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash and TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting) (w/ Scott Steiner) DEF. The Motor City Machine Guns, Petey Williams and Kaz in an 8-Man Tag via pinfall from Angle onto Williams at 9 minutes after Steiner distracted his former ally Petey Williams by taunting him from the outside.
After the match, The Main Event Mafia celebrate in the ring together as the crowd boos.
Segment 2:
There's a promo battle between TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money and Abyss/Matt Morgan who make their match at Turning Point next Sunday official with Beer Money trying to provoke Abyss into assaulting them outside of the match so they can report Abyss to the authorities and get him thrown back into the asylum that he was at earlier this year. Abyss is shaking in the corner and shaking his head and slightly squealing saying he won't go back. Morgan helps calm his partner down before turning to Beer Money and saying that it's true that outside of wrestling in matches, Abyss does need to keep his bet behavior. But thankfully, that rule doesn't apply to him before then kicking James Storm straight in the face with a big boot and then going for Roode who dodges and then rolls out of the ring and pulls Storm out of the ring quick while they need to try and preserve themselves for their match later tonight with Consequences Creed.
Segment 3:
Jim Cornette is backstage in his office and thanks Mick for offering to deal with Angle on a personal level. He says Mick Foley making his in ring debut for TNA against Kurt Angle in a first time ever dream match will be huge for the PPV but now he just needs to pen out the main event. Foley puts over AJ Styles huge and says he truly believes AJ is the best wrestler in the world and is everything that TNA stands for. Jim Cornette tells Foley he likes what he's thinking and that would be 2 big first time ever matches for the PPV. He tells Foley he's going to think it over.
Match 2:
Kenny Omega DEF. Kiyoshi in 5 minutes
This was Omega's first match as a signed TNA wrestler and he made a great showing as he celebrates in the ring with Mike Tenay and Don West both putting him over huge as a future staple of the X-Division.
Segment 4:
Jim Cornette's office is seen again and he's called AJ into his locker room, he informs AJ of the kind words Foley had for AJ and says that it would possibly be controversial to give him the title match though since he's not been able to secure a win in his last few matches. He says he'll give AJ the title match at Turning Point if AJ can beat any opponents of The Main Event Mafia's choosing later tonight which AJ agrees to.
Segment 5:
We get a backstage segment with a big argument between Brodie Lee and Lance Rock/Jimmy Rave where the tag team taunt and get in the face of the newly signed TNA star Brodie Lee and are trying to provoke him with Brodie also in Lance's face and says he beat his tag partner Jimmy fair and square in the ring and he's willing to do the same to Lance if he wants to give it a shot with Lance agreeing to it.
Match 3:
Brodie Lee DEF. Lance Rock (w/ Jimmy Rave) at 8 Minutes
After the match, Jimmy Rave slides into the ring and attempts to attack Brodie Lee but Jimmy runs right into a Discus Lariat
Match 4:
TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money (James Storm and Robert Roode) DEF. Lethal Concequences after Storm pinned Lethal at 11 Minutes
After the match, TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier runs out to the ring to try and beat down Lethal Concequences with the help of Beer Money but Matt Morgan makes his way out to the ring and stops them as all 3 men leave the ring. Morgan gets on the mic. and says he knows Abyss isn't going to be able to keep waiting on having some fun before Turning Point so he announces tomorrow on a special Halloween episode of Xplosion, Abyss is going to face Sheik Abdul Bashier in a Monsters Ball match!
Segment 6:
We get a backstage interview with Eric Young by Jeremy Borash. Eric Young responds to the words of Daniels last week and says that he's trying his best to mature and become the wrestler that mama Young would want him to be and that he knows he can be. He says he's not going to run from his fears and lays out the challenge for The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels at Turning Point. He goes to finish the promo but is ambushed from behind by Christopher Daniels
AJ Styles makes his entrance and is waiting to see who his opponents are that were handpicked by the Main Event Mafia and is just as shocked as the audience is to see its a reformation of the The New Age Outlaws now just going by "The Outlaws" Billy Gunn and Jesse James
Match 5:
AJ Styles DEF. The Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Jesse James) in a 2 on 1 Handicap match at 10 minutes after Styles was able to outsmart the two veterans and hit Jesse James with a Styles Clash
Styles celebrates the victory as we can see TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting watching on from a TV backstage
Main Event:
Scott Steiner fought Rhino to a no contest at 8 minutes after Rhino accidentally hit the referee with the Gore, Steiner would low blow Rhino, Christian Cage runs down to the ring to try and help Rhino but the rest of the Main Event Mafia look to hit the ring to attack Rhino and Steiner but AJ Styles, Mick Foley, Petey Williams, Kaz and The Motor City Machine Guns all hit the ring and make the save as the show comes to a close with The Main Event Mafia walking away and the babyfaces all standing in the ring taunting the Mafia to step up into the ring.
Week 3 TNA Xplosion ”Halloween Special” October 31 2008
Match 1:
Doug Williams DEF. Gangrel in 6 Minutes
Match 2:
LAX (Homicide and Hernandez) DEF. Rellik and Black Reign in 8 Minutes after pinfall from Homicide on Black Reign
Match 3:
Abyss DEF. TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier in a "Monsters Ball Match" at 7 Minutes
WEEK 4 TNA IMPACT November 6 2008
Segment 1:
The show opens with The Main Event Mafia all being in the ring as they all cut a promo about how things went down at the end of Impact last week and say that is exactly why the "Family" was assembled was to restore a feeling of RESPECT in this business. Sting is standing in the corner, sunshades on, TNA World Title over his shoulder, not speaking just soaking everything in as the crowd boos. Kurt Angle says that the Main Event Mafia is going to do what Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter couldn't do and that's take this company to new heights and make TNA a household name. They say this is the REAL world where guys like them are leaders, and the guys like the rest of that locker room are just lucky to pick up the scraps. Scott Steiner trash talks his former ally Petey Williams and calls him a loser. Kevin Nash speaks on Christian Cage and says he's got something coming to him after interfering in Scott's main event last week, Booker T speaks specifically on AJ Styles and says that he couldn't get the job done for so many matches in a row but got lucky and beat a couple of washed up nobodies like The Outlaws last week and now all of a sudden he's the #1 contender for the TNA World Championship? BLASPHEMY!
They are cut off by TNA's GM Jim Cornette who says that he comes from all of their era and even then some for a few of them, so he understands a thing or two about respect. He says that this is HIS show to run, not theirs. He's going to make them walk the walk since they want to try and talk the talk. He says our opening contest will be Steiner vs Petey Williams, Kevin Nash wants Christian? Well he's finishing up a few details but Nash and Christian WILL be in the same ring together this Sunday at Turning Point on PPV, and that leaves us with a main event for tonight, Booker T is going to go one on one again with AJ Styles in a final proving grounds for AJ.
Match 1:
Scott Steiner DEF. Petey Williams in 5 Minutes
After the match, Scott picks up his former ally Petey and looks as if he's going to offer him a handshake but instead hits Petey with a clothesline which completely knocks him out and leaves the crowd booing.
Segment 2:
Backstage, we see the other 4 members of the Mafia sitting in their private lounge when the camera pans out to a tall man in a bouncer's uniform who is former ROH star Claudio Castagnoli standing in front of a red carpet roped off entrance, watching guard of their doorway as The Outlaws Billy Gunn and Jesse James approach, Claudio just stands there flexing his giant arms and not moving a muscle just looking straight ahead while Claudio asks what their business is. They say they need to speak to Kurt. Kurt Angle overhears this and says for Claudio to let them in, which Claudio unclicks the rope and lets them in. The Outlaws apologize about last week, Kurt cuts them off and says no excuses, they had one job which was to prevent AJ challenging for Sting's world championship. The Outlaws ask for another chance to try out for The Main Event Mafia, they comically look around the locker room and see how extravagant they have it and beg to be let into their secret club. Booker begins to yell at them while Nash just smokes a cigar in the background. Booker tells them he has to finish doing the job they had to do last week to beat some sense into AJ before his big match with Sting. Sting, frustrated, says enough of that and he can speak for himself and he plans to go out there and do so tonight. He wishes Booker good luck tonight and then leaves the private lounge as The Outlaws just watch the awkward tension unfold.
Match 2:
Brodie Lee DEF. Lance Rock (w/ Jimmy Rave) in 6 minutes
After the match, Jimmy Rave grabs a chair and slaps it into Lee's back and Lee drops down to his knees and Archer looks to be taunting Lee to stand back up so they can two on one beat down Lee but they're cut off by the other recent TNA signing Kenny Omega who runs into the ring and hits Rave with a V-Trigger and knocks him out, Rock makes his way out of the ring and pulls Rave out and helps him to the back as Omega helps Lee back up to his feet and the two shake hands while looking at Rock and Rave.
Match 3:
Christian Cage DEF. Doug Williams in 9 Minutes
After the match, Rhino comes down and joins Cage in the ring and the two cut a promo on what Cornette said earlier about having something planned for the PPV, Cage confirms a 6-Man Tag between Booker, Steiner, and Nash against himself, Rhino and a man who he promises the Mafia he's been more than assured wants to be here because of what TNA has to offer and would love to join in on the war that's boiling up in TNA.
Segment 3:
We get Don West and Mike Tenay running down the card for Turning Point this Sunday with two more matches to be announced:
The Rock and Rave Connection (Lance Rock and Jimmy Rave) vs. Brodie Lee and Kenny Omega
Tag Team Gauntlet for Future TNA World Tag Team Championship Match with featured teams: Team 3D, LAX, Motor City Machine Guns, The Outlaws, and MORE
Segment 4:
We get a video package hyping up the Eric Young and Christopher Daniels feud with new promos from both men, highlighted by Daniels saying he doesn't care about any silly war going on he's just back in TNA to climb up the ranks and become champion, and a silly immediate cut to Eric Young just wanting to have a good time and continue to getting paid doing what he loves.
Segment 5:
We get an in ring promo by Mick Foley who cuts a promo on his upcoming match with Kurt Angle this Sunday on PPV and thanks the TNA fans and the TNA locker room for welcoming him with welcome arms. He says that this match is a chance to prove to not just the world, but to himself that he still has it. He says that this goes beyond just fighting for his good friend Jeff Jarrett, this goes to knocking guys like Kurt Angle down a peg. He says that he understands exactly what the TNA locker room is going through watching this tall, buff, handsome men try and take their spot. The spot that they've bled, sweat and nearly died for. He says he's the poster child of that movement in wrestling. He says that his family is begging him not to step into that ring but he says that he's always going to be willing to die in this ring as long as it's for the greater good. He tells Kurt he better prepare for the fight of his life this Sunday.
Match 4:
TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money (James Storm and Robert Roode) and TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier DEF. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Matt Morgan (w/ Abyss) after Roode pinned Lethal at 16 minutes
After the match, Beer Money make the escape after Abyss hits the ring, leaving Sheik Abdul Bashier behind to get hit by the Black Hole Slam by Abyss and then the 4 babyfaces celebrate in the ring
AJ Styles DEF. Booker T via pinfall at 17 Minutes
After the match, Booker is throwing a tantrum in the ring but TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting comes out and demands that Booker cuts it out. He says that AJ beat Booker fair and square and now AJ steps into the ring this Sunday with AJ's biggest match ever. Sting has had a few weeks to think everything over that's gone down since forming The Main Event Mafia and he truly believes that this will be for the better of professional wrestling, to enforce respect and to enforce a hierarchy. He hates this reputation that TNA has as this "retirement home" or a "side show" he says that he came to TNA because he saw the potential that it had but then you've got these empty headed pricks like Samoa Joe jumping onto concrete steps and nearly breaking his back, you've got guys like AJ who can't go more than two seconds without doing a flip, making a mockery of this great sport that he's been in long enough that every morning he wakes in pain for. The crowd boos as Sting continues to speak. Sting says that the fans may not understand it, and they may not like it, but Sting is here to save the future of professional wrestling into devolving to a circus act again. He pulls out of his suit pocket, several tubes of make up and dumps them on the ground, takes his sunglasses off, looks right into the camera with no makeup and just the pure face of Sting and says "Now, more than ever, IT'S SHOW TIME!"
The episode comes to a fade ending as Sting and AJ look each other on from a distance.
Week 4 TNA Xplosion November 7 2008
Match 1:
Kaz DEF. Mike Bennett in 8 Minutes
Match 2:
Shark Boy DEF. Sonjay Dutt in 5 Minutes
Match 3:
Amazing Red DEF. Elix Skipper in 10 Minutes
TNA TURNING POINT 2008 PREVIEW: November 9 2008:
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Sting (c) vs. AJ Styles
Mick Foley vs. Kurt Angle
TNA World Tag Team Championships: Beer Money (c) vs. Abyss and Matt Morgan
TNA X-Division Championship: Sheik Abdul Bashier (c) vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed
Eric Young vs. Christopher Daniels
The Main Event Mafia (Steiner, Booker and Nash) vs. Rhino, Christian Cage and ?
Brodie Lee and Kenny Omega vs. The Rock and Rave Infection
Tag Team Gauntlet (Team 3D vs. LAX vs. MCMG vs. The Outlaws vs. TBA)
submitted by thatredditmomentwhen to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:31 thatredditmomentwhen TNA 2008+ (Post Bound for Glory 2008) Part 1: First 4 weeks of TV and PPV card

You can find these more digestible to read with graphics for the PPV card here:
Diary Start Date: October 16, 2008, The fall out from TNA Bound for Glory 2008
Note: This diary will not contain any knockouts or womens wrestling as to be perfectly honest I have never cared or connected with womens wrestling at all. I'm sorry if this upsets or offends anyone I just wanted to be honest.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Sting
TNA X-DivisioN Champion: Sheik Abdul Bashier
TNA World Tag Team Champions: Beer Money
Weekly Shows:
TNA Impact! - Thursdays on Spike TV
TNA Xplosion - Fridays on and TNA's Youtube Channel
!!! WEEK 1!!!! !!! TNA IMPACT !!! !!!October 16 2008!!
Segment 1:
Sting cuts a promo celebrating his newly won TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Samoa Joe at Bound For Glory. His promo is interrupted by AJ Styles who says that it's time for TNA to continue to evolve and move forward, he puts over the homegrown TNA talent and the guys who come up and are coming up from the indies. He says that another world title run with a guy like Sting is a step backwards and TNA needs to look forward with the future of this business. Styles says if Joe can't lead them, then it's time for himself to step up. He's cut off by Booker T who mocks AJ for implying he's anywhere near ready for a world championship match when Booker just beat AJ and Christian Cage in a Triple Threat at BFG. AJ and Booker argue back and forth before ultimately deciding for a one on one match in tonight's main event.
Match 1:
TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money (James Storm and Robert Roode) DEF. Eric Young and Shark Boy via pinfall from Roode onto Young at 8 minutes
After the match, Storm and Roode have already exited the ring and headed to the back, Shark Boy is reluctantly headed to the back selling his injuries, Eric Young is just playing into the crowds cheers while they applaud him for his effort while CHRISTOPHER DANIELS jumps the guard rail and slides into the ring and beats down Eric Young and hits Young with the BME as the crowd boos.
Segment 2:
Backstage interview with TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier who cuts a promo on his opponent he defeated at BFG Concequences Creed and Creed's tag team partner Jay Lethal who won the #1 contendership for the X Division title at BFG, issuing the challenge to Jay Lethal for next week
Match 2:
Rhino DEF. Sonjay Dutt via pinfall in a squash match at 4 minutes
Segment 3:
Backstage interview with Scott Steiner who calls Rhino an absolute slob and taunts him for taking 4 minutes to put away someone the likes of Sonjay Dutt
Segment 4:
A video vignette plays that hypes the debut of Brodie Lee who appears to be mysterious yet cocky and likable drifter character he cuts a promo putting all of TNA on notice for his arrival coming soon.
Match 3:
Matt Morgan (w/ Abyss) DEF. Hernandez (w/ Homicide) via pinfall at 8 minutes
After the match, Homicide hops in the ring trying to argue and beef with Morgan while Morgan just smiles and laughs at the much smaller but the brave Homicide, Team 3D come down the ramp with mics in hands and say that there's clearly some tension still there from their 4-Way Tag at BFG but they can't let them get distracted by the real enemies which are Beer Money. They initiate a challenge next week where all 3 teams can resolve their issues with each other while also seeing who is the best team of the 3 when they have a triple threat #1 contenders tag match next week on Impact.
Segment 5:
Christian Cage cuts an in ring promo and goes over what AJ Styles said earlier about guys coming and taking spots from the homefrown guys, he says he felt slightly offended by what AJ said as after everything he and AJ have been through, he still considers them friends. He says that he wants to make one thing clear and that is that no matter how it may look, Christian has never been just "given" a spot in any promotion and he has busted his ass off to become as good as he's become.
He's cut off by Kevin Nash who mocks Cage from the entrance ramp and says that Christian shouldn't worry about something so stupid, he mocks Christian for the way he views the business where Nash clearly just views it as a way to make as much money as possible. The two have a promo battle with Nash just dismissing Christian and shaking his head and walking away, claiming Christian isn't "worth it"
Match 4:
Concequences Creed (w/ Jay Lethal) DEF. Johnny Devine via pinfall at 8 minutes
Segment 5:
We get a run down from Don West and Mike Tenay hyping up next week's episode of TNA Impact with the following matches confirmed:
TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier (c) vs. Jay Lethal 3-Way Tag #1 Contenders Match: Team 3D vs. Matt Morgan and Abyss vs. LAX The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Kaz and Petey Williams
Segment 6:
Another video package for another debut coming soon to TNA Impact, this one showcases Kenny Omega, a young up and comer out of Canada with a bright future and an even brighter personality. Omega clearly shows a goofy side while clips of his matches from other promotions play that show although he's a fun loving guy, he's dangerous in the ring.
Main Event:
AJ Styles DEF. Booker T via DQ after interference at 16 minutes
Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and shockingly, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting surround the ring and swarm in as Steiner and Nash beat down Styles while Kurt Angle, furiously trash Styles while Sting stands there calm and collected with sunglasses on holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder.
The show comes to a close with Angle, Steiner, Nash, Sting and Booker all posing and holding each other's arms up in the ring over a beaten down AJ Styles as the crowd boos.
Week 1 TNA Xplosion October 17 2008
Match 1:
Doug Williams DEF. Volador Jr. at 9 minutes
Match 2:
Lance Rock (w/ Jimmy Rave) DEF. Sylvain Grenier at 5 Minutes
Match 3:
Kaz DEF. Kip James at 12 Minutes
WEEK 2 TNA IMPACT October 23 2008
TNA Impact! October 23 2008
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Match 1:
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) fought Kaz and Petey Williams to a contest due to interference at 5 minutes
The 4 X-Division stars are beat down by the same group who ended Impact last week Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Booker T and TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting
Segment 1:
The group cut a promo primarily lead by Kurt Angle and Sting. They introduce their faction as "The Main Event Mafia" and say that they're there to set the record straight in TNA - There is no "future" of TNA without first going through them. They make it adamantly clear that this is all for and all about respect which they feel these "young punks" are not giving in TNA. They say that the TNA originals and new talent that come into TNA should be kissing them at their feet and grateful for everything that they've done for this company. This shocks the crowd especially to see someone like Sting join the likes of this group who goes on to tear down Samoa Joe at BFG several weeks ago. Kevin Nash mentions that there are "some" guys that don't value their own stock the way they should and have gone soft and it gives the main event talent a bad look (obviously referring to Christian Cage's promo last week) - while Scott Steiner then says there are other non TNA originals like Rhino who are not main event level talent and aren't even "has been" levels but are "never was" level talent - Booker T begins to speak his mind in the promo but the group is cut off by AJ Styles.
AJ Styles tries to tear down the group from a distance and is angry they attacked him and beat him down last week and taunts Booker for not being able to get the job done last week on his own, he challenges Booker to a rematch tonight but Booker doesn't agree to it before Christian Cage comes out and joins AJ on his promo and calls out Nash for his comments about him - Christian Cage demands that if Booker is too cowardly for a singles match then maybe tonight's main event should be a tag team match between Christian Cage and AJ Styles against Kevin Nash and Booker T with the match being set.
Match 2:
Brodie Lee DEF. Jimmy Rave (w/ Lance Rock) at 6 minutes in Brodie's debut match
Brodie made a great first showing and was able to showcase his fast paced but heavy hitting fighting style, after the match, Lance Rock steps into the ring and squares up with Brodie before ultimately checking on Rave and picking him up and helping him up to the back.
Segment 2:
We get an in ring promo from Christopher Daniels who recently returned to the company last week and says he's spent nearly a year away forced to be out of TNA while guys like Eric Young and his boyish personality make a mockery of this sport that he loves so much. Daniels puts the entire locker room on notice and says that he's better, faster, and stronger than ever before and he'll stop at nothing to reach the top of the mountain this time in TNA.
Match 3:
Christopher Daniels DEF. Shark Boy at 7 minutes
After the match, Daniels goes to beat down Shark Boy but Eric Young comes running from the back to try and defend his friend Shark Boy but is reversed by Daniels and is once again left laid out by Christopher Daniels
Match 4:
Matt Morgan and Abyss DEF. Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) and LAX (Hernandez and Homicide) in a #1 Contenders 3-Way Tag at 13 Minutes after Matt Morgan pins Homicide
As Morgan and Abyss celebrate in the ring, Beer Money's music hits and the TNA World Tag Team Champions look to make their ring to confront their next challengers but stop dead in their tracks as both LAX and Team 3D stand tall next to Morgan and Abyss and all 6 men just stand there just waiting for the chance to attack Beer Money as Beer Money just scoff and head to the back instead.
Segment 3:
Mick Foley has an in ring promo and verbally attacks the Main Event Mafia and says it's an ignorant and foolish concept for a group, he spends time putting over the TNA homegrown talent but is cut off by Main Event Mafia's Kurt Angle who hits the ring and gets in Foley's face and says that it's because of him that he lost to Jeff Jarrett at Bound For Glory and made him realize how much of a joke this company actually is so if anyone is to blame for the MEM as a group it's Foley, Foley looks to try and defend himself but Angle headbutts Foley instead and knocks Foley out onto his back as Jeff Jarrett's music hits before Angle can cause any more damage but Jarrett comes running into a belly to belly suplex by Kurt Angle who then relentlessly beats down Jarrett to the point TNA security comes to escort and drag Angle away as Jarrett is helped by medical staff and a slightly bloodied forehead Foley is struggling to wobble to the back.
Match 5:
TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier (c) DEF. Jay Lethal (w/ Concequences Creed) at 11 Minutes via lowblow after the ref argues with Creed after Creed tries to stop Sheik from cheating beforehand.
After the match, Creed hits the ring to try and get to Sheik but Sheik makes a run for it up the ramp with the X-Division Championship but is cut off by Jim Cornette at the entrance ramp who tears down Sheik's tactics have now cost 2 X-Division contenders a match and therefore, at the Turning Point PPV Sheik will now have to defend his championship against both Creed and Lethal in a 3-Way while Lethal and Creed smile with Sheik throwing a tantrum.
Segment 4:
We get a backstage interview with TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting being interviewed by Jeremy Borash with Sting doubling down on his new stance as a heel and says he truly believes the Main Event Mafia is a step in the right direction for not just TNA, but for this business as well. When Borash says if that's the case why did Kurt Angle just earlier tonight get dragged out of the ring like a wild animal after beating down two legends in their own right like Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley. Sting says that both men ultimately had it coming and that they just need to trust the process, he's come to terms that Kurt knows what he's doing and will stick by his side.
The Main Event Mafia (Booker T and Kevin Nash) DEF. AJ Styles and Christian Cage at 12 Minutes after Scott Steiner attempted to come to the aid of Booker and Nash, Rhino attacked Steiner from behind and Christian was looking to the outside and was distracted and then turned around to get hit with a big boot and then hit with a jack knife power bomb from Kevin Nash
The show comes to a close with Nash, Booker and Steiner all posing in the ring doing a Main Event Mafia hand sign
Week 2 TNA Xplosion October 24 2008
Match 1: Amazing Red DEF. Lince Dorado at 8 Minutes
Match 2: TNA World Tag Team Champion Robert Roode (w/ James Storm) DEF. Gran Akuma at 4 Minutes
Match 3: The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) DEF. Kaz and Petey Williams at 14 Minutes after Sabin pinned Williams
After the match, all four men shook hands in the ring.
WEEK 3 TNA IMPACT October 30 2008
Segment 1:
The opening segment is an in ring promo where Kurt Angle calls out Jeff Jarrett and says he's not finished with him yet. He says if it wasn't for TNA security he would have done a whole lot worse last week and he wants his rematch from Bound For Glory. He's cut off by Mick Foley who comes down to the entrance ramp and says that Kurt is too ignorant to realize that he doesn't truly want a rematch with Jarrett, because if that was the case he wouldn't have beaten Jarrett down so badly last week to the point he can't be medically cleared. He tears down the rest of the Mafia as well and says this whole "respect" shtick is tired and played out and they all lived through an era where a big stable of a**holes ruined and killed "another company" and Foley won't allow that to happen to TNA. He says that Angle won't get his rematch with Jarrett, but Angle will be getting a match with Foley at Turning Point!
The rest of the Main Event Mafia come out from behind and are slowly approaching and look to beat down Foley but from behind the rest of the Mafia comes down The Motor City Machine Guns, Kaz and Petey Williams! The four men who had their tag match stopped last week due to interference from the Mafia - it looks like there's about to be a massive brawl but TNA GM Jim Cornette appears on screen and calls the brawl off and announces an 8-Man Tag between Kaz/Williams/MCMG vs. The Main Event Mafia and that's gonna start ... right now!
Match 1:
The Main Event Mafia (Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash and TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting) (w/ Scott Steiner) DEF. The Motor City Machine Guns, Petey Williams and Kaz in an 8-Man Tag via pinfall from Angle onto Williams at 9 minutes after Steiner distracted his former ally Petey Williams by taunting him from the outside.
After the match, The Main Event Mafia celebrate in the ring together as the crowd boos.
Segment 2:
There's a promo battle between TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money and Abyss/Matt Morgan who make their match at Turning Point next Sunday official with Beer Money trying to provoke Abyss into assaulting them outside of the match so they can report Abyss to the authorities and get him thrown back into the asylum that he was at earlier this year. Abyss is shaking in the corner and shaking his head and slightly squealing saying he won't go back. Morgan helps calm his partner down before turning to Beer Money and saying that it's true that outside of wrestling in matches, Abyss does need to keep his bet behavior. But thankfully, that rule doesn't apply to him before then kicking James Storm straight in the face with a big boot and then going for Roode who dodges and then rolls out of the ring and pulls Storm out of the ring quick while they need to try and preserve themselves for their match later tonight with Consequences Creed.
Segment 3:
Jim Cornette is backstage in his office and thanks Mick for offering to deal with Angle on a personal level. He says Mick Foley making his in ring debut for TNA against Kurt Angle in a first time ever dream match will be huge for the PPV but now he just needs to pen out the main event. Foley puts over AJ Styles huge and says he truly believes AJ is the best wrestler in the world and is everything that TNA stands for. Jim Cornette tells Foley he likes what he's thinking and that would be 2 big first time ever matches for the PPV. He tells Foley he's going to think it over.
Match 2:
Kenny Omega DEF. Kiyoshi in 5 minutes
This was Omega's first match as a signed TNA wrestler and he made a great showing as he celebrates in the ring with Mike Tenay and Don West both putting him over huge as a future staple of the X-Division.
Segment 4:
Jim Cornette's office is seen again and he's called AJ into his locker room, he informs AJ of the kind words Foley had for AJ and says that it would possibly be controversial to give him the title match though since he's not been able to secure a win in his last few matches. He says he'll give AJ the title match at Turning Point if AJ can beat any opponents of The Main Event Mafia's choosing later tonight which AJ agrees to.
Segment 5:
We get a backstage segment with a big argument between Brodie Lee and Lance Rock/Jimmy Rave where the tag team taunt and get in the face of the newly signed TNA star Brodie Lee and are trying to provoke him with Brodie also in Lance's face and says he beat his tag partner Jimmy fair and square in the ring and he's willing to do the same to Lance if he wants to give it a shot with Lance agreeing to it.
Match 3:
Brodie Lee DEF. Lance Rock (w/ Jimmy Rave) at 8 Minutes
After the match, Jimmy Rave slides into the ring and attempts to attack Brodie Lee but Jimmy runs right into a Discus Lariat
Match 4:
TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money (James Storm and Robert Roode) DEF. Lethal Concequences after Storm pinned Lethal at 11 Minutes
After the match, TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier runs out to the ring to try and beat down Lethal Concequences with the help of Beer Money but Matt Morgan makes his way out to the ring and stops them as all 3 men leave the ring. Morgan gets on the mic. and says he knows Abyss isn't going to be able to keep waiting on having some fun before Turning Point so he announces tomorrow on a special Halloween episode of Xplosion, Abyss is going to face Sheik Abdul Bashier in a Monsters Ball match!
Segment 6:
We get a backstage interview with Eric Young by Jeremy Borash. Eric Young responds to the words of Daniels last week and says that he's trying his best to mature and become the wrestler that mama Young would want him to be and that he knows he can be. He says he's not going to run from his fears and lays out the challenge for The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels at Turning Point. He goes to finish the promo but is ambushed from behind by Christopher Daniels
AJ Styles makes his entrance and is waiting to see who his opponents are that were handpicked by the Main Event Mafia and is just as shocked as the audience is to see its a reformation of the The New Age Outlaws now just going by "The Outlaws" Billy Gunn and Jesse James
Match 5:
AJ Styles DEF. The Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Jesse James) in a 2 on 1 Handicap match at 10 minutes after Styles was able to outsmart the two veterans and hit Jesse James with a Styles Clash
Styles celebrates the victory as we can see TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting watching on from a TV backstage
Main Event:
Scott Steiner fought Rhino to a no contest at 8 minutes after Rhino accidentally hit the referee with the Gore, Steiner would low blow Rhino, Christian Cage runs down to the ring to try and help Rhino but the rest of the Main Event Mafia look to hit the ring to attack Rhino and Steiner but AJ Styles, Mick Foley, Petey Williams, Kaz and The Motor City Machine Guns all hit the ring and make the save as the show comes to a close with The Main Event Mafia walking away and the babyfaces all standing in the ring taunting the Mafia to step up into the ring.
Week 3 TNA Xplosion ”Halloween Special” October 31 2008
Match 1:
Doug Williams DEF. Gangrel in 6 Minutes
Match 2:
LAX (Homicide and Hernandez) DEF. Rellik and Black Reign in 8 Minutes after pinfall from Homicide on Black Reign
Match 3:
Abyss DEF. TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier in a "Monsters Ball Match" at 7 Minutes
WEEK 4 TNA IMPACT November 6 2008
Segment 1:
The show opens with The Main Event Mafia all being in the ring as they all cut a promo about how things went down at the end of Impact last week and say that is exactly why the "Family" was assembled was to restore a feeling of RESPECT in this business. Sting is standing in the corner, sunshades on, TNA World Title over his shoulder, not speaking just soaking everything in as the crowd boos. Kurt Angle says that the Main Event Mafia is going to do what Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter couldn't do and that's take this company to new heights and make TNA a household name. They say this is the REAL world where guys like them are leaders, and the guys like the rest of that locker room are just lucky to pick up the scraps. Scott Steiner trash talks his former ally Petey Williams and calls him a loser. Kevin Nash speaks on Christian Cage and says he's got something coming to him after interfering in Scott's main event last week, Booker T speaks specifically on AJ Styles and says that he couldn't get the job done for so many matches in a row but got lucky and beat a couple of washed up nobodies like The Outlaws last week and now all of a sudden he's the #1 contender for the TNA World Championship? BLASPHEMY!
They are cut off by TNA's GM Jim Cornette who says that he comes from all of their era and even then some for a few of them, so he understands a thing or two about respect. He says that this is HIS show to run, not theirs. He's going to make them walk the walk since they want to try and talk the talk. He says our opening contest will be Steiner vs Petey Williams, Kevin Nash wants Christian? Well he's finishing up a few details but Nash and Christian WILL be in the same ring together this Sunday at Turning Point on PPV, and that leaves us with a main event for tonight, Booker T is going to go one on one again with AJ Styles in a final proving grounds for AJ.
Match 1:
Scott Steiner DEF. Petey Williams in 5 Minutes
After the match, Scott picks up his former ally Petey and looks as if he's going to offer him a handshake but instead hits Petey with a clothesline which completely knocks him out and leaves the crowd booing.
Segment 2:
Backstage, we see the other 4 members of the Mafia sitting in their private lounge when the camera pans out to a tall man in a bouncer's uniform who is former ROH star Claudio Castagnoli standing in front of a red carpet roped off entrance, watching guard of their doorway as The Outlaws Billy Gunn and Jesse James approach, Claudio just stands there flexing his giant arms and not moving a muscle just looking straight ahead while Claudio asks what their business is. They say they need to speak to Kurt. Kurt Angle overhears this and says for Claudio to let them in, which Claudio unclicks the rope and lets them in. The Outlaws apologize about last week, Kurt cuts them off and says no excuses, they had one job which was to prevent AJ challenging for Sting's world championship. The Outlaws ask for another chance to try out for The Main Event Mafia, they comically look around the locker room and see how extravagant they have it and beg to be let into their secret club. Booker begins to yell at them while Nash just smokes a cigar in the background. Booker tells them he has to finish doing the job they had to do last week to beat some sense into AJ before his big match with Sting. Sting, frustrated, says enough of that and he can speak for himself and he plans to go out there and do so tonight. He wishes Booker good luck tonight and then leaves the private lounge as The Outlaws just watch the awkward tension unfold.
Match 2:
Brodie Lee DEF. Lance Rock (w/ Jimmy Rave) in 6 minutes
After the match, Jimmy Rave grabs a chair and slaps it into Lee's back and Lee drops down to his knees and Archer looks to be taunting Lee to stand back up so they can two on one beat down Lee but they're cut off by the other recent TNA signing Kenny Omega who runs into the ring and hits Rave with a V-Trigger and knocks him out, Rock makes his way out of the ring and pulls Rave out and helps him to the back as Omega helps Lee back up to his feet and the two shake hands while looking at Rock and Rave.
Match 3:
Christian Cage DEF. Doug Williams in 9 Minutes
After the match, Rhino comes down and joins Cage in the ring and the two cut a promo on what Cornette said earlier about having something planned for the PPV, Cage confirms a 6-Man Tag between Booker, Steiner, and Nash against himself, Rhino and a man who he promises the Mafia he's been more than assured wants to be here because of what TNA has to offer and would love to join in on the war that's boiling up in TNA.
Segment 3:
We get Don West and Mike Tenay running down the card for Turning Point this Sunday with two more matches to be announced:
The Rock and Rave Connection (Lance Rock and Jimmy Rave) vs. Brodie Lee and Kenny Omega
Tag Team Gauntlet for Future TNA World Tag Team Championship Match with featured teams: Team 3D, LAX, Motor City Machine Guns, The Outlaws, and MORE
Segment 4:
We get a video package hyping up the Eric Young and Christopher Daniels feud with new promos from both men, highlighted by Daniels saying he doesn't care about any silly war going on he's just back in TNA to climb up the ranks and become champion, and a silly immediate cut to Eric Young just wanting to have a good time and continue to getting paid doing what he loves.
Segment 5:
We get an in ring promo by Mick Foley who cuts a promo on his upcoming match with Kurt Angle this Sunday on PPV and thanks the TNA fans and the TNA locker room for welcoming him with welcome arms. He says that this match is a chance to prove to not just the world, but to himself that he still has it. He says that this goes beyond just fighting for his good friend Jeff Jarrett, this goes to knocking guys like Kurt Angle down a peg. He says that he understands exactly what the TNA locker room is going through watching this tall, buff, handsome men try and take their spot. The spot that they've bled, sweat and nearly died for. He says he's the poster child of that movement in wrestling. He says that his family is begging him not to step into that ring but he says that he's always going to be willing to die in this ring as long as it's for the greater good. He tells Kurt he better prepare for the fight of his life this Sunday.
Match 4:
TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money (James Storm and Robert Roode) and TNA X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashier DEF. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Matt Morgan (w/ Abyss) after Roode pinned Lethal at 16 minutes
After the match, Beer Money make the escape after Abyss hits the ring, leaving Sheik Abdul Bashier behind to get hit by the Black Hole Slam by Abyss and then the 4 babyfaces celebrate in the ring
AJ Styles DEF. Booker T via pinfall at 17 Minutes
After the match, Booker is throwing a tantrum in the ring but TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting comes out and demands that Booker cuts it out. He says that AJ beat Booker fair and square and now AJ steps into the ring this Sunday with AJ's biggest match ever. Sting has had a few weeks to think everything over that's gone down since forming The Main Event Mafia and he truly believes that this will be for the better of professional wrestling, to enforce respect and to enforce a hierarchy. He hates this reputation that TNA has as this "retirement home" or a "side show" he says that he came to TNA because he saw the potential that it had but then you've got these empty headed pricks like Samoa Joe jumping onto concrete steps and nearly breaking his back, you've got guys like AJ who can't go more than two seconds without doing a flip, making a mockery of this great sport that he's been in long enough that every morning he wakes in pain for. The crowd boos as Sting continues to speak. Sting says that the fans may not understand it, and they may not like it, but Sting is here to save the future of professional wrestling into devolving to a circus act again. He pulls out of his suit pocket, several tubes of make up and dumps them on the ground, takes his sunglasses off, looks right into the camera with no makeup and just the pure face of Sting and says "Now, more than ever, IT'S SHOW TIME!"
The episode comes to a fade ending as Sting and AJ look each other on from a distance.
Week 4 TNA Xplosion November 7 2008
Match 1:
Kaz DEF. Mike Bennett in 8 Minutes
Match 2:
Shark Boy DEF. Sonjay Dutt in 5 Minutes
Match 3:
Amazing Red DEF. Elix Skipper in 10 Minutes
TNA TURNING POINT 2008 PREVIEW: November 9 2008:
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Sting (c) vs. AJ Styles
Mick Foley vs. Kurt Angle
TNA World Tag Team Championships: Beer Money (c) vs. Abyss and Matt Morgan
TNA X-Division Championship: Sheik Abdul Bashier (c) vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed
Eric Young vs. Christopher Daniels
The Main Event Mafia (Steiner, Booker and Nash) vs. Rhino, Christian Cage and ?
Brodie Lee and Kenny Omega vs. The Rock and Rave Infection
Tag Team Gauntlet (Team 3D vs. LAX vs. MCMG vs. The Outlaws vs. TBA)
submitted by thatredditmomentwhen to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:31 Spirited_Promotion44 some of y'all need to process your trauma with socialization PRIVATELY

I'm sick and fucking tired of our community going on and on about socialization and how much it harmed you. I'm not trying to silence anyone. I do think people should talk about their trauma and be able to process it with a professional if possible, but not in a never ending spiral and uncontained, especially on twitter. I've seen this socialization thing held up against trans women ALL the time.
Yes, socialization is real, no it doesn't make you your A.GA.B. It's like growing up christian, yes you can be socialized as one and not be a believer.
Although it happens with everyone, this is mostly my message to fellow trans men: stop it, stop putting the socialization thing against others AND bringing it up to others. I personally didn't transition to talk all the time about the era of my life where the world percieved me as a woman. And I often find that when people talk about this, it's never as a form of actually making others aware of the patriarchy and its danger, but it's to play oppression olympics. Gonna quote an asshole of our community "If you don't wanna be trans, the don't be fucking trans, you little punk" -Buck Angel
submitted by Spirited_Promotion44 to honesttransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:23 Remiandbun Where it all started

With all the drama the last few days I was getting nostalgic. I remember buying my Tina Thompson Jersey, well maybe it was a T Shirt at that time, lol. My little WNBA mini ball and watching the Houston Comets win the first WNBA championship! Those were such fun days. And I remember watching this live!!!
The first dunk by Lisa Leslie! Wow, what an exciting time it was to see women succeed like that. I fell off watching because I don't know, the games were on in the summer, on Saturday afternoon and I was young and had things to do.
Now I'm excited about Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever (and Kamilla Cardoso) and to see if they can re-energize this league-for me. I realize I wasn't around and didn't watch the Aces win and don't know any of the new players really, but watching Clark and her bombs, hell and her passes, just excite me and I'm watching again.
All this drama of recent days just makes me sad. It won't turn me off I don't think, at least not yet. But I remember those ladies playing on Houston and New York and they were so happy to have the opportunity. They knew each other from the Olympic teams and it was such a uniting moment for everyone, for women. Now to see this crap going on... Ladies, take a lesson from the vets. Be proud, be happy, be grateful and work together to build the sport. Enough of the me, me, me crap on social media. People are watching because they are excited again. Don't ruin it.
Call me a fair weathered fan if you like, I don't care. Whatever. I was there in the beginning and supported the ladies that inspired me for several years. They had a lot of class and a desire to make the WNBA a choice for women. This forum can be a little finicky sometimes and there are obvious gate keepers. How many of you remember what shade of lipstick Tina Thompson wore for her games? Before you go dissing fans, for whatever reason, be grateful for the attention the WNBA is getting right now no matter what your feelings on certain players. Let's unite, like the ladies did back in the day. Not nitpick at each other cause we don't like the same player or didn't see the play the same way.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
submitted by Remiandbun to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:09 Remiandbun Back in the day-general wnba thoughts

with all the drama the last few days I was getting nostalgic. I remember buying my Tina Thompson Jersey, well maybe it was a T Shirt at that time, lol. My little WNBA mini ball and watching the Houston Comets win the first WNBA championship! Those were such fun days. And I remember watching this live!!!
The first dunk by Lisa Leslie! Wow, what an exciting time it was to see women succeed like that. I fell off watching because I don't know, the games were on in the summer, on Saturday afternoon and I was young and had things to do.
Now I'm excited about Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever (and Kamilla Cardoso) and to see if they can re-energize this league-for me. I realize I wasn't around and didn't watch the Aces win and don't know any of the new players really, but watching Clark and her bombs, hell and her passes, just excite me and I'm watching again.
All this drama of recent days just makes me sad. It won't turn me off I don't think, at least not yet. But I remember those ladies playing on Houston and New York and they were so happy to have the opportunity. They knew each other from the Olympic teams and it was such a uniting moment for everyone, for women it seemed. Now to see this crap going on. Ladies, take a lesson from the vets.
I'm sorry to post this here, but the WNBA forum is just trash and I figure maybe some of you will appreciate it. This is one of the nicest subs I've been on. We can actually talk, disagree and we are still having fun. Thanks. Cya Friday!!
PS, if the mods ban me cause this isn't strictly fever content I think I will die, lol
submitted by Remiandbun to indianafever [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:17 KrystofDayne Unpopular opinion: Snooker doesn't belong in the Olympics (yet)

I know the debate of snooker or other cue sports in the Olympic Games is an old one but while I think the debate about cue sports in general in the Olympics can be had, I think there are many reasons for why snooker specifically doesn't belong there. As the Paris Olympics approaches I've been thinking about this a bit and I wanted to lay out my reasons.

1. Lack of physicality

This is probably the weakest argument but I still think it's valid to some extent so I wanted to address is first. When you look at the list of sports that will be featured in the upcoming Paris Olympics, all of them are very physical in nature. I don't want to rehash the debate of what is a proper 'sport', I think pretty much anyone that has a fairly reasonable definition of the word would agree that snooker is a sport. But it's not really a physical sport and as such would really look out of place in the Olympics which seems to be more about physical fitness than anything else. All of the athletics and martial arts that are traditionally part of the Games make that point, to the point that I've always even found it kind of odd to see "games" like tennis or football at the Olympics. But maybe that's just me.
You might argue that it's fine to look out of place and I kind of agree which is why I think this is the weakest argument but I do see its merit in some ways.

2. Basically no female presence

This one is pretty self-explanatory and from what I've read—even though I haven't seen the IOC directly make that argument—it's one of the major reasons for why snooker hasn't yet been considered for the Olympics. With snooker having like maybe half a dozen semi-decent female players in the world, it means that you could probably not even have a female competition that would be at all interesting or competitive. Of course, snooker is technically a mixed sport with women being as free to play on the main tour as men. But we know the current reality, so that doesn't really help. Even including something akin to the Mixed Doubles would clearly reveal the lopsidedness of the gender representation in the sport.

3. Lack of international players

Also an easy one to understand. The Olympics are not a World Cup, not every nation needs to be represented and players in individual sports tend to represent themselves first and their nation second. Still, the Olympics has a strong international character. With the UK usually being represented as a whole in the Olympics (as the Great Britain and Northern Ireland Olympic Team), you wouldn't even have the small differentiation of the different countries in the UK. So add China and Thailand with Luca, Neil and Hossein being the sole representatives of Belgium, Australia and Iran respectively, and you're basically done when it comes to the top players. That's barely 6 nations, only 3 that could actually field more than one player. And even Thailand is generous here, they only have 2 players in the top 64 currently, none in the top 16.
All of that makes it really hard to brand snooker as an international sport that should be played at an international competition like the Olympic Games.

4. Appeal to new audiences

One argument that is often brought up in favour of having snooker at the Olympics, is that it would get some new audiences. People, especially from outside the UK, that may never have heard of snooker or seen it play, get to experience it for the first time and maybe a few of them become fans and that could lead to an expansion of the game. But I'm very skeptical of that.
Because you do have some new niche sports at almost every Olympics, often sports that won't return the next time around or maybe ever but that were included to add some flair to the Games, to not always have the same sports and make it more interesting for viewers. This time around it's stuff like Breaking and Skateboarding and Trampoline.
But I think, unfortunately, snooker, at least under standard rules, is wholly unsuited for that role. I think most people that don't know the rules of snooker and maybe not even other cue sports, would switch off very quickly if they stumbled upon snooker in the Olympics broadcast. It's a slow, tactical sport with fairly complicated rules (even outside the edge cases) that are not that easily or quickly understood by just watching for a few minutes.
In my experience, people come to snooker fandom only after they've already been somewhat fans of or at least familiar with other cue sports and start watching a few highlights on YouTube, coming to learn the rules and eventually starting to appreciate it as a whole. Especially outside the UK, where you mostly won't just stumble upon snooker tables in pubs or elsewhere, there is no real other way. And just happening upon a snooker broadcast in the Olympics is not gonna be exciting enough to spark an interest out of nowhere like it could for other, faster, more 'exciting' sports.
I would maybe be open to something like the Shoot-Out version being played that could be more exciting for first-time viewers although purists would obviously argue that having that at the Olympics would give the wrong impression for what the majority of snooker really is.

5. Size of general fanbase

This last argument is again kind of a weak argument but I'm sure it's one the IOC considers, and for good reason and it's actually the one that made me want to make this post in the first place. The best argument against it is that the IOC does make room for niche sports, like mentioned before, to add something new and interesting, even if there aren't many actually fans out there in the world. I'm sure that "Trampoline" is not a huge international sport.
But it's still something that factors in and other sports need to have good reasons to overcome that weakness. The IOC wants and needs eyeballs on their events to finance the whole thing. The fact of that matter is, even including its relative popularity in the UK and China, snooker is just a very niche sport worldwide. Yes, trampoline may also not have a huge dedicated fan base, but at least most people know what a trampoline is and how it works.
I wanted to bring this up because I so often see pundits and commentators argue for why snooker should be an Olympic sport, saying that it actually is big and international. But I think they live in such a bubble when they say stuff like that. They live in a UK bubble, in a snooker punditry bubble, where everybody they know is at least aware of snooker and what it is and how it works but it's just not a thing. The people arguing this should have conversations with representatives of other niche sports in the world that try to get into the Olympics to see on what tiny scale snooker is actually perceived worldwide. I'm almost sure Rubik's cubing is closer to getting into the Olympics than snooker.


All of that to say, of course I would like to see snooker played in the Olympics. Not because I think it really belongs there, I don't for all of the reasons outlined, but just because I like watching snooker. And I think if they're being honest with themselves, that's where most snooker fans would come down.
The best I could see where it could make some sort of sense, and as has been proposed before, is with snooker as part of a broader "cue sports" category in the Olympics. And that makes sense and I could actually see "cue sports" getting there at some point in the future and I do think that that more broad category could overcome basically all of the problems I have talked about here.
But even then, even if the proposal was just "cue sports", I still could see snooker not being included for all of the reasons outlined and it basically being restricted to like 2 or 3 variants of pool, played in a variety of singles and doubles.
EDIT: A few people have mentioned archery and shooting as examples of non-physical sports in the Olympics and yeah, I mostly concede that point. I kind of overlooked shooting and in my head, archery was more the kind of medieval longbow shooting which is extremely physical in nature but that's of course not the case with the modern compound bows they use and it's now more a skill sport akin to cue sports or darts. Of course archery and shooting have a very long tradition in the Olympics so that's why there's never a big question about having them there while I do think, that in the evaluation of new additions to the Games, the IOC does factor in the physical demand of a sport because that still is what we mostly associate with the Olympics despite these counter-examples.
submitted by KrystofDayne to snooker [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:05 IntotheChannelPod Journalists to follow during the Olympics?

Just looking at the 12-team Olympic field has me super-psyched for the tournament. I've been trying to comb twitter to find journalists who cover each team, or at least cover women's football in each country, but I'm not having a ton of luck.
Who do you all like to follow for women's football news and analysis in these countries? As a reminder -- which nobody probably needs -- here is the stacked field for the Summer games:
Group A: France, Canada, Colombia, New Zealand
Group B: USA, Germany, Zambia, Australia
Group C: Spain, Japan, Brazil, Nigeria
submitted by IntotheChannelPod to WomensSoccer [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:22 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 06/01/2024 - 06/03/2024

Date: 06/03/2024

Reading time: 9 minutes, 1992 words

🪖 Military

Armenian military-industrial companies participated in the military exercise of the Ministry of Defense

Minister of Defense Suren Papikyan and Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan watched the military exercise at the "Baghramyan military exercise. Ministry of Defense reports that a number of Armenian military-industrial companies actively participated in the exercise.

CSTO expects Armenia to clarify prospects of relations with the organisation

The Collective Security Treaty Organization expects Armenia to clarify the prospects of its relations with the military pact. Armenia is officially a member of the organisation, but its participation in the organisation is frozen. Armenia will not participate in the financing of the CSTO activities, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said.
ArkaAm, CSTO hopes Armenia will clarify prospects for its relations with the structure – Tasmagambetov

Australian lawmakers unanimously slam Azerbaijan, call for pro-Armenian measures

Members from the Australian House of Representatives debated a historic first-ever motion on the Republic of Artsakh on Monday, 3rd June 2024. The motion slammed Azerbaijan’s 24-hour military attack against Artsakh and called on Azerbaijan to implement several pro-Armenian measures.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Azerbaijan plans to start the settlement of Stepanakert in September

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has announced that the government intends to start resettlement of the vacated Stepanakert in September. He also said that Karabakh University (formerly Artsakh University) will be reopened in Stepanakeert. The announcement is part of the government's efforts to resettle in 2020 the territories that came under Azerbaijan control.

Armenia ready to make efforts to ensure the food security of the EAEU: Deputy Prime Minister

Armenia ready to make all efforts to realize all directions of food security for EAEU. Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan says food security is one of Armenia's main priorities.

Mher Grigoryan departs for Minsk to participate at the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council

A delegation of the Republic of Armenia has departed for Minsk to participate in the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council. A delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan arrived at the China-Belarus Industrial Park "Great Stone" near Minsk.

Louis Bono, Jeyhun Bayramov discuss the peace process between Yerevan and Baku

Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov received the Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations of the US Department of State, and OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair from the US, Louis Bono. Various aspects of the Azerbaijan-US bilateral and multilateral cooperation agenda, as well as the regional peace process in the post-conflict period.

Mariam Gevorgyan appointed as Armenia's Ambassador to Uruguay

Mariam Gevorgyan appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Uruguay. The decree on the appointment was signed by the President of Armenia based on the proposal of the Prime Minister.

In his message Pashinyan reaffirms the fact and scale of the Armenian Genocide – Greg Sarkissian to Lemkin Institute

Greg Sarkissian, President of the Zoryan Institute has responded to the statement by the Lemkin Institute in which the latter accused Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan of denying the Armenian Genocide. The article reads as follows: “This article aims to better understand the statement released on May 10, 2024. It was issued in response to Prime Minister Nikol Pshinyan’s message on the occasion of the 109th anniversary of the. Armenian Genocide on April 24,.

Tigran Avinyan invited Kyiv Mayor to Yerevan

Head of Nor-Nork administrative district of Yerevan, Tigran Ter-Margaryan, sent an invitation to visit Yereva to the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko. The invitation was written on the "Facebook" page of the Nor Nork administrative districts.
Armenpress, The head of Nor Nork met with the mayor of Bucha, transferred humanitarian aid to Ukraine

In 2023, 839 displaced Nagorno-Karabakh families benefited from housing provision program

In 2023, 839 displaced families from separate regions of Nagorno-Karabakh benefited from the housing provision program. 1.6 billion drams for 839 beneficiary families have been allocated to the measure “Providing state support for housing affordability for displaced families.

Armenia will join the AIIB - NA committee approved

Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly approved the project ratification of Armenia to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The project on ratifying the agreement was presented at the NA session by Narek Hovakimyan, Deputy Minister of Economy Armenia.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Georgia discussed strategic cooperation

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ararat Mirzoyan had a telephone conversation with his Georgian counterpart Ilya Darichashvili. The interlocutors discussed bilateral agenda topics, including upcoming programs aimed at further strengthening of strategic cooperation between the two countries. MirzOYan presented the consequences of floods in Tavush and Lori marzes, the works being carried out in the communities recognized as disaster zones.
CivilNet, Armenian, Georgian FMs discuss situation after heavy floods

AGBU President expressed his concern about obstructing the entry of the Catholicos to Sardarapat

Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGUM) Perch Sedrakya expressed his concern regarding the obstruction of the entry of Catholicos Garegin II to the Sardarapat memorial complex. He is also concerned about the growing tension in Armenia caused by internal and external factors, which threatens the unity of the Armenian society.

Discussion of Central Bank's initiative on crypto-assets management reveals two problematic issues

Draft law on management of crypto assets developed by the Central Bank of Armenia has passed the stage of discussions with stakeholders in the government. It will be sent to the National Assembly, the head of the regulator Maartin Galstyan said today.

Georgia ready to help Armenia recover from flood

Heavy rains flooded Armenia’s northeastern provinces Lori and Tavush on 25 and 26 May. The death toll stands at 4, and 443 individuals have been evacuated from the flooded area. A total of 300 million drams has been allocated for recovery efforts. The two discussed projects aimed at strengthening strategic cooperation between Armenia and Georgia.

Archbishop Bagrat announces intention to hold meetings with foreign diplomats in Yerevan

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, supported by Armenia's opposition parties, announced his intention to hold meetings with representatives of foreign embassies stationed in the Armenian capital.

PM Pashinyan chairs consultations on Academic City master plan

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan chaired consultations on the master plan of the “Academic City’s” Foundation. The final conceptual master plan will be presented in the near future. The Prime Minister instructed to form a working group that will work out the next steps.

EU Mission in Armenia welcomes Dutch Police delegation

The EU Mission in Armenia welcomed the Dutch Police delegation to Yeghegnadzor. Good discussions on EUMA’s mandate and activities on the ground.

Alen Simonyan participates in 30th anniversary event celebrating Armenia-Slovenia diplomatic relations

The delegation led by the President of the Armenian National Assembly, Alen Simonyan is in Ljubljana on an official visit. The delegation participated in the event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Slovenia.
Armenpress, Delegation led by Alen Simonyan is departing for Slovenia on an official visit, Armenian Parliament Speaker off to Slovenia for official visit

Iranian Parliament Speaker enters Iran's June 28 presidential election race

Iran will hold presidential elections on June 28, following the death of President Raeisi. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf registered as a possible candidate in the election.

Record number of voters, 642 million, cast their ballots in India's elections

India's Election Commission said record-breaking 642 million voters cast their ballots in the general election that concluded on June 1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seeking a third consecutive term and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led alliance is projected to win a big majority.

Nikol Pashinyan received Hambic Sarafian

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received Chairman of the Central Board of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Hambik Sarafian. Prime Minister highly appreciated the dialogue established between the Government of the Armenia and the party. Interlocutors discussed issues related to foreign and domestic policy.

Reverend Bagrat held a demonstration with his supporters near the Investigative Committee

The members of the movement are marching under the leadership of Reverend Bagrat. None of those arrested have been charged, which means that they will all be released between 3 and 5 o'clock. At this moment, the participants are on Mamikonyants Street.

Putin and Macron congratulated Pashinyan on his birthday

French President Emmanuel Macron, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin congratulated Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on his birthday. Prime Minister also thanked Putin for his willingness to quickly restore the railway sections destroyed by floods in Lori Marz.

First truck arrives from Shanghai to Yerevan as part of Crossroads of Peace project

The first truck from Shanghai arrived in Yerevan as the Crossroads of Peace project, initiated by the Armenian government, officially launched. Armenia’s National Security Service recently set up a department for maintaining security of cargo, transport, and individuals travelling through Armenia via international routes.

Lemkin Institute calls on Armenian authorities to respect right to peaceful protest

The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention called on the Armenian authorities to respect the right of Armenian people to peacefully protest on Monday. Police detained 88 protesters as they attempted to block streets in Yerevan. Protesters are angry over PM Nikol Pashinyan's decision to hand over Armenian territory in exchange for peace.
ArkaAm, Lemkin Institute urges Armenia to respect people’s right to dissent

PSRC urges Armenia's utility operators to trade at least part of their shares on the stock exchange

Head of Armenia's Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) Garegin Baghramyan last Friday urged Armenian operators of public utilities (electricity, water and natural gas) to float at least part of their share capital on the local stock exchange. Since July 2023, the Armenian government has been subsidising companies for listing their shares.

French-Armenian journalist returns to France after 41-day hunger strike

Nicolian said on social media on Sunday, June 2 that he needs to improve his health in order to “continue the fight”.

Iran’s Red Crescent sends aid to Armenia’s flood-hit regions

The Iranian Red Crescent Society has sent humanitarian aid to the victims of deadly floods that hit northern Armenia on May 25-26.

💵 Economy

Armenia sees loan growth of 21% by end of 2023

In 2023, all segments of the financial system recorded an increase in assets, the Central Bank Governor Martin Galstyan said at a press briefing on the 2023 financial stability report. The total volume of bank assets was 9.2 trillion drams.

Central Bank Chairman: Armenia’s economy becomes more independent of money transfers from abroad

Only 8% of Armenia’s GDP is from incoming money transfers as of now, compared to 18% ten years ago. Central Bank Chairman Martin Galstyan says this happens due to various reasons, one of them being geopolitical developments. Individuals in Armenia received a total of $327.5 million worth of transfers from abroad in Q1 2024, according to data provided by the Central Bank of Armenia.

EDB names three sectors that provided growth of economic activity in Armenia in January-April

Economic activity increased by 13.2% in January-April 2024, driven by industry, trade and services sectors. Exports of goods grew by 2.7 times YoY, mainly due to an increase in foreign trade and gold jewelry processing.

🧪 Science & Technology

Armenia's Transition to Clean Energy and Power Transmission Grid Upgrades to Benefit from World Bank Support

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved $40 million in support of the Enabling the Energy Transition project for Armenia. The investments will focus on the rehabilitation of power transmission substations, the adoption of reforms to allow the transmission company to access private financing. The project aims to facilitate the integration of an estimated 1.1 GW of renewable energy generation.
Armenpress, Tashir Group of Companies invests about $680m in modernisation of Armenia's power grids, World Bank approves $40 million to support Armenia’s transition to clean energy and power transmission grid upgrades

Ardshinbank and HSBC Bank Armenia customers can benefit from expanded ATM network

Starting June 1, 2024, cardholders can withdraw cash from HSBC Bank Armenia ATMs under the same terms as from Ardshinbank’s ATMs. Both banks are regulated by the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia.
ArkaAm, Customers of Ardshinbank and HSBC Bank Armenia can use the extended network of ATMs

⚽ Sport

Armenian referees to officiate Women’s European Qualifiers match between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malta

Bosnia and Herzegovina and Malta match of Women's European Championship 2025 qualifying round will take place on June 6. Finland-Netherlands match will be held at Tamelan Stadium in Tampere, Finland on June 4.

Armenian national team left for Slovenia

Armenian national team left for Ljubljana where will play a friendly match against Slovenia on June 4, reported FFA. The friendly match between Slovenia and Armenia will take place at 20:00. The following players left for Slovenia:Goalkeepers:Ognjen Cancarevic – FC Noah; Arsen Beglaryan – FC Ararat-Armenia; Stanislav Buchnev – FC Pyunik; Andranik Hakobyan - Valencia CF U-19 (Spain)

Shant Sargsyan is the 5th in Aktobe open

Shant Sargsyan took the 5th place in the Vladimir Dvorkovich memorial tournament of Aktobe open. The winner of the tournament is the representative of Iran, Parham Maghsoodloo. 90 chess players from 22 countries of the world participate in the tournament.

Armenia's Davit Chaloyan qualifies for Paris Olympics

The Armenian boxer qualified for Paris Olympics after a series of successful bouts at the 2nd World Qualification Tournament.

Date: 06/02/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 0 words

Date: 06/01/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 443 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Russia: Armenia’s frozen membership weakens CSTO position in Caucasus

A Russian envoy said any step that could alienate the CSTO member states from each other is “deeply wrong”.

Armenia: 28 protesters arrested after clash with police

The Investigative Committee of Armenia has announced the arrest of 28 participants of an opposition demonstration.

Opposition motorcade en route to Gyumri for large rally

A motorcade of protesters headed by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan is heading to the city of Gyumri.

Proposed amendments to NDAA seek closer US-Armenia security cooperation, end to US assistance to Azerbaijan

Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act filed by Members of Congress. They seek to cut aid to Azerbaijan, strengthen U.S.-Armenia security cooperation, ensure the return of all Armenian prisoners held in Baku.

Ruling MPs, Foreign Minister talk Armenia-Azerbaijan processes

MOs from the ruling Civil Contract party met with the Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan in the Armenian parliament.

Prosecutors to appeal Armenia ex-President’s acquittal

Sargsyan was acquitted on Friday, May 31 more than four years after going on trial on corruption charges.

Nikol Pashinyan, Emmanuel Macron hold phone call

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron. Emmanuel Macron congratulated Prime Minister on his birthday. PM thanked President Macron for his contribution to development of Armenia-France relations.
Armenpress, Pashinyan, Mishustin hold telephone conversation, Pashinyan, Putin hold phone call, Prime Minister Pashinyan receives congratulatory messages from international partners on his birthday, Armenian PM, French President talk on phone, Putin calls Pashinyan on birthday, Putin congratulates Pashinyan’s birthday

Bulgaria’s Vice President attends 190th anniversary of Armenian school in Plovdiv

Bulgaria’s Vice President Iliana Iotova spoke at the 190th anniversary of the establishment of the Victoria and Krikor Tyutyundzhiyan Armenian School in Plovdiv. The school was established almost half a century before the liberation of Bulgaria because wise people, sincere patriots knew that one day freedom would come, she said.

⚽ Sport

AGBU basketball coach Nareg Kopooshian to be assistant for Armenia national team

Nareg Kopooshian will join the Armenia national team as an assistant coach. He will have a reunion with his former player, Avand Dorian, who will be a member of the team. Dorian graduated last year and will be trying to join USC’s team as a walk-on.

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:33 Jhonjournalist Track and Field’s Ultimate Showdown: The Rise of the Biennial Championships

Track and Field’s Ultimate Showdown: The Rise of the Biennial Championships
  • World Athletics introduces Ultimate Championships, a biennial event with $10 million prize fund
  • Athletes to compete for $150,000 gold medal prizes, challenging Olympic prestige
  • Event set to offer greater promotional rights, potentially reshaping global athletics landscape
World Athletics has unveiled a groundbreaking addition to the track and field calendar with the introduction of the Ultimate Championships. This biennial event, boasting a staggering $10 million prize fund, promises to redefine the landscape of elite athletics competitions. Athletes vying for gold at the Ultimate Championships will not only compete for prestige but also for unprecedented $150,000 cash prizes, setting a new standard in the sport.
The Ultimate Championships, slated to be held every two years, offer athletes a platform to showcase their talent and skill on a global stage rivaling even the Olympic Games. With a focus on elevating athlete welfare and providing greater promotional opportunities, this event represents a significant departure from traditional athletics competitions. By prioritizing the needs and aspirations of its participants, World Athletics aims to revolutionize the way track and field is perceived and celebrated worldwide.

The Ultimate Athletics Challenge: World Championships Reinvented

World Athletics has made a seismic shift in the world of track and field with the announcement of the Ultimate Championships. This biennial extravaganza is set to inject unprecedented excitement into the sport, boasting a remarkable $10 million prize fund. Athletes at the pinnacle of their game will vie for gold medals worth an astounding $150,000 each, marking a significant departure from traditional athletics competitions.
Scheduled to take place every two years, the Ultimate Championships promise to be a formidable rival to established events like the Olympics. By offering athletes a lucrative platform to showcase their talents and compete for substantial cash rewards, World Athletics aims to elevate the prestige of track and field on the global stage. Moreover, the event’s emphasis on providing athletes with enhanced promotional rights underscores a commitment to empowering competitors and reshaping the athletic landscape.
In unveiling the Ultimate Championships, World Athletics is not just reimagining elite athletics; it’s setting the stage for a transformative era where athletes take center stage, their talent recognized, and their aspirations realized on a global scale.
Learn More:
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2024.06.03 20:15 Womantree1 Today I learned that Freemasons have Masonic programs for children.

DeMolay is part of the "family" of Masons and associated organizations. They are a youth group for young men. DeMolay alumni have gone on to achieve wide recognition outside of the organization. Actors, astronauts, mayors, governors, even presidents(Bill Clinton).
DeMolay International is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21. There is in some select area a "Squire" program for those younger than 12. It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919 and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. DeMolay was incorporated in the 1990s and is classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. It has about 12,000 active members spread throughout every continent except for Antarctica.
Rainbow Girls and Job's Daughters are similar Masonic-related organizations for young women.
Notable former Job's Daughters include Kim Cattrall, Jacquelynne Fontaine, Nancy Fleming, Jenilee Harrison, Nannette Hegerty, Vicki Lawrence, Heather Moore, Jean Rabe, Debbie Reynolds, and Aimee Teegarden.
Notable former Rainbow Girls: Sandra Day O'Connor: Former Supreme Court Justice
Ermalee Hickel: Wife of Governor Walter Hicke (Alaska)
Renee Guerin: Broadway Performer; Head of the Voice and Speech Department of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, NYC (Alaska)
Patricia Barry: TV and movie Actress (Days of our Lives) (California)
Lee Merriwether: Former Miss America, Actress (California)
Dorthy Lamb: First Lady of Colorado (California)
Jill Kinmont: Olympic skier who was paralyzed in a skiing accident. After her accident she started her own foundation, the Jill Kinmont Indian Education Foundation. (California)
Dorothy M. Metcalf-Lindenburger: Astronaut (Colorado)
Heather Stanton Moretzsohn: Liaison Officer for US (Hawaii)
Jo Ann Kinzler Krug: Sheriff, San Bernadino CA (Hawaii)
Cheryl Lau: Attorney General; Secretary of State, Nevada (Hawaii)
Karen Lau Sullivan: US Commissioner to the South Pacific Islands (Hawaii)
Sue Anne Gilroy:Secretary of State, IN (Indiana)
Donna Mullenger (Reed): TV Actress (Iowa)
Virginia Lines: Miss Iowa 1951 (Iowa)
Jeanne Formanek: Miss Iowa 1967 (Iowa)
Rebecca Ann King: Miss America, 1973 (Iowa)
Olympia J. Snowe: US Senator (Maine)
Tammie Ferguson: Special Olympian Inspirational Athlete of the Year; Lit the Torch at the 1998 Special Olympics and featured on Special Olympic Wheaties Box (Michigan)
Judith Craig: Bishop for Western Ohio area, United Methodist Church (Missouri)
Carol Hudkins: State Senator (Nebraska)
Evelyn de la Rosa: Internationally renowned soprano (Nevada)
Patricia Christo Coffey: Superior Court Judge (New Hampshire)
Sara E. Otis:State Senator, founder of Concord Assembly No. 1, 1925 (New Hampshire)
Virginia White: Personal Assistant to US Senator Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)
Angelina Estrada Burney: Broadcaster at KTVA, Anchorage, AK (New Mexico)
Shirley Crawford Sonnamaker: Co-anchor at KBIM TV (New Mexico)
Rebecca Schmidt: Attached to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Ohio)
Jane Jayroe : Journalist and anchor of local newscasts in Oklahoma City and Dallas/Fort Worth areas. Former Miss Oklahoma and Miss America 1967 (Oklahoma)
Bobbie Shunk Gaunt: First Woman President, CEO- Ford Motor Co. of Canada (Pennsylvania)
Debra Port: Actress (Melrose Place, Exorcist III..), model, spokesperson (Ford, Mercury, Chrysler, AAA, General Motors, K-Mart, Yellow Pages, Sears, Century Baby Car Seats) (Pennsylvania)
Ret. Maj. Gen. Lorraine Potter: Highest ranking female Chaplain in the military. Nominated for the rank of General. (Rhode Island)
Ruth Buzzi: Actress (Laugh-in, Sesame Street) (Rhode Island)
Frances Haddon Morgan: Washington State Senator (Washington/Idaho)
Janell Berte: Successful businesswoman at age 20 and bridal gown designer (Pennsylvania)
Lily Tomlin: Comedian (Roberta- Desperate Housewives, Edith Ann- Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, Violet in 9 to 5). Born Mary Jean Tomlin in Detroit, Michigan.
Dawn Wells: Played Mary Ann in Gilligan's Island. Crowned Miss Nevada in 1959 (Nevada).
Shawntel Smith : Former Miss America 1996 (Oklahoma).
submitted by Womantree1 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:22 twamleyT Paris Olympics games

Hello! I'm in Perth, Australia and really keen to watch at the Paris games, I see a few of the Matildas games will be broadcast on Ch 10/Paramount, and some will not. Any recommendations on where to watch all the Olympic womens soccer games? Happy to subscribe to see the games. Thanks :)
submitted by twamleyT to WomensSoccer [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:04 EmirAlef Biggest Olympic stories in Individual sports

This is for die hard Olympics fans. So, in your opinion, outside track and field and swimming, what will be biggest stories in Paris Olympics in individual sports ? And, if you can, name top 10 individual athletes to follow on these Olympics ( again, outside swimming and track and field ).
I'll start :
  1. Simone Byles/Sunisa Lee ( Gymnastics. Does this one needs to be explained? )
  2. Tom Pidock ( Mountain bike/Road cycling. Pidock defends title in men's cross country bike, but will try to achieve glory on Road also. It is a monumental task and can't wait for it to unfold)
  3. Tadej PogacaPrimoz Roglic ( Road cycling. Both legends of the sport, both Slovenians, will look to achieve more glory to their names. Will they help each other in Road race or will they go after each other? )
  4. Victor Axelesen ( badminton, European who dominates otherwise Asian domminated sport. Will be interesting to see what Asian star will throw at him)
  5. Jessica Fox ( Canoe slalom, possibly her last Olympics, she will try and cement her legacy as biggest name in women's Canoe slalom )
  6. Aleksandar Zverev/SinneDjokovic ( too mainstream of a sport to put just one name, Djokovic won everything, except Olympic gold, and he will give everything to achieve this. On the other hand, it will be interesting to see Zverev, once tennis biggest talent who faced both personal and helath related issues in recent years, and he defends the title. And of course, Sinner, brightest new star in tennis )
  7. Teddy Rinner ( judo, legend of the sport, probably his last Olympics, will have point to prove after winning ,,only" bronze in last Olympics )
  8. Alex Yee ( triatlon, perennial second place in Triatlon, will look for Gold that is always in his grasp)
  9. Vinesh Pogat ( wrestling. From famous Indian wrestling family she has interesting background as patriarch of the family only wishes for his daughters to qualify for Olympics. For Tokyo, she was suspended, but now she is here. Movies and documentaries have been made about her and her sisters and it will be fascinating to see how she will fare in Paris )
  10. Lisa Carrington ( canoe sprint. Absolute legend of the sport. One of the most accomplished Olympians, she will look to further her legacy. At this point it will be interesting to see will her motivation be as big as the hunger of younger contenders? )
This is my list ( there are many more, but I'll stop at top 10) Let's hear yours.
submitted by EmirAlef to olympics [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:55 Educational_File2940 The Outcry Over the Caitlin Clark Foul Is Exactly Why the WNBA Will Always be in the NBA’s Shadow

Firstly, I don’t think it’s been long enough to say if Clark can handle playing at the next level. Also, she deserves the hype, given that she was a high scorer in college basketball. With that being said, the hard foul that has been all over the news is the reason the WNBA has always been criticized, especially when compared to the men’s game on any level.
Chennedy Carter made a play that we often see in men’s sports, a play to set a tone and show that this won’t be easy for you. We’ve seen these types of plays when Lonzo joined the NBA. We’ve seen these plays against players who don’t like each other, and we applaud the competitiveness. Kobe ran Pau Gasol over in the Olympics to set the tone for his team, and did the media cry about it? Did the fans call Kobe a punk and his teammates cowards for applauding it? But Angel Reese is now considered an awful person that lacks class for cheering her teammate?
The point is, the WNBA is showing right now that regardless of how many times they’ve tried to convince you that the women’s game is just as good as the men’s, it’s not. God forbid a female player break a nail. There’s a reason women's UFC is just as good as the men's: because we don’t cry when a female UFC fighter is kicked in the face but cry when a WNBA player gets a hard foul. Trash league.
submitted by Educational_File2940 to PostWithoutMods [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:38 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - China’s women beaten by Australia in front more than 75,000 fans as Matildas prepare to head off to Paris Olympic Games South China Morning Post

[Sports] - China’s women beaten by Australia in front more than 75,000 fans as Matildas prepare to head off to Paris Olympic Games South China Morning Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:23 AutoNewsAdmin [Sports] - China’s women beaten by Australia in front more than 75,000 fans as Matildas prepare to head off to Paris Olympic Games

[Sports] - China’s women beaten by Australia in front more than 75,000 fans as Matildas prepare to head off to Paris Olympic Games submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to SCMPauto [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:02 RCD123 2024 Mastercard New York Mini 10K - Pre-Race Thread

Mastercard New York Mini 10K - Women's Race
The 52nd running the world’s original women-only road race!
Looks to be an exciting professional field as some athletes are gearing up for US olympic trials in a couple weeks and Paris this summer!



Race Day

submitted by RCD123 to RunNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:08 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - China women earn place among rugby sevens elite, superstar Dupont inspires France success ahead of home Olympics South China Morning Post

[Sports] - China women earn place among rugby sevens elite, superstar Dupont inspires France success ahead of home Olympics South China Morning Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:53 AutoNewsAdmin [Sports] - China women earn place among rugby sevens elite, superstar Dupont inspires France success ahead of home Olympics

[Sports] - China women earn place among rugby sevens elite, superstar Dupont inspires France success ahead of home Olympics submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to SCMPauto [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:21 Legitimate_Brush_426 no saviors release?

no saviors release? submitted by Legitimate_Brush_426 to greenday [link] [comments]