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Weddings Under 10K

2012.12.04 19:10 danaadaugherty Weddings Under 10K

A subreddit for brides and grooms to plan their dream weddings for less than $10,000!

2008.04.16 23:48 The one stop wedding sub!

A place for brides, grooms, friends, and family to discuss and share their wedding plans, ideas, and experiences.

2015.12.29 02:50 bundleoflove Desi Weddings ♥

Welcome to Desi Weddings! A newly created subreddit to give desi brides, grooms, and guests a platform to ask questions, share wedding information, and find inspiration.

2024.06.02 17:18 Meghanw18 Camping Set Up Suggestions!

Hey y’all coming back for my second Roo this year! So excited!! Coming off of EDC LV staying in a hotel and can’t wait to camp nothing beats it for me. I’ve done several camping fests including Roo in 2022 when we all melted in 100 degree weather. I’ve always done the tent next to 10x10 canopy set up and I’m over feeling like I’m roasting alive in my tent the second the sun comes up. So I invested in another 10x10 canopy so I have 2 straight leg pop ups next to each other. The question is do I put my tent under a canopy? I was planning to ditch it (still pack the tent) and just sleep on cots under one of the canopies but seeing peoples pics of their set ups I keep seeing tents under the canopy. With there always the chance of rain am I better off tent under canopy? Hard to tell if I’ll be too exposed to elements w just a canopy and tapestry walls. Any advice welcome!
Starting my trek from Mass in 8 days!
submitted by Meghanw18 to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:13 ElectricalFox893 What is the point of me?

I’m an undiagnosed AuADHD. Can’t afford to get a private assessment and it’s not covered publicly for adults here. My father died when I was 20 and my mother died last year. My mother and I had a fractious relationship and before she refused to go to my wedding, she told me she didn’t think she loved me. Now she’s dead and my perimenopausal ass is starting to realise through the process of having my child diagnosed for neuro stuffs that I was very likely an autistic child and probably had ADHD too. I’m a survivor with CPTSD and I put the Q in LGBTQIA. I think I’ve covered most of the letters in the alphabet. I’m married to a man. I have two children. I’m struggling with complex grief and the state of the word right now has me in a pretty low place. I sometimes think that if I wasn’t actually wanted and my mother didn’t love me then what is even the point of me. Idk why I’m even posting this, I think I’m just getting it off my chest. If you’re still reading this, thanks for your attention. Take it easy 🩷
submitted by ElectricalFox893 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:11 Artistic-Fee-9938 Welcome!!!

👋. It seems our itty, bitty, the ‘cats tits’ community has grown since EF and Jessica’s posts/announcements last night! We have grown by about 65 members, so WELCOME to all our newbies!!
What we know so far - (feel free to add!)
*Abbey claims responsibility for asking Jessica to leave, but ALL comments call bs and say it was Gio’s decision and Abbey was the delivery person for the news.
*We know nothing of the terms of Jessica’s departure, only that she is waiting for their instructions on when/how to leave. People are offering up assistance financially and Jessica’s responses to all of those are pretty much, “I may have to take you up on that”. Personally, I think she needs to leave on her own terms, and quickly at that. She doesn’t need to give them any more power.
*All of the Bad Chicken girl AND OF content is still up. And here I am, all traumatized again after taking one for the team and confirming the OF content 🤢🫣.
*Their EF IG is still there and is surprisingly very wholesome compared to their TT and other content. No pics or mentions of Jessica or any other info on their attempts at ‘growing their family/community’.
*The price of Jessica has gone up overnight. It WAS 10k and now they are saying it was 15k to get her there. No idea of what is so costly? They tried to originally say plane tickets/travel/visas/paperwork basically, but I don’t know why they wouldn’t have just done a one way ticket, so a trial and go from there. I have no idea of how long Visas are supposed to take, but from my understanding in watching 90 day fiancé, it’s typically a very lengthy process. Maybe a fiancé visa and work visa are super different, but either way, something doesn’t make sense there.
*As much as EF says they don’t care about what other people think of them, they sure are responding A LOT to comments on their most recent post. All of the comments are juvenile, satire and salty (so I’m suspecting they are by Gio) but they are responding nonetheless. That makes me think they care a little bit more than they want to admit.
*People are boycotting their business and unfollowing them like crazy and even their partner Goat N Soap was brought up as well (due to them attacking commenters). Goat N Soap removed all their comments, but we have screenshots 👍.
*General consensus is that people are very concerned about Jessica’s safety, and Abbeys wording in her video about a ‘safe exit’ didn’t help.
*Its hard to tell who the people/public are supporting more. Most everyone on Jessica’s post shows support for her. A huge amount of people on EF post surprisingly supports Jessica as well. Of course they have a ton of people still on their side, but I was a bit shocked to see how many people were bashing them for the current circumstances. There may be a split on actual, visible commented feedback, but considering the amount of followers that EF has compared to Jessica, I would say it doesn’t look great for EF as a whole.
submitted by Artistic-Fee-9938 to encompassfarmgossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:10 arrow-bane The Wandering God - Chapter 1: Waldo

Waldo could feel the tension in his body. He hated breaches. He used to be a general in the armada. Waldo had not figured out exactly what happened but in a few weeks leadership had changed all across the galaxy. Waldo had sensed something was different and Waldo had changed his identity adding himself to a low level unit while he tried to figure out what had caused the change. However, his contracts slowly disappeared and he was having a hard time cultivating new ones. Waldo had heard the name Bastion a lot in the changeover and Jonah seemed to have fallen off his radar, which Waldo found very distressing. So now he was just a lower level grunt Waldo had to follow orders and keep his identity hidden. That meant he saw lots of action thus why he was on a breaching team. All the prep in the world never made him feel safe on a breach and they had no prep time for this one. Toby slammed the charge on the handle of the Iron door and deftly ran the blasting cord around the frame, in a single smooth motion. Waldo felt Juan tense in front of him as they prepped for entry after the blast. Waldo would be second in on this one having lost the coin toss. Not that he really minded due to the lack of information. Juan would be going right, Waldo had the left, and Brett would be going down the middle. Juan, Waldo, or Brett always led the breaching team; they were their units cowboys. At least, that is what they called themselves. Their lieutenant Frank called them his lovely ladies but everyone was a girl to Frank. Waldo didn’t care about it, Brett would get angry with Frank out of combat, and Juan only ever laughed over it. Waldo was pretty sure Brett was putting up a show as he had caught Brett offering to be a bottom to a guy at a bar three months ago, which had led to him swearing secrecy over it. Waldo found himself smiling as Frank started into it.
“Lovely ladies, Juanita, Betty, and Wilma. Tina is spreading her legs in three.” Frank said loud enough for the breaching team to hear as he raised his hand holding up three fingers starting a countdown to Waldo’s 4th breach of the day. As the door blasted in they moved smoothly forward like a well rehearsed dance. Juan moved through the door into a hallway with Waldo close on his tail. Waldo saw it a second too late as Juan had completely missed the tripwire. Waldo grabbed Juan a hair too slow as Juan’s foot hit the wire tripping whatever the trap was. Waldo felt the magic in the blast before he heard the tremendous roar. Waldo felt himself pushed back by Juan while trying to pull him. Waldo felt certain he had Juan’s pack firmly gripped as he fell back. Suddenly, there was nothing in his hands. The air felt cool and instead of the hot sun beating down he felt a warm glow off to his left.
Waldo rolled to his feet and spun, assessing the room, but everything was wrong. He had lifted his rifle up to sight as he spun but it was missing so instead in the middle of the spin he drew his side arm. However, as he finished his spin his arm fell loosely to his side. Waldo stood in the middle of three empty round tables. In what, he would call the common room of a themed bar or restaurant. He saw humanoid creatures standing near a long wooden bar with 4 patrons seated at it and another dozen or so scattered around the room with more on the two levels above him. Off to the side of a warm glow that Waldo realized there was a fireplace with a fire happily burning in it and there was a stage. Waldo would have loved to hear the music from the group on stage with their odd assortment of instruments but it was at this moment Waldo realized the blast had deafened him. Waldo felt certain no one would attack him, having noticed an odd assortment of humanoids. Waldo saw gnolls, tabaxi, and maybe lizardperson. Waldo holstered his side arm but in looking down he noticed a growing pool of blood at his feet and saw a piece of rebar sticking out of his arm. Waldo saw the enchantments engraved in the rebar and part of him said magic wasn’t real then something else said that humans were the only intelligent race. Waldo pushed those back knowing better. He had seen lots of races and humans were just one of them. Waldo felt more than one voice trying to take control and he pushed back, calming his mind. Waldo attempted to quiet his mind as he was flooded with memories and thoughts he did not recognize as he pushed against them he felt someone or something help him in quieting his mind.
Waldo had not noticed the pain of his injury because of how much adrenaline was pumping through him. Waldo examined the rebar seeing the blood running down his arm. Waldo estimated he had ten minutes before blood loss would start to impact him if it did not clot on its own. Waldo glanced around the room seeing a few gnolls who had noticed him but no one seemed to care and decided he could care for the wound. Waldo grabbed the quick releases on his backpacks shoulder straps letting his bag fall onto a table he positioned behind him. Waldo quickly turned to face the bag and flipped it over so he could easily access it. Waldo grabbed a strap on the pack and deftly released it. Wrapping the loose strap above where the rebar was sticking out of his arm. Waldo smoothly grabbed his folding knife, flicking it open and cutting the sleeve away. Waldo placed the sleeve on the table and checked to see if it was all there or a piece was missing. Waldo grimace realizing a piece of sleeve is probably in his muscle. Waldo flicked the knife closed and placed it next to the sleeve. Waldo pulled out a bottle of water, a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, a healing tonic, and a sealed bandage for once it was clean. Waldo was so focused on what he was doing at the table he had not noticed the small group that had gathered behind him.
“I don’t think he can hear us.” Strisk, a large drake, said, preparing to tap the strange human’s shoulder to get his attention.
“Really, Strisk. You don’t think the guy bleeding on the floor that I shouted at can hear us?” Lydia, the only human in the commons, asked angrily, placing her hands on her hips.
“I think he is going to pull that piece of metal out of his arm.” Kna, the gnollish innkeeper and owner of the establishment, said surprised. Watching Waldo’s back tense as he stretched his arm out to the table. Grabbing the rebar in his other hand.
“Sir! Don’t!” Lydia screamed as Waldo ripped the 4 inch piece of rebar stuck halfway in his arm out.
“Fuck!” Waldo yelled as the piece of metal came free. Waldo looked it over for cloth finding a small piece that he carefully removed from the end of the rebar and placed in the hole of the sleeve and frowning seeing there was still more. Waldo screamed as the onlookers watched him shove his fingers into the hole in skin.
“Strisk, help me stop him.” Lydia said. Grabbing Waldo’s arm. Strisk hesitated. A moment before grabbing Waldo’s other arm.
"Stop! There is more fabric in my arm!” Waldo screamed as the two strangers forced his arms apart. Waldo looked at the sleeve. Unsure if they could even understand him. The strangers released Waldo as he attacked the problem again.
“Aer, go get me water. I will clean this up once he is done” Lydia said, to a gnoll barmaid nearby, deciding to stay next to this stranger.
“I’ll get the mop and some rags to help.” Kna said not wanting to watch anymore and stepping away.
Waldo pulled out a piece of fabric and placed it in the sleeve. Smiling now that he could account for all of the sleeve. Waldo grabbed the water bottle using his teeth to remove the lid and poured it down his arm. Followed by the rubbing alcohol to which he could not help but scream again as it burned.
“That looks bad.” Strisk said, fingering a potion at his hip. Seeing Waldo was prepared to heal the slow way. Strisk was trying to decide whether or not to help the stranger out by giving him the healing potion he carried as a city guard.
Waldo was looking at the hole in his arm knowing it would take time to heal even with the help of the tonic. He estimated it would be a day or two. Waldo looked back at the lizard person standing behind him in armor. Waldo grimaced as he drank the healing tonic. Waldo looked at the only human girl in the commons. Waldo instantly recognized her but could see she did not recognize him. Waldo hated this feeling but took his time looking over her sandy blonde hair and the gentle curves of her face. Waldo let his eyes wander across her chest and down her legs to the floor even though there was not much to see since she wore a high neck dress that was rather plain. Waldo expected she worked here and was not one to take crap from the patrons. However, Waldo knew her face and her shape as just as he remembered her, he did not need her clothes off to tell this. Waldo turned back to the table and opened the bandage and applied it to his arm. “He took his time looking you over.” Strisk said, eying Lydia himself.
“At least, he seems to know not to touch.” Lydia said, without looking at Strisk. She had been rebuffing advances from him and other drakes like him since she took the job. She hated the drakes, which was not unreasonable as they had burned her home to the ground, killed her parents, her betrothed, and enslaved her for five years. Lydia had fled to the nearest city not under drake control once she was freed. Lydia knew that not all drakes are slavers but getting over somethings are easier than others.
“Do you think he can hear us?” Strisk asked, ignoring the jab not wanting to be thrown out by Kna again. Strisk still was fingering the healing potion not having decided on whether or not to offer it. The human seemed to be taking things to remedy his condition. Strisk stood over the two humans by about a foot when he extended to his full height at the moment he was hunched down a bit so he did not tower over them. Strisk thought he looked good this evening having cared for his bronze scales before coming to Kna’s inn. Waldo rolled up the sleeve and piece of rebar and placed it in his pack then pulled out a healing tonic with a dropper on it and a tin a bit larger than his hand slipping the tin into a pocket. Waldo used the dropper to put a few drops of his second healing tonic down each of his ears. Waldo knew it would take a minute for the tonic to kick in and heal enough damage to restore hearing. Waldo returned the spare tonic to the pack and turned around letting his eyes meet Lydia’s. Waldo thought he saw her eyeing him and she had a small smile on her face as their eyes met. Her face made various emotions flare inside him and it had to focus to stay in control feeling a bit like someone else was trying to take control. Waldo felt his hearing return as the sounds of the room washed over him.
“Hello.” Waldo said, smiling at the woman ignoring the large lizardperson or dragonkin. Waldo could not really tell but he knew getting it wrong would probably offend them.
“Hey, I am guardsmen Strisk.” Strisk said. Waldo glanced at the drake and then looked back at the woman. She crossed her arms and her smile turned to a frown. Waldo could not help but think crossing her arms only accentuated a certain feminine feature of her form.
“Any chance I could get your name?” Waldo asked, meeting the woman’s eyes.
“Lydia. Why are you bleeding on our floor and where did you come from?” Lydia asked, feeling her pulse raise with the way he was looking at her. Lydia had not been in the presence of a human male for ten years. Lydia had not been avoiding them there just weren’t many humans in the city she had fled to and she would not risk going back to drake territory as much as part of her wanted certain things, saving up to get off his continent had been her focus. Human also from what she had seen human men did not survive long under the abuse the drakes applied to there slaves in the nearby Xalas empire. “I am Waldo Winter.” Waldo introduced himself looking at Lydia. “As for why I am bleeding, I think it was an explosion of some kind. The shockwave knocked out my hearing. I am from Halcyon. I was in an outlying district at the time of the explosion and the wood in this room tells me I am not there anymore.” Waldo stated calmly.
“So you entered Protham via an unauthorized teleport?” Strisk asked, trying to sound official.
“One I did not initialize or agree to but yes. Are you going to arrest me?” Waldo asked.
“I will have to report it. I will let someone else decide if you should be arrested. Assuming you don’t cause additional trouble.” Strisk said.
“It is an honour to make your acquaintance Strisk. Thank you for not arresting me.” Waldo said, giving Strisk a smile before turning back to Lydia.
“Why were you caught in an explosion?” Strisk asked the strange human, smiling back at him since he was being respectful.
“Well that is a little difficult. I was entering a suspected criminal's residence just before finding myself standing in this lovely room.” Waldo said deciding to omit details since it would be simpler than explaining. “There was an explosion of some kind and then I was here. I have to assume the hunk of metal hit me before I appeared here somehow.”
“Sounds like a teleport spell gone wrong.” Lydia said, allowing herself a moment to look over Waldo since he was not causing trouble. She could see the muscles in his arm and thought she recognized his jawline but knew that could not be the case since she had no idea where Halcyon was.
“I wouldn’t know much about that. I can only hope my brothers are alright. Can one of you tell me where I am?” Waldo asked, masking his face, wondering if he had died. The blast had been strong enough to rupture his ears. Waldo was not sure he could have actually survived, even with Juan in front of him. Waldo expected he had died and this was some sort of reincarnation. Waldo knew he could not return home if the was an arrival on this planet as a child of Halcyon he had heard of this experience but this was his first time. As he thought about this he realized he did not want to go back even if he could. He had been in hiding and now he was probably well outside of the problems he had and doubted anyone hunting him would keep it up after death if he had died. If not then he was incredibly lucky he had landed in a place where he did not die instantly. Looking at Lydia something told him that someone powerful had intervened but Waldo could not imagine who. Jonah had abandoned him and Waldo could not think of another player with enough power to do anything who would also care about him.
“Spriggan Inn, in Protham.” Lydia said, looking carefully at Waldo. Aer walked over carrying a rag and pushing a bucket of steaming water. Kna walked over with a mop and an empty bucket to wring the mop out.
“Oh, thank you.” Waldo said, taking the mop from Kna and starting to clean up.
“Protham is nowhere special, Lydia. We are a weeks travel from Neakar City. Neakar is the district capital here and a port city.” Strisk said, looking at Lydia.
“You don’t have to do that.” Kna said, as Waldo deftly cleaned up the blood on the floor. “Just let him. He is probably in shock.” Strisk said, as they watched Waldo clean the floor easily.
“Just a bit.” Waldo said after a moment, having finished mopping and given the mop back to Kna. Waldo used one of the rages Aer had to clean the table his pack had been on ending by wiping the drying blood from his ears. Waldo looked down and realized he was a mess.
“How far did you travel?” Aer asked, frowning having heard the conversation.
“Far enough, those names mean nothing to me.” Waldo replied.
“So you are gonna need work.” Strisk half asked and half told Waldo.
“Seems like that would be wise.” Waldo said, placing the rag over the edge of the bucket holding the dirty water from Waldo’s cleaning efforts.
“Protham needs good city guards.” Strisk said, smiling. “I can get you an interview tomorrow. I will come by tomorrow morning and get you. If you are interested?”
“I’ll need some training on your laws, but sounds interesting to me.” Waldo said, sticking out his hand to Strisk. Strisk looked at it a moment then realized he was supposed to grab it and did with his clawed hand.
“Thanks, for your help Strisk.” Waldo said, firmly shaking Strisk’s hand.
“Sounds like you want a room for the night. Unless, Strisk is offering to pay. Do you have any money?” Kna asked, frowning at Strisk.
“You can put one night on my tab, Kna.” Strisk said.
“Only if you pay your tab off tonight.” Kna said, feeling a bit bad but knowing Strisk’s tab was getting out of hand.
“Do you accept silver?” Waldo asked, before Strisk could reply to Kna.
“Yes, take a seat and I will get my scales.” Kna said, having heard enough to know she was going to need to calculate an exchange.
“I am glad you happened to have some coin on you.” Strisk said, frowning at Kna’s back.
“Yeah, my dad was big into carrying certain things every day. Good thing, I listened to him cause I bet my country's paper money is worthless here.” Waldo said, pulling the tin out of his pocket and carefully opening to make sure it was the right one then closing it again.
“Well, your bag is probably worth quite a bit. I have never seen anything like it. Fine craftsmanship.” Aer said, examining his pack.
“I would rather not part with it if possible.” Waldo said sitting down at the table his bag had been on since he moved it to the floor beside the table in cleaning the table. Strisk sat down across from him as did Aer with Lydia sitting close and she was still looking at him.
“Lydia, you are being weird.” Aer said, quietly.
“Looks like Lydia wants to bed the man.” Strisk said, frowning at Lydia.
“Watch it, Strisk.” Lydia said to Strisk with an edge in her voice. “Waldo just reminds me of someone.” Lydia followed up with a softer tone.
“Good memories I hope. I think I’d like to get to know you.” Waldo responded, not looking away from Lydia. “You remind me of… Someone.”
“Well, be nice and maybe we can share some memories.” Lydia replied, not breaking his gaze. Waldo felt there were some additional implications in her words.
“Is there a price?” Waldo asked, before he could stop himself. Waldo was not entirely sure where the words had come from in saying them they just burst from his lips like someone else was running the show. The words had sent Lydia’s hand flying. Waldo easily caught it mid air. “I will take that as a no, which is nice. A woman with a price isn’t a woman worth having.” Waldo said, speaking again without being sure where the word came from. Waldo wondered if he was going mad but something told him he was not. Waldo edged closer to Lydia as he thought this and realized he seemed to be of multiple minds in this moment. Words and actions happening that he was not sure were all him. Aer and Strisk were watching in surprise. “Maybe I misinterpreted your words.”
“If you can pay for your room. I am willing to let the words go. Now if you would let me go.” Lydia responded, carefully feeling the strength in his arm and seeing the ease with which he caught her slap. She had used a skill to hit him, one that had landed on Strisks and other guardsmen when they got out of hand. She felt he could be dangerous and even though he had caught the slap and was easily holding her arm in place he was not hurting her. In fact once she relaxed, from making the slap, she realized how relaxed he was in stopping her slap. She saw him considering letting her go. She met his eyes letting her anger show at being held in place. Lydia realized how close he had come moving a little to block her slap and left him close enough she felt his breath on her face. Lydia realized she was breathing on him too and something in his eyes seemed to be enjoying the closeness they were sharing.
“I want a taste.” Waldo said, kissing her before she could react and sliding his hand along her back. Lydia wanted to struggle but part of her had been aching for this for years and she did not put up a fight. After a moment she found she was kissing him back for a moment and just as she was about to pull away. He did first. Waldo had been wanting to kiss her since he had laid eyes on her and at least this time he was sure that was him. “Well, that was… special.” Waldo felt a memory tug at him in the back of his mind. One of a girl that looked just like this woman.
“Maybe, for you.” Lydia said, trying to hide how much she enjoyed it. Waldo released her hand and turned looking for Kna. Waldo watched Kna approach with the scales. Waldo quickly opened the tin, pulling out a bundle of five carefully wrapped gold coins before closing it again and placing the tin back in a pocket.
Waldo unwrapped the coins asking “What exchange rate can you offer on these?” Aer gave a quiet gasp at the sight of them. Waldo feared he had made a mistake. As kna set the scales on the table.
“You have gold?” Strisk asked. Kna seemed unphased as Kna placed the coins on one side of the scale and started to carefully weigh them.
“Just a little. For an emergency.” Waldo responded.
“That should be enough to live here for a month.” Strisk stated, watching Kna carefully.
“You underestimate my rates. This will buy you three weeks.” Kna stated, as the scales balanced.
“What? That is highway robbery!” Strisk said.
“I have to take them to a blacksmith to get them minted in local coinage, they will need to be paid. Or I will have to take them to a money changer, who will also take a cut.” Kna stated.
“What would that include?” Waldo said, realizing his hand had wandered from his leg and found Lydia hand grabbing it tightly. Waldo felt Lydia tense as Waldo grabbed her hand but noticed she did not pull away from the sudden contact.
“A room, hot bath every day, standard laundry service, the common breakfast, and dinner daily with one pint of house ale. You will have to pay for lunch if you come here to eat.” Kna said, listing from memory the services she included in her standard room offering.
“Sounds good to me.” Waldo said smiling and looking out the window confirming it was dark. “I assume we are in the middle of dinner?” Waldo asked, hopefully.
“Yes.” Kna answered.
“May I take dinner in my room? I would like to wash myself before bed. It has been a surprising day.” Waldo asked Kna.
“Yes! I will grab you a plate and show you to your room.” Lydia said, releasing Waldo hand and standing. Waldo let her hand go as she stood. Kna at Lydia with what Waldo expected was motherly concern. As Lydia turned away to get the room key and a plate of food.
“Is there running water in the room?” Waldo asked Kna.
“Yes, but I cannot recommend using it for anything other than bathing.” Kna said.
“It is fine I can purify water. Can I get this filled with water?” Waldo asked, holding out a metal canteen.
“Yes. Aer go fill this and bring it back.” Kna said, handing the canteen to Aer who quickly walked off. “Leave Strisk. I would have a word alone with this man.” Kna growled at Strisk looking angrily. Strisk knew better than to argue with Kna when she gave him this look.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Waldo.” Strisk said standing to his whole sevenish feet of height stretching as he walked away. Waldo only now realized how small he was compared to Strisk.
“Indeed.” Waldo said to Strisk and turned back to Kna.
“I have never seen Lydia take to a man as she has to you. Have you cast a spell on her?” Kna asked Waldo. Waldo burst out laughing, taking a moment to control himself.
“I have no skill in that kind of magic. If you know how to test one for magic I would happily submit. I suspect I know why she has taken to me but there is nothing magical about it.” Waldo said, having gained control of the strange urge to laugh at magic.
“Why?” Kna asked, eyeing him coldly.
“Now why should I answer you?” Waldo asked. “What do you care for, of freed slaves? Or are you not her enslaver?” Kna drew back surprised.
“You said you knew nothing of this place?” Kna replied.
“I have never heard of this city in my life or this land, but I have eyes. Lydia is the only human here beside me. You are a gnoll and Strisk is one of the scaled people’s. I never been around any of them long enough to learn to tell them apart. Lydia clearly has some aversion to Strisk which seems to be unconscious on some level. That suggests it is not that she does not simply dislike him but something more than that. It is obvious to me that she does not belong here and would choose another home, but something prevents that. When I kissed her I ran my hand down her back. I felt the cursed marks of a whip. Is she a free woman or do you own her?” Waldo said, sliding his hand to the knife attached to his lower back.
“My people do not enslave others. She is free. I did not know she hated it here.” Kna said going from angry to crestfallen. “I did not know she had been a drake's slave.”
“You will say nothing of this. If you value your friendship with her. I did not say she hated it here. She works for you, which I expect is because you are not a drake and probably more than that. I get the sense she misses her people. How long has she been here?” Waldo replied, smoothing his voice.
“Several years.” Kna said, drifting in her own thoughts.
“If she hated you she would have left. You must make her feel safe in a dark place so she does not wander from your light.” Waldo said.
“All the more reason to not let her be abused.” Kna said, gauging Waldo.
“You misunderstand something. I will always respect Ma laska.” Waldo said, changing languages without thinking and looking to where Lydia stood talking to Aer as a memory flooded over him for a moment. Waldo felt the other part of him pushing forward for a moment. “Good help you have. Deftly slowing Lydia while we talk.”
“What is ma laska?” Kna asked. Waldo hesitated, surprised by Kna's words, then realized he had called Lydia by accident. Waldo knew what it meant somehow but decided he better not translate it directly.
“A woman’s right.” Waldo said, choosing a lie over the truth. “Or at least that is a close enough translation in this context.”
“So that is another language?” Kna asked.
“Yes, one from my a place long ago.” Waldo answered. “Have we not strayed topics at this point?”
“I think I have made myself clear and you have made yourself clear now.” Kna said, glancing at Aer and making a low growl. “I will let Lydia make herself clear as she chooses. Now that I do not think you will take something Lydia does not freely offer.”
“Have you accepted her as your cub?” Waldo asked, turning to look at Kna.
“I ha... “ Kna stopped herself, looking surprised at Waldo.
“I see it in your eyes, witness it in your fur, and hear it in your voice. She is a daughter in your house. Does she know or do you keep it a secret from all but those who know how to see?” Waldo asked, calmly moving past Kna’s surprise.
“You said.” Kna started to accuse trying to remember his words.
“I have not seen another race in so long. I cannot tell the scaled races apart. However, I ran with a pack for six years. I was a brother to a gnoll, and son to his parents. I sat at their table and went on their hunts. I sang the rights and washed in their bath. I was once an adopted son, which fills me with pride. If you are not a slaver then I would call you friend.” Waldo said quickly as Lydia approached. Just as he finished speaking he gave a quiet howl in the gnoll tongue he had learned many years ago living on the plains of Halcyon long before the war that had landed him here. Aer stopped mid-step and stared at Waldo as the gnolls in the room turned looking at the grimy human who had named himself to the room in gnollish. Kna openly stared surprised Waldo had been named and knew the proper introduction for himself in a public place. Lydia was confused as to her it appeared Waldo was growling threateningly at Kna. Suddenly, the room responded with a quite gnollish welcome that made Lydia jump. Aer gently placed her hand on Lydia’s shoulder.
“They are greeting Waldo in our tongue.” Aer explained to Lydia, seeing she did not know what was happening in the room.
“He speaks gnollish?” Lydia said surprised.
“I guess.” Aer said, pulling her hand back and moving forward again.
“Why did you not say something before?” Kna asked, Waldo as Lydia and Aer walked up. Aer set his canteen on the table.
“It was not the time. All things have a place and now was this things place.” Waldo responded.
“You are a strange human, but I am comforted and feel as if there is nothing to fear.” Kna said to Waldo then turned to Lydia. “Lydia, you may do as you will the rest of the night and I will not interfere.”
“Thank you. May we call this the end of my shift then.” Lydia asked, feeling a little excited. Aer turned moving around the room with the other staff in the inn.
“Away with you before I find a need for your aid in tending to my customers. Who I have ignored, too long.” Kna said quickly moving away to help her staff tend to tables. Waldo picked up his pack and canteen.
“Lead on, Ma laska.” Waldo said, nodding to Lydia.
“Ma laska?” Lydia questioned not saying it quite right.
“Sorry, my lady. Old habits.” Waldo said, lying again feeling unsure as to why he felt like he was fighting to stay in control. Lydia raised an eyebrow questioningly but led on. Waldo followed her up the stairs to the second floor and down a hallway lined with six doors. She stopped in front of the door and placed a brass coin over the lock which clicked and the door swung open. Led him into a good sided room with an all wood floor and completely open. A large bed was on one side of the room, a table with two chairs by the door. Space at the foot of the bed. There was space between the bed and a bathtub with a toilet near the back wall with a screen by the toilet and a sink between the tub and toilet. The room was lit by glowing stones fixed to the walls Waldo saw what appeared to be a control for the glowing stones by the door before the table and chairs. There were towels by the sink. Lydia set the plate on the table and the brass coin next to it. Waldo set his bag at the foot of the bed and started to strip away his body armor until he heard the door shut causing him to turn. Waldo smiled seeing Lyida had not left.
“Would you like help?” Lydia asked, slowly walking to him with a gaze that excited Waldo. The kiss he had stolen had aroused something in Lydia and the urges she had been pushing back had rushed forward.
“I can manage. I am just removing some outer layers. They are deceptively heavy.” Waldo responded.
“Please allow me. I want to.” Lydia said, stepping next to him quickly. Waldo allowed her to help him, carefully guiding her hands to the straps holding the armor in place and allowing their fingers to get tangled. “You seem to be intentionally making this difficult.” Lydia accused, after it took almost a full minute to unhook one strap.
“Does it bother you?” Waldo asked, playfully nudging her and Lydia realized he was enjoying the delay.
“Your food will get cold…” Lydia said, blushing as she started to enjoy the fumbling of their hands and his contact.
“Hot or cold it is still food. However, this moment... is all its own.” Waldo said, dragging out her helping him remove his outer layers, which took another five or more minutes. After which, they sat across from each other as he ate his dinner. Lydia studied him as he ate.
“Have we met before?” Lydia asked, feeling at ease in his presence.
“After a manner…I believe so but not for more than a lifetime.” Waldo responded. “Do you believe in reincarnation?”
“Reincarnation?” Lydia asked not being familiar with the word.
“My people believe when you die a piece of you, what we would call a soul, starts a new life.” Waldo explained.
“I am not much for religion. In my homeland, they said the gods are dead. The Drakes of Xalas seem to think there are gods and people have souls. Most of the gnolls of Grofeas say there are no gods but there is a temple to the gnoll god in Protham and I believe the high priestess is the wife of the city's guard captain.” Lydia replied.
“Xalas? Grofeas?” Waldo asked, suspecting these are countries.
“Neakar, a large city in the Xalas empire. It even has a palace for the emperor. I don’t think it is the capital of the Xalas empire but I might be wrong. The Grofeas plains are ruled by the gnoll tribes. There are not very many cities on the Grofeas plains and Xalas has tentative peace with the plains gnolls that largely control Grofeas. Protham is the first city in the Grofeas plains after leaving the Xalas empire. Mostly, the Drakes have mined the Grofeas plains of all they are interested in so they leave them alone.” Lydia explained.
“What is your home land called?” Waldo asked.
“Northumbria, but last I heard it fell to the drakes in the war. I was captured before the Northumbrian king fell. The Teaniel Empire is the last human hold out against the drakes and if it falls the drakes will effectively rule the continent of Atios. Not that they bother much with the Grofeas plains.” Lydia explained.
“Ah, so you stay because there is no easy human stronghold to flee to?” Waldo questioned.
“I am trying to save up to go to Ibrix but that is a long boat ride off after traveling to the only gnoll port city because I refuse to go back into the Xalas empire. Only problem is Grofeas port city is three hundred leagues to the south east of here. The roads are less than safe and each year there are only about three caravans that make the trek. If I were to cross alone it is unlikely I would make it. The cost of going from here to Ibrix are a little more than a year's wage working here.” Lydia explained sadly.
“How many humans reside in Protham?” Waldo asked.
“Twelve. All women. Eight are too old for the trek and two are too young to go alone.” Lydia said.
“All former slaves of the drakes I assume.” Waldo said.
“What?” Lydia said surprised.
“I worked interrogations. I learned to read what was left unspoken. You have nothing to fear from me. Slavery is the evilest form of commerce.” Waldo said, kneeling by his chair with his back to Lydia and bearing it. Lydia saw thin white scars from wounds that had healed and been reopened only to heal again over and over again. Lydia was speechless. After a moment Waldo covered himself and sat down facing her.
“How did you know?” Lydia questioned. Waldo slid his chair close to her so they were a breath apart. Lydia stared at him waiting for an answer when he kissed her. This time she felt his hand running down her back touching her hidden marks. Waldo pulled back from the kiss after a moment.
“Slavers tend to have the same tricks. They leave the same marks on one's body and some people's souls.” Waldo said quietly as he sat a breaths distance from Lydia’s face. The moment stretched as shared history passed between them and without a word spoken they had shared secrets too dark to udder in the quiet of the room then there was a roar of cheers from the commons breaking the spell that dark secrets of shared history had woven for a moment.
“I hope we can talk more.” Lydia said, after a moment now that the spell was broken. Lydia stood now that her head had cleared. Lydia was not sure what she would do if she stayed and questioned what she wanted.
“Will you stay?” Waldo asked, gently touching Lydia’s hand. Lydia did not pull away. Standing Lydia moved to the door. She intended to open the door and leave but she grabbed the night lock turning the knob. Waldo was not sure what he expected but he would not stop her from leaving. Waldo heard the door lock click into place, Lydia took a few steps toward the bath and moved her hair to one side exposing the ties along her back. Waldo stood and moved to her beginning to untie her dress. Once he was done. Lydia let the dress fall to the floor. Time stretched and shortened all at once and before he knew it exhaustion took them as they lay on the bed together. Lydia snuggled up to him and in a moment her breathing was even and gentle. Waldo knew she had fallen asleep in that moment of respite. Waldo watched her for a moment only to realize how tired he was and started to doze off but just as he heard a voice speak in his mind.
“Class gained Soldier, Level one. Skill gained, find allegiance.”
“Cancel! Reject!” Waldo whispered, angrily not wanting to wake Lydia.
“Class and level canceled.”
Waldo was fully awake now. Realizing he is on a game world, Waldo frowned. He considered this for a moment. Waldo had heard of these but never been on one. Now the injury made more sense. He had died on Halcyon. Waldo wondered if Jonah even cared that he had died. Waldo took a moment to consider the implications of being on a gaming world. There would be no intergalactic armada base here. Waldo knew the gaming worlds had been cut off, largely due to proximity. All the gaming worlds were the opposite side of the galaxy. The armada was still a thousand years of growth away. Waldo now knew with certainty there was no simple way back. As he considered this he realized there might be a way. Waldo thought about it for a few minutes as the idea grew in his mind and realized he truly did not want to go back. “I am a God.” Waldo thought to himself, Waldo felt something rush to the front of his mind, something that believed it or he was a god.
“Class gained God, level one. Skill gained, anoint worshiper. Quest assigned, claim domain.”
Waldo smiled, surprised it was that simple. Waldo considered trying to cancel it but part of him said if he was going to stay here he might as well be a god. Thinking he could do anything as a god. Another part said it was a bad idea and it would not be easy. Waldo wondered why he was feeling so conflicted about everything and why he did not feel like he was in perfect control. Then he wondered if the gods were dead on this world, would he be the only god around, and if so what domain he should claim. Waldo slowly drifted to sleep with these conflicting thoughts.
submitted by arrow-bane to Universe712 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:08 PlushiesAndKitties Suggestions to help children dealing with religious trauma/bigotry/conspiracy theories

Suggestions to help children dealing with religious trauma/bigotry/conspiracy theories
TLDR: trying to figure out if there is anything I can do to help four children I know (aged 1, 6, 13, &14) who are experiencing isolation, indoctrination, and bigotry. I have since been cut off by their mother from having contact because I was having “too much of an influence.”
My “family” that I refer to can get confusing due to spending most of my childhood in foster care and having several different foster homes, so I apologize if that causes confusion. I’ll be using “FF” to refer to “former foster” family members of mine. So with that said, this FF sibling of mine (that I’ve known my entire life) has 4 children.
Backstory: I have known I like all genders since I was a tween, I’m autistic, & I’m atheist. Not interesting, just necessary context to establish how different I am from my FF sister. So I recently came back into this foster family’s life because my FF mother started having severe health issues and her biological daughter didn’t step up at all. When her mother was in the middle of having a seizure and called me in a state of confusion, I was the one who beat the ambulance to her house. She couldn’t remember the year, the president, but she recognized me, so I sat next to her gurney in the hallway of our overcrowded hospital for 6 hours until they finally were able to get her a room around 5AM. I texted updates to her concerned extended bio family regarding her condition and went home to rest just like I told her family I would. I woke up later to several texts alerting me that my FF mother had been discharged from the hospital, but her daughter wouldn’t answer the phone or go pick her up, so I’m sure you can guess who picked up that slack. Ever since then though, my FF mother has relied on my partner and myself heavily because we are reliable and give a shit. I loved it at first because we were getting to know each other again and she told me she liked that she could talk to me honestly about things that she can’t talk to her daughter about…
So, her daughtemy FF sister… here’s just a rundown of what she teaches her kids that I know about and can confirm. I know her beliefs extend far beyond this, but this is what she publicly admits to and her children have confirmed: -the earth is flat -Antivaxx is the best because vaccines cause autism and death -God is the ONLY way -dinosaurs didn’t exist -Trans, nonbinary, and intersex folks don’t exist -Gay people are confused sinners -She would not attend her own children’s wedding unless they are straight and getting married to someone with the appropriate genitals and is cisgender -She said to my face that she believes being straight is the right way because “when I look at a P and a V, they just go together,” -Medicine is poison and doctors are all liars that are in on a conspiracy. “Before there was a pharmacy, there was a forest. God gave us everything we need.” -Chemtrails?? -Andrew Tate is a godly man -You must wear pendants and rocks to protect you from EMF (Isaiah 28:16)
She has also withdrawn her kids from any school and will only be doing “full home school” because she “doesn’t coparent with the government” and struggles to follow standard curriculums. She dropped out of high school before she could graduate, so it’s not surprising that she couldn’t help her children with their homework and asked me to tutor them at one point (but didn’t follow through). She only allows the children to attend church events and doesn’t like them socializing with public school kids. For a brief time, she allowed me to drive one of her teenaged kids to an activity 3x per week, and since it was a 30 minute drive each way, it gave us a lot of time to chat and bond.
I got to know the 14 yo child more and found out they consider themselves pansexual and aren’t sure about their gender, but they get in trouble for talking about it at home. The teen also told me that their mom gave them a list of subjects that they’re not allowed to discuss with me (vaccines, LGBTQ+, politics, medicine, church, having a crush, dating, etc…). She also read her teen’s diary and punished them for what was written.
When I was able to spend time with the second teenager (age 13) by herself, she talked to me openly and it unfortunately confirmed all the concerning things I had heard from her older sibling. She recounted a time where her mother cornered her so she could ask her daughter to point out what parts of a woman she is attracted to. With the older teenager, they told me their mother cornered them and wanted them to know that being gay means they would have to suck penises. They both told me their mother wouldn’t go to their wedding if they were gay. All of these stories boiled my blood, but I stayed calm and let them know that love and healthy relationships don’t exist because the right body parts find each other, it’s because of reciprocated care and respect.
I ended up sitting down and having a 3-4 hour long conversation with my FFsister about homophobia, indoctrination, isolating the kids, mental health, being truly accepting and supportive, and delicately tried to let her know that she has really hurt mine and her kids’ feelings. I wasted my breath it seems because she heard none of it and didn’t give a single shit about how her words/actions hurt others because she thinks getting them into heaven is the most important.
I am now cut off from the family, and even my FF mother told me to stop “hyper focusing” on the kids and “leave them alone” because it’s upsetting her daughtemy FFsister. Even though my FF mother had grown so close over the last year, she just threw me under the bus. She previouslysaid she “wouldn’t choose a side”, she said she would back me up when I told her daughter that homophobia isn’t okay, but then she suddenly did a 180 and said that parents have the right to influence their kids and teach them whatever they want. So now I’m kicked out of the family and still worry about the kids.
Am I really just hyper fixated?? As a former foster kid AND a former foster parent myself, I have NEVER thought parents are allowed to do whatever they want. It hurt and baffled me to have this all happen, but now I’m just left wondering how or if I can help or support the kids. Keep in mind these kids are ISOLATED. No music except worship music, no internet search access, no social media access, no ability to contact anyone except approved contacts, only goes to extremist church functions, etc…
Anyone have advice for this impossible situation? And above are just a few pictures their mom has posted and fully believes in.
submitted by PlushiesAndKitties to ReligiousTrauma [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:08 BoyTheCat Still in love with a situationship from two years ago…

This is about to be long because i love story telling so i apologize but someone out there, PLEASE read it. Not sure if this is the best place to post this, so feel free to redirect me somewhere else, but i need to know if I’m crazy or not.
Now over 2 years ago in the late winteearly spring, my best friend tried to set me up with someone (her soon to be husbands best friend). I live in the midwest and he is from the same city BUT he is stationed on the west coast in the military. (Red flag, i know) I’m not sure why i followed through with talking to him knowing he is so far away, but the way she described him and his personality, i felt like i just had to. The universe told me to. Turns out we have A LOT in common. Very similar sense of humor and personality and views on life and all that nonsense. We really hit it off. We would talk every night for hours and all day long as well. He would talk about me to his friends like he’s never talked about anyone. Which truly made me think that he was into me since he would talk about it with his friends and not just tell me these things. Especially since men don’t usually express feelings like that from my experience. This lasted about 6 months. Which sounds like a long time for a situationship but keep in mind i wasn’t exactly able to see him in person. (Biggest reason on why shouldn’t have ever slid into those dm’s in the first place) He would talk about flying home or helping fly me out to see each other but plane tickets at that time were through the roof like everything else. On top of paying for a hotel and such. So it just wasn’t working out for us. The longer we talked, the stronger our bond was. As strong as it could be anyway. It never died out either and because of that, i didn’t see what was coming next.
One day i realized he didn’t respond for quite awhile and even left me on read. Which I’m not psycho and that stuff usually doesn’t bother me, but something in my gut just felt off. I tried to gaslight myself into believing nothing was wrong despite the fact my gut was telling me otherwise. Three days pass and still nothing. I tried reaching out a couple more times but i also didn’t want to seem obsessive or crazy.
One morning i finally woke up to THE text. Basically the whole “it’s not you, it’s me” spiel. Thinking back on it now, it probably was never going to work then. And he’s actually still stationed out there so it still to this day would not work. I’ve come to terms with that. I understand. But that’s not the issue i have. Was it something i did? Was it something he did but didn’t want to admit? Did he get the ick? Why was it so abrupt? I personally have never gotten closure from it. And that’s probably part of the reason i still have strong feelings. After that day i didn’t speak to him again and he didn’t speak to me. Unadded each other on everything and that was it.
Fast forward to nearing the end of the year. My friend (mentioned earlier) is marrying her soon to be husband. I am a bridesmaid and guess who happens to be a groomsmen. At this point, he has a girlfriend, who is going to be his plus one. (As she should be. Rightfully so.) Keep in mind, him and I never met in person. So this was going to be a first for both of us. Not sure how he reacts in situations like that, but at least he has his girlfriend there as a “distraction” you could say. I only had me and my anxious thoughts. I don’t do well in these scenarios. I thought maybe just seeing him would somehow give me that closure, it did not. And it made everything 10x worse. I’ve never felt more overwhelmed in my life. It was almost embarassing although nobody really knew what was going on because I played it off very well. Originally i was supposed to walk with him, but fortunately that changed. He was still right behind me though so doing the rehearsal over and over was hard. I felt his presence and the tension was thick. His girlfriend wasn’t at the rehearsal, but she was at the wedding. And after i didn’t think it could get any worse, seeing them together absolutely made it worse. (Fortunately the open bar was my best friend that night.) I survived the wedding weekend and i didn’t see him again after that.
I was going through a depression spell. My best friend married into the military and moved to the east coast shortly after the wedding on top of everything else i was feeling and couldn’t stop thinking about. Fast forward a few months and my friend comes back home for a week to visit. Her and i get to talking and i just completely break down. (in the steak n shake parking lot with a garlic steakburger stuffed in my mouth as one does) Now a known fact about me is that i have a very hard time with love. I think about how short life is and i don’t want to waste my time. Every possible “bachelor” i meet, I’m interested in for about a week or two and then totally lose all interest and feelings in the blink of an eye. For a long time i thought there was something wrong with me. I’ve only had one boyfriend and despite being together for a year, something didn’t feel right the whole time but i was new to it all and didn’t think much of it until i was in too deep. I’ve never been able to see myself getting married or having kids or growing old or even just being intimate with most, if not all, of my situation/relationships. And i could see myself really living my best life with him.
I’m telling my friend how i just feel like it’s not over. I don’t know if it was because i didn’t get the closure i needed or what. But i felt like i was seeing signs everywhere that it was not over forever and that he will enter my life again. And she agreed. She too felt the same way. And i know she wasn’t just saying that because it’s what i wanted to hear. She’s not like that. Her saying that made me feel a little less crazy honestly. I just feel some deep connection with this boy even being 1000 miles away.
So from then on through today, i keep seeing signs. I see his name everywhere, I’ve ran into his mom before which was odd. He’s in my dreams. He’s just on my mind 24/7. There are more signs but you know. And it’s SO frustrating really. I wish it would end but i can’t make it stop. And it’s been so long, it’s embarrassing. I don’t bring him up. His name never leaves my lips. No one knows i still feel this way. Not even my best friend anymore because i felt like i was being very annoying about it. I don’t need her thinking I’m crazy. I’m not a homewrecker. I’m going to leave him be and let him and his girlfriend live their happy life. Reaching out feels like the last thing i should do. Mostly embarrassing but also just all around a bad idea.
I’m also not totally trying to hold out for him. I’ve tried being with someone else and it only lasted a month before i realized that being with this guy is totally unfair because i know i still have feelings that i can’t get rid of for someone else. And I’m not going to do that to someone. I’ve had other opportunities come my way and I’ve even gone through a “manic” phase trying to change my whole look and personality to see if becoming a whole new person would help fix me. (It did not. It sent me into a very deep depression actually. Do not recommend) I’m still young. In my early/mid 20s. I get told i have plenty of time to figure it all out. But no one really knows how much time they have left. I try not to think about that but i don’t want to have any regrets when that time comes. And spending my whole life hyper fixating on one person would be a regret.
It all sounds so underwhelming in writing because it’s hard to really fathom my true thoughts in words. Am i crazy for feeling this way? Is there anyone else out there who can relate? Is there a way to fix this? What is wrong with me?!
submitted by BoyTheCat to love [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:05 AutoModerator As the Top-Mod of the r/ProgressiveDemocrats subreddit, I would like to ask for your help in growing our community.

As a member of a community, it is always important to help it grow and thrive. One of the best ways to do this is by sharing content that you find interesting or useful with others who may also enjoy it. This is particularly true for online communities, where sharing content can be as easy as clicking a button.
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submitted by AutoModerator to ProgressiveDemocrats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:00 vistagolfo New Members Intro

Welcome to Canopy Tour in Costa Rica over 11 waterfalls, here we would like to give you reasons to come and start your most amazing memories. We know that you are choosing the best as you deserved, that´s why we take our time to put together the whole information about Adventure Park & Hotel Vista Golfo.
Best wishes for this journey and please ask any detail. AlejandroVS
submitted by vistagolfo to Enjoy11waterfalls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:00 Blaziy Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations Part 1

Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations Part 1
Welcome to the 1st part of Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations! That’s right, this is a 2 part Dev Diary, the South Aelantir team has been very hard at work these last 6 months giving our favorite continent the love it so desperately deserves, and it turns out we made too much and can’t show it all in one post! So we’re splitting it up, today we’re showing you our work on Taychend and the Effelai, so I’ll pass it over to Takasaki and get right to it.


The Oren Nayiru & The Kamrayakval’s War

Slavery – as immoral as it is immortal. Slavery has been an integral part of Taychendi society from the rule of dragons to that of the slaver nobles, and finally to the post-post-apocalyptic warlords who rule the region now. Slavery’s longevity, however, has been accompanied by fragility – and the arrival of the Sun Elven Jaherian Exemplars heralded the latest threat to its existence. However, try as they might, it would not be the abolitionist Exemplars who would pose this existential threat – it would be the group they inspired, and who will be a big part of your Taychendi playthroughs during the 1500s: the Oren Nayiru.
Forming from the injection of the Exemplar’s beliefs in both abolition and the nature of Surael as the last remaining “higher god” into the abolitionist Hero-Cult-turned-secret-society, the Cult of Vherenar, the Oren Nayiru are as radical as they are revolutionary. Warrior-monks, religious fanatics, terrorists or freedom fighters, slave rabble or highly organised military force – the Oren Nayiru live up to every title you could give them. Ruled by the warlord-priests of the Kavalali, the Oren Nayiru believe in a theocratic “democracy”, the overthrow of existing hierarchies, land reform, the absolute abolition of slavery everywhere, and more – and they believe that will all come about as the result of a great war – they have hid in the shadows for too long, and so they believe that “Dawn” will now come, a mass uprising that will sweep over Taychend.
As they build up for that uprising, and their ideas and religion spread like wildfire through the slaves, serfs and peasants of Taychend – be they ruled by the native Taychendi or foreign invaders like Ameion or Rezankand – they will constantly undermine your rule, their secretive “cells” harassing the institution of slavery and everything opposed to it.
Slowing the spread of the Oren Nayiru will be a proactive but difficult endeavor – while most of these events seem purely bad, some also offer the opportunity to remove the religious zeal modifier, allowing the conversion of Oren Nayiru provinces, or to convert them back outright.
They will even attempt to bring Dawn about sooner rather than later. This attempt, the Calsithara Revolt, will however prove a false start, with half the faith not joining in – giving you ample opportunity to crush those cells that did. Persecuting the Oren Nayiru is a race against time, however. Because unbeknownst to even the Oren Nayiru themselves, divine salvation – Dawn – is coming. Once the faith has spread to enough provinces, a certain mercenary, born to a Rezankandi Sun Elven father and a Taychendi mother, will stumble on a simple iron collar lying in a stream – and as the dragon awakens, the next Great Relic Lord of Taychend, Elrandar Silverspite, will be born.
Taychend is a feast for those who love reading – I, the great and powerful Takasaki, creator and writer of Gemradcurt, wrote the localisation for both the Oren Nayiru religion, the Kamrayakval’s war disaster AND the three Taychendi trees you will see in the rest of this diary!
Clad in the Armour of Yodhan – quite literally a dragon in armour form – that was once used by its namesake 1000 years ago to conquer Taychend, Elrandar Silverspite, once named Kamrayakval, or leader of the faith, is as cold and cunning as he is army-shatteringly powerful, the armour giving him immense durability, strength, and command over gravity itself – imagine Captain Levi from AoT if you gave him power armour. And 12 shock pips.
A two-paragraph taste of a Great Relic-Lord’s power. I wonder what would happen if he managed to sneak his way into your capital…?
When the disaster starts, Orenvalyam – the tag representing a united Oren Nayiru – will spawn in a single state (with up to 100,000 soldiers), and then declare war on all non-Oren Nayiru tags in Taychend, making those that have already converted vassals and bringing them in on his side. Should he win the resulting cataclysmic war? He will annex the entire Taychend superregion. With the future of the entire region is at stake, only one thing is for certain – the fields of Taychend shall be furrowed with blood once more.
The Oren Nayiru have numbers, a cadre of skilled generals, and of course Silverspite himself – as the struggle continues, the people of Taychend will pay the price.


Royakottar, the city of scrap and salvage, is the first Taychendi nation to get a MT, courtesy of yours truly, Takasaki! A city built around the remains of the Steel-Scorched Citadel, a massive precursor ruin buried under thousands of tons of rubble by Ebenanth, the First Emperor, Royakottar is the third biggest city in Taychend, and stands as one of the best candidates to resist Larankarha or Kheionai invaders!
Pre-Formable Taychendi mission trees are short but packed with content, lasting until you unite the region and bring the cycle of Warlordism to heel. Stay tuned for the formable MT after this update, exciting things are in the works!
However, Royakottar is not exactly united. It has long been dominated by the Four Families, a group of scavenger-guilds turned crime families: the Vustarin, masters of reshaping and reforging precursor scrap, the Kattyva, dedicated followers of the Great Relic-Lord Kadradar, and masters of digging up that scrap, the Ursibadur, jovial but ruthless providers of every vice and pleasure, and finally the Nymkorai, ruthless mafia-like caravaneers and traders, feared far beyond Royakottar’s walls. These families squabble and fight often, and any ruler of the city will have to work hard to keep them from tearing the city apart.
Royakottar is Taychend’s New Reno – with a little less scum and a lot more scrap.
But division is not the destined fate of Royakottar. For centuries, the Four Families have been placing puppet rulers on the throne of the city, while they wage war against each other in the shadows. But in 1444, with the threats of the city mounting, their latest puppet ruler, the young and skillful mercenary Kalazhil “Bronzewing” Rekkatemir, has decided that he will not stand idly by.
Kalazhil is capable, but so are the other families! As you progress through the tree, you will get an event for each one showcasing them in action. And yes, they are as “flavourful” as the one of the right!
As you fight to conquer Taychend, you will also fight against the Families very nature. It’s all or nothing, and either you will be successful in your endeavor to unite the Families, or one of them may end the power struggle once and for all – as the last Family standing.
By diplomacy or by force, as a city with Four Families and one King or one Family alone, Royakottar will be united.


The Bulwark of the West, the Bloodcloak Brotherhood of Rakkabuttai stand firm against those that seek to conquer Taychend from without, such as the Chendyhans from whom they most hate. This is Iceytheknight, and I am here today to showcase the mission tree for Rakkabuttai!
A Brotherhood forged to fend off Chendhyans hundreds of years ago, Rakkabuttai is now done sitting within their fortresses, especially as the Chendhyans have brought forth a new resurgence with Zaernmaera. Now is the time to strike back and strike hard, seizing the plains and taking the island of Assakadil for yourself to bring retribution.
Once the threat of the Chendhyans has been subdued enough, it is time to reflect upon the future of Rakkabuttai and of Taychend. Disunited, Taychend is weak, fragile. It would bend to any invaders, as it had in the south with Ameion, and who knows what could come from the east. A united Taychend, on the other hand, would be able to fend off any that oppose those. If no-one else could do this, then Rakkabuttai shall themselves, for Taychend must stand strong.
As you conquer your way through Taychend, you will seek to further chain the Chendhyans within your lands to your will, reform your military into a true fighting force, and construct fortifications across the region so that none may walk in unopposed. Bound Taychend with blood and stone!

Sthanan ith Vussam

Between the devastating Kamrayakval’s War, the scheming Four Families of Royakottar and the slaver Bloodcloak Brotherhood, it might seem like Taychend is not leaving its cycle of war and destruction for some time. How about we go with a different path next? Pivert08 here to present to you the third Taychendi mission tree coming this update, this time for the - quite frankly unpronounceable - country of Sthanan ith Vussam!
A nice little mission tree to accompany you through the rapid early game of Taychend’s glory system.
Having recently lost its westernmost territories to Ameion during Laskaris’ Invasion, the city-state of Sthanan ith Vussam is in a precarious position, but might very well be Thektoram’s best chance at fending off the Kheionai. Once the capital of the Dumrusvarn, a prosperous kingdom that ruled over most of Taychend’s southeastern peninsula for over two centuries (an amazing feat in Taychend, a.k.a. Warlord-Land), Sthanan ith Vussam is known for its highly-professional Goldsword infantry and the influential religious order of the Violet Brotherhood. In Sthanan ith Vussam’s mission tree, you’ll be led to fight back against Ameion to reform the Dumrusvarn, create a truly professional army in the example of the Goldswords, bring the city of Sthanan ith Vussam to new heights of prosperity and reunite with old acquaintances that may have already been covered in this dev diary, all while spreading the word of the Violet Brotherhood: that blood and fire are not the only true paths to glory.
Once the Dumrusvarn reformed, you might want to take your ambitions even further… Taychend will see prosperity under your rule, whether it likes it or not.

New NIs

I hope you have fun discovering all this new content! But, before we leave you to the eerie workings of the Effelai, there’s still one last thing we need to show you for Taychend: new national ideas. While this might sound less exciting than new religions or mission trees, all Taychendi nations (except Ahartadyam, sadly) have now received fully unique national ideas which paint a very diverse cast of nations and marks great potential for future development of the region. A total of 16 national idea sets were made for this update, so we picked nine of the most interesting ideas for your reading pleasure.
By order of appearance: Parahechend, Korrimutren, Sarihaddu and Ethanamara by Pivert08, Imarchend, Marhed Rayodana and Uesrennu by Takasaki, Zaernmaera by Ottokard and Airoa Naditari by Dreknar.


Hello, u/Blaziy here to show you the new mission tree(s) for the Effelai tribes! Though credit where credit is due, this is not my work, but instead all the work of River Doge, who you may remember from Dev Diary #60 where he talked about the Effelai system. Well he’s back this update with a shared mission tree for the 5 tribes of the Effelai!
Written by River Doge, Bojnik, and Grymhar
The mission tree will accompany you during the initial migration part of the Effelai, with each tribe having unique missions to complete during their pilgrimage. There’s Ingani’s Blood Hunts, Ae’n Saldayno’s Festivals, Kamaraka’s Great Hunts, Sel’ Parura’s Trials, and Xoti’Guao’s Planting, each with their own unique flavor to spice up the migration period.
Once you’ve finished the migration loop and have settled in the Heart of The Effelai, it’s time to settle the land, survive the Effelai’s trials, and unite the other tribes under your banner. As you’re doing this you must also discover the precursor relics lost throughout the forest in order to upgrade the Heart of The Effelai Monument and start the Effelai Bloom
Once you’ve finally done all that, it’s time to reform your nation into a modern theocracy and form Aráya, spreading the beauty of the Effelai to the rest of the world as you break free from your mortal form, and embrace perfection.
The Effelai’s government mechanic now has art, done by the amazing Tators!
That’s all for part one of the South Aelantir Dev Diary everyone! Check back on the subreddit in 2 days on Tuesday to see what the Kheionai, Devand, and Amadia have in store, fun fact, it's even longer than part 1!
submitted by Blaziy to Anbennar [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:58 ikariboogiewoogie Can working as a videographer lead to being a narrative filmmaker?

A bit of background: I live in Australia and I turn 24 next month. I've done lots of disjointed work as a second shooter of weddings, some commercial editing, business promos here and there, so I would say I am experienced in videography but don't really have a name for myself. My main accomplishment is that I made a feature-length film which is getting some word of mouth buzz in my local city, where I'm planning to hire a cinema to screen it in later this year. Reason being that my only local film festival rejected it but I still want a way for my friends and family to see it. Still waiting to hear back from 19 other fests as of writing.
I want a reliable income and career from filmmaking (yes I know how funny that sounds) and I am hoping my debut feature will get me that, but I'll also feel bad sitting on my ass for another half a year dreaming of rocking the festival world so hard that A24 knocks on my door to give me $2 million for a second feature.
My backup career plan is to try to get into videography as a freelancer. Don't know what's really available here but I'm thinking in the realm of: commercials, promos, weddings, corporate, maybe music videos, etc.
How transferable is this kind of career in videography if let's say my feature blows up, and I want to take my pitch deck to a producer for another feature? My end goal is narrative filmmaking. I want to write/direct/shoot/edit/mix/compose movies. But I am not sure if moving into a corporate/client-focused video industry at this entry-level is going to take me where I want. Does it make more sense to find work in low-budget films as crew? Or even just to keep making my own feature/short films independently?
submitted by ikariboogiewoogie to Filmmakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:57 MagicMashka Looking for a singer to voice Varre

Looking for a singer to voice Varre
My friend and I are working on an Elden Ring parody song written from Varre's POV, and we're looking for a lead singer to help us out. A baritone (G2 - B♭3) would be perfect for the part, but we prioritize vibes and acting.
https://cstng.cc/projects/welcome-to-the-lands-between Here's the link where you can audition and see more details if you'd like! Also, if you know somebody who could be interested, we'd appreciate you spreading the word
submitted by MagicMashka to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:55 underwaterdwelling M24 [M4F] #United States #Illinois #Chicago #Online/Anywhere -Seeking someone to get to know from the beginning again.

Thoroughly read my post and look at my photos in my linked album, I'm beyond exhausted by low effort replies and or questions that are answered by reading what I write. Thank you.
Hello, I'm going to keep this as brief as possible because I tend to ramble on with these.
I'm basically looking for someone to meet and talk to, online, and hopefully in person if we get along well enough. It's been more and more difficult the older I become to meet new people and cultivate something genuine, whether it be platonic, non-platonic or symbiotic haha.
I welcome all conversation topics, sfw, nsfw, dark, controversial or anything in the middle. I want to experience the beginning of meeting someone again, learning of them and their lives, sharing our memories, fears and everything.
All I ask is to be literate and self expressive. No single word replies please. Matching effort is important.
Physical appearance of myself- I'm Caucasian, 5'11, lean and athletic physically, light brown hair and dark green eyes. I've been told I'm good looking.
Interests- I'm into fitness and nutrition, I'm quite a health nut and pretty much exercise everyday. I appreciate the martial arts and casually practice some, I enjoy nature, the sun and being outside as much as possible. I'm quite into nerd culture even if it's not that obvious, whether that be mainstream fandoms or more obscure hobbies. I try my best to be well read and educated, I like to study philosophy, history, literature. Music is important to my life, my favorite genres are anything under the umbrella of metal, alt, grunge and other rock genres.
Feel free to reach out if you'd like to talk! Just leave a photo of yourself and a brief introduction, I look forward to our future conversations. I ask of a photo for verification and introduction purposes, I'm not going to entertain a conversation if only one of us knows how we look. It just isn't proper.
If we've spoken before in the past and you would like to reconnect, feel free to do so. I recently got a new phone and lost a lot of my contacts/logins.
Take care and stay safe. https://imgur.com/a/VvWqXDh
submitted by underwaterdwelling to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:54 Mncrme Visiting Calgary with young family

Hello! 👋🏼
Sorry if this isn’t the right place to post.
My husband and I will be visiting Calgary on the way back from a wedding before we head back to the UK at the end of July/beginning of August. We will be in the Calgary areas for c5 nights with our 3+ 5 year old. We plan a day trip to Banff and surrounding areas during that time (maybe an overnight stay, but wow 💸)
Are there any specific areas of Calgary that you would recommend that we stay, or anything we should definitely see? We’ve been looking at hotels vs airbnbs, but I understand Calgary is huge, so very unsure where we should be looking neighbourhood wise
With the hope of getting MIL to babysit one night, are there any restaurant recommendations?
All advice is much appreciated 🙂
submitted by Mncrme to Calgary [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:54 doombabies I'm going to knock out the next man who touches me without consent (vent/rant)

On Friday, my husband and I were celebrating our wedding anniversary. I had the day off and had been planning a nice date for us for a while. I wanted to give him full "princess" treatment, as it were. I planned the evening, told him the dress code expectations (clean but casual, taking his level of comfort into consideration), did all the driving (I got my license very late in life so he usually drives when we go out, or we Uber if we're really cutting loose) so cleaned my car inside and out, got him flowers, chocolates and a card - the whole 9. I felt happy to reciprocate the thoughtfulness he shows me.
Dinner went well and we stopped at a nearby bar we like for an after dinner drink and feather bowling. There was a band playing in the patio/stage area so it was a bit crowded, and the lanes were full, so we had one beer and watched a little hockey before deciding to head home. We left through the patio area where the band was playing. Someone had their phone out recording them, so my husband walked ahead and kinda ducked under to stay out of shot, while I stood back for just a second to figure my own exit path.
The second he was at a distance from me, a random, older, "I definitely listen to Jimmy Buffet" looking guy appears next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder saying "come here". Reminds me of the overly friendly drunks we run into at the marina, so despite the fact I hate being touched especially by strangers, I don't immediately do anything, just trying to think of some polite way to excuse myself. Before I can even form words, he says "I'm going to kiss you" and I froze, like...wtf did he just say? What is happening? Then he says "you can kiss me back", and that's when the panic attack started. Mind you this whole interaction lasted less than a commercial, maybe 15-20 seconds
I snaked out of his arm and FLED to the parking lot. The door guy had seen me running like my ass was on fire, and husband was almost to the car. I told my husband what happened and he was immediately, obviously pissed. He wanted to go back in and start something, give the dude a piece of his mind or cold clock him, whatever. I was in pure panic mode where all I want to do is run and keep running until the threat is gone, manage to convince him to get in the car and just go.
I have a panic disorder - panic attacks where I drop everything and run, leave the area, disappear. These attacks can happen randomly or be triggered by high stress/anxiety moments. Once in the grip of one, it's physically exhausting. My amygdala freaks tf out, adrenaline surges and then crashes leaving me shaky and skittish.
This event has, at least temporarily set my mental health progress back a couple of steps. Through mindfulness and managing my stressors, I'd not had a random panic attack in well over a year, and 6 months without needing meds. Saturday, the day after, I had to work. Once in my car, that hyper-vigilant "I am not safe" feeling, where my nerves are just burning and I feel like I'm going to jump out of my own skin and there's a barely contained scream just behind my diaphragm, kicked in. I just focused on getting through my shift without fucking up too much.
I've lost about 85lbs in the past few years, going from 240+lbs to 160 at 5'9". I had so much confidence in my new body, I felt cute! I was in a dress that looked good and hadn't fit well in years...and now I find I miss the invisibility that came with my bigger body. I've dealt with SA by ex-partners and friends before, and in that panic attack every non-consensual encounter bubbled to the surface of my mind and I felt a white hot hate for men. Yup, sure, not all men but somehow always a fucking man.
I don't know how to feel, and I'm in the process of finding a therapist I can afford that takes my insurance cuz all this is clearly in need of professional unpacking. I love my husband, he is a good, decent, emotionally intelligent and respectful man so I know they exist but right now I find myself distrusting every cishet male and believing the worst possible things about them. And I am angry that the actions of one idiot could ruin a night I'd put so much thought and effort into, that those actions could rip out my new-found confidence in my body and replace it with fear, even if temporarily.
I'm fucking tired boss.
submitted by doombabies to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:53 _bl__ Dream about my professor

(English is nit my first language)
(F20) I've had this extremely vivid dream about my professor (M36). Context: I had the dream two days before my father had a risky surgery which we were supposed to decide if he's gonna do it or not, so I was stressed. It ended up being successful. The dream had a very positive vibe so it felt like a sign that my dad can do the surgery. I've been attending two courses taught by this professor, but I've only been able to take one exam (that's also a stress factor). Me and my course colleagues agree that he has a weird personality: clearly insecure so he tends to be extremely formal, and tends to humiliate students whenever they're not 100% perfect in the way they explain their points or their questions. He would literally continue to act like your question doesn't make any sense for 30 minutes, instead of just admitting that he understands what you meant and trying to help you word it better (btw, we're Philosophy students). However, he somehow managed to create a very familiar environment, according to many of us students. We kind of got used to him, much more than to other professors who were more kind and respectful (almost like a Stockholm syndrome...). The only word I can find to describe his energy is "feminine" and even more "motherly", which sounds weird for a man but it's fitting. Also, you can see that outside of the classroom he can be very kind and willing to help. But his insensitive behaviour left me quite bitter about him, and I criticized him a lot when talking to my friends.
The dream: I was in a very beautiful, yet simple, apartment, on ground floor. There were a lot of windows and sun rays were warming the whole place. It was a morning and I'd just woke up. I had a flatmate, which was my actual classmate (she's a slightly older woman, but I've definitely become closest to her among my classmates, as friends). The flat was messy but cozy, and I feel like there were no couches in the living room. The kitchen was open space and everything was very white. There were two 10-12 y.o. girls playing around in the apartment, laughing and eating candy. Me and my friend were opening the curtains and the windows in the living room, as you would do on a regular morning. As soon as I got to the window facing the patio, I saw a big nice car, and the professor was on the driver's seat, looking down as if he were looking at his phone. On the other side of the road was a supermarket with many customers, so it was a lively day. I closed the curtain because it felt like the right thing to do. A few moments later someone ringed at our door. I opened and it was the professor. My friend and the two girls won't show up any more in the dream. I welcomed him in a laid-back, formal way, as he usually is. But there was a drying rack outside of the door with clothes on it, and it prevented him from getting inside. As soon as I realized, I moved it aside with a lot of energy and allowed him inside. He brought a huge (as in a meter tall) bag of candy as a gift. He got in and we stood up the whole time in the middle of the living room (that's why I think there were no couches). He was wearing darker clothes, in contrast with the white environment. It's also unusual for him to wear dark clothes. We said that he needed to advise me about some books to use for an essay I was trying to write, and when he mentioned a book I had, I ran so quickly to get it. Then when he was leaving, there was an object, probably the book, and I was trying to hand it to him but it stuck to the belt of my shorts (I was wearing at-home clothes). And he helped me unstick it in a very laid-back way, and had a nervous giggle. Then he left and the dream ended there.
Any interpretations?
This dream has been haunting me especially with the exam coming soon.
submitted by _bl__ to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 Ok-Thing193 My fiance is the kindest and most caring person in the world, but just said the worst possible thing out of anger

Long read, sorry.
My fiance (29M) and I (26F) have been together for a total of 5 years, engaged just this year and are planning to marry next month. We're currently on a prenup "honeymoon" vacation in his home country for some pre wedding errands like the prenup shoot and buying our wedding dress and suit. For context, I have a chronic disability that hinders me from working and doing basic tasks and hes been he's been so loving and kind with me about it by doing certain tasks I can't do on my own sometimes. He's also been insisting to pay for certain necessities of mine like my meds and some groceries. I never ask him to do these things, he just initiatively does. We're both have good personal income and both have good education so despite me having the ability to pay for thibgs, he just does instead. He cooks healthy food for me and hand washes my medical grade clothes for me. He reminds me to take my meds and keeps track of my strict diet for me. Instinctly, we've just gotten used to how "babied" and cared for I am in the relationship. I of course acknowledge these things and try to do my part in being kind, appreciative, sweet and gentle with him and never allow a day where he doesn't feel loved and appreciated as a partner.
Now queue the point of dilemma - he has had anger issues in the past that have improved greatly recently until today. In the relationship, we've both acknowledged that I'm the one with higher EQ and empathy and he's knows he gets moody and may tend to allow his anger to boil over. With that, he say some quite... Unnecessary and morally unacceptable words he might not mean - and today was the worst one I heard.
So today we were in our hotel room after a nice day at the park. It started over a small but offensive comment he read in a video he watched (of a topic that I always hear about but feel negative over.), he laughed about it and told it to me, i calmly told him "I kind of don't like that. Maybe best not to share those kind of comments with me" he said "Okay I will watch by myself". To which I made the mistake of saying "Can you protect me from hearing those unnecessary negative things? I know you see them all the time and don't agree with them so I'd prefer not to hear more of those things anymore."
And then came the barrage of over defending, arguing and misunderstanding from him. Then even when we established the point of the start of the argument he proceeded to villainize me for even starting the argument and ruining the mood and then escalated to "I don't want to see you or talk to you so get out of the room and go somewhere or something" i frustratedly said said "fine, I'll just go." and then he went one to:
I stood there staring at him in shock. I asked him "You're going to kill me?" He screamed "YES! KILL YOU! GET AWAY!" I left without a word and wandered around the streets gathering my thoughts. After about 40 mins, he tried to look for me and came to fetch me to go back to our room and we're here not speaking a word to each other.
I'm so lost as to how the love of my life could even think of saying that. I'm sitting here thinking about everything. If anything is ever still worth it after hearing that. If I can still forgive him for this because he's been so kind after all. I've heard many hurtful things from him before but that was... I don't know. He most likely didn't mean it but it's hard to convince mtself that.
I'll take any advice I can get. I want to believe that there's still something worth fighting for but I'm just lost. I still love him and but should I still marry him? Am I in the wrong?
submitted by Ok-Thing193 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 Hot_Pilot6926 AITAH for talking to a male friend while having a huge argument with my boyfriend?

Me (22F) and my boyfriend (22M) have been in this relationship for more than a year. About three months back, we had a terrible fight. At the end he'd said, "I can't be with you anymore. Leave me alone" I loved him a lot (I still do) and could not imagine losing him, so I tried to calm myself down and said "No, we'll talk about this when we are both calm and collected. I'll give you some space right now, think clearly for a few days and let me know if breaking up is what you really want" then we'd gone our separate ways. I had cried the entire way to my home. We are in the same uni and that's how we met. The next day, I was too shattered to go to my classes. The day after that, again I was too shattered to go. I'd missed two days, while he had gone, and he didn't even call or text to ask if I was okay. On the third day, I'd left a few "just checking in" texts, which he had left on 'delivered'. He had also been ignoring my calls, however on the third day, he had picked one of them and had straight up yelled "Why are you calling me? I said its over between us. Its over." and had cut the call. I had cried and cried and cried, to the point I would be shaking and throwing up.
I was completely broken. It was the lowest point of my life, losing the person I loved with my whole heart, because it was the phone call that had confirmed, he was really done. I couldn't think straight, my head was spinning, and eyes were puffy all the time. At the time, it happened to be one of my old friend's birthday. A male friend. I didn't even remember it was his birthday, I found out about it through snapchat's notification. And since he was a close childhood friend who had also wished me, I had, halfheartedly, wished him just a simple 'happy birthday' now mind you, he is as platonic of a friend as anyone can be. I have never had any feelings for him, and neither has he. We were childhood friends, known him since I was 13 and had a falling out when I had changed schools. In the recent years, we had met each other just ONCE, before I had even started dating my current boyfriend and it wasn't even a date with him, just a catching up with an old friend after years. This friend, I had known him for 8 years and he is like a brother to me.
The problem though, after I had wished him, he carried on with the conversation, asking me where I was rn and how I was. I replied normally and asked him about himself. He said that he was fine but had a recent break up he was trying to move on from. He asked about my dating life, since he had seen pictures of my boyfriend I had posted, and he asked how and where we met, the basic stuff. And since he had talked about his breakup, I told him what was going on in my relationship too, thinking it would make me feel lighter to talk to SOMEONE and get it off my chest. Not in details, just said stuff like "That's so relatable" I told him my boyfriend hadn't been talking to me and I was terrible. At one point, he had said "Dude, you'll find someone else, someone much better who doesn't make you cry" just how FRIENDS do. I ended the conversation a few minutes later.
The next day, I did go to my classes, and since we always used to sit together before the breakup, I went to the designated seat and sat beside him. We had numerous eye contacts throughout the day but neither of us spoke to the other. By the end of the day, he said he wanted to talk and I said 'Alright' so we went to a cafe nearby and had a heart to heart, he said that I was right, and he had just needed some time to cool off. He apologized and we made up. We kissed and said 'I love you' to each other for the very first time. However, I don't even remember at what point, but he had apparently seen the texts from last night. The one between my friend and I. He didn't say or ask anything about them. I was blissfully unaware and over the moon for having made up with him.
However, a month or so back, he suddenly started acting distant, said he needed to think and that he felt insecure in the relationship. We were still behaving normal, but he would have random episodes where he would go distant. I continuously asked him what was wrong and after a lot of pestering, he finally revealed that it was those messages. He said he had seen them months ago and that they didn't bother him at first but the more he thought of them, the more betrayed he felt. I told him I had completely forgotten about those texts. I promised him there was nothing at all between us and it was just a casual conversation I was having with my friend, and if it was of ANY significance, I would have told him and that there was nothing for me to hide from him.
He didn't believe me and said he couldn't trust me anymore. I apologized and have done so a million times in the last month. The last one month, we have had countless arguments regarding this. He has accused me of cheating, of breaking his trust, his heart and has said numerous hurtful things to me, questioning my loyalty, my character. I also blocked my friend from all the social media accounts, but he says it doesn't matter, and what hurt him the most was me talking about our relationship problems to someone else. It is fair for him to be mad, I do realize I shouldn't have done that. I have apologized, not for 'cheating' as he claims, since I never did that, but for breaking his trust.
Since then, I have tried to reassure him that I only love him, that I am only his, but he says he feels hollow inside and doesn't trust anything I say. He has started doubting my every move, every word. I text him a minute later than usual, and he accuses me of talking to someone else. He has also said we should end it, since there's no trust left anymore, but I practically begged him to stay and give me a chance. Just one chance. I told him I didn't realize me talking to a friend would hurt him so bad and now that I know how hurtful this is, I will NEVER repeat it. I have also told him that if I do ANYTHING to hurt him again, he was free to leave and never look back, but to give me just one chance to learn from my mistakes and correct them.
He had agreed, but there are certain taunts I still have to listen to. He keeps taunting me, subtly saying that I am a cheater. He has also sl*t shamed me multiple times, and it HURTS, because he is my whole entire world, and I have never even thought of anyone else in the same way. I love him and only him. But how do I make him trust me? How do I not get offended by his hurtful comments? How do we move forward? It feels like he hates me and there's not a single day I haven't gone to sleep crying after having an argument with him. We had planned our whole future together, but Idk how we can sustain it anymore. I can listen to his taunts and his complaints, but I cannot accept him slt-shaming me.
Some more context, he also has multiple female friends, who share their relationship problems with him. He goes out with them (in groups and sometimes one on one for coffee and such). They are tight knit and have been since before I entered his life. They have lunches together, make jokes, share inside jokes and have fun together, and I have never had any problem with that. Although sometimes it prickles, I ignore the insecurity because I decide to trust him instead. So why is me having a friend of the opposite gender such a crime? Why am I a sl*t for talking to my friend but its justified for him because they're friends? He has also done multiple hurtful things to me, but I always choose to understand and forgive, hoping he will learn, and giving him the benefit of the doubt. So why can't he do the same for me? Why am I such a villain in his eyes just for trying to ease my load of hurt but talking to a FRIEND? If he had done the same and if it was a person who was just a platonic friend to him, I would have understood, especially if he had apologized to me as many times as I have done.
TLDR: I had a conversation with my male friend about my relationship problems, and now my boyfriend thinks I am a cheater and questions my character. How do I win his trust? How do we move forward? AITAH?
submitted by Hot_Pilot6926 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 rizzlycaviar 24/F Sudden Excessive Hair Shedding

Hi all, I’m a 24 year old female and have noticed in the last month an excessive amount of hair fall. I lose clumps in the shower and throughout the day I am constantly shedding.
I do not dye my hair and I maybe blow dry it once every couple months.
I’m getting blood work done, but I can’t help but feel extremely scared. I’ve always had long thick hair, and it looks and feels like I’ve lost half of it. I bought castor oil and rosemary oil, and Briogeo Destined for Density shampoo/conditioner.
I’m so scared and anxious, I breakdown every time I wash my hair and pull the clumps out. Any kind words/recommendations are welcome.
submitted by rizzlycaviar to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Hot_Pilot6926 My (22F) boyfriend (22M) says I cheated on him and is now shaming my character. But I don't consider what I did as "cheating" Need some insights.

Me and my boyfriend have been in this relationship for more than a year. About three months back, we had a terrible fight. At the end he'd said, "I can't be with you anymore. Leave me alone" I loved him a lot (I still do) and could not imagine losing him, so I tried to calm myself down and said "No, we'll talk about this when we are both calm and collected. I'll give you some space right now, think clearly for a few days and let me know if breaking up is what you really want" then we'd gone our separate ways. I had cried the entire way to my home. We are in the same uni and that's how we met. The next day, I was too shattered to go to my classes. The day after that, again I was too shattered to go. I'd missed two days, while he had gone, and he didn't even call or text to ask if I was okay. On the third day, I'd left a few "just checking in" texts, which he had left on 'delivered'. He had also been ignoring my calls, however on the third day, he had picked one of them and had straight up yelled "Why are you calling me? I said its over between us. Its over." and had cut the call. I had cried and cried and cried, to the point I would be shaking and throwing up.
I was completely broken. It was the lowest point of my life, losing the person I loved with my whole heart, because it was the phone call that had confirmed, he was really done. I couldn't think straight, my head was spinning, and eyes were puffy all the time. At the time, it happened to be one of my old friend's birthday. A male friend. I didn't even remember it was his birthday, I found out about it through snapchat's notification. And since he was a close childhood friend who had also wished me, I had, halfheartedly, wished him just a simple 'happy birthday' now mind you, he is as platonic of a friend as anyone can be. I have never had any feelings for him, and neither has he. We were childhood friends, known him since I was 13 and had a falling out when I had changed schools. In the recent years, we had met each other just ONCE, before I had even started dating my current boyfriend and it wasn't even a date with him, just a catching up with an old friend after years. This friend, I had known him for 8 years and he is like a brother to me.
The problem though, after I had wished him, he carried on with the conversation, asking me where I was rn and how I was. I replied normally and asked him about himself. He said that he was fine but had a recent break up he was trying to move on from. He asked about my dating life, since he had seen pictures of my boyfriend I had posted, and he asked how and where we met, the basic stuff. And since he had talked about his breakup, I told him what was going on in my relationship too, thinking it would make me feel lighter to talk to SOMEONE and get it off my chest. Not in details, just said stuff like "That's so relatable" I told him my boyfriend hadn't been talking to me and I was terrible. At one point, he had said "Dude, you'll find someone else, someone much better who doesn't make you cry" just how FRIENDS do. I ended the conversation a few minutes later.
The next day, I did go to my classes, and since we always used to sit together before the breakup, I went to the designated seat and sat beside him. We had numerous eye contacts throughout the day but neither of us spoke to the other. By the end of the day, he said he wanted to talk and I said 'Alright' so we went to a cafe nearby and had a heart to heart, he said that I was right, and he had just needed some time to cool off. He apologized and we made up. We kissed and said 'I love you' to each other for the very first time. However, I don't even remember at what point, but he had apparently seen the texts from last night. The one between my friend and I. He didn't say or ask anything about them. I was blissfully unaware and over the moon for having made up with him.
However, a month or so back, he suddenly started acting distant, said he needed to think and that he felt insecure in the relationship. We were still behaving normal, but he would have random episodes where he would go distant. I continuously asked him what was wrong and after a lot of pestering, he finally revealed that it was those messages. He said he had seen them months ago and that they didn't bother him at first but the more he thought of them, the more betrayed he felt. I told him I had completely forgotten about those texts. I promised him there was nothing at all between us and it was just a casual conversation I was having with my friend, and if it was of ANY significance, I would have told him and that there was nothing for me to hide from him.
He didn't believe me and said he couldn't trust me anymore. I apologized and have done so a million times in the last month. The last one month, we have had countless arguments regarding this. He has accused me of cheating, of breaking his trust, his heart and has said numerous hurtful things to me, questioning my loyalty, my character. I also blocked my friend from all the social media accounts, but he says it doesn't matter, and what hurt him the most was me talking about our relationship problems to someone else. It is fair for him to be mad, I do realize I shouldn't have done that. I have apologized, not for 'cheating' as he claims, since I never did that, but for breaking his trust.
Since then, I have tried to reassure him that I only love him, that I am only his, but he says he feels hollow inside and doesn't trust anything I say. He has started doubting my every move, every word. I text him a minute later than usual, and he accuses me of talking to someone else. He has also said we should end it, since there's no trust left anymore, but I practically begged him to stay and give me a chance. Just one chance. I told him I didn't realize me talking to a friend would hurt him so bad and now that I know how hurtful this is, I will NEVER repeat it. I have also told him that if I do ANYTHING to hurt him again, he was free to leave and never look back, but to give me just one chance to learn from my mistakes and correct them.
He had agreed, but there are certain taunts I still have to listen to. He keeps taunting me, subtly saying that I am a cheater. He has also sl*t shamed me multiple times, and it HURTS, because he is my whole entire world, and I have never even thought of anyone else in the same way. I love him and only him. But how do I make him trust me? How do I not get offended by his hurtful comments? How do we move forward? It feels like he hates me and there's not a single day I haven't gone to sleep crying after having an argument with him. We had planned our whole future together, but Idk how we can sustain it anymore. I can listen to his taunts and his complaints, but I cannot accept him slt-shaming me.
Some more context, he also has multiple female friends, who share their relationship problems with him. He goes out with them (in groups and sometimes one on one for coffee and such). They are tight knit and have been since before I entered his life. They have lunches together, make jokes, share inside jokes and have fun together, and I have never had any problem with that. Although sometimes it prickles, I ignore the insecurity because I decide to trust him instead. So why is me having a friend of the opposite gender such a crime? Why am I a sl*t for talking to my friend but its justified for him because they're friends? He has also done multiple hurtful things to me, but I always choose to understand and forgive, hoping he will learn, and giving him the benefit of the doubt. So why can't he do the same for me? Why am I such a villain in his eyes just for trying to ease my load of hurt but talking to a FRIEND? If he had done the same and if it was a person who was just a platonic friend to him, I would have understood, especially if he had apologized to me as many times as I have done.
TLDR: I had a conversation with my male friend about my relationship problems, and now my boyfriend thinks I am a cheater and questions my character. How do I win his trust? How do we move forward?
submitted by Hot_Pilot6926 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:36 Human-Champion-1609 MOH Speech Review

I am so terrified to give a speech this weekend at my best friends wedding. I'm hoping for any type of honest feedback. Thank you in advance!
Good evening everyone,I'm Emily, Sam's best friend, and I'm honored to be standing here as her Maid of Honor.
Sam and I first met, 14 years ago. She saved me (as she often does) from a lonely lunch table, and we instantly clicked. Throughout our years of friendship, and the various iterations of ourselves we've grown through, my admiration for Sam has only deepened. She has been a consistent source of inspiration, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and the best person to laugh with. If I had to describe Sam in one word, it would be "kind." She exudes selflessness in everything she does.
Now, for Karl. When they first started dating, Sam was all smiles. I'll admit, I was a bit protective at first, but that’s a best friends job. I’m supposed to grill him extensively every single time I drink. Then as time passed, it became evident that their love was something truly special. You can see it in the way they look at each other – everyone deserves to be looked at like that.
Sam and Karl are a perfect match. Whether it's their shared love for animals (especially their beloved dog Blue and two guinea pigs) or binge-watching their favorite TV shows, they're happiest when they're together. Karl, your laid-back demeanor and unwavering support for her are evident in everything you do.
One of the moments I knew Karl was perfect for Sam was when I saw him caring for their guinea pigs. Sam takes her guinea pigs very seriously – she once (deservedly) punched me in the face when I called them lame. Karl, you embraced her passion for them and showed such genuine care.
But let's be real – being Sam's best friend isn't always easy. It's frustrating because she's practically unroastable, because she's such an incredible friend that I constantly question if I'm as good as a friend to her. And yes, because she's always been right about everything, even if she does claim to be a witch.
Now, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. Sam and Karl have experienced both heartbreak and joy. But through it all, Karl has been a pillar of strength for Sam, especially during the loss of her mother Laura. Laura may not be here with us physically, but her spirit surrounds us tonight, and I have no doubt she's watching over this beautiful moment.
So, let's raise our glasses to Karl and Sam. Here's to a lifetime of love, laughter, and shared weirdness. I love you both.
submitted by Human-Champion-1609 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:35 Professional-Disk901 Just eloped and need some advice to help my husband escape his mother

Yesterday my husband and I (Im 22 hes turning 22 next week) eloped we had a small ceremony in the town by his college with our two best friends and a hired officiant. No one but those present and a few other close friends know about us getting married.
Basically we're high-school sweethearts we've been together for 6 years but his mother has never approved of me because I'm not Asian like him and I didn't get into an Ivy league college like him. At the beginning of our relationship only she has had an issue with me but over the years she's turned his whole family against me because I listen to metal and go to metal concerts so she assumes I do drugs, sleep around, and worship the devil. She also tell hers family that its my fault that hes gotten rebellious and talks back to her and because of me he keeps secrets from her so I'm apparently tearing apart the family. She also blames his mental health on me saying his ADHD got worse because of me even though he was diagnosed as a kid and she hid it from everyone and kept it untreated because she refused to believe something was wrong with her son. And when he constantly told his family he had trouble focusing they told him that he wasn't trying hard enough and finally one of his aunts took him to a phycologist behind his mom's back and he was diagnosed with ADHD, sever depression, and anxiety and it was revealed that he was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid and treatment should have been started then. She also is convinced that I'm only with him because I'm after her money. Ironically she's psychotherapist and college professor that teaches child development so they're relatively well off. She's met my family and the fact that we live in a poorer part of the city and my dad made a comment about taxes she assumed that we're poor white trash Trump supporters so I must be after their money. She also tracks his location like a hawk if he goes somewhere he doesn't normally go she assumes he's with me. His freshman year I would come up and get a hotel because I couldn't stay in his dorm because of covid and we'd get food together after his classes he wouldn't even come to my hotel and she'd freak out about him going to cafes and restaurants. His Sophomore and Junior years id come up once every like 3 months and stay in his dorm with him but during his junior year he wasn't doing well in classes because he was finally on medication for his ADHD, depression, and anxiety but because it was pretty severe they changed his dosage a bunch of times and it messed him up. She came up unannounced and caught me in his dorm and then blamed his falling grades on me and berated me saying I'm not good enough for him and I'm tearing their family apart and I'm just some devil worshiping whore and she asked me if I've slept with him and was like "he's going to have to get std tested now" and "he only likes you because you opened your legs for him like a whore". Unfortunately he would have moved out already but she's paying for his tuition and everything which is over 50k a year so he's stuck with her for now but he's graduating in 6 months. (He's a half a year behind because of when we wasn't doing well because of the meds). We decided to get married because we weren't going to let his mother separate us again because she caused us to split once and we realized the only problem with our relationship is her.
Yesterday my husband's childhood friend drove up to be a witness in our wedding but also to be the distraction to get my husband out of the house so he came up and told my husband's mom that he was here to see him because his birthday is next week and his mom was immediately suspicious. She tracked my husband and thankfully after our ceremony after everyone had changed and the officiant had already left she pulled up in her car next to my husband's friends car, saw me and my best friend in the back seat and my husband and his friend in the front and she staring banging on the windows and screaming that I'm a psyco and I'm not good for him and that my husband was manipulated by me and that she was disappointed in my husband's friend for lying to them. We immediately drove off, we dropped my best friend off at the airport and she begged me to go with her (we both work for an airline so if there's open seats we can just list and get on for free and there were plenty of open seats) because she was scared my mother in law would do something to me but I told her I'd be fine. After we dropped her off we drove to my hotel which my husband's best friend also got a room at and we both checked in and during that my husband's mother called demanding to know why we were at a hotel and he said I left to the airport and his friend was just checking in. His mother threatened him saying if he didn't come home she would kick him out. So my husband and his friend left and his mother drove out to the hotel and told my husband she was going to raid the hotel and find me and that I'm dead after this. She literally sat in her car in front of the hotel for like 20 min and then went home his family berated his friend and then said he could stay there for the night so which he said absolutely not you people are crazy so I got a hotel.
It seems like she didnt piece together that we got married at least but she flipped out from me just being there. To make matters worse she apparently watched some documentary called Jennifer did it and now she's convinced that me and my husband are plotting to kill her. I know he has to deal with her for now but after seeing how crazy she was yesterday I think even when he graduates and he moves out (which he'll be moving in with me and I'm already prepared to financially support him until he gets a job too, I make almost six figures I'm not some poor kid like his mom thinks) I think she'll stalk us or harass us. I told him when he packs all his stuff and I pick him up to be like "bye I'm moving in with my wife" but like even then I'm sure she's still going to be insane. I talked to lawyers about restraining orders but they've said it probably won't work because she is his mom so it's unlikely we'd actually get the restraining order.
Any advice?
submitted by Professional-Disk901 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:35 Ok_Afternoon_110 They objected to my marriage, wanted me to support them.

My parents were always selfish. I quickly determined that my sibling was what they wanted and I was alternately the mistake or someone to be used. My friends went to camp. I had a maintenance and cleaning schedule. My summer vacations never existed. I was routinely robbed of cash and brutalized (til I got too big and one time punched back-I was threatened with jail). I met my now wife. As I was leaving on a date, he ran up to me and told me not to get involved. I owed him. I asked what and he told me that I was going to support the two of them. He wanted me to be his version of one of his friend’s sons. This guy squandered his retirement, and made his son dutifully turn over his pay, and once a month dad would allow him to go out. I laughed. He began a campaign to ruin my relationship. He told my FIL that I was a theif. I would rape and murder his family. My FIL physically removed my father from his home. They attempted to disrupt the wedding and lost most of their family, who were finally made aware of their actions. First day of the honeymoon my mother was calling to demand I clear their names. Returned from the honeymoon to a wrecked car and a trashed apartment. Old man really screwed himself. I had him on the building’s security tapes. Showed at his house with my buddy who happened to be a cop. Laid down that either I am compensated or he goes to jail. He laughed. My buddy cuffed him. Mom gave me the keys to his secret stash of cash. He really sat up and took notice: I took enough to re furnish our apartment, hotel stay for a week til the apartment is cleaned, and enough for a car to replace my baby who I lovingly had restored. In total $35K. Told him that if he makes a lot of noise I will turn him into the tax department. Tell them where and why he stashes cash. That finally put them in their place. Did not stop her from bad mouthing us for years.
submitted by Ok_Afternoon_110 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]
