Futa male doujin


2013.02.16 10:24 Random_Shitposter Yanderes.

A space for people who relate to / connect with the yandere trope/aesthetic to chill, gush, meme, vent, and post general yandere-aligned content. I hope you enjoy your stay here!

2023.06.13 10:28 Kill-Me-With-Love MonsterGirlSapphic

A community for sapphic content involving monster women.

2016.03.12 04:33 Skin_Fetish For fetishists of midway growth, transformations and expansion

A fetish subreddit for midway growth, transformations and expansion of all kinds!

2024.06.02 14:09 Zerazami Kinks and Limits

Kinks and Limits submitted by Zerazami to u/Zerazami [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:06 Ill-Cartographer685 Five Night in Anime(Futa on male)

Five Night in Anime(Futa on male) submitted by Ill-Cartographer685 to CringeGachaPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:26 Cri5ti-ano95 Myself

beginner of RP.
My kinks are breast expansion, male dick expansion, size difference and lactacion. I also like to cuddle and do some sweet talk.
I usually am a bussy man so don't expect too much time put in a single session.
Irl i'm 1,8m (5,9 ft) and i'm preatty fit and big so i usually rp with that body tipe.
The thing that i don't like are: Bestiality, gender swap, furry, futa and anything that should go in a toilet and NOT in my chat
submitted by Cri5ti-ano95 to u/Cri5ti-ano95 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:11 SendCuteTieflings Kinklist 1.1

Kinklist 1.1 submitted by SendCuteTieflings to u/SendCuteTieflings [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:06 Purple_Owl_Lover Thanks for checking me out šŸ˜

First of all thanks for hitting up my profile, if you are here I am guessing you are interested in roleplaying with me. I am also down to just chill and talk about hentai/ porn.
I am a 28 Cis male, goes by he/him. Made a reddit account to try roleplaying, it looks fun and reading everyone dirty comment is a turn on. Relatively, new to roleplaying but I would consider myself semi literate and write around 2 - 4 sentences. Prefer short term roleplays.
Some of the kinks I would like to try is breeding, incest, rough sex, public use, free use, thigh/ boob job, clothes sex, maste slaves, excessive cum, deepthroat, cheating/ NTR, hypnotize and squirting.
Please tell me what you like so we can discuss a scenario for us to roleplay in.
I have no experience in futa, femboy or dom mommy but I am not opposed to them but I would prefer to dom for both futa and femboy rp.
Thanks for reading and looking for to roleplaying with you.
submitted by Purple_Owl_Lover to u/Purple_Owl_Lover [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:43 Realistic-Opinion-87 F4F/Futa (Male Welcome!) Futuristic Type Roleplay!

Hey all! Iā€™ve finally got the motivation and overall time for a good detailed roleplay! Usually I go 1-3 paragraphs minimum (ask and Iā€™ll send a sample) and Iā€™m usually lenient anyhow so!
Any and everyone must be 18+ for this roleplay!
I was hoping to do a cyberpunk esc setting. A twist on the not-so-original trope of HitmanXTarget. I was thinking instead, it would be HitmanXBlack Market Doctor. (There will be cybernetics/bionics! I can also add and help with said bionics!). For a heads up Iā€™m limitless and literate!
We could take it in the direction of I just survived one of my worst hits yet, and I didnā€™t even kill the guy! I was riddled in injuries broken bones etc. . I want to brainstorm all of this but youā€™d be ā€œthe best ā€œripper docā€ in all of ā€˜insert city hereā€™!ā€ Kinda thing. Iā€™d love to chain ideas and think more! I roleplay on Kik/Reddit/Discord but heavily prefer discord since itā€™s easier! Happy searching!
I know it looks like Iā€™m inexperienced but this is a throwaway account so sorry! Please message!
Kik: TheOnlyOne020 Discord: b00mh0w3r
submitted by Realistic-Opinion-87 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:25 Breton-from-Bravil When an incel makes a Skyrim mod

When an incel makes a Skyrim mod submitted by Breton-from-Bravil to IncelTears [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:33 Ambitious-Way-3913 No I don t want that !

No I don t want that !
From the most recent Gundam Witch From Mercury doujin , Suletta goes futa and screws all the girls , and yeah the boys don t want that . OK series but fully worth it for the creation of this masteepiece
submitted by Ambitious-Way-3913 to titanfolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:59 WhiteHawkeReborn "What is your Headcanon about this?" Day 38: Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan

Day guide
Welcome to Day 38 of WiyHat?. Today's topic is Ichirin Kumoi, "The Great Wheel, Having Guarded and Been Guarded", and the Nyuudou Unzan.
They are the stage 3 bosses of Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object. Ichirin is a former Human who once roamed the world until she heard the rumour of a man-eating foreseeing Nyuudou (Unzan). She travelled and found him, repelled by using the magic words "The foreseeing Nyuudou was foreseen!", and Unzan, instead of being defeated, decided to let her become her handler from there on in. Ichirin eventually became a Youkai since then. There's also some implications she was a Nyuudou herself.
Oh, yes, Unzan's a guy. In Touhou. Besides Genji and Rinnosuke, the only named guy, really.
Why a guy, all of sudden? Well, ZUN was starting to delve into more traditional eastern myths by Touhou 12, and so that means his sources had a tendency to only feature guys with lengthy tales of fame and exploits: originally, he was going to make Myouren (Byakuren's brother) the final boss of UFO, and because of how things were setup lore-wise, he was going to be an old man...
Then ZUN realized that was just weird for Touhou. He had made numerous entries with just girls so far: to suddenly break that tradition felt wrong to him, and so Myouren was relegated to being little more than lore, with his sister instead taking his place as the final boss, and future endeavors into mythical male figures had them changed into, uh, someone more feminine (Futo, Miko, Shinmy, Okina...there's probably some more) when implemented into Touhou.
What I'm getting to here is that Unzan's probably a remnant of this short period where ZUN was seriously considering regularly adding named men to mainline Touhou: Unzan's kind of lucky he didn't get thrown out like Rin Satsuki after he changed his mind.
Whatever the case, back to Ichirin: after the events of UFO, and a short boss appearance in Double Spoiler, she'd go on to be a playable fighter in Hopeless Masquerade (13.5), Urban Legend in Limbo (14.5), and Antinomy of Common Flowers (15.5). Her roles were secondary at best, but she got a lot of synergy with her "rival", Futo, and a lot of lines as well.
In the printworks, Ichirin's most notable appearance was in Wild and Horned Hermit chapter 44, where she got extorted by Reimu to do some favors for her because of a stunt she was doing for the Myouren shrine (specifically, Unzan was pretending to be a Buddha statue). She got many cameos in the other doujins too, sometimes with lines, even!
That's a decent set of canonical appearances for a stage 3 boss, and being playable is a good bonus, too!
But what do the fans think?
Let's not beat around the bush: Ichirin is the single most unpopular playable Windows character. She ranked 124th last year. 124th! For a playable character! That is embarrassingly low.
The closest one to her is Lyrica (120th), who only had one playable role and was part of a trio (and fans like her sisters better). If you don't want to count the Prismrivers, then it's Seiran (102nd) and she only recently became playable.
How could Ichirin be so un-liked? Well, I can think of a few reasons:
  1. Her original design. It's very boring yet somehow busy. The hood also feels unappealing. Her redesign spruced things up, but quite a few fans don't even take it into account.
  2. Her lack of solo Spellcards. She's very reliant on Unzan to do everything for her, making her feel like she's not even the one really fighting you: Unzan is.
  3. Speaking of which, her being with Unzan makes it difficult to want to write for her: writers are often driven to write characters to be with others, and Ichirin's already in a state of "paired", so they often have no interest in her (or Unzan).
  4. Adding to point 3, she lacks a lot of synergy with non-Myouren people (Futo's probably the one exception), and most fans already care very little about the Myouren group compared to others.
Given all that, does that mean Ichirin has no fans whatsoever? No, of course not. Even someone as "low" as her has people who like her for who she is...or they're just Jojo memers.
If you're one of those people, or just feel like trying to share your headcanon about her, vote or comment below about it.
Ichirin Kumoi is...
View Poll
submitted by WhiteHawkeReborn to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:28 Cat_Dad_1997 DDOS no booba crop?

How am I supposed to get futa aura male booba crop with this DDOS attack? Can y'all stop grooming the servers for ONE DAY.
submitted by Cat_Dad_1997 to ShitpostXIV [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 17:34 riverthenerd People think Iā€™m a trans woman

I donā€™t like womenā€™s clothes. Iā€™m very masculine presenting in everything but my hair and some of my interests. If I was pretty Iā€™d just look like your average tomboy. But thatā€™s not the case. I may have a complicated relationship with gender, which should mean that I shouldnā€™t give a shit about this issue, but I still get bothered by this so bad.
It started in 2019. I had short hair and I immediately passed as male with no effort. I always got called ā€œsirā€ and then when they heard me speak theyā€™d get embarrassed. It was funny the first 20 times but then it got old.
In 2020 I made a tiktok that summoned a bunch of edge lords. I donā€™t remember what I even said. But I remember seeing guys have a discussion where one said ā€œIā€™m confused, is this a guy?ā€ And another guy said ā€œyeah heā€™s a dudeā€. I had she/her pronouns in my bio.
Last year I made a comment on Facebook defending trans women and mentioned being a lesbian. Some guy said ā€œyouā€™re not a lesbian, youā€™re a dude. Nice try though.ā€ It was the first time this has happened since I had grown my hair out. Now I knew it wasnā€™t my hair, it was my face. I sarcastically thanked him for affirming my androgyny and he never responded.
Late last year and early this year I dated a girl who was a little creepy (thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re ugly and your dating pool is a toilet) and she confessed to being into futa. It made me realize why she was potentially pursuing me just by looking at my picture alone on a dating app. I also get pursued by a lot of trans women who are t4t (meaning they only date other trans people). I had to put in my bio that Iā€™m afab, I just have category 5 gay face.
Then I got random comments irl again. The occasional accidental ā€œsirā€ despite my long purple hair and feminine figure. The occasional ā€œheā€”I mean sheā€”ā€œ
Then Reddit became my safe space because I can be anonymous. But I wanted haircare advice so I showed my hair and cropped out my upper face to preserve anonymity and to avoid showing the major problems on my face like my crooked eyes and fivehead. Then after that I posted in a lesbian subreddit about my complicated relationship with gender and womanhood as a lesbian. Hate rolled in. Everyone was saying Iā€™m not truly a lesbian because I have to be ā€œborn a womanā€ and Iā€™m apparently not. I never had this transphobia on here until I showed the lower half of my face. I am absolutely certain that they drew that conclusion by looking at my profile. Nothing in my post implied I was a trans woman. In fact it was very clearly stated that my gender issues came from being alienated by women for being a lesbian. They just quickly skimmed my post through all the red they were seeing, and then ran to my profile and said ā€œaha! Gotcha!!!ā€
I could show my ear and get told ā€œthatā€™s a very manly ear STRAIGHT MAN.ā€ Itā€™s so bad that every time I talk about a menstrual issue I feel like Iā€™m dropping a shocking fun fact. ā€œFun fact! I actually have a uterus AND it even comes with medical issues!ā€ I used to embrace my androgyny but now Iā€™ve come to realize I donā€™t have a single feminine feature in my face to balance out the masculinity and people are disgusted and enraged by it. I think itā€™s kind of insane to imply to someone that you know their body better than they do and genuinely try to start an argument over it. I am really worried my face situation will put me into danger irl because I donā€™t live in a state thatā€™s particularly safe for trans people.
submitted by riverthenerd to ugly [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:47 HowTheTurns_Table Why do so many people use the nonbinary tag incorrectly?

This is a pretty prevalent thing, to be honest. When did it become popular for creators to tag their futa/femboy characters as nonbinary, when thatā€™s not what it means? They (most of the bots, canā€™t vouch for all of them) still identify as male/female, so why even use the nonbinary tag at all? Honestly, surprised we donā€™t have tags specifically for femboys/futas since thereā€™s so many. I wanna actually see well made, well represented nonbinary bots without having to scroll through hundreds of irrelevant botsā€¦
submitted by HowTheTurns_Table to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:10 AdministrativePack41 Books with a male/femboy mc and a futa love interest

Any good books or fanfics with a male (preferable femboy) mc and where the love interest or partner(s) are futanaris? Can be trans or the more fantasy like futanari. Bonus points if its an actual story rather than just 30 pages long and only smut, and bonus points is its sci fi or fantasy based. Closest ive found for actual stories with a femboy mc that kinda scratches that itch is the corruption of coye, but I dont think theres any futas in it.
submitted by AdministrativePack41 to Romance_for_men [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 06:16 Fluid_bitch [for hire] commissions are open šŸ’œ

[for hire] commissions are open šŸ’œ submitted by Fluid_bitch to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 20:01 quietkinkything This Thing

submitted by quietkinkything to u/quietkinkything [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:43 Abdulaziz_Ibn_Saud Cursed_Nhentai_wincest_connoisseur

Cursed_Nhentai_wincest_connoisseur submitted by Abdulaziz_Ibn_Saud to cursedcomments [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:50 Guy_Wolf An update to Ahse-chan, the Ace-H-Artist

I posted a little introduction to her before, but that was just a very quick and dirty (hah.) draft. So, here is an updated post now that I have a more solid idea of her character (Tough there is still quite a bit that could be developped further).
Now: meet Ahse-chan (I still can't think of a goddamn name, but I decided that that's her pen name for her Art)
Ahse-chan is a student and artist of the lewd variety in her early 20s. Her greatest passion is erotic art, both the creation and and admiration of such material. (I am not sure what exactly she is studying, but i think it would be Art history and/or Sexology) She is quite an expert of both historical and contemporary lewd art, and very enthusiastic about it (She's very likely on the autim spectrum) and loves to ramble about appeal, function and history of various kinks and practices.
As an example, if there was to be talk of a "naughty nun" type thing, she would start to go on about the "enticement of the forbidden fruit", and how the concept of nuns in an salacious affair has had an appeal for several centuries (probably citing old paintings of that) and similar.
Now, while she is very knowlegeable about sexual matters and likes discussing them, she herself is actually asexual and not very interested in actually doing it herself (she might want to try it out of curiosity at least once, but she would also be fine with never doing it). She might like to see that stuff, but mainly for reference purposes.
For her work, she often inspired by things around her, and keeps a sketchbook on her at all times. She sells the stuff she draws at conventions, and I think that would be where she and Rentaro meet. It would probaly be somthing along the lines of her selling a doujin that very much resembles the hairpocalypse. Rentaro would notice it and aproach her booth, where the zing happens. He would ask her about her doujin, and she would start to ramble about the pros and cons of the "hair tentacles" and more classical "meaty" tentacles and how that impacted her work. (I also think that later, when she learns that is was Rentaro's family that caused the hairpocalypse, she might sheepishly ask if she owes them some of the earnings from that doujin.)
In terms of social life, she might not really have one before she meets Rentaro's Family. With her interests and her being slightly autistic and socially awkward in most other regards , she would probably not have found all that much deep connection with others before.
As for interactions with the other girlfriends (I can barely come up with ones that do not include lewd stuff in some way):
If anyone has any more suggestions, such as an actual name I cannot come up with if god would strike me down, or constructive criticism, it would be appreciated!
submitted by Guy_Wolf to 100Fanojo [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 02:43 ALiddleSpacey Kinklist for yall

Kinklist for yall submitted by ALiddleSpacey to u/ALiddleSpacey [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 22:57 Ok_Independent5273 Otome Games Are Tough For Us, Too! - Volume 1 Light Novel Review (Spin-Off/Marie's Route)

Background: I haven't read the main series novels, but I had read the manga years back to a decent amount. I didn't recall all the details, except some key events(protag being a MILF lover for one), so I'm kinda going into this like I'm a new reader. But I'd heard this Spin-off stood on its own and was actually better and darker than the main series. Well, that totally appealed to my interests. (Also, it's cheaper getting into Vol 1 of something new, rather than getting into a 15+ volume series).
The Review: Initially, I was suprised the book started with the male MC(Leone). I was under the false impression this story would be lead solely by the main series MC(Leon's) sister(Marie). But I got over it and even appreciated the recap of the main series premise.
But oh boy. I did not expect that level of tragedy that Marie faces across her lives. (Almost as bad as that infamous glasses wearing, twin tail haired girl doujin which needed a Josuke Higashukata fan ending to fix). It was very effective how the author wrote it as well. We Initially think this is some random other woman. But then once the realisation hit, I was hooked. Went from slouching and questioning my purchase choice, to sitting upright attentively focused.
I Initially disliked the plot focus on Marie trying to get with the different boys using game knowledge. But this dislike quickly faded when we understood why Marie was desperately clinging to this strategy. It was her way to climb out of the pit that was her life. Even Leon was nearly in tears once he learned her story. I appreciated the realism, as Marie's plan failed. Just because she said the same lines, doesn't mean she could succeed. She didn't have the same charisma or heart as the main female lead of the game (Olivia).
I liked how Olivia was made into a legitimate character. She wasn't just another evil reincarnated person. She's a normal "NPC" stuck between a rock and a hard place due to her low social status. Nobody talks to her but some boys. Trouble is, these are high ranking boys, which makes high ranking girls angry. These aristocratic girls tell Olivia to not get involved with these boys (not that Olivia even desires to be involved with them). But if Olivia refused or ignored these senior Aristocratic boys...she'd be in trouble. Lose lose situation.
Marie eventually developing and abandoning her failed seduction strategy was great.
I didn't like that Leon and Marie don't know who each other are, as on multiple occasions this nearly happens.
I'm extremely nervous about the prospects of them two becoming romantically involved. Legally it's fine (they're not blood relatives anymore). But it feels wrong.
Not a huge fan of the epilogue. Namely having a happy ending (to the Volume not the whole plot), that vaguely mentions "I have a bad feeling in my stomach as I looked at the school". It's vague and not specific. It's clearly related to a certain character getting bullied. But this is still too vague imo.
Overall Rating: It's good. But not spectacular. I give it a 7/10. I'm partially tempted to get Vol 2 this September, but I partially don't care enough. I really don't want another high school setting focus. I'd rather the next plot either be adventures outside of school OR the death of Olivia. That would really attract my attention. NOT because I dislike her, but because that would throw a MASSIVE wrench in Leon-Maries plans.
(Their plan being: Olivia saves the world as according to game plot. So if Olivia suddenly dies, then they enter an "impossible" game scenario and have to work together using their game knowledge to pull off a happy ending that avoids world destruction. But this isn't a guarantee so we the audience are kept fully interested. Our MCs would be on the backfoot and constantly struggling that way, making full use of their skills).
One way Olivia could die, would be suicide caused by severe bullying. That would be in line with the more dark tone of this spin-off route and would more clearly explain the vague ending of Vol1.
submitted by Ok_Independent5273 to MobuSeka [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 18:00 _UnknownR No: futanari/futa. Yes: Male x Female / Men x Women

No: futanari/futa. Yes: Male x Female / Men x Women submitted by _UnknownR to u/_UnknownR [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 11:51 DM_me_your_roleplays Kinklist below! I'll admit I'm not as kinky as a lot of you guys out there but I've got a few

submitted by DM_me_your_roleplays to u/DM_me_your_roleplays [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 21:29 sneakyplanner Male rule

Male rule submitted by sneakyplanner to 196 [link] [comments]
