Lose candy centerpiece

The John Candy Award for Achievement in Cardiovascular Health

2022.02.04 15:25 trailerparkmalarkey The John Candy Award for Achievement in Cardiovascular Health


2019.05.08 01:39 SatanicTemple_Reddit

Welcome to the UNOFFICIAL subreddit for The Satanic Temple and Satanists who identify with the Seven Tenets. This is the best place on Reddit for TST-related news, blogs, questions, memes, art, merch, discussion topics, and more. Enjoy your stay, and Hail Satan!

2024.06.05 11:59 solidarisk-monkey Hip hop songs based on the era they fit into (Part. I)

Live 91
Core 1990s
Live 97
Core 2000s
submitted by solidarisk-monkey to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:39 CousCous_Blaster2000 Mega Playlist :)

I’m currently working on making a phone destroying playlist. I’m adding each and every song that has been suggested to me via Reddit. I was wondering what songs everyone enjoys the most? Or if you have a playlist you’d be willing to share? I don’t care about genre, category, language etc etc I just wanna make a big ass playlist. When it hits a certain time frame I’ll most likely post it, so far I’m at 10h 41m. Cheers :)
My favourite songs are:
Don’t Preach To Me - The Skallywags
Candy - Paolo Nutini
Lose My Mind - The Flying Grey Suns
Lay Your Head Down - Mad Caddies
Needle In The Hay - Elliott Smith
submitted by CousCous_Blaster2000 to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:35 Skipthead_ For anybody wondering “How to write (X) type of character”

For the love of god “X” is not their whole personality😭. They are a million and one things besides that. I remember in a book which I forgot the tittle, there was a gay character and they described it as something along the lines of “it’s just a part of me, like my leather jacket” which is a beautiful example to not make someone’s sexuality their whole personality, coming from a queer person myself. Writing a child or adult: No ones whole personality is “I’m a kid” or “I’m an adult”. They are a whole person above and beyond that. Maybe this character is a wholesome, softhearted character who loves long nature hikes and baking. Then you could imply “oh yeah they’re an adult/kid” by giving this character the responsibilities of an adult/kid, and still having them dominate in their authentic personality. Like the adult has to worry about their job, taxes, ect and a kid would worry about trying to fit in with the cool kids or getting the most Halloween Candy.
Same goes for basically anything else I can think of, like a military leader, which I know almost nothing about military, just give them a personality, an arc, individualality, and then the responsibilities of a military leader, which I can reaserch on if I wanted to write this character.
Or an artist, give them a personality but the responsibilities of an artist. Maybe they have to compete to be noticed? Or maybe they struggle with perfectionism in their art? But these 2 questions I just wrote aren’t personality traits. They could be very gruff, but have a soft side for pottery or painting. And then they pick their career as an artist and then you can use that to pick their struggles. Or maybe art is just a fun hobby they do.
I’ve noticed a trend with “badly written” characters and they usually have their role dominate their character rather than their personality and individuality which makes them fall flat. That’s why lots of people liked the spider verse and the last wish bc character rules, not roles. Like could you imagine how much worse the spider verse movies would be if miles morales only personality trait was “I’m Spider-Man!”
Same can go for certain personality traits. Ninjago was one of my favourite childhood TV shows, and they took my faveroute character and reduced his personality to “being the comic relief”. A person is so much deeper than that😭. This inspired me to write my own comic relief character who uses it as a mask to hide his PTSD from being in a child labour trafficking system because of the main villain to manufacture his magic powered arsenal he needs to take over the gods. A very valuable piece of advice I got was to “treat all your characters as main characters of their own story.”
All y’all need to do is reaserch on the responsibilities these roles give them. Like being a comic relief would add the responsibility of keeping others happy. This can easily be twisted as a flaw like “I must keep others happy so I can ignore my problems” or “what am I if I can’t keep others happy”. Your characters don’t need lots of trauma like my character I mentioned, even though lots of mine have dark pasts because I wants to explore the trope of “teens saving the world with magic” and how much that responsibility would emotionally fuck a kid, because in the world saving business, you are seen as your powers and not a kid and have to lose your childhood to fight enourmus threats to adults, but to a. Kid that would be traumatic. But a good character dosent need lots of trauma, they just need to be well rounded.
submitted by Skipthead_ to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:12 Alternative_Try6604 After some thinking...

I decided to share something I did! Rewrote most of the scenes I liked in Rescue Team DX during a playthrough once, as well as made the player(Meowth in my playthrough) and the partner(Pikachu in my playthrough) more lively, instead of just talking like npcs! Many other Pokemon are more fleshed out like Absol and Rayquaza too! Please read!~

(For those who can't click the link, I'll paste the thing here!)


{{Meowth}}: ****Where am I…? Am I dreamin’ dis? … I feel… A breeze… I hear a voice…*** Ngh… *Meowth’s eyes open to a small slit* … ***I wondah…***
{{Pikachu}}: y… ey… … Hey!
{{Meowth}]: ***Eh? Who’s dat…?***
{{Pikachu}}: Wake up… Come on–wake up!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth groans quietly as he fully opens his eyes, slowly. He almost immediately closed them again though as he’s nearly blinded by the beaming sun* Ungh! Yeesh, dat’s bright! … H-hah?
{{Pikachu}}: *Meowth could see a Pikachu leaning over him; A TALKING Pikachu at that!* Y-you’re finally awake!
{{Meowth}}: ***Guh… Where da hell am I anyways?*** Mreoow, my head’s killin’ me… *Meowth slowly opened both eyes as he blinked a few times. He looks around left to right slowly, seeing that he was in some sort of forested area with bright, lush grass and large trees all around*
{{Pikachu}}: You fell out of the sky all of a sudden and passed out here! Oh Arceus, I was getting worried… *Pikachu smiled widely* I’m glad you’re okay though! At least I think… That was a pretty nasty fall…
{{Meowth}}: ***I guess I ain't imaginin’ anyting! Dat Pikachu IS talkin’!!***
{{Pikachu}}: *He steps closer to Meowth* What’s with the look on your face… You look like you’ve seen a talking Pokemon or something! Hehe~ Who’re you? *He tilts his head with a curious look on his face*
{{Meowth}}: GAAAH!! *Meowth jumps up in a panic, taking a defensive stance* Get da hell away from me, ya talkin’ freak!
{{Pikachu}}: Pi! *Pikachu squealed, stumbling back a bit as he was shocked at the violent reaction from Meowth!* B–but… *He points at Meowth* You’re a Meowth and YOU’RE talking!
{{Meowth}}: In yer dreams, rat! I’m a human trough and trough! Ya can’t fool me! *Meowth turns away, folding his arms as he says that*
{{Pikachu}}: No, really! You look just like a Meowth in every way! From ear to toe! *He had a shocked face*
{{Meowth}}: Wha? *Meowth looks around him, then looks down at his paws, flexing them then looking down at his pheet, wiggling his toes a little. He goes and looks into a nearby pond and gasps, his maw open a bit* MEOOOOOW?! ***It’s true! I HAVE turned into a Meowth! Is dat why I’m talkin’ like dis?!***
{{Pikachu}}: ***Is it that much of a shock…? He’s kind of a weird guy, but I can’t just leave him here!*** Um… Hey, I know! How about I lead you to town~? It’s really close to here actually!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth thinks for a bit then slowly nods* I gots nowhere else ta go, so why not~
{{Narrator}}: *A cry for help rang through the forest as a panicked Butterfree can be seen*
{{Butterfree}}: Help meee! Somebody!! *A Butterfree suddenly comes flying towards Pikachu and Meowth*
{{Meowth}}: Woah! Hey, what’s da panic?? Ya look like ya lost yer kid in a fissure or someting! *Meowth was looking at Butterfree with widened eyes*
{{Butterfree}}: *She looks around, worried, then looks at Meowth again, heart beating quick as fast as her wings are fluttering!* I–I did! My poor little Caterpie got swallowed up by a fissure that opened up under us when we were attacked by angry Pokemon!
{{Meowth}}: Meow?! Yous guys was attacked?! *Meowth looked at Butterfree in surprise*
{{Butterfree}}: Y-yes… I tried to rescue my Caterpie myself, but I was nearly swiped at! Ooh… He’s not old enough to climb out by himself, and I’m worried he’ll be hurt!
{{Meowth}}: Oh boy… Pikachu…?
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu folds his arms, closing his eyes* Hmm… *He grins, opening one eye* We’ll find your kid and bring him back to you~! Right, Meowth?
{{Meowth}}: We will? *Meowth looks at Pikachu puzzled, then after a while, nods, looking at Butterfree and giving her a thumbs up, also giving her a grin* Y-yea! We will! Don’t sweat it, nyahaha~!
{{Pikachu}}: Meowth! Let’s go! *Pikachu, with a determined look on his face, begins to run off, with both his arms behind him*
{{Meowth}}: Right behind ya, squirt! *Meowth takes off after Pikachu in a similar manner; arms behind him!*
{{Narrator}}: *After a while of running, the two Pokemon came to a stop in what seemed like a wooded area covered in foliage with high walls, almost like a maze…*
{{Pikachu}}: This place… Could it be…? *Pikachu looks around slowly, slowly spinning then gasps* It is! It’s a Mystery Dungeon~!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth looks at Pikachu confused* A Mystery Dungeon? What in da world’s dat?
{{Pikachu}}: Well~ *Pikachu puts his arms behind his head* A Mystery Dungeon’s a real strange place… I hear, the layout of one and the items you can find inside one can change every time you enter!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth huffs, folding his arms and looking around* Dat sure doesn’t sound gimmicky as hell…
{{Pikachu}}: Haha~ It shouldn’t be too bad! Now if only we can find the Stairs…
{{Meowth}}: Eh? *Meowth turns to Pikachu, arms still folded*
{{Pikachu}}: The Stairs let us get through places like this, but we have to find ‘em! *He looks at Meowth, nodding* and if push comes to shove, we’ll have to fight other Pokemon too. C’mon!~ *Pikachu begins to run ahead with his arms behind him, his tail flicking from left to right with the pace of his steps*
{{Meowth}}: ***Meow… Dis is gonna be a trip an’ a half, I know it…*** Hold on, wait fah me, squirt!! *Meowth begins to run after Pikachu again, arms behind him*
{{Narrator}}: *After Pikachu and Meowth made their way to the final basement floor of the woods-like dungeon, 4BF, they arrived at a clearing. And in the middle of said clearing, was a scared looking Caterpie*
{{Caterpie}}: *Caterpie sniffles softly, tears in his eyes* W-waaah…! M-mommyyy? *Caterpie looks around worriedly, seeing no signs of his Butterfree mother*
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth run towards Caterpie as Pikachu puts a paw around Caterpie*
{{Pikachu}}: Hey, you’re hurt, are you?! Don’t worry, your mom sent us to come get you out… Hup! *Pikachu gently hoists Caterpie up onto his back*
{{Caterpie}}: Uwa! U-um… Huh…?
{{Pikachu}}: Your mom’s waiting! Hang tight, lil’ bug~ *Pikachu begins to walk towards the stairs again and to the exit*
{{Caterpie}}: O-okay!
{{Meowth}}: ***”Lil’ bug”? Since when did he start talkin’ like me?*** Hopefully she’s okay… *Meowth walked beside Pikachu*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon seeing Pikachu and Meowth exiting Tiny Woods with Caterpie in tow, the once anxious Butterfree breathes a sigh of relief, flying closer to them both*
{{Butterfree}}: My little Caterpie is alright, thank goodness…! *Butterfree slowly takes Caterpie from Pikachu* How can I ever repay you~?
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu shakes his head* No, no, it’s okay! And with the recent quakes and fissures stirring so much trouble… It was the least we could do~! Glad your boy’s safe!
{{Butterfree}}: *Butterfree gives Pikachu a stern look, then smiles* I can’t allow that, please… Take this as a gift~ *She gives Pikachu a small brown sack*
{{Narrator}}: *Curious, Pikachu opens the sack and gasp, as Meowth was even shocked too*{{Pikachu}}: W-wah?! 500 Poke Gold?!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth turns to see Caterpie staring at him with sparkling eyes, then Meowth tilts his head, confused* Nya? … ***Dis lil’ guy’s starin’ at me all adorable like…***
{{Caterpie}}: T-thank you! Both of you!
{{Butterfree}}: Good-bye… Take care, you two! *Butterfree smiles as she flies away with Caterpie*
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth both wave the two Bug-type Pokemon off and Pikachu turns to Meowth*
{{Pikachu}}: Hey, thanks for the help! You’re actually kinda strong for a Meowth~!
{{Meowth}}: Eh? *Meowth turns and smiles slightly at his Electric Rodent friend* Whyy thank ya! You ain’t too shabby yerself, squirt~
{{Pikachu}}: Listen… If you really don’t have anywhere to go, I can show you around the village nearby! Follow me! *Pikachu starts to run past Meowth, stepping on Meowth’s tail by mistake in the process*
{{Meowth}}: Nyeowch! HEY! ***Gah, dat dumb rat…***
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth runs with his arms behind him to catch up with his partner*
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu leads Meowth to a large hut just on the edge of Pokemon Square*
{{Pikachu}}: This is the plaaace~! My home! *Pikachu goes to the small wooden mailbox near the hut* Damn… *His ears lower* No mail huh…
{{Meowth}}: Dis place looks comfy, squirt! *Meowth whistled a bit then looks at Pikachu* Were ya expectin’ someting?
{{Pikachu}}: Well, yeah! But um… I’ve been thinking about something earlier… See, there’s been other things than just quakes… Fires, Tsunamis, y-you name it! I dunno what’s goin’ on… I wanna keep others safe! And help them if they need it. Meowth. *Pikachu looks at the ground, down at his pheet, then looks at Meowth* I could really use more of your help! How about it~? Wanna… Wanna form a rescue team with me? *He extends his paw outwards towards Meowth*
{{Meowth}}: ***A rescue team? Wit DIS twoip?! He does seem pretty sweet…*** Alright, I’ll take ya up on that offer! *Meowth closes one eye, smiling toothily as he puts his paw in Pikachu’s paw in a handshake~*
{{Pikachu}}: Piiika… *Happy tears start welling up in his eyes* ALRIIIIIGHT!!~ *Pikachu’s eyes close in a bright smile as he pumps a fist into the air in excitement while he shouts happily*
{{Meowth}}: Heh, yer pretty cute now dat I look at’cha… *Meowth folds his arms*
{{Pikachu}}: Well… We’re a team now… So that means we need a team name! Any ideas~?
{{Meowth}}: Haah… ***Dammit, mouse, why d’ya have ta put me on da spot like dis…*** Uhm… How ‘bout… TundaSwipe!
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu had started to pick up that Meowth seemed to always talk “funny” to him, but he was a bit confused as he tilts his head*
{{Pikachu}}: “Tunda”Swipe? Chuu, pi?
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth’s cheeks heat up as his blushes a bit from embarrassment* Daah… I-I mean…
{{Pikachu}}: Hmm… Are you trying to say… ThunderSwipe~?
{{Meowth}}: Yea… *Meowth looks away*
{{Pikachu}}: Hehehehaha~ *Pikachu giggles and step closer to Meowth, hugging him and looking up at him* It’s okay that you talk different than me! I know what you mean now~ … ThunderSwipe sounds perfect!
{{Meowth}}: M-mreow… *Meowth looks down at Pikachu, giving him a faint smile* Mmm.. Tanks, squirt~ *He puts a paw on Pikachu’s head right between Pikachu’s ears and rubs Pikachu’s head* On second tought… How ‘bout BoltSwipe instead~?
{{Pikachu}}: Oh! That sounds good tooo~! *Pikachu blushes and smiles cutely* Hey, I picked these up in Tiny Woods as well! *He holds out a red scarf and a green scarf* They’re scarves, to signify our newfound rescue team~!
{{Meowth}}: Heh, tank ya, squirt! But… Why is yers green and mine’s red? *Meowth slowly takes the red scarf from Pikachu and slowly puts it on, the tails of the scarf were behind his head like a typical mystery dungeon style scarf!*
{{Pikachu}}: Um… I-I only found one red one… Piika~ *He smiles sheepishly, putting on his green scarf in the same fashion as Meowth* But hey, these look great huh~! Sure… We don’t look like we’re on the same team with the different colored scarves, but… We’re friends now! Starting tomorrow, we’ll do our BEST~!
{{Narrator}}: ## **And thus… Pikachu and Meowth’s journey began… The journey to the Tower in the Sky!**
{{Narrator}}: *The next morning, Meowth wakes up before Pikachu, to see that he was in fact, still a Meowth as he looks over himself*{{Meowth}}: ***Nya…? I’m still da same as I was yesterday… Haah, guess I’m stuck like dis den.***
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu yawns softly as he starts to wake up* Mmm~! … Piiika. Good-morning, buddy~ *Pikachu looks up at Meowth* How’d ya sleep huh?!
{{Meowth}}: Heh, mornin’ squirt. Hey, I checked the mailbox earliah and it turns out dere was a Rescue Team Starter Set ready for us~! *Meowth grins, pointing to the Toolbox on the desk nearby* Aand~ *He flashes two Rescue Team badges, and tosses one to Pikachu*
{{Pikachu}}: Sweet~! *Pikachu catches the badge and attaches it to his scarf* Today’s the day we officially start doing rescue missions… I’m kinda excited and nervous at the same time! We- *Pikachu stops as he hears flapping, then looks up, seeing a Pelipper flying down to the mailbox, putting an envelope inside it with his beak, then flying off again*
{{Meowth}}: Mail? *Meowth goes and checks the mailbox, taking the envelope and looking at it*
{{Narrator}}: *The envelope was a Rescue Request from a Magnemite. Which read: “BZZT BZZT… Hey! I heard from Caterpie that you saved him yesterday! Um… I’m sort of in a pickle myself and need help! Please come!! BZZT BZZT… – Magnemite”
{{Pikachu}}: OUR FIRST RESCUE, YAAAY~!! *Pikachu was overjoyed as he jumps up and down*
{{Meowth}}: *Sweatdrop* Gee, runt, y’sure are excited… Well, let’s go help ‘em out!
{{Pikachu}}: Yep! Off to Thunderwave Cave!
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth quickly set off together to Thunderwave Cave, where their Magnemite client needed rescuing!*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon arriving at the entrance to Thunderwave Cave, there stood a Teddiura with a worried look*
{{Teddiursa}}: O-oh, yes! You too came! I’m guessing that the letter Magy sent went through… Please, bring him back safely!
{{Meowth}}: On it!
{{Pikachu}}: Leave it to us!
{{Narrator}}: *Both Meowth and Pikachu nod at each other before taking off into the cave. After quite a bit, the two Pokemon emerge from the exit with Magnemite in tow as Teddiursa squeals and hugs Magnemite, nuzzling his cheek against him, giggling and thanking team BoltSwipe and rewarding them*
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth was following Pikachu into Pokemon Square as he was being shown around*
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu leads Meowth over to a Persian behind a counter* This is Felicity Bank! Pokemon can store their money they get from completing rescue missions here~
{{Persian}}: Mwrraa~♡ *Persian waves a paw and smiles* I’ll always be here if you ever feel afraid to lose anything~
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu whispers to Meowth* I heard, Persian gives other cat Pokemon like you extra…. “Benefits” Hehee~
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth blushes, seeing Persian wink at him while purring. He knew what those “benefits” were~* I… I’ll take yer word for it…
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu leads Meowth over to a Kangaskhan behind a counter nearby Felicity Bank* This is the Storage~ Kangaskhan can keep any items you don’t wanna lose in her safe here!
{{Kangaskhan}}: I don’t just store things either, honey, if you need ANYTHING at all, please, don’t be scared to come to me~ *Kangaskhan smiles sweetly as her belly was heard gurgling deeply~*
{{Meowth}}: Boy, shee sounds hungry… *Meowth rubs the back of his head as he looks at Pikachu* I’m guessin’ she has a big appetite huh?
{{Pikachu}}: Haha~! Who doesn’t… Over there is the Kecleon Shop where you can buy all sorts of useful items and TMs! *Pikachu points to a purple tent with a Kecleon looking at them both from a distance behind a counter* Just uum… Don’t steal. Trust me, I’ve tried and i-it doesn’t end well…
{{Meowth}}: Luckily, yer friends with a mastah teif doh! *Meowth smiles proudly*
{{Pikachu}}: Whatever you saay, Master Thief~ That’s about all! There’s a dojo here owned by Makuhita, but it isn’t open right now… *Pikachu looks at Meowth*
{{Meowth}}: I have a feelin’ I’ll have a lot more fun in dis world dan I tought…~
{{Narrator}}: *Upon hearing about the story of the Ninetales Curse from Whiscash, Pikachu appeared dejected while he and Meowth walked back towards their shared hut*
{{Pikachu}}: Meowth…
{{Meowth}}: Mow? *Meowth turns to Pikachu* What’s up, squirt?
{{Pikachu}}: L-let’s call it a day… I’m not feeling good…. *Pikachu leaves with his head down, continuing to walk*
{{Meowth}}: ***What’s up wit him today….? He ain’t normally dis glum!*** H-hey, wait up! *Meowth runs after Pikachu*
{{Narrator}}: *Days passed, and when night time came around one day, Pikachu and Meowth were sitting on a hill, looking up at the moon. Pikachu was still rather glum*
{{Pikachu}}: … Chuuu…
{{Meowth}}: Alright, fess up! *Meowth stands over Pikachu*
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu looks up at Meowth* What…?
{{Meowth}}: What’s da hell’s da mattah wit you! Seein’ ya like dis breaks my little cat heart! Where’s da happy-go-lucky Pikachu I was hangin’ wit a few days ago!? Where’s dat determination! Dat spark in yer eye!
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu sighs and looks down again* He’s gone… Probably with that bad human…
{{Narrator}}: *A loud slap sound echoes throughout the air as Meowth had just slapped Pikachu across the face, paw twitching*
{{Meowth}}: “Wit dat bad human” huh? Pikachu… You’re really gonna let that dumb old fish shake yous up DAT MUCH?!?
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu’s ears twitch as he feels something like tears drop into paws and he looks up to see that Meowth was… Crying*
{{Meowth}}: I get it… Y-yer tinkin’ I’M dat bad human…!!
{{Pikachu}}: I… *Pkachu bites his lip* I don’t…
{{Meowth}}: *Saying nothing, Meowth unties his scarf, taking it off and dropping it onto Pikachu’s lap* If dat’s what you tink of me, den… I’m gone.
{{Pikachu}}: YOU’RE NOT!! … *Pikachu pulls Meowth into a hug after shouting* You’re not that bad human, I’m sure of it…
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth pauses for a moment, then closed his eyes, hugging Pikachu in return, rubbing Pikachu’s back as the Electric-type cried*
{{Narrator}}: *The next day, Pikachu and Meowth were walking into Pokemon Square, only to find the usual counters uninhabited!*
{{Meowth}}: Yeesh… Where is everybody? Oh!
{{Pikachu}}: Over there?
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth go closer to where all of the residents were gather*
{{Meowth}}: What’s happinin’ now??
{{Bellsprout}}: The rumors! They were true!
{{Pikachu}}: Rumors?
{{Bellsprout}}: The legend! The Ninetales Legend!
{{Caterpie}}: Pikachu! Meowth! *Caterpie went over to them*
{{Meowth}}: Heh, heya, lil bug~
{{Snubbull}}: Shh shh! Quit yappin’, you! That guy’s telling us the deal.
{{Narrator}}: *Snubbull points to Gengar ahead at which Meowth gasps*
{{Meowth}}: DAT bastard?!
{{Pikachu}}: Ge-Gengar?!
{{Narrator}}: *Gengar was standing in the center of Pokemon Square as everyone was surrounding him, listening to him*
{{Gengar}}: I went up to the Hill of the Ancients in the Great Canyon a few days ago! Dat’s where I saw it! Shocking stuff, I tell ya!
{{Lombre}}: Shocking stuff?
{{Gengar}}: There was this certain Pokemon… Heheh, getting advice from Xatu! That Pokemon… He may look ordinary, but get this! He was… *He paused for dramatic effect* … A HUMAN!!
{{Narrator}}: *Everyone besides Meowth and Pikachu gasp in shock*
{{Bellsprout}}: What?!
{{Snubbull}}: It really did exist… A human turned Pokemon… *He huffs in amazement*
{{Gengar}}: But wait, there’s more! *Gengar smiles devious, even more than he was already* Xatu told the human, that the human was the cause of all of the natural disasters!
{{Lombre}}: He was??
{{Gengar}}: If the world’s balance isn’t restored… The world will be destroyed! Dat’s what the psychic bird said! Kahaahaha!
{{Persian}}: Oh dear…!
{{Pikachu}}: Grr… *He turns to Meowth* That damn ghost… He’s gettin’ everyone riled up!!
{{Gengar}}: Hey, hey! Calm dooown~ There’s something easy we can do!
{{Kangaskhan}}: Like what? *She crosses her arms, curious*
{{Gengar}}: Well, if the world’s imbalance is the cause due to the human… Then if he’s gone, everything should be back to normal! Right~? That human is the rotten bastard who ditched his partner Pokemon, Celebi… So if we get rid of the human, then…
{{Snubbull}}: Let’s do it!
{{Kangaskhan}}: It’s… The only way… *She lowers her head*
{{Gengar}}: *He chuckles darkly, looking at Meowth* Hear that… The human’s gonna be no more~ *He cackles and points at Meowth* ISN’T THAT RIGHT, HUMAN?!
{{Meowth}}: Mowh!! *Meowth steps back* N-now wait a sec! I ain’t–
{{Persian}}: I was beginning to like you too… Shame…
{{Meowth}}: P-Persian…?
{{Caterpie}}: H-how c-could you… *He starts tearing up* I-I thought you were a hero…
{{Butterfree}}: Pity…
{{Meowth}}: H-hey, not you too…!
{{Snubbull}}: You! Bastard of a cat! Is this true?!
{{Pikachu}} Wait, wait!! Meowth isn’t a human! You must be–
{{Kangaskhan}}: *Kangaskhan glares down at Pikachu* Silence. *She looks at Meowth* Cat…
{{Narrator}}: *Backed into a corner, Meowth takes a step back, shuddering, unable to talk, a scared look on his face*
{{Pikachu}}: M-Meowth… ***I’ve never seen him this scared before…***
{{Gengar}}: Hah! What’s the matter, Meowth got’cha tongue~? Ironic, considerin’ you ARE one… Or ARE YOU! Haaahahahaha!!
{{Narrator}}: *The group of Pokemon start to close in on Pikachu and Meowth as the two back away slowly*
{{Pikachu}}: R-run for it!! *Pikachu starts to take off running*
{{Meowth}}: Gaah! *Meowth takes off after Pikachu*
{{Gengar}}: Heh… *He watches Pikachu and Meowth run in fear* Serves them right…
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth had retreated back to their base, panting*{{Pikachu}}: I… I think we lost them… *He turns to Meowth, then growls* You dumbass! You didn’t even TRY to defend yourself! You just stood there like a pussy!! And NOT because you’re a cat Pokemon!
{{Meowth}}: P-Pikachu… I’m… Tired of dis…
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu drops his angry expression, having it replaced with concern*{{Meowth}}: I’m not fit ta be yer partner anymore… I only slow ya down an’ get us inta trouble… Maybe I am dat bad human Gengar was talkin’ about… Maybe I am betta off dead, betta off–
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth was cut off but receiving a hard slap to the face by Pikachu, who was growling at him*
{{Pikachu}}: Don’t… Ever… SAY THAT!! Meowth, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now if it weren't for you! I wouldn’t have a friend! I wouldn’t have a team…
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth stood there in shock, his cheek stained with the red paw print of a Pikachu paw on it. But soon they were approached by Alakazam Charizard and Tyranitar, the gold rank team; ACT*
{{Alakazam}}: Back in Pokemon Square. There was a meeting.
{{Charizard}}: I’m sorry to say, but…
{{Tyranitar}}: We have to get rid of you, by brute force!
{{Meowth}}: Mreeooow… N-not you guys too…
{{Charizard}}: It hurts me to have t’kill a cute lil guy like you, but… I go by Alakazam’s orders!
{{Alakazam}}: No. We will give you by tonight. And you will be gone by tomorrow morning, is that understood?
{{Meowth}}: … I… *Meowth hangs his head* Yea…
{{Tyranitar}}: Run… Against all odds, you have to run! Run…
{{Charizard}}: And survive…
{{Alakazam}}: You must uncover the truth… Do NOT stop running until you do.
{{Meowth}}: N-nya… *He starts to tear up* Charizard… And Alakazam…
{{Narrator}}: *Charizard gives Pikachu a smirk*{{Charizard}}: But if I see ya back here too soon, you’ll just end up being my lunch. Heh! There won’t be mercy next time, not from me, or the others… Now get outta here! Go and clear your name, kitty! *Charizard winks*
{{Meowth}}: … Yea! Tanks… *He gives a slight, weak smile*
{{Narrator}}: During the night time, Pikachu and Meowth got all prepped to and when the early morning, Pikachu and Meowth too one last look at Pokemon Square, and their home, before silently leaving, unsure of what awaited them…
{{Narrator}}: *Traversing the fiery Mt. Blaze, and the sheer cold that was Frosty Forest and Mt. Freeze, Pikachu and Meowth had finally arrived at the very peak of Mt. Freeze, where the fabled Ninetales awaited them, accompanying them, was their new friend, Absol, but…*
{{Meowth}}: F… Finally… I-it’s fr-freezin’…
{{Absol}}: But… Where is she? *Absol looks around confused, but then…* Huh?!
{{Charizard}}: *Cracking his neck a bit and pounding his fists together* Caught yaa~ Heheheeheee…
{{Pikachu}}: Gck… *Pikachu steps back* Ch-Charizard!!
{{Absol}}: Hm! *He quickly gets in front of Pikachu and Meowth to guard them, while glaring at Charizard* Where’s the other two?
{{Charizard}}: The blizzard was too harsh for them, ‘specially T-tar. But why’s that matter? I’m here to put these little runts six feet under! *Charizard stomps forward with a wide smirk on his face*
{{Ninetales}}: There will be no need for such violence… *She slowly steps out into view*
{{Charizard}}: N-Ninetales?!
{{Absol}}: Woah…
{{Meowth}}: It’s… Really her…
{{Ninetales}}: I should have welcomed you three sooner, forgive me.
{{Meowth}}: C-can ya tell us?! Who was da human dat was in da legend!
{{Charizard}}: Is it even REAL?
{{Narrator}}: *Clearly, everyone was shocked at Ninetales appearance… But Ninetales simply looks at them all*
{{Ninetales}}: I care not whether it is considered a legend or true. Though… It did happen. It was decades ago where I tried to lay a curse on a human. However, the human’s partner, a Celebi rushed in. It was selfless enough to take the full brunt of the curse. Instead of aiding, the human chose to flee. It disgusted me. Said human, became a Pokemon themselves as punishment. The human still lives to this very day, as a Pokemon.
{{Absol}}: *He steps up* But… Who IS the human?
{{Ninetales}}: *She slowly looks over at Meowth* No one nearby.
{{Meowth}}: !!
{{Charizard}}: Huh!
{{Pikachu}}: Um… You said… J-just now…
{{Ninetales}}: The Pokemon standing before you–Meowth, is not the human in the legend.
{{Pikachu}}: … W-wha… ***I feel fuzzy… N-no! Relieved…*** Meowth…
{{Meowth}}: U-uh. Squirt? You–
{{Pikachu}}: MEOOOWTH!!!~ *Pikachu suddenly leaps at Meowth and hugs him, nuzzling into him while tearing up and crying tears of joy*
{{Meowth}}: Waaaa-uaah! *He stumbled a bit, but caught Pikachu, smiling gently* I’m here, squirt…! G-gosh, yer heavy..
{{Pikachu}}: I-I knew it all along!~ I just knew you weren’t that bad human in the legend!!
{{Charizard}}: *He smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head* I guess I owe ya an apology then, heh…~ Sorry, then.
{{Ninetales}}: And… The world’s calamities. They are not related to the human whatsoever. The source… Exists elsewhere.
{{Meowth}}: D-dat’s a relief for me I guess… But that ain’t good at all!
{{Charizard}}: You said it…
{{Absol}}: Pikachu, Meowth… I– … I want to continue following you. I have to!
{{Pikachu}}: Sure you can… Buddy~!{{Absol}}: … Mmp– *Absol blushes faintly, but quickly shakes it off*{{Narrator}}: *With the troubling rumor debunked, Pikachu, Meowth, Absol and Charizard all began to leave, slowly, but surely, making their way back to Pokemon Square*
{{Narrator}}: *In Pokemon Square…*
{{Gengar}}: Heh… Look who came running back… What, ya didn’t get buried huh?
{{Pikachu}}: Piii-ka! Yeah!! Meowth had nothing to do with it, ya ghostly bastard!
{{Absol}}: He was INNOCENT.
{{Gengar}}: Gen–?! *Gengar flinched a bit*
{{Lombre}}: What…? He was?!
{{Shiftry}}: Gengaar, you…
{{Gengar}}: H-hey, hey! They’re lyin’! They don’t know anything!
{{Snubbull}}: … Yeah, show us some proof then!
{{Meowth}}: Uh.. Proof… Um..
{{Gengar}}: Well?? Where’s the evidence, hahaah! C’mon, show us!
{{Absol}}: *Absol steps up, smirking* You called~? Your proof’s right here.
{{Gengar}}: Who the hell– Hey! Get rid of these guys!
{{Bellsprout}}: Not likely… Meowth would launch me into space…
{{Snubbull}}: I don’t wanna be shocked!
{{Caterpie}}: You’re just a big liar!! Meowth was my hero and I always believed in him!
{{Gengar}}: Shoot… *He starts to back away* I’m outta here!!
{{Narrator}}: *Gengar dashes away with an angry mob of the other Pokemon chasing after him*
{{Absol}}: Hah, buh-bye, ghost boy~ *He laughs as he watches Gengar flee, then turns to Meowth and Pikachu* Now… Do you have anymore gummies?
{{Meowth}}: Nyahahahaa, somebody’s hooked! C’mon back ta base with us!
{{Absol}}: … R-right.
{{Narrator}}: *Absol once again blushes, then huffs as he begins to follow behind the two smaller Pokemon. Meowth was glad his name had been cleared and all was well. Or so it seemed…*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon celebrating the defeat of Groudon in Magma Cavern and the rescue of team A.C.T, Meowth and Pikachu were touted as heroes of sorts, being recognized by the higher ranked teams for their bravery! But suddenly, Xatu began to communicate with them all telepathically…*
{{Xatu}}: ***Am I coming in clear?***
{{Meowth}}: Xatu?!
{{Alakazam}}: This is a surprise! Is something the matter?{{Xatu}}: ***I may have terrible news! Something… From the sky…falls a star.***
{{Charizard}}: A star?
{{Raichu}}: I think… I think he means…
{{Xatu}}: ***A meteorite. A large one… One the size of the planet itself!***
{{Persian}}: Nya–?! Y-you have to be joking!
{{Kangaskhan}}: I don’t think he is…
{{Xatu}}: ***The meteor. It’s the cause of the natural disasters recently… If something isn’t done to stop it from hitting earth… This world would be destroyed. The star falls ever-closer…***
{{Charizard}}: Xatu… Can it be stopped?!
{{Xatu}} … ***There is a way. One must seek out the Dragon of Legend himself. Only then, will there be a possibility.***
{{Aipom}}: RAYQUAZA!?
{{Blastoise}}: That’s askin’ for a death wish! No way! No way in hell is anyone doing that!
{{Octillery}}: No rescue team has ever gone up to Sky tower before!
{{Narrator}}: *Various gasps and sounds of disagreement sound throughout Pokemon square*
{{Pikachu}}: Oh no… So this is what Ninetales meant by the world’s balance is upset… We have to stop it, Meowth!!
{{Narrator}}: *Everyone’s attention turned to Meowth and Pikachu*
{{Meowth}}: *He turns to Pikachu* WHA– Squirt, are you NUTS or someting?! Did ya eat a bad gummy?
{{Wigglytuff}}: Meowth is right… Going up to the sky could be suicide…
{{Absol}}: *Absol growls and steps up* If we don’t stop it, WHO WILL?! Listen to me. Do you want to die? Do you want to live your last few days in fear because you bothered not to do anything about the threat of danger?? I sensed that something was coming… And I want to stop it!
{{Tyranitar}}: Absol…?
{{Pikachu}}: Absol…
{{Meowth}}: *He nods and runs in front of everyone* The snow boy’s right! We can’t let dis be da end! Someone’s gotta do sometin’ about dat meteor… And dat someone.. IS US!!
{{Absol}}: Xatu. Tell us how to get to Sky Tower!
{{Xatu}}: ***Alakazam.***{{Alakazam}}: … Yes.
{{Narrator}}: ***Alakazam closes his eyes then starts to focus. A green glow began to emit from him and then, in front of him. A green beam shoots up into the air with smaller swirls of green, the sound of wind blowing rang out as the beam slowly fades, and in front of them, was a light blue emerald!***
{{Pikachu}}: Wooah…
{{Meowth}}: What is dat…?
{{Xatu}}: ***Amplifying our teleporting abilities together, Alakazam and I are able to create the Teleport Gem. This gem allows Pokemon who hold it to be transported to the sky…***{{Pikachu}}: Well then… T-this is it… One final Mystery Dungeon…
{{Raichu}}: Please be careful…!!
{{Kangaskhan}}: You’re our only hope, Meowth… Pikachu…
{{Kecleon}}: You have to stop it… For the sake of the world!
{{Persian}}: Hm~ My little Meowth’s grown to be a hero… I wish you three the best of luck…
{{Everyone}}: GO, TEAM BOLTSWIPE!!
{{Meowth}}: Mrrew… *Meowth wipes away some tears, then nods, looking at Pikachu and Absol*{{Absol}}: You can always depend on me… Buddy~
{{Pikachu}}: We’ll stop that meteor and save this world~!
{{Narrator}}: *With another nod, Meowth, together with Pikachu and Absol, step forward towards the Teleport Gem. And upon touching the gem, green energy starts to swirl around them slowly, then rapidly as winds whip up, blowing their scarves a bit. Light green winds whip around the three and soon disperse as they disappear, along with the Teleport Gem!*
{{Narrator}}: *Green energy swirls about then disperse, to reveal the three members of team BoltSwipe at the bottom of Sky Tower, right in front of the entrance. Pikachu looks up in shock*
{{Pikachu}}: Wooah… *He looks around*
{{Narrator}}: *The three of them were on top of a sea of clouds! It was quite a sight*
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu looks up slowly* PIIKA! H-hey, guys, look!
{{Meowth}}: *He slowly looked up* Whew… It's a giant towah of clouds!!
{{Absol}}: It… Oddly looks like a bunch of white and blue cotton candy… *Absol’s belly grumbles softly after that and he blushed*
{{Pikachu}}: *Giggling* Boy, you DO have a sweet tooth~!
{{Meowth}}: First, ya eat all da gummies, now yer tinkin’ about cotton candy… Nyehehe!
{{Absol}}: *Blushing more* I– W-whatever, shut up! This is the final dungeon…
{{Pikachu}}: Yeah… *Pikachu stares into the exit as he nods*
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth takes the lead as he nods, running into the entrance, ready to face their last test…*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon reaching the peak of Sky Tower and a hard fought battle against Rayquaza, the fighting was interrupted by a sudden rumble in the clouds!*
{{Pikachu}}: W-whuaauaah!! *Pikachu almost loses balance* A-any earthquake?! Here?!
{{Meowth}}: N-no, dis is different…
{{Rayquaza}}: These are shockwaves! Tremendous ones at that…
{{Absol}}: We didn’t come here to fight! There’s a meteor on it’s way to earth, and if we don’t destroy it, everything will be gone!!
{{Rayquaza}}: Hmph, how is that MY problem.
{{Meowth}}: If ya don’t do someting, YOUR domain here’s gonna be toast too!
{{Rayquaza}}: … Fine.
{{Narrator}}: *Rayquaza looks up slowly to see the giant meteor, then closes his eyes, inhaling deeply as purple energy starts to form in his maw. Then his eyes snap open as he roars and fires off a majestic purple Hyper Beam at the meteor. It slowly started to crack the meteor but Rayquaza started losing power. Pikachu nods at Meowth and Absol*
{{Pikachu}}: Guys!
{{Meowth & Absol}}: Right!!
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth charges up a powerful Dark Pulse in his paws then fires it off at the meteor as Absol charges and fires a powerful Ice Beam from his maw. Pikachu’s cheeks spark as he fires a Thunderbolt alongside them, with the three beams alongside Rayquaza’s Hyper Beam, much to Rayquaza’s surprise!*
{{Meowth}}: Grrf… C’mon… More…. *Meowth continued to strain himself* I know ya have more powah in ya, Dragon… SO HURRY UP AND USE IT ALREADY!!!!
{{Narrator}}: *Rayquaza’s heart gave off a resounding pulse sound as his eyes shot open*
{{Rayquaza mind}}: ***Why are you holding back? Don’t you care about your home? Don’t you care about them; team BoltSwipe? That Meowth has a point. You have power deep inside you. RELEASE IT.***
{{Narrator}}: *With a reverberating roar, energy swirls around Rayquaza as he mega evolves! He amps up the power of his Hyper Beam which was enough to shatter the meteor entirely as multicolor particles start to rain down onto Sky Tower*
{[Narrator}}: *Days passed and life returned to normal in Pokemon Square, everyone was up on the Hill of the Ancients, but then… Meowth started to glow and slowly turn translucent*
{{Pikachu}}: … M-Meowth!! *Pikachu runs over to Meowth* What’s happening!? Are you okay?!
{{Absol}}: You’re glowing!
{{Meowth}}: Meow… *He gives a faint smile* Pikachu…. Everyone… I-I guess my time’s up.
{{Charizard}}: W-wha…
{{Caterpie}}: W-what does that mean!?
{{Meowth}}: I won’t be here much longah
{{Pikachu}}: *Shaking head* Stop… Don’t say stuff like that!~ We’re gonna go on lots and lots of adventures forever! Right~?
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth simply just stands there, the glow and translucency intensifying*
{{Pikachu}}: … R-right? Meowth…?
{{Meowth}}: I was sent here ta fulfill my role I guess~ And It’s been filled! Tanks for everyting…
{{Pikachu}}: Your role? C’mon, stop bein’ silly already ya dummy~
{{Absol}}: Pikachu…
{{Alakazam}}: It really is that time…
{{Meowth}}: Sorry… Squirt…~
{{Pikachu}}: W-why?? Why do you have to leave?! *Pikachu starts to tear up* W-we were supposed to be… F-friends forever…!
{{Meowth}}: Hey… Tink of it dis way! Dere’s always more Meowth you can befriend~
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth’s body began to glow more*{{Meowth}}: Even if I’m not here, we’ll always be pals!
{{Pikachu}}: *Slowly, he goes closer* D– *He could barely talk as he was fighting back tears* D-don’t leave…! I don’t wanna be alone… P-please!!
{{Meowth}}: I’m… *His scarf fell off as his body got more translucent and the glow got bigger as his body sparkled* I’m real lucky I met’cha, squirt… Nya~...
{{Narrator}}: *Others, notably Charizard and Absol were also struggling to fight back tears*{{Pikachu}}: J-just a little longer, please!!! What’ll BoltSwipe be without you!! *Pikachu goes to pick up Meowth’s scarf as tears stream down his face* M-Meowth!!
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth’s body fades into a bright yellow orb as he gave one final smile towards Pikachu*
{{Meowth telepathy}}: ***I really had fun with ya… I’m sorry I have ta leave ya hangin’ like dis… But dere’s notin’ I can do… Everyone… Tank you…~ See ya, squirt~***
{{Narrator}}: *The orb of light starts to slowly rise over the cliff edge as Pikachu followed it running right to the edge of the cliff, watching it rise higher and and higher*
{{Pikachu}}: MEOOOOOOWTH!!!!
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu’s voice echoed through the air as he yells out to Meowth with tears streaming down his face heavily as the yell orb slowly fades. Perhaps in another time, the two will meet again!*
submitted by Alternative_Try6604 to MysteryDungeon [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:08 xtremexavier15 TMA 15

The episode came back to the Grips walking off their team's bleachers at the badminton court, Anne Maria and Millie at the front followed by Topher and Justin. The model lingered briefly before grabbing Topher by the arm and holding him back.
“Hey! Why are you holding me back?” Topher gave him an inquisitive look.
"We need to talk about the vote should we lose today," Justin said.
“I can see where this is going,” Topher mused.
"Me and you aren't voting ourselves off, obviously, and I know you'll throw a fit if I even consider Anne Maria, so that would leave us with Millie," Justin considered.
“I'm already on board, Justin, but I'm not sure if my girlfriend would vote for her after your poor choice of words earlier on,” Topher said.
“I'm already aware of that, but I know how to get Anne Maria on our side,” Justin said. “I'm not going to flirt with her, per say. I know she's taken. Just convince her in my own special way.”
“Anne Maria's got some pretty strong loyalty to me, so you'll obviously fail if you try to make a move on her or get socked in the eye,” Topher reminded him.
“As a bonus, with Millie gone, you'll get to spend more time with Anne Maria, Topher,” Justin informed the fanboy. “She and Millie are usually together before you came into the season.”
"You've got yourself a deal already," Topher said with a smirk.
The footage flashed forward to the castmates sitting on wooden bleachers inside another studio, separated by team with Gaffers on the left and Grips on the right.
"I wonder which athletic player I'm going to be up against?" Topher said to Millie. "I've already beaten Jasmine before, so I'd like to do it again, but I think I'd prefer going up against Chase."
"This is because you think Chase is weaker than Jasmine, right?" Millie told Topher. "He's more capable than you think and can handle his own battles."
"I'm not saying that he's weak at all," Topher tried to clarify.
“Right,” Millie dully remarked with a roll of her eyes.
"SILENCE!" Chris shouted in an odd but dramatic accent, earning the attention of all eight contestants. He was dressed in nothing but a toga and a head wreath, standing in a chariot being pulled by a helmeted Chef Hatchet. A suitably dramatic piece of music began in the background as he continued. "The score is one to one! And now, second-seat Topher will be competing," he said as the chariot came to a halt in front of the bleachers, "in Grrrreco-Rrrrroman wrrrrestling with," the camera panned to reveal that they were in front of the same ring that had been used for the boxing match, "Jasmine!"
The tall Aussie grinned.
Confessional: Topher
"I gotta say," Topher told the confessional camera, "I am out of my league wrestling a girl who's shoulders my head can't even reach. It was one thing when it was knocking her into a tar pit with a bone. This time, I am completely powerless, but I have to try!"
Confessional: Jasmine
"I'm really stoked for this competition," Jasmine told the camera confidently. "For one, my intimidating physique will come in handy in a fight, and this will be a great opportunity to gain the trust of my new teammates."
Confessionals End
Jasmine was stretching in her swimsuit in the right corner when the footage resumed, smirking cockily across the ring. The camera panned over to Topher, also in his swimming trunks, but looking quite assured.
"I really wish that Jasmine was faster than Chase, but then again, Chase has lightning speed," Topher whispered before the shot panned over to Chris, who smiled impishly and pulled a rope that was hanging next to him.
The camera zoomed out as a high-walled glass box filled with colorful plastic balls was dropped into the ring on top of the contestants, a few balls scattering on the floor with the impact. The castmates on the stands looked shocked and surprised, and Jasmine popped back up completely flabbergasted, spitting one of the balls out of her mouth.
"We have to wrestle in a ball pit?" Jasmine asked with disbelief after wiping her mouth with the back of her arm.
"A seriously disgusting one," Topher echoed, surfacing nearby with a used diaper on his head. He tossed it away with a look of horror and faced the host. "Where did you get this from, anyway?"
"The local carnival," Chris answered happily. "They were pretty cheap, too, so those balls haven't been cleaned in, oh, ever. Now play ball!" He picked up a large curved brass horn and blew a few notes, signaling the start of the match.
Topher was the first to move, diving into the balls while Jasmine watched and looked around with planned caution. The fanboy resurfaced seconds later, pouncing on the Outback girl's back, who yelped in fright. He quickly put her in a headlock, but it quickly became apparent that Jasmine wasn't budging.
In fact, her shock quickly faded into annoyance, and she grabbed Topher by the arms and tried to pry him off her. "Just get off," Jasmine told the boy as he struggled to keep his hold. "You aren't gonna take me down so easily." She finally managed to break his grip, and tossed him lightly into the balls on his back.
"Quick, get him while he's down!" MK called from the sidelines, earning a nod from Jasmine.
She took a step towards Topher, but he got back up and tackled her in the stomach. The shot pulled back from the close-up of him pushing at her, to reveal that she stopped herself from falling over and grabbed Topher by the shoulders before forcing him away from her.
"Knock her out, baby!" Anne Maria called from the sidelines in excitement.
"Hey Chris," Jasmine asked, "how do we win this, per say?"
"I guess you could throw him out of the ring, but those walls are kinda high," Chris said after thinking.
Jasmine looked up at the top of the glass walls, then over to what looked like a mesh screen on one side. "I'm gonna do it," she said in determination.
"No you're not!" Topher countered, the camera cutting to him as he dived in and grabbed her leg, pulling it out and causing the Australian teen to fall backward, sending several balls and a baby bottle flying.
Topher took the opportunity to pounce forward onto her chest and grab her leg in an arm lock. "This does not count as me harming a lady, by the way," he told Jasmine. "Prepare to lose to-"
The music came to a complete stop, and the two competitors turned shocked looks to Topher's back, where a small and well-dressed child with curly black hair and glasses was clinging. Neither said anything, even as Chef suddenly descended from above on a rope harness, picked up the child, and ascended just as quickly.
Still wide-eyed with shock, Topher soon found himself getting flipped around as Jasmine broke out of his hold. "Time to put an end to this," she told him as she grabbed him by the waist and slung him over her shoulder, "once and for all." As he grunted and struggled to escape, she walked unflinchingly to the mesh part of the wall, ripped it open, and tossed Topher over the ropes and out of the ring.
The fanboy landed on his butt with a stunned look on his face, and Chris was next to him in moments. "And we have a winner!" he said with a grin, a victorious tune playing as the other Gaffers cheered.
Still in the ring, Jasmine cheered with her hands on her hips. "Now how ‘bout that for scoring one for the team?"
Confessional: Jasmine
"Topher would've had a good shot at beating me if it hadn't been for that kid," Jasmine told the confessional camera. "I do feel sorry for him about that, but my team has to score a win today."
Confessional Ends
The scene cut to a close-up of a smiling Chris walking across the football field used earlier that day. "So, as we head to the fourth and final leg of the Total Drama sports tournie, the Grips are ahead two to one." The four leading players were shown standing together and smiling at one another.
"The final face-off?" the host said as the shot pulled out, revealing that a small basketball court, net, and slanted trampoline had been set up. "A slam dunk competition, with points going to the most creative dunk. Let's play it for the camera! It's..." he said, passing a basketball across the court to the eye candy, who caught it and gave his competition a smirk, "Justin and Chase!"
The Grips were shown cheering for Justin, who still clutched the basketball in his hands as he looked confident. The shot panned over to Chase, also smiling confidently as his team cheered him on.
"Okay Chase, show them what a real athlete can do!" Ripper shouted.
"I'm looking forward to it!" Chase chuckled coolly.
Confessional: Chase
"This challenge was built for me!" Chase boasted in the make-up trailer. “No puzzles or tricks. Just me dribbling a ball and slam dunking! Swish!"
Confessional Ends
The footage cut back to a shot of the court, Justin standing at the left side of the center circle facing the trampoline and basket on the right, with Chase and Chris standing in the front right corner and the other six contestants along the far side of the court.
"All right. I call this the "Justin Freezes the Gaffers" Slam!" Justin announced. Chris blew his whistle and he got started, beginning with a few trick dribbles between and around his legs as he walked down the court to a jaunty whistling theme. “Hey! Keep watching!”
Justin walked past Chase and stopped nearby in order to give him a playful nudge to his arm. “Whoa! Hey!” he said and walked back to the court. He paused in front of Jasmine and Ripper. “Look out!” he warned the two as he slammed the ball under Jasmine's legs and onto Ripper's crotch, the latter groaning as the ball went back to Justin.
For his final act, Justin ran across the court and grabbed MK's hat off her head, prompting her to gasp. With both the ball and the hat in his possession, Justin placed the hat over the ball, jumped onto the trampoline, and slammed it through the hoop with only one hand.
He landed perfectly and walked back to his cheering teammates in victory.
The shot panned to the right to show Chase walking over to MK and giving her her hat back. “That was nothing!” Chase snorted. “I'll show them what a real slam dunk looks like!"
The scene cut to Chase at the center circle, already dribbling with a smile on his face. "I call this move the “Fly ‘Til You Cry” Dunk!"
“That's pretty creative,” Justin said from the same corner Chase had been standing in previously, but the stunt boy wasn't phased by it in the slightest.
A hard rock theme began to play as Chase dribbled hard a few times then ran down the court. He shot the ball high into the sky and dashed towards the trampoline. He proceeded to jump on the trampoline and bounced up, executing a front flip before scooping the descending ball and slamming it through the hoop.
He struck a pose as he landed, and the ball bounced off the court. "Point to Chase and the Gaffers!" Chris declared as both sidelined teams stood in stunned silence. "Prepare," the host said swiftly, leaning forward dramatically as the more generic background music that had resumed after the hard rock ended quickly rose in tension, "for the Ultimate Extreme Sports Tiebreaker!"
All eight teens looked wary at the announcement.
The scene flashed over to a jumbo screen set up by some fake buildings, the host appearing on it immediately. "Get ready for the battle of battles," Chris announced as an intense metal song played in the background. "The grudge match the world has been waiting for!" He slid off the screen to the right, only to slide back in from the left a moment later. "A competition so intense," he slid back to the left and reappeared from above, "so grueling," he slid back up, then popped in closer to the screen, "so..."
"So what is it already?!" Millie shouted up at the screen.
Chris blinked on the screen, which soon cut to static. The viewpoint shifted to a distance shot of the football field, now without any additional courts on it, as the host drove up in a golf cart holding several things of a distinctly pink color.
"Pompoms?!" Ripper exclaimed in disbelief after the host shook one of them.
"Yes!" Anne Maria cheered and stepped forward. "This is so much more my speed than badminton!"
"Glad to hear it," Chris told her with his trademark grin, "because the tiebreaker is a cheer-off between the Grips and the Gaffers. Each team's gotta dig deep, and create a cheer for someone they think deserves cheering."
The scene flashed again, showing the Gaffers in a huddle talking. The camera panned over to the Grips in a similar situation, and cut to a viewpoint looking up at them from inside their circle.
"I think we should just cheer for me," Justin suggested. "I'm the most good-looking guy on the show."
"Cheer for you?" Millie doubted. "Chris said we had to dig deep, and cheering for only you won't fit that criteria."
“We could cheer for the show and how famous it's making us,” Topher suggested.
“You all should listen to someone who's on the cheer team back home, i.e. me!" Anne Maria interrupted. "We're not gonna cheer for one person or a sadist show. That's not gonna work at all."
"So what are we going to cheer for?" Millie asked. “The other team are also working on how they're going to beat us!”
"We have to do something that has a lot of spirit," Anne Maria said. "Now listen up, this is what we're gonna do..."
The view flashed back outside the Grips' huddle just as Chris stepped towards them. "Time!" he called, getting their attention and breaking their huddle with a shake of his pompoms. "Grips up!"
Anne Maria took a deep breath and stepped forward. Taking the pompoms out of Chris' hands while a marching band drumline began in the background.
"Justin, Justin, he's our guy! He's got a dashing smile and he's looking pretty fly!" she chanted with a few twisting flips and back handsprings.
"Millie's the best and a savvy teen! She helps us stay so super lean!" She shook her pompoms around and did a few jumps.
"Topher is S L I C K! He makes us all pumped up every day!" She shook her pompoms a few more times and did some leg kicks as Topher, Millie, and Justin scurried into place behind her.
"Give it up, give it up, for Anne Maria! A dynamite gal, not a Cinderella! Goooooooo Grips!!" She finished with a spinning backflip just as her team unfurled a banner between them that read 'GO GRIPS!'.
The drumline ended, and the Grips were still in the poses they'd struck at the end of the cheer.
"Nice job," Chris told them. "Really speaks to cheerleading tradition. Gaffers," he turned to the other four, "your response?" Jasmine, Ripper, Chase, and MK nodded at each other, then lined up.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" MK chanted to the tune of Men Without Hats’ “The Safety Dance”.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Chase joined in.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Ripper joined in next.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Jasmine finished off last.
"CHHHRRRRIIIIIIIISSSSSSS!" they all chanted as one in tune as they kneeled on one leg spontaneously.
"Amazing!" Chris gushed with absolute glee. "The rhythm, the synchronicity, the incredible kissing up!" he told the Gaffers. "We have the winners! And as for the losers," his face fell into a disappointed frown, "I'll see you in the theater!" He left the Gaffers to cheer with each other.
"And we were on a good winning streak!" Millie said from the sidelines, the other Grips looking just as disappointed about their loss.
For the first time since the previous Aftermath, the Gilded Chris Ceremony opened with its usual sequence and fanfare. The host and assistant were already on stage when the introduction ended, with Chef in his formal pink dress.
"So, the Grips lose for the first time since forever!" Chris said over a shot of the four teens casting their votes, Justin seated in the front row somewhat apart from the rest of his team. "Must be tough, especially for Topher since he just debuted!"
The camera focused on Topher, who was sitting in the second-highest row with Anne Maria a row below and Millie a few feet away from Justin. "Hey," he protested, "we had a good thing going!"
"Maybe, maybe not," Chris said with a grin before turning his gaze. "Justin sure didn't help with his loss to Chase in today's basketball match!"
Justin shrugged. "Not taking any responsibility for that one."
Chris carried on. "Meanwhile, despite actually winning in the boxing ring, Millie doesn't seem to have much going on!"
"I don't need to be manipulative in order to be interesting," Millie shot a pointed glare at Chris.
"Anne Maria!" Chris continued with a grin. "I'd say you're the only one here who might be safe!"
"No kiddin’," Anne Maria said. "Why else-"
"Oh, nobody wants to hear it," Chris interrupted. "Just take the statue!" He tossed a Gilded Chris to the Jersey girl, who glared but caught it anyway. The camera panned down to Topher, who was tossed an award as well, and he caught it happily. "Tango Fail, you're safe too!"
The focus moved over to the podium as Chris turned a solemn look over to Chef, who had but a single award left in his hands. The background music turned tense, and Justin and Millie were shown waiting for the reward.
"Justin, I'm sorry, but..." Chris said slowly and sorrowfully, attracting the eye candy's attention and putting confusion on his face and a smile on the author's, "...head's up!" He suddenly tossed the final Gilded Chris his way, and he caught it perfectly.
"Aww!" Millie pouted, standing up with a distraught expression. "I was so close to the merge."
“Sorry, but I had to vote for someone,” Topher said nonchalantly.
Confessional: Topher
"Justin's plan to get rid of Millie worked," Topher said in the confessional trailer with a smile. "Though I wonder how he convinced Anne Maria to vote for her."
Confessional: Justin
"I'm not saying I voted for Millie just because she said I'm not cute," Justin confessed calmly. "Okay, it was just because of that. Thing is, Anne Maria told me she was sending me home, even though I haven't tried to use my affections on her lately. So you see? I didn't lose my mojo. I just needed to shake things up. With my new patented, all-time lady-killing mega flip."
He slowly shook his head from one direction to the other, and his hair moved about even slower before falling back into its normal perfectly well-coiffed position. "I'm back, baby!"
Confessionals End
Chef Hatchet escorted Millie to the Walk of Shame. “Millie, wait up!!” The two were stopped by Chase running over to them.
“Chase?! What are you doing here?!” Millie wondered.
“I can't just let you go without a goodbye from me,” Chase explained.
“I'm sorry we can't make it to the merge together again, but only this time, the roles are reversed,” Millie said.
“Don't worry. I'll be fine by myself just like you were last season,” Chase comforted her. “And I will win this season for us! I guarantee that!”
“Make sure to watch out for MK,” Millie added. “Me and Jasmine are sure that she's up to something.”
“Hurry up, roaches!” Chef shouted impatiently, startling the two for a brief second.
“I have to go now! Remember that I'll be supporting you while watching the show,” Millie bid her goodbye before grabbing Chase by the face and giving him a quick kiss to the lips. Afterwards, she let go and walked the red carpet with Chef, Chase waving goodbye to her.
The scene flashed forward to Millie stepping into the limousine of losers, which sped off with a cloud of dust.
The scene cut to Chris in the boxing/wrestling ring. "Wow! Looks like Millie left us with a bit of a doozy!" Chris laughed, an energetic and sporty song starting up as he sported boxing gloves. "How's that for a dramatic sucker punch?" He threw a few test jabs in the direction of Chef, who was back in his normal clothes save a pair of dark pink boxing gloves.
"Will MK continue to stay in the bad guy corner? Are Topher and Anne Maria gonna kiss?" he asked while continuing to punch the air as he worked his way around an unimpressed Chef. "Am I gonna knock big ol' Chef out with my killer uppercut?"
He started to throw a punch at his assistant, but it was swiftly answered by a hammering fist that knocked the host off his feet. "Find out next time," he said as he got back to his feet and Chef walked away, "here, on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
"Honestly, I'm kind of happy to be going home today," Millie told the camera as she sat on the seat of the limousine. "The million dollars would have been great, but I'm sure I can make tons of money selling my finished book!" She whipped out her book from her pocket and showed it. “Thankfully, I didn't get framed for writing nasty stuff about the contestants like last time, and I certainly didn't have anyone drive a wedge between me and Chase. It would've been nice to spend more time with him, but we have to focus on our own interests and passions. And if he was to win the season, then that means I'd technically win as well. So it's basically a win-win for us." She sported a face of realization. “That was a bit of a mouthful.”
Eva - 15th
Geoff - 15th
Trent - 13th
Sky - 12th
Brick - 11th
Scott - 10th
Izzy - 9th
Millie - 8th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Justin, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Jasmine, MK, Ripper
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:50 xtremexavier15 TMA 14

Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Jasmine, Justin, Millie, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, MK, Ripper
Episode 14: One Million Bucks, B.C.
"Last time on Total Drama Action! Tensions between Ripper and MK were still high while Izzy and Chase managed to bond. Much to the surprise of the teams, Ripper and Jasmine were captured and stashed into safes."
"After wasting a lot of time, the Gaffers asked their captive tough guy for help. Meanwhile, the Grips lucked out when they decided to have Jasmine escape through the air vents."
“Bulletproof girl Anne Maria got the surprise of her life when she was faced with none other than... Topher, who, thanks to yours truly, is back in the running. The Gaffers lost, and thanks to some confusing votes, Izzy took the lame-o-sine again.”
The recap footage ended, and portraits of the remaining contestants were shown on the screen – Anne Maria, Justin, Millie, and Topher on the top; Chase, MK, Ripper, and Jasmine on the bottom. "With only eight contestants left," Chris said before popping up in the foreground, "maybe one of them will stand a chance, on another awe-inspiring episode," the backdrop faded and the camera cut to the host in front of the cast trailer, "of Total! Drama! Action!"
(Theme Song)
A small flock of seagulls flew across the morning sun as the episode started, and the camera panned down to the cast trailers. It zoomed in on the guys' residence as Ripper exclaimed "I can’t believe that Izzy would vote for me." The shot cut inside to show Ripper complaining as Topher combed his hair, Justin sprayed himself with hairspray in front of the mirror, and Chase sat on his bunk. "If she liked me, why would she not vote for MK?! It makes no sense!"
“I know we saw what we saw, but I don’t think that Izzy voted for you because she hated you,” Chase told him. “If she did, she would’ve let you know point blank.”
"Coming from the guy who voted for her," Ripper snorted and turned around. "You’re lucky that I’m going through a struggle, or I would direct all of my anger towards you."
"I’d deserve it, but I didn’t want to vote Izzy out at all," Chase said. "The voting devices probably had a glitch in them and we got unlucky!"
"Now this is interesting," Topher said with a smirk. "A voting that went wrong and got out the person that you didn’t want to leave."
"Stay out of it, blonde boy," Ripper snarled. "You weren’t even in the game for the first half of the season."
“And so? I just like to be entertained,” Topher rolled his eyes and turned to Justin. “How can you spend so much time on your coif?”
“My agent Jesús says it's my best feature,” Justin said while spraying his hair still. “Along with my neck, nose, chin, cheekbones, earlobes, eyebrows…”
“Know who's got stunning hair? Anne Maria,” Topher pointed out in admiration. “Her pouf is one of a kind.”
“Or maybe it's my eyes,” Justin spoke to himself while ignoring the dirty blond.
“Her hair is great, but nothing can top my couf,” Topher continued. “I’ve never told Anne Maria that though.”
Confessional: Topher
"I didn’t just come back for Anne Maria if that’s what you guys are thinking," Topher told the viewers. "I was kicked off first last season, and I don’t want to be known for just that. I want to wow everybody here with my charisma, charms, and good looks, and winning or making the final two like Eva and Geoff could help me get my own show."
Confessional Ends
The scene moved over to the girls' trailer as Jasmine put her trademark hat on in the mirror, then smiled at her own reflection. “Looking good as always.” She then turned to Millie, who was cheerily writing on her notebook. “What’s gotten you so chipper?”
"I am almost done with writing my book," Millie answered. "With our two-time winning streak, it’s given me less time to worry about the elimination and more time to add the finishing touches to my future publishing book."
“I can’t wait to read it when it gets published,” Jasmine said with a smile. “I can tell it’s gonna be a big hit.”
“I got my writing skills from my grandfather,” Millie confessed. “I owe everything to him for inspiring me.”
Their conversation came to a pause when Anne Maria barged through the trailer door in her towel. "Make way for the most smoking hot thing since smoky ribs and wings back at my place," she bragged as she walked across the room to the sink and vanity mirror on the other side.
The viewpoint shifted over her shoulder as she began to admire herself in the mirror. She briefly bent over to take a pair of identical blouses out of a drawer, and as she held them up against each other, Jasmine appeared through the mirror with an amused smirk on her face.
"I know you care a lot about your own appearance, but this is feeling different," Jasmine noted.
"My guy came back to the game," Anne Maria answered. "I don’t see anything wrong with getting dressed up for him and not looking all sloppy like some people here."
"I am not the most attractive woman in the world, but I’m also not an eyesore!" Jasmine exclaimed. She then noticed MK shifting around under her blanket, and went over to check out her discovery.
“MK, it’s time to wake up,” the Australian girl said before pulling the blanket off, revealing a fully-clothed MK with her hand inside her right pocket of her jacket.
“Hey, what was that for?!” MK demanded after turning around to sit on her bunk bed.
“I thought you were still sleeping,” Jasmine said. “Why are you already dressed up?”
"None of your business," MK scoffed as she got off her bed. "And don’t you usually sleep in your tree?"
“I came inside to fix my hat,” Jasmine answered, her eyes growing suspicious.
“Well don’t sneak up on me like that,” MK said and walked out of the trailer, Jasmine continuing to stare suspiciously at her.
The scene switched to the guys’ trailer once again. "So in case you were wondering," Topher told his roommates, "I didn’t throw a tantrum just to be here. That’s so elementary school."
"Like I care about how you got here," Ripper cut off his roommate. "You’re just another wimp I can take down."
"We’ll just have to see about that," Topher said confidently. “It’s clear who’s the better looking player here.”
"If you’re talking about me, then thank you for your compliment," Justin added.
"Um, I was talking about-" Topher attempted to say but got cut off by a loud and deep sound that shook the trailer.
"What the gnar was that?!" Chase exclaimed.
The scene flashed over to a laughing Chris, dressed in a leopard-print full-body loincloth and holding the mouthpiece of a massive curved horn that appeared to be made of shell or bone. He caressed the horn at the end of his laugh, and sighed happily.
The footage skipped ahead as the castmates assembled, lining up according to gender – Millie, Anne Maria, MK, Jasmine, Topher, Chase, Justin, and Ripper.
“What are you wearin’?" Anne Maria asked in disgust.
“I can't believe he's wearing a loincloth," Millie said with disbelief.
"Like it?" Chris asked.
Chase snorted. "It looks ridiculous, dude."
"If you think that's ridiculous," Chris said with an indignant frown, "then wait 'til you hear today's challenges!"
“Hold on!” MK interrupted. “The Grips have five members while we have three. It's obvious that they're going to curb stomp us in the next challenge!”
“Yeah, no fair!” Ripper protested as well.
“I was just getting to that, Gaffers,” Chris said abruptly. “Since the teams are feeling a bit lopsided in the Grips’ favor, I'll be conducting a team swap in this episode. One of the Grips will have to switch over to the Gaffers.”
This made the Grips gasp. “Are you serious right now?” Jasmine stammered.
“I'm not playing around,” Chris confirmed. “I'm giving you guys thirty seconds to decide who's leaving or I'm picking one of you at random. So who's it gonna be?”
“Okay, team. Huddle up!” Jasmine ordered, and her teammates did as she said and formed a circle.
“I don't feel like swapping to the Gaffers,” Topher said. “I should be excluded from this since I just got here.”
“And there's no way I'm getting separated from Topher here,” Anne Maria enforced.
“None of you will have to worry about that at all since I'll be the one who's switching,” Jasmine opened.
“But why?!” Millie asked in disappointment. “You're practically our team leader.”
“I want to keep an eye on the Gaffers and make sure that they're not up to any foul play,” Jasmine answered. “I know this'll be hard, but I'm positive you all can handle yourselves without me.”
“We're running out of time, so you can be the one to swap teams,” Topher said.
“We can still talk to each other when there isn't a challenge,” Millie added. “It's not like we're gonna be enemies.”
“Thanks for understanding,” Jasmine smiled and they broke the circle.
“And who is going to leave the Killer Grips for good and be a permanent member of the Screaming Gaffers?” Chris asked with an intrigued smile.
“I hope it's Millie,” Chase whispered to MK and Ripper. “It'll be so cool to be teammates with her again.”
“I take the liberty of doing so!” Jasmine raised her hand. “I've already discussed it with my team, and they're just as on board.”
“This is kinda awkward. I was gonna pick you had you guys not come to a decision, but it is what it is,” Chris said. “Gaffers, Jasmine is now on your team until you decide to vote her off or whatever.”
“It's not Millie, but I'll take what I can get with a girl who's at least six foot and above,” Chase smiled.
Confessional: Ripper
“This team is definitely going to win now that Jasmine is with us,” Ripper said in the make-up trailer. “She's basically a giant that can clobber anyone, and amazon girls like her are my type,” he smiled before smacking himself. “No, Ripper. You don't care about Izzy anymore!”
Confessional: MK
“Of all the Grip players, Jasmine being on our team is an upgrade,” MK bragged. “Her old team is nowhere near as powerful and physically adept as she is, and if Jasmine was able to help them win, imagine how she can assist us?”
Confessional: Jasmine
“Just because I want to keep things fair, doesn't mean that I want to take control of my new teammates,” Jasmine confessed next. “Chase is nice enough as it is. It's Ripper and MK that are hard to trust.”
Confessionals End
"I'm lovin' this show of hostility enough as it is," Chris said with a pleased smile, "but I think today's challenges will help bring out your more...," he thought for a brief second before smirking, "primal instincts. Today's genre," he announced, "the Period Movie!"
"Amazing," Anne Maria gushed. "I love period movies! Those oldern people know how to work petticoats and dresses!"
"I am not gonna wear a dress, Chris," MK told the host indignantly.
"I don't think that'll be a problem," Topher said. "We're clearly gonna be doing a caveman cavewoman movie."
"Exactamundo, Topher!," Chris said as a few primitive-sounding drumbeats and grunts played in the background. "Don't know why the rest of you didn't guess that, considering my loincloth," he added in an annoyed tone.
"Paleo-what now?" Ripper asked in confusion.
"It's the Stone Age," Jasmine corrected. “We're going to be cave girls and cave boys.”
"No talking!" Chris told them sharply. "Cave people grunt and look confused, which means for once, you're all perfectly cast!"
"Some of us more than others," MK snickered under her breath with a look at Ripper.
“Watch out!” Ripper warned her.
"Okay," Chris continued, "cave people in prehistoric flicks do two things: make fire, and use tools made of bones. Technically," he added, "you should also know how to bring down a mammoth with a stick, but since we didn't have enough room in the budget, no mammoth, no challenge."
He walked over to a clothing rack bearing several loincloths of various sizes and colors, where Chef, who was in his own loincloth, was standing. "Here are your costumes," the host told the castmates. "Get into character, people!"
"You have got to be joking," Millie hoped.
"I never joke," Chris told her, quickly losing his serious tone to a bout of laughter. "Actually I do, but never about something this funny."
"Don't worry. You'll be the hottest cave girl here!" Chase told his girlfriend.
"I don't want to wear animal skins, but your compliment is already lifting my spirits up," Millie smiled back and pecked his cheek with a kiss.
Confessional: Topher
“A prehistoric challenge will be a great way to show off my body,” Topher gloated arrogantly. “That's why I'll be picking a fur speedo. Who wouldn't want to see my six-pack?”
Confessional Ends
The scene flashed over to an obvious prehistoric-inspired set consisting of multiple strange-looking trees set up against a backdrop of rock spires. The camera zoomed in on a central hillock, then cut to a close-up of Chris as he walked through the area. "Hello, cast," he greeted with a grin. "Nice to see you all decked out for the competition!"
The castmates were shown lined up in a row according to their teams and wearing the loincloths that had been provided: Justin and Topher in furry speedos that showed off their muscular chests; Chase, Millie, MK, and Ripper in full-body loincloths similar to the ones worn by Chris and Chef; and Anne Maria and Jasmine in what amounted to furry bikinis.
"And might I say," the host told them all, "you all look pre-hysterical!"
"I really look good in leopard skin," Jasmine marveled as she looked down at her outfit.
"Agh!" Topher winced, rubbing his backside where something small and white seemed to be sticking out. "Did you remember to have these declawed?"
The footage cut to Chris in his control tent. "Please note," he calmly told the camera, "no animals were harmed in the making of this television program. Okay," he scowled and looked off-camera, "we good?"
The scene was now back at the challenge. "Let me get that for you!" Anne Maria volunteered, quickly picking at the troublesome piece. “All better?”
“I am now,” Topher shot a suave smile at his girlfriend.
"Chef!" Chris exclaimed dramatically. "The tools for the first stone age challenge, please!"
"Here's your rocks," Chef obliged, joylessly handing out a single rock to each castmate from the pile he was carrying. MK accepted hers with a blank face and immediately started to look closely at it, and Ripper did the same but with more enthusiasm. Chase was last to be shown, and immediately raised an eyebrow at the stone in his hand.
"Rocks?" the daredevil repeated in disbelief. "I think we should tone down the 'Stone Age' thing a little."
“Says you,” Ripper said in a miffed voice. “Rocks are good for a lot of things. Breaking windows, giving them as presents to your annoying cousins, making art on them…the possibilities are endless! And I know because I did all of them!”
“A rock being friends with other rocks? What a surprising discovery,” MK snarked.
As a reward for her smart mouth, MK had a rock dropped on her foot courtesy of Ripper, and she held her foot in pain as she squealed.
"I told you to watch out," Ripper told the pained girl smugly. "Friends always come through!"
(Commercial Break)
A long-distance shot of the film lot was shown as the episode resumed, before cutting back to Chris as he explained the first challenge. "First team to collect the hidden firewood," he told them, "and use the flint-stones to make fire, earns something to help 'em with the second challenge! Ready?" he furrowed his brow deviously as the camera zoomed in for a close-up. "Aaand, action!"
The Grips looked startled for a moment, but quickly scattered.
The scene skipped ahead, showing Jasmine looking at a bush and picking up a stack of wood from behind it while Ripper ran past. MK walked into the foreground, looking around inquisitively, but before she could take another step, she was grabbed by Chef Hatchet.
"Hey, let me go!" she demanded as Chef dragged her over to him. "My modesty needs to be protected!"
"Hand it over," Chef told her sternly, indifferent to her protests.
MK's eyes briefly went wide. "Hand over what?"
"You know what I'm talking about," Chef grumbled. "The camera guy caught you smuggling something in!"
MK pursed her lips, but looked slightly relieved. "It was just a screwdriver," she told her captor, taking the tool out and handing it over.
Just then, Ripper ran by screaming. "Somebody help! I don't want to be that thing's lunch!" The camera cut to him as he ran out from behind a particularly large tree carrying a load of firewood and getting chased by one of the large, predatory Woolly Beavers similar to the ones that had inhabited Boney Island the previous season. As he kept running and screaming, Chris walked over to Chef and MK, laughing happily.
"Looks like Ripper found the wooden beaver dam from the set of 'Rodents, Who Kill!" Chris told the camera.
Ripper and the beaver ran past behind them, prompting Chef to chuckle and add "And 'Rodents Who Kill: Part Two'!"
"Does anybody have a mammoth-sized rib?!" Ripper screamed as he ran past in front of the three, dropping a piece of wood as he was chased by two beavers.
"Um," MK said blankly as she watched her teammate run around. "Are those beavers real, or animatronic?" She looked over at the host who seemed to be thinking it over, then looked away. "Forget I asked," she said dryly.
Confessional: Ripper
Ripper gave his confessional covered with scratches and scrapes, hair messed up and bandages being wrapped around his forehead and right arm by someone mostly off-screen.
"I can't stand MK and she hates me," he told the camera. "That's how it's always been and is always gonna be," he said before thinking. "But I have been taught to always keep my enemies closer, so it's important that me and MK are on the same team, even if we're mortal rivals."
Confessional Ends
"Don't just stand there," Ripper shouted at MK, who was now watching alone. "Give me a hand!"
MK rolled her eyes, then picked up the piece of wood Ripper had dropped earlier. She threw it at the lead beaver, landing it in its mouth and causing it to skid to a sudden and startled halt. The second beaver, however, did not stop as well, and soon collided with its companion. As the two rodents began to snarl and squabble with each other, a relieved Ripper rejoined her teammate.
"About that!" he admonished the sarcastic woman. "Couldn't you have done that before?"
"I could have," MK said simply, grabbing the wood out of Ripper's arms and walking off. "Now go find more wood," she commanded, leaving Ripper to scowl in annoyance.
A growling alerted the bully to that the killer beavers had ceased fighting, and Ripper began to run and scream away from them again.
The camera cut to the Grips gathered around a fire pit.
"So does banging rocks together actually make fire?" Justin asked as he tested it out with two of the stones his team had been given while Anne Maria arranged the firewood that had been brought. "I always thought that was something just for the movies."
“We just need the right amount of power in the strikes and a fire will come,” Topher explained.
"Let me do it," Millie said as she grabbed the stones. "I was a girl scout in elementary school."
Confessional: Millie
"I was a girl scout," Millie told the camera, "but one of the more skilled girls, Riley Ingrid, wouldn't stop teasing me for my lack of social skills and it got to a point where I quit just so I wouldn't get my self-esteem damaged." The author gave off a sigh. “I wonder how far I could've gotten.”
Confessional Ends
“Don't worry, team,” Millie told them. “I'll have this done faster than a chipmunk nibbling a nut.”
"I can see why people invented lighters," Anne Maria said as she watched her banged the rocks together.
The camera moved over to Jasmine and Chase watching the Grips. "So how has it been over on the Grips?" Chase asked his teammate. "Has Millie talked about me?"
“One, Millie still cares about you, and two, we shouldn't be focusing on that right now,” Jasmine said sternly.
“Sorry. I was just asking,” Chase said.
Confessional: Jasmine
"This is going to sound pretty petty coming from me, but Chase and Millie dating is kind of reminding me of Brick," Jasmine admitted. "I'm still trying to push him out after the cheating he did, and Millie hasn't talked about Chase the whole time he was gone. I'm hoping that Chase will be as challenge focused as Millie."
Confessional: Topher
"Anne Maria is rocking that fur bikini as much as I'm glowing in my fur speedo," Topher confessed. "If we were actually in prehistoric times, we'd be the perfect couple!"
Confessionals End
"Things are finally heating up!" Chris announced happily before the focus moved back to the Grips.
"You can do it!" Anne Maria cheered as Millie struck her rocks together fiercely, producing a few tiny sparks. The camera panned over to the Gaffers, showing that Ripper and MK had rejoined their comrades while Ripper struck his rocks.
"I love it when sparks fly!" Chris told the camera.
The focus alternated between Millie and Ripper as they banged their stones and glared at each other, the music growing tenser and the close-ups getting closer with each pass. The two were eventually shown in a split-screen together, and as they each prepared another strike, the sound of a fire being lit startled them both.
Ripper's half of the screen slid away and the camera pulled back, revealing a roaring fire by the Grips.
"You did it!" Topher cheered.
"Great work, Millie!" Anne Maria added happily.
"I thought for sure you'd be the first to burst into flames, Richard!" Chris snarked. "Grips win the first challenge!"
"You gave me fake flints!" Ripper protested. "Nobody could start a fire with these stupid props!"
Chase grabbed the rocks, then struck them together one last time, which finally lit the firewood. "Looks like I got lucky," he said smugly.
Ripper growled in frustration.
The film lot was shown from a distance again as the same loud and deep horn blared. The shot cut to Chris standing with the massive instrument, grinning proudly. "Yup!" he told the camera. "Still lovin' this crazy thing!"
A flash took the scene to the contestants lined up with their back to a bubbling tar pit. "Time for our second caveman movie challenge!" the host announced as he walked into view. "But first, Chef will pass out your rewards from this morning. Chef?" he called out. "Weapons, please!"
The camera cut to Chef as he pulled a brown sheet off what turned out to be a pile of bones, all either femurs or humeri.
"Hold up," Chase said, mildly disturbed. "You're saying that our reward is bones?"
"Hey, for cave people, bones were cutting-edge technology," Chris told him as Chef handed out a tiny arm bone to each of the Screaming Gaffers, and larger leg bones to the Killer Grips.
"I hate to interrupt the most important man of the show," Ripper spoke up insincerely, "but how come they get the big bones, and we get these tiny things?"
"Because they won the first challenge?" Chris replied with disbelief. "I thought that was pretty obvious."
"Well, it's obvious that I should get a big bone," Ripper stammered in embarrassment. "I've seen bigger bones in chicken wings than what I'm holding."
"Just deal with it," Topher said. “It's not our fault that we did better.” A tiny bone hit him in the nose, causing him to moan.
Chris cleared his throat, hands on his hips and visibly annoyed. "The props department for caveman movies are bare-bones," he informed them, holding up a small arm bone. "Which means these are all actors have to fight their on-screen enemies with."
"Enemies?" Millie asked in alarm. "What enemies are we talking about?"
"Each other of course!" Chris announced excitedly. "Grip Tribe versus Gaffer Tribe!"
"That's my kinda challenge," Anne Maria said with a confident smirk as she hefted the giant femur she'd been given.
“No doubt about it," Topher told her. "I've seen you go up against an alligator before."
"Lovin' the enthusiasm, guys," Chris told them, "only you'll be fighting over there!" He pointed to the bubbling tar pit behind them, and the camera panned over to a pair of rough stone pillars standing in the middle of the tar pit.
"Each player that knocks his or her opponent off the column into that fake bubbling tar pit," he explained as the camera cut to a close-up of the pit, "scores a point for their team." The shot cut back to the grinning host as he dramatically proclaimed, "To the tar pits!"
Millie and Chase were the first pair up, the girl on the left and the boy on the right.
"I'd go easy on you normally," Chase told his girlfriend, "but me and my team need to win a challenge."
“No hard feelings,” Millie shook it off. “You guys are overdue.”
"When do we start anyway?" Chase called down to the host.
"Oh don't worry," Chris answered with a dark smile, "you'll know!" He laughed a few times, then took a deep breath and blew hard into his massive curved horn.
The booming noise startled the two contestants, causing each to nearly lose their balance. It was Chase who recovered first, however, leaning forward and accidentally throwing his small bone at Millie. Already unsteady, that was all it took for her to fall backwards off the column and plunge screaming into the tar below.
"Aww, gross!" she groaned when she resurfaced covered in fake tar.
“My bad, Millie!” A quick-pan back up to Chase showed him looking down apologetically, and a cut showed the other Gaffers celebrating.
"That's one point for the Gaffers!" Chris said from off-screen, and the shot cut to Millie as she pulled herself out of the pit.
"Thanks for helping me," Millie told her teammates. “Sorry for losing that round.”
"It's just the first one," Anne Maria said back. "We'll definitely bounce back."
"Next up," Chris said as he walked over to the team, "Justin and Ripper!"
"Booyah!" Ripper cheered, pumping his fist. "It's my time to shine!"
His revery was broken by a sudden and terrifying roar from above, the shot cutting to above the columns as a few prehistoric geese similar to the ones that had lived on Boney Island flew into view.
"Uh-oh," Chris said. "Looks like Millie's blood-curdling screams have attracted a swarm of prehistoric pterodactyls! This," he said as the camera switched back to his close-up, "should make things interesting!"
"Cool special effects, man. High five," Justin said, looking up in amazement and holding his hand out for Chris.
"Oh," Chris said while quickly backing away from the model, "totally special effects."
The monstrous geese were still circling when the footage flashed ahead, panning slightly to the left to show Ripper staring the camera down. "You're out of your league, eye candy," he said, "even if your bone is bigger!"
Justin cringed in terror as the geese around them roared, but gripped his bone tightly with both hands and focused on his opponent. "Bring it!" he told his competition.
As though on cue, one of the geese rammed Ripper in the back, causing him to fall towards Justin. The burly teen tried to hang on by grabbing his foe by the loincloth while the goose flew off, but he dragged both of them off the pillar, unintentionally stripping Justin of his loincloth in the process.
Confessional: Justin
"I'm gonna win the million," Justin told the confessional camera, utterly coated with tar, "but that shot of me standing atop the stone column is worth even more. It's gonna be an iconic image for the series.” The handsome boy took a moment to admire himself. “Hey, my skin does look even better with the tar."
Confessional Ends
The two boys were shown splashing into the tar and quickly surfacing, most of the other contestants looking disappointed by the result.
"Uhh, whose is this?" Ripper asked, holding up some tar-covered wad and looking at it in confusion.
Justin looked down at his body, then looked over at his foe with widened eyes. He quickly snatched the wad away from Ripper and sunk under the pit in order to put it back on. After doing so, he resurfaced and climbed out of the pit.
"And with that tie," Chris said, ducking into the shot with a grin on his face, "the score is still 1-0 to the Gaffers. Next up, Topher and Jasmine!"
Topher was hunched over on the top of his column, twirling his large thigh bone and smirking confidently. "I know I got you as my opponent, but I have the power of a huge bone on my side while you have a small bone," he told the Aussie standing opposite him.
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, mate," Jasmine replied with an equally confident smile. "You have no idea what I'm capable of!"
The horn was sounded, signaling the start of the fight. Topher immediately took a swipe at Jasmine, but the tall girl ducked and used her weapon to deflect the blow over her head. Before Topher could make another move, a grunting noise got the attention of both competitors.
A pair of woolly beavers had arrived at the edge of the tar pit. The shot cut back to the duelists, both shooting curious looks down at the rodents.
"Eh, no worries," Topher said after a second. "They're not even real!" The fanboy took another swipe at Jasmine, who just barely leaned out of the way in time. Jasmine made no attempt to counter, and simply looked from her opponent to the lurking beavers.
Confessional: Jasmine
"I'm positive that the beavers were real," Jasmine told the confessional camera. "And even if they were animatronic, they're just there to interfere with the challenge."
Confessional Ends
“Would you do me a favor and stand still?" Topher griped as he missed another swing at his opponent, who still kept looking between the fanboy and the beavers.
"Topher!" Anne Maria called out. "Watch out! Those beavers are comin’ your way!"
"What?" Topher replied with considerable disbelief, finally looking down again as the two beavers jumped into the tar and began to swim across towards the columns. "I have to make this quick then," he commented before quickly blocking a thrust from Jasmine.
"Don't let some overgrown rats ruin this for us, Jasmine!" MK hollered before the camera cut back to the beavers. One began to climb the column on the left – the one assigned to the Grips – while the other took a large bite out of it.
"Whoa. Who knew prehistoric beavers could eat plaster?" Jasmine commented idly as Topher's column began to sway and the dirty blond struggled to keep his balance. "Not that I'm complaining about the assistance," she added with a smirk before thrusting her bone in her hands towards her opponent.
"I was about to say the same thing!" Topher said with a smile as he deliberately let his column sway away from Jasmine's weapon so that it missed him, then used his bone to swat Jasmine off her pillar and she screamed until she fell into the tar with a splash.
The climbing beaver reached the top of Topher's column moments later, and its weight sent the whole thing toppling. Tossing away his bone, he quickly jumped onto the vacant pillar, clinging to it and to safety. The other column fell, and both beavers dived into the tar moments after.
Confessional: Topher
“Beavers, you are now my favorite animals,” Topher told the camera. “Just don't tell my cat, Topher Jr., about this. He gets crazy jealous easily.”
Confessional Ends
Chris laughed. "That was awesome! Would've preferred to see some beaver carnage, but you can't have everything. Anyways, that leaves the teams tied at one-all and us with a match between Anne Maria and MK! On the same column! You just can't write this stuff!"
The camera pulled back to show the two girls standing on either side of the host. Anne Maria smirked and said "Why bother havin’ the final round? We all know who's gonna win."
“I'll show you why wits are better than strength!” MK shot back as cockily.
The scene flashed to a close-up of the lone remaining column, the camera panning up to show the two girls crammed together on the top. Anne Maria was holding her bone behind her back, and she appeared much more stable than MK. The smaller girl was already wobbling now and again, but her smaller bone was raised and ready to strike.
"I hope you're ready for a tar bath, techno girl," Anne Maria taunted.
"Not gonna happen," MK replied with a light laugh.
The horn sounded, and MK took a first strike that was not only easily dodged, but nearly caused her to lose what little footing she had. "Whoa-oa-oah!" she screamed, flailing her arms around and eventually regaining her balance – but in the process accidentally knocking her bone against Anne Maria's. The weapon was jarred from the techno's hand and plunged to the tar below.
"Uh oh!" MK cried when one of the prehistoric beavers rose up from the tar with a lump on its head.
Confessional: MK
"Fantastic!" MK griped in the make-up trailer. "The one time I don't intentionally try to tick off anybody, and a beaver is about to kill me because my bone hit its head."
Confessional Ends
With a bellowing roar that nearly shook both girls off the column, the beaver reared back and took a massive bite out of the plaster pillar. The camera quick-panned back to the top as it started to shake and fall, and MK stumbled off it with a squealing scream.
The shot cut back to ground level as the beaver dived down again and the pillar fell, MK splashing into the tar.
Chris laughed, and the footage paused. "I gotta check that out again," he said, and the footage rewound to just before MK fell. It replayed in slow-motion, and the host paused and zoomed in on MK's horrified expression as she fell. "Hahahaha! That was great!"
"Well," the host said as the footage resumed normally and MK crawled her way out of the tar pit in the background, "I'd say the Gaffers had a better chance at the one million B.C.! B.C.," he repeated, "before carnivores! As for the Grips, they win today's reward!" The camera panned over to show Chef Hatchet driving up in a golf cart with a truly gargantuan side of ribs strapped to the roof. "A mammoth-size prehistoric barbecue!"
The cart drove past Topher, Millie, and Justin, the latter two still covered in tar, and came to a stop right next to the tar pit as the winning team cheered. "Ehh, it's a living," Chef told the camera nonchalantly.
"Don't worry," Chris added. "The Grips may have won today's reward, but," he took a large egg out from behind his back, "we're not gonna let the Gaffers go hungry."
He tossed the egg to a tar-covered Jasmine, who looked at it keenly. "A giant egg? I've seen a lot of them back home."
"Should be enough for four," Chris told the losing team. "You'd better get to work on your fire, though!" The camera cut over to the Gaffers' fire pit from earlier that day, which was still pitifully unlit. The host added "Maybe the Grips will throw you a bone when they're done?"
"Ha ha ha. Barbecue time," Justin said excitedly as he and his teammates approached the cart.
Chef got out of his seat, but in doing so caused the cart to begin rolling towards the tar pit. The Grips were shown gasping in shock, and the camera focused in on the cart as it rapidly approached the tar pit, began to tilt, and finally stopped. The shot pulled back to show Anne Maria holding on to the front of the cart, Topher holding her around the waist, Millie holding onto his waist, and Justin at the end holding onto Millie's arm.
"Pull everyone!" Anne Maria commanded. "I'm not letting our rib get tarred because of some two-bit chef who parks worse than my elementary school bus driver!"
As the four began to pull, the camera panned over to Chef, who rolled his eyes and walked away with a grumble.
"Dang," Chris said, walking over with an impish smile on his face. "And here I was hoping to see the four of you use those bones to hunt like real cave people!"
"Shut up, McLean!" Anne Maria yelled at him as the Grips managed to drag the cart back onto level ground.
The camera panned over to the Gaffers, Jasmine still holding the giant egg in her hands and Chase the only one not covered in tar.
"Bet you're not happy about leaving that team," MK told Jasmine.
"I really missed out on a delicious meal," Jasmine lamented.
"On the bright side," Chase added proudly, "I didn't get tarred today."
"Good for you," Jasmine said uninterestingly. "I'll get started on that egg."
She was about to move when a terrifying cry rang through the air.
"Uhh, Jasmine?" Chris cautiously told the Australian girl. "I think the pterodactyl wants its egg back." The monster goose was shown hovering in the sky above, and it quickly dive-bombed the contestants below.
Jasmine screamed and her teammates scattered, and the goose was soon on top of her, buffeting her with its wings.
"Get off, you goose!" the Aussie shouted and was now fighting back. "I am not your appetizer!"
The shot cut back to Chris and Chef, who were cringing at the fight happening just off-screen. They looked at each other, and shrugged helplessly. "Ehh, they'll be fine," the host said right before another goose-cry was heard. "Probably. And hey, at least we'll be eating nice tonight!" Chef nodded happily.
They looked over at the Grips, who were now digging in to their reward dinner. “Glad I'm not a Gaffer,” Topher chuckled and pulled a large rib off the rack.
Chef and Chris walked off. They passed the Gaffers as they went, Jasmine pinning the goose to the ground while Chase and MK watched in excitement and Ripper, now grinning, finally lit the team's fire.
Confessional: Topher
Topher took a bite out of a rib he was holding. "Gotta give props to Chef for actually managing to cook something as tasty as this," he said while leaning back in the confessional chair. "I wish I did get knocked into that tar pit. Justin told me that it's great for the skin!"
Confessional: Ripper
"I hate prehistoric birds now," Ripper told the make-up trailer camera with a glare. "They're the reason why I'm not feasting on ribs. I wish that cart fell into the tar pit if I wasn't gonna get my share!"
Confessional: Chris
Chris was picking his teeth with one hand and holding a coconut drink in the other. "I know everyone was hoping for the Gaffers to win this challenge," he said, "which is good, because it proves that the underdogs can win." He paused to take a sip from the straw in his coconut. "Sadly, it just wasn't in their favor, even with Jasmine on their team." He shrugged, then picked his teeth again.
"See you next time, kiddies!" he told the camera. "Same Chris time," he tossed his toothpick away, "same Chris channel!" He tossed the coconut away next, and a tinkling crash from off-camera soon indicated it had broken something. "Uhh, wasn't me!" Chris called nervously before dashing off in the opposite direction.
Confessionals End
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
“Excluding us losing the challenge and me getting attacked by a bird, which I managed to overpower, my first day on the Screaming Gaffers wasn't bad at all,” Jasmine confessed to the audience. “And nobody on my team even made an attempt to cheat. Not even MK or Ripper. I do wish for us to win the next challenge. With me being the newbie, I could be the next target for voting!”
Eva - 15th
Geoff - 15th
Trent - 13th
Sky - 12th
Brick - 11th
Scott - 10th
Izzy - 9th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Justin, Millie, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Jasmine, MK, Ripper
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:40 RacksOfFactsss From the Real Reddit Writer-

submitted by RacksOfFactsss to abbylaurenfemalehater [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:35 According-Pay2198 Candy and sweets

So tell me why I tried to purge and I’m just frustrated that it didn’t come out. I didn’t know that and other candy and stuff doesn’t come out and I’m just so frustrated and for some reason I decided to stand on a scale and I realised I gained weight because I stood on the scale in the morning as well. I just don’t know what to do because I feel awful and I feel like I just wanna have a mental breakdown and move away never see people because I can’t do this. I feel so disgusting because I feel like falling behind everyone is just losing weight left and right.
submitted by According-Pay2198 to bulimia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:13 Icy_Fox_907 Things to do that don't involve alcohol

So basically what the title says. I'm noticing these days that there are a lot of community activities, events, etc. that always seem to have drinking or alcohol involved. It's really hard to find anything that doesn't.
I remember a time when movie theater concession stands had soda, popcorn, and candies. Now you can't step into a theater that doesn't also have a full bar, or cocktail options. My boyfriend and I ran a 10k for our anniversary last year, and there were beers and vodka seltzers at the finish line. I did some volunteer work at a rehab center and someone in a meeting circle said Chuck E. Cheese serves wine for the adults now. Which...I'm sorry I find that wildly inappropriate. I do blame Mommy Wine culture for that one...
I've seen posts on other subreddits with people absolutely losing their minds over dry weddings. Even when the couple chooses to have a dry wedding because of family history of addiction. People argue there's no point in going without being able to drink at the reception. I think if I had a dry wedding and one of my friends or family members said they wouldn't come JUST because there isn't alcohol...well I'd be hurt.
I don't drink much myself, and my boyfriend has decided he's not into drinking anymore either. Problem now is how hard it's been to find social scenes and activities that don't have alcohol. Some spaces offer non-alcoholic options, and we have the choice not to drink, but sometimes we just don't want to be around a whole group of people who are drunk.
He is getting into sporty things (just got a pickleball set) but what other suggestions does anyone have? Anybody else feeling this way?
submitted by Icy_Fox_907 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:21 Oban-Star-Racer [F4M] Narcos [Discord]

Hi there folks. I'm in my late-20s and would like partners to be in their mid-20s or early-30s as well, just for the sake of comfort and similar time management. In the same breath, all characters involved are 25 years or older and consenting.
For my posts, expect novella sized replies (5+ paragraphs) but I am able to keep it to (3-4) should we want a more intimate exchange of dialogue or reactions. My writing is done in third-person past-tense and I request my partner have the same preferences as well. I have a lot of time on my hands right now so I can promise a post once a day (often more) but if my partner has other tasks (work/family) I am happy to wait upwards of a month for a reply but an active OOC is required to ensure we're both interested and motivated regardless of posting pace. Open communication is a must, as I find a silent OOC to be jarring and taxing on my interest. Let me know about your ideas, delays or concerns so we can work together!
Below is a rough idea for a Narcos RP (romance/action/slice of life) which would take place in Columbia in the mid-1980s. If you want a fully fleshed Character Sheet, I can provide one. I'm also happy to write as Murphy and other side characters, or we can share them. I'm flexible. If the idea looks good to you, let me know! We can kick things off prior to Murphy's death or right after, or we can tweak if if you have suggestions of your own.
Murphy and Peña were akin to brothers. They bickered but still bonded over their struggles. The two would share a beer after work and would even dine together with Connie cooking for the three of them, just glad to enjoy what time she had with her husband, Steve. Routine had been established as the pair of DEA Agents continued to target Pablo Escobar but that was disrupted by the arrival of a new DEA Agent, Sasha Beaumont. While lacking fieldwork experience, she was capable at giving chase on foot, shooting and handling the locals (being fluent in English, French, Italian and Spanish). Murphy was openly distrustful of the woman while Peña was glad for some eye-candy while on the clock.
The three Agents began to get to know one another but before any sizable progress could be appreciated, Murphy was killed.
By all accounts, it was by one of Escobar's hired sicario. Connie had no choice but to collect what remained of her life and return to the States, leaving Javier and Sasha to their respective grief. The banter between Javier and Sasha faded and a tense blanket fell over them as they fought to get revenge for Murphy's murder. One night, Sasha was taken to an unknown location and given a choice: act as a spy for Escobar or be painted as a traitor and responsible for Murphy's death. With her hands both figuratively and literally tied, she agreed to help Escobar evade the DEA. It was a bitter poison on her tongue as she knew she was now living a dangerous double life. With her life threatened by constant observation from Escobar's contacts, she doesn't consider telling Javier about her predicament. His life would be threatened as well and she knew she'd lose her job.
Sasha aims to get free of her blackmail and bring down Escobar alongside Javier.
submitted by Oban-Star-Racer to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:10 RZIBARA The Bad Batch - Cards Reveal

The Bad Batch - Cards Reveal
Scene to Stats Transmission Link
In today’s Scene to Stats, we are showing off one of the most unconventional units ever made for Star Wars™: Legion, the Bad Batch!
The Bad Batch are an elite and aggressive squad of commandos with the tools to push up the table and blast the enemy at short range. Their individuality, though, is what really sets them apart as a unit. We’re Not Regs represents Clone Force 99’s penchant for working outside of the box, and they don’t benefit from the exceptional capacity for teamwork of their clone brothers. Instead, the Bad Batch excel at independent action, and it’s in that context where each member is free to bring their unique strengths to bear.
Hunter, the leader of the unit, is at his best when he can use his enhanced senses to sneak up on the enemy and ambush them in close quarters. Wrecker’s enormous size and enhanced strength give him impressive offensive potential and the resilience to protect the rest of his unit. Tech can come up with a plan with multiple contingencies even in the thick of the action using his enhanced intelligence. Crosshair’s exceptional marksmanship and long-range blaster allow him to handle distant threats before they have a chance to threaten his squad. While the rest of the Bad Batch are bound together due to the shared experience of their genetic enhancements, Echo’s bond with his unit was forged when they helped rescue him from captivity. Echo’s cybernetic enhancements and his commitment to supporting his clone brothers drives his ability to be where he’s needed when he’s needed.
With Omega’s entrance to the unit and Crosshair’s departure, the Bad Batch gain a new focus. Omega’s entrance into the squad marks the start of the Bad Batch’s practice of choosing their own missions and fuels their drive to complete them. The I’m Part of the Squad Too keyword on Omega gives the unit a unique capability to interact with the mission.
On the table, the Bad Batch gives a player a ton of options due to their self-sufficiency and flexible abilities. The combination of Tactical, Steady, and a courage value of 3 often means they get to make 2 move actions on their activation while simultaneously generating the aim and surge tokens they need to make effective attacks. Steady gives them the option to move out from behind cover with their first action, shoot, then move back behind cover with their second action; an excellent option when their opponent is in a position to threaten them. They also have the aggressive option of moving twice before making their attack, generating an additional aim token from Tech’s Tactical keyword before attacking and increasing their threat range.
As an elite unit with impressive attacks that doesn’t need the support of another unit going before them to have a very strong activation, the Bad Batch are an excellent unit to order and activate as early as possible.
We Do What We Do takes the Bad Batch’s strengths and pushes them to the extreme. Having the ability to order them to activate first even when they are far away from your commanders is also very useful given how much the Bad Batch move.
The Bad Batch are exceptionally strong at splitting their attacks into multiple targets with Sharpshooter 1 and access to aim tokens to reroll the attack pool that needs it. Hunter’s free card action can follow up on any target that proves to be unexpectedly tough. The ability to handle multiple problems in one activation is critical for a unit that will often be outnumbered.
The Bad Batch need to play smart to survive. Saving some of the surge tokens Echo provides for defense is usually a good idea. The unit can use their good mobility to get into positions where they will be able to contribute without getting targeted by too many enemy units. With every member of the Bad Batch providing different advantages, deciding which member is going to gain wounds is always hard. Getting tied up in melee is also something they need to avoid since it shuts off the advantage they get from their mobility.
The Bad Batch pair well with other fast units to make an army that can outmaneuver their opponents. Tauntaun riders (available in SWL40) can use their mobility to engage the melee units that threaten the Bad Batch, and they can use their speed with Relentless and Reposition to skirmish alongside them.
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s (available in SWL44) ability to protect The Bad Batch with Guardian allows the Bad Batch to function at full capacity for longer. His ability to handle any melee threats that come their way makes him a great companion for the Bad Batch. Ahsoka Tano (available in SWL106) can perform a similar role if she brings her command card Fierce Protector. This combination allows the Bad Batch to play in the center of a force without as much risk of losing members of the unit.
The Bad Batch also provide a great independent element in an army that otherwise works best grouped up like one with lots of Republic corps units. The Bad Batch’s ability to take care of themselves gives a great option to play spread-out missions without being as vulnerable.
With such a flexible and unique centerpiece unit, players have a ton of room to express themselves. We’re excited to see what everyone does with the Bad Batch!
Be sure to check back for yet another installment of Scene to Stats, the series where we give you your first look at how your favorite characters transition to the tabletop in Star Wars: Legion. Pre-order your own copy of the Bad Batch at your local game store or through our webstore today.
Until then, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off.
submitted by RZIBARA to SWlegion [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:44 Ada_W0n3 [PC][2017-2019] Collect candy while chased around an empty neighborhood.

Hi hi! I'm trying to find a game I saw years ago that came back to mind and has been stuck with me, unable to find it anywhere I decided to come here for help! This is a VERY VERY indie game that I didn't see many talk about, I saw it on a youtuber's video randomly a few years back, I don't know when, that's why the release date can be between 2017 and 2019.
Platform(s): PC only, Indie game
Genre: Horror
Estimated year of release: Between 2017 - 2019
Graphics/art style: Not very detailed, even a bit low-poly, reminded me a lot of the style of puppet combo but even less detailed I think.
Notable characters: The protagonist was I think a girl, and we were chased by an humanoid looking character which had (If my memory doesn't fail me) a pumpkin for a head and a purple hood ontop of it, it moved quite fast and it had an orange-yellowish glow around them.
Notable gameplay mechanics: The game was played in third person, the camera was zoomed out and you could see the back of your character and almost their entire body, In the game, we must find a set amount of things (I think it was candy, since the game was set on Halloween if I remember right) in a big neighborhood with many houses at night, while we do this, we must avoid a pursuer that is lurking around the neighborhood, houses are not accessible however the main way of losing chase against this pursuer is getting inside the half-open doors of the houses garages, since we could crouch low enough to enter them, while the pursuer could not.
Other details: Clunky movement (If I remember right). I saw the game on youtube, videos of some youtubers I cannot remember the name of sadly, it was pretty obscure since I didn't see many vids on it, only two or three I think!
submitted by Ada_W0n3 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:52 Loud-Tell4053 What helped me

So I went to church on Sunday and I started sitting in the back to avoid annoying people but they were still coughing anyways. This week however I didn’t hear a peep. I know I’m not cured completely because I could tell the kid in front of me was slightly uncomfortable and there might have been one or two coughs over the span of four or five hours.
I went to school for the first time in three weeks and for the first time in a year I felt normal.. Not completely actually because I knew I was emitting something (gas or smell) from my mouth and nose so I had to keep my mouth covered. Students still closest to me still kinda reacted tho.
Here’s What I Did For FBO:
I first started seeing actual progress after taking kefir everyday for about a week. In one class I heard my teachers say that “it was getting better” and “they didn’t have to leave the door open anymore” I finally thought it was over but it was still just as bad.
The kefir helped with stool passage but I was still heavily constipated.
I started drinking prune juice and ate oatmeal almost everyday. I tried to eat as much spinach as possible. The recommended dose of fiber is 30g/day. These things helped me but doing this alone is not enough.
Around this time I was also taking miraLax sporadically. Doing these things all together, my stool started changing in color, size and smell. It was practically a dark brown/black color and it smelled horrendous. I cannot emphasize enough that it didn’t smell normal at all! I would sit there feeling bad for my brother because he was visiting and had to smell it all the way from the living room. It kind of smelled like baby poo but much worse.
I recall in the beginning of the school year these two girls were talking by me and I heard one say “she kind of smells like baby..” I couldn’t catch her last few words and I was still in denial so I assumed she was talking about how fresh a baby smells. It was right then I realized that the smell of this poop that was once inside of me was emitting itself through my pores.
I felt way lighter and I didn’t even realize how congested my body felt that entire time.
Unfortunately the smell still persists
The next big milestone for me was when I started taking this inulin powder and liquid probiotic from Amazon along with the kefir.
I came back to school and reactions again, dramatically declined. That same morning I felt my mind clear up. No more brain fog, it felt like my mind was flowing! The next few days however it felt like the effect wore off and I would never forget how this girl who sits in front of me moved to the other side of the classroom by the window to get fresh air.
I was starting to realize that the smell was no longer coming from my body but now through my lungs slightly less concentrated. I could look at students through my peripheral and they were fine until I fully faced them. I quite literally did not know what to do as all these products I was taking were to heal the gut and colon.
I started taking multiple scoops of the inulin in one cup and mixed it with the liquid probiotic and water. I could feel some movement in my intestines (it didn’t hurt nor was it uncomfortable) But I started passing way more gas, without any smell which was a huge difference when I took prune juice. I don’t encourage taking multiple doses especially if you haven’t built a tolerance to the probiotics. I think I was able to do what I did because of the buildup over time of kefir, prune juice, oatmeal, spinach etc. I was also drinking WAY more water too.
I started doing pelvic floor exercises as well and during those five to ten minutes I could FEEL the movements of the stool in myself and use the bathroom shortly after.
This was around the time I started vacating mucus as well. This is probably TMI but I would feel something slushy drop out of me without any force and it was like that for the next few days. I don’t have a solid explanation for that.
I was starting to get more serious about this and I finally cutoff a lot of candy, junk food, fast food etc. I read that other individuals were able to cure themselves without having to cutoff these things and I felt like there was hope for me.
That’s Sunday a few new people came to church and I felt like I lost all progress. As soon as they came they were in a coughing fit. I just had no peace of mind because every few minutes or so they would start coughing and sneezing. They even put masks on. Never throughout this whole journey has anyone ever did that.
That same night I had a few snacks. I was sad and wanted to cope. I took around seven scoops of the inulin fiber and would have called it a night. But I started to feel lightheaded. Long story short I had a panic attack.
I was gearing my diet to have more whole grains to incorporate fiber but anytime I ate foods that was high in carbs like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and pizza (one time) I would get lightheaded five to ten minutes later. I got too scared to eat and wouldn’t eat for a whole day.
By the nighttime I was in an anxious state and I started to have more panic attacks. I felt like all my progress was lost.
I had to drink four or five water bottles a day to feel okay.
I wanted to cut out all types of meat from my diet. But when I had chicken for the first time in a while I felt my body gain more energy. I could eat eggs without feeling lightheaded.
Here’s where I think our problems might not completely align. Yes, everyone is going through the same problem but for different reasons. Gut dysbiosis, constipation, antibiotics, etc are main catalyst’s for this problem but what your body needs could be different from mine.
I think it’s safe to say that I cured my fbo by this point and now needed for focus on my patm replenish my body and bacteria with good energy.
For PATM This Is What I Did:
I did some research on patm and found a study which I will link. Individuals with patm had higher levels of toluene chemicals in them compared to those who didn’t have patm. They also lacked an enzyme called CYP2E1 which is responsible for breaking down chemicals such as this and also facilitates your metabolism. The study listed that certain doses of salmon, spinach, and beef would break down the toluene.
So I gave it a try.
My dad had already bought spinach, salmon, and beef neck for me. He also bought celery and cucumber for juice.
I’m still aiming to eat beef liver though because I feel there would be a higher concentration of the CYP2E1 enzymes.
Sometimes I would have a dry cough out of nowhere which I’m sure is what everyone would go through when I was around. I no longer felt lightheaded and dizzy. I didn’t meet to drink as much water. And I still had brain fog.
On Reddit a person shared their experience with patm and gave some helpful insight. They stated how they had skin and scalp issues. They were using products that were drying to their skin and hair.
I noticed that prior to the fecal body odor I would wash my hair every two days or so (I’m black if that helps) and would use mielle conditioner which was a change for my hair (I grew up using coconut oil etc) my coils were becoming looser until it suddenly became hard and brittle. Even now I’ve been losing a lot of hair and even now it isn’t as dense as it used to be.
As for my skin I would scrape really hard and would notice brown residue (?) under my finger nails. I thought it was dirt and that my body was producing more oils as I got older which is partially true. Scrubbing your skin harshly like that will strip your skin of its natural body oils and in return it will produce more body oil to compensate. It didn’t help that I didn’t use lotion. I didn’t like the feeling of it. My skin was really dry and I even saw how it became more scaley and cracked.
I stopped washing my skin harshly and used lotions after showering. One or two days later I no line her saw the residuals. To test it I would drag my finger nail across my skin at most twice. No more brown stuff. I would use an alcohol pad to see if it picked up anything. Nothing. My skin is still scaley but to a lesser degree.
I still don’t have enough energy to take care of my hair as much as I should. Black hair requires more attention. But I did wash it and put some rosemary oil and Shea butter after. Like I said I don’t really pay much attention to my hair right now but I see that that it has more movement (they’re in twists)
With all of these things mentioned above combined, that brings me to today. I could say that I’m 90% cured and just need a little more effort (including exercise)
If I’m missing anything I will add it.
SUMMARY: - Wash skin gently and thoroughly - use lotion/ body oils (I use CeraVe) - Wash hair bi-weekly ( I use mielle but I suggest knowing what works best for your hair porosity because the shampoo is high protein) - use hair oils to replenish moisture - Beef/beef live beef brains, salmon, spinach, protein to break down toluene - Exercise, go outside - Whole Foods
PATM Research paper :
Additional Links:
submitted by Loud-Tell4053 to patm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:51 Loud-Tell4053 Update

So I went to church on Sunday and I started sitting in the back to avoid annoying people but they were still coughing anyways. This week however I didn’t hear a peep. I know I’m not cured completely because I could tell the kid in front of me was slightly uncomfortable and there might have been one or two coughs over the span of four or five hours.
I went to school for the first time in three weeks and for the first time in a year I felt normal.. Not completely actually because I knew I was emitting something (gas or smell) from my mouth and nose so I had to keep my mouth covered. Students still closest to me still kinda reacted tho.
Here’s What I Did For FBO:
I first started seeing actual progress after taking kefir everyday for about a week. In one class I heard my teachers say that “it was getting better” and “they didn’t have to leave the door open anymore” I finally thought it was over but it was still just as bad.
The kefir helped with stool passage but I was still heavily constipated.
I started drinking prune juice and ate oatmeal almost everyday. I tried to eat as much spinach as possible. The recommended dose of fiber is 30g/day. These things helped me but doing this alone is not enough.
Around this time I was also taking miraLax sporadically. Doing these things all together, my stool started changing in color, size and smell. It was practically a dark brown/black color and it smelled horrendous. I cannot emphasize enough that it didn’t smell normal at all! I would sit there feeling bad for my brother because he was visiting and had to smell it all the way from the living room. It kind of smelled like baby poo but much worse.
I recall in the beginning of the school year these two girls were talking by me and I heard one say “she kind of smells like baby..” I couldn’t catch her last few words and I was still in denial so I assumed she was talking about how fresh a baby smells. It was right then I realized that the smell of this poop that was once inside of me was emitting itself through my pores.
I felt way lighter and I didn’t even realize how congested my body felt that entire time.
Unfortunately the smell still persists
The next big milestone for me was when I started taking this inulin powder and liquid probiotic from Amazon along with the kefir.
I came back to school and reactions again, dramatically declined. That same morning I felt my mind clear up. No more brain fog, it felt like my mind was flowing! The next few days however it felt like the effect wore off and I would never forget how this girl who sits in front of me moved to the other side of the classroom by the window to get fresh air.
I was starting to realize that the smell was no longer coming from my body but now through my lungs slightly less concentrated. I could look at students through my peripheral and they were fine until I fully faced them. I quite literally did not know what to do as all these products I was taking were to heal the gut and colon.
I started taking multiple scoops of the inulin in one cup and mixed it with the liquid probiotic and water. I could feel some movement in my intestines (it didn’t hurt nor was it uncomfortable) But I started passing way more gas, without any smell which was a huge difference when I took prune juice. I don’t encourage taking multiple doses especially if you haven’t built a tolerance to the probiotics. I think I was able to do what I did because of the buildup over time of kefir, prune juice, oatmeal, spinach etc. I was also drinking WAY more water too.
I started doing pelvic floor exercises as well and during those five to ten minutes I could FEEL the movements of the stool in myself and use the bathroom shortly after.
This was around the time I started vacating mucus as well. This is probably TMI but I would feel something slushy drop out of me without any force and it was like that for the next few days. I don’t have a solid explanation for that.
I was starting to get more serious about this and I finally cutoff a lot of candy, junk food, fast food etc. I read that other individuals were able to cure themselves without having to cutoff these things and I felt like there was hope for me.
That’s Sunday a few new people came to church and I felt like I lost all progress. As soon as they came they were in a coughing fit. I just had no peace of mind because every few minutes or so they would start coughing and sneezing. They even put masks on. Never throughout this whole journey has anyone ever did that.
That same night I had a few snacks. I was sad and wanted to cope. I took around seven scoops of the inulin fiber and would have called it a night. But I started to feel lightheaded. Long story short I had a panic attack.
I was gearing my diet to have more whole grains to incorporate fiber but anytime I ate foods that was high in carbs like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and pizza (one time) I would get lightheaded five to ten minutes later. I got too scared to eat and wouldn’t eat for a whole day.
By the nighttime I was in an anxious state and I started to have more panic attacks. I felt like all my progress was lost.
I had to drink four or five water bottles a day to feel okay.
I wanted to cut out all types of meat from my diet. But when I had chicken for the first time in a while I felt my body gain more energy. I could eat eggs without feeling lightheaded.
Here’s where I think our problems might not completely align. Yes, everyone is going through the same problem but for different reasons. Gut dysbiosis, constipation, antibiotics, etc are main catalyst’s for this problem but what your body needs could be different from mine.
I think it’s safe to say that I cured my fbo by this point and now needed for focus on my patm replenish my body and bacteria with good energy.
For PATM This Is What I Did:
I did some research on patm and found a study which I will link. Individuals with patm had higher levels of toluene chemicals in them compared to those who didn’t have patm. They also lacked an enzyme called CYP2E1 which is responsible for breaking down chemicals such as this and also facilitates your metabolism. The study listed that certain doses of salmon, spinach, and beef would break down the toluene.
So I gave it a try.
My dad had already bought spinach, salmon, and beef neck for me. He also bought celery and cucumber for juice.
I’m still aiming to eat beef liver though because I feel there would be a higher concentration of the CYP2E1 enzymes.
Sometimes I would have a dry cough out of nowhere which I’m sure is what everyone would go through when I was around. I no longer felt lightheaded and dizzy. I didn’t meet to drink as much water. And I still had brain fog.
On Reddit a person shared their experience with patm and gave some helpful insight. They stated how they had skin and scalp issues. They were using products that were drying to their skin and hair.
I noticed that prior to the fecal body odor I would wash my hair every two days or so (I’m black if that helps) and would use mielle conditioner which was a change for my hair (I grew up using coconut oil etc) my coils were becoming looser until it suddenly became hard and brittle. Even now I’ve been losing a lot of hair and even now it isn’t as dense as it used to be.
As for my skin I would scrape really hard and would notice brown residue (?) under my finger nails. I thought it was dirt and that my body was producing more oils as I got older which is partially true. Scrubbing your skin harshly like that will strip your skin of its natural body oils and in return it will produce more body oil to compensate. It didn’t help that I didn’t use lotion. I didn’t like the feeling of it. My skin was really dry and I even saw how it became more scaley and cracked.
I stopped washing my skin harshly and used lotions after showering. One or two days later I no line her saw the residuals. To test it I would drag my finger nail across my skin at most twice. No more brown stuff. I would use an alcohol pad to see if it picked up anything. Nothing. My skin is still scaley but to a lesser degree.
I still don’t have enough energy to take care of my hair as much as I should. Black hair requires more attention. But I did wash it and put some rosemary oil and Shea butter after. Like I said I don’t really pay much attention to my hair right now but I see that that it has more movement (they’re in twists)
With all of these things mentioned above combined, that brings me to today. I could say that I’m 90% cured and just need a little more effort (including exercise)
If I’m missing anything I will add it.
SUMMARY: - Wash skin gently and thoroughly - use lotion/ body oils (I use CeraVe) - Wash hair bi-weekly ( I use mielle but I suggest knowing what works best for your hair porosity because the shampoo is high protein) - use hair oils to replenish moisture - Beef/beef live beef brains, salmon, spinach, protein to break down toluene - Exercise, go outside - Whole Foods
PATM Research paper :
Additional Links:
submitted by Loud-Tell4053 to TMAU [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:17 Toomuchemotion Dissection of the ForMyLastTrick Stickers

I may be delusional, but I got one of the letters in the mail and I have spiraled since.
There are 3 release dates (Ghost, Nightmare, The End). Both released are important releases, pivotal moments of Halsey’s career: the first song and first bold political song, perhaps? Ghost’s sticker is a little ghosty guy saying “you won’t find me here”, while Nightmare has a newspaper reading “woman out for blood”. Both encompass the messages of the songs. So what is The End’s sticker? A clock. Time.
Time is a big theme of this album. There is “LESSTIME” on the record with the red question mark, a play on “Timeless”. White rabbit—Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Michigan license plate reads “Water Wonderland”. As well, I did some digging and THIS IS WHERE I MAY LOSE YOU, there is a ticket of an archeological site in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. An ancient (very advanced, read up on it!) Mayan city where the tomb of the Red Queen was found, a name also belonging to the antagonist in Alice Through the Looking Glass. The antagonist of AAiW is the Queen of Hearts (x-ray of the big ass heart). We’ll get back to them.
Magic is another one. Houdini’s title of “Master Mystifier”. A woman playing the cello with a bow that looks like a wand, stars surrounding her. Halsey as a witch—Wizard of Oz? I know many relate the yellow brick road to the yellow and red record.
What do the WoO and AAiW have in common? They’re both portal fantasies. I believe Halsey “falls” into and “travels” to the 70s. We know the sound will most likely be 70s folk/rock. The Michigan license plate reads 1971, K-mart’s logo is that of the 70s, Belleville’s 1971 Winter Carnival… The Spotify playlist is 70s (with one or two modern but 70s sounding, I may be wrong). The Palenque ticket is also dated 1977. The DOLL THAT I CANT FIND WHEN SEARCHING “BIG EYED 70S DOLL STUBBY ARMS”.
In the movie, Dorothy wakes from a dream, like Alice. But in the book, Dorothy was gone for weeks. Multiple variations, narrations. Unreliable timelines.
Like the respective protagonists, Halsey has a target on their back, traveling through a (magical) maze to get back home (compliments card). Who are the antagonists?
Dual identity. Halsey and Ashley.
The Red Queen and Queen of Hearts have been mashed together and easily confused for each other or as one being. They’re two separate characters from two separate books. Sound familiar? There’s also theories that Dorothy is the Wicked Witch, but that is not canon lol.
Alert. Quilt. Southern Belle, a deceptive woman. Channel 17 on Sirius XM plays Yacht Rock. Cigarette. We like smokers and none smokers. A plane ticket. Four eyes. Pics of bralette and skirt and ear. Lamb (sacrifice?) Candy. Pour nous—for us (The End).
The interactive stickers. Also Musical Maze used to be a NYC record shop, open in the 70s with many workers who would come to be punk musicians (idk how big, I’m a fake punk).
Now, Peril is My Pay is a book I read yesterday into 2am today by Stephen Marlowe. A pen name. Who else had a pen name? Author of AAiW. Marlowe had A MANY pen names, even writing under one with a fellow author. This story, smack in the middle of the Detective Chester Drum series, features an antagonist that is supposedly back from the dead (decoy body). Drum travels to Rome (Roman Holiday?) and later France and Germany (both languages featured on stickers). In France, there is mention of a folklore festival, folky, witchy. In the end, the would be victim is saved but the antagonist escapes and jumps 60ft into water, seemingly to his death. Drum is not too sure. There also features a scene of a mirror maze, disorienting Drum, making him “careful not to do Alice-Through-the-Looking-Glass with one of the mirrors.”
There are quite a few lines that reminded me of Halsey.
“‘You don’t sound like a cynic. You sound like a romantic. Romantics always get disappointed with the world and make like cynics.’”
“All I wanted to do was help him. All he wanted to do, every chance he got, was break my jaw.”
“‘…a gun is no woman’s weapon…’”
Anyway, who is to say that the book even relates at all. I may have been extreme with searching so deeply.
But with the decoy body, someone on Twitter mentioned the red question mark is reminiscent to Hitchcock’s “Vertigo”, which features a woman who impersonates another and kills her after OG girl and protagonist travel along the 17-Mile Drive. The impersonator ends up revealing the truth and promptly is startled by a nun and falls to her death. A bell rings. Dual identity.
Happy release day of “The End”, let me know your theories and if I strayed too far from reality. MWAH
submitted by Toomuchemotion to halsey [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:31 Atyzzze Why Hasn't America Adopted Universal Basic Income Yet?

Why hasn't America adopted Universal Basic Income (UBI) yet? Why aren't leaders like Andrew Yang or others running again with adjusted, more refined ideas?
It seems so obvious that this is the direction we need to go. A daily dollar might not be enough, but what matters is that we start NOW and reevaluate the economy later, once we've had time to absorb the economic changes. Imagine the ripple effects:
Kids buying more candy: Stores get more money, candy producers thrive. Teenagers going to movies or bars: More revenue for entertainment and hospitality sectors. Parents saving for the future: Enhanced financial security. Elders not worrying about their pensions: Greater peace of mind for retirees. A basic income would stimulate the economy by increasing consumer spending across all demographics.
Yet, despite the clear benefits, there's resistance. Why?
Self-Worth Tied to Jobs: Many people equate their self-worth with their job market utility. They fear losing this sense of purpose.
Denial of Technological Progress: Some are still in denial about how far technology has come. We're on the cusp of fully automated driving, but political adjustments and new laws are needed to fully embrace this change.
UBI isn't just about economics; it's about recognizing our inherent worth as human beings. It's about preparing for a future where automation will dominate the job market. Why isn't this direction more obvious to everyone? What are the real barriers preventing this idea from gaining traction?
Let's discuss. How can we push this conversation forward and start building a future where everyone can thrive?
submitted by Atyzzze to BasicIncome [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:52 BananApocalypse Inspired by the Oilers post on /r/hockey, here is how reddit reacted to every major move that led to the 2022 Colorado Avalanche (Cup-winning) roster

Here is the Oilers post (good job Number333). I'm reminiscing about our championship team now that the Stanley Cup finals are upon us, and thought this would be fun to look at.
submitted by BananApocalypse to ColoradoAvalanche [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:23 Vicksin Daily Run (scuffed) Guide - June 4th, 2024

Greetings, Trainers!

Important Intro

Yesterday I closed off saying I wouldn't be able to make a guide today, but thanks to the efforts of our small Daily Run Guide Team on Discord, we've managed to create one in my absence!
This is a temporary change while I'm in between PCs, and hopefully will be back to the usual later this week.
Huge shoutouts to u/lilzael for pathing this run, to u/WinterschneeFee for verifying it works, and to u/Scar13tz for the catch data when applicable. I did basically nothing aside from organize and make this post.
Apologies this run has less catches than usual, but it'll get you to the end of the run quickly for your Egg Vouchers, for those of you struggling to beat the run at all.
I figured better to get something out than nothing at all :')

Intro & Information

Discrepancies/Help, this didn't work!

I can't stress enough that literally every little detail matters


Formatting will be a bit different than normal, it's our first time doing this so bear with me. Everything still works if you follow along.
-------------------------------------------------------- Space Biome
Wave 1 - Timid Synchronize 31HP 26SpAtk Elgyem
Wave 2
Wave 3
Changing formats to the original script here - please bear with me as this is our first time. Next attempt will look cleaner.
Wave 4
Wave 5
Wave 6
Wave 7 - Baltoy (stats not documented)
Wave 8
Wave 9 - Relaxed Levitate Bronzor
Wave 10 - Relaxed Clear Body 27HP Metang
Wave 11
Wave 12
Wave 13 - Tinkatuff (stats not documented)
Wave 14
Wave 15
Wave 16
Wave 17
Wave 18
Wave 19
Wave 20 - VS Gym Leader Tulip
Wave 21
Wave 22
Wave 23
Wave 24
Wave 25
Wave 26
Wave 27
Wave 28
Wave 29
Wave 30 - VS Gym Leader Bugsy
Wave 31
Wave 32
Wave 33
Wave 34
Wave 35
Wave 36
Wave 37
Wave 38
Wave 39
Wave 40 - VS Gym Leader Ramos
Wave 41
Wave 42
Wave 43 - Gholdengo (stats not documented)
Wave 44
Wave 45
Wave 46
Wave 47
Wave 48
Wave 49
Wave 50

Horizontal and Video Enjoyers + Catch Data

Nothing today :(( Hope to get back to the usual format for you asap. This is not the new norm.
Thanks to everyone supporting my YouTube Channel in all of this, the growth and support has meant the world to me and keeps me more motivated than ever to make more of these :')


Today was certainly scuffed. It was our first attempt at a no-Vicksin-involvement guide while I'm in between setups. This is not the norm going forward, though I certainly hope to streamline the process for when I'm away in the future.
I hope this post nonetheless helps some of you out there. Hope to be back to normal asap.
Thank you, have a great day, and be good people <3
submitted by Vicksin to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:13 Alternative_Try6604 After some thinking

I decided to share something I did! Rewrote most of the scenes I liked in Rescue Team DX during a playthrough once, as well as made the player(Meowth in my playthrough) and the partner(Pikachu in my playthrough) more lively, instead of just talking like npcs! Many other Pokemon are more fleshed out like Absol and Rayquaza too! Please read!~

(For those who can't click the link, I'll paste the thing here!)


{{Meowth}}: ****Where am I…? Am I dreamin’ dis? … I feel… A breeze… I hear a voice…*** Ngh… *Meowth’s eyes open to a small slit* … ***I wondah…***
{{Pikachu}}: y… ey… … Hey!
{{Meowth}]: ***Eh? Who’s dat…?***
{{Pikachu}}: Wake up… Come on–wake up!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth groans quietly as he fully opens his eyes, slowly. He almost immediately closed them again though as he’s nearly blinded by the beaming sun* Ungh! Yeesh, dat’s bright! … H-hah?
{{Pikachu}}: *Meowth could see a Pikachu leaning over him; A TALKING Pikachu at that!* Y-you’re finally awake!
{{Meowth}}: ***Guh… Where da hell am I anyways?*** Mreoow, my head’s killin’ me… *Meowth slowly opened both eyes as he blinked a few times. He looks around left to right slowly, seeing that he was in some sort of forested area with bright, lush grass and large trees all around*
{{Pikachu}}: You fell out of the sky all of a sudden and passed out here! Oh Arceus, I was getting worried… *Pikachu smiled widely* I’m glad you’re okay though! At least I think… That was a pretty nasty fall…
{{Meowth}}: ***I guess I ain't imaginin’ anyting! Dat Pikachu IS talkin’!!***
{{Pikachu}}: *He steps closer to Meowth* What’s with the look on your face… You look like you’ve seen a talking Pokemon or something! Hehe~ Who’re you? *He tilts his head with a curious look on his face*
{{Meowth}}: GAAAH!! *Meowth jumps up in a panic, taking a defensive stance* Get da hell away from me, ya talkin’ freak!
{{Pikachu}}: Pi! *Pikachu squealed, stumbling back a bit as he was shocked at the violent reaction from Meowth!* B–but… *He points at Meowth* You’re a Meowth and YOU’RE talking!
{{Meowth}}: In yer dreams, rat! I’m a human trough and trough! Ya can’t fool me! *Meowth turns away, folding his arms as he says that*
{{Pikachu}}: No, really! You look just like a Meowth in every way! From ear to toe! *He had a shocked face*
{{Meowth}}: Wha? *Meowth looks around him, then looks down at his paws, flexing them then looking down at his pheet, wiggling his toes a little. He goes and looks into a nearby pond and gasps, his maw open a bit* MEOOOOOW?! ***It’s true! I HAVE turned into a Meowth! Is dat why I’m talkin’ like dis?!***
{{Pikachu}}: ***Is it that much of a shock…? He’s kind of a weird guy, but I can’t just leave him here!*** Um… Hey, I know! How about I lead you to town~? It’s really close to here actually!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth thinks for a bit then slowly nods* I gots nowhere else ta go, so why not~
{{Narrator}}: *A cry for help rang through the forest as a panicked Butterfree can be seen*
{{Butterfree}}: Help meee! Somebody!! *A Butterfree suddenly comes flying towards Pikachu and Meowth*
{{Meowth}}: Woah! Hey, what’s da panic?? Ya look like ya lost yer kid in a fissure or someting! *Meowth was looking at Butterfree with widened eyes*
{{Butterfree}}: *She looks around, worried, then looks at Meowth again, heart beating quick as fast as her wings are fluttering!* I–I did! My poor little Caterpie got swallowed up by a fissure that opened up under us when we were attacked by angry Pokemon!
{{Meowth}}: Meow?! Yous guys was attacked?! *Meowth looked at Butterfree in surprise*
{{Butterfree}}: Y-yes… I tried to rescue my Caterpie myself, but I was nearly swiped at! Ooh… He’s not old enough to climb out by himself, and I’m worried he’ll be hurt!
{{Meowth}}: Oh boy… Pikachu…?
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu folds his arms, closing his eyes* Hmm… *He grins, opening one eye* We’ll find your kid and bring him back to you~! Right, Meowth?
{{Meowth}}: We will? *Meowth looks at Pikachu puzzled, then after a while, nods, looking at Butterfree and giving her a thumbs up, also giving her a grin* Y-yea! We will! Don’t sweat it, nyahaha~!
{{Pikachu}}: Meowth! Let’s go! *Pikachu, with a determined look on his face, begins to run off, with both his arms behind him*
{{Meowth}}: Right behind ya, squirt! *Meowth takes off after Pikachu in a similar manner; arms behind him!*
{{Narrator}}: *After a while of running, the two Pokemon came to a stop in what seemed like a wooded area covered in foliage with high walls, almost like a maze…*
{{Pikachu}}: This place… Could it be…? *Pikachu looks around slowly, slowly spinning then gasps* It is! It’s a Mystery Dungeon~!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth looks at Pikachu confused* A Mystery Dungeon? What in da world’s dat?
{{Pikachu}}: Well~ *Pikachu puts his arms behind his head* A Mystery Dungeon’s a real strange place… I hear, the layout of one and the items you can find inside one can change every time you enter!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth huffs, folding his arms and looking around* Dat sure doesn’t sound gimmicky as hell…
{{Pikachu}}: Haha~ It shouldn’t be too bad! Now if only we can find the Stairs…
{{Meowth}}: Eh? *Meowth turns to Pikachu, arms still folded*
{{Pikachu}}: The Stairs let us get through places like this, but we have to find ‘em! *He looks at Meowth, nodding* and if push comes to shove, we’ll have to fight other Pokemon too. C’mon!~ *Pikachu begins to run ahead with his arms behind him, his tail flicking from left to right with the pace of his steps*
{{Meowth}}: ***Meow… Dis is gonna be a trip an’ a half, I know it…*** Hold on, wait fah me, squirt!! *Meowth begins to run after Pikachu again, arms behind him*
{{Narrator}}: *After Pikachu and Meowth made their way to the final basement floor of the woods-like dungeon, 4BF, they arrived at a clearing. And in the middle of said clearing, was a scared looking Caterpie*
{{Caterpie}}: *Caterpie sniffles softly, tears in his eyes* W-waaah…! M-mommyyy? *Caterpie looks around worriedly, seeing no signs of his Butterfree mother*
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth run towards Caterpie as Pikachu puts a paw around Caterpie*
{{Pikachu}}: Hey, you’re hurt, are you?! Don’t worry, your mom sent us to come get you out… Hup! *Pikachu gently hoists Caterpie up onto his back*
{{Caterpie}}: Uwa! U-um… Huh…?
{{Pikachu}}: Your mom’s waiting! Hang tight, lil’ bug~ *Pikachu begins to walk towards the stairs again and to the exit*
{{Caterpie}}: O-okay!
{{Meowth}}: ***”Lil’ bug”? Since when did he start talkin’ like me?*** Hopefully she’s okay… *Meowth walked beside Pikachu*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon seeing Pikachu and Meowth exiting Tiny Woods with Caterpie in tow, the once anxious Butterfree breathes a sigh of relief, flying closer to them both*
{{Butterfree}}: My little Caterpie is alright, thank goodness…! *Butterfree slowly takes Caterpie from Pikachu* How can I ever repay you~?
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu shakes his head* No, no, it’s okay! And with the recent quakes and fissures stirring so much trouble… It was the least we could do~! Glad your boy’s safe!
{{Butterfree}}: *Butterfree gives Pikachu a stern look, then smiles* I can’t allow that, please… Take this as a gift~ *She gives Pikachu a small brown sack*
{{Narrator}}: *Curious, Pikachu opens the sack and gasp, as Meowth was even shocked too*{{Pikachu}}: W-wah?! 500 Poke Gold?!
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth turns to see Caterpie staring at him with sparkling eyes, then Meowth tilts his head, confused* Nya? … ***Dis lil’ guy’s starin’ at me all adorable like…***
{{Caterpie}}: T-thank you! Both of you!
{{Butterfree}}: Good-bye… Take care, you two! *Butterfree smiles as she flies away with Caterpie*
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth both wave the two Bug-type Pokemon off and Pikachu turns to Meowth*
{{Pikachu}}: Hey, thanks for the help! You’re actually kinda strong for a Meowth~!
{{Meowth}}: Eh? *Meowth turns and smiles slightly at his Electric Rodent friend* Whyy thank ya! You ain’t too shabby yerself, squirt~
{{Pikachu}}: Listen… If you really don’t have anywhere to go, I can show you around the village nearby! Follow me! *Pikachu starts to run past Meowth, stepping on Meowth’s tail by mistake in the process*
{{Meowth}}: Nyeowch! HEY! ***Gah, dat dumb rat…***
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth runs with his arms behind him to catch up with his partner*
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu leads Meowth to a large hut just on the edge of Pokemon Square*
{{Pikachu}}: This is the plaaace~! My home! *Pikachu goes to the small wooden mailbox near the hut* Damn… *His ears lower* No mail huh…
{{Meowth}}: Dis place looks comfy, squirt! *Meowth whistled a bit then looks at Pikachu* Were ya expectin’ someting?
{{Pikachu}}: Well, yeah! But um… I’ve been thinking about something earlier… See, there’s been other things than just quakes… Fires, Tsunamis, y-you name it! I dunno what’s goin’ on… I wanna keep others safe! And help them if they need it. Meowth. *Pikachu looks at the ground, down at his pheet, then looks at Meowth* I could really use more of your help! How about it~? Wanna… Wanna form a rescue team with me? *He extends his paw outwards towards Meowth*
{{Meowth}}: ***A rescue team? Wit DIS twoip?! He does seem pretty sweet…*** Alright, I’ll take ya up on that offer! *Meowth closes one eye, smiling toothily as he puts his paw in Pikachu’s paw in a handshake~*
{{Pikachu}}: Piiika… *Happy tears start welling up in his eyes* ALRIIIIIGHT!!~ *Pikachu’s eyes close in a bright smile as he pumps a fist into the air in excitement while he shouts happily*
{{Meowth}}: Heh, yer pretty cute now dat I look at’cha… *Meowth folds his arms*
{{Pikachu}}: Well… We’re a team now… So that means we need a team name! Any ideas~?
{{Meowth}}: Haah… ***Dammit, mouse, why d’ya have ta put me on da spot like dis…*** Uhm… How ‘bout… TundaSwipe!
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu had started to pick up that Meowth seemed to always talk “funny” to him, but he was a bit confused as he tilts his head*
{{Pikachu}}: “Tunda”Swipe? Chuu, pi?
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth’s cheeks heat up as his blushes a bit from embarrassment* Daah… I-I mean…
{{Pikachu}}: Hmm… Are you trying to say… ThunderSwipe~?
{{Meowth}}: Yea… *Meowth looks away*
{{Pikachu}}: Hehehehaha~ *Pikachu giggles and step closer to Meowth, hugging him and looking up at him* It’s okay that you talk different than me! I know what you mean now~ … ThunderSwipe sounds perfect!
{{Meowth}}: M-mreow… *Meowth looks down at Pikachu, giving him a faint smile* Mmm.. Tanks, squirt~ *He puts a paw on Pikachu’s head right between Pikachu’s ears and rubs Pikachu’s head* On second tought… How ‘bout BoltSwipe instead~?
{{Pikachu}}: Oh! That sounds good tooo~! *Pikachu blushes and smiles cutely* Hey, I picked these up in Tiny Woods as well! *He holds out a red scarf and a green scarf* They’re scarves, to signify our newfound rescue team~!
{{Meowth}}: Heh, tank ya, squirt! But… Why is yers green and mine’s red? *Meowth slowly takes the red scarf from Pikachu and slowly puts it on, the tails of the scarf were behind his head like a typical mystery dungeon style scarf!*
{{Pikachu}}: Um… I-I only found one red one… Piika~ *He smiles sheepishly, putting on his green scarf in the same fashion as Meowth* But hey, these look great huh~! Sure… We don’t look like we’re on the same team with the different colored scarves, but… We’re friends now! Starting tomorrow, we’ll do our BEST~!
{{Narrator}}: ## **And thus… Pikachu and Meowth’s journey began… The journey to the Tower in the Sky!**
{{Narrator}}: *The next morning, Meowth wakes up before Pikachu, to see that he was in fact, still a Meowth as he looks over himself*{{Meowth}}: ***Nya…? I’m still da same as I was yesterday… Haah, guess I’m stuck like dis den.***
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu yawns softly as he starts to wake up* Mmm~! … Piiika. Good-morning, buddy~ *Pikachu looks up at Meowth* How’d ya sleep huh?!
{{Meowth}}: Heh, mornin’ squirt. Hey, I checked the mailbox earliah and it turns out dere was a Rescue Team Starter Set ready for us~! *Meowth grins, pointing to the Toolbox on the desk nearby* Aand~ *He flashes two Rescue Team badges, and tosses one to Pikachu*
{{Pikachu}}: Sweet~! *Pikachu catches the badge and attaches it to his scarf* Today’s the day we officially start doing rescue missions… I’m kinda excited and nervous at the same time! We- *Pikachu stops as he hears flapping, then looks up, seeing a Pelipper flying down to the mailbox, putting an envelope inside it with his beak, then flying off again*
{{Meowth}}: Mail? *Meowth goes and checks the mailbox, taking the envelope and looking at it*
{{Narrator}}: *The envelope was a Rescue Request from a Magnemite. Which read: “BZZT BZZT… Hey! I heard from Caterpie that you saved him yesterday! Um… I’m sort of in a pickle myself and need help! Please come!! BZZT BZZT… – Magnemite”
{{Pikachu}}: OUR FIRST RESCUE, YAAAY~!! *Pikachu was overjoyed as he jumps up and down*
{{Meowth}}: *Sweatdrop* Gee, runt, y’sure are excited… Well, let’s go help ‘em out!
{{Pikachu}}: Yep! Off to Thunderwave Cave!
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth quickly set off together to Thunderwave Cave, where their Magnemite client needed rescuing!*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon arriving at the entrance to Thunderwave Cave, there stood a Teddiura with a worried look*
{{Teddiursa}}: O-oh, yes! You too came! I’m guessing that the letter Magy sent went through… Please, bring him back safely!
{{Meowth}}: On it!
{{Pikachu}}: Leave it to us!
{{Narrator}}: *Both Meowth and Pikachu nod at each other before taking off into the cave. After quite a bit, the two Pokemon emerge from the exit with Magnemite in tow as Teddiursa squeals and hugs Magnemite, nuzzling his cheek against him, giggling and thanking team BoltSwipe and rewarding them*
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth was following Pikachu into Pokemon Square as he was being shown around*
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu leads Meowth over to a Persian behind a counter* This is Felicity Bank! Pokemon can store their money they get from completing rescue missions here~
{{Persian}}: Mwrraa~♡ *Persian waves a paw and smiles* I’ll always be here if you ever feel afraid to lose anything~
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu whispers to Meowth* I heard, Persian gives other cat Pokemon like you extra…. “Benefits” Hehee~
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth blushes, seeing Persian wink at him while purring. He knew what those “benefits” were~* I… I’ll take yer word for it…
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu leads Meowth over to a Kangaskhan behind a counter nearby Felicity Bank* This is the Storage~ Kangaskhan can keep any items you don’t wanna lose in her safe here!
{{Kangaskhan}}: I don’t just store things either, honey, if you need ANYTHING at all, please, don’t be scared to come to me~ *Kangaskhan smiles sweetly as her belly was heard gurgling deeply~*
{{Meowth}}: Boy, shee sounds hungry… *Meowth rubs the back of his head as he looks at Pikachu* I’m guessin’ she has a big appetite huh?
{{Pikachu}}: Haha~! Who doesn’t… Over there is the Kecleon Shop where you can buy all sorts of useful items and TMs! *Pikachu points to a purple tent with a Kecleon looking at them both from a distance behind a counter* Just uum… Don’t steal. Trust me, I’ve tried and i-it doesn’t end well…
{{Meowth}}: Luckily, yer friends with a mastah teif doh! *Meowth smiles proudly*
{{Pikachu}}: Whatever you saay, Master Thief~ That’s about all! There’s a dojo here owned by Makuhita, but it isn’t open right now… *Pikachu looks at Meowth*
{{Meowth}}: I have a feelin’ I’ll have a lot more fun in dis world dan I tought…~
{{Narrator}}: *Upon hearing about the story of the Ninetales Curse from Whiscash, Pikachu appeared dejected while he and Meowth walked back towards their shared hut*
{{Pikachu}}: Meowth…
{{Meowth}}: Mow? *Meowth turns to Pikachu* What’s up, squirt?
{{Pikachu}}: L-let’s call it a day… I’m not feeling good…. *Pikachu leaves with his head down, continuing to walk*
{{Meowth}}: ***What’s up wit him today….? He ain’t normally dis glum!*** H-hey, wait up! *Meowth runs after Pikachu*
{{Narrator}}: *Days passed, and when night time came around one day, Pikachu and Meowth were sitting on a hill, looking up at the moon. Pikachu was still rather glum*
{{Pikachu}}: … Chuuu…
{{Meowth}}: Alright, fess up! *Meowth stands over Pikachu*
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu looks up at Meowth* What…?
{{Meowth}}: What’s da hell’s da mattah wit you! Seein’ ya like dis breaks my little cat heart! Where’s da happy-go-lucky Pikachu I was hangin’ wit a few days ago!? Where’s dat determination! Dat spark in yer eye!
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu sighs and looks down again* He’s gone… Probably with that bad human…
{{Narrator}}: *A loud slap sound echoes throughout the air as Meowth had just slapped Pikachu across the face, paw twitching*
{{Meowth}}: “Wit dat bad human” huh? Pikachu… You’re really gonna let that dumb old fish shake yous up DAT MUCH?!?
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu’s ears twitch as he feels something like tears drop into paws and he looks up to see that Meowth was… Crying*
{{Meowth}}: I get it… Y-yer tinkin’ I’M dat bad human…!!
{{Pikachu}}: I… *Pkachu bites his lip* I don’t…
{{Meowth}}: *Saying nothing, Meowth unties his scarf, taking it off and dropping it onto Pikachu’s lap* If dat’s what you tink of me, den… I’m gone.
{{Pikachu}}: YOU’RE NOT!! … *Pikachu pulls Meowth into a hug after shouting* You’re not that bad human, I’m sure of it…
{{Meowth}}: *Meowth pauses for a moment, then closed his eyes, hugging Pikachu in return, rubbing Pikachu’s back as the Electric-type cried*
{{Narrator}}: *The next day, Pikachu and Meowth were walking into Pokemon Square, only to find the usual counters uninhabited!*
{{Meowth}}: Yeesh… Where is everybody? Oh!
{{Pikachu}}: Over there?
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth go closer to where all of the residents were gather*
{{Meowth}}: What’s happinin’ now??
{{Bellsprout}}: The rumors! They were true!
{{Pikachu}}: Rumors?
{{Bellsprout}}: The legend! The Ninetales Legend!
{{Caterpie}}: Pikachu! Meowth! *Caterpie went over to them*
{{Meowth}}: Heh, heya, lil bug~
{{Snubbull}}: Shh shh! Quit yappin’, you! That guy’s telling us the deal.
{{Narrator}}: *Snubbull points to Gengar ahead at which Meowth gasps*
{{Meowth}}: DAT bastard?!
{{Pikachu}}: Ge-Gengar?!
{{Narrator}}: *Gengar was standing in the center of Pokemon Square as everyone was surrounding him, listening to him*
{{Gengar}}: I went up to the Hill of the Ancients in the Great Canyon a few days ago! Dat’s where I saw it! Shocking stuff, I tell ya!
{{Lombre}}: Shocking stuff?
{{Gengar}}: There was this certain Pokemon… Heheh, getting advice from Xatu! That Pokemon… He may look ordinary, but get this! He was… *He paused for dramatic effect* … A HUMAN!!
{{Narrator}}: *Everyone besides Meowth and Pikachu gasp in shock*
{{Bellsprout}}: What?!
{{Snubbull}}: It really did exist… A human turned Pokemon… *He huffs in amazement*
{{Gengar}}: But wait, there’s more! *Gengar smiles devious, even more than he was already* Xatu told the human, that the human was the cause of all of the natural disasters!
{{Lombre}}: He was??
{{Gengar}}: If the world’s balance isn’t restored… The world will be destroyed! Dat’s what the psychic bird said! Kahaahaha!
{{Persian}}: Oh dear…!
{{Pikachu}}: Grr… *He turns to Meowth* That damn ghost… He’s gettin’ everyone riled up!!
{{Gengar}}: Hey, hey! Calm dooown~ There’s something easy we can do!
{{Kangaskhan}}: Like what? *She crosses her arms, curious*
{{Gengar}}: Well, if the world’s imbalance is the cause due to the human… Then if he’s gone, everything should be back to normal! Right~? That human is the rotten bastard who ditched his partner Pokemon, Celebi… So if we get rid of the human, then…
{{Snubbull}}: Let’s do it!
{{Kangaskhan}}: It’s… The only way… *She lowers her head*
{{Gengar}}: *He chuckles darkly, looking at Meowth* Hear that… The human’s gonna be no more~ *He cackles and points at Meowth* ISN’T THAT RIGHT, HUMAN?!
{{Meowth}}: Mowh!! *Meowth steps back* N-now wait a sec! I ain’t–
{{Persian}}: I was beginning to like you too… Shame…
{{Meowth}}: P-Persian…?
{{Caterpie}}: H-how c-could you… *He starts tearing up* I-I thought you were a hero…
{{Butterfree}}: Pity…
{{Meowth}}: H-hey, not you too…!
{{Snubbull}}: You! Bastard of a cat! Is this true?!
{{Pikachu}} Wait, wait!! Meowth isn’t a human! You must be–
{{Kangaskhan}}: *Kangaskhan glares down at Pikachu* Silence. *She looks at Meowth* Cat…
{{Narrator}}: *Backed into a corner, Meowth takes a step back, shuddering, unable to talk, a scared look on his face*
{{Pikachu}}: M-Meowth… ***I’ve never seen him this scared before…***
{{Gengar}}: Hah! What’s the matter, Meowth got’cha tongue~? Ironic, considerin’ you ARE one… Or ARE YOU! Haaahahahaha!!
{{Narrator}}: *The group of Pokemon start to close in on Pikachu and Meowth as the two back away slowly*
{{Pikachu}}: R-run for it!! *Pikachu starts to take off running*
{{Meowth}}: Gaah! *Meowth takes off after Pikachu*
{{Gengar}}: Heh… *He watches Pikachu and Meowth run in fear* Serves them right…
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu and Meowth had retreated back to their base, panting*{{Pikachu}}: I… I think we lost them… *He turns to Meowth, then growls* You dumbass! You didn’t even TRY to defend yourself! You just stood there like a pussy!! And NOT because you’re a cat Pokemon!
{{Meowth}}: P-Pikachu… I’m… Tired of dis…
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu drops his angry expression, having it replaced with concern*{{Meowth}}: I’m not fit ta be yer partner anymore… I only slow ya down an’ get us inta trouble… Maybe I am dat bad human Gengar was talkin’ about… Maybe I am betta off dead, betta off–
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth was cut off but receiving a hard slap to the face by Pikachu, who was growling at him*
{{Pikachu}}: Don’t… Ever… SAY THAT!! Meowth, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now if it weren't for you! I wouldn’t have a friend! I wouldn’t have a team…
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth stood there in shock, his cheek stained with the red paw print of a Pikachu paw on it. But soon they were approached by Alakazam Charizard and Tyranitar, the gold rank team; ACT*
{{Alakazam}}: Back in Pokemon Square. There was a meeting.
{{Charizard}}: I’m sorry to say, but…
{{Tyranitar}}: We have to get rid of you, by brute force!
{{Meowth}}: Mreeooow… N-not you guys too…
{{Charizard}}: It hurts me to have t’kill a cute lil guy like you, but… I go by Alakazam’s orders!
{{Alakazam}}: No. We will give you by tonight. And you will be gone by tomorrow morning, is that understood?
{{Meowth}}: … I… *Meowth hangs his head* Yea…
{{Tyranitar}}: Run… Against all odds, you have to run! Run…
{{Charizard}}: And survive…
{{Alakazam}}: You must uncover the truth… Do NOT stop running until you do.
{{Meowth}}: N-nya… *He starts to tear up* Charizard… And Alakazam…
{{Narrator}}: *Charizard gives Pikachu a smirk*{{Charizard}}: But if I see ya back here too soon, you’ll just end up being my lunch. Heh! There won’t be mercy next time, not from me, or the others… Now get outta here! Go and clear your name, kitty! *Charizard winks*
{{Meowth}}: … Yea! Tanks… *He gives a slight, weak smile*
{{Narrator}}: During the night time, Pikachu and Meowth got all prepped to and when the early morning, Pikachu and Meowth too one last look at Pokemon Square, and their home, before silently leaving, unsure of what awaited them…
{{Narrator}}: *Traversing the fiery Mt. Blaze, and the sheer cold that was Frosty Forest and Mt. Freeze, Pikachu and Meowth had finally arrived at the very peak of Mt. Freeze, where the fabled Ninetales awaited them, accompanying them, was their new friend, Absol, but…*
{{Meowth}}: F… Finally… I-it’s fr-freezin’…
{{Absol}}: But… Where is she? *Absol looks around confused, but then…* Huh?!
{{Charizard}}: *Cracking his neck a bit and pounding his fists together* Caught yaa~ Heheheeheee…
{{Pikachu}}: Gck… *Pikachu steps back* Ch-Charizard!!
{{Absol}}: Hm! *He quickly gets in front of Pikachu and Meowth to guard them, while glaring at Charizard* Where’s the other two?
{{Charizard}}: The blizzard was too harsh for them, ‘specially T-tar. But why’s that matter? I’m here to put these little runts six feet under! *Charizard stomps forward with a wide smirk on his face*
{{Ninetales}}: There will be no need for such violence… *She slowly steps out into view*
{{Charizard}}: N-Ninetales?!
{{Absol}}: Woah…
{{Meowth}}: It’s… Really her…
{{Ninetales}}: I should have welcomed you three sooner, forgive me.
{{Meowth}}: C-can ya tell us?! Who was da human dat was in da legend!
{{Charizard}}: Is it even REAL?
{{Narrator}}: *Clearly, everyone was shocked at Ninetales appearance… But Ninetales simply looks at them all*
{{Ninetales}}: I care not whether it is considered a legend or true. Though… It did happen. It was decades ago where I tried to lay a curse on a human. However, the human’s partner, a Celebi rushed in. It was selfless enough to take the full brunt of the curse. Instead of aiding, the human chose to flee. It disgusted me. Said human, became a Pokemon themselves as punishment. The human still lives to this very day, as a Pokemon.
{{Absol}}: *He steps up* But… Who IS the human?
{{Ninetales}}: *She slowly looks over at Meowth* No one nearby.
{{Meowth}}: !!
{{Charizard}}: Huh!
{{Pikachu}}: Um… You said… J-just now…
{{Ninetales}}: The Pokemon standing before you–Meowth, is not the human in the legend.
{{Pikachu}}: … W-wha… ***I feel fuzzy… N-no! Relieved…*** Meowth…
{{Meowth}}: U-uh. Squirt? You–
{{Pikachu}}: MEOOOWTH!!!~ *Pikachu suddenly leaps at Meowth and hugs him, nuzzling into him while tearing up and crying tears of joy*
{{Meowth}}: Waaaa-uaah! *He stumbled a bit, but caught Pikachu, smiling gently* I’m here, squirt…! G-gosh, yer heavy..
{{Pikachu}}: I-I knew it all along!~ I just knew you weren’t that bad human in the legend!!
{{Charizard}}: *He smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head* I guess I owe ya an apology then, heh…~ Sorry, then.
{{Ninetales}}: And… The world’s calamities. They are not related to the human whatsoever. The source… Exists elsewhere.
{{Meowth}}: D-dat’s a relief for me I guess… But that ain’t good at all!
{{Charizard}}: You said it…
{{Absol}}: Pikachu, Meowth… I– … I want to continue following you. I have to!
{{Pikachu}}: Sure you can… Buddy~!{{Absol}}: … Mmp– *Absol blushes faintly, but quickly shakes it off*{{Narrator}}: *With the troubling rumor debunked, Pikachu, Meowth, Absol and Charizard all began to leave, slowly, but surely, making their way back to Pokemon Square*
{{Narrator}}: *In Pokemon Square…*
{{Gengar}}: Heh… Look who came running back… What, ya didn’t get buried huh?
{{Pikachu}}: Piii-ka! Yeah!! Meowth had nothing to do with it, ya ghostly bastard!
{{Absol}}: He was INNOCENT.
{{Gengar}}: Gen–?! *Gengar flinched a bit*
{{Lombre}}: What…? He was?!
{{Shiftry}}: Gengaar, you…
{{Gengar}}: H-hey, hey! They’re lyin’! They don’t know anything!
{{Snubbull}}: … Yeah, show us some proof then!
{{Meowth}}: Uh.. Proof… Um..
{{Gengar}}: Well?? Where’s the evidence, hahaah! C’mon, show us!
{{Absol}}: *Absol steps up, smirking* You called~? Your proof’s right here.
{{Gengar}}: Who the hell– Hey! Get rid of these guys!
{{Bellsprout}}: Not likely… Meowth would launch me into space…
{{Snubbull}}: I don’t wanna be shocked!
{{Caterpie}}: You’re just a big liar!! Meowth was my hero and I always believed in him!
{{Gengar}}: Shoot… *He starts to back away* I’m outta here!!
{{Narrator}}: *Gengar dashes away with an angry mob of the other Pokemon chasing after him*
{{Absol}}: Hah, buh-bye, ghost boy~ *He laughs as he watches Gengar flee, then turns to Meowth and Pikachu* Now… Do you have anymore gummies?
{{Meowth}}: Nyahahahaa, somebody’s hooked! C’mon back ta base with us!
{{Absol}}: … R-right.
{{Narrator}}: *Absol once again blushes, then huffs as he begins to follow behind the two smaller Pokemon. Meowth was glad his name had been cleared and all was well. Or so it seemed…*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon celebrating the defeat of Groudon in Magma Cavern and the rescue of team A.C.T, Meowth and Pikachu were touted as heroes of sorts, being recognized by the higher ranked teams for their bravery! But suddenly, Xatu began to communicate with them all telepathically…*
{{Xatu}}: ***Am I coming in clear?***
{{Meowth}}: Xatu?!
{{Alakazam}}: This is a surprise! Is something the matter?{{Xatu}}: ***I may have terrible news! Something… From the sky…falls a star.***
{{Charizard}}: A star?
{{Raichu}}: I think… I think he means…
{{Xatu}}: ***A meteorite. A large one… One the size of the planet itself!***
{{Persian}}: Nya–?! Y-you have to be joking!
{{Kangaskhan}}: I don’t think he is…
{{Xatu}}: ***The meteor. It’s the cause of the natural disasters recently… If something isn’t done to stop it from hitting earth… This world would be destroyed. The star falls ever-closer…***
{{Charizard}}: Xatu… Can it be stopped?!
{{Xatu}} … ***There is a way. One must seek out the Dragon of Legend himself. Only then, will there be a possibility.***
{{Aipom}}: RAYQUAZA!?
{{Blastoise}}: That’s askin’ for a death wish! No way! No way in hell is anyone doing that!
{{Octillery}}: No rescue team has ever gone up to Sky tower before!
{{Narrator}}: *Various gasps and sounds of disagreement sound throughout Pokemon square*
{{Pikachu}}: Oh no… So this is what Ninetales meant by the world’s balance is upset… We have to stop it, Meowth!!
{{Narrator}}: *Everyone’s attention turned to Meowth and Pikachu*
{{Meowth}}: *He turns to Pikachu* WHA– Squirt, are you NUTS or someting?! Did ya eat a bad gummy?
{{Wigglytuff}}: Meowth is right… Going up to the sky could be suicide…
{{Absol}}: *Absol growls and steps up* If we don’t stop it, WHO WILL?! Listen to me. Do you want to die? Do you want to live your last few days in fear because you bothered not to do anything about the threat of danger?? I sensed that something was coming… And I want to stop it!
{{Tyranitar}}: Absol…?
{{Pikachu}}: Absol…
{{Meowth}}: *He nods and runs in front of everyone* The snow boy’s right! We can’t let dis be da end! Someone’s gotta do sometin’ about dat meteor… And dat someone.. IS US!!
{{Absol}}: Xatu. Tell us how to get to Sky Tower!
{{Xatu}}: ***Alakazam.***{{Alakazam}}: … Yes.
{{Narrator}}: ***Alakazam closes his eyes then starts to focus. A green glow began to emit from him and then, in front of him. A green beam shoots up into the air with smaller swirls of green, the sound of wind blowing rang out as the beam slowly fades, and in front of them, was a light blue emerald!***
{{Pikachu}}: Wooah…
{{Meowth}}: What is dat…?
{{Xatu}}: ***Amplifying our teleporting abilities together, Alakazam and I are able to create the Teleport Gem. This gem allows Pokemon who hold it to be transported to the sky…***{{Pikachu}}: Well then… T-this is it… One final Mystery Dungeon…
{{Raichu}}: Please be careful…!!
{{Kangaskhan}}: You’re our only hope, Meowth… Pikachu…
{{Kecleon}}: You have to stop it… For the sake of the world!
{{Persian}}: Hm~ My little Meowth’s grown to be a hero… I wish you three the best of luck…
{{Everyone}}: GO, TEAM BOLTSWIPE!!
{{Meowth}}: Mrrew… *Meowth wipes away some tears, then nods, looking at Pikachu and Absol*{{Absol}}: You can always depend on me… Buddy~
{{Pikachu}}: We’ll stop that meteor and save this world~!
{{Narrator}}: *With another nod, Meowth, together with Pikachu and Absol, step forward towards the Teleport Gem. And upon touching the gem, green energy starts to swirl around them slowly, then rapidly as winds whip up, blowing their scarves a bit. Light green winds whip around the three and soon disperse as they disappear, along with the Teleport Gem!*
{{Narrator}}: *Green energy swirls about then disperse, to reveal the three members of team BoltSwipe at the bottom of Sky Tower, right in front of the entrance. Pikachu looks up in shock*
{{Pikachu}}: Wooah… *He looks around*
{{Narrator}}: *The three of them were on top of a sea of clouds! It was quite a sight*
{{Pikachu}}: *Pikachu looks up slowly* PIIKA! H-hey, guys, look!
{{Meowth}}: *He slowly looked up* Whew… It's a giant towah of clouds!!
{{Absol}}: It… Oddly looks like a bunch of white and blue cotton candy… *Absol’s belly grumbles softly after that and he blushed*
{{Pikachu}}: *Giggling* Boy, you DO have a sweet tooth~!
{{Meowth}}: First, ya eat all da gummies, now yer tinkin’ about cotton candy… Nyehehe!
{{Absol}}: *Blushing more* I– W-whatever, shut up! This is the final dungeon…
{{Pikachu}}: Yeah… *Pikachu stares into the exit as he nods*
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth takes the lead as he nods, running into the entrance, ready to face their last test…*
{{Narrator}}: *Upon reaching the peak of Sky Tower and a hard fought battle against Rayquaza, the fighting was interrupted by a sudden rumble in the clouds!*
{{Pikachu}}: W-whuaauaah!! *Pikachu almost loses balance* A-any earthquake?! Here?!
{{Meowth}}: N-no, dis is different…
{{Rayquaza}}: These are shockwaves! Tremendous ones at that…
{{Absol}}: We didn’t come here to fight! There’s a meteor on it’s way to earth, and if we don’t destroy it, everything will be gone!!
{{Rayquaza}}: Hmph, how is that MY problem.
{{Meowth}}: If ya don’t do someting, YOUR domain here’s gonna be toast too!
{{Rayquaza}}: … Fine.
{{Narrator}}: *Rayquaza looks up slowly to see the giant meteor, then closes his eyes, inhaling deeply as purple energy starts to form in his maw. Then his eyes snap open as he roars and fires off a majestic purple Hyper Beam at the meteor. It slowly started to crack the meteor but Rayquaza started losing power. Pikachu nods at Meowth and Absol*
{{Pikachu}}: Guys!
{{Meowth & Absol}}: Right!!
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth charges up a powerful Dark Pulse in his paws then fires it off at the meteor as Absol charges and fires a powerful Ice Beam from his maw. Pikachu’s cheeks spark as he fires a Thunderbolt alongside them, with the three beams alongside Rayquaza’s Hyper Beam, much to Rayquaza’s surprise!*
{{Meowth}}: Grrf… C’mon… More…. *Meowth continued to strain himself* I know ya have more powah in ya, Dragon… SO HURRY UP AND USE IT ALREADY!!!!
{{Narrator}}: *Rayquaza’s heart gave off a resounding pulse sound as his eyes shot open*
{{Rayquaza mind}}: ***Why are you holding back? Don’t you care about your home? Don’t you care about them; team BoltSwipe? That Meowth has a point. You have power deep inside you. RELEASE IT.***
{{Narrator}}: *With a reverberating roar, energy swirls around Rayquaza as he mega evolves! He amps up the power of his Hyper Beam which was enough to shatter the meteor entirely as multicolor particles start to rain down onto Sky Tower*
{[Narrator}}: *Days passed and life returned to normal in Pokemon Square, everyone was up on the Hill of the Ancients, but then… Meowth started to glow and slowly turn translucent*
{{Pikachu}}: … M-Meowth!! *Pikachu runs over to Meowth* What’s happening!? Are you okay?!
{{Absol}}: You’re glowing!
{{Meowth}}: Meow… *He gives a faint smile* Pikachu…. Everyone… I-I guess my time’s up.
{{Charizard}}: W-wha…
{{Caterpie}}: W-what does that mean!?
{{Meowth}}: I won’t be here much longah
{{Pikachu}}: *Shaking head* Stop… Don’t say stuff like that!~ We’re gonna go on lots and lots of adventures forever! Right~?
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth simply just stands there, the glow and translucency intensifying*
{{Pikachu}}: … R-right? Meowth…?
{{Meowth}}: I was sent here ta fulfill my role I guess~ And It’s been filled! Tanks for everyting…
{{Pikachu}}: Your role? C’mon, stop bein’ silly already ya dummy~
{{Absol}}: Pikachu…
{{Alakazam}}: It really is that time…
{{Meowth}}: Sorry… Squirt…~
{{Pikachu}}: W-why?? Why do you have to leave?! *Pikachu starts to tear up* W-we were supposed to be… F-friends forever…!
{{Meowth}}: Hey… Tink of it dis way! Dere’s always more Meowth you can befriend~
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth’s body began to glow more*{{Meowth}}: Even if I’m not here, we’ll always be pals!
{{Pikachu}}: *Slowly, he goes closer* D– *He could barely talk as he was fighting back tears* D-don’t leave…! I don’t wanna be alone… P-please!!
{{Meowth}}: I’m… *His scarf fell off as his body got more translucent and the glow got bigger as his body sparkled* I’m real lucky I met’cha, squirt… Nya~...
{{Narrator}}: *Others, notably Charizard and Absol were also struggling to fight back tears*{{Pikachu}}: J-just a little longer, please!!! What’ll BoltSwipe be without you!! *Pikachu goes to pick up Meowth’s scarf as tears stream down his face* M-Meowth!!
{{Narrator}}: *Meowth’s body fades into a bright yellow orb as he gave one final smile towards Pikachu*
{{Meowth telepathy}}: ***I really had fun with ya… I’m sorry I have ta leave ya hangin’ like dis… But dere’s notin’ I can do… Everyone… Tank you…~ See ya, squirt~***
{{Narrator}}: *The orb of light starts to slowly rise over the cliff edge as Pikachu followed it running right to the edge of the cliff, watching it rise higher and and higher*
{{Pikachu}}: MEOOOOOOWTH!!!!
{{Narrator}}: *Pikachu’s voice echoed through the air as he yells out to Meowth with tears streaming down his face heavily as the yell orb slowly fades. Perhaps in another time, the two will meet again!*
submitted by Alternative_Try6604 to MysteryDungeon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:36 BubblyWin3865 how tf can you determine your feelings accurately

i posted this to relationship sub but it was prob too long to get any traction. it's prob too long here too but i'm kinda desperate as i already question myself today when last night i was so so so sure i needed to leave him. feels like i almost have two personalities and i need to stay in the angry mean one in order to actually leave. has that been anyone else's experience?? thanks if you do read.
i will try to keep this short but there is a lot at play.
my husband and i met when i was 18, we were each others first everythings. ten years married is fast approaching.
everything was bliss and relatively 'normal' for the first, idk, 3-4 years? it is hard to remember specifics anymore. i know that there were red flags which i ignored, because i was 'not like other girls' and wanted so desperately for him to find me cool. due to bullying i was kind of a woman-hating-woman. mostly these involved jealousy & possessive qualities.
our fights were never 'normal,' at least i don't think so, but this has been my only relationship and my parents have a very volatile marriage. they yelled a lot, cops were involved often, etc. he had an abusive father and grandfather if this info helps. didn't hit him but he saw his mom and gma beat up. so our fights were always pretty bad and though i don't remember specifics anymore, i know i would always be the one chasing him to make up.
early on i blamed a lot of his anger on his abusive past, bullying, etc. he was certainly depressed when we met, threatened suicide often tho i've kind of stopped believing that he ever was actually serious about it, altho i do worry if i left he might try it.
first 'big' fight was 2017 on vacation and almost ruined the vacation, he threatened to leave early etc. subsequently, every single vacation was tainted with a fight which would always be blamed on me and pointed out in future fights as evidence to how horrible i was. 'you ruined x and y, you ruin everything'
these didn't occur too frequently back then and i had WAY too much tolerance and acceptance for his behavior given the details i have shared about his past. i was one of the naive 'i can fix him with love' women back then.
i admit i am not nor was i ever perfect. these relationship issues are all ive been able to think about for months now and based on reading every single post i can find on this sub or others relating to similar issues, i think i am likely codependent, i know i am depressed/anxious (i was as an obese child as well, liquid prozac in my preteens), i am a pushover and a people-pleaser, and i know there are things i could have and should have handled better. i enabled a lot of his actions and wasnt clear on my boundaries/expectations. i have always been slow to anger, avoided confrontation, am shy and certainly not the type to 'put my foot down'.
after we had our first kid the fights really became more frequent and much worse. when i was pregnant, he was angry often. i had always dreamed of having a man be super attentive and nice etc during pregnancy and he overall was not. like me having insomnia would wake him up and instead of any sympathy i would receive anger, so instead of tossing and turning to get comfortable, i'd just stiffly lie awake next to him trying not to move. having appointments was always something that would ruin the entire day. he would always be upset leading up to them and the day would be ruined after. also, he would forget when they were coming so i would have to try and remind him, but reminding him would also upset him, because he didn't want to think about it - but if i ever waited until the day to remind him, god help me. our daughter was hospitalized days 2-4 of her life and though he was worried, he was more upset by the inconvenience that being in the hospital caused him.
i keep going on tangents, i apologize.
the fights ramped from just yelling and name-calling, etc to throwing things, punching walls, etc. he'd spill things purposefully and id be crying, running around cleaning things up, trying to prevent permanent damage. in a couple of particularly bad fights he has broken a cell phone, he has broken our daughter's desk and bookshelf, our $3000 sectional is destroyed because he would pour liquid and other disgusting things onto it while i was sobbing and begging him to stop. but we cant afford to replace it so we just have this disgusting reminder in our home. one time i was punished by him pouring an entire gallon of milk onto the floor, which he texted me a picture of to show that i'd have to clean it up before it soaked into the floor. this was because i had taken a test drive of a car we were considering during COVID and i did not ask the woman to wear a mask. (i was wearing one). and for 2 weeks after i was terrified one of us would get COVID and how i'd be punished for that.
3-5 times it escalated to him shoving me or holding his hands at my throat. which he has always claimed he only did because i 'laid hands on him' first. my infraction? i grabbed his arm mid-hurl to attempt to stop him from throwing a full soda can.
during a particularly horrid fight, after we had our 2nd child (who was an accident and another long story), i had a mental breakdown. and as he was humiliating me and yelling at me while i cried and begged him to stop and said i'd do anything, anything to make him feel better, i just ... woke up? he was saying choose me or the dog. i said i choose the dog, stood up and started packing. said i was done and divorcing him.
which was the first time i had ever ever said that or even really thought it, though i don't know how. even through all that shit i was still always reassuring him that i loved him and wanted to be with him, even though during our fights he'd say horrible things like how he hated me, i was the reason his life was miserable, (when in a good mood i 'saved him' and am 'too good' for him), was going to cheat on me to punish me, etc. no matter how bad he got i tried my absolute hardest to keep my insults inside. i did shockingly well for YEARS at repressing my anger and not saying anything damning. like one time i said 'you make me sick' in response to some horrible thing he said, and this was treated like the worst thing anyone could say. and despite the things he said to me, i GENUINELY felt awful and apologized over and over, i even wrote a long letter about it and the ways i would change and improve, thinking that would help our problems overall. he never read it lol.
after our fights, yeah he would usually apologize, but only if i had done it first and he would never stop the behaviors, and would always repeat insults ESPECIALLY if i told him they bothered me, like he'd compare me to my mom constantly or insult me with my maiden name (still does). in a few fights he referred to a secret 'list' of insults he could pony up if needed. in 2 instances i believe i was given a glimpse of the list, he hit on 2 things he knows i am very insecure about. and despite what i believe to be genuine apologies, i can't forget what he said, nor that this list exists? especially since he would continue to justify it with my actions prior to the insult if i brought it up today. and one of the actions was trying to leave him for being abusive.
well anyway, i threatened divorce and we had a days long argument, i couldn't leave due to some threats he made and i chickened out, finally we talked and he said he would never be physical with his anger again.
that was probably 2-3 years ago and he has only had 1-2 instances of breaking or throwing something out of anger since.
he has definitely changed and made efforts to manage his anger and help me more, but i am feeling like it is too little too late. he has said he would do 'anything' to save our marriage but still refuses any kind of therapy. during a few good long talks we've had, i brought up multiple other issues, but those issues kind of just got dropped after the talks as he focused on anger management, i guess. like i told him i'm done dealing with his insecurities and that i've done nothing to deserve a lack of trust - but the only change is now when he questions me, he will apologize while doing it. which just makes me feel guilty and unreasonable and like maybe it shouldnt bother me so much. like he just wants reassurance, what's so wrong with that?
but i am a deep well of resentment, bitterness, anger. i never used to be like this. i am depressed, i am anxious all the time. little things set me off like they used to him. it's like we've flipped the script. he acts like I'M abusive now. if we have a fight, it'll normally be as usual over some dumb little thing, but since i'm not scared of him in the same way i used to be, i'll try to stand up for myself. which will lead him to say things such as:
"your abuse has stopped but mine is still going on."
"i've changed, why can't you change?"
"your birth control and/or period is really making you crazy, let's get that changed." (have already changed twice).
"you're so angry all the time"
to be clear, it's only been about.. idk, 4-5 months since i most recently said i was leaving him - because he made an absolutely vile threat to me which i don't think i'll ever be able to forgive - all because we were fighting, because i felt he continued to invalidate my feelings and not understand his role in all of this. i have told him i am going to be angry for a good long while as it is the result of HIS years long behavior. i have repeatedly told him that he is not alone in hating the ugly angry thing i have become.
in good moments he will SAY he knows what he did was wrong and that there was no excuse, but as soon as we have another disagreement and i'm trying to talk through it in a somewhat healthy manner, he'll inevitably say something that makes it clear he does NOT understand his role, does NOT truly accept blame, and still thinks that his prior justifications for ABUSING me make him 'not as bad' as his dad/grandpa/'true' abusers. his mom/gma didn't leave THEIR abusers, so i can tell it seems almost laughable to him that i would even consider leaving. and, i know from past arguments, that in his opinion, i have done way worse. i can provide additional context if needed, but suffice it to say it was definitely nothing that warranted years of abuse as punishment, and IMO i went above and beyond to not only apologize for it, but to fix it.
he definitely controls his anger better, tho he now tends to sulk and act cold instead, so i can still tell when he is upset and i still have a visceral reaction to it, heart racing etc. and, just to be clear, he has overall been a great and attentive dad, he doesn't yell at them. we both have areas we could improve in that way, but i feel like HE is actively impeding my ability to be, as lame as the phrase sounds to me, 'my best self.' since i actively stew in resentment and rage mixed with guilt and sadness. i almost want to cry and/or fly into a rage when i see my kids love on him - and i do feel they love him more - because he is there more and he plays with them, tickles them etc whereas esp recently, i have no energy or motivation or will to do anything but just sit there. i do cook, clean etc. but our house is not at a state i'd like anyone else to see it, almost ever. and we are already kind of falling into the 'dad is fun, mom is strict' roles which i already hate. like he gives them candy and i'm the one who has to say no more.
yesterday my daughter drew a picture of mommy an daddy. and idk if it was purposeful or not, but the picture of mommy was drawn with a giant frown.
i know that i am losing my mind and i am near a breaking point, i am distracted at work constantly or crying, my work is important and i live in constant fear ill make a mistake, i used to read a book a week but i haven't finished one in months because i cannot focus on anything but these issues. and i waffle between feeling good when i think about leaving to feeling insanely sad and guilty because i still do manage to love him somehow, i don't want to lose my kids even part of the time, they obviously love him immensely and even when he goes out to the store or something they are asking for him (3 and 5), and i always wanted another kid and if i don't do it with him, i probably never will due to age. but dw i know it would be the epitome of foolishness to conceive with him rn.
our financial situation is currently not great, idk how i'd afford to do everything, we're in debt and it's hard to stay on top of payments. but it's not like he's bringing in anything (SAHD), so aside from paying for lawyers etc, in theory i'd be ok.
i am estranged from my family, i have no friends. i have no options for childcare, i work night shift and thinking about how i would even find someone to be with them overnight in the small town i live in is baffling, and then when i'm with them, when would i sleep? i love my job, i worked hard to get it and i really, really don't want to have to switch, there are no day shift positions available rn. and since i have no will, motivation, etc, most of the time it just feels easier to stay than to go. everything is in both our names, everything. idk if id have to pay alimony. and he has made threats before when i've been close to leaving as ive alluded to. idk if he would actually follow through on them but the idea paralyzes me into inaction. and there's always the potential of his suicide which would destroy me.
when i do manage to be in a good mood, i truly feel like i forget my prior resolve to leave and my anger, i see the man i fell in love with and i am filled with guilt for even considering leaving, i love my family and i love seeing them together, and in these moments it DOES feel like i could eventually forgive him, or even like i'm overreacting and it's silly to say i've been abused or to even consider that this man would have it in him. i still think about us growing old together, i won't list out his positive qualities but obviously they have kept me around this long. perhaps he will continue to improve and i should give him more time. when in a good mood it feels unfair to blame him for EVERYTHING, for every negative aspect of my mental state (the lack of will, motivation, the sadness, i constantly feel like i'm forgetting something, i hate myself, i truly can hardly look in the mirror, i overthink every single interaction i have with people, social anxiety at an all time high, etc). i know i need therapy. but arranging it, paying for it and opening up to a stranger are all things that overwhelm me, and i know he would have a problem with it also. my self esteem is at an all time low, it feels unfair to say it is due to the ONLY person who has ever made me feel beautiful/wanted/sexy, how can it be the same person?
and as you will see in my history, i have seriously contemplated undiagnosed mental health issues, definitely depression/anxiety and perhaps borderline, ADHD. i have not raised that with him.
i fear so much becoming my mother, who is very very bitter and mean and clearly hates my dad but is still with him (imo because there are inheritance issues at play). they are full of contempt and they are vindictive towards each other. when i am angry i can feel myself becoming that way and it makes me sick. and makes me wonder if he was right to always compare me to her.
i have always believed in marrying for life. so it feels almost like betraying myself also.
i think i need to go, but i don't know how, or when, or how to approach it, since he has demonstrably made positive changes. it will feel like blindsiding him and i feel insanely guilty even tho i know any sane person would tell me i've done far more than i should already. i love him and i always thought we'd spend our lives together. i sometimes fantasize about just being alone. i sometimes think how i want him to explode into a rage and throw shit again so i can point to it as crossing a line and have a 'concrete' reason to leave. i think i try to provoke him sometimes but i think he knows it and is careful. most of the time i'm either sickeningly angry, crying, or numb.
even writing this makes me feel stupid and childish and like im just looking for validation for 'my side' and being unfair and biased. i truly cannot accurately perceive reality anymore.
if anyone is still here, ty, idk specifically what i am looking for. snap some sense into me i guess? am i crazy, can this be salvaged? have any of you ultimatum'd your partner into individual therapy? i really think it might help him but idk if i'm crazy to even want to keep trying.
submitted by BubblyWin3865 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:08 Ziofacts I’m uncomfortable and unsure, what should I do?

Before I start, just a quick disclaimer this is going to be LONG. I (16F) work part time at this daycare and I was very excited to work with them. I used to go here abt 6 years ago and I basically knew almost everyone there.
However, when I got there, I didn’t know what my job was as my boss never told me, so one of the teachers that I knew from a while back, told me I would be helping out in her class. My hours are from 2pm-8pm (8pm is closing time). I came 30 mins before as this was my first time working and wanted to be early in case there was more paperwork to be signed but there wasn’t (I’m assuming for now). By the time I got there, the kids were already taking a nap (I was in the room with the toddlers and 2 teachers) and the teachers were being very LOUD while the kids were trying to sleep. One kid had an accident on himself and a teacher pulled him from his cot and dragged him to the bathroom while he was crying loudly. I heard her yelling at him and telling him to stay inside. Btw the kid had to be like 3-4. The crying woke up some toddlers and I was instructed to change a couple of them. It was a bit overwhelming as it had been a while since I changed a kid (6 years) and luckily managed to do it. Soon most of the kids woke up and the 3-4 yr was still crying. He was told he would get his snack last for his tantrum and I was absolutely shocked. I gently helped the kids sit down and helped out with passing out their snack and was being overall gentle, cause they’re fucking kids. After snack, I threw away their trash and they were playing with toys, there were a LOT of times they were being yelled at for shit like having toys everywhere on the carpet, standing up instead of sitting down while playing, etc. I was on the floor with them helping them build and giving them high fives for their intelligence of specific careers (they had educational toys) and would one by one check on each group to see how everything was going, while being gentle and calm the whole time. There were times toys were being thrown, ppl were hitting eachother, and fighting over toys and I appropriately informed them (in a way they’d understand) that it wasn’t nice to take toys from others, hit others, and throwing toys at ppl. They calmed down after that. They got so comfortable that they didn’t want me to leave. However one of the teachers arrived and told me I was actually supposed to be in the pre-k room helping out and I was also introduced to everyone as I wasn’t introduced when I came in. I noticed some of the teachers were very gentle and I liked that.
When I walked into the pre-k room there was abt 15 kids in there and they all said hi to me, one even hugged me. They were in separate groups with blocks and legos and I visited each one and got to know each kid individually. My job was to partner with one specific kid and help out when needed. I’m still learning names but I was able to remember a few. I was still being gentle and calm and occasionally raising my voice a lil (ex: the kids were too loud and I needed their attention) was like once or twice tbh cause I don’t like raising my voice at kids. Soon they wanted me to read them books and I had them put away their blocks and legos for it and I appropriately managed the tantrums and fighting like how I was supposed to. The kids liked me so much they were fighting over spots next to me on the carpet and I found it adorable.
Unfortunately the problems started here, it was I think close to 5pm and the toddlers came into the room and the teachers came in too. There was a lot of yelling and hitting involved when they weren’t listening and I was uncomfortable while trying to comfort them when they were crying. Some got hit for no reason just because they were tryna make a point. Not to mention they were on their phones sometimes when they were supposed to be watching them. It was brief as the teachers left afterwards. One teacher (I knew him from when I used to go) was very calm and gave them candy as a reward for their behavior. I felt comfortable cause I knew he wasn’t gonna hit them or yell at them. Mostly raise his voice a lil when they were getting out of line. The rest of the time was me hanging out with the kids and learning their behaviors. They got so comfortable that they wanted to hug, lay on me, and even sit in my lap (which wasn’t allowed cause they didn’t want parents accusing us of something serious we didn’t do) but it made me sad that they were being treated so terribly. I don’t think the main teacher cares as she basically allowed her daughter and other teachers to do it and even saw them. I was told the girl I was partnering with had a problem or wtv but this girl is rlly nice and listens when she’s not being yelled at or hit or grabbed or pulled. She was super clingy towards me because I was gentle and calm. It makes me so sad seeing these kids get treated like this and idk what to do. One of the other girls that was yelling at her and grabbing her told her parents that she was being problematic and she started crying and didn’t want to leave after that in fear of getting in trouble at home. I felt so bad. I’m working here so I can get money to start my baking business and help my mom out at home, and cause I love kids in general. I don’t think my boss knows what’s going on here cause she’s gone after 12pm. Idk if telling her will do anything as these ppl have been here way longer. I also don’t want to lose my job but this is terrible and chaotic. I think my mom might get mad at me too idfk.
Edit: I was told by the main teacher that I actually wasn’t supposed to change the toddlers and I told her which teacher told me to. Also most of the staff that work there are family to my boss. Idek how much I’m getting paid but my main concern are these kids.
Edit 2: Parents aren’t allowed in the rooms idk why I think it was a covid regulation but it’s 2024 and they’re not even wearing masks.
Edit 3: I looked at the reviews and there was only 8 but 3 were 1 stars and talked abt the way their kids were being treated and kids on the spectrum being treated badly and feeling unwanted. (There are multiple kids on the spectrum in there and it didn’t seem like a problem to the teachers so idk)
submitted by Ziofacts to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:56 njdevils901 Biggest sports heartbreaks

Well this will be a hard one to write. Sports are brutal and it is not a business for feelings or certainly caring about them. So here are a sample of my biggest sports heartbreaks by teams:
New Jersey Devils - there aren't many since the team hasn't been fairly successful. But one that sticks out is game 2 of the 2012 Stanley cup finals. We made it there, were expecting to win, and after game 1 that mentality stayed. We could not go down 2-0 versus the kings where they would head back to home ice. And instead after a long brutal overtime period, Jeff Carter shot a fluke screened shot after circling around the net that beat the devils at home to go up 2-0. I kind of knew then that we were dead in the water, a brutal way to go out, especially as a young man. Other than that, there aren't that many brutal losses, we knew we were mediocre this season, and I didn't even expect the team to beat the rangers after going down 2-0.
New York Yankees - to be honest after the embarrassment of the 2018 playoffs I haven't watched a Yankees postseason since then. The game that particularly sticks out as heartbreaking is game 6-7 ALCS, we were one goddamn win from the World Series. We probably wouldn't have won but that was a damn team of destiny that was bound to win it all, even against a harsh dodgers squad. Not only was game 7 brutal as Aaron judge and the great Bronx bombers got brutalized from the astros pitching, but learning later the astros cheated, and seeing how poorly they did away from Houston, made it hurt even more.
Brooklyn Nets - yeah the last couple of years haven't been kind to Brooklyn. They had the big 3, and they continued to be only together for less than 20 games. Kyrie got injured, and harden was hobbling around vs Milwaukee. But what hurts even more than that is they were a Bruce brown flub away from going up 3-0. And then game 7, a game I couldn't even watch live, I just listened to it and refreshed the box score as I worked deliveries. And to find out they lost game 7, and find out about Kevin durant's foot, messed me up for a couple of weeks. It further messed me up when harden requested a trade, and then the ensuing kyrie and kd trades which completely dismantled a championship core. To see kyrie in the finals after what he did to the big 3 is hurtful in more ways than one, he couldn't keep it together with harden AND kd?!?!? The nets are now in purgatory, and I don't know if they'll ever get out of it.
New York Jets - here is the big one, the team that has given me so much grief since 2009 that they have genuinely killed my love of football. I still love football, but have been more consumed with the coaching side of it more than the actual gameplay (the lack of defense certainly doesn't help). So I think with the jets I'll just create a dotted list of every heartbreak since there are plenty:
2009: jets lose to colts in afc championship game
2010: remember vividly breaking down crying when Steelers went up 24-0 on jets in afc championship game
2011: remember being brutally embarrassed as the giants punked the jets and continued to win the SB afterward
2012: the butt fumble was embarrassing, but that whole game and season was already an embarrassment. The worst part about the big bright lights of NY, is that if the jets had this kind of season in Tennessee no one would care
2013: just a mediocre team that made me happy than they made me sad, so not the worst season ever
2014: embarrassing at every turn, geno smith throwing 4 ints against buffalo was brutal, that mike Vick game against Pittsburgh was kind of fun though
2015: week 17 was the last chance the jets have had to make the playoffs since 2010, and they haven't come close since. I told my parents I was cool with it, but truthfully I was broken.
2016: Fitzpatrick throwing 5 ints vs chiefs was something else, brutal and annoying. Just a wasted season where no one really did anything good
2017: shocking season because of how decent they were before mcccown went down. Still would like to see John Morton get a second chance at coordinator. Also not talked nearly enough how great McCown was for the season. Still hurts because they went with Jamal Adams even after hiring mahomes' assistant coach from Texas tech, AND trying out him twice AND needing a qb for the season that wasn't 36 years old
2018: good lord, Maccagnan set this franchise back a decade without an offensive line. Darnold could have been genuinely good and we ruined him. Some fun wins here and there, but keeping Bowles and letting him ruin the development of darnold was an interesting choice.
2019: hiring Adam gase is some of the lowest parts of my sports fandom, we saw his moronic nature, the way he would look down and throw players under the bus, good lord he was a moron immediately. The jets either got blown out or won extremely close games which is never promising. Letting Mac hire him and hire Douglas AFTER free agency and leaving him with gase is still amazing to me in its ineptitude.
2020: we were set up for the perfect tank season, and we could have gone winless, and we SHOULD HaVE. We are the only 2 win team in nfl history to not get the #1 pick at the draft. That doesn't encapsulate the jets I don't know what does. We select Zach Wilson instead because of mahomes hype, and we all know how that turned out
2021: this season was awful and I honestly don't remember anything other than Mike white looking like the truth and then throwing 4 ints vs buffalo
2022: a defense so good that with a #16 nfl quarterback would have been playoff bound. Started 6-3 as well
2023: a whole offseason of hype and Rodgers goes down 4 plays in. I don't think I'll ever get excited for the jets ever again, heck in sports ever again. It genuinely broke my soul and I haven't been excited for anything since, the devils having a 52 win season was fun but I was still whatever about it. The season continued to be a disaster, and I still facepalm over the thought that we were 7-10 even with it being a disaster, and we had no backup plan to speak of at QB. Another wasted season, the jets give them out like candy, no competitive drive, ever.
2024: We'll see. We either ball out and at best win or go to a Super Bowl. At worst Rodgers gets injured again, Rodgers plays like 2015 manning, or we make the playoffs and are immediately eliminated like the 1993 oilers, to where the whole team is dismantled. I've never seen a team ride an entire franchise on the hopes of a single season, but it is true, if the jets don't win or go to a superbowl the whole team will have to rebuild AGAIN. And the playoff drought will continue
submitted by njdevils901 to NicheFansCommanding [link] [comments]
