Cefuroxime axetil & prednisone

How to advocate for myself

2024.05.20 00:42 aaailyx3 How to advocate for myself

So I was diagnosed in February 2024 but started having troubling symptoms in August 2023. I can tell I’ve had MS since at least before 2020 I’ve ignored so many of my symptoms as just stress needing rest or caffeine. I’m working with mental heath providers and it’s actually helping for all the depression and anxiety I’ve had over the years. But family is expecting visits this summer & I’m really not up to it. It’s a trip that’s been planned before the diagnoses so pulling out this late would rude and I will be made to feel like it’s my fault for ruining a moment. I’ve completed both first 2 doses of Ocrevus and right now a second round of prednisone since my diagnoses. I just don’t know how to say no or to tell them to be easy on me and not expect too much from me if I come. But I just wish everyone would understand I’m not the same person I was. Sorry for any typos or incorrect grammar.
submitted by aaailyx3 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:55 Imaginary_Stable_931 Prescription medication question

Do you need a doctor’s note for every single prescription medication? I’m confused & stressed about this part! Please help. I did get a note for klonopin, but I also take: lamictal, rinvoq, voltaren, prednisone (for emergency), bentyl, azelestaine (nasal spray), and gabapentin (might leave at home). I have different docs for these prescriptions, so it’s going to be a huge pain trying to get notes for all of them.
submitted by Imaginary_Stable_931 to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:33 Great_Mention_1101 Need Prednisone CoPay, Calimine & Benadryl

I need to pick up a prednisone prescription, calimine lotion & benadryl. Removed Virgina Creeper from the front of my house, and I'm having a nasty histamine response that is some variation of hives & poison ivy/poison oak. I just want to crawl out of my skin, and I'm genuinely unable to afford the copay, nor over the counter benadryl & calimine lotion. The copay is $10; Calimine is $5.99 & Bendryl is $6.99. If anyone is willing or able, I'd be forever grateful... I should have been more careful, and now I'm paying for it. Thank you in advance for any assistance.
(Above, I meant to say it's not quite hives, not quite poison ivy/oak-esq it's just similar to both in many ways)
Edited to Add: Those are Walgreens prices, which is within walking distance; otherwise, I'd go to stores based on cost. Below, someone found a cheaper cost with GoodRX, so I'll be using that.
submitted by Great_Mention_1101 to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:53 riceballing Back on prednisone, why do my doctors act like im crazy?

Hi friends! brief context: I’m a Canadian (frame of reference for healthcare) & i’m a woman! Got diagnosed at 18, started prednisone for about 3 months. At 20 I was on it again for about 2 months. I’m 23 now, beginning my first week (40mg) and then tapering down for about 2 months.
Obviously this is for a flare, and its pretty difficult this first week, dealing with the change. Although my colon is definitely less bloody and as we all know this medication is a “you win some you lose some” situation!
Anyways this is the part i’m really concerned about. So in the past my doctors did not really explain prednisone too much to me so i basically went in with little to no understanding. I’ve chalked this up to: I was 18, i was exhausted and it was all so new, they probably just assumed I’d be good with whatever side effects come my way.
I was 20, it was covid time, they just needed to give me what I needed and let me get out of the hospital as fast as possible. They knew I’ve had it before, probably figured I’m familiar with the rundown of prednisone.
So this time around I’ve talked to my ER doctor and my pharmacist and they truly looked at me like i’m crazy when i even mention “side effects” ? they both said almost verbatim “i’ve never once heard of someone complaining about that. that is not related to prednisone, that is a separate problem you have. You wouldn’t get side effects from this” they did not let me ask more because they said i’m probably causing the issues myself possibly due to stress? I guess I’m just trying to figure out, am i just stressed and my bodys reacting oddly or is this just a side effect. Also i remember at 20, asking the doctor about side effects and i got the same confused reaction of like “what are you talking about?”
my symptoms (that to my knowledge are only present when i’ve been on prednisone!!):
-increased appetite
-mood swings / irritability
-needing to pee more than usual
-having trouble sleeping
-feeling very hot, like waking up in some sweat even though im sleeping without a blanket now
-neck / headaches
is this normal? am i really just so stressed i’m causing this myself? any advice would help. thank you friends!
edit: thanks for all the replies! i feel better!! also i do remember that my 1 doctor ONLY warned me about moonface.. which i do get every time, but it feels like a lower tier concern, i have no idea why that was the One thing to warn me about though LOL
submitted by riceballing to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:32 uscgamecock2001 Can you have both gout & pseudogout?

It's been several months since I had a gout flare up in my foot. I have been on 200mg/day allopurinol and that seemed to have it under control. This month I started getting a very sudden debilitating pain in my right knee to the point where I could barely walk and it hurts like hell to bend my knee. This is the same way it happens when I have a gout flare up in my foot, so I thought it was just gout in my knee.
I took my colchicine 2 + 1, like I usually do for my foot. Wake up the next morning after taking colchicine and the knee pain is completely gone. 2nd time, same thing. The third time, the pain lasted into the second day, so I took some prednisone that morning and the pain went away by that afternoon.
After 3 times in a month, I went to my primary doctor to have my uric acid checked. I got an email from Quest today to view my lab results online. My uric acid is 3.6. Actually too low. Well controlled by the allopurinol.
So, I researched anything else that colchicine works on and the only thing that kind of fits is Pseudogout. I don't go back to the doctor until late next week to discuss my lab results and see what she thinks. Does anyone have both gout & pseudogout or anyone have any other ideas what it could be? Could it just be rheumatoid arthritis and a coincidence that the pain stopped after a round of colchicine?
Next step? Keep treating my knee pain with the colchicine since that works? (If/when it happens again.) Try not doing anything and see if it goes away on it's own by the next day? See a rheumatologist?
submitted by uscgamecock2001 to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:30 Ambitious-Win-67 Reaction to Diclofenac?

48F, 4’11”, 130 pounds Non-smoker, occasionally drink beer (maybe 3 pints per week at the most?)
Hashimoto’s (1x daily: Armour thyroid 60mg & Unithroid 50mcg) Psoriatic Arthritis (2x daily: Otezla 30mg)* Hemochromatosis (iron panel levels currently normal, last checked 07May2024) Endometriosis (laparoscopy decades ago, currently asymptomatic) Exercise-induced asthma (albuterol inhaler as needed) Vitamin D (1x weekly: 50000IU)
*Medrol injection 09May2024 *Diclofenac, started 09May2024 (2x daily: 75mg)
I am currently in a PsA flare and have been for a few months. My doc first put me on a short course of prednisone. While that got rid of most of my pain, my left middle finger continued to be painful and swollen. A short time after the course of prednisone was finished, I was dealing with a lot of stressful events and my PsA flare got worse (fingers in both hands (especially left middle finger), toes in both feet, right knee, right hip, plantar fasciitis). My doc then prescribed a single Medrol injection (in my arm) and oral diclofenac. I guess I should mention that this is my first time ever taking diclofenac.
I got the Medrol shot on 09May2024 and started the diclofenac the same day. I have been taking the diclofenac without issue until last night. A few hours after dinner, my throat started to feel funny and then I got a sensation similar to my exercise-induced asthma. I did have farro for the first time in my life with dinner, so I assumed it could be that even though I’ve never had any reactions to wheat before. Well today, a few hours after taking my dose of medications (Otezla & diclofenac), I experienced the same sensation (I did not consume farro today).
I did some googling (not the best, I know) and learned that NSAIDs are contraindicated in people with asthma; however, I have never had an issue taking NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen). As a little experiment, I decided to take two puffs of my inhaler and within 15 minutes, the sensation went away.
Could this indicate some sort of reaction to the diclofenac even though I’ve been taking it for a week without issue? Could it be something else? I’ve never experienced asthma outside of exercising. I’m a little hesitant to take it tonight for fear that any reaction could get worse. Should I just not take it tonight? Could I just take ibuprofen instead? I’m reaching out here now since I won’t be able to reach my doctor until Monday.
submitted by Ambitious-Win-67 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:59 IndianSummer95 Prednisone Detox?

Any ideas for cleansing my system after taking steroids?
I'm on a tapered dose of prednisone & a steroid cream for poison ivy. The same thing happened last year & nothing worked until I was prescribed those. BUT I had sudden breakouts that seemed to be hormonal acne (for months afterward), a UTI (possibly unrelated), & just felt "off" for probably a month afterwards (feeling worn out a lot, struggling to regulate emotions, brain fog).
Looking for simple ways to move the process forward & hopefully lessen side effects.
ALSO open to ideas on avoiding getting poison ivy 😅🤷🏼‍♀️
submitted by IndianSummer95 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:37 LiquoredUpLahey Idk why I live in denial… this flare is making me face that.

I never take my rings off. EVER! I’ve been forgetting my evenings & misplaced a ring. It was odd I took it off, plus this brain fog is unreal. This is not my behavior. Then the pain sets in. I am MISERABLE, emotional & I’ve never felt this bad or had so many symptoms. I thought it was the methotrexate or the 2 days late dose that made me feel so bad. No, put the pieces together. You are in a flare, just bc your swelling doesn’t look bad doesn’t mean u didn’t have to take rings off!
I don’t get this constant denial I live in. This goes w all my mental health DXs as well (denial). Off to take more meds & wait for my prednisone script to go through.
submitted by LiquoredUpLahey to PsoriaticArthritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:31 seliskar Senior Naughtiness and Weird Stuff

My senior Peke, Twinkie, is around 10 years old now. She's been on phenobarbital for a little over 2 months to control idiopathic epilepsy. Well, I swear, I have a totally different dog now!
For the most part, she seems happier, more active and playful. But it almost seems like the pheno "reactivated" an old spinal injury (7+ years ago) that left her partially paralyzed temporarily - she could walk and potty just fine, but she had no feeling or reaction to stimuli to her rear paws (the vet said her being mobile was involuntary or subconscious, or out of instinct or habit?). She was on crate rest for 6 weeks and on prednisone, rimadyl and dasuquin advanced, and after all that, she was back to normal. And now, she's very wobbly in the rear end, clumsy, and when playing with a toy will throw it around and sort of pivot on her butt to turn to get it, so she's using her whole front of her body, but barely any of her butt or back legs. She walks, runs, jumps and potties just fine, though, so it doesn't seem to be a problem. Her labs and liver levels 3 weeks after starting the pheno were normal. Anyways...
Here's the weird stuff:
  1. She has never been a dog to get into trouble or find mischief. She plays with her toys nicely and never breaks or rips them. All of sudden, Twinkie is a naughty pants! Yesterday, she found one of my adult kid's dirty socks, and I caught her chewing on it! She let me take it and put it up without a problem. But today, she found another sock, and did NOT want to give it up. Out of fear of getting bitten, my kid used my grabber tool to try to take it, and Twinkie went after it! What the heck? It's like she was invoking my first Peke, Lily, whose favorite "toys" were my late husband's dirty socks!!! I've never seen another dog do that in the last 15 years! Lily never guarded them in a nasty way, but in a teasing way. She wouldn't even play with toys, JUST the socks! Also, since starting this medication, Twinkie has been copying my kid's Pomsky (who we got October 2022) and shredding Kleenex! I know dogs learn things from other dogs, but for Twinkie, it's JUST the naughty things.. and vice versa, Maple (the Pomsky) has learned to guard things from Twinkie.
  2. Twinkie has gotten SUPER whiny, annoyingly so, since beginning phenobarbital. She whines when she's nesting, whines whilst asleep, whines for no apparent reason, but the worst is the whining in the morning! It's like her internal clock is way out of whack. She normally eats breakfast between 10 and 11am (it used to be 9 - 9:30 until these issues started), and dinner at 8:30. Well, now she thinks if the sun is up, and someone got up to use the bathroom, it's time for breakfast, and if it's around 7pm, she demands dinner. The mornings are the worst - the sun starts coming up around 5am, and she'll start whining and yipping LOUDLY anytime between 6am and whenever I feed her. The earliest I'll feed her is 10:30am, the latest 11am. Dinner is the same, except she starts around 7pm, and I feed her earliest at 8:30pm, the latest is 9pm. I'm being strict about the schedule, because she's been so disruptive to me & my adult kids - one who is disabled with ASD + mental health diagnoses, the other who works 2 jobs and also has mental health diagnoses - that we're all exhausted and struggling to perform our daily duties. I've begun putting her on a leash at the first whine of the morning and night, and keeping her close to me, which seems to help, but I still have to get up early to do it... which leaves me needing a nap midday! I'd keep her in my bed overnight, but for a 10 lb dog, she takes up a LOT of space on my bed! She insists on laying the wide way and will push me to the very edge of my bed, which interrupts my sleep. So, for now, the leash is helping the other 2 humans get their necessary sleep at least.
  3. She's been "corncobbing" the Pomsky when they're playing. I don't know if corncobbing is the same kind of thing as "pibble nibbles", but Twinkie is doing that when she's NEVER done it before. You know where they just use the front of their teeth and take tiny little bites in a row? My second oldest daughter has a Boxer Pit mix that corncobs, but I've never seen another dog do it aside from her. Twinkie just started the corncobbing and also play biting the Pomsky about 2 weeks ago. She does it on her butt, legs, and neck.
  4. She's been just sitting outside in the rain during her potty breaks, and she has always hated rain! Up until a week ago, if it was raining, she'd walk the edge of the house under the eaves to go potty, and come right back in afterwards. Some rainy days she just skips pooping altogether, she hates it that much! Oddly, she likes snow! But that's just weird for her, to just sit on the sidewalk, getting rained on and not wanting to come in, even with treat bribes.
  5. She's not more cranky than usual - she's always been a crotchety old hag of a dog - but she's been more bitey than normal, and picks fights with the Pomsky and is always warning the Boxer mix. If she's in a bad mood (which has always been a LOT of the time), if another dog gets within 8 feet of her or her things - her things include everything in the room, including me - she's growling, baring teeth and lunging at them.
I've been calling her my "drunken munchkin", because she's been so weird and not making sense in my mind. Sometimes she's a playful puppy like she's never been since I've had her (around 2 years), and other times she's a vicious rabid beastie! She's always been a quirky little thing, scared of hiccups and gum chewing and dolls, hates being baby talked or having her space invaded (including stranger's hands coming at her for pets) and hates kids, but only if they're moving (walking, running, jumping). She loves kids when they're infants in car seats or rockers, or sleeping toddlers and kids... she'll kiss them and snuggle up with them. She seems to hate certain people or dogs, but then when they rough house together, she wants to defend them? Wacky! She loves people the most of they completely ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist. If a person ignores her like that, she'll climb into their lap and make herself at home, but as soon as they're talking or touching or even making eye contact sometimes, she's growling and/or showing teeth.
Anyways, I've added a video of her and the sock plus pics for funsies. She's such a sweet, innocent looking demon dog! SHE seems to think she's a Rottweiler, and is fearless (for the most part). She's just a little weirdo, and I wish I could understand her. That's my one issue with rescues, is you never truly know what their previous life was like. Clearly she has trauma. She had a broken rib at some point, and it healed sticking out. But I love her so much, and she is the first dog I've had that has been loyal to me... I'm her person. All our previous dogs and rescues bonded to my husband... he was an animal and kid magnet! So that part is nice. I love that she's independent and doesn't NEED to be on or near me all the time, and doesn't whine when I leave (most of the time). She's very sweet with me, and so she's mine and I'm hers.
submitted by seliskar to Pekingese [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:15 Fun_Leg_4255 Prednisone & azathioprine interaction with selenium

I'm taking Prednisone & azathioprine, I would like if it's safe to take selenium 200 mcg per day? Because I read paper research that selenium is very good for the colon
Thank you
submitted by Fun_Leg_4255 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:56 Ok_Ambassador_3279 Medication question

Probably a long shot but would anyone happen to know if it’s okay to take Valaciclovir for a G-HSV1 outbreak while I am already on antibiotics for a sinus infection (on cefuroxime axetil). Apparently my body hates me right now. I’m in Ontario and “call your doctor” isn’t as easy as it sounds lol
submitted by Ok_Ambassador_3279 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:45 jammylily My 6 week dizzy journey and treatments

Had a bad head cold 6 weeks ago (copious amounts of nasal discharge) but no fever or aches. Dizziness/lightheadedness started slowly then got worse. Have not worked for almost 3 weeks now. Things I have tried: - antibiotics for possible ear infection - nasal corticosteroid sprays - oral prednisone (steroid) - eye/balance exercises from physio - daily multivitamin, Vit D & B12 supplements The oral steroids is the first time I started to feel some relief. Last few days I have been noticing some improvement so there is hope for all of us! If interested, will message anyone the exercises from physio! Good luck to everyone and it’s ok to cry about how crappy this condition is!
submitted by jammylily to Dizziness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:16 sindsb1 Dermatitis? Autoimmune? Allergy? Hormonal?

Dermatitis? Autoimmune? Allergy? Hormonal?
Hi all,
I am desperate.
This started about a month after my 3rd baby, so December, and has been going on for 6 months now at least, and it's getting progressively worse. FYI, I am exclusively breastfeeding.
I do get a touch of eczema on my inner eye corners when I'm run down or really sleep deprived with the kids (4yo, 2yo & 6months). It started off just dry eyes, really itchy, little bit swollen, no redness or dry skin. It has since become this condition that is constant, my eyes are like this more or less every day now. I have had multiple stys and cysts simultaneously too. It has been a living nightmare and I've had to hibernate for months, my poor kids have barely been out much because of me. My eyes constantly feel swollen, inflamed, dry, tight, flaky. I have been makeup free for weeks and they still look like this. I have only been using Vaseline as everything else stings like hell. I stopped using a fabric softener, my detergent has always been non-bio. I do have chronic rhinitis but don't take anything for this at present except for daily antihistamines because I'm breastfeeding. My mum has had chronic atopic dermatitis all her life. But this has just started for me, I am 36. I already know I am allergic to pet dander, hay-fever, dust etc.
I went to Opthalmology, my actual eye health is good but they weren't used to seeing my skin problem, so they have referred me to Ocuplasty who apparently liase with Dermatology (24th May). In the meantime I have had 3 lots of antibiotics, 5mg Prednisone x 5days (was reluctant as I'm breastfeeding but had to try, it really worked but returned 2 days after the course had finished), many antihistamines, eyedrops, upped my iron and vitamins D intake as this was low, used warm and cold compresses etc etc.
I feel so hopeless. Because the steroid tablets worked it pushes me to think it's a dermatitis/psoriasis, skin problem...it is also on my upper lip and it is spreading to my hairline.
Can anyone help me understand what is happening?
Very grateful for a response, thank you.
submitted by sindsb1 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:43 radondude My Bladder Cancer Experience

I get a lot of messages asking about my cancer, so before I get to my story: I highly recommend visiting BCAN.org and asking to be paired up in their survivor to survivor program. Every diagnosis is different and the survivor to survivor program pairs you with someone with similar age, gender, and diagnosis, so you can ask all about their experience. I have enjoyed volunteering with the program and the newly diagnosed that I speak to seem to as well.
My story:
In March of 2020, I was diagnosed with Stage III muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Leading up to that diagnosis I had recurring episodes of extremely painful urination for nearly two years. Not a drop of blood in my urine. The episodes were becoming longer and more frequent. I had urgency and an extreme pain that had me calling out sick from work. It was pure misery and by the time I was diagnosed it was actually a relief.
The test I urge anyone reading this to get is a urine cytology. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. In my experience the urine cytology saved my life. It's a cheap "pee cup" test you can get at any urologist's office. More info here. My easy to remember rhyme is: if it burns when you pee, get a urine cytology.
Up until that test, doctors had been meandering down a path that was not focused on cancer. I was 33 years old (37M now) and due to my young age they didn't consider cancer. I had been in some mountain bike accidents with pelvic trauma so I was misdiagnosed with Pudendal Neuralgia. Symptoms matched but the treatment offered no relief.
I did my urine cytology. 15 minutes later "Atypical cells" led to a bladder scope and I was looking at my tumors in the urologist's office. The tumors were biopsied and I was scheduled for TURBT. This is where my stage III diagnosis was given. I felt immediate relief from the painful urination after tumor removal. The tumors were pressing on my ureters so it felt like kidney stones all the time. We immediately started chemo and my doctors began telling me I would lose my bladder. I did MVAC chemo for four rounds over the summer. This was very intense: what you think about when people say chemo. Lost my hair--gained weight which is not uncommon--and overall felt like shit. After that I was given a few weeks to recover and then had a radical cystectomy with neobladder diversion in August of 2020. This was not an easy decision but the prognosis was best. I tend to trust the data.
SHOUTOUT to my medical team: Dr. Bupathi & Dr. Monticelli of Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers; as well as Dr. Shandra Wilson my urologist and surgeon. Their skills and expertise assuaged all my concerns and made me feel so confident. THANK YOU SO MUCH. For those reading: get a good team; ask lots of questions; and don't be afraid to get multiple opinions. I keep several journals, which help a lot and I'll detail that at the bottom of this post*
Recovery from the neobladder surgery was the hardest part. I had a foley catheter and "grenade" for six weeks or so. My cath bag looked like a bag of red wine due to blood. They walk you around a lot to recover faster. It involved a lot of bed-rest intermixed with short walks. I think I was out of the office for at least a month. I am in generally very good physical shape and even several weeks after this procedure it was hard to walk more than 1/4 mile.
From there I thought I was cancer free. I lead my life with my family**. Here is what saved my life again: Signaterra testing. Dr. Bupathi had these tests scheduled every six weeks. It tracks genetic cancer markers in your blood. The test results look like the stock market except you want it to go down. After several months we noticed it was rising again. We ordered a PET scan, found enlarged lymph nodes, and determined my cancer had returned (or never left). I began a second chemo regiment followed by immunotheraphy (that I just completed yesterday!!!). CisGem chemo was quite difficult. The C in MVAC stands for cisplatin and it's generally one of the hardest drugs to tolerate. After a few difficult rounds we switched to carboplatin and it became much more tolerable. After that I did two years of Bavencio/Avelumab. My Natera test results showed that my cancer had dropped to untraceable levels during chemo, so I effectively beat it before starting the PDL1 inhibitor therapy. However, my team strongly encouraged me to complete the immuno. To me, it felt like putting out a campfire: add water, stir, add water, stir. You gotta make sure it's really gone!
The bavencio PDL1 therapy caused me a lot of mood swings and sometimes caused immune system flare ups (i.e. "immuno flu"). For the physical flare ups I used prednisone, as needed. I tried to do so sparingly as it basically cancels out your treatment. The mood swings were the worst. I would often be despondent and depressed for a few days after treatment. Other times, I'd feel no mood alterations. Most often, I'd be extremely irritable for about a week after treatment (treatments were every two weeks so it was very difficult).
I'm now two years cancer free and beginning my recovery from the immunotherapy treatments. I am so happy to live in an age of modern medicine. Within my lifetime many cancers will become manageable diseases--it appears to me that bladder cancer already has. Reach out to BCAN support groups and DM me if my post didn't answer a question of yours. Good luck! You got this!
*Journaling helped me tremendously. I had three journals (google docs). The first was an overall journal detailing my doctor visits. The second was a symptom journal. The third was an insurance journal/spreadsheet. The first journal served almost as a blog, which I shared with close friends and family. That way I didn't have to have the same conversation over and over. It's nice to have family and friends interested, but it does wear at you when you have to tell the same doctor visit over and over to people. This cut down on those discussions and allowed me to have more enjoyable calls with well-wishers. The second journal I would write down daily side effects and 1-10 pain scales. This was extremely important because I could bring it up with doctors and I wouldn't have to remember how I felt, I could look it up. It also helped me understand insidious side effects that take months to reveal themselves. This was the most important journal and kept me sane. There are soooo many side effects and when you start a cancer treatment program you often have no choice-- so why read them? Well this journal would help me understand when something was a side effect. Often just knowing that it wasn't you it was the drug would have a calming effect. The third journal was so I could fight insurance and get what I deserve. Insurance companies try to reduce payouts through exhaustion. They want you to give up. By documenting your experience you give yourself ammunition when you have to escalate a claim or file an appeal. You have everything laid out in an organized manner. You can get it out of your head and onto a spreadsheet so that you don't think about it when you go to bed at night. I had to file appeals several times, sometimes with Colorado Division of Insurance and my record-keeping was a tremendous boon to my case. Don't pay a bill as soon as you get it! Wait until you get the claim record from your insurance company and make sure the number on the bill matches what the insurance company told you to pay. If you cut that check wrong, you'll seldom get that money back!
**Neobladders do not have musculature like your normal bladder. I had several very severe bladder infections--a few that led to hospitalization. During the first 18 months or so, I was not catheterizing becuase I was under the impression that my new bladder worked. I peed constantly; however, I was retaining over one liter of urine at all times. This urine kept becoming infected and putting me in miserable situations. Under my urologists advice, I began cathing and immediately felt great. I lost nearly 10 lbs in "water weight" and no longer have any urgency issues. I can sleep through the night, but often will cath around five hours into the night just so I can sleep in later. On average I cath about once every three hours. It's not painful when done correctly. It's honestly just tedious. However, after all of this the only way my life is abnormal now is my cathing. I can swim, climb, play with my son and do any physical activity; it just takes longer to pee now. I'll take that win!
submitted by radondude to u/radondude [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:13 calipups245 URGENT: 10yo Doloris is euth-listed for tomorrow (5/15) at BARC in Houston, TX. Pls interact ✨AND✨ share to help find a rescue & foster. Who could say no to this face? 🤍🌸 SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS ⬇️

URGENT: 10yo Doloris is euth-listed for tomorrow (5/15) at BARC in Houston, TX. Pls interact ✨AND✨ share to help find a rescue & foster. Who could say no to this face? 🤍🌸 SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS ⬇️
DOLORIS - ID# A1940762
Stray Female Staffie mix 10Y 43lbs HW+
She has already been extended and is incredibly urgent. Pls share!!
Doloris should be the cover dog of why we don't deserve dogs. Her poor dumbo ears are in horrific shape, her eyes are a bit goopy, she's HWt, and you can tell she's been on her own for a long time. Yet, she's still so friendly & spunky too, for her age! She was sleeping when I approached her kennel, but jumped right up when she saw me. She's not big. She's pocket sized and her armadillo butt sways when she walks. She pulled pretty hard on the leash, but I think she was just desperate to get out of there. We couldn't go outside since it was pouring, so we walked around inside. She sat on command, and I swear she smiled when she saw me pull out treats. She gave a few polite sniffs to her neighbor dogs in the ward, and was super sweet! I hope she gets her miracle and makes it out with someone good.
S/O: ear pinna have alopecia/thickening/scaling of inner ear pinna and external ear canals, worn and missing teeth, high HW+
A: dax otitis externa/atopy, dental dz, high HW+
P: rx clavamox 375mg bid x 14, rx mometamax 8 drops sid x 7, rx prednisone 20mg 1/2 bid x 7, needs dental rads and prophy
➡️ Please message the page @sosforshelterpets and @rescuenetworkingusa on instagram if you can help! Remember - rescue and transport can be arranged, so please reach out even if you’re out of state.
➡️ Please contact BARC if you are local and can help! If Local and interested in Fostering or Adoption, contact all below: barcfoster@houstontx.gov • (832)395-9084 • (713)229-7300
➡️ BARC does not do out of state adoption or fostering.
➡️ All holds MUST be in writing, local rescue or foster.
➡️ PLEASE see in the comments below a directory for rescue contacts. Include a photo and her details if you email or call rescues - the help would be appreciated 🙏🏼
submitted by calipups245 to National_Pet_Adoption [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:41 Canadian-Corgi Cough that's going on 3 months now

Hello! I'm a 35/F in Canada, with a history of mild asthma. Non-smoker In early March I got strep throat - doc never did a swab but my tonsils were swollen & patchy white/black. She gave me amoxicillin and that helped. 2 weeks later I could feel something brewing in my chest, I tried to fight it on my own but ended up stopping by a pharmacy where he gave me salbutamol + 5 days of prednisone. That kind of helped, so I ended up at the hospital because of thr weight on my chest. Chest xrays came back clear, that doc gave me amoxicillin again and the round purple inhaler, advair. Went back to the hospital a week later. Doc took blood work, everything was normal (rbc was slightly elevated but was never mentioned) I was still coughing up phlegm, I couldn't sleep on my right side or I could feel the weight of my chest and start coughing again. Mid-April things finally started getting slightly better, but then they seemed to go back to square one a week later. I've been to the hospital + a clinic x2 now, got an EKG done it was normal....got more prednisone and was told to double up on the advair. Takes the edge off but it's not helping overall. A repeat xray last week showed nothing
Now in May I'm still coughing - seems dry during the day and wet at night, I can only sleep on my stomach or sitting up but wake up constantly coughing. If I lie on my side I get a bad wet cough that makes me feel like I'm choking. Sometimes I cough so hard I puke, or I can't seem to hold my bladder or I get pain behind my left eye..like a Charlie horse but in my eye. My chest hurts, my throat is sore from all the coughing. Same with my stomach muscles. When I take a breath in, I can feel pain on my right side/right lung?. If I turn my neck, lean forward, hiccup etc I start coughing again.
At night I take 2 puffs of salbutamol, 2 puffs of advair, an allergra, nasal spray and 2 tablespoons of benelyn and a tea with honey to help a scratchy throat
I go back to see the clinic dr today, I'm miserable.
Thank you in advance
submitted by Canadian-Corgi to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 Radiant-Tooth8223 My experience with scabies (Canada)

A disclosure: I am in Canada. Doctors are not familiar with this mite here. If you are given permethrin and it seems to help but does not rid of the rash completely (or it returns) do not rule out scabies. This mite has become treatment resistant. Permethrin alone will not do it in most cases, and some doctors are not aware or will not communicate that with you.
Symptoms started after I returned from Europe, where I slept in hostels. I first started becoming itchy 4-6 weeks after coming back. I would wake up in the middle of the night itchy all over, with seemingly no rash.
Then spots started to appear, scattered at first, on my stomach, legs. Some spots would come and stay for months on end. It seemed they were almost infected from the inside. The itching was unbearable. I saw my doctor. She sent me away with some steroid cream. I paid for an online dermatologist who said celiac, I cut out gluten (dermatitis herpetiformis) & got blood tested. I told my doctor I suspected scabies, she prescribed permethrin. Two rounds. I thought yay! I can move on. Not quite.
Rash continued. Got a referral to another doctor who had done a one year specialty. She diagnosed me with allergies. Gave me a compounding cream and antihistamines. These all did nothing. She then took three biopsies of my skin. All said inflammation with one having impetigo (infected from scratching). She was certain it wasn’t scabies. Rash then appeared in someone else in my household, I communicated that with her, and she still did not believe it was scabies but insisted it was eczema. I continuously asked her “But is that contagious?” & “What are the odds two people who have never had eczema before develop the condition simultaneously?” She ignored me for the most part. Doctors will not listen sometimes. You have to be your own biggest advocate and TRUST YOUR GUT.
I saw a naturopath. He thought most definitely autoimmune.
I tried prednisone, & countless topical steroids and antibacterials. I tried antivirals. I did more bloodwork and stool testing for other parasites. The worst part of this condition was really the mental aspect. The confusion. The frustration. The exasperation. I tried to see dermatologists in Canada, both private and public. None available.
Finally, I took matters into my own hands. I stopped waiting for referrals to go through or doctors to call me back. I did as much research as possible and I went with the diagnosis that made the most sense.
Symptoms - itchy 4-6 weeks after Europe - itchy especially at night - contagious - widespread & concentrated in certain areas (groin, hands)
Scabies. I treated with Benzyl benzoate (ordered 100% and diluted with Johnson’s moisturizer). Days 1,2,8,9,15,22,29 and took ivermectin along side on those days as well. Rash disappeared.
Listen to your gut, be proactive and help yourself. People say trust the professionals but doctors in Canada are not educated on this matter. You are not alone if this is something you or someone you know is going through. It is not your fault and there is nothing you could have done to avoid contracting it. No one else from my travel group contracted the mite. Sometimes you get unlucky. Flip the script for yourself by being your own biggest advocate. I learned to be that person for myself. You will get through this.
submitted by Radiant-Tooth8223 to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:37 babylemoncakes Itchy Toe Bumps

166cm & 69kg, Male, 26, Taking papain 250mg and cefuroxime 250mg for my flu+fever. No major health complications/issues/conditions.
Hello people. So, recently the big of my right toe had some swelling and it was due to a 1st stage ingrown.
I treated it by cutting the edge of the toenail (cut part of the right side, left side was fine). Doctor gave me Fusidic Acid 2% + Betamethasone 17-Valerate 0.1% to for my skin issue. This skin issue was before the bumps. I started having localised dry skin (dermatitis?) where the skin dies and peels off. So, I was given the steroid cream mentioned.
Two days later, my same toe starts having some itchy bumps like mosquito bites but some of them are irregular shaped. There was 1 bump, then 2nd & 3rd one, then I just woke up to another one.
I just remembered that the 1st bump came a bit before the swelling from my ingrown. But the bump didn't seem like one, not apparent although it was itchy.
They are all itchy. Could it be an infection or parasites or something?
Illustration: https://imgur.com/a/UOpsaVf
submitted by babylemoncakes to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:24 More_Bed_126 Coughing for 3+ weeks now

F25, 198 lbs, 5’10”
I developed a dry cough on April 21. It started as this constant annoyance, like a tickle in the back of my throat. Then developed into a mucus cough. It’s gotten the point where I become short of breath sometimes.
Went to the dr, she prescribed me 20mg 2x daily of prednisone. I have been on it almost a week & my cough is still horrendous.
She also gave me a z-pack & said that if the steroids don’t work to start the z-pack. I do feel minimally better in terms of other symptoms, but I’ve not noticed my coughing easing up. My chest gets tight & I start wheezing occasionally. I produce a lot of mucus in my coughs but sometimes nothing comes up. Im at my wits end. It’s gotten to the point wheee I cough so hard I gag & sometimes throw up. Should I start the z-pack? I’m hesitant to take antibiotics if it’s not a bacterial infection.
I normally smoke marijuana but have stopped since the cough started. I do hit my vape occasionally throughout the day but trying to quit that as well. I drink tons of water also to try to loosen up the mucus. Should I go back to the dr? Should I add mucinex or something similar? I’m losing it please help me out.
Medications: Prednisone 20 mg Allegra Albuterol as needed Montelukast 20 mg Birth control
submitted by More_Bed_126 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:58 IrishSetterZoey 1yr Old Irish Setter Possible Enucleation - Any Help Appreciated!

Hi everyone, looking to see if anyone has thoughts about what our pup has been going through over the last month or so.
Zoey, our 1 year old Irish setter has been experiencing some nasty symptoms as of late. Specifically, We’ve seen many local vets and ophthalmology specialists, all of whom have been great but have unfortunately not been able to come to any conclusions.
In a nutshell, she presented with acute secondary glaucoma a few weeks ago. Initially thought to be Blastomycosis, but all tests came back negative. The eye has been up and down in its pressure but there is still some vision. Just a couple days ago (while tapering off prednisone), she woke up with bumps all over her body.
We are seeing the ophthalmologist again tomorrow, but with the presentation of these bumps, we are getting more and more concerned for her health with it no longer being isolated to her eye.
As this seems to be stumping most of the doctors we’ve seen in person, we’d love to see what the Reddit Vet community thinks. A chronological breakdown is listed below for those interested. Any help is greatly appreciated!
P.s., we tried uploading photos but can't seem to do so. I hope its not against the rules but I have uploaded some photos to imgur here https://imgur.com/a/XVyzvYm.
Symptoms presented:
Drugs prescribed :
Tests done: all clear
Thursday, April 4
Friday, April 5
Tuesday, April 9
Monday, April 15
Thursday, April 18
Tuesday, April 30th
Wednesday, May 1st
Thursday, May 9
Thank you for taking the time to read through this. We realize the steps we've taken may not have been entirely flawless, but we're desperate for some answers/ideas and hoping we can glean from those in this community.
submitted by IrishSetterZoey to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:55 Nice_Tie480 Since 12 weeks being diagnosed with secondary & on Hydrocortisone I'm breathless alot anyone else?

Since starting Hydrocortisone 15mg in the morning 🌄
7.5 at 🌃 early evening
That's 22.5mg daily I've become very Cardiovascular unfit Before I ran daily work out exercise bike 1hr treadmill 1hr Now water retention in face which I hate muffin top bloat & I have had blood tests at 5pm my cortisol lol is 479
I'm not overly eating But did at the beginning. Had ecg all the works But even going upside lay on my bed takes me 45mins to recover. I also have astma & have to say it's worse since starting Hydrocortisone
I'm thinking of dropping my dose further I tried 3 times a day that I just couldn't do My whole life has gotten worse since my diagnosis Nuch worse I have empty sella syndrome my pituitary is crushed stopped testosterone completely cortisol thyroid from working zero function.
I was suicidal not so long ago as only had my 2nd spinal fusion January 18th just gone & active crohn's disease all year. Never put on weight like this this quickly. Mmi get out of breath really quickly I can't stand HYDROCORTISONE but prednisone 6yrs ago I blew up like a blimp after 6 months on it in 6 months back then I went from 200lb to 330lb
This,time gone from 220lb to 250lb
I'm so lost
submitted by Nice_Tie480 to AddisonsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:43 WildCatBradenWalker Weighing my options. What to do Next ?

I (M21) was diagnosed with moderate to severe pancolitis in Dec 2021. I’ve previously tried Metronidazole, Mesalamine, Prednisone & Humira. I’ve been with my current GI since July of ‘22 & he’s worked close with me in continuing Humira while then prescribing more prednisone, Entivyo, Inflectra with Methotrexate and lastly Rinvoq after each on failed.
I started Rinvoq on June of last year & it became a game changer. It did away with the abdominal pain I dealt with for the second half of 2022 into the first half of 2023. I also now have about 2-3 BM’s a day instead of the previous 8-10 with almost no blood. After having my latest 2 colonoscopies (about five now), my GI along with his colleague who specializes in IBD, have stated Rinvoq has plateaued & recommended surgery due to the results only getting worse with a sign of indeterminate dysplasia which they favored as reactive. I was told surgery (J-pouch) would help do away with the problem but my BM’s would go back to 6-7. I’m kind of stuck in what I should do as I’ve felt great (Pre-UC like) for the past few months & feel I can finally restart my life again (college, get a job,etc.) after 2 years without BM or pain worry, but the docs say it’ll only get worse internally, as my results show, with possible pre-cancerous cells building up in the future. So try to enjoy life, continue Rinvoq & see it through once I have life in some order or get surgery now, waste another year & kinda permanently deal with BM worry ? I’m just looking for some thoughts here. Thanks.
(TLDR: Feel normal? after years while test shows worsening symptoms & possible dysplasia. Surgery recommended/Given as next option. Looking for some thoughts to weigh the options.)
submitted by WildCatBradenWalker to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]
