Civil war ammunition crate

The Night Of: A miniseries from HBO

2016.05.28 13:10 The Night Of: A miniseries from HBO

This subreddit is a place to enjoy and discuss the HBO miniseries 'The Night Of'

2024.06.05 06:58 Gillroy1313 [H] 2024 Humble Bundles & Others [W] Death Stranding Director's Cut, FFXII: Zodiac Age, Offers

Here's my IGSRep↗️
Hi Guys!
Mainly looking to trade for the games in the title, these are the games keys that I have for STEAM redemption:
Hit me up if there's anything you want to trade with
submitted by Gillroy1313 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:58 MyNameIsNotJonny [SWN][ONLINE][FREE][SUNDAYS, 6 PM to 10 PM, EST] Looking for one or two players to join us for the final arc of our epic sci fi campaing!

In the distant future, the peaceful yet stale unanimity of the Star Union, a group of polities within a 20-light-year radius surrounding Sol, was shaken by the outbreak of war on the planet Fortuna.
For centuries, each system of the Star Union was ruled by a local instance of a SAGE supercomputer: a machine larger than life, capable of running advanced psychohistorical computations, or in layman’s terms, predicting the future. With this power, the SAGE system has been the unopposed autocrat of human destiny.
But in the Tau Ceti star system, colonists of the planet Fortuna began to develop strange psychic powers, to this day still unexplainable by our current model of physics. Some of these psychics were themselves capable of predicting the future, and their existence among the Fortunan population introduced strong biases into SAGE’s psychohistorical readings.
For a time, the local SAGE-12 was simply content to observe this strange development and relay information to other SAGE units across the Star Union. The machine watched silently as the psychics claimed a connection to a higher power and organized themselves across the newly formed Crimsom Indocatholic Church. But with the discovery of the Godsphere, everything changed...
The strange artifact whispered of a new world, a holy world. The faithful began constructing a mighty interstellar vessel, the first capable of ferrying adult cryogenically frozen humans across the star. For SAGE-12, that would be the spread of an infection capable of diminishing its computations. And thus, Fortuna had to fall.
War raged on the Tau Cety system as Indocatholics and their psychics battled against servants of the machine, but in the end, by miracle and god’s will, the Indocatholics came victorious. Their mighty interstellar starship, the Rapture I, was finished, and a select group of explorers chosen to brave the darkest sea and make landfall on the holiest of lands.
1800 years have passed since you left Fortuna. During this time, the Rapture I has been traveling at 0.1c towards the holy planet Amaravati. The arrival has been less than stellar.
As you get up from your hypersleep casket, you notice that most of your memories are gone, a symptom of the strange technology for sure. Amaravati, the virgin planet of the prophecy, is quite less virgin than what expected. Another faction sent a ship towards the planet, theirs carrying only frozen embryos and capable of achieving 0.3c. They have lived on this planet for 1200 years before your arrival, giving birth to civilizations and seeing them collapse.
Now, you need to survive. But most of all, you need to find a solution for the endless cycle of battles between SAGE and the psychics that has been raging throughout time.

Hello there, prospective player! We are looking for one to two players to join an ongoing Stars Without Numbers campaign! This campaign has been going for more or less a year and a half and it is approaching its final act.
Since one of our players left, we were looking to find one or two players to complement our group. You would be joining the final act of the campaign and playing at a higher level.
System: the system is Stars Without Numbers with some homebrew rules to decrease the power level a little bit (since this is hardish-sci-fi). Players are currently level 7 of 10. You don’t have to know the system, just be willing to learn and read.
Game Style: We roleplay. A LOT. A great deal of our adventures is spent roleplaying, solving character arcs, dealing with character drama, and all that. Also, this is a Lore intensive campaign. The first acts of the campaign were all spent doing archeology around Amaravati and finding out who were the many civilizations that rose and fell around the planet, trying to solve that mystery. Your character will wake up without any memories of the past, so you don’t have to know any of that. But if you don’t like reading or consuming lore, this may not be the campaign for you.
Game Time: Every Sunday, 6 PM to 10 PM, EST.

Medium: We use roll20 with discord for voices.

Application: If this is your thing and you wanna apply, just send me a message through here, or apply on our roll20 page! Link:
submitted by MyNameIsNotJonny to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:37 Semour9 Why does Malric live in a castle next to an active volcano? Is he stupid?

Why does Malric live in a castle next to an active volcano? Is he stupid? submitted by Semour9 to Chivalry2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:14 fancyjackkester Rant: I just don’t like the Voraci Empire

I have a few issues with the Voraci Empire. They just don't grip me as an interesting antagonistic force to be reckoned with compared to the many others that have existed in Koibu's campaigns. After Scoria, the demon invasion, the Scrags and land of Caldonia itself, the rival houses of Akuba, and the White Prince, the Voraci Empire just feels...lame.
The whole existence of an empire of the goddess of death strikes me as silly. Yes, this is what Voraci demands, tedious paperwork and bureaucracy, not death! Like, it makes sense for the Dardennes to be a bureaucratic nightmare, they worship the god of law and order. A Voraci worshipping nation being anything other than a marauding horde or maybe small communities that worship aspects other than the warrior one just doesn't make sense to me. Frankly, Voraci is probably fuming mad that her creations are busy collecting taxes instead of the skulls of their enemies.
All the orcs, goblins, and ogres somehow not reverting to their base nature and murdering humans as soon as the hunchback who leads them is out of earshot also kind of goes against the way they are portrayed in Arcadia, as inherently evil creatures seeking only destruction and death. In a different setting I could see it being an interesting scenario, where the monster races have been fighting humans for so long that it is normal for the two sides to believe the other is inherently out to get them. But once they take over and start living together, the humans realize they aren't really different from each other and haven't given the monster races a fair shake for thousands of years. But this isn't some hippy-dippy setting where everyone can just get along, these jerks were created by Voraci specifically to kill the creations of the other gods. It is honestly one of Arcadia's strengths, which sets it apart from modern settings where, I don't know, actual demon people just coexist with humans and elves and everyone is expected to accept it.
Next, the logistical nightmare it would be to maintain control over the continent of Solemn makes the Voraci Empire incredibly implausible. They control an area the size of Russia, where somehow the western territories have not risen up in a massive rebellion when the main fighting force is far to the east. Rome often had multiple civil wars per emperor, and for way stupider and less justified reasons than "the literal incarnation of destruction has taken over our lands and has us basically in slavery". Neal usually takes logistics into consideration far more than the average streaming DM, but the Voraci Empire somehow seems to ignore them and always has more goons to throw at the wall until they win.
Drekkis ruling over Arcadia makes sense, as they fought off the demon invasion, the slavers of Mahtava, and defeated Scoria(the greatest threat on the continent). The White Prince ruling over the Dardennes makes sense, it is easy to travel to any part of his territory by boat and he personally stopped many way worse things than himself that used to exist in the region. Jaca ruling over Braavo kind of makes sense, all the people of that land care about is personal strength and the rangers of Jaca are the strongest dudes on the island. But the Voraci Empire seems like it only exists so that there is an epic enemy army for some party to defeat at some point down the line. Maybe I'm missing the secret sauce that holds everything together for them. Maybe I haven't listened to the DwD starring Orris and he was given divine mandate to make the empire because the voice is too goofy to get through when I still have Malcifer, Georg, Zweihard, and other DwD characters to listen to the stories of when I'm caught up on all the full party campaigns. Maybe I just don't think they're as cool or compelling as the other antagonists of Arcadia, and they feel super generic to me. If you can tell me why I'm wrong, please do.
submitted by fancyjackkester to Koibu [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:12 assch870 [USA-CA] [H] Walmart 4k Steelbooks [W] PayPal or Trade

Link here. Im trying to cut my collection down to the essentials so these are the first on the chopping block. They're all brand new, no dents or scratches. The Guardians steelbook has a factory flaw (packaged upside down I guess?) and Saw has a small slit in the plastic wrapping. If you're interested in more than one item I'll give you a discount. As for trades I'm looking for Knives Out, Captain America Civil War Mondo, John Wick 3, or John Wick 4 in mint condition. But if you've got anything else let me know!
Prices don't include shipping
Avengers - 35$
Guardians of the Galaxy - 35$
Black Panther - 25$
SAW - 7$
Spiral - 7$
Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard - 7$
submitted by assch870 to SteelbookSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:03 Oleg101 How Dare You Suggest The Political Party That Keeps Talking About Civil War Is Talking About Civil War

How Dare You Suggest The Political Party That Keeps Talking About Civil War Is Talking About Civil War submitted by Oleg101 to FoxFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:58 SteamedSpy4 [EVENT] Election night chaos as Ahwoi defeats Haidara in surprise upset, APP secures narrow plurality against KSP, and Legionnaire terrorists bomb polls in northern Nigeria


KAABU / ELECTIONS February 6th, 2073 / 8:12 AM / THREE WEEKS AGO

Election night chaos as Ahwoi defeats Haidara in surprise upset, APP secures narrow plurality against KSP, and Legionnaire terrorists bomb polls in northern Nigeria

ABUJA (Nigeria Broadcast Syndicate) - Obed Ahwoi of the Kaabu Socialist Party has won a shocking upset victory in Kaabu’s most chaotic election night since 2055, after New Askia’s Legion terrorists attacked twelve polling centers in northern Nigeria and southern Niger, leaving 56 dead and an estimated 200 injured.
Ahwoi began to pull ahead around 9 PM as the remaining states reported their results. Events took a turn for the worse, however, when New Askia’s Legion gunmen descended on polling centers in Kano, Sokoto, Maradi, and Katsina at about 1 in the morning. Kaabu Civil Gendarmerie officials report that the terrorists intended to ‘stop the count’, but appear to have targeted centers that had already completed reporting in any case. The Gendarmerie also reported that it foiled an attempt on Mr. Ahwoi’s life around 5 AM this morning, although officials insist that the poorly-planned attempt was intercepted in early stages and the President-Elect was never in any danger. The attack was apparently a last-minute response to Ahwoi’s surprise victory; Ahwoi first rose to national prominence as a resistance leader in the Atlantic revolts during the Great Liberation War, and has long been a target of Sokoto revanchist groups since entering politics.
Officials have already demanded a response from the Gendarmerie and the Army, as the last of the Legion and its associates in the Sokoto Restoration Front were believed to have been killed or apprehended in the Tessaoua raid last February. The groups have been a persistent thorn in the side of law enforcement since the early stages of the Second Great Liberation War, although tonight’s attack marks the deadliest in over two years.
Despite securing the presidency, the Kaabu Socialist Party finds itself lacking a secure hold on the Assembly, as the APP scored a narrow plurality by only ten seats. In this narrowly contested Assembly, the NDL’s ambitions of playing kingmaker appear to have been validated. Senior politicians have convened in Abuja for a flurry of negotiations as the APP, KSP, and NDL square off over which two of the three will join forces to secure the Prime Minister’s seat.
submitted by SteamedSpy4 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:57 TangoCharlie90 Anyone on Wattpad?

I just posted the first chapter of my first novel on Wattpad. I have the full novel written but I'm not quite ready to release it in its entirety yet. But if anyone on here uses wattpad could you please read it and leave a review? My user bane on there is TangoCharlie90
Here's the description for the novel
The year is 2084, ten years after America suffered its second Civil War, The New American Federation emerges as a confederation of different regions separated by the Wastelands. Society is divided into a tiered class system where the top gets everything, the bottom gets nothing and religion has been outlawed. An underground organization known as the Hub is working against the powers that be to provide a better quality of life for the lower Tier citizens.
submitted by TangoCharlie90 to selfpublishing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:55 joseph-keen-1 Best 4X games that don’t have a shit ton of DLC

I’ve been looking to get into 4X games recently, but the only problem is that they have a borderline rip off amount of DLC (the Total War Warhammer games, Civilization V and anything made by Paradox). Since I’m not made of money and think the idea of a game constantly getting changes after launch is fucking stupid (one of the reasons I mostly avoid multiplayer games) what are some games that don’t seem like they’re trying to rip off the player base?
submitted by joseph-keen-1 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:52 joseph-keen-1 Best 4X games that don’t have a shit ton of DLC

I’ve been looking to get into 4X games recently, but the only problem is that they have a borderline rip off amount of DLC (the Total War Warhammer games, Civilization V and anything made by Paradox). Since I’m not made of money and think the idea of a game constantly getting changes after launch is fucking stupid (one of the reasons I mostly avoid multiplayer games) what are some games that don’t seem like they’re trying to rip off the player base?
submitted by joseph-keen-1 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:43 theluckyfrog TBOSAS - Far better than I expected

I waited a long time to read TBOSAS. I love the main trilogy, but it does have some flaws, and I was worried those flaws would be compounded in the prequel and it would make the whole series less likable to me. I am glad to say that is not what happened, and I genuinely enjoyed the prequel both as an addition to the series and on its own merits.
Right off the bat, I enjoyed the writing itself more in TBOSAS. Either Collins improved as a writer, or the slightly childish prose of the trilogy was a voice she created for Katniss and she chose a more eloquent style for the educated Snow. I’m not sure. Either way, I found TBOSAS more immersive because the flow of the words really matters to me as a reader. I was also super impressed by the quality of the lyrics in the novel–that’s a whole different skill, and Collins nailed it. Many authors would not have even tried writing lyrics, they’d have avoided it by describing Snow’s impressions of the songs, maybe shared one key line at most.
Story and tone-wise, TBOSAS is different enough from the trilogy to not feel redundant, though naturally it rehashes a lot of the same thematic elements. I feel like Collins has a fondness for subverting traditional love stories, because what transpires between Snow and Lucy Gray is certainly not a proper romance, even early in the story. Some readers seem jarred by his sudden aggression towards her in the third act, but it is well set up and justified by moments throughout the narration. And frankly, his abrupt homicidal turn would be harder to swallow if men didn’t snap and kill their families/partners with minimal warning in real life, but that absolutely happens.
On the other hand, I feel like Snow ended up swallowing Gaul’s kool aid a bit too easily in the end for someone as intelligent and, above all, practical as him. It’s a big jump from “everything about war is a waste and I don’t get why we do these games” to “we need this level of brutality to maintain civilization”. I understand how he got to that place–Dr. Gaul was his lifeline, and he’d participate in anything to stay in her good graces, and he was conflating his own feelings of vulnerability when outside of Capitol society with everyone’s needs/viewpoints, but I think it would have worked better if Collins had hammered on his contempt for people from the Districts a bit harder, rather than showing him relatively indifferent to them.
Still though, as an origin story for not just Snow, but the Capitol traditions, it works. Collins as usual surprised me with the degree of insight she had into the society she was describing–showing how the name of the Hunger Games played as deeply into the Capitol psyche as the Districts’ due to their mutual wartime deprivation was a clever angle, and well illustrated in Coriolanus’ relentless fixation on food.
I was worried Lucy Gray would come off as some sort of weird Katniss knock off, but she was entirely her own, compelling character. Also, the more literary part of me appreciates the parallel between her name poem and her fate in the story, although plot-wise it’s pretty superfluous.
In short, TBOSAS was far better than my previous experience with add-ons to established series led me to fear. I do hope Collins leaves it here, though, because frankly I feel like I’ve spent all the time in Panem that I’d ever care to.
submitted by theluckyfrog to Hungergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:42 No_Acadia_9186 Which side of the Civil War are you on ?

Are you a pick me self righteous passoid Blaire ?
Are you a “throw them under the bus” passoid Ken?
Are you a “all genders/ infinite genders are valid” protestor ?
Or Are you a “ I don’t need HRT or to shave my face” Hon Maxxer ?
submitted by No_Acadia_9186 to honesttransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:32 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (June 4). Thursday Previews: Bad Boys ($4.54M/$4.59M EA+THU), The Watchers ($1.18M), Inside Out 2 ($8.03M), A Quiet Place: Day One ($3.87M) and Deadpool and Wolverine ($28.50M). LotR re-releases each targeting $4M+ 1st days.

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 31
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Quorum Update (June 3)
Bad Boys: Ride or Die Average Thursday / EA+Thursday comp: $4.54M/$4.59M
The Watchers Average Thursday Comp: $1.18M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Florida comp: $8.03M
The Bikeriders
A Quiet Place: Day One Average Thursday Comp: $3.87M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Dune2+GOTG3 comp: $28.50M
Despicable Me 4
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 23):
Presale Tracking Posts:
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:31 Mysterious_Cat_1706 Gribble 2 - Chapter 1

[Backstory][Arc 1][Next>]
[Discord] [Support my work]
Chapter 1: Sorcery of the Dead
Rubble crunched beneath Gribble's clawed feet. He stood atop the heap of shattered stone, his sickly yellow eyes flicking over the carnage. Pillars lay toppled, their rune-carved surfaces fractured into jagged shards. Stones stained rusty crimson with dwarven blood.
The stench of death and smoke clung to the back of Gribble's throat. His nostrils flared, drinking in the aftermath of butchery. A few hours past, this chamber had rung with the clash of arms and the screams of the dying. Now only the crackle of flames and the occasional clatter of shifting rubble broke the sepulchral hush.
Gribble's green skin seemed to swallow the feeble grey light seeping through gaps in the ruined ceiling. Shadows gathered in the hollows of his gaunt cheeks, in the cruel twist of his lips. He lifted one hand, the sharp nails glinting like chips of obsidian.
Bones littered the floor. Skeletons contorted in their final agonies, scraps of flesh and torn armor still clinging to their yellowed frames. Gribble flexed his fingers, his eyes flaring brighter. Threads of sickly green energy twined around each corpse, knitting through ribs and empty eye sockets.
Bones rattled and scraped against flagstones. Skeletons lurched upright, their movements jerky, marionettes dancing on a mad necromancer's strings. Empty orbits flickered with corpse-light. Skeletal hands groped for notched blades and war-axes, the weapons they'd wielded in life now instruments of blasphemy.
Dwarven tapestries hung in charred tatters from the walls. Woven images once depicting the kingdom's history and heroes now warped to smudged nightmares.
Gribble's gaze snagged on one tapestry more intact than the rest. Golden threads glimmered through the soot-stains, limning a heroic dwarven king, his hammer upraised, his followers clustered around him.
Gribble snarled. He swung his hand in a sharp, slashing motion. Oily black flames leapt from his claws. They struck the tapestry, clinging, spreading with unnatural speed. Hungry tongues of dark fire consumed beard and crown, transmuting the king's victory into a death-rictus of agony.
The tapestry crumbled in on itself, warp and weft eaten away to drifting black wisps. Gribble threw his head back, laughing. The sound was the scrape of a whetstone on a rusted blade.
The grating creak of a shifting stone cut off his mirth. His pointed ears twitched, swiveling towards a narrow archway half-hidden behind a tumbled column. A furtive scrabbling, like rats fighting in the walls. But no rat had made that sound.
Gribble's thick lips skinned back from his teeth. Curse the dwarves. Too stupid to know when to lay down and embrace oblivion. He'd assumed his massacre was complete. That this shattered corpse of a chamber held no more life to be choked out.
He'd been careless. Sloppy. Left a few maggots squirming in the rotted flesh of this fallen kingdom. No matter. He rolled his shoulders, the joints popping. He'd remedy that oversight.
His hand twisted in a summoning motion. Viridian sparks dripped from his nails. A translucent wisp of emerald foxfire sprang into being over his palm, its unearthly glow throwing the craggy lines of his face into sharp relief.
The glow illuminated the archway and the short passage beyond. Gribble moved towards it, his feet nearly silent amid the rubble. As he approached, the scrabbling intensified, then cut off with a choked gurgle. Some broken thing trying to muffle its pain. Its fear.
Gribble's tongue flicked out, tasting the air. The flavor of desperation and impotent defiance burst across his senses like a spoiled fruit. He could almost see the wretches cowering in their bolt-holes, mewling prayers to their carved-bone gods.
All that effort to hide, to cling to the tatters of their pointless existences. Hadn't they seen what he'd wrought? Hadn't they witnessed their kin and comrades torn to steaming gobbets, flesh scoured from bone by the spells boiling from his lips?
There was no salvation. No escape. The sooner they embraced the purity of despair, the sooner he could grant them the mercy of utter destruction. But if they wished to draw out their suffering, to marinate in a few more precious moments of false hope, he was happy to oblige them. It was, after all, nothing more than they deserved.
The foxfire cast eerie shadows on the walls, green as gangrene. The wisp bobbed and gibbered silently as he entered the passage. The reek of terror grown thick enough to coat the back of his tongue. Gribble swallowed, savoring it.
He clawed a gestured. Behind him, bones clacked and rattled as a handful of his new skeletal thralls stumbled into motion. He didn't spare them a glance, trusting in the power of his magic to bind them to his will.
The passage kinked to the left, ending in an ironbound door hanging drunkenly from one twisted hinge. The wood was pocked with axe-scars, each mark black with clotted blood. Gribble kicked the door, his withered muscles swelling with stolen necromantic vigor.
Hinges squealed. Wood exploded into sodden splinters. The heavy portal slammed inward. It struck the wall, rebounded. Through the ringing echo, Gribble heard a yelp, high and pitiful with fear.
He stepped across the threshold, the foxfire swimming through the murk to orbit his head. The chamber was small and mean, more a cell than a room. Piles of smashed crates and barrels lined the walls, the detritus of a last, frantic attempt at a barricade.
In the center of the room, a lone dwarf crouched over a body. No, a pair of bodies. Two more dwarves sprawled brokenly on the flagstones. One was missing most of its head, its beard matted into a glistening sponge by the grey-pink ruin of its brain.
The other corpse lay face-down, its stubby limbs thrown out at angles nature never intended. The haft of a broken spear jutted between its shoulders. Black fluid seeped from the wound, another stream dribbling from the scrap of meat that had been its throat.
The living dwarf spun to face Gribble. The creature was maimed, its face a hideous topography of burnt flesh and crusted blood. One arm hung limp, the bone poking through the skin. Its remaining hand white-knuckled the hilt of a notched sword.
Rheumy eyes squinted at Gribble through slits in the seared meat of the dwarf's face. Recognition and rage kindling in their depths. Its cracked lips worked, as if trying to dredge up enough moisture to spit.
Gribble cocked his head, considering the dwarf. The way it crouched over its butchered comrades, its ruined face set in a rictus of furious determination. An unexpected ember of grudging respect kindled in his shriveled heart.
Here was a maggot with some backbone. A worm that fancied itself a viper, valiantly rearing up to strike at the boot-heel poised to crush its egg-mates. There was something perversely admirable in that level of futile defiance. A piquancy that would add a certain spice to the inevitable slaughter.
The dwarf awkwardly shuffled around to place itself between Gribble and the door. It raised the sword in its shaking hand, the point dipping and weaving drunkenly. Phlegm rattled in its throat, bubbling out as wet, wracking coughs.
Gribble smiled. A stretching of lips that was all mockery and malice, as empty of true mirth as a bare skull. He stepped into the chamber, the foxfire's glow painting the blood-slick walls the color of spoiled meat.
The rattle of bones echoed from the passageway behind him. The dwarf's rheumy eyes darted to the dark opening. They went wide as the first skeletal warrior stumbled into view, its frame a jangling patchwork of grave-remnants and dwarven battle-gear.
The dwarf made a sound then. A low, wordless moan that needed no translation. In it was horror and despair in equal measure, the final tattered threads of courage frayed past mending by the sight of its kin defiled.
Gribble breathed in the sour reek of the dwarf's anguish. Let it roll across his palate like a vintner savoring a rare draught. His hand crept to the hilt of his own sword, the vicious black blade seeming to drink in the foxfire's glow.
The dwarf's eyes snapped back to him. The moan climbed into a snarl clotted with equal parts fury and despair. Gribble watched the mortal mind behind those eyes fray and snap, the last gap-toothed cog slipping out of alignment.
With a roar like a scalded bear, the dwarf charged. The sword arced wildly, black with blood and fragments of its wielder's sanity. The broken thing had finally found the mercy of purpose in its madness, embracing destruction as the only absolution.
Gribble's blade leapt from its sheath with a whisper. Chill ebon metal met notched dwarven steel with a shriek. Sparks showered, reflecting in the skeletal warriors' empty eyes as they crowded the doorway.
The dwarf's sword shattered, shards of metal spinning across the room. One of the razor shards carved a line of brilliant pain across Gribble's cheek. He laughed again, his tongue darting out to lap at the welling ichor.
His blade sank into the meat of the dwarf's belly, grating on the cage of ribs. He twisted his wrist savagely, metal grating on bone. A loop of glistening intestine, gray as a drowned man's finger, flopped wetly from the gaping slash.
The dwarf's scream tore at its throat, flecking its beard with gobbets of blood. It clutched at its spilling guts with its one good hand, trying vainly to cram them back into the ruin of its stomach.
Gribble ripped his sword free. Loops of bowel draped his wrist like glistening ropes of rancid sausage. He flicked them away disdainfully. At his gesture, the skeletal warriors surged forward as one, bony claws grasping.
They fell on the dwarf in a clattering tide, bearing the twitching meat to the flagstones and tearing. Gobbets of flesh flew, blood spraying in abstract patterns across the walls. The dwarf's screams spiraled up into an agonized gibber.
Gribble stood over it all, drinking in the raw sounds of rending meat and splintering bone. He closed his eyes in an almost sexual ecstasy, feeling the dwarf's agony pour into him, filling some empty space behind his ribs.
He held up a hand, fingers splayed. The skeletal warriors froze, their gory work nearly complete. Only the dwarf's head remained, barely recognizable as anything that had once been thinking flesh.
Gribble crooked a finger. A gasp of foul air escaped the ruin of the dwarf's lipless mouth as its skull rose from the steaming spread of its body. Gobbets of meat sloughed away, followed by the wet slither of exposed brain.
The skull slipped free in a parody of birth. It drifted to orbit Gribble's head along with the cold flame of the foxfire. Empty sockets flickered, filling with a rotting emerald radiance.
Gribble turned and strode from the chamber, his grisly trophies bobbing in his wake. Gore squelched beneath his heavy boots. In the passageway beyond, more skeletons waited, their bones gleaming wetly in the spectral light.
The skull's jaw clacked and gibbered silently, mouthing imprecations or pleas. Gribble cared not. They were all the same to him. Meat and bone and squealing souls, all fodder for the dark machinations of his will.
He had an empire to build, and this pathetic midden heap of a fortress was only the first loose stone to pry from the crumbling edifice of mortality. One by one, he would topple their castles and crack open their yellowed philospher's scraps, until all that remained was the purity of the void. And he, Gribble, would rule over it all, the last fading scream before the fall of the eternal night.
The thought warmed him, a hideous dopamine rush better than the most decadent flesh or the headiest mead. His shoulders shook, not with weariness, but with a terrible, silent laughter.
He mounted the steps leading out of the ruined keep, trailing his grisly honor guard. The guttering flames were lower now, the smoke thicker. It seemed to part before him like a noxious bridal veil.
He reached the great rent in the wall where the main gate had once stood, now a gore-splattered wound in the keep's carcass. Beyond lay his army, a seething mass of rot-green wisps and bleached bone. An unliving sea, its depths pregnant with poisonous oblivion.
Gribble paused at the threshold, his gaze traveling across that vista of horror. The thing squatting in the center of his chest squeezed, not with sorrow or regret, but with a pure, distilled thrill of malevolent anticipation. This, all of this, was only the beginning.
With a final hacking bark of laughter, he raised his blade overhead. The foxfire raced down the ebon metal, wreathing the sword in ghostly corpse-light. At its master's signal, the unliving army rippled into motion.
As they marched from that shattered keep into a world as yet unaware of the onrushing tide of its extinction, Gribble could not help but feel that perhaps immortality was not so elusive a thing as the mortal philosophers had always preached. For as long as his name endured, whispered in the final fading nightmares of a doomed existence, would he not, in some twisted fashion, live forever?
The thought pleased him. And that, perhaps, was the most terrible thing of all.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:51 robbieaustinrocks (Selling) 4K and HD codes

• 4K codes •
$5 each • The Abyss • True Lies • Cliffhanger • American Sniper • Vertigo
$3 each
• The Avengers (2012) • Avengers Infinity War • Captain America Civil War • Rebel Without A Cause • The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
• HD codes •
$2 each
• Braven • Blockers • World War Z • Salt • Deepwater Horizon • Ghost in the Shell (2017)
submitted by robbieaustinrocks to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:49 No_Contribution7158 Since United States was absent in Girls frontline series what happened to US during the new American Civil War.

Okay, while I looked at the IOP WIKI, I noticed that the USA got a trouble about the American Civil War
What will happen if the US wins or not?
submitted by No_Contribution7158 to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:48 Renedog23 [Online][EST] [Other] [Saturday] Halo Mythic DM, looking for 1-2 players

Well, Im looking for 1-2 players for the game of Halo Mythic as the title says. As I have about 2-3 others already in the group
To start, I've played this for 6 years, Im extremely experienced in it day in and day out. But what is Halo Mythic? It is a tabletop set in the Halo universe of games from Microsoft and Bungie. (we are doing a very Bungie era -centric style of game, little to none of the 343 stuff) The game is currently in its 4th campaign the game has already begun for over a year now and we lost a few people and need some new folks to join us. But it should be simple to fit you in and I will teach you, walk you through it, and give you lore bits if you don't know or are lost. The system is a custom-made one of D100Dos, but most similar to CoC in essence. It is also HEAVILY modded to with our own homebrew and rulings. (as the base game isn't that good and we have to patch it and have patched it well.)
We play every Saturday at 10:45PM EST/ UTC -4, it's a strict time that is always this date usually.
The story isn't anything from the games either, it takes place around elements of the book and expanded lore, so no Spartans or Covenant yet. It takes place before the main Human-Covenant war during an era known as the Insurrection. Currently, humanity is on the cusp of a massive destructive civil war on all of its colonized space as in lore, and working our way up the timeline from there. The party is made up of a Marines and ODSTs joint task force. Their ultimate goal has been the hunting down of an Insurrectionist leader who is on the verge of kickstarting the massive war through his proxy wars and rebel fighting. Dealing with the political groups of their own factions, Insurrection, random groups, and a rose gallery of NPCs they meet along the way. Currently on the tropic world of Arcadia dealing with a cell of rebels called the FRA
The party is in the style of a 'Bad Batch' group of soldiers; guys and girls the military lumped together as they seemingly mess everything up but still get the job done. The story is reflected as such. This is a semi-serious but still very joke-heavy group environment with heavy story-focused and just a lot fo friends around the table joking and having fun form a hard week, light mil-sim elements but nothing overly super strict as even I don't like that, and hopefully, lots RP narrative from my players in this world and adventure they are all on. Overall, we just hang out and play like we mean it and chill when its been a hard week.
I expect a lot from my players; and this is a true job-style commitment if you choose to try and join. But I hope to see you if so for a fun time and goofy laughs if those are things you can deal with and accept.
We play on Roll20 and talk through Discord, voice chat is a major requirement, and to be 21+ as this is quite a serious game and to keep things mature with our attitudes of both jokes and comradery. If you are interested send me a message and I'll give you the information you need and an interview for it. I hope to see you!!!!
submitted by Renedog23 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:44 Dismal_Strawberry_18 [US] [H] Added new items, Ghibli Steels, Superman 4K Collection & Some OOP Titles [W] PayPal

New Additions
Offers are always welcome
Any questions just ask :)
Grave Of The Fireflies $500
The Cat Returns $175
Whisper Of The Heart $175
Castle In The Sky $150
Superman 4K Collection $180
Zombie Land Double Tap 4k Steelbook $20
Peter Pan Signature Collection Steelbook $70
Ratatouille Future Shop Bluray Steelbook (minor paint chips) $40
Superman Red Son $35
Batman Killing Joke $30
Batman Vs Two-Face $40
Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice Jim Lee Comic Art $90
Man Of Steel Jim Lee Comic Art $160
Big Hero 6 Target Steelbook $15
Mean Girls $22
Moana 3D $30
RWBY $50
Halloween kills $35
Home Alone Collection $65
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales $35
Batman Gotham by Gaslight $40
Spiderman Homecoming $85
Logan 4K $115
Suicide Squad $50
Black Panther Original Release $35
Reign Of The Supermen 4k $50
Dragon Ball Z $40 each
Wonder Woman Bloodlines $25
Batman vs Two Face $40
Wonder Woman $40
Rise of the Planet of the Apes $70
The Meg 4K $80
Justice League War $30
Avengers Civil War (Opened) $30
Pixels (Metalpak) $40
Pitch Perfect $25
Ant Man Quantumania $40
submitted by Dismal_Strawberry_18 to SteelbookSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:40 GameDesignerMan I've been changed by Blind Old Tom

I've put a few hundred hours into SS14, and while it's been great I've found myself falling into a "rut" so to speak. I'll do my job to the best of my ability, then stand around waiting for something to happen. Sometimes I'll get a spark of inspiration and try to set up "Botbay" or renovate the abandoned bar and staff it with the station's animals, but it can be hard finding a new shtick to keep the game entertaining and even harder to get other people interested in it.
But over the past couple of days I've found something. The same kind of energy that the mimes and clowns of the station have been hoarding all this time. And I found it in the form of Blind Old Tom.
Blind Old Tom is a 199 year old Diona with permanent blindness, terrible hearing, onset dementia, and he's opened my eyes (pun intended) to what role play really means. He constantly mistakes inanimate machines for borgs. He climbs on glass tables and wanders into disposal chutes. When he's a doctor he will mistake a toolbox for his doctor's bag and try to take your temperature with a t-ray scanner. Tom is the personification of "stop worrying and have fun."
My favorite part of B.O.T is that it is impossible for other players not to interact with him (in a healthy way, see Tom's rules). When I've tried to engage nukies by shouting "point me at em!" someone will inevitably try to drag Tom out of the fray. If you stand around telling the microwave to "state its laws" someone will eventually tell you that you're talking to a microwave. There has never been an evac where Tom has been left behind because no one can ignore the geriatric Diona that keeps electrocuting himself on the nearest APC. It's refreshing to play Tom because I never have to worry about "winning." That's not what Tom is for.
I don't think you should play a character like Tom and I don't think you should play a quirky character all the time but I do think more people should role play in ways that don't focus on winning. Mimes and clowns have the right idea when they're played well. If you do decide to play such a character, I have a few tips that will help you enhance other peoples' experience instead of pissing them off. For reference, here are Tom's rules. He has a lot of them:
So that's Tom. Say hi to him if you see him on the station.
submitted by GameDesignerMan to ss14 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:38 Leona_Main03 SkyUI simply not working.

The title says it all. I've had many errors during all the modding I did in Skyrim. But SkyUI simply not working is the very first time, this never happened even on Oldrim. I, in all honesty, dont have a clue of what's going on.
I have the latest SKSE version, did a clean install and all that. Just doesn't work. First time playing (and modding) SSE and as of now I might aswell just uninstall it. I've tried adding screenshots and videos to this post but I dont know how lol I'm not really used to using reddit. Any guesses???
Load order:
0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm
254 FE 0 ccQDRSSE001-SurvivalMode.esl
254 FE 1 ccBGSSSE037-Curios.esl
6 6 ccBGSSSE025-AdvDSGS.esm
254 FE 2 _ResourcePack.esl
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esm
Water for ENB.esm
Particle Patch for ENB.esp
Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
Unlimited Training.esp
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
SRC - All In One.esp
aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp
Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp
JKs Skyrim.esp
Cutting Room Floor.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
Civil War Overhaul.esp
Locked Chests Have Keys.esp
The Great Town of Karthwasten.esp
Helgen Reborn.esp
Awesome Artifacts.esp
Brynjolf and the Riften GuildSE.esp
Embers XD.esp
Immersive Encounters.esp
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.esp
Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp
Dawnguard - Tweaks and Enhancements.esp
Skyrim On Skooma.esp
Better Vampire NPCs.esp
Tel Mithryn.esp
SRC - AIO - 3DNPC Patch.esp
ForgottenCity - Good Ending Tweaks.esp
Skaal Village.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Innocence Lost - Quest Expansion.esp
Immersive Weapons_WACCF_Patch.esp
Infiltration - Quest Expansion.esp
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
Deadly Shadows over Solitude.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
The Heart Of Dibella - Quest Expansion.esp
Deadly Shadows of Markarth.esp
Deadly Shadows of Windhelm.esp
Deadly Shadows of Riften.esp
JKs Skyrim_Mirai_Patch.esp
SRC - AIO - Tactical Valtheim Patch.esp
Fyr Manor Merged.esp
Northern Marsh Bridges SE.esp
Sneak Tools.esp
Better Vampire Weapons.esp
Embers XD - Patch - JKs Skyrim.esp
Headhunter - Bounties Redone.esp
The Whispering Door - Quest Expansion.esp
SRC - AIO - Inigo Patch.esp
Caught Red Handed - Quest Expansion.esp
WACCF_Survival Mode_Patch.esp
Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
Opulent Thieves Guild - USSEP Patch.esp
Defeat the Dragon Cult.esp
My Home Is Your Home.esp
Alduin Bane Fix.esp
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
MBW Dragon Souls to Perk Points - v3.esp
Common Clothes and Armors.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp
Bijin Wives.esp
Bijin NPCs.esp
RSC CRF Patch.esp
RSC Forgotten City Patch.esp
RSC 3DNPC Patch.esp
Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp
True Scholar.esp
Artful Dodger - Dynamic Pickpocket Cap.esp
Volkihar Knight.esp
Daedric Voice.esp
3DNPC - CRF Patch.esp
Opulent Thieves Guild - Sneak Tools Patch.esp
Opulent Thieves Guild - FPS Fix.esp
Opulent Thieves Guild - SUT Patch.esp
Perks from Questing.esp
Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
AOS_EBT Patch.esp
More Dialogue Options.esp
More Dialogue Options - TCBM patch.esp
Silent Unarmed.esp
Sithis Armour.esp
Legendary Alpha Shields.esp
shalidor's maze fixes.esp
Immersive Encounters - RS Children Patch.esp
SIC WACCF Patch.esp
OBIS WACCF Patch.esp
dD-Larger Drips.esp
Nord Raven Battle Armor.esp
Nord Vagabond Armor.esp
KS Hairdo's.esp
SDA Castle Volkihar Rebuilt Patch.esp
Titus Mede I's Armor - My version by Xtudo.esp
College of Winterhold Quest Start Fixes.esp
Cathedral Weathers.esp
Cathedral Weathers - Patch - Rudy ENB.esp
Summermyst - WACCF Patch.esp
Book Of Shadows.esp
The Whispering Door QE - USSEP Patch.esp
More Dialogue Options - Immersive Encounters patch.esp
Water for ENB - Patch - Wyrmstooth.esp
Water for ENB - Patch - Falskaar.esp
Water for ENB - Patch - Beyond Reach.esp
Vigilant Voiced.esp
Innocence Lost QE - USSEP Patch.esp
NPCs React To Invisibility.esp
The Heart of Dibella QE - RS Children Patch.esp
Dynamic Activation Key.esp
Take A Peek - New Stealth Mechanic.esp
SDA Serana Cure Quest Plus Patch.esp
Sidequests of Skyrim.esp
Immersive Death Cycle.esp
Bandit Lines Expansion.esp
NPCs Take Cover.esp
Take a Nap.esp
Infiltration QE - CRF Patch.esp
DTE - USSEP Patch.esp
Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
The Brotherhood of Old.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
SDA Convenient Horses Patch.esp
More Dialogue Options - Immersive Citizens patch.esp
Water for ENB (Shades of Skyrim).esp
Water for ENB - Patch - Rudy ENB.esp
submitted by Leona_Main03 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:34 Relative_Stage8547 Is this a civil war soldier

Is this a civil war soldier
Just purchased this lot of tin type photos and noticed one looks like hes wearing a civil war jacket. I'm not very knowledgeable on civil war uniforms and wondered if anyone could tell me if this was or was not a civil war soldier. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Relative_Stage8547 to CIVILWAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:34 No-Detective-1812 Looking for Tony/Bucky fic

Post-civil war, Tony texts the phone Steve gave him. Bucky texts back, but Tony thinks he’s talking to Steve. A relationship develops and when the rogue avengers get back to New York, Tony realizes he’s been talking to Bucky the whole time. Anyone recognize it?
submitted by No-Detective-1812 to MarvelFanfiction [link] [comments]