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2024.05.20 08:24 Objective-Soup-7603 Help

This is a really tough one, so please try not to judge. I know that what I did was wrong and I’m not trying to make any excuses. Here is goes:
I’ve had a rough few weeks lately. A little over a week ago my boyfriend of almost 8 1/2 years broke up with me. He had gone through my phone after I gave him the password earlier in the day while I was sleeping and found out I had been cheating on him. I’m not sure what all he went through on my phone but I know he saw my messages where I was flirting with a few other men including a guy he know that I told him not to worry about. I haven’t actually done anything with these guys just let them flirt with me and talk me up, sent a few nudes and soaked up the compliments. I know. Terrible. I’m not sure how much background I should give but my now ex boyfriend (M 22) and me (F 22) have been having issues since about our 7 year mark. Nothing crazy but I started getting the itch and feeling curious about being with others and going out but he is a homebody and doesn’t drink or anything. We talked things out and went to therapy and tried to make things work. I told him to start going to the gym and working on himself (he has depression pretty bad) or we would have to separate for the best. He started working on things but then he ended up in the hospital because our school was concerned and advised him to seek medical help for worry of suicide. I was by his side the whole time and had to miss school and work the next day. He then told me he wasn’t working on himself for him but for me and he in fact wasn’t truly working on himself at all just putting on a happy face and hiding it from me. I stopped talking to any guys during this time to focus on him. And we started doing really good the sex started getting better and we were happy again. He has always not trusted me and has been very insecure. He’s shorter than me and is below average in size and has said he’s insecure about it although it never bothered me. He showed up up at school late one night having a panic attack about me cheating on him (I wasn’t at this time and had never done it before, absolutely nothing i was extremely committed and monogamous) and it really hurt me that no matter what I did. He didn’t trust me. I couldn’t make any guy friends or go anywhere. I felt trapped. Also important to mention that one of my biggest problems wasn’t the sex or anything it was that I was practically his mom. I did his taxes, any and all paperwork, planned all the dates and financed them, I did his fafsa’s, his school paperwork, applications, resumes, and a lot of his homework. I wrote several essays he didn’t start until finals week and got him the grade he needed to pass the class. He was skipping classes and work and not telling me. He was also failing classes as well. What’s terrible about this is that I was using my unused loan money to pay for his school (under the expectation I’d get it back when he got a job) I tried so hard to help him with school and it barely got him by. So at this point he owes me over 20,000 most of which in loans I have to pay back. And has to complete 2 final courses to get his diploma by the end of the summer or he’ll have to come back. He hasn’t gotten a job yet (we work very limited hours at our school getting paid once a month at minimum wage) despite having been “looking” for the last 6 months (he’s an IT major). Anyways, fast forward to the night before he broke up with me: He went to my brother talked about it , called my best friend talk to her about it, didn’t sleep all night and waited until later in the day to break up with me while I was at work. He didn’t want discuss anything and we haven’t talked about any of it since. After I admitted I was feeling like Kms he went to my family and told them a lot of details. It really pissed me off and now my best friend won’t talk to me, which makes things a lot worse. Yes, to add one more important detail he has had a very easy life has been coddled and taken care of, and hasn’t had any tragedy in his life. I’ve been through a lot and on top of dealing with his depression. I have to deal with my brother and dad’s depression. Where I’m constantly talking my dad off the ledge and trying to keep him together and employed so he doesn’t lose the house. im emotionally and physically exhausted and I’ve had to be the mom to my brother dad and boyfriend for years. I was balancing this and full-time student and worker so I barely had enough time to focus on my own mental health and problems and never properly got to deal with my mom who committed suicide a little over a year ago in my old room. This isn’t meant to be a sad story and I don’t want anyone to feel bad for me but it kind of feels like I’ve been through a lot and had no one there for me where now he’s the victim because I fucked up.
I want to hear opinions and maybe advice on my situation to help me navigate my future and not lose all hope?
submitted by Objective-Soup-7603 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:24 TheFlaccidCarrot Rebirth's approach to difficulty and the player base's lactose intolerance

This is not a rant post about the combat sim, nor is it an overly long way of saying "git gud" to those of you struggling with the platinum. What this *is*, is a theory on why so many people are complaining when it didn't feel that way during Remake's release window.
Rebirth is too big for its own good, when it comes to balancing, and it feels like 7 different people were in charge of different aspects of the hard mode.
Think back to Remake's hard mode. If we're being honest with ourselves, it wasn't particularly hard. Standard enemies would only give you trouble if A) you'd come back from a hiatus or B)you weren't level 50 quite yet. Scorpion Sentinel mostly plays itself, chapter 2's horde of mooks fell apart in the face of punisher mode counter, chapter 3's boss is 4 hoodlums, most of chapter 4 is on the bike, and its not until Roche that the game takes the training wheels off. You have time to acclimate, to gain exp, and to figure out that 90% of early enemies are weak to fire + braver.
Let's compare to Rebirth's opening chapters on hard: Sephiroth makes things easy at first, chapter 2 offers a long break from serious combat and then.... -You get stunlock combo'd to death by a flower field -Your party members stand still in the face of Midgardsormr's fire breath so you better have elemental Materia. -White Terror can explode 5 times in a row but its unblockable and non elemental. Have fun with that dps check -Mythril Golem can passively launch very painful missiles *forever* and neither of your characters have high magic. -Here's an enemy that never stays in place, casts protect on itself and all its attacks interrupt yours. -Roche casts reflect pretty often so either pump that dps or have fun holding block for 60 seconds.
It's...a lot. It's brutal. It is unrelenting. But the solution is obvious: cheese.
All of those roadblocks have very obvious, and very effective weaknesses. Once you realize chocobo stops refill MP, you're free to spam spell combos to your heart's content and make your way through Gaia yet again. Except...
This is the opposite of how Remake handled things. You party was very fluid back then, not to mention limited. You spend most of the game without a tank, Aerith's the only reliable source of magic in more ways than one and Tifa's defensive options are nothing like the other characters. You were encouraged to make as versatile a build as possible so that any surprises could be dealt with somewhat effectively, and you have to be conservative in the latter half of the game where bosses start doubling up in each chapter. Kind of like the original game did....
Compare this to every Rebirth guide, which has you going off to grind every single possible Materia and then nullifying the enemy completely. Even if its not stop-stagger or a dedicated sleeper, you're almost forced to be reactionary. Every boss is completely different from the last, which is great for the first playthrough but annoying as all hell when it means you gotta sit there and die repeatedly until you figure out an entirely new Materia loadout.
Rufus, Sephiroth 1,2 and 4, all of the archfiends, Phoenix, Kujata, Gilgamesh, Red Dragon, Yin and Yang, Roche 2, Midgardsormr, Mythril Golem, Gigatrice, Gallian Beast, all of the Double Summon fights and *especially* all of the Brutal Challenges revolve around the boss' ability to nullify your character. They all cannot be beaten conventionally and do exorbitant amounts of damage under nearly unavoidable conditions. You will not get past these fights without specializing into some sort of role. You go into the menu, drop anything non-essential (anything you thought would be fun to use) and go full utilitarian. How many resistances can I get? How do I maximize the value of the element they're weak to. Do I need first strike to get the ball rolling? Can I afford an MP up to get through the rest of the chapter? It's a game of cat and mouse except you're both nullifying the other's strategy, waging a war of attrition until you run out of patience and try something different only to be stomped into the ground.
Stay in your lane. Stick to the plan. If we load up Aerith with a maxed out Blizzaga she can maybe kill the dragon before lava reaches us. Do not engage in the mechanics. Do not try and use the character's abilities. Stop with Magnify and abuse synergy materia, until the fight is over. Cheese vs. Cheese back and forth eternally. It's so polarizing, and so antithetical to what the previous game taught you. Most players don't like playing that way, they don't like working hard training until the challenge itself has become trivial. They're lactose intolerant, if you will.
Hard mode has you changing your Materia constantly, combat sim has you spamming the same spells against what has effectively become a brick wall. The game quite simply stops being fun, because the focus is now on crafting the game breaking build.
Is it really so far fetched that people aren't fond of this direction?
submitted by TheFlaccidCarrot to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:23 Outrageous_Tonight46 Prozac withdrawals? How to cope with them?

Hi so 26F. I’ve basically been on antidepressants ever since middle school. So since I was about 12-13ish. And I’ve been on all of them really. I’ve been on 20mg of Prozac for about a year now to come off of cymbalta because the cymbalta withdrawals were absolutely insane. It’s been about a month being off of Prozac and I’m assuming I’m still having withdrawals?
I’ve getting bad brain zaps, numbness and tingling in my hands arms and face, random flushing in my face and chest, mood swings, weird eating habits, bad sleeping habits (usually fall asleep around 4-6am and wake up around 1-2pm) and dizziness.
I’ve been taking meclizine for the dizziness and it helps a little. But barely.
I can hardly function. I’ve heard people say to try and work out but I absolutely can’t. I fall and have to take breaks constantly. I can hardly walk my dog anymore. Even just sitting at my desk or laying down I get all of these symptoms and it sucks. Even just typing this my face is numb. There’s tingling in my hands and face. And just the physical symptoms are absolutely fueling my anxiety.
I’ve done meditation but it only helps so little. I really don’t know what to do. Has anyone felt any of this before? Especially the brain zaps and tingling of the hands and face? My dad has been on all kinds of antidepressants too, but when I ask him about withdrawals he said he’s just never had a single withdrawal in his life. So idk. I’m just so worried that I’m dying because of my facial numbness and tingling. The brain zaps are so annoying. And idk how long this is gonna last. 😭
My partner is being supportive though and is always trying his best to help but he’s never been on antidepressants before so he doesn’t fully know what to expect or what to do.
submitted by Outrageous_Tonight46 to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 _Skugg_ ESP32 (Seeed Xiao-C3) DIY moisture sensor - questions

Let me prephase my post with that I am very new to ESPHome and microelectronics in general. I have no electrician/developer background, so I am mostly stumbling around.
I managed to put together a soil moisture sensor and integrated it via HomeAssistant through ESPHome using the following components:
My code in ESPHome (HomeAssistant add-on) is below.
I did my sensor calibration and got around 1.75V submerged in a glass of water and around 2.61V out in dry air on room temperature. For now I am powering the Xiao via USB-C and using the 3v3 pin to connect the sensor’s VCC pin. This way the sensor works fine, however after a while (running it, say, for an hour), the sensor voltage drops very low. Is this normal, does the Xiao goes into some sort of sleep mode, even though it is not yet configured that way? I am planning to use this mostly in deep sleep, where the Xiao would only wake up every 4-6 hours for 10-20 seconds to broadcast its readings, so not sure if this will be an issue once that part is added to the code.
As you can see in the config there is a GPIO pin configured to use as VCC input for the sensor to avoid the sensor draining on the battery whilst the Xiao is in deep sleep (that is to be configured later, I have the code for it). This is apparently a common "trick" for this application, however, when I try to connect the VCC pin of the sensor to the configured GPIO, the readings are no longer consistent. Going back to the 3v3 output pin, the sensor is once again working as it should. What am I doing wrong?
I would also like to add some kind of a battery sensor calculation, as these sensors will be placed outdoors. I am planning to follow this wiring schematic for adding some resistors, would this work? What kind of resistors would you recommend to maximize energy efficiency?
esphome: name: wifi-moisture-sensor friendly_name: Lawn Moisture Sensor on_boot: then: - switch.turn_on: sensor_power on_shutdown: then: - switch.turn_off: sensor_power esp32: board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1 framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "..." ota: password: "..." wifi: ssid: "..." password: "..." fast_connect: on power_save_mode: LIGHT manual_ip: static_ip: x.x.x.x gateway: x.x.x.x subnet: x.x.x.x dns1: x.x.x.x # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Lawn Moisture Sensor" password: "..." captive_portal: sensor: - platform: adc pin: number: 3 allow_other_uses: True name: "Soil Surface Moisture Voltage" id: soil_surface_moisture_voltage update_interval: 2s attenuation: 11db - platform: adc pin: number: 3 allow_other_uses: True name: "Soil Moisture" unit_of_measurement: "%" device_class: MOISTURE update_interval: 2s attenuation: 11db filters: - calibrate_linear: - 1.75 -> 100.00 - 2.61 -> 0.00 - lambda: if (x < 0) return 0; else if (x > 100) return 100; else return (x); accuracy_decimals: 0 switch: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO10 id: sensor_power internal: true 
submitted by _Skugg_ to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:13 UpperMeeting3551 Potential Passion or a Realistic Degree?

TLDR at the bottom.
Note: This is about Canadian universities but the struggle is universal haha.
Hi, i’m your usual senior that’s confused about their life choices now that we’re in the last stretch of the year.
My initial plan was to become an accountant— i’m not particularly passionate about anything that I would pursue it as an actual career and I never was good at the STEM subjects so I chose Business Administration— I took a couple courses in hs and I enjoyed it, so I kind of just ended up sticking to it. As a result I did coop in an accounting office.
So when it came to applying to universites last fall, I ended up applying to bba/bacc programs and luckily I ended up being accepted to all the university’s (my eyes are on laurier bba).
My thought process was if I go to University do coop then I would have a good job out of uni (which is definitely way easier said than done lmao). Doing coop would probably help me pay for uni— so in a way it’s the most financially viable option.
Ever since I was young I’ve always wanted to travel the world— and now live comfortably I can without being too much into debt.
That was until I jokingly applied to UCarleton’s BPAPM program (with a focus on International Relations) and by some turn of the universe, got accepted. I thought that studying International Relations would be a kickass thing to study, so I applied for fun (earlier this month) but in high school I never really got involved on that side of career or researched thoroughly what it would entail. I thought that getting a job as a diplomat or an fse would be pretty cool (again, no research. just an idea).
My issue is that, in the long run, i’m worried that it just won’t be worth it for me financially— which probably sounds really dumb but the experience won't. I don’t want to be a burden to my parents and i know that i’m able to even have the opportunity to choose, that’s why i was set on accounting in the first place.
My highest grades in high school have always been in history, english and languages m(i love learning languages)— but I don’t know if i have the personality/drive to work in the government. I know there are a lot of different jobs within departments but being a politican is out of the park for me— that is something positive that I don’t want to do but maybe that’s just because I haven’t experienced it (looks scary to me though, lol).
At the same time, my idea was that, I could always transfer between careers (first become an accountant, and then work for the government (potentially applying to Carlenton’s NSPIA program and then study international relations with a backup career at hand) — this is if life goes accordingly ( i can hear 30 year old me laughing in the distance no matter what career that me is in)
I’m worried that I only like the idea of doing the degree because it seems really (for both degree) and I’m afraid that I’ll make the wrong choice compared to the realistic outlook of doing accounting or that i’m just having second thoughts.
Anyways, any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
TLDR: Should I do accounting in university (the safe realistic route) or should I do a bachelor’s in Public Policy and Management with a focus on international relations (something I know I’m probably more passionate about the road isn’t as clear as accounting).
submitted by UpperMeeting3551 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:12 UpperMeeting3551 Potential Passion or a Realistic Degree?

TLDR at the bottom.
Note: This is about Canadian universities but the struggle is universal haha.
Hi, i’m your usual senior that’s confused about their life choices now that we’re in the last stretch of the year.
My initial plan was to become an accountant— i’m not particularly passionate about anything that I would pursue it as an actual career and I never was good at the STEM subjects so I chose Business Administration— I took a couple courses in hs and I enjoyed it, so I kind of just ended up sticking to it. As a result I did coop in an accounting office.
So when it came to applying to universites last fall, I ended up applying to bba/bacc programs and luckily I ended up being accepted to all the university’s (my eyes are on laurier bba).
My thought process was if I go to University do coop then I would have a good job out of uni (which is definitely way easier said than done lmao). Doing coop would probably help me pay for uni— so in a way it’s the most financially viable option.
Ever since I was young I’ve always wanted to travel the world— and now live comfortably I can without being too much into debt.
That was until I jokingly applied to UCarleton’s BPAPM program (with a focus on International Relations) and by some turn of the universe, got accepted. I thought that studying International Relations would be a kickass thing to study, so I applied for fun (earlier this month) but in high school I never really got involved on that side of career or researched thoroughly what it would entail. I thought that getting a job as a diplomat or an fse would be pretty cool (again, no research. just an idea).
My issue is that, in the long run, i’m worried that it just won’t be worth it for me financially— which probably sounds really dumb but the experience won't. I don’t want to be a burden to my parents and i know that i’m able to even have the opportunity to choose, that’s why i was set on accounting in the first place.
My highest grades in high school have always been in history, english and languages m(i love learning languages)— but I don’t know if i have the personality/drive to work in the government. I know there are a lot of different jobs within departments but being a politician is out of the park for me— that is something positive that I don’t want to do but maybe that’s just because I haven’t experienced it (looks scary to me though, lol).
At the same time, my idea was that, I could always transfer between careers (first become an accountant, and then work for the government (potentially applying to Carlenton’s NSPIA program and then study international relations with a backup career at hand) — this is if life goes accordingly ( i can hear 30 year old me laughing in the distance no matter what career that me is in)
I’m worried that I only like the idea of doing the degree because it seems really (for both degree) and I’m afraid that I’ll make the wrong choice compared to the realistic outlook of doing accounting or that i’m just having second thoughts.
Anyways, any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
TLDR: Should I do accounting in university (the safe realistic route) or should I do a bachelor’s in Public Policy and Management with a focus on international relations (something I know I’m probably more passionate about the road isn’t as clear as accounting).
submitted by UpperMeeting3551 to CollegeMajors [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:11 Sweet-Count2557 Chicago Chop House Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States

Chicago Chop House Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
Chicago Chop House Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
Chicago Chop House: A Journey Back in Time to Old Chicago's Vibrant Past River North, Chicago, IL
Price Level: $$$$
Located in an immaculately restored Victorian brownstone in the popular River North neighborhood, the Chicago Chop House is a must-visit restaurant for any traveler. Stepping into this establishment is like taking a journey back in time to old Chicago, as over 1400 historical photos adorn the walls, showcasing the city's vibrant past. As a true Chicago steakhouse, the Chicago Chop House offers an unparalleled dining experience. All steaks are butchered in-house daily, ensuring the highest quality cuts. From Grade A5 Japanese Wagyu beef to a wide selection of wet and dry-aged steaks, including the impressive 26-ounce dry-aged Tomahawk Ribeye, there is something to satisfy every steak lover's palate. It's worth noting that the Chicago Chop House exclusively serves USDA Prime steaks, which are hand-cut on the premises. Please be aware that a 3.5% processing fee is added to all credit card transactions, and cash payments are encouraged. If you choose to pay with cash, kindly request your server to remove the processing fee.
Cuisines of Chicago Chop House in Chicago,IL,United States
Chicago Chop House Restaurant is a culinary haven for those seeking a taste of American classics with a touch of sophistication. Specializing in steakhouse cuisine, this renowned establishment offers an array of mouthwatering dishes that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning palates. From perfectly grilled steaks to succulent seafood options, the menu at Chicago Chop House is a celebration of all things meaty and delicious. But what sets this restaurant apart is its commitment to catering to various dietary needs. With an extensive selection of gluten-free options, diners with dietary restrictions can indulge in the flavors of this iconic eatery without worry. Whether you're a wine enthusiast or simply looking for a memorable dining experience, Chicago Chop House Restaurant is the perfect destination to savor the best of American cuisine in a cozy and elegant setting.
Features of Chicago Chop House in Chicago,IL,United States
Gift Cards AvailablePrivate DiningSeatingValet ParkingServes AlcoholFull BarAccepts Credit CardsTable ServiceReservationsStreet ParkingWine and BeerAccepts American ExpressAccepts MastercardAccepts VisaAccepts DiscoverLive MusicNon-smoking restaurants
Menu of Chicago Chop House in Chicago,IL,United States
Location of Chicago Chop House in Chicago,IL,United States
Contact of Chicago Chop House in Chicago,IL,United States
+1 312-787-7100
60 W Ontario St, Chicago, IL 60654-3823
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:10 Hot_Bandicoot_3839 Are there any easy solutions for Mfc100.dll errors?

Are there any easy solutions for Mfc100.dll errors?

Putting in a Microsoft security update is most likely the best way to fix mfc100.dll errors.

There are situations that can delete or damage the mfc100.dll file, which can lead to errors. These errors might sometimes mean that there is a problem with the registry, a virus or malware, or even a hardware failure.
Note: Any programme or system that might use the file on any of Microsoft's operating systems—Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, etc.—may receive the mfc100.dll error message.

Mfc100.dll Error Messages

Mfc100.dll errors may manifest on your computer in a number of ways, including:
  • File Mfc100.dll Not Found
  • mfc100.dll was not found, thus this application could not start. Reinstalling the programme might resolve this issue.
  • No [PATH]\mfc100.dll found
  • Your computer does not contain mfc100.dll, thus this programme cannot start.
  • Mfc100.dll is not present.
  • Start [APPLICATION] not possible. Missing is a necessary component: DLL file mfc100.
  • Do install [APPLICATION] once more, please.
It helps to be acutely aware of when you spot the mistake. Windows starts or shuts down, while using or installing specific programmes, or perhaps even during a Windows installation, these error messages may appear.

Fixing Mfc100.dll Problems

Try the easier fixes first by following these instructions in the sequence they are listed below.
Important: Never download mfc100.dll from a "DLL download" website. DLL file downloads of that kind are unwise for a number of reasons. Get a copy of this file from its original, authorized source if you need one.
  1. Run Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update after downloading it. This will replace/restore the most recent Microsoft copy of mfc100.dll.
Microsoft offers you two download choices for this update, x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit), according to the version of Windows you have installed. Get vcredist_x86.exe if you require the 32-bit version. Version 64-bit is called vcredist_x64.exe.
Note: Some users have reported that even if you're running a 64-bit version of Windows, some programmes still need the 32-bit install. Remember that in case finishing this stage doesn't solve the issue.
Because it only affects Itanium CPUs, which are typically found only on server hardware, most people can ignore the "ia" option in the name, vcredist_ia64.exe.
Note: Should the problem prevent you from accessing Windows normally, launch Windows in Safe Mode to finish any of these actions.
  1. Pull the file back out of the recycle bin. A "missing" mfc100.dll file can be caused most easily by a mistaken deletion. Should you suspect this but have already deleted the Recycle Bin, a free file recovery programme might be able to retrieve it.
Important: Only if you are sure you deleted the file yourself and that it was operating correctly before you did that is it a wise idea to recover the file this way.
  1. To replace a corrupted or missing copy of the mfc100.dll file, run the sfc /scannow System File Checker programme. Microsoft supplied this DLL file, thus System File Checker ought to be able to restore it.
  2. Complete a full system virus/malware scan. Certain mfc100.dll problems may be caused by a virus or other malware infection on your machine that has harmed the DLL file. Even the possibility exists that the problem you're experiencing has to do with a malicious programme posing as the file.
  3. Undo recent system changes with System Restore. System Restore may help if you believe a modification to a crucial file or configuration is what caused the issue.
  4. Reinstall the application causing the mfc100.dll error. If a certain programme gives you one of these problems, reinstalling it could be helpful.
  5. Then test your hard drive after your memory. Though I've saved most hardware troubleshooting for last, the memory and hard drive of your computer are the most likely to fail and are therefore easy to test. As soon as the hardware fails any of your tests, swap out the hard drive or the memory.
  6. Check the Windows installation. Restoring all Windows DLL files to their functional versions should be possible with a startup repair or repair installation if the individual troubleshooting suggestions given above are not successful.
  7. Install Windows cleanly. This will install a brand-new version of Windows and remove everything from the hard drive. This needs to be your next move if none of the previous ones fix the mfc100.dll error.Important: A clean install will remove every bit of data from your hard drive. Verify that you have tried every troubleshooting step before this one to try and resolve the mfc100.dll error.
  8. Should any problems continue, look into a hardware issue. Your DLL issue can only be hardware related after a clean Windows install.

Have More Questions?

See How Do I Get My Computer Fixed? for a complete list of your support options, along with assistance with everything along the way including determining repair costs, getting your files off, selecting a repair service, and much more, if you don't think fixing this problem yourself is working out too well.
Learn about how to recover lost bitlocker data easily
submitted by Hot_Bandicoot_3839 to datarevivalsquad [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:10 UpperMeeting3551 Potential Passion or a Realistic Degree?

TLDR at the bottom.
Note: This is about Canadian universities but the struggle is universal haha.
Hi, i’m your usual senior that’s confused about their life choices now that we’re in the last stretch of the year.
My initial plan was to become an accountant— i’m not particularly passionate about anything that I would pursue it as an actual career and I never was good at the STEM subjects so I chose Business Administration— I took a couple courses in hs and I enjoyed it, so I kind of just ended up sticking to it. As a result I did coop in an accounting office.
So when it came to applying to universites last fall, I ended up applying to bba/bacc programs and luckily I ended up being accepted to all the university’s (my eyes are on laurier bba).
My thought process was if I go to University do coop then I would have a good job out of uni (which is definitely way easier said than done lmao). Doing coop would probably help me pay for uni— so in a way it’s the most financially viable option.
Ever since I was young I’ve always wanted to travel the world— and now live comfortably I can without being too much into debt.
That was until I jokingly applied to UCarleton’s BPAPM program (with a focus on International Relations) and by some turn of the universe, got accepted. I thought that studying International Relations would be a kickass thing to study, so I applied for fun (earlier this month) but in high school I never really got involved on that side of career or researched thoroughly what it would entail. I thought that getting a job as a diplomat or an fse would be pretty cool (again, no research. just an idea).
My issue is that, in the long run, i’m worried that it just won’t be worth it for me financially— which probably sounds really dumb but the experience won't. I don’t want to be a burden to my parents and i know that i’m able to even have the opportunity to choose, that’s why i was set on accounting in the first place.
My highest grades in high school have always been in history, english and languages m(i love learning languages)— but I don’t know if i have the personality/drive to work in the government. I know there are a lot of different jobs within departments but being a politican is out of the park for me— that is something positive that I don’t want to do but maybe that’s just because I haven’t experienced it (looks scary to me though, lol).
At the same time, my idea was that, I could always transfer between careers (first become an accountant, and then work for the government (potentially applying to Carlenton’s NSPIA program and then study international relations with a backup career at hand) — this is if life goes accordingly ( i can hear 30 year old me laughing in the distance no matter what career that me is in)
I’m worried that I only like the idea of doing the degree because it seems really (for both degree) and I’m afraid that I’ll make the wrong choice compared to the realistic outlook of doing accounting or that i’m just having second thoughts.
Anyways, any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
TLDR: Should I do accounting in university (the safe realistic route) or should I do a bachelor’s in Public Policy and Management with a focus on international relations (something I know I’m probably more passionate about the road isn’t as clear as accounting).
submitted by UpperMeeting3551 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:10 aweirdonamedsock How Would You "Fix" Villagers?

So, many people agree the villagers in NH were too samey and they needed more dialogue. And, obviously when a new game comes out the hope is that they improve this. But tbh, I think Nintendo could do so much more with villagers. Imagine for a moment, you are in the design room, what do you think would make villagers notably better than they are currently that's reasonably achievable?
Here's my hot take, even if the villagers had 100 extra lines of dialogue there's still a problem, at least 2 of my villagers are exactly the same. There's 10 villagers and 8 personalities, which means no matter what you have minimum 2 repeated personalities (and let's be real, most people have more repeats than that) which contributes massively to the dialogue feeling stale.
Is the solution more personality types? No! Because the second thing everyone complains about is wanting more villagers, so we would just run into the problem again.
So whats my solution? Giving villagers more dialog "pools" to draw from. A villagers personality would set their base dialogue (sidebar: I would like at least 2 personalities to be standoffish if not outright mean so it's more rewarding to befriend them, ur girl loves a project), then they would have 2-3 other traits/interests that they could "grab" dialogue from instead.
Depending on how in depth they wanted to go, this could functionally replace hobbies. Here are some example traits/interests, with some "hobby" style reactions to go with them:
So for example Sherb could be [Lazy, Goat, Snowy], and Biskit could be [Lazy, Dog, Stargazer]. Even just one extra "trait" would help these villagers feel like different characters with similar personalities rather than 1 guy wearing different hats, and it would mean if the dialogue got stale there would be a reason to let your villager move out for someone else with different interests, even if their personality is the same.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, remember Nintendo is one of the biggest game companies in the world and it is not unreasonable to hold them to higher standards, tip ur waitress, etc, etc.
submitted by aweirdonamedsock to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:09 _AquarianAvacados VENT IT OUT// I really can't make this ish up. I (slipped-up) messaged my once "friend"/ex of 11 yrs new gf exposing my conartist-esque ex after I had had enough of his games. And not even 2 weeks later....every single thing I attempted to expose - he is working on covering back up far quicker.

There is SO much through those horrible 11 years. But the last 2.5 have truly been the hardest, mostly because I am just EXHAUSTED to the point....I don't even usually bother fighting against a single thing/become comfortable as the door matt.
What did me in, is he owes my grandmother $3k for HIS HALF of unpaid debt to her. They are currently (under my dumb stupid blessing) are letting him rent what is my family's home they are leaving to me when they die for a whooping $600 a month. S I X HUNDRED. 3br 1bth huge fenced back and front yard. 3 porches. Huge attached garage. $600.......
He knew it was only a 6 month agreement. And that either I would be retaking my home, or the rent would be raised to $1000, as i would be taking $600 of it monthly and planned to use it towards a rental of my own. (My family and i truly helped him willingly, so he at least had 6 months to get on his feet.) I on the other hand, was fortunate enough to have my recently divorced bff of 25 years with an open room in her home, badabingbadaboom.
Truthfully, I was basically forced out of my house before I had a say. It wasn't my first choice to leave every bit if furniture/my daughter's bedroom set/ect...THAT I ALONE have purchased throughout the years, to my floppy meatsuit of an ex manchild who's idea of "hard labor" is mowing a lawn..but it was my ONLY choice. (That's another story for another day, lol. This one's long enough)
Anyways the 6 months is up, and it had come time to go forward with what was already previously understood as to happen...I should have seen it coming, given that he suddenly started to attempt far more communication (our child being his perfect excuse to disguise what was really going on....
.....and then THIS MF-ER...MAN.... My grandmother tells me on my way out after stopping by for breakfast, that my ex had told her unless they lower the rent for him, he won't pay the 3k debt from TWO years ago now (he promised as soon as he got his tax return, he would pay it) but now he'd need it to find another rental property......this 33 year old man....telling this to My sweet and kind grandmother, who is the a matriarch to my family mind you, she has basically RAISED this 33 year old brat since his infanthood (since he was 22 years old!). ~His parents were 2.5 hours away, his dad is an attorney in some podunk hillbilly town, and his mom is all the worst parts of the gossipy church women put together. They only cared about his younger sister and her two children, lol. So.~
I was floored. I told her something along the lines of "uhhhh I'm pretty sure that's a form of extortion????"
Anyways. I slept on it, and woke up to choosing violence. By violence, I mean I messaged the only thing I knew he "CARED" about, at least for now, until there's nothing for him to gain. I just wanted to make sure he knew where i stood really, and how careful he should tread with me now after hearing that.
...this girl was the other former bff of MY bff. She HATED me for at least a decade. "Frienmies" if yiu will. I had been told SEVERAL times around 6 years ago (ish) that she told our mutual bestie how she was going to "fuck my boyfriend, and get him to leave me. That he was her dream guy" LOFL ...and had witnessed/heard her myself FLIRT with him heavy and totally disrespectfully in front of me. Up until the day they boinked in secret, this girl followed all my social accounts religiously for allll these years....
You can imagine, I had some STUFF I was dying to let out, but I will say, I refrained from being an absolute c-word. I basically in the most passive aggressive tone, EXPOSED what my exs current game was with my family home and the mistreatment of my grandparents.
I told her to ask about his stomach illness he faked so well, had me so SO sympathetic towards him that I asked if he would just instead making basically double pay for the summer months (school district employee) and not taking take off, an I would just work ot graves or whatever extra I could/did...and then how the DAY BEFORE our child started 1st grade, he pulled the rug out from under by creating a literally pointless 4 hours screaming match.....and leaving me, the house, the dogs, and the bills high and dry. No tummy ache to ever come about again...
Or how he had a disguised app with nudes and texts from women he cheated on me with or had fucked when we were in a slump/split. And how she's also in it.
And to ask the father of the year what his 7 year olds doctors name was...we used her since the 2day infant visit lol.
Or to ask him who's been the provider for our child's education since 3 years of age. Her insurance. Dental. Ect. (Hint: it's not him).
I asked her to ask him why he told me that she "owned her own home and was so independent and worked so hard to be where she is now" as a means to rub salt in my wounds while he forced me out if my/OUR old home in the worst mental depression I'd ever dealt with.....when that is not true because she cheated on her husband with multiple men while he was deployed and lost her Marital home in divorce. She lives with her parents and two younger brothers.
Why he was still.texting me and sending me his unsolicited or answered selfies to me.
I wrapped it up with my point of the information being that for my exs sake, I pleaded she encouraged him to don"the right thing".
I mean....I knew he was putting on a dog and pony show for her from day 1. He's a fraud, I learned that over and over. He will lie/manipulative/step on whatever and whoever without a care in the world, all while making whoever they choose to feel as if they're to blame if any sort of conflicts or grievance against them rose.
So I knew in my exes false reality he was painting for this chick was no doubt of how amazing a father he is, and how shitty of a parent and person I am in turn....
side note: ffs he even lowered his own vocal tone forcefully when j met him 11 yrs ago to disguise his godawful nasal screach
WITHIN 10 DAYS. NOT EVEN 2 WEEKS Of me sending her all this...
First text - him asking for our childs doctor's information for the first time in 5 years. Evidently they had a sore throat in the middle of the night. (Mmmmok)
4 days later - he is asking if we could discuss getting her needed dental work finished up as we've put it off for a while (he literally never cared the first phase lol)
That same day - he is pandering sympathy and attention because he's suddenly having stomach attacks again and he's got a colonoscopy scheduled and blahblahblahhhhhh.
I mean....literally the list of the shit I exposed directly goes on and on.....and he made sure to cover up each one down the line. Like. If that isn't "master manipulation".....what is? There has got to be a word for this oh so insanely predictable behavior lol.
Certainly. I'd hope the chick truly SEES what is happening? That the dude is literally whether subconsciously/uncontrollably covering up his actions because he knows deep down, what was done was wrong all around...or just creating and perfecting his own stage right before our eyes? Lol RIGHT?!
I just have to laugh at it all now. It's just a RL sitcom of disaster at this point. 😑
submitted by _AquarianAvacados to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:08 shalene My (33F) Mom (64F) is planning on divorcing my (60m) long-time abusive dad. How do I help my mom while ensuring that my disabled father isn't abandoned to the street?

Context first, predicament(s) after. Feel free to scroll down.
My parents have been together my whole life. Lots of complications throughout the years, etc. I can give an entire history of abuse at the literal hands of my father back to when I was in third grade as I have been deeply traumatized, as has my younger sibling (28 F). I will try to post key events for context in an attempt to catch up to the present.
Firstly, I made peace with my childhood when I was about 26 after a long talk about my OCD with my parents where my dad expressed that he deals with a lot of the symptoms I talked about. I chalked it up to him being an undiagnosed whatever the hell he has. I haven't forgiven him, but I have an understanding. They should have split IMO the first time he put his hands on someone, but she stayed out of survival, which I don't fault her for.
Once when I was in high school she called me and told me that she had my sister from daycare and that she wasn't coming back, and that she couldn't come get me because dad said he was going to kill her if she came home. I begged for her not to leave me, and after the call I saw that he had a gun out on his bed when I walked past their bedroom. She came home late that night and slept in my bedroom with my sister. She has since told me that he would also make threats to burn the house down if she ever left him, burn down her new house, kill all of us, etc.
Skip to about 2012-2014:
When I moved out of state and out of their house to be with my boyfriend my dad was already pissed that I was going to visit and basically told me to never come back. I was in a rush to leave anyways, because he had recently beat my sister with a plate so loudly that I could hear it over my gaming headset with friends in another room. So, I granted his wish and didn't see him for over a year. As I was packing I told my sister and mom that if he puts his hands on anyone I'm going to sue them for custody of my sister.
Obviously, my relationship with my mother and my sister at this time became strained as they lived with him so I couldn't visit often. While I was gone he started stalking my mother and installed an app on her phone so he could track her at all times. She worked in an office building that didn't have good service and he'd ask her why she wasn't at her desk, etc. He sent her various threatening messages that I screenshotted and sent to myself on her phone. He was under the impression she was cheating on him, and went so far as to buy a semen test kit to test a literal mayo stain on one of her work clothes. He was unhinged and completely psychotic at this time, and I was completely, and still am, on my mothers side.
Not sure of the rest of this timeline as far as dates up until the present, so here are the key events after this stalking episode:
So basically, her plan is to leave for a week, have a home assistance person paid to go take care of him, etc. and then ask for the police to help get him out and then she's going to sell everything and move off with this dude.
I told her that she needs a real plan. First of all he's violent when angry, even if he's in a wheelchair. I feel like he would try and hurt himself and obviously burn the house down since that was always his main threat, and that me and my mom and sister might have to go through a fucking criminal investigation. I literally cannot stomach it.
Also, I am scared for my dad because holy fuck. He can't walk, he can't do anything for himself. The fucked up part of me cares for him still. The logical part of me knows he brought this upon himself. I just don't know what to do. My mother's plan is shaky at best, and it's just a fucking mess. I told her that she needs to confide in her sister-in-law who is married into the family to see if her and my uncle can take him on, because my mom has never asked for shit, and the whole family (he has like 6 surviving siblings) knows that he's an abusive prick and that my mom doesn't and has never deserved to be treated the way he has treated her. But again, I'm conflicted.
I told my mom that she needs to hold onto the house for now because she doesn't even know the dude that well and then what, she ends up homeless if he's not a good fit? IDK. Nobody is thinking things through, and I am expected to keep this secret until she goes through with it? I am going to lose my mind, and have already been up at night crying and throwing up because of the anxiety. Please, if anyone can give me any guidance I'd sincerely appreciate it.
submitted by shalene to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:06 Economy_Assumption46 Help understanding an assignment. Ebt4o 4.4

Ive been trying to get help from the teachers and employees themselves for weeks now with absolutely no response and I wouldnt love to just submit my last assignment and be done.
If anyone is taking ebt4o, is on 4.4 and understands it, I would very much appreciate some help understanding some things.
1: They say Im supposed to be writing some kind of reflection for "my culminating activities website and presentation" when I was never instructed to make one before this? I had made a presentation for a previous assignment but it doesnt specifically talk about that one, so what are they really talking about?
2: they say I need a business plan, a website, a presentation and a self-reflection but dont specify if I need to come up with an idea for a business or if its something else.
Maybe Im just misunderstanding something trivial or overlooking something obvious but I would like some clarity so I can do this assignment properly because for some reason im confused on what exactly I need to be doing.
submitted by Economy_Assumption46 to ILC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:06 rickypotentially I miss my best friend of 4 years, and I wish he knew it

Sorry for the formatting, im on mobile(just a heads up, this is a very long post) Also, this is my first reddit post so im sorry if this is the wrong sub, i just need to speak my mind. When I was 13, right around when covid happened, I frequented tumblr a lot. It was my main mode of using social media, and through it I posted a lot of art, reblogged stuff about fandoms I was in at the time, the works. A couple months into me using it(near february of 2020), this one person followed me and reblogged a lot of my art and always put such nice things in the tags, it made me so giddy! It was like having a fan kind of. In return I did the same thing; this other person did art semi frequently and we shared a Fandom that we both interacted with a lot. A couple months later, I end up making a tumblr group chat, back when those still existed, and this person joined it. For the next few months, we talked daily using this group chat; talking about school and the sorts. I found out through these conversations that he lived quite a few states away(we both live in the United States), and that he was also in the same grade as me(we were both going into our freshman years and starting high school). Eventually, I remember because in those stupid group chats, you weren't able to send images through them and I was complaining about not being able to send him something. To that he suggested sending it through DMs, which I did. This is what started a period of nearly four years of talking to each other, every single day. If we didn't talk, it was because of something we couldn't control; whether it be travel or it be some other thing; we were just that inseparable. I never learned his real name over those four years; I never learned where he lived or where he went to school or anything, I only knew we were the same age and his nickname was Will. Do I know if Will was short for anything? I don't know, but I wish I did. We went through so much together; I was there for him when he had familial issues with his mom and dad(stuff that's so bad I would never type it out), he was there for me when I was suicidal and depressed, he was one of a kind. I felt like at the end of the day, I could go to him and talk to him about anything I so wished, and he'd at least listen. When I was around that age, I constantly struggled with being called a "therapist friend", and being used by those at the time as someone to just rant to and that was really it. But with Will, it was so much more. He was my rock, and I was his. Months before things just came to a halt, he started growing distant. Always the excuse that he was busy, but I could see he was online, just ignoring me. It was becoming very hurtful to me; to have said something to just be ignored for hours on end and to recieve a dry reply in return. It was then that I began to realize he had been dry for a while, but that's just the way he talked, really. It was always an "ok", or a, "oof"(we talked in very lamence terms) or something among the lines. I remember on a couple occasions I would mention him coming to my home city one day and it would be replied to with an "oh" or "ok". It was then that I started to kind of realize that we were putting not equal efforts in our friendship anymore. Eventually I remember, it was February 2nd of 2024, it just became so real. The guy that had been there for me through the past four years of my life had just...seemed to stop caring. I remember, when I would go out of town and would have no cell service, I'd hate not being able to text him. He was my best friend in the entire world, he was kind of like my platonic soul mate. I remember making a game plan to try and get him to leave his home because I knew his home situation was bad; I remember thinking about how we could meet one day, and I'd finally get to see what he even looked like. But on that day in February, I broke. I told my mom, and she told me to just...stop texting him. So I kind of did. I told him that I wasn't going to use tumblr anymore and that I was going to delete it. We both had each other's discords, but I barley replied after the last few messages he sent. The last one he sent me was on March 1st, and I never replied to it. I had become so numb to him, it was painful to leave my best friend behind, but in my heart I knew it was the right desicison. I left because it felt like our friendship was going nowhere; after four years I didn't even know his name, I never even got his phone number. I gave him mine on two occasions, but...nothing. I remember we'd exchange stories that we were writing simultaneously, we'd exchange art of each other's favorite characters and ocs. I miss it. I miss him. I remember, writing a message that was nearly 2000 words long to him, but I never sent it. I was too scared, that the guilt would get the best of me. I ghosted my best friend of 4 years, and I fucking miss him. I wish he knew it, because I loved him so much. I wish we could have what we had back. I wish we could have had more; I wish we could have had one of those dramatic airport scenes where we find each other past all of the gates and stuff in the entrance of the airport and hug each other, being in the moment. But we never did, and never will. I miss you Will. If you somehow see this, I just want you to know that I'm sorry.
submitted by rickypotentially to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:05 GameDevilXL Handling little brothers

Hey all, first post here. I'm a 15m, and I have a little brother 1 year younger than me. We have great parents, albeit a little emotional ones. Im really unsure about how to properly explain this, but essentially, my little brother seems to be getting to some really bad habits, at far too young of an age (smoking, drugs, etc). Simplifying a ton over here, but we're essentially Europeans who have been living in India since birth. Its really easy to get access to any kind of contraband, even for kids, and I can only guess it's because these shop owners lack a sense of morality.
I personally like to completely shut myself off, and hardly get out of my room. I simply find it peaceful and quiet. Hence, my little brother usually gets doted on by my father and mother. They're seriously good people who pale at even the idea of drugs and cigs, but due to what I can only assume are outside influences, my little brother seems to be getting into bad habits.
He's made it clear that there's no real way to stop him, with statements like " I'll just sneak out at night ". My parents really trust him, and still try to. But we often can't tell if he's lying 90% of the time or not. It's not like his whole life is smoking and doing weed, but I can guess that a good chunk is. I'm worried that if my parents find out to what extent it's taking place (which even I don't know) it'll completely ruin the family. And even though they do know that this stuff takes place, there's only so much time in the day when they can control him. I'm not really asking anyone nearby, since there is a chance they tell other people, so here I am on Reddit. I really don't know what to do. Cutting off his funds is only viable until my parents give in emotionally when he says he really needs them. He might actually for a bday party or something, but at the same time he might not.
At the same time, even though there are so many signs of him actually engaging in all this, this could all be a big misunderstanding, although the chance of that happening is very small,it's still nonzero. Could someone please give me some advice on what to do? I don't want his current narrow mindedness to ruin his whole life, but he's too stubborn to listen.
submitted by GameDevilXL to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 75976345 A repost by request:

The mods of ProRevenge exercised their judgement that, fair enough, my childhood story did not constitute revenge. I respect the decision. Apparently it was crossposted to another sub first, though, but the thing was too dang long and ended up cut off. I will provide the full post here and give full permission for anyone who is able to, to post the second half on the reddit it was crossposted to, but I would only like to say first:
I only use reddit to troubleshoot tech issues since Google is down the drain now, and read BoRU posts on occasion. In general, I like to keep a very low social media footprint. So please understand that this will be my final word on this post. :)
This happened decades ago now, back in primary school. I only remembered it because I was recently catching up with old friends from back then, and we got to laughing over old stories and then someone mentioned, "The wildest was when you organised that whole protest against our teacher."
"The time I did what?"
The consensus was I did, indeed, organise the entire class to rebel against our teacher that resulted in her being deposed and our class getting a "substitute" for the rest of the year. I almost fell out of my chair hearing this story from their mouths. It wasn't that I didn't remember it, of course I did--that year was awful. It was just that it existed very differently in my memory.
Two important pieces of background knowledge to understand here:
I went to a very very small, very very rural school. How small? Each classroom was composed of the entire year level, and the largest had at most 30 kids in them. My class/year level was on the smallest in the entire school, with a piddling 14 kids in it altogether. While we still had our cliques and factions, our small size caused our class to be very tight knit and protective of each other. How rural? The school building itself was incredibly small, but one thing we were not short on was gigantic empty fields surrounding us on all sides. Great for sports, great for (it turns out) student protests.
I was, at the time, undiagnosed autistic. I mean I still am autistic, I'm just formally diagnosed now. But back then I was just seen as being a very quirky kid. One of the ways this quirkiness manifested was that I really had trouble adapting to the rules and structure of grade school and how it differed from what I was used to. At home if I wanted to pee, I just went to the toilet. Now I have to put my hand up? Now I have to ask permission to piss? Then I went home and put my hand up to ask my mom for permission to pee and she told me I didn't need to! Madness! Chaos! I don't care what the rules are, please just be consistent!
But one of the main parts of my brain and the way it works is that sometimes my brain, separate from my will, would just make a decision about a course of action and I would very calmly commit to it come hell or high water. Like, it is vitally important that I stay true to this course of action. I can't explain it. It's like I set a rule for myself and if something disrupts that, I just shut down and stop functioning.
So when the school said, "Okay, when this bell rings during recess/lunch, that means you have to leave the playground and go back to class", I was a confused child already struggling with all these completely nonsensical limitations and guidelines imposed on me. So when that bell rang, I got that calm little voice in my head that said, "Hmm, no, I'm good out here actually. I don't think I will go back into class." So I would just continue to sit out on the playground, playing with my plastic spider toys or sitting on the swing. Teachers would realise what was going on and come out to get me and tell me I have to go back to class, and I would just very calmly hear them out and then smile at them and politely as possible tell them, "No thank you, I want to stay out here."
They really didn't know what to do with me. I wasn't getting upset, I wasn't throwing a tantrum, I wasn't yelling, I wasn't being rude in any way. I was incredibly docile and would let them explain things to me with endless patience and then just politely refute them and go back to what I was doing, like this was just a very normal and reasonable negotiation between two equal parties. I have memories of sitting on the swing while three very confused and flustered adult staff huddled around me trying to bribe me with candy to go back to class. It would take a whole lesson block to lure me back to the classroom, and then at lunch the whole thing would start over again. It took me three years at school to finally accept the status quo thanks to a religious nutter I got for a teacher, and finally went back to class when the bell rang (was never happy about it though).
I eventually settled into school life. Excelled at subjects I liked, at least passed subjects I didn't, followed the rules, was seen as intelligent and obedient and was often liked by my teachers. Until my final year, when we got the teacher I can only rudely monniker Mrs Bigmouth.
Mrs Bigmouth should not have been a teacher. She had a trigger temper and would explode into long, verbally abusive tirades against us if we ever did anything she felt was disrespectful behaviour. What was disrespectful behaviour? Damned if I know. It changed day by day, depending on mood. You could disrespect her to her face one day and she'd laugh and say you have such razor wit, and politely ask a question the next and she'd scream at you for ten nonstop minutes then give you a week of DT for talking back. The absolute peak moment of her boiling temper came when she threw a dictionary at a girl's head because she was whispering to me in class. When I tell you it missed her by half an inch...
But believe it or not, this wasn't what made her such an awful teacher. It was so hard to get teachers at rural schools back then, there was almost nothing you could do to get fired, so we had experience with teachers with nightmare tempers. What made her such an issue was her big mouth. She used us, her trapped audience, as free therapy. She would infodump, traumadump, about her very personal, very private life to us. All day. She'd be two words into a spelling list and launch into an extended story session about her marital issues with her husband. We'd be heads down doing fractions and, unprompted, she'd declare to the class that her adult daughter no longer talks to her and then diatribe to us about it until the bell rang. She had money issues, a contentious relationship with her parents, her marriage was on the rocks. She once pulled me aside after school and spoke with me, at length, about how she was thinking of having another child to try to repair her marriage. I was like, okay lady, I'm 11, about to miss my bus, and my house is a 4 hour walk on foot from here.
We weren't learning. We'd hadn't had a complete lesson since the first week of the school year. We were behind on the cirriculum and frustrated. One kid had brought a stopwatch into school and would time lessons vs her monologues and kept detailed lists, and we would come to school each morning and do betting pools on them. What subject would she interrupt, what would she talk about, and how long would it go.
But all that still wasn't the breaking point if you can believe it. No! Still not! The problem was it wasn't just her own private life she couldn't keep her mouth shut about. It was everyone else's. Because parents would make the reasonable assumption that she should be told things as our class teacher that would be important to know, and that she would understand these things were said in confidence. Instead she would veer randomly off in the middle of talking to us about her horrible weekend to let us know whatever private or traumatic thing was going on in a classmate's life that she had been made aware of. That was awful. That was what made that year hell. It wasn't even about when my secrets were shared with the entire class against my consent. It was watching the faces of my small, lovely, supportive class of 11 year old children go pale and scrunch up with held-back tears as things they never wanted to share were announced like morning news. God we hated her.
Then one day that voice came. The one I hadn't heard in years. The bell ring to go back into class and that voice said, "But I don't want to be in that classroom. I'm not even being taught there." So I just... didn't. I didn't go back to class. I just sat in the playground in a daze eating grass (don't eat grass, it's not good for your teeth). Despite how small my class was, I don't think Mrs Bigmouth even noticed I wasn't there. Others did though. Come lunch and everyone came out, my friends asked me where I was and I said, "Oh, I didn't go back to class."
"Why didn't you go back to class?"
"Why would I go back to class?"
Lightbulb moment for my schoolmates. Yeah, why would they go back to class? What was the point? From a practical standpoint, they weren't learning. From an emotional standpoint, it was horrible to be there. A friend who had had her family's dirty laundry aired to the entire class just last week, things even she didn't know because her parents tried to keep it from her, asked if she could sit with me rather than go back to class. I just stared at her, vacant and confused.
"Sure? I mean, I'm just eating grass though."
Over the next few days, two kids turned into four, turned into ten, turned into the whole class. The whole class was doing a sit-out protest on the field rather than go back to class. Of course Mrs Bigmouth tried to do something about it. She'd come out, screaming at us and threatening us with DT and internal suspension, but six months of that behaviour had totally vaccinated us against her. I'd become the de facto leader and spokesperson of the protest by merit of being the first to sit out and also because I was well known to not give a shit (autistic brain: I actually just frequently had trouble reading and reacting with the correct social behaviour but it gave me a cool and aloof bad boy mystique I guess). I gave her the exact same treatment from back in grade one. I would let her scream, let her holler, let her threaten, let her spittle rain down on me, and then I would give her a sweet and innocent smile and nod in acknowledgement and say, "No thank you, we're going to remain out here." And thirteen pairs of eyes would stare at her in total silence. No one, not even the most gobbermouthed little shite in the class, would volunteer a word. The unspoken agreement was all negotiations were my responsibility.
The thing about angry people is that they feed off conflict. They get you angry so they can respond with even more anger and it nourishes them. She had no absolutely no plan of action on how to deal with me patiently hearing her out then refuting her in the gentlest of terms.
Another thing that ended up helping down the line is that we made an attempt to conduct our own classes. I mean, they sucked and we didn't learn much because we were kids with no supervision, but it was really cute in retrospect. We'd have groups of people assigned to subjects, with some people bringing in words they found in a dictionary for spelling lists and others bringing in old 6th grade homework from older siblings. The heart was there and it served a purpose, if not educational.
"Okay, but how did no one else notice this was happening? Surely people would notice 14 kids sitting on the lawn, not in class?"
Rural school. Big. Empty. Fields. Even screaming at us, the most other classrooms would hear would be muffled voices, and everyone was used to hearing her yelling at us or taking us out onto the field abruptly to make us do laps as group punishment. Plus the way the school buildings were arranged was that it was actually all in one straight line of adjacent rooms, and ours happened to be at the very end of the building. No windows faced the field we all sat in except that of our own classroom. It was just a very lucky arrangement of coincidences and preconceived notions, at least for a couple weeks. I couldn't tell you the exact number, this was so long ago and as a kid I definitely had a more stretched idea of time. Minutes felt like hours, especially during that year. But there was definitely at least two weekends that passed by since the "sit-out protest" started.
Eventually someone cottoned on to what was happening, or maybe Mrs Bigmouth humbled herself and finally confessed to her boss that she had lost control of a bunch of 11-year-olds, so we were called into the principal's office to sort this out. As the representative of our class, I was of course chosen to attend the meeting, flanked by the girl who'd had the dictionary thrown at her head and my friend who was the first to sit out with me. Since I understood that this meeting was one where we were probably going to be yelled at for doing the wrong thing, a thing I had ample experience of, I felt like the easiest way to mitigate things (especially since I felt guilty for being the instigator) was to explain in a very rational and logical way the series of events that led up to our bad behaviour. As well, for my entire life my mother had always taught me that it was no good complaining about things unless you were also willing to think of solutions. "I'm hungry!" - "Well, what's a solution to that problem?" - "Uh, make myself a sandwich?" - "Great! Let's do that together!"
So what did I do? Of course, to make things as clean and concise as possible, I interviewed my class one by one to hear each individual story of why they didn't feel comfortable going to class anymore, itemised them under categories (Verbal Aggression; Interruptions of Lessons; Oversharing Student Life) for easier discussion because my little quirky brain loved itemising things, and then as a kind of olive branch came up with solutions (we wanted to finish lessons unhindered, we wanted our personal privacy to be respected, we wanted to be able to catch our bus on time rather than being held back with unfair DT or long "chats"). So many things sort of came together in this beautiful, wholly accidental way. We had months of records of timed rants and monologues, noted down to the millisecond thanks to that kid's stopwatch. We had records of us trying to teach ourselves during the protests, showing this wasn't us just not wanting to go to class but due to us feeling as though we did not have a class to go to. When the principal heard all this, her jaw it the floor. A lot of it was stuff she knew, peripherally, but things had just never been laid out so neatly before. Some of it was stuff we'd complained to parents about, but it was one kid coming home and telling one parent one time, weeks ago. There was no real sense, up until now, the sheer scope of her behaviour. She didn't even answer us. She just said, "Okay, I need to call your parents."
We got the rest of the week off school. That weekend, every parent of every student came to a meeting between them, Mrs Bigmouth, and the principal. Stories were swapped. My exercise book with my tidy little lists and the records of the betting pool and monologue times were confiscated and brought into the meeting. I don't know what went down, but when my mother came home she just told me that Mrs Bigmouth would not be our problem for the rest of the school year, and more importantly, that she was incredibly proud of me and that I did the right thing. Rarely in my childhood had my inability to integrate into normal society led me to doing the right thing, so I just remember crying and hugging and feeling vindicated about, I don't know, just existing or something.
So yeah. From the outside perspective here is what it looked like: I, the ringleader with a history of dismissing school rules, organised a sit-out strike amongst my class. I kept the protest peaceful and non-disruptive to other classes. When negotiations with the principal were finally arranged, as the representative I compiled a clear list of greivances, with evidence, and a list of reasonable demands. I mean, holy crap, yes, yes I clearly organised a student protest.
The actual results of it are mixed. We got a revolving door of substitute teachers of varying quality for the rest of the school year, occasionally being bundled into other classrooms entirely when they couldn't find someone. It wasn't a great learning environment and we continued to struggle a lot, but it was better than before. Mrs Bigmouth was not actually fired but put on leave for the rest of the school year, then returned and was put in charge of a different year level (which happened to be the class of the younger sister of a guy in my class: according to him, she was quiet as a church mouse that entire year so I hope at least she learned her lesson, or at least finally got divorced and went to actual therapy). The entire ordeal caused our already small and close class to become really really supportive and like family to each other and we all remain in touch until this day. And we became fierce about standing up for ourselves.
I kind of learned to parse the difference between when it was appropriate to go along with set societal rules even if I don't understand them, and when those rules were just straight up unreasonable and nobody should be required to follow them. I did, years alter, lead an actual (very small) strike at work but intentionally that time. My mother was proud of me then too. :)
Actually, this is my final word on this post:
I am sending much love from across the internet to every neurodivergent person who saw themselves in this story and a possibility of how being out of the ordinary can also mean being extraordinary. You are fantastic! You are fantastic! You are fantastic! I will say it three times so you understand the importance of it!
submitted by 75976345 to u/75976345 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 Worldly_Mango3695 How to Plan a Memorable Social Event: Tips for Selecting the Right Event Venue

When it comes to planning a social event, choosing the perfect venue is crucial for setting the tone and ensuring a memorable experience for your guests. Whether you're organizing a wedding, corporate gathering, or any other special occasion, selecting the right event venue can make all the difference. Here are some simple yet effective tips to help you find the ideal setting for your next social event.
Muhurta Lawns spread across seven acres of land is a perfect, lavish destination for your any event to celebrate. Weddings, corporate events, social gatherings all are organized here smoothly.
  1. Recognize Your Needs: Spend some time defining your needs precisely before searching for event locations. Think about the kind of event you're throwing, how many people you plan to invite, and any specialized facilities or features you'll require. If you're arranging a wedding, for example, you may be searching for a picturesque lawn that can accommodate large ceremonies and reception areas. However, if it's a corporate function, you'll require a location that provides polished amenities like plenty of seating and audio-visual equipment.
  2. Set a Budget: Once you know what you're looking for in an event venue, it's essential to establish a realistic budget. Determine how much you're willing to spend on the venue rental, catering, decorations, and other necessary expenses. Keep in mind that different venues may have varying pricing structures, so it's essential to compare costs and negotiate to stay within your budget. Wedding lawns and corporate event venues often offer package deals that can help you save money while still providing everything you need for a successful event. Consider Location and Accessibility: The location of your venue can significantly impact the attendance and overall experience of your guests. Choose a venue that is conveniently located and easily accessible by both car and public transportation. Consider factors such as parking availability, proximity to hotels and accommodations, and any logistical concerns that may arise. Wedding lawns nestled in picturesque locations for corporate events situated in central business districts can add an extra touch of charm and convenience to your event.
  3. Evaluate Capacity and Layout: Before finalizing your event venue, carefully evaluate its capacity and layout to ensure it can accommodate your guest list and preferred event setup. Wedding lawns should have enough space for seating, dining, and dancing, while corporate event venues should offer various meeting rooms and breakout areas to facilitate networking and collaboration. Take a tour of the venue to visualize how your event will flow and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a seamless experience for your guests.
  4. Check Amenities and Services: Make sure the venue offers the amenities and services you need to host a successful event. This may include catering options, audio-visual equipment, event planning assistance, and on-site staff to help with setup and coordination. Wedding lawns may offer additional services such as floral arrangements, décor rentals, and bridal suites, while corporate event venues may provide meeting planners, tech support, and catering services tailored to business needs.
  5. Read Reviews and Get Recommendations: Before making a final decision, take the time to read reviews and testimonials from past clients to get a sense of the venue's reputation and customer satisfaction. Additionally, don't hesitate to ask for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have hosted similar events in the past. Their insights and experiences can help you make an informed choice and ensure a memorable event for you and your guests.
In conclusion, selecting the right event venue is essential for planning a memorable social gathering, whether it's a wedding, corporate event, or any other special occasion. By understanding your needs, setting a budget, considering location and accessibility, evaluating capacity and layout, checking amenities and services, and reading reviews, you can find the perfect venue to bring your vision to life and create lasting memories for you and your guests.
submitted by Worldly_Mango3695 to u/Worldly_Mango3695 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 DJspooner Grinding a Fresh Account to 30 is Hell

I'm currently trying to level up a new account to 30 so I can duo with my buddy consistently. We've been playing this game a long time, and it feels like our MMR is laid into the foundations of our current accounts. We always duo together for placements, but pretty quickly I'll be earning double his LP per win and losing half per loss. Within a week or two we're unable to play together, even if I'm not winning games by myself. So that's led us to try and build new names for ourselves on different accounts without 10+ years of MMR history.
Currently I'm using this as an opportunity to practice champions I'm not too familiar with, or ones I'd like to include in my future pool for ranked games. I typically don't bother playing normals unless I have no option, or I want to play with my friends. In this case, I'm literally just doing it to level up, and practice champs. Which leads me to where I'm at now.
There's a special kind of sadness when I'm queued up to try a champ for the 4th time and get matched up against a 1-trick, million mastery, legendary-skin-emerald-ranked-border motherfu*cker. You know? Maybe I'm just jaded to the game, maybe it's my competitive nature, but I've never bothered to take unranked seriously. If I'm trying hard in League, it's in a ranked game. My buddy and I don't want to play unranked together on our mains all season. It's boring. So why are my opponents sweating so hard? Why am I getting tower dove at level 5? Why do I have to ban my counterpicks, or be GUARANTEED to be countered in *normal games*??
I can't even begin to imagine what this would be like if I was genuinely new to the game. It would be so demoralizing I'd probably put it down for good. I know that mastery, playtime, account level aren't reflections of how good a player is, and this isn't a rant about how Rito's matchmaking system is rough (it is).
I guess I'm just confused at the shift that happened in normal games where everybody is playing their absolute best and brightest picks. Back in my day it was a complete shitshow. Every other person was doing a troll build, testing out a champ in a different role, or picking somebody up for the first time. Now it genuinely feels harder than ranking on my original account (Gold I). It's very unfun sometimes.
submitted by DJspooner to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:01 AMP_Kenryu Opinion: Koromaru in P3R is overrated as a party member

I've seen a lot of people say that Koromaru in P3R is a top 3 party member but I don't think he's ALL THAT.
submitted by AMP_Kenryu to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:00 PokemonMastersBot Weekly General Questions Megathread

You can now insert images as comments when you seek for in-game help in Megathreads! Check out this mod post HERE for more information.

Use this Megathread if you have general questions or need advice! e.g. asking for EX / Candy recommendation, gems usage, "Should I pull this banner?", "How do I build a team on this stage?", etc.
If you need team building help specifically for Champion Stadium, you may use the Champion Stadium Megathread to receive a quicker response.

Installing Pokémon Masters

Pokémon Masters is available worldwide except for Belgium and The Netherlands due to bans on loot boxes.
We will go over the two main platforms on installing the game, IOS and Android.
According to the official site, the game is most compatible in these devices:
iOS: 11 or higher / 64 bit / at least 2 GB of RAM
Android: OS 7.0 or higher / 64 bit / at least 2 GB of RAM
  1. Via Apple Store: HERE
  1. Via Google Play Store: HERE
  2. Others
If the game is unavailable in your country or shows as not available for your device, you can download the APK directly from APKPure or QooApp.
You can also use VPN to download it from the application store, but it requires longer downloading time compared to the above recommended methods.

Reroll Guide

Reroll means that you make a new account and look at what you got from your scout. If you don't like your first few multi-pulls, you delete the account and create a new one again and so on until you are satisfied.

Why reroll?

How to Reroll?
If you're an existing player, delete your local data or cache first. Otherwise, do not link your account to Nintendo. Doing so will bind your Pokémon Masters account to your Nintendo profile permanently and can no longer be removed.
As of now, if you progress up to the point when co-op mode is unlocked, you can get at least 21.000 gems, the equivalent of 7 multis, earning at least 231/400 scout points (33 scout points per multi scout), allowing you to scout at least 77 Sync Pairs. Completing the following checkpoints will let you receive gems as completion rewards:
Completion Requirement Notable Rewards Additional Notes
Starting the game (Part 1) MC & Pikachu, Misty & Starmie, Brock & Onix Choose Kanto Starter (Movesets HERE)
Starting the game (Part 2) MC & BulbasauCharmandeSquirtle, Blue & Pidgeot (5★ Guaranteed Scout) Kanto Starter Egg Hatches
Finish Champion Stadium: Kanto Challenge (Normal) 150 Gems You can reuse the same Sync Pairs after each round
Special Completion Rewards: Champion Stadium (Normal) 500 Gems Accessible in the Poké Center as an icon on the top-left corner
Finish Champion Stadium: Victory Road 5000 Gems, SS Red & Charizard/SS Blue & Blastoise/SS Leaf & Venusaur (5★ Guaranteed Ticket Scout) Also scoutable in the Triple Featured Poké Fair banner (3 days)
Finish Chapter 1 (Normal) 90 Gems, Rosa & Snivy
Finish Chapter 2 (Normal) 200 Gems, Barry & Piplup, Professor Oak & Mew and Legendary Arena unlocked. Professor Oak & Mew upgrade materials available in Bingo Rewards
Finish Chapter 3 (Normal) 150 Gems
Finish Chapter 4 (Normal) 170 Gems, Erika & Vileplume
Finish Chapter 5 (Normal) 160 Gems, Skyla & Swanna
Finish Chapter 6 (Normal) 200 Gems, Korrina & Lucario
Finish Chapter 7 (Normal) 250 Gems, Norman & Slaking
Finish Chapter 8 (Normal) 170 Gems, Pryce & Seel
Finish Chapter 9 (Normal) 240 Gems, Iris & Haxorus
Finish Chapter 10 (Normal) 280 Gems, Hapu & Mudsdale
Finish Interlude 1 (Normal) 60 Gems, SS Brock & Tyranitar
Finish Chapter 1 (Hard) 100 Gems
Finish Chapter 2 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 3 (Hard) 100 Gems
Finish Chapter 4 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 5 (Hard) 100 Gems
Finish Chapter 6 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 7 (Hard) 300 Gems
Finish Chapter 8 (Hard) 200 Gems
Finish Chapter 9 (Hard) 300 Gems
Finish Chapter 10 (Hard) 300 Gems
Finish Interlude 1 (Hard) 100 Gems
EX Plaza: Special Training Battle Techniques 60 Gems
These missions are completed progressively as you play the game, so they are not listed in numerical order.
These missions can be completed multiple times as the player reaches new checkpoints.
Checkpoint (Missions) Notable Rewards per level
Mission 1: Log in to the game 10 Gems
Mission 21: Raise team strength 10 Gems
Mission 3: Obtain Pearl 10 Gems
Mission 4: Obtain Big Pearl 10 Gems
Mission 5: Obtain 1★ Level-Up Manual 10 Gems
Mission 6: Obtain 2★ Level-Up Manual 10 Gems
Mission 7: Obtain 3★ Level-Up Manual 10 Gems
Mission 62: Evolve a Pokemon 10 Gems
Mission 91: Obtain a Lucky Cookie 10 Gems
Mission 125: Raise your player rank 10 Gems
Mission 262: Have a number of interaction(s) in Trainer Lodge 100 Gems
Mission 263: Reach friendship level 100 with a number of guests 100 Gems
Mission 264: Reach a certain friendship level with any guest 100 Gems
These missions can only be completed once but give a high amount of gems.
Checkpoint (Missions) Notable Rewards per level
Mission 82: Link to your Nintendo account 600 Gems
Mission 89: Participate in the Battle Villa 1000 Gems
If you are not satisfied with your pulls, click on the Poryphone at the right-bottom corner in the Pokémon Center -> Account -> Delete Save Data. Repeat the above steps until you pulled the Sync Pair you want.
Now that you're ready to go on an adventure, link your account through Poryphone Menu by tapping "Account", then "Link a Nintendo Account" to save your progress. After that, try to get any free Sync Pairs as you progress:

EX Gear Type Chart

Note that these co-op stages only drop 2★ Gear as the highest rarity for their corresponding Gear Type. 3★ Gear is restricted to Type Gear Events and Pokémon Masters Day every month, and it can be obtained in the time-limited event shop and in the General tab in exchange for 3★ gear material co-op stage drops.
Stage Gear Type
EX Brock Grass/Steel/Rock
EX Misty Flying/Fairy/Steel
EX Barry Grass/Dragon/Water
EX Flannery Bug/WateGhost
EX Erika Fire/Poison/Ground
EX Skyla Rock/Normal/Flying
EX Korrina Fire/Fighting/Psychic
EX Pryce Electric/Ice/Bug
EX Marshal Psychic/Dark/Ice
EX Hau Ground/Electric/Fairy
EX Clair Dragon/Dark/Fighting
EX Janine Poison/Normal/Ghost

In-Game FAQ

1. When is anniversary coming?
Half-year 28 February 6AM UTC
Full-year 28 August 6AM UTC
2 Why hasn't my Pokemon evolved? It's at Level [X]!
Evolution requires an evolution item available in the Training Area (Evolution Material Area). Upon earning the Evolution Materials, you need to go to the Sync Pair Stories to trigger the Evolution Story.
3. Should I save to do 11 multi-scouts instead of single scouts?
You can now get x11 units instead of 10, so yes, but we strongly recommend you to save gems for Poké Fair or Master Fair banners (which has a higher rate for 5★ characters).
4. How many gems are required to receive a Sync Pair of my choice?
36.600 non-paid gems (or 36.300 gems + 100 paid gems for a daily single pull), which is the equivalent of 400 scout points. Scout points do not carry over between banners.
5. What does [X]/5, [Y]/20, etc mean?
When you obtain a Sync Pair, they're at 1/5 Sync Move level. Rolling a dupe of that Sync Pair, or using a Move Candy will increase it by 1 level. 3/5 is the minimum for most sync pairs to complete their full Sync Grid, but some Poké Fairs have grid expansions that require their Sync Move to be completely maxed out at 5/5 for their full Sync Grid.
At the same time, Sync Pairs are at 0/20 Potential when they're just obtained. Giving Sync Pairs Powerups will raise their Potential and stats. When a Sync Pair is given 20 powerups, their star level will be increased. Getting a unit to 5★ 20/20 is mandatory for it to further upgrade to 6★ EX (if it has one).
6. How do I Unlock The Level cap of my units?
Training Area (Cap Unlock Area), (Cap Unlock Area 2), Exchange in the shop, Events.
7. Where do I get the manuals to level up my sync pairs?
Training Area (Level up Area), Exchange in the shop, Events, random drops in Trainer Lodge.
8. How do I get Sync orbs?
Training Area (Sync orb Area), Exchange in the shop, Events, Champion Stadium Master Mode (6K & 7.5K), random drops in Trainer Lodge.
9. What are Theme Skill and how do I get items to power them up?
Theme Skill is a new ability that raises the stats of your Sync Pairs if any of them has a common position, type, region, trainer group, or other features with another pair (or pairs) in the same team. Skill Spheres, which can be obtained in Theme Skill area and Champion Stadium Master Mode, are required to upgrade them.
10. What Lucky Skill should I roll for [X]? How do I get Lucky Cookies and Scrolls to unlock a Sync Pair's Lucky Skill?
Refer to Sync Grid Builds & Lucky Skills (by u/MomoSpark) for more details.
In general, the choices of Lucky Skills follow the roles of Sync Pairs:
There are exceptions to some Sync Pairs. For example,
Lucky Cookies and Lucky Scrolls can all be obtained in Battle Villa (Single Player & Co-op), Blissful Bonanza, and Legendary Gauntlet. Legendary Gauntlet can provide unlimited 3★ Lucky Cookies as well as Deluxe Cookies exclusive to that mode after each successful stage clear, and their drop chance increases with longer win streaks.
11. What are the Sync Move effects of 6★ EX Sync Pairs of different roles? Who should I promote to 6★ EX first?
Each role gives different effects to Sync Moves when upgraded to 6★ EX.
Support is usually prioritized for promotion to 6★ EX because its EX effect effectively doubles the damage of all allied sync pairs after first sync and is more widely applicable across most game modes, and the increased stats from raising the support's Potential greatly enhances its bulk to tank stages.
For Strike, if its kit has a very high DPS (e.g. SS Red & Charizard, Diantha & Gardevoir, etc.), or includes a powerful Sync multiplier (e.g. Steven & Metagross's Haymaker, Barry & Empoleon's Inertia, etc.), you are highly recommended to upgrade it to 6★ EX to apply the damage to all opponents. This applies to Tech as well, but only if the unit is a Sync nuker (e.g. Marnie & Morpeko, May & Swampert, etc.).
Since Field applies a field effect that can boost its own damage and potentially that of its allies as well, upgrading it to 6★ EX is also recommended. Sprint enables faster sync buffs and usually come with innate Sync Move multipliers like Tech, but its EX effect does not improve damage as directly as the other roles.
Promoting Support-type units to 6★ EX is not a must, but it's always an added bonus, especially if their Sync Move can provide any additional effects via passive or grid skills.
Always remember to upgrade Rosa to 6★ EX because the materials are obtainable for free.
12. Which Sync Pair should I use my candy on?
Refer to Which Sync Pair Should You Give Your Candy To? (Infographic) (by u/MuddyDummy) for more details.
Always save your candies unless the Sync Pair is exclusive to Seasonals, Poké Fairs or Master Fairs. Most Sync Pairs are usable at 1/5. You can always "accidentally" pull the unit you've been looking for from the normal pool, but you never know when limited Sync Pairs will rerun again. This may not apply to Sync Pairs that are your favorite.

Common Technical Questions/Errors

Below lists all common technical errors you may encounter during the game, as well as how you can fix it. You are strongly encouraged to contact DeNA with any problems at []( if any of these advice do not help.
  1. Error 20103 — Please check your connection and try again: Usually caused due to lack of connection or sudden disconnection. Try playing the game in a place with more stable connection.
  2. Error 10102 — An error has occurred. Restarting the game: This error is often triggered because it detects your phone is rooted, or that you are using external applications which allows opening multiple accounts on the same device. For rooted phone users, make sure you hide your rooted status.
  3. Game crashed mid-battle: Restart the app and clear your cache. This option is available in the bottom-left corner of the title screen.
  4. Does Pokémon Masters work on emulators? No. As of now, PM is not compatible with any of the emulators (including Bluestacks, Nox, etc.) However, playing two accounts on the same device is possible on Android by cloning with Island.



submitted by PokemonMastersBot to PokemonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 7coaching If You Want to Turn YouTube into a Business, Please Read [advice]

Hey dude I'm going to keep this introduction short and to the point.
This is what I learned for youTube success.
These strategies work, no BS, they work, they work very well.
And I write this as I know you may be like I was some time ago (wanting to turn content into a long term business).

I’ve tested these methods on new & existing channels both big and small and even with channels that do not have English as their native language.

These can really make a huge, huge, huge difference in your YouTube success.

1. Audience Understanding Leads To Steering Success.

You hear a loud noise coming from the crew on the deck of your ship.



You make your way to the deck to address the noise.

“Calm down, you blubbering seadogs! What’s the problem?”

“I’m sorry, Captain, but we have a dangerous situation. We’ve entered deep seas, and there’s no land in sight. Just miles and miles of ocean in every direction. We can’t see anything. We urgently need navigation but we don’t have a compass onboard”

If you find yourself as a captain of a ship without a compass, you’re in a very dangerous situation. ~Similarly~, growing a YouTube channel without a deep understanding of your audience is like trying to sail the seas without a clear direction.

Your audience holds a treasure chest full of desires, fears, wants, and needs.

Just like a real treasure chest full of gold, this theoretical chest provides everything you need to reach success, whether that’s financial wealth or success on the platform.

I’m not joking; this is far more important than most people realize.

Why is this so crucial?

If you don’t know your audience, you don’t know what they truly desire. Those who can deliver on those desires will reap the rewards. During my time auditing and coaching, I found that most creators DID NOT deeply understand their audience.

BUT this information tells you nearly everything you need to know.

Here’s an example: before writing this post, I did extra research on YouTube creators.

I looked at Reddit, YouTube comments, and YouTube growth books on Amazon to see what the comments were saying. Here are the fears I found most YouTubers face:

And this… is my treasure chest that allows me to help more people, reach a larger audience, and tailor my content to what people really care about.

What I’m saying is, you can do the same for your audience. This will give you countless new ideas, directions, products, services, and bring true value to the market.

But without knowing these, you’re trying to sail the sea without a compass, hoping to find land.

2. If You Have A Channel, You Need A Brand.

Running a YouTube channel without a brand is like serving a Big Mac without any lettuce, onions or pickles… sure it will fill you up but it's nothing to write home about.

Don’t allow your channel to be the plain Big Mac

In terms of YouTube, a brand is a channel that is known to have a certain style or cover topics within the niche which the audience enjoys time & again.

*Short Question*

If we lined up 100 people who watch your videos as well as other creators in your niche, how would they define YOU and YOUR channel?

Would they say …

"Love how concise the channel is—straight to the point!"
"The depth of content is great—I could watch them for hours!"
"It's alright, but I wish they would cut to the chase."
"Incredible! I've always wanted to learn this, and the videos made it so simple."
"It dragged on a bit—lost my interest partway through."

There are many ways you can create a brand, such as personality, delivery of content but whatever direction you go into, a unique brand on YouTube is essential because it helps your channel **STAND OUT*\* by creating a distinctive ~look~ and feel.

This attracts viewers and keeps them coming back for more & more. Think about some of the reasons why you love your favourite Youtubers, (the way they speak, the content, the feel, the pacing, the humour, etc) chances are because they have built a solid brand.

3. Entertainment Comes First.

Have you ever come across a YouTuber who's got a big audience and is doing extremely well and you have no idea why?

Yeah, me too! … & does it annoy you? Yes, me too.

Why is it frustrating?

Because there are channels out there that are giving CRAP content and yet succeeding.

You know the ones… I’m not saying anything here, but you know.

In fact, I would guess and say you likely have better content than some other creators in your niche and yet they are raking in the numbers.

But this is not only on YouTube this is also in business, it's not about the best product or having the best information.

It’s a big ~pill~ to swallow.

But instead, let's look at this logically…

Why are many channels succeeding that do not have the best content? (the best is subjective but here we will just focus on * the best* = most helpful, most accurate, most information, etc)

Most of the time when you break it down you will find that it's because they are able to entertain, and the simple truth is this.

Entertainment = value

In our modern world more entertainment = more value, which can lead to more viewers even if the content itself is not the best.

So whatever kind of content you are producing (even educational) the fundamentals needs to be around entertainment.

But through thousands of experiments, Its clear to see that entertainment is not always quick clips, funny sound effects and so on…

Entertainment can be as simple as a storyline that you can follow from the beginning to the end that resonates with your key audience.

4. Most Success On YouTube Is a Slow Burn.

You most likely have heard a bunch of successful stories and advice from people who have become successful relatively quickly.

Here are a few videos I found on YouTube.

· How I Got 1 Million Subscribers in 9 Months
· I grew from ZERO TO 100K SUBSCRIBERS in 3 MONTHS (& how you can too)
· My Life Story and How I Got 10 Million Followers in 1 Year
· Making $613,960 My First Year On YouTube

Now these are great videos, but they are also extremely rare cases.

This success can sometimes give youtubers the wrong understanding of success on YouTube.

Last year I hit one of my personal milestones which was $7000 (USD) within 28 days on AdSense alone.

This was accomplished over several years of building content making mistakes and implementing changes.

18 months before that, I was struggling to get 1000 views on a video, 2 months ago I had a few videos that have over 1 million views and Last month? Well, I sold the channel. But hey that’s a new story for a new day ha-ha.

But my point is that success is often over a long period of time...

AND THEREFORE, it’s wise to take a step back to reflect on things especially if you feel that you're working too hard or getting too stressed because for many of you who will be successful, it will be a long process over several months or years rather than an instant change.

5. Rabit Hole Content Can Perform Extremely Well.

In my desk next to my bed, I have a big red book of YouTube trade secrets & experiments I conducted.

The rabbit hole content is one of those.

Rabbit hole content is basically content that is made and after somebody watches the video, they go into a rabbit hole of content.

Examples of this include conspiracy. (UFO, ALIENS, ASSASSINATIONS, ETC)

Another example is if there is a series or a very engaging video that has been split into several parts.

What I've noticed more than anything especially speaking to other youtubers is that rabbit hole content seems to perform incredibly well. Almost like YouTube knows that *THIS VIDEO* will lead to people watching 10 more videos… well I guess they do know that.

With every other point on this list, I have solid data, experiments, and proof. But I aim to always be transparent, and I must confess I don’t have all the numbers yet to back this up fully compared to the rest.

Nevertheless - It has worked for many people, and I have not yet seen it not work. But because I don’t have the numbers to show (unlike all the others) I believe it’s important to mention.

6. Trend Jacking Can Lead To Crazy Numbers.

A moment ago, I mentioned that most success on YouTube is not linear and instead drawn out over a long period of time.


For those who do not fall into this category and have had success relatively quickly they often find their success by taking advantage of trend jacking.

Trend Jacking is a clever tactic that you can use to grow new audiences relatively quickly based on a trending topic, situation, or person.

This could be a trend that is happening within your niche or a trend that is happening globally. Here are some examples that were big stories over the last 24 months.

· Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard
· Tucker Carson Departs From Fox News
· Ireland Offer $92,000 If You Move & Settle On Their Coastal Island
· Japan Giving Away Homes For Free
· World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing Is Going Up So Animals Can Walk Safely
· Airlines To Give Refunds For Cancelled Or Delayed Flights And Late Baggage

OK so these ideas are pretty out-of-the-box and are not niche specific.

But let’s make it a challenge! (I’m regretting this already)

What about if we had a YouTube channel talking about ~how to live cheaper?~

Here are some video ideas we could create.

· Depp Vs. Heard: Calculating The True Cost Of Lawsuits!
· After Tuckers Exit, How Media Changes Impact Your Wallet?
· Moving To Ireland For $92K Is It A Dream Deal Or Costly Fantasy?"
· Free Homes In Japan: What’s The Catch?
· Saving Wildlife & Your Taxes!
· How To Get Every Penny Back From Airlines [*year*]

Okay these are not the best type of content for the niche but after typing out about1500 words, my mind is a little fuzzy XD - Please note that these are not the titles but an example of a type of content based on the trend.

But how about niche trends? (~often much easier)~

Jumping on specific trends related to your niche can be really effective. For example, I advised a travel content creator who capitalized on the "passport bros" trend. This trend is where men move overseas to find wives.

This trend was gaining traction on TikTok and other platforms, and by tapping into it, he was able to reach multiple new audiences. His content sparked reactions and discussions, which pushed his growth to a new level.
P.s - As an added point, if you are in the UK, check out *baby reindeer* which is currently trending.

7. Don’t Steal, Rebuild.

Pablo Picasso – “Good artists copy, great artists steal

As a creator you are also an artist, it just happens to be that your art is electronic.

The saying highlights the key idea that true innovative artists (aka creators) don't just copy other people (even though I know some do – naughty naughty)

But instead, they mimic the work of others and transform it / rebuild it into something better.

Perhaps it is a type of content that you've seen very popular in other niches but is not covered in your niche.

Or it could be a topic that other creators have discussed, and you have seen that it has performed very well but it could be improved upon.

One Youtuber I have always found inspirational is Mr Beast. Not because of Jimmy's content but simply because he has worked for many years to perfect his art.

Here’s the thing…

There are so many Mr beast clones.

These creators literally copy his entire format.

This is not good as eventually people see the truth, and this will leave a very sour taste in viewer’s mouths.

So, what can you do?

You can rebuild but in your own image and in your own way instead of stealing.

Look in your niche, the style, content, delivery of content, time, pace and think of ways you can rebuild this content to offer you audience something even better.
Hope this helps you out =]
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2024.05.20 07:59 jamesmnk VSI Crushers Producer7675989907

VSI Crushers Producer7675989907
Revealing the Consider of VSI Crushers
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