Army awards bullets examples

School,Comedy,and Action genre Anime that has similar artstyle to Charlotte or Naruto part 1

2024.06.05 06:57 QuickDealer School,Comedy,and Action genre Anime that has similar artstyle to Charlotte or Naruto part 1

I don't mind if it has ecchi or controversial scene but no stuff that has too much gore please For example an anime that i find the similar to what i'm looking for is: -Absolute Duo -Black Bullet -Keroro Gunsou/Sgt.Frog
submitted by QuickDealer to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:50 bedcech29 For silver to have true price discovery…

We have to break the comex and CME, there is no other way. Military tactics, attack at its weakest point, platinum or palladium. There’s only ~9k ozs of eligible palladium or ~48k ozs of platinum. There’s too much silver to be able to break the chains of the banking cartel. The ratios to trade are insanely in your favor. Break one market and silver will go to the moon. Continuing to attack at their strong points will not get us to our intended outcome and that’s generational wealth. For those who are sitting on 1,000 or more ozs. Go to your local dealer, trade 100ozs and get three ounces of platinum, drain the stock and let us relish in bankers tears. You joined the ape army, and bought silver bullets. Use them
submitted by bedcech29 to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:33 violent_luna123 I don't have a clue on how to shoot down anyone with nametags in the Air-RB mode.. or with the Ground RB engine sounds #rant

That's why I can only play sim lmao. Basically, to shoot down someone is "Simple", I mean I sneak upon him and fire. If it fails - zoom out, recall the attack to sneak upon him again and try shooting once more.
The best position to get closer to someone is flying slightly below his tail level because he obviously cannot see what's below his tail or from a very above where they wouldnt look that much but it risks an overshot.
I think for the lulz I clicked Air-RB once and I literally didnt know what to do..... what, do I attack the guys fighting below me? Then someone is literally going to see a free target diving into the furball and will have a very easy time going after me, I will be his priority target... normally in Sim, the majority of time they would be propably more focused on spotting the right target amongst the furbal as its the most visible attention-drawing thing so you can gank these outside-waiting gankers instead of them you if you focus on finding their "dots" in the sky xd
That's why fighting there feels sooo weird and kinda stressful, literally any move feels so watched/weird
Also for example, even any fun isolated fight where you attack someone shooting your ally also feels so weird when you have so many red-tags around the map and knowing they can also see you.. you gotta constsntly watch if one of these Red-tags don't actually fly towards you with an increasing altitude.. and you arent sure if they are closing on you or not, it feels kinda stressful because they might actually be coming and gaining height in the process, which means you're screwed.
Normally in Sim, noone will propably know about this isolated firefight so you can chill, you only need to worry about a potential "cover me" map ping
And even if someone in Air RB misses his shots on me, he will just follow me because I wont be able to zoom out unseen like in the sim to sneakily Boom'n'Zook again... normally I'd propably lost the guy following me in the confusing chaos of a fast-diving through a furball. If I have a tail in sim, I want to bet on him simply losing the sight of me - which even in Sim is hard but happens often.
So to conclude this, I don't know what to do, there are many red-tags around the map flying somewhere, propably many experienced Aces that I cannot just evade by remaining unseen...
The first question that appears in your mind is if should I climb higher to outclimb any other watchers of mine?..
..Well, I then see my enemies also noticing that I started to go up and they want to go even higher than me to not become my targets.
And most of the times it becomes this kind of weird climbing fest untill one sides gets bored and eventually just dives down into the furball anyway or go straight into the other climbing player for a head-on.
A lot of times it literally becomes a stat-fest of your planes and it ends up to which plane has better stats because they started climbing aggresively since the first second of the match.
The plane that often wins in the Air RB is the one who climbs so fast people actually don't expect him being so much above them already lmao, I mean he's so high that he can surprise people even in a mode with name-tags and a 3rd person view because he comes from such a high angle as not many players look directly above them. They look behind them to see if they don't have a tail but they don't often look just straight up at a 90* angle above them lol and he comes into a very aggresive downards dive towards the enemy shooting at their planes from above.
............. Actually, Ground RB might be more fun for planes. You play with more "realism" just like in SIM but in an easier to control mode... And there's a player tank battle below so the stakes are high as you protect your team-mates from the enemy CAS.
However, there's an issue that is also present in planes which can open their cockpits in SB that caused a bit of an outcry on the sim forums.
You can hear everything so well in a 3rd person mode that if you fly to the map and you suddenly hear a buzzing sound of an incoming engine, you gonna shake your plane violently and there's a high chance someone is going to overshoot you.
When I've tried to do surprise dives on enemy CAS flying to the battle, they would almost always shake their plane in the last moment so my bullets missed them.. In SIM, its much easier to sneak upon someone without them hearing you if they have their canopy closed.
Actually, for a comparison - when I fly at the low tier and someone flies that 2.0 soviet OP biplane which obviously has an open cockpit as biplanes do, I found its almost impossible to catch him through a dive because he will hear you coming and will start doing chaotic maneveurs... so even after 10 BnZ dives, I always missed him because he heard me coming and I couldnt catch him off-guard.
And in the third person view everyone has this kind of awareness so its often veery hard to try to get closer to someone.
If you try to get closer to secure a more accurste kill - which is usually what you do in SIM and that's what real WW2 aces recommended - they said that novices shoot too quickly and spoil their positions when a pro patiently waits untill he's close enough, actually very close to make an accurate devastating burst... So, in the third person mode - if you get closer and closer, he will eventually hear you and before you decide to shoot, he will fly all over the place -,- So I always feel like I need to shoot from a bit further away which is very random and looks pretty bad, spoiling your position anyway so there isn't this fun feeling when you fly very close up to someone and make a surprise mothafucka burst that tears him in half, I found it actually harder to do in the third person mode -,-
So what I often ended up with was an overshot against the enemy CAS but before I regained my altitude to go for another run, the enemy would dive down and send a bomb straight to my tankie ground mates... then often suicide and respawn into a tank again -,-
Aaand ofc you first need to play as the tank.. then the enemy starts winning and you're in a fighter when noone decides to play any planes this match... You wait and wait and you see your team losing... So you get bored and eventually start doing some machine gun runs and just that's when the enemy spawns a plane and gets you flying carelessly after 10 minutes of monitoring the airspace.
Or you monitor the airspace but someone slips past you and does a suicide run and you lose the opportunity anyway....
Or suddenly, the enemy has 10 planes but you don't have points to spawn one, you finally get into a fighter... aaand theyre gone somehow, respawned into tanks XD
Ooor your whole team decides to just hop into fighters aswell, not seeing you're already monitoring the air-space.. so theyre flying around doing nothing, looking for an air kill which they hunt like hungry dogs and do some useless machine gun runs against heavily armoured tanks.... So all you can do is really feel bad and eventually you write - wtf, why do many fighters, we're losing the match and you're all in the air not doing anything, get into tanks and cap zones lol and you gotta abandon your fighter and help your losing team as one of the few tanks still on the ground xD
So even if you seek ground-based air battles, the SB ground battles are better because you can do the typical douchy pilot thing and just hop into a fighter, fight some enemy CAS or fighters and leave the match if you lose your planes or there's no enemy air presence and you're bored of just flying around the map xD
The end
submitted by violent_luna123 to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:15 coblackmagus In-depth Growth Types Mechanics Guide

In-depth Growth Types Mechanics Guide
Hey all, I've been doing a deep dive into understanding how Growth Types work and wanted to share my findings in a guide. The majority of what I'll discuss has been a combination of my own testing combined with information available at the Japanese wiki: . I'll just list out summary points along with some color supporting it. Towards the end I will have some helpful tables showing growth types and how their combinations interact.
  1. Not that important: First, it's worth having a disclaimer that growth types don't really matter that much. You can go through the entire game having no idea what they are and be fine, and if your squads are struggling, understanding growth types (probably) isn't going to be the magic bullet to fix them; there is probably something more fundamental going on. That said, I'm going to try to highlight what to look for where there is the most room for improvement in optimizing a unit's growth types and cases where they're most likely to have an impact.
  2. Order doesn't matter: Simple point, but I was confused for awhile. There's no functional difference between Growth Type 1 and Growth Type 2, and the order of the Types is irrelevant.
  3. Stats from Growth Types are class-independent: This one isn't necessarily obvious or intuitive. You might assume that a class with an S-rank in a stat would see more of a stat bonus from a growth type tailored to it than a character with an F-rank, but in fact, they're exactly the same. There are 3 fairly independent components that determine a character's stats: 1) A class-based component that increases as the character levels, 2) A growth type component that increases as the character levels, and 3) A growth type component that is completely independent of a character's level. Of course, certain stats still lend themselves to being good candidates for improvement if they're already a class's strong suit (e.g. Evasion), but don't be overly influenced by a class's growth rates when choosing growth types.
  4. A growth type's weaknesses are just as important as their strengths: This one is also not immediately obvious, given that the naming conventions only emphasize their most buffed stat, but each growth type (other than All-Rounder) penalizes some combination of stats, and choosing the best candidates for your Idealist's Handmirrors is largely a matter of figuring out which characters are penalized the worse in areas they don't want to be. For example, Defensive, Lucky, and Go-Getter are the most negative traits for penalizing Attack. Any class that relies on their Attack stat(s) for dealing damage will generally want to avoid doubling up on any combination of these lest their damage output be neutered.
  5. Some stats are easier to get via Growth Types than items: And vice-versa. This isn't really a mechanics point, so much as it is a practical observation. It is much easier in the game to increase Accuracy, Evasion, Crit Rate, or Guard via items, skills, effects, etc., or for that matter see the stat ignored entirely (via Truesight, Unguardable attacks, guaranteed Criticals, etc.), than it is e.g. to increase Attack. Growth Types seem to treat the "equivalent value" of all stats on nearly-equal footing, whereas the rest of the game (and how much of an impact that stat actually has) clearly does not. For this reason, Offensive is a premium Growth Type. To a lesser extent, Defense is also a fairly difficult stat to raise, but Defensive carries the largest Attack penalty of any growth type; similarly with Initiative and Go-Getter having a large Atk penalty. In portions of this guide, for simplicity I will be comparing the total stat gain of various growth types, but bear in mind not all stats are created equally.
  6. There is a significant stat incentive to mix different Growth Types: This one is a little complicated to explain, but it's easier if you reference the table below. For the level-independent component that Growth Types provide, each type has various values for each stat. The values for the two Growth Types get added together and divided by 2, except the result is always rounded up. In other words, you get a "bonus" stat point every time the sum of two Growth Types is an odd number. Because a number added to itself is always even, two identical growth types will never see any bonus from this effect.
Level-independent Growth Type Stat Bonus
  1. From the previous point, we can calculate how many "bonus stats" are obtained by combining certain Growth Types. The table below all possible combinations (obviously the table is mirrored along the diagonal, and no bonus is seen when a growth type is combined with itself).
Bonus stats obtained for each possible Growth Type combination

Putting this together, what are the best growth types?

This is largely going to be a matter of opinion, class-dependent, and keep in mind that points 5 and 6 are somewhat at odds with one another. However, I will try to list some stat combinations that I find most worth considering:
  • Offensive/Offensive: Despite the lack of bonus stats, if a character purely wants damage, it's worth forgoing any irrelevant "bonus stats" by doubling up here. As stated earlier, all stats are not created equally, and sometimes you just want Attack.
  • Offensive/All-Rounder: For many cases though, this is worth considering for classes that primarily deal damage but also want to be able to take some hits. You'll see better Def at a marginal cost of Atk, along with some Accuracy and Evasion thrown in.
  • Hardy/Defensive: This combination is great for any character that acts as a tank. You get significantly better Defense than Hardy/Hardy while still not incurring the drastic Atk penalty of Defensive/Defensive.
  • Hardy/All-Rounder: If you want something tankier than Offensive/All-Rounder but that hits harder than Hardy/Defensive, Hardy/All-Rounder is probably up your alley. These two growth types mesh very well with good bonus stats across the board. Side note that Offensive/Defensive is also another candidate, but I think in general Hardy/All-Rounder is slightly better.
  • Go-GettePrecise: If a character doesn't care about Attack and Accuracy at all (thinking of Selvie/Shamans here), then Go-GetteGo-Getter is still your best bet. For anyone else that wants to focus on initiative though (e.g. Thieves/Rogues), Go-GettePrecise sacrifices very little Initiative for significantly improved offense in the form of Accuracy and Atk.
Some thoughts on other growth types:
Guardian is pretty much never optimal. It's not disastrous if you see it on a story character, since fortunately doesn't see any large negatives, but it's pretty much always outclassed by Hardy. I really can't think of a situation where Guardian would be the preferred choice. Guard Rate is fairly useless on characters without shields due to base Guard Efficiency being only 25%. It would be best on a character with a Greatshield due to 75% damage reduction, but almost all of them have such high Phys Def (and have skills that uses Medium/Heavy Guard automatically anyway) that Guard Rate isn't going to move the needle anyway. Not to mention that it doesn't help these classes' worst matchups which is Unguardable attacks or Magic damage. Maybe Berengaria, a Shieldshooter, or Amalia could be a candidate for Guardian/All-Rounder if you wanted better tanking vs. physical units. But really, it's pretty much a Growth Type you'll never willingly choose.
Keen is very similar to All-Rounder. You'll notice in the two tables that Keen behaves similarly to All-Rounder in how it performs and which Growth Types it synergizes with. For the most part, you can substitute it for cases where you would use All-Rounder if you would prefer, but I generally would recommend All-Rounder as I believe Accuracy/Evasion are more impactful in most cases.

A few examples for the Idealist's Handmirror:

I'll go over a couple examples for what I think about a character and how impactful changing their Growth Types would be.
Alain: I'll cover him since he's the main lord. All-RoundeAll-Rounder is not bad, as it has no significant penalties, and Alain is fine to have balanced stats, so I think he's not really in need of a mirror use. That said, if you do decide to mirror him, I believe Offensive/All-Rounder is a fairly easy (if not minor) upgrade. Hardy/All-Rounder is the alternative is you're more defensively than offensively inclined.
Leah: This is an example, in my opinion, of a high-priority Handmirror usage (assuming you want to use her of course). It's also an example of a trap players may fall into when hiring mercenaries of just setting Growth Types to a character's best stats; ostensibly a class with high Initiative/Evasion should double down on their strengths, but the negatives outweigh the positives here. Lucky/Go-Getter are two Atk-reducing Growth Types, significantly hurting her damage potential (especially early-game). A change to Offensive/All-Rounder results in a whopping ~5 Atk increase, and while it's at the cost of a similar amount of evasion, it's much easier to increase evasion than it is to increase Atk. Seems like Aramis was onto something here. (side note that you can alternatively substitute Keen for All-Rounder if you want more crit rate at the cost of Accuracy/Evade).
Eltolinde: Defensive/Precise is a combo that gives a lot of bonus stats, but still is quite bad as it's not really what she wants. While many classes like offensive Growth Types, this is especially true any class that deals damage using both Physical and Magical Attack, as they get twice the normal benefit from Growth Types (items typically only buff one of these stats). I would rank Eltolinde as a high-priority mirror candidate. Offensive/All-Rounder is ideal for getting her offenses up to par (and it's a fairly large increase!) while still maintaining some of the bulk of her original Growth Type. Alternatively, she can just follow her sister's lead and go full Offensive/Offensive if you simply don't care about extra Defense.


If you're still with me, thanks for reading all this, and hopefully you learned something. I'll reiterate my first point that growth types (generally) don't matter too much, but I would say consider the value of mixing growth types when hiring mercenaries or using the Handmirror.
submitted by coblackmagus to UnicornOverlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:15 The_Firn Just a few of my favorites

Just a few of my favorites
B-25 Mitchell was the perfect plane to restore American morale with Doolittle’s Raid on Tokyo. A daring mission pushing the absolute limits of the aircraft, especially given that it was an army air core plane that was quickly modified to take off from a carrier. The fact that it’s the namesake of the father of the US Air Force is a testament to its reputation as a damn good airplane.
Bugatti P.100 was a beautiful racer designed specifically to humiliate Nazis and I can’t think of a better reason to build an aircraft than that. In my opinion, the attention to aesthetics on this aircraft are unparalleled with the sleek canopy cockpit, slightly forward swept wings, graceful body lines, Y-tail, and heck even that beautiful blue color. It’s truly a shame the aircraft wasn’t built before the race day in 1939.
De Havilland Vampire was an excellent platform for the newly developed jet engine (adopting the early British centrifugal compressor design) and the first jet powered aircraft to cross the Atlantic. It did its job well, a fact backed by its high production number and years in service. Simple, effective, robust, yet at its core it was revolutionary technology, and in my opinion it just looks clean.
Piaggio P-180 Avanti is a truly exceptional example of aeronautical engineering mastery and shrewd business intellect. Designed in the 1980’s and it’s still the fastest production turboprop aircraft in the world. Incorporating 3 lifting surfaces is a stability and control nightmare, but damn the P-180 makes it seem easy. Fuselage designed to promote laminar flow and in contrast to its contemporary competition, the breathtaking but sadly commercially unsuccessful Beechcraft Starship, the designers knew the unconventional configuration shouldn’t be coupled with promising but expensive and unproven new technology like composite materials and glass cockpit instrumentation. Pusher configuration combined with engine position induces Coandă Effect with respect to the tail producing an inverse yaw giving directional stability in a one engine out scenario. I could go on, but I highly recommend you research this aircraft yourself so you can fall in love with it too.
Su-47 is just sexy. Useful? Not really. Revolutionary? The X-29 did it first. Economical? Lol. Despite this, the Su-47 just makes me feel something that words cannot describe and no amount of logic can convince me it isn’t an S-tier aircraft.
Honorable mention: the DC-3 is arguably the greatest aircraft of all time. Damn near miraculously practical, versatile, and gorgeous especially for its time. Completely revolutionary aircraft being the first to utilize shear panel theory which lead to skin loading. Truly the people’s champion of aircraft.
Other aircraft considered: Wright Flyer 3, Lockheed Electra, P-38, P-61, Ju-87, F4U Corsair, Me-163, MiG-15, U-2, Tu-144, OV-2, Cessna 172, Twin-Otter, T-38, OV-10, F-117, X-29, 747, L-1011, Saab-37, A-10, ShinMaywa US-2, G650, Long-EZ, XB-70, YF-12, 777, A340, A350, Avro Vulcan, C-390, F-35B, B-21 and many many more
submitted by The_Firn to Planes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:05 C0smicoccurence Majordomo review (for my ‘Published in 2024’ Bingo Card)

Majordomo review (for my ‘Published in 2024’ Bingo Card)
After feeling very out of the loop for the last few years on most of the books that got nominated for awards, I have decided that 2024 is my year of reading stuff being currently published. While I will no doubt get sidetracked by shiny baubles from the past, I am going to be completing a bingo card with books solely written in 2024.
Like so many of the books for this card, it was picked off cover art and vibes. I don’t play D&D anymore, but am still an avid role player, and have a lot of nostalgia for the game. This seemed like a fun little book and, especially since it was a novella, I wasn’t worried about it bogging me down. Turns out I was spot on.
This book is good for readers who like Dungeons and Dragons, Nimona, Books you can read in one sitting, Villains being the good ones all along
Elevator Pitch: Jack is a Kobold who runs the estate of the most famous necromancer in the world. He recruits new cannon fodder, keeps the staff in line, ensures the traps are reset, and keeps the graveyard stocked up with bodies. In the end, the whole fortress just wants to be left alone, but people keep trying to kill them because they deposed a tyrannical king a few hundred years ago. But Jack views his master as his father, and will do anything to protect him.
What Worked for Me
I think this book did a great job of matching its marketing to its writing. The novella speeds along nicely, hits a lot of familiar beats you’d expect, resolves everything nicely. It very much puts the ‘villains’ in the morally righteous position instead of trying to make a more nuanced statement, but that’s not terribly atypical for these stories.
I think the thing that I really liked though, was that there were some clear references to some classic Dungeons and Dragons forum culture. Tucker’s Kobolds is an iconic article from a long time ago (1980s I think?) that uses the stereotypical wimpy Kobold, normally mowed down mercilessly as a power trip for players, as a legitimate threat to higher level parties when played intelligently as a group of ambush combatants who ruthlessly exploit game mechanics to make up for their weakness in a fair fight. This book channels that energy, and it’s clear that Tucker’s Kobolds was a reference point (either directly, or through the osmosis of culture), which was really fun to see.
What Didn’t Work for Me
It’s tough for me to articulate specifics here. There are plenty of things I could criticize, but this story was quick, relatively inoffensive, and walked familiar story beats. It wasn’t an ambitious story by any means, but it wasn’t trying to be. It’s not going to blow you away, but if you like the sound of the blurb (and aren’t hoping for a truly villainous story) then it’s a pretty reliable and speedy read.
TL:DR Majordomo is a fun read that puts a D&D spin on the classic ‘villains are really the good guys’ type story. It draws on some wonderful specific inspiration points from the role playing scene, but won’t push deep thematically or reimagine the genre. If you like the idea of a Kobold henchperson D&D story, you’ll like this book.
Bingo Squares: Under the Surface (HM), Criminals, Self Published (HM, for now), Published in 2024, Disability (HM MC has a Club Foot, Dementia in major side character), Orcs, Goblins & Trolls, Survival, Small Town
I plan on using this for Under the Surface! It’s a square that I haven’t had a lot calling my name (there’s a few underwater ones being published in 2024, but none are speaking to me).
Previous Reviews for this Card
Welcome to Forever - a psychedelic roller coaster of edited and fragmented memories of a dead ex-husband
Infinity Alchemist - a dark academia/romantasy hybrid with refreshing depictions of various queer identities
Someone You Can Build a Nest In - a cozy/horroromantasy mashup about a shapeshifting monster surviving being hunted and navigating first love
Cascade Failure - a firefly-esque space adventure with a focus on character relationships and found family
The Fox Wife - a quiet and reflective historical fantasy involving a fox trickster and an investigator in early-1900s China
Indian Burial Ground - a horror book focusing on Native American folklore and social issues
The Bullet Swallower - follow two generations (a bandit and an actor) of a semi-cursed family in a wonderful marriage between Western and Magical Realism
Floating Hotel - take a journey on a hotel spaceship, floating between planets and points of view as you follow the various staff and guests over the course of a very consequential few weeks
A Botanical Daughter - a botanist and a taxidermist couple create the daughter they could never biologically create using a dead body, a foreign fungus, and lots of houseplants.
The Emperor and the Endless Palace - a pair of men find each other through the millennia in a carnal book embracing queer culture and tangled love throughout the ages
submitted by C0smicoccurence to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:46 Thebigturd69420 Gun jamming should revolver more around the type of ammo your using instead of how many times you've fired it

It's really annoying when that brand new dragonuov and after like 3 raids it jams after every 5th bullet. But its not just annoying, it's unrealistic AF. Just for example IRL you can put 100,000 rounds through an ak before it breaks, but in tarkov, you can shoot like 300 maybe.
 So I propose that we make it so worse ammunition jams more often like for example, maybe ammo that's been found in raid is less likely to jam? Idk I kina lost my train of thought so talk about hiw we could fix this jamming problem also FUCK AI PMC GUNS ALMOST ALL OF THEM ARE HALF BROKEN AND CANT BE REPAIRED 
submitted by Thebigturd69420 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:35 gehntholt Sexist remarks by Shiv

As a character who preaches the “change for good” with sound politics that are pro-woman and her consistant destain towards the coporate world run by men - she makes several comments and takes actions that show deep down shes just as rotten as an elite male.
Her metioning her insinuated “bullet proof tits” (her words not mine) - even in a negative tone as to be reluctant to say it is just one small example. That is just one of my most hated lines in the whole series and got me to want to write this.
Shiv is one of the biggest hypocrites in the show and is more sexist than 90% of the people she claims are.
submitted by gehntholt to SuccessionTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:31 Gyro_Armadillo Australia sees the West Philippine Sea in the South China Sea The Strategist

Australia sees the West Philippine Sea in the South China Sea The Strategist
In the ‘differ where we must’ dimension of dealing with China, Australia is wielding a new nomenclature stick. (Schtick?)
Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles talks about the ‘West Philippine Sea’, not just the ‘South China Sea’.
Kicking away some of the dashes in China’s nine-dash line claiming the whole of the South China Sea certainly pokes the dragon.
The ‘West Philippine Sea’ was first used by Manila in 2011 in expressing its disagreement with Beijing’s claim. The ‘West Philippine Sea’ refers only to waters in the Philippines’ 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, not the whole of the South China Sea.
Australia’s previous Liberal-National Party government stuck to using only the ‘South China Sea’ in its dealings with the Philippines. Marles shifted usage during his visits to the Philippines last year. At a press conference in Zambales in August, Marles referred to the importance of Manila’s victory over Beijing in the arbitral award under the UN Law of the Sea: ‘The 2016 arbitral award is profoundly important in terms of what it says about the West Philippine Sea and we support the 2016 arbitral award.’
In May this year in Hawaii, Marles joined defence ministers from the US, Japan and the Philippines in saying that ‘they strongly objected to the dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels in the South China Sea. They reiterated serious concern over the People’s Republic of China’s repeated obstruction of Philippine vessels’ exercise of high seas freedom of navigation and the disruption of supply lines to Second Thomas Shoal, which constitute dangerous and destabilizing conduct.’
The statement pledged maritime cooperation in the Philippines’ EEZ but did not refer to the West Philippine Sea, reflecting caution by both Japan and the US. In backing its treaty ally, the Philippines, the United States has avoided the ‘West Philippine Sea’ phrase.
Not so Marles, who told the Hawaii press conference of the ‘challenge to the global rules‑based order in the East China Sea, in the South China Sea, in the West Philippine Sea. And our four countries are utterly committed to asserting freedom of navigation, to asserting the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, to asserting the global rules‑based order around the oceans of the world, including in the West Philippine Sea.’
At the Shangri-La dialogue in Singapore at the weekend, Marles questioned China’s strategic behaviour and the signals it sent, offering this as his first example: ‘Actions by Chinese vessels in the West Philippine Sea, such as the use of water cannons and the ramming of Philippine vessels, are a serious escalation of tensions and inconsistent with UNCLOS and the final and binding 2016 South China Sea arbitration ruling.’
Two of the strongest speeches attacking Chinese behaviour were from Marles and the keynote address from the Philippines’ President Ferdinand Marcos Junior.
Marcos said China aimed to ‘propagate excessive and baseless claims through force, intimidation, and deception. In the West Philippine Sea, we are on the frontlines of efforts to assert the integrity of the UNCLOS as a Constitution of the Oceans. We have defined our territory and maritime zones in a manner befitting a responsible and law-abiding member of the international community. We have submitted our assertions to rigorous legal scrutiny by the world’s leading jurists. So, the lines that we draw on our waters are not derived from just our imagination, but from international law.’
The response from Chinese Defence Minister Admiral Dong Jun was to claim that the Philippines, backed by the US, had ‘abandoned bilateral agreements, broken its promises, and taken premeditated action to stir up incidents’. China’s restraint, he said, ‘has its limits’.
Canberra embraces Marcos far more than it did his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte. The warmth is encouraged by a consensus in Manila that Duterte’s attempt to cosy up to China failed. Duterte tried to play nice; Beijing kept playing nasty. Tough talk from Marcos rhymes with much coming from Canberra.
Prime Minister Albanese visited Manila in September and welcomed Marcos to Canberra in February. Albanese called the Philippines a close friend and strategic partner: ‘Australia sees the Philippines as a central player and a crucial partner for us in Southeast Asia.’
Marcos says that as a senator he was a co-sponsor of an Archipelagic Baselines Law, which defines the basis of the Philippines’ maritime jurisdiction. As president, he intends to sign ‘a Maritime Zones Law, which will clarify the geographic extent of our maritime domain’.
Australia’s call on that domain definition is in. Australia is the second country, after the US, to commit to joint patrols with the Philippines in its waters.
Adopting the notion of the West Philippine Sea, Australia embraces a geographic term that has found little favour with countries other than the Philippines in the Association of South East Asian Nations. The ASEAN language of neutrality and non-alignment trumps solidarity with the Philippines. It’s the South China Sea to ASEAN members—apart from Vietnam, which calls it the East Sea.
The Marcos administration is getting more explicit support on the West Philippine Sea from Australia than it does from ASEAN.
Sticking with the Philippines’ map, Australia is sticking it to China. That’s a pointy schtick.
submitted by Gyro_Armadillo to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:15 Glad-Conversation256 I have a new game concept for the creators of exploding kittens called meow vs gulp. If you have suggestions or criticism please do give them.

Meow vs gulp is a game about alien warlord cats and fish. So you get 20 half tokens or maybe more(Don't know?), 2 dice 8 cards and a army. So you roll the dice to see how much your piece can move and then you could use one of your cars(for example a switch card wich switches one of you and your opponents players piece who are the closes to you) or you can get a other cards to end your turn. If you are infront of one of the enemies pieces you can roll to see how much damage you attack and the enemie rolls if you get a higher number you hit but if they get a higher number you miss. You play intill one team invaded the others base or if the enemy has no more pieces.
submitted by Glad-Conversation256 to ExplodingKittens [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:24 icecreamraider The Realities of War - Part 4.1 (The “Laws of War” probably don’t mean what you think they mean)

Note: this is a continuation of Part 4 of the “Realities of War” series. This won’t make much sense without reading Part 4 I posted a few minutes ago - I suggest you start there.

Guardrails aren’t Fixed – the offer a “methodology”, but not a “Solution”.

The “Guardrails” of War I keep mentioning – they aren’t set in some fixed position. They are very much flexible and much wider in a “War” than in a “military operation”.
Civilians are often quick to point at individual events and jump to a conclusion of whether this act or another is “within the rules”. And they are quick to point at some international law or rulebook to defend their point.
Except it rarely achieves anything definitive.
The “Rules” offer a “methodology” - but they rarely hold the “answer”.
1. The “Rules” offer guidance as to “how” a nation should fight a war. But they certainly do not require a nation to lose the war.
2. The “HOW” will have much more practical flexibility if your goal is to “defeat the enemy” rather than a more “optional” objective (like “push the borders out a bit” or something).
3. In addition to the broader scope of “HOW” that a WAR entails (as opposed to a “military operation”) – it is even further impacted by the characteristics of the battlefield, the nature of the enemy, and countless other pragmatic nuances of fighting an actual war.
Also important to note that Humanitarian law does not regulate when and if wars are justified or when they can start or end.
Concepts such as “proportionality” are routinely misapplied by civilians appalled by the violence. This won’t be new to those who’ve been following my posts, but I’ll expand, nonetheless.
Sidenote: credit to u/Acrobatic_Computer for pointing out that I did not adequately spell out what “proportionality” actually means in military context in a previous post. He offered a link to The Commander's Handbook on the Law of Land Warfare which you can check out for yourselves here: [link].
Let’s examine what the “Handbook” says.
Section 2.71 is quite clear that “The principle of proportionality imposes duties that apply to the protection of persons and objects that may not be made the object of attack.” Fair enough. I think most sane people would agree with that.
But than Section 2.76 introduces the key nuance: “The weighing or comparison between the expected incidental harm and the anticipated military advantage does not necessarily lend itself to empirical analyses*. On the one hand, striking an ammunition dump or a terrorist training camp would not be prohibited because a farmer is plowing a field in the area. On the other hand, an extraordinary military advantage would be necessary to justify an operation posing risks of collateral death or injury to thousands of civilians*.”
As you can see – the “rules” offer a “methodology” to how to think about a certain decision. But it certainly offers no specific solutions to any situational problem that the military may encounter in the course of war – there is a TON of room for interpretation and nuance.

To help make sense of things, let’s look at some specific examples.

Two Situations that are “similar” on the surface can be entirely different for all practical purposes.
The operating manual for the US forces clearly prohibits unnecessary damage and civilian death that’s “disproportionate” to the value of the objective. And we certainly would do our best to abide by these rules.
For instance, when invading a country, we would routinely bypass certain fights (instead of “finishing” the enemy at a point of a specific engagement). Say you’re moving toward a distant rally point – the broader objective is to apply pressure upon retreating organized enemy force. You stumble into a village on the way, and the village is shooting at you. You have two options: (a) drop a bunch of artillery on it, wipe the enemy off the map and kill a bunch of civilians while at it; or (b) report it to command so they decide what to do with it later, bypass it, and move toward the objective that actually matters to you.
We would routinely go with option B. Because the village itself is not a critical objective and would hold little significance to the overall aim of the campaign, we would simply let it be and bypass it – thus saving civilian lives and pursuing more important objectives of the campaign.
But it’s a much, MUCH different situation when a city lies in your way and the city IS the objective.
There aren’t that many things you can “bypass” in a city. Every hostile building on every supply route must be dealt with – you can’t send traffic down the MSR if it’s constantly being targeted. Every building in a sector must be cleared – you can’t leave a pocket of enemies with guns at your back in a sector you declared “cleared”.
And so, most of the fighting in a city isn’t optional when the city itself is the high-value objective.
(Note: if you haven’t read Part 2 of the series – I’d recommend you read it for better context on how a city gets cleared by a military.)
There isn’t a Requirement for a military to sacrifice its troops unnecessarily. In other words, a military accepts a certain “risk profile” of a mission on a routine basis – there is always a chance that your soldiers may get killed. But you most certainly are not required to send your troops toward assured death on an off chance that a soldier’s death may or may not save a civilian life. You still have a war to fight – and that requires soldiers.
Which means that, when presented with a hostile resistance in a densely packed urban environment, the most practical option may be of a high-explosive variety. The risk of civilian casualties goes up significant, of course, once the bombs are being dropped. But when a city block is of a “high military priority” – escalation in firepower is perfectly acceptable and allowable under all laws of war… provided the execution isn’t entirely reckless.

So… I started Part 4 by saying that “Israel is committing War Crimes” and now it sounds like I’m explaining away IDF’s actions. What gives?

Well… if you’ve read my previous posts – you should have gotten a decent idea that “war is hell”. It’s impossible to get through a war while keeping your hands clean – it simply can not be done.
So yeah… of course IDF has committed some war crimes.
Which ones? I have no idea. And neither do you.

The Fog of War is very Real. And Reductive factoids you may view as “Evidence” actually tell you absolutely nothing.

Let’s look at some common “evidence” often presented by those claiming that the nature of the entire campaign is criminal.

“The Bombs are Too Big”

This is a common complaint direct at IDF. Some even claim that the use of large ordnance is unprecedented. It’s false, of course – we dropped much larger munitions on cities in Iraq, for instance. A much better question is “WHY” a bomb of a certain size is used. Let’s examine…
If you read Part 2 of my posts, you should be familiar with the methodology used when clearing a city. It requires methodical clearing of “sectors”. Clearing a sector requires moving a military element into that sector. To do that, you need (a) “eyes”, and (b) “control of initiative”.
The tunnels take away both. If you can’t observe enemy activity prior to moving into a sector – you can pretty much presume every structure to be hostile. And you can never have any control or initiative on a battlefield where the enemy can be moving under your feet invisible and able to pop up behind your back any time.
What you do with a sector with tunnels will then depend on various factors.
Perhaps intelligence suggests that this sector has a network of smaller tunnels – unknown with respect to specific exit points, but more or less limited. Well.. then you accept the risk profile, move the troops and equipment in, and proceed very carefully.
But what happens if you arrive at a sector with a main “hub” of tunnels running underneath, splitting into networks that can hold quite a large enemy force? And what if you know the location of such a tunnel system?
Well… you certainly destroy it.
The problem is - there aren’t that many things that can drop from the sky, punch a deep enough hole, and destroy a tunnel. Usually that requires something very heavy with a delayed fuse that will go off at a certain depth and collapse the walls on the enemy.
But isn’t the explosive force of such a munition “disproportionate”? Not really. The theoretical “Kill radius” of such heavy munitions is, of course, devastating if it merely bounces of the ground and explodes. But it’s much, MUCH reduced when it’s set to go off underground – the nuance most civilian “analysits” miss.
In many ways, much smaller munitions can be far more deadly to civilians on the surface than a large underground explosion with the ground absorbing most of the explosive force and the resulting fragments.
From what I’ve seen – the analysis of craters left by such larger munitions seem consistent with underground explosions – very much in line with the intent for such munitions that I would expect from a professional military.

Let’s look at another example - is dropping a 2,000lbs bomb on a city square is War crime? Well… I don’t know. It depends.
1. If it’s a sector that needs to be taken (in a city – every sector fits that profile) … you happen to know that sector to be hostile and contain a tunnel network… and you know the approximate location of the main hub – then it is certainly not a war crime. Bombs away.
2. If all of the above holds true – but your intel was outdated and turns out that tunnels haven’t been used in a long time… or perhaps you have the location wrong and happen to blow up a park unnecessarily – is it a war crime? No… It’s an error – an unfortunate reality of war.
3. Perhaps there is no tunnel – but there are four building surrounding a square with militants holed up in each building. Dropping a giant bomb in the middle could be an effective way of dealing with this situation. Is it optimal? Again, it depends.
a. You certainly won’t send troops inside multi-story buildings that are pointing at each other – that’s suicidal.
b. You can bring in some heavy weapons and start dropping smaller caliber lead through windows. Will that work? Maybe… eventually you’ll kill enough of them… others may get tired and give up. How long will that take? Who knows – a siege like that may take multiple days. Do you have that luxury if there is an entire brigade waiting behind you to clear the way? Your probably don’t – you can’t hold the entire operation because of four buildings.
So, at that point – what’s the difference if you drop a one massive bomb on them that will blow the walls off each building or drop four smaller bombs on each building directly? The effect is ultimately the same - and one option costs much less than the other.
(Nor is the result any more devastating than a number of smaller munitions – the hostile buildings you were going to destroy regardless will absorb most of the blast).
4. Now… say you have visual intelligence that militants are preparing for a fight on a certain street. Let’s say there is a bunch of them. They don’t necessarily have fire control of the area – you should be able to move a mechanized company or two down the street, with some close air support, and perhaps clear the street more methodically… or… you could just drop a bomb on it and call it a day. Is this a war crime? Again – it depends.
Do you suspect that there may be a bunch of civilians in the area but then drop a bomb anyway? I’d disagree with the decision – but there are many circumstances under which it could still be a justified decision. Without having been there – I can’t answer that question definitively. But we’re certainly entering a more questionable territory now.
5. Now, say you have a sector with no suspected enemy activity… let’s even imagine it’s clear of civilians… there are no targets clearly identified as “enemy infrastructure”. But you decide to drop a bomb on it anyways, to “deny future comfort to the enemy” or some sh—t. Well, now you have yourself a war crime – perhaps not rising to a level of individual prosecution, but certainly removal from command for whomever made this decision.
6. Now, imagine a commander who’s looking at a single enemy fighter in a crowd of civilians and says “fuck it, hit them all with HE” – now that’s an egregious level of war crime worthy of a criminal prosecution.

So… is it possible that some of the bomb strikes were erroneous, poorly justified, or even criminal? Sure it is. But again, that’s a statement about certain inevitable events that tells you absolutely nothing about the prosecution of the war itself.

There is TOO MUCH DESTRUCTION. Isn’t that evidence of a systemic war crime?

Uhm… yeah… war is quite destructive. Especially in urban context. For instance, when we were done in Fallujah, about 20% of buildings were destroyed. And about 60% in total were damaged to one degree or another. Very similar numbers were in Mosul.
The destruction in Gaza seems strikingly similar – per latest from UNOSAT, about 15% of Gaza’s structures are completely destroyed. About 55% are damaged to one degree or another.
So yeah – an urban war breaks things… a lot of things. But I doubt that Gaza would look much different if it was invaded by U.S. forces for instance.

The Bombs are “Unguided”!!!

Are they? Because in the military, we don’t really look at any particular munition on its own merit alone – it tells you very little.
We look at what we call a “weapon system”. A bomb isn’t a weapon system. An aircraft with targeting systems, a trained pilot, and the bomb attached to it – that’s a weapon system.
Smart” aircraft can deliver an “unguided” munition much more precisely than a dumb aircraft with an undertrained pilot can deliver a “smart” bomb. And IDF is well-known for having among the best air forces in the world.
If your goal is to collapse a major tunnel hub under a square and you have two options: (a) a smaller but “guided” munition, or (b) an “unguided” but very heavy munition with delayed detonation and delivered by a very accurate weapon system – you go with “B” every single time. A smaller bomb simply won’t do much more than a firework and a needlessly blown up sidewalk – not as far as the tunnel inhabitants are concerned. But a larger bomb doesn’t have to hit a “bullseye” – it just needs to be close enough and penetrate deep enough before going off to create the necessary “earthquake” that will collapse the tunnels in the proximity.
Sidenote: I’m not entirely sure about the “unguided” part either. Sure – many munitions are produced as “dumb” by default. And then they’re fitted with “guidance kits” that make them quite “smart”. Far as I know – Israel has received thousands of such conversion kits. Doubt that they’re documenting precisely which bombs have been fitted with conversion kits and where they were dropped. But I also doubt that these conversion kits are collecting dust in a warehouse somewhere.

“War Crimes” are Inevitable. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the prosecution of WAR itself is criminal.

So there you have it – IDF will inevitably commit an unknowable number of errors. Inevitably, some will be egregious enough to be called “war crimes”. Some of those will rise to the level of being “career-enders” for the decision-makers. And some will probably be egregious enough to justify a prosecution.
What does this individual statement tell you about the war itself? Nothing, other than there is a war and that war sucks.
The Broader determination of a “Criminal” War is not just the number of instances that would rise to the level of “illegality” or even “war crimes”. Rather, it’s a combination of “our” determination regarding the nature of this specific war itself (its aims and intents), combined with the way in which the war is being prosecuted.
Let’s look to Ukraine again for example. Ukrainians routinely stage their fighting forces in urban areas… conduct ambushes in populated areas, etc. But we have much more tolerance for it, because we believe their cause to be more “Just” than that of the Russians. It doesn’t mean, of course, that we wouldn’t be outraged if an individual Ukrainian unit planted itself inside of a functioning civilian hospital – we would correctly identify that as unacceptable. But that wouldn’t change our overall support for Ukraine.
But let’s now imagine that embedding Ukrainian forces in hospital and schools has become a DELIBERATE part of Ukrainian strategy. The picture would then change. The entire conduct of Ukraine would then be called into question. And I personally would then begin to question whether Ukraine still aligns with my own set of principles and values that caused me to support Ukraine over Russia to begin with.
All for today. I will finish Part 4.2 and post it tomorrow.

submitted by icecreamraider to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 Consistent_Dingo_167 Your Experience Negotiating with College Admissions on Final Offer

How much negotiating did you do before accepting the final awards/aids and committing? They’ve revised my offer two times and I feel like I can ask for a little more, but I don’t know how to ask without sounding greedy. The last letter we wrote talked about my other financial aid offer at another school.
We are very grateful, but it’s a very expensive private college so every penny would help.
The reason I believe they can give more is that the aid/award examples they had on their PowerPoint during the college tour, displayed a “typical” student’s offer package, and compared to my current offer, it was $20K less. :/
Any experience please post. Thanks!
submitted by Consistent_Dingo_167 to financialaid [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:04 REAPERK1LLZ Came from mecha models to knights. Good source of updated information on how to start?

To start I simply just love anything mechs. I had friends keep telling me to play 40k with them and through various other circumstances I've found myself building a knight army with absolutely no idea how to play 40k. Do I have to bite the bullet on the book, or is there a good place for a wandering mech enthusiast to learn online? It's really not the end of the world either way I just wanted to check first before throwing money at a problem I could solve for free.
submitted by REAPERK1LLZ to ImperialKnights [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:00 StillChillTrill ZERO DOUBT! They Attack Karl Nell's Credibility and Character Because They Can't Attack The Claims

Zero Doubt means zero doubt. Let's explore exactly who just made this statement to Wall Street at the annual SALT iConnections meeting in NYC a couple weeks ago.
"Non human intelligence exists, non human intelligence has been interacting with humanity, this interaction is not new and it has been ongoing, and there are unelected people in the government that are aware of that."
Let me ask you all a question, did you hear any snickers in the crowd when Karl Nell said that?
"SALT iConnections will convene over 1,000 institutional asset owners, asset managers and entrepreneurs for two days of content and curated capital introductions powered by iConnections. The event is projected to have over 2,500 manager meetings and a 2:1 LP:GP attendance ratio."
These are some of the people that were featured at the event. I'll do a quick recap on one of them.
I'm not going to do all of them. But here's the rest of the list from the PR Newswire.
For those that still think this is crazy. Laughing still?
You shouldn't be.
Karl Nell is 4 steps removed from the United States President. He has friends and stuff.
Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet corroborates Karl Nell's statement on LinkedIn: "My colleague, retired Army Colonel Karl Nell said with 100% certainty that the world is being visited by higher level, non-human intelligence (NHI). I know he is correct with complete certainty."
It's wild to know that the other part include that we have covert agreements with them.
Gallaudet has been active in his support lately. His talk at Sol Conference was nuts. But everyone who's looked into the topic long enough or deep enough knows USO's are 10000% a concern so who can blame him for begging people to pay attention. There's been some great videos put together on USOs that mention Tic Tac's (I like the Tic Tac) going under water.
I like Tim Gallaudet's resume, he seems like somebody who might know something
Naval Career
Civilian Career
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates under the Department of Commerce. Its importance lies in its broad mission to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources.
He seems like he probably knows something about what's in our oceans and skies.
Karl Nell has been coming up alot. Good, he's possibly one of the most critical pieces to this entire puzzle. His career is immaculate, he's likable, and he says some fucking incredible stuff in front of crowds of institutional investment representatives.
I mentioned him last in this post.
I trust Karl Nell's talks on the topic due to him being a previous colleague of David Grusch's. Karl Nell was the Army's UAPTF liaison and worked closely with Grusch in 2021-2022. He would be parallel to Jay Stratton in terms of org chart, but for the Army side of UAPTF. Grusch was on the Air Force side. Hey this is cool. Here is his promotion Colonel in 2016, good for him. Given his resume, it makes sense he was promoted.
I think this type of published work may give you insight into his feelings on some things
2012: Hearts-and-Minds: A Strategy of Conciliation, Coercion, or Commitment?
LTC Nell accurately contends that the oft cliché hearts-and-minds maxim, most popularly attributed to Sir Gerald Templar in the Malayan Emergency (1948 1960), transcends time and geography while the key strategy of conciliation and coercion, applied simulta neously and judiciously, drive a COIN environment. Most importantly, this work points out the value of a whole-of-government commitment—of time, troops and materiel—towards ensuring the most beneficial outcome for not only our forces but the population as well. It points to the necessity of such earnest ap plication, while reinforcing that the military may not always have the lead.
His LinkedIn shows some pretty awesome things.

Summary of Career Roles

Hey this guy seems like he knows some things about what may be going on with our crash retrieval stuff. This one is my favorite:
TECHINT Operations Officer (C/J-2)TECHINT Operations Officer (C/J-2)Defense Intelligence AgencyDefense Intelligence Agency 2001 - 2003 · 2 yrs
From my most recent post I did the other day: SAIC had UFO stuff in the 70s
You get loud. Stop letting people dictate your actions and discern for yourself. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that there is some crazy shit going on, so many people are saying it. This stuff needs to be looked at yesterday. Not today, not tomorrow, but yesterday.
Speaking toward the trustworthiness of Mellon, Nell, and the others involved with UAP Disclosure Fund, I believe these people are involved with the largest power struggle in known history and they are fighting for transparency.
This is how it happens. Lobbying and official activism. I have been tracking the corporate structure of what they're building to push disclosure and combat MIC gatekeeping since my first post. The potential board of Sol was identified early into this process, as it basically aligned with the UAPDA review board setup.
They initially setup a 501c3 (Sol Foundation) initially to begin the academic push for Disclosure, officially. Then the 501c4 (UAP Disclosure Fund) was setup to push for Disclosure legally as these entity types are allowed to lobby, as long as the activity aligns with their primary purpose of promoting social welfare (this is a good thing). Contributions are not tax deductible either.
I spent time with some of these people at Sol. I got what I needed to determine if these people are attempting to bury this further or hide things further from you.
They are not.
Sol = Sun
I think it is time that light is shone on some of these blatant examples of corporate greed and the unfair game that has been established, and ultimately maintained through political activism that's anti-human and meant to keep us divided and fighting each other.
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:50 Desperate-Oil8557 Why do I avoid large milestone events in my life?

I'm currently a senior in highschool, 18F, and something i've noticed the past few years is that i always avoid large events or celebrations. i'm not even an introvert, in fact, i would consider myself more of an extrovert. for example, banquets, awards nights, the last day of school/sports celebrations, etc, all sound unappealing to me and i often find myself skipping them. even some school dances. i dont even know why, most people enjoy these sorts of events and use them as a sort of celebration to move onto the next step in life, but i always avoid them, i think mainly because of boredom or fear i wont enjoy them? i even had to talk myself out of skipping prom, and i obviously wouldn't have, but it was defeinitely the more comfortable option. anyone know how i can get better at this before college? right now i feel shitty because i skipped the awards night at my school to celebrate the seniors just because i thought it would be boring and there was no point, but now i feel shitty.
submitted by Desperate-Oil8557 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:31 reaganteng Video Assessment Enquiry

I got shortlisted to Computer Engineering and have a video interview assessment that's due on 6th June. May feedback on the answers of the potential questions I came up, as well as the questions themselves? Everything is in the google document
I would prefer Computer Engineering students to answer, but those who went through video assessment overall feel free to answer too.
What got you into computer Engineering in the first place? Well after I studied Game Development and Technology in Nanyang Polytechnic, I actually want to make a transition to a more general course to expand my skills and interests. I reflect, and I realised that computer and programming modules interest me more for example object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithms both using c++ as well as introduction to programming using Python from my polytechnic
Programming concepts? abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
See myself in X years? Firstly, become a more disciplined and resilient individual via my National Service, and of course further my studies if possible, and find a stable job in programming or it-related industries using the skills I learned while at the same time can have side projects like writing or continuing making games using the skills I learned
How do I deal with difficult people? Firstly depends on the individual. If I see patterns of behaviour of the individual that affect me or others but not too much of a unstable behaviour, I will try to ask him what’s wrong and see how I can contribute. But if that person refuses to change or too much of a hindrance to stop, i’ll call someone more senior or someone that can handle this situation better.
How you overcome failures and setbacks? I would of course be upset, and will probably take a short break while collecting my thoughts. Then, I will see positively on the lessons that I took from this setback, and refrain from committing it ever again while taking the good things I learned, and just focus on what can be currently done. One example I can actually give to this is during my first year in polytechnic, where due to my old study habits of rushing things in last minute, one of my assignments submitted is incomplete, and hence my grade dropped to a C. It does dwell on me for a while, but what I did after the break is that I tell myself that what’s over is over, and now we can only learn from it. So what i did is that during my vacation before next semester, I actually look through the incomplete assignment to brush up on the coding skills i failed to pick up, and the next semester I begin to do assignments incrementally each week, as I realised that this is no longer Secondary School. And now, I am still taking incremental steps to build this part of my discipline.
Do you have any expectation about what you will be taught in this programe and how would that relate to your own interests and hobbies? According to what I read, computer engineering allows you to study the essential hardware and software parts of computers, and have assignments that actually test out your skills either individually or together. The hardware parts include things like Electronic circuits, sensors and controls and Embedded System Design while software include object-oriented programming, data structure and algorithms and programming fundamentals I would say that studying computer engineering can potentially improve my software and game developments abilities, as I can understand computers deeper and hence have more confidence and knowledge when tackling software projects regardless of what it is. Other than that, it can also allow me to understand hardware better, so I know what to consider when the need to harmonise software and hardware in my future work could entail. Moreover, it could get me a higher chance to get hired into a it-related industry, which to recap I got interested by during my polytechnic days
Programming languages can be very broadly categorized into high-level and low-level languages. Please tell us the difference between these two languages? High level languages will be the programming languages that usually comes to our minds when talking about it like C#, Python and C++. They are much easier to read and manipulated by humans, hence how concepts like object-orientated programming and classes exists. But, low level language will be talking about machine language, and while more efficient to do what you want with it and faster to run, they are very difficult to manipulate and very hard to read.
Do you think software skills such as programming or hardware skills such as circuit design are more relevant for computer engineering? To be honest, I think hardware might be slight
During the course of your study, you may fail one or more major exams. What will you do to overcome this? I would be upset I would take down notes on the corrections, and revise the process again, and with the mistakes i made i take note of it, and try again next time. And if this major exam is not the only major exam in that module, I would make sure I study harder for the next. And if possible, i’ll be more focused during lectures and ask lecturers for extra tuition if possible
How would your close friends describe you as a student
if you are admitted into the programe, how will you prepare yourself for the first trimester of ur studies
Do you think that participating in competitions and winning awards can be beneficial for ur study? My personal belief is that academics need to come first, because if you’re falling back due to extracurricular commitments, that just prove that you don’t know self and time management. But if you can squeeze in some time, like for example you finished all your assignments and have xtra time to spare, a few competitions wouldn;t hurt and build up your portfolio
Something about how u manage teammates that are not strong in some areas I would ask what they’re more comfortable in doing or assign a second stronger member to do the same task with him/her
What makes you stand out from others? I would say that Im a more detail oriented person, as I believe even the slightest but obvious mistake could affect certain parts of a work. And also, I have already an experience in it-related fields via game development. Additionally through game development, I also learned how to harmonised different fields together, for example my final year project I am also adaptable person as I have to learn how AR works and Flutter works, then complete as much as possible of the work relying those during my 3 month internship
submitted by reaganteng to SIT_Singapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:30 3nv_ryu a while ago i couldn't get max rewards (12/36 in pf/moc). i even made a post ranting and everything changed after that. sit tight, here's how.

if by any any chance, you've seen my post from 3 weeks ago and you remember it; allow me to explain certain things. first, i just wanted to rant with that post and i quickly realized that i wasn't in a mental state where i should be interacting with the comments on that post; so i just left it abondoned. hope you understand.
tl;dr here's my claims and what comments thought about it:
My claims:
Here's what the comments thought:
now that all that's out the way, allow me to explain a few more things and then i shall explain what i did wrong and how i solved it for now, what i think of doing afterwards (i'm not stalling trust). Pure Fiction was an afterthought, i only cared about MoC since i'm a day 1 Genshin player and it's very easy to make the correlation that MoC = Abyss. But i got max rewards on PF too anyway, so allow me to explain; my experiences contain Aventurine MoC, Kafka MoC, FUA PF and DoT PF.
MoC and HSR in general:
unlike my previous post, since i think i'm in a better mental state, i will be answering questions and giving further details in the comments; who knows actually, maybe my builds were bad but they were enough anyway and this game was more supportive than i thought it was. thanks for reading, i hope i didn't bore you with this long ahh post
massively out of context tl:dr: my ego was hurt, but i bounced back so we good
submitted by 3nv_ryu to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:17 JAM_Passive SUAR Review

I've just finished SUAR and wanted to leave my thoughts on how it's affected me.
Chapter 1 does a great job of establishing who the experts are and giving their credentials. So. Many. Credentials. Also sets up what the rest of the book will be about in TFVooDoo's classic, storytelling way. Definitely got me excited to keep reading.
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 provide factual information with sources after just about every claim. Goes into the science behind the exercises, relates them to actual events within SFAS, and even gives possible (not necessarily recommended) alternatives for some of them. These chapters ensured I know this is going to be a careful and long process. I've followed workout plans before (one of which the man himself beat my ass about), and they've never included me actually tracking this stuff. Just get in the gym, drink some water, eat, and that's it. They were never measured. Not to mention mobility and flexibility were never part of them.
Chapter 5 really brought to me the difference between unprocessed and processed food, as well as cutting through some traps of fad diets. The protein and hydration intake were very insightful, and I also like his awareness of sub-optimal places for food such as on campus or DFACs. I did find the bit about alcohol entertaining and also validating. I can't stand the taste of alcohol, much less the effects, so no problems from me there. Something else I found personally amusing was the phrase "You can't out-train a bad diet." When I was deployed, I overhead one of the Marine Raiders talking w/ the Navy CPO that was in charge of my team about fitness, workouts, diets, and he said verbatim, the same exact thing. Idk, if a GB and a Raider both said the same thing, maybe there's some merit to it.
Chapter 6 covers the one thing I have the least trouble with. I'm actually pretty good about getting 7-8 hours of sleep. Usually 9-10 on weekends. The only time's that really changes is whenever I have drill or other Army stuff to do, and even then it's rare. Little things like ensuring you get some sunlight, setting the mood for bed, limiting device usage, and even noise and temperature were all very detailed. Another validating thing here is already did a lot of what the book talks about here. My setup for just my bed is a memory foam mattress and pillow, and a memory foam & down alternative body pillow. I got that set up last month and have never slept better in my life. Minor rant since I mentioned the sunlight thing: I despise the sun. We've all got something weird about us. TFVooDoo's is his foot fetish, and mine is how much I despise the sun. I'd destroy it if I had the means. That's my real why. I'm gonna be a Green Beret so I can destroy the sun.
Chapter, fucking, 7. This chapter, took me 2 days to get through. It's a really long technical essay, and I caught myself too many times just floating through it without actually trying to understand it. So I went back and re-read it evert time I did that. I am very much looking forward to the mental exercises, and I like very much how each little section relates to what an SFAS candidate should have. Very surprising to me were the sections on empathy. I was not expecting this book to have anything like that AT ALL. It also did something very important, which was show me I have the ability and agency to make myself better up in the noggin and in my personality. I'm an introverted guy by nature, and something I'm always concerned about is my social batter. In my normal life, when that runs out, I can usually just leave or go somewhere by my lonesome to recharge for a bit. That doesn't look to be a good option at SFAS, so the mental resiliency building in this chapter will be very helpful to me.
Chapter 8. Not much to say, they're skills. I'll have to find somewhere to practice rope climbing. That's something I was able to muscle my way through in Basic. I don't intend to do that again. I need to learn technique. Few thing in here I've never heard of, should be fun to do on those rest days.
Chapter 9 was a good review for me of something I actually did do on TFVooDoo's advice: writing. I did write down my workouts, what I ate, how long I slept, how I felt physically/mentally, and even the time's I did or felt those things. Let me tell you, it is a BITCH to see your fuck-ups looking back at you in blue ink. But it is good to see progress made, and better decision-making.
Chapter 10, the last one. The Perfect Week Day 5 example is fucked up. The quality of sleep scale isn't there, the "M" on Mobility is missing, the entire row on Deadlift is missing, numbers and all. Squat and OHP are missing the lines under the numbers, the Nutrition box is black (I can say that) save for the gray calorie numbers, and "RESEARCH" got bisected. 7/10, too much water. It's one page, and it's an example page, so joking aside, I like it. Numbers look high, but I've been a professional week boy my entire life, so of course scary numbers look scary. Straightforward, I like the prompts, the summaries, the overviews, and the messages at the beginning and end of each week.
One of the same praises I have for SUAR and RUSU is the stories between chapters. I love them. They break up the seriousness of each chapter and make me want to keep going.
Something this book did for me, and I'm not sure if it's because of SUAR specifically or if it's just because it's A physical book, but it made me realize how little I actually read books these days. Especially physical ones. I used to read all the time as a kid. It was actually something I was bullied for funnily enough. Then somewhere in high school I stopped, and just went to play on my phone. The only book I've been reading recently is Lingua Latina per se Illustrata, and I don't even have a physical copy of that, I'm using Kindle to read it. Having a physical book in my hands is nice. I have to pay attention to it. So if nothing else, I've been reminded of the joys of reading a book, particularly a physical one. That being said, the reading list looks... long to say the least. But it's sure to keep me occupied for a while. I'll get through all but one of 'em. Given the language I'm already learning, I'm going to start with "SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome - Mary Beard"
Now for the suggestions seeking part. The biggest issue for me is going to be nutrition. Looking through my kitchen today, I got eggs, bacon, yogurt, bread, Chef Boyardee spaghetti & meatballs, cream cheese, PB&J, waffles and syrup, some meat lovers breakfast bowls, hot pockets, some beef patties, and some chicken patties. The Jamaican ones, not burger ones. I've got fam coming this week so most of that's gonna be eaten by my brother. Dude can down a truck. So, with all the space my fridge will suddenly have, I'll be out grocery shopping. There's a whole foods market near me I can go to. What suggestions do you lads and lasses have for a 5'9" ≈145lbs guy on what I ought to be getting when I go shopping? Or if you've just got meal suggestions, I'll go find recipes and learn to make it. Much appreciated, thanks for coming to my TED Talks.
submitted by JAM_Passive to greenberets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:42 Technical-Cap3641 New Update

Bitlife needs to stop doing stuff nobody asked for. i wish the app users would show them that listening to your target audience is important. There are so many careers/packs/normal things in the game that could be revamped to make the game more fun instead of a zoo update… who tf asked.. anyways they could revamp the family, let us have cousins, aunts, grandparents etc. They could revamp the schools. Make private schools, boarding schools, make it hard to get into top universities etc.
They could make child fame attainable, example if your parents are famous, we should be able to be born famous. They need to revamp the music industry update, let us be able to collaborate with artists and win awards. Also if we select a special talent for our child to have, wouldn’t common sense tell the developers that we want our child to have a career that follows that specific talent? there’s no reason i should give my child the music talent just for them to become a trucker…. be fr
submitted by Technical-Cap3641 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:41 wildswalker [WTS] PRICE DROPS: Shelters, Hammock, Backpacks, Fastpack, Headlamps, Storage Sacks, Water Filter, Multitool, Knives, UL Snowshoes, Gaiter, Hiking Crampons, Waterproof Breathable Stretch Pants, Merino, Cycling & X-Country Ski Gear, Suspension Strength Trainer

Great discounts and excellent feedback history so buy with confidence. Combined multiple posts into one here with a bunch of price drops. Ship to lower 48 (open to shipping internationally and to AK & HI, please ask). Paypal friends & family preferred or add 3% for Paypal goods & services fee. Just let me know which items you’d like and I’ll check the least expensive UPS and USPS tracked shipping (nothing earned on shipping). Thanks for looking!
**\* SHELTERS **\*
1) Liteway Pyraomm Duo Tarp 2P Pyramid, Stealth Olive (just like MLD Duomid) + Liteway Pyraomm Mesh Half Inner, New (set up only once), $339 (Regularly $475 = Tarp $281 + Inner $194. Equivalent to MLD Duomid Tarp and Solomid XL mesh inner which sell for $470 = $290 + $180). Photos: - Extremely well-made pyramid shelter and generous half mesh inner - use the tarp alone, or the mesh alone on nice nights for stargazing, or both together for an ultralight double wall shelter. Fantastic bomber solo shelter, and the tarp works for two, but I’m always going on trips with my partner and we use a wider inner. Sheds wind far better than double trekking pole shelters.
2) Hennessy Hammock 4 Season Expedition with XXL Snake Skins, New, $235 (regularly $309.90 = $289.95 + $19.95 for the XXL Snakeskins). Photos: Not only is the HH Expedition one of the best, most comfortable and durable 4 season hammocks you can get, it’s also popular for summer use in areas of high bug pressure as the double bottom is impervious to the worst mosquitoes (mosquitoes can bite through single layer hammocks). Many militaries rely on HH hammocks for good reason. Comes with attached mosquito netting, detachable Hex rain fly, support ropes, compression sack with set up instructions on back, complimentary standard 42" / 107 cm long "Tree Hugger" webbing straps to protect tree bark, and an oversized open-cell foam pad. HH asymmetrical design is very comfortable compared to more classic hammock designs.
*** PACKS **\*
3) Hanchor Marl Large Backpack, 19-21 in. Torso, New, $239 (regularly $250 + $20 international shipping. Blows away Hyperlite Mountain Gear packs) - Top backpacking guide and author Andrew Skurka has praised the Hanchor Marl for its excellent construction, strong waterproof materials and light weight and has carried one on many trips. The Hanchor Marl blows away similar volume HMG packs for carrying capability, comfort and construction (incredible stitching), and at a much better price. Aluminum stays can also be shaped to exactly fit the curve of your back. The load lifters work great to keep weight off your shoulders. Bright interior makes it easy to find gear. Convenient hip pockets with waterproof zips. Clean, simple design is a pleasure to use, with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Large size typically fits 19-21 in. torsos (removable aluminum stays are 23.5 in long). Photos:
4) Ultimate Direction Fastpackher 30L, M/L, New, $129 (regularly $179.95 + tax) - Women's version of the above. Size goes by measurement around the widest part of the chest, the range is 36 in. to 48 in. and the pack is highly adjustable so you can dial it right in. The women's backpanel is only 1/2 in. narrower than the men's, so will fit men too. Just go to this link and click on "Sizing": Photos:
5) Men’s Mammut Waterproof Breathable Stretch Schoeller Pants for winter hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, climbing and mountaineering, Men’s 34-38 waist, never worn, $149 shipped (sold for $349 + tax) - Mammut makes some of the best outdoor pants in the world, with a fantastic cut that really moves with you. These Men’s Mammut Castor pants have the stretch comfort and toughness of a soft shell with the waterproof breathable membrane of a hardshell, and built-in internal gaiters and reinforced wear areas. They are great for winter hiking, snowshoeing, climbing, mountaineering and skiing. Two zipped front pockets, one zipped rear pocket, zipped mesh thigh vents, belt loops, snap zip fly, mesh lining, reinforced cuffs to protect against metal-edge skis, crampons and snowshoes, internal gaiters to stop snow from getting in your boots, zippered ankle openings with velcro closures. Absolutely bullet-proof pants. Fits Men’s waist 34-38 in. thanks to awesome stretch in the Schoeller stretch fabric. Photos:
6) Women’s Mammut Waterproof Breathable Stretch Schoeller Pants for winter hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, climbing and mountaineering, EU Women’s size 38 (US W’s Size 6-8), never worn, $149 shipped (sold for $349 + Tax) - See description above. Two zipped front pockets, one zipped rear pocket, zipped mesh thigh vents, belt loops, snap zip fly, mesh lining, reinforced cuffs to protect against metal-edge skis, crampons and snowshoes, internal gaiters to stop snow from getting in your boots, zippered ankle openings with velcro closures. Absolutely bullet-proof pants. Size is EU 38 Petite, but pants are sized for great coverage and long enough that they should fit regular inseam too. Photos:
*** MERINO **\*
7) Women’s Medium Merino Long Sleeved Crew, Black, 100% Merino, New, only $35 (Regularly $75 + tax and shipping). Photos: of Norway is a top quality Norwegian-founded Swiss-engineered European merino and outerwear maker. Looks sharp on trail, in town and at work. Only 6.3 oz (180g) with tags.
8) Hillsound Trail Crampon Hiking and Backpacking Crampon, Small, New, $59(Regularly $84.95). Later fall, winter and early spring are some of the best hiking times, with so much beauty and lack of crowds. Don’t let lack of traction stop you and avoid injury due to slips. Specs & Size Guide:
9) Hillsound FreeStep 6 Hiking and Backpacking Crampon, Small, New, $45 (regularly $64.95) A slightly less aggressive and lighter crampon than the Trail Crampon above. Specs & Size Guide:
**\* GAITERS **\*
10) Hillsound Super Armadillo Nano Gaiter, Small, New, $69 (Regularly $104.95 + shipping) - Top-notch gaiter with thermoregulation and self-cleaning embedded in the upper section. Material adjusts to your temperature - keeps you warm or cools you off as needed and no water or dirt gets absorbed by the material. Lower section which is abrasion and slash/puncture-resistant. Both sections are waterproof and breathable. Keep out snow, slush, rain, mud, scree, rocks, debris and dust and save your lower legs from brushy conditions. For mountaineering, backpacking, snowshoeing and hunting. Built to last and covered by a limited lifetime warranty. Photos:
*** Ultralight Snowshoes (buy now and save over next winter) **\*
11) Northern Lites Elite Snowshoes 25 in., Red with Gray Decking, New, $169 (Regularly $234.95 + tax) Northern Lites are the lightest and fastest to hike in snowshoes, thanks to the ultralight materials and rounded frame. NL’s are a favorite of snowshoe racers. Photos:
12) Northern Lites Tundra 33 in. snowshoe with new Speed Spin bindings, New, $189 (Regularly $274.95 + tax) The new Speed Spin bindings are super fast, adjust in seconds in one quick turn of a knob instead of pulling and securing multiple straps one at a time. Photos:
**\* HEADLAMPS *** Photos:
13) COAST FL75R Rechargeable Headlamp Kit, New $39 (Regularly $59.99 + tax and shipping) - Up to 530 lumens brightness, 511 ft range, with adjustable focusing beam from bulls-eye spot to wide flood. Comes with both rechargeable battery up to 500 charges and 3 Duracells AAA. Note that though this is new in the plastic see-through package, I can see that one of the included duracells in the plastic package leaked (these are in a separate compartment in the plastic blister package, not in the headlamp, and do not affect the headlamp at all).
14) Fenix E16 Portable, High Performance 700 lumen EDC Flashlight, New, $22 (Regularly $39.95 + tax and shipping) - 700 lumen, 5 Modes, 16340 or CR123A battery.
15) Petzl eLite Ultralight Emergency Headlight & Signal Device, Pair, Never Used, only $20 for both (retailed for double the price) - includes adjustable headband and protective cases, many light settings including white, red, steady and blinking.
16) COAST Dual LED Multi Tool, New, $29 (Regularly $49.99 + tax) - The LED150 Multi-Tool comes packed with 13 tools that can help you master any task or job. Tools: Spring-loaded pliers with wire cutter, 3.0 in. Blade, two built-in LEDs, Phillips (1) and flathead (3) screwdriver tips, bottle opener, wire stripper, can opener. 2 x CR1616 batteries included. With Coast’s commitment to quality, the LED150 Multi-Tool is backed by Coast’s lifetime warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. 4 in length closed. Never opened clear blister case has some small cracks in the back around the sheath. Photos:
17) COAST FDX300 Double Lock One-Handed Open Stainless Steel Folding Knife, 3 in. blade, New in package, 2 available, $45 for both (regularly each $30 + tax) - One-handed opening, double lock system for double safety, stainless steel handle, partially-serrated and partially-straight blade, ambidextrous opening, 3-position pocket clip, 7Cr17 stainless steel (also known as 68Cr17, a modified version of 440A steel, with more vanadium elements added to give it extra strength, increase toughness and wear resistance). Lifetime warranty. It’s the drop point version of this $29 COAST partially-serrated tanto: Photos:
Photos for all Sawyer items below:
18a) Sawyer Tap Filter for fast emergency water & for cabin use, New, $36 (Regularly $48 + tax) - Great for muddy tap water following pipeline work, use at a cabin or in an emergency. With tap filter, backwash adapter, threaded spigot adapter, dual threaded adapter, tap gauge and extension hose. Highest level filtration 0.1 micron absolute. (verification photo above in 11)
18b) Box of Two 64 oz Sawyer Squeeze Pouches, New, $10.50 (Regularly $14 + tax) - 1 left. (verification photo above in 11)
18c) Box of Three 16 oz Sawyer Squeeze Pouches, New, $6.75 (regulary $9 + tax) - 2 boxes available. (verification photo above in 11)
19) Hillsound Weatherproof Packstack Pro Storage Sack, 40L Tall, New, $25 (regularly $35) weatherproof storage sack that made Outside Magazine's Gear Guide Editor's Choice Award. Photos:
20) Hillsound Weatherproof Packstack Pro Storage Sack, 40L Short, New, $24 (regularly $34) - weatherproof storage sack that made Outside Magazine's Gear Guide Editor's Choice Award. Photos:
*** KITCHEN *** Photos:
21) FlipFuel Fuel Transfer Device, New, $25 (Regularly $35 + tax) - Save gas from your half-empty canisters, super easy to use, compact and ultralight. Photos:
22) Adventure Medical Kits Doug Ritter Equipped to Survive Pocket Survival Packs, New, $15 each (was $26.99 + tax and shipping) - a collaboration with survival expert Doug Ritter, of Equipped to Survive. Photos:
**\* COMPACT, ULTRALIGHT SUSPENSION STRENGTH-TRAINING GEAR, AT HOME & TRAVEL *** Photos with verification: (Gray set in cardboard box are Monkii Bars II Tactical Edition, Sealed Black box is the Wild Gym Pocket Monkii Set)
23) Wild Gym Monkii Bars II Tactical Edition, New, $129 (Regularly $199 + tax) - light, strong, compact and use-anywhere outdoors suspension strength trainer. Plenty of exercises to follow available on Wild Gym’s app as well as on Youtube.
24) Wild Gym Pocket Monkii, New, $69 (Regularly $95 + tax) - light, strong, super compact and use-anywhere outdoors suspension strength trainer. Plenty of exercises to follow available on Wild Gym’s app as well as on Youtube.
**\* BIKE GEAR *** Photos with verification:
25) Canari Men’s Microlight Cycling Wind Shell, Hi-Viz Safety Yellow, Large, New, $29 (regularly $45 + tax and shipping) - Elastic cuffs and hem seal out breezes, wind-resistant fabric and full-front zipper and collar.
26) OnGuard Wheel Locks, Pair, New, $25 (was $49.99 plus tax per pair) - Replaces quick-release skewers to prevent wheel theft. Super light cold-forged steel design. 2 pairs available.
**\* THERMAL X-COUNTRY SKI BOOT COVERS *** Photos with verification:
27) LillSport X-Country Ski Boot Thermal Covers, New, Pair of Unisex Boot Size EU 46-47 (US M’s 11.5-12.5 and W’s 12.5-13.5), New, $39 (regularly $79.99 + tax) - X-country ski boots are very thin and your feet can get quite cold on cold days. These boot covers go over your x-country ski boots to keep your feet nice and warm and protect your boots without any bulk. Also helps racers keep their feet warm before the start. Once you’ve used them on a cold, windy ski day you’ll wonder how you skied without them before.
28) LillSport X-Country Ski Boot Thermal Covers, New, Pair of Unisex Boot Size EU 40/41 (US Men’s 7-8 and W’s 8-9) New, $39 (regularly $79.99 + tax) - Description same as above.
Thanks for stopping by!
submitted by wildswalker to GearTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:39 summerphile Where does everyone put Fulbright on their resume?

Hi all! I finished an ETA role around a year ago and have been applying to jobs in media ever since I came back. I've been putting it as my second to top bullet point on my resume, but I'm wondering if I should take it out and put it in an awards section instead because I fear it looks like I'm not interested in what I am actually applying for. But if I take it out, it looks like I have a yearlong gap in my history. Besides that I have listed two other media internships and my current marketing position. I'm wondering how everyone else who has finished an ETA position but isn't going into teaching is incorporating their time in Fulbright on their resume. Thanks!
submitted by summerphile to fulbright [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:23 cku1995 Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle

Do we still get the villains reward even if another villains ability prevents it. For example if we defeat Lucius and his award is to gain a n influence and remove a token from the location but barty prevents a hero to remove a token from the location, do we get the reward or not.
submitted by cku1995 to boardgames [link] [comments]